#i'm seeing a lot of areas i can improve on but dare i say. this is printworthy?
mintjeru · 1 year
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sunlight on water
open for better quality | no reposts
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floydhat · 3 months
Magic Assault Practices Opening and intermediate
(Esp video/En post w/ translation)
@prince-kallisto Here is the translation of this event ^^
(LOL, video translation is a little bad, but meh, Hikari (@sebbyphantomhive08) makes her own video with my raw -> here)
(I'm trying, notice me for any mistake)
Here are all together, all in time, I'm glad to see all of us here.
We are near to the hour to start the obligatory "Practical Formation" start it? Ah, yeah.
By the way, hear me. As I did not have much time longer, I went to the mountains, I noticed up that a new gibier restaurant, I be dying to go there. I want in the queue to 3pm. I don't know if it was a meal or an early dinner. It tastes tepid but really flavourful.
You know it? Gibier, for its own nature, the meat is fron different species...If it's not properly care, it can make some smells of it will turn dry and stiff. It's requires qualified techniques based on experience.
In a lot of situations, u need to make hard decisions quickly in that place. That's not something that u can learn on a day.
That's really hand made, u will fall in love with it
Can u stop seeing me as u don't matter this? This story concerns u, too!
Being able to make decisions based on experience is important, and mages are not different. This lesson of "Practical Formation" is obliged because the good mages need practical experience. We would like our students to be aware of the importance that therse lessons have, and for the lessons in the lecture hall too.
"It will be funny to use all magic that I want." If u think that way, U WILL REGRET THAT FRIVOLOUS IDEA!
Then, additionally, I would like explain this lesson.
"Practical Formation" is a lesson when u use the knowledge that u learned in the classroom.
From now on, u will dare your limits using your magic thoroughly in a virtual area in the Coliseum.
I supervise and calificate if the learning in the classroom is used in practice.
Yeah? Why is it in a virtual area?
Before, the "Practical Formation" was made in non habited islands or fields rented for that. But some students escape from teachers' eyes, we have a lot of blind points and they take advantage of that to don't make the lessons. We had a lot of disputes between teachers and students who tried to escape to their responsibilities, I was a lot of work!
Ah ...ah... today by today, go so further has no make sense.
Today, magical projectors' technology improved a lot. They're can show locations and enemies identical to the originals. With it, u can walk in the desert, take a bath in the forest, or explore the sea. From your home, we don't need to cancel by the bad weather.
In the past, how many lessons will be suspended by storms or blizzards? I mean, I'm glad about the technological advances.
In the virtual area, u will fight with the enemies generated by the projector.
Me, Dire Crowley, I will be the generated enemy!
For ur own security, the magic level of my vitual version is really low compared to me. I'm the headmaster of Night Raven College, I'm really strong, please, be prepared for this.
Yeah, I know that u would say: "The "wall" is really big, right?
But, if u try to pass those "walls," u will grow
U will be conscious of that, Now, let's start the Practial Formation!.
C'mon Dire Crowley instruction will begin, U will pass this successfully!
("Walls" like barriers of that)
Good job, u have passed this training very well! Excelent! It's a really confusing feeling see how my student hit me even though it is a virtual me, it's werid, but if this is the way, I will accept it with tears because I'm so kind!
Now, the Practical Formation will be more difficult. Let's do a little break to pass to the next stage. Considering how many time I need to configure the projector , u have around 15 minutes.
Yeah? If I completed this Formation?
I ask u, "You see me like that type of person that assign task to their students that he own can't complete?"
U can't see it, but I can clear it. Obviously, I can clear it! After all, I'm the headmaster of Night Raven College.
Eh? U want to know what I think about your work? I can't tell u don't, no, no, no matter how kind I am.
Actually I never do it, but I'm sure that I can do it
While u are answering the sentences on a text, u never will hear "Up to now, the number of right answers are 5" right?
If I tell u, others teachers will be upset with me. I don't want that that's would be pretty embarrassing for me in my position.
But if it's my personal opinion, I don't matter tell you in secret
I'm honestly surprised with the high level of my school. As a headmaster, I'm proud of that.
With that rhythm, maybe u can exceed me in the hard mode.
Please~ do your best! That's they way to the development of the school.
Now, I'm going to adjust the projector and make sure to be relaxed to the next levels.
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cerosin-bis · 17 days
(First of all, I'm a massive fan of your art and headcanons. I'm krueger girl any day of the week, and your art just makes me want to gnaw on him.)
I've been obsessed with drawing military gear for a few years now, and I love how your art style depicts everything. I was just wondering how you went about developing that ridiculously cool style? How much do you think about real anatomy and actual references of gear while still retaining the stylistic look? I always tend to struggle with overdetailing in certain areas, especially on plate carriers and guns.
Do you have any tips for someone wanting to improve in this specific area? (Other than heaps and heaps of practice, of course, haha)
Thanks, and keep up the great work!
Hello! Thank you so much for your kind words, I'm glad that you like my take on Krueger that much as fan, means a lot! 😊♥
Also, this is very high praise. In a lot of ways I think it's also important to remember that my artstyle tends to be very forgiving as my lines are naturally super loose. My anatomy isn't objectively good, but it works because I have a general idea of how body parts are linked together. i think.
My reply got super long (SORRY..) so it goes under the cut:
What made me develop my style was... gaining confidence. Over the course of the past 5 years, 90% of my drawings were the same 4 characters, over and over.
I got comfortable with the layout of their gear -> the more comfortable you are with something, the more you simplify it → the more effortless it looks → the more "daring" you get with it. I think it particularly applies to gear art.
Regarding specifically what you mentioned, here's my advice (this is personal advice from my experience, again, I lack actual solid basics and I only draw lined works, so this might not apply to painting!!!) :
Overdetailing: DRAW UNZOOMED!!! literally my n°1 advice. When I over-detail (you can see it in some of my posted pieces) it's exclusively when I wanted to correct smth and stayed zoomed in. Unzoom as much as you are comfortable with - I advise seeing at least 40-50% of your drawing at all times. Having a general view will help you not to "linger" on any part, and consider your drawing as a whole instead of separate parts.
References: use them, but don't get trapped by them. Basically: don't try to stick to them too hard. This is personal advice, but in my case, when I focus too much on a reference and try to replicate exactly what it shows (the exact angle an arm bends, every detail on a piece of gear, etc), my drawing ends up being very stiff and/or overdetailed. Try to draw your reference your way, with your proportions, while retaining the general idea of the ref - whether it is an entire pose, a body part, a plate carrier or a gun. It'll be less frustrating, and will get you to develop your own style quicker while making you improve.
I'll be honest - I lack actual, good anatomy basics and practice, which hinders me *a lot* when I draw or attempt drawing more elaborate stuff. It might not show because I find workarounds in my style.
My point is that.. despite this, you guys like what I do, and for the most part (I can't believe I'm saying this now) I'm confident with my artstyle 🥺 ... so, ultimately, it's about finding some sort of balance. Again, thank you for your words. I hope amidst my rambles you could find something useful. I'm rooting for you! 😤
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enasallavellan · 1 year
Chapter 4
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Serafina sees firsthand the destruction the darkspawn can cause and finally meets the other wardens and recruits.
Author's note: So I've been feeling a lot better lately. I'm slowly getting over a bout of pneumonia, and I'm keeping solids down. Debating rather or not to still go forward with the endoscopy or not - it's pretty damn expensive, and if I'm getting better it may not be needed. On the other hand, the medications I'm on might not be actually helping the root cause. I'd still appreciate any ko-fi donations (link at the bottom) or tips as all the medical bills have piled sky high, and I haven't been able to work since the first few days of May.
As the road faded, Duncan warned Serafina to be careful. Grass gave way to rocks and pebbles, and the once-even trail tilted upward. Serafina supposed that was one good thing about going up and down stairs all day - she easily kept pace with Duncan.
But further along, the trail took an odd turn.
Fallen trees, blackened and twisted, littered the area, and the once-thick brush seemed to have melted to the ground, leaving heaps of slimy refuse.
"Darkspawn." Duncan said gravely, "This land won't be usable for generations."
"The Darkspawn did all this?" Serafina asked in disbelief.
Duncan paused, coming to a stop. "They poison everything they touch. Look..." He kneeled down and pointed at one of the fallen trees. "I know this trail well. I've walked it many times." He shook his head. "Many of these trees are a type of oak—a particularly stubborn one. It's a struggle to cut them down and an even bigger fight to kill them. Some say fire only makes them grow."
Serafina surveyed the area, feeling a sudden eerie silence. "And the Darkspawn did all that?"
"With just a touch," Duncan replied, standing up straight. "Now you understand why we must eliminate this threat."
The silence felt louder than Duncan's voice, and a shiver ran up Serafina's spine.
"Come," Duncan said. "We should hurry. I want to leave this forest as much as you do."
The silence lingered for a while, even after they moved away from the blighted forest and entered a valley. Serafina never realized how beautiful a rocky outcrop could be—the windswept grass and scrub brush were a vast improvement from where they had just been.
"We're getting close to the meeting point," Duncan said, pointing ahead. "That's where your fellow Wardens are."
Serafina nodded, but her eyes were fixed on her own boots. Duncan allowed another moment of silence before she mustered the courage to ask, "How...?"
A sudden chill ran through her when he turned to look at her, and she quickly closed her mouth.
Duncan's voice softened as if speaking to an injured animal. "It's alright. What do you want to know? Soon enough, you'll be one of us."
She began to twist the scarf around her fingers. The light from the setting sun revealed the bits of stray fibers that had been fraying over the years, and again the ache settled deep. The fabric no longer whispered feather-soft over her skin. Instead, it whispered more akin to someone ill, throat raspy and rough. Even still, the comfort brought by the fabric embracing her fingers -
She nearly shouted as her heart jumped into her throat.
What was she doing?
She slowly moved her eyes, fighting against the drag of sudden panic to look at Duncan. He was watching her, eyes squinted, and brow creased in obvious concern. After another second, his features smoothed as he reassured, "It's alright." Then, as though the last moment had never happened, he repeated, "What would you like to know? You'll be one of us soon enough."
"I'm sorry." It was automatic - she had obviously done something wrong. 
Duncan simply shook his head again, "You have nothing to apologize for. Ask your question."
Again, the fabric muttered over her skin as she dared, "How many?"
"How many other Wardens?" Duncan asked.
She shook her head, eyes still downcast but detangling the scarf from her fingers, "No… other women."
"Of course." He said, "The group you'll spend most of your time with during this mission has seven…" He paused and said, "They'll help you adjust, and I wager you'll have friends of all kinds."
Again, an automatic nod.
"It will take time." He said, "But you are in no danger from your fellow Wardens." He did lean down to look at her closer, "That, I can promise you."
She wished she could believe him.
It wasn't long before they could hear the sounds of a camp ahead - men talking and a terrible clanging of weapons and shouting. She looked up at Duncan in concern, but he seemed unaffected by the noise but offered a smile, "Training, no doubt. You'll be with them soon."
"What can I do?" The unconscious thought slipped past her lips, and she felt the blood run hot in her face.
Duncan didn't seem to notice, "You might be surprised by what you can do. And once we have you a staff, you can do much more."
Finally, the tight path opened into the valley proper, revealing the camp below. It seemed more permanent than the camps she and Duncan had made, with multiple fires and many people milling about... A few horses were munching on grass here and there, and the entire area was dotted with clusters of tents.
Tens where she would be expected to sleep.
Her eyes scanned the group below, her heart speeding a bit more with every person. Some laughed, some chatted, and further off, groups could be seen sparring, yelling loudly as they did. 
"Are you ready?" He asked.
Twenty-seven men, she counted. Twenty-seven if you took Duncan into account. Twenty-seven possible threats, twenty-seven sets of grabbing hands. And with each man she counted, she felt the air leaving her lungs. Suddenly, Duncan's voice quieted, fading a bit, "I'm sure Warden Robin will take you under her wing no sooner does she see you." 
Her head bobbed with an automatic agreement, but her gaze remained fixed on the camp below. She couldn't tear her eyes away from the bustling activity, the distant sounds of laughter and clashing weapons, and the sight of men and their camaraderie. With a deep breath, she looked towards the other woman again.
Maybe she'd be safe.
Then again…
There had been other women in the arl's home. Women in the alienage. But she wasn't safe there either. They watched, shook their heads, made sad faces, and whispered among themselves how it was such a shame - but they were so relieved that it wasn't them suffering. Even Nell, for all her kindness and warmth, couldn't help her.
Best not to rely on it.
Duncan's voice jerked her back to reality, and to her surprise, they were both nearing the edge of the camp. Her throat felt tight, her tongue swollen as Duncan introduced her o the others, her eyes darting download when she felt their gaze.
"This is Serafina - our newest recruit." He motioned from one person to the other, voice going softer with every name. They were all looking at her, watching her, sizing her up. Even when she looked down, the heat of their gazes burned into her neck, and she felt her shoulders hunch.
“Serafina? Serafina?”  
The voice was higher than the rest, safer. She dared a look upward and was surprised to see a smiling face. Full-cheeked and bright-eyed, the woman spoke softly, "Thank the Maker for you. It's good to see Duncan bring along someone with a brain and hygiene - no offense Duncan."
"I'm sure you'll be relieved to have the company of another of your kind."
"We aren't aliens, Duncan." She sighed.
That same rumbling laughter echoed in his chest as he nodded, "And as for your fellow recruits, they're training with Warden Ethlam and Warden Fisher." He pointed to the group that still sparred beyond, "Do you see the smaller man, elven like you?" 
She squinted at them, picking out one of them with a staff strapped to his back, a blue tabard making him stand apart from the other recruits.
"He'll begin instructing you in your magic training for now. Depending on how you two get on, he might be willing to stay on until he feels your readying."
She nodded.
"Duncan," Robin said, "If it's okay, I'm going to go ahead and get her set up. She can meet the other recruits over dinner."
He nodded, "Of course - but if I could have a moment before you leave." He motioned for her to follow him.
Robin gently touched Serafina's shoulder, "I'll be right back." 
And with that, she left her with all the others.
There were a few blurry moments of questions that she couldn't remember how to even answer, much less how she eventually chose to.
"Maker, do you people always have to crowd the recruits?" Robin asked when she returned, playfully shoving one of the others away, "Ignore the amazing clueless wonders - they have no manners." She ignored the returning ribbing, instead turning back to Serafina, "Come on, I'll help you get your pack settled."
She followed, stealing glances behind her at the group of men.
"They're harmless." She said, "If any of them do anything you don't like, either tell them to stop it or come get me. They can be idiots."
She nodded mutely.
"But they won't hurt you." She reassured, "They might say stupid shit, but I don't know any of the Wardens here who do or say something if they knew it would upset." She slowed to a stop at one of the tents, "Want to help me over this? I can't deal with Clyde's snoring anymore." She quickly took it down, "And let me guess - Duncan hasn't taught you how to pitch your own tent yet?"
She shook her head.
"Thought so." They continued to walk away from the others, past the worn-down dirt and flattened grass of the main camp, "How about here? Might be far enough away to not have to hear it - or Maker, smell it. You'd think there were no rivers or creeks or lakes or some sort of place for them to wash their socks out every few weeks."
Serafina felt herself smile a bit.
"Here." Robin handed her a rolled-up canvas. It was heavier than she expected, like the winter blankets she would put on the Arl and his family's beds. Suddenly, the fabric in her arms felt like cold, sweaty hands.  
Waterproofing. That's all it was. That was the strange texture. It wasn't cold skin or winter blankets. It was like the cloaks she would wear during Antivan's rainy season, where day in and day out, there was nothing but rain and wind and clouds. Her cloak had been more smooth and not nearly as heavy. She used to love walking in the rain, dry in the cloak her friend had bought her and surrounded by the torrent of rain and wind. It was always an odd time of year when people stayed indoors for everything except essentials, and the running joke was at least half the population of Antiva were born nine months after the rainy season. Piovere bambinos - rain babies. She had been cone, born in the early few months of the year. If she was right, her cousin was one as well, as well as some of the other kitchen girls. She knew that Marta and-
Robin's voice jerked her out of her thoughts, and she saw the bones of the tent standing upright in front of her. Again, she had missed the entirety of the demonstration, and she could feel Robin's expectations shriveling up. But instead, she simply smiled, "That's alright, you'll need to do it to really get a knack for it - here, I'll help you."
It was easier than just watching. With Robin's constant stream of instruction, step by step, her mind wasn't able to wander so much. Soon enough, her own tent's bones had been raised, and Robin helped her with the canvas, showing her where to tie it to the posts and ensure it was all secure.  
And there it was.
Her first victory.
Her first tent.
That promptly fell over.
"It's alright, it takes practice," Robin said with a pleasant laugh, "If you want, we can share for now, and you can get more practice on the way to Ostagar - by then, you'll be an expert, I wager."
She looked at the pile of canvas and posts in front of her, then to Robin's pristine tent beside it.  
"Getting cold anyway." She added warmly.
Serafina felt a very small smile as she nodded, "It'd like that."
Robing grinned, "Great!" She took Serafina's pack and put it in her tent, "Duncan tells me you're a mage - a healer to boot!"
It seemed an odd time to talk about boots.
"To… boot?" She asked uncertainly.
"It's an expression." She explained, "It just means that we need mages - but we especially need healers - to boot."
"To boot." She repeated, "As though to say, it was a sunny day, and warm… to boot?"
Robin laughed, "That's it." She pointed to the man Duncan had indicated to her, "See the grumpy one? That's Ethlam, he's the only mage Warden we have right now, but we do have a recruit - I heard he's been recruited through the circle." She leaned forward, "He's a bit of a grouch, but he won't hurt you either. He'll help you learn to use a staff - one should be waiting for us at Ostagar when you arrive." She nudged her, "And if somebody crosses a line and needs a good whack," She added, slapping the ground, "You can just smack them with it."
Serafina titled her head to the side, "So I don't have to go to a circle?"
"Mages are free with the Grey Wardens." She said, "Bloody good - Cricles, rotten places I've heard."
"I wasn't afraid of them until I came to Ferelden." She said.
"You weren't afraid of them in… Antiva, I'm guessing?"
She shook her head, "Templars… they don't quite have as strong of a grip in Antiva - especially ones controlled by the Crows -" She cut herself off, saying instead, "They're..."
"A network of spies and assassins." Duncan finished, "I'm aware - we have some in the Grey Wardens?"
That caught Serafina off guard, "You have Crows in the Grew Wardens?"
He nodded, "Former Crows might be a better choice of words."
A little spark of hope lit itself - would that mean...
"Well, they raided a Crow nest." She felt her hands start to tremble as she continued, moving to adjust her sleeves to keep them busy. "A lot of the different houses organized to do the same to them... they've left -" She stumbled a bit, "They've left the Crows mostly alone."
Duncan's gaze was unwavering, "And they left you alone."
Her heart started to race, and she looked away, "I wasn't a Crow... I was born in the nest and worked in the kitchen."
"I see." There was no judgment on his face, and he said it with the same tone one might respond to a much more mundane past. 
"I promise, that's not going to happen." She said firmly, "You're safe from it all with us. No templars, no circles. You're safe."
The world blurred with that word.
 "And hey." Robin's voice was gentle as she touched her hand, a strangely comforting gesture, "You and me? I have a feeling we'll be good friends, and friends protect each other. Sound good?"
Serafina rubbed at her eyes, hoping to wipe the tears away before Robin could see them, "You… really think that?"
"Definitely." Robin said, "So, I'll break the face of anyone who bothers you, and you heal me up when I'm done fighting them."
For the first time in a very long time, Serfaina felt herself laugh.
Robin squeezed her hand, "I've got your back." After a few seconds of thought, Serafina nodded, "Thank you, Robin."
"Any time - now let's get some food, I'm starving." She stood up, pulling Serafina up, "And you need to eat seconds and thirds for a while. You'll feel better once you get some regular meals in you."
"Never had much to eat." She said, following her.
Robin chuckled, "Oh, trust me. They feed us well."  
Robin continued on Serafina's right side, putting herself between her and the men. She laughed and joked as though it was a mere chance, it was clear she was acting as a barrier. She steered Serafina to a spot at the end. After a quick reintroduction between Serafina and the other Wardens, Duncan introduced her to the other recruits. First, he motioned to a woman with rosy blonde hair wrapped into a tight bun, "Lady Alice Cousland of Ferelden."
The woman smiled warmly, "Well, it would seem the women now outnumber the men." 
Beside her, a dwarf with exceptionally bright eyes laughed, "Seems the Grey Wardens have wisened up, eh?" She extended her hand, "Henrietta Brosca - scheming do-gooder."
Serafina hesitantly shook it, the other woman's grip strong and sure."
"Prince Ulrich Aeducan, of Orzammar." A fair-haired dwarf said, giving a sort of half-bow to avoid getting up, "Stone-met."
An elven man piped up next, grinning so wide that his tattoo wrinkled around his eyes, "Andaran atish'a. I've never met an elf from the human cities. Is it really truly awful?"
It was truly awful.
But instead, she said, "It can be difficult sometimes."
"You had to say that?" A robed woman asked.
The elven man waved her away, "It's a legitimate question." 
"It's a rude question." She argued, dark eyes glinting.
Henrietta let out a dramatic groan, "Bicker, bitch, and bellyache."
"And the snake and fennec of the group." Duncan said, "Hanin Mahariel of the Dalish Sabrae Clan, and Cosette Amell of the Order of Magi.
"Not anymore, thank the Maker." Cosette said with a weak smile.
"I'm -" Serafina cut herself off, "Never mind, sorry."
"Speak your mind." Duncan encouraged.
Serafina settled her eyes on the fire, focusing on a particularly bright coal, "I'm a mage as well. But I never went to a Circle."
Cosette sat up, "You're an apostate?"
She counted the sparks that sputtered from the coal before answering, "What does that mean?"
"That you managed to avoid the templars." Alice explained.
Serafina nodded.
Duncan then nodded to the last recruit, a scruffy-looking man with a glint in his eye, "And finally, Recruit Daveth of Denerim." He turned to the group, "This is Serafina Tabris, also of Denerim."
Serafina forced her head up enough to look at each person quickly, forcing a smile.
Hanin had moved from his spot on a rock, instead reclining in the grass, "You two know each other?" 
Daveth's answer came quickly, "I highly doubt that." His eyes looked Serafina up and down as he spoke, "I certainly wouldn't forget a face like that."
Robin snorted, "Well, if it's about faces, then she might have just forgotten about you."
There were some appreciative laughs at the jab, and Robin took over introductions, "Remember Warden Fisher and Warden Warden Ethlam working with the new recruits?" She asked, "This is Warden Ethlam - he'll begin with your magical training and staff technique."
Slight and tall, Ethlam leaned on his staff, "Well met."
"Technique?" Daveth rested his chin in his hand, "Don't you just point and wiggle your fingers?"
"Blast and blast until you can't blast no more." One Warden chuckled, "Then smack when you can't use no more magic."
"It's a bit more complicated than that." Ethlam grumbled.
Serafina's thoughts accidentally turned into words before she could stop herself, "Even though I'm…" 
There was a long pause as every face turned to face her. Finally, she managed, "Even though I'm a healing mage?"
"Doesn't matter." Ethlam said, "All you need is to be a mage, and you can funnel magic through the staff and use it to attack."
She swallowed, head bobbing in a silent nod.
Ethlam shook his head, "No need for all that. We'll start tomorrow. You'll have plenty of time to ask questions then." He tilted his bowl back, drinking broth and getting up, "Speaking of, Cosette, I want to take a look at what you can do without having others nearby run the risk of getting set on fire."
One of the recruits scrambled up, a big grin on his face.
"Don't get cocky." Ethlam said, "Wiggling your fingers at books in the Circle is nothing compared to what you're going to deal with when we get to Ostagar."
"Is it -" Again, Serafina attempted to cut the words off, but at the insistent gaze of the others, she continued, "Is it really going to be that bad?"
"It's a blight, right?" Henrietta asked, "Never a good thing when that's going on."
Cosette asked “We’ve seen the archdemon, then?”
Duncan shook his head, "Not that I'm aware of."
"Then how can we be so sure?" Amell asked.
"Because they've been flooding into the deep roads closer to Orzamar than they have since the last blight. Henrietta said, "Sodding surfacers. We fight the darkspawn every day, but not a single one of you cares until they start knocking on your door."
"Excuse me?" Cosette started.
 "I think that's enough talk for the night." Duncan interrupted, "We still have ten days before we reach Ostagar. We should get plenty of rest while we're able."
The group lumbered up, making their way toward their tents.
"Come on." Robin said, "I'm going to go take a bath while we have a clean body of water."
Serafina sighed out, "Maker, a bath would be wonderful."
"You can use my soaps." She said, "They're probably a little nicer on the skin than whatever Duncan gave you."
She smiled, "I'd like that."
"Alright, I'm going to get - hey, Melchior!"
A man glanced up.
"Come stand guard!" Robin called, leaning over to Serafina, "Don't worry, he doesn't like girls."
"I prefer the company of other gentlemen." He said as he came over.
"Other gentlemen?" Robin snickered.
"I am a gentleman!" He argued, "Watching out for you two, aren't I?"
Robin heaved a sigh, "He is kind of great." She tossed Serafina a small bag, "And if he bothers you, say the word - and know I can throw a rock very accurately."
"Why is it always violence with you?" Melchior asked in an exaggerated whine.
"Oh, only when you deserve it." She said, "Come on, Fina."
She caught up with Robin, standing close to her as they walked.
"He's a good one." Robin promised, "Honestly, we could ask any of them to stand guard, and they'd be respectful. Now, some would still yell things and act like they were looking to be annoying, but they wouldn't actually do it."
Serafina nodded, hands twisting again. The red scarf ran between her fingers as she twisted it around them. Funny, how silk stayed cool and so-
Suddenly, her sense snapped back to reality at the vagally fatty smell. The bottom of her vision was obscured by the lumpy block of soap under her nose.
"There you are." Robin said brightly, "Floated off for a second there."
She went red, "Sorry."
Robing shook her head, "No, don't apologize for sort of thing. Now, come on, Melchior is way back there, and he's facing away. Let's get cleaned up, yeah?" Then, she gasped as she added, "Oh, can I -" But she cut herself off, "Never mind."
She looked behind her once before taking off her clothes, looking behind her every few seconds to ensure Melchior's back was still turned. "What is it?"
She waved dismissively, "Don't worry about it."
"Are you -" The following words came out in a gasp, forced out of her by the cold water, "Sure?"
"Sure." Robin replied, "It was one of those childish thoughts we all get."
Serafina grabbed the soap and rubbed it over her skin. The scent was softer than what she used in the alienage and felt less harsh and gritty. But it was still a far cry from the soothing, pleasant-smelling soap that was so common in Antiva. 
Another pang for her homeland thumped against her ribcage.
Serafina took the soap to her hair. She tried to be gentle, but she realized it might take some time between the harsh soap and the sheer amount of hair to wash.
"Oh, I can't stand it!" Robin laughed, "I don't care if it's childish - Can I braid your hair?"
The request took a moment to process, "You want to braid my hair?"
"Of course I do! Just look at it!" 
Serafina frowned a bit, scooping some of her long hair floating around her and examining it.
Nothing had changed. Still a dull, murky sort of brown. 
"Antivans have such pretty thick hair." Robin rubbed her hand over her short cropped hair, "Mine was so wild and curly, I just cut t off - but yours!"
Serafina frowned at her hair, "Not... really."
Robin threw her clothes aside, cursing and complaining as she went into the water, "Can't talk. Too cold. Shit."
"Why do you think I started right away?" Serafina asked before submerging to rinse the soap out.
Robin gritted her teeth against the cold, "My mouth taking over wins the day again." 
Luckily, the base campfires were still burning, so they could warm up before returning to Robin's tent.
"So…?" Robin asked, fingers wiggling in anticipation, "Can I?"
Already, Serafina felt a remarkable familiarity with Robin - it had been a long time since the last time she had felt the beginning of a friendship with anyone so quickly. And she was grinning so wide, eyes bright with excitement, that Serafina was happy to nod and say, "If you want to."
Robing laughed and clapped her hands in a surprisingly girlish manner, drawing a laugh from Serafina.
It was good to have a friend again.
Read the full fic from the beginning at my A03 here!
If you’re willing and able, feel free to donate to my ko-fi or drop a tip in the jar to help me afford my many medications to keep the crazy at bay!
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boinurmom13 · 1 year
hey guys,,,,…
back at it again at brainstorming what farms and farmers ill create once sve 2.0 comes out
idk if ive ever said this, or emphasized it enoigh, but im an avid jadu fan. like. i love him so much its not funny. like once 2.0 come out im dropping lance for jadu and camilla (im sorry).
so, in order to encompass that, heres a new addon to the barabell bloodline (if it isnt enough) with jo. (who actually pursues jadu)
there are shocking similarities between bo and jo its almost..,,, almost as if… almost as if jo’s one of bos… one of bos, and dare i say it, old designs. (shes not distrustful of guilds, tho, and is more rational than her cousin. otherwise theyre really similar in personality. they dont even knoweach other. i rly like to recycle i think its fun)
all of the extra shit under the cut cuz this is a LONGGG post
example here (pls ignore how bad it is ive grown ok. ive grown. ik the anatomys off. ik shes got back breaking tits. ik. ok. shut up)
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and now, the new and improved one! where shes just better. i love her. oh, and also, yes ik she looks similar to ophelia. theyre both old designs of bo, but also half sisters. yeah, thats right. ophelias mom had an affair. anyways, i love them both equally (no i dont i love ophelia more)
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anyways ik we had nothing on jadus personality but i cant help but think hes immature. like stupidly immature. and annoying. and talkative. but all in the GOOD way yk. ik his portraits and looks say hes probably more calm and mellow, maybe even a little cranky and professional, but also like…. his dialogue???
yes, jadu, i did kmow but mirages but thanks for telling me. i guess i am p well known im the guild… maybe, maybe just a lil bit hehe. im glad i stopped by too, even tho its just ot see ur face teehee
dialogue im referencing:
"Mon": "You've heard of mirages? Sometimes when it gets hot enough out here, the air shimmers, and it's like you can peer into a different world.$0",
"Wed": "I've heard people mention you a few times, @. You're pretty well known in the Guild, huh?$1",
"Tue": "yawn It gets pretty monotonous out here. I'm glad you stopped by to visit.$0",
yeah, but anyways i love jadu
did i ever share jadu headcanons? like, ever? im not sure. ik a lot of these are prolly not true, but i love to hc so many people as goofy. like. genuinely silly.
anyways, here's a bunch of jadu hcs
1) I know he's probably not going to end up AroAce, but I do not really see him being too into relationships. Like, he's obviously going to end up at a datable/someone who develops crushes considering he has blushing portraits, but I have never seen this guy being SUPER into relationships. he seems like he has little to no interest in them, or just doesn't experience those emotions. i might have to ease out of this headcannon, but that's cool. i can still heavily hc that he's demiaroace/grayaroace. who's gonna stop me? not any of you thats for sure.
2) super skinny. like. concerningly skinny. but he's self-conscious about it. idk if i've every brought this headcanon up in detail, but i've always imagined that magic can vastly alter the human body. like, it can go as little from pink hair (lance) to actually mangling and destroying the body from the inside out. in jadu's case, the energy the magic eats up leaves him without much fat or muscle on his bones. he often has to overeat just to keep up with it. the idea that he's never going to be physically fit for the job kinda bums him out, but his magic keeps him viable for his position.
3) silly. that's it. he's just silly sometimes. goofy, even.
4) really talkative. ready to info dump on anything he knows about, especially when under pressure/in high pressure areas. doesn't matter what it is. his job? yes. magic? of course. what happened in 2005? put a gun against his head and then he will. also really knowledgable in firearms. for no reason, either. like, he doesn't use them or want to. he just knows a lot about them.
5) if he does end up liking someone, chances are it's gonna be someone strong and independent. serious, but lets loose easily. like, as long as he can depend on someone and they don't need to depend back he's set. (mostly scared of accidently letting them down, but he's also kind of attracted to power that he doesn't have. like, he'd swoon over a chick that body builds proudly)
6) blunt. i think he's a really blunt person. not in a rude way, but also isn't afraid of telling the truth.
7) i think he's sometimes accidentally really horrible. like, saying things that would sound horrible coming out of any other person's mouth. don't get me wrong, jadu's a total feminist, lgbt ally/part of group, anti-racist, yada yada. like, he is super progressive, but sometimes it's just so easy to twist his words into something worse.
Jadu: I don't like the fact that you're right.
Jo: Why?
Jadu: Because it's you! It's just, you. And people like you. Like, I can't stand knowing I was corrected by someone like you.
Jo: Like me? So a woman? What, you think women can be right? Is that it?
Jadu: what.
poor example, but yall get what im getting at
8) genuinely funny. like, i think jadu would be an excellent comedian. probably pisses camilla and isaac off with out non serious he is. (camilla only in certain situations, tho)
9) really likes the song "macarena" even if it doesnt fit with the rest of his music taste.
10) probably a huge bookworm/nerd. i see him collecting old victorian romance novels either to rub it in lance's face that he has a larger collection than him (unaffective) or because he craves that kind of love, even if he can barely feel it. oh yeah, you heard me. jadu's INCREDIBLY guilty about his lack of romantic and sexual feelings towards people. it makes him feel like a total outcast.
11) short king. like isaac, i think jadu's probably considered short by American beauty standards. i'm thinking somewhere around 5'5-5'9 (165-175 centimeters to all my non 'muricans out there)
12) debating on whether or not i think he's trans. on one hand, yeah, seems like it. on the other hand, idk. maybe. if he is, definitely used magic to help him transition. (if i do end up hc him as trans, then he also definitely had a phase where he strictly used they/them and dressed femininely to try and convince himself that he wasn't fully trans. not that there's anything wrong with fem they/thems, or with trans people, but i think a lot of trans guys go through a forced feminine phase.)
13) listens to soad, icp, will wood, and slipknot. a little bit of lemon demon and tally hall, too. he also listens to a few mainstream indie rock bands, and a few old metal/rock bands.
14) fucking HATES math. absoltuely hates it. cant stand it. does not understand numbers at ALL. i actually think he's got dyscalcula.
15) also i think it'd be cool if he had echolalia, or at least frequently repeats phrases he likes or hears oher people say. mostly funny phrases, or phrases that aren't funny that he finds funny. (just like me when he repeats "shadow money wizard gang we loove castin spells")
16) definitely more internet inclined than any other guildmate of his. idk. i just think he's a part of the younger crowd, and therefore had some internet usage.
17) has a THICK galdoran accent, but has trained himself to talk in like 1000 other accents so he can mask his accent. like, if he was talking with someone from ferngill, he'd put on a ferngillian accent yk. mostly because his accents almost impossible to understand to non-galdorans
18) cannot take care of a plant even if his life depends on it. nor can he take care of a pet or anything similar. camilla cant ask him to babysit her slime (Sir Fredrick III, dont forget his name) because he'd end up cooking it for lunch without realizing.
19) loves exercise, but can preform in it well (due to the poor muscle growth). like, he loves going for a run or doing strenght training exercises, he just cant keep the muscle that he may put on.
20) has stupidly curly hair and cant control it for shit. has no clue how to maintain his hair, but is surprisingly good with makeup. like, REALLY good. (practices with camilla's makeup when she's not around. this does not make him less of a man do not say that)
ok there's 20. im sure i could come up with more (even nsfw ones if you gave me enough time to brainstorm. i have a couple but not a lot. as i've said, i dont see jadu getting down and dirty often, but ik he'll prolly be a datable once 2.0 comes out)
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backslashdelta · 2 years
Questions for gifmakers - 1, 3, 7, 9, 14, 17 and 21!! xx
Thank you!! I already answered 1 and 14 here, but I'll answer the others now :)
3. Which of your sets has the most notes?
Pretty sure it's this one which currently has 437 notes, which surprises me because it's Sebastian/Jesse/Sam and it's just... not something I would have expected to get a lot of notes lol. And it's usually not even the version with bonus Kurt that gets reblogged, which is a tragedy.
7. Who are your top 3 gif makers?
How dare you ask me this question actually. There are so many incredibly talented gifmakers. Can I choose all of them? Please?
I'm guessing you said no. SO, if I had to pick 3... I would probably have to say @itstruthtime, @tuiyla, and @crayonstoperfume. But I'm still very mad at you for asking me this.
9. What/who inspired you to start making gifs?
I just saw so many beautiful Glee gifs on my dash, and eventually started thinking "wow, I wish I could see a gifset of [insert thing here]!!" and in typical me fashion I dove headfirst into trying to learn to gif. It was... very rough at first lol but I'm getting there!
17. 10 sets, 8 sets, 6 sets? How many gifs to you prefer in a set?
I kind of like 5! I think that's a nice number. Unless they're side-by-side, then 6. Of course... I have definitely been guilty of making too-long gifsets because sometimes the concept just demands it, and there's also something really nice about 2-gif sets, so it really depends on the specific set I guess. I like shorter sets because they're faster to make though lol
21. PSDs or original colouring for each gif?
I have to admit that I'm... not entirely sure what this question is meant to mean? I definitely adjust the colouring, but even if I didn't I'd still be using PSDs (and alternately, you could presumably adjust the colouring in another program so you avoid PSDs altogether) so it doesn't seem like an either/or question.
Anyway, I do everything in photoshop and I play around with the colouring there. When I first started I didn't touch it very much, but as time goes on I'm experimenting more often and getting more comfortable with knowing what I'm doing, and I definitely think that's clear in the quality of my gifs. There's still lots of room for improvement of course, and it's definitely an area that I plan to keep working on, but I'm pretty happy with the progress I've made!
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fluffomatic · 2 years
Stress and the Consequences Thereafter
EDIT: After rereading I decided there was a few things that needed fixed so I hope you guys enjoy the improved version! It's not much different. Just fixed a few misspellings, weird sentences and added a bit more to areas that were lacking
Yall are getting a lot out of me today huh?? I really can't stop I just love Bruno so frickin much. I just want that damn rat man to be happy!!
Fandom: Encanto
Characters: Mirabel, Bruno, Pepa, Julieta, Abuela
Relationships: No Romantic Relationships
Word Count: 1,686
Description: Mirabel walks in on a strange scene. It was very sweet! But what happens when her Tio Bruno upsets his ruthless sisters?
Warning: This is a tickle fic!! If you're not interested scroll by!
Translations, (Disclaimer! I got all of these from Google translate so if anything is wrong let me know!)
Cariño-Dear (endearment)
Por favor bájate-Please get off
Eso hace tantas cosquillas-that tickles so bad
Por favor, te lo ruego- Please I beg you
The scene Mirabel walked into wasn't entirely uncommon. She entered the kitchen to help out her mother but her attention was drawn to the figures on a nearby couch. Bruno was tucked under Pepa's arm as he clinged tightly to her. Pepa's other arm wrapped around him, her hand was hidden underneath his ruana. 
    What was weird about the situation was the frantic giggles pouring out of her tio's mouth. Bruno was squeaking and squirming around in his sisters arms. Pepa's eyes were closed as she rested her head atop her brothers seemingly unaware of Bruno's predicament. Julieta eventually turned, sensing an extra presence in the room. She smiled as she realized where Mirabel's eyes were trained. "Hello cariño~" She wiped her hands on her apron and quickly hugs Mirabel, pulling the child out of her thoughts. "Uh...mama? What's...going on with them? Is Bruno okay?" Julieta giggles and nods "well why don't you go ask him?" Julieta smiles and resumes her cooking. Mirabel blinks in confusion but her curiosity got the better of her as she walked over to the couch. She stands over the two awkwardly, playing with her fingers. It was nice seeing her uncle smiling but she couldn't figure out why he was giggling so much. Despite not wanting to ruin the moment she couldn't help herself. "T-Tio Bruno? Are you okay? What's so funny?" Despite her calling him out directly he just squeezes his eyes shut tighter as he pulls himself closer to Pepa, the blush on his face getting much darker. Pepa giggles and opens her eyes to look down at him than up to Mirabel. 
"Ah sorry about him he was having a stressful day and needed help relaxing."
"Um...but why is he giggling so much?"
    Pepa smiles, giggling along with her brother. "Ohoho it's cause I'm tickling him" she says as she pulls up his ruana revealing the hand that was hidden before. One of her fingers stroking and scratching at his side gently. Mirabel's eyes widen, a smile creeping on her face. "Tio Bruno you're ticklish!?" She asks excitedly clapping her hands as she takes a step closer to the two. She can hear her mother laugh behind her. "Is he ticklish? Mirabel he's the most ticklish man in the encanto!" She places her finished arepas on a plate Casita rolled over to her and joined Mirabel's side. She heard Bruno whine against Pepa's side and shakes his head.
"Sh-Shut ihihihit..." Pepa and Julieta let out an overly dramatic gasp at his comment. "How dare you Bruno!" Pepa growls. "I can't believe you brother. You need to be taught a lesson!" Julieta remarks. Mirabel giggles as Bruno's eyes snap open and shoot over to her mama. "N-No!! No no! I'm sorry!!" He began to unlatch from Pepa but he didn't get far as she quickly pulls him against her again. "Ah ah ah! You're not getting away from me! You're so mean Bruno! Yelling at your sister like that?" "I-I didn't yeEEHEHELL!!" Bruno screeched as he felt his sister's hand latch onto his ribs and dig in. He flops down on the couch as Pepa follows him down, pinning him to the as she continues her assault. Mirabel beams at the scene before her. Bruno squirming and laughing loudly as Pepa ruthlessly attacks his ribs and sides.
    She feels her mother place her hand on her shoulder. As she looks over to her she sees the mischievous smile on her face and the evil gleam in her eyes. "You wanna help your tia Mirabel?" Her smile shifts to match her mothers as she quickly nods. "I'd love to!" She skips over to her tio, pulling his arms up and pinning them under her legs. Bruno screeches and tugs at his arms "M-MIRABEL!! Nohohahaha!! Dohohon't!! Por fahahahavoohohor!! Bájate!!! Help meehehhehe!!" Mirabel chuckles, wiggling her fingers next to his neck "No can do Tio Bruno~ You insulted my mother! Can't let that slide!" She gently scratches the sides of his neck, pulling a few snorts and squeaks out of him and he pulls his arms closer to his neck to try to protect himself. "Gaaahhaahhaa!! *snort* *snort* Ohohoho shihIHIHIHIT!! PEPA NOOHOHOHOO!!! ESO HACE TANTAS COSQUILLAS!! AAAHAHAA!!" Mirabel peers down to see Pepa began to attack his underarms, occasionally scratching back down to his ribs and ascending back to his pits. Tears start to well up in Bruno's eyes as his laughter becomes loud and frantic. "Oh goodness tio! How ticklish are you?? Geez you're so loud!" Mirabel snickers as her hands move to tickle around his ears. He let's out another snort as the tears finally start flowing. Julieta moves over to the two and gently pushes them, signaling them to give him a break. They pull their hands away but don't move off of him, hinting at a second wave but giving him time to catch his breath. "G-Guhuhuys please *hic* I-Im sorry! *hic*" residual giggles and hiccups escape his lips as he catches his breath. Julieta pretends to think about it for a moment but shakes her head. "No I don't think we're done. Plus I haven't had a turn yet! Mirabel, wanna hear your tio turn into a giggling mess?" Mirabel nods quickly and Juileta motions for Pepa to move down to his ankles and as she does she moves over next to his knees.
"J-Julieta pleeease no! Not thaaat!" Pepa snorts at her brothers pleas "Not gonna work hermano~! I haven't seen this in ten years! Plus you know when Julieta has it in her mind she's gonna follow through. You're screwed." Mirabel giggles "yea! And I wanna see this~" Bruno whines and squeezes his eyes shut. "J-Just get it over with..."
    Julieta smiles sweetly at her brother despite him not being able to see her. She slips her hand under his knee and stills as Bruno squeaks at the touch, instinctively kicking his leg out. The girls all laugh at the reaction. "I haven't even stahaharted yet!!" Julieta laughs. Bruno groans, wishing his hands weren't pinned down so he could cover the blush spreading over his face. "Y-You know thats a bad spot hermana..." Julieta snickers. "Oh I know." She begins to scribble underneath his knee and Bruno loses it. He gasps, his leg twitches as he tries to squirm away from his sisters devious fingers. He tries to hold his giggles in but quickly loses the battle. "Hhnnng- Geeeehehheheh!! A-aahahahaa eheheheee!! *hic hic* pffffttt hehehhehhehahahaa!! *squeak* t-tihihickles!!!" Mirabel couldn't help but awe at Bruno, his face scrunched up as breathy and squeaky giggles slip out, legs weakly kicking under Pepa's weight, desperately trying to hide his face in his arms but Julieta's torturous fingers drag another gasp out of him and distracts him from the pointless task. 
    "Is it really still that bad?" Pepa questions. "There's no way they're both that ticklish!" As she says that she weaves her hand under his other knee and joins in the assault, pulling another gasp and more frantic giggles from her brother. "Aaaaaayyyeeee!!! Eeehehehehehehee!! *snort* heheeehee! Eep! Aahahaa! P-P-Pepaahahahaa!" They continue to torture under his knees for a few more minutes until Julieta blinks in realization, seemingly remembering something. "Ohohoo! Hang on! Mirabel, get off his hands I wanna try something!" The tickling stops briefly as Mirabel scoots off. Bruno reaches down to cover his legs but Julieta grabs his wrists and pulls them over to Pepa. The other quickly picks up on what her sister wants her to do and she lifts her hands and scribbles all over Bruno's palms. Bruno screeches and begins to fall backwards but Mirabel moves to hug her uncle from behind keeping him up. "Aaaahahahahaaaa!!! NaahahahaaAAAHAHA!! PLEASE PLEASE NOT THERE!!! ANYWHEHEHERE BUT THEEHEHEHERE!! POR FAVOR, TE LO RUEGO!!" Mirabel gasps "Oh my gosh! Your hands are ticklish too!? Tio Bruno I think you might be the most ticklish person in the world!" She giggles as she hugs Bruno tighter the other leaning back on her as loud laughter shakes his whole body. "Oh goodness I forgot how ticklish you were here! Remember when we used to pretend to read your palm to make you scream like a little girl~?" Pepa coos
"PR-PRETENDIHIHING!!?!?! YOU BOTH SUUHUHUHUHUCK!!!" Bruno screeches as he tries to pry his hands away
    "Of course we were pretending! You think we knew what we were doing? Plus how were we gonna tell you anything anyway with you laughing like a banshee?" Julieta chuckles and nods to her sister. Pepa nods back and the two stop the attack and Brunos hands limply fall to his lap. Mirabel releases him and he falls forwards into his sisters arms. The smile still plastered on his face as he buries his head in Julietas shoulder. The two pull him into the hug, Pepa ruffling his hair. "So. You learned not to mess with us again?" Juileta asks quietly, a quick poke to his side to reiterate her point. Bruno squeaks and weakly nods against her shoulder, burying his face in more. Mirabel smiles at the scene and pats his back. "You feeling any better? Pepa said you were having a rough day." Bruno nods again "y-yeah...thank you guys."
    "I'm glad you had fun cause it's time for dinner." They all gasp as they notice Abuela's presence. They quickly stand up and start to apologize but Abuela raises her hand. "Don't worry about it." She walks over to them and smiles mischievously at the youngest of her triplets. "Seeing my Brunito laughing like that again saved you" She laughs and Bruno's face turns beat red "H-How long...." he starts to question but she turns on her heel and walks to the door. "Don't be late. Or do I have to remind you all who the real tickle monster is?" She looks back at them with an evil glint in her eye. They squeak and quickly rush behind her. She places a hand on Bruno's back as the others walk ahead.
    She leans in and whispers to him "After dinner it's my turn" She chuckles as Bruno covers his face
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dragon-kazansky · 3 years
Dangerous | Helmut Zemo
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AU! Race car driver Zemo 😎
Gender neutral reader
Collage by @realremyd
[Previous chapter] - [Next chapter]
Part 3
The next morning, after breakfast at the hotel, a call was made up to your room. It wasn't until you put the phone down that you realised you didn't have a way to contact Zemo. It was good he knew where you were staying. You would have to make sure to get his number later.
It felt strange to think about that. If he had your number, wouldn't that be like taking the next step? Were you getting carried away with this? Probably.
You couldn't ignore the fact you liked Zemo.
You never expected to develop a crush on a racing driver. It seemed like he liked you too, but you didn't want to get too carried away. This might very end up being a one time thing.
You make your way down to the lobby. Zemo is waiting for you. He looked so extra, but so stylish. A fur collared jacket, driving gloves, sunglasses on his head.
He turned when he heard you approach. His face lit up with a smile as you got closer to him.
"Good morning."
"Morning. You're looking smart today," you look him up and down, not so subtly checking him out. So much for trying to feel in that crush.
"Thought I would make an impression on you."
"You already did."
Zemo smiles at that. There was a proud feeling in knowing he had you hooked. Perhaps this would lead somewhere, but he would see. He didn't want to rush things and ruin any chances he may have with you.
He wouldn't do that.
"As I'll ever be."
Zemo leads you outside where another fabulous car is parked. You look at it, top to bottom. He can tell by your expression you're impressed.
"Just how many cars do you have?"
"Many. I could show you my collection if you like," he says, walking over to the car and opening the door for you.
You chuckle and climb in.
Zemo takes his sun glasses and puts them on as he gets into the drivers seat. He grins at you as he sets off.
You roll the window down and let the wind mess up your hair, wanting to feel that free feeling you got that first time. Even just sitting next to Zemo brought about all kinds of exciting feelings.
Zemo turned on the radio as he drove through the streets. There was a little drive to get to the garage his race car had been taken to. This gave him some time to bask in your company again.
He could get used to having you around all the time. In fact, he would love that.
Zemo considered himself more of a solo racer. Tony Stark always had fans hanging about, 'dates' in his stand watching him race. Zemo only ever had his pit crew waiting for him at the end of a race.
It was beautiful out. Even more so when you excited the town and got onto more open roads. You had no idea where he was taking you exactly, but you couldn't complain. if he got to see sights like this every day, that was amazing.
You glanced at him. He was tapping his fingers on the steering wheel, in time to the music playing on the radio. He looked so relaxed and in his element.
Feeling your gaze on him, he turned to you with a grin.
"What is it?"
"Nothing. You just... look so at home."
He laughs, the sound joyous and wonderful. It makes your heart skip a beat.
"I live in the drivers seat."
You laugh with him.
"What do you say we speed this up? Just like last time," he peers at you over his shades.
"Alright. Thrill me."
You didn't need to say any more. He pushed his foot down on the pedal and you laughed as the car sped up. With such ease, the car glided down the road. Not another soul in sight as the scenery became a blur, just like that first day.
No rules. No restrictions. No Stark.
Just two people enjoying each others company on the open road. What more could a man ask for?
In the distance, you spot a building. That had to be where he was taking you.
"Where is this?"
"It's an old air strip. Hasn't been used in decades. I come here to drive often. I asked my team to bring the car here so we can take a look at it, thought you may also appreciate the area."
You smile.
"It's stunning. There's nothing else around for miles."
Knowing these roads like the back of his hand, he speeds up further, gliding along the rear of the way with ease. Your laughter just fuels him to go faster.
You reach the air strip in no time. He slows down on the approach and pulls up right outside the hanger. He gets out first and opens your door for you. You chuckle as you take his hand and climb out.
Even with your hair all wind struck, you look stunning to him. He won't tell you that though.
You both head inside.
There it is. His race car. He exterior looks pretty good, just scuffed from where Stark's car collided with it, but nothing too serious. The crew were busy working away on it as you both approached.
"Who's this?" A voice asks from your right.
"This is Y/N, my new friend," Zemo says, introducing you. "Y/N, this is Sam. He is very good with cars."
"Nice to meet you." You shake his hand.
"What's the damage?" Zemo walks over to his car.
"The engine gave out. That's all."
"That's all? It cost me a win," Zemo narrows his gaze at Sam.
"It could have been a lot worse. We'll have it fixed in no time."
"Good. I need to win the next one, and the other two to beat Stark. He cannot win them all." Zemo stands upright after looking over his vehicle.
"Trust us, we're on it."
Zemo doesn't give him any more of a response and returns to your side.
"Want to look around a little?"
"Yes please."
He places an arm around your shoulder and guides you out of the hanger. You're blushing from his touch. It almost felt like you were made to fit against him like this.
You both go to stand near the car.
"How come you have such a big rivalry with Tony Stark?" You ask, gazing up at him.
"He doesn't like the idea that I'm better than him."
"Honest. Stark is an engineer and a genius. He can build a car from scratch. I know the ins and outs of cars. I know how to make them better, how to improve them. My cars are better than his, and he is threatened by it."
"Sounds petty."
Zemo shrugs. He is not ashamed to admit he is better than Stark. His whole vendetta is to prove it. He just doesn't have many chances left to do so.
"Aren't you worried?"
"No," he looks you in the eye, "I'm certain."
"Does nothing scare you?"
"Not yet."
There is no expression on his face. You have no idea what's going on inside that head of his. You knew he knew what he was doing. This was his job, his passion. That didn't mean the risks didn't apply to him.
For some reason, Stark's words came to mind. "He's dangerous." Not just on the track, he had said.
Was he?
Who was this man standing before you? His personal information was almost non existent online. Other than his racing background, there was nothing about him. You didn't even know where he was from. His accent suggested not from around here.
Did you dare ask?
No. You didn't want to. No matter how curious you were...
"Would you like me to drive you along the strip?" He asked, nodding across the field where you could see the straight road.
"Yes. Don't go easy on me."
"Wouldn't dream of it," he grins.
You both get into the car and he wastes no time in driving over to the strip. This car doesn't even remotely come close to his racing car, but he'd be damned if he didn't leave you thrilled after this.
He lines up perfectly. You hold on tight and smile at him.
Wheels screeching, whole body jerking, and nothing but the wind blowing through the window. With all his skill and precision, the car speeds up in handled ease. This man knows what he's doing.
You trust him with your life.
You wanted to thank your friend for bringing you to the races that day. If she hadn't, what would you be doing now? Working? Sitting at home? Studying?
Nothing nearly as amazing as this.
Zemo brought life into your world, and you didn't want it to end.
At the end of the runway, he turns the car with ease, though the power causes you to lean toward him as he turns the vehicle around. He almost reaches out for your hand, but focuses his attention on his driving. Back up you go.
He glances at you from the corner of his eye.
Could it be that there was one thing he wanted more than winning against Stark?
No, he didn't think so.
The car comes to a screeching halt at the end of the runway. Heaven knows how his tyres are doing.
You grin at him once the car stops.
"I'll never get tired of that."
He chuckles.
"That pleases me to hear."
Your phone rings. You apologise as you pick it up and answer it, disappointed it was ruining your fun.
"Y/N? Hey, how was the race yesterday?" It was your friend.
"Oh, uh. It was good." You lied. It hadn't ended as you had hoped.
"Great. What time does your train get in tomorrow? I have something super exciting to share with you."
"About 2 o'clock I think."
"I'll be there to pick you up. Oh my gosh, you will not believe what's happened. I can barely contain myself. I'll speak to you soon."
She hangs up.
You stare at your phone, confused. She sounded super excited, whatever that was about.
"Uh, no. Just my friend calling. She's going to pick me up from the train station tomorrow."
"I see. It's a shame you do not live locally. I would get to see you every day," he smiles.
You're blushing again.
"You'd get board of me really quickly," you say, tucking your phone away again.
"I doubt that."
"With your lifestyle? Definitely."
"I may live an exciting life, but you are a rare treasure any man would be lucky enough to have in his life."
"Are you flirting with me?" You ask, eyeing him suspiciously.
"That depends, is it working?"
You laugh.
"It might be."
"Then yes," he says, grinning like a fool.
You both sit there and laugh.
"Allow me to drop you off back at the hotel."
"I'd like that."
Much slower, he drives back to the hanger to alert the team he is leaving. They wave as you both leave.
The ride back is a lot more gentle, more casual. The radio is turned on, but the volume is low. Zemo is just basking in your presence.
He can't admit that he will miss you once you're gone.
The ride is over much sooner than he would have liked. Once again, you both sit there together.
You pull out your phone.
"Can I have your number?" You ask, biting the bullet.
He grins smugly.
"Already making a move?"
"Shush. Can I?"
He nods, taking your phone and putting his number into your contacts. You smile as you take it back, pretending his gloved fingers didn't brush against yours.
"I expect to hear from you," he says.
"I promise."
You go to get out, but he stops you by grabbing your arm lightly. You look at him, a little confused.
"Remember what I said."
"About what?" You ask.
"Come to the races, and I'll take you in a date."
You bite your lip.
"I haven't forgotten."
He stays there until you've gone inside, out of sight. His phone suddenly feels heavy in his pocket, waiting for a text or call.
He was in deep, he just didn't know it yet.
He thinks of you as he drives off.
@ajeff855 @moonstuffsteve @sky-writes-stuff @lieutenantn @lostghostgirl94 @friday18eo @yaskna @my-blood-is-maple-syrup @gingerwriter97 @lunamooney2406 @wilder-fangirl @nectav @whovianayesha @thesuitkovian @cathrin2405 @deathtothepatriarchy @belle82devart @dxrksxul06 @killeromanoff @alex-the-nb @latenightartist-author @hb8301 @goddessofmischief03 @xxidontwikeitxx @themeanestlittlewitch
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smolstarthief · 3 years
Persona 5/Persona 5 Strikers: Pro-Police or Anti-Police?
Hoo boy... So this honestly has been a LONG time coming on my end because I have seen so much of that debate on social media (Twitter namely) and I can see the points of BOTH sides but there have been moments where it just got out of hand... Especially whenever people tried to put in a more grey/nuanced take only to be slammed and taken out of context. Even repeatedly mentioning the interrogation at the beginning of P5 which, I will admit has gotten tiresome. At least for me, I do still feel for Joker and I wished the game acknowledged his trauma more but there's a thing called, "beating a dead horse" and this is one along with "Haru says ACAB" in Strikers (which was done THREE TIMES in the same arc and it got annoying fast, like shut up already! We get it!). So, let's dive in a little bit:
Persona 5/Persona 5 Royal
Now let me just say I know! Police in Japan are just as bad if not worse than the West and I STILL hate the idea of Makoto wanting to become a cop for such naive reasons (especially with what happened to Sae, her own sister!)... But there are at least some of form of nuances sometimes and by that I mean, I can see what they were trying to do? I do agree that P5/P5S backpedaled SEVERELY by deciding to sweep issues under the rug after addressing them and not continuing from such. In fact I feel like it could have been a hell of a lot better. But P5 did something different compared to previous games and addresses the issues DIRECTLY right at the beginning of said game! It was tense and horrifying, but needed. Of course... They then sweep it under the rug and act like nothing traumatic happened to our protag which is NOT a good look at all and I'm still pissed off about it. In the main game's case, it's portrayed as more black and white with only a SMALL amount of nuance like that cop that was trying to help Futaba when she went out by herself and got lost (which people ignore entirely by the way). So I CAN see where people got the "anti-police" message from... But that's only the tip of the iceberg as it's ACTUALLY more about Systematic Corruption, not exactly or JUST police corruption. Namely in politics with Shido and the Conspiracy (which is apparently still somewhat around in Strikers until Owada's downfall) controlling everything all the way to law enforcement. The force had been basically under his payroll (including the corrupt SIU Director before his death) whether by force or not (mostly not in this case though). Now honestly, the police depicted there are undoubtedly rotten to the core save for a VERY SMALL handful (the cop that was trying to help Futaba which, again, gets ignored by several). Look at the interrogators who ruthlessly beat and drug a minor without any second thought or remorse for example. But again, the black and white narrative the game kept unwittingly doing ended up being to its detriment in a way. I'm not defending those assholes AT ALL! They deserved every punishment given to them! But for a game that goes on about grey morality... It doesn't quite deliver on that. Still though, it does emphasize that it's more of the fault of the whole corrupt system, not just one part of it. There needs to be change and reform which is what our MCs were trying to do in a way (more like inspiring change but still). In the end, it's all about the following:
Corruption and abuse of power.
Again the police depicted in this game were incompetent at best, corrupt at worse with very few silver linings. But it's not just them but rather the one person responsible for the whole mess. Who had them under his payroll? Who controlled them and by extension all of Tokyo? Who was willing to dispose of anyone who "outlives their usefulness" or is perceived as a threat to what he wants (including his own family)?
Bottom line: They are definitely a problem but it's not just them.
"But, Joker and his trauma?"
I definitely understand that and still do. I fully believe he has and still has trauma with the police. Easy! But... I do feel like people go too far with it sometimes. It's hard to explain but there have been moments where people either use it as a justification/argument against someone trying to provide a more nuanced view of things or... Dare I say, depict him like a "uwu soft traumatized boi." Like I said, it's hard to explain on my end so feel free to ignore it. Everyone deals with trauma differently so there is STRONG chance that I'm overanalyzing it. I just remember moments where I just feel a little, I guess annoyed? I'm not sure exactly but final thing: I understand what he went through and I can't imagine how long it would take to recover but I hope he DOES overcome it.
"Sae? Akechi?"
Yep, even though their jobs are different, they are by and large members of law enforcement no matter how you spin it. Both were broken in a way. Akechi is pretty easy to explain with how Shido negatively impacted his life but not much about Sae, who dealt with sexism/misogyny at her workplace along with the trauma of her father's (also a cop) death. She no doubt had some idealism only to be hit with the fact that she's gonna have to use underhanded/downright illegal tactics to get by and even rise up the ranks. She, therefore ended up (well, nearly) corrupted herself before coming to her senses. That's honestly one of the BIGGEST REASONS why I felt like Makoto joining the force to become a police commissioner isn't a good, even a downright naïve, idea. I honestly would have been somewhat fine with it if it weren't for that fact among other things. Regardless of her willpower, it will go south fast.
Now... Onto Strikers!
Persona 5 Strikers
Since the game came out and I started playing it, I still feel like the system is still beyond saving, especially when attempting to do it from the inside. But I don't mind the added nuances that P5 didn't do much of. It's still continuing the critiques, just shows more of what does happen within said system and even has an ACTUAL officer (Zenkichi) say, "Yeah, my job sucks, everyone's corrupt, there are much better ways to do things and make a change but not this. I'm only staying because I have a daughter to take care of and it's all I know. I'm no different from them." Was it all handled well? I wouldn't say "yes" (Joker's trauma is BARELY addressed at all of course) but a little better than what P5's narrative did which only addressed the issues but not exactly follow up on them. Now to be fair... In the system, regardless of where you live, any one within it who remotely tries to do something or speak against it either lose their jobs or even go "missing" irl. Those have happened and it's more proof that yeah, it's rotten to the core. There's no denying it but regardless, that's NOT what the game is about at all. At least that's what I feel about it as it's only PART of the narrative. I think Zenkichi puts it best here:
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Speaking of Zenkichi... Oh boy... Now I definitely understand some of the criticisms with him but honestly, he was the best written (PT) character I've ever encountered! He was honestly the perfect representation of those that genuinely want to help and do good, only to be held back by an extremely harsh reality. It was already hinted at with Sae but here? It 100 percent confirms just how harsh and even cutthroat it can be if it could break someone's idealism so badly. Even Kaburagi of all people thinks the same thing Zenkichi said:
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Then there's his past and it's a tragic one! But let's look more at the decisions he ended up making:
While it was no doubt done to protect his daughter, he ended making a selfish decision along with a selfless one (which was brilliant!) with not only allowing the cover up of his wife's death and denying justice for her, but also ruining an innocent person and their family's lives.
It's horrible, but also... There's a grey area/nuance as with the rest of his character. It was both understandable, but also wrong as he, as Akane's Shadow puts it:
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He sacrificed his values, his morals, all for the sake of having a peace of mind. Speaking of Akane, she's also an interesting case in a way that she more or less perfectly represents the more "black and white" views on justice in general. Namely the more toxic/biased kind. Her reasons are also understandable but she was also acting selfishly by only focusing on how SHE was effected by Aoi's death and not even considering those that were also grieving her death and/or that people grieve/handle grief differently than her. But back on topic.
Her own views and beliefs that law enforcement basically SHOULD be dismantled (mostly out of said childish bias and black & white views) and it's framed as WRONG and it's very much correct on that. Chaos and order are two sides of the same coin, one can't exist without the other. When I say ACAB, I'm calling for reform, defund, have the corrupt held accountable for EVERYTHING and even face jail time for their crimes! Defund the police, have the ones that arrest, harm, and even murder out of bias (race, gender, etc.), lose their badges/jobs and locked up, make improvements! It's saying that there IS still corruption out there and there's no denying it. But fully eliminating the law in general will just lead to more problems. Now granted, she's young and clearly doesn't fully understand why those views are ultimately wrong but still... It was a very interesting subject to tackle and I feel like they handled it well.
Now back to Zenkichi, he was at first in denial about his decisions ultimately being the wrong ones too and even tries to justify it. Of course, his Shadow said otherwise and that was when he finally admitted that he really did act no different from the criminals he despised. But it also doesn't mean he can't redeem himself and that's what ultimately leads to his new resolve:
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That right there along with everything else! There's the nuance! And ultimately despite some hiccups, Strikers handled the grey morality and nuance beautifully! Especially regarding law enforcement! Dare I say, even better than the base game! It continues the critiques with no problem but also showing different sides and areas of it! There is good and evil, but what about in-between? What about the more greyer area? It still says that there IS corruption, sometimes even beyond saving but... Sometimes a small silver lining is hidden somewhere.
Now, the ultimate question:
Is P5 & P5S (namely the latter) Pro-Police or Anti-Police?
Personally, my answer is this: Neither.
Why? What theme do they both have in common?
Someone puts it best on Twitter that the games are more pro-justice and I fully agree!
P5/P5S gives the idea about following your OWN justice, your OWN moral code and rules, paving your OWN path and not let others dictate it! That's what the MCs ultimately start to learn in both games. Therefore it's pro-justice. Again, do I agree that the system is beyond saving? Yeah. Do I at least acknowledge and understand what the narratives are trying to say and nuances regardless even if I don't agree with some writing decisions (ex: Makoto wanting to become a commissioner despite everything)? Also yes. But at the same time, don't judge a book by its cover for other people (not just law enforcement and politics mind you). Especially some that genuinely DO want to help at best. That there is nuance and greyness, just have to look closely. Some of the MCs are still TERRIBLY written and executed (even annoying) but the message was still somewhat there.
Final Thoughts
Now I fully understand how you all feel of course! I still believe in ACAB and even I agree that maybe I'm one to talk and have a lot more to learn about the world... This is just my own attempt at putting my own two cents in. If you disagree, that's fine! This is just what I've felt should be at least talked about more often. And I tried to phrase it as best as I can without coming off as insensitive or ignorant and if I did, I sincerely apologize for that! I'm not trying to say, come off as a "bootlicker" or any of the sort. I'm just trying show discuss more of the grey areas and nuances that are, more often than not, constantly overlooked. How one interprets both games is ultimately up to them. You, the player. And this is my own interpretation. Simple as that. I hope you all have a good day/afternoon/evening!
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I just saw your post on the matchups,,, but first of all - CONGRATULATIONS!! you deserve it so much<3
and can I please request a match-up?
my pronouns are she/they and I'm a lesbian! I'm infj and aries!
I'm 5,6 and I have brown-purple long length hair with hazel eyes.
I love learning about flowers and lgbtq+ history, singing, exploring nature, traveling, and baking! oh, and painting rocks!
well, I'm very quiet and closed off to strangers. but with my friends, my personality totally changes. they describe me as kind, responsible, chaotic, and pretty cheerful! but also realistic and honest (in a nice way?). I think that fits my actual personality.
I'm a very good listener, but I also really want someone to listen to me. also, someone that tells me how things are and is pretty good at communication because I'm a big overthinker. physical affection would be great as well. just someone who loves me as much as I love them.
my worst weakness is being bad at confrontation! but my biggest strength I think is being cared about others.
I also love picnics and studio ghibli movies!
I don't know if this helps but I listen to Mitsuki, mother mother and marina and the diamonds a lot.
photos for the relationship would be better, please!
thank you and congratulations again꒰⑅ᵕ༚ᵕ꒱˖♡
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Okay okay okay, I know this is a character matchup but like... can I match you up with me? You literally sound perfect.
Also, amazing taste in music, Mitski and Mother Mother are totally my two favorite artists!
Enough of that, I match you with...
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Okay, reading this ask, it was basically screaming Annie at me
It feels like it would be a really stable and mutually beneficial relationship
At first, she was drawn to you just because of how quiet you were
Because, thank god, there was someone in the cadets who knew how to keep their mouth shut
Plus, she couldn't deny at all that she was physically attracted to you, too
So, for a while, she stuck by your side, watching over you like a hawk would to her territory
But, over time, you seemed to start talking to her much more
It surprised her at first, but she quickly decided she liked the talkative you much better
You seemed so genuinely happy to be near her, always smiling and spending time with her, no matter how stoic and unresponsive she stayed
And, she couldn't deny that occasionally getting roped into your little schemes and jokes was a little amusing sometimes
The more time she spent around you, the more she felt her affection grow towards you
It started with just an innocent curiosity, but was quickly growing into a genuine crush
She resisted pretty fiercely at first, refusing to admit her feelings or, heaven forbid, confess
But time passed, and it grew harder and harder for her to hide it
The way you would so casually put your hand on her shoulder, acting like it was such a platonic gesture. It was, to you, but to her, it made her heart flutter and her face redden
But she'd persist on keeping it hidden
That is, until she can't take it anymore
Having you around her so often, being so friendly to such an aloof person like her... it was driving her wild
So, one day, she quietly led you by your hand to a small open area in the forest near the barracks, having brought a soft blanket and a handful of stolen food for the two of you to share
She listens intently as you talk to her about whatever currently interested you, eating her portion of the food and making sure there was plenty left for you
Eventually, the sun was starting to set, and the two of you had ran out of food. You had to head back in soon, and Annie suddenly had no more time to stall
She quietly confessed her feelings to you, spilling the words from her heart in a moment of vulnerability that seldom surfaced
She raised her head to meet your glance, and you could her the slightest shake of nervousness in her voice as she asked if you liked her back
Which, you did, and you made it clear that you did very quickly
And boy, she was elated
Not that it showed on her face, but her heart was practically doing cartwheels as you moved over to hug her, and she immediately hugged back, practically involuntarily
Following the start of your relationship, Annie still stayed closely by your side, almost like a protector (a knight in shining armor, if you will)
If anyone, anyone, tries to start shit with you, she's immediately there to tell them that "she doesn't want anything to do with you, back off"
But, when the two of you are alone, she gets very soft
Insists on touching you in some way
Not sexually, but just laying your head in her lap, or leaning against her chest
She'll just melt having someone who she cares about deeply, someone like you, so close to her
She truly feels like she has the whole world in her arms whenever you cuddle with her
Refuses to let you go whenever there's "still extra time to cuddle"
She will spoon you the entire night, and dare you even try to wiggle away, she's pulling you right back
Even when she's asleep, she'll always make sure that you're firmly against her front, like a giant teddy bear she refuses to let go of
Whenever you're anxious or upset, she makes sure that she's the first one you go to
She's not the best with words, but she can sure as hell listen
She'll always make sure you've vented out all your feelings, be it frustration, anger, sadness, grief, anything
She'll cradle you in her arms and pull you against your chest if you start crying, coddling you in the most comforting way she can manage
And if she's upset about something, she'll be a bit hesitant, but she'll ask if she can talk about something with you
And she sounds alarmingly small whenever she vents like this
Sometimes she might want to cuddle, other times she wants your words to reassure her that she's worth it, and sometimes she just wants someone to listen patiently
Sometimes, when it's really bad for her, she'll ask you to sing for her, and by the time the song is finished, you'll find her already asleep against your chest
She even started calling you her little songbird on occasion after that
But don't be fooled by her nonchalant behavior, this woman would do anything for you
"Alright cadets, sparring is up! You'll be on free time until the sun begins to set, then file into the cafeteria for dinner!" Commander Shadis shouts over the commotion of the sparring ground. You finally stilled your movements, dropping your fists from their defensive stance and letting them fall to your sides, taking in a large sigh of air. Immediately, almost all of the cadets, including your training partner, dissipate to seek out their own little friend groups, using the rare free time as a chance to unwind and relax with your friends.
A warm hand on your shoulder startles you out of your breathless and oblivious state, and you turn to find the owner of the hand; none other than Annie.
"Hey, I was watching you from where I was sparring." She started, moving her hand in slow circles to lazily massage your shoulder in a calming manner. "You're technique is improving. Well done, you're catching on fast."
You sigh, tilting your head back to stare up at the sky. "Yeah, I guess..." You mutter. It didn't escape you how your voice sounded fragile and weak, but you weren't surprised. You had been feeling pretty awful for the past few days now, and as time passed seemingly without any time to breathe, you could only feel as the soreness seeped through your muscles, headache already starting to pound away at your temple, throbbing painfully.
Annie tilted her head to the side slightly, eyebrows furrowing in concern as her hand stilled. "You okay? You don't sound good."
"I'm fine, just didn't get enough sleep."
"Liar." She spoke bluntly. You knew she was only trying to pry out what was wrong, but it didn't stop the sting of the word. "What's really going on? You can tell me." Her voice softened drastically from her previous tone, practically coaxing you to spill all of your worries onto her.
“Really, don't worry about it-"
"HEY Y/N! ANNIE!" An obnoxious voice called over the buzzing of voices left and right. The short-tempered brunette, Eren, jogged over to where you two were, trailed closely by Armin, Mikasa, Jean, and Reiner.
"We're going out to the forest to see who can collect the most berries, wanna come?" He chirped, inviting you into his little competition. If your body didn't feel like pure shit right now, you would consider joining him.
"It's fine." Annie interjects, taking a few subtle steps forward, standing in front of you to avoid bringing you into the purposefully short conversation. "She isn't feeling well, we're going to head to the barracks."
Eren's eyes traveled from Annie towards you, then back at Annie. Finally, he shrugged, turning around and walking away. "If you say so. But I'm not sharing any just so you know."
Once the small group had all started in the direction opposite of you and Annie, she took your hand firmly. "C'mon." She mumbled, tugging at your wrist to get you to follow.
She led you exactly where she said she would: the barracks. There, she found your bed, the one you had agreed to share with her, pulling the blankets up and climbing underneath them. Silently, she stared at you, patting the space next to her as an invitation. You obeyed silently, lying down next to her, and feeling a small fraction of the tension in your body melt away the second Annie's arms wrapped around you.
"Are you sure you're okay? Seriously, I don't like seeing you look so miserable." She muttered into the crook of your neck, hand searching under the blanket for your own, soon finding your it and rubbing comforting circles over the back.
"Mhm..." You groaned, already fighting off the urge to close your eyes and fall asleep right then and there. "Just... tired. I feel like Shadis hasn't given us a break in weeks. I'm so sore... and tired..." A quiet grumble breaks through the silence, from what you presume to be your own stomach. "...and hungry." You finish.
Annie laughs softly at your last statement, heat rising to her cheeks as she moves her body to kiss you on the forehead. "I'll make sure to split some of my rations with you darling, I don't mind."
Her soothing voice had an unfortunate (or fortunate, it all depends on the situation) effect on you, sleep already trying to grasp you and pull you into its realm.
"You don't... have to..." You mumbled, lolling your head to the side as your eyes slipped shut, all attempts at protest dying in your throat as you plunged into unconsciousness.
Annie smiled softly at your sleeping form, pulling you closer and planting another kiss to your forehead. "Sleep well."
(I couldn’t make the images smaller help 😥)
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owlsbride · 3 years
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Icha Icha and prejudice:the Book Club
Chapter VI: The Plot Thikens
Sakura entered her apartment still trembling. It had been just a few silly words, but they had let her dizzy, flustered and, trembling. She recalled the words for herself once and again with her back against the door. "Have a good night you too, Lizzie." She was so naive, so childish. In an instant, she forgot their little fight about suitable marriages, and how Kakashi had shown on his behalf, that being a Hokage was much more than being a polite, pretty face to shown around towns or councils. That if something was suitable for the village, he will just go for it no matter what, without thinking twice. Meanwhile, her, the sweet and lovingly Sakura, only sees marriages as the union of two people celebrating their love, that only death could tear apart. She was helpless. Hopelessly devoted to love.
And maybe the reason why she was absolutely alone.
'That was not a fight Sakura.' Sakura rolled her eyes, stepping away from the door.
'I've been in fights, and trust me Sakura, that was not a fight.' She pondered for a moment the words of Inner Sakura. If that hasn't been a fight, what other thing would have been?
"If that was not a fight according to you. then what was it?" Sakura asked herself while making a coffee, messing everything in her kitchen more than necessary.
'It was just a talk' Inner Sakura began knowingly 'He was just stating how good the union between Shikamaru and Temari was going to be for both villages.'
"Yes, I know that" The real she was expecting something else, something more revealing. Maybe Inner Sakura understood Kakashi better than her. '
What else do you want to find, Sakura?' that know-it-all voice.
Sakura was silence contemplating her mug with the brown steamy liquid inside.
'Look, you wanted him to tell you how happy he was about the future possible wedding, how he hopped for the babies to come fast, and how much he wishes someday he would feel the same.'
"Well..." Sakura opened her mouth "Yes, I guess I was expecting something more heartedly" she finished dropping her shoulders. She never noted she was so tensed.
'Sakura are you kidding me, or you for that matter?' Inner Sakura was outraged 'You've been dating 2 years Sasuke, and now you expect his mentor to be an emotional sweet man, capable of lay all his feelings on the table just like that.'
"Maybe yes, maybe I thought Kakashi was different" Sakura was at the verge of tears "maybe I thought that he still has feelings, even if he is so broken."
'Listen to me and listen closely, cause I'm not going to repeat something that we both already know.' The voice in Sakura's head for the first time was tender, sweet, friendly 'He is broken, yes. He is as cool as a cucumber, and an aloof, but he would never hurt any of you. He told you himself that. He is a tough guy, a killer if it needed, so how can you pretend from him to just pour his heart out in a restaurant table.'
"You are right but..." Sakura was ready to protest once more.
'Sakura, you are too immersed in that book you gave him. Idealizing love and relationships, hoping that from one day to the next Kakashi transforms into Darcy' Sakura was starting to feel tired of this conversation.
"It's not like..."
'Sakura, do whatever you want, but stop expecting things from others that are not willing to give. Instead, why don't you focus on Icha Icha?'
"Yeah, like if that could help me in something." Sakura concluded.
'You never know.' Inner Sakura slowly walked away from Sakura's primary thoughts, leaving the hard work to be made by her own. Sakura went straight to the shower, hoping that it would help her to think clearly.
Maybe she was expecting too much about all these things around the books. Perhaps she expected him to notice her into another light, where they could both share life together, even if they already share one. Maybe with Pride and Prejudice, he would note some things about its characters that could be related to them. Maybe if Kakashi read some of her own thoughts there... Nah, she was being too rational and deluded and foolish at the same time. Probably Kakashi was taking the book as it was: a teasing game between them. Two idiotic friends and co-workers, who like flirting (a lot) with each other.
But, cause there is always a but, Sakura found herself asking why Kakashi has addressed her, not once but twice, as Lizzie. Of course, Elizabeth was the main character of the story, but why her? He could have called her Jane. Yes, Jane, always looking for the right husband, the real love, a suitable one but a man splendid as the sun, a true gentleman, honoured and lucky. Or he could have called her Mary, the intellectual Mary, the one who is always felling apart. Mary, who doesn't relate with Jane and Lizzie, and neither with Lydia and Kitty, because she was exactly in the middle. The outcast girl that someday will be ready to explode all her professional habilities and became the most notorious nin doctor of Konoha.
'My God, Sakura, I can't leave you alone for five minutes, and you are already ruining an excellent shower?'
"Why? Why did he call me Lizzie."
'Because is the main character's name?'
"Yes, but there has to be something else. Kakashi is no that simple."
"What if he is reading underlines? What if he is cryptically answering my question about Darcy or Wickam?"
'So which one is he then?'
"Oh..." Sakura blushed her self "I think I can't know that. At least not for sure."
'What do you mean' Inner Sakura asked already knowing the answer
"The thing is that I know Kakashi" Sakura started drying herself comfortably in her heavy and comfortable towel "He's obviously a Mr Darcy: dominant, gentleman, sure of himself, proud, well-positioned. He usually sticks to his principles and above all things he consciously considers absolutely all situations. He's rather lonely, so yes, he's a Mr Darcy."
'So... where are your doubts then?'
"I don't know nothing about Kakashi's love life," Sakura said simple aplaying some hydrating oil for the skin, she liked the one that smelled of pears.
'Does he have one?' Even if Inner Sakura was right.
"Come on, you're not going to think he is a virgin right? you are too bold to think something like that" Sakura reply thinking that for once she had won her Inner self
'Of course not, idiot! I'm not talking about sex. I'm referring to relationships, but coming from that man, I wouldn't be surprised if he is actually a virgin' Inner Sakura pondered, and Sakura herself darted her thoughts to unknown places.
'You are terrible after all, Sakura' Inner Sakura was laughing, 'You are already thinking in all the things you could do to him just to teach him.'
"Oh, come on! Not even Ino would dare to say something like that" Sakura defended herself. '
Call her and check for yourself. And Sakura?'
'There is no need to keep on playing with that oil. You are already moisturized.'
Sakura left the bathroom in a flash of fury and went straight to her room. She jumped over her big comfy bed just wrapped in her not so much dry towel. Inner Sakura, was nowhere to be found in her head so she could rest a bit. She knew that she had to change into her PJs, but somehow she didn't feel like. Sakura was feeling comfortable and a little bit rebel? Yeah, almost a punk. If someone were to enter her house or room, they would find her barely covered by a large towel slightly dropped from one side and nothing more. The situation was tempting but pointless and disappointing: Nobody was going to visit her tonight, or the next one for that matter. So, pushed by this new femininity and sensuality found almost like chance, Sakura took Icha Icha in her hands, and began to read. If Kakashi could handle Pride and Prejudice, she would do it with the little orange book full of secrets.
"He found her underneath a leafy tree. The rays of the sun filtered through the spaces between the leaves, drawing on her skin magical patterns that he longed to travel with his hands, his lips, his tongue. She would leave for a few moments and then push it away, as she always did, it would slip through her fingers like flower petals in the wind. The fire awakened in his body would be unbearable. She knew that he would follow her to the end of the world, to the flames of hell that were nothing compared to the fire of passion that awoke every time they were together, within reach of his curious hands—a sigh of difference."
Oh boy... This was going to be a long night.
Hello Everyone!!!!!! How you've been? I want to apologize for not updating before, in journalism, we say that we don't publish the excuses. I think I Kind of feel like I ow it to you. The thing is that I'm starting to quit smoking, and you have no idea (or maybe you do) how hard it is. Even more, if one of your greatest pleasures is writing while drinking coffee or something stronger and a cigarette!! That's what took my time. Try to write only with a sad cup of tea. But I guess I'm starting to improve in that area. I will end like L, full of candies, sweets, and coffee around me! If you are interested in following my process as a hilarious journal, I can leave you my Deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/owlsbride
Now with the story, What is going on with Sakura and these new sensations she is living? What do you think? A virgin Kakashi? I don't think it fits him, as I don't think that womanizer thing fits him either.
Well, I'll be waiting your comments and kudos and follows and love, which is very much appreciated it right now.
Well Next chapter in a few days, we are going to see what happens in Suna,
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bearpillowmonster · 3 years
Horizon Zero Dawn Review
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The game that critics have been raving about for years and I just haven't played. I heard a lot of people say "this needs a movie" but they say that about any game that dares to be a little bit cinematic because I personally disagree.
That first part is rough, the story seems so in your face, predictable and bland but I think the problem is that it didn't know how to put in its exposition. I think it naturally builds up as it goes on, getting bigger and broader, it's just those first experiences that can be a slog because you're pretty much learning what style you're going to play in.
I got more or less everything I expected, crafting, a skill tree, various weapons. What I didn't expect though are dialogue options. You can choose normally up to four paths, an intelligent one, a compassionate one, and a straightforward one. You don't have to worry about the stress of trying to reach a specific ending because there's really only one, the only thing that affects it is the amount of people that are in it. So does that make the choices irrelevant? Yes and no because there are different dialogue options and like I said, which means that you can get certain characters to like you more given the option you choose but not in the same way that relationship points work and I definitely felt the draw to do that whenever I came across my first side-quest.
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Side-quests are interesting, I love tracking things in games, though it's rare that you actually get the chance to do it and here you have a good amount of opportunities. Is that all though? Far from it. I actually found myself searching for side-quests because the first two were so satisfying. It really only began to show its hand a bit more after those quests. As I mentioned, there are a lot more RPG elements than I first imagined but it starts to send you on scavenger hunts, especially that Dreamwillow one, that one I actually laughed out loud at every time I was turned away. It also starts to gatekeep to where it recommends that you be a certain level which is...odd? I mean at face value it looks like you could rock basically any combat situation that isn't context sensitive. Leveling up gives you abilities but they're more like Deus Ex on that front, where it's just for preference and upgrading, not necessarily strength. The only thing you improve on offense wise basically boils down to having the right materials or units to buy weapons then a matter of finding modifications. Other than that, leveling up seems to just increase your health. It really just depends on the quest too because I'll play one above my level and be fine then play another that's actually under my level and feel stuck.
Now I only played it on normal mode so something like "Ultra Hard" is bound to be more demanding but as far as actual side quest content, I feel like they have potential but just need tweaked, give me more stuff for major characters that affects their standing with me. Rather than having each quest be contained in its own story, have it affect you later in the game, let your actions be shown, give it rewards and consequences. There are some really great side-quests but there are also some crappy ones, it doesn't pass that threshold that most RPGs fall under or anything. However, I did find myself doing side-quests at my own free will and the ones that I didn't like or couldn't do at the time, I just skipped and focused on something else, I felt a lot more freedom with this game, like I didn't feel forced to grind or do a certain number of side-quests or really do anything. It encourages you to explore and play the way you want to play and I respect the heck out of that. Maybe it's different for other players though.
Perhaps my favorite actual side thing was the Cauldrons for those who actually played this, you'll know why. For those who didn't, just know that it's cool and let it be a surprise for when you go to one. You might expect these big set-pieces and bosses like Uncharted or GoW, but it's not really like that. I genuinely think that this is more video-gamey than it lets on which certainly takes up its runtime. One addition to side-quests that I would like to see is one where you don't know it's happening. For example, in this game, you'll come across random hunters who are attacking or being attacked by machines but rather than just going on about your day and them going on about their's, I want to fight off the machine and the person say "You saved my life, my name's Jara, I live in the town nearby and want to repay you." so you go there and there's trouble so it starts up a side-quest. Now don't get me wrong, there are PLENTY of instances of people getting attacked actually being a mission but most of the time someone in town will just tell you "I haven't seen this person in a while, can you go check on them for me?" It's the art of subtlety and also just doing a good deed and getting rewarded for it. It's a conscious choice and split decision rather than just another checkmark on your list to complete.
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Now I won't bother listing the characters and rating them but there's a certain aspect that has me really enthused So, Aloy is an outcast and a lot of these side missions and scenarios reflect her, you'll see the way she can relate with other characters, making it almost poetic in a subliminal kind of way. Then they add this tribal and futuristic setting to it where Aloy acts as the medium, there are parts of the game where she questions the tribe because they cut themselves off from technology and just don't know any better and we as a viewer know that but having the main character view things in 'our' lens is pretty genius. To top that off, they give her enough personality to be her own character while giving us enough power to influence her so that we ourselves can REFLECT WITH HER. It's not her character that I'm impressed with, it's the layout of the story.
So, how is the main story? It's kind of like the Flood scenario in Halo if I'm being honest. I'm not going to spoil anything but it's passable, like I said, it's not like an Uncharted and it's not like a movie. The visuals just look good at times (I took all the pictures in this review myself and so much more!). I'd call it a futuristic/tribal mix between Shadow of the Tomb Raider and Skyrim but I see elements of a lot of things. (Also since it's post apoctalypic, you find items that we see in modern day, like how they call keys, "chimes"! They think they're windchimes because there are no more cars! I love that!)
It actually does a pretty good job at being an open world considering that there are tons of things to do on your routes as well as collect but it's not so much so that it seems unfeasible, as I said, I found myself doing a good chunk of the side stuff just because it was fun to do and I'm not even close to a completionist for any game. If you mess up, healing plants will still be there. As long as you save, enemy parts will still be there. A place can be cleared out and conquered so that enemies don't come back. The actual towns are peaceful so you can't get mangled by any bots outside of scripted instances.
The graphics are pretty good but I can see some error here and there, nothing necessarily game breaking but the animations and AI are definitely janky at times. It's pretty obvious from the get-go but I'll do my best to specify and give constructive criticism on what I found wrong with certain aspects of the game. Rost is slow, like slower than walking speed but that's not to speak for all NPCs, some run, some you don't need to follow, it was really just him. I've had NPCs who fight but miss every single time on simple enemies (that might not be a bug, that might just be a funny bit that someone decided to add in). Sabretooths have jumped through walls (granted the walls were kinda broken but I'm not sure if those big boys can fit when they can barely find the entrance) I found myself jumping to a ledge or on a rope but not land it and just drop (it really boils down to loosening the hit box for that). Which to add on to that, I would like more places to climb and jump to in general (other than stupid mountains). I felt like there wasn't really enough that I could climb and the places that I could, could've been a bit more obvious that I could, maybe even make it viewable with your focus if you don't want it to be visually outstanding. There's a day and night cycle and while I like that, I found some of the contrast to be annoying because I could be staring a ladder right in the face and not even know it sometimes because it would be so dark. I'm not going to complain too much about it because I didn't turn my brightness up, I just left it at default and I would assume the PS5 version fixes some of those little things.
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Now, this one is kind of a gray area: Hiking up mountains. Skyrim, Fallout, and Death Stranding went too far and gave little to no barriers. They had you looking for sweet spots that weren't there in order to cheese your way through an area either on or off a beaten path. But I would compare this to something like GTA where it's not as bad and does have its limits but might need tightened up some more because I can certainly get to places that lead to nowhere.
I've made headshots that don't make contact or damage while using precision. Part of that problem was that they could be high up in a tower (which have spikes sticking out) and I would hit ABOVE the logs, to make a headshot but since it was in that vicinity, it registered that as the spikes' hitbox so it wouldn't cause any damage and just alert the enemy (same if I was in the tower, looking down). Input lag where I hit up button on the D-Pad to regain health and I have to keep pressing it. If I had to guess, you have to meet the requirements of not taking damage, staying still, etc in order for it to actually work but it doesn't really have a reason to do that and it doesn't "tell" you that those are the requirements (as far as I know).
During the final boss, one of the enemies hit me into a rock wall, trapping me inside of it and the boss was already half health so I really didn't want to have to restart (I also didn't know how far back the checkpoint was) so I kept shooting stuff and eventually the boss destroyed the wall, allowing me to get out (timed section, by the way). There have been a few times where a tree or leaf or something is obstructing a cutscene and sometimes there will be a mech in the background screaming over the NPC talking, which I'm sure is due to the cutscenes being real-time which is still pretty impressive. Now are these errors all the time? No, not at all, I'm just pointing out that some times these things happened and that I felt it needed ironed out but I wouldn't call this half baked or an unfinished product or anything, it's nowhere near that level. I get that there are so many NPCs that it's hard to account for them all with facial animations but whenever they're talking, it seems pretty static and sometimes the lips don't line up. There's this one guy who says that he got lost in a sandstorm but he's standing in snow. Again, little nitpicks in an otherwise great game.
Now, I got this game for free as a Playstation promotion but that doesn't necessarily mean it'll be great, I played a little bit of that Ratchet & Clank reboot that was offered and I wasn't impressed, I quit after the first few worlds and was glad I didn't buy it at launch, (despite being a classic PS2 R&C fan) but we're not here to review that. I also played Abzu and loved it but it was short so it was definitely worth a play but maybe not 60$ (I actually think it's 20$ at this point though). With this game, it's the whole complete edition with DLC and everything, it has the length, so it really just boils down to "Would I have spent money on it otherwise?"
I think I would've if I knew more about it because I think it just got better and better after that first part of the game. It's marketed a bit differently than what I ended up getting but I found myself pouring hours into this game and loving it for one reason or another. I actually bought Shadow of the Colossus along with it (which is considered a cult classic) but I liked Horizon so much better, definitely worth its full price in my opinion. (So your promotion worked on me Sony, congrats) It has its problems but the potential is there and I feel like a sequel would probably iron out a lot of my troubles with it, so it's definitely a franchise worth investing into.
If you're interested in what I thought of the DLC alone (if you didn't get the Ultimate edition and are wondering if the extra content is worth it) I have a separate post that goes into that here.
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chaosstar290 · 4 years
Reasons try out Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore.
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Nintendo's been pretty casual with porting Wii U games over to the Switch, and for good reasons. Normally, I'm not all into porting games that I've already played, but my personal favorite games on the system that lack good marketing and advertising are now getting the attention and love they deserve.
Take Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze for example, one of my favorite 2D platfomers. The game originally sold 1.72 million copies worldwide on the Wii U. Not very good numbers, huh? However, the Switch port managed to beat those sales numbers with 2.25 million units sold worldwide by the end of March 2019.
So while this could be seen as a way for Big N to earn more $$$, this is also a way for those who never owned a Wii U and missed out on some of the system's best titles to give these games a shot. Now we just need a port of Xenoblade Chronicles X and The Wonderful 101...and Star Fox Zero, I guess.
But that's a topic for another time. This post is specifically for my favorite JRPG on the Wii U only to be tied with Xenoblade Chronicles X....Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE.
This'll be a long one, so here's hoping you'll stick with it until the end.
Before I get into the reasons, lemme educate you guys a bit. Back in January 2013, both Atlus and Intelligent Systems made a teaser trailer for a potential Shin Megami Tensei x Fire Emblem crossover for the Wii U.
The trailer was mostly just a slideshow with various character artwork. Despite this, there was a decent amount of hype surrounding it. But development around the game was pretty silent. That is, until we fast forward to the Nintendo Direct in April 1, 2015. We got a trailer of the ambitious SMT x FE crossover that fans were waiting for...but this was the final product.
Needless to say...neither SMT nor FE fans were happy about this. The fandoms were incredibly salty and foaming at the mouths, basically calling it a Person 4 Lite with a hint of FE. Heck, they're probably still posts on this site from 5 years ago that'll show that.
Fast forward to the games initial release, and you'll see quite a few positive reviews and thoughts about TMS. Unfortunately, the sale numbers were not all that great for the game. Obvious reasons being that it was a Wii U game, and many fans of both SMT x FE were not happy with how it turned out.
And to be honest, I wasn't feeling the game myself at first. It seemed too lighthearted and upbeat, and the J-Pop, anime-ish aesthetics were very off-putting. However, the more I saw about the game, the more I was drawn into it. Somehow all that disappointment I had about TMS originally just washed away. And considering it was a new IP, I decided to give it a chance. And hoo boy...I was generally pleased.
With that outta the way, let's get into why I'm excited for the Switch port of game, and hoping people will give it a fairer chance.
The Setting
The plot of Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE is mostly simple. You start out as high schooler Itsuki Aoi, the main character of the game encountering his childhood friend Tsubasa Oribe at an audition event to become a idol. It isn't until moments later in the game that the area gets overruned by shadowy creatures known as Mirages that suck out the creative energy known as Perso-- ah I mean Performa from the other idols and audience.
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Poor girl doesn't know what's gonna happen next.
Despite our main characters seeming unharmed by the effect, the Mirages drag Tsubasa into their world known as the Idolsphere. And of course, courageous Itsuki takes action to follow and rescue her.
After trying to make a daring rescue, Itsuki gets bombarded by a Mirage, but somehow manages to awaken it. Taking the form of Fire Emblem Awakening's protagonist Chrom. Itsuki does the same with the Mirage that captured Tsubasa that takes the form of Cedea from Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon. The two awakaned Mirages, however, suffer from a bit of amnesia and can't quite remember who and what they are.
From there on, Itsuki and Tsubasa form a partnership with Chrom and Cedea, encountering various characters trying to reach their way to stardom while trying to draw back the opposing forces from taking over Tokyo and the world. Typical RPG stuff, am I right?
It's a fairly standard and slightly cliche plot with some common anime tropes, but for this game...it works. It's a plot that's incredibly silly, upbeat, and over-the-top, but again...it works for this game. And I love it. It may not be original, deep, or complex, but the story does its best to not take itself too seriously, and it doesn't fail to keep a smile in my face.
Aside from the vanilla cookie-cutter MC Itsuki, the various casts that you meet are incredibly charming, and go through their own personal growth as celebrities. Though you mileage may vary on this.
The Gameplay
The combat is the real star of Tokyo Mirage Sessions. Basically, it's your standard turn-based combat system...but with a few twists. If you've ever played a SMT or Persona game, then don't be surprised that elemental weaknesses make an appearance here. Along with that, the Triangle Weapon system from Fire Emblem also makes an appearance in the game.
But if you're not familiar with either franchise then give you a basic example how this works. Say that you've encountered an armored Mirage wielding an axe. The weaknesses on that enemy are both lightning and swords, and Itsuki just so happens to have both the necessary element and weapon equipped.
In case you're wondering...how the Triangle Weapon mechanic works in FE is that Swords beat Axes, Axes beat Lances, and Lances beat Swords.
The interesting thing about this is that once you exploit an enemy's weakness, other characters will jump in and combo extra attacks. These are called Sessions, and their not only powerful...but also flashy as all hell and it's glorious. Not only that, but there's also Duo Arts where two certain characters will sometimes perform a song that unleashes a powerful attack...which also strings up more Sessions. As broken as this sounds, it actually is pretty strategic for taking down harder enemies, and they can also form Sessions...so be careful.
There's more to the gameplay like roaming Tokyo, exploring dungeons, and upgrading your characters and Mirages by Tiki from Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon as well.
There's mixed opinions on the dungeon aspects of Tokyo Mirage Sessions, but...I personally enjoyed them. Aside from the first one. Once you get past the first dungeon, they get better as the game progresses. From exploring a darker version of Shibuya where you have to avoid giant cameras from sending you back to the entrance of the of the room you currently entered, to venturing through a maze-like TV studio.
There's also side-missions that you can do with your main cast that'll help them grow and develop even further. You'll be rewarded with either a special cutscene or a special attack. Or maybe both.
The Visuals
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Go go...Persona Rangers?
If it wasn't obvious from the amount of images I'm posting, Tokyo Mirage Sessions is a very colorful game. Fitting with it's lighthearted theme, the amount of colors the game throws at you makes visuals aesthetically pleasing. Heck, you could make these your personal wallpaper on your phone or something.
Sure, Tokyo Mirage Sessions isn't nearly as strong as Persona 5 graphically or even artistically, but like most Nintendo games...what their games lack in terms of detailed ultra-hyper graphics, they make up for it with giving their games gorgeous artstyles.
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Also, this game has some reeeeeally good artwork.
The Music
J-Pop plays a pretty big role in Tokyo Mirage Sessions, so expect a lot of vocal tracks. If you're not into this kind of genre of music, then you might wanna stray away from this game. If you are (or if it doesn't bother you), then you're in for a treat. As someone who really isn't into J-Pop myself, the songs in this game are incredible and catchy followed by some beautiful cutscenes. Reincarnation from Kiria Kurono and Feel from Tsubasa Oribe are some of my personal favorites.
The music from outside the vocal tracks are pretty good too. The normal battle theme and the Illusion Shibuya dungeon theme are just to name a couple.
What's New?
Like I said before, Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore is a port of the Wii U version, but with added content. Any DLC that was added in the original game will part of the base game in the Switch version. But let's talk about the new stuff.
EX Story and Songs
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The EX Story is basically a dungeon that you explore in short bursts. Here you'll find new costumes such as a Joker outfit from Persona 5 for Itsuki, or an Annette outfit from Fire Emblem Three Houses for Mamori Minamoto. Or you can have a much easier time grinding for EXP. Also, much like the side-stories, this dungeon will also explore the main casts' issues and help them grow.
New songs will also be added in this port. A duo song called "She is..." sung by Tsubasa and Kiria is one of them.
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By making Sessions even more powerful and ridiculous, unplayable characters like Tiki, Maiko Shimazaki, and Barry Goodman will also join in Sessions.
In addition, a Quick Session option will be added. Which is a major upgrade in my book. One of the big issues the Wii U version had was while the Sessions were fun to watch, they took forever to get through with the more characters that joined your party. There are also smaller improvements like the Switch version having faster loading times.
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Hopefully, this long as hell post will spark some interest into those who'll give the game a shot. I know there's small nitpicks like the lack of English voice acting and censorship, but the latter is a topic I'd rather not delve deep into.
Regardless, these small cons are greatly outweighed by the large pros this charming game has. If you're an Atlus fan, a lover of JRPGs, or wanting to play something that'll ease the wait for Persona 5 Royal, I highly recommend you give Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE encore a shot.
If you're also waiting for Persona 5 to actually come to the Switch like me, this game is next best thing we've got for the time being.
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This is one of the most stylish menu screens ever.
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spiderciderko · 5 years
Hi again, I'm the guy that sent that message about how I wanted to improve my drawings. Mistakes happen, haha, but at least you read the message and that is what counts. I'm OOM-32 on reddit, if you don't remember the username. Thanks again for actually caring about my question, and also for making such awesome drawings, ofc!
Sorry for the inconvenience! Anyway, I checked your works on Reddit and you certainly did an amazing job! If you keep on what you are doing now, I believe you will be a even greater artist. 😊
You asked for some advice, right? I think there are plenty of great art tutorial done by professional artists out there, which I myself learned a lot from. With what little skill I have, I better not give anyone technique-wise advice. XP Instead, I guess I can talk about my experience on drawing and how my drawing styles have changed over time, and tell you what I have learned from it! You can see if the way I took suits you as well. I’m gonna show you some of my old drawings so don’t laugh at them! 😝
The first thing I want to say is this: “narrow your focus.” I don’t know if your goal is to become a professional artist, but in my case drawing is just my hobby. Which means I can't/won’t even dare to master each and every aspect of drawing, because I can’t put all my time and effort into it.
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This picture above is one of the oldest AT piece I made, drawn on March 2015. Around that time, I only used a pen to draw & paint everything black and white as you can see. Because I did not use any coloring pencil or crayon, I was fully able to focus on getting comfortable with my pen. Which later greatly helped me developing my own line style and hand stroke style. So I think if you don’t have enough time to do everything, it’s good to first focus on on area (whether it be quick sketching, drawing lines or painting) and then gradually move on to the next one.
Next, there are many great software out there you can use to enhance your drawing efficiency&quality. When I make a digital painting I used to use Photoshop, but now I am using Clip Studio. One of the great thing about Clip Studio is that you can scan your b&w drawing and vectorize the lines! On a vector layer you can freely modify the length/width/position of the lines.
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The left one is a drawing on a sketchbook, and the middle one is the result of scanning&adjusting contrast and stuff, which is the way I used to draw while using Photoshop. But after I learned how to use Clip Studio, I got free from the worry that ‘once the line is drawn it is permanent!’ Now Clip Studio costs you money so I can’t recommend it 100% to anyone. XP What I’m saying is, if there’s a new technique that seems to be helpful to your drawing, by all means don’t be afraid to abandon your old habit and get accustomed to a new one!
Finally, it’s good to set a specific artist as your role model and follow there steps. I’m too shy to name the artists I like, but I imitated and tried lots of other people’s drawing styles to eventually form my own one. Like, the way they put shadow, the way they blur the background, the way they handle texts... Even just looking at their beautiful art itself can give you inspirations! Now, my drawing is that much good, but if my drawings give you inspirations then I am sincerely honored! 😋
Alright, my advice is kinda broad and generic, but I hope this is helpful to you, and everyone who wants to do better at drawing. Thanks again for loving what I do, and hopefully my art keeps on being inspirational in the future!
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extremedivas · 4 years
What is Kenny Omega situation with AEW women divisions?
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This is entertainment purposes only.
I don’t have no problems with Kenny omega. For anyone that calls me a hater of Kenny omega. You guys need to take several seats with your fake phony.
1. What is Kenny Omega position on AEW women division?
The Ten of Cup reversed can be an indicator of AEW women division not being as stable as they may appear outwardly. There is a lot of confusing and direction in the women division in AEW. I see that Kenny Omega is not focus enough for the women division.
It’s like he is trying to make other women wrestlers to do their own storyline. But there is no connection and chemistry with the AEW women division. I feel like Brandi Rhodes trying to do her part in the women division by team up with Awesome Kong. However, Kenny Omega is not connecting with women wrestlers in AEW.
2. What is Kenny Omega view on the current AEW women division?
The Lover reversed indicates that Kenny Omega maybe struggling to take ownership of the decisions he made on the women division in AEW. This is causing conflict within him. Kenny Omega feeling uncertain of the direction of the women division in AEW. Kenny Omega need to remember that he is the master of his own destiny. He is a boss of the women division in AEW. Kenny Omega need to act like a boss instead of babies talents in the women division. He need to use his business mindset on how to make other people respect his decision on AEW women division. Kenny Omega has to take completely care of the women wrestlers in AEW. Not only Japanese women wrestlers but all women wrestlers in AEW.
3. What is Kenny Omega challenge on AEW women division?
The Chariot indicates that Kenny Omega probably struggling with AEW women champions Riho bookings and storyline. I see there is a struggle with Riho as AEW women champions. Kenny really want to put Riho over as champions. But there is a problem with him and Brandi Rhodes not seeing eye to eye on the women division in AEW.
I believe there is so much manipulation in Kenny Omega relationships with Brandi Rhodes. They are not get along with each other recently. Both of them are being very careful with each other.
I think Brandi Rhodes and Riho character development as a champions is Kenny Omega challenge.
4. What is Kenny Omega Problem on AEW women division?
The World reversed indicates that Kenny Omega is his own problem in the women division in AEW. There are not too many women wrestlers in AEW right now. Because Kenny Omega is not trying his hardest to make AEW women division better than NXT women division. It’s true, I see why HHH say on his interview about NXT women division is better than WWE main roster but also around the world in pro wrestling. He says that women wrestlers are wrestlers who need proper guidance and skills to succeed in Pro wrestling. I think Kenny Omega need to take note on how to improve and impact his AEW woman division. If Kenny Omega want to push Riho as champions. He need to make a storyline about her character as AEW women champions.
5. How Kenny Omega deals with his problems and challenges on AEW women division?
The Knight of Sword indicates that Kenny Omega has ambition, drive and determination to make AEW women division. Kenny Omega know what he want to achieve and he is going for it.
I see Kenny becoming bold, brave, daring and courageous and go after what he want full throttle on the women division in AEW. It can also represent a big change in AEW women division.
I see Kenny Omega and Tony Khan in a huge meetings with AEW women locker room about their change in the women division. I see them discussing news ideas on how to improve their division as women wrestlers. I see that Brandi Rhodes has a good ideas but Kenny kinda shut her down. I think Kenny doesn’t want Brandi to change his ideas about Joshi wrestling in AEW.
Side Notes: Kenny Omega need to stop with this shade messy behavior with Brandi Rhodes. Yes, Brandi Rhodes is Cody wife but she is a woman who understands about women wrestling. Kenny can’t shut down Brandi Rhodes like that. He need to learn how to listening with her ideas and suggestions. Also Brandi Rhodes need to do the same thing too. She need to respectfully listened Kenny Omega as the one who is charge of the women division in AEW. Brandi Rhodes need to let Kenny Omega do his things on the women division in AEW.
6. How Kenny Omega solves the problems within AEW women division?
The Ten of Wand represents Kenny Omega was charge of the AEW women division that started off as a good idea but has now become a burden. It signifies problems, responsibilities, being overburdened, overloaded and stressed. It indicates that Kenny Omega have a huge weight on his shoulders and you feeling obligated, saddled and restricted. I feel like he being stripped from his duty as the boss of the women division in AEW. It’s like he is being control by Tony Khan and his father especially their hardcore fans. He really want to change his views on women wrestling in AEW. However, I feel like he is pressure to do something with Riho because of the fans or contact dealing with him. Right now, He is extremely stressful on his position as the one who is charge in AEW women division. He doesn’t know how to get his point across for AEW women division.
Side Note: I believe there are people going behind his back. And saying negative things about his position in the women division. Even some of the AEW women wrestlers go to Brandi Rhodes instead of him. Which is no good for Kenny Omega. AEW women wrestlers going to Brandi Rhodes for assistance to make women division better. It’s a problem for Kenny Omega.
My advice to Kenny Omega: Please do what Brandi Rhodes and young buck are doing with their wrestlers talents. They are bring character into their spotlight on storyline. Brandi with Awesome Kong cutting women wrestlers hair. Then young buck interview talents in their hotels rooms. Kenny Omega you can make Riho your star when you have a skits with her.
7. What Kenny Omega need to do improve AEW women division?
The Two of Pentacle can indicate that Kenny is trying to find or maintain the balance between various areas of his position as the boss in the women division in AEW. Kenny is dealing with the ups and downs of AEW women division. He need to be very resourceful, adaptable and flexible enough to get through them. However, it can be a warning that trying to juggle too many things at once and not prioritising what is important can lead to failure and exhaustion. Kenny please try to evaluate where he is putting his energy and cut back on what is not necessary in order to maintain a balanced and happy life on the women division in AEW.
Kenny Omega say something about AEW women division here:
"I want the women to have the largest stage possible on Dynamite and Dark. I'm fighting for it every week for them to have more time," stated Omega. "'Cut mine, I don't care.' When you have such a focus on the (tag team title) tournament, which took up so much time on each episode, it was two to one titles. I have to put blame on myself because I had the angle with [Jon] Moxley as well. At the end of the day, there's only so much time in an episode. It's almost amazing how fast it gets eaten up. We haven't been able to focus on women as much as I'd like. Some of it has been availability. We have girls signed and hopping on board. I hate to say 'wait til 2020,' but I can safely say in 2020 there are going to be interesting and exciting signings that will shake up the division. As soon as we have a women's tag division, that will balance (things) more and give the women more of a stage. Once there's that 'thing' for them to fight for, you're going to see more time devoted per episode for the women."
8. What Kenny Omega should not do on AEW women division?
The Four of Sword represents fear, anxiety and stress. I see Kenny will becoming overwhelmed and mentally overloaded when it appears on the AEW women division.
The Four of Sword tells Kenny that the issues he is facing are actually not as bad as he believe them to be and there are solutions available. I don’t want Kenny Omega to abandoning his position as the one who is responsible for the women division in AEW. He should not sleep on the women division in AEW. Allowing the women wrestlers to be equal as the men and let their voice be heard.
9. What Kenny Omega ideal women wrestlers that will represent AEW women division?
The Justice means that Kenny want women wrestlers with a strong sense of what is right and wrong and who likes to play fair and square. He wants his AEW women wrestlers to be balanced and take their time making decisions as they often fear they will make the wrong one. Kenny love women wrestlers are good at setting their emotions aside to make use of their logical brain to see what happens in pro wrestling business. He know pro wrestling business is a shady and backstabbing business.
Kenny considered for AEW women wrestlers to be cold as they don’t like to show their emotions on backstage politics and business. He want AEW women wrestlers just want to stay true to their principles in pro wrestling.
Kenny Omega love honest and real genuine women wrestlers who are truly honest with themselves. If you are a women wrestlers or upcoming women wrestlers in pro wrestling. Please be true to yourself and honest with people. Kenny Omega respect and adores realest wrestlers.
10. How Kenny Omega will help AEW women division?
The Temperance indicates that Kenny Omega have found his inner calm and have a good perspective on things. It is a sign that the relationships with AEW women division are harmonious. Kenny must learned not to allow himself to be dragged into other AEW women wrestlers conflict or to let minor issues knock him off balance. Instead Kenny adapt to the situations with a clear mind and calm heart and keep his balance.
Kenny Omega is a Libra sign in the horoscopes. Libra represents peace and balanced within their environment. He need to have a fatherly/motherly side to him. AEW Women wrestlers are very vulnerable and emotional people who need understanding on their own career in AEW. Kenny Omega must be the peacemakers in the women locker room.
11. What is Kenny Omega plan for AEW women division in the year 2020?
The Ace of Cup indicated which AEW women division deep fulfilment and a sense of joy in their work. I see Kenny in a loving and supportive work environment where staff are happy and welcoming him. I see a lot of former wwe women wrestlers and former NXT women wrestlers are coming to AEW wrestling. Yes, Kenny Omega and Tony Khan are doing a lot of script work for the women wrestlers in AEW.
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dragon-kazansky · 3 years
Made with love | Helmut Zemo
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Chef Zemo AU 👨‍🍳
Gender neutral reader
Collage by @realremyd
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Part 3
It had been a whole year since your trip to Sokovia. Here you were again, exiting the airport in Navi Grad, excited to be back. You had invited Wanda to come along with you, of course she couldn't say no. This was her home country, she hadn't been back here in years.
She looked so excited as she looked around, taking in the familiar and unfamiliar sights. The city had been improved on a lot since she was last here, yet a lot of the buildings still looked the same.
"My home."
You chuckled softly. She looked like a child who had been told they could explore all they like in a new area.
"Your photos didn't do it any justice," she said, playfully glaring at you.
You glared back, just as playful. "Oh, thanks."
She gave a little giggle and grabbed your arm, wanting to look around immediately. You just let her lead the way.
Along the way she pointed out some places she remembered, telling stories of things she and Pietro used to get up to. She had many stories to tell, and you loved listening to all of them. It gave you a little more insight into her life.
Eventually you came across the square. Wanda looked rather smug as you both stood in the middle of the semi-busy square.
"Ah, yes, just as I remember it."
Up ahead was your new favourite restaurant. It looked just as it did a year ago. It was like a warm welcoming hug to see it again.
Wanda was looking at you, smug grin on her face. You looked down, blushing.
"Want to see him?"
"Not yet," you grab her hand and pull her along, walking in the opposite direction. You ignored her teasing comments as you marched onward.
It's not like he would remember you anyway. You were just one person he met a year ago.
You took Wanda to the little hotel you stayed in last time. You booked a room for the pair of you, only staying a few nights. Wanda instantly lay down on the bed, looking up at the ceiling.
"We should eat there tonight," she says.
"Why? There's plenty of other places to go eat," you tell her, trying not to make it obvious you really wanted to go and see Helmut.
"You know why. Play coy all you like, but I know you want to go."
You turn to see her looking at you.
"You just want to see him," you say, turning back away from her.
"I do. Maybe I can be your wing woman."
She sits up, crosses her legs, and looks at you intensely. You sigh and sit on your bed, looking at her.
"Fine, we'll go. Just don't do anything Wanda. He's just a nice guy, so be nice, and enjoy his food. Seriously, it's the best."
Wanda chuckles and gets up.
"Why don't we go now. Maybe he will recognize you."
"I doubt it," you tell her, "it's been a year."
You find yourself standing outside Escorpión Morado. You have missed this place. You can tell just from where you're standing that its hasn't changed in the last year.
There were a few people dotted about enjoying their meals. It gave you that homey feeling again.
You go inside.
Wanda looks around you both make your way over to the bar. You each take a seat. You turn to Wanda.
"It's very nice. I can see why you like it so much," she smiles at you.
A man comes to a stop in front of both of you. He's not someone you immediately recognize, perhaps he is new, or you didn't see him last time.
"What can I get for you both."
You look to Wanda to see what she wanted first, but you did not anticipate her to say what she did.
"We'll have the chef please."
The man blinks, trying to comprehend if he had actually heard what she said. He was about to ask again, but she beat him to it.
"The chef, please."
You stare at her, mouth agape, eyes wide.
"Wanda!" You hissed.
The man left and went into the kitchen, fetching the man Wanda had asked for. You sat there in great embarrassment.
"What are you playing at?"
Wanda laughs, ignoring the way you were glaring at her. You bury your face in your arms against the counter and try to block out her laughter.
Wanda is still giggling when you hear someone stop in front of you. A cold sweat began to break as you dreaded looking up. Was this him standing over you? You hoped to high heaven it wasn't.
"Someone ordered the chef?"
Well fuck it all. You kept your face hidden, not daring to show your face. It didn't matter if he remembered you or not, you were far too embarrassed to look at him.
You knew his voice. Remembered it. The smooth way he spoke, that amusement that hung off the end of his sentence. They sexy tone he uses.
Helmut Zemo.
Oh, you have missed this friendly stranger.
"Yes, my friend here wanted you." You hear Wanda say. You could murder her sometimes, you were sure.
"Is something the matter? Sam, get them some water, would you?" You hear him say.
You hear, presumably Sam, fetch you some water.
He didn't recognize you. Good.
"Are you alright?"
"Fine," you reply, though your voice was heavily muffled by your arms. You wouldn't dare lift your head.
"Perhaps if you sat up. We could move you closer to the door, get some fresh air, yet sit in the shade," he offered.
You felt Wanda place a hand on your shoudler.
"Come on, Y/N. Look at him," she whispered.
You sigh and take a deep breath. You slowly move your head up, looking up at the beautiful bastard across the bar. Is it even legal to look that good?
He stops his worrying when he sees your face.
He remembers?
"Y/N?" He smiles.
"Yes," is all you can bring yourself to say. His smiles drops a little.
"Helmut, remember? Last year?"
"I remember."
His smile is soft as he looks at you. He doesn't look any different than you remember. If anything, just more handsome than memory serves.
"Did you forget me?" He asks, seeing your laid back reaction.
"No. I'm just surprised you remembered me."
He stands there, hands on his hips as he grins at you smugly.
"How could I forget someone so interesting. Also, you are wearing that coin." He nods, respectfully, at your chest where the coin was hanging.
"I am." You clasp it gently between your fingers.
"It's good to see you again," he speaks softly, genuine happiness lifting his expression.
"It's good to see you too," you smile back at him. He looks far more elated now you're smiling at him.
"What can I get for you? I can't imagine you came here only to see me," he grins smugly again.
"Food," Wanda said. "Though he is quite a snack, isn't he?" She whispered the last part. You turn to her sharply and glare. Zemo hadn't seemed to notice what she had said.
He was too busy watching you.
"Shall I surprise you again?" He asks.
You turn back to him and smile.
"Yes. Do that. I trust you."
Hearing those made him happy. Helmut points his chin up a bit and glides back into the kitchen, though not before telling Sam to fix you up some drinks.
Wanda nudges your shoulder.
"You sure do have taste, and I am not talking about the food."
"Wanda, please, stop!"
She laughs as Sam puts two drinks down in front of you both. You resist looking at her any more and thank Sam for the drinks, he smiles and then leaves you two alone to enjoy them. You take a sip.
"We're going to get you a boyfriend, Y/N."
"Wanda, please, I am begging you, stop!"
She laughs again.
"I'm joking, but it would be a real big shame if nothing came out of it. You two would look so good together."
You ignore her statement.
Zemo returns and places a dish in front of each of you. He stands back, smiling, and watches you both take a bite.
Wanda let's out the strangest moan you had ever heard. You have to cover your mouth as you laugh at her.
"What was that noise?" You ask, just about getting through your mouthful of food.
"This is so good."
Helmut chuckles.
You take another bite and nod. You swear there isn't a bad thing on his menu. This man knows exactly what he is doing when it comes to his restaurant.
"Do you like it?" He asks, specifically asking you this time.
"Yes, very much."
He smiles at you.
"I got your letter, by the way."
"My letter?" You ask, confused on what he was talking about.
Helmut digs into his pocket and pulls out a piece of paper. It's crinkled and has been early opened several times.
Now you remember.
"Oh, that letter."
"You wrote him a letter?" Wanda looks at you. "You didn't mention that."
"It's not important," you tell her.
"It is to me. It's the only goodbye I got when you left," Zemo said, holding the letter carefully in his hand. His dark eyes were scanning over the words you had written a year ago.
"It meant that much to you?"
"Yes, actually," his eyes cast to you.
You sat there, biting the inside of your cheek softly, pink dusting your cheeks and the tips of your ears.
Helmut smiled at the sight. He folded the letter and tucked it away into his pocket.
"I'll keep it forever," he says, mostly just to tease you.
"Please don't."
He chuckles and leaves your side to see to other customers. Wanda sits next to you, smiling wickedly. You dare not look at her, nor do you let your eyes follow Zemo as he walks away.
"You have it bad," Wanda chuckles, giving her nose a little scrunch with a grin.
"I know," you admit.
Wanda chuckles softly and leans in a little closer.
"He likes you too, you know. I think you left an impression on him."
You glance behind you, seeing Zemo taking an order. He was talking to the customers, smiling at them.
"Yes. I saw it in the way he looked at you."
"You do realise I only met him last year. I only saw him twice," you look at her, doubt written all over your face.
"Doesn't matter. It only takes a moment to fall in love with someone." She winks at you.
Zemo smiles at you as he passes by, disappearing into the kitchen.
"I think you're overreacting a little."
She shrugs and sips her drink, eying you with a mischievous glint in her gaze.
Zemo brings the couple their orders and returns to you and Wanda. Meals finished and drinks empty.
"Went down well I see."
"Very much so," you say, smiling softly.
"Would you like another drink?" He asks, his gaze lingering in you more than Wanda.
"I would," Wanda says, holding up her glass.
You chuckle, "just one more."
You had no idea how happy he was you agreed. He wanted you to stay a while longer. He grabbed your empty glasses and took them away, bringing you fresh drinks.
As Zemo poured behind drinks, he chose to ignore the way Sam was looking at him.
You took your drink gratefully as he handed it over. He stuck around again, seemingly happy to spend his time with you two.
Wanda carried most of the conversation. Zemo and yourself were sharing glances, though always just missing each other.
Wanda finished her drink and made an excuse to leave. You wanted to follow her, but the look she was giving you, and the way Zemo was looking at you, told you to stay.
You watched her go.
Zemo leaned forward on the bar, arms folded and supporting him as he smiles handsomely at you. You smile, though slightly awkwardly.
"It is very good to see you again, Y/N."
"You too. I see business is booming."
He chuckles softly.
"For now."
"For now?" You furrow your brow and tilt your head slightly.
"You didn't see it?"
"See what?"
"There is a new restaurant being done up in the city. Bigger, grander, more elegant than this place. At least, that's what they're saying."
"Oh? We didn't see anything like that. We have only been here a shirt while though. Wanda was showing me some of her favourite places."
"I see. Do you like Sokovia?"
"I do. It's so pretty here."
He smiles.
"I'm glad you think so. You would do wonderful here."
"What do you mean by that?" You watch him curiously, wondering what he was implying.
"I mean, you would be well suited to Sokovia life. If you were to live here," he smirks, hands flat out on the bar as he looks at you with sparkly eyes.
"Really? I don't think so. I stand out too much from the locals."
"Exactly. They wouldn't care. They would have someone so stunning to see every day. I would get to see you more too, a bonus for everyone." He winks at you.
"You're such a flirt!"
"Of course I am. Money keeps the business going, but charisma brings me my customers. I have to make an impact, no?"
You chuckle softly.
"I see how it is," you say, sliding off the stool. You take some money from your pocket and place it on the counter. Zemo tries to stop you, but you don't let him.
His hand hovers over yours as you leave the money on the counter.
"It was nice seeing you again, Helmut, but I must go."
"Will you come again?"
"I expect so."
He smiles.
"Don't leave without saying goodbye this time," he tells you.
"We shall see."
"I'll come looking for you if I have to!"
"No, you won't," you grin as you leave.
Zemo watches you go, his heart doing somersaults in his chest. How could one stranger make him feel so much?
Sam looks at his boss and grins.
"You have it bad, Zemo."
"Get back to work, Sam."
"Yes chef."
Zemo glances down at the money you had left for the drinks. He slides into his palm and puts it into the register.
He will count down the seconds until he sees you again.
@namethathasnotbeentaken @belle82devart @cathrin2405 @lieutenantn @wilder-fangirl @latenightartist-author @lucky-luck-lucky @hb8301 @charistory @thatoneartgalsstuff @thesuitkovian @malkaviangirl @zemosimp420 @realremyd @the-chaotic-cow @lostghostgirl94 @zafiro-draco @lazygurl05 @pinkcutiepiee @goddessofmischief03 @whovianayesha @myybebe @awesomesauce-abbie @that-stupid-head-tilt-thing @zemo-is-my-muse @nonamec0s @apparrio @scuttle-buttle @alex-the-nb
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