#but YIKES this book is bad y’all
reveristcalicocan · 2 years
Characters: Venti, Xiao, Scaramouche, Ayato, Tighnari, Childe, Kazuha.
Warnings: none! completely sfw
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He noticed that you looked a lot more tired than usual when he first saw you that morning so it wasn’t a surprise when you started to doze off.
Once you had fallen asleep he would most definitely braid your hair and draw funny animals on your paper. Be ready to wake up with a completely new hairstyle and a zoo on your worksheet.
Only realised you fell asleep when he heard your head hit the table. Would sigh claiming that you were weak, probably just worried about you though.
Might stand a book in front of you so the teachers don’t see you sleeping but that all depends on his mood.
This mf- he could’ve just let you sleep but no, in fact if he didn’t try to push you off your seat he would most definitely tell the teachers.
Makes fun of you.
HOWEVER if he sees that you’re having a really bad day or we’re super tired, he’d let it slide and claim that he accidentally wrote on the wrong paper when you ask him about the notes on your worksheet.
Seriously though, how does he even write on the wrong paper??
Now this one, he’s like a neutral guy. Wouldn’t wake you up or tell anyone. Probably thankful that you were asleep because he got scolded by the teacher.
Still, he’d make sure you meet him after classes so he could teach you what you missed out.
Yikes now he is difficult one. Depending on his mood he will either gently shake you awake or just give your shoulder a push.
You can bet he’s gonna lecture you about getting sufficient sleep. In fact, he’d even offer you some of his herbal tea, saying that it will help you sleep better.
Pokes your face.
I just know he will draw on you or squish your cheeks, maybe even put something in your hair.
If you wake up be rest assured that people will come asking you why your face is littered in market. Once you realised it was Childe’s doing, he was already running away from you.
He wouldn’t know you fell asleep because he was sleeping too. The both of you were probably sleeping facing each other at the back of the class.
You were woken up by the teacher though, and y’all received detention. But don’t worry, you’ll sleep through it too!
Copies down all the notes for you, he even goes out of his way to make his handwriting exceptionally nice just for you.
Don’t be surprised if he messages you at night telling you to stop scrolling on your phone and go to sleep.
Sweetest of them all, would put his jacket on your shoulder and copy down notes for you.
If you haven’t woken up after class was over, he might stay with you waiting for you to wake while he did his homework. But if there was another class coming in he’ll simply just tap your shoulder a few times, patiently waiting for you.
100% Let’s you keep his jacket.
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miralines · 10 months
woe ouatis rpverse sptumblr: the sequel be upon ye
link to the original
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🥁insubordinationriskofficial follow 🔁 roseredasinfuckyou follow
🧱 roseredasinfuckyou follow
the insubordination risk show was fucking great btw
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🥁 insubordinationriskofficial follow
Re: your tags– we’re in the process of launching a crowdfunding goal to get a real album out! We’re just figuring out the logistics, but believe us, we won’t shut up about it when it happens. In the meantime, if you want to support us Luna sells patches on their spetsy, including some band ones ^▽^
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🌱 gayforjohnspratt follow 🔁 antiroyalribbons follow
⚫ zanti-deactivated02334432
Althea Black is a naive fool. I don’t know why anyone agreed to publish that utter trash she calls a book. I’d feel sorry for her if she weren’t helping spread all this propaganda. 
My full review of her book will be up on my spyoutube channel at the end of the week. Hint: It’s bad.
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🪐 rose-red-apologist follow
oh, fuck off, literally everyone is tired of your shit
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🐱 catboykingcole follow
man really thought they could get on the rose red defenders website and say this lmao eat them alive
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🌱 gayforjohnspratt
@spstaff wasn’t this guy banned? you wanna do something about that?
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🟥 realredhood follow 🔁 beaumontbogwitch follow
🧙‍♀️beaumontbogwitch follow
Help how do I convince my brother and brother in law not to name their kid fucking marion
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🟥 realredhood follow
I mean I’d send you some receipts but I’m kind of on thin ice with FABLE so just tell them that I said Fucking Yikes
2,294 notes
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🌱 gayforjohnspratt follow 🔁 roseredbignaturals follow
🌹 roseredbignaturals follow
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⚡ thundercatsbecameourskeletonhats follow
I’m sorry WHAT?
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♋ aroarrowers follow
I still think it’s fake, but some random blog mentioned knowing her and got a bunch of questions about it and then made a post claiming to be from her saying to leave the blogger alone. Seems like they’re just looking for attention if you ask me.
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🌹 roseredbignaturals follow
It’s real there’s a selfie and everything. Believe me if they got that from someplace else I’d have already seen it. Apparently this blog belongs to her adopted kid or something???
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🦫 peripheralplatypus follow
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🌅 atypicalarielien follow
Stop spreading this y’all the blog has been getting death threats. Also stop calling details about her personal life fucking ""lore.""
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🌹 roseredbignaturals follow
I’m deleting istg if she sees the shit I’ve posted about her
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🌱 gayforjohnspratt follow
118 notes
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👩🏻‍🦰 frecklesluck follow 🔁 roseredbignaturals follow
🌹roseredbignaturals follow
so im watching through the event footage for the conference from that interview she gave with the whole like, moulding breaking reveal conference. you all know the one. and i found a shot where she and adam bete are sitting together beforehand between speeches in the backround from a news broadcast. and oh my god. her piercings. its such a crime they made her take them out before she went on the news like. fuck. she's so pretty. her hair was down and she was laughing as something bete said. im so in love this is a crime. she's so hot none of you understand. her eyebrow piercings and her ears and the tattoos on her arms (they always have her wear suit jackets its such a crime like) and. and. im so gay NONE of you understand!! aaaaaaa
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👩🏻‍🦰 frecklesluck follow
You know, when i searched my name on this site I expected the usual 'why isn't she in jail' shit that sptwitter tells me. thanks i guess.
83 notes
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🌹roseredbignaturals follow 🔁 gayforjohnspratt follow
🌱 gayforjohnspratt follow
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so like @roseredbignaturals are you okay. how are you doing after that. your internet crush is married.
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🌹roseredbignaturals follow
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🌹roseredbignaturals follow
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🌹roseredbignaturals follow
5 notes
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🧱 roseredasinfuckyou follow
for the last time, dyeing your hair red is not fucking appropriating rose red culture norms shut up and stop making things up challenge
If I get ONE MORE goddamn ask about this
82 notes
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🌹roseredbignaturals follow 🔁 gayforjohnspratt follow
🌹roseredbignaturals follow
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🌹roseredbignaturals follow
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🌹roseredbignaturals follow
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🌱gayforjohnspratt follow
you're really having a time of it
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♥️ redlikesmovies follow
I told you guys I know her!!
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bookmaker-untaken · 1 year
defiantly almost a mitski lyric
vyn richter x reader // to the moon au
Word Count: 1,598
Summary: If your job has taught you anything, it’s that dying pretty fucking easy. Everything else about being human, though? For the birds.
Author’s Note: I was going to beat this chapter if it was the last thing I did wether you'll liked it oR NOT. Likely OOC as hell, tbh. New at this whole thing...
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The funny thing about University campuses – well, not funny ha-ha, funny annoying as hell – is that you can spend your entire tenure in your little corner without ever venturing into the other buildings. It is, for this very reason, you are standing in the Phycology Building’s pristine hallway, looking incredibly confused and narrowly avoiding being trampled.
“Dr. [Name]!” You whirl around, squinting at the young man who strides up to you, a smirk forming.
“Marius!” You give him a quick hug, guiding yourselves out of the worst of the foot traffic, ending it with a clap on his shoulder.
“Don’t tell me you’re lost, Doc,” Marius teases.
“It’s not my fault the Phycology Building’s built like the little rat mazes y’all like so much,”
“Nobody does that anymore,” He says with an indulgent little smile and a roll of his eyes. “You looking for Vyn’s office?”
“Guilty,” You shrug.
It’s always weird hearing “Vyn” instead of “Dr. Richter” or “your-annoyingly-show-off-and-smug-about-it partner” (not that Marius calls him that). He always makes sure to add Doctor to your name, though – “diversity hire,” he had joked when you’d joined the team. You think he does it to piss Vyn off, but you can’t ever tell if it’s working or not.
“Did he give you directions?”
“But you weren’t listening,” Marius sneers.
“I was. I just didn’t take notes,” Marius laughs.
“Well, for starters, you’re on the wrong floor.”
“What? Well, shit,” He chuckles.
“I can walk you up, if you want,”
You glance down at your watch.
“Nah. I’m a big person. And don’t you have somewhere important to be or something?”
He checks the phone in his hand. “Well, shit.”
You laugh.
He gives you a wave, talking over his shoulder. “It’s down the hall and up two flights of stairs on the right!”
“Yeah! Bye, Doc!"
After only a few turnarounds, you reach Vyn’s office.
It’s predictably neat, clean enough to be reminiscent of a museum, save for the occasional accent – the pillow in the chair across from the desk, the papers strewn about the desk, a leaning book to cover for a missing one.
Vyn’s white lab coat lays on the back of his chair. Even now, he’s elegant, chin perched on his wrist, golden eyes scanning the holograph document. He brushes the silver hair out of his eyes slides his finger to turn the page.
“Dr. Watts,” He greets, sitting up straight.
You suddenly feel bad for shattering the little scene of comfort before your arrival.
“Dr. Richter,” You give him a two-finger salute. “You owe me lunch,”
He smiles lightly - the painted, perfect thing. “That I do,”
“Is that a new case?” You ask as he rises from the chair.
“I’m afraid it’s not nearly as interesting,” He says. “Only grading papers,”
“Yikes,” You say, as if you’ve never graded papers.
“I like it,” He says. "It’s interesting to see the generations thinking on a particular matter,”
You quirk an eyebrow. “Of course you’d say something like that,”
He simply smiles.
"And before you ask, no – I don't agree," You say. "They think just 'cause they can build a robot, suddenly means they don't have to have a conscious or empth – Wait… isn't that Marius?"
"And Captain Morgan." The two of you watch for a couple of seconds before he starts to take the handcuffs out.
"Shouldn't we ... stop him?"
"He has the bail money," You cut him a look and start to walk.
"Oh, hi, Rosa," You say, and her face relaxes in relief when she recognizes you.
"Dr. Watts?"
"You know each other?" Marius whines. "You've been holding out on me, Doc?"
"What's going on here, Officer?" Vynn asks. "Marius here is under arrest because he's a person of interest – "
"Of course," You and Marius say simultaneously - you annoyed, Marius smug.
Darius regards both of you tiredly. "For the death of Estelle Marino,"
"Oh damn," You say.
Vyn hums in agreement.
"I suppose we should come with you, considering you were going to call us already, right?"
"Oh, thank god," You say when you arrive and they already have your stuff out. "Oh, right, you've never seen a Memory Editor in person before,"
Rosa shakes her head. "I've only heard you mention it in court,"
"It's only /interesting/ in court," You say. "Now it's just a bunch of digging in trash cans,"
"They mean investigating," Vyn said.
"Right," You say. "Sure,"
"It's legal," Vyn says to Rosa's shifting.
"I'll help," Rosa says. "What are you looking for … exactly?"
While the two of them go across the apartment, you walk over and boot up the machine. It's not hard, but it's a long process, and there are a lot of little settings that could mess things up along the way.
"There we go," You say. "Now we wait,"
"Do you have to wait a lot?" Rosa asks. "I mean, I try to be forgiving, considering it's resurrecting memories from scrach, but yeah,"
Rosa looks between you and the machine. “Dr. Watts?”
“What does it … “
“…Feel like?”
Like … being thrown into a pool. But it’s not a cold pool - it’s warm. But not, like, the weird kind of warm, either. And all the little bubbles rushing up are, like, feelings and - memories instead. And when you open your eyes to peer into the depths …
Who am I?
You are a beautiful woman.
Or not.
Fuck if you know.
You’ve got dark hair that falls effortlessly over your shoulders and thin blood-painted lips. A grand necklace with jewels reminiscent of the pools reflecting the night sky, held together with diamonds rivaling the constellations sits upon your slim and perfect neck. But your eyes are bloodshot and puffy and your dark mascara is smudged. You delicately raise your manicured fingers to eyes that are not yours -
“Dr. Watts -“ You jolt.
“Dr. Watts,” The voice glides over your senses like a clear stream and you swallow, hand on your chest. You are alone in the bathroom. “The time of death approaches. It will likely be gruesome,”
“No shit Sherlock,” You grumble, shaking your hands into the sink and palming at one of the plush towels. “Poisoning sounds, like, super uncomfortable!”
“Shh,” The voice reminds you, and you unwittingly clamp your mouth shut with a frown. “We wouldn’t want to alert your husband, would we?”
You toss a glare at the wall, try not to sputter over his choice of words. You brush your perfectly manicured fingers over the magazine cover, a dull feeling half love half anguish blooming in your chest. It’s sickening. Your husband is smiling, but his eyes are distant. The silk-gloved magician he is playing isn’t far from his role in your secret married life - disappearing and reappearing, disappearing and reappearing.
I’m sure you just wanted to tell me to shut up. Idly,you hover over the chocolate box given to you by that young upstart. He’s cute, but he has nothing on your man - even if said man thought so.
There was never anybody else.
There never could be.
There is no reply from the voice, but you know him - you can see, clear as day, that annoying little coy quirk of the mouth he makes that’s so frustratingly -
“Hmm?” He hums. You roll your eyes and throw a chocolate into your mouth. You can’t place the aftertaste - it’s strange. Sour. Citrus zest? No… You start to grasp at your neck. The necklace is too tight. You keep gasping for air and coming up empty.
“Help!” You’re screaming, banging on the door, but it isn’t enough.
“Help! Janus!” You’re clawing at the shared door between you and your beloved husband.
“Help! Janus! Please! Janus! I can’t - “ The hard-wood of the door peers down at you.
“Help!” You screech, falling to the floor. “Help! Vyn! Help me!”
You can’t swallow - you can’t - it’s getting dark.
Why would your husband not hear you? Isn’t he just on the other side?
It hits you, right as your vision fades to black and the door creaks open.
Ah. That’s why.
You inhale deeply, eyes darting around.
Who am I?
“[Name.]” Vyn has you by the elbow and you swallow harshly.
Rosa is absolutely terrified, big eyes blown wide.
“Uh,” You say, wetting your lips with your tongue. “That doesn’t normally happen,”
“How do you feel,” Vyn asks in a voice you know he only uses for patients and the bereaved.
“Rosa,” You try to move your arm but he doesn’t let go. Then, he does. “Can you go get me some water? Poison tastes as bad as you would expect,”
“Sure,” Rosa says, standing and smoothing her shirt. She seems happy to have something to do.
You start to stand up but Vyn stops you. “I need to check if I set something wrong - that’s not suppose to - “
“Breathe,” He orders.
And you do.
“We can talk about it now,” He says. “Or we can talk about it later,”
“There isn’t much to talk about,” You say. “I probably messed up a setting and - “
“You called my name,” Vyn says.
“And,” You say, sharply.
“And we need to talk about it. If not as colleagues, as … “
“Whatever it means to call out to somebody when you think you’re dying.”
You hate how hard it is to read his face. “…Yes,”
“I can tell you now - I don’t know Vyn.”
“You don’t have to,” He says. “But we have to talk about it.”
“We have a case,”
“That is true,” He said. “But if we don’t talk about it - I’m suspending you.”
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roxannekotovaruiz · 1 year
I know I’ve been gone from this blog in awhile -mostly because while I do consider myself a fan of KBR in some ways, I’m less a fan of them and more a fan of their books and that makes it hard to celebrate their books when they directly profit off of me celebrating their books- BUT I’m about to do my third reread of The Addicted series (plus probably another round of reading of AE and maybe the Bad Reputation Duet. I’m still debating Like Us because a lot of that series is. Not Good). And I just wanted to say that there will be analysis coming! Here are things I have in mind
Problematic Like Us - talking about KBR and all of the reasons I find them problematic and hard to support bc if I’m going to celebrate their books, I want all consumers to know what they’re getting into. This is a must for me. But it will take rereading the text and more research. So be patient on this one.
Character analysis of the Core Six + Garlow and also AE characters. If I reread Like Us, tack them on here too.
Ship Analysis for all of the main ships as well.
A specific “Ryke isn’t a groomer but Krista and Becca were f*cking yikes in some ways when it comes to the Raisy relationship” analysis. I’ve actually started writing this one but I want to reread the series just to make sure my facts about the ship is accurate - and this is coming from the perspective of someone who does more or less ship Raisy
Jonathan Hale Sucks and Here’s Why
An analysis of the Kotova siblings and their dynamic with each other. May also include Dimitri.
Why I think the Addicted/Calloway books work and Like Us falls so flat.
I kinda just wanna talk about the girl squad and why I find them so fun.
Would also love to break down at least some of the Cobalt Empire and some of the other second gen kiddos I actually like, but once again idk if I’m gonna reread Like Us so who knows.
Potentially Camitri theories about Roxanne and how we got here bc I love her
(would also love to do charlieroxanne content as I love them but we shall see)
This is just the short list of ideas off the top of my head that I know I want to do. Honestly, within the Jonathan Hale essay, we might talk about how both Calloway parents suck as well, but despite all of these parents being awful, only one is truly villainized by the text and the fandom - and it’s not the one who physically/mentally abused his son and had sex with (a) minor(s). There’s no love lost between Jonathan Hale and me. That’s your one warning. So yeah, I know it’s been like. A drought of content, but I’m planning on coming back swinging. I hope y’all will wanna read the silly little words that I write.
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angelvyxen · 2 years
WHOPP the Jordan girls have it bad!!!
Some people think this is Charles throwing it back on him which it kinda looks like the vid is so damn blurry so. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LYTAOqqzSUI
Then allegedly y’all man was jealous of Scottie cause he was more “blessed” below Aka Scottie got dat heavy dick. Clearly not heavy enough cause it couldn’t make Larsa stay anyways here’s this
“Pippen and Jordan together defensively was as devastating a duo as there will ever be. Scottie and Michael used to compete on everything. Jordan used always claim his hands were bigger, but they weren’t. Scottie was very blessed down below. And that killed Michael. Johnny said, “you should have seen the girls pippen had waiting for him everywhere we went. Madonna used to pick him up in a limo with a hot tub every time we went to L.A.Michael used to tell Madonna he could satisfy her better, to which Madonna would tell him “not a chance.”””
And now they saying y’all man was being fruity in the booty with Charles Oakley which for some reason I find that hard to believe but also some people think Mj and him ran a train on his wife cause of this pic https://images.app.goo.gl/NJb4sHk4n8dNewQ69
Yikes…it’s not looking tew good for y’all I fear😕
The vid is blurry? Girl we see Charles throwing that ass back on him in 4-FUCKING-K 😭!
Scotty Pippen packing dick like that? Okay Mr. Scotty PIPE-en. We see you. Madonna really was fucking everybody, she needs to write a book about who’s dick was the best back then. We need it for the culture.
Michael girls, the Kobe girls have spoken & said your man is a fruit loop. You have 24 hours to respond. 🤭
0 notes
catelyngrant · 7 years
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dulcewrites · 2 years
Ok… so
I think I want to write something for Austin!elvis. My fic(s) will be based off my interpretation of the movie/movie elvis (not the real one). I have a lot of #feelings and #thoughts about the movie (code for things I’d change/explore more). I’m going back and forth between what “era” in the movie I want to do. Or which to start with if y’all like multiple ideas. One thing about me, I’m gonna ask for feedback. Let me know what stands out. So here are some ideas I’m thinking about. Also I plan on my original characters to be black:
50s: After hitting it big with heartbreak hotel, elvis runs into an old acquaintance and daughter of the preacher that used to live in his hometown. He still feels the scrawny, comic book obsessed boy who used to sneak into her dad’s sermons to hear the choir around oc/reader. A story in which America’s new sex symbol is the seducee and the seemingly sweet preacher’s daughter is the seducer ( feeling extremely inspired by church girl off of Renaissance)
Post Germany/Hollywood era: Thinking she had finally received her big break, oc/reader moves to Los Angeles. Her and Elvis meet then bond over the weird place their careers are in. Emotional cheating (we explore Elvis’s Madonna whore complex)
Hollywood era: Trying to get some good buzz for the 68 special, Steve Binder reaches out to an old friend. Oc/reader is a journalist coming to cover the process/shooting of the special. More emotional cheating. Debating if I want her to be a bit of a whistle blower to how colonel treats Elvis. Also debating if I should give Steve a crush so we can get jealous elvis.
Vegas era: Oc/reader is a backup singer for the shows. Priscilla is sick of being neglected and on her way out; Elvis is spiraling. He starts to fixate on the pretty backup singer that’s nice to him. Toxic!elvis. He mistakes her feeling bad for him/being kind as something more. Oc just wants to make money and get her break (he def dangles helping her with a future solo career in her face)… now she has to deal with a doped up/paranoid/sad elvis yikes.
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chimielie · 3 years
summary: Matsukawa Issei x Reader, Akaashi Keiji x Reader, Miya Atsumu x Reader. Headcanons about what happens when you refuse to kiss your boyfriend. Mattsun’s is mostly humor/fluff with very light hurt/comfort, Akaashi’s is hurt/comfort angst to fluff, and Atsumu’s is pure humorous (? idk I’m not funny) fluff lol. 
word count: total is 3.8k, Mattsun’s is 1.4k, Akaashi’s is 1.5k, and Atsumu’s is 848 words.
a/n: This is a different format and just a different vibe than usual but uhhhhhhh I hope y’all don’t mind hehe. Ngl I was gonna do some way more angsty stuff but it made me too sad so this is me trying to ease into that. Also, I was half asleep the entire time I was writing this so blame any mistakes on that. Warnings for light mention of wanting to get married if that’s not your thing, some crying in Akaashi’s, and Atsumu’s being lowkey horny lol, I didn’t want my best boy’s intro to the blog to be angsty and I just wanted to write something very lighthearted. 
Matsukawa Issei
you guys play pranks on each other all the time
it’s so bad
oikawa declares at least once a week that if he was dating someone, he wouldn’t treat them like mattsun treats you
he doesn’t have a significant other tho so maybe he should take a page out of your man’s book tbh 🙄
anyway, the inspiration for your latest fuckery comes to you in a dream, or in a tiktok
so you’re pretty much bouncing with energy when you open the door the next day
but you try to keep cool because you don’t want to ruin it
your poor unsuspecting boyfriend walks in
you’ve strategically placed yourself an awkward enough distance away that he can’t pull you in immediately
you smart cookie you
and issei has never been one to run when he could walk
normally he likes to take you on more active or at the very least expensive dates
but every couple needs downtime
so you’re doing movie night!
he likes horror movie
and if you don’t like horror movies, at least you like cuddling into him and hiding your face in his chest
so you set things up, making small talk as you do
and take your place on his lap
and start the movie
and ofc at some point he tries it
leans in and brushes his nose against yours (issei has a thing for nose kisses don’t @ me)
which is what he always does before he kisses you once chastely and then before he initiates a proper makeout session
a man of routine he is, even if he doesn’t realize it
and you lean in too
and bonk your forehead really hard against his
“ow!” you shriek. “is your head made of stone?”
“i’ve always been told i have a thick skull,” he smirks. annoying man. stupid man. sexy man
you press your fingers to the place you hit him
yikes. it might bruise
“i’m gonna get a cold compress,” you tell him, standing up, and he stands too
“i’ll help, baby”
so you find yourself sitting on the counter next to the sink
issei standing between your legs, pressing the compress to your forehead gently
it slips a little and you gasp
“sorry,” he murmurs, “let me kiss it better?”
not today!
“wait, wait,” you squirm, “i need to go to the bathroom”
and you wait for him to react, to call you out
and he doesn’t.
“yeah, sure,” he says, and steps out of the way
so you hurry off, clutching the cold compress
you’re kind of nonplussed, because maybe 40% of the time when you do stuff like this he catches on really fast
and you’re not sure whether to be pleased
because on the one hand it would be super weird if he got really upset over being curved a couple times
but on the other, the whole point was to elicit a reaction
so mostly everyone’s confused all around
but then you look back as you exit the room
and you see him, kinda just. staring off into space
and his thick brows are drawn
and he looks confused and a little pouty
that’s how you know that he’s somewhat caught on to what you’re doing
but he’s got Terminal Cool Guy Disease so he just brushed it off in front of you
you wonder how long it’ll take for him to crack
amazingly though he lasts through the rest of the day
and by the end you have to really try hard to hold in your laughter
because he just. keeps. trying. and you just. keep. dodging.
it’s really made you realize how smooth your boyfriend is though
like he manages to create windows of opportunity over and over
you’re stirring tea?
“you need some sugar?” he produces a couple of cubes and drops them into the mug, sidling up next to you and tilting your chin up to lean in—
“‘sei, i already added sugar! now it’s gonna be too sweet” </3
you drop your phone?
you lean down to get it and when you come back up he’s there, hands on your waist, ready to start dropping kisses on your neck
you scream, pretending to be startled so you can jerk out of range
“sorry,” you apologize. “all those jump scares are getting to me.” uhuh. sure they are </3
you’re falling asleep on his chest as the third movie starts playing?
“night, y/n,” and he goes to place a soft kiss on your lips
you jerk up, narrowly missing hitting his chin with the top of your head </3
“i’m awake! i’m awake” you were not awake. but you are insanely dedicated and starting to develop issei-kiss-spidey-senses
by the time he leaves, it’s a full-blown unspoken challenge between the two of you
and it lasts for a full week
even with the two of you hanging out every day
neither of you have broken yet
you come up with increasingly ridiculous excuses
and he keeps pretending it doesn’t bother him at all
secretly, both of you are going bonkers
You’ve never really been one of the obnoxious couples at school who make out all the time. Actually, you don’t think anyone even within Issei’s friend group has seen you kiss him. You know your friends have, at least once or twice, but excluding the time the others walked in on you two tangling tongues at a house party, you try to keep that kind of PDA to yourselves. However, it’s fairly regular for you to engage in slightly less disgusting intimacy, and it’s more uncommon to see you off Issei’s lap or without his arm around you than it is for you to not be touching in some way.
So here you are, at lunch, picking at your food while Iwaizumi and Oikawa fight over telling a story, interrupting each other often enough that you’ve completely lost the thread.
You turn to Issei.
“What are they talking about again?”
“Don’t care,” he shrugs. “Can I kiss you?” Your eyes goes round. He’s been getting gradually more direct over the past few days, rivalling his caution when you first started dating, but he’s never asked for kisses in public before. You glance around at his friends.
“No,” you decide, twisting back around. “What were you saying, ‘Kawa?”
“Were you not paying attention?” The boy you addressed pouts.
“No, they were busy rejecting Mattsun,” laughs Makki. The other boys share in jeering at Issei, and although you’re well aware that it’s all only gentle ribbing meant in good fun, when you look at your boyfriend next something dark shadows his face.
“Issei, wait!” You cry as he hoists you up, pulling you to your feet.
“Can we talk?” You feel suddenly very nervous.
“Yes, of course.”
He leads you to an empty hallway, crowding you against the wall, although it doesn’t seem intentional when he asks, quiet:
“Did I do something wrong?”
“What? No,” you say, feeling suddenly guilty.
“‘Cause I thought it was just a joke at first, but it’s been a week, and,” he scratches the back of his neck. “I don’t know, I just felt like there was probably something wrong at that point. If you don’t want to do that, you can just tell me. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable. But if you want to be in a relationship, we gotta communicate. I don’t know,” he says again, and you feel awful.
“I’m sorry, baby, it was a joke. I just wanted to see how long you would last because you never seemed really bothered by it. I didn’t mean to make you feel like there was something wrong in our relationship.”
“Okay,” Issei says, looking relieved. “Cool.”
You smile fondly at him, a great rush of love for this boy flooding you.
“I’m done with the prank now, by the way,” you whisper, grasping the collar of his shirt and pulling him in very slightly. “Y’know, if you’re interested in doing anything with that knowledge.” He smiles at you, and starts to lean in further.
“Oh, Mattsun’s getting it!” Whoops Oikawa, followed by further jeers from the rest of Issei’s friends. Issei closes his eyes, wincing, and starts to recede. You tug on his again.
“This okay?” Meaning in front of them.
“It’s been a week. Of course it is.”
The sound of catcalling is drowned out by the sound of your heartbeat pounding in your ears as you kiss him, soft, slow, sweet.
“Yeah,” you mumble against his lips when you separate for air. “Never going that long without this again.”
Akaashi Keiji
he is. sad
you two had a big fight earlier this week
he had been assigned to a group project with someone you knew had a crush on him
and no qualms about flirting even though they knew he was taken to boot
and when you had asked one too many times about how his work sessions with them outside of class had gone
he got seriously annoyed
called you clingy and overly possessive
and he had apologized immediately afterwards, feeling truly terrible
your concerns were understandable, after all
but you’d fought again when he admitted a couple days later that they had made a real move on him, trying to kiss him while they were working
you had been upset
but he felt it had too much of an i told you so vibe to it
seriously, what, keiji?
and he hated to be wrong in his assessment of someone
so it had spiraled
and turned into a much bigger fight than it had to be
honestly, neither of you had been sure what you were even arguing about by the end
and you had both apologized for saying things you didn’t mean the next day and made up
but you were honestly still feeling upset and kind of insecure
after all, in a way, keiji had gone to bat for this random person twice against you, the person he claimed was the love of his life
so you just felt a little more distant than usual
a little less affectionate
and you didn’t realize that he had noticed
but he’s akaashi keiji
of course he noticed
he notices everything about you
and sometimes he’s a little blinded by his determination to prove that his viewpoint is the correct one, or by his embarrassment when it’s not
but he loves you so much
and he knows you inside and out
and even without his intimate knowledge of your tastes and interests and beautiful mind
what kind of boyfriend would he be if he didn’t notice that you hadn’t kissed him in well over a week, maybe two?
Honestly, he wishes he’d documented the last time he’d kissed you. He can’t remember if it was in greeting as he handed you a cup of coffee he’d bought for you at the school gates, if it was after a sushi dinner date, if it was before or after the first big fight. In hindsight, Keiji realizes that he used to kiss you a lot; ah, the good old days. Now he’s seriously afraid that he’ll never have the opportunity again.
You’ve still been talking to him fairly normally— texting him, too. You send him good morning and good night messages and you sign off with mwah, love you, Keiji. But you no longer initiate that kind of affection, nor do you let him. When he tried the first few times, what he felt was a respectful amount of time after you made up, you whispered no, not right now, honey against his lips, which transitioned to pulling away whenever he started to lean in, which became fully avoiding physical contact with him.
His eyes burn with tears thinking about it. He’s not even sure you realize you’re doing it, that you’ve been rejecting him over and over for a while now. He understands, of course, your feelings, your discomfort. He respects it, he really does. He just can’t help but feel like you’re slipping through his fingers, and it’s slow torture. The breakup is sure to happen soon, Keiji thinks, even though he tries every day to stave it off.
He wanted to marry you someday, to spend the rest of his life with you, and now he’s going to lose you because he was a bullheaded know-it-all.
On your end, you’re not thinking anything of the sort. You know how you got here— the first few days, you had just needed space. The wounds of your fights were too fresh, the knowledge that someone else might have kissed him like you would too upsetting. Eventually, it had become more reflexive to push him away, and when he had stopped trying to initiate, you felt it was too late for you to do the same. After all, his words could have been said in anger, or they could have been true. Maybe he really did think you were too clingy, maybe you had overreacted. You were afraid that any sort of closeness would lead to another fight that would shatter the kind of limbo you two had entered, and you didn’t want that at all.
So the both of you wait, wondering if this is the anticlimactic end to your relationship.
Both of you are strung out with nerves, lonely and sad, pining for the other for days before anything happens.
It’s an average Tuesday when Keiji happens by chance to walk by the same classroom you’re in, crying on your friend’s lap during lunch period. It’s been a stressful and honestly miserable couple of weeks, and it had only taken your friend asking quietly at the end of class how you and your boyfriend were for you to unleash all your pent-up emotion and start bawling. You’re not usually a crier, especially in such a public setting, but then again, you aren’t usually on the verge of ending the relationship you’d thought would last as long as you both should live.
Thankfully, your friend had had the presence of mind to lead you to an empty room, where you could freely sob and rant about everything that had been happening.
Keiji had realized that he’d left his phone in one of his own classes when you hadn’t shown at lunch and he hadn’t been able to text you, and walking by, he had picked up on the sound of a familiar voice barely audible through a crack in the door. Still, he had watched enough movies with you to know what your crying sounded like, and his heart had basically stopped in his chest. His steps halted suddenly, and just as he stopped he heard you, muffled but words discernible:
“—want to break up.” Before he knew it, he was inside the room, breath coming short and fast, cheeks flushed with color.
“I think I’ll let you guys talk this out,” your friend murmurs, “I’ll be outside when you need me, okay?” You nod, wiping at your tears with your sleeves, eyes fixed on your (soon to be ex?) boyfriend.  
“Hi, Keiji,” you murmur, affecting a smile. It’s maybe the most heartbreaking thing he’s ever seen.
“Hi, honey,” he says, soft and caring, and you start crying again. “I’m sorry!” He says, panicked. “I’m so sorry.”
“I’m sorry, too,” you choke out. You lapse into silence, both of you afraid of what’s going to come out of the other’s mouth next. You both stare at each other, and he makes a bold move and takes your hand. You entwine your own fingers with his, and a little bit of the tension drains away. “For what it’s worth, it was a good run,” you say softly, and his eyes widen, his grip involuntarily tightening immediately.
“Please don’t break up with me!” He says, and as you process the words you start to come up with a new picture of the situation. “I know I haven’t been the best to you recently, and I really regret all of it, but I swear I’m trying to fix it, please, I can’t lose you just because I was so stupid, stupid-stupid-stupid—”
“Keiji,” you say, and he’s outright begging now, eyes squeezed shut and tears rolling down his cheeks. He doesn’t seem to hear you the first time, so you take a risk and peck him on the lips. “Keiji!”
Now he’s frozen, eyes locked on yours, hope swelling within their depths.
“I wasn’t gonna break up with you,” you say, grabbing his other hand and shifting to sit a little closer. “I thought you were— I thought you weren’t happy, that you were gonna break up with me.”
“I was only unhappy when you weren’t by my side, honey,” he says, pressing kisses all over your right hand.
“Cheeseball,” you say, a genuine smile pulling at your lips.
“I’m being honest,” he says, rolling his eyes and coming a little closer himself. “I thought I heard you saying you wanted to break up, when you were talking to your friend.”
“I was saying I thought you wanted to.”
“Oh,” he says, cheeks coloring. You laugh and kiss him again, and he reciprocates enthusiastically, producing a handkerchief to dab at your cheeks with when you separate.
“I’m sorry for making you cry, honey,” he says softly, and you loop your arms around his neck.
“I’m sorry for making you cry,” you say teasingly, taking the kerchief to dry his face too. “I think, if anything, this has taught me a valuable lesson in communication.”
And unlike the tense, uncomfortable resolution the fight had come to last time, there’s a strong sense of understanding between the two of you.
We’re gonna be okay, you text your friend. Keiji kisses your cheek.
“Yes, we are.”
Miya Atsumu
he is like a puppy
a big dumb puppy who will literally lick your face if you don’t give him enough attention
why did you even try this
you’re doomed.
so you were actually friends with osamu first
and even though they have the same fucking face
when you met his twin something clicked
and you were like yes. this asshole. i want him
y’all literally started dating after like a week of knowing each other
because if you know what you want, why wait?
and you want atsumu
and atsumu wants you
now you’re going on three years with him, so sometimes insane person decisions like that pay off
anyway back to osamu (man i’m sorry i just love ur twin so much more. i know this is cliche. i’m sorry mr rice ball man)
he was the one who gave you the idea
and he was like “lol atsumu wouldn’t last a day without kisses from you”
you know he’s right but if you’re dating atsumu long-term you’ve gotta be ready to fight over anything
so you respond “no i believe in my boy’s strength”
“you wouldn’t believe how often i have to hear about you. its actually disgusting”
“fuck you”
and lo and behold a bet was born
you get a thousand yen a day for every day atsumu holds out without throwing a giant tantrum
but if he doesn’t last a day, you’ll owe osamu a favor, yet to be determined
you text atsumu “hey 🍆”
he responds immediately
“hi 😏”
“my parents aren’t home”
running emoji
something wrong with people in love istg
he shows up at your door five minutes later, sweaty and out of breath
idiot actually ran
i mean you live fairly close and he needs to keep his physique up so. honestly not that weird
you’re suddenly regretting the bet
you forgot that you’re actually just as whipped as he is
and did i mention that he’s SWEATY and OUT OF BREATH
still, you restrain yourself
and invite him in without jumping on him
you’re in the kitchen, getting drinks for the both of you when he tries to kiss you the first time
“thanks, darling” he says as you pass him a glass of ice water, cupping your cheek with one huge hand
and you swerve
it’s so fucking funny
your water spills
partially on him
and he’s just standing there while you mop up the water
like ???? brain loading please hold
and when you finish up and straighten to face him again
he’s like
“darlin’, sugarface, babydoll, what the fuck was that?”
and you just throw up your hands
“i can’t do this!”
you haven’t refused a kiss from him in the entire three years you’ve been dating
not even when he had mono from stealing sunarin’s water
something wrong with people in love pt.2
you just really like dating him okay. he’s just a really good boyf and you think kissing him is neat. okay.
so you break and tell him about the bet
You’re standing there, deeply annoyed, while your boyfriend gloats.
“You like me,” he jeers, pressing kisses all over your face, everywhere except your lips. “You have a crush on me! That’s so embarrassin’ for ya, honestly.”
“I know,” you grumble, trying to smack him away ineffectually. “Get off’a me.”
“Mm, no,” Atsumu decides. “You don’t want that, anyway, you broke,” he checks his phone. “Twelve minutes after I got here.”
“Yeah, shut up, fuck you, I know I’m the loser who fell in love with yer big dumb ass.”
“Hey!” Ah, your boyfriend’s pride is fragile.
“Anyway, you would’ve hated it if I’d actually gone through with it.”
“Maybe,” he shrugs. You give him a look. “Okay, fine. Yes. Yer right. Yer always right.”
“Yes,” you say, gratified. “Wait, I have an idea.”
Atsumu goes home that day and makes sure to whine an appropriate amount (three hours straight) to Osamu, verifying your gloating text to his twin that you’d won at least the first day.
You two manage to keep up the lie for three whole days, making money from Osamu and getting your necessary daily dose of affection in private. On the third day, though the jig is up.
Atsumu tugs you into the locker room, twenty minutes before practice, the both of you already pulling at each other’s hair, hands roaming wildly. You push him up against the lockers, and then he flips the position.
“Mhm,” coughs Osamu, emerging from a couple rows down. “I knew ya’d break.”
The two of you spring apart guiltily, Atsumu scratching the back of his neck and avoiding eye contact with his twin, your eyes downcast and shoulders shaking as you try to suppress your laughter.
“Ya got us,” you giggle, grabbing your boyfriend’s hand. “It was today that we cracked. We lasted three whole days. Yup. For sure.” Osamu’s eyes narrow.
“You two scammers—”
“Run,” Atsumu yells, and the two of you make a break for it, the pissed-off gray Miya chasing after you, demanding his money back with interest.
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ace-thinks · 4 years
Building Your Glass Closet
I made a post about coming out via the glass closet which is basically just dropping subtle hints over time until the people in your life get the message, and someone asked for tips on how to do this. 
Unfortunately, I can’t guarantee that you won’t still get the “you just haven’t met the right person” response while you’re using this method, but I still think this is worth a shot. 
At the very least, it can lay the groundwork so that if you ever come out explicitly, people will be able to think back to all of the very ace/aro things you’ve said over time and they may not be as surprised or reluctant to believe you.
Okay so without further ado, here are some ideas that you can use for inspiration as you attempt to create a beautiful glass closet for yourself:
1. Talk about yourself
Find a way to slip some variation of “I never really had any crushes in school” into conversation.
Try to phrase this in a way that it’s clear you’re saying “I did not get crushes because I don’t get crushes” instead of “I didn’t get any crushes because no one at school was my type.”
When people make quips about you dating someone, casually respond with things like:
“I hope not” “Not if I can help it” “That would be unfortunate” “Yikes that would kinda suck.”
You can say these in a way that’s light but still clear that you’re not joking.
2. Ask questions
Start sprinkling very aro/ace questions into conversation.
Casually talk about the latest pick for “Hottest Celeb of the Year” or something and throw in “What does ‘hot’ even mean anyway? I never know what people are talking about when they say that.”
“My friend was telling me about this crush they have, but like how do you even know when you have a crush on someone?”
“I saw this post online that said that guys and girls can’t be friends because one of them will always catch feelings, but like what’s the difference between being friends and being a couple anyway?”
Make it clear with each question that you’re being lighthearted but also you’re genuinely confused/trying to get an answer.
People around you might still brush these off with a “You’ll know one day” or something like that, but I bet they’ll start to notice a pattern.
General aroace confusion is also useful:
“I heard [show/movie] has like a lot of sex scenes in it. I will never understand how people are into that stuff tbh.”
At first they might think you’re talking about sex scenes, but try to make it clear that you’re actually talking about sex in general. This is also a chance to slip in that you also don’t get sexual attraction in general.
You can use a similar method for really sexual ads.
3. Show them some ace stuff
If you ever watch TV together, then perhaps you can make sure to casually watch some very ace content around them from time to time.
A particularly ace episode of BoJack Horseman or some other ace media (unfortunately there isn’t much).
If you have a way to watch YouTube on your TV or something, maybe you can find a youtube video that features ace people or someone explaining asexuality.
If they ask why you’re watching this, you can just say it seemed interesting or someone told you about it or something.
The goal is to basically expose the person to the concept of asexuality without it having to be about you in particular. 
This could be especially helpful when combined with the other steps because if you make the idea of asexuality fresh in their minds and then start saying very aro/ace stuff around them, they’re probably more likely to connect the dots.
You can also use these videos/episodes as a way to gauge their attitudes towards asexuality in general.
This is also a way to strike up general convo around asexuality.
4. Reference representation
“Apparently there’s an ace character in [show/movie/book]. That’s so cool!”
You could also openly critique some particularly bad ace representation/erasure.
Critique is gives you a chance to go a little deeper about asexuality in general and dispel myths while also potentially getting the person to engage with the nuances of the orientation etc.
And if they ask why you care so much you can either come out or come up with some excuse (good ally, it’s just interesting/important, I have ace friends, etc.)
Again, these are just general ideas. You can use them exactly or treat this as an overall template that you can adapt for your own style/purposes.
I’ve used all of these in some way or another and have had good results so far, so I hope this is helpful for y’all too!
Let me know if you use any of these idea and how it works out for you, and also feel free to add your own “glass closet” strategies!
@apocalypsewriters (hope this helps!)
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7fckingidiots · 4 years
I have never played Obey Me... but due to my friends obsession over it it made me obsessed over it and it has lead me to your works.xD if I can make a request for everyone (or those of your choice) How would they react to MC being all sweet and motherly/big sister like to Luke?
HELL YEAH I ADORE LUKE HES MY SON!!!! LITTLE BOY!!! Also I used gn pronouns for MC! hope you don’t mind!
Brothers React To MC Being Parental To Luke
acts like he doesn’t care, but he cares A LOT
part of him is happy to see the exchange program going so well! the other part is...slightly jealous
he doesn’t want to be treated like a child but the way you speak to luke is so soft and he wants that
i am begging y’all pls...treat him softly
that being said he loves seeing the two of you hangout together! you look like a little family together
he thinks about how he can’t wait to have kids with you
and then panics because HE WANTS TO HAVE KIDS??? WITH YOU??????
whines like he isn’t a GROWN MAN and he’s gonna die if you don’t give him your undivided attention
he will not, please continue baking with luke
manages to sneak his way into baking with the two of you and only complains once because after the first time he does it you give him a stare that would petrify lucifer
thinks it’s actually very sweet of you to be so doting on him but will NOT ever say that outloud
his heart fully melts for you two when he walks into your room and sees you and luke asleep together
he tucks you both in and leaves with the idea that maybe luke isn’t so bad
oh god...he’s not the biggest fan of kids
especially kids that take up his time with you
he needs reassurance that you aren’t gonna leave him but also won’t keep you from doting on luke
though he may sneak in while you two are baking and just sit there! it makes him feel less lonely and he also trusts you two
if luke wants to play video games he’s definitely gonna have TONS of options to choose from! they’re all PG-13 because it’s what you insist on
will compare your relationship to this one manga he read about and go off on a complete tangent until luke passes out next to you
you both tuck him into levi’s bed and continue playing video games together all while levi begins to think maybe kids aren’t terrible
finds it very cute and makes sure to comment on how luke is seemingly always stuck to your side just to tease him
he’ll lessen his teasing of the boy the more you two hangout together but he’ll give a regular backhanded comment here or there...jackass
his heart softens whenever you come into his room to read to luke and if you ask him and if luke uses his puppy eyes he’ll even read for you
if you two fall asleep on the couch with him he’ll make sure to wrap a blanket around you both and read there until he falls asleep as well
big softie and won’t admit it ever but luke definitely knows it and trusts him! or as much as luke trusts demons
CRIES......you guys are a little family now sorry luke
he posts pictures of you guys on devilgram all the time gushing over how adorable you are
he really loves the soft tone you use with luke and will ask you to use it on him too and when you do he just...heart eyes and proposes to you on the spot
will buy luke his own little skin care routine so you all can do it together!
movie nights were luke is snuggled between you two definitely happen and it’s the only time asmo considers skipping his skin care routine
hears luke call you mom/dad one day and immediately!!!! he wants to be called dad!!! please help luke escape
the only brother that luke is on relatively good terms with at the start so luke is happiest to hang out with him
will DEFINITELY be in the kitchen when you two are cooking! he’s there to make sure nothing is poisoned obviously! he wouldn’t steal food you two were cooking!! never!
likes lifting the two of you up and waking around the house with you two and also likes using you two as his weights
if he sees you two carrying your books together walking down the halls he’s going over to carry both your books you Cannot stop him
he really loves the two of you together and the moment he sees you tuck luke into bed and kiss his forehead is the moment he decides he would do anything for you two
you swear you’ve heard luke growl at him before...how in the hell-
it’s fine because belphie also hates luke...rude ass
he doesn’t understand why you want to spend time with some kid when the two of you could just go take a nap together
just, keep them apart from each other
he does feel his chest get tight with adoration when he sees you two together and he thinks it sweet of you to have so much patience with the boy
belphie won’t go out of his way for luke but seeing how much you like him has softened his heart a bit and when he sees you two sleeping together he makes sure to tuck his pillow underneath your heads
Bonus! Luke
he loves you so much! you and simeon are literally his favorite people(and barb but he can’t come to terms with the fact he sees a demon as a friend)
whenever he bakes something? he shows it to you first! when he aces a test? shows it to you! has a good day? tells you all about it!
will hold your hand in the hallways when you two walk together! so no demons touch you of course! he’s actually just very small and afraid of getting lost hold him
hug him!!! kiss his forehead! tell him he’s doing a good job! it means the absolute world to him that you think so highly of him
highkey pouts that he can’t switch you out for solomon
if you buy him a plush toy he sleeps with it every night and keeps it in top condition! satan was nice enough to help him enchant it so it wouldn’t tear(he didn’t trust solomon not to ruin it)
calls you familial names all the time he can’t STOP and he gets so embarrassed when he realizes what he’s done
just reassure him you love him and he’ll stop being so embarrassed :)
let me adopt him SWD....let me have a son
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deshimango · 3 years
rambling about upcoming thai shows and bl in general + gmmtv 2022:
the only 2 bls that i actually am interested in right now are bad buddy and not me, kieta hatsukoi took me by surprise and i really like it but other than that there’s nothing? i was excited for between us but i’m really not anymore considering p’new’s track record and the way it’s been dragging and how they’ve been treating team’s issues and trauma in the specials (which i haven’t seen fully bc i don’t care much anymore? but i’ve seen the screenshots and the dialogue etc) and kinnporche still looks interesting but the casting of a 17yo and the stuff i’ve been hearing about the books yikes?? like bad buddy is giving us everything right now and i’m so invested but after it and not me (which i pray is good) i don’t have anything to look forward to next year and that sucks :( in the next few months i really think i’m gonna watch more kdramas and finish western shows ive been putting off to watch more mediocre bls
anyway i wasted hours of my life watching the gmmtv livestream today so y’all will hear about it:
i’m gonna try to watch: never let me go (thai wyel as sam i think said i am intrigued), moonlight chicken (it’ll be messy but why not and p’aof and earthmix? yeah i’m here), vice versa (plot looks interesting but we’ll see), ps i hate you (definitely gonna give it a shot, pll gives making me nostalgic, and as i’ve said before, if i know it’ll be messy and i signed up for it? i love drama eg. friend zone, a whole mess and i love it), midnight motel (bc i like off and jan and the plot is interesting but it’ll depend on how free i am when it airs)
i might watch depending on how desperate i am: cupid’s last wish (earthmix… besties… why… might be tuning in bc i have no standards sometimes), star and sky aka joong in gmmtv and atots rip-off (man i really like joong and mek but why?) the eclipse (only if the final trailer actually makes sense), my precious (depends on my mood) astrophile (only bc everyone’s hot, yes i know bright isnt a great actor but still)
i’m sorry i don’t care about these: three gentlebros (love u tay and gun but im not into family dramas especially if luke is the main), umg (again nanon and namtan <3 but no), homeschool (great cast but ive seen the gifted thanks), my dear donavan (same reasons), 10 years ticket (sorry not my thing), devil sister (what even??), my school president (no more high school bls unless it’s written really well ok), dirty laundry (humour doesn’t stick for me)
reasons i hate gmmtv: new getting to kiss pretty girls while i don’t in the warp effect, pairing jane with a 43yo in a superstar hit on me, making love’s character in you fight and i love a high schooler and pairing her with joss, pairing prim THE 2004 17 YEAR OLD with krusty who’s in his late twenties in good old days, and lastly the show with krusty and mike that feels like a joke
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gabzsantosx · 3 years
GABRIELA "GABZ" SANTOS ( SHE/HER ) is a CISFEMALE, TWENTY THREE YEAR year old HAIRDRESSER/MAKEUP ARTIST AT SPLASHES who has been living in Moorbrooke for NINE YEARS. They were born on MAY 11th and right now, they are currently residing in OAKLEY COURT. It has been said that they look suspiciously like BARBIE FERREIRA and if they had to choose a song to describe themselves, they would choose STFU by PHEM.
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hiii it’s cat again, a budding character hoarder in the making. i worked really hard on this new baby and i hope y’all love her as much as i do. as i did last time, i included some connections that would be great. please reach out to me if interested. 
gabriela was born on may 11, 1998 in a small town in texas. her father was a Brazilian immigrant who fell in love with her american mother during a trip to brazil. within a year, her mother was pregnant with her. they proceeded to have two more children, a brother and sister. 
gabriela was a highly intelligent, creative child. her father had this very domineering way of thinking often saying “children are to be seen and not heard.” because of this, she became quiet and was cautious to never get in trouble
she was perpetually shy and a bit of a chubby child with glasses. this led to severe bullying from her peers. it wasn’t rare for her to cry in the bathroom instead of go to the lunchroom for many years.
by her early adolescence years, gabriela became depressed and anxious pretty much all the time. her parents were firm believes against psychiatric treatment, so she mostly suffered in silence. alone, afraid, and full of self-hatred. 
despite her hard times, she had two friends who were her absolute world. they were always there for her when she needed them and they were inseparable. they kept her afloat. 
unfortunately, at age fourteen, her dad got a job offer in moorbrooke, maine that he couldn’t resist. the family uprooted and left texas withn a month. she quickly lost touch with her friends and was once again alone. 
she managed to survive high school by keeping her head in the books and avoiding any sort of attention. she’d likely be voted “most forgettable” by much of her classmates.
upon graduation, she had no idea what she wanted to do with her life. sure, she was highly intelligent and had the grades, but felt passion for nothing in particular.
she decided to enroll in community college while she figured it out. somehow, she found cosmetology and immediately fell in love with the idea of it. what started out as a single class out of curiosity turned into a passion. makeup, fashion, hair dressing -- these were things that made people feel beautiful. 
for lack of a better way to describe it, gabriela reinvented herself and had a “glow up”. she renamed herself “gabz” and found the confidence she always wished she had.
gabz presents herself as a bad bitch to the world. she’s kind, goofy, and isn’t afraid to flaunt her curves. despite this, some of her insecurities come through sometimes and it can contribute to some of her character flaws. 
she can be a bit naive, too trusting, and needy. any form of rejection, as small as it may be, breaks her heart. 
gabz is creative and fun. she spends a lot of her time meeting new people, posting makeup tutorials online, and making spontaneous decisions. 
since she didn’t experience much in her youth, she rarely says no to new experiences.  this can sometimes put her in dangerous situations. yikes. 
she’s a typical taurus (just like me) and loves the finer things in life. comfort food, beautiful clothes, makeup, and just pretty things. it’s not rare that she spends too much money on materialistic things and has to work overtime to make rent. 
even her small flat in oakley court has fancy decor, despite it not being the most glamorous place in town to live. she makes it work. 
she’s bisexual and craves affection and validation, which may lead to one night stands.. which yes, secretly break her heart. why won’t anyone stay? 
possible connections:
my first (everything) - i’d love to have someone (any gender welcome) to be her first kiss, first sexual occurrence. it’s likely she’s still very much in her feelings about this person. whether they feel likewise could be up to you. cue angst. [ OPEN ] ** I REALLY WANT THIS LOL **
best friend - not just a regular friend, but someone who knows gabz better than she knows herself. platonic soulmates, if you will. [ OPEN ]
bad (good sometimes) influence - by this i mean someone who introduces her to a world of possible trouble, but also fun experiences. after all, she will try anything once. [ OPEN 
flirtationship - y’all know the drill. they flirt a bunch and maybe even have tension, but it’s likely not going anywhere too serious.
one night stands - just do it. let her hoe out. yes, she cried after your character didn’t call her, but she’s grateful for the experience nonetheless. [ OPEN ]
like siblings - they fight and sometimes want to kill one another, but this person means the world to gabz. [ OPEN ]
enemies - someone who, for whatever reason, doesn’t sit right with gabz. details can be discussed [ OPEN ]
crush - someone gabz is crazy about and may not even have a chance with? that’s up for us to decide. she likely romanticizes this person more than anyone else. [ OPEN ]
friends with benefits - it’s casual, really. just two friends who sometimes hookup. [ OPEN ]
regulars - she’s a hairdresser and makeup artist. i’d love to have a few characters who use her regulary? [  OPEN ]
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writhingcreature · 3 years
Sometimes you take a bunch of OC’s and make a Spiderverse AU with them after watching No Way Home and then stay up until 4am doing art when you should be asleep because you’re mentally ill. Sometimes it do be like that.
- Lynrie “Girl” Brock, aka your friendly neighborhood Spider. She/her. The Spider-Man of this universe. Pretty beat for beat matches Peter Parker tbh. Same quippiness, same high morality, same drive to be the best hero she can be. Not as smart as him though, so her suit for a long time is just some things she spray painted and tied on where she could. Didn’t get gadgets and web fluid and such until she met Kurtz and he finally made her ideas into reality. She’s the younger sister to Tersa Brock, who is indeed the Venom of this universe <3
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- Kurtz Brightwood, aka mastermind, supervillain, and eventual terrorist Green Goblin. One day he’ll be hero Hobgoblin, but first he falls in love with Girl and then finds out that he had DID, and that his other personality (Goblin) is out for Girl’s wellbeing and sanity. After battles that lead the destruction of Girl’s relationships and almost her life, and a rivalry that brings Goblin far past the fun and chaos he had been seeking and made him a monster he’d come to hate, Kurtz fakes his death and goes missing for a decade to work on his mental health and such. Learns some coping mechanisms for Goblin. Turns into a good guy.... mostly. I’d say more but it’s a whole book just know that I love him desperately.
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- Giovanni “G” Fein, reporter for the Daily Bugle (and retired super hero, but no one knows that yet lol). He’s the MJ of this world. Childhood friends with Girl, he used to have a crush on her but it never really went anywhere so he moved on... and, if in his chasing stories he met a villain that wasn’t as bad as she pretended to be and he found himself chasing something else entirely.... no harm, right?
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- Sylvia Ast, aka Black Cat. Had a flirty relationship with Spider once upon a time that didn’t go past a few instances of friends with benefits. Still has the hots for her, but what can you do when your super hero crush has it bad for the worst super villain you’ve ever heard of? Yikes. Anyway she’s totally over it. She’s moved on. She’s with G now. She’s not into Girl at all anymore... totally not.
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I haven’t done art for Tersa yet, and even if I had I don’t have the picture room to add anything else so we’ll leave it there. These four end up in a complicated ot4 basically, but a little mixed up bc Goblin is... still there, and more or less harmless at this point. Basically this is the run down: Kurtz and Girl are married. G and Sylvia are married. Girl/G, Girl/Sylvia, Kurtz/G, and Sylvia/Goblin are dating. This is mega complicated bc Kurtz and Goblin share a body (to put it in a way that makes sense?) and Kurtz and Sylvia are attracted to each other but Cannot get their shut together lmao
Sylvia and G also have two kids <3
Tersa, who is Venom, is dating Ander, who is Scarlet Witch in this universe and OH MY GOD the more this universe AU expands the more I’m SUPER obsessed with it actually.
Hope y’all find this as awesome and fun as I did. Wanted to share some art, so here ya go!!
DISCLAIMER: Art is not drawn by me, just recolored. If you know who the artist is and they don’t want their art recolored, let me know and I will take it down and exchange it with something else. Thank you much!!
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period-dramallama · 3 years
Queen’s Gambit (novel) review part 2: The Bad
Oh boy does it get bad
Here be spoilers. Cw: mention of rape
-Let’s begin with the bibliography: Linda Porter (ehhh inevitable I guess) Jasper Ridley (yikes) Alison Weir (yikes). There’s also Sex in Elizabethan England listed. While the Elizabethan period wasn’t far from the 1540s... it also wasn’t the 1540s. While there are other books listed, so it’s not just Porter, Ridley and Weir, there isn’t Starkey’s Elizabeth. And this was published pre-Starkey cancellation so there’s no excuse.
-Some modern slang creeps in ‘bossy’ ‘gob’. 
-If it isn’t our old friend Internalised Misogyny. Girls “giggle stupidly”. “Another woman might have cried over it. But not Katherine. Katherine is made of sterner stuff.” *Checks Not Like Other Girls off my bingo card*
-At one point Parr says Latin is “a dying language”. In the 1540s. Suuuuuuuure it is. 
-Dorothy says that because she can’t read, it doesn’t matter to her whether the gospels are in English or Latin. Fremantle... you do realise ‘reading aloud’ is a thing, right? And it was how illiterate people received their knowledge of religion?
- So Parr is raped during the Pilgrimage of Grace. She lets a (fictional according to the author) rapist called Murgatroyd rape her in order to spare Meg Neville, her stepdaughter. She learns later in the novel that he broke his word and raped Meg anyway and Meg kept it secret from Parr. Parr gets pregnant from the rape and the baby dies. I....I don’t see what this backstory is for. What does it add to the story. 
-The end of the novel has a And The Moral Of The Story Is feel to it. No me gusta.
-Anne Parr set my teeth on edge. She calls Elizabeth “trouble” and “a minx”. She says of Katherine Howard “you can’t imagine how crude she was or how shallow”. I wanted to reach into the novel and slap her. Katherine Parr herself says Howard was “insufferably vain” and “poor child” “just a girl”. No me gustan. 
-Speaking of female characters, Anne Stanhope, being Katherine’s rival, is a 2D caricature. She has “bulbous eyes” “her eyes swivel like a reptile’s”. 
-”there is that one drooping eye- quite hideous.” Fremantle... people exist IRL with drooping eyes. Keep your ableism to yourself, thanks. Nobody wanted to hear it, trust me.
-People are throwing wine cups around? Why? Table manners were a big deal in this era. 
-Katherine Parr telling Elizabeth that Elizabeth “has a fickle nature.” This is unfair, the real young Elizabeth was loyal to her servants, like Ashley and Parry, during the crisis of 1548. 
-Dodgy tenses- it’s in present tense, but then it has to often jump to past tense to describe things that have happened before the book and happened off page before the events of the ‘now’ of this chapter. It can feel jarring and confused.
-The author has an annoying habit of giving us the set up, but then the emotional payoff happens off page and we’re told about it after it’s happened. For example, Dot is separated from Parr and imprisoned for ages, Parr is worried about her, but their reunion- which should be a heartwarming moment- is off page. There’s also a whole subplot in the first 100 pages of Dot and William Savage having sexual tension. But then their first kiss and sex happens off page and we’re told about it after it happened, in the past tense, instead of being there in the moment.
”she could feel his thing through his hose”
^This was published by Penguin. PENGUIN. 
^ I would like to take this opportunity to tell y’all that this woman studied Creative Writing. Her sex scenes are just... so tacky. Even when they’re not CURSED. 
-At one point there’s Drama because Dot discovers her boyfriend William Savage is married and didn’t tell her. She dumps him, he says that he doesn’t love his wife, he loves Dot and he didn’t tell her because she’d dump him if she knew. -.- His wife later conveniently dies in childbirth along with the baby so that Dot and William can marry. Given his wife died birthing his baby William Savage clearly wasn’t sexually faithful to Dot while they were having an affair -which was why Dot was angry in the first place- so his protestations of love ring hollow IMHO.
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izzielizzie · 3 years
I know that we all rave/rant about the oou couples (as we should) but we don’t talk about the friendships enough so i’m going to do it for y’all (these are just some of my favorites, feel free to add on)
Nate and Maeve
If Nate and Maeve weren’t already iconic without ever interacting in oouil, they just took it to another level in oouin, and honestly it makes me want to cry how amazing they could have been if Nate and Bronwyn had stayed close from fifth grade on. 
Nate gives Maeve the love and support that she needs, without expecting anything back. He held her as she broke down at Cooper’s game because she is his little sister and he loves her. He didn’t want anything from her, and most importantly, he doesn’t expect anything from her either. Bronwyn and her parents expect her to follow in Bronwyn’s footsteps and it gives her so much anxiety, but Nate doesn’t do that. He loves her and guides her because she deserves it. No strings attached. 
And Maeve is just the person in his corner. She doesn’t want him to go to sporting events or socialize or make something of himself. She just adores him so much and he’s her brother and she knows what it’s like to be living in a constant shit storm and be expected to deal because that’s just the way it is. She never had a stationary object to look at when losing her balance, so of course she’s Nate’s port in the storm. 
They have so many conditions in their lives, so why wouldn’t their love for each other be unconditional?
Cooper and Addy
Ah yes they’re so chaotic but also they really get each other. I feel like Addy is the type of person who’s secretly always wanted an older brother because they just seem so fun to be around. And Cooper becomes that for her. 
But the chaos aside, they both understand what it’s like to be different from their family. They know it feels to be shunned for who they really are/their actions. And they might not be over it yet, but they’re getting there. And honestly? There is probably never a dull moment with those two, which they need. They need to laugh until they cry and run around Bayview buying as many iced coffees as they can and binge bad reality shows just so they can laugh some more. Because they’re hurt. And they will keep hurting. And it’s about time someone made them laugh so much that they forget about why they were hurting in the first place. 
That is why Coop and Addy are such wonderful friends. Because they know that sometimes you just need to happy for a little bit. 
Phoebe and Maeve
Phoebe and Maeve are really different people, which I think is why they’re such good friends. Maeve needs someone who will pull her out of her shell, but be gentle about it. Phoebe knows that Maeve isn’t very comfortable with herself yet, she she’s not going to drag her to parties or anything like that, but she will make Maeve talk to Luis or try something new. 
And Maeve knows about hurting, and being hurt. She’s such a good listener, and Phoebe needs that. She needs someone who will understand how badly it hurts to not be who she is expected to be, or wants to be. Honestly, these two are the ones I hope Karen expands on in the third book. 
Knox and Maeve
I know that they started dating which is why they’re friends now but they’re more siblings than friends. Maeve isn’t the type of person to talk about how much she loves someone, but Knox is, and it’s so easy to see how much Maeve means to him. 
They don’t bring anything drastic to each other’s lives. They’re pretty standard as far as high school friendships go, and the most believable. But that’s what makes them so special. How often do we see friendships like theirs in the media? They’re supportive yeah, but they have their arguments and in the end they come back to each other because that’s just the way they are. 
And they love each other so much it’s so sweet. 
Cooper and Luis
I mean what else is there even to say about these two? They’re supportive, and Luis’s acceptance of Cooper without question was amazing. They’re so funny together and the fact that they like, only talk about baseball is hilarious. 
Bronwyn and Addy
Bronwyn needs a girl like Addy in her life: someone to talk to about relationships and do her nails with and talk about fears at three in the morning while baking cookies. And Addy needs someone who will love her no matter what, and will calm her down if need be. Kind of like the less traumatized version of Maeve and Phoebe. 
Cooper and Phoebe
I’m still waiting for Cooper to talk to Phoebe about moving on from trauma and learning to love an accept herself. WHERE is their relationship Karen????
Addy and Nate
Ahhh they have so much trauma and I need more moments of them talking about how the stuff that happened to them was not their fault or a reflection of their worth. Also? They build each other up so well, and it’s so sweet. I missed them in oouin. 
Knox and Literally any of the other guys (but especially Nate)
Knox, Cooper, and Nate would bond over their father issues (yikes the poor boys) and would be so supportive of each other. And Knox and Luis would bond over being expected to take over/run their father’s businesses, and you know Knox would go to Luis if he had any problems. I really want all four of the guys to have amazing, solid relationships in the third book (plus Kris!!!!)
Maeve and Addy
Addy is just Maeve’s second sister and this point and their Peru shenanigans are probably talk at during parties for years to come. 
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dejaentends · 2 years
i’m writing a lily/sirius dual pov fic for the 5th year (canon compliant, yikes) focusing on exploring their relationships with their siblings (and also snape) as well as their trauma growing up during a war & having to let go of their families. I think ppl do not realize how much they have in common
it’s w/ jily and wolfstar (jily are bi4bi and not just in name) anyway here is some of it if y’all are interested, here’s a taste of their povs 
Sirius and Regulus sat in the library, each sifting through a pile of books in order to decide which to bring to Hogwarts. Regulus had arrived first, so Sirius had taken a seat at his brother’s table. Smells of a delicious lunch wafted into the bright library, one of the only bright rooms in the house. The window’s dark velvet curtains pulled themselves back automatically at sunrise every day, the panes charmed to magnify the sunlight, which brought a greater shine to the dark mahogany bookcases. Though the chairs were wood (ornately carved with snakes, sliding through various symbolic flowers Sirius never memorised) they were charmed to be more comfortable than the plushest Muggle couch. It was Sirius’ favourite room. “Excited to go back?” Sirius asked, half joking. “I suppose. I do miss Crouch, he’s far more interesting than Dolohov and Mulciber.” Regulus made a face at the memories of all the time they were forced to spend with their parents' friend's children. Well, that Regulus was forced to spend with them. Sirius had ditched ever since being sorted into Gryffindor. Sometimes he looked fondly back on the games they’d all play together as children, Sirius always rigging them so he or Regulus won. When one of the sore losers accused him, he’d challenge them to a fight for their honour, brandishing his training wand like a sword. Regulus used to cheer him on. “Though it’s too bad we won’t be able to see each other until Christmas.” Sirius’ stomach twisted. He wasn’t really following through, right? “We—we can still meet, Reg, after curfew. I know ways to get out of the castle,” Sirius begged. “I don’t want to spend over three months only seeing you from across the Great Hall.” “I know ways, too, Sirius. You don’t have to treat me like a child to look after.” “So you will?” His little brother scoffed at the idiotic question. “No. I told you last year, I’m not doing that anymore.” A glare, the cold smirk passed down through the generations of the Black family. “Stop trying to force me. You’re just like mother.” His body went numb, an icy knife passed straight through his heart. The book Sirius had been holding hit the table with a soft thud. But feeling returned as the all-too familiar blazing heat of anger blossomed from the wound. There was no more rational discussion after that.
  Lily stood in the doorway of her older sister’s bedroom, wringing her hands behind her back, digging her bare feet into the beige shag. Petunia sat at her vanity, various make-up organised into little slots, brushing through her long, blonde hair. Lily remembered when they used to brush each other’s hair, sitting in the living room watching morning cartoons. This past summer, in honour of turning eighteen, Petunia had removed all of the posters from her room, replacing them with framed, colour-coordinated, watercolour prints. The room still looked bare to Lily. “Will you write back this year, Tuney?” Petunia made eye contact with Lily through the mirror, light blue eyes always so much softer than Lily’s. At least to other people. “I’ve told you.” She paused for a put upon sigh, turning to look at Lily to deliver the final line. “I don’t know how to write with those… owls.” “You don’t have to, mum knows how—” “Lily. Why do you insist on making this harder than it needs to be?” The look on Petunia’s face, condescension masking real sadness, made Lily want to run up to Petunia and grab her, hug her, shake her. But Lily didn’t cross the threshold into her sister’s room. “I think you’re the one making it hard.” Lily’s voice was thick, already she was on the brink of tears. “Does crying get you whatever you want at that school? Because, well,” Petunia’s voice wavered. “That’s not how it works in the real world.” There was no more rational discussion after that.
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