#i’m. only 2 seasons into the series for the record
psink · 2 days
Translation of the interview with Kamiya Hiroshi (Kusuo's VA) and Nojima Kenji (Kuusuke's VA)
The TV anime "The Disastrous Life of Saiki K: The Final Chapter" will air as a year-end special program on the TV Tokyo network on (friday) December 28th from 7:35 to 8:30.
The January issue of PASH!, which is now on sale, features an interview with Kamiya Hiroshi-san, the voice actor of Saiki Kusuo, and Nojima Kenji-san, the voice actor of Kuusuke Saiki. We’re releasing a preview ahead of tomorrow’s broadcast. 
Amidst the busy end-of-year, good grief, a world-involving sibling fight…? We spoke to Nojima Kenji-san, who plays the older brother Kuusuke, and Kamiya Hiroshi-san, who plays the younger brother Kusuo, after they had just finished recording about the truth of the matter!
―― Please tell us how you felt when the decision to make the Final Chapter was made. Kamiya: I was very happy. Even if you want to adapt every episode from the original work, it’s not always possible to do so. But with this series, everything fell into place. I think the biggest reason we were able to adapt it all the way to the Final Chapter was because of the fans’ wishes, and for that, I’m incredibly grateful.
Nojima: I had heard that the Final Chapter would be made, but I was wondering about what form it would take, and it turned out to be a two-part year-end special. Could people really sit through an hour of this work?! What kind of focus would they need to watch it? I was a bit worried about that (laughs). But I’m sure that “The Disastrous Life of Saiki K” will deliver dense content that makes you lose track of time again, in the way only it can. 
―― Compared to other anime series, “Saiki” has about 2 or 3 times more dialogue per episode, right?
Kamiya: I had vaguely noticed that, but… Nojima: You didn’t want to know, did you? (laughs)
Kamiya: Certainly, for a 30-minute anime, it takes a lot of time to go over the script. Even when watching the DVD to check it, I thought “Hm? Is something wrong with the machine?”, because it felt like it was playing fast-forward (laughs).
Nojima:  I’ll be honest now, but on the day I first participated in the recording, I actually went into the recording without finishing all the checks.I checked the script at home and then immediately went to the studio. I was calculating in my mind the timing to start reading the script to record whilst still keeping my role preparation fresh. 
But, the amount of lines was beyond my imagination, so I couldn't finish the preparation… This was something that shouldn’t have happened, but honestly, I got through the latter half [of the recording] just with concentration (laughs). But, since I was able to maintain the momentum from the first half, I’m glad I was able to bring out a good sense of raw feelings. Kamiya-san, how was your first recording?
Kamiya: I already can’t remember, but when I re-watch Episode 1 now, I think the pace is still slow. It’s gotten gradually faster since entering season 2. In season 2, Director Sakurai was probably broken as the pacemaker (laughs). Nojima: Ahaha, I see. It's like a live band where the rhythm gradually speeds up, and you keep going without knowing the original pace.
Kamiya: Exactly. 
Nojima: Since you can’t keep up by just listening to the lines as words, you have to listen to the partner’s tone and match it. It might be similar to a music session.
―― In the Final Chapter, the relationship between Kusuo and Kuusuke seems to be a highlight. What do you both think about these brothers?
Nojima: The reason they can fight so much, do terrible things, and act recklessly is probably because, ultimately, they’re brothers. In a different case, it would have ended in a complete fallout, wouldn’t it?
Kamiya: That’s true. After all, what Kuusuke is doing is almost criminal. Nojima: Ahahahaha.
Kamiya: What I found especially dangerous about what Kuusuke did was the story of making the elderly villagers wear powered suits. The way he disguised it as caregiving while completely using them as his own puppets was seriously dangerous. Nojima: It’s surely his own sense of justice. I wonder if it’s an antithesis to how we should handle the aging society going forward (laughs).
―― Kuusuke’s obsession with Kusuo is also quite dangerous, isn’t it?
Nojima: Kuusuke has a very strong desire for approval, wanting to be recognized by Kusuo above all else. Challenging him to fights is, I think, a distorted expression of that. But I believe it is also an expression of his love and his desire to be loved back.
Kamiya: Kusuo probably thinks Kuusuke is a troublesome person, but Kusuo is also at fault. Although Kuusuke is a genius, he worked hard to create the control device for Kusuo to help him control his superpowers, didn’t he? Kusuo should be grateful, but he doesn’t express it. “Thanks, big brother. I can’t live without this” - it would’ve been nice if he could’ve said that, but Kusuo doesn’t understand the feelings of those without [superpowers], so that didn’t happen. There was also the sense of taking it for granted because they're family, but thinking how this resulted in that difficult brotherly relationship is quite sad.
―― That’s deep.
Kamiya: Although Kusuke knows he’ll lose, he keeps challenging Kusuo to fights and enjoys the process, which shows his malicious side. He’s also quite twisted. So they’re both equally to blame. From an outsider’s perspective, their relationship can be summed up with one phrase "they’re just just not honest with each other”.
Nojima: Despite that, there are also times when they rely on each other.
Kamiya: It’s complicated. That’s why even in the Final Chapter their relationship will likely be depicted. 
―― Finally, could you give a message to the readers who are waiting for the broadcast? Nojima: I was worried about how much Kuusuke would appear, but he ended up having a lot more screentime than I had expected, so I was satisfied. I have no doubts that the viewers will enjoy it as well!  Since the story’s pace is fast, please acquire the ability to not blink while watching (laughs), and surely, you will be moved to tears in the end. There are emotional parts, but more than anything, I hope you enjoy it. Thank you for cherishing and enjoying this series for so long!
Kamiya: The TV anime is finally reaching its conclusion. For those who are watching for the first time, it might be difficult, as the story keeps quickly progressing whilst you’re wondering “what is this?”. But there is a scene at the beginning that reviews past episodes and introduces the characters, so I think you’ll understand what this series is about. That said, since it’s a gag anime, I hope you can enjoy it without thinking too much.
As for the highlights for the Final Chapter, Kusuo finally moves [his mouth] and speaks for the first time. You might be wondering “What is this person saying?”, but it’s exactly as it sounds (laughs). Please watch the main story to uncover the truth behind it. I’m sure you’ll be surprised.
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gg-is-a-loser · 8 months
sky toronto is the funniest character ever like., in concept. he’s a business man. he’s covered in glitter. he’s butt naked. he runs a factory that manufactures party supplies. i’ve never seen him smile. he held a funeral for a tie he lovingly named sky jr. he went through all 5 stages of grief individually in approximately 15 seconds. he’s a terrible neighbor. he rigged a guys house with airhorns. he throws cookies at people whenever he walks away. he looks like this
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vxnuslogy · 6 months
— lost to time ft. sae itoshi
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— warnings: angst, character death, slight ooc?
— author's note: a reupload of my favorite work on sae while i finish editing the next 2 chapters of my hazbin series. enjoy!
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— first recording
“hi sae! i heard from rin that you’ll be leaving for spain. i’m really sorry i couldn’t come to see you off, i’ve been busy studying, you know, for exams and stuff. but that’s beside the point! i wish you all the best sae! do your best and when you come back home, you better be the world’s best striker yeah? don’t worry, everything will pass by quickly so don’t miss me too much ok?”
sae hated planes. he hated them quite a lot. in was a constant reminder of that time when he was only 14, leaving home to go to spain to live out his dreams only for it to be crushed 4 years later. sae hated the airport, it was always so busy and so stuffy and so cramped. he hated the feeling of being surrounded by unfamiliar strangers, hated the feeling of people brushing up against him even if they didn’t really mean it. sae hated winter. it was the season he severed his bond with his precious little brother after all. it was the season he turned his back on him and it was the season he had wished to never relive again.
— second recording
“hey hey guess who’s sending you another voice message? it’s me obviously, why didn’t you tell me you were back already?! if you did i would’ve picked you up from the airport!
is something the matter sae? you haven’t picked up any of your parents’ calls and their really worried about you. you can always talk to me remember? i’ll always be here to listen, ok? don’t bottle everything up, it’ll do more bad than good. well, i have to go now. talk with your parents every once in a while will you? ever since you left for spain you’ve pretty much cut off all contact, even with me. that’s all, good night sae.”
sae didn’t really like flowers. he thought they were a hassle. plants that require specific needs and if not met, they’ll wilt. sae was never fond of them but here he was, standing in front of the counter of a local flower shop as the elderly shopkeeper wrapped a bouquet – filled with carnations, gardenias, lilies, roses, and chrysanthemums. 
everything passes.
— college; third recordings
“i got into my dream college sae! can you believe that! honestly, i was really nervous when i took the entrance exams, but thankfully i studied real hard and managed to pass! i’ll be moving into the dorms soon. i’m gonna miss home. oh and rin! i heard he got into a soccer program recently, isn’t that nice! he’s following your footsteps in becoming the best striker in the world. i know, i know, you aren’t a striker anymore but it’s still nice to know that you’re still into soccer at least. by the way, when will you come back home? i kind of miss you, you know. i never got to see you off and when you did come back i was out of town and really busy. what about we plan a meetup or something in the near future? you know, make up for the times we lost? oh, i have to go now! my parents are helping me move in to my dorm. catch you later sae!”
sae didn’t really like coming home. the house he grew up in for the first 14 years of his life felt too foreign to be called home anymore. his parents felt like distant strangers that he just met a couple weeks ago – they felt more like acquaintances than his mother and father. the photos framed around his home felt like ancient relics from thousands of years ago, he didn’t recognize them. sae didn’t recognize himself. 
maybe he spent too much time in spain to the point where it felt more like home. how ironic, he began to realize. he had flown back to japan to escape from his hell that was spain but here he was, in his home, in the bedroom he used to sleep in for endless nights, wanting to go back to the place that left his heart hollow.
“there’s nothing else i could do.” he tried to convince himself as he sat down on his childhood bed, the bouquet of flowers at his side. he could only sigh and let himself fall back into the bed of his long gone home. “everything passes.”
“hey hey hey it’s me again! how have you been sae? i’d like to think that i’ve adjusted pretty well in college. made a few new friends and met some old ones. honestly, i almost didn’t recognize them! i mean, do you remember makoto from middle school. he was a such a problem child back then and now look at him! he’s a scholar now! i guess everyone just starts to become more mature after hitting 18, who knows. thank you again, for the gift. i was definitely shocked when my roommate told me i had a package from you. i can’t believe you still remember that i wanted ‘no longer human’! thank you, i’ll be sure to treasure it. well, that’s all for today. call you some other time sae!”
everything passes.
— drunk recordings; the words i wish i could’ve told you sooner
“how do you work this again? ah got it! hehe, hi again sae! i’m at a party right now, man maybe you were right, i do have shit alcohol tolerance. but it’s fine. don’t worry, i’m already on my way home and the driver isn’t some creepy dude that might kill me.
you know, i like you very much but i don’t think you’ll believe me. i know i jokingly said that we should marry each other if we aren’t dating someone if we hit our 30s, but i kinda wanna marry you even if we aren’t 30 yet. is that weird? i really miss you. please come home.”
“hello? god that was so embarrassing… sorry, could you just forget about what i said in the last recording? um just, gosh i don’t even know. denying it won’t really help right haha… it’s in the past now so don’t mull over too much ok? please, just disregard that last recording. i’m really sorry, it was just me being drunk.”
sae did not in fact disregard that recording. in fact, sometimes in the dead of night he’d think about it and wonder, if he had replied to that specific recording would things have ended differently? 
sae didn’t like deep and evoking questions about ‘what if’s’, he finds them annoying most of the time. and yet here he was now entertaining the idea. bouquet in hand as he casually walked around the neighborhood that the both of you had grew up in. the same twists and turns, same houses, same playground, same everything.
yet the silence was too loud, even for him.
everything passes.
— graduation recordings
“well, i think it’s safe to say i survived. i graduated sae, are you proud? man i still can’t believe i was a few point from getting the valedictorian spot but oh well. alls well that ends well i suppose. i heard you won your recent match congratulations mr best midfielder! kinda wish i was there to see it, but don’t worry! in your next match i’ll definitely save up enough money and buy those tickets to spain and your match one day! just you wait, i’ll be the screaming my lungs out and support you, i’m still your number one fan after all!”
sae had some feelings of dissatisfaction when you did not in fact get those tickets to spain and his match. maybe it was his wishful thinking but he really did wish you were there. but he knew it was impossible. 
he remembered the feeling of anger and frustration running through his veins, cursing the heavens above because he felt the need to show the gods his emotions. sae hated thinking about you in that moment. he hated how he felt like he was in a new version of hell whenever you just happened to cross his mind. sae hated you very much.
everything passes.
— recordings from 2 years ago
“i’m sorry. i know you should’ve heard it from me but i guess my family beat me to it haha. to be perfectly honest with you sae, i had no plans of telling you. i’m sorry. its just, the thought of breaking the news to you. how could i ever do that to you? i’m sorry. god i’m so sorry sae.”
“hey. i received the gift you sent me. you didn’t have to , you know. now i kinda feel bad about having you go on break in the middle of soccer season because of me. but still, thank you. i appreciated you being here, with me. it was a refreshing feeling, talking to you again and just hanging out. work has been really stuffy and felt like i was being caged but you came. you suddenly appeared and suddenly everything was alright again. i know we only said goodbye a couple minutes ago but, i miss you already. sorry. this sounds really weird doesn’t it? anyways, thank you again for the gift. i’ll be sure to wear it everyday. that’s all, have a good night sae.”
“hey. sorry for calling at such an odd time. i just. i just felt a little lonely. i sound so stupid i’m sorry. good night sae.”
“makoto dropped by today. god he was as annoying as ever but he really cheered me up. he managed to confess to this girl he’s pining over since sophomore year. i’m happy for him. but it really got me thinking about us. i know i told you to forget about that one recording because i was drunk but now that i look back on it, i wasn’t really honest. to you and myself. i know this may be the worst timing to confess but yeah, i like you very much. since primary school, as cliche as it may sound i think it all started when you stood up for me from those bullies. now that i think about, i practically glued myself to your side ever since that day didn’t i? i’m glad you didn’t really mind that. i remember always using homework as an excuse to always have you hang out with me even though i completely understood the lesson. man, where did i get the confidence to do that stuff? but i guess those times are lost in the sands of the past i guess. oh right, sorry, i forgot you didn’t really like those type of stuff. getting all deep and whatnot. well that’s all, i’m getting pretty tired already so i’ll head to bed. good night sae.”
everything passes.
— present
“hi. thank you by the way. i don’t know, i just don’t think i’ve ever said that you recently. so, thank you. its a bit funny isn’t it? i would almost always talk your ear off every recording but this time, i can’t even find the words to say. my parents came over, talked to them a bit. rin visited as well. he’s gotten a lot taller than i last saw him, he’s probably taller than you now!
sae, thank you. for everything. i’m glad we stayed in touch. i’m glad we stayed as friends.  thank you for making my days seem just a tad bit brighter, though sometimes i wonder what it would be like if we were, you know, dating. wonder what the difference would be. i mean we’d still talk to each other right? maybe holding hands and kisses but that’s pretty much it right? but thinking about it is useless right now. maybe in an alternate universe were actually married and adopted a cat like how we used to talk about.”
“you know, before this very moment. i accepted my fate already. i was content, i was doing fine but now. sae, i don’t want to die.”
“please remember me ok? and i’ll be sure to remember you. i’ll see you again, sae.”
sae could only put his phone back in his pocket. his younger brother standing a good distance away from him. he could only imagine how rin looked like right now. was he pitying him, grieving with him? he’ll never know because he will never turn to look at him. not when your right in front of him.
how many times had he played all your recordings for the past 2 years? maybe a little over a 100 times? maybe close to 200 now?
sae removed all those thoughts as he placed the bouquet on the ground, the wind seemed to answer to his call – you seemed to answer to his call. despite all the pain, all the misery, all the bitter waves of grief that flooded his being whenever he played your recordings, he couldn’t bring himself to stop. he didn’t want to forget what you sounded like. your voice reminded him too much of home.
“happy birthday you idiot.” he said to you, keeping his hands in his pockets, watching the leaves of the flowers in the bouquet sway with the wind. two pieces of paper underneath it threatened to be blown away. “you said you wanted to come visit me and watch my match, well now you can.” two pieces of paper, one a plane ticket to spain the other a ticket to his upcoming match two weeks from now. “you better come watch me alright?” he could only bitterly smile. 
“you’re 30 now,” he whispered, before getting on one knee. placing a velvet box in front of your gravestone. “you should’ve waited for me, you idiot.” sae could only mutter those words to no one in particular. it was as if the world had stopped for a moment, the wind had stopped howling, the sun was nowhere to be seen. he could only see you. “i wanted to marry you too, y’know.”
sae could remember every occurrence where he would sit at his balcony in spain every night after your passing. phone to his ear, listening to all your recordings. but you’ll never know how he replies to them, every single one of them with his own. 
“i told the stars about you and what we could’ve had.” he chuckled, “you’re by far the hardest lesson i had to learn.”
standing up from his kneeling position, he gave you one last look before walking away. rin followed suit, but not before placing something at your grave. a pink book that you had loved till the very end. 
sae hated planes, but he flew back to japan every year. sae didn’t really like flowers, but every year he’d get you a pretty bouquet. sae didn’t like coming home but if it meant getting to visit you, he’d come back over and over again. sae didn’t like reading or any deep and evoking questions but he always humored you whenever you asked him.
sae hated all those things but they reminded him too much of you to let them go. 
and just like your favorite author, when osamu dazai asked to die, he simplu agreed; but just before his death, he suddenly felt obsession with life.
everything passes. just like how you’ll eventually get lost in the sands of time.
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© vxnuslogy 2024. please do not copy, repost, or translate any of my works.
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enjolraspermettendo · 4 months
Les Miserables Fanfic recs✨️
I tried to make a selection, my absolute favourites have a heart next to them ❤️, but my les mis fics bookmarks have 17 pages, so you know, there are still other amazing fics that i didn't include (part 2 maybe?). I also realised while making this list that most of these fics are actually very well known, but still, they're great 🤷‍♀️ I'm an angst enthusiast, be warned.
( I'm trying to also tag the tumblr accounts of the authors: if you are one of the authors and I missed your url and want me to add you or if you want me to remove you dont hesitate to contact me! )
❤️ World Aint Ready by idiopathicsmile @idiopathicsmile
Enjolras presses his lips together. He already looks pained, and Grantaire hasn't even opened his mouth yet. That's got to be a record, even for them.
"I need a favor," he says at last.
"With what?" says Grantaire. "Ooh, are you forming a cult? Can I join? I'd be awesome at cults, I just know it." He ticks off his qualifications on his fingers. "I love chanting, I look great in robes—"
(High school AU. Grantaire the disaffected stoner is pulled into a cause bigger than himself. Or: in which there are pretend boyfriends for great justice.)
Part 1 of World Aint Ready-verse
To Fold the Sheet by Lyres
“Can you say one good thing about the season?”
Holding out his soap-sud covered hands until Grantaire tosses a towel on top of them, Enjolras hums in thought. “Not really,” he says, once he's dried off. “Just don't have a lot of happy memories of summer, I suppose.”
(In which Grantaire attempts to make Happy Summer Memories, and Enjolras is endlessly patient.)
History of Melancholia by Squash (JeSuisGourde) @meta-squash
Grantaire deals with his depression by documenting it through photography as he and Enjolras try to wade through life with mental illness. It doesn't make it any easier for him or Enjolras, though. It's the blind leading the blind as they try to navigate the waters of depression.
A series of moments in no particular order, showing the paths that Grantaire's depression and addiction has taken him on and the ways he has tried to survive.
Submission (Going Down, Down) by ddeadkennedys
anyway, enjolras hated grantaire at first. enjolras isn't an asshole, he's not a gatekeeper or some sort of shitty elitist, but grantaire was uninspired, hopeless despite all that potential. a waste. but then that whole thing went down, and shit changed, and if grantaire thought he couldn't get enough of enjolras' attention before, now that enj is only mean to him for fun he's a fucking junkie for it.
Part 1 of the revolution is my boyfriend
Keep It Kind, Keep It Good, Keep It Right by lady_ragnell @theladyragnell
“You aren’t going to ask me if I’m okay?”
“You aren’t. Believe me, I know the signs.” Grantaire sighs, and his breath mists in the air like cigarette smoke. “They love you in there.”
“And out here?”
“You know that’s not a fair question.”
Forget Me Not by Opium_du_Peuple @just-french-me-up
Enjolras loses four years worth of memories after a nasty car accident. Though he still remembers who Combeferre and Courfeyrac are, he also finds himself with a herd of friends he doesn't remember meeting. Friends who are exactly what his blank mind needs to recollect his missing memories.
or : the amnesia fic no one asked for.
i'm not the moon (i'm not even a star) by serinesaccade @serinesaccade
“The amnesiac has questions,” says Grantaire. Boyfriend grips the wheel. “Don’t worry, we’ll start with the 200 dollar Jeopardy trivia.” A semi roars past them. “What’s your name?” The perfect sinew and bones of his fingers relax. “Oh,” he murmurs. Just like that, defenses lowered. “Enjolras.” “Cool,” Grantaire says. “I’m Grantaire.” Something happens to Enjolras’ face which, if you zoomed in, might be considered a smile. “I know.” “How long have we been dating, Enjolras?” The almost-smile is gone. The gameshow metaphor has become too apt; someone’s lost it all. “That’s complicated.” Well. Grantaire should’ve known some part of this fairytale was too good to be true. He’s best friends with a streetsmart renegade and someone who wrote him a welcome-back-to-consciousness poem in godawful blue icing on an orange frosted cookie cake. There are nearly ten people who were waiting for him to wake up in a hospital room. Of course his inexplicable relationship with his supernova hot, socially conscientious boyfriend is ‘complicated.’
thirteen days and fourteen hours and a dozen minutes by Potoo
"Enjolras,” Grantaire gasps as delicate fingers brush over his chest, an airy quality to them, “what do you want?” Because Grantaire would serve him the whole world on a silver platter, and it would never be enough.
“You,” Enjolras states, his voice clear and severe, “I want you.”
Enjolras discovers one by one what his friends think about Grantaire. He is rather surprised by their words.
Also: body worship porn.
Metropolitan Art by ryssabeth @avagueambitioninyourerection
Paris is his home.
❤️ Wrap your fingers round my thumb by Ibbyliv
When Éponine leaves in the morning, he’s already feeling much better. No really, he is. He makes a cup of coffee and even showers. The sun is shining brightly –even though it’s mostly late in the afternoon than morning but he has no one to apologize to, no reason to excuse himself for being a lazy ass and not finishing that painting for ages- and he’s humming a catchy tune that has been stuck in his head while he wipes his hair dry with a towel. He opens the door because he feels good enough to take the trash out, and everything’s alright, even the odor coming from the plastic bag, until he hears it.
It’s a cry, a wail, desperate and heartbreaking as if something tiny is trying to cause its lungs to explode and is on its way to success. Grantaire looks around, not willing to accept what he feels coming, before lowering his eyes on the floor. In this moment, Grantaire swears, he's so fucking wasted. * Enjolras leaves to work abroad for a year. When he returns, he finds out that there has been a new addition to their group.
A Series of Progressions by AnnaBolena @annabrolena
Modern AU in Paris in which most of Les Amis are students and all of them are sort of slow on the getting together aspect of relationships, with sociopolitical commentary and medical jabber peppered in between.
how sweet and lovely dost thou make the shame by Tegami @furtherfish
He could have shrugged and that would have been it. Say that he just found it precious. But Grantaire was Grantaire and he never could keep himself from oversharing and he was already dizzy with the way this night was going, so he told the truth. “The first thought I had when I read that poem was ‘If someone would ever call me “sweet boy” and mean it, I would probably pass out.’” OR: E & R are being ""casual"". Grantaire attempts to break some of their habits. Enjolras reads some angsty notes R left in his copy of Shakespeare's sonnets. Then they fuck
❤️ Hotel California by sunflowerbright
'You can check out, but you can never leave' - Reincarnation!AU
❤️ Paris Burning by thecitysmith @thecitysmith
In a world where cities are personified, the City of Paris has been missing for centuries, driven away by the horrors of war and the worst humanity has offered him. Enjolras dreams of meeting Paris, and leading him to a better tomorrow. What he doesn't know is that Paris is now a cynical drunk who calls himself Grantaire.
❤️ Thirty-Two Times by Ark @et-in-arkadia
Marius, looking chastised but sad, says, “Is there nothing then for romance, Enjolras? It seems a strange emotion to be struck with, distracting as a fever, if it means nothing.” It is Grantaire who answers first. “Nothing means anything, Marius,” says the cynic. “Yet who would ever die for his country if he did not love some person who lived within it?”
❤️ Once We're Kings by raeldaza
Their kingdoms have been at odds for centuries, so what will be a greater 'fuck you' than to send hapless knight Grantaire as their representative for Prince Enjolras's queen choosing ceremony before he is crowned King? Grantaire disagrees, but he doesn't seem to get much of a say in the matter. No one is really expecting anything to come of it, but trust Enjolras to defy expectations.
❤️ Your Heart on Your Skin by zade @racetrackthehiggins
Grantaire’s first flower appears when he is two years old. It’s late, for a First Bloom, considering some children are born with their First already etched above their hearts, but Grantaire’s parents are warm and loving and wait to see what sort of child they have born unto the world. His First Bloom, when it comes, is vibrant patch of yellow carnations. He is too young to know what it means, and his parents don’t tell him, just—withdraw, and a much smaller patch of yellow carnations appears on his mother’s ankle. -- Soulmate AU where things in your life appear as flowers on your skin, and people with hard lives have a lot of flowers to show for it
Tetris by chapstickaddict
Cosette is Enjolras' half-sister. His father slept with Fantine and then buggered off to be with his wife. Then Enjolras found out. One day he sees her- and he knows its her- and doesn't know what to do. Enjolras is Cosette's half-brother. Her mother slept with a married man and died of a broken heart and weary soul. Then Cosette found out. One day, she finds him-and she knows its him- and doesn't know what to do. Then Marius happened...
Silence Is the Speech of Love by lady_ragnell @theladyragnell
Grantaire's life has a pattern: he pays his respects to Aphrodite, he goes to work, he loves Enjolras and provokes him because he can't bring himself to do otherwise. That seems unlikely to change, at least until Enjolras speaks out against the gods and ends up cursed. Grantaire does his best to help him, but it turns out it's just as hard to love Enjolras up close as it is from afar.
Part 1 of The Speech of Love
❤️ I Believe In Nothing but the Truth and Who We Are by Whreflections
"Under the wine, Grantaire smelled like smoke and summer nights. His dark hair curled in a chaotic mess around his face, his neck below pale and soft. The first time they met, the first time he drew the scent into his lungs, he ached with the need to mark that stretch of skin, to card his fingers through Grantaire’s hair so very gently before tilting his head back so Enjolras might mark his bared throat and make his claim. He resisted then, telling himself that to act on instinct alone was the arena of an animal; he was a man of intellect, and he could choose." As an alpha, Enjolras has known Grantaire to be his mate since he first came to the Musain, a truth he does his best to bury. With his devotion already promised to France, he tells himself he cannot risk dividing his loyalties, cannot risk a bond that would pull so heavy on his heart. This is what he's told himself a thousand times, but when Grantaire needs him, his careful resolutions may not be able to hold against the strain.
His Love Letter by ShitpostingfromtheBarricade @shitpostingfromthebarricade
Your Wednesday regular appears right on time and orders the same thing as he does every week, but something's different today.
❤️ Here's looking at you by illuminate
“So domestic trouble rather than treason?” Floreal said. “I’m not saying one precludes the other.” Enjolras said, which came out more pained than he had intended. “Are you suggesting Grantaire sold national secrets to a crime lord because you were a bad boyfriend?” Floreal asked. Her tone was bemused, but there was a glint in her eye that turned the comment into mockery. “No.” Enjolras snapped, stung, and then didn’t say more. Spy AU. Grantaire removes his tracker and disappears the same night Lamarque is killed in his office. Enjolras is left behind, trying to figure out what happened and why Grantaire didn't tell him anything.
❤️ Meanwhile, A Glacier by standalone
“I’ll go.” He says it without brashness or deference. Just a statement. “Where?” “You want to climb the Forty,” he says, and Enjolras can’t deny it. “I’ll go with you.”
❤️ It's Not the Same Anymore by ShameDumpster @shamedumpster
Grantaire is a bookstore clerk in his late twenties, and to everyone’s eternal disbelief, a father. It’s been years since he’s seen anyone from his former group of friends, after a falling out cleaved him from the ABC, but everything changes when Enjolras walks into his bookstore. Can they rekindle their friendship, or something more, while they both come to terms with how their lives have changed over the past decade?
Part 1 of INtSA-verse
❤️ Combeferre's Tattoos by standalone
Enjolras clunked down three lowball glasses of whiskey and a bottle of soda water. “We have already established, ‘Ferre, his freedom to leave us. Can you please stop bringing it up and instead give him some incentive to stay?” Combeferre cocked his head to the side, as if amused at Enjolras’s crankiness. “Such as?” “He seemed to like you shirtless.” ‘Ferre nodded. “Then perhaps someone should take my shirt off.” or When the universe gives you Enjolras and Combeferre, who the hell are you to ask questions?
Part 1 of Tattoos AU
❤️ In Defiance of all Geometry by idiopathicsmile @idiopathicsmile
Amis House might not be the biggest student co-op, or the fanciest, but it's got something all its own. Specifically, smoke damage on the kitchen ceiling from that time Courfeyrac lit a political pamphlet on fire. In which there are secrets, pining, pancakes, and revelations, and sometimes the shortest distance between three points is not a triangle but a circle.
Part 1 of IDOAG-verse
❤️ We still got time (Raise your hopeful voice) by RavenXavier
“Excuse-you!” came Grantaire’s offended voice from the other side of the room. “I would make an excellent wife, Monsieur Lesgle, should I choose to! I have all the qualities of one!" (In which Enjolras slowly falls in love, and Grantaire takes the time to explore what feels right.)
Musagetes by defractum @defractum
"You've had sex," says Grantaire, just to clarify. He gives Enjolras an obvious look up and down, as if he's trying to imagine it right now: Enjolras having sex, Enjolras in the act of having sex. The curve of his mouth gives away his smirk; it's Grantaire though, so his smirk is two-thirds mocking and one-third self-deprecating. In which Enjolras has sex, has casual sex, and doesn't talk about it; in which Grantaire speaks better through art.
❤️ Through the Narrow Place by revolutionbarbie
“What brought you to Paris?” Montparnasse asked. “A train, ostensibly. And a bus.” Grantaire leaves Poland for Paris, content to remain alone forever if it means that he'll be safe. He goes to work and he comes home and he doesn't think about how few people there would be to miss him should he disappear. When he meets the Friends who gather and plot at the Cafe Musain, he realises how much he has been missing and though their leader is reckless and arrogant, Grantaire can't help but be drawn to him.
❤️ A Thousand Miles by kjack89 @kjack89
Some couples had a morning breakfast routine. For Enjolras and Grantaire, it was coffee. Come rain, shine, or hectic schedules, they still made time every morning to have a cup of coffee together. Sometimes that time saw Grantaire perching on the counter in the bathroom while Enjolras gulped his cup in the shower; other times, it was the two of them in bed long past when they were supposed to get up, wrapped in blankets and each other. Some days those precious few minutes were the only time they saw each other, and they treasured it. Even when Enjolras was out of town on business, they called or Facetimed each other to share their morning cup of coffee. It was the one consistency in their lives that Grantaire could count on.
❤️ Hēbē by illuminate
“You cannot feed on a citizen without their consent, because that would be an attack on their person - and their Rights, I am sure. But you cannot risk revealing your nature and so you cannot ask for permission. Luckily, you have me, who am already aware and quite willing.” The chair screeches loudly as Enjolras pushes himself away from the table. ”Come now, Apollo, let me be your cupbearer.” Grantaire implores; his tone somewhere between teasing and honest. “No, we are not doing that.” Enjolras growls. (In short: Enjolras has trouble feeding himself, because he is too busy planning the revolution. Grantaire finds out and is more than willing to help.)
Part 1 of cupbearer
Enjolras looks down at where Grantaire’s hand holds the pack against him and doesn’t bother to take hold. “If you were Combeferre,” he says, “this would be the part where you tell me these things will kill me.” “If I were Combeferre, I’d be inside and you’d be bothering someone else,” Grantaire snaps. He snatches the pack of cigarettes back and extracts one, leaving just two inside. It is with sharp, savage movements that he jabs it into his mouth, lights it with the silver Zippo, and then offers it to Enjolras.
love is in the air, i just gotta figure out a window to break out by tamquams
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starsandhughes · 9 months
Penalty Box Series— Quinn Hughes Edition (Fifteen)
Hughes Palooza Edition
previous: fourteen
hi i’m back! i had to take a much needed break <3 trying to post every game when i was so behind got to me and it wasn't fun to watch anymore. because of this, i’ll only be posting special games (like when the guys play each other), record breaking games, and reslly any game i have the motivation to (like if it's chaotic and quinn/trev get penalties). i’m not pushing myself anymore i hope y'all understand🤍
and because there was a lot of tense feelings after this game for devils fans, i decided to make this post *mostly* about the millers
JANUARY 6, 2023
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liked by _quinnhughes, jackhughes, and 18,439 others
yourusername welcome back to my postgame penalty box update show: hughes palooza MILLER EXTRAVAGANZA EDITION!
THE colin miller, number 24 on the devils, number 6 in my heart (his number on the stars iydk), scored not only his first goal of the season, 🚨BUT HIS SECOND GOAL, TOO🚨 pop OFF step dad!!! congrats on being third star of the game!
and OUR miller, mr. jt, ceo of shaking his head at my nonsense (he loves me), scored two goals 1 minute and 4 seconds apart!
WE GOT A MILLER DICK TRICK EVERYBODY! two from jt, and two from colin! 2 + 2 = 4!!
✨now for the accomplishments✨
my best friend, my lifeline, loser of the postgame mario kart competition, quintin jerome hughes, has best the canucks franchise record for most multi point games by a defenseman last night with his 69th (😏) game! I'M SO UNBELIEVABLY PROUD OF YOU, HUGGY BEAR! this is the second record (that isn't his own) he's broken this season, and we're not even halfway through! he also has the most points from all defenseman in the league currently! (10th overall!)
and demmer had his 100th career win tonight! we love a milestone!
and luke played, too! he was definitely there!
i’m so proud of the valiant effort and fight everyone on the ice put into the game tonight! especially colin! i love colin! go colin! i’ll be mailing jack your first goal trophy!
happy miller extravaganza everyone! xoxo, sissy🤍
edit: luke is the rookie defenseman points leader and he threw a fit so i’m adding this so he'll stop being annoying. proud of you, lukey poo!
edit: petey also scored twice and was first star of the game! and he also whined so i had to include this! yay petey!
tagged _quinnhughes, lhughes_06, colinmiller1029, and j.tmiller9
view all 406 comments
lhughes_06 i feel personally victimized by this post
yourusername personally, i think i victimized other people more
_eliaspettersson @/j.tmiller9 she's talking about you
yourusername @_eliaspettersson i’m going to victimize you.
_eliaspettersson @/yourusername you did by not including me
lhughes_06 @/yourusername we deserve justice
yourusername @/lhughes_06 @_eliaspetterson fine you cry babies! happy?
lhughes_06 good enough
_eliaspettersson i’ll take it
yourusername you two are lucky i love you🙄
lhughes_06 aww i love you, too, sissy
_eliaspettersson love you!
_quinnhughes my pictures are way better than i thought they'd be
yourusername you beat another record so i decided to be nice <3 i love you!
_quinnhughes i love you, too
lhughes_06 @_quinnhughes she was mean to me
_quinnhughes @/lhughes_06 that sounds like a you problem
lhughes_06 @_quinnhughes @/yourusername get out of my apartment
yourusername @/lhughes_06 "i'm not letting you go back to california. you're moving in and we're getting bunk beds"
lhughes_06 @/yourusername rat
yourusername @/lhughes_06 mwah!
jackhughes we would've won if i was there
yourusername oh look another cry baby
jackhughes we would've!
yourusername your team came close without you! and you can't prove shit! be happy for your brother! i'm literally taking care of you! i will leave you alone to die!
jackhughes @_quinnhughes good job
yourusername good boy
_quinnhughes @/jackhughes thanks
user8 okay but they would've won with jack...
yourusername hi! the devils put in an insane amount of effort and came back from a three goal deficit at the beginning of the third. the canucks basically doubled their amount of offensive zone time and yet the devils still pushed through all their adversity and was so close in the end. you're dismissing all of the other players great work and play by claiming that just jack alone would've changed that. yeah, he probably would've made an impact, but the canucks have been in the top ten of the league all season and nico daws still held his own pretty well and stopped a good portion of their shots against a team that was top of the league for a hot second and was 5th coming into the game. every devils player played to the best of their abilities and there were some unlikely heroes, another thing you're dismissing. jack is my brother and i love him, but he is not the only player on the devils. it's a team. a team that came so close in the end with almost half of the amount of sog. don't dismiss the rest of the team. be proud of them all.
user81 preach!!
j.tmiller9 i thought you loved me
yourusername i do! why would you think otherwise?!
j.tmiller9 i got the worst photos out of everyone!
yourusername well i couldn't do it to colin! and quinn beat a record so i had to be mostly nice! and they barely showed luke proof of life! somebody had to be the one to give good content! congratulations! it was you! i love you🩵
j.tmiller9 you could've been nice to everyone! you're such a sweet girl!
_quinnhughes @/j.tmiller9 she's deranged and this is how she shows her love
j.tmiller9 @_quinnhughes do i need to show her how to love in other ways?
_quinnhughes @/j.tmiller9 you can try but it probably won't work
jackhughes @/j.tmiller9 it's best to accept it
lhughes_06 @/j.tmiller9 this just means she loves you so much and trusts that you won't leave her for doing this
j.tmiller9 @/yourusername i love you, too! i'm here for you!
jackhughes @/j.tmiller9 she's emotional and under my shirt but she says "i love him so much he's one of the best people i’ve ever met and i'm buying him a present for being so nice"
user96 quinn hughes beat a record to make up for being the only hughes that didn't score last game
colinmiller1029 thank you! but i’m a little confused
yourusername COLIN! STEP DAD!
colinmiller1029 step dad?
jackhughes @/yourusername sissy, you're supposed to ask before you give people father figure titles
jackhughes @/colinmiller1029 she's a little obsessed with you i'm so sorry
yourusername @/colinmiller1029 hi i know we've only met twice but will you be my step dad? i already have a dad (troy terry) and then a real dad so your duties aren't that bad!
colinmiller1029 duties?
jackhughes @/colinmiller1029 dealing with her nonsense is the only thing. it'll be pretty easy for you since you were a dallas star. she started a gang with wyatt, ty, and thomas
colinmiller1029 @/yourusername sure! but as your step dad, i should probably tell you that you shouldn't start gangs
yourusername @/colinmiller1029 it's a little too late for that, sorry! it was delly's idea!
colinmiller1029 that sounds about right
jackhughes @/colinmiller1029 and that is what your duties are! see? easy enough
trevorzegras come home the kids miss you
jamie.drysdale @/yourusername mason and i are the kids
yourusername @/trevorzegras @/jamie.drysdale soon! i promise! i’m getting some much needed brother time! (send help jack's whiney)
trevorzegras have fun! i love you, forever!
yourusername you're the worst! i love you, always!
jamie.drysdale mwah!
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ghostofhyuck · 7 months
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Taguan ng Anak series 2
Daycare teacher! Renjun x office worker! Reader
Summary: After breaking up with each other, Renjun couldn’t help but wonder how you easily moved-on because he assumed that you and Jaemin had a daughter.
Well, miscommunication happens a lot.
cw: mentions of pregnancy.
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His bright smiles and warm greetings is what makes mornings in the daycare center bright.
Renjun makes sure to greet his students personally, calling them with nicknames that he created for each one. The parents loved him and some mothers even swoon at how young and good-looking he is. But Renjun is unfazed with them, and even kindly rejects their advantages.
The daycare center is bustling with the noise of children with curious minds, and yet, it is what makes Renjun love being a daycare teacher. These children have so much potential and it’s great to start them young too.
A knock on the door disturbs Renjun, classes will start in ten minutes and it seems like this is the last of the bunch.
“Welcome — Jaemin?” Renjun’s eyes grew when he saw a familiar face.
“Hey Renjun! Long time no see!” Jaemin smiles, pulling Renjun in a small hug. Still the same Jaemin from college, Renjun thinks.
“What are you doing here? I mean —”
“Yeah yeah, what a coincidence right? Anyways, I’m here to drop Lila off,” and from behind, a little girl shows up.
Renjun’s smile faded when he noticed how the little girl resembled someone so much. It wasn’t hard to pinpoint especially when the kid’s literally a carbon-copy of that someone.
“Now be a kind girl and listen to your teacher, okay Lila?” Jaemin tells the little girl. “Mama will pick you up later so just be patient and wait for her okay?”
“Okay dada!” Lila answered brightly, while Renjun just felt his heart break into the tiniest bits.
“Fine, bye now!” Then Jaemin glances at Renjun and smiles meaningfully, “see you around Renjun.”
As he watches Jaemin walk away from the scene, Renjun couldn’t help but wonder what the scene earlier was about.
“Teacher? You’re my teacher right?” He only snapped out of his thoughts when he felt Lila pulling the sleeves of his cardigan.
“Oh right! Yes, come inside now and take a seat,” he said gesturing to Lila to come inside even though the scenario earlier still plays in his mind.
Lila uses your surname. Why didn’t Renjun notice it on his class records? It was weird that she didn’t take Jaemin’s last name but still, Renjun couldn’t help but feel very bitter that you’re in a happy family with Jaemin.
You two were college sweethearts. It’s weird to reminisce about his relationship with you in the middle of his student’s drawing activity but it was peaceful and yes, Renjun still couldn’t get the scenario out of his mind.
Everyone envied your relationship. They hoped that the two of you could be together forever and the two of you thought that it’ll be like that. It was until graduation season was nearing, both of you became busy with your academics and sometimes misunderstanding would ensue. Tired from the academic pressure and the lack of time for each other, you two called it off.
Renjun hoped for second chances, trying to look for you during your graduation rites but he was informed that you left immediately after getting your diploma. Renjun tried to reach out for you but it seems like you blocked him everywhere.
He saw it as a sign, so Renjun moved on and focused on his career instead.
Now it bothers him. Hearing nothing from you for years and in a split second, you have a daughter and Jaemin as your husband.
“Teacher, I’m done!” His trail of thoughts disappeared when Lila tapped her paper on his desk, talking about good timing.
“Okay Lila, let me see…” if it wasn’t the scene earlier that hurt him, then maybe Lila’s drawing can.
“What a nice portrait!” Renjun exclaims, trying to not sound bitter. “It seems like you have a happy family Lila.”
“Thank you teacher!” Lila smiles and Renjun knows that she got her smile from you.
The day passed by so quickly. It was a good thing that the kids weren’t that stressful. No broken objects, no kids crying and fighting, and no food was spilled. Renjun assumes that maybe this day wasn’t that bad after all.
One by one, the kids were being picked up by their parents. Renjun made sure to greet and bid farewell to his students and their parents. The sun was almost setting and the skies were turning golden. Renjun goes back to his teacher’s desk when his eyes catch the attention of the last kid in his classroom.
“Where’s your dad Lila?” Renjun asked.
“He’s not here,” Lila mutters, making Renjun raise an eyebrow.
Lila lets out a sigh and faces her teacher, “Mama’s going to pick me up.”
“Well maybe she’s running a little late,” the older guy stated.
“Mama’s always late, she’s super busy and her boss doesn’t let her go easily,” Lila complains.
Renjun places his hands under his chin, thinking about you who’s probably a workaholic — seems like you haven’t changed.
“Do you want to call her or your dad?” Renjun offers, grabbing his phone when the door slammed open.
“Sorry! So sorry!” and there you are, a sweating mess. Hair dishevelled and handbag barely hanging on your shoulders. It seems like you even ran all the way in your heels.
“Mama!” Lila shouts in joy, running towards you and hugging your legs.
“Oh sweetie, I’m so sorry for being late, just a minute — “
“Hi,” Renjun greets awkwardly.
You could only clear your throat. Suddenly, your hands become cold as you come face to face with your ex-boyfriend.
“Renjun, it’s been a long time,” you smiled. “You’re a teacher now, oh my god — I didn’t know that you’ll be Lila’s teacher.”
“Well, I didn’t know that you’re with Jaemin now,” Renjun chuckles. Trying to lighten up the moment.
“What do you mean?” you raised an eyebrow.
You saw how Renjun’s face became confused, “Jaemin is Lila’s dad right? I mean, he dropped her off earlier and she called him “dada” so…”
Your heart started to beat fast. “Not like this,” you thought. You always know that Lila’s habit of calling Jaemin, “Dada” will cause some misunderstanding. You already told your daughter to stop it but it seems like she’s gotten used to it and Jaemin being Jaemin, enables it.
“Jaemin’s not Lila’s father…” you whispered. Hands started to feel clammy and as you look at Renjun, you remember the only man you loved. “You are…”
Graduation season was a hell for you. Cramming academic requirements, trying to find time to be with Renjun, and the small misunderstandings that came because the two of you are too busy to be with each other. It led you to numerous breakdowns and submerging yourself into loneliness thinking that it was better to call it off rather than be a burden to Renjun.
You only discovered that you’re one month pregnant right before graduation. You thought that those morning sicknesses and nauseousness were signs of your stress since you’ve always been like that whenever examination weeks occurred. It never crossed your mind that you might be pregnant since you and Renjun have always been safe during your intercourse — which happens to be wrong. Thinking that it’s better for you to raise it alone, you cut Renjun off and raised Lila alone.
Jaemin only discovered it by accident when you bumped into him two years ago, since then, he’s nothing but a supportive uncle to Lila. Sometimes he tends to cross some lines like Lila calling him “dada” but that’s just it. He helps you with looking after Lila especially now that work has become heavier for you.
You really don’t have any plans on telling Renjun but it seems like fate’s making a way for you to meet him again.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Renjun asked. He wasn’t angry, but his tone can tell how much it hurts him that you hid these things from him.
“I don’t want to ruin your future Renjun,” you confessed. Leaning against the chair across his desk. “I don’t want to hold you back.”
“That’s stupid you know that? Don’t you know how much I looked for you during our graduation? Don’t you know how much it hurts to see that you blocked me?” Renjun’s voice became shaky, he was trying hard not to cry. It’s hard for him to accept that you’ve been hiding his daughter from him for years.
“I’m sorry Renjun, I am really sorry,” you stand up from the chair, hand gripping tightly on the strap of your handbag. “I know that there’s nothing I can do to ask for your forgiveness and if you want, I can stay out of your way —”
“You’re going to push me away again?” Renjun said in disbelief. “I can’t believe you.”
“Then what do you want me to do then!?” you asked, eyes nearing tears.
Instead of answering you, Renjun approaches you and for a moment. You tried to avoid his touch, but you could’ve sworn that nostalgia hit you right at that moment. Every memory you had with him comes rushing as if it was a sign that no matter what, he will always be your first love.
And as his hands found his way to your arms and waist, you couldn’t help but embrace the warm feeling that you’ve been longing for. You could only lower your head as tears started to pour.
“Hey, don’t cry now,” Renjun whispers to you. “I’m here now, I’ll be here from now on, don’t you want that?”
“We’ll make it work this time okay? Through hardships and everything, we’ll be together,” and with his words came a gentle kiss on the forehead which he always did back then.
“Okay,” it was the only thing you could whisper as you closed your eyes and thought that everything will be fine now.
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theetherealbloom · 11 days
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Chapter Two: Let The Dance With The Devil Begin
Summary: You, who has made it her life's work to get retribution on those who mistreated and harassed you when you were a child. The scars on your body are a physical reminder of the suffering you endured at the hands of abusers, and they also provide the fuel for your years-long quest for retribution.
Paring: Oberyn Martell x Fem!Reader
Warnings: 18+ MDNI DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT, MINORS GO AWAY, GoT is full of serious and harmful topics, mentions of SA, Rape (not the reader), Murder, Violence, Gore, War, Poison, Scars, Burns, Scratching, Su!c!de, AU, Age–Gap Romance, Angst, FLUFF, Eventual SMUT, Swearing, PTSD, Depression, Anxiety, Crying, Suggestive content, Flirting, Blood, War, Religion References, Nudity, Domestic Abuse, Incest, Prostitution, Weapons, Fire, Horror, Character Deaths, Rewrite Alternate Universe, Sex, Alcohol, Revenge
Word Count: 7k
A/N: Omfg. I took so long to write this I know T^T Thank you for being patient with me! I just decided to have a mini break bcs I was jet lagged from travelling and had to focus on my health for a little bit. 
Side note: I’m dyslexic and English isn’t my first language! So I apologize in advance for the spelling and/or grammatical errors. As always, reblogs, comments, and likes are always appreciated. Thank you and happy reading!
Song: The Albatross by Taylor Swift
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You spent two decades carefully avoiding forming deep bonds, all the while meticulously plotting your revenge. You studied their weaknesses, habits, and relationships, patiently biding your time until you could strike from close range.
You had noticed the lingering glances between Cersei Lannister and Jaime Lannister, their whispered conversations turning into passionate encounters. So when Cersei bore a child, rumored to be the result of her incestuous relationship, and as you witnessed Joffrey Baratheon growing into a likeness of his parents, you recorded every detail in your leather-bound notebook. It contained all the information about those responsible for the death of Elia Martell, ensuring no detail escaped your scrutiny.
Serena, a girl you befriended in the bustling stables, is a steadfast ally in your quest for vengeance. Together, you both meticulously gather intelligence, weaving through the whispers of the kitchen staff and the secrets shared in the shadowy corners of brothels. With her keen eyes and your shared determination, you stalk those who have wronged you, laying the groundwork for your calculated retribution.
In the heart of the Seven Kingdoms, the struggle for power rages on. Joffrey Baratheon, seated upon the Iron Throne, wields authority backed by the formidable House Lannister. However, his claim faces challenge from his uncle Renly, who, bolstered by the might of House Tyrell, presses his own bid for kingship. In this turmoil, Tyrion Lannister arrives in King's Landing, aiming to assert control, only to find himself at odds with his conniving sister, Cersei, now entrenched as Queen Regent.
As autumn blankets the realm and whispers of an impending winter linger, Westeros braces for the bitter cold ahead. Yet, instead of preparing for the harsh season, the land remains conflicted. Renly Baratheon's sudden demise alters the tides of allegiance, leaving the political landscape in flux. Meanwhile, Joffrey, with the backing of House Tyrell, emerges victorious in a decisive clash against his uncle Stannis, solidifying his hold on power.
The fates of many hang precariously in the balance. In the labyrinthine corridors of King's Landing, both Tyrion Lannister and Sansa Stark navigate treacherous waters, their survival dependent on their ability to navigate the perilous currents of court intrigue.
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You had served Sansa since the day she was first betrothed to King Joffrey. Back then, she had been full of dreams—visions of knighthood, love, and a golden crown. But those dreams quickly soured, turning into nightmares as the Lannisters’ hold over her tightened. What was once a promising union became a gilded cage. They kept her in the Red Keep, a prisoner beneath layers of silk and politeness. 
Sansa clung to her “lady-like” pursuits to distract from the harshness of her reality—sewing, embroidery, poetry, and music. Her stitches were always delicate, her voice soft, yet behind her graceful demeanor, you saw the cracks. You were there when Septa Mordane led her through the Red Keep’s throne room for a lesson in history. It was meant to be a glimpse into the glory of the Targaryens and the rulers of old, but instead, Sansa’s gaze lingered on the dark stain where her grandfather and uncle had been butchered by the Mad King. Her face paled, and she pressed her lips into a thin line, haunted by the ghosts of her own blood.
One evening, as she sat embroidering by the window, she confided in you. “Do you think I’ll be able to give Joffrey sons?” Her voice wavered. “What if… What if I’m only able to give him daughters, like Jeyne Poole’s mother?”
You tried to find reassuring words, though even Septa Mordane's attempts had done little to ease her fears. “You’re young, my lady. You will bear many children in time.”
Her blue eyes, wide with fear, met yours, but she said nothing more.
The Hand’s tournament arrived, and Sansa, despite everything, seemed to sparkle for a brief moment amidst the finery of the lords and knights. You stood in the shadows, watching her as she watched them. Ser Gregor Clegane, The Mountain, was a towering presence, and you felt a chill run down your spine as he unseated Ser Hugh of the Vale, killing him in the dust of the joust. Littlefinger whispered dark stories to Sansa of the Hound’s past, tales of burned flesh and brutal lessons. You saw the way Sansa’s hands trembled as she absorbed the horrors hidden beneath the chivalry.
Yet, there were moments of fleeting happiness. Ser Loras Tyrell, the famed Knight of the Flowers, gave her a single rose before his tilt with Ser Gregor. She blushed under his attention, but you noticed how Loras’s gaze lingered not on her, but on Renly Baratheon, who stood just behind. That small act of kindness, hollow as it was, brought a rare smile to Sansa’s lips, even as the court applauded Sandor Clegane’s intervention to stop his brother’s rampage.
But that brief joy was drowned by the darkness that soon followed. When King Robert Baratheon died after a hunting “accident,” everything unraveled. Eddard Stark, honorable as always, tried to reveal the truth about Joffrey’s parentage, but it was too late. You weren’t surprised when Littlefinger betrayed him. You had seen the cunning in his eyes long before, the way he played everyone like pieces on a cyvasse board. 
Chaos erupted. Eddard’s men, loyal to the last, were slaughtered by Lannister guardsmen led by Sandor Clegane. You remembered Mordane’s voice trembling as she urged Sansa to lock herself in their chambers. But there was no hiding from the Lannisters. They took her.
You watched from a distance as Sansa was humiliated before the court, her innocence crushed beneath the weight of Cersei’s cold cruelty. She stood there, trembling, and you saw the beginning of a transformation. The girl who once dreamed of knights and love was slowly breaking, her innocence being stripped away by every sneer, every command, every cold laugh in the throne room.
You wished you could offer her comfort, but in King’s Landing, comfort was as fleeting as mercy.
The great Sept was filled with the hum of whispers, the heavy weight of tension hanging in the air as Eddard Stark stood before the court. His face, weathered by years of honor and battle, now looked hollow, beaten by betrayal. You stood in the shadows, where servants always stood, your eyes flicking between the high lords and the northern Warden. As the silence fell, Eddard knelt, acknowledging his so-called “crimes” and pledging loyalty to King Joffrey.
For a moment, it seemed the court might breathe again. Sansa stood nearby, her hands trembling. Hope flickered in her eyes—briefly. But Joffrey, perched on the Iron Throne like some twisted boy-king out of a nightmare, leaned forward with a smile sharp as a blade. His words fell like a thunderclap. “Bring me his head.”
Sansa's scream cut through the hall, raw and broken. She lunged forward, hysterical, her voice lost in a storm of pleading, but the gold cloaks restrained her, forcing her back. Her cries—“Please, mercy, mercy!”—rang in your ears, making your stomach turn. 
Ser Ilyn Payne stepped forward, cold and unfeeling as he drew Ice, the greatsword of House Stark. You could see the light catch the edge of the steel, and the last thing Sansa saw before she fainted was her father’s final, resigned glance.
You moved through the chaos as a shadow. Your duty to Sansa came first, so as the blood pooled on the Sept’s floor, you carried her from the carnage, her limp body heavy with grief. The days that followed were hollow. She barely spoke, her eyes vacant as you tended to her, making sure she ate, dressing her in the Lannisters' silks even as her soul remained buried in sorrow.
It was one of those somber evenings when she finally spoke, her voice so faint you almost missed it. “Do you… serve the Lannisters?” she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.
You paused, setting down the tray of untouched food, meeting her tired gaze. “Yes, my lady,” you answered softly.
Sansa’s eyes flickered with something—confusion, maybe anger. “Have they always been this cruel?” she asked, her words trembling with an innocent horror.
You weighed your response carefully, then nodded. “From what I’ve heard, unfortunately, yes.”
Her lips parted as she considered your answer, but it was her next question that cut deeper. “Then why do you serve them?”
You lowered your eyes, your hands folding over the fabric of her gown, the lie of your position hanging heavy on your shoulders. “It’s something I wager on,” you murmured, your voice steady despite the unease in your chest.
Sansa, always perceptive, frowned. “Is that the only kind of wager you make?”
For a moment, you froze. Then you let a faint smile tug at the corner of your lips, the words “Unbowed, unbent, unbroken” echoing in your heart, though unspoken. “There was one time I bet my entire life on something,” you confessed quietly.
She looked at you then, truly looked, her tear-streaked face searching yours. “Did you win?”
Your smile faltered, but you met her gaze with a spark of determination. “I’m planning to,” you said, with a quiet promise hanging between the two of you.
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The stone walls of the Red Keep felt colder that night, the flickering torchlight casting long shadows on the ancient stones. In a small, dimly lit chamber tucked away from the grand halls, you worked in silence, the weight of your plan pressing down like the calm before a storm. Every movement was deliberate, each thought sharper than the edge of a Valyrian blade. The game was already in motion, and you were setting the pieces in place.
You had long been underestimated—a mere servant, a shadow in the background of the powerful Lannisters, Tyrells, and Martells. Yet, you had seen the truth: the most dangerous players were often those who remained unseen. You were one of them, a silent force, blending into the background while carefully planting the seeds of destruction. The poison, subtle and undetectable, was your weapon.
A soft knock interrupted your focus. The door creaked open, and there stood Petyr Baelish—Littlefinger himself. His thin lips curved into a smile, but there was no warmth in it, only calculation.
“Ah, a quiet place for quiet minds,” he murmured, his voice smooth as silk, eyes darting around the chamber before settling on you.
You raised your head slowly, meeting his gaze with a calm that belied the storm brewing inside you. Littlefinger wasn’t a man easily intimidated, but neither were you. Two wolves circling, each looking for the other’s weakness.
“You seem to find yourself in many quiet places, Lord Baelish,” you replied, voice soft but pointed. “What brings you here?”
He moved closer, his steps light, like a predator stalking prey. “Just ensuring the right wheels keep turning, ensuring the chaos that follows serves the right cause.” His gaze lingered on your hands, noting the fine movements as you handled a small vial, the liquid within almost imperceptibly shifting.
You allowed a small, knowing smile. “Chaos... Chaos can be useful. But only if it’s controlled.”
His eyebrow raised, amusement flashing in his eyes. “Controlled chaos? Now, that’s an art.”
You carefully set the vial down, your voice lowering to a conspiratorial tone. “What if the chaos that’s already simmering were to boil over? What if, after Joffrey’s wedding, his reign came to an... unexpected end?”
Baelish didn’t blink, though you could see the subtle change in his posture, the slight narrowing of his eyes. You hadn’t suggested anything outright—it was the art of planting the idea, the delicate balance of nudging him without him realizing he’d been led.
He took a slow breath, his mind already racing. “And who, I wonder, would have the audacity to arrange such an unexpected end?”
You smiled, but didn’t answer directly, your silence speaking volumes. Instead, you moved the conversation forward, allowing the implication to sink in.
“The realm is already full of hungry wolves, my lord,” you said, your voice steady, your hands working deftly as you began to clear away your tools. “All it takes is a nudge in the right direction, and they’ll tear each other apart. No one will stop to notice who did the nudging.”
Littlefinger tilted his head, studying you for a moment longer. “Perhaps,” he mused, his tone as noncommittal as ever, “but wolves are tricky. You can never be sure which way they’ll turn.���
“That’s true,” you conceded, meeting his eyes directly. “But I’ve always been good at reading the pack.”
The silence that followed was heavy, each of you measuring the other, testing the boundaries. He wouldn’t act on your words immediately. Littlefinger was too careful, too meticulous for that. But you could see the spark in his eyes—the idea was there, planted, waiting to take root.
With a nod, he turned to leave, but paused at the doorway. “You have a dangerous mind,” he remarked, half admiration, half warning. “Be careful. The pack bites back.”
You gave him a knowing look. “Only if they see the one holding the leash.”
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Days passed, and as you moved through the grand halls of the Red Keep, you watched everything begin to fall into place. Like a silent puppeteer, you pulled the strings without ever needing to step into the light.
Varys had been busy, moving pieces on the board that even you hadn’t expected. Ros had whispered in his ear, and soon after, Lady Olenna Tyrell had been brought into the fold. The whispers of a marriage between Sansa Stark and Loras Tyrell spread through the castle like wildfire. You had always known Varys to be a man of schemes, but even you marveled at how quickly he moved.
In the gardens, you overheard the conversations as they unfolded—subtle, quiet, but filled with power. Lady Olenna, with her sharp wit and keen mind, was already orchestrating her plans, likely envisioning a future without Joffrey’s cruel reign.
You stood in the shadows as Littlefinger passed by, his expression unreadable. He had heard your suggestion, and though you were not directly involved, you knew the idea had taken root. He would set things in motion, ensuring the chaos that followed would serve him—and you would remain unseen, untouched by the blood that would soon spill.
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The War of the Five Kings dragged on, but within the Red Keep, the battles were far subtler, fought with whispers and veiled threats. Your life as a servant under King Joffrey's reign had grown increasingly unbearable. Between the relentless demands of court life and the constant fear of his cruelty, you found little time to care for yourself.
Your headache throbbed—a reminder that you hadn’t eaten since dawn, and the long days had begun to blur into endless nights. It wasn’t uncommon for you to push through these spells, but this time felt different. The world around you grew heavier, your limbs sluggish, and the gardens seemed far away.
Basket in hand, filled with fruit from the kitchens, you trudged through the Red Keep's gardens. The bright afternoon light stabbed at your eyes, worsening the pounding in your head. You tried to focus on your task, but each step felt more labored, and a cold sweat broke out on your skin.
As you rounded a corner near the overgrown hedges, your vision blurred. The world tilted. The cobbled path beneath your feet shifted into an unforgiving blur of stone and soil, and with a muffled thud, everything went black.
In that hazy in-between of consciousness, a voice pulls you back—familiar, though distant. “He would have liked you,” Princess Elia’s voice echoes in your mind.
“Whom do you speak of, my lady?” you had once asked her, back when the Red Keep still buzzed with life and not dread.
“My brother. Oberyn. He’s trouble, but even so, I love him dearly.”
For a brief moment, you can almost feel her presence, and the weight of the past rushes over you like a cold wave. You blink, pulling yourself out of the memory just as a different voice fills your ears. A deeper one, full of curiosity and something unreadable.
You woke slowly, your senses coming back in fragments: the scent of crushed grass, the cool air against your skin, and the distant murmur of voices. Your eyes fluttered open, adjusting to the filtered sunlight through the leaves overhead.
"Careful. Don’t rush."
The voice was deep, tinged with amusement. A hand—warm and strong—rested on your shoulder, gently holding you down. You blinked, focusing on the face above you, unfamiliar yet striking. Dark, sharp eyes, framed by lustrous and black with only a few silver streaks recede from his brow into a widow's peak. The emblem of a red sun pierced by a golden spear embroidered on his tunic caught your eye.
Oberyn Martell. The Red Viper of Dorne.
“Are you injured?” His voice held a soft curiosity as if you were some puzzle he intended to unravel.
You shook your head, still disoriented. "No, I... I must have fainted."
He raised an eyebrow, glancing at the basket of spilled fruit beside you. “It seems you’ve been overworking yourself. King Joffrey’s court, I assume? They’re not known for their kindness.”
A rush of embarrassment warmed your cheeks. You scrambled to sit up, but Oberyn’s hand remained firm.
“Take your time,” he said, his tone softening. “Even a servant deserves a moment to breathe.”
You weren’t used to kindness, especially not from someone of his stature. His reputation as a fierce and dangerous man preceded him, yet there was something else—an air of compassion, albeit hidden beneath his sharp edges.
“I’m... grateful,” you murmured, unsure of how to respond. “But I should get back to my duties. They won’t—”
Oberyn interrupted with a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes. “Let them wait. The Lannisters have their claws in many, but even a viper can strike when the time is right.”
There was a pause, a subtle shift in the air between you and Oberyn Martell. His gaze lingered a little longer than necessary, and though his words were casual, they held an undercurrent you couldn’t quite place. It was as though he saw something deeper in you, something more than just a servant tending to her duties. Fate, or perhaps something far more dangerous, had drawn his attention to you.
A smirk tugged at the corner of his lips as he stood upright, his dark eyes gleaming with a playful intensity. "You Dornish are known for our... passions," he said, his voice a low, deliberate purr. "But it seems fate has a way of placing beauty in my path, whether I ask for it or not."
You blink, unsure of how to respond, heat rising uncomfortably to your face. He stepped closer, his presence both magnetic and overwhelming. His fingers brushed lightly against your wrist, lingering there a moment longer than propriety would allow. "Tell me," Oberyn continued, his tone playful yet edged with something deeper, "does a woman like you often find herself fainting at the feet of princes? Or is this a rare occasion?"
Your breath hitched, panic flaring inside you, though you did your best to suppress it. Affection—let alone attention—was something you were unaccustomed to. His flirtation was like a wildfire, threatening to burn through the careful walls you'd built around yourself.
"I... I don’t..." you stammered, trying to pull your thoughts together, your mind racing. You weren’t used to being noticed, not like this, not by someone like him.
Oberyn tilted his head, his smirk widening as if he could sense the flurry of emotions raging within you. "Don't be shy," he murmured, voice lowering as his eyes roamed over you with quiet curiosity. "I can see there's much more to you than meets the eye." 
The words felt like a tease, a challenge wrapped in silk, and your heart pounded in your chest, caught between the instinct to flee or stand frozen in place. Oberyn Martell's gaze seemed to strip away every defense you had carefully built over the years, as though he could see straight through the mask of servitude you wore.
You forced yourself to take a deep breath, steadying your trembling nerves. This was not the time to panic, not in front of the Red Viper of Dorne. He was too sharp, too dangerous, and your heart fluttered at the way his presence seemed to unsettle the very air around you.
Without answering the prince’s flirtatious remark, you bent down to hurriedly gather the fallen fruit, your fingers clumsy as you fumbled with the basket. But even as you moved, you felt his eyes on you, watching every motion with an almost predatory amusement.
A soft chuckle escaped his lips as he crouched beside you, his hand brushing yours as he handed you one of the scattered apples. "You're in quite the hurry," he murmured, the smirk never leaving his face. His touch lingered, deliberately slow as he placed the fruit in your basket.
You rose quickly, trying to distance yourself, but Oberyn stood just as swiftly. Before you could retreat, he grasped your wrist, pulling it gently toward him. His movements were fluid, effortless, as if this were a dance he had long perfected. He raised your hand to his lips, his dark eyes locked on yours, and pressed a kiss to your knuckles—his lips soft, warm against your skin.
Your breath caught, panic fluttering in your chest like a trapped bird. Heat crept up your neck, your heart racing as you tried to pull yourself together, but his touch seemed to set your mind spinning.
Just then, Oberyn’s eyes shifted, narrowing as he caught sight of something—your scars, peeking out from beneath your long sleeves. His brow furrowed ever so slightly, curiosity flashing across his features. He tilted his head, about to speak.
But you jerked your hand away, the sudden movement sharp, almost frantic. "I should go," you blurted, the words tumbling out hastily. You gathered your things, your pulse still thrumming wildly as you turned on your heel, desperate to escape his piercing gaze.
As you hurried away, you could feel Oberyn's eyes lingering on your retreating form, his expression unreadable. Even in your rush, you couldn’t shake the feeling that the prince wasn’t done with you yet.
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The sun hung high over King’s Landing, its golden light casting a deceptive warmth over the cool sea breeze that drifted in from Blackwater Bay. You stood with Marei at the edge of the courtyard, the bustle of the palace below and the hum of the city distant beneath the tranquil air. The garden was alive with color, a stark contrast to the heavy gloom that clung to those gathered at the banquet table.
Shae moved with a quiet urgency, filling a plate with food from the banquet spread. She placed it in front of Sansa, who sat still, pale and lifeless, her face void of any spark. Her slender hands rested on her lap, unmoving. It was as if she had already become a shadow, despite still breathing.
“You need to eat something,” Shae urged softly, her voice carrying both concern and exasperation.
Sansa did not stir. 
“Pigeon pie,” Shae offered, her tone gentler now, but Sansa’s pale lips barely moved as she whispered, “No, thank you.”
A sigh escaped Shae, but she quickly turned back to the table, scanning for something else. With a quick motion, she removed Sansa's untouched plate and placed a new offering in front of her. “Lemon cakes?” Shae asked, a glimmer of hope in her voice. Everyone knew Sansa's love for lemon cakes.
Sansa’s voice, barely a whisper, responded again. “No, thank you.”
Shae’s expression faltered. “You love lemon cakes.”
But Sansa remained unmoved, as if the world around her had lost all meaning. Shae’s shoulders slumped in frustration, her eyes flicking toward you and Marei before glancing at the entrance of the courtyard.
Tyrion Lannister entered the garden with deliberate steps, his short legs struggling to match the long strides of the men he was often compared to. His eyes, sharp and calculating, scanned the scene with quick efficiency. Despite his stature, you had learned well enough that Lord Tyrion Lannister was not a man to be underestimated. His mind was his sharpest weapon.
“Tyrion,” Shae called out to him with a sigh of relief. “Tell her she needs to eat.”
Tyrion approached the table, offering a small, polite smile. “My lady, you do need to eat.”
Sansa’s gaze remained fixed somewhere in the distance, her hands limp in her lap. “I don’t need to eat,” she said softly, without even looking at him.
Tyrion hesitated for a moment, glancing between Shae, you, and Marei. His expression was measured, patient. “Could I have a moment alone with my wife?” he asked gently, though his tone held the firmness of a command.
You exchanged a quick look with Marei before bowing your head and stepping away. Shae, however, lingered, her eyes flashing with concern and defiance. She crossed her arms, unwilling to yield.
“She needs to eat,” Shae said stubbornly, her eyes narrowing as she looked between Tyrion and Sansa. 
Tyrion met her gaze, his expression imploring, but Shae’s frustration was palpable. With one last glance at Sansa, Shae reluctantly turned and left the garden.
Tyrion took a seat across from Sansa, his eyes softening as he reached out to take her hand. His grip was gentle, but firm enough to draw her from her daze. “I can’t let you starve, Sansa,” he murmured, his voice low and filled with quiet compassion.
Sansa didn’t react. She stared past him, her blue eyes hollow, as if the world had dulled to nothing but gray. Shae, now at the far end of the garden, cast a furious glance back toward Tyrion, her anger simmering just beneath the surface.
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The kitchen was a chaotic blend of sounds and smells, with servants rushing around, preparing the feast for the garden party. You focused on your tasks, slicing fruits and arranging them neatly, hoping the repetitive motions would calm the unease bubbling in your chest. The Lannisters' garden parties always came with tension—too many eyes, too many secrets.
Serena, ever observant, moved beside you with a conspiratorial smile. Her presence had always been a quiet comfort, an unspoken pact between two women wronged by the same family. She nudged your side playfully, her voice just loud enough for you to hear over the clattering pans and murmurs of other servants.
“Guess what I overheard in the gardens earlier,” she whispered, her eyes sparkling with the excitement of fresh gossip.
You glanced up, your curiosity piqued. “What is it now?”
She leaned in closer, her voice dropping even lower. “Tyrion and Lord Varys were having one of their secret little chats. Something about Shae.” She gave a sly smile before recounting the conversation she’d overheard, her voice adopting a mocking impression of Tyrion's measured tone.
“Lord Varys. Breakfasting with the king?”
Your hands paused over the fruit, recognizing the weight of that simple greeting. Serena continued, now mimicking Varys’ smooth, ever-cautious reply.
“I’m afraid foreigners aren’t welcome at such exclusive affairs,” she quoted, barely concealing a smirk.
You rolled your eyes but couldn’t help the slight smile that tugged at your lips. Tyrion and Varys—always circling each other, testing the limits of loyalty and power. Serena’s impression was spot on, and the dry chuckle she added to Varys’ line brought the exchange to life.
“Oh, to be foreign,” she muttered in Tyrion’s voice before glancing around the bustling kitchen with exaggerated suspicion, mimicking Varys’ quiet amusement.
“Ahem,” she finished with a soft laugh.
The kitchen clamor drowned out any chance of someone overhearing, but you kept your gaze fixed on your hands, focusing on the fruit before you. "What did they say after that?" you asked in a low voice, not wanting to appear too interested but knowing that information like this was often a lifeline in King's Landing.
Serena's smile dimmed slightly as she continued, her tone more serious now. “They were talking about Shae. Varys warned Tyrion that she’s been noticed. That Sansa’s maid saw them together, and it’s only a matter of time before Cersei—and worse, Tywin—find out.”
Your breath hitched slightly. That was dangerous—too dangerous for a place like this.
You glanced up at Serena, who nodded grimly. “Varys told Tyrion his father has promised to hang the next whore he’s found with.”
Your stomach twisted, though you managed to keep your expression neutral. Information like this could be a weapon if used correctly. But it also carried its own risks, especially for someone like you, who lived in the shadows of these powerful people. You simply nodded and whispered, "Thank you."
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The gardens of the Red Keep, beautiful though they were, could not ease the tension that clung to the air. The lush greenery and sea breeze seemed wasted on the gathering before you, where cruelty simmered beneath the surface. You moved silently among the servants, pouring wine, offering trays of food, your head low as your sharp eyes observed everything. No one here was truly safe—not even those who smiled and pretended otherwise.
You had learned long ago to watch, to listen, to see things others missed. And here, among the so-called lords and ladies, your simmering hatred boiled just beneath the surface. Revenge had a way of lurking in quiet moments like these, waiting for the perfect opportunity.
At the head of the table sat King Joffrey, his golden crown glinting in the sun like a mockery of all that was just. Around him, the key players of the realm gathered: Queen Cersei, her eyes sharp and watchful; Lord Tywin, stoic and commanding as always; Prince Tommen, innocent and ignorant of the malice around him; and Grand Maester Pycelle, old and leering.
But your attention flickered to Sansa Stark. Pale, withdrawn, her once-vibrant spirit all but crushed under the weight of her suffering. She sat beside her husband, Tyrion Lannister, who, despite his small stature, radiated an awareness far sharper than anyone gave him credit for. The tension between them was palpable, an unspoken grief they both carried.
Your heart tightened as you watched, knowing Sansa's pain was not unlike your own. Like her, you had learned to survive in silence, though your silence was of a different kind. The Lannisters had taken too much from you. They were going to pay for it one day, one way or another.
Across the table, Lord Mace Tyrell puffed out his chest, carrying a gleaming goblet, his voice filled with a pride that bordered on foolishness.
“From House Tyrell and the people of the Reach, Your Grace, it is my honor to present you with this wedding cup.”
He placed the goblet before Joffrey, who barely looked at it, his lips curling into a mocking smile.
“A handsome goblet, my lord. Or shall I call you Father?”
You noted how Mace Tyrell’s face flushed with both pride and unease. He bowed deeply. “I would be honored, Your Grace.”
As Mace withdrew, Shae moved gracefully through the crowd, setting a tray before Sansa. You saw how her eyes flickered toward the young girl, but there was no response from Sansa, no recognition of the kindness that once might have been there.
Then, the sharp voice of Queen Cersei pierced the moment, her words venomous.
“She’s the whore I told you about. The dark-haired one.”
Your blood boiled as you saw Shae stiffen. The insult cut through the air like a blade, but Shae, ever composed, turned to leave without a word. You noticed how Tywin’s cold eyes followed her, narrowing as she walked away.
“Have her brought to the Tower of the Hand before the wedding,” Tywin ordered, his voice devoid of any emotion, yet as sharp as a death sentence.
Tyrion’s face darkened. You could see the concern etched into his features, his helplessness as he tried to control a situation slipping further out of his grasp. Your heart raced, knowing the precarious game being played here—and how dangerous it was for all involved.
Shae’s departure was barely noticed as Podrick stepped forward, carrying a large tome. He placed it carefully before Joffrey, and Tyrion followed, a strained smile on his face as he addressed the king.
“A book,” Joffrey said, his voice dripping with disdain.
Tyrion clasped his hands together, speaking with calm civility. “The Lives of Four Kings. Grand Maester Kaeth’s history of the reigns of Daeron the Young Dragon, Baelor the Blessed, Aegon the Unworthy, and Daeron the Good. A book every king should read.”
For a brief moment, Joffrey hesitated. His sharp tongue seemed to fail him as the weight of the gift hovered in the air. But Tywin’s piercing gaze prodded him, and the boy-king forced a mocking smile.
“Now that the war is won, we should all find time for wisdom,” Joffrey said, his voice laced with scorn. “Thank you, Uncle.”
Tyrion bowed, but the tension between them crackled like a hidden storm.
Before anyone could breathe, The Mountain lumbered forward, carrying a sword swathed in black cloth. He laid it before Joffrey with all the reverence of a knight presenting a sacred relic. Tywin rose, his voice steeped in gravitas as he spoke.
“One of only two Valyrian steel swords in the capital, Your Grace, freshly forged in your honor.”
Joffrey’s eyes gleamed with an almost childlike excitement as he tore the sword from its sheath, its blade gleaming ominously in the sunlight. You felt a ripple of unease roll through the gathered nobles as the blade sliced through the air.
“Careful, Your Grace,” Pycelle croaked from his seat. “Nothing cuts like Valyrian steel.”
But Joffrey’s wicked grin only widened. “So they say.”
In a sudden, violent movement, Joffrey swung the sword down, cleaving the book Tyrion had gifted him clean in half. The sound of tearing parchment and splintering leather echoed through the garden. A gasp rippled through the crowd, but Joffrey was delighted with himself.
“Such a great sword should have a name,” Joffrey declared, his eyes burning with cruel glee. “What shall I call her?”
The crowd murmured suggestions, none of which seemed to please the boy-king. But then, his lips curled into a malicious grin.
“Widow’s Wail. I like that. Every time I use it, it’ll be like cutting off Ned Stark’s head all over again.”
His words sent a shiver down your spine. You saw Sansa freeze beside him, her face drained of color, her entire body rigid with the memory of her father’s execution. Across the garden, Shae watched, her eyes narrowing with unspoken fury.
You kept your head down, but the seething rage inside you boiled hotter. One day, they would all pay for this. The Lannisters, their cruelty, their arrogance—it would all come crashing down. And you would make sure of it.
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The preparations for the royal wedding between Joffrey and Margaery were endless, consuming the days and nights of everyone within the Red Keep. But while others concerned themselves with the surface duties, your mind was preoccupied with a far more dangerous task.
The thought of the Strangler stones hidden within Sansa's necklace gnawed at you. The pieces were already in motion, each step methodically planned. Your hands moved through the flowers you were tasked with arranging, but your thoughts were elsewhere, carefully calculating the next move in your plot to bring down King Joffrey without implicating yourself. 
As you worked alone in the gardens, the late afternoon sun blazed overhead. The sweat clung to your skin, and the heat forced you to roll your sleeves up just enough to reveal the faint, jagged lines of scars that adorned your forearms. The burn scars, remnants of your brutal encounter with Ser Gregor Clegane, were still a reminder of what you endured—and survived. The pain was still fresh, but it fueled your resolve. Spite, after all, was a powerful motivator.
You barely noticed the approaching footsteps until a shadow fell across your path. Looking up, you were met with the sharp, knowing gaze of Oberyn Martell. His smirk was playful, as it often was, but there was something deeper there—an intensity that sent a ripple of unease through you. 
"You work too hard," he said smoothly, his voice like silk. "It’s a crime to see such beauty covered in dirt."
You straightened, brushing your hands on your apron, trying to keep the panic from showing. "I have my duties, my lord," you replied, keeping your tone even. The way Oberyn looked at you—intense, almost predatory—made your heart race, though you tried to remain composed.
He crouched beside you, plucking a flower from the arrangement and twirling it between his fingers. His eyes flicked briefly to the scars on your arm, scars you quickly moved to conceal by rolling down your sleeves. But it was too late—Oberyn’s gaze lingered on them for just a moment, something unreadable flickering in his expression. 
The way he studied you wasn’t merely out of curiosity, but recognition. His next words carried a weight that hung in the air between you both. 
"There are stories... of a servant who once attended to Princess Elia." Oberyn’s tone remained casual, but you could feel the shift, the tension creeping in as he spoke. "They say she escaped the Sack of King’s Landing with her life. Barely."
Your breath hitched, but you forced yourself to remain still. You had heard those stories too. After all, you had lived them.
Oberyn leaned closer, his voice dropping to a near whisper. "Some say she vanished, swallowed by the chaos. Others claim she survived through sheer will, fueled by spite." His dark eyes locked onto yours, searching. "I wonder… do you know of such tales?"
The question lingered in the air, heavy with suspicion. You met his gaze, your heart pounding in your chest, but your face remained a mask of composure. "Many stories are told in King’s Landing, my lord. Few of them hold any truth."
Oberyn’s lips curled into a faint smile, but his eyes remained sharp, watching you carefully. "Perhaps," he murmured. "But then again, some tales are more dangerous than others." He stood up, still twirling the flower between his fingers, casting one last glance at your concealed scars. "Sometimes, survival speaks louder than words."
Before you could respond, the sound of footsteps interrupted the moment. Ellaria Sand approached, her eyes already on you. There was a possessiveness in her gaze, though softened by intrigue.
“So this is the woman who has caught my prince’s eye,” Ellaria remarked, her voice a low purr as she moved closer, her hand brushing lightly against Oberyn’s shoulder.
You bowed your head, hiding the inner storm brewing within you. "My lady," you greeted, though the tension in the air was unmistakable.
Ellaria’s gaze flicked to Oberyn, then back to you. “She is different,” she said, her tone intrigued, but there was an edge of caution in her words. “I wonder what it is you see in her, my love?”
Oberyn chuckled softly, his attention still on you. “There’s something about her,” he said, his voice smooth, yet laced with deeper meaning. “Something familiar.”
Ellaria looped her arm through his, drawing him closer to her side. “Familiar or not, I trust you know where your loyalties lie.”
Oberyn’s smile deepened, but his gaze didn’t waver from you. "Always," he replied to Ellaria, but his words were aimed at you, and the unspoken suspicion between you both lingered in the air, unsaid but undeniable.
As the two of them moved off together, your heart pounded in your chest. Oberyn's words, the way he had looked at you—he was starting to piece it together. He suspected who you truly were, but for now, he remained silent, watching. You returned to your task, but the weight of his suspicion clung to you. 
Everything had only just begun, and you were already in far deeper than you had anticipated. But like the scars on your skin, the memories of your past had shaped you into what you were now. And just like that day long ago, you would survive.
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witchinatree · 10 days
making a list of my favorite quote/ones that stuck with me from each season 1 episode because i feel like it
(i'm starting this after episode 4 but it will be a WHILE before i post it)
episode 1: "bones are a lie peddled by Big Milk" - alice
i love this one because it's a great introduction to alice i think. also it radiates spiral so i hope we get avatar alice not dead alice (isnt there a podcast called alice isnt dead?)
episode 2: "If I wanted to clear the canvas, I would have used turpentine." - statement
this one was just fucking powerful and caught me so off guard like 😶
episode 3: "What would I do without her?" - statement
the norris statement <3 it feels like martin asking what he would do without jon which makes mag200 a lot sadder and i love them
episode 4: "Perhaps you shall prove a stronger will than I, and will yet find it within yourself to destroy this hungry thing of wood and cat-gut." - statement
augustus sighting #1 and we immediately get jonah magnus expressing that it may be possible for gwen bouchard unknown family member to overcome the eye's hunger spooky violin
episode 5: "Voyeur needs to be seen to be believed." - statement
i feel like this one is pretty reflective of how the seasons gonna go? like if you explain the events of tma (mag200 specifically) no one's gonna believe you, it must be seen to be believed!! and also seen!! like the eye!!!
episode 6: "Not sca- This isn’t some poxy blood test, some little pinprick, this is hundreds, thousands of razor sharp points pushing into your flesh." - needles
i love needles so much and i thought this was really funny because it was like "you dont find me scary!! what the fuck!!!" just kind of toddler michael energy
episode 7: "It’s not like we’re wrestling with tape recorders and manila folders." - celia
STOP IT. celia you can't say that you just cannot!!!!!! you Know™ too much maam i cant with you
episode 8: "Pleasure to meet you both. I’m Gerry!"
RAGHHHHH OH MY GOD GERRY!!!! i love him so much and idk how to handle him being alive in the tmagp universe!! gertrude too but idk we got so much of her in tma and not nearly enough of gerry
episode 9: "And honestly, it’s kind of compelling by this point." - sam
they got him 😔😔 the horrors got sam 😔😔 also i found this to be an interesting contrast to jon's heavy resistance in season 1 like he was being compelled but he wasn't going to let anyone know that vs sam "its kinda compelling to trauma dump on this paperwork :]" how is he somehow even more victim material
episode 10: "Gosh you’re sexy, here’s a twenty for your trouble.” - alice
does this count as a quote if shes also quoting what she thinks sam should say? idk anyway i love her i would say that to her if given the chance and it was very silly. i will not be addressing bonzo i am scared.
episode 11: "...Thank you, Alice" - gwen
dyhard dyhard dyhard dyhard dyhard. okay also, the way she CRUMBLED at the idea of anyone doing anything nice for her please someone give her a hug and let it be ME. this series is tossing me back and forth between sam & alice (what is their ship name) and dyhard but this put me back to dyhard
episode 12: "You know it's rude to have absolutely no game?" - alice
she's so fucking funny i need her to be okay so badly!!!! i don't think even tim made me laugh as much as she makes me chuckle and this one really got me. it's hard to write such a comedic character in a podcast since you only have the voice but they really nailed it i adore her
episode 13: "Is it my fault?" - gwen
each of these episodes just reveal a little bit more about how loving and soft gwen is and idk i love her so unbelievably much so seeing that she felt guilt about the bonzo stuff just made her so much more real :(
episode 14: "Christ, they’re in the walls…" - statement
theyre in the walls!!! theyre in the goddamn walls!!!!! anyway that got me because i realized the hole before the statement said it. made more sad than scared tbh
episode 15: "Babies are cool!" - alice this entire interaction between her and sam & celia was so awkward, she is so obvious and i love her anyway
episode 16: "It’s not like I was holding doors open for Mr Bonzo or anything." - gwen my wife is so so so stupid but i adore her AND this gives room for character development. i wish she did not do that though. i love when characters are flawed and have depth but i struggled to get past THIS flaw of hers
episode 17: "Thanks, I guess. Not exactly the same, though, is it?" - celia shes talking TO JON IN THE COMPUTER. SHE KNOWS. i lost my damn mind i love her i love her. get the gay people out of the puter please queen
episode 18: "Why would I need to talk to you? Your work is satisfactory. Unless you have a work-related issue I could assist you with?" - lena solidified my opinion that lena is the best boss to ever have, i adore her and i would want to work for her if she wasn't the boss of Creepy Establishment #1
episode 19: "You’re going to throw it in the fishtank, aren’t you?" - alice colin's behavior is like really worrying BUT i'm glad he's back. i was not convinced he was still alive
episode 20: "I suppose it’s too late for remorse, isn’t it? And why should I be sorry? This is what I deserve!" - ink5oul/statement they reminded me of jon a lot, like especially his season 3/4 transformation when he doesn't quite know everything but he knows he isn't who he was in season 1 anymore, i hope we see more of their life and they can be helped :(
episode 21: [Tape Recorder Bites Ink5oul] - audio description i know it's not technically a quote but this is just so fucking funny. why does it have teeth. what does this mean for the lore. holy shit.
episode 22: "Jonathan Sims and Martin Blackwood" - celia. knawing at the walls of my enclosure i am so not okay. i'm not okay. wtf. wtf. wtf. they're real. wtf.
episode 23: "I had a favorite mug. It said “love you, bitch” and had a picture of a drunk dog on it." - alice. okay i just love this entire interaction because gwen got to open up a little bit and my dyhard heart is so full
episode 24: "I am told that children like me, and I’ve always held the opinion that the world would be a better place if everyone just thought more." - basira. once again this whole interaction was so fun but like idk i loved hearing basira somewhat happy and in a safe place :] my wife <3
episode 25: " I am trying to help, to save us from this goddamned fucking nightmare machine!" - colin. MAN I REALLY WAS ROOTING FOR YOU!!! I WAS SO CONFIDENT YOU WEREN'T GONNA DIE!!!! it's over
episode 26: "I was worrying for a moment that you were Magnussing." - alice. MAGNUSSING BEING CANON MADE ME SAY IT EVEN MORE I'VE SAID IT LIKE TWICE ALREADY
episode 27: "You didn’t tell me the room was labelled, “Archivist.”" - celia. oooooh somebody's got TRAUMAAAAA LMAO
episode 28: "So you’re telling me you know nothing about an OIAR external contract being found with the bodies of two tattooed thugs who met rather grisly ends?" - TREVOR HERBERT???? anyway. ink5oul mention!!!!! i hope they stop killing people it's really rude
episode 29: "Alice, er… we’ve got to talk. It’s important." - teddy. i knew it was over for him but i didn't think it was gonna be THIS bad??? bye babe i guess??? 😭
episode 30: how do i even pick. the whole fucking episode. i can't. i am in a state of shock. i need to lay down for 30 years.
#honorable mentions:#“canaries should stay above ground” because holy shit (1)#“i don’t scare so easy these days” because oh my god its our celia (7)#“i like them”/“of course you do” because weeping weeping weeping (8)#“oh no not again! oh the horrors! nooooo” that one was just really funny and not exactly part of the episode (9)#“can he read?” (10) bc it enforces the gwen/jon parallels (“you dont sound?? russian??”)#“the deep will care for his bones” (11) it creeped me out and i loved it#“the cover had this awful comic sans title 'mr. bonzo's on his way'” (12) comic sans font was so funny it almost made it not horrific#“I have a baby. Jack. He’s just over a year old now.” (13) like BARNABAS. i know him.#“The only drama is the dilemma of how I could possibly get by without you all to myself!” (14) alice.... alice....#“Oh no! Who keeps taking Georgie’s face?!” (18) SHE'S BACKKKKKKK#''I swear if I hear one more word about Trevor-bloody-Herbert MP I am going to blow up Parliament.'' (27) because WHAT LMAO??? WHATTT#''when I first awoke I knew nothing nothing but the dream of things that sliced my who from me with claws like scalpels'' (30) i cried#''They’re gone Alice. They’re gone.'' (30) tweaking#''What happens now? You push me? Stab me? Or do I need to jump in myself? Come on what’s stopping you?'' (30)#can i just put the whole episode in honorable mentions too atp.#''We are the hilltop. It is me and I am it and we are. We are…'' (30)#''Yeah sure. Sorry to bother you. Goodbye Alice.'' (30)#okay i'm done#i can't i .. i ..#the magnus protocol#tmagp#magnus protocol#tmagp spoilers#tmagp season 1#the magnus pod
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thedvilsinthedetails · 9 months
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hey im still figuring out what i wanna be called but for now u can call me Jamie if u want I’m genderfluid as fuck [they/she/he or whatever idegafatp]
some typa aroace spectrum probs grayace & demiromantic also omniromantic - in general I have nothing figured out
so a simp w like a slight preference for men ig but kinda ace most of the time but sometimes very not
neurospicy bitch
writing request status: OPEN FOR MICROFICS RN
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I’m a rosekiller loverrr but also a multi shipper so u never know what ur gonna see ig [but probably Rosekiller, Wolfstar, Dorlene, Starchaser maybe some sunkiller if I’m in the mood etc] for the record just bc I don’t ship smth doesn’t mean I support hating it even as a joke [translation: prongsfoot is chill leave them be]
if u don’t like smth, just ignore it, if u send me hate I’ll reply w shitty jokes probs
my dream job is to be an actor [screen actor specifically]
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Media I like:
Fav TV stuff: Challengers, Gravity Falls, Cruella, 10 things I hate about you, into the spiderverse
Fav author is @neil-gaiman also that man is my idol so I’ll probs reblog him a shit ton [do u think he’ll like…mind that I tagged him? Sorry if this bothered u Neil!!!] Music [uhhh changes all the time tbh but for rn]: The Neighbourhood, Olivia Rodrigo, Conan Gray [Kid Krow phase rn], Chappell Roan, Renée Rapp, Green day, Ricky Montgomery, NOAHFINNCE, MARINA and Hozier
Spider-Man. Fucking love Spider-Man.
One thing to note about me tho: obvi I love recommendations but I find starting literally any new forms of media really fucking daunting for no reason [this is everything: songs, movies, books etc]
e.g. I fucking love spider verse but I still haven’t watched movie 2, same w latest season of young royals, same with even like ONE song alone I find it rlly hard and really scary
so if u give me recommendations and I don’t get back to u about them for ages it’s not bc I forgot or i was ignoring u but bc I find it scary so pls be patient :)
also same w please don’t like assume I’m knowledgeable about like any of the music artists I named earlier bc tbh I don’t rlly listen to artists I listen to songs [im still a fan of a lot of music artists ofc but the artists I listen to ≠ the artists I’m a fan of]
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HI! welcome to my crazy blog, I love making friends im not at all scary I promise :D
Btw my inbox is ALWAYS open for spam, ship ramblings [even if it’s not smth I ship], info dropping about ur hyperfixations, venting, questions etc. [the only thing is no illegal ships bc it will be ignored] also sorry pre warning im shit with the inbox chains [‘send this to ten people who…’] so often I won’t answer those sorry, anything else I will make sure to answer but the chains I sometimes just forget about sorryyy
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Barty Crouch Jr & James Potter kinnie
got a FAT crush on Evan Rosier [he’s the loml he just doesn’t know it yet] and also a crush on Dorcas Meadowes
I write sometimes:
I fell for you like glitter on stage - rosekiller band au, this was a microfic series on tumblr that I posted on ao3 for convenience [words: 4548] [this is my fav thing I’ve ever written lol]
we are all just prisoners here of our own device - Jegulus, a oneshot on ao3 based on the song ‘hotel California’ by the eagles. [Words: 6162]
Oh where do we begin? The rubble or our sins? - ON HIATUS. Roman Empire Jegulus au with side Rosekiller, Wolfstar and Pandalily on ao3 [words: 6141] [currently I don’t want to write Jegulus - the hyperfixation hath faded]
also I’m in a marauders RP as Barty and u shld follow it bc we’re all super cool and funny and amazing and awesome and yeah @bartythebabygorljr
tags you’ll see on my page:
me and my old black biro > writing tag
Im in love with that Rosier boy > [this is a new one] me having a massive crush on Evan Rosier
the most boring soap opera > my life tag
I have an online diary called @miseryoforpheus if ur fascinated by my charming and irresistible personality
[The song at the bottom of my intro post changes all the time depending on how I’m feeling]
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ace-reviews · 5 months
The anime industry needs to chill the fuck out. Literally stop. This isn't your heart.
If you somehow have time left over after the 86,000 returning series this season, watch these new cartoons also.
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For the sake of full disclosure, I ended up dropping this manga after about a year when due to a number of reasons I had to play catch-up on a bunch of Jump and Jump+ titles. I ultimately decided cuts needed to be made and this was one of them, but I made that cut with the full knowledge that it would eventually get a kick-ass anime and I was right because I’m always right.
The anime looks better than I’d hoped and sounds better than I imagined. The background music sounds like something from a blockbuster movie, and I mean that as a compliment, considering that's basically what it is. Even if you’re not really into kaiju, this is still worth checking out. Unless you’re allergic to beautiful animation and/or poop jokes.
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This series became a lock for my recommendation this season (even over the train anime, which is very good and you should also watch) the moment I discovered it’s based on a light novel by the same guy who wrote Haganai and A Sister’s All You Need. I’ve never read any of the novels in question because I’m illiterate but I enjoy both of those anime very much (though I will admit that the latter is not for everyone). Haganai transed my gender and for that reason alone I will support Yomi Hirasaka (by watching and recommending anime adaptations of his books. Alas! if I could only read) ‘til my dying day.
This was a solid premier on its own merits, as well. The characters are fun and likeable, the jokes land pretty much every time (at the very least, I can’t immediately think of any that didn’t), and reverse isekai stories are still uncommon enough to be fun. There is the unfortunately ever-present concern that Our Hero will turn out to be a sex pest, but based on Hirasaka’s track record I’m not too worried about that. Really, more than Haganai or A Sister’s All You Need, the anime this premier kept making me think of the most was Hanamatsuri (side note: you should watch Hanamatsuri.)
Also, look at her. She’s reading Detective Conan. I’m reading Detective Conan. That’s so cool of both of us.
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CHARLIE’S RECOMMENDATION #1: Chillin’ in Another World with Level 2 Cheat Powers
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Fairly standard fare for the cozy isekai sub-genre, but it’s a decent way to spend half an hour, if you don’t mind the harem aspects.
CHARLIE’S RECOMMENDATION #2: Grandpa and Grandma Turn Young Again
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It was fine, I guess. Watched it because the premise seemed cute, and I wasn’t wrong. Felt like a short comic but animated, and the art was good. Really wish they didn’t have family members lusting after the grandparents, though.
FEN’S RECOMMENDATION #1: Route of Odd Taxi
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FEN’S RECOMMENDATIONS #2: Train to the End of the World & The Many Sides of Voice Actor Radio
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tara-maclays-gf · 2 months
The results of my Buffy survey!
So, a little over a week ago I posted a survey I made on the show. I was curious about the opinions in the fandom. The survey got 86 responses, which is way more than I thought it would! I had a lot of fun looking through all the responses as they came in and writing this up, and I've gotten lots of messages from people who filled it out that they also had fun! Also, thank you to anyone who reblogged
There are definitely some things I would change about how I did this and the questions I asked if I was to redo it in the future, but I tried to note the big things through the survey.
Also; when there were short response questions it would be way too long for me to have included all the responses. I tried to summarize the main themes, and then include a variety of responses and opinions that I found interesting.
If there’s a response of yours in this summary that you don’t want to be included please let me know and I will edit it out as soon as I can!
It's also a very long write-up, so... feel free to skim or whatever you need.
Question 1: When did you start watching the show?  22.1%; 2011-2015 (19/86 votes) 20.9%: 2021-present (18/86) 18.6%: 2016-2020 (16/86) 14%: 2000-2005 (12/86) 12.8%: As it came out (11/86) 11.6%: 2006-2010 (10/86)
Question 2: How were you introduced to the show?  The main themes from these responses included word of mouth from family, friends, or social media, watching it as it aired, or accidentally.  “I found a bunch of the books and some taped recordings of the show in my late-mother's belongings and realized it was her favorite show. I watched it to feel closer to her.” “My parents heard about it and we watched it together. I was 11. Do you know how crazy it is to watch Buffy and Spike fuck a house down with your parents when you're 11 on a DVD borrowed from your local library?” (yes, anon, actually i was in a very similar position haha) “I stumbled on it when channel surfing in the 90s”
Question 3: Would you consider the show to be an important and/or defining piece of media in your life?  94.1%: Yes (80/85 votes) 3.5%: No (3/85) 2.4%: Other (2/85): “I really like it but no”, “I’ve only started it recently so it hasn’t had time to fester. But i’m sure it will become load-bearing in future so yes”
Question 4: Who is your favorite main character in the show?  Note: a tumblr user pointed out to me that I included Anya and Faith in the least favorite question but not the favorite question. I fully understand that this was something I missed in this question and definitely could have skewed the data in this question and in a few future questions. 44.2%: Buffy (38/86 votes) 20.9%: Spike (18/86) 12.8%: Giles (11/86) 7%: Willow (6/11) 3.5%: Cordy (3/86) Faith (2), Oz (2), Zander (1), Jenny (1), Dawn (1), Angel (1), too hard! (1)
Question 5: Who is your least favorite character in the show?  55.8%: Riley (48/86 votes) 20.9%: Zander (18/86) 5.8%: Angel (5/86) 4.7%: Faith (4/86) Oz (3), Spike (2), Anya (2), Jenny (1), Willow (1), none of the characters (1), tie between Angel, Riley, and Zander (1)
Question 6: Who is your favorite season big bad?  30.6%: the Mayor (26/85 votes) 28.2%: Glory (24/85) 27.1%: Angelus (23/85) 7.1%: Willow- season 6 (6/85) 3.5%: the Master (3/85) 2.4%: Warren- season 6 (2/85) 1.2%: the Initiative (1/85)
Question 7: Who is your least favorite season big bad?  49.4%: Adam (41/83 votes) 22.9%: the First (19/83)  20.5%: Warren- season 6 (17/83) The Master (2), the Mayor (2), Angelus (1), Glory (1)
Question 8: Who are your favorite big bad sidekick pairs?  79.1%: Drusilla and Spike (68/86 votes) 19.8%: Faith and Mr. Trick (17/86) 1.2%: Warren and Jonathan (1/86)
Question 9: Who is your favorite smaller villain in the series?  51.2%: Drusilla (44/86) 17.4%: Harmony (15/86) 15.1%: Sweet (from OMWF) (13/86) 5.8%: Darla (5/86) 4.7%: Halfrek (4/86) Dracula (2), Lyle Gorch/the Gorch family (1), Ted (1)
Question 10: Which season has your favorite overall arc?  32.5%: Season 5 (27/ 83 votes) 27.7%: Season 3 (23/83) 18.1%: Season 6 (15/83) 14.5%: Season 2 (12/83) Season 4 (2), Season 7 (2), Season 1 (2)
Q11: Which season has your favorite individual episodes?  27.8%: Season 4 (22/79 votes) 24.1%: Season 3 (19/79) 19%: Season 6 (15/79) 12.7%: Season 5 (10/79) 8.9%: Season 2 (7/79) 5.1%: Season 1 (4/79) 2.5%: Season 7 (2/79)
Q12: What are your top 3 season 1 episodes?  79.5%: Prophecy Girl (66/83 votes) 43.4%: Nightmares (36/83) 41%: Witch (34/83)
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Q13: What is your favorite “candy episode” in season 1? 26.8%: I, Robot… You, Jane (22/83) 19.3%: The Puppet Show (16/83)  18.1%: Don’t have one (15/83) 14.5%: The Pack (12/83) Out of Mind, Out of Sight (4), Teacher’s Pet (4), Never Kill a Boy on the First Date (3), Nightmares (3), Welcome to the Hellmouth (2), Prophecy Girl (1)
Q14: Why is that episode enjoyable for you?
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Q15: What are your overall thoughts and opinions on the season?  Out of 56 responses, the main themes seemed to be that people enjoyed the season but it isn’t as good as the following seasons. People liked how fun and campy it was, as well as the early dynamics between the scoobies, and the format of monster of the week. “not my favorite but a good set up” “It was a rough season that I didn't enjoy. If I started watching buffy from season 1 I don't think I would have given it a chance” “Season one is classic and campy.” “It's super campy and fun! While not the tone the show took in the long run it's got the ground work of theme” “It's so cute but not necessarily good but god they're adorable” “Rough but compelling” “Rocky quality, a lot of 'so bad it's good' type episodes, but with a strong beginning and end that hints at later show quality” “I think it's the most unique - very much 'monster of the week' but it holds the most nostalgia for me and really encapsulates its own sort of 90s aesthetic”
Q16: What are your top 3 season 2 episodes?  58%: Becoming (pt 2) (47/81 votes) 44.4%: Halloween (36/81) 29.6%: School Hard (24/81)
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Q17: What is your favorite “candy episode” in season 2?  17.5%: Go Fish (14/80) 12.5%: Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered (10/80) 12.5%: Don’t have one (10) 11.2%: Bad Eggs (9) 8.8%: Ted (7) 8.8%: Inca Mummy Girl (7) I Only Have Eyes for You (5), Halloween (5), Reptile Boy (5), School Hard (2), Some Assembly Required (2), The Dark Age (1), Phases (1), Killed by Death (1), When She Was Bad (1)
Q18: Why is that episode enjoyable for you?
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Q19: What are your overall thoughts and opinions on the season?  Generally, responses were very positive about this season. While people mention disliking Angel/Angelus as a character as well as some individual episodes, many people also mention how meaningful the season is to them and how much it improved from season 1. “Getting more solid, but still has the camp from the first season. Still would never skip an ep, but it’s still not like next season, where almost every episode is GOLD. The introduction to the fanged F… three is a big deal and wonderful to watch, the metaphors and arcs are compelling. It’s just the Go Fishes, ya know?” “The Angelus reveal is so genuinely heartbreaking and you can kinda feel the shift in the shows tone” “Love it BUT angelus piss me off” “Lots of clunkers, could have used more Angelus rather than him being in the background aside from Innocence, Passion, and Becoming, but still a good season overall” “Hurts my chest in a good way . so important to my inner world I don’t know how to separate myself from it” “i think angel is a cool villain but a terrible boyfriend” “I feel like the show found itself a lot more here, and while there's things I despise (the racism of inherent to the angelus/jenny plotline, the introduction and then killing of kendra) overall its very well-written and Sarah michelle gellar's acting is given the chance to really shine. Brought in more emotional depth and the campy tone”
Q20: What are your top 3 season 3 episodes? 45.8%: Band Candy (38/83) 39.8%: Lover’s Walk (33/83) 31.3: The Wish (26/83)
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Q21: What is your favorite candy episode of season 3?  25.3%: Band Candy (20/79 votes) 21.5%: Don’t have one (17/79) 13.9%: Gingerbread (11/79) 8.9%: The Zeppo (7/79) Dead Man’s Party (5), Lover’s Walk (5), Earshot (3), Homecoming (3), Beauty and the Beasts (2), Bad Girls (2), The Wish (2), Dopplegandland (1), Revelations (1)
Q22: Why is that episode enjoyable for you? 
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Q23: What are your overall thoughts and opinions on the season?  People generally really enjoy season 3. People talked about liking Faith’s introduction, but wished that she had more screen time to watch her fall. Responses that disliked the season also tended to mention that they weren’t a big fan of Faith as a character or didn’t connect to her.  “Season 3 is overrated as a season TBH. It has really wonderful standalone episodes but theres only 7 actual plot episodes in this season and that makes watching it as a whole Super frustrating since they never actually reach the full potential of the plot since they spend No time on it !!!! also unlike season 2 the stand alone episodes are not as thematically relevant to the plot which makes everything feel even more disjointed. Also Faith and the Mayor are soooooo compelling but its almost all in theory since we get No actual time with them in the season.” “I actually don’t like season three nearly as much as season one or two, despite how many good episodes it has, and I think it’s for two reasons. 1. I don’t emotionally connect with Faith and that’s a huge part of enjoying the rest of the season, and 2. Buffy and Angel’s story goes from the interesting exploration of danger and gothic romance that season two provided to high school melodrama that I don’t really care about and think was dealt with in a more interesting way the previous season. And idk the mayor doesn’t really make up for the other two problems” “There are no stinkers in this season, and the addition of Faith makes it one of my top three favorite seasons.” “Excellent--I feel like I graduated with the people in that season.” “LOVE THIS SEASON. Might be the favourite. While I'll never forgive kendra' death, faith is an amazing character and I love everything that's done with her. I love buffy's character throughout the season too. Just an excellent season of television. Solidified the show. The "class protector" scene makes me so emotional”
Q24: What are your top 3 season 4 episodes?  72.5%: Hush (58/80 votes) 55%: Something Blue (44/80) 37.5%: Who Are You? (30/80)
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Q25: What is your favorite candy episode of season 4?  28.9%: Beer Bad (22/76 votes) 14.5%: Something Blue (11/76) 13.2%: Don’t have one (10/76) Superstar (6), A New Man (4), Living Conditions (4), Pangs (4), Where the WIld Things Are (4), the Initiative (2), Restless (2), Fear, Itself (2), Wild at Heart (1), Who Are You? (1), the Yoko Factor (1), the Freshman (1), The Harsh Light of Day (1)
Q26: Why is that episode enjoyable for you? (short response)
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Q27: What are your overall thoughts and opinions on the season?  A general consensus is that the episode is weaker because of the transition between the high school and post high school seasons. Some mentioned that Riley as a character limited the effectiveness of the initiative, as well as Walsh’s departure midway through the season. Many people agreed that the one-off episodes saved the season from the arc and elevated it in their eyes to be a good season.  “One of my favourite seasons honestly. The overall arc is a mess and not that amazing but the one-offs are so good that it helps the overall season for me.”  “Weak overall arc but some of the best comedy in the show tbh. Also some really strong one-offs!” “Not a great start to college years, the initiative seemed a bit irrelevant and annoying at times.” “i get why people don’t love it, but i feel that this season is the season of character building, there’s so much set up for the rest of the series. the underlying narrative behind the initiative is good, even if boring at times. love the new cast as well” “i always say s4 is my favorite which is so unpopular to say and i don't love the initiative plot but it's got both faith and tara like cmon!! and soooo many iconic episodes”
Q28: What are your top 3 season 5 episodes? 67.9%: The Gift (53/78 votes) 67.9%: The Body (53/78) 60.3%: Fool for Love (47/78)
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Q29: What is your favorite candy episode of season 5? 31.5%: Buffy vs. Dracula (23/73 votes) 17.8%: Don’t have one (13/73)  8.2%: Triangle (6/73) 8.2%: Crush (6/73) Intervention (5), Family (5), Fool for Love (3), the Replacement (3), Checkpoint (3), Real Me (2), Spiral (1), Forever (1), I Was Made To Love You (1)
Q30: Why is that episode enjoyable for you? 
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Q31: What are your thoughts and opinions on the season?  Overall people think this is a great season. It has good individual episodes as well as a good arc, and responses talk about how the season becomes significantly more adult and serious in this season. “This season is so grown-up and moving; I marvel at how this season can come from a show that has its roots in teen drama.” “so so sad, but so so good. it’s heartbreaking to see buffy grow up so fast but it feels so true to life. it’s the first season i really understood the stakes and it was a nice break from the big bad’s goal being apocalyptic. glory just wanted to go home!!!!” “Quite like it. Glory is a fantastic big bad and is a contender for my top big bad of the series. The most emotional season for me is well with both The Body and The Gift.” “Overall a really good season, both in terms of overarching story and individual episodes. I know Dawn is a controversial addition to the cast but I'm personally really on board with her. The main thing that I think drags it down is that the person who plays Glory doesn't really do anything particularly interesting with her imo.” “Similarly to s3, really coherent and beautifully built story-arc with in-season conclusion. I still think the introduction (and way of introducing, and also general arc) of dawn was an incredible choice that makes the entire show exceptional. Getting more serious, building up for the following seasons' themes.” “After Riley leaves it’s much better. Dawn is absolutely the worst by it’s forgiven at times of real stress and trauma, and she grows at the end and iirc is way more realistically a teenager after that.” “It’s kind of slow to start and the first time I saw it I was really frustrated by them just dropping Dawn in with no explanation, but it’s a good and solid season overall with the end of the season being truly amazing”
Q32: What are your top 3 episodes of season 6?  92.3%: Once More, With Feeling (72/78 votes) 64.1%: Tabula Rasa (50/78) 21.8%: Grave (17/78)
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Q33: What is your favorite candy episode of season 6? 27%: Doublemeat Palace (20/74 votes) 24.3%: Don’t have one (18/74) 10.8%: Tabula Rasa (8/74) Life Serial (6), Once More, With Feeling (4), Flooded (4), All the Way (3), Gone (3), Normal Again (2), Bargaining (1), Entropy (1), Hell’s Bells (1), Older and Far Away (1)
Q34: Why is that episode enjoyable for you? 
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Q35: What are your overall thoughts and opinions on the season?  This season is either liked or strongly disliked by the responses. Many people talked about how the themes were important to them personally, but many others talked about strongly disliking the season because of how the writers handled specific characters.  “As a whole I think the first half of the season was incredibly strong and the second half was much, much weaker. It has some of my favorite individual episodes but I could start to feel how the writers were becoming angry at the audience and started punishing certain characters. I couldn't finish certain episodes in the second half of this season. The rape scene with Spike made me stop watching the show for a while, Tara's death was a blow. It just went from being what could've been my favorite season to feeling like I was being punished as a viewer for liking certain characters. I know it's dark, and I can appreciate darkness, but at a certain point it felt vindictive and I lost enjoyment in the show.” “Once more with feeling brings it up so much (the best ever episode of Buffy) but so many decisions were wrong ie seeing red” “Rarely ever watch this season. IMHO the worst season hands down” “I find that I understand Buffy's depression more and more the older I get. It's a great season.” “Buffy's best and worst season all in one. Elevated the show beyond a merely well-done Campbellian hero's journey tale to something truly special. And it also made several storytelling decisions that ruined several character arcs beyond repair. Buffy's depression arc is her best seasonal arc by far and is an amazing interrogation of everything we've seen in seasons prior. Her climbing out of the grave in the finale and smiling at seeing the world before her is so incredibly satisfying. Her relationship with Spike is realistic and interesting to watch. And then...he tries to rape her, and their respective arcs are doomed to be about that moment for all of S7. Willow's slow descent into becoming an abusive girlfriend and power-hungry villain is utterly thrilling to watch. For the first eight episodes. And then...it becomes a drug addiction metaphor, and her arc goes to hell and never recovers. This season is BtVS in a nutshell: some experimental episodes, some risky and bold storytelling, some satisfying payoffs, and some serious backfiring.”
Q36: What are your top 3 episodes of season 7?  63%: Chosen (46/73 votes) 61.6%: Conversations with Dead People (45/73) 32.9%: Lies My Parents Told Me (24/73)
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Q34: What is your favorite candy episode of season 7?  33.8%: Don’t have one (23/68 votes) 23.5%: Him (16/68) 16.2%: Storyteller (11/68) Conversations with Dead People (4), Same Time. Same Place (3), Dirty Girls (3), Beneath You (2), Get it Done (2), First Date (2), Showtime (1), The Killer in Me (1)
Q35: Why is that episode enjoyable for you? 
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Q36: What are your overall thoughts and opinions on the season?  Generally responses agreed that season 7 isn’t the best season of the show. However, many responses have something they appreciated about the season. “To be honest, i had a hard time getting through season seven. I was already having problems with the show with the end of season six and It felt like even the show had no idea what to do with season seven. I skipped a lot of filler episodes or didn't pay attention to them when I was watching them. I don't even have a lot of opinions on season seven because I don't remember most of it. The finale was good and I appreciated the closure for the show.” “truly amazing. i wish i could speak eloquently on this but words are hard, just kno it is perfect” “I don't remember it much it's far too ambitious but I love the spuffy” “Only good thing about this season is Nathan Fillion” “It was a nice end to the series. I do think Anya should have survived.” “No ending is ever perfect, because nothing really ends, but it tied up the series better than The Gift.” “Augh. So many bad plot decisions or character assassinations. My least favorite season. I would watch Go Fish at least seven times before rewatching S7 willingly.” “A lot makes me angry about this season, but there’s so much good too. It brings the whole series home in one of the best finales in the history of television.”
Q37: Which episode is your favorite in the series, if you had to pick? 
Once More, With Feeling: 14 votes
Fool for Love: 5 votes
  Restless: 5 votes
The Body: 4 votes
Something Blue: 3 votes
Tabula Rasa: 2 votes
Dopplegangland: 2 votes
Becoming: 2 votes
Who Are You?: 2 votes
Passion: 2 votes
1 each: Hush, Checkpoint, the Prom, School Hard, I Only Have Eyes For You, Prophecy Girl, The Dark Age: the Wish, Gingerbread, Lover’s Walk, Band Candy, Chosen, the Gift, Amends, Weight of the World, Family, Halloween, A New Man, I, Robot… You, Jane
Q38: Which episode is most iconic, in your opinion?
Once More, With Feeling: 24 votes
Hush: 11 votes
Becoming pt 2: 3 votes
The Gift: 3 votes
Passion: 3 votes
Innocence & surprise: 2 votes
Prophecy Girl: 2 votes
Fool for Love: 1 vote
Anne: 1 vote
Q39: Which season do you rewatch episodes from the most frequently?  Season 2: 4 votes Season 3: 4 votes Season 6: 4 votes Season 4: 3 votes Season 1: 2 votes Season 5: 1 vote Season 7: 1 vote
Q40: How often would you say you rewatch individual episodes from the show?  17.1%: every 6 months (13/76 votes) 14.5%: monthly (11/76)  14.5%: every other month (11/76) 11.8%: yearly (9/76) 11.8%: every two weeks (9/76) 30.3%: other (including every few years, or watching many episodes over a period of time and then taking a break for months/years)
Q41: How often would you say you rewatch the entire series?  28.8%: yearly (21/73) 12.3%: every 6 months (9/73) Other: including haven’t rewatched yet, every few years, and used to rewatch frequently but not as much anymore. 
Q42: Do you frequently engage with the fandom?  66.7: yes (56/84 votes) 25%: no (21/84)
Q43: On which platforms do you engage with the fandom? Note: this question I was curious about, but understand I posted this survey on tumblr and on a discord for a BTVS youtuber and those facts have absolutely skewed the data. 93.7%: Tumblr (74 votes) 25.3%: Youtube- video essays (20) 19%: Youtube- reaction youtubers (15) 17.7%: Youtube- edits (14) 13.9%: Instagram (11) 12.7%: Podcasts (10) 7.6%: Tiktok (6) Other responses: Ao3, discord, facebook, twitter, pinterest, books, reddit, forums
Q44: Do you have a favorite creator in the fandom? All creators that were mentioned are included here.
Passion of the Nerd (youtube)
@/jennycalender (tumblr)
@/lefrenchunicorn (platform unknown)
the_Eclectic_Bookworm (Ao3)
Summerfrost (Ao3)
@/all-seeing-ifer (tumblr)
Mona Fuchs (art prints)
Off Your Bird (platform unknown)
herinsectreflection (youtube if I remember correctly)
@/spikedru (tumblr)
Cass reacts (youtube)
Q45: What’s the most interesting lore in the show to you?  “the demonic dimensions and vampire backstories!” “The nature of morality and the self !!” “Vengeance demons and their whole thing.” “Everything with Ripper. And the Fanged Four.” “I think that the vampire lore is deliciously messy and because of that there is so much you can do when interpreting it. Do I wish it was thought about more in the show? Yes. Am I pretty happy with it as it is? Also yes. I can have both.” “The Potentials and Watcher Council setup” “The non-strength attributes of the slayer” “I think the soul cannon is an interesting concept.”
Q46: Which is your favorite Buffy ship?  Note: Looking back I worded this question particularly poorly. What I was curious about was ships with specifically Buffy because I feel there’s some debate in the fandom about it 47.6%: Buffy/Spike (40/84 votes) 34.5%: Buffy/Faith (29/84) 6%: Buffy/Angel (5/84) 1 each: Buffy/Cordy, Buffy/Riley
Q47: What is something you most want to change in the show?  Many responses talked about Seeing Red, the lack of POC in the show (and their subsequent deaths) and specific character arcs (especially Zander). “probably xander's weird like thing with buffy and how he was always subconsiously protective over her, like with angel, spike, and riley” “Nothing, I tend to love things/people as they are, the good and the bad” “The racism is pretty bad -- the way there are 0 people of color in the main cast, most recurring characters of color die, the First Slayer is treated in such a racist way, the Slayer backstory is so racist, the portrayal of the Chumash in "Pangs", the portrayal of Mr. Trick, Chao-Ahn's existence, the treatment of Nikki and Robin Wood, etc. So I'd like to change that. If you want a more easily-executed character-based answer, I'd remove Willow's 'magic addiction' plotline and give her a proper villain arc instead.” “Seeing Red character decision for Spike which was out of character for him even though he didn't have a soul” “Not to be basic but all of that? did not have to happen to women.” “so Jenny Calendar was my favourite character in the show on first watch, and although I think her death was done incredibly well and part of a fantastic arc, I would have liked for her character and the contributions she made to the narrative to be remembered more often in later seasons, especially when it seems weird to me that the characters never bring her up (e.g. in discussions about re-souling vampires, Willow's growing magical ability, or Giles' personal life, all of which she played significant roles in)” “Kendra lives!” “Anya deserved a better ending” “well riley never existing would be great, or maybe xander losing his crush/ possessiveness over buffy, but really i just wish her friends would cut her some fucking slack.”
Q48: Favorite funny line/gag in the show?  “anything harmony probably” “Out for a walk bitch” “dawns in trouble. must be tuesday.” “Joyce and Spike being awkward in the living room in "Becoming Part 2".” “I may be dead but I'm still pretty (that's the first that came to mind it's impossible to pick!!)” “well you were mythtaken” “Oz's line about the mayor and hummus gets me every time” “Grr Argh” “Tiny, Tiny, Babies! And other lines from Rupert Giles” “"One of these days you're going to wake up in a coma." Iconic, no notes.” “I’m 17. Looking at linoleum makes me want to have sex.” “Can I trade the children for more money?”
Q49: Favorite moment or scene? “Cordelia bullying a vampire into running away in "Homecoming".” “Either the "we're family" from family or Buffy and Giles in the car in innocence” “Anything spuffy really” “Willow and Tara floating as they dance together” “Rest in Peace” “Buffy getting the "class protecter award"” “the final fight between buffy and angel in the s2 finale” “The scene where spike has the gun to kill buffy but ends up just sitting with her on the stairs” “The confrontation between Willow and Xander in “Grave””
Q50: Anything else you want to share, feel free to infodump here :) “Okay, I mentioned little crossovers Buffy has had over the years? The basics of it is little nods, references, and shout-outs. The show itself connects to not just Dracula, but The WIld Bunch and National Lampoon's Vacation. Angel also connects to Aliens, Buckaroo Banzai, The X-Files, Evil Dead, Niel Gaiman's Sandman. The Official Continuation comics for Buffy also add Doctor Who and Godzilla. Yes, Really.” anon this is super interesting I had no idea “giles and jenny were constantly making out in the WORKPLACE in the halls in the classrooms in the library can u imagine how many students tried to go get A Book for School, the Place Where These Two Work, and had to leave bc their teachers were in there sucking face again. im obsessed w them”“I don't interact with the fandom almost at all but the amount of Xander hate is so weird to me like he's not perfect and I think that's a good thing? He's just kind of a guy and people are really weird about him. Really turns me off from the fandom. But I sure love seeing gifs, fanart, and deep dives into lore so I do still look at some stuff despite the hostility towards some characters that are very dear to me since I was a child” “I am mid rewatching the show with some friends, currently mid s4, so my memories are mostly there. One other moment I really like that I'm guessing no one else will put: Chanterelle asking if she can be Anne in S3E1. Also I developed my love of puns from Buffy :)” “I love that folks are still here for Buffy. That show feels like my religion.”
That's the end of the questions! Again, thank you all so much for completing it and I hope you enjoyed it.
(this took longer than I thought to write up and I have a headache, so if you see some mistakes in the grammar or wording or any inconsistencies please let me know! i'll edit it when i can)
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66sharkteeth · 9 months
Heads up another depressed rant lol
I just wish I had known how much webtoon was going to abandon most of its creators when I signed a few years ago. If I had, I would have pushed my SM so much more back when they still valued my series so maybe I could let more than 30% of my audience know it’s back.
I’m not exaggerating at all when I say the fallout of that terrible return last month had devastated my finances. My fast pass revenue is literally cut in half from before the break. I love my new little apartment so much but I don’t know how much longer I can afford it. I didn’t account for my income to be cut literally in half.
Because every break before this my revenue actually increased. Thanks to proper promotion to past returns WT used to give series, I always regained my audience, and actually saw increasing FP profits the past 2 seasons.
I expected a decline for this return to be clear- the series has been in a slow arc and the episode count is getting up there. But my FP revenue is insanely consistent. It’s one of the few things I’m proud of. X% has always fast passes at minimum (sorry can’t share actual number ofc). Even during past slow periods, that X% has always been consistent. But ever since this last return that received 0 promo, that X% that has basically remained consistent for 4 seasons across 4 years has been cut by almost exactly 50% despite this being my shortest break ever. This decrease has nothing to do with a slow spot in the story or the episode count getting too high. It is because half my readers still don’t know it’s back from lack of promotion. And I’m probably not gonna be able to afford my new home much longer because of it. I can’t share numbers but my series use to be profitable. Idk if it is anymore. But literally all past experiences and records show it would be if readers were just aware that it was back.
I wish I got my social media to blow up when my comic was still kind of popular. Because it’s the only way to promote your webtoon original series now. Webtoon doesn’t do it for you, they expect you to. And if you don’t have the social media to advertise it yourself… then just say good bye to any success your series had.
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Hello there!
I’m here cause I’ve just woken up and I need to talk to y’all about the dream I’ve had about the series finale.
On Tuesday (before ep 14 aired) I dreamed that everyone died on Tantiss and I was a mess (the Kiner’s cryptic tweet messed with my psyche).
Some things are slipping away from me, but I swear it was SO GOOD.
The dream starts with CX-2. He is at Tantiss and there is a clone rebellion going on. I don’t know if Rex got there with some of the boys, but the place is a mess.
He realises that there is something he needs to do, so he grabs Scorch and Wolffe and takes them to the top of the mountain.
There, he is having an identity crisis and he is trying to explain to them that they are working with the bad guys. Wolffe and Scorch don’t understand so CX-2 removes his helmet…
It’s Tech.
At that moment, in the middle of a panic attack, Omega and Hunter reach the top and they see him. I don’t know why, but I think that’s the only way they can escape Tantiss.
Omega starts crying and Hunter is frozen.
No one moves.
Wrecker arrives.
Then Echo.
And finally Cross.
No one moves.
When Cross sees him he starts crying, apologising. If he had known that Tech had been on Tantiss all this time, he would have never left him behind.
Everyone is too shocked to do something, but at that moment Hemlock (I don’t know how but he is on an Imperial Cruiser, same as Rampart in season 1) starts bombarding Tantiss.
Hunter reacts first. He can feel it coming. He grabs Omega and Tech and hugs them.
Wrecker moves next. He embraces the three of them.
Echo gets to them as well. Then Cross.
They all hug while Tantiss shakes, explosions all around them…
And I “wake up”.
(I know this may seem like an awful ending… but wait because there is more. I’m still dreaming, though at the moment I thought that I wasn’t.)
I “wake up” and I’m extremely happy because I realise 3 things:
1. We were not Delulu. Tech’s alive and we got him back.
2. The episode was 89 minutes long.
3. That can’t possibly be the ending. That’s a cliffhanger and they are about to announce season 4.
I get up, prepare breakfast and my sister comes home. I start crying and telling her about the finale (she is not a star wars fan, hasn’t even watched the movies, but I’m a mess and I need to tell her how the season ended).
She starts recording me while I sob and talk about the season finale and I think: this is nice cause then I can post my reaction online so that I interact with all of you, cause it’s impossible that I’m the only one having meltdown.
That’s when I wake up, for real.
And I realise that:
It’s Friday.
The episode hasn’t aired.
My sister hasn’t recorded me.
And Tech’s gone.
(I won’t give up on him. There is one more episode to go).
I needed to write this down as soon as I woke up cause I was going to forget everything.
I hope that at least I entertained you.
4 days and 20 hours to go.
(That group hug cleansed my soul. I swear. You had to be there 😂😂😂😂).
Love y’all. Interacting with you is the best part of this journey. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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starsandhughes · 11 months
Penalty Box Series— Quinn Hughes Edition (eight)
23-24 Season Masterlist
previous: seven
next: nine
NOVEMBER 2, 2023
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liked by _quinnhughes, trevorzegras, and 18,531 others
yourusername welcome back to my postgame penalty box update show: i fear i’ll have to pay back the favor and bail quinn out of jail one day edition!
my boys had a major win tonight by beating the sharks 10-1! that's right! TEN TO ONE!
but what's even better than that is that QUINTIN JEROME GOT THREE PENALTIES TONIGHT! THIS IS THE FIRST TIME HE HAS DONE THIS! only four times has he had two in one game, so tonight he made his own history! that's my best friend! his penalties were for stick holding and a delay of game for shooting the puck over the glass in the second period and an interference penalty in the third!
he assisted on brock's first goal, assisted on millsy's goal, AND SCORED HIS OWN GOAL IN THE FIRST PERIOD, and in the second, he assisted on laffy taffy and suter's goals!
quinny, i’m so unbelievably proud of you! you're doing amazing this season, and i can't wait to see what records you tie and break next! i love you way past infinity🤍
p.s. special shout out to tito! he played his 500th game tonight and scored his first two goals of the season! i’m proud of you and i love you! trophy coming soon! @/titobeauvi91
tagged _quinnhughes
view all 244 comments
_quinnhughes really glad the caption wasn't all about the penalties😂 i love you way past beyond, sissy!
yourusername if you didn't tie a record, it would have been
_quinnhughes you're such a supportive sister
yourusername i know! i’ve got a degree in being nice
jackhughes @/yourusername you didn't even go to college
yourusername @/jackhughes ditto, you dildo (that sentence is called an alliteration btw since you're so uneducated)
jackhughes @/yourusername we went to the same high school!
_quinnhughes @/yourusername @/jackhughes don't make me break out your get along shirt
jamie.drysdale @_quinnhughes THEIR WHAT?
colecaufield @_quinnhughes WHIP IT OUT WHIP IT OUT
yourusername @/colecaufield DIE
trevorzegras @/yourusername we've talked about this
yourusername @/colecaufield HAVE AN ACCIDENT
_quinnhughes @/trevorzegras look at our girl! she's growing!
trevorzegras @_quinnhughes i’m so proud🥹😭
lhughes_06 atta boy! that's my favorite big brother!
_quinnhughes thanks, moose! i'm not picking favorites!
yourusername @_quinnhughes because it's me, right?
lhughes_06 @/yourusername you can't be his favorite brother
yourusername @/lhughes_06 i can be his favorite everything
lhughes_06 @/yourusername brother is included in everything!
jackhughes @/lhughes_06 you live with me and i'm not your favorite brother? time to look for a new roommate, buddy! i'm quinn's favorite!
_quinnhughes @/lhughes_06 @/yourusername @.jackhughes none of you are my favorite
trevorzegras @_quinnhughes who's gonna tell them that it's me?
_quinnhughes @/trevorzegras i can tell you who my least favorite is
yourusername @_quinnhughes i’ll tell him
yourusername @/trevorzegras it's you
trevorzegras @/yourusername thanks for breaking the news gently, sweet girl
yourusername @/trevorzegras my degree in nice strikes again!
user77 quinner and hronek in the box together SENT ME
titobeauvi91 thank you, y/n! i love you, too! i’m excited for my first trophy
titobeauvi91 i meant this season! i cherish that trophy, don't worry
_quinnhughes it's true
yourusername awww, tito! you sap! mwah!
_quinnhughes @/titobeauvi91 that's sissy for "that means everything to me and now i’m going to cry"
titobeauvi91 @_quinnhughes i think i’m becoming fluent in sissy
yourusername @/titobeauvi91 wowwww! lexi isn't even completely fluent!
_alexturcotte @/yourusername you're so not invited to my bat mitzvah
canucks that's our captain!
yourusername best captain in the league!!
trevorzegras imagine getting three penalties in one night
_quinnhughes there's no way you haven't done that
yourusername @_quinnhughes the only time he's done that was in the kings game season finale where he got a misconduct as his third. he's never had 3 minors
trevorzegras i'm taking that as a win
_quinnhughes @/trevorzegras i wouldn't
trevorzegras @_quinnhughes good thing i’m not you then
yourusername @/trevorzegras you tell him, baby!
user7 just give him the norris already!
jackhughes i was told to tell you that i’m proud of you as i was typing it so now i have to sell sissy out AND tell you i’m proud of you! you go glen coco!
yourusername my evil twin brother strikes again
_quinnhughes thanks, rowdy😂
jackhughes @_quinnhughes just doing my your favorite brotherly duties
jackhughes @/yourusername i’m evil? we don't have a cringey i love you saying
yourusername @/jackhughes i only have one with trevor and quinn? cease with the victim complex
colecaufield @/yourusername i’m also offended by this
lhughes_06 @/yourusername me too
_alexturcotte @/yourusername what they said
yourusername @/colecaufield @/lhughes_06 @_alexturcotte OKAY! EVERYONE CAN HAVE ONE, YOU CERTIFIED CRY BABIES
colemcward that's my dad!! way to go, dad!
_quinnhughes thank you, son!
colemcward @/yourusername your favorite son?
yourusername @/colemcward i don't have a favorite! i love you all equally!
lhughes_06 @/yourusername you used to openly say he was your favorite and now you openly favor leo
yourusername @/lhughes_06 shh! he doesn't need to know that!
colemcward @/yourusername i already knew that i just hoped you changed your mind
yourusername @/lhughes_06 LOOK WHAT YOU DID! this is why you're my least favorite
_quinnhughes @/yourusername today is not your day
yourusername @_quinnhughes at least i can always please my mans
trevorzegras @/yourusername in every way possible ;)
_quinnhughes @/yourusername *insert sigh here*
user99 these boys need to leave sissy alone! all she does is love them!
slknight35 congratulations, quinn! you're doing great this season!
_quinnhughes thanks, man!
yourusername aw, spencey! i didn't even have to tell you to do this! ugh i love you so much
slknight35 @/yourusername i love you, too, sissy!
trevorzegras @/slknight35 is she lying?
slknight35 @/trevorzegras she really didn't tell me to!
_quinnhughes if i was sissy, i'd call you a sap but i'm not so i'll say thank you again
slknight35 @_quinnhughes you're welcome😂
user16 happy matching records night!
user54 luke: *gets one point* jack: *gets two points* quinn: hold my beer
_alexturcotte just a king doing king shit!
_quinnhughes just doing what i can for my kingdom🥶
yourusername @_quinnhughes the emoji doesn't match the sentence
_quinnhughes @/yourusername yes it does
_alexturcotte @/yourusername yes it does
yourusername shit, my bad g's (ur both wrong)
jackhughes @/yourusername the parentheses don't match the sentence
yourusername @/jackhughes wow, nothing gets passed you, does it?
jackhughes @/yourusername nope! i'm a certified genius
lhughes_06 @/jackhughes you're a certified something that's for sure
jackhughes @/lhughes_06 you're not making a strong case against being evicted
colecaufield all that water i squirted into your mouth this summer is paying off! congrats, man! i'm proud of you!
_quinnhughes i couldn't have done this without you, apparently
colecaufield @_quinnhughes you're welcome!
yourusername my best friend number two is such a giver😩🥹
colecaufield @/yourusername you know it!
164 notes · View notes
platinumrosetail · 1 year
So I’m planning on making two different record of ragnarok books.
One for Buddha x female!reader and the other one a reverse harem.
I only have the Buddha x reader idea so I’ll be putting done some of my ideas for the various one but first I would like to show y’all the Buddha x reader fanfic idea!
The idea is: the reader was the wife to guatama siddhartha otherwise known as Buddha in the future. After her husband left she didn’t really have anything to do in that world so she took her son and left back to her world; the world full of magic almost ever turn you look if you’re able to see the rukh that flows in that world. After the battle with the medium she and her son were summoned and meet with two Valkyrie sisters; brunhilde, and göll. The reader joined in the fight to save humanity even if the humans are from another world.
The reader will be the sibling to Solomon and daughter to David from magi (such a underrated series that needs more seasons 😭)
Now onto the ror male various x F&M!reader ideas!
1: x Pokémon!reader (arceus, Pokémon trainer, or mew) (arceus and mew might have connections with some of the characters as in relation to those specific characters)
2: x genshin impact!reader
3: x atla/lok!reader
4: x one punch man!reader
5: x seven deadly sins!reader
6: x fairy tail!reader (going to need to watch from where I left off from). Vote: 1
7: x naruto!reader
8: x jjk!reader
9: x mha!reader
10: x venom!reader
11: x herobrine!reader
12: x Ben 10!reader
13: x magi!reader (different one from the idea above)
14: x scarlet witch!reader
There were others but I would need to start watching them so I had to leave them out because I have either not watched it entirely or still on the first few episodes though I might add them once I further down the episodes/season if I can (I procrastinate like a lot 😅)
Ways to vote is by commenting, though you can also message me if you want to do that way
So the one with the most vote will be the one I’ll make for the male various fanfic. 😁
Hope y’all have a wonderful day/evening/night!!
86 notes · View notes
beauty-and-passion · 5 months
TMA - Chapters 31-40: One mystery solved, 300 left
And so, here we are. We reached the end of season 1.
Let’s not waste too much time here: I want to see what it will be about and if there will be any juicy foreshadowing of season 2.
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MAG 31 - First Hunt
“Hunted. Yes, I think I’m starting to know the feeling.”
Are you, Jon? Are you? Then why are you still recording statements in this goddamn Institute? Have you not listened to all the times I told you to go away?
I don’t understand what is he doing: he knows there are worms everywhere, he knows they’re surrounded, he’s not even leaving the Institute anymore. And he is the one asking what is Jane Prentiss waiting for.
No, Jon, the real question is: What are YOU waiting for? Why are you still here? Is it possible that the “crimson fate”/curse/whatever is keeping him there? Did the curse activate already? Can someone please grab this man and ran out of the Institute?
Speaking of the statement… it’s so useless, even Jon refused to pay attention to it. And if Jon didn’t care, then why should I?
MAG 32 - Hive
Wow. Wow. That was truly something else.
Seriously, I love the emotional rollercoaster that is this series: if one statement is meh, the next one is a bomb. If one is forgettable, the next one is memorable.
And this is no exception: if the previous statement was boring, this one is huge. Honestly, I didn’t expect Jane Prentiss’ statement now… and I definitely didn’t expect it to be like that! I think this is the most captivating statement so far and not just because of its content, but especially because It’s different, both in style and structure.
It’s different in style because if all other statements have this problem of sounding all very similar to each other (and not because Jon reads them, but because the vocabulary and the stylistic choices are the same, no matter if the statement comes from a student, a criminal, or an old guy), this one has its own voice: Jane Prentiss’ voice. This writing style is unique to her and to her only.
And it’s different in structure because, unlike all others, this isn’t an account of events but rather a stream of consciousness, that offers us a wonderful insight into Jane’s mind and feelings.
And, at least in my case, it made me think about a couple of things:
1) The humanity in the supernatural
Until now I saw Jane just as another supernatural creature, detached from us and from any other human being. She isn’t like us. She is clearly alien to humankind. She is something else.
But here, we see her being a human, just like all of us. She is fearful, doubtful, scared. Just like any of us would be. She has conflicted feelings: she wants a connection with the hive, she feels it’s the right thing to do. But she’s also very scared. It’s so simple and yet, it conveys her humanity so well.
Especially because she does what everyone else would do: she searches for help.
2) Prey or predator?
It’s very interesting that Jane decided to go to the Institute to ask for help. Until now, we have seen a lot of people going to the Institute to record statements - in some cases, even right after something happened. In a way, it’s as if they all subconsciously feel like it’s the best thing to do. As if the Institute can “protect” them from whatever they met. As if, by giving their stories to the Institute, they have an “immunity” from the danger.
If my theory is correct (i.e. the Institute hides the scariest supernatural shit of them all), then Jane went to the Institute because she subconsciously knew the thing hidden inside it was more powerful than the hive. So she did what prey do: they hide behind a bigger predator.
But Jane isn’t a simple prey anymore: she is becoming a predator. She is connecting with the predator. So she can see further than a prey and recognize the real prey:
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This part is wonderful, because I can perfectly picture the scene in my mind. I can see Gertrude Robinson giving Jane a pen and paper, then leaving. I can see Jane looking at Gertrude through the glass. I can see her gaze. It’s so powerful and stylistically perfect. 10/10, Love it.
3) Food or connection?
Another element that caught my interest is how Jane always refers to “the song” the hive sings: a song that talks to her, reassures her (“Sings that I am beautiful”) and promises her good things (“I can be consumed by what loves me”).
But do you know what this song doesn’t do? It doesn’t lie. It doesn’t lure Jane into a sense of false security. On the contrary: even if the song tells her good things, Jane is still scared and full of doubts, to the point she asks for help.
That's strange, isn't it? If the hive just wanted to eat/consume Jane, then why scare her? Why give her the understanding that something awful would happen and that she would take part in the violence? Why didn’t the hive sing just to deceive her? It could’ve just sung that she was beautiful and perfect and they would’ve been happy together forever.
But no, the hive’s song was honest. It was a song that helped her understand the hive.
Hence why I don’t think the hive ever wanted to hurt Jane. On the contrary: the hive wanted to find someone receptive enough to “resonate” and “understand” it.
4) All other supernatural shits
If I am right and all the hive wanted was to find a human being who better resonated with it… then was it trying to do the same with every human being it “latched to”? Was it trying to do the same with the girl from MAG 6? And with Timothy Hodge?
In MAG 26, Michael said that “the flesh-hive was always rash”: is it because the hive latches to human beings without truly connecting with them as it did with Jane?
But also: if this is what the hive tries to do… is this what every other supernatural shit tries to do too? Is every supernatural shit “singing a song” and trying to find the human being who will better resonate with them?
And if this is what they’re doing, then how many of the previous statements I read were not just recordings of weird events, but actual attempts to connect? Is this what Simon Fairchild tried to do with Robert in MAG 21? Is this what the supernatural shit in the Institute tried to do with Gertrude Robinson? Is this why she died? Because she didn’t connect with it? Is this the “Archivist’s crimson fate”? A sort of test to see if the Archivist can resonate with the supernatural creature in the Institute?
5) These little shits have names!
If this one is called “the hive”, then I suppose everyone has names. Micheal already has a name, but considering the MAG’s name is “A Distortion” I suppose his name is… idk, Mr. Distortion? That’s kinda funny, but I prefer Michael: it better shows how much of a good boyo he is.
MAG 33 - Boatswain’s Call
Mh, there’s a lot of interesting stuff here.
First of all, we have Tim. Hi, Tim! Glad to know you’re the organized guy here.
This, again, makes me think: this series started with Jon being all like “This place is a mess, I’m here to organize everything and put some order”. But now we find out Jon made a shit ton of mistakes. Very weird, coming from the guy who talked so big about being precise and organized.
So now my question is: was it done on purpose by TMA’s author? Were the mistakes intended to be there? I’ll admit it, I didn’t notice them because I suck with dates and numbers, especially if they have no sense like the case numbers (by the way, I appreciate the explanation, because I thought they were just random numbers).
If these mistakes were made on purpose, then it was a clever writer's choice, because it showed us more about Jon as a character. Now we know he’s not as perfect as he seemed. He can make mistakes. He can be faulty. And being faulty is what makes a character more real, so extra points for that.
However, these mistakes made me think about something else: what if they are proof that Jon isn’t as qualified for his job as he seemed? I mean, Tim looks like a more proper Head Archivist to me: accurate, detail-oriented and with a good memory. Still, it was Jon who got this promotion.
Before MAG 32, I would have joked about Elias being so useless as head of the Institute to hire the less qualified candidate, but now, there could be another reason why Elias chose Jon despite (probably) more competent people. Maybe it’s because Jon has something that can better resonate with the supernatural shit in the Institute.
Ah, so Martin is so scared by the worms to show his tongue to Tim all the time and asks if “it’s infested”. Nice try, bro, next time tell him that you’re oh-so-very-infested and only a French kiss will save you.
O-oh, so this statement features another member of the creepiest family of all time: Peter Lukas. Is he Evan Lukas’ dad, uncle or grandpa?
And, again, the Lukas family appears associated with a fog. Is the fog a supernatural shit? After all, weird things happened in the fog with Naomi too, so maybe it really is the fog.
Also because the fog kinda ate Sean Kelly. Just like the tomb at the cemetery in the fog tried to “eat” Naomi. It’s also very interesting that the third mate refers to this event as “a hard choice”, as if they were forced to feed someone to the fog.
Is this how this supernatural shit in particular works? It needs to be fed? Well, after all, I think that the supernatural shit in the Institute needs to be fed too, so maybe that’s another aspect of these things. Just like they need a human to resonate with, they also need to eat. I really want to know more about them.
One last thing: Elias “gets very twitchy when we look into anything that might conceivably have funding repercussions”. I’m starting to think he gets “very twitchy” not because of money, but because he knows something/he’s in cahoots with the Lukas family and doesn’t want anyone to look too much into them. I want to know more about this guy, he’s just too suspicious at this point.
MAG 34 - Anatomy Class
This statement was weird.
I immediately noticed something was wrong with these names, mostly because I knew John Doe is the placeholder name usually used to refer to dead people whose identity is unknown. I searched for Erika Mustermann and found out it was another placeholder too. So I asked myself: what if all of them are placeholders? It was extremely satisfying to find them all.
And it was great from a writing perspective too, because it perfectly explains why Dr. Elliott doesn’t remember what these guys look like: it’s because they’re all unknown. And since these names are usually used for dead people, it also explains why they’re all very silent and soulless.
I also really liked the idea of them “adjusting their bones” and asking simple questions, because it plays around the concept of “unknown figures” who are trying to look human/alive by asking things and trying to “replicate” them.
It’s a great idea, so the statement should be great too. But it’s not. It’s barely interesting. And I don’t know why, but it’s just… okay.
However, I would give a point for the heart lesson, because it was hilarious. Just imagine, a class with seven creepy figures, each of them with a beating heart in their hand, spraying blood everywhere, trying to look as scary as possible… and Dr. Elliott just points at one heart, then leaves. It was very silly and it made me smile.
Speaking of the apple: it’s weird, fine, but it’s just an apple with teeth. Again, not creepy enough to get my interest.
MAG 35 - Old Passages
“He was dressed all in black, with heavy looking boots and a T-shirt with the logo of some band emblazoned on it”
One sentence and I just knew it was him. My man, the searcher of Leitner’s books, the rebel goth/punk of my heart. The man who just appears and deals with the shit, because mommy “knows everything of this stuff”, but she clearly taught him everything too.
And, since my man Gerard is back, my other favorite man is here too: Jurgen Leitner, aka the menace for mankind. Of course he’s from Norway, I can bet everything he’s from Alesund and he probably looked the supernatural shit of the Institute in the eyes and this is why he has this weird power of creating creepy books. I love him too.
Also, how hilarious it is, to see this man being all like: “Sure, sure, I have all the permits you want, just dig a goddamn hole in my office. What? Do you still want to talk to the owner of the building? But I have everything! Listen, you don’t deserve explanations, powerful shits are working in the back. Okay, you know what? Fuck you in Norwegian”. My man Leitner has business to do and chaos to spread, how dare they stop him from doing his job.
I also loved how Gerard apparently has a sixth sense about where to find Leitner’s books. Or he can smell them like a dog. Still love him.
So today's Learner book was hidden in the shadows and little bones fall from it while Gerard runs away with it. Mmmh, where have I heard something similar?
“Mary Keay took the book back from me and passed it through the shadows once again. More bones fell.” (MAG 4)
So that’s how Gerard found it. He stole it from… Leitner’s weird hidden library or whatever? What an absolute boss: he went, took the book and vanished with some weird magic. I love this rebel boy.
And in the end, even more familiar people: Breekon and Hope deliveries are back! And they have voices! And they talk in the creepiest possible way, almost overlapping the end of Breekon’s sentences with the beginning of Hope’s. And there’s a package for Jon.
How much are you gonna bet that it’s more silver worms? I can almost hear them crawling inside that box, ready to jump on him. Gosh, I really hope that I’m wrong. But in any case, please, do not open the package. If MAG 2 taught us something is: do not open the weird shit delivered at your door.
MAG 36 - Taken Ill
Another okay statement about a weird illness that takes control of a building, the obligatory Guy Who Doesn’t Exist (John Amherst, in this case) and lots of dead people.
But hey, we have something very interesting here: an old man and a young woman with a deep scar over her right eye. Who are these two? And why did Jon immediately think about Trevor Herbert, the Vampire killer from MAG 10? Could it be that he’s alive somehow? Well, I won’t be too surprised: after all, I think Gerard is alive too, so why couldn’t Trevor be alive as well?
And since we’re fishing people & stuff from previous statements, what better way to end this one, if not with more connections? As soon as Tim said they got a table, I KNEW it was the one from MAG 3. I asked for it to come back, and here it is: my beautiful table with the missing piece.
While speaking of the Zippo with the spider web design, there are two possibilities:
the Zippo is a reference to Spider Mom from MAG 16
the Zippo has been delivered by the spider lady I vaguely remember. And that means she will come soon. And if it’s true, can’t wait to meet her.
MAG 37 - Burnt Offering
Well, Jon, if Elias told you to burn the damn table, you burn the damn table. If even this guy, who is suspicious AF tells you to get rid of it, you do it without a second thought.
But nooo, let’s “preserve the knowledge”, “self-preservation is overrated” and “Andorra isn’t a nice place to live”. Goddamit Jon, don’t make me enter the story and throw you out of this Institute.
Speaking of the statement itself, it would just be “guy finds a random circle in the woods and suffers the consequences”, if it wasn’t for two details that caught me by surprise.
The first is that despite Jason North’s concern, it wasn’t his son Ethan North to die, but Jason himself. I wasn’t expecting this, I almost expected Jon to say that “oh look, this poor alcoholic took the life of his son”.
The second thing is, of course, Gertrude Robinson’s photo in that weird ritual circle. Why was her photo there? Who put it there? How many supernatural shits were messing with her? I thought it was just the one in the Institute… but this circle? Really, I don’t know what to think :/
MAG 38 - Lost and Found
I vaguely remembered the name Salesa because it was just too weird to go unnoticed and I was right: he’s the same guy from MAG 14. And if Gerard can smell Leitner’s books, Salesa seems to have the same power of attracting weird supernatural shit.
Also, he has “several crates packed to the brim with heavy-looking volumes” and I can bet everything that in these crates there are at least a couple of Leitner’s books, waiting for their chance to spread chaos in the world as their author intended.
Speaking of the statement, the idea that a supernatural creature lives inside the vase and steals stuff from whoever owns said vase is pretty funny. In the end, it literally said: “Jeez, fine, take back your book and your shoes. I’ll steal yo husband instead”. Adorably stupid, it put a smile on my face.
what an ending! First the epic return of Spider Mom or one of her friends, then Jane Prentiss’ worms: there are too many creatures in this Institute and they’re not cute at all. Gosh, I hope Jon and the gang are all okay.
MAG 39 - Infestation
All the stuff that happened here. ALL THE STUFF THAT HAPPENED HERE.
Let’s take one thing at the time:
Martin is insane (and yet, perfectly IC)
This man spent his time in the Archives analyzing how the worms were moving and the angle and the speed, trying to find out the best weapon to get rid of them. He’s insane.
But you know what? It’s actually coherent with what we saw from Martin until now: he is an anxious guy, he overthinks stuff and he has no self-preservation instinct at all. It’s not so strange that he kept thinking about the worms and tried to find weapons to protect himself - and using them too.
Jon and skepticism
I’ve spent my previous post repeating that everyone had to leave this godforsaken Institute asap, but I was still accepting them not doing it because I know it’s necessary to suspend my disbelief for a while, in order to enjoy a story.
However, since the author of this series is a competent writer, he knows insufferable readers (like me) will probably question why these lovable idiots are still in the Institute and find it annoying/boring/clichè too.
So, he provided an answer. An answer that:
shed some lights on Jon’s character
is coherent with what we know about him until now
Now, I understand why Jon kept recording statements despite all the weird shit happening around him. Now I know and I understand. He’s not doing it because he’s blinded by skepticism: he’s doing it because he wants to know what happened to Gertrude and because he doesn’t want to leave a mystery behind. If he dies, he wants other people to know.
And yes, this is coherent with what we saw until now! Just think about it: at the end of every goddamn statement, Jon always tried to add evidence and make some research: he always tried to bring something real, concrete, tangible. Something that would prove these statements are not just shapeless words.
Speaking more about skepticism: I love that someone finally addressed Jon about it and I love it was Martin, who has proved to be much more prone to believe in the supernatural.
And I love Jon’s answer. Again, it’s very realistic: they have a storage full of supernatural shit, of course Jon believes it’s real. They have actual tangible proof.
So he pretends skepticism. And he has a very valid reason to do it.
The supernatural shit in the Institute is watching
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Now I am 200% sure that Jon is actually being watched. There are too many eyes in this series to be a coincidence and I’m starting to think they all belong to whatever supernatural shit is hidden in this place. That thing watches Jon and it probably “possesses” him or similar considering he “loses himself a bit” whenever he reads and I LOVE LOVE LOVE he mentioned it, because I noticed how Jon was getting too much involved every time he read, but I didn’t say anything.
One example? MAG 38:
“I’ve been in the antiques business for a long time. It’s not what it used to be. [Nervous chuckle] I’m sorry, I know.”
This statement isn’t being recorded by the person involved, Jon is reading it. But the nervous chuckle isn’t something someone who is reading would do: this is a reaction someone who is speaking would have. Someone who is telling their story.
When I listened to it, I immediately found it a very odd detail and I thought it was just a writing mistake from the author. But now, I find out it was made on purpose.
TMA’s author is more competent than I thought.
Jon and Martin are the best couple
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They’re already bickering like an old couple. I love them. And yes, I’ve decided to ship them. Don’t care if they don’t end up together, still ship these two.
“Real statements”
Jon’s words about the real statements are extremely enlightening and, again, they make the whole series much more realistic.
Until now, I supposed Jon is just a vintage guy who likes to record stuff on a tape recorder because it was more fitting with the atmosphere of “uuuh, old Archive” and because there was no Internet connection at all. Sure, in MAG 1 Jon talked about bringing a laptop, but he also said: “I believe the first computer to ever enter this room is the laptop that I brought in today.” So I simply assumed this place hadn’t a connection. After all, we’re talking about an old place: it’s plausible there’s no Internet.
But now, we have a much better explanation about why Jon uses a tape recorder! And it’s because of the nature of the statements themselves. Only the real ones can be recorded on tape.
I was very pleasantly surprised when Jon said: “Of the hundreds I’ve recorded, we’ve had maybe... thirty, forty that go on tape.”. Not only it’s much more realistic that, in all these months, he didn’t record 38 statements only, but hundreds, but it’s much more immersive too: we are not listening to all the useless pile of stuff, we are listening to the “selected” material.
Tim is my new favorite character
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Tim is the best character. Sorry Gerard, sorry Leitner, sorry Michael: as soon as Tim did this, I fell in love. He’s a wonderful idiot and he deserves the world <3
Martin and Jon are the best couple part 2
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They are the best couple, period.
A lighter?!
Sasha needs a lighter? I know one, I know one! the spider Zippo! Use that one! Will someone use it? I hope that.
Elias is finally here
Finally, Elias decided to show up. Thank you, Elias, for honoring us with your presence. Where have you been until now? To the Suspicious Guys Anonymous Club?
I mean, just look at how he expresses his concern: his new Head Archivist is trapped with most of his staff and they will probably die if he and Sasha don’t do anything, it’s a dangerous situation, they should do something immediately… and his main concern is that he doesn’t really want to find another Archivist so soon.
Wow, a man who truly values human life, now I definitely trust him, yes sure.
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Tim is the best character
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I love how Tim casually addresses being surrounded by death, before tripping on a shit ton of gas cans Martin hid “from the worms”. The beautiful clash between Martin’s insanity and Tim being the best character <3
I also love how he just… pulled down his pants? To make them check if he was bitten?
Tim is the best character, period. Sorry, I don’t make the rules.
So Sasha found the table from MAG 3… then Not!Sasha found her.
Is… is Sasha alive? Is she dead? Where is she?!
Final showdown!
Jon VS Jane Prentiss. I didn’t know I needed this fight, until I reached the end of this recording.
I am ready.
MAG 40 - Human Remains
Wow. What a ride has it been.
So, let’s examine every statement:
Elias: he’s still the most suspicious guy ever but you know what? I want to give him the benefit of the doubt. Show me your innocence, Elias. Show me you’re a good guy.
I mean, he seems surprised about the discovery of Gertrude Robinson’s body. And he seems to know nothing more aside from “Gertrude wasn’t there and her desk was covered in blood”. Let’s see how innocent he is.
Tim: my new favorite boy got attacked by the goddamn worms, even though he did some pretty cool stunts. But he also said something very interesting about them: it’s as if there is something in the Institute that makes them “sluggish”. Yes, I’m pretty sure that it’s the supernatural shit of the Institute that did that.
Also, the worms tried to make a doorway for a weird room hidden in these passages? What? How? I don’t think I understand, but my explanation is still the same: the goddamn supernatural shit of the Institute. All its fault.
Sasha: if my boy Tim got hurt, at least he’s still alive and in one piece. Can’t say the same about Sasha. Where are you, Sasha? Have you completely been replaced by Not!Sasha? Where did you hide her, you impostor?
Also, Not!Sasha literally called Michael “Yes, Michael... With the bones in his hands.”. So that’s basically a confirmation that he really is the one mentioned in MAG 8. And she said: “We still don’t know much about him, do we?” which, translated from author-to-reader means “Michael will come in season 2 and we will learn about him”. Yes, please, more of my Best Boyo.
Martin: poor Martin, he really REALLY doesn’t deserve any of this shit. He needs a proper vacation, away from all this shit, where there are no worms and no problems. My offer still stands: Andorra is still a beautiful place to live.
Vacation aside, just how many goddamn rooms are hidden here? Tim found a room, Martin found a room, if we’re not careful we will find 200 rooms hidden everywhere.
And in this room, here she is: Gertrude Robinson. And she’s not dead because the supernatural shit in the Institute ate her, not because some other shit sucked her blood or made something else. She has been shot. Just shot. Three times in the chest. It was a goddamn execution.
Welp, sorry Elias, you had your chance. I can already see you with the gun in your hand, pointing it at Gertrude. It was you, you goddamn suspicious man. I know it was you.
Jonathan: so, some tapes have been stolen. What a coincidence, they are the tapes of MAG 24 “Strange Music” and MAG 26 “A Distortion”. What a coincidence, they’re the only two tapes in which Sasha talks. Wow, I wonder why these two tapes in particular disappeared, I wonder who made them disappear…
Not!Sasha, I know it was you. Everyone knows it was you.
And Jon, instead of being satisfied with this resolution of Gertrude’s “case”, he’s even more determined to get to the bottom of this.
“I’m going to figure this out, and I’m not going to stop. They’ll have to kill me first.”
Just… don’t tease them, Jon. whoever is behind all of this (read: Elias and the Lukas family) I doubt they would think twice before shooting you in the chest like they did with Gertrude. Don’t test your luck too much.
In conclusion
Update on my theory about the supernatural shit in the Institute:
This shit (which I will call “Big Brother” for obvious reasons) is watching everything. The Lukas family brought it from Norway and uses the Institute as a “feeder” to feed it. Gertrude Robinson, as Head Archivist, was supposed to be “tested” and see if she resonated with it, to become… I don’t know, Big Brother’s new body or something similar.
But before the right time came, she found out what Elias/the Lukas family wanted to do. And she tried to defy them/escape from her fate. First, they tried to get rid of her in some magic other way (like the ritual circle from MAG 37), but when they somehow failed (maybe Gertrude had someone protecting her, just like Jon seems to have some “protectors”), they resorted to a good old gun and bam, problem solved.
And yes, I’m sure it was Elias who shot her.
So, since Gertrude was dead, Elias & the Lukas family decided to just feed the rest of the staff to the supernatural shit and find a new Head Archivist that will resonate with Big Brother and, hopefully, become its new body.
Jane Prentiss was somehow okay with Big Brother - or just with the idea of bringing more violence. While Michael wants to protect Jon. And same goes for the Spiders Gang, which includes the spider lady I remember and Spider Mom - who I think are the same person. Maybe the lady can turn into a spider, why not?
And since I’m speaking of turning into other things, I have a theory on Michael. Since TMA’s author seems very competent and creative, I want to give him more credit. Hence, I believe there is a reason why this season has been packed with a lot of people named Michael. And no, I don’t think the reason is a sudden lack of creativity - especially coming from a guy who invented a ton of different stories and names. I think there’s a reason if all these guys are named Michael and the reason is that these Michaels are all the same Michael: Michael the Supernatural Shit.
After all, this Michael can warp/twist/change his bones and (probably) body too, so would it be so impossible that all the random Michaels in several MAGs were always him, just with a different appearance?
One last thing: my impression about the series until now is still positive. This first season served as a introduction to the characters, the mysteries and the structure of the series itself and did its job very well. There’s a closed ending with the resolution of Jane Prentiss’ mystery and we find out how Gertrude died too. But there are also enough open questions to keep you involved: what really happened  to Gertrude? What is the Institute hiding? What about Michael? What about all the other mysteries?
Sure, not all statements are perfect and the writing isn’t perfect either - and it’s a shame, because considering all these statements come from different people, it would’ve been a great writing exercise to give a different voice to each of them.
However, I’m not too critical of this. Mr. Sims (TMA’s author, not the character) wrote 40 statements each with its own kind of horror/mystery and they are all connected to the main story that will develop throughout 5 seasons. That’s A LOT of work: expecting perfect writing from each statement would be unattainable and, from my side, unreasonable.
What’s more important, for me, it’s the attention to details and boy, there’s A LOT of it. When I started this series (and like I do every time I start something), I didn’t give any trust to its author: it’s too easy to find sloppy works made without any care, than find something meticulously organized.
With these 40 statements, Mr. Sims is proving to me that he has a vision, a big picture and that he knows how to put it into words. There is love and care, there is attention, coherence and internal logic.
Hence why, now I want to give him more credit. And with that, my expectations are rising as well: first I just wanted something good, now I want backstories. Why? Because backstories explain the present. Decisions, personalities, events even: all can be explained with a logical, coherent background.
Let’s see if Mr. Sims really thought about everything ;)
So, one season done, four more to go. How many things will happen? Will Sasha ever come back? Will Elias stop being suspicious for five minutes? Will Martin take a vacation? Will Jon survive all of this? And what about my favourite boys? Will they come back too?
I am hyped for season 2 and ready to start, so I’ll surely be back in a week with more posts.
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(How about a coffee? ☕)
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