#i'm sorry besties
tinyzoologist · 10 months
cw: character death, blood, injury
“Iz, look at me! No- don’t- keep your fuckin’ eyes open, dog!” 
The slap of palm against cheek rings out across the water, over debris and floating corpses and the smoldering planks of what used to be the Revenge. Izzy’s eyes flutter open again. He coughs, too weak, bubbles of blood and spittle collecting on his lips.
“Eyes on me. That’s a fuckin’ order.” Ed shakes his first mate’s shoulders hard enough to bruise - or not. Bruises take time to form. Izzy doesn’t have that.
Don’t let him look down, don’t let him look down, don’t let him look down. Ed looked down a minute ago, wishes he hadn’t.
Their dinghy is filling up.
The vile mixture of liquids sloshes against Ed’s boots, ankle deep - saltwater from the crack in the hull, dark crimson rivers from the holes in his first mate’s chest. Ed tears his gaze from the carnage, squints against the sun to see the Queen Anne’s sails approaching - thirty minutes out. 
Izzy coughs again, softer now.
Air rushes out between Ed’s fingers, where Izzy’s ribs are poking through the skin. It feels so fucking wrong. He can’t bring himself to assess the damage, doesn’t want to be sick, Izzy would only worry. 
“Ed… how long…” It’s barely a voice, just raspy breath and pain. Ed doesn’t know what he’s asking. 
“Just a minute, Iz. Keep your eyes open. Keep looking at me.” 
So Izzy does, looks up at Ed as Ed looks at the horizon and they both know it’s a fucking lie. The wheezing stops, only the steady drip-drip-drip of blood in the water - too red and too warm and too thick with its iron stench. 
It’s up to Ed’s calf when the Queen Anne finds them. Izzy’s eyes are still open.
He doesn’t see Ed anymore. 
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solovivoparati · 11 months
I am incredibly fond of this fandom but I hope, from the bottom of my heart, that the coffee theory won’t be true.
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rainbownixie · 2 years
I'm thankful for my sister (even though sometimes we fight)
Byler/Jancy fic!! [Mike & Nancy heart to heart, actually]
Really just a Mike/Byler-Centric fic post-s3!! Kind of a character study??? The other characters are just mentioned by Mike and Nancy, btw.
After Will and El move away, Mike finds himself comparing both relationships. The way he feels for Will is stronger than he thought, and maybe the reason why he can’t write a proper love letter to his girlfriend.
That’s why he asks Nancy for romantic advice, but her words might make him come to a realization he doesn’t know if he likes to hear. They fight a lot, but he knows she’s always by his side.
Tags: @madwheelerz @bylerlve @axquiva @dany-is-bored @quinnick @aamleh @mirrorballdazai @mike-wheeler-hater @onthisharvestmoon @chaotically-unpoetic @asingleturtleduck @omg-they-were-roommates @bongcupcakes @sorry-i-panicked
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katara · 2 months
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johnnystorrm · 3 days
i cannot believe the doctor just spent 45 minutes mistaking fucking sutekh for his own granddaughter. funniest shit i've ever seen. i need susan to show up and find out about this because she'd make sure he never lives it down.
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anundesirablechild · 2 years
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outmaww · 1 year
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broken tablet cannot stop me, my sidlink brainrot must be shared
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insertsomthinawesome · 8 months
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[requests are closed] Anon i'm sorry this is so late I finished these months ago. I meant to draw more but never got around to it UUUH. SORRY SLDKJSLDGKJSD I love them so much. I need to draw them more. ;;v;;
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oceanamethyst · 4 months
You know, here’s my problem with shipping Alastor.
Yes, I know aromantic people can date.
Yes, I know asexuals can have sex.
But you don’t have to be a detective to know that he’s not the type for either.
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temeyes · 4 months
sobbing I LOVE YOUR STYLE One moment it's all serious then we just have it to sweet litol big-eyed babies 😭
I shall ask if i can feast on your art 🥺
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oh yes you may feast- doODLEBOB GHOST PUT THE PEWPEW DOWN!!!
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caelanglang · 1 year
dear diary… one day I met the little prince…
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but just as the storybook said… we got separated… all I know is that somewhere out there… we see the same stars…
ps. they found each other again...
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cupid-styles · 5 months
ballerina + hockerry … so I hear you’re into pain 😗⁉️
YUPPPP!!!!! making this a continuation of this blurb !
2. "So I hear you're into pain?"
smut prompts
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. . .
Maybe hooking up with Malcolm after the hockey game was a mistake.
And maybe, just maybe, she'd only gone home with him because she knew word would travel back to Harry, and she for some reason wanted him to feel even shittier about beating him up on the ice.
When she left the hockey arena that evening, hand-in-hand with Malcolm, hoping one of Harry's teammates would snap a picture to send to him and ruin his night even more, she felt a bead of guilt drip down her chest.
The guilt only grew when Malcolm fucked her into the mattress that evening. He was fine, but nothing special. They clearly weren't compatible sexually — she kept asking him to smack her ass and pull her hair, but he'd only slow his thrusts to ask if she was sure.
Of course she was sure.
The following night, when she's at one of the local bars in town with a few friends from ballet, she wants to curl into a ball when she glances up from her wine to see Harry walking towards her with a smirk on his lips.
She can only assume where this is going.
"So," he simpers, bumping his hip up against the bar top to face Y/N, "I hear you're into pain?"
She grimaces, clenching her jaw as she sends a death glare his way. "Leave me alone."
"Was he even able to get it up with the way I punched his sorry ass into the ice?"
Y/N rolls her eyes, leaving her half-full glass behind on the bar as she turns around and meanders towards the bathroom. Harry's quick on his feet, determined to find out any other details about her night with Malcolm. In all honesty, his stomach dropped when he heard his teammates talking about her this morning. Apparently, one of them was friends with Roan, the captain on Malcolm's team, and Malcolm wouldn't shut the fuck up about her wanting him to throw her around.
Malcolm had allegedly thought it was weird. Harry couldn't be more turned on by the thought of grabbing her hips, issuing harsh smacks to her ass, spitting in her mouth, and choking her until her eyes rolled back.
But that was beside the point.
"You didn't answer my question," Harry catches up to her, cornering her in the hallway where the bathrooms are. Y/N huffs and crosses her arms over her chest. "Was he able to fuck you the way you needed, princess?"
"I told you to leave me alone." she mumbles, though she doesn't make a move to slip away from him.
"I'll take that as a no, then."
"Was he talking shit?" Y/N asks suddenly, a flash of hurt glinting over her facial expression. "Did he tell people about what we did?"
Harry shrugs. "Not exactly. Just about what you asked him to do."
"Pussy," she mutters.
He chuckles softly. Maybe it's the alcohol in his system, but when he glances down at her shorter stature, he can't help but admire how pretty she looks. He swears her eyes glimpse up at his lips, but her gaze falters a mere moment later.
"If it makes you feel any better," he murmurs, leaning forward slightly to catch the shell of her ear, "I would give you all that and more."
Y/N's face warms. Suddenly, it's all too much — he's far too close, and she realizes that he knows more information about her sex life than she ever would have wanted. She quickly presses her hands against his chest and pushes him away, nostrils flaring with a fire in her eyes.
"Fuck you," she spits, "You fucking wish you could ever get that close to me."
The anger in her words sends a chill down Harry's spine, and he's left alone in the empty bar hallway when she returns to her friends.
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n3rdy247 · 6 months
can i just get a john dory x female reader! headcanons!
john dory met while crashing the wedding and immediately started to flirt with dispite just meeting her. 🫣
girl be so fr OF COURSE YOU CAN!!!
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Okay, so, you know the whole 'watching a cute, romantic ass wedding' plans everyone had for today? Just...watching two bergens have a nice, uninterrupted marriage?
well fuck those plans. ★ Starting off the bat, when he was literally parkouring his way down that building which just happened to be the MOMENT he noticed you from the crowd, he couldn't help but throw a wink your way right after (even though he had his goggles on, that stupid mf) which led to him face-planting to the floor because his ass was NOT paying attention to stick the landing. YIKES. ★ He also DOES notice when you are at the edge of your seat to hear what the hell is going on. Apparently, he was Branch's brother (figures since both are fine ash, MUST be in the genetics), he was in a band, and his other hot brother was in danger?
remember the wedding? yeah me neither atp
★ He can't help but steal occasional glances at you when the others talk, and when he does, his smile almost seems to widen, even if it's just for a split second. He just saw you, yet look at you go! Making him all giddy and shit inside 🤭 ★ And whenever Poppy and Branch turn their backs to discuss the whole situation, you just KNOW he would be smirking at you with a smug-ass grin, trying to strike up a conversation. Keyword? TRYING.
"Soo...come here often?" lord almighty sir THIS IS A WEDDING.
"Damn, I could really go out for some fresh air right now, because I think you took my breath away." SIR WE ARE OUTSIDE WHAT
Needless to say, this man does NOT know how to strike up a convo.
★ If you do end up getting flustered about his horrendous pick-up lines somehow, he will be so fucking proud of himself for getting a reaction out of you, and WILL keep going at it. What a charmer. (Unless you are uncomfortable with that of course, he might not know how to talk to people, but he has human (troll???) decency.) ★ I'm talking him leaning slightly closer to you with half-lidded eyes, a huge smirk plastered on his face as his voice gets lower and lower, though internally I feel like he'd be going 'LET'S FUCKING GOOOO I STILL GOT IT' since he would be a bit unsure if he was doing well in the first place. It's probably been years since he had any sort of interaction with anyone other than Rhonda so it's understandable. ★ Not to mention BROZONE. MY GOD. If you know about his band? NICE! If you don't know anything about it? NICE! Either way, this man will absolutely brag about it to you. Even if it has been AT LEAST 20 YEARS. He will absolutely talk about 'the good old days' as if it was just yesterday. Bro would probably talk about how he wrote the hits "Girl Baby Baby" and "Baby Baby Girl" on the same day. ★And who knows? Maybe at the end of the wedding when sadly he has to go to save his brother with Branch and Poppy, you'll end up getting a way to contact him after the whole thing ends. You will see him sooner than you think, that's for sure though!
(please keep in mind this is the first time I've written any serious headcanons like these and not just stuff like 'he would be a great hugger' or 'he was a 7.5-inch haver 🤯🤯🤯')
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a2zillustration · 7 months
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While I didn't actually have this in-game I found this post of party banter and thought this Gale/Karlach bit went perfectly with my other comic between Karlach and Croissant.
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lecter-lioncourt · 7 months
I am AGGRESSIVELY rattling at the bars of my cage, RTD, PLEASE. I COULD WATCH AN ENTIRE SEASON OF JUST 14 AND DONNA HAVING AN UNINTERRUPTED CONVERSATION ABOUT STUFF. In like a NORMAL context like a fucking bar or a coffee shop or in Donna's living room. DoctorDonna IKEA trip. I don't give a FUCK just let me watch these two communicate and talk and hug and gossip and shit forever I DO NOT CARE
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xulips · 2 months
i hope u don't mind but ur tokoha drawing singlehandedly killed my writers block and now this exists inspired by it!! ty for Them it bought me insane amounts of joy <3 have a nice day!!
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i enjoyed it quite a bit
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