#i'm a bit drunk feel free to ignore me lol
thewritingpossum · 6 months
I honestly think ballet and history (especially medieval history) fill the same niche in my head/heart/soul because people who devote their life to it are incredibly passionate and at least a little bit crazy and that's what make them interesting tbh
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nichoswag · 1 year
Hey Rei! I've been thinking for a while if I should send a prompt request or not, but here we go. 😂 (Hope you'll like it lol)
So my idea is #15 "Please stop flirting with me, my parents are right there." with a fake dating trope. And the idol who first came to my mind was Heeseung, I feel like he would match this well! You're free to decide the atmosphere of the story, I, personally was just feeling funny haha. I hope you'll have fun with this request! <33
flirt . lee heeseung
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prompt: "please stop flirting with me, my parents are right there."
pairing: fake bf!heeseung x gn reader
warnings: fake dating au, lots of flirting, kissing, teasing, like one light innuendo
song rec: into it - chase atlantic (warning: song is extremely sexual)
a/n: hii marine! admittedly i did push this to the top of my list because i feel a bit more inclined to complete reqs from my moots ♡ sorry it took so long, but i did have a lot of fun with this request!! i hope you enjoy :))
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if someone were to ask you how you got in this situation, you honesly couldn't say you have a clue.
walking into your childhood friend's parents' house hand-in-hand with him, you're still questioning how you got here.
well, to put it simply, you and heeseung grew up together. you even went to college together, and now you're back home together. but, you're now actually together.
at least, that's what you've told both of your parents, after constant nagging and pleading from both ends for you both to date someone. so, your solution was to pretend you're both dating each other.
now, you're shaking due to the nerve of the roles you're both about to play.
heeseung squeezes your shaking hand that's placed in his, sending you a reassuring smile. "hey, it's fine. we're only doing this to get them off our backs."
your heart flutters at his smile and the kind action.
mrs lee opens the door for the both of you. "____! it's so nice to see you," she exclaims, pulling you into a hug.
"moooom," heeseung whines. "what about me?"
she chuckles. "oh, hush. i haven't seen ____ in years."
as she welcomes the two of you into her house, you realize how natural this feels after all. besides, you and mrs lee have always been close, as your moms are best friends, so she's like a second mom to you anyway.
heeseung leads you through the wide hall into the large dining room. sending you a wink, he pulls back your chair for you. you send him a weird look as you sit down, but he ignores it and pushes your chair in, taking a seat next to you.
diagonal from where you and heeseung sit, your fathers are arguing about who's lawnmower does the better job. you chuckle at their pettiness as your mother chastises your dad for picking a fight over such a stupid thing. things haven't changed at all.
you're immersed in a conversation with heeseung until someone takes a seat across from you. it's heedo, your fake boyfriend's older brother.
and your childhood crush.
there's a girl sitting next to him, and they're holding hands, just as you and heeseung were a few minutes ago.
heeseung seems to notice your curiosity, because he leans closer to speak into your ear. "that's yeri, heedo's girlfriend." he takes your hand again and squeezes it. "are you okay? we can leave if you're uncomfortable," he offers, knowing about your long-term crush on his brother.
you shake your head. "i'm alright. just surprised."
he nods, understanding. "are you over him? i mean, you've dated since you last saw him."
"i think so, actually." you smile, nostalgia hitting you suddenly. "he was my childhood crush, so i guess it's just weird for me. it's not like i haven't seen him with a girl before."
you remember the time you saw him making out with a girl at a party him and heeseung had thrown in high school while yours and their parents were on a trip. you'd then gotten drunk on wine to the point of throwing up, and heeseung had held your hair back half the night at your house while you threw up.
then, when he brought his first girlfriend for dinner with his parents. heeseung had invited you over, not knowing he was there with his girlfriend, and you'd spent the evening crying in his room while he held you.
heeseung grins at you, seemingly remembering those nights too. you feel eternally grateful to have someone like him in your life.
he presses a kiss to your temple, seemingly trying to keep up the act. "you hungry, cutie?"
you nod shyly, blushing as he ruffles your hair. "starved."
within a few moments, heedo and heeseung get up to help their mother bring plates of food from the kitchen and set them in the middle of the large dining table.
yeri stares at you across the table. you feel self-conscious as she eyes you up and down, as if she's analyzing how big of a threat you are to her.
heeseung catches a glance at her eyeing you as he sits down, sighing as he realizes what's going on. he glares back at her, and she just smiles innocently, fixing a napkin on her lap. she glares at you as she kisses heedo on the cheek.
"what's her problem?" heeseung whispers in your ear.
you shrug. "i have no clue. I've literally just been sitting here."
he rolls his eyes. "i hope she doesn't cause a scene."
dinner does end up going without a hitch. besides a few more glares from yeri when heedo asks about your experiences in university and settling into your new job, you feel at ease. even when yours and heeseung's parents ask how you two began dating, you're able to answer the questions just as the two of you practiced earlier.
you notice heeseung looking at you with an expression you don't recognize throughout dinner. almost like admiration, except his eyes are fiery. you just think he's playing the role of your loving boyfriend.
mrs lee brings out a tray of sweets. "anyone hungry for dessert?" she practically sings.
heeseung grins and leans close. "mine's already here." he places a hand on your knee.
you choke on your own spit, and he pats your back. "please stop flirting with me, my parents are right there," you whisper-yell into his ear as everyone stares at you both.
your hear giggles, and you realize everyone must have heard what you said.
your mother smiles sweetly at the both of you. "don't worry, we're not judging you. the two of you are adorable."
you blush furiously, and heeseung ruffles your hair again.
yeri huffs from across the table, and you realize she must be jealous of the attention you two are receiving as a couple, not insecure of her relationship. she busies herself with fixing heedo's collar aggressively.
he grabs her hands as the attention turns to them. "what is your problem? you've been like this all evening. can't you just act normal?"
heeseung stifles a laugh from beside you and you nudge him with your elbow. "what's funny?"
he leans over to whisper in your ear for the third time tonight. "just that they're seemingly an actual couple and they get along worse than us."
you giggle, and yeri turns to glare furiously at you. "what the fuck is funny, you callous bitch?"
there are gasps all along the table, and heeseung nearly stands up defensively before you grab his arm to pull him down.
"don't think i haven't noticed you flaunting you perfect boyfriend all night." she laughs mockingly. "you're like a three. how did you manage to pull that guy?"
"get out." heedo glares at his probably soon-to-be-ex girlfriend, motioning towards the hall that leads to the front door.
"what?" her tough front cracks as she wears a scared face. "heedo-"
"i said. get. out." he gets up, pulling her up with him and marching toward the hallway.
you can hear the yelling and screaming still. "i've told you before, she's like a fucking SISTER to me! who are you to talk to my family like that?" "SHE WAS TAUNTING ME WITH HER PERFECT GUY-"
eventually, the screaming is muffled as it seemingly continues outside.
mrs lee gains her composure and proceeds with setting out the dessert. "kids these days are so dramatic. minus my ____, of course. you're an angel."
you smile at her. "thanks, mrs lee."
her smile falters. "honey, why don't you just call me 'mom?' i'll be your mother-in-law eventually, anyway."
you nearly choke again, and heeseung stifles a laugh. "just go with it," he mouths.
you smile again. "sure, mom. thank you for the dessert."
dinner wraps up rather quickly after the dramatic scene. heedo returns at the very end, looking very disheveled as you and heeseung make your way up the long spirals stairs to his room, where you'll both be staying the night.
heeseung lets out a long laugh after he closes the door to his childhood bedroom, nearly slumping against it. "that was a train wreck. heedo has terrible taste in girls."
you giggle. "he should've just chosen me when he had the chance."
heeseung's smile fades. "no, i rather like having you to myself."
your feel a twinge of pain in your heart at the way his smile drops. "hee, i was just kidding. i told you, i'm over him. i think i like someone else now, anyway."
the smile that began to creep onto his face at the first part of your speech drops again as he hears the last part. "oh." his shoulders slump, face looking dejected.
you catch his face in your hands as he turns away from you. "hee, do you really not realize who i'm talking about?"
his eyes widen in realization. "you mean..."
"yes, i mean i like you, lee heeseung." you grin at him.
before you realize it, he's taking you into his arms and picking you off the ground and you're spinning through the air. you both giggle as you come back onto the ground.
now flustered, you look away from him "so..."
"i like you too, ____. i thought that was pretty obvious." he ruffles your hair yet again, pulling you close by your waist.
you giggle. "it kinda was."
he looks at you for a moment, gentle gaze flickering between your eyes and lips. "can i kiss you?"
you nod, and he leans down to connect your lips gently. you wrap your arms around his neck, one hand resting on the nape of his neck, and the other tangling in his hair.
he pulls away and you lean your head against his chest, breathless.
"fuck, i think i might be in love with you." the words leave your mouth before you can even think about what you're saying.
he smirks down at you as you meet his eyes, yours wide. "yeah? what makes you think that?"
you inhale sharply. "you've been there for me through everything since we were kids. my heart hurts when you're sad, i feel angry when you're angry, and i'm happy when you are. also, i always find myself missing you when you're not around. i think that's love."
he smiles, eyes shining brightly. "if that's the case, i love you too."
minutes later, you're settled in a pair of heeseung's clothes, waiting on his bed for him to come back from the bathroom.
as he enters the room, your heart races. you've spent nights together as friends, no biggie. but now, it's the real deal.
he sprawls out on the bed beside you and turns to look at you. "cuddle?" he asks, opening his arms. you practically dive into them as they wrap around your body tightly.
you realize you feel safe here. that to you, there's never been any place safer than in his arms.
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©nichoswag | do not copy my work or repost onto any other platform.
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Howdy, I hope you're having a good day! I just read your post with the 141 and a partner that uses their callsign in an emergency and it's really good! I know Alejandro, Rodolfo and Konig don't have callsigns but I was wondering if you could please write the same scenario with them? Perhaps the partner calls usually them by a nickname (Ale, Rudy, Ko) but uses their full name when in danger. I apologize if this doesn't make sense but thank you for reading! :)
As promised, here's a second edition for this request for our other COD boys🙂🩷
Original Request-
Alejandro/Rudy/ König x Reader, Where Reader Calls For Them In An Emergency
Warnings: unwanted advances, mentions of violence, crying
A/N: I tried to be respectful with this one. Please be advised that this can be triggering for some readers.
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You were finishing up cleaning the training room for the night, when three of the newer recruits had come in, sauntering about the room.
You knew of them from König, as they were not the biggest fan of him. König had gained quite a bit of notoriety lately, as he'd had a few successful missions, which caused quite a few members on base to grow jealous of your boyfriend.
"You're Königs girl, aren't you? Heard you're quite the fighter. Let's see how well you can fight." One of the recruits said, his voice laced with malice. It was clear the three of them were very drunk, and you weren't a fool. You knew you were outnumbered.
"This isn't a fight you want." You said, your usual confident tone faltering slightly as they started to corner you.
"Hey, man, I wouldn't. König will fuck us up if he finds out." One of the other recruits said, backing up slowly.
"Oh, whatever. Let us have some fun." The first man said as he backed you into a corner, swiping at your legs, catching you off guard and sending you buckling to the floor.
Two of the men laughed as the other backed off slowly, the taller one landing a kick to your midsection. "What, not so strong without your mammoth of a man here, are you?"
"Please, stop." You held your hands out defensively. You were in no position to get up and fight back, as they had you pinned to the ground. Another kick was landed to your stomach, knocking the wind out of you.
"Stop! KÖNIG!" You screamed, praying your boyfriend would hear you.
König, who was just walking past the training room on his way to your dorm, stopped dead in his tracks upon hearing your scream. His blood ran cold, and he quickly threw open the door.
His body reacted before his brain could, as he stormed up to the man who had been kicking you and picked him up by his shirt collar.
"Touch them again, I fucking dare you." Königs voice was laced with vitriol, as he pushed at the man's throat slightly, cutting off his oxygen. "I promise you won't like the outcome."
The man put his hands up in surrender, and König dropped him to the floor with a loud "thud." The other two men had vanished the moment König had barged in the room.
König placed his foot on the man's abdomen and pushed down harshly. "You make sure and tell your little friends if I ever, ever catch any of you harassing my partner again, I'll end all of your miserable lives."
He lifted his leg off the man, and the man took the opportunity to stand and bolt out of the room.
Königs eyes softened as he looked down at you, and crouched down next to you.
"M-maus?" His voice came out as shaky, a complete 180 from the man that was just defending you. "Are you okay? Let me see you."
You let out a strangled cry as you lifted yourself off the ground slightly. "Kö."
"Oh sweetheart, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry I wasn't here." He said softly as he gently pulled you in his arms. He rubbed at your arms soothingly as he pressed kisses to your temple.
"It's okay, Kö. Thanks for coming to save me." You sniffled before nuzzling your face into your boyfriend's neck.
"Don't thank me. I'd do anything for you, Maus."
He later took you to your room and cuddled with you in your bed, not letting you from his sight.
He made sure the next morning to make it known to the other two recruits that no one was to ever mess with you again.
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You were out walking yours and Alejandros dog on a sunny afternoon in Las Almas.
Depending on the area you lived in, in Las Almas, there were some safe areas, and some not so safe areas.
You and Alejandro lived on the safer side of Las Almas, but there were areas nearby that blended into some of the rougher sides.
Unfortunately for you, you had tuned out the world as you listened to the newest album of one of your favorite bands and had ended up on the other side of the block, into one of the rougher sides of town.
Your dog had started to grow a little restless and kept looking behind you, which caused the hairs on the back of your neck to stick up slightly.
You looked behind your and were met with the sight of a middle-aged man, who had a sinister smile on his lips. It was clear he had no good intentions for you, and the fact that your dog, who normally loved everyone, was nervous had your heart sinking into your stomach.
You began to increase your pace, walking briskly back toward your home, when you heard his footsteps rapidly approaching from behind you.
"ALE!" You screamed, running as fast as you could away from the man.
Alejandros head shot up from the garden he was tending to in your backyard, and quickly got to his feet.
"Y/N!" He cried out, trying to find the source of your cries. "Y/N, where are you?"
He darted around a corner, as was met with the sight of you sprinting toward him, your dog not far behind you. What had his blood boiling, though, was the man chasing you.
He quickly caught you in his arms, the wind being knocked out of him slightly at the impact. "Who is he?"
"I don't know, Ale, please help me." You cried, your voice coming out panicked.
The man stopped dead in his tracks upon seeing Alejandro, a terryfing smile falling across his lips.
"Who the hell are you, and why are you bothering my spouse?" Alejandro called out as he pushed you behind him.
"Don't know what you're talking about, man." The guy held his hands up in mock innocence. "Just minding my own business."
Alejandro took a menacing step closer to the man as his grip on your wrist tightened. "Then get the fuck out of here."
The man gave a dark chuckle, before slowly sauntering away from the two of you.
Once the man was out of sight, Alejandro turned back to you, anger clearly showing on his face. "Cariño, why were you over here? I told you so many times to mind where you're walking. What if I hadn't been here?"
"I'm sorry, Ale. I zoned out. I should've been paying attention." You said softly, your bottom lip trembling slightly.
Alejandro sighed deeply as he took in your expression. "It's okay, mi amor. Please just be careful next time. I couldn't live with myself if anything happened to you."
He pulled you into a tight hug as he pressed kisses to your hair. "Please, promise me you'll be careful next time."
"I promise, Ale."
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You and Rodolfo were at a local farmers market, enjoying the day off together. Rodolfo had insisted that he get fresh vegetables for the dish he was making the two of you for dinner.
"Alright, mi amor, I'll go get some of the fruits, are you okay with getting the vegetables?" He asked, pressing a kiss to your hand.
"Of course. Meet back here in 10?"
You had just gotten a few of the vegetables needed when you felt the presence of two men behind you. You'd noticed them following you earlier, but thought nothing of it at first.
While trying to get away from them, you hadn't noticed you ended up at the end of an alleyway.
One of the guys had let out a dark chuckle as the two of them approached you. "You look lost, need us to help you find your way?"
"Please, leave me alone." You begged, your hands flying up in a defensive gesture.
"Why would we do that? Don't want to leave a pretty thing such as yourself alone out here, do we?" The one man asked, looking to his partner.
"No, we wouldn't. You look awfully lonely. Let us help you." The other said as they got closer to you.
"RUDY!" You cried out, desperately trying to get away from the men.
Rodolfo, who was over at one of the fruit carts nearby, dropped the fruit he was holding and quickly darted over to the source of your cries.
He frantically searched for you and found you hunched in a corner, with the two men surrounding you, their hands trying to undress you. He felt something within him snap at that moment, and before his brain could catch up, he quickly landed a crushing punch on one of the man's jaws.
You let out a yelp of surprise as your leg instinctively shot out from underneath you, tripping the other man in front of you, sending him toppling to the ground face first.
You scurried back against the wall, and watched as the two men cradled their wounds, and sprinted in the opposite direction of you and your husband.
You let out a sob you didn't know you were holding in, your hands flying to clutch at your face. Rodolfo immediately turned to you, his heart shattering as he watched you.
"Cariño, are you okay?" Rodolfo slowly slid to his knees next to you as he cradled your face in his hands.
You instinctively pushed him away, your fight or flight instincts still in full effect. "No! Please don't!"
"Hey, hey. Baby, it's me. It's alright, I'm here." He cooed gently, his hands slowly approaching you again. "Come here."
You let out a choked sob as you threw yourself into his arms. "Rodolfo."
"I've got you." He pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead as he held you tightly in his arms. "I've got you."
He held you like that for a while before picking you up bridal style in his arms. "Let's just go home, okay, sweetheart?"
He kept you close to him, as the two of you walked to your car. Even on the ride home, Rodolfo's hand never left yours. He'd be damned if he ever let anything like that happen to you again. The next person who dared trying would have a death wish.
A/N: I hope you enjoy!!! Let me know if there's anyone else anyone would like to see!🙂🩷
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novelcain · 2 years
Y'all got me thinking so hard abt mafia wukong I'm dropping. Some things I've thought of in the last like five minutes for your viewing pleasure LOL feel free to ignore me or delete this I am running off like two hours of sleep
-Wukong probably holds an annual sort of, dinner for those serving directly under him. It's probably a night for information to be passed around, big terf reports to be given, that kind of thing. Only the ones that answer directly to him are invited, the ones directly under him in the hierarchy, so probably like, the DBK family if they're involved, Macaque, his inner circle, so to speak. I imagine it's held in a restaurant on their terf, or that they have control over, so it's only them being served that night.
- At these dinners everyone has a set seat. The seat to Wukong's left is always for MK and the seat to his right is always for Reader. Bad things happen if you mess with those seats!
- And gods help you when Wukong has a little too much wine to drink! He's handsy when he's stone cold sober, he's even worse when he's tipsy and/or drunk. I imagine him placing Reader in his lap at some point in the night, running his hands over every bit of them he can, leaning his cheek against their shoulder. Everyone has kind of learned to keep their mouths shut, but eventually someone is gonna have something they need to say and he's not even going to look away from Reader, carrying a conversation with his underling all while keeping his attention on Reader
- Oohhh when dinner is over and work is out of the way, it's relaxing time, everyone gets to mingle and enjoy music and drinks and to just lounge around in this space that's been procured for the meeting. Wukong makes Reader dance with him! The music is something soft and slow, sensual, and he takes them by the hand and sways to the music.
- Eventually the night comes to a close and everyone disperses. Wukong gets a little TOO handsy w Reader on the way home. Teehee.
Respectfully, anon. I refuse to ignore this as it is some delicious brain food you have given me~ 😌
First, I can't get out of my head how utterly embarrassed MK would be seeing his adoptive dad getting handsy with who he's beginning to see as his mother figure. All the while, his friends Mei and Red Son, the heirs to the Dragon of the West Triad and the Demon Bull Family Triad respectively, are teasing his and making fun of him for it. Tho Red Son shuts up about it later when his mom and dad start getting a little too drunk to keep their hands to themselves too.
I also think that with specific seating arrangements he has a special table that he likes more than all the others. I like to imagine that the business that they go to is Pigsy's Place. A restaurant that Wukong has been going to for at least a century and has been laundering money through since he helped Pigsy go from a noodle shop that he stumbled into one night at 3am while he was drunk to a full blown 5 star comfort food restaurant that's constantly booked.
Now to what you're all here for~
You've know this monkey for a while now and you know that once he starts to drink it's inevitable that he goes from his usual casual passing touches to practically dry humping you in front of everyone
Ffs the man has his hand up your dress!
You get so flustered and try to feed him food and water to help him sober up but he just keeps getting his hands on more alcohol and somehow even gets you to drink a bit as well
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You two definitely end up getting frisky in the limo ride back
Mk saw that coming after jumping out the window the last time because his dad got so drunk that he forgot his son was still in the damn car and went home in Macaque's car, which Mk is driving because Macaque is past out in the passenger's seat after having a drinking contest with DBK. The winner of which was unclear.
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struckd0wn · 1 year
Hi I just wanted to say I love your writing! Your Hanzo piece is so good.
I normally don't send requests but I figured I'd do it for once :)
Could you write something with either Ghost or Bruce Wayne with a transmasc reader that just wants to be held and taken care of? Fluff or smut is good <3
AHH THANKS, I'M GLAD YOU LIKED IT <3 !!! I would love to write for you, I hope it lives up to your expectations :3
P.S sorry this took me a bit to respond to :P I had a bit of writers block -_-
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In My Arms ── Bruce Wayne
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Bruce Wayne x transmasc reader
CW: slur used and some transphobia, Bruce Wayne has 0 relationship ship skills lol, he trying his hardest, body dysphoria and dysmorphia, self worth issues, little mental break down, overall just a shitty day for reader :(, fluff and smut, clit used to describe anatomy, riding ;), lots of kissing too
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Your day has been, entirely, incredibly, shitty. You woke up for work late, your lateness extended by the period of time in which you stared at yourself in the mirror. You had to ignore it, dressing in your work shirt that felt too tight around your hips and waste, your thighs feeling suffocated from your pants. Maybe you'd ask your boss for a bigger size, maybe it would hide your figure. Somedays you felt extremely happy with your progress thus far into your transition, but others felt like you hadn't even started. Although flat chested now, you couldn't ignore the feminine curve you swore you saw in the mirror that night.
You worked the night shift at a corner store not far from the Wayne Manor. This schedule is what you preferred for you and Bruce, that way you would both work at night and come home early morning to sleep with one another. He hated it, he insisted you just stay home 24/7, you didn't need a job, he was rich and could take care of you. Bruce didn't want you adapting his horid sleep schedule just for him, let alone working when you really didn't need too.
Things like this reminded you that you and Wayne were entirely different. He was a billionaire, you were just some dude who worked at a corner store for minimum wage. Bruce was Gotham City's vigilante, you were his boyfriend that lived in his extravagant house... for free. To say you were jealous of your boyfriend was an understatement, but he didn't understand that. He is completely clueless. Bruce doesn't understand why you would need to work, but everytime he spend his money on you, you can't help but feel helpless, like he's giving you handouts. You don't want him to feel obligated to spend money on you or to have him feel taken advantage of.
But to be fair, you didn't understand fighting or saving lives like he did. You wish you could, you want to understand, but Bruce has no need to understand working to live. Then you resented yourself for being jealous of him, of your own boyfriend. He was rich with money to spend, with a side gig as savior of the city. You could never amount to that.
The bell to store entrance rings, pulling you from your thoughts. The clock reads 2:30am, this would probably be your last customer before you'd walk home to the manor. Your eyes follow the man that had entered the shop, clearly drunk. He uses the shelves to hold himself up, stumbling all over the place while gigging like an idiot. The man approaches the back where the walls are lined with refrigerators, grabbing an alcoholic beverage you can't name.
You watch as he waddles his way up to your register, looking you up in down with his canned alcohol. "Hey sweetheart," he starts, setting the can down in front of you. You can feel his eyes tracing down your figure. Ignoring him you take the beverage to scan it. "What, trannys can't say hello?" He asks you, leaning over the counter. A lump forms in your throat as you quietly read him his total. He clicks his tongue at you, pulling out a couple of bills to hand over. "You know what, I'll forgive you. What do you say you come to my place after work. I ain't never slept with one of you before, but hey, a pussys a pussy." You tell yourself to just get it over with, you have to deal with drunkies all the time, it's not any different.
"No thank you, have a good night." You tell him, handing him his change before promptly preparing for closing to distract yourself. The man grumbles, taking his drink and change out the door. In the last thirty minutes of your shift you clean up around the store, stock some shelves, and count the cash in the register. As you're collecting your belongs to leave you notice that the drunk man from before is posted up across the street, drinking from his can. You roll your eyes, making a plan to just go for it when he's distracted.
There's a bus just down the road and you wait for it to cross the store front, hoping maybe he wouldn't notice you leave. You turn the lights off and as soon as the bus passes you, you swiftly exist and lock the store up for the night. Speed walking doesn't help you though, hearing the footsteps of the man running to catch up to you. "Hey, wait up!" He calls out, but you just keep walking.
Eventually he reaches you, stepping in front of you to block your path. "Cmon now, my offer still stands," The man holds his arms out, moving with you so you don't get past him. You tell him no again, trying to push past his left arm. This time he grabs you by your waist, smirking down at you with his drunken expression. You push him off of you and before he can grab you again he hits the concrete with a loud thud. You blink down at him before a figure envelops him, throwing punch after punch at the man. It doesn't take you long to realize who it is.
"Hey, knock it off." You tell Bruce but he doesn't hear you, or maybe he does and just doesn't care. "Stop, Bru-... He's drunk, stop it." You grab your boyfriends arms, and with enough strength you pry him of the pervert. You watch his chest heave under his metal chest plate, staring down at the drunk angrily. Bruce holds you by your wrist, dragging you twords his bike, footsteps heavy in his boots.
The ride back home is silent but you can tell he's still upset by the way he speeds twords the manor. Once you make it back home, down in his lab of his tower, he helps you off his bike. Bruce removes his mask, seemingly his anger is replaced with worry as he near smothers you. "Are you ok? Did he hurt you?" He exclaims, holding your face in his gloved hands, but you just push past him.
"Yes Bruce, I'm fine. He was just drunk." You tell him as you make your way to the elevator, ready to just go to bed at this point. He follow you like a little dog, into the elevator, still examining you for injury.
"Him being drunk is not an excuse." He tells you a matter of factly.
"I'm not saying it's an excuse. I'm saying I could have handled it." And he doesn't say anything about that. You walk up the stairs and he's still following you, all his gear rattling and echoing throughout the manor. You make it up to the bedroom, attempting to close the door behind you but he pushes in with ease, not even acknowledging that you were trying to keep him out.
You sigh heavily, setting down your keys and jacket onto the dresser. "I told you you didn't have to work." Bruce starts up again, and by now you want to bang you head against the wall.
"I don't wanna talk about it." You say.
But he persists, pacing around the room in his armor. "I told you, you didn't have to change your schedule to match mine."
"Bruce." You plead, but he again ignores you.
"You shouldn't be up all night, let alone walking home at three in the morning." He continues.
You stand there in awe as he rambles on, alls while taking off his gear. He makes it sound like you can't take care of yourself, like you're his damsel in distress. "Bruce I said-"
"Do you know the things I see at night? What did he say to you, what did he say before I got there?" Bruce exclaims twords you.
By now you can feel the tears welling up in your eyes before you snap. "Bruce, I said I don't wanna talk about it!" You yell over his rambling, this time he turns to look at you. You're too far gone now, tears roll down your cheek as you sob, desperately trying to wipe them away with the back of your hand. He stops what he's doing, during all of that he has managed to get everything off but the pants he wears under his suit. "I don't need your rescuing or money, I just need you to listen!" You tell him through broken sobs. "I know I'm not rich like you, I know I'm not as strong as you but that doesn't mean I'm completely helpless." You feel like you could just crumble, Bruce is almost speechless.
He's on you within a second, large hand hold your face but he can't wipe away the avalanche of tears that stream down your puffy cheeks. "I'm sorry...I didn't mean it to sound like that..." He whispers over your sobs. The build up from everything today has finally set in, and now that it has started it wasn't gonna stop. You allow Bruce to undress you from your work clothes, replacing them with one of his baggy shirts and a pair or your boxers. He sits you down on the edge of your shared bed as he dresses himself in a pair of his sweatpants, quickly returning to your side.
Your boyfriend tucks the two of you into the bed. Your crying has reduced to small sniffles, Bruce continues to wipe your face dry, but it can't get rid of the redness in your eyes. "I didn't mean to make you cry. I was just worried, I should have listened to you the first time." His apology mixes with explanation, and although you understand where's he's coming from you'd wish he'd just do this first before scolding you. You'd wish he'd understand he didn't need to take care of you physically, you could've handled some drunk, you just needed his help emotionally. To tell you it was gonna be ok, it's all over now. Without the "I told you so" in between.
"I know you could've handled it, I just...couldn't stop myself." He admits to you. You stare at him and he stares back as he holds you. You almost laugh at his admission, he wasn't just looking out for you, the guy had seriously just ticked him off. He didn't do it cause he thought you couldn't handle it, he did it because some rando was trying to touch up on his boyfriend. Maybe he was scared to admit that word for word, but you could read him like a book.
Bruce leans into you, pressing a kiss to your lips and you egg him own, pressing further into him. His hands find their way under you shirt as he continues kissing you, gripping at your flesh like he might loose you if he let's go. "I'll ask Alfred to order us some things to eat. We can eat while me watch a movie, hm?" He tells you between kisses, you nod quickly at his suggestion. You move you hands up to to hold his face, kissing him again. His stuble feels nice under you finger as you deepen the kiss. Wayne does not object, wrapping his arms around you tightly.
You part your lips slightly, allowing him access into your mouth. Bruce is still a bit awkward and clumsy when is comes to these things, mostly because this is the first relationship he's ever gotten this far with someone. He's hesitant but eventually his tongue meets yours as they messily collide with each other. His hand are rough compared to the smooth skin of your torso, they almost feel like sand paper as they roam over your sides.
You push in further, until you are fully saddled on top of him, never breaking the kiss. "Help me Bruce." You plead with him, his face is bright red and he just nods at the suggestion. You sit upwards onto you knees, pulling your boxer shorts down in front of him. Bruce is silent but his hand slowly inch down to your fully exposed thighs, his thumb reaches out the brush against you clit. The feeling makes you flinch as your boyfriend works on removing his own pants.
He doesn't even bother removing them all they way before he's pulling you down by your hips. The stretch around his cock is almost painful, but you immediately forgot about everything bad that has happened today, even the part where you snapped at him. Bruce peppers your face with kisses, waiting for you to adjust before moving. You start moving on your own, slowly pulling off of his length. Wayne throws his head back, hitting the headboard with a thud, his hands squeezing at your hips.
When you slam back down your moan is loud and Bruce moves to covers your mouth. He is clearly embarrassed but his smile is wide as you sit there watching each other. "I'd love to hear you but... I don't want to disturb Alfred." You almost slap yourself for it. That would surly be an awkward conversation, although you think Alfred would be entirely understanding. You nod and the two of you continue. Bruce guides you up and down his cock, his groans muffled as he too struggles to keep himself quiet. You face is buried into his shoulder, letting out a small squeek each time he's pushed back deep inside you. You feel like a teenager who's at your boyfriends house, trying to keep quiet because the partners are in the next room over.
Your can feel the build up in your stomach, it's getting more and more difficult to not scream out loud in pleasure. Bruce is starting to fail at it, his breathing rushed and his moans escape his parted lips. He thrusts up into you, desperate for release which comes mere seconds later. You watch his eyebrows furrow as he cums inside of you, his twitching causes you to orgasm soon after, biting down on his shoulder to be as silent as possible. You whimper weekly, pulling yourself off of him slowly. The two of you lay side by side, ignoring the mess that clings to the both of you and the sheets.
You watch his heaving chest settle, noticing the bite marks you left. Your finger reaches out to brush over it with an embarrassed smile. "Sorry..." You whisper, but Bruce doesn't mind, shrugging his shoulder as he pulls you in to cuddle.
By now it is early morning, Bruce is awake, finishing the movie the two of you had put on while you ate. The cheap take out containers of the restaurant you had gotten him hooked on littered the coffee table, and the bruise you left on his shoulder aches. It's a lovely reminder. Bruce sat this his back leaned against the arm of the couch, and you had fallen asleep in between is legs with you face resting on his lower abdomen. He watches you sleep, playing with your hair as he did. He would ask you about the his lack of understand once you had woken up, but for now he will hold you here, in his arms.
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vampkillr · 2 years
Mixer — Peter Parker
m! reader — 728 words — any! peter but i wrote with andrew in mind
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I couldn't explain it. The look we shared. As if from across some random person's living room, everything just clicked as we saw each other. His eyes held my gaze, tilting his head as he seemingly ignored the guy he was with. I was tempted to push my way through the array of drunk strangers, but his friend seemed to guide him somewhere else the moment I took a step forward. "Did you find someone?" Gwen, who— like myself— was perfectly sober, yelled over the booming speakers.
"I need some air!" I shouted so that she could hear me, and with a thumbs up I set out to the balcony. It was cold, and the breeze only added to the chill. No one was out here but me. Or so I thought.
"Not really a people person?" I turned to the voice. It was that guy from before. "Little too cold out here to be standing by yourself," He smiled. I couldn't tell if the pins and needles on my face was from him or the weather. He walked towards me, leaning against the guardrail. I could see the way his breath left him in puffs of vapor against the crisp air. "I'm Peter."
"Y/n." I outstretched my hand and he shook it. His hands were so much warmer than mine. "I don't really want to be here, my friend made me." he laughed at my confession.
"Mine kinda did, too." He was closer to me, our arms brushing against each other and yet I didn't seem to mind. This stranger, so close to me and yet he still felt too far. "Two losers out in the cold instead of getting hammered at a party..." He started, a smile creeping onto my face. "Two awfully pathetic losers." We seemed to look at each other at the same time, yet he was the only one with the strength not to turn away. No one's ever left me so flustered from just a look. It was like he knew who I was without me having to say anything. Like it just felt right for him to be here next to me. He was so calm, so warm; something about him drew me in. I met his gaze once more as he spoke again. "Sounds like they're perfect for each other, don't you think?" We just seemed to be getting closer. like an invisible force was pulling the two of us into each other and we weren't fighting against it.
My body moved on its own, turning towards him. He guided my arms to rest on his shoulders and before I could begin to think of how incredibly wrong it was, we were kissing. It didn't feel rushed. There wasn't some goal to the kiss. Neither of us were chasing anything. We were both right where we wanted to be. If I could freeze time and relive any moment of my life, it would be this one. The way he coaxed me into him, not pushing me any further than I was okay with; just reminding me that he wanted exactly what I did... There was something to him that I couldn't bring myself to deny. I could feel his reluctance to pull away as we separated. "Oh, please let me do that again..." He whispered and I smiled.
"Maybe we can go somewhere a little bit warmer first?" His eyes were piercing through me, like he was trying to find a reason to say no but couldn't. Within moments he had my hand in his and was leading me through the crowd and down the hall into a bedroom. He let my hand slip from his, finger's lingering on mine just long enough for me to notice. Music beat gently throughout the room, muffled enough as to not be loud or very prominent. I locked the door and walked further inside. Pictures of him and other people littered the walls amongst an array of posters and drawings for some sort of bracelet. On his desk, a closed laptop, a small toolbox and a bunch of spare parts for some sort of device. He sat down on the edge of the bed and just watched me. Leaned back, resting his weight on his hands and his head tilted. There weren't any words we really needed to share for this part.
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now that classes fully started im only working like 2 24 hr shifts so i have a lot more free time 😸 anyways let me know if u want a continuation lol i have a pretty bad writers block so my imagination is not very great rn
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bagheerita · 2 months
Put your music library on shuffle, then list the first five songs that come up in a poll to let people vote for which one they like the most!
Tagged by @ladyaldhelm ❤
So, I was listening to my ship songs list when I got this, so each of these songs, whenever I hear them, also makes me think of a specific ship. (I suppose you can vote for the song or the ship lol)
King and Lionheart: Roy Mustang/Riza Hawkeye (Fullmetal Alchemist). I saw a music video of this pairing to this song and it's never left my head since.
You Told the Drunks I Knew Karate: Amy Pond/Rory Williams (Doctor Who). Same story, fan music video that suited them perfectly.
No Reply: Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers (Marvel). I'm still mad at Steve but it doesn't change the fact that whenever I hear the lyric "I no longer know myself but I still know you" I think of that scene in CatWS.
Blinding: Nicholas Rush/Amanda Perry (Stargate Universe). Not all of these are happy ships, lol. This song really just makes me think of SGU in general, or Rush's relationship with Gloria as well especially with the whole "no more dreaming of the dead as if death itself was undone," but the opening bit "I have been held in some dreaming state... I realized it was you who held me under" really fits Perry.
Can You Handle My Love??: Elim Garak/Julian Bashir (Star Trek Deep Space Nine). With lines like "got a hole in my heart, gonna fill it with chemicals" and "I'm a freak and it's literal" this is textually canon. Also the line "I may be late but I still show up" reminds me of the scene in the camp after we already found Martok and then Julian just... shows up 😂
NPT: @chaniis-atlantis @tiltingheartand @aintgonnatakethis @anonmadsci @mx-seraph
@only-in-december @slightlydiabolicalfudge @girlscience @annwayne @all-mighty-yaoiyuri
I tend to just tag the last 10 people in my mentions, so please feel free to ignore both my over-achiever combo of taking this idea to a place it wasn't supposed to go and just me in general 😝 But if anyone feels inspired to share your songs and/or ships, please tag me I want to see!!!
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toomuchracket · 1 year
ok the idea of dad george is sooo cute to me so here’s a blurb idea haha feel free to ignore! george’s daughter is a young teen and sneaks out to her high with her friends… he catches her when she comes home… he’s stern and he does ground her or something but he’s loving at the end
dad!george tmr debut i've prayed for times like these. anyway.
thinking she's maybe like 15? and she's doing that thing teenagers do where they just go out for an evening and wander around the town, settling down in the park or the woods for a bit before traipsing back home in time for the streetlights coming on. and the weed smoking is a totally impromptu thing, i think - your daughter's smart enough that she would have taken water and chewing gum and perfume with her to try and disguise the smell before coming home if it was a planned thing, because she KNOWS she's in for a bollocking from you and george if you catch her. so she comes home and tries to sneak away to shower before anyone catches her, but she's intercepted by george coming out of the living room just as she's heading upstairs; he sees her giggling to herself and then clocks the weed smell and figures out what's happened IMMEDIATELY. your daughter's tall for her age as it is and stands five stairs up, but her dad is still far taller and lowkey kinda terrifying - he folds his arms and raises his eyebrows, composed but clearly angry, and says "kitchen. now. we need to have a chat". so they go, standing on opposite sides of the room just staring at each other in dead silence, until george breaks it like "so where were you?", and your daughter sheepishly admits she was in the woods with her friends. and that's when george raises his voice - he's like "you're fifteen. we haven't discussed getting high like we have getting drunk. do you KNOW how dangerous it is to do drugs when you're unprepared and unaware of the side effects and not in a safe place? anything could have happened to you. i can't believe you would be so reckless". and she's standing there head down high wearing off like "i know. i'm sorry, dad", and george softens slightly and like lifts her head so he can look at her eyes. i think he hugs her like "i just wish you would have asked me about it before doing it. just trying to keep you safe, munchkin", and she's like "i know, i would have said if it'd actually been a planned thing". george kisses her head and goes "christ, i'd forgotten how badly the smell lingers in your hair", and they both laugh, and then he makes a joke like "quite impressed you managed to actually get high on your first go, though. do you know what you were smoking, and where it was from?". and she does, and tells him what strain and who rolled and whose sister sells it and gave it to them (george is mildly impressed that his daughter's weed guy is in fact a girl), and george is like "ok, well, at least you know all that. you're still grounded, though, for doing it without discussing it with me and your mum first". your daughter's eyes go wide like "mum's going to go MENTAL at me oh god", and george is like "she'll try to, but i'll remind her that she did the exact same thing when she was your age and she'll shut up lol" - your kid is like "WHAT omg i knew you smoked when you were young, dad, but mum?? i thought mum was a nerd", and george laughs like "yeah, you have cool parents, kid. but i'll tell her when she gets home, and also that i've grounded you for a week already so there's no need for her to shout at you". your daughter hugs him like "thanks, dad" and george is like "we do need to have a chat about safety and getting high, though. next time me and mum have a smoke, you can join in and we'll discuss it then"; your daughter giggles like "isn't the grounding punishment enough lol?", and george flicks her on the nose like "oi! less of that, or i'll invite matty - that actually WOULD be a punishment, he's a fucking nightmare when he's high", and your daughter winces like "yeah, i can imagine" lmfao. and then there's another hug, before george is like "have the munchies kicked in yet? i'll make you toast if you want. but wash your hair first please i think i'm getting passive high from the smell" lol <3
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amazingmsme · 1 year
1D for the ask meme?
AN: So most of my obscure fandoms have a really small cast of characters so it took me a while to figure out what I was gonna write, then I rewatched Sinbad Legend of the Seven Seas which is one of my all time favorites and I just HAD to write something with my favorite threesome lol.
Sinbad would've never thought that he and Proteus would cross paths again, and certainly wouldn't expect them to remain friends. But despite their many years apart leading very different lives, they managed to fall in perfect sync with one another without missing a beat.
With the book safely returned, the kingdoms rejoiced. Proteus was insistent that Sinbad and his crew stayed for the celebration. He was reluctant at first, but he could never say no to that face. Or to free food. And if people wanted to praise him and stroke his ego all night, he might as well stick around.
He never intended to stay the night, but the hours flew by without notice. He was only a little pissed when he realized the crew had gone back to the ship without him. He couldn't really blame them, he hadn't exactly been paying them any attention and ignored their not so subtle hints that they were ready to turn in. So when Sinbad found himself alone as the party guests continued to dwindle, Proteus wandered over, Marina hanging on his arm.
"Looks like your crew left you out to dry," he teased, announcing their presence. Sinbad rolled his eyes fondly as he turned around to face them.
"Yeah, that's nothing new," he drawled, shuffling over. He was fairly tipsy- not drunk. Sinbad doesn't get drunk on fancy drinks like champagne, but he had a pleasantly warm buzz going on.
"You know, the great thing about living in a palace is that you always have a free guest room," Proteus said casually. He reached out and placed a gentle hand on his friend's shoulder. "Why not stay the night? I feel like I've barely seen you since you got back."
Sinbad chuckled, leaning into the touch and grabbed his other arm. "That's because you're right. For once, I was the bell of the ball. You couldn't get me alone even if you tried," he joked.
"And believe me, I tried," Proteus shot back. They fell into comfortable banter as he lead them through winding halls. It felt as though no time had passed since they'd run around in the streets, roughhousing and playing pretend.
Sinbad paused when he saw where he had lead them. "Uh Proteus, this is your room," he bluntly pointed out.
"I see no better place for a slumber party."
"Slumber party? What are we, twelve?" he asked, though he barged right in and proceeded to make himself at home.
"I just thought we could finally catch up properly," Proteus said, following him to the bed. Marina laid down on Sinbad's other side, trapping him in the middle.
They spent the first few hours together laughing and recounting exploits on the high seas and reminiscing on the days of their youth. After the third hour, Marina tapped into the hidden stash of booze in Proteus's quarters.
"A prince who hides liquor? A bit scandalous, don't you think?" Sinbad chuckled as he opened the bottle with his teeth and took a swig.
"Oh please, you of all people should know I'm not as straight edged as I appear," he sassed, snatching the bottle and taking a few gulps.
The three of them were tangled in each others limbs as they passed the bottle around, getting drunker and merrier as the night continued. And much to Sinbad's surprise, Marina was a very handsy drunk. Proteus was more gentle with lingering touches that just barely grazed his skin, but Marina was practically ravenous.
She kissed down his neck, one leg thrown over his waist and resting in her fiancé's lap as her hands roamed Sinbad's scarred torso, pressing into his side and raking over his ribs. His breath hitched and he flinched violently under his touch.
Marina recognized the reaction from the countless times she'd turned Proteus into a laughing, breathless mess. She smirked against his neck, curling her fingers against his waist and relished in the gasp she got in return.
Proteus caught Sinbad's gaze and flashed him a devilish grin. He glared at him from over Marina's shoulder and mouthed 'don't you dare.'
"Carefulthere darling, Sinbad's rather sensitive," he cooed, reaching over to squeeze his knee. He jerked his leg away, having to bite the inside of his cheek to prevent an embarrassing squeal from escaping. Marina's eyes lit up with excitement and mischief.
"Oh don't tell me the fearless Sinbad is ticklish," she purred, studying his expression carefully. Sinbad's brows shot up to meet his hairline and a faint blush dusted his cheeks before he could school his features.
"Pft, what? Me, ticklish? That's silly, of course I'm- noho!" His cool and collected dismissal immediately fell flat on his tongue as Proteus latched onto his hip and squeezed.
"Sorry, but there'll be no lying your way out of this one," he said as he brought his other hand around to grab ahold of his other hip. Sinbad bucked wildly under the touch, one hand immediately flying up to his mouth to conceal his laughter while the other grappled to shove prying hands away.
Marina watched with joy and admiration, giggling as the two men wrestled on the bed. Sinbad scrambled to get away, and he was almost successful, but Proteus grabbed his ankles and drug him back to face his demise. Sinbad held his arms out defensively, eyes glued to his friend's hands. He wore a nervous grin and flinched at the slightest movements, much to the others' amusement.
"As crazy as it sounds, he's actually quite ticklish, though he'd love for you to believe otherwise," he mused and motioned for Marina to join them.  She crawled over with a wicked smile like a lion stalking it's prey. Sinbad whined and squirmed in a feeble attempt at escape. She ran a soothing hand through his hair to calm him as she raised his arms, pinning them under her legs.
"I don't think it's all that crazy. I mean, just look at him. He was practically made to be wrecked," Marina cooed, cupping his face with one hand and squeezing his cheeks. He blushed and jerked away from her grasp.
"Excuse me? The hell does that mean?" he asked indignantly.
"Oh relax, it's a compliment."
"Yeah but I really don't like that tone."
"Oh please, you love it," she sassed.
"Almost as much as you love what's about to happen."
"Proteus!" Sinbad scolded, cheeks burning with embarrassment. 
"What? She'd catch on pretty quick anyways, it's not like you're very good at hiding it," he teased.
"...You don't know that," he said weakly, looking away with a pout.
"Oh but he does," Marina said, dragging her nails down his arms making him shudder. "Besides, I think it's adorable."
Sinbad snapped his head up to look at her. "News flash: pirates aren't supposed to be adorable!"
"Well you aaaare," she sang, fluttering her fingers  in his exposed pits. He clamped his mouth shut and grunted as he fought against the mirth building up inside his lungs. Proteus gave an amused huff.
"Don't tell me you're trying to pull that tough guy routine. You know it won't work," he pointed out. He leaned in to speak directly in his ear, hot breath ghosting over sensitive skin, sending goosebumps down his arms and legs. "Especially when I know exactly what makes you tick."
Sinbad wanted to give a smart ass retort- to say that he didn't know jack shit, but all coherent thought flew out the window when he felt clawed hands latch onto his knees.
He was in for a long night, and he wouldn't have it any other way.
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acridcandy · 1 year
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helloooo! i know i owe everyone everything and even still have things in my inbox to reply to ( sorry about that omg ) but i'm here anyway to make a plot call for aera's birthday event! she'll pretty much be on cloud nine the whole time due to all the attention and having yoojung as her date ♡ ; and she'll definitely be working the room because she's coming as a saint but changing into a sinner after midnight with a costume change ... because it's her party and she gets to be as dramatique as she wants! anyways, below the cut there's some ideas off the top of my head but please like this post if you would like to plot and i'll come to you! i'm happy to brainstorm and as always, please feel free to hit me up via disc as well, as it's always preferred over tumblr ims!
so she's making an attempt to not get too drunk ( tipsy at most ) or blasted because she wants to actually remember this event. but you bring party favors and she's trying to resist temptation but damn it's hard
while there's no vip section there is a vip list so that those she cares about don't have to wait in line to get in. you walk to the front thinking that you're on the list but end up being turned away. when aera is called to fix the "mistake" all she can say is an uninterested "wow, that's crazy..." ( hint: it wasn't a mistake )
all the fun of getting ready and whatnot! because you can expect aera's outfits to be extra and she'll probably need some help putting them on LOL but this can even extend to sometime prior, like coming up with ideas for outfits or shopping!
flirting with the wrong person and then proceeding to ignore them out of embarrassment after the masks come off and she realizes her mistake
oop or in that same vein, maybe they do know who each other are but the anonymity that comes with a mask gives a good excuse in case they get caught
sneaking away with someone for a just to get some reprieve for a bit, could end up looking like something different is going on
aera going to the one of private rooms for her outfit change prior to the midnight countdown and barging in to see something that she Was Not Supposed to See ( open to interpretation! )
you're someone that she's mad at / usually argues with and find it so odd that she's treating you so much better than she usually does, too bad that only lasts for tonight. maybe you use that for your advantage?
you're one of the very last people to leave the next morning and aera is tired and uncomfortable in her dress and wants to go home but you can't take a hint for some reason. or maybe you help her kick the stragglers out?
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stuckstucktrolls · 2 years
If it makes you uncomfy or it doesn't work out in character or gets in the way if other things you may have going on here ignore! I also am a little uncomfy with whump myself but that sprite was kinda 😳 👉👈 Wanted to do warren for this but it's ooc for him so here's jay who's a sadist for sure. Also a little funny/weird to me for some stranger to show up and smack teagan out of nowhere lol but I'm sure it's fineee —cargo
"Hey boy, new to liking pain huh? Anyone hurt you really bad yet? Like shoot you in the shoulder bad?"
He'll level his pistol and fire and then smack the guy in the face. Smirk.
"I have more where that came from if you want a little fun...."
He holsters the pistol, draws a knife, then slides the blade up Teagans shoulder, through the wound, to his neck, where he pushes the knife against his throat, only hard enough to draw a bead of blood
"Im good with pain, boy. For a price"
Jays like. A big fuckoff purpleblood. His tails flicking big time and he's got the >: } expression on
Teagan had gone for a drink (just one, not trying to get drunk at all, just wanting the excuse to start a fight), but while he'd been at the boozehive, no one had taken up on the offer to get a free punch in. So, getting bored once he'd finished his drink, he left.
Someone did end up following him outside though. A large purpleblood who had been in one of the darker corners of the bar.
It wasn't so much Teagan was new to enjoying a bit of pain, it was that it felt stronger lately, almost a craving.
Even so, it was pretty sudden going from the purpleblood approaching him to getting shot in the shoulder. He only had enough time for his eyes to go wide and grab a couple knives from inside his coat sleeves on instinct before he felt a line of hot pain through his shoulder, followed swiftly by getting pistol whipped.
Teagan stumbled back slightly, not so much from the pain as much from the sudden rush of pleasure running through him. His breath came out in a shaky hiss as he pressed himself against the wall behind him, the knife in his bionic hand secure but the natural one barely holding the weapon; It would be difficult to raise the arm at all but it wasn't completely useless.
The purpleblood switched to a knife himself, approaching, digging the blade into Teagan's flesh and getting a moan out of the smaller troll that didn't sound much like pain. Instead, his face was flushed and he was breathing heavily, presenting the side of his neck as he feels the pinpricks at his neck.
Despite all that, he glared up at Jay before laughing once and a little pleasured smile crossing his lips. He would try to focus. All things considered, he hadn't lost that much blood and the dizziness was more likely the blood going elsewhere.
"yeah? whaT.... whaT's The price Then?"
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liam-summers · 1 year
1 Hi! I'd like to thank you for all of the pretty B/A posts you've made lately:) I know I've been loving it all so much; it's all been great, and it's just so nice to see pro-content for them in their tag these days, largely because of you. But I was wondering if you take gif requests at all? (If this comes of as in any way rude. I'm so sorry. That wasn't my intention at all, and feel free to ignore this.) Because I actually have a few ideas for Bangel gifs that I don't think have been done yet?
2. For instance: a gifset comparing when Angel thinks Willow is Buffy and Willow then tells Oz about it--and Oz then says, "You too, huh?"--with when Angel gets drunk at the beginning of "City Of..." and thinks that one guy is Buffy. Basically, Angel being disoriented twice & thinking two different guys are Buffy. LOL. Again, if you don't want to do this at all, please don't! And I really hope I didn't come off as rude or anything. Have a wonderful day! And thanks for all you do for this ship!:)
Hello! Thank you so much for your kind message, it made me smile 😊
I’m so happy that you’re enjoying all the bangel posts! I’m feeling very inspired by them and I just think there needs to be more positive content out there for them, you know? I often see your posts in the tag too, and I always appreciate them so much, especially all the novels and comics stuff that you point out. So thank YOU for all that you do for this ship, as well 💞
As for gif requests, I’m totally open to do that! It doesn’t come off as rude at all…I would love to hear your ideas and help to put them into a visual for you (to the best of my ability haha). It might just take me a bit to get it done, but I’m very happy to do it. Feel free to message me whenever about any ideas you have!
That’s a hilarious idea LOL although Angel is only acting drunk in the second scene but it’s a similar vibe. Let me see if I can figure out how to gif it in a way that makes sense….unless you have specific instructions for me, in which case, please let me know!
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rebeccccccaaa · 3 years
ᴄᴀᴛ’s ɢᴏᴛ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴛᴏɴɢᴜᴇ?
ᴄᴀᴍ ʙᴏʏ/ʀᴏᴏᴍᴍᴀᴛᴇ! ʙᴜᴄᴋʏ ʙᴀʀɴᴇs x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀᴀᴜ
sᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: You have always been more modest not really ever having time to explore what could have been some sort of sensual alter ego and when Bucky finds out hes determined to bring the sex goddess in you out.
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs: slight fluff if you count flirty bucky, smut ofc (minors dni) [cam boy bucky (slight tipsy bucky and reader in the beginning); brief male masterbation (bucky has his door open during a session); fem!rec oral; hair pulling; spanking; real dirty talking; strong language, degradation; loss of virginity/ virgin reader but not innocent, touch starved reader, and overstim, overall pretty rough but aftercareeee]
ᴀᴜᴛʜᴏʀ’s ɴᴏᴛᴇs: sorry in advanced if you don’t like iced coffee lol
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“There’s no way; you’re such a fucking liar,” Bucky threw his head back with laughter.
“I knew I shouldn’t have fucking said anything,” you scoff, rolling your eyes before standing up with annoyance.
“No! Don’t go, come on. I didn’t mean it like that,” he chuckled.
“Yeah right,” you scoffed.
“Can I ask why?”
“I mean, honestly. I just never really had time. Although, I did avoid sweaty football players all of high school, but being in uni I just want to grind and grind, you know? Finish school and get my degree. I don’t really have much time going out and getting laid,” you explained.
“Shit, does my… ‘side job’ make you uncomfortable? I didn’t realize how you would feel about it being a vir-”
“Buck, I’m a virgin, not innocent,” you chuckled.
“Damn straight,” Bucky laughed.
“Let me help you,” he said, making you laugh out loud.
"With what?" you asked in disbelief.
"Let me take your virginity. 'S better than fucking some random drunkard in a one night stand, and let's face it, you're not getting a boyfriend anytime soon."
You couldn't help but keep laughing at what he was saying.
“What?” he asked, confused.
“You’re so full of shit, Barnes,” you snorted, too drunk to notice that Bucky wasn’t laughing.
“Offer stands whenever, pretty girl.”
That was four weeks ago.
Since then, you feel like the tension between you and your roommate was especially thick since your tipsy confession. You couldn’t tell whether the things Bucky would say now were intentionally inappropriate or you just had a dirty mind. He seemed to always be shirtless; always.
“Did all your shirts catch fire? No, they got stolen, huh?” you joked.
“Har, har. Don’t be such a prude, pretty girl.”
“I’m not a prude,” you mumbled; at least he had the muscles to flaunt.
One quiet Friday evening, you sat in your room working away at your desk. You had been at it for a couple hours and as much as you wanted to throw in the towel you were so close to finishing everything you needed to finish this weekend. You went to the kitchen to grab a snack, maybe make a coffee, before drilling for the last hour to get everything done.
“Hey, pretty girl,” Bucky said, standing with a glass of whiskey in hand. He always drinks before filming.
“Gettin’ ready for your… stuff?” you asked.
“What stuff?” he asked cheekily, making you roll your eyes.
“Yeah, I haven’t posted anything in a couple weeks and my subscribers are thirsty,” he told you.
“I can only imagine,” you joked.
“Well, baby, I’m in the next room if you wanna stop imagining,” he said flirtatiously
“Fuck off. I’m just here to get coffee,” you smirked, grabbing the things you’ll need from the fridge.
“Well, then I’ll leave you to it,” Bucky said, smacking your ass hard before leaving for his room; you scoffed rolling your eyes at his antics.
You turned around making the coffee itself mindlessly before you grew slight concern when you had yet to hear the door of Bucky’s bedroom to shut. He always kept his door shut whilst you wore headphones blasting music so you wouldn’t have to listen to his unnecessary moaning and cursing. You silently begged the machine to hurry it’s brewing as Bucky began talking and moaning to his audience.
You gritted your teeth hearing him so clearly. Your breathing quickened and you felt your cheeks heat up. You hated how you wondered if he really was as vocal in bed as he portrayed online. You hated the way your stomach flipped and the tingle between your thighs. You’ve never felt so aroused before, you didn’t know what to do.
“Fucking hell,” he groaned, and you swallowed the dry lum in your throat.
You don’t even know how long you stood in the kitchen listening to Bucky. You were incredibly aroused, wetness pooling between your thighs. Your hands gripped at the counter desperate to not let your knees buckle as he got closer to his release.
“God, fuck you James,” you mumbled to yourself.
You couldn’t take it the groans he practically was screaming from his room. You stomped your way to his room to yell at him to close the door. You were enraged but you don’t really know why. Bucky’s side job never bothered so much until now and truthfully he wasn’t really to blame for how turned on you felt hearing him.
“Can you close the goddamn door?” you yelled approaching his bedroom.
“I hate to interrupt but I can fucking hear you- in the… kitchen,” you trailed off.
Bucky sat on his bed completely nude. His cheeks were red and his forehead had a layer of sweat as did his very smooth and very toned chest. Your body completely froze. It’s not that you hadn’t seen a man naked before. You’ve watched porn during the more stressful and lonelier nights, but Bucky was beautiful.
“Care to join?” Bucky breathed with a stupid smile.
“Jesus,” you gasped.
“I ain’t forget about that offer, pretty girl,” Bucky stood, chuckling when you visibly trembled.
“Whatcha say? You ready to finally deflower?” Bucky walked closer to you with a devilish smirk plastered on his handsome face.
“I’m sorry-” you stumbled over your words.
Your stomach fluttered from nervousness and arousal, your skin bursted into chills despite how hot and sweaty you were beginning to feel. You kept your eyes trained to anywhere but Bucky’s assets.
"What's wrong, pretty girl? Cat's got your tongue?" he teased.
"James," you said sternly.
"Baby, I can make you feel so good. All you have to do is say the word," he whispered in your ear, making you shudder.
You know deep inside you that this wasn't a good idea in the long run. It sounds so tempting now but what would happen afterwards? What would happen to your friendship?
"Stop thinking so hard. Just let me make you feel good, please," he begged.
His hands caressed your sides and you couldn't resist squirming; he hasn't even touched you.
"I can tell you're starving. Itching to be touched by someone. Those lonely nights with a laptop and your fingers isn't enough. I can help you, pretty girl. Give you so much and more; give you nirvana. Just say the word," he spoke slowly, sensually; you were damn near shaking just from his words.
"Please," you whimpered.
"Please what?" he teased; Bucky was drunk off the power he had over you.
"Fuck me. Use me. Ruin me," you begged.
"As you wish."
Bucky grabbed the back of your neck smashing his lips to yours. He grinded his hips into you and you feel his hard on digging into you. Your fingers dug into the soft skin of his chest leaving small red marks and scratches littered.
Bucky moved his hand up behind your head, curling his fingers in your hair pulling harshly. his lips instantly attached to your neck biting and sucking to mark you, so you remember he was the one who made you feel euphoric in the coming days. He wants you to remember this night.
"Shit, that feels so good," you sighed.
"That's just the beginning, pretty girl. Get on the bed," he demanded.
You scurried to bed tearing your shirt and shorts off leaving you in your dark lacey undergarments.
"It's like you were ready for me to fuck you," he chuckled darkly.
He crawled up the bed to you like an animal hunting and taunting its prey. You couldn't help but nibble on your bottom lip, anxious for what was to come from Bucky.
His hands gripped your waist firmly pulling impossibly close to his body. He kissed you again and you swore you could stay like that forever. His lips felt so soft again yours, you melted against his body from pleasure.
His hands circled your back and pulled at the bra clasp before swiftly undoing it and letting free. You shrugged your shoulders to your ears allowing the straps of the bra fall gracefully down your upper arm before Bucky curled his finger over the front and tossed it aside to admire your chest.
Your shoulders subconsciously caved in, embarrassed to be so unclothed in front of someone for the first time. Again, you weren't innocent but anyone would still be nervous for their first time. Bucky smiled softly at your timidness; his hands rubbing your sides slowly and comforting to help ease your nerves a bit.
"You are so gorgeous, baby."
"Don't get sappy, Barnes," you joked; but in reality you don't need another reason to fall deeper for him. Not that you're falling to begin with.
"Yes ma'am," he grinned.
He flipped the both of you over so you laid on your back. His hands gently kneaded your breasts pulling moans from you with every squeeze. He leaned down, taking a nipple in his mouth, sucking and biting your perked buds, circling his tongue around. Your back arched into him and you think you can handle the pleasure but you find yourself involuntarily getting higher and higher. Moaning and gasping louder every time Bucky would bite down hard on your nipple. The last straw was when Bucky brought his fingers between your thighs and barely pressed against your aching clit that you fell suddenly over the edge crying Bucky's name.
"Did you just-"
"Fuck, I'm sorry! I don't know what happened. I- Everything just-"
Bucky cut you off with a deep kiss.
"Don't be sorry," he chuckled.
"It's really hot that I was able to make you cum by just playing with these beauties," he flicked your nipples and squeezed your breats making you tremble.
“Shit, too much,” you whined.
Bucky ignored you once again, dipping his head back down, flicking his tongue over your overly sensitive buds. The squeal you made made Bucky chuckle darkly but he didn’t want to torture you so his lips trailed slowly down the valley of your breasts to you belly and hip bones. His fingers curled over your panties dragging them slowly down your legs.
“Fucking hell, pretty girl. You’re dripping. You’ve just been aching for me to get my hands on you for a while, huh?” Bucky taunted.
“Please,” you whimpered.
“Absolutely gorgeous.”
Bucky’s hands rested against your knees pushing them as far as they could go before diving in you like a starved man. Truthfully, Bucky had dreamed of this moment since he met you for the first time moving in. As the days, weeks, and years went by, the urge to resist kissing and fucking you stupid was getting all to much. But now he finally has you under him, at his mercy and he was determined to pleasure as much as he could before getting his cock anywhere near you.
Bucky brought his fingers to circle your entrance, waiting until your legs were nearly shaking from the teasing. As he pushed his fingers past your folds, he brought his mouth down again kissing right above your clit. You gasped and sighed in pleasure as he pumped his fingers in and out of you heavenly.
“Shit, feels so good. So, so good,” you moaned.
Bucky’s tongue brushed over your clit and you couldn’t resist bucking your hips, pushing his fingers deeper inside you. Your back arched off the bed and your hands shot to his head tugging on his dark locks harshly. Bucky’s moans from your tugs vibrated against you and you knew you weren’t going to last any longer.
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum Bucky! Shit!” you shrieked.
“Come on, pretty girl. Be a good girl and come all over my fingers,” he said.
Seconds later, you reached your high, crying Bucky’s names again as if it was the only word you knew how to say. Your head practically dangled off the bed, scooting closer and closer to edge desperate to pull away from Bucky’s talented mouth.
“God, you’re beautiful when you fall apart like that,” Bucky mumbled against your heated skin.
Sweat lined your forehead and your chest, your hair was scattered across the sheets like a maniac, and your skin along your neck down to your inner thighs was littered with little bruises and bite marks from Bucky. You looked ethereal.
“One more. Can you give me one more?” Bucky asked softly.
“Fuck,” you whimpered.
“Such a good girl. I know you can, come on.”
Bucky gently flipped your body over, laying you on your stomach. He kissed down your spine, whispering sweet and kind things to you. You can’t even register what he’s saying because his godly erection is poking your ass and you're practically aching again to be railed by him.
“So eager for my cock, aren’t ya? Already being such a greedy little whore.”
“Please, Bucky,” you begged, wiggling your ass against his crotch.
“Don’t worry, baby. I’m gonna fuck you so good; gonna ruin you for anyone else,” he whispered in your ear before biting on your earlobe.
He stood tall on his knees behind you gripping your hips, roughly pulling them flush against his pelvis; you pushed yourself up on your hands. He grabbed his aching cock, the tip red and leaking with precum. Bucky doesn’t even know how he was able to last so long without cumming but he did and now all he wants to do is cum deep inside you.
“Ready, pretty girl?” he teased, rubbing your cheeks softly with his hands.
“Fuck me good, James,” you moaned.
Bucky lined his dick with your entrance slowly pushing the tip past your folds. The burning sensation caused you to hiss and tense around Bucky, who instantly stopped his movements.
“No, it’s ok; you’re just bigger than I was anticipating,” you fussed.
“It’s ok. If it’s too much you tell me to stop,” Bucky told you.
“No, don’t stop, please!” you whined.
“Don’t get greedy,” Bucky warned.
“Think you can handle all of me?”
“Fuck,” you muttered.
He pushed his hips further in you slowly, careful to not hurt you. His hands ran slowly up your body before curling his fingers through your hair and pulling your head up. Once he bottomed out, he rested for a minute until you were ready for him to move.
“Holy fucking hell, baby. Feel so good wrapped around my cock, shit,” Bucky groaned above you.
“I feel so- full.”
“‘S like you were made for me, pretty girl.”
Bucky’s hips began to move faster and faster pulling moans from you that was music to his ears. Bucky relished in your sex. He used every ounce of willpower in him to keep control but you felt so heavenly, so sublime. He couldn’t hold back any longer. You could tell that Bucky was holding back and you didn’t want him to. He pleasured you twice already, it was his turn to feel good and if letting go would do that for him you would let him.
“Come on, Bucky. Fuckin’ ruin me!”
“Don’t say shit like that,” he grunted, still thrusting his hips.
“I can take it, baby. Use me,” you told him.
Bucky’s hips stilled only for a second before you felt a sharp stinging on your right ass cheek.
“You want me to fuck you like a whore? Fine, I will,” Bucky growled before pulling out and flipping you over.
Bucky rammed his hips into you fast and rough. His hand went to wrap around your throat squeezing the sides and your eyes rolled back. Tears brimmed your eyes and you cried out over and over again. You felt used, corrupted, violated. You love it.
“Fuck, yes!”
“Shit, I’m gonna fucking come,” Bucky groaned.
Bucky released your throat before dipping his head in the crook of your neck. His groans and moans were muffled by your skin. Your hands wrapped around his neck and your legs too wrapped around his torso pulling his body flushed against yours. Your nails ran down Bucky’s back; he breathed in sharply through gritted teeth before moaning loudly in your ear from the pleasurable sting.
Chasing his release along with yours, Bucky’s thrusts became relentless. Animalistic. Feral, even. Everything felt overwhelming. It didn’t take much longer until you felt Bucky’s stuttering thrusts and the spurts of warm cum coating your velvety walls. Bucky completely relaxed on top of you, his breath heavily hitting your sweaty skin. You scratched his back softly coming down from your own high breathing equally as heavily.
“You feeling ok, pretty girl?” Bucky asked quietly.
“Yeah,” you whispered with a stupid grin on your face.
“You did amazing, you know?” Bucky kissed you softly; your stomach fluttering at the action.
“What now?” you couldn’t help but ask.
“Now, I’m going to take care of you,” Bucky said, hopping off you and the bed.
You laid there breathing slowly now. You didn’t have the energy to move at this point. Your inner thighs burned deliciously and the soreness began to be more apparent all over your body. Bucky came back with a warm towel and bottle of water from the kitchen. He cleaned you up with the towel and you could help the soft moans and whimpers that escaped from you. Once you were cleaned, Bucky helped you sit up and held the now open water bottle for you to hydrate yourself. You couldn’t shake the butterflies and chills you got from Bucky’s stare. He couldn’t take his eyes off you anymore; like you hung the moon and stars for him.
“What?” you asked shyly.
“Nothing,” he grinned.
“Come on. You’ve gotta go pee,” he said carrying you in his arms towards his bathroom.
“No, I just want to go to sleep already,” you whined, voice muffled in the crook of his neck.
Bucky sat on you on the toilet and waited for you to… do your business. You just sat there squirming, and shaking from the cold that hit your body.
“Come on. You have to,” Bucky explained.
“I know, but I can’t pee in front of you. I’m shy,” you mumbled.
“Seriously, I just fucked-”
“Bucky, please,” you cut him off.
“Oh alright. Come back to bed when you’re finished, pretty girl,” Bucky said before leaving you.
You couldn’t shake the smile off your face. He was being so caring and nice to you, it warmed your heart. You felt a bit of heartbreak however wondering if this was just a one time thing. You cleaned yourself again and washed your hands before snatching one of Bucky's t-shirts that laid on the floor. When you came out Bucky was fiddling with his camera that was still set-up and your heart dropped.
Had he recorded the whole thing?
“I was gonna delete all the footage, but in all honesty you look so fucking sexy. Might keep it for myself,” he said winking.
“You recorded the whole thing without telling me?” you asked, tearing up.
“I didn’t mean to. I’m not gonna post it anywhere. You sorta screamed my name a few times so footage ain’t good anyway,” he said, making you scoff and roll your eyes.
“Hey, hey. I’m kidding. I’ll delete all of it, I promise,” he cupped your face.
“Come here; I gotta do one more thing for you,” he said, laying you down on the bed once again.
“What are you doing?” Bucky grabbed another towel and some scented lotion placing it on his bedside table.
“I’m gonna give you a massage. You’ll be less sore tomorrow morning. I’ll admit I was a bit rough,” he said, kissing your belly as he lifted his shirt off your body.
“You do this to all the girls you sleep with?” you teased, not really wanting an answer but you’ll play a part if it keeps from being humiliated because of feelings.
“Only the pretty girls,” he says, fully referencing his nickname he gave you a while ago.
“And how many pretty girls might you have?”
“There’s only one,” he whispered; his hands massaging along your back slowly, sensually.
“She must be really lucky,” you whispered too, afraid of speaking too loud.
“If anything, I’d say I’m the lucky one.”
“You think?”
“Yeah, she’s… she’s perfect. Beautiful. Smart. I could go on about her.”
“She sounds like a prude,” you joked.
“She was,” he chuckled.
“But trust me, now she’s a real feisty and sexy woman,” Bucky said before biting down hard on one of your ass cheeks.
“Ow! Bucky!” you squealed, making Bucky laugh.
Bucky tossed the towel away and placed the lotion back on the bedside table before grabbing the blankets and crawling under them with you. He held you close, entangling his legs with yours, wrapping his arms around you tightly.
“You mean all that?” you asked barely audibly.
“Yeah. I do, pretty girl.”
“You don’t have to delete the video,” you smirked, making Bucky laugh out loud.
He kissed your forehead snuggling closer to you, letting peaceful sleep envelop you both.
ᴛᴀɢʟɪsᴛ: (For all my work)
Bucky Barnes Taglist:
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thefloorisbalaclava · 3 years
omg hi. so i’ve been going through your masterlist and i love your writing so much! i’ve just read the frankie funny sex headcanon and it was so cute. i was wondering if maybe we could get something like that for din? 👀 i tried to look and see if your requests were open but i couldn’t see anything, so feel free to ignore me haha <3
I'd love to! (And sorry about this taking forever and a day lol). I'm doing this in headcanon form, I hope that's okay 🙂
Imagining Din being able to let go and be comfortable enough to have some fumbly, goofy sex with someone is making me smile!
Warnings: only slightly NSFW!
Din has been in a better mood lately and it's made you so happy.
You're putting Grogu to sleep when you hear him clambering back into the room. You quickly put the child to bed and close the door to his room before finding Din sitting on the bed in your room.
Once he sees you, he takes his helmet off and grins. His eyes have a sort of glossy look to them and his face is flushed--he's drunk. He stands to take off the rest of his armor and nearly falls over a few times so you help him.
You can't help but laugh because you've never seen him this way.
You turn away for two seconds and he's falling over. He ends up on top of you on the bed, crushing you slightly. You cough out a laugh.
"Had a bit too much?" You ask, trying to roll him off of you but he's anchored himself to you.
"Hm?" He looks down at you and kisses you.
"Let's get you to bed," you say.
"I am. We are," he says with a knowing grin.
"Din Djarin...no..." You laugh as he blinks innocently.
"Please?" He finally pushes himself off of you and fumbles with the rest of his clothes.
"You can hardly stand," you point out, giggling as you stand only to have him back you against the wall and cage you in.
Now he's completely naked and you're trying your best not to look down with him so close to you.
"You're naked," you say breathlessly.
"I am." He touches your face gently and you lean into his touch. "My pretty girl."
"Are you trying to seduce me?" you tease.
He smiles. "Is it working?" You nod and he kisses you hard, your teeth knocking together.
"Ow!" you say in unison before laughing together.
He leads you to the bed and lays you down and makes quick work of your pants. He drops to his knees in front of you and whispers out another "ow". You giggle as he pulls you to the end of the bed and bites your inner thigh.
Even drunk he devours you like a man starved. You accidentally squeeze his head between your legs and when you let go he chuckles.
"Sorry!" you squeal as he crawls onto the bed and between your legs. He kisses you, accepting your apology. "You should let me be on top," you suggest.
He rolls you on top and you nearly topple over. He slips his hands under your shirt as you lower yourself onto him.
Its sweet and silly. You ride him slow and he sits up to kiss you just as you lean in to kiss him and your heads knock together.
Din hisses in pain and you put a hand to your head. You both laugh even harder.
He lays you both down on your sides and makes love to you that way. "Trying to prevent any other injuries," he jokes.
Your leg is draped over his and he takes hold of your thigh as he pumps into you. You smile and kiss him softly, looking into his deep brown eyes as he makes love to you.
"Pretty girl," he whispers.
"Drunk boy," you tease and you both laugh. He seems a little more sober now, you notice.
After making love, he falls asleep almost immediately. So you stay that way, tangled up with one another, his head tucked under your chin, quiet snores escaping every now and then.
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katsukikitten · 4 years
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I present to you overworked. A comfort one shot I made hella quick for @mindninjax myself and anyone else who needs some bakugou comfort today. Please enjoy and let Bakugou be here for you if no one else can. 😊
Header by me!
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Your phone softly vibrates on your desk as your eyes burn from staring at a screen filled with information that is familiar, information that you should know but just cannot retain. 
Or focus. 
So your phone is a happy distraction as you reach for it, only to be slightly annoyed by to a message from your hot headed friend. 
Grumpyasshole: Oi, haven't heard from you in that stupid ass group chat all week. Dunce face and shitty hair wanna know what's pissed in your cheerios 
Tongue in your cheek you debate on replying. You had ignored a slew of messages from your friends, in the group chat and even your dms sat smiling faces trapped in their little bubbles but you had always turned your phone face down. Too caught up in stress to be able to fulfill any social quota but your friends must have been desperate to convince the token grump of the group to message you. Privately at that. 
In a matter of seconds your thumbs slide across the virtual keyboard, knowing you could be honest with Bakugou, that the Pro hero could handle any sort of emotional load with ease. 
You thought it most likely because he did not care in the first place to store the baggage, at least not anywhere for long. 
You: Just feeling really run down from work. I think I'm over my head but probably too prideful to admit. Lol. Please tell everyone I'm sorry, that I'm just busy and I'll be back on my bullshit hopefully by Friday. 
Before you can even set your phone down you see that Bakugou leaves you on read. Your snort softly as you shake your head, tossing your phone aside for work. 
"Typical." You mutter to yourself. Reaching for your iced coffee only to find it empty. You debate if you should take a trip to get more. On one hand the air, despite the rain would do you good, you're sure your deskmate would gladly take a coffee. On the other, everyone in the office would stuff your hands with bills and credit cards begging you'd bring them some of that sweet nectar back. No one would care that you wouldn't haven't a hand for your umbrella and your hair would get totally fucked. 
So you decide to suffer in silence, as you always do. 
Hours slip through your fingers before your eyes glance at the small clock on the bottom right hand side of your computer. Steadily counting the minutes in the small banner. You sigh. Bringing your head down between your arms as your fingers lightly fist your hair at your nape. You felt as if you accomplished nothing, what with how much was left. 
At least your desk was clean and your shirt was cute, a good view for a few spine numbing minutes. You think you smell caramel wafting through the air, a part of you annoyed that your desk mate would venture the rain for her normal caramel latte without offering 
This is how Bakugou finds you when he approaches your desk, a sneer settled on his handsome features. Dirt and sweat clinging to his skin and the dark fabric of his hero suit. He crosses his arms, long gone are the obnoxious grenade gauntlets as his chest puffs. 
People in the office are staring at the blonde, his jagged domino mask making his garnet eyes that much more intense. Tension rises in the air as you're so oblivious, still collecting yourself silently praying that when you look back up the clock would read closer to five. 
"Oi." His voice is a deep rumble, not belonging in the office. No it belonged in the living room of your crazy packed house to one of your many roommates. It belonged at a bar, nagging that it's time to go when you were too drunk to fend off any prying hands, pestering you about your feet as he dragged you home. This voice belonged in the kitchen fussing at Denki for the stupid memes he puts in the group chat when all of you were 'right fucking here'. 
This voice did not belong in the office and so a part of you thinks you're seriously losing your shit before you glance up at the clock. Time moved like a sloth for you since the last you looked only ten minutes had passed. Kronos laughing at your plea of having time continue to move as light speed only to seemingly stop. 
"OI! Is yer head so far up yer ass ya can't fuckin hear me now, Princess?" Wait, who was using that nickname? 
That nickname thrust upon you by that grumpy asshole roommate once he saw how "high maintenance" you were when clearly you just cared about yourself for yourself. He did it as a jest but it made your whole body heat and go rigid every damn time. 
And he took notice in it. 
Delight even. 
And took notice in the way you hadn't been putting in much effort for yourself. Not taking the time for your hair, or your skincare routine that you forced on the whole house. Everyone dewy in their own right. How you look disheveled and bewildered now as you turned to face him. 
Large eyes going doe like, mouth forming in the smallest O that had him shifting his weight from one foot to the other because of his darker, lingering thoughts. 
How would you sound when he was buried…
He cuts the thought off with a pop of his skin, pulling you to your feet from your desk. 
"What are you doing?" Your voice cracks from shock, worry and a bit of venom leaks through but you make no effort to break free. 
"Wrap this shit up. I told yer boss I need your dumb ass for something." 
"Like what? I-" Bakugou cuts you off by leaning in close, eyes dark as he presses his lips to the shell of your ear. 
"You need a fucking day off. So I told your boss to fuck off and that you're coming home with me." His tone absolute. So you save your last bit of work, clock out before Bakugou passes you your jacket. He glares into the glass of your manager's office and you notice him crumble beneath that infamous burning gaze. 
Part of you wonders what Bakugou had really said, wonders if you'd still had a job. 
The two of you stand under the awning of your office building. The rain coming down in sheets, thick enough it almost blurs the cityscape.  Bakugou sighs, tension leaving his body as he tilts his neck. It cracks from the effort. 
"So what...what are we gonna do?" 
"I'm going to take your stupid ass home. Force you to shower while I order take out, then I'm going to set your overworked ass on the couch and we are going to watch that fucking movie you never shut up about. Got it Princess?" He fixes you a glare and is extra careful to drag out your nickname ever so slightly as he leans towards you. Your faces are close together, your heart in your throat as you try to push down these stupid, fleeting feelings you've had for the hot head since the six of you moved into that almost run down house. 
But you never could shake them. 
You senses fill with spiced caramel, easing the tension of your shoulders. 
"G-got it." 
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endthisfool · 3 years
Hello! Sorry if this is a bit odd but I found myself rereading once again your story Benign Corruption after the Transformers mood has struck again and I really do love it years later. The whole concept still really peeks my interest and I'm curious if you had notes on maybe specific scenes you had planned out or just concepts, would love to see em. Love the story and I hope you're doing well this year!
Oh thank you! What a sweet message- I haven’t written anything in a long time unfortunately but yes when I was writing Benign Corruption I had tons of notes! Your message actually made me start to look over them again lol. My notes seem to be pretty messy but here’s something I wrote on how the characters would interact with Orisa (Mainly Soundwave):
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A draft for the start of a chapter titled COMPROMISED:
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And this is probably the first scene I actually wrote for the fic, it’s actually supposed to be a lot further in so it hasn’t been seen yet- enjoy!:
Large metal fingers curl around her right arm, encasing it in a cold growing pressure and then pull.
She’s not expecting it.
There’s a loud grating of metal. Near guttural in its intensity.
She’s never heard anything quite like it, and it takes a moment for her to register that it’s originating from her.
Wires spark and sputter as if surprised to be exposed to open air, connection inputs severed from their sockets hiss, pain receptors flare wildly in protest.
The fusion driver is roughly torn from its primary port before she can engage any of its disconnection protocols. But the weapon’s main stabilization strut holds fast, still locked in place deep within the remnants of her arm.
Another sharp twist and pull.
Like anything Efi builds it performs its function perfectly, its grip on its link is relentless as the gleeful fingers marring dents into her metal. Something must give. So in face of the mounting pressure upon it, the strut acts like a vice on the innards of the limb, rending them out instead of releasing the link.
Something spills from the mangled connection, bubbling up thickly between simmering circuits.
A sharp invent of air follows, an imitation of a human gasping in pain. Numbing shock sends the omnic stumbling back automatically, the last of her fusion driver’s connectors straining uselessly before they too snap against the pull, finally freeing the weapon from her frame.
Vision alight in red, HUD swimming with unfamiliar errors vying for her attention, an alarm frizzing from her speakers, it’s all easily ignored by the unfamiliar heat of pain searing her systems. It lances through the remaining stump of her weeping limb, shorting out her ability to focus on the mech regarding her fusion driver in his hands.
Her body had never betrayed her like this, it hurts. Why would her creator allow her to feel such awful things? The question rises vapidity to the forefront of her mind, with it a spark of anger toward her creator, toward Efi. It brings about a hitch and stutter of her systems. Her tanks churn uncomfortably and she feels the overwhelming desire to cry despite being incapable of it. She wants to go home, to be safe and whole again, to wake up in the comfort of her family, she wants her creator, she wants-
But there’s no response.
Those cruel fingers are grasping at her again, drunk on power, they yank her by her horns like she’s a feral beast.
She’s plunged into darkness as her optics offline, her systems fumbling it their attempts to figure out what was priority amidst the horrific new sensations. Spitting static her vocalizer reminds her of its existence as she’s wrenched about much too roughly. Something in her neck gives a loud pop, and suddenly it’s a lot more quiet than before, revealing a layer of sound she couldn’t hear over her own cries of pain.
An argument.
“What have you done!?” New hands ghost over her frame fretfully, she flinches back.
“Oh dear Ratchet, what makes you think I didn’t find it like this?” The condescending voice of her assailant fills the air with a carefully constructed tone of admonishment. “You Autobots did leave it in the servos of the Decepticons for...five days?”
There’s a long pause, she can just barely feel the sensation of a hand resting on her remaining arm.
“....three weeks.”
“I’m sorry, I couldn’t quite hear what you said, Doctor.”
“I said three weeks.”
“Oh Doctor that long? I guess it isn’t that important to you after all.” There’s a gleeful lilt to the cold words, and the hand on her arm twitches. “I’m sure it was treated very well by the Decepticons while you wondered if it deserved to get rescued or not. In fact, I think Soundwave deals with drones like this one, guess it didn’t meet his standards.”
The other voice, the Doctor, remains silent.
“So quick to blame me,” The voice lowers itself into a sneer. “This is your fault, Ratchet.”
Though it’s been a long time since I saw that from what I remember Orisa had been living with the decepticons for about a month- Starscream had gone rouge awhile ago and the Autobots were trying to “rescue” Orisa who they assumed was a youngling taken by the cons. Getting kinda desperate they made a deal with Starscream to enlist his help in getting her and well when he did get his hands on her he wasn’t exactly kind about it. Then he blames the damage he did on the cons, particularly Soundwave.
The notes after just say:
In the medbay Dreadwing expresses his failure to SW who is stiff, out of the corner of his optic he catches Megatron watching his TIC too. SW leaves, appearing to return to his duties.
This follows the COMPROMISED chapter Im probably gonna run out of pics I can post:
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