#i'm not 'fandom old'
Idk how we can make this easier for people. I really don’t.
If you’re going to post any variation of ‘I hate/dislike x’ in the tag for x, that is rude. You are being rude. Your justifications don’t matter. Your caveats don’t matter. ‘I dislike x in a blorbo way’ means nothing. You are still contributing to the problem of ‘x hate in the x tag’. Stop it.
To go on to say ‘don’t hate on people for liking/disliking a character, people are allowed to have opinions, sweaties’ is just. incredibly condescending. and missing the point of what a lot of people in the x tag are complaining about. Nobody cares if you hate x as long as we don’t have to see you talking about how much or why or in what way you hate x. That’s it. That is our only problem here. With this specific thing. (the anon hate is another issue entirely)
We will gladly champion your right to hate x and to talk about hating x, just as long as we don’t have to see it. Don’t tag it. Tag it with ‘x critical’ or ‘anti-x’ or ‘x hate’ or literally anything else. This should not be a discussion we keep needing to have. This shouldn’t have been up for discussion in the first place. Its just fucking manners.
I know (or am guessing) the op intended that post to be a joke. That doesn’t change the fact that we’re fucking tired of this shit. In fact that actually kind of makes it worse. We’re tired. We’re so fucking tired of having to argue, constantly, against people who aren’t joking just so we can have some fucking peace and enjoy x like the rest of yall enjoy y and z.
I’m sorry to make an example of op, I’m not blocking them before I post this, so its possible/likely they’ll see this, but if you’re gonna do this shit in the tag then I think vagueing/not @/naming you is like. the most you’re owed.
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cardentist · 8 months
hey, so people need to be aware that youtube is now (randomly) holding basic features for ransom (such as being able to pin comments under your own videos) in exchange for Your State ID/Drivers License, or a 30 Second Video Of Your Face.
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not to pull a "think of the children," but No Actually. I've been making videos as a hobby since 2015 (and I've had my channel since middle school), I was a minor when I started and I'm not sure I would have understood the kind of damage something a seemingly simple as a video of your face can do.
this is a Massive breach of privacy and over-reach on google's part No Matter What, but if they're going to randomly demand a state ID or license then they absolutely should not allow minors to be creators.
google having a stockpile of identifying information on teenagers is bad enough, but the Alternative of recording your face and handing it over to be filed away is Alarming considering it opens the gates for minors who Aren't old enough to have a license.
and yes, there is a third option, but it's intentionally obtuse. a long wait period (2 months), with no guarantee of access (unlike, say, the convenience of using your phone's cameras for either of the other two), with absolutely No elaboration on what the criteria is or how it's being measured.
it's the same psychological effect that mobile games rely on. offer a slow, unreliable solution with no payment to make the Paid instant gratification look more appealing (the "payment" in this case being You. you are the product being offered).
and it's Particularly a system that (I think intentionally) disadvantages people who don't treat their channels like a job. hobbyists or niche creators who don't create regularly enough or aren't popular enough to meet whatever Vague criteria needs to be met to pass.
markiplier would have no problem passing, your little brother might not be able to. and while Mark's name is already out there there's no reason why your little brother's should be too.
something like pinned comments may seem simple, you don't technically Need it. but it's a feature that's been available for years. most people don't look at descriptions anymore. so when there's relevant information that needs to be delivered then the pinned comment is usually the go to.
for my little channel that information is about the niche series I create for. guides on how to get into the series, sources on where to find the content At All (and reliably so). for other creators it can be used for things Much More Important.
Moreover, if we let them get away with cutting away "small" features and selling it back to you for the price of your privacy, then they Will creep further. they Will take more.
Note: I have an update to this post here: [Link]
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unrelatedsideblog · 16 days
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Pillow-talk...? But Sanji doesn't know what to do with the compliments not earned with his service
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sketchy-tour · 3 months
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Redrew some of my old daycare attendant doodles as stress relief today
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skellagirl · 4 months
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help help help I can't stop drawing gay lawyers
Trucy should be brown and I'll die on that hill
The fact that Klavier is 5'11" and Apollo is 5'5" 🥹 I love a height difference
I am convinced they drew Valant's hair Like That (tm) in-game because otherwise we would have all fallen madly in love with him
Wesley is my favorite witness in Apollo Justice, I'm so sorry for my shit taste 😔
I've drawn Godot without a mask before but I wanted to do it Again because I am still enamored with the idea of him having white eyelashes
Aromantic Miles means so much to me
I get that it's probably just the way they drew his jacket but why is Miles's little court sprite so caked though 😭
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valc0 · 8 days
Rogue is Jack
Rogue is the Master
Rogue is a pre-Hartnell doctor
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cookinguptales · 1 year
the funniest thing to me about this whole tumblr sexyman debate is that it's being presented as like "tumblr veterans" who love cecil vs. these new young interlopers who love sans when like
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girls, girls. you're both elderly.
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noirandchocolate · 23 days
RICE Alzheimer's Research Institute
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Terry died on 12 March 2015, having given his PCA a run for its money.  Open about his diagnosis, he has helped to unlock the secrecy and stigma that often surrounds dementia.  His legion of fans is undoubtedly grateful that despite the inevitable progression of the PCA he was able to fight his ‘embuggerance’ and continue to produce a number of both well-received and well-reviewed books.  Terry was also a great example to me in emphasizing how important it is that, in caring for people with any type of dementia, we always look for what people with a condition like PCA can still do, rather than what they can’t: by maximizing what is possible, a person can still live well with dementia for a significant time.
–Professor Roy Jones, Director of RICE (taken from “Terry Pratchett: His World”)
I wanted to post something for the Glorious 25th about the Research Institute for the Care of Older People (RICE) in Bath, where Sir Terry Pratchett received treatment for Post-Cortical Atrophy, the type of Alzheimer’s disease that eventually took his life. From the organization’s website:
RICE established one of the first memory clinic services in the UK in 1987 – a service which has since been widely replicated and is now considered standard and best practice by the NHS. In fact, RICE now runs the NHS Memory Clinic in Bath and North East Somerset on behalf of the local clinical commissioning group and local authority through a sub-contract with HCRG Care Group. To date, we’ve assessed, diagnosed, treated and advised 12,000 people with memory problems and their families in our memory clinic. 
Most of RICE’s clinical services and research activities take place in our own purpose built, specialist centre located on the Royal United Hospital site. The building of the RICE Centre was possible as a result of generous donations from major donors, trusts and foundations, and members of the public. RICE moved into the ground and first floor of the centre in 2008. Following the success of the DementiaPlus Appeal and further generous donations from major donors, trusts and foundations and members of the public, RICE converted the attic floor in 2019 to create more office space. This has given us access to much needed additional rooms and offices which will enable us to grow and run more services and activities. We’ve worked hard to ensure that the areas of the centre visited by our patients meets their needs and we regularly receive feedback on how much our patients enjoy their visit to our centre.
RICE not only provides clinical services to patients, but also conducts research into aging and dementia, including performing clinical trials for new drug treatments for memory-related diseases and developing other “techniques for diagnosing, managing, treating and understanding dementia and memory changes in older adults.”
Lady Lyn Pratchett is the patron of the organization, and the website includes a page about how people can donate funds or volunteer at the clinic and participate in fundraising events.
SO, if you’d like to help fund Alzheimer’s research on this Glorious 25th of May–or at any time–in honor of the Man in the Hat, take a look!
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soppsop · 10 months
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[Image Description: A series of digital redraws of the Cookie Run Ovenbreak characters from the Cookie Trial event in the Ace Attorney art style. The first image shows Cotton Candy Cookie standing in the witness stand, holding a love letter that covers her mouth. She's looking to the side and blushing. Her textbox reads "I'm here because the defendant stole something from me!".
The second image shows Langue de Chat cookie in the defence bench thinking "Um... The witness is blushing...". He is pushing up his glasses and has a drop of sweat on his face.
The third image is of Roguefort Cookie standing as the defence's co-council in a prison outfit, looking at the camera and smiling, saying "That person really is an interesting one..."
The fourth image shows Cappuccino Cookie standing in the prosecutor's bench, holding a book in his left arm and hitting the bench with his right fist, shouting "Tell us what they stole!"
The fifth image shows Cotton Candy Cookie again, this time blushing more, with her eyes closed and the letter covering her face even more and saying "That person..... Completely stole my heart!"
The sixth image shows Langue de Chat Cookie shocked, leaning on the bench and pushing up his now broken glasses, sweating and with messy hair. The textbox says "!?"
The seventh image is Cappuccino Cookie also shocked and sweating, leaning on the bench with his fist clenched and the textbox says "!?!?!???"
The last image shows a comparison between the redraws and the original cookie sprites. End ID]
I'm sorry everyone I gave in. I attorneyd the cookies
This was meant to be just some doodles but i was having wayyy too much fun with this lmao. The text is a bit awkward but there was a LOT of dialogue in the original and i had to cut it down somehow rip
Anyways I think Roguefort Cookie would be the worst defendant ever
*I'm very bad at writing and describing things so if anyone has any corrections to my ID please tell me thank you 😭
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menlove · 21 days
exciting post from james menlove ur local beatles rpf mutual but i'm sooo curious on where this tide has shifted over the last few years bc i remember 2016 when it was world-ending discourse
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2334242xiao · 2 months
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Watched the atla series on Netflix and I suddenly remembered jetko (damn toxic doomed bisexuals
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spllwys · 2 months
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"And there's nothing you can do!" ⛧ Ghost - Rats for WORLD RAT DAY 04/04/2024
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"90% of fanfic is terrible and written by angsty teenagers."
Ma'am I'm begging you to log off Wattpad and join the rest of us adults on AO3 in the big girl fandoms
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feedthefandomfest · 5 months
Comment Bingo for Beginners
Very simple rules: connect 5 squares in a line by completing the task in each square
Very simple goals: encourage newbie or nervous commenters; encourage fandom writers to KEEP WRITING
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Download Bingo Card HERE (png) or HERE (jpg) or HERE (pdf)
Complete the tasks on the card, marking off each as you go, until you've completed 5 in a line (vertical, horizontal, or diagonal; NO double-dipping; kudos ♥️ is a free space)
POST your winning card (or list your filled squares) and tag @feedthefandomfest! Glory in your victory.
✨ victory badge ✨
Tag me when you earn a bingo (or double, triple, quadruple... FULL CARD bingo) and I'll reblog a shiny badge with your name on it to commemorate the win.
Can I comment on tumblr or only on AO3?
Either one is great! Some squares are more designed with AO3 in mind, but most can be adjusted to suit tumblr as well, so I say go for it. Tumblr fics deserve love, too.
Can one comment count toward multiple squares if the fic fits more than one category?
Since the goal is for as many fics to receive comments as possible, try to comment on a different fic for each square.
Is there a time limit?
Nope! Take your time or set your own deadline, whatever works for you. This blog is still in its early experimental stage, so feedback welcome. Play around and let me know what you like and what might be added/changed—including ideas for squares on future cards!
Do I have to record progress on the actual card?
Nope! If it’s easier to keep track in a different way, that’s fine. This is all very honor system, so if you say you earned a Bingo, we’ll call it a win 🎉
Some people have been tracking not just completed tasks, but the fics they read along the way, so that when they post a bingo, they can also promote the fics/authors in a little rec list. Not required, but definitely cool to see!
Can I adjust the task in a particular square to suit my comfort level?
Of course! If you deliver something in the spirit of the task, then it’s all good. Use your best judgement in constructing a comment that will make the author smile, and you can consider it a job well done.
In general, so long as each square has produced at least one comment, you’re golden and I salute you 🫡
Happy commenting!!
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valc0 · 24 days
Gotta be honest, on one hand I appreciate the thought that communities on Tumblr could help artists, writers and fans connect through shared interests. But I'm also worried it will create an insular structure where reaching more people will be near impossible.
Imo, one of the best experiences on Tumblr is seeing people you follow lose their shit over some random show you’ve never heard of and then checking out that show and discover “wow that’s pretty neat!”
I have the feeling this kind of experience will be likely lost if more people start isolating inside thematic communities.
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grims-sunshine · 8 months
🤍 I've got the Magic Touch 🤍
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Summary: Gale catches you reading an erotic novel. While you read it, he takes your pleasure into his own hands.
Pairing: Gale x Tav
Word Count: 1.9k
Content: Established relationship; takes place after the events of the game; f!reader; breast groping; some fingering
Content for the novel: Kinda generic, cliché smut; mostly making out and a blowjob
Note: This is a reupload because the fic wasn't showing in the tags. Usually I dislike doing this, but to be totally honest I put a ton of effort into this fic and was pretty sad when literally only one person saw it because Tumblr is a bully. So here's to hoping it works out this time.
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Felix pushed Sylvanna up to the wall, finally taking what he'd been craving for so long and giving her what she'd been waiting for ever since that one night.
"I just can't control myself around you," he whispered, the words hardly more than a deep growl from within his chest.
"Then don't," Sylvanna breathed in response, offering herself to him fully.
"What are you reading there, love?"
Gale's voice abruptly pulls you out of the book you've been reading. Startled by his sudden presence, you snap it shut, praying to whichever god will listen that he didn't take a peek at the pages before making himself known.
You're usually comfortable around Gale, but something about him finding out that you're reading filthy erotica in the middle of the day fills you with embarrassment.
"Oh, it's nothing special. Just some old tome I've picked up from the bookstore earlier," you lie, cursing yourself for the way your voice cracks. You're not a great liar, and Gale knows you too well to be easily fooled.
"Do you need anything?" You add the question, hoping it'll be enough to distract him.
When you lean back head far to look at Gale, looming over you, staring back with an amused expression.
"Why? Can't a wizard just walk into his own reading room anymore?" Gale asks with a chuckle, holding up his hands. He walks around the small couch in the middle of the room to sit next to you. You notice him prying at the book, so you promptly cover it with your hands.
"No, no, I'm just asking," you say, leaning in to press a quick kiss to Gale's cheek. "It's your home, of course you're always welcome here."
"Well, you've been spending a lot of time in here. I'd almost consider it your personal space by now," Gale says with a fond smile.
He's not wrong. This has quickly become one of your favorite spots in the whole tower, ever since you moved back to Waterdeep with him. It's comfortable, cozy, and perfect for rainy and cold days when you don't want to sit outside while reading.
Not to mention, the couch is big enough to fit the both of you on it. This has led to many evenings spent in here, doing things far more interesting than reading books with each other, which certainly adds to this being your favourite space.
"So, what's your book about?" Gale continues. "You seemed rather… Engrossed by it just now." You should've known he wouldn't just drop it. On the surface it seems like an innocent enough question. You often tell each other about your latest reads, discussing what's happening at great length. But this time, there's something else hidden under the innocent act, that you can't quite pin down. Maybe it's the slight smile tugging at his lips, or the glint in his eyes when he looks at you.
You shrug. "Just some cheesy, run of the mill romance. You'd probably find it rather boring." You try to sound as casual as you can, but even you can tell it's failing terribly. Gale isn't stupid, after all.
"Romance, huh?" Gale nods, giving you a look that says he doesn't believe a word you're saying. "So, which part of the romance has you squirming and pressing your thighs together?" He gives you a smirk.
You feel the heat rush to your face in an instant and Gale laughs upon seeing your expression, pulling you into a hug. "I'm not judging you. I was genuinely curious about what you're reading. It really did seem like you were enjoying yourself, so I wanted to know what got you so… worked up." He says it with a sincerity that makes your embarrassment melt away.
You uncover the book that you'd been hiding under your hands up until now and hand it to Gale.
The cover alone would probably be enough for anyone to tell what the book's contents are: A woman in a silky robe that barely covers her body, leaning against a faceless male figure, posessively holding her in his arms.
Gale inspects the cover, then turns his attention back to you. "What's it about?"
You sigh. "Well, it's this woman… Who becomes the apprentice of a powerful wizard… And she lives in his tower and they… You know."
You feel another rush of embarrassment as Gale nods, raising his eyebrows. "Interesting."
You sigh, feeling the way your cheeks flush. "I'm not just reading it because you're a wizard and I'm fantasizing about you or anything like that. It's just… Well, the smut scenes are pretty good," you admit, averting your eyes.
"Oh, I wasn't thinking that. Although I certainly wouldn't mind you fantasizing about me," Gale assures you, chuckling a little. "But I am intrigued now. Is it really that good?"
You nod. "Yes, it's pretty good. You can read it once I'm done, if you'd like." This isn't Gale's usual taste in books, but he seems interested enough.
Gale thinks for a moment, shakes his head. "Actually, I've got a much better idea." He leans against the back of the couch, half lying down, and pats the space between his legs. "Come here," he says. He looks up at you with a warm smile.
You can guess what he has in mind already. This is how you usually sit when you're reading a book together. It seems like a good enough solution -- You can continue reading, and perhaps Gale's curiosity will be sated as well.
You lie down with your back against Gale's chest. He wraps his arms around you and presses a kiss to your temple before comfortably resting his head on your shoulder.
You're nestled in Gale's embrace, surrounded by his warmth. It's your favourite feeling in the world, being comfortable and safe in his arms.
He hands your book back to you and you open it where you last left off, beginning to read once again.
Felix didn't waste any time giving in to his desires. He pulled Sylvanna into a passionate kiss, their bodies practically melting together.
Sylvanna felt how hard he was, pressing up against her. She cupped him with her hand and began to slowly stroke him, earning her a low moan from him.
Your attention drifts from the words on the page to the sensation of Gale's lips, soft against your neck, followed by the subtle scratching of his beard over your skin as he leaves a trail of kisses there. Your breath hitches and you let your head sink back to grant him more access. To your surprise, Gale stops almost immediately and you feel him smile against your skin, almost smug.
"Keep reading," he says, his voice a little lower than usual, before continuing his trail of kisses. You can sense a hint of amusement in his voice -- He's enjoying this.
So this was his plan. You decide to go along with it, turning your focus back on the book once more.
Sylvanna dropped to her knees, fumbling to get Felix's pants off him. She was desperate to taste him, to be the one taking the lead for once.
S he looked up at Felix as she began slowly stroking his cock before licking a stripe up the shaft, teasing the tip with her tongue.
Once again, your reading is interrupted when you feel Gale's hands travel across your body, grasping at your breasts through the fabric of your shirt. You gasp as his touch goes bolder, hiking up your shirt just enough to be able to reach underneath it. His hands find your breasts once again, massaging them and gently tugging at your nipples, rolling them between his fingers.
It makes it all the harder to focus on your book, when all you want is to sink into Gale, close your eyes and let his touch take you to oblivion.
His movements stop again, shattering you bliss. "Try to stay focused, love," Gale whispers, followed by a kiss pressed right underneath your ear. It takes you a moment to catch on, to clear the fog that's been taking over your brain at his touch. The book.
You try to clear your mind and take in the words, but you're far too distracted by Gale to fully make sense of what you're reading. It's more like your eyes absentmindedly skim the pages while your thoughts keep slipping away.
When she finally put him in her mouth, Felix groaned deeply.
As she started sucking him off, he buried his hand in her hair, gently leading her movements.
He cursed under his breath. "Fuck, you're perfect. I should've given in to this desire sooner."
Gale's hands wander down your body, gently pulling your legs apart and stroking your thighs. As one of his hands pushes past the hem of your pants and underwear you feel a rush of excitement. His fingers slowly begin parting your folds and you can't help but let out a small moan.
You can only imagine how wet you must be already from everything. It only gets worse when he begins rubbing slow, deliberate circles around your clit. You let out a small whimper and your hips involuntarily buckle up against him, causing Gale to use his free hand to gently push you back down, holding you in place.
"You haven't turned that page in a while," Gale notes, sounding amused. He doesn't stop what he's doing this time and you thank the gods for it. You're not sure what you'd do if he stopped touching you right now.
You only hum in response, hardly making sense of his words.
One of his fingers finds your hole, pushing a single digit inside and you let out another whimper.
"Well? Won't you keep going?" Gale asks again, although by the tone of his voice, you're sure he knows the answer already.
"Can't… Focus," you finally manage to say, and Gale hums in response. You feel the vibrations in his chest and somehow it only makes you even dizzier.
"I suppose you've gotten far enough," Gale says, grazing your flushed cheek with his lips.
He uses the hand that had been holding you in place to grab the book and set it aside.
"Well, this allows me to move a little better, so I don't mind either." He smirks and pulls you a little closer against him.
You can feel his own arousal pressing against your back, but your attention quickly gets pulled away when Gale fully pushes his first finger inside of you, slowly pumping it in and out. Your hips push against him once again, but he doesn't press them down this time, allowing you to fully embrace the pleasure.
Gale adds a second finger, picking up the pace along with it.
Your head rolls back against his shoulder, somehow finding Gale's lips for a passionate kiss. You squirm in his arms, whimpers growing louder as Gale manages to hit the spot that sends you over the edge.
He continues to pump his fingers while you shake and cry out in pleasure, allowing you to ride out your orgasm.
Your body finally relaxes and you sink back against Gale, feeling lightheaded. Gale holds you close, pressing soft kisses against your temple as he lets you catch your breath.
"That was incredible," you manage to say after a while, finally able to form words again.
"Agreed," Gale says with a smile. "Although I hope you're up for a second round. There's something I could use a little help with."
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