#i've added Several to my Shopping List
riftwalker-limbro · 1 year
i fucking LOVE that you can put frames' animations on different frames
like what other game lets you customize animation sets. c'mon.
i switch limbo from limbo's noble to harrow's noble from time to time but i'm shopping around for another one and there's been Several New Sets since i last checked and auhdfghhg i love them all
why gauss so jumpy. inaros' stances literally just switch between the two Modes of Mummy: still & upright in a casket & Zombie Mode. ivara's agile just dances around, as does zephyr harrier's agile
mirage oneiro. what's on my ceiling??
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jhdbfbh it's immediately followed by nekros. what's on my flOOR
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and nezha's out here just balancing on one leg like an absolute fuckin. legend. (i have incredibly bad balance on less than two legs and i am JEALOUS.)
honestly like. tag yourself. i'm octavia's agile set. my stance, sitting or standing, is Shrimp & dancy stimming. also hiding something behind my back at all times.
revenant is just stuck halfway through the YMCA verse?
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wait valkyr carnivex also thinks there's something on my ceiling, clearly
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need to get all of these frames to find out What Is Going On with their Heads for these animations to make sense because they look hyper goofy on limbo like this
there need to be better ways of previewing all the animations in a set on a given frame. i NEED to know what yareli's dance looks like on poor Vince. but am i willing to spend 50 plat on it? hmmmMMM
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mauesartetc · 9 months
If y'all are hungry for a character design challenge, might I recommend the "ideas grid" section in "Fundamentals of Character Design"? (Seriously, read this book. It's GOOD.)
The book encourages the reader to choose some themes from the categories provided, but that seems a bit easy for my taste. I figure I'll just gravitate toward the design elements I'm already fond of, and where's the fun in that? Where's the challenge in doing something I've done a hundred times before?
Thus, I'm adding a component of randomization. I'll number the items in each list from 1 to 20 and use a random number generator to pick one from each (using the first selected number for the first category, the second number for the second category, and so on). Then I'll design a character based on the results, and so can you!
Category 1: Anatomy
Category 2: Style
Fashionable (the book had "stylish" here but I felt a stylish style would be too vague lol)
Category 3: Emotion
Pitying (the book had "kind" here, but that's more a personality trait than it is an emotion. So I went with an emotion that would lead someone to acts of kindness.)
Category 4: Color
Category 5: Role
Category 6: Item
Category 7: Setting
Historical (might pull out the random date generator for this one)
Obviously these are just starting points and you don't have to include something from every category, though doing so in a natural, cohesive way would be an impressive flex of your design skills. Let me know which words y'all got, and if you design a character based on them, drop a link!
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Hunting for Clues-with-a-capital-C, a meta of Good Omens metas, and GO fun!
*I'm adding to this list as I find new and interesting Clues and theories!
*This post version is dated 19 Jul 2024; the current version is pinned to my profile.
* I maxed out Tumblr's link limit! Here's the Google doc with many of the Clues, links, discontinuities, and metas I've collected from all over the fandom. There's a new section at the top called "Discontinuities and Reports from the Ineffable Detective Agency"! (Inspired by this post from @kimberleyjean!)
Below, you'll find a list of my original posts, most of which are filled with fact-finding, Clue-hunting screenshots that will probably leave you with more questions than answers! Several of these posts are also presented in partnership with the Ineffable Detective Agency:
The Appearing Sign:
The Honolulu Roast sign appears in the middle of a scene?! AND the lamp moves?!
The Bentley:
How to tell the "three" Good Omens Bentleys apart, without talking about color
Ineffable discontinuity and the Bentley's roadtrip transformation: new back doors and other changes (after it was yellow)
The open Bentley window at the end of season 2
Clocks and Time:
The Ineffable Detective Agency Presents: The Main Bookshop Clock's Hands are BACKWARDS and Other Revelations!
The ineffable discontinuity of time in ALL of Good Omens season 2?
Crowley's watch doesn't always have hands
Good Omens season 2 ending and Crowley's (probable) Time Stop
Crowley's sideburns:
Crowley’s sideburns
Crowley's sideburns aren't even consistent in the promo photos.
Extras Behaving Strangely:
Hawaiian Shirt/Pub Table Guy
Marking the Columns
The Demon in an Orange Hoodie
Gabriel's Memory Returns:
The Ineffable Detective Agency presents: Gabriel's memory
Plus, hidden audio in the memory tunnels?
More Assorted Discontinuities:
Edinburgh and the Briefcase, presented by the Ineffable Detective Agency
The disappearing textiles storefront (and Maggie's second sign)
When does Mr Arnold's shop arrive? After season 1, except Neil says it was in the 1970s
Season 1: First Wombat in Space (also, Bentley bullet hole decals)
Set Furnishings:
The circular bookshop rug CHANGES?!
The Good Omens bookshop furniture changes between s1 and s2 (but NOT after Adam reboots reality!)
The s2 Bookshop / s1 Hospital Sink
Other Speculation and Questions:
On Neil's Tumblr asks, Staying Skeptical, and Gravity Falls
Finding hope for s3 and perspective for s2 in Neil's s1 podcast with David Tennant
The BTS parking ticket translation
The S2 Opening Title Sequence: analysis
The Ineffable Detective Agency presents: the origins of the white bust in the bookshop (a really lovely theory, you should read it!)
Parallels with Nightmare in Silver (Doctor Who written by Neil) - multiple Crowleys?
Has Aziraphale been meeting with Floating Head Metatron throughout s2?
Would even vulnerable, heartbroken Crowley try to protect Aziraphale at all costs? A possible hidden transfer in the kiss.
I have questions about Nina and ESPECIALLY about Maggie...
Don't pay the guy with the blue glasses, he doesn't work here!
If you enjoyed my research, stay tuned for future posts, and take a look at my Google doc for even more Clues and metas from all over the fandom!
Some closing bits of encouragement:
A: "You just said it was the only way to prevent something terrible happening!"
G: "Really? What?!"
A: "I don't know!"
G: "Well then, I expect it will be fine. Most things are fine in the end."
Neil: "Tell him that it will all be all right in the end, and that we are not yet at the end."
Plus, for fun:
Good Omens ✨Clues and Detectives✨:
Celebrating lots of milestones, including my 1500th follower! See all the posts here!
Good Omens Day of ✨Dance✨:
Learn all about my GO "Day of Dance" and get a link to all the fandom art I shared, here!
My Fanfiction:
From the GOMM holiday exchange: Cocoa and Fairy Lights, How to Fight Your Chemistry and Lose
GOMM 2024: Orbiting a Memory, featuring a gorgeous illustration of Saraqael by @altonthebard
Fan Fiction Friday: The Universe Might Answer: Broken Moonlight
From the GO Song & Poetry Exchange: The Ineffable Dance
GOMM reverse bang 2024: Silver Screen Solace, featuring a playful book omens theater drawing by @ufofrommarss
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ftmtftm · 1 year
ftmtftm's reading (and watching) list
So I've been putting this list together to help people understand my beliefs and also to expand their own. This is a list of theorists, poets, authors, artists, and people that I often source from whose works have deeply impacted my framework of the world. I hope someone else can find them useful as well.
I've included several videos because I know how inaccessible academic text can be, but I do encourage you to read the text if you're able and seek out copies of books listed at your local libraries or independent book sellers/second hand book shops! When I could not find a PDF for a written work I have added Thrift Books links. Also double check the Internet Archive, Trans Reads, and The Anarchist Library for more readings!!
If any of these links break please let me know and I'll see what I can do to fix them. I'll be adding to this list as time goes on as currently these are just the books I can see on my bookshelf and videos I could remember I've seen before!
3.4.2024 - This list is slightly outdated in that there are several authors and works I need to add. Please seach the names James Baldwin and Audre Lorde or simply my reading list tag on my blog for additional resources.
Kimberlé Crenshaw:
Critial Race Theory: The Key Writings That Formed The Movement - thrift books
Mapping the Margins: Intersectionality, Identity Politics, and Violence against Women of Color - PDF
The Urgency of Intersectionality - video
Kimberlé Crenshaw Intersectionality is NOT identity - video exerpt from her WOW keynote speech
Angela Davis:
Angela Davis Criticizes "Mainstream Feminism" / Bourgeois Feminism - video
Angela Davis What it means to be a Revolutionary (1972 Interview) - video
Roxane Gay:
Bad Feminist: Essays - Internet Archive
Roxane Gay: Confessions of a bad feminist - video
Roxane Gay, Feminism and Difficult Women - video
bell hooks:
Feminism is for Everybody - PDF
The Will to Change - Internet Archive / audio book - YouTube
All About Love - PDF / audio book - YouTube
Teaching to Transgress PDF / audio book - YouTube
Speaking Freely: bell hooks - video
bell hooks & john a. powell: Belonging Through Connection (Othering & Belonging Conference 2015) - video
bell hooks & Gloria Steinem at Eugene Lang College - video (intro ends 7:24)
Emi Koyama:
The Transfeminist Manifesto - PDF
Ijeoma Oluo:
So You Want to Talk About Race - thrift books
Ijeoma Oluo Talks at Google - video
Public Presentation with Ijeoma Olua - video
History / Journals
P. Carl:
Becoming a Man - thrift books
Library Labyrinth Live Presents: P. Carl Becoming a Man - video (intro ends approx. 3:20)
P. Carl Prologue UCCS - video (audio quality poor)
Keith Haring:
Journals - PDF
Keith Haring Documentary - video
Keith Haring On The Fence - video
Jack Lowery:
It Was Vulgar & It Was Beautiful: How AIDS Activists Used Art to Fight a Pandemic - thrift books
Susan Stryker:
Transgender History - PDF
Transitions, with Susan Stryker - podcast - YouTube
Lou Sullivan:
We Both Laughed in Pleasure: The Selected Diaries of Lou Sullivan 1961-1991 - trans reads
Trans Oral History: Meeting Lou Sullivan - video
A series of video interviews with Lou - playlist
Fiction / Poetry
Chinua Achebe:
Things Fall Apart (novel) - PDF
I'm trying hard to not add too much of my own commentary to this post but personally I really think it's helpful to read Things Fall Apart in theoretical conversation with The Will to Change by bell hooks and in direct conversation with one of the works it was written in response to, The Heart of Darkness
Arundhati Roy:
The God of Small Things (novel) - thrift books
Arundhati Roy talks about her life and views on the world - video
Warsan Shire:
Bless the Daughter Raised by a Voice in Her Head (poetry collection) - thrift books
Warsan Shire reads her poetry - video
Zadie Smith:
White Teeth (novel) - Internet Archive
White Teeth (4 part Real Drama adaptation) - videos
Zadie Smith Interview: On Bad Girls, Good Guys and the Complicated Midlife - video
A Conversation with Zadie Smith - video
Pamela Sneed:
Funeral Diva (poetry and prose collection) - thrift books
Pamela Sneed Discusses "Funeral Diva" - video
I offer you a secret meme for your time (with books I still need to add to this list):
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copperbadge · 11 months
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[ID: Three images; top left, a spray bottle of clear liquid, labeled PRO SPRAY, sits on a gleaming cutting board; top right, Dearborn the tortie glares at the camera from the work desk's copilot basket. Bottom, a white rug with blue patterning in my hallway, surrounded at the edges by dark dustbunny-looking lumps.]
NaClYoHo Day Two! Pardon my grossness.
Yesterday afternoon I did the first of what is usually several trips to the hardware store; I bought spackle, gnat traps, and a PROFESSIONAL spray bottle. PRO SPRAY. It has an adjustable nozzle and measurement marks on the side, so I can dilute the vinegar pretty accurately. Last night I filled it up with vinegar water and laminated the kitchen, and this morning found and killed several weevils it drove out of hiding. It's sitting on the wooden cutting board because I had taken ALL the cleaning supplies out from under the sink and was reminded I should oil my cutting board with some Walrus Oil.
Dearborn is very skeptical about this morning's activity: carpet cleaning.
I threw on an episode of A Date With Dateline, popped in my earbuds, took down my Tineco One X vac and vacuumed for the first time in Slightly Too Long. I didn't get all the way through the house because I was running it on high which drains the battery, but usually vacuuming is a multi-day process. For what I paid for the Tineco I could have a high-end corded vac that does a better job, but I know that I won't use corded vacs because I hate the cord, so I'm okay vacuuming more often with the cordless. In any case, I hit the rugs because the next step was to break out the Hoover Powerdash Pet carpet cleaner and figure out how to use it.
I know I'm dropping a lot of brand names but just because I usually get asked; I don't make money from affiliate links or anything.
Anyway, the Powerdash came to me secondhand from friends who were moving, and for a long time it sat in my hallway in its plastic wrapping because I was intimidated by it. We never had one growing up and I've never really seen one in use. But it turned out that it was super easy to use, you just add water and cleaner to the tank and go; you go over the rug once with the trigger down, to spread water/cleaner, then a second time without the trigger to rinse/dry. I only hit about half of the rugs in my home, just to see how it went, and then stopped because they all seemed to remain very wet after cleaning. (They've since pretty much dried and I'm assured by the internet that's normal.)
The white patterned carpet above is the cats' favorite place to roll around and shed on, and as you can see, those dark dustbunny looking things around the carpet? That's cat hair and other dirt the cleaner pulled up. Gross but visibly effective.
I got a slightly late start so I had myself on a hard time limit; I started at 7, finished up at 8, and still had half an hour left on A Date With Dateline (they sometimes run a bit long). The cleaning solution definitely adds a certain chemical smell to the air, so I'm running the HVAC's fan and I've added "scented candle or incense" to the shopping list. Which I wanted to do anyway; some people always have such nice smelling houses and scent never seems to stick around in mine, but I've never gone hardcore on Making This Place Smell Nice. (Yes, I promise to be careful about what scents I use, I know diffused scents can harm cats.)
Disposable nitrile glove count: Still just 1!
Hardware store trips: 1.....so far.
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Pssst...come here. I have a little secret.
Selling one of my original paintings will result in hitting the current goal and someone receiving a free quilt.
Selling all four of my original paintings will result in wiping out Cacoa's vet bills (there are two and total just over $1400 USD), paying for a plumber (wet season will be here soon and we need the plumber NOW), wiping out one of our other debts (around $1200 as of this post, and it will start collecting interest next spring), and a good chunk of the rest (around $5k, not collecting interest). That means several people will be winning a quilt.
To anyone who purchases one of my paintings: I will be happy to make a little quilt for you as thanks.
Paying off the debts will mean we can actually save money rather than spending it all on bills, food, and paying off these debts. More exciting goals will be posted instead, like being able to purchase things from my wishlist. You may, of course, purchase these on my behalf and receive a free quilt as a show of thanks. It would just be really nice if I could afford to purchase things myself.
Please, buy my paintings. I would like to no longer have to beg for help, and these are the fastest way to making it possible.
I have $9455 worth of artwork in my shop right now. That includes both my paintings and quilts (coasters and up). More is being added every week until I take a significantly overdue break that's longer than a week (I need at least a month seeing as I've been working virtually nonstop since February). I would be outstanding if it all sold. Right now, I'll be satisfied with just one or two of my paintings selling. Ecstatic if all four sell. I may very well faint in shock if everything in the shop sells before the year is over though. Pay off all our debts, put money aside to replace the plumbing, and purchase some things from my wishlist.
Please share this!!! For those from social media, it means hitting the reblog button, not liking the post. Liking it is a bookmark for you and no one will see it. I'm not on social media (for a long list of reasons) and never will be. If you use social media, please share this information as well as my links. If you've received my work, be it a gift, shop purchase, giveaway prize, or commission, share a review of it on your social media accounts. I'm a Disabled artist (on a fixed income of enforced poverty) and will never be able to work a "Real Job," my husband is the only one employed (currently a dishwasher), and he's also my caregiver (the state pays him and it's enough for the mortgage and a couple bills). Selling my work is the only way I can make any income. Vendoring conventions and craft fairs is not an option due to my health as well as my husband's work schedule, so please don't suggest those.
Thank you!
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netherworldpost · 7 months
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The Netherworld Post Office back office, handling private client work, did not have it's expected slow season. Which is good! Production testing is very expensive!
But also I worked myself ill, which was a bad idea!
I'll be fine in a few days.
Or depending on when you read this soon-to-be-pinned everywhere post, I'm fine now!
Over the last several months, I looked at the hard question "hey why aren't we open on the public side?" and it hit me:
Instead of following through with the plan, I was sneakily trying to re-create Evil Supply Co.
Side note: If that name is familiar, but this doesn't make sense, then the short answer:
@evilsupplyco closed in Summer 2019.
I am Atticus of Evil Supply Co. Hi!
I got into a traffic accident, the ensuing next few years Covid wrecked the world, life has been intense :)
The Netherworld Post crew is the same crew behind Evil Supply Co. and we changed/are changing the name because the new shop is going to be spooky-mail-focused as opposed to experimenting with... spooky... everything.
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In September or so, just before our back office busy season started, I realized I had been saying "I'm going to focus on what we do best -- greeting cards -- and everything else is secondary."
I. Uh. Kept adding things anyway. To the... list. And making. New. Lists.
(learn from me, don't do that)
So in the depths of Intense Client Work and then laying on a couch for several days to allow my drawing arm to heal and my brain to slow down, I realized I had been violating what I set out to do:
Make a really fun, very inexpensive, greeting card company that sells the occasional zine, and has lots of useful downloads. Some pay-if-you-want (free if you don't), some a few dollars.
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...this image... hurts my feelings... because it was this is what was happening to me.
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I've learned a lot in the last several months --
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I'm going to recover fully.
Send all the files lingering to test print one last time.
Then when they come back, the shop opens.
A handful of weeks at most.
I wanted to launch with DOZENS of greeting cards and A HUNDRED downloads and THIRTY ZINES and and and and and and and and --
-- and we're going to launch with about 10 greeting cards, probably 5 or 6 downloads, and zines will wait while we add more greeting cards and downloads etc.
I am admittedly REALLY EMBARRASSED to be preparing a shop launch SO SMALL after SO LONG.
(I'll get over it. We'll add new stuff regularly forever.)
mailing list: netherworldpost.com
Sign up! If you're already on it, the tech witches auto-sort to ensure you're not being bombarded with a million emails.
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(Actual conversation with the crew. I wanted to draw all of this out and my producer Fang was like "hey why don't you instead use that time to work on the actual drawing list instead" and I was like "great idea thank you")
one last time, mailing list: netherworldpost.com
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queseraone · 4 months
I got asked this question and loved it so much, I wanted to open it up to the group.
If you could choose 5 Chenford scenes to rewrite, which would you choose, and how would you rewrite them?
Oooh, thanks for the ask Becca! I had a similar one from an anon, so consider this the answer to that one too 😘
Okay, so I'm going to preface this by saying... as much as I love this ship and this show, I could probably give you an endless list of things I wish they had done differently/better. Particularly in the more recent seasons, a lot of the storylines have felt... rushed?
And in a lot of ways, it feels like once they pulled the trigger for Chenford, they hit the gas so hard that they blew past a lot of story. (Okay, that's two unrelated metaphors in there, but I hope you get my point.) I know Chenford isn't the main focus of the show, but it is a huge lure, and it feels like a waste to not lean a little harder into some of those moments. A lot of the time it feels like they're giving quantity over quality for Chenford scenes, like they're trying to meet some unspoken quota for moments, but aren't putting much care into what those moments actually are.
Oh god, that all sounds sooooo negative. I swear I love Chenford and the show, no matter how much I may criticize it 😅
I desperately wish things had gone differently in 5x05. Tim should absolutely have broken up with Ashley, not the other way around. They still could have played it similarly, but instead have it be Tim getting that reality check. Nothing quite like your entire future being in jeopardy to make you take a good hard look at your life and who you're spending it with.
A lot of 4x08, but particularly their last scene of the episode and the way Lucy is written as more 'Team Genny' than 'Team Tim'. It's wildly out of character for her to not be able to recognize that Tim isn't just being stubborn, but rather he's having a very valid response to trauma.
It seems like perhaps there was a scene missing somewhere along the way leading up to that conversation at the end of 5x08. It has always felt like a bit of a leap between their conversations in the shop and that closing scene. They're clearly on the same page at the end, but they didn't quite succeed at showing how they landed there.
Look, as much as I adore the group scenes at Nolan's in 5x13, it will forever bother me that we didn't get a relationship reveal. What's the point of touting a 'secret relationship' and not bother bringing it out into the open? For a show that absolutely leans lighter than any other cop show I've seen (save for Brooklyn 99), the sheer comedy potential is a loss I will be mourning forever. I think it especially bothers me because we were kind of left in limbo between 5x12 and 5x16. We know they were still hiding it in 5x12, but then by 5x16 they were comfortable with people gossiping about their Valentine's Day plans? Make it make sense.
This can be related to several different scenes (5x12, 5x21, etc...), but for the love of god, stop telling us that Tim and Lucy are horny for each other and show us for once! They can tout this as "a family show" all they want, but as far as I'm concerned, this is a show for adults. And if a person is old enough to watch the host of other mature things they do show (physical assault, a man on fire, someone being blown up, shootings, etc.), they can fucking handle a non-HBO level sex scene.
I'm adding this as a bonus answer, because I can't necessarily pinpoint a specific scene to change here. As a general season 6 rewrite, I really wish they'd focused more on the UC conflict with Chenford. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the exploration of Tim's military past and the demons he has from that time, but it just felt... forced? Certainly a byproduct of the shortened season, but I wish they'd woven that in more organically, and not all but forgotten the UC issue after it was so prevalent in 6x01 and 6x02. There's just so much more to unpack than what we saw in their conversations in those episodes.
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breelandwalker · 9 days
Willow Wings Witch Shop - New Merch Drop!
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September is here and it's finally time for some new additions to the shop! One is an item I've had on my market table for a while now and the other is a charm I've been working to perfect for several months. Let's meet the new arrivals!
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New Home Powder
A formula tailor-made to assist with spells designed to find ideal or improved living conditions. The ingredients are chosen to attract the ideal property or circumstance, to avoid scams and deception, and to increase the chances of success once your offer is made. Pairs well with Home Blessing Powder.
Focus Mini Bottle Charm
This one's for all my witches who have difficulty quieting their minds or getting their scattered and busy brains stay on task. The peaceful turquoise crystal calls to mind a pool of still water, while the clarifying properties of rosemary and green tea help to keep you on task, whether it's magical workings or mundane matters. Yes, that's right - it's Hocus Focus.
Don't forget to use code HOCUSFOCUS for 20% off new and featured items all month long!
New entries in the Enchanted Items collection will now also be given their own individual catalog listings, rather than being variations under one entry. This will make things easier to find for shop visitors and new merchandise easier to spotlight for me. I'll be making updates to existing listings as I restock or feature items for the monthly showcase.
I've also added links to the podcast, Redbubble, and Patreon pages on the header menu to help customers find the show, buy merch, and support my projects. I'm also working on an ongoing Events calendar that will be added to the shop and my Wordpress once it's ready.
Speaking of events, CritWitchCon 2024 is coming up soon! I hope everyone has their tickets, but if you don't, there's still plenty of time to sign up with either the Full Access or Super Saver options. You can register and check out the full agenda here. Join us on Zoom on Sept 27th-29th for a weekend of magic and mayhem with everyone's favorite coven of common sense!
See you there!
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bloodylullaby · 4 months
Give Me Something Beautiful
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Summary: Morrigan's ordinary life takes an extraordinary turn when Noah Sebastian, the lead singer of Bad Omens, stumbles upon her quaint little shop adorned with her captivating photography. Intrigued by her talent and drawn to her genuine spirit, Noah invites Morrigan to capture the essence of his band's concert through her lens. Their initial friendship blossoms into a deep and meaningful connection as they spend time together, fueled by their shared love for art and music. Despite their challenges as their worlds collide, Morrigan and Noah navigate the complexities of fame and intimacy, ultimately finding solace and strength in each other's arms. Through their journey from strangers to lovers, they discover that amidst life's chaos, true beauty lies in the simple moments shared between two souls destined to be together.
Pairings: Noah Sebastian x OC
Content Warning: WHAT WE HAVE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR, also drinking :)
Word Count: 2570
Tag List: @thescarlettvvitch @malerieee @lookwhatitcost @herbhuntress @thatgirlforever5 @xxkittenkissesxx @lma1986
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Chapter Eight
It's been half an hour since the show began, and it's been absolutely fantastic. The crowd's energy is electric, creating a surreal atmosphere. I've pinched myself several times to confirm this isn't a dream. As I snap photos of the lively crowd, Bryan approaches me, leaning in so I can hear him over the noise.
"Hey, want to capture some shots from the side of the stage?" he asks with a wide grin. My eyes widen with excitement, and I eagerly nod in agreement. But as he leads me backstage, a flutter of nerves sets in. Bryan takes the side where Jolly is stationed, and I position myself on Nick's side. Just as I get into place, the song ends, and Noah begins engaging with the crowd. Nick notices my movement and offers a friendly wave, prompting me to snap a quick picture. He chuckles and grabs Noah's attention.
Noah's gaze lands on me, flashes a broad smile, and waves enthusiastically. "Before we dive into our next song, I'd like to introduce someone special," he announces, gesturing for me to step forward. Despite his encouraging gesture, I find myself frozen in place, overwhelmed by nerves. Nick, noticing my hesitation, chuckles softly before taking matters into his own hands. He pulls me onto the stage with a gentle tug on my wrist, breaking through my apprehension.
As Nick guides me to stand beside Noah, Noah casually drapes an arm around my shoulders, directing my attention toward the roaring crowd. It takes a moment for my eyes to adjust to the dazzling lights, but once they do, I'm spellbound by the sea of faces. The energy of a sold-out concert is even more breathtaking from the stage than from the pit. Eager to capture the moment, I snap a quick picture, eliciting a chuckle from Noah before he resumes addressing the crowd through the microphone.
"This is Morrigan!" Noah announces enthusiastically, his gaze shifting towards me with a warm smile. "She's shadowing Bryan for most of the tour, hopefully the entire journey." I shyly wave in response, but to my surprise, it incites a wave of excitement from the fans that I hadn't anticipated. Their screams fill the air, adding to the electrifying atmosphere of the moment.
"Not only is she incredibly talented behind the camera, but she's also my best friend," Noah declares, his smile radiating warmth. Before I can fully process his words, he leans down and presses a tender kiss on the top of my head. The unexpected gesture sends a rush of heat to my cheeks, turning them red like a tomato. The crowd's reaction is palpable, their cheers growing even louder. My breath catches as Noah envelops me in a bear hug, his words murmured into my ear, affirming the sincerity of his sentiment.
Noah finally releases me from the hug, reassuringly squeezing my shoulder. “Stay and take some pictures on the stage,” he says. I look at him to make sure he’s serious. He smiles reassuringly. “Bryan does it all the time. It's fine, I promise,” he insists.
“Okay, bet,” I reply with a wide smile. Noah turns back to the crowd, announcing the next song. As the music starts again, I move around the stage, capturing the band members from new angles and getting shots of the crowd from this unique vantage point. The energy is electric, and I can feel the pulse of the music through my entire body. Bryan catches my eye and nods approvingly, which boosts my confidence even more.
With each song, my nerves fade, replaced by the thrill of being in the heart of the action. I get some fantastic shots of the boys, each lost in their performance, and of the crowd, whose energy seems boundless. Noah frequently glances my way, giving me encouraging smiles between verses. During a brief break between songs, he even poses playfully for the camera, making the crowd cheer even louder.
As Noah announces the final song, I head back to the side of the stage for a breather and a drink of water. The band pours their hearts into the performance, and when the song finishes, they gather at the front of the stage to take their final bows. Just before Nick joins them, he grabs me and gently pushes me between him and Noah.  The crowd erupts in cheers and chants, their enthusiasm contagious. The boys bow together, arms around each other and me, thanking the audience for an incredible night.
I find myself grinning from ear to ear, caught up in the moment. Bryan, ever the professional, snaps pictures of us all together, capturing this unforgettable experience. The camera's flash and the crowd's roar make everything feel surreal. As we stand there, basking in the applause, I realize how lucky I am to be part of this journey, surrounded by such amazing friends and unforgettable moments.
As we exit the stage, the boys are still pumped up with adrenaline and begin messing around with one another. To my surprise, Noah grabs and lifts me, spinning me around. I erupt into giggles as he does so, the world a blur of lights and laughter. When he finally sets me down, I’m a little dizzy but filled with joy. The boys continue their playful antics, high-fiving each other and reliving the concert's highlights. Bryan comes over, grinning, and shows me a few photos he captured, each brimming with the night’s energy and excitement.
“Those are amazing!” I exclaim, still catching my breath. 
Noah slings an arm around my shoulders, still smiling widely. “Told you it would be fun,” he squeezes me.
“More than fun,” I reply, looking around at the band and the team and feeling a profound sense of belonging. “It was incredible.” Noah smiles warmly before excusing himself to take a shower.  As soon as he's out of sight, Bryan pulls me aside to show me another picture. It's a shot of Noah spinning me around, both of us caught in a moment of pure joy. My breath catches in my throat as I take in the image. The way Noah and I look at each other, eyes filled with affection, makes the photo profoundly emotional and beautiful. 
Bryan smiles, pleased with my reaction. “I knew you’d like it.” All I can do is nod, still staring at the picture, lost in the moment. “You guys look cute,” Bryan adds with a teasing grin.
I quickly look away, trying to hide my reddening cheeks. “Thanks,” I mumble, feeling both embarrassed and happy. The photo captured a special moment, and Bryan’s comment made it more meaningful. I took a quick picture of it, and after chatting for a couple more minutes, I headed in the direction Noah went, hoping he was finished with his shower so I could show him the photos I took. The hallway is quiet, a stark contrast to the bustling stage. I reach the dressing room door and knock lightly.
There wasn’t a response, so I let myself in. I hear a soft noise when I walk towards the couch in the middle of the dressing room. Intrigued, I look around and notice a door I hadn’t realized existed. As I walk closer to it, the door swings open, revealing a shirtless, wet Noah.
“Whoa, sorry!” I stammer, quickly turning around, my face flushing.
Noah chuckles softly. “No worries, I didn’t expect anyone to be here yet.”
“I wanted to show you the photos I took,” I say, still facing away, trying to calm my beating heart. He chuckles, and I can feel him getting closer. 
“Let me see then,” He said in a low voice. I turn back to him, trying not to eye his torso. I hand him the camera, and as he leans in to look at the photos, I feel his warmth. We started scrolling through the pictures together, though I was too busy focusing on him to register everything he said. He pauses and smiles softly when we reach the photo of him spinning me around. “This one’s exceptional,” he says, his voice almost a whisper.
“Bryan took that one,” I explained, glancing at him. “He has a talent for capturing moments.”
“He does,” Noah agrees, looking at me warmly. My cheeks flush again, and I look down, trying to hide my reaction. Noah reaches out and gently lifts my chin so I’m looking into his eyes. Our connection feels more potent than ever as we get lost in each other’s eyes. His gaze shifts to my lips, causing my breath to catch in my throat. Just as he starts to lean in slightly, the door swings open, making me take a step back, my face turning red.
Bryan walks in, oblivious to the moment he interrupts. “Hey, there you are! We were wondering where you two disappeared to,” he says with a cheerful grin.
I clear my throat, trying to compose myself. “Just showing Noah the photos I took,” I say, holding up the camera.
Bryan looks at us, a knowing smile playing on his lips. “Well, come on then, the rest of the gang is waiting. We’re celebrating a great show tonight!”
Noah and I exchange glances, a mixture of lingering emotions and unspoken words hanging in the air. He gives me a reassuring smile, and once Noah puts his shirt on, we follow Bryan out of the dressing room to join the rest of the team. As we're following Bryan, Noah places his hand on the small of my back, gently rubbing circles. I look up at him, and we share a warm smile.
As we walk down the hallway, the sounds of laughter and conversation grow louder, signaling the presence of the rest of the team. We step into a spacious lounge area where everyone is gathered, celebrating the night's success. Nick spots us first and waves us over. “There they are!” he exclaims, raising his drink in a toast. Jolly grins and pats a spot on the couch next to him. “Come on, sit down and join the fun!”
Noah and I find seats among the group. Drinks are passed around, and the conversation flows easily, filled with recounts of the night’s highlights and plans for the rest of the tour. The room buzzes with excitement and laughter, everyone riding high on the adrenaline of a successful show. Eventually, we moved the party back to the hotel, opting to have it in Noah’s room since it was big enough for all six of us. The atmosphere remains lively as we gather in his spacious suite, the room filled with laughter and the buzz of post-concert excitement. Nick finds the minibar and starts mixing drinks for everyone while Jolly tunes the room’s sound system to play upbeat music. 
We all settle into comfortable spots around the room, the conversation flowing easily. The energy is infectious and feels perfect to wind down after an incredible night. Bryan, ever the documentarian, takes out his camera and starts snapping candid shots of everyone, capturing the joyous moments. At one point, he turns the lens on Noah and me, urging us to pose together. We lean in close, smiling and laughing, feeling more comfortable and connected than ever. As the night wears on, the energy starts to mellow. People begin to stretch out and relax, some even nodding off in their seats. I find myself sitting next to Noah, our shoulders touching. He looks over at me, a soft smile on his face.
Jolly is the first to call it a night, giving me a bear hug before he departs. Everyone else follows him out shortly, leaving just Noah and me alone. The room falls quiet, the earlier buzz of laughter and conversation replaced by a comfortable silence. Noah looks at me, his eyes reflecting the warmth of the evening.
"Guess it's just us now," he says with a gentle smile.
"Looks like it," I reply, feeling nervous and excited. We sit silently for a moment, the atmosphere charged with unspoken words. Noah stands up, walks to the window, and looks at the city lights. I join him, standing close enough to feel the warmth radiating from his body.
"Tonight was amazing," he says softly, his gaze still fixed on the view outside. "I’m thrilled you were here to share it with us."
"Me too," I reply, my voice barely above a whisper.
Noah turns to look at me, his eyes searching mine. "You know, having you here just makes everything feel more real, more special."
My heart races at his words. "I feel the same way. This whole experience has been incredible."
He takes a step closer, closing the distance between us. "Morrigan, I..." He hesitates, then reaches out to gently touch my cheek. We silently stare at one another, the air thick with anticipation and unspoken emotions. Before I can respond, he leans in and kisses me softly, his lips warm and gentle against mine. The kiss is tender yet filled with all the emotions we’ve been too afraid to speak aloud. The kiss grows more heated, fueled by our passion and desire, igniting a fire that burns between us.
As the intensity of the kiss deepens, Noah pulls me closer, his hands tracing the contours of my body. Every touch sends shivers down my spine, igniting a primal need. Lost in the moment, we surrender to the passion building between us. The barriers between us crumble with each kiss, and our connection grows stronger. Time stands still as we explore each other, our bodies moving in perfect harmony.
Eventually, we break apart, breathless and flushed with desire. Noah gazes at me with adoration and longing, his eyes reflecting the depth of his feelings. "Morrigan," he whispers, his voice husky with emotion. "I've been wishing for this for quite some time." I nod, unable to find the words to express the depth of my desires. As we stand there, caught in the aftermath of our passion, I know I need to head to bed, or else things will cross a line that we might not be ready for. 
Noah presses his forehead to mine, just enjoying the moment. “I should probably get to bed,” I say softly. He looks into my eyes, silently inviting me to stay the night. “I really should go,” I state. He nods understandingly and walks me three feet to my room. As we stand at my door, there’s a lingering silence between us, filled with unspoken emotions. Noah reaches out and takes my hand, gently squeezing it before giving me another soft kiss.
“Goodnight, Morrigan,” he says softly.
“Goodnight, Noah,” I reply, feeling a sense of longing as I watch him walk away. I step into my room, closing the door behind me, the memory of our shared moment still fresh in my mind. Heading to my bed, I flop face-down onto it, letting a little squeal of excitement out. The events of the evening replay in my mind like a movie, each moment filled with a rush of emotion. I can’t help but smile as I relive the feeling of Noah’s lips against mine, the warmth of his touch, and the intensity of our connection. With a contented sigh, I snuggle into my pillow, grateful for the unexpected turn of events. As sleep begins to claim me, I drift off with thoughts of Noah dancing in my head.
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oreramar · 4 months
Florist Talk: Messiness
This one's for the sake of descriptions. Pull from this list of messes and ground them in situations. Most messes are the sorts of stains and so on that you might see on the Florbo themself; a few might involve the store or work area of the store.
Green fingers: certain stems and leaves stain, especially when you strip the leaves off by wrapping fingers around the stem and just running them down. Snapdragon stems are the worst for this in my experience; most others aren't too bad.
Yellow stains: some lilies have a very orange-yellow pollen. The stamens on these get plucked out so that they don't drop that pollen all over the flowers and, later, some poor recipient's tablecloth. You need to wipe the pollen off with a dry rag; using a wet rag or water only sets the stain into your skin further. Even then, enough contact = yellow stained fingertips, as well as yellow streaks and stains on any clothing or skin those fingertips happen to touch or brush up against. They'll fade or wash out eventually but can be noticeable for a bit, in a dingy sort of way.
Paint Flecks: Florbo might've used some florist spray paint to tint some flowers, or normal spray paint to alter a vase or basket or other container. This can mean speckles, streaks, or smudges on hands, arms, etc.
Glitter: Christmas and Valentine's Day can sometimes involve glittery picks and ornaments added to arrangements. The place I work at glitters everything for Prom. Glitter is always an option even outside of these special occasions. Florbo might well go home with stray flecks of glitter in various places, such as on the face.
Dirt: If the florist has live house plants on offer, they might also have to repot some plants, which can mean dirt on hands/under fingernails.
Sticky fingers: corsage glue is the worst. Tacky, slow to set, easy to spread. Create enough corsages and the fingers will come in contact with it. It's hard to pick off them even when dry. On a similar but less extreme note: there's this stretchy florist's wrap tape, usually green or brown, used to wrap the stems of boutonnieres. It's papery but there's just a bit of tackiness to it when stretched, which is how it sticks to itself. Use it enough, and that faint tackiness is left behind. Also also: pine sap. More of a hazard in the winter when that kind of greenery tends to be used, and can be mitigated by using hand sanitizer rather than trying to wash with water and soap, but it can persist even so.
Leaves n stuff in hair: less common in my experience but occasionally a possibility, especially with certain kinds of houseplants (ferns) or if working with dried moss (tangly, esp. spanish moss) around the bases of said plants.
Leaf and Stem mess all over work floor: Florbo perhaps has had a very very busy day to have scattered so much and not had time to sweep. I usually don't see this except around Mother's Day and V-Day, but that might be down to shop differences; some shops might allow clippings to accumulate on the floor and only sweep them up at the end. Even if big trash cans are available, not all trimmings go where aimed; some ricochet, bounce, or drop at a time not expected.
Blood: very uncommon very bad day, but always technically a possibility in a profession that involves a fair few sharp objects (stem clippers, trimming knives, boxcutters, broken vases, once or twice a really evil rose thorn that catches you just wrong). Severity will vary greatly. There'll be bandaids/a first aid kit in a cupboard in the back of the shop for sure.
Water on floor/soaked Florbo: could be anything from a spilled vase to a full on plumbing issue or leaky roof. A florist has to have access to water, probably some kind of work sink or other - something could've gone very wrong with pipes or nozzle. I've also worked in a place with a leaky roof and, when there was construction going on up there, a badly timed and very heavy storm resulted in an unplanned indoor water feature coming down from the ceiling. : )
Use any of these to describe a Florbo who is (or has been) hard at work recently. Mix n match if you like - maybe the length of their index finger and thumb are stained green from stripping leaves, but the tips are yellow from picking out pollen-laden stamens from lilies. Perhaps they've got flecks of red and gold glitter on their face and pine sap stickiness on their hands because xmas is coming and the people want their table centerpieces. Maybe they're slightly damp and frazzled because they had to move a bunch of display stuff in the store and set out half a dozen buckets to catch the drips and oh my god the landlord heard about this one.
Happy AU-ing!
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loveroftoomanyfandoms · 4 months
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Every Little Thing She Does is Magic, Chapter 2
Pairing: Platonic Steven Grant x Reader (for now)
Rating: T
Word count: ~2800
Story Summary: Steven meets a beautiful woman in the Egyptian exhibit at the British Museum...
...Too bad she's his new boss.
Tags/Warnings: Canon Divergent since Steven still works for the British Museum post-canon, No Jake Lockley, developing friendship
A/N: Here we are with chapter 2!
If you'd like to be added to the taglist for this (or any of my other writing), please let me know!
Title from the song of the same name by The Police.
“...Also, leave room for questions in between exhibits instead of just powering on through -- oh, who am I bloody kidding,” Steven said to himself as he went over his notes in the men’s room before his meetings with Dr. Y/L/N on Friday morning. “I can't do this. I can't. I never should have accepted this position. Is it too late to tell Dr. Y/L/N that I've changed my mind?”
“Hey, no, none of that,” Marc replied in his head. “You're gonna be great.”
Steven caught Marc’s reflection in the mirror. “You really think so?”
Marc nodded. “Your ideas are good. Besides, Dr. Y/L/N wouldn't have given you the job had she not believed you could do it.”
Steven took a deep breath. “Yeah. Yeah, you're right. Clearly she saw something in me, right?”
“Exactly. Now, go get ‘em.”
Steven squared his shoulders. “Okay, off I go.”
He exited the restroom and headed upstairs to the meeting room, knocking lightly on the door before entering.
He froze as he saw Dr. Y/L/N and the entire Curatorial team already seated. Oh, bollocks. Way to make a first impression. “Sorry, am I late?”
Dr. Y/L/N looked up at him and smiled. “Ah, Steven! No, you're not late at all. Have a seat, I'm glad you could join us.”
Steven sat in an empty seat across from her.
Dr. Y/L/N shuffled some papers in front of her. “Okay, let's get started. First, I'd like to thank you all for making me feel so welcome during my first week as museum director. I know I have some big shoes to fill, but I truly think we have a wonderful team here and I'm looking forward to working with all of you to make the museum's collection the best it possibly can be.
“Second, I'm assuming you all know Steven Grant, who is currently one of our gift shop employees but as of this coming Monday will be our Visitor Engagement Specialist.”
Steven gave a small wave as six pairs of eyes turned towards him. “Er, hello.”
“Steven’s first task as our new VES will be to update the guided tours,” Dr. Y/L/N explained, “so I asked him to sit in on today's meeting so he can include our new artifacts in his planning. Christina, why don't you go ahead and tell us about them.”
Christina, the head of the Curatorial department, cleared her throat. “Yes, well, the Cairo Museum has very generously loaned us the coffin of Akhenaten as well as a rather extensive collection of funerary masks from various ancient Egyptian kings and queens. Steven, I can email the list of who they were made for to you this afternoon.”
Steven nodded. “That sounds brilliant, thanks.”
“We'll have to pull a couple of display cases from the basement to house the masks, but we should be able to fit everything with the rest of the Ancient Egyptian artifacts on the 3rd floor without having to take anything out or move too much around, so that area should only be closed for a few days while we get the new display set up.”
“Excellent.” Dr. Y/L/N made a few notes. “Is there anything else that we would want to add or rearrange in any of the other areas while we're at it, to sort of refresh the rest of the collection?”
“Actually, a member just donated their private collection of first-edition classic British novels,” James, another member of the Curatorial staff, said. “There’s several Dickens, a couple of Austens, and even copies of Dracula and Wuthering Heights .”
Dr. Y/L/N’s eyebrows raised. “Have they been authenticated?”
James shook his head. “Not all of them. We're working on getting that done now.”
“Please let me know as soon as you do. I'd like to have those out on display as soon as possible as well. Anything else?”
Steven cleared his throat. “Er, actually, if I may…”
Dr. Y/L/N turned to him. “Yes, Steven?”
“If I remember correctly, a few years ago there was a lovely collection of Grecian pottery on display, but it was removed and I believe put in storage in order to make room for a statue of Zeus.”
“Oh, I think I know which collection you mean,” Christina replied. “The one that included a scene of Hercules fighting the Nemean lion?”
Steven nodded. “Yeah, that's the one. Do we still have that?”
Christina nodded as well. “Yeah, we still have them.”
“Perhaps we could put those back out?” Steven faltered when there was no immediate response. “Or not, I just thought…”
Christina shook her head. “No… no, you're right. We have the space for them, so there's no point in leaving them in storage.”
“Wonderful idea, Steven,” Dr. Y/L/N added. “Thank you. Any others?”
When no one else offered up any other ideas, she nodded. “Okay then, thank you everyone. I know sometimes things come to people after the fact or they don't feel comfortable sharing in a group setting, so if anyone has any other questions or ideas for sprucing up the displays my door is always open -- unless I'm in a meeting, of course, but in that case feel free to email me.”
As everyone began to stand and file out of the room, she looked over at Steven. “And speaking of meetings, instead of taking up the meeting room with just the two of us, how about you and I meet in my office instead, in say, 5 minutes or so? I need to stop off for some coffee first.”
Steven nodded, starting to get nervous again. Maybe I should brew myself a cup of tea while I'm at it. “Yes, ma’am.”
He headed downstairs to the staff kitchen, where Donna was sitting at a table eating a sandwich.
She glowered at him, but said nothing.
Steven caught Marc's reflection in the microwave. She doesn't look too pleased, Marc said with a smirk.
Steven bit back a smile as he filled the electric kettle with water then turned it on. Yeah, she's barely said two words to me ever since she had to apologize to me on Monday.
God, I wish I had been a fly on the wall for that meeting.
Steven grabbed a to-go cup and chose a tea bag before opening it and setting it in the cup. Me too, actually. It'd have been nice to see Donna get put in her place for once.
I just wish I'd have seen the look on her face when she found out that you were getting promoted to Visitor Engagement Specialist. I'm surprised she didn't quit in protest, especially since it meant she'd actually have to do inventory herself next week instead of pawning it off on you like she always did.
Steven shrugged slightly. I actually didn't really mind doing inventory. The stockroom was always quiet and it made the time pass by.
Once the kettle started boiling Steven poured the water for his tea into his cup and popped a lid on it. Alright, here I go.
He headed back upstairs to Dr. Y/L/N’s office and knocked on the open door. “Dr. Y/L/N?”
Dr. Y/L/N looked up from her computer screen and smiled. “Hi. Come on in.”
She stood and walked behind Steven as he entered, shutting the door behind him. “Have a seat.”
Steven sat in the same chair he had sat in on Monday when Dr. Y/L/N had offered him the VES position.
Dr. Y/L/N sat across from him and reached for a folder. “Alright, before we get started, I have the HR paperwork officially instating you into your new position ready for you to sign.”
She slid it over to him. “You can wait until Monday, of course, but I figured if you signed it today that'd be one less thing you'll have to worry about.”
“Oh, erm…” Steven opened the folder and quickly scanned the documents, still marveling at the massive (to him, anyway) raise that he would be receiving. “I can sign it today. That's not a problem.”
“Fantastic. Here you go then.” Dr. Y/L/N grabbed a pen and handed it to him. “By the way, I've scheduled a meeting with the rest of the Programming staff for first thing Monday morning to formally introduce you as the Visitor Engagement Specialist and to let them know that we'll be modifying the tours.”
Steven nodded and set his cup of tea down before signing the paperwork. “Oh, brilliant. Thanks.” 
“By the way, it was really a great idea to add that pottery collection back to the Ancient Greece display. Your clear knowledge and enthusiasm for history and your attention to details like that is why I know I made the right decision in offering you the Visitor Engagement Specialist position.”
Steven flushed at the praise. “I, er, I took a bit of a wander through each area while I was making notes for our meeting and since I always liked that collection I thought it might bring some fun and excitement to the tours to be able to kind of tell the story depicted on each piece.”
He bit his lip. “I hope I didn't step on any toes by suggesting that though. I know that I was mostly just there to observe.”
Dr. Y/L/N shook her head. “No, I want to see collaboration between departments, especially between Programming and Curatorial. We're all part of the same team and are working together towards the same goal, so don't ever be afraid to make a suggestion.”
She took a sip of her coffee. “Now, what else do you have in mind to improve the tours?”
“Well…” Steven pulled his notebook and a map of the museum out of his messenger bag. “First off, I think we're going about the tours themselves the wrong way.”
He pointed at the map. “Currently, we're starting on the ground floor and working our way up to the fifth, which means when visitors make their way back down after the tour is over they mostly tend to just leave rather than stopping by the gift shop or the bookstore.”
Dr. Y/L/N nodded. “So what do you think we should do?”
Steven moved his finger to the group entrance. “What I suggest is that we have tours meet on level 1 at the group entrance and head up to level 5 whilst whoever is leading the tour gives a general overview of the museum, then we work our way through the collection back down to level 0 and end our tour there with a gentle reminder to check out our gift shop and bookstore.”
Dr. Y/L/N hummed thoughtfully. “Yeah, that makes sense.”
Steven was encouraged by Dr. Y/L/N’s positive reception. “Also, I believe we're spending too much time on certain exhibits and not enough time on others. There needs to be a better balance so we're not rushing through the last few exhibits trying to squeeze everything in because we've spent 20 minutes lecturing on the Siege of Lachish.”
Dr. Y/L/N huffed out a laugh. “I agree. I noticed that as well.”
She made a few notes. “Anything else?”
“Just that I also think we should allow time for a few questions about the collection while we're in each area rather than wait until the end of the tour. Again, we frequently run out of time so there's usually not even a chance for visitors to ask questions anyway, or if there is time we've thrown so much information at them that they've likely forgotten what it is they wanted to ask.”
Dr. Y/L/N made another note. “Absolutely. These are all really great ideas, Steven. Think you can implement them into a sample tour for me?”
Steven nodded. “Yes, ma’am. I can have  something put together by Monday if you'd like. It won't include the new exhibits, of course, but it'll at least give you an idea of the direction I want to take the tours and give me a chance to retool them if necessary.”
“That would be wonderful.” Dr. Y/L/N reached for her coffee and took a sip. “By the way, how are things downstairs? Donna isn't still speaking disrespectfully to you, is she?”
Steven shook his head. “No, ma'am. Actually, she hasn't said much of anything at all to me since Monday.”
Dr. Y/L/N sighed. “Okay. I'll talk to her again.”
“No!” Steven cleared his throat. “Er, no. No, that's quite alright. I’d actually prefer it that way. Besides, it's not like I'll have to deal with her on a daily basis after today anyway, innit?”
Dr. Y/L/N took a sip of her coffee. “Regardless, I really am sorry that you’ve had to endure such treatment, especially for so long. No one should ever be spoken to with such blatant disrespect, especially by their supervisor.” 
Steven nodded. “I appreciate that.”
“If Donna does ever speak to you like that again, please let me know.”
“I will.” Steven bit his lip. “If there's nothing else, I er, I should probably get back to the gift shop. Technically I'm still a clerk until Sunday.”
Dr. Y/L/N looked chagrined. “Oh my goodness, you're absolutely right. I’m sorry, I probably shouldn't have asked you to do anything pertaining to your new position just yet since you haven't officially started.”
Oh, bollocks, Steven thought. She thinks I'm complaining. “It's nothing like that, ma'am, it's just that I'm sure you're busy and I don't want to bother you by hovering, that's all.”
“Oh.” Dr. Y/L/N shook her head with a smile. “No, you're not bothering me at all. Most of what I've been doing all week is reading over museum policies and procedures and meeting with the board of trustees and various benefactors, so it's actually been nice to get a little break from that and talk to someone who actually works here.”
Ask her how she likes being here so far, Marc said in Steven's head.
Steven cleared his throat. “How has your first week as Director been otherwise?”
“It's been good. A lot to jump into, of course, but you and the rest of the staff have been incredibly kind and welcoming.” Dr. Y/L/N paused. “I wasn't quite sure how the staff would react to me, especially with me not being British.”
Steven shrugged. “Well, it's like you said, we're a team, right? That includes our team leader, no matter where you're from. Your qualifications speak for themselves.”
Dr. Y/L/N shot him a small smile. “I really appreciate that, thank you.”
Her office phone rang. “Sorry, one second.”
Steven waited as she pressed a button on the phone. “Yes?”
“Dr. Y/L/N, the Chairman from the Board of Trustees is on hold for you,” Helen, Dr. Y/L/N’s executive assistant, said through the speaker.
“Okay, one minute. I'm wrapping up a meeting.” Dr. Y/L/N sighed and picked up the receiver before covering the mouthpiece with her hand. “I'm sorry, Steven, I have to take this. If you happen to think of anything else you want to add to the tours or if you have any other questions or concerns, please let me know.”
“I will.” Steven put his notebook and map of the museum back in his messenger bag and stood. 
He picked up his cup of tea. “Want me to close your door on my way out?”
Dr. Y/L/N shook her head. “No, you can leave it open. Thank you.”
Steven stood and started to walk towards the door.
“Oh, Steven?” Dr. Y/L/N called out. “One more thing.”
Steven stopped and turned back around. “Yes, ma'am?”
“If I don't see you again before you leave today… have a nice weekend.”
Steven smiled. “You too, ma'am. See you on Monday.”
I told you she'd like your ideas, Marc said as Steven headed out of Dr. Y/L/N’s office. 
I really think I'm going to enjoy working with her, Steven replied. She seems really open to collaboration. 
Yeah, she seems great. 
Steven arrived at the elevator and pressed the button to go down. Maybe we can come back on Sunday when I'm off and do a trial run of the tour so I can double-check the timing. I want to be as prepared as I possibly can be.
I'm sure you'll impress the hell out of her.  
Steven waited for the elevator to arrive, then stepped on and pressed the button for level 0 . He had to admit that he not only wanted to impress Dr. Y/L/N professionally, but he also wanted to impress her personally as well. I certainly hope so.
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fox-bright · 1 month
Watching the H5N1 stuff get worse and worse--I'm hoping we have until late next year before it goes reliably human-human, but it wouldn't surprise me if it was this winter--and not being able to do much makes me anxious, so I've been composing lists of stuff to do. I keep thinking, if this were August, 2019, and I knew covid was coming, what would I prepare? If this one goes off like the scientists think it might, it'll be much worse than covid.
Right now, I'm concentrating on food. My plan is to have enough hunker down supplies by mid-September that if things go bad in the normally-scheduled October-February flu season, we'll be okay simply not leaving the house at all. There are only two of us here now, and if things go bad there may be as many as four (as I have two separate friends I'd push hard to come stay here with us), so I need to make sure we have 4 meals x howevermany days I choose. I'm building up to six months, but I'm beginning the plan at three. While a lot of Serious Prepper lists have pretty generous caloric allowances, the MFH and I eat pretty light, and we're both smaller than the average adult human, which does give us even more squeak room here.
We started out with dry staples--bread flour, AP flour, semolina, rice, beans, pasta, lentils, powdered milk--though I have still to get powdered eggs (I'll dehydrate those myself), more dry beans (I'm going to use up a lot of what we have when I do my canning run for the winter, and so far I haven't been able to get my hands on kidney beans in any decent amounts), quinoa, and one more kind of pasta. Right now we have about 2/3 of what I'd want; we'll be holding things at this level, replacing staples as we use them, and if things look more serious we'll do another big shop and give ourselves additional stock of the AP flour, the bread flour, the rice (which we already buy in 40-50 lb bags anyway, we're Asian), the dry milk.
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Then there's the perishable stuff; yesterday, the MFH and I took advantage of some very nice sales and got seventy pounds of meat for two hundred and twelve dollars. Beef brisket for stew, pork butt for sweet molasses chili, ground beef for hotter chili, pork loin for white bean soup. Still have to get chicken (which was pretty much sold out at our bulk place) for chicken soup (to be pressure canned), chicken and mushroom cream soup (to be vacuum-packed and frozen).
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Very very soon it'll be time to harvest my leeks and my butternut squashes, for leek and potato soup (either finished with cream, blended to a smooth-ish consistency and frozen, or *not* blended down, and just socked away in pressure-canned Ball jars without the cream added; will it take me longer to thaw it, or to take my immersion blender to the hot individual meals later on?) and canned butternut for baking with or making soup or chili or making pasta sauce.
I might can a bunch of just potatoes, too, to keep 'em shelf stable (plus that front-loads a lot of the work of producing a meal later).
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So I need to buy onions and carrots and potatoes and celery and garlic and mushrooms and corn, cream, red wine, tomato paste (because my vines got blight this year, sigh--I've managed to can one single run of tomato sauce and that's IT), ten dozen fresh eggs to dehydrate and powder and store in the fridge in case of egg shortages, several pounds of beans to be thrown into the chilis and...hm...fifteen pounds more, twenty pounds more, to have on hand? And then for non-canning purposes we'll need butter, oil, white vinegar (I've used a lot of it for pickles this year), various Asian food staples like black and rice vinegars, oyster sauce, black mushrooms and so on. As for pre-made, mass-produced foods, I'll probably make another post about them later.
While this is more than I'd generally stock in a single season, I do generally put about 100 quarts of home-canned food by a year, and I never keep less than 75-100lb of flour on hand anyway because of how frequently I make bread. So though it sounds like a lot up front, it's not hoarder level; everything I stock will be eaten, some of it pretty much immediately (the beef stew is so good). And putting it all by now means that we'll be less of a burden on our community safety net, if push comes to shove. When the covid pandemic hit I had dozens of jars of food on the shelf already, which gave me a little peace when things were looking scary. We were able to share some of our stores with people who hadn't had the great privilege of long afternoons spent seeing to the personal stores. That's a better option, to my mind, than needing to panic-shop right as things start getting a little wild.
Basically, if things go bad, we'll have food for a while. And if things don't go bad, we'll have food for a while. It's win-win. And it keeps the floor under my feet when I'm feeling unsteady, to be able to sneak down into the cool, still basement and look at row on row of gently gleaming jars of food security.
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lorei-writes · 1 year
HC: MC insecure about her body - Kanetsugu
A little bit over a year ago, I wrote headcanons with MC insecure about having small breasts. Later I asked about what other summer-themed headcanons may be worth exploring, and @bestbryn mentioned MC dealing with the concept of "summer body". I said that it goes on the list, and then I couldn't figure out anything with suggested suitors...
But I remembered! And then came Kanetsugu.
This work contains suggestive content. Content Warnings: none
Kanetsugu did not expect for the impending summer to bring forth much past the usual pleasurable warmth and excruciating heat. Each season posed different challenges to manage, obviously, but those had long become a routine... To think that he could be quite this mistaken.
It started small, with his lover being just a little agitated. However, this never seemed to last long, and whenever he pressed her on the matter, she claimed it was caused by something during her day.
That would be the end of this, had her mood not got progressively worse. Since asking her yielded no results, Kanetsugu had to adopt a different approach.
It took several days of working overtime, but he did manage to clear up an afternoon in his schedule. He asked his lover to go to town with him.
The idea was simple: if he could not ask her, he'd observe her reactions, and search for the answers in them... With the added benefit of spending more time with her.
The first clue appeared when she barely touched her favourite dumplings. From then on, her discomfort grew progressively more obvious: her shoulders would slump as if she wished to hide, she'd hurry while shopping, and refuse any opportunity to cool down if it would as much as reveal an inch of her skin.
It hurt to see, but what could he do? He did not wish to subject her to any -- real of perceived -- public humiliation, so they returned early.
Kanetsugu confronted her on the matter as soon as they settled in his room and her frame relaxed. However, it became rigid the moment she heard his inquiry.
She grew flustered -- wasn't she hiding it better? Kanetsugu sitting opposite of her, she slowly opened up, her head hung low as she did so...
The longer he listened, the less he could comprehend and the more painfully his gut contorted. Nevertheless, Kanetsugu did not wince nor growl, he did not bristle up -- the best he could offer in the situation was to take the information in as she wished to give it out. Slowly, one word at a time, and it was only his gaze that burned, although his lover could not realise that much. She was too ashamed to watch anything but her hands.
"When I look at you... I feel out of place," she confessed, the chains he wound around his heart struggling to contain its lurching. "You're beautiful, and I... Well, as I've said --"
Kanetsugu did not let her finish.
He pulled her into his lap, emotion howling in wisteria eyes as he gazed up at her.
"Not a word more lest you wish for me to lose my mind," he nearly growled.
He kissed her -- on her lips, nose, cheeks, chin, on every blemish and imperfection she mentioned that was within his reach. His hands hovered above her obi, her fingers finding purchase in his hair and drawing him closer to her chest.
He took it as a sign to go on.
Kanetsugu knew his lover well, from the tiniest mole to any scars she wore. He nibbled at her thighs, kissed her stomach, went down the paths marked by the white ink of her stretch marks. It was all her, so in what world could it invoke anything other than rapture?
He found her beautiful through and through. He had to show her. He just had to.
However, even once all was said and done, there was one thing he didn't understand: why?
This time, however, she was willing to talk more. So she told him about everything hers that could be considered "wrong" and about the standards that so imposed.
Kanetsugu did not let her out of his arms, drinking in each word she uttered -- and as much as he wished to say it was intoxicating, that would be misleading. The only thing he was drunk on was how little sense they made.
It wasn't that her account of future beauty standards was incoherent, no. Kanetsugu simply couldn't wrap his head around said standards.
So one year women's thighs were not supposed to touch each other, and just a couple years later, a woman would not be considered beautiful if she didn't have a sizeable bottom? And she was supposed to have large breasts (that had to be eternally perky), but also a perfectly flat stomach? And she was not supposed to have any marks, or scars, or moles (unless freckles were particularly fashionable for a change), or even the natural texture to her skin?
It made no sense. No sense whatsoever.
What made even less sense, however, was the garment that she described, apparently commonly worn to beaches.
His embrace tightened without Kanetsugu even taking note of the fact. His fingers combed through her hair gently, jealousy pooling low in his stomach as her skin pressed against his. A frown creasing his forehead, he pushed himself up on his elbow, eyes taking in her exposed form. He could easily imagine what little skin could the aforementioned garment hide...
"Don't ever say that you're not beautiful enough to stand by me," he rasped.
One evening would not be enough, Kanetsugu knew that much. However, he did not mind offering his assistance whenever necessary if it meant that his star could find her way back onto the sky. Where she belonged.
Tag List: @cilokgoang @violettduchess @the12thnightproject @oda-princess @tele86
+ @ikesenwritings because... You know why, hahaha.
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strixcattus · 8 months
Conlang Year Days 22 & 23
Had a productive time coming up with proto-forms for flora and fauna terms (especially fauna, there's like fifteen of them), and since my principles for what gets a proto-form were basically the same for both, these two days get their own post.
If you're time-travelling—especially if you're crossing large distances—having a basic word for a particular species of animal or plant is deeply useless. Let's say you have a word for "crow." If you're hanging around in our present day, that's all well and good. If you go back in time far enough, before crows evolved, it's a completely pointless word. If you go forward in time far enough, to the ages after the collapse of human civilization and the rise of corvid sapience, you might be able to keep using that word, but it's not exactly ideal for what you're dealing with.
And what if you veer off into a completely different timeline? What if you end up somewhere where reptiles occupy most of the niches mammals fulfill in our world, and you're hanging out with the lizardfolk learning to take care of their giant lizard cattle and how to avoid the four-foot-tall crocodilians that hunt in packs? Where are your words now?
No, time travellers don't need or want a word for "crow." They need words that encompass three things:
What does it look like and/or do, generally? Is this a tall plant, or is it more of a shrub? Is this a big animal, or is it too small to pay much mind to? Does it fly or swim?
Is it going to kill me? If so, how?
Can I eat it?
Day 22: Flora
There are a couple kinds of "flora" particular to time travellers. Aside from those, basic roots for plants and plant parts say nothing whatsoever about the specific kind of plant, painting them in more general terms.
*sali: Translates as "grass" generally, but it encompasses all small, ground-covering flora—grass, moss, lichen, even small flowers. *nene: Fruit, seeds, nuts, and root vegetables. Essentially, any plant part that can be eaten safely and which isn't a leaf or flower. *kota: The opposite of *nene. All plants and plant parts that are poisonous. *jumini: Trees and other tall plants *pida: Leafy, low plants *jilu: Flowers (or other colorful markers a plant may have) *zaso: Leaves or similar (conifer needles, for instance) *maju: "Lichen" in translation, a kind of flora that is usually imperceptible within a timeline but which can cause major alterations in the events or physics of a timeline *zomo: Timeline Rot
Day 23: Fauna
I'm under no illusion that these two lists are complete. I added three proto-forms to this one while writing up this post. Still, I feel I've covered most anything that I'll need, and if I do end up creating some more forms, I can add them to the final proto-forms post, which... I haven't been closely looking at the preview of each week's prompts, but it seems that'll be in a couple days.
You'll notice that several of these forms are grouped by the general shape of the creature, differentiated by how dangerous the animal in question is—or why it's dangerous.
*kaja: Bird of prey (a note: "bird" does not necessarily mean "bird and bird alone." Anything that flies and is larger than the average insect might end up under one of these first three categories.) *denede: Small bird, like a songbird, for instance *date: Gamebird or large bird in general *jopo: Pest of humans (like an insect which drinks blood) *suti: Pest of food (like a mouse which sneaks into grain stores or a squirrel which attacks garden produce) *zitu: Pest of plants or structures (like a larva which bores into trees, an insect which eats the leaves of crops, or a woodpecker which has decided to set up shop on the side of your house) *kuna: Harmless small invertebrate (pay it no mind) *napa: Large carnivore (might eat you) *kalopo: Large herbivore (might be good food for a group) *mika: Small nonvenomous animal (might be good food for one person) *najato: Small venomous animal (proceed with caution) *kolo: Poisonous animal (never mind, this one isn't food) *dopu: Aquatic animal *poju: Harmless microbe (the average time traveller understands germ theory) *tino: Harmful microbe (and appreciates having a basic word for the things that cause disease) *medu: Outsider (anything that typically doesn't enter into linear time, except for:) *pekule: Time Worm (there it is) *siza: Humanoid (that's you! And pretty much anyone you'll ever talk to!)
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phoebe-delia · 2 years
When This Is Over
YALL I FOUND THIS WIP IN THE DRAFTS OF MY SIDEBLOG FROM *LITERALLY* A YEAR AGO!!! Honest to god, NO idea if I've posted this already; I looked at my blog and at my tagged fics at @drarrymicrofic (wrote this for the now-old prompt: wedding btw) and I didn't see it so I'm going with it. I added an ending after "pretty damn impressive," and I made minor edits to the stuff I wrote before lol. Also this is an AU.
I don't care which china patterns we use; I'm sure you'll choose something delicate and ridiculously expensive and you'll insist on keeping it forever despite the fact that you'll also never let us use it again, let alone allow anyone else to touch it except for you. But it'll make you smile, and that's enough of a reason for me.
I'm going to wear dress robes, which you'll no doubt pick out for me. I don't know or have much of a preference as to what you'll wear, but I know you'll look gorgeous because when I see you wearing that outfit for the first time it'll be when you're walking down the aisle to meet me, and it'll be the best thing I've ever seen.
All I really care about for the planning, other than inviting all our friends and family, is serving good food and dancing to good music. I want us both to know every single song that the DJ plays, and can we please for the love of Merlin ask whoever we hire not to adlib or make commentary during the songs? It's so annoying when they do that. I want to listen to the song, not some stranger stopping the music to scream "WHAT" and "PUT YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR" intermittently into the microphone. And if I hear one—and I mean ONE—strangely upbeat or techno remix of a gorgeous ballad, I'm firing the DJ and plugging in my phone and playing music myself. I was scarred from the guy at Dean and Seamus's wedding who played a remix of "My Heart Will Go On." Scarred, I tell you, which is saying a lot for someone who is literally scarred in several places, and would probably be a prime test subject for a team of psychologists.
Anyway, where was I? Oh, yes, the wedding. As for rings, we're going to pick them out together. There's a jewelry shop in Diagon—well, there was before; I hope it'll still be there when this is all over. But if it's gone we can go somewhere else.
It's weird; everyone's talking about how we need to "make sacrifices" if we're going to defeat Him. But I don't think anyone understands that more than you and me. You sacrificed everything to show up to the Order headquarters, alone and asking for help, for forgiveness. And me—well. I haven't had much of a choice in what I've sacrificed. You did, though, and that's pretty damn impressive.
When this is over, I don't want to make a single compromise that impacts the grand scheme of my life. I want to be greedy; I want to be selfish. I want to grab happiness by the balls and never let it slip through my fingers.
I want to travel the world together. To lie on a beach until my skin grows flushed; hike up a mountain and feel my lungs burn. I want to feel my shirt stick to my skin from how much I'm sweating while we dance in a packed club, in a city where we don't speak the language; you'll move in close and grind your arse against me, throwing your head back against my shoulder to demand, through hot panted breaths, to take you home. I will, immediately, because of all the things I want for the rest of my life, you're at the top of the list.
I don't care where we are, or what we're doing, when this is all over. As long as I'm with you.
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