#i'll gladly listen for a friend who deserves it
drill-teeth · 3 months
By the way I'm mean now, and I will no longer be a people pleaser and no longer feel obligated to interact with folks who stress me out or are weird to me or force myself to reply immediately to people I do like when I'm going through it. If I don't respond to you immediately, it could be for a number of reasons. I could be fucking busy because I have a full time job. I could be tired and in pain because of my chronic pain and exhaustion. I could've straight up forgotten to reply because my memory sucks. I could just not be up for it. I could be frustrated with how you're treating me and not ready to bring it up, which that avoidant behavior is on me but also you're still not entitled to my speedy replies. I could also be fucking sick of talking to you if you've been consistently creepy to me and not wanna hold your hand through why that was fucking weird, which is also avoidant but you know what? My life doesn't revolve around making other people so if I choose to bounce sometimes I really don't think that makes me a bad person lol.
And I honestly don't care if waiting for a reply stresses you out because like. If you know me and are kind to me you should know me well enough not to assume malice from me taking my time and if you were a creep to me then honestly you can just deal with it.
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glacrwlf · 1 month
"Back in the Garden" Adam'sApple AU idea for @rius-cave and @things-arent-what-they-seem66
Okay, so I think I've got my "Back in the Garden" Adam'sApple AU figured out (it takes place after Season 1, BTW): 15,000 years ago, back when Adam and Eve were living in Heaven, the angels built them their own personal garden made to resemble the Garden of Eden.
Adam and Eve would spend most of their time there, until Eve decided that she wanted to explore the modern human world. Adam wouldn't let her, believing that everything that Heaven had to offer was more than enough. Eve wouldn't let listen to him, so she decided to play a game with Adam: Adam would stand very still in the garden while Eve would leave for the human world and eventually wander into Hell.
Adam didn't realize Eve abandoned him until 5,000 years later, when he saw a podcast on a Heaven Mirror monitor announcing the birth of Princess Charlie Morningstar, right after Eve sacrificed most of her life force to her mother, Lilith for to give birth to Charlie, while Lilith cast aside Eve's physical form to help her survive.
Adam was so angry, he wanted to get back at her by killing off the people she sacrified herself and abandoned Adam for by conducting yearly exterminations. Over time, Adam repressed that memory, along with several other memories, as he and his angel army exterminated all of those sinners who had nothing to do with his problems year after year.
Sometime after his death, he was revived as a sinner in Hell as punishment for his unholy crimes, where Charlie would gladly take him in to the Hazbin Hotel after seeing how miserable and remorseful Adam was. At first, he was reluctant, but gradually warmed up to the other hotel guests and its staff, along with the idea of redeeming sinners (mostly because he's desperate to go back to Heaven).
However, when he saw the guests leaving him behind as part of a rock concert performance, he started to remember several repressed feelings, leading him to go back to the garden he and Eve once reveled in back at Heaven.
Charlie and Lucifer followed him, where they learned exactly what happened in the garden that day, as Adam remembered all of his repressed memories, lashing out at Charlie when she was trying to console him. Charlie reassured Adam that he deserves a better lover, or at least, a better friend, and Adam decided to go back to the Hazbin Hotel with them.
Along the way back, several other repressed memories came flooding back, leading him to come to his senses and snap out of his hatred towards Hell and its denizens. Adam then confessed everything he went through to everyone else at the hotel when they got back. Everyone was shocked and decided to comfort Adam, who was crying out thousand of years of repressed guilt and remorse over what he did and what he caused. What happens after that... I haven't exactly planned that out in full yet, but I'll figure something out.
EDIT: I think Charlie's only 200 years old, according to what I heard on the internet, so I think I'll change it so that Eve helped cure Lilith from a terminal illness by giving most of her life force to her before Lilith cast away Eve's physical form. Either way, it still drove Adam mad.
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eddysocs · 4 months
Fluff Dialogue Prompts
You may mix and match these prompts with ones on the same or different prompt lists you find on my blog when making requests. Context for the prompt(s) is always welcomed and encouraged, but not required.
"I can't smile at you, I'm mad."
"Can you sing to me?"
"How do you always know exactly what I need?" "I pay attention."
"I could listen to you all day."
"For me, being happy fortunately coincides with making you happy."
"I don't think I have ever felt safer than in your arms."
"I can hardly wait to put a ring on that finger."
"Stop that broody look and come over here."
"You're very lucky I love you."
"Move in with me."
"You should know that I have asthma, just in case you intend on taking my breath away on a regular basis."
"Want to go to a museum with me and make all the paintings jealous with your beauty?"
"I might be an organ donor, but you really shouldn’t take my heart so soon."
"Have I told you I love you yet today?"
"Thank you for everything you do for me."
"You hugged me like your personal pillow."
"Have your eyes always been that dark?"
"Your body feels like home to me."
"If the Gods choose to only give us daughters, then I will gladly have as many as you are willing to give me."
"I will be happy wherever as long as it is by your side."
"What did I do to deserve such a sweet wife?"
"You're the only one who gets to call me that, you know."
"You need to know that I have grown to care for you. Deeply."
"You're always so flirty." "Just with you."
"How long have you had this planned?" "Since the moment I fell in love with you."
"Nothing makes me happier than making you smile."
"I would marry you again in a heartbeat."
"You asked if I have regrets. The answer is no, because somehow, everything I did led me to you."
"I do love you, you know. Even if I'm shit at showing it."
"See, I can play nice sometimes."
"I’ve been in love with you since the day we met."
"Did you just call me (pet name)?"
"Oh, for the love of— come over here and let me fix that."
"I honestly didn’t take you for such a gentleman."
"Your eyes…I get lost in them sometimes."
"He's/She's so pretty I think I’m going to faint."
"You should play with my hair some more."
"Well, hello, sleeping beauty. You fell asleep on me."
"Just say the word. You know I’d do anything for you."
"I heard you liked (thing), so I bought you this."
“You’ve got to go home.” “You are my home.”
"You just have this glow about you."
"I love your laugh."
"You look your cutest like this." "No I don’t, I just woke up." "I know what I said."
"You are constantly finding new ways to surprise me."
"I can keep you company until you fall asleep."
"Can I try some of your food?" "Of course. Open wide."
"This isn’t just a(n) [object], it’s a promise."
"Come back to bed."
"I think my family/friends really liked you. Maybe more than they like me."
"I can’t stop thinking about you."
"Shut up, you love me. Why else would you be here, taking care of me while I hurl into a toilet?"
"Please, never apologise for wanting to be loved."
"Aww, you remembered." "Of course I did."
"This is my boyfriend/girlfriend/fiancé(e)/husband/wife everyone!"
"If you don’t want to spend the night in an empty house, you could always come over to mine."
"One date, that’s all I’m asking for. One night to let me show you how good we could be together.”
"I'll always make time for you."
"Laundry day doesn’t mean walking around in your underwear, but for you, I’ll make an exception."
"How about a kiss before I go?"
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nozunhinged · 6 months
Omg omg omg @scarefox my dream has finally come true this is the first time I got tagged in one of these I'm so happyyyyyy thank uuuu 🥰🥰🥰🥰
So I selected my pokeboys extra carefully but unfortunately I haven't watched enough BL's yet to make it to 10, but please have these 8 I would protect with everything I have 🤲
1. Boston - Only Friends
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Listen, all the shit they gave him during the show, I went through at least twice. Including the "stop being a slut it will ruin your life"-talk BY MY (THEN) FRIENDS. So I am insanely biased but I will sucker punch everyone until my last breath who dares to harm him in any way. Keep doing you Boston babes, I hope you have the most delicious orgys in NY.
2. Zouey - Playboyy
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Another HUGE bias from my side, as I already elaborated here. Watching this sweet, sweet child dump all his pretty braincells into his first love is quite painful at times. But don't worry I'll kick Teena in his huge tiddies if he breaks Zoueys heart and then I'll proceed to put him in a blanket burrito and watch anime with him, promise.
3. Zongyi - Kiseki Dear To Me
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If Ai Di couldn't go somehow, I'd be the first one to volunteer to protect him in prison. I'd learn all the prison politics and lift all the weights to throw hands at the scariest inmates just so this baby boy could keep making his lil cakes and dream of his gangster kitty.
4. Peach - Bake Me Please
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Yes, the list of people I'd throw hands at for Peach includes both Guy AND Shin. This wonderful human being deserves no less than being pampered 24/7, showered with kisses and affection all year round. And both are not deserving of him, end of story.
5. Kim - Pit Babe
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I certainly did not expect him to awaken my protective instincts and I am very aware this man wouldn't need anyone throwing hands for him but I'd gladly step up to help him do his lil investigation thingy and hand winner his loser trophy. I'd also throw hands at everyone who wouldn't let this guy finally race his car in peace.
6. Khem - The Sign
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He may not need bodily protection as well, but I will forever believe the cheating allegations are a misunderstanding and if they're not I'll defend that he's dedicated enough to go as far as to make it through the most hellish elite training program just so he could keep groveling at his ex-lovers feet and call him baby.
7. Sky - Love In The Air
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He may have Prapai now but that wouldn't stop me to throw hands at anyone who dares to harm him. Fort said is favourite scene was when Sky was so happy he could make it to the first year event and that was when I knew I'd protect Sky with my life too.
8. Sangwoo - Semantic Error
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Us Autistics have to stick together and I already loved him in the webtoon. I love how he is 100% unapologetically himself and I will roundhouse kick everyone who dares to try to mock him for it. He's my favourite savage.
✨Bonus ✨
Hyun - The Kings Affection
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Not a BL boy even though officially his love is a man, but I wouldn't just throw hands for him—I'd part seas, move mountains, destroy continents and conquer new universes just for him. I cried for approx. 2 hours over his last scene and didn't give a crap about the couples happy end. All hail King Dimples. He deserves everything our cosmos has to offer. He needs to be protected at ALL COSTS. If you watched The King's Affection, you know what I'm talking about. If not, read this.
Thank you thank YOUUUUU my dearest @scarefox for tagging MEEEEE unfortunately I do not have enough moots to know who to tag so everyone who stumbles over this on their TL can feel tagged ❤️❤️
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softevnstan · 1 year
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pairing. college!steve rogers x gender neutral! reader
summary. your best friend, steve rogers, is a goody-two-shoes boy through and through. there's always been rumors, but you know steve. and you know the most he's ever been up for with a gal was a peck on the cheek. he always tells everyone he's waiting for the right partner. well, apparently steve wants to learn how to kiss and you have some experience. naturally, things get a little interesting.
warnings. no specific gendered terms here; things do get a little heated but there's no sex or gendered bits mentioned. this is relatively tame and idk what else that might need to be here. kissing, everyone featured is 18+. y/n and steve are slightly buzzed. steve's praise kink (if you squint).
a.n. ok so i was listening to kiss me the whole time and just... do it. please. it enhances the immersion. god why can't i be in an 80s college love story, i deserve it. i'll do a part 2 (where things get way more interesting if yknow what i mean) if you guys want, just let me know.
w.c. 2.7k holy cow
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“Excuse me?” The words come choked out from your lips, disbelief washing over you at the request your best friend had just made.
“I’m just saying,” Steve presses on, a soft pink dusting the apples of his cheeks and the tips of his ears turning red. “You, y’know– You have experience with this type of thing. Everyone just thinks I do.” The last piece comes mumbled from Steve, his head ducked sheepishly.
Even now, you’re still taken aback by the proposition. Sure, you know that Steve was just about as innocent as they come underneath. But you never would’ve imagined he’d be there, both of you in your dorm room, him asking you to teach him how to kiss.
You’d grown up with him, and knew each other like the back of your hands. There were countless times you helped cover for him - the first way you’d even properly met was at a middle school party and both of you had been locked away for seven minutes in heaven. You were ecstatic to potentially get your first kiss - maybe it was the countless grams of sugar in sodas that had you energetic or maybe it was just the natural excitement of a hormonal middle schooler.
But Steve had been scared. He’d been intimidated - poor little christian boy hadn’t had his first kiss yet and he didn’t want to waste it on some cheesy game. Not to mention Steve was already teased relentlessly for being such a small boy who didn’t have the best luck with girls (at the time, atleast - no one was ready for the way steve had buffed up towards the end of highschool; late bloomer, everyone decided when he’d finally grown into his bones and went from a boy to a young man).
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‘Is it okay if we just say we did…?’ Steve had asked, sitting cross-legged in front of you on the bed of Susie, the girl you had geography with and whose parents were hosting the party. Her sheets were an ugly salmon with tacky pillows, and one of Steve’s nimble fingers was tracing one of the embroidered flowers in her covers.
Your disappointment was strong that night. The building bubble of anticipation had been abruptly popped right before you, and the mini-crush you’d had on Steve at the time withered knowing there wasn’t any sort of reciprocation. You'd had to physically stop yourself from letting your shoulders sag with the rejection.
‘Of course,’ you’d said with a smile, anyways. Steve was your best friend, after all. You didn’t want to make him uncomfortable, even if it did come at the expense of your feelings just a bit. Alas, you can’t make someone like you who doesn’t.
Being his friend was something you gladly seized the opportunity for - if you couldn’t be his partner, you could still be something to him.
‘Thanks… I really mean that. All of this stuff is so dumb anyways.’ Steve had tried to dismiss with a little awkward wave of his hand, and that feigned smile of yours bled into a genuine one. Hard to be upset with the guy when he was just so cute; Ocean eyes and soft pink lips that curled into a small smile, nimble fingers of an artist, freckles dusting his skin… You always saw Steve’s charm before anyone else ever had. Well, save for Bucky, his other partner in crime.
You’d both came out of Susie McCracken’s room, met by giggles and questions but Steve had just bitten his lips together and flushed while you’d lied for the both of them. 
‘What did you guys do in there?? Did you actually kiss??’ Bucky had inquired all too excitedly. ‘What else do you do while playing seven minutes in heaven, Bucky??’ you’d asked in turn, not a direct lie technically.
Bucky had thrown an arm around Steve’s scrawny shoulders and dragged him in.
‘Way to go, Rogers!’ 
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You’re drawn back to the present moment as Steve looks at you intensely with those baby blue eyes. Only then that you realize he was still waiting on your response. That gaze burning into you, studying you made your face feel even warmer. The little puppy tilt of his head is too endearing; pulling at your heart strings. The offer is something out of a dream - and while you fear it may potentially alter the relationship you have with Steve, you’ve never been one to look a gift horse in the mouth.
“I don’t want to kiss someone for the first time and not be good,” Steve pleads his case, and it’s the childishness of the statement that breaks some of the tension inside of you - letting your shoulders slowly ease and you take an experimental swig from the can of beer that Steve had brought over per your request. “So do you think y’could teach me…?”
Steve, who was afraid of hardly anything, who picked fights with bullies and always tried to hold himself and maintain composure, now seemed so shy. It was endearing.
“Okay,” You say, with a click of your tongue. The reply shocks Steve; Causing him to jolt upright and straighten his back out.
“Really?” The word is breathless, and you grin - never pulling your gaze from Steve’s. Utilizing the moment of liquid courage to egg you through this.  “Really. C’mere,” you scoot on your bed, opening up a spot for him to come sit with you.
You watch as Steve picks himself up from the armchair, crossing the distance to you and only wavering upon actually having to sit on your bed. He sits on the edge as though he’s afraid to take up space, and you give a soft laugh. He’s helpless. Steve’s ears burn hotter at your laughter, but he can’t help but smile a little himself.
“Nothing, big guy. Now c’mon, turn and face me,” your hand pats his shoulder, before letting your touch linger just a moment. Defined muscle even through his shirt; You’re not surprised but certainly impressed. It’s just a brush, really, and if Steve notices, he doesn’t say anything when he turns to lift his leg onto the bed. Folding his knee and tucking it under himself comfortably, he rubs his hands down his jean-clad thighs.
You lean in, knowing that Steve isn’t going to do it himself. “Just… Be still, okay?” you warn, still hardly in the belief that the moment itself was true. You were half waiting to hear this was some strange joke. “Uh-huh,” Steve breathes, a little bob of his head in a nod.
He swallows hard, and you tenderly lift your hand to cradle his cheek. Palm flush with his warm skin, and your palm must feel cool because Steve shudders out a stifled breath through his nose. Without further delay, you lean forward. Tilting your head upward enough to catch Steve’s lips in your own; Pressing tentatively at first.
Steve’s lips are… Soft. Pillowy. Which is surprising, because when eyeing him a few moments ago, you were worried he might need some chapstick. Eyes drooping closed, Steve gives a slightly audible gasp at first before kissing you back. Leaning into the touch, his hand lifts and hovers a moment before residing to cup the side of your neck. The brush of Steve’s calloused palm makes you hum, feeling the warmth that wraps around the side of your neck and simply holds. Thumbing at the slope of your jaw tenderly while Steve attempts to mimic the way your lips mold into his.
You both linger there far longer than you’ll ever admit. Only after a moment do you part ever so slightly to suck a shaky breath in through your barely parted lips. Steve seizes the moment of pause though to lean in and press you two right together again. This time you pepper his lips with soft, repetitive pecks. His lips are warm and soft; you’re able to taste your shared breath between one another as you both return for more. Steve wasn’t perfect right off the bat, you noticed. Pursing his lips too much at first, but with the insistent press, he slowly loosened up to kiss you more delicately.
Before you realize it, the hand of yours that was holding Steve’s cheek was sliding back into the short spikes of blond hair. Your blunt nails rubbed soothingly at his scalp, drawing a barely there groan from somewhere in Steve’s chest. The taste of beer was prominent on his breath but not uninviting.
Warmth filled your chest, butterflies swarming in your stomach when your lips kept meeting. Again and again. But rather than find yourself fully entranced with the moment like you’d prefer to be, you’re committed to the task at hand. Teaching Steve. So when you press your forehead to his and just barely part your mouths, you take the moment to breathe. Let some of the air come back to your head and ease the high of the experience.
“Your lips feel soft,” you utter airily, lips ghosting with Steve’s and curling into a delighted smile. “When you kiss someone, don’t rush it… You’re doing really good so far - don’t try to shove your tongue down anyone’s throat or anything, okay? Kissing is… a delicate art.”
That makes Steve snort, stamping a soft peck to your lips like he’s trying to get right back into the moment.
“Hey, hey,” you softly chime in, stubbornly pressing your foreheads together to keep Steve in place. Licking your lips, you chuckle. “Speeding into things ruins the fun, you don’t have anywhere else to be, y’know?”
Steve’s reply comes in a husky chuckle. “Note taken – what happens if I rush things…?” Steve doesn’t rush anything, he’s the king of waiting, actually, but you don’t tell him that. “Might spook someone a little… You don’t want someone thinking you’re just trying to get into their pants, after all.” “Oh gee, definitely not,” Steve agrees softly, seemingly sobering from the haze albeit slightly.
Your fingers mindlessly scrape along Steve’s scalp, nearly earning a purr from the man. Watching him through half-lidded eyes, you decide to try your luck.
“How do you feel about more than just a few little kisses…?” You timidly try; Not wanting to press and come across as pushy, but certainly not trying to waste an opportunity.
Looking at his face, you find his eyes are still closed. Long lashes kissing the tops of his cheeks, your stomach swoops and it feels like all of the childhood feelings you’d stuffed down years ago for Steve come bubbling to the surface. For a moment, it's as though the blond is in a daze before seemingly realizing he’d been asked a question.
Steve’s hand that isn’t cupping your neck, slowly and absentmindedly snakes to your side. Fingers brushing out over the fabric of your shirt, but still gentlemanly enough not to let his fingers go diving under to feel your skin. Even if it’s killing him not to in that moment. 
“Well, I-” Steve’s throat sounds tight, “ I need to know all I can, so…” You give Steve a barely-there nod that leaves your noses rubbing together affectionately. “Okay.”
You can feel your heart pounding in your chest, hoping that Steve won’t be able to tell just how much this moment means to you. You kiss him slowly and languidly, Steve’s lips parting slightly to allow your tongue to slip inside. It takes him off guard if the stuttering in his breath is anything to go off of, but Steve follows your lead nonetheless. It surprisingly doesn’t take Steve long to start to get the hang of it between the both of you; potentially the liquid courage flooding through both of you.
At some point, you lose track of the fact you’re even supposed to be teaching Steve something. Both of you scooted closer together, chests coming flush and narrowing the room between the two of you less and less. Your fingers card back through Steve’s hair, and the hand on Steve’s hip gives a testing pull. Taking the next step, you move to throw your leg over Steve’s thighs. Sliding right at home in his lap, his hands greedily coming to hug your sides and draw you in even closer against him. It certainly made kissing significantly easier, even in the few instances you’d both pull apart to swallow shallow breaths of air before kissing again.
You’d slept with guys before, though. Had a hook-up once or twice. With Steve, nothing felt nearly as rushed or hungry. It wasn’t like he was trying to shove his tongue down your throat; There was a gentleness to it all.
When settling in his lap, Steve took the moment to pull apart with a breathy chuckle. “Is this part of the lesson?” Steve rhetorically asks, and your answer comes with a playful roll of your eyes. “I thought it’d be easier,” you answer, feeling obvious. “...But if you’re not comfortable-” “I’m comfortable.” Steve interrupts before biting his kiss-swollen lips together.
You take that as the green light to continue, arms finding a comfortable home around Steve’s shoulders. Running up into his hair and cradling his cheek, you pull him right back down into another languid learning session. Only this time, you decide to actually give him a few pointers.
Trying not to acknowledge the idea of Steve kissing anyone else like how he’s kissing you (hey, at least you got his first), you kiss him breathlessly all over again. Soft tongue, slow and taking your time before retracting long enough to take a soft suck out of Steve’s bottom lip. “Don’t be afraid to tease someone, make them want to come back for more,” you purr against Steve’s mouth, taking a playful nip out of Steve’s lip. Steve on the other hand let a groaning drawl out of him, fingers tightening where they hold your side and coasting down towards your waist.
Steve doesn’t question - instead takes the pointer as a challenge. Drawn back in for another kiss, he decides to give you a taste of your own medicine and you’re not ready for it. The tease of Steve’s tongue on your lips, him kissing you deep and molding the both of you together just to pull apart right when it feels like things are too good to be true. Taking your bottom lip between his teeth barely, he gives a soft bite before a soothing little lick. He’s getting the hang of it with his mouth and you’re floating on cloud nine; Squeaking out a noise that you’d deny making if anyone asked.
“How’s that?” his voice is huskier than before; sending shivers up your spine and rattling you to your core. “G-Good,” you manage, swallowing and taking a moment to catch your breath. “Real good, Steve…”
That seems to do something to him, too, if the way he squeezes your hips are anything to go off of. His fingers flex tightly and he sighs out shakily before letting some of the tension bleed out of him and his palms rub soothingly instead over your hips.
High off the endorphins, you decide to give into the competitiveness in you. If you’re going to be the first one to kiss Steve, you want him to remember it (though that may be the beer talking). Nevertheless, you shift on your knees. Straddling his lap, you stand to lean over him and crush your mouth back to Steve’s. Nothing frantic or rushed, but you decide to take the risk of making things steamier. Hotter. Licking hot into his mouth, Steve groans; pressing hard into the kiss the way you do. Trying to combat you while his hands smooth down to your thighs. A delicious squeeze that makes you sigh through your nose. Brow knitting up, you give a soft tug at the back of Steve’s hair.
It earns a gasp as your mouths part, his head craning back. You take the moment to lean over him and press soft kisses to his mouth, taking deliberate time to give attention to his top and bottom lip; Trailing down from the corner to lavish the skin of his jaw in pecks.
“Oh God,” Steve sighs out rawly, and the words stab you right through the chest - it’s already seared itself in your mind how it sounds from Steve’s perfect lips. “H-How should I touch someone, Y/N? When I kiss them, show me how to touch them…”
And, well, you’d be cruel to deprive Steve of the answer. He needs to learn, after all. You’d be an awful friend not to help teach him.
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cinemasteves · 1 year
(based on the song by cashmere cat & ariana grande)
eddie munson x female!reader
notes/warnings: lots of sadness, cheater!eddie, manipulation, gaslighting, mentions of kissing/sex (not super detailed) reader, eddie & the rest of the older group are all the same age!
not my gif
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One week. It's been one week since you found out Eddie had cheated on you. Heartbroken is an understatement. The pain and betrayal you felt has been eating at your brain and heart all week long. Every night you cried yourself to sleep wondering what went wrong. He was your everything, and you thought you were his, that is until Chrissy Cunningham broke down crying and confessed to you in the school bathroom. Her words replaying over and over every night.
I'm so so sorry y/n, I was under the impression you guys were broken up, until I saw him kiss you in the hallway earlier. I just went to his trailer for some pills one night and it escalated from there. You don't deserve this. I'm very sorry.
♪ And you say that I'm the devil you know and I don't disagree no, I don't see the harm ♪
And of course when you confronted him after school, he denied it like no other.
I don't know what she's talking about, y/n. Why would you believe her of all people? She's part of Jason's clique, he hates me, he definitely put her up to this.
But that was quite the opposite. Chrissy was unironically the only cheerleader who was nice to you, hell she was nice to everybody. So when she told you about her and Eddie, you knew she was being genuine.
Seriously what has gotten into you? It's like you fell into hell and came back the devil himself. You've been stressing me out all week long, I need to focus on the DND campaign, i'll probably call you later.
But that night when he called you, your worst nightmare came true and he ended up confessing.
Sweetheart, I'm so sorry. Please give me another chance.
And you did. But everybody knew something was different. The constant pda was now basically nonexistent, you stopped going to Hellfire meetings, you didn't hang out with the group as much and you barely talked to everyone.
♪ They say, 'you crazy, just leave him, he'll suffocate you' but I wanna be in your arms. ♪
You couldn't take it anymore and eventually told Nancy while you guys were studying together one afternoon, she was not happy.
Y/n...That's not okay! You should've never taken him back. I'm sorry. You deserve the entire world. Please leave him, it hurts not seeing you around us anymore. I will gladly tell Steve not to invite him around anymore if that would help. Staying with him will make you more and more miserable, we all notice it, you seem suffocated.
But you still didn't listen.
Nancy we were together for two years, I can't let him go just like that. I love him.
♪ They say, 'no, don't pick up the phone, let them think there's nobody home' But I'm under your spell.
Cause when you call my heart starts to roll, I always want more
It's my heaven, my hell. ♪
As the days went by, you went into super hermit mode. Not speaking to anybody in the group, including Eddie, and that's when you realized Nancy was right. Your usual light has been dimmed, shut off even because of him. It was Friday, and you knew Eddie would be at Hellfire after school and Wayne at work, so you called their home phone and left a rather choked up message.
Eddie, I don't think I can do this anymore. It hurts me to act like everything's fine when it's not. I am incredibly broken inside and have been for the last week. I'm tired of crying myself to sleep every night wondering what went wrong. I'm tired of trying to act put together around all our friends when i'm not. I love you, but I can't keep putting myself through this. Please don't call me after you hear this, I do not want to talk to you from this point on. It's for the best. Take care.
After leaving that message, you called over Nancy, Robin and Steve as your parents were away for the weekend, and as soon as the three of them walked into the door, a group hug ensued between you and the girls and you burst into tears. Realizing Steve was completely clueless, Nancy pulled him to the side and explained it all. He was livid. Nancy and Robin brought pizza and some drinks to help get things off your mind. But as you drank throughout the night, you found yourself crying in Steve's arms. He was close with Eddie, and the closest thing you had left of him.
As if it was like clockwork, your house phone rang and you immediately knew who it was.
Y/n...do not answer that. Steve said sternly.
But once more, you didn't listen and as you got up to pick up the phone, the three of them just sighed, awaiting the outcome of this call. As you answered the call and hit speaker, you hear sniffling on the other end and your heart immediately sank.
Sweetheart... I am so sorry. I don't have an explanation as to why I did what I did other than I'm a fucking idiot. But seeing you like this is breaking me so much inside. I'm full of fucking regret and shame. You are my everything and I fucked it up so bad. God, I wish I could take it back. I'm so sorry for everything. For cheating, being hostile towards you, pushing you away and just making your beautiful personality do a complete 180. I know you said not to call but I need to hear your voice, it's killing me not hearing from you.
You stand there speechless. Nancy and Robin silently stopping Steve from getting up and slamming that phone against the wall.
Can I come over? Please? Eddie cries.
♪ We're heading deep inside lives a voice, a voice so quiet,
But I can't hear that voice when your heart beats next to mine. ♪
Nancy, Robin and Steve leave. Steve more angry than the girls, but he understood that this was all up to you. You heart racing as you wait for the man you've been avoiding, cracking another beer and chugging as you pace back and forth near the front door. After about five minutes you hear the doorbell ring and you toss the empty beer can to the ground to open the door.
Eddie sees you and his heart shatters. Your mascara running down your cheeks, your eyes puffy and face red. Guilt washing over him like a tsunami. He can't believe he's done this to you. His once upon a time, the girl of his dreams, a now ruined mess. All because of him. Tears form in his eyes as he engulfs you into the hug you've both been needing from each other. Your head against his chest, hearing his heart beat rapidly. He holds you tight in his lanky arms as you sob together.
♪ I can't quit you, I can't quit you
I can't quit you, I can't quit you ♪
You so badly want to take him back, but deep down you know what he did wasn't right and how it would be for the best to part ways. Part of you wants to dismiss that, but you know you have to do what's right. For the both of you.
♪ Yeah, I'm gonna regret it
Yeah, I'm gonna regret it
Yeah, I'm gonna regret it
I know I'm gonna regret it ♪
You continue to sob, realizing that by tomorrow this would be no more. No more cozy movie nights, no more baking desserts together, no more cuddles, no kisses, dates, no more doing all of the things you both loved to do together.
♪ When you said, 'Baby, I just want you to lay me down and we'll fuck the pain away'
'Cause skin on skin, I feel nothing but the burning of desire and that's just foreplay ♪
He picks you up and brings you to the couch, laying you down gently as he gets on top of you. The both of you still sobbing together. His tears fall onto your cheeks as his face gets closer to yours.
Can I please kiss you sweetheart? Please, even if it's the last time I get to.
You thought it was impossible for your heart to break even more, but what he just said proved you so wrong. He knew this was the end. You nod yes as you can't even produce coherent words at this point because you're crying so much. He leans in slowly, pausing when your noses meet, holding your face in his calloused hands and places kisses on the apples of your cheeks before hesitating at your lips.
I'm so fucking sorry. He cries as he finally presses your lips together, his thumbs rubbing against your face.
♪ We're heading deep inside lives a voice, a voice so quiet
But I can't hear that voice when your heart beats next to mine
I can't quit you, I can't quit you
I can't quit you, I can't quit you ♪
You don't want the kiss to end, hell, you don't want the relationship to end, but you know it's better to just savor this moment than to keep destroying your mental by staying with him.
♪ Yeah, I'm gonna regret it
Yeah, I'm gonna regret it
Yeah, I'm gonna regret it
I know I'm gonna regret it ♪
Kisses led to soft touches and eventually, sex. He was gentle and slow, your favorite. As soon as you were done, he helps you put your clothes back on, then his own. The sweet gesture making you melt inside, forgetting what he did a week ago for a few seconds. You so badly want to stay with him, but there are consequences to cheating, and you know the relationship won't be the same ever again. The thought of going from lovers to strangers physically hurts you inside, and you begin to cry again as Eddie sits up against the couch staring up at the ceiling trying to hold back tears.
♪ I can't quit you, I can't quit you, oh baby
I can't quit you, I can't quit you, oh babe ♪
So this is goodbye then, right? His voice cracks.
Yeah. You cry.
♪ Gonna regret it
Yeah, I'm gonna regret it
Yeah, I'm gonna regret it ♪
He takes a deep breath as he stands up, still holding back tears as he walks to your front door, you following behind him. He turns to you before opening the door and hesitates for a second before giving you one last hug.
I'm so sorry sweetheart. You will forever be a part of me. I love you.
I love you too. Goodbye Eddie, please take care of yourself. You said wiping your tears as he nods and kisses your forehead and turns around, leaving your house for the last time.
♪ I'm gonna regret it
I'm gonna regret it (babe, babe, babe)
Gonna regret it
Yeah, I'm gonna regret it. ♪
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chinzhilla · 6 months
10 QL characters i desire carnally
thank you for the tag @firstkanaphans!! it's been so fun seeing everyone be joyously horny on main so i was very happy to be tagged aksdhfk 💖 not specifically tagging anyone cause it looks like most people have done this already but if you haven't and you want to pleeeeeaaaase consider this your tag! do it!!!
in no particular order and definitely not more than ten:
Night (Last Twilight) - i have no idea what it is about mark's energy in this role in particular but i have never been more attracted to this man
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King (Bed Friend) - i trust i don't need to explain this one
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Sand (The Sign) - i know i know, not the Sand you were expecting, but when i say i could not take my eyes off her any time she was on screen.....
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Yai (IFYLitA) - he's a gentleman. he's a big jealous puppy. he's an adorable sappy drunk. and what he lacks in experience he makes up for in enthusiasm
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Ink (Bad Buddy) - where is MY feisty protective photographer gf who absolutely melts around me. and can i meet her in the darkroom
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Patts (La Pluie) - horny as a teenager and patient as a saint. deserves to clock as many brats as he sees fit and i'll gladly kiss his knuckles after
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Maya (Laws of Attraction) - i also adored silvy as molly but the charisma and allure of maya. i am on my knees
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Yok (Not Me) - whoever was in charge of styling first for this role could also get it
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Jim and Wen (Moonlight Chicken) - yes i am cheating yes it will happen again. listen. i vacillate between earth and mix as to which i find more attractive. and they're both PEAK in mlc. so why choose
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Jang Jae Young and Choi Yu Na (Semantic Error) - i don't care what your sexuality is, if you walked away from semantic error without some kind of crush on these two, you're lying. they could fix me i know it.
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italeean · 10 months
Italeean how are you doin? Hihihi It's been awhile VERY HAPPY FOR YOU TO REACH THAT MILESTONE, AWESOME! I wanted to join the event~ I'll pick free! as the fandom (because in other fandoms like haikyuu/MHA/genshin, I already have certain stan/bias so I'm not mentally ready for a random match, but for Free! It's a new fandom for me so just ship me with anyone lol) I'm a male! lee (not into foot tickles tho), platonic, matched with other male, and about me: I'm not really athletic tbh, and often times kinda awkward, for hobbies probably just chilling, having conversations, hanging out, hmm what else *scrolling through tumblr in secret* jk. Anyway have a nice day as always, can't wait to be matched lol, your pick will probably be my bias in this fandom so choose w i s e l y~ hohoho (just kidding) - itto anon :)
ITTO ANON MY LOVE /p 😻❤️❤️ How're you doing? It's literally so nice to see you participate in each and every one of my events and interact with me since practically day 0 🥹 I hope you'll enjoy your match-up... and thank you for choosing Free! ❤️❤️ It's always a pleasure to write for my favorite anime ❤️🍡 *enjoy this dango while reading my little work*
🔮 For this event, your match-up is... NAGISA
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🔮 Why did I choose him for you?
Okay who wouldn't want to be Nagisa's friend? He's a little ball of sunshine who has a nice word for everyone! I feel like a nice person like you deserves this sweetheart in his life
I'm sure he'd love your awkwardness... he'd find it super cute! Expect to get teased by him, intentionally or not
He totally would drag you to the swim club even if you're not particularly athletic. He'd bring you there just to introduce to his friends so you all can hang out together
About this... he'd be the kind of guy who shows off your laughter! He'd be like "Hey guys, listen to this!" and he'd start tickling you.
BUT... he'd go around and wreck everyone, so you wouldn't be the only one to get tickled in front of the others... this would probably lead to huge tickle fights!
He'd love to play genshin or any other games with you! I'm sure he'd want to play all the cutest characters, and you'd get all the tall men (ahem like Zhongli and Itto ahem-)
Every time you pull for a character, he'll tickle you as a ritual for good luck... and if it fails, he'll tickle you even more to cheer you up hehe~
He's a very considerate person, based on what I saw (and I watched every episode and movie of Free! so...), which means he's a great person to talk to. You could just spend the afternoon talking to each other
I think your usual hangout could be either taking a stroll while Nagisa munches on that sickeningly sweet bread, or staying home while eating candy, watching anime, playing games and just chilling and talking
I feel like he'd randomly tickle you while you hang out. Why? Because he finds your laughter super cute and he wants to hear more
I think you could help Nagisa with his studies, along with Rei... which would probably not be the easiest task, but it would always end up with sweets and talking when the hard task is done
Imagine this: you, Nagisa and the others wearing your yukatas at a summer festival, going around the stands to play games, eat delicious foods and have a great time... yours would be such a great friendship!!!
🔮 Tickle scenario
"Y/n-chaaan!" Nagisa called for you, "Come on, the water is amazing!!" He gestured you to go with him and the others for a swim. The day before, they found out that the pool was closed due to a malfunctioning of the filter, so they chose to swim in the ocean to not skip training.
Luckily, it was a Saturday, so they managed to have an actual beach day. However, Nagisa insisted to invite both you and Rin as well and spend the day with all the whole group. Rin immediately said yes at the thought of racing with Haru in the ocean, and you accepted gladly. The team had already met you and everyone was quite fond of you already.
During the training, you held the stopwatch and took their timings, and you were also the judge of Haru and Rin's race, which resulted in the umpteenth tie, but when swimming practice was over, the six of you took a quick rest and enjoyed the amazing beach.
The guys became restless quickly, though, and they couldn't resist the sweet call of the waves. In the blink of an eye, everyone was running towards the welcoming ocean again. You smiled at the sight and kept focusing on which artifacts you wanted to give to Itto... at least until Nagisa called for you.
"Umm... you can go on without me, I'm fine here!" You reassured your friend, but unfortunately for you, he wasn't having it. "Nuh uh! Nope nope nope!" He pouted, looking like an angry penguin, "You're gonna enjoy the beach, and we'll play genshin another day!" He decided with an unexpectedly authoritative tone.
You looked up to see the blonde towering over you (yes, he was towering over you despite his short stature because you were sitting on your beach towel and he was standing) and before you knew it, he had your phone between his hands. He quickly turned it off and pulled you up, surprising you with his actual strength despite his tiny figure.
"Nagisaaa" You whined, not actually minding being dragged to take a swim, "Let me go..! The water will surely be cold!" You tried to find an excuse. "The water is perfect, nice try y/n-chan~" The blonde quickly retorted, leaving you no escape.
Despite your complaints and struggles, you found yourself in the water with the others, and even if the water was cold, you were having fun. "See? I told you, the water is great!" Nagisa exclaimed while sticking out his tongue at you. He was right, but you didn't want to admit it, "Hmm... I still feel cold, the water clearly isn't warm enough!" You huffed with an exaggerated snobbish tone, just to let the blonde know that you were joking.
"Don't worry, y/n-chan, I know how to warm you up... it always works with Rei-chan!" You were a little confused, but an idea insinuated in your brain when you saw Rei blush like a tomato, as if he knew what he was talking about, and you let out a nervous giggle.
Your suspicions were confirmed when you noticed ten wiggling fingers approaching you. "No, y-you stay away from me..!" You tried to keep him at a safe distance, with scarce results, and you even tried to swim away from him. But to be honest, what were you even thinking? He caught up to you in mere seconds and trapped you in a hug.
It was adorable to Nagisa how your defenses crumbled as soon as his fingers landed on your sides. "KYAAAHAHAHA NAHAHAGISAHAHA WAHAHAIT!!" You kicked and squirmed like a fish out of water, even if you were actually in the sea, "THIHIHIS IHIHIS NAHAHAHAHAT FAHAHAIHIHIR!!!" You complained, but your squeals fell on deaf ears.
"But if you laugh and move, you'll warm yourself up!" The blonde teased while he started counting your ribs and walking his way towards your armpits. "NAHAHAGISAHAHAHAHAAA" You screeched when two fingers started circling the hollow of your underarms, slowly making their way towards the center.
"Y/n-chahahahan~" He playfully mocked you while he finally started digging in the very center of your poor armpits. In mere seconds, your face and even your ears were completely red and you had the biggest smile on your face. That's when Nagisa decided to stop, giving you time to breathe.
"Are you okay?" Makoto approached you while you recovered, "This is typical Nagisa behavior, no one has ever been able to escape him hehe" He let out an embarrassed chuckle, trying to make you feel less flustered. "Well... Nagisa should get a taste of his own medicine so he learns a lesson..." You let out a snarky grumble, always with that amused undertone that made everyone understand that you were enjoying yourself.
"Geez... you're still so salty, y/n-chan... I guess I didn't tickle you long enough..." the magenta-eyed guy stated before swimming towards you pretending to be a shark.
"Nononono Nagisa wa-WAHAHAHAHAIT!!!"
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jungshookz · 7 months
cee😭😭😭😭😭 that was literally so good. You surely have such a way with words that just make my insides all churned up and bleh. Like I literally had to hold back tears, while listening to kook tell yn all the reasons why he loves her as a friend. BE THERE AT MY WEDDING MY ASS. who says that 😭.
And not even talking about jimin my good god. That was just cruel I can't even find any words for him 💀
I just really really hope that yn gets her happy end, she deserves so much more than whatever that is 😔 but really cee, it was so so good, and the wait was really worth it. You're so talented and I'll gladly wait for however long it takes, if we get such a good story!! Thank you cee🩷🩷🩷🩷
i'm so glad you think so!!! i felt horrible posting it so late but it's been a busy semester and life in general has just been a little overwhelming but i'm so relieved that it's out now :')) hOo
and yes jungkook is,.., um,.., not the brightest bulb out there
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leejihoonownsmyheart · 8 months
WOOZI LIKES SEX SONGS??? WAIT WHEN WAS THIS AND HOW DID I MISS IT...and you're right he's so good at writing self confident songs wtf genius god of music woozi
omg okay choose the venue brie 🙄🙄🙄
UR RIGHJT 20s SLANG IS SO FUNNY...giggle juice reminds me of that meme that goes 'the bob got me crunk' IDK IF YOU'VE SEEN IT BUT THAT'S GIGGLE JUICE
OH MY GOD I DIDN'T KNOW GALLAGHER GIRLS IS A BOOK WHOOPS...it sounds so interesting tho??? i'm a sucker for spy books tbh...and who's zachary goode??? tell me more!! ALSO TELL ME ABOUT THE OC NICK. WHAT'S HE LIKE
you like requests that are different?? whoops...sorry i just gave you something really generic...but i will keep that in mind!! i will think about asks that will lead to a relationship because that's actually the best ending hands down
I POSTED MY BEST FRIEND ON MY STORY (a guy) AND HE LEFT ME ON DELIVERED LMAOOOOOO WHY IS HE LIKE THIS?? (i might block him, thank you btw...) (treat you better plays in the background)
why is it fair for your friends to be mad at you??? not to pry but like can't you choose who you want to be friends with ?😭 don't get sick thinking about it wtf you deserve better
-🫨 anon
I keep a watchful eye of his spotify playlist…. Nasty by Arianna grande PLUS HE LIKES BRUNO MARS AND JUSTIN BIEBER and he used to really like fine by me by chris brown (he was jamming to it in a very old video) and while i digress the majority of these are kinda baby sex songs THEY ARE STILL SEX SONGS
This is kinda lame but i’ve always kinda adored a forest venue kinda like in twilight i guess 😭 Imagine it.. a wedding, in the snow... bridesmaids in like sage and blush colors IT SEEMS MAGICAL
Zachary Goode is one of the boys that goes to Blackthorne Academy and HE IS LITERALLY SO HOT the first time they meet HE OUT SPIES HER which is CRAZY if you read the first book because she is the best spy at Gallagher academy. i don't remember too much about him but he is a huge flirt and in the second book (when we meet him) he is just so respectful of her and obsessed with her.... He's perfect PERFECT.
YOU CAN WATCH DOCTOR WHO ON I BELIEVE HBO MAX they took it off netflix a few years ago... like what the fuck... AND YOU CAN WATCH SUPERNATURAL ON NETFLIX STILL. I miss that show, they're doing a con right now somewhere in... england I think I saw and I'm so jealous...
HE LEFT YOU ON DELIVERED?! THATS SO ANNOYING you should be able to post your best friend in peace... I am very excited about this update by the way... I would live and die for every tiny detail about your love life so whenever you want to tell someone about it :))) it could be me :))) ^.^
ALRIGHT ILL GIVE YOU THE WHOLE TLDR this started when my friends moved to mornings. The two people I am closest to at work are my friends Sophia and Rachel and they are both directors at my store while I am just a manager. So ALREADY I'm jealous because they get to go to all these director's meetings together, and then they both move to mornings and not only does that suck because they get to see each other all the time and I see them maybe twice a week BUT THEY LEFT ME WITH ALL THE GUY MANAGERS So one of the guy managers I have spoken of before is Ben. And he is the one that I now work with the most. I used to be kinda close with him while he was dating one of the other managers but we kinda waned out of friendship after something happened on one of my leading shifts (it was not deep.)
We will remember Ben as the Capricorn I work with who broke up with his girlfriend because of a conversation he had with our boss about how she is not the kind of girl he wants to spend the rest of his life with (as she had been going to parties a lot???) and then he broke up with her at work right after her shift and as he started his and then he had sexual relations with a FRESHLY 18-year-old girl that he had been doing one-on-ones with for work while he was still sleeping with his now ex-girlfriend and she found out because she went through his watch text messages at work
DRAMA RIGHT AND I KNOW WHAT YOU'RE THINKING, brie he is a terrible person
mhm. So. he is a pretty good friend to have. He is very funny, and is easy to make fun of and he's actually pretty supportive. Working with him all of the time I have gotten closer to him. I used to go to the gym with him and my other coworker Blake but when all the aforementioned stuff happened I stopped. Anyways we all started seeing each other at the gym again and THEN my coworkers Nam and Blake moved to the same apartment 'neighborhood' as me. I joked with them that I would be at their apartment all the time cause we live so close
I've always been kinda friends with Nam since we both like anime and we're the same age, but we aren't actually that close. Anyways Blake was having his birthday party at Nam's apartment and I got myself invited because I am annoying :) And the people there are Daniel, Blake, Nam, and Ben. Somehow, that turned into this group of people hanging out EVERY tuesday. I left my sweatshirt and Nam's apartment on Blake's birthday and so everytime Nam saw me he would loudly be like WHEN ARE YOU COMING BACK TO GET YOUR SWEATSHIRT (as if we had fucked and I like it there... humiliating) so I start getting invited to hang out with the group which has extended to adding Minnie, Cassidy, my friend Justin, my coworker Aaron and his friend Kellen.
This is a WEIRD group of people and my friend Rachel does get jealous pretty easily. They both HEAVILY judge me for my friendship with Ben (fair) and they really judged me when I told them about the hangout so I didn't show up like two weeks in a row but for some reason they always text me and call me if I don't show up so I've started going anyways
Rachel doesn't react to my bereals if Ben is in them
So Rachel had taken over the schedule and on the very few times that I got to see her I would joke that she purposely moved herself to mornings cause she doesn't want to work with me. Anyways I am mean when I joke. I know this. I tell people this because I'm really insecure about it because I'm so "nice" all the time no one believes me and then I hurt someone's feelings and I want to cry. So anyways she started crying because of these jokes and she said she felt like I was mad at her.
I wasn't but I also was a little because also we were supposed to hang out with some other friends Emilee, and Chelsea and my friend Dawn and Emilee said she couldn't hangout that day and they planned to hang out then anyways without even trying to find a different day that would work. That's shitty. And then she said that she just really wanted to hammer down a day because she had been trying to plan this since august but like that was just bullshit it was the ONE day Emilee couldn't hang out she just didn't try hard enough and didn't even care that she was leaving Emilee out of it.
SO I was really stressed cause I didn't know how to tell them I thought that was really shitty. And also during ALL of this I am really really depressed. I don't want to talk to anyone, every single shift I worked I would cry because it was so hard and then I ran out of my anxiety meds so I was having panic attacks every single shift.
Anyways Rachel tells me I'm mean, she cries, I cry and then try to ice them out because I don't want to cry and make it all about myself. I have a cute breakdown.
It's really confusing to have this weird group of friends who really want to hang out with me and then Rachel and Sophia who want to hang out with me but also know that Rachel is mad at me. And it's really stressful to remember that if I talk about the people I am hanging out with the most and who seem to want to talk to me the most then my other friends will be mad at me. But if I don't hang out with that weird group of friends I will be so lonely because the only other person that I want to talk to all the time is busy and I am definitely smothering them cause I'm so fucking annoying
So, also I have no one to talk to about work. Rachel and Sophia don't work with the people I work with. I complain about everything if I can and also when I complain about things that Ben do they immediately get him in trouble for it by dragging our store operator into things when they aren't that serious and I am already dogging on him for it so now it's like if I complain about ben it gets back to him and one of these days he is going to be mad at me for it
I always say I can't complain about things because there are always consequences so I stopped complaining about things at work and Rachel and Sophia get mad at me for not talking about work things because we basically don't talk like at all.
However case and point, I told them ages ago that I wanted to learn interviews and they pretended to be excited about it and I mentioned it to them more than once and then a month later they are training James. Not me. So I ask Rachel oh is James learning interviews as if I didn't want to immediately start sobbing upon seeing it. And she immediately said some shit about brittni (our bosses wife) wanting to make sure I wasn't too stressed with school. I ASKED TO LEARN INTERVIEWS. WHY WOULD I ASK IF I WOULD BE TOO STRESSED ABOUT IT BECAUSE OF SCHOOL.
so I complain about it in passing to Blake and my boss over hears that I am upset about something but I don't tell him because I am being a baby right. Well my boss follows up with blake and blake tells him the truth and then my boss thinks that I am upset at him over it. Which I'm not. my boss didn't know I wanted to do interviews. So after our cute little "you should have asked me" chat I cried and then because of that I think rachel got in trouble because I immediately got scheduled to learn interviews.
I DONT WANT TO DO IT NOW. I complained and now everyone things I'm a fucking cry baby. which I am.
and i just. am so greatful for the friends I have but I'm miserable everyday and people are mad at me cause I don't talk about my feelings anymore and I don't even know what they think I just can;t do anything without upsetting anyone.
I don't know. I just really need a therapist but no one will get back to me so I'm just stuck with a dumb psychiatrist who things higher doses of sedative medicine will cure my anxiety and thus minimalize my depression. Whatever. I just hate being a cry baby and being so mad at myself for being a cry baby and then having people tell me how nice and great I am, like I'm not you know what i mean? AND YOU SEE WHAT I MEAN narcissist. Oh boohoo a bunch of people want your attention and want to hang out with you that's so hard. And then on top of that I have to reject a 32-year-old anime coworker who hasn't even asked me out yet.
AND THAT IS WHY IT IS FAIR THEY ARE MAD AT ME and why I should choose not to be friends with my weird group of friends and why I am stressed about it every day sigh
ALSO PRY AWAY again I am such a baby narcissist I love talking about myself sigh
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Listen, that anon was wrong in everything possible. Do you know who told me that I will be a burden if I'm seen weak and 'begging' for things? Teachers who enabled, looked over my vicious bullying in elementary school.
Even if you're damaged, you're not a burden but a VICTIM. And victims, just like everyone else DESERVE respect.
Asking people to idk like your posts, starter calls, artworks, etc is not needy (Idk where this whole 'trust breaking' nonsense came from), we are all from different timezones, countries. 50% of your friends, followers might just miss something and upon noticing the post they will be like 'wait a second I wanna see that!'.
Asking for interaction is perfectly normal either, especially when you want to take your mind off real life things.
Asking for mental help, aid, somebody to listen IS FUCKING VALID and I know many of us will gladly help you, including me.
I suppose you're right. It's weird that I never really considered myself a victim though. More often than not, I'm just like these bad things happened to me and that's all there is to it. Now thinking about it that isn't really a good mindset but I never claimed to have a good mindset to begin with. It's getting better though... With the help of my therapist and of course, people like you.
That's why I usually try my best to make sure people don't feel like they're a burden in any circumstance because to me, you're not. You could virtually ask me for anything and I'll do it without a second thought. Unless I'm just not physically or mentally up to doing said thing or it's just something I'm not comfortable with but still, I won't see it as a burden or an annoyance. It takes a lot to annoy me anyways.
Still wasn't my intention to make this blow up bigger than it needs to be but I suppose it was for a good thing? Because if I hadn't have said anything, I'd probably continued thinking along the same lines. This was a bit of an eye-opener if anything.
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So what are YOUR thoughts on the Hot New Trending Danganronpa Despair Time Character (apparently)?
//My honest thoughts? You really want them? Because I feel like I'm gonna be in the minority here ^^;
//I honestly do not get the hype
//Like, I totally saw this twist with him coming, and I never trusted a damn thing he said. I was that person holding the polaroid with "Don't believe his lies" written on it and nobody believed me, not even Timeline Anon : P
//I was with Teruko that whole time, and seeing the manipulator motive, it struck me as the confirmation of my theory. Especially when the guy started lying about basically everything. I knew he was gonna turn out like this, I just knew it...and then as soon as he was honest about it, I was like "Well, now I can't trust you."
//It was a confusing time, and it will continue to be so, I'm sure. While I'm looking forward to the eventual continuation of all this trial, my interest is primarily on how exactly his murder plot happened and who exactly was involved.
//Like, I mean absolutely no disrespect to anyone who likes David. A lot of you guys are cool and I get that a lot of you love fucked-up characters but don't condone any of their actions. You guys aren't the problem.
//The problem I have is that it's just hard not to be thoroughly disgusted with someone who reminds me of very real, very awful people who've caused real harm to two friends of mine. People who were also unrepentant manipulative pieces of trash, and who caused them real, lasting trauma.
//Like...David is famous worldwide for his speeches, and I'm terrified to think about what he's done with that kind of power. It's legitimately unsettling to consider ^^;
//And even looking past that, honestly? Y'all are losing it over a guy who undoes his bow tie, messes up his hair, and says "we live in a society" with some scary faces? You all deserve better than that : P
//He reminds me a lot of Adachi, another character I despise and whose fanbase I do not understand.
//I'll gladly listen to your media analyses, and I'm sure he'll make for a great antagonist, but don't expect me to say anything nice about David at this point. I don't care about his reasons, he hits too close to home for me not to hate his guts.
//Again, you guys can like fucked-up characters, but please remember the ones they've done harm too. Let "X did nothing wrong" remain a joke and nothing more ^^;
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heavensmortuary · 2 years
as someone who created a separate blog for the things I knew would attract negativity, I don't recommend it. Yes, a venting blog is a different thing, but what happened is I made myself a safe space to act like something I didn't want to act like, and an easy way to avoid sharing the things I was going through with the people who cared about me. And I was aware of this, but couldn't stop, because I'd already let my relationships with people who care about me suffer and didn't feel like I could turn back.
And more importantly, I DID sign up for this. I can't speak for everyone, but I'm not here for content. I'm here for you, because I like you as a person. I'd hate the thought of you putting the hard stuff somewhere else for the comfort of others. Your feelings are not an inconvenience and they deserve to take space. And I for one, will gladly listen.
Oh friend,, that means so much to me. Honestly don't know what to say to that other than thank you with my whole heart
Yea, that does make sense and you're right. It would more or less become a place for me to kind of toss negative thoughts so I don't burden others instead of actually having like insightful, Christ-influenced conversations, a little kind of easier running away on my part. I feel always self conscious letting my heart bleed here but I also need to recognize that I don't mind listening to other people, and that I am so blessed with people here who do truly care. Thank you anon <3 You're right, I'll run the race here
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myplaylists-angeli · 1 year
Year Review 2022... but these are just my popular playlists until now and I just want to thank everybody for the support <3 (maybe also promote the other ones, let's see~)
[from the Twisted Wonderland category]
twst events playlist: Happy Hunt, Monster (34 likes);
twst character playlist: Dancing through the night with Lilia Vanrouge (101 likes);
twst dorm playlist: Welcome to Diasomnia (85 likes);
twst complete playlist: Hunting around in Savanaclaw (184 likes)
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Angeli's commentary: the Bean's Day playlist was the first event playlist I ever made and I'm so happy it got so popular, especially bc I love purple and it's definitely one of my best banners (or at least, the most creative one till now). Lilia surprised me a lot but his playlist turned out to be actually dope so thank you local bat dad stans! Diasomnia's dorm playlist got a high number of likes (which I appreciate bc it's my favorite dorm) but seems like in terms of vibes and group, Savanaclaw got the cake with my highest liked playlist. I'm proud of our beast boys <3
[from the Haikyuu category]
haikyuu imagine playlist: love letters to his dear in Argentina (9 likes);
haikyuu kinnie playlist: mr. refreshing, that's right & i'm not afraid of that wall anymore (4 likes);
haikyuu ship playlist: daiyui... fight, ganbare! (3 likes)
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Angeli's commentary: happiest moment in my life was to see Oikawa, the great king himself, have the most popular among my imagine playlists. On top of that, it was a gift for a friend and we both love Oikawa so... I'm just grateful for our fellow stans out there who liked the songs I chose. Gracias~ lol Suga and Asahi have similar numbers but they're both precious senpais and deserve to be popular! And for my ship playlist, Daichi x Yui~ which was a surprise since they're one of the most underrated couples. I'm happy for them too <3
[from the Demon Slayer category]
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giyushino for your soul (15 likes)
Angeli's commentary: I got obviously caught up in Twst and Haikyuu so I could only make three ship playlists for Kimetsu but I'll try find time (and also more songs) to make playlists for other ships and also characters I appreciate. Likely, the anime will provide me with other images and I'll have lots of material to work with. As for now, I'm happy people liked my giyushino playlist!~
Thank you all from the three fandoms (until now) that took the time to stop and listen to some playlists. It's been a rough year but I found fun in making playlists and joy in sharing all with you. For the future, I'm studying the possibility of editing the playlists in video format to post on youtube but that's still a long, tough path to go so I won't make any promises right now. What I can promise is more playlists in the future and I'll gladly expand my catalogue soon while I get to discover more songs each day. So, thank you for the company in this 2022 and may 2023 be a good year for all of us!
with love, Angeli <3
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ladychlo · 2 years
do you ever feel like everyone hates you or are just tolerating you and it would be better off if you didnt exist? and if you do how do you deal with it? its like every other day my brain feeds me shit like how no one ever needs me and its hard not to believe when i am constantly ignored by everyone
Hi love! I'm sorry for late answer! hope you're having a lovely day <3
I'm so sorry you're feeling this way, maybe I'm not suitable to give you an advice and explain why you feel this way but I can absolutely understand how it is and how it feels, the weight of it and the heaviness of it on your chest. But I'm gonna tell you this from a stranger to another one, I don't know why exactly the reason that made you doubting your loveliness, but I need you to take a deep breath and don't loose yourself in the chaos of it all. You're not unwanted or unloved dear, there is enough abundance of love inside you and in the right places you gonna find the people who will gladly take the abundance of love that you're giving, so I just need you to stay exactly how you are, to be the things that makes you feel at home in your skin and self and I need you to be gentle and kind on yourself, to give yourself the chance to just be here....and, if this feeling is mainly caused by others, specific people, stay away from them the more you can, preserve yourself, they dont deserve to consume you, maybe they're just unloving people (trust me I knew alot and dealt with alot like them)...but I just want you to know if you feel unwanted or something, its simply not your fault, and its not because you're doing something wrong or you're not doing enough... I know how absolute of a shit feeling it is, I know it feels helpless, you feel invisible, sometimes it makes you feels like walking ghost around them.... But dont you EVER think its because of who you are or bc you're not enough or something... Like one advice, now from a friend to a friend, just be a good company to yourself, love your self in the most authentic possible way you can, be selfish about your energy and specially, be kind to yourself and as much as people can be unloving and the world can be a dry loveless land, there is enough love inside and there are loving people you're going to cross road with.... Just breathe, you're doing fine <3 and I'm here, sorry again I answered this late, but never hesitate to come and talk or rant at me in asks I'll always listen! Please take care of yourself love.
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tetsunabouquet · 25 days
Can't Help Falling In Love With You: Chapter 10
Masterpost Midorima and you had officially started dating, considering your first date had been quite the success. You honestly were falling for Midorima, and you felt butterflies everwhere, in your stomach, felt them fluttering and crawling along our spine, in your cheeks. You felt so wonderful that you honestly could float, and often you would end up screaming into your pillow whenever Midorima sent you a sweet text. Ichijo was happy for you, saying you deserved to be loved and be seen by someone. Ever since the fall out with everyone else, the two of you were even closer and Ichijo was steadily becoming like a brother to you. Honestly, after that quick downer, your life was looking more brighter and cheerful then ever before. Which is why you left gleefully for school, totally ignoring how nobody had bothered to throw their trash bags in the actual container again and how crows were tearing the stinking bags apart near your doorstep. You practically floated over a stray tampon, too lovedrunk to be disgusted with the revolting sight. As light as a feather, you wondered to the busstop that stopped near Shutoku. You considered yourself very lucky, as the school was too far away to walk. Unless you wanted to get up at 5 in the morning, which you certainly did not want. You, usually a patient person, was completely impatient about the bus' speed. You couldn't wait to lay your eyes on Midorima and exchange a brief conversation before heading to class. At the second stop after you got in, Ichijo stepped into the bus and he took a seat next to you as he yawned, the smell of weed fresh. You were willing to bet he smoked a quick joint before arriving at the bus stop. "Good morning Daisuke." You greeted him warmly and he rolled his eyes. "The puppy love on your face is too much for me in the morning." You chuckled as Ichijo did look rather tired. "I'll spare you my hyper energy." You said as you pulled out your phone and searched for the radio. You offered Ichijo one of your earbuds, which he gladly took and the two of you listened to your favorite radio station during the ride to Shutoku. As soon as you entered the school building, you went to the locker section to see if you could spot Midorima, and he appeared to be waiting for you already. "Hi, good morning!" You chirped a bit shyly, the sight of his beautiful green eyes leaving you flustered. "Good morning, nandayo." Midorima greeted with a warmth one usually did not spot on his reserved face. Something Takao, who came up to the two of you right at that moment, immediately noticed with his sharp eye. Takao processed it quickly though. "Ehh, Shin-chan, are you flirting with l/n-senpai?" Midorima flushed a bright red and you looked at your shoes, however before any of you could answer Ichijo surprisingly wrapped his arm around Takao's shoulders and start pushing him along to the exit. "I'll inform you ravenette, just give them some privacy." "You stink of weed, Ichijo-san." You couldn't help but chuckle at that.
Takao waited until everyone had left the changing room and he was all alone with Midorima. "So, you and l/n-senpai are dating, huh?" He asked, carefully touching the subject because he knew Midorima would otherwise ignore his every word. "Yes we are. Don't tell me you're so foolish to judge her on where she comes from nandayo." Midorima asked, looking at his friend. "Of course I am not, I've had enough conversations with her to know she is caring, sweet and somewhat gentle despite where she comes from. I'm just concerned what people are going to say to you for dating her, but it's not like you've ever cared about that." Takao said, secretly envious of Midorima's guts. If only all people had his confidence.
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