#i'll have to come up with something to use it on that isn't so femme to make me dysphoric.
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Man finished! I rate him a solid very cute out of ten.
This guy was published as a doily insert plus edging for a linen table cloth (seen Here). The linen part was of zero interest to me so I knit him as a stand alone doily and I very much prefer him as such. Chart A (the "doily") and Chart B (the "edging") match up for knitting in the round as a single doily.
Below the read more is going to refer a lot to the charts, which I got from the amazing Ramona French. While this is the only version of the charts I've seen, looking at the Rav page it seems to also be cut into A and B charts in the same spot. It makes sense in context of the original pattern but I don't like it, both for the reason i'll get to below and also because I straight up just don't like how it looks in the original pattern.
Even without the alterations I'll propose, I think he's a good doily just as he is. The problems I have are barely noticeable/nitpicky now that he's blocked out.
Starting with the edging vs doily distinction. This problem starts with the original pattern since it has you knit chart A for the insertion and chart B for the edging around every insertion and the linen tablecloth edges. But divorcing the actual charts from the linen, the charts really should be rows 1-31 of A as the "doily" and Chart A rows 33-41 and all of chart B for the "edging". The reason I'm so specific about this is because it's focus for any changes I would make. The end of chart A and the beginning of chart B flow together perfectly. It's where the doily/center flower ends (Row 31) and the edging begins (Row 33) that is the problem spot.
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(I should've picked a darker colour foam to block this out on, sorry if it's hard to see)
The large center petals (doily) end with a yo, twisted knit 1, yo at the very tip. Then the set up row for the edging is all knits with a yarn over... that is off center of the petal. In a more personal gripe, I don't like how the mesh in the flower portion looks next to the edging. It's not bad (and would probably bother me less if it weren't off center) but it's not my favourite.
The mesh not looking nice next to the edging is an easy fix that comes directly from a doily that has a very similar feel to this one. Sechsblatt is another doily I've knit and also has a 6 petaled flower with mesh between the petals and an edging, but it's edging is separated by several rows of plain stockinette. In my revised chart I added just one odd numbered row of stockinette. I'm not 100% on this change, it's something that you just can't know if it looks good until it's swatched out.
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The change I am 100% on is centering the yarn over to be directly above the tip of the center flower petal. There's a number of ways to do so, I'm honestly surprised it wasn't done for the original pattern. My revised chart moves the k2tog on row 35 to directly over the center stitch of the petal, which required moving the start of the repeat one stitch left. This also needs swatched out but I'm fairly confident it'll line up, at least better that just being blatantly off center like it is in the original, and since the k2tog was just moved instead of being added, the stitch count should still work out.
All other changes to the chart were simply made for personal preference/printing convenience.
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Eventually I'll knit this revised version but I don't have a timeline on that yet, knitting the same thing multiple times is bad for my attention span. Regardless I would wait because I want to see how the crochet bind off holds up. I usually pin out every chain of the crochet bind out individually but I thought pinning two together looked really good on this particular doily. It made the blocking process a lot tighter. That could've been because I accidentally stretched it too much in the first place (I forgot this doily was 6 parts instead of 8) but it was incredibly funny to behold.
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Watch Party: New Start
To be read co-currently with this. Warnings for WooHoo references. And terrible screenies.
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KIM: So what do we think, ladies? Will the Ice Queen cometh? SARA: Kim, c'mon. I think that she's actually rather lonely. KIM: Really? Up in that big old house of hers? SARA: Exactly. CECILIA: Does your bartender's intuition tell you that, orrrr the fact that her husband is an out-and-out wanker? [All three laugh.]
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KIM: So. What do we think of her chances? CECILIA: If it weren't for the fast-paced nature of these things, I'd say fairly decent. But Araminta is quite reserved. KIM: Exactly. And everyone else is being so quick off the mark. If you ask me - whiiich you won't, but I'll say it anyway - she needs to act faster and sooner than she's ready for. CECILIA: Really? Before she is sure of the contents of his character, and of her own feelings? Why, how very Charlotte Lucas of you. KIM: I'm just stating the facts!
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SARA: Anyway. More importantly, Team Leo or Team Dodo? KIM: Well, both are better than that hobbit, Celia. CECILIA: Agreed. For me, Team Dodo all the way. Leo would never let anyone come between him and his mirror. KIM: Really? I think that I could come between him and his mirror. CECILIA: Seriously, Kim? KIM: Oh, c'mon. Where's the risk-reward factor otherwise? People don't go to Leo because they want the white picket fence. I could fix him. CECILIA: Says woman who is worse. [Cecilia and Kim meet eyes, laugh]
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ROSAMUND: Evening, ladies. Thank you for inviting me. I took the liberty of bringing a Tartosan vintage from our cellar. CECILIA: And we will most certainly liberate you of that Tartosan vintage. SARA: It's no trouble at all, Rosamund. We... we weren't sure if Richard would be at home, and if you might like the company. KIM: Speaking of which - won't Richard miss this, ahem, 'grape juice'? ROSAMUND: Oh well. What doesn't Richard miss this days? KIM: [quietly to Cecilia] I think she's already been pre-gamming.
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KIM: Really? A solo date? And our girl is the one going? Henford-on-Bagley represent! CECILIA: A solo date if Leonardo doesn't show... KIM: Yeah, at this rate he's going to crash the wedding in a white gown of his own. And have a deeper cleavage than the bride. SARA: Well, it makes sense. You'd want to build the friendship first, wouldn't you? That's a good foundation for any relationship, don't you think? ROSAMUND: Ah. Ehm. Yes.
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ROSAMUND: Oh. Oh my. KIM: Well he's not as smooth as his brother. That's for sure. SARA: I'd say that lack of artifice is refreshing. CECILIA: And I'd say that he's been eyeing her like some prize winning pumpkin ever since they arrived. SARA: Celia. Just how much have you drunk? ROSAMUND: Not enough, I'd say. At least for my part.
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SARA: Oh my - look. He popped the question. And she's accepting! ROSAMUND: Oh dear. Oh my Watcher. This is something that no mother should ever have to see... KIM: More grape juice, Rosamund? Or something stronger? ROSAMUND: Definitely something stronger. In fact, I think that I shall get it myself. Cecilia, if you don't mind? CECILIA: It's okay - they're doing the good old 'Fade to Black.' ROSAMUND: I still have seen too much...
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ROSAMUND: Well, thank you ladies for having me. And to you of course, Cecilia, for hosting. SARA: Our pleasure, Rosamund. Same time tomorrow night then? CECILIA: Nice of you to offer up my house like that. KIM: You're the only free woman among us all. Of course it has to be you. Can you imagine how our husbands would react if we're cheering this on like some football match? ROSAMUND: Oh, I think that I can do you one better. Richard should be out for the night. CECILIA: Then don't mind if we do.
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[just pretend that Rosamund isn't right there in the background lol]
KIM: Well. That went better than I thought. On every count. CECILIA: Yes. She - Rosamund, although both are applicable, I suppose - was clearly trying. It was rather sweet. SARA: And she has excellent taste in grape juice. CECILIA: Just between us femme Sims. Why do you think she's still with her husband? KIM: Well it can't be for the WooHoo, that's for sure. I'd be smiling a lot more if it were the WooHoo. Normally she could outcurdle Agnes. SARA: Kim. KIM: Okay okay, I admit. She was actually alright company. And who knows? If we keep her around, we may get some real dirt...
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lucabyte · 20 days
Your gender thought type essays have made me curious about what your oc creation/development process is like! It seems to be something you put a lot of thought into and that’s very interesting (especially cause my circles don’t often go into detail in that area)
I'm delighted to hear you're curious!! I'll give as thorough an answer as I can manage, though it'll likely be a bit disorganised. Okay, so... I'm gonna use a couple examples for this, and since you specified gender stuff I'm gonna go for some where gender/sexuality are integral, even if in seemingly counterproducive ways (but that'll be the last few...)
So. The first character that comes to mind here for me in terms of like... A lot of thought going into their gender is Lavender.
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So going all the way back... Lavender was made in 2015.
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Spreadsheet puts her at the 13th character in the setting, creation-date ways! So she's Been around a while.
Part 1: A Core Idea
Now, why was Lavender made? This is the first step of character creation. Well, she was made to tick a bit of a box. I realised my only girls at the time were all tomboyish so I needed a cute girl. And this was 2015, so she arose in the form of a Waifu Joke. She was intended to be a side-character with no real plot ties, so I just designed a character as cute as possible, named her simply (Lavender Wafeu == literally Colour and Waifu) and was basically done? 7 months later I would make Mafioso to slightly further the joke, in that giving Lavender a girlfriend makes her unpursuable* as a waifu. This also gave me a stark butch/femme pair, and I recall around this era there was a joke going around on tumblr of 'Indestructable Lesbians' as opposed to buried gays. This kinda became their thing. Two lesbians the plot wouldn't touch and they wouldn't be endangered.
.... And then that was kinda it. She was a cute girl who was fun to draw, shy, and reserved in nature. An opposition to Mafioso's brash (but secretly a little nervous) demeanor. I would literally just liken this to flutterdash outright. I was basically just doing flutterdash in terms of their personalities.
SO: This is the first step to all my characters. Find a core concept, or more likely, a core joke. Lavender's core joke is a very rough and (frankly unfunny) "your waifu isn't going to fuck you" joke. But you can see how she was built out of it. And we'll get to how that building happened next.
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(^ Weird 2015 era lavender with her total lack of emotive range and flat characterisation)
Part 2: Dormancy
Lavender stayed unchanged for quite a while, in this flat state. She picked up a few things, mostly little 'twists' to her character. ie. she could hold her own in a fight, is surprisingly quick to jump to (cartoonish) violence, and likes a good steak. All very basic little things, obvious "oh bet you didn't expect That" contradictions.
She didn't recieve much attention during this time despite me really liking her design still. Mafioso languished even worse in this era, with her mother Omerta picking up most of the development instead. Overall, these two were very, very boring. No amount of little superficial additions could save them from this.
But it... hints at something, right? It hints that maybe there's a facade somewhere, that maybe the perfect-cute-girl thing might actually take a little bit of effort to upkeep...? Hrm...
Part 3: A Fresh Perspective
So, sometime in 2020, I was finally remaking my 2016-era spreadsheet of all my characters from the ground up, since I needed to remove a lot of ms excel specific formatting it had in it.
And while going through, I was being helped by @samhainian, who I had befriended in the years between. And they remarked that I didn't have enough directly trans characters in the cast, to which I agreed. I had a handful of tokens at the time (Adder and Angel spring to mind?) but not many more, so we literally just went down the list with suggestions. And when Sam suggested Lavender, I reacted with confusion. Because... Wait. Is she not trans? But she's so feminine? All of my characters lean extremely gender-neutral in presentation unless they're trying to do gender on purpose...?
And this just, unlocked her whole character like a skeleton key.
I was making her do her gender on purpose. The reason she had those contradictions is because she's putting in the effort to appear like this perfect, girl-next-door, waifu type. Something that doesn't really work if she doesn't have girlhood to prove.
From here, her coy 'maybe she has more to her than cute girl' hints were instantly recontextualised as a thing She was Doing. And instead of being random superficial tidbits, they were Depth. And her cartoonish 'extremely mild-mannered and polite persona' suddenly became a very human facade.
So, she had a new core to build around. And her lack of anything going on before in terms of backstory suddenly felt contextual? She's clearly fresh new to this. She had already had the backstory of being a very young (about 19~21) person who had moved to a new town to live on her own-- Suddenly that makes sense. She's forging a whole new identity. Her polite 'never really talking about herself because she's an object for the audience to desire' quietness becomes intentional evasion. She doesn't have a backstory, because she doesn't want it to be any of your business.
And ironically, this immediately Gave Her the backstory she had been missing. Her wiles and hidden 'smarter than she looks' becomes so relevant as to be real character traits...
I already somewhat went over this (and a number of other gender thoughts, including my thoughts on my myriad 'cis but not' or 'nb in a specific direction') in a thing I wrote, woof, 2 years ago: (LINK) which was a ramble about a lot of my character's genders... In that I summarised Lavender's gender as such:
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Part 4: In practice
Okay so it's all well and good that I realised Lavender is Trans Gemder. But that's not where it ends, because she finally became refined and polished to the point of um. Quadrupling her image count on toyhouse. because of Purrgatorio.
See, the other reason I was getting my spreadsheets in order was for Purrgatorio (the original flavour of it, the visual novel) and I needed to just do some general housekeeping.
Lavender, Mafioso and Ess shared a route in VN!Purrgatorio, being that I saw them as a triad of characters. While this characterisation of her basically did nothing interesting, aside from showing her fiery side, this would later become the basis for her being one of the first characters met in actual purrgatorio, where she, being polite and nice, and established back in 2016ish to be one of the few characters Chrome isn't a total asshole to--- She gets to meet Ali.
Now this is where I would say a lot of the real development happened. Right there, in action, in putting her to the test of real writing. All of her characterisation stops being hypothetical, and instead something I have to portray. And I found as I wrote, she grew more deep simply by giving her such an odd situation to be in. And of note, by having Ali be intimidated by talking to cute girls, it gave her the upper hand in the dynamic-- Really allowing me to show off her ability to lead a conversation, and her quiet confidence in herself-- as well as hinting at the thing she isn't quite so confident with.
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It's also allowed me to start thinking about her sexuality, too. This is another thing that goes back to her flimsy core concept. The Waifu is generally a sexless being in their own right, having sexuality projected onto them by the narrative or audience. In fact, a lot of shounen girls don't get to be romantically forward-- both because it risks alienating the intended selfshipper-audience, and also because showing too much confidence and autonomy in their sexuality can be too threatening for the chuunibyo audience, who aren't yet comfortable with their own sexuality and-- wait! Look at that! Another part of the core concept I can toy with! Wouldn't it make sense, if she's meant to be a deconstruction of The Waifu Archetype, for her to have that confidence and autonomy? This is what 2015-me was clumsily trying to grasp with the whole lesbian thing... So why not just re-angle that into her being confident and forward. It fits with her new personality, so it works!
*oh hey there's that asterisk. I also realised she had chemistry with Ali! Given the way she is level-headed and rather logical deep down, her curiosity drives this. She's not going to pass up a chance to know a literal Alien... But it also further illustrates how badly Mafioso has been left in the dust by her. (She's been quietly tinkered with behind the scenes ready for her reintrodcution, but for a while, I was really struggling!! Like, considering overhauling her character levels of struggling!! But, we managed, I think. She's yet to be introduced and put into practice yet, but it's upcoming.) To the point where I've broken them up! At least for now. Mafioso needs to prove herself I think, since now she can't rely on Lavender being waifish and easily won over.
Any joke/idea can be a suitable core, even if flimsy, you just need to find which parts are interesting to either double down on or deconstruct
It's okay for characters to take a long time to form! If you don't feel connected to a character they might need a shake up, but also YOU might need a shake up. Lavender needed a new perspective from someone with a different approach to gender as me, and for I myself to become more comfortable with Real Sexuality (ive literally just aged nearly 10 years itll happen) before she could really shine.
Following on from the above you basically never need to throw a character out completely. You should try and find what it is you like about them, or consider core, and perhaps try and reframe or refract those elements. A character might get demoted to non-main status sometimes, but why throw away that depth? They can hang out on the sidelines if that's better for them.
Sometimes a character won't feel done until you write them! You can do this with RP if you have the ability, but I wrote Purrgatorio instead, which is intentionally low-stakes and non-canon so I don't get too freaked out about writing it. It's a playground for testing characterisaton, and putting characters in weird pairings they otherwise wouldn't to see if something interesting arises.
Lavender is a bit of a daunting pick, given that she's spent nearly 10 years slowly rotating in my brain, only to finally become realised in the last 3-4 or so. But I do have some more recent quick examples, as well as another giant thing you can read if you want to.
GIANT THING TO READ IF YOU WANT IT: I've posted abt this before way ages ago but I wrote up a whole gigantic thing on my probably 2 most in depth characters. It can be found here (LINK) and also has a longass diatribe about their genders, sexualities, and the core thing they were originally riffing on. (Which was like. a specific type of anime boy ship i was a sucker for, that I eventually realised I was making way more interesting than most anime i was into was bothered to do)
It's a very thorough look into my thought process, including ANOTHER diatribe on purrgatorio granting me some good boons of character.
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Okay Ali is too complicated to get into thoroughly here, but they're another good example of a core idea spiralling out.
Core idea: Blank slate visual novel protagonist, so gender neutral and a bit of a flimsy everyman. No real name, only a default name if you left the entry blank. (Ali, a shortening of the canon surname). #FFFFFF skin to keep the jokey ambiguity and pink hair to reference Dante's silly red hat.
Twists: Canon assigned surname of Alighieri, implying them to be some descendent of The Real Dante. And they're in a VN so there's a spooky easter egg where you can roll a death screen that shows them as an ominous demonic Thing instead of a regular human.
The, VN!Purrgatorio got shelved, and because they were human instead of a furry they got shuffled into other projects. A furry version of them showed up in a different project riffing on the demon thing, making them a child-friendly antichrist with 2 siblings based on the tragicomedy masks. Then that furry version's stuff got shoved onto the human version who was just a half-demon kid in Creature Feature. THEN we decided they'd be half-succubus to keep the ability to shift between the sexes (referencing the blank slate gender ambiguity of the VN). THEN that became 'nerd who is freaked out by being a sex demon and doesn't like the ethical implications of their existance but is still kinda miffed that they arent Getting Any' who STILL HAD the antichrist stuff from the furry version....
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(^ technically a completely seperate ali ive not done anything with in years lol)
Like you get it. It's a giant katamari of STUFF from all different settings. This is what I mean by 'you never really need to scrap a character'. Because after all this shoving them around into different projects and them accruing things (the 'guy who is really concerned with informed consent is a succubus/incubus' angle really informed them here, as well as deciding that they're apathetic about the magic sex characteristic changes.) we threw them right back into the original setting of Purrgatorio and it went WAY BETTER once they actually had some character traits!
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But that core idea still stands a little. Not in them being an everyman, but in prompting them to become an altersex character when fleshed out, and in the way that they're distinctly still tied to that second-person-narration that VNs have, and the eventual 4th wall break they got in the VN informed their powerset as 'narrative manipulator'.
VN!Purrgatorio got shelved because I redid a bunch of MYMK's setting when I was finishing it up. But It was worth it even unfinished.
Ali themselves when in Current!Purrgatorio has spent, up until very recently, their whole time with their home setting (Creature Feature) in a state of being deeply unfinished and in need of a reshake. It's finally getting that now, but it was still fine for me to reference what I knew likely wouldn't be changing! They were able to function just fine without their home setting being solid for upwards of 2-3 years. Obviously this shouldn't be done for *finished* works, but when you're just playing, like I am with Purrgatorio, it's okay to keep things fluid and effectively quietly retcon things later.
Peach tracy is an actually recent character, and is under @samhainian's purview, as with the rest of Moraine. Now, she was made with a very distinct gender/sexuality in mind, unlike a lot of my characters who stumble ass-backwards into one.
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Peach is the 'token girl' of her group (the other two being Red, a closeted and unaware transfem, and Toyon a he/him butch.) and well, her gender is basically "tik tok girlie", as is her core concept. She only works if she's a pampered cisgender straight girl from a rich background. She's nice! But she's privileged.
Her twist however, is that she is wracked by the guilt of her and her group letting a friend take the fall for an Illegal Youtube Prank to save their own skin, and as such her entire character unravels from there.
Because she has all this guilt, it stands that her Girliepop Persona must be somewhat constructed. She's leaning in to the femininity as a shield and a deflector. She's, y'know, a white girl.
So her gender ends up being overperformed, and she's petrified of expressing her sexuality due to it being tied up in this image of purity. She's the exact type of person to psyche herself out into believing those 'having a crush on your friend is problematic' tumblr posts.
But none of this would really work if she did not start as a (white) girl, able to use that shield. If she were a dude or nonwhite-coded she would not have the ability to react to her situation that way. Ergo, she is actually built out of her identity this way.
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(As for her sexuality, she is unhealthily self-flagellating about it, so it ends up just being unpleasant. This was a genuine surprise to myself and @samhainian when we were discussing it. We hadn't thought about it prior to starting some lighthearted riffing about assigning characters kinks literally bc we were bored when we had the horrifying realisation that Peach would not be safe about this shit AT ALL due to a lack of self preservation and way more ambient suicidality than we realised she had until we dug here. We quickly resurfaced from the joke conversation into an actual deconstruction of how she's internalised a lot of blame and decided to go distinctly carceral with it for herself. so there's another tip: Even if you aren't making nsfw content, poking around a character's sexuality will sometimes reveal raw truths that come from sexuality being very vulnerable by default.)
Peach is overall an interesting contrast to Lavender, since they're both Girls Being Feminine On Purpose, but one is transfem and one is. Well god idk what peach will end up but she'll need to unpack it.
(I note that peach is white also, since while I rarely intentionally racially code my characters, sometimes i SUPER do.)
Okay because I've talked about a number of girls so far lets be brief about a fuckin Dude.
Virgil is like, some real toxic masculinity shit. He would probably be fucked up in some different way if he were born a girl, but he's distinctly falling into a lot of traps due to his upbringing as "A dude who was promised he'd get power when he grew up".
His dude-ness is a very flat fact to me in that way, and he's similar to Tabitha in that regard since it's one of the ways they're meant to reflect each other. Dudes who's place as patriarch-to-be saved them from being pawned off as a wife, but is still responsible for a lot of their misery. Certainly the better of the two options, but could still be better!
Virgil's themes of masculinity being a simultaneous shield and blinder is a simple one but I go back to it a lot because it can be true a lot of the time in antiquated social situations like, say, the upper class. So, being a villain, he does end up being a condemnation of the structures that disincentivise healthy masculinity. He's necessarily amab because he is the result of how particularly regressive views of masculinity can shape a child into a repressed and miserable adult.
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Whether or not virgil stays a dude or not if he ever figures out his way of viewing power structures was Fucked Up and Bad is anybody's guess. It's not really Masculinity that was hurting him, so much as a rich asshole's narrow view of it. So there's no real reason for him to reject a healthier version of it outright, it's just whether he'll ever get there...
Okay writing in the tumblr post editor is starting to scare me with errors so I should probably close this out. But yeah this is a little bit of a run down of where my head is usually at when making characters. A lot of it is just batting jokes back and forth until they become something more solid, which I don't know that I really got across here.
Like, a lot a lot of my characters are built around a core joke. Usually what-ifs like.
"What if a shounen-type card game anime protagonist was just as brash and head-full-of-air as the rest of the, but a girl"
"What if Ed Sheeran had a cheating scandal with two tboys and it made the radio fucking horrible to listen to"
"What if a wrestler was really, really wide and also clearly into rubber"
"What if somebody took the 'blonde anime boy who barely shows emotion' trope seriously because that kind of repression can't be good"
"What if a guy was specifically interested in becoming a Soil Scientist from like, age 4, and never gave up that dream"
^ If you can figure out who's who then you win a prize (a kiss)
But yeah. Jokes upon jokes upon jokes. Assign them classpects and pokemon and put them into speed/power/fly formation and just joke for as long as you possibly can until you hit on something. And if a joke feels really right, or completely off the mark, try and dig in and find why.
Like. I joke about the sexuality thing but it does help since it's so disarming and immediately a bit childishly funny often. Sometimes you'll end up with say, something as serious as "Despite being friends with The Fence, Selene probably shouldn't be left unsupurvised in kink spaces because she ABSOLUTELY does not have the ability to restrain herself and not take her anger issues out on strangers" and sometimes its as silly as "even outside of being asexual, ess is never jackin that shit because if he got caught in any kind of mildly embarrasing scenario it'd ruin his whole year so the cost/benefit analysis of that really doesn't work out"
Because like. both tell you about the characters, and you can also read them more broadly now. Selene ruins relationships by letting anger at unrelated things get in the way, Ess keeps himself from doing even utterly harmless things out of deep social anxiety.
Like yeah, i got to them via goofing about sex but it's still character analysis at the end of the day so long as you put The Reading first*
*DISCLAIMER: im asexual im only ever doing stuff for the read lol . it might be more difficult if youre allosexual . or maybe itll be easier. i dont know just dont get too lost in the sauce. think with ur brain not ur other parts
ALSO gender and sexualty often end up linked so it makes sense to end up at one from the other a lot of the time. It happens.
And as an addendum if you wonder where i tend to literally Design characters? Like visually? It's usually at some point between the first few jokes and before naming them. Though sometimes names come first.
OVERALL: A character should have a core concept to them to start with. This core concept CAN SUCK and be flimsy, or a joke, or even a joke you no longer find funny. But you can always refer back to it when building a character up. If you want to capture the concept, work toward it, if you want to deconstruct or mock the concept, then do that instead. If you sour on a joke, maybe find a way to satirise or deconstruct what you're no longer finding funny.
Sometimes this core concept is steeped in a specific cultural thing, be it race, gender, sexuality, ect, and those necessitate thinking about. Sometimes it's not and those things can practically be an afterthought, but once you lock it in it's likely to begin informing the later choices as it becomes part of the scaffolding.
(To hop back to why you even asked this Q: I so thoroughly read Siffrin as amab BECAUSE they had so many themes about Not Having Changed and clinging to what they knew, and so working backwards from that it only made sense to me that they mustn't've done a big overhaul YET or made any big decisions about that YET by the time we see them in game, because that's what gels best with their themes of being Too Afraid To Change and being a contrast to Isa who has changed a bunch, and a comfort to Mira who hasn't changed at all in their gender. Then it was a case of looking through the game for more evidence either for or against this reading, and I found a lot of evidence for it, in my opinion. But I did so Because I noticed that the themes were Stronger if read this way, and because I conceptualise characters as themes and concepts FIRST it made sense to try and work back to those themes.)
But yeah. TL;DR:
Ground yourself with a Hook for the character, sometimes making it sillier makes it easier to think about.
Try and think about how they would be formed by the world around them, or what their behaviour says about how they must've been formed
Don't worry about things taking a long time. Sometimes a character needs someone else to make a suggestion, or for you to grow and change a little before they click
Putting it into action helps a lot, even if its just roleplay or short snippets. If you can't 'feel out' what a character would do in a situation, that's when it's time to think about their goals for how they want to be seen as a person (including, if they don't want to be seen at all...!) and what hard boundaries they have say, morally.
I am by no means a like. Expert on any of this. I'm fumbling through it all just as much as the next guy (AND... I'M ACTUALLY SOMEWHAT OF A HYPOCRITE. I THINK CHARACTERS ARE BEST SEEN AS 'NARRATIVE CONSTRUCTS' RATHER THAN 'PEOPLE', SO ALL THIS ADVICE BEING SO CHARACTER FOCUSED RATHER THAN NARRATIVE FOCUSED IS MISSING THE FOREST FOR THE TREES LOL....) but apparently people do Like my characters? So, what do I know i suppose LMAO
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princesscolumbia · 22 days
Was originally going to DM but I saw those were closed, I have a sister/sibling who uses she/they and femme/neutral terms interchangeably. She's been unable to transition where we live because she's a minor but she's turning 17 in a few months so her 18th birthday is coming up. I want to start saving up information and advice and help for her so when she turns 18 I can pass it along: I already plan to take her on a shopping spree trip and I know she's planning on starting hormones, are there any tips or advice you have for her? She doesn't have social media for mental health reasons but they stay inside a lot too (they're a hardcore gamer, like, entering competitions to win cash and winning gamer) so I'm not sure that they're hearing much from trans elders (which is why I'm trying to form an information stash)
I'll offer the same advice I'd give myself if I had a chance to go back and tell this to my then-17 year old self. It'll get a little dark, but it's the single most valuable bit of advice I'd be able to offer that poor, abused transgirl in my own past, and may be the best thing your sibling could hear:
Safety is good, but never sacrifice your mental health for the "safety" of your situation. I made the mistake of "waiting" for everything to be "ready" and everyone to be "okay" with my transition because it was "safe," all the while ignoring my own mental health, which in the long term turned out to be a greater threat to my safety than anything else.
Living your true, honest self for yourself is your greatest safety. You can have a roof over your head, warm and comfortable clothes to wear, and food on your plate, but if the cost of all those is denying who you are, that isn't "safe."
And you'll know it, too. Whether it's a parent you have to keep happy, a spouse you have to convince "it's not actually that big a deal," or an employer that refuses to make the workplace a safe environment for trans and queerfolk, the second they even suspect you're not cis-het like them, they'll have the power to control you and make your life miserable. It will be a slow, creeping control that will have you gaslighting yourself just to try and keep yourself from facing the horrible reality that you were complicit in your own oppression.
If there's a component of your safety that is merely a convenient facade that you know could be the crack in the dam, change it. Sooner than later. 18 years old will mean you're no longer subject to parents who might control you. It means the government can't default back to your parents if someone tries to force something on you.
It means you are now free to do what you need to do for you!
It's big, it's scary, and you will not be prepared. You'll be leaving behind a comfort zone for something so nebulous it will legitimately be your personal Undiscovered Country. But you'll find people there who will gladly mom(affectionate) you to death if you have a cough. You'll find folks who'll dad-joke you into the ground while they help you fix your car. You'll encounter people who will tell you weird-sounding advice like, "Always put your silverware in the dishwasher handle down," and you'll realize it makes sense only after you bite the bullet and try it.
(And things like "the vibe" and "cringe" will sound really stupid the older you get.)
You'll need to learn new ways to ask for help, and you'll need to relearn how to accept it. You'll need to figure out things nobody taught you growing up and it'll make you (possibly unreasonably) angry at your folks for not teaching it to you.
But the single best step of securing your safety for your transition is to transition. Don't wait for permission. Don't wait for people to tell you it's okay. Don't wait for the medical technology to be right or the perfect outfit to come along or the mentor who will make it all easier for you, because it's never easy.
Because here's the secret nobody has told you; nobody ever gets permission to be themselves. It's never okay for you to change the status quo that other people are happily leaving in place. Not only is the "perfect" transition the enemy of just doing the damn transition, but what you think you know about transitioning socially/medically/etc. is barely a drop in the bucket of what is actually known and just done that you'll swear it's some grand conspiracy to keep the knowledge from you. (It is and it isn't. It's called 'comp-het' and 'toxic masculinity' and 'unreasonable societal standards of femininity' and 'the patriarchy' and a whole bunch of other stuff that you don't actually know what it means until you've lived outside of the box that society placed you in, but nobody is 'doing it to you,' any more than they're doing it to everyone around you including themselves.) And the perfect outfit is out of season in a month, and the perfect mentor is also only human and WILL fuck things up.
Whatever it is, whether it's popping the question or transitioning or getting a new job or a new place to live or even just switching from cereal to smoothies for breakfast, just do it. If you know it's going to be good for you and you want to do it "eventually," do it now. Don't wait.
If you need permission, congratulations, you have it. If you need everything to be 'perfect,' congratulations, the most perfect moment is now. Shit's gonna happen anyway, might as well pick the shit that happens instead of letting life pick it for you.
Post-script: You're being incredibly brave. Accept the compliment and one day you'll understand how brave you're being and it will humble you how strong you really are.
(And wear sunscreen. That sounds dumb but you'll thank me later.)
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ventruevitae · 2 months
tagged by @ineed-to-sleep ily <3<3<3
go ahead and consider this a tag if you see it! i can't think of anyone rn + i'll probably be doing these for other ocs anyway so sdgfhhj
rules: pretty self explanatory. include physical descriptions or pics, and propaganda. the “other” label can be used for “sexuality misalignment” (ie: oc is femme and you’re gay, vice versa or you aren’t into smashing but a specific thing you wanna do with them like perhaps hug or study them under a microscope idc).
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these images are all over the place don't @ me
Full name: Katerina Irakleidis (That last name gets swapped out every few decades. Most people just call her Kat.)
Age: Looks like she's in her mid-twenties, was actually born in the 20s
Height: 5"3-ish (almost always wearing some sort of heel tbh, it's hard to clock her actual height between that & the hair)
Eyes: green
Gender: cis woman
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: bisexual (major preference for masc/butch types gender notwithstanding btw lmao)
bit of a hard outer shell but if you break through it ohh man, truly one of the most passionate & devoted people you will meet
surprisingly selfless also?
knows how to dress well, you'll always have something pretty on your arm & she'll be so happy if you let her coordinate outfits
you want to see the world burn? cool, so does she. just point her in a direction & tell her who you want dead.
really goddamn good in bed. she knows it too.
money isn't a problem. how did she come by it? don't worry about it darling.
loves physical touch. top contender of the cuddliest vampire in LA currently.
she can teach you how to do some fun swing dance stuff from her fledgling years c: (she knows a ton of partner dance styles & is pretty good at making up steps/choreo on the fly--so yes, you will get those midnight kitchen dances if you so desire)
basically a happy/content kat is someone who likes to get pretty domestic with her partners. she seems like she'd be looking for something flashy, but nope. her biggest desire is really just settling into something peaceful & being called someone's baby.
vampire but also a Ventrue. ymmv on how much of a con this is.
see above: ventrue possessiveness. not necessarily your fault, but can & will become your problem.
"hard outer shell" = she can be genuinely prickly & argumentative at times and can leave a fairly negative impression on people. doesn't care if this happens 99% of the time either.
will not be staying with you if her sire is still alive.
actually that probably puts a pretty massive target on your back, sorry.
is probably definitely still hung up on her sort-of-not-really-an-ex. you will never be him, i am sorry. can you blame her though, who's out here getting over nines rodriguez?
she has a sister, which would be a pro except this sister is a lasombra who will regularly fuck up any emotional regulation kat has scraped together after they cross paths (assuming it doesn't get more physical)
chain smokes. dead god she smokes So Much. doesn't matter for health reasons, being dead and all, but still.
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stormblessed95 · 1 year
Like Crazy: Jimin
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My thoughts over Jimin's song, Like Crazy! I know I've promised this post for freaking ever, I'm sorry I'm just now getting to it! This will probably be part 1, and I'll do a post about all possible queer coding in this MV and the dance in a part 2 in answer to an ask I have waiting. Or at least, I might mention it here, but I'll go into more detail about it in the secondary post.
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The MV really kicks off when this person, with a hand covered in grime, grabs Jimin and pulls him away. This person is wearing the same Jacket Jimin wears at some point and the same jacket the girl we see highlighted in the MV does too. It honestly just seems like this means that he yanks himself away and into this dream. And that the girl in the MV is used as a stand in for his own reflection.
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It appears to be that he is playing off of the archetypes highlighted by Jung (who BTS have referenced before in their music) of Anima and Animus. Basically speaks to how everyone has 2 "faces" inside of you, the feminine and the masculine. This is highlighted as well with how the woman in the MV mirrors everything Jimin does. When he moves, she moves. When he turns his head, so does she. They never otherwise touch and never truly meet. And when they come face to face... the scene cuts to Jimin looking in the mirror. Leaves us to speculate that the girl is the one in the mirror. And in the end... part of her darkness becomes his own, the grime from her hand transferring onto his own.
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This is compounded even more by the makeup and accessories Jimin chose to display on his own body during this MV too. Where one half has white eyeliner and an earring being more traditionally feminine presenting styles. And the other half has no eyeliner and no earring, therefore representing things as more traditionally masculine of a style. One half, he is both.
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And he has done this before on many occasions, such as in BE (flower earring on one side, plain hoop on the other) and in Filter (masc snd femme words for temptation on his hands). And honestly with his recent photofolio depictions of Artemis and Apollo too. Post Here
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Jimin talked about this song on his live, basically saying that it was about feeling lost. Lost in the the feeling of losing yourself honestly. Not wanting to do things, just wanting to "go crazy" and just live in your dream. Not have any worries.
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He talked about living this way during the pandemic and how bad it got for him. And how it wasn't until the PTD Concerts really that he started to shake himself free of that and how good the members all were to him too. Puts an even sweeter spin on JK just coming to his hotel room constantly to just sit and check on him all the time too. Not even doing anything or needing to say anything. Just offering him his company and support. Sweet.
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I talk more about that in my post over the FACE album in its whole. About how none of these are simple break up songs but about Jimins feelings of discount, dissatisfaction and depression and loss over the past few years. You can read that post here:
He mentioned in an interview how the dream he doesn't want to wake up from is BTS. And I honestly think this is fairly self explanatory. And no, it doesn't mean he didn't want to do solo work or isn't loving the freedom of doing whatever he wants in a totally solo album too. You can feel multiple things all at once. Lol BTS is his dream. The group, the fans, the music together and solo. All of it. It's something he loves. Something they all love. And cherish.
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Was the movie part of his inspiration for this song? Yes. It's a movie and longing. About putting forth so much work and effort into something you desire SO MUCH and also questioning if perhaps all the pain that effort brought was worth it in the end, even when you achieved what it was you desired. The movie is left open ended on purpose too. And those feelings, they can apply to so many things. So many dreams and desires. So many types of relationships. It's a good movie too. Its free on YouTube for now, you can watch here
The movie was the inspiration behind the narration voice intro too. Which Jimin thought worked really well for the story he was crafting there too. They did a great job.
The balancing act between the feminine and the masculine is something that is portrayed within the choreo for Like Crazy too. As well as just being sexy and entrancing. Lol and we know that Jimin had a hand in requesting parts of how he wanted the choreo to go. That he had a vision and he felt that it was well executed. The idea of the women being his reflection that I mentioned above is also played out through the dance pretty clearly too.
There is so much more we could keep talking about within this song too. A whole lyric breakdown and discussion if we wanted. It's such a good and catchy song and still so emotional too. I'll do another post, under an ask I got, about more of queer coding within the video in my opinion next. Including more than just the gender portrayals I just mentioned here in this post.
Thanks for reading my rambling thoughts over Jimins genius here. 😍❤️
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Non-Binary Vox headcannons because it's Pride Month and I am ANNOYING!!!!!!!!!!
Like I've said before, in my headcannon Vox is AMAB non-binary and is okay with basically any pronouns/gendered terms
That being said he isn't really a fan of it/its just because(I am projecting this headcannon is entirely me projecting) he already has some w e i r d feelings about basically being an object, w/ the TV head and all, and finds them dehumanizing
It took them awhile to get comfortable with using femme-adjacent terms because, despite genuinely liking them, the toxic masculinity of a repressed queer person from the 50s could probably power an entire city block-(assuming homophobia still exists in the Hellaverse? I think I read somewhere that it doesn't but still)
Also the misogyny. I know very little about the 50s, but from what I DO know, misogyny was running fucking RAMPANT back then
That being said, the only person that Vox still doesn't allow to use femme-adjacent terms on them is Val, because Val is. Himself. And makes it really fucking weird-
This moth has MISOTHYNY /ref
"You can refer to me as a woman when you start BEHAVING YOURSELF >:("
Otherwise though Val is actually very supportive of Vox's identity because. It's Val. No way in HELL that man is any type of queerphobic hAVE YOU SEEN HIM!?!?!?!?
Part of why she chose the name Vox when she was establishing herself in Hell is because of the enate enby urge to name yourself some random, cool sounding word
Doesn't matter wether you've realized it or not, the desire will Always Be There
Velvette's the one that told Vox about the concept of non-binary after they went on a drunken rant about their Weird Gender Feelings while the two were hanging out
Also hopping on a hc trend I've seen a couple times- Vox's demon form is sexless, which is part of what really got him thinking about his gender in the first place
Like they had never really considered they could be anything but a man before, but the lack of any real defining masculine features besides their voice caused some really conflicting feelings-
Honestly I think Vox probably has a LOT of really conflicting feelings abt her demon form in general but that's kinda off topic
The reason they had never considered being anything but a man is because they had never actually had the words to describe the feeling of not being a man OR a woman before, and found it easier to just dismiss any thoughts along those lines as insecurities(something they already have a plethora of) & lean harder into their masculinity to cope
But then he died, and all the features he was using as a safety net got stripped away, forcing him to confront all the Weird Gender Feelings
Except not really because they just ended up pushing them down for several more decades lmfao
She generally prefers presenting more masculine because it's what he's the most used to + it's good for brand consistency, but she's DEFINITELY experimented with more femme presentation before
Vox's appearance is very dependant on how they want others to percieve them rather then what they actually want to wear at any given moment. Anything they leave the house wearing is specifically calculated to keep up their image, so that kind of experimenting is just limited to the comfort of their own home.
Aaaaaaaand that's all I got for now. This headcannon is very special to me(because I am projecting. This is, at it's core, me projecting. The only parts that aren't projecting are the bits that are reliant on the cultural context Vox comes from and them being AMAB-), so I'll probably talk about it again. Eventually. But for now these are the thoughts I've actually managed to put into words lmao
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unholyplumpprincess · 2 years
Falls on my knees,,, Peach can I please request nsft Junker Queen with a smol fem s/o who comes from a rich family and is kinda sheltered? Like, sneaks out to go see her Junker wife, maybe a bit of a corruption kink if that's okay? Ty ty in advance! And if the request isn't to your liking, that's totally alright too! <3
Now, I don't normally do gendered readers. BUT I couldn't get the idea of Junker Queen calling reader her Lil Princess soooooo I'll make a self indulgent exception this time. Also accidentally got carried away and wrote more than intended lmaooo
Reblogs > Likes. Please Reblog if you hit like/heart to keep more writers like me alive and to see more content! :D
Ao3 link: Here
Fandom: Overwatch
Relationship: Junker Queen x Reader
Warnings: R18+/NSFT, Reader explicitly uses she/her pronouns + has a vulva + is called a good girl/princess/wife/etc, I'd say fem reader but as a femme nb Id be okay with those terms sooo, There's a public scene so like- pda but make it horny?, Possessive Junker Queen
Words: 3.2k
Would it really surprise anyone nowadays?
You always had a luxurious life- yet, very strict. You were raised under the intention of taking over your father's company, being the only child in line for it. You were to be someone else's legacy. Your feelings and opinions never mattered- not even your hobbies.
Your father ran a tight ship, one that limited you greatly even into your adult life. He worked closely with Vishkar, working on a program that would better life for humans and use omnics as either scrap metal or servants.
You never liked it, always having immense empathy for those around you. Omnics or otherwise. It left a poor taste in your mouth at the thought of having to take over such a company.
But. It did mean you had to learn the tricks of the trade. Meaning trading with other people, companies, and sometimes even faux kingdoms.
And that's where you met her.
~Rest under the cut~
Odessa was not a woman of unreasoning, but she definitely wasn't one you bullshitted with either. She could sniff out a lie like a bloodhound; No exception to your father either when he tried to underhand her.
She laughed in his face when he proposed helping with the feral omnics around and using them as scrap metal. Offering to clean out her Wasteland just for parts. But she knew better and had leaned down from her imposing throne, using her axe to tip his chin up as she crooned; "And what's in it for me, old man?"
Whilst looking directly at you.
He tried offering money for the scraps, but in the end they had reached an agreement of some kind. You would come to her faux kingdom and help her with financials and factions that she couldn't seem to get right. And of course, he'd still pay handsomely for the scrap he took. But, if he overstepped his bounds or went against his word, he could kiss his scraps goodbye.
And judging by how she had looked at your during this dealing, you expected you'd be scooped up as well as 'aid for the salt in her wounds'.
It's how you two get close. Odessa- or Dez, as you find she liked to be called instead- keeps to her word and uses your knowledge for her own gain. And in turn, you get to see parts of the world you know you'd never be allowed to.
She takes to calling you Princess, and at first you scoff at it. But soon it turned into a fond pet name, something that made you feel pretty and cherished.
Your interests start to show again, an old love of engineering and tinkering coming into play on one of the weeks she has you. She finds you late at night in her very own workshop, using pieces of scrap found around to make a makeshift sculpture of her Champion. A little ball that when a button was pressed, popping open into the sculpture to form the little hamster inside.
After that, she'd come and watch you instead.
Her keen eyes on you as she straddled a chair backwards, resting her chin over the top of it as her honey eyes burned holes into you.
Then more watching as you got to stay for longer periods of time. Dez was interested in your routines, how you lotioned your skin, patting lipgloss on your lips and doing your hair. Softer things she was unfamiliar with, just like the rougher things you too didn't understand.
Tension built between the two of you. You couldn't look her in the eye without feeling flustered. And it seemed like she caught on quickly, trying to do everything to impress you.
She was like a puppy some days.
Some times you caught her making a struggle sound when lifting something heavy, only to act like it was no big deal when you walked in the room. Or how some days she'd try to cook something more elaborate with spices like you did, but it would be too much and inedible.
It's the thought that counted.
It wasn't until she shows up in your room in her wing with flowers does it occur to you this silly queen had been trying to court you.
From there, you…try not to go home too often.
Your father doesn't like that you're enjoying time away. It all becomes too much one day when he tries to tell her he's breaking off the arrangement to the Queen. To which Dez laughs in his face and reminds him that she's not against taking his only child.
Not that you would be against it either.
When your relationship starts, she's all chivalry. She's loud, huge, and isn't scared to get into fights with people who even look at you sideways.
She holds your hand in public, grabs your ass, presses a hand on your lower back- you name it. She says it's to 'Give that lot something to really look at' and 'Let em know what's the Queen's property'.
It makes you feel…wanted.
But Dez also grabs your hand to guide you gently down the steps, or helps you tie your dresses up in the back. She'll sit with you while you take a bath, watching you with all your fancy bubbles and soft lotions with curiosity.
And then hunger when you offer for her to join you.
In turn, you learn to get a little dirty. The basics of self defense and standing up for yourself. Learning how to say No with certainty and getting into hobbies you'd long since forgotten.
It's one day after one of your baths does she make her move. She's upset about something, frustrated, looking to blow off steam. She tells you you smell so good, that you're so soft.
That she wants to tear you apart.
You go that night sore and bruised with bite marks lining every inch of you. With a snoring girlfriend lain across you and holding you like a stuffie.
Princess becomes more than a pet name after that.
One final night, you have a fight with your father and sneak out that night. Your private dropship already knows where to take you, the built in AI taking you there.
It's dark out, but Dez is already waiting for you. As if she got wind of it before you even showed up. You don't question it or try to make sense of it, just taking her hand silently as she escorts you off your ship.
"Rough night?" Are her first words that break the silence as she leads you inside her bedroom. You laugh dryly, wiping at the mascara trails under your eyes silently as she hands you a tissue.
"S'alright, love. You can stay here as long as ya need, yeah? Been in my fair share of spats with my old man too back in the day." Dez comforts you, opening her large arms as you come towards her to rest your head on her.
Your head reaches below her chest. Her hands are warm and rough as they rub across your back, focusing on the exposed part of your upper back where your dress dips down. Her short nails soothingly rub across your skin as you breathe in her scent slowly.
"Got any positions available in your kingdom, Your Highness?" You murmur as a jab to be humorous, but it comes out quietly.
In turn, Dez spares you a little chuckle. She pulls away briefly, grabbing your chin to tip it up to her with a cocksure smirk playing on her lips. "Could use someone to help me keep documentation on things." Her thumb then rubs across your bottom lip, watching as you close your eyes and peck a kiss to it. "Could also use a lil' wife to keep me in line too."
"Wife, huh?" You tease back at her, reaching up to grab her hand and press a kiss to her palm. But when she doesn't laugh at first, you glance back up to her face to see she's looking at you expectantly.
It clicks.
"Dez you're not seriously proposing like that, are you?" Your tone is full of mirth, flattered even. Your smile breaks her as she starts to smile in turn, leaning down to kiss your forehead and then your nose.
"Nah, nah. Just a thought, Princess. Would wanna find ya a big ole ring. Somethin' that screams 'Queen', ya know? Maybe we'll even getcha a lil tiara, aye?" All the while she speaks, gesturing to your head and forming a circle with her fingers like she's measuring you.
"Are you going to bring fireworks for the occasion?"
"Of course, doll! Would do it in public too. Maybe after pulverizing some bloke in the Reckoning." Dez hums thoughtfully, cupping her cheek and letting her eyes flick over your now smiling face. "Though, worry it'll make 'em think you're part of that prize. The title and the bride up for grabs."
"I'd poison them in their sleep and get you your title back."
A grin splits across her face, her big, booming laugh echoing in the room as she scoops you up into her arms to squeeze you tightly. "Now THAT'S my girl!"
You stay there afterwards. Carefully bundled in her bed with her night after night. Most nights she's not there, busy with handling things. And in turn, you learn to stay up late with her. You write down all her words, keeping documentation on factions and any upsets that went around town.
It feels like a domestic lifestyle. She's even started teasingly calling you her bride and wife, much to your embarrassment.
Dez treats you gently, the utmost gentleman that she is- per her own words.
But one time, when you go to the bar with her, someone gets a bit too bold with you. Knocking shoulders with you, poking at you. You can see her from across the table slowly looking murderous. But the cherry on top is when the person beside you implies they could treat you better.
You're surprised they don't end up a bloody pulp. But you quickly learn why when Dez croons at them, "Oh, ya do, aye? And would you happen to know what little spots make her tick, hm?" In this venomous tone as she stalks around the table to come toward you.
You squeak as you're lifted off the chair by her, your body turned towards that person as her hands slide down your shoulders. Down to your waist where she grabs you tight and makes you gasp, a heavy flush covering your face.
You try to turn your head, but she grabs your chin, turning your head towards the person to make sure they're looking just as you are.
"See how her legs shake?" Dez continues, her free hand trailing up to your chest and making you tremble. "See how she melts at my touch?" Her hand on your chin slides down, and you automatically move to make room for it to wrap loosely around your throat.
Your lashes begin to flutter, your breath shaking.
"You wanna know what sounds she makes for me in the night? Screaming my name? Ya think you could do that? Mate, I can make her scream for me without ever bein' inside her." Her words are harsh and heavy, but you're so distracted by her hand trailing down to the bottom of your dress. Her hand slides underneath, over your thigh, bending you over with her height only.
"Doll," She directs to you, her tone so sweet and kind. You hardly have time to breathe. "Remind this poor, blubbering fool who you belong to?"
"M-my Queen."
"And who only gets the utmost pleasure in having you?"
"You, my Queen."
"Now. Be a good girl and tell this bloke to fuck off." Her tone is sweet to you, so kind. You're shaking at the feeling of her body heat behind you as she stands to allow you to stand.
Her hand catches your chin again, directing you to open your eyes and look at the poor son of a bitch avoiding eye contact with you as the whole bar stares.
"Fuck off."
You don't get to finish your time at the bar. From there, Dez tells everyone to get back to what they were doing and have a good night. Said with a big slap on the back to the person who had been flirting with you.
You barely make it to the bedroom before Dez is snarling and slamming you into the nearest surface- but of course with a hand behind your head to avoid impact.
You whimper as she captures your lips in hers, bending down to do so. Her hand grabs your hair, her other one quickly shuffling up your skirts to fit her large thigh between yours to cause a moan to gasp from you.
"My pretty girl," She snarls against your lips, kissing down your neck as she pulls your hair. Forcing you to expose your neck as you gasp out. Her thigh presses up harder into you, feeling how wet you are already and making her breathlessly chuckle. "Oh? My sweet Princess liked that, hm?"
You try to nod, but can't move a muscle when she sucks a bruise into your neck with a cry from your own lips. "D-Dez-"
"Yeah, keep sayin' my name, angel. Gonna make you scream it real soon." She promises, her voice sounding like a growl as she scoops you up to deposit you on the bed.
You hardly get one bounce in before she's grabbing your hips and tugging you to the end of the bed where she gets down on her knees in front of you. Your dress is shuffled up where you quickly hold the skirts in place to watch her helplessly.
She moans at the sight of you, her finger trailing over the wet spot on your panties and pressing with just enough pressure over your clit to make you squirm. "My poor baby. A queen should never let her bride be wanting, hm? How selfish of me."
Your panties are ripped off, tucked into her back pocket before Dez is quickly yanking you close to bury her face into you. Her tongue knows exactly what you like best, licking flat over your whole cunt before her lips seal over your clit.
You scream out, your hands finding her braids and grabbing onto them for support. Your legs quake as she presses forward, forcing your feet to press to her shoulders and effectively pressing you into a better, open position.
It works to her favor, as she quickly introduces a thick finger pressing inside of you just like you like.
You cry out when her tongue flicks across your clit, back and forth nice and slow before taking you back between her lips again to suckle. She presses in a second finger, curling them upwards just as she moans helplessly into you when you pull her hair.
You cum quickly like that, with her fingers pumping into you shallowly and her tongue flicking across your clit nice and slow as if savoring you.
"Dez- D-Dez, fuck, baby, please, f-fuck-" Your cries are all her name like a prayer, fucking your hips into her face as she growls into you again.
It's only then does she pull from you, not giving you anytime to think as she forces you onto all fours.
Two fingers slide into you again, her other hand coming below you to sandwich your clit between two fingers to massage it in time with her fingers fucking you.
You scream her name into the mattress as your fingers claw for support in the sheets. Your face buries into them, desperate to muffle your pathetic whines as your eyes roll back into your head.
You're over sensitive, but you can still make out her words behind you. Each one more claiming than the next.
"No one else gets to see you like this."
"What a pretty Princess for her Queen, hm? Not such a good little girl now, are you? Just look at how well you take me now."
Then finally, her hand leaves your clit, giving her enough space to lean over you as her fingers fuck into you still. Spoken as she nips your shoulder and murmurs behind your ear, "Beg. Beg to cum around my fingers, pretty girl. Let 'em hear ya all over the wasteland, yeah?"
Then Dez moves. Moving to lay on her back under you, keeping her fingers sunk into you and using her free hand to grab one of your hips bruisingly.
She yanks you down to her awaiting mouth, moaning into you just as you sob out and start to hump into her face and back into her fingers.
You know Dez doesn't need to wait for you to beg, pleas already slipping from your lips in a higher pitch with each swipe of her tongue. Each curl of her lips sloppily kissing over your clit in open mouthed, messy kisses with a brush of her tongue on each kiss.
You scream for her. Screaming her name loud enough to be heard outside the open window for sure as you cum on her tongue and fingers.
Your back arches, twisting your fingers in the sheet as your eyes roll back into your head. You don't even realize you're kicking your legs and squirming too much until both her hands take a hold of your hips.
Dez's strength in her very fingertips makes you shiver, sobs racking your frame as overstimulation winds into your bones. Tears bubble in your eyes, your body shaking as you whine her name quietly.
It's then that she slides out from under you, wiping her mouth off with the back of her hand before readjusting you.
She pulls your trembling form into her arms, cradling you bridal style and fixing your dress into place. You cling to her tightly, burying your face into her neck as she rubs over your back crooning to you gently.
"You did a good job, love. Not hurt, are ya?" Her voice is gentle, using her cheek to nuzzle at the top of your head. You shake your head quietly, humming to let her know that your reply is no.
"Good. Cause I ain't done with ya yet." Dez chuckles softly, kissing the top of your head with a turn of her head. Your reply is a soft whine, feeling how one of her hands cheekily slides under your dress to squeeze at your thigh.
"What? Haven't even properly bruised ya up yet. After a slight like that, I'm itchin' to tear you apart." Her words are a promise, despite her soft tone. "'Sides, we know you can take more than just that."
"You're going to kill me." You groan back to her, lifting your head finally just in time to catch her gaze. Your cheeks flush at how dark her eyes are.
How hungrily she looks at you.
"Not gonna kill ya," She promises, leaning in to kiss your forehead tenderly. "Just gonna make sure ya can't walk tomorrow."
And you know Dez. Her promises?
They're not ever broken.
Reblogs > Likes. Please Reblog if you hit like/heart to keep more writers like me alive and to see more content! :D
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lifetimeshipper · 2 months
Angel From A Dream
Chapter 6
When Steeljaw opens the door and walks into the room he finds Strongarm lying on the floor in recharge. He closes and locks the door before walking over to her, with an optic ridge raised he studies her to see if she's actually in recharge or if this is a trick. 
She seems to be completely in recharge but he stays on alert as he kneels beside her. He caresses her cheek with the back of his digit as his optics roamed over her face before scanning over her body. She's just beautiful in every way and has such a nice body. Primus, he can't wait to mate with her.
He can feel his spike pressing against his panel ready to be released. Why does she have this big of an effect on him? He tries to calm his spike as he looks at her face again, he will not force himself on her. Even though he really wants to mate with her he will not force her, he might mark her without her permission, but he won't rape her. That's one thing he would never do in respect of his carrier...
"Never force yourself on a femme, Steeljaw. It could leave such a traumatic effect on her that could make it very difficult for you to get close to her, especially if you're making her your mate."
Those words keep running through his processor. He was just a cub when she told him that so he never understood what she meant, but now he's starting to. He suddenly feels a slight ping in his spark as he looks at his mate-to-be lying on the floor. He doesn't mind lying on the floor but his mate shouldn't have to. So his first priority will be finding a berth for her to lay on.
Steeljaw shakes her to wake her up and she wakes with a startle as she jumps to her feet and moves away from him. Steeljaw looks up at her with a confused look and watches her as she calms down, "Were you having a bad dream?" He asks as he stands up.
Strongarm narrowed her optics, "No, you startled me!"
"My bad. Here." He stretches his arm out to hand her the canister he's holding.
Strongarm looks at it suspiciously before cautiously taking it. She examines it and soon sees it's Energon but only a little bit, not enough to fill her up. She glares at Steeljaw, "What the frag is this? This isn't enough to fill me up!"
"Did you seriously think you were gonna get a full cube of Energon after what you tried to pull?" Strongarm's optics widened. Did he catch on to what she was doing? Steeljaw chuckles in amusement at her expression, "You didn't do a good job at covering up your true intent. I know what you were trying to do, I know you were trying to escape. But you didn't count on me coming back so soon. Now as punishment, you get your Energon in small doses, if you want a whole cube you must earn it."
Strongarm felt a chill run through her body making her shiver. She's afraid to ask what he means by "earn it". But Steeljaw could already tell what she was thinking by the way her body shivered. "Don't worry it's nothing too bad, you just need to behave and don't try to escape. I'll be reducing the amount each time you try and on some occasions, I might not give you any at all."
Strongarm stood there silently as she looked at the Energon in the canister she was holding. She needs to escape but she can't risk having her Energon consumption reduced, she needs enough Energon to keep her powered enough so she can escape and get back to her team. If she's low on Energon she won't make it very far. She's gonna have to come up with a different strategy.
Bumblebee and Grimlock return to the scrapyard after looking for Strongarm and finding nothing. The scrapyard was quiet, it was strange. Bumblebee had got so used to Strongarm and Sideswipe bickering or fighting or Fixit yelling at Sideswipe for doing something stupid, it's weird to not hear that. The two go over to Med Bay to see how Sideswipe is doing.
When they get to Med Bay they see Denny, Russell, and Fixit standing next to the berth that Sideswipe is on. Sideswipe is still unconscious seeming to be barely alive, "How is he?" Bumblebee asks as he makes his presence known to the three.
"I stopped the Energon from leaking out but he has some damage to his inner circuitry, he needs surgery but he's in no condition right now and he needs a professional surgeon."
"His sire is a medic and becoming a great surgeon, I'll see that he comes here."
"Becoming?" Fixit questions.
"His sire is Knock Out the old Decepticon medic, but he's been learning to do surgeries and other good stuff in the medical field since he became an Autobot. But I'll be sure to have Ratchet come as well to aid him, Primus knows it's gonna be hard on Knock Out to be working on his own son."
"Especially with him so close to being offline," Fixit added somberly. 
"Any luck in finding Strongarm?" Denny asked with great concern.
"Afraid not. Fixit, I want to make a call."
Fixit just nods and heads off to the Alchemor with Bumblebee right beside him. Once he gets to the computer he sets it up to call out, "Who would you like to call?"
"Contact Ultra Magnus."
"Alright." Fixit sent out the call to Ultra Magnus' ship.
They didn't have to wait long for Magnus to pick up, "What is it?" He sees Bumblebee on the screen, "Bumblebee! It's been a while. How are you?"
"I'm as well as can be, sir."
Arcee and Wheeljack soon came into screenshot, "Hey, 'Bee. Are you on Earth?" Arcee greeted.
"I am. Optimus sent me here and I'm also a leader of my own team."
"That's great! Is Strongarm part of your team?"
"She is..."
"Great! Can we speak to her?" Wheeljack asks feeling anxious to see his daughter.
Bumblebee went silent as he tried to figure out how to tell them, it's never easy telling any parents their child has been kidnapped. It's even harder when the parents are your closest friends, your family, who trusted you to take care of their child and keep them safe. 
But in this case, there are two sets of parents who are his closest friends that he needs to break the news to of what happened to their children. He needs to tell Wheeljack and Arcee that Strongarm is missing and he needs to tell Knock Out and Smokescreen that Sideswipe is severely injured.
"I get the feeling this call isn't for pleasantries," Magnus says after a minute of silence.
Arcee and Wheeljack looked at each other as their sparks sank and anxiety started to kick in. They both look back to the screen with worried expressions, "'Bee, what's going on? Where's our daughter?" Arcee asks with a tone that any worrying mother would give.
"I'm so sorry. I never thought I would ever have to say this to you," he pauses for a second to compose himself, "Strongarm is missing, I believe she may have been taken by a dangerous 'Con criminal."
"WHAT!?" All three shouted in unison. A chill went over Arcee as her spark stopped for a brief moment, she couldn't believe what she just heard. Her child is missing and possibly was taken by a dangerous 'Con. 
"We're on our way," Arcee heard Wheeljack say to Bumblebee.
"One more thing, I need you to find Ratchet, Knock Out, and Smokescreen and bring them with you. Sideswipe has been severely injured and he needs surgery."
"Primus! Alright, we'll find them and bring them along," Arcee says with some tenderness, she knows it's not gonna be easy for the two to get the news of their son being so bad off.
"Thanks. See you all when you get here," Bumblebee said before ending the call. He looks at Fixit, "Can you see if you can reach Smokescreen or Knock Out?"
"I shall try."
After a bit of messing around with the computers and searching he manages to contact one of them, "Hello, Smokescreen here... Bumblebee! It's so good to see you! Knock Out, Ratchet, it's Bumblebee!"
"We're in the middle of something!" Ratchet yells. Bumblebee couldn't help but laugh, same old Ratchet.
"Hi, Bumblebee!" Knock Out calls out.
"So, what's up, 'Bee?" Smokescreen asked casually.
"Smokescreen, call Knock Out over. It's urgent."
Smokescreen's grin faded as worry started filling his optics, "Knock Out, Bumblebee wants you to come over here. He says it's urgent."
"It can't wait?" Knock Out asked.
"It has to do with Sideswipe," Bumblebee says.
"Sideswipe!? What's wrong with him!? Is he hurt!?" Smokescreen starts questioning in a panic.
"Sideswipe!?" Knock Out yells as he comes rushing over, "What about Sideswipe?"
"He's been severely injured. Right now he's lying unconscious in Med Bay and he needs surgery. Fixit here knows a little bit about the medical field but he's not equipped to do surgery."
Fixit rearranged the screen around so he could be in the screenshot, "Hi, I'm Fixit. I managed to stop the Energon from leaking out but he has some severe damage to his inner circuitry. He's gonna need surgery to repair it or, I'm sad to say, he won't make it."
"No! Not my baby!" Smokescreen said as he started panicking even more.
Knock Out already had his servos into fists as he clenched his dentures, "Who hurt him?"
Fixit rearranged the screen around again so 'Bee can be back in the screenshot, "We're unclear on that, though I do have a certain Decepticon in mind who I think might have done it. You and Ratchet need to come to Earth as soon as possible..."
"Say no more, we're coming."
"I already talked to Ultra Magnus, Wheeljack, and Arcee, they're already on their way to Earth. They're looking for you guys so find a way to reach them and tell them where you are so they can get you."
"Will do," Ratchet says as he comes into screenshot, "But why are they coming to Earth? Did something happen to Strongarm?"
"Yes. She's missing."
"Primus, Bumblebee, what did you get your team into?"
"I'll explain everything when you get here."
The three nodded then cut the call. Bumblebee just stood there for a moment as he tried to wrap his processor around everything. A sense of relief soon washes over him, reinforcement is coming.
Chapter 1
Next Chapter
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aphrodisianbaby · 1 year
Hi! I really like your blog, and I'm curious if you just worship deities, or do you worship heroes, spirits, etc. as well? Would you be interested in worshiping Sappho, for example? 
 I'm new to the Tumblr pagan/polytheist-sphere, and I was inspired by my research on Sappho and Aphrodite (I'm slowly working on defining modern Sapphic rhetoric and modern Sapphic online spaces) for my MA thesis to look into polytheism. I' also identify as a sapphic woman so this topic is in general very fun for me to learn about. Also, would it be okay if I included your answer in my project? If not, totally cool! ☺️ and if so, thats great too. (I can def give you more info about what I'm doing if you'd like as well.)
hello love !! apologies that this is so late, asks are anti-my executive functioning. i absolutely wouldnt mind you including my opinion or asking for more ! since you're focusing on sapphic themes, I'll make it clear that I'm a transmasc mlm not a sapphic or a woman ! I'm unsure if that matters to your thesis, but I wouldn't want to skew your data :)
for your question, i personally only really worship Deities. this isn't because I wouldn't worship a hero or a past human, but I have never really felt called to thus far. the closest I've come is contact with a spirit i consider an ancestor and spirit guide whom i refer to as "the fox" online for privacy reasons. even then, we don't have a consistent line of contact like i do with the Divine.
I do have an appreciation for Sappho absolutely. i honor her on this blog specifically because i have a UPG view* that Sappho was a lover of Aphrodite. i believe that Deities can share different levels of relationship with humans, and that Aphrodite had favor for Sappho. I can go more in depth on this if you're interested, or if anyone else is, but I won't clog up this ask with my upg
I think, in the future, I may be interested in hero worship**. i think there is something very healing and personal about forming relationships with energies that were once human, especially those who lived in completely different times than us now. I think it can really bridge the gap between the Divine and human experiences by adding a level of understanding that a Deity may never have, the experience of living as a human being. this was something I valued a lot when I worshiped Psykhe, the Goddess often considered the ruler of the human soul. when you're surrounded by big Divine energies all the time, having a familiar, mortal energy can be quite relieving.
on top of this, I think there's something unique about Sappho's position. it's one thing for a Goddess to tell you how much She loves and accepts you, it's another thing to speak with a queer spirit who lived, breathed, and was adored by others for their queerness. the ancient people loved Sappho's poetry and it was spread across the middle east, even if only fragments remain now. i think it can be an amazing experience for queer people to connect with someone who was adored for their sapphic identity so long ago. even if you don't personally identify as sapphic or even as femme/female. Sappho is the teacher who reminds us that being queer was and always will be something to honor and worship.
*UPG meaning unverified personal gnosis. it's a religious idea or practice that I carry without it being a verified belief or practice in antiquity.
**when I say "hero worship", im generally referring to the worship of influential humans or human figures.
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spiderwarden · 6 months
𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄: Melody 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐎𝐔𝐍: She/her. 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐅𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐌: Discord. But I don't mind tumblr dms at all, so I suppose it's whatever the comfort level is! 𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐄𝐒: Minthara Baenre. but I do have a multi, that I have now left and dont see any prospects of returning to on @aworldofyou . 𝐁𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐄𝐗𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄: Currently in fandom? Finding Minthara. I remember that I had initially just joined the fandom to write with a friend. (I actually tried to do a Karlach first on @tenderhellfire) and initially hadn't met much of Karlach yet outside of what I had seen on tiktoks and youtube. But on my way to actually MEET her I met Minthara and actually fell for the character on the spot. I will forever remember my excitement when I learned that I could side with her (and wasn't aware that I actually could), and then followed immediately was my disappointment when I ended up killing her and stopped playing for an hour. Imagine my surprise, and quick abandonment of that good route, when I learned I actually COULD. And slowly I felt her forming in my head and before long - she was here, now look at us.
𝐑𝐏 𝐏𝐄𝐓 𝐏𝐄𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐒: of COURSE you'd call for Salt my friend, okay. I actually have a LOT of peeves when it comes to RP and I don't talk about them because well, what's the point, I don't let anything on this website affect my day and usually these days it takes a lot of build up before I finally say something. But. Here we go. I loathe the 'like this post if you want to stay mutuals.' sort of posts because I hold value in my following of a person, I don't need to prove that by liking a post. If I am valued the same way then I don't need a post to like that, and if you don't feel that, then that's peachy keen jellybean it was nice knowing you. I loathe the flipflopping that people have in understanding that not everyone has time to be on the internet 24/7, one moment it's understanding and the next people are complaining about lack of interactions from mutuals they haven't spoken with yet. When honestly, sometimes I'll reach right out to you and sometimes it will take months for me to properly be able to respond, there's no telling. If someone isn't comfortable with that, then that's fine! Just treat me with respect in the matter.
Also the guilt tripping. I won't take part in any of it, I refuse to. I wish I could just copy everything that @yuelun put down in her rp pet peeves because I agree wiht all of that. ALL OF IT. So just .. insert.. all of that here.
𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐄 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐅𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐒: I'd just say angry. But according to my good and best friends it's a specific kind of anger, a specific kind of Femme Fatale. Which, Minthara a 100% falls into. I guess I could say that it's a Cersei Lannister type anger, (because again Minthara is just an elven Cersei), because the LAST big muse I had like this was Cersei Lannister. 𝐏𝐋𝐎𝐓𝐒 𝐎𝐑 𝐌𝐄𝐌𝐄𝐒: I ADORE in depth plotting because I am so SO slow in terms of writing, this gives me a chance to develop AUs and verses and then get to writing when I can. However I also ADORE the shit out of memes. So please? Ice breaker with memes, and also plot with me heavily. 𝐋𝐎𝐍𝐆 𝐎𝐑 𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐑𝐓 𝐑𝐄𝐏𝐋𝐈𝐄𝐒: both? Both is good. I adore having a mix of both. 𝐁𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄 𝐓𝐎 𝐖𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄: MY ideal time to wrist is anywhere between 5pm to 7pm, but realistically I end up only writing anywhere after 8pm to 7am. 𝐀𝐑𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐄: I am angee.
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐆𝐄𝐃 𝐁𝐘: @yuelun
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impish-knight · 7 months
Dark Valentine
I tell myself it's just another day, nothing special about it because the sun will rise and fall just like all the others. Just another day where I see all the sickening cute lovebirds flitting around the town with nothing better to do than mark their property with candy and flowers. Well, they may not call them property, but it's essentially the same. Who are they fooling other than themselves?
I let the hours flow over me in a wash that means nothing other than a marking of time in a dull drone. Soon it'll be dark and all these sick lovebirds will fly home to their nests and do who knows what. Do I really care? Not really, I'd rather just prowl the night with all the loners that wish to drink away their woes of loneliness. Easy prey, or something like that.
If only I was aware that this year was going to be a bit different than the rest.
Being a predator is an easy thing for me, slipping into the shadows and making the bumps in the night that you're warned about. Being the prey isn't as easy for me. Have I fantasized about someone hunting me; sure. Who wouldn't? There's nothing better than meeting a darker nightmare than yourself.
Walking down the dark street I set my sights on a lonely drunk human sitting with their back against the wall of a local store. By the way they keep lifting the brown bag to their mouth for extended periods gives me an idea of how much they'd just love to forget. How much I'd love to just help them forget out of the kindness of my heart. I'm more than happy to be your valentine tonight whispers through my mind so quickly that I can't help but smile.
A soft sound pulls my attention from my prey for a second. I'm fairly certain I have come down this road alone, yet it seems I might have been wrong. There is a feeling prickling on the back of my neck that alerts me to someone else's presence, their gaze fully upon my back. I'm not used to being watched, always keeping to the dark shadows of night as I stroll in the city. It's not matter, I'm sure they'll move on soon.
Stalking deeper down the road I duck myself into the alley, leaning myself up against the corner as I watch my lost little lamb drink away their poor demons. I take pleasure in watching the anguish that washes over their darkened face before anger replaces it followed up by the sadness of hurt. Don't worry, I'll take it away soon. You'll no longer have a reason to raise a bottle to that mouth of yours to make the memories fade away.
Losing myself in the theater before me, I didn't hear the sounds of steps behind me before the feeling on the back of my neck returns. Interesting. Who has the crazy idea to walk down a dark alley at night in a place like this? Maybe I should be turning my attention elsewhere tonight.
"You're getting sloppy." A soft femme voice whispered right behind me. There's nothing else to pick up from them than the fact they've stayed one step behind me. I wonder if they know I let them walk up on me, unwilling to take my eyes off my new fascination.
I contemplate my choices: ignore the intruder and hope they leave due to my silence, or address them. Me, getting sloppy? I knew the risk of being in this open alley after hearing and feeling someone present just a few minutes ago. I just call myself cautiously optimistic.
Grinding my teeth out of frustration I blow out a slow breath trying to calm my ire. Out of all nights for someone to dick measure with me, it had to be this night.
"I'm not sure what you're referring to. I'm just enjoying my night." I drone out with as little emotion in my voice. This isn't enough to take my attention away from my planned happy ending of the night. Why should I ruin all my plans because someone has mistaken me for someone else.
"You haven't' enjoyed it yet. But you will... soon." The voice whispers back to me, the sound of a step fall before their last word.
Sneering and more irked that my night is coming closer to being ruined, I make the decision to change my focus from my prey to this new person. Turning on the balls of my feet, I open my mouth to retort something scathing when their hand flashes before my vision and wraps itself around my throat. Surprise makes my mind short circuit for a brief second as they push my back up against the wall, their hand taking my short stutter to tighten more around my throat.
My lips curl up into a sinister smile as I take in their face, or what I can observe from what their mask still shows. Their eyes are just like mine, cold and emotionless. What a pity it will be to end another life that is as cold as mine, but I don't allow anyone to play me for a fool. I reach up to their hand and grasp the thumb that is useless against my throat, leaning forward to use the momentum when I feel it and still.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you. It'd be a shame to end this so soon." Their voice whispers again, a slight uptilt in their voice giving away their small excitement. "I've been hunting you for a while. Watching you while you hunt others in the darker shadows than you transverse in. Now I'm hungry."
I'll be damned. So not only do they have a sharp wit, but they also seem to enjoy other sharps. I'll play their game for now. I'm curious to how this will end.
((I'll add onto this later.))
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brckensocietyarch · 9 months
hi lovely humans. this is a long post. but i need to talk about this. yes, i'm ranting, but i'm genuinely tired of this and i can no longer be the "i'll just deal with it" type. i read every person i look at interacting withs' rules. it's common sense in this community and not doing it at this point is kinda disrespectful in my opinion. TLDR: (although you should read if we interact unless it's been for a long time, i know y'all understand my rules very well) READ MY RULES! a reminder for anyone who wants to interact with me, my rules are important and it's obvious when people haven't read them especially the "female vs male muses". one, i have a ratio rule of 1:1 male:female (i don't have nb/genderfluid muses rn so that's the ratio rn), if you are someone who doesn't care about ratios that is fine, i am happy to give more females if you'd like but my males come with rules. i prefer playing my femmes and being used for my males has irked me to no end over my many years in the rp community. now, to help myself stay on top of this there is a time limit for if you've posted a reply to my males and not my females, i've been giving leeway with it given my own health and the holiday season BUT next year, after my bday i will be enforcing the time limit again (of two weeks). as usual, if muse level is an issue, that is more than okay, i am happy to hold onto your reply to my male until you get around to having enough muse to reply to my female but otherwise, i will drop the thread after two weeks and it'll be a strike against me interacting with you. (note: i, whether queuing or directly posting, will post my male and female replies together/one after the other, this helps me so i keep the ratio especially if someone i'm rping with also finds it important, you can always not reply to my male and wait til your muse replying to my female is musey again. hold it in your drafts, that's fine, i am happy to wait. it's far better than feeling used. i do sometimes give slack with a couple of replies but over the past year it's been harder to do that given how disheartening it is (especially with my rsd).) also, if you reply to male muses starter, reply to a females too OR reach out to interact with one, not doing so makes it awkward for me because i then have to follow up on something that should be a no-brainer given my rules, which you should've read. i've legit been told once that they figured my rules didn't kick in until we interacted a little bit, that's not how it works. two, sadly, f/f threads are still rough, there are a few muses/people i interact with willing to do them platonic and not but they are minimal rn. so most threads are m/f rn. m/m is still open but lower muse too. i get this isn't for everyone and that's totally okay. sometimes i will reach out and ask for f/f and you can do the same but it's not guaranteed. this also connects to three... so, three, i don't rp with all female blogs. i understand some people don't like playing males at all and that is totally okay but this is my preference, especially when i don't have much muse for f/f threads having all female blogs like my posts to interact with me is.... bothersome. like, the f/f thing is on my pinned post and my rules, so you can't miss it if you're looking at my blog. which means you've liked something or reached out without giving my blog a real look at all or you've ignored/haven't read my rules or expect me to just to m/f threads with solely my males with you. that's isn't going to happen. i'm not kidding when i say there have been at least 20 all-female blogs in the past month that have liked interaction posts or reached out to rp. sorry, but it's my preference right now and will not happen.
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jojoblessed365 · 1 year
5 Things I Loved (and 5 Things I Hated) of Milo Ventimiglia's "The Company You Keep"
Okay, so I'll say this: while I was first excited for Milo's new show, I was kind of turned off by the premiere, and I have watched all the episodes, but the story failed to impress me. So, I'll start with what I liked about the show and what I hated about the show, and all who read this can either DM, reblog, or comment your thoughts, whether you agree or disagree, so here goes:
1. Milo's character Charlie Nicoletti
Charlie, for me, resonated as a character- he was a guy living a life and wanted more. The fact that he isn't a mid-30s, but rather 40 year old, and wasn't the traditional hero that you'd find, that was extremely neat. The way Milo portrays him is off the charts- I could feel the pain that he felt when he got conned by his fiancee, when he got blindsided by Emma's profession, when he took a big risk and got the expected answer of rejection, having to take snubs from Emma and being wrung to full extent as an asset. So if anything, congrats Milo- your character won a place in my heart.
2. Daphne being a three-dimensional character than just a femme fatale/ Bond villain
Daphne is complicated - but she isn't the cantankerous villain you'd find in most con films, she's a little of Jamie Lee Curtis's Wanda, Lauren Bacall's Slim and Sophie Marceau's Elektra. And that speaks volumes.
3. Leo and Fran Nicoletti/Birdie and Ollie/Sibling dynamics between Emma-David and Charlie-Birdie
The romantic relationship between Leo and Fran, the single mom and daughter dynamic between Birdie and Ollie, and the sibling pairs of Emma-David and Charlie-Birdie were top notch. Knowing and seeing these kinds of relationships in my family onscreen was refreshing and if the show focused on that, it would've been a hit.
The con planning/ avatars
Milo slipping into different characters, hairstyles, costumes and accents- this was a bigger step in comparison to Jack Pearson and this also includes Fran, Leo and Birdie (especially Birdie). So Nicolettis, you've entered the pop culture lexicon (at least for me).
The Nicolettis and the Hills and their respective family dynamics
This had an essence borrowed from This Is Us- it was refreshing two very different families, albeit cut from the same cloth (metaphorically)- a strong marital relationship between the parents (Leo-Fran, Joseph-Grace), supportive and honest older siblings (David and Birdie), and two younger siblings shaped by their respective families (Charlie and Emma).
1. #Hilleti (as a relationship)
I have to admit that I wasn't too jazzed up with Charlie and Emma- sure, they were the perfect example of different on paper, but compatible as hell, but the moments between this couple was too little and too fast- episode 1 was fun, episode 2 was the whole "rebound" situation, episode 3 was Emma "fitting in" with the Nicolettis and having that honeymoon phase, episode 4 was Charlie being whammed with Emma's profession but still taking it in stride which shows the peak of his love and episode 5 was the whole "I Love You" debacle which reminded me so painfully of Dean and Rory's first I Love You and the cliffhanger of Charlie coming clean and ending it with an "I Love You too".
2. David and Jennifer
David and Jennifer felt like the epitome of a perfect "killer" (pun intended) relationship- if you take couples like Ella and Pete from Lucifer, Van Pelt and Craig from The Mentalist, David and Jennifer would join the roster.
3. The whole Claire Fox storyline
I'll admit that this was something that disappointed me; it would've been fun to see a more layered red herring than this - 'Nuff said.
4. #Hilleti (as a handler-asset relationship)
This was by far, the most disappointing in the back half of the season- Emma became more unlikable as in episode 6, was Emma starting to become unbearable with her branding the Nicolettis as common criminals and then blatantly telling Charlie that she doesn't like him in the ending, episode 7 was Emma having that double standard of being jealous when Charlie gets close to Daphne, and then pretending that what she and Charlie had was nothing (Last week, you said you loved me - Last week, you were a bartender); episode 8 was again another dose of backhanded comments from Emma that at the point, nothing she could do was redeemable in my eyes, sure bending her rules to release Leo was a great point but that was it, episode 9 was Emma again snidely referring to Charlie protecting Daphne and Charlie finally snapping, episode 10 was them getting (momentarily) together, and having a Varchie moment which made me rolling my eyes, and the ending was like forcing something down my throat- we all know Charlie and Emma will get together, if it had been subtle like Jack and Rebecca's ending in the first season of This is Us, then that would've been more interesting and leaving a little thread that maybe Charlie would be pursuing Daphne.
5. The Maguires
They made me uncomfortable - especially Connor. But the fact that they tied it in a neat ribbon with Patrick's death, made me disappointed.
So what do you think? @kimberly-stocks I would love to know yours. I'm not saying that these are my final thoughts, this is just me with my thoughts on what made TCYK so great but also where it could've improved.
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multishipper-baby · 2 years
give me details about the transbian freddami au 👀
Well, it kind of goes like this: Owynn realizes that Freddy has an obvious crush on Cami and thus, tells her she needs to get close to them to find some info he can use to take down the animatronics. She's not particularly happy about it, but resigns herself to it.
Anyway, eventually she does start getting close to Freddy and seeing them as a friend. So one day while they're talking about their childhoods she tells them she's a trans girl. Freddy admits that they don't know much about the whole trans thing, but assures her that they're supportive and still see her as a girl.
Over time tho, Cami starts hearing... Very Egg™ things from Freddy. At first she thinks maybe she's just imagining things or projecting, but after a while it starts to become obvious that Freddy is in the deep denial phrase of their trans journey. So she tries to be a safe space for them to explore their gender at their pace- she never pushes them to do anything, but if Freddy wants to paint their nails or try on makeup "as a joke" then she's happy to help them. Eventually Freddy wants to go all femme but they're still unsure about trying it so they have a convo that's basically
Freddy: What if I just look ridiculous? I'll just be a man in a dress!
Cami: Well, you don't think I'm ridiculous or a man in a dress.
Freddy: That's because you're gorgeous!
Cami: ...what
So Freddy decides to deal with the trans thing to avoid dealing with the crush thing, accepts she's a trans gal for once and Fred is very supportive of her for being able to take that step. Yay!
Then we'd come back to Owynn, who by now is sure that Cami isn't telling him something, and decides to destroy their relationship to see if that hurts Freddy. I don't have this part very planned out but basically: plot shit happens, everyone is sad for a while, Cami tells Freddy what Owynn is up to and they (with help from the animatronics) kick his ass.
At the end Freddy tells Cami that she's thinking about using the name Sigfrid from now on and thanks her for all the support while Fred is screaming into her ear to ask her out. Eventually Fred gets tired of waiting for her to be brave and takes over the body for like five seconds to confess to Cami, and they ride into the sunset or something cheesy idk.
TL;DR: Freddy is this meme
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whats-wild-to-you · 1 year
Twisted Minds
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Park Jaebeom appeared to be visibly in pain when Bora finally told him about her genius plan. At first she thought about seducing him without his knowledge but Bora wasn't a femme fatale. She would have to lay out her plan and hope that he wouldn't call the police on her.
"We can't do this!"
"Why not? We're both miserable. What if this cures these weird dreams we're both having. Isn't this worth a try?"
While Jaebeom was young, wild, free and promiscuous, he seemed to have been raised right and Bora realized that he thought that what she suggested was absolutely insane. What Bora proposed was that they both meet in her apartment, take off their clothes, have sex, put their clothes back on and act like nothing ever happened. Business as usual.
"Please! I think I'm going insane. I haven't slept properly in what feels like forever."
Jaebeom must've felt the same way. Sleep-deprived, about to lose his damn mind.
"Fine. Let's say I agree. How do we do this? Without, you know, being awkward around each other the next day."
"I don't know. I- We could establish some ground rules. Write it all down. Make up some kind of binding contract and sign it."
"Rules. What kind of rules?"
Bora was out of her element but still made an effort to come up with something.
"No kissing."
"That's a start. What else?"
"No pet names, no weird positions or SM. I really don't like that."
"Agreed. It's just strictly physical. Like scratching an itch."
"But what if it doesn't work? What are we doing then?"
Jaebeom asked, confirming Bora's own fears. She wasn't sure this would work either.
"Then one of us could move away. See if distance solves the problem. I volunteer."
"It doesn't have to come that far."
Bora nodded and an awkward silence engulfed the two.
"So, tonight then?"
"So soon?"
Jaebeom almost chocked on his own spit. No, he definitely wasn't as promiscuous as he wanted Bora to think.
"The sooner the better!"
Bora replied with a shrug, even though she was just as nervous.
"I'll wait for you at 8."
She nodded in resolve and left Jaebeom's apartment. Back in her own four walls, she threw in a basket everything that looked cozy and homey. In the end what was left standing were her furniture and her plants.
She let out a strained breath, inspecting her outfit. She had changed into a pair of leggings and an oversized sweater but now she caught herself thinking maybe she should wear something that was easier to remove, to speed up the process.
"A dress, maybe?"
She scrunched her nose when she held up a dress in front of her mirror. No, this definitely looked like she thought about it. She didn't want Jaebeom to get the wrong idea and think that she thinks of this as a date.
Deciding that what she was wearing was fine she sat down on her bed, her eyes glued on the clock.
Three more hours to go.
Straightening his shirt, he timidly knocked on Bora's door and took a step back.
She invited him in seconds later, but didn't say a word. Jaebeom's mouth felt as dry as sandpaper when he began talking.
"We shouldn't waste time."
He didn't know whether Bora would take it the wrong way but let out a sigh of relief when Bora got up and started undressing.
Overcoming his initial shock, Jaebeom mirrored her actions, getting rid of his clothes piece by piece, until they both stood in Bora's living room naked.
"Here or the bedroom?"
The unsure and anxious tone in Bora's voice startled Jaebeom for a second but he overcame that too.
Jaebeom said, after inspecting his surroundings. There was a throw blanket draped over the couch so it wouldn't get messed up.
Bora walked up to him, while Jaebeom tried to keep his eyes from wandering. No, this was definitely not the time to check out the hot neighbor's hot body.
"How are we going t-"
Jaebeom didn't get to finish when Bora pushed him hard so he would plop down on the couch. She straddled him, while reaching next to her for some lube and condoms.
"We'll just do what we do in our dreams."
Jaebeom could certainly do that. Mumbling encouraging words to himself, he felt Bora sliding her body down his, until she came face to face with his erection. He had grown in size, but Jaebeom knew that he would get much bigger.
Bora licked her lips seductively before picking up Jaebeom's erection and putting her lips around it.
Jaebeom refrained from moaning, although Bora hadn't mentioned anything about being against moaning.
But damn, did it feel good having her warm mouth wrapped around his erection.
At one point Bora's eyes got bigger when she realized Jaebeom had grown in her mouth. Just to be sure, she removed her lips from his length and inspected his beautifully curved member.
Jaebeom's eyes were glued on her, practically begging her to share her thoughts with him. He so desperately wanted to know what she thought about him, but was afraid to ask straight on in fear it could violate the rules.
After licking his pink tip a few more times, Bora lowered herself onto Jaebeom's rigid length, careful not to show what she really thought of his 9 inch doozy.
Jaebeom, on the other hand, was desperate to get a reaction out of her. He, for his part, was enjoying the view. Throwing his initial resolve overboard, he dragged his eyes all across Bora's body, memorizing as much of it as he could.
If he had to choose one feature, it would probably be her delightfully perky breasts.
Since Bora was on top, she was dictating the pace, and for once Jaebeom didn't mind following her orders.
Being shy and silent at first, Bora soon warmed up and started shouting out demands.
"Place our hands on my breasts."
"Slap my butt."
"Pull my hair."
"Squeeze my breasts."
Soon Jaebeom realized that Bora was a freak. A naughty, filthy freak. She liked it hard, rough and dirty, no matter how much she was trying to hold back.
Though to his surprise she was otherwise pretty silent. Not even one moan escaped her lips, even though Jaebeom was certain that she liked the way he moved under her.
Then, out of nowhere, an estranged moan left her lips, disturbing the quiet.
Bora opened her eyes wide, staring directly into Jaebeom's. Quickly she got up off his lap, with Jaebeom ready to protest when she leaned forward, her body draped over the couch, presenting Jaebeom her backside.
Thank God she didn't look back at him or she would've seen the sheer lust spilling out of Jaebeom's eyes as he carefully approached her from the back.
Once again he was reminded of her rules, thinking if it was okay for him to grab her waist and holding on to it for support.
"Can I-"
"Yes. Please..."
Bora sounded much more needier than Jaebeom could ever imagine. He realized that the luscious vixen in front of him was holding back a great deal.
Eager to satisfy her, he plowed into her with much more force than in the beginning.
Bora couldn't suppress the moan leaving her lips, which in turn encouraged Jaebeom to up the tempo.
Bora gasped, now entirely unable to hide the pleasure Jaebeom was giving her. She arched her back until her face was smushed and became one with the couch, arched her back until her booty was so high up in the air, Jaebeom had to stand up on the soft cushions so he could penetrate her at the right angle.
Another moan escaped her lips, a confirmation that Jaebeom was doing everything right. Even though he was frustrated at the beginning, now he thought her lack of verbal expression was extremely sexy.
Bora panted again, and Jaebeom immediately understood what she meant. She wanted more of him. And Jaebeom would not turn down her plea.
Minutes later he found release, and shortly after Bora followed, squirming with desire. Jaebeom then turned her around, dipping his head and sucking on her nipples. He wanted to do that for a while but the occasion never presented itself.
Suddenly he wanted to go again. Round 2, 3, 4. Be inside her all night. He held eye contact as he released her hard and erect pink nipple, his saliva making it glisten in the dim light.
Bora squealed as he smiled mischievously before lowering his head to her warm and swollen core.
-The End-
Author's Note: before anybody comes at me, saying I don't know how to write smut anymore, OMG this smut is so boring. I still got it 😝😝 I wrote it like this on purpose, as a stark contrast to their very detailed and dirty dreams
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