#i’ve just decided that’s how it works everywhere in this au
Marine bio major Childe, who has gone abroad for school and is getting it completely paid for by the Russian military because he’s their most promising young recruit.
Marine bio major Childe, who was deployed when he was sixteen and has only been back for a few months.
Marine bio major Childe, who doesn’t care much for being in the classroom and focuses more on partying than studying.
Marine bio major Childe, who only ever attends class if he thinks it’s going to be interesting.
Marine bio major Childe, who went into class on the wrong day and got forced to do a group project with you.
Marine bio major Childe, who finally drags his hungover self to your dorm room to help you with the project, but only because you finally got a hold of him several days after it was assigned.
Marine bio major Childe, who does his best to help you with the project despite his pounding head and indifference towards his own grades (He really only needs to keep a C average, afterall).
Marine bio major Childe, who keeps getting so freaked out by the constant loud noises outside your dorm room that he keeps breaking pens and having anxiety attacks.
Marine bio major Childe, who keeps thanking you for deciding to move the two of your work sessions to the library, despite it being out of both of your ways.
Marine bio major Childe, who starts going to class just so he can sit by you because he finds your presence calming.
Marine bio major Childe, who decides to celebrate the two of you finishing your project by dragging you to a party with him, because god, is it easier to have fun with you around.
Marine bio major Childe, who calls you one night after he wakes up from a nightmare because your voice makes him feel safe and grounded.
Marine bio major Childe, who tells you that he chose to go into marine biology because he has always had an intense fascination with whales.
Marine bio major Childe, who decides that you are his favorite part about going to school here and tries to ignore the fact that one day he will have to leave again.
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scary-grace · 2 months
blind date (shigaraki x reader)
After endless failed attempts to help Tomura up his game, his friends have settled on their last resort: A blind date. Even before you show up, it's not going well. No quirks AU, 2k words.
this was originally in the x reader lovers community, but I figured I'd release it into the wild as well!
Part 1 Part 2
Part 1
Tomura gets being a little late. “A little late” is practically his middle name. He waits until the last minute to do almost everything, and that means any complications mean he’s running behind. Hypocrisy pisses him off so much that he tries to avoid it all costs, so that means he has to put up with it without bitching when somebody else is a little late, too.
Except half an hour isn’t a just a little late for anything, let alone a blind date Tomura didn’t want to go on in the first place. He’s been waiting outside the bar you were supposed to meet at for half an hour, and he’s pissed.
“That’s it,” he says after the eighteenth time a woman his age has walked past and hasn’t been you, whatever the hell you look like. “I’m out of here.”
“Just a little longer, honey,” Magne says. She’s smiling, but she’s also got her arm around Tomura’s shoulders, and if she squeezes any harder, Tomura’s going to pop like a balloon. “She’ll be here.”
“No, she won’t.” Tomura crosses his arms over his chest, tucking his hands in so nothing will bite them. They’re on the waterfront, in the summer, and there are insects everywhere. Whose dumb idea was this? “You showed her a photo of me and she changed her mind.”
“It’s a blind date,” Magne says. Like Tomura’s supposed to know what that means. “She doesn’t know what you look like, either. That’s why you have to stay right here and keep wearing that baseball hat. Otherwise she won’t know it’s you.”
Tomura hates the hat. Right now he hates everything. “So she got here on time, saw me, and left. Can I go?”
Magne shakes her head. “You promised you’d try.”
“I showed up. I waited for fucking half an hour. I’ve tried.” Tomura finally shoves Magne’s arm off his shoulders. “I’m done.”
Tomura wishes he could say he didn’t know how he got here, except he does. One of his friends is getting married, and there’s supposed to be a wild bachelor weekend in Vegas, one last blast of stupid before settling down. Most of the groomsmen are planning to hook up with as many people as possible, and that’s where the problems start. According to his friends, Tomura has no game. Zero game. Negative one hundred game. If he was rolling for his game stat, it would be a critical failure – and none of his friends want to babysit him when they could be getting laid.
Tomura wouldn’t want to babysit when he could be getting laid, either. His solution was to skip the bachelor weekend and just show up for the wedding in his stupid rented suit. But apparently his friends really want him to come to the party, and they decided that what he needed was to get some practice in before the trip. Which means that for the last month, Tomura’s spent every Friday night and weekend getting dragged through his own personal hell.
They made him try dating apps, which were a disaster, even though Tomura let Toga set up his profile and make the first move. Then they tried traditional online dating, which also sucked, because Tomura’s too picky and other people have standards. Hanging out in bars and clubs worked exactly how it’s always worked – it doesn’t – and when Dabi pulled out the big guns and dragged Tomura to the sex club where he met his fiancé, the only people who talked to Tomura were guys. Tomura thought that was sort of a good sign, even though he’s not into men, until he remembered that guys will fuck anything with a hole in it. He’s not high on himself on his best day, but that was a really shitty night.
He thought they were going to quit after that, but his friends had one last ace up their sleeve – a blind date, Magne’s idea, which Toga enthusiastically signed off on when she saw a picture of the woman Magne wanted to set Tomura up with. Toga’s type and Tomura’s type line up, sort of, and Spinner giving the photo two thumbs way up sealed the deal.
It’s not like Tomura was hopeful or anything. He just wanted to get his friends off his back. Still, rejection sucks, and ghosting sucks worse. He’d rather have you show up and tell him to his face that you weren’t interested than stand him up.
Magne collars Tomura again, but her phone starts ringing at the same time, Toga’s contact info popping up. “Don’t go anywhere,” she warns Tomura as she raises the phone to her ear. “We’re here. She’s not here yet. Can you tell him –”
Tomura ducks out from under her arm and books it into the crowd of people on the waterfront, figuring he can make it to the metro stop before Magne figures out which way he’s going. But even that can’t go his way today, because he runs into somebody who’s moving at warp speed in the opposite direction, colliding at the shoulder hard enough to make him stagger. Tomura’s not confrontational, but it’s the wrong fucking day. “Can you watch where you’re going? It’s not like you matter to whoever you’re going to –”
“Are you Tomura?”
Tomura’s heart lurches. He stares hard at you as you right yourself, picking up the backpack you dropped in the collision. There’s no way this is happening. There’s no universe in which his blind date would be someone like you.
He can see right away why Toga and Spinner approved of you, but he thought you’d be someone in his league, not somebody who’s several kilometers above it. Maybe Tomura’s too excited that you actually showed up to evaluate what you actually look like. He looks away, then looks back. Nope – you’re still pretty, even though your face is flushed and you’re breathing hard like you’ve just been running. Did you run here to meet him? Only one way to find out. “I’m Tomura.”
“I’m so sorry,” you say. “My boss held me back at work, and I missed my train –”
You’re wearing some kind of work uniform. Scrubs, maybe. Are you a nurse? “And then I couldn’t decide whether to wait for another train or just run, so I ran – but I don’t really run, so it took even longer –”
Tomura doesn’t run, either. When he was doing the stupid online dating thing, he sorted out everybody who said more than one sentence about working out. You pause to suck down a breath, then keep talking. “I know everything I just said sounds like an excuse, and I know you’re leaving,” you say, “but I was hoping I could catch you so I could say I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to stand you up. I get it if you want to call it off.”
Before Tomura can answer or even think about what he’s going to say, Magne bursts out of the crowd. “I told you not to run off,” she scolds, collaring Tomura again. “If you don’t stay put, there’s no way she’s going to – oh! You’re here!”
You nod. Magne looks you up and down. “I told you to dress cute,” she scolds. “And to get here on time. I practically had to chain him to a streetlight so he wouldn’t escape.”
“I’m sorry,” you say. “My boss –”
“Of course,” Magne says, scowling. “He’s never met a good time he doesn’t want to ruin.”
Magne knows who your boss is? “How do you to know each other?”
“She’s a pharmacy tech at the place I go to pick up my E,” Magne says. “She’s the only one who works there who isn’t an asshole, and her boss is the biggest asshole of them all. I only go in there when she’s on and he’s off. But let me introduce you the right way. Shigaraki, this is – ”
Tomura misses your name the first time Magne says it, catches it the second time, but it barely registers except as something he probably shouldn’t forget. You’re pretty. You’re not an asshole, or at least you’re the same kind of asshole as Magne and everybody else Magne’s friends with, including Tomura. Your boss is the wrong kind of asshole, which means you probably didn’t blow Tomura off on purpose. And you ran here so you could meet him even when you knew you were really late. You must have really wanted to meet Tomura. What did Magne tell you about him?
Tomura can ask you about that later. “So?” Magne is saying expectantly. “Can I leave you two alone, or are you going to run away again?”
“No,” Tomura says. “You can go.”
You look surprised. “Um –”
Magne cackles. She snatches the hat off Tomura’s head, ruffles his hair, and slaps him on the back hard enough that he staggers. “Have fun! I want all the details later!”
“Sure,” you say, bewildered, as she kisses you on the cheek. Tomura’s going to have to talk to you about that – any details you share with Magne will be fair game for the rest of Tomura’s friends, and he’s not sure how much he wants them to know. “Um, bye.”
Magne waves and vanishes into the crowd. Now it’s just you and Tomura standing on the sidewalk. You shuffle off to one side, out of the way, and Tomura follows you. “Are you sure you still want to do this?” you ask once you’re both leaning against the railing. “I get it if you’re not in the mood. When I’ve gotten stood up, I haven’t wanted to –”
“You’ve never been stood up in your life,” Tomura says, and your expression changes from confused to offended. “Look at you.”
You look down at yourself, then back up at him. “What does that mean?”
“I didn’t know anything about you and I got here on time. If I knew what you looked like beforehand I’d have been two hours early.” It sounded like a compliment in Tomura’s head, but he can’t tell if you’re taking it that way. “People like you don’t get stood up for dates.”
“I wish that were true,” you say. You look away. “I know how it feels. I get it if you don’t want to go out anymore.”
Tomura pretends he’s thinking about it. “How far did you run to get here?”
“Sixteen blocks.”
“You ran sixteen blocks to meet me. That cancels out being late,” Tomura says. You look up, surprised for a second or two before the relief kicks in. “I still want to go out.”
“Me, too,” you say. You smile at him. Women don’t usually smile at Tomura. People don’t usually smile at Tomura. He doesn’t know what to do with it. “Thanks, Tomura. For giving me a chance.”
“Yeah,” Tomura says. “What do we do now?”
“I don’t really know,” you admit. “It’s been a while since I went on a date.”
“Same,” Tomura says. ‘Never’ counts as a while in his book. “I don’t know – grab drinks or something?”
You nod. “Can we find somewhere to sit down for a second first? I don’t usually run that much, and I don’t want to pass out on you.”
“You can pass out on me if you want,” Tomura says. You blink. Tomura facepalms even though you’re looking right at him. “There are benches back there.”
The crowd on the sidewalk is only getting denser. Tomura doesn’t want to get separated from you, so he tells you to hold onto the back of his shirt. You grab his hand instead, and you’re still holding it when the two of you find a place to sit down. Still holding it once you’re both settled, searching for something to talk about. Tomura’s not optimistic about this. You’re too good to be true – the kind of woman who’d run sixteen blocks to meet him and hold his hand is a kind of woman who doesn’t exist. Even so, it’s – nice. Tomura laces his fingers with yours and decides to enjoy it while it lasts.
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dreamwritesimagines · 7 months
The Eye of the Hurricane [8] - Bells
A.N: Here’s the new chapter my loves! ❤️ Thank you so much for your wonderful feedback, you made my day! ❤️I hope you’ll like this chapter as well and please don’t forget to tell me what you think! ��️
Summary: Some decisions require late night visits.
Word Count: 2600
Pairing: MobBoss!Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: Violence, death, guns, crime, blood, explicit language, mentions of sex. This is an AU, friendly reminder that I don’t condone any of the actions depicted on this story and please read with care.
Series Masterlist
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You didn’t think the rest of the week would be peaceful in any way but even you couldn’t guess just how tense it would be.
“This is insane,” Becca pointed out, crossing her arms and leaning back on her seat. You had decided to meet up for brunch but this time, two other tables in the café were also reserved for your and Becca’s multiple bodyguards who were enjoying their coffees. You stole a look at them, then turned to Becca.
“You’re telling me,” you said. “Four bodyguards everywhere I go. It sounds absurd.”
“And this is Barnes territory!” Becca hissed. “I’ve never ever needed bodyguards in our territory, and all of a sudden...”
“How stressed out is everyone?” you asked and she shook her head with a sigh.
“I could barely see Bucky in these last couple of days,” she said. “My dad said I have nothing to worry about, but you know how he is. It’s kind of condescending, honestly.”
“And your mom?”
“She has this bright idea to send me off to vacation to Zürich until the dust settles here.”
You pulled your brows together. “Will you?”
“No!” she exclaimed. “I’m not leaving any of you here.”
You reached out to squeeze at her hand before grabbing your coffee to take a sip.
“How about you?”
“I think I will get the same speech tonight,” you said. “My dad wants to talk to me.”
“I’ll make a counter offer.”
“To help out,” you said. “With this situation. Besides, me leaving in a time like this would be basically handing Ian the heir position, and I’m not doing that.”
“Do you think your father will accept that offer though?”
“We’ll see,” you said, trying to ignore the way your stomach did a flip. “I’d be better than Ian than handling this, he has to see that.”
“Bucky says Ian isn’t even carrying a gun anymore,” Becca said with a small laugh and you tilted your head.
“Yeah. Apparently he says no one can get to him with his men around him. I guess it’s his way of making them think he trusts them with his life.”
You rolled your eyes. “Right.”
“As much as I hate to admit, it looks like it’s working,” Becca admitted. “He looks pretty confident.”
“Confidence can lead to very huge mistakes,” you said and cleared your throat. “Ugh, let’s talk about something else. How’s everything with Leila?”
“That’s what I wanted to ask you!” Becca said, snapping her fingers. “Do you think it’s still too early to ask her to marry me?”
You blinked a couple of times. “Becca, you two started dating less than a week ago.”
“Yeah but I could still ask her!”
“That’s the hopeless romantic in you speaking.”
“That’s the orgasms speaking actually,” she corrected you, making you grin.
“Either way, neither of those make you think logical.”
“Logical is overrated,” she pointed out. “How about you?”
“You and Ethan?”
“We’re not doing anything,” you said slowly. “I did hire some bodyguards for him though, just in case.”
“Maybe you should take the first step.”
“I’m not going to do that,” you said, shaking your head fervently and she hummed.
“Don’t tell me Bucky’s proposal affected you like that.”
“What? No!” you exclaimed, scrunching up your face. “Why would you say that?”
Becca rolled her eyes.
“Maybe because I’ve known you two my whole life?”
Your frown deepened. “What is that supposed to mean?”
“Please,” she said, shooting you a look. “All those glances and so much bickering, it’s obvious something is there—”
“Hate,” you cut her off. “Hate is what’s there.”
Becca gave you a mischievous smile, then sipped her coffee.
“Whatever you say.”
“Bucky and I could never work,” you insisted and Becca hummed.
“What about you and Ethan?”
“Ethan is—” you paused for a moment. “Dating him would be incredibly simple. You know, no ulterior motives, no strategies, nothing complex.”
“That would be so convincing if you could deal with simple more than just a couple of months.”
“You can,” you said and Becca waved a hand in the air.
“I was never promised the heir position,” she said. “It was always Bucky. That’s why I’ve never had that…that burning ambition both of you have. At the end of the day, I do want a simple life Y/N but you’ve never been that type. I don’t think you could actually be happy in a simple relationship.”
You clicked your tongue and leaned back in your chair.
“Well then that complicates things,” you said. “I don’t think I would be happy with someone in the business either.”
“Why not?”
“Are you kidding?” you said with a laugh. “Come on, you know how spouses are treated in the business. You’re just—you’re there as the arm candy, they never let you get involved—”
“That’s the generation before us.”
“Did Bucky put you up to this?” you asked and she huffed out a laugh.
“I didn’t say you should marry my brother,” she pointed out. “I’m just saying maybe you shouldn’t force yourself to like a simple life if you want more than that. Especially if you’re basing your decision on some ancient bullshit rule our families decided to follow.”
You heaved a sigh and took a sip of your coffee.
“Didn’t you just say logical is overrated?” you asked. “Since when are you so logical?”
“I have my moments,” Becca grinned at you. “So. Can we talk about my love life now?”
“Yes but you can’t ask her to marry you.”
“I can ask her to be my fiancée,” Becca stated and you tilted your head.
“That’s…that’s basically the same, Becca.”
Becca rolled her eyes and groaned.
“Fine!” she said. “Can I at least ask her if we should move in together?”
You bit back a smile.
“I’ll give you my permission for that once you two reach the third month.”
“Oh we will,” Becca said with a bright smile. “Great. I’ll send you the house warming party gift list when I get home then.”
 You had assumed your father would see you and gave you the same speech Becca got from her parents at home, but apparently he was swamped with work so he had asked you to come to the company. When you got there, your father’s assistant told you he was in the middle of a meeting with Ian and Stark, so you took a seat in the waiting area and stole a look at Ryan who was no doubt waiting for Ian.
“Hi Ryan.”
“Ma’am,” he greeted you, his tone rough but respectful. You smiled at him, crossing your arms.
“Waiting for my cousin?”
“Yes ma’am.”
“Do you mind if I ask you a question?” you asked and he paused for a moment, then shrugged his shoulders.
“Why are you working for him?” you asked. “He’s an asshole.”
Ryan didn’t even dignify that with an answer as he looked at you, his expression completely calm like he was very used to not giving answers.
 “Riveting conversation as always,” you teased him and he bit back a small smile.
“I respect your family, ma’am.”
“I mean you don’t really have to respect Ian though, God knows he does nothing to earn that,” you pointed out. “You know he’s looking forward to starting a war, right?”
“He’s ready to see you,” the assistant said before Ryan could answer you, and you nodded your head, then stood up from the couch.
“Have a nice evening Ryan.”
“You too ma’am,” he said and you followed the assistant to your father’s office.
“Y/N sweetheart, hello,” he said as he walked to you to press a kiss on your cheek. “Sit down, sit down!”
“How was your meeting?” you asked and he waved a hand in the air.
“The usual,” he said. “I have four other meetings after this.”
“I will rest when I get home, I promise,” he said and you narrowed your eyes at him.
“Right. I’ll believe it when I see it.”
“It’s just that I don’t know when they will be finished, and I figured you’d be asleep by the time I got home,” he said. “Y/N listen—”
“Don’t bother giving me that speech, I’m not going anywhere,” you cut him off and he frowned.
“How did you…?”
“Winnifred gave the same speech to Becca. She tried to send her to Zürich, where are you trying to send me?”
“Wherever you want,” your father said. “I was thinking Florence but…”
“Florence is a gorgeous city,” you said. “I’d love to see it sometime, maybe next Christmas.”
You gave him a small grin. “Hm?”
“It’s going to be safer for you if you just go away from the city for a while.”
“While you and Ian handle things?”
“While I handle things.”
“But Ian stays?” you insisted and he ran a hand over his face.
“Yes, but—”
“I’m not going,” you said, your voice firm. “Send him away if you want, but I’m not leaving the city when there’s a war coming.”
“I feel like you need to think about this,” your father said and you shook your head.
“I did think about it.”
“Y/N, I will feel much better if I know you’re away from danger, at least until the dust settles here.”
You sat up straighter, your heart pacing in your chest.
“Dad I can help,” you said. “With all this. You know I can.”
A look of realization dawned on his face.
“We’ve talked about this.”
“No we haven’t,” you insisted. “Not really. We keep ignoring it, ignoring the fact that you haven’t named a successor—”
“That’s because I’m not planning on retiring soon.”
You let out a dry laugh. “Others might believe that lie, but I do not.”
Your father heaved a sigh, then pushed himself off of his seat to come closer to you, then leaned back to his desk, crossing his arms.
“And please tell me, what is it that you want to hear from me right now?” he asked you and you shook your head.
“Don’t patronize me,” you said through your teeth. “You know what I’m capable of, you trained me for times like these. You know I’d make a much better heir than Ian—”
“Y/N, enough.”
“Just give me a chance to prove myself,” you insisted. “That’s all I���m asking. You don’t have to make me the head of all operations, but give me a chance to show you I can do this. I’ve already prepared a plan—”
“Let me stop you right there,” he said. “What you’re suggesting is absolutely out of question.”
Your jaw clenched. “Why?”
“We already have a plan.”
“Okay,” you let out an impatient breath. “Then you can tell me the plan and I’ll help.”
“No need, we have everything covered.”
You could feel the anger bubbling in your stomach but you dug your fingernails into your palm, reminding yourself to stay calm.
“Dad,” you said slowly. “You promised me.”
“And I promised your mother!” he snapped, making you stop talking. “I promised your mother that I would keep you safe, and that’s exactly what I’m doing.”
The bridge of your nose along with the back of your eyes started burning, a sure sign that the tears were on their way but you blinked fast a couple of times, biting at your tongue.
“That was your mother’s dying wish,” he said, looking you in the eye. “I’m not going to break my promise to her.”
You swallowed thickly. “Mom would want me to be happy.”
 “And you think this life would make you happy?” he asked you. “All this bloodshed, this violence?”
“I was born into bloodshed and violence,” you reminded him. “I’ve spent all my life in it. What, you think you can keep me safe by pushing me out of the picture?”
“It’s much safer than being in the middle of it.”
“For now,” you pointed out. “What about the future? I already know three families that will refuse to do business with Ian.”
Your father shrugged his shoulders. “It’s too early to worry about that. I’m not retiring anytime soon.”
“Dad, he wants to start a war.”
“He will see that war isn’t good for business,” he brushed you off. “He’s just very eager to prove himself right now, that’s all. He’s not going to start a war, don’t worry.”
You gritted your teeth and pursed your lips, glaring at him.
“You got your fire from me, your mother was much calmer,” he said with a small smile. “So I swear to you, I understand your frustration and anger very well. The crown you think you want right now? It’s way too dangerous sweetheart. You’ll see it in time that I’m making the right choice.”
The tears blurred your sight for a moment before you blinked them away and wetted your lips, trying to ignore the lump in your throat.
“You’re not going to name me as your successor, are you?” you rasped out. “Nor will you let me prove myself.”
Your father held your gaze in his for a second, then shook his head.
The disappointment hit you so hard that it made your head spin. This wasn’t news to you in any way, you had spent years watching your father treat Ian like his successor but actually hearing it from him was enough to make you want to scream. Anger rushed through you, boiling your blood and you bit your tongue hard enough to hurt, and nodded slowly.
“Okay,” you heard yourself say as you stood up, not even looking him in the eye and he took a deep breath.
“Honey…” he started but you walked out of his office without sparing him a glance, your whole body moving as if it was on autopilot. You got to the elevator and pressed the button, then stepped inside and watched the doors close, sniffling as you wiped at your eyes.
Very well then.
If your father didn’t want to give you power, you were going to take it for yourself.
The address wasn’t exactly familiar to you seeing that you hadn’t been there before, but your driver knew the way. When you walked into the building and gave the reception your name, it took them less than a minute to guide you to the elevator, everyone around you rushing like they were instructed not to make you wait even for a second. When the elevator stopped at the top floor, a bodyguard led you to the door of the penthouse to knock on the door and you heard the footsteps coming closer before the door opened.
It looked like Bucky had dashed through the apartment to put his jeans on when they told him you were there, seeing that he was breathing quite fast. You let yourself run your gaze over his bare muscular torso, the tattoos over his chest catching your attention before your eyes snapped up to his, your heart skipping a beat.
God damn it, you almost forgot just how handsome he was.
“Charm,” he said, offering you a small smile. “Hi.”
“Hey there,” you said as you walked past him into the penthouse before he could invite you inside and he closed the door behind you.
“This is a nice surprise,” he said while you glanced around. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”
You took a deep breath and turned around to look at him better, your heart beating in your ears.
“Get rid of whoever is in your bedroom,” you said and shot him a sarcastic smile as you crossed your arms. “We need to talk about the wedding.”
Chapter 9
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romanshomeonwattpad · 4 months
Black Swan | Colin Bridgerton
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pairings — colin bridgerton/reader | brigderton au! |
“ _ _ “ = Y/ N
masterlist | next chapter
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sypnosis — penolope is your sister, and your favorite one at that. she always sent you letters about the boy she fell in love with, and couldn’t wait for you to meet him. it brought warmth in your heart to know she cared so much for someone. so you return from abroad to visit your sister and meet a gentleman that catches your eye, but apparently, you weren’t the only one. and that’s when all hell breaks loose….realizing that was your sister’s night and shining armor.
warnings — future smut, angst, family betrayal, i love pen pen, choking, oral, finger bang pew pew, rough sex, possessive Colin
word count : 2.2k
authors note — i apologize in advance
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© elliotsblunt 2024. do not repost, modify, or translate.
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Your father had been a personal entertainer for Queen Charlotte until the same year you had been born. To put it into simple terms, he was a ballet dancer. The highest ranked of them, the leader if you will. People traveled harsh waves of vast oceans, uneven cracked dirt roads, and days of ridiculously long carriage rides just to see him perform in person. Louis XVIII— The King of England who took place of the late Marie Antoinette— offered the Queen of England 200,000 pound sterlings for your father to work for him. And although that was an extreme amount of money, the Queen flourished in her own and rejected the offer.
He loved working for the Queen. He spoke of her as direct, yet compassionate. Your mother, Portia Featherington, fell out of love with your father and decided to marry for riches instead. Jack Featherington had owned over ten different homes and was a successful mine owner. Karma struck when for her when she found out a few years into the marriage that it was a farce, but she had no one to run back to—since your father had passed already.
You’d think he would satisfy your mother with his relationship to the Queen…but no.
Irony aside—he passed away the same month your mother had given birth to you. And since that day, she couldn’t even stand the look of you. Your dark straight hair curved behind your ear, contrasting with your older sister’s fiery tight curls. You stood out completely. It was scandalous, since you didn’t share the same father as any of them.
You couldn’t stand them.
Stepping out the carriage, torch lights glittered before your eyes as your shortest sister skips over to you. Except Pen. You could never hate her. You truly missed her dearly— reminiscing both of you eating cookies after dinner behind your mother’s back, taking the horses for secret rides late at night. A smile twitched onto your face as she meets up to your waist, surprising you with a hug.
A deep plum colored dress tightened at her waist, black shimmery gloves adorned on her pale arms. Her beautiful curls were flipped to the side, giving her a more mature look. She had blossomed beautifully.
Pen smelled like jasmine. “It’s been so long!” She cries out, looking up at you with wide blue eyes. They were the only thing you two had in common.
You grabbed her hands and held them tightly.
“My Pen Pen. How much I’ve missed you I cannot explain in words.”
“How was Hungary?” She questioned, interlocking your arm with hers. Your feet slowly carried you as stares burned into your figure already. Penelope takes notice quietly, nudging you with her shoulder . “Everyone’s staring at you. I mean, you look beautiful.”
Your cheeks burned at her words, but kept a blank expression, dodging eyes everywhere as you hastened your slow pace and approached the inside of the castle.
“And you look even more beautiful, Pen Pen.” You sent her closed lipped smile, momentarily squeezing her hand as she returned it. Voices chattering filled your ears as the both of you make your way down the staircase, gulping as you accidentally make eye contact with multiple men.
Men…or suitors?
“Mama was wondering where you were. She thought you weren’t going to show,” your sister and you take the final step off the swirling staircase, your fingertips brushing against the rails.
“—I offered to come out front and find your carriage.”
“I bet you’re going to absolutely pester me with questions,” you sigh, sending her a knowing smirk. It only took a gulp and a guilty expression to sweep over her features before blushing deeply.
“Well…perhaps you could tell me what Spain was—“
Before Pen could finish, a brunette haired girl with bright eyes and a dim smile approached her. Her hand gently rested on her shoulder as she shot you a confused brow, “Pen I’ve been looking for you—Who is this? I’ve never see you before.”
You tilt your head, “I’m Penelope’s sister. I just moved back here.”
“Oh,” her eyes flickered, biting her lower lip in slight curiosity. “Where did you move from?”
“Spain. She personally danced for the Queen,” Pen chimes in, clearly a proud sister as her brunette friend gasps in shock. “But since things with Spain are beginning to get rocky, she came back.”
“Can I tell her my name Pen or do would you like to cover that for me as well?” You joked, causing the tiny girl to blush in embarrassment. You reached in and pinched her cheeks, causing her to giggle as you turned towards her friend. “I’m _ _ by the way. And you are?”
“Eloise Bridgerton,” her smile slightly grows, her expression visibly relaxing.
You realized she was really pretty. Brown curls pinned behind her ears with bejeweled pins, her dark eye makeup brought out her fair complexion. A shimmery white dress that made her look like a princess hugged around her figure, lace gloves pinching her fingertips. “Pleasure to meet you, Miss Eloise.”
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Although you hadn’t seen her in years, Pen had grew bored of you within an hour and ran off with her friend to gossip about feminism and fictional stories. You didn’t really want to say hello to your family, currently hiding from your mother—as you stood in the sidelines and watched partners dance amongst one another like birds soaring in the sky.
And then suddenly, all the electricity turns off. You hear gasps tear through the air. Your glove covered hand landed on your chest as you squinted your eyes to attempt to see in the dark. It was no use though, you couldn’t even see your own hand waving in your face.
“My people, my loyal servants. This is the black out hour. You have twenty seconds to find a dance partner, without judging physical appearance, and if you’re unsuccessful in this….” She giggles, more like cackles, and it made goosebumps crawl against your skin. “—don’t hesitate to show yourself out. Good luck.”
A curse passed your lips. What the hell was happening?
This was kinda stupid. But food did seem to be running out, and it was already a little late. You weren’t going to show up at all, but thinking about how sad Penelope wouldn’t been absolutely gutted you. On top of that, you had already came all the way here back in London to meet this boyfriend of hers. Well, you didn’t know if he liked her back but she was absolutely adored him.
You sighed. Where was she anyway?
You shouldn’t have shown up. But if Pen found out you weren’t initially going to come, it was absolutely destroy her. You wondered if she knew about this. And that’s when you realized, you only have a few more seconds before the lights turned back on. Feeling slightly panicked, you took a messy step forward, tripping on your gown that caught beneath your heel. The world beneath you slipped, reaching out for anything to aid you.
A sturdy wrist. You grabbed onto it.
As if he had known you were about to hit the ground, a man’s arm wrapped around the small of your back. Chest pressed up against his, both arms wrapped around your figure—a deep inhale sounded above you. Hit breath fanned your features as your fingertips pressed against this mystery man’s chest.
And then, the lights turned on.
Your stomach did kick flips back and forth. Stormy blue eyes, almost grey, staring fierily down at you. They were set on yours, a warm firework exploding in your abdomen as your faces were only inches apart. You heard the thank gods and laughter fill the room, smiling nervously up at the man whose arms you were in.
“Oh my god. I’m so sorry,” you swallow, scrambling out from his arms and brushing down your baby blue dress. Your cheeks burned as he stared at you, but you didn’t meet his gaze, nodding your head instead towards him. “Thanks for urm, catching me—but if you’ll excuse—“
He chuckled whilst sending you a dark brow.
“That really isn’t a proper way to thank me, now is it?”
His words didn’t shock you. He seemed very confident in himself, which blended in with his ego. But the more he spoke, the more he sounded stuck up. “And that apology was incredibly poor. At least look me in the eyes Miss…..?”
Your eyes lifted from the floor, narrowing slightly.
His eyes glinted. It made your heart vibrate, and burn like coals were afire within. The way your last name rolled of his tongue almost made your legs shake. You noticed a ton of eyes piercing through the two of you, from both men and women. Chatter began to spark as he cleared his throat and grabbed your hand. “Well, it’s lovely to meet you. My names Bridgerton. Colin Bridgerton.”
You almost gasped as his soft lips pecked your knuckle, holding eye contact with you.
“And your first name?” He muttered huskily against your flesh.
Your throat grew dry, widening your eyes before snatching your hand back to your side. “You’ll start rumors. I’ve only just arrived,” you snapped, holding your hand up to your chest.
“From where?” He questioned, holding a serious expression quickly once again.
You blinked, confused as to why he even cared. “Spain. I danced for the queen there. My uh, father used to be a dancer for Queen Charlotte actually.”
His eyes widened a bit, a small smirk growing onto his puffy smooth pink lips. “That’s sounds extraordinary. I’ve been to Spain once—and I must say, the most beautiful thing there isn’t the scenery,” he spoke whilst his eyes swept up and down your body, tilting his head to the side as his gaze meets yours once again. It felt like ever since one of your limbs were on fire. “Care to dance with me then, Miss Rockwell?”
He held his hand out for you. And the violinist kicked up the tempo, pianist following his lead. You smirked, deciding to have some fun, challenging his motives. It was obvious what he wanted. He couldn’t keep his eyes off your figure, but god when those brutal, hazy orbs of those meet yours. It felt like a storm was brewing within you.
“Try to keep up with me,” you teased as you gave in, his teeth sinking into his bottom lip as soon as your glove clad hand slid into his large, manly ones. You thought you heard him growl as his other hand once again slid around your back, pulling you against him. His eyes lit down at you, “I’ve traveled the world, sweetheart. I picked up a few moves along the way.”
You gasped aloud as he spun you out of nowhere, then pulled you back close into his chest. He smelled like spices and cologne. And then he slowly released you, as you noticed the dance floor was cleared.
Everyone had been watching you.
You twirled, your dress flaring like a flower during its blossoming. Everyone gasped at the beautiful sight, Colin walking over to the other side to catch you in the end. You ended up back in his arms, a small smile cracking into your lips, your eyes never leaving one another’s. It appeared he had been in awe, the both of you continuing to dance as the others watched. Whispering to one another.
“So you weren’t making a jest,” you rose a brow, causing him to chuckle before shaking his head.
“May I ask you something?”
He nods, furrowing his own. “I suppose.”
“Has there been a time where you didn’t want to return from traveling?”
It made him pause, but his feet still carried him as the two of you continued to dance. You genuinely wanted to know his answer.
“My family resides here, as well as my best friend. I don’t think I could ever fathom a life without them in i—“
“_ _?”
You both paused, looking to the source of the soft call of your name. And when your eyes laid upon Penelope, whose eyes were watery and wide, a look of clear mortification edging onto her features. “Out of all of them…it had to be him?”
Did she mean….
Colin was her crush.
Oh no.
Shit shit shit.
“Pen—do you know her?” He asked, growing confused as you pull away from him and reach for her. She took a step back, sending him a tight lipped smile.
“She’s my sister. Now if you’ll excuse me.”
You felt a hand wrap around you wrist, locking you in place. Your head whips to look at a set of dazzling puppy eyes. He looked gorgeous, a pale blue vest wrapped tightly around his slim waist. His muscles bulged through his black coat, his red cheeks contrasting against his fair skin. “What has happened?”
Your hand flies to where you both connected. Biting your bottom lip, his eyes burn with something you’ve never recognized before.
“I’ll bite that for you if you don’t return to me.”
His forwardness appalled you. It should have pushed you away, but it slightly made you excited. But you couldn’t possibly let him know that. He belonged to Penelope. Whatever this was, was over. No matter what, you would always put Pen first. And you weren’t going to change that for some man you had just met.
Tearing his grip off, you sent him a firm look. “This is the last time you’ll ever speak to me. Goodnight, Mr. Bridgerton.”
And with that, you ran off to find your sister.
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captain-mj · 1 year
The Vampire AU
The au no one asked for but by God will I deliver
Soap laid on the luxurious bed, the robe around him fluttering and exposing most of his body. It shimmered, a dark red color, and across from him was Ghost. His Ghost. The Ghost. 
The skull mask made it hard to see his expression, but Soap could read the hunger in his eyes without a problem. A desperation that would make a lesser man nervous. But Soap could never be nervous. Not of Ghost. 
He crossed the floor quickly, the air around him bending slightly. It made him glow. And then he was on Soap, touching him with his gloves and feeling him up. His large hips pressed between his thighs, forcing his legs further apart. 
Pulling the mask up enough to expose his fangs, Ghost sank his teeth into his throat and ripped it out, blood spraying everywhere. 
Soap’s alarm clock broke him from the dream and he buried his face in the pillows and screamed for a few minutes. 
Interviewer: So, what exactly do you like about your…
Soap: The technical term is Master, but everyone keeps insisting I just call him Ghost.
Interviewer: Got you. So your Ghos-
Soap: Well, he’s not really mine. I’m his but he’s not really mine. I just kinda work for the guy.
Interviewer: And in exchange he…
Soap: Will turn me into a vampire!
Interviewer: So how long have you been working here?
Soap: Six years. 
Interviewer: Uh huh. And what do you like about Ghost?
Soap: Oh, he’s perfect. Tall, dark, mysterious. Never actually seen his face, but I’m sure he’s handsome. Never takes the mask off unless he’s feeding. He could kill me easily. He has a very sexy voice. His accent is from modern day Manchester instead of being centuries old! Apparently he changes it every few decades. I wonder what his original voice sounded like and-
The Interviewer stopped taking notes and tried to politely withstand the next thirty minutes of Soap gushing about anything and everything he could think of about Ghost. They decided not to ask about the whole “could kill me easily” part. That was this guy’s prerogative. 
Interviewer: So, what’s Ghost like?
Rodolfo: He’s a fucking loser.
Interviewer: Really? His familiar-
Rodolfo: Is lovely and all, but he has terrible taste in men. I’ve seen Ghost lay on the ceiling for six hours straight, during the night no less, because he was pouting. 
Interviewer: And why was he pouting?
Rodolfo: Soap was doing laundry. The laundry Ghost ordered him to do. So Soap couldn’t hang around him. Then, he wasted what time he could’ve spent with Soap on the ceiling.
Interviewer: oh…
Rodolfo: Like I said. Fucking loser. You’re not allowed to call him that though. Only me.
Interviewer: Yeah… Okay.
Soap did like he was told and ignored that there was a person watching him. He woke up a few hours before sunrise and dusted just like every other morning. He also put out an ad online pretending to be a single woman looking to lose her virginity. Usually the men that came would be sleazebags so it both cleaned up the streets and meant easy meals for the vampires. 
Gaz would always say hi to him when he left for some party. Sometimes, he’d try to stop him and get a rise out of him, but Soap had long since learned how to put a pause on his feelings. If Gaz fed from him, Ghost would get all weird. Talking about nutritional value and that Soap smelled funny. 
Soap had taken four showers the first time it happened but eventually he put it together. 
Then, he woke up Ghost. Well, wake up was a loose term. Half of the time, Ghost would already be up. He more went to Ghost. His room had blackout curtains so if he got up during the day time, he didn’t have to risk scorching himself. It was also the plainest. Rodolfo and Alejandro’s room was gorgeous, full of rich colors and soft fabrics. Gaz had strobe lights and neons. Tons of weird furniture too. He insisted none of them were a sex thing, but Soap didn’t believe him. 
Really, really, did not believe him. 
But Ghost kept his plain and usually only had candles. For once, he was still in his coffin when Soap came to get him at sundown. 
Soap gently knocked before he lifted the large lid. 
Ghost was… large. Very, very large. Besides being 6’4, he was broad. Big arms, big shoulders. Just… big. It definitely did not influence any of Soap’s decisions. Nope. Not at all. 
Thick black fabric covered every inch of his body, besides leather gloves on his hands and a ski mask on his face. Soap silently thanked God he had managed to get him away from the loose fitting balaclava he wore originally. It looked… 
Anyway, the sky mask was an improvement. It had a skull design on it, though there were fangs added. 
Soap only snapped back into himself when he noticed Ghost’s eyes were open. 
“Johnny. Are you just going to keep staring? You’re blocking my way out.”
“Oh, of course, sir.” Soap stepped back and offered Ghost his hand. Sometimes he took it, sometimes he didn’t. Really depended on the day. 
Today was one of the good days where he did. Even through the leather, Soap could feel just how cold Ghost’s skin was. It was borderline frigid and he wondered, not for the first time and definitely not the last, if it would hold heat or simply give him frostbite if they pressed against each other. 
Ghost’s hand left his once he was on the floor. Sometimes, Soap wondered why he walked the way he did. There was something stiff, like a general, about his posture but he had a certain amount of grace that didn’t match how the other vampires walked. All vampires were graceful. Cat like. But Ghost always seemed like he was floating. Feet barely touching the ground. 
Soap helped him out of the thick robe he slept in. It felt soft and he assumed it was used a bit like a blanket. Ghost pulled on his jacket but his eyes followed Soap. 
“Did yo-”
“Laundry is done. Place is dusted. And I’m currently setting up a virgin guy to come visit.” 
As if something heard him, his phone dinged. Someone responded to the ad, asking how soon he could come over. 
What a fucking loser. 
He was using photos of a girl from only fans (with her permission, she made him pay a small fee, but when he explained it was a “To catch a predator” type thing, she thought it was cool), so it was a hot woman, but still.
Soap checked it and responded to the message, saying the sooner the better. 
Ghost reached over and slowly patted Soap’s head, making him beam. It was the closest thing he got to praise from the guy. 
“So, what would you like to do, sir?” Soap smiled at him. 
Ghost hummed, looking away. There was a large mirror and while his clothes could be seen, nothing else could. Soap couldn’t see his mouth, but he knew he was just about to speak when someone knocked at the front door. 
“Go answer.” Ghost ordered. 
Soap nodded quickly and went downstairs, noticing Alejandro and Rodolfo when he passed their room, in various states of undress, he decided to just ignore that. So no one they were expecting. 
He opened the door and had to look slightly up at the man in front of him. 
The man had a fishing hat, a shirt that said “Fish fear me, women love me” and a pair of military fatigues. He stared into Soap and there was a brief pause.
“Hello, sir.” Soap noticed his ears. They had a large point and when he glanced at his hands, he noticed the dark claws.
Interviewer: So what do those features mean?
Soap: Means he’s an older vampire. As I’m sure you noticed, my vampires look mostly human, besides their fashion. But once they start getting older, they look less and less human. So the less human they are, the more respect you’re supposed to show. 
Interviewer: Oh. Got it. 
“Price.” The man responded before just simply staring at him.
Soap winced and looked back. “Uh… Master? Alejandro? Rodolfo?” He half shouted. “We have a visitor!” 
“Uh. Little familiar. Invite me.” Price didn’t sound rude, maybe a tad impatient, but not quite rude. 
“My name is Soap.”
Price tilted his head. “Uh… Okay. Anyway, is Simon here?”
“No?” Soap frowned. He ran through everyone in the house. “Yeah, no. We don’t have a Simon here.” 
Alejandro shoved Soap out of the way. “John! I didn’t know you’d be visiting! Come in.” Now that he had been welcomed, Price quickly stepped in the door. 
“Ale. Very, very nice to see you. How have you been?” Price smiled. His fangs flashed, wicked sharp and a pearly white, just like all the other vampires in the house. 
Soap quickly stepped back to let them talk, but he didn’t leave, pretending to be doing anything besides eavesdropping, which is exactly what he was doing. 
“I haven’t seen you since they invented lightbulbs.” Alejandro grinned. His clothing was a little more old fashioned. Closer to what was expecting for a vampire at least. Soap thought it was funny that the youngest of the three vampires (not including Gaz, but Soap felt he didn’t really count), was the only one that still wore clothes from his own era. Alejandro was still up there in age, almost two centuries, but with Rodolfo being over three centuries and Ghost being around eight, well… it didn’t seem that old. 
Soap couldn’t really talk that much, because he was 26, but semantics.
The two of them babbled on about the changes in technology and how hard it was to keep up and how touch screens were so unreliable because they only picked things up half of the time. 
“They have gloves.” Soap interrupted, not thinking much of it until Alejandro glared at him. 
“Gloves?” Price frowned. 
“Yeah, they have stuff in the finger tips to let you use a phone. It’s because when humans wear the gloves, they can’t use the touch screen either. Gh- My master uses them.”
Price hummed. “Might have to get me a pair. Phones look so fun! I see why you keep him around, Alejandro. He’s not as dumb as most humans.”
Soap decided not to take offense to that, as a human.
“Oh, he’s not mine. He’s Simon’s.” Alejandro put his hands behind his back, altering his stance a bit.
“Nevermind. I guess he is a little stupid. He said there was no Simon here.” 
Soap felt like he was short circuiting. “You mean Ghost?”
Alejandro snapped his fingers. “Oh! That’s right! We never told you his name. He doesn’t exactly need to know it, ya know?”
Price hummed. “And he never asked?”
“I did ask!”
“No, never thought to ask us.” 
“But I did! You told me familiars don’t get to know!!!”
“Wow. Humans.” 
Soap got the distinct feeling he was being fucked with. 
Then Ghost appeared. Or more accurately, came out of his room. The world shifted, Soap’s focus, like always, being on him. Ghost quickly made his way down the stairs. His boots hugged his legs, going all the way up to his knees. He had chosen one of his longer coats so it fluttered around him. 
Soap quickly wiped his mouth and tried to focus on something besides how devastatingly hot Ghost looked at all times. 
“My little batling!” 
Soap choked and half expected Ghost to kill Price where he stood, vampire or not. Alejandro wheezed a little. 
Instead, Ghost visibly shrank down. “Sire… I am not a fledgeling anymore.” There was an accent there, and not his usual Manchester one. It was almost lyrical. Soap wished he’d use it more. “I’m also almost a millennia old.”
“Yeah, but you’re still the spunky soldier I turned! Still wear the mask I see.” Price’s disappointment was palpable, but Ghost, Simon, just shrugged it off.
“Yeah. Well. Don’t like my face being seen.” 
Alejandro chipped in. “Awe, are you anxious, little batling?” 
Ghost hit him so hard Alejandro’s head popped off and Soap let out a small scream.
“Suppose it’s better than when you first turned.” Price completely ignored that Ghost just fucking killed him.
Rodolfo fluttered down the stairs. “Hello John! You look lovely!” Price smiled immediately.
“And you look just as lovely as the last time I saw you.”
Soap was shocked. They were married for decades!!! And he just moves on?
“Get your nasty mitts off my husband!” Alejandro’s decapitated fucking head started to yell. 
Rodolfo rushed over. “Mi noche! Mi pobre amor!” He scooped up his head and kissed his cheek before reattaching it. 
Soap tried not to gag. 
Alejandro’s limbs quickly started to work again and he kissed Rodolfo several times. 
Ghost was already pulling his sire far away from him, the two of them falling into line like old friends. 
“Do you have anything to eat? Your familiar looks delicious but I know how hard good help can be to find.”
Soap flushed and it only got worse when Ghost gave him a passing glance. “Didn’t you say someone would be coming over soon?”
“Yes, around 10. It’s 9:30 now, so shouldn’t be too long, sir.” He beamed at Ghost and Ghost just shrugged him off to keep walking. Soap tried to not let that get to him. He never liked when Ghost was in his moods like this and this new guy seemed to trigger them.
Price and Ghost disappeared and Soap was left standing there awkwardly. Alejandro had wandered off, probably back to Rodolfo. 
He sighed and started to tidy up. If he knew a guest was coming, he would’ve prepared more. Probably tried ot get multiple guys to come. Or ladies if that was more this guy’s taste. Luring women in was a lot harder, but he could’ve tried! He still had a tinder set up that he could’ve used. 
Soap fiddled with his hands, not sure what to do with himself. By this time of night, usually he hung out with Ghost, keeping him entertained. Without him, he didn’t really have anything to do. He already cleaned the place up before he went to bed the morning before.
Soap sighed and sat down, trying to lure more people to the house. 
Around midnight, after all the people who came in were dragged downstairs and eaten with Soap not having to lift a finger, the vampires decided to have a night out. Ghost grabbed on to Soap’s arm and tugged him along, clearly wanting him to come too. He pulled away from him just long enough to change, ignoring that his foot kept tapping and his growing impatience that Soap wasn’t willing to go out in what was basically pajamas. Soap also ignored that Ghost didn’t leave the room, but he clearly wasn’t looking at him undressed. 
When he was done, Ghost yanked him along and Soap had to jog to keep up. They fell in line with the other three and went to a nearby nightclub. Soap noticed it was for humans, not one of the vampire focused ones they usually went to, but just brushed it off. 
Ghost quickly scouted the darkest corner table and went to hide there, Soap followed along. He sat next to Ghost. Rodolfo went to sit with them and Alejandro quickly grabbed him and yanked him to the dance floor, immediately grabbing a handful of his ass. The two of them were dressed like people from the 1800’s and Soap tried to pretend he didn’t know them because it was honestly a little embarrassing. 
Rodolfo’s tongue ended up down Alejandro’s throat. 
Alejandro said something that was clearly horrid in Spanish. The bartender looked positively horrified. 
Very embarrassing. 
Very fucking embarrassing. 
Soap looked at Ghost, suddenly making eye contact with him. Ghost must’ve been staring at him. He tried not to let that thought get to him. 
“Can I get you anything, master?”
Ghost clearly grimaced. “Ghost or sir, Johnny. Master thing feels weird.”
“Need anything, sir?” 
“Unless you’re willing to drink bourbon and let me suck you dry later.” 
Soap choked on the scotch he had. “What?”
“I’d have to kill you though. To really get a good taste.” Ghost said it so matter of fact that Soap was pretty sure the sexual way it sounded wasn’t on purpose. “And that would be a shame.” 
Soap quickly drank his scotch. “How do you even know what bourbon taste like?”
“There was a similar drink when I was alive. Also, for a couple of years, I lived near a bar that only served bourbon. Once your blood has enough alcohol in it, I can taste it.”
“Can it get you drunk?”
“Yeah. Don’t like getting drunk though that’s when bad stuff happens.” Ghost moved away. “You should enjoy yourself. Go talk to people.” 
“And leave you alone?”
“Yes. Leave me alone.” 
Soap watery smiled at him and nodded, quickly leaving. He went to the bar and ordered another drink. 
Price glanced at him, but already a woman was trying to flirt with him and Soap didn’t want to interrupt the two. Instead, he just took the drink he ordered and downed it. 
Soap made sure not to get more than tipsy. Even if his vampires didn’t get drunk, unlikely, he wanted to be alert in case he was needed. 
Someone moved closer about an hour after his little exile. Handsome guy. Tall, built. If he looked a bit like Ghost, that was between Soap and God. He talked and it was clear he wasn’t the brightest bulb in the shed, but Soap didn’t care about that. As long as he was a good lay, that would work. And if he could make it quick. Maybe they could just go to an alleyway. 
The man, Craig? Greg? Caleb?, went pale and looked up right as Soap felt Ghost’s hand on the back of his neck, grabbing him like a puppy he was scruffing. The cold leather pressed tight against his skin, making him shiver. 
“Johnny.” He said it with an exhale. “Wait outside.”
“Wait outside for me.” Ghost forced him up and away, unnatural strength and where he grabbed him combining so Soap couldn’t exactly fight back. He frowned at him but did go outside after deciding to just not question it. 
Soap sighed and leaned against the wall near the door and lit a cigarette. He had been trying to quit, but it was hard. He took a deep puff and watched the smoke then drift to the sky. 
Soap started to count down the minutes before breaking and getting his phone out. The thick concrete walls around the nightclub kept it pretty much sound proof. It was so the music wouldn’t bother everyone on the street. 
Ghost didn’t usually ask these things of him. He didn’t like it. 
Soap got on tinder and wanted for someone to be rude to him or condescending. He scheduled dates in areas that were secluded enough the vampires could snatch the victim but not so secluded as to ring alarm bells. 
Rodolfo stepped out, Soap could tell by the sound his shoes made. He grabbed him and Soap flushed. “Maybe we should have you for dessert huh?” 
Soap shivered in his grasp. “Don’t think Ghost would be too happy about that.” He turned around and had to resist the urge to flinch back. 
Rodolfo was soaked in blood. He must’ve realized the state he was in because he let go. His hands had left bloody prints on Soap’s clothing. “Thought it’d be fun to clear the place out.”
“Ah… That why Ghost told me to wait outside?”
“Told him he shouldn’t bother, but he wasn’t sure if we’d recognize you if you got scared. Would you have gotten scared?” Rodolfo smiled at him. “I don’t think so. I mean last time I ate in front of yo-” 
Soap got flustered and grabbed his cross necklace through his shirt. “Rodolfo!” He kept it on for the exact scenario Rodolfo mentioned. If one of them ever had too much bloodlust, ever didn’t realize it was him, he could pull it out. Never had to use it before, luckily. But it was always there. A weight on his chest. 
“The sex we had was phenomenal.” Rodolfo assured, as if that was why Soap interrupted him. Maybe to him, that’s what it seemed like. They were so… shameless when it came to sex. Soap was almost jealous of it. Catholic guilt and the devastating fact he was human kept him from ever having that. “I can see why Ghost keeps you around.”
“Oh, Ghost and i have never…”
“NEVER???” Rodolfo laughed. “Seriously?? Huh. Guess it makes sense.” 
Ghost came out with Alejandro hanging all over him, the two of them carrying each other basically. “I think that last guy… had more than just alcohol.” Ghost said while Alejandro made a motion to his nose to show it was likely cocaine. 
Rodolfo laughed. “I told you two he smelled funny. Where’s Price?” 
Alejandro opened his jacket to show where a bat was hanging on the inside of it. “Got tired and decided to take a name.” 
“Old fucking man.” Ghost grinned, mask still pulled up. Soap took in what he could. Even bloody, he could make out more features than he could before. 
Soap followed slightly behind and Rodolfo led them. Alejandro started singing some old drinking song in Spanish and Ghost hummed along, stumbling a little. Without thinking, Soap put his hand on his back to right him, only realizing when he felt Ghost stiffen beneath his hands. Before he could pull away and apologize for touching him without warning, Ghost’s arm was around his shoulder, yanking him closer. He used Soap to help balance himself and Alejandro. 
“Ghost, if I turn into a bat can you carry both of us?”
“What if we all turn into bats and Soap carries us?”
Ghost paused and looked at Soap, as if asking permission.
“Oh… Uh… Sure?” Soap had a hoodie on but he managed to fit Price and Alejandro in his hoodie pocket. Ghost wiggled directly into his hoodie before he could offer to let him ride on his shoulder, instead poking his head out of the neck of it, right under Soap’s head. Rodolfo, not one to walk if it could be avoided, hid in the hoodie. 
Soap decided not to point out they could just, ya know, fly home. Instead, he gently carried his family back to the house. He thought about a few things and wondered briefly if Price would be his grandsire when Ghost turned him. 
Would they do things like this with him? He also wondered what Gaz was doing. For good reasons, they didn’t go to the club he was at, probably not wanting to mess with him feeding, but he kinda wished he was there. Gaz probably would’ve waited outside with him. 
Ghost suddenly moved and Soap put an arm on him through his hoodie to support him. He felt him get cozier in the hoodie before stilling again. 
Once home, they all disappeared to their respective rooms. Sunrise was a lot closer than he realized and he suddenly felt sick for not rushing home faster, even if none of them cared. 
Fuck, he’d probably have to burn the hoodie. It was disgusting. All of them had so much blood on them and it was now all over all his clothes. 
He grumbled as he shoved his clothes and all of the vampires’ clothing, after they so graciously gave them to him to clean, into the bathtub and dumped a bunch of hydrogen peroxide and cold water. 
Gaz came home and had brought coffee for both of them. Must’ve been a great night because he was glowing and didn’t even try to steal a bite from Soap, which he was grateful for. Soap started to clean and Gaz watched him. 
Interviewer: Oh, we didn’t talk much earlier.
Gaz: Yeah we did.
Interviewer: I don’t… 
They notice they have notes from them discussing how Gaz is an energy vampire that feeds off excitement and happiness. And how after those feedings, memories can get fuzzy about them. 
Gaz: So yeah.
Interviewer: So why did you bring Soap coffee?
Gaz: The happier he is, the better the house vibe. Plus, his happiness and gratitude is delicious. Not for a meal, too sweet, but he’s a nice little snack. 
Interviewer: Huh. 
Note to self, they’re all kinda selfish assholes. 
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beforeimdeceased · 1 year
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how you can help palestine
𓇗*ੈ✩‧₊˚☾ synopsis: rumored to be a child of gods, ellie williams, known for her noble battle against the cordyceps virus is appointed to guard the kingdom of sauris.
☾⋆⁺₊✧ 🏰 content: sexual content, fantasy au, reader is described to have powers, barely diving into the plot, me just losing my mind basically.
ྀ࿔ author’s note: this was hell to write. it’s quite terrible actually and i want to cry my eyes out. i’ve never written fantasy but i’m such an experimentalist i decided to fuck myself over for fun. PLEASE (i’m begging you) give me feedback on this. i want to improve!
cheers can be heard, and nearly felt, from the small tavern sat in the middle of the village. a hip hip hurray shared over beers echoes through its wooden walls. the victor, a savory smile on her face, has fled her own celebration to find fresh air.
outside you sit, tracing shapes into your palm. the victor sees you, and oh does she find you interesting. walking up to you unsuspected, stripped of her armor. a waist length t shirt and a pair of dark slacks making her seemingly civilian.
“not much for celebration?” she asks. you jump, startled, and stare at her with the the most unpleasant face you could make. she’s wondering now if she should tell you who she is.
“just not up for celebrating some stranger in a cape. i should be the one guarding the kingdom.” you shrug, going back to tracing shapes into your palm. she’s intrigued by your anwser and finds herself wanting to know more.
“and why do you believe you’re more fit then a trained soldier?” a hint of defense in her tone.
“i am a trained soldier.” you scoff. “and i know this village like the back of my hand. i’ve got a strong hold on my magic. i’ve been training for years.” her face gets serious now as she listens. “some lunatic with a knife swoops in and wipes all of that from under me.”
“well i don’t think i’m a lunatic.” she follows. your eyes shoot up in realization, then an annoyed scoff leaves your lips. “you sure act like one.”
“how so?” she questions.
you place a firm hand on your hip. “you definitely wouldn’t have told me you were the victor if i didnt bring it up. i think that’s information you’re required to disclose.”
“well you’re right, i would’ve liked to tell you my name first. i’m ellie.”
the day before battle, ellie had called you to her quarters. you’d always wanted to step foot in the castle draped in soldier attire, you felt bare in your regular clothes.
“is there a special reason you’ve called me to you?” you ask as you arrive at her door. she shoos off the guards and ushers you in.
“company. the day before battle and i’m all alone?” she pouts playfully. she’s wearing a half open button down, hair falling over her face ever so carefully. cheeks red. due to the deeply empathetic nature of your powers, you could feel the manifestation of butterflies forming in her stomach.
they multiply whenever you look at her.
a filthy thought slips into your head and you swallow it down. “i’m not sure what you’re implying, but if it’s what i think-“
she shows her palms to you revealing a lack of markings. one of many signs of honesty. “you don’t have to worry. i just enjoy your presence is all. you bring light to me.”
you nearly choke from the laughter that erupts. “oh, how many people has that line worked on?” you ask, looking her up and down.
she averts her gaze. “is it working on you?”
“no.” you respond quickly.
“ah, zero.”
the air is cool and quiet. a tension rises in the sudden silence. she watches as you walk around her room softly placing your fingertips on her trinkets. “this is quite the set up. very nice. blades everywhere.”
she nods. she’s started to trail you now. her hands nearly missing yours as she covers some of her blades. worried that you might get cut and draw blood. “a soldier must always be prepared.”
you take a seat on her bed leaning back on your hands. “so i’m assuming you prepared for me then?” she looks at you after inspecting the room for more possible sharp objects. raising her brow and fighting a smile.
“only the best for my best girl.” she says. you sit in awe as the aroma of the room becomes reminiscent of your favorite flower. a faint sound of a body of water echos from the walls. the bed becomes a bit softer than it was before.
you shake your head. the gawl of her! and to set the scene so perfectly? how crude. “and what if the princess catches wind of what you just said?” you tease.
she sighs thoughtfully. “i’ll have them slaughter me in the main quarters. promise you’ll close your eyes?” she travels to the edge of the bed and sits next to you.
“as tight as they’ll shut.”
a kiss breaks the reverent tension building between the two of you. her hand on the small of your back. a lustrous poison spilling from the sweetness of her tongue. a toxic feeling you fear you’ll never rid. her touch has overtaken you now. capturing your mind, body, and soul.
she pulls you on top of her, careful to never break the kiss. a soft groan leaves your lips, and to that she bucks her hips up into your heat.
her hands get busy with your clothes. hungrily ridding you of them and disposing of them on the floor. you reach for her pants but her hand stops you. “i can’t be touched before battle, it’s a rule. allow me to love you tonight?”
and you do. a tangled mess is made of you. her tongue licking up your folds to spread your juices around the bud of your clit. you cry out in pleasure as her hands grapple at your hips, attempting to stabilize you.
she shows you a slice of heaven you thought you’d never know that entire night. eyes never leaving you while her fingers hit the spot that makes your jaw slack. not much can be said of your noises, except that according to her, they were a siren song.
she was convinced your sweetness on her tongue was poison, and you were luring her to her death.
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secfics · 1 year
my favourite starker fics, part 1
hi. for my first reclist in this blog, i put together my personal favourite starker fanfics that i re-read again and again. in no particular order and with some cw/dark themes here and there, here they come:
• maybe different, but remember; by RoamingSignals (@spider-mancan), E, 18k, 2/2 chapters
Peter is working at Delmar’s, sorting out tabloids on the rack in the front, and he sees Tony’s face plastered everywhere and then Peter is reading words and then he can’t read anything because he’s crying and his shaking hands rip the magazine in half.
Tony Stark…alive.
He saved the world, saved Peter, and Peter never even got to thank him. Not that it matters now. If Peter was a factor in Tony's decision to snap his fingers, Peter will never know. No one will ever know, because Peter fucked up and now he doesn’t exist.
• touchpoint; by RoamingSignals (@spider-mancan), M, 57’6k, 2/2 chapters
Peter lost a lot of things in Boston. When he lists them out, they fit in the margins of his napkin; his career, his degree, his motivation, his boyfriend, and himself. Not in that order. Not all by mistake.
“You’re just a secretary.” Tony tuts.
“There’s nothing wrong with being a secretary,” Peter says. “Your old secretary is the CEO of SI, these days.”
“Pepper Potts is the smartest woman I’ve ever met,” Tony agrees. “And she never let anyone call her ‘just a secretary.’”
• scaling the walls; by Starker1975 (@starker1975), E, 42’6k, 13/13 chapters
Peter is tired of crushing hopelessly on Tony, so he decides to create an online dating profile to meet someone new. Neither Peter (Webster01) or his strange beau (Mark70) have pictures on their bio. They decide to keep it that way so they can focus on bonding over things besides appearance.
Meanwhile, Tony decides to start spending more time with Peter because people always become interested as soon as you try to move on...
• fucking if; by Graceful_Starker (@graceful-starker), M, 9’7k, 2/2 chapters - cw: implied non-con, not between starker
Peter and Tony in a beginning phases relationship. Then the snap. Peter coming back to Tony, Pepper and Morgan.
• revelations; by Anonymous (#author has already arranged a ride to church trust me), E, 126’8k, 19/19 chapters
“I still don’t get it,” Ned says. “How you just... keep being ordinary in spite of all the craziness you’ve lived through. You were in space. You helped Iron Man save the universe. And nobody knows it was you.” His tone softens, becomes almost sad. As though he realizes that what he’s saying is so completely alien to him that he will never be able to understand this part of Peter’s life. “Peter, don’t you want people to know you for who you are?”
An AU where they get the Gauntlet off of Thanos that first time, on Titan.
• closer to a prayer; by LearnedFoot (@learned-foot), E, 17’4k, oneshot
“I think I’m dying.”
Peter stares at his reflection in the bathroom mirror, blinking. It feels weird to say it out loud.
In which Peter's powers turn against him, Mr. Stark is back and suddenly acting kind of weird (and by weird he means flirtatious), and it’s all a lot to handle at once.
• stuck; by Heathertastic (@heathertastic), E, 5’4k, oneshot - cw: Accidental Penetration
Tony and Peter get stuck together in a closet the size of Peter himself- and yeah, it’s basically porn without plot.
• Give Me Your Wallet (And Your Watch); by airebellah (@airebellah), M, 30’5k, 10/10 chapters
It was pushing midnight when Peter sent a text to his friend Ned asking for help with a chemistry problem. I know I'm doing something wrong but I can't figure it out, he wrote. He received a text with a picture of the solution. The elegant script should have been the first clue; the fact that it was on the back of a napkin the second. But he was tired, and failed to notice such details.
You misplaced your decimal when converting degrees to Kelvin, came the reply. Rookie mistake.
Gee, thanks, Peter replied with a roll of his eyes. Anything you need help with?
Yeah, who the fuck am I talking to, exactly?
• covet; by Anonymous (#author has already arranged a ride to church trust me), E, 33’9k, 5/5 chapters
Peter has a new boyfriend. Tony starts drinking again, for unrelated reasons.
• uranium heart; by spqr, M, 11´3k, oneshot
It’s probably better, Peter thinks, that he doesn’t know who his soulmate is. He wouldn’t want to lie to them about Spider-Man, but he doesn’t think he’d be able to tell them the truth, either. Not when he knows it would make them a target for every villain who wants a piece of him.
When he has enough free time to feel sorry for himself, he thinks about how lonely he is and how much he wants someone to talk to--just talk to. But he doesn’t really have that much free time. And anyways, there are thousands of lonely people in New York. Peter’s nothing special.
• another life; by InColor (@incolorwrites), E, 9’3k, oneshot
Tony comes back to a world where everyone's moved on without him.
Peter helps.
• secret santa, baby; by orphan_account, E, 17´3k, 5/5 chapters
Tony never intended to become Peter's Secret Santa. He just sort of stumbles into it. But now that he is, he's going to take advantage of it. Tony's got one week to spoil the kid, one week until Christmas. He just has to make sure that his secret stays secret.
• your thoughts are my desires; by Sparcina (@zsparz), E, 6’2k, 4/4 chapters
Peter doesn't know that Tony can read his thoughts.
Alternatively: Tony gets intimately acquainted with Peter's fantasies feelings.
• peter parker, sexter extraodinaire; by Sparcina (@zsparz), E, 7’5k, 4/4 chapters
Apparently, sexting Mr. Stark by accident is a thing Peter does now. While touching himself. And Tony... Well, he probably shouldn't fantasize about Peter, but the kid's just too damn attractive and brilliant for his own good.
• just for tonight; by keenwonderlandcollector, M, 31’1k, 10/10 - cw: incest/father-son incest
While out at an exhibit, Peter gets into an awkward situation and pretends that Tony, his father, is actually his boyfriend. Tony goes along with it, and Peter soon finds himself enjoying it a little too much…
• from the bounty; by feyrelay (@feyrelay) & natureboy, E, 31’8k, 3/3 chapters
Tony’s eyes are always dark, but now there's almost no iris left. He looks hollowed out. There’s something terribly hungry there, despite the feast they've filled themselves on.
(20k words of food erotica foreplay and 13k words of porn)
• better than; by unsettled (@unsettledink), M, 40’6k, oneshot
Maybe there isn't really a fixed point where it starts, where any of it starts, nothing Tony can point to and say, there, there is where I made my mistake, there is where I could have stopped this, there is where I can stop it from happening again.
Maybe it shouldn’t have been something Tony tried to stop.
(or: the one where Tony is going to be responsible for once, okay? He is!)
• worth the word; by unsettled (@unsettledink), teen and up, 5’4k, oneshot
Valentine’s Day is not Peter’s favorite holiday by a long shot. And it’s not just because he’s a little jealous of everyone else showing off gifts from their partners.
But it’s still really nice that an unknown someone sent him a gift this year. Or two. Or— okay, this is getting out of hand.
• above and beyond; by unsettled (@unsettledink), E, 12’8k, oneshot - cw: incest/father-son incest
Trans Peter telling his dad that he’s never had an orgasm. And Tony eating Peter out until the boy’s oversensitive and crying out “dad” as he comes.
• still use work; by LearnedFoot (@learned-foot), E, 6’5k, oneshot
“In the spirit of scientific discovery,” Tony adds.
“Yeah, the spirit of scientific discovery, exactly.”
Or: Peter has a problem. Tony attempts to solve it. To be helpful, obviously. That’s the only reason.
• a familiar stranger; by Starker1975 (@starker1975), E, 132,1k, 21/21 chapters - cw: incest/father-son incest
Peter's tired of being single, but online dating scares him, so he creates a fake profile to scope out the playing field before fully committing. He isn't sure what to think when he sees his dad's profile on the app.
hope you like them as much as i did!
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ardorwritesfanfic · 1 year
Dr. Stone x Reader - Boyband AU!
Genre: Fluff, just general headcanons lol. Modern!AU, Band!AU
Featuring: The Five Wise Generals!
A/N: Hey y’all! It’s been a really long time! I’ve had this AU idea in my head for a while now and I thought it was time to share it with y’all! Enjoy!
Senku Ishigami
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Senku was kind of blackmailed into the band lol
When the band was still new, he worked behind the scenes.
Unfortunately, Chrome decided to post a video of Senku singing to himself while working on his latest science project
The video went viral, and every record company that wanted the band wanted Senku as a main member.
He joined with the idea that he MIGHT be able to hitch a ride into space one day.
In the early stages of your relationship, Senku is not very affectionate.
He tends to show his affection towards you in small ways
When you attend the band’s concerts, he immediately finds you in the crowd.
Once he finds you, he’ll sing to you.
He engages with the rest of the crowd, so that it’s not obvious that he’s focusing only on you. But his gaze always finds its way back to you.
When he’s recording songs, or rehearsing for concerts, he demands you come along.
He usually will say it’s because it’s the only way he can stand the process, really he just wants to impress you~
On social media, he probably won’t post pictures of you two outright.
However, he will post sneaky hand holding pictures where you can’t see either of your faces.
In interviews, he’ll say that he’s taken, but won’t mention who you are directly unless you want him too.
Senku can get pretty rowdy on stage (especially since Ryusui often instigates it), strictly for the purpose of riling up his fans (and you)
He’ll ask you afterwards if he was successful, and if he was, he’ll tease you about it.
Senku also values your private time together, so he’ll definitely take the time to be more vulnerable and affectionate with you after concerts.
He’ll sing softly to you while you drift off to sleep, but if you ask him about it he will completely deny it.
Also, he will bring you on tour with him~
Ryusui Nanami
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Ryusui joined the band as soon as Chrome proposed the idea.
“I want it all!” Was his primary reasoning
The fame, the spotlight, and the fans, he wanted all of it.
He provides most “fan-service” in the group, usually including Senku or Chrome in his antics.
He’s the band member that knows that everyone thinks he’s got, and will flaunt it.
However, he make sure to reassure that he only has eyes for you.
You are his treasure, the one thing he desires more than what the band or fame can give him.
Ryusui writes most of the band’s songs alongside Chrome and Gen. Most of them are about you in some way
He’ll serenade you when he finishes a song, and insists that you’re with him while he’s writing
Like Senku, Ryusui brings you everywhere with him.
He’ll bring you to photo shoots, interviews, rehearsals, and on tour.
If you let him, he will 100% show you off.
He’ll bring you up on stage and flirt with you while he performs.
He’ll ask to include you in his photoshoots, and will bring you up at every opportunity in interview.
He’ll post cute date photos of you on his social media too!
He knows that his lifestyle can get overwhelming and tiring, so he makes sure that he’s always there for you.
He’ll often sing you to sleep after a long day, pulling you closer to him as he wonders how he got so lucky to have you in his life.
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Chrome is the front man of the group, the leader.
The band was his idea, and he put his blood, sweat and tears into it.
He started all of the social media pages, wrote all of their early songs, coordinated all of their outfits, etc.
This band is his baby!
You were the first person he told when the band finally got a contract with a record label.
You also helped him convince (bribe) Senku to join.
Almost all of his songs are dedicated to you
If you can play an instrument, he will 100% ask you to play it in his songs.
He’ll write you cheesy love songs that he will perform on stage if you let him.
He absolutely has to kiss you in some way before performing!
Whether it’s on your hand, cheek, lips, forehead, etc. he must kiss some part of you. It’s his good luck charm
Will sing to you if he spots you in the crowd.
When he does it feels like he’s only performing to you, and the rest of the crowd is just background noise.
He’ll schedule cute lunch dates with you while you’re on tour to local restaurants.
He will absolutely go sightseeing with you in different cities during his downtime!
He will mention you in interview and on social media, but only if you’re comfortable with it.
Chrome typically plays a guitar on stage, which has your lipstick print cheekily placed on it
He will take every opportunity after concerts to snuggle you and decompress, asking if you enjoyed the show (please praise this boy) and humming his songs quietly as you both drift off to sleep.
Gen Asagiri
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Gen is the sly and suave member of the group
He only really joined because it was a new way to use his skills as a mentalist
He’s similar to Ryusui in that he knows he’s attractive and uses that to rile up his fans
He likes to have this mysterious air to him, so no one really knows what he’s thinking.
However, this facade crumbles when he’s around you
If he brings you along to band rehearsals or events, he gets very clingy.
He wants to make sure everyone knows that you’re his.
He will tease you with his antics, especially on stage.
He’ll find you in the crowd and smirk as he tries to make you blush.
He will tease you about it afterwards too, just because he knows he can.
He has you preview all of the songs he writes, and he tries to sneak in small details that only you could recognize in them.
If you travel with him on your, he will take you everywhere with him.
If you end up staying home, he’ll send you postcards and love letters describing just how much he misses you.
I like to think that he does a small “magic” segment at shows, and he will make any excuse he can to use you as his assistant.
After shows, he’ll take the time to relax with you.
This can be cuddling, but most of the time he’ll draw a bath in the hotel room for the both of you to enjoy.
He’ll lazily wash your scalp and talk about the highs and lows of the day.
Once your both washed up, he’ll lead you towards the bed, holding you close as you fall asleep.
He will sing you to sleep if you ask him to!
Ukyo Saionji
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Ukyo is the “mother hen” of the group.
He is quite a bit older than the rest of the boys, and feels a sense of responsibility for the group
He helps the rest of the band keep their heads on straight during stressful times, and is often the voice of reason.
That being said, he needs someone that will help him relax.
That’s where you come in!
Ukyo will often entrust certain tasks to you, like helping him make sure the band is on schedule, ensuring they’re all in the right costume, etc.
Your presence on tour is basically a requirement, rather than a suggestion.
Ukyo needs you there in order to tolerate the other members antics lol
Since you’re often backstage during shows instead of the crowd, Ukyo will make quick glances towards the backstage area
He’ll do it just to let you know that he’s singing to you.
Ukyo is much more private about your relationship in regards to how much the public knows.
He’s mentioned once or twice that he’s in a relationship in interviews, but that’s pretty much it.
He values your privacy, and wants to keep you to himself.
Ukyo doesn’t write much, but he does mix and produce songs for the band.
He asks you to listen to them, and asks if there should be any changes.
Oftentimes you hear all of the band’s songs before anyone else does.
Ukyo cherishes that process though, it’s one of the few ways he can really share his craft with you.
After concerts, Ukyo is absolutely exhausted, and he looks to you for comfort.
He’ll lay on top of you as you run your fingers through his hair, grumbling about how his ears are still ringing from performing.
This time with you allows his nerves to settle, and allows his mind to prepare to do it all over again in the morning
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starsstuddedsky · 8 months
Doyoung as your brother's best friend...
(wc: 1.7k, non idol au, mentions of food, alcohol, reader has a mother/family, i really dont know what this is)
who you were always fond of because he was way nicer to you than your brother ever was growing up (a pretty low bar, but a win is a win)
he graduates before you and you see him only a couple times a year when your brother would hang out with him, which fizzles out and suddenly you realize you haven’t seen him in five years 
you finish college and get a great job offer except it’s a city five hundred miles away from home and you don’t know anyone, until your mother mentions Doyoung moved there a year or so ago and says something like you should reach out
to which you think no thank you but you politely say you’ll see what he’s up to 
and you don’t give it a second thought, you meet a few friendly people at work and try to call your old friends as much as you can but loneliness has a way of seeping into the empty corners of your room and the quietness of 9:56pm on a Tuesday 
so you figure a hinge date or two isn’t the worst idea
hey, guess what’s the worst idea? 
the first man you decide to go on a date with spends the first hour bragging about his job and how he’ll be able to retire by the time he’s 35 and simply does not stop talking about himself
you’re sure you’ve given help me eyes to every person that’s walked past but no one takes pity on you, until you’re looking into a familiar pair of eyes 
Doyoung doesn’t hesitate to stride up to you, saying “I’ve been looking everywhere for you, why haven’t you been looking at your phone?” and “The doctor’s say he won’t make it much longer!” 
it isn’t difficult to follow him out of the café and listen to him throw out fake medical terms until you’re around the corner 
he slows after that and you realize he’s gotten even taller and let his hair grow out a little
before you can tease him about the hair, he asks if you’re busy and when you say no, he drags you to the coin laundry to watch his clothes spin around 
sitting on the plastic chairs and sipping paper cups from the water dispenser, you trade stories, amazed at the Doyoung from your memory and the Doyoung that sits in front of you
he’s changed so much (he spends his free time painting and going to art museums) and not at all (still ducks his head when he’s feeling shy and smiles with his eyes just as much as his lips) 
you try to pretend like you aren’t stealing looks at him. he isn’t nearly as successful.
you walk to his apartment, only a couple blocks away and it’s gotten so late that he insists you spend the night, saying that your mom would kill him if he let you walk alone this late and to just take the couch 
to which you protest, because, honestly, what would his mother say not offering the bed? and he just rolls his eyes and gives you his best pillow 
except he must have really never slept on the couch because it’s actually so uncomfortable that you can’t sleep. when Doyoung gets up for a middle-of-the-night bathroom break, he finds you watching a crime show
despite making fun of you for it, he sits beside you and it’s actually way more comfortable when you’re using his shoulder as a pillow and then it’s suddenly morning and you wake up fully in his arms, meeting his smug smile
he does not waste time making fun of you, saying “what was that about the couch being uncomfortable?” and “are you sure you didn’t just want to sleep with me?” and pretending he wasn’t just as flustered
even though it’s daylight, he still walks you home and you find you don’t mind it at all. in front of your door, neither of you can figure out how to say you want to keep seeing each other, especially since you aren’t sure if it’s in a flirty context or not and what any of that would entail
finally you tell him your apartment has laundry, if he doesn’t want to pay for it and he says somehow he thinks you’re going to cost way more than a laundromat but he’s smiling 
Doyoung slowly becomes a fixture in your life and even when you truly befriend your coworkers and become particularly close with one of the baristas in the coffee shop next to your apartment, he’s always the first person you think of–when you get a commendation at work, when you have another fight with That One Coworker, when you stub your toe. and he tells you about his constant fight with the owner of a dog on his floor that thinks it’s okay to let their dog pee on Doyoung’s doormat, and you hear all about his friends before you finally meet them 
there are countless “almost” moments–telling him about this guy at work who flirts with you more blatantly than Doyoung himself and when you pause after saying you told him you have someone, he doesn’t say anything so you just say it was a lie to get the guy off your back; holding your hand on your birthday (after cooking a five course meal for you) but letting go before you even reach your apartment; staying over at his apartment again and refusing to sleep on the bed but he builds a wall of pillows between you “so you don’t feel uncomfortable”; waiting for the bus after drinking with his friends under a flickering streetlight where you think for sure he’s going to kiss you but he ducks away before you can let the fantasy dip into reality 
you know you have to talk to him about it directly (especially since all of your friends say that he’s as in love with you as you are with him) but every time you try to do it you freeze up and you can’t get the words out 
but when the holidays come around, you go to visit family with him and realize Just How Much you’ve changed around him
you’ve completely forgotten how to be normal around him, how to look at him without hearts in your eyes, but you’ll die if your family asks you what’s going on and you don’t have an answer, so you steel yourself up for a Doyoung-less Christmas 
it goes really well until Day 2 when your mother announces Doyoung and his family will be coming over for dinner. to make matters worse, your brother finally shows up and it becomes very clear 1) he and Doyoung still talk all the time and 2) Doyoung has not mentioned how close he’s become with you 
you try your very best to pull stories out of everyone else, since you can’t seem to mention anything about your life that doesn't include Doyoung, which apparently is true for him, you discover as he tries his best to tell the story about the time he wound up halfway across the city with a dead phone and no way to get back without telling them you were right there with him (ultimately failing since you were the one who ran into a friend who let you into their apartment to charge your phones) 
after dinner your brother and Doyoung disappear and maybe you’re being paranoid but you swear everyone is looking at you
so you go ahead and vanish into your childhood room, thinking about anything except your brother’s best friend who’s become your… (damn you really thought you’d have a word for him that time) 
an hour or so later, your brother knocks at the door and asks to come in (already scary since he’s always just busts in and purposefully leaves the door wide open). he sits down and says he doesn’t care what happens between you and Doyoung but not to hide anything on his account and you’re like okay well there’s nothing to hide and he’s like if my dumbass can pick up on the vibes, there’s something to hide so go figure it out and you’re like wait what did Doyoung say and he rolls his eyes and mutters something like “I am not doing this” and tells you Doyoung is waiting for you outside 
you did not sprint down the steps, no matter what anyone says. it was a controlled pace, one foot per step, hand gripping the railing to keep you upright 
Doyoung waits for you like your brother said, sitting on the porch swing wearing his winter jacket with his hands stuffed into the pockets, and he perks up when you come out the door 
you sit beside him, trying not to lean into him and letting the cold air warm from the tension between you. there’s a couple heartbeats of silence, your breath hanging in the air in front of you before you manage to get the words out. 
“i like you” 
silly words, immature words, not the right words for how you feel, but you can’t quite figure out what those might be. 
“it’s like mixing paint,” he says and you think maybe there really aren’t any right words, but he keeps going. “at first you think ‘wow i used way too much blue and this will never look right’ but you keep mixing it together and even though it isn’t the color you wanted it to be, you’ve found a whole new color and it changes the painting completely but it makes it so much better.” he pauses before admitting, “maybe it isn’t the perfect analogy. my point is, i wasn’t expecting you at all, but you make my life so much better.” and another couple seconds for him to remember he’s got something else to say. “oh, and i like you, too. if it wasn’t obvious."
it’s stupidly like a movie when the snow starts to fall, but you’ve been waiting far too long to kiss him, so you won’t let the feeling that this is a bad hallmark movie stop you
what does stop you is hearing half your family cheering through the window when you scoot closer to him 
(your first kiss happens a couple days later on a secluded hike in the woods) 
(a few years later at the wedding, one of your cousins pulls up footage that can only be described as stalker-like) 
and you never sleep on his crappy couch again (though you do stay over, even when it isn’t late), and he keeps doing laundry in your apartment until his lease is finally up and he moves into a bigger apartment that just so happens to have enough space for you
(oh, and it has in-unit laundry too) 
a/n: i swear i have been writing i just haven't been finishing but i got 2/3 of sending this to bestie before i realized this is a writing format so yeah. idk this is very much my delusional stream of consciousness but tell me im wrong. go ahead. tell me.
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kaihuntrr · 1 year
The Sea Prince: Martyn Woods and “Scott Major”
(Martyn and Scott’s human designs have been revamped here!)
HELLO. While I’m on my limited life high I have decided to do some refs for Martyn and Scott for my sea prince au! I’ve also been digesting my inspirations to get my brain circulating with ideas.
Without further ado, here they are! Surprise, Scott has orange hair! I’ll explain it under the image >:)
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Honestly this is just his red skin with some belts and piercings as it’s just. Very good and fitting! The red also works as his crew’s main color is red after all! Rolled up sleeves bc he does a lot of work and he’s a decently built guy!
I realized halfway though drafting his design that he looks similar to empires s2 Scott, so I just channeled that energy to make him appear more dainty and soft with his heterochromatic (and oddly slitted pupils) eyes! He also has a piercing, a tooth earring from a previous partner, a seashell, and a cute little ribbon. I figured he’d have ginger hair (blonde or black was an option bc witchcraft,,, but decided not to bc I don’t wanna describe a bunch of blonde hair everywhere and black doesn’t fit) as cyan or any “unnatural” hair would be for the prince form!
Speaking of his prince form, here you go ;)
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SO. I worked on this design first since I wanted to have an understanding of how I’ll go on designing his human form, and to capture his terrifying nature I decided to design him based on his red skin! For creatures I used an orca, sea snake, betta fish, and the concept art of Red from the sea beast!
The boy has iridescent scales that molt into black ones over time as they shed, and they’re very tough! He also has coral growing on his head like a crown :> he has his natural cyan hair with a streak of red (and maybe grows all sorts of colors since he reigns over coral reefs and the tropics!) and starry patters all over his fins and gills.
Also on the closeup, his eyes have the orange and blue on both! I figured I might as well make the princes’ eyes real bizarre, gives them that ethereal beauty I want.
I didn’t do a doodle of it but I find it fun that in his human form Scott is noticeably shorter than Martyn but in THIS form he can hold him in one hand while doing something else.
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Excited to do more art of the au, like working on some of the crewmates, but for now I’m satisfied with their looks!
If y’all want to know anything specific about the designs feel free to comment or send an ask, I don’t bite! Scott definitely does tho LMAO.
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neptunesgrl · 6 hours
Things that my redacted favs do that are true because I said so
- Calls Milo angel in private, had a couple drinks and it ended up slipping out in front of the pack. David looked very confused for the rest of the night and proceeded to call SH in the middle of the night to say “what do you know”, “what did they (Angel) tell you”, etc. Angel found it incredibly amusing.
- Drinks scotch. Rarely, since it makes Milo uncomfortable. They had it in their apartment once and after they’d learned of his father’s struggle with it, they made sure to keep it out of sight when he came over. Hasn’t bought a bottle since they moved in.
- Reverse pick-pockets everyone. Hates when people make a big deal out of apologies or big emotional things. Their way to avoid it is to make silent apologies. Often but not limited to leaving a couple hundreds in their wallet, cause we all know SH makes bank.
- Nicknames for Milo include: Mi, angel (as previously mentioned), hun/honey, babe.
- Takes the NYT crossword incredibly seriously and looks forward to it more than they’d like to admit
- Raised in New England. Hopes to move back if they decide to have kids, that is until they gain their powers, and need to move back to Dahlia.
Side note: Their child listening to ‘California’ by Chappell Roan on full blast in their room and giving SH war flashbacks
- Has gained a slight NJ/NY accent from Milo. Slips out when they get mad. Specifically with the words: ‘jackass’, ‘told her (so i told ha)’, ‘off (awf)’, ‘call (just cawl me)’, etc.
- Constantly holding Dear’s hand. At first, it was difficult for him to initiate, but once he realized it was the least embarrassing thing he could ask for, it became habit. Sometimes Dear slides their thumb to his wrist to check his pulse when he’s nervous.
- (UNEMPOWERED AU) Dear is an EMT. Sirens used to startle and disturb Lasko, now he finds comfort in knowing Dear is getting to save people (corny and tooth rotting fluff ik)
- Once, Lasko wore Dear’s fleece that went with their uniform since they’d left it at his place and it was too cold to go out without one. It took him 10 minutes of pacing at the front door to go outside and grab the food he ordered. Just in case someone on the 2 second walk down there would need medical attention and thought he could help since he’d be wearing the EMT jacket.
- He owns every single PJO book and shamelessly reads them at least once a year. He’s in the Zeus cabin (obviously). Grover’s his favorite, because in his words, “he’s the only one worried about the logistics.”
- ‘Guilty as Sin?’ is THEIR SONG. I will not be taking any criticisms at this time or ever. It’s just the lyrics about feeling guilty for thinking about the other in that way. Like are you kidding me. ‘I’ve screamed his name, building up like waves’ DEAR WE KNOW ITS YOU IN THE WRITERS ROOM.
(these are mostly fem leaning i am so sorry)
- Watched The Real Housewives. Insists Jersey is peak, Honey agrees. They take the finales very seriously. Honeys favorite is Margaret, Guys favorite is Melissa. He insists Honey and him are exactly like Joe and Melissa. I have RHONJ brainrot save me.
- Uses a sleep eye mask from dollar tree that says ‘nap queen’ on it. Found it in Honeys childhood bedroom.
- Raised in NYC (Brooklyn), insists he knows how to use the subway and always gets lost. Honey cracked the code within 2 days.
- Had headgear in high school. No further explanation. That’s it. That’s the HC.
- Child of…
dddiiivvvooorrrccceee!!!! i’m projecting He is so Chandler Bing coded don’t lie.
- Somewhere down the line, he’d like to write a book about him and Honey. Whether they work out or not. Very “You were a wonderful experience” / “You were…everything.” coded. Can you tell that not only am i awful at it, but I hate angst?
- Love letters EVERYWHERE. On dressers, in nightstand drawers, on the windshield of Honeys car, this man will find anywhere to put one of the many notes he has written gushing about his partner.
This has been in my drafts for so long I feel emotional posting it. Please take good care of my baby.
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mrghostrat · 4 months
is the infedelity fic in your fic ideas post flawless? or is there a second infedelity au potentially in the works? also if you want to expand on any/all of the fic ideas you posted, i’m sure people would love to hear about them!! (me. i’d love to hear about them.) no pressure tho!!!
yes that one’s flawless!
i’ve shared a couple before.. u’ll have to hunt thru the #ratwips tag to find them ;) people had a lot of fun with “you’re MARRIED?!” in particular
tho i did forgot to mention Lighthouse in that soft and sweet ask, if i ever write it. the idea for that one is taking my latest original story and writing a gomens version of it. still haven’t decided which version id rather do first (#my cowboys)
original: (south australia, 1891) christian, a 19yo city socialite, is suddenly orphaned, and his inheritance is to be held by his aunt until he turns 21. a spinster with no heir of her own, aunt evie asks him to stay with her and learn to run their lighthouse, so she can pass the duty to someone when she dies. christian hates the small town and the isolation, and especially hates the local drover (cowboy) that delivere their groceries and helps evie around the property. for daniel brown, its love at first sight.
christian learns to love the town, hard work, his family, and himself.
gomens: this is hard bc aziraphale would make an equally good lighthouse keeper and drover. the drover is a cheeky golden retriever with a good heart who loves lending a helping hand. but he’s also a restless nomadic who can’t settle on a single thing and keeps popping up everywhere, just like crowley. he’s also a head-over-heels romantic who teases and tugs the pigtails of his little crush bc the light keeper is so startled by genuine affection
i like the idea of aziraphale giving up whatever dull life he leads and taking up the lighthouse job, for the desire to get away from the annoying clamour of the city, but completely romanticising what it’ll be like. thankfully the local cowboy, crowley, is happy to teach him how to fend for himself, keep the garden alive, and maybe even keep him company when the big storm hits
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corporatefrog · 1 year
꒦‧₊ ꒷ HEADCANNONS: team craig reacting to yn being in the hospital✧.*
✧.* tags: superhero au, college au ✧.* Characters: tolkien blacl, craig tucker, tweek tweek, clyde donavan, jimmy valmer a/n: I got around to sharing team craig! i'm so happy everyone liked the previous one and I hope you enjoy this one just as much!
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He’d act very apathetic about the whole situation when you told him
“I’m going to be in the hospital for the next week, I got into an accident during a villain attack and hit my head pretty bad.”
“Oh wow. That’s a bummer.”
“Yeah, can you grab my homework for me?”
“Eh… I’ve got some things going on tomorrow.”
He doesn’t want to see you hurt 
So he just avoids going
As long as he doesn’t physically SEE you, you can’t really be hurt, right?
Clyde drags him to the hospital to visit you 
After that he’s visiting everyday until you’re discharged 
Then sits with you to pass the time since you can’t look at screens until you’re healed
Definitely shows you his astronomy books
(lowkey very happy to have someone who listens to his interests instead of dealing with south park’s bullshit of the day but he’ll never say it)
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Let’s be honest we ALL know what he’d do
And it’s not sit down, have a cup of tea and wait to for you to be discharged
He’s running into the automatic door before he can open
Probably ends up in the hospital WITH you by the time he makes it to your room
“I literally texted you”
“I tried to read it but my hand wouldn’t stop shaking so I decided to get here as fast as possible but then my bike hit a curb so I had to run all the way over.”
“Jesus fuck dude, you need this bed more than me.”
“Im literally being discharged rn”
You being hurt means that HE can get hurt
Starts showing up to EVERYTHING covered in bubble wrap
He looks like that kid from home alone except with bubble wrap 
Craig blames you
“Bro my car was literally crushed by the fucking coon how is that my fault”
“You didn’t coon-proof your car and now Tweek’s going to be freaking out for the next month”
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Probably the only one with a NORMAL reaction
You send him a text that you were in the hospital and he says he’ll be over once he’s out of class
Real normal stuff
Normal until he gets to the hospital
You can’t tell it’s him through the balloons and flowers and stuffed animals
“Why does the bear have a card that says ‘We’ll beat Cancer together’?”
“I didn’t know what was wrong so I grabbed one of everything.”
You were knocked out when a piece of debris hit your head during a villain attack
You need to go back to work to make money for rent?
Nah he covered your rent for the month. And utilities. And filled your fridge.
What’s the point of being rich if you can’t help your friends when they’re hurt? 
He’d do it for anyone!
(anyone meaning you and butters. Maybe kyle if he’s in a good mood. Only redeemable souls in the whole town)
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Acting like you’re DYING the moment you tell him
You could literally have a sprained ankle and he’s sobbing like you’ve got a day to live
“I know i wasn’t always the best friend in the world but I care about you so much!”
“That’s great clyde, can we talk about this tomorrow though?”
“You’re so strong. Acting like everything’s okay.”
Watching the area around you like a HAWK for the next month incase there are any dangers
What if you get hurt again??
Wants you to stay home for a month after you get out of the hospital 
Stands in front of your door, holding the doorknob so you can’t open it inward
But the door opens outward
So you send him falling onto his ass and start walking to class with a sobbing clyde crawling across the floor behind you
He means well though
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Finally, the perfect audience to try his new hospital set with
He doesn’t really like hospitals since his comedy isn’t usually appreciated 
He’ll call you everyday though! And tell you everything that’s happening with your friends
It’s like having your own personal sitcom that calls you everyday
“And then craig threw his ice cream at cartman’s face and made him the true mint chocolate chip.”
“PFFFT! God i love your commentary”
“What can i say, you’re a great audience!”
“Can you just call me everyday and recap the day?”
“Wow, my mom always told me i’d be famous but this is getting a little wild”
Even if he’s worried, he’s not going to say anything.
He wants to boost your mood since he knows hospitals have rancid vibes
He’s the first one to visit you once you’re back at home and he’s got PAGES of recaps to share with you
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meetinginsamarra · 4 months
mayprompts2024, #31 pride
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Chapters 1 to 8 here on AO3
If you like the tattoo AU give it some love on my AO3, please. It would mean a lot to me. TYSM!
Just to give you a heads-up, this AU is not finished with today's prompt.
But it will be tomorrow!
I wrote a longer ending and I don't want to cram all of it in here today. Therefore, there will be a "mayprompt 32 determined". 😊
White Pony Tattoo - Part Eleven (pride)
Have I ever wondered about the shop’s name?
John took his time to think about it. Answering Sherlock’s agitated question correctly was of utmost importance. Not trying to guess what Sherlock might like to hear. Sherlock would probably detect any lie in a matter of seconds anyway.
John did not want to jeopardize the trust Sherlock had shown to him so far by opening up about his troubled past. Therefore, he decided to be completely honest.
“Actually, no. I just thought it was a very catchy name and the design of the running pony was beautiful.” John admitted. “Sorry, if that’s disappointing but it’s the plain truth.”
Sherlock laughed but it was a pained and unhappy sound.
“The White Pony is street slang for cocaine, John.” Seeing the involuntary widening of John’s pupils, Sherlock carried on, his voice dripping with self-contempt.
“Yes, I’ve been a junkie. A full-blown cocaine addict at the age of 22 and when I overdosed the third time I died in the ambulance on my way to the hospital.”
Sherlock’s agitation manifested itself in restless pacing around the tattoo parlour while he talked in rapid-fire mode.
“The reason for my phoenix is not as glorious as the one for yours. It’s neither heroic nor is it noble. It’s just pathetic. The tattoo covers all of the damage the needles inflicted onto my veins but the scars are still below the ink for everyone to see if I let them. Which I don’t. My phoenix is reminding me on a daily basis that I’ve been weak and stupid.”
Sherlock stopped in front of the computer, pulling visciously at his curls and staring wildly at John.
John was baffled by the amount of self-loathing Sherlock felt. If all of the caustic derision and acidic hate in Sherlock’s rant had been directed at John, he would have dissolved into a puddle right on the spot.
Carefully, John got out of the recliner chair and walked up to Sherlock.
“How long have you been sober?” He asked calmly.
“Eleven years since my rehab following the reanimation.” Sherlock snorted. “That doesn’t change anything.”
“Sherlock, believe me, I’ve had my fair share of dealing with addiction. Not myself, but my sister has been an alcoholic since her teens.” John spoke slowly and firmly, making sure that every word found its way into Sherlock’s brain.
“She had multiple tries to get sober and been to rehab. But sadly, she never managed to stay that way. The addiction always claimed her back, sometimes it took two years, sometimes it was just two months.”
Sherlock calmed a bit. Curiously he watched John, listening intensely.
“Yes, you are an ex-junkie.” John nodded. “But the emphasis is on the ex and not on the junkie.” John stepped up very close to Sherlock and fixated him with a stern stare to really drive his point home.
It didn’t work.
Sherlock’s face became hard and in a flurry of motion he pulled the black t-shirt over his head and flung it away onto the ground.
On part of Sherlock’s chest and over his right shoulder, John saw a masterfully tattooed realistic head and neck of a pony.
“But that’s exactly it, John! The cocaine will never leave me!” Sherlock exclaimed and slowly turned so that John could see his back. It was covered with the body of a running pony.
“The White Pony is always running behind my back, following me everywhere. It looks over my shoulder, watching and waiting that I’ll cave someday and invite it back into my life.” Sherlock spat furiously.
The total lack of understanding sparked John’s ire. “You totally misunderstood what I’d meant to say. How can you be so fucking thick?”
John’s voice raised in volume. “My sister, Sherlock, she never made it. Nine months after I’ve returned to London, she died of alcohol poisoning and acute liver failure.”
John fought back the stinging sensation in his eyes.
“So don’t you dare,” John poked his index finger right into Sherlock’s chest who immediately flinched over the silent rage in John’s eyes, “to think that you’re weak. Eleven years of sobriety is a fucking long time, Sherlock.”
Another poke.
“You had to be strong to resist the siren call of substance abuse every time when life got difficult again and obstacles have turned up.” John poked the chest once again, forcefully and this time it was intended to hurt.
“You have been strong and you have achieved perfection in what you do!” A vicious double poke followed.
“You should be fucking proud of yourself, God dammit Jesus Christ holy shit!”
tagging some people @totallysilvergirl @peageetibbs  @lisbeth-kk @raina-at @calaisreno
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thechaoticgoblin · 5 months
My take on the Bayverse Boys MOB!AU
Greetings from the woods!
This is something I’ve been working on for a while but always been unsure on posting. However, I’ve recently understood that we only live once so, why not try this?
Might become a series later on, who knows?
I am taking HUGE inspiration from Jade City and Six of Crows for this part, so stay with me on this.
- I’m team lab experiment. In my view it could very well be kept the way the movie has portrayed them. So, let’s begin with the principle.
- While I can see the turtles being hatched in the lab, I think Splinter wasn’t born there, but rather in a sort of pet shop but his reminiscence on that period in his life has always been kind of blurry. The only thing he remembers is that he was quite old by the time he was bought by a little girl named April and his father, becoming her pet. April has always been loving and careful with Splinter, and that he would always remember.
- At some point April’s father decided to start using Splinter for some of his experiments and that, once more, has been quite a blurry period in the rat’s life.
- The whole ordeal with the lab basically follows the bay!movies quite religiously until a certain point.
- One night, the four brothers ran out of the lair out of curiosity. It was on Halloween, the perfect night for them to get a glimpse of the outer world before being forced back into the sewers. Once out for what should have just been a small stroll out of their home, they all started to find new attraction for the world. The lights, the smells, the taste of the world above the surface was all too much for such small and inexperienced boys; but the most interesting attraction they found was a parade, the classic type you could find in the streets every mystical night of the year, with performers moving from one side to the other of the street. The boys ended up becoming part of it before even realising it. It could have been the best night of their lives, but none of the four boys knew that night would become their turning point.
- But it didn't take much for people to notice that they weren't children in costumes.
- the moment people understood, the boys were assaulted and it took all their willpower and strenght to get out of that situation, crawling back to the lair in tears and with bruises everywhere.
- the worse of them was Raphael, who someone had hit with a broken bottle, leaving a wound on the side of his face. He now has a scar, reminding him of that night.
- Of course, Splinter was furious for his sons' insubordination.
- he gave all four of them a different punishment, something he called the HASHI.
- But the thing is that Splinter learnt quite fast that he and his sons will never be accepted in the world, so he needed to find a way to ensure that, to some degree, his sons would be able to defend themselves. Did he find a book on martial arts in the sewers while sweeping the floor? Absolutely not.
- See, I like to think he came in contact with the Foot Clan by accident, in particular with Shredder.
- Let's say that the man was surveyign some of his men's activity down the docks and walked into splinter gathering food for his sons and himself.
- The man was flabbergasted.
- Now, Shredder isn's stupid. He knew about the experiements Sacks was making in the lab and, seeing a giant rat running around the docks, it doesn't take much for him to put 2 and 2 together.
- So he decides to take that opportunity.
- He approaches Splinter and the two -although with some reluctance on Splinter's side for obvious reasons- start talking.
- Splinter sees right then and there the chance to make himself and his sons not only able to fend themselves, but also a way not to live forever in the sewers.
- It takes a while for him to take a decision but he eventually sides with Shredder, joining the Foot Clan and learning from the man how to deal with a business.
- In a certain way, it was Shredder that introduced Splinter to the world of business.
- He also made sure Splinter and the turtles learnt martial arts
- Shredder is a patient man, after all, he will take what he wants, but he'll make sure that it will be done on his own terms, according to his needs.
- Splinter quickly rises in the organisation, becoming Shredder's collaborator. The old rat would go as far as to say he was friends with the man, much like the 2012 series,
- But I wouldn't be here to tell you this story if it had all ended well, right?
- Splinter finds out about Shredder true plans thanks to Donatello, who had learnt to hack into any computer and database. At first the boy had not understood, after all he had been little more than a hatchling back when he, his borthers and his father had been experimented on.
- but once he shows the rusults of his research to Splinter, boy, the rat is FURIOUS.
- cue fall out with Shredder (that is way too long to write about, but I will in the future. Maybe)
- After that Splinter splits from Shredder.
- His methods, quite different from the leader of the Foot Clan, made many men inside the organisation change their minds and side with him instead than with Shredder.
- So he quickly created his own business, always antagonising Shredder and the Foot.
- Splinter's whole persona changed after that betrayal, he doesn't trust anyone else after that.
- Apart from his sons and April, who he had met once more and with whom he has rebuilt a strong friendship, sometimes even referring to her as the daughter he never had.
- He led the organisation until a certain point before being assassinated by the Foot Clan.
- In his will, he had appointed Leonardo as his heir and successor, which wasn't very unexpected, but in truth the business has been somehow divided between the four brothers, in order to avoid any kind of bad blood between the four brothers.
You’ll never be half the man Splinter was.
- Leo was 15 when Splinter and Shredder had their fall out, at present he's 25 and main Head to the business since the moment Splinter died.
- He was actually the one who _found_ him dead in his office, and he still has nightmares about it.
- He has severe confidence problems because he thinks he'll never live up to the expectations that have been forced upon him, and if someone brings up his father in front of him, he WILL take it as a personal attack.
- His brothers secretly all think he has had it easier because he has always been Splinter's favourite,
- spoiler alert: he hasn’t.
- He had to set the example, being the one the others would look up to, he needed to be a second parent for his siblings, which sometimes led him to act like a dick to each one of them.
- Also, I don't think people point this out enough, but the man has an OCD so terrible he might go insane any moment if something isn't exactly as he wants it to be or if something goes in an unexpected way.
- In his mind, tho, outside he’s perfectly calm and collected.
- He's also the one who will opt for violence as a last resort, because killing isn't really his cup of tea, actually: it's too messy and he doesn’t like the dirty feeling he gets. Like, if a drop of blood falls on his jacket he'll be pissed. He much prefers leaving the reins to Raphael when it comes to it.
- What he DOES do is giving the order. There is nothing in the organisation that happens without his say so.
- Did I mention that he's a control freak?
- Literally nobody moves until he gives his command on an operation, whatever that is.
- He's also kind of spoiled, and he's not used to being told 'no.' He gets what he wants. End of story. And that applies to relationships too.
- Now, listen. He's lowkey the second-top-tear-gangsta-boyfriends, but he will always pick his family over anything or anyone. That is not up for discussions. You okay with it? great. You're not? the door's that way.
- That doesn't mean he doesn’t love, tho.
- I can see him having very few relationships in the past, all of them very serious ones, but he tries his best never to get his s/o into the business, because he knows things will get risky.
- After Splinter's death, he has cut off all ties.
- He can't, for the love of him, fall in love after that. Casual fuck? sure, why not. But love is off the table, because he knows that if he finds himself in the same situation he had been when he had found Splinter's corpse... Let's say that his mental state will only get worse.
My kind of rebirth tasted like blood.
- Raphael just turned 25 rn, and while he and Leo can and will most likely bang their heads together in multiple occasions, he doesn’t mind that his brother is the actual lead of the business.
- ⁠He just cares to be respected and to be recognized as important in the business.
- ⁠He’s responsible for the dealing of weapons and in charge of taking care of the subjects that Leo thinks is right to eliminate for the wellbeing of the business
- ⁠Raphael used to have a very conflicted relationship with splinter, being the rebellious child that he is; but when his father died, Raphael developed severe depression and has been on meds for a few years.
- ⁠If you name his father, he’ll probably need to start therapy all over again, so please don’t do it.
- ⁠Anger issues stayed tho, and if anything, they worsened instead of getting better.
- ⁠He argues a lot with Leo when it comes to take action because diplomacy can’t be the solution to everything, sometimes you have to show that you’re stronger than others.
- ⁠But sometimes he takes things a bit too personally
- ⁠like that time when someone cheated on his brother and he wanted to hang them out the headquarters and kill the bastard who they cheated with in the worse way possible.
- ⁠he was told off, but he still managed to get the two involved in a severe accident and send them both to the hospital.
- ⁠did I mention that he’s fiercely loyal?
- ⁠Among his brothers, this man probably would rather die than betray his family.
- ⁠Does that include his s/o? it depends.
- ⁠If it comes down to choosing between his s/o or his family, meh…
- ⁠Blood runs thicker than water.
- ⁠He’s a passionate lover, always present when he needs to be, but it’s most likely that he will have jealous outbursts more times than he’s had breakfast.
- ⁠Fact is, he loves. A lot. He’s like a match burning. So either you understand that, and you burn forever, or he’s going to burn too quickly and the relationship dies.
- ⁠Now, everyone says that he’s in a toxic relationship
- ⁠I think so too, but not in the same way.
- ⁠I can see him being with this girl for something like a month or two and then problems starting.
- ⁠The thing is that this relationship at this point is hanging by a thread
- ⁠a very strong one, actually.
- ⁠They have a daughter.
- ⁠Raphael is the only one between his brothers to have a child (a legitimate one, at least), and he will kill for his daughter.
- ⁠Also, the child was born before Splinter died, and against all odds, he was happy to become grandfather.
- ⁠I think that’s important to mention that it’s extremely hard to have children with a mutant, so ofc everyone was happy
- ⁠but now he needs to figure out his relationship with the mother of his child
Suffering feels religious if you do it right.
- Donnie has just turned 25 but his back feels like he’s 65
- ⁠Is actually the one who’s most mad about the succession after Splinter’s death and still feels kind of bitter over it
- ⁠responsible for the IS and trafficking of all sorts of information across the organisation and outside of it.
- ⁠Expert in hacking but also cyber security so he knows how to attack and defend on computing level
- ⁠has contacts all across the globe and can’t be bothered by anyone
- ⁠he suffer from severe anxiety but tries his best to keep it under control, no matter the amount of meds or weed that he consumes
- ⁠But still he will drink more coffee than water
- ⁠He also suffers from severe insomnia (same mate) and honestly? he can’t be bothered about it. (his brothers are trying to make him start an healthy sleeping schedule, tho)
- ⁠He had the most fucked up relationship with splinter and he grew up either being ignored or being mistreated, and that only made him lose more of his sanity than his life already had
- ⁠apart from Leo, with whom he has quite a conflicted relationship at times, he’s in good terms with Mikey and Raph, especially the latter since they are the “middle twins”
- ⁠Donnie is also in charge of the interrogations and torture (if it ever comes to it), but he’s very efficient at both
- ⁠As I said, everyone in the family has a twisted mind but he’s kind of the worse
- ⁠because he’s grown to be very reclusive of his feelings and so he has to let them out in some kind of way, right?
- ⁠Most of all, tho, he worries about the strategical and logical overview of the business and, even though he’s not in the best terms with Leo, he still is his right hand in making decisions that are pivotal to the organisation.
- ⁠Remember when I said that Leo is a control freak? this man too
- ⁠He also has a tendency to be pessimistic and paranoid so he has cams everywhere that he uses to make sure everything is good and all right.
- ⁠Will also do the same in relationships
- ⁠he has very low self esteem so he’ll never believe to be good enough for someone and that his s/o will cheat on him first chance they get
- ⁠so he takes precautions
- ⁠I can also see him being very hard to open up. He’s not shy, he’s just very hard to make him trust someone. He’ll think they want to try to get to him out of something they want and not because they’re really interested in him
- ⁠but when you do manage to get inside his ‘inner circle’ (it might take some time) he’s never going to let you go, be aware of that
- ⁠Still, the same drill applies to him too: will he ever choose his s/o over his family? unlikely.
- ⁠He’s not in a relationship at the moment but he doesn’t mind, he’s way too busy with work and with making sure his brothers stay out of trouble
- 100% has a scheming face (quoting Kaz Brekker)
This darkness is my light.
- the baby of the family, how adorable
- ⁠He’s 24 and might as well be the one people underestimate the most
- ⁠He’s in charge of the communication department, and this man is good at what he does. Moves around the internal and external communication like a pro and he’s the top person you want to talk to when you have a problem
- ⁠except when he’s not in the right mood.
- ⁠This man can change his behavior in a matter of moments. Might be kind and smiling one moment and the next he’s going to hit someone with a hammer
- ⁠You have to pray he’s in a good mood if you ever want to ask him something
- ⁠The only one who can actually restrain his behavior is Leo. Mikey won’t listen to anyone but him and if you talk shit about his older brother he’s gonna throw fists.
- ⁠Don’t ever say anything bad about his family. He will hunt you down and make you regret your life choices.
- ⁠He’s the most loyal of his brothers. He will choose his family over and over again and there’s no way someone can make change his mind, no sir.
- ⁠He’s devoted to his family and yes, maybe he could make a few mistakes because he’s chatty most of the time, but he’ll make sure to fix everything to protect his brothers
- ⁠also he’s very protective
- ⁠He has ADHD and a dissociative personality disorder.
- ⁠He’s currently going to therapy but it’s not really helping, at least, that’s what he says
- he also likes gambling, he think he’s some kind of god of gamble. Legit.
-Has 100% played russian roulette or the knife game at least once
- ⁠He had a strange relationship with Splinter.
- ⁠His father loved him, and being the little one of the family clearly made him more in need of reassurance and affection, especially from his father
- ⁠But he also was overlooked quite a lot, at least by Splinter
- ⁠hence Leo becoming a sort of second father figure to him
- ⁠So while Leo is daddy’s boy, Mikey is his brothers’ boy
- ⁠Hence him being very protective of his older brothers
- ⁠Mikey has a lot of friends, like, A LOT.
- ⁠he knows how to read people and he knows how to manipulate them in the best way
- ⁠Be ready because this man takes pride in how well he can terrify someone or make them love him
- ⁠as about relationships,
- he suffers from erotomania (a form of delusional disorder in which an individual believes that another person is in love with them), so he’s being deluded one too many times but he’s had a bit of practice.
- ⁠He falls in love easily and hard, so he happens to often find his heartbroken because he can’t tell when someone is after him or after his money
- ⁠hence his brothers trying to teach him how to understand when someone is genuine or not
- ⁠he’s still learning
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7ndipity · 1 year
Fae Jimin AU Headcanons
Fae!Jimin x Reader
Summary: Catching you before you fall away, he decides that you could help him with his work as an overviewer of the Sidh, helping make sure that the balance between worlds stays even, falling for your humanity as he tries to show the wonder in your own world.
Warnings: Swearing, lil angst, supernatural elements, only partially proofread
A/N: This is an idea I’ve been obsessed with for a while(cause I’m a folklore nerd), but could never figure out an overarching plot to make it into a series, so I present for your consideration: Jimin, the emotional support Fae roommate lol.
(reminder that if there’s any points you want to be made into further HCs, blurbs, etc, send me an ask!)
Masterlist Non-Linear m.list
How you met:
He stopped you from falling into a fairy ring in the woods. You’d happened across it while on a walk to clear your head while upset about something and ending up standing there studying it for several minutes, contemplating how nice it must be to just be able to fall into a different world where no one knew you and you could start over. Shaking out of your revere, you had turned to leave, only for your damn ankle to twist and send you off balance.
“Careful!” A pair of gentle hands came out of nowhere, grabbing your wrists and pulling you into him. You looked up and were met with his soft eyes on you.
“You should be careful.” He warned. “You know what they say if you step in those, you might end up in the fairy realm and not get to come back.” “What if that’s what I want?” You replied. He looked back at you, suddenly serious. “You don’t want that, trust me.”
After that, you keep running into him everywhere(partially due to his newfound fascination with you), eventually figuring out what he is.
He explains that he’s a type of Fae called the Sidh(pronounced shee) which are basically a type of overviewer of the Fae, their role being to keep balance and make sure that the others don’t cause too much trouble.
“There’s a lot of different doorways to and from this world, and not all of them are nice.” He explains to you, visibly tense. “Sometimes just going through the wrong door can kill you.”
Teaches you how to spot Fae.
Points out a couple walking along on the other side of the road. “See them?” He asked, leaning close as he whispers to you.
“One of them is a Sidh?”
He shakes his head, motioning to the child you hadn’t noticed trailing behind them, bouncing about, overly hyper.
“The kid?!” You exclaim, turning to him, suddenly realizing how close he was to you.
“Wait.” He leaned in, gently placing his hands over your eyes for a moment, a tingling sensation washing over your skin before pulling away. “Now look.”
You blinked, slightly dazed before you turned back, letting out a gasp as your eyes found the family again.
While the couple were the same, the child’s appearance had shifted drastically; limbs slightly too long and thin, large, glassy black eyes, their skin now a pale, almost grayish color, they almost looked like an alien.
“What the-?”
“A changeling.” He said lowly.
Teaches you about some of his magic, but warns that some of it can have ‘adverse’ effects on humans
“Wait! What about my eyes then?!” You asked suddenly.
He looked back at you slyly. “Don’t worry, it’s only temporary, this time. It should wear off in a few hours.”
He turned to walk away. “See you at home!”
Winds up just moving in with you in your little house on the edge of town that runs along the woods at the back.
“You’re a Witch!” He realized loudly as he surveyed your house, taking in the crystals and new-age items littered around(he’s not exactly right about this, but you’ll explain that to him later). You can’t tell if he’s excited or upset by this discovery at first.
(it’s both because, as he explains, his ‘charms’ don’t work as well on other magical beings, hence the constant bickering between the two of you. The fact that he can’t just ‘make’ you agree with him irritates him to no end)
Ends up revealing(probably during a fight) that he might be stuck in this world.
“I can’t go back!” “Can’t or won’t?!” “Both!” He yells. “I don’t know if I can, and if I could, I don’t want to! I like it here, with you.” His voice falters, shaking with emotions. “I want to stay with you.”
About him:
His eyes change color; sometimes they’re gray, sometimes blue, one time you could’ve sworn they were purple, but most of the time, they’re a varying shade of brown.
Fangs(you’d be surprised how often fae have them in old stories): His are small and rather feline looking, but he only shows them if he’s really angry or frightened.
Age: Not entirely sure. He says he’s been around awhile, but time moves differently for them. They still age similar to humans, just slower. They might live for longer too, but you can’t tell if he was joking or not about that one.
The biggest sweet tooth, holy shit. You once caught him in the middle of the night eating nothing but pure sugar with a spoon, he literally can’t get enough of the stuff.
The first time you gave him cotton candy, his eyes got so big, you’re pretty sure he ascended to another plane.
As well as a sweet tooth, he loves alcohol and has a very high tolerance. He can get drunk, but it takes A LOT.
Surprisingly good at lying for a Fae.
He? Perches? Everywhere?
Like, he can’t just sit on the couch? Nope, he’s on your desk, the kitchen table, the bathroom counter. It’s like living with a giant cat.
You’re trying to cook? He’s there. Going to bed? He’s there. Open the curtain to get out of the shower and yep, he’s there, just chilling.
Literally the “Hey, I was- why are you screaming? Anyway, are we out of oreos?” meme.
Walks super close to you, intentionally bumping your shoulders.(can’t tell if this is him being affectionate or annoying)
Very noseyinquisitive. Goes through all your shit, asking questions and throwing judgy looks at you, but for the oddest, most random things, like the color of your toothbrush.
Trying to explain ‘human things’ to him and how people normally act and behave. “But you’re not like that?” He commented curiously, watching you. “That’s because I’m… weird.” You said, without looking up. “I like weird.” He mumbles.
Some nights when it’s quiet, you find him out in the back garden, just sitting, sometimes with his eyes closed, almost as if he’s meditating, other times just staring off into the trees. You’ve wondered about what he’s thinking of when he’s out there, but he doesn’t tell you much.
The first time you got sick with him there, he was an absolute wreck, hardly leaving your side for more than a moment, even watching over you when you slept. Did everything he could think of to make you feel better, even considered magic, but you shut that one quick, so he just suffices with loads of tea and soup.
Likes to believe he can be somewhat intimidating or scary, but to you he's a literal ball of marshmallow fluff.
“You think I can’t be scary?” He asked in a low voice, looming over you with a dark glint in his eyes.
“Nope.” You boop him on the nose, making him pout.
“You didn’t even let me try!” He whined loudly.
“There’s no point, you don’t scare me!” You laughed.
“I should though! I am an ominous, fearsome creature from the otherworld!” He proclaimed dramatically, making you laugh harder. “I will drain your lifeforce for my own power!”
“That’s for vampires!” You giggled.
“Vampires are a type of Sidh.”
“Wait really?!” You perked up in interest, making him roll his eyes and walk away. “Are they really? Jimin?!”
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