#i'm seeing you with that headcanon post caleb.
ofsgiathan · 2 years
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@ryusxnka is getting an unprompted starter !!
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❝  Why  protect  those  who  are  younger  when  you  should  protect  people  regardless  of  their  age?  ❞
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kykyonthemoon · 3 months
[Headcanons] To be a father
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His reaction and interaction with his first and unexpected child.
ಇ. Character x MC (Female Reader) - in third pov.
Parts in order: Rafayel, Xavier, Zayne, Caleb.
ಇ. Tags: headcanons only, fluff, domestic fluff, family fluff, (unplanned) pregnancy and child birth mentioned, reader insert but I'm using pronouns she/her for MC, he/she and his/her pronouns for all of the babies in this post.
ಇ. Word count: 2k5
ಇ. Ky Ky's notes: This is not a complete fanfic, rather a post of my headcanons about the men and MC having their first baby, and it's unexpected.
Based on many requests of the same plot I've got so far, from Cá Cá đến hôn em một cái, an Anon-san requesting about Zayne dealing with MC's morning sickness, and another Anon-san who sent a three-ask-long request in my askbox.
ಇ. Masterlist ♡ Request a fic
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With all of his innocence, Rafayel will just note that MC has been a little fatigued recently, without knowing why.
She senses something, but is unsure whether a human can become pregnant with a Lemurian.
When she returns from the hospital with certain results in hand, she's shaking. Rafayel keeps asking until she tells him the truth. 
Rafayel is rather astonished. "Are you sure there's a baby in your belly, not just fat?"
She simply wants to beat him hard. They could not comprehend what is occurring; it's like a miracle.
Rafayel ponders if the child would be more like him or her. He begins speaking to her tummy with the sound "glub glub glub". 
Every day, Rafayel performs music and paints in front of MC. He claims that he does this so that the child in her tummy may experience art from a young age.
When she experiences morning sickness, Rafayel develops similar symptoms. He grumbles and worries more than her. As a result, she needs to care for both of them.
Rafayel invites Talia to stay for some time, keeping her company and learning more about this half-human, half-Lemurian child. As a result, MC discovers a number of intriguing details regarding Rafayel's childhood. 
Every morning when she wakes up, the first question he asks is, "Has the baby come out yet?" She is both annoyed and amused, telling him it is still too early.
The day MC goes into labor, people discover him crying in a corner. When he holds the baby for the first time, he checks to see if he/she has legs or a fish tail. Then he cuddles the infant and continues to cry out of delight. It appears that throughout MC's pregnancy, he gets exceedingly sensitive and tears more easily.
Rafayel has set up a separate nursery with all of the necessary supplies a long time ago. He almost moves in there after the baby is born.
Rafayel speaks to his child in a baby voice, occasionally using fish language. This does not alter even as the kid grows older. He/she may feel embarrassed when his/her father speaks to them in this manner in front of others.
He frequently calls his child by intimate names, most of which are related to fish. 
Other babies’ first word might be “dad” or “mom”, but the first word that ever comes out of their child’s mouth must be “glub”.
Rafayel purchases only the most adorable baby items. He additionally designs his own pillows, toys, and other baby-related products.
Rafayel is the sort of dad that pushes his child in a stroller around the mall. After that, he would most likely forget about his own child and return home alone. To him, the kid is capable of finding his/her own way home. But after being scolded by MC, he rushes back to fetch the kid.
The father and his child regularly go to the beach together. He educates the kid about Lemuria, art, and the beautiful world where his or her mother grew up.
Rafayel frequently pulls pranks with the kid, causing MC a headache. It's like having two children under the same roof at the same time. Her parenting style differs from his. The young child could prefer Rafayel because MC can be so strict at times. When she scolds and disciplines the child, he typically sides with the child. It ends up with both of them punished together.
The child possesses the strength of a Lemurian, but his or her body is more resilient and not as vulnerable on land.
Rafayel likes to lull his baby to sleep with ancient Lemurian melodies. He also tells him/her goodnight stories, after which the two cuddle and fall asleep comfortably. MC would frequently embrace Rafayel from behind or place the child between the two of them.
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Neither Xavier nor MC are aware of the pregnancy until she faints on a mission.
When he arrives at the hospital, the doctor informs him that there is a little life in her tummy.
Xavier sits for a long time in front of the waiting room, trembling from the emotions in his heart.
When MC gets up, he is the one to tell her the news and she almost faints again.
Since neither of them is prepared to have children, life has become more chaotic. She develops morning sickness and tension, and she is only permitted to perform desk jobs rather than fighting, which drives her insane as she feels excluded and is frequently uncomfortable.
Xavier gently remains by her side to care for her, even on difficult days when she grumbles at him.
He pats her abdomen and murmurs to the baby: "Come out soon so you don't hurt mommy anymore, okay?" Then he would softly kiss her tummy.
Xavier buys almost every parenting guide he could find. He also follows the suggestions in there, seeking for healthy meals, performing mild workouts with MC, and giving her massages. 
He handles all of the tidying up throughout her pregnancy, but she would not let him near the kitchen. 
The day she gives birth to a beautiful child, Xavier cuddles the baby and kisses her forehead, praising her for the most precious present he could ever have.
She frequently sees Xavier in the nursery, cradling his baby, but he falls asleep even before the child. At that moment, MC simply grins and gently drapes a blanket over his shoulders.
She believes this child is more like Xavier than herself. Take a look at how he/she can sleep anywhere, anytime. They can hold hands and sleep on the sofa while the TV is on. He/she has the same taste as Xavier, preferring meat and leaving all veggies to MC. 
As the kid grows older, he/she develops an interest in superheroes. Of fact, he or she idolizes Lumiere much more than MC. The child begs his/her parents to buy Lumiere's merchandise to fill the room, and occasionally even asks Xavier to play the role of this hero.
Xavier loves to create light shows for his child, receiving praise and admiration from him/her. To become a child's entire universe, he spends a lot of time researching how to build and construct toys for his kid. 
The child soon becomes the youngest plushie collector in Linkon.
Compared to going out, Xavier and his child prefer staying at home together. Both spend much of their time asleep.
Whenever MC is away from home, Xavier and the child often do not care much about their meals. But when she returns, the whole family would have a hearty meal. She plans to teach the child to cook at a young age so that he/she might aid her in the future. 
Even though Xavier adores the child, MC remains his primary focus. He spoils her more than his child, so the baby sometimes has to get between the two of them for attention.
When she becomes preoccupied with the infant and loses sight of Xavier, he appears sad and attempts to reclaim her attention by assisting her in caring for the baby. He enjoys taking care of both of them and frequently reminds the child who actually is his /her mother's most favorite.
The child prefers to sleep in his or her parents' room more. His/her favorite position is between the two of them. When he/she falls asleep, Xavier will covertly carry the child back to his/her room before returning to the MC's side and sealing the door so they are no longer disturbed.
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As her physician, Zayne is aware of MC's pregnancy before she is. He is familiar with her period and has received the results of her frequent checkups.
Zayne is astonished because neither of them expected to have a kid at that point. He doesn't know how to tell her either. Finally, he decides to get a box of excellent macarons for her. She finds it strange, so she inquires whether it is for a particular occasion.
Zayne pauses for a time, then stares deeply into her eyes before quietly saying: "You... are pregnant."
As if lightning has struck, she drops the macaron she's about to bite. Zayne has to catch her before she faints. 
It takes her a bit to recover her composure. What sort of mother would MC be if she hadn't prepared anything? She is completely unaware of how to care for an unborn child or infant.
Zayne appears calm as he soothes her, but that night she discreetly observes him grinning ear to ear in the study, while pursuing further medical documents.
He also takes special care of her more than ever. Morning sickness is also more bearable with him by her side. He constantly checks her and their child's health, ensuring that she receives the greatest and most timely medical care. MC is just concerned with eating nutritious meals and preparing for their future child.
Zayne would pre-register her for pregnancy care, infant care, and any other classes that he deemed essential.
Zayne also intends to raise their child from infancy to college. MC could only gaze at him, surprised, with big round eyes. As anticipated from Linkon's brilliant young doctor.
He would alter his entire schedule to ensure that he could always be there when she needs him. 
He's constantly by her side throughout childbirth. No matter how hard she scratches or squeezes his palm, all he does is softly console her.
Zayne is excellent at caring for children. Since the baby is born, he devotes all his time and energy to care for him/her. Afraid that MC would be upset since they couldn't have much private time together anymore, he would compensate with sweets and do something they both enjoy (such as watching a movie together).
Children often get sick, and when their baby does, Zayne attentively takes care of him/her until he/she gets better. 
He asks his child to eat veggies to gain enough nutrition, but whenever the kid leaves the carrots out for him, he slyly puts them on MC's plate.
Zayne is the type of parent who can hold a baby and work at the same time; or hold their child while carrying all the bags for MC when they go out shopping.
Their child is exceptionally smart and obedient, as well as silent, yet whatever he or she says amazes the MC. He/She takes after Zayne more than her. He/She is adored and spent time with by everyone at Akso Hospital. People often praise the child for his/her courteous and well-mannered behavior, which makes MC chuckle, while Zayne fails to hide his proud smile.
However, as a child, there are times when he/she may become too playful and lose sight of his or her responsibilities. Zayne has the strict role in the family. He disciplines the child not with whipping or scolding, but rather with a reasonable consequence and reward. He assigns a chore to the child and promises prizes if he/she completes it successfully. Otherwise, he/she will face a penalty.
Zayne might be very strict at times, leaving the child afraid and furious. He/she runs to the MC with a gloomy look. She speaks a few words to get him/her away with this, but seeing Zayne's stone-cold face, fearful of being criticized by him too, she pushes the kid forward with encouragement: "You asked for it, dear."
Even still, after every tantrum, the child would always find candy that Zayne has mistakenly placed in an easily accessible location.
The kid frequently begs Zayne to make popsicles for him/her or to serve as his/her own portable air conditioner when it's hot outside. 
On occasions when the whole family has a day off, Zayne often takes them out of town in his car. In addition, he usually brings the child to the hospital to participate in some volunteer activities there.
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MC remembers that Caleb is petrified for a long time after hearing her announce the pregnancy.
Then he walks out into the backyard, and she hears him scream so loud that the whole neighborhood could hear, "I'M GOING TO BE A FATHER!"
The next thing she knows, he has rushed inside, scooped her up like a princess, and spun her around the room. When he comes to a halt, she notices his eyes are bright red. He embraces her for a long time, thanking her for giving him the most precious thing in this world.
Caleb is paying more attention to her meals, even learning how to prepare new nutritional foods for the two of them, rather than simply following her appetite. He also ensures that she eats and drinks more.
Due to his profession, he frequently departs for far away missions, but every day he checks on her health and reminds her to eat on time and to arrange regular prenatal checkups. 
Caleb couldn't be with her as often during the pregnancy, which made it really tough for MC. She regularly tears when she gets upset. However, he surprises her and makes her happy by returning home without calling first. He states that he's on long-term leave to take care of her.
Caleb previously talked about MC so much that all of his Academy friends and coworkers are familiar with her. He is now filled with tremendous delight and pride as he talks about their upcoming kid.
Even before the baby arrives, he/she already receives many gifts and necessary items from his/her parents' colleagues. 
After having a kid, Caleb accepts short-term assignments closer to Linkon. He enjoys spending time with his family the most, and every time he's home, MC feels like everything becomes cozier.
She sometimes recalls their childhood while seeing Caleb care for and play with the baby.
He is always present on important occasions for the whole family, when the baby takes his/her first steps and babbles a few unclear words. He has a collection of images and videos capturing such moments.
Caleb occasionally becomes strict with his child and educates him/her using the similar disciplinary methods he learned at the Academy. But in the end, he always manages to comfort the child.
"Don't argue with mom." and "Mom is always right." are the things Caleb tells his child every time he/she gets scolded by MC.
The child is quite active. Anyone can tell since he/she possesses all of the stubbornness and mischief of MC and Caleb combined. Caleb enjoys playing sports and doing outdoor activities with his child. He often carries him/her on his back or lets him/her sit on his shoulders when they go out.
Caleb frequently engages in daring activities with his child that make MC's pulse race. But he never allows the kid to be injured or frightened.
Caleb likes to call his child by affectionate names. But every time he calls "baby" or "sweetie", or "pip-squeak", both MC and the child turn around. 
When Caleb takes on long-term assignments away from home, sometimes the child would miss his/her father and cries. But as soon as he/she finds MC sobbing, he/she will hold her and console her in the same manner Caleb does. That's what he has taught his child. And when he returns, the entire family will spend all their time together. The memories he creates with his child always make him/her joyful and grateful every time he comes home.
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As requested in my ask box:
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Header images used at the top of this post by: x
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Important News + Schedule 💕 🎉 💟 ✨
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Since I want 2024 to be a year filled with nothing but writing progress for me, I've decided to work less on short fics so that I can focus more on my ao3 uploads and my multi-chapter Caleb x Clara (My Wittewife) story that I've been secretly working on.
It's titled "A Winsome Witch And A Happy Human".
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(Commission art here)
This is going to be my first time ever writing a full-length fic, and I'm very excited, but also very nervous lol. 😆 😅
Of course, anyone and everyone is still welcome to send requests and their headcanons or other stuff sincs my inbox is and has always been open (I'll also answer short stuff too.) 💕 💚 👍 ✅ .
When it comes to my ao3 uploads, I believe that if I upload at least one piece of old content each week, I can get a lot of written content on the site before 2025 (and I'll be able to grow my fan base of readers lol).
Anyway, I think I've said enough lol.
Now, here's the schedule for this week.
Sunday 12 / 31 - "Like To Love You (The Written Animatic)" - (December 31st is Caleb's birthday [Personal headcanon of mine. Wrote a story about it last year.], and we get a cute montage of Clara [My Wittewife] making sure he has the best day ever!) [I USUALLY DON'T ADD SUNDAYS TO MY SCHEDULES BUT TOMMORROW IS AN EXCEPTION. Requested by no one, it's purely self-indulgent lol.] (Fic here.)
Monday 1 / 1 - An ao3 upload (here).
Tuesday 1 / 2 - An ao3 upload (here) and (here)
Wednesday 1 / 3 - An ao3 upload (here.)
Thursday 1 / 4 - I WILL TRY TO FINISH THIS! 😭 (It's for the full length fic). (I FINISHED IT)
Friday 1 / 5 - Post chapter titles for "A Winsome Witch And A Happy Human". Of course, I won't beat myself up if I can't, BUT I WILL TRY TO. 😭 (They are here.)
Saturday 1 / 6 - Post commission cover art for "A Winsome Witch And A Happy Human". I spoke to a mutual of mine who does a lot of commission art for me and she said that she can have the piece done by then, so hooray!!! 💕 🎉 (Art here)
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r3dkn0ts · 1 year
I'm somewhat curious because everyone has their own perception of killers in dbd before they came into the realm. Out of all your faves (like Caleb, Tarhos, Billy ect..) do you think any of them are still....well virgins?? Most of them were either too focused on revenge and bloodshed to even think about ass or coochie (lookin right at you slinger also I LOVE UR BLOG SM)
I have other stuff in the drafts I'm working on atm ( do not worry followers! it will be posted! eventually! ) but Man this just. rattled my brain so hard that I had to start writing Immediately
I'm just gonna pick the guys you listed or else I'd be rambling way too much and also idk what the hell to categorize this as so ummmmm just putting it under the cut. I guess these are more like character studies than anything?
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SEXUAL HEADCANONS FOR THE DBD KILLERS Featuring Caleb Quinn, Tarhos Kovács, and Max Thompson Jr.
Themes: Smut, smut, and a little bit of fluff at the end. Honestly, what did you expect? Warnings: Mentions of canon-typical violence
The Deathslinger / Caleb Quinn - I'd imagine Caleb is around his mid-to-late 60s ( if you don't think too hard about the time-fuckery that is the Entity's Realm ), so the man definitely has some years under his belt. - When it comes to sex, though, he might've fooled around with one or two folks in his younger days. Like most other cowpoke of his time, he didn't really care what gender he was laying down with. - Yes, I am saying that Caleb is pansexual. All cowboys are at least a little bit gay. I don't make the rules. - He definitely didn't see any action after nearly killing Bayshore and being stuck in a penitentiary for 15 years straight, that's for sure. - Plus, there's no good reason to be horny in a place like that. - That being said, he knows the basics and maybe a trick here or there, so he's not a total buffoon, but he's not a floozy either.
The Knight / Tarhos Kovács - Being taken from his home and put into slavery at such a young age, he didn't exactly have a normal childhood. - Tarhos didn't have the time to be concerned with anything remotely romantic or sexual, constantly going on campaigns with his men and killing everyone that stood in their way. - He would never admit it to anyone, even himself, but this man is so touch-starved and needy that just hugging him would probably give him a boner as stiff as his claymore. - Tarhos tries to ignore sexual urges until they go away, but that doesn't always work, so he might have to rub one out once in a while. He feels guilty about it every time. - Yeah, he's a virgin. No experience at all.
The Hillbilly / Max Thompson Jr. - Oh, this poor boy. We all know his story by now. It's pretty obvious that he never had any physical contact, much less that of a romantic or sexual nature. - Back in his time, television shows weren't nearly as scandalous as nowadays. There was no way of accessing pornographic material unless you got special magazines, which he of course never did. - Going through puberty, he would feel strange and uncomfortable, just trying to ignore the weird feelings he had. It made him want to crawl out of his own skin. - Those habits stuck with him into his adulthood, constantly fighting his own body and trying anything to get the strange feelings to go away. Eventually, he figured out that friction was the easiest method. - You could say he's "innocent", but I prefer "clueless". - If someone were to truly earn his trust and explain to him what erections, masturbation, and sex are, he'd get super flustered and cover his face in shame. - His first time would need to be slow and more of a tutorial than anything else. Dude's probably gonna cum as soon as a hand touches him. Just be patient.
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bananadramaaa · 1 year
I'm not sure if anyone has asked this before, but do you have any headcanon about the brothers? I really like reading your comics and seeing how Caleb is as equally fucked up as Philip xD
Hi! I'm flattered that you enjoyed my comics ✨
I have some headcanons about wittebros. Some of them can be messed up, considering the time period when brothers lived so be careful. I won't be talking about the relationship between Caleb and Evelyn, how Caleb changed his mind about witches, how he decided to live in the Boiling Isles, etc., because I didn't decide or find the answer myself yet (I have a feeling of a plot hole right now tbh). So some of my headcanons that I'm mentioning here take place before Evelyn's appearance.
Their parents were hanged. Mother for "dealing with the devil," i.e., witchcraft, and father for aiding and abetting the witch and hiding her. Then the bodies were thrown out to be devoured by animals. It was decided to banish the brothers from the city, leaving their fate to "God's will" as a sign of mercy (but before doing so, they made them watch their parents being executed, so that they would learn their lesson).
They have hatred for their parents after. "Why did they abandon us, why did they sell their souls to the devil?"
Since they were puritans ("The Idea of the Holy Trinity" - home, church and school), education played a role, so Caleb knew some literacy, could read, write and count. He taught Philip too. However, household chores like sewing and cooking took some time for them to learn (the boys spent more time with their father helping him with his chores).
Brothers tried to survive as best they could, so there was stealing, too (and once Caleb took things from the corpse of a hanged man, "a beautiful doublet, an unworn one, should be nice"). Usually, it has been Caleb as the eldest who ran the outing. In Philip's words that this was wrong, Caleb replied that repentance was their chief savior and that God would absolve them of their sins because God had inflicted enough suffering on them (rather, Caleb was just repeating what he had heard from adults without fully understanding the meaning).
Upon arriving at Gravesfield, Caleb invented the legend that their parents had been murdered by witches and strictly instructed Philip to stick to that legend.
The brothers took refuge in an abandoned house on the outskirts of Gravesfield.
The brothers feared the Inquisition because of their parents' accident and also feared that "witchcraft" had been passed on to them. So as not to fear the reckoning of their parents, Caleb and Philip decided to imitate the witch hunters, and were frequent visitors to church (to fit in).
Caleb learned wood carving for the first time so he could make dishes with it. Carved a sword and sewed a witch costume for him and Philip to practice witch hunting. He also made a few toys for Philip.
Caleb was retraining Philip to write with his right hand, for if one wrote with the left, it could be considered a sign of the devil's presence.
Once Caleb discovered a mole on his lower back that might have been considered the mark of the devil. He was so afraid of anyone seeing it that he cut it out with a knife. He told Philip that he had cut himself at work by accident.
My other headcanons I've shown in my works. There was also a bit in my answers to other questions.
The post turned out to be quite long, so that's it for now✨ Thank you for your question!
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swiftfootedachilles · 7 months
you wanted more asks, so I'm here to deliver!
-favorite gallavich canon scenes?
-what are some favorite headcanons for them that you have? missing scenes, what ifs, etc.
-favorite characters besides gallavich?
-storyline you would have liked to seen/favorite storyline that the show did well?
-favorite fic tropes that make you just go fuckin feral?
-five things you think needed to be fixed/changed/improved about the show? gallavich related or just in general, dealer's choice
rubbing my greasy paws together getting ready to type out an essay
ummmm uh okay lemme think.... the s1 juvie scene (CLASSIC!!!), all their scenes working at the kash n grab together, mickey finding ian and taking him home, club kiss, like all of South Side Rules pre-sammi fucking everything up, dock scene, literally all of their s7 scenes tbh, prison reunion scene, "I WANNA BE WITH YOU" "you dont get to be," mickey wasting his break getting noodles in the food court for ian instead of making ian get his own lunch, fiance shenanigans, "i only make toast for husbands with jobs," STEALING THE AMBULANCE AND MICKEY GETTING SO TURNED ON THEY IMMEDIATELY HAVE TO FUCK AND MICKEYS KNEES BUCKLES WHEN IAN PUSHES HIM AGAINST THE AMBULANCE, coworker husband shenanigans, "youre such a fucking barbarian" "thank you☺️," being SOOOO cute at their anniversary party together. so honestly all of their scenes
i love all the deleted scenes i literally need the show editors to go to prison for what theyve done. i especially love the original scripts for the s5 deleted sex scene/ians dream and their s5 breakup. favorite headcanons are autistic!mickey, casual D/s dynamics, not-so-casual D/s dynamics, 🏳️‍⚧️trans gallavich🏳️‍⚧️, hobby artist!mickey, ian becoming the new vee of their neighborhood (ghetto nurse!ian), annoyingly clingy codependent!gallavich being gross in front of everyone, s6 canon divergence where mickey doesn't go to prison bc wtaf was that, s5 canon divergence with no breakup bc that literally made no sense
ummm i love liam hes the true golden child. mandy. uh ethel i would've LOVED to see more of, and the other milkovich siblings. sheila. karen was a REALLY complex character that never really got more than surface-level analysis from the show writers. debbie and her journey as a child obviously struggling with bpd. i do like carl turning his life around and kinda fulfilling many of the dreams ian had growing up. i kinda wish they did more with kev than just "haha kentucky appalachian guy is stupid" like that whole family reunion arc of his was so fucking weird and honestly embarrassing of the writers. also we..... never really learn about vee's family? theres a whole episode dedicated to meeting kevs stereotypical family, and vee gets.....becoming a believer in the american voting system??? and of course svetlana. missed opportunity after missed opportunity with her character - but hey at least they didnt kill her off like isidora wanted⁉️⁉️🥴
really really wish the writers gave a fuck about showing ian coming to terms with his trauma of being groomed and abused. he never learns that what he experienced was abuse. i feel like if caleb can call mickey abusive, then surely ian wouldve mentioned something about literally any other relationship hes had and caleb or trevor wouldve been neen like "uhhh you should see a therapist about that thats really super fucked up that you were victimized like that as a CHILD"
ohhhh the fic tropes. my #1 is always bdsm i am a bdsm gallavich truther until i DIE!!!! um i like canon divergence fics (sometimes). domestic fics. post-s11 married life. learning to grow together as a couple after being off-and-on for like a decade, autistic!mickey!!!! trans!mickey and t4t gallavich!!!! aus where ian and mickey are actually dating starting s1-3 and are out to the gallagher/mandy. uncle!gallavich shenanigans. taking liam on adventures shenanigans
OK SO. FIRST AND FOREMOST I WOULD FIX THE FUCKED UP JUDICIAL SYSTEM IN SHAMELESS fionas/mickeys/ians court shit was so fucking unrealistic and BAD. how the FUCK did fiona get like 60 days in jail + house arrest for possession of a schedule ii drug and attempted manslaughter AND STILL KEPT CUSTODY OF THE KIDS.
literally what the FUCK did mickey get charged with. did he plea? what the fuck kind of plea is 16 years when the person you assaulted ALSO ASSAULTED YOU and is also a COMPLETELY unreliable witness/victim. youre telling me he wouldnt take his chances in court? as if debbie wouldnt be the perfect witness to prove his INNOCENCE? and bianca was dead and frank wouldnt even give half a fuck to testify to seeing mickey lock sammi in the trailer. literally no proof that ever happened. no proof he drugged sammi because it was FAR too late to test her blood and see how much of each drug she had in her system. just her testimony that she drank soda then fell asleep lmao. any defense lawyer would have an easy time getting him acquitted entirely, at most getting a refusal to comply with officers and disturbing the peace for running from sammi and then trying to kick her when the cops showed up to arrest them
literally what the fuck is ians trial. HE PLEADS NOT GUILTY BY REASON OF INSANITY (WHICH NO LAWYER WOULD EVER DO BECAUSE OFC HE WOULD BE FOUND GUILTY WHEN HE CHOSE TO STOP TAKING HIS MEDS) AND IS FOUND GUILTY. OF ARSON. A CLASS X FELONY IN ILLINOIS. IN THE COMMISSION OF ANOTHER FELONY (KIDNAPPING.) AND HE GETS LIKE 2 YEARS IN PRISON YOUVE GOTTA BE FUCKING KIDDING ME. he could have gotten LIFE for that shit in the real world. i hate this shows pisspoor attempt at a legal system SOOOOO BAD. i stand by my belief that it wouldve made much more sense if he pled guilty and got put in the Chicago-Read Mental Health Center for mentally ill offenders. like he literally thought he was the gay Messiah what do you mean hes in a regular prison. plus it would've been much more interesting to see mickey in this environment - IF everything up to s9 was kept canon. otherwise he would only be able to visit ian like in s5, unless he found a way to get himself committed ?? idk it just makes much more sense than ian in regular prison
the attendees of their wedding. who the hell were those people. people from ians club ing days?? trevors friends???? i mean maybe. i assume sandy just went to every gay bar and passed out flyers saying there was a big gay wedding. it would've made much more sense if mickeys siblings were there especially mandy but what the hell ever. it's not like iggy literally has multiple scenes where he's supportive of mickey being gay and dating ian. WHATEVER. IT'S NOT LIKE THE GAY JESUS FOLLOWERS SHOULDNT HAVE EVEN BEEN THERE AT ALL SINCE THEYRE SHOWN LITERALLY ABANDONING IAN AFTER HIS ARREST AND IT WOULDVE MADE MORE SENSE FOR THE MILKOVICH BROTHERS TO BE OUTSIDE TO KEEP TERRY OUT. FUCKING WHATEVER I GUESS!!!
throw away the shitty homophobic gay man writer and let those 2 bi ladies write s11 gallavich. they were the only ones who wrote decent storylines. fr that gay guy needed to be fired SO BAD i can't believe he wrote the dumbass "who's the wife/bottom/submissive of our relationship" 11x3 plot AND the 11x7 orgy. HE SUCKS SO BADDD??? get rid of that stupid shit. give me more of ian and mickey in the growing pains of their relationship looking for jobs and dealing with the death of terry and trying to find common ground of their plans for the future and mickey being stubborn and scared without being "accidentally" an egregious stereotype of autistic people. LET HIM STIM AND GO NONVERBAL AND LET IAN LEARN TO GIVE MICKEY HIS SPACE WHEN HE'S OVERWHELMED GOOD LORD
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haaawaiianshirt · 2 years
my issue with "stans" and people who like Billy or any other Stranger Things Guy is not that they like him, sympathize with him, headcanon him, whatever, (I know nothing I say can talk you out of liking them but it's fine, to each their own) it's the rampant hypocrisy yall like to spout I am SO sick of it
I appreciate that y'all want to take a nuanced look at the source material, but you can't cherry-pick what parts of the narrative you want to acknowledge !!
y'all want to talk about classism and ableism within the show, which i admire! those are super interesting themes in Stranger Things!! but you all REFUSE to acknowledge or interpret the themes surrounding racism, misogyny, and cycles of abuse and it discredits any argument yall wanna make about your special little guys.
I can acknowledge that Billy is a survivor of his father's abuse, I can see that he is a complex and interesting character and I don't care that you guys like him for this! but what y'all conveniently like to omit is that he chose to perpetuate the abuse he faced onto Max. he could have forged a relationship with her like his literal narrative foil, Johnathan, did with Will in the face of their abusive father, but he didn't and that was His Choice.
or the common argument about Nancy and ableism for example! (and before yall come for my ass, yes, i am autistic.)
when Nancy is rude to Robin one (1) time, it's not because she's an overwhelmed teenager who just lost another friend and has had to face so much doubt in her ideas thanks to the men in her life and is just now trying to forge friendships again, it's because she's a master manipulator ableist obviously.
So, if y'all care about Nancy getting annoyed with Robin, where are the posts shunning Steve for being mean to Robin? calling Robin hyper? for telling Nancy that Robin has "problems"? for letting Robin run off into the Upside Down alone? is that not more ableist than Nancy getting annoyed with Robin for talking a lot in a high-stress situation?
Do you see the issue?
how are y'all willing to excuse Billy for attacking actual children but aren't willing to provide that same grace towards Nancy when she protects those same children with her life?
you ask us to see the truth behind the actions of Billy and Steve yet condemn Nancy for every mistake in the same breath? what exactly is the line between a traumatized teenager and a monster in your mind?
you claim that Nancy is evil and classist towards Johnathan but ignore the sexism (which is literally. the main conflict. of their relationship. they don't understand each other), neglect, and parentification she faced. you wax poetic that Billy is so misunderstood but ignore the way he routinely tormented Max and attacked Lucas for dating Max, which both the Duffer Brothers and Caleb himself said is meant to be racially motivated.
y'all make up so many reasons to forgive and excuse the men of the narrative for their behavior but do not allow female characters the same grace and it is so. annoying. y'all want to be this cool nuanced fan safe space but you just pull the same shit as a dudebro movie buff echo chamber and I'm soooo done with it.
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urheadcanongirl · 2 months
Rules and Q&A
I'm very strict about no minors - if you are underage or "ageless", I likely won't answer your ask at all and if I do, it will be strictly SFW.
If you are 18+ I'm more than happy to write NSFW content, however if your ask isn't clearly NSFW themed, please indicate that you're looking for it!
I do write sensitive subject matter at times, so please block the tag(s) UHCGtw and/or UHCGexplicit if you do not wish to see this content. These are for possible trigger topics and more hardcore topics/definite triggers respectively.
I prefer headcanons, but feel free to request drabble or send an ask/message from your OC to be answered! ❤️
I will not answer NSFW asks sent on anon.
What fandoms/characters can I request? Are there any you absolutely WILL NOT write?
Obey Me!
Love & Deep Space (LaDS)
Final Fantasy
Cloud Strife
Aerith Gainsborough
Naruto Shippuden
Naruto Uzumaki
Sakura Haruno
Kiba Inuzuka
Sasuke Uchiha
Kakashi Hatake
Menma (OOC take)
Madara Uchiha
Ino Yamanaka (Shippuden or RTN)
Rock Lee
Itachi Uchiha
Obito Uchiha (AU take)
Hinata Hyuuga
Sailor Moon
Usagi/Sailor Moon
Rei/Sailor Mars
Kagome Higurashi
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
X Files
Dana Scully
Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Buffy Summers
Please feel free to ask if you don't see a fandom/character you're interested in! This list is incomplete at this time!
Do you have OCs that you write?
You bet I do! If you're interested in writing with me in this regard, please let me know. You can DM me for this. 😊 As most people won't be looking for this, I won't list them here.
Are there "taboo" topics for you?
Mostly the obvious - I will not write inappropriate content that involves minors in any way. I don't typically write gore either, but this is not "taboo" per se. I'm pretty open about sensitive topics so... As in my header, anything that might be sensitive or a trigger will be tagged as such. Please block my UHCGtw and/or UHCGexplicit tag if you do not wish to see this content.
You haven't answered my ask! What's up with that?
I'm a human (unfortunately). Sometimes a prompt will be difficult for me to brainstorm or I will be uncomfortable answering it. Sometimes I'm just lazy or living life. If you do not receive a reply, please do not DM me, but feel free to resend the ask in case it was missed.
Can I request specific genders/identities for my asks?
Absolutely you can!
Please note however that there may be inaccuracies or variances as I, myself, am a cisgender, bisexual female with male preferences. I'm happy to write something outside of this (i.e. homosexual, transgender specific, male!MC etc.) but I lack these experiences in my personal life—so please be kind. I will do my best! 😊
*** This post is a WIP and will be updated accordingly! ***
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shoccolatine · 7 months
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hi, you can call me ame! 30. they/them. mostly sfw. writing and musing about my beloveds (obey me, love&deepspace, and whatever else my brain latches onto). my inbox is open, so feel free to send me any requests, comments, or questions. let's chat about our mutual hyperfixations! ♡
⚘recent works
╰ mission failure—zayne x gn!reader
╰ things i associate them with—xavier, zayne, rafayel, caleb
╰ if MC was fatally wounded by wanderers and passed away—xavier, zayne, rafayel
#shoccospeaks: random thoughts
#shoccoplays: game screenshots/gameplay talk
#shoccoanswers: responses to asks
#hcs: headcanon posts
#fics: longer writing posts
╰ i use tone indicators outside of my writing, and appreciate others using them as well! (i'm autistic so it really helps 🫶)
╰ i'm uncomfortable with pregnancy/childbirth/breeding so i won't be writing any requests dealing with these topics. thank you for your understanding!
╰ on the other hand, i have an incredibly soft spot for hurt/comfort & comfort fics in general, so you can expect to see those often~
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pulpitude · 3 months
giselle & her timeline ✦ edits by me
if you don't know who giselle is, she's a transfem version of aiden i came up with for a hss au (the same au my oc darlene comes from, she's also dating darlene) that i've had in mind for quite some time but never really posted about it
also, hope yall don't mind that i literally just used a dakota winchester base for her 😭 i did think about using aiden for upper face and dakota for lower face, but i feel like just this base would make a great f!aiden feel free to correct me if i'm wrong
(under the edits are a lot of semi drabble headcanons that i swear i didn't mean to write that long but i couldn't stop myself 😭)
book 2, winter formal outfit —
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(here koh had been helping her physically transition all the way since book 1, but i'm starting from book 2 because that's when she comes out to her parents, meaning the winter formal is the first time she ever wears feminine clothing in public)
Giselle: "Everyone... hope I'm not late."
Darlene: [jaw drops] "Gi, you look like..."
Emma: "...a princess."
Myra: "A literal princess! Girl, you look like you're 5 seconds away from singing about letting it go." [Giselle rolls her eyes at Myra]
Michael: "Where'd you even get that dress from?"
Giselle: "Ah, this is my mom's prom dress from the 90s. She heard the words winter formal and begged me to try it on. I told her 'no, mom, it's fine, I can wear a suit if you want me to', since... you know, she's not used to seeing me in stuff like dresses and skirts yet, but she practically shoved me into this dress."
Darlene: [holding Giselle's hand] "She made the right choice."
book 3, spring casual appearance —
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Giselle: "I... tried doing something with my hair. I hope it looks good, because I really don't want to go back to my old hair."
Caleb: "It does look good on you, but why the face?"
Giselle: [surprised] "What face?"
Maria: "You don't really look like you like it. Do you regret getting your hair done?"
Giselle: "No, it's not the hair..."
Emma: "Then what is it? Your clothes?"
Giselle: [nods] "Mmhm. My parents bought me these. I don't want to be ungrateful because... my parents support me enough to buy me clothes, and there are plenty of trans kids out there whose parents don't even want them in their home. But..."
Darlene: "But what?"
Giselle: "I don't like this style they're assigning me. It reminds me too much of my old self. And I don't just want to be the same person I was before, but in girl form."
Sydney: "Are you saying you'd like to try a new style?"
Darlene: "You'd look good in anything, Gi. No matter if it's girly, tomboyish, alternative, or even country girl."
Myra: [laughs] "Imagine that... 'Yeehaw, my captain!'"
Michael: "Myra, cowboys don't have captains. That's pirates."
Giselle: [giggles] "Ezra is trying to get me to join the dark side and turn into a grunge girl. I don't think I want that, really, but I do feel like I want to make a statement now... Is there an alternative style that's girlier but still eye catching, without any spikes or chains or ripped fishnets?"
Maria: "...I think there is."
book 3, prom outfit —
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Cameron: "Giselle! Hey, wait up!"
Giselle: "Huh? Ah, hey there. What did you need?"
Cameron: "Nothing much, I just wanted to congratulate you."
Giselle: "Me...? What for?"
Cameron: "What not for? You're one of the strongest and most talented people I know. I might have known you for only three months, but I know this year has been a wild ride for you. You've been through pretty much everything and still manage to come out on top. I'm... really proud of you."
Ezra: "We all are."
Giselle: [blushes] "Oh, I... thank you... Normally I like compliments and-- and even look for them myself, but I just... don't know what to say for this one." [Cameron and Ezra laugh]
Cameron: "I have to say, you're kind of my role model. Not just because of all your talents in band, but also, I wish I could've figured myself out like you did. It took me years to figure out my identity, let alone how I wanted to present myself."
Giselle: "Speaking of that... I'm sorry, everyone, but I've been thinking about this for a while, and I... don't think I want to be in band anymore."
[everyone's jaw drops]
Myra: "What?! Girl, what's gotten into you?"
Giselle: "Don't get me wrong, I still love music! Who would I be if I didn't? But... composing, instruments, band, I want to leave all of that behind. I don't know if permanently... I hope not, but at least for now I want to focus on something else."
Ezra: "Something else as in what?"
Giselle: "...Promise you all won't laugh? [everyone nods] Well, as in... performance? Not performing as in playing songs, but performing as in--"
Cameron: "Dancing?"
Giselle: "Mmhm. When the year started, I was not only super insecure of myself but also an awful dancer, and Darlene helped me with both of those things. I want to try incorporating it into my life... for her and for myself."
summer break appearance —
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Giselle: "Hey everyone! I brought popsicles."
Darlene: "Oh... my."
Sydney: "That is the most sparkly outfit I've ever seen you in."
Myra: "And also the most pink. I thought you didn't even like pink, what happened to you?"
Giselle: [shrugs] "Maybe I was just in the mood for something different. Remember spring quarter, when I told you all about wanting to find my style and all that? Well... I'm pretty sure I found it."
Emma: "You did? Please tell us all about it, Gi!"
Giselle: "So I'm reading about this fashion subculture that lets girls go all out. I'm talking super flashy clothes and hair, so many cute accessories, and their makeup is so pretty... they even have hangout spaces just for them!"
Sydney: "Really?"
Giselle: "Yeah, it's called gal... I can't believe I didn't know this existed before! Now I want to become one, and I'm not sure where to even start."
Michael: "Giselle, you're drooling."
Maria: "No, she's not."
Michael: "But she's about to be if no one stops her."
class act appearance —
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thousand-winters · 4 months
Ask game 🛼🍄🍬🥐🧩!
Hello, friend!!! I hope life has been treating you kindly lately 💖
🛼 ⇢ Describe your latest wip with five emojis
Going to use literally the last document I opened for this but: 😟🏃🏰🛌😢
🍄 ⇢ Share a headcanon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
I have a little hc that during the period of time between Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn, while Ike was kinda getting used to being the leader of the Greil mercenaries in peace times, sometimes he would get too stressed and irritable, so Soren would do something about it.
The "something" in question being going to him like "Ike, I have something very important to report" and while Ike's kinda only half paying attention, immersed as he is in his own head, Soren will just say a shitty joke in a deadpan. "Why did the chicken cross the road?" sort of dumb joke.
He doesn't even think they're funny, but they make Ike snort in disbelief and, since he knows Soren isn't the type to randomly crack jokes all of a sudden, he can tell what he's doing. Those times always end on a smile and a "thank you, Soren".
🍬 ⇢ Post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character
I didn't really think this was an unpopular opinion but I see it somewhat often around, the idea that Hunter killed people during his time as Golden Guard and I really don't agree with it. I feel like if Belos had made him do that, Hunter would have cracked so much earlier because his compassionate nature would be at odds with the act itself, even if he had been told they were bad people. He couldn't even get himself to catch Luz in Hunting Palismen, so I think he would have let a shit ton of people go and Belos wouldn't have taken that kindly.
At most, I can see him unfortunately being involved in someone getting killed in the same way he was with the palismen he handed Belos; aka, him possibly capturing people and those people ending up dead or petrified. But I really, really don't think he ever killed someone himself, and in the case of capturing wild witches and such, I feel like that would have to be a very special occasion too (I feel like lowkey Belos probably always had a certain wariness that his grimwalkers would run off with a wild witch or such, especially if Caleb wasn't the only one who did through his messed up story of brotherly murder and clonation)
🥐 ⇢ Name one internet reference that will always make you laugh 
Oh, my god, there was this meme in Spanish (very unsure if it also exists in English because it's from those monkey puppets that are memes but I never watched the source material of that properly so no idea) that went like: student character goes to present their teacher with a medical justification for missing class while saying something like "I got sick but I'm better now", teacher goes "it says here you got hit by a car and died" and then the student says "wow, science really advances, right?"
I don't think it has the same punch with me saying like this as seeing the thing but for some reason it cracked me up so much when I saw it. Now sometimes if someone asked what happened to me for whatever reason, half the time I go "I got hit by a car and died" and then laugh, which is probably not the best thing to say without context lmao 😭 I don't do it unless it's in a silly kind of context tho, don't worry.
My sister also sometimes will explain things by going "science really advances" and I die every fucking time too.
🧩 ⇢ What will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
1st person POVs, I'm so sorry, I just can't do it 😔 It causes such a visceral reaction of second hand embarrassment in me even if there's no actual embarrassing content in the description. I just cannot do it, it's even worse for me than paragraphs with no space between them or such, depending on the day I can power through those but the 1st person? Nope.
Thank you for the questions!!! From this ask game
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void-occupation · 5 months
Ok, hear me out (angst, bc of course)
I've been having these thoughts bounce around my head for about a week and I finally decided to post them. I don't know who's going to see this, but whoever sees it needed to. I guess this is for an AU rather than a headcanon, but whatever, just hear me out. I was inspired by The Owl House, specifically Hunter, so maybe that will spark some interest. This is about to be a rant, so I'll go ahead and add the read more thing
Okay, now that I have your attention, time for angst.
SO, in The Owl House, we learn in season 2 that (SPOILER ALERT) Hunter is a grimwalker (a clone of someone who died for those of you who don't know), and that before him, there were TONS of other grimwalkers that Belos murdered for "choosing to betray him" AKA realizing that Belos was an evil psychotic bitch. Also, that Hunter looked the most like Caleb (the dead guy he was cloned of) out of all the other grimwalkers, but he didn't KNOW that he was a grimwalker until a very angsty reveal by his abuser (Belos) who then immediately tried to murder his ass.
ANYWAYS, obviously, as the angst-lover I am, I think about this literally all the time. Then. I started thinking. I absolutely love Alastor, he's such a blorbo. And what do I do to my blorbos? I give them immeasurable amounts of trauma, c'mon, keep up.
What do we know about Alastor? Well, someone owns his soul. He disappeared for unknown reasons for seven years. He is INCREDIBLY anxious about whoever owns his soul - or at least the deal itself (as evidenced by his musical breakdown where he literally TEARS HIS OWN HAIR OUT FROM THE STRESS), and that he's probably going to use the deal with Charlie either for nefarious purposes, or to escape his deal.
Which brings us to the point of this post in the first place (kind of???? I might have just been mindlessly rambling there), and the start of my AU. I'm not going to pretend I know who owns Alastor's soul, but I really vibe with the idea of it being either Lilith or Roo, so that's who I'll be thinking of for the majority of this post. What if the person who owns his soul made a deal with him when he first got to hell (or it could be one of those versions where someone sold his soul before he was even born [a sort of "I want your first-born kinda deal] and they let him know when he got to hell which is how he got all his power so quickly), but he managed to either tick them off or get really close to escaping the deal, which lead to them killing Alastor.
Then, the contract-owner realizes, "Oh shit, I kind of need him," and finds out how to make whatever the hell equivalent of a grimwalker is. Thus, Alastor 2.0 is born. However, they can't have him knowing he's a clone - he might find a loophole in the deal that way. So they find a way to control which memories he has. They replace all of the memories the OG Alastor had up until whatever it was he did to get killed in the first place - don't want him getting any ideas after all.
This works fine for the contract-holder for a while, but then Alastor is back on the same shit - trying to find loopholes, backdoors, ticking them off, whatever, and oops, there goes another one. Well shit. Guess it's time to make another clone. So, the process is repeated, and the song and dance continues. However, it always concludes the same way - with Alastor's inevitable "betrayal". Also, none of the clones ever seem to look quite right - sometimes the eye color is wrong, or the height, the cheekbones, or the nose shape - whatever it is, something is always off
So, after many failed attempts, they decide to take a different approach. When they make the new clone, they give them the same memories, everything is the same as the previous attempts, except they don't turn him loose right away. Instead, they keep him under their thumb for seven years - really just until there was something they needed him for. Those seven years were spent conditioning him. They were determined to make him perfect. After all, this clone was the one that looked the most like the original Alastor, there was no way they would let him go like the others.
In his time at their side, Alastor endured unspeakable cruelties - beatings, torture, extreme sensory deprivation, emotional manipulation, sleep deprivation, total isolation - you name it, it was almost certainly done during that time. This is also when his smile was sewn on because the contract holder wanted him to smile more, and used his defense mechanism to torture him (smiled to hide weakness, forced to smile against his will, making the smile itself a constant reminder of how powerless he really is). There was rarely an action Alastor did that provoked his contract holder, but that didn't matter. They convinced him that each "punishment" was earned, that they were simply trying to help him see his own shortcomings and failures, and to make him better. Obviously, this is complete bullshit. However, when you live like that long enough, with no other influences, you become conditioned to believe it.
Eventually, for whatever reason, the contract holder released Alastor on strict orders to go to Charlie's hotel, and Alastor is doing exactly what they told him because he's terrified of the idea of being summoned back to their side. He hates his contract holder, but at the same time craves their approval, because if they're happy with him, then he won't be in pain. However, Alastor has to Alastor, and once he's on his own, he starts looking for ways to escape his deal - but he's sneaky about it. Years of constant conditioning made him cautious. He has no memory of ever searching for loopholes before - a least not successfully (bc the contract holder doesn't let the clones remember those things), so he does the best thing he can think of: he makes a deal with the Princess of Hell herself.
I'm definitely going to make another post about this, probably detailing the reveal. Not right now though because I have homework to do, and this is getting to ungodly lengths
(if you want to see the next part when I post it, keep an eye on the '#grimwalker alastor au' tag. I might just make this a whole thing if anyone is interested. I'll make it a whole thing anyways because I feel like it and deep down I post for myself, but if you're interested, I highly encourage you to ask about it [I don't bite!!])
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sunnydaleherald · 5 months
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Sunday, April 14 - Monday, April 15
DAWN: I'm not a child. I'm not even human. Not originally. SPIKE: (sighs) Yeah, well, originally I was. I got over it. Doesn't seem to me it matters very much how you start out. DAWN: That's smart. I get that. (pauses) I like how you talk to me like I can understand things. Everyone else is being all ... twitchy and secretive.
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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PUNK SPUNK by jizzyliz (Good Omens crossover, Spike/Crowley, Explicit)
5h 15m (Nonstop) by belledamn (Giles/Jenny, Giles & Buffy, Jenny & Buffy, T)
Dead Hearts by Geliot99 (Buffy/Spike, M)
Worms in the Earth by TheClowniestLivInExistence (Xander/Angelus/Drusilla, Explicit)
sucker for punishment by CallMeVampy (Giles/Jenny, Explicit)
my thoughts will echo your name (until i see you again) by untiljanuary (Buffy/Spike, Willow, M)
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Untitled (Look, do you know anything or not?) by scooby-group-texts (Buffy, Spike, worksafe, posted as an image)
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Forget Me Not by cawthraven (Buffy/Spike, R)
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Heaven’s Teardrops by VeroNyxK84 (Buffy/Spike, R)
Taste and Temptation by RavenLove12 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Яблочки и яблони - Chapter 1-7 (COMPLETE!) by B_E_S (Supernatural crossover, Buffy/Angel, Joyce/John, T, in Russian)
If I Could Turn Back Time - Chapter 1-2 by Tropicmorningnews (Buffy/Angel, M)
Я не могу вспомнить - Chapter 1-6 (COMPLETE!) by B_E_S (Buffy/Angel, Explicit, in Russian)
Valkyrie vs. Cordelia - Chapter 1-27 (COMPLETE!) by Nonkosherian (Faith/Willow, OC, Cordelia/Dennis, Lilah/Wesley, T)
Bathroom Wall - Chapter 1 by hulettwyo (Buffy/Spike, Explicit)
Parent Trap - Chapter 1 by Bobbie23 (Giles/Jenny, G)
Poetry in the Margins - Chapter 1 by Anonymous (Spike/OC, Explicit)
In the Dark of the Night - Chapter 1-3 by norik23 (Spike/Buffy, Giles & Spike, Giles & Buffy, Giles/Jenny, Mature)
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To Survive I Forged You Like a Weapon, Ch. 1 by cawthraven (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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New Banner Art #17 by veronyxk84 (Buffy, worksafe)
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Drawings: been thinking about the Pjo au lately by pzyii (Percy Jackson and the Olympians fusion, Buffy, Cordelia, Angel, Spike, Anya, Willow, Tara, worksafe)
Robin and Nikki doodles by aa-arttss (worksafe)
Willow by taniaairiarte (worksafe)
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I did drawings from the quotes post I did the other week! by BPD-and-Lipstick (worksafe)
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Drawings by Fren (LeFrenchUnicorn) (Spike, Buffy, Clem, worksafe)
[Reviews & Recaps]
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BTVS/Angel Rewatch Chronicles: Seasons 5/2 [BtVS s5 and AtS s2], Part Three by QualifiedApathetic
Season 6 Favorite moments? by agirlhasnoname17
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Help S7 E4 (Buffy and the Art of Story Podcast) - Lisa Lilly
[Community Announcements]
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Sign up for Spring 2024 of Seasonal Spuffy! This round will run on LiveJournal and Dreamwidth with the theme "Thanks for the Memories"
[Fandom Discussions]
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My most self-indulgent headcanon is that, when Buffy died in The Gift... by coraniaid
ats s5 truly where my pathetic little meow meow men from prior seasons went to die by justafriendofxanders
I do wonder if Wesley would have been less insufferable if... by nicnacsnonsense
Do you think the writers of Season 7's Lessons were thinking about Rupert Giles... by coraniaid (with tags by rachaeljurassic)
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One thing each about two [AtS] Season 3 episodes by TelephoneCertain5344
Season 3 thoughts… holtz kind of makes sense… by ukcountrylover
Ways that Buffy could save money by Tuxedo_Mark
[7x18 "Dirty Girls"] Was Caleb referencing something specific when he mentioned Paul? by halyasgirl
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utilitycaster · 2 years
the whole “copy paste” thing has also led to some really weird ooc angst with orym. like, if you want a story about struggling with self worth and the heavy weight of responsibility, we already have ashton! if you want angst about feeling indebted to the people you love, post resurrection laudna is right there! i feel like i’m in the twilight zone every time people talk about orym and how messed up and broken he secretly is. especially when liam seems to be playing him as someone who’s mostly worked through his trauma and grief and is looking for that final bit of closure
Right! Like...there's several reasons I dislike it. One is that it's such a disservice to the other characters who do struggle with loss of control, or, as you say, struggle with responsibility or self-worth or indebtedness. The second is that I know I'm hard on Orym, but Liam is doing something that he cares about deeply and is very deliberate, and even if it's not always my particular cup of tea I have to respect it. He built a character who is here as a level-headed protector. Orym doesn't struggle with responsibility - this is his entire life. He both still feels grief and anger over the deaths of Will and Derrig, but he also has to an extent made his peace provided he can continue to carry their legacy, and that's also very interesting, since Caleb at the start of the story very much hadn't, and Vax I feel thought he had but also hadn't.
My favorite moments with Orym, honestly, have been moments of him being that protector and mediating the group; moments of silliness and joy (particularly when he got his sword); and the actual moment of angst when he thought he had died without that closure. Like...I think it's fine to have headcanons, I do, but there's a point where, when you prefer what isn't there to what is, I have to wonder what you're watching for.
This is also tbh a thing that happens with Liam's characters with the fandom (ie, not his fault). Liam does very specifically engage with tragedy (though the degree of tragedy we see with Vax isn't actually what was originally intended, which doesn't lessen its impact; it's just to say that I think the fandom would treat his later characters drastically differently if Vax were alive and Keyleth's husband but otherwise unchanged in characterization and if Caleb and Orym were completely unchanged). But I feel like it means that people will place angst on his characters beyond the tragedy that is already there, which I think waters it down (less is more, etc) and often sideline other characters for that copy-paste, and for what. Like...everyone in this cast can do tragedy and we've seen it. You only stand to lose by pretending only one can. This isn't a phenomenon unique to Liam, either, in which people take their favorite character (who is sometimes their favorite for reasons that seem more obligatory and tied to a skewed view of the actor than anything actually having to do with the character, but I digress) and grab whatever cool shit other characters have, but it always seems like such a loss, to watch someone look at an ensemble and try to strip-mine the good and consolidate it into a shitty frankenstein.
(Also, people claim they want angst but then get squeamish about The Vorb, which kind of furthers my point here; the thing about headcanon and fanon is that you are totally in control of them and can stop them before they get out of your safe little comfort zone, which is why I find them boring most of the time. The catharsis of tragedy, in my opinion, comes from the fact that it is out of your control. Like, you made yourself sad? K. Call me when you're able to let down your walls enough to let someone else make you sad.)
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cagedchoices · 7 months
I saw a post the other day that said it's weird when people say “[muse name] is so spicy right now” because, in their words, “people who do that are just writing smut as a self-insert fantasy to get off to" I thought that was kind of reductive and untrue and it kind of highlights a growing issue I’ve noticed in the RPC and I kind of just wanted to talk about it from my own perspective.
I am an asexual, aromantic, and nonbinary afab person. My most consistently present roleplay muse for the past 4 years is a cis man I headcanon to be bisexual and biromantic. I feel like it should be somewhat obvious that this is not a self insert fantasy for me, but if it's not that obvious, I'll try to explain.
Initially, I based Caleb's sexuality off an admittedly narrow perception of his canon background. I interpreted his relationship with Francis as romantic partially because at the time, I thought “There’s no heterosexual explanation for how emotional Caleb gets whenever he thinks about Francis, so therefore he must have been in love with this man.”
In addition to that, Caleb had 2 failed relationships after Francis died and there’s nothing dictating what gender(s) those partners were.
I was also partially motivated by spite. How many times has everyone heard “ugh not every close emotional bond between two men has to be gay 😒” ? How many times has that been used to shut down any conversation on the question of sexuality when it involves two male characters? I was sick of it.
I used to say that though. Before I knew any better. I'd see two characters who had a connection I liked seeing as platonic, and instead of reasoning that it's perfectly valid to interpret these characters how you want, I would be like “no. absolutely not. these characters aren't gay because the author didn't write them to be and didn't say they were and actually it's pretty homophobic to think the only way men can be emotionally vulnerable is if they're gay” which is…STUPID lmao don't be like Past Me. That was a DARVO tactic and a particularly shitty one at that. I'm not like that anymore and I'm glad I learned to do better.
Anyways... I love shipping, but I’m less attached to looking through shipping goggles these days and I try not to look at anything from such a narrow point of view anymore. Now whenever I think about the bond between Caleb and Francis, I can see it in a multitude of ways. Which is the same way I see his bond with Dolores in season 3 and his bond with Maeve in season 4. And further how I see potential for ships I develop in roleplay.
But recently I'd been struggling a little bit with truly defining the difference between romantic versus platonic ideals. Most of the generic definitions I see out there describe romantic attraction as being “the desire to do romantic things with someone” and then the examples listed are something like “kissing, holding hands, getting married, spending time together, etc.” and I'm just like “okay what about when people do those things *without* romantic attraction involved?”
Like it just breaks my brain. People get married for reasons that aren't out of love sometimes. And as much as I like kiss scenes in fiction and I like writing them when my brain stops short circuiting long enough to actually do that, I think the entire act of putting your mouth on another human’s mouth and sometimes getting tongues or teeth involved in smushing your lips together over and over again is a really weird ritual to show someone you like them. I still write it though because it's cute. As for holding hands and spending time together?? Are we just not supposed to spend time with friends ever? What the fuck.
I stumbled across a video a few days ago by a neuroscientist who has studied the concept of love in the human brain and what she said helped me put things into a better perspective. Someone asked her if there's a good way to differentiate between platonic and romantic relationships when, especially in modern society, we don't have as much separation between the things humans do WITH romantic partners versus in non-romantic relationships and the lines blur more than they used to in the past.
What she said was that romantic love behaves similarly to an obsession or addiction in the brain. It's not just the fact that you want to DO so-called romantic activities with someone, it's more that you want to do them so badly with a specific person, you can't really let go of the thought until you follow the impulse to do it.
Kissing, for example. It's possible you might want to kiss a friend you have a strong platonic bond with, but if you don’t do it, then the interest usually fades and the brain will quickly move on. On the other hand, if you have a crush/partner/spouse/any kind of romantic connection and you want to kiss them, the brain will most likely fixate on the thought of kissing them until you actually go and do something. It will not fully move on until it gets the dopamine hit.
I guess since I’m aromantic, this means that for me, I don’t experience that addictive feeling of wanting to do something with someone so badly that it's all I think about. But I write a muse who is biromantic and does experience romantic attraction, which sort of requires me to know how it works, so I can actually write about it.
I see sexual attraction in a similar way. I’m asexual and in my case, I'm one of the ones who doesn't experience sexual attraction in any way and is not comfortable with being personally involved in sex. But my muse is bisexual and does experience sexual attraction.
So I decided to start writing smutty things last year and I had a couple reasons for it. The first is that I had never actually written smut before so it was something new to try, and practice would mean I would get better at it.
The second was that I have watched, for years, many of my mutuals routinely participate in sexy sunday and similar things. It probably sounds kind of like peer pressure, but it wasn’t like anyone was really encouraging me to do anything or not do anything. It was more like after years and years of existing in my own bubble of never engaging in it, I wanted to see what I was missing. Completely my choice.
Thirdly, after tackling the subjects of “where the fuck do you put your hands?” “does this position sound physically possible? or...comfortable?” and the like, writing simple kiss scenes or non-sexual intimacy no longer feels like a monumental task that I mentally freeze up on the second I realize I have to write.
For a while it also got very hard for me to figure out when someone wanted to ship with me versus when they didn’t. I was afraid to ask. I started overthinking everything to the effect of “what if they think I’m being presumptuous and pressuring them into writing a romantic relationship they don’t want?” or “what if they are afraid to tell me they actually Are interested in a ship in case i think they’re trying to pressure me into it instead?”
There was also quite a bit of “oh god what if they see that i wrote my muse on a date with someone in a certain location and when i put our muses in that same location for a different thread they think it’s a date too when it’s not?” or even “what if a mun of a duplicate muse sees me writing a ship with a different partner writing the same muse and they start thinking i’m only writing with them to add them to a weird little collection or something?” and all the social anxiety I fall victim to when my mental health gets tanked by stress and depression.
All of this to say, now that I’ve climbed back out of the pit of despair I fell into… I don’t think anything is as simple as “people only write shipping to fulfill the desire for a relationship/people only write smut to fulfill their own sexual desires.” I think you have to take it on a case by case basis and not make broad assumptions. Otherwise all you're gonna do is alienate people over things that really don't matter.
Plus, maybe it's just that “[muse name] is feeling so spicy right now!” is a lot quicker and easier to say than “the part of my subconscious imagination that [muse name] occupies is telling me that if this muse were a real person, they would be feeling sexually aroused right about now and I'm willing to write about it!” so like. Y’know.
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revvethasmythh · 2 years
For the critical role ask meme: 15 and 30.
Or, if you want to be spicy: 5 and 11. 👀
Or any combination of the above :)
15: Favorite one-on-one conversation (can be between two PCs, or a PC and NPC).
Caleb and Fjord in episode 62, Domestic Respite. That has been my favorite conversation since I first heard it and it still is. Caleb's "We can remake ourselves into something better" is, to me, the thesis of what the Mighty Nein campaign is about. That is The Ultimate conversation for me.
I do want to shout out Beau and Caleb's one-on-one in episode 57 though, too, because I do genuinely love that conversation and how it so viscerally feels like a turning point in their relationship and the campaign as a whole. Also Beau saying "You don't have to thank me for my time like you're a social worker" and then giving Caleb just a really long awkward hug lives in my head rent free
30: What is your favorite theory or headcanon that has absolutely no bearing on the plot and isn't important at all, but which is completely compliant with canon?
Okay as far as I am aware, this is canon compliant and if it's not don't tell me let me live in it, but it's "Eshteross is Fjord's dad." I have tethered myself to that theory. I am it's cheerleader. The only one who can take this from me is Matt
5: Meta you would write if you did not fear people would be SUPER weird about it. This is also an invitation to write that meta and block the haters.
Oh boy. there's quite a few honestly. But first that comes to mind is an expansion of that very brief (not maintagged) post I made exploring why Imogen has frustrated me as a character and despite wanting to like her, I really just find myself unable to connect with her. In conjunction with this, I think there is something to be said about Imogen and Laudna's relationship holding each other back from developing more. Something about the way they always reach for each feels like a stagnation of their developments that just leaves me wishing we could see them interact with more members of the group more often or to, honestly, see their codependency come up as a topic/be addressed in canon or sever more than it has to date.
It's like you know that conversation Nott and Caleb had in c2e46: Caleb said, "lately, I've gotten a little wrapped up in the group. I've forgotten about us. I've forgotten." And that's an interesting character beat! It'd be something different from the same homogeneity that their relationship has been dawdling in. The rock fight is the most interesting thing that's happened between them and that didn't even get all that heated or really change anything! Like not to abandon all attempts at maintaining a formal discussion on the topic, but I am emotionally poking their relationship with a stick saying "do something already"
okay. that felt good to get out. now ANOTHER THING
Honestly, I feel like a very long meta could be written about the way that fandom had pigeonholed Veth a "Mother" that doesn't actually leave room for her to be a person. I have seen so many people boil down her character to nothing more than a "mom," as if that's a character trait and not just something that she is. Like, yeah, she IS a mom. But "mom" isn't a personality and I don't know why the fandom treats it like one, and then goes so far as to continually behave like Veth is not just Luc's mom but Caleb's too, which she has not only repeatedly said she is NOT, but has openly and canonically admitted to having romantic/sexual attraction to him to the point where I'm like.......what do you think mothers are like? And that's not even about shipping. Shipping goggles are off, friends. That's about ignoring canon and vital character details that contribute to Veth's overall character arc that are willfully forgotten. And man, does that grind my gears.
Okay that's probably enough salt (this got long, sorry) and I can't think of anything off the top of my head for 11, but if something comes up I might add it.
Thanks for the questions!!
Weirdly specific ask meme!
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