#i'm tuning it out until we all collectively come together and realize how much of a jerk yukari is again
sillyfudgemonkeys · 2 years
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@moldygreenblue Thank you~! 0////0 >////<
As for the fandom. Not sure. I know prior to the anni people were bitching about FES vs P3P. I think. The only person I was following that was participating in it was a FeMC lover (or maybe it was a handful, I’ve ended up following a lot of FeMC fans lately I hardly notice which one of them it is when they tweet half the time XV), and was playfully shitting on FES (memes about how P3P was better). They were playful and you could tell they were joking tho. Since I believe they got annoyed when an article came out saying that “P3P was the definitive way to play P3″ (hint: there’s no definitive way because Atlus hasn’t given us a definitive version). Or at least was annoyed by the title as I was and obvie other’s were. 
So my feed from the looks of it was missing pretty much all the drama. Heck, even the 2ish people I follow that I know who don’t really like P3 (they don’t tweet about it often) weren’t talking about it. But I would not be surprised if the stuff they’ve said about it (but taken to the extreme) were what was going around.
I kinda missed the anni cause I was at work, then I was on the road for 5ish hours. Then I fell asleep. And my phone only saves 24 tweets with the “tweet notification function” so if I’m not clearing them out, I don’t see what I’ve missed tbh. And when you’re driving..... 8U Yeah gonna miss a lot. Anything I saw were jokes (tho that was leading up to the anni more so than the anni), or that one article and everyone coming together and being annoyed with it. 
But if anyone wants to shed more like on it in the asks I’d be happy to hear it.
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Making Queen members flower crowns would include
Pairing: Queen members x reader
Word count: (altogether) 1800+
Warnings: some sickening fluff, oh and swearing but that’s a standard, some slightly suggestive themes in john’s (implied sex) but nothing accually happens except a kiss
A/N: Hello you beautiful people! I’m back (don’t get used to that tho lol) I thought of this two years ago when i first saw Bohemian Rhapsody (SO 2 FUCKING YEARS AGO). Freddie’s is gender neutral. I tried to add a “keep reading” button but I’m not sure it works tbh because this hell of a side never cooperates.
Please keep in mind that English is not my first language.
☕buy me a Ko-fi!☕
Gifs aren’t mine. Credits to the owners.
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Brian May
You were laying on Brian's lap, the sun hitting your face pleasantly. This week the weather was nice and warm, which was something extremely unusual in England, so the two of you decided to head out to the country and have a little picnic.
After what felt like hours spent in the car ("Brian, for Christ's sake, would you open the bloody window, I can't breathe!" and "Bri, I love you, but if we don't get there in five minutes, I'm going to murder you, I swear") you finally found a nice clearing, where you could relax and forget about the stresses of city life.
Brian put down a blanket on the grass, near a small stream that flew through the forest. He brought the bag with food and drinks (you didn't have a basket, so you had to improvise). 
You quickly put some sunscreen on your face and laid down, keeping your head propped on Brian's lap. He put a hat over his face and fell asleep, his chest rising steadily. 
After some time (that fucking wasp didn't let you sit in one place), you stood up and noticed many beautiful flowers, growing on a nearby bush. You got lost in picking up the most beautiful ones, admiring each one carefully. When you got enough, you sat back down and started tying the stems together.
Suddenly you got an idea. Careful not to wake him up, you began sticking the flowers in Brian's dark curls. 
Your now decorated boyfriend woke up and stretched, not noticing the colourful addition to his hair. This made you chuckle softly, but you decided to see how long it would take him to realize.
+"What is it, babe? Do I have something on my face?"
"No, Bri, I just remembered a funny joke, that's all."
"Oh tell me, then."
"What’s the difference between a lawnmower and an electric guitar?"
"You can tune a lawnmower!"
You both enjoyed the rest of the day swimming in the stream, sunbathing and eating the snack you brought. And Brian somehow still didn't notice.
Until it was time for you to get home.
You got in the car ("Open the window now, it's like in the oven in here!") and Brian looked into the rear-view mirror.
+"Hey, (Y/N), what the fuck is that? I love it."
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Roger Taylor
So honestly it would probably happen during one of his concerts.
You were backstage watching the show, enjoying every second of it. Freddie was in the middle of shouting some (very inappropriate) compliments to Brian's ass, slapping his buttcheeks. The crowd immediately went wild hundreds of fans screamed in unison. You chuckled under your breath, flashing a white smile at your beloved boyfriend Roger and his bandmates. You felt an arm wrap around your shoulders. Surprised, you turned around, your eyes meeting Mary's.
+"What's up, kiddo?" she smirked and patted your back.
"Oh, nothing much. Just Freddie being Freddie," you replied, making both of you erupt with laughter.
Suddenly you felt a familiar feeling form in the pit of your stomach. Out of nowhere, your hands became shaky, your breath shallow and quick. Feeling like you need some fresh air, you excused yourself.
+"Are you sure you're okay, (Y/N)?" Mary watched you carefully, her hand supporting you in case you fainted.
"Yes, Mary, I just need some fresh air. I'm extremely tired, and I haven't eaten anything since this morning" you reassured your friend. "I'm just gonna sit outside for a while."
"Do you want me to come with you?" she asked, still not convinced about your well-being.
"Yes, I wouldn't want to spoil the gig for you. I'll be back before you know it" you squeezed her hand and, after promising her to be careful, you headed outside.
You took a walk alongside the small patch of lawn beside the exit. After taking a couple of deep breaths, you noticed some daisies grow in the green grass. Without thinking much, you sat down and started picking them up and tying their stems together.
Your fingers worked quickly, making a beautiful flower crown, mindlessly.
Meanwhile, on stage, the boys were singing She makes me - a song that reminded Roger of you. He quickly glanced to his right, expecting to see your beautiful figure standing with Mary. But, much to his surprise, he couldn't see you anywhere. It was no secret that his eyesight was shit but, bloody hell, it wasn't that bad. His blue eyes were searching for you, frantically.
When the song ended, he quickly motioned to Freddie to take a quick break, while he went to check up on you. He practically sprinted to Mary, almost knocking down his drumkit and John.
+"You dumb fuck, watch where you're going, Rog!"
Usually, Roger would reply with some snarky comment, but at that moment he really didn't care. When he reached Mary, he didn't even need to ask her about you. 
+"She's outside. Needed some fresh air" the girl shooked her head towards the exit. 
Roger quickly walked outside, knowing that he couldn't stall the audience for too long. But at the same time, he must have made sure you were all right.  
He got out of the building and searched for you. He spotted to sitting on a small patch of grass, holding a pretty flower crown in your hands. His heart ached at this sight. 
+"Hello, love" he whispered, kneeling next to you. "Are you all right?"
"Yes, I am, Rog" you kissed his cheek. "I just felt a bit off, that's all." 
You felt your boyfriend press a kiss to your hair. You smiled at the feeling, leaning into his touch. 
You finally placed the finished flower crown on his head, brushing away loose strands of sweaty hair from his face, your hand gently brushing his temple. He took your tiny hands in his and kissed your fingers.
+"Do you wanna go back in there, sweetheart?" he asked sweetly, looking deeply into your eyes.
You nodded and pecked his lips, "Of course, Rog, I wouldn't want to miss any more of your show."
He smiled and lead you inside, placing his hand on the small of your back. You returned to Mary and wished your boyfriend good luck. 
Roger kept the flowers on his head throughout the whole gig, sending you a dashing smile and winking at you every now and again.
I just think Roger would look sososo pretty in a flower crown.
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John Deacon
It was a lovely afternoon in London. You and your fiancé John decided to take a walk after the whole day in the studio, recording songs.
Taking a walk in a nearby park was a great way to destress and release the tension accumulated during the day. It was something John realized pretty early on in your relationship and took full advantage of it. He loved wandering along the pebbled pathways that swirled around beautiful trees and bushes full of colourful flowers. Being in the presence of nature made him feel at ease and helped him relax.
But the real reason why he enjoyed your walks so much was you. He adored seeing your face light up with joy when you saw a squirrel run up a branch of an old oak or when you spotted a particularly beautiful fish in the small pond. He could watch you pick up fallen leaves for ages and hear you talk to little kids in a playground, showing them the shiny rocks you collected along the way.
To be honest, he always dreamt about starting a family with you and seeing you get along with kids so well only increased that desire.
Often after a walk, he was in the mood™, which, considering his shy nature, always took you by surprise.
Oh man, he just loved taking a walk in the park.
And today was no different.
You were walking hand in hand, admiring the blossoming flowers. Occasionally, you would stop and pick them up, making a small bouquet in the process. White daisies, pink clovers and blue forget-me-nots accumulated with every step you took.
John was telling you about the new idea he had for a song, kissing your cheek every now and again.
Listening to him, you started to fiddle with the flowers, tying them in knots. After a while ("And then, I think, we could include a gong, you know?") you were done with your creation.
You put the flowers on John's head and kissed his temple.
+"What's that, darling?" he asked you, surprised.
"Nothing, but I think you look sensational, my love" you replied, smiling innocently.
You felt John's hand bring you closer to him. He kissed you, entangling his long and incredibly skilled fingers in your hair. The kiss soon turned into more heated one.
+"I'll show you how sensational I really am, pretty girl."
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Freddie Mercury
So with Freddie, it was probably at one of his parties.
He invited you along to have a drink with him and his bandmates.
You usually weren't the one for big and loud parties, but he kept asking you and you gave in.
+"Oh okay, Fred, I'll do it," you said after the twentieth time he had asked you.
"Fantastic, (Y/N)!" he exclaimed, loudly clapping his hands. "Just remember to wear a costume."
But you didn't really want to dress up in fancy dresses or costumes from different eras. Calling Mary, you asked her for advice and she told you to just wear some accessories.
So before the party, you went to a small flower shop and bought a small bouquet of purple lilacs. At home, you made a flower crown, hoping that dressing up as a nymph would be enough.
When you got to Freddie's house, you were greeted by a crowd of people in colourful skirts and suits with fashionable patterns. That's when you found Freddie, Roger, Brian and John, chilling on a couch with their dates.
+"Oh, (Y/N), you look marvellous, darling!" exclaimed Freddie dressed as a king, while he stood up to embrace you in a warm hug.
"Thank you, Fred, I made it myself" you smiled shyly.
You got some champagne and joined the conversation.
Suddenly, you felt a pat on your shoulder, and, when you turned around, you saw Freddie holding out a hand to you, asking you to dance with him. You gladly accepted and got up. 
+"I really meant it, darling. You do look marvellous tonight" he whispered in your ear.
"Thank you, Freddie, you can have it if you'd like" you sent him a warm smile.
You took off his golden crown and set it aside. Gently taking off the flower crown from your head, you placed it on top of Fred's. He beamed at you and put his own crown on top of your head.
+"Now you rule here, darling."
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enha-woodzies · 4 years
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starring: enhypen ft. i-land daniel
pairing: jungwon x fem!reader x sunghoon
genres: royal au, romance, angst, slowburn, 18th century setting
word count: 3.8k
warning: very mild swearing; brief arguments
taglist: @serendipitysung (betareader) @angeljungwon @en-sun @affectionaterainoflove @renkiv @softforjungwoo @jislix @gyeraniee @fluffi @stxrryemxlys @jungwon-luv-bot @lost-lepord-beanie @hyunsunge
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a/n: this has been the longest chapter in the series so far and i'm loving it. grateful for taylor swift's songs that helped me through this chapter also,, please listen to exile as it ideally expresses the ruination between jungwon and y/n (and also an addition to the burning feels,, ㅋㅋ)
Daniel paid a visit to the Royal Garden to fetch his brother, Jungwon, a few Catalpa flowers that were freshly scattered on the royal lawn. In hopes that his brother could still mend the book’s soul by giving a home to the fallen blossoms, Daniel obliged to help when he saw Jungwon’s crestfallen state the moment he got home from Kielder Forest the other day.
The tall, plump gent hums a tune, oblivious enough to the presence of the pair that were roaming around the garden prior to his arrival. He peeks through the side as he noted the familiar voice, gently tiptoeing through the crisp, dried leaves and twigs sprawled along the ground. He soon realizes it was the marquess and the young miss, sharing careful whispers that made him eager enough to eavesdrop.
He could hear everything but dare not open his eyes. Daniel knew he must keep still while he waited for the perfect opportunity to run back to their manor, bearing the newfound knowledge he grasped.
If it was Sunoo, he wouldn't have second thoughts. Though Daniel's ordeal prevented him the first time, he soon remembered how menacing Sunghoon was and grew concerned for the young miss’ innocence, all the while hiding among the shrubs for a determined snoop.
“So long as Jungwon keeps his emotions repressed, this ruse shall continue on.”
Daniel’s eyes widened in horror upon hearing the young miss’ affirmation to Sunghoon’s statement.
Without wasting any more of his time, he cautiously bore the silence until he reached the Park’s manor to apprise Niki of such mischief.
“Niki! Niki! Niki”
“Y/n’s made a deal with the devil himself.”
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I sat and observed you reading with your head bowed. The world was quiet and peaceful that night, and your small hand was wrapped around my finger. Your touch brought forth an omnipresent coolness, sending electric tingles throughout my body. My longing for you fitted perfectly in the palm of your freezing hand. We quietly sat there, your head on my shoulder, in a perpetual moment of tender affection; beautiful and serene. The silence was wonderful, and it was utterly a whole different level of ecstasy.
We were ten, and you were starting to doze off.
I was awake and I watched you breathing with your eyes closed and parted lips. You held my Austen book closer to your chest where it can feel your thumping heartbeat. Your newly untied braids were all over your face. Wavy locks everywhere. I gently stroke them away from your cheeks that were of rosy hue due to the chilly night’s air. And because you were dreaming, your little eyelids fluttered. I noticed that. So I tucked you inside our self-made fort, and positioned us in front of your favorite night light— the moon. I sat and observed you, taking note of everything you did and did not do.
Do you recall how we were sitting by the lake that morning? It was the first time I draped my arm around your shoulders. The golden sun reflected on your tinted cheeks just perfectly, gradually seeing them come to a blush. I don’t know if it was a color of a burn from the summer heat, or just simply out of shyness from the flirtatious gesture and dialogues we had shared over time.
That was something I'll never forget. And because it's all I've ever known, I prepared myself for the anticipated goodbye. You caught me off guard, "I'll never depart from you," you said.
We were ten, and I was foolish enough to take those brief moments for granted.
Three years flew by right before our very eyes and the parting of ways came upon us. You begged me not to leave because If I do, you’d curse me for the rest of our lives. But what am I to do? It was university, it was my future… our future, if not dubiously relevant. I may have only been thirteen at the time, but I was certain of you.
But I didn’t listen. I never did.
I left.
And it was then that I realized, my future wasn’t there. It was sitting among the grassy lawn, reading poesies and verses to each other under the incandescent glow of the sunny daze. It was sharing silly whispers and passing secret notes of flatteries, tucking Catalpa flowers behind your ears, or making a beautiful crown out of it for the beautiful princess that’s been hopelessly sitting right under my nose this whole time.
I said, “I won’t ask you to wait if you don’t ask me to stay.” But you did ask me. And I was never ready, so I watched you go. Selfish as I was then, I knew you’d come back to me.
So there I was, sitting in my new room in the dormitory in a big city. I remember I couldn’t sleep the first night. All I did was toss and turn; sheets were shuffling on and on for hours. Like a typical little boy who was taken away from his family. Homesickness as they call it. But I guess mine was sickness for an undeclared love left hanging like our sheer fort on the hopeless branch of the Catalpa tree.
It was colder than I thought it would be. I kept recalling myself leaving. You gave me a yearning look, your gaze bore into my eyes, I swore I heard my heart break into little shards. But the deafening echoes couldn’t be compared to the shattering of yours, and all I ever gave you was goodbye.
I bet you were still up sitting on your chair by the window overlooking the majestic moon, wondering about me. So I tried the hardest to tuck myself in and face the window where your favorite night light was. I kept whispering empty wishes. I wished that I could run back to you.
Many days I thought of writing you letters. It took everything in me not to, as a string was tugging me back, telling me that the little notes I tucked in between the pages of the Austen book that I lent you could suffice for my five-year-long absence. The said string being the educational pressures that were gradually sucking the memories I had left of us.
I hope you know that every time that I didn’t, I almost did.
You embodied many, different ways of every emotion that crept through me. Though I knew it was going to hurt me, I went ahead and did it anyway.
Five years flew by so fast. Or maybe just for me. I finally graduated from university together with your brothers and mine. So much has happened while I was there that I almost didn’t notice the changes in me. There were several fooleries that the boys and I went through just to have a taste of the uncivilized life we weren't raised to have. There was this time I even helped your brother, Niki, with a gruesome fight against some kid who was foretold to be the next duke of our country. Those may be silly times to ponder now, but the damage it did to us and mostly to Niki was inexpressible.
I was eighteen, and the last memories I had of us were from we were ten. Maybe I tried to forget that day badly. That day where I stood and watched you hide behind the trees from afar, keeping those tears to yourself without me anywhere near you to wipe them all away like I always do.
I vowed to not hold myself back and not be held by the agonizing memories of a thousand yesterdays. I never realized how much it still pains you even upon my return.
Both our families held a welcoming back dinner at your place. There we were, after five long years of separation and silence, traipsing down the halls that we once ran through, forcing laughter and faking smiles just so we won’t ruin the genuine delights in our dear mothers’ eyes.
I was only eighteen, I didn’t know much but I knew I missed you. I’d tell you but I don’t know how. I do, however, know where it all went wrong. I just couldn't find the courage in me to approach and ask you for an apology.
Where was I? Where was the boy who’d throw a mantle over your braided locks, pretending to be the wizard to your witch?
Do you still remember? The notes I shamelessly tucked between the Austen book I lent you just to get my silly feelings across? Do you still have these little memories of us collected inside your imaginary heart-shaped locket?
I left many notes there, and though you possibly forgot most of them, they still hung around me, and I could vividly recall them like it was yesterday. From the flirtatious dialogues and striking remarks to the underlined phrases I wholly dedicated to you, the following parchments started to become like an entire page of paper with my inconsistent handwriting.
I vented out my daily adventures and mundane activities into those stained parchments that I stole from my late father’s study. Until suddenly, all the letters were about you. It collected all my immature yet genuine emotions. It was always about you, seldom me, and hardly ever us.
For the many years that I’ve hurt you, left you hanging, and witnessed our promises get constantly broken, I could only hope for better days waiting ahead for us. If not to me, at least to you. You deserve more than I could even offer. You always have, and I'm afraid I may not be a potential candidate to meet you halfway.
A year has passed and we’re now about to be offered for marriage. Not to each other though. There we were, standing in a crowded room under the bedazzling chandeliers and along with the tunes from the people eliciting them.
I felt my hands trembling in fear that eventful night. We exchanged brief and stolen glances and I was desperate to know, was the yearning killing you too?
I saw you nervously pulling your dress in an attempt to look busy, while I was doing my best to avoid you. I’ve never heard silence quite this loud.
Jay gave me the chance to redeem myself. You had no idea how much I desired to secure you in a long and firm embrace the moment you walked closer to me in that library. But you said those words. Yes! Those words were made up of aching memories that lingered around my soul for a while, but I dared not to give any of my attention to.
My deepest apologies for leaving you behind, again.
I dropped your hand while dancing and left you standing there in an awfully eerie room in such a woeful state. I let you slip beyond my reach, and I fear I can't give you any reasons in the aftermath. I was nowhere to be found then, and I hate the crowds, you know that. But I wanted to return to you after I'd composed myself in the powder room, though it utterly shattered me the moment I ran back to the hall.
I saw you dance with him. With the boy who was now a man. The man who was chosen by Niki’s old flame. The old flame that caused the gruesome fight between the two boys several years back. And the man who’s now trying to take you away from my reach; the unreachable string I couldn’t ever pull passionately close to me.
I heard my heart smash to smithereens. I was hopelessly wishing in the back of my mind that you wished it was me. You wished it was me you’re holding firmly in those little, flimsy fingers, lovingly waltzing you to your wildest dreams.
While I just stood there, under the dimly lit corner of the court, dreadfully gazing upon the sight that gave the entire ton heart-shaped eyes and promising prophecies.
My dearest, Y/n. For dearest you will always be. I want you to know that I’d wilfully live and die for moments that we stole on begged and borrowed time.
Because I held my pride like I should've held you.
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The hot topic immediately spread among the Yang and Park siblings the following morning, excluding Y/n’s awareness of such matters. The boys were determined enough to keep their knowledge unsuspected to the mischievous pair. Although Jay and Niki were aggravated by the news, they saw it best to confront their sister in a more fortunate time.
On the contrary, Jungwon is enraged enough to retreat from their manor to give the young miss an impulsive lecture. He sets off with his horse, speedily galloping to the heart of the Kielder Forest.
“Y/n! I know you're here! You and I need to talk!” Jungwon aimlessly calls out as he takes quick steps to where her fort was situated, “Y/n!”
“What?!” The lass crawls out of her sheer fortress, looking utterly pissed with the boy’s sudden commotion.
“Have you lost your wits?!”
“I have no idea what you're talking about, Jung.”
“You made a ruse with Sung- god, Y/n! What were you thinking?!” Jungwon runs his fingers through his ebony locks with definite frustration plastered all over his face, making Y/n flinch from his sudden whine.
“How did you-”
“How I discovered such a ridiculous act isn't of concern right now. Goodness, Y/n, I expected more from you!”
“Well, you should've expected less then!” She fiercely retorts.
“For god’s sake! You don't even know that man!”
“More like I know you? I couldn't even recognize you anymore!”
“That man has set his record with your brother-”
“Do not put Niki into this so as to protect your dying ego.”
“Then what’s all this? What's in it for him, huh? What did you offer Sunghoon that got your mind twisted?”
“A piece of my fucking mind because you were too dumb to even care! And don't you dare speak of him like you're mighty enough to reproach the man whose only desire was to help me!”
“Tell that to your brothers who feel shamefully betrayed right now by your reckless behavior!”
Jungwon heaves a sigh the moment Y/n goes quiet. The atmosphere suddenly went numbingly silent for a while. What with all the nonstop outbursts they both threw at each other, they forgot to stop and catch their breaths in the maddening heat of the moment.
Y/n breaks the deafening silence with light sniffles and soft sobs, tilting her head away from Jungwon’s sight. He witnesses her tears again for the first time in a very long while. It pains him to see her like this, but what shatters his soul, even more, is that he's the reason why her tears keep falling… and he couldn't take a step closer to wipe them away knowing they hadn’t resolved their previous fight.
So he stands there, mere inches away from her, hands so close yet so far, fists clenched tightly to stifle the urge to touch her, until Y/n feels a sudden rush of electricity through her entire body; Jungwon pulled her into a comforting embrace, making her snurfle into the warmth of his chest.
“Forgive me, I… I’m just very disappointed. For the longest time I’ve known you, not once did it ever occur to me that you would go this far to get my attention. I’m just worried for you.” With a hand holding onto her waist tightly, and the other, resting on her nape, Jungwon softly whispers against her ear while stroking her hair gently until her breathing calms down.
Y/n couldn't help but gradually crawl her arms around his slim waist, crumpling a handful of his jabot shirt from the back in desperation to suppress further sobs from embarrassing her. All of her raging thoughts suddenly came to a halt the moment their bodies connected with each other.
It was as if she's meant to be in this moment with him, to bathe in his comfort, to be in this dreamy embrace. It would be a lie for Jungwon to say he didn't want this. He was, after all, anticipating for such a moment to hug her like now. It's quite unfortunate that it had to be under such circumstances.
“Why does my involvement with Sunghoon bother you so much? Is it only because of Niki?” Y/n looks up to Jungwon, making the two merely inches apart from brushing their noses. Jungwon knew that he'd get lost in her compelling eyes, so he stared down at her parted, pinched lips-- though he wished he didn't at that moment, but he was too late. He finds himself running his tongue across his lips, all the while parting it as he tries to think of any far-fetched reasons to answer her question.
He lifts his thumb and grazes it over her flushed cheeks. Her tear-filled eyes still glisten as Jungwon leans closer, making Y/n shut them in an instant. Although she’s quite in a chagrin in their current position, Jungwon finds her unshakable figure as a sign that she's relaxed in his presence, making him feel less deterred from keeping her in his arms a little longer.
The chap plants soft kisses on her closed eyes that made Y/n inhale sharply. The fleeting, feather-like touches on her eyelids were more than enough for the lass to bathe herself in such momentary bliss. The moment she flutters her eyes open, her gaze meets his as he rests his forehead on hers.
“I hate seeing you cry. These beautiful eyes aren't meant for such miseries.” He whispers to which his breaths fan against her exhales.
“You always make me cry.” Jungwon softly chuckles at her slightly pouting lips, simultaneously thinking how lovely would it feel to have his lips locked on hers.
“Jay would genuinely torture me if he sees us right now.” Jungwon scrunches his nose as he playfully bumps it with hers.
“What would he do if he found us out? Let me go then.” She teases. Her hands find their way from his waist, to his nape, while playing with the little mullet he outgrew since the summer.
“I could never.”
Y/n sighs. His words had two meanings and fortunately, she's smart enough to know what he really meant. To answer her previous question, he wanted to tell her how much he loves her-- but his tongue is tied, and he can only let out gentle breaths and husky whispers. He couldn't find any words that would perfectly encompass his brimming emotions to her.
So he fails himself again with a shrug of his thoughts.
“Do you ever think we should just stop doing this?” He asks.
“What do you mean?”
“All these silly banters and stolen, longing stares. Could you be happy here with me?”
“The past few weeks have been nothing but emotional for me, Jung. You shut me out, then you take me back. You anger me lots yet in one swift move, you knock the wind out of my lungs. I’d be lying if I told you I’m not on top of the world sharing this moment with you right now. Because I am. I am happy. I don't think I would be if not with you.”
Then let’s run away right now. Let’s leave everything behind and run away together. There’s nowhere else I’d rather be. That was what he wanted to say. But he gulps down all other thoughts and lets out the opposite.
“Come on. I’ll walk you home.” He says.
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The trip home was merely nothing but laughter and barbs as Jungwon shares embarrassing stories of her brothers while they were in university; trying their very best to ignore the desperate elephant in the room.
With hands constantly brushing against each other as they take their every step, Jungwon was downright close to seizing her hand completely and interlocking it with his.
“To be fair, this has been the only thing that's made the past agonizing weeks bearable.” He concludes the uplifting momentum as they walk closer to her humble abode.
“I'm ready to try again if you are?” Y/n mutters under her breath, but Jungwon clearly caught every single word. He slowly pulls away from the almost closed gap between them, looking at the ground like he always does when he's conflicted.
“What is it, Jung? Have I said something wrong?”
Jungwon shrugs his head in disapproval, though he wishes she hadn't said those words.
“I… I’m sorry. It's just…”
Jungwon thought there should've been a time and place, but this wasn't it. He doesn't want to take advantage of her vulnerability right now especially when Jay's trusted him enough to not fuck things up. With Sunghoon in the way and Niki's emotions in turmoil, he couldn't bear inserting himself in the middle of chaos, insinuating confusions any further when he could've been a better friend to Y/n rather than putting her feelings in silence.
Y/n was expecting this. Every time she and Jungwon would share a rather momentous moment, he’d chicken out and ghost her for however long he desired until he felt the need to pop back into her life again and tug at her heartstrings.
She stares at Jungwon's figure almost disappearing into the wild night. He ran away with deafening thoughts, while she stood there with a crushed heart… again.
With sadness, she realizes they need some time apart.
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It's been a long, dragging week for the ton. Tranquil for some, as not many revelations from the Daily Tattle have been uncovered as of late.
The Park siblings have yet to talk about the matter of Y/n being a quisling to Sunghoon's endeavors. As of the moment, the young marquess continues on with his dilly-dallying courtship with the young miss, obliviously promenading her with genuine intentions this time around.
Jungwon and Y/n had only been apart for a week and already, he had a new lover hanging off his arm.
Unbeknownst to Y/n, Jungwon was having troubles with his thoughts and feelings as he saw her, yet again, traipsing around the park with an arm comfortably hanging onto Sunghoon.
With Y/n, he'd had some wonderfully stable times. But seeing how her smiles go from cheek to cheek and echoing laughter with the marquess’ presence makes her genuinely happy, Jungwon thought it’d be best if he stops himself from holding her back and enjoy her liberty without the past binding her like a prisoner of what could’ve been.
Sunghoon looks at her the same way he does. It churns his insides just thinking about it.
Yet he fears this might have to be his time to back away.
That week-long separation seemed to last forever for Jungwon as he finally concludes that he is no longer deserving of her hand anymore. Now that it's apparent that it’s about to be promised to another.
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*send me an ask or a message if you wish to be added on this series' taglist!
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capri-ramblings · 4 years
Queen & Chaos
An original Yandere Twst Fic.
Summary: In the Rose Kingdom, far but near, peaceful yet chaotic, a coup has overthrown its original Queen of Hearts, leaving her throne vacant and no later filled by Riddle Rosehearts, a young yet powerful mage with a ruthlessness as sharp as any blade, but the hidden sceptre he keeps near him is what terrifies people the most.
With the smile of a Cheshire cat and a glimmer of madness made only for the Hatter, You stand in-between the chaos of this Twisted world as if you're dancing to a tune only you can hear.
Pairing: Yandere Riddle X FemReader
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Chapter one
Riddle woke up to the sound of thudding outside his room. The walls of his castles trembling at what seemed to be a rhythm of marching soldiers.
His eyes fluttered open and saw the ceiling first, his limbs heavy and mouth dry. He tried moving his body but found that he could not.
Instantly, his mind went back to the tea party he had earlier that day and he bitterly decided that someone had spiked his usual tea with some sort of paralyzer.
"How dare they?" The words screamed in his head, and though he had no control over his own expression, Riddle was scowling internally.
Once he knew the culprits,it would be off with their heads.
When the marching stopped and the door to his bedroom swung opened, Riddle heard a familiar voice; The current Knight Commander's.
"Is he awake?" Asked a voice Riddle couldn't recognized, hushed and timid.
The Knight Commander strode to the side of his bed,eyes narrowing at the sight of the immobile Riddle.
"He is."
There was a silence before the second voice spoke up again, somehow a tad louder and filled with rejoice.
"Then, we've done it?" They said "We've subdued the Queen of Hearts?"
A string of cheers came after that, and Riddle felt the rush of his own blood boiling within his veins. To think that there would be those who would oppose of his ruling...Riddle partially held the blame to himself. He should've been more aware. Should've kept a tighter leash on his people.
The frustration must've shown on his face somehow, because the Knight Commander seemed to hold a pitiful look in his stern eyes when he stared down at him then.
"Forgive me." Was what Riddle heard as the man took out a small dagger and placed it against Riddle's throat.
He pressed hard into his skin, would've slit his throat in that moment if the footsoldiers at the door entrance hadn't suddenly started dancing.
The Knight Commander turned his head to the group, puzzlement in his gaze as he told them to stop.
"What are you doing? The mission isn't over yet! This is no time to celebrate!"
"W-We're not,Sir!" Said one of the soldiers before he did a turn and linked his arm with another.
"We can't seem to control our bodies!"
The Knight Commander then whipped his head back to Riddle, a look of panic residing in his features.
He wanted to speak but his train of thoughts were cut off by a laugh that echoed through the halls.
"What do we have here,I wonder?" You waltzed into the room via the strings of dancing soldiers almost effortlessly. Steps light and quick whilst you switched from soldier to soldier until you came to the foot of Riddle's bed and gave the Knight Commander a curtsy as a finishing touch.
The man looked to you with a mix of disdain and horror. The realization of his mistake dawning on him harshly.
"Curiouser,and curiouser" You murmured, thoughtfully before your gaze went up to Riddle's stiff form and a smile graced your lips.
"Did the Queen of Hearts got pushed into a stalemate? I would've never thought I'd see the day, really. You're full of surprises aren't you,Your Highness?"
Your words are playful. A lilt of fondness and admiration laced in a twisted obsession.
Yes. The Knight Commander had forgotten one important detail in his meticulous plan. He had omitted your existence, and that truly was an unfortunate choice.
After all, how could a Queen rule without her sceptre?
"I would applaud you, Sir" You said, turning promptly to the Knight Commander who immediately placed his hand on the hilt of his sword while the one with the dagger tightened, its blade pressing into the nub of Riddle's throat.
Something in your stomach churned at the sight of it all. Seeing how Riddle looked ever so defenceless and how a man of great esteem was risking his and many other lives to ensue the end of a tyrannical rule.
You felt like crying. Oh,how pitiful.
How exciting.
"But I don't think an applause is what you're after"
"I am after the rights of the people" He snapped "The right to have a ruler who would not run their people down to the ground at the slightest hint of disobedience."
"Oh?" You nodded your head, an empty habit rather than an understanding gesture. "You sound so serious all of the sudden...Tell me,were you planning on killing him?"
You trailed your gaze back to Riddle,then felt the silence given to you by the Knight Commander as a form of a 'Yes'.
"Well,you can." You said "I'd let you do just that if that's what you really desire."
Riddle didn't have to say anything then for you to know he was cursing your disloyalty at the moment. The way his chest heaved heavily was already a sign of his great displeasure.
But alas, you were simply making an offer. He didn't need to be so ruffled up. He wasn't going to die, yet.
"How about it?" You prompted with your hands held in the air, surrendering. The smile you wore was so genuine, so very absent of ill intent, and yet the Knight Commander couldn't help but flinch from it. The bitter taste of cruelty dripping from the way your eyes seemed to glaze over.
"What are you implying?"
"Come now. Didn't I say it already? If that's the greatest desire you have, then I'll let you fulfill it."
"You're going to let him die?" The Knight Commander scoffed, "I know who you are, and if your reputation exceeds you then you would never let him die."
Your heart did a small flutter at that. A tinge of embarrassment causing your cheeks to flush. Did your dedication seem too vivid? Oh, how unsightly.
"He is my Queen,yes. That much is true, but in speaking of this current matter, I wouldn't really be letting him die if you agreed to my offer"
You placed your hands behind your back, stealing a quick glance at Riddle who still seemed under the influence of the drug.
"What offer?"
Your lips smiled at the question. You really thought he was going to draw out this conversation with how stoic he was, which would've ended this whole dilemma quickly since then you would've been annoyed and killed the entire group yourself.
"Oh, it's a promising one!", Your hands clapped together as you cheered this out, before the lightness of your demeanor disappeared and the room suddenly fell into a dark disposition. A swell of tension and cruelty intertwined.
"You're free to kill him and bring peace to your people as you said you would, but then I get to have your men. The entire battalion. Your army of dutiful soldiers would be my collection of dancing nutcrackers. Fair deal, isn't it?"
It was such a quick shift of mood, that when the Knight Commander hurled his sword in your direction, you almost thought you'd lose your head.
"Are you mad?" He yelled, breathless and ragged. You smiled at him oddly,head tilting.
"I'm not." You replied then grinned half heartedly. "But you seem to be filled to the brim with it,don't you? Your eyes are flaring, Commander."
"Do you think I would give my people to you? Do you take me as a desperate fool?" The tip of his sword glistened maliciously in your face, and you estimated that if he moved toward you then you'd have no chance of deflecting.
"Well, what did you expect? The price of a Queen would be an entire army wouldn't it? How could I give away something so valuable without expecting anything in return?".
"I refuse." The Knight Commander growled,his expression taut and etched with a sort of rage that had you frowning in annoyance.
"Won't you think it over a bit more at least? Your men would die if you don't choose a side."
Ah,that seemed to catch his attention, didn't it? A small smile formed on your lips and you nodded your head again.
"It's obvious isn't it? If you choose to kill the Queen in exchange for your men, then at least one group would walk to see another day. Oh,but if you refused, then you'd all die. Which is a shame. You know I've always wanted a set of toy soldiers ever since I was young"
The force of the blade coming at you was overwhelming, but quick to slither away, you stepped within the circle of the dancing soldiers and had one of them take the first slice of the blade.
The blood curdling scream escaping the poor soldier caused the Knight Commander to seize his attack, as he watched one of his men fall the ground with a dull thud. The deep crimson of his blood soaking the wooden boards.
He stared, horrified at what he'd done before his gaze lifted and he flared his anger in your direction.
Though, when he began to move forward, you were frowning and seemed to be glaring back at him.
Or rather,behind him.
"Enough of your games."
The Knight Commander spun around a second too late as Riddle snatched the dagger from his hand and thrusted it into the nape of his neck. His cold rage tinting the grey in his eyes as he stared the man down from where he stood on his bed.
Riddle felt the last shred of energy he had left him in the breath he took to calm his nerves, and as the Knight Commander began struggling to take the blade out, he fell back onto his mattress.
"Clean this up,____" You heard him mutter out, the sound of your name on his tongue making it harder for you to stay irritated at the fact he'd ruin your fun.
Letting out a sigh, you pursed your lips.
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secondhandnewsradio · 3 years
SHN INTERVIEW: Sleep Walking Animals
by Claire Silverman
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photo: Ryan Hall
Sleep Walking Animals, the indie-folk alternative rock band from Manchester, England, have just released their self-titled debut EP. Since SHN first interviewed the band at the start of the year, they have released two more singles, started playing live shows again as restrictions opened up, and have announced a co-headlining tour around the UK in October. At their EP launch gig at the Fiddler’s Elbow in Camden on the 20th of September, they performed their new music to a sold out crowd.
CS: Congrats on the EP coming out. When we spoke back in February, you mentioned your plans for the EP, so it’s very exciting that it’s here now. How are you all feeling?
Tom: Like it's about time.
Jack: “Angus’ Fool.” “Wild Folk,” and “Dance Laura Dance” are on the EP, so we started recording this EP in October 2019. So it's been a big process, and the EP is kind of about that process.
Tom: We didn't want to release things until we were happy with everything, because we did record enough songs back in 2019 to go on an EP. But in post [production], we were a little bit concerned that they weren't all up to the standard that we wanted. It was our first time in a studio together as well when we recorded those songs, so we needed to practice, we needed to get together more and get more experienced in the studio. Then we ended up going up to Stockport and using a studio called Green Velvet Studios and we laid down five tracks, three of which are on the EP.
Jack: So, yes, excited.
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photo: Ryan Hall
CS: Is there an overarching theme across the EP?
Tom: It feels like it's very much about things that have happened to us in the time it took to put the EP together, and things that have inspired us enough to write about, you know, various introductions to people, to new experiences, illnesses, life events that sparked something within us to try to make a good song out of.
Jack: The whole EP spans across when we started the band in 2018 right up to now, so a lot of the songs are about growth and change. But the songs are about our growth musically as well, which is a nice kind of coincidence.
Tom: “Angus’ Fool” was the first song we ever wrote together, so the EP spans from our first song together to things we were writing in lockdown. So like Jack said it’s a span of two and a half years.
Alex: “Native” was written after we played Farm Fest [this summer].
CS: So now that you have more music out and have started to establish your sound, how did you figure out what genre of music you wanted to make?
Alex: It's funny, you just mentioned “Native” and I think that was the point that pushed us to fatten up the sound a little bit. I mean, the style of the song made us realize that we can push it a little bit more. And we have a few like one recorded songs, which are definitely a lot more rock-y.
Tom: We're inspired by all sorts of different bands as well. And, you hear it said a lot but a lot of great artists steal from other great artists and that's how they become great, so we're taking influences from people that we all listen to. So this is why it's hard whenever anybody asks “so what kind of genre of music do you play?” I can never really answer that because it’s changing all the time.
Jack: But I was saying to Bill the other day, (he's not officially in the band yet but he kind of is. He's the drummer who played with us on Monday) we've never really spoken about what genre we want to write. We didn't speak about influences, particularly.
Tom: We're just going with ideas. We all have our own little pockets of interest that we bring to the table and I think that’s what makes out sound quite unique
Alex: When someone brings something and then all of a sudden there's so many layers on top of it, which are coming from all kinds of different directions. And it's just hard to put your finger on what it actually is. But it's cool and we like it.
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photo: Ryan Hall
CS: It seems as though COVID restrictions are kind of mostly lifted here in England. At least, concerts are happening again. What's that been like, through the pandemic till now, and being able to play live shows again?
Tom: It’s been a massive relief, really, it means that we can get out there and get some gigging experience, start playing our stuff live. It's a completely different beast to be in the studio, it’s a completely different skill to have. And the more we do it, the more we’ll improve, and the more people will respond well to our gigs. There is such a massive impact from a live gig that you don't get from sitting down and putting your headphones in and listening to the Spotify track. You get the performance, you get the live engagement with music, and with the people on stage. That's just palpable.
CS: Since you're all performers, you're all actors, how do you think your other stage experience impacts your music?
Jack: That's an interesting one. Because I think the three of us are definitely coming out of acting and want to follow music, solely. Obviously, Tom, you both really well. [Laughter] And Nuwan’s also still following both. It's just something that when we are playing live, and it's going well, and there aren’t any technical issues, that we can just give ourselves completely to that moment. And I think that's easier for someone who has trained to do that, which is kind of what we did at drama school, I guess, to give yourself to the moment,
Tom: Yeah, there are great artists and performers, actors, musicians who haven't haven't gone through a formal training process. I think it's actually more important than training. Personally, I find the two things very different, being onstage as a member of Sleep Walking Animals and being on stage or on screen and being an actor in a role. I think the only similarity for me really, is the fact that when we go on stage as Sleep Walking Animals, I feel myself put on a character. I'm not Tom, I’m whatever else that is.
Jack: John. [Laughter]
Tom: I think we all do that whether we realize it or not. Because we'd be crippled with anxiety and insecurity and all the other horrid things that sort of flood into you when you're onstage performing in any way, you know, those don't happen or they sort of diminish if you put on that guise. So I guess that helps in that sort of transition.
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photo: Claire Silverman
CS: You mentioned Farm Fest a bit earlier. What was it and how did it come about? And how was it?
Tom: So Farm Fest is a new, upstart festival that myself and my girlfriend Lottie host and organized. It's on her childhood farm and it's something that Lottie had wanted to do for a long time, to use that land to provide a space for a festival, entertainment, camping. We started it a couple years ago. There was that little bit of time between lockdowns where we got a weird freedom in the summer of 2020 and people felt like it had kind of gone away. Luckily, we all collectively know a bunch of musicians and comedians. It started small and then this year, we did it again. We charged a bit more money for tickets, and we are getting bigger and better. It feels like it's sort of gaining a bit of momentum. And it was the highlight of our year, we got to perform on a mainstage with a great sound set up. For us it was a big crowd to play to who all knew the songs and were singing along. It felt like a real festival, right.
CS: You guys are pretty active on social media, at least on the Sleep Walking Animals account. You guys don't always take things super seriously, which I like. What’s your approach to using social media? What do you think of it?
Jack: I wish we didn't have to. I think we probably all do realize the importance of it because Instagram is pretty much the only way of promoting anything, which is so fucking sad. Yeah. And I thought today, because Joe and I are reading a book about Joy Division and the start of the punk scene stuff, and they didn't even have t-shirts, because they wanted to stick it to the man and that kind of thing. But you just can't do that now. It's just like times have changed and there’s so many bands and so many artists that you have to be on it. Like, it will only be a matter of time before we go on to TikTok.
Tom: As an unsigned band without management or label yet, you know, we're left to do it on our own. Like Jack said, it's our only way of letting people know about our music. We might as well try and enjoy it if we've got to do it.
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photo: Ryan Hall
CS: Now that the EP is out, what are your future plans for the band?
Tom: World domination?
Joe: Recording.
Tom: Yeah, more tunes. We've got quite a few unrecorded ones. Keep doing what we're doing, really, following the footsteps of the people and bands and artists who have inspired us. Just keep going with it and see what happens. We're not putting immense amounts of pressure on ourselves. We do it because we love it. We do it because we think our music is worth pursuing. Yeah. Just see where the wind takes us.
CS: And you've got a tour coming up in October.
Jack: Yeah, a UK tour. It’s a co-headlining tour with Polary and My Pet Fauxes. So we're playing in different cities and we're all sharing the headlines slot and supporting each other at the different venues.
Tom: The 17th of October we're playing Leeds at Oporto, then on the 18th at Dublin Castle in London, the 19th we’re in Bristol at Crofters Rights and then the 20th at Night & Day in Manchester.
CS: Good luck for those shows and again, congratulations on releasing your debut EP.
This interview has been lightly edited for clarity and length.
Listen to Sleep Walking Animals’ debut EP here
Follow the band on Instagram Twitter Spotify YouTube 
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maraudererasmut · 5 years
Black and White (Part XXVIII)
Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV | Part V | Part VI | Part VII | Part VIII | Part IX | Part X | Part XI | Part XII | Part XIII | Part XIV | Part XV | Part XVI | Part XVII | Part XVIII | Part XIX | Part XX | Part XXI | Part XXII | Part XXIII | Part XXIV | Part XXV | Part XXVI | Part XXVII | Part XXVIII | Part XXIX
((Remind me again why I chose to use Roman Numerals for the chapters?! Anyway... ENJOY!!! <3))
Remus arrived at Black and White early in the afternoon, wearing his one and only suit. He was clean-shaven, his hair was brushed, and he looked as presentable as he could manage, all things considered.
As he entered the gallery, he noticed that there were already a few people there. James and Lily were walking around, organizing tables with food and pamphlets. There was a makeshift bar set up, where a server was sorting the alcohol and setting out glasses. Sirius was talking with a member of the waitstaff, giving directions and explaining what needed to be done throughout the night.
Still feeling the weight of anxiety pressing heavily on his shoulders, Remus headed over to the bar.
"Hey…" He managed to get out, smiling at the woman behind the counter. She gave him a confused look. "Oh, uh… I'm one of the artists. I'm… I'm allowed to be here, I promise."
"Oh!" She said, beaming at Remus. "Well, your work is very beautiful!"
"Ah… thanks…" Remus felt himself smile, despite the whole Sirius situation; it was really nice to be complimented on his work and it happened so rarely in his life. The bartender returned his grin, a slight flush falling across her cheeks.
"You'd better get used to people saying that. This night is all about you and your art."
"Heh… yeah," Remus answered awkwardly. "I suppose it is."
"You look like you could use a glass of wine…"
"You know what…" Remus eyed the collection of fancy wines behind the bar; wines that he was allowed to try for free thanks to his art. He had worked hard to get to this point, and regardless of how his personal life was looking, he knew he should still take a moment to be proud of himself. He had come so far in just a few weeks. "I think I will have one. I deserve it."
The bartender poured Remus a glass, which he graciously accepted and brought with him as he walked through the gallery. He paused in front of his most recent work, taking in the depth of the painting, remembering his emotions as he had brought it to life. He was still experiencing the same turmoil, still struggling through the same complex feelings.  
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"Do not get drunk tonight," a voice said from behind the artist.
Remus froze, feeling his stomach tighten and his shoulders tense. He turned around to face Sirius, hardening his expression.
"It's a glass of wine, Sirius. I think I'm entitled to it," he spat, glaring at the gallery owner. Sirius was purposefully causing trouble at this point.
"Yes, well, we don't want any mean old gallery owners taking advantage of you when you pass out." Sirius had a sneer on his face as he taunted Remus, and the artist clenched his fists in fury.
"What the fuck is wrong with you, Sirius?!" Remus' voice was louder than he intended and it rang through the gallery, echoing across the walls.
Sirius was about to retort, most likely some snide comment, when James approached them.
"Office. Both of you. Now!"
Remus had never seen James that angry before. His voice was sharp and aggressive, paired with a deep crimson glow spreading across his cheeks. The dark umber of his eyes flashed with intensity. Remus shrunk before his penetrating glare, feeling surprisingly small before the other man.
"This is my gallery, Potter! You can't tell me what to do!"
"Sirius, you're embarrassing yourself," James growled, stepping towards the gallery owner. "There are people here. Act professional. You and Remus need to go into your office and sort this shit out, do you understand me?"
Sirius looked like he was deliberating, considering his retort, before he changed his mind and turned around in a huff. He marched himself straight to the gallery office and Remus dutifully followed, feeling like a child that had just been scolded.
Once the two of them were in the office, James stuck his head through the door.
"If this isn't settled by the time the show opens, so help me—"
"Yes, James," Sirius grumbled, acting more like James' son than his brother.
James left Remus and Sirius alone in the office, closing the door behind him. Once they were by themselves, Sirius turned to Remus, glaring at him expectantly.
"Well what?" Remus snapped angrily. He was tired of Sirius playing games with him. He understood that he did something wrong, but the gallery owner had no right to provoke him and try to draw a reaction. "You're the one who came up to me!"
Sirius crossed his arms and let out a pfft while rolling his eyes.
"I was just making sure that you knew not to get drunk this evening, so as to not repeat past mistakes."
"Fuck off!" Remus yelled, forgetting himself for a moment and allowing his frustration to take over. "You know what? Yeah! I thought we hooked up while I was drunk! Is that such an absurd thought?! Is it really so farfetched that I thought I had sex with you?!"
Sirius looked taken aback.
"Yes, Remus! You were drunk!" He was clearly upset, his pale skin turning a bright shade of red across his cheeks and ears.
"So what?!" Remus shouted, finally putting words to the feelings that had been boiling up inside of him. "I thought we fucked! I've spent the past three weeks thinking about it, of course I'd assume that Drunk Remus would act on it!"
Sirius' mouth was hanging open. He blinked.
Sirius was at a loss for words. Remus rolled his eyes and continued his tirade.
"Yeah. There it is. The whole damn truth. Pathetic little Remus had feelings for Sirius! Laugh it up! Tell me how stupid it is that someone like me could even fathom being with someone like you! I know it's insane! I get that! And I know I'm an idiot for thinking it could actually happen! And I'm sorry! I'm sorry that I thought we had sex! I'm sorry it felt like I thought you were a bad person! I didn't. I just assumed that… maybe… I just…"
Remus cut himself off. What did he assume?
"... you're not an idiot." Sirius muttered, his eyes drifting down slightly.
"Shut up, Sirius! Just… shut up! I don't need your pity! I don't need everyone's pity! I don't need people feeling bad for the pathetic artist who isn't good enough to make it on his own!" Remus didn't even know what he was yelling about at this point, he was just yelling. He was getting all of his feelings out, the ones that didn't fit into his paintings, and he seemed to have broken the damn.
"I don't think you're pathetic..."
"God dammit, Sirius! I just… I thought maybe… just maybe… there was a chance that… that you liked me too. That's why I assumed we had sex. I just… part of me… and it's so stupid, I know that. I see that now. I just didn't realize it at the time."
"... you're not stupid."
Remus stared at Sirius, completely floored. What was Sirius playing at? A moment ago, he had been inexplicably rude to Remus. Why would his tune change so suddenly?
"Don't patronize me! Don't you think you've made me feel bad enough?! I never meant to accuse you of anything! It was a mistake!"
"...I know."
Remus stopped. He stared open-mouthed at the man before him, whose face was crestfallen and… guilty?
"You know?! Yesterday you yelled at me about this!"
"I didn't know yesterday. But… I get it now."
"What are you talking about?!"
"I— I hadn't realized…" Sirius looked up at Remus, stormy grey eyes clouded with remorse. He looked lost, sincere, authentically apologetic. Remus felt his breath catch in his chest as he stared into Sirius' eyes, remembering their night together talking in the gallery. It had been so honest — a different side to Sirius that rarely came out.
"What hadn't you realized, Sirius?" Remus' voice was quivering. He was still upset, but he wasn't shouting. He didn't feel like he needed to yell anymore in order to be heard.
"I— I didn't know that you— that you wanted— " Sirius' body moved forward the slightest amount, an infinitesimally small step that brought their two worlds that much closer together. "I didn't realize that you had feelings for me."
"Fuck off," Remus swore, rolling his eyes. "Of course you knew. You've spent the past few weeks shamelessly flirting with me! Only now I realize that I was just a plaything for you." Remus didn't notice how harsh his words were until he saw the hurt painted across Sirius' features. "Is— isn't that what you were doing?"
"I… I flirted with you because I liked you, Remus… I just assumed you…" Sirius eyes flickered away for just a moment. "You never flirted back, I just assumed you weren't interested."
Remus stared at Sirius, confusion written across his face.
"The fuck? Sirius, you're… you're the gallery owner. Of course I couldn't— I just— what the hell is going on?" The artist ran a hand through his curls, trying to think, trying to sort out the past few weeks in his mind. "Then what was that out there?" He gestured wildly towards the rest of the gallery. "What the hell was that?"
"I was mad, Remus! I thought… I thought you had blamed me! I thought that you thought that I took advantage of you!" Sirius scrunched his face up in frustration— still looking surprisingly attractive— before brushing his bangs away from his eyes. "I was mad when you left and assumed we did it because I thought you thought the worst of me. I was hurt."
"I told you—"
"I know! I just… it never crossed my mind that… that you thought we hooked up because it was something you wanted to do… it just… never occurred to me that— that you'd even want to!"
"Of course I'd fucking want to…" Remus mumbled before he caught himself. "Shit… I mean… not that… I just—"
Before Remus could explain to the gallery owner why he just admitted to wanting to have sex with him, Sirius was suddenly there, in front of Remus, raising a hand to brush an errant curl from the artist's eyes. Remus blinked up into swirling blues and greys, wondering what the hell happened in the last few minutes that caused this.
"Sirius, I—"
"Remus…" Sirius muttered, barely audibly, the name lilting off his tongue. The pad of Sirius' thumb grazed Remus' cheek, an almost imperceptible touch of skin on skin. "Remus, I fancy you. I have for a while now. And I probably should have told you sooner."
"B— but…" Remus stammered, trying to make sense of everything. "But you were so mean out there… and— and— and you were so mad at me!"
"I was an idiot. I didn't think someone as perfect as you could ever care about someone as broken as me. And I built up barriers between us... I am so sorry."
Sirius' voice was tender, affectionate, paired with such an earnest gleam in his eyes. Remus felt himself melting before Sirius' smouldering gaze, felt the wall between them finally shatter.
"I'm not perfect…" Remus mumbled. It was all he could think to say in response.
"I want to kiss you…" Sirius' words were barely a whisper, and Remus' heart was racing. His mind flashed back to the previous weekend, the feeling of Sirius' lips against his own, the way their mouths moved. Remus wanted this, more than anything, but he felt a tug in his stomach. The voice in his head was warning him against this, reminding him of their dynamic, of gallery owner and artist. Sirius was in a position of power over him, and yet…
Sirius hadn't moved. He was waiting for Remus to respond. He refused to act on anything without Remus' express consent.
Remus closed his eyes and closed the gap, pressing his lips into Sirius'. He felt Sirius' hand cup his face, the other one weaving around his body. He felt Sirius' lips moving in sync with his own. Remus could have sworn that he was floating, his feet lifting off the ground. He felt fireworks in his stomach, exploding and crackling and causing a ruckus so loud, he was sure Sirius could hear it.
This was exactly where Remus wanted to be— where he wanted to spend the rest of his life— right there in Sirius' arms.
Knock knock knock.
Remus almost yelped, he was so startled. He immediately pulled away from Sirius, breaking their connection and the magic that tied them together. The expression on Sirius' face told Remus that he was equally as surprised and dismayed.
"I don't hear yelling. Should I be happy, or is one of you dead?"
Sirius cleared his throat and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.
"N— No one's dead, Potter. Don't worry." He turned to Remus and offered a sheepish smile before straightening himself up and adjusting his tie. "I think… I think things are worked out."
Sirius gave one last glance over to Remus, who was still standing there, mouth agape, wondering what was going on. Sirius reached out and gently brushed his fingers against Remus' arm, offering the artist a timid grin filled with emotion. Then, as if transforming into a different person altogether, Sirius turned around and threw his Gallery Owner smile onto his face.
Sirius opened the door and nodded at James, who was waiting just outside of the office.
"Not to worry, Potter. Remus has assured me that this misunderstanding won't happen again."
The artist stood in the office for a moment, briefly considering staying there all night. He shook his head out, rubbed his eyes with the heels of his palms, and took a page from Sirius' book. The man who emerged from the office was Artist Remus: feigning confidence and ready to perform the song and dance required of him to sell his work.
((So? Was it all worth the wait? ;) ))
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onlyyyariii · 4 years
The Interview
Part 1
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"Let's all give a warm welcome to Ms. Liana Summers!" Jimmy says announcing me as I make my way into the stage.
I wave and smile at the audience before taking my seat.
"Boy do we have a lot to talk about!"
I smile and nod, "Thank you for inviting me. I love your show."
"Well most people do," he laughs and I let out a small giggle, "lets start with the movie you just finished up. What was it again?"
"Oh, it was a movie called Unrequited Love. I played opposite KJ Apa. He was my characters love interest."
"Remind us what the movie was about."
"Of course, so my character her name is Daisy Smith and she's loved this boy James Porter for as long as she can remember. They're friends, super close friends but she's definitely in the friendzone. Having such strong feelings for one of her best friends puts her in a place of constant stress and jealousy. She'd never tell him how she felt because she didn't want to lose him completely. The day after James tell her," I pause looking at the audience, "about something, she starts feeling sick. Soon enough she's coughing out flower petals and feeling the effects of Hanahaki disease. Of course her parents get worried and take her to the hospital where they learn of the disease. The rest you guys are going to have to wait for."
"That sounds like such a fun role to play."
"For me it was! I love acting and when I got the call that the casting director thought I would be great for the part of course I went in and auditioned but I got cast for the part about 3 days after I auditioned. Apparently I was just what they were looking for. Then I fangirled over KJ for a little bit before actually meeting him and getting to know him. It took us three months to film the movie. KJ and I have gotten close. We FaceTime a lot and I know he's watching this so," I turn to look into the camera, "I'm watching you K man." I giggle and turn back towards Jimmy.
"You two seem very close."
"Yeah we are, it's nice to have a boy best friend again, ya know?"
"While we're on the subject, do you miss your old best friend, Grayson Dolan? A lot of people say that things got tense between you two after you and Ethan broke up."
I had to laugh, that's the only way to keep my emotions inside. That's the only way to keep myself from full out sobbing on live tv.
"Sometimes I miss them. We grew up together and they were always there for me. The thing about Ethan and I's relationship is complicated. When the three of us got popular on Vine and then YouTube, I was always shipped with them. Like the fans would want me to date Ethan or get married to Grayson. For being such close friends it didn't matter to us, we often made jokes about it. Little did anyone know Ethan and I had been dating since we were 17. I was open with the fans about the fact that I had a boyfriend. I never let them know who it was, just that he and I were together. After about three years of dating Ethan told the world that he had a girlfriend. A few months later we announced we were together. At this point we'd been together for almost four years."
"Wow that's a very long time to be dating someone. Especially when you're so young."
"Exactly. Everyone wanted us to be together until we actually came out and said we were together. At this point we were almost 21. On two previous occasions Ethan had asked me to marry him, only to take it back after a month of me wearing the ring. The second time he asked I said yes because I loved him. I truly did love him but I told him how much I wanted to marry him and have kids with him and he freaked out. I wanted kids young, I didn't want to have my first child at like 28. After he freaked out I told him we couldn't be together anymore. Not only did I compromise with him but I also pushed back what I wanted for the sake of our relationship. I couldn't keep hurting myself anymore. After we announced our break up everyone started shipping Grayson and I again. It made me think that I must've chosen the wrong twin. If I was with Grayson, we would've gotten married the first time he asked and I'd probably of had a baby by then."
"We've all heard about Grayson Dolan and his baby fever that he's had for a long time now. Do you ever see yourself getting together with him or?"
"No, I dated his twin brother. It would be too awkward. Um, after getting out of a long, serious relationship you need a break from love. A break from other people to maybe focus on yourself and see how you've grown. You need to teach yourself how to be independent again. That's exactly what I told myself I was doing when I packed up my stuff and left their house. I moved all the way to Paris. I lived there for about two years before coming back to the states."
"Had you spoken to Ethan or Grayson during those two years?"
"Grayson had messaged me quite a few times but I hadn't spoken to Ethan. I decided to pay them a visit when I moved back to LA. When I found out that Ethan was already married to another girl and she was pregnant..." I shake my head, the tears that had collected in my eyes finally falling, "I broke down. Grayson explained to me that a few days after I left Ethan had met up with Kristina Alice, who we'd know for about four years, and they hit it off and started dating. It was gut-wrenching. I had always thought he was my soulmate and to come home and find him married with a child on the way, it really hurt me. I decided to lose contact with both of the boys after that. I blocked them on social media and everything. Cut ties with their family, after I did that I realized that for the first time in my life... I was completely alone."
"How did you manage? What did you do to fix yourself?"
"I got really into my job and looking for acting opportunities. I bought myself a house and a dog. I went partying with Tana Mongeau. I really wrecked myself. Until one day I decided to get over it. Now I'm here. Happier than ever."
"Well we're all very proud of how far you've come and how you tackled your obstacles to come out the other side a better, healthier woman."
"Thank you Jimmy, I really appreciate that."
"Of course," he turns towards the camera, "stay tuned because after this we get to play some games with Liana and talk about her upcoming book, How to Love Me. Right after this break."
The camera pans towards me as I smile and wave. I do have a new boyfriend but... they don't need to know that yet.
Tag list: @fangdolan @luxplsr @333dolans @blindedbythelightt @rhyrhy462
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Adrien played listlessly on the piano. His features reflected the melancholy tune that echoed through his room and out the hall.
If Plagg was awake he'd certainly protest the chosen song. But they'd had a tough battle and his kwami slept off a gluttonous meal.
A brief smile crossed Adrien's lips before the oppressive silence of his too large room stifled it.
He was used to being alone. Even if the isolation chafed more now than before... Before them. Before her.
Every moment with her was filled with more life than he remembered ever being in these walls. Even before. She was filled with so much passion for everything she did.
Kagami brought out the side of himself he'd been taught to hide. And from the way she opened up around him, Adrien thought he did the same for her.
Before, they were alone. Together, they were free. So, to go from such genuine connection back to this!?
The piano clanged as he slammed his fingers on the keys. Plagg muttered in his sleep but didn't wake. Adrien stared at the black and white instrument.
He didn't want to be alone again.
Kagami fired her arrow expertly into the target's bullseye. It sank deep next to the other arrows she had shot into it.
Kagami's brow furrowed. She nocked another arrow, steadied her breathing, and fired again. Bullseye.
The crease between her eyes deepened. Kagami grabbed a handful of arrows and held them in her hand so she wouldn't have to reach into her quiver for them.
The archery range was deserted except for her, which gave her free reign. She removed the cumbersome quiver to ease her movements.
Keeping her targets in focus Kagami released arrow after arrow. Each less than a second apart, one for every target in range, every one a bullseye.
She had barely exerted herself but her breath came in short gasps nonetheless.
Why couldn't she focus? Her thoughts kept drifting from the task at hand. It wasn't like her to allow her mind to wander.
She was perfectly focused when Adrien came to see her practice... Wait.
She remembered his encouraging grin. How it lit up his face and filled her with warmth. Kagami was great at archery. She knew that. And still she'd shown off. Sought the praise of a novice in archery.
How his eyes widened in wonder at her skill. She caused that! She-
The bow slipped from her grasp. She looked around at the archery range. It was empty. Kagami had full reign of the place.
She started a bit as her ringtone pulled her from her thoughts.
Collecting herself she answered it without seeing the caller. "Yes?"
"Kagami?" Adrien's voice greeted her.
"Adrien." How interesting, the way just his voice was enough to ease some of her tension.
"I'm sorry about calling you during practice." He sounded nervous. "Is this a bad time? Of course, it's a bad time, sorry. I'll call back later."
"No!" She replied a bit too quickly. "No, that's alright. I'm taking a break."
"Oh. Oh good. That's good."
"Was there a reason you're calling me?"
He laughed self-deprecatingly. "No. I guess not," he admitted. "This is gonna sound corny but... I just wanted to hear your voice."
Kagami felt heat flood her cheeks and she was sure Adrien was just as red.
"Is that weird? That's weird, right?"
"It is not," she reassured him. "I was just thinking of you."
Kagami could practically hear Adrien's blush deepen. "R-really?" he asked.
He was silent for a moment. "Does it feel like you've taken a step forward while everything else stays in place?" he asked suddenly.
Kagami sat cross-legged on the ground.
She thought of her mother. Despite knowing about her relationship with Adrien Tomoe continued to act as she always did. No concession was made. The time they spent in fencing practice and at high-class functions was expected to be enough.
No thought was given to Kagami's needs or desires. And in the back of her mind Kagami knew it would be that way. But still. She'd hoped.
"Yes," she admitted. "We've advanced together but no one seems to notice. They do not acknowledge that the field has changed. That... we have changed."
"You don't think I'm overthinking this?" he asked, doubt creeping into his voice. "Maybe if we talked to them?"
"A warrior must always be aware of her surroundings. If they haven't noticed the change then..." Here Kagami took a breath. She wasn't in the habit of criticizing her mother and it did not come easily. "Then they are not paying sufficient attention!"
Adrien understood what she meant. Their parents may not consciously realize that they gave so little time to their children. But that didn't mean it wasn't purposeful.
"... I had dinner with Father yesterday," Adrien stated.
Kagami wondered what it said of them. That her first instinct was to congratulate him. Despite the forced hope in his tone.
"We talked about the upcoming photo shoots... Or he talked about them and I listened. I asked if I could see you Friday! ... Um, he said I shouldn't let myself be distracted from my duties... Then he had to leave because something came up. I-"
Kagami waited as Adrien took a shuddering breath. His voice cracked and her heart threatened to follow.
"I sat there... and I thought... I thought about how alone I felt! How... it wasn't this bad when he didn't show up! ... I thought about how Father was right there! And I felt less alone when he wasn't..."
"... Mother is always there," Kagami began. "She always makes sure to observe my progress. Her instruction is invaluable. I am the swordswoman I am today because of her."
Adrien listened to the small variations in tone that people who didn't know Kagami mistook for stoicism. Which easily rose in volume.
"Yet, there are times I forget that she is my Mother and not just my trainer. There are times when I wish we did not have the formality of strangers! Times Mother's presence was an ominous shadow that-"
Kagami breathed deeply.
"... Times you perform an exercise perfectly and they say nothing," Adrien stated softly. "Leaving you alone without a word."
"Times your best performance is lacking," Kagami continued. "So they remain. Looking over your shoulder until it satisfies their standards. And all that time you are still alone."
Kagami knew that Adrien didn't cry often. She shed more tears than he did despite having more than enough reasons to. So it came as a mild surprise to hear his quiet sobbing.
"I- I'm sorry! I..."
"Don't apologize." Kagami's voice was thick with her own falling tears. "There is nothing dishonorable about crying. If you need to cry, then cry."
So, he did.
So, they did.
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ghost-chance · 5 years
Excerpt from "The Demon King and the Half-Breed Hermit"
Gotta log off for a while after this but first, I wanted to share this (unedited and incomplete) scene. It's for an upcoming (in-the-works) chapter of my Piccolo/OC-centric ▶Dragon Ball post-GT◀ fic, found on my FFnet account. Why am I sharing it? Firstly, it's proof I'm still writing (...trying...) and despite the long wait for new chapters, DK&HBH has NOT been abandoned. (NOTHING has been abandoned!) Secondly, THIS is what happens when I tell myself "I need to start writing characters who can effectively communicate and deal with their emotions like functional adults!" 😑 Yes...AUBERGINE happens.
Hopefully the "Queen of Issues" can make someone smile.
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Life as a single mother was generally a struggle; as a single mother of two half-Saiyan boys, life was a never-ending catastrophe. Fortunately for Son Chi-Chi, both her boys were grown men capable of running their own lives; unfortunately, that left her to manage her household alone. Oh, sure, Gohan and Videl regularly offered to move her into their home and take care of her, but she wasn't quite ready to accept that offer. She was quite capable of taking care of herself…at least, that is, when she wasn't weighed down with groceries and being chased down by a saber-toothed wildcat.
Winded, she stumbled and landed hard on her knees, her bags falling and the contents scattering. One moment she could practically feel the beast's rancid breath on her neck; the next a warning shout split the air, quickly followed by a pained yelp. Chi-Chi scrambled onto her back and stilled at the familiar silhouette cast by the afternoon sun through the trees. Black hair as ragged as ever and eyes dark as pitch, Aubergine held the struggling wildcat by the throat, leaching away its strength. She drained it a little longer before letting it slink away in shame, then looked to her fallen sister-in-law over her shoulder. "Are you hurt?"
"No," Chi-Chi answered as she gathered the spilled goods, then belatedly added "thank you." Aubrey shrugged and hoisted the bags onto her shoulder as the black faded from her eyes.
"Well, someone's got to shield the squishies," she replied instead. The familiar retort used to irritate Chi-Chi, but now she recognized it for what it was: you're welcome. I don't mind. Aubergine's long silences, half-answers, and silence took a while to adjust to but by now it was like a second language to her sister in-law. 
The remainder of the journey to Chi-Chi's home passed in a silence midway between comfortable and awkward, and before she knew it, the matron was stowing away her groceries. Aubergine sat at the table, brooding and fiddling with a small shaker jar from the revolving rack in the middle. Recognizing the speckled contents, she pried the lid open, sniffed at the contents, and sneezed; her eyes and sinuses burned in protest as she jammed it closed and shoved it back on the rack. Yes, she identified it correctly. "So how's Piccolo settling in?" At the resulting silence, she turned to find Aubergine scowling like someone who just chewed five lemons in a row without stopping to sweeten them. "That well, huh?" Chi-Chi teased. I
Aubergine shot her a deadpan glower then exchanged the speckled powder for a jar full of tiny seeds. As if it explained everything, she grunted, "he's not dead yet." These seeds didn't burn her nose but they had a rather unpleasant smell somewhat like rank body odor. Nose scrunching at the stink, Aubrey exchanged the jar for a tall shaker full of tiny white crystals with a much sweeter scent. Over by the table, Chi-Chi gave a knowing smile as the half-breed examined her spices. "I don't understand how one person can require so many of these things," Aubergine muttered surveying the multitude of tiny jars and shakers on the Lazy-Susan. "What's the point of all this crap?" 
"Spices?" Chi-Chi asked, and upon receiving a blank look added, "they make food taste good. As for the number, different dishes require different spices—you can't cook everything with the same ingredients." Aubrey stilled, eyes wide and locked on the three jars she investigated before. "What brought you here anyway?" If Chi-Chi didn't know any better, she'd say the half-breed was embarrassed.
"He quit complaining," Aubrey mumbled. "He used to whine that I was poisoning him; now he doesn't say anything…but…he doesn't have to. I thought…" She fell silent, cleared her throat, then collected the other two bottles and shoved the lot toward Chi-Chi. "Fish. It was worse than usual."
Chi-Chi was used to getting only half the picture from her half-Saiyan sister-in-law but this was even less information than usual. Those three spices were never used in the same dish; then again, this was Aubergine, and Aubergine was quite possibly the worst cook in the realms. "Correct me if I'm wrong," Chi-Chi asked, "but are you saying you cooked fish…with black pepper, cumin, and sugar…?" The half-breed glanced at the jars, read the fading labels, and gave a wary nod; Chi-Chi felt her breakfast threaten reappearance. "No wonder, then," she sighed. "Cumin and pepper can be used on fish but generally not together, and you don't use sugar on seafood."
"This is so stupid." …and so began Aubrey's usual response to statements regarding food as anything beyond life-preserving sustenance. After so many years of hearing the same thing over and over again, Chi-Chi easily tuned out the increasingly loud rant and gathered a few more appropriate seasonings for fish. "Food doesn't have to taste good!" Aubergine spat without regard. "Its only purpose is to keep you from dying of hunger, anything beyond that is friv—" Finally, she went silent. Of course, taking Chi-Chi's frying pan to the skull would shut anyone up.
"There's more to life than just existing," Chi-Chi scolded as Aubergine rubbed the already swelling lump on her skull and growled under her breath. "There's more to life than just survival. We were put on this Earth to thrive, not just not die."
"We were put on this Earth because my dumbass brother didn't have the balls to kill that midget Pilaf from the start." This time she ducked the frying pan. 
"You're missing the point as always," Chi-Chi huffed. "I swear, you're so much like my Goku. Aubergine, when your life's over, you'll have an eternity to look back on what you did. If all you have to look back on is not dying, then what's the point?" Aubergine went silent, glaring at the wall beside her as if blaming it for everything that ever went wrong in her life. It didn't escape Chi-Chi that said wall stood between her kitchen and the home Goku and Aubergine grew up in. Not for the first time, she wondered what the half-breed's life was like in those early years, and what molded her into the distant, bristly woman she was now.
"Life was always enough before." The admission was quiet—half-muffled in Aubrey's mostly flat chest and aimed into the polished tabletop—but to the human matron it had the same impact as a battle cry. "Stay out of danger," the half-saiyan muttered as though reciting some sort of task list. "Find and maintain shelter, locate reliable sustenance, protect your brother…" ..wait for me to come find you. I promise, I'll come find you! Bardock may have been a visionary, but an honest Saiyan, he was not. He never came for them… "That used to be enough…" …until said brother ran off with a blue-haired teenager in search of adventure and left Aubergine behind. Sure, she caught up after a while and tagged along for a few misadventures—living alone in the wilds got boring, after all—but at the end of the day, she couldn't even accomplish the most important of these tasks. She couldn't protect Goku. One hand strayed up to brush her bangs out of her dead eye. She couldn't even protect herself. "Why isn't that enough anymore?"
"Perhaps it never really was enough." Chi-Chi's smile held no judgment and her voice no censure. "Perhaps you're only just realizing it now." Perhaps…Aubergine turned to the window, eyes trained on the distant misty peak of Mt. Paozu. After so many years of feeling stuck in place, maybe it was time to change. "I've offered before and the offer stands—I'll teach you to cook if you'll let me." For the first time, the offer was answered with a long silence instead of some bitter retort or evasive remark, proof in Chi-Chi's mind that the other was finally considering it.
"A year ago none of this would've…" Aubergine fell silent; again, she was driven to brush her bangs away from her blind eye though they weren't impairing her sight. That nervous tic would be the death of her someday… She cleared her throat and tried again. "Nothing mattered a year ago. It still shouldn't matter." Chi-Chi faltered. She recognized where this topic was leading as easily as she knew how Aubergine must have reacted to Piccolo's resurrection. She smoothed the skirt of her long dress and seated herself at the table. The rest of the groceries could wait a bit longer.
"The first time I lost Goku…" I lost Goku. Even after so many times of saying those words, her throat still caught around them; even after how many times Goku died, the very mention still triggered an echo of the day Krillin brought her the news. Her son, missing – her husband, dead – worst of all, the threat wasn't even over. "Well, I was a mess," Chi-Chi finished mildly. The past was in the past—let it lie there in peace. "Every time I lost him, I felt sure it was my fault for not being strong enough to keep him. Every time he came back, I tried harder than before to make him stay…and every time, I lost him again anyway…the last time, for good. He refused to be revived." Even now, the words made her eyes burn and her throat clench, so it was a comfort when Aubergine broke the tense silence.
"He was an idiot like that." The dry remark earned a weak chuckle.
"Indeed. Even now, were he to walk through that door, I'd still take him back. He left us all behind when he refused resurrection, but I'd still welcome him home with open arms." She hummed softly, leaning on her elbows and looking out the nearest window. Already the blue of the sky was deepening and the days, shortening—harvest time might come early this year. "For all his faults, and there were many, Goku was always so much stronger than I ever could be. I could never leave behind those I love, even to keep them safe…he did so without a second thought."
"But when the danger's gone, how does staying dead solve anything?" Aubergine cut in—an unusually long sentence from an unusually brief speaker. "The people he left behind—they still needed him—they depended on him, and he turned his back on them!" Chi-Chi hazarded a glance at her company; Aubergine was off in another world, her vision trained somewhere far beyond the woodgrain of the tabletop. "Didn't he know? Didn't it matter?" Chi-Chi's wrinkle-framed lips tilted into a sly smile.
"He knew there were such people, I'm sure," she answered. "I have a feeling he didn't quite understand what it would put you through." Aubergine gave a faint nod, eyes distant, then startled as she realized the subject change. Both women knew they were no longer talking about Goku; neither was ready to admit it, either. The half-Saiyan's cheeks darkened in embarrassment, but the effect was lessened by the venomous glare aimed out the window. "You never told him, did you?" Chi-Chi pressed.
"Why bother?" Aubergine muttered. "He knew what he was doing. He had to know I'd—" She fell short, remembering vividly the searing pain in her chest from the day the earth was destroyed—the fracturing of a heart timed to the shattering of a planet. From the first wince to the last breath, she felt Piccolo die, and it was a feeling she'd never forget…or forgive. "...I never should have marked the bastard."
Once again, Chi-Chi was given only bits and pieces, but this time she was content with it. If the scars on Aubergine's throat were any indication, the whole picture wasn't one she cared to see.
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outfitandtrend · 2 years
[ad_1] Midway through Steven Sondheim's classic musical Company comes “Getting Married Today," a mental breakdown in song form, in which a nervous bride attempts to flake on her wedding. It's considered one of the most difficult numbers in the musical theater canon, “the greatest show-tune tongue-twister of all time,” the kind of song that has its own Wikipedia page. In the gender swapped revival now playing on Broadway, the song is performed each night by Matt Doyle, a performance that's winning raves.The California native has played a steady string of demanding roles in shows like The Book of Mormon, War Horse, Bye Bye Birdie, and Spring Awakening. But his turn in Company is a breakout, and this week he received his first-ever Tony nomination. “It’s my favorite show I’ve ever been in, without question,” Doyle told GQ. “Every bit about this production is magnificent and smart, and it means even more at this point, being a part of this journey through the pandemic. Together, we’ve experienced a crazy amount of collective trauma that I’ll look back on one day and think ‘I can’t believe we survived.’”GQ recently caught up with Doyle to ask him about how he eats and trains to make sure he has stamina for eight shows a week. He says it took him years of honing both his craft and his body to acclimate to the grind of daily performances and late nights: “Most people don’t realize how taxing this all can be,” he said.GQ: I’m assuming your days don’t start at 6 a.m. if you’re up late performing. Matt Doyle: Right. I get back from my show around midnight every night and fall asleep by 3 a.m. So, that means I’m sleeping until 10 or 11 a.m. every day. Once I’m up, I’ll make coffee and cook up some scrambled eggs with spinach and parmesan, and eat that with rye toast. If it’s a crazy day, I’ll go to Starbucks and get a venti iced coffee, black unsweetened, and eat those kale mushroom egg bits they have. I lie and tell myself they’re good for me, but who knows. I also hard boil a lot of eggs for the week in case I am on the move and can’t stop anywhere.What happens after breakfast?It’s funny, because my work day doesn’t really start until 4 or 5. So, after breakfast, I’ll get our dog off to doggy daycare and then I get to the gym. My workout changes based on the day, just if I’m focusing on lower or upper-body lifting.What’s for lunch?If I'm home, I eat a lot of lean proteins. I really do focus on being as healthy as possible, I’ll have ground turkey pretty often. Or, maybe I cook up some chicken breast and some sweet potatoes. If I’m out, it’s always Sweetgreen or Dig.Have you always eaten this clean?Not at all. I’m a naturally very small guy, and when I first moved here, at 19, I weighed something like 120 pounds and didn’t think much about my diet. But when I first came into the theater, I had a director look at me and tell me that if I wanted to play certain roles, I’d have to take care of myself and bulk up a bit—especially if I wanted to have the stamina of doing eight shows per week. Today, I’m closer to 150 pounds. [ad_2] Source link
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thelocalshooter · 4 years
The Local Shooter Vs. B-LIFE
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(LS) Hello thank you being apart of a great come up and welcome, may we get a small introduction for the people reading who don’t know who you are, where are you from? Who are you? And what do you do?
(B) I'm B-L1FE or B to most. I am an Indiana native but for the last 4 years I've been in the Houston, TX area. I do everything except make beats. I'm a recording artist myself, I engineer, DJ, design, visuals, animations, curate. To add to all that I'm also the CEO of my own record label, FAITH×VICTORY Records. I also am the CEO of three other companies: SupportArt which is a promotion company that also houses a collective, and MeditatedMerch which is my clothing line. There is stuff I'm missing I'm sure but I'm basically the one stop shop for good underground business.
(LS) Being a Texas native how do you feel that the music scene has impacted you and your creativeness?
(B) The scene in the H has never really impacted me much but surround regions have amazingly unique sounds that are almost nice accents to a style like mine that blends hip hop with metal and alt rock. The Dallas FT. Worth area is full of this new wave sound that people like Jah or $not really helped catapult. Then south Florida is known for the wild hype sounds they give us like Pouya. I think these regions influenced me by just kind of telling me hey its ight to let go and just be me. I used to be signed under a different stage name and to be honest it was all bullshit. All the rules and what they wanted me to be. This area in general just let the monster loose I guess you could say.
(LS) You also run a blog on your own called supportart where its a platform for many creative artist in the underground, how did that come about and how long have you been running it?
(B) We are gonna be two years old in June which is unreal. We house 20 artists at the moment including myself. It honestly all started as a group chat of artists trying to put together a collective mixtape. Most people didnt come through but it actually opened a networking portal that led us to our first client who was King Kap who at the time was signed to Quality Control. We continue to work with him to this day and alongside the leaders I make the calls with (Yung N ICy, Fat Daddy J, Psych Ward, Penny the Shabba, Waveon, wa55up, & Kaster) we just had the flood gates opened on us. Alot of trial and error but never once have we been exposed or finessed. We work hard for the underground and have new ways coming soon to showcase hidden talent.
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(LS) you seem to be a jack of all trades with graphics, producing, and much more! What do you feel is your strongest creative outlet for you and why?
(B) All the other crafts came from being a recording artist. I think I truly shine there. Away from the art and visuals, I've had some pretty big accomplishments as the rapper B-L1FE. Sometimes I forget to push my own stuff when I'm so busy pushing the underground or my artists. In 2019 I dropped my first and sophomore album which did well. Underviews did an article naming me a young mogul. I made the underground freshman list which was amazing to be with the likes of GNAR, Lord Xan, 916frosty, and more. But if anything compares it's my graphic design. I've been doing design since I was 14 and I'm almost 28 now. I still have every graphic I've done and my portfolio now have close to 6000 pieces. It's the main reason I could leave the day job life behind.
(LS) You also happen to be on all major platforms with a couple single releases, where did you first find your passion for music? Also how did you know that it was going to be a career for you?
(B) My parents didnt really do much parenting but they did raise me around terrific music. I have right now I believe 83 songs on all major platforms which is quite a bit since my contract from the previous record label didnt expire until April of 2018. My parents raised me around Dr. Dre, Bone Thugs, Snoop, Nas, Destinys Child, Master P, and all the greats. So I had this around me so much at 12 I started writing structured songs and didnt even realize it. Football was passion #1 but when I decided to rescend my commitment to Eastern Michigan University, I started toying around with being in a band. After awhile my vocal cords suffered from pure metal music. So I turned to rap which was also like a hobby. Then once I began to network in around 2012 I noticed I had something alot of others didnt. So it was then I knew. The rest was waiting for the contract I signed stupidly to expire. My biggest influences would be Chronic 2001 by Dr. Dre and Hybrid Theory by Linkin Park.
(LS) Your most recent single regurgitate and there’s a single called “Welcome To Hell” which did amazing numbers on Twitter! What was the whole process behind those songs and why did you pick that specific song to shows case the project?
(B) The process behind these two singles were both random to be honest. I put out my second EP back in December and wanted to take my time on my third album so I do what I call SINGLE SZN. I drop a new song on major platforms every week. It started with my first single of 2020 which was 'Never' and 'Welcome to Hell' was the second. With that one it was Angry Orphan's concept (featured artist) and he sent me his parts and a rough idea and I thought since we both are lyrical artists let's do what Em and Royce do when they collab and take these same schemes but change our words and small parts of our flows. It made a very cohesive song. The marketing is always the same for me. I let people know way before something drops that it's coming. The main key is promoting stuff more than once. So many people drop a track, run it through some group chats for that day, and then leave it to die. You gotta keep pushing content towards people. With 'Regurgitate' I hadn't even planned a part of it. I woke up to an email from SupportArt's head engineer, Penny the Shabba, that two beats. One was the beat for that song. Wrote it in 15 mins recorded it mixed it, he mastered it while I did the cover, and within 4 or so hours a full song was ready and off to distrubution.
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(LS) What’s a regular day in the life of B-LIFE? Do you wake up in the morning go to the studio? Do you wake up in the morning and start interviewing people and check on your blog? What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
(B) The minute I wake up I need a shower. Cant start the day right without it. My studio and everything is at home so I just go off my daily planner. I keep everything written down including my own personal stuff and I usually pick whatever project I really dont wanna do to start. That way I'm getting through the 'blah' jobs with full energy and the shit I'll enjoy doing I save for later when I'm drained. Usually first thing I do business wise is touch base with my team. We use telegram so we can avoid social media. We a family so they come first. Next is clients. Always touch base with any clients waiting still or people I may have had halfway to the payment phase.
(LS) juggling music, blogs, graphics, and also a clothing brand how do you know when to find time for each creative outlet? Do you set a certain schedule for certain things? Do you have a certain day for certain things how does that work for you?
(B) I wish I knew. Everyday is dedicated to everything. I didnt want to say okay Tuesday we design only covers and logos but sell 5 videos the night before that Tuesday. I ask my clients for deadlines and bundle clients I tell them the timeframes. To be honest my turnaround is so quick and I've done this for so long I do it super fast. Some AMV clients get their video back in an hour with their mind blown. I try not to look at it as such a big work load. Whenever I do feel overwhelmed then its time for like 30 mins on the xbox or a jog. Somehow I never run out of creativity which certainly helps.
(LS) What’s your main goal as far as music? Do you plan on getting signed, are you looking to stay independent? Is music even your full on passion or are you looking to stay more on the blog and manager/artist development side or what is your main goal?
(B) Main goal is to get my label signed how Travis Scott did with Cactus Jack. It keeps the artist safe and in it's own way allows you to stay independent but with proper funding. Music is the main passion. I never say I manage my artists. We push them to build their own brands and we help them with that. I'm simply just keeping a platform all about love. The rest does it's own thing all by itself. Truly amazing.
(LS) Thank you again for being a part of this great come up, is there anything else you would like for the readers to know about you? Or should we keep our eyes peeled for anything to come in 2020? What are some links that you can share were new readers can go ahead and find your work?
(B) You can find everything related to be via my linktree which is linktr.ee/lifewitha1
Album 3's first single drops May 1st and you can already pre order it on Apple Music. Its titled 'Bob Ross' and ensomber produced it. Tune in. Tap in. We out here not just for us but for everybody with the it's always love approach. Just dont get shit twisted haha. You can find me everywhere but soundcloud. Bless up everybody and much love to The Local Shooter. Houston we strong!!
The Local Shooter Vs. B-L1FE
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imagine-twilight · 7 years
Can I have a ship? I'm 5'2 with blonde hair and blue eyes. I absolutely love music and like to do archery. I'm shy in large groups but fun and loud with friends. People say I'm funny kind and comforting to be with. Thank you so much! 😊
I ship you with Edward!
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-You were sitting in class, at the back, where you could hide the ear phones more easily from the teachers roaming eyes. 
-You were switching between songs, tracking songs that matched the weather. It was raining, but gently and peaceful. 
-It was your favorite weather. So you tried to find a calm song, with gentle instrumental music. 
-The back row of the class was mostly empty besides you and the Cullen kid. 
-You landed on a song and let it play through. Humming with it under your breath. 
-You could feel a pair of eyes flick over to you, assessing you. 
It was the Cullen kid. 
He stared, but without the usual intimidation that it held. It was more .. reproachful, maybe intrigued. 
You willed yourself not to look away. You had a habit with doing so, when it concerned the Cullen’s. 
Hell, everyone did. There was something about them that kicked in flight instincts. 
The moment the thought flew through your mind, a small smile appeared on his face. Fading as fast as it came, as though to hide whatever amused him. 
-When class finished, you took your time to pack away your stuff. It was last period after all, and you knew you wouldn’t get to your car in time to beat the traffic of school leavers. 
-Outside the class, you were surprised to see Edward standing idly by. He gave you a soft smile. 
-”I was wondering,” he said, his voice low and careful, “what was that song you were listening to? You were humming it in class …”
Your mind suddenly seemed to become a clusterfuck. Like many cars driving to sudden merge into one lane, and all it achieved was many angry honking drivers unable to move forward. 
“I can’t remember, it’s an old one … I can find it for you, if you want?”
“I know it must sound strange to ask, but it sounded beautiful. It makes more sense if you knew I compose music, and whatever you were listening to … it was kind of inspiring, I was hoping a name of it my help me.”
It made more sense now.
“I can find it for you, I kind of have to get home right now, but tomorrow I can get back to you?”
He smiled, “I would like that. Thank you.”
On your way home you thought of his soft voice and exploring expression. 
You wondered what type of music he composed. Maybe classical. Something about you made you think classical. 
-You scrolled through the songs on your phone, trying to locate the one you had been listening to … you had so many, it was hard to keep track off. 
-You found it and wrote down the name of the Song and the Artist. 
-You know it was such a small interaction, but you replayed it through your mind over and over. Suddenly intrigued by this enigma of a man. 
-The next day, you woke up and prepared for school, out the door slightly earlier then normal. 
-Snow had fallen during the night, so the roads were longer to make through, and you just made it through in time to beat the first swarm of people, able to claim a park closer to the front of the school. 
-You didn’t have many classes with the Cullen’s. Just Alice and Edward. 
-You can’t help but think you feel the pixie girls eyes on you when you have English with her. And you know it was strange to believe of her, but every time you glanced at her, it was like her eyes had moves off of you a split second before and was erasing a ghost smile off her face. Strange, right?
-You manage to catch Edward between classes, purely between classes when you were making way to next period. 
“Did you find that song?” He asked hopefully. 
“Yeah. I hope it lives up to something inspirational for your composing.”
The corner of his lips twitched up. “I think it will, you hummed a very beautiful tune, and I could see the Earphone cords, so I know you were listening to something nice.”
You hadn’t meant to say anything, but it blurted out, Politely at least. “What do you like to compose? What type of music?”
A real smile fell on his lips, “Classical.”
Knew it.
Something flicked past his face when you thought your triumphant thought. 
“You know,” he began, “I could show you something, if you wanted?”
“Yeah, I would like that.”
Before stepping away, “At lunch you can find me in the Music room, at the piano . Bring that note with the song name.”
You grinned this time, “I will.”
-It wasn’t until you reached your next class that you realized you never mentioned writing down the name of the song to him. 
-You were nervous as you made the music room later. One on one with the mysterious Cullen. 
-To his credit, he was playing when you walked in, taking away the awkward edge of conversation. Straight to it. He was reaching the end of the song.
“You really do that, how long have you been practicing?”
“A very long time. I wouldn’t call it practicing at this point.”
“That’s a strange part to say.” You reached into your bag and pulled out the note, “If you like this song, you love the artist. Unfortunately, he is dead so the songs are limited. I don’t think you would have heard of him, but, he made some great stuff  …”
You were ranting and you knew it, too. 
Edward looked at you with an amused expression. “Thank you, I’m sure I will.”
“So, you can play, any favorites?”
- It turned out to be really fun. Even teaching you a small tune that was easy to remember. 
-It became a thing you two do, a small bonding session each lunch time. To meet up and share music. 
-It was after school, and Edward was walking you to your car, “I was thinking you might like to come over sometime? If you don’t mind. I happen to have a curious family who wants to meet you.” he admitted after a beat.
You frowned. The Cullen’s wanted to meet you? They had never showed any sign during school that they wanted too. They could have said hi at any point … “I would like that.”
Edward seemed to sense your previous thoughts. “I know they can seem a little … reclusive, but trust me, they’re friendly. Mostly.” His voice teasing.
You grinned, “I’ll be there. I don’t think any of you will bite.”
Edward froze for a fraction of a second before a chuckle passed his lips. “Are you sure? We could be monster for all you know.”
Across the partly empty car parking lot, you heard a loud gruff laugh. Out of the corner of your eye, you see Rosalie hit Emmett on the shoulder. You eyebrows raised up in surprise when you saw the big burly man looking at you in bemusement. 
“I’ll take my chance with classical playing monster who probably folds his socks,” you quipped. 
“I’ll be you up at noon on Friday, then.”
-The rest of the week you anticipated the day. Gradually getting more and more nervous as the day neared. 
-If Edward could sense you queasiness, he didn’t say anything.
-When the day came, Edward picked you up. Perfectly on time. 
-He was a gentlemen and spoke politely to your parents held the car door open for you.
-The first person you saw within the house, was his Mother Esme, who quickly eased you into the house.
-You guessed she was the curious family member who wanted to meet you.
-Edward smirked at your thought because you weren’t wrong. 
-Esme was HIghkey and not even trying to hide it, but she was hogging the time with you.
-She was curious about the girl that was making Edward less pessimistic. 
-The next to meet you was Alice, who straight up hugged you. Like she was tiny, no doubt, but she picked you up a little bit in hug. 
-Basically who were unknowingly be interviewed by the Cullen women. 
-Rosalie made an appearance, but she mainly just looked at you from across the room. 
-The next to be met were Jasper and Emmett, but not for long, they were on their way out to a hunting trip, it was just brief hello’s. But Emmett did high five you.
-Jasper stared at you suspiciously. 
-Edward was talking loud enough for all Vampires to hear him telling them off. 
-Because you were meant to be spending time with HIM not THEM
-Esme let you go … barely … she was enjoying your company a little too much. 
-Edward rolled his eyes at them when Alice and Esme started lowkey planning your wedding in their head.
-It wasn’t that serious between you, but they were fantasizing and he wasn’t going to stop them. 
-Edward showed you his own music room, and all the songs he composed over time. 
-You geeked out a little at his extensive music collection.
-You visited more after that.
-One day during lunch when you could be found in the Music room, Alice skipped in, she didn’t do anything, just wanted to hang out. 
-It became normal for Alice to join you and Edward on the occasion. 
-Edward hated it. Because this was HIS TIME WITH YOU.
-Alice rolled her eyes at this and told him to bite it (essentially telling him off). In her mind, you guys would be best friends and Edward had no right or say in that. You were your own person.
-Alice shopped with you. That was your thing together. 
-And you loved when she dressed you up. You loved it when she had her fingers through your hair and twirled it between her fingers. 
-Sometimes you went to the Cullen house to see Alice. 
-Edward would give her the look when you did this because he doesn’t like to share your time. 
-You would think you would have noticed something by now about them but you hadn’t. Something did niggle at you at the back of your mind, but you never entertained these thoughts 
-There was a big debate on whether to tell you or not. 
-But only of Edward asked you out. That was the family made compromise. 
-The debate started when Alice brought it up. She really wanted a new friend, and one that wouldn’t die …
- Once of your interest are Archery, and Edward has taken you to his place to practice. 
-Even Jasper and Emmett are watching, commenting on how to help and refine your technique. 
-Besides Edward, Alice and Esme, you probably get along with Emmett best. He is like the older brother you never had, and he had easily taken you under his wing. 
- Once someone teased you in school, and you were pretty sure Emmett zeroed in on him, because you had gotten a verbal and handwritten apology back within an hour. 
-You asked Emmett if he did something when you passed him in the halls, but he winked and kept walking, looking very a proud rooster strutting away.
-Emmett is waiting for Edward to hurry up and ask you out so you can know the secret. 
-This is basically the only reason he want you two together. Your like this little munchkin he wants to protect. 
Emmett is lowkey getting impatient. So he ‘accidentally’ blurts it out to you.
You think he’s joking around, so your brush it off. 
“No, seriously Y/N, aim for the target and shoot, and I can bet I’ll get there before the Arrow does.”
You know Emmett and accustomed to this humor of his, so you agree. “Sureeeeeee, Em, beat the arrow, if you can.” Sarcasm dripping from your voice.
He grinned. 
Edward is internally freaking out beside you because what can he do without sending off a red alert?
“Don’t get mad if I shoot you.”
“I won’t.”
As if he’ll get in front of the arrow if he wanted to. He isn’t that fast. 
You aimed and shot. 
You didn’t know how to react when he appeared in front the target smirking, the arrow bouncing harmlessly off his broad chest. 
You just stared, and cocked another arrow in the bow and shot again. The same result. the arrow breaking on contact and falling harmlessly to the ground.
They had a lot of explaining to do. 
- It was kind of funny, in a way. You were in the house, surrounded by concerned looking vampires (Except Emmett, he showed no regret). 
-They were all so carefully explaining it to you as though you were about to stand up and run away screaming. 
-Emmett bulldozed basically over everything they said by going, ‘Edward shut up, you make us sound worse then we are. We’re not monster for crying out loud. Y/N we are Vampires, and no, we don’t drink human blood. Animal instead. And we sparkle. And some of us have gifts.”
- “Gifts?” You ask. 
- You came to terms pretty quickly with them being vampires, just like Emmett suspected. But you were mortified when you found out Edward could read your mind. 
-”Seriously? All this time! And you never said anything.”
- …. imagine all the things you thought in his presence that were inappropriate … just … imagine …
-After that, you found your place among the Cullen’s. 
- Edward asked you out. He knew you would say yes. So did Alice. They just wanted the timing to be right.
-Emmett asked if you would consider being a Vampire. 
-You said no.
-They were all kinda surprised by this. Rosalie warmed up to real quick. Bonding. Because someone saw their side of things … sort of. 
-It wasn’t that you didn’t want to be a Vampire, it was just, you wanted to be older. Just a little. Not to old that dating someone who looked seventeen would be weird, but … older. You didn’t want to pass for HIgh School age. 
-But then again, Emmett did, and he did not look like he was meant to be in High School. He was turned when he was twenty. So who knows.
-After a few years, you decided to turn. Your nineteen, you didn’t wait as long as you thought you would.
-When your twenty one. Edward marries you. There was no rush before … but now, he wanted it to be official with you. 
~Admin Bree
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primus-why · 8 years
Hit me up with them Bayverse Hot Rod predictions or what the heck you think is gonna happen. I'm disparate for the trash child
AIGHT, here’s a long-ass rant of what I think is gonna go down in Bayverse number 5:
I think, first and foremost, Unicron will be awakened. I think Unicron will have actually been around way back in the day (hence the King Arthur stuff?), and had Predicons under his command that became the myths and legends we humans interpret them as today (AKA “dragons”, “hydra”, “monsters”, etc.). Lockdown had been alluding to a big religious phenomenon while he was around in the last movie, and I don’t think it was just centered around Optimus. Remember how the Dinobots were on his ship? What if they were also minions to Unicron, originally? Basically Unicron employs big beasts to roam the planet, and I think Lockdown was using the humans to collect them– all under the guise of helping humanity, when in fact, I think he was going to release them upon the humans to take back the Earth and kick-start Unicron’s revival.
I think Unicron is gonna pull a Transformers Prime on us and possess some people, most notably, Optimus Prime. How, you may ask? Well, Optimus has become more and more flawed as the movies have gone on. If we think about Primus, a being associated with life-giving properties, Optimus does his best to ensure a certain quality of life for all those he meets. He would do what he could in the first film to uphold his religious teachings/obligations. “Do not harm humans” was a part of his Primely mantra for so long, but then what happened in the last two films? Optimus slays another Prime, another holy entity; Optimus kills humans out of rage and anguish. And let’s not forget, he has killed Decepticons. Sure, it’s in self defense, but what kind of Prime kills the people he is supposed to protect?
So, what I am getting at here is that Unicron will use this corrosion, this slight, way-less-than-other-Primes-but-still-there corruption of Optimus Prime as a means to enter his psyche. Thus, we get purple-eyed Optimus. And from here I’d like to believe that Megatron only get involved and tries to help our main heroes at some point because he’s under the impression that he can prove his resilience and strength to Unicron, who could then leave Optimus’ body and give him some ultimate power. BUT, right as Megatron is betraying our main group, making his case to Unicron/ Unicron-possessed Optimus, OUT STEPS MOTHERFUCKIN’ GALVATRON FROM THE BUSHES, and oh shit now it’s Megatron vs Galvatron!!!! Cuz Unicron is like “why would I take you, an obsolete original, when I already have the loyalty of your upgraded superior…? Finish him.”
Anywho, I’d also like to toss in some BS and say the Dinobot make a reappearance and are firmly on Team (good) Prime, er… I guess Team Bee at this point. Imma come up with something convoluted like, they imprinted with Optimus, or Optimus broke Unicron’s hold over them in the last movie when he beat them into submission, or whatever. I’d also hold some hope that the human characters might be the ones to give them speech– think about it. Team Bee is isolated from their usual leader, who is actually trying to kill them right now; we’ve got some rando, sort of silly French guy who’s really late to the party; Bumblebee, who might not be ready to lead just yet; and maybe if we’re lucky some bots/Wreckers from the last film. Maybe. Anyways the humans are frustrated because everyone is really lacking in the communication skills. Maybe then, one of the Dinobots walks up and curls around them, and a human companion offhandedly says something like “I wish you could talk, maybe you’d have some more information on Unicron…”
And then, BAM, Cade Yeager and his small friend (who I am gonna assume/hope again the odds is also a super smart engineer person) upgrade the Dinobots with a speech ability. This could explain why Grimlock and pals have limited speech– it was engineered by humans, which of course can only grasp so much of Cybertronian technology…
To get to what you were asking about, originally– where is Rodimus Hot Rod gonna fit into all this? I think he’s going to be very similar to Bee in the first movies (I think Bee seems a little more serious now, but that could just be speculation). He and Bee are gonna be BEST BROS. I think he’s going to be fun-loving, a little goofy, and probably really trusting towards humans (after he gets over a phobia of organics, perhaps???) Like Bee will be like “These are humans, they’re our friends” but then Hot Rod and friends are gonna get cornered by the government and Hot Rod is gonna be all “It’s okay, friends! We’re just here doing this-and-that, blah blah illegal things!” and Cade is gonna be like “THOSE guys AREN’T our friends!” Giggles will be had from the audience, they’ll be captured, and heck, maybe some bot is gonna die. IDK.
I think there’s gonna be some heart-to-heart scene while they are captured where Bee is like, being the stern one for once and is like “Take things more seriously!” but then it’s revealed that Hot Rod is always happy-go-lucky as a sort of front, as a way for him to deal with the awful shit he’s seen off-planet. And ANGST ANGST ANGST and PTSD. Like maybe if we look back after this reveal we’ll see signs that he really hates explosions or something– MAYBE when he arrives and he and Bee are being pals, a fight with an enemy group breaks out and it’s revealed that Hot Rod is actually super freaked out by explosions/battle or whatever. Freezes up. Hides. That sort of thing. Bee or other bots are like “What happened to the kick ass guy I used to train with?” and Hot Rod brushes it off with a joke. I wouldn’t put it past Bay since he seems like the kind of guy who would subscribe to the stereotype that French people are cowards.
Another thing Imma spin with: You know those pics of Cybertron crashing into Earth? Well, in Transformers Prime we’ve seen how Cybertron itself is Primus, while Earth is Unicron. Maybe these two planets so close together is what wakes up Unicron. Or maybe it’s the abominable experiments the humans made that have no spark (Galvatron)? Maybe it’s both lol. He could want to break free of his planetary form, and maybe only one Cybertronian god can release/destroy another, so he orchestrates the possession of Optimus Prime so as to use Primus’ own vessel to draw in Cybertron (Primus’ planetary form) until it destroys his planet form, then he would be free to wreak havoc across the universe. Or maybe he does it to destroy himself because he’s bitter and hate the humans crawling all over him. Or maybe it’s another thing that I will get to later.
AIGHT, so anyways I also want to take a moment to think about the title “The Last Knight”. I know Optimus is seen holding a sword, so maybe he’s gonna become a knight? I know that seems obvious, but hear me out on this. Armed with the knowledge that in other continuities, Hot Rod gains the Matrix and becomes Rodimus Prime, what if Optimus is slowly losing his connection to the Matrix? What if at some point Hot Rod does some daring do that then tunes the Matrix to him? Optimus may willingly die to be able to pass on the Matrix to someone else, someone better than his corrupt self. Remember “rethink your heroes”? What if that tag line is like a way to soften the blow of taking Optimus out of the Prime position (like instead of outright killing him in a shocking twist like in the G1 movie and then trying to replace him, they’re giving us a warning this time lol). HOWEVER, knowing Optimus’ life, he could get revived anyways (you know that OP floating in space clip), blessed once again by Primus for recognizing his faults, and instead of crowing two Primes, revives and anoints him to be a Knight of Cybertron. Then it becomes his duty to protect and be a mentor to the new Rodimus Prime. Rodimus gets to learn from one of the best, while forging his own path of Primacy. And his buddy Bee will be there all the way to support him too.
Final misc movie stuff: Cade’s daughter and her BF are never in this one. She’s in college or studying abroad or some BS. Young girl travelling with him NOW is/was a child prodigy of engineering. Bumblebee becomes a leader of his own small team, who peel off from Optimus’ main remaining ‘bots. Megatron and Galvatron’s battle takes them off a cliff, into the ocean where it’s up to the audience (or lol the next film) to find out who won who’s next you decide. Dinobots are turned loose after Grimlock proves to Optimus and Bee and Rodimus that he is a (pretty) intelligent, but capable leader for them, and agrees to keep in touch. aND THEN, OHHHH AND THEN–
I want it to be revealed at the end or implied throughout the film that the Quintessons have been orchestrating the whole thing, giving a set up for the next film. Maybe Quints are what gave Optimus the Unicron bug in the first place– perhaps he is doing some space meditation and feels this connection with a divine source, but he realizes too late that it is Unicron reaching into his mind. Maybe Primus and Unicron were just as much of a creation of theirs as the Cybertronians. Perhaps Cybertron/Primus was created as a factory for these Cybertronians, however it had developed an artificial intelligence which bled into and infected the things it created. Well, artificial/imperfect by their standards at least. So then they made Unicron, a polar opposite to Primus in every way to balance it out. Only something so large could be destroyed by an equal or greater entity, they reasoned. Unicron too developed an AI, but they anticipated this, and programmed him to only ever destroy. Perhaps Unicron becomes aware of this, and thus tries to kill himself and Primus to end his suffering. Or, perhaps the Quints programmed him to enforce a hard reset on their experiments– aka, programmed him with a self-destruct button. Anyways I want a looming threat of the Quints as the next film sets them up to formally “meet their makers” lol. (maybe they can kill one of them this film, and Bee can be like “what the hell was THAT” and Optimus can get all serious and be like “a quintesson”) also lol Primus/Unicron is dead after this flick, weeeee~
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