#i'm too old and been here too long to care about rumours like this
alarrytale · 10 months
Marte, were the pregnancy rumours this bad during h*livia like it is now? One blind item and suddenly everyone´s obsessed with investigating every possible photo of TR from yesterday if she is or isn´t pregnant. One blind item and suddenly some unknown tarot readers make clickbait videos and suddenly everyone is absolutely believing them. I just hate this double standart cause because of heteronormativity, if there were tarot readers saying Larry is real and they will adopt 5 children, those tarot readers would be cancelled in a minute for spreading delusional lies but when it comes to any woman connected to Harry, suddenly it´s definitely true. And why suddenly having a baby means the relationship is real/it´s the endgame when it´s so common that (closeted) gay men started real family with women but later they came to fact they are indeed gay and now living in another man.
I just don´t know what to think anymore, it´s all so ridiculous and got out of control and I know TR won´t say anything because maybe this is her peak of attention thanks to crazy het harries but also just wish this stunt will be over sooner than later because what the f is wrong with everyone?
Hi, anon!
I saw you sent basically the same ask to twopoppies, but i want to answer anyway. This is nothing compared to Holi*a, because she played into it, milked it and got front page in lesser tabloids over it. These rumours will come up now and then during stunts because it gets tons of engagement. It's very obviously not true, because it's a stunt and a fake pregnancy is not neccessary as a measure to closet Harry, like bg was for Louis (according to Sony anyway).
Instead of laying blame on blind items or tarot card readers, try applying critical thinking and source critisism. What's the source? Is it credible and reliable? Is it first hand and second hand information? Is the information backed up by other credible sources? Does the information fit with the other information i know to be true? Be smart about it. You know it's a stunt, right? What's the most obvious reasons for a woman to have a slightly swollen stomach? Pregnancy is far back on the list, and it's out of the question when you know it's a stunt.
Don't get all up in arms about rumours like this, you're going to burn out if you do. Don't contribute to spreading it by talking about it, but use logic and rationality to explain to people who're upset about it how it can’t be true. The chance of it actually being true is slim to none.
This stunt has been relatively harmless, and we don’t know what the next stunt will bring, so be careful what you wish for. If he has to stunt i'd rather have him in stunts like this one, than another high exposure stunt.
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aha-chuu · 1 year
I'm still thinking about Fontaine and the previous Hydro Archon, Furina & Neuvillette.
Because, like, we know Nahida is the youngest Archon, being born during the Cataclysm when Rukkhadavata died. Which means Furina must be older than 500 and must have existed at the same time as the previous Hydro Archon (I'll call her "Amrita" for simplicity's sake). Now I kind of think that Furina was a part of Amrita, since we know from the Oceanids that water can combine and disperse and maintain consciousness between these states. But that feels pretty similar to the Nahida situation so I'm not sure if Hoyo would do that.
In which case I'm free to headcanon that Furina was Amrita's problematic little protegee. Just a full on spoiled kiddo under the Archon's care, who got flung into authority unexpectedly after the cataclysm (explaining why she sucks so bad at it).
And if Furina did have a student-teacher relationship with Amrita, then it makes sense that the dissolving prophecy would be purposefully be left to her as a "conundrum" to be solved. Like Amrita realised Furina was a spoiled brat and wanted to leave a lesson to be learned behind.
Which then I think we need to talk about how Neuvillette fits into this dynamic. He's referenced as being at least a few hundred years old, and he's been around in Fontaine longer than Melusine records, since its rumoured that he's their creator when it was actually Elynas. So he probably also knew Amrita; yet I doubt he knew her for all that long.
In addition, it's pretty obvious that Neuvillette is the Hydro Dragon.
So here's my thought: Amrita is the Hydro Archon. She is pretty beloved by the people, but she doesn't believe a single person can ever be truly "fair and just" - one leader will always be coloured by bias. So she either splits off her consciousness to create Furina, or selects her from some other group as a student. She begins training Furina in the ways of balance and justice. During this same period, the Hydro Dragon is reborn in Fontaine as Neuvillette.
Now, whether Neuvillette is born to a human family or simply in human form doesn't really matter. I enjoy the idea of an egg appearing in the court and hatching out a tiny baby with elf ears, so let's say that's what happened.
Amrita recognises him as one of the dragons and becomes captured by a new idea - the dragons had previously been usurped on Teyvat, and Amrita is interested in fairness above all else. Rather than herself and Furina becoming Fontaine's dual leaders, it would be much more just for an archon and a dragon to rule together. It had all the benefits of defeating bias, while opening the country up to a new perspective.
So Amrita takes Neuvillette as a student too. Furina is still around and continues to be treated as Amrita's charge, yet she loses the responsibility of leadership before ever finishing the training. Neuvillette is instilled with the measure and countenance of a Justice, while Furina is allowed to watch along, worshipped as the Archon's companion.
She was there first, but Neuvillette is the "golden child". Furina resents the lack of attention.
Amrita still desires Fontaine to have co-leaders. When she must head towards her death during the Cataclysm, she leaves both Furina and Neuvillette in charge. When given this opportunity, Furina selfishly pronounces herself as the Archon upon Amrita's death. It's this act of treachery that drives away the Oceanids.
Neuvillette, being younger and less experienced, does not stand up to Furina. He is dedicated to carrying out justice, not leading the nation.
Furina quickly realises that she does not know what she is doing. She basks in the attention at first, but then crumples under the pressure. And so, she gives Neuvillette the title of "Chief Justice". In name, Furina remains the authority over Fontaine. However, in reality, all of the responsibility is placed upon Neuvillette's shoulders.
It was only in Amrita's prophecy, therefore, that Furina would be "left alone weeping" after her people dissolved. In every other matter, Neuvillette could deal with it. But for this utmost challenge to face the Nation, Furina alone carries the burden.
Neuvillette never gets the chance to exist outside of his role, but that helps clarify his connection to the people. He's their reliable Chief Justice, and that gives him an avenue to understand them through. Meanwhile, Furina does everything to remain popular, understanding her people only far enough to ingratiate herself to them. When it comes to how the people of fontaine will all dissolve, however, it's a problem she investigates behind closed doors, terrified of being seen struggling with her single duty to her nation.
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soft-for-them · 2 years
Dead dial - Leon Kennedy x plus size reader
Summary: You're a nursing student who lives in Raccoon City who frequently talks to an old friend, Leon Kennedy, over the phone. Just as he's about to move to the same city as you the living dead start to roam the streets. (There is some descriptions of zombie related gore.)
Comments and reblogs are much appreciated and help more people read my works.
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A/N: Replaying Resident Evil games. Might not be 100% canon, I'm not really into the RE law. Also this will get a part two if people like it enough. Not proof read because I'm tired.
“You know this probably is a bad idea, Leon.”
Balancing the phone receiver between your ear and shoulder you try not to pull in the old spiral cord too much, the old in phone wall in your outdated flat is probably as old as you.
Standing in your small kitchen, the kitchen island digging into your soft flesh as your lean into it so the phone cord does not snap, you look out the old creaky wooden window past the fire escape to the dim yellow bulb street lights and rain soaked grey buildings.
Sirens loud and ear piercing can be heard, followed by the flashing of the obnoxious red and blue lights of multiple cop cars. You’ve never really trusted the police in this city, funny considering the man on the end of the phone is about to become one.
“(Y/n).” Leon says with an exhausted sigh. You can imagine his rubbing his hand through his hair whilst saying it.
“There’s something going on here-“ you step closer to the widow the phone line going straight as you look outside like an nosey old person would, “-the hospitals have been so hectic lately.”
You should know, you’re a second year nursing student, it’s the whole reason you moved to Raccoon city in the first place. (It certainly wasn’t the damp filled flats and lovely raining weather that brought you here.)
For school you work partly in the city’s hospital and for weeks now the ER has been flooded with people, you don’t know why, but many either have been sent home or have suddenly died. There’s even a rumour that patients have been taken as test subjects by Doctor Bard, though you’ve been too busy dealing with the rise of ‘cannibals’ to even care. All the nursing students have been worried, hell everyone working at the hospital has been worried, but the city’s government and press have been keeping the rising casualties hush hush.
“I know…” Leon begins his words long and worried, “Was it bad today?”
He knows your answer regardless, for the last month you conversations on the phone have been less about happy things such as seeing a fluffy dog on a walk or eating a tasty pastry and more on just about how you feel like you’re an overworked underpaid nurse already with how much you’ve been helping at the hospital whilst also studying and working a part time job.
“They say us going to the hospital is for educational purposes, at first it was but now we just go to be extra hands. They need it. I saw a doctor collapse today she was so over worked… and well at least all this overtime is going towards my grade.”
“(Y/n).” Leon echoes your name so quietly to stop you from rambling, he has known you long enough to know when your anxious rambling begin.
“Haha-“ you nervously chuckle as more sirens blare on, this time from ambulances rushing down the narrow roads lined with parked cars and thin pavements, “-I’m going to get an A with all the work I’m doing.”
“(Y/n).” his voice is louder and filled with concern.
“I hand to hold man down today whilst he screamed… he was screaming Leon-“ tears start to bubble up in your tired eyes, them threatening to drip down your face like the rain drop on your windowsill, “-I- I-“
“(Y/n)… listen to me, ok.”
“I’m listening.” You sniff as you lean back on the kitchen counter.
“You’re ok, Sundays almost here and then you can have day off, I can call if you like.”
Leon hopes you will for his relationship isn’t going well and ever since you moved away he hasn’t had a proper friend to talk to about such mundane and normal things. He likes hearing your voice even if lately you’ve been sounding worn out and a bit sad.
“I- I have work Saturday and I’ll sleep through Sunday, I- well- I don’t want to miss a call, but it’s hardly a day off Leon.”
“Ring in sick, go to that café you want to go to- what is it call- Lauren’s?”
“Lorenzo’s coffee and cake.”
“Yeah, that. You said they have a cream cake and imported coffee beans.” He remembers you talking about it on a past phone call, “Or you said that you wanted to go to that pop up art exhibit-“
“- The classics one –“
“-Yes, you said there is a Van Gogh there.”
He recalls you staying that a private collector was exciting their art collection which just so happened to have a Van Gogh sketch in it. You were so excited when you told he almost asked you to go with him to it, totally forgetting you now live in to different places and not in the same apartment complex like you did before.
“I ends Friday.” You glumly say.
“Then call in sick Friday and Saturday.”
Surly your boss would believe you more if you’d come down with say a cold on the Friday rather than suddenly getting on the Saturday, that’s what Leon thinks as he says the idea to you.
“I guess it does make it more believable to but-“
“…I don’t want to let anyone down Leon. This city is going to shit and I don’t want to be the asshole who fucks everything up because I don’t turn up to work or class…”
“You work in a supermarket.” His voice is filled with a fun confusion, like he’s amused and shocked at your words, as he ponders how not turning up at your cashier job will affect the city.
“So? Three shops have already closed down this month, the customers have doubled because people have to eat and- and-“
“(Y/N), you’re overthinking again. They can handle a day without you.”
“They can?”
“I can’t handle a missed phone call from you, think about it. A day off and a long phone call with me or no day off and a missed phone call because you’re too exhausted to wake up?”
“You know I’d take the phone call regardless.”
“Take the days off and call me tomorrow, it’s getting late and we both need some rest.”
It’s your cue to say goodbye, which is already drawn out and filled with cheesy jokes from Leon that make you laugh. You always did say that going to bed on a happy note makes the next day a better experience and Leon remembers it, so he always tries to cheer you up before either one of you hangs up.
“Night Leon.”
“Goodnight (Y/n).”
“Don’t let the bed bugs bite.”
You didn’t take the days off but you did stay up late long enough to speak to Leon. He was having girlfriend troubles and you talked to the sun came up.
You were on your way to a lecture but a mass email was sent out telling everyone to stay home, or arrive at the hospital to help out, you chose the former opting rather to go home and go back to sleep.
Maybe you’ll go to the hospital to help out later on.
Apparently half of the students were already at the university when the email was sent out and apparently a lot of teachers were too. Many people have been sending messages through the many university group chats and message boards to stay away from the school. On person said that the city was going t be evacuated.
The sirens have been going off for days now, public transport has been limited that morning for some odd reason, you had waited at you bus stop for a half hour before getting a text from a friend telling you about the email and walking back home.
Even now you hurry as if someone is following you.
It feels like for the last week the city has become smaller and smaller, like a video game with a map yet to unlock. More and more people have become ill and it seems the Umbrella Corporation is being shoved in your face, their advertisements playing every commercial break along with warnings to stay inside unless you need to go out to work, school, the shops or hospital.
You have no clue what’s going on but you’re glad Leon is starting work here, even if he’s a cop.
You hope that Leon will get to the city quickly. You see, it all started with a call from him last night of him crying and saying his girlfriend dumped him and ever since that call it has seemed to get worse for you both. No longer was he going to have that nice shared flat with her in Raccoon city and from what you heard he was drunk, whilst you were up all night the sound of sirens and screams keeping you up.
Last night you stayed up with him until he fell asleep and even then you couldn’t sleep. Even this morning, you were worried sick about him driving down to Raccoon hungover, so you left him a voice message.
“Hey, Leon. I’m just about to head out to class, but um just know I’m here for you if you need me, oh and drink some water and take some paracetamol... Yeah, anyway I was thinking that well if you want to you could crash here if that apartment situation is still – you know- fuck, it’s too early to think and talk coherently… Um, yeah, the offer’s there if you want, you know where the spare key is hidden, speak to you soon. Take care Leon. Bye.”
And even now as you rush home avoiding everyone out on the streets, which is odd because there hardy seems to be anyone at all, well apart from some people asleep on benches like they were drunk and apartment buildings filled with shouts of people angry and annoyed (which you don’t realise is the sounds of zombies roaming around.)
You hurry up your pace to avoid a crowded looking street that looks to have a car crash and an onslaught of on lookers on it. You don’t take one look at the reanimated corpse who stumbles out the car and bites an onlooker, you just carry on rushing back to your flat, a bad feeling taking over you.
Passing burning buildings not yet entirely engulfed in flames but getting there and all the cars normally parked on the sides of the road gone from their owners trying to escape the city you finally get your apartment complex, the big double doors barricaded shut, a cabinet pushed against the fragile glass.
You wonder up to the door to see if someone is near the metal letterboxes or if the janitor’s closet is open with the janitor taking a break. Leaning your head on the glass you look around but no one is there to help you get inside.
“Hel-“ you begin to speak, your hands clutching the straps to your backpack but you stop yourself, the odd feeling of dread making your stomach do back flips.
Stepping backwards you hear a blood curdling scream.
You whip around to see a woman coved in blood crying and crawling out of the spinning doors of the fancier apartment complex just a bit down the street, her voice screaming a croaky ‘help’ to no one in particular.
“Don’t be a coward (y/n), you’re a nursing student, go help her!” the voice in your mind urges you.
Freezing still in front of the barricaded glass doors you look on to the speck that is the screaming woman, your hands clutching at you backpack straps so much that that the plastic fabric irritates your skin.
White doctor daps step backwards and not forwards, the tarmac scuffing your shoes.
You’re too scared to help the woman.
A loud moan like growl reverberates the ground, you look to your left at the glass doors to see a person, no, a dead man walking. He tries to walk to the door the furniture blocking the door making him slump over, only his hands touch the brittle glass.
The noise of gargling blood, the sight of his glassy dead eyes, the absence of a left arm, it makes you panic. You desperately look around for anything, anyone, any opening to escape all the while the dead get closer and closer.
Finally you spot the side alley, well it’s technically a whole road that leads to another street but with all the rubbish and filth only police cars and rubbish trucks drive down it. Apparently your block of flats used to look over a nice patch of grass that was a park but a couple years before you moved in they had built more buildings grey and dull blocking out the sun light.
Passed the rubbish bins you see the fire escape, the same fire escape that leads up to your window.
You look one more look at the dead man banging his head on the cracking glass, then one more look at the now quiet woman slumped on the ground, back to one look at the dark alleyway, you know what you have to do.
You bolt.
Dodging black bags of gooey trash and a hoard of skittering rats you clamber up the frail rusted frame of the fire escape. You take two steps at a time up the stairs each step rattling and swaying the old structure. You do not look back as trampled footsteps echo out in the street nor do you dare look into the passing windows, some covered in bloodied handprints.
Soon enough you get to your window, your flat on the fifth floor a welcomed sight to see.
The old wooden windows are slowly rotting away and the locks are permanently broken. You’re thankful that you hadn’t bothered locking the make do lock you drilled and secured in the window, the blocky hinged lock looking locked deterring any burglars from coming in.
Leon had said that he’d happily fix the window for you when he was settled in the city but considering what is happening you don’t care all that much for the lock, only that your friend is ok.
With a couple of rattles and a whole load of upper arm strength you slide the window up. There is just about enough space to fit in, though you’re going to have to suck in your tummy to do so and you’re going to have to shove your backpack in first.
You do just that, the backpack falling off the counter onto the floor with a thud, then you squeeze yourself through, your hips hurting as you force yourself in, your ass landing on the draining board next to the sink.
“Fuck.” You mutter as you bang your body on the hard surface, your feet hitting the ground as you push off the counter.
As soon as you are stable you lock the window the fastest you’ve ever done, closing the blinds along with it, doing that partly so no one can see you inside but also partly so you don’t have to see the outside world.
You’re finally home but you’re scared as hell.
Automatically you go to your rotary phone hanging on the wall.
You pick up the receiver, your fingers automatically dialling Leon’s home phone.
There is no ringing or waiting sound.
The phone line is dead.
A/N: If you want a part two please send in an ask rather than commenting for another part, this is just because asks are an easier way for me to track requests. Comments are still welcomed and requests are open!
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milkywayhou · 8 months
20 and 10 for the asks <3 <3
HEY TORTA!! <3 <3
10.What's an AU that would be interesting to explore with her?
Ohh boy. You wouldn't believe how much Alternative Universe I made for her. A few AU I remember is her original Universe - Which she was an AI Android with grey motivation and past, and the setting was in post-apocalyptic world where half of the living creature on earth was dead after some incidents. And I kinda used her as an character in my Harry Potter roleplay (she is a villain-)
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I'm also currently working on my own AU with her and König as the character hehe.
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The first one I guess you already know ;)
An immortal necromancer with her undead knight. This one was inspired by Mili song "Ga1ahad and Scientific Witchery"
So I can see you again
So I can kill you again -both
My brains accelerate -Knight
And I'll -Witch Reassemble you again -both
I appreciate your thoughts
But you've given me too much to tolerate -Knight
I've done so much for you
But you treat me this way -Witch
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For the second AU is kinda dark (?) I never finished the plot and it was inspired by x0o0x song "冥路"
The plot is about a youtuber/influencer that like to visit abandonment place and she went into a rural area to document an old left base even though there's so much rumour about many people get disappear after they visit that building.
I have a rough scenario about this in my note haha, but i guess I'll still change it later
The crumbling ruins of the old military base had long been a subject of rumor and mystery in the remote countryside. Some said it was haunted by ghosts of fallen soldiers. Others claimed a feral beast lurked within, preying on trespassers.
Only the bravest of explorers dared venture through the rusting gates under cover of night. None who entered were ever seen again.
As a streamer, You had made a name for yourself documenting adventures through allegedly haunted locations. When word of the abandoned base reached you, you simply had to investigate. Alone and after sunset, you slipped into the decrepit compound, camera rolling as you narrated in hushed tones.
The first few buildings revealed nothing but dust and debris. As You rounded a dark corner, a figure emerged from the shadows - a tall, broad man in tattered military fatigues, eyeing your camera with a hollow gaze.
"Hello...I didn't expect to find anyone out here. I'm just exploring, I'll be on my way--"
He seized your wrist in an iron grip. Close up, you noticed scars criss-crossing his stubbled face, and something feral in his deadened eyes.
"No one trespasses here. You'll stay." His voice rasped as if disused. Your heart raced, trying to calmly reason with the unstable veteran. But he merely dragged you deeper into the ruins, to a cellar door opening with a rusty squeal.
Down the creaking stairs, You glimpsed your end - a grimy room filled with remnants of those who came before. Your streaming career would end here, in this hell of a madman's making. Unless you could somehow find a way to escape...or turn the tables on your captor
Don't worry, I'll take care of you-
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20.Does she have a tendency to get jealous? If so, how does she manifest?
Having lost so much control over life's cruelties, Snow guarded jealously what few joys remained in her tattered grasp.
Seeing peers bond closer stirred resentment's bitter tang, irrational logic insisting such intimacy mocked her inability to let down walls. She masked unease through charming jabs, joking any togetherness risked "stealing" one another from her orbit alone.
Less obvious, loneliness twisted innocent acts into perceived betrayals. If comrades gathered without her, paranoid logic conjured conspiracies against fractured minds too tired to fight shadows alone. Jealousy twisted friendships strained by her own detachment into fresh grudges deepening already cavernous isolation.
But she will still outwardly smiled through turmoil reminding she chose this path herself through walls erected in desperation's bid for survival this far. Envy remained her dirty secret, lest it brand weakness compromising years constructing impenetrable facades of resilience and control leaving none suspecting festering loneliness beneath.
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red-bat-arse · 1 year
Get High, Get Down
Eddie Munson was a year and a half out from surviving his trip into the Upside Down, and overall things couldn't be better. He'd been taking testosterone, loving up on Steve Harrington, and getting orgasms on the regular. So what's the problem?
Was it that he had a harder time crying, that he needed to eat twice as much as he used to, or that he was horny as often as he had his eyes open? No, surprisingly, and all of those things had cooled off a little in time. Was it that even looking at Steve got him hotter than the hood of the Beemer on a summer day? No, what are you crazy?
Actually, if you must know, it was that he couldn't fucking chill out long enough to take dick and that was pretty much the only thing he wanted to do at the moment.
*I wrote an incredibly horny homage to my own hangups being a transsexual man on T navigating sex -and using grass to do it. Pass by if that's not for you! Here's the first third, the full spicy thing is on AO3*
Listen, the thing about being on testosterone, right, is that for the first couple years you're basically re-doing puberty all over again.
This was something Eddie'd been prepared for ever since he first got to talking to the guys in Indianapolis who'd been on hormones one way or another since the sixties and seventies. It had been a bit of a pipe dream for him given he couldn't see a way out of Hawkins long term, but he still wanted to learn what to expect and what to say to his doctor if he ever got that far.
Eddie knew he'd already got a bit of a boon, since Wayne let him shave his head and change his name after dear old dad got locked up when he was eleven. If it'd been anyone else, Eddie likely would've spent the seven years until he hit eighteen miserable and forced into a pretty pink box, whatever he had to say about it be damned. Certainly his mum's side didn't appreciate having a tranny in the family, but they were all assholes anyway and Eddie was happy to wreck any family gathering where his cousins 'she'd' him -and getting banned when he was fifteen was just a bonus. It's not as if Wayne cared.
But yeah, he moved to Hawkins and became Eddie Munson, and he grew into the freak the town knew him as partly because, well, that's who he was, but also to keep any rumours manageable. Who was going to care about him skipping out on gym when all the jocks spread around that he sucked dick behind the bleachers anyway? Who would notice his voice sometimes going high pitched when he was tired when he'd just finished ranting on a lunch table about forced conformity and bullshit American values? Not the idiots at Hawkins High, anyway.
And everyone was too busy trying to hunt him down and kill him to look into his records before moving in with Wayne -not that any survived the jumping around Al Munson did for the three years he went off the rails once mum died.
So it was a scare, really, when one Sam Owens shuffled into his hospital room a few weeks after everything went down with enough paperwork to put a cramp in Eddie's wrist and a quiet question about the reason his records didn't match his body. The guy pretty quickly backtracked when Eddie's heart monitor spiked through the roof, and reassured him he didn't mean any harm -far from it. He rambled on about proper treatment and government doctors and medical records for a bit, before Eddie cut him off and asked him to spell it out for him before he yelled for one of those said doctors to come and escort him out.
Well, turns out in the matter of replacing the few IDs him and Wayne had that were lost with half the trailer, it came up that the doctors who were overseeing him noticed he didn't exactly have a dick as claimed. Ok, Owens didn't say it like that, but you get the idea. So he was here to figure out what was going on, whether someone was massively messing up on their examination logs, and how to fix it in the quietest, smoothest way possible.
"Well I'm a guy, so jot that down," Eddie said, frankly exhausted, and luckily Owens seemed able to read the room.
Owens talked more about what he'd researched after speaking with Wayne and jumping to some conclusions, a group he'd called out of SanFran that had information on FTM experiences and the few medical advances for them in recent years, and it was all very interesting, really. Eddie didn't even feel weird about confirming it, though he'd never actually called himself transsexual out loud to anyone, and it was a little annoying how Owens nodded along as if he hadn't said anything noteworthy. He was wondering again what the point of it all was when Owens brought out a new folder, much slimmer, and pushed it towards Eddie with a funny little smile on his face.
And just like that, all Eddie's IDs said male on them, and he was set up on a testosterone prescription from an actual real life doctor and pharmacy -apparently natural guys got prescribed shots like that on the regular, who knew? Eddie hadn't ever thought he'd be able to get a doctor to sign off on it, let alone afford it, but all of The Party were being taken care of for the next five years at least, and got handouts besides, so he had time to figure it out.
As mentioned, this all meant that from the summer of 1986 through to New Year's Eve 1987, Eddie'd basically been putting himself through a second, much more wonky and unpredictable puberty. It had it's upsides. He didn't have to pay attention to keeping his voice low, he got a bit of bristly scruff as opposed to faking it with mascara, and even his muscles seemed to shift and sit differently. It was great and if Owens hadn't been part of such a shitty operation Eddie might've sent him a Christmas card over it, he was so thankful.
Of course, there were some drawbacks. He didn't cry as often, needed to eat twice as much, had to buy better deodorant and body wash, to name a few. Oh, and also, he was out of his mind horny with alarming consistency.
Eddie definitely didn't remember Jeff, Toby or Gareth complaining about this shit, although to be fair as a friend group they hadn't ever really talked crushes or embarrassing bodily functions much. He supposed he expected it to some degree, but it was kind of a lot and he didn't exactly have a threshold for normal FTM second puberty milestones here. He wasn't exactly complaining, mind you, because by virtue of gaining his little clit-dick, he was experiencing more orgasms in the average week than he used to give himself in a couple months. It was hard to complain about anything that made him feel that good with little to no drawbacks.
Well, no drawbacks now that he was approaching the two year mark and his libido was cooling off a smidge. No longer was he in danger of an ill-advisedly tight pair of jeans leading him to lock himself in the employee bathroom while on the clock so he could get himself off at lightning speed to work without being distracted -hypothetically, right, that was definitely just a completely made up scenario, one he for sure didn't have to worry about anymore. Again, having a dick was awesome.
So yes, he was horny on the regular. It had cooled off a bit, but he still comfortably got himself off around once a day, more if something set him off thinking dirty thoughts and he had the time to spare. That was preferable to any imagined, totally not even plausible bathroom incidents he definitely didn't need to think about. It would've even been manageable, truly, if not for one small, teeny, tiny, extra little facet of Eddie's journey going through all this after the shitshow that was March '86.
That being that he and one Steve Harrington -of the Loch Nora Harringtons, lately lapsed in residence to the house where Eddie had once sold his wares of grass and grog -were, as of late October, an item. Attached. Going steady. Courting one another in a manner of chaste companionship, if you will.
Was this what Eddie was complaining about? Absolutely not and if anyone implied such a thing Eddie had words prepared for them detailing just how abysmally wrong they were about it. He could barely believe it himself, but he knew a good thing when he saw one and wasn't about to let it go easily. Ever since the anniversary of Vecna's defeat when Hopper hosted The Party out at his cabin and Eddie and Steve ended up pressed together by the fire, the last two awake, too drunk by far, but not drunk enough to stop Eddie from crying into Steve's shoulder, they'd been circling each other. It took a bit, granted, since Eddie was nothing if not self-sabotaging when it came to crushes, but Steve had been braver than him and ended an elaborate series of near kisses that drove Eddie up a wall with a perfect one planted on him in the front room of the trailer after dinner.
It was bliss, a small town gay like Eddie landing a guy as sweet and protective and bitchy as Steve. And even more than that, Steve seemed to be just as infatuated as Eddie was; he'd liked to touch and be nearby when they were friends, but adding romance dialed it up to another level. An arm around his waist, a leg over his thighs, fingers on his wrist or bumping hips, Steve loved being close and Eddie wasn't used to it, but it was fast becoming his favourite thing. Figuring out that Steve loved getting pet-named and blushed to high heaven whenever Eddie complimented him was icing on the cake. Give him the whole box, really.
So what was the problem?
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oneatlatime · 1 year
The Storm
This post was delayed due to dumbass technical issues. I managed to save it from annihilation by the skin of my teeth, and learned an important lesson about saving drafts along the way.
Long time no blog. As it's currently storming where I am, I feel it's time to watch this one.
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Aang in the opening credits has his tongue out like a dog on a car ride. Now picturing a car full of airbenders hanging their heads out the window.
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It's been long enough since I watched one of these that I forgot that dream sequences tend to be tinted brown. Had a two second panic trying to remember the episode where Sokka learned airbending.
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I wanted to see more of Gyatso but not like this!
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Appa the morning person.
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Hey Zuko's back. Haven't seen him in a few episodes. Pipi Longstocking hair is still doing him no favours. Also is he really pale this episode?
I feel like Zuko's intelligence varies wildly from episode to episode (usually to serve the plot) but this may be a new depth of dumbness: tell the crew to their faces that their lives don't matter. You know, the crew that prevents the thing you're standing on in the middle of the ocean from sinking. The crew that keeps you fed and actually going somewhere. That crew.
On the other hand, Zuko's method for creating mutiny may break a world record for efficiency. He's such a dumb smart guy.
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I'm with Katara on this one. I don't like that swishing either. And if they're out of money, why were they in a market anyway?
And with a kick to the rear, this episode's 'violence towards Sokka for laughs' quota is filled.
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Never before in the history of humanity's hubristic quest to tame the seas has a wharf ever been this clean.
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And I'm with the crewman on this one too. Zuko's actions really do line up with him not caring about anything beyond his own concerns.
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Talk about rock and a hard place for Iroh here. From what I've gathered, it's Zuko's ship, which means that Zuko's in charge of everything including keeping order. But, Zuko is also being unreasonable in the face of a very reasonable complaint from the crew. So Iroh has to pacify both while undermining neither, and not appear to be in command. Takes delicacy.
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Appa gets a mooring! Also what is that cave back there?
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I was hoping the show would bring this up! To anyone who isn't riding along on Aang's adventures, it sure does look like the Avatar disappeared when he was needed most, continued to stay gone no matter how bad things got, and then just reappeared randomly one day with seemingly no plan to set set things right. Did he reappear to fight the firelord? According to rumour, he reappeared to ride giant koi. What would the average person be left thinking? The fisherman is right. And Katara - will you please let Aang fight his own battles for once in his life?
Aang being the bravest person you know? Do you not remember this?
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You know, this?
"That fisherman was way out of line."
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Poor guy needs a blow dry. Should be possible, what with airbending and all. Didn't know that Appa had a goatee. Actually the facial hair in general in this show is pretty creative.
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If this is going to be the exposition dump storytelling episode, we may all need an emotional support Momo.
These air scooter shenanigans are making me think that the first lesson airbenders learn is how to nullify motion sickness.
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Is this the first airbending we see by someone that isn't Aang or Appa?
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Someone's been taking fashion tips from Narcissa Malfoy.
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Oh fuck off that's too much pressure for a kid. Nice Wisteria though.
Isn't the toys thing a thing in the real world? Something to do with the Dalai Lama?
If Avatars have to be told that they're the Avatar, that implies that they don't know instinctively. Theoretically, could an isolated avatar living in peace time go their whole lives without figuring it out?
Oh wise and learned council of airbenders, please tell me how relying on a 12 year old is going to save you from a war?
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Baby Zuko! Baby scarless Zuko! He looks like just the prettiest little princess in these shots. Also, either this happened not all that long ago, or Zuko is majorly overdue a growth spurt, because he's maybe one inch shorter in this flashback. Also also, Pipi Longstocking hair doesn't work no matter how much hair you have to put up. Also also also, the whole reverse tonsure look he has going on in the present really downplays how round his face is. He's got chubby baby cheeks. Also also also also, if Zuko is as much of a prince as his title implies, he's right that he needs to know how to rule.
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I have picked up over the course of this show the fact that the fire nation seems to prioritise aesthetic. But this is just ridiculous. And a bit on the nose too. A literal wall of fire dividing you from the commoners? Not even the commoners, the highly esteemed generals in charge of your war? How does this guy see or hear anything that's going on?
Katara asking Aang why he wouldn't be excited about being the Avatar seems out of character for me. Why exactly would he be excited about being catapulted to the number one spot on the fire nation's 'enemies of the state' list? It's not like Katara doesn't know what happens to people on that list.
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Don't worry about these jerks. They'll all be immolated in a little bit.
Smelly kid jokes. That's some peak 90s comedy right there.
I love Gyatso. Solidly in Aang's corner and happy to advocate for his charge even against grumpy temple elders. Never loses sight of the fact that Aang is just a boy and needs balance.
This Zuko disrespecting old farts stuff is nonsense. Like when you get called in to HR for 'walking disrespectfully past Sherri's desk' or 'aggressive choice of footwear' and you know it's just because they're looking for a bullshit reason to fire you/force you to quit because the owner's nephew wants your job and they don't want to pay for severance or unemployment. If pointing out obvious flaws in objectively stupid plans is an offence worthy of an honour duel (I'm not even going to try and spell the actual name), then this guy needs to be dueled too:
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He called bullshit too.
No no they're not actually going to
oh fuck no
hang on he doesn't have his scar yet is this going where I think it's going?
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Back to idiot monks phew. Another rock and a hard place situation. Aang needs to be a normal 12 year old. The world needs a fully trained Avatar. The best they can do is a half trained 12 year old avatar. That would have ended well I'm sure.
Oh yeah just yank out the remainders of Aang's support system. That will certainly encourage him to quickly develop into a responsible adult, rather than an emotionally disturbed 12 year old with unmatchable uncontrolled powers. What were these monks thinking? Or were they thinking at all? Were they just panicking? Because only Gyatso seems to have his head on straight. Upset avatars destroy things - we've SEEN that - and these monks think the best way to turn Aang into the Avatar they need is to do something that will upset him probably more than any other possible thing? At least they didn't think to take away Appa too.
Katara's right. He does have a right to be angry. I like that this show gives the characters permission to feel.
Indulging my inner pedant for a minute, he never saw Gyatso alive again. His bones were in pretty good condition. Actually, given that firebenders killed him, why weren't his bones covered in scorch marks? Also, is that where all the other airbender skeletons went? Instant cremation?
The fisherman's right - the avatar did turn his back on the world. Aang's right - he did run away. Katara's right - not running away wouldn't have saved anyone. Kudos to a kids' show for not flinching from tackling topics that have no right answers. Yay nuance!
oh god here we go
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Free life tip: If you ever see a dependent and/or child assume this position at the feet of their guardian, call the relevant authorities. Quickly.
And of course there's a crowd of hundreds too. Nothing like a little public mutilation of children to flex your power over the masses. This firelord's ego is so fragile.
So that's where the scar comes from. Also the firelord's line about learning respect casts a new light on when Zuko said he'd teach respect to the crewman at the beginning of the episode. Guess he was channelling the firelord.
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Big repsect to Zuko for the above. He's never lacked in bravery. This is the opposite of the "shameful weakness" nonsense.
"Things will never return to normal." THANK YOU
Why is Zuko in such a hurry to go home to that anyway? Seems like the only person who likes him is his uncle, and he's travelling with him.
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This is odd. I've always felt like I know Aang, and hearing his story this episode just confirms that I do know him, who he is, what makes him tick. And it lets me know him better. I've deepened an already deep understanding of who he is. However, I thought I had a surface (if jumbled) understanding of Zuko, but hearing his story this episode, and especially the final series of shots, the way they frame him as alone in darkness contrasted with brightly lit memories, makes me sure that I've never known Zuko at all. Who is this guy? I feel like this is meeting him for the first time.
There's also definitely something worth examining in the fact that Aang tells his own story but Iroh tells Zuko's (beyond the fact that Aang is the only person left who could tell his story).
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Thank god some comic relief. Not a moment too soon.
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I didn't know firebenders could do that. Judging by his face, I don't think he did either.
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The judgmental energy in this shot is unparalleled.
"I'm not but I still don't wanna!" This old couple has some seriously good lines.
Appa saves the day once again, this time with an assist from the Avatar powers. I swear if Appa's existence was paired with Sokka's brain they could do the Avatar's job no problem.
Zuko apologises. That is good. But is it Iroh he should be apologising to?
"I'm here now and I'm going to make the most of it." A lovely message to conclude a show on. But are we going to gloss over the whole 'father mutilates his son BARELY offscreen' thing?
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Appa shakes!
Final Thoughts
This section could very easily devolve into increasingly hysterical ranting about the whole ZUKO JUST GOT HALF HIS FACE BURNED OFF AS A FORM OF COURT ENTERTAINMENT thing. Lord have mercy the fire nation is fucked up. To prevent that, I am going to share one thought, and only one thought on that fiasco:
this is the first time I've really felt that I'm not the target audience of this show. If I had seen this at 8 or 10 years old, I would have been appropriately mad at the firelord for doing such a bad thing, but it would have made perfect sense, because he's a bad guy, and they have to do bad guy things. It's what makes them bad guys. As an adult, with more knowledge in general, but especially about things like power dynamics and the long term consequences of child abuse, I am valiantly fighting not to spiral down a path of horrific implications because I want to be able to sleep tonight. From both a political and a familial point of view, there was no one (who wasn't 12 and frozen) who could have stepped in. It was the firelord who did it; it appears that there is no one above him in the fire nation hierarchy. It's Zuko's father who did it; good luck getting a kid to stand up to a father in front of an audience of hundreds in a culture that obviously worships a bastardised concept of respect (zuko tried though). Iroh couldn't (or wouldn't) interfere on either political or familial grounds. As an adult, seeing a child (because Zuko may be 16 in the show but that boy kneeling is BABY) stuck in such a situation, knowing there's literally no way to get out of it, no hero going to swoop in and save the day, no judicial process to dish out consequences, well that's hard to watch. And that's all I'll say about that.
Here's a thought: did the avatar (not Aang, but the figure/concept of the Avatar) disappearing fail Zuko, and by extension the fire nation, as much as it failed the other three nations? And the natural follow-along to that thought: did the fire nation attacking the rest of the world hurt the fire nation as much as it hurt the rest of the world?
Aang made a mistake many years ago by running away. He gets to redeem himself by not running away and saving Sokka and the fisherman. Zuko made a mistake at the beginning of the episode by undervaluing the lives of his crew (to their faces, no less). He gets to redeem himself by saving the helmsman and letting the Avatar pass in favour of getting the crew to safety. But I don't think these stories are really parallel. Aang's natural impulse was the mistake. He learned from it, modified his behaviour, and did better the next chance he got. Zuko's natural impulse was to act as he should have. He was taught (violently) that this was incorrect behaviour, and modified his behaviour based on his father's teachings. This modification (not valuing the crew) is the mistake. In Zuko's case, learning from the experience and modifying his behaviour actually means unlearning the lesson he was taught and reverting to his former behaviour. Aang's natural state needed modification; Zuko's externally imposed behaviour needed to be forgotten. Not parallel.
Aang = hope is an interesting conclusion. It's only possible for him to represent hope because he dashed everyone's hopes by disappearing and staying gone. If the avatar had defeated the fire nation 100 years ago and prevented a war from ever happening, he would not have been a symbol of hope. I don't know what he would have been a symbol of, but it's the fact that he's been gone long enough for things to get really bad that makes him a symbol of hope in the present. So if Aang was always meant to be hope, then he was always meant to get frozen.
Aang = hope is also interesting in that it positions Zuko on the side of the enemies of the fire nation. If Aang represents hope to the world, and Aang represents hope to Zuko, then Zuko is not on the Fire Nation side of the conflict (whether he knows it or not).
The humour in this episode was minimal but very welcome. The old couple was heaps of fun, Sokka got a couple of good lines (although never enough - still waiting on a Sokka episode), and the juxtaposition of humour and very serious themes was artfully handled. It was never jarring or tonally off. The switching back and forth between the two story threads was well done too, especially how they tied in at the end.
I'm kind of annoyed that Katara got relegated to shouty defender of the actually-a-little-bit-guilty or Agony Aunt. She deserves better. I'm not at all annoyed that Momo filled the role of cuddle administration. That was lovely to see.
It didn't even occur to me to check if the art/animation in this episode was pretty. That's usually a primary concern with me, but I was too wrapped up in the plot to notice.
I can't believe a kids' show went there, but they did. And they did it well. This episode felt much longer than 20-ish minutes, in a good way. It was packed. Definitely going on my rewatch list.
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I have an idea that I'm going to use on my new Love Is The Colour Of Sunset series...
Since I'm not going to change it radically when it comes to using the original characters I've already created, Minako will have to appear here too.
And I had an idea!
Ichigo and Byakuya get married and they buy a house in Karakura.
It's an ancient house, needing some renovations, but lovely — according to Byakuya, of course...— and quaint.
The only issue is that everyone keeps telling them that the house is haunted.
Do they care? No... They've dealt with sooooooo much worse....
So, they begin researching the history of the house and the original structure was destroyed in the Great Kantō Earthquake, on the 1st of September, 1923.
It was later on rebuilt, but it didn't take long for the rumours of it being haunted to begin.
It kept changing owners until the last family that bought it back in 1979.
The stories about a ghost never truly went away, but the Izawa family never complained about feeling uncomfortable.
It went back on the market after the Old couple joined their only daughter in Australia in 2004.
In 2006, Ichigo and Byakuya buy it and they start renovating the house, leaving the traditional features, but including a modern touch to it too...
It's all going just fine, until they start finding toys everywhere...
A stuffed tiger. A wooden whistle bird. A Kokeshi doll. A porcelain doll...
All ancient looking.
It's only a matter of time until the child finally shows herself to them...
Byakuya had felt quite curious and impressed the first time he felt the presence in the house...
A soul, all alone, since 1923?
It was unheard of...
The fact alone that it did not attract Hollows, was something extraordinary!
Ichigo had researched the registry on the casualties of the Great Kantō Earthquake in Karakura, and he had managed to identify the original family living in that house at the time.
The Usui family had all died in the Earthquake, but apparently only the child's soul had remained attached to the house... For 83 years...
Maybe it had been the constant presence of people in the house that had somehow shielded the little soul from being devoured by any Hollow around.
And maybe that was the cause for her to not turn into a Hollow herself.
Byakuya began collecting the toys and one night after pleading his case to his husband, they'd agreed to go the extra mile to bring the child out of hiding...
They renovated an entire room for her.
Finally, they began feeling her presence becoming stronger.
Pitter patter of little feet.
Smothered giggles as she quickly ran to the bedroom, disappearing before they could catch her.
A couple of days before their return to Soul Society, Byakuya made one last try to get the child to stop being fearful of their presence.
He called for her.
"Minako-Chan? Can you please come to your room? We need to talk to you. Don't be afraid. It's okay. We can see you, you know?"
Ichigo shook his head with a smile.
"Do you think that is going to work?"
"I hope so... We can't just leave here like that can we?"
They headed to the girl's renovated bedroom, sitting on the floor and waiting...
Ay first they thought that she was not going to come, but after the longest ten minutes of their lives, the small figure of a child appeared at the door.
"Hi." Ichigo waved, smiling at the girl.
The girl entered the room, stopping between both men.
"Hi. You wanted to talk to me?" Her voice was that of a toddler in tone, but with the maturity of someone who's mind had spent 83 years frozen inside the spirit of a two year old...
"We did." Byakuya spoke softly. "We wanted you to know that we have to go back home in two days time."
"I thought this was your home..." The small soul pouted.
"It's our vacation home. Not our everyday home. We want to show you something..." Ichigo turned to Byakuya nodding at his husband.
The raven hair took out his Yuki mod soul dispenser and took the pill.
His Gigai remained seated with Yuki now inside of it, but Byakuya himself got up, donning his Taichō uniform, Kenseikan and all.
Minako took a step back, looking oddly serious at him.
It was way too much like grown up look for a toddler...
"You are one of them!" Her lip was trembling. "You're one of the people who killed the monster my parents became..."
"Minako," Byakuya kneeled closer to the child, taking Senbonzakura out of his waist and setting it on the floor in front of her. 'What happened to your parents?"
"Haha* kept screaming that it was Chichi's** fault. She was really angry and then she changed into a grey monster with a white mask. Chichi told me to hide so I did..." Minako had her hands behind her back, eyes on the floor. "I heard screaming and a howls like a wild animal in pain. When I took a peak, Haha had changed... She was bigger. I stayed hidden and two men dressed like you appeared. One of them took his sword and killed her."
Ichigo, also in his Shinigami form, kneeled on the other side. His face looked stricken with grief.
"Minako..." He reached his hands to her, waiting. "What those Shinigami did was a mercy, you know? Your Okāsan had turned into something called a Hollow because of her grudge over hers and your untimely death. When we use our Zanpakuto to cut through a Hollow, their souls are purified and they get to go to Soul Society... Which is our home."
Minako looked at Ichigo's hands. A small sob shook the child before she threw herself onto his arms.
Ichigo held her close, allowing her to cry freely. Byakuya raised one of his hands to Minako's head, gently brushing her black hair with his fingers.
A grief to great for such a small child, both of them thought...
"We were thinking maybe you'd like to go with us so you won't have to be lonely anymore." Byakuya's voice was almost a whisper. "And when we come back here you can come with us too."
Minako stopped crying, sniffling as she tilted her head to look at the raven hair. A little snort left her lips.
"It almost sounds like you want to adopt me or something..." And there it was. The oddness of the speech pattern of an adult in a toddler's voice...
Ichigo and Byakuya chuckled lightly.
"Well," Ichigo patted her head. "That's for you to decide, if you think you want to put with us as your new parents."
Minako straightened herself, looking attentively at both men. It felt like she was evaluating them, almost.
"I don't think I would mind that." She smiled. "Actually I think I'd like that... A lot." She seemed pensive for a while. "Will I be able to finally grow up and grow older too? Being stuck as a two year old for 83 years as been really boring."
Byakuya nodded, his smile widening.
"Yes. As soon as you get to Soul Society, you'll resume growing up like an ordinary human for the next eight years. After that, it depends on how strong you are. On your Reiatsu."
"I have no idea what that is..." Minako squinted.
"Don't worry, you'll learn. That and more." Ichigo told her.
"Okay. I agree. I'll go with you..."
* Haha - Formal term for Mother
** Chichi - Formal term for Father
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dadlezal · 9 months
A Study in Coaching
While scrolling through my old posts, I came across those on the Dolezal drama at the end of season 2021/2022. I'll link it somewhere (if I find the will to do so) if you missed this. I remember Kamil saying he regretted his emotional interviews in Planica and felt stupid afterwards. The drama went on for a couple more days/weeks if I recall and ofc Adam Małysz, now chairman of Polish Ski Federation (PZN in Polish), stated that coach Dolezal was offered to continue in his role but he kept leading PZN on, kept being indecisive. And for some reason, men in our country believed Małysz's story, even though he's done and said awful things but they were about women, not them, so ofc they didn't give a shit. I remain skeptical to this day.
If I were to provide a reason as to why Polish "male fans" disliked Dolezal throughout his stay as the main coach, I'd say it was because he wasn't Horngacher. See, Polish men (and not only them but you get it) tend to think that the only good approach to coaching is through aggression. And it doesn't apply to ski jumping only, of course. While I do appreciate everything Horngacher's done for our team, I think he had this aura of a very strict, unlikeable person, with a resting bitch face at that. He rarely talked to any media, he even went as far as to forbid Żyła to talk to journalists - and they were days when he forbade the rest to do it, too. He would often cut off their interviews, even though they weren't long or too releaving. To be fair, Żyła was involved in a scandal including his divorce - it's a long story but it could have been kept quiet had his wife stopped herself from flooding social media with accusatory Instagram posts - photos, videos etc. (There were even rumours about supposed unfaithfulness, first only on Piotrek's side, then on hers, too. But I digress...). I'm not sure how he is now in Germany but I guess he just came to Poland prepared, knowing that the social media frenzy around ski jumping here can be more overwhelming than in Germany. But it was thought he was a very strict, non-compromising coach and ofc men LOVED IT, while majority of "female fans" remained careful with their opinions (ofc, I'm oversimplifying, it wasn't all men and all women). On the other hand, it's during his time when the legendary "BBQ parties" started and he was the one to teach Żyła how to play guitar. As usual in life, things rarely are black&white.
When Horngacher left, Dolezal decided to stay with the team despite a very lucrative offer from DSV and Horngacher's insisting. I'm pretty confident when I say this: within the last decade, Dolezal was the only coach our team had such a strong friendship vibe with. You could see it in the interviews, during competitions, in all off-camera moments, in the small things. They even called themselves "Dodo's mafia" at some point. I personally loved it but many "male experts" in our country were very appalled by this and that's how the gossip was born - that Dolezal had a good first season only because we "ran on Horngacher's leftovers".
I'm not sure how the relationship with Thurnbichler looks like now - many were concerned before it started as the coach is younger than most of our ski jumpers - at least the "prominent" ones. If I were to say on my own, I'd say it's the most distant/professional from all the last four/five coaches. Kamil made a comment, last year, I believe, which many treated as a "nose flick" towards Dolezal's and/or Horngacher's team - that this is the most professional team he has ever worked with. But I don't have a problem with this, not at all.
What I have a problem with is Adam Małysz, unfortunately. In one of the last Eurosport studios, it was suggested that his patience with Thurnbichler is wearing thin. Yeah, the season is looking bad but Thurnbichler was asked to change something around the preparation system and like inventions in any other life matter, this one involved risk and it didn't work out! (The guys had time off right before the start of the season when everyone else was perfecting their technique). Thurnbichler's contract is set to expire in 2026, after the Winter Olympics in Turin but the fact that after a month of bad season Małysz's patience is wearing thin? Ridiculous. Not to mention, he seemed to have chosen Dolezal as his victim - maybe he sensed he was easier to work with than Horngacher, hence additional responsibilities (Horngacher strictly refused to help out our B team and one of the conditions of his contract was focus on the A team - he did have drop-ins at B's trainings and gave a hint or two but refused to overlook two large groups at a time; I think the dislike towards him after his departure was mostly related to the fact that he used our team to improve his resume, make an impression on DSV to be finally accepted as the head coach there) and the CONSTANT PUBLIC CRITICISM! Not only towards Dolezal but towards the jumpers, too! I was surprised to find out that Kubacki is on speaking terms with Małysz because he slandered him in the media on regular basis. Maybe someone smart suggested to Adam that he stop speaking publicly about his discontentment with the results and leave this kind of conversations for closed door opportunities.
The other thing about him - even though he was quick to sack Dolezal and is "running out of patience" with Thurnbichler, he defended Kruczek in his role as the head coach for ladies. Kruczek kept saying that "they would never be good enough to get real results", kept complaining on "their being emotional", their supposed "constant disagreements". They both even went as far as to say the ladies were "too fat" to ever be successful and that they refused to lose weight. Małysz additionally stated (and no, not YEARS AGO, but very recently) that "women shouldn't do sports, especially ski jumping, as it affects their uterus". Yes, that was the shitty excuse men used to ban women from professional sport until very recently (1970', I believe?) and no wonder it came from a man, with no basic knowledge on human biology. When people demanded Kruczek was sacked, he refused to do so, stating it was "the girls' fault, not his". But after many protests from the fans, Kruczek was eventually fired and nowadays, ladies have a new coach, Harald Rodlauer. His position remains untouched, thought, as he said it would take years to fix the damage that was done to the team.
If PZN seriously decides to sack Thurnbichler after this season, I don't know who would be open to cooperation with them. All good coached went through us and probably left traumatised. We can't afford (financially) the best ones like Schuster (who was very eager to work with us but his salary was way over our budget). They all heard about our struggles, they know we have no real "backup", no youth - our jumpers can't even qualify in ContiCup! Many people wanted Tajner out of PZN, hoping Małysz, knowing the environment from the inside, would bring new hope, new light, new ideas and trust for the chairman. Nothing of the sort happened - if anything, he clearly states that he's focused on financing and results and that he won't ask for more sponsors until he sees them.
Anyway. Felt like talking because the constant complaining in the studio gets on my nerves. I'm a fan, too - imagine that! Do I sometimes feel frustrated my favs aren't faving? Yes. Do I keep reminding people how miserable we are every weekend? No. And while results should be the main focus, I think that pressuring everyone involved while giving nothing back is not to way to get them.
[Sorry for all the errors to the two people who will read this post in full]
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 3 months
The Rise And Fall Of A Midwest Princess Prompt List
Prompts for The Rise and Fall of a Midwest Princess by Chappell Roan (+ Good Luck Babe as a treat), practice good reblog karma and sent a prompt or two to the person you reblog this from
Same old story, time again, got so close but then you lost it
He disappeared from the second that you said, “Let's get coffee, let's meet up"
I'm so sick of online love
You pretend to love his mother
Lying to your friends about how he's such a goddamn good lover
I just want you to make a move so slow down, sit down, it's new
I just wanna get to know ya, guess I didn't quite think it through
Fell in love with the thought of you, now I'm choked up, face down, burnt out
Long hair, no bra, that's my type, that's right
You just told me want me to fuck you
I heard you like magic, I got a wand and a rabbit
So baby let's get freaky, get kinky, let's make this bed get squeaky
My mama said nothing good happens when it's late and you're dancing alone
She's in my head saying it's not attractive, wearing that dress and red lipstick
I've been a good, good girl for a long time
But baby, I like flirting, a lover by my side, can't be a good girl even if I tried
I kinda wanna kiss your girlfriend if you don't mind
I love a little drama, let's start a bar fight
Cause everything good happens after midnight
I kinda wanna kiss your boyfriend if you don't mind
You'd buy me a drink, and we know where that leads, so
I'll meet you for coffee 'cause if we have wine you'll say that you want me, I know that's a lie
If I didn't love you, it would be fine
Nowhere else is safe, every place leads back to your place
But I'd rather feel something than nothing at all
You'll say that you're sorry, I know that's a lie
If we do coffee, it's never just coffee
I've heard so many rumours that I'm just a girl that you bang on your couch
You said, "We're not together”, so now when we kiss, I have anger issues
We’re knee deep in the passenger seat and you're eating me out, is it casual now?
Is it casual now?
But baby, get me off again, if it's casual, it's casual now
Dumb love, I love being stupid
It's hard being casual when my favourite bra lives in your dresser
And I try to be the chill girl that holds her tongue and gives you space
I try to be the chill girl but honestly, I'm not
I fucked you in the bathroom when we went to dinner
Bragging to your friends I get off when you hit it, I hate to tell the truth but I'm sorry dude you didn't
I hate that I let this drag on so long, now I hate myself
I hate that I let this drag on so long, you can go to hell
You know what they say, "Never waste a Friday night on a first date"
He doesn't have what it takes to be with a girl like me
Not overdramatic, I know what I want
I'm through with all these hyper mega bummer boys like you
I need a super graphic ultra modern girl like me
Telling secrets there on the mattress, wearing nothing but glitter and lashes
At every party we're the party, shaking our asses, making out while the world collapses
Get up off your feet, get up on that bar
Walk that walk, flash the camera, you're a star
I could be the one or your new addiction
Who can blame a girl?
Call me hot, not pretty
Well, I woke up alone staring at my ceiling, I try not to care, but it hurts my feelings
You don't have to stare, come here, get with it
No one's touched me there in a damn hot minute
Who knew that we'd let it get this bad when it ended
It's hot when you have a meltdown
It's hot when you're drinking downtown and you're getting called out 'cause you're running your mouth
People say I'm jealous but my kink is watching you ruining your life
My kink is karma
Wishing you the best, in the worst way
It's hot when you're going through hell
And you're hating yourself, I'm feeling myself
And you're getting pissed off, it's getting me off
Slip off my pretty dress, down my chest when I think of you
Do you picture me like I picture you?
Do you feel the same? I'm too scared to say half of the things I do when I picture you
So tell me now, all your perversions
Am I doing research in a mini skirt?  Am I at the library in your hometown?
I guess we could pretend we didn't cross a line
If you really wanna leave, I’ll never make you stay
Whatever you decide, I will understand
And love is a kaleidoscope, how it works we'll never know
And even all the change is somehow all the same
Love is a kaleidoscope
And it'll just take time to go back to being friends
Every colour of the rainbow, don't be afraid to hold it close
I know you wanted me to stay, but I can't ignore the crazy visions of me in LA
And I heard that there's a special place where boys and girls can all be queens every single day
Won't make my mama proud, it’s gonna cause a scene
God, what have you done?  You're a pink pony girl and you dance at the club
Oh mama, I'm just having fun, on the stage in my heels it’s where I belong
I'm gonna keep on dancing down in West Hollywood
Lovers in the bathroom and a line outside the door
Every night's another reason why I left it all
I thank my wicked dreams, a year from Tennessee
Oh, Santa Monica you've been too good to me
Don't think I've left you all behind
Still love you and Tennessee, you're always on my mind
And mama, every Saturday, I can hear your southern drawl a thousand miles away
New crush, high school love again, the rush of slumber party kissing
I'd love if you knew you were on my mind
Boys suck and girls I've never tried
And we both know we're getting drunk tonight
Touch me, baby, put your lips on mine, could go to hell but we'll probably be fine
I know you want it, baby, you can have it, oh, I've never done it, let's make it cinematic
An inch away from more than just friends
Won't you fucking touch me?
I want more than you know
Cause I was never told that I wasn't gonna get the things I want the most
But people always say, "If it hasn't happened yet then maybe you should go”
Come get me out of California
To think I almost had it going but I let you down
Think back to what you said and I turn red
Wild thoughts that make me melt
Sometimes I scare myself but I can't help what I can't help
So shame on me and shame on you
I fantasize what we would do and how would he taste and the way you move
Oh, some good girls do bad things too
Oh my God, you are heaven-sent with your dirty mind, yeah, you're perverted
I want this like a cigarette
You give me guilty, guilty pleasure
Feels like pornography watching you try on jeans
You can say that we are nothing, but you know the truth
I don't wanna call it off but you don't wanna call it love
You can kiss a hundred boys in bars, shoot another shot, try to stop the feeling
You can say it's just the way you are, make a new excuse, another stupid reason
You'd have to stop the world just to stop the feeling
I'm cliche, who cares?
It's a sexually explicit kind of love affair
And I cry, it's not fair, I just need a little lovin', I just need a little air
Think I'm gonna call it off even if you call it love
I just wanna love someone who calls me baby
And when you wake up next to him in the middle of the night with your head in your hands, you're nothing more than his wife
And when you think about me, all of those years ago, you're standing face to face with "I told you so"
Good luck, babe!
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daiseukiis · 1 year
𝙚𝙥𝙞𝙨𝙤𝙙𝙚 𝙨𝙞𝙭 ; 𝙣𝙚𝙬 𝙮𝙚𝙖𝙧’𝙨 𝙬𝙞𝙨𝙝𝙚𝙨
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SYNOPSIS. the new years is always a great way to start cleaning the house and cleansing it from any forms of stuidity dirtiness. though, you never really thought that you and multiple others were tricked into shrine for gojo worshippers.
FEAT. ⠀⠀⠀⠀ fushiguro megumi, fushiguro toji, fushiguro tsumiki, gojo satoru, miwa kasumi,
CONTENTS. profanity, dirty jokes
A/N. hello, i would just like to welcome everyone back after a long await hiatus from fiuwtf ! i have returned to writing, and many many people have requested for this series to come back and i will now be picking it up to finish. five episodes and an ova is left ! i would like to thank everyone for their undying support, because till now i do still see comments and rbs on my series as well wishing for it's return. i am excited to share to you our fushiguro family coming back to tumblr ! if you wish to be added to this taglist, please fill out THIS FORM.
episode five | 𝐅𝐔𝐂𝐊 𝐈𝐓 𝐔𝐏 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐔𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐔𝐑𝐎𝐒 | episode seven
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꒰꒰ new years meant lots of cleaning to do ( to tie any lose ends )
꒰꒰ even if toji wasn't too happy about cleaning, he still did it because tsumiki forced him to
꒰꒰ for some odd reason, toji and megumi were getting along and you really thought it was some sort of new year's miracle. it didn't last long though
"it isn't clean!" megumi exclaims, pointing over to the counter where they all had their family photos. toji just irks his brows up, crossing his arms over the other with a broom in his hand.
"whadduya mean it ain't clean? that shit's spotless." he gestures to where megumi is pointing, telling him to look with his eyes and not with his mouth. the boy twitches his brow, laying his finger flatly on there and collecting the dirt before pointing same finger at toji. "it's fuckin' dusty."
꒰꒰ yeah, you just told them to sit down as you and tsumiki cleaned and got ready for dinner. all of you shared having otoso, but toji drank all of it at the end
꒰꒰ after the hefty dinner, all of you got dressed up in your yukatas ( even tsumiki got toji to wear one )
꒰꒰ you knew toji wasn't one for customs or traditions, but when he whipped out those beautiful otoshidama your heart warmed up
"here, it's for you guys." you and tsumiki were chatting by the front until toji had approached you both, a hand out with two paper envelopes that was neatly decorated. both of you lightly gape at the sight, his stoic expression urging you two girls to take it.
"otoshidama?" though hesitantly your hands reach out to recieve the gift, you give toji a small bow as a thank you. "open it." you nod at tsumiki, fingers opening the small flap at the top to see a whole load of cash inside for each one of you.
"am i not getting one?" megumi calls from behind, he didn't really care since you were the one getting money and he had a small hunch that he gave you a little extra for the two of you but he could never be two sure. toji just scoffs at megumi's words, glancing behind him, "if you bothered to give me a kid, maybe."
꒰꒰ yours and megumi's old classmates had met up at the new shrine everyone had been talking about, and to say the least it was packed
꒰꒰ tsumiki had practically dragged you with her to the bonfire to warm up as you all waited for hatsumode
꒰꒰ after warming up by the bon fire everyone started to get an ema to write their wishes and hang it through the shrine
"what are you wishing for, yn?" tsumiki gleefully asks you, fingers gliding it's way through the wooden board. you let out a super defeated sigh, suddenly remembering how this year had treated you so far. "i'm wishing for these bitches stop destroying my house."
꒰꒰ all of a sudden you noticed that there was a line to go into the shrine, and rumour had it that you could actually go and see the priest!
꒰꒰ tsumiki of course wanted to see what it was about, making you wait in line for over thirty minutes
꒰꒰ it was so long that the others were already looking for the two of you
"oh, is that a call from tou-chan?" tsumiki goes and sees the caller id of your father, curious to why he had called rather than texting. the two of you share a shrug before you answer the phone. "moshi, moshi?"
"where the fuck are ya two?" he sounded irritated. though you ignore your fathers words, you can faintly hear megumi in the background not to talking to you that way. not like you minded. "we're in line to see the priest."
"ah, i see ya." tsumiki grabs hold of the sleeve of your yukata, catching your attention. you follow where she points, and it's towards the figure of your father and husband. when they finally reunite with you megumi is scolding the both of you for getting lost in such a big crowd ( but it was tsumiki's idea why were you also getting scolded ? )
꒰꒰ all of you guys are surprised when nobara, itadori, panda, maki and inumaki were also there. then you guys find out that this was a new shrine
꒰꒰ the closer you guys got to the end of the line the more... weird it got. as in they were suddenly selling merch?
꒰꒰ though the moment you and the others were next your jaw dropped
"oh! my precious yn came to see me on new years? so sweet~!" lo and behold gojo saturo sitting on the platform as if he were the priest. hell, he even had the traditional clothing for it on too! the man waves towards your group, but you can't help be but at a lost for words.
"what the fuck... miwa?!" your eyes are ready to pop out when you see miwa taking in donations and a camera at hand for tourists to take pictures. she was even regulating the line of gojo fanatics who had fans, lightsticks and headbands all dedicated for him. there's even a table to buy photos of gojo.
"and this is for you, my dear yn~" gojo's voice itself causes many fangirls to scream, what a man whore. no wonder when you lot entered this place there were suddenly posters and statues of gojo... it was a shrine built for this idiot!
"maki-san." you take a deep breath in, quickly stuffing the otoshidama in your yukata sleeve. you had to get that money first before whopping his ass. the female jujutsu sorcerer nods her head with the biggest vein popping on her forehead. "i know."
꒰꒰ the fusghiguros ( excluding tsumiki ) as well as maki got their weapons and jujutsushiki ready, along with nobara to start swinging hands at gojo
꒰꒰ for the first time in your life you finally understood why they liked destroying your house
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SPONSORS. @to-move-on-means-to-grow @captaincyberqueen @thevoidwriting @duhsies @ven7s @aoshei @hyomagiri
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© daiseukiis 2023. all rights reserved. do not repost, modify, translate without permission. do not claim work or layout as yours.
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greetings-humans · 1 year
what if i am malicious or mean-spirited? what then?
you say it like you aren't, you FUCKING BULLY
but let's ignore the fact that your love language IS BULLYING so that i can disprove those preposterous rumours of cowardice that you've been spreading around about me
meeting noel wasn't really a life-altering experience but deciding to invite him over for that first movie night that lead to a sleep over definitely was. see noel has this type of... disarming confidence that sort of scared me at first, but after a long rant about anime (and the assurance that there was something queer afoot with this guy), i decided to give this a try yknow? after all this is uni and I'm not in my home town and I don't wanna have zero friends here so i put on my big human pants and gave it a shot.
you would not believe how well it worked. see noel has this loud unabashed and pretty much shameless personality that i wasn't sure if i could work with. I'm the type of person that has a history of always being the one to compromise for the louder personality without saying anything and letting things bottle up until i literally decide to cut the other off, so i was cautious about managing my old bad habits and not letting them have a say in this new friendship.
enter stage right noel, who is loud and shameless but so so fucking considerate, who will ask and check, who is so careful about not making me feel uncomfortable (and the fact that i never feel bad about redirecting a conversation because of that speaks for itself). noel, who will initiate conversations that feel so meta because talking about your friendship with the friend involved isn't something i was used to at that point WHICH IS INSANE BECAUSE ITS SO USEFUL.
funnily enough, despite his loud energy (and i have never found anything funnier than this), his gamer rage is a "ts" that barely sounds mildly annoyed. it's endearing and utterly hilarious.
also, and i know noel being autistic plays a part in this but let me tell you, as someone that gets anxious and is a bit of an overthinker, the honesty that's always a part of my interactions with noel is so refreshing. and the fact that on top of all this, this guy doesn't even complain about living in a state of semi-constant confusion at my sarcasm. and by sarcasm, i mean that i sarcastically responded to noel telling me that I'm a sarcastic person okay? it's not just your casual run-of-the-mill thing, i live and breathe in sarcasm and this guy right here (who called me an eldritch being which feels like such a compliment) doesn't even complain. IN FACT i had to needle him into telling me to use /j or /s via texting, which he would never bring up himself ig and honestly. YOU'RE SO CONSIDERATE BUT NOT TO YOURSELF.
ahem moving on. noel is a also a fucking bully in the most loving way possible. we once highjacked a video call for a uni project just to snipe at each other with petty fake (or not so fake but meant with love) insults BECAUSE I COULDN'T TAKE THE ABUSE AND I STAND BY THIS; HE STARTED IT.
he's the guy that calls me out so. much. who loves to needle me and tease me because that's what i signed up for apparently. it took me a bit to figure out how to go about it in a way that didn't lead to me accidentally internalizing the wrong thing, but once i figured that out it was game on.
conversations with noel will span from us aggressively calling each other out, to pretending to be a victorian couple to yelling about cute animals and raving about our specific extremely interesting thing at the moment. this guy has shown me so many different and diverse fandoms, from the owl house (which i still need to finish but whatever) to bee and puppycat to anything link and hyrule related. in return, i try to keep my rants about star wars (which i absolutely love and he absolutely cannot stand to listen too much about) to a minimum (which only works sometimes, sorry). and this right here is so important to me.
I've never had this dynamic before. this mutual understanding of i scream about my thing and you scream about your thing, and we focus as much as we can and if we can't we let the other know and they can scream later or scream via text so we can see it in a few days. that is something that i will never stop appreciating, something that i just wont stop loving about me and noel.
noel is the guy that's always there when i drop drinks (milk and alcohol most notably) on my carpet because istg it never happens when I'm alone or with anyone else. noel is the guy that decided to start writing down this wild au i pitched at him, which we started obsessing over and developing for the entirety of january iirc (and this is what urged me to also start writing about it and suddenly we're writing buddies which is such a fun and interesting experience).
he's the guy that was worried that me losing my social battery meant he did something wrong (something that i hope I've disproved by now, and also I NEVER SEEM TO LOSE MY BATTERY WITH THIS GUY?? I've literally never had this happen with any of my other friends but with noel it takes so long for me to me to go mm i need alone time),
noel has also, at many points this last year, practically moved in with me and yknow what? the absolute peace and calm adoration that i felt when i got home from a uni meeting to see him on my chair drawing, there are no words for it i swear
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rinsoap · 3 months
˚ ༘ ♡⋆。˚ ミ fukurodani and nekoma's favourite artists!
✿²˖ ࣪ ➣ includes : kenma kozume. kuroo tetsuro. akaashi keiji. bokuto koutaro.
note : PLS TELL ME Y'ALL SEE THE INFLUENCE THEY HAVE ON EACH OTHERRRR!!! im so obsessed with them :((((
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!!? mac demarco FIEND. he's listened to the entire nine hours of one wayne G, that's how serious he is. when the rumour that mac was gonna retire got big, he literally fell to his knees with his hands in his hair. he was so mad when he got big on tiktok oh my god i just know this mf is always complaining about the "tiktokification" of mac demarco like omg its never that serious.
his favourite songs by mac demarco are:
★ 20200819 she gets the gold star on the one wayne G album.
★ moonlight on the river on the this old dog album.
★ still together on the 2 album.
!!? after careful consideration, i have decided he is a consistent steve lacy enjoyer. he found him from 911 / mr. lonely by tyler, the creator and he's been a loyal fan ever since. let me tell you he was HERE for his 2021 era where he was smashing phones and testing the crowd bc why are you spending hundreds on a concert and you don't even know the lyrics to the artist's most popular song? gtfoooo 😭🫵🏽
his favourite songs by steve lacy are:
★ give you the world on the gemini rights album.
★ only if on the apollo XXI album.
★ infrunami on the the lo-fis album.
⌗ HONOURABLE SONG MENTIONS: thinkin bout you by frank ocean. about you by the 1975. better in the dark by tv girl. charcoal baby by blood orange. sdp interlude by travis scott.
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!!? he really likes mainstream rap so yeah, he's a drake listener... he's not too weird about it at least, he's just into music that hypes him up that's all!!! thinks drake won the beef solely based on vibes and intuition because he did Not keep up with it. let me tell you, he was shocked when kenma explained the beef in full detail with a powerpoint and a clicker 😭 it was a whole intervention.
his favourite songs by drake are:
★ summers over interlude on the views album.
★ 8am in charlotte on the for all the dogs album.
★ portland on the more life album.
!!? on that mainstream rap note, he is also a travis scott frequenter. of course him and bokuto made kenma and akaashi do the sicko mode trend with them in 2018 WHO DO YOU THINK THEY ARE?! he had a phase that quickly died out after a couple of months but it came back when SOS by SZA came out and oikawa played him open arms ft travis.
his favourite songs by travis scott are:
★ I KNOW ? on the UTOPIA album.
★ 3500 (ft. future & 2chainz) on the rodeo album.
⌗ HONOURABLE SONG MENTIONS: REEL IT IN by aminé. backseat freestyle by kendrick lamar. riot by childish gambino. love sosa by chief keef. didn't cha know by erykah badu.
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!!? erykah badu elitist... tell me i'm wrong. and i get him!! this mf will be listening to green eyes like he was the one andre 3000 personally broke up with like BRO 😭 it is the perfect song to fuel his overthinking <3 he likes her more jazzy chill music because he doesn't like listening to anything crazy upbeat but bokuto makes him
his favourite songs by erykah badu are:
★ other side of the game on the baduizm album.
★ green eyes on the mama's gun album.
★ gone baby, don't be so long on the new amerykah part two: return of the ankh album.
!!? he doesn't listen to a lot of newer songs unless his friends make him, but one artist bokuto put him on is laufey. her fun songs aren't super overstimulating for him like most of the songs bokuto's has played for him and just like erykah, she unfortunately has the perfect discography for overthinking.... he likes to think he's branching out but most of what he listens to is just variations or heavy elements of jazz 😭
his favourite songs by laufey are:
★ i wish you love - live at the symphony on the a night at the symphony album.
★ trouble on the bewitched: the goddess edition album.
★ falling behind on the everything i know about love album.
⌗ HONOURABLE SONG MENTIONS: kiss of life by sade. champagne coast by blood orange. i know it's over by the smiths. poetic justice by kendrick lamar and drake. i fall in love too easily by chet baker.
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!!? it would truly be a crime to deny that he is a hardcore waka flocka flame enthusiast. his alarm wakes him up with no hands at 6am every morning and he goes to sleep to wild boy. he even tried to negotiate with a tech guy at one of his big games so round of applause could play when he entered the court.
his favourite songs by waka flocka flame are:
★ rooster in my rari on the triple f life: friends, fans & family album.
★ no hands (ft. roscoe dash & wale) (single).
★ o let's do it (ft. cap) on the flockaveli album.
!!? the pop girlie equivalent to waka flocka flame... lady gaga. he just likes a lot going on in his music and that is Not his fault. he said that once and he was told to get into metal and he respected it... it just wasn't him. he immediately went back to his roots which were speechless and starstruck!! him and oikawa bond over their love for loud dance pop music for sure.
his favourite songs by lady gaga are:
★ justdance on the the fame monster album.
★ applause on the ARTPOP album.
★ telephone (ft beyonce) on the the fame monster (deluxe version) album.
⌗ HONOURABLE SONG MENTIONS: HOT TO GO! by chappell roan. shake back by kodak black. from the start by laufey. fantasy by mariah carey. big poppa by the notorious B.I.G..
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angelst4re · 2 years
hi! idk if anyones ever requested this, also this is my first request. i've been reading the little stories you've written for like since last night at like 8pm and its 2pm the next day. anyways! do you think you could do something where the reader has their own band(them, their brother and two friends) and reader has a 1 year old and has like been with jamie for a good few months and the kid wants to join us on stage? smthn like that! i love your stories as well, so fuckin addicting bro. <3
hi my love!! i'm so happy you like them!! okay this is absolutely adorable. i wrote a whole backstory to this then deleted it because i thought it was too long and now i wish i kept it because it feels too short :(
For the Thrill of It- Jamie Campbell Bower x Reader
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summary: you're in a secret relationship with jamie and there are rumours going around about it, so with the help of your daughter you let them all know the truth!
warnings: none!
note: 300 FOLLOWERS???!?!?!!!?!?? I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!!1!! I DIDN'T EVEN THINK I'D GET 3!!!?!!??
You began dating Jamie four months ago, although you’ve known him for quite some time. He was friends with your brother a few years ago, they were even in a band together. However, life works in mysterious ways, and they lost contact for a few years, and both went on to live their lives. Jamie became an actor, but still pursued his music career. Your brother (Daniel) still had a passion for music, and you even joined his band when you turned 22. 
Your band ended up being quite successful, having a few chart topping songs, even going viral online. You met your boyfriend at an afterparty and started dating not long after. Looking back on it, you feel like things were rushed as you fell pregnant after not even a year of knowing each other. But you were young and in love, so you kept the baby, wishing for her to grow up with both parents around- although that didn’t happen. 
Just after Gracie was born, her father left, leaving you to look after her by yourself. Although your brother stepped in to help, offering you and your daughter a room in his house, which you were more than happy to accept. But there was one thing you weren’t expecting. 
“Jamie’s going to be staying for a while, we’ve known each other since college, you remember him, right?” Daniel asked, introducing you to the blond. 
“I think so…” You say, racking your brains for any vague memory of him. “Bob Dylan tattoo? On his bum?” 
“That’s the one!” Daniel laughs, “he’s super nice, though. Trust me, I wouldn’t let anyone weird stay here while my little sister and niece are here!”
You got along very well with Jamie and became friends almost instantly after he moved in. You would stay up after putting Gracie to bed and watch movies together, he would recommend some and you would recommend some since you both had similar tastes. He would even offer to babysit for you when you and your brother would go out to meetings to discuss the upcoming tour. You trusted him, so you left your daughter in his care.
After a few months of living with your Dan and Jamie, you had realised you caught feelings for your new friend. You tried to ignore them, especially after what happened last time you got into a relationship, but it was impossible. Everything about him was perfect, and it just made you fall for him even more. 
What you didn’t know was that he felt the same way. He had planned one night for your brother to take Gracie to see her grandparents, this is when he would ask you to be his. He asked around: your brother, your friends, everyone, to find out what your favourite flowers were, and what your favourite food was. So, when you came home that night, you saw the kitchen table decorated with candles, flowers and he had cooked your favourite meal. 
After dinner, he had told you how he felt, and you told him you felt the same way, however you were still afraid of getting into a relationship too soon, especially because you knew how the media would react. So, for the time being, you had decided to keep it a secret. Although, that didn’t keep the media from speculating, especially when he came on tour with your band. You were so happy you had him with you, as it meant he could look after your daughter whilst you weren’t there. 
Gracie adored Jamie, almost as much as you did. He always made time to play with her when she would give him her teddies, he was there when she took her first steps and even helped her to walk, he would read to her when it was time for bed, he would play music and have dance parties, he was the type of father she needed, and you were so happy that he was there. One day after work, you had come home to find them both fast asleep on the sofa, you almost cried because of how sweet it looked. You couldn’t wait to see what the future held for you three. 
However, it was difficult to keep this relationship a secret from the rest of the world. The two of you had almost held hands whilst on a walk once, and that’s when you realised you needed to come forwards and say something, to tell everyone the truth, to stop hiding. The internet was currently divided into people who thought you were dating Jamie and people that thought you were just friends, but tonight you were ready to put an end to the rumours. 
While you were on stage performing your final song of the night, you gave Jamie a quick smile as he stood with Gracie at the side of the stage where no one else could see. She kept pointing at you, and you knew what was coming. You stopped singing and motioned your hand to say ‘come here’, at this, Gracie began running across the stage to you, her noise cancelling headphones falling from her head. You grinned and looked back up at Jamie, who was wiping a fake tear from his cheek. This was the first time she had ran without tripping over.
“As you all might know, this is my daughter Gracie,” You say, crouching down to her height, “Gracie, baby, do you want to say hello to everyone?” You handed her the microphone and she had a massive grin on her face. 
“Hello love!” She said, waving to the crowd, she sounded just like Jamie. Everyone in the crowd 'awed’ and laughed at how she sounded like a cute grandma. 
“It’s Gracie’s second birthday soon, and one thing I know she’ll want for her birthday is to be able to go out with her mummy and mummy’s boyfriend without everyone posting rumours on the internet… so, Gracie, who's mummy's boyfriend?” you look to the side and send Jamie a big smile.
"Jamie!" She says with a big grin, looking over to where he stood.
"Do you want to come out, love?” You ask, taking the microphone back from Gracie.
As Jamie walked out onto the stage, you covered your daughter's ears, anticipating the screams from the crowd. Jamie kissed your cheek as you stood back up, and he picked Gracie up as she reached her arms out to him. 
“Can you cover her ears quickly, baby?” You ask Jamie, who nods his head.
“So there you go. There’s the truth,” you smiled. “If you want to judge me, call me some names that I won’t say in front of my daughter, then fuck you. But to the rest of you out there, thank you for being here tonight. I love you! Good night!” 
Gracie waves to the crowd as Jamie walks with her to get ready to leave, and you weren’t far behind.
“You realise everyone’s going to be talking about this for the rest of the week?” Jamie chuckles, kissing your forehead. 
“I know, but we won’t have to keep it a secret anymore. We can take Gracie out and not have to keep a distance, we can go on dates, we can-”
“Get ice cream?” Gracie asks, playing with the bracelets on your wrist. 
“Ice cream sounds lovely, y’know.” Jamie says as he nods his head, “good call, Gracie.” 
“Let’s go, darling!” Gracie says confidently, taking your hand and leading you out, obviously she had caught that word from Jamie too. He looks at you with a big grin on his face. 
“Yeah, let’s go, darling!” He repeats, chuckling as you make your way to the exit.
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ladyanput · 3 years
Ok so this is the third time that I'm sending you an ask tonight. (or is it night time in your country?) I'm being annoying right now but whatever. So I've been cackling about those salt fics you wrote because they are just amazing. I have a request, though it is up to you to write it or not. So, can you write a salt fic where someone got an interview with Ladybug (probably Aurore) and then they ask her why they replaced the old heroes like Rena Rouge, Carapace and etc. and LB is just like I don't work with dumb shits or somethin'. Then there is also a new Black Cat (Probably Luka, Felix, or Damian) because Adrien here is an asshole and this fic is saltier than salt water. Then LB also insults Alya's blog and their school. Those foolish mortals get some lawsuits and the rest is up to you. (This request is probably messed up since it's already midnight here and I can't sleep.)
You're never annoying, I just apologize that it took me so long to get to you. I do hope you don't hold it against me, darling.
A one on one interview with Ladybug was basically unheard of if you weren't the Ladyblog or Nadja Chadwick. Ladybug had made it firm that she wasn't a celebrity, she was a hero. She wasn't there for clout, for attention, for fame or fortune. She just wanted to keep Paris safe.
That's was Aurore admired about her. And why she felt queasy as she sat across from the heroine, who had given her of all people an interview. But she got ahold of herself, taking deep breaths as the cameraman began counting down. And when he hit 'one', she put on her best smile and straightened in her seat.
"Hello Paris! Welcome back to 'Latest Buzz'! I am your lovable host, Aurore Beauréal. Today I am here with a very, very special guest, our very own heroine of Paris; Ladybug!"
Ladybug beamed right at the camera, but gave a shy little wave, giving away the nerves she obviously had.
"Now, Ladybug, I'm so glad you requested to be on the show. You know, I initially thought I had misheard when Estelle told me. Usually you're not big on personal interviews." Aurore gave her full attention to Ladybug, but keeping the bright, friendly smile and perfect posture.
"Well, I tried a few times actually. But when I did, none of them were really great experiences." Ladybug admitted and both girls immediately thought of that disastrous Face-to-Face interview. It left a bitter taste in their mouths. "My issue is that misinformation has been spread around a lot recently. It's made me realize that I need to find more trustworthy sources."
"Ladybug. I vow on my integrity as a host and Estelle's reputation as a journalist that we are people who research facts. We don't ambush our guests, we respect them." She said, placing a hand on her heart. Ladybug saw an honesty in her eyes that she hadn't seen in such a long time. It honestly made her feel.. Respected. "Now, Ladybug.. We both know you have a lot of fans. A lot of admirers. False information can be spread so easily these days, which sources specifically are you telling people to avoid?"
"Well.. With Face-to-Face, I found that I was entirely ambushed in that interview. I wanted to speak about my hero work, but instead Nadja kept trying to needle her way into my personal life. That picture she had shown in largely out of context; when Dark Cupid attacked and Chat Noir was under his spell, it was the only way to get him free."
"Yes, I remember watching that. I'll be honest Ladybug, I felt bad for you." Aurore bit her lip, but smiled a bit when Ladybug nodded. "I mean, Chat Noir wasn't helping either. He seemed to be trying to push this narrative forward that you two are a couple."
"And we're not!" Ladybug burst out before she could stop herself. Everyone in that studio could hear the utter stress and frustration in her voice. "I've begged and begged Chat Noir to stop with the flirting, the 'telling people we're dating', everything! I just wanted him to focus and he couldn't seem to do that!"
"Is that why you replaced him? Because of his slacking off and refusing to take anything seriously?" Aurora sat up an bit straighter, her eyes going wide.
".. Not exactly, no. It was a bunch of issues that eventually piled up and boiled over." Ladybug made some gestures with her hands, trying her hardest to find the words but just letting out a long and pained sigh in the end. "I do enjoy my new partner now. He is more serious, more stable. I know he won't go off and pout if I deny something he wanted. I needed an entirely new team, as a matter of fact."
"Well I am going to say, on behalf of everyone here, that we're glad. We swear on our integrity as journalists that if such rumours were to ever surface again, we will do our proper research." Aurore beamed and many of the staff and crew behind the cameras nodded and gave Ladybug their thumbs up. Honestly, it warmed Ladybug's heart to see such support.
When had been the last time someone had supported her like this? Sure, her parents supported her, but her friends..? Her peers? No, none of them had supported her in a long time.
"Speaking of research, I'd say to stay away from the Ladyblog." It burned to say it but it had to be said. Alya had crossed so many lines it wasn't even forgivable at this point. She had gone too far, had betrayed too many.
"Wait, what?" Aurore nearly jumped out of her seat but quickly composed herself, taking a deep breath. "Pardon me Ladybug, but the Ladyblog has been a vital source of information since the very beginning."
"And I'm not denying that!" Ladybug quickly held up her hands, her eyes desperate now. "But please let me explain. The Ladyblog was amazing in the beginning, but like all things, it started to go astray. It was things like trying so hard to find out my identity. Trying to push that narrative of that whole superhero couple thing.. Ladyblogger Alya Césaire has proven time and time again that she is not trustworthy. I mean, I thought she was my biggest fan. Why does she keep pushing my words aside?"
Many people who watched the interview would agree. If you idolized someone, respected someone, truly looked up to them.. Why would you push aside their words, their wishes to try and push the narrative you're so convinced is true, but isn't there?
"And don't get me started on the whole Lila Rossi craze she seemed to be on now." At Ladybug's mention of Lila Rossi, both Estelle and Aurore had to keep from rolling their eyes. They knew all about the girl.
"You speak as if you are quite frustrated, Ladybug. What an odd reaction to your best friend." Aurore leaned forward a bit in her seat. Everyone else got to the edge of theirs. Ladybug only shook her head, looking utterly defeated.
"That's the thing, she isn't my best friend." It took everything to keep from satin that she hated her, that she had taken away her friends and her life. "The only times she's met Ladybug is when she's been akumatized, which has been around six or seven times at this point. And the other things she's claiming are so outlandish! Saving Jagged Stone's kitten from a airport runway? Clara Nightengale stealing her dance moves? And the Ladyblog just posts it out there, claiming every single story is true. I'm just scared that people are taking this one hundred percent seriously. That's why I had to drop Rena Rouge and Carapace from the team as they believed Lila Rossi over me. They didn't even try to confirm these rumours! And it hurts to think that one day, someone will take Lila's words seriously and get hurt. What if she says it's safe to dip strawberries in bleach? Or tells someone that she found a way to tame some kind of wild animal? Someone would get hurt because they believe her story and try it out for themselves!"
"My goodness, I can definitely see how that is a problem. Misinformation is very easy to spread thanks to the internet, so you being worried is a very relatable thing." Aurore nodded, then tilted her head ever so slightly. "Ladybug, do you know anyone who has taken her word seriously? This is besides the Ladyblog of course."
Ladybug closed her eyes briefly, mentally debating with herself before finally giving in. These things needed to be said.
"Collège François DuPont. Now I wasn't there personally, but I heard about this situation and looked into it. The entire situation was appalling. Apparently a student was found to have cheated, assaulted another student, and commited thievery. But the thing that stuck out is only one person saw her do all of these things; Lila Rossi. No investigation was done, no questioning other students. This student was then expelled immediately. Her teacher and her principal didn't even give her a chance. And from what people have been saying, Miss Rossi's behaviour is actively encouraged in that school. She misses countless days, no, months of school, claiming she's traveling. But when she was supposedly in Achu, doing whatever it was she was claiming with Prince Ali, I was fighting her akuma here in Paris on Heroes Day!"
"I was at school the day that happened. I knew the student that happened to. They're the nicest person in that school! Never a bad thing to say about anyone, always willing to help! I agree with you on how things were handled, it's a level of incompetence that is baffling." Aurore's hands slowly curled into fists as she remembered it all. She slowly shook her head. "The principal, their teacher, their class who backed up Rossi. It must have hurt them so much, made them feel so alone."
"That's why I want people to be more careful with what information they take as fact. It's so important, because stuff like that can lead people to a desperate place. They feel alone, like the entire world is against them. I wouldn't have let the principal and the teacher get away with that gross negligence in their jobs." Ladybug leveled her gaze directly to the camera. "People of Paris, please listen to what I am saying. I am here to be a hero, to protect you from the terror of Hawkmoth and to defeat him. But please, do not be like Principal Damocles, do not be like that teacher and her class at DuPont. Do your research, look up your facts. Do not let a liar lead you to do something dangerous and hurt yourself as well as others. Respect each other, talk and be honest. I swear on my life that I shall do the same. You are the people I swore to protect and I love. I am saying this all to protect you. And I'll hope you'll all forgive me for not protecting you sooner."
The interview rocked Paris. Ladybug speaking so openly about her frustrations, about the discrepancies in the Ladyblog and Lila Rossi had many people double checking the sources of everything they learned from that blog.
Alya could barely show her face as she made her way though the school hallways. Her reputation as a journalist had gone down the drain. People had basically started boycotting her blog, harrassing her, or trash talking her on other forums and sites. Even a lot of news outlets picked this up.
What hurt the most from that interview last night was Ladybug's words towards her, both as Rena Rouge and as Alya. Surely the heroine had to be mistaken, she had never beytrayed Ladybug! And that Oblivio incident, it was just to show Chat Noir and Ladybug that they were meant to be together!
Her family was upset with her. No, upset was too tame of a word. They were pissed.
"I can't believe she lied to us.."
"Well what do you expect from someone who keeps harrassing Ladybug?"
Alya flinched when she heard the whispers and rushed into Miss Buster's class. The entire class was there, all seated, all looking utterly miserable. Many of them looked as if they had been crying all night. A lot like she had.
"W-where's Miss Bustier?" Alya asked when she eyed the empty desk. Many of her classmates shot her glares, but didn't say anything about the interview last night. After all, they had no room to talk.
"She and Principal Damocles are with the school board now. We're getting a new teacher." Adrien was the one that spoke up. He looked utterly miserable. So unlike his usual self.
"Lila isn't coming back. She was pulled from school when her mother found out what happened." Alix muttered from her seat, arms crossed and shoulders hunched.
The class went quiet as they all internally contemplated how things had gotten like this. Their eyes focused on the door when it abruptly opened and Marinette came strolling in, carrying a box.
"Good morning everyone!" She said brightly, pretending not to notice the downcast expressions on their faces. She set the box on the teacher's desk before she turned towards them. "Oh? What's wrong everyone?"
".. Did you not watch the interview with Ladybug on 'Latest Buzz'?" Alya stared at Marinette, a bit dumbfounded by her friend's lack of awareness of the situation. She had been expecting Marinette to rush in with support and a fiery vengeance against those who had humiliated her best friend, maybe even a fresh pastry. But instead she was greeted with empty hands and a cheerful hello?
"Oh, well I haven't really had the time to watch much television. I mean, with my transfer papers, needing to plan out my new schedule with all of those new classes. Busy as a bee, that's me!" Marinette just beamed, giving Adrien a playful wink that had his stomach churning.
"Wait, transfering?" It was Rose that spoke up, her large eyes seeming impossibly large now. "Transfer what?"
"To my new school, of course." Marinette giggled and clasped her hands together. "I start on Monday."
"New school?!" Alya was on her feet and rushing towards Marinette. The others quickly followed, crowding around her. "What do you mean new school?! When did you ever say you were going to a new school?"
Marinette blinked, as if stunned, then tilted her head ever so slightly.
"I told you all last week, don't you remember?" Marinette tapped her lower lip, seeming to be wracking her brain before she abruptly snapped her fingers. "Oh! I forgot, you all were deep in conversation with Lila about her upcoming event with Jagged Stone and Clara Nightengale. You know, the one she said she'd be attending with Ladybug, since they're such good friends. Did she ever say how it went?"
All of the students shifted uneasily, suddenly seeming to refuse to meet her face.
Alix murmured something so barely audible, Marinette held a hand to her ear and leaned closer.
"I'm sorry, what was that?"
"Lila was lying to us!" Alix snapped as her cheeks went a flaming red.
"About everything! She never knew Jagged Stone!" Juleka spat out in fury.
"Or Prince Ali!" Rose sniffled.
"And she wasn't friends with Ladybug? They were barely acquaintances!" Alya wailed out as tears welled up in her eyes.
But Marinette hardly reacted the way they were expecting. She just gave them a small smile and nodded.
"Oh, yeah. I know."
Alya sucked in a breath sharply.
"You knew..? But why did you never..?"
"Oh Alya, you silly forgetful thing. I told you the day she returned from her long 'trip', remember? I told you she was lying." Marinette gave Alya a smile that said 'oh you silly thing'. "But you told me that I should really check my sources. And I got tired of trying to bring up any lies, since that was always your response. So I decided to just stop. I mean, since you're such an inspiring, honest journalist you must double and triple check every source you come across and found every story to be true!"
Alya flinched and looked away, feeling the churning feeling in her gut again. No, the Ladyblog had been the only source for the stories. The. Only. One.
"And I'm sure all of you knew what you were doing! I mean, it makes sense; trusting the words of a complete stranger over someone you've known for a while now. Some of you since we were in diapers!" She focused her gaze on Nino and Kim, who had the grace to at least look ashamed.
"Marinette, you really should-" Adrien began, reaching out for the girl, but was cut off by her clapping her hands together.
"But it's alright! I decided that fighting with you all wasn't worth it, so I took Adrien's advice and took the high road! Don't bother exposing Lila, she isn't hurting anyone!" Marinette announced brightly, giving her hands a little wave.
The temperature in the classroom dropped by several degrees.
".. Adrien, she's kidding, right?" Nino glanced over at his friend, his eyes pleading for him to deny it all. But the sight of the blood draining from the model's face and the sweat starting to bead at his forehead told him everything he needed to know. "Dude.."
"How could you?! You knew this entire time and didn't even try to tell me?!" Alya rounded on Adrien, fury in her eyes.
"Now, now, don't get mad at Adrien. I'm sure he knew you all were going to do you research. Besides, it's not like this did anything bad for anyone." Marinette pressed a hand to her cheek, still grinning. "I mean, it's not like you all took her advice without doing any research. You didn't try the things she suggested without actually checking them out to be true, right? No one lost any scholarships or job opportunities. No one's relationships were ruined. No one was hurt."
The nauseous feeling spread to all of the class as the reality of everything caught up with them.
"I'm sure everything will go back to normal, right? I mean, I'm sure that that woman from the education bureau isn't here to fire Damocles and Bustier for their severe neglect in their duties. Expelling me with the most mediocre and shaky proof. Surely that's a school I should feel safe in! That I should be proud to be a part of. But alas, my preparations for my new school are already done, so oh well."
Marinette shrugged and adjusted her purse strap.
"Anyhow, I wish you all luck with the amazing things Lila has helped you to do! I know it must have been worth ignoring me and convincing me I was crazy. With all of the free time I've had, with you guys practically replacing me with Lila in the group, I've had tons of time to spend with my boyfriend."
"Boyfriend?!" Alya's eyes went owlishly wide as she gaped at Marinette. "But what about Adrien?!"
"Oh Alya, I fell out of love with Adrien forever ago." Marinette shook her head in an almost patronizing way that had Alya's cheeks burning with embarrassment. They didn't even pay attention to Adrien's noises of surprise. "I mean, you claimed I was jealous of Lila getting close to Adrien, that I should let the jealousy go. And you know what? You were right! So I decided Adrien wasn't worth the stress, the embarrassment.. I mean, I couldn't even talk to him straight. I thought he was the most perfect guy in the world! Goodness, did I learn my lesson!"
She giggled as if she found the entire thing amusing. She then beamed at the class.
"Well, ta-ta! I need to get back home and make sure everything is ready to go. I wish you all the best, I really do!"
They all watched, shellshocked as Marinette breezed out of the classroom like it was nothing. Like she wasn't leaving her friends, her school, her life behind. And they all would wonder exactly how badly they screwed up, if she could walk away do easily, without a care.
Permanent Taglist: @vixen-uchiha @ravennightingaleandavatempus @2sunchild2 @crazylittlemunchkin @bee-wrecker @souleateralicestein @loysydark @kceedraws @realrandomposts @alienjoyful
Salt Taglist: @virgil-is-a-cutie @sidessunnybumblebee @persephonebutkore @18-fandoms-unite-08 @suzen23smith @luciferge @theelventhgod @noirdots @space--butterflies @ghostglaceon @magicalfirebird @goggles-mcgee @chocolate1721 @minightrose @bookcrazybby @cupcakeandkisses @mewwitch @adrestar
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b000mbayah · 3 years
Twice as Yanderes
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Nayeon- Loneliness Induction type
•Would make you feel like she's the only person here for you
•She'd do this by one of many options, main ones being…
•spreading perpetual rumours about you
•personally dealing with friends and family..
•will only introduce herself when you're all alone
•when you're most delicate and fragile mentally and are in need of some company, then she'll introduce herself
•speaking of company, she'd invite you to certain things to make your supposive "love" grow
•but will also leave you out and ignore you for certain things to damage you even more
•lies 24/7 too..
•likes you to depend on her as it gives her the power to do basically whatever to you
"It's okay, I'm here now. You don't need to cry when you're alone with me.. you don't need anyone else"
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Jeongyeon- obsessive 
•constantly thinking of you and anything about you
•she can't get enough, you're permanently renting out her mind, engraved into her clear memories
•would stalk you to find all the information she possible can
•probably keeps a journal or something for all the information she knows about you
•she thinks it's perfectly normal, you'll never know anyway
•would get concerned when it nears curfew and you're not home… although you're old enough to take care of yourself 
•she doesn't want to monopolize you at all but knowing who you're out with always helps
"Where were you y/n? Tell me, you always tell me, tell me now"
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Momo- Training type
•would break your outer-shell to enable you to love her
•would most likely kidnap or force you into the relationship
•constantly giving you orders, demanding certain things out of you, willingly or not
•you have zero human rights around Momo, your only right is to obey her, or so you've been taught
•Constantly watching over you, making sure you're not doing anything she wouldn't approve of
•definitely seemed suspicious from the start as she just can't seem to hold herself together, her desire to break you was too strong.
-some aggressive traits
•Momo would end up brainwashing you
•there would be a punishment system
•alongside a reward system to allow you to redeem yourself
"Hey! Say it back! I. Love. You. It's not that hard…. Good girl, you've earned a treat"
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Sana- Clingy
•since the moment she's met you she's been overbearingly clingy with severe PDA
•Would have a make-believe fantasy in her head that you're already married, explaining the name calling and strict mood changes when you flirt with others
•her perception of things have been tweaked slightly
•can become dangerous in certain situations.. extremely dangerous
•although she's a clingy type, she still has the correct elements to be Manipulative type
•Sana would drag you away from others, isolating you in a way 
•you can't object either as she always knows your weak spots
•guess you can call it a hidden talent?
"They cancelled last time, they'll do it again, now come and watch movies with me, sit"
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Jihyo- harmless type
•girl couldn't even glare if she tried to
•being mean isn't in her nature
•neither is conducting pain upon others
•She's just too nice, that's her only downfall, her fatal flaw
•obsessive but won't do anything too out of the auditory/ won't do anything insane about it.
•she'll try her hardest but if you alternatively chose someone else then that's your option, she can't change your feelings herself.
•as long as you're happy, that's all she truly cares about
•And who knows, maybe if you and your other half break up, Jihyo could try and be your girlfriend once again
•there's endless possibilities here
"I heard you got a girlfriend, congratulations y/n, I'm happy for you… really, I am"
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Mina- Elimination
•wouldn't enjoy the sight of you talking to anyone else
•whether that be a coworker, your ex, your FAMILY AND FRIENDS and especially your current boyfriend/girlfriend
•they'd all have to go, simple as
•but before that, your exs must go first as they've definitely caused you pain at some point or another 
•mina doesn't care how many people she must take out inorder for her to finally step into her rightful place as your girlfriend 
•she'll kill everyone and anyone in order to accomplish her newly found goal for life, the ultimate goal
•somehow never gets caught
•Mina can deal with watching you from afar for now, she has the patience to do so
"That's fifteen, wanna make it sixteen for this month? Another body is the last of my concerns anyway"
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Dahyun- Restraint type.
•you'd be stuck from the beginning
•you walked into an unavoidable trap this time
•Dahyun would keep you locked away from society, 'restraining' you from doing anything
•SHE just wants to be with YOU and YOU only, no one else.
•will always be by YOUR side
•has no intentions of doing anything other than that too
•worse than a regular restraint yandere as she will also inflict trauma on you 25/8
•side effects may include blood and scars…?
•don't think of it as anything bad, it will all work out in the end…. Hopefully.. 
"You're not leaving, you're here to stay, stay with me, STAY, STAY GOD DAMN IT!"
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Chaeyoung- Dependence type
•she depends on you for everything
•yes everything
•her daily routines, activities and even her life depends on you
•the poor lovestruck girl can't help it either
•if you try and leave, she will beg you not to as she believes there is no other way of living
•will lose the plot without you by her side
•that or she'd go on a huge rampage or something just as illegal/crazy
•is convinced you're her one and only
•She's fallen into your non profitable trap, an unintentional one too.
•she can't just leave, there's no going back now
"What do you mean? You can't just leave me! Please y/n, don't go! I won't be able to live otherwise!"
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Tzuyu- obsessive stalker
•she may not necessarily kidnap you nor force you to love her but she will for sure be with you all the time
•She's always with you in person and whenever she can't be physically there… well…  she has cameras...
•they're planted all over your house
•you're being watched at almost every point of the day
•She'd have all sorts of equipment and it's honestly freaky.
•if things go missing, expect Tzuyu to be the main reason
•She's always got everything you lose, it's almost like magic..
•her house must be your lost and found zone
•plays it off when you find something of yours at her house
•either way, she's like a hawk, she somehow always has her eyes on you
"She's out with him again.. interesting.."
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hwonsstuff · 3 years
Pairing: FemProducer!yn X Bangchan
Genre: Romantic, 18+, Friendship to lovers.
Warning: Cringe, mention of JYP (for the JYP antis), too much delulu.
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You have work with JYP for quiet a long time after your intership finish. Thanks to your academic, JYP was so interested working with you who is know as "The Ace of the Faculty". You always did well in producing muaic and designing sounds. In conclusion, you literally work with sounds and music.
You were assigned to be the sound engineer for 3RACHA. On another hand, Stray Kids themselves always call you "uri PD dongsaeng" which they said "our little PD". Yes, you're younger than them and 1 year apart with I.N. overall, your relationship with them is so close that at one point if you hang out 1 to 1 with the members, they thought you're in relationship with them especially Bang Chan. Both of you are always together and being busy together here and there in the company. Literally everyone knows both of you are like inseparable. JYP heard rumours but he didn't bother about it because he knows the relationship between the two of you.
Bangchan, the leader of the group and is the social butterfly. He's the extrovert version of you while you're the ambivert version of him with sprinkles of trust issues. He knows you so well that he have to convince you to work with other groups especially if it's the group you barely know, toxic part of your personality as a producer. He realised you've been working with a lot of new groups instead of experienced groups, that's the best thing.
[y/n pov]
"oh another contract? ... Hm..." You read the contract to work with other company for 3 months.
"Do you want that, y/n?" JYP asked, "I've heard rumours about their trainees. Too much ruckus.. but ..." You state, still reading the contract carefully. "Maybe i could do this, since it's producing album for them, discipline can come right after i step in the studio with them. I'll take it" you said to JYP. "Okay, so next month I'm sending you there. Don't forget your home is still here, I don't want to lose an ace," he laughs.
[Bang chan pov]
I was waiting for y/n at the studio. Y/n never arrive late than what we planned. I tried calling her phone but it's a missed call everytime i call her. Maybe she's busy and she silent her phone. I get up to JYP's office to talk some stuff.
As i swing the office door open "Ah! Hi Channie! Ops, i saw your calls but you hanged up early. I'm sorry, i was lost in these!" Y/n with some papers, i think those are contracts again. Happens everytime we finished our comeback promotions. "Oh Bang Chan. What's up? You need something?" JYP ask, "Hello PD nim, hello y/n.. i actually forgot what i was gonna discuss with you PD nim.. after i saw her.." I point at y/n in disbelief. Dare to ditch me for this old man when i was the one who needs y/n first. Well, I can't help it. Y/n is full of respect and kindness toward the elders, not to me because i said to treat me as a friend. I never knew she will do crazy things, but it turn out well that's the good thing. Both of them laugh at me when i point at y/n in disbelief, so i went sitting beside y/n after JYP asked me to sit. "Don't mind me, i'll do my stuffs here. Both of you can exit whenever you want." JYP said. "OK!" Y/n happily answer him, oh my gosh she's so cute! Uhm.. get yourself together Bang Chan.
"Channie" y/n suddenly whisper, "yeah?" I whisper back. "Why your ears are red?" She giggle after she whispered. Ah! No! "Ah.. hehe.. nothing, just thoughts" i said. "can we go to the studio now? I have something to tell you"
[y/n pov]
Bang chan is burning red! So cute! I wonder why and what makes him blushed like that. "Yeah sure!" I said to him. "PD nim, we're going to the studio. Thank you for the contract!" I said. "Yeah! Careful on your way there, Chan ah.. make sure you both eat while working!" JYP advised as we were heading out. We both bowed and exit.
I hugged Chan's arm, while going to the studio. The office floor is quite empty since today is weekend, not everyone went to work. Channie is a bit quiet too today. "Channie, Mr. bang, Chris, Bang Chan.." i teasingly call his names. He giggles, omg my heart forgot to pump for a while. "Yes, dear?" Omg, dear?! So cute, i could scream. "You're a bit quiet today, aren't you?" I asked. We're in the elevator to go down. "hm, i think so. It felt warn when you're with me," he dimpled smile at me, looking down his arm where i hug him. I admit I'm quite clingy and comfortable around this social butterfly, the feeling was quite different when it comes to Channie. I nodded after he responded to my question.
[Bang Chan pov]
My heart throbs so fast that i was concentrate to not simp over this little kid here. It's not I'm nervous but somehow my heart was excited when ahe hug my arm. We head into the studio and like always, y/n would throw herself on the sofa first. "Huahhh! Been hectic morning!" I see the wall watch, it's just 12 noon. I can see she's been up the whole night and have to go to office early in the morning today. "Y/n, did you slept.. no.. how many nights you didn't slept?" I ask seriously, i noticed her eyes are quite drowsy. "Huh?.. uh..." She hesitated. I knew it. "Y/n, be honest.. you promised to sleep well" i asked. "Fine.. 3 nights.. i was remastering TWICE's album. I mean, i finished it. I was-"
" Y/n.. now, caffeine. How many coffee you drank past 3 nights" i cut her explaination. She had period circulation problems since she was a teenager, due to overweight. Now it's due to stress and caffeine consume. "I'm sure it's about 2 cups every night,"
"that's would be 4 cups every day.. y/n take care of you health.. your literally driving me crazy,"
[y/n pov]
It's been always like this, get nagged by him. "channie.. yeah I'm sorry but I can't help it. It's my habit eversince when i started my study," i mumble in guiltiness. Yet, this man sigh and keep nagging while opening his recording files. So i get up and kissing his cheek. I had sudden urge to shut him up. "Stop nagging, channie" i said to him. He look shocked and his face was blushing red and his ears.. burning red! I smiled innocently at him.
"Y/n, stop attacking me like that.. I'm not strong enough to handle those." He warned me.
I laughed at his reaction. "Why.. do you like me?"
"no! Uhh.. no.. " he immediately deny it. Well, i see he's panicking now. He probably is..
[Bang Chan pov]
She kissed... Me.. am i in love? Wait... I'm blushing! No! It's too obvious! I denied it.. and it's too obvious! Ahhh! Nooo!~
To be continued...
A/N: I don't know how many episodes i'll do but i'll try my best to create it in details. hope you like it!
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