#i'm going to cry i'm going to listen to this and just start fucking sobbing
mymarifae · 1 year
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i hope everyone's prepared for me to become the most annoying person ever in 13 more hours
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noxtivagus · 1 year
ffxiv w the ffiv references please take my heart my everything is yours
#tag later#FF4!!!!!!! THE MUSIC THE TWO MOONS#the two moons.. sob.. ill cry#what if. theme of love has an ffxiv version is that too much hopium 🥹#i love you final fantasy xiv you are my favorite distraction my favorite escape my everything#i'm bout to make ffxiv my entire personality JUST YOU WATCH#i'm actually gna go insane it's probably a Bit (perhaps that is an understatement) unhealthy using ffxiv as a distraction like this#every time the night comes i fight the urge to do the same thing i did nights before but uh we don't talk about that <33#i shouldn't have wrote about that fuck#i was doing well just a moment ago but that specific memory just#nooooooooo i'm fine i'm fine i'm watching (listening) to the live stream rn <3#i do not understand jpn but i am multitasking sm rn i'll just look at translations later uh#i just started laughing at this one tweet i saw from my favorite feral zero liker on the tl#top.. 💀 I HAVE MY LAUGHS ON A VOICE RECORDING IM GNA LAUGH SM WHEN I REWATCH THAT#ARGHDLFKAJFLKSDJ FERAL FOR ZERO I LOVE YOU ZERO PLEASE TAKE EVERYTHING FROM ME ZERO????#YOU ARE EVERYTHING TO ME ZERO MY ONE N ONLY IM#OKAY.#NO.#im so sorry when i find my mind drifting a bit from fiction like idk ffxiv or wtvr i find that i'm srs in a constant battle with my mind#BUT AS LONG AS I DON'T DO THAT AGAIN..#NO THIS IS A CYCLE 😭 that damned memory at least the. Thing on my hand i will not say the word#at least it's healing but i still haven't thrown the.. the yeah away n i'm afraid of what i might do if#i was. gna do it again last night but reading old stuff comforted me but then when tomorrow comes i find my mind torn once more n#i'm rambling T_T but i'm fine i think i'm just a mess right now i will just hold unto ffxiv.
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erwinsvow · 2 months
rafe topper and kelce being protective of you at a party !!
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"wan' some?" the boy next to you offers you the little mirror with white lines, his eyes big and bloodshot. you don't recognize him, you just took a seat on the nearest surface since your feet hurt from dancing.
"i've never done it. what's it like?" you cock your head, interested in the answer. rafe is particularly strict about coke—you're not allowed anywhere near the stuff. it's a stupid double standard since topper and kelce get high with him all the time, and you're stuck driving their asses home.
you glance around, making sure the boys aren't nearby. you aren't really a troublemaker but you've always been able to hold your own with them. especially rafe, since the two of you rarely agree on anything—where to go for lunch, what music to play in the car, which kind of beer to buy.
coke is the one thing he's stern about, and you don't really like testing him about it either, since he's so much more pleasant when you listen. you like to tease him but he thought you were smart enough not to mess with the only rule he'd given you.
"once you start you won't be able to stop," the boy replies, passing the plate onto your lap. the whole thing feels a little grimy, the way he's touching your legs, how high he looks.
"yeah, i think i'm gonna pass.” you try to slide it back, when he grabs your wrist.
"no, try some."
"no, i'm good-" you try to get up, the mirror clanging to the ground, white powder hitting the floor.
"you bitch-" you turn and try to get away, trying to get your wrist free of his grip, when he holds on tighter.
"what the fuck is this?" you hear the boom of kelce's voice, coming over and pushing the boy aside.
"are you deaf, man? she said no, don't keep fucking asking, you creep-" you hear topper defend you.
oddly enough, you hadn't expected it. the boys are nice, and they're your best friends, but you thought you were almost just another one of the boys, didn't think they'd care enough like this.
"you okay?" kelce asks, while the boy scrambles on the floor. your eyes are wet, you're not sure when you started crying. "rafe, over here."
"no, don't tell him-"
"don't tell me what?" rafe asks, taking in the boy darting away, the broken glass and spilled drugs on the floor. he picks up your red marked wrist. "hey, hey."
you turn to face rafe, tears spilling down your cheeks. you feel even more embarrassed infront of him.
"you okay?" he asks, leaning in close. you nod, trying to speak but it comes out in a wrangled sob. "hey, s'okay, you're fine now." he brings you into a hug, and you cry softly against his chest for a few minutes.
you think you're incredibly thankful for your friends.
rafe thinks he's never letting you out of his eye sight again at a party.
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k0juki · 17 days
Pls PLS hcs of reader and joost being parents!! Thank youu
Dad!Joost Klein hc.
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English is not my first language, so feel free to point out any mistakes or errors! More posts here.
A/n: Girl dad!Joost just make my brain go brbrbr
Wc: 700
• I imagine it like you guys were together long before you got pregnant.
• The whole pregnancy would be so stressful for both of you, but I think mostly for Joost.
• Like imagine him when you told him that special moment. (Short Imagine ahead)
You stood in the bathroom, holding that pregnancy test, where two straight lines shined. You were pregnant. Fuck.
"Y/n? Are you alright?" Joost asked from the other side of the door. Nervousness evident in his voice. What took you so long? Were you hurt? "Open the door."
"I-i'm" you took a deep breath, claiming yourself. "I'm alright Joost." You answered him and put down the positive test.
You looked at yourself in the mirror for the last time and opened the door, seeing Joost leaning against the frame of the door.
"Hey, are you alright?" What are you going to tell him? 'hey Joost, I'm pregnant and not scared as hell' no, definitely not this, but you have to tell him something.
You opened your mouth just to close it again. You didn't think of anything. You had to tell him. Now or never.
"I-I think I'm pregnant.." you said and waited for his response, for him to say something. But he was looking at you like, you just grew a second head.
"Y-you're...pregnant?" He asked, surprise evident in his voice. "W-we're having a baby?"
You just nodded your head. You couldn't think of any words right now and you felt tears in your eyes. Maybe because you didn't tried for a baby or maybe it was just hormones.
And then, Joost took you in his arms, a happy smile on his face and his laughter filled the space around you.
"You aren't mad?" You asked, feeling lost.
"Mad? Why should I be mad? This is amazing! We're having a baby!" He laughed and spinned you around.
• He definitely made you listen to his music while you were pregnant. Not that you minded.
• Later you discovered that you were having a little girl. Ashley, but you called her Ash.
• "A badass name for a badass girl, no?"
• Also there would be some sleepless nights, at first when Ash is a little baby and starts crying at night.
• He would be up the second he heard her soft sobbing.
• "Hey there..." Joost whispered as he took her in his arms. "It's alright baby, I'm right here."
• Sometimes he would take her to your and Joost bed, and let her sleep here, in his arms.
• And her first words would be daddy. Joost would be literally jumping around with Ash in his arms tearing up.
• You and Joost would be teaching her to talk both Dutch and English, and other language if your is not English. (Like me)
• Missing you and Ash as he is on tour, so you would be face calling every day and night before she goes to sleep.
• Telling her every story, about places he was in, and what people he met.
• As she grew older, let's just say about four, Joost would love to take Ash on outdoor adventures, teaching her about nature and the world around her.
• A small hiking trips with Ash on Joost's shoulders.
• And mostly teaching her about music. His music. (Not every song okay?) He would DEFINITELY teach her how to dance and sing with her too.
• Also Joost would be playing princess with her, simply because she told him to, and what kind of father would he be if he rejected her wish.
• "No daddy, Mr. Pinky likes his tea with lemon, not sugar." Mr. Pinky is her favorite pink unicorn.
• "Alright, alright, my apologies."
• Calling Ashley his little bug. (He just gave me this kind of vibe.)
• "Daddy I'm not a bug!" Ashley whined.
• And he would write some songs about her. For her, and how much he loves her.
• Maybe he will try to talk you into taking her on tour. "Come on love, it's just for two months."
• And let's just say you said no. End of the discussion…
Don't copy or translate my work! Also the picture is not mine! Credit goes to owner!
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darkbluekies · 1 month
I have a request: insecure s/o is feeling down about their appearance, chubbyness and overthinking too much. Yandere preferable Silas/Dr. Kry is trying their best to comfort them ( 〃▽〃)
Silas & Dr Kry drabbles: darling feeling insecure about their appearance
Yandere!mafia x reader x yandere!doctor
Warnings: talking about weight, insecurity about appearance
A/N: I tried my best to not go into it too much because I know that it can be sensitive. I've tried to focus more on the comfort part<3
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He opens the door too quickly. You flinch and try to hurry to wipe your tears. Wasn't he supposed to be out on a mission?
"I forgot my fucking keys-", he starts, but cuts himself off. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing", you whisper with your head turned away, hoping that he won't see your tear stained cheeks.
"Don't 'nothing' me, sweetheart. I fucking know when something's up."
He walks over to you and crouch down next to you on the floor. You flinch in fear and try to twist your head away, but he grabs it in his rough hand.
"Why are you crying, baby?" he asks , wiping your cheek with his thumb. "Tell me."
"I don't look good", you whisper in shame. You've been drowning yourself in the thoughts for so long that saying them out loud makes you embarrased. Escpecially when Silas looks at you with that look in his eyes — mezmerized by you.
He can't believe what you're saying, has to have a doubletake. "What?"
"... I don't look good."
"What the fuck are you talking about?"
He rises to his feet and pulls you up on your feet, forcing you in front of the mirror.
"Do you see this?" he asks, gesturing with his hand towards you. "What about this does not look good?"
"My- ... my ... everything."
His jaw drops. "You've lost it. Little thing, you're absolutely magical? I can't even believe that you are real sometimes, and you dare think like this? I don't ever want to hear you talk shit again, not about my husband/wife, do you hear that?"
New tears blur your vision. You try to hold in the sob, but it aches throughout you. Silas turns you around and hugs you tightly as you cry against his collar bone.
"You're absolutely perfect", he tells you and strokes your back. "I don't want anything else than what I'm holding in my arms right now, do you understand that? I don't ever want you to think these idiotic thoughts again. I love you so much, for fuck sake. Oh, it hurts me to see you so upset. Baby ... you know what, I'll stay home tonight, my second in command will have to take my place. I can't let you be alone when you're mean to yourself. I will make sure that you know about how perfect you are until you believe me ... I don't care if that takes a week straight."
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Dr Kry
"Doctor?" you ask quietly.
"Yes?" he asks and looks up from his check up list.
"Can we not ... check the weight today?"
He frowns. "Why?"
You squirm and avoid eye contact. Dr Kry sighs and puts down the paper on his desk.
"Have you been thinking things you shouldn't while I haven't been in your room?" he asks suspiciously. "In that case I want you to tell me now so that I can fix it."
"I don't like myself", you mumble and tug at your hospital gown. "How can I feel good when I look like this?"
"That's what it's about. I see." He takes your hands in his. "Y/N, look at me."
You glance up at his blue eyes through tears.
"Listen to me when i tell you this", he starts and wipes your tears, "you are perfectly good right where you are, okay? If the hospital gown makes you feel worse I will get you some pajamas or sweatset, okay?"
"It's not just that. My body ..."
"Oh, stop it. There's nothing wrong about your weight, Y/N. Nothing at all. Nothing wrong about you at all ... well, besides the reason why you are in the hospital. But nothing wrong about you aestethically. Personally, I think you are very attractive."
You blink in disbelief. "What? No."
Dr Kry smiles halfly. "Yes, I do. Listen, I don't want you thinking such nonsense about yourself, okay? And if you ever do, I want you to tell me so that I can reassure you of how good you are. You have nothing to worry about, this is all in your head, okay? Say it with me. 'It's all in my head'."
"It's all in my head ..."
"Good job."
To your surprise, he hugs you. The doctor who hates physical contact, actually hugs you.
"I know that the hours in here can become long and repetitive, but you mustn't let it affect how you think about yourself, okay? I think that you are absolutely perfect the way you are. You don't have to change anything."
He squeezes you tighter, persistent that he will make you see yourself the way he sees you — absolutely magnificent.
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ghouljams · 3 months
Fae using magic to make their partners bodies adapt when mating is so hot!!! 😩 The thought that it would break them if it wasn't for Fae manipulating their anatomy... screaming crying throwing up
The monster fuckers can come get their juice now, I'm doing monster fucking, size queen, shit.
It should hurt, it should split you open until you scream and sob, but when König pushes his monstrous cock into you it's slick and pulsing. You can't take your eyes off of it, your breath hitching in your chest as he pushes and pushes it into your tight cunt. It must be magic that keeps you from ripping, must be magic that let's your pussy hug his cock like a vice as he eases each inch into you. Not even halfway through and you can tell his cock is starting to bulge out your stomach, you clench around him and a monstrous growl echoes through the forest. He stretches you past what you ever thought possible, squeezes against every soft spot within you, and lets you feel every delicious inch of him. You can feel every vein, the ridge of his bulbous head where it butts against your cervix. Fuck, he's already hit the end, there's no more space for him.
König grinds against you, stirring you with his fat cock and making heat sizzle up your spine. You whine, eyes fixed between your legs at the monster settled inside you, the length left to go. König gives a testing thrust and something in you shifts. You jerk, arch your back with a breathless gasp as your body adjusts for him, forces itself to make room for the cock bigger than your arm. It's like nothing you've ever felt before. You stare, unseeing, at the forest your body wrapping around König like it was made for him as he slides every fat inch into your cunt. Your eyes roll back, you can feel him nudge your ribs, can feel him stretching your shirt and pushing against the already sliced waistband of your pants, god...
His drool drips onto the forest floor, mushrooms sprouting from the decaying leaves where it pools. You can hear the low growl vibrating through his chest, can feel the creak of the claws holding you up, the spread of them, the way his pinky presses against the head of his cock. You look down and whimper at the absolutely destruction that must be coursing through your body, the huge cock magically forced inside of you. You can't bring a single thought to your head, can only do your best to swallow down the greedy drool that fills your mouth, and listen to the wind whispering at the presence of a king. You may as well be a fleshlight in his hands. You can't feel your legs.
König moves you up and down his cock, using you to pleasure himself. You watch the motion of it greedily, fascinated, you must be dead ten times over to be letting this happen. But it doesn't hurt, there's just the warm aching drag of his thick cock against your insides. Each gummy inch of your cunt tries to keep him inside, clenching when he bumps your sensitive spots, making tight heat pool in your stomach. It's such a heavy pressure, unyielding, and deadly the way it shocks pleasure up your spine with each inch of movement. You come on his cock without meaning too, the orgasm too deep and wanting for you to anticipate, it breaks through you and König whines at the squeeze of your walls around him.
"Meine Königin," he rumbles, the very air, the click of his claws and teeth, the rustle of his fur and spines, seem to speak for him, "if you don't relax it's going to hurt."
You take a shaking breath and tip your head back to look up at the monster over you. His eyes are red, his teeth like tombstones. You stick your tongue out for him, your lips parted and your eyes bleary with barely contained tears. He smiles, and dips down to shove his tongue down your throat, the appendage wiggling inhumanly to stretch your poor throat the way his cock has stretched your pussy. He only pulls away when your lungs are starting to burn and your vision is starting to darken at the edges. You suck in a breath as he pulls you up the length of his cock and shoves you back down. The burn of it rips through you, and you scream for the whole forest to hear.
"Little masochist," König chastises, "of course you'd want it to hurt."
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mypoisonedvine · 10 months
a thought i have after rewatching red eye: jack abducting you because you're the daughter of an important politician. as a way to show your father that you aren't safe, and to enjoy himself, he films himself forcing you to cum over and over again until you're just a whimpering mess.
oh you sick twisted little genius
warnings: kidnapping, ransom/bribery, forced orgasms/overstimulation, humiliation, bondage
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"Please, just tell me she's alright," the man begged through the cracked and muffled audio of the phone call. "Tell me she's alive."
"Of course she's alive," Jackson promised, glancing over at you with a grin, "she's better than ever."
He almost got distracted by the sight of you, tied to the bed with the vibrator pressed against your clit. You'd been there for the better part of an hour, and you hadn't stopped shaking the whole time, screaming and sobbing into your gag-- but the puddle under you on the sheet spoke for itself. "C-can I talk to her?" your father asked.
"Oh, I don't think she wants to talk to you right now," Jackson purred, "she's... a little tied up at the moment. You can talk to her yourself once you do what I've asked."
"But I--"
He rolled his eyes and tossed the phone away, approaching the bedside slowly. He watched you for a moment, tears streaming from your eyes as you convulsed uncontrollably. "Ready to behave, sweetheart?" he asked, but you weren't able to respond anyways. He reached down and switched the vibe off, watching the way you stilled and started to catch your breath-- though he still caught you shivering with aftershocks for a moment as he sat down between your legs on the bed.
He bit his lip as he moved the vibrator away and set it aside, getting a good look at your soaked little pussy-- he couldn't help but reach and pull your lips apart and get a better look at that pretty hole, so desperate to be filled.
"I think we've finally fixed your attitude problem," Jackson noticed with a grin as you just laid there limply, letting him touch you. "And I bet you're extra sensitive now, right?"
He just lightly touched your clit, watching your whole body jump in response as your eyes went wide open. You groaned against the gag but he couldn't make out any words.
"Shh, it's alright, I'll leave that alone for now," he promised, starting to undo his trousers, "but I bet you can still come again just from being fucked."
You whined, trying to move your hips away with what little room you had, and he raised his eyebrows.
"Oh? You want this back instead?" he presumed, picking up the vibrator again. You shook your head feverishly, whimpering and starting to cry again. "Okay, if you're sure. I can leave you here for another hour, get some lunch-- or you can be a good girl for me."
You didn't react for a second, looking straight at him, and he reached up to hook his finger in the gag and pull it out of your mouth. "Please," you began, your voice a little hoarse, "please..."
"'Please' what?" he pressed.
"Please... fuck me..." you whispered.
He tilted his head, putting a hand to his ear. "I'm sorry, what was that?"
"Fuck me! Please!" you screamed in frustration, finally learning the rules of Jackson's game. "I want you to-- I want you! Just, please please fuck me!"
He grinned and leaned down to the floor, picking up the phone where he'd dropped it-- still on the line. "You catch all that, daddy dearest?"
You were already flushed but you looked mortified then, and Jackson had to laugh at your expression. "You sick fuck," your father growled on the other end of the line.
"No rush, pops, she's having a great time," Jackson promised as you cried harder, "she may not even wanna come back once you've finished the job!"
He put the phone down again, pretty sure your dad was going to hang up and hold up his end of the bargain now-- but if not, there would be plenty for him to listen to.
"I knew you wanted it," he announced to you proudly, pulling his cock out and rubbing the leaking head right up against your hole. "Bet with how many times you've come I'll just slide right in..."
He was right about that, but you were still so tight inside-- he could even feel you still flexing just a bit after coming so much, your poor cunt still trying to cope with what he'd put it through. You whined as he filled you, but your back arched, too; of course a needy slut like you couldn't ever be satisfied.
"Fuck," he groaned, "I hope he takes his fucking time getting that money transferred... I want lots more time to play with you, sweetheart."
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call out
I come in from work after a late night call out and just come home and open our bedroom door to seeing you lying there in bed deep asleep. like a perfect little angel [JW1] oblivious to the fact that I'm about to completely ruin you
I'd walk up to your side of the bed and guide my hands to your body pulling down your underwear making with one hand while I grope you and fondle your beautiful perfect tits
after pulling down your panties I start t hear you stir awake and quietly mutter "no not right now". Of course, I don't listen and continue to grope and stroke you as your pleads get more and more vocal until I eventually grab you by the throat so hard and so quickly that you can't even let out a sound. "I've thought about you all day" I say as I remove my boxers stroking my cock in my free hand. "I ned this right now, I need you you love me don't you" I say as I pull your legs apart and slap the tip of my cock against your already throbbing clitI can feel your hand start pulling against my hand still wrapped around your throat as your struggle become more pronounced as I position the tip of my dick just in front of your quivering little hole, already dripping with anticipation.
I push myself into you feeling you stretch and your body quiver to accommodate the strange but not entirely dissatisfactory intrusion.
I start forcing myself into you each thrust entering you deeper than the last until, your mouth letting out silent gasps as I fill you up deeper and deeper. You know there's no point in crying. You know that daddy's not going to stop until he gets what he wants. I start going with the aid of your cunt dripping all over my cock I start fucking you faster. deeper until your legs shake and you feel shivers run up and down your entire body. you try to pull yourself away from me your cunt screaming "that's enough" and "you're too sensitive" but I don't let you I grab your hips with both of my hands in as tight a grip as I can muster and keep going "we're not stopping until I cum Do I make myself clear" I speak through my teeth.
deeper until you feel me come up against your cervix and keep going "fuck princess you're so tight" I moan as I continue fucking your perfect little cunt. feeling my cock get wetter with each passing stroke as you get closer and closer to cumming on me"it hurts" I hear you cry with your hands still trying to push me out of you. "I'll show you hurts" as I let go of your hip with my right hand and punch you in the stomach as I fuck your tight little hole you suddenly stop fighting me your high pitched cries replaced with deep sobs as I continue using your pussy.
"fuck I'm so close" I mutter as I keep pounding your pathetic little pussy, suddenly puling out and grabbing you by the hair and pulling you out of bed to your knees. I shout "give me your fucking mouth you slut" as I force my cock stilld ripping with your cum down your throat. I hear you wretch and gag but it doesn't stop me using your face just like your cuntOccasionally I pull it out allowing you to breathe right before shoving it back in again and again using the fistful of your hair that I have gripped in my fist to guide your head down my pulsating shaft
I finally exclaim "fuck! I'm going to cum" just before I grab your head tighter and shove my cock as far down the back as your throat that it will go, you have no choice but to kneel there and force yourself to swallow every single drop that continues to pour down your throat, you don't know how much more you can take before you choke or pass out from the lack of air hoping beyond hope that I finish soon. while you feel an entire day of frustration and annoyance's stream down your throat and into your stomach.
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roosterforme · 10 months
The Younger Kind Part 25 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: Bradley doesn't know how he will be able to function if Meredith wins custody. As Noah cries in the courtroom, he whishes he would have done more to ensure this never happened. But when he watches you, terrified but supporting him anyway, he knows what he really needed this whole time was you. 
Warnings: Angst, swearing, fluff, and age gap (18+)
Length: 4100 words
Pairing: Single dad!Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x babysitter!female reader
Check out my masterlist for more! The Younger Kind masterlist.
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The courtroom was freezing cold. Your blazer was scratchy against your arms, and Noah was already crying. As soon as Bradley had to hand his son over to the court appointed counselor, Noah's tears started flowing. And now you were seated in the front row, right behind Bradley, but you couldn't slide down the bench to get to Noah. You couldn't even look at the back of Bradley's head for too long without feeling like it was suspicious. 
So you sat there and listened to Noah softly ask for his dad over and over again while Judge Greene listed everyone who was present today. When your name was called, Meredith and her lawyer both turned back to look at you with identical sneers.
Stay strong. Stay strong. You kept telling yourself you would handle this, but you didn't even have to do anything yet, and you already felt ready to fold. But the soft sobbing from Noah and the fact that Meredith hadn't looked at her son once kept you motivated. 
Both lawyers gave statements which were largely identical, each one claiming their client would be the better option to raise Noah. But you noticed that while Bradley was fighting for zero visitation rights for Meredith, she was doing the opposite. She seemed willing to have Bradley visit with Noah if she won today. And that made you nervous, because even to your untrained ears, it sounded like she was more flexible than him. She also made it clear she was going to fight for financial support. 
"Lieutenant Bradshaw, please stand and give your statement," Judge Greene commanded. You had listened last night at Bradley's kitchen table while he read over his personal statement with Tracy, but hearing his deep, raspy voice shake now had you squeezing your hands to keep calm. 
"My son turned four on April twelfth. For every single one of his birthdays, I have been the only parent involved in his life. If something needs to be done for him, I do it. I pay for everything. I care for him in every way. He only knows me," Bradley said, taking a deep breath. "His mother abandoned us. Both of us. And I know he's sitting right behind me and listening to everything I'm saying. And I can hear him crying, which is making it really hard to stand here right now. But I also know he has no idea who his biological mom is. I do not think it would be in his best interest to remove him from his home and the parent who loves him."
When Meredith stood to give her statement, you could tell she felt defensive. It was rolling off of her in waves. Her voice was harsh as she tried to make claims that you just couldn't believe. "Bradley has kept my son from me. For years I've tried reaching out to him, and I'm lucky to even get a response. So the idea that I could have abandoned them is preposterous. He never asked me for money, so I never gave it. Had he asked, I would have been more than happy to help provide. But along with that, changes in my lifestyle have meant that I'm ready to take full control of my son's custody. As his mother. And I'm more than willing to work with a court appointed counselor to ensure that visitation rights would be granted. I'm being more than fair. A mother is better equipped to care for her child than a father."
You were shivering in the cold room now, and while Bradley's posture had only incrementally changed, you could tell he was angry. But Tracy looked completely relaxed. How could that be? Meredith was a fucking liar! And Noah was whining for his dad! And nothing that was going on in this room was fair or just. 
The lawyers were going back and forth like a verbal wrestling match now. It was impressive. Mesmerizing. When one of them seemed to have the upper hand, the other made a swift comeback. The only problem was, Meredith was being made to sound like a saint. You couldn't understand why Tracy wasn't going for the kill right now. The sooner this was over, the sooner you and Bradley could take Noah back to his house and let things go back to normal. The three of you eating dinner together would help Noah forget about his tears. You wanted your boys to pretend today never happened.
You watched Meredith's profile as she sat there, completely aloof when Judge Greene called the counselor and Noah up toward the bench. Noah pulled his hand away and ran right for Bradley, tears in his eyes again. 
"It's okay, Bub," he soothed, dropping down from his chair to kneel in front of his son. "It's okay to go with them. It won't even take long."
"I want to go home," Noah hiccupped, looking between you and Bradley, knowing the comfort that one or both of you usually provided him. But none of that came right now. Bradley picked him up and handed him over with a soft kiss on the cheek. Noah wailed as he was carried off to the judge's chambers for some one on one questions with Judge Greene. 
And Meredith sat there like she hadn't a care in the world while Bradley cradled his head in his hands on the table in front of him. Tracy tried to get him to drink some water from her bag, but he wouldn't. You reminded yourself not to look at him too much, and that's when Meredith caught your eye again. She was fighting to try to keep the smirk from her face as she tried to appear serious. You knew what she was probably going to have her lawyer ask you. You knew it was going to be ridiculous. But you didn't like the way she was looking at you like you were the only thing between her and what she wanted. 
When Judge Greene returned empty handed, Bradley scrambled to his feet. "Where's Noah?" he asked, and Tracy was immediately trying to get him to sit down.
"In my chambers, coloring. He's just fine. Now, I'd like to call up some character witnesses."
You waited while three separate people spoke about Meredith like she was sunshine incarnate instead of a woman who left her son behind like he was nothing to her. Then your name was called. You made your way up to the seat near the front, and Meredith's lawyer wasted no time in trying to break you. 
"You're a character witness for Bradley Bradshaw?"
"Yes," you replied, mortified by the way your voice shook. "I am."
"And how do you know him?"
You swallowed hard. "I babysit Noah on occasion." It was the truth, but it felt like a lie. Saying you were just Noah's occasional babysitter was a wholly inadequate representation of what the two of them meant to you. Of how much you loved them. You had to swallow against the sick feeling in your throat.
"Is that all you do when you're watching Noah? Or do you stay? Earn some money by doing things for Lieutenant Bradshaw?"
Cold sweat broke out along your neck and chest, and your eyes shifted to Bradley without warning. He looked irate and red in the face, and you were already embarrassed after less than a minute of questioning. 
"I object!" Tracy called out, waving her hand in the air. "That's hearsay. And irrelevant." 
"Sustained," Judge Greene said calmly, as if there was no reason for you to feel like you were going to vomit right now. "Any further questions?"
But of course Meredith's lawyer had more questions for you. And they were all designed to make you look bad. 
"How did you pay for nursing school? Did Lieutenant Bradshaw offer to give you an outlandish salary to spend time with him? Do you actually have any experience watching a child that age? How are you qualified to spend time with him? What sorts of questionable things did you find in that house?"
You tried to answer each question with calm composure, but soon you felt like you couldn't breathe. Your eyes were burning. You turned to the judge, but she gave you a bland look. You were on your own. So you took a deep breath, determined to finish this even if your voice was shaking again.
"As a nursing student, you must have access to prescription drugs. Do you use them?"
"No!" you said, having had just about enough of this. Bradley was rubbing his hand along his face, barely keeping it together. Tracy was looking at you, eyes pleading with you to hold it together. "I do not steal or use prescription drugs. I'm studying pediatric nursing. I'm more than qualified to take care of Noah."
"Would you be willing to be drug tested?" the other lawyer asked. 
"Absolutely. You want blood? Urine? Hair? Depending on the lab, you could have results by the end of the day." Your jaw was clenched tight. 
"One last question," he said with a smile. "Is it true that you seduced Lieutenant Bradshaw? And that you're pregnant with his child?"
The audible gasp that came from you mirrored Tracy's. Bradley was now gripping the edge of the table in front of him. You were shaking as you said, "I'll take a pregnancy test, too."
You would do it if they made you. But it didn't seem fair. Your relationship with Bradley didn't have anything to do with how he cared for Noah. It didn't have anything to do with how qualified you were to babysit. Tears filled your eyes, but you had promised Tracy you wouldn't cry. You watched through blurry vision as she jumped to her feet and approached your seat. 
"He's badgering the witness with irrelevant questions!" she said, and Judge Greene told the other lawyer to sit down. 
Tracy must have been able to tell you were shaken up, because she asked, "Can we take a short recess?"
"No," Judge Green replied with a sharp shake of her head. "Let's carry on with your questioning."
Tracy took her time walking back to the table and gathering her notes, giving you a moment to catch your breath. Your hands were still shaking when Tracy asked you, "Did Lieutenant Bradshaw ever make you feel uncomfortable?"
"No. Never." 
"Did he ever criticize the way you cared for his son?"
"No," you said, your voice sounding stronger now. 
Tracy shuffled her papers and asked, "Does Lieutenant Bradshaw seem to be a loving and caring parent to Noah?"
"Yes," you replied with conviction. 
"Now, can you tell me a little bit about how you injured your arm in the parking lot at Meyer Park?"
You watched the color drain from Meredith's face as you recounted the way she had scared you, forcing you to run to safety with Noah.
"And was that the only time you saw her prior to this morning?" Tracy asked. 
"I saw her yesterday," you replied. "At the grocery store. I thought she was following me."
"Objection!" shouted the other lawyer. 
"Sustained," responded Judge Greene. Your head was swimming with what you were supposed to say and what you were supposed to stay away from. You couldn't remember. And you could barely focus on Tracy. But she wanted you to get to the point. You could tell.
So you blurted out, "Meredith asked me if I was sleeping with Bradley to get to his money. She mentioned a life insurance payout and his expensive car."
"It's actually a Bronco," Bradley muttered, raking his fingers through his hair as Meredith slammed her hand down on the notebook in front of her and started whispering to her lawyer. 
Tracy asked another question quickly while everyone else was distracted. "And what did you do when you left the grocery store?"
She was giving you an encouraging look, so you said. "I looked some things up online. About how her business filed for bankruptcy. And her home went into foreclosure. And she said in an interview after Noah was born that she doesn't have any kids."
"Objection!" the other lawyer shouted again. 
"Overruled," said Judge Greene, and Tracy looked like just won the lottery. "Please continue," she said, brow creased in concern now.
You felt like an idiot as you told Tracy that you used Google to search for information about Meredith, but you just kept going. 
"I found articles that suggest that her business went into bankruptcy because of mismanaged funds. And insider trading with her business partner. They were married, but it appears that he left her."
Every single time the other lawyer tried to object to what you were saying, the judge overruled it. And then Tracy urged you to continue. But you were shaking from a combination of anxiety and fear. 
"It sounds like she has no money," you said, voice quivering again as you met Bradley's eyes. You'd never seen him look so distraught or so hopeful before. He was silently cheering you on, like he knew how strong you could be. So you kept going.
Bradley was practically ready to crawl out of his own skin. He couldn't stand the way Meredith's lawyer kept yelling at you. He hated that he had to sit here in this horribly uncomfortable seat and just listen as your character got ripped to shreds. He wanted to take you and Noah home, order a pizza and watch a movie. You looked like you wanted to cry, but you didn't. And Bradley was so proud of how strong you were.
When Tracy started asking you questions, you sat up a little taller. You sounded a little bolder. And then Meredith was the one in a state of panic. 
"It sounds like she has no money," you said, as you met Bradley's eyes. "That doesn't sound like the right reason to fight for custody of a child."
The room went silent for a second after that. And then Meredith stood up and said, "I've lost everything, okay? Everything! But Noah is my blood, and I have a right to him, too!"
Then chaos broke out. When Bradley stood and said, "Why do you want him now that you're broke, huh?" he felt Tracy's hands on his arm, pulling him back to his chair. 
"Let her sink her own ship," she whispered, keeping a firm hand on his forearm. You were still sitting up in the front, perched on the edge of the seat like you wanted to run. He wanted to scoop you up like he always did, for your own comfort, but for his as well. 
He listened to Meredith rant and try to blame him for everything as her lawyer begged her to sit. He listened to her call you a slut and claim once again that you were pregnant. She said she knows you bought pregnancy tests at the grocery store. So what if you were pregnant? It didn't have anything to do with Noah or Bradley's ability to take care of him. It didn't have anything to do with that fact that Bradley would never abandon a child like she had. 
He watched Judge Greene remain completely calm as Meredith's lawyer finally got her to sit down. Then she stood and said, "Please bring me all written evidence. I'll have my decision shortly." Both lawyers handed her folders before she disappeared into her chambers. 
"Where's Noah?" Bradley asked Tracy immediately, accepting a bottle of water from her. 
"He's with the counselor. He's fine. And you did great."
"I barely did anything!" he growled, worried he hadn't done enough today. He'd done nothing compared to you. As you stood and made your way to the rows of benches behind him, you never met his eyes. He loved you. All he ever wanted to do was protect you from all of this. You shouldn't be here right now. If he lost Noah today, he didn't know how he was going to continue to exist. And you should have had no part in this nightmare. 
He'd forced this on you in a way. Every step he took since he met you led you here. Bradley had tried so hard to cut you out, end things with you, but he was so fucking weak. He should have been more focused on Noah. But he had been. He'd been trying to find someone to date who would make him and Noah complete, or at least better. And despite his initial reservations, that was you.
When he turned to face you, your eyes snapped up to meet his. He'd never be able to thank you enough for everything you'd done for both of them. But he wanted to have the chance. He wanted you to know what you meant to him and to Noah. 
"How long is this going to take?" he asked Tracy, wiping his sweaty palms on his suit pants. He could hear Meredith talking, but he kept himself focused on his lawyer.
"Hard to say," she told him calmly. "Just keep breathing. Focus on your breathing." 
So he did, and when he started to feel sick again, Tracy talked to him. And then Judge Greene was coming back out, and Bradley could see Noah through the door before it closed. Dread rose inside him as the judge had everyone in the room stand. He felt like his limbs weighed a million pounds as he faced the front of the room. 
Every second of silence made the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end. He almost had to reach for Tracy when Judge Greene said, "In light of today's testimonies and evidence plus the collection of evidence I reviewed leading up to the trial, I have reached a decision regarding the custody of Noah Bradshaw."
Bradley had to close his eyes. All of his senses were overwhelmed, and he was afraid he was going to breakdown. 
"The following decision is a reflection of what is in the best interest of the child. Full custody is to be awarded to Bradley Bradshaw. There will be no visitation privileges. There will be no child support owed. The child's biological father is to be his sole guardian."
Bradley collapsed back down onto the chair as he cried. "Oh my god," he groaned, cradling his face in his hands. He was gasping for air as he felt Tracy's hand on his shoulder. He could see Meredith storm out of the room. He could hear you laughing and crying at the same time behind him as the counselor walked back out of the judge's chambers with Noah. 
And then he was out of his chair again, rushing toward his son and scooping him up. "I colored you a monkey," Noah told him as Bradley smothered his whole face in kisses. 
"I love it," Bradley promised him without even looking at the coloring sheet. "It's perfect, and I love it so much." He buried his face against Noah's neck and inhaled. 
"And I colored a unicorn for Princess."
"Yeah?" Bradley asked, holding him tight. "She's gonna love it, too."
"I know," Noah replied confidently. "I told them about how she brings me coloring books and cooks food like spaghetti. And how she plays blocks and reads and can sing good."
"You told them about Princess?" Bradley asked, turning to the back of the room. You were waiting patiently for them, a huge smile on your face as you bounced a little bit on your feet.
"Yep. I told them that she loves me and that you do too. Can we go home yet?"
As much as Bradley wanted to keep you separate from all of this, he needed you the whole time. And so did Noah. He rushed toward you and took you by the hand. "Now we can go home."
You unlocked the front door with your key, and Bradley kissed you again. A huge smile was still plastered all over your face as you watched how much he loved his son. He ended up on his back on the living room floor while Noah sat on top of him and laughed. Bradley's suit was a wrinkly mess now as you knelt down next to them. 
"You want spaghetti for dinner, Noah?" Your appetite was back, and you were ravenous. There was no doubt in your mind that Bradley could do with a good meal as well.
"Yeah! And ants on logs!" 
You kissed his chubby cheek and said, "Let me check on the raisin situation." Then you leaned down to kiss Bradley's lips, and he pulled you back for a second and a third. 
He murmured, "I love you," before briefly swiping your tongue with his. You ran your fingers back through his hair and let your forehead rest on his. 
"I love both of you." Then you kissed his nose and went to the kitchen, letting them have a little more time alone as they laughed on the floor. 
As you set a pot on the stove to boil some water, your eyes filled with tears. It felt like a combination of stress and relief and happiness. You sank to the floor with your back to the cabinet and cried. When you left the courthouse with Bradley, Meredith was nowhere to be found. Bradley had hugged Tracy with tears in his eyes, and she promised to be in touch with him soon to take some final actions. And then she told you that you had done a great job of staying calm and presenting evidence against Meredith while acting as a character witness. "I wish everyone was as professional as you."
Her words echoed in your head as you remembered that you didn't live here with Bradley and Noah. Not really. You were still going to need to finish writing your final papers for school and start looking for a job to support yourself. Because contrary to what Meredith thought, you hadn't been fucking Bradley to get him to pay your tuition. You had a mountain of loans to pay off now. And really, it would be better if you left after dinner tonight and went home. You'd have to get used to a routine where Bradley was your boyfriend with his own space. 
Noah came running in a minute later as you wiped your eyes. "I'm hungry," he informed you, sitting down on your lap. Bradley walked in without his suit coat on. His shirt sleeves were rolled up. His tie was loose, and his top few buttons were undone.
"How about I make dinner and you just supervise?" he asked, pulling you to your feet. "You had a long day, too."
So you nodded at him, and he picked you up and set you on the counter. And then he set Noah on your lap and started the playlist you made. You showed him how to brown the meat and add the sauce. You showed him how to keep the spaghetti noodles from sticking together.
And as he was plating the food, he paused and looked at you. "I forgot. I picked something up at the store the other day for us to celebrate with. Wait here." He dashed out of the room, and you slipped down off of the counter with Noah in your arms. You finished getting the spaghetti onto plates and pulled out the carrots to make him some ants, and then Bradley was back in the kitchen with the biggest bag of Skittles you had ever seen.
Laughter bubbled out of you along with another sob. "I'm happy, but I can't stop crying."
He tossed the Skittles aside and grabbed you by the hips. "That's because you really care about us. You always have. And you saved us today."
The prickle of his mustache against your skin had you parting your lips for him. He held you close, his thumbs stroking you through your pants as you worked your fingers through his hair. "I love you," he rasped, releasing your lips in favor of whispering the sexiest, loveliest things in your ear while Noah made a huge mess of spaghetti at the table. 
Ahhhhhhhhh! Ahhhhhhhhh! Hope you enjoy your fic, @beyondthesefourwalls And thank you @mak-32 !
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sim0nril3y · 4 months
Hi bby girl. Love your writing, I told you before as an anon and I came back bc I love how you put into words
(Sorry to use anon, I'm very shy)
I wanted to request you to write about civilian!reader and Simon being emotional in the middle of the act. Reader feels overwhelmed by all the emotions and feelings and it's like she starts sobbing bc of all the pleasure and praising from Simon
Thank you in advance! Keep writing, you make us happy 💗
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Note: eeeeeeee thank you so much for your request, I love, love, loved writing it so much, hope that I did it justice! you are so sweeeeeeet for all your kind words, ily! (no need to be shy, i'm super friendly, i promise!) Pairing: Simon 'Ghost' Riley x Civilian!Reader Warnings: No mask Simon (It's my personal headcanon in his regular life he probably wouldn't wear it), established relationship, p in v, overwhelming sex, multiple orgasms, crying during sex, caring Simon, canon typical swearing.
It was impossible to say how long that Simon had been curled over your frame, fucking into you deep with his perfectly fat and long cock, his lips pressed against every inch of his skin that he could reach, clasping needily at you whilst whispering the most sinful and sweet notions into your ear.
By now you had lost count of how many times you had spasmed and squirmed to completion on Simon’s cock, panting and clawing at his skin whilst your whined and whimpered. It was overwhelming to say the least. A delicious and intoxicating mixture of cumming hard around his cock as it stroked and prodded at the deepest parts that only Simon could reach.
“There you go.” Simon breathed heavily, smiling against your warm skin feeling you coming apart around him again. “Give it me, baby. Give me everything.” He praised, voice a little strained. “Y’such a good girl for me. You perfect little cunt was made for my fat fuckin’ cock.” Simon nipped at your earlobe. “My good girl. My good fuckin’ girl.”
It was overwhelming. That was putting it mildly. There was this build of emotions that was bubbling in your chest, like a big ball caught rising up and up until falling a fraught sob caught in your throat. Wait, were you crying? What did you start crying? Oh, shit.
The sound had caught Simon’s attention, eyes scanning across your face to try and figure out the problem before finally stilling his hips, keeping his cock firmly stuffed inside your sopping walls. “Babe. Baby, what’s wrong? Tell me.” He urged with so much concern and care to his tone, thinking for even a moment that he might have hurt you or pushed you too far was almost too much for him to bear.
“I’m okay. I’m okay.” You whimpered out, nodding frantically. “It’s just so good. It’s so fucking good, Si.” You continued, watching the little smug smile that pulled across his lips. “You’re so good. Your cook is so good.” All the while tears tumbled down your cheeks but an emotional grin on your lips. “Y-you make me feel so good.”
Chuckling lowly, Simon pressed a kiss to your forehead and asked. “So, it’s good?” He teased before listening to your sobs tumble into giggles. “Yeah. It’s good.” You responded. “Alright. Let’s just… take a little break, hmm?” Carefully slipping out Simon rolled you into your side and wrapped his arms around you. “Daft bloody…” He muttered, leaning in to press a couple soothing kisses to your temple. “W-what about you? You didn’t cum…” That much was evident with how his hard cock pressed up against your ass.
“Mm, it’s a good thing I fuckin’ love you.” Simon teased, honestly not caring about his own needs at this moment, just knowing that he needed to comfort you in this moment. With just as much emotion, you whimpered back. “Love you too, Si. Love you so much.”
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Masterlist | Ask | 28-01-2024
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joonipertree · 6 months
idea for the Boxer!Katsuki and Artist!Reader AU! What if, ON TOP OF a rly bad day w college and being overwhelmed w work, we lost our paints :( n we luv our paints so we cry, but katsuki’s there to make us feel better and get us a new set :3
Thank you so fucking much for this. Idk if you knew but I'm actually making a portfolio for art school and Ive been crying every other night because of how stressed I am and how much I feel like I'm a bad artist. So writing this was cathartic
Part 1, Part 2
Tags: Dom/sub undertones, reader acting out and Bakugo being stern, a peak of what kind of shit I want with older men hsjsjsj, fluff, hurt/comfort, soft katsuki
Katsuki was one of the last people you wanted to see when you're in a bad mood. And that might sound terrible but it's because you never wanted to show such a harsh, negative side of yourself to someone you cared about. You were very much a 'feel and then reappear more regulated' type of person. But Katsuki never let you go home on your own anymore, picking you and dropping you off even on days where he had something to do.
So you trotted towards him with a scowl and no energy to fake anything and he noticed instantly, his own concerned scowl mirroring yours.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing." You said and opened the door, closing it a bit too loudly. You cringed at the sound but buckled yourself in and turned away before the man got in the driver's seat.
"You're shit at lying."
"Fuck off."
Instant regret, a deep inhale from your part as you tensed.
His large hand came on your thigh and you stiffened, all he did was give it a warning squeeze before pulling away. The message was clear. 'Watch it'.
"I'm not willing to discipline you until I know nothing horrible happened but you do know I don't like that shit from you right?"
You said nothing.
"Give me an answer, doll."
"I'm an adult."
"Yeah, you are. And you're a smart one that knows that we have rules. That I'd be taking you over my lap if you talked like that."
Tears pricked your eyes but you blinked them away, not willing to turn your head to show him.
He knew anyways and he dropped the subject, starting the car and driving off.
Katsuki pulled to a stop at a place that wasn't anywhere near your apartment. You were confused as he got out of the car. Your eyes followed him just as he entered a boba shop.
A couple minutes later, he came out with a drink for each of you. You remembered when he said that there just wasn't any point of it, that it seemed stupid and too sweet. But pretty soon, he had his own usual order, which was just Brown Sugar boba tea with the sweetness to a minimum.
Katsuki gave you the drink without even looking your way, sipping on his own. You stared at it for a total of ten seconds before timidly taking a sip. The sweetness broke you out of your sour mood, eyes blinking as you focused on the flavour of your favourite tea. The boba was chewy and soft and it grounded you a bit.
Only after you took a sip, did Katsuki start the car and drive.
When you reached home, the apartment the two of you had started sharing a month prior, Katsuki only gave you time to take off your shoes and put down your bag before he had you over his shoulder.
You struggled, hitting his back and asking him to let you go but he didn't listen...not even feeling it.
And when your ass plopped itself onto the couch, your attempt at running away failed when he easily manhandled you in place.
"I'm not patient enough to coax it out of you, so tell me why you're upset. I'll make it better."
You wanted to refuse but the tears were already dripping down your face.
"I'm so bad at art. I'm so f-fucking bad at it. I don't-" you sobbed and his arms were instantly around you, pulling you onto his lap as you cried into him.
"There's so many deadlines and so many things I have to do and nothing is working. And I don't even know if I'm cut out to be an artist. I'm not good enough, I was never good enough for it. I'm gonna fail-- Katsuki I'm so tired."
Your boyfriend rocked you back and forth, giving you kisses everywhere he could reach, on the side of your face and your head and your hair. And you let the tears fall, hiccuping violently and sobbing without restraint.
"I even lost my fucking paints and I can't live without them and I saved up for them and I'm just doing everything wrong."
You let Katsuki envelope you, squeeze you and warm your inside as you let it all out.
When your sobs died down, Katsuki didn't stop peppering kisses everywhere. It took him a second to speak.
"I didn't know shit about art. It all seemed like fancy, time consuming pictures to me. Hell, even now I don't know shit. But when I saw your art, I felt stuff I thought I didn't know how to feel. And that was the first time I realised that maybe life didn't have to be as shitty as it was. Maybe things didn't have to be ugly."
"When we went to those art galleries, yeah they were cool and pretty but not gonna lie, nothing ever left me speechless like your art did. And yeah...I'm biased as fuck, especially because I thought that the look in your eyes was the prettiest out of everything. That sounds cheesy as shit but you make me feel cheesy as shit."
You had stopped crying, left drained and nuzzled against Katsuki while you looked for an anchor to hold onto. And he held you.
"I like seeing you paint the most though, I like how you focus...I like how you curse under your breath, I like how you grin when something looks right, I like how you scan art supplies before you buy them. I like your paint stained hands and your paint water mugs even when I've accidently taken a sip from them. I like that how you laugh when I do that shit. I love that look of pride you have when you're done and staring at it.
It makes you happy so even if I don't understand the point of it, it means a lot to me because of that. So, whenever that thing stops being fun for you, and really stops being fun for you, I'll support you if you wanna stop. But I gotta keep seeing your work, baby, cuz it's like the inside of your head and it's really neat."
You let a few more tears drop, sniffling and looking into his eyes. There was no ingenuity, only pure emotion. And you let him kiss your tears away, you let him pat your head and you let him make you drink water and feed you.
Because it was never a burden for him to do those things, but a priveledge.
The very next day, the same set of paints were in your bag. Brand new and untouched. Along with three different watercolour paper books. 100% pure cotton, 350 gcm.
With a note that said 'you're still down for a spanking for that shitty mouth of yours. Don't make it a habit.'
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buckyhad · 9 months
Pairing: Dark!Carlos Sainz x reader
Warnings: NC thats it, based on this request!
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Carlos was the sweetest boyfriend you have ever had, caring, tending to your needs, loving.
Until he got jealous, every little interaction between you and another men was a reason for him to lash out at you. Nothing serious, it was normal for your boyfriend to feel that way sometimes.
Except that time went he took it a little too far.
"That's the dress you are wearing tonight?" Carlos asked furrowing his brows.
"You don't like it?" You asked a little bit sad, tonight was another gala with the drivers about something you didn't remember anymore, choosing a red long dress, with a low cut and a high slit that you loved.
"Yes, I like it, but you are showing a lot" he said.
"Its just a part of my leg".
"Whatever" you knew he was already working himself up so you just decided to leave it there, thinking that going to the gala and getting some drinks in his system would help him calm down.
But you were so wrong.
You two arrived at the place an hour before, Carlos got some strong drink while you choosed some water, Carlos hated when you drinked.
Alone in some corner while Carlos was at the bar again, waiting for his order, when Charles, Carlos' teammate went to say hi to you, making Carlos start to march where you to were happily chatting, getting there just in time.
"I really like how that dress looks on you" Charles said touching the strap of your dress.
"Thanks you, I love the colour a lot" you said blushing a little bit, taking a step back from the monagesque.
"I know, she looks so nice" Carlos said with his hands on the pockets of his pants "We are going amor, grab your things".
"That's why you used that dress? So you would get compliments from Leclerc?" Was the first thing he said when you got to the hotel.
"No! I really liked how it looks on me!".
"Stop lying!" He said grabbing your arm.
"The fuck is wrong with you" you screamed at him trying to get of his grip.
"You know how much I love you, why do you need to flirt with other guys?"
"I wasn't flirting" you whispered "I'm going to go now, let me go, please".
"I'm sorry amor, I didn't mean to grab you, I'm just so mad" he said looking at you with those pretty big brown eyes "Please, no te vayas (don't go)".
"I just need some time, to think you know".
"Te amo (I love you)".
"I know" you said closing the door and making your way out.
You rented a small apartment on Spain, wanting to be alone for a week, not talking or seeing Carlos.
But he had other plans, leaving at least 50 missed calls per day and thousands of unread messages.
By the fifth day without knowing anything about him, someone knoked on your door, being as tired as you were lately, you just opened the door without looking.
Feeling a hand on your mouth while the person closed the door you felt their breath by your ear.
"You need to be more careful, someone could hurt you" Carlos said.
You tried to take his hand off while he was pushing you towards the table.
"I'm going to take my hand off, you better not start screaming" he said and chuckled "At least not yet".
"What are you doing" you started crying, feeling how his hand pushed your upper half onto the table, and hold you there, while his other hand pushed your dress up and your panties down.
"Read your texts with Charles, 'I'm so sorry that you fighted with Carlos, I'm here if you need anything'" he recited while starting to get his tip wet with some spit.
"Please, he just wanted to be nice. You've lost your mind" you cried feeling how he pushed inside you "Carlos you know I'm not in anything, pull out. Please" got out between sobs.
"Well, you would be mine forever now".
A/N: I'm sososo sorry this took so long, I've been studying for an exam (went sl fucking wrong) and now I've another one, anyways, FORZA FERRARI SEMPRE, happy Carlos won today, sad how they didn't listen to Charles AGAIN
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gavisfanta · 3 months
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summary: gavi has an outburst
warnings: swearing and fighting
You shivered as you walked along the street, the oh so familiar street you walked along multiple of times.
Not because you really wanted to but because you had to.
A cold breeze hit you as a car drove past you and stopped just a meter in front of you on the road.
Fuck, it was Gavi's car. As you reached his car you noticed that the window was rolled down. "Get into the fucking car." Gavi yelled and you sighed while fighting back tears.
"I said get into the fucking car!" Gavi yelled even louder, you almost burst out crying as you got into the car, sitting into the warm seat you put your hands between your knees and kept your head low. You however gazed up at the center console to see that your seat was heated.
"What the fuck were you thinking?! Arent you ashamed of yourself?!" Gavi yelled as he drove back to his house.
You couldn't help but cry, tears burning on your cheecks as they rolled down and finally fell down into your lap.
"Oh now youre crying, gosh Y/n you're such a slut. Making a mess out of everything but then playing the victim, it's always the same with you, I'm tired of your bullshit!" Gavi yelled, his words hurt you, every single one felt like you've been stabbed into the stomach.
"I'm sorry." You whispered, he parked down the car in the driveway of his house. He then grabbed your jaw and made you look up at him.
"Listen here, if you say you're sorry one more fucking time I swear to god I'm gonna beat the shit out of you." Gavi said angrily as he held your jaw so tightly in his grip that you thought its gonna break.
"I love you." You whispered as tears ran down your cheeks. He scoffed while opening the door and going inside your house.
You cried as you got out and followed him into the house. "You're so stupid, my god how can anyone even love you Y/n? All you do is fuck around. You're a fucking whore." Gavi kept yelling at you while you took off your heels.
"I love you." You whispered again and looked up at him. He scoffed again and grabbed your upper arm, his touch felt like a knife right into your heart.
He walked over to the bathroom, dragging you with him as you cried out.
He pushed you into the bathroom forcefully. "Get in the fucking shower." Gavi yelled at you, you stepped into the shower and shivered as he looked at you, his breathing was heavy and uneven.
He then grabbed the showerhead and turned on the water, he turned the water from the very hot side into the cold one but still a bit warm, he held it right into your face, the cold water spraying right into your face, mixing with your tears.
"Does this feel nice? This is how you make me feel everyday!" Gavi yelled again and you couldn't even keep your eyes open.
Everytime you tried to open them you came face to face with Gavi, you didn't wanna see him.
"I love you" You said again and lowered your head. Gavi finally turned off the water and he pulled you out of the bathtub with force. You almost slipped on the wet marmor floors. He held you steady as he then walked out of the bathroom again and slammed the door shut.
You looked down onto the floor of the dark bathroom as you felt water running down your whole body. You listened carefully as Gavi walked over to the front door and left the house, you immediately sat down on the cold marble floor and started to sob.
After about 10 minutes you regained the strength to stand up and walk into your shared bedroom with Gavi.
As soon as you walked into the room you saw a hoodie and joggers spread out on your side of the bed. It had to be Gavi who put those out for you, then you got changed and walked down to the kitchen again.
Your cheek was covered by dried up tears and your eyes still red while you sat down on the couch.
It wasn't the first time you and Gavi fought, but this was the most brutal fight of them all. You've never experienced Gavi this mad and at first you didn't even want to belive that this was real.
Gavi was the sweetest thing to exist on this planet, atleast to you so you didn't really understand while he was so angry now.
After about an hour of waiting for him to come back home you eventually gave up and walked up into the bedroom.
Still wearing his hoodie you slipped under the covers and pulled the blanket up to your neck. Just about 2 hours later after you drifted off to sleep, Gavi quietly made his way up the stairs. He took off his shirt and his jeans and slipped into shorts. He looked at you on the bed, sleeping pescefully. The truth was, Gavi felt horrible.
Ever since he got injured he stacked up the emotions inside of himself, he knew that he had to let them out but he hoped that it wouldn't happen with you.
He also knew that this wasn't an excuse for being so horrible but he will make up for it.
He crawled into the bed and you were turned around, facing his side of the bed. Gavi put his forehead against yours and closed his eyes while exhaling deeply.
"I'm so sorry, I love you." He kissed your forehead and then laid down next to you in the bed. He turned to other way to face the wall as he couldn't stand seeing the tears in the corner of your eyes.
After you were a hundred percent sure that he had fallen asleep you cuddled closer to him and hugged him. You knew he needed comfort and someone to calm him down.
He didn't let you give it to him yet, because before he could trust you he needed to trust himself.
The injury had a bad impact on him at first, he learned how to live with it now, some of those outbursts still happened.
Gavi was just so thankful that you had the patience with him and showed him that you really loved him. After he was back to playing he asked you about it one day.
"I still feel bad for the way I yelled at you while I was injured." He turned his head to face you, but you just shook it off. "No seriously, if I was you, I would have left, why didn't you, I mean I was horrible to you."
"Because there were still signs that you loved me. I know that it affected you a lot, words mean a lot but actions mean way more."
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eggyrocks · 29 days
congrats on 500🫂🥳 would like to request #88 with kuroo! thank uu <33
500 follower special: #88 “Don’t panic but I think we might have accidentally gotten married...”
kuroo x gn reader, drinking, dumb decisions made while drunk, mentions of cheating (not by or on kuroo), not proofread
written content masterlist
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They cannot open their eyes. It doesn't matter that the sun is burning through their eyelids or that their phone is ringing incessantly beside their head. Their head is pounding, brain pulsing against their skull, a layer of sweat over their burning skin.
It's a hangover like no other.
A groan rumbles through them as they turn, shifting against their crumbled sheets and turning to the side, eyes still squeezed shut. It's only when their nose bumps into something hard that they fly open.
There, sleeping in their bed, shirtless and face pressed harshly against a pillow, is Kuroo.
Oh, right. Kuroo.
They roll onto their back, pressing the heels of their palms into their eyes. The night before is choppy, and their memory clouded by an alcohol-induced haze.
The fight they remember first.
"You stupid piece of shit!" they yelled, rabid and incensed. Their hands were grabbing at whatever objects they could find in their bedroom: pillows, socks, Pompompurin plushies, and whipping them harshly at his face.
Their boyfriend, currently fast-tracked to 'ex-boyfriend' status, was holding up his hands meekly in front of his chest, his only form of defense. "I'm sorry, baby, please, just listen to me."
Their hand gripped tightly around an almost empty bottle of lotion on their nightstand and launched it forward. It bounced off his forearm. "No, get the fuck out of my house or I swear fucking to god," they yelled, all sense and logic drained from their head, only operating on rage.
"I don't have anywhere to go, baby, please!" he pleaded, hands pressing together like he was praying.
"Then you shouldn't have cheated on me, you dumb piece of shit!" they yelled, about to send their princess Pompompurin plush flying in his direction, but they halted. Pompompurin didn't deserve it. Instead, they fished out their phone from the depth of their pocket, muttering, "Fuck you, I'm calling Kuroo."
Kuroo, they remember as they lie in the bed beside him, was much more effective at getting their ex out of the house than Pompompurin. He had shown up, tie from work loosened around his neck, and grabbed him by the collar. Kuroo dragged him to the curb, throwing out a string of curses and threats as he did so.
Then it was the crying. They had sobbed into Kuroo's chest while his hand smoothed down the hair on the top of their head. "I'm sorry," Kuroo had whispered, cradling them close to his chest. "He didn't deserve you."
The crying part was also when the drinking part started, too, they're pretty sure.
Kuroo had cracked open a beer, ready to settle in beside them on the couch and spend the night in together, watching comforting movies. He was ready to be a distraction.
But Kuroo likely didn't realize that he wasn't really as much of a distraction as he was another, deeper form of heartache. To them, the distraction was the beer.
"Tetsu," they had whined from their spot on the couch, tears dried on their face and can in their hand empty, "grab me another beer, please."
Kuroo stood in front of their open fridge, tie now completely abandoned and shirt unbuttoned. He frowned, and called back to them. "Looks like you're out."
So they went out.
The bar they remember well. Crowded and lively and with good music. The beer on tap tasted like water, so they had switched to something with a little more kick, and Kuroo followed suit.
Kuroo's face was red, and his eyes were drooping by the time he leaned forward and grabbed their cheeks between each of his hands, lightly squishing their face together. "You're too good-looking to get cheated on," he complained, like the thought was too painful for him to bear. "And you're a good person too. That pisses me off. Cause if you sucked, like, that would be different. Still be bad, but like, it's way worse because of how fucking amazing you are."
"Yeah, I know," they replied, words muffled and garbled as Kuroo pressed their mouth into a 'o' shape. "But I feel like I can only get shitheads to date me."
He blinked. They remember him blinking. "Do you think I'm a shithead?" he asked, head tilted, still not releasing their face from his grip.
They did their best to shake their head in reply. "I only think good things about you."
That they wince at, digging their hands further into their eyes, like they're trying to press the memory of it away.
They remember singing along to songs that played. They remember holding onto Kuroo's arm and resting their head on his shoulder. They remember saying, "I love you so fucking much," too many times to be considered just a friend thing.
But other than that, there's an empty space in their head. They know there's more. They know they left the bar and walked in a direction that was certainly not back home. And they know that somehow, Kuroo ended up sleeping shirtless besides them.
They remove their hands from their eyes, and light floods in, temporarily blinding them. They have to blink a few times before their vision returns to them, and when they turn to look over at Kuroo, it seems like he's in a similar state.
He groans, stirring in place as he peels his eyes open. One of their elbows gently nudges into his side. "Testu," they say, voice gravelly and rough.
Kuroo flips around and buries his face into the pillow beneath him, presumably trying to block out that brutal sun. "Yes?"
"Did we hook up last night?" they ask, not so horrified with the idea, more so hoping something like that wouldn't be a drunken regret.
"No," he replies, "we did something stupider."
Thier gut tumbles, and they think for a second that they might throw up. Whether that's the dread and nerves or the hangover, they're not sure. "Oh?"
Groaning the whole way through, Kuroo sits up, resting his weight on his forearm as he props himself up to look down at them. “Don’t panic but I think we might have accidentally gotten married."
They blink. And the words start to piece together some images. They do distinctly remember signing their name on some piece of paper or another. And now, they can see it clearer. Kuroo looking down at them with that shit-eating grin of his, him placing a strawberry gummy ring on their finger, and holy shit, holy fuck, they can remember very, very clearly, Kuroo leaning down and kissing them like it's just a thing he's always done.
Well, they figure that they're technically Kuroo now, too.
"Fucking hell," they say in a thick voice, eyes wide, "we totally got fucking married."
Kuroo studies their expression, eyes still heavy with sleep. "Do we, do we like, get divorced?"
"Do you want to?" they ask at once, perhaps sounding a little more intense than they mean to.
He doesn't say anything. Kuroo just opens his mouth and no words come out, like he doesn't know what the right answer would be.
They lean closer to him. "You wouldn't cheat on me," they say to him, "and you're not a shithead."
"No," he agrees with a shake of his head, "not really, at least. And I mean, you think good things about me.”
Their throat is dry. Maybe if they weren't so debilitated by the hangover they'd be a little less bold. "Okay, so maybe we just go back to bed and then give it a week or a year, and then if you want to get divorced after that we can."
Despite the reek of alcohol that lingers on the both of them, Kuroo manages a grin. "A year doesn't seem long enough. I think we need at least two."
They close their eyes, and settle back against the pillow. "Okay, three years."
Kuroo slumps against his side of the bed, and slings an arm over their shoulder, pulling them in close to his chest. "Alright," he mumbles. "Five to twenty years, then we'll revisit."
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an: bet u thought i forgot about these I DIDN'T just taking forever
taglist: @wyrcan @thechaosoflonging @publicbathroompanic @bedeater @rottingt1tz @rintarawr @deluluforcarlos55 @ahseyy @localgaytrainwreck @cherrypieyourface @baskin-robinhoods @polish-cereal @iheartamora @ferntv @eclecticeggknightpsychic @httpakkeiji @does-directions @pinkiscool @michivrse @causenessus (complete form linked in masterlist to be added)
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queer-n-here · 1 month
I just read the akutagawa fic someone requested so I wanted to request smth similar if that's cool!
Sigma comes home with an attitude after getting all stressed at work so we cockwarm him
Take ur time btw ik you're prolly stressed w school and stuff 🙏
Gah, brother! Ittookmeashittonofwhiletogetthispieceoutimsosorryireallyreallyreallytriedveryhard-
*clears throat* I... *Sigh* I'm sorry it took me so much time to get this out. But I'm really proud of myself for finally finishing this, ngl. Hope you like it, and thank you for being patient.
Contents: Making Sigma cockwarm reader.
Warnings: Smut, Top male reader, cockwarming. Think that's about it.
Sigma was more than just irritated.
He was tired and annoyed; there was a dull ache in his head and his body was too heavy for his legs.
So when you pressed your signature soft kiss to his temple, and asked him if he remembered the date you'd planned for him, he snapped a little too ferociously.
"[Name], I can't go today, okay?" He said, his brows furrowed. "There's too much on my mind and I don't have time for stuff like that anymore."
A part of you was hurt by that. 'I don't have time,' You'd always thought he enjoyed your dates.
But you pushed it to the back of your brain.
About an hour later, Sigma was more than regretting the way he'd talked back.
You were fully clothed; just your pants were unzipped so your cock could be buried in him as it was, nestled between his walls all warm and snug, but achingly stationary. You were pretending as if everything were perfectly normal, scrolling through your phone and blatantly ignoring Sigma, who was sitting in your lap straddling you, naked.
He was starting to grow desperate; he wanted you to fuck him the way you always did, aiming at his sweet spot with the accuracy of a professional archer. He needed it. But you weren't listening to him at all.
"[Name]," Sigma said, voice slightly unsteady as his hands clutched at the fabric of your shirt. "[Name], please..."
"Hmm?" You raised an eyebrow, not quite looking up from your phone.
"Don't do this, please..." He looked up at you with those teary eyes of his. "I need you."
You glanced at him, the sight of his gaze making you almost give in. You sighed, putting the phone down and looking at him fully. "Need me? I thought you had too much on your mind and not enough time."
Sigma looked slightly hurt, but then he buried his face into the crook of your neck, wrapping his arms around your neck. "I'm sorry."
A sob shook his shoulders, and you felt tears drip onto yours. You sighed again, and put an arm around him.
"I can't take it anymore," He mumbled.
"Fine," You said. How were you supposed to remain firm when your love was crying? "But you're gonna have to do it yourself."
Sigma pulled away to look at you, cheeks red. "What do you...?"
You put your phone away, and turned to look at him again. "I'm not really feeling like doing anything, to be honest. And since you want it so much, you can do it for yourself."
With these words you sat back against the couch, looking up at him as he contemplated your suggestion. Sigma had never ridden you before; it was usually just you doing nasty stuff to him that made his eyes water and brain fog up.
But times were desperate, and you did not look like you were gonna cave in soon, so he nodded.
"Okay," He murmured, eyes downcast.
"Perfect," You said.
And so he started moving, grinding down on your cock slowly as his fingers tightened around your shirt. He bit his lips trying to muffle the moans he knew would start to spill out soon. His whole was fluttering around your cock already, his own dick twitching with want.
It was almost painful for you to not move, to not flip the two of you around and pin Sigma against the couch beneath you and fuck him till he was screaming. Gods, and he didn't even know the effect he had on you.
"Come on," You caressed his waist softly, stomach taught and shoulders tense with your restraint. "You can go faster, can't you?"
Sigma nodded, and sped up slightly. He was still shy, unable to make eye contact with you and with a stiff blush across his face. His eyes were tearing up slightly, and no amount of biting his lips was keeping in the ah-ah-ahs that spilled from his mouth as he bounced on your cock.
You could feel your dick twitching with want and restraint inside him. Your breathing had grown laboured, and you couldn't help but lean forwards and kiss Sigma slightly harshly.
He moaned into it, hole clenching around your cock and eyelids fluttering shut as a tear rolled down his cheek. You bit and nibbled so hard at his lips that he had to pull away to stop you.
"Don't- nghh! Don't b-bite so hard," He panted.
"Hmm," You grabbed his love handles, mediating his pace. "Don't you like it?"
Sigma flushed, burying his face into the crook of your shoulder as you made him bounce wilder on your cock. When you hit his prostrate, he whimpered, clutching your shoulders so hard his short nails dug into your skin.
So you hit it again and again, your hips snapping up to thrust your tip against his sweet spot, making him start to whine from the feeling. His own hips were bouncing to meet your thrusts half-way, and the lewd sound of skin slapping against skin that echoed through the room was making you restless.
You decided, fuck the punishment, you needed Sigma.
Flipping yourselves around so that Sigma was laying on the couch and you were on top of him, you pressed his pretty legs to his chest and fucked him, bullying his sweet spot and abusing his hole as he cried out underneath you.
Your pace was destructive and brutal, sending Sigma scrambling to find purchase as his chest heaved with each breath. You could tell from his blurred-up eyes that his brain was starting to cloud, his hands clutching your shoulders so tight his nails had managed to draw blood from your skin.
Soon, his thighs started trembling violently, his hole clenching around you in the way that it did when he was close. You smirked, teeth-half gritted against your arousal, and sped up.
Sigma cried out, cum shooting from his dick as a sound of pleasure ripped itself free from his throat, his hole so tight around you it was almost impossible to pull out and thrust in.
You weren't far behind, what with him so tight around your dick it was making you see stars. The white hot coil in your intestines snapped, and you painted Sigma's walls white.
Slowing down to a stop, you huffed to catch your breath, eyes landing on him.
He was out of breath and dazed, quite obviously in subspace. You pulled out of him, earning a small whimper from him, and placed a small kiss on his forehead.
It didn't take long to get a bath ready for Sigma, and you soon carried him to it from the couch. As you set him down in the water, he reached out to hold onto you.
"[Name]..." He murmured, perhaps already out of subspace.
"Hm?" You stroked his hair gently.
"Something's bothering you, right?" He looked up at you, voice quiet. "You looked weird earlier."
You sat down on the floor next to him outside the bath. "Earlier when?"
"When I said..." Sigma bit his lip. "When I said that mean stuff."
You smiled softly, even as the memory made you want to wince. "Hmm, yeah. It did hurt a little, honestly."
Sigma lowered his head, pouting slightly. "I'm sorry. I was just upset because of-"
"Because of something that happened at work, right?" You finished for him, nodding. "I know, that's why I didn't say anything."
He bit his lip. "I'm sorry."
You smiled at him again, leaning forwards to kiss his temple. "It's alright. But next time..." You paused. "If you don't want to go out somewhere with me, just say so."
"No!" Sigma sat up straight, looking at you with his wide eyes. "I like going to places with you. I didn't really mean it, I swear."
You looked at him, and this time the smile that tugged at your lips was automatic. "Really?"
"Yeah," He nodded furiously. "I really like spending time with you."
You chuckled softly. "Mn, good to hear."
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aothotties · 8 months
How they help you get over someone
| Eren| Reiner | Jean | Levi |
Word count: 624
Warnings: nerdy!armin, oral (f. receiving), fingering, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, doggy style, hair pulling, unprotected sex, armin has an attitude :)
“Oh, Armin” you whined out as he sucked on your sensitive clit. Your fingers tangled in his blonde locks and you pushed his face deeper into your cunt 
You came to his apartment to study for your finals but as you were going over the materials you received a text from your best friend. She informed you that your situationship was seen out with someone else.
Your heart was crushed. For 1, it hurt you that he was sneaking around behind your back, but you were more upset at yourself. You knew what type of guy he was and you fell for it anyway. 
You couldn't stop the tears from falling and Armin was scrambling trying to get you to stop crying.
He listened to you tell him the story between sobs and placed his hand on your thigh to comfort you
“I'm sorry this happened to you. I'm here for you” he said to you then placed a sweet kiss on your cheek. “I wish i could make it all better for you”
And that's how you ended us spread out on his bed with him eating you like his favorite meal.
Armin slowly licked your folds and inserted a finger in your greedy cunt. He curled it upward hitting that spot while he started relentlessly sucking your clit 
“Cum on my face baby girl” he said and he continued to hit you favorite spot with his long finger
As if on command your legs began to shake as that knot in your stomach released. You came over his face as your thighs tried to close from the pleasure but he held them open. HIs tongue didn't stop until you came down from your high
Armin swiftly turned you around and lifted your ass in the air. He moaned at the sight of your pretty cunt glistening in front of him.
He inserted himself and you let out a whine as his dick filled you. Armin wasted no time fucking you, giving you hard thrusts as he watched you ass recoil against him everytime he pushed his dick in you 
You were overstimulated and tears spilled out as he fucked you.
“Better be crying over my dick and not that little boy” he said through gritted teeth
“No-not crying for him. Feel s’good baby” you moaned and buried your face in the pillow, embarrassed that the smartest, nerdiest, boy in your lecture had you in tears from his cock.
He grabbed your hair and pulled you up so that your back was against his chest 
“Let me hear you moaning my name baby ,Don't be shy” he whispered in you ear before softly nibbling at the lobe
His name rolled off your tongue over and over as he kept bullying your throbbing cunt.
The way your pussy squeezed him had him seeing stars. He just couldn't help but think that guy was dumb for not appreciating your warm wet cunt.
You couldn’t help cumming on his dick and your body shook from the feeling of you spilling onto him.
Armin groaned loudly in your ear and he quickened the pace of his hips
“You think he’d be mad if you were walking around with my baby inside you, hm? Gonna let me fill that beautiful little pussy and make me a father?” he asked you as he got closer to the edge 
Cock drunk, you told him yes and gave him permission to fill you to the brim. He pushed your head back down on the pillow and his fingers dug into your soft flesh as he came inside your needy cunt.
“He’s a dumbass, I'll never leave, I can promise you that” he said as he slipped out and laid next to you.
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