#i'm not bothered this all just feels very safe and i'm used to being cautious
gilliandersons · 4 months
i'm not familiar with cbs so the way they keep packing up the Big Plot on random episodes makes my brain go full question mark. is that it? should i be suspicious or is this how they run things?
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yoredoesmore · 2 months
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Until Fate Reunites us - An Unexpected Storm | Cyno
pairing: Cyno x Reader
summary: Two young children who both share different fates meet. They are connected by a bond that surpasses even the universe, but the worlds they were born into divide them. Will their paths cross again or will their first encounter be their last?
cw: fight scenes, the story takes place in cyno's and y/n's childhood, mentioning of child abuse, kidnapping
genre: angst, action, eventual romance, [wc: 2,7k]
a/n: this story was written long before more parts of cyno's backstory were released, so none of this is canon
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The burning summer heat fell onto the world, penetrating not just the climate but also one's mind. It was safe to say that this was by far one of the hottest days of the year in Sumeru, yet you didn't seem to mind. With a smile on your face, you walked over the sandy surface, carefree and full of joy. Today was a day of celebration, one you were destined to remember forever– today, you were going to create your very own family.
Years of loneliness and desperation were finally coming to an end, you could feel it in your heart.
Now, one would ask themselves how a little child like you was going to achieve such goal but you were ready to surprise them all. Months have gone into the making of your plan and nothing and no one was going to stop you from pursuing it. So as you sneaked past the gates of Caravan Ribat, you held your eyes out for your new family members.
"Look at this.." You said in awe while making your way through the bustling streets of the marketplace. You were no stranger to crowded places and commotion, despite being born in the middle of the desert. When the rations got thin and the nights too dangerous, you would often come here and borrow one or two items from the stalls or seek shelter behind one of the buildings. It was safe to say that you were at least familiar enough with the place to know where to search first.
But even though you fit right in with the people, you still had to be cautious. This place was just booming with guards and thieves, a dangerous mixture for an outsider and little kid like you. But you still did a pretty good job at mixing in with the locals. Hardly anybody took notice of your existence and even those who did, did not bother themselves longer than two seconds with your presence. After making it through the entire street, you finally arrived at your first destination.
Right under a structure or bridge, you weren't entirely sure what it was, they sat. Children like you, but a tad bit older. Despite their young appearance, nobody dared to walk past or even look at them. These teenagers were known for causing trouble after all. Yet you didn't even hesitate to approach them with a bright smile.
"Good afternoon." You said, holding out your hand. "My name is Y/n, and I would like for you guys to join my family!"
A long silence followed your words which was followed by an awkward cough. The teenagers exchanged confused looks with one another before one of them decided to speak up.
"Are you lost, kid..?" The tallest asked.
"I was but I am not anymore. I am here to recruit you guys to join my family!"
"Join...your family? I'm sorry kid but we have no interest in playing house with you. Why don't you ask mommy and daddy to get you some toys to play with them instead?"
"Don't be rude, Galehunter, the kid is just lost." A brown haired girl came to your defense. The blonde girl simply rolled her eyes and nodded her head towards your direction, acting as if you weren't right in front of them.
"Listen kid. I don't know where your parents are but you should go back and find them. You don't know us so stop saying these weird things. We could easily cut you open and sell your body parts, distribute your organs on the black market and much more. Return now and let us be."
The five teens patiently waited for you to run off in fear, show some signs that their presence was intimidating you but you remained stuck in place. Your stubbornness must have gotten on their nerves, because one of them suddenly revealed a dagger to you. The shiny object absorbed the sunlight, making it look like some expensive jewelry. The boy swung the weapon in front of your eyes but you didn't move one inch.
"This kid is crazy.." The boy with the dagger said, returning the weapon to its previous spot.
"They call you Stone Enchanter, right?" You asked the boy.
"I would like you guys to call me Frostbite. I may be young but I am the leader of a gang that is in desperate need of new members..or members in general. You and I are quite similar, forgotten kids who roam the sand and fight for their survival. We were abandoned by this world, by our archon and by the people and now seek vengeance. Follow me, thrust me and become one of the most feared soldiers the world has ever seen."
"And why should we?" Galehunter suddenly asked while approaching you.
"Why should we put our trust in the hands of a child? We don't know if you're capable of leading a group. Being from the streets means nothing if you can't play by its rules." The girl looked down at you with daring eyes, eyes which you adored but also saw as a provocation.
You knew that things wouldn't go as smoothly as you wanted them to, that is why you came prepared. You still believed that today was a date which would be engraved into the stars and you were going to do everything to make that happen.
"How can I prove myself?"
Galehunter thought for a while before her eyes suddenly lit up. She grabbed you by the shoulder and turned you around and pointed at a young boy. The child was walking hand in hand with who you assumed were his parents. An uneasy feeling started to erupt in your body as you waited for her answer.
"You see that happy family over there? The father looks like he makes good money judging from the clothes they're wearing..I'm sure he wouldn't mind a few missing Mora."
"That's it? I just have to steal some Mora?" You found the request amusing at first, a challenge easily done, but when you noticed all the guards that started to surround them, your smile quickly dropped. Their expensive attire obviously didn't go unnoticed by your eyes but to think that they were that important people, here in the middle of the desert? The task immediately shifted up on the difficulty scale.
"Today history will be written. The birth of a new organization, one that will make it all the way to the stars. We shall celebrate that birth with a big feast, which I of course will pay for."
The teens just nodded their heads and laughed, none of them taking you serious. They were doubting your skills and intelligence but that was only to be expected. None of them could ever have fathomed the strength that laid within your grasp..
Time passed, yet the sun still burned down on Teyvat like an ungodly fire. For the past thirty minutes you have tried your best to keep up with the family– which went quite successful most of the time. They were an easy target despite the crowded place and not to mention the unusual hair color of their son that made them stick out more than a sore thumb. By listening in during some of their conversations, you managed to find out that they were from Sumeru City and came here for some business affairs. They were indeed a family but to your surprise they weren't as rich as you thought they were.
The man was part of the Matra, a group of self proclaimed heroes of the Akademiya and his wife was a professor. They gave off a rather friendly aura but that of course didn't stop you from following through with your plan. You cautiously watched them enter the Gilded Journey, a famous resting place for all types of travelers but also quite the dangerous place for the average person. But given the man's occupation, he would have no troubles defending his people.
While watching them, you constantly tried to find an opening, a moment of distraction, but your search was in vain. If they weren't surrounded by guards and mercenaries, they would be in an too unideal position to attack from.
The only opening there was, was the son. His curious eyes gazed into all kinds of directions as they walked through the bustling marketplace. He was your best chance– and most likely even your only. Unsure of how to draw his attention towards you, you waited and waited, for the perfect opportunity to find you and indeed after a couple more minutes an idea popped into your head.
You waited a few more moments for one of the merchants to pull the parents into one of their exaggerated stories before you approached the kid.
"Did they sell out yet??" You asked him in a worried tone.
"The..what?" He replied in a rather confused voice.
"The nuts of course! Did they sell out yet?" Concern reflected in the boy's eyes as you continued to confuse him. He had absolutely no idea what you were talking about yet he couldn't help himself but become curious.
"What nuts are you talking about?" You carefully took a peek at his parents, who were still chatting with the merchant. You then pointed at a man who was standing in the far distance.
"His name is Hawad and he sells the most delicious Candid Ajilenakh Nuts! they're a delicacy here and are mostly known for their sweetness. They sell out really fast and I wanted to know if he still had some left. Every child loves them, so I thought that maybe you have gotten some already but..seems like you don't.."
This was the moment of truth. The boy's eyes still reeked of confusion and conflict yet the small sparks of curiosity didn't go unnoticed by you. Your heart stopped for a second when he turned around to talk to his mother but when he asked her for some Mora a big smile found its way on your face.
"Yes mother, I will be back shortly. Do not worry, the vendor is right over there." And with that said the boy ran off and you followed him. Your eyes were dead focused on the bag. He had told the woman that he was just going to buy some of the books he saw at the other stall, what a clever child. Based on that, you figured that someone as posh as him wasn't allowed to snack on such unhealthy delicates.
"What's your name?" The boy suddenly asked.
"I'm Y/n, what about you?"
"I'm Cyno!"
"Nice to meet you, Cyno." The two of you exchanged smiles before you continued to focus on the task at hand. You were only a couple minutes away from the merchant, you could already smell the sweet aroma of the nuts. You weren't lying when you said that the Ajilenakh Nuts were beloved by the people of the desert. They were sugary and nice to chew on, the perfect snack when craving something sweet and you loved them.
Your heart bloomed with each step you took forward. Cyno walked ahead of you and was equally excited, but the both of you for different reasons.
Stretching out your hands, you prepared yourself to snatch the bag out of his grip, but all of a sudden an eerie atmosphere filled the air. All the exhilaration had clouded your mind, making you forget about your surroundings. You had let your guard down and that led to a group of strangers suddenly approaching you.
"Look at that.." One of them said with a mischievous smile on his face. "We got ourselves some lost kids."
"Who appear to be in desperate need of help from some capable adults."
Cyno's smile immediately faded upon noticing their dangerous nature. He shifted closer to you but not to hide himself but rather to shield you with his own body.
"We are in no need of help." He said in a serious tone. "Just on our way back to our parents."
"Well, then why don't we guide you back?" One of the men suddenly grabbed you by the shoulders and started pushing you towards the exit of the market. You were about to yell out to get the public's attention when one of them pulled out a dagger and held it against the boy's back. It was perfectly concealed, for only your eyes to see.
"Let's bot bother anyone else, shall we?" A woman, the leader of the group you assumed, gave you a soft smile.
"Let's move to a more quiet place, shall we?.."
Your gaze moved over to Cyno, who's face was filled with horror and concern. All you were able to do was comply and follow the group off the market ground..
The sun was starting to set and with the setting of the sun , the radiant heat drastically decreased as well.
There you were, in the middle of the desert, surrounded by criminals. The group of gangsters had taken you to an abandoned camp that wasn't too far away from Caravan Ribit you believed but not exactly close either.
Neither you or Cyno had said a word throughout the entire journey, too scared to piss one of them off. Turning your gaze around towards the boy, you tried to make out the state he was currently in but his eyes were completely empty.
"Why did you take us all the way out here? If you had wanted our Mora, you simply would have taken it."
"We got ourselves a little thinker over here." The woman said, slowly approaching you.
"Times are getting rather rough out here, little one, I'm sure you heard mommy and daddy talk about it as well. The prices of basic goods are rapidly increasing day by day and simple commissions aren't enough to get us by anymore."
"So you kidnapped us in hopes that our parents would pay you guys a fine price?" Cyno suddenly joined the conversation.
"Impressive. Looks like we caught a bundle of little researchers." The woman's voice was filled with sarcasm, which earned her soft chuckles from her comrades.
Cyno just rolled his eyes at their remarks but remained silent. The situation had spiraled out of control and you were starting to get really worried. If you had been on your own, these eremites would have been taken care of in no time but the boy's presence was a great limitation to your options. You didn't want him to be confronted with any graphic scenes but you knew that you had to do something about this mess of a situation at some point.
"I must disappoint you then, I'm an orphan." You said with a smug smile on your face. Both the adults and the boy turned around to look at you.
"Then you have no worth to us.." A deep voice came forth. A tall figure raised itself into the air, pulling out a dagger from his pocket. Cyno's eyes widened in terror as he saw the sharp weapon being pointed at you but when he tried to scream out for them to stop, another individual placed their large hand over his lips, forcing him to watch in fear.
The eremite swung the dagger into the air but missed, as you moved quickly and dodged him at the last second.
A ball of your spit then hit the man right between the eyes, setting off the fury in him. But while he was cursing you, you freed yourself from the ropes they had tied your hands with together and threw yourself onto him with full force. The blade he held only seconds ago was now pointed at his own neck, but it never came in contact with his skin.
Yet he still screamed out in pain.
The Eremites around you froze up upon hearing their comrade's cries and watched the scene unfold.
"My eyes!" The man cried out, desperately pressing his hands over his face.
"That fucking brat froze my eyeballs!"
From there on, everything moved in slow motion. All remaining Eremites came charging at you but they fell as fast as they came. Your attacks were quick and unforeseeable. Like a snowstorm you swooped over them and froze their different body parts to the core. After only minutes they were all on the ground, knocked out cold or shivering uncontrollably.
The boy was beyond speechless. His mouth hung wide open as he watched you pat off the sand from your clothes as if what just happened was nothing. He didn't know what to say or how to react– if he should feel grateful or intimidated. He was frozen in place like the enemies on the ground and his eyes stayed stuck on the small item that had fallen out of your pocket and now dangled around in the cold desert wind.
Your Vision.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
I'm very glad to see you back and hope that you're alright and also I thank you for writing my request Thor with Mitsuri daughter. I want to request ror family with a child reader who's 5 years old, and was abused by her mother and when she's being adopted by them she doesn't talk to them at all, she just stare at them if they ask her something, she flinch when someone raise their hand a bit or raise their voice near her, but she likes to spend time with the gods/humans that are usually serious, like, she likes their presence and just likes to be around them, if you don't feel comfortable writing my request then I totally understand, I hope you have a great day/afternoon/night.
-Your massive family wasn’t sure of what to do with you- they had rescued you after seeing you being severely abused and beaten by your mother, and brought you to their home in Valhalla, one they all shared.
-The fed you, bathed you, gave you clean clothes, toys, and a big room just for you, showering you with love, but you were… it was like you were just there- there were no emotions in you, like you had abandoned them to keep yourself safe.
-Many were furious that a child had to go through that, leading you to become so fragile and broken where you didn’t react to anything. You didn’t even talk! They were all determined to help you in any way they could.
-However, you weren’t as willing to be helped, shying away from those who were a bit louder, reaching out to touch you, to hug you- you would always flinch, like they were going to hurt you, breaking their hearts.
-If any of them were to ask you something, you would look at them, at least acknowledging them, but you would never answer, not being used to be giving a choice in answering something, let alone making a decision, like what kind of ice cream you wanted for a treat.
-It was very odd, but you found solstice with the quieter members of your family, the more stoic ones, seeing them as similar to you, as they didn’t talk much, only when they needed too, Lu Bu and Thor were the ones you spent the most time with, much to their confusion.
-Loki thought it was rather cute, hanging around you as well, floating nearby as you sat on Thor’s lap, looking at a picture book about a lost puppy trying to get home, “Y/N~ do you want to get something sweet when you’re done with Thor?”
-You looked up at Loki, acknowledging him, he didn’t bother you as much as some of the others that you were still cautious with, mainly because he kept following you around, wanting to stay with you and you had slowly gotten used to him.
-You didn’t answer, even with a nod or shake of your head, just staring before Thor put his hand on your head, ruffling gently. He had felt your flinch at the touch but they both saw your tense shoulders slowly relax as you realized the touch didn’t hurt.
-Loki beamed brightly, kicking his feet as he looked like he was laying on his belly, his legs bent upwards as he floated in front of you, seeing the small smile on your lips as you turned the page.
-It was a slow going progress, helping you feel safe and happy, but it was one they were willing to work on together with you because they cared about you- they wanted you to feel safe and happy.
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abyssembraced · 3 months
Perhaps surprisingly, Ghost is actually quite merciful in a fight!
In general, they're a lot more reactive than they are proactive.
They do always give it their all in battle, and I suppose in that sense they could be considered rather ruthless. They'll never "go easy" on an opponent, since they don't actually know how to. They've never been in a situation before where doing such a thing would be relevant or useful. Everything they've fought during their life has either been Infected, a lesser creature that they're hunting for SOUL, or a highly skilled warrior that warrants them using their full capabilities. If someone asked Ghost to go easy on them in a spar, they'd probably just be confused about what that even meant?
The closest thing they've experienced to "going easy" on someone is simply not wasting unnecessary resources on a weak opponent. For example, if a lone, regular Vengefly has decided to harass them, Ghost isn't going to bother expending their gathered SOUL and Void with a spell when it'll fall in one hit from their nail.
Though, they are also cautious about how Void affects non-Void beings when they're around someone they care about not killing. Hornet has probably drilled it into them enough that the substance their body is made of is extremely dangerous to regular bugs dgshshfs. Plus they've seen examples of what Void can do to a bug from sources other than themself. Fortunately though, their Void infused spells (Abyss Shriek, Shade Soul, Descending Dark) are generally still safe enough to use in spars!
But, whether they fight and how long the fight lasts actually depends entirely on the other person. Ghost doesn't typically make the first strike or initiate a battle, and in cases where they do (such as the Mantis Lords fight), they make their intentions very clear with a challenge first. They aren't one for sneak attacks.
If someone attacks them, then they will fight back with all their might. But, if their opponent stops fighting, then they will too.
Against Infected foes, this usually means a fight to the death anyway, since due to the Radiance's influence, the enemy will not stop trying to kill Ghost until they either succeed or die trying. But against uninfected opponents like Hornet and the Mantis Lords, they can surrender, retreat, or even talk to Ghost safely without Ghost trying to go in for the kill. Even if that opponent was intending to kill Ghost themself. And for Infected and uninfected opponents alike, if they stagger, then Ghost will stop and wait for them, just to see if the fight is done or not.
If their opponent insists on fighting, though, then Ghost will never retreat themself, no matter how badly they get hurt. They'll keep fighting until their mask breaks, and even beyond that once they have Void Heart and can survive without it. Even in simple sparring matches. Self-preservation... Is not their strong suit dhdhshf.
This also means that my Ghost would not have killed the non-aggressive Infected enemies under most circumstances. In particular, they definitely never killed the other maggots (False Knight's siblings). Not only were those guys non-aggressive; they were sapient, terrified of Ghost, did not want to fight and very clearly showed this by actively running away. Ghost did not kill them. There was no reason to. Hell, I always feel really bad killing them for the Hunter's Journal entries lmao.
Regarding the Hunter's Journal entries, actually, for the enemies that they wouldn't have killed many of (if any at all), and perhaps even just in general, I'm inclined to say that Ghost still has the entries written down, but did so after just observing the specimens rather than killing them? Plus maybe also by inspecting the bodies of already dead creatures, like how you get the Garpede entry.
At least the initial entries anyway, which I like to think were actually written by Ghost. They probably don't have any of the "second tier" entries physically in the journal, considering that some of them (e.g. The direct quotes from the Warrior Dreams) make no sense for Ghost to know. But for the ones written specifically by the Hunter, maybe Ghost would pop by to show him their journal from time to time, and that's when he'd give them his input on Hallownest's creatures?
#ooc#.🪲#🪲 headcanon | ghost#((i'm torn on whether or not my ghost would have the hunter's mark gfdhf))#((on one hand. i'm not a huge fan of them *not* having 112% in their 'file' (...or. 108% (no pantheons) for their dream no more verse) ))#((BUT. realistically. they wouldn't have it. because they wouldn't have killed things to the extent that the hunter requests in-game))#((as i already said. there are some enemies that they wouldn't have killed at *all*))#((though i should note. ghost's 'mercy' and them not killing creatures unless they attack first isn't like. a kindness thing or anything))#((nor is it a desire to not fight. they quite enjoy sparring with strong fighters actually!))#((post-game they'd pretty much always be up for a spar and may even challenge others to some themself))#((instead it's kinda just. more of a logic thing? they see no reason to attack something that isn't threatening them. so they don't.))#((though if they needed more soul to survive? then yeah they'd hunt down even a passive creature like a tiktik or boofly))#((but there are so many aggressive infected creatures in hallownest that they can usually get enough soul just from fighting off those))#((and ghost 'showing mercy' in boss fights isn't like a conscious ''i'm choosing to spare you because it's the nice thing to do'' thing))#((it's a ''oh ok i guess we're done fighting now'' response. kinda just going with the flow))#((they might not even really understand the concept of 'mercy' actually unless it's explained to them))#((which. has potential for a funny thing actually. like someone comments on how ghost can be oddly merciful yet also so ruthless))#((and ghost's kinda just like ''? huh'' dgdgdhf))
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tokiidokiicasket · 3 years
this but with Malleus, jade and riddle? thanks~
⚰️ : Ehe ❤️ casket sales really do be piling up this season!
TW ; Possessive type of behaviour, stalking, etc.
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-Start running.
-Because what kind of fool would think "Oh, I can take s/o as my lover!!! Easy peasy!!!" when they're going up against not just a dorm leader of Diasomnia, but a prince that can literally turn himself into a dragon?
-Because the last thing that fool would want to do is be bold and steal away you, Malleus' lover, over a simple rejection, in fact there's very little of a chance that they'll be safe from his wrath.
-Oh, and don't even THINK he's going to be merciful oh no, Malleus is going to literally O B L I E R A T E that fool for being possessive and making you uncomfortable.
-And after that fool decides to leave you alone, Malleus will come by and comfort you, maybe even going on a walk together! If that fool dares to show their face again and come bother you, he'll make sure to have his guards stop him. ❤️
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-Jade is very observant and when he sees you being cautious around your surroundings, he knows immediately that something is up. There's no use in hiding it from him even if you try.
-It's honestly amusing how this fool would try to take you from him, I like to think he's one of the most intimidating vice dorm leaders, especially since he DOES do Azul's dirty work with Floyd.
-So when he learns about this fool disturbing you, he will take matters into his own hands. Jade won't let you know about what he's going to do with this fool, but I'm sure he has plenty of ideas of what to do with them.
-When you ask him about what happened to the fool, he'll simply smile and assure you that they won't be bothering you anytime soon. In the meantime, perhaps you could help him out serving in the lounge?
-Bless their soul but not really.
-The moment Riddle finds out about this fool bothering you, his s/o, all hell breaks loose. He may be short for a dorm leader but he knows when to take action when it's needed.
-On the outside, Riddle may seem calm about the situation, when really on the inside he's seething in many emotions for what this fool is making you go through. He genuinely does like you feeling this way because of that fool.
-If that fool dares to fight with him, Riddle will apprehend them with his unique magic and take them to the headmaster's office. After all, with such vulgar behaviour to not just his lover, but him too, will have to face the consequences.
-After that situation is dealt with, Riddle will invite you over in heartslabyul to comfort you! Offering you tea and strawberry tarts, maybe even letting you pet the hedgehogs too ❤️
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youbloodymadgenius · 3 years
Ivarello (Modern!Ivar x reader) Chapter 2
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Moodboard by @quantumlocked310
Ivarello's masterpost here
A/N: This is my entry for @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie 500 Followers Fairy Tale Challenge. It's a retelling of Cinderella. Congrats again, darling 💖
A huge thank you to @mrsalwayswrite , who's a great beta reader and an even greater cheerleader 😂
A massive thank you to @quantumlocked310 , @vikingstrash and @serasvictoria . Thank you for agreeing to collaborate and for sharing your talent with me. Your moodboards are beyond amazing 🤩
In this story, Sigurd is alive. Ragnar and Aslaug are dead, but Lagertha didn't kill her. I took a lot of liberties with the show, I hope you won't mind.
Unlike the tale, there will be no magic involved. Not everything will be realistic, however. It's a fayritale, after all!
Let me know if you want to be tagged 😊
Summary: Orphaned five years ago, Ivar and his brothers have been living with Lagertha ever since. Now 16 years old, he wants to attend Harald's traditional Midsummer party, but obstacles stand in his way.
Warnings: description of car crash; orphaned kids; Sigurd being Sigurd; OOC characters.
Words: 2075
Additional note: In Norway, you are of age at 18.
Enjoy 🙂
"... don't start eating until your brother joins us."
As he pushes himself down the large hallway leading to the kitchen, Ivar can hear Lagertha's assertive voice. He knows exactly who she's talking to and his suspicions are confirmed as soon as he enters the room, as a very displeased and apparently famished Hvitserk looks at him with irritation before letting out a muffled, "it's 'bout time."
"Sorry, I must have dozed off." Shrugging, Ivar wheels up to the kitchen table, the smell of pizza tickling his nostrils. He must be hungrier than he thought.
"You look like Hel." Sigurd sneers in greeting.
Ivar, without bothering to look up, just tilts his head and hisses through clenched teeth, "coming from you, dear brother, I take that as a compliment."
He can feel Lagertha's gaze upon him and when he turns his head toward her, she is staring at him, the worry obvious in her eyes.
"I wouldn’t have put it exactly like that but Sigurd isn't wrong." She crosses the room and leans over, her brow furrowed. "You look exhausted, sweetie, what's going on?"
Ivar almost wants to laugh. He looks exhausted? No kidding? Yeah, guess what? That's what two sleepless nights in a row usually do to you. At least that's what they did to him. What you did to him, haunting his nights and even haunting his dreams, waking him up with a start, his heart pounding in his chest, the few times he managed to fall asleep. At least, he'd made up his mind early this morning. Hopefully, now that the decision has been made, he'll sleep better. Saturday night, he'll see you again. His heart is racing at the thought and he inhales deeply, trying to calm down.
Unsurprisingly persistent, Lagertha asks again as she places her hand on his shoulder, squeezing it lightly, "Ivar, are you all right?"
He wishes he could just ignore his stepmom but knows she won't let it rest. Unwilling to admit that he owes his restless nights to a girl - to you - he decides to keep his answer vague. "So-so," he mumbles, slightly rocking his right hand.
"You're in pain? Do you need more meds? I could run to the drugstore really quick."
For once, he doesn't resent Ubbe for his well-meant yet patronizing kindness, nor for the pitying look he gives him. Actually, he silently thanks him for the good diversion. As long as his brothers and Lagertha believe that it's his legs that bother him, keeping him awake, his secret - you - will be safe.
Faking a small, sheepish smile, Ivar shakes his head. "Thanks bro, but that's okay, I have everything I need. Guess I should just double-up the tramadol tonight." He winces for good measure, knowing fully well he won't even need a single dose. The pain in his legs today is barely at four, nothing he can't handle.
Once the meal is almost over – which in plain English means that everyone but Hvitserk has finished eating, but thanks to Lagertha principle 'no one leaves the table until everyone has finished, boys', they're all stuck here – Ivar decides it's time to break the news.
"I'm gonna go to the party."
As soon as the words are out of his mouth, the kitchen falls quiet. Even Hvitserk stops chewing, putting his last slice of pizza back on his plate.
Not knowing what to do with the silence, and feeling a little awkward, Ivar explains further, a hand on his neck, "the midsummer party, I mean. Harald's party."
"We heard you just fine, sweetie." Lagertha is the first to pull herself together, even though the disbelief is clear in her voice. As Ivar looks up, his brothers are staring at him, slack-jawed, bewildered, probably wondering what's got into their baby brother.
"Let me get this straight." With widened eyes, Ubbe starts running both hands through his hair, "you are considering attending Harald's party, right? That's... That's what you said?"
"Yep." Ivar shrugs as if it was no big deal. Who is he kidding? Of course, it is! Attending the party is a fucking huge deal for him. There's no way in Hel he'll admit it, though. Not in front of his brothers. No fucking way!
"I'm not sure I understand..." Ubbe sounds cautious and it infuriates Ivar to no end.
"What part of 'I'm gonna go to the party' don't you get, brother? Huh? Too many big words for you?" He wants to keep going but when Lagertha clears her throat and gives him a stern look, he faintly raises an apologetic hand while muttering under his breath, "okay, okay, I'll stop."
Heaving a sigh, he shrugs once more. "Seriously, you don't all have to look so surprised. I just want to go to Harald's party. It's really not that big of a deal."
"But you never wanted to, sweetie. Why now?" Lagertha's eyes are wide open and there's a frown on her forehead as she crosses her arms.
"Why not?" Ivar can't help but raise his voice. "I'm sixteen, Lagertha! Thought I was entitled to a change of heart. Was I wrong?" Pointing a finger successively at each of his brothers, his free hand grabs his push rim, his knuckles white. "The three of you attend every year, why shouldn't I?" Looking directly at Lagetha once again, he asks in a clipped voice, "You're not going to tell me I can't go, are you?"
"Of course not, sweet–" She begins but Ubbe cuts her off.
"Listen Ivar, no one is saying you shouldn't go, not yet at least. As a matter of fact, no one would be more pleased than I if you were willing to go out more. Playing pool, going to the movies, or just having drinks, you know you're always welcome to come along with us. But..." Ubbe groans, rubbing his hands over his face and Ivar stiffens, grinding his teeth, "Harald's party, really? It's not going to work. You know it takes place on the beach, it's not exactly wheelchair-friendly."
Reluctantly taking his eyes off his slice of pizza, Hvitserk jumps in. "Ivar is our brother, if he wants to go, we find a way. That's it - I'll carry him."
Positively surprised, a small smile playing on his lips, Ivar thanks his brother with a nod, glad – and relieved too, because two are always better than one, right? – that Hvitserk, as so often, backs him up. Of all his brothers, he's the only one who sees him first as a sixteen-year-old and not as a cripple.
Ubbe is having none of it though. "Hvitserk, just stay out of this, okay?" He's practically shouting, chin up and chest out. "You don't have a say! I'm the oldest, not you! I don't think it's a good idea for Ivar to attend Harald's party, period."
Hvitserk furrows his brow and for a short moment, Ivar thinks his brother is going to fight back but eventually he lowers his gaze, defeated, before shoving the whole slice of pizza into his mouth. Ivar knows all too well that his brother, who's not the most tenacious of them, hates confrontation, especially with Ubbe.
Unlike him, Ivar is always ready to pick up a fight, even when it's not worth it, even when he is wrong. Today, though, it's definitely worth it.
His nostrils flaring, he smashes his fist down on the table, his face crumpled with anger. "Who do you think you are, Ubbe? You may be the oldest, but you're not my father, okay? So please, just do me a favor, brother, and read my lips." His voice dripping with sarcasm, his bottom lips quivering, Ivar is absolutely livid, "You. Don't. Have. A. Say. Period."
Ubbe is about to retort, his hands clenched into fists but Lagertha raises a hand, shutting him up. "Boys, boys, boys!" Glancing at Ubbe and then at Ivar, she shakes her head, not exactly thrilled with their outburst. "Now, calm down, both of you. Ubbe, Ivar is right. You may be his big brother, you may be an adult, but you're not his father. I know you mean well but as Ivar's guardian, I have the final say." Turning her head toward Ivar, she cracks him a reassuring smile. "We'll talk about this later, okay? Just the two of us."
Slamming the door shut, Ivar wheels up right next to his bed and, angling his chair just right, transfers over onto his bed before punching the wall, a roar escaping his lips. Big tears of frustration and anger run down his cheeks as Sigurd's words linger in his mind.
He had been surprised when his less-favorite brother had stayed out of the conversation.
He should have known better.
No sooner had Lagertha, Ubbe and Hvitserk left – she to make a phone call, they to join Margrethe – leaving them to tidy up the kitchen, than Sigurd had lashed out at him with harsh words and eyes full of spite.
"You messed up in the head, huh? It's a fucking beach, Ivar, you do realize your front wheels will get stuck in sand, right? Now tell me, little brother, do you really think we are going to carry your crippled ass around all night? Let me tell you, it's not going to happen! There will be so many better ways for us to spend the night. Girls, you know? Lots of them. Am I going to let you embarrass me and ruin my night? No! Not in a million years. And anyway, why do you even want to go? Get real, Ivar, you don't belong there, you just don't. You're a fucking cripple, a freak, an abnormality. No one wants you there. No one wants to see you. The sooner you accept it the better."
He knows Sigurd was intentionally trying to hurt him. And fuck, he did succeed. Ivar had felt so humiliated that it had brought bile to his throat.
At some point, while Sigurd was spitting his venom, Ivar had grabbed the large knife lying on the table and it took all his self-control not to stab his brother. No doubt his shrink would be proud of him.
Now though in his room, and even if he is boiling with anger, the nagging thought that Sigurd had a point, that he wasn't completely wrong, doesn't leave him. And he can see now that, in his own weird way, Ubbe was trying to protect him. By preventing him from going, his big brother wanted to spare him humiliation, pity, and mockery. Hvitserk, of course, had been willing to help, but let's face it, Sigurd once again was right. Piggy-back riding is not really an option anymore, he is too heavy. Plus, if he's being honest, even if it were still possible, it's the last thing he'd want. The mere thought of you seeing him on Ubbe's or Hvitserk's back makes him nauseous. Which puts him back to square one.
The beach is a problem and a huge one. Wheeling in sand is a no-go. It's just fucking impossible. If he doesn't come up with an idea soon, he's not going to be physically able to attend the party. And that's something he doesn't want to consider.
"I need a fucking genius idea!" He speaks out loud, cracking his knuckles, his eyes squeezed shut.
He just wants to see you. Y/N... Just you. And he won't be able to.
Fuck. Fucking sand! Fucking beach! Fucking legs! Fuck– Stop.
What... What did he say?
He needs an idea... A genius idea. Genius. That's it.
A slow smile spreads across his face.
Good thing he knows an authentic genius, right?
Grabbing his phone, he frantically slides his pointer finger on the screen, sighing with relief as he finds the contact he is looking for.
"Hello, Ivar," the man answers after two rings, and his voice brings an even bigger smile to Ivar's lips, "it's very sweet of you to call me."
"Hello to you too, you spindly legged, knock-kneed old fool. There might be something that you can do for me. I want to attend Harald's party. It'll take place on the beach. My brothers won't carry me and I can't really crawl about, can I? I wonder if you could help me, Floki?"
Ivar's godfather lets out a high-pitched chuckle before answering, "I'll figure something out, dear Ivar, I'll figure something out."
Ivar's taglist: @waiting4inspiration @honestsycrets @lisinfleur @saldelys @gearhead66 @inforapound @readsalot73 @milkkygirls @xbellaxcarolinax @shannygoatgruff @zuxiezendler @hecohansen31 @lonewolf471 @fuckindiva @tgrrose @didiintheblog @peachyboneless @pieces-by-me @funmadnessandbadassvikings @ethereallysimple @destynelseclipsa @cocovikings23 @xceafh @mrsalwayswrite @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie @pomegranates-and-blood @jadelynlace @grimeundglow @quantumlocked310 @alexhandersen-marcoilsoe-fandom
Ivarello's taglist: @not-another-viking-fanfic-blog @hashimily @prepare4trouble @supernaturalvikingwhore @funmadnessandbadassvikings @heavenly1927
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your-pal-crow · 4 years
One cold afternoon, a rich man was walking through the forest for he was terribly lost. A foggy mist clouded around him, anything past 20 feet or so was completely white.. The branches of the trees shook with an eerie howl of wind, and a new presence made itself known with a small cough. A witch disguised as an older woman shuffled over to the rich man.
"Why hello dear, are you lost?" She asked curiously, her head cocking to the side.
"Yes miss.. I believe I am... By any chance would you know how to get out of the woods? My maid is cooking dinner at home, and if I don't get back in time it will be cold, and she knows how much I despise eating cold food."
Well this man didn't seem very nice at all, so the playful witch decided to play a little trick on him.
"Yes yes of course I do, I'll lead you out of the foggy forest on one condition."
"Anything! I have gold and riches, servants in The finest clothing you've ever seen! You will be paid well for your kindness."
She shook her head, having a different idea in mind.
"I'm quite old you see, I have no use for money and silk. My only condition is that you take my four daughters with you, and fed them well. So if they're too much of a hassle for you then you can simply sell them off to be married."
Although a bit perplexed, the man shook her hand and the deal was made. After all, how much of a ruckus could a few young girls make? She led the rich man back to her small cottage, surrounded by mushrooms and wildflowers. Having him wait by the door, she went inside and came out with a lantern and four beautiful women. They were quite similar to one another, each had striking green eyes just like their mother.
"The lantern will illuminate your path, follow the trail of moss and you'll find your way out rather quickly." The rich man did his she said, the quadrant of maidens following behind him whilst giggling and chatting amongst themselves.
The old woman (or rather the clever witch) was right, the green path led them out safely and he was quite relieved.
Back to his luxurious home they went, though the girls didn't seem as surprised or awestruck as he had hoped.. He would pride himself on showing off his riches to others, and was not used to them being brushed off like this.
"The four of you will share a room, right next to mine." The man declared and the girls simply nodded in agreement and walked into their new bedroom. It was late, so the man did the same, walking into his bedroom and lying down on his comfortable bedding.
"what a poor old woman..." He thought, though his mind was slowly drifting into sleep. "..That she is forced to give away her daughters to a strange man for she can not feed them." That is what he thought at least, for the girls were rather skinny for their age. He descended into his slumber with a smile, happy with his deal.
The next morning the fog seems to have disappeared from the landscape, sunlight peeking through the drapes like a playful child asking to play. He awoke, got dressed, and descended down the stairs into the dining hall where the four beauties were waiting for him.
"Thank you for having us sir." One politely spoke.
"Terribly kind of you sir." Another smiled.
"I hope you won't mind us around." The third laughed nervously.
"Terribly kind indeed." The youngest giggled to herself quietly.
Breakfast arrived and the room nearly lit up with the joy on their faces, causing a grin to spread across the rich man's face.
"You've lived a life of poverty, eat as much as you'd like!" He laughed, digging into his food right away. The beautiful women relished their meal, afterwards each asking for a second helping.
The rich man was never very good with love, so having four happy and beautiful women sleeping rather close to you does help quite a bit doesn't it? He bought each of them expensive golden jewelry, and beautiful dresses made out of the finest silk, woven with emeralds and rubies. His attempts at courting went seemingly unnoticed however, each girl peppering him with compliments but never kisses, or giving him only a glance in the hallways.
There was only one thing that bothered him though, despite being quite skinny the girls ate an awful lot of food. Two servings turned into four servings, then to five then to seven and so on. So much food and so much cooking cost the rich man quite a bit of money, until he wasn't nearly as rich anymore. Of course he loved the women, but they were sucking every penny he had with grand feasts just about every meal and he could not stand the thought of being without a roof over his head or a loaf of bread on his table.
Finally, after about a month of these antics he realized that these girls were not as they seemed, and it finally got through that thick skull of his that he had been tricked. Night after night he tossed and turned, trying to think of how he could rid himself of these ravenous maidens before he was as poor as the old woman in the woods.
"What did the woman say that night? There must be something I can do.." he muttered anxiously, looking out his window at the glowing moon. The moon almost looked like a large silver coin, round and bright and beautiful. That's when it hit him like a stone, the woman had said that he could sell them off to be married if they were too much of a hassle. And at this point, they were definitely a hassle.
The very next morning the not-so-rich man took his harem into a nearby village that had been weakened by an infestation of wolves and looked for somebody who could take care of them for him. He felt sure that they could use a bit of help around since their numbers were dwindling. The townspeople however, were very cautious about this sudden deal. They've heard tales of the girls who could eat twice their weight in beef, and knew none of them could afford such a cost.
He asked the baker "Please, these beautiful girls will help you make your bread and your cakes, as long as you feed them well." The baker declined, for he could not feed them.
Next he asked the medicine maker "Please, these beautiful girls will help you grind your herbs and stir your pots, as long as you feed them well." the medicine maker declined, for he could not feed them.
Running out of options, he came to the final house with the four girls' giggles seeming more devious than before...
In that house lived the weaver, a kind young lady with a nack for sewing, and a gray cat that followed her around. "Please, these beautiful girls will assist you in whatever you need, as long as you feed them well."
The weaver saw the mischievous gleam and the girl's eyes and simply smiled and nodded. "They'll be a great help around the house, I don't have much money but I'd like to pay you back even a little for such a generous gesture.."
Though his money was dwindling, he was desperate to rid themselves of these gorgeous menaces. "I ask for only a single bronze coin in exchange for my harem!"
Although a bit surprised, she hurried inside the house and came back with a small pouch. "Here you go sir, have a lovely day" The weaver smiled as she pressed the coin into his hand and the girls walked in.
The not-so-rich man went home feeling relieved, and had learned a lesson about making deals with strangers in the woods...
Meanwhile the weaver took care of the girls rather easily, after a few trips to the huntsman's cabin they learned how to hunt for themselves. The wolves no longer terrorized the village, for any that got too close were gobbled up by the beautiful yet gluttonous women, who had found great joy in running through the woods and shooting arrows.
And the weaver grew rather attached to them over time, and they to her, until one day te weaver and the eldest sister were happily wed. Over time the other three sisters went their separate ways, yet remained in the village hunting and dancing together every other night.
A good life they all lived, and thankfully the children were not nearly as hungry as their mothers.
What a good deal I'd say, and as the old saying goes.
"A penny for your thots"
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lovelivingmydreams · 4 years
Family and identity
And so we have arived at a new chapter in the Paper Flowers au. This one complete from the start. I promise. For those who missed it, previous instalment can be found here.
All the chapters can be found in the pinned post t the top of my page.
In this chapter Patton takes Roman's unintentionally given advice and it goes as well as you could expect. Enjoy!
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Virgil was lying on his bed listening to music. He was feeling pretty okay. Not great, but all things considered he was having a good day. Usually that thought would make him panic and try to remember what he was doing wrong. But right now, he wasn't going to question it. He had a list, he checked it twice, today was just going to be nice.
Roman was really getting to him. Here he was once again being optimistic. And rhyming on top of that.
A sudden knock on his door had him confused. Hardly anyone knocked on his door.
Princey wouldn't knock on that one. The field had become their hang out spot. They watched movies, talked, listened to music or brainstormed together. It was nice.
So it wasn't Princey.
Janus and Remus were out too. Both tended to invite themselves inside if they wanted to bother him. One more reason to be happy with the field. He'd spent some alone time in there truly at peace knowing nothing could harm him there. If he didn't have to look after Thomas he'd probably move there permanently. And he supposed he couldn't leave Princey to deal with the specs on his own...
Speaking off those two. At least one of them was at his door.
The knocking was back. “Kiddo? You in there?”
Virgil frowned confused as he got up and walked to the door.
"Patton?" He said in surprise as he opened it. Sure he'd figured it had to be him or Logan. But between the two he would've put his money on Logan. Patton usually just announced that dinner was ready and left before Virgil could even respond. Then Virgil would go down to collect a plate and leave for his room right away. He'd been tempted to stay and listen to Roman's stories once or twice since they became friends. To gang up on him with Logan, pointing out holes in the grand tales and laugh along as Patton made a joke, making them all forget what they'd been talking about. But he figured he better not intrude on family time and risk messing up. They tolerated him when they were working. If he forced his company on them in their free time they'd probably send him back down. And as much as he cared about his fellow outcasts, he couldn't go back there….
Would his key work if he did? He should test it out, just in case…
He was getting of track. “What's wrong?” he asked. Trying to sound like he couldn't care less. He leaned against the doorframe to sell it better. Inside he was terrified.
Patton smiled at him nervously, leaning back and forth on his heels, wringing his hands. Why was he here? He clearly didn't want to be.
“Nothing wrong kiddo… just… dinner will be ready soon. Why don't you join us?”
What? “Better not,” he huffed looking at his fidgeting hands with a raised brow. He planned to turn around and close the door to freak out in peace, but then…
Patton balled his hand in fists at his side and stopped wiggling. “Sorry, but that wasn't really a request Anxiety. You live with us, so you join in for family dinners. I make Roman come out of the imagination, I drag Logan away from his work, up until now I’ve given you time to adjust and join us on your own time. But I’m done waiting. Pizza night is family dinner night. I expect you at the dinner table in 15 minutes.” And before Virgil could respond he turned and went downstairs.
Virgil went back in and shut the door. What was going on? Should he go ask Roman if Patton said something? Should he go to the others? Maybe this is a weird joke from J?
Or maybe this is a test? Or maybe Patton is looking for a good reason to send him back down? Proof that he doesn’t fit in with them? No, that doesn’t sound like Patton at all… what should he do?
“Dinner is ready!” Patton’s voice pulled him out of his panic. He’d been worrying for a full 15 minutes and now it was too late…
He took in a deep breath. He would not mess up. He just had to get trough dinner. And Roman would be there to distract Patton right? Right. He could do this.
When he arrived downstairs Roman and Logan were already seated and served.
Roman saw him enter and paused his recollection of his latest adventure to look at him.
“Evening Seymore Krelbore,” he greeted with an elaborate gesture.
“Likewise Bummertime,” he replied as he loaded his own plate and, to the surprise of both Roman and Logan went to sit at the never before used chair. Patton looked pleased at least.
He didn’t think he could handle a conversation though. Luckily he didn’t have to. Roman continued his story as if nothing had interrupted it and Virgil got away with just eating his pizza, thanking Patton for dinner when he was done, putting his plate in the dishwasher and leaving for his room.
Roman watched Virgil going up the stairs. He wasn’t surprised that shortly after he disappeared from sight he could feel a swift, but urgent pulsing from the key in his pocket.
He wanted to join Virgil at once, but then Logan said something that drew his attention.
“Patton? What’s the problem?” Roman looked at the paternal side and saw that he was looking up at the stairs with a frown.
Patton sighed and slumped in his chair, letting his head fall into his hands.
“It worked, but I don't know if I can keep doing this,” Patton explained.
“What worked Padre?” Roman wondered.
“Tough love… patience didn't get him to open up to us, but you seem to get him to at least talk to you for more than a minute nowadays. So I thought… maybe if I pushed just a little? I'm sure there is a wonderful kiddo hiding under that eyeshadow. I thought that making him join family dinner would help?” Patton explained. Roman felt a little guilty. One, he had given Patton this idea that had put both Virge and the moral side through a tense dinner for their troubles. Two he had all the answers to make Pat feel better… no. It was not his place to tell. Patton would understand.
He laid a reassuring hand on the eldest side’s shoulder. “If you wish I shall retrieve the pumpkin king in the future,” he promised.
Patton thought about it for a bit. “Are you sure Roman? Will he even come if you ask?” he wondered.
Roman chuckled and bowed. “No worries Padre I will ensure his company won't be lacking on pizza night ever again,” he vowed though he wondered if he'd have to break that promise.
He'd cross that bridge when he got there. He used his key to get to the field. The others never questioned his doors. He was the prince of imagination after all. Things like this were expected.
Once he closed his door, he looked around. Where… he spotted an empty spot in the otherwise smooth sea of origami flowers. He smiled as he walked over and sat down next to it. One leg straight in front of him, his other bent at the knee. He leaned back to look up at the clouds passing by. Supporting his weight with his hands.
“They do look lovely today,” he started casually.
“Still not doing it Princey,” Virgil replied to a question Roman had yet to start building up to.
“He meant well, he just wants…”
“Me to be part of the family, I know!” Virgil groaned as he sat up hugging his knees to his chest. “But I’m not and I’ll never be. You didn't see him when he told me to join dinner. He thinks that I’ll turn into one of you. All soft and optimistic. And he wont have to be scared of me anymore. That can't happen, for everyone's sake. I have to make you guys cautious. So we can't tell him.”
Roman could tell the subject was over. He'd tried to encourage Virgil to let the others in as well a few times. Normally he'd probably push harder, perhaps even until he crossed a line that wasn’t meant to be crossed. Ruining their friendship in the process. But the field was so relaxing, and their friendship was comfortable and safe enough that he felt he could fake his time considering his words. He'd found himself realizing that he kept parts of himself hidden from the others as well. Parts that he feared would make them loose respect for him. Virgil knew about some by now. He had very quickly picked up on how stressed the spotlight made him sometimes. He knew talking about Remus made him feel guilty and terrified though they hadn't talked about the why yet. Anyway, Roman would be a hypocrite if he made Virgil tell the others about his true self if he wasn’t willing to do so himself.
Roman sighed under the heavy atmosphere.
“Hey Virgil?” he asked, a small burst of pride exploding in his chest as he said Virgil's proper name. He was still getting used to it. And he was glad for their battle of the nicknames or he definitely would have slipped in front of the others by now.
Virgil looked up, curious what Roman wanted.. “Yeah?”
“Did you actually listen to my adventure? Cause it gave me a few ideas…”
Virgil chuckled. Roman was probably just looking for an excuse to tell it again. Knowing this Virgil nodded. “Yeah I heard you.” Roman's face fell a little, though he tried to play it off and Virgil grinned teasingly. “But best to make sure I remember all the important details right?”
Roman lit up, not even caring that Virgil just messed with him. He jumped straight into story teller mode.
“So there I was…”
The Prince found himself once more locked in combat with his arch nemesis.
Theirs was as rivalry written in the stars. An ancient battle between the heavenly lights of goid versus the dark depths of evil.
And he couldn't have asked for a better opponent.
“How long have we been doing this dance? Surrender! You know you cannot win!” he bellowed readying his sword.
“Never! And 5 years today! Don’t pretend you don't know that,” his opponent growled.
The prince gasped, moved. “You remembered!” he exclaimed in awe. He hadn't been sure if the lord of evil cared enough.
“Of course you nitwit,” his foe grumbled a bit flustered before regaining composure. “Now die!”
Both men raised their weapons and charged with a battle cry.
You are browsing tumblr.
Thomas's latest vine was hillarious. You are probably way too attached to the villain character though. He's existed about 18 seconds. You take comfort in the fact that you are not the only one. There is art and fics about him and the prince popping up everywhere.
And boy do people ship it. Suddenly you see a thread that catches your eye. You start reading.
"Considering how well liked he is, Prince's nemesis should have a name if Thomas isn't going to at least give him a title. I vote Marcus. It sounds badass and it is. It comes from Mars, God of war. All hail to our future overlord."
You chuckle. But Marcus does sound good. The thread continues with another fander stepping in.
"He should have a name. But knowing Thomas I'd think it's Kevin."
If you'd been drinking you would have choked on it. Kevin?
A reply from yet another user. "Let me guess you are one of that idiot Prince's squires? I'm with OP. The dark lord is called Marcus."
Oh this is getting spicy.
"Well you are clearly a henchman. Just look at how the guy is dressed! He looks like a 2000's emo kid. Defenitely a Kevin. XD"
There were more replies of people proclaiming themselves as either squires or henchmen. It's all in good fun. Plenty of laughing emoji's made that clear. You hit reblog and take a moment to consider who you are going to join.
Thomas has no clue what he's started.
Next chapter: By any other name
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babbling-idiot · 4 years
Milton Dammers x reader
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Requested: "tbh angst prompt #12 on that prompt list you reblogged a little while ago screams Milton to me, so could you perhaps do that prompt with him? thanks" -By Anon
Warning: Angst, talks of self hate? (Also if this kind of thing is happening to you, dont hold it in that literally the worst thing you could do, talk to someone. I love you🙂)
#12. "Holding everything in doesn't help, you know."
(Hey anon! So, thanks for requesting, haven'tqrote for my boi in a hot second so it was a nice little transfer over. I hope you enjoy this!)
Milton hated talking about his feelings. Anytime an opportunity cane, he would immediately back out and do something else. You knew this was something he didnt talk about and so, when it came down to your own problems, you didnt go to him. In fact you didnt go to anyone.
This was a huge problem. Talking to no one was probably the worse thing you could do. You admitted, this was a issue. But who would listen? No one would care, they'd just nod and shake there head anytime you said anything so why bother. This was something that always stayed with you and you never once let anyone know about it. This was until milton found out.
Like any normal day, milton woke and went to work. It was completely normal until this person, one of your close friends came up to him. "Can I help you?" He would say with a cautious tone to his voice. "Hi, im one of y/ns friends. Your milton right?" They say with hopeful words he just nods his head for them to continue "Ok good. Listen, I know you dont know me but I've known y/n since elementary school, they are my best friends. Sadly as of lately they've been distant and-" "That sounds like you did something to anger them." He says interrupting "No, no, no! Just listen to me. They're not in the right mental space at the moment. They think that no one cares or gives any shit about them. They ain't listening to me and the only person they talk about is you, so please be a fucking good person and go talk to them. Please!" They say yelling now with anger dripping from there words. He sighs and shakes his head, going straight to his car. How bad could it be?
Apparel Milton thought that everything was gonna be fine, but when he arrived he saw nothing of the sort. There use to be a mirror above a table right when youd walk in and sadly now there it was smashed onto the ground and the pieces were everywhere. He was very cautious now, not sure where you were and he hoped that you hadn't done something stupid. He walked into the living room and it looked like someone ransacked your house for goods. He walked up the stairs next, when he reached your room. He could hear the faint sound of sniffling and the occasional hiccup. You inched the door open and finally laid his eyes on your shivering figure on top of the bed. He walked over to the chair that was behind you. You didnt see him but knew he was there. When he sat down, it felt like time slowed down. Not a single word was spoken. The only thing heard was your harsh breathing. "Holding everything in doesn't help, you know." He says picking at his black gloves. You huff out "If only I had someone to talk to. Someone I could trust, that wouldnt tell everyone about what's going on. It's like you cant trust people anymore!" He shakes his head "Though I know what untrustworthy people look like, there are still some good people out there. And the occasional amazing one. Even, The One." He says pressing his lip in a tight line. You turn over and look at him, still on your side. "Well I wish I could find them, there is none in this town. Only two people milton, just two, that's fucking sad isn't it?" He nods his head but this time he grabs the chair and moves it closer to the side of the bed. "That is sad, but the good thing is that you dont have to worry about all these friends and all these people backstabbing you. You have two people that you trust, hang on to them and I'm sure they will hang on to you as well if you let them in. Tell them what's going on with you. You cant just hold things in. If your afraid of judgement just come to me. I'm not the best person to talk to, but I sure as hell will listen. I'm not the most reasonable but I will try my best." He says making sure that you hear every word. "Your one of those people milton." He blinks and breaths in heavily "Well then if you trust me then, dont hold things in. Tell me about everything. From, one negative though or something that made you angry. I dont care, I wanna know. Okay? " You nod and dab your tears streaked face with the tissue you had in hand "Well you sleep and get some rest and I'll go clean up the mess, alright. " you nod again as hes about to exit your room you stop him "Milton, I just wanna say thank you, I'm very lucky to have you in my life. Your amazing, truly." He smiles slightly before brushing it and waves before exiting the room and goes down stairs. He truly was the most amazing person. He had never been one to talk about his own mental problems but when it came to you, it was like a switch was being turned and then he completely there to help you. No matter what. You weren't the lucky one, he was the lucky one to have you in his life.
(Hey again, I hoped you like this sorry if it wasnt that great and that I didnt have it out yesterday I was slackin' but if you did like this remember that requests are always open. Also remember to have an amazing day and please, please stay safe out there in the world!)
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faofinn · 3 years
BTHB - Wiping the Other's Tears Away
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Fao couldn't help himself, he pulled Harrison in for a hug, crushing him against his chest. “Oh, Tomcat, nothing is ever over.”
He stiffened. "It is."
“No. Come on, you of all people know things can and will get better. Look at where we came from, look at the family we have now.”
Harrison's body trembled as he sobbed, gripping Fao tighter. "They're gone."
“No, they're not. Not at all. They're so worried about you, Hars. Sheila is beside herself. I'd barely even gotten off the plane before she was all over me, asking me if you'd reached out, desperate to know if you were safe.”
"You're lying." He managed, though barely believed it himself. "They hate me."
“No, I don't lie.”
"They hate me." He repeated through sobs.
“No, they don't. Sheila will be so relieved you're safe. That you're alive.”
He shook his head, gripping onto Fao. "No."
“Yeah. We thought you were dead.”
He sniffed, trying to catch his breath. "I wish I was."
“I know, I know.” Fao soothed.
Harrison took a moment, trying to get his breathing back under control. His own wolf itched to be out, unhappy at the uncomfortable situation. "I'm glad you're safe."
Fao hummed. “I'm absolutely fine. Is that what all this is about, eh?”
He swallowed thickly. He wasn't going to admit that, he wouldn't ever admit that.
Harrison’s silence told Fao all he needed to know. “Oh, Tomcat.” He breathed.
His sobs grew harder and he buried his face in Fao's neck. He had no reason to be so nice to him. He'd hurt his brother, ruined the family. Fao should have hated him, not pulled him in for a hug, nor tried to help him.
Fao rubbed his back. “Hey, hey. It's alright, come on now. It'll all be okay. You're okay. I've got you.”
Harrison pulled away, stumbling back to sit on the bed. He reached for Fao though, an olive branch, the best part of an apology he'd give.
Fao sat with him, wrapped his arm around him as he reached up to wipe Harrison’s tears with his thumb. “There we go, you're alright.”
He didn’t pull away. "How long are you staying?"
“As long as you need.”
"That's not what I meant."
“How long am I in the country?”
He nodded; he couldn't bring himself to ask properly.
“I've got nothing on the horizon. So, a fair while. Six months, at least.”
"Six.." It wasn't enough.
“Easily longer. I have to sign up, so… I can take a break. Still gotta train, but…”
"Don't stop for me."
“It's not stopping. I need a rest period anyway.”
"That's just saying it a different way."
“Sure, either way. I'm back now.”
"You'll be gone soon enough."
“It's my job, Hars. But I'll be in the clinic and the hospital now, for a while. It's only the reserves, it's not forever.”
"Until you get hurt."
“I'm not going to get hurt.”
He rolled his eyes. “You can’t promise that.”
“I know. But I’m careful.”
“I know.”
“And I’ll have the best people looking after me if I do get hurt.”
"That's not what I mean." He snapped, tears falling harder.
“What do you mean? Explain it so I can help?”
"Just don't go."
“It’s not quite that simple, Hars.”
“Please.” He turned to face him properly. “Please don’t go.”
“I still have to train, but I’ll take a break.”
“Just please don’t go back.”
“I’ll take some time.”
“You could always call me, yknow?”
“My phone’s fucked.”
“If you were back with Sheila.”
He stiffened. “I’m not going back.”
“Come on, they want you back.”
“I’m not going.”
“Okay. You're gonna walk away from the pack?”
"It's already over."
“Except I've told you it's not.”
“You weren’t there!”
“I know. But I came home to it, I spoke to Sheila.”
“And you could just be lying to me.”
“Call her yourself.”
"Fine." He gritted his teeth.
“You're family.”
“I was.”
“There's no was about family.” Fao said, and pulled away to plug his phone in.
"There is. That's why we're with Sheila. Why I was with Sheila."
“The people who raised us aren't family. The pack is family, Sheila is family. Family's more than just blood.”
“I guess.” He frowned. “But they don’t want me in their pack.”
“They do, Harrison. Of course they do.”
“I hurt Finn.” He whispered.
“Yeah, you made a mistake. But Finn’s okay, and everyone knows it wasn’t you.”
“But it was. I did it.”
“But you weren’t yourself. Scraps happen, we all make mistakes.”
"My whole life is a mistake."
“That’s not true.”
“It is.” He said quietly. “My parents were right.”
“No, Harrison. They weren’t. You’re so much more than them.”
He shook his head. “I hurt Finn.”
“You made a mistake. Just apologise to Finn and move on, he’s okay.”
"How badly did I hurt him?" He barely dared to ask.
“He had to go to the hospital, Steve wanted to be cautious, but he was okay. Broken ribs and a broken bone in his arm. Nothing too dramatic.”
Harrison made a quiet, pained noise. "I fucked it up. I fucked it all up."
“No, you didn’t.”
"I did, I really did."
“He healed just fine.”
“He was upset, but just worried about you.”
Harrison shook his head. He didn't want to talk about it anymore, it just hurt too much.
“I know. It's alright.”
It wasn't alright. He didn't see how it could ever be alright.
“We'll go home, you can apologise to everyone there. And then it'll be okay.”
He leaned into Fao and nodded. He didn't have the energy to refuse, and as much as he tried to deny it, he missed the pack.
“I’ve got you.”
"I'm sorry."
“It's okay.”
"I really am."
“I know you are, I know.”
He was quiet again, his breathing slowly growing more steady. "Do they know?"
“That you're here?”
He shook his head. "That 'm sorry."
“I’m sure they do, but you’d do best telling them yourself.”
His breath hitched. "What if they don't listen?"
“You know they always listen.”
"But what if they don't?"
“It’s Sheila. She’d help you hide a body if you needed to.”
"She doesn't control the pack."
“Of course she does.”
"She doesn't control everyone."
“She’s Sheila.”
"She'd rip me apart."
“It’s fine, Hars. We’ll go back together and you can see the pack.”
He laughed humorlessly. "You'll protect me?"
“Yeah. Don't you know I'm a big tough soldier now?”
Harrison let out a proper laugh. "Tough, maybe."
He reached for Fao's hand, gripping it tight. "I'm sorry."
“Let's stay here tonight, yeah? And we'll see what we're gonna do in the morning.”
“Get some food. When was the last time you ate?”
He shrugged. "Not too long ago."
“Long enough.”
"It's useful being wolf."
“Mm. Can I grab a shower and then we can get some food?”
Fao nodded and pulled away to shower. It was nice, after a long while searching for Harrison as a wolf. He was quick, worried Harrison would leave or pull something stupid. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust him, he just knew him too well.
Despite himself, he’d fallen asleep, curled around his backpack. The bed was comfier than he’d expected and had drifted off almost as soon as Fao had got in the shower. His hair was still wet, still dripping down his back, but he was warm and content.
When Fao got out, he was surprised to see Harrison curled up asleep on the bed. With a shake of his head, he quietly got dressed. Poor Hars must be absolutely exhausted, he didn’t blame him for falling asleep.
Harrison stirred as Fao dressed, rubbing his eyes. “Did you shower?”
“Yeah, I did. You have a nice nap?”
"Wasn't even asleep."
“Yeah, okay. Wanna grab some food?”
"Yeah." He frowned. "I've not got any more cash."
“You can pay me back when you get some next.”
"Nowhere's hiring right now."
“I can wait.”
“Don’t be. You want me to keep an eye out for you?”
“I’ve looked everywhere. Nobody wants a wolf.”
“I’ll see if I can find somewhere. But don’t worry about the money. You can pay me back whenever.”
“Thanks.” He muttered quietly.
“I’d say don’t bother paying me back at all, but I know you’ll refuse.”
“Of course I’d refuse.”
“So it can be an open IOU. Hell, just buy me dinner next time you can.”
“Alright. I can do that.”
“Good. I'm hungry, and I bet you are too. Let's eat.”
“I don’t need much.”
“You can have as much as you want. I sure am.”
“It’s okay. A meal deal or something will be more than enough.”
“No, come on, we’re getting a good, hot meal.”
“It’s okay.” Harrison protested.
“Well, I want hot food, so…”
“Might as well.”
"I guess."
Fao hummed and shoved his wallet into his pocket. “You ready to go?”
He shrugged. "Yeah."
“We won't be too long, then you can get some proper sleep.”
“I already slept.” He argued as they headed down the corridor. "And I ate earlier."
Harrison kept up his protests as they found somewhere to eat. He checked the menu several times before finally agreeing to let Fao pay for it. The restaurant smelled amazing, almost overwhelming for his wolf, and his stomach growled loudly. So much for saying he'd eaten recently.
He savoured every bite, eating as slowly as he could, his wolf screaming in protest - he didn't know when his next meal would be, he should be eating as much and as fast as he could. Fao chatted away as he ate, in between large mouthfuls of good food. When Fao got seconds, Harrison was torn. There was an ache in his stomach that had come from the week with barely anything, but his pride bristled. He was already in Fao’s debt. Fao kept persuading gently, and when he refused, ordered for him anyway. He didn't need to be wolf to read Harrison’s mind.
Dessert was another thing - Fao, of course, ordered something. After a quick glance at Harrison, he got the other wolf one too. Just a simple warm sponge, but it had to help the cold in his bones. Fao had only been wolf for a week, living rougher than he was used to, he couldn't imagine how Harrison felt.
As the evening dragged on, Harrison slowly warmed to him again. He'd missed Fao. He had been everything to him and then he'd just left. Of course Harrison knew that he'd had to go, that it was for work and he didn't have a choice. And of course, Harrison was proud of him. So, so proud. He just couldn't tell him yet.
The other customers stared at them, Harrison could feel it and he knew Fao could too. It was easy to see why; it wasn't normal to see a well dressed young man with another who was still very obviously homeless. While Fao held an air of authority, commanding attention in any room he walked in to, Harrison did the opposite. People averted their gaze or stared on in disgust, they'd walk in to him on the street, ignoring his simple questions when he'd ask for directions or the time. Even in the restaurant the stigma followed them, customers giving Harrison a wide berth as they passed, almost as if they were afraid they'd catch something.
Fao's joke about Harrison’s hair being longer than his didn't go down well, just another reminder of how far he'd fallen.
As their plates were cleared, Harrison dug about in his pockets, pulling out his old, almost a brick of a phone. It wasn't his normal phone, that one had ended up being sold before it could be stolen. It wasn't worth much, but he offered it to Fao as payment. Of course the other wolf refused, rolling his eyes and telling Harrison not to be daft. He took it from him though, checked the charger needed, and promised Harrison they'd go grab a charger so at least they'd be able to keep in touch. After a little protest, he gave in, agreeing to nip to the shop with Fao.
It wasn't far, the perks of it being a small town. Security on the door gave Harrison an odd look - he'd been caught trying to go through their bins a few times, and kicked out from their doorway more than once. With Fao by his side though, it seemed he could do anything. He gave him a grateful smile.
Fao grabbed a trolley-full of snacks and drinks, and then as a second thought, some quick meals. Harrison would be going back with him, he was certain. Hopefully.
Despite Harrison’s protests, he headed to the clothes section too - the clothes the other man wore weren’t dirty, but he could definitely do with some that weren't threadbare and holey, and that hadn't been washed in the sink of public bathrooms for months.
The longer they spent in the shop, the quieter Harrison became, only occasionally piping up with suggestions. His first aid kit was sorely lacking, his medications nearly all gone. Fao meant he wasn't going to be kicked out - and he didn't have to steal. Fao was happy to oblige; if Harrison was going to stay away, he needed to be able to take care and look after himself.
While Fao checked out, Harrison braced himself against the trolley. The lack of continuous interruptions from Fao only made him grow more and more tired, almost falling asleep standing up.
Fao was glad Harrison was finally letting him look after him. As they shopped, and Harrison grew more and more tired, Fao shot him a small smile. Braced against the trolley, he looked to be basically sleep walking. They’d gotten what they needed now, and it was getting late. Fao felt just as exhausted as Harrison looked. Resting a hand on his back, he ushered him to the tills.
They paid, shoved everything into their bags, and headed back to the hotel. They still got looks, but Fao countered them with his own, and hoped they didn’t bother Harrison too much. He’d be better in some new clothes, for sure.
Back in their room and away from the prying eyes of the general public, Fao tidied their things away, and flopped onto the bed with a sigh.
“Everything’s sorted now. Do you want to get some sleep before you pass out on me?”
“Not even tired.” He protested, running a hand through his hair.
“Not a bit.” He said again, sinking onto the chair by the bed.
“Come sit on the bed?”
"I'm okay here."
“You don’t look comfy.”
“It’s better than the floor.”
“Beds exist for a reason.”
"So do chairs."
“Beds are for sleeping.”
"Fine. Shove over."
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liliesoftherain · 4 years
Hi! I hope I'm not bothering you. I'd like a matchup for a male villain. I like to act, dance, sing, daydream, gaming, writing, and reading. I don't like it when people get too clingy to me, especially when we're not that close? My height is 4'9, although I'm trying to work on getting taller (because being teased for my height is getting annoying.) I love to listen to a variety of music, it can be anything. One moment I'm listening to metal rock then the next second I'm listening to classical pieces. I'm very passionate, I can also be sneaky. I tend to overthink as well when thinking about deep issues, trying to search for the benefits and all that. I'm mostly cautious, always giving cryptic answers or no answer at all when I feel like not trusting the one who approached me. It's a bit hard for me to socialize because of that as well.
Please make sure to take your time. Make sure to take care of yourself!
No bother at all hun! You too, I hope you are having a safe and healthy holiday!
I match you with... Kai!
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You’re that opposites attract kind of couple.
You like to sing, dance, be happy-go-lucky, while Kai over here is moody, brooding, and antisocial. 
But that’s what draws him in you see, his life is full of negatives, and you’re that one positive thing he can’t get enough of. He knows he’s bad for you, he knows he’s not a great guy, but he can’t let you go; he needs you, you’re like a drug he needs to function. Without your smile and quirky personality, he’d go crazy.  You’re cute, innocent, pure, untainted
You know how they say villains are the best lovers because they’d do anything for you? Yea, that’s 100% true; he’d burn the world down if it meant you'd be happy. He’s not the type of person to joke around, so he doesn’t tease you for your height. He thinks your height highlights your already cute traits. When you’re pulled into his embrace, he feels like he’s the only one who can protect you, you’re just so fragile. So if he finds anyone teasing you, let’s just say you never have to deal with them. Ever again. What happened? Who knows, they're just gone.
He appreciates how you let loose around him, but even more so that you have a hard time trusting others. He doesn’t trust others, and so the fact that you share his hesitance makes things a whole lot easier. You won’t talk to people you don’t know, you won't blindly follow people, you only listen to him. It makes things a whole lot easier for him since he doesn’t have to worry about heroes or other villains trying to trick you and take you away from him. 
That doesn’t mean he’s still not worried about you, he constantly worries about what-ifs; what if you were kidnapped, taken, used for bait, “saved” by those disgusting heroes. He makes sure to keep a tight--but not suffocating--leash on you.
You’re overthinking is actually really beneficial, in the private that nighttime provides, Kai will discuss his plans and ideas with you, loving to hear your ideas about things. You’re perception and overthinking help him see all the sides to things, but sometimes he may not entirely listen--especially if you disagree with him. he’ll be hurt if you think something isn’t a good idea, and even more so if you try to explain why and he doesn't like your explanation. It’s best to just agree with him unless you have a really, really, good reason not to that involves an alternative route with the same outcome. 
Overall, Kai will do anything to ensure you’re safe--you come before the world, and he’ll keep you tucked under his arm where you won’t--can’t--ever leave him.    
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smileyoongle · 5 years
Deception (A Kim Namjoon Mafia AU)
Summary: A damsel in distress and a lonely mafia leader. Different but not too different. The two worlds collide on a rainy night when Kim Namjoon, a renowned Mafia leader is called for an emergency and Y/N Y/L/N is on the run from her abusive father. Feelings stir and he rescues her. But one of them is a liar. And the other's life is on the line. It's only a matter of time until all secrets are out in the open.
Will love be born? Or will death conquer?
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chαptєr εïgh†: No More Secrets
Character Count: 9500
Pairing: Namjoon×Reader (Appearances by the whole of BTS)
If you want to keep a secret, you must also hide it from yourself.
- George Orwell
Walter stood frozen in the kitchen, leaning on the counter with his arms crossed. In all his years of staying with Namjoon, he had never made a mistake. He had protected Namjoon like his family, at least whenever he got the chance.
So how did he let you get hurt?
It wasn't really his fault since he had no idea that there was someone else in the house. But maybe this was a sign that he had to stop. Maybe he was too old now and his stiff muscles weren't of much use. He was just glad that you weren't hurt too bad.
Walter stared at the wall in front of him, trying not to be too bothered by Namjoon who was now standing by the doorway. Namjoon didn't want to do this at all. But somehow, your life had become very valuable to him. Especially when you clutched on to him, refusing to let go as if you'd drown. It didn't need to be said but Namjoon felt like he had to save you. He needed to save you. And he needed to be saved by you.
Namjoon sighed, glancing at his feet and walking towards the old man stood in the big open kitchen.
"I'm sorry."
Namjoon pursed his lips, his eyes burning at the emotions that were welling up in him. Walter looked sad and Namjoon knew he was beating himself down. But there was only so much he could do. Lately, all his decisions were actuated by your safety.
With a shaky breath, Namjoon muttered the words he never thought he'd say.
"I think it's time to let you go."
Walter didn't react. Even if he was sad, he didn't let it show. This was bound to happen. Namjoon had only said his thoughts out loud. Things could have been harder if Walter didn't want this. Gratefully, he was okay with this.
Namjoon was caught off guard when Walter simply nodded in response.
Guess this really had to happen.
Hesitantly, Namjoon stretched his hand out, giving Walter a tight lipped smile. The latter immediately took it, holding onto it like his life depended on it. Walter's eyes were red and Namjoon had to endure the pain in his chest.
"I hope you find someone who still has his muscles intact." Walter joked, making Namjoon smile at him. Certainly, this wasn't needed. But Namjoon wasn't only doing this for you. He was doing this so that the older man could live the rest of his life in peace, unbothered by the troubles that Namjoon seemed to bring home with him. It was good yet bad but this was progress in Namjoon's eyes. He was finally doing something for someone else. No selfish intentions. No regrets.
With one final goodbye, the doors to Namjoon's house had closed behind Walter, telling him that there was no going back now. It was done. Namjoon was safe in the house with you and hopefully, you'd take care of him too. Putting on his black fedora, Walter walked away into the night, not looking back once.
Namjoon sighed, resting his forehead against the closed door, wondering if this was the right thing to do. He had to hire someone else now. Yes it would take time to build the same amount of trust again but better safe than sorry.
"Are you okay, Namjoon?"
Your sweet voice made Namjoon turn around in an instant, his eyes taking in your confused and concerned expression. You stood at the bottom of the staircase, your hand resting on the wooden railing while the other clutched the bottom of the t-shirt that was too big for you. Namjoon's heart swelled. It was his.
He took a step towards you, giving you a faint smile. You could tell that this incident had worn him out more than it had affected you. The tired eyes and the exhausted smile of his corroborated your assumptions.
"I thought you must have fallen asleep by now." He said, patiently waiting for you to answer him. You shrugged, taking a step away from the staircase. "Couldn't sleep."
Namjoon nodded in response, proceeding to sit on the couch. He buried his face in his hands, sighing on feeling the place beside him dip. You frowned and rested your cheek on the palm of your hand, your elbow sitting on your knee. Namjoon was certainly not okay and you knew it was due to Walter's absence. You wanted to tell him that you had heard everything but maybe it was best if you didn't talk about this. Instead, you opted for placing your hand on his back, rubbing it soothingly. Namjoon looked at you, his eyes red and glossy. Something inside you ached, your heart begging you to make him feel okay. But you didn't know how. Even though you had problems of your own, Namjoon didn't need to hear about them. What he really wanted was for you to give him solace and comfort.
"Let me be here for you, Namjoon." You pleaded, his eyes closing shut on hearing your words. Clearly, things were beginning to take a toll on him but he refused to let it show.
"I'm okay, Y/N. I- I'm just fine." He assured you, giving you a sympathetic smile. You pursed your lips, reluctantly nodding and standing up.
"If it's not too much, could you..." You trailed off, biting down on your lip in uncertainty. Namjoon noticed your hesitation and stood up, towering over you and raising his eyebrows to urge you on.
Your cheeks grew warm, your eyes frantically looking around the room before you said it out loud.
"...could you sleep with me? Just for tonight?" You asked in a small voice, peering up at Namjoon through your lashes. Namjoon let out a soft chuckle, shaking his head in amusement. For a second, he had grown worried, nonsensical thoughts filling up his mind but here you were, asking him if he could keep you company. Of course he would.
Namjoon nodded, his dimples beaming at you. You mentally sighed in relief and hesitantly held his hand, intertwining your fingers with his. You looked up at him, flashing him the smile that he was falling for. As you led him upstairs, Namjoon's worries disappeared into nothing. He decided to let things go for now. Whoever had broken in will pay for hurting you. Namjoon was gonna make sure of it.
∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆
"I'm sorry but what are we doing?" Rex hissed, trying to keep his voice low and inaudible. It was probably really late into the night when he was woken up by Jungkook to follow Hana. Rex was pissed at first, wondering if this was even worth compromising his sleep for. But his love for adventures was far bigger than that for his sleep. Obviously, Jeon Jungkook must have something in mind if he wanted to do this.
Everyone was now aware about your existence, mixed feelings brewing in each member's heart. Some were happy that Namjoon found someone who wasn't related to this darkness that they had to live in. Some were sad that Namjoon hadn't trusted them enough but Jungkook. He felt betrayed, as if he had been cheated on. It wasn't just that. His emotions had been riled up by Hana, whose eyes looked empty since she found out about you. Jungkook had always thought Namjoon would end up with Hana and they'll all be happy but no. In a span of four years, Namjoon had managed to get over her. That's the only possible explanation.
Jungkook was worried when he saw Hana leaving in the middle of the night without telling anyone. She thought she was being discreet but Jungkook was sitting in the darkness of the living room, watching her like a hawk. He couldn't just leave her alone at a time like this so he decided to follow her. Unfortunately, Rex was the only person he saw as backup incase they were attacked.
It was cold, Rex's fingers were numb and he just wanted to go back to sleep. Jungkook didn't respond, his eyes fixed on Hana's figure as she waited at the corner of an alley. Time kept ticking and Rex concluded that this was actually boring. He had thought they'd encounter some villains but what a joke.
They were the villains here.
"Look, I don't think watching a girl, who just wanted to take a walk, is fun. So I'll be heading back now." Rex smiled sarcastically and waved at Jungkook, walking in the opposite direction when Jungkook grabbed the back of his jacket and pulled him.
"If you'd actually pay attention, you'll see that she's not just taking a walk anymore." Jungkook mumbled, his hand still gripping Rex's jacket while he hopelessly tried to make him let go. Giving up, he turned his neck and saw that Hana was now talking to a man. He narrowed his eyes and tried to get a good look at who it was.
Meanwhile, Jungkook wasn't expecting any of this. He had simply thought that Hana was too shocked by the revelation of Namjoon and his plaything. Because that's what you were to Jungkook, a plaything that Namjoon would leave once he realised that it had been Hana all along. And he had come here to tell Hana the same thing but tables had turned. It was now Jungkook who was being fed new information. It seemed like Hana knew the man because now they were exchanging something. It was small and black but that was all Jungkook could see. The streetlights weren't the best either since the man's face wasn't very visible.
Jungkook could make out the cautious expression on Hana's face, an unwanted feeling nagging at him. This was all suspicious and Jungkook didn't know what to do. Should he just confront her? Or should he wait until he found out who the man is?
Their conversation seemed to end, for the man turned around and started walking away. That's when the streetlight completely brightened up the man's face, making Rex's jaw drop and Jungkook's eyebrows furrow. Jungkook was just confused. He didn't know this man at all. But Rex. He had seen this face before all too well on a laminated ID.
"No fucking way!"
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Taglist:@uwunamjoon @shadowstark @all-fandoms-rise @tzuyyyuuu @stressedinmedschool247 @ifellinluvwithdorks @min-t-posts @floofwrites @pretty-in-pink-just-because @bts-d-onut @fangirllbookworm @mystical-writer @it-is-dana @ximaginx @kpopgirlbtssvt @pearylove @anothermisspark @annoyingpessimist @motivation-idontknowher @atwoodscott @soundofwonderland @btsarmysvtcarat @i-am-supermerwholoked221b @bunnymaknaereacts @iamcrazyforkdramas @ddaeing
So this is unedited, I'm sorry it's like a bad chapter. But I think I pretty much gave away who Hana was meeting, no? Anyway, sorry to anyone who I forgot to tag and let me know if anyone wants to be tagged!
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Blind Au
Demencia had been called into Black Hat's office wondering what he could possibly want with her...
(After all if you recall in drabble one he tried to take her eyes and in drabble three Flug had hit his head on Demencia's amp...which had been Black Hat's fault.)
Knocking on the door, she was a little more cautious since after the last incident and peeked her head in after she heard him giving permission to enter.
His chair was facing the window, odd for someone who couldn't see and of course she said the first thing that came to mind.
"Enjoying the view sir?"
"Oh yes, this opaque world is really quite fetching, it is wonderful to find you feel this situation is so amusing."
Black Hat ground out as his chair turned so fast it would make anyone's head spin, he'd been trying to enjoy the sensation of the sun on his skin, after all the four senses he had left certainly seemed different now , there would always be a worry in the back of his mind that what if one day the rest would go to.
The old demon was trying to keep himself calm something he already struggled with but when inane jokes were made at his expense he was on the absolute brink of snapping, his forced grin was so demented that even Demencia had gone quiet.
"Do you know why Acylius is currently laying in bed with a Doctor at his side?"
"The one I kidnapped for you...I dunno perhaps you thought he needed to get laid?"
She returned managing a chuckle which faded as the room dropped a few degrees.
Crap he usually put up with her behavior, her heart began to race as his eye turned black and blue.
"He is currently being looked after by a professional doctor because you left your blasted amp in the lab again, you are always making a mess of things, your singular purpose is to kill and if you were not the most sufficient candidate for the job I would have done away with you long ago! "
Slamming his hands down on the desk he paused realising one hat been impaled on the note spike, it was strange to be so aware of how the metal felt sliding through his palm, pupil returning to normal, still with its now forever blue outline signifying his condition.
Lifting his hand, listening to the papers shifting as he flexed his fingers, focused now on this as he took hold of the base and slowly pulled, the slight patting sound of blood clearer than ever.
"Just get out you ridiculous creature."
Black Hat hissed, digging a claw into the open wound, something he could have easily healed but this new heightened awareness of everything was something he wanted to experience more of.
"But sir, he has never tripped on it once or the wiring and I am more than just an assassin you know damn well I'm qualified enough to be Flugs lab partner...if it was anyone's fault it's yours!"
"Do you care to repeat that again you little insect?"
(Do remember I don't hate Demencia and usually Hat doesn't but he's actually not dealing with this that well and isn't good at admitting he's messed up.)
"Well it is your fault, you throw him around, slam his head into your desk when you lose your shit then I see you later pining wondering 'why doesn't he like me!' "
She stood her ground, fists clenched
"For someone so old you're really, really stupid!"
Picking up a vase Demencia threw it at him, it smashed on his face without a reaction to signify it had struck him at all...until the room went even darker as he grew in size, the lizard girls breath could be seen as she looked up at him.
The monster within was tearing through again that facade of being a gentleman.
"Unlike you he can take it, it is said a gentleman does not strike one of the fairer sex...but you are neither woman nor girl, just a little project Flug worked on in a tube."
That stung her, she knew he was angry...upset and just being this way cause of his blindness...he, he didn't mean that right?
"Doesn't matter if he can take it, the only reason he won't put in his resignation now is because he's gonna feel sorry for you!"
The old demon was livid, rage taking over his senses, claws outstretched an inhuman screeching as he lunged forward, he found himself crashing into the wall as she just about dodged him, Demencia barely made it out the door as it splintered, wood bursting out into the hall.
Crimson carpets were torn as Black Hat went crashing into corners, running on all fours a giant beast in an utter frenzy with one thought.
It was her fault Flug had been hurt and now she was lying telling him that he was hurting Acylius, that Flug had been planning to resign.
Never...he wouldn't dare!
He swiped at 505 as he'd tried to stand between him and Demencia, that damn thing was like him in one way, possessing the unfortunate inability to die, so it didn't bother him when he heard the yelp, Black Hat had known he was there due to the sickly sweet scent of cakes and urgh good intentions, absolutely vile.
"Flug's gonna be mad at you for that!"
She called out still running, turning a corner, there was only one place she knew she'd be safe.
Going into the room and slamming the door shut, his claws could be heard scraping along the walls plaster cracking as debris fell.
Of course he couldn't see so now it required patience, he had to listen...where was she...
His nostrils flared and head twitched, saliva hanging from his maw, slowly walking forward, each footstep a dull heavy thud.
His predatory growl could be through the wall, absolute nightmare fuel.
Demencia was afraid this time...but she wasn't going to run, Flug was with her now, the scientist didn't know what was going on but for Black Hat to act like this, he could handle it but she sure as hell didn't deserve the old demons wrath to this extent.
He petted her hair as she held onto him, her cheek on Acylius's chest
"How's your head nerd?"
The lizard girl whispered then realised her mistake as a giant hand came crashing through the wall, Acylius's wings bursting from his back shielding them from the pieces of wall... Great there went the art piece he'd been working on.
Black Hat's monstrous voice rumbled throughout the hall as he laughed
"Ah there you..."
His eye widened as he caught Flug's scent and pupil thinned even more.
“Get away from him!”
The moment Acylius realised he was going to use his powers to forcefully remove her he stood in front of her.
“Stop this immediately Black Hat, she does not deserve this! Demencia can be infuriating but not enough for you to act like a savage!”
That made Black Hat hesitate, he sat back on his haunches while returning defiantly
"She hurt you, I am going to hurt her!"
Flug couldn't help but think it was so eerie in the way his Jefe's gaze seemed to be staring out into the void but considering the endless dark void was all he could see...
Acylius though after that statement just gaped before pinching the bridge of his nose
"Demencia take our guest to a place he'll be more comfortable and make sure be stays."
The lizard girl nodded and was about to knock their guest doctor out when she discovered he'd fainted from the sight of Black Hat and hoisted him over her shoulder ready to start off.
"I did not say you could go anywhere!"
Hat snarled ready to stop her.
Acylius pushed through his bedroom door which had ended up hanging off its hinges, of course it fell off.
"About right."
He muttered to himself before slapping the face of his boss's lowered head
"Let us get facts straight, she is not the one who pushed me, you are, you are the one that lost their temper and considering your last outburst nearly killed me..."
Hat winced, letting out a whine, leaning into nuzzle him he felt his heart clench as Flug moved away.
Arms folded the doctor glared at him, Hat could sense it, that scathing look only reserved for when Flug had truly had enough.
"Now let Demencia take care of our guest..."
Acylius was waiting a few moments before the demon grunted and motioned her to leave.
Demencia left hastily and was also going to check in on 505 for Flug and well...the blue bear had tried to help...so it was only fair.
Another piece of wall fell off with a thud making the doctor turn, quietly looking over his room, a complete mess, why did he bother trying to have anything nice for himself.
Hat asked quietly as he started returning to his smaller size, sunlight pouring through the windows causing their shadows to stretch out along the torn carpeting where Hat's talons had made their mark.
Reaching out he found Acylius's back, he'd been aiming for his shoulder, working his way up Flug shrugged his hand off of him.
Black Hat of course did not get the message even if his senses were sharp enough to know the moment Acylius was turning, what he had not expected was for him to grab his lapels and slam him into a wall.
"Oh ho foreplay? Well if going blind was all it took-“
"Shut up! Will you for once get it into your thick head that you will never have me like you have had your graduating university students!"
Even though he could not see it, Hat knew his doctor was struggling to keep his true form from breaking out, it was clawing beneath the surface of his skin, no doubt fangs were bared at him in this very moment, what beautiful sight that would have been to behold.
"I am the one who has to deal with the whispering, the accusations I only acquired this position by sleeping with you, your actions have tarnished my career before it even began, I wanted to leave, I will not be doing anything of the sort now...not now."
Well that was just ridiculous, Acylius had gotten his position because he was the best...but Demencia had been telling the truth, Flug really had intended to resign.
"Why, I didn't know you cared."
Hat sneered, head turned upward, just a little too much so he was facing Acylius's brow, his demeanour changed though as Flug gently moved his head to make his blank gaze level with his, shivering, lips parted, the doctors hands were so warm, what was he thinking, was his doctor hiding some little secret?
"Enjoying the view doctorrr?"
The old demon purred licking his teeth.
"No...I was trying to gather my thoughts, I am not staying for you."
"Oh, what for then?"
"Demencia, if I leave, I cannot trust you not to blame and murder her for my leaving, I could easily take 505 with me...so you want me to stay you leave her alone."
Black Hat started growling, so he cared about her not him, is that what he was trying to tell him he was quickly slapped out of his thoughts
"Not like that you miserable old bastard, though you have no right to tell me who I can and cannot share my life with."
He moved in just a little closer making Hat press into the wall, that tone of disappointment making him want to shrink
"You have destroyed my room been a shameful monster to Demencia and while I sympathise with you, it is your actions that nearly killed both of your employees."
"But I-"
"No...just leave me alone, I do not want to see you right now."
Acylius was tired, fingers lingering along the demons lapels before letting go.
"I am sure you can find your way back sir."
He said coldly before turning a corner in search of a new bedroom.
"I wish I had that option...to see your face for but a moment, then gladly I could accept my eternal darkness."
Sighing heavily Hat followed the wall, working to find his way back to his office.
Flug however had not gone too far...his ears had picked up those bitter sweet words but he only frowned, he was not going to let Hat get to him.
"I wager you will use that on the next university graduate you want to bed."
Before storming off.
Winces uhhh part four >.O;
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arthurmango · 6 years
told u i'd write this >:)
i love it so much. i already love this kid. Arthur? Being a dad? Sign me the fuck up.
based off this post by @reddeaddenial ty for letting me write it!!
"Alright, kid," Arthur Morgan sighs, leading the 9-year-old with one hand and his horse with the other. He was muddy and tired, having saved this child from some of the locals after he had been caught stealing from the general store. Never did he anticipate beating a man over a loaf of bread.
"You get yourself in there and stay warm, alright? Make sure to wait for your Mama." The child is quiet. He gently removes his hand from Arthur's cautious grip and stands on the porch of the Valentine Sherriff's Office. His wavy blonde hair partly shielding his sad blue eyes.
Great. Now Arthur felt like an asshole. More than usual this time.
"You'll be alright, I promise." Arthur ensures as he climbs atop his saddle, adjusting his weight for comfort. "See you later, kid."
His ride back to the camp is quiet. He takes in the scenery; the birds chirping, the deer prancing about, the god-rays through the pinetrees. He was mentally locking this image in his mind for later, to draw when he was bored, or when he couldn't sleep, or both.
As he approached the camp, he spotted Bill, taking his shift for guard duty.
"Who's there?" Bill shouts.
"It's Arthur, dumbass."
"Welcome ba-....who's that you got behind you?"
Arthur freezes and doesn't dare turn. His first instinct is to reach for his sawed-off shotgun. He exchanged a glance with Bill, who was just as suprised...until-
"This your home, Mister? You live out in the woods?"
"Kid-?! Didn't I-"
"Yeah, Mister, but it got real lonely and I didn't wanna wait!"
Arthur narrowed his eyes, then rolled them promptly as he slid off his saddle. He gave his horse a pat on it's rear in thanks, then turned his attention to the boy in front of him who fiddled with the sleeves of his shirt. He glances back at Bill who watches with a grin, enjoying every minute of this dilemma.
"Follow me." Arthur takes his horse's reins again, leading it to pasture with the others. Upon turning around, the boy had remained where he stood.
"C'mere, kid!"
The kid didn't respond.
Arthur put his hands on his hips, then sighs once again. He walks over, picking up the child with one arm. The kid is horizontal through his arm, holding him against his hip. "Abigail!"
"What is it-" Abigail pauses, looking at Arthur. "My," she smiles as the boy is put to his feet, huddling close to Arthur's legs shyly. Abigail bends to his level with a gentle smile, "what's your name, darlin'?"
His puppy-dog eyes look up to Arthur as if to ask permission to speak, then to Abigail. "James," he whispers.
"James?" Abigail reiterates. "That's a nice name. I'm Abigail, and this here is Jack," she gestures to her son, and he waves. "Where did you come from? Don't you have parents?"
James shakes his head, inching closer to Arthur.
Abigail stands, giving Arthur a look. She begins to speak, until Hosea greets the two.
"Well, what do we have here?" The huckster chuckles, kneeling to the boy. "Where'd you find him, Arthur?"
"He found me, more or less," Arthur grumbles. "He was caught takin' bread from the stands in the general store in Valentine. Some feller tried to give him a hard time, so I defended him and I thought I dropped him off at the Sheriff's Office. I guess he followed me here. Didn't even notice."
"Quiet thing he is, isn't he?" Hosea gives James a warm smile. "Have you eaten, son?"
"No sir," James replies meekly, "I haven't."
"Arthur, would you show him to Mr. Pearson for a nice supper? Mrs. Grimshaw-"
"I'm already working on it!" Susan replies hastily, adding an extra blanket to Arthur's tent.
"Hosea, I don't-"
"You can't just take him back, Arthur." Hosea replies quietly, "he followed you here, almost like a lost puppy, and like a puppy, he's gonna be your responsibility, lest the ladies get to him first. He's a handsome young man."
Arthur mumbles under his breath, knowing Hosea was right. He wouldn't be able to live with himself if he left James alone. In a few ways, James reminded him of his own son, Issac. Maybe, he felt, maybe this could make things right. Maybe this could fill that aching, emptiness and loneliness he's felt for so long. The only downside is that he has another thing to worry about, another, innocent child to shield from the horrors of his life. It's almost, in a way, cruel to keep him around. He deserves better. He doesn't need this life, but what was Arthur to do? Parent the boy, he guesses. Not that he's much of a father in the first place.
Over the next few minutes, the gang meets and greets the new kid. He sits at the card table, eating sheepishly as everyone takes their turns asking him questions, not that he had many answers.
"Give the boy some space!" Dutch commands, tapping the ashes off of his cigar. "Arthur, may I speak with you for a moment? Just a moment."
"Sure," Arthur complies, "I'll be right back, okay?"
He follows Dutch to his tent, where Dutch promptly turns to him, taking a drag off his cigar. "You didn't kidnap nobody's son, didya?"
Arthur squints. "Wh-no! What kinda question is that, Dutch?"
Dutch chuckles, patting Arthur's shoulder, then wiping his hand on Arthur's jacket once he realized that his hand had touched mud, "just makin' sure." He begins to lead Arthur, walking with him. "You couldn't find his folks nowhere?"
"The boy was stealin' bread, Dutch. I think it's safe to say that he has no folks," Arthur replies, thumbing his belt.
"He reminds me a lot of you when you were a boy," Dutch smiles, "he was quiet like you were, too. That is until I broke you outta your shell. I think it'll be good for you take after Hosea and I and teach the boy what he needs to know to survive."
Arthur shrugs. "I was plannin' on it. I'm just worried that....I don't know....maybe I'm not cut out for this."
"Sure ya are!" Dutch turns to Arthur, halting their walk. "It'll be good for you to have somethin' to do other than draw in that journal all day."
Arthur shakes his head, and Dutch winks, putting his cigar back between his lips.
Arthur meets back with the boy, where Charles had taken his spot. Beside Charles was Javier and Sean.
"You sure this lad ain't yours, Arthur?" Sean laughs. "Looks a helluva lot like ya!"
Arthur doesn't bother, and sits down across from Charles beside James. He seemed a little more open. He assumed it was from Charles' calming demeanor....or Sean's hyperactive one.
"He's a smart kid, Arthur. Very headstrong." Charles adds in. "He says he wants to be a hunter when he grows up. You and I should take him hunting sometime to start him off."
"You ever hunted before, James?" Arthur asks, not sure how to level his voice to keep from starling the child.
"Once, with my Pa." James moves his spoon throughout his stew absentmindedly. "Pa left when Mama got sick, and one day she went to sleep and wouldn't wake up. After she went to heaven, I've been alone, kinda."
Arthur, Sean, Javier and Charles exchange glances, feeling a variation of that pain.
"Well, you've got all the Aunts and Uncles you could ever want!" Javier grins, "you've got food, a place to sleep, and all the protection you'll ever need."
"And maybe tomorrow mornin' I could take you to Saint Denis and get ya somethin' real nice to wear, to getcha outta those old clothes."
James finally begins to smile. It adds so much to his fair complexion. "Is it pretty, Saint Denis? Just like on the postcards?"
"Just like on the postcards! Maybe even prettier." Arthur smiles, too. A rare smile hardly shown to the world. It was genuine.
"You've got a real hardworkin' Pa now, lad!" Sean smirks as Arthur eyes him. "This man is as stubborn as a bull, but make no mistake, he'll getcha anything ye ask for as long as ya can get passed that rough outer layer a'his."
"I think he's really nice," James looks down to his food, then back up to Arthur. "Scary at first, but he saved me! So that makes him my Guardian Angel, just like Mama used to say."
Arthur felt a sort of relief. This responsibility was immense, but he couldn't help himself. He was already starting to get attached to the child.
"Why don't you go with Uncle Charles and meet everyone else, huh? I should probably get cleaned up. I'm still covered in mud." Arthur remains in his seat as James follows his new Uncles, sightseeing throughout the camp. Maybe this is his second chance to actually be a father. Sure, he was afraid. He was afraid for what was to come. He was afraid that he might not be the father he hopes he is. He sure as hell won't turn out like John, that's for sure.
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🏰⚔️🐲 DMODT 23... update I guess. I'm sorry. I haven't had time to work on this at all
Eren and Levi were both late back the following morning. Eren had flown them back over to Eldia for their private night together, where they'd spent the night near the Draecia peninsula. Come morning, Eren had tried to hide away from the sun. Neither of them were hung over, but they were a mess, and neither wished to return to reality or the company of others... Eren woke in a playful mood, happy to take "advantage" of the fact Levi's clothes were ruined from where he'd slice them off with his magic. It took a bath in the ocean and Eren's magic to make them both look presentable again, and not like they'd spent the whole night doing less than respectable things. Flying them back to the Reiss manor, Erwin was waiting on the field near the cabins. The moment they'd landed, the man was lecturing him on his disappearance. It wasn't like Erwin hadn't know there was a chance of him not returning for the night. Levi wished he could follow Eren's lead by not being human. Eren hadn't shifted back, instead he was was standing tall behind Levi, almost daring Erwin to say something about his appearance. Erwin didn't, but unfortunately Levi couldn't stay "hidden" behind his omega's protection forever. Kissing Eren's forehead goodbye, he promised to see the mage later. Erwin had prepared an overly lengthy lecture for him, the blond didn't stop talking, even once they'd arrived back at the cabin the Eldia party was using. It was only him, Erwin and two guards, so it wasn't like they needed lavish rooms. All he really needed was a bed and somewhere to bathe. He'd thought everything that was happening with the festival would be planned down to the very last second, instead it seemed they very much went with the flow. He and Eren weren't even the last pair back. After his scolding from Erwin, and showering, it was time for breakfast and Levi was famished. Eren was a very demanding lover after all. And Levi loved being the one to make Eren fall apart beneath him. Grabbing a full loaf of fresh bread, butter and jam, he then brewed himself a fresh pot of tea and settled himself down at the kitchen table, sighing heavily as he did "Is there more I should know?" Pulling the opposite chair out, Erwin sat, launching right back into it "Mikasa and Armin wanted to know where both you and Eren had gone. It would seem Mikasa has feelings for Eren" No fucking shit "That's old news" "She's intending on asking for Eren's hand" Choking on the sip of tea he'd taken, Levi glared at the mug. Ok. He knew she held deep affections, but surely she must know Eren wasn't interested "She has no chance" "And how are you going to break this to her?" "Me? It's not my issue. If you haven't forgotten, I'm still engaged to Petra. I'm not the best person to be going to over relationship advice" "I didn't expect you and Eren to return to fucking quite so fast. It would problematic if everyone was to find out" "Everyone who?" "Everyone. We don't know if there are Marley based dragons here... I hope you kept things under wraps last night" "They all already know" Slamming his hands down on the table, Erwin rose "You idiot! Is he really worth all of this?!" "Erwin, you knew damn well it would be out in the public once we arrived here. Historia and Freya both knew with just one look. It's a dragon thing" Sinking down, the blond shook his head "I let you come up here, under the provision you didn't allow things to get out of hand" "You let me? That's rich. You know how much I missed him" "That doesn't mean you need to throw yourself all over him" "I've been carrying out my royal duty. I've been on all the walks and to all the sites the Reiss family wanted to show us, and since we've arrived, I've only spent two nights with Eren" "Without your bodyguard even knowing where you were" "Well, the first night we screwed down by the lake. Last night, we took a quick trip back to Eldia and went at it like rabbits near the beach. Is that what you want to hear? Or do you want to know how many times I knotted him? Or how many times I made him come?" "Why must you be so crass?!" "Because you're picking a fight over something so incredibly stupid. This festival is important to Eren, and important to me. Draecia is important..." "Why can't you listen to what I'm telling you?! I want you to be careful. We don't know if there may be a possible enemy here, and you've let your guard down as you're back with Eren. What if something had happened last night?" Levi tapped the brooch he'd attached on his fresh shirt "Eren has placed a portion of his magic inside this. This scale is one of his, and if anything happens, his magic will kick in" "That doesn't mean anything! Some poisons kill you in an instant" "I was surrounded by dragons and dragon riders. I couldn't have been safer" Could he be flattering himself to believe that Erwin wasn't being a dick for the sake of being a dick, but out of actual concern "You still should have told me. I heard nothing from you at all" "There wasn't exactly time, and other then when we returned Eldia, Eren and I were supervised" "He never should have taken you back to Eldia" "Eldia is special to him. All he wants is for the people of Eldia to be safe and happy. He knows the potential outcome of Zeke learning about his dragon status and his relationship with me" "So you two are still in a relationship?" Levi blinked. Yes? Was that not feeling obvious? "I'm serious when it comes to Eren. My affections for him hasn't changed in the least, despite our time apart" "Have you explained to him that Petra still resides at the castle, and your engagement is still in effect" "You don't need to keep harping on about it. You make it sound as if Eren and I have never had a serious conversation over the future. He hasn't openly talked about it, nor has he tried to rub it in anyone's face. We've been careful, and Eren takes herbs to prevent pregnancy, even with a dragon pregnancy lasting for two years. He understands the situation, and he only wants what's best for Eldia" Eren had explained in length what a dragon pregnancy entailed, after his talk with Historia and before he'd left Eldia. They weren't rushing things, even if they'd fallen into bed so fast, or at least, Levi didn't feel as if they were rushing things. They'd spent a year apart, with only letters between them, and still wanted to be with each other "Eldia can't afford to lose you... I can't afford to lose you" Placing down the piece of bread Levi had been buttering, he sighed deeply "I'm continuing to play my role, and I'm being cautious about it. Still, it isn't enough for you. Your puppet prince is doing his job, and you know it" "Levi" "No. That is enough. I wish to eat my breakfast in peace, before I have to return to the manor" "The manor? Again?" "Yes. I found myself unprepared yesterday, so today I'm going to talk with Historia about the rest of the festival" "Does that mean I'll be spending the day with Mikasa and Armin again?" "Does that bother you?" Erwin groaned, Levi enjoying the sound of pain "Mikasa is a tad forceful..." Snorting, he nodded. Understatement of the century right there "She is just that. That's why she's here, as Eren's body guard. So we didn't have to suffer her anger of them being separated" "She's bright, but she's far too focused on Eren's personal life. You won't be able to hide things between you and Eren, from her, for much longer" Levi already knew about just how invested in Eren, Mikasa was. He'd been enraged when Eren had written that she'd offered to share his heat with him. As far as Levi was concerned that was his right, as Eren's boyfriend. Spending four heats/ruts apart had been bad enough at it was, his ruts had been nearly unbearable without his partner to soothe the pain, and to take care of "Then I'll talk to her when the time comes. Even if she challenges me for Eren's hand, it is his decision in the end" "Is there any chance that Draecia will oppose your relationship?" Levi's alpha roared in the back of his mind. His eyes narrowing as his tone grew icy. Erwin had sounded fucking hopeful, and it hadn't gone missed "No. Because they actually fucking respect relationships around here. I am Eren's alpha. I am his master. I am his boyfriend. And I am his dragon rider. We are bonded by the vow taken upon the altar, but we were bonded before even that. I am so fucking sick of this. I get it. You hate him. You only want him around when it serves your purposes. He has proven himself time and time again, and that he has Eldia's best interests in heart. Why we must keep having these petty and ridiculous arguments, I do not know. But I am absolutely sick and tired of it. Never once has he placed anything in jeopardy. He is strong and he is brave. And I am proud of him" "We keep having these arguments because you keep putting yourself in danger!" "I do not!" "You're intimate with him. You were so, even when he couldn't control his magic" "His magic has never hurt me. Even when he was a child, and on death's door, he didn't hurt me. Even when he lost control mid-heat, he didn't hurt me. He doesn't want to hurt me. He doesn't want to hurt anyone!" "No one is that perfect. He turned those bandits to stone" Erwin was grasping at straws. He'd tried to give the man leeway, chalking things up to stress. Even over the past year, he'd found himself making excuses to excuse Erwin's behaviour. It wasn't easy living in the castle where your parents were murdered and being the last of the Smith line, nor was it easy to watch your country fall more and more under Marley control, when you didn't have the forces to resist. But god. He was so tired of it all... "The bandits who killed royal guard and tried to force themselves upon him. If it was either of us, we would have slaughtered them. The only difference is that he used magic, where we would run our swords through them! Now that my breakfast has been ruined, you can fuck right off to babysit Mikasa and Armin. I do not want to see you for the rest of the day" "You can't do that! I am your bodyguard" "No. I am yours. I'm the public face the kingdom hates. I am the one with the target on my back. And I am the one who is going to spend the afternoon being educated by Historia, because Draecia is an important ally and I don't want to turn them into an enemy" Rising from his seat, Levi left Erwin sitting there. He was so tired of fighting. Why couldn't he just have this time with Eren? They'd both been high on aphrodisiac wine, which had made having a serious conversation too hard, and he hadn't been able to ask when Eren was finally coming home. Marching up to the manor, the days in Draecia were so much warmer than Eldia. The sky bright and clear, apart from the dragons coming and going. There was little wonder as to why Eren's health had improved, despite falling pretty much along the same line of latitude, the air seemed to be so much more fresher, and everything so much more green. No doubt dragon magic was responsible for that, but he did feel some shame in the fact that Eldia wasn't doing quite so well. By the time he'd reached the manor, sweat beads rolled down his back uncomfortably, leaving him feeling like he must look horribly disheveled. In the heat of the sun, any other colour to black would have been preferable, but appearances must be kept up, and once inside the manor, he found the temperature much more agreeable. Historia was busy for most of the morning, so Levi made a pest of himself by settling down in the Reiss family's library, and reading. It was either that, or go back to Erwin., and that was liable to end in a fight. How could they possibly have the same fight almost every single day for over a year, and Erwin still think that Eren was bad for him? No one else who knew about them seemed to feel the same way... by that he meant Historia and Ymir... and they'd been by Eren's side when he couldn't be... it was just... exhausting. Historia appeared around lunchtime with lunch, the blonde bright and bubbly as she came to sit across from him on the plush floral sofa, placing a tray filled with sandwiches, fresh tea, and cups down on the table between them "I'm sorry, you know how It can be..." Waving her hand towards the door, Levi smiled as she blew a raspberry at it "I do, very much so" "My father and step mother are stubbornly set in their ways. They wish to keep with this policy of non-interference, even with Marley developing weapons to shoot down dragons. They say if they fall, then that's on them... it's a load of shit" Pouting and swearing. He'd never thought he'd see Historia do both so easily "Has that been happening often?" "As far as I'm concerned, for it to even happen once since the treaty, is far too often. And then you inform of us Marley attempting to gather dragon relics. It's as if he doesn't care if Draecia is wiped out" "I'm sorry to hear that" "I'm complaining far too much. Tell me what brings you up to the manor" Taking a cup from the tray, Levi poured himself a cup of tea "Would you believe I'm hiding from Erwin?" "Oh, no! Eren did say that Erwin didn't seem to approve of your relationship" "No. He doesn't. He sees no issue with using Eren like a pawn, or for jobs he doesn't want to do for himself, but it's tiring to hear how much he disapproves of our relationship" "Do you want me to put a little magic on him?" "No. He'd lose his shit, so you really shouldn't tempt me" Historia giggled "Aw... if you change your mind, I know an excellent spell that leave him itchy down there" Levi snorted so hard he nearly split his tea "Don't tempt me! He's a man of questionable bedroom morals... I think he'd declare it a crisis if he were to develop an itch" "Now you make me wish to try the spell even more" Sharing a small laugh, Levi leaned back into the sofa "Maybe I should keep it in mind. Actually, aside from Erwin, I wanted to ask if there is more I should be doing during this festival. I thought everything would be thoroughly planned, and down to the second given how respectful every dragon and dragon rider I've met has been" "Normally, it is a little more structured. Father... he had a falling out with some dragons and things happened. It sought of spiralled from there. But honestly, we dragons and dragon riders prefer to let things come as they may. It is much more natural that way, and if you haven't realised, we are very much about nature" "I've noticed. Still... last night, I felt as if I should have been standing... and Eren was far too intoxicated to make much sense" "You're doing just fine. Simply being here with him, shows a great respect in everyone's eyes, and it's clear you both adore each other. That's the main thing. Everyone knows you're human, and that it'll take time to learn things, so they don't actually care. Of course, we have to look like we do, because that's what been told to us as young children. No. You've proven yourself already when you didn't abandon him" Levi wasn't expecting that... he was sure he must have insulted more than a few people "Then... when do I give him his gifts?" Historia smiled broadly "Tonight. See, not all dragons can stay for the length of the festival, so we get all that out the way first. The markets being run today are mostly to trade wares from all over the world, and a last chance to buy a gift. The markets will be open for the whole duration, but as I said, some dragons need to return early" "I was quite surprised to find that not all dragons lived here" "Well, it'd be cramped if we all did. Some have established themselves as healers, using magic to hide their nature and walk among normal populations as simple magic users. Some dragons need the heat, while some need the cold. We don't usually tell anyone, as it makes them prey for less than desirable people. You're an exception as Eren is your partner and your dragon" "I have no intention of telling anyone your secrets" "You couldn't, even if you wished to. Eren would lose his shit" "That's very true. So tonight, I give him his gifts?" "Yes. And I know how much you love flying, so be prepared for another flight" "Over to the ocean again?" "Not quite... I don't want to spoil the surprise" "Erwin's going to be angry. He was mad I didn't inform him of my whereabouts last night" "Upset he wasn't invited?" "I probably would have killed him if he'd found a way to show his face. That fancy wine of yours certainly works" "Like you two need any prompting. Anyway, once lunch is finished, would you like to come with me? I'm not sure if Eren will be there, but I need to go retrieve Ymir, or she'll try and escape tonight's ceremony" "Are gifts not her thing?" "Oh, no. She loves gifts. She loves giving me gifts, it's receiving them..." Historia sighed, picking at a sandwich "... she had a hard past, before she finally became mine. You should see how much gold she has already, dragons adore gold. For every gift I give her, she gives me five back. It's actually really sweet, but then I have to sneak everything back into her room. Dragons are super picky about their spaces" "That doesn't sound like Eren" "I'm sure he doesn't know how to accept gifts without expecting something to be wrong. If that makes sense. Like a gift for a service... not that he thinks like that with you. It was just hard for him. He's lucky you found him that day" Levi had never thought of it like that. He'd known plenty of skeezy men who'd lured young children in with gifts. Just the thought of someone hurting him... He'd never told Eren that he'd also been on the streets, because he knew the shit that happened there. Eren had been so young, so it was better he forgot all he went through "He won't let me spoil him... I want to though, and I did bring smaller items..." "I'm sure whatever you have chosen for him, he will adore. He doesn't let the brooch you gifted him out of sight" "I hadn't expected him to like it so much" "Of course he does. It's a gift from you" Levi shook his head "I'm a good decade older than you, yet here you are, consoling me" Rolling her eyes, Historia gave him a very "Eren" look "I'm not consoling you. I'm educating you. There's a big difference" "I stand corrected" "Actually, you're sitting. But who's splitting hairs. Now, I need to feed my face. I'm starving and on my feet all morning" Chatting back and forth over lunch, Levi joined Historia as she headed off to find Ymir, and from the feeling of it, Eren too. Walking a well worn path through the forest, Historia sighed as she looked up towards the top of the hill, where a series of loud thuds drifted down from "Something wrong?" "No. Just our dragons being idiots. Stay close to me. Ymir will probably want to play" Confused and curious, Levi followed Historia up the hill, unable to stop himself from shaking his head as he watched what Ymir and Eren were up to. The two of them had, what could be described as a boulder, between them, using both their feet and their tails to smack it at each other, running round and chasing each other while ignoring the clearing they were ruining in the process. Watching the boulder come to a stop, Eren wriggled his butt, practically pouncing in it, before swatting at it with his feet. Racing across the space, Ymir stole the boulder from Eren, Eren jumping backwards before pouncing on her. Kicking him off, Ymir rolled the boulder away, smugly turning to place a clawed foot above it. Eren once again shaking his arse as he lined up his prey "He's like a damn kitten with a ball of yarn" "Yes. Yes they are. I told Ymir to magic up a ball in future, but they pop them too fast" "They pop them?" "They get so into their own little game, they forget everything else..." So magical balls could be popped? Ok... he didn't know why he needed to know that, but if Historia said so "Ymir! Eren!" Eren's pounce went sideways as Historia yelled his name, Levi cringing as Eren landed on his head. The kid still a total klutz... Ymir on the other hand wasn't done playing. With a swipe of her foot, the boulder was sent flying straight at them. Throwing himself sideways, Levi ducked and covered, waiting for an impact that never came. Cautiously opening his eyes, he watched as Historia sent the boulder rolling back up to the playful dragons "What the hell was that?" Historia doubled over laughing, shaking as she staggered over to offer him a hand up "Ymir. She knew I'd step in. You didn't have to dive like that" Letting himself be pulled up, his face felt warm... "I'm sorry. I'm not used to flying boulders coming right at me" "Eren wouldn't let anything happen to you" Catching the boulder, Eren brought on foot down on it, smashing it to pieces, Ymir barrelling into him as he did "Are they sane? And is that safe?" "All dragons love playing, or at least young ones do. Eren is no exception. Ymir however knows I've come to get her and doesn't want the game to end" "I think Eren just saw to that" "He did. He probably didn't take too kindly to Ymir sending the boulder down. Now, how you recovered?" "I'm fine" He sounded pouty, and completely unprincely "Good. Let's head up"" Shifting her form, Ymir came running when Historia was close enough. Catching her dragon, Historia smiled. Looking to Eren, his boyfriend walked over to him, nudging him with his nose "Hello to you too. I thought you had serious dragon things to attend to" "Our game was totally serious. Until Eren decided to ruin it" "You did away the boulder towards us" "I wasn't expecting the prince to run away" "I didn't run away. You try being human and having a massive boulder coming towards you" Eren huffed, shifting back and wrapping his arms around him possessively "Ymir knows she's not supposed to send the boulders flying" "You're just upset your prince ran like a girl. Oh! What's that?! Historia's a girl and she didn't run? Maybe he's a chicken?" "No. It means you're just a sore loser" "I'm pretty sure I'm winning. Have you seen my Historia?" "I'd rather my Levi!" "You can have him" "Good. You're fixing the field today. Levi and I have things to talk about" "Noooo. You destroyed the boulder! The rules are "whoever destroys the boulder, fixes the field!"" Releasing his hold around Levi's waist with his right arm, Eren waved his hand. The damage and the boulder dissolving away as the grass went about regrowing. It was kind of amazing... and over in seconds. He had no idea why they'd act like it was the hardest job in the world "Very nice, Eren. Your magic has come along beautifully" Ymir shot Eren a dirty look, Eren was sickly sweet as he replied "Thank you, Historia. It takes a delicate hand" "Oh, blow it out your arse, Storm Dragon. You wish your magic was as delicate as ours" "Mmmm. I do. It always feels so warm" "Your storms always smell nice too. That's enough niceness, let's go, Historia" Levi wasn't completely sure how the conversation ended in compliments, but as Historia and Ymir left, Eren nuzzled into his neck "It's fine. It's a dragon thing" "I don't think I'll ever understand. She didn't hurt you, did she?" "Maybe a few scales, but it's all fun and games" "It... was scary to watch. You two just jump on each other like it's nothing" Mouthing at his neck, Eren was a little shit "I didn't mean to make you worry. I'm honestly fine" Turning in his boyfriends arms, Levi slung his own over the teen's shoulders, leaning up to kiss him "You're more than fine" Sharing a deep kiss, it was warm and affectionate, and not matching the horny way Eren had been mouthing at his neck. Breaking the kiss, he stared up into Eren's bright eyes "So... we have all afternoon" "We do. I was thinking we could talk?" "Normally you want sex" "You make it sound like that's all I want" "Not all. But talking would be nice" "Good. I want to show you my room" "Only your room?" "I might show you more... like the kitchen" "Does that mean you'll cook for me?" Eren shook his head "It means you're cooking for me. It's hard being that big" Breaking their hug, Eren looked across the field. Holding one hand out, the grass seemed to grow, and seemed to get even greener? Arching an eyebrow, Levi looked to Eren in confusion "What was that?" "My scales being absorbed by the ground. Ymir likes to give her scales to Historia. I would have given mine to you, but they're only quite small. I hope you don't mind..." "No. They're your scales. Does it help the ground?" "Does it help the ground?" Obviously it had to help the ground. God. That wasn't what he meant to ask "Oh, yes. You probably can see how green Draecia is. It's because of all the magic in the soil. Ymir and I play here quite often, so I like to give back to the earth" "That's very like you" "I'm a visitor here. It'd be rude not to repay Draecia" Taking his hand, Eren lead him towards the forest path "Speaking of that... I was wondering when you planned to come home?" "I thought I'd told you? Once the festival is done, I can come back. I mean, obviously I need to come back to Draecia from time to time, but it's time for me to go and explore the world" Way too happy, Levi pulled Eren against him a little too hard. The alpha landing on his back, with Eren's knee dangerously close to his crotch. Both of them looking down, and letting out a sigh of relief "What are you sighing about?" "I don't want to break your dick with my knee. How would I even explain that?!" "I thought your magic fixed everything" "I'd prefer not to hurt you, or that wonderful dick of yours. Now, why did you pull me down in a fit of passion?" "Because you didn't tell me you were coming home! I've been stressing over this" "I thought I did" "No" "Oops. Hey, Levi. Guess what? I'm coming home soon" "Really? Thanks for letting me know. I'll have to get your room organised, no one's been inside since you left" "That's creepy" "It didn't feel right... but... if you're coming home, you can stay in my bed until your room's ready" "Oh? Really? Is that so?" Growling softly, Levi flipped them over, nuzzling at Eren's chest, as Eren laughed. Finally. Finally his boyfriend was coming back home "Yes. You and this sweet little arse of yours is mine" "Mmm... this sweet little arse is all yours" "Good... now, we're going to go talk. And you're going to pack" Eren nodded, his smile dropping on the edges of his mouth "We're staying... until the end of the festival, right?" "Of course. I don't want to take this away from you" Throwing his arms around him, Eren's happy scent flooded into his nose "I love you! Thank you!" "You're welcome, brat" As the pair of them detangled from each other, Levi's heart was racing as he panicked. Eren had told him he loved him! Without the influence of sex, or his knot, or wine... it may have been a slip of the tongue, but the elation he felt... it was scary... "Master? Are you ok? Your scent..." "I'm fine, brat. Just imagining the lecture Erwin is going to give me for disappearing again" "Then we better get you back. Mikasa's probably going to lecture me too... I swear. I'm an adult. I don't need to tell her everything" Climbing to his feet, Levi brushed himself off "You're an adult? When did that happen?" Eren faked a pained look, as he pushed himself up "You wound me" "Then let me kiss it better" "Nope. We're behaving" "We are?" "Yep. At least until you've fed me" Slinging his arm back around Levi's waist, they started back down the hill, Levi mumbling to himself "So demanding" "I know I am" "You weren't supposed to hear that" "Then remember I've got super hearing, and super sight, and super smell... I'm really the complete package" "I already knew that" * Letting Levi into the cabin Eren shared with Armin and Mikasa, he hadn't expected his two roommates to be, or for Erwin to be there. Eren had hoped that it'd be just him and Levi, as he really did want to sit down and talk with his boyfriend. Careful to wait until Levi was inside before stepping in, Eren cleared his throat "I found Prince Erwin on my way back" Armin rose to bow at Levi, while Mikasa rushed from her chair to grab Eren by his shoulders. Great. Here came her lecture... right in front of Levi... He was fine. Mikasa should have known he was fine. She'd seen the previous year's ceremony, and known how much he'd wanted to join in. Leaning in, she sniffed at him "Where have you been? You stink!" "Excuse you. I've been off doing dragon things, and then I was with Ymir" He could smell the anger in Mikasa's scent, and he could smell Levi on him. It was probably for the best they hadn't had sex, or he'd never hear the end of that one "You smell like alpha" "Probably because Ymir and I have been out in the fields around the manor, all day. There's people everywhere, and you know that" Moving to scent his neck, Eren dodged his adoptive sister "Mikasa, you don't need to scent me. I don't mind the scent. It's not gross to me, and you know I've got a great sense of smell" "And I'm telling you that you stink. Just let me scent you" "I don't want to be scented by my sister, so stop it. You're embarrassing me in front of the Prince" Mikasa crossed her arms "You're too trusting. Anyone here could be an enemy" "No ones going to hurt me! We're the only humans here! I'm part dragon and you need to accept that" "Do I?! You're also an omega! If anyone attacked you... you could fall pregnant" "I'm not going to fall pregnant! You're being too paranoid! Go hit something with a sword or something. Maybe you could train with the guards the prince brought with him?" "Stop changing the topic" Though Levi was standing in front of him, he could almost feel the alpha giving him a look of sympathy. Erwin's lectures were probably just as annoying, but at least they didn't occur in front of Levi's best friends "I'm not. I've been busy since the ceremony yesterday. I came back to take a shower, then Prince Erwin, Levi and I will be talking about what magic I've learned since coming here and how it could help Eldia. I'm sure Armin would be happy to explain what he's learned while I do" Brushing past Levi, Eren headed towards his room. He didn't want to come across as rude, but he really couldn't deal with Mikasa. Every moment of every day, he wanted to be by Levi "Eren, wait" "I'm going to shower, Mikasa" "Wait... I want to talk you" Pausing as he grabbed his door handle, he looked to Mikasa "What is it?" "At tonight's ceremony, am I allowed to give you a gift?" "You want to give me a gift?" "I know you've been with the prince because of his status, but Eren, to me..." "Mikasa, I'm sorry. I really need to shower. As far as I know, the prince is the only one who can give me a gift. I'm sorry, that's just the way it is" "But we're family" "I know. You're my sister, and you'll always be my sister. We're heading back to Eldia in a few days, why don't you make the most of the time we have left here?" Darting into his room before Mikasa could reply, Eren wished he could be harder on her. He didn't want to upset her, but shit. His boyfriend was just outside the hallway. He'd probably even heard... Sometimes he wished Erwin's stupid command wasn't still in place. It was probably a good thing it was, but he couldn't even call Levi's name as they had sex. The closest he got was "Lee", and even that strained the command. He wanted Levi to know that he saw him as more than the stand-in-prince. That he saw the man for who he was, without the titles or formality... and he'd wanted to talk to Levi about everything he'd done and seen since coming to Draecia. He wanted to show Levi how his magic had grown, and he wanted to show Levi that everything they'd given up in their time apart had had some kind of meaning. He loved Levi... Showering and rejoining the four in the kitchen, Eren nearly melted at Levi's scent. In their time apart, he'd thought he'd imagined the effect it'd had on him. He'd thought he imaged the smell of warm tea and safety, but each time he smelt it... it made him feel the luckiest man alive. Sure, there were traces of annoyance, probably at Erwin being there, and the fact their private conversation was over before it could begin, but he could tell his alpha was happy beneath it all, and that in turn made him happy "Sorry for the wait. I'm ready now" Dressed in another set of robes, Eren knew he looked good. These robes started out a deep blue green and faded up to a blue, like the water of the peninsula between Eldia and Draecia. He'd dressed carefully, given he had to look presentable before Levi gave him his gifts, and he'd dressed knowing he'd drive Levi crazy. Standing, his boyfriend's chair scraped slightly in his rush "Ah, Eren. Very good, I'm sorry, but we need to go now" Smooth. His boyfriend was an idiot, in the best kind of way. Eren nearly laughed at how flustered he'd made his alpha, without even touching him. Rising to his feet much slower, Erwin sighed, probably not happy to be babysitting the couple "Thank you, Armin. You've been most insightful since our arrival" The blush on Armin's face was soft, his friend giving Erwin the biggest smile he'd ever seen on the beta's face. Mikasa rolled her eyes with a huff. While he'd been secretly pining for Levi, Armin had voiced his excitement to see "Levi" again... repeatedly. Counting down since Eren notified them, and notified them that they'd be returning home. He'd been sure he'd told Levi in his last letter, though after their rough reunion, he'd been nervous to bring the topic up... then got swept up in the festival "It was nothing. I'm just happy to be of help" "And you were" He could see it on Armin's face, this must have been the greatest day of his life. Now. If he managed to get his hands on some of Erwin's hair, he'd be able to give Armin news of his compatibility with the alpha "Eren, maybe I should come with you?" "Mikasa, I'm perfectly safe. Levi will be there to guard us. Go enjoy yourself. Take Armin to the marketplace... have fun. You know once we go back home, it'll be straight back to work"
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dylannicknight · 6 years
Page 47. Happy Three Positive Years!
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October 7, 2015. I was diagnosed. It was my mom's birthday. Amazing how time swiftly flies. It's been three difficult but amazing and awesome years.
It didn't really started that easy. Just like everyopne else, I had my struggles too. When I was diagnosed I had endured the side effects of my meds, disclosed my status to some close friends. Some, accepted me, some did not. I was called names like malandi, makati, mahilig, mapusok, maharot. I have been judged from here and there and I think I just got used to it anyway. I didn't really know how they come up with those words just by knowing that I am a PLHIV. I was even lectured of having a long term relationship. I mean, What the heck? The relationships I had has always been years. So why lecture me about long term relationships?
Ever since I was diagnosed my work changed too. I left my previous job. I was already a webinar trainer there but decided to leave to start a new life. I was jobless for 6 months. I moved to a different company where I believe I excelled and just got my fifth promotion. I think my virus brings me luck. lol! Although, someone in my workplace spread the word about my status which made me sad, but I had to move forward. You cant really please everyone and tell everyone not to do what they do. I was able to get over it and it doesn't even bother me anymore that some of my officemates might know my status.
In those years, I also looked for my own support. I looked for people like me and tried to ask them how they coped up with the situation. I tried to blend myself in their group and community and I was actually amazed that most of them are actually just like normal people. I have been a regular reader of Iam H. Positive and has been a fan of Billy Santo. I learned the language, where we called ourselves pusit or short for positive. we called the meds a lot of names and made fun of our conditions. We used to put it in our expressions such as "juice colored! lakas makaubos ng CD4!" hahaha! I really find that funny. We sometimes made fun of the OI's some has gotten in the past but not really in an insulting way. I made a lot of friends. We laughed and cried and hangout and dined together as blood brothers.
I also had some friends who lost the battle. A family friend of ours who was diagnosed late. He died with a lot of complications and my uncle was there with him and paid most of the expenses. even after he died, his family kept in touch with us and always invited us fo weekend and holiday stays on their resort. One is my good friend Jose. We dated once. He shared his life story with me. He was form the province and was sent by his parents here in manila to live on his own. he didn't live life that good at first but he was able to get on his own feet. He never got the chance to get back in their province and its really sad that he had to go back there with just his remains. When he got diagnosed, I was really sad. I wanted to see him. He kept asking me to see him and catch up and I really wanted to but my partner that time and mom wouldn't let me. I wanted to encourage him, support him and make him feel that he is not alone in his battle. I wanted to tell him that I am also a PLHIV and look at me now. I'm all okay. I asked for all the help that I can to help him out but eventually... he died. It has always been my regret. Then another friend died, and another, and a partner of a friend and a partner of a coworker. This actually led me to do my advocacy. To at least do something to stop people from dying.
Since i was diagnosed, I had two relationships. The first one I had was a Serodiscordant Relationship. Meaning, he is not a PLHIV. The relationship went on for 2 years and 3 months. At first, everything was okay. We decided to focus on our jobs and set the relationship aside. It wasn't an easy relationship. I've always been cautious and probabyly had the self stigma as I always fear that I might share the virus to him. We did set the relationship aside until it felt like there is no relationship anymore. But we're good. I don't wanna go into details anymore.
Then my present one. My happy pill. We just had our first month. I am 3 years older than him but whenever I'm with him, I feel like a kid with my daddeh! haha! I love you hub. I like how he encourage me to do better and be the best. Whenever I'm with him, I feel like there's a whole big world out there that I haven't seen. I feel so naive. Being with him just makes me feel safe. It's like I can do everything and no one will ever ever hurt me. I like the way he would look at me and give that smirk. I like the way he hugs me like there's no tomorrow and that he will never ever let me go. I like the way he hold my hands and brings me all these surprises. This is my first seroconcordant relationship.
In the family, My cousins have always been supportive of all the things I do. I disclosed my status with 3 of my closest cousins and they all accepted me. Although my mom knew my condition, she's always paranoid that something might happen to me, that I might get sick or not eating well or not sleeping well or just stressing myself out. She would always remind me that I am her only son and I will forever be her baby. Whenever I am at home, she would cook for me, buy all my favorite fruits like kiwi, honeydew and persimon. prepare all my favorite dishes then we would bake together and shop together and I would tell her all my PLHIV adventures. She just couldn't stop herself from worrying and I guess that's just what moms do. I love you ma. But I am a grown up now and I have to live my life. Dad however doesn't have any clue about my status. Or maybe he does. lol. As always, dad is a good adviser. a good listener. The thing is... His HIV 101 is so outdated. Maybe one of these days I can finally tell him.
I learned to make my circle very small and close and yet get to enjoy life justy like any normal person. I dedicated portion of my time in the advocacy and a part of that is this blog to tell everyone that there is definitely life even after HIV. :)
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