#i'll turn this living room in to a horror movie set
jaratedeguadalupe · 1 year
Remus and Virgil while watching horror movies and always tries to one up each other by guessing the plot twists and endings
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littlechivalry · 2 months
Steve feels like the rope in a game of tug-o-war between Robin and Dustin. Dustin needs a ride to school, Robin has to go to work, Dustin wants to watch the Goonies, Robin has a stack of foreign movies that she insists are 'vital,Steven', Dustin wants to go the arcade and out for pizza, Robin heard about this... club... in Indy... and Steve loves them both more than he has words to explain but? He's just so goddamned tired.
It all comes to a head in Family Video where Steve is half asleep at the counter while Robin and Dustin argue about who has driving lessons priority. Steve is snapped back into alertness when someone takes his hand and presses a firm kiss to the back of it, before licking a hot stripe across his skin. He looks up and meets the shining eyes of Eddie Munson.
Both Robin and Dustin squawk when Eddie turns to them, grinning. "Buckley? Henderson? I appreciate your enthusiasm for Steve's company but I have dibs."
This sets the two of them into another argument over whether it is legitimate to 'dibs' a person but all Steve can do is look at Eddie who has not let go of his hand.
Robin and Dustin eventually wear themselves out and allow Eddie his dibs. Steve resigns himself to a horror movie or more music that is... fine... It'll be nice to hang out with his boyfriend at least.
When the shift is over Eddie follows Steve to his house. Steve heads for the kitchen to prepare a snack but Eddie pulls him into an embrace, slowly swaying him in his arms and moving them both into the living room.
Eddie leads Steve to the couch and presses a kiss to the tip of his nose before stepping away. "Put a show on tv, big boy. I'll grab food. Easy night tonight, okay?"
Hours later the only light in the room will come from the TV test pattern. Empty plates on the coffee table. Sneakers abandoned on the floor in front of the couch. And a well-worn afghan draped over two sleeping boys.
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kujousgf · 1 year
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THERE'S JUST ONE THING I WANT (your blood all over me)
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pairings: final girl!reader + slashers!wandanat, pre-established bucky + reader
summary: movie night at your boyfriend bucky's on friday the 13th, what could go wrong?
warnings: depictions of violence and murder, cult dynamics (cult leader wanda), character death (not reader), cheating, manipulation, patriarchal ideals, misogyny, power dynamics, pet names, mommy kink, dom!natasha, sub!reader, dom!wanda, fingering, groping
wc: 5.7k~
A/N: sorry bucky...
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Friday the 13th, a universal day of bad luck and bad omens. You were never one to be overly superstitious, you did have a black cat, Liho, after all, but something about this just felt like a bad idea. Bucky had proposed the idea of having a movie night of sorts to celebrate the unofficial holiday, wanting to invite some friends over and watch a few horror movies. He explicitly wanted to ‘watch Parker piss his pants over a little movie,’ which you rolled your eyes at. 
“I don't know if this is a good idea, Buck…” You sigh, looking up at the taller man through your lashes, your arms wrapped around yourself. “Oh, come on, it'll be fun. Who doesn't love a good horror movie?” He laughs, though he knows you don't, “besides, I'll keep you safe. Don't worry.” He pulls you into him, wrapping his arms around your waist.
“You know I don't like those kinds of movies,” you huff, “and your friends are always… weird.” You mumble, burying your face in his chest. He sighs above you, starting to run his fingers through your hair, “I know, I know, but it'll just be one movie. And it's just the guys! They're harmless, come on, you know that!” His tone is lighthearted, but he tugs a little on your hair at the last part. “You can invite some of your friends,” he offers, “who've you been hanging out with lately? Wanda? Natasha? Carol?” and then he quickly changes his mind, he doesn't like her attitude towards either of you, “Ugh, no, don't invite Carol… How about that Kate girl? You can invite the redheads and Kate?” 
“...okay, but promise you won't pick one that's too scary?”
“Promise, scaredy cat.”
Friday comes quickly and you're currently preparing for Bucky’s friends to come over, making sure there's cold beer in the fridge and snacks for them to eat. Your boyfriend was setting up the television apparently, telling you that you were always better in the kitchen than he was and then disappearing into the living room. Some of your friends were coming too, which you were grateful for. You had debated inviting Carol even though Bucky said not to, but decided against it. Wanda and Kate would be here soon, but Natasha said she had something she needed to do with Yelena tonight and wouldn’t be able to make it. 
You play with the ring around your finger before you start to put bowls and dishes on the island’s countertop in front of you, humming softly to yourself as you make sure it looks presentable. You were never one to like an ugly spread. Bucky chooses this time to come into the kitchen and wrap his arms around your waist from behind, “see? Told you, you’re so much better in the kitchen than I am.”
“You’re just saying that because I cut up some plums for you.”
“You got me.” He chuckles, reaching forward to grab a slice of the fruit, “the boys should be here soon, you should get changed.” He pats your bare thigh, the shorts you’re wearing are decidedly too short for him, and then pulls away from you and starts to walk away. 
“You didn’t seem to mind my outfit earlier!” You call out after him teasingly, and he just turns around to give you a pointed look, opening his mouth to speak before promptly closing it when he hears a car pull into the driveway. “That must be Steve. Go get changed.”
“I’m going, I’m going.”
It did turn out to be Steve, and you greet him after you’ve come back downstairs. This time dressed in a pair of jeans and a brown sweater. Bucky’s friends arrive in quick succession after that: Steve, Sam, Tony, Peter (Quill, not Parker. Parker couldn’t make it), and even Rhodey showed up which was apparently something of a miracle. Wanda’s friend Vision was away for work, otherwise you might have asked her to bring him too. You sip on a drink in the kitchen with Wanda while you wait for Kate, it was far too loud in the living room with all the boys. Especially because Tony had started drinking. You don’t envy Pepper, the man could be loud while sober, so this was almost unbearable. You remind yourself that they’re Bucky’s friends and it’s just one evening, he’ll make it up to you tomorrow. 
“You know, you could have just told him we were going out and you wouldn’t have had to deal with all of this,” Wanda hums, lifting her glass up to her lips and taking a sip of wine, “I know how much you hate these kinds of movies.”
“I know, but he seemed excited about it, and you know him… I don’t want to be down on something he’s actually excited about.” You lean against the counter, holding your glass in both hands against your chest. “He said he’d pick a movie that wasn’t too scary, but we can probably get away with just being in here for the whole night. It’s not like they’ll really notice.”
“You don’t think Bucky will notice if you’re not within two feet of him at all times? You must have forgotten who you’re talking about.” Wanda laughs humorlessly, a tight smile on her lips. None of your friends were particularly… fond of your boyfriend. It’s not that they hated him, he could be a nice guy, it’s just that sometimes the way he treated you was more like the way you’d treat a child or a trophy than a girlfriend.
Just then Bucky’s voice interrupts the two of you with a ‘babe!’ and you excuse yourself from the kitchen. You’re semi-grateful for it, not wanting to get into this Wanda right now, but you wanted to avoid the guys for longer than you were able to.
It turns out he had just wanted another beer, which you brought him and he accepted with a kiss to your cheek. You’re certain that Peter was going to ask for one too until he and Bucky had some sort of silent conversation, so you slipped out of the room to avoid whatever the outcome might have been. Things between the two of them could get tense. 
Wanda gives you a look when you re-enter the kitchen and you shrug, “he was having some sort of debate with Steve, he didn’t want to lose his train of thought.”
“Uh huh…” The strawberry blonde opens her mouth to say something else, but she’s cut off when she hears a sharp, feminine scream pierce her ears. A scream that she knows doesn’t belong to the horror movie everyone is supposed to be watching tonight. She gives you an indecipherable look, and you look back at her with wide eyes, frightened. “Was that… the movie? Buck didn’t say he was starting it yet…”
She doesn’t answer you, waiting to see if maybe she can hear the background noise of a movie coming from the living room, maybe they decided on a different movie. But when she doesn’t hear anything besides confused chatter she can’t quite decipher she shakes her head, “I don’t think so.”
You’re soon joined by Bucky and the rest of the guys in the kitchen when he rushes in to make sure the scream he heard wasn’t, in fact, his girlfriend. “What the hell was that? Are you okay?” He holds you at arm’s length to inspect you, making sure you weren’t hurt. You could be a little clumsy, and he knows you’ve been drinking some wine, so he thought maybe you had decided to cut up some fruit and dropped the knife, accidentally cutting yourself. But after a quick once over, he realizes that you’re fine. 
“I-I don’t know. Wanda and I were just talking in here and then we heard a scream. I thought maybe you started the movie without us. Do you think someone’s hurt somewhere? Oh God, this is exactly how those horror movies you like so much start out. I told you doing something like this today was a bad idea, Buck–”
The back door opens and you barely hear it, still rambling until Bucky puts his hand over your mouth. You furrow your eyebrows, and you’re about to move his hand to tell him off, who cares that his friends are here, until you hear a set of footsteps and realize that everyone is standing still and tense. Bucky’s house had a bit of an odd layout. Whereas other houses kitchen’s were in the back of the house, his was near the front. 
Your boyfriend was always hyper vigilant, even when there was no reason to be, but when he brings his finger up to his lips to signal you to be quiet, you think that maybe there is a reason this time. Even Tony seems to have shut up, looking slightly concerned. Maybe all your talk about bad omens was getting to everyone. 
There’s a tension in the air and everything is silent for a moment until the footsteps continue, getting closer and closer…
Your breath gets caught in your throat when a masked figure steps through the doorway. They have a long, sharp, knife-like blade in one hand, the front of their shirt and mask splattered with blood. In the other hand, you see a coat you recognize, one you know belongs to Kate, splattered and stained with blood. Wordlessly, they hold it up and tilt their head, their green eyes sparkling at the recognition and horror on your face. A scream rips through your throat before you can stop it.
Bucky turns and he’s quick to push you behind him as soon as you scream while everyone else is frozen in place, eyes wide with shock. “Very funny guys, love that you hired an actor to scare the shit out of my girlfriend, very clever. When I said I wanted to scare her, I meant with the movie. So she would be extra clingy tonight, so we could– not the point. This isn’t cool.” His tone hardens with the last three words, feeling the way you’re shaking slightly behind him from fear. 
“Buck, we didn’t… this isn’t us.” Sam speaks up and the masked stranger decides that this is enough talking for now before they surge towards Peter, who’s drunk enough to move just a bit too slowly. Their knife plunges into his stomach and he lets out a loud yell, drink dropping from his hand and glass shattering against the floor, doubling over when the knife is taken out and then plunged into his flesh again and again and again. 
The action is enough to snap everyone out of their frozen states and send everyone running in a panic. You vaguely hear a ‘holy fuck!’ before Bucky grabs your hand and drags you out of the room, planning to circle around the killer and then exit the house. He lives at the end of a relatively secluded street, but he has his car and if he can get to it, he knows he could get the both of you away from danger quite quickly. He’d be sorry about his friends, but he can always make new ones. 
“B-Buck, wait! We can’t just leave Wanda, what if she’s next? Please, we can't just leave. That was Kate’s coat, they got Kate. We can’t leave everyone.”
“We might get killed and you're worried about that redheaded b– fine, we can make sure Wanda’s okay.” He concedes when he sees your face, pulling you into the bathroom with him and shutting the door. He takes a breath and then locks it. If all else fails, the two of you can stay in here until morning, but right now he apparently needs a new plan.
He pats his pockets to try and find his phone, if nothing at all he needs to call the police. He groans when he realizes he left it on the couch. “Fuck.”
At some point you and Bucky get separated, it's hard to stay together in chaos like this. Maybe going back for Wanda was a bad idea, but you just couldn't leave her to fend for herself, especially after what you can only assume happened to Kate. And seeing what happened to Peter, you couldn’t let that happen to her. Stupid, maybe, but she was one of your closest friends. 
You don't know how long it's been until you find yourself in a group again. Except now you're missing Peter, Tony, Steve and Rhodey. By the look on Bucky’s face, you know they all must have suffered the same fate as Peter.
“What do we do, man? We could try to leave, but that only got Steve killed. Did anyone call the cops? I can't find my phone.” Sam paces the room.
Steve’s body lays limp and slightly cold on the stone path leading from Bucky’s porch to the driveway. He didn’t get very far.
“I did.” Wanda speaks up from the doorway, keeping watch in the one on the left and scanning the whole room, paying particular attention to the doorway across from her. “I hope they'll be here soon. They might have already been here if James didn't live so far from town.”
“Oh, are you blaming this on me? Are you saying this is my fault?” Bucky shoots a glare towards Wanda. The tension between the two of them was always thick, but right now you think even a knife wouldn’t be able to cut through it. 
“If the shoe fits.”
“Listen here, you–”
“Watch your tone.” Wanda's accent slips out and your eyes flit over towards her.
“Please don't fight, it won't make things better.” Your voice is quiet, scared, as you speak. You stand close to Bucky, arms wrapped around your torso. You're shaking slightly, the image of both Peter and Steve making you nauseous. You hadn’t expected to see him when you walked out the front door, and the image was enough to have you running back into the house. 
Bucky grunts in response and Wanda doesn't say anything, crossing her arms tightly over her chest and looking towards the other entrance of the room you were all in again. 
Perhaps she should have been paying more attention to what's behind her, though, because the masked stranger is suddenly right there. Your eyes widen and you don't have time to warn her before she shrieks as they force her hands behind her back and press a knife against her throat. It's a bit of a struggle, but the masked assailant is clearly strong as they manhandle Wanda into the room. 
“Man, fuck this!”
You, Bucky, and Sam all stand alarmed near the center of the room, looking with widened eyes at the scene in front of you. A beat of silence passes, all that can be heard is labored breathing. And then the knife falls from her throat and Wanda starts to laugh, bent over from the force of it. “Oh, you should have seen your faces!” She laughs like this is the funniest thing that’s ever happened to her before she stops abruptly and stands up, a gun suddenly in her hand, pointed straight towards you. “Come here.” Her accent is back now, the fake American one dropped. 
“W-Wanda, I don’t… what’s going on?” You sniffle, tears falling freely down your cheeks.
“W-Wanda,” she mocks, faux pout on her lips, “Come here.”
“Don’t listen to her. Stay right behind me.” Bucky steps in front of you, shielding you with his body. 
“What a gentleman.” Wanda sneers, gun steadily pointed at Bucky’s chest now. 
“Wanda, sweetheart, don’t get ahead of yourself.” Natasha speaks up, taking the now bloody hockey mask off and revealing herself. It had been so hard for her to keep her comments to herself and remain a mystery this whole time. Usually it wouldn’t be, but today was just so exciting. And it was personal.
Oh, she had been the one to give Wanda the handgun.
“Now what the fuck?” Sam makes the mistake of making himself known again and Wanda rolls her eyes, turning and aiming the gun at him instead. “Oh, shut up.” She pulls the trigger and a bullet goes straight through the man’s skull, blood splattering onto the floor and the wall behind him. He drops to the floor with a thud.
“Jesus Christ! You’re both fucking insane!” Bucky takes a glance towards Sam’s body on the floor, feeling bile rise up in his throat. 
“Buck, I-I’m scared.” You whimper, and he pulls your body against his, hoping to bring you some comfort by running his fingers through your hair. This is not something he ever thought before, but maybe he should have listened to you when you said this was a bad idea. 
Wanda takes a deep breath, her head jerking involuntarily at the sight, like she’d just seen something horrible. “I won’t ask again. Come. Here.” The gun is pointed at you again and her hand shakes slightly. Her eyes flash and you look up at Bucky, afraid she might actually shoot you. “Buck, I-I maybe I should go over. T-To calm her down… I don’t want her to hurt you.”
You sniffle again and he takes five seconds before giving a small nod. “It’ll be okay, baby. They won’t get away with this, I promise, I won’t let them.” He says in a way that he hopes is comforting to you. You hesitate before pulling away from him and slowly walking over to Wanda. 
“Hi, Wands,” you smile up at her sweetly, “did I do good?”
“You would have done better if you didn’t let him put his hands on you like that,” she spits. You pout up at her and she softens slightly, leaning down to kiss you. She knows you were only playing a role, but that didn’t make it better, “you did great, baby.”
“What the fuck is going on!”
You spin around, eyes wild, no longer hiding anything now that the charade has been dropped, angry that your moments with Wanda are still being interrupted. “Will you shut the fuck up for five fucking seconds?! We are trying to have a conversation here.”
Bucky, poor guy, looks the most shocked you’ve ever seen him. He never would have seen this coming, he never could have. This wasn’t like you, you were sweet and quiet and would never speak to him like that. You couldn’t possibly have anything to do with this, not voluntarily. The way you were acting wasn’t making any sense. 
“Baby… Come on, this isn’t like you. Whatever they said to you, whatever they did to you, you can tell me. I can help, I’ll get you out of this, you don’t have to worry.” He chooses almost the exact wrong thing to say, and you grab the gun from Wanda, pointing it towards him. Wanda and Natasha look toward each other, this wasn’t part of the plan. Not exactly, anyway.
"Oh, you can help me?! You'll help me!" You think of these past couple of months, years really, that you’ve spent with Bucky, stuck with Bucky. You did it to yourself upon the request of Natasha, but that doesn’t make it any better. You're practically hysterical at this point, waving the gun in your hand around with your finger on the trigger, "because you're a big strong military man, you can help me! Oh, and I bet you’ll save me too!" You're laughing now, shaking as adrenaline pumps through your veins. "That's what I am to you, isn't it? Proof of your ability as a man to save a woman? Your little trophy to prove that you're a good guy." You point the gun steadily at Bucky now, looking him directly in the eyes, "unfortunately for you, I've never been yours to save."
The thing about your and Bucky’s relationship is that it was never built on anything good. It would have been better, for him mostly, but the both of you, if you had just stayed friends like you wanted to, but he just kept pushing. He loves you, don’t you love him too? He knows you do, he can tell. He’s loved you since middle school and he’s never found the right time to tell you, but now that you’re both starting university, he couldn’t take the chance that you’d find someone else. (Unfortunately for him, you already had. The extra 10 years of friendship Bucky had, had nothing on the connection you had with Wanda and Natasha). 
Bucky watched you grow up, watched you turn to him when your parents fought, watched you take your father’s mistreatment of you and your mother, and watched your little fear of abandonment grow when your father up and left one night. Watched the way you hoped he wouldn’t leave too, took advantage of it, really. And you watched him, watched the cracks in his nice guy persona get bigger, watched as they became canyons when you wedged yourself into them, watched as he hoped, God he hoped that you were your mother’s daughter. 
And Wanda and Natasha watched you both, content to keep your relationship a secret as you explored the ways in which you could exploit Bucky, expose his true colors. They didn’t do very much pushing on your part, they wanted you to be free to make your own decisions. They may be in charge, but this was your idea, they just gave it the green light. Well, Wanda may have planted a few seeds, but that’s what she does. You were free to ignore them if you wanted, but she knew you didn’t. She knew you’d make her plans blossom. 
The switch from hysterics to calm and collected has your boyfriend's head spinning. He doesn't know what part of this is real and what isn't, still half hoping this is some sick prank. Because this isn't like you, it's just not. The first time Bucky had ever shown you one of his guns, you were like a deer in headlights. You'd refused to even touch it, scared of such a weapon, a monster of human creation, you'd called it. That's who his girlfriend was, not this person standing in front of him. This mad woman, this crazy bitch. So this had to be fake, it had to be a prank. 
It's not, of course, because what Bucky doesn't understand is that nothing with him had ever been anything but fake. What Bucky doesn't understand is that even though he's your boyfriend, you've never been his girlfriend, you've been Natasha and Wanda's. You've always been Natasha and Wanda's.
Natasha comes up behind you and wraps her arms around your waist before pressing a kiss to your cheek, "go on, pretty girl, you can do it," she whispers encouragingly. This may not be a part of the original plan, but the sooner they get this done, the sooner she can take you back to her and Wanda’s apartment. And the sooner Wanda can stop obsessing over this. "Remember how he treated you. Remember how we treat you."
“Be a good girl, we’re so close.” Wanda’s voice hits your ears and it’s like you can’t help but listen to anything she says. You take the shot without a second thought, the bullet going straight through Bucky’s chest as your own chest heaves, your breathing slightly labored. You’re still holding the gun towards him as his eyes widen and he drops to the ground, touching the wound like he can’t believe what just happened. He chokes slightly, coughing, as blood starts to spill past his lips and you shut your eyes. If only he hadn’t turned into such a rotten guy, he would have survived. 
You feel Wanda’s soft hand slide up the length of your arm as she slots herself behind you now, Natasha going to check around the house to make sure no one has miraculously survived being slain. A smile graces the Sokovian’s lips and she envelopes your hand in her own, gently transferring the gun into her own grip instead, letting your arm drop to your side before lowering the weapon and tucking it into her back pocket, “you did such a good job, baby. I’m so proud of you.” Her voice is so sweet and loving that your bottom lip trembles involuntarily.
You love Natasha, but Wanda has always had an affect on you, and you know that if the Russian had said the same thing instead, you wouldn’t react this same way. The overwhelming feelings that loomed over tonight come back in full force as you let out the first sob. “Oh, sweet girl,” Wanda coos, turning you in her arms and bringing you against her, holding you tight, “such a big night for you, huh? But you know that what you’ve done is for the greater good, right? You know that, don’t you?” 
You nod and she kisses the top of your head. “B-But Tasha came early, and I didn’t know that Katie– I thought– Tasha was too early, and I couldn’t tell if–” You can’t get your thoughts together anymore, your mind racing with everything that’s been going through your head since the beginning of the night. The fear for Kate, the confusion when Natasha showed up before 10:02pm, the very specific time she was supposed to, the way Wanda had looked just as confused as you had.
“Oh no, did she scare you?” Wanda laughs lightly, endeared and a little amused, “I’ll have to give Tasha a little talking to. She was a little early, huh?” She smooths her hand along your hair, petting you, “don’t worry about Katie, darling, she’s just fine. You know how Yelena would react if she wasn’t.” 
“I-I know, but–”
“Shhh, I know, sweetheart. It’s okay, you didn’t know. Now, why don’t you give me a kiss, hm? Don’t I deserve a thank you?”
A ‘thank you’ for what, you didn’t know, but Wanda clearly thought she was deserving of one and who were you to question her? You lean up to give her a kiss, your arms wrapping around her shoulders as she grips your waist. You sigh against her lips, feeling yourself relax a little just from the comfort any amount of affection from Wanda gives you. 
“I leave you two alone for five minutes and you’re pretending like I don’t exist.” Natasha stands from where she was leaning against the doorframe as she looks at you and Wanda, “do you have any idea how long I was standing there?” It had only been long enough to catch Wanda’s ‘don’t I deserve a thank you?’ and watch the two of you kiss, but still. 
You pull away from Wanda and huff, your tears now forgotten, “I’m mad at you!” You glare at Natasha and she raises an eyebrow, walking towards you now, “mad at me, зайка?” She furrows her eyebrows slightly, as if she’s confused, and there’s an annoyingly attractive little smirk on her lips as she gets closer. 
She grabs your hips and pulls you away from Wanda and the Sokovian would usually protest against the Russian’s audacity to steal her girl away, but she’s content to watch the two of you bicker for a few minutes. Natasha pulls you against her, “now what did I do to deserve that?” She squeezes your hips softly, looking down at you. “You were early!” You push against her chest before resting your hands there, playing with the fabric of her sweatshirt, “we had a plan!”
“Well, we didn’t exactly stick to the plan anyway, did we, baby? Huh? I don’t think the past 15 minutes were part of the plan. How about you, Wands?” Natasha turns her head slightly and makes eye contact with her girlfriend, to which the strawberry blonde just rolls her eyes, “this is not my problem. She’s not mad at me.”
“We might have if you showed up on time! You scared me, you asshole!”
Natasha is perfectly happy to humor when you’re ‘mad’ at her and even when you play fight against her or hit her, but she is not happy to hear you speak to her like that. Her movement is swift as she reaches up to grab your jaw, her grip harsh as her fingertips dig into your cheeks, “watch your tone and your language, yeah?”
You whine quietly, nodding. Natasha hums, releasing your jaw in favor of patting your cheek, “good girl. Now, why don’t you tell me properly why you’re ‘mad’ at me?” Her next actions contradict her words as she slips her hands underneath your shirt, sliding her palms up your stomach and then back down again.
“You were…” you trail off, distracted by Natasha's hands on you. She slides her hands back up and gropes your covered breasts, “I was?” There’s a smug look on her face as she looks down at you, pleased with how easily she can distract you. “You were early and… and you scared me, I didn’t know it was you.”
“My sincerest apologies, princess,” Natasha slides her hands back down and grabs your waist, squeezing roughly, and then she grins, “I didn’t realize you were so easily scared.” You’re about to curse her out, but she leans down to capture your lips in a kiss before you get the chance. The kiss is sloppy and rough as your hands grip her sweatshirt, tugging her as close as possible. 
Wanda, never one to like being left out, takes her place behind you, sandwiching you between her and Natasha. Her hands slip under your shirt and replace where Natasha’s used to be, cupping your breasts and groping them softly, “let us make it up to you, ангел.”
The sound of Wanda’s soft voice in your ear relaxes you in their arms and you make a noise of agreeance against Natasha’s lips. “My poor little angel,” Wanda murmurs, “my divine little lamb. You didn’t deserve to be scared like that, did you?” Wanda’s questions are almost always rhetorical and you’re glad for that right now. 
One of Natasha’s hands moves from your waist to unbutton your jeans and then slides into your panties. You grip her sweater tighter to try and urge her to move her hand further down, but she leaves it splayed just above your cunt. She pulls away from your lips, the both of you panting as you catch your breath, a string of spit connecting your lips and then dripping down.
“Say please, зайка. Just because I’ve upset you doesn’t mean you lose your manners, does it?”
“Please, Tasha. Please touch me.”
“Tell me thank you for what I did today.” She’s trying to stay in control of herself, but you can tell from her labored breathing and the flush of her neck that you’ve affected her. 
“I’m so happy you freed me, Tasha. Thank you. I’m so grateful I can be yours forever now. Thank you, thank you.” 
Natasha surges forward and crashes her lips against yours, a moan escaping your lips at the contact. Wanda hums in approval and it lights a fire in both yours and Natasha’s stomachs. You both know, this time, Wanda is only here to watch over the two of you, and to know what you’re doing has her approval means more to the both of you than anything you’ve ever done.
Natasha swallows your gasp when you feel her fingers beginning to rub at your clit, slow circles that work you up at just the right pace. Wanda places small kisses on your neck as Natasha works, groping and squeezing at your breasts as she does. She knows she’ll have you to herself later while Natasha works on cleaning up today’s mess, so she’s content in watching her prized possession feel good.
When Natasha moves her hand further down and sinks two fingers into your cunt, you pull away from her lips and let out a little whimper. Usually, she’d work you up, but she knew the three of you shouldn’t linger in the house longer than necessary. “Shhh, that’s it baby, you can take it.” She lets you bury your face against her chest as she pumps her fingers in and out, grinding the heel of her palm against your clit. 
“There you go, that’s a good girl.” Natasha coos. She’s being uncharacteristically gentle and you think it’s because Wanda is watching or maybe she really does feel bad for scaring you like she did. She holds you tight against her as she leans over you to kiss Wanda. You feel your knees get weak when you realize what’s happening and you clench around Natasha’s fingers. 
They both pay you no mind except for the fact that Natasha’s skilled fingers are still working against your cunt. She curls them just right and you bite down on her collarbone. She gasps and pulls away from Wanda’s lips, her other hand gripping your waist tighter, her blunt nails digging into your skin and leaving little crescent marks. 
“Forgot our little зайка was a biter.” She grunts.
It’s not long before Natasha’s fingers work you up and push you over the edge, cumming with both her and Wanda’s permission. When Natasha pulls her fingers out you let out a little whine, sensitive from cumming. “Open up, pretty girl.” She brings her fingers up to your lips and you let her push them inside, cleaning your cum from her fingers, your cheeks hot at the action.
Natasha pulls away from you and pushes you to your knees, your shaky legs doing very little to hold you up anyway. Wanda’s fingertips drag across your cheek as she moves in front of you, standing next to Natasha. “What do you say, маленький ангел?” Wanda speaks as she uses her middle and ring finger to tilt your chin up. 
You peer up at them, adoration swimming in your eyes, “Thank you Mommy. Thank you Tasha.”
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yxngbxkkie · 9 months
touchy (b.c)
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hi, hi!! i know it's been a while since i've posted. i'm trying to pump out ideas, but my writing motivation has gone down a bit. but i saw a tik tok earlier and thought of this short idea 🫢 i absolutely need this man, and i hope you guys enjoy this 🩷
feedback is greatly appreciated 🥰
You can hear Chan watching Jujitsu Kaisen from the kitchen, a chuckle leaving your lips after hearing his gasps. You really love how immersed he gets when watching shows and movies. It's really cute.
“Chan, baby?” You call out to him, poking your head out towards the living area. “Can you grab the drinks?”
He pauses the show before sprinting up from the couch. He glides a hand across your lower back as you place an even amount of ramen into two bowls. Chan hums while standing behind you, inhaling the scent of the food.
“It smells so good, baby,” he whispers into your ear, gently squeezing your hip.
The tips of your ears begin to turn red as you feel slightly hot and bothered. You thank him quietly, and he moves away to grab a drink for both of you.
You grab the two bowls and bring them into the living room, setting them onto the coffee table. You lower yourself to the floor afterward, placing a pair of chopsticks into your bowl before setting another pair into Chan's.
“Thank you for the meal,” he sings while setting your drink in front of you.
He sits down beside you, his thigh brushing against yours. You glance up at him, smiling softly as Chan takes a sip of his water. His eyes find yours after, and the corner of his plump lips twitch into a smile.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” Chan asks shyly, feeling a little embarrassed at your loving stare.
“I just love you,” you mention, leaning over to kiss his warm cheek. “And, you're so pretty.”
He giggles, dropping his gaze to the ramen in front of him. “Stop, you're prettier,” he mumbles, grasping his chopsticks.
Your heart skips a beat, and the two of you begin to eat. Chan resumes the episode, and the only sound that can be heard is the slurping of noodles.
Moments like this are your favorite. You would give anything to have more of them, but you realize how demanding Chan’s job can be. It doesn't take very long for both of you to finish, somehow timing it perfectly with the end of the episode.
You move to clean up when Chan stops you. “I got this, baby. Pick something to watch,” he assures you with a grin, handing you the remote.
“So sweet,” you sigh while shaking your head. He giggles and leans over to kiss your lips. The kiss lasts a few seconds, and you chase his lips after he pulls back.
“That's you, baby,” he says cheekily before grabbing the empty bowls.
You have to stop yourself from biting your knuckles. You've never been so in love with someone before, and you're glad that it's with him. A sigh leaves your lips, and you pull yourself up from the floor, laying across the gray couch.
You aimlessly scroll through Netflix, humming to yourself as you try to find something interesting to watch. The sound of Chan washing the dishes echo off the apartment walls.
“Channie?” You call out to him, looking at the horror movies. You hear him say your name before you start speaking again. “How much do you love me?”
The sound of the water running stops before his footsteps grow louder. “It depends on what you want,” he laughs, walking towards the couch. “But, very much, why?”
You look over your shoulder as he kneels on both sides of your legs. “Can we watch a horror movie?” You ask him, giving him your best puppy-eyed look.
“What?” He whines, turning to look at the television. His hands rest on the back of your thighs, and thumbs massage the muscle.
Even though you're wearing leggings, his touch excites you just a smidge. “Just one! I'll even let you cuddle me,” you wink at him, clicking on a movie that sounds good.
“You're so lucky I love you,” Chan groans before agreeing.
You giggle in excitement and press play, setting the remote onto the table. Chan gets up from the couch, tapping your legs to move them. You lift your legs up, allowing the brunette to sit before resting your legs across his lap.
As the movie starts, you realize it's not too scary. Which you're sure Chan is thankful for. You've tried to focus on the plot for almost five minutes, getting distracted by your boyfriend running his hands along your legs.
You tuck your bottom lip between your teeth, feeling the butterflies in your stomach. Chan's hand moves to your ass cheek, gently squeezing it like a stress ball. You let out an involuntarily hum, biting your lip harder.
“You okay, baby?” Chan asks, his hand moving back to your thigh.
“I'm okay,” you whisper, not trusting your voice. You rest your head on your arms, your fingers squeezing your forearm.
You can feel his eyes on you as his hand strokes the back of your thigh. “Are you sure?” He asks again, a smirk etching on his lips.
You lift your upper half and turn to look back at him. “Perfectly fine,” you reassure him while his hand travels back to your ass. Your breath hitches at the feeling of his hands, and Chan giggles.
“Mm, okay,” he says and turns his gaze back to the movie.
Your eyes remain on him as his massaging continues. You internally curse and move your body. Chan's hands drop onto the couch, and his eyes follow your figure as you stand up. You straddle his lap, resting your hands on top of his shoulders.
“Do you have any idea what your hands do to me?” You whisper to him, closing the distance between your faces.
Chan smirks at you and gently presses a kiss on your lips. “I have an idea,” he mentions after pulling away, resting his head on the back of the couch.
He moves his hands up your sides, dipping his fingers beneath his shirt you're wearing. You wet your lips while combing your fingers through his curly hair. You lean forward to capture his lips in another kiss, needing to feel him close to you.
The massaging of your body continues, one of his hands slipping underneath your leggings. “You wanna take this to the bedroom?” He asks, gliding his plump lips along your neck.
You nod your head without hesitation, a staggering breath escaping your lips. Chan sucks on your soft skin, leaving a couple of marks. “Please,” you end up begging, tugging his hair to reconnect your lips.
Chan hums and removes his hands from your body. He grabs the remote from the table and turns the television off. After setting the remote back down, his arms wrap around your thighs before lifting you off the couch.
“I'm pretty glad I have tomorrow off,” he says as he carries you into the bedroom. Chan gently sets you down on the bed before slowly turning you over. Your eyes flutter shut as his hands glide up the back of your legs. “I can spend all night appreciating your body.”
tagging: @strawboorybunny @reddesert-healourblues @spacegirlstuff @moon0fthenight @foxinnie8 @like-a-diamondinthesky @prettymiye0n
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effetsecndaires · 1 year
— 𝐭𝐨𝐤𝐲𝐨 𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐬 𝐨𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚 𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐝. (𝟏𝟖+)
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INCLUDES | nahoya kawata, souya kawata, seishu inui
CONTENT WARNING | smut, oral (fem receiving)
NOTE | I'm not sure how I feel about this one, but I hope you like it! request
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You sat down on the couch, frowning slightly as you looked through the collection of DVDs that were scattered on the coffee table before you.
"Did you pick a horror movie?" you called out, raising your voice so Souya could hear you from the kitchen. The sound of popcorns popping in the microwave filled the otherwise quiet room, your boyfriend's voice following suit.
"Yep." A few seconds later Souya walked into the living room, reaching into the bowl of popcorn and looking at you mischievously. "You're not scared, are you?"
You responded with a scoff and a roll of your eyes, trying to appear brave. "I'm not a pussy."
....And, boy, were you going to regret that statement.
As the movie progressed, Souya glanced at you from the corner of his eye. He noticed your tense posture and the way your fingers clenched around the popcorn bowl, your knuckles white.
"Not a pussy, huh?" he whispered against your ear, grinning teasingly. You narrowed your eyes at him before turning back to the screen, flinching and gasping when a side character got brutally killed, his screams of agony chilling your blood.
Here goes that good nights sleep.
"Hey, uh... do you need a break?" Souya suddenly broke the silence, starting to feel genuinely concerned. He hadn't noticed before, but you looked really pale.
You nodded quietly, setting aside your pride just this once. You set the bowl on the table, trying hard to stop your eyes from welling up.
"Shit...I'm sorry, I didn't think it was that bad. Are- Are you okay? Come here." he rambled nervously, taking you by the hand and guiding you onto his lap. His hands immediately went to cup your cheeks, his lips pressing to your cheek.
"I'll be fine, it's just... a little too gory for me. Just give me a minute."
"We don't have to keep watching. It's okay."
"No, no! I'm fine. I promise."
"You don't look fine, baby. Let me help."
Before you could say anything, he was manoeuvring you both so he was on top of you, your lips meeting in a soft kiss. You stayed quiet as he broke the kiss and you bit the inside of your cheek when he got down on his knees and parted your legs.
"Are you serious?" you chuckled, your hand tangling in his curls. Souya nodded, winking at you.
"I was getting bored anyway. And I'd much rather hear you scream." You laid back against the couch with a soft sigh as he began taking off your pyjama pants, looking up at you from between your legs and trailing kisses up your thighs. "Relax. I'll take care of you." he whispered, sliding your underwear down your legs and discarding them somewhere on the floor. Then he began to rub circles on your clit with his thumb, slowly building up your desire for it. It wasn't long before he remplaced it with his tongue, eager to make you feel good, his determination fuelled by your moans.
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The living room was dimly lit, intermittent flashes from the TV flickering across the space. The movie playing in the background was completely forgotten though, your moans and whimpers drowning out the screams coming from the character on screen.
Inui's hand was resting on your cheek as you rode him, his thumb gently wiping away a tear that the movie had brought to your eyes. You moaned, wrapping your arms around his shoulders as he began kissing down your neck, whispering words of comfort and praise against your skin, his hot breath sending shivers down your spine.
"I'm sorry, baby." he whispered, his voice soothing. "I didn't think it'd scare you like this." he kissed your lips softly, trying his best to comfort you, "You're doing so good. Such a good girl for me, hm? Come on. No more crying."
You nodded, letting out a weak "okay" as the knot in your stomach tightened more and more with each passing second. Seishu's distraction technique had erased every disturbing image from your brain, turning your anxiety into lust and desire.
The sound of the TV turned into white noise the closer you got to your release, leaving only the sound of your own moans and Seishu's echoing in your ears.
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You were cuddled up against Nahoya, a blanket draped over the both of you as you held his hand tightly, your entire body tensed up in fear as you anticipated the next jumpscare.
"I thought you said you weren't easily scared...?" You tutted and slapped his arm, staying quiet.
Nahoya chuckled at your response and that was the end of it, his attention going back to the screen. But then the jumpscare flashed across the screen, catching both of you off guard. You squealed and practically jumped onto his lap, wrapping your arms around him and hiding your face in his neck.
You stayed like this for a couple minutes, clinging onto him, watching the screen from the corner of your eye. You felt a small sense of comfort when Nahoya wrapped an arm around you and placed his free hand on your thigh, his thumb rubbing your skin in slow circles.
After a few minute his hand had not left its spot on your thigh, your skin feeling warmer from his touch. It wasn't until you began to shift to try and get off his lap that you felt it slowly trail up your leg, making you stop in your tracks.
You gave him a questioning look but he simply smirked, eyes still on the screen as he began to tug at the hem of your pajama shorts.
“Wh-What are you doing?”
"You look like you need a distraction." He chuckled quietly. "...Just focus on the movie, yeah?"
With that, his hand slipped inside your shorts, cupping you. You let out a soft gasp as he began stimulating your clit through the thin fabric of your panties, his eyes never leaving the screen as he did. You caught a glimpse of his stupid smirk from the corner of your eye, a small whimper escaping your lips when he picked up the pace.
You eventually decided to give in and make yourself more comfortable on his lap, your back now pressed against his chest, his arms holding you close as he played with your pussy, taking your mind off the disturbing things on screen.
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alessiamalfoyzabini · 8 months
𝐇𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐄𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 | 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞
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Pairing | Yandere Jungkook x Reader
Word Count | 1,529
Warnings | +18, detailed descriptions of punishment, spanking, Jungkook is obsessed and angry, smut dubcon(?), fingering, male masturbation, forced cum consumption
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This does not reflect my way of thinking or living at all, it is just a work of fiction, it is like watching a horror movie, many of us love horror movies, but we would never dream of what we see in those movies happening in reality as well.
Simply put, this story was written for entertainment purposes, it should not be seen as a reflection of my values, opinions or morals. I absolutely do not condone such acts.
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⤷ Summary | If she had paid attention earlier to the sin that dwelt behind those obsidian irises, she would never have trusted it.
If she had noticed earlier the devouring love that dwelled in his corrupt heart, she probably would have fled.
She had done none of that, and now she had to come to terms with her new reality.
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➢ Author's Note | Fifth chapter ready! Let me know what you think of the story or if you would like to be added to the taglist, i would be really happy!
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Taglist: @katherine-kookie, @douknowbts, @aiiselle90210, @fewercascade
Taglist is open!
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Chapter List - I - II - III - IV - V - VI - VII - VIII / The End
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It had been exactly four days, Y/N had been locked in that room crying, eating what she had to eat so as not to upset Jungkook, but the sadness and disgust were still there. She still couldn't tell if it was for him or for herself. He spent those nights as tense as a violin string, going to work during the day and hermetically locking the front door, and at night he heard her crying and that upset him. But he had factored that in as well, Jimin had explained to him how the first few days had gone. "It's going to be hard, but if you love her you'll have to put up with it," the blond man in the principal's office had told him, while Seokjin just listened, typing occasionally on his phone. "I hate to see her so dejected, I'm the cause and that hurts me," he had hissed with his head clenched in his hands, Jimin had denied it with his head, totally frosty. "You are just too sensitive, she has to get used to a new way of life and certain reactions are more than normal, my wife had tried to kill me if you remember well, so consider yourself lucky," he scolded him. "Besides," Seokjin exclaimed, "her parents reported her missing and everyone thinks something happened to her, even the neighborhood she lived in was a good cover, don't think of stopping just now." Jungkook nodded, before freezing.
"What about Kang Yoozu?" he asked, threateningly. Jimin let go of an icy smile, "You don't have to worry about him anymore, with the material you provided me, there will be fun to be had." A few days later, Jungkook understood his friend's words, it was all over the news that Kang Yoozu, age twenty-three, had kidnapped and most likely tortured the now missing Y/N. It had only taken a few rumors put out there and a lock of the girl's hair found in the student's backpack to set off alarm bells. Jungkook thought Jimin had done a masterful job; everyone knew about Yoozu's bullying of Y/N, and as Jungkook had said at the beginning, it was those like Yoozu who had no loyal friends.
At the dinner table that evening, Jungkook avoided turning on the television, not wanting the girl to see anything inherent in her disappearance; she seemed upset enough to the boy, so he asked her how she felt. "Like someone who hasn't seen the light of day for almost a week," she hissed, listlessly moving the contents of her plate. "When I'm sure I can trust you, I'll take you for walks," he tried to appease her, but at those words Y/N huffed blatantly, which the man did not like. "Y/N." "Jungkook?" she wryly made, openly challenging him after days of unexpressed discontent, "I'm not even allowed to complain, professor?" The ass-grabbing behind that title pissed him off, and he jerked out of his chair and marched toward her with an expression that was anything but sweet and patient, as it had always been until moments before. Y/N caught the danger signal and tried to evade him, but Jungkook was quicker and caught her lifting her off the ground as if she had been a feather, at which point the girl screamed and full-throated, kicking in his direction, intimidating him to put her down, terrified by the man's sudden change.
Jungkook was not frightened by her hysterical threats, after all, there were not even neighbors who could hear them, and he flung her onto the living room sofa, the girl ended up between the cushions on all fours, tried to get up so she could stare openly into his eyes, but Jungkook imposed that position on her by crushing her with his own weight, in fear she felt the young man's hands lift the fabric of the skirt he had given her that day, she tried to crawl away, but once again she was blocked by him, a strong hand of the man held her head still against the cushions. She shuddered in shock when her panties were also brutally lowered onto her thighs, she felt so much embarrassment that she squeezed her eyes shut, trying to extricate herself. "Rule number one, Y/N, don't ever use that tone with me," he hissed furiously, before his free hand came down on a soft buttock of the young woman, who squealed in shock and pain at the searing lash, the dry sound lost in the room along with her voice.
Jungkook settled down better behind her, taking sadistic pleasure in seeing his imprint getting darker and darker on her tender and delicate skin, "Rule number two, finish your meal without complaining like a naughty and rude child," he hit the same area of skin with an even more deafening spanking than the previous one, the girl wriggled in tears under his body, Jungkook felt the blood run miles through his veins, his cock now throbbing in his pants at that fantastic sight. Adrenaline raced through his body, painfully clutching Y/N's hair in its hard grip. "Rule number three, never question what I say to you in that insolent way!" he continued to hit her repeatedly on the other side as well, ignoring the tears now soaking the cushions of his couch or the girl's constant attempt to slip away from his blows, writhing. He stopped only when the girl began to give in, begging him to stop. "P-Please stop!" she screamed against the fabric of the cushions, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I'll be good, I won't misbehave anymore," she continued, Jungkook pulled away slightly, watching with hungry eyes the buttocks now red and irritated by his punishing blows, the girl's body trembling, shaken by sobs and whimpers.
"Ah..." he sighed, "My love," he murmured bending over her, tenderly kissing the skin now burned and alive with pain, the girl tried to block her sobs, feeling only more discomfort at the boy's attentions, who not content left a long trail of saliva from the abused area to the column of her back, stopping shortly after at a corner of her neck, Y/N shuddered, feeling him push the covered cock against her buttocks which, if possible, burned even more. Jungkook sucked and bit the skin of her neck expertly, Y/N did not have the strength to evade, not even when one of the man's hands descended on her pussy . "Since you get it... you deserve a reward, don't you?" he highlighted those sick words of his with another thrust of his pelvis, "I'm going to make you feel so good, love," he moaned, running two fingers along the folds of the girl, who widened her eyes at the same time Jungkook did, finding her soaking and quivering, "Fuck. .. you liked it," he laughed surprised, Y/N instead wanted to disappear, tried to stop her moans by sealing her lips, shocked by that new realization, but she tensed at the rhythmic and insistent movement of the fingers around her taut and shiny clitoris, no ... it couldn't be true.
She could not feel pleasure at such a time, with such a boy! But her body thought otherwise when the man's fingers tapped on her clitoris, which contracted and forced the girl's hips to push against the young man's hand involuntarily, seeking a more direct and steady touch. She opened her mouth wide for air, but was only able to gasp for breath, only causing Jungkook to increase the speed of his intimate caresses, reaching up to penetrate her lightly with the tip of his fingertips, Y/N stiffened writhing wordlessly, her brain now mush thinking only of finding more friction, which Jungkook granted her with a kiss in her hair, slipping his fingers from her tight slit to move up toward her clit, rubbing on the now overly sensitive pearl, he expertly pinched one last time before and Y/N let out a choked scream that confirmed her orgasm, which continued to shake her body for endless minutes. Now almost fainting in his arms, Jungkook turned her body over, lost himself in looking at her distraught face before glancing at her soaked red intimacy, biting his lip, god he couldn't take it anymore.
He began to unbuckle the belt from his pants, releasing the thick, throbbing cock without lowering anything else, reached up to the young girl's tear- and saliva-wet lips, running the already wet tip of white, shiny cum over them, cupped his hand several times over the velvety, warm skin of his cock, continued to pump himself, moaning loudly, he accompanied the gestures with sloppy, slick movements of his hips, Y/N barely registered the boy's actions, too shocked by what had happened, a choked scream escaped her throat as a warm, foreign-tasting substance poured onto her face and hair, a few drops managed to enter her mouth as well, only later did she realize what it was. Jungkook slipped two fingers into her mouth, filling her with his cum, forcing it to the back of her throat, which made the girl swallow for air. "My beautiful girl is also a perfect slut for my cock."
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anotherdestinyslave · 3 months
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+18 content, minors do not interact.
character: shiranami ren contains: fem reader, 2.5k words, smut no plot, gamer first touch with a woman lmao, body fluids, face and mouth ejaculation, saliva, orgasm, cunnilinguis, little shyness, little talk.
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It's a somewhat warm night on the Jabberwock campus, you're there because Haru asked you to help Ren take care of Calamari.
Ren, what a big jerk he can be at times. Haru and Towa won't be back until the next morning from their expedition, and you don't know if you're going to be able to survive the night having to put up with someone so stubborn and disinterested. Although Ren certainly has his sweet side from time to time, especially when he does household chores, Ren would never admit it out loud, but performing those small acts of service is his way of being kind, and this is demonstrated once again when without even hesitating or asking, Ren has started cooking dinner for both of them.
"Hey..." You approached Ren a bit hesitantly as he finished serving the ramen he had prepared. "Thanks for making dinner."
He scratched the back of his neck avoiding eye contact. "It's no big deal. It's just instant ramen." He subtly rolled his eyes. No matter what happened, he never accepted a single compliment, and the worst part is that not only did he not accept compliments, but he was rude all the time. It made you nervous.
You ate mostly in silence, Ren surely knew how annoying his comments were, he could tell by your slightly furrowed brow, although he knew you were too polite to want to argue with him over something so small. As you ate, Calamari jumped onto Ren's lap, surprising both of you.
"Woah, don't even think about it." With a face that showed disgust, Ren hesitated whether it would be a good idea to touch the anomaly. Although it completely ignored him and instead, tried to point to Ren's cell phone with one of its tentacles. "Oh, so you want to watch another movie? I'll think about it if you get down." The little anomaly jumped with joy and left Ren alone.
"Another movie?" You raised an eyebrow while smiling.
Ren, realizing that he had revealed his little silly secret, which was nothing more than a show of kindness to the little anomaly, cleared his throat before speaking. "Well, it likes to watch horror movies with me, that way I get it to go to sleep in its cage and leave me alone." You smiled, sometimes Ren could be someone cute after all, and, you really couldn't deny the attraction between the two of you either. More than once you wished to hit him in the same way you wished to kiss him, although the latter was rather scarce as you always ended up arguing over his personality.
When you finished eating, you cleaned up and washed everything, then Ren set up a movie on the living room TV, and, a little embarrassed, he invited you to join him. It was one of those horror movies that he likes, you think the title was something like 'SUPER ZOMBIE MASSACRE 3: MORE BLOOD THAN EVER', you laughed just thinking about it, and it was quite surprising when as it progressed you couldn't decide if the movie was too bad or satirical. Although everything has a limit, for example, your precious sleep, the movie seemed endless, but when you noticed Calamari slowly closing its eyes to sleep on a small pillow that was in the room, you allowed yourself to relax and get more comfortable on the couch, to the point of simply falling asleep without realizing it. The weight of your exhausted body was falling, but before you could hurt yourself and wake up from the impact, a big warm hand caught your head and gently laid it on the couch.
"Tchk." Ren sighed as he turned off the TV and watched you sleep. He took Calamari back to its cage and prepared to head to his bedroom, but he wasn't really sure if it was just curiosity, however he returned to the living room once more just to contemplate you, you fell asleep with your uniform on, and the skirt you had simply slid slightly, showing a little more of your thighs, surely it moved when you fell asleep. Ren swallowed, he wasn't even sure why he was watching you, and he was even less sure when he slowly approached your face, moving your hair behind your ear, exposing your relaxed face, a semblance that he doesn't see often in his presence -he really knew how to get on your nerves-. The tips of his fingers, a bit rough after he started working at Jabberwock, caressed your cheeks slowly, but his thumb stopped at your lips. Ren bit his lips, as if trying to restrain himself from doing something stupid, he sighed and finally moved away from you, intending to let you sleep, although that wouldn't be possible, because his rough hands had awakened you, and when he turned around, his hands were already intertwined.
"Ren..? Where are you going?" You asked sleepily while holding him with your grip. Ren turned to see you startled, a little scared also to think that you were awake.
"How long have you been awake?" The words escaped his mouth, definitely if he didn't want to look suspicious, it was already too late.
Without breaking eye contact, you slowly brought his hand back to your lips. "Long enough to know that you did this." Ren stopped looking at you only to direct his attention to your fingers on your lips once more, almost instinctively he moved his fingertips slowly over them, and looked at you again, waiting for your rejection or some kind of signal to back off, but instead your eyes sparkled, while your heart raced, you opened your lips to say something, but found it more opportune to take Ren's thumb with your mouth, let the actions speak for themselves. Ren took this as a signal to advance, and without hesitating he took his chance to take your face with his two big palms and kiss you. It was a passionate kiss, although he was much more than desperate to touch you. He kept advancing until you stumbled on the couch, he held you and positioned himself on top of you while his hands now wrapped around your waist and squeezed. You let out a sigh when they separated to catch their breath, and a small thread of saliva fell from their mouths, then you took one of his hands with the intention of guiding it to your thighs, but Ren stopped in his tracks, and although the room was dark, you could see the dark gleam in his eyes.
"What do you want me to do?" He whispered in a hoarse voice, denoting need. He wants to hear you say it.
You frowned a bit annoyed, you were a bit embarrassed to speak out loud in a suggestive way, you sighed already nervous and without thinking you said the magic words. "Just touch me already." Ren sighed almost in a moan against the skin of your neck, while he kissed you and his hands ran up your thighs, squeezing them, his hands were so big that he could take your whole thigh with his palm and leave marks while squeezing. His erection became evident and rubbed shamelessly against your thighs. Although Ren was already desperate, he needed you fast, he lifted your skirt and rubbed his erection on your panties, while moaning in your neck.
"God, can I do it?" You could feel a bit of his saliva sliding down your neck, the tone of desperation in his voice, and the warmth that emanated from his hands.
"Ask nicely." You replied while grabbing his hair and pulling him to look at you.
"Let me stick it in, for god's sake." He said in a groan, while waiting for your answer, he caressed your clitoris over your panties, could feel the wetness that indicated that you were wet and ready. You moaned as you tightened his hair and nodded, then with a movement Ren took off his shirt and opened his zipper, quickly lifted your legs to the height of your head, leaving all your intimacy exposed. He lifted your panties almost tearing them in the process, and had to wipe the saliva that escaped from his mouth at seeing you underneath him with your legs open, then decided to do something with it and put his mouth on your clitoris, sucking and letting his saliva lubricate you further.
"Ah! Ren!" You threw your head back in pleasure as your legs trembled, and although you tried to move them or close them you couldn't as Ren held them tightly. He separated, considering that it was enough, and wiped his mouth on your thighs, to which you opened your mouth to complain but were surprised by his penis entering without warning inside you, it slid so easily because of the amount of fluids that it was fast, but his thick penis stretched your walls without warning, causing only more and more moans. He put your legs over his shoulders while sighing.
"God, you're so hot inside." Ren closed his eyes as he whispered moaning, with a thick voice, almost like a growl, but then he squeezed your thighs and began to move inside you, going deeper and deeper, while your moans of pleasure, his heavy breaths, the splashing they made as they bounced on each other's genitals, the thickness continued to surprise you every time he moved with more force, you couldn't believe that something so fat entered and exited so easily from you, and with so many fluids flowing in your vagina the splashing intensified. "I need to finish-" It seemed that Ren was reaching his ecstasy, as he intensified the movements for speed, and closed his eyes tightly, you heard him babble your name between sighs. "God, please, let me finish you." He said in a pleasureful growl, completely desperate, while his penis was enveloped and tightened by you.
"D-do it." You sighed softly, giving the green light. You had no idea what Ren would do. He continued going deep inside you, although increasingly slow, to the point of occasionally withdrawing his penis to stimulate you with his tip, then you noticed how he masturbated quickly, and before you could understand, Ren lowered your legs and placed his penis on your face, trying to position it on your lips, but it was already too late, he began to ejaculate on your face while growling and watching you. Then you opened your mouth and tried to make the rest of the semen end up there before it got worse. But Ren put his entire penis in your mouth, choking you and depositing everything in your throat, until some small tears and moans came out of you, then he took the penis out of your mouth and cleaned your lips with his hands. You swallowed everything because there really wasn't a place within reach to spit it out. And before you could react you felt a naughty stimulus on your clitoris, it was Ren's fingers. "Mhp! Wait!" But Ren continued with curiosity, touching you as if they were buttons and he's discovering what each one does.
"I also want to swallow you." Said Ren and brought his face to your vagina, allowing you to feel his strong and heated breath, before feeling his warm tongue, quite fat just like his penis, lick all your surface, sucking your fluids at the moment, to then put itself inside you and continue sucking. He alternated between your hole and your vulva, sucking and sucking as if you were a delicious ice cream, rather as if you were the last drop of water in a desert. The lascivious sound of his lips on your vagina could be heard almost as much as his moans and whimpers. By then you were a bit stimulated, to which when he found your clitoris with his tongue. it didn't cost you to reach orgasm in his mouth while you kept moaning his name, restraining yourself from not screaming.
Ren finished sucking everything he could from you and used your thighs once more as a napkin. "Hey jerk, don't do that." But there was no response from the green-haired boy, he had lain on your belly while wrapping your legs with his arms. It seemed that both of you were too exhausted and hot to endure a discussion, a second round, or to have a sense of where and how you were going to fall asleep.
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© Ini. please don't copy or repost. translates are allowed with credit. ^^
P.D: this is my first drabble smut in years.
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forever-rogue · 11 months
I’m in love with the way you write Eddie! I have so many thoughts of him in my head and you’re the perfect person to make them come alive! Can I get one where Eddie or reader have a bad day and the other can always tell and they have a nice hot bath together and have naked cuddles because they love to feel each other with no barriers cause they’re so deeply in love? Could include smut but that’s up to you, if you can’t write it that’s okay but have a great day!
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AN | What if you and Eddie had a horrible, no good, very bad day? He’d make it all better 🥰
Warnings | Language
Pairing | Eddie x Fem!Reader
Word Count | 2k
Masterlist | Main, Eddie 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
With a heavy sigh, you walked through the front door of your apartment, kicking off your shoes and dropping your purse by the door. You couldn't be bothered to properly put them away, despite your natural tendency towards order.
You walked into the living room and flopped onto the big, fluffy couch and pulled out your phone. A frown crossed your features when you realized there was nothing from Eddie. No missed calls, no texts, and no silly little memes. It was…odd to say the least and definitely didn't help the sour mood you were in.
You hoped that nothing bad had happened to him. Fortunately your question was soon answered when the door opened and Eddie stomped inside, groaning heavily as he walked towards the kitchen. You perked up and peeked over the couch to get a better look at your lover. He looked just as tired and run down as you felt. You hated that.
"Hey love," you crawled off your comfy spot on the couch and made your way over to him. He only made a small sound of exasperation as you came up behind him and wrapped your arms around his waist, resting your head on his back, "missed you today."
He mumbled something you couldn't quite hear as he clung onto you. You rocked him gently back and forth, pressing kisses to his shoulders. Eddie brought your hand to his lips, and kissed your palm, chasing you to lean into him with a soft sigh.
"What's wrong, love?" You held him for a little bit longer, refusing to move until he was ready to. In all truthfulness, you needed these moments of stillness just as much as he did.
"It's just been…" he slowly turned around so he was facing you, a half-hearted smile on his face. You reached up and put your hand on his face, brushing your thumb over his cheek, "its been a day. A long, shitty day. I'm a bad boyfriend. How was your day, sweetheart?"
"Well, I hate to rain on your parade and make your day even worse but…I've had a terrible day too," you gave him a tight lipped smile and he wasted no time in wrapping you up in a big bear hug, allowing you to bury yourself into him. You couldn't help the small laugh that escaped your lips as he picked you up and set you on the counter, "Eddie!"
"Not sorry," he insisted as he took your face gently in his hands, proceeding to gently pepper kisses all over your face. You couldn't hide your giggles at the feather light feeling of his lips blessing your skin, "I'm sorry you had a bad day, baby. Wanna talk about it?"
"Not right now," you shrugged lightly, "I have an idea instead…"
"Takeout from that Mexican place down the street?"
"Yes! And…"
"Shitty horror movies?"
"Duh," you looked at him with big, soft eyes and he chuckled fondly before slowly exhaling, "what do you say?"
"I say…go and put on pajamas and I'll call to order," you wrapped your arms around his neck and hugged him tightly. He understood you on a level no one else ever had. You loved him. You adored him. 
"I love you," you beamed at him and already his day was a million times better, "I'll set out some pajamas for you too."
"Good," he helped you off the counter and slowly nudged you in the direction of the bedroom, "now get going! No time to waste."
"Aye aye, captain!"
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"I wish we could stay like this forever," you grumbled, burrowing your face into Eddie's sweater. It was the same one you often loved to steal - it always managed to hold his scent no matter how often it was washed. You were both sprawled on the couch, with you being the little spoon and Eddie curled around you. A heap of warm, fluffy blankets covered both of you, and it was all enough to almost lull you to sleep.
You heard him chuckle softly before pressing a kiss to the top of your head, "yeah, me too baby."
"I'm being serious," you shuffled around with a huff so you were facing him. He nodded seriously, unable to contain his grin at the little pout you gave him, “don’t mock me, Edward.”
“I’m not,” he promised softly, stroking your cheek softly, “if it was an option, I’d stay here all day too. Trust me.”
“Today sucked,” you whispered softly, “but I don’t want to bog you down even more.”
“Tell me about it,” his hand was on your back, rubbing soothing circles into your soft skin underneath your sweater, “I wanna hear all about it.”
“Okay,” you inhaled deeply before exhaling slowly, “my alarm didn’t go off this morning after you left and I overslept and was late to work. My boss was on one and basically yelled at me and then made it seem like everything wrong in her life was my fault. I met with a new client and she wasn’t any better and wouldn’t listen to any reason and then stormed out and wouldn’t get back to me. I spilled coffee all over my shirt, a rock on the freeway chipped my windshield and I’m in the throes of PMS. My body and mind and soul are tired and worn out.”
“Baby,” he cooed tenderly after a few moments had passed. You felt silly getting so upset but you had to blink back your tears. It really did feel like it was one thing after the next and it had really beaten you down, “I’m sorry you had to deal with all of that today. You didn’t deserve all of that. What can I do?”
“Nothing,” you leaned in and pressed a kiss to his lips, brushing your nose against his, “just being here with you makes everything better. Plus the food helped too, but it was mostly you.”
“Whatever I can do to help. You just tell me, yeah?” 
“I will,” you gently ran a hand through his dark curls, lightly scratching at his scalp in the way you knew he loved, “tell me about your day. I wanna help you too.”
“Well, I got a flat on the way to work, half my employees called out and we’re busier than ever, I ran out of coffee and someone brought in their beloved vintage car that I absolutely cannot fix and I had to tell him the bad news. It did not go over well,” he sighed softly before making a small noise as if to say what are you gonna do? You hummed in agreement with his definition of a shitty day, “it wasn’t the best day but it could have been worse.”
“My love,” you curled up into him as best as you could, which basically ended with you lying on top of him. Not that he would ever complain about that of course, "I'm sorry you had a rough day. Guess we both had really shitty days."
"Yeah," he said softly, "solidarity, I guess. But this is already making my day so much better. You make everything better."
"But the food helps?"
"The food helps," he agreed with a small laugh, "you know what else might help?"
"A long hot shower and all the cuddles," he wrapped his arm around your waist as he slowly sat up but keeping you wrapped to his chest, "what do you think?"
"I think that sounds perfect," your vehement agreement quickly turned into a squeal as he picked you up and started to head to the bathroom, "don't drop me, Edward!"
“This already feels a million times better,” the feeling of the hot water hitting your tired body definitely helped to ease away some of the stress of the day. It didn’t hurt either that Eddie was right next to you. You reached for the shampoo and popped the top open, "let me?"
"I wouldn't dream of it," he pressed a sloppy kiss to your check, "now let's get these clothes off…"
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
A smile stretched up the corner of his mouth as he sweetly nodded. You put a hand on his shoulder and gently turned him around so you could focus your attention on him. You poured out the shampoo and started to scrub his scalp, making sure to get all of his hair but also making it more of a massage than anything. Eddie was practically melting as he made some small sounds of satisfaction. Your hands felt like heaven in his hair. 
"Does it feel good?"
"Like fuckin' heaven, baby," he groaned as you moved him to stand under the warm stream of water to finish, "I'd have you do this every day if I could."
"I'd do it every day if I could," you promised softly, making sure all of his hair was sud free before grabbing the conditioner, "gotta let this one soak in a little bit, okay love?"
"Mhmm," he hummed in content before grabbing your body wash, "your turn, angel. Lemme take care of you."
"You don't have-"
"The fuck I don't," he scoffed playfully, getting the body wash ready in his hands before putting them on you. You leaned forward and pressed a kiss to his nose before he started to run his hands gently along your body. His touch was soft and so tender that it almost brought tears to your eyes. It wasn't even that there was anything sexual about it - it was the sheer intimacy of the moment.
"You're so beautiful," he whispered softly, "I love you so much."
"I love you too," you took the opportunity to hug him, pulling his body against yours, warm, soft suds getting on both of you, "can we stay in here forever?"
"Maybe not forever, but definitely until we're prunes," you could feel his chest vibrating with laughter, "plus we gotta wash all this off."
"Fine," you pouted at him, and he took his time to kiss, letting his lips linger against yours, "you're not doing anything to help me want to actually move or get out."
"I've got two words that might incentivize you…"
"Naked cuddles," he whispered in your ear, almost laughing at the eager look in your face, "yeah, there's my girl."
"To be fair, Edward," you switched spaces with him so you could wash the suds from your body, "I want anything and everything with you. I'm kind of madly in love with you."
"That's disgusting," he teased softly, "cause I'm kinda in love with you and adore you."
"The grossest," you agreed, "let's get to it, mister."
"Yes, ma'am!"
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"C'mon," Eddie nudged you towards the warm bed, causing you to giggle as he tickled your sides. You dropped your towel and eagerly climbed and eagerly climbed into the warm nest of blankets. Eddie followed you, running a towel through his dark curls before throwing it and towel around his waist to the side, "oh yes, this is perfect."
"I agree," you couldn't stifle your yawn as he wrapped his arms around you and tucked you into his body. He was so warm and soft and smelled delicious from your body wash. This might have been your version of heaven, "don't ever wanna leave."
"Mhmm," he pressed a row of soft kisses to your shoulder. You made a small sound of contentment, "I'm sorry you had a shit day."
"I'm sorry you had a bad day too," you whispered, "but this - you - have made my whole day better. Way better."
"You've made my day too," he closed his eyes and burrowed further into his pillow, "I love you, angel. Try and get some rest - tomorrow will be better."
"I love you too, Eddie. So much."
It wasn't long before both of you were soundly asleep and feeling a million times better.
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papercupids · 1 year
living w svt; headcanons (maknae line version)
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or alternatively, sweet sweet domestic fluff scenarios w the maknae line of svt
pairing -> lee chan x reader, vernon x reader & seungkwan x reader.
warnings -> nothing, it's all fluff.
words -> 1.3k
a/n -> this idea came to me so randomly but domestic fluff is a scenario i love so much and i decided to do this !!!! the '97 line is ready as well and it will be out next week i think <3 enjoy !!! :)
-> read the '97 line version here -> read the '96 line version here
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☆ chan.
"oh, babe you're up," chan calls out as he hears the door unlock and you're met with the lights on in the living room, not that the darkness in your room already didn't tell you that the sun had already set.
you wanted to take a nap just for an hour, since it was the weekend, but also what you did not want was to sacrifice time from one of the only days that you would get with chan and you'd slept after telling him to wake you up. bad decision, really, because he never woke you up unless it was necessary.
currently you were way too much in love with him to be mad at him for not waking you up. so you sit on the couch beside him and lean your head onto his shoulder and cuddle his arms.
"feeling okay?"
"mmhm, just a little hungry. i think i'll go have the leftover pizza. what are we watching?"
"uh, i'm not sure, whatever you want?"
"i'll go grab the pizza, just put on one of your favourites,"
the favourites were movies that were very diverse in genre. both of you had some movies that you liked in common (namely, some disney movies, some ghibli movies and some romcoms that ended with you both crying on the couch) and some horror/thriller movies that you liked (and chan pretended to not be scared but you could always count on him to have a pillow on his face to save himself from witnessing jumpscares) and a few drama movies from chan's choice (that you considered way too boring and almost always dozed off in the middle of them and chan always had to carry you to the bedroom).
"should i put on frozen? frozen 2?"
there was no answer. chan was suddenly scared.
just what he was afraid of. the pizza box dumped in the garbage bin.
"do you care to explain what happened to my leftover pizza? that i specifically told you i wanted to eat later?"
he laughed nervously.
"i was hungry, babe," he whines.
"and you didn't even tell me you ate it, you’re such a liar, oh my god, i can't believe i'm living with you. what more could have you have lied to me about,"
chan came closer, carefully as your back faces him, his arms wrap around you and feels your comforting smell around him. even though you were being mad at him and this was the worst possible time to be thinking of this, but he loves you. he truly does. 
"let's order again, or better yet? let me make you something?"
that brings a certain excitement to your face as you turn your face to where he's resting his face on your shoulder. 
"anything for you, my love,"
"except saving pizza,"
"i'll save it for you, next time, c'mon,"
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"seungkwan, i swear to god, if i clash into anything,"
"you won't, you won't, don't you trust me?"
"not really, but i'm blindfolded and my only help is you right now, so, i'll lie,"
seungkwan had took the opportunity of you both crossing the 3 year mark today to blindfold you and lead you somewhere and although contrary to what you said, you did trust him, but you couldn't help but think about what this could lead to.
after walking around a bit with holding his hand like a lifeline, he finally stops, the keypad beeps as he enters the code in, and you wondered if you were at his place, or some hotel? or somewhere? you couldn't figure it out.
"you can open it now,"
and your hands fly to the knot of the cloth tied around your eyes, and you find yourself standing in the doorway of an apartment. the door was open and you could see seungkwan's sofa and his favourite coffee table. and as you finished taking in the scene of one of the most pretty living rooms you've seen - complete with big windows and a kitchen on the left side.
"what is this, kwannie?"
"uh, an apartment, my apartment to be specific. but," he bends down on one knee, and takes out the key and a note of paper which has the code to the door. "do you wanna move in with me?"
"oh my god, seungkwan,"
"is that a good oh my god, or a bad one,"
"oh my god,"
"my knee, babe, my knee," he joking points that his knees hurt fron kneeling as you try to take in his proposal.
"ofcourse, yes, kwannie, are you kidding,"
since he hasn't gotten up yet, you bend down to hug him, right in the doorway, and pretty soon you're both on your knees.
"i love you so much,"
a few days later, you’re sitting on one of the boxes as a makeshift stool, your coffee on the table, as you sipped it, the sunlight came in through the window and warmth spread throughout the room. you couldn't believe that after such a long time, being childhood sweethearts, then a tough, tough phase of a long distance relationship, you were finally here. here with the love of your life sleeping soundly in the bedroom that you both shared.
albeit a lot of unpacking was yet to be done, you looked around the home that was now for the both of you.
a morning has never felt this good.
and as if summoned, your lover wraps his arms around you from the back, "good morning,"
you turn yourself to face him and cup his face, placing a soft kiss on his lips, cheek and then finally, his forehead. 
"indeed, a good morning,"
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☆ vernon.
there’s sunlight on your face, vernon thinks. and it makes your face glow in ways he didn't think was humanly possibly. even when you're half drooling on his chest, and have your arm and leg wrapped around him, with disheveled bed hair, to him, you’re the most beautiful creature alive.
his hand strokes your face softly and sonewhere between that, your eyes flutter open.
"we fell asleep on the couch again?"
he nods, smiling as he takes your features in.
it was one of the things that you both often did together, had dinner, put on a movie, cuddled and then fell asleep on the couch, no matter how small it was compared to the bed that occupied the bedroom, it seemed to be way more sleep-able and you were convinced that you'd slept more on the couch than ever on the bed.
"we should stop falling asleep on the sofa,"
"hmm, maybe,"
"maybe, why? the bed's clearly bigger,"
vernon doesn't say anything he just keeps on looking at your hands clasped together, plays lightly with your fingers, he loves mornings like these, when there’s nothing like a deadline or an alarm, no schedules to be attended to or nothing expected of him. just being here, with you and he has the freedom to use the day as he pleases. he loves that.
"but you know," he gets distracted a bit, fixing your hair away from your face, he doesn't wsnt it to be covered, not even a bit. "the bed's clearly bigger, babe,"
and you look at him, confused, as to why he repeated what you just said.
he chuckles, "oh my clueless angel, when we sleep on the bed, we don't have to be so close because it's so big, but the couch on the other hand," he emphasises his point by pulling you in closer, closer that you already were and you csn count his eyelashes, see his skin so closely that you can make out tiny bumps in them.
"we need to be close like this,"
"so you were the mastermind behind this,"
"you're so frustrating, ugh," and you try to wiggle your hands away from his grasp to sneakily make their way to his tickle spots mainly around his stomach and his sides.
he bursts out laughing soon enough, but you can't defend against him when he comes in with the tickle attacks. 
both of your laughters mixed together carries to the room a few steps away, the bedroom, the bed completely made and untouched as the sun pierces through the window casting a golden light on the sheets.
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kimhargreeves · 1 year
Always Back-William Afton x Reader
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Summary: You are looking for another job after struggling financially. You find a help wanted sign to a once famous pizzeria. You set up a meeting with the manager of the place who seems to know you somehow.
(A/N: lately I've been too damn excited for the Fnaf movie and wanted to write something on Matthew Lillard's William Afton character. So be warned on some topics written here. I'll also be writing on Josh Hutchinson's' character of Mike.)
12:00 am
The loud sound of an alarm clock could be heard throughout the house. It's Midnight. My eyes were adjusted from being in the dark room, I remained silent, scared, could feel my heart beating faster every passing minute. Chills ran down my spine when the clock sounded for one last time…
Quietly I stepped out of my bed while holding onto my favorite stuffed plushie, passing through the closet just a few inches away from the front of my bed, immediately I stopped trying to listen for anything, trying to ignore the quiet ticking of the clock above my head.
Slowly I began to make my way over to the door and stopped once more. I hear something, maybe down the hall?
I pressed my ear against it, listening closely. After a couple of seconds I heard something loud. Curiosity got the best of me, quietly I opened the door and tried to see if I could spot anything through the dark hall.
Wait… Something's coming…
I jumped back and pull the door with me as I locked it and pressed my ear against the door again.
I could hear someone coming closer, until it stopped. I began to pant and felt my heart beating faster when I heard a scream coming from down the hall, the cries of a woman, my mother..and the shouting of a man.
Too scared to look again I slowly began to walk backwards while my eyes remained on the door when I could hear footsteps coming down the hall once more.
I jumped but made no sound when the door knob began to move, but it wouldn't open. I looked between my bed and the white closet closest to me. Sliding it open I hid myself inside and quietly closed it back, it was dark making it almost impossible to see now.
Carefully I made my way past a few boxes and draped a blanket over it and myself. I hugged my legs together and held onto my stuffed Foxy plush. I closed my eyes as I began to shake and I cowered myself closer to the corner when I heard the door to my room being unlocked.
The sound of my alarm clock began to blare and without looking at it, I grabbed it and slammed it against the floor making it shatter but the sound wouldn't stop. I groaned as I opened my eyes again and had to turn the thing off.
Once I did, I sat down in bed and began to push my hair away from my face and tried to calm my breathing. It's that same nightmare again.
I got out of my bed and went to get myself ready for the day, making sure to have my shower cold today.
I tied my hair with a few strands falling down my face and got into my car to head to my work for the day.
"Excuse me, where's the horror section?" A woman came over to ask me when she saw me organizing a few dvds and shelves. I pointed out the section and glanced to see the lady looking at a few movies.
Working at a movie store doesn't earn much, but it's the only job I could find. Besides, it was the only job where I could be accepted as well, I used to dye my hair regularly but decided against it since some working places weren't fond of it, the into thing I had were a few ear piercings and one on my eyebrow.
Other than that, I get the boring jobs and have been struggling financially for a while now along with a friend, well, I consider the person a friend since he sometimes comes around with his little sister.
I believe I've heard his name is Mike and the little girl is Abigail.
I wonder if it's just the two of them living together. It must be nice to have a sibling or a family member to look after.
My thoughts were interrupted when the same lady from earlier came over to rent a movie. Who even rents movies anymore? People might ask and I do at certain times, but I do miss a few things I got to experience in my childhood..like…
I turned my head and saw a flier taped against the shops window. I looked around and saw there were no customers, it wasn't here early when I came in. I walked up the window read what was displayed on it
"Help Wanted. Security guard to work at Freddy's Pizzeria. No background check needed. For more information call this number…"
I furrowed my eyebrows looking at the paper, I grabbed it off from the window and took it back with me inside.
Freddy's Pizzeria. Now that's a name I haven't heard in over ten years.
Would it hurt to take another side job. Being a security guard isn't that hard after all, just losing a few hours of sleep and being alone for the night. I grabbed the work phone and began to dial the number on the paper sheet.
While the phone continued to ring I had my eyes on the pizzerias mascots, until finally the phone was picked up
"Hello? I'm calling about the night security guard. I'd like to apply for the job."
Right after my shift ended from work I immediately drove up to the pizzeria. It was almost in the middle of nowhere, the family friendly restaurant wad almost abandoned now.
I stepped out of my car and saw the pizzerias sign wasn't even over the restaurant anymore, but on the floor almost in ruin.
"Wow..this place became a shit hole." I mutter under my breathe and placed my keys inside my pockets.
Slowly I began to take steps closer to the building and saw how chipped the walls seemed and I remembered this place being so bright and full of life.
"Hello?" I knocked on the door and waited a couple of minutes but no one responded. I sighed loudly and began to pull onto the door until it opened and I stepped inside.
"Let's all sing happy birthday to the special birthday girl!"
Confetti rainbow colored filled the room with tons of party hats, balloons and presents. All the kids cheered including myself when the animatronics appeared onstage.
Freddy, Chica, and Bonnie. Including Foxy who was on pirate cove.
Everyone in my class was invited to my party, not that I was close to any of them. All of them were too young to understand the bruises on my face or arms so they made fun of me for that.
"So (Y/N), are you liking the day so far?" My mother asked.
I looked up at her and ignored her bruised eye, I nodded my head. "I am."
Of course I was, but I wondered how she got the money to save up and be able to do this birthday for me, since every few times I've come here, the pizzeria doesn't have an open slot for a birthday to be done in here.
I had been playing by myself and with a few kids late on, by the time I returned to my seat I found a single present with my name on it. My mother said that it wasn't from her.
Looking back to my left I remembered the memories of my birthday and the exact spot I was seated. All my mother ever told me was that my birthday here was already paid, it was probably paid by each parent in my class.
Next I stared at the stage in front of me. It was covered by a curtain and I really wanted to see what was on the other side.
I began to slowly step forward until I heard footsteps behind me and I screamed and held onto my chest and saw a man in front of me. He quickly stepped back and held his hands ups.
"Sorry. Didn't mean to scare you." The man laughed.
He was older than me that's for sure. Maybe early 50's, he seemed attractive for his age. Though the Dahmer glasses weren't something I was expecting.
"Are you (Y/N) (L/N)?" he asked fixing his glasses and stand up straight.
"Yes! Sorry, yes I am. And you're?"
"Steve Raglan. I'm the manager at Freddy's Pizzeria. Please let's step into my office do I can further explain things to you."
I did as told and began to follow the man. We made it to his office and I could see his name written on the desk as well when he went to sit on the other side.
We each took our seats and I saw him take out a notebook and began to write on it. "Alright, (Y/N). Tell me a bit about yourself, why do you want the job?"
"I thought the paper said there was no need of a background check." I joked and saw that he wasn't smiling.
"I'm aware of that but I'm just making sure that you'll be perfect for the job without any sort of problems. We can't let any stranger in here, what if I were to hire a murderer?" Steve chuckled once and tapped his pen again.
"Right..umm. I'm just interested in the money if I'm honest. Are you planning on reopening the restaurant soon?"
Steve seemed to think about it for a few seconds. "Of course. I would love to see the place filled with joy again and the laughter of children most of all."
"You are right. Thinking hard about it, it would be nice for a new generation of kids to experience Freddy's Pizzeria."
This seemed to interest Steve. "You would come here often?"
"Not that much, only whenever a classmate of mine would decide to spend their birthday here. I really enjoyed it here and seeing the animatronics. Foxy was my favorite." I tell him.
He hums and continues to take notes. "You do seem like a Foxy fanatic to me." He jokes and I smirk back.
"What would yours be? Freddy?
Steve shakes his head a bit. "Something like that. Let's say it's a rabbit…" He says smiling a bit. He places the pen down and folds his hands together now looking back at me.
"I think I've seen you at the mall. You work at a movie store, correct?"
"So now you're a stalker." I question feeling just a bit weirded out by it.
"I'm a busy man to be doing such things. I've just visited the place once and if I'm not mistaken, you look like one of the girls working there."
I nod my head once and crossed my arms over my chest. "I'm not quite hard to miss either. Yes I do work there. If I'm able to get this second job, I'll surely move into a nicer place."
He raised an eyebrow. "Second one? Don't your parents help you out?"
"My mom only cares to contact with me if I have money to help her out. And about my dad, well I never met the man. I did have a stepdad but he's not important." I simply tell him not to say anymore or remember the past.
Steve Raglan looked at his wrist watch and then back at me. "Miss (Y/N). I can't say you're hired right away since there's another person who contacted me right when you came in. Let's make this fun. You and this other person will stay for the night and we'll see which one can handle it."
"Which one can survive the night." He smiled.
"I'm willing to work extra hours if it means that I'll have the job." I said standing up and he did the same.
He held his hand out for a handshake. "Then I'm looking forward to see who wins. Now, follow me I'll be handing out your uniform."
I smiled at Steve and began to follow him over to the storage area. I sniffed the air and it wasn't a quite pleasant smell, but I decided not to comment on it. It was kinda dark but I could see a Bonnie head on the far corner and a few other items.
"I want you here at 12 o'clock sharp. No delays." Steve said handing me my uniform and a few more things.
Looking up at the man I nodded my head again and smiled. "Of course, Sir." I tell him and could've sworn I saw his expression change a bit.
"Great. I hope you and your partner will get along. I look forward to seeing your progress." Steve said guiding back to the main entrance. With a quick goodbye, Steve closed the doors behind him leaving me alone outside.
I started going back into my car and looked at Freddy's Pizzeria. My new job. Let's see what's do complicated about this job.
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jungle-angel · 7 months
The One With The Home Movies (Rhett Abbott x Reader)
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Summary: You and Rhett find some old home movies of his parents and decide to watch them
Warnings: Pregnancy, birth, mentions of custody battles, Royal being a pain in Cecelia's ass etc.
Tagging: @floydsmuse @bradleybeachbabe @callmemana @attapullman
"Jeebus, Mary and Joseph, how fuckin hard is it to find a fuckin Disney movie in this house?" Rhett muttered under his breath as he went through the box of video tapes in the closet.
His efforts weren't proving much as he tried to find a movie that wouldn't scare the bejesus out of Amy, despite the fact that she was only six months old and wouldn't be paying attention. Hercules? That was always a good one.
"The hell?"
He pulled a videotape from the box, the masking tape on the side labeled "Roy and Cece, '92-'93". He set it aside and kept searching, finding a bunch of others labeled with his parents' names and their dates stretching all the way back to at least 1985.
"Whatcha lookin for Rhett?" Royal asked him.
"Tryna find a movie for Amy, all I found was uh......Hercules and......this," Rhett answered.
Royal took the tape from him, laughing a little. "Not sure if she's gonna wanna watch this," he chuckled. "Completely forgot about this one."
"What? Ya'll made a sex tape back in the day?"
Rhett laughed as Royal swatted at him, missing him by barely an inch. "You're somethin else boy," Royal told him. "I'll pop it in after lunch and we'll see what's on it."
As soon as his father's back was turned, Rhett made a face and thrust his hips back and forth, thinking Royal wouldn't notice.
As soon as lunch was over and Amy had been put upstairs for a nap, you and Rhett gathered in the living room with his parents to see what horrors lay in wait on the videotape.
"Hope it still works," Cecelia said, crawling under the fuzzy throw blanket with Royal.
The VCR clicked and the video began playing, the date April of 1992 displayed across the bottom corner of the screen. You and Rhett were shocked when you saw a very young Cecelia Abbott appear on screen, holding a little stick in her hand and the voice of a small toddler running around and babbling in the background.
"Alright what's up?" asked Royal's voice. "Is it showin?"
"Yep, there it is," Cecelia answered, showing him the stick. "Showin positive."
"Oh my God," Royal chuckled. "Oh holy shit......I didn't think doin it like we did would work......"
"Oh Dad that's nasty!!!" Rhett blurted out, laughing.
"What? I didn't think it would," Royal said before Cecelia smacked his shoulder.
You laughed too, turning your attention back to the TV, the footage cutting to some time later in June, showing Royal and Cecelia in Montana with John and Evelyn Dutton.
"Oh God, I remember that day," Cecelia chuckled. "I miss her so bad."
"Yeah, get it! Get it! Show it off!" Royal's voice told her.
You both laughed as young Cecelia showed off her unnoticeable bump along with Evelyn, the two of them bantering with their husbands.
"So this was with you?" you asked Rhett.
"Yep," he answered, a huge grin plastered on his face.
"Oh God here we go," Royal said. "This was the day Perry found out he was getting a baby brother."
You giggled a little when you saw the date of August, 1992 on the bottom of the screen, Royal still behind the camera and Cecelia pointing out all the details in the sonogram photo in her hands.
"What am I seein?" Royal asked.
"Right there," Cecelia said, pointing it out.
"Right where?"
"Right there! Look with your eyes ya moron," Cecelia chuckled.
"OOOOOH!!!" Royal exclaimed. "Oh jeebus!!! He's fuckin flashin us!"
You and Rhett laughed as his parents rolled their eyes.
"I no wanna baby bruver!" the two year old in the video pouted.
"Well, you're gettin a baby brother Per," Royal told him.
"No I not."
"Yeah you are."
It continued like that for a good minute and a half, you and Rhett shaking your heads.
"And that is where your father learned quickly, never to pick a fight with a two year old," Cecelia laughed.
Back to the TV your eyes turned with more footage to come, jumping quick from August to December. "Oh God I remember that year," Cecelia groaned. "My mother had me on bedrest after Alabama defeated the Hurricanes."
"You know you're gonna need to quit scarin us right?" Royal said, his nose pressed against Cecelia's bump, herself half hidden as she held the video camera. She laughed when he gave her an annoyed side-eyed look, the fabric of her denim shirt stretching when the baby's foot nudged against his father's nose.
"Ya'll see what the little fucker just did?" he asked.
"No I did not just feel my lungs getting rearranged and moved in fifteen different directions," Cecelia laughed.
"He keeps it up I'm giving him his eviction notice."
"Ya'll will do no such thing," Cecelia told him. "If I go into early labor it's on you and you're taking Perry for an entire month."
"Yes dear," Royal sighed.
"Jeez ya'll must've been those last few weeks, huh?" Rhett asked his father.
"Try the last month," Royal answered.
"Oh jeez here it comes," Cecelia laughed.
You and Rhett were squirming a little when the video cut to the day Rhett was born, January 29th of '93. The footage showed poor Cecelia all laid up in her bed, the very same room upstairs in the house that hadn't changed in the last 31 years, laying on her side and her hand on her belly as she tried to plow through the labor pains.
"So.....ya'll want me to get a double wide shot o' this or pan down?" Royal asked before she flipped him the bird.
"If ya'll get even so much as one shot of anything comin out down there, I'm gonna kick your ass," Cecelia groaned.
You and Rhett couldn't help but laugh when suddenly it cut to the actual birth footage. "OH GOD DAD!!!! FAST FORWARD!!! FAST FORWARD!!!!" Rhett blurted out.
"I'm tryin! I'm tryin!" Royal insisted, trying to use the remote to fast forward.
Cecelia laughed a little. "Revenge, thirty something years in the making," she chuckled.
When Royal was finally able to fast forward through the nasty parts, he stopped at the one part that had you melting and Rhett's cheeks growing hot with embarrassment. You couldn't believe how adorable Rhett was as a newborn, his face pinker than the sunset and a head full of dark hair, all snuggled under his little blanket.
"Aw look how cute you were?" you teased.
Rhett felt a flush of heat going from his cheeks down to his chest.
"Yeah he was cute but when he turned two, he turned into a lil devil," Cecelia joked.
Now it was yours, Rhett's and Cecelia's turn to embarrass Royal when a shot of him holding Baby Rhett came on the screen, the tiny little baby practically being swallowed up by his blanket and his father's arms all at once.
"Are ya'll cryin?" Cecelia asked, aiming the camera at her husband and newborn son.
"Nope," Royal croaked.
"Bullshit, you're cryin," Cecelia chuckled.
You went through the rest of the video, all of you half laughing and half crying. It was a part of your in-laws' past that you had never seen before, a side of them that had only returned when Perry had been kicked out of the house.
"Are you actually crying?" you asked, noting the misty look in your husband's eyes.
"Darlin I'm fuckin laughin," Rhett chuckled.
"Bullshit, I know you better than that," you laughed, kissing him on the lips.
You couldn't see it, but the smiles on Royal and Cecelia's faces said it all.
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joelswritingmistress · 11 months
Last Halloween: Chapter 7
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Summary: After a tragedy involving Joel happened on Halloween one year prior, the town now shuns him while ignoring the details of the now closed case. You are seemingly the only one to offer empathy to a man the town is making out to be a monster.
Pairing: Joel x f!reader
You scanned the room, taking in the cozy living room with a pair of couches and a television that sat above an old fireplace made of stone. It made way to a quaint, rustic kitchen where the aroma of Joel's cooking washed over you.
"Smells good in here." You eyed the table for two he had set up, complete with glasses of red wine. "This looks amazing."
"Well, why don't we stop the tour here for now." Joel said, "Are you hungry?"
"Very." You admitted.
He continued to tow you by the hand toward the table and the two of you sat down across from one another.
Joel lifted his glass and you smiled, doing the same. "To new beginnings?"
"I like that." You nodded. "To new beginnings." When your glasses tapped together you each took a sip. You watched him intently as he took his and smiled to yourself. "Thank you for this."
"You're welcome." Joel reached for his fork. "Thank you for.. bringing me back to life." He began to twirl a bite of spaghetti and you dug in to your plate.
After your first bite you looked to him. "Did you make the sauce?"
He nodded. "My grandmother's recipe. I was spoiled growing up." Joel gave a grin, "Ragu just didn't cut it."
"It's really good." You nodded in approval with half a bite still in your mouth. "Like, really good."
He chuckled and continued to eat. "I'm glad you like it."
"So, how long have you worked at the garage?" You asked him.
"This is year thirteen for me," Joel explained. "Ronnie hired me in my late 20s. I kind of bounced around from job to job before then."
"Did you always like working on cars?"
He nodded. "I started off doing oil changes and a little bit of the easier stuff on my parents cars and my own. And then I really got into it in high school and learned the trade a bit better."
"That's awesome."
"And you said you're almost done with nursing school?"
You nodded. "Almost. Then I can finally start making some real money. I should've just done nursing for my undergrad. It would've been a lot cheaper."
"What'd you get your bachelor's in?"
"Journalism." You gave a laugh. "I couldn't find a job and I always thought about nursing, so I went back." You shrugged.
"Good for you." Joel nodded. "Where ever you end up they'll be lucky to have you. You really care about people. I think that's rare."
You shrugged. "I just have to pass all my tests and practicals."
"You will." Joel sipped his wine again. He cleared his throat. "I'm sorry you were upset about me while you were at work."
"No, I just.. I just had too much time to think about what you've gone through and.." you shrugged to end the thought.
"I don't like seeing you so upset.. especially over me."
"Well, I'm not upset now." You smiled at him across the table.
"Me either."
You both sipped on your wine again and finished up your plates of spaghetti, talking about family and friends and life in general. It was light and easy.
"I'll get that," Joel offered when you were finished.
"Oh, thank you." You rose to your feet to help him clean up a bit and then topped off your wine glasses.
"Movie?" He asked when you handed him back the wine glass. "Or will you turn into a pumpkin if you're not home by a certain time?"
You smiled at the Cinderella reference. "No curfew for me."
You headed into the living room and kicked off your shoes to get comfortable on the couch beside him. When his arm draped behind you, you took it as an invitation to snuggle against him.
Joel immediately pulled you in closer as he began to scan Netflix for something to watch. "You want something scary?" He asked, clicking on the horror section.
"Anything is fine." You smiled as he moved through some of the titles. "Ohh I heard that one is supposed to be good."
"Which one?"
"Sick it's called. Winnie watched it with her boyfriend. I think it's like a Covid slasher."
Joel turned to you and after a brief pause you both started to laugh.
"Okay, I made that sound really ridiculous," you admitted, though he pressed play to get it started.
"I'll take your word for it." Joel chuckled and set the remote down, took one sip of wine and then took a deep breath as the movie started.
You rested your head on the highest part of his chest and draped an arm across his midsection. Your hand found a gap in his clothes, between his pants and shirt, and you let your fingers dance across the warmth of his skin while the brutal opening scene of the movie almost made you close your eyes.
Joel chuckled at your reaction and tightened his arm around you.
"We don't have to watch it," he said.
"No, I like these," you informed him, "I'm just jumpy." Your hand snaked up the bottom of his shirt a little more and you sensed his body tense up a little.
Joel turned to you when you did that and you slowly tilted your eyes up to look back at him. He focused on your mouth, then back to your eyes again and then back to you mouth.
You swallowed hard when he said your name so softly that you weren't even sure if his mouth moved as he said it. You didn't have time to respond as your hand left where it rested on his abdomen and glided through his hair. At the same moment his lips connected fiercely with yours.
The kiss instantly became intense. Deep and dominating and full of something that had never been there before. It was full of feeling; full of hope and lust all in one neat package.
You laid back onto the length of the couch as he slid his body on top of yours. Making out with him like this was even better than it had been out by his motorcycle.
You drew your hands up the back of his shirt, forcing him to duck out of it and let it fall to the floor. The push of his clothed erection between your legs made you moan and gasp and sink your fingers into his bare shoulders.
"Mmm," you whined. "Joel, I want you." You knew you sounded desperate but you didn't care. You had never been this needy for a man in your life.
He pushed back onto his knees, reaching for the band of your pants. You gave him permission with your eyes while pushing down at his hands, encouraging him to do exactly what he had started.
Joel's chest heaved with a deep breath and he swallowed hard when his eyes landed on the black panties Jessie had suggested you wear when packing. You mentally thanked her for that and then all thoughts of Jessie or anyone else left your mind when Joel's fingers eagerly dragged those panties off, tossing them to the side.
And then his mouth collided fiercely with yours again as he set about doing things with fingers that had you grabbing a fistful of his hair.
"Joel," you whispered his name amidst a chorus of whimpers and he devoured your mouth again, leaving you breathless. You almost couldn't take the pleasure.
The smacking of your lips against his was the only sound aside from his heavy breathing.
"I want you," he choked out, echoing your words as he kissed the tops of your breasts.
Your eyes were practically rolling in the back of your head and your thighs were trembling. It was bittersweet relief when he removed his fingers from between your legs.
You pushed a hand down on his lower back and then attempted to shove his pants down off his hips. Living out this moment was all you could think about all day.
Joel pushed back to a seated position, arching his hips so he could free himself from his pants. You drank him in sitting there, half undone already as your body lingered in heat from the absence of him. You sat up and reached for him as he tossed his jeans away.
Joel intercepted your pursuit of him and pulled you onto his lap. He moaned into your mouth again when you picked up where you left off. Your bare lower half grinded against his tented boxerbriefs as you made out with him.
A second later he fulfilled your daydreams when he freed his erection and guided your hips to align with him. You couldn't even wait a second. You lowered yourself down onto him as he wrapped his arms around your bare back and pulled you back in for a passionate kiss.
You moaned, feeling him fill you completely. Joel whispered your name again and his panting breaths landed against your open mouth as you moved on top of him.
The strength of what was building was staggering; mind-blowing. Your body was going to be blown away to dust, to thousand little shards of pleasure when this hit. If he stopped, you'd cry. Cry and beg..
Never. Never in your life had sex felt so intense that your body and mind lost all self-control. You knew you wouldn't be able to hold anything back.
With every muscle drawn taut, you came. It was almost too much. Almost. You held Joel harder than ever, stiffening your body and nearly convulsing from the pleasure. You weren't sure how many times his name left your mouth.
In that same moment, as you continued to ride out your orgasm, you caressed him and absorbed him until he finished inside of you. Joel was a raw, sweaty, panting mess with his hair pulled in all directions from your relentless pursuit of him. His palms pressed against your sweaty back and he hugged your body against his as he basked in the afterglow of your love-making.
He pulled back with tenderness and gratitude, toying with your own wild hair and rested a hand on your cheek. Joel kissed you firmly again with his eyes shut and exhaled out loud.
"You are amazing," he murmured.
*I added a few people to the tag list. If you would rather not be tagged just let me know!
@untamedheart81 @amyispxnk @grogusmum @ghostwritesthings @strawbunnyx @ayamenimthiriel @noisynightmarepoetry @jiminstinypinky @tuquoquebrute
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redcoralpot · 9 months
Smudged (5)
Summary: Rodrick lives up to his side of the deal, or should I say, community service.
Warnings: N/A
Word Count: 1K
A/N: Okay, so, this wasn't all that was planned for this chapter. Buttt I felt really rushed and hadn't updated this fic in a little over a month. I'll edit this with the rest of the chapter when I get to it, but for now, it's being put to rest indefinitely. Thank you for the support!
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The next day, your best friend arrived in English early, much to your surprise. Daniel tossed a notebook onto your desk, slouching in his seat as if he were a drunk, divorced father. You took it into your hand, reading the messily written label, before looking up at the sorrowful boy in front of you. The pages were filled to the brim with outlines, sketches, and ideas; some pictures were lightly colored in.
“I see you’ve been busy,” you quipped.
Daniel hissed, the bags under his eyes more prominent, “This prompt is crap! I’ve been up all night trying to figure out how to do this.”
“You’re thinking too hard about it, Dan.” You pass it back to him, fingers tapping the wooden desk.
“That’s easy for you to say,” he ranted, “you just have drums!”
“I’d rather have the guitar.”
He rubbed his temples, “Not my point. Can’t you come with me tonight to take pictures?”
“In the forest? Dude, that’s every horror movie plot,” you scoffed, watching other students file in.
They sat in their seats or hopped on desks, with one girl rudely scooting on Daniel’s, “I know, that’s why I want you to come with me. I need photos for the presentation board!”
“I dunno if I can, I’m supposed to be going to Rodrick’s house tonight.”
“Since when did you start hanging out with him?”
“Since the need for a decent grade.”
Ms. Kawiti was the last to stroll inside, setting her bag on the table in the front of the classroom. She cleared her throat, and caused all chatter to cease, including your conversation with Daniel. Your best friend grumbled, turning back around, attempting to dodge the long hair intruding in his personal space. The girl herself reluctantly returned to her own place, sharing a few final giggles with her group. You leaned back in your chair, arms crossed and feet perched underneath your desk on a metal bar. There were other boys around the class doing the same, and you adjusted yourself to make the position more comfortable. Why did time have to go so slow when fun is on the other side? 
On just another thing you were better than Rodrick at, you did not break any personal property when parking outside his house. Your shoes clacked against the concrete driveway, purple laces swinging, only stopping to knock on the door. The person who answered was not Rodrick, no, but a much older woman with a professional-looking outfit and brown hair to match. She looked so strikingly different from the drummer you knew that you almost backed away, apologizing for coming to the wrong house. Almost. 
“Excuse me, ma’am, is this the Heffley family’s house?”
She seemed taken aback, almost wary as she took in your appearance, “Yes, are you one of Rodrick’s… bandmates?”
“Uh, no, I’m Heather’s brother. He invited me over for research,” you shrugged.
“Rodrick and research?” Mrs. Heffley cocked an eyebrow up, slightly stepping back to allow you inside.
You waved your hands, and said, “I know, absolutely unbelievable! However, I can assure you that I’m telling the truth– he brought home some books.”
“And I read it, duh,” a voice called from above.
Rodrick, the devil, hung his head over the overhead railing. He cocked his head at you, sneering. Mrs. Heffley shook her head, sighed, and walked into a separate room beside you; there wasn’t any attention on her anymore. Rodrick motioned for you to come up the stairs, before disappearing again.
His voice echoed, “C’mon, my room’s the coolest here!”
For a split second, you hesitated. You glanced back to where Mrs. Heffley had disappeared, unsure of whether it was appropriate to leave your shoes on and make a mess of the house. Just to be safe, you set them neatly beside the door, before following the other boy up the stairs.
When you finally arrived, Rodrick had already vanished once again. There were multiple doors running down the hallway, but the only hint as to the correct one was the faint sound of guitar riffs. It almost sounded like it was coming from above you, though you decided to peek into the closest unlocked door. This room wasn’t even a bedroom; it was simply a small bathroom meant for one or two people. There was a bit of a smell inside, like someone hadn't flushed the toilet. Hell, as curious as you were, you weren’t going to confirm that.
You barely could close the door before a finger tapped your shoulder, and you flinched, turning around– it was just Greg. The little boy was Rodrick’s unlucky younger brother, who was at least a head shorter than you. He seemed nicer than your acquaintance, and it really made you wonder how the two of them were raised in the same household. Perhaps Rodrick was adopted? Nah. Greg was studying you with a standoffish look in his eyes, the kind kids get when they meet strange family friends. You weren’t surprised; your looks were far from the typical suburban rich boy.
“His room’s in the attic,” Greg said, plainly, “Last door.”
He scurried off to do his own things, possibly to bug his mother about the newest Nintendo game. There was no last door on the left, only a wall that held an uncharacteristically peaceful family photo. Rodrick was still Rodrick, just younger, with devilish messy hair and dirt under his nails. On the right, however, there was a slightly ominous wooden door. In direct contrast to the opposite wall, the door had a sign that read Rodrick Only. It was so childishly Rodrick that you couldn’t help but chuckle under your breath. 
One knock, two knock, three knock. The music coming from above grew ever so slightly quieter, and you could hear heavy footsteps coming down the attic stairs. It opened, only to an unimpressed drummer.
“Dude, aren’t you coming?” He frowned.
 You shrugged, pointing to the sign, “I’m not allowed in. It’s Rodrick only, remember?”
Said boy rolled his eyes, huffing out a laugh, “You’re the exception.”
“The exception?”
��An exception,” he corrected himself.
You pushed past him, clambering up the stairs, “Whatever you say, dick.”
Rodrick’s room was, to put it nicely, a mess. His bed was undone, random magazines poked out from under his mattress, and you honestly couldn’t tell if the jeans hanging on the railing were dirty or clean. Three, conjoined windows were the only source of natural light, and you swore you could see a spider web hanging off the sill. Posters and grimy t-shirts were plastered all over the walls and ceiling; you doubted any space was left untouched. Rodrick’s drum set sat in the corner, shining like it was brand new.
He was shuffling through a bookshelf behind you, containing almost everything but books themselves, much to your amusement. Rodrick must have seen the quirk of your lips when he managed to pull a thin, perfectly packaged music book from its depths, as his eyes narrowed when he turned to face you. 
“This is for the bare basics of drumming, it should cover all that mechanical stuff you have in your outline,” he shrugged.
“You actually read that?”
Rodrick’s gaze flicked towards you, unsure, before his chest puffed up obnoxiously, “Duh, what kinda guy do you take me for?”
“I’m not gonna answer that.”
“You’re just too scared to admit that I’m awesome!”
You mumbled, “You’re delusional.”
“Aha! I knew it!”
“If you know so much,” you tapped the cymbal, “give me what I’m here for.”
Rodrick groaned, “You’re such a party pooper sometimes.”
He swiped the drumsticks from the seat and pointed them at you threateningly, like an annoyed teacher, “Shh.”
Rodrick used the sticks to point out each individual drum part, explaining the noise they make and how he uses them in his band. You scratched your nose while he rambled on, not feeling in the mood to tell him you knew this already. It was only when he started back on the ego talk that your attention drifted to other parts of his room, to all the little details. There was a large poster of a woman holding a dark colored guitar, her hair swept back in a 90’s hairstyle that most definitely wouldn’t be possible without layers upon layers of spray. She had eyeliner smudged across her eyelids, but they had a cleaner edge than Rodrick’s attempts; quite similar to yours. Rodrick was now doing light taps to 4-4 time, nodding his head to the rhythm, eyes closed. 
The fan in the opposite corner was making the glossed pages under his mattress flutter and loosen from where they were hidden. If you squinted your eyes, you could just barely make out a part of the photo– were those biceps? If you shuffled a bit to the right, you could pull it out enough that it would flutter out on its own, and that it did. Hell, Rodrick was too busy rocking out on the drums to hear your suspicions being confirmed.
You wouldn’t be surprised if Rodrick had a magazine full of half naked women hanging around somewhere; it was Rodrick, after all. However, one full of shirtless men? That was out of character for the self proclaimed womanizer. For a moment, you thought about telling him that you knew about his stash, but quickly dismissed it. You couldn’t imagine how embarrassing that would be for someone, even an asshole as shameless as him! Besides, who knows how insulated the walls of this house are, right? You bit your tongue, humming along to Rodrick’s music as he made a dramatic finish to the song.
“I was starting to worry I wasn’t keeping your attention there,” he chuckled to himself.
You tilted your head, “I just got lost in the beat, you know how it is.”
“That I do, dude. Was that all you needed?”
“Bingo, you were super useful.”
He grinned, “I’m always helpful! You could literally just ask Gregory his opinion on it, I taught him all about how to survive middle school.”
“The harshest environment, I’m aware.” You stood up.
“Okay,” he sensed the sarcasm in your tone, “you’re banned. Get out.”
“I’m going, I’m going, don’t get your panties in a twist!”
You ran down the stairs, hearing him cackling the whole way down. Rodrick was funny sometimes, you had to give him that. Maybe these next few weeks wouldn’t be so bad, after all.
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florawsworld · 11 months
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Halloween tradition
Per-apocalypse! Negan x reader
Summary: watching a scary movie with your boyfriend turns into something else.
Warnings: NSFW, 18+,jerking off.
The doorbell rang and you opened the door, there were children dressed up in front of the door. "Trick or treat" the children shouted in unison "You look all so cute dressed up" you gave every child a handful of candy
The children walked away happy with the candy they had received.
You closed the door behind you and walked into the kitchen where Negan was preparing snacks for movie night.
You didn't do much together on Halloween, just one tradition and that was watching a horror movie.
"How are the snacks going?" you ask as you stand next to him at the kitchen island."I'm almost done, I just have to put the popcorn in the microwave" Negan answers when he has some drinks ready.
"I'll take this to the living room." You grab two glasses of drinks and just as you turn around to go to the living room, Negan slaps you on the ass. You jump up a bit and smile and walk to the living room.
Negan walks over with a bowl of popcorn and sets it on the coffee table. He sits down on the couch. The living room is lit with candles and Halloween decorations.
He looks at your ass as you stand over looking for a movie "can you find it"
"Yes! I have one" you are holding a DVD of scream.
"Honey, we watch that every year" he grabs some popcorn and puts some in his mouth.
"Yes, I know, but that's exactly why we have to watch it because it's tradition." You put the DVD in the DVD player and sit next to Negan.
“You and your traditions” he grins and puts an arm around you.
When the movie is all in progress. You get scared at a scene.negan pulls you into his chest to protect you."just try to relax baby just focus on me" you press your head in his chest.
"Is the scene over?" He glance at you rubbing your back as the scene finishes."oh yeah it is over god dam that was scary, i almost jumped meself". He says this with a chuckle,trying to clam you.
You keep your head to his chest and wath the movie agian. As you keep watching you get scared again." Jesus christ baby do they really keep scary you like this?" He say this laughing to get your mind off the scene.
"Dont laugh at me" you say in a playfull tone." I cant help it you scare so goddame easy. You have scine this movie so many times. it hard to not make fun off you" he says while pocking you a little in your arm.
You push him playfully he chuckles as you push him back.
"Oh so now your a little toughie huh?he says this with a laugh pushing you back aswell.
" You know what means y/n now we gotta werstle! I'II show you show whose boss around here.
You laugh and dare him "show me "
"Oh i most certainly will baby!"he gets of the couch and grabs you by the waist and throws you over his shoulder. "Just so you know baby it's about to get rough.
He starts to run around the room with you over his shoulder and start play wrestling tosling you back on the couch stoftly and laying next to you laughing.
You laugh as well "now it is my turn"You climb on top of him and press your lips against his. You kiss him aggressively. His arms wrapping around you kiss more aggressively
"I see it all, you want to show me how rough you can be" you nod and pull your t-shirt over your head and throw it aside. He wants to take off your bra but you push him back "not yet, you have to be patient" he also takes off his t-shirt and you undo his belt "it's my turn first"
You pull his pants down to his ankles you see his length hard in his boxers you lean forward and pull off his boxers with your teeth. Negan looks at you in admiration no matter how long you have been together he has never seen you like this
Once his boxers are off, you take his length in your hand and stroking him. He groaned with every movement of his hand. After a moment you stop and take off your bra, crawling over him. Negan takes your breast in his mouth licking your hard nipple.
He rolls you under him and pulls your pants and panties out of your waist in one go. He moves his hands over your body and licks every part of you.
You feel the tip of his length touching your entrance you whisper in his ear "i need you inside of me" he smirks and brings his big cock inch by inch onside you until he fills you completely.
You moan digging your nails in his back "your so big negan" you moan out. " i know baby" he thrust inside you hard and rough. Kissing you jawling. You wrap your legs around his waist meeting him in place the tip of cock hitting your g spot.
You move your fingers to your clit rubbing to get you closer ro your orgasm. Negan moves your fingers away. " i want to make you cum" he touch your clit.
"negan im gonna a cum"you moan loud" yes baby cum over my cock.
Negan! You moan his name as your orgasm feels your body. He buries his face in your neck. He groans in your ear and cums deep inside you. You feel his cum feel your walks.
He pulls out of you and laysdown pulling you over to him putting your head on his chest.
"We should make this a Halloween tradtion" he says out of breath.
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jadelion · 8 months
I need to know that you're ok
This is my first fanfic, I hope you like it.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53663482
1849 words
Adaine x Fabian
Mostly fluff and a bit of hurt/comfort
Summary: Fabian doesn't want to go home, Adaine wants to help him
(Junior Year spoilers)
"You guys wanna go to Basrar's?" Fabian asked, as nonchalantly as possible.
It was the end of their first week back at school and Seacaster Manor had only felt lonelier day by day. He didn't want to make it obvious, but going back to that empty home was something Fabian desperately wanted to avoid.
Fig was the first to respond, “Sure, I got nothing else to do!”
Each of the others responded in turn, until it came to Adaine. She paused for a moment, knowing that they all did in fact have quite a lot of work to do. However, as she looked at Fabian she saw something in his eyes that convinced her to agree.
As they all climbed into the Hangvan, Adaine sat next to Fabian. She bumped his shoulder to get his attention.
“You good?” she asked with a kind smile.
“Yeah… yeah! I'm good.” he responded, in a not very convincing tone.
She nodded her head, “Alright.”
She had decided to let it rest for now, but Adaine was determined to figure out what was troubling her friend and to help him though it.
They all sat around a table at Basrar's, sipping milkshakes and eating ice-cream.
“Do you guys think Squeem will make it back here?” Kristen asked.
Fig responded, “I believe in him.”
Gorgug nodded along.
Riz pushed some papers towards Kristen and she picked them up to read with a sigh.
“Oh, is that for the campaign? How's it going?” Adaine inquired.
“Yeah, it's going great. I really think we have a shot at this.” Riz answered.
“We're going to destroy that Kippercopper Whatever-the-fuck.” Kristen said excitedly.
“Hell yes!” Fabian yelled.
The bad kids went on discussing life and school, but every now and then Adaine shifted her focus to Fabian. She just couldn't get the thought of that look in his eyes out of her head. It was lessened now, but it still worried her. She needed to know that he was alright.
Later, they were all sat around the TV in Mordred Manor. They'd picked out some fun, shitty horror movie to watch. The sun was setting by the time the credits rolled and Gorgug got out of his seat.
“I better be getting home.” He announced to the group, “Fabian, Riz, you two want a ride?"
“Yeah, sure.” Riz responded.
“Ehh, I don't need to go home right away.” Fabian said, leaning back in his seat on the sofa. “I think I'll stick around here a bit longer.”
Gorgug and Riz said goodbye and the others went back to chatting. After a while, Fig jumped out of her seat, announcing that she had just come up with an idea for a song. Without another word she ran off to her room.
About half an hour later, Kristen left as well to do her pre-bed workouts, leaving only Adaine and Fabian in the living room.
“I can leave if you want to go to bed soon.” Fabian said.
“No, no, I actually wanted to talk to you about something.” Adaine responded, turning to face him on the sofa. “What's up with you?”
“You've been acting weird all week. You brushed me off when I asked about it earlier, but I know something’s wrong.”
“Adaine, I…”
“If you really don't want to talk about it that's fine, but I really just want to help you.”
Fabian sighed. “No, it's fine. It might actually be good to talk about it. So, you know how my Mama and Gilear went on holiday?"
“Well, I have no idea how to live on my own. I don't know how to cook, I don’t know how to clean my clothes… I don't know how to do anything.”
“Oh, you should’ve told us sooner, we can help you learn how to do all that stuff!”
Fabian lit up a little at this, but there was still something bothering him. “That's wonderful, thank you Adaine.” He said with some hesitation.
Adaine moved a little closer to him on the sofa. “There's still something wrong, what is it?”
“Well…” He sighed, “God this is pathetic.”
She put her hand on his shoulder and looked him in the eyes. “No Fabian, it's not pathetic to ask for help. Please, tell me about it.”
He looked away from her, fidgeting with his hands. The feeling of her hand on his shoulder made him calmer, yet somehow more nervous at the same time.
“I don't think I want to live alone. Each night in that empty house makes me more and more miserable.”
“I see, well I’m sure Jawbone and Sandra Lynn would be more than happy for you to stay here. Tracker’s old room is free now, or I have a spare bed in my room if you’d prefer that.”
Relief flooded Fabian’s body as he felt as though a weight was lifted. Though, his heart still raced for some reason that he couldn't quite understand.
“Oh, Adaine, you’re far too kind.” He said, but then he took a moment to think. “I thought Aelwyn was staying in that bed.”
Fabian’s question caught Adaine off guard, now it was her who couldn't look at him. She removed her hand from his shoulder as she stared at her reflection in the blank TV.
“Uh, not anymore. She moved out before we got back.” She paused for a moment. “I wish I could have spent more time with her before that.”
Fabian wished he could help her the way she had helped him, but there was no easy solution to this problem. So, he tentatively put his arm around her shoulders and pulled her into a hug, in hopes to at least comfort her.
His touch was warm and soft, breaking through the brave face she had being trying to put on. She leaned into the hug, struggling to keep her composure.
“We save the world and I reconnect with my sister, only to have to go out and save the world again and not get to spend any time with her. And to top it all off, I'm going to need to get about 10 jobs just to pay for school supplies.” She started crying as she buried her face into his chest. “I feel like we never get a goddamn break.”
“Adaine.” He said softly as he hugged her tighter. “I'll pay for your school stuff if you want.”
She sobbed softly. “I don't want to burden you.”
“It's not a burden. I have plenty of money, why not use it for something good?”
She was silent for a few moments, thinking it through, before she responded quietly, “Thank you, Fabian.”
They sat there silently in each others’ embrace for about 10 minutes, until they both suddenly became rather aware of their current position. Adaine could feel Fabian's heart racing and her mind wandered back to a memory that it often did, a memory that she was always trying to forget.
It was about two years ago when they had fought at the Durinson Mithral Factory. Fabian was talking to the Hangman and he made a comment about her that she wasn't really supposed to hear, but she did.
"She is rather cute”
It shouldn't have stuck in her mind the way it did, they were just friends. When he started pursuing her sister she tried to completely shove any other possibilities out of her mind. Though, that was extremely difficult to do when so much of what he did still made her heart pound.
At the same time, Fabian was trying to push away similar thoughts. That's what he had always been trying to do, attempting to find distractions that could keep his mind off her. First with Aelwyn and now more recently with Ecaf. He could let himself get caught up in those toxic relationships to keep himself from the possibility of getting his feelings truly hurt by someone who actually mattered to him.
However, he couldn't stop the fact that every time he saw her cast a powerful spell he would get a little flustered. He couldn't deny the fact that so often when he was showing off it was in an attempt to impress her. He wished these things weren't true and that he could just see her the same way he saw the rest of his friends, but they were and he couldn't.
Neither of the two knew the other’s feelings and they were both so sure that their feelings could never be reciprocated.
Adaine pushed herself away from Fabian as she felt her face flushing. His heart sank as he felt the space grow between them, but a part of him was thankful for it. However, as she turned away from him, he noticed something that made him a little worried.
“Adaine, are you feeling alright? Your whole face is red. Should I go get someone to help?”
“N- no no, I'm fine, it's nothing.” She stammered.
She stood up and moved a few paces away from him. He followed behind her, but stayed a little back, not wanting to overwhelm her.
“Adaine, seriously, what's wrong?” He asked softly.
So many thoughts were rushing through her head as she desperately tried to figure out some way to brush this all off. Without thinking, she suddenly blurted out the loudest thing on her mind.
“Do you still think I'm pretty?”
Fabian just stood there in stunned silence, trying to figure out how to respond. As soon as Adaine realised what she had said she began to panic.
“Oh, no no no no no no no.”
She started walking away, not able to face him, not able to face the look of disgust that was surely on his face. But before she could, he gently grabbed her. As she stopped in her tracks, he turned her to look at him.
“Wait, Adaine, I… yes.”
As he looked into her eyes, Fabian knew that he couldn't run from it anymore. Still holding her hand in his, he gently placed his other hand on her cheek and took a deep breath.
“Can I kiss you?” He asked quietly.
Adaine’s heart pounded in her chest as she heard those words and nodded her head. It felt like nothing mattered outside of this moment with him.
He leaned forward and kissed her softly. It was different to any kiss he'd had before. Not as intense, but just as, if not more, passionate.
As he pulled away they both took a second to process what had just happened. They each felt like they had been freed from something that had been trapping them for a while now. However, Adaine was still slightly anxious.
“What will the others say?” She asked.
“That's an issue for tomorrow.” Fabian responded, leading her back towards the sofa. “Let's just enjoy this right now.”
As they sat back down, they kissed again, this time more sure of themselves. They held one another tightly. After a while, they fell asleep in each others' arms, nervous and excited for what this change in their relationship might bring.
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noosayog · 1 year
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[Seventh Wheeling] ft. Isagi and co.
wc: 1.5K
warnings/content: when Isagi's teammates crash your movie night, who's to say who's the third -- or seventh -- wheel. reader is shorter than Isagi
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You weren't sure what to expect when Isagi invited you to watch a movie at his place. A part was hoping he was asking you on a date, but when you showed up at his door that Friday night, the grinning faces of his Blue Lock friends greeted you. You hear Isagi yelling at them to get out of the way. He pushes through the wall of athletes and greets you sheepishly.
"Hey, sorry," he begins. "They all kind of invited themselves over when I mentioned I had plans tonight."
"I was dragged here," the tallest, spikey haired one, who you later learn is named Barou, grunts.
You smile good-naturedly and wave off Isagi's concerns, introducing yourself to the boys. When they do the same, they're all familiar names you've heard from Isagi's stories. After introductions, they herd you into the living room where there's a couch, a loveseat, and table with snacks set up to face the TV screen. The group all begin to rush towards their desired seats. You're swept away as the boys shoulder their way to the couches.
In the midst of the chaos, you find yourself squashed between Isagi and the armrest of the loveseat with Nagi pushing his way to Isagi's other side.
"Nagi! This seat is only big enough for two people." Isagi scolds Nagi.
"I wanna sit next to you, though," Nagi responds lazily, further snuggling into his position and forcing Isagi to adjust and push his shoulders into yours.
"Sorry about Nagi," Isagi turns to you. "Are you good? Do you want to move?"
"No room anywhere else," Chigiri grins with a glint in his eye when he eyes the space between you and Isagi. He elbows some space where he's squished between the huge bodies of Barou, Kunigami, and Reo.
"I'll switch with you!" Reo calls out.
"You just wanna sit next to Nagi!"
"That's enough moving," Barou reprimands the group. "We'll never get started at this rate."
"I'm okay. Thanks," you reassure Isagi. "So what are we watching?" addressing the rest of the group.
"The Grudge," Chigiri grins evilly.
You swivel over to Isagi with wide eyes. "Wait, horror?"
"We can watch something else," he offers.
"No way," Kunigami says. "It took ages to decide already."
"You all weren't even invited!"
Ignoring him, Kunigami snatching the remote and hitting play. Isagi turns to you to apologize but you shake your head and steel your nerves to suffer through the movie.
As the intensity of the movie escalates, you find your fists clenching tighter and tighter into the armrest of the couch. When you suddenly hear a deep heaving breath near your ears, you jump a bit, only to realized it was Nagi snoring. Your body is trembling as you watch the others on the couch laughing and pointing at Nagi's slumped form. They all seem to be enjoying the experience, but Isagi pushes forward to block off your view of them.
"You good?"
You breathe out shakily and nod.
That's when a scream rings out from the TV and you let out a little screech.
"Sorry," you squeak. "I'm no good with horror flicks."
Isagi smile reassuringly. "It's okay," he says and you can feel his warm breath on your ears. He tentatively wraps an arm around your shoulder. "This okay?"
You can feel your pulse working double time in your veins, but you're not sure if it's from the jump scare or Isagi's touch. When another scream comes from the screen you turn your body away from the screen to push your face into Isagi's neck and he takes the hint by covering your ears with his hands, leaning forward to allow you to press your entire torso closer to his. Your eyes are shut so tightly you can see stars behind your lids. You're so focused on Isagi mumbling soothing reassurances into your covered ears, that you don't notice the rest of the group making kissy faces at Isagi and one by one retreating to who-knows-where.
Suddenly, Isagi's hands are gone and your cheeks are left cold.
"No!" you protest, clinging tightly to his shirt and pressing your shut eyes further into his chest.
"Hey, hey," he gently pries your fist off his shirt. "It's okay. Movie's done."
You open your eyes and realize that the TV screen is back to the selection page and all the previously occupied seats in the living room were vacant.
"Where… where did everyone go?" you ask, looking around in confusion.
"They all left to go watch the movie somewhere else because they felt bad after seeing how scared you were," Isagi says. "They're sorry. Me too. Sorry they're such a pushy bunch. They're good people, I promise."
"It's okay. I like them, really." you smile.
"And I'm sorry they ruined what was supposed to be our movie night."
Your heart, now calm, picks up its rate again.
"It's okay," you repeat, now self-conscious of how close you are and shifting backwards to push your back into the armrest.
At this, he frowns, but respond by moving back to give you some space. When he blinks away from you, he asks, "did you want me to walk you home?"
Wait, what just happened.
That's when you hear a cough in the back that sounds suspiciously like Chigiri saying, "stupid Isagi."
"Umm…" you look over Isagi's shoulder to see the group of large men huddled behind the kitchen counter, watching the two of you, shushing each other, and occasionally punching each other in the shoulder. You giggle. "What's going on here?" you address Isagi.
Isagi sighs and tell them to come out and join the two of you. They explain that they didn't realize Isagi was going to have company so invited themselves over to hang out only to find out Isagi was serious about having plans. Their apologetic expressions turn to smug ones when they explain that to make up for crashing your plans, they were going to set the two of you up, Reo chiming in that he didn't really care and only came because Nagi was coming and Barou once again claiming he was dragged here against his will.
The whole thing is just so silly that you burst out laughing. You reassure all of them that you really enjoyed meeting them and don’t mind at all hanging out again. With plans with get lunch altogether soon, you stand up, glancing at Isagi. "I would love for you to walk me home."
"Wait," Kunigami says. "We're all heading out, so you should stay and continue your plans." He emphasizes plans like it's another word.
"Nah," you smile. "Shall we go?" you say to Isagi.
You bid your goodbyes to the silly group of athletes and follow Isagi out the door.
On the way to your apartment, Isagi hangs a couple of steps behind you, uncharacteristically quiet. He remains that way the entire walk and when you arrive at your door, you turn around to see him looking at you with a dejected expression.
"What's wrong?" you ask.
"I'm just sorry, again, for ruining this," he gestures vaguely at air.
You cock your head to the side. "I meant it when I said I had fun tonight. You didn't ruin anything."
He sighs. "I meant for this to be date."
Your eyes widen. "That wasn't just your friends teasing?"
He shakes his head, shoulders hunched over in an admittedly adorable, puppy-like fashion.
You laugh a bit and move to cradle his face to meet your eyes. "So that was supposed to be a date?"
"Until it got crashed."
"Well, I don't think it was a waste. I got to meet your friends that you always talk about."
"They won't be my friends after this," he mumbles darkly.
"Aww, don’t say that. I'm friends with them too, now."
He scoffs.
"Hey," you say. He turns his attention back to you. "The night doesn't have to be over you know."
"We could still go on a date now."
"Nothing is open now. Exception for maybe the convenience store, or an internet café, or…" he rambles.
"I could use a late night ramen," you offer.
He shuts up and nods seriously. "Okay, then. Let's go on a date."
Taking his offered hand, you surprise him by pulling him so that he's sandwiching you between his body and your front door. His hands come up by your head to steady himself and you smile up at him.
"By the way," you start cheekily. "It's true that I'm no good with horror, but I wouldn't have done that with just anyone."
"Oh," he responds distractedly, eyes darting down to your lips. "Can I?"
You like the silly part of Isagi that his friends bring out, but you also like the him that puts your wants and needs first. The way he makes you feel cared for.
"Well, this whole night has been a little out of order already, so what's another thing," you say breezily. With a burst of confidence, you lean in to meet him halfway.
The ramen shop was closed when the two of you arrive hand in hand but it's all the same when you pivot to the nearest convenience store with him. And well, it goes without saying, but the convenience store date is a success as well.
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