#i'm rebelling i swear
serendipminie · 1 year
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tapakah0 · 2 months
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jamiesfootball · 11 months
In honor of whumptober have a hint of whump-
He adjusted the ice pack under his cheek, letting go for moment so he could crack his knuckles, get some warmth into his fingers. The bruising along his jawline throbbed with numbed heat as he gingerly laid his face back down against the ice pack. It was a good distraction from the pain in his abdominal muscles.
"Stomach bruising's the fucking worst, Ted," he informed the Ted Soldier. It stared back at him, arms raised in defense. Smarter than Jamie, that one.
Abdominal bruising really was the worst, though, especially when it hit deep tissue. Felt a bit like a stomach ache and made it hard to tell if he was hungry at all underneath it. Not that it'd matter. The rental house didn't have much in the way of food stuff anyways.
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shinobicyrus · 1 year
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My most recent fic has me putting more thought into Ketsu’s past than I would have expected. We know she’s Mandalorian, but her armor and her helmet in particular doesn’t match with what we’re used to seeing for typical Mandalorian armor.
It nagged on me for a long time until I realized what her helmet reminded me of: Boba Fett’s helmet from Clone Wars. It’s not a 1-1 comparison, but I’m not imagining the the similarities, right? Similar shades of red, narrower eye slits; it feels like they’re cousins, distinct but related.
Though I’m not sure where it stands in Disney’s new Canon, I did some digging and found out Boba got that helmet during a heist, where it was part of a collection of ancient Mandalorian artifacts. The fact that it’s even strong enough to withstand a direct blaster bolt without a scratch testifies to its pedigree.
While it’s been officially confirmed Ketsu is Mandalorian, it’s important to note that she’s not from Mandalore itself. She’s from one of dozens small moons orbiting a gas giant in the Mandalore system, a place that was settled by Mandalorians but isn’t considered the part of the homeworld.
If Boba’s helmet is indeed of an older Mandalorian design, then it could very well be the case that Ketsu’s helmet is of a style that is unique to where she’s from. It could even be based on a more antiquated design that fell out of fashion by mainstream Mandalorian culture but persisted in smaller communities on its fringes.
This just makes me all the more fascinated at her and Sabine’s dynamic. Sabine from the powerful, well-to-do clan with its own fasthold while Ketsu is from a small moon and doesn’t even have a set of armor to call her own save for an antiquated helmet. It surely made them an odd pair in the Academy, but probably explained why Ketsu was fine with being her friend, when a lot of the abuse Sabine had been getting from the other Mandalorian cadets had to do with her family history and politics. A thing a politically non-involved kid from a small clan on the fringes wouldn’t care about.
At this point this post has devolved into a nerdy rant over a very minor detail from a side character that barely saw use in Star Wars: Rebels. I just find all the hints about Ketsu and Sabine’s past fascinating and really think it’s a real shame they didn’t include Ketsu in the series more. I really believe she deserved more attention, considering her close ties with one of its central characters.
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shiawasekai · 8 months
Finding about Nethys was a very formative experience to Nela.
She was a terribly rebellious teenager.
During her childhood, she had been mostly sheltered from the worst of people's expectations by the existence of her human twin, Samel. They acted as a set and got almost the same treatment just... to avoid the otherwise endless complaints and tantrums.
As a teenager, however, with both twins building their own identities separate from each other, Nela found herself quickly overwhelmed by society's expectations on her as an aasimar. Their parents weren't the problem, they knew better than to force their kids down a path they didn't want; but it was a very different story with her peers and the other adults in her life.
And so, her resulting desire to spite e v e r y o n e played just as much of a part as her deep fascination for arcane magic when it came to her choice of god. Nethys was just perfect in that sense: it didn't go against her morals, he was far from any of the stereotypical choices due to obvious reasons (especially in Andoran) and his interests aligned with hers.
Nela joined a fairly benign congregation, which still caused quite the ruckus in her other social circles; but there she found community. People who saw the world like she did and were willing to teach her and guide her. There she also met her mentor, the woman who would train her to become an arcanist.
It truly changed her life for the better and gave her a space where she could thrive as herself.
Mind you, that was far from the last or only choice Nela took out of spite during her teens: her parents got plenty of heart attacks due to her shenanigans. However, she had already calmed down and grown out of it by the time she left on the fateful trip to Mendev.
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ravenovni · 4 months
I feel like Flynn Rider with a bunch of swords pointed at his throat.png for saying this but gosh sometimes I wish Letterboxd had some sort of review search function that let you hide any reviews with the words "gay" or "gender" 😭😭
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inavagrant-a · 2 years
I want to let every single sweetheart and nice muse out there know that I support you and I'm sorry for the way my son is towards you should the unfortunate event of you having to deal with him presents itself. It is motherless behavior, he can't help it.
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stairset · 1 year
Aight it took like 5 fucking hours cause my internet is slow as shit today but I finally got Jedi Survivor installed and can actually play it
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asimplearchivist · 3 months
Wanna draw...need to write...have to read for homework...
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deanwinchestergf · 11 months
and why would an angel rescue me from hell? good things do happen dean. not in my experience. i'm not here to perch on your shoulder. i was getting too close to the humans in my charge. you. to everything there is a season. you made an exception for me. you're different. for what's worth, i would give anything not to have you do this. i learned my lesson while i was away, dean. i serve heaven, i don't serve men and i certainly don't serve you. but you guys aren't supposed to be there, you're not in this story. yeah, well, we're making it up as we go. i'm hunted, i rebelled and i did it all, all of it, for you. so what i'm thelma and you're louise and we're just gonna hold hands and sail off this cliff together? i need your help because you're the only one who'll help me. that's a pretty nice timing, cas. we had an appointment. what happened to you cas? you used to be human, or at least like one. but cas, you'll call right? if you get into real trouble? this is cas, guys. he has gone to the mat cut and bleeding for us so many freaking times, don't we owe him the benefit of the doubt at least? it sounds so simple when you say it like that, where were you when i needed to hear it? i was there, where were you? i'm doing this for you, dean. i'm doing this because of you. but we were family once, i would've died for you, i almost did a few times. i've lost lisa, i've lost ben and now i've lost sam. don't make me lose you too. cas, you child, why didn't you listen to me. you used to fight together, bestest of friends, actually. if you remember, then you know you did the best you could at the time. the very touch of you corrupts. when castiel first laid a hand on you in hell he was lost. i'd rather have you, cursed or not. well, i'll go with you. i prayed to you cas, every night. cas, we're getting out of here, we're going home. i mean you kept saying you didn't think it would work, did you not trust me? cas, it's me. we need you, i need you. i won't hurt dean. cause you didn't trust me? you didn't trust me. please, man, i need you here. nobody wants him here more than i do. you gave us an order, castiel, and we gave you our trust. don't lose it over one man. you really believe we three will be enough? we always have been. his true weakness is revealed. you draped yourself with the flag of heaven but ultimately, it was all about saving one human. i'm glad you're here, man. how are you, dean? and then you'll kill the angel, castiel. now that one, that i suspect would hurt something awful. and when you turn, everyone you know, everyone you love, they could be long dead. everyone except me. i'm not gonna send lucifer into battle inside cas, what if he doesn't make it? it's not an it, sam. it's cas. but you're always there, you know? i could go with you. you mean too much to me, to everything. i'm gonna cure you of your human weakness, same way i cured my own. it's a gift, you keep those. you mean we? yes, dumbass, we. we lost everything and now you're gonna bring him back. we got cas back, that's a pretty damn big win. just don't get dead again. it's good to hear your voice. so this is goodbye? but i swear if he did something to her, if she's- then you're dead to me. either get on board or walk away. i don't know what's god and what isn't, and it's driving me crazy. dean, you asked what about all of this is real. we are. you used trust me, give me the benefit of the doubt, now you can barely look at me. i think it's time for me to move on. you didn't deserve that. since when do we get what we deserve? maybe if you didn't just up and leave us. i left but you didn't stop me. i should've stopped you. you're my best friend but i just let you go. and i forgive you, of course i forgive you. i'm sorry it took me so long, i'm sorry it took me til now to say it. you did it cas. okay, cas, i need to say something. you don't have to say it, i heard your prayer. well, here's to being right. you know what every other version of you did after gripping him tight and raising him from perdition? they did what they were told, but not you.
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lovetei · 3 months
first off, thank you so much for all the work you do for the fandom! your writing is amazing!
someone has probably requested this already but i just wanna request for a soulmate-reincarnation au, if its okay? like, they were MC's lover in the past and MC died, so they've been waiting and looking for them to reincarnate since then (it's been thousands of years or so) and then RAD happened and then they realized that MC is who they've been waiting for. that's all, haha
you can pick if it has angst or fluff or smut, or which character/s it will have
thank you again for your contribution to the fandom, i hope you have a lovely day!
After all that deranged smut, I've come back from the dead with some fluff
Update: I'm on Lucifer's part and the Fluff I'm planning took a dark turn, fortunately
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Soulmate-reincarnation universe in where they've lost you and won't let it happen again
Warnings: Grammatical errors, spelling errors, no proofreading, Mentions of death, Mentions of trauma, gruesome death, slight gore, Angst, possessive behavior
Versions: Demon brothers, Side Characters
Links: Masterlist
He can still remember the day you escaped his grasps
The day you stepped in front of Father and begged him "No, not him please! Don't kick him our, I'm begging you!" You pleaded.
Yet, he can't do anything about it as he watch the angels pull you inside their father's room.
He waited outside, pacing around in circles hoping, praying to any being out there to keel you safe.
And when the guard let him in, it's almost as if he can breath freely
Not until he saw you, face planted on the white marble floor as you lay on top of your own pool of blood.
Wings ripped out and in his father's hands
His knees weakened as Father handed him your wings
"Remember them Lucifer, you destroyed them."
Is the last thing Father said before the floor beneath you cracked
"Lucifer..." You mumbled out with a smile as you each out for him with your bloody hands
That is before you fell and died
He can still remember every detail like he's watching a movie
He still can't forget you, he never will
That is until he was viewing the possible candidates for the exchange program and he came across your application
And all so suddenly, nothing is important anymore
That's what he was thinking as he burnt all the other application forms
He'll get you back
No matter what it takes.
The time where Father caught them rebelling against the heavens, he'll never forget it
Not because it was the day where he fell
But because it was the day he found out how cruel the kind can be
How the kind made him choose, "Save yourself or sacrifice for your love?" Father looked at him then looked at you
With a spear in his hand, he didn't expect what you did next.
Running to Father without a single drop of hesitation and plunging the spear to your heart
Plunging his spear to your heart
His eyes filled with hatred and regret, his body numb with pain can only drop to the ground
Before his screams echoed and shook the she realm
Screams of pain that will never subside, or so he thought
He found out about this exchange student plan
And he saw you, with a different face, with a different hair color
It doesn't matter
It's you
And maybe, he did pull some strings and a few tricks for you to be picked
But when he saw how your eyes softened when you look at him in a room full of other men
He didn't have any regrets
You fought alongside them, beside him
Not because you support their ideology or anything
Just because he's there
He got hurt
And you swear you'll hunt down anyone who hurt him
And he'll do the same for you
So when he saw an arrow pierced your body and you fell
His wings lost its power and he fell with you
It was late when he realized what was happening and he flew as fast as he can to catch you
And he managed to before you landed straight to a flat rock near the shore
And so when he had you in his arms
He gently flew you down to the same rock and embraced your almost-lifeless body
Rocking you back and forth gently as if he was putting a child to sleep
And when you finally closed your eyes
He felt the last string of sanity snap and he looked up at the sky where the angels are fighting
And without a thought the warm and calm water was turned violent and drowned everything in its path
But sometimes, after the war, he would come back to the same shore
Where Mammon found him and informed him "They're back." He smirked at Leviathan
Of course, they are
He made sure to tell Lucifer he'll drown to death every other applicants they accepted until they admitted you.
And when he saw you standing there, frightened
He knew you can't remember him
But he's willing to take small steps with you until you remembered him again
Like an idiot, he fell in love with you
After all the hard work his brothers put in his head, trying to tell him not to love a mortal
He didn't listen
He would sneak out of Devildom and would meet you in the forest where you built your own small home
Where he saw you age until you can't even get out of bed
The home in where he sat beside your bed as he read you your last book an dpromsied you that he'll be beside you for all eternity, waiting for you.
The home in where he buried you in the backyard and placed lovely flowers on top
He tried so hard to get over you
He tried so hard to ease the pain in his heart for thousands of years
Until one day, he can't hold it in anymore and came back to your home
The rain mixing with soil, staining his hands as he dugged your grave with his bare hands and was surprised when he didn't see your remains
And then when he came back to the house of lamentation
When Lucifer informed him about the program something came up in his head
With his hands still stained with soil and his clothes wet from the rain, he digged through the file of applicants and saw...
Saw no one that resembles you
Until Lucifer told him that they've already picked an applicant
And held out a paper with a picture that looks just like you
The smile that crept up his face was desperate yet filled with love
He snatched the paper away from his hands and went to his room
Dropping on his knees on the ground as soon as he entered the room
He hugged the piece of paper and said "It won't be long till you're back to me..."
People often thought of you as nothing, honestly
People thought that Asmo didn't even love you
Or that he managed to move on soon after you died
But that's not how he views it
He views your death as his death
He promised himself that you both will love each other like swans
And the moment you died, he was ready to die too
The way he remembers how your fresh blood dripped off his arms
The way he remembers himself pointing the dagger that killed you on his throat
The way he remembered you saying "Don't... I'll come back." as you gently held his face and placed your lips on his
That was the only reason he kept his life
And when he remembered this strange, suffocating hope when Lucifer mentioned the program
It took every strand of his patient to not dig through the files and look for you
Because he remembered how much you believed in destiny, he believed that's what made you beautiful
The way that you believe that if it's what the universe wants, it's what will happen
So he bit his cheek and clawed his palms
The moment he was walking in circles waiting for this student, his heart filled with hope that it was filling his lungs
The moment he saw you standing there, seemingly looking for something, someone
He instinctively said "I'm here... Love..." as he raised his hands, the blood from his fingers from biting his nails dripping down
And then he went numb
When he saw your eyes soften and be filled with love
Because he knew, even the universe wants you to be with him
In every life.
You did your best, he knows it
Liliths death, he must admit, made him turn against Father and think about rebellion
But your death made him act on it
You begged Father to just give him and his brothers one more chance after disrespecting him
Father who said to accept it came up with one condition
And that's for your life
As soon as he over heard about ghat condition
He came out of his hiding and tried to attack father but you were held hostage
You were sitting on the marble floor with all the spears not pointed at the intruder, him, but to you, his most prized possession.
He can never forget how heavgy his heart is during that time
The way he can't even breath freely
"I was a fool..." Was what you said after you realized that even if you offered your life, Father will still kick them out.
And so you smiled at him "I will hold the virtues and give you some time to prepare..." then you opened your wings despite the spears piercing it.
"ESCAPE!" Was the last thing you said before you swung your wings and had the spears piercing their necks.
Then all he can remember is how him and his brothers managed to kill almost all the angels and archangels
But when they're about to enter the virtues domain, they stopped
And saw your head on the ground
The virtues praised you, saying how much love they felt as they fought with you
Now, it's still fresh on his mind
As soon as he saw you appear from the portal, unconscious
He was embracing your body as if wishing for you to remember him
He was gone, he turned bat shit insane
People might think he's okay
But the brothers knew better
For the past thousand of years, there's not a single day where he didn't spoke your name
He's comparing you to every girl they tried to introduce to him, "MC was prettier", "MC was better" and more
It's time to establish his position even more, and he can do it the fast way by marrying a noble
But even after introducing all women, married or not, not him
His answer was only, "MC is the only one that can be my bride."
The council argued over this, MC is dead, they said
But Belphegor is not one to give up easily
During the meeting about this exact matter, he proposed a deal
"If you can fulfill my only condition, I promise to secure my position as the avatar of sloth and the guaranteed success of the exchange program."
Everyone's ears perked at his suggestion, naturally, they asked, what is this condition?
Then he simply held up a form containing your profile
"Bring my wife to Devildom."
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indecenthoney · 4 months
Clicker Fantasy
We all have that uptight or academically gifted friend who can never catch a break from their responsibilities. Always working hard to please the people around them and never doing anything for themselves. It pains me to see them put on a mask, but I guess that's the norm nowadays. That is why, we should always have friends like me! You may wake up and put on a mask, but I'll be there to take it off when it becomes all too much for you.
I know! Why don't we come up with a little signal for you to unwind?
Finished studying? Great job! *Click*
Done with your homework? Wonderful! *Click*
Completed that project? You are... amazing! *Click*
When we hear that *Click* there shouldn't be a single thought behind those pretty eyes. Completely relax your body and leave everything to me. You've worked yourself to the bone and too much of anything is bad. If you don't choose a day to relax, your body will choose it for you. And we wouldn't want to disappoint people now, do we?
"What am I going to do with you? I mean look at you... You can barely keep your eyes open... I know I know you have to get this done, but it can wait... Why don't we take a break? *Click* Mhm... It'll be quick I promise... You just need a breather and you'll be ready to work again... I made us hot chocolate... The least you can do is drink it..."
People like this will always have their guard up even with the people that care about them the most. You must give them an inch in order to get a mile. They need to feel safe because words can only do so much.
"Made sure to give you extra marshmallows... Blow on it, first.. I don't want you burning your tongue... Taste good? *Click* What are you doing standing there? Can you relax? It's cold so come here and warm me up a little... Yes, I'm asking you to cuddle with me... I'll release you once you're done with your cup..."
Lull them into a false sense of security. It's not a bad thing. What's bad is letting them toil away while it affects their health. There is good in the bad. Trust me.
"Feeling a little better? Good! While you are drinking your cup, why don't I give you a little massage, huh? You've been sitting like that for hours... Your back is going to ache at this rate... Ah, I don't wanna hear it... Just relax and lean back into me while I massage your shoulders... Mhm... There we go... That's it... Feels nice, right? *Click* What? What noise? Clicks? I don't know what you're talking about... Will you relax? You're such a workaholic... I swear..."
Any person should feel safe when they are in your arms. All the things you are doing must come from a place of love. And possibly a little gaslighting to ease the process.
"We can put that cup away for now... Just two more minutes promise... You should enjoy this massage... Two minutes wouldn't kill you... Good... Just relax your muscles... Feel every bit of the tension fade away... *Click* "
When your friend has finally dropped their guard, you would slowly creep your hands up their shirt to massage their chest. Gently rubbing and tugging on their nipples. They'll squirm and whimper, possibly even rebel, but you must assure them that this is out of their best interest.
"Shhh... It's okay... It's okay... As much as you want to deny it... It feels nice... *Click* It's kind of cute seeing this side of you... Squirming and pleading for me to stop... but deep down you want this... you... need... this... I mean look at you... What slutty face you're making... *Click* It's almost as if you're begging for me to touch you... You may say otherwise but you're body will always tell the truth... See? Even if you tried to hide it from me... You're always leaving such a mess on my lap... *Click* Why don't we take a closer look shall we?"
Slowly gliding my hand down their underwear to reveal the needy mess they've become for me. Tracing my middle finger along their slit. And showing them the product of their own depravity. Continually gliding my finger around their opening to the point of insanity.
"C'mon use your words... I won't be able to understand a damn thing you say with you drooling like a dog... Be a good girl and nod if you want me to continue... *Click* "
Consent is hot. We wouldn't want to push them any further than we already have. Either way, they'll most likely come back for more.
"Yeah? Okay... Thank you for being honest, sweetie... One finger should be enough for now... *Click* "
I would click them before each and every climax. I want them to associate the feeling of pleasure with the splendid sound of a click. I would edge them and edge them. Clicking their brain dumb.
"Please? What do you mean please? Oh! You want to finish... I don't know... See this? See how hard I am? You did this... I have an idea... You are free to cum as long as you use me... Mhm... Fuck yourself with my cock... and let me watch you..."
I would enjoy every moment of them bouncing on my cock. I want to see them cry and moan from the pleasure. I'm nothing but a toy in this moment. I have nothing to feel bad about. It's them that's fucking themselves silly. I want to watch them till completion.
"You did such a good job... I'm so proud of you and all the things that you do... "
Even when she's worn out, the training is not yet done. I will fuck into her hard and deep. Overstimulating her. Clicking her with each and every thrust.
"Shhh... *Click* It's okay... *Click* Almost there, sweetie... *Click* You're doing such a great job... *Click* That's it... *Click* Take it... *Click* Enjoy every inch of cock as I pound into you... *Click* I'm almost there... *Click* Fuck... *Click* I'm gonna cum... *Click* Don't waste a single drop, okay? F-fuck... *Click* *Click* *Click* "
With that, she can finally go to bed cum-filled and happy. She can finally get the rest she deserves. Or I could've just been stern and instructed her to take a break, but that's how I would done it!
Clicking you gently,
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varpusvaras · 6 months
After rescuing Leia from the Death Star and getting back to the Rebel base:
Rex: .....
Cody: What are you thinking about?
Rex: I'm just- there's just something really familiar about her
Cody: Who? The Princess?
Rex: Yeah! It's like- I swear at several points it feels like I'm talking to a miniature Fox
Cody: ........now that you say it-
Leia, in the distance: What are you?
Han, muffled: .....an idiot sandwich
Leia: Correct. Now stay out of my way, or I'm going to put you onto the menu!
Rex: It's uncanny
Cody, wholly starting to believe in reincarnation: Yeah
Rex: Cody I'm scared
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ixiot-ghostrebel · 3 months
Ok ok. I'm back from the dead, And with another headcannon! following my last music related ask
What if after the characters hear our music they start subconsciously humming, or even singing it? After all the creator never has their computer volume on... exept this time we do! And we hear venti, or Barbara, or another character singing our favorite song A LOT. So much so that instead of the usual voices it's all song references and lyrics... I imagine it going something like this:
(venti dies) "don't worry... I'm never going to let you down.."
(Barbara's afk) "la- La- LA- ehem, I'm working late because I'm a singer~"
Well a long night of trying to find out if it was an event mihoyo planned or something else is surely waiting right?
- 🦇
Dwdw, Ghost Rebel's been dead as well—you have not been the only one, rest assured 🥲
For this request, I won't be really focusing much on what music the Reader listens to (entirely up to you imo), so apologies if this affects your reading experience!
(The Request 🦇 Anon Mentioned)
Ayo, They Know My MUSIC ✨😎
(Warning: Might be OOC!)
Who would've thought that all that singing pays off—now, all musicians and bards of Teyvat are reciting Their Almighty Grace's ballads like they're some holy, ancient harmonies (to them, it probably is—somehow—)
Let's see what our favorite ones have been up to! :D
With the amount of times you vibed to your songs, Venti's picked them up by listening through the wind. You can 100% assume that he is vibing to it, no matter what time or moment.
People thought he was singing his own ballads when he was humming your songs, when, in fact, he's listening to you jamming out in the distance.
So imagine your shock when you hear Venti sing your song. It was as shocking as Venti without his wine.
"Hehe~ Their Grace looks so flabbergasted!" Venti in the bg just cheering over the fact he made you shocked at his impression of your song!
Bro has zero regrets for breaking the Fourth Wall.
Girlie is singing her heart out in the Church of Favonius, and everyone's there for it. 100% she has become the true Idol of Mondstadt.
Super excited and nervous at the same time when you put her in your party team (for whatever reason, only you will know), because this is a chance to show off her practice. She wants to impress you with the song she's heard you sing and hum to countless of times!
So the moment she let it slip through her idle animation, imagine her embarrassment as you flip out, questioning your life choices and your sleep deprivation
"S-Surely, I didn't scare Their Almighty Grace all too badly...?" Barbara's twiddling her fingers, contemplating if she should've done that in the first place, only to be reassured when the other nuns of the church mention that you were screaming how good it was (Ex. "HELLO???? BARBARA???? THAT WAS SO GOOD HELLO??? VOICE ACTOR BE POPPING OFF MAYBE??? THIS GLITCH IS AWESOME!")
Yes, she's doing this again. Add her back to her team. Now. :)
Oh, she is going to rock'n'roll hard after this. She is definitely going to make a rock cover of your song and play it all through Liyue!
Gurl's on her merry way, practicing with her guitar and singing loud and proud! Yunjin be cheering her on in the background as she masters that small snippet of your favorite song >:D
And when it's her time to shine? When you finally give her the chance to perform? Sure, she's nervous—she's only got one shot, and who knows when the next one will come—but she's gonna rock this song with everything she's got, heart, soul, and mind!
The moment you see it happening, Xinyan's a little too into it to care of your reaction at first, pretty much having a blast at the lyrics and overall music composition.
But after? "Whoo, I sure hope Their Grace liked it...Maybe I should've taken in how they were reacting instead of going all out, hehe..." Her legs are kind of shaking from her nerves, but she swears she's fine!
Upon seeing how the citizens of Liyue Harbor are acting though, and with the amount of positive comments her friends kept giving her, Xinyan is calling her performance an absolute success!
She is definitely doing this again—10/10!
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Ghost Rebel Side Notes: THIS TOOK TOO LONG TO MAKE I AM SO SORRY UGHHHH. I hate it when I say I'd be active and then the next thing I know, I'm being bombarded with irl problems >:(
Anyways! A few updates as I'm writing this: I am no longer taking Sagau Genshin requests for now (even if I might still be writing for a few—there's some waiting in my inbox that I gotta get to), as I need a break to recharge my batteries. However: HSR and Wuthering Waves are free and up for requests, so don't be shy to shoot your shots there!
✦ Check out The Ghost Rebel’s Blog Description & Info Page to See if Their Mailbox is Open! ✦
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sabrina-kpop · 2 months
HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII, can I request a the poly hashira x fem gyaru reader who gets made fun of by the other demon slayers? (Angst but a very fluffy ending) :3
ׅ𝑆𝑡𝑟𝑖𝑘𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑟𝑒𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑜𝑢𝑡! ˏˋ°•*⁀➷
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my very first request yay!! and it's of my life style!? Double yay!! In this oneshot I made the reader off of my sub style which is manba!! And sorry if this is bad which it probably is.. AND YOU ARE NOT IN A RELATIONSHIP WITH MUICHIRO YOU ARE SEEN AS A MOTHER FIGURE
WARNINGS: swearing (Sanemi ofc) slut shaming (I'm based this on my experience with being gyaru) bullying ect.
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Being a gal while also being a demon hunter has is pros and cons, pros being hanging out with Tengen and Mitsuri for new clothes and cons being your makeup sweating off and hair getting messed up while on a mission.
Today is a day where the hashira (specifically Tengen) invited you and the rest to a summer festival, of course you where excited you haven't gone to a festival since you were a little girl.
You have finished doing your hair and makeup looking beautifully crazy along with your outfit, you hear a knock on your door and before you could answer Shinobu walked in "Ara ara, well aren't you looking beautiful my butterfly" she said complimenting you, you utter out a small thanks,still not being used to compliments.
you walked out with Shinobu and met up with the rest, Gyomei and Giyuu grabbed your hands and the rest began to go to the city.
What you didn't know is that Rengoku, Shinobu and Giyuu brought some of their tsugoku's and slayers with them and they don't really get along with you. They saw you as a weirdo because of your fashion sense and looks although you try your best to ignore them sometimes it can hit you a little hard......
"What is she wearing" strike one.
Ouch that hurt. You are so confident for your rebel style and yet now you're feeling like it's getting pulled away you try to ignore it but it remains in the back of your mind.
"Y/n...are you feeling okay..?" Said Muichiro you reassure him that your fine and continued your way to the city with the rest.
It was evening and you have a ride to the city it was crowded and it was bright seeing people talk, dance, laugh and show of their Japanese pride.
"Ah! It's so crowded! " Mitsuri said in a high pitched voice. Obanai suggested that you all go to a restaurant to rest and eat but you said that you wanted to see the jewelry booths and clothing booths set up outside.
Giyuu sent two of his kakushi just in case something happened.
You immediately wandered off into one of the booths that were selling jewelry. You mean started buying a bunch of them some for partners and some for you.
"Jesus Christ doesn't she have enough... She going to die from blood stopping with all those tight bands around her wrist... "
Strike two.
You really put some back listening to what they said it hurt you like if someone stabbed you in the heart you tried to ignore them again but how could you all they do is talk about you and your features you feel like nothing you feel like a clown.
"I'm back!" You said with a bag in your hands "I bought all of you some new cute clothes!" You said happily as you hand them their gifts. They happily thanked you and began to order food.
The food was delicious. The meat had a juicy flavor and the rice was perfect.
"Fuck, I'm full" utter out Sanemi
"Really? I could go for more!" Said Mitsuri. Both Obanai and Sanemi look at her in a "what the fuck?" face as Shinobu and you giggled from the side.
You got up to go to the restroom but you ain't mean it shivered due to your clothes being slightly revealing. Although you knew that this will be the consequences from deciding that your outfit looked better without a jacket and quickly shrugged it of as "beauty is pain"
As you went to the restroom and finished doing your business, you were washing your hands so you heard this.
" you can clearly tell that she's cold she was shivering so hard that when she gets for being a slut with those revealing clothes. "
Strike three, your out.
You immediately began to tear up why were they saying these things to you what did you ever do to them this has been going on for years now and it hasn't stopped. why couldn't they just accept you for who you are? Why couldn't the see that you were happy being yourself? Why couldn't they see that you are human too?
Suddenly you heard a knock on the restroom door.
"Y/n you've been their for a while are you okay?.." It was Giyuu.
"Y-yeah I'm okay..." You said trying to cover up the sound of your crying.
"Are you sure..? It's sounds like you aren't.."
You went quite and started sobbing as Giyuu opened the door and went in while the rest followed..
Mitsuri went up to you and tried to calm you down the best she can, keyword "tried"...
"Y/n just tell us what happened..!" Said Mitsuri panicking not really knowing what to do..
"Am I w-wierd?" You utter out as the rest looked at you with worry
"The fuck is that supposed to mean" said Sanemi.
"I-it's just that people when they see me the way I am they think of me as some kind of slut.."
Who the hell told you that I swear I'm going to beat them into next wee-" Sanemi said as Shinobu cut him off.
" Oh my little butterfly....you're nothing like that you're not even close you're beautiful and you're special.
Shinobu said.
" yeah you have the courage to be flamboyant while the others are just idiot with no sense of style "
Said Uzui.
"Y/n your beauty is like a flame bright and beautiful! "
Said Rengoku
"You're so beautiful doing your nails everyday is so much fun especially trying out new patterns!"
Said Mitsuri.
" Seriously tell me who made you think like that, I will show them no mercy.. "
Said Sanemi.
"You remind me of that one flowers...what was it called...? Hibiscus..? "
Said Muichiro.
"You remind me of water.... Useful and when at sea.... Sparkling.."
Said Giyuu.
"Your personality is bright and energetic...I will always pray for it to stay that way.. "
Said Gyomei.
But your personality is also soft and kind... It's one if the reasons why Kaburamaru loves you so much...
Said Obanai.
You can't believe them each and every one of their words fix your heart piece by piece you made them all get into one group hug even if Sanemi and Giyuu can't stand them..
"Wait! Hurry the fireworks are about to start" squealed Mitsuri dragging you and the rest outside. You guys found the perfect spot to watch the fireworks. as you all sat down you couldn't help but think of grateful you are to have such partner's "Thank you.. " you said as they look at you and smiled. You rest you head on giyuu's shoulder while you all watched the fireworks...
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ilguna · 10 months
Can I get 6 and 23 from list 2 with Finnick please?
☼ sunburst (Finnick Odair) ☼
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warnings; swearing, gun use, blood mention, ehh gore.
wc; 2.5k
prompt; 6. "I know, it hurts. I'm so sorry, but we have to get this out." AND 23. "You need to keep your eyes open. Just a little longer."
When you were recruited to be a part of the mission to storm the Capitol, you were under the impression that you’d actually be in some danger. You spent weeks training in District Thirteen, thinking that you were going to be running for your life every waking moment. It was supposed to be more like being inside of an arena, than a walk on the bad side of District Four.
Both of which you can handle, for the record.
What you can’t handle is the boredom that comes with being a member of the Star Squad. While you were told you’d be at the front lines with the rest of the rebels, the reality is that you’re stuck days behind them. President Coin is too afraid of putting their precious Mockingjay into danger.
It’s an interesting concept, considering that Katniss has expressed no issue in the past surrounding the idea of putting her life on the line. The first time she did this was when she wanted to get sent to District Eight, an active battlezone, to see the citizens there. The next time was District Two, where a gun was held to her head, and she still proceeded to give a speech, and got shot for it.
You suppose that’s the exact problem, though. She can be a magnet for trouble, whether she intends to be or not. In that case, you’re not sure why they didn’t tell you that you’d be stuck here with a mixed group, beforehand. You might’ve changed your mind and found a different way to help the rebellion.
And it’s not like you haven’t tried to have patience, because you have. It’s been severely run thin by the propo team—a camera crew from the Capitol, their only job being to film videos to slice together to show the districts. Their incessant need to get a shot of absolutely everything that’s going on has got you beyond irritated.
They’re so demanding with it, and all it is is a bunch of bullshit. They want you to walk down the street the right way, looking fierce and in the middle of battle. When in reality, there’s no one for a several mile radius, and all the threats are being given away by the Holo. A device that was made to tell you where the traps, the pods, are. 
If you could, you’d tell them that you’re done participating, but you really have no choice. You’ve been seen in so many of their other videos, that it’ll make the districts and the Capitol question why you’re not in the rest. Either they’ll think that you died, or that you’ve decided the rebellion isn’t worth fighting for.
Which isn’t true in the slightest. You just think that it’s morally wrong to be back here, pretending like you’re fighting, when the faceless rebels at the front lines are the ones almost getting killed everyday. You want to be up there, with them.
The rebels ahead don’t set off all the pods, though. They leave the mild ones behind, marking them as such, assuming that the group behind them will take it out when they pass. That group happens to be you.
Sometimes, Boggs, the squad leader, will see a pod on the Holo, so he’ll ask for volunteers to set it off, naturally. You don’t even know what the point of raising your hand is, anymore. He won’t call on you, or Finnick, or Katniss. He keeps his attention on the District Thirteen trained soldiers to do the important tasks.
Despite the fact that you had, once again, spent weeks training to be able to do something like that. 
What will happen is that Katniss will pretend to set off the pod with an arrow at a distance, to keep her from getting hurt by accident. While a soldier off to the side will trigger it. This makes the rest of you all duck for cover, afraid of whatever the pod has to offer. And when it’s all said and done, and you’re ready to move on, the next step is to reenact your reactions to defending yourself from whatever threat came out of the pod.
It’s been four days of this, and it’s driving you crazy. You’ll spend a few hours pretending to fight, and then return to camp for the rest of the night, safely out of harm's way. It’s taking everything in you not to ask Boggs to leave to go back to the Nut, where the rest of the rebel soldiers are. Maybe there, you can get reassigned.
The problem would be convincing Finnick to go with you, because he doesn’t mind being in the Star Squad. He thinks it’s great, because that means you’re not in any immediate danger. After what they did to Peeta, the last thing he wants is for the Capitol to potentially get their hands on you, or for you to die.
Neither of which you plan on letting happen.
The only way you’ll be able to get him to leave is if you do it without bringing it up to him first. Cut out the whole conversation on how he’d prefer if you went with Coin’s plan, instead of making your own. He has a way with words, and he knows this. That’s why your resolve can crumble in the matter of fifteen minutes, all because he’s the one reasoning with you.
That’s what you’ll do tonight then; you’ll go talk to Boggs.
The Holo begins to beep loudly, warning your squad that you’re coming close to a pod. Boggs slows his pace, opening it up to take a look. When he comes to a full stop, so do you.
A sigh escapes you, Finnick glances over, watching as you turn around to take a few steps away. This is the fourth pod that you’ve come across today, meaning that Boggs will probably call it a day after this. Even though you’ve covered more distance today than you have the past three.
“The Holo says it’s going to be a swarm of muttation gnats.” Boggs says, “Who wants to hit it?”
You turn to face the squad, watching as almost every hand flies up, with the exception of you, Finnick and Katniss. Even Gale, Katniss’s best friend from Twelve, has his hand raised. You think he’s been tasked once, which is the hope he’s probably holding on to.
Regardless, Boggs motions at one of the Leeg twins. “Leeg, I want you. The rest of you, go find someone to stand in the meantime.”
You cross your arms over your chest, shaking your head. “Predictable.”
“Come on, (Y/n).” Finnick grabs the underside of your arm, pulling you with him to the other side of the street.
The pod is disguised as an electrical box on the side of an orange shop. If it weren’t for the Holo, you wouldn’t have suspected a thing of it, but that’s the whole point. The pods are hidden in plain sight, meant for your eyes to glance over them, so that they can kill you later on.
The best the Capitol can do is gnats?
“Okay, Katniss, we’ll focus on pulling the arrow back, and holding it.” Cressida begins, she’s the one that has the specific propo visions. If this doesn’t go according to her plan, she’ll rework it and have Katniss do it over again until it’s right.
“Just a regular arrow?” Katniss asks, reaching back to grab one.
“No, we’ll have Leeg set off the pod, and then you’ll use an explosive arrow to kill the gnats.” Cressida says, looking at Boggs. He gives her an approving nod.
“What happens when that shot isn’t good enough and we have to start over?” You mutter, Finnick bumps your shoulder.
“I know you’re unhappy, but can we please not make enemies out of the people that could save our lives?” Finnick asks.
You look at Finnick, “I’m not making promises I won’t keep.”
You watch as Cressida gives Katniss directions on where to stand and how to hold her bow. This gives the cameramen, Castor and Pollux, enough time to find their angles, because realistically, there won’t be an opportunity for reshoots. With one of them on Katniss, and the other on the pod, Cressida gives Boggs the go ahead.
“On the count of three, Leeg.” Boggs tells her. Finnick adjusts his footing, prepared to duck if necessary. You don’t move from where you stand, staring dead at the pod. “One, two, three!”
Leeg shoots at the pod, piercing the metal that encases the gnats, leaving bullet holes. The sound of metal on metal screeches through the quiet street, as the door swings open, releasing what’s inside.
A startled scream comes from you as piercing pains hit you all across your body, throwing you back onto the ground. The back of your head slams against the cement of the sidewalk, causing you to squeeze your eyes shut, as the world begins to spin.
“(Y/n)?” Finnick’s voice wavers.
The punctured points in your body begin to deepen, as the shrapnel from the box begins to burrow in your skin. You grunt, writhing, eyes opening suddenly to see it for yourself.
It’s not shrapnel, they’re metal darts, and they've got claws that are digging into your skin.
“No!” Someone cries.
“We need the medic team!” Jackson barks, her voice is clear. “We’ve got two down, Boggs!”
“Copy.” He says.
From what you can tell, you got a brunt of the hit, a consequence of not taking cover like you were instructed to. There’s over a dozen of these, stuck in your body, going deeper as the seconds tick on.
“Get them out.” Your voice is rough, as you reach to grab one. “Get them out of me!”
“(Y/n), honey—” Finnick seizes your hand, keeping you from doing it. “Stop, leave them.”
“They’re in me!” You cry, “They’re going to kill me.”
“We can’t take them out. We learned this, remember? They’re stinting the blood, we have to wait for—”
“No, she’s right.” Katniss is standing at your feet. “Look at them.”
You don’t want to, not when they all move at once, ripping your skin open further. You can see the brief stream of blood in the air, before it’s gone, covered by the dart. It’s not large enough to block the chunk of skin it’s pulled from your body, though, because the blood begins to pool, quickly.
“Shit.” Finnick says.
There’s a girl crying, when you lift your head to see, you find that it’s the other Leeg sister, on her knees, next to the first one. The one that had shot at the pod, now has a dart sticking out of the side of her head. It’s already found her brain.
She’s dead.
You begin to breathe heavier when you realize that this will be your fate, too, if they don’t start to pull them out. Which must be the same conclusion that Finnick comes to, because he rolls back his sleeves, hands hovering over one of them.
You grab the heel of his shoe, knowing that you’ll need something to hold on to. He gives you a look, and you nod quickly, urging him to do it. The second that his hand is around the dart, it begins to wiggle. To keep it from going further, he yanks.
You scream, throwing your head back, body tense, as the entire world goes white. It clings on, refusing to be pulled off in just one attempt. 
“Stop!” You tell them, “Stop!”
“Katniss, I need help.” Finnick says.
She drops her bow without question to get to her knees to help him. You watch through blurred tears as she holds the dart while he pries the claws apart. It’s like a thousand needles jabbing into your skin repeatedly, refusing to leave the area alone.
And then they get it free, and the first tear slides down your cheek.
The metal clinks on the ground from Katniss dropping it. 
You can’t help the sob that breaks through your lips. This is just the beginning isn’t it?
“Hold on, honey.” He tells you.
“I don’t—”
He begins to pull at this dart, more aggressive than he was the first time. Unprepared, you cry through gritted teeth, squeezing his shoe. He manages to unhook it faster this time, but that means little to you.
Him and Katniss go back and forth, pulling them out of the areas they think will hurt the least. There’s a few times where their hands slip, which causes an indescribable pain. 
The pool of blood beneath you is growing. You can feel the puddle reach your fingers on your free hand, coating your skin in red.
“There’s only two left, (Y/n).” Finnick smooths your hair back. “These will hurt the most.”
“Just wait.” You tell him, grabbing onto the bunched sleeve.
“We can’t stop, or it’ll keep digging in.” He tells you. “Breathe, okay?”
“Finnick.” You warn, bracing yourself when he secures his hand around the metal dart, beginning to pull.
The feeling of your guts being yanked from your body, makes the dark spots at the corners of your vision come around quickly. For a moment, you’re gone, drifting off into the peaceful voice, until Finnick’s lifting your head up with one hand.
“You need to keep your eyes open. Just a little longer.” Finnick tells you
“I can’t.” You sniff. “I want to be done.”
“One more.” He tells you, lowering your head back to the ground.
“No.” Your lips tremble.
He grabs the dart, you squeeze your eyes shut. “Please! Please, please, please! It hurts!”
“I know, it hurts.” Finnick says, he doesn’t sound very happy that he has to do this to you. “I’m so sorry, baby, but we have to get this out.”
This one has decided to hold on, taking twice as long as it normally does. For a second, it almost slips out of their hands, when Finnick’s able to pry the claws open.
A faint sense of relief floods through you, but it’s gone when your body begins to tingle. “Finnick.” You whisper. With a shaky hand, you dip your fingers into one of the many wounds that will end up being scars. The exposed raw flesh against your fingers makes you nauseous.
It subsides slightly when you pull your hand out, and find an orange substance mixed with the blood.
“No.” Finnick says, looking at Boggs, presumably. “How far out are the medics?”
“They’ll be here any minute.” He says, coming over to see better.
“They need to have an antidote ready.” Finnick’s voice echoes, bouncing back and forth in your head, as he splits into two people, then four…
Your eyes flutter shut.
this was part of my 3k celebration!!
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