#i’m trying to be excited about tomorrow
harrysfolklore · 3 days
Could you do an insta blurb with Anna Paul as a face claim? <33
never give up - ln4
my first lando blurb !! i was really excited to write for him so let me know your thoughts about this or send requests !
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liked by landonorris, georgerussell63 and 4,836 others
yourinstagram starting the job of my dreams tomorrow 😭😭😭😭 see you soon bahrain 🏁
view all 190 comments
username1 omg congratulations ma friend !! ♥︎ by author
username2 all of those years of watching race cars finally paid off ♥︎ by author
↳ yourinstagram now i’m going to be making tiktoks for them HOW IS LIFE REAL
↳ yourinstagram your wish is my command 🫡🫡🫡
maxverstappen1 Please don’t make us do any kind of dance… ♥︎ by author
↳ yourinstagram you don’t make that decision sir
username3 i believe in the f1 fan to working to f1 pipeline now
oscarpiastri Hello new best friend ♥︎ by author
↳ yourinstagram HI BESTIEEEEE
↳ oscarfan1 counting on the oscar content
landonorris Welcome abroad 🥰 ♥︎ by author
↳ landofan1 whats with that emoji landoeeee
↳ yourinstagram i’m readyyyy
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liked by yourinstagram, pierregasly and 338,504 others
lando.jpg touchdown in bahrain. @yourinstagram forced me to try matcha (awful experience)
view all 1,368 comments
oscarpiastri You’re a matcha girl at heart
↳ yourinstagram you’re so right my dearest pastry
↳ oscarfan1 LOVE THEM
landofan2 not lando being a matcha hater 😭
landofan3 yn in the last picture she’s so cuuuute
username1 lando posting a picture of yn 👀 i bet they’re dating
↳ landofan1 you must be new here lando posts literally everyone
maxverstappen1 I spot a Redbull jacket, thank you for picking favorites already @yourinstagram
↳ yourinstagram don’t flatter yourself okay. and tell checo i need both of you for rapid fire questions asap
↳ charles_leclerc I’m getting her ferrari red stuff soon
↳ lando.jpg she’s papaya heart, sorry losers
↳ username2 HEEELP😭
username3 looks like all the drivers get along with yn it’s so fun to see
georgerussell63 Why did you steal YN I needed to run something by her
↳ yourinstagram if by that you mean you need to know which one of your memes is going viral rn, check your messages
↳ username4 PLEASEEEEE 😭
username5 this comment section feels like a gc with all of them and i love it
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liked by charles_leclerc, landonorris and 20,736 others
yourinstagram tifosi for jeddah. let’s gooo @/charles_leclerc, @/olliebearman ❤️ and sending big hugs to mr smooth operator @/carlossainz55, hope you recover sooooonnn
view all 466 comments
username1 SLAYYYY
username2 such a cool jacket omg ♥︎ by author
scuderiaferrari We’re all Tifosi at heart 🙌
↳ yourinstagram love you ferrari admin
landofan1 i know lando won’t be happy
olliebearman Love you 🫶🫶🫶 ♥︎ by author
↳ username1 AWEEEE OLLIE
iamrebeccad 😍 ♥︎ by author
alexandrasaintmleux Ferrari girls >>> 🥰 ♥︎ by author
↳ charlesfan1 i love the ferrari wags sm
landofan2 lando complaining in 3..2..1
landonorris It’s always tifosi or gives you wings but never papaya
↳ oscarpiastri Ouch
↳ yourinstagram top cry babies of the grid: the mclaren boys
↳ landofan1 😭😭😭😭😭
↳ danielricciardo Can you blame them? They’re like 7 ♥︎ by author, georgerussell63, maxverstappen1, carlossainz55
↳ landonorris Can’t hear the haters
maxverstappen1 And who got double podium?
↳ yourinstagram you’re so annoying omg
↳ maxfan1 HEEEELP
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liked by yourinstagram, landofan1 and 58,624 others
f1gossip Lando Norris enjoys Australia with mystery woman ahead of the Grand Prix this weekend
view all 409 comments
landofan1 HEEELP
landofan2 my brother in christ that’s yn
username1 mystery woman 😂😂 @/yourinstagram
landofan3 iconic duo
landofan4 i’m going to say what everyone is thinking: i ship them
↳ landofan1 HEEEELP
username2 we need the teaaaaaaa
yourinstagram i wonder who could that be ♥︎ landonorris
↳ username1 so mysterious
yourinstagram why does this look like i’m showing you receipts of something shady that you did @landonorris
↳ landonorris You look so done with my lies lol
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liked by carlossainz55, landonorris and 49,846 others
yourinstagram AND THAT'S A WIN FOR THE SMOOTH OPERATOR AFTER THE OPERATION ‼️ congratulations carlitosss, don't let the papaya fool you, i was rooting for you
view all 422 comments
username1 LETS GOOO
username2 this is such a cool picture ♥︎ by author
mclaren Our papaya heart just broke 💔
↳ yourinstagram NOOOOO
scuderiaferrari FORZA FERRARI ❤️
↳ yourinstagram YAAAS
username3 she really has the coolest job in the world
landofan1 lando finally made her wear papaya 😭 ♥︎ by author
landonorris I was in the podium too, you know?
↳ charles_leclerc Me too
↳ yourinstagram did you win?
↳ landofan2 CLOCK THEM
iamrebeccad 😍😍😍 ♥︎ by author
lilyzneimer Beautyyy
carlossainz55 The smooth operation 💪 ♥︎ by author
↳ landonorris I'm getting my apendix removed
↳ yourinstagram DO NOT
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liked by yourinstagram, danielricciardo and 689,462 others
landonorris australia was nice :)
view all 3,045 comments
landofan1 BABYYYYY
username1 yn what are you doing here
carlossainz55 Why don't you post a picture of my win?
↳ landofan1 😭😭😭
↳ yourinstagram bc i'm prettier ♥︎ by author
oscarpiastri Australia: the best country in the world
↳ yourinstagram you're australia's treasure 👐
landofan3 POSTING YN??? ON MAIN??
↳ landofan1 bestiesss
↳ landofan2 i had to double check this was actually his main
username2 he's in love with yn
georgerussell33 crushcrushcrush
↳ username1 he's so strange
yourinstagram i like being each other's personal photographers
↳ landofan3 they're in love
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liked by yourinstagram, oscarpiastri and 632,099 others
landonorris i didn't get that podium but i did get you some spam
view all 3,102 comments
username1 when will lando nowins ends
landofan2 YN AGAIN?????
mclaren 🧡
danielricciardo Is this a YN fan account? ♥︎ by author
↳ yourinstagram IT SO IS RIGHT
↳ landonorris Can't hear the haters
username2 it's so obvious that those two are in a relationship
↳ landofan1 don't be weird they're friends and yn kinda works for them
↳ landofan2 to be fair yn doesn't really work for the drivers, she works for the f1 pr team
carlossainz55 👀
↳ landofan1 WHAT DO YOU KNOW
yourinstagram thank you for the night walk and the pic buddyyyy ♥︎ by author
↳ landofan1 NOT BUDDY HELP
↳ username1 even i felt hurt by that friendzone
↳ landofan2 lando was found crying
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liked by olliebearman, landonorris and 58,264 others
yourinstagram one moth living the dream life while having the dream job 🥺 let’s go shangai 🇨🇳
view all 501 comments
username1 im so jealous rn
username2 teach me your ways
lewishamilton 🖤 ♥︎ by author
landofan1 lando crying over the redbull gear soon
username3 traveling the world befriending the drivers and getting free merch this is really THE DREAM ♥︎ by author
lilyzneimer 💙 the bestttt!
↳ yourinstagram i literally lysm baby lily
↳ oscarpiastri Stop stealing my girlfriend from me thank you
↳ yourinstagram the mclaren boys being cry babies, exhibit B
alex_albon Why am I missing from the third pic?
↳ georgerussell63 We we’re gossiping about you ♥︎ by author, oscarpiastri, landonorris, lewishamilton, maxverstappen1
↳ yourinstagram exactly
username4 how does it feel to live my dream
maxverstappen1 Great great jacket
↳ landonorris i’m burning it
↳ landofan1 HEEEELP 😭
landonorris Best season so far 🫶🫶🫶 ♥︎ by author
↳ landofan2 LANDOOOOOO????
↳ landofan3 he’s down bad awe
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liked by landonorris, yourinstagram and 159,635 others
mclaren A very special guest joins the papaya garage today 🧡 #MiamiGP
tagged: yourinstagram
view all 7,937 comments
landofan1 AHHHHH
username1 WAG vibes
landofan2 since when does lando have access to the mclaren acc
username2 she looks amazing
lilyzneimer 🫶🫶🫶
↳ mclaren Our other fave 🙌
↳ landofan2 mclaren hyping their wags up so trueeeee
redbullracing Give her back
↳ username1 the girls are fighting
↳ mclaren Never
landonorris 😍😍😍😍 ♥︎ by yourinstagram
↳ landofan1 CONTROL IT
yourinstagram GO PAPAYA BOYS 🧡🧡
↳ landonorris boy*
↳ oscarpiastri Cry cry cry
↳ landofan3 IM YELLING 😭😭😭
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liked by yourinstagram, danielricciardo and 3,122,342 others
landonorris WWE FUCKING DID IT. P1 🏆
view all 49,687 comments
oscarpiastri Well done man 👏👏👏 ♥︎ by author
alex_albon Congrats!!! 💪👏 ♥︎ by author
mclaren PROUD 🧡🧡🧡
username1 this man is going to party like an animal tonight
landofan3 whoever or whatever put a fire on his ass to win THANK YOU
maxverstappen1 You had a great motivation to win. Congrats 👏 ♥︎ by author
↳ username2 HUUUUUH
lewishamilton WELL DONE ♥︎ by author
yourinstagram IM STILL CRYING 😭😭😭
↳ maxverstappen1 Because now you’ll have to go out with him? THIS COMMENT IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE
yourinstagram CONGRATULATIONS LAN 🧡🧡🧡 ♥︎ by author
↳ landofan2 when the camera focused on her after lando crossed the line 😩😩 my delusional ass is living
↳ username1 these two will be a thing before the season ends
↳ landonorris My good luck charm ❤️
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liked by landofan1, landofan2 and 16,936 others
f1gossip Lando Norris get cozy with mysterious woman after Miami GP win
view all 209 comments
landofan1 OMFGGGG
landofan2 CAUGHT IN 4K
username1 who is thissssss
username2 wbk he’s always wildinggggg
landofan4 guys i think this is yn???? she posted stories celebrating with lando
↳ landofan1 omg i don’t want to be delusional
landofan5 can somebody from the grid spill the beans about his
↳ landofan1 george where are you ?????
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liked by yourinstagram, pierregasly and 1,390,180 others
landonorris I’ll remember this forever. Thank you everyone ❤️
view all 10,252 comments
landofan1 AHHHH
landofan2 THE SECOND PIC HELLO????
mclaren We always believed in you 🧡
oscarpiastri I bet this was your favorite weekend ever ♥︎ by author
↳ landofan1 WHAT DO YOU KNOW
georgerussell63 You finally convinced her?
↳ landonorris And did
landofan4 LANYN IS REAL 😭😭😭😭
username1 yn is no better than me i would also fall for lando norris
lewishamilton Did I miss something?
↳ georgerussell63 If you only checked your phone
↳ username2 HEEEELP
landofan6 SO THIS IS SO YN 😭 i really hope they’re together
maxverstappen1 Two things you had been waiting for: the win and the girl ♥︎ by author
↳ landonorris 🥰
yourinstagram 🧡 ♥︎ by author
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liked by landonorris, pierregasly and 76,398 others
yourinstagram imola, monaco, montreal 🤍
view all 503 comments
username1 forever jealous of your life
username2 the second pic, is she dating anyone? 👀
↳ landofan2 lando so true
georgerussell63 You're welcome for the Hello Kitty face mask ♥︎ by author
↳ username1 OF COURSE george would have hello kitty face masks
↳ yourinstagram thank u georgie
landofan3 this is basically a lando appreciation post ♥︎ by author
username3 i sense a soft launch
landofan4 landoyn is sooooo alive
mclaren Our favorite 🧡
lilyzneimer 🤩 ♥︎ by author
oscarpiastri Thank you for the tiktok tips?
↳ yourinstagram you think those were for free? you owe me dinner
maxverstappen1 Why there is no Redbull on this collage?
↳ yourinstagram you and checo have been pissing me off lately
↳ maxfan1 HEEEEELP
scuderiaferrari Some red in sight ❤️
↳ yourinstagram as it should
landonorris so pretty 😍 ♥︎ by author
↳ yourinstagram you talking about yourself?
↳ landonorris nope 😍
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liked by daniel3.jpg, yourinstagram and 348,922 others
lando.jpg happy :)
view all 5,039 comments
landofan1 AHHHHHH
username1 wbk they're together
oscaspiastri Cuties
oscarpiastri Lily wrote the previous comment, not me
↳ oscarfan1 HEEEEELP
↳ yourisntagram this is why she's my favorite
username3 what if they're not together and everyone is just clowning 😭😭
carlossainz55 I've been replaced
↳ landofan1 HEEEELP
yourinstagram 🧡 ♥︎ by author
↳ username1 stop it with the orange hearts SAY SOMETHING
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liked by landonorris, olliebearman and 103,827 others
yourinstagram paps hard launched us before i could do it, but here’s our official instagram debut i guess 🧡
view all 2,099 comments
username1 AHHH FINALLY
username2 you've come a long way girl, from fan to working for f1 to dating a driver ♥︎ by author
georgerussell63 We had been plotting this since you first met, btw ♥︎ by landonorris, oscarpiastri, maxverstappen1
↳ yourinstagram nosy bitches !!
↳ username1 HEEEEELP 😭
↳ landofan2 the mclaren admin is soooo me
↳ yourinstagram stop mclaren admin im blushing
username3 slayest couple of the paddock already
oscarpiastri What happened to "my job comes first"?
↳ landonorris Mate do you want her to break up with me or something
↳ landofan1 😭😭😭😭
lilyzneimer Papaya girls stick together 💕 ♥︎ by author
↳ username1 queens of mclaren
↳ alexandrasaintmleux :(((
↳ yourinstagram i literally lysm alex
landonorris my girl my girl my girl my girl ❤️ ♥︎ by author
↳ maxverstappen1 We get it
↳ landonorris you're jealous bc she'll never wear redbull anymore
↳ yourinstagram 🥴🥴
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liked by yourinstagram, charles_leclerc and 1,092,388 others
landonorris Never back down never what? Never give up
view all 15,390 comments
landofan1 YELLING
landofan2 I CANTTTT
username1 i want what they have
olliebearman ❤️
mclaren Our parents 🧡
↳ landofan1 its me im actually the mclaren admin
danielricciardo YN blink twice if you need help
↳ georgerussell63 She just did I'm next to her
↳ landonorris Can't hear the haters
↳ landofan2 😭😭😭
username2 i need yn's manifestation methods
maxverstappen1 Poor girl
carlossainz55 My biggest condolences @/yourinstagram
↳ landofan1 they grid has one mission today and that is to attack lando
yourinstagram 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍 ♥︎ by author
yourinstagtam leave my baby alone assholes @/danielricciardo @/georgerussell63 @/maxverstappen1 @/carlossainz55
↳ carlossainz55 Don't baby him even more
↳ georgerussell63 cAnT hEar ThE hAtErS
↳ landonorris my girl my girl 😍
765 notes · View notes
thewritingrowlet · 1 day
The Outing Trip pt. 3, ft. tripleS Xinyu, Dahyun, Nakyoung
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tags: deepthroat, creampie, squirting, first time anal, anal creampie, cheating (again), FFM, girl-on-girl (just a bit)
word count: ~9k
author's note: this took a bit longer than I had anticipated, but I hope it's satisfactory nonetheless. I plan to write another tripleS fic based on one of the ideas in my inbox, please look forward to it.
You’re ready to send Xinyu back to her room after giving her a shower and making sure that she’s presentable should anyone see her on the way back. “I’m glad I didn’t mark you; it’d be awkward if someone saw you running around with hickeys on your neck”, you comment as you comb her hair. “I mean, I have concealers”, she says, “but I get your point”.
You go in for a quick good night kiss before she leaves. “Can I ask what you’re doing with the video?”, you question her. Xinyu shows you a cheeky smile, “you’ll see soon enough—I promise I won’t leak it, oppa”. You make her do a pinky promise before sending her away, “I love you, baby—we’ll be going over their essays tomorrow morning, okay? Good night”. Xinyu waves at you as she’s leaving the room, “love you more, oppa. Good night”.
You woke up at 4 am, way before your alarm had the chance to buzz. You feel refreshed even though you didn’t sleep as much as you usually do, and you have Xinyu to thank for that; “sex is the best thing to do before sleep, oppa”, she said some time ago. You decide to spend the time by exercising, maybe do a shootaround if you’re lucky. As you enter the resort’s gym, you see a basketball sitting on a rack by its lonesome, and you’re tempted to skip warmup and mess around with it, but you don’t want to risk getting a cramp. You decide to take the ball with you to make sure no one steals it from you.
You start the treadmill at the lowest speed and walk on it for 5 minutes before increasing the speed and repeating it until you reach your walking speed limit to make sure that your body is fully awake before you do anything else. You then get off the treadmill and lift some weights, adding the weight after each two eight-count reps until you reach 80 kg.
“Surely that’s enough warmup; time to have fun now. What do you guys think?”, you ask the empty gym and get no answer, “great minds think alike, hey?”. You feel excited to be able to play basketball after not having played for months; “I hope I don’t miss too much; that’d be embarrassing—not that there’s anyone watching”, you utter. “I’m watching”, a girl says behind you, and you almost pass out from the shock. “What the fuck are you doing, Dahyun-ah?”, you ask her. “I always wake up around this time, oppa—what are you doing?”, she points at you. “Just trying to move my body a bit; we’ve been sitting a lot, haven’t we?”, you shrug, “how did you know I’m here, though?”. “I was on my phone when I heard your door open and close again, so I decided to check and sneakily followed you here”, she says, “please, start doing whatever you came here for”.
You stand on the free throw line and take your first shot, making it go through cleanly with the help of muscle memory. “Whoo!”, Dahyun cheers you, “more, oppa!”. You’d be lying if you said that her cheers don’t excite you, as you’re smiling like a kid after making each shot from the same spot. After consistently making a handful of shots from the line, you move to the top of the key and attempt the first long range shot of the day. Time seemingly slows down as the ball leaves your hand and makes its way to the rim, your eyes locked on to it the whole time. The satisfying sound the nylon nets makes when the ball goes through the rim makes you feel like you’re about to bust, and you’re met with Dahyun’s loud cheer. “My God, you’re such a do-it-all, aren’t you?”, she says.
You pick up the ball and looks at Dahyun with a smile. You see that she has ditched her jacket and undone the first few buttons of her pajama top; her cleavage exposed for you to see. You pretend to not see it, but Dahyun bends backwards just enough to make you drool; “I thought you’ve promised to not do this again ever? Do not betray Xinyu, boy”, the angel on your shoulder warns you. You try your hardest to shake off the thoughts and focus on playing basketball again.
“Oppa, you’re so fucking hot”, Dahyun says as you walk up to her, your T-shirt drenched in sweat. “I smell, though”, you sniff your armpits, “oh, God, that is foul”. Dahyun gets on her tippy toes right in your face, getting dangerously close to you, “I haven’t had your cock in my pussy, oppa; when will you give it to me? Do I not deserve it, oppa?”. You take a deep breath and think about your options. That is, until you hear a familiar voice in your head; “go on, son; give her what she wants”, the devil says, “you don’t want to waste this opportunity, do you?”. You take a few seconds of silence and wait for the angel to make a counter argument, but you hear none—he’s probably busy trying to find the biggest hammer to smack you in the back of the head with; “okay, fine; you want it? Come get it”, you say to Dahyun.
You take off your soaked T-shirt before sitting down on the bench next to Dahyun. She then moves to straddle your lap and comes in for a kiss. “We need to talk as soon as we leave this place, sweetie”, you say to her. “Mmh, sure”, Dahyun says as she moves to kneel between your legs, “give it to me, oppa—please, I can’t wait any more”. You take off your shorts along with your boxers, and your cock jumps out and smacks Dahyun in the face. You mutter a soft “sorry” to her, but she dismisses it, “getting hit in the face with a cock is my favorite pastime”.
Dahyun parts her lips and wrap them around your cock, making you let out a low moan at the first contact. You pet her head softly as she’s busy taking your cock deep, “good job, sweetie; keep going, okay?”. Dahyun, hearing your approval, goes straight down and stuffs her throat with your cock without gagging; an incredible feat, all things considered. “You’re such a good girl, aren’t you, sweetie?”, you say to her between moans. Feeling suffocated, however, Dahyun removes your cock from her throat with a sharp gasp and falls backwards onto her butt. “Holy fuck, oppa”, she says, her chin painted with spit, “I can’t; I’m sorry”. You pull her into your lap and peck her cheek, “it’s okay, sweetie; you tried your best. Let’s catch our breaths for now, okay?”. Dahyun nods and tucks her head under your chin as she tries to compose herself.
“Oppa, can I put it in?”, she asks you after getting herself together. Your heart rate instantly spikes thanks to her question, and you’re not entirely sure if you’ll let her do it. Dahyun, seeing you be unresponsive, asks again, “please, oppa; I’ll make it worthwhile for you”. You look at her right in the eyes and see her genuine desperation, so you agree to her request for sex. “We need to be quick, though, sweetie”, you say to her.
Dahyun lifts her butt off your lap just enough so that she can put your cock in her pussy. She lets out a long moan as she slowly sits down on your cock. “S-so big—ah-ah, fuck”, she says when your shaft is fully inside her. “Come on, sweetie; let’s do this”, you whisper to her ear, and she replies to you with a nod. You hold Dahyun by the waist and thrust up roughly, making her yelp loudly in surprise. “Oppa—ngh, fuck—yes-yes, I love it”, she chants softly into your ears. Dahyun’s ability to control her volume during sex is admirable—Xinyu would just scream as loud as she could if given even the slightest chance.
You keep bouncing Dahyun on your cock until Dahyun calls for a timeout. “Oppa, please—angh-ah—stop for a moment”, she says. “You okay?”, you ask while panting, exhaustion finally catching on. Dahyun pants a few times before answering, “I-I’m so close, oppa”. You’re confused; if she’s so close, why would she want to take a break? Wouldn’t it be better to keep going until she reaches her orgasm? “I want to make sure if you’re close too; I-I want to cum with you”, she says. “Aha, that’s why”, you think to yourself, “if you can keep gripping me like this, I’ll cum soon”.
You stand up from the bench and hook her legs with your arms. “You ready? We’ll cum together, sweetie”, you say to Dahyun. She gives you a nod, thus you start smashing your cock into her pussy roughly to get yourself and Dahyun to the finish line before people start waking up. The rough fucking, combined with the unfavorable position, makes Dahyun scream loudly—you silently wish you had another hand to cover her mouth and stifle her screams with.
“I’M CUMMING!”, Dahyun shrieks before biting her lips to mute the sound. Dahyun’s body starts shaking violently as orgasm takes her to the sky, removing your cock from her pussy in the process. You hear the slosh of her juice hit the wooden floor underneath you. “Do you always squirt, sweetie?”, you ask her. “Ngh, fuck—o-only when I’m with you”, she answers, “I-I don’t squirt when I touch myself”. You free her from your arms and have her stand up next to you so that she doesn’t step in the puddle.
You move her hair that is covering half her face before giving her a peck in the forehead; “I’m glad I can please you”, you say to her. Dahyun smiles in gratitude before coming in for a fleeting kiss. “What about you, oppa? You didn’t cum”, she asks, seemingly concerned about your pleasure. “Don’t worry about me, sweetie; I’ll figure something out. I’ll see you after your team building, okay?”, you say to her. Dahyun tidies her clothes and leaves you alone in the empty gym. You wipe Dahyun’s little puddle with the dry part of your T-shirt; “people should think this is sweat”, you say to yourself.
You text Xinyu as you’re leaving the gym, telling her that you want to have a little bit of morning sexbefore essay review. “Yeah, sure. I’ll be there”, she replies.Xinyu is standing in front of your room when you arrive. Seeing that you’re shirtless, Xinyu bites her bottom lip sensually. “God, you’re so hot, oppa”, she comments as you drag her into your room.
Guilt starts creeping up on you as you watch Xinyu take off her clothes, “I can’t believe I called Xinyu to finish Dahyun’s job—fuck”. You’re lost in the sea of thoughts until Xinyu throws you a lifebuoy, “oppa, are you okay? Thinking about something?”. “I’m sorry, love”, you deflect, “something came to mind—it’s okay, though; it’s not important”. You pull Xinyu into your lap before expressing your love, and you’re trying your hardest to maintain your boner despite the surge of guilt and uncertainty.
“Oppa, you don’t seem to be in the correct state of mind for this”, Xinyu says, “talk to me, please”. You decide to tell her about your relationship with Dahyun without revealing too much detail; “Dahyun-ie has been chasing me around, Xinyu-yah. She’s said multiple times that she likes me, a-and I don’t know how to act”. You close your eyes and brace yourself for a hard slap from Xinyu, but it never lands. “Is that why you cried in front of Professor Kim, oppa? Because you didn’t know how you could please us both at the same time?”, she asks, her tone soft as silk. You answer her question with a nod, “I wasn’t sure if I could talk to you about it, so I kept it to myself. That is, until Dahyun pressed on and proposed to be my side chick, and I didn’t know what to do”. Xinyu holds your head with both hands and kisses you, “we’ll talk about this again soon, okay? Do you still want to have sex?”. You let Xinyu go from your embrace wordlessly, and she starts putting on her clothes again. “There’s nothing to worry about, oppa; I still love you and will continue to love you”, she says.
Xinyu pulls you into bed and lies down on your body, “let’s cuddle until breakfast time, oppa”. She is really doing her best to comfort you and remind you how much she loves you, and despite knowing that she means well, it makes you feel more and more guilty for giving Dahyun even the smallest chance to be with you—cock-in-pussy sex isn’t small, though; let’s be for real for a second. “Oppa, say something, please”, she says while poking your stomach playfully. “I love you, baby”, you say to her, “I love you so much”. Xinyu looks at you and shows you her cute smile, which you adore so much, “I love you too, oppa”.
After having breakfast with everyone at the resort’s restaurant, you head back to your room with Xinyu and invite Nakyoung and the ministers over for essay review. “Welcome, guys”, Xinyu greets them as they enter the room. Aecha immediately hugs Xinyu and starts sobbing, “my brother’s platelet level is dropping, Xinyu-yah, and-and I-I want to go home—let me go home, please”. Xinyu looks at you over her shoulder and you nod to her in approval. “Of course, Aecha-yah. We’ll find you a bus after this, okay?”, Xinyu says.
Everyone sits in a circle on the floor to review project ideas the recruits have come up with yesterday. Aecha says that she has chosen her top 2 and hands them to Nakyoung—Aecha has always been the diligent one, and the fact that Jaehwan is sick motivated her to work faster so that she can leave sooner. Xinyu whispers to you and asks for permission to take Aecha for a walk. “Go on, baby; try and make Aecha feel better, okay?”, you give Xinyu your approval.
After Xinyu and Aecha leave, you and the others start going over the essays on your laptops and tablets, breaking them down one by one and determining if it can be implemented in the future. You hear Nakyoung laugh as she reads an essay. “This one is similar to the project that made Xinyu cry back then”, Nakyoung tells you, “surely you won’t approve, right, oppa?”. “Let’s put that to the side for now; I need to hear Xinyu’s opinion before we can decide if want to throw that into the bin”, you say to her.
Xinyu ended up not returning to the meeting, knocking on your door about an hour after the review had finished. “Hi, oppa”, she says in a low-spirited voice, “Aecha is on the bus heading to the city”. “No wonder you two didn’t return—thanks for taking care of her, baby”, you say to her. Xinyu drags you to the bed and sits on your lap, “Aecha was quite adamant about going home, so I thought I might as well help her go home”. You peck her forehead in praise, “you did very well, baby; I’m proud of you. Did you check on the others, by the way? Are they done with team building?”. “Actually, I talked with Dahyun-ie”, she reveals, “I know about your little romance”. “Ah, fuck”, you say in your head, “I’m so fucking dead”.
“Yah, are you listening or not?”, Xinyu gets off your lap and calls out to you, snapping you out of your silence. You dare not look at her in the eyes, “y-yes, I am, baby”. She slaps you with all her might, and you hear a sob after. “Don’t call me that, Jung Jisung—you fucking lied to me”, she says as tears run down her cheeks, “sightseeing? Really?”. You can’t come up with anything else but an apology, and you know full well that it isn’t enough. “Tell me what happened on the ferry—go on, lie to me again; I fucking dare you”, she threatens. “I, um, I got a blowjob from Dahyun-ie”, you confess, still not looking at her in the eyes. “What happened to your honesty, hm? Did you throw it into the sea or something? Did you send it down to her throat along with your cum?”, she asks in disbelief as she breaks down in tears. You try to approach her slowly, but Xinyu retreats and looks at you in disgust. “Baby, I’m sorry” is the only sentence you managed to come up with. “I don’t want to talk to you; I’m leaving”, Xinyu says as she walks out of the door, leaving you alone to simmer in regret and shame.
You hear some rapid knocks on the door, and you see through the hole that it’s Nakyoung, seemingly mad about something. She slaps you in the cheek forcefully as soon as you open the door. “Fuck you”, she says after the slap, “you broke her heart, you fucking asshole”. If this were any normal situation, you’d be hurt by the manner of her speech, but considering the events prior, you’re more shameful than offended. “I’m sorry”, you say to her. “I don’t want your apology, but I want you to be a man and fix this mess—are we clear?”, she delivers her demand while pressing her index finger on your chest, her eyes fiery. Seeing that you’re not answering, she asks again if you understand her words. “Yes, I understand”, you say, letting out a depressed sigh after.
Nakyoung leaves after delivering her demands, slamming the door as she does. You feel your phone vibrate a few times in your pocket as you’re getting back to bed.
[🍒] I’m sorry I ruined it for you I’m so sorry I’ll leave you two alone from now on I’m sorry for everything
No matter how much Dahyun feels guilty, you’re still the one at fault for falling for the devil’s deception and hurting your beloved girlfriend who, quote, “has been with you through storms and tranquility”. “Ah, fuck, I’m so fucking stupid”, you slap yourself in the forehead, “fuck, Xinyu, I’m so sorry, baby”. “The audacity to call her ‘baby’ after all this bullshit you’ve pulled”, the angel returns with an insult, and you hope that he has found a sledgehammer to smash your head in with.
You muster up the courage and text Professor Kim, hoping that she’ll allow you to talk to her and ask for counsel. She calls you a few minutes after you sent the text. “Hello, president. You want to talk about something?”, she asks. “Hello, professor”, you greet her, “um, Xinyu has found out about my little stunt and now she’s livid—I’ve taken two slaps in the cheeks, professor”. “No hard feelings, Jisung-ah, but I think you deserve it”, she says, almost in a mocking tone—one that you deserve, “I’m guessing you’re now wondering how you can fix this”. You involuntarily shed a tear, “yes, madam, I am; any clues? I’ve apologized, by the way”. The professor sighs over the phone, “well, I suggest letting things run their course for now; I imagine Xinyu needs some time before she’ll allow you to approach her again—what about the other girl?”. You tell Professor Kim that Dahyun has apologized over text and promised to leave you alone, and it presumably satisfies her. “Yeah, just give Xinyu some space for now. That’s all I have to say”, she says. You thank her for letting you call her and hang up the phone after.
You’re now lying in bed, using all your brain cells to come up with a plan to make it up to Xinyu. One brain cell suggests giving her flowers, and as tempting as it sounds, you’re not sure if a bouquet wrapped with a big ribbon saying “I’m sorry” will convey your feelings properly—the last thing you want is for Xinyu to think that you’re taking this lightly, which you are not. You look around the room for ideas, and you see a small piece of paper and a pencil next to it sitting on the table. “Ah, I should try writing a letter to Xinyu”, you say to yourself. You sit at the table and start stringing words together thoughtfully using two of the oldest tools known to man.
“Dear Xinyu
Hello, this is Jung Jisung
Before I begin, please allow me to call you by these names for now as I don’t know if I’ll get to do it again.
I’m sorry for hurting you, sweetheart. I understand that I did such a horrific job of being the man in this relationship; lying to you and hurting you    by yearning for something that was never appropriate for me. If you, my love, were willing to forgive me and take me back in your arms, I would be more than grateful—more than mere words can express—but considering how hurt you are because of me, I dare not hope, no matter how much I want to.
I love you, and I’m sorry for hurting you.
I hope this letter finds you well.
Yours always,
Jung Jisung”
After writing the letter, you fold the paper in half and write your signature on the cover and a small heart that you fill in with pencil. You put the letter on your chest and pray that Xinyu can sense the sincerity and honesty in the words. You then start walking out of your room and towards Xinyu and Nakyoung’s on the other side of the corridor.
You slide the letter through the bottom gap and knock a few times. Seeing that you get no response after standing in front of their door for a minute, you turn in the other direction and start walking back towards your room. You’ve taken around a dozen steps when you hear a door swing open behind you and feel someone crash into you and wrap their arms around you while crying. “Oppa”, the quivering voice steals your attention, “I love you—fuck—I love you so much, oppa”. Hearing the familiar voice makes you shed a tear, and you turn around for a hug. “I love you too, Xinyu-yah. I’m so sorry for hurting you, my love”, you say as tears start running down your cheeks. You and Xinyu cry in each other’s arms, showing each other how real the feelings you have for each other are. You finally compose yourself after a few minutes and invite her to your room for privacy. Xinyu agrees to your idea, so you carry her in your arms and rush towards your room.
You sit down in the middle of the bed with Xinyu in your arms, and you fire all the “I love you” and “I’m sorry” bullets in your magazine. “I’ve been waiting for you to knock on the door for so long, oppa; I was sitting behind the door when you slid that letter, you know”, she says, her voice trembling from the emotions. “I’m so sorry, love; I was so busy trying to come up with an apology”, you say to her before pecking her head, “I’m so sorry, baby”. Xinyu bursts out crying again, seemingly overwhelmed with feelings, “please, please don’t hurt me like that again—I’m begging you, oppa; I don’t want to hate you”. “I won’t, baby—cross my heart”, you deliver a promise to her, one that you plan on never breaking as long as you two are alive.
After regaining composure, Xinyu moves to sit on your lap and puts her hands on your shoulders. “Oppa, why did you lie to me? You, of all people, lied to me, oppa—I thought we agreed to be honest to each other?”, she says, her tone heightening in disbelief. “I’m so sorry, love; the only answer I can give you is that I was thinking with my penis and not my brain”, you give Xinyu the frankest answer you can think of. “If-if by any chance you were bored with our sex, oppa, you could’ve just told me and I would’ve come up with something to spice it up. I-I’ll do whatever you want me to, you know that, right?”, she says. You shake your head in denial, “I promise you it was not about sex at all, love; I’m always satisfied and happy with what we usually do. I just happened to let lust fill my head and control my actions, which is never acceptable for a man to do, and for that I sincerely apologize”. Xinyu seems to be satisfied with your answer, as she rewards you with a peck on the lips before tucking her head under your chin. “I love you, oppa. Don’t lie to me again, please; being lied to fucking hurts”, she says.
You ask Xinyu if she wants to go to the restaurant and get some food after she has regained calmness, and in typical Zhou Xinyu fashion, she accepts your offer without thinking twice. You see Nakyoung outside her room as you’re walking towards the restaurant together with Xinyu. “Oh, hey, look at you, holding hands like a happy couple—you’ve sorted out your dissent, haven’t you?”, she comments with a smile of relief. You smile and nod, “yeah, Xinyu was kind enough to forgive me and give me the chance to redeem myself”. “That’s nice to hear”, Nakyoung says, “so where are you going now? I know we have some time to kill before announcing the essay winners”. You tell her that you’re going to the restaurant, and Nakyoung asks if she can tag along. “Like you’ve never done that before, Miss Secretary”, you say in playful mockery, earning a light smack of annoyance from Nakyoung.
Xinyu and Nakyoung say they want to have crispy chicken steak and fries, so you get the same thing as them to save time. “Oh, wow, look at that!”, Xinyu excitedly claps her hands when she sees the waiter set the food on the table. Seeing Xinyu be happy brings joy to your heart and reminds you to stay loyal and honest to her. “Haha, Jisung-oppa is smiling like a dummy”, Nakyoung teases you. Xinyu smiles at you softly while reaching out to hold your hand, “I love you, oppa—please don’t lie to me again”. You know that speaking will make you emotional, so you reply to her with a loving smile and a finger heart.
You head towards the hall with Xinyu after the lunch-dinner—petition to call it “lunner”—while Nakyoung opts to take a walk around the resort. “Oppa, wait”, Xinyu calls out to you while looking at her phone, “Chanwoo just texted me; he said that Jungwoo-oppa just fought someone again”. “Shin Jungwoo?”, you sigh, “we’ll call him later, babe; let him catch his breath for now—did Chanwoo say anything about the other guy, though?”. Xinyu shows you her chat with Chanwoo, “he fought a bully, oppa. Apparently, Professor Bae knows about this as well”.
You sit in the front row with Xinyu next to you, sharing laughs and giggles with her, rejoicing in the mended relationship. You make a joke that Xinyu finds to be exceptionally funny, causing her to laugh out loud while clapping her hands in amusement. As you wait for her laugh to die down, you see Dahyun open the door in the corner of your eyes. You turn your head slightly to make eye contact, but Dahyun evades it and disappears behind the door. It’s unfortunate that it had to end like this, but you’d like to think that this is the best possible outcome as you’re now in Xinyu’s arms again, as self-centered as it sounds. You silently promise to make it right to Dahyun and cut your ties properly—possibly tearily.
Nakyoung takes the stage after everyone has gathered in the hall. “Good evening, everyone. We will be announcing the 3 teams that have come up with the best ideas and those 3 teams will do a presentation right here, right now—we’ve asked you to prepare for a presentation, haven’t we?”, she says, her voice heard through the speakers. Nakyoung then proceeds to announce the top 3 and congratulates each team as they come up to the stage. Nakyoung tells them to do rock-paper-scissors to determine the order of presentation before giving up her spot on the stage and sitting down.
Reading is cool and all, but it doesn’t allow you to hear the rationale behind every word that is written. An idea that might look uninteresting on paper can turn out to be exciting when you know the thought process behind it, as proven by the number 2 team, who has come up with a seemingly mundane idea of visiting an elementary school nearby and participating in teaching 1st and 2nd graders. They had read this journal that spoke of increasing student’s learning stimulus in class and decided that they wanted to try it out themselves. “The university might get positive publicity, but more importantly, we aim to be able to help the teachers and students, since we believe that education—especially in elementary—should not be dull”, the speaker says. The speaker and friends look at you, hoping that you’ll say something positive, and honestly, you’re already sold on the idea. You don’t want to jump the gun and ruin it for the next team, opting to start collective claps with the audience instead.
You’re struggling to focus on the last team since the second one has already managed to steal your heart. “I need you to pay attention on this one, baby; I’m already sold on the previous one”, you whisper to Xinyu. She pinches your thigh in annoyance, “you can’t be biased like that, oppa”. You want to make a counter argument, but Nakyoung pinches your other thigh firmly, forcing you to focus back on the presentation.
Not only does time fly by when it’s spent with your loved ones, but also when you’re not paying attention to your surroundings. One minute you were (loosely) listening to the presentation, next minute you see Nakyoung end the session and send everyone to their rooms. “I swear, initiation trips did not used to go by this quickly”, you say to Xinyu. “Yeah, well, we were the ones doing these assignments back then, and now we’re the ones sitting back—the cycle never ends, oppa”, she says. “Yeah, I guess you’re right. So, what now?”, you ask the two girls in front of you. “You said that we’d call Jungwoo-oppa”, Xinyu reminds you of your promise from earlier. Nakyoung, who used to have a crush on Jungwoo, asked in curious worry as to why you’re calling Jungwoo. “He fought someone earlier, Naky-yah; we need to check up on him”, you explain briefly to her.
The three of you rush to your bedroom and sit on the floor in a circle. You find Jungwoo’s name on your phone and call him, and he picks up after two rings. “Good evening, this is Shin Jungwoo”, he says over the phone. “Good evening to you as well, this is Jung Jisung. Where are you, man?”, you ask him. “I’m at a burger shop with someone—Yooyeon-ie just left, by the way”, he says, “can I help you, president?”. You proceed to ask him about the rumors, and he explains that a group of freshmen has been bullying a fellow freshman and that he fought one of the bullies. “We can’t keep defending you, man”, you say to Jungwoo. Impatient, Nakyoung steals your phone from you and cuts off Jungwoo mid-sentence, “oppa! Oppa, are you okay? Are you hurt? You need to stop fighting people, seriously”. Jungwoo doesn’t recognize Nakyoung’s voice at first, thus making Nakyoung seemingly irritated. Jungwoo then promises to talk about this again when you come back and bring the victim, a girl named Kim Suyeon, along and introduce her to you.
Nakyoung starts letting out tears as soon as Jungwoo ends the call, her old feelings for him resurfacing after being buried for nearly two years. “I’m proud of him for standing up against bullying, but sometimes I wish he wouldn’t let his fists fly so easily”, Nakyoung says as she wipes her tears. Xinyu hugs Nakyoung from the side and offers comfort while you hope that Jungwoo would stop fighting bullies, no matter how big of an example he’s made of these assholes. You also sympathize with Nakyoung, who used to have a crush on Jungwoo and only “leaving” him because she got scared after seeing him knock someone out with her own eyes. “Let’s convince him to become an advocate against bullying instead of a fighter, okay?”, you pat Nakyoung’s shoulder softly to calm her.
Nakyoung jumps off the bed and leaves your room, citing that she needs some fresh air. Xinyu turns to you in confusion, “u-uh, sure; I-I’ll see you later, Naky-yah”. You sigh in exhaustion as one more huge wave crashes into you. “I need to lie down; my head hurts”, you complain. Xinyu climbs your body and sprays your face with kisses, “oh, no, no, no—headache, leave my Jisung-oppa alone!”. You chuckle at her little aegyo, “you’re so cute, baby”. Xinyu covers her cheeks to hide her tomato cheeks, “aw, please don’t say that; I-I’m just trying to help”. You get up to a sitting position with Xinyu on your lap; “I’m so thankful for you, baby. I’m so sorry for hurting you”, you say to her, sounding as sincere as possible. “I was going to forgive you regardless of whether you’d apologize or not”, Xinyu says as she grabs something out of her pocket, “this letter helped me, um, get over it, I guess”.
You put a hand on Xinyu’s nape, and she immediately goes in for a kiss to tell you that she has forgiven you and accepted you in her arms again. “Hurt her again and I’ll smash your penis and balls with this hammer”, the angel delivers an ultimatum, and you dare not ignore it. Xinyu breaks the kiss with a gasp, “fuck, I can’t take it anymore”. You look at her with raised eyebrows, and that is when Xinyu pulls her T-shirt over her head and throws it away, “take me, oppa—please, I’m desperate”. It’s crazy to think how Xinyu relies on you heavily for everything, from assignments to sexual pleasure. You reach behind her back and unlatch her bra quickly before palming her tits.
Xinyu seems to be very impatient, as she humps your crotch even though the both of you still have joggers on. You pinch her nipples in response, “you need to be patient, love”. “O-oppa”, she says, throwing her head back in thirst and frustration, “please, make me yours again”. You lay her down on the bed and take your clothes off swiftly. You grab the waistband of her joggers and see the wet spot on her crotch, “horny much, baby girl?”. She wants to express with words how horny she is, but since her head has been taken over by lust, she only manages to come up with unintelligible sounds.
You get in between her legs after taking off her panties, ready to plunge into her warm cavern. “Baby, I’m going in”, you say to her, and Xinyu closes her eyes in response. As much as you’re tempted to tease her with your fingers, you don’t want to wait any longer, resulting in you diving deep into her right away. “Oppa, kiss me please”, she says, her arms reaching out to hug you. Xinyu uses her long limbs to secure you in place as soon as you lean forward for a hug and a kiss. Despite being stuck in a love lock, you’re still able to move your hips and fuck her at a consistent pace, earning soft bites and moans from Xinyu.
 “Oppa, I’ve missed you”, she says between her soft moans, “I’ve missed your cock”. You laugh internally considering that you did in fact had sex with her yesterday, but you don’t want to ruin the mood thus replying to her with a deep groan. “You’re so warm and tight, princess—so fucking good”, you praise her as you start fucking her faster. “Yes-yes—oh, fuck! Please, oppa, fuck me; I’m your good girl”, she says, her voice shaky from your fast thrusts. You gather your strength and use it to fuck her deep and fast, aiming to make her cum in the next few minutes.
Your plan works, as she announces into your ear that she’s about to explode. Xinyu tightens her grip on your cock, squeezing you hard, as if trying to milk your cum out of you. As a result, you blow your load into Xinyu with no prior consent from her. “I came as well; sorry, love”, you say to her. “N-no”, she deflects, ”I—fuck—I’m glad we came together, oppa”. You put your lips on her forehead as the both of you ride the high of orgasm together. “Oppa, my lips are down here”, she says softly with a chuckle. You reply to her chuckle with your own as you move down to kiss her passionately.
Xinyu releases you from her strangling limbs and you immediately fall to the side in exhaustion. “I’m spent, oppa; take care of me, please”, she says as she moves to hug you from the side. “I came inside you without asking, love”, you say to her in an apologetic voice. Xinyu palms your limp cock and strokes it softly, “that means I’m officially yours again, oppa. Thank you for taking me back in your arms”. You peck the top of her head and tell her that it was supposed to be your line. “I love you, oppa—we didn’t catch the cum drip on video, though”, she says. You ask her what she’s doing with that video, but she refuses to answer properly, saying that you “need to be patient” and that you “will find out soon enough”. You’re not entirely satisfied with her answer, but you hope that it won’t end up terribly for you and Xinyu.
You were half asleep when you heard two different voices near you, presumably discussing something. “Are you sure he consents to this?”, one of them says. “I’m 99% sure”, the other says. You slowly open your eyes and see two figures standing side-by-side in front of the bed. “Who are you?”, you say as you rub your eyes. “Why, I’m your girlfriend, of course”, Xinyu says, confirming her presence in the room. The other person greets you, and hearing it sends shock throughout your body. “Kim Nakyoung? What are you—yo, I’m naked; cover your eyes!”, you say, your tone high in disbelief. “Respectfully, oppa, I like the sight—never seen you like this before; damn, you’re so hot”, Nakyoung says, letting out a giggle after.
“Nakyoung-ie has been longing for a man’s touch, oppa”, Xinyu explains, “I figured you could help”. “Are you sure?”, you ask her, “you didn’t forget what had happened earlier, did you?”. “I consent this time”, Xinyu answers, “please, oppa, help a girl out, please”. Xinyu even said “please” twice, probably without realizing it, and you can only let out a sigh. “I’m only doing this because Xinyu consents, just so we’re clear—I’ve hurt her enough”, you say. Xinyu claps her hands in excitement, “you’re the best, oppa!”.
You get off the bed and stand in front of Nakyoung, “what are we thinking?”. Nakyoung takes a few steps back and starts undressing herself. Xinyu, who has always had the image of someone who plays for both sides, proves her “open-mindedness” by kissing Nakyoung’s neck until Nakyoung pushes her away. “Don’t mark me, Xinyu-yah”, Nakyoung says. You pinch Xinyu’s cheek lightly for her clumsiness before turning to Nakyoung to peck her lips. “I need to hear your explicit consent”, you say to her. Nakyoung puts her hand up like she was testifying, “I, with no doubt in my mind, consent to everything we’re about to do tonight”. You chuckle at her words, “everything, hm? Let’s see how far you think ‘everything’ is”.
You hold Nakyoung’s hands and pull her into your lap as you sit on the end of the bed. You see in the corner of your sight that Xinyu has found comfort on the armchair, watching the both of you like a cuckold. Nakyoung takes your hands and guides them to her bare breasts, “what do you think of them, oppa?”. You take her tits in your hands and softly squeeze them, “so soft, Naky-yah; I like it”. Nakyoung looks at Xinyu quickly before looking back at you, “ac-actually, I-I want to be called by pet names, oppa”. Her words sting your heart; you used to call Dahyun by pet names behind Xinyu’s back, and now Nakyoung wants you to do the same in front of Xinyu. You glance at Xinyu and see her nod in approval. “Alright, sweetie”, you comply to her request, “are you ready for this?”.
You lie down in bed after Nakyoung shows you the green light, your cock pointing to the ceiling in front of her stomach. “That’s so fucking big”, she comments as she starts stroking your cock. The softness of her hands makes you think that maybe she has put on some lotion or the sort, “your hands are so soft, sweetie”. Nakyoung smiles shyly, “um, Xinyu gave me a bunch of tips before this, and this is the result”. “Before this? How long have you guys been planning for this?”, you ask, bewildered. “Been a while, actually—the cum video was my idea, by the way”, Nakyoung reveals, her hands still busy stroking your cock. You turn your eyes towards Xinyu, and she winks at you while smiling.
Nakyoung moves her head, hovering centimeters over your cock. “Oppa, look at me, please”, she says. You make and maintain eye contact with her as she parts her lips and slowly go down on your cock, choking halfway to your pelvis. The little mishap causes her to remove your cock from her mouth, gasping sharply as she does. “Fuck, how does Xinyu manage to do this all the time?”, Nakyoung comments. “It took her a few months to get used to me, Naky-yah; I don’t mean to overstep but if you want to be like her, you’ll need a lot of practice”, you say to her. “I can be your side girl, oppa—if Xinyu allows it, that is”, she says, replicating Dahyun’s line from some time ago. You’re stunned; you’re not sure how much Nakyoung and Xinyu know, thus you’re unsure about how to respond aside from a fake groan to deflect her proposal.
Nakyoung returns to the task at hand (literally) and take your cock in her mouth again. She seems to have made it her goal to reach your pelvis, as proven by how she keeps going down, fighting her gag reflex in the process. She finally reaches the bottom of your cock after trying so hard; her spit is leaking everywhere as her jaws are wide open to accommodate your girth, and she’s making this very sensual gurgling sound. “Fuck, that’s a good girl”, you and Xinyu say at the same time, causing the both of you to chuckle. Nakyoung finally goes up after a few seconds, falling backwards onto her butt as she does. “H-how did you two say that at—hah, fuck—at the same time? Great minds think alike or something?”, Nakyoung says as she wipes her mouth. “I say good girl a lot to Xinyu during sex”, you explain, “I guess she’s fond of that line”.
Nakyoung looks at Xinyu and asks for permission to put your cock in her pussy, and Xinyu shows her approval by getting naked, ready to touch herself while watching; “go on; I’ll watch”, Xinyu says. “Oppa, I hope you consent as well”, Nakyoung says as she hovers over your cock. “I do, but can I ask if you’re okay doing it raw?”, you ask. “You’re my third, oppa, and I know that Xinyu was your first so it should be fine—I get tested regularly, by the way”, she says. Nakyoung proceeds to lower herself until your cock touches her entrance, letting out a gasp at the first contact; “I’m about to get ripped in half”, she murmurs.
She lets out a long, pained moan as your cock gradually fills her pussy. “Ngh, fuck—so fucking big”, she says as she feels her muscles stretch to contain your shaft. Nakyoung finally manages to sit squarely on your lap after struggling with your size for a while. She then plants her hands on your abs before she starts fucking herself with your cock. You’ve never seen Nakyoung make this sort of expression before, and you find it to be arousing—Xinyu used to make this face during the early days of your relationship, as she also struggled getting used to your cock. “Go on, Nakyoung-ah; show us what you can do”, you challenge her. She accepts your challenge and starts going up and down on your shaft rapidly while letting out moans which volume is making you concerned. You glance quickly to the left where Xinyu is sitting and see that she has her legs spread and rested on the armrest while her hand is vigorously rubbing her pussy.
Nakyoung has found a decent pace after getting comfortable with the stretch, and you find the sounds of her and Xinyu’s moan to be very arousing. You look at Xinyu again and summon her to you by moving your index finger, and she obliges immediately. Xinyu knows what you want and sits right on your face, her lush thighs serving as noise cancelling headphones. You can’t see what’s happening up there, but since you don’t hear anyone moaning, you assume that they’re tongue wrestling as they ride different parts of your body. You start working on Xinyu’s pussy with your tongue from below, holding her down by her thighs to make sure she doesn’t wiggle around. A light nibble in the clit makes Xinyu jolt but she doesn’t stand a chance against your strong arms that are gripping her firmly.
This threesome of yours has been going on for God-knows-how-long when both girls announce that they’re coming. You feel Nakyoung lift off your cock at the same time as Xinyu leaves your aggressive tongue. They cover their mouths and spray their juice all over your body; “holy fuck, I made them cum at the same time”, you think to yourself. They both fall limp next to you, hugging each other as they savor their high.
You get off the bed and head to the bathroom to wipe their combined juice and your sweat off your body. When you return, you see them kissing while playing with each other’s tits, seemingly busy in their own little world. “Excuse me, girls”, you interrupt them, “which one of you is going to make me cum?”. Xinyu breaks the kiss with a giggle, “I’d like to use my authority as vice president and delegate the secretary but there is a condition”. “That is?”, you ask, trying to figure out where she’s going with this. “Nakyoung-ie will take you in the ass”, Xinyu says, biting her bottom lip naughtily after. You are dumbfounded, “excuse me?”. “T-take my ass, oppa”, Nakyoung says, “take my anal cherry”. You are dumbfounded again, “are you sure? Have you even put anything in your ass before?”. “Y-yes, I-I’ve put a dildo in there some time ago”, Nakyoung shyly confesses.
Nakyoung rolls off Xinyu’s body and onto her back, “please, oppa”. Since she has decided to be naughty, you use this opportunity to match her; “that’s daddy to you, Kim Nakyoung”, you say to her as you get on the bed. You fold Nakyoung’s legs over her body and tell her to hold them. Since you don’t have lube, you decide to use Nakyoung’s pussy juice to coat your cock before entering her ass. You plunge quickly into her pussy for a couple of thrusts before pulling out, stroking your cock after to make sure that it’s coated entirely. “I’m not asking again, Nakyoung-ah”, you warn her. “Take me, daddy; I’m ready”, she says, nervousness clear as day to see.
You put your tip on her rear entrance, and Nakyoung gasps at the first contact. You see that her fingertips have turned white as she tries to hold her legs in place. You then start moving forward and stretch her rectum with the first few centimeters of your cock, forcing Nakyoung to furrow her eyebrows in pain. “Deeper, daddy; I-I can take it”, she says. You keep pushing into her ass until she begs you to stop, “s-stop, daddy; it-it hurts—fuck”. You look down and observe the situation; she has managed to take half of your length in her ass—that’s way more than Xinyu, considering that you’ve never had anal with her.
“Fuck, sweetie, you’re so tight”, you praise her. “Fuck me, please; make it hurt”, she says. You grant her wish and start moving your hips back and forth slowly, impaling her rear with your big cock. “It hurts, it hurts”, she chants, “fuck, it hurts so good”. Noticing that she’s reacting well to your length, you pick up the pace and fuck her harder. “Fuck, such a good girl”, you praise her, “keep gripping me like that”. Nakyoung bites her lip sexily, “Xi-Xinyu doesn’t let you in her ass, does she, daddy?”. Even with your cock in her ass, she still manages to tease—this naughty (and sexy) cat’s mischievousness knows no end. Xinyu seems to be ticked with Nakyoung’s words, and she starts rubbing Nakyoung’s clit rapidly to stimulate her further. “Oh, fuck, you two are going to make me cum again”, Nakyoung says with troubled breaths.
You maintain your pace and depth of your thrusts and notice that Nakyoung’s pain has subsided and been replaced by pleasure. You also notice that your cock isn’t just halfway in her ass, no, no, no; you’re fully lodged in her rear hole now. Xinyu hasn’t let up her work either, still rubbing herself and Nakyoung passionately. Xinyu has a different idea, however, as she dives into Nakyoung’s pussy and starts licking her clit from the side. Nakyoung tries to scream, but she manages to stifle her voice before it leaves her mouth. “Daddy, mommy—fuck, you’re going to make your baby cum”, she says. You’re astounded by how naughty she is in bed, and it fuels the fire of lust in your heart—she even calls Xinyu “mommy”, what the fuck?
“Sweetie, I’m cumming in your ass”, you say to Nakyoung, whose eyes are almost entirely rolled to the back of her head. “Cum in my ass, daddy—fuck, fuck, fuck—please, cum in my ass”, she chants as she savors the sensation of first time anal. You lodge the entirety of your shaft in her ass and blow your load deep into her guts, letting out a very deep groan as you do. Xinyu leaves Nakyoung’s clit and grabs her phone, “pull out, oppa; I’ll get it on camera”. You slowly retreat from the intense tightness of Nakyoung’s ass as Xinyu records from the side while making sure that no one’s face is caught on video. Nakyoung’s asshole struggles to return to its original shape, and Xinyu aims her camera straight at it; “oh my God, look at that gape!”, Xinyu comments with a gasp. You see through Xinyu’s phone and pay attention to how your cum drips out of her anus, “fuck, that’s crazy”.
Xinyu ends the recording after a few seconds and mutes the audio before throwing her phone away. “Take my ass next, daddy”, Xinyu begs. “I’m sorry, love, but I’m spent; I’ve blown a load inside you earlier, remember?”, you try to reason with her. “Ah, you’re right—next time, I guess”, Xinyu says. You free Nakyoung’s legs from her hands and put them down on the bed, “you did so well, Nakyoung-ah. Thank you very much”. Nakyoung’s pussy squirts out another load of juice belatedly, surprising both you and Xinyu. “Fuck, oppa, that was so fucking hot”, Nakyoung says, her pants deep and heavy.
You look over your shoulder to see the time. “It’s 2 am, huh? We’re leaving at 7, aren’t we?”, you ask your girls—yes, your girls. “The-the bus—fuck, I’m tired—the bus will be here at 6:15, oppa”, Nakyoung says. You lie down in bed with Xinyu and Nakyoung on each side, “how was it, Nakyoung-ah? Did it hurt?”, Xinyu asks. “Fuck, my ass was literally on fire, Xinyu-yah—Jisung-oppa is so fucking big, you should be grateful”, Nakyoung answers, “if I were you, Xinyu-yah, I would ask him to fuck my ass at least once a week”.
Xinyu contemplates her choices for a moment before turning to you, “please fuck me in the ass regularly, oppa”. You nod in agreement, “sure, love, but I want your clear consent written on a letter”. Xinyu tells you that she’ll write it on the flip side of your letter and hand it to you next weekend. “Alright, let’s get some z’s before the sun rises, okay?”, you say to the girls, and they each say good night before shutting your eyes. You imagine that both the angel and the devil are scratching their heads in confusion, wondering how you ended up fucking two girls in one night—one of them in the ass—but truthfully, you are as clueless as they are.
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zombvic · 5 hours
would you write one of hector fort and reader being in an argument and reader crying because of the accumulated stress and hector comforting reader afterwards pls
PLUS ONE (hector garcía fort x reader)
summary : in which hector gets invited to a team event, which comes with a certain challenge
face claim : no-one
notes : first time writing angst lol sorry if its soft but im a noobie
pairings : hector fort x reader , angst
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HECTOR and I have been dating for about a year. Our relationship has been very low-key, with only our families knowing about it. We both agreed it was better this way—he has his fangirls, and I would assume they would go ballistic if they found out Hector had a girlfriend. Not even the Barca players knew; some, slowly caught on, but apart from a few REALLY soft, soft launches, it was basically non-existent to the public eye.
It was a typical Saturday evening when Hector came over to my apartment after a training, a bit more excited than usual. “Guess what?”
“What’s up, babe?” I asked, looking up from my phone.
“I got invited to the FIFA Football Awards event next month. It’s a big deal; all the top players will be there,” he said, sitting down beside me.
“Wow, that’s amazing, Hector! I’m so proud of you,” I replied, genuinely happy for him.
“And they said I could bring a plus one,” he added, his voice trailing off as he looked at me expectantly.
I paused, my excitement fading slightly. “Oh, that’s.. nice.”
Hector noticed the change in my tone and his brows furrowed. “I want you to come with me,” he said firmly.
“Hector, you know we agreed to keep this low-key. An event like that, with all the media and attention… it’s not exactly low-key,” I said, trying to keep my voice steady.
He sighed, running a hand through his hair. “I know, but it’s just one event. We don’t have to hide forever. Besides, I want to share this moment with you.”
I shook my head. “It’s not that simple. Once we go public, things will change. People will start prying into the life of my family and I. I don’t want that kind of stress.”
“But I want to be able to be with you openly. It’s been over year. I’m tired of hiding” he argued, his frustration evident.
He got up and walked around the room. 
"So, why can't we do just one thing together? "I just want one, public, night together." 
"It never lasts a night. Today it's the awards; tomorrow it'll be something different."
"Where does it end?" I exclaimed, my voice rising as my anger increased. 
"I don't see why you're so against this. It's not like I'm asking you to do something really crazy." 
"It's genuienly too much."
"I just want my girlfriend to be there for me, to support me." he said, his voice filled with distress.
"And I support you, Hector. Every. Single. Day, I offer you my whole support. However, this is not like usually. It isn't just about us. It's all about the media, fans, and attention.
Hector paused while walking, his eyes softening. "I had no idea that was giving you so much anxiety. I just thought... Maybe it was time to announce our relationship, I don't know."
With a shaky voice, I took a deep breath. "Hector, it's not that I don't want to be with you honestly. It’s just that I’m scared. Scared of what will happen when everyone knows. Scared of the pressure, the judgment."
"I apologize for pressuring you. Im sorry. I just... I want you to know that no award or event is equivalent to how much you mean to me. I just wanted everyone to see the girl i adore and love so very much."
"You don’t get it, Hector. You're used to the constant focus on you and your loved ones. I'm not famous in any way, nor do I desire to be."
Hector's face fell, guilt and regret obvious and clear in his eyes. "I'm sorry; I should've taken your feelings into consideration. I just assumed that-"
“You assumed what? That I would suddenly be fine with our private life being exposed to the world?” I interrupted, slowly feeling the anger rise in me.
“I thought we could handle it together,” he said softly, his voice barely above a whisper.
“But I’m not as strong as you think I am, Hector,” I said, my voice breaking. “I never cry, I never let things get to me. But this… it’s just too much. I can’t do it. What if they try to break us apart? It's so overwhelming. What if the media digs into our personal lives and spreads lies? What if your fans start hating me, or I say something wrong, and it affects you? The anxiety is eating me alive.
Feeling the weight of everything squeezing me, I shook my head. Hector, I'm not as strong as you expect me to be. I can’t handle the thought of people judging us, criticizing us. With all this pressure, the idea of losing you is too much for me to handle.
Hector, you just don't get it. You're used to being the focus of attention. However, I'm not. I'm more than scared, I'm basically petrified.
I looked aside, trying to cover my face as the tears I had been keeping back suddenly burst out. Hector stood there for a brief momentwatching me with a distressed expression. Then, slowly, he stepped closer, wrapping his arms around me from behind.
“I’m so sorry, love. I didn’t realize how much this was affecting you. We don’t have to go public if you’re not ready. We can take our time,” he said, his voice gentle and soothing.
I leaned into his embrace, my sobs shaking my body. “Thank you. I just need time.”
He squeezed me even tighter and placed a gentle kiss on my lips. "Take as much time as you need. I'm always here to support you. I love you."
The tension began to ease as we stood there, holding another closely. I knew that between us, we would get through this. That was the only thing that mattered for now.
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first time ever writing angst hope its what you imagined while requesting 𖹭
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hpdaddyknowsbest · 2 days
Hiiii! I was super excited for this fest, I know of multiple people participating, but I’m a bit confused about the fact that you guys seem to be posting mostly just the heterosexual ships, when I know there’s definitely queer fics that were submitted? Seems a bit sus to do during pride month tbh
It’s really reading as more of a dramione fest than a daddy fest. The fact that you seem to be posting at random, instead of according to a schedule, or according to when they were submitted also seems like either favoritism or just rampant obsession with hermione granger, both of which don’t really have a place in moderating a fest that’s for everyone and not just your friends
Do better please, or keep your fests out of our month, kay? <3
Hi! Thank you for reaching out with your concerns. I'm sorry to hear you don't like the way the fest rollouts have been going, and I'd like to provide some additional context on the points you made. I'm answering this publicly because as a queer woman (along with my fest co-runner), this topic is very near and dear to my heart.
Of the 60 submissions we've received, 7 feature a non-het pairing, and 1 features both a het and non-het pairing. So 8 out of 60 total (13%). 2 of the non-het pairing fics have been posted (with another one posting tomorrow) so 3 out of 8 (38%). And tomorrow we'll be 40% through our posting period. 38% and 40% are pretty on par, especially when we're talking about such small numbers.
To address another point, 36 of the 60 submissions we've received (60%) feature Hermione in the main pairing. We are 5 days into posting out of 15 (33%). 14 of the Hermione-centric fics (39%) have been posted to date. So a little ahead of the overall rate, but not by much. I can understand why the submissions may feel Hermione-heavy -- it's because they are! 
It's very common for fests to create their own posting schedules for fic releases - and one that's not based on submission date. We have a spreadsheet to balance out the days by pairing, type of fic, length of fic, and whether it's a WIP or complete, as much as possible. It'll never be perfect, and there will inevitably be a few days that lean heavier towards specific themes or pairings, but that's the nature of fests. 
Finally, all of the prompts for this fest were user-submitted. We can only publish as much queer content as people write and submit. My co-runner and I both write and read queer fic. While I'm flattered you think we have so many friends, I assure you there is no favoritism involved in the posting schedule whatsoever. We are simply two women with a spreadsheet trying our best to bring everyone a well-balanced stream of content. 
I'm really, truly sorry if you haven't felt represented in this fest. That is absolutely not and never will be our intention. I love fandom in part because it's often a safe space for queer people (obligatory "fuck JKR"). 
We are happily celebrating pride month right along with you. I believe there's enough space for all of us ♥️
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zade1ost · 1 day
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┊: Sypnosis : where he only wants your attention :( so what better way to get it than by annoying you?
┊: Chapter contents : fluff, language, male!reader
┊: Pairings : Charles Chevalier x m!reader
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ONE CALM MORNING IN PXG turned into a complete headache for you.
You woke up fine, but there was a certain blonde who kept pestering you ever since your eyes opened. You did indulge him at first, but soon wanted to do your own thing.
Sadly, that wasn’t what was in his plan.
Charles was almost the complete opposite of you when it came to personality. You were a bit more mature at 15, and much more calmer..while Charles was..Charles.
You weren’t one to judge, obviously. But god was he good at catching people off-guard or just doing whatever the hell he can to see their wide eyed faces.
But he took too much of a liking to you. He was constantly trying to surprise you in whatever way he could, scare you, shock you, whatever! He just wanted to see your eyes go wide, and your jaw dropped. Just like when he first met you!
That was much more harder now, because you had grown used to his antics.
Yet, that didn’t stop him.
Which is why he’s trying to gain your attention now.
You had decided to practice, and wanted to focus on your shooting skills, so you went ahead and went by yourself.
..Or so you thought.
Because now you had Charles in the same field as you, the blonde boy kicking, and shooting balls at you. Most of the times you managed to react, and kick them in the net, the others..well..
They were kicked right to the back of your head.
You gritted your teeth whenever that happened, but also tried to not show any sign that you were shocked. You did also try hiding the fact you were close to storming towards him and throw him out.
He would’ve probably loved that though, because that just meant he got a reaction out of you.
“M/n, come onnnn..” His sudden voice echoed around the walls, making you turn to him and sigh. Then you realized another ball was kicked at you.
You had managed to stop it by trapping it, and pushing it down under your foot, glaring at Charles. That would’ve hit your stomach if you weren’t quick..
“I’m trying to practice here, what’s with you..!” You said through gritted teeth, kicking the ball back at him. He was much more quicker, and was able to throw it back at you.
He grinned when you kicked it back, excited now that your focus was finally on him.
“Can’t I have at least a bit of your attention? Come on, pretty pleaseee,” He begged, repeating the same motion and sending it back to you. “Your eyes are so pretty, so I want them focused on me!”
He tried making you flustered, but it didn’t work. You just huffed, moving away just in time as the ball flew by you. You couldn’t care less about what he wanted..
Charles pouted, looking around for another ball. There was one nearby, so he hurried to try and grab that to keep your attention solely on him.
You were already busy with your own thing though, making him groan and throw his head back.
Just what exactly would it take for you to keep your eyes on him? :(
Your head was pushed forward when another ball made contact from behind, an aching feeling hurting your poor skull. You turned back at Charles with an irked face, stomping towards him.
The blonde gasped, finally! He got a reaction out of you!..well, not exactly the one he had on mind, but still!
“Charles..” You sneered, gripping his shirt. He just kept grinning, more nervous now.
“Aha..your eyes are so pretty when mad too.” He tried again, making you drag him away. You let the doors slide open, and threw him out.
“STAY OUT!” Then the doors closed right in front of him. The others who were also training ir just walking by looked at him confused. Just what did he do now?
Well..at least he got your attention somehow.. He’ll definitely continue tomorrow, or even later at dinner.
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note — hello! thank you for the request, and I hope this was enough! I have yet to understand Charle’s personality, but I hope he wasn’t much ooc. And I also hope this was somewhat correct to what you asked! :3
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starlightswait · 1 year
okay, i was kind of bitch to my sister today and i can own that our fight today was largely my fault. apologized and helped her get ready before she had to go home (she’s flying out pf the town where the apartment she shares with her fiance is) and i’m gonna be super supportive tomorrow and and through the weekend because it IS her bachelorette trip and her wedding, things should be about her.
at the same time. though i know i should let go of some of my resentments, i do think my GENERAL frustration with her acting … demanding and wanting everyone to do everything her way is valid. and i don’t know how i’m going to deal in the future.
but i recognize that i chose a really dumb thing to get angry about, as it represented a larger issue. i feel sick to my stomach and guilty but also like…. i don’t know how mych longer I can keep doing this with her. maybe neither of us is totally right or totally wrong and we just simply do not have lives or personalities that mesh well
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tennessoui · 9 months
You have to have water fic titles because you're drowning in wips, huh?
(On one hand i personally found this very funny and I did do a little huff huff of genuine laughter—)
(On the other hand I did do a little quick calculation, and over the 2 years I’ve been writing in this niche of a fandom, I’ve published 60 fanfictions on ao3 and of that 60, 48 have been completed, which leaves me with 12 work in progress fics on ao3—OUT OF 60!!!!!! 12 fics out of 60 that are works in progress !!!!!
12 !!!!! Out of!!!!! 60!!!!!!!!!!)
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nuclear-wiener420 · 4 months
my acnh game after three years of not being thought about at all:
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johndonneswife · 1 month
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#just need to vent rq lololol#my wedding lehenga came out so freaking beautiful#but it needs to be taken in a lot like. i lost 6 inches on my waist since i initially had it made for my body#and everyone at the shop was like ohh wow good job great you look so great now you look awesome#and my mom was like oh wow good job that’s good you did it#like lol#i wanted to just be like#‘thanks i had to go to iop therapy at an ed center where they literlaly taught me how to eat food. like a toddler. thanks’#like i didn’t lose weight for an intentional reason but thanks for confirming you thought i looked horrible before lolol#idk i have been like every size in the book but seeing how much better ppl treat me when im smaller#i’m just like. :)#if my mom says anything about her body or mine tomorrow i will probably fucking lose it and if you see a woman in nj killing ppl on the news#it’s me. lol#it just really took me out of the experience bc i’m trying sooooo hard to be neutral about my body. and like. i don’t need to hear your#thoughts abt what i look like lmao#whatever my dress is beautiful and i’m so beautiful and i’m excited but i really do think i should be able to hunt ppl for sport#leave me alone#nothing you do can please ppl#when i was 20 and 100 lbs and killing myself and sick and miserable every single day my mom was also just like#wow you look great#meanwhile i was balding and fainting at the gym and failing my college classes bc i was obsessed w my body#text#also look at these cats that are just in luis’s apartment’s hallway like rofl who let them out of their apt!!!! so cute#my mom saying ‘you did it’ as if i was trying to do something made me lol#i wasn’t TRYING to do anything i just am healing my relationship w food and my body#bc i refuse to waste my entire life being bitter and miserable and ashamed of existing#like SOMEONE i know….#anyway this could be you too! if you went to fucking therapy!#i ate ny pizza out of spite after all of this#sorry some of you can’t enjoy a fucking carb !!!!!
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m0onjellies · 2 months
I have a week and a half of finals left and I am not making it through y’all 🙏
#I js finished my aps on Monday and ap studying is a whole different kind of beast#and so were finals last year#this year finals are light as fuck and that means I will not be studying much this week cuz I cannot get myself to take this shit seriously#like Monday? hell. ap gov and apah on one day#I had to cover 40 percent of apah on my own in the weekend before the exam cuz the teacher didn’t 😭#I also still had to review for gov#so I was spending like 18-20 hours a day on studying for those classes last weekend#and then taking the tests were fun but also horrible experiences#cuz of all the fucking writing#l got to near 20 pages of writing that day#and now I’m spending like an hour and a half max reviewing for anything#I have a final tomorrow and I’m so unserious about it#the only kinda stressful thing is Spanish and bio both being next Thursday#and ig math on Monday#but they’re still pretty light cuz I hv so much time to study#when we don’t hv tests it’s all study hall#so I’m just sitting in a room for 5 hrs working during school#and that’s more than enough time for those exams#like I just have to do 80ish practice problems and make flashcards for Spanish everyday until Sunday#and then I’m gonna check my math study guide on Sunday#and then continue studying Spanish flashcards every day leading up to next Thursday#other than that I have to make lang flashcards and study a bit for lang (prob like 2ish hours) next Monday#and like 6-7 hours of studying bio#like this is not that bad???#and I’m so excited for summer!!!#I alr have so many things prepped I wanna do!!#imma try to read for 24 hrs straight & draw more & get back into printmaking & do an internship & work on speech and debate#& volunteer at a library with my friends & study for next yr & learn to knit/crochet#& listen to music more & get back into piano fr & exercise#ares.txt
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chanstopher · 9 months
guys my birthday is in a few days i’m soooo pumped 😭
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e77y · 2 months
Long but relatively unserious vent/rant below the cut (sorry I added this in bc I realized how long this post is oops)
Being at the center of some kind of internet witchhunt (which ik is kind of buzzwordy but) is literally my biggest fear ohhh my god. Even a small scale one… I think I would Die. Maybe it’s because I had a similar thing happen with my friend group in high school where one of them convinced the others I was like evil and spread all these rumors about me… 😭 He was splitting on me but still. That’s an explanation, not an excuse. And it basically confirmed all of my intrusive thoughts about myself, and my personality completely self-destructed and changed, and I haven’t interacted with any of those people the same way since. I isolated from them for MONTHS and just loathed myself. Bleh
The reason it’s on my mind is bc I’ve seen this happen to friends and mutuals and even just people I’ve followed in small fandoms, where the whole fandom hates them bc of this little drama and like. I KNOW that fandom drama is not the end of the world, but truly I think that would destroy me for months. And I would never be able to set foot in those spaces again :’) Getting a handful of rude comments about a fucking transfem hc I had at like 14 made me stop writing fanfic for YEARS 😭😭😭 sigh. Just bc they said it was ‘out of character for him to want to be a girl’ 🙄 (<- character who canonically felt confident when dressed as a woman btw. initially for a disguise but then she grew to love it. BUT I DIGRESS KNSHFJW)
All this to say I think that’s why I tiptoe around everything I say online… I am SO scared of ruffling feathers, but I know that fandoms are places for like! Having fun! And it’s not a big deal! And it doesn’t affect my real life! But like idk.. I just hate the idea of being hated by anyone. I’m sure that I ANNOY some people, and that’s whatever; I talk a lot and make overly personal posts sometimes (like this lol) but I don’t wanna be HATED yk? And idek if it’s better to be hated and ostracized publicly or resented in secret by people who still interact with you… :( Agh. If you ever have an issue with me, please DM me instead of letting it build up into something worse!
ANYWAY LIKE.. with fandom stuff. Idk. I want to have fun! I want to write and post things on Tumblr and AO3 etc but I am just very scared of peoples’ opinions, especially now that I have a decently popular/well-liked longfic in DnDads. For some reason I have convinced myself that writing bad or self-indulgent NSFW will make everyone hate me lmao. Like girl the POINT of fanfic is to be self-indulgent……….. sigh I need to get out more
^ light-hearted… but also kinda true haha. I stay at home a lot just bc I don’t have many reasons to go out atm and only a handful of close friends to go out with. Hopefully that will change when I move next semester lol. And whenever I get interests, they’re VERY strong and long-lasting, and fanfic writing is one of my main hobbies, so I get REALLY into online communities. And rn that is kind of my little niche fandom Tumblr bubble… which is embarrassing and probably unhealthy but whatever. I just inevitably get a lot of anxiety about things that are important/fun to me (bc OCD), especially bc I’ve never really had mutuals/‘friends’ in a fandom before this, excluding my irls
Anyway this got longer and more vent-y than I intended so I will tag accordingly, and sorry to whoever is reading this lol; I just wanted to get my thoughts written down in a public forum bc idk… Makes me feel less insane when ik other people can see it, too. Helps me not take it too seriously and spiral lol.
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rosicheeks · 2 months
Congrats on getting out of bed and getting to see some nature today! 👏 👏 I hope it helped some!
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livingecho-arch · 10 months
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me wifi died while writing out my bloodborn verse so here is this doodle of choir vissarion holding a kin & singing it this lullaby ( which the doll used to hum before being patched out for some reason ) !
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dahldahlbills · 8 months
nano day 6
total count: 2756; 2212!!! towards main wip, 544 towards fic
finished scene 4!!! Wasn’t expecting that esp bc I was extremely reluctant to write it. It started off strong, then got away from me for a bit, but I think I wrapped it up okay ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I’m just happy I broke 2k today, it feels extremely rewarding B-)
was hoping to get more fic writing done today but alas… maybe tomorrow
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akkivee · 1 year
seeing first reactions about the stage and what has me kinda like 👀👀👀
the ameyume is strong in this play (my time has come)
mtc has a much weaker presence in this play compared to fp but their scenes come with impact
like we get a new juto solo that compares to his track 4 number that i only think about a normal amount hahaha
yasui-san’s ramuda portrayal absolutely blows it out of the park
nemu’s presence was Felt in the play and yet we still do not have a stage nemu 😔✊
the audience screaming when certain numbers hit 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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