#i'm not lying btw this happened to me like 4 times already
i have a pattern for find out my fav fics in each fandom im in that consists in me looking for some quick fluffy shit to read bfr bed but being so tired i barely understand a thing forgeting about it for months then picking it to reread by pure accident just to transcend to the fucking skies over how good it actually is
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gettinontopic · 2 months
This is so transphobic like what the hell is this
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[Image Id: A large addition to a tumblr poat reading "Also if I'm going to be honest, passing as a man is also just easier than passing as a woman. The rules to being a man and passing as a man are much more lenient than being a woman or passing as a woman. Trans women have to worry about shit like "I need to wear an outfit that distracts people from the fact I have an adams apple, and not allow people to see that I have shoulders, and learn makeup and basically become a voice actor and etc. and maybe I won't be called a man today" (and if you pass too well and the wrong cis guy feels guilty about being attracted to you, you get murdered meanwhile if you're a trans guy and you wanna pass as a man, you gotta like have short hair and hide or remove your boobs and at this point you can already just go to the grocery store and most people will see you as a man. Once you get facial hair and a deeper voice, most people will just see you as some guy. Like I don't understand why transmascs insist on this idea that they could never really pass. Like the idea that trans man who passes is almost far-fetched. Weird as hell." End Id]
Lets upack this shall we?
1."Passing as a man is easier than passing as a woman"
No it's not. The rules to being a man and passing as a men as strict as lots of rules for women. Have you ever seen a cis guys who fails to pass? They're called names, theyre physically beat, and theyre often ostracized from their cis peers just as fast as any trans person. Cis boys cant even pass half the time by the rules they made. Quit fucking lying about men just magically having it so easy.
Your experiences as passing as a man aren't universal and if you've never passed as one what makes you think it's fucking easy?
Also god forbid you're a black man, or a black man who is into something deemed feminine. Shit I've seen guys call black men women for wearing a damn hair bonnet.
Oh not to mention I'm only a man to transphobes when they can call me a "dangerous black man" only to switch back to tryibg to detransition me by saying "you can just be a masc girl!"
2.Adams apple
While you have to hide yours, I have to wear shit that distracts people that I *don't* have one. Cause, and I know this is wild, if they expect you not to have one for being a women, what do they expect me to have for being a man? Hmm? And if you're a man who's adams apple never came in? I've seen them called girls to. Shit I've heard a guy called not manly for missing his, and he was still in puberty!!
While you have to hide you shoulders, I have to do whatever I can to have the.. small shoulders on men? maybe if youre in a "non manly" field like music or art, but I do gym work. I better look likeit regardless of the disability that effacts my muscles growth and development or I am called maam by every guy there. Which sucks btw.
4. Makeup and voice acting:
Trans men also are regularly advised to wear makeup that masculinizes them and do voice training. thats some of our oldest passing tips. thats litterally never been unique to trans women. what the FUCK kinda of implications are you trying to put out here?
5. Murder:
Hey did you know cis guys will murder trans men bc they were attracted to them and then found out they werent "real men" and then kill them. shit cis women also kill us if they find out they were attracted to us and we aren't their ideal man anymore. do u know how men who hear im butch and into women behave?
Fuck right the fuck off trying to tokenize the murder lf trans women while throwing trans men murders in the "that doesn't happen" bin.
6. How many times have we said short hair and no boobs dont fucking automatically gets us gendered correcly!! We have voices that have to be trained, we have muscles were expected to build,and some men even watch the way you walk to guess if you have a dick or not.
Listen to any trans men. any of us for five minutes. those things do not making an easily passing trans man fuck you for lying about our experiences as not a trans man.
7. "You gotta like have short hair or remove your boobs"
Untrue! just Untrue. we also have to preform the rules of manhood really well. ive seen beareded transmen clocked for like so many different other reasons and you wouldn't listen to those men if it would save all trans people lives forever. cis men constantly dig at other men presentation to keep each other in line. Its a regular for them.
Also: not all of want to pass with those features. I deserve to have long hair and not bind and still pass as a man and you suck for defining everything around passing.
8. I don't know why you insist on this idea that trans women never really pass without obscene work (when ive met trans women that admit they have it easy by throwing on a dress and wearing her hair down) and that all trans men who have ascess to transition magically do pass (When multiple of us transitioning have said we dont)
If we can't talk about the ones who don't pass then you kinda can just sweep away the idea we don't face discrimination or danger and that's getting us killed actually.
None of us have said we can all never really pass any who say they can't are usually speaking on their own experiences. Because you want us all to pass so bad you don't care that we don't, and that it gets us backlash and hurt.
Also, if you ever read this, kiss my black ass and go reevaluate what makes you think you should speak on experiences that aint yours as if you're the one with the Hard Cold Facts.
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littlebeluu · 3 months
Hi! Hope you're day is going well :)
If it's okay I'd like to request smth for marc, if not just ignore this haha. I actually have a few ideas but just pick the one you like the most :)
1. It's kinda similar to the one you already wrote I guess but reader being insecure cos shes not as conventionally attractive as other wags, like she's not ugly but she's not a model either yk? Maybe also like people online hating on her body and/or weight and she doesn't wanna make a big deal out of it but marc notices and like reassures her and stuff (also in my head, reader is like a really private person who doesnt like a lot of attention, has her social media accounts on private and doesn't post anything except a handful of stories every now and then but that's obvi just me, doesn't have to be like that)
2. Marc reaching reader catalan (in my mind reader can already speak Spanish but that's not a must obvi)
3. Marc teaching reader football and she's just really bad at it haha idk I think it could be cute
4. Height difference (I'm 5'3 haha so this is really a self insert) like maybe reader wearing his clothes for the first time and they're so adorably oversized on her or like just anything about height difference really :)
You can obviously change stuff about the requests if there's anything you don't feel comfortable with or don't like, I don't mind. Sorry if it's too much stuff at once btw, I'm not really good at writing this kinda stuff.
Thanks so much in advance already, I hope you have an amazing day (or night, depending when you're reading this haha)
I'll do other ones too 🫶🏻
I might have some trouble to do the second one cause I also don't speak catalán but I'll try anyway.
marc guiu x female reader
warnings: none
The car engine hummed softly as Marc and I settled into our seats after training. Our eyes met in the rearview mirror, and I felt a flutter in my chest. Despite the hours apart, his presence still had that effect on me.
"Hey," Marc greeted, his voice warm but tinged with concern.
"Hey," I responded, trying to muster enthusiasm.
Marc's brow furrowed as he studied my reflection. "Are you okay?"
I nodded, forcing a smile. "Yes."
His eyes narrowed, unconvinced. "Are you sure?"
"Yes," I repeated, my voice barely above a whisper.
Marc sighed, reaching for the radio. As music filled the car, we drove in silence, the tension palpable. Every few minutes, I caught him glancing at me, worry etched on his face.
"I'm fine," I assured him, though the words felt hollow.
"You're lying," he said softly, his voice a mixture of hurt and frustration.
I hesitated, torn between protecting him from my insecurities and the need to be honest. "It's just..."
"Tell me," he encouraged, his tone gentler now.
"Why do you think I'm upset?" I deflected, buying time.
Marc's eyes softened as he looked at me. "I don't know, but I've noticed you haven't really smiled today. Not your genuine smile, anyway."
"Of course I did," I protested weakly.
"No," he shook his head. "I know you better than anyone else. I can tell when you're feeling down, even if you don't say anything."
His words hung in the air as I struggled to find my voice.
"What's wrong, babe?" Marc pressed, his concern evident. "You're going to tell me, or..." He trailed off, leaving the sentence unfinished.
I took a deep breath, feeling tears prick at my eyes. "I'm sorry. It's nothing important."
"It must be something if your smile hasn't been genuine in the past 24 hours."
"Yeah, well..."
"Just say whatever it is," he urged, his voice a mixture of frustration and worry.
"Honestly? People have been saying horrible things about me lately," I admitted, my voice cracking.
Marc's expression darkened. "What? Who?"
"It's okay," I tried to reassure him, wiping away a stray tear. "Really. Just forget about it."
"No," Marc insisted, pulling the car over to the side of the road. He turned to face me fully. "What happened?"
I hesitated, feeling foolish. "It's stupid."
"Just tell me," he pleaded, taking my hand in his.
"Your teammates' girlfriends posted photos with me yesterday," I began, my voice barely audible.
"Everyone's saying horrible stuff. Like... like I'm the ugliest and fattest girlfriend."
Marc's face contorted with anger and disbelief. "What? Who's saying this?"
"People online," I mumbled, ashamed of how much it affected me.
"So nobody real?" he asked, his tone softening.
"Well, they could actually exist somewhere," I argued weakly.
"Don't even joke around," Marc frowned. "They don't deserve any importance. You shouldn't read comments under their posts anyway."
I sighed, looking out the window. "I know I shouldn't, but sometimes I can't help it. It's like picking at a scab - you know it's bad for you, but you do it anyway."
Marc's expression softened with understanding. "I get it, but those comments are toxic. They're not worth your time or energy."
"You're right," I admitted, turning back to face him. "I just wish I could stop caring what others think."
Marc reached over and squeezed my hand. "It's not easy, but we'll work on it together. Your worth isn't determined by strangers on the internet."
I took a deep breath, feeling vulnerable. "I guess sometimes those words hurt more than others. Like... maybe I wish I had more confidence. Being known is so overwhelming, and I wish I knew how to get over myself. I guess... I envy the confidence of other girls I meet."
Marc's eyes filled with understanding and love. "You're not ugly nor fat, Y/n. You're beautiful, inside and out."
"I didn't say I was, people said it," I protested weakly.
"But you think it," he said softly, his thumb tracing circles on my hand.
"No," I lied, unable to meet his gaze.
Marc cupped my face gently, forcing me to look at him. "Tell me something, Y/n. When was the last time you read something nice?"
I felt a rush of guilt for worrying him. "Well today, you told me something nice this morning. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to sound like such a baby."
"Stop apologizing," he said firmly. "You're beautiful, and I'm so lucky to be your boyfriend. But more than that, you're kind, intelligent, and strong. Those people online? They don't know you. They don't see how you light up a room, how you make everyone around you feel special."
Tears spilled down my cheeks as Marc's words washed over me. He pulled me into a tight embrace, and I buried my face in his shoulder.
"I love you," he whispered into my hair. "Every part of you. And I promise, we'll work on building your confidence together. You don't have to face this alone”
As we sat there, wrapped in each other's arms, I felt a weight lift from my shoulders. The cruel words of strangers seemed to fade away, replaced by the warmth of Marc's love and support.
"Thank you," I murmured, pulling back to meet his gaze. This time, my smile was genuine.
Marc leaned in, his lips meeting mine in a soft, tender kiss. It was gentle and reassuring, conveying all the love and support he had for me. As we parted, he rested his forehead against mine, our breaths mingling.
I reached up, running my fingers through his hair before pulling him in for another kiss, this one deeper and more passionate. When we finally broke apart, we were both slightly breathless.
Marc started the car again, but before pulling back onto the road, he turned to me with a mischievous grin. "Now, how about we go get some ice cream and plot our revenge on those haters"
I laughed, feeling lighter than I had in days. "Ice cream, yes. Revenge... maybe we'll save that for another day."
As we drove off, hand in hand, I realized that while I couldn't control what others said about me, I could choose to surround myself with love and positivity. And with Marc by my side, I felt ready to face whatever challenges came our way.
Before we reached the ice cream shop, Marc pulled over once more. He cupped my face gently and gave me one last, lingering kiss. "You're beautiful," he murmured against my lips. "Inside and out. Don't ever forget that."
I smiled into the kiss, feeling truly loved and cherished. With Marc's support and these tender moments, I knew I could overcome any insecurity. We drove on, looking forward to our ice cream date, our hands intertwined and hearts full of love.
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l-in-the-light · 15 days
Trafalgar Law and animals
It seems he is quite kind to animals, or at least he seems a little fond of them...
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Evidence number 1: napping with a new (quickly tamed) friend on his wandering excursion to nowhere in particular (or so I envision this happening).
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Evidence number 2: feeding random parrots just because they wanna try the onigiri. I bet he would feed random ducks at ponds as well lol.
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Evidence number 3: after taking away the den den mushis he just released the snails into the wild (or took them inside the lab later, we will never know, lol). He's so bad to animals, right? He could have just crushed them when he was holding them in his palm, but nah, not his style. Snails are cool and didn't do anything wrong after all.
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Evidence number 4: Chopper and Bepo. Bepo is self-understandable, but Chopper?? Law told him to shut up like twice. Yeah, but also he talked with him the most about his own issues with the plan (he can't defeat Caesar on his own for some reason he can't tell), and just few moments after meeting him. That's a huge step in the "trust" territory right there. Other Strawhats didn't hear anything about Law's own reasons of why he wants the alliance after all.
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Evidence number 5: Komainu in Wano. He wasn't tamed by Tama's dango so he didn't have to listen to their orders or anything like that. It would be understandable if Luffy was the one riding in front, because Komainu spent some time with Luffy already. Law literally saw the Komainu for the first time here, just a moment ago. He already tamed it enough to ride in front and to lead the way to Oden's castle.
Okay, I think that's enough evidence (it's not like I have more anyway lol). Now let's take a look at this again:
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I'm starting to think we're misunderstanding this scene. It's not Law being morbid (well, maybe a little), as in: he doesn't love dissecting dead frogs so much that he brought one into the picture. If you want to dissect frogs then you just dissect them, you know? Not carry a dead animal around with you anywhere you go.
Look, forever ago I watched enough American teen shows focused on school life to know that for some kids dissecting animals in anatomy class is a Huge Deal and they just Can't Do It, and they fuss over it for a whole episode. Believe me, if Law wanted to dissect this frog, it wouldn't be here in the picture with him, but it would be lying down dissected on the table, already forgotten. Meanwhile, it doesn't even have any mark that it was cut or anything.
Here's my headcanon about it: I think Law as a kid felt sorry for the frog. Either made it his friend (so what that it's dead? wow so judgemental smh I'm joking) or decided frogs shouldn't be dissected and wanted to give it a proper burial later on. My bet's on a friend though, because why else would he include the frog in the class photo? :D It's a photo with his school friends, it would be rude to exclude his new little friend as well! (the boy on his right clearly loves the idea btw lol. I bet he was good friends with Law)
We assume he wants to dissect it because 1. he comes from family of doctors and is a surgeon, 2. because of this picture:
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Which kinda suggests the possible outcome from the encounter of scalpel+frog. But I think we might have to consider the opposite of what we thought he likes to do in his free time as a child (dissecting little animals like a psycho future surgeon in training). He just seems to be nice to animals, that's why. He would be nice to that poor frog as well, no matter if it's dead or not.
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And then we have centaurs and I always ask The Question: what happened to the rest of the animal bodies?? (my guess is: they ate them).
I mean... Luffy is also nice to animals. He would still eat some of them, you know, to survive. But not his friends. Possibly also not Chopper.
And then there's this ongoing theme of people of the D. and their special relationship with animals. I mean, Luffy can tame almost any animal (Surume <3), Law has Bepo (though he's a mink, I guess), and Vivi has Carue, right? Three people already create a pattern... we also see a child Garp (in SBS) that tamed some wild beast as well!
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luvangelbreak · 8 months
Deprived | Five
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20 Part 21 Part 22 Part 23 matthew sturniolo x layla venita (female!oc) summary: everyone knows the story of the bad boy and the good girl but what happens when the school's most popular boy, Matthew Sturniolo, and the girl who notoriously is never there, Layla Venita, cross paths. warnings: swearing, smoking (cigarettes), mentions of drugs (weed) word count: 3.3k a/n: the italics are a flashback to allie and layla in their gym class btw! love you guys <3
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pov: layla
I decided to stay home from school for the rest of the week, I just didn't have the energy to endure the looks people would give me. The whispering during my last two subjects after Matt and I came back at lunch was already too much and it was worse in gym when Allie stuck to her word and paired up with me.
She seemed nice, much nicer than Mia was to me. She talked my ear off the whole lesson but I didn't mind because then I didn't have to talk.
"Don't worry about Mia, by the way. She can be really bitchy at times but she just doesn't like change. I promise she is usually a lot nicer," Allie rambled as we walked around the gym as a warm-up, "It was kinda funny though. No one ever really stands up to her when she gets bitchy because everyone's scared that her dad will arrest them."
Oh, I've met her dad.
"Matt also stood up for you after you left. I trust Matt's opinion on people, he's kinda my scapegoat when it comes to talking to people. I told him to start talking to you like three weeks ago so I could ask you to hang out. I just get nervous talking to people I don't know sometimes."
You don't seem nervous now, motor mouth.
"Sorry if I'm rambling a lot. I'm just really glad you decided to pair up with me because I've been paired with Mia for like the past 2 years. It's nice to have a new friend. It's not like I don't like my friends but Mia is my only girl friend and the guys are such guys sometimes it drives me mad. You get your nails done?"
I shook my head no before she continued, "We should go get our nails done sometime. My shout of course, I'm not gonna force you to get your nails done as well as make you pay."
She was a ray of sunshine and I was sure people were confused as someone as sweet as her was talking to someone like me who looked like they had a constant rain cloud over their head. I found myself amused by her rambling and I decided that it wouldn't be the worst thing to talk to her every now and then.
I spent the rest of my week smoking weed when my father wasn't home and drawing on the last few pages of my sketchbook. The time passed quickly considering I slept for most of the days. Suddenly it was Friday afternoon and I heard a knock at my front door.
I paused my music, frowning when I looked at the clock to see it was 3:30. It was far too early for my dad to be home so I grabbed the metal bat that was lying on the bottom of my underwear drawer, sneaking towards the door silently. Another round of light knocks were placed on the door and I crept up to it before looking through the peephole.
My tense shoulders slumped as I looked at two people with the same face and their familiar brown hair. I unlocked the deadbolt on the door as well as the regular lock before I swung the door open.
"What are you doing here?" I asked, leaning my left hand on the handle of the bat now that the other end was placed on the floor.
"Hi to you too," Chris mumbled as he looked side to side, clearly tense to be in South End as Matt smiled at me.
"I figured you would forget about the game. Decided to come earlier in case you were ready which..." he looked down at my outfit which was my small sleep shorts and an old ratty t-shirt, "I don't think you are?"
"You didn't say it was this Friday!" I frowned and Chris looked down at the bat I was leaning on before shaking his head.
"Good thing I came early then," Matt smirked at me and I chewed at my lip. I tapped the bat on the ground as I thought making Chris look at me again.
"Calm down. I'm not gonna use it on you," I deadpanned to Chris and he just shrugged, looking back out at the street. I felt a nervousness in my chest because they were at my house but I knew if they stayed on the porch or in their car, someone would try something. So I reluctantly said, "Come in."
"We can wait in the ca-"
I cut off Matt quickly, "Get inside now." They looked at each other in surprise before shuffling past me and I closed the door behind them before saying, "Do you have anything valuable in your car? Phone, wallet, laptop?"
They both shook their heads and I locked both of the locks on the door before I spun around to face them again.
"Why?" Chris asked and I tilted my head, giving him an unimpressed look.
"I'll just say you're lucky you drive a fucking soccer mom car or it would be broken into within 15 minutes," I answered blandly and they seemed somewhat shocked but didn't talk, "Come on."
I walked down the hall towards my room, slipping inside and they followed shortly behind me.
"We could've waited on the couch," Matt said as I closed the door of my bedroom and raised my eyebrows.
"If my dad came home and you were sitting on the couch, say goodbye to hockey for the rest of your life," I replied dryly and he pursed his lips, "If he comes home, you will just have to go out my window and jump the fence around the side of the house."
"You don't know when he's coming home?" Chris asked as he leaned against the wall beside my mattress and I shook my head. I was suddenly very conscious that I had the two most loved boys in our school standing in my dirty bedroom. I looked around my room, realising that I looked like I lived in a trap house with my mattress on the floor, empty beer bottles in the corner of my room with cigarettes stuck in them and clothes all over the floor.
"Sorry about the mess. No one ever comes over," I mumbled as I moved a couple clothes off of my mattress, "Sit wherever. Just don't look over here because I'm gonna get changed."
I travelled to the corner of my room where my chest of drawers sat and I saw them both turn to face away from me quickly. After placing the bat beside the drawers, I pulled out black baggy jeans, took off my shorts quickly and slid them on. I then took off my old T-shirt and slid on a baby blue hoodie. I didn't bother putting on a shirt since it would be cold at the game and I wouldn't have to take my hoodie off at any point.
"I'm dressed," I let them know as I grabbed my boots off of the floor, sitting down next to my dresser so I could slide them on easily. I looked up to see both of them sitting on my mattress, looking around my room. Their expressions were unreadable as they looked around my room.
"I like your posters," Chris spoke up and I looked to the wall above my mattress where my Bob Marley, Frank Ocean and Kurt Cobain posters were hung.
"Thanks," I answered, a half-hearted smile being sent his way which he reciprocated, "When do we have to leave by?"
"Four," Matt answered and I nodded, checking the time to see it was 3:40. I hopped off of the floor, walked over to my desk and sat down on the old desk chair.
I scribbled some eyeliner on my eyes before smudging it with my finger and then putting mascara on. I grabbed my lip balm, placing it on my lips before I ran a hand through my curly hair. I grabbed the white beanie that was thrown onto the floor, sliding it onto my head. I jumped up from the seat, grabbed my leather jacket that was hanging over the back of the chair and slid it on.
"Do I need to bring anything?" I asked, having no clue what else to bring to a hockey game.
"Just your team spirit," Chris cheered sarcastically and I tilted my head with an amused look on my face.
"I'm not a cheerleader for a reason," I answered and he shrugged, a small smile on his lips.
"Doesn't mean you shouldn't cheer when we win," he retorted and I nodded in agreement.
"I'm good as long as I'm not expected to start screaming 'Go Bats go!' like an idiot," I did a small jump when I said the slogan that I heard all the cheerleaders say proudly and Matt laughed in response as Chris shook his head with a smile.
"You wanna get food on the way?" Matt asked and I shook my head in response.
"I'm good, I just ate," I explained and he nodded, quickly checking his phone.
"We should probably go," he said, turning his phone to me to see that it was 3:55. I couldn't believe another 15 minutes had passed so quickly but I nodded. Making sure I had my phone, cigarettes, lighter and keys in my pocket, I swung the bedroom door open as Matt and Chris followed behind me. I unlocked the front door swinging it open and motioning for Chris and Matt to go outside.
They walked past me and walked to their car as I turned around to lock the door with my keys. After triple-checking the door, I wandered down the driveway to the minivan. I noticed that Matt was always the one to drive and Chris was seated in the passenger seat, phone already plugged into the aux.
I slid the back door open, jumping inside before I closed the door behind me. As I buckled myself in, Matt started the car and Chris played a song by Lil Skies.
"We good?" Matt asked, looking at me in the rearview mirror and I nodded before he spun around to look at me, "I didn't even have to remind you about your seatbelt, so proud."
"Start driving before I change my mind and go back to the comfort of my bed," I smiled slightly and he beamed back at me before he spun around and we took off down the street.
Within 5 minutes, we were in the parking lot and Chris was wriggling his body along to the beat of the next Lil Skies song. I could take a wild guess as to who his favourite artist is.
Matt turned the music down, earning a glare from Chris but he turned around to look at me ignoring his brother for a moment, "You waiting in the car or coming in?"
"I'm gonna have a smoke first then I'll come in," I explained and he nodded before turning off the car.
"You head in. I'll be there in a sec," Matt told Chris who was clicking away on his phone. With a nod, he jumped out of the car and walked around to the back of the car.
"You want me to take your shit inside?" Chris called from the trunk as I turned around to see Chris lugging his huge duffle bag full of hockey shit.
"Nah I got it," Matt called back to him and Chris raised his eyebrows as he leaned into the trunk again.
"Don't start fuckin in the car or I swear to god," he deadpanned before slamming the trunk closed and I saw him start walking towards the building.
"Sorry about him," Matt mumbled apologetically and I shrugged as I turned to face him.
"It's fine. Wouldn't expect anything less," I told him with an amused smirk making him shake his head, a smile creeping onto his lips, "Are you gonna go inside?"
"I'll wait for you to finish and then I'll show you where to sit inside," he explained and I nodded before hopping out of the car. I closed the door behind me before leaning against the car, pulling out a cigarette and placing it between my lips before lighting it. I heard Matt's door open and close before he rounded the car to get to the trunk.
As I began smoking my cigarette, a car pulled into the space next to Matt's and a few moments passed before Nate and Allie appeared out of the car.
"Hey! Matt told me you were coming," Allie beamed at me and I observed her outfit, feeling strange to see her out of her usual cheer or gym attire. Instead, she had blue jeans, a black puffer jacket with a blue beanie on and black and white vans.
"He failed to mention the game was this Friday," I told her and she rolled her eyes as Nate waved at me. I sent him a wave back with the hand that held my cigarette before I took another puff.
"Is Nick coming?" Nate asked and Matt appeared beside me, duffle bag over his shoulder.
"Nah. He said something about doing homework tonight. Chris is already inside," Matt explained with a shrug as Nate rounded the back of his car and popped the trunk open, grabbing a duffle bag of his own hockey gear.
"You coming in?" Allie asked me and I held the cigarette up.
"When I finish this," I told her, a smile tugging at my lips at her beaming personality.
"See you guys in there!" Nate called as he started walking towards the building with Allie following behind him.
"Is Miss Cheer herself coming?" I asked Matt once Allie and Nate were out of earshot and he shrugged, moving to stand in front of me as he adjusted the bag on his shoulder.
"No clue. She usually shows up late if she comes though," he told me honestly and I nodded, noticing my cigarette almost being done. I quickly finished it before dropping it onto the ground and squishing it underneath my foot. I went to push away from the car but Matt stopped me by saying, "Hold up."
"What?" I asked, confusion written on my face. He held his hand up before he dropped his duffle bag to the ground and squatted down to rummage through one of the smaller pockets.
He pulled out a small pot of black face paint and a brush before standing back up, "Move your hair."
"What are you doing?" I squinted at him as he opened the pot of black face paint and he smiled at me.
"Just trust me," he shrugged and I squinted my eyes at him for a moment before I tucked my hair behind my ears. I tilted my head back as I peered up at him and he dipped the brush into the pot before he started painting my right cheek.
"If you're drawing a dick on my face I'll kill you with my bare hands, Matthew," I mumbled, trying not to move my mouth much as his tongue poked out between his lips in concentration.
"If I was gonna do that..." he trailed off before leaning back with a smile, "I'd use a sharpie."
"What did you do?" I asked and he just shrugged as he closed the pot again, sliding it back into his bag before swinging it over his shoulder again. I slipped my phone out of my pocket, opening the front camera to see he had painted the number 81 on my cheek, "What does this mean?"
"You'll see," he shrugged with a smirk and I frowned as he started to walk backwards before he tilted his head towards the building, "Come on. I gotta warm up."
I pushed away from the car, trailing behind him as we walked towards the entrance. He swung the door open, standing behind it as he let me walk in first. We walked through the front area, some of his teammates being gathered around to grab snacks or energy drinks.
"Matty B!" one of the guys called who I recognised as Daniel and he jogged over to us as Matt paused, dapping him up quickly, "Who's this?"
"Layla, Daniel. Daniel, Layla," Matt introduced us and I just nodded at Daniel, not surprised that he didn't know my name.
"No Mia?" he asked Matt and Matt just shrugged in response.
"She's being weird. I don't know dude," Matt answered before he looked towards the rest of their team, "You guys gotta hurry up. We have 45 to warm up."
"Sir, yes, sir," Daniel sent Matt a salute before he started walking backwards and looked at me, "Nice to meet you, princess."
I sent him another nod before Matt started walking towards the doors of the rink, "Ignore Dan. He'll try to fuck anything with legs."
"Don't worry, Captain. I don't do goalies," I smirked and he chuckled in response, holding the door open to the rink for me to enter first again. I walked in, the cold air hitting my cheeks making me shiver.
"Layla!" I heard Allie's chirpy voice call out from the bleachers and I looked to my left to see her sitting front and centre, I sent her a small wave as I started to walk over to her with Matt following behind me.
"I gotta go get ready but are you good to sit with Allie?" Matt asked me and I turned my head to look at him now that he was on my right and I nodded.
"Yeah. Go make sure your hair is nice before you play," I joked as he rolled his eyes, pushing my shoulder slightly before spinning around to walk backwards while I paused at the steps that led up to where Allie was seated, "Break a leg, pretty boy."
"Thanks, pretty girl," he smirked at me and I bit my lip to hide my smile as he spun back around and walked into the locker room at the end of the rink. I shook my head to get rid of my smile as I walked up a few steps before sitting down next to Allie.
She smirked at me and I gave her a confused expression, "What?"
"Nothing," she hummed, her smirk turning into a smile as she looked out onto the ice. She pulled a packet of Sour Patch Kids out from her small handbag that I hadn't even noticed before she pulled open the packet, "You want one?"
"Sure," I shrugged, picking out a couple before throwing them into my mouth and her actions followed mine.
"So you and Matt..." she trailed off and I looked back at her as she smiled at me.
"Me and Matt?" I questioned, waiting for her to continue.
"You guys are cute," she shrugged, a genuine joy spread across her face and I let my mouth fall open.
"Uh... I don't even know if we're friends let alone anything else," I told her honestly and she rolled her eyes playfully before she hummed.
"Matt doesn't talk to just anyone. If he's asking you to come to his games clearly he wants you around," she told me as if it were obvious and I shrugged as I chewed on my lip. A few players from the other team skated onto the ice with their full gear, doing laps around the ice lazily.
"I don't think Chris and Nick like me though. His brothers' opinions probably mean a lot to him," I answered, looking at the players skating in circles. A couple players from Matt's team slid onto the ice as they started doing the same as the opposition.
"Chris is just focused on other shit. Nick tends to stick to himself a lot so just give them both time," she tried to reassure me and I looked back to her before she continued, "Besides, I like you so they're not getting rid of you that easily while I'm around."
"What about Mia?" I asked, genuinely curious as to how heavily Mia's opinion influenced her friends.
Allie sighed as she looked out at the rink, "Mia will figure it out. I don't know why she's being so weird about it. I think it's because she's protective over us."
"Matt's the one that came to me. I don't know why she was acting like I'm tryna break up your entire friend group," I mumbled as I looked out onto the ice to see a couple more players.
Only then did I realise that number 81 with a small C on the chest of his blue and white jersey was skating around the rink and it was none other than Matthew Sturniolo.
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marchiveeee · 4 months
HSL episode 12 is so unhinged/chaotic (?) [a long post with many screenshots yayyy]
As you guys might know, we can get up to 6 illustrations on episode 12, so A LOT happens. Some of those things are very laughable, but others are not so much... I'll talk about everything in order of occurrence.
!!!: I'm sorry if "unhinged" or "chaotic" is not the right word for what I'm trying to say. although I'm confident enough in English, it's still not my 1st language. btw, i tried to post this 3 times and something always goes wrong, I'm stressed, so I'll be really happy with an interaction
btw again, if you're brazilian and would like to see this in Portuguese on Twitter or here, please let me know!!!
Mrs. Shermansky being toxic af and the exact opposite of how a good educator should act [in my opinion]
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So... I get that she was worried about Candy and Castiel getting lost. But if you really think telling a teenager that the only thing they have ever done is to cause trouble is a good way to advert/encourage them to do the right thing next time is the best approach, please rethink your ways.
2. Mr. Faraize being a sweetheart, he is such a nice teacher
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I'm not saying that to be a nice teacher you have to sugarcoat everything all the time and just not scold your students at all. But Mr. Faraize was so nice about it all, he just seemed happy/relieved to know his students were well and safe.
Side [angry] comment about episode 11: Bro, that race was so unorganized!!!! The least the school should have done was provide extra maps in case of accidents like the one that happened with Candy and the LI. Mr. Faraize was wrong too, he shouldn't have let Candy and the LI [in my case, Castiel] proceed after hearing that we had been fkn lost bc we lost the map and we were just wandering until we found the right track. UGH... If that happened irl with my little brother or idk any kid that happens to be in my life, I'd be so furious... ANYWAYS!
3. Born to be a star
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He is loving the attention!
4. Violet, as always, being the most precious being in that school. [I'm sorry about the screenshot I used, I forgot to take others]
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She's just so sweet and adorable, I want to hug her. YOU'RE NOT DUMB, BABYYYY.
4. Armin's reaction to Alexy's secret admirer
before the declaration:
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after the declaration:
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Honestly, I was just so happy to see that Armin didn't out his brother when he heard that a girl was interested on him. I didn't remember the details of this scene bc I was probably 12 y/o when i first played it.
5. Candy being paranoid that half of the boys at SA will turn out to be gay/not straight
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This girl cracks me up istg... and why the fuck
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she was just so worried to ask Castiel bc she thought he would get angry. Girl, we don't do fragile masculinity here.
6. Candy goes completely sidetracked on her CasLys fanfic just to check Lys's tattoo and witnessing one of the biggest bombs of MCL
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I didn't get many screenshots from this part, because it's just sad when you know what it's all about in the end... but yeah instead of spying on Lys, Candy ends up seeing Nath's bruised body and is also caught by him.
Someone has probably done this already idrk, but I'm gathering some screenshots of moments that foreshadowed that something was just not right at Nath's and Amber's house... It'll probably take a while for me to post, but I'll try.
7. Nath being for real
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He was so right for calling her dumb!!!! I think I was ranting about this on Twitter recently when I replayed the beach episode…
8. Lys’s reaction to the whole story [an icon]
I regret not taking screenshots sooner, but I was just too distracted laughing my ass off! There literally was about 2/3 scenes of just: 
Lys: 🤨[...] Candy: [Doesn’t know what to say/says something stupid] Lys: 🤨[...] Candy: [Doesn’t know what to say/says something stupid
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Again, she doesn’t say anything [to get the image you need to go for this choice]
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And then he shoes you his tattoo! Bro, he was SO COOL about it! If Candy had just asked nicely… But no, she has to complicate everything omg istg 
I still laughed a lot tho, I think at some point in this episode Cas said that this trait of Candy and her need to know and talk about everything is what makes her fun. I agree with him. She is annoying sometimes but definitely entertaining for the gossipers.
9. May the fanfic continue
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Insert some dialogues here: Basically Cas sees Candy near them listening to their conversation and he asks what’s up. Candy approaches them and is like “uhhh…. Are you……….?” Then Castiel says:
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For my mind’s sake let’s just imagine that the “offended” was not for “I’m offended you thought I was gay”, but for “I’m offended that you thought I’m dating Castiel when he’s not on my level of gentlemanliness and when I deserve so much more than this grumpy angsty tomato head” (don’t get me wrong, I love Castiel and I’d die for him, but it’s either that or think of a homophobic Lys, which I don’t think it’s the case for him)
10. Castiel shoots his 29482904 shot with Candy, but she’s stupid
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Actually, one thing that I like about this scene is that it leaves open the interpretation of Castiel’s sexuality. Saying that he likes girls doesn’t necessarily mean that he is straight. I love to see that. And disclaimer: if you prefer to think that Cas is, in fact, straight, go ahead. That’s not a problem. He is not a real person and we’re allowed to imagine and speculate things, so this is just a headcanon of mine that he might be bi/pan or just simply not straight.
11. Amber and Kentin kiss
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That alone is just unhinged and chaotic. I don’t need to say much. 
BUT I’M SO GLAD HE IS BACK!!! He’s gonna be a little shit for a while, because I think my Candy lost some points with him bc of a wrong choice after he left, but that’s fine! I MISSED HIM!!!
I hope you had fun with this little throwback!
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Okay time for the liveblogging of real life in order (liveblogging life SMP call that lifeblogging) I have never done this b4 be easy on me
I've already watched his perspective at like 5 in the morning but heyyyyy nothing wrong with rewatching with added non sleep deprived commentary but also not really memories of what I originally thought watching this too :^))
I remember being so stunned they called it real life and the anatomically correct heart 🫀tickled my funny bone heeheehoo hahaha
Thought when grian said replay 3rd life I thought they'd reenact it 😭
We live in a society taxes man (I could ramble about it)
has anyone fell over btw?
No lie that B can BIG
Reminds me of slimecicle jshitt and traves VR Minecraft where Travis got progressively shorter what a laugh
Does Scott ever see his scream
Is it take the Mick or take the nick love that idiom
Scar looks like a child doing that thing
Awww hug
scar take the headset off dzuh 🫀🫀🫀
Grian literally me balance issues
I called it, scar would say he's American 😎
I'm eating dinner while watching this at the same time what fun w
Giran called solidaritygaming jimmy no way + he died first fr this time + loud "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!" Perfectly timed his mic peaking is iconic
Ha haa!
He ear him bread
Really putting the mine in craft for Minecraft
reminds me of secret life EP 4 and scar is sweaty
*scar noises*
How did scar drop his phone???
Check your wrist? More like check your a- (tom cardy référence)
I love the way VR makes you hit stuff goofy
Can you run in game if you irl
(watch him die)
Haha he died
Why Jim is he sabotaging him
Jim Jim Jim gym gym
Doesn't Jim die here oh LMFAO he does
Jimmy you are famous to me
(scout voice) Chicken
How did scar die???
I love how vr makes them expressive Jim pointing to village house is so funny
There's only one bed
Wtf is happening in top right corner in 9min 30 sec
Ayyyyy there's grian the maniac love the casual position of the arms
Last life you can join me moment
Grian gaslighting
Jimmy you wanna dance quote of the year
PvP is so silly
Skizz is fighting a losing battle Jim killed him icon
I love how grian and Jim's yells overlap there's probably something music theory there idk
Awww scar he's so funny
Go pick him up from daycare haha
Facing away from the camera we live in a society
OHHHHH impulse big smart man Jimmy's arm movements are so smooth it's solly
Jimmy immediately leaving for fish cocomelon brain I agree
Love the arm movements
Lol they actually like down
It's okay grian scuffed is worth celebrating
Has anyone layed on their side
Friend just texted me about my monologue what am I doing man I have an audition tomorrow
Anyway Minecraft vr
The lying down model inventory so goofy
Rewatching the bread scene no wonder tumblr loves it looks like Jim jam actually has a mouth 👄
Impulsesv guess the build sheep flashbacks
Best sleepover
Polyamorous tony (died)
Sleepover reminds me of crazy Christmas w/gem and pearl
Grown men learn how to close doors
Minecraft fatshaming grian smh my head
Man thought it was more than Joel there + o2 max(xing) scar love it (i use maxxing ironically) (it's such a stupid suffix to me linguistically funny) (I hate incels) (don't cancel me tumblr) (I love all genders)
Two steps: die, and die
Jimmy isn't on fire??
Casual "it burns so much!" Love it
Wait right Jim still has a wooden sword
Joel Joel Joel Joel you know that one part in waiting for Godot where they just go back and forth in saying aideu yeah
So silly
Jim saying get in British people man
"noffing" - joel is it a British thing
Love Joel screaming he's so malding
Just remembered how scary heights are in VR because I thought for a second "why don't they jump down? are they stupid?" (Meme Reference) (Didn't actually think that) ("Stupid" is kinda stupid but I digress)
Boob stroke
Does scar enjoy the swimming
Why *does* swimming cause motion sickness anyway
Why bucket scar (this is a bucket)
Brain eating amoeba
Love Grian's arm movements I really did thonk Jim was gonna win for the funnies
He says come here weirdly
The joy of killing
Is Jim punching
It's okay hiking simulation
Go Jim go what a gamer boy
I remember the triple dog door dugout is like... Gem's? Joel's? Uhhhh I fotgor
Concussion era
Fresh meat
I just love their dynamics
JIM STOP SOUNDING LIKE THAT it's like his eyes are 🥺 and his mouth is boowomp spongebob like he's got tears in eyes scrimblo sounding ass
Ohhh there's my favourite theatre kids
Joel saying boys make me happy
Wait that can misinterpreted
Joel saying "boys" sounds pleasant to my ears
I remember watching this part and going GRIAN FIRST OUT HUH???
awww the funnies
Love the way gem says "we're the last Grians. Grians? Greens!" It's like... Spunky
Grian falling reminds me of my scuffed keyboard when it registers a button press as a hold and then I like never stop walking right *sigh*
The downward spiral by nine inch nials
Ascending is TRUE watcher lore
Oh the music is so cute
Bye scar! Bye Joel!
Okay never let me liveblog cook again i kinda listened to the vid instead of watching reading this does not make sense to anyone but me reference hell half formulated thoughts RIP BOZO HAHA
Maybe I'll like do it in 5 mins chunks for JJJJJJoel and the next ones onward I spent like an hour on this wayyyyy too long for incomplete sentences
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ladysomething · 1 month
maddie, you're a freak. but a good one. as in those geniuses that were called freaks for being so so good kinda freak
1. look, I'm sad. of course. but I'm also relieved? I ended up being correct- to some extent (btw so did you. I did crashed over my bf, although it was before we broke up. that how we met. what a mistake. I should've pressed the gas harder) and now I happen to be traumatized over Max’s dream world, but that also means I know how his dream world is like! and. heaven, I'd unalive myself if I had to live that shit every. fucking. night. you're evil.
2. wygig kelly is my icon. queen. love her. P also. I'll also build her something. maybe a statue. btw do we ever learn who the fuck was the asshole that dared hurt her? or is it just... someone random. there are a lot of assholes walking around those streets. and also, the foreshadowing of something bad happening because you pretty much said "what's the worst this that can happen?" wants me to rip my hair out. buuut. I've decided to be positive for once because if Max is not going to be it, I will. they will speak and Kelly and P will be safe and Charles will understand. done. I'm a seer of future.
3. Max is an idiot, though I think we already knew that. but he's also an idiot who has a backstory- and a good one at that. poor little maxie never learned to control or deal or even understand his feelings. I want to push him into a bed and wrap him up with soft blankets and give him a sedative for horses and then read him the beauty and the beast and then give him a forehead kiss and then wish him good night. not in that order probably. the tale should come. before the sedative.
4. Sophie deserves every little good thing that there is in that fucked up world. I, also, wish to hug her. the diabetes my dad inherited me rushed to my blood about 15 years earlier with her. I love her. and Max being the mama's boy he rightfully is healed me.
5. can I repeat the procedure I already I carried out with my ex, but this time with Charles? I promise I'll try my best at being gentle, I know he's suffered as well. what. do. you. mean. he's not left Max's room. wHAT. WHAT.
6. +1. jos verstappen they will never make me like you. the only useful thing you've done ever in your life, was creating Max and Victoria. only that.
7. +2. my brother says that, I quote, he has already forgiven you for making him sad. that he begs you to never leave him with a cliffhanger like that again. (I tried to explain that's not how it works and that he has to be patient because you shall not be overworked in my sight.) then he apologized saying that's not what he meant and asked if you're doing good great nice. and that poor Max. and then poor Maddie. he says that he could've never kept such a plot twist to himself for so long. my roomie says that you're a freak as well. he means it good, too. and we all three wish you a (early) happy birthday hun! 😘 enjoy it.
I cannot finish without saying, I loved the chapter. you're a freak* ❤️
(*see the top paragraph for definition)
we do of course learn who hurt Kelly. in fact, that information will be coming sooner than you think ..
truly max does need someone to calmly and gently explain to him how emotions work, and how he needs to channel them constructively rather than just be terrified that something bad will happen to anyone he cares about. I'm sure Max would argue that buying Charles and lying to him to keep him safe IS a constructive use of his emotions but. you know. there's a reason I'm the author and he's the idiot.
god I LOVE Sophie. the way she's had like two lines and I would die for her ...
CHARLES IS ALSO GOING THROUGH IT OK. he's also just a little traumatised pookie 😭
+1. when I was in Monaco, I saw the actual Jos Verstappen across the track. when I tell you I was sending him extreme glares even though he couldn't see them ... hopefully he picked up on my bad vibes though
+2. tell your bro that I was STRUGGLING. but also that there are several plot twists coming up that have been way harder to keep a secret, and that I still struggle with holding in. soooo. also the three of you teaming up to call me a freak .......... us all having a party when
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creative-soul-22 · 1 year
15 questions, 15 mutuals
@moon-arts02 had this on her blog and I wanted to do it, too so here we go...
1. Are you named after anyone?
Yes. My paternal Grandmother. Just like 2 of my female cousins. I'm not kidding.
2. When was the last time you cried?
I actually don't cry a lot. I mean of course I sometimes tear up when a movie or a song really touches me deep inside (it's still new to me since this didn't happen in my earlier days) but actually crying? Like lying in bed crying a river? I don't remember.
I think it was in September when I was at Disneyland Paris. Seeing the Disney D-Light and the Disney Illumination show for the first time was so beautiful I got overwhelmed and cried like a fool. Just because it was so beautiful.
3. Do you have kids?
No. And I don't want to have kids. All that Relationship/family stuff is scary to me as I'm afraid I might screw it up. I'm not good at these things.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Well, I haven't thought about it yet. Do I? I don't use it like all the time but whenever I feel like it or when I'm really pissed off by somebody. I think that's when my sarcasm gets me. When I'm pissed.
5. What sports do you play/have played?
- running to the train station to catch the train
- running to the tram station to catch the tram
- walking up and down the stairs in the library
- stretching as far as I can to reach the top shelf
- walking up and down the library ladder
- walking around the library in general
- lifting big heavy books on my head
- try to keep the books on the shelf from falling with one hand while putting another book on the shelf with the other hand
- walking from one corner in my office to another
6. What's the first thing you notice about people?
I don't know. With every person it's something different. I like to look at people as a whole, their overall appearance, not just their eyes or their hair, etc. I literally look at people from top to bottom. And the first thing I notice is possibly something remarkable. But what I always look at first is their faces so I guess that's what I notice first.
7. What's your eye colour?
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
I'm a DISNEY GIRL so ALWAYS AND FOREVER happy endings!😅
No, just kidding. I don't really like scary movies because they are - SPOILER! - scary and I have way to much fantasy and imagination to not be scared after a scary movie. Although during my last holiday I wanted to watch scary movies and watched almost all of the Conjuring Universe movies and wasn't scared. Don't know what was wrong with me that made wanna watch them but I have to admit it was pretty inspiring. Guess I had a little 1 week dark phase 😅
So I lean more to happy endings. But you know what's better than happy endings? Happy lives. Happy beginnings.
9. Any special talents?
Writing. Reading. Acting. Editing. Designing. Probably dancing?
Are these special talents?
But I'm not like a sword swallower, if that's what you mean.
10. Where were you born?
11. What are your hobbies?
Writing. Reading. Editing. Dancing. Watching movies and TV-shows. Going to the cinema. Simping on stuff I love. Talking to people I like about things I like.
12. Do you have pets?
No. My father used to have a dog in Sicily called Baronetto. That's the closest I ever got to having pet (my father is Sicillian btw).
13. How tall are you?
1,50m in the tallest, I guess?
14. Favorite subject in school?
Oh, I LOVED my music classes in 8th/9th grade! My ex music teacher is so adorable and lovely and we're still in touch meeting from time to time. We just have tea and cookies then and talk about this and that. And we both relie on those conversations.
15. Dream job?
Author or actress, of course!
But I already found a very good job in a library. And I already live out my dreams so I don't necessarily have to be an author or an actress to make them come true.
But then again I'm still young so who knows? What is not yet can always come (or however the saying goes).
So, who's up next?
Feel free to do it when you want!
@moon-arts02 Wanna do a Melissa McCarthy/Ursula/Sookie version?
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nittroy · 2 years
In anticipation,, a bit about this blog
You might have seen my art and been wondering wtf is happening in it. Well, tbh sometimes I also have no idea. But most of the time it's my OCs from one of my stories!
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This blog is like a larva… It's just been lying there but soon enough it will just stir and become the strange creature: a blog for both serious long posts about my story and some absolute shitposts.
I want to do this post to talk a little bit about the process behind the stories I'm planning to tell: how they were created at first, what are they called, and how I'm gonna try and organize this blog! :D
Below is a long post with me talking about my stories and what I plan to do with them!!
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"Dozens of Aspects" (or DA) is the main story that I'm currently working on. It's a detective fantasy story set in space!! It's also got lots of fantasy science and cosmic ace lesbians.
The supposed form for it is an illustrated book. The stage I'm at — character designs & script preparation!
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It takes place in the year of 3012 in the cosmoopera-like universe, and the main characters are scientists who work with anomalies. One of them, Eli makes a particularly strange acquaintance (well, tbh, they kinda randomly adopt a kid. He is called Kayleigh and he has a secret. A secret anomaly friend...)
That gets them on a trail of a pretty strange series of events…
It's a story about different societies, plants, flowers' memories, red skies, and many other strange things... There's a detective story that has a complicated plot and shows life inside some of the planets in this universe.
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Funnily enough, originally it was supposed to be a prequel to the DLG (the next story this post tells about), but the plot grew so complicated this story became its own thing. I've been working on DA for like 4 or 5 years now, but I haven't done much, as a couple of years of work have been taken from me by depression and health complications… Right now I have finally started somewhat digging the vibes again and, hopefully, I'll be able to progress with it soon! :D
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Main tag for this story: #da_nt
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"Doppelganger" (or DLG) is the next in line after the DA story, it follows the life of one of the main characters - Kayleigh. In DA they were 12 yo, and DLG tells about their adulthood after the DA events.
Supposed form of the story — maybe a comic? Or also an illustrated book? Idk I need to write DA first. The stage I'm at — idk I just draw OCs from there sometimes :D
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(No, the tattoo-ed person is not grown-up Kayleigh, that's Qiyong, she is just very hot so I love to draw them A LOT) The events take place at 3019, Kayleigh, now grown up, goes back to Alta-Costar, one of the cities where DA events took place, to dig up more info. He makes some new friends and meets some older frenemies… And btw also there's a revolution boiling up in Alta-Costar.
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While DLG is kinda frozen at the moment, it has the coolest cast of characters and immense vibes, so I still feel like drawing it sometimes... ;w;
Main tag for this story: #dlg_nt
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"Great lives" (or GL) is a story (it is frozen for now) that happens in the other corner of the same universe as the other two stories. It's a series of cosmic road-movies following one spaceship captain and her new alien girlfriend. Just fun and gay stuff.
Supposed form - a comic? Also illustrated book? Idk!! I haven't been working on this story for a while but one day I will!!!!
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Old art!!!!! Not finished art!!!!! ARRRRRrrrrrr
Fun fact: I've invented GL when I was like 12, and I felt that this story can be REALLY COOL, but I'm not cool enough to tell it yet. So yeah, about 7 years later, I'm still waiting to become cool enough. But the main characters already went from a messy triangle to an nb lesbians polycule, so I think we are getting somewhere-
Main tag for this story: #gl_nt
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That's all for now, hopefully, I'll work out the tag system here and will be able to post some lore soon! Other tags I have for now: #my art / #my OCs- for art on acc, as usual #generallore_nt - info for all stories, a bit about their universe maybe #kbnq_nt - Kayleigh, Benji & Niquole, very specific part of DA and DLG + name tags for characters that will appear later!
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exosupport · 2 years
TW for suicide themes
sorry if this isn't something you usually answer or something, I wasn't sure where else to ask. I've just got so much trauma and bad babits from my source, and I want to die because it still effects me so bad. But I only wanna kill myself and not the body, which isn't possible with the way our system works (and no there's no way I'd ever think about killing the body btw). And I really want help, but I feel like I'm not allowed to reach out to suicide hotlines and stuff because the body's life isn't in danger. And if I did, I'd essentially be lying because I'd be acting like this stuff happened in this life. And those spaces should be for people with real experiences of this stuff. So I just don't know what to do or who to talk to. I can't talk to professionals, I don't want to burden randoms on the internet, and I'm not close enough to anyone to talk about this with them
You're valid, I don't mind answering stuff like this and I do have some advice.
So first off, I agree that you shouldn't call any suicide hotlines. That's because many emergency hotlines are focused on stopping you from hurting yourself and many of them are really lacking in the actual talk things over department. I'm not saying that no one should ever call them, or that you deserve less support because you don't have any plans at the moment but at the same time the chance of you getting any actual advice or comfort there is pretty small.
As for how to help, it's not foolproof but here are some options/things you can try
1. Depending on how your system works you could try and go temporarily dormant- for some systems it's a state of rest however in our system it's more like going into a coma so we don't. Alternatively take a lot of naps/try and sleep more to get yourself the rest that you really need when you don't want to be here anymore.
2. Reframing "I want to die" to more specifically why and acknowledging that instead can really help. Thoughts like "I don't want to die I just want the pain to stop" or "I'm just really goddamn tired" helped me to focus on things that I could try and do something about or that might resolve themselves in time
3. Taking care of your physical needs helps more than you'd think. Doing things to take care of the body eases some of that miserable feeling and can help ground you in the present rather than getting lost in painful memories.
4. One thing I've done when I have something too upsetting to vent about to someone is gone into our systems private discord server (if you don't already have one it's easy to setup just make a server and invite pluralkit/tupper if you'd like then don't invite anyone else so it's just for your system to talk and keep track of things) and made a vent channel in there so I still had the comfortable format I associate to talking to friends and then I can get those thoughts/struggles out there even if it's just to myself and my headmates.
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boxenstopp · 7 months
hello daily czech it out post! i missed yesterday which technically removes that title but i don't care because genuinely carzzy saying "your girlfriend my husband" is something i would say to my friends about blorbo and it makes me go absolutely bonkers.
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firstly!! carzzy desperately trying to not carry this series on his back (if you can't carry ur games ig that's what you do. i appeciate it.) literally like getting your bf to try to talk at family dinners tho. he's like!! say something!! and humanoid just declines and carzzy has to sit there. teehee. light tap to humanoid's cheek. cause he's annoying and we can't dare forget that.
random ass argument time! carzzy is literally wrong again but he's carzzy so i can't really say who won this. literally just lying <3
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+ marek's reaction to carzzy calling him bad. (btw calling him marek bcs carzzy did and that makes me happy :3) my man just leaves. collecting these reactions now:
sad pout
agree that you're bad
leave the screen
ignore him and say a completely different sentence that just so happens to be about carzzy being shit at the game.
ANDDD he's back. with this beautiful freeze-frame. i also don't know shit about one direction so if "one direction, we disbanded" means something to you emotionally, i'm sorry. i mean humanoid forgives him anyway (even though he's the one that left- i mean.)
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also just look at him looking at carzzy. ALSO to anyone who fucking reads these a) ily b) should i take up giffing. cause sometimes i think screenshots really arent enough and i should make gifsets. cause carzzy has this really cute shrug here that i need. in motion. on this post.
NOW we get to the insulting carzzy part. i was not worried as the first half had been insulting humanoid time. also humanoid's impression of carzzy's voice as this high pitched girl voice... it's the same as his "yes master" voice lmao. and carzzy laughs way too hard at this. if i made the same "how does carzzy react to being insulted" list it would just be:
laugh really hard and try not to make it obvious that you're infatuated
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and then humanoid just makes carzzy hold his mic box. for some reason. and they don't mention it. (carzzy holding onto it in his arms like it's precious btw.)
NOW IT'S THE WORST FUCKING SEGMENT OF THE VIDEO. how humanoid will kiss you. after he wins mvp. WHAT PROMPTS HIM. WHAT TAKES OVER HIS MIND TO JUST FUCKING. MIME KISSING THE AIR. WITH TONGUE. but i mean then carzzy has to go. "hmmm how do i make this worse. ah." no he didnt!! no he didn't kiss me like that >:( i want you all to know. so i'm going to say it multiple times. cause he didnt kiss me like that i need you to know.
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btw carzzy laughing at being called humanoid's dog. again. not that funny. also, according to these videos, he must call you that like 10 times a day. don't you get sick of it, carzzy? isn't it at some point enough? or are you really that down bad?
anyway episode already over :<. humanoid gets up and then remembers he's literally tethered himself to carzzy.
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the second pic is great cause a) carzzy looks great yes and b) the editors pause way too long on carzzy's face as humanoid's now gone. like bitch he's probably 5 meters away.
shadow's here say hello and then
final thoughts: honestly. apart from whatever the fuck the kissing thing was, not too torturous. had coherent thoughts throughout most of this. humanoid did not want to be in this video, his mind was probably not okay and that's why the kissing thing happened, i imagine. see you tomorrow.
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lunaslogs · 1 year
August 18-19 HAUL
So, for the first time in literal months, I went to stay the weekend at my uncle's house for something we call "staycation" which is basically staying over for a few days and going places together. It's our little family thing. We decided to go to the American Dream Mall on Friday, August 18 and a local town mall on Saturday, August 19. In between those two days, I managed to get a bag full of snacks that were sure going to screw with my diet for the weekend and some clothes that will serve me well for the first few weeks of school in 2 weeks.
FIRST, THE SNACKS! I am a HUGE fan of everything Sanrio and ramen noodles so when I found out that hello kitty actually had a little collab with Prince Katsu, I HAD TO get it. Obviously, I blame capitalism for taking my money because they literally slapped Hello Kitty onto a ramen noodle cup and expected me to walk out of the store without it. It was actually really good! The little vegetables and "spice" stuff came in little packets and stuff and I'm not gonna lie, the "spice" wasn't really spicy. It was, however, a little tangy. I got it on Friday at American Dream and I saw more of those little ramen cups of Saturday at the local mall so I'm assuming it's in very high demand (and for very good reason.) I got this Japanese soda in this cute little bottle from F.Y.E (For Your Entertainment) and I actually got one last year when we went! But I got a watermelon flavor one this time, I think I got just like, a regular melon flavor last year. But I def wanna start a little bottle collection of them, the bottles are so cute. The soda reminds me exactly of a freshly unwrapped watermelon flavored jolly rancher, but carbonated.
I got 2 boxes of Pocky. One was the regular cookies n crème flavor (my favorite btw) and the other one was original chocolate. The difference? Not just the flavor. But the size. Omg, THE CHOCOLATE ONES WERE LITTERALLY GIANT! No lie, it literally said "giant" on the box. It was like, 10 times the size of a normal pocky stick. They tasted almost the same, but I felt like I could taste more of the biscuit than the chocolate but that's what happens when you super size a snack like that.
I got a share size bag of KitKat thins (KitKat is one of my all time favorite chocolates) They were individually wrapped which I hated but I did have a little cup to put all the wrappers into because I was too lazy to get up and throw them all out in the actual trash can. My cousins did end up stealing some of them so I didn't completely finish them on my own (despite the fact that I really wanted to) but I would totally get them again just so I can add to the little snack drawer in my room. And last for the snack section, I got a hello kitty boba milk tea kit because I love boba but I've always wanted to try making it at home. It came with 4 paper boba straws, 4 tapioca pearl packets, and 4 milk tea powder packets. Luckily the instructions was on the box and it wasn't some million page long paper of directions because I totally would have lost it. Honestly, the boba was really good. I did have to leave it in my fridge to cool a little bit (I like it cold okay) but I would totally buy six more boxes just so I can make some every day.
AND NOW, LAS COSAS! (aka just little things I bought.)
I BOUGHT MY FIRST EVER KPOP ALBUM! Now, I've been into Kpop for around 4 years (got into it in august 2019) and over the course of these 4 years, I've explored already existing groups, disbanded groups, soloists, newly debuted groups, survival shows, and even groups from other generations. But as of the past two years, I really found myself gravitating towards a soloist named AleXa. She's a former contestant from a survival show that aired back in 2016 called Produce 101. I absolutely LOVE her music and I'd be lying if I said I hadn't tried to cover a few of them. But when she came out with "Girls In Vogue" last November, I knew I HAD to get it. Now almost a year later, IT'S LITERALLY IN MY ROOM! The pictures from the photoshoots look so beautiful, AleXa looks so good! The photocards are so cute, I keep one in my phone case. My favorite song from the album is probably either "Back In Vogue" or "Please Try Again" but I absolutely ADORE her little collab with Moonbyul from MAMAMOO (she's literally my bias) it was practically a musical match made in heaven.
Now, I'm a person who likes dressing both masculine and feminine, however I do mainly present feminine. Unfortunately, I do still have a bit of a "girly" weakness aka shiny sparkly things mean I want it in my hands. So, when I saw these two little boxes of press on nails, I had to get them. Now, I have friends who go out and get actual acrylics and drop $80 or $100 dollars for them but as someone who is both broke and gets tired of things very easily, press on nails just feel easier to deal with. I got one box of press ons (24 nails total) that have a little French tip and honestly, they look cute. I haven't tried them on yet but I'll give an update on when I do. I'm just hoping they look cute on my nails when I put them on. Then there's the second box that has little diamonds on the "cuticle" part of it (idk how nails work) but it's only for the ring finger and maybe the thumb? Or pinky? I haven't tried either of them yet but when I do, I'll update.
I'M THE BIGGEST FAN OF RWBY THAT I KNOW IRL AND WHEN I SAW THE MANGA, I HAD TO GET THEM ASAP! I already have an almost complete collection of the RWBY official anthology, I still need the fifth one in order for it to be complete. Then, I found the first book of Bunta Kinami's RWBY manga and I got it! It's funny because last year during winter break, I found the second one but I couldn't find the first. I couldn't buy it last year because I had already spent majority of my money at other stores so by the time I saw it, I was too broke to get it. Now this year, I find the first one but the second one is nowhere to be found! I did end up buying the first book though. I was able to find the amazon listing for the second book and a few others so I'm hoping those will come in very soon! I also got Shirow Miwa's RWBY manga! So, I now have SIX RWBY manga books in my collection with more to come!
I have a literal collection of stuffed animals. I'm sure everyone has one or has had one before but I have literally kept every single stuffed animal I have ever owned. Big, small, medium, jumbo, mini, you name it. Stuffed animals were a huge part of my childhood. Growing up as a little kid, being relentlessly bullied in school and fighting with my mom over childish things, my main friends were my stuffed animals. One of my favorites was this little mint green TY teddy bear. I absolutely adored it. So, when I went to True Believers and saw a pink cherry blossom TY teddy bear, you already know I had to have it. Apparently, her name is Sakura and she's a Japanese exclusive! She is so soft and cute and adorable and she DEFINITELY makes for a good cuddle buddy if you're someone who likes cuddling with stuffed animals.
I got this cute little fake gold headband with butterflies and rhinestones on it and it is the cutest thing I could ever put on my head. I lowkey felt like a Disney Princess. It's two headbands but they join together at the end to make it one headband so it's cute. I think I have a dress or something that might work with it in the future.
Now, you know I had to save the best for last. THE CLOTHES!
I know a lot of people in a lot of places have already started school but I don't start until the 7th of next month. I have a little over 2 weeks to get myself together. I couldn't just walk into a new school year with old fits. So, I went to Forever 21 and Hot Topic to pick up some new shirts, pants, and a jacket or two to start me off strong.
First the hot topic stuff (only two pieces)
I got this black and white striped long sleeve shirt on it with a skull on the upper left part of the chest and I am a total HOE when it comes to stripes. I genuinely had no idea just how many striped shirts I owned until I went back home and started putting all of the clothes away. It brings out the masc side of me, which I really like. Then I got this Monster High Crop Top Hoodie WHICH I'M FUCKING OBSESSED WITH BECAUSE IT HAS THUMB HOLES AT THE END OF THE SLEEVES! There was no way I was walking out of that store without buying it. It has the Monster High logo on the left shoulder and a little pink heart on the bottom right. AND THE STRINGS HAVE LITTLE BLACK BOWS ABOVE THE KNOTS! The hoodie def gives Draulaura which is perfect because I was absolutely OBSESSED with Draulaura when I was a little kid (I was quite literally the conductor of the Draudeen/Clawlaura train) so I got it. It's so comfy, bro-
So I got this little "set" if you will of this military green jacket and ripped pants and when I tell you, it was the best purchase I have ever made, I am not even joking. GREEN IS ONE OF MY FAVORITE COLORS BUT THERE IS NO SHADE OF GREEN I ADORE MORE THAN MILITARY/FOREST GREEN AND OMG IT LOOK SO GOOD! The jacket is denim and the sleeves are a liiiiiiittle bit long but the jacket fits me perfectly fine. I'm not exactly tall so my arms don't reach all the way but I couldn't get a small or else the whole jacket would look and feel small on me so I went with the medium instead. THE PANTS THO?!! Okay, so they're styled like sweatpants but they aren't sweatpants, they just have the stretchy waistband with the string and stuff. But the knees are ripped and it makes me feel cool.
I got this gray shirt that says "classic" on it and it has little holes (it's supposed to be that way, I swear, I saw the other shirts of different sizes having the same holes) and it's so cute. I paired it with the green jacket and green pants and it works! But I can't really wear the shirt with the jacket because the jacket covers most of the letters and all you see is "ass" and I don't feel like getting dress coded and suspended for "offensive speech" but if I just wore the shirt by it'self without the jacket, it's so freaking cute.
NEXT UP WE HAVE SOME BEIGE PANTS! Now, I wasn't in the guys section which made this so much better because the pockets are actual pockets. Not those pockets on usual pants or jeans that are like an inch and a half deep, I MEAN I CAN FIT MY WHOLE HAND IN THE POCKET! I FOUND POCKETS! IN THE WOMENS SECTION! The pants also have these fake suspenders/ random straps attached which honestly make it look so much cuter. They fit really well and I have a lot of white shirts that could totally work with the pants. The material was surprisingly a little soft for them being jeans, yk? LASTLY, WE HAVE A CREAMY WHITE SHORT SLEEVE TURTLE NECK THAT I BOUGHT TO MATCH THE BEIGE PANTS! As someone who isn't the biggest fan of turtlenecks, this lowkey made me change my mind. So, it's not completely a turtle neck, it has a zipper that goes down the middle in the front to adjust it to your liking. The zipper is really convenient, I tried the turtleneck style but I also zipped it down enough to make it like a collar which made it 10 times better. The top has black lines on the left and right sides IN THE FRONT and a text on the back saying "NEW YORK NYC EST. 1964" and it's the cutest top I've ever gotten. I've also been trying to branch out in terms of my style so I feel like this top really helps that.
If you've made it this far, then thank you for ever even being interested in this little haul and my excited outbursts in text form! I promise there will definitely be more to come. But for now, this is Luna, Logging off!
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i-desire-jake · 3 years
First meet (part 1)
Characters: Jake and female Mc
Genre: Fluff and romance
Summary: Everything's over except Jake and mc love which is growing more and more day by day. So fate decides them to meet each other.
-Oh man... I don't feel like cooking today, and I'm so God damn bored.
You huffed while lying on your couch on the weekend day.
-what should I do you think, and then an idea pops on your mind.
-Yeah, I should disturb him a bit. You grin cheekily at your idea and then grab your phone to text your love.
Yeah you will text Jake. It's been around two and a half month since Hannah was found and MWAF was caught.
You thought that Jake would immediately cut contacts with you after the case was over, but that didn't happen. Instead you both still text till today.
You both have confessed your feelings towards each other and he has even promised you that one day you both would be together. Jake is not the shy person which you thought he would be. Instead he is confident enough and his boldness is enough for you to give you butterflies and to make your knees tremble.
Hey Jake:)
How is my baby?
Jake is now online
Hey beautiful <3
I'm good what about you?
I'm bored Jake -_-
Wanna have some fun? ;)
Ugh! You and your dirty mind
Only for you beautiful ;)
Baby, I miss you so much.
I so desperately want to meet you.
I want to hug you. Kiss you like there's no tomorrow. I want to be with you forever.
When will you come....?
Hey love, don't cry.
Jake hacked your camera and saw you through it.
I have a good news.
You are free😲😲?
When? Where ? Time?
I'm not free.
My pursuers are still after me.
But now this will only last for a few more weeks. I have figured a way to get rid of them and I'll soon be with you love.
Oh! That's wonderful😁
Can you meet me, somewhere please??
You can come at my house today. After all you'll get free soon, so you can roam around a bit right?
I'm sorry love, today I'm busy a bit. So I can't come.
Hey, hey. Don't worry. I will plan something soon and I promise you I'll do my best.
Thank you so much Jake.
YOU Elephants are jumping inside my stomach. I gotta go and eat something.
Bye beautiful  <3
Talk to you later love.❤
Jake is offline
I don't want to spend my day on the couch.
You think for a bit to what to do next.
-I'll go to the restaurant, and get a take out. Then I'll enjoy my time in the park.
I should even visit the new botique by the restaurant.
You take a shower, then rummage through your closet searching for something nice to wear.
You wear a knee length yellow floral dress paired with white sneakers and a small hair clip on your beautiful beach waves.
You take a mirror selfie and immediately send it your man.
The picture effortlessly highlights your curves and your beauty.
One would be lying if they said that you don't look pretty.
Jake is online
If I would have been there, then you  wouldn't be able to get off from your bed for the whole day.
Your cheeks blushed reading his flirty text.
Oh, really! I'd like to see😉
Don't mess with me babygirl or you'll regret.
Bye babe 😆
You really leaving after turning me on. That's not fair.
Jake is offline
Everything is fair in war and love babe☺
-God, that girl is really making me nervous. He mumbled before deciding to order food for himself.
Tring Tring. Tring Tring.
-Great now. Their home delivery service is closed today.
-Ugh! I'm really craving Chinese today.
 I should get a take out and come back quickly.
He mumbled to himself then went to his laptop to check the condition of his pursuers.
-Wow, I'm really progressing quickly. I'll be free soon. I can't wait to meet Mc.
-I should surprise her today with an unexpected home visit.
But wait.
She was going somewhere today. Ufff. Then tomorrow. And that's final.
He dressed in his usual black hoodie and a plain denim jeans then went to Chinese to fulfill his hunger for food.
Hmm... this dress looks sexy. I should buy this.
You giggle at yourself then buy all the dresses you like and head to your favourite restaurant.
-I'm so glad they have elevators here, or else I would have died walking up to the sixth floor to the restaurant.
You sigh, then go to the counter to order your food. You notice a strange man dressed in all black ordering food for almost four people.
- Looks like that man really like Chinese.
You mumble to yourself then go back to the counter to pay for your food.
- $120
-Sure, here.
He pays for his food in cash then start going back to the exit.
" Stairs under construction. Please use the elevator. Sorry for inconvenience. ⛑⛑"
- what the fuck!
Ugh..... Now I have to use the lifts.
Jake covers his head with his hoodie then enters the elevator with his head down.
He presses the the button for ground floor then wait for the elevator door to close. But before it could close completely, a woman sticks her shoes in between the doors the prevent it from closing.
Jake looks to up to see the person and gets shocked as hell when she enters the elevator and stands beside him.
After paying for the food you rushes to the exit when you saw that the doors of lift were about to close.
Yiu stick your shoes there, then enters the little room.
"Thank God I entered on time or else I would have to wait for more ten minutes "
You glance on your side and saw the same hoodie man staring at you with wide eyes.
What's up with him. You think in your mind.
" I know I'm beautiful, mister. But if you would stare at me with that wide eyes then it may pop out"
You joke at the man who now seems embarrassed at his actions.
He clears his throat then look away. But his gaze is still on you. He observes your every movement like he adores you the most.
After a few minutes you notice that the elevator is going down really slowly. You must have reached down till now but you were still moving from 5th to the 4th floor.
- "isn't this lift to- aaahhhhhhh!"
You screamed loudly when the elevator started shaking rapidly and the lights were flickering on and off.
There was a loud thud on the roof of the elevator and you fell directly on the man beside you. If he wouldn't have hold you, you would have crashed your head roughly against the wall.
The lights went off and the room became dark. You started shivering with fear while still clinging to the man. He embraced you and patted your head a few times to calm you down. Minutes passed and then the  light came back.
You came back to your senses when you saw that you were hugging the stranger.
You immediately pulled back blushing and mumbling apologise
- "I....I'm so-....sorry"
- "It's okay beautiful" the man said with a smirk after seeing you blushing and stuttering
Mc fell on me when the elevator crashed and started shivering. She really is a cute tiny little thing. Jake thought in his mind
When Mc let go off him, he saw that she was blushing like a tomato.
Wow, she looks so cute. I should tease her and see her reaction to a stranger flirting with her.
- "It's okay beautiful" I said after her stuttering apologies.
She blushed even more but then pulled herself together and said
- "Yeah, don't call me that"
- "Why not? You're beautiful so I can call you" I said smirking.
- "Uh....I should press the alarm button because we are stuck"
She pressed the alarm button a few times but it didn't work.
- "look what's written over there. It says the alarm is out of use. You should call that number which is given below it" I said pointing at the number.
I had no intention of staying in the lift forever, but if it's with my love then I can have second thoughts.
I took the phone out from my pocket then started disabling the cameras in the lift. I have already disabled the restaurant's camera before coming but not of the elevators. It's because, I never use lifts to change floors as they are too risky. But I was forced to use it today because the stairs were damaged.
I was in my own thoughts when I heard Mc yelling at someone on the phone
- "Yeah, what do you mean by 3-4 hours? You want us to die inside? I'll report you then you'll lose your fucking license. What kind of service do-"
Before she could shout more and make the situation worse, I snatched her phone away from her then spoke in a different voice "take your time but don't take too long or else we'll might suffocate here. Yeah thank you and please hurry"
I said to the manager then hung up the call returning her phone back.
- "Great. Now we are stuck here for an eternity"
She said in an irritating voice.
I should annoy and tease her more, I thought to myself then proceeded to my actions.
- "why are you worrying babe? You are here with a handsome man like me. Trust me I won't let you feel bored." I said in a flirty tone.
- "Stop calling me with those names. And handsome? Haha I've never heard a better joke. You look like an alien" She said 
*Mc in her mind- btw, he is really very handsome. Uh don't think like that for him*
- "What? alien? Me? I'm offended babe. But you can't do anything cause you are stuck here with me now"
I said, then took off my hoodie revealing me only in my navy blue tshirt.
After his heavy flirting, he took off his hoodie showing him only in his thin tshirt.
You couldn't take your eyes off him. He was muscular and well built.
*Wow he's really something. Ugh stop drooling over her Mc. You have your Jake so no other men. But God he really depicts as I imagined Jake. Ocean blue eyes, shiny black hair and so nice-*" you were interrupted out of your thoughts when he again started flirting with you.
- " Stop staring at me, I know I'm handsome and hot but if you will open your eyes that wide then it will pop out" He said mimicking your previous words.
You cleared your throat and looked away saying " why did you removed your hoodie?"
- " Because it's too hot in here."
He said taking a step towards you.
- "yeah, wh-what do you think you're do-doing ?"
You stutterd at him backing off a bit.
Seeing you going back, he smirked and again took a few steps towards you until your back was pressed against the wall.
He put both of his hands beside your head and leaned a bit towards your face saying.
- "Are you scared babe? I won't do anything............without your permission "
You didn't utter a single word because you were completely shocked. Not by his actions but by yourself. You thought only Jake could make you blush and give you butterflies in your stomach with his flirty texts. But here this complete stranger is making you feel nervous as hell and you were blushing like a tomato.
- "Do you want to be my girlfriend? I promise I won't disappoint" He said leaning a bit more forward. Your faces were now only a few inches apart. He tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear seeing your reaction. Your whole body got an electric shock just with a simple touch of his.
"*No, this is wrong. I only want Jake and no one else.*" You thought to yourself and then pushed him away from you.
- "Stay away from me, you pervert. And don't touch me. And for the record, I already have a boyfriend."
He knew well that you were talking about him but how little did you know that your love was this close to you.
- "Oh really?"
- "Yes really" you said.
- "Don't worry babe. I'm sure he won't mind if you'd flirt with me. In fact he would be happy" He said making you confused.
- "Oh yeah? You don't know who he is. And if I'd tell him that there was an alien harassing me in the elevator, he won't spare you."
- "Why? is he a police or a psycho who would kill me?" He asked amused.
- "Trust me he's not a police but he's much more powerful than them. And he's not psycho. So mind your own business and fuck off."
You said to him visibly angry. You can't control yourself when someone bad mouthed him.
- "Hmm.. looks like you really like him"
- "No. I love him"
He let out a happy chuckle then said "Now your boyfriend will say you to kiss me"
He turned around from your side then started doing something.
You ignored him, then took out your phone for time pass.
You saw Jake was online so you immediately went to his chat.
Hey babe :)
Hi beautiful. <3
I'm offended.
Why? Did I do something wrong?
You didn't kiss him.
Huh, what??
You glance at the man who was still busy with his phone.
I love you too.
Then your phone started ringing. It was Jake. He never called you before, not after the case was over.
You quickly received the call.
- "Hello. Jake?"
The man beside you turned around with the phone pressed against his ear.
- "I love you too, beautiful"
The man said and the same voice you heard in your phone.
You were dumbfounded and shocked.
- "You know you look so pretty in real life. And you're so cute. Especially with that angry expression of yours."
Jake or the man in front of you whom you considerd stranger till now said to you in a sweet voice making you completely shocked.
A/N : okay, so I don't know how I feel about this. I think something's missing but I can't figure out what it is. So if you find any mistakes please tell me. I'll try to improve it next time. There will be one or two more part after this.
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B2:S - Chapter 5
Much of this series will be about the differences and additions in the novel version, and how they contribute to my understanding of story canon. But there will be character appreciation, the odd theory and headcanon, and suchlike as well.
Here be lots of Viren deets, Best Boy Soren deets, some writing/continuity stuff, worldbuilding appreciation and half of a theory, Detective Rayla, Moon Temple geeking, Claudium and dark magic, and more!
Spoilers for Book Two: Sky below.
(I know for darn sure that I wrote up a post for chapter 4, but I can't find it anywhere so I guess Tumblr ate it and I'll have to redo it at some point, but today is not that day)
Viren, my evil dude, my bad guy, coming in clutch with the worldbuilding and backstory again! If you want to know decades of information, you gotta talk to Viren. Or read his scenes, at least. Here, he seems to not sleep much when he has a big problem to analyze his way through. Solutions trump pretty much everything else in this guy's life, and he's had a really hard week with a lot of new and complicated problems. Of course he's getting sleep-deprived trying to find his way through them all.
Harrow put so much trust in Viren when he made him High Mage! He just threw himself extra hard at that Lady Justice blindfold, didn't he? Didn't really want to see what Viren was doing in his magic study, so he left Viren to his devices. And Viren has a lot of devices.
Also, this is fascinating: Viren made the secret passage to his "less official study" in Katolis Castle! And he was inspired to do so by the way his own mentor kept the Puzzle House. What else could a Puzzle House be, except a place with secret passages? Yay! secret headcanon that "the Puzzle House" is just "Katolis Castle" from Kid Viren's perspective tho
So either Viren built all of those passageways, or at least the ones to his dungeon. Which means he has to have, or know where to get, a stash of those glowing blue Moonshadow crystals. Hmmm.
I can't wait to learn more about Kpp'Ar and young Viren, btw. From this description of Viren and all his literal secret ways, it feels like another parallel between Viren and Runaan, with the whole "secretive paths, members only, insider knowledge" type stuff. Only the really cool members of this cult club get to know the secrets, and guess what, kid, you're cool now but you can never tell anyone, okay? Our secret.
Yeahhh, that'll never backfire in any way for either of them.
Kpp'Ar calling puzzles and secrets "man-made magic," though. Yes sir, knowledge is indeed power.
This chapter mentions Runaan by name, from Viren's perspective. Generally that would imply that Viren knows his name, even though assassins do not share their names, and Runaan didn't seem to give his to Viren in the first book. However, there was a scene in book one where the last paragraph switched perspective from Viren to Runaan - a technique that's very common in visual media like movies and shows and gives you that "ohoho they left the room and didn't notice this, but you do!" vibe. Using Runaan's name there in book one, where Viren couldn't see it but readers could, helps them keep track of the assassin's story arc while maintaining Viren's racism.
So in book two, in which Runaan has no onscreen scenes (alas), using his name in a scene that calls back to the events in book one helps us remember what happened in that dungeon cell. It would be a bit muddier to recall the specifics if Viren kept thinking about Runaan as "Elf." So I'm cool with the perspective nudge because it serves a narrative purpose: clarity. But I'm also enjoying the angst of considering that, somehow, Viren learned Runaan's name either during or after the coining spell. Mwa ha ha haaa. (Obligatory "Keep my pretty name outta your mouth" goes here)
Okay, back to Viren's scheming! He took the mirror because it was human-sized in a dragon lair. He knew it didn't really fit there, and that made it interesting, so he stole it. But he realized it was really powerful when Runaan wouldn't tell him squat about it - the assassin's instinct to protect Xadian secrets from human hands meant that Viren was holding a very powerful Xadian secret. And that just made him want it all the more. Ah, Runaan, if only your relationship with lying was, like, the exact opposite of what it is. Nyx could've spun Viren a believable tale in 2 minutes flat.
Also of interest: Viren considers his cursed coins to be a final fate. He expects Runaan to remain in his coin forever. With the Chekhov's coins still extant in the storyline, we can assume that they'll come up again eventually, but Viren has no current plans to do anything with his elf money except carry it around.
It's worth noting that Viren admits that he got impatient when he trapped Runaan in the coin. Runaan's first fate in Katolis was supposed to be death at Soren's hands, but Claudia "saved" him from that. His next fate was to become spell components, but Viren's frustration with his stubbornness "saved" him from that fate, too. So now he's in a coin, where no one can chop him up at all. Yay? No, boo!
We get one last line about Runaan before Viren shifts gears: he makes a point of noting for us that Runaan's shackles are still locked shut. However much of Runaan made it into that coin - body, soul, hair care products - he was magicked there, pulled right out of his restraints.
The creepy black liquid that Viren pours right into his eyes is the last of a powerful potion he got from Kpp'Ar, and its recipe is ancient! Humans used it back in the age of Elarion to see through the illusions of the world. And we get a delightfully creepy bit of description about the preparation of this serum, which makes it abundantly clear that it's a Moon magic-based concoction, harvested from eyeless vipers on a moonless night, with the threat of irrevocable madness ("madness" by whose definition, though) if it's done wrong-
Hang on. Hold up. This is a Plato's Cave reference. OH MY GOD.
No no I'm fine, this is brilliant. Sorry, sorry, I couldn't figure why there was so much description for a potion prep that Viren didn't even have to perform himself. But now I get it. I see the light. HA. I should make a separate post for this, it's amazing.
Anyway, for reference, the humans who used this serum were called the Oracles of Ophidia, and Ophidia is a taxonomy group that includes all modern snakes. Can you say "creepy ancient snake rites"? I can! Woo!
Viren activates the serum with a spell, but apparently he's never done it before. He's not sure if it's supposed to be hot and bubbly, and he worries that it's been tainted by moonlight.
Oh, I do hope so.
The magic potion hurts, a lot. Viren will do just about anything, to himself or anyone, to do what he believes is necessary. He just risked madness and blindness to find out what this mirror does! Viren. Can you just. Take a nap or something. Have a Snickers.
This chapter gives us a fun clue that I don't remember from the show: when Viren's vision clears and he can see, his reflection has white pupils and the room reflected in the mirror has inverted colors. You know where else has inverted colors?
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You know who else got white pupils for a hot second?
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Okay, now it makes sense! Viren and Lujanne were both seeing into the realm beyond life and death. Him with his moon magic potion, and her with her moon powers on a full moon night at the Moon Nexus. Which is Very Interesting! Is it a direct hint about Aaravos's location, or just a separate cool detail? Orrr, does it look like a direct hint because Aaravos is actually trapped in the world beyond life and death, but it's actually separate and we'll see something about white pupils again later on?
Viren really does have self-esteem issues, we all picked up on it with his rant at his reflection. He throws a fit when he catches himself wondering if he's actually worthless. In the book version of his tantrum, he shoves the mirror and hurls a candelabra instead of flipping a table. He didn't need to shove the mirror to set the fire, but it's in here. Foreshadowing that perhaps, if push comes to shove, Viren will choose himself over Aaravos? Giving Aaravos time to peek through and see that the coast is clear?
Soren, my boyyyyy. He has a rough night at the Moon Nexus because two sides of him are fighting with each other. He struggles to understand Callum's friendship with Rayla, and he also fantasizes about chopping off Rayla's head. One of these is a pretty ordinary thing to do. The other is Soren's internalization of what he needs to do to gain his father's approval. If he brought his dad a chopped off elf head every week, he'd probably feel a lot more confident because Viren would praise him a lot more.
Okay, okay, omg, is it just me, or does the "Moonshadow Madness" story, as it's told in the book, seem like Soren just doesn't know what a monsterfucker is? He thinks an elf bite puts humans under a spell. But vampires are sexy, and some people want them to do more to them than just bite them. A passionate kiss under the moonlight could look very bitey, especially if one of the participants has horns and you're already culturally trained to hate them. No yeah, I'm already headcanoning an actual human-elf kiss that got misunderstood by an observer long ago.
it's Lujanne isn't it, we all know, because what is a love spell but a sweet soft illusion, I mean how else does she get supplies for her Caldera, I ask you, and also Corvus was totally sent to investigate once and he told Soren at camp what he saw
And then back to magefam angst: Soren pretending that his sister's nose-tapping is stupid, even though he actually thinks it's cool, just because their dad thinks it's stupid. Viren, istg. Let your kids like harmless things. It's so cute that Soren taps his nose back at her, though! Like they have their own sibling code. I hope we get to see the nose tap again, especially now that they've chosen different sides. It could mean so much, that they're not too far apart yet.
Rayla knows what buttery pancakes smell like. I love this. Do Moonshadow elves have butter and pancakes, does Rayla eat a stack of eight giant pancakes in the morning? Orrrr it is just illusion food? I don't care, let Rayla have pancakes! Everyone loves pancakes. Pancakes will save the world. this message brought to you by the fact that I can't eat pancakes rn, send help
I love that Rayla is both sus of the pancakes and hungry, and that combines into a very motivated "I will get to the bottom of this" attitude. She kind of goes into Poirot Mode when she inserts herself into Soren and Ellis's conversation about Ava, explaining about the wolf's illusion leg and segueing into her claim that the pancakes taste sus. Claudia confirms she used dark magic, and Rayla is furious. It's different than the show's version in that it puts Rayla in detective mode, as the only Moonshadow elf in the scene, and boy does she take that role seriously. Also, she doesn't actually swallow the dark magic pancake bite. It ends up on the ground just like Lujanne's grubs from that earlier meal. These poor kids are so nutrient-starved. You guys gotta eat!!
Rayla's determination and prejudices and the fact that she super knows Harrow is dead all dovetail to make her try repeatedly to persuade Callum that Soren and Claudia are Not To Be Trusted. It's nice that the book keeps taking the time to point out that Rayla is Well Intentioned But Flawed, just like Callum and pretty much every other character in the show. No one is Right All The Time, no one Knows More Than Everyone Else.
Callum loving the sound of Claudia's unique voice is so wholesome. When you like someone, it only makes sense that you like all the things about them that they can't change - like the sound of Claudia's voice. Her choices with dark magic, not so much!
Claudia seems to have the same concerns Soren does about Callum's relationship with Rayla, but she comes out and asks him. The inherent possession implied in "your elf" is interesting, though. Elves are not people to Claudia. They're enemies who can be disassembled for the magic inside them. So maybe more like robots than living beings, if she knew what a robot was. Maybe she heard Soren's "Moonshadow Madness" story and realized he totally missed the kissing implications - but she didn't, and now she's genuinely worried that Rayla could kiss Callum under a full moon and enchant him to do her will. Good thing it's only a half moon, then!
Okay, Callum nervously making a puppet hand and then not knowing what to do with his hands and freaking out about itching and moving and pointy elbows is such a ND mood. The sudden stress of knowing that someone else is noticing your existence and maybe you're Not Existing Right, amirite? Ugh, poor Callum.
The Moon Temple! Omg it's so pretty in the description! Made to be beautiful and useful, full of knowledge but also allowing light and life inside (butterflies and vines). Lujanne, when can I move in, please? Also, it's all the more angsty because Lujanne is the only one who gets to see this beautiful place, but it has lots of chairs and shelves and tables, and it was meant to be used by lots of people. :(((
Claudia knows some of the runes on the walls. She isn't in a hurry to copy the rest of them down or anything, either. Her spellwriting is very precise, and she's a skilled mage. Her father would have made sure she was aware of the dangers of drawing sloppy runes, as much as he made her aware of the dangers of doing dark magic wrong. And the whole point of dark magic is that it's easier to learn than primal magic. Claudia supports her dad and their shared knowledge and life path. She's not gonna go nuts over an elf library she can't translate.
Side note: Between Claudia knowing some Moon runes and Viren building a secret passageway and a dungeon and lighting it with the same blue crystals that Lujanne and Ethari use for light--and Claudia exclaiming that she loves ruins--I wonder once more if there are really Moonshadow ruins somewhere in Katolis, which Viren has found and looted. Father-daughter relic hunting trip, maybe while Soren is away at camp? Omgsh that would be so wild!
Callum out here having a Viren moment with his "I feel powerless unless I've got magic that lets me help" vibes. God. I love their complicated mirroring. One of the hard differences between them is that Callum is very sure dark magic is bad because you have to kill stuff and take its power to cast spells, and he doesn't want to be a person who kills and takes like that. The line he walks to be nice to Claudia on their tour of the Cursed Caldera because he likes her, while telling her that he doesn't want to do her magic, like, ever, is so fine that it might as well be a shifting shadow on the ground. It's a very fitting conversation to be having during the half moon, with its tricks and little white lies.
Callum being out of the castle and his comfort zone, having to deal with the fact that the Claudia he loves is not quite the Claudia who's chasing him down across the kingdom, but of the two of them, he's the only one with a problem with this.
They say that if you really want to get to know someone, you should spend time with them outside their comfort zone - in heavy traffic, with a small baby, taking care of a new pet, trying a new skill, following unfamiliar directions, etc. While the castle is familiar territory for them both, Callum's never really found his comfort zone yet, while Claudia is pretty comfortable with her growing skill set. The creepy part starts to kick in when Callum begins to realize that Claudia's comfort zone encompasses a whole bunch of stuff that seems like it should make her uncomfortable... but it doesn't. But that'll be for a future chapter!
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sapphire374 · 3 years
Soy Sol: Chapter 2 (Gossip that Spreads like Wildfire)
Wattpad Link
Ch. 1, / Ch. 3 / Ch.4 / Ch.5 / Ch.6 / Ch.7 / Ch.8 / Ch.9 / Ch.10 / Ch.11 / Ch.12 / Ch.13 / Ch.14 / Ch.15 / Ch.16 / Ch.17
Luna is stunned by what she's just witnessed. She'd never expect Matteo to be cozying up so close with a random girl, especially after everything they've been through together. Luna started having doubts and her fears just came rushing over her like a waterfall. She couldn't believe that he would do this, all because she was late
When Matteo sees that it was Luna who opened the door, he immediately got up ignoring Viviana, as if she wasn't there. "Luna, I've been looking everywhere for you. You promised you would be here for my last show and you know how important this is for me. Why were you late.... again? You even promised to watch the entire show this time." Luna just stood there, staring at Matteo. Her rambunctious thoughts were clouding her judgement. She doesn't want to think about it, yet she already is. What if Matteo is cheating on her?
Matteo's face quickly changed when he saw a depressed look on her very pale face. "Que to pasa mi amor? What's the matter my love?" Matteo asks Luna in a very worried tone. Luna shakes her head from a terrified trance. "No nothing, I just came to tell you how proud I am. The arena seemed packed with loads of people. Umm yeah and I also wanted to apologize for being late. Too late it seems." Luna tries to not think about what she noticed yet the random girl staying in the room isn't making Luna feel any better. "I'm sorry who are you?" Luna questions the girl sitting on the couch who seems to not feel bad for listening on their conversation.
"I'm Viviana Marcel. Some people like to call me a very famous actress and rising singer; but if I'm being modest, I've only been in like fifteen movies," Viviana brags to Luna, showing off. "Really. Well sorry I had to ask is just I've never seen you on TV or in anything," Luna says sincerely which brings an enraged frown onto Viviana's face. "Oh, would you look at the time, it's getting late. I don't want to arrive home late since I have a very important meeting at Laix tomorrow. You know the place where famous people work together. I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't know it since you're not, well a celebrity. Ciao Matteo, I'll talk to you later." Viviana leaves after giving a wink to Matteo.
Luna's depressed look still stays plastered on her face. That girl almost reminds her of a celebrity version of Daniela, and after everything was finally going great for her and Matteo. "Luna, your smile has disappeared all of a sudden and hasn't come back. Please tell me what's wrong. I'm always here for you," Matteo states to Luna, expressing his concern. Luna almost stutters when she says, "Matteo why is Viviana here? What were you doing with her?" Matteo instantly takes a sigh of relief because he originally thought something unpleasant happened to her. "Oh, Luna you don't have to worry about her. She's just a friend I met through Rafeal. It's okay." "Matteo what would've happened if I didn't arrive at that moment," Luna asks anxiously holding on to every word she said. Matteo hesitantly replies, "Nothing. Nothing at all."
. . . . . . . .
Next Morning
Simón and Ámbar's House
Simón wakes up in his Buenos Aires home at eight o'clock in the morning. He's surprised to notice Ámbar is not there beside him. He pulls the sheets to their new bed and marches to the kitchen. Ámbar is sitting in the dining table doing some paperwork while drinking a café con leche. This brings a large smile on his face seeing how hard of a worker his soon to be wife is. "Buenos días mi amor. Good morning my love," Simón declares to Ámbar which also brings a warm smile on her face. "So, how's the paperwork going?" Simón asks Ámbar. "Honestly, it's not looking too good. I don't know if we'll be able to keep the Jam and Roller for so long especially since Vidia is considering on selling it to this company who wants to remodel it as a club and bar. They're the ones with the highest bid and if nobody comes soon to place a higher offer... we may lost it," Ámbar reluctantly replies to Simón.
"I can't believe this. First the separation of the Roller Band, then the separation of the Roller team, and now this. The worst part is how can we even tell Luna about this? How can we tell the rest about this," Simon complains while he and Ámbar give each other worried glances. "I don't know how we should tell her but one thing I know for sure is that we need to tell her soon cause what if she finds out and thinks we were lying to her this whole time. The one thing I've learned from my previous mistakes is that lying does no good and the truth always ends up revealing itself... but we'll think about that later. Right now, let's eat some breakfast cause I have a meeting to get to. Whatever happens, we need to find a backup plan to work somewhere else while I study to become a lawyer."
As Ámbar gets up from her chair, she turns the TV on. The news channel announces, "This just in! Viviana has been spotted AGAIN being very close to Matteo Balsano, the infamous 'Quiero Verte Sonreir' artist, yesterday night at his last concert for his Alla Voy Tour. Could this mean that Matteo has a new girlfriend and broke up with Luna Valente!" Ámbar and Simón both turn their heads and look at each other, shocked by what they just saw on the news. "I can't believe it! I wonder what Luna must be thinking watching this. It's just that this doesn't even make sense. Matteo would never do such a thing to Luna and even so she would have told me by now," Simón states confusingly. Simón and Ámbar are both confused and concerned about what they have just witnessed.
. . . . . . . .
Nina's Apartment
Nina accidentally spills her coffee after hearing what she just saw on the news. Gastón hears the loud noises in the living room, so he runs quickly to Nina from the kitchen to help her. "Que paso, what happened? Are you okay Nina," Gaston asks while helping her clean the mess she made. Gastón arrived last night from his job being an engineer. The company he works at has multiple branches, so he tends to travel all around the globe to set up meetings and build all sorts of new gadgets. Nina had also arrived from Oxford after finishing the semester early. She only has one year left to graduate and can't wait to travel with Gastón as a professional writer.
"Did you hear what was on the news? Apparently, Matteo has been spotted multiple times with this girl named Viviana. News outlets think that he broke up with Luna and replaced her with Viviana. I just couldn't believe it. I was so shocked I accidentally tipped over my coffee. Sorry for the mess," Nina states to Gastón. "No pasa nada. It's okay, the stain easily comes off but going back to what happened with Matteo... is this true, en serio," Gastón wonders, hoping Nina would say a 'no, just kidding' but sadly that was not the case. "Well we don't know if he did break up with Luna but the pictures that they showed of him with Viviana look very real and very close." "Esto no puede ser. This can't be true. I'm going to call Matteo right away. We have to get to the bottom of this," Gastón vividly expresses his disbelief right before turning his head and seeing the TV screen, in which he noticed the girl that's with Matteo. He doesn't for sure know who she is, but that girl appears very familiar to him. Then, Gastón remembered who she is and quickly runs to go call Matteo. After Nina puts her mug inside the sink, she rushes to go call Luna as well.
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*BTW: Thank you guys for the support you've been giving Soy Sol in the last chapter. I really do appreciate it and hope you guys like the rest :D *
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