#i’m on my phone atm since i’m outside anyway so like. even if i wanted to edit i couldn’t ashdkdhdjf
herofics · 3 years
So I said I probably wasn’t gonna post, but here I am with some coping stuff, because life is shit. Also this is pretty specific to what’s happening to me atm, so probably not super relatable. Also platonic, civilian reader.
“Aaaaargh, I’m so fucking broke” you yelled into your pillow.
You were laying on your bed, spread out like a starfish and getting really, really fucking frustrated. You felt like throwing things at the nearest wall, but decided against it, since if you actually broke something, god forbid the actual wall, that would be costly. And that was something you couldn't currently afford.
“I can’t fucking afford anything can I?” you huffed and shoved the pillow against your face.
“If you’re gonna suffocate yourself, please do it on your own time” a familiar voice came from the window.
“Well hello, Dabi” you emphasized his name, but didn't remove the pillow from your face.
You heard the window shut before you could feel the bed pressing down on one side and him grabbing the pillow from your face, throwing it to the side. Even though the room wasn’t brightly lit, you covered your eyes with your hands.
“What’s the deal this time?” Dabi asked.
“I got a notice today that I owe social services like a couple thousand, and I’m fucking financially ruined, but I’m just great” you said with an upbeat tone, but a serious expression.
“Ah… wanna rob a bank?” Dabi suggested, sounding like he was only half joking.
“Nah, not really, I just want to win the lottery, because that's much easier, right?”
You pulled your hands down against your face, pulling your lids down with your hands a little and distorting your face, before just spreading your arms out to your sides. You reminded Dabi of a starfish, splayed out like that.
“I’m gonna get the decision about how much I will have to pay back in a couple of months probably. If I don't get a job before my counseling and benefits stop, I’m gonna be so fucked, because I can’t afford to live then” you sighed.
“I wasn’t joking about robbing the bank ya know, at least not completely”
“I respect the path you’ve chosen to take in life, even if I don’t approve, so you could at least do the same for me”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever” Dabi shrugged.
“What are you doing here anyway? Not that I don't enjoy your company, but you never come here” you asked and sat up.
“I was in the neighborhood, so I figured I’d stop by. Also cops and heroes won’t find me here”
“Arson?” you sighed.
“Murder” Dabi corrected.
“Ah” you nodded.
“Ya know, I can’t really give you any advice, or at least not anything you would take seriously, but I’m sure things will sort themselves out” Dabi said.
“That’s awfully optimistic of you”
“What can I say, I’m an eternal optimist” Dabi grinned.
“You most definitely aren’t though”
“Well an occasional one then” Dabi rolled his eyes.
“Sure, let’s go with that” you said sarcastically, but it got you smiling a little.
“There’s that smile” Dabi smirked slyly.
You were just about to say a thank you to him, when Dabi’s phone rang. He picked it up, listened to what the person on the other end had to say and hung up. You could see his expression change just lightly, something about the look in his eyes changed, like a small flame had been lit behind them.
“Good news I take it?”
“We’ll see, but it seems I’ve gotta go now” Dabi said, and stood up, heading towards the window and the fire escape.
“Whatever it is, be careful and take care of yourself” you said and waved at him as he opened the window and stepped into the fire escape stairs outside.
“Sure I will” he rolled his eyes and closed the window, before disappearing down the stairs.
Dabi didn’t get to see you very often nowadays, since the League and the Liberation Front kept him so busy. He didn’t miss you exactly, he just wanted to check that you were safe and living your life normally. You were the last safe haven he had left, and he would very much like to keep you around for as long as possible.
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collecting-stories · 4 years
Shit Talk - JJ Maybank
Request: Hi !! can i please get a boyfriend JJ Maybank x kook!reader, she decides its time for JJ to meet her kook friends knowing that they’ll like him but they ended up liking him a little too much because all they did was flirt & compliment him and they also kept embarrassing reader infront of JJ to make them seem better than her? Basically fake friends trying to steal your gorgeous boyfriend out of jealousy and reader starts to cry because of this and JJ gets angry!! 😭❤️❤️
Outer Banks Masterlist
JJ slammed the door on your suv as he got out, eyes already on the large plantation style home you were parked in the horseshoe driveway of. Despite the sunglasses he was wearing he shielded his eyes as he stared at the opposing building. “Can we talk about why you’re forcing me to come to this party if you hate all the people here?”  
“Cause they’re my friends from school. Sarah will be there too, I don’t hate Sarah.” You reasoned, grabbing the card for your friend’s birthday and making sure you had everything else on you. Keys tossed to JJ over the hood of the car as you slammed your own door shut. He slipped the lanyard around his neck.  
“No, but you constantly bitch about everyone else.”
“It’s cause they’re the worst.” You shrugged. And they were truly the worst people you knew. Like all the mean girls from every teen drama rolled into one ultimate evil entity, these girls were literal demons but you were obligated, through school hierarchy and the desire to not ruin your social standing, to attend social gatherings like birthday parties. And you’d been blowing them off lately to spend all your time with JJ.  
“But we’re going?”
“I’m so confused.” JJ confessed, “you know if you don’t like someone, don’t hang out with them.”
“Says the most likable person I know.” You grabbed his hand and pulled him toward the front door.  
“Hey, just cause everyone likes me but that doesn’t mean I hang out with people I don’t like. Except you…but I really needed a new phone so-“  
You stopped to turn and smack his arm, a fake gasp leaving your lips as if you were truly offended by his teasing. “JJ! Shut up. You’re such a jerk.”
“And yet you like me.”
“Maybe.” You shrugged, “I’m good at faking it.”
“I’ve seen you with people you don’t like…you’re incapable of fake nice.” He replied.  
“Prepare to be amazed.” You leaned up, closing your eyes and pressing your lips to his for a kiss only to be interrupted by the door opening and the distinct squeal of your most hated friend. You pulled away and turned around so fast you practically gave yourself whiplash.  
“Oh my god you made it!” Scarlett bounced out of the house, wide smile on her face as crossed the threshold and wrapped you in a tight hug. Despite dry hair and skin that looked like she’d just applied a layer of body shimmer her bikini was slightly damp against your cover-up.  
“Hey! So sorry we’re late I was halfway out the door when I saw myself in the bathing suit I was gonna wear and had to change…it was not cute.”  You lied, returning the hug. You’d pit stopped first to buy a last-minute card and take money from the atm and then to get coffee. As you had reasoned with JJ, there was no way you were surviving this pool party without caffeine in your system.  
“Lies, you look good in everything.” Scarlett insisted though she’d definitely sung a different tune in the past. Her eyes landed on JJ as she stepped back and she smiled, “whose this?”
“Oh, duh, this is my boyfriend JJ, I figured when better to introduce everyone than at Ashley’s party.” You offered, stepping aside so you weren’t blocking him.  
“For sure,” She did a once over of him like he was merchandise and JJ only smiled, biting his tongue to stop himself from saying anything you would be pissed at him for. He would save his comments for the sanctity of the car. “Well I’m Scarlett, there’s a lot of people here so if you forget just let me know and I’ll tell you.”  
“Awesome.” He replied. Scarlett grabbed his free hand, pulling him away from you and beginning to drag him inside the house as you followed behind. He looked back at you, mouthing an ‘I’m gonna kill you.’
‘Airpods’ You mouthed back, ‘and you love me.”
He shook his head, a grim expression on his face but you knew he was only joking.  
Despite the entire crowd being contained to the outside pool deck and yard you lost Scarlett and JJ relatively easily. Or, Scarlett lost you so she could spend quality time cozying up to your boyfriend. While you felt bad leaving him to the wolves while you found the drink table and chatted with Sarah, you weren’t too worried about him otherwise. You had heard all about JJ’s past womanizing from a wealth of jealous pogues but you didn’t have any doubt that he was faithful.  
He was a great boyfriend, better than any guy you’d dated before. Too good to be subjected to a round table of Scarlett, Ashley, and their friends. So you grabbed yourself a drink and headed over to save him.  
“Oh my god and one time-” Scarlett’s voice died off as she saw you getting closer to them and she smiled at you in faux excitement, “oh hey!”
“Hey,” you nodded at her before turning to look at JJ, “hey there you are.”  
“We were just getting to know JJ. You know, vet him and all.” Scarlett replied, leaning over her armrest to grab JJ’s arm. He shrugged her off and shifted in his seat.
“You wanna sit?” He asked, tilting his head back to look at you, pleading eyes begging you to sit down.  
“Oh I don’t think there’s a chair.” Ashley piped up, looking around the table. Four other girls occupied the chairs around them.  
“No problem, I’ll make do.” You tapped on the arm of JJ’s chair, smiling at Ashley when he moved the chair so that you could comfortably sit on his lap. He put and arm around your waist to keep you secured and laid a kiss on the side of your neck.  
“Oh, good.” Scarlett forced a smile, jaw tense. “Anyway, I was just telling JJ, do you remember that time in 8th grade when we went on that double date to the ice rink on the mainland.”  
You paled almost immediately. She was really going to play that game. “Uh…no.”  
“Oh my god!” Scarlett turned more toward JJ, wide smile on her face, “First of all, she was so chubby in 8th grade like thank god for hitting the gym and doing those CrossFit classes cause you looked like a potato. Plus she ate like everything! Do you remember that? You had like a hotdog and fries and ice cream and then we were skating and she said she didn’t feel good and she blew chunks all over the guy! Who was it, I can’t remember his name?”  
“I have no idea.” You replied.  
“Oh my god I totally remember that!” Ashley laughed. “Someone videoed it and put it up on the school’s insta...it was hilarious.”  
“Doesn’t really sound it.” JJ said, grip tightening.  
“You’re way cuter than he was anyway,” Ashley mentioned, “I think he was like a family friend or something. And you’ve stuck it out too, how long have you guys been dating?”  
“Three months.”  
“It’s good it’s the summer. You can get out before you have to experience hibernation weight.” Scarlett added and the other girls around the table laughed at the joke. You smiled nervously, trying to look unbothered by what they were saying. You should have known that the moment you sat down the attack would start, Scarlett had her eye on JJ the minute she walked out of the house.  
“What?” JJ was not laughing.  
“Oh my god, I don’t know what she does but she always gains like…what is it? Like 15 pounds?”
“Yeah.” You nodded.  
“Like 15 pounds in the winter.”  
“Yeah get her while she’s still cute cause you are way too hot to spend time stuck with someone who bloats up every winter.” Ashley replied.  
“I can’t believe I haven’t seen you around, Ashley’s right you’re super hot.”  
Suddenly Ashley smiled, reaching across the table to tap the space in front of you and get your attention. “Oh, oh my god do you remember okay, so this one time-“  
“Actually, I gotta go. I got work.” JJ said, cutting her off. He bounced his knee to signal for you to get up, “babe,”
“Yeah, of course, I’ll see you guys later.” You stood, trying to remember if JJ had told you that he had a shift today. You couldn’t think but then your mind was swimming with their insults. You were only vaguely aware of JJ grabbing your hand.  
“Seriously? You’re ditching in the middle of the party?” Scarlett asked, offended that he was leaving and even more so that he was leaving with you.  
“Yeah well,” JJ shrugged, looking over at her, “if I stay any longer I’ll probably punch one of you in the mouth so, not really in the mood to sit around and listen to you bullshit about my girlfriend.”  
“We were just joking!” Ashley insisted, “Weren’t we joking?”  
“I wasn’t laughing.” JJ replied. He tugged on your hand when you didn’t move, “come on.”  
The two of you excited the backyard and made it all the way to your car, JJ slipping in the driver’s side as you sat in the passenger seat, still trying not to have an absolute meltdown in front of him. And in front of the security cameras they would probably check later just to see if they made you cry.  
“Thanks…” You muttered, leaning against the window.  
“You weren’t kidding, they are the worst.” JJ replied as he backed down the driveway. In the santity of the car he could say what was actually on his mind and it was extensive.  
“I know.” You did know, you’d been dealing with it since you were in kindergarten and Scarlett told you that you had fat thighs. “Scarlett’s known me forever so she has years of embarrassing stories.”  
JJ nodded. He took one hand off the wheel and reached over to hold your hand. “You know I think you’re beautiful right?”  
“Yes you know and believe me or yes I don’t want to talk about it anymore so I’m agreeing with you?” He asked, glancing over at you.
You bit your lip to stop from smiling, “if you know which one it is, why are you asking?”
“Cause I want it to be the first one?” He said. “Those girls are seriously the worst.”  
“Well I hang out with them less now that Kie goes to school with me but I still have to see them sometimes. I can’t avoid it.”
“Yeah I know.”  
“Thanks for coming, and for saying you’d punch them in the mouth.” You said, laughing a little as you recalled the horrified look on Ashley’s face when he said that.  
“Them and anyone else who talks shit on you.” He replied.  
taglist: @maplelattes22 @poguesrforlife  @freckled-and-daydreaming  @chasefreakinstokes@millie-753 @fangirlwithme @alex12948 @katherine097 @tangledinsparkles@tragicmisfits @carbonated-beverage @mariofgreengables @damonsalvawhore27@dopedoodes @dolanfivsosxox @belledutchess @poguelifeeee @faded-blue @parkerpetertingle @thebookwormlife @summer-clouds-and-long-days@jellyfishbeansontoast @minigranger @hoewkeye @love-someone-special @tiredfeels @strangerthanfanfiction713 @the-only-nana@tomzfrog @mozz-are-lla @vindictive-hearts @poguestyleskye @ssprayberrythings @jenahbell @beautyandthebleh @lavenderxraindrops @gothackedalready  @teenwaywardasgardian @sarahcxmeron @haha-fuck-you-thot @stillbelieve398-5 @rewindlr @queenniccimicci @thedarkqueenofavalon @alytavzla @bqmblebee @linniep @nerdypartytrashpsychic @xxchxrryxx @spencer-reid-is-a-cutie @mirjanak @danielladreaming @obx-saltlife @youngestxhearts @spnobsessedmemes @wowitswondergurl @celestialmaybank @mybnkjj @averagxfangirl@mysterious-adventurer @justawilddreamerchild @rhyetaylor62 @calm-rejects @99sxuxii@oh-annaa @katiaw2 @aiifandomsunite @marteenuhh08 @x-lulu @ceruleanjj @wicked-laugh @obxwriterfan @justkeepdreamingswift @allie-mcginn@pcterparxer @literarycharleton @khiaraaa-in-spacee @crushe-s @teamnick @daydreamlilys @collectiveuniverses @activist-af @mdgrdians @buckys-sunflower @vindictive-hearts @copper-boom @jolomez @timotaychalabae
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sunaswife · 4 years
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A Suna Rintarou series
Summary: Suna was the best boyfriend you could ask for, after fighting with your inner demons that screamed you were ugly, worthless, and annoying. You finally decided to go the next step with your boyfriend, only to find out it was all a game.
A/N: PART 12 Oof my brain is fried but this is a small chapter I made in about an hour hehehe so enjoy :) I have the next two chapters in the works atm and I’m excited for whats going to come! I find it funny when I can’t choose on what to write and I have multiple ideas, I flip a coin. Deadass. Lmao I wasn’t gonna have a sequel and I was gonna end this shit with angst but I flipped a coin and it said to make a sequel so I’m working on that too! My friends know what’s gonna go down and if they’re screaming I know y’all are most likely gonna scream too 😌ANYWAYS ON TO THE STORY
Warnings: underaged drinking, smut, guys talking badly about women, heartbreak, messed up shit that you shouldn’t do and a bit of fluff if you squint
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Disc six-part two: Miya Atsumu 🏐
A/N: idk how y’all do fake text messages so enjoy this text convo lmao EDIT: @m-i-n-t-y-fresh made me these convos so I deleted the crappy one I had prior lol. Tysm 🖤🤍
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You giggled at your boyfriends response. Yeah he’s definitely gonna punish you when you come back. “Ooo kinky~” you heard next to your ear and you yelped. “What the fuck Tooru-Senpai. Don’t scare me like that!” You put your hand on your chest. “This Rin-rin seems like a total dom. you’re such a sub it makes sense that you’re wrapped right around his finger. Say. How far have you guys gone?” He asked and your face turned red. “None of your business shittykawa. She’s old enough to make her own decisions.” Iwa-Senpai said and you slightly gave him a thankful smile.
“But if he pressures you into doing something you don’t wanna do then he needs to watch out because you’re going to kick his ass.” Iwa patted your back and you nodded. “Iwa you’re so vulgar.” He muttered and you snickered. They haven’t changed at all.
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Lonely, I'm Mr. Lonely
I have nobody for my own
“Can you stop playing that? You’ve been playing it all day.” Aran told Atsumu who layed on the floor with Suna and Osamu. They all looked at the ceiling feeling empty and lonely. The squad was not complete so they couldn’t properly function. “I’m just trying to think of Y/N’s smile. She’s not here so I can’t have my daily dose of serotonin.” He said earning a smack from Suna. “Dude seriously you gotta shut the fuck up. Those comments you keep to yourself. Not in front of the boyfriend of the girl you think you have a chance with.” Suna hissed and sat up. “Damn chill it’s just a joke.” Atsumu mumbled but Suna wasn’t pleased. He just gave a look to Atsumu.
“How many times do I have to tell you to not make those comments outloud. Do you want Y/N to report you for sexual harassment? Do you want to start an issue with the team because you can’t keep it in your pants and wanna take away someone who’s in a relationship with your teammate?” Kita scolded and Atsumu shut up. Osamu sighed and shook his head. ‘Tsumu is a fucking idiot.
“She’s calling.” Suna freaked out as he looked at his phone. He pressed the answer button and put it to his ear. “Hey princess~” he said lowly and all suave but the team snickered, he’s such a simp. Atsumu stood up unamused and walked to the restroom.
What the fuck is wrong with him?
Why is he acting like this?
Atsumu looked at his reflection and he saw his dirty blonde hair, his thick eyebrows. His small mustache that was forming. He needed a shave. “What’s wrong with you dude.” He whispered to himself.
Why do I keep feeling like this. Atsumu wondered. It’s not fair. Why does Suna get the girl? Why does he get to love her? Cuddle her? Spoil her? Be there for her. Make her moan? Why is he in love with her? Why can’t Suna be in love with somebody else? What does she see in Suna? He’s a lazy fuck who has a shitty sense of humor and plays Minecraft all night. His memes are stupid and he’s not even that good looking. What do you see in him? He’s so quiet and deadpanned, he always seems uninterested and bored.
But when he looks at her his eyes are brighter, he smiles more, he’s more determined during practice and games. He even talks more, and you understand. And if you don’t you don’t mind listening to him explain.
He felt a pain in his stomach at the thought of you kissing Suna the first time he announced you were both together. He then thought about your smile and your smirk when you challenged him. He remembered the time you stayed late with him to practice Jump floats because he was shit and you were an expert. Suna said he was leaving but secretly waited outside just so Atsumu wouldn’t have to walk you home because surprisingly you lived ridiculously close to him and Suna didn’t want Atsumu to know where you lived.
He remembered the late night tutor sessions and when you would sit across from him. The dining table was small and your smooth leg would touch his but you would apologize and moved your legs.
He thought he only wanted you for your body and innocence but it turns out that he was experiencing the feeling of unrequited love and he doesn’t know how he’ll be able to survive if he sees you kiss Suna one more time.
Is this what his fans feel? If so he feels bad for them.
This feeling fucking sucks.
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Up next
A/N: thanks for over 350 followers!! I didn’t even notice since I don’t care about my follow count but I just wanted to say that I do appreciate it!
🏷: @therealwalmartjesus @differentballooncollection @aaesuki @atsunflower @dope-squish @prettysetterboiss @june-phantom @tomo-uwu @austriasmariazelle @xrnia @katsulia @aprettyfruit @shut-your-eyes-kiss-me-goodbye @tvbiio @sun-daddy-yoriichi @kamenoyaki @ppangiiroo @loeyprivvv @kmskj92 @lovinnoya @tris-does-stuff @mokkeguts @sunaluvr6969 @bara-rose-would @sempiternal-amour @volleybloop @leykyuu @bokutoichigo @stfucanunot @iloveanime691 @tpwkatsumu @ohshirabu @shoutosimp @mqrinqcele @bokutosdivineass @anngelllla @toworuu @hidden-otaku-stuff
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babyflossy · 4 years
exposed | p.js
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pairing: jisung x reader
requested: i’m working on loads of request atm but when i saw this i had to write it straight away lmao
summary: when dispatch reveals your secret realtionship with jisung to the public, the fans aren’t the only ones surprised.
warnings/genre: unedited, kinda just self-indulgent fluff, lots of words, not much happens
word count: 1.7k
a hand on your shoulder breaks you from your slumber, words already being spoken at you. in your sleepy haze, they floated straight through your head, mind still groggy from being woken up so suddenly. as soon as you recognise the voice as your manager’s,  your eyes snap open, meeting equally wide ones over the head of your manager. haemee, your leader, shoots you an apologetic look, something unsettling for so early in the morning.
“what happened?” the words are quiet and tired and your manager sighs in pity, handing over their phone. your eyes squint in response to the brightness, stomach dropping when your eyes finally focus on the news article.
the title is accompanied by three photos; one of you at a fansign, smiling at a fan, one of jisung waving at a camera in the airport, and then a blurring photo of two figures walking hand in hand through a park at night. the park you and jisung had visited two weeks ago. 
“there’s a meeting at the company. can you get ready quickly, please?” despite the ‘scandal’ and the stress your manager was most likely under, she shoots you a comforting smile and ruffles your hair before leaving, phone already ringing. 
as soon as you and haemee are left alone you reach for your phone, feeling the bed dip as she sits beside you. she rests a hand on your shoulder, rubbing her fingers down your back soothingly. your lockscreen in full of text messages. you thumb through them, seeing many from jisung, along with the other nct members you were close with. you ignored them all, only searching for the ones from your boyfriend.
jisungie <3: have you seen it yet?
jisungie <3: call me when you see this
jisungie <3: are you okay?
jisungie <3: i know you didn’t want ppl to find out like this
jisungie <3: let me know you’re okay plzzz x
“it’s gonna be fine, you know?” haemee’s hands abandon your shoulder and take your phone out of your grasp, tipping your chin so she can look at you. there’s still a smile on her face and you’re reminded of why she’s the group’s leader instead of anyone else; always able to keep things calm. “think about all the other idols that have dated. i bet the fans were expecting this, anyway.”
that was probably correct, you knew. ever since you and jisung had starred on a dancing show in america together, your social medias were full of edits of the two of you, compilations of your interactions from the vlogs you had filmed. as jisung wasn’t fluent in english you had translated for him and done the speaking whenever you ordered food, giving the fans loads of things to include in their edits.
the show had been fun and you had kept in close contact with jisung after it ended, eventually deciding to start dating after months of pining over each other. since then, only haemee, taeyong and the company knew, although you expected chenle knew as well due to the teasing you got whenever you met jisung outside of your training hours. 
when haemee left you to get ready you took your phone back, unlocking it and calling jisung as you flicked through your wardrobe, trying to find your hoodie. the call connected after the first ring, jisung’s voice echoing over the line and into your bedroom.
“are you okay?” although there was high chance you were about to be scolded for days, the worry in jisung made your heart beat just a little faster, a reluctant smile taking over your face. 
“i’m fine. what about you?” spotting the lilac hoodie at the end of your closet, you pulled your sleep shirt, jisung’s shirt, over your head, replacing it with the warm softness of the purple material. you followed it with a pair of jeans, slipping a face mask on after realising there would probably be reporters outside the SM building already.
“yeah, i’m fine now. i freaked out at first, though,” he chuckled, shouts coming through from his end. “jaemin came in screaming about how he was so betrayed i didn’t tell him, i had no idea what he was talking about.”
“what’d you think is gonna happen?”
there was a pause before he spoke and you had time to grab your bag, throwing in your headphones and a spare mask along with a pair of sunglasses incase. “i’m not sure, taeyong said he’s hopeful, though. so it might not be that bad. it’s not like the company’s finding out about it, though, so it might just be press and stuff.”
“yeah, i hope so. i’ll see you in fifteen minutes i guess,” before you left the safety of your bedroom, you reached for the bucket hat hanging from the corner of your chair, pulling it over your face to hide your eyes. you looked ridiculous, like you were planning to rob a bank, but you guessed it was better than the alternative; hundreds of photos released of your sleep-deprived, drooping eyes.
no one else in the dorm is awake and you’re able to slip out the front door before haemee catched you again, taking a deep breath before heading outside to the car waiting. as it’s just you and your manager, you’re able to sit in the front seat, something you would normally be ecstatic about but due to circumstance it feels lonely and cold. not a word is spoken until the car reaches the entrance to the SM building, throngs of people with cameras waiting outside the front door.
“we’ll go in the back entrance.” you manager says with a frown, eyeing the reporters with concern. “god, it’s impossible to get any privacy nowadays.”
after security escorts you through the back door, pushing reporters out the way when they got too close, you can finally breath properly. for the most part you ignored their questions, signing the first song that comes to mind in your head to distract yourself. ironically, it’s chewing gum, and you realise with resentment it’s going to be stuck in your head throughout the meeting.
upstairs, taeyong and jisung sit on the opposite side of a glass table, two seats left open for you and your manager. their manager stands and motions for him and your manager to talk privately outside, leaving you with the two boys. you take off your hat as you sit down, pulling you mask down so you can talk properly. jisung’s tired eyes crinkle with a smile when you do, a smile you return eagerly.
for a moment you see taeyong think over what to say in his head, trying to find the right words for the situation. eventually, he settles on what your own leader had already told you. “i’m sure this will be fine,” and as if he realises how cliche his words are, he adds “in the end.”
“in the end? what’s that supposed to mean?” jisung tears his eyes away from you to look at the older boy.
“well, i mean, it’s gonna be a big deal at the start,” he states matter of factly, eyes switching between the two of you. the voice he uses is just as level and calm as the one haemee uses whenever she’s trying to sort something out, it must be a universal thing. “the press and the fans will go crazy for a bit, let alone everyone you didn’t tell.”
the reminder makes you dread going back home, knowing the rest of your members will blow this way out of proportion. you were the youngest, and they always managed to be overdramatic whenever it came to you ‘growing up’ as they had put it so many times. none of them knew you were dating jisung, and you could already picture the gloomy pouts you would get for the next few weeks.
after your managers returned, a few more staff entered, filling the last few seats and closing the door, successfully locking you in. they talked for what felt like hours, only occasionally asking you or jisung a question. they decided the easiest thing would be to just come out and admit it, allowing you and jisung a moment to disagree. you locked eyes for a moment, having a silent conversation between yourselves. you raised you eyebrows in question, taking the minuscule nod he sent your way to be the go-ahead.
“i don’t see why not,” you answered for the both of you, smiling at your manager who nodded in agreement back at you.
you don’t get a chance to say goodbye to jisung properly before you leave the building, the staff ushering you in opposite directions to get your schedules for the day started. in the car on the way back to the dorms you send him a text promising to facetime when you both have time, mentally preparing yourself for the confrontation from your members.
“you’re dating jisung?” is the first thing you hear when the front door opens, closely followed by “why didn’t you tell us?” which is swiftly followed by “i can’t believe you’re the first one to date anyone, it’s not fair.”
“that’s mean.” you smile back at the oldest, laughing at the disbelieving smiles covering their faces. “why are you guys so surprised? you didn’t think i could do it?”
“whatever, but, why didn’t you tell us?”
“in my defense, the company told us not to tell anyone.”
for the next few days, your group’s twitter was hectic. you trended on twitter for nearly a solid day, photos and edits and memes of you and jisung together filling your timeline. there were the negative comments, obviously, from jealous fans of both fandoms, some even claiming you should both be removed from your respective groups. they were easy to ignore when the positive comments and the text messages from your boyfriend outweighed them astronomically.
jisungie <3: as much as i hate to say it.. taeyong was right x
a/n: if you got this far im acc proud of you lmao i rlly dont like this but it's been a kinda mentally exhausting day for me so im gonna post anyway and edit tomorrow x
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Could I request something for Shinsou who is accepted in the the hero course with a bf who is still in the general course of UA? How would they handle the drastic change of Hitoshi changing courses? (or just any Shinsou insert tbh of this isn't anything you're really feeling atm) ❤️ love your writings
Day of Surprises|{Shinsou Hitoshi}
I tried going for the first idea but all of my ideas came out so sad for some reason😔
So I hope this is okay and that you don’t mind🥺
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479 FOLLOWERS.. ALMOST 500!? I didn’t even notice I want to thank you all I’m so glad you like what I write!! I love you guys so much and I hope you’ll stick around to watch me improve and keep making content for you all!💖💖
I hope you enjoy💖
Pairing: Shinsou Hitoshi x Male Reader
Words: 1.7k (1,753)
Warning(s): Injuries, Badly written villain encounter
Requests: Closed
You stared at the ticking clock from behind the convenience store counter.
2 hours to go until your shift is over.
You covered your face and groaned. The store had been practically empty all day with only a handful of other teenagers popping in for a minute for snacks and other various things.
You jumped and turn around.
It was the store’s owner standing there. A short woman in her 40s with a permanent soft smile on her face.
“What’s got you so antsy today? You seem like you’re ready to bolt.”
You smiled.
“I have my first date with my boyfriend today after work.”
She smiled fondly.
“A first date is very important.”
You blushed and looked away.
“Yeah, I want to make it nice for him since it’s his first date too.”
The manager glanced at the clock and hummed.
“Well, the shop has been rather quiet today.”
She turned to you and smiled.
“I do suppose I can run the store myself until your coworker gets here.”
Your eyes widened in surprise as you faced her.
“Are you sure?”
She nodded and smiled.
“You’re a nice young man and you really help me a lot around here so I don’t mind letting you off early.”
You beamed before rushing to grab your stuff and clock out.
“I owe you one!”
You shouted as you rushed out.
As you jogged your way through the train station you pulled out your phone and proceeded to call Hitoshi.
The phone rang for a moment before you hear your boyfriend’s groggy voice answer the phone.
“Good morning Toshi how was your nap?”
You hear shifting and a groan before he speaks.
“It was good, are you on break?”
You pass through the ticket gates and walk to your platform.
“Yeah, the shop’s pretty crazy today for some reason.”
He hummed.
“Where are we going today?”
“I was hoping we could go to the mall and maybe to that new cafe that opened there a few weeks ago.”
“Sounds good to me.”
A yawn sounds from the other side.
“Toshi if you want to go back to sleep you can, I have to get back soon anyway.”
“Alright then, I’ll see you when you get here, bye.”
The line clicked and you rushed into the train and await your destination.
When the train stopped you hopped out and headed home to change.
Unlocking and pushing your way inside the door you slipped off your shoes and made your way to your room.
You immediately went to your closet and began to brainstorm on what to wear. It was a casual date to the mall so nothing too fancy. Though everything you put together didn’t seem to be good enough.
Hitoshi had the same issue.
When you had called he wasn’t in bed at all. He was actually getting ready for the date.
He was rooting around his closet for what seemed to be forever. All of his outfits didn’t feel right for a date.
It’s been over an hour after your phone call and he wanted to surprise you at work but he couldn’t choose what to wear.
After picking up what felt to be the millionth article of clothing he thought.
’Screw it.’
And changed into the set of clothes he held in his hands.
He wore a plain black shirt with a purple jacket over it and a pair of ripped jeans.
It wasn’t the worst outfit he could’ve chosen so he’ll take that as a win.
He checked his phone.
’45 minutes left, enough time to get to his store before he gets off.’
Hitoshi quickly stuffed his keys and wallet into his pockets as he made his way to the front door.
Shouting a goodbye to his parents he opened the door. But he immediately froze when he caught sight of you frozen mid knock.
“Uh hey.”
“(Y/N) I thought you were at work?”
You rubbed the back of your neck and chuckled.
“Yeah I was able to leave early and I wanted to surprise you so um, surprise?”
Hitoshi smiled.
“Do you need anything else before we go?”
He shook his head and held out his hand. You took it, your larger hand enveloping his and with that, the two of you began on your way to the mall.
The two of you hadn’t had lunch yet. So after arriving at the mall the two of you immediately went straight to the food court. The two of you each got a simple snack to eat while walking around.
You visited a few stores, goofing around buying cute things. Like a matching set of fluffy cat socks, you insisted that you bought so the two of you could match.
The two of you were sitting on a bench when Hitoshi saw merch of your favorite hero through the window of a shop. So he excused himself with the excuse of using the restroom and walked away towards the store.
You had already bought him so much stuff that he had taken an interest in so he needed to get you at least something no matter how small it was.
He had paid and grabbed the bag his gift was in when a scream came from behind him followed by the sound of the shop’s window being shattered and a loud crash.
Hitoshi spun on his heel and witnessed the cause of the destruction. A trash can was embedded into the wall opposite from the shattered window.
He ran outside and there was more chaos.
Objects floating and slamming into walls and stores, some people already injured and being carried away by other civilians.
He needed to find you and make sure you were okay.
He ran in the direction you were going last.
The villain was standing in the center of the chaos, objects of varying sizes around them being lifted and thrown.
Even with objects almost hitting him Hitoshi still cried out your name and continued looking around frantically for any sign of you.
He didn’t have to look for long when someone shouted.
“Oh god, what’s that kid doing?”
His head snapped where the person was pointing to see you charging towards the villain.
“(Y/N) what are you doing?!”
Hearing Hitoshi’s voice made you pause and look over at him.
But as you look to your boyfriend you didn’t notice the display case being hurled at you.
“Look out!”
You looked and only had enough time to put your arms up to cover your face.
The case shattered and sent you flying backward until you landed sprawled out on the ground.
Shinsou immediately began running to you.
He needed to get you and get away from there and wait for the actual heroes to come.
You groaned as you sat up placing a hand on your head the air was also knocked out of you from your rough landing.
It hurt but if it wasn’t for your quirk it would’ve hurt more.
You looked to see Hitoshi running to you.
He was so focused on you that he didn’t notice the villain dragged a nearby truck from outside and begin aiming it at him.
You noticed though and used a nearby wall to brace yourself as you climbed to your feet.
“Hitoshi, watch out!”
He gasped and his foot snagged on a piece of the ground that had been jutting out.
He looked up to see the truck heading towards him.
His mind blanked all he could do was close his eyes and press himself against the cold surface of the wall behind him.
But the pain never came. Instead, the sound of crunching metal and cracking concrete next to his head was all he heard.
Hitoshi cracked his eyes open to meet your worried gaze. He looked over your shoulder and saw your hand buried in the bumper of the now destroyed truck sitting behind you.
“-Toshi? Hitoshi!”
He jumped and looked at you.
“I asked if you’re okay, here.”
You wrenched your hands from the holes you made and dusted them off before offering a hand to him.
He stared at your hand for a moment before grabbing it.
You hoisted him up with ease but as soon as Hitoshi’s feet hit the ground he cried out and stumbled into you.
“What’s wrong?”
Hitoshi winced and lifted his right foot off of the ground.
“My ankle, it hurts.”
You knelt and rolled his pant leg up to reveal that his ankle was red and starting to swell.
He must’ve twisted it when he tripped. You thought for a moment before an idea popped into your head.
You stood up and hooked an arm under his knees and simply picked him up princess style.
He yelped and clung to your shirt.
“I’ve got you now, let’s get out of here the heroes should be coming soon.”
And just as you said that the pro hero Kamui woods showed up.
“See? Perfect timing.”
You took off towards the mall’s exit with Hitoshi in your arms.
A while after the mall incident and getting checked by a paramedic getting Hitoshi’s ankle wrapped the two of you sat on a train. Your arm around Hitoshi’s shoulders and his head resting against your chest.
“Hey Toshi, sorry our date was ruined. I wasn’t even able to get you a gift since I dropped our stuff back there.”
“It’s fine I had a good time, minus the whole villain attacking the mall part.”
You smiled at him and were about to resume resting your head on his when he jolted up.
“Wait, hold on I almost forgot.”
He shoved his hand in his pocket and rooted around for a moment before pulling out a crumpled receipt and something shiny.
“I uh got us matching keychains, I managed to swipe them before we left.”
You took the keychain from his hand. It was a charm of a small black cat. It was a little scuffed but other than that it was okay.
You chuckled and pulled out your set of keys hooking the keychain onto it.
He blushed and looked away rubbing the back of his neck.
He wordlessly placed himself back into your side and placed his head on your chest.
You hooked your arm around his shoulders and gently pulled him closer.
Your first date will always be a rather memorable moment in your relationship. But now you can schedule even better dates. Ones without villains.
{Tag List}
@your-strangelove @yumeneji
(If you want to be added, just comment on this post or send an ask and I’ll be sure to tag you in future posts. And if you don’t want to be tagged anymore just ask to be taken off and I’ll do it asap.)
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utterlyinevitable · 3 years
Ode and Ethan are so cute together, my heart could burst 💓
More questions coming your way
Who says I love you first? How long into the relationship? How does it happen?
How far into the relationship do they move in together?
How do they celebrate Ethans 40th?
Whats the most special gift they have given each other?
What do they love most about each other? Do they have any pet peeves?
Do they always work together? Does Ode surpass Ethan in the medical world?
Did E make up with Louise in this universe? Of so what does she think of Ode?
> ask me anything <
Yay! Okay here we go!!!!!
So my initial reaction is... neither of them actually ever says it. They feel it and they’re secure enough to just know. They have this little head jerk and eyebrow raise that basically is their way of saying “i love you” which they do all the time. Just a silent recognition without giving too much away to those around them. But eventually like 10ish months into it it’s said out loud as an off shoot. Wasn’t meant to come out but it did ever so naturally. 
How it comes out? ...................... this literally took me three days to figure out:
Ode says it first. On a phone call. She didn’t mean to say it, it just slipped out with her goodbye of “alright. love you. bye”. She didn’t even realize she said it until hours later when she was replaying the conversation, mentally checking off that she has all the things they agreed upon before she heads home.
After residency Ode and all her friends go separate ways so she needs to move into a smaller apartment. Ethan extended an offer to stay with him for a while until she finds a place (with the subtext of forever), even saying she could have the second bedroom since it’s been practically hers anyway. But Ode diplomatically declined; they’ve only been together for five months and she’s still so fearful that they’re going to fuck this up somehow. They’ve only just started having sex. So she gets herself her first solo place with one bedroom in the same neighborhood near the hospital. 
They move in together when her 16 month lease is up. By then there wasn’t a doubt in her mind anymore. She loved her little third floor walk up and the independence that came with it, but nothing could beat the views at Ethan’s place, and it’s always felt a little bit like home.
So Ethan’s 40th happens before they get together. And true to form he doesn’t want to do a damn thing. But “40 is practically mid life crisis territory and he’s due for a breakdown” (as Jackie put it). So Ode, Sienna and Kyra work together to plan the most elaborate single person party. Because Ethan is such a devout patron of the arts, BOH (after much southern belle pitching from o and k) agree to perform an abridged version of Ethan’s favorite opera at their small rehearsal theatre. Sienna makes a majority of the dinner, all Ethan’s proclaimed favorites for meal, cocktail and dessert. Ode is on getting him to actually turn up. He knows she’s planning something and wants no part of it but goes along because this is “payback for my birthday”. He’s absolutely confused as to why they’re driving out of Boston.
In the atrium is set up as a cocktail hour with a handful of Ethan’s close friends and his dad - the people who want to celebrate him. 40 minutes later the people clear out and it’s just Ode and Ethan (siennas waiting on standby to drive ode home) making their way into the performance area where there’s dinner and dessert under a klosh at a single solitary table. Ethan’s speechless As ode explains the scene they’ve walked into. He sits, she pours him a drink, says happy birthday as the music of the show starts to play and goes to leave.
“You’re not staying?”
“You said you wanted to be alone.”
“Alone and at home. Not alone watching ten people perform.”
She shoots him a look and Ethan stands to look for a second chair.
“Siennas waiting to drive me home.”
“Tell her to join. It’s the least I can do since she made much too much food for one human.”
The three of them have a lovely evening. And if Ethan wasn’t fully cognizant of the fact he loves her, he sure as hell is now. Who else would do this? For him???
The most special gift Ode’s gotten from Ethan is the keyboard. Figuring out her feelings and falling for Ethan was a great inspiration to get her to start writing again. Much to some of her roommates dissatisfaction when the girl forgot to plug headphones in at stupid o’clock.
His most prized gift actually wasn’t something she’s gotten him - over the years she’s given him make shift things, ties and cufflinks, books but nothing as special as what her dad gave him when they visited him for the first time as a couple. It was a small photo album of ode from her teen years and through college. He didn’t even recognize her in a few - sitting on a table in ripped skinny jeans with wild hair and a guitar on her lap. She’s looking at the camera out of the corner of her eyes - singing something with mouth wide open and corners turned in a smile. There’s a spark in her eyes he recognizes but the one he knows it miles duller. He likes this side of her. Wonders what happened. And wants to make her feel like that happy go lucky girl every day for the rest of forever.
Ethan loves her compassion and level-headedness when it matters, and ofc that she has so many skills and talents he keeps uncovering. Wants to spend the rest of his life finding out about. He also really loves the creases at the corner of her eyes. She won’t agree they’re crows feet - she’s much too young for that atm. But he loves them because they make her eyes all the more expressive.
Ode loves his intelligence but also his gentleness. Once you get past that coarse, jaded Ramsey front he’s such a soft bean. She likes how they can talk for hours or just sit in companionable silence. There’s no expectations that need to be fulfilled with him outside of work and it’s the healthiest relationship she’s been in.
They both hate how stubborn the other can be. He hates how she leaves teabags all over the kitchen when the garbage is right there. She hates how anal he is about cleanliness and clutter. But how he can’t seem to get all his socks in the hamper - there’s always some hiding around back.
No, they don’t always work together. Ode is on the DT for another year before getting a research opportunity to write about the most interesting cases they’ve come across, alongside Ethan. He declined the title credit, but helped with the research. She dedicated her first book to him.
The more recognition she started to get in the medical world press, the more people uncovered her musical past. It was a bit jarring to have to talk about that small part of her life when she gave a keynote on new technologies in diagnostics medicine for the digital age. So much so that she got a call from her publishing house and SESAC. Basically to push her to do a one-off gig and see if she’s interested in remastering and a couple synch and derivative deals. Her first response was ‘i’m really busy and it’s been over a decade’. But after aimlessly wandering around their apartment and eventually sitting down to play, fighting a war within her, Ethan pushes her to do it. 
She certainly surpasses Ethan in the medical world, but not for the reasons he’s known for. She ends up marrying her love of music with medicine and becomes a viral sensation. A new-age doctor for the on-demand generations. 
No, I don’t think he does make up with Louise. not really. Ethan’s cordial but doesn’t want anything else to do with her. He doesn’t became a brat when Alan brings her up, though. He respects his dad enough - with the help of Ode - to pretend to be a three-piece family. Ode actually told Ethan that it probably isn’t a good idea that he brings her to rehab - she suggested scheduling a therapy session at the rehab to try and work things through when everyone’s minds have had time to settle. Ethan told her he’d rather rip the band-aid off so they drive her together.
Louise is skeptical - she doesn’t like the idea of someone influencing her son. Yeah, the girl is pretty but who tf is she? Alan says Ethan’s been single and no chance of dating as he’s much too restless for that. Months after being released from rehab and sticking around the Providence-area, Louise tries to get back in contact. She has a job and she’s been clean ever sense. She and Alan talk every now and then but no chance of repairing the family. Louise is there for lunch when Ode and E drive up for the weekend. It’s a whole rush of emotions for E again, and Ode is oddly hopeful, wanting to make the best of the situation. Louise sees the way the ramsey men look at her and she has no choice but to get on board.
as always, thank you for these. I love them and you so so much ♥️
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honeyhan-123 · 5 years
Neon Red
Summary: Feeling the failure of not being able to defeat Thanos, Steve longs to feel something else, anything else, and so he finds himself as a patron at The Golden Circle where our reader (known as Kitty by customers) is a dancer.
Warnings: Dark!Steve, Stripper!Reader, stalking, male masturbation, dubcon/noncon.
Word Count: 4.5k
AN: I’m so sorry there isn’t a Say Thank You update this weekend but please enjoy a slutty oneshot, it’s also a little spin off from the Project Legacy fic (you don’t have to read it to read this.) I would also love to thank @castedcaricatures​for betaing this fic for me and @iwantutobehapppier​ and @omega-nicole​ for giving me their opinions about an issue I had. 
My Masterlist
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The neon red sign above the door reflected in Steve’s blue eyes as he stood, staring up at it, hesitating as he stood out on the street. He knew if his ma were still here that she would kill him if she ever found out he was about to enter an establishment like the ‘Golden Circle’ but that was exactly why he was doing it. She wasn’t here. No one was anymore. 
For once in his life Steve Rogers wanted to feel something, wanted to give into his more carnal instincts. And so here he was, wondering if he had gotten enough cash out of the ATM across the street, wearing a dark blue baseball cap pulled low over his brow, praying that no one would recognise him. 
Yet as he pushed open the heavy door and was greeted by the sickly sweet scent of the club, he realised his fears had been for nothing, hardly anyone spared him a glance, too enraptured with the dancer who was up on the podium. Even though it was a bit of a darker atmosphere than what he was used to, Steve liked it. He liked the dim red lighting - from where it originated he couldn’t tell - the plush brown leather booths, the mahogany bar behind which there was an alcohol cabinet that could rival Tony’s. It was modernised sure, but it reminded him of something that he might have seen back in his own time if he had dared do something so salacious and he knew that he had made the right call by coming here. 
Straying a little further from the stage, he sat in one of the lone leather high backed chairs, hands running down his thighs, a little unsure of what to do as he surveyed his surroundings, barely even glancing at the woman on the stage. A server came over, holding a tray with one hand as she lent down, practically pushing her chest into Steve’s bearded face and while he appreciated the view of her scantily clad nipples, he wasn’t all that invested.
‘What can I get you handsome?’ Her voice was wrong, it was too much, too overt in its sexuality. 
‘Just a scotch thanks.’ Even though he wasn’t interested he still slipped a twenty from his wallet, tucking it into the scrap of material that were her panties. ‘Keep the change.’ She smiled, her eyes seeming to eat him up before she turned and walked away, swaying her hips intoxicatingly. 
The dancer on the stage finished her set, a raucous applause following as she made her way around the crowd, collecting tips from greedy hands. Steve’s scotch was set down next to him and he thanked the waitress as a voice cut through the applause. 
‘Once again that was the gorgeous Glitter! Isn’t she just stunning? For those interested she does private shows too, just her and whatever lucky bugger in our lounges. Send an inquiry if interested.’ There was a pause in which Steve considered what the MC had said. Private shows, maybe that’s where he should be. But not with her, no. She wasn’t quite right. 
‘Next up, is the sensational Kitty! Gentlemen please give her a very warm welcome.’ Steve's gaze was at once pulled back to the stage as the deep red velvet curtain parted, revealing her. 
Immediately he knew. He knew she was the one. He watched enticed as she performed, her body twisting and twirling through the air with a sense of grace - of elegance - that the others just hadn’t held. For the first time since it had happened, he felt himself get hard, achingly hard. The desire to reach into his pants growing with every second that his eyes drank up her form. 
He could almost pretend that it was only him, that he was the only one in the room with her, that she was dancing just for him. He didn’t necessarily care about the other men watching her because he knew, deep down, that she was his. It didn’t matter that she didn’t even know him or that he had only just seen her, she was his for now and forever more. 
He waited until her dance was over, pulling a handful of twenties from his wallet and this time when she sashayed across the crowd for tips, his greedy hands joined the others. Swiftly tucking the money into the black silk, just above her vee. He relished in the way her eyes grew larger as she caught sight of the amount he had given, the way they had followed his deft fingers from her panties and up his arm before coming to rest on his face. 
‘Thank you.’ Just those two words had Steve ready to cum right then and there. Her voice was so soft and delicate, just what he had been looking for all this time. 
‘You’re welcome Doll.’ He fell in love with her smile, not that fake one she had worn when she was dancing, but the real one she wore now, her teeth gleaming in the dim lighting. 
She was interrupted by a portly man calling her name, taking her attention away from him as the man gestured to her to come to him. Pausing slightly, she turned back to Steve but he raised his hands, a smile on his face. 
‘Go. I need to head off anyway.’ He tried to make his voice as easygoing as he could, not wanting to let her know the dark thoughts plaguing his mind. She smiled at him once more before turning on her heel and crossing the room to who Steve could only assume was the manager of the establishment, his eyes following every sway of her hips until she led from the room and out of sight. 
Stretching out his muscles, he stood from the leather chair, leaving a twenty underneath his now empty glass before pulling his cap further down his brow and heading out of the building, his phone in his hand as he searched Stark’s database for just who this angelic Kitty really was. 
It really hadn’t been that hard to find her, the real Kitty. Ten minutes of searching had given him her real name, her address, her credit history, her family backstory. Camped out on the roof across from her apartment Steve chided Stark’s technology. In the wrong hands it could be quite dangerous, having such easy access to anyone’s personal details.
But it was fine, he was here to protect her now. 
He waited up on that cold roof for nearly two hours until a cab came by, stopping just outside the crummy apartment complex. Even in the dim light emanating from the streetlights, his Kitty seemed to glow, shining bright and beautiful like an angel. He watched as she let herself in, a few minutes passing before the light to her apartment flickered on. He blessed the fact that she hadn’t drawn the blinds, thinking herself safe, tucked away on the twelfth floor. She gave him an uninterrupted view of her apartment, of how she wandered from the cramped kitchen/living room into her even smaller bedroom, disappearing briefly into the bathroom before emerging in only a towel, her wet hair cascading down her back, sticking to her smooth skin. 
For the second time since the snap had happened, Steve felt his pants grow tight, the need to feel something, anything, overtaking him. He adjusted his perch on the roof, making sure he still had a good visual of the bedroom as his hand dipped down, briskly undoing his belt and pulling himself from his jeans. 
He watched as her towel dropped to the floor, the fluffy white cotton kicked aside, revealing her body to him. Despite the fact that he had practically already seen it in the club, he couldn’t hold in the groan it caused, his hand wrapping around himself and pumping furiously as the pretty girl in the window got ready for bed.
‘Hey Kitty, he’s back. Again.’ You tried to hold in the smile Glitter’s words caused, the jealousy barely concealed, but you couldn’t blame her. Whoever he was, he wasn’t like the other men who frequented the ‘Golden Circle’ in a lot of ways. He wasn’t sleazy like the others, his hands - while they did occasionally linger - never groped bits of flesh as they slipped twenty dollar bills into the thin straps of your outfits and although he never took off the dark blue baseball cap, making it near impossible to see his face, you could tell he was attractive, his biceps bulged and his thick thighs looked like the most comfortable seat in the world. 
While his continual presence did make you slightly uneasy, it also gave you butterflies, seeing his eyes always fixated on you, even when you weren’t the one on stage. He barely spared a glance at the other girls despite them trying their best efforts to draw his attention. He only wanted you. His presence made you not care about never booking a session in the Lounge because while the increased pay of a private show would have been nice, he was always by the mainstage, plus his tips were always far too generous. 
Your heart raced with the typical pre-show jitters, incensed by the fact you knew he was out there, waiting for you and when your music started you took a deep breath, fully transitioning into Kitty, the cheeky dancer, before stepping out on stage. Like usual, your eyes flitted around the club, searching for him and when you finally found him, sitting towards the back, you made sure to give him your cheekiest smile.
‘Let’s give it up for our resident cheeky little Kitty Cat!’ You barely heard the obnoxious voice of Mike the club’s MC, opting instead to go to your happy place. When you had first started at the ‘Golden Circle’ it had been hard to zone out from the leering and drunken men but reflecting back to your days as a ballerina had helped. Although it was now a completely different style of dance, pretending that you were on stage in your pretty pink pointe shoes performing for your family had given you the peace of mind you needed to get up on stage every night. 
Now however, your happy place had a much different setting. You were still up on stage, yet it was a smaller stage, a plush leather couch at the base of it, the walls lined with a deep red velvet, casting a sensual appearance over the room. Instead of a crowd full of strangers, you only performed for one man, a glass of whisky in his hand and a blue baseball cap pulled low over his brow as he watched you. 
You knew it was wrong, dangerous even, to fantasise about a client like that, but it was what helped get you through the grueling shifts and with the way he watched your every move, you didn’t think he would mind. 
As your dance came to an end, you did your usual rounds, sitting in a few laps, having your flesh groped as tips were slid into your red bodysuit. As always, you saved him for last, finally wandering over to his couch, your smile not as fake as it had been.
‘Well hi-ya stranger.’ You joked as you neared, and you thought that you just might’ve died when you heard his responding chuckle, one of his rare smiles gracing his lips. 
‘Doll, I don’t think we’re strangers at this point.’ You smiled as he leaned forward, his hand slipped down between your breasts to place a couple of bills there. You were surprised when his other hand crept up behind you, gingerly wrapping itself around your waist. ‘So, I was thinking… How about a dance sugar?’ Your eyebrows raised on their own accord, your surprise evident. Despite how often he came into the club, he had never asked for a dance. The only time that he had come close was when he had asked you offhandedly, if you minded being the one to serve him his drinks when you were on duty. Although you had felt guilty about keeping him to yourself you had gladly agreed, how could you not?
When you realised that he was still waiting, you snapped out of your reverie. ‘Of course Darling, anything for you.’ Despite how full your body suit was, you didn’t want to keep him waiting, so you stalked around behind him, beginning your routine as you slid your hands down his chest, your lips coming to his ear. 
Most of the time doing by-stage dances you found yourself having to grit your teeth, barely able to keep down the bile yet as you danced for your stranger the smile on your face was a hundred percent genuine. 
‘You know, I feel kind of bad. We spend all this time together, yet I don’t even know your name.’ He shuddered as you whispered into the shell of his ear, being sure to brush your lips against the soft, supple skin. 
‘I’m Steve.’ His voice was rough as he spoke, his adam’s apple bobbing, drawing your attention.Your hands danced back up his chest, smoothing out his shirt as you walked back around, being sure to keep one hand on him. 
‘Well it’s nice to have a name to put to my favourite patron.’ Your hand wrapped around his neck, gripping onto the dark blonde locks as you nudged his feet further apart with your heels, sliding into the new space between them. 
‘Your favourite patron huh?’ You loved the prideful tone that rang through his voice as you leaned down, pushing your chest towards him. 
‘Of course Sweetheart, how could you not be?’ Your hands trailed down his chest once more, dancing below his belt line, skirting the growing bulge to trace the tracks of the rough denim coating his thighs. From here your arms could squeeze your breasts together as you leaned over them, the stray hairs of his beard nearly touching the red satin cups and just as you thought he would lose control and lean into the soft skin, you whipped around. You swiveled your hips as you moved your hands up your body, raising one leg first and setting it down outside of his knee and then doing the same with the other before squatting, just above his lap. 
Your hips moved in a figure eight motion, slowly getting closer and closer to where he clearly wanted you to be. Looking back over your shoulder at him you spoke. ‘Tell me Steve, tell me how badly you want it.’ 
His groan was audible as you continued to tease, never quite touching him where he needed. ‘So badly baby girl. You have no fucking clue. I need you so badly.’ With his groaned words, you finally lowered yourself down onto him sending him a cheeky wink as you did so. 
Despite the clubs firm no touching rule, you allowed his hands to rest on your hips as you moved them, your own reaching back and hooking around his neck, giving yourself some leverage. ‘Do you like that Stevie? Does that feel good?’ 
He didn’t answer your questions verbally, but the way he thrusted his hips up against yours was a clear enough response. You continued moving against him, letting his hands force you down harder on his crotch, letting him use you as he chased his orgasm. ‘God… Fuck Doll. You make me feel so fucking good. Yes…’ His words were a jumbled mess as he came closer and closer and you felt his hands dance up your body to squeeze your tits. 
You knew you should pull away, knew it was wrong to let a customer touch you like that, but the way his groans were ringing through your ears was addictive. In that one moment, the only thing you wanted to achieve was getting this man off, whatever that meant doing. 
He rolled your pert nipples between his fingers, rubbing you through the smooth satin as he moaned. ‘Yes, that’s it Doll, I’m so fucking close. Oh god, fuck, Doll. Make me cum baby, make me fucking cum.’ You moaned with him as you moved your hips up and down his crotch and you smiled as you felt his thighs tense beneath you, a long loud moan coming from him that almost covered the sound of satin tearing. 
Your hips stopped moving as you looked down, barely registering through your shock the gaping rip down your body suit. You jumped out of his lap, trying to keep the material against your chest as you stared down at him, wanting to scream. 
‘Fuck, I’m so sorry Doll. I didn’t mean to. I was just holding it and then when I - it just ripped. I’m so sorry, here. Take my jacket back to the changing room.’ You pursed your lips, trying to refrain from showing your anger, knowing the tips would be better if you could make it back to the dressing rooms before the curses started spilling from your lips. He held out a smooth brown leather jacket and you murmured a thanks as you slipped it on, barely registering the obscene amount of money he slipped into your hand before you turned on your heel, disappearing down the corridor, and edgy feeling creeping its way inside you. 
Steve didn’t need to return to the club the next night to know he had messed up. There was a clear no touching policy and he had not only done that but he’d ruined your suit and your trust. He had seen it in the way you had barely smiled as he gave your jacket and then later how you had given it to one of the other girls to give back to him.
By the time he had realised you weren’t coming out for your floor shift, you had already left and when he finally got to your apartment, he was disappointed to see your blinds drawn shut. He had taken his frustrations out on a nearby trash can, cursing himself for losing your trust. You were the one thing in this fucked up world that made him actually feel something and just like with Thanos, he had fucked up and just like with Sam and Bucky, he had lost you too. 
But he hadn’t… not really. You were still here, you could still be his. He just might have to change his approach a little. It could still work. 
The next night Steve waited anxiously on the plush leather couch, admiring the velvet walls as the minutes ticked by. It hadn’t been long enough that he was worried you weren’t going to show, but he was impatient. He wanted, no, needed to see you again, to feel you rub against him as you drew him to his orgasm. Despite the terrible way the night had ended, the orgasm you had brought out had felt so good, it had been his best ever and he had cursed himself for those few seconds before he realised what had happened for not requesting a dance earlier. 
When he had first discovered your apartment and your tendency to leave your blinds open he had thought that would be enough, that sitting up on that cold and lonely roof with his fist wrapped around his cock would be enough. But it wasn’t, and now, he had a taste for more. 
He heard the click of heels through the thick mahogany door and anxiously wiped his hands along his thighs as the wood was pushed open, revealing your silhouette on the other side. He watched as you walked towards the stage, the door closing behind you, stopping just before you got to the platform. 
‘Why did you book the Lounge?’ In the silence of the room, your whisper sounded like a scream. 
‘I wanted to apologise, plus, I need to see you again. And I figured this way, we could talk.’ You scoffed at his words.
‘Talk?’ You mocked, laughing as you spoke. ‘You men never want to just talk. I thought… I don’t know what I thought but I know that I’m sick of it. So now you have two options, you can either leave or I can call security and have you escorted out. It’s your choice.’ 
Steve felt his mouth go dry, he couldn’t lose you, he wouldn’t allow it. ‘Doll please… you don’t want to do that. Please don’t do that to me.’ You ignored his warning, reeking of his desperation, but before you could open your mouth to scream, he had lunged from the couch, his arms wrapping around you, one securing your back to his chest, the other clamped over your mouth. 
‘I told you not to do that Doll.’ You writhed in his arms trying to twist away from him to no avail. The small groan that escaped his lips disgusted you as he sat down on the stage, pulling your hips against his. ‘Be a good girl for me, please Doll. You have no idea how much I need this.’ Your scathing response was made unintelligible by his hand as his other dipped into the sparkling blue skirt you had on, pushing the matching panties to the side as he swiped a finger along your slit. 
His breathing was heavy in your ear as his fingers swirled around your lips, gathering the slick that was beginning to pool. ‘See Doll, you want this too. I know you do. Fuck, I’ve seen it with my own eyes how you would dance just for me, even in that crowd of men.’ Your muffled protests turned into hesitant moans as he entered you with two fingers, his thumb pressing down on your clit. ‘That’s it, that’s a good girl. Just sit back and enjoy it, doesn’t it feel good?’
Your hands clutched at his thighs, your head resting on his shoulder as you gave in, your hips twisting against his hand, riding it on their own accord. His fingers scissored inside of you, curling themselves against your walls as his thumb rubbed your pearl frantically. You didn’t miss the growing bulge beneath you but you could barely form a coherent thought as he pulled you to the edge. 
‘That’s it Doll. Just let go for me, I know you’re close.’ You hadn’t realised when his hand had drifted down from your mouth to rest on your throat, but the gentle restriction had you seeing stars, screaming silently as you convulsed in his arms, letting go for him. 
You watched in silent horror as he lifted his hand from your mini-skirt and raised it to his lips, moaning around the thick digits. ‘You taste better than I ever could have imagined, I can’t wait to feel you.’ You shuddered against his thick chest and gasped as he flipped you around, your chest pressing against the cold hard wood of the stage. 
You yipped as he pulled down the skirt and panties, exposing your heated centre to the cool air, a moan coming from him along with the clink of a belt buckle. You tried to worm your way out of his arms even though you knew it was worthless trying, he was far stronger than you. 
Your eyes squeezed shut as you felt him, sliding along the slick that he had caused, coating himself in it before coming to your entrance and pausing for a brief moment. You barely dared to hope that he would pull away and yet when you felt him slowly sinking into your heat, you couldn't help but feel embarrassed. Of course he would just do what he wants. 
‘Oh god… Doll… Fuck.’ You felt the stretch of your walls as he eased in, pain shooting through you from just how big he was. You lay helpless on the stage’s edge as he began pushing in and out of your cunt, groaning obscenities as he did so. One of his hands dipped down, between you and the stage to swipe over your pearl teasingly. 
‘That’s it baby, you feel so fucking good, taking my cock so well.’ Your heavy breaths filled the air as you tried, and failed, to maintain your composure. Sweat was coating your skin as he thrusted, your knees rubbing themselves raw against the plush carpet. The familiar tightening ricocheted through your body you came close, your toes curling in apprehension, only to uncurl moments later when he pulled you from the stage, flipping you over and pushing your legs up, above your head. 
The carpet was rough against your bare back but the new angle was worth the pain, being able to feel him fill you so completely was worth it. His full lips covered yours, his tongue meeting yours halfway as moans tumbled from your mouth into his and vice versa. 
His hips were unforgiving as they pounded into you, filling you to the brim and hitting that special spot with every thrust. It wasn’t long before he brought you back to the edge, clearly reading the desperation for release written all over your body. 
‘Cum for me baby, cum on my cock.’ Your responding scream was lost into his hand, clasping over your mouth once more as your walls fluttered, clenching around him. His hips stuttered, his thighs tensed and he thrusted as deeply as he could as he came inside you, hot white ribbons coating your walls and groans filling the room. 
He rode out his orgasm, the obscene sounds emanating from your pussy echoing through the room as your breaths mingled with one another as they slowly calmed down. 
You lay, staring up at the man above you, his cap probably having fallen off during your struggle, and you finally recognised him. His beard was full and thick and his hair was much longer than you were used to seeing it but the amount of times your History classes at school had been forced to study him, you would never forget his face. 
The recognition must have been clear in your face as he hastily pulled out, his cum seeping down your thighs as he pulled his pants back up, handing you your skirt. 
‘St-Steve?’ You couldn’t even be sure the words had left your lips but the way he tensed at the sound told you they had. 
‘C’mon Doll, let’s have the conversation somewhere private.’ 
‘We are somewhere private.’ You argued with the man standing before you, the red light casting a strange aura around him. 
‘Yeah, but I’m nowhere near done with you.’ His hand was held out before you and you knew he wasn’t giving you much of a choice so you nodded, taking his hand and letting him lead you from ‘the lounge’, pausing to pass you his jacket as you approached the door of the club. 
The air outside was cold, unforgiving, as he led you outside, the harsh neon red light of the club slowly being swallowed by the dark night as you walked, hand in hand. To where, you weren’t sure, but you knew it would be wherever Steve needed you to be. 
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datleggy · 4 years
A Whopper Fic
Eddie invites Bosko out on a rare night off, for drinks. "Apology drinks," he reassures her, "For being such a crappy friend, before."
They start the night off drinking beers and playing pool in a seedy little bar downtown and inevitably when Lena orders a shot of tequila and downs it like it's water, Eddie says, "Jesus, how can you still drink that stuff?" He hasn't done tequila shots since his early twenties, which is just fine with him.  
She calls him a baby for drinking lite beer, "C'mon Diaz, neither of us have work tomorrow, your kid's at your aunt's place for the night, live a little, a couple of shots won't kill you, you know."
Which is how they end up getting trashed, just absolutely irrevocably shit faced at nearly three AM on a Monday, of all days, in a twenty four hour Burger King by the bar that closed and consequently kicked them out not ten minutes ago.
"Machines are down right now, sorry," the cashier says, when Eddie tries to order a meal, "Cash only."
Eddie drunkenly stumbles to the side, raising a 'wait' finger as he empties the contents of his pockets onto a small table. "Shit." he mutters. He doesn't have any cash on him, only his debit card, and if he weren't so drunk, he'd have noticed that there's a functioning ATM right outside. Instead, he gathers up the measly coins on the table and counts. "I have twenty eight cents. Is that enough?"
Lena snorts, "Enough for what?"
Eddie whines, "I just really want a whopper."
The other firefighter grins, wide. "Hey, I'll getcha a whopper," she says, leaning against the table for balance, god, she's drunk. "But only if you fake break up with your boyfriend." she dares him, surprised when Eddie doesn't even hesitate.
The screen is a blur, so it's a good thing he's got Buck on speed dial or he's not sure he would've been able to make the call. It rings only once before Buck answers it, sounding not entirely awake, but definitely alarmed. "Eddie? What's wrong? Are you ok?"
"Buuuuck!" Eddie's so happy to hear his voice. He loves Buck's voice. "Hey." Lena is giggling next to him, like a middle-schooler, nudging at him.
Buck sighs on the other end, though when he speaks it's with a begrudging fondness, "Eddie, are you drunk? It's like three in the morning."
"Nooooo." Eddie laughs. "No, no, m'not drunk, I just, I needed to tell you something."
"Uh huh. What is it?" comes the deadpan reply.
"I forgot. Wait," Eddie turns to Bosko and not so quietly whispers at her, "What was I supposed to do again?" he waits for her response, which Buck can just barely make out through the phone, and then says, "Oh ok, ok, Buck, Buck, you there?"
"Yeah bud, I'm here," Buck yawns. He's got work in a few hours, he should really hang up and get back to sleep already, but he doesn't think he's ever heard Eddie this intoxicated before, and he kind of wants to see how this plays out.
"We gotta break up." Eddie blurts out. "I'm sorry, I'm still really in love with you though, I swear. But Bosko has my whopper."
Buck stares at his phone for half a second, "Uh, ok, well, we're---we're not dating?" Why is he even trying to reason with a drunk person? "Anyway, is Bosko at least more sober than you? How are you two getting home?"
Eddie sounds like he's chewing on something when he says, "No, hahaha, she is---she just tripped on her way to the bathroom and face planted. I wish I caught it on video but every time I look at my screen it's just like, super blurry Buck."
Buck sighs. "Where are you guys? I'll come pick you up."
"Burger King!" Eddie sounds like a kid who raised his hand in class and shouted the answer to a question correctly before being picked on by the teacher.
"Which one?"
"It's got, it's got like, the, that creepy life size inflatable thing outside?"
Buck chuckles. "Oh, that one. Gotcha. Alright. I'll be there in fifteen, maybe twenty minutes, please stay put, ok? Both of you."
"Ok. Love you, bye."
Buck doesn't have time to come up with a retort to that before Eddie hangs up. And he certainly doesn't have time to lay in bed and question any of that conversation, either.
Traffic is none existent, fortunately, and Buck's Jeep is parked outside of the Burger King in under the allotted time. Eddie and Lena are sitting on the curb when he arrives. "It's Buck! Buck! See, I told you he was coming." Eddie exclaims, with a told you so attitude.
Buck makes them both sit in the back and buckles them into their seats. "But I called shotgun!" Bosko complains, folding her arms over her chest.
"No, I did!" Eddie whines.
"Well I don't want either of you barfing in my front seat, so suck it up." Buck starts his car after getting Lena's address and putting the coordinates into his GPS.
"So, so---" Lena hiccups. "Is this the first time you've had to pick your boyfriend up from," she pauses to laugh, "From a Burger King, at three AM?"
Buck raises both eyebrows. "He's not my boyfriend."
"Wait, what?" Lena quints. "Wait, you guys aren't dating? Seriously?"
Eddie leans forward, his hot breath on the back of Buck's neck. "Wait yeah, why not?" he asks, almost pitifully.
Thankfully they're rolling up to a red light, because it gives Buck the opportunity to turn around and gently shove Eddie back into his seat and make sure his seat belt is still secured. "Well, for one, now I know you'd break up with me for a whopper." He turns back around when the light turns green and drives. "And I'm the one who should be asking the questions here, what are you doing out this late? And where's Christopher, doesn't he have school in a few hours. It's Monday."
Eddie pouts. "Chris is with my Tia Peppa. And hey, it was a fake breakup! I was hungry."
Bosko starts cackling. "Ok, are you guys sure you're not together, though? Because, Buckley, you're like, all this guy talked about when I was at your station. And, and remember that time---we were at the grocery store? Diaz was all 'hey you deadbeat baby daddy, our kid misses you!'? If you two aren't dating what was that all about?"
Eddie groans, turning a bright red and tries to hide his face behind his hands.
Buck can only thank the lord that they've finally reached their first destination of the night. "Alright, c'mon," he helps Lena out, steadying her when she sways. Buck points a finger at Eddie, "Stay. I'll be right back. And don't touch anything."
Buck makes sure Lena gets inside safe and sound, and even grabs a bottle of water out of her fridge and makes her drink at least a third before leaving her to her own devices.
Eddie's asleep in the backseat by the time Buck returns, and remains that way the rest of the ride back to Buck's loft. He'd take Eddie to his place, but it's nearing four now and Buck just wants to go back to sleep in his own bed for a couple of more hours before his shift in the morning. Eddie can take his couch for tonight, he decides.
It's impossible to get Eddie to wake up once they're in his driveway, at least, not fully. Buck has to practically carry Eddie inside, what with his feet dragging behind him. "God, Eddie." Buck huffs out, "You're lucky I lift weights, you're not exactly light."
Getting Eddie into the loft and then across his kitchen and living room and finally laying him down on his sofa takes forever, because Eddie insists that they need to stop by the kitchen for some strawberry milk. "I know you have some of that Nesquick powder stuff!" he groggily complains, even as Buck unceremoniously tosses him onto the couch.
Buck makes Eddie sit up just enough so that he can help him gulp down a bottle of Gatorade. "Trust me, you'll want electrolytes tomorrow morning way more than you want strawberry milk right now, bud." he assures him, getting up to fetch him some covers. 
Eddie curls up on his side, snuggling into the blanket Buck wraps around him, and sighs contentedly. "Buck you're the best."
"If I'm late tomorrow I'm telling Bobby it was all your fault." Buck is finding it very hard not to think of Eddie right now as endearing, hair all tousled back like that, big brown eyes staring up at him. He bends down so that he's not hovering over him anymore and adjusts one of the throw pillows so that it's actually under Eddie's head and not just to the side of it.
"Buck, I mean it." Eddie blinks at him. "You're the best. I love you so much. We should---" he stops to admire Buck for a moment, "You're so pretty, Buck, we should, we should be boyfriends."
Buck rolls his eyes, though he can't help the dopey smile on his face. "Ask me again when you're sober."
"Ok. And then we can be boyfriends?"
Buck shrugs, still smiling. "Only if you promise not to trade me for another whopper. Now go to sleep."
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prose-for-hire · 4 years
Btvs Headcanons:
Hc: You work in a store they frequent, meet them that way, and feelings develop. How each character would show you that they care about you/ask you on a date after getting to know them. 
Edited to include Oz. [Jenny Calendar hc is separate here ]
Warning: one small mention of sex. and in one hc the store is a butchers
I thought this would be fun, maybe a little different than my usual. You can request some people that aren’t on here if you like. Or a different job or scenario where you would meet them.💜
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- you work at a 24 hour store, he comes in at weird times of the night
- You catch Spike stealing and take pity on him, letting it slide (he looks a bit gaunt, maybe he’s not eating properly)
- There’s no cameras the place you work is crappy so you maintain eye contact and just nod at him, allowing him to take whatever it is he’s concealed under his leather duster
- He’d start to come in and either blatantly steal so you would catch him and talk to him or buy lots of stuff he didn’t need with money he had ‘borrowed’ from one of the scoobies
- He talks a lot and appears to be trying to impress you, it makes you smile
- But also he’s very attentive to you and asks you things about yourself, wanting to learn everything he can
- He starts waiting for you, watching through the glass, going through whole packs of cigarettes making sure you’re okay and no customers are being nasty
- He will come in and threaten to drain them dry if they say one more horrible thing to you, it’s happened twice
- He follows you home before eventually offering to walk with you
- He’ll probably bottle all of his feelings up for a long time, professing his love in a very heartfelt speech and crashing his lips to yours before actually asking you on a date
(I’m so sorry if you don’t eat meat)
- You work at the butchers and Angel used to come in all the time really early before the sun rose
- You were embarrassed such an attractive man saw you in your overalls smelling of raw meat
- Too embarrassed to ask yourself why he wanted so much animal blood
- You soon had his regular order ready and waiting for him, he always seemed to be in a rush. This meant there was a little time for you to talk because he already had his order
- You instigated, asking him lots of questions with you getting one word answers (you think he’s not interested and stop)
- But he’s just trying to keep his distance, he knows what happens when he gets too involved. Things seem to go wrong
- He eventually bumps into you after work one evening, not able to stay away completely
- You work long hours so he’s trying to make sure you’re getting home okay by hanging back in the shadows
- Eventually starts to offer to walk you and you happily agree, chatting nonstop about the delivery or what you were taught that day about slicing into something
- He enjoys just hearing you talk, not able to help smiling at the way you animatedly recount your day to him, eventually one day he’ll offer for you to visit his place making a date out of it
- you probably work with him, one of the many jobs he took on after high school
- you both work at a pizza place, he delivers you make the orders
- he acts really weird around you at first, dropping things and stumbling over his words when he speaks to you
- he cracks some childish jokes but you laugh along with him, finding him sweet
- he grins wide when you start to joke back, pulling funny faces behind the manager’s back when it’s turned
- He’ll be thinking of asking you on a date for a really long time, probably since he first met you
- He’s nervous and he doesn’t want you laughing in his face, he probably doesn’t think he has a shot with someone as great as you
- But he just rushes out and says it one night when you’re both grabbing your jackets to leave
- You smile, scan his face to check he’s joking, then nod and say you’d love to
- You go to the Bronze, have a contest to see who can catch the most peanuts in your mouth (if you’re allergic, it’s some other competition, maybe who can finish their drink the fastest)
- He might let you win and then just lean straight in and kiss you when you celebrate
- Buffy comes into the late night store you work at for gum or snacks (something she can carry while she patrols) she recognises you as her regular cashier after a few months.
- I feel like she has a lot on her plate, forgive her for not noticing you straight away
- She’s probs trying to get over someone atm or struggling to trust after her last relationship
- You’re extra friendly with her and she realises after talking it over with Willow that you were actually flirting
- Realises the brief interaction she gets with you makes her feel happy. Real happy and she doesn’t have to be responsible for anyone but herself when she’s chatting away with you
- Starts to ask you questions about yourself enjoying your company. Every time without fail she asks when you get off work, she’s concerned you’re always walking home in the dark
- starts to loop back past your store when she’s on patrol, pretending she was still in the area when you got off
- offering to walk you home a lot, accidentally dropping a pile of weapons once and having to pretend she was doing a woodworking class
- she eventually asks you on a date, encouraged by her friends to make the first move, and you’ll go to the Bronze, dancing and laughing the whole time
- you work at the convenience store near the Mayor’s office
- She comes in on her way back to her crappy motel
- she feels a bit conflicted about sneaking around behind Buffy’s back but your bright smile to greet her almost makes her forget
- you caught her eye pretty much the first time she saw you waiting by the register
- she usually asks for some smokes and started to offer to share one with you on your break
- if you smoke, you say yes, if you don’t you say you’ll still come outside with her on your break to keep her company
- you’ll mostly talk with her chipping in at first and then she finds out how good it is to vent to someone
- your break’s over but you tell her you don’t want her to be on her own struggling through her thoughts
- you ask if she can wait, but she doesn’t really do waiting around
- she does give you the address to the motel she’s staying at though and she’ll smoke every hour until she sees you walking
- this is your first date, the one you count as your first date anyway
- you spend the whole night talking, sometimes even laughing. You make her feel like a person, not just a Slayer
- you work at the mall. Specifically a boutique or somewhere Cordy regularly visits
- she’s kind to you but a bit abrupt if you start talking about anything that isn’t a sale
- her dad no longer has any money and she’s a struggling actress after hs and you overhear her phone conversation about how hard everything is
- she wants this pretty dress that you know she’d look beautiful in
- you offer her your employee discount, telling her to keep it quiet
- after that, she specifically requests you and after her fifth visit realises she has been coming and looking forward to seeing you more than the dresses
- this means she’s in deep
- she won’t beat around the bush, she’ll ask you if you won’t ask her
- “Bronze. 8pm” with a little wink, hauling her shopping bags with her before leaving
- You have a great time and you meet up again she does little fashion shows for you before you go out, liking your eye for fashion and asks you to help her choose outfits for your dates
- She’ll want to go public places for dates to show off your relationship
- Book store (obviously)
- You’re the most knowledgeable about his particular interest (cough, demons, cough) and he is attracted straight away to your apparent intelligence
- You already know about demons and everything, having studied it extensively as well as running into a vampire late one night and managing to get away unscathed
- He marvelled at this and you tell it so casually, explaining that you just did what the books told you and put it in practice
- He’s lonely really, always hanging around people a lot younger that don’t take him as seriously as he takes himself, but you do
- You think he’s fun to be around, he probably doesn’t wait too long, asking you for a drink the first or second time he meets you.
- He knows life’s too short, especially in Sunnydale
- You appreciate his dry humour and the way he isn’t just bookish, he has a lot of really great qualities
- You haven’t seen him as Ripper, but you know it’s there. He’s open with you and he’ll tell you about his past. He believes in trust
- You go on a lot of dates after that first drink, you even get introduced to the Scoobies and become a kind of parent figure too
Riley Finn:
- you bag his groceries at the supermarket.
- He’s always polite, makes you feel like a human being not just somebody serving him
- Always chats about the weather or something generic that won’t compromise his job, but he likes talking to you
- He occasionally makes a comment to make you smile because seeing your real smile, not the one you put on for customers, is so much sweeter
- He’ll probably come in regularly, same time, same day every week for his shopping now (bc you’re there)
- Bumps into you accidentally while you’re stocking a shelf and helps you pick everything up, smiling at the way you get a little flustered, insisting it was his fault not yours
- He’ll probably ask you if you’ve ever heard of the Bronze, which of course you have because that’s the only half-decent place in town
- Says he’d really like to see you there, like maybe tonight, so you go and have a really great time
- He says he doesn’t want to wait to see you again, but he’s very respectful will probably give you his number so that you can call him first and you don’t feel pressured into a second date or anything
- You work at a magic shop
- you help her find the ingredients to a spell she’s been itching to try and give her little tips
- She really likes that you know lots about magic and what ingredient you could swap out for a better result
- You’ll grow close, she’ll pop in and tell you how well/badly the latest spells went
- She’ll tell stories in her characteristic way and you’ll smile at how cute she is and her fun vocabulary you’ll find yourself picking up
- You’ll offer to meet her and help her out with some spells
- She’ll bounce off the walls in excitement
- Probably spend the whole day making sure her dorm room is ‘just right’ for you to see and that she’s made sure about ten times that Buffy is definitely going to be out
- You’ll do the spell, it’ll be a big success because working together shows you that you have this amazing connection
- Then you’ll be talking and sharing loads for hours
- She’ll take you to the Bronze if it’s not too late, if it’s too late she’ll ask what you’re doing at the weekend and invite you then
- Also at a magic shop. Probably specifically the Magic Box, after Giles takes it on
- You’re a Scooby and Tara’s moved to Sunnydale for college. She wanted to check out the magic box straight away
- You catch each other’s eye and she looks a little shy
- Starts to stutter when you make conversation, but you’re patient with her, giving her time to finish her words that have become jumbled in your presence.
- She asks for help with finding something only when she absolutely has to, but you’re always kind with her when she does and she smiles so bright when she finds what she’s looking for, scrunching her mouth to the side a little when she looks back at you
- You start to recommend places in Sunnydale for her to check out, trying to gauge if she would be into you or not. You eventually offer to take her and show her around and she nods excitedly
- You both have a really great time and she makes you feel special. She talks a lot more now she’s comfortable with you
- you suggest you could try some magic together, only if she wanted
- She does, you meet up a lot and you date and magically create a cat to own together
- You both have a long, happy life together 
- You work in the magic box with her. I feel like you both didn’t get on at first
- you didn’t understand her and she felt misunderstood, making her snappy and blunt with you
- eventually, you started to understand she needed a bit of time and you explained yourself more. Why you were doing things, being patient with her and fully giving her everything you could to help her understand the reasoning
- she really appreciated it, nobody ever did this for her without some level of teasing
- she explains about being an ex-vengeance demon. You can’t say you’re shocked (you live in Sunnydale and work in the magic box)
- you were patient with her and she quickly asked if you could start having sex trying to plan out your relationship
- you told her you would rather get to know her first, especially considering you worked together (leading to a chat about workplace relationships going wrong, which leads to an anecdote about her knowing this because of her vengeance days)
- but the feelings were undeniable and you started dating very quickly
- she’ll probably start dropping hints about marriage or the equivalent very soon too
- you work at a record store.
- He comes in pretty regularly, but he doesn’t really say much
- Not until you notice a record he’s holding and start to gush about it
- Your manager told you to talk to customers and encourage them to buy more, but this wasn’t that. And he could tell
- He loved your enthusiasm and he wanted to get to know you
- You caught his eye probably one of the first times he saw you working behind the counter, humming to a song which happened to be one of his favourites
- He just knew then that he wanted to date you
- whispering, “who are they?” but to himself because he always come into the store alone (he wants the experience, just him and the music… and maybe a glance or two at you)
-  He might bring some fliers in one day, asking if the store will put them up, advertising Dingoes’ latest gig
- He’ll say you could come, if you want, with a characteristic shrug
- And you’ll obviously say yes and he likes how excitable you are, you contrast with his chill vibe
-  And you go and have a great time
- then you talk after, telling him how cool his band is
- You’ll hit it off, finding his phrasing and humour endearing. He’ll gift you a guitar pick from your first sort of date. He’s a romantic
- You’ll mostly come to wherever he’s playing and have a date after
-  he’s very sweet, very caring. Always offers to take you somewhere else for a date but you insist on supporting him and getting a drink after
- won’t be much of a talker, but you will always feel loved by him 
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backtothestart02 · 3 years
Hazy - 11/? | westallen fanfiction
A/N: Another chap! I hope you enjoy! It is sans Iris, since this whole fic is in Barry’s POV and Iris is obvs not with him atm. Hopefully it’s still an enjoyable read. Reviews are love!
Commissioned by @andie1223
Chapter 11 -
Linda paced back and forth frantically as she talked to the 911 operator about Joe’s condition while Barry did his best to keep Joe conscious and put pressure on the wound. In his heart, Barry knew this wasn’t real, this wasn’t the timeline he belonged in. It didn’t change the fact that this Joe West looked just as much as the one he knew, felt like him, loved like him. He couldn’t let him die. And he couldn’t shake the fact that if he’d had his speed, he would’ve been able to stop that bullet and keep Iris from being kidnapped. He would’ve been healed from Eddie’s beating him up just two days ago too.
“Come on, Joe, stay with me. Stay with me,” he repeated over and over.
Joe just nodded on the floor, trying to help him put pressure, but he was losing feeling in his limbs, and it was a fight to stay conscious.
“What the hell is taking so long?”
Barry reared his head up, glaring at Linda unintentionally.
“I don’t know,” she whisper-mouthed back, then repeated the insult into the phone to a far too calm operator, as far as the two of them were concerned.
Luckily though, paramedics burst through the door just shortly after and put Joe on a stretcher. Barry wanted to go with him. It was his first instinct. But given Linda had told the crime that had taken place over the phone, police also showed up and refused to let either of them leave until they’d taken their statements.
“He’s going to be fine,” one of the paramedics said, as they took Joe down the hall.
Barry really wanted to believe that.
After what felt like forever, both he and Linda were escorted out of her apartment, and it was taped off as a crime scene. Barry turned to Linda immediately, about to ask the inevitable, but she held up her hand.
“I’d drive you, Barry, I really would. But right now, I’m shaking so bad I don’t think-”
A stab of guilt hit him in the middle of his chest. Of course she’d be shaken up. She might not be close to Iris or Joe the way he was, but a gun had gone off in front of her, at someone she knew, and then someone else she knew had been dragged off.
“I’m sorry,” he finally said, swallowing hard. “Do you have money for a cab?” he asked after a beat.
She managed to suppress a laugh.
“Yeah, yeah, I have that much.”
They found their way out on the street and were able to hail a cab in no time at all. Traffic was brutal, but within half an hour they were let off at the hospital entrance.
Barry burst through the doors as Linda paid the cab driver and then followed him inside.
“He’s still in Emergency,” he told her, fuming after what the nurses had told him. “We can’t see him, because we’re not related.”
He was furious. He didn’t even know if he’d grown up in the same house with Iris and Joe in this reality, so he couldn’t push that angle with confidence. This was hell.
“Oh, Barry, I’m so sorry.”
He ran his hand through his hair with his good hand and forced himself to take a seat in the waiting room. Linda asked one of the nurses at the front desk for some water for herself and for Barry, which he refused, and then sat down beside him. She set the little paper cup of water on the small table between the chairs for when he was ready.
Barry couldn’t get a grip. He felt like an idiot. This whole time in this timeline he’d just been trying to cope, adjust, win Iris back somehow. He’d felt stuck. Never did it occur to him to make regaining his speed a priority. He’d been 100% focused on getting his relationship with Iris back on track. When he started to lose his speed, he figured that was at least something he could work towards. But now that he was injured and Iris was gone, Joe in critical condition…
He hated that he hadn’t just done that first, hadn’t tracked down Wells and Cisco and Caitlin to devise a plan, to convince them somehow to help him. Yet, thinking on it now, on how much of a one-track mind he had when it came to Iris, he couldn’t imagine him doing things any other way if he had the opportunity to try again.
Linda shifted beside him, and it was enough to pull him from his thoughts.
“How are you doing?” he forced himself to ask, her well-being the furthest thing from his mind, but he knew it was important.
She forced a smile and held up her hand.
“Not shaking anymore, so that’s good. I think it helped to get out of my apartment. Though…I don’t know where I’ll stay until the investigation is resolved.” She frowned.
“You’ll stay with me,” he said instantly.
She looked up, surprised.
“Though…I don’t have a guest bedroom,” he admitted.
“I do well on couches,” she informed him, resting her hand on his constantly moving arm to still him. “I’m short.”
He forced a smile from that, then licked his lips. He had to tell somebody about the timeline he was from, and he knew she was the only one left he could tell. He didn’t know if she’d believe him – who would? But it was worth a shot.
“Thanks, Barry. I don’t know what I’d do withou-”
“Do you believe in past lives?” he interrupted her.
She blinked.
“Uh…random topic.” He waited. “You mean, like…reincarnation?”
His lips twisted.
“No, not exactly… Like, say, you’re living your life and everything’s normal. Then you go to bed and when you wake up everything is different. It’s like a living nightmare that you can’t wake up from. Like a…new timeline on your life.” He frowned and looked up at her crestfallen face. “Does that make sense?”
“Barry.” She reached for his hand. “I know things seem really bad right now, and they are, but that doesn’t mean we won’t get through this. It doesn’t mean this isn’t your life.”
He looked away and sighed. He’d known it would be hard getting through to her. In the aftermath of something traumatic like a gunshot, maybe it was normal to imagine that this wasn’t the life you thought you were living. He didn’t want her committing him to a mental hospital though, so he chose his words carefully.
“Do you have any money left?”
She frowned.
“Some. Why?”
“There’s somewhere I need to be.”
She rose to her feet as he did, blocking his path to the exit.
“What about…Mr. West? Don’t you want to be here when he wakes up?”
He swallowed. He did, but suddenly he’d realized that if he was going to fix what a mess this had all turned out to be, he was going to have to do it alone.
“Can you stay here?” he asked gently.
She blanched. “Me?”
He nodded.
“Why me? He doesn’t even know me. He met me like a minute before he got shot!”
“I…I know.” He tried to soothe her by squeezing one shoulder. “But there’s somewhere I’ve got to be, and it’ll help Joe in the long run. And Iris and…hell, even Eddie.” His lips twisted. “Maybe.”
“Talk to me, Barry. What are you up to?”
He shook his head.
“I need to do this by myself.”
“In your condition? Your pain meds are going to wear off any second now. Then what are you going to do?”
He shrugged helplessly.
“No, no, I am coming with you on whatever crazy adventure you’ve cooked up in your head. I’m coming with you, and that’s final.”
The staredown didn’t last long.
“I need to go to STAR Labs,” he finally said.
“The laboratory? Why? Do you know someone there?”
He sighed. “I…used to.”
“What do you mean you u-” She held up a hand to stop both of them from that line of thought. “You know what, nevermind, if that’s where you need to go, then that’s where we’ll go.”
“I really don’t think you should come, Linda,” he tried again, but she was having none of it.
“Well, that’s just too bad, Barry Allen, because I promised you I would take care of you until you were all healed up, and that’s exactly what I plan on doing.”
He pursed his lips, then said, “Okay…”
“Okay, then, let’s go. I’ll call the cab when we get outside. It’s getting crowded in here anyway.”
And then she was out the door, not even waiting for him, but getting on her phone as soon as she was outside, just like she’d said she would.
Barry went to the front desk again and left both of their numbers with the nurse, asking that one or both of them be contacted once Joe was settled in his hospital room or set for release. One of the nurses was a bit of a stickler about how they were bound to be too busy by whatever point that was, but a young nurse cut in and assured him she would make a point of reaching out.
Barry decided to take that with a grain of salt and forced a smile of gratitude before turning around to an impatient Linda, who was waiting by a cab outside.
“STAR Labs,” she told the cab driver once they were inside. “And make it quick!” she said when the guy raised his eyebrows in surprise.
“Yes, ma’am,” he muttered under his breath, then took off out onto the street.
Barry didn’t say a word, just sat with his head against the window the whole way there. He kept his hands to himself incase Linda would try to comfort him again. He couldn’t afford that right now. He needed a plan, and he knew there was only one person he could get it from.
Dr. Harrison Wells.
The laboratory building loomed large when they arrived. It was bigger than Barry remembered, and bustling when they got inside. The crowd seemed to be a mix of visitors and employees, and it dawned on him then that maybe the STAR Labs Museum was operational at this point. But if that was the case, why did the cab driver seem so surprised at their location.
“Museum will be closing in five minutes. Please finish what you are doing and find your way to the exit. Have a great rest of your day!”
That was her voice alright, and it sounded so…chipper. He wondered if Ronnie was still alive in this timeline, and if he was about to wreck her entire life by making him dead again if he changed things.
Barry weaved through the people, abandoning Linda unceremoniously to get to the customer service desk where, in all her glory, stood the chipper Dr. Caitlin Snow guiding people graciously to the exit with her outstretched arm.
She froze and searched the crowd for who had called her name, and so casually at that. Barry strode forward so he was directly in front of the counter she stood behind. She tilted her head in confusion.
“It’s uh, actually Doctor Snow,” she corrected, pointing to her clip-on nametag. “Do we know each other? The museum’s about to close for the day. You can come back tomorrow though!” she said brightly. “10am sharp.” She smiled.
“I’m not here for the museum.”
She frowned. “Oh? Then what are you here for?”
“Caitlin! Caitlin, Caitlin!” A flustered, suited up Cisco Ramon came sliding in, in between them, and then completely blocked Barry’s vision. “We have an emergency in Room 102,” he said under his breath. “If you know what I mean…”
Her eyes widened. “Cisco, what do y-?” Her eyes narrowed and then widened again, according to whatever face Cisco was making. “Oh. Ohh.”
“Yeah, so if you could stop flirting for two seconds, I would-”
She scoffed. “I was not flirting. I was-”
“I don’t want to hear it. You’re just lucky Ronnie’s not hear to see it.”
“See what?!”
But he’d tugged her from behind the counter and was dragging her away.
“Sorry, Mister, museum’s closing for the day. Come back tomorrow. Oh, and she’s engaged!” Cisco called back to an offended Barry. “Find somebody else.”
Barry scoffed, irritated by his best friend from another life and his assumptions. If it was his real timeline, he would never-
“I think they’re closing,” Linda said, finally having found him.
Barry sighed. “Yeah, I got that much.”
“Should we go?” she asked, looking around at everyone leaving.
But Barry was determined.
“No. There’s got to be someone else here who can help.”
“Help with what? Your…other life?” she asked, only half-jokingly, really wanting to be entirely joking, he guessed.
So he ignored that, searching instead for another employee, one he did not have any personal relationship with in another life and could help him somehow.
“Excuse me, sir, it’s time to leave.”
Ugh. Not who he was hoping for.
Hartley Rathaway appeared before the two of them. There was no kindness on his face, no politeness. Just determination to stick to the rules and get anyone resisting out by force if necessary.
Probably just by insulting them though, if Barry had to guess.
“Actually, I was hoping you could help me before I go.”
Resigned to the inevitable, Hartley folded his hands in front of him.
“With what exactly, sir?”
“I’d like to set up a meeting with Dr. Harrison Wells.”
Hartley laughed. Just once. Just to show how incredulous of a request it was to his ears.
“Uh, I’m sorry, Mr.?”
“Allen. Barry Allen.”
“Right, Mr. Allen. Dr. Wells does not do meet and greets with civilians. So, if you were hoping to get his autograph…or something? Just, wait for his next book signing. It should be listed on the website. I’m sure you know what that is.”
Barry’s brows narrowed.
“I’m not some sort of…star-struck fan needing an autograph,” he said, even as he realized the irony of his words, because that was in fact who he was once upon a time.
“No? Well then, you won’t find it hard taking no for an answer then.”
He reached for the microphone behind the counter.
“Museum is now closed. Please find the exit.” He paused for emphasis. “Now.”
Barry scoffed, but Hartley had no more time for him. He backed away and went to anyone else he saw in the main lobby, ushering them in a gentle manner towards the exit.
“Maybe we should go?” Linda urged, and Barry sighed.
She had a point, but had he really come all this way just to…give up?
“We can come back tomorrow. Maybe you’ll have better luck then.”
He hung his head, then nodded.
“Yeah, maybe.”
She looped her arm through his, then tugged him towards the doors they’d come through on entering the building.
“Come on, I told the cab driver to wait.”
Barry suppressed a groan. Had she had that little faith in him? He supposed he couldn’t blame her.
“Do you have-”
“Enough to get us back to the hospital? Yeah.” She rubbed his arm encouragingly. “Mr. West should be waking up soon. You’ll want to be there.”
He nodded and followed her into the cab, looking back at the glass-encased building only once before focusing back on the road, unaware of a pair of steely eyes behind glasses watching him closely as he disappeared from sight of the STAR Labs front window.
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tomspancakes · 4 years
This Way: Part 2
Pairing: Tom Holland x Actress! reader
Word Count: 3.9k
Warnings: none
Summary: Yours and Tom’s past come in bringing a bit of tension.
Part 1
A/N: AHH I’m so glad people liked part 1! I don’t have a set schedule for posting bc I still have school atm, but I’m gonna try to stay consistent, cause writing this is so fun :))) If you have any suggestions of improvement for my writing or if you’re enjoying this please lmk! If you want to be added to the tag list don’t hesitate to ask! Enjoy Part 2 <3
“Harry, oh my god that was so awkward. I hated that, it will replay in my head for the next week.” You groaned flopping on his bed. “I am a bad bitch I’m fine, I’m fine” you reminded yourself.
He laughed at you and sat next to you, “You are a bad bitch. And yes that was painfully awkward, I’m so sorry.”
“Thanks for pulling me away though. Not gonna lie, I felt like Allana was plotting something in her head when she saw me. Did you get any vibe that she didn’t seem happy?” You asked, nervous.
“Eh wouldn’t be surprised if she wasn’t happy, she bosses Tom around. She tried to use me as her photographer once, but I was busy and couldn’t, but she somehow made Tom clear my schedule so that I could take pictures of her. I do not trust her in all honesty, so her plotting something wouldn’t be new..” You gasped at the story. 
“Dang I will not get in her way then…” Harry laughed and asked, “What do you feel like eating tonight, love?” 
“Uhmmm, oh I haven’t had nandos since the last time I was here.” You said and he nodded.
After the Nandos was dropped off at the house you all gathered around the table. 
“I think I can make food like Nandos.” Harrison said and everyone started laughing, “Hey I seriously think I can. Just watch.” 
“I think you can too, Harrison, I’ll be your sous chef if you want.” He smiled at your encouragement and stuck his tongue out at everyone else and Allana rolled her eyes. Oof. “Tommy, do you have spinach? I have a photoshoot tomorrow because one of the models cancelled. I can’t eat the side dishes. I’ll make myself a salad or something.” Allana said.
Harry scoffed and joked, “We don’t have rabbit food here, love.” Tuwaine and Harrison laughed, but you felt bad they were ganging up on her.
“Hey don’t make fun of her. It’s harder for us girls to stay fit whereas you boys can eat like shit and still be fit.” You said to the boys and Allana looked at you a bit surprised and pleased, “Allana, I think I saw some lettuce in the fridge. I can go grab it for you and a bowl. Gotta start getting used to the things around here anyway.” You smiled at her. 
Her expression went back to being unimpressed, “Uhm no thanks. I’ll just go eat at home, I have to leave in a bit anyway.”  She said and pushed the utensils away. 
“Darling, you need to eat a little something, you haven’t eaten one thing since you’ve gotten here.” Tom said. Your heart clenched a bit when he called her darling. 
“Tommy, god, I said I’d eat later. Don’t you ever listen?” She said everyone stared in silence until Harrison broke it, “Someone’s a little hangry…” 
“Harrison shut up!” Tom said snapping his head toward Haz.
Allana was turning red, “That’s it! I’m tired of your friends treating me like this. I’m leaving, Tommy, will you come with me?” Tom got up and glared at Harrison as he helped Allana out. 
“As if she doesn’t treat us badly.” Tuwaine said, rolling his eyes, Harry and Harrison nodding in response.
“Ok, but I still felt bad for her. That was a little uncalled for guys.” You said continuing to eat. 
“Y/n, she literally shot you down when you were trying to be helpful.” Harrison stated.
“Ok true, but I didn’t mind, she seemed to mind when you all ganged up on her.” The boys nodded.
“Not even 3 hours here and you’re already being our mother.” Harry said laughing.
“Oh shut up, you boys love me. I’m just using the bad bitch energy Harry gave me earlier.” You all laughed.
After dinner you and the boys watched funny videos on Harry’s laptop and then headed your separate ways to go to sleep. You did your night routine and pulled on pj shorts and tank top since the boys put the heater on. 
You stirred in bed trying to sleep, but the jet lag got the best of you and you decided to put your clothes in the drawers and closet. Before starting to clean you decided to grab a snack and water.
While waiting for the popcorn to finish popping in the microwave you heard the front door unlock and a tired looking Tom walked in. 
“Tom? Oh my god why’re you getting home now it’s 2 am, you should’ve stayed with Allana. It’s so late!” 
“Oh, y/n? And we were talking then she kicked me out, something about being alone in bed is better for her aura the night before a photoshoot. Why’re you up?” Tom stammered and you scoffed at the story.
“Jet lag. I decided to organize my room, but also wanted a snack.” He nodded sitting in front of you at the counter, “Why don’t you go to sleep now you look like shit.” You joked. He put his hand over his heart pretending to be hurt.
“Tsss ouch, y/n, but I kinda wanted to talk to you. You know, catch up.” He said looking at you with his head resting on his hand now. Your heart sped up and sighed trying to stay calm.
“Alright, what do you wanna know?” You pulled the popcorn out of the microwave and set it between you and Tom. He started eating with you.
“How’re you and Mr. Gavin Leatherwood?” His question surprised you because one; that was a very straightforward question and two; you never confirmed anything/ went public with Gavin except for paps photos of you two holding hands and only Zendaya, your family, and Harry knew and swore not to tell Tom. 
“Uhm we mutually broke up two weeks ago...” You said looking up at Tom fiddling with your fingers. Tom’s eyes widened a bit and he tried to hide his joy, 
“Oh I’m sorry about that y/n.” he said genuinely, “I always thought there was something off about him.” You rolled your eyes getting annoyed thinking back to the past,
“Tom nothing was wrong with him. Like I said it was a mutual break up. He’s a sweet guy, you just never gave him a chance.” You rolled your eyes. He put his arms up in defense,
“Sorry, love, chill. I was trying to make you feel better by implying you deserved better.” You scoffed knowing he was only being half truthful. 
“Mhm sure, we both know that you just hated him.” Tom looked at the bowl of popcorn in defeat. 
“Thanks for sticking up for Allana by the way. I know she doesn’t seem like the nicest person at first, but when you get to know her she’s a sweetheart.”
“Oh ya I bet.” You joked.
“What? ‘Not gonna give her a chance’, love?” He mocked your American accent  and put air quotes in when he said that. You gave him a displeased look,
“Really, Tom? Really? Are seriously going to say that to me when you never stood up for Gavin and was actually the meanest to him?” 
“Oh my god,” he groaned, “it was a joke, love. I see you still get butt hurt easily.” He said putting his head in his hands. That was it,
“Ok good catching up with you Tom. Good night, asshole.” You took the popcorn and water to your room. 
Tom sat there with his eyes never leaving your beautiful figure. He groaned, beating himself up mentally for fucking things up and for checking you out.
You woke up around 7 a.m. groaning because jet lag got to you really bad. You changed into leggings and a crop top ready to go on a light jog knowing you wouldn’t go back to sleep. 
When you walked down you saw that Tom fell asleep on the couch. Your heart melted at the sight, but you tried to ignore how cute and cuddly he looked. You were about to walk out, but gave in and decided to put a blanket over Tom. 
“Oh mornin’ y/n, you’re up early,” You heard Harrison as he walked down in shorts and a tshit-shirt, “Going on a run too?” 
“Yup, light one though. I’ve got a lot of work to do today.” You said putting your hair up in a ponytail.
“Sick, I’ll run with you for a bit then.” You smiled and waited outside for him.
When you started running it was a little silent until he spoke, “So did you put that blanket over Tom?” 
“Maybe” you chuckled a bit, it was quiet again.
“Fuck it I’m just gonna say it,” you raised your eyebrow at him, “I shouldn’t be saying thihs, but he hasn’t gotten over you. I think Allana is here just to keep him on his toes. And plus he-” 
“Sorry, Harrison, can we not talk about this now? I’m still trying to forget about my past with him since I’m living in his house and all.” You said breathing hard.
“You know you don’t have to do that. As his best friend I know he’d hate for you to pretend like nothing ever happened between you two.” 
“Alright then, but if something bad happens because of past events I’m blaming you.” You said jokingly and Harrison laughed, “So what are all the things you need to catch me up on, I’ll let you talk now, I already can’t breathe.” Harrison laughed and started updating you on everything.
“Wait are you serious? That sounds terrible.” You said, Harrison was telling you how he face planted when he was trying to impress a girl. 
“Oh my god it was so embarrassing, she was so quiet when she helped me up and took her number out of my phone!” You started dying of laughter. 
“I’m so sorry that’s so sad. I can’t help, but to laugh though. She’s missing out though you’re a good looking guy.” He turned red with embarrassment. 
“Aw thanks y/n. Also I can’t believe you ended up running the whole time with me.” You shrugged like it was nothing, but your legs were actually aching. You two stepped into the house to the smell of bacon. 
“Oh hell yeah... wait is that Tom cooking?” Harrison asked, very surprised. 
“Yes, I can cook you div.” Tom said. 
You noticed he changed into sweats and he was shirtless. 
“Bro the last time you cooked was when-”
Tom turned surprised to see you up, you stared at him a bit too long. He cut Haz off before he can spill anymore beans,
“Morning, love, like what you see?” You scoffed,
“Actually no, just waiting for you to burn your nipples or something since your frying bacon without a shirt.” You went to pour a glass of water and as if on cue Tom yelped in pain.
“Fuck, I burned myself.” Tom hissed and you were gonna laugh at him until you saw his side. 
“Oh my god Tom! What the hell how’d you manage to burn your side?” You rushed to his side with an ice pack in a dish towel.
“Haha Tom I thought you said you could cook!” Harrison said dying of laughter.
“Harrison can you go get toothpaste?”
“What the fuck toothpaste?” Harrison and Tom asked at the same time.
“Yes, trust me.” With that Harrison scurried off to get toothpaste.
“Told you being shirtless was a bad idea.” You scolded him.
“You liked it though, don’t deny it,” you pressed the ice pack to his side and he winced, “ouch, love, I was joking.” You giggled a bit at his reaction, 
“How hard is it to find toothpaste? Harrison where are you?” You yelled. You looked back at Tom, seemed like something was on his mind.
“You uh look good, y/n.” He stammered, your face heating up more and your heartbeat quickening,
“Tom don’t.”
“What I can’t say my friend looks good? You told Harrison he’s good looking.” You raised your brow. Was he jealous? How the hell did he hear that from inside?
“You’re something else, Holland. Plus you have a girlfriend, don’t think she’d like to hear you say that. Especially when I’m your ex.” For some reason it pained both of you when you said that.
You sat across from him still waiting for Harrison. Tom nudged your foot with his and said, “Y/n, I wanted to say I was sorry about last night. I was tired and being a complete div.” 
You looked up at him, “It’s alright, sorry for overreacting and walking out.”
“No no you had every right to.” He sighed and was about to continue, but Haz ran in,
“I got the toothpaste!” Harrison said breathless.
“Why the hell did you take so long?” You asked as Harrison handed you the tube and winked at Tom, he rolled his eyes then face palmed.
“Oh my god, Harrison.” Tom groaned. You caught on real quick, Harrison was giving you two alone time. 
“You’re not slick at all Osterfield, you literally suck.” You said as he laughed.
You removed the ice pack from Tom’s side, “Alright, Tom, this is gonna sting a bit.” You warned and spread the paste on his burn he groaned in pain.
“Whoa, Harry cover your innocent eyes!” Tuwaine exclaimed covering his face when he and Harry walked in. 
“Really guys having sex in the kitchen?” Harry said. 
“Oh shut up you dickheads. I burnt myself and y/n is helping me out.” Tom said, still moaning.
“Tom you’re such a baby. Harry we’re no longer best friends anymore.” You stated. Harry laughed as you rolled your eyes. 
“Harrison here to save the day with better bacon than Tom’s bacon!” Harrison sang. Tom slapped Harrison’s leg. You laughed excited for how the next few months would turn out because of how eventful this morning already was.
After a very crazy morning and a facetime meeting with your manager you had to go to the table read for the movie you were shooting. Your phone began to ring, it was Harry. 
“Hey, y/n, I’m really sorry Sam and I are still filming right now. I’m not sure if I’ll be able to pick you up in time to drop you off at your table read. Can you have one of the boys at home take you?” You began to stress a bit, but you knew that Harry was working on something really important to him.
“Yes of course. Let me know how filming goes later!”
“Thanks so much for understanding. I’ll tell you everything when I pick you up for dinner with my family! Bye, love.” You said goodbye and hung up, also completely forgetting about dinner with the Hollands tonight. 
You walked to Harrison’s room and asked, “Hey are you gonna be busy in like the next hour or so?” 
“Sorry, y/n, I’m about to meet up with some friends for lunch. What’d you need?” He asked frantically pacing looking for something. 
“Oh, Harry can’t take me to my tableread anymore, I need a ride.”
“Hmm, oh found it!” Harrison pulled out a watch from his drawer, “Well Tuwaine is leaving with me, so I’m afraid your only options are Tom or the tube.” 
“Really Harrison?” you groaned and he put his hands up in defense, “Ok have fun at lunch.”
You walked over to Tom’s room to see it empty, “He’s outside!” Tuwaine yelled from across Tom’s room. You thanked him and rushed outside to see Tom still shirtless. He was doing push-ups and the toothpaste looked glittery on his right side in the sunlight. His triceps and biceps enlarged every time he pushed his body up.
“You just can’t keep your eyes off me can you, y/n?” He said grunting while finishing his last few reps. You were at a loss for words because he did look really hot at the moment. You blushed and fumbled with your words,
“Oh uh sorry,” He turned and smirked at you, “I need another favor, Harry can’t take me to the tableread and Harrison and Tuwaine are going out for lunch.” He began walking closer to you making your heart skip a beat. What the hell was he doing? “I uh would take myself, but I’ve never driven here before and-” He was inches away from you he reached out and grabbed your shoulder chuckling,
“Alright alright, shut up I’ll take you.” You stared into each other's eyes not breaking eye contact and he reached over to slide the door open wider and he walked past you. You let out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding and rolled your eyes, you can’t let him get to you, he has a girlfriend! “We need to go in 45 minutes, thanks, Tom!” you yelled and he held a thumbs up.
“Z, I swear I cannot live in this house. Tom is acting like he’s some fuck boy and I swear he really is trying to pull something and he has a girlfriend! Did you know that?” You were rambling
“Uhmmm maybe…” She said awkwardly.
“Z! What the hell? Both you and Harry didn’t tell me.”
“What? Didn't think you’d care, cause you’re a ‘badddd bitchhh’.” You laughed at her mocking you.
“Fine, you and Harry said the exact same thing, weird… anyways what the hell do I do?” You said with your phone between your shoulder and your ear as you looked through your closet for something decent to wear at the Holland house. 
“Well, I think you should just focus on what you're doing right now and focus on your growth. Sis, you just broke up with someone, be free for now. It’s time to focus on you and your work.” Zendaya was right, you needed some time to self evaluate and grow, “But also maybe look super hot tonight at the dinner, you know, take his breath away.” She started laughing.
“Z, no! You just said not to worry about boys and he has a girlfriend…”
“But…” she said, waiting for you to carry on.
“But… ok I’ll dress cute, it’s always fun doing that.” You both laughed and she told you what to wear.
“Ok I’m gonna get ready for the tableread, I’ll text you. Love ya!” You said and she said it back and you guys hung up.
“Y/n can we actually leave in 5 minutes? I want to grab lunch, my treat!” Tom said from down the hall.
“Yeah sure.” You grabbed your purse and a bag with extra clothes. You walked out and ran into Tom with a thump he held your shoulders keeping you steady.
“Oops sorry, love. Was just going to tell you to not forget there’s dinner with my family tonight.”
“Yep, got the extra clothes in here.” You said holding up the bag to show him, he smiled and took his hands off your shoulders to take the bag from you and put it over his shoulder, “I could’ve carried it but thanks, bud.” You patted his shoulder and walked off. Tom’s heart dropped when you called him, “bud.”
Tom pulled up to a small cafe that seemed oddly familiar. As soon as he opened the door for you you remembered.
Tom brought back a tray with two burgers, fries, and waters. 
“This place has the best burgers in town. Closest thing we have to in-n-out burgers.” he said handing you the second tray. You told Tom you were starting to feel homesick and said he might know how to cheer you up. You smiled taking a huge bite into the burger, Tom looked at you waiting for your reaction, 
“Oh my god. Absolutely amazing!” Your eyes lit up and Tom’s heart jolted at the joy on your face. He continued to watch you eat the burger that was somewhat making you less homesick, “Hey, Holland, it’s rude to stare. Eat your burger before I eat it.” You joked and he laughed while taking a bite. His heart began to race as he debated whether or not he should tell you how he feels, then he thought ‘fuck it’.
“Y/n, darling?” You hummed in response.
Here goes nothing, “I like you, y/n. I have for a while now.”
Your thoughts went back to what Zendaya was saying, “don’t worry about boys right now.” You took a deep breath and moved up in the line with Tom. “Tom is that you?” Someone asked from behind the counter. 
“Oh, Ms. Sheila! It’s lovely seeing you again.” He said warmly and she came over to give him a hug.
“It’s been so long, and I see you’ve brought this lovely girl back. Is she your girlfriend now?” You widen your eyes and blush.
“Oh my uh no no. We’re just friends, Ms. Sheila.”
“Isn’t this the girl you confessed your feelings to, dear? Then you never came back after that, well only once and that was still ages ago.” 
“Oh, that was a while ago Ms. Sheila. Tom and I are just friends now.” You said before Tom. 
“Oh well that’s a shame you two would make a lovely couple. Anywho what can I get for you two today?” She asked as you followed her to her side of the counter.
“Two of the usuals please.” Tom asked. She nodded and brought the order out within 5 minutes. 
“Now, Tom, I hope you come back more often. Your brothers still come in every now and then.” Tom smiled and promised Ms. Sheila that he’d come back more. 
“How’d she know what your usual is if you haven’t been here in so long?” You asked as you both walked to a booth. 
“I’d come here to get breakfast with my family on Saturdays and would usually hang out here with my mates after school. This place is really special to me, I’ve made a lot of memories here.” He said picking at his fries, only making it more obvious what memory he was thinking about. You two ate in silence for a while not knowing what to say because of what went down the last time you were both here. 
“Alright, ready to go to set, love?” He asked, you nodded as you finished your last bit of the burger and he ate the last of your fries. You and Tom said goodbye to Ms. Sheila and said you’d come back again soon. 
“Thanks, Tom, I owe you big time.” You said looking at him with a smile.
“No problem, but what for?” He asked, glancing at you then back at the road.
“For the meal, taking me to set, and letting me stay at your lovely house.”
“Oh it’s no big deal. You helped me heal my burn,” he paused and cleared his throat, “Uhm b-besides, Harry literally begged me to let you stay, and I’ll be gone next week to film Uncharted. So I’ll uh be out of your hair” He joked and your heart dropped. Harry told you Tom is the one that suggested you stay at their house. Now you sat there confused about who to believe. Regardless you were definitely going to have a chat with Harry about all of this.
Tag list:  @averyfosterthoughts @thollandx @mrsjeffwittek @panicattheeverywherekid @racewife2004 @greatpizzascissorstaco @witchything @wheelertozier @runway-to-my-aid
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#WayneAngel: Chapter 2
The Maribat AU by @ozmav and @maribat-archive is all I can think about atm, so enjoy more of this
Summary- After Grayson posts a video on the wrong twitter, Damian feels like he should lose his social media privileges, and possibly his hand. 
Part 1
Part 2 (HERE)
Part 3
Wayne’s Angel @FashionableInGotham
Thanks for outing my relationship, Dick, now I owe Tim money. 
Marinette paused realizing that no one was going to believe the lone tweet, even as she hit send on the first post of her new twitter account. There were probably a hundred fake accounts popping up already in light of the news. Thousands of theories on her were already flying around the net. 
She probably had a zillion texts from her classmates about the video, but she had taken one look at the group chat and missed calls she had gotten from Alya and turned her phone onto do not disturb. She’d check for texts from her actual friends later. 
She sighed and stuck her head outside, and was only mildly surprised seeing the two middle Wayne boys stilling sitting on the patio. 
“You guys are still out here?” She asked, only for Jason to flip her off and Tim just bleary lifted his head up, having been taking a nap in the sun like a cat.
“Easy boy,” She soothed Jason, “I’ve just come to tell you the kitchen is no longer off-limits, and that Damian is attempting to murder Dick.”
“What did Dickie do?” 
Instead of answering Jason’s question she held up a blue bill between two fingers, “Oh I also owe Tim this,” 
She watched Tim pause mid-yawn and eyes flash to her before his eyes grow large and he cracked up laughing.  
Jason slipped into a cheeky smirk, “No…” 
“Oh yes,” Marinette sighed, “Dick accidentally uploaded the video he took earlier to his public twitter, instead of his private one. #WayneAngel and #MariDami are both trending right now.”  
“The demon spawn might actually succeed in killing him this time,” Tim gasped out, snatching the bill from her.
“Not on Alfred’s birthday, he won’t,” She giggled back before holding up her phone, “Either way, mind helping me enter the celebrity Twitter scene? I feel there’s going to be lots of clean up involved, but I figured the sooner I’m officially introduced the better, but I need someone to confirm I’m me on there.” 
Tim pulled out his phone, “One introduction tweet coming right up.” 
Tim Drake Offical @TJDrake
Thanks, @AFlyingGrayson for fucking up and winning me the bet with on who would out The Demon spawn’s relationship! 
Anyways, Just wanted to introduce @FashionableInGotham as my actual favorite sibling and the Demon spawn’s real, flesh and blood, girlfriend, Marinette.
With the tweet was a picture that Tim had snapped of the three of them chilling on the porch, Marinette perched on the armrest of Tim’s chair as the boy waved the banknote in front of the lens, Jason smirking as he gave the young girl bunny ears. 
It’s a very endearing picture, in her opinion and was ranking in retweets in a heartbeat. Her follower count was climbing from the seven Waynes. Marinette wasn’t going to ask how Tim managed to hack twitter to make the missing Waynes follow her, she really didn’t want to know. 
Plausible Deniability and all that.
The tweet was followed quickly by one from Jason. 
Jason Todd Lives @BestTodd
Yes the brat has a girlfriend
Yes I lost the bet on if he’d follow in Bruce’s footsteps 
Yes that’s my real reaction to her picking me up
Yes she’s is that adorable irl, Proof vvv
Yes @FashionableInGotham is my unofficial baby sister and I will fuck up anyone that upsets her
The picture he attached as proof of her being adorable was of her working on a piece, her tongue sticking out between her teeth as she concentrated. The reds and purple laying in pieces around her as she snipped and sewed them together. Behind her, you could barely make out Tim and Damian arguing on her chaise. 
There was a sudden bang as the patio door was hung open and Dick tumbled through, phone in hand, with Damian still following him, but the knife had been replaced with his sword. 
“Why didn’t you tell me you were introducing Marinette on twitter!” The eldest whined as he continued to dodge Damian’s strikes. Damian stilled, turning to his other brothers. 
“You what!” 
Marinette rolled her eyes, “Easy Damian. It was my idea. Get a good image out there before people have too much time to theorize about how I wormed my way into the elusive Waynes.” 
Tim just snorted, “Ah yes, Marinette the masterful gold digger who had no idea she was dating the Damian Wayne for the first two months of their relationship.” 
The other boys laughed as Marinette’s face turned bright red. 
“You promised not to bring that up again,” SHe whined as her boyfriend came up behind her and wrapped an arm around her. 
“You know you love us, Angel,” He mumbled as he pressed a kiss into her hair, pointily ignoring the fake gagging from Jason and Tim. 
“Sooooo” Dick drawled, bringing everyone attention to him, “We have about an hour we need to start dinner, and two before he and B get back. Who’s up for a little twitter QnA?” 
 The group chat was too hectic to keep up with anymore, no one was sure what was happening, until Chloe texted each of them individually and offered up a conference room at her family’s hotel for them to gather and go over what was happening. 
She was a little surprised that they all agreed, especially Lila. The gig was up, there wasn’t a way for her to convincingly spin this turn of events, not when the Wayne’s were already rushing to social media to defend the girl after the video accidentally went up, introducing her under a brand new twitter. 
If anyone saw that the blonde was already following said twitter, she’d claim it was to keep up with any drama that unfolded from little miss no one dating a Wayne. 
After all, she had an image to keep up, she couldn’t just... 
Her head snapped up to see Adrian standing in the doorway. 
“How on earth did you get here so fast?” She asked with a raised brow. 
He glanced away, rubbing the back of his neck, “I... might of snuck out...” 
She laughed, “Knew school would be good for you.” 
He grinned sliding into the seat next to her, making her relax. 
Their relationship had been rocky for a while, but after Queen Bee made her official debut, they were working through it. She couldn’t deny the fact that his eyes glowed as she tried her best to be a better person made everything easier
“So have you abandoned your ridiculous high road principle?” She questioned, watching him flinch slightly. 
“You know I didn’t...” 
“Yeah, Yeah,” She sighed waving her hand, knowing it was still a sore spot to him that Marinette had taken the advice so poorly before Chloe stepped up and explained what he had meant. 
Keep your head down, don’t draw attention to yourself. Messages that had been instilled into Adrian for years, both to keep out of the media spotlight and, after his mother disappeared, to stay at of his father's way. Lies had never been an issue to him since rumors were always flying around the model and the people he worked with, so while it took him a while to see that the lies that Lila told were different than those written in the gossip columns and were actually doing harm. 
Let’s just say the boy was still beating himself up for that, even if Marinette forgave him. Sadly it was too late to have Adrian come forward on his own to out Lila without it looking like Marinette had just gotten him under her thumb so they had been waiting for their chance.
Chloe was glad to say that that day had finally come. 
“Did you know Damian was the boy Mari talked about?”  He asked quietly. 
“No,” She sighed, “Luka and Kagami had no idea either, you’d know this if you bothered looking at your phone.” 
He shrugged, leaning over her shoulder, “I left it at home, Dad tracked me last time I snuck out with it.”  
She huffed a laugh handing over the phone so he could see the... colorful texts from the pair. 
“I didn’t know Kagami knew any swears in French,” He confessed after scrolling through the group chat. 
“My money’s on her learning them from Ms. Couffaine,” Chloe offered lazily, “That woman swears like a sailor.” 
“She lives on a boat,” Adrian counters, “I think that qualifies her as a sailor.” 
They lapsed into silence as Adrian clicked over to the entire group chat to see if he could make any sense out of it now that the flow of incoming texts has trickled off. 
“Are you okay?” She suddenly asks making him arch a brow, gazing up from the phone. 
“Yeah? Why wouldn’t I be?” 
“Your lady is in love with someone else.” 
Adrian smiled softly.
 “I accepted that awhile ago Chlo,” He reminded her, back to the day they were all too close when time ran out, when the five of them could no longer hide, “I’m very happy to be her best friend, plus I’ve been thinking that I might look what the cat can drag-in” 
She groaned, whacking him, “You’re ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous.” 
“Like you weren’t wondering if you’d be a good snake charmer.”
She squeaked, swatting him again harder as he fell off his chair with laughter.
“I told you that in confidence, not so you can make stupid puns!” 
“Oh come on Chloe, don’t throw a hissssy hit,” 
“I’m a bee, so buzz off!” 
They stared at each other before breaking down into giggles. 
“I hate you,” She whines through the pearls of laughter. 
“No you don’t,” He waggled his eyebrow making her laugh harder. 
Knowing he won he glanced back at her phone only for his smile to twist into a wicked grin. 
“Tone down the Chat in that grin or people will put it together,” She warned, poking his cheek. 
“Marinette and the Wayne boys just said they’re doing a QnA under #Daminette.”  
Chloe blinked a few times before her smile twisted to match his, “There’s a projector in here and we have about five minutes until anyone else gets here.” 
“I’ll grab your laptop and make sure Plagg and Pollen come down from your room,” Adrian said, climbing to his feet. 
“I’ll call Luka and Kagami and ask them to be prepared, and then get Jean to get refreshments and inform Jagged Stone of what’s happening,” She assigned to herself before he nodded and took off. 
Operation Dethrone Lila was officially underway. 
About fucking time
Taglist: @kceedraws @northernbluetongue @starry-bi-sky @mysteriouslyswimmingfan-blo-blog @lexysama @vincentvangoose
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yuna-dan · 4 years
Hi. Since you like BTR can you write a Logince fic with a BTR song? Thanks.
Hello! I want to say that I was very happy when I got this and i was like i’m going to write about Cover Girl but then I remember I’ve always loved Cruise Control and it’s not exactlly a known song, so yeah. I hope you like it
please ignore the fact that it’s 4:00 am
Warning: Homophobia, transphobia and teens running away. This is also highly,,, huh, positive? 
if you wanna be added to the tag list please interact with this
Buy me a kofi?  | Masterpost | Comission Info
Based on this song [x] Also in this universe Roman is a only child
I just wanna get in the car
And drive away
That's all I wanna do
Doesn't matter where we go
As long as it's me and you
“Meet you at the bridge at 22:10, if I’m not there at 22:10, don’t wait for me.” Those were the words that his friend had whispered in his ear right before the teacher arrived.
Roman’s eyes were filled with something that Logan couldn’t pinpoint exactly, but nodded anyways, “I’ll tell you.”
Come ride with me all night
Wherever you wanna go
The six had been talking about leaving the hometown. Logan always thought it would be when they decided to go to college but seeing Roman’s bruises made Logan’s mind quickly.
“Homophobia is a bitch, isn’t it?” Janus had said at some point on their life, before they left the town for good. Sometimes Logan goes into Jan’s Facebook profile just to see if they’re okay…
(The account was deactivated three months after they left, but for some reason Logan knew that Janus was okay. He hoped his sibling was okay.)
“My parents know about us.” Roman said, softly as they kissed behind a tree, hiding. They’re always hiding.
“What?” Logan’s brain didn’t register what came out of Roman’s mouth.
“My parents know about us.” He repeated, his voice getting smaller, “I-…”
Logan braced himself for the I’m breaking up with you, but it never came, “I’m sorry.”
“They said they wanted to fix me…”
There’s nothing to fix you’re perfect he wanted to say, but words were lost.
“Let’s run away.”
Into the moonlight
Drive to the end of the road
It was night, and Roman hasn’t arrived. Logan’s backpack wasn’t even that heavy, but it was heavy for him.
“Are you sure?” He asked. Logan knew for a fact that his parents would not be happy if he decided to came out, he stills remember the way they refuse to call his sibling Janus, always going for the Janice.
“I know I’m asking for a lot… but…”
“No, let’s do it.”
Keep going to the sunrise
Put the car in cruise control, cruise control, cruise control
Anywhere you wanna go
It 22:09 and Roman wasn’t here. A small voice behind his mind told him he’s not coming, he’s not coming.
He was ready to give up, go inside his small car and drive away until this town was far behind. He felt hot tears stinging in his eyes.
“Don’t you dare.” He heard, “Don’t you dare leave without me, Specs, I’m coming!”
Everyday it's always the same
Gotta get away
Out of this game
Am so sick of this same town
This same place and these same faces
They drove in silence, not sure on what they could say, “We need to stop at an ATM.” Roman said, after a few minutes of silence. Logan threw him a questioning look, his eyes leaving the road for a second.
“I steal her card.” He said, holding a blue card between his index and middle finger, “We can withdraw all the money and disappeared.”
Logan chuckles, “That will be nice.”
They decided to stop at a gas station, it was still night, probably 3 am. They got rid of their phones a few miles after the town ended, not risking getting located. His mind drifted back to his sibling, who had done the same thing a few years before.
“I will be okay, I promise you, once I’m in a steady place, I will find you.” They said, the night they left. Two years ago, sometimes Logan wonder about them and wishes he could’ve been a better brother.
The small voice in his mind him you’re the youngest brother and look in the position you’re.
Thankfully Roman came back, breaking his thoughts “There were only 1300 dollars, babe.”
Logan choked, and wanted to say only? He had 180 dollars, “Wow, that, that will be okay for now.” For moments, Logan forget that Roman was that rich kid. Back when they met, when they were younger and before the town casted them outside for being different Roman used to be a spoiled kid, who would cry until his mama bought him the latest and newest toy.
Now, he thought, we’re starting from scratch. 
“I guess we’ll have to work.” Roman said, as if the idea scared him, it probably did.
Logan chuckled, “Hop in, we’ll see how it goes.”
When Roman got into the car, the card was on the ground, abandoned.
So you came
And you open my heart to
Everything I never thought I do
And everyway and all because of you
Roman was driving now, as Logan stared into the map, “We’re heading north, right?” Roman asked.
Logan nodded, staring into the night sky, “Why?”
“Janus told me he went to the north, besides the south sucks.” They chuckled. After a beat of silence, Roman spoke again, “Do you think they’ve noticed?”
“It’s been two weeks, Roman, and it’s not like that shithole is exactly huge. Of course they noticed.”
“Do you think they cared?”
Logan remembered the way it was after Janus left, “I don’t know…”
“Is it bad a part of me wishes they cared?”
“No, I don’t think so.”
“Sometimes, I wish thing were different. I wish holding your hand didn’t mean danger, and I wish I could kiss you without going to a camp.” His eyes were on the road, but Logan knew they weren’t focused.
“I’m sorry.”
“it’s not your fault…” Roman’s eyes were watering now, and Logan simply put his hand on his tight, “I just…”
“You wish you could hate them?” He guessed, maybe projecting, and Roman nodded, “Yeah, I know.”
They slept parked on the sideway, they were holding hands.
I gotta get away, get away, get away
And never come back, no
They arrived at a city and rent a hotel room. Ten dollars the night. It wasn’t a great a room, but it wasn’t perfect.
They decided they didn’t want to watch the news, so they spend that night watching silly cartoons a cuddling (after showering, thank you very much, someone can spend a specific amount of time inside a car)
“We can stay here a few days,” Logan was the one managing the money, and Roman had managed to exchange some things for a couple of dollars. They’ve work, doing some errands.
It was hard, it was heavy, and it was tiring.
They wouldn’t have it other way.
As they slept, Logan noticed that this was their third month on the run, and he hadn’t felt homesick at all.
Home is not a place, the voice provided, and he closed his eyes.
I just wanna get in the car
And drive away
That's all I wanna do
Doesn't matter where we go
As long as it's me and you
A year. 
They never left that small city. Roman found himself working in the hotel and Logan found a job too, which wasn’t exactly his dream job, but he couldn’t be picky.
“Do you regret the decision?” Roman asked, one night as they kissed.
“Leaving.” He simply said, kissing his temple.
When they kissed, Roman tasted like home.
“Sometimes I’m scared you’ll wake up one day and you’ll realized that you don’t want to spend the rest of your life trapped on a hotel room…” Logan pecked his lips, interrupting his thoughts.
“Roman, I would follow you until the end of the world, doesn't matter where we go, as long as it's me and you.”
Come ride with me all night
Wherever you wanna go
Into the moonlight
Drive to the end of the road
Keep going to the sunrise
Put the car in cruise control, cruise control, cruise control
Anywhere you wanna go.
Five years went by, jobs went by. The only steady thing in Roman’s and Logan’s life was each other.
When they bought their first house, they couldn’t be more excited, Roman was practically shining as he received the keys. 
“Welcome home.” The salesman said, as she opened the door.
“I’ve always been home.” Roman said, kissing Logan.
Doesn't matter where we go
As long as it's me and you
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naptoons · 5 years
Haunt you - brandon arreaga
Warnings: drinking substance, mild language.
Theme: angst
Summary: Brandon regrets breaking up with you for the sake of protecting you, everyday memories of you guys together haunts him, so he decided he’s going to talk to you again and apologize.
A/N: I didn’t proofread, but this song is my current fave atm I’m literally obsessed with it lol. And I saw Brandon fitting this scenario I was in my feels blame the Scorpio in me🥺🤟🏾
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You and Brandon were perfect. Every one looked up to y’all as couple goals. You were happy with Brandon, and he was as well with you. Wherever he was you were there. Even Zion would tease y’all and shout “can y’all unstick from each other for two minutes?!” Which ultimately made the both of you blush. Three months into the relationship you’d asked him was he going to introduce you to his fans. Brandon froze up and your question and decided not to answer. From that day forth you haven’t talked to him. Until three weeks later he texted you and broke up with you.
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It was hard on you, he never told you why or even tried to talk about it. And that bothered you. But at the same time you thought how could you easily talk about pain? Pain isn’t a buttery smooth topic. Five months passed and you tried to forget about him, throwing yourself into your studies, going outside whenever you felt the need to cry. Texting your friends and practically begging them to come over or hangout with you. Matters didn’t get better when you realized all the members were still following you on Instagram. So you saw all their stories and posts.
Seeing Brandon’s smile made you miss his, made you miss the way his nose slightly crinkled when he smiled. The way his nose ring would constantly shift everytime he laid a kiss on you, caressing his tattoos after both of you came out the shower. The way he would tap your thigh softly while making beats because he wanted you close at all times. It was the little things that made you happy. And now you felt as if you were being greedy and that’s what drove him away from you. Putting on your favorite movie and grabbing your chocolate chip cookies and a bottle of wine. You begin binging the movie. Drinking glass after glass. An hour later the whole bottle was gone.
And your nose was red and your eyelids were puffy, slumped in the covers on your couch. Maybe it was better off this way, he could live his life and travel go on tour do his music. Hell he could get drunk if he wanted too, have one night stands, maybe even find someone whose job is just like his. But you can’t help how badly you want him. Even though you and Brandon have broken up the other members have been texting and checking up on you.
Feeling yourself falling asleep you phone buzzes scaring you , looking at the caller ID you see it’s Zion wanting to FaceTime you. Pulling the covers up to your nose you answer his call. “Hey y/n are you sick?” He asks in a concerned tone
“Having a little allergy problem, that’s all so what’s up?” You ask
“On our way to your house, we’re in town and thought we’d visit, come take you out or something” Zion adds Edwin gets in the camera slightly “y/n!!! We’ve missed you dude” Edwin chimes. You smile, sinking further into the covers.
“I’ve missed you guys too, how are y’all?” You asks
“Pretty great, how’s college going?” Edwin asks
“Sluggish” you giggle, they look at you with furrowed eyebrows “y/n? Are you drunk?” Zion questions you sink your head in the pillow as you start giggling even more but now it’s mixed with salty tears. “We’re on our way y/n” Zion whispers, Zion hangs up the phone as you stand up making your way to the shower, to clean yourself up.
Fifteen minutes later, a knock is at your door, your hair was still semi wet, you step to the side letting them all in, all expect Brandon he wasn’t here. In a way you really wish he was. Just to see how he was doing.
“Y/n? Talk to us, you’ve kinda been ignoring us since...” Zion starts but you cut him off “since we’ve broken up yeah I’m aware, it’s just really hard Zion, getting used to something that isn’t your routine, reverting back to normal, when what was normal before was beautiful” you rant “maybe I’m reminiscing too much on the past and it’s hurting me, but I’m hurting...”
Your voice choked up “I’m hurting cause I’ll never know why” Zion wastes no time pulling you into his arms, followed by the rest of the members wrapping their arms around you. They made you feel a bit better.
They stayed with you for a couple of hours playing board games, screaming at each other in uno, Zion getting real salty about you beating him in Mario kart. Brandon saw all of this through Instagram, seeing that smile it's the way you look, he won't forget it. His friend taps his shoulder making Brandon screenlock his phone.
“Bro you know you still love her, so go tell her” he advises
Brandon shakes his head “no, I can’t but it’s better this way”
His friend chuckles “it’s better for y’all to be miserable and running away from fake fans? Those are the only ones that are going to hate on y’all relationship dude”. Brandon broke up with you because he wanted to save your heart from the ruthless cyber space. He knew that on the internet it can be harsh, and he didn’t want you going through the same thing he does.
He didn’t want a psychopathic liar, twisting things around and making you doubt his love for you. He didn’t want anyone to make a fool out of you. He didn’t want anyone to publicly embarrass you. All he wanted was to see you smile, to see your eyes glisten at him, laugh until y’all turned blue in the face. Cuddle up on the roof at night and paint out fake constellations. It was the little things that haunted him. But he would rather have you away from this dark world than drag you in it.
“Brandon, listen your true fans will support and love you no matter what, look how they treated you and Charlotte. They will do the same with her, and plus if they don’t that’s okay, your family loves her, your friends life her and y’all love each other” his friend further pushes. “So get it through your thick skull and fucking talk to her,get your girl back, hug her kiss her before it’s too late, then it’ll really haunt you”
Brandon nods his head softly knowing one hundred percent his friend was right, texting Zion asking for your address, he grabs his keys rushing to your apartment.
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The members left your house an hour ago, leaving you with a sore stomach, they made you laugh, they tried to teach you a dance. You really forgot about your problems for today. But when the moonlight peaked through your curtains. Your emotions would turn detrimental. Your doorbell rings just as you were heading towards your bedroom, confused and startled you wander towards the door, unlocking it you peep your head around seeing the raven haired boy, soaked from head to toe, his glasses glistening from the droplet.
“Brandon?” You question, Brandon weakly smiles at your sudden emotion, you never thought about the day you’d see him again. And now that he’s here your mind is empty. “May I come in?” His voice is soft being careful to think his words through.
“Yeah, of course you’re soaked” you open the door wider letting him step foot on your welcome mat. Closing the door and locking it behind him , Brandon starts taking off his shoes by the door tugging them away in the corner. “Want tea? Don’t want you sick when y’all start recording” you smile remembering how upset Brandon used to get whenever he had a cold and couldn’t record.
Music was his first love you would always tell him, but he’d always argue with you and say “no you’re my first love, stop trying to compete, with something you know you’ll win at”
“Sure, I’ll take your tea, just this time let’s hope you don’t give me diabetes” Brandon jokes
“That was one time !! Ugh” you yell, putting the water in the teapot you turn with the bag, turning around to meet Brandon’s eyes.
“Y/n?” His voice shakes “I’m here to say I’m sorry,you didn’t deserve to be in a toxic relationship, I didn’t deserve to give you pain, and to say I did it because I was scared of what the media would think is beyond fucking stupid” Brandon rarely cursed, and if he did he was serious about it, it had to be something he was passionate about it.
“I know your heart its way beyond being fixed, but I want to try, I want to take my time and heal you, and love you, because y/n I do love you more than I can comprehend, your pain is something I thought about for a while” Brandon reaches for your hand caressing your fingers. “I have a lot more words but I’d rather you hear it” Brandon’s voice vibrates appearing that he may break into tears soon. You nod your head getting the tea off and pouring it into a travel cup, adding in the organic honey and organic sugar, then stir with a spoon.
“I promise it’s not this sweet this time” you smile
“If it is that’s okay, I’ll drink it anyways” Brandon grabs your hand walking towards the door. Putting on his shoes. “What about me I need shoes” you try to turn around but Brandon pulls you closer lifting your legs off the ground.
“No worries your stuff is still at the house” getting outside you lock the door with the keys and he places your phone in his pocket. Running to the car you’re giggling in excitement and a sudden rush of butterflies. He places you in the car, rushing to his side as the rain started to trickledown.
“You’re insane” you giggle
“All because the name of love” he replies smiling
Arriving the the prettymuch house Brandon is holding you as he opens the front door with the key, walking in the house Zion and nick are in the couch. “Hey y’all” you giggle
Zion can’t help but to smile a little “hey” he lets out softly, Brandon smiles back at Zion nodding his head, Zion winks at him and Brandon walks to his room. Placing you down on your feet. You scan his room looking at his new set up, really have changed his sense of style. Brandon grabs your hand sitting you on the chair next to him.
“I can sing better than I can talk, so listen to this” he places his headphones on your head. The guitar begins to strum with the soft vocals of Brandon singing the first lyric of the song “How do I measure up to heights you've been to? How could I ever love you like you're meant to?” Looking at Brandon his fingers tap against the wooden table. Your eyes focused on the fidgeting nerves in my jawline. Sooner or later the chorus comes around.
“Never thought something so beautiful could haunt you Haunt you, haunt you”
You could feel the emotions in this song. Yeah you know he didn’t write it but he sung it as if he did, because it was meant for you to hear. After the song is done you look Brandon in the eyes. Hes biting his nails aching at your sudden response. He wasn’t prepared for your words. You sit on his lap cupping his head. “Brandon, my heart isn’t past broken it’s still trying to heal, and I’m scared, I’ve wished for this day I wished for this conversation, but I don’t know what to say”
Brandon’s eyes sparkling into euphoria, you can tell he’s still in love with you, but you were scared of what may happen. “Brandon I’m really scared” you whisper
“I’m sorry I made you scared baby, but I just wanted it to be known that my actions weren’t the way I truly felt, I still and will always love you” Brandon kisses your cheeks, his hand rubbing your back softly. “Would you like me to take you back home?” Brandon asks you.
“No, I wanna stay here and work it out with my boyfriend” you blurt out, Brandon widen his eyes up at you trying to calm the nerves laugh building up in his throat “I’m scared but I wanna give it chance, Brandon I still love you a lot and if theirs a chance of maybe reconnecting I’ll give it a go” you giggle caressing the nape of his neck “but can we take it slow?”
“Slow burns are all I want with you” Brandon mumbles pulling you into a soft kiss wrapping his arms around your waist,lifting you up the both of you lay down on the bed. You in his chest with one leg on top of his. “You know if I fuck this up Zion said he would beat my ass?” Brandon laughs
“Really? Zion has feelings?” You laugh caressing his jawline with your fingernails, Brandon nods his head falling into your trance while rubbing the tips of y’all noses together “I’ve missed you so much” you whisper
“I’ve missed you more babylove, so much” Brandon hums on your ear laying kisses from your ear to your lips “and I love you” Brandon just spills his body tensing at the words that flew out. you just giggling kissing his lips on last time. “I love you too honey”
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purplesurveys · 4 years
survey by sassybabexo
Describe the clock in the room you’re in. I don’t keep one in my room. The tiny reminder on my phone is enough.
What movie did you see last time you went to the cinema? It was still the same boring movie, Knives Out. I’m not sure if nearby cinemas are open again, but none of the new films sound interesting anyway so it’s fine.
Do you know anyone named Lucas? What’s he like? Yes, he’s a younger cousin that I used to babysit a lot. He’s one of the most effortlessly funny and easygoing people I know, and is so very simple. My mom and I always remark at how well he was raised as he has turned out to be so well-behaved, kind, and such a gentleman. I’m shy around my cousins in general because I’m a lot older than most of them, but I always love seeing him around when our sides of the family get together.
Do you know anyone named Jordan? Whats he like? I don’t think so, but I know there are many kids with Jordan as their middle name because they were probably named after Michael Jordan. Welcome to the Philippines, where basketball is life lol.
Do you know anyone named Brooke? Whats she like? I mean kind of. I constantly work with the media, being in PR, and one of the people on my contact list is a Brooke. She’s a horrible replier though, and I’ve never interacted with her yet.
Do you know anyone named Tara? Whats she like? No one comes to mind.
What type of shoes were you wearing last? My white Puma sneakers.
Tell me about all the cuts or scabs you have on you atm They’re all from Cooper. I also have a weird cut on my right index finger that came out of nowhere, and it currently stings if I scratch it.
Hows the weather in your neck of the woods? It’s a lot more bearable now. Would be until March at most. I’m having the time of my life wearing my thicker clothes and turning off the fan every night, haha.
Do you watch Smosh? I used to, until about 2014 maybe. I was obsessed - waited for new episodes every Saturday morning, watched all the BTS videos, watched Lunchtime with Smosh and Ian is Bored, waited for Food Battle every year, and went to the Smosh Pit website everyday lol. My interest died down when they started highlighting more cast members (I’m sure they’re great, it just killed off the Anthony/Ian-only magic for me).
It’s a channel on YouTube. I suggest you check it out. I did, like 11 years ago lmao.
Do you have any step-siblings? Nope. If I somehow had some and I was only told now, I wouldn’t want to start building a relationship with them this late.
Are there any new kids at school? I’m not in school anymore. But this question made me look back and remember how I was always excited for the first day of each school year because it meant new faces :)
Do new kids come often? Around 5-10 new students came in every year, I’d say. We’re only around 150 in the batch, so 10 new faces was already exciting for us.
Cats or dogs? Dogs.
What are your cousins’ names and ages? You really want to ask a Filipino?
What class do you have in first period? For the life of me, I can no longer remember my class schedule from my final semester in college. 
Have you seen Paranormal Activity? Yep. A bit of a guilty pleasure.
Name five things you can grab from where youre sitting? Phone, a hair comb accessory, an unopened pack of push pins, scissors, earphones.
Do you like Marilyn Manson? He scared me as a kid, but now I don’t have any emotions towards him really. Most days I’m envious of him for having married Dita Von Teese.
Have your parents ever had surgery? My dad used to have a benign cyst on the back of his head/neck and he had it surgically removed when I was a kid.
If you own a camera, what colour is it? Only the one on my phone, which works fine for me. The phone itself is black.
Do you remember the last time you tripped? Yups, must’ve been a couple of weeks ago.
What did you trip on? I was chasing Cooper who was running for Kimi (which was 100% not going to end well if he got to him) and I slipped on the floor. I had a nasty cut/bruise on my knee but at least I got to grab his tail, lmao.
I tripped on my own two feet :/
Who was the last person you talked to through Facebook inbox? Angela.
What were you two talking about? She said she’s finally starting on Start Up, and I told her to enjoy and reassured her that I’ll be okay if she ever ends up on Team Do-San HAHAHAHA
Have you ever eaten a kangaroo steak? I haven’t.
Is there a mall where you live? So many. There are five nearby ones I can easily go to if I wanted to.
What brand are the headphones or earbuds you use? I’m currently borrowing my dad’s Samsung earbuds.
Has anyone ever told you you’re just not good enough at something? Not to me, but my ballet instructor told my parents that I didn’t seem to have any natural skill for ballet. Which was fine, because it’s true.
You ever listened to every single song by one artist in one sitting without skipping any songs? I’ve tried this, but I always end up skipping one or two.
What did you last have a detention for? We don’t have detention.
Do you have a bike which you ride regularly? I wish I could ride bikes first...
Are you on non-speaking terms with any relatives? I don’t speak with my brother, and I only talk to one of my uncles if he talks to me first.
Have you ever had to be on crutches? Nope.
Other than the keyboard, what can you hear right now? The whirring of my fan, the purring of a car’s engine outside, and Kimi’s light snoring.
What colour is your pencil case? I don’t use one anymore, but my last ones were pink and brown each.
Does your cell phone have a case or cover on it? It does have a case. The back of my phone is made of glass, so I absolutely have to have a case on it all the time considering how clumsy I already am. It also has tempered glass on the front.
What did you last cry about? I was overwhelmed with how much people expressed their support and love for me in my yearend essay. I shut myself out from the world for so long because I didn’t think anyone could help, and I only now realized how beautifully kind they can be - even the ones I haven’t talked to since high school. It was a signal to me that these are the people worth keeping and that I should stop putting in efforts for those who don’t even appreciate them.
Describe your pajamas. I’m only wearing a pajama top at the moment. This one is light blue and silky.
How’s your hair styled right now? It’s just bedhead.
Do your grandparents know how to text message? All of them do/did, except for my maternal grandmother who refuses to learn any gadget.
Have you ever stood on a tack? Nope.
It hurts like hell :/ I bet.
Do you know anyone who has cancer? I...don’t think so. I think.
Would you ever consider home birth? Probably not.
Have you ever had a penpal? Nope.
If so, what is his or her name?
Have you seen all three High School Musical movies? Technically yes, but I slept through the third one because I was sick when my cousins and I watched it in the cinema.
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halliewriteshockey · 5 years
oh no, why was the date a disaster?!?
Well, let’s see.
We met for dinner, which he paid for, since I bought the hockey tickets. He got his drink as I was getting mine and... walked away without looking back. I was left at the drink bar going ??? and still trying to get my lid and straw together.
Okay, okay, be nice, maybe he’s just awkward and nervous.
I found him at the table and sat down to eat. I should point out that I put effort into my appearance ( @wordssometimesfail can testify that I looked good, dammit), had a nice top and fancy jeans on. He showed up in shlubby jeans, a worn-out T-shirt, and a hoodie that’s seen better days. (He works in IT, and as will become clear later on, he can afford decent clothes.)
He spilled sauce on his shirt multiple times while eating, complained about how terrible it was, but ate the entire thing anyway. I do not know if he tipped, I very much hope he did.
During dinner, I asked him questions. Where do you work, what do you do, do you like it, are you from here, etc.
He asked me one question. “Are you from here.” That was it. He didn’t ask where I work, he never asked about my books (I mentioned I’m a writer). He showed absolutely no interest in anything to do with me. He did, however, tell me why he’s a vegetarian (meat gives him the shits). He referenced this several times throughout the evening, in excruciating detail.
Halfway through the meal, he pulled out his phone and began scrolling Facebook. He did that for the rest of the meal, despite me still valiantly trying to carry the conversation.
Honestly, at this point I should have called it. Faked an emergency, gone and gotten my daughter, and taken HER to the game.
But no, I forged on. 
He wanted to take his own car even though I have a free parking pass, but then didn’t have cash for the attendant. I paid for him to get in, and I will say that he did find an ATM inside and immediately paid me back, so that’s something.
The game was... not good. I couldn’t enjoy seeing my baby Pens (Joseph motherfucking Blandisi was there and so adorable but could I truly appreciate him? No I could not.)
My date didn’t understand anything that was going on but the only thing he seemed interested in was the fighting. “Are they gonna fight? Who are the fighters? Who should I be watching?” Idk dude, maybe watch the guy with the puck??
I tried to keep him interested in the game, telling him what was happening, but he just nodded vacantly every time and either changed the subject or looked away so I’d stop talking.
Like okay, I get it, hockey’s not for everyone. But he knew this was a passion of mine, I warned him multiple times going in. Every time I got “haha it’ll be fun”.
Reader, it was not fun. 
He was on his phone for most of the game as well, and I think the most wtf moment of the evening was when he opened his banking app to see how much he had in his account and held the phone where I could see it all casual-like, pretending to watch the game with the app open and angled toward me (which is how I know he could afford nicer clothes than he had).
I very nearly faked an emergency and left, but like. Baby Pens. I’d been waiting for this game literally all season. So I sucked it up, sat through all three periods, overtime AND shootouts, and then as we were leaving, he dashed up the stairs without looking back to see if I was anywhere near him, and straight into the bathroom.
Okay, maybe he really had to go. I hung around awkwardly outside the bathroom until he came out, at which point he immediately started walking again without looking for me. I had to dash to keep up with him (which was not fun because my knee was fucked from sitting in those seats as usual) all the way upstairs and to our cars.
I got an awkward sideways hug, no eye contact, and when I thanked him for coming out with me, he just kind of shrugged and said goodbye.
It was horrible on multiple levels. I don’t expect my future partner to know or even care about my interests, but I don’t think it’s too much to ask that they care about me.
So anyway I’m canceling men again and going into hibernation. Someone wake me up when Dobby wants my number.
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