#i'd kiss mayor
beauleifu · 2 years
kiss marry kill Lego Monkie Kid edition
i'm curious
choose your 3 contestants lmao
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topguncortez · 7 months
[ CLOSE ] with Jake and shy wifey ❤️ I can’t get enough of them!
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Hold Me Close - Jake Seresin x Shy!Wifey
warnings: mentions of childhood trauma, mentions of parental abuse, tooth rotting fluff.
based on this prompt: [close] sender reaches out and pulls receiver into their lap as they are walking by
opposites attract masterlist | G's slumber party
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Growing up, Jake was never a fan of Sundays.
As a kid, Sundays meant going to church. Sitting in the hot chapel in long sleeve button up, a suit coat that never quite fit him right, and pressed khaki pants with dress shoes that squeezed his feet. It took every ounce of strength for him to not fall asleep when Paster James would go off on one of his weekly tangents about the youth in the town turning into "whores and sluts" whatever those were. After church, meant Sunday school were Jake had to sit and sing songs and eat lukewarm egg salad sandwiches and lemonade.
It got worse when he got older and his dad had become a city official. High school Jake would roll out of bed fighting off a hangover as he sat in that same hot and stuffy church. Though, he no longer had to attend Sunday school, he did have to plaster a smile on his face for Sunday dinners, where his mother would spend most of the morning cooking some grand meal for some new guest each week. Jake had to sit there and listen as men praised his father for the work he was doing and how he would be a shoo-in for mayor. If only they knew that before they had arrived, his father and shoved him hard against a bookshelf.
Then, Sundays became the day of recovery as he entered the academy. Long were the days of going to church, but now he was the thing that Paster James had warned about, a whore. There was a new woman in his bed almost every Sunday morning. Jake was never the cuddling type, and he always did feel slightly bad kicking them out. But he wasn't totally heartless, he would order them a cab. Once he got rid of the women, it was time for studying and pounding out whatever last minute project he had to do, and ignoring his father's calls.
Once Jake got his wings and got to his first duty station, he despised Sundays once again. There was no flying on Sundays. Most of his wingmen spent Sundays with their families or recovering from a hangover. Jake had outgrew the hangover, banging a new girl every Saturday night thing, but he hadn't grown into the whole Sunday family man thing either. Instead, he sat in his small dorm room, folding laundry and watching the NFL, bored out of his mind waiting for Monday to roll around again.
Jake never truly learned to like Sundays, until he met Y/N.
Y/N, who grew up sleeping in late and having pancakes for lunch in her pajamas with her family. Y/N, who wasn't forced to go to church with her mother, unless she wanted to. Y/N, who spent Sunday afternoons lazying around outside, watching the clouds roll by in the backyard. Y/N, who truly felt like Sundays were a day to just relax, and rest.
The first Sunday Jake had ever spent with Y/N, he was completely out of his element. He woke up a whole three hours before she did, and just laid there in bed, with her head on his chest. He watched as her eyes slowly fluttered open, her eyes a little bleary in a cute, confused way.
"Morning," She whispered, her voice thick with sleep and it sent a jolt straight to Jake's cock.
"Good morning," Jake smiled, pressing a kiss to the side of her head, "What's the plan for today?"
Y/N yawned, turning on her back and stretching her limbs, "Nothing."
"Nothing?" Jake asked, his eyebrows furrowed, "It's Sunday. You have no plans?"
"Yeah, it's Sunday," Y/N shrugged, "I have some things I'd like to do today, like wash the vases I got back, set up a potential menu for the farmer's market this week, deadhead some of the morning glories. . . but I have all day to do that."
Jake nodded his head, still slightly confused as Y/N rolled out of bed and checked her phone, "If we hurry, we can probably go get breakfast at Great Harvest, they close at 12:00."
"And what time is it?" Jake was almost too scared to ask.
"11:30!" Jake felt like the day was already over. Like he should be preparing for dinner or hell, the next day.
"Okay, take a breather," Y/N said softly, "We don't have to go to Great Harvest. Actually, I have a better idea."
Jake still looked bewildered as he watched his girlfriend, in nothing but a baby pink floral nightgown waltz out of the room. A few moments later, he heard the familiar sound of pots and pans clashing together. For someone who was so quiet and shy, she certainly knows how to make a ruckus.
Slowly, Jake rose from the bed, pulling up the blankets and fixing the pillows just the way she liked them. By the time Jake had made it downstairs to the small kitchen of Y/N's bungalow, the scent of blueberries and lemon filtered through his nose. The familiar sound of sizzling bacon and eggs filled the air as Jake leaned against the doorway, watching his girl work.
Y/N moved effortlessly like she had done this a dozen times before, which should've made a pang of jealousy flutter through Jake's chest, but he knew that he was the first man to sleep beside her in bed. The first man who had ever seen her in her most vulnerable form.
"What are you doing?" Jake asked, causing her to jump.
Y/N looked over her shoulder, a shy smile on her face as he pushed off the doorjamb, "I had this dough in the fridge and decided," She shrugged, "Today's the day I'll bake it. Had some fresh blueberries and lemon to use. And I know as a growing boy, you need your protein," Y/N gestured to the eggs and bacon, two things Jake knew she didn't eat.
Jake couldn't help the smile on his face as he wrapped his arms around her middle, pulling her close against his chest, nuzzling his face into her neck, "You didn't have to."
"I wanted to," Y/N said, sincerely, looking up at him. She placed a chaste kiss on his lips, "Go sit. I'll bring this over when it's done."
Jake obliged, going to sit at the small wrought iron table in the corner of her pink kitchen. He chuckled to himself seeing the morning paper, a cup of coffee and a pencil sitting in front of him. Jake looked up at her, seeing her focused attention on some other baked good she was working on.
About twenty minutes later, Y/N had pulled the fresh blueberry bread out of the oven, and covered it with the homemade lemon frosting. She served up two plates, one for Jake that had eggs, bacon, and three slices of blueberry bread, and one for her which consisted of oatmeal and one slice of blueberry bread.
"Plate for me," She smiled setting her plate down, "And a plate for you," She set the other down in front of Jake, "Anything else?"
Jake looked at her, a smirk on his face, "Yeah. . . you," He wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her down into his lap, making her laugh, "This is what you do every Sunday?"
"Well, not to this extent," She gestured to the full plates of food, "But yeah. I wake up late, usually make a cup of tea and some oatmeal, maybe some bread if I feel like it. . . and just let the day take me where it wants."
Jake smiled at her, "I could get use to this."
"Good. . . cause you're stuck with me."
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swanimagines · 7 months
Summary: Imagine being Jefferson's wife and working in a little tea shop in Storybrooke during the curse that Jefferson visits every day because he wants to see you.
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There you were again. Smiling at customers, making small talk and looking as beautiful as ever. Jefferson swallowed, before forcing a small smile on his face and walked to the counter. You turned around to see him and your smile just grew wider.
"Hi Mr. Jefferson! Your usual?"
Jefferson nodded. "Yes please."
You turned around again to brew his tea, and just like yesterday, and the day before that, and that, and that, he felt a sting in his heart. You had been in love back in the Enchanted Forest, you were his wife, but now you didn't even remember him. The pain was unbearable. He wanted to say something, anything which could make you remember, but nothing came out of his mouth. Anything he would say would just push you away because you'd think he's gone bonkers. Mad as a hatter. So all he could do was stare into your beautiful eyes and think about how much he loved you, how trapped he was with all the memories of you, him and Grace, living happily in the Enchanted Forest. How you'd always come by his bed to serve him his morning tea and you'd always kiss him before he'd take the cup. Your smile made his day before he even got out of the bed, you had been so happy.
"Here's your tea," you snapped him out of his thoughts as you pushed a cup in front of him. "That makes-"
Jefferson nodded before you even finished, forcing a smile on his face again and handed you fifty dollars. "You don't have to say the price, I will always tip my favorite tea shop keeper who makes the best tea."
"You're always so kind, Mr. Jefferson," you said with another small smile and put the money into the counter. "I don't know what did I do to deserve such kindness."
He smiled at you a little wider. "You have done nothing in particular, really. Just being yourself."
You smiled at that, looking downwards, clearly flustered by his words. Then the bell rang as the door opened, and Jefferson glanced over his shoulder, seeing Regina and his smile immediately faltered. She came inside and stood beside him, smiling at you with feigned sweetness.
"I'd like some tea on the go," she said and you nodded.
"Of course, Madam Mayor. What kind of tea would you like?" you asked, gesturing towards the menu above you.
"A large chai latte," Regina told you without even looking at the menu. "And make sure it's extra hot."
"Of course," you said and made her drink, pushing it towards her. "That makes two fifty."
Regina dug her purse for a moment before giving you a few coins. Then she turned towards Jefferson. "You, with me."
Jefferson clenched his jaw, but complied, following Regina out. They walked for a little bit, before he scoffed.
"I didn't know you like chai latte, Mrs. Mayor. Pitch black tea fits more of your style."
"And I didn't know I gave you a permission to seduce her," Regina sighed. "She has a new life now, Jefferson. You have to stay out of it, or something bad might happen."
Jefferson didn't reply to that, knowing that arguing about it wouldn't change anything. He just kept quiet and followed Regina until he could turn towards his mansion. But despite Regina's warning, he knew that he'd be in your shop again tomorrow. He just had to see you, he had to see you smile, to know you're alright. He wanted to keep making you smile with his words - maybe you'd even fall in love with him again. 
He knew it all was wishful thinking, but he couldn't help but feel hopeful about it every time he saw you. Maybe it was stupid, but it kept him sane around this madness…
Requests are always open! FANDOM LIST | PROMPT LIST(S) | RULES (READ!!!)
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jadewolf22 · 3 months
A little fluffy Larissa x reader request
Y/N: “Who names a cat Agatha?”
Larissa: “I do.”
A Book Full of Memories
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Fem!Reader x Larissa
Warnings: Pretty much pure fluff, itty bitty bit of angst, talk of verbally abusive/neglectful parents, lmk if there's anything I missed
A/N: Omg. Thank you so much @chromium-siren for this request! Aaahhh, the dialogue is so freaking cute! Sorry it got a little angsty... I hope I did it justice! I am soo sorry this took so long to answer, life's been crazy af lately.
Word Count: 1,094
You hadn't meant to go snooping, really you didn't, but you'd gotten bored waiting for Larissa to finish up her phone call with the mayor so the two of you could have the weekend to yourselves so you went looking around her apartment for ways to entertain yourself. You were fishing around one of her bookshelves, looking for something to read, when your eyes landed on a navy and gold leather photo album. Allowing your curiosity to get the better of you, you took the album from its place on the shelf and retreated to Larissa's bed, leafing through the pages to pass the time. Despite having know Larissa for nearly five years as a colleague and having been dating her for eleven months you still didn't know much about her childhood. You knew she was an only child and that she didn't have the greatest relationship with her parents but, beyond that, the young Larissa Weems was a mystery to you, a mystery that this photo album was helping to unravel. There were pages full of a young Larissa (7-12 years old if you had to guess) doing a plethora of sports; Fencing, gymnastics, golf, horseback riding, swim, and ballet. Others were of her and her parents out on vacations, lounging around their home, celebrating birthdays and holidays as well as first day of school pictures from kindergarten all the way to her first year at Nevermore and pictures of Larissa holding up different awards for both academics and sports.
You lost yourself in the photos, oblivious to the time passing you buy until you heard the door creak open and the familiar sound of heels against wood. Your eyes snapped up from the book, clouding over with a mildly guilty look when you caught Larissa watching you, her eyes flickering between your face and the book almost in question.
"Hi, darling," she purred, sighing tiredly as she shrugged out of her jacket and kicked off her heels, "What do you have there?"
"I-um... Well..." you stampered, waiting for the scolding you were sure to receive when she realized it was her photo album you were looking at.
As Lariss walked closer her eyes fell upon the open page, her eyes widening slightly as she recognized the photos on it. You waited patiently for the scolding that never came. Instead, you were given a soft, almost sad smile as Larissa climbed onto the bed beside you, pulling the book off of your lap and placing it on hers. She smile widened as she stared down at the page, rubbing her thumb over one of the photos. Larissa was incredibly young in the photo, no more than six or seven, dressed in a plaid skirt and white blouse and cradling a white long-haired cat in her arms.
"Is the cat yours?" you inquired, watching your girlfriend carefully for any signs that you had crossed a line.
"Yes. Agatha was a gift from my Aunt." Larissa answered, turning her head away from the book to look at you.
"Agatha? you chuckled, smiling at Larissa sweetly, "Who names a cat Agatha?"
"I do," she said, fake pouting as she eyed you with those sweet, innocent puppy eyes that never failed to melt your heart.
"It's cute." you admitted, slidding your arm around her shoulders and pulling her closer, "Like you." you kissed the top of her head and Larissa giggled.
"We had her for about a year before my parents decided she was too much work and got rid of her," Larissa said sadly, looking back down at the photo, "Granted, they didn't tell me that until years later. Until then, I'd been under the impression that she'd run off... I'd like to get another one at some point."
"Awe, sweetheart, I'm so sorry." you cooed, squeezing her shoulders gently as you made a mental nore to yourself to surprise Larissa with a new kitten for her birthday.
"It wasn't the first time they'd lied to me, and it wasn't the worst lie they'd ever told me." Larissa sighed, tucking herself closer to you, "They were never... They were never the greatest parents... When I was about ten they started leaving me home alone for hours, sometimes days without telling me they'd left, and then would return as if nothing had happened. They monitored how much I ate and how much physical activity I did daily. 'You don't want to be fat and weak, do you Larissa?' they'd say every time I questioned it... No matter what I did or how I looked, I was never enough for them..."
"Rissa..." you weren't sure what to say. You knew her parents had been... unkind, but that was straight up abusive and it made your heart ache. Larissa hadn't-doesn't-deserve that, "Angel, I'm so sorry. That wasn't right of them to say and do those kinds of things to you. You are perfect, in every way, shape, and form. Heck, you might as well be the definition of the word. Anyone who has ever told you otherwise is a fool."
Larissa smiled, looking up at you with glassy eyes and you didn't hesitate to pull her into a hug, letting her use your shirt to wipe her eyes, not caring about the makeup stains she was sure to leave behind.
"You're beautiful," you reminded her, "And, for what it's worth, you're mine."
"Thank you, Darling." she whispered, planting a gentle kiss to your jaw before laying her head on your shoulder, "I love you."
"I love you too, Riss." you replied, holding her close as you stared down at the album still lying on her lap, "For now, and forever."
"For now, and forever." she repeated sleepily, finishing the sentence with a yawn.
"Alright, come on. Let's get you ready for bed." you placed another light kiss to the top of her head before urging her to stand, convincing her to allow you to help her dress and freshen up for the night.
After you'd helped her back into bed you took the album and put it back in its place on the shelf before shutting off the lights and joining Larissa. You thought of the book as you drifted off to sleep; Sure, it had answered some of your questions, but it had also opened others. You longed to know what else Larissa's parents had lied to her about, if only so you could try and amend them. You loved her to death and wanted to show that in every way possible, even if she already knew it.
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py-dreamer · 7 months
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So... I know I'm late...
But yea! I said I was coming back with some stickers and I kept my word! I would've hoped that I could've completed the sheet in like a day but as you can see...that didn't work out
I know I've been a bit MIA lately but burnout sucks. I do have a lot of WIPS I really want to work on but again, it seems that the ProcrastiNation hath struck my feeble mortal brain again.
But anyways:
I headcanon Aroace Mei, just a personal headcanon (disagree if you like) I also like lesbian Mei but thought I'd give some aroace appreciation
Silktea was only given 1 episode but OH BOY did it fuel our wild shipping habits. And I jumped on the bandwagon. It's a reference to that scene in She-Ra where Scorpia tells Catra she 'didn't want to do this' then wraps kitty up in the blankey and cradles her like a wee baby. And Sandy would do that for any friend, I will die on this hill
Saw a fanart where Mk had a pig nose themed pacifier and I just yoinked that idea. The pig hoodie and the pacifier seems like something Tang would do for Pigsy (also to get away with free noodles cause who can say no to that face?~)
Mac showing Wukong the lantern. What can I say, mans' fascinated by them pretty lights. Though our little performer's eyes seem to be straying from the show (^u ')
I know many people have issues with shipping with Nezha and such and I know the two had a rough history but y'know what fans do; they love to make the people who kill each other soulmates (platonic, romantic or otherwise) Even if it wasn't romantic, I still love the idea of them being buddies and just chilling, the danger noodle prince and the angy prince snuggle and watch a movie (mainly from Nezha 2019 but I also saw New Gods and can I just say, I want those two twinks to bicker then kiss awkwardly and I want Yun Xiang to BEAT. HIS. ASS) but in case anyone asks, I do perceive Nezha to be a consenting adult in general outside shipping drama and if the two are adults, it does make my heart squeal when I see these two hold hands and whatnot
HOW COULD I EVER FORGET MY SPICYBOIS, inspired by that one Ponyo kiss scene. I was actually gonna make a bigger piece but then I saw someone do it already in a much better fashion than I ever could and I just gave up on the idea but Ig here, its just like the two cakes mentality and I gave it a go. Hope I could do the concept justice
Have spider queen or scorpion queen ever interacted before? No. But they are both queens and I believe Spider Queen's confidence could rub off on Scorpion Queen and she'd appreciate the company of Spider Queen's children henchmen. Also she give yummy food so lesbian venomqueens for the win
Redraw of that moment with Peng and Azure. I normally detest that bird but these two do get some gears grinding and whatever anyone says. Neither of those two are straight. I'll tell ya that.
Toxicinsanity is another rarepair that had like 1 sec screen time. I don't think they'd ever work out in canon and had virtually no chemistry. I still love all the fluffy ship content I can find of them though and if it ever were to happen. I think the mayor would scare the sh!t out of Syntax
Let's get at least one hetero couple here, Chang'e and Hou'Yi are a couple of favorites ngl, I took most of their outfits from Over the moon cause both of them looked stunning, Chang'e especially. I've seen people ship mah girl with other people and while I do agree it's healthy to move on, in my heart she will always long for Hou'Yi
Also irl, on valentines, my mum took us out for lunch, she treated us to bubble tea and donuts. We walked home so I waited to drink mah drink in my room while I drew and I accidentally finished it all... I'm so sorry mum
f*ck I forgot ironbull. Uhh....I'll draw something later, rn I need to go to bed before I get yelled at...
click pic for less sh!ty quality!
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gothic-thoughts · 28 days
A Kiss Before I Go
(a remaster for the girlies)
Satoru Gojo x Black Fem Reader Fluff
Ex-friends2lovers, Deputy!Reader, Cowboy!Gojo
CW: she/her pronouns, reader gets shot, gojo a rich bounty hunter, a lil angsty
TW: blood mention, passing out, shooting/killing mention
Word Count: 1154 (give or take)
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"Ya really came all this way to find lil' ol' me...?"
I look up to see Gojo Satoru standing on the second-floor balcony with his revolver pointed back at mine. Despite the black bandana over his eyes, I could tell by that smirk that he looked down on me in amusement as I stumbled into his house.
"That's sweet~" He finished, "Ya really that desperate for my attention, (Y/n)?"
"You killed the mayor!"
"Aht, aht, don't gimme that. Ya know I don't just go on killin' folk; I was paid, he was a criminal. Simple as that."
"So how come other folks are dead?"
"Cuz they got in the way of my work and I happened to have 5 bullets left." 
"Well, I'm here finishin' up my work so you're under arrest."
"And what if I don't wanna?"
"Then..." I stumble a little, "Then I'd have to kill ya."
"Kill me? Really now, ain't that bordering on vigilante territory? Not gon' lie, I'm kinda hurt, thought we were thick as thieves."
"I don't give a rat's ass h-how close we were. Put ya hands up and walk down those steps real slow like and maybe I'll visit ya in jail."
He scoffs, loosening his grip on his gun.
"I had to kill him with no witnesses or I don't get paid."
"W-well I guess it's too bad ya got one. Now, reach for the sky and walk down the steps. I'm t-takin'...."
Gojo pauses and presses his pelvis to the wooden railing to lean over the balcony. He squints.
"You bleedin' already?" He chuckled, "I ain't even shoot you yet."
I look down just in time to see a couple droplets of blood fall from my hip and crash into the small puddle of previous drops made on his old wooden flooring.
"What the fuck, you okay?" He asked, straightening up, "That amount of blood ain't nothin' to sneeze at... y'sure y'alright?"
"Don't act like ya care." I pant.
"(Y/n), did you ride all this way wit'--"
Everything became fuzzy and the next thing I knew, the back of my head stung with pain and I was now staring at his high ceiling. Rapid steps echoed around me and all I had to do was blink before seeing Satoru kneeling beside me and quickly lifting my shirt to see the hole where the blood was pooling out. He muttered curses to himself.
"Who did this to ya?" 
"L-leave me alone."
"Shut up and tell me who did this."
"The fuck they shoot ya for?!"
"I was the only one holdin' gun in the crowd... They thought I killed 'im."
His face contorted into shock as he took out a different black bandana from his pocket and pressed it into my wound.
"Why the hell do you have a second bandana?" My voice strains as the pain grows slightly more intense.
"Case I get mine ripped inna bar fight. Now hush, I'mma getcha back to town, 'kay?"
"Think I'd rather die, actually."
"What, ya still don't trust me~?"
"You the reason I'm shot, Satoru. And I was here to arrest you."
"Well since y'already blamin' me, I'll tell ya old friends ya made a valiant effort before I shot ya."
He starts to help me up, slinging my arm over his opposite shoulder as he helps me outside to horse and carriage. I stared at it but despite my pained, glazed-over eyes, I was in shock.
"You tellin' me... you a bounty hunter but got a carriage 'stead of just a horse?"
"I got horses too, I just cain't help it if I'm a lil' high-maintence." He laughs, "And lucky for you, my driver ain't here; so you get to have the pleasure of me takin' the reins." He winks.
"If I wanted to die, I woulda just stayed on ya living room floor."
"Oh shut up and c'mon."
Satoru helped me climb onto the carriage floor, and I didn't even bother pulling myself onto the seat since the pain was so bad. As soon he closes the door, I roll onto my back with tears stinging my eyes. My head rolled to the side as the horse's galloping fell deaf on my ears as I felt the bullethole gush more blood.
"Huh, what!?"
I looked at his panicked face before looking to the other side of my bed to see a tray of bloody cotton balls on a medical cart. Satoru walks towards the bed and I shift towards him and immediately stop and wince at the feeling of tight pulling at my side.
"Hey, hey." He soothed, resting his hand on my knee, "There's stitches in there, so relax."
"You in the hospital, 'member?"
I punch him across the face to which he jerks his head from it. He smiles smugly, as he rubs his jaw.
"I shoulda shot you on sight."
"Right, yeah-yeah, 'course, keep that energy for after you recover. We'll can continue this lil' meet up somewhere else."
Satoru cupped my face in his hand and pulled me into a deep kiss, almost like he missed me. I try to keep my eyes open in surprise only to slowly succumb to the passion. But as they start to close, his lips are torn from mine with a smug chuckle.
"Been waitin' on that for a while." He smirks, "And that's the only thing that's gonna keep me goin' 'til we meet again."
"If we meet again, I'mma kill you where you stand!"
"Like I'd let you do that..." He places another peck on my lips, "Besides, I just gave you some incentive not to."
"Wait, what--"
"Don'tchu die on me now, officer."
He tips his hat and jogs out of the room. He didn't kiss me like he missed me, he kissed like he was going to. 
I painfully stand up, swinging my legs over the side of the bed, and use the iron headboard to help me stand. I hold my side and limp after him into the brightly lit hospital corridor only to see nurses and patients calmly walking the corridor as if nothing happened.
"Ma'am, please. Ma'am!" A nurse worried, "Those stitches need to heal."
"Where did he go? He ran out of my room!"
"Where did who go?"
"Gojo? Satoru Gojo?!"
"The... bounty hunter...?"
I roll my eyes, "Yeah-yeah, he was in my room and just ran out! You tellin' me you ain't seen 'im?"
"Ma'am, you ain't had any visitors since you were admitted."
"Riddle me this; who emitted me then?"
The nurse grabs and reads a chart, "Says here, your brother did."
"Wha-- and you believed 'im!?"
"Had no choice... Fella insisted he write it himself."
She showed me the sign-in sheet, pointing at the bottom, to see he wrote my name for the patient's column and then literally wrote "her brother" in the admittees column. I scoff and curse under my breath, half pissed off yet half impressed. That bastard brought me here, then snuck back hours later for a fuckin' kiss. But thinking about them again, almost makes me feel better about potentially losing my job.
"You seen what he looked like though, right...?"
"Tall fella, all black get-up...hat hid his face and hair though."
I groan. "'Course it did..."
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inkyquince · 1 year
Degrees of Lewdity Masterlist
Avery The Businessperson
Revenge (Getting Revenge against Avery for dumping you)
Clingy (Avery becoming clingy)
New Stepdad- (Avery as a stepdad)
Avery's Bitch (Picking out his new dog!reader; Hijacked Post)
Welcome to Avery's Hunt For His Next Sugar Baby (Picking out his sugar baby; Hijacked Post)
Bailey The Caretaker
Simmering- (Lazy Sex with Bailey)
Bailey Black and Blues (Blood play with Bailey)
Things That Go Bump In The Night (Somnophilia with Bailey)
Daddy Dearest (Bailey somnophilia and incest)
Briar The Brothel Owner
Briar, You Dick (PC gets assaulted and Briar fixes their makeup)
His Rings (Briar Hand Kink)
Eden The Hunter
Trapped- (PC caught in Eden’s Snare)
Withered White Roses In The Attic (Classmate! Eden being worse than usual)
Innocent Crush (Eden struggling with a crush on male!reader)
Bitching an Alpha (Eden the alpha bitches a fellow alpha)
Harper The Doctor
Doctor, Doctor, I... I forgot what I'm here for. (Harper hypnotizing and conditioning PC)
The Nasty Next Door (Harper as the Town Yandere)
The Doctor's Needs (Harper being a worse doctor more than ever)
Horny Harper the Hypnotist (Hijacked Post)
New Year's Kiss With Harper
Harper creeping on Hermaphrodite Reader Letter
Kylar The Loner
Peeking Pervert- (Kylar tries to rescue his notebook, just to get an eyeful of his worst nightmare, featuring Whitney.)
Chemist Kylar
Kylar's New Job (Kylar the masseuse)
Kylar Sexting
Kylar Stalker Letter- (Kylar being a nasty)
Kylar Creepy Omegaverse Letter- (Thirsting after Beta Reader)
Landry The Criminal
The Backrooms- (Landry x F!PC)
Leighton The Headteacher
Leighton’s Favourite Videos- (What he loves to watch)
Leighton Thoughts- (Headcannons for Boy toy Leighton)
Dilf Leighton Saga: (The Nanny, Breeding The Nanny)
Maid Service (Leighton finds his new favourite service)
Leighton Sexting
Head boy Leighton (the beginning)
Head boy Leighton and his pet
Introducing Head boy Leighton to your Parents(and the consequences)
Mason The Swim Teacher
The Itch- (Mason Chikan)
Scumbag Mason Thoughts
Prison Guards
Prison Guard Punishment- (Short thing about guards using you)
Method's Weakness (Get Caught riding methodical guard)
Quinn The Mayor
Quinn thought- (Based off of bestoan's picture!)
General Quinn Thirst
Remy The Farmer
Liberties- (Remy taking liberties with Wren’s Partner)
Dearest Step-Daddy (Remy adopting PC as revenge)
Remy's Journal (Remy x Cowboy!PC)
River the Maths Teacher
The Pup's Revenge (Dog boy! Reader revenge on River)
Whitney The Bully
Whitney’s Oral Fixation (General Thoughts)
Whitney’s Punishment (Whitney punishing the reader for working at the brothel) 
Tattoo Artist Whitney
Sloppy Sunday (Whitney wakes up with you in his bed)
Jock Whitney- (Jock Whitney thoughts with outcast/cheerleader reader)
You are what you smoke… Fag (Whitney struggling with gay feelings)
Wren The Smuggler
Wren the Terrible Roommate
Wren’s Unionizing Perks (Wren getting to fuck the boss' spouse)
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stevesbipanic · 10 months
@steddiemas Day 7: Mall
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You would think after the last mall burned down the town of Hawkins wouldn't erect another so quickly. But money is money and by December the mayor was happily cutting a big red ribbon in front of Galaxy Mall.
"I'm honestly surprised they didn't call it Starcourt 2," Robin giggled.
"Might as well call it the Titanic, I give it 4 months before I don't know an earthquake rips it to shreds," Steve replied, a smirk on his face.
Despite the trauma Steve and Robin had been forced to find work at the new mall, Family Video had shut down its standalone store in favour of one in the mall. Keith had unfortunately terminated their employment, citing that the new store was smaller and they could either choose one of them to stay or both go.
"You know, we have an awful habit of finding jobs with dumb outfits."
"Hey could be worse, we could have to wear the big red suit and have kids sit on us."
"Yeah, sucks to be that guy, hope they didn't hire a creep though."
Being an elf for Santa's Workshop had its perks , free candy canes, hanging out with Robin, and hot cocoa's every morning.
Santa was sweet with the kids, whoever it was seemed like a nice guy, he never rushed any of the kids, no babies cried for their photos and everyone left smiling.
Honestly, Steve wanted to meet the guy, but he always seemed to have left by the time Steve's changed, and he's already in the chair once Steve arrives.
He's decided to take matters into his own hands, he's a guy that gets what he wants and right now he wants that man, whoever he is.
So, he waited until they closed and jumped onto Santa's lap before he could get up. Santa's face turned a very festive shade of red.
"Now Santa's I've been a veryyyy good boy this year and you haven't even asked me what I want for Christmas."
Santa seemed to compose himself, a spark of mischief in his eyes, "And what is it that you want for Christmas little Stevie?"
"I'd love a kiss from Santa Clause."
Well Steve couldn't say he wasn't direct.
"Meet me out back in ten and I think you can get your present early."
Steve had never changed so fast, he'd told a confused Robin that she had to call her mom to pick her up today and dashed out the back door.
He didn't have to wait long before two strong hands took his face gently and pressed soft lips to his own. Steve melted into the kiss, not even feeling the bite of the early December air.
Eventually they pulled apart for air and Steve blinked open his eyes to find a very nervous looking Eddie Munson staring back at him.
"Bad Christmas present? Sorry I don't think they make receipts for kisses."
Steve just smiled, hoping it eased Eddie's nerves, "Can I still make a return?" Steve asked as he took Eddie's face in his hands and pulled him softly forward.
Best Christmas present ever.
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a-complex-joke · 5 months
The Farmer, The writer, and the Parrot
Farmer x Elliott (x Leo!platonic)
Farmer is nervous to ask Elliott if he would be up to adopting Leo, or any kids in the future. Farmer is also worried about how Leo might react to the offer.
The farmer had been frantic all morning, they had done all their chores for the day.
Yet they had been avoiding even looking at their partner, Elliott the whole time.
For the past week since Leo had moved to town, The Farmer seemed deep in thought and even a bit skittish. 
Elliott had indeed taken notice of their behavior, noting the fact that they hadn’t even come home that night, opting to stick by the mines.
Was he worried? Sure. but the farmer often lost track of time and would return later than reasonable, while still waking before himself.
Elliot found it admirable, but Ignoring him was a step too far.
“So where are you going?” Elliott said standing between them and the door.
“I was going to the mines, Clint requested way more Iron than I already had” they smiled not meeting the redhead’s eyes.
“Farmer tell me the truth, have I done something to cause you to grow so distant… is there someone else?”
It broke his heart to admit the insecurities he had been feeling, and on the flip side, it saddened The farmer that they had made him feel so.
“No! There is no one else who could ever compare to you” They put a hand to his cheek.
“Then why have you been ignoring me”
The farmer looked to their feet, mumbling something.
“Darling, you know I can’t hear you when you do that” He lifted their chin.
The farmer took a deep breath before letting it out.
“I know he never really discussed the whole if we wanted kids or not and I know it all of a sudden, but seeing Leo living all alone with no one to take care of him, it just feels like a pin is stabbing my heart. So I've been bringing him meals every day, and last night he was already asleep when I got there but I could tell he was having a nightmare so I just stayed there to comfort him. And what I'm trying to say is I want to adopt Leo, but I was scared of how you’d react” 
There was a loud silence in the room as The farmer caught their breath.
“Oh thank Yoba, I thought you were going crazy and acutely doing an order for Clint there for a second, Harvey was on speed dial,” Elliott said releasing a breath himself.
“That’s what you're focusing on, I just spilled that I want us to raise a child together.”
“Hun, I'd love to raise a little army of children if you wanted, honestly the fact that you want to bring Leo into our lives just makes me love you more,” He said embracing his partner.
“But what if that is not what he wants, Linus is perfectly content with being somewhat homeless, and they are close as can be. What if he takes it as an insult” The farmer vented, tears threatening to fall.
“The worst that could happen is that he chooses not to come live with us. Even if we don’t adopt him, he’ll still be in our lives as will we in his. And we’ll care for him no matter what” Elliott said kissing their forehead.
“How did I get so lucky to marry such a caring man”
“It came with the job I guess” He joked.
The two decided to wait till they could commission Robin to build another room, even If Leo rejected the offer they weren’t gonna give up on the prospect of being parents.
To say Robin was ecstatic at the news would have been the biggest understatement since the town ‘learned’ of Mayor Lewis and Manires Affair.
A month had passed before the pair decided they were finally ready to ask Leo. A room decorated with a large window looking out towards the farm, what more could he want?
“Hi Leo, how are you today” Farmer asked sitting down next to him.
“Oh hi, Farmer, I'm good, are you and Mr. Elliott all right, miss Robin said you guys were doing something life-changing, that's why your house was under construction right?”
Oh, Robin and her loud mouth.
“Well, yes we are planning on doing something very different, and it actually why where here. We needed to ask you something really important” Elliot said now getting down to his level.
“Now before we do we want you to know that you can say no, and we won’t hold it against you” 
The child nodded.
“We wanted to know if you’d like to come live with us, we want to adopt you. You’d be our child and we’d be your new parents” The farmer was starting to struggle a bit.
“You’d still have the tree house of course but, maybe this could be more of a clubhouse for Jas, Vincnt, and you.”
Leo stayed silent before speaking in a hushed voice
“What if I lose you like I lost my real parents” tears poked out of his eyes.
“Oh hun come here” The farmer pulled Leo onto their lap, ushering Elliott to come closer.
“We don’t plan on going anywhere, and even if we did that won’t be for a long while”
“Will I still be able to visit with the parrots?” Leo questioned.
“As long as they don’t eat all the crop” Elliott tried lightening the mood.
The three sat cuddled in the tree house till Leo had become tired, falling asleep in the arms of the farmer.
“You know I can carry him” Elliott offered as they walked back home.
“no I've got him, he’s really light, we’ve got to fatten him up,” the farmer said a little concerned.
“I'm sure Gus would love to have a taste tester with an exotic pallet”
“Don’t you think we spend enough money there?” “Crab cakes are good, not my fault
They had finally made it home and placed Leo down in his new bed.
“Good night, my little Parrot,” The farmer said kissing him on the forehead
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kurosstuff · 4 months
HIII! I was wondering if i could request a Rosie x reader (Hazbin hotel!!) Though don’t worry if not :))<33
AS WE ALL KNOW rosie is a “Very busy woman!” So how do you think she’d incorporate a s/o into her busy lifestyle! Would she bring them to her emporium on working days? How would she make time for them? How would she show her affection??
Can't really write rn having some writers block and busy BUT I can talk about this~
So here's my short rambles about how I'd think she'd be as a lover~♡♡
Warning(s): canniblsm talks, idk what else
I 100% THINK- shed do her best. Honestly for the affection part we see her be affectionate- kinda like- wrapping arms together, hugging ect. So PDA? not an issue for her- sure not over the top like no making out in public- she has a role in the town after all! A important one!
But a kiss or two yes she'd do so- unless you were like a cannibal in town she'd be fine with you wandering about. Your welcome wherever but as I stated in the last thing about her- if your not a cannibal? Shed prefer you by her side after all! Your just delicious to her~ so? Of course the others would want a taste~ so it's for your saftey
Now as a owner of the town(is she a mayor? I forgot) AND overlord? Hwr times filled with business of all sorts. Talking.. contracts.. everything. But she'd do her best to spend as much time with you as she can!... even if thay means only sharing a lunch with you- but she's doing her best to show your on her mind. Like she'd get trinkets she'd think you'd like or what you talked abour as a gift(or apology) to you! Telling you some of the drama that took place(if it's safe to do so) she'd rather you not be killed/harmed from what you learn.. she does love you!
But. If by chance your with her and she's busy/dragged into a meeting more often then not she'll bring you along- if it's not a super important meeting as such- if she can't? Well she'll walk you to the gates for you to go home(or close enough? You'll sit waiting in her room for her)
The town's people? Oh they just downright adore you! That's a good and bad thing. Good? Because they'll more then likely protect you. Your Rosie's lover after all you MUST be a good demon fit for the status of her lover then! And bad? Because that makes them so much mire curious on how you taste. Will your flesh be good? Delicious?
Your like bait in a pool filled with starved sharks without rosie by your side. Which is why shed prefer you warning her before hand your going to her town... your her lover.(her possible future prey if she can't contain her.. excitement any longer)
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kooki914 · 19 days
What do you think will Toriel's relationship with Mrs. Holiday be like? A foil situation maybe? It's kind of strange that for a family so closely tied to the Dreemurr Toriel never has talked about any of them. Wonder what she actually thinks about Noelle?
All good questions, honestly! I believe Toriel isn't really the type to seek out super close friendships with people to begin with (her friendship with Sans seems to almost be an accident in both worlds), and Rudy mentions how their families have drifted apart over the years. I feel like part of this can be attributed to her and Asgore's divorce (as him and Rudy are close, breaking up with Asgore probably made stuff awkward between Toriel and Rudy), but another part is also Dess' disappearance I think (her and Asriel were close, and it's been hinted that after she disappeared, Kris stopped hanging out with Noelle too, and it might've given the parents less incentive to stay in touch with each other overall).
On the question on mayor Holiday and Toriel specifically, I DO kind of see them as foils already? Toriel is a smothering and loving parent while mayor Holiday is strict and cold. The one thing they have in common is they're both reactionary (Noelle being afraid her mother would take away her console if she saw her crying over a game, contrasted to Toriel taking Asriel to church every day for a week because of a first kiss), and they both seem to have a need for control over nearly everything. With mayor Holiday it's not even subtle, while with Toriel it's less overtly "control freak" vibes and more specifically someone who's so used to having all responsibility on her shoulders alone, that she doesn't even notice she's doing it to herself most of the time.
If they were to be proper foils, I'd like if it were an extension of the themes around freedom and control, honestly, and not even in the parental sense. Deltarune seems like it has a lot to say on free will vs predeterminism, and I think marriage - holy matrimony - is an interesting vessel to explore that through. Toriel as someone who ended her marriage for personal reasons, which can be misconstrued as selfish if you don't take into account her feelings and needs as a person, contrasted to mayor Holiday who seems to have an iron grip on her family's dynamic, which can be misconstrued as people-oriented if we fail to take into account the effects that has on Noelle and Rudy (and possibly even Dess when she was around). The Holiday household seems pretty toxic, with Rudy constantly in the role of mediator, Noelle in the (psychological) role of "adaptive child" (see The Entire Snowgrave Route for why that's horrendous), and mayor Holiday seemingly in the role of judge, jury and executioner.
Basically, Toriel as someone who liberated herself and mayor Holiday as someone who refuses to let others be liberated, sort of. A hint of it can even be seen in how they treat someone like Asgore. Toriel privately shittalks him but isn't really cruel to him to his face (which gives him the wrong idea, sadly), while mayor Holiday is "lenient" with his rent payment while being clearly cold and cruel about his personal plights. Toriel is someone who wants to move on and make as little of a mess as she does so, while mayor Holiday could be someone who prioritises a "safe" stasis over any kind of change to the detriment of everyone around her. Toriel is "mean" but empathetic, mayor Holiday is "giving" but cruel - possibly another commentary about how being "nice" isn't always a good thing, how some people do it out of necessity (Toriel) while others do it as a manipulative tactic (mayor Holiday), and how overall issues are always more complicated than they seem. More complicated than someone who, say, just tells you to "sell more flowers" would think they are, based on her limited willingness to see from anyone else's point of view.
(This is offtopic but this is really interesting symbolism to me: if we look at Asgore giving people flowers as a metaphor for giving people love and attention, *selling* more flowers wouldn't even directly help him, in a narrative sense. He's giving Toriel flowers and she keeps throwing them away, EVERYONE does, because they fundamentally don't need or want them. Asgore is someone the community doesn't need anymore, and the mayor's solution to that is "put a price on it", because to her (I speculate) ALL relationships are transactional. She thinks his problem is that he's TOO loving, that he's TOO giving, rather than that hes throwing his love into an endless black hole that will never return the gesture. Anyway, that's enough rambling about Asgore on a Toriel post, sorry!)
Oh, and I nearly forgot to answer: I don't think Toriel would have particularly strong feelings towards Noelle? Toriel's nice to every kid she knows, but I think the inverse, what Noelle thinks of Toriel, is a more interesting question. Knowing Noelle's issues with mother figures, does she see Toriel as aspirational, or does she think Toriel is faking it and using kindness as manipulation (like mayor Holiday may be prone to doing)? Is Noelle weary of Kris' mom, hence not coming over to their house often, or is she nostalgic about the bond their families had and remembers Toriel more like an aunt than a mother? Since we know she's scared of her mom, is she vaguely hoping her own parents will separate, or did Toriel set a "bad precedent" in her eyes and she dreads her family being pulled apart further? All very very interesting questions, in my opinion, and I hope we see more of the Holiday/Dreemurr dynamics as the story goes on.
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hanckocks-dagger · 3 months
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Header and dividers by @saradika-graphics and @cafekitsune
Prefer to read on Ao3? I crosspost on there! Hancock's Dagger
Requests: Open!
(In other words) ︱read︱
John Hancock x reader
While high on Hancock’s couch, you get ready to tell him you’re leaving Goodneighbor tomorrow. Trouble is, the thought of kissing him just keeps distracting you. ︱ First kiss ︱ Getting together︱ Hancock is a simp ︱
Shake, rattle and roll ︱read︱
John Hancock x reader
You reunite with your lover after weeks away in the wasteland. The two of you are eager to reconnect ︱sappy smut ︱fluff︱ Hancock is a simp ︱
Well fed ︱read︱
John Hancock x reader
After a scuffle on the road, Hancock takes care of you ︱ request! ︱pure porn ︱ trans masc! reader ︱ afab genitalia ︱ oral sex (m recieving) ︱praise kink ︱ knife play ︱service top! hancock ︱
Oh, the night's so blue ︱read pt 1.︱pt. 2 tbd︱ pt. 3 tbd︱
Something turned in my heart pt. 1
John Hancock x reader
implied/potential Nate (SoSu) x reader
After a drunken one night stand with your boss and mayor, you'd planned on hiding out in your room for several months. Those plans get delayed when Nate, general of the Minutemen and childhood friend, asks you and Hancock to join him on a quest in the west of the Commonwealth. ︱pining︱drunk sex so... dubcon?︱fell first/fell harder︱Hancock is a pining simp in this one︱ and a bit of a slut tbh︱ reader is not SoSu︱
Red nightgown blues ︱read︱
John Hancock x reader
Prompt from an ancient Livejournal Fallout kink meme. Not at all sure the original poster is active or has any idea I wrote this, but I figured I'd share it with you guys as well! Please heed the tags! ︱Miscarriage︱ reader has afab! anatomy︱ reader is the SoSu︱ angst (not much actually)︱ hurt/comfort︱ established relationship︱ reader worries about medical conditions︱
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To be published:
A girl and her dog ︱August 20th︱
Cooper Howard x reader
A strange sight awaits you at the Super Duper Mart you'd been planning to make a trade at. He doesn't seem all that interested in you, but he does like your dog. ︱first meetings︱canon divergent from e4︱smut!︱
And wondering why it's me you're wronging ︱August 25th︱
John Hancock x reader
He said the mess with Bobby was nothing personal, but the glint in his eyes and his grip on your hips says otherwise ︱request!︱smut︱d/s vibes︱trans!masc reader︱ degradation︱mean Hancock in this one!!︱
Walk my way ︱August 30th︱
John Hanock x reader
You're acting like a schoolchild with a crush, despite being fully grown, second in command of the Minutemen and very much capable of holding John Hancock's hand without feeling like your face was on fire. ︱ new relationship ︱ flustered awkwardness from both of u︱ Nick and Nate are so sick of ur guys' shit︱ flirting︱ chem sharing︱ fell first/fell harder trope︱ terrible, terrible puns ︱
Currently unnamed three parter! ︱first part in september︱
John Hancock x reader
Tracking your relationship with John from neighbors in Diamond City to adults navigating life in downtown Boston ︱Childhood friends to lovers ︱ angst a plenty︱ smut! ︱miscommunication ︱Mistaken/concealed identity︱more tags to be added ︱
Promised never to ride (on another bronco) ︱tbd︱
Cooper Howard/The Ghoul x reader
Captured and tied, your captors toy with you to torture their enemy, the Ghoul. Left alone, with some unknown chem running through your veins, you get him to comfort you. ︱ SEX POLLEN!! ︱so dub-con︱still enthusiastic consent from u︱ oddly soft cooper︱ his first time in 200 years︱ ooc cooper?? I hope not but I'm a soft bitch and I need soft love︱
We’re not above birds (let’s misbehave) ︱tbd︱
John Hancock x reader
A quick little chem break on the road ︱smut︱shotgunning︱intoxicated sex︱
My love is a rider ︱tbd︱
Cooper Howard/The Ghoul x reader
The mojave: 2280. The backdrop for the perfect modern cowboy romance, right? ︱ohoh this one'll get freaky. I'm keeping my secrets︱
Singing my song (of loneliness) something turned in my heart pt. 2 ︱ tbd ︱
John Hancock x reader
Possible Nate Fallout (lmao what's his last name again) x reader
You weren't exactly sure how you'd been dragged from your comfortable bed in the Old State House to act as a therapist for the Sole Survivor, but here you were, in the great Green Jewel, with cooling noodles in front of you and a crying Nate on your shoulder ︱Very possibly maybe a threesome sitch? ︱ more of an introspective piece︱ reader is not SoSu ︱
Reduced to skin and bone ︱ tbd ︱
Cooper Howard/The Ghoul x reader
Falling in love with an older, failing actor in the throes of divorce was definitely not the best career move for you, an up and coming Hollywood script writer, but something about those eyes drew you in... ︱ pre-war ︱ post-war ︱ very romantic ︱ personal drama ︱ tons of smut ︱ older man/younger woman ︱ fucked up vault-tec experiments ︱ more tags to be added ︱
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klaprisun · 2 months
One Sunny Day
(Stardew Valley)(Haley x Female Farmer)
Chapter 40: Back to Danny's POV
Today is the day of the Stardew Valley Fair that I had to be so decisive for. Even with the whole town helping me out last week, it did not help. I still had to narrow down the items from 20 to 9. I swear the folks had picked out more than I had even considered to be running in the item picking session.
Vincent and Jas had gathered many eggs from the chicken coop, so I was going to pick one of those. Penny and Maru picked some flowers that were in season that I had growing on my farm, and everyone else had brought quite a wide variety of things.
"This shouldn't be that hard, Danny...Pick something!" I say to myself as my eyes scan over all of the fun, unique items. I have my hand resting on the table, holding my head up by my forehead. I have only an hour left to decide before I have to pack it up and carry it over, but it is just so difficult.
I look over to observe the items I have already picked out. So far, I have a chicken egg, a fairy rose, pale ale, a ruby, wine, and Haley's favorite she had picked out, a sunflower. Not just any sunflower though, it was the tallest one of the field. She told me it had to be the best one since it was the tallest, so of course I had to bring it to the fair for her.
"I only need three more ugghhhh." I bring my head down and smack my forehead against the edge of the table a few times to try to get my brain working.
I looked at the table one more time and decided to go with whatever my eyes landed on first. That turned out to be a crab that I caught.
"Fine. That works." I put the crab aside with the rest of my already picked items.
I also notice that my eyes keep getting drawn to the plate of pepper poppers that Shane had picked out. I decided to set the plate aside as I'm running out of time.
"One last thing..." I close my eyes and wave my hand over the table. I lower my hand to pick something but it goes straight to the bare table, so I try again. This time, it lands on an eggplant.
"How mature, Sam," I mumble to myself. I had not realized that it was even there until now. I have no awareness whatsoever apparently.
I hurriedly packed all the stuff up and beeline it over to the town square where the fair was going on. I heard this year was going to be way more exquisite and exciting than their previous years. Usually they just have a few tents set up for mini games and a fortune teller, but I heard they have enough in the budget for a Ferris wheel this time around.
Sure enough when I make my rushing entrance, my eyes are immediately drawn to said ferris wheel that's kind of just tossed wherever they had space (there is barely enough room for it).
"Danny! Glad you made it considering your whole event you put together to have people pick your items for you," Mayor Lewis says almost derogatory as he looms under the lamp post by the pathway. "There is an open booth for you to set your display up, let me know when you are ready and I will be over to start judging,"
"Alright, thanks," I say a little skeptically.
Making my way over to my display booth, I started setting up the items in the pattern I thought looked best. I was interrupted not long after by familiar arms, locking me in an embrace.
"Took you long enough to get here! I was looking all over for you," Haley exclaims, squeezing me tightly from behind. Turning around, I scoop her up and sit her down on the ledge of my booth. I'm standing between her legs with either hand placed on the ledge beside her thighs.
"I'd put you up for my display if I could. You are my prized possession after all," I whisper seductively to Haley, leaning closer to her face, hoping for a kiss. This causes her to blush from ear to ear, which drives me crazy.
"Ahem..." we hear coming from our left, causing our heads to turn. I quickly stand up straight and smooth out my shirt. "Are you almost set up, Danny? I'm just really looking forward to the judging and everything. Sorry to bother you," Pierre chimes over to me. I can't help but let a look of disgust fall over my face but I quickly shake it off.
"Yeah, I'm almost done. Sorry..." I call back to Pierre.
Leaning back over Haley, I whisper again to her, "does everyone have a stick up their ass today or something?"
My comment makes her chuckle, which makes Pierre look over too. We ignore him, going back to getting my booth ready. I let Haley keep sitting on the ledge while I worked around her. She makes a little remark about each item I had brought with me, but really starts talking about her sunflower I brought. She was very excited I had brought it and even took a picture with her camera she brought when I had my display all set up.
"I'm so glad I decided to bring this, I'm going to get so many good pictures of you!" she squeals.
We walk over to where Mayor Lewis continues to creep around the lamp post, letting him know I'm set for him to start judging. He just gives me a nod and follows me to the displays. There were two other booths set up besides Pierre's and I's. Marnie was set up right beside me, while Willy was at the end. They wished me good luck and I did the same to them. Pierre and I said nothing to each other.
Lewis starts strolls by the four of us, looking closely at our items. When the rest of the visitors of the fair realize what's happening, they make their way over to watch the judging happen. I realize there are a lot more people here than just us who live here. There are so many I don't recognize.
"There are more people here than last year by far." Haley whispers from beside me. "They must've heard about the ferris wheel."
"Do you want to go for a spin on the Ferris wheel after this?" I ask Haley.
"Why don't we wait until dark," she shot me a wink but then quickly realized how provocative that sounded and started frantically waving her hands. "I didn't mean it like that! I just mean that there might be something happening later that I heard about from Emily. We will get a good view from the top of the Ferris wheel."
"Are you sure you didn't mean it like that?" I tease.
"Weeelllll..." Haley taps her finger on her lip like she is thinking hard.
"If I may have your attention folks!" Mayor Lewis shouts, causing all eyes to be on him. "I have decided a winner!"
The crowd goes wild at this announcement. I see several fingers pointing at my display, mostly by the residents of Pelican Town who had helped me with my booth.
"Alright, alright everyone. I'm pleased to announce that Danny has won the display showcase this year! Good job Danny. Thank you all for participating again this year, and we hope to see you next year! Come see me to receive your prizes, participants."
"Get ready to go crazy on the fair games! I know first place wins a lot of star tokens which you use to play the games." Haley gestures with her hand to all of the tents set up.
"Well we better get started so I can crush you in every single one of these games." I swing my finger around to every tent. Haley just rolls her eyes at me.
                                      🌻 🌻 🌻
"Can we quickly stop at the fortune teller before we go on the Ferris wheel? I've been meaning to go all afternoon, but then I got distracted by my hunger and then eating dinner," Haley begs just as we begin to walk by it.
"Of course we can."
"Danny? Haley? You are coming in aren't you?" The fortune teller says before we even step a foot closer. Haley and I freeze and look at each other with wide eyes. Hesitantly, I open the tent door and hold it open for Haley to enter before me.
"Wonderful! I'm glad you're here. Before we begin, 100 coins from each of you please." The fortune teller sticks her hand out to us, waiting for our coins. We dig into our pockets, pulling out the coins and counting them between the two of us. When we have the right amount, we pass them over and wait anxiously for our fortune.
"Firstly, Danny... you are going to have a very successful career in farming. Never give up even when you think you have hit a stressful time. The crops will always grow as you grow along with them." The fortune teller whimsically waves her fingers around a glass ball in front of her. I just look over at Haley with skeptical eyes and she shrugs.
"Haley... you have come a long way to where you are now. There is always a deeper meaning to life than what you see at the surface. It seems you are finding that out piece by piece. Keep on that path, and you will have a joyous life."
My eyes don't leave Haley even though she is focused on the fortune teller. Her face is contorted into a look of amusement and confusion over the words of the fortune lady. It is very rewarding to see this side of her that I'm sure very few have ever seen.
"One last thing, ladies..." the fortune teller begins, capturing our full attention now. "I believe there will be one sunny day coming up next summer... but it will be when you least expect it that's for sure. Don't count on the sun in the sky for a sunny day, but rather look to what's before you," the fortune teller says ominously, still wagging her fingers at the glass ball.
"Interesting..." is all I can utter. Haley just looks at me bewildered.
We make our way out of the tent, pondering what that could mean. A bunch of scenarios start running through my mind, but nothing seems to make sense. I can tell the gears in Haley's brain are working just as hard to think of what she could mean.
"I guess it'll be a surprise?" I mentioned to Haley on our walk to the Ferris wheel.
"I guess so," she says in a disappointed tone, seemingly upset over not knowing what our future holds.
I help Haley up onto the small, rickety seat of the cheap Ferris wheel. Everyone else at the fair has either left at this time, or has had their fill of the Ferris wheel for the day. This leaves only us on the ride. To make things even more cliche, Haley begged the bored ride attendant to stop us right at the top. He sighed and caved right away, not giving a care in the world.
"Woohoo!" she shouts as our seat begins to move. Involuntarily, I grip the singular metal bar that's strapping us in. My knuckles go pale from how hard I grab on for dear life. Haley on the other hand has her arms up in the air and head tipped back, soaking up the beautiful, autumn air. Her hair looks like a golden waterfall as it dangles from her head over the back of the seat. The wind causes it to wave and ripple around, making it look even more ethereal.
Just by looking at her, all my rickety Ferris wheel worries leave my mind. Haley must've sensed me calming down, because she brought one of her hands down to take my hand in hers. But just as I let go, our whole seat jolts to a stop. I hadn't even realized we were at the top already.
"If Emily didn't lie to me, we will only have to wait a few more minutes before-" Haley was cut off by a loud pop noise. Another one followed right after. Then another.
"Fireworks!" Haley grins at me, waiting for my reaction. Her face lit up from the brightness of the huge firework popping close by.
"You timed this so perfectly," I say while admiring the firework show in front of us. The sky is lit up by several different colors and patterns of fireworks. They ranged from all different sizes and patterns, even different noises.
Feeling confident to let go of the metal bar again, I slip my arm around Haley's shoulders and tuck her close to my side. She leans into me, getting comfortable.
"I'm so glad you moved here," Haley mumbles up to me.
"And I'm glad I decided to move here." I plant a gentle kiss on the top of her head, squeezing her closer to me. I can never get enough of her.
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sunflowerrosewood · 3 months
Innocent Yet Intelligent ~ Oswald Cobblepot
Author's Note: Since my other account @cheekyredwillow got deleted. I am adding some of my favorite fanfictions to this account and revamping this one with new ones. I hope to make an actual list of fandoms I am still a fan of! NO requests for the time being.
Warnings: none
You were the new elementary teacher for 2nd graders in Gotham city. You are Jim Gordon’s sister named Y/n and you recently moved back. You were finishing up some school work and grades before Jim messaged you that he was going to pick you up from work to take you back to your shared apartment. Luckily the police department was only a few minutes away. So you completed some grading as Jim messaged you he was here.
“What took you so long?” Jim asked as you pulled your messenger bag into the car.
“I was completing some grading while you were on your way. I finished the last assignment when you told me you were here.” You said as he smiled at you.
“You always are so kind to those kids.” Jim said as you laughed.
“Just because I’m a teacher in Gotham doesn’t mean I have to be bad.” You laughed as Jim’s phone went off. You barely heard the conversation except Jim saying to meet at the police department and he would talk there. 
“Sorry we have to make a pit stop by the police department.” Jim apologized as you buckled your seat belt.
“I’m not surprised. But I’m not in a rush to get home.” You said as Jim nodded his head and drove back to the police department.
Once you got there, Jim wanted to have you come inside because he was afraid this meeting would last long. You told him that you would bring in some lesson plans and grading to keep you busy.
So the two of you walked into Gotham PD and you saw a man in a tuxedo, black straight hair, and a limp in one of his legs. You couldn’t help but feel your heart skip a beat as he met your eyes. 
“Thank you for meeting me Jim and who might this beautiful lady be?” The man asked as Jim rolled his eyes. 
“The lady you are commenting on is my sister Y/n. She’s going to be working on some lessons while we meet. I wasn’t going to leave her in the car.” Jim introduced as you playfully roll your eyes.
“I could introduce myself you know?” You said as Jim shrugged his shoulders. “Who might this be?”
“My name is Oswald Cobblepot.” Oswald introduced as he kissed your hand. 
"Oh I didn't know you meant the Mayor?" You said towards Jim while blushing. 
"Can we get this meeting started or do you two still need to flirt some more?" Jim snapped as you shrugged your shoulders.
"I'm fine here. I don't mind it Jim." You said as Jim walked towards the meeting room. "My apologies Oswald, he is overprotective."
"If you don't mind, I'd like to see you after?" Oswald offered.
Before you could answer, Jim pulled Oswald into the office. Your smile fell as you were itching to tell Oswald you'd love to. As you sat down to work on work, you missed the conversation that went on before the "real" conversation.
"Look Oswald, stay away from my sister. She is innocent and I don't need you corrupting her." Jim snapped while holding Oswald's collar.
“Jim, Jim, Jim. I know you are protective of her but she likes me like how I like her.” Oswald said as Jim continued to hold his collar.
“Either stay away or don’t plan on corrupting her. She’s the only family I have left.” Jim growled as Oswald held his hands up.
“I wasn’t planning on harming her. Look, I think she looks nice and I’d like to ask her out. I’m not planning on making her some evil ruler of Gotham. I don’t want her to change.” Oswald said as Jim sat him down.
As the meeting Jim and Oswald had begun to slow down, you had finished up what you were going to teach tomorrow. Jim and Oswald came out still chatting as you started to put things away.
Your notebook dropped off the desk and onto the floor and spilled some of your papers. You muttered under your breath and began to pick up the papers.
“Here, I’ll help.” Oswald said as he picked up some papers and handed them to you. “So about that date?”
“I’d love to see you again. The paper you just picked up is my number, take it.” You said softly as Oswald tuck it into his tuxedo’s pants. 
“Then I will be calling you soon.” Oswald said as he gave you the notebook and kissed your hand. “See you soon Y/n.” 
You noticed Jim seemed to be understanding and ushered you to the car. Oswald walked out with the two of you and opened the door to get into Jim’s car. It seemed they both had a silent understanding before Oswald was picked up in his limo and Jim drove back to his apartment. Jim told you later that he was okay with the two of you dating and wanted you to go with Oswald.
So when the text message came in if you would go on a date that Saturday, you immediately said yes and were excited for the weekend. You wondered what date you would end up going on.
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gothic-thoughts · 4 months
A Kiss Before I Go
Satoru Gojo x Black Male Reader Fluff
Ex-friends2lovers, Deputy!Reader, Cowboy!Gojo
CW: he/him pronouns, reader gets shot, gojo a rich bounty hunter, a lil angsty
TW: blood mention, passing out, shooting/killing mention
Word Count: 1154 (give or take)
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"Ya really came all this way to find lil' ol' me...?"
I look up to see Gojo Satoru standing on the second-floor balcony with his revolver pointed back at mine. Despite the black bandana over his eyes, I could tell by that smirk that he looked down on me in amusement as I stumbled into his house.
"That's sweet~" He finished, "Ya really that desperate for my attention, (Y/n)?"
"You killed the mayor!"
"Aht, aht, don't gimme that. Ya know I don't just go on killin' folk; I was paid, he was a criminal. Simple as that."
"So how come other folks are dead?"
"Cuz they got in the way of my work and I happened to have 5 bullets left." 
"Well, I'm here finishin' up my work so you're under arrest."
"And what if I don't wanna?"
"Then..." I stumble a little, "Then I'd have to kill ya."
"Kill me? Really now, ain't that bordering on vigilante territory? Not gon' lie, I'm kinda hurt, thought we were thick as thieves."
"I don't give a rat's ass h-how close we were. Put ya hands up and walk down those steps real slow like and maybe I'll visit ya in jail."
He scoffs, loosening his grip on his gun.
"I had to kill him with no witnesses or I don't get paid."
"W-well I guess it's too bad ya got one. Now, reach for the sky and walk down the steps. I'm t-takin'...."
Gojo pauses and presses his pelvis to the wooden railing to lean over the balcony. He squints.
"You bleedin' already?" He chuckled, "I ain't even shoot you yet."
I look down just in time to see a couple droplets of blood fall from my hip and crash into the small puddle of previous drops made on his old wooden flooring.
"What the fuck, you okay?" He asked, straightening up, "That amount of blood ain't nothin' to sneeze at... y'sure y'alright?"
"Don't act like ya care." I pant.
"(Y/n), did you ride all this way wit'--"
Everything became fuzzy and the next thing I knew, the back of my head stung with pain and I was now staring at his high ceiling. Rapid steps echoed around me and all I had to do was blink before seeing Satoru kneeling beside me and quickly lifting my shirt to see the hole where the blood was pooling out. He muttered curses to himself.
"Who did this to ya?" 
"L-leave me alone."
"Shut up and tell me who did this."
"The fuck they shoot ya for?!"
"I was the only one holdin' gun in the crowd... They thought I killed 'im."
His face contorted into shock as he took out a different black bandana from his pocket and pressed it into my wound.
"Why the hell do you have a second bandana?" My voice strains as the pain grows slightly more intense.
"Case I get mine ripped inna bar fight. Now hush, I'mma getcha back to town, 'kay?"
"Think I'd rather die, actually."
"What, ya still don't trust me~?"
"You the reason I'm shot, Satoru. And I was here to arrest you."
"Well since y'already blamin' me, I'll tell ya old friends ya made a valiant effort before I shot ya."
He starts to help me up, slinging my arm over his opposite shoulder as he helps me outside to horse and carriage. I stared at it but despite my pained, glazed-over eyes, I was in shock.
"You tellin' me... you a bounty hunter but got a carriage 'stead of just a horse?"
"I got horses too, I just cain't help it if I'm a lil' high-maintence." He laughs, "And lucky for you, my driver ain't here; so you get to have the pleasure of me takin' the reins." He winks.
"If I wanted to die, I woulda just stayed on ya living room floor."
"Oh shut up and c'mon."
Satoru helped me climb onto the carriage floor, and I didn't even bother pulling myself onto the seat since the pain was so bad. As soon he closes the door, I roll onto my back with tears stinging my eyes. My head rolled to the side as the horse's galloping fell deaf on my ears as I felt the bullethole gush more blood.
"Huh, what!?"
I looked at his panicked face before looking to the other side of my bed to see a tray of bloody cotton balls on a medical cart. Satoru walks towards the bed and I shift towards him and immediately stop and wince at the feeling of tight pulling at my side.
"Hey, hey." He soothed, resting his hand on my knee, "There's stitches in there, so relax."
"You in the hospital, 'member?"
I punch him across the face to which he jerks his head from it. He smiles smugly, as he rubs his jaw.
"I shoulda shot you on sight."
"Right, yeah-yeah, 'course, keep that energy for after you recover. We'll can continue this lil' meet up somewhere else."
Satoru cupped my face in his hand and pulled me into a deep kiss, almost like he missed me. I try to keep my eyes open in surprise only to slowly succumb to the passion. But as they start to close, his lips are torn from mine with a smug chuckle.
"Been waitin' on that for a while." He smirks, "And that's the only thing that's gonna keep me goin' 'til we meet again."
"If we meet again, I'mma kill you where you stand!"
"Like I'd let you do that..." He places another peck on my lips, "Besides, I just gave you some incentive not to."
"Wait, what--"
"Don'tchu die on me now, officer."
He tips his hat and jogs out of the room. He didn't kiss me like he missed me, he kissed like he was going to. 
I painfully stand up, swinging my legs over the side of the bed, and use the iron headboard to help me stand. I hold my side and limp after him into the brightly lit hospital corridor only to see nurses and patients calmly walking the corridor as if nothing happened.
"Sir, please." A nurse worried, "Your stitches need to heal."
"Where did he go? He ran out of my room!"
"Where did who go?"
"Gojo? Satoru Gojo?!"
"The... bounty hunter...?"
I roll my eyes, "Yeah-yeah, he was in my room and just ran out! You tellin' me you ain't seen 'im?"
"Sir, you ain't had any visitors since you were admitted."
"Riddle me this; who emitted me then?"
The nurse grabs and reads a chart, "Says here, your brother did."
"Wha-- and you believed 'im!?"
"Had no choice... Fella insisted he write it himself."
She showed me the sign-in sheet, pointing at the bottom, to see he wrote my name for the patient's column and then literally wrote "his brother" in the admittees column. I scoff and curse under my breath, half pissed off yet half impressed. That bastard brought me here, then snuck back hours later for a fuckin' kiss. But thinking about them again, almost makes me feel better about potentially losing my job.
"You seen what he looked like though, right...?"
"Tall fella, all black get-up...hat hid his face and hair though."
I groan. "'Course it did..."
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needle-noggins · 4 months
Since you are oc pilled.. what can you tell us about Fanny? I'd love to hear all about them!
So. Frances Paine (Fanny Paine. pain in my fuckin' ass) is my beloved Trigun OC for a ttrpg I'm in. You have have seen me tag things as #gunsmoked; that's the game. Fanny is a thomas rancher by trade. She grew up in Hopeland. Her best friend, a girl from the orphanage named Nova, went away when they were 12. Nova got shipped off to the Eye of Michael and sent Fanny letters about how bad it was until the letters just... stopped. Fast forward 20 years. Fanny left Hopeland, starting ranching Thomases in a little town called Gunpoint. Killed her husband (backstory) when she found out he was trafficking kids for the Eye of Michael. I wrote a little thing for it.
Within the span of game.... well, Fanny has done some truly buckwild shit. First thing she did in the game was punch the mayor's boytoy so bad that the local gang burned her house down. She helped rescue another character's brother (it's amnesiac Millions fucking Knives) and in the process killed the mayor. Who ended up also being the gang leader. It was Brilliant Dynamites Neon.
Fanny in that moment became the town mayor and the leader of the Bad Lads gang. Like, okay!!?!? OKAY! After grappling with the extremely sudden new responsibility, she discovered that the neighboring town was a front for the EOM. She and her best friend, another sad cowboy named Charlie, went to fuck up the EOM base and quickly discovered they were outgunned and outmanned. It did not go well. Also, Fanny ran into her childhood friend Nova in there. Nova didn't recognize her. Come to find out Nova didn't remember her. At all. Cue Fanny panic. Fanny gets another character, a plant scientist named Aggie, to give Nova the old childhood letters. Aggie, love her dearly, decided to do this in the most unhinged way and just scatter letters around Nova's office for her to get jump-scared by emotions while doing her job. This also did not go well. I mean, it worked, but... Nova went apeshit. Murder mode angry.
Some fuckshit happens, the Eye takes over Gunpoint. Fanny and Charlie shenanigans continue (RIP Knife's beautiful tank), and they try to take back the town but Fanny gets a little too obsessed with making Nova remember her and she's on a suicide mission about it, actually. Because Nova is freaking out that she can't remember this person and is trying to kill Fanny. Fanny almost gets shot with a punisher laser just as Charlie shoots Nova, saving her life but putting Nova in grave danger. We discover Nova is part cyborg, now in a robo-coma, and it takes about a week in-game to find the parts to fix her. Fanny spends this entire time just losing her goddamn mind about it. She may be a little bit gay for Nova. Maybe. Perhaps. But absolutely obsessive.
Nova gets fixed and comes to, bounces, Fanny has a mental crisis about it but realizes she can't fix her childhood friend. Still wants to kiss her, though. But the party has got bigger plans, like saving the world, first. And she still has responsibilities to be, ya know, the town mayor and Bad Lads leader.
Fanny is an absolute idiot, chaotic as hell, with the second-highest known body count in the party (Tesla did July; hard to top that. Knife is a new man so his past crimes don't count. Wolfwood has not told us shit about himself). She wears some Orville Peck-esque Neon Cowboy shit. Her thomas is named Cash, after Johnny Cash. Her gun was her momma's and it's an ornate little thing. She thinks half of being a cowboy is about the drip (she's right). She's a coward, she can't hurt people she cares about - even when they're threatening to kill her. She means well, she's actually not half-bad at being a leader because she's compassionate, but she's impulsive and has no self-confidence. She cannot catch a fucking break. She's hopelessly in love with her childhood best friend, she blames herself for everything that happened to Nova, she thinks she failed her by not following her to the Eye at the age of 12. She's a small town girl who is finally realizing that the world is so much bigger than her small town drama, and other people have some much bigger problems. She's can be condescending and controlling, but she's also nurturing and wants to help. She's insulting and doesn't know how to comfort others, but she's loyal to the death. She just wants to save everyone. She cannot take her own damn advice. She is extremely accidentally Vash-coded. When I play her she and her goofy-ass southern accent just take over and I don't know half the shit I say. I adore her and the absolute disaster she is. She compels me SO much.
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