#i've been in. a bit of a rut with them but its fine
nebuladreamz · 6 months
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ceilidho · 3 months
The catfish price things is giving me vibes of “I’ll make her pay for daring to play with me like that, I’m a god damn respected man” and then just stalking her for a few days until he finds the perfect opportunity to make the pretty little thing pay, maybe take *real* pictures of her, after he messed her up pretty cute, filled up holes.
"Oh, you're fine," John clucks, verging on dismissive when she tries to twist out of his grasp again. He yanks her back by her hips before she's managed to wriggle even an inch away, relishing in the sound of her ensuing yip.
She squeals from where she's bent over the back of the couch, little feet kicking out, her painted toes barely grazing the floor. Her pleas come out garbled, muffled by the ring gag in her mouth. It's more than fair after what she's put him through. As much as John enjoys the sound of her pleasure, he prefers this, only the squelching sound of her pussy every time he fills it up and her pathetic little mewls.
He likes the way she looks like this. Hands bound at the wrist, toes curling and flexing every time he bottoms out, still a bit too tight to take him to the root. She clenches deliciously around his length, tighter than sin, hotter than hell. Everything he'd imagined she'd be like in the weeks since they started chatting online. The only thing he's thought about since the first time she messaged him unprompted and he laid eyes on the sweet thing smiling back at him from the photo next to her name.
"Miserable little thing," he murmurs, fingers squeezing into her hips hard enough to bruise. He'll have to tend to those later when they bloom. "After everything I've done."
John likes to think that he's a good man, but even his patience has its limits. He can handle being blown off once or twice, but five times in a month? While still brazenly asking him to send her another month's worth of rent? If he's going to be taken for a sucker, then he thinks some taking of his own is well deserved. Earned, even. He's paid three times over for the wet peach between her legs.
No one would call him the most technologically adept, but what he lacks in know how, he makes up for in resources. It hadn't taken him long to find her - or, more accurately, it hadn't taken the intelligence analyst whose shoulders John had held in an ever intensifying grip long to find her. After that, all he'd had to do was put in for his leave and pack an overnight bag before plugging her coordinates into phone.
"C'mon, 'nough of that. Can't push a man this much without expecting him to snap."
She wails something unintelligible behind the gag, but he's long learned to tune her protests out. She'd been full of them when he'd barged into her apartment earlier, steamrolling past her. The display of innocence would've been more impressive if he weren't in such a foul mood, in no right mind to hear the woman that'd been bleeding him dry for weeks claim to have never so much as heard his name before.
He lets go of her hip just long enough to pull his phone from his back pocket, sliding the camera open and framing everything from the line of her back to the soft curve of her ass. The soft shutter of his camera is loud enough for her to crane her neck back, eyes going wide at the sight.
"Don't worry, sweetheart," John tuts, tossing his phone away and bearing down over her until he can run his nose down the sweaty line of her neck. She shakes when he widens his stance, seconds from letting his mind go blank while he thrusts into her like a rutting bull. "You'll get yours too."
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andreafmn · 5 months
Collision | Chapter 23
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Word Count: 4.4K Warnings: medical procedures, death
Story Description: (Y/N) Uley is back home after being away for four years. Her life is at its first standstill and she is taking this time to find out who she is without school. But she never thought that coming back to the reservation would turn her whole life around. In the midst of secrets and mystery, a man crashes into (Y/N)’s and her life will never be the same.
A/N: goodness me, I know it's been forever since I've updated anything. I've been in a bit of a mental rut and nothing was coming to me, but I'm finishing up a couple of updates so I'll definitely be publishing a few things this week. Also, please don't hate me for updating the less loved Twilight fic. Speak is coming soon 🫣🫣 also also, new character 👀👀
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(Y/N) knew it had been too quiet for too long.
Well, not entirely quiet.
After the encounter with Laurent in the woods, his friend Victoria had shown up. The vampire had gone through hitchhikers in Forks like it was an all-you-can-eat buffet. It had the sheriff station in Forks and La Push on high alert. There were too many bodies and not enough explanations—at least none that could be known by the public.
The pack had already doubled their efforts during their patrols, doing all in their power to run the redhead out of their land while protecting the Swan duo in theirs. They had lost sleep and had been overworked for weeks. The vampire had bested them in every move, taunting the pack with her swift and calculated moves.
But the important thing was that Bella was safe, and she seemed to be getting better. At least for the past couple of weeks, she had been better. That’s what (Y/N) thought until she got a call one early March morning.
“What do you mean Bella knows about you?” (Y/N) said through gritted teeth. “And it happened a week ago? Why am I just finding out? I literally talked to her before spring break started.”
“It seems Jacob hinted to the stories she used to hear when she was a kid,” Sam sighed. “Gotta give it to the kid. He really found a workaround the rules. I was gonna tell you as soon as it happened, but you had your exams and everything, so no one wanted to worry you with it.”
“How did she take it? Is everyone okay?”
“Well, Jake and Paul had a little row because Bella blamed us for Jacob keeping his distance from her,” her brother chuckled. “And, well, Paul got a bit mouthy, and Bella ended up slapping him—at least, attempting to—which cause him to get angry and phase. Subsequently Jacob phased to protect her. They’re both fine now and Bella knows everything.”
“And no rules were broken I suppose,” (Y/N) sighed. “But Bella now knows about wolves and vampires and somehow is back in the center of all supernatural danger. Isn’t this all just great?” 
“This is gonna sound harsh, but I prefer her being hunted than you, (Y/N),” Sam admitted. “I know we can protect you in our land, but this one is ruthless and relentless. I would hate for her to have your scent.”
“Well, she doesn’t, thankfully,” she said. “Don’t think she even had my description since you killed her friend. But I thought we were gonna be more proactive when sharing information now.”
“I know, but I wanted you to at least pass that test first,” he confessed. “Look at you now, on your first week as a student doctor.”
“I still can’t believe it’s happening,” (Y/N) exclaimed. “I don’t know what spirits are looking out for me, but it’s almost unbelievable that I’ve been able to do any of this. It takes months for Step 1 to be revised and for college credits to go through. But I’m knocking on wood that these miracles keep happening like this. Might just become the youngest doctor in Washington.”
“If there’s anyone who could do it, it had to be my genius sister.”
“Thanks for the flattery, it does me well in the mornings,” she chuckled. “But I do have to get into work soon. So, thank you for this new information. I will call Bella and see how she’s doing after my shift.”
“Alright, sounds good, Dr. Uley.”
“I like how that sounds,” she beamed. “I’ll see you after work. Bye, Sam.”
“Bye, Dr. Uley.”
When (Y/N) entered the hospital that morning, she believed it would be another routine day. A couple of flu cases, possibly some broken bones in the ER, maybe even a more pressing case. But she had not expected to see Harry Clearwater coming through the doors of the emergency room, Sue trailing close behind.
“(Y/N), I’m gonna need you on this one,” Dr. Mollins, the ER attending, called. “Let’s move the patient to Trauma 1. Talk to me.”
“We’ve got a man in his mid to late 50s showing signs of a severe myocardial infarction,” the paramedic said as he pushed the gurney into the building. “He went into cardiac arrest during transport, but we were able to regain sinus rhythm. He was administered two milligrams of epi.”
(Y/N) felt stuck in her spot, her limbs frozen as the familiar faces moved past her. She had seen her fair share of emergencies during her time at the hospital and her past internships. But seeing someone that she knew completely defenseless and unconscious shot ice through her veins.
“Dr. Uley!” Mollins called her again. “I need you here, now!” 
“Yes, o-of course,” the young woman stammered as she felt her brain finally jumpstart. She sent Sue an apologetic smile as she walked through the curtain that separated Harry’s room from the rest of the beds. “I’m here.”
As soon as she slid the curtain behind her, (Y/N), Eden Mollins, and a nurse started to examine Harry. His blood was extracted, his pulse and his blood pressure were taken, his lungs were listened to, and his temperature was taken. All the while, the man remained unconscious, and (Y/N) prayed to whatever was out there that he at least opened his eyes.
Every second that passed, the girl’s breath hitched in her throat. All she could do was think back at the summers she would spend in the Clearwaters home, running around with Seth and Leah while Harry watched over them, how he and Billy would gather all the kids around the bonfire to tell them stories about the ancestors, how he watched over her and Sam when her father had decided to disappear from their lives.
“I wanna run an EKG and an Echo on the patient,” Eden instructed. “And call in a CT and a chest MRI. The patient is still unconscious, so…”
“Harry,” (Y/N) choked out. “His name is Harry.”
“Excuse me?”
“The patient’s name is Harry,” she restated. “Harry Clearwater.”
“Do you know the pa… Mr. Clearwater, Uley?”
“Yes, I do.”
“You have to tell me right now if that will impair your treatment of the patient today, Uley,” the doctor said. “I cannot have you freeze like you did.”
“Good,” he nodded. “He seems stable for now, so go out there and get some background from the wife. Can you do that?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Alright then.”
The doctor slid the curtains open to reveal a teary-eyed Sue. Once he was gone, (Y/N) allowed herself to throw her arms around the woman, wrapping her in a tight, warm hug as she whispered how sorry she was. “What happened, Sue?” she whispered. “What caused this? He seemed fine last week.”
“Oh gods, (Y/N), it was just too much for him,” the woman sniffled. “It was Leah. She phased.”
“W-what? Leah shifted into a wolf? How is that possible?”
“That’s not all. The second Harry was down, Seth phased too,” she added. “He said only boys turned into wolves, (Y/N). How could it be that Leah is one too?”
“I could not tell you, Sue,” (Y/N) breathed. “This is just as new to me as it is to you. But what could have triggered the change in Leah? I don’t get it. Thought there were normally signs.”
“Well, she had been acting out a lot recently, and her body started changing dramatically. I thought she was just being a normal moody teenager and that maybe she was going through a second puberty,” Sue sighed. “But this morning, we were arguing about how horrible her mood swings had been, and she just exploded. One second, my daughter was standing before us. And the next, there was a grey wolf breaking through our couch. The shock sent Harry down. His heart just couldn’t take it—you know he’s always had trouble with it. Then, Seth—poor thing—seeing his father go down got so anxious that he shifted too. I tried calling Sam after I called 911, but Emily told me he was out with his wolves chasing that leech out of the forest. “It was all so sudden, (Y/N),” the woman cried, taking (Y/N)’s offered hand. “She ran out the door with Seth behind and I couldn’t stop them. I had to get Harry to the hospital.”
“Oh, Sue, that’s just horrible,” the girl said. “I can’t believe that happened.”
“Tell me, (Y/N). Is it bad? Is Harry gonna be okay?”
(Y/N) took in a steadying breath as she braced herself to tell one of the people who had essentially raised her that her husband was not showing good signs. How could she speak those words when she didn’t want to believe them herself? “Look, Sue, I can’t lie to you. Things are not looking good,” she explained. “With his age, his pre-existing condition, and the severity of this episode, it’s still too early to tell. We need him to wake up in order to assess the situation fully. If not…”
“I know,” Sue interjected. “I just don’t know what I would do without him.”
“Okay, let’s not go there just yet, Sue,” (Y/N) stammered. “Why don’t you call someone to be with you while we run labs? I wouldn’t want you to be alone right now.”
“Don’t worry about me, (Y/N),” she softly smiled. “I already called Charlie and Billy. They’re on their way here already.”
“Good. I’m gonna go check on his labs. If you need anything or need me here, just let one of the nurses know and they’ll page me right back.”
“That’s alright, (Y/N). I know you’re busy.”
When she left the room, (Y/N) finally felt like she could breathe. But there was a nagging in the deepest corners of her head that was telling her that something bad was going to go down. Yet, she wanted to listen to the rational side of her brain. Harry was in the best place to receive treatment if another episode were to happen. She had to trust that they would be able to help him. She simply had to.
The girl busied herself with other patients’ labs and filing anything that kept her as far away from Harry’s results as possible. She couldn’t face another loss so quickly. Not yet. She wasn’t sure if her heart could take it.
During her short life, (Y/N) had faced too many grievances that had forced her to grow up too quickly. Her father had walked out of her life when she was too young, and she needed him the most, forcing her mother to spend too much time at work and too little time at home. Most of the time, it was only Sam and her at home dealing with their schoolwork and food. Then, right as they were learning how to be the dynamic duo, she was accepted at St. Agustine Prep, and she had to learn how to be by herself for the better part of four years. After, she met the man she thought would be her future, and he ripped her heart apart like it hadn’t been fragile to begin with. Sadness was simply a part of (Y/N)’s existence, but she didn’t think there was more she could take.
(Y/N) prayed quietly. She prayed harder than she ever had before in her life. She didn’t know to what exactly, but she prayed.
And yet, the universe rarely played things out in the way she wanted.
The young woman was on her way to greet Billy Black and Charlie Swan when a loud ringing alarm called her attention. It was the soundtrack of despair, the theme song of disappointment, and the last thing (Y/N) wanted to hear. Her legs started moving before she could think twice, setting off for Harry’s room. There, the flatlining sound filled her ears, mixed with Sue’s pleas for help as nurses pulled her aside to allow the doctors to work.
“The patient’s coding, Uley,” Eden called out. “Start compressions. This is your call.”
(Y/N) was already on Harry before Mollins had finished his sentence. Her full attention was on her counts, pressing on his chest like she had been taught to do. One, two, three, four, all the way to thirty before the nurse administered air pumps. Then again, and again.
“Push one milligram of epi,” (Y/N) called out, not stopping her compressions for another three minutes. “Check rhythm.” 
As she removed her hands, the screen showed a red line once more, and that pesky sound filled the room again. “Still asystole,” Eden said. “Push another milligram and clear for defib.” 
(Y/N) continued her work as sweat formed on her forehead. She pushed into the man’s chest at a steady pace, even when she felt her limbs wanted to give out. Her legs trembled under her, and her heart hammered loudly against her chest, but she couldn’t stop. Even after two defibrillations that yielded no results, the girl kept administering compressions.
“Uley, it’s time to call it,” Mollins whispered softly at the young doctor. “It’s been over thirty minutes.” 
“No!” (Y/N) exclaimed. Beads of sweat were falling down her face and mixing with her tears, but she couldn’t bring herself to stop. Not for Harry. “I’ve gotta keep going!” 
“(Y/N),” Eden called her, taking hold of her wrists and forcing her gaze to break from the man. “It’s time to call it.”
“I can’t,” she trembled as she fell onto the doctor. “He can’t…” 
But the consistent sound of a flatline killed her words. That was it. Her first patient was gone, and it was someone she had looked up to like a father. Despite all of her efforts, he was gone, and there was nothing else she could do about it.
“Time of death: 1542,” the doctor called to the nurse before turning back to the crumbling girl. “You did everything you could, (Y/N). You did everything right.”
“But he’s gone,” she cried. “He’s gone, and I could’ve done more.”
“No. There was nothing at all that you could have done,” Eden said. "Unfortunately, this is part of the job. We can’t save them all, (Y/N), but you absolutely did everything you could have.” 
“I know I can’t save them all, but I needed to save him.” 
“Tell you what, I’m gonna break the news to the family right now,” the young man said. “You’re gonna take a second to compose yourself before you go out there, and I want you to take the rest of the day off to rest.” 
“I shouldn’t…” 
“I know that it’s unconventional, and most doctors would have said that you needed to get used to it,” he added. “But you need this, (Y/N). This case is too personal, and I know it’s gonna take a toll on you.” 
“Okay,” she whimpered. “Thank you, Dr. Mollins.” 
“I already told you, (Y/N). When we’re off a case, it’s Eden.” 
The moment Eden left the room, the silence that filled it was worse than the beeping and the alarms. It was eerie and loaded, and it made (Y/N) feel like it would swallow her at any moment.
Yet, the only other presence there was Harry. His face was covered with a white sheet, shielding his body from everyone. And for that, she was thankful. (Y/N) couldn’t look at his face. She knew her mind would trick her into thinking that he was merely sleeping and that at any moment, he would wake up and say the most unfunny joke she had heard of, but she would have laughed anyway because it would have meant that he was alive.
“I’m so sorry, Harry,” she whispered to him. “I tried so hard. I hope you know that.”
“He does, honey.” Sue’s voice startled her. Tears stained the woman’s face, but her desperation was gone. She wrapped her arms around the younger girl, smoothing down her hair in a comforting manner. “He knows how hard you fought for him, (Y/N). It was just his time.”
“He was fine just last week,” she sobbed. “I can’t believe he’s just gone now.”
“As long as he is in our memories, he will never truly be gone,” the woman smiled sadly. “But he is with our spirits now, reunited with his ancestors.”
“Harry will never be forgotten that I can promise you, Sue.”
“He really loved you, (Y/N),” Sue mentioned. “He was always so amazed by everything that you were doing. He loved to boast about how far he knew you’d go to literally anyone who would listen. Deep down, he wanted Leah and Sam to work out so we’d be officially family.”
“I’m really gonna miss him, Sue. I wish I had spent more time with him these last few years. And now…”
“Oh, honey, no. Don’t do that,” the woman comforted. “Harry knew how busy you are, how busy you’ve always been. He was just so happy to know you were doing something you loved.”
“May his soul rest easy now,” the girl whimpered before placing a hand on Harry’s. “Until we meet again, Harry.”
(Y/N) excused herself from the room, allowing Sue to have one last moment with Harry. Outside, she acknowledged Charlie and Billy, giving them a sad smile before she disappeared into the doctor’s locker rooms. She couldn’t face another person who was close to Harry, not when she could still feel the beat of his heart under her hands.
Inside the locker room, she allowed herself to break down. She crumpled to the floor, clutching at her chest as every emotion came barreling down on her. There was pain and turmoil, anger and disappointment. But most of all, it was the harrowing sadness that she had been carrying since she was a little girl that draped itself over her, swallowing her completely and dragging her into the darkness.
Until a voice pulled her out. “Hey, hey, Uley,” Eden called as he kneeled in front of her. “Come on, you need to breathe. Take a deep breath.”
“I-I-I c-can’t,” she stammered. Her breath got trapped in her chest, tightening her lungs and making them burn for oxygen.
“Yes, you can. Come on,” he encouraged. “Match my breaths, okay? Come on, in and out.”
Eden took deep breaths, exhaling after holding them for five seconds. His hands found hers, forcing her gaze to snap to his. He continued the breathing exercises until she was finally able to match his pace. Her body stopped shaking, and feeling started returning to her limbs as her sobs quieted down. As weakness took over her, (Y/N) crashed onto Eden’s chest, allowing him to wrap her in a warm and comforting hug.
It was an unexpected embrace that she was more than thankful for. Eden had come to the hospital three months after Carlisle had left to fill the hole left in the emergency department. When (Y/N) had entered and started her clinical rotations, he had been tasked with being her teacher in emergency medicine.  
He had not taken to her quickly. From her work as a medical assistant, he had said she was far too young and too inexperienced to be in the hospital. Though he had eaten his words in a short amount of time, he still seemed to hold some sort of disdain for her. At least, that’s what she had thought until that very moment.
“Hey, there you go,” he cooed. “Just keep breathing, okay?”
“Gods,” (Y/N) croaked out. “I’m sorry. I know I should be okay with death, but this…”
“You don’t have to apologize, (Y/N). Never apologize for the emotions you’re feeling,” Eden reassured. “Especially not after losing someone close to you. That is something no one could ever fault you for.”
“Why are you being so nice to me all of a sudden?” the girl blurted. “It’s not that I don’t appreciate it, but it’s not a secret that you don’t really like me.”
“Why would you think that?” she asked, his tone hinting at being slightly offended. “I don’t think I’ve given any indication of that.”
“Come on, Eden. You’re always giving me dirty looks and have gotten mad at me at any turn this whole week. It’s not hard to decipher that you don’t really enjoy my presence at the hospital.”
“Oh god, no. That has nothing to do with you—at least not directly,” he quickly assured. "I think you’re a brilliant doctor, and I’m honestly so impressed that you’re here at your age. My attitude has more to do with the fact that my parents saw you working here a week after I finally got here, and they were on me because I could have been like you.”
“What, a terrified nineteen-year-old playing at being a doctor?”
“Christ, I didn’t think you’d heard that,” he grimaced. “That came from a really childish place. It’s just that my parents have always pushed me to be the best, much to my detriment. I had the ability to jump a few grades or do dual enrollment like you did, but I wanted the whole high school experience. So, even if I graduated at sixteen and finished my bachelor's in three years, I could have always done better. So, here I am at twenty-five and already an attending, but in comes a nineteen-year-old med student who somehow was able to skip two whole years of med school and had an almost perfect Step 1 score, and suddenly my achievements aren’t good enough anymore. I’m sorry I ever said that. I mean, I’m a grown-ass man caring what my parents think.”
“Don’t worry,” she smiled softly. “It just made me want to prove myself even more. I’m kind of used to people underestimating me.”
“Yeah, I quickly learned I shouldn’t have,” he chuckled. “You’re a great doctor, (Y/N), and a great person.”
“Well, thank you,” she beamed. "It honestly means a lot coming from you, especially now.”
“I can promise that was the first and last time I ever underestimate you,” Eden smiled brightly.  “Now, you should go home. Your brother just came back.”
“Came back?”
“He arrived when you were down at the CT scan, but he left for an emergency,” the man responded. “He just came back a minute after you left the room.”
At the word emergency, (Y/N) jumped to her feet and ran toward the emergency room, new tears forming in the corners of her eyes. It was a word that held too much weight even before the entire picture was shown. After that morning, the girl could only expect the worst.
Her limbs carried her automatically, her brain not registering where she was going until she crashed into someone. “Is someone else hurt?” she managed to croak out. “Tell me what happened, Sam.”
“Hey, breathe, (Y/N),” her brother instructed as he wrapped his arms tightly around her. “No one’s hurt. Okay? It was just an accident.”
“That still doesn’t make things clearer. What accident?”
“Bella sort of jumped or slipped off a high cliff while we were running Victoria all the way up to the Canadian border,” he said. “I had been here for no more than ten minutes when Jared called me and said that Jake had gotten there just in time. She’s fine now. A bit shaken up and cold, but she’s at Billy’s house resting. You don’t have to worry, (Y/N). It’s been handled.”
“So, she almost drowned, and all she’s doing is sleeping it off?” (Y/N) exclaimed. “Why didn’t you bring her here? She needs to be checked out!”
“(Y/N), I need you to calm down, okay? She chose not to come, and you shouldn’t be worrying about this. You should be going home and resting, too.”
“But she’s…”
“You’re in no headspace to worry about other people, Bean,” Sam cooed as he smoothed down his sister’s hair. “Go home, kid. Rest up. We’ve got things from here.”
“Go home, (Y/N),” Sue interjected, a kind smile softly stretching her face. “All that’s left here is legal mumbo jumbo. You’ve done everything you possibly can.”
“I just feel like I need to help in some way. Either here or with Bella. I just…”
“You can’t help anyone if you don’t take care of yourself, Bean,” her brother interrupted. “I promise we’ve got everything handled here, kid.”
After much insistence and a lot of back-and-forth, (Y/N) finally agreed to take her afternoon off and head back home. But loneliness was quick to follow as soon as she was by herself. It sank its claws into her throat and started a never-ending stream of tears that stained her cheeks. Helplessness gripped her chest, nagging at her mind and reminding her of all the things she couldn’t do.
Before she knew it, the afternoon had slowly shifted into night, and (Y/N)’s eyes had fluttered shut in the hospital parking lot. Now, with less weight in her heart and a tight knot in her neck, she sputtered her truck to life and started her trip back home, where she would most likely repeat the same process all over again.
When she got there, the house was eerily quiet, and the cold seeped into her bones as though winter was still scratching its way to the surface. But she knew why it felt that way, and she knew it would be like that for a long time.
Other than Sue, (Y/N) couldn’t get Seth and Leah out of her head. Not only had they been sprung into the supernatural world in such a dramatic way, but they had also lost their father and had not been able to say goodbye. She wondered if they were scared or angry, if a part of them felt guilty. She knew she did, and she couldn’t imagine how heavy it had to weigh on their own hearts and minds.
She was typing their house number when her house phone suddenly rang in her hand, startling her. “Hello?” she said through the phone.
“(Y/N), hi, it’s uh, Bella,” the Swan girl stammered in her usual fashion. “I heard about… I’m so sorry.”
“Thanks, Bella,” she smiled sadly, swallowing down the knot that threatened to close her throat. “Are you okay? Sam told me what happened this morning.”
“Yeah, I’m okay. It was just a horrible accident,” Bella answered quickly. “But I’m fine now. I was actually calling about something else.”
“Oh. Uh, what is it?” 
“Do you think you could come over right after the funeral?”
“To your house?” (Y/N) questioned. “Why?”
“I think there’s someone you should see.” 
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@catchmeupimgettingoutofhere @daniallh @lis-likes-fics @agent-anna @blightwulf @mauvette268 @marvelatthetwilight @beefwhobarksandisalilmadalot @juniper-a @jules-bea2308 @comic-book-overload
@unicornicopia1 @the-house-of-rose-and-ember @mysingularitybts @wonnou @greyeyedmockingbird
@nessaasstuff @simon-e-mallory @urmomsfav-stuff @evattude @the-irish-princess @heartfilia01 @jinxxangel13 @rinalouu @haikyuuswhore @arcaurix @cheshirecat484 @bloobewy @pinkrockstar19
@lainlovelain @tsunchani @purplehrts7
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pokebiologist · 2 years
Yo, Professor! If you have a minute, could you help me out? I'm an aspiring Backpacker, and I'd like some help planning a team.
I have asthma and dyspraxia, but I'm also one of the toughest cookies in my family, and my strength is a huge point of pride for me. I'm hoping to have at least one Pokemon that can help me work with my disabilities, and another that can help me train. I'm also autistic and have chronic depression, so if there's anything that would help with sensory issues or could keep me to my routine (without getting stuck in a rut), that'd be a nice bonus.
My main types are Grass, Ghost, and (my favorite) Bug, but I know Fighting types would probably be more useful for training in the long run. Ecology has always been one of my favorite things, and as unsettling as they can be, there really in something beautiful about the food chain and cycles of decay. Returning to the Earth, and all that. And with Bugs... It's like there's a whole other world, right under our feet, in the trees, in the dirt! It's really not as alien as people think; you just have to pay attention and be kind to little creatures. I also have an interest in Fairy types and the folklore associated with them, especially those with more... Y'know, sinister legends.
Journey-wise, I'd like to travel around the region and explore wild areas, especially forests and any sort of abandoned structures. I don't know if I want to leave my region, realistically, since it would be harder to get back home in case of an emergency, but at some point, if I've got everything under control, I'd like to visit Kalos, or maybe Galar. I've heard there are some pretty strange creatures living in the woods out there.
Thank you in advance for your help! I have quite a bit of experience with caring for domestic Pokémon, but adventuring is a different beast entirely, and I want to make sure I can tackle it safely.
It sounds like you have an awesome adventure ahead of you! And I love your love for Bug-Types, they truly do not deserve the amount of fear and hate they get.
This was a fun challenge, and I want to be as transparent with my thought process as possible, just in case I make a mistake:
My first thought is to recommend you a duo team of Orbeetle and Leavanny. Both are very capable Bug-Types known for their personality, intelligence, and versatility in battle. Plus, both have access to moves such as Calm Mind, Rest, and Helping Hand, making them innately capable of acting as service Pokémon for helping with mental illness. Orbeetle is unorthodox for a service Pokémon, but they are good at anticipating the needs of their trainers and are easily capable of supporting a person's body with telekinesis (no physical contact in case of sensory overload) should you need balance assistance, or any help with fine motor skill tasks. Furthermore, Leavanny is known for its altruistic tendencies, and many Bug-Type specialists speak to their role as emotional support companions even with no training to do so. As an added bonus, both Sewaddle and Blipbug are quite easy to come by regardless of your region. Bug enthusiasts and breeders regularly hold conventions to show off the Pokémon they raise and get into contact with potential adopters, and these two species are favorites to show.
Another viable team option would be Grimmsnarl and Heracross. Both are very powerful Pokémon who enjoy training and are hardy enough to adventure through many different types of terrain. Notably, both are species that are intimidating in appearance and ability, but are known for their gentle giant dispositions and loyalty to their trainers. Of course, raising an Impidimp can be a challenge, but the evolutionary line is very dexterous and capable of helping their trainer with all manner of physical tasks. What this team boasts in environmental adaptability for journeys, it does lack somewhat in ability to help with symptoms of mental illness (beyond acting as emotional support companions).
Depending on your own preferences and goals for the future, I think any one of the four aforementioned Pokémon would make a great companion and service Pokémon for you. I wish you luck on your journey!
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honeybeefae · 2 years
Thank you for the birthday wishes! Here is a teaser for an Azriel fic to compensate for my absence! <3
I've gotten all the birthday messages and I am so, so happy. You guys make me smile and make me feel great even on my worst days. I love you all.
I am sorry the next chapter of THATH is not out yet, hit a bit of writer's block, but I do have something to make up for it! Consider it a birthday gift from me to you!
I recently got an ask about a one bed trope with Azriel and man...it has come together BEAUTIFULLY. I will be posting it tonight, hopefully within the next few hours, but here is just a teaser ;)
This is an 18+ smut fic!! Enjoy this sneak peek! ily <3
He had already stripped down to his leathers, chest bare and wings tucked in as he waited for you. The moon was just rising in the sky and the whole scene was like something out of your darkest dreams. You had to remind yourself to breathe as you looked everywhere but him.
“Bathroom’s free, have at it.” You mumbled with a white-knuckled grip on the towel. Azriel turned to you, surprised to see you out that fast, only to stop midstep. His eyes roamed your frame slowly, trailing the small beads of water that were still dripping down your leg as you fiddled with your pajamas.
There was a small grunt of acknowledgment before he stalked to the bathroom, almost slamming the door off its hinges as he shut it. You were just thankful for the silence, taking in a gulping breath while throwing your pajamas on as quickly as possible.
You could finally relax when you heard the water turn on, cursing under your breath as the image of him burned in your mind. The entire day had been fine until now, your body aching with need as your thoughts turned dirty.
It had been a while since you had sex with someone or yourself. You were busy with this or that, trying to catch up on sleep whenever possible, and feeling guilty when your thoughts drifted to a certain Illyrian who was currently bathing himself. 
Surely you could allow yourself this small reprieve, right?
One of your hands ghosted down your chest as you imagined his large hands soaping up his arms, his chest, and his stomach. They would go down lower and lower until he got his cock, not being able to resist the urge to tease himself which would make him groan out.
Your panties were already wet when you got down to them, all rational thought being left at the door as you slid a single digit down your sex. It immediately had your back arching off the bed, the pad of your finger circling your clit to tease you just like Azriel was teasing himself.
The thought had you closing your eyes, wanting to lose yourself in the fantasy as much as you could. He would groan out your name, standing up to get a better angle as his nostrils flared. You could see the muscles of his neck tighten as he spat on his dick, fucking into his hand as he imagined it was you.
And just as he was doing that in your thoughts, you were starting to fuck yourself in return. Two of your fingers were thrusting in and out of you sloppily, the heel of your hand pressing on your clit as you rutted up, wishing it was Azriel’s cock instead. 
You could already feel yourself getting close, and the man in your head was also. His wings were now flared out as he growled your name, head falling back as he spilled his seed into the air. A sharp intake of breath and you were on the edge, biting down so hard on your tongue to keep from calling out. It was within your grasp.
Until you heard the bathtub drain. 
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toiletwipes · 3 years
Okay but imagine you find one of the cameras while he's at your place. You've gone into your room to get a sweater bc its cold and you spot it, and decide to give whoever planted it a show later once he leaves.
A few hours later, you've taken a shower, and had been prepping your hole for what's to come. You grab your favourite dildo, and a vibrater. You insert the vibe first, tantalizingly low and on your desk chair, so the camera can see it well. After setting it to max, you move it to your clit, and moved to sit on the dildo, it's blue silicon now covered in your slick.  As you fuck yourself relentlessly, moan fill the air as you pant, and you find yourself moaning wilbur's name, wishing he was there, that it was his cock filling you up so fully.
He was surprised, but couldn't resist the heat that built up,
And with you, so loudly, praising his dick, and how good he feels fucking you, he palms himself. Grabbing the lube he keeps by the bedside, and pulls his length out from his pants, and slicks it up before making quick work of himself. He moans your name, wishing he had stayed to watch you wreck yourself, to rail you himself. He found himself watching you closely, watching how you pleasure yourself to store the information for later use. He came with you, both moaning the other's name and they wished they could be together, that wilbur was there for you to fuck, for you to rut against. 
The next time you invited him over, he was a mess, while you seemed so chill, so normal, so....casual. He wasn't any of those, he could only think of the show, of your hair wet and water dripping down your body as you thrusted yourself on the blue cock. You snapped in front of his face
"Are you okay? You seem a bit oof?" Oh why did you have to be so genuine, so caring, so lovely?
"I'm fine! I'm just....." I just want to be touch you, be with you, breed you, own you, "I'm just a bit tired, may be coming down with something,  maybe" he finished
"Do you want to rest in my room for a bit? I can make you some tea, if that'll help" Oh god you are so kind, so perfect,  so wonderful.
"Yes....yes please " you walked him to your bed, and made sure he was comfortable, even adding your favourite stuffie that smelt so much of you from how much you cuddle it. He knew he was in trouble once he too, cuddled it once you left, because he bucked slightly against. He could hear you wash the kettle, and tried to remember how long it usually took you to make tea....almost thirty minutes, he thinks.  He can probably relieve himself in that time. He quickly moved so he was positioned on top of your stuffed pink puppy doll, and rolled his hips, already feeling the heat become unbearable.
All he smelt was you, and idea of his scent mixing with yours as he fucked himself on the puppy doll was intoxicating.  He's seen you cuddle it, almost every night, he sometimes wished it was him, once again.
He came, much faster than he thought, just as the kettle started to whistle. 
You poured the water into his cup, and one for yourself. Placing tea bags in to steep, you covered them, and went to check on the sick boy.
You discovered him roughly humping your doll, a doll you've had since you were 8, and covering his mouth to hide his moans. That's when everything clicked, the cameras were his, he wasn't sick, he was horny. He watched you masturbate to the thought of him. You left to check on the tea, glad he didn't notice you there, watching him with your pussy becoming slick and thighs squeezing themselves in want of friction.
Adding sugar and cream to his, you decided, why not? He was already fucking himself, you could make this more fun, and you had a devious idea. Moving to a spice cabinet,  you were glad you had a witch phase in high school, and that you remember which spices you need to make an aphrodisiac.  Hopefully, you could pretend to be innocently giving him tea, and he can rut himself into such a horny state that he's forced to ask you for relief.  This would be fun.
-poppy (this is the thing I've been working on!!! I hope you like it. I'm not the best writer yet)
The first part, yes of course, put on that show y/n. And the second half with simpbur??? unable to control himself and be decent?? absolutely amazing.
And shut up you are so good at writing, this just proves it even more. Thank you so much poppy for sharing this with us!!!
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exuber · 3 years
Day 02: Against a Wall - The Mandalorian (Din Djarin) x Female Reader || pre-canon/pre-The Mandalorian plot line
Summary: You are a private sex worker, and the Mandalorian -- your favorite client -- pays you a visit.
Warnings: 18+ only, p in v sex, language, sex work/prostitution, sense deprivation (sight, doesn't go too into detail), rough sex
A/N: sorry, i know this is nearly 2 days late!! i've had a very busy weekend ;; also this is like 1,430 words long oops.
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“You know the drill.”
The familiar modulated voice sends a shiver of anticipation down your spine. The voice alone makes something giddy and sweet stir low in your belly. Your legs clench, briefly, before you finally turn to face your favorite client.
“Hey, Mando. Been a while. Work taking you far away from me?” You pout, playful, as you rummage through your drawer for the blindfold. Mando, meanwhile, says nothing, but you don’t miss the slight twitch of his gloved fingers. It’s satisfying to think that you have even an ounce of the impact on him that he has on you. Because, if you’re being honest with yourself, the sight of the Mandalorian standing at your doorway is already making you wet.
He’s tall, and broad, so broad. Sure, he’s not the tallest of your clients, but that doesn’t matter, because no one else exudes danger the way the Mandalorian does. You can’t read his expression behind his beskar helmet, the t-shaped visor giving nothing away. His rust-colored armor is worn, his dark cape tattered, the arsenal of weapons strapped to his body a constant reminder that he is not to be fucked with.
He approaches you, gait slow and swaggering, and reaches his hand out, palm up. You drop the piece of fabric into his hand, eyes trained on his visor the entire time. The blindfold is just a precaution, you know. He’s never taken his helmet off with you; you don’t think he takes it off for anyone. No one is allowed to see the man behind the helmet. You think it has something to do with his creed -- he’s never told you, and you never ask. The first time he paid you a visit, he snatched your wrists up in one gloved hand when you traced the planes of his helmet. It was a warning, one you heed more out of respect for your client than the fear of your life.
Besides, the helmet has become… something of a turn on for you.
Before you can blink, he whips you around by your hip so that your back is to him. The sudden movement makes you gasp, but like he said before, you know the drill. You close your eyes as Mando brings the blindfold over them. Once tied, he guides you forward to the nearest wall and pushes you up against it. You place your hands on the wall in front of you to brace yourself when you feel his hands leave your body.
This is the part that kills you, the part that thrills you. No sight, and you can’t hear anything but your breathing. So quiet you’d think he up and left if it weren’t for the way the hairs on the back of your neck stood. You could feel him hovering behind you, the very threat of him being so close, of knowing he’s watching you… it makes the very core of you ache for the bounty hunter.
“You’re shirt. Take it off”
You gulp, and slowly bring the shirt over your head before dropping it to the ground. A shiver passes through your body, both from the chill gracing your bare skin and from anticipation.
“Touch yourself. Don’t turn around.”
The command halts your movement as you begin to turn away from the wall. “Don’t you want to see, Mando?” You wiggle your ass a bit, teasing. It’s worth it when you hear the static-y sound of a grunt.
“I can see just fine. Touch yourself.”
You bite your lip and trail your hand down your stomach and into your pants. Your whole body quakes as soon as the tip of your middle finger brushes against the sensitive bundle of nerves. It’s enough to spur you on, and you continue to play yourself, rubbing small circles around your clit. You arch your back so that your clothed breasts are pressed up against the wall and your ass juts out even more -- for Mando’s viewing pleasure, beckoning him to just touch you already.
A couple of excruciating moments pass with Mando watching as your moans escalate, until, finally, neither of you can wait for the other any longer. He presses up against you, pressing you more firmly against the wall, and you can feel him through the fabric of both your clothes, how enticingly hard he is against your ass. It sends a thrill right through you and you moan at the contact, excitement spreading through to your already wet underwear.
The hand you were using to pleasure yourself finds its way back to the wall to steady yourself. He ruts up against you, none-too-gently, and you beg without words to feel him without the obtrusions. He tears off the garment supporting your breast first. The sudden contact of the cold wall against your stiff nipples stings, making you hiss in pleasure. You abruptly throw your hip back to meet his next thrust, impatient, because you can’t fucking wait anymore, you’re ready for him, you need him inside you. Your pussy is absolutely throbbing at his absence.
There’s a sharp intake of breath from beneath the helmet, and by the way he tightens his grip on you, you know you’re about to get what you want.
There’s a brief struggle as you both come to undo your pants, and you can’t tug them down fast enough. At some point during the fumbling of garments, he must’ve unzipped his own pants because you feel his erection, hot and hard, sliding up against your backside.
“Please, Mando, please, what are you waiting f-”
The words stutter to a stop when you feel the tip of his cock against your entrance. And then he’s sliding in, widening you, and it’s effortless because of how wet you are but still gradual -- he’s just so fucking thick and your walls tigthen around him, welcoming, welcoming, full until he presses up against that delicious spot and your eyes roll up into your skull-
“Oh, stars--!”
He pulls back slowly before thrusting back in again. He repeats the movement, gradually increasing the pace with each thrust and making you sing in bliss. But he’s not one to savor once he’s inside you. No, all the torture was done beforehand. He makes you ache with want just by looking at you. He’ll drag it out as long as he wants, as long as he can. But once he’s inside you, his impatience matches your own and it’s not long until he’s fucking you, truly fucking you into the wall with rough quick motions.
Tears sting your eyes, you’re so close, it’s building and building and he feels so fucking good inside you, you can never have enough of him. He pants behind you, the sound coming out static-y and it makes you clench down and around him. His movements become jerky, short, quick, but still rough rough rough, his grip tattooing itself into your skin. And then you’re cumming, head thrown back as a ragged shout escapes you.
One, two, three more delectable pumps and he’s joining you, releasing himself inside. He’s pressed entirely up against you now, completely crowding you against the wall. His helmet comes to rest on the wall beside your head -- you can feel the cool of it on the left side of your temple -- as he continues to cum. The pulsing of his throbbing member makes you whimper; you’re spent, legs shaking, full to the brim with the Mandalorian’s cock and his seed but your cunt has the audacity to crave more.
When he finally pulls out, you feel his cum and yours drip down your inner thighs. Before you can collapse into a quivering heap, he’s pulling you towards your bed with a gentleness that reminds you why he’s your favorite client; He’s intimidating and rough when he visits but he doesn’t treat you like an object to be discarded despite this being a job for you and a release for him.
You lay back on the bed and try to catch your breath. Mando, still standing, tries to do the same, though more subtle. The rise and fall of his chest is barely perceptible; he’s already building back up the stoic armor that was briefly displaced just moments before. He’s already tucked himself back into his pants. You try not to be disappointed that you couldn’t taste him today.
The Mandalorian fishes some credits out of one of the pouches strapped to him and places it on the table beside your bed. You smirk up at him.
“Always a pleasure, Mando.”
He nods once and turns to leave without looking back.
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leefi · 3 years
Starira MBTI III - Frontier
1. Seisho
2. Siegfeld
3. Frontier
4. Rinmeikan
Aruru Otsuki: ENFP
Just go and reread Karen’s entry.
FJDKSLDKL in all seriousness leaps and bounds of Ne from both of them. There’s a reason they often catch themselves saying the same things and why Karen sees so much of herself in Aruru. Not only are they both Ne doms, they’re the exact same type! Ne and Fi together hold that naturally sunny and joyful disposition they both have, and that extreme, passionate love for the people they’re close to. And her Ne may be even higher off the charts than Karen’s. From the entirety of Captain Twins, to improvising lines on stage with Misora as kids, to being the embodiment of Frontier’s free-spirit, pioneering nature - all of this is extroverted intuition, chasing at every possibility under the sun, no matter how absurd it may seem. Her STRONG tertiary Te -- which is much stronger than Karen's, by the way -- supports her dominant Ne, and this is where her gung-ho attitude comes from. “We have to write our own play?? No problem, wheel out the whiteboard! Nobody has an idea yet?? That’s fine, I’ll throw one out and get the ball rolling! Misora and I need three more people for our play? What are we waiting for, let’s go find them!!” All of this is tertiary extroverted Thinking, implementing your ideas out in the world.
Misora Kano: ISTP
She is so compelling!!! I wish we got to see more out of her!! She's already cultivated so many of her talents (and her function stack is pretty strong for such a young age too) - she'd really shine if you just gave her the spotlight! The second ISTP in this series who had her inferior Fe develop super early due to having 1) a ton of siblings and working with so many people from such a young age and 2) a gf with Fi in her dom/aux slot. I’m gonna start with her Fe again because, like Futaba’s, it’s so strong for how young she is - she is quicker to pay attention to social convention than Fi-aux Aruru, scolding her whenever she refers to older Karen by her first name, for example (don't let her see Aruru call Akira -chan). We see aux Se in how energetic and in the moment she is - she grew up acting and doing backstage work and helping her family with their troupe, and we never really see her stuck in her head or wondering about things that aren’t in the here-and-now. Her partnership with ENFJ Michiru to create a new Troupe is going to be SO SO GOOD in the future. They really are going to draw the best out of each other. As polar opposites, they have the exact same functions, just in reverse (like Karen and Junna, or Hikari and Ichie)! So Misora has Ti-Se-Ni-Fe, and Michiru has Fe-Ni-Se-Ti. It’s the perfect setup for them to complement each other’s strengths and weaknesses.
Honestly, I really wish we saw more out of Misora - she deserves more than just being Aruru’s sidekick, and that Feeling function in her inferior slot (extroverted, no less) means that it’s difficult for her to communicate what exactly it is that she wants, both for herself and from others. Like with Mahiru, it’s intuitively hard for her to speak up and say “Hey, I feel like I’m being left behind”. Somebody needs to tap Aruru on the shoulder and communicate that to her - Fe-dom Tsukasa, maybe, or ideally, Misora herself. I think that she’s been kind of shouldered into the straight-man role not just by Aruru but everyone at Frontier because they all have such big personalities (like...she’s got Aruru and Lalafin taking up space, which is already more than enough), and she’s likely been in this position before. She’s been helping her parents run a troupe since she was a child, and now she’s (unfortunately) playing second fiddle to Aruru for the most part at Frontier. She’s been mostly stuck using her Ti and Se, and I really really hope that AA has us seeing her use more of that tertiary Ni and advocating for the goals she has for herself. She deserves to shine so much!!
One final note - I find it so interesting that both ISTPs in this series have such strong senses of faith - Misora is cast as the Faith arcana (and, unlike some of the other girls who are cast as the “opposites” of their personalities, Misora’s seems true to hers), and Futaba obviously has that reverent faith in Kaoruko (and is canonically religious???). It’s a bit antithetical to the ISTP personality type, which values its individuality above all else and tends to be a bit of a rebel. I don’t have much to add here - it’s just an interesting observation.
Shizuha Kocho: INFJ
Lalafin: The Count was such a great actor! I’m sure he would’ve been great on stage too…
Shizuha: Heh heh, maybe!
Shizuha: But still, he never went back to his original persona even after his revenge. He had to stay as the count for the rest of his life.
Shizuha: And he was able to do that because he was good at becoming other people.
Shizuha: ...Although I cannot say if that meant he was happy.
Lalafin: Even after his revenge, he still wasn’t happy...That’s one point of view to make his sadness stand out even more!
Shizuha: Right?...Yes. I think I’ll stick to how I’m doing things now.
THE!! LOVE!! OF!! MY!! LIFE!!!!!!! I CANNOT OVERSTATE ENOUGH HOW MUCH I LOVE SHIZUHA KOCHO!!!! She was my first favorite character in the game (and still is!! But frontier gets no content :’)). As I said with Maya, INFJs are old souls - wise and idealistic, but typically reserved. Auxiliary extroverted Feeling shows up in how she suppresses herself so as not to intimidate or make others feel inferior - we see the exact same thing play out with INFJ sibling Koharu. She’s mysterious but amiable, kind and awe-inspiring - just like INFJ sibling Maya. And we see that token INFJ loneliness playing out with all three, as well. What I love most about Shizuha is that she’s a person of extremes. She is so cerebral and intelligent and dignified in a way that reminds you of Maya but she’s also so!!!! Fucked in the head!!!!! Ni doms baby!!!!!!! (I am fucking crazy. But i am free).
Unhealthy INFJs can develop this obsession with making themselves martyrs, and I don’t think I need to rehash out her AA conversation with Aruru (and her entire philosophy towards acting - see above quote) to get that across. I want to dive into this more. Truly I do. Shizuha deserves 10 pages of writing. But she is one of the last I'm writing and I've clicked through 3 different AA stories and accidentally found Rui and Yukko's first so I diverted and finished writing Yukko's entry and I've already spent so much time on this oh god the doc is already 18 pages single spaced uhhhh Shizuha my loveliest love I will write your character deep-dive later I prommy <333
(Also, seeing her synergy with Aruru is soo so cute. INFJ/ENFP supremacy!! Same dynamic as MayaKaren!)
Lalafin Nonomiya: ESFP
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(Se dom).
She’s so athletic and energetic and in-the-moment and improvisational and quick on her feet (Se, Se, Se)! Fi over Ti aux because she has a much more subjective view of what’s “fun” - “what do I want to do? Where do I want to go? What kind of character do I want to play???". She’s got that trademark genki energy that so many ExFPs share, particularly that childlike zeal that she and ESFP sister Ichie both have. In her own way, Lalafin embodies Frontier’s pioneering, fun-loving spirit just as much as Aruru.
Tsukasa: Lupin is usually portrayed as mysterious and polished, no? But the way you perform him is more fresh and open -- almost like the main character from a children’s book.
Lalafin: Oh! Come to think of it, the book on Lupin I read when I was younger was written for kids!
Lalafin: It was about this big and had a realistic image of Lupin right on the cover!!
I don’t really have too much to add. She’s just a perfect embodiment of that excitable, fun-loving Se and Fi dom/aux duo. Childlike and simplistic-appearing at a first glance, but there's such a fire in there - just compare her to her ESFP twin Ichie!
Tsukasa Ebisu: ENFJ
I can see that use of Se - love of fashion, sweets, dancing, going out and enjoying life - yes, she had overprotective parents and could just be making up for lost time, but I think that nice material things are something she just genuinely enjoys for herself as well. So at first I thought ESFP, but we can’t ignore that enormously caring attitude she has for others and the way she gravitates towards caretaker roles, which indicates more Fe than Fi. So ENFJ it is! She has that Fe and Se, and we see that inferior Ti in how she struggled to realize something was wrong when she was trapped in the play. I love, love, loved her leading role in the Arise All You Sons event and how she and Yachiyo interacted to bring out the best in each other - we saw Yachi using a lot of that aux Ti to support Tsukasa’s inferior Ti and dominant Fe!
Her dominant Fe is SOOOO clear and contrasts to every other girl in Arise All You Sons. She’s the first to go “hey, wait, hold on - I’m not sure what (inferior Ti) but something about this feels artificial, and I don’t think it’s actually going to help the kids”. Inferior Ti/Dominant Fe speaks before thinking too - “Why did I say that?! Why did I do x?!” - it isn’t until aux Ti Yachiyo shows up to help her that she’s able to work through her thoughts. While she can get stuck in the rut of her own mind sometimes, Tsukasa is one of the most caring, empathetic, and mature characters in the series - and she does all this without sacrificing her own autonomy and individuality, which can be difficult for an Fe-dom to do.
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diorthesuperior · 4 years
Sharing is Caring
Vocal unit + y/n smut
“Sweetie they've heard us one too many times, these walls are pretty thin, not that they're complaining, don't be afraid, one extra person in bed won't make you too loud”
You let the warm breath escape your mouth, speechless.
“You said this would be us time but fine ”
“Are you sure she'll be okay” Joshua noted clearing his throat.
“Well she thinks she's about to have her first threesome and doesn't know there's 5 of us here so”
“Isnt it too much?..”
“Joshua don't underestimate my girl”
“My bad”
The atmosphere was quiet but the same thrill rushed in all 5 in the room. The vocal unit had neighbouring dorm rooms. However seungkwan had his own room with you since you were his girlfriend and you worked as a stylist under pledis. It was a known fact that the other members in the vocal unit could hear you and seungkwan most nights as you were both quite vocal in bed.
The door knob turned and the door slowly opened.
You walked in wearing a pair of black silk short shorts and a dark blue bralette. You had a robe draped over yourself, concealing yourself slightly but not enough.
“Hey baby I-”
You stalled and looked at all the faces that were glued to you.
“Sweetie I know there's more here than you anticipated but my friends here, you said you wanted to try new things and I was thinking maybe this”
You looked around at the faces you knew so well. Your relationships were innocent and friendly, this was a situation you couldn't have imagined ever.
Seungkwan walked over, leaning in to place a soft kiss on your lips.
“Sweetie it's alright if you don't want to I can tell them to leave ”
“N-No, let them stay”
Seungkwan turns towards the boys giving them hope. Followed by you removing your robe showing your glowy skin, prominent collarbones and a bit of cleavage.
“wow fuck” woozi mutters adjusting his position on his chair, manspreading.
“shes beautiful seungkwan” seokmin blushed.
“tell her that yourself, or show it” he smirked while pushing you on bed.
Your boyfriend was the best and always the sweetest but when it came to “bed time” he was a dom demon and fuck did it turn you on.
Seokmin looked deeply at Seungkwan, slightly questioning him through his eyes.
“You heard me, show my slut the love she deserves”
You sat up by the weight of you arms looking up at your boyfriend and then at seokmin who seemed a bit hesitant.
“Huh? Seokmin don't act like you haven't masturbated to the sound of her moans from your dorm”
Heat flushed straight to your face and core. This situation was unfamiliar and you felt guilt for feeling this kind of way by another man but you couldn't help it.
Seokmin sat beside you on the bed turning to pick you up, placing you on his thighs.
“Babygirl you smell so good”
He pushed your hair to the side of your neck, tucking the remaining strands behind your heated ears. He started sucking purple marks on your neck down to your collarbones reciting some breathy moans from you. His hands travelled your figure, resting on your arms as his thumbs rubbed slow circles into them.
He grabbed you by your chin and tilted it slightly down, inches away from eachother.
“I've wanted to mark you up for ages babygirl, thank you for letting me decorate your beautiful skin”
Before you could reply, his tongue was in your mouth fighting for dominance. His taste was sweet and his rhythm was so good. He left you breathless and needy when he pulled away to look at you.
You seemed to have forgotten your surroundings, enjoying every bit of seokmins affection. Seungkwan came over with a slightly red face. Seokmin moved you off his lap and walked back over to his seat, knowing very well seungkwan was about to do something.
“Sweetie you seemed to enjoy that too much, were you trying to make your boyfriend jealous? Isn't this supposed to be 'us time'?”
You gulped and put you head down unaware of what to say or react.
“Slut look at me or at least reply...fuck this I'll make you respond”
He roughly grabbed you and shoved you on to his thick thighs. Your face was towards him while the others got your backside. Your shorts had rode up exposing your ass, making the others react in all sorts of ways.
Joshua and Jeonghan were the quiet type but watching their members get you more and more riled up really got to them. The grunts and low moans made while they pumped themselves on the nearby chairs were sinful.
“Sweetie why don't you ride my thighs like the good slut you are, this can be a warm up. The boys always heard your reaction to this so show them how you ride my killer thighs”
His voice went down an octave and the teasing foreshadowing words made your core throb.
His hands squeezed your ass tightly, followed by a rough spank. The loudest moan rumbled from inside your chest. The members around hardened and watched in awe, muttering praises.
“Let my dirty slut hear your praise. She's so horny and wet for you all. She acted as if this was something she wasn't up for at the start but she's loving this so much. She likes it when others are watching”
You close your eyes tightly to hide your reaction. His hands shifted from your ass, up your thighs to your waist and pulled you in closer to straddle his lap. You moved your hips slightly, brushing up against his large hardened bulge. A loud whine choked from you from the stimulation of his white jeans against your slick sensitive pussy. Seungkwans hand grabbed a fistful of your hair, grabbing at the roots and pulling your head back so he can leave wet kisses on your new exposed skin.
“Looks like my sluts been marked already. Such a whore”
The throbbing between your legs continued as you hardly grinded on his bulge and thigh, pulling his soft hair which got a moan in response. His moans were like alcohol. Beautiful but made you more and more crazy. It made you want to cum there and then on his thighs.
As you listened to his breathy groans you continued to straddle his muscular thighs, everytime you rutted closer towards his bulge. Your chest rose up and down as you got more and more turned on, proving to be a great view to seungkwan. As you grounded yourself down on his thigh he touched your chest and teased soft kisses everywhere he could reach. One harsh movement and you were arching reaching closer, your chest in his face. He swiftly removed your bralette without restricting you of your movement on his thigh. He tensed his thigh making you yelp even more. His eyes caught contact with yours as he lowered to suck at your nipple, flicking his tongue around your sensitive hardened nipples due to the temperature change.
He switched to your other, sucking gently on your nub, biting down refreshing yet another loud moan from your rose lips. Your face was red from embarrassment at how loud you were but you really couldn't help it you were overwhelmed.
“Sweetie don't be shy, everyone here has heard and wanked to your loud moans and screams before”
“He's right princess” Jeonghan muttered up.
Your hips moved faster against his thigh from the pleasure taking over your body, moans exiting your mouth at a rapid pace.
“Baby im”
“Cum on my thigh like the big slut you are”
“Youre so dirty cumming on your boyfriend's jeans” Woozi said in his deep yet amazed voice.
“Cum for your daddy like a goodgirl” Joshua added.
With all the attention, praise and his firm grip holding your movement harder against his thigh, you let out a cry of pleasure as your orgasm washed over you in waves.
“Thats it sweetie, get use to it this won't be your first ”Seungkwan smirks moving you to lie down to come down.
Seungkwans white jeans had a huge wet stain on the thigh area. All the boys looked like they were struggling to keep themselves together. You put your head down again in embarrassment, the stain was huge and soaked through.
One of the boys stood up from the chair quickly and made there way towards you with dominance.
“Fucking whore leaking making such a mess with that sopping pussy of yours”
You gulped loud unable to hide your arousal for his dominant state. The way he shouted at you made you melt.
“Ill have to teach that pussy of yours a lesson and put you in your place”
“P-pease sir”
“its daddy” he exhaled pulling your silk shorts down to you ankles, allowing you to do the rest and kick them off which ended up flying towards seokmin who wasn't complaining.
Woozis eyes trailed down towards your glistening core. He smirked running a finger over your folds collecting your arousal on his long digit. Without warning he suddenly pumped his finger inside you. You were weak and rested your forehead on his shoulders and you gripped onto the sides on his shoulders. He pumped another two fingers inside your pussy. He curled his fingers inside you, a series of moans screamed past your mouth.
“Spread them legs wide whore I want to taste you so bad”
“Daddy please eat me out I'm begging”
Woozi kneeled before your open legs and licked his lips before licking a long stripe up your pussy. He flicked your throbbing bud with his tongue and groaned against your clit.
“Wow fuck you're just as sweet as I imagined”
You threw your head back as his tongue dived within your folds licking up all your leaking wetness, sucking on your clit harshly. Your legs started to shake from the sensitive contact.
“So wet for me who makes you feel so good whore?”
“d-daddy..” you struggle to speak out as he licked up and down your cunt.
You tried grinding into his tongue to create more friction and that is when he pulled back leaving you empty. Right when your were about to reach the edge he stopped.
“Whore you stained your boyfriend's jeans so I'm not letting you cum just yet.”
You moaned in frustration praising him trying to get him to fulfill your needs and to be touched.
“Daddy please I'll be good I promise”
“You promise”
“Yes I swear”
“Thats a good whore now where was i”
He pushed three fingers inside you with ease because of how wet you had been. He pounded his fingers rapidly in and out of you, curling his fingers slightly hitting the spot that made you moan out heavenly sounds for the others. You came hard on his fingers, your slickness covering his fingers. Once he let you ride out your orgasm he removed his fingers and sucked them infront of you. Your core was absolutely ruined. It was pulsating frantically. He pulled you in for a kiss and you could taste yourself off his lips.
“Whore taste good doesn't she?” he whispers
“My sweetie knows how to put on a show” Seungkwan speaks out taking a look at the other members who seemed to have enjoyed the viewing alot, proof being the various moans and unzipped pants.
“Now sweetie since you're so wet and horny I think you deserve some more from me”
“Seungkwan please”
“Say it sweetie”
“Please I want you to fuck me with you cock and fill me up with your cum please”
“Since you've been so good I suppose I can, boys, prepare yourself, you've yet to hear her most beautiful sounds.”
You lie on your back on the bed, legs ready to be taken by seungkwan and thrown over his shoulders. You didn't need any warming up.
He put his tip and your entrance, his tip hitting your clit making you moan yet again. He inches into you and bottomed out, a moan tearing through your throat as you adjusted to the stretch. His dick was big and though your were his girlfriend you still weren't use to his size. After a few moments he started moving, speeding up his hips. He watched your wet pussy swallow up his whole dick with a smirk plastered on his face. Every time his dick disappeared fully the loudest pleasurable moans emerged from you. You held onto the back of your thighs as seungkwan pounded into you, fast and hitting the right spot. He placed one of your legs down and kept one thrown over his shoulder. He slowly lifted you a little and pounded into you hitting the gspot consecutively without fail. Bliss overtook your body.
“Joshua, Jeonghan come over here I know you've been wanting to get your dick rubbed”
Without hesitation they made their way over and sat on the bed, one on each side of you.
“Y/N flip and cock your ass up for me for me like a good girl”
“Yes Seungkwan”
“And you've got two hands, put them to use sweetie”
You gasp when seungkwan enters you again, showing no mercy and pounding your pussy into oblivion.
You look at joshua and jeonghan and bit your lip. They're both infront of you with their erect cocks standing, red and leaking precum. You use your thumb to smoother their precum from their sensitive tips down their length to make some lubrication. You work your hands on their cocks and slowly pumped into a faster speed making them groan and moan loudly. Jeonghan let out the most beautiful moans, they were so high and desperate yet he sounded so content.
“Princess fuck yes”
“Baby faster” Joshua growled throwing his head back, his adams apple emerging from his neck. He looked so hot. Both of them did. And they were both in your hands. You were in control of their moans and pleasure and it made you feel so good. Seungkwan continued moving in out of you switching up the rhythm.
“Seokmin over now” Seungkwan ordered.
Seokmin got up from his seat zipping up his jeans from previous actions.
“Theres no need to zip that up, sit infront of my sweetie, she'll take care of that mountain, isn't that right sweetie?”
Seungkwan spanks your ass leaving his red hand marks on your cheeks making you moans again.
“Y/N please suck me dry, you don't understand how flustered I got when I found out you were the new stylist in pledis. For our fear comeback when you tailored my pants, your head was down at cock level and I wanted you so bad”
You leave kisses on seokmins chest, becoming familiar with the earlier sexual encounter with seokmin. Everything about Seokmin was so endearing and hot. Your core started throbbing and pulsating. The tightness of your walls on seungkwans girthy cock made him groan in pleasure.
“Fuck Seokmin you're making my girl so tight”
You blush and look up innocently at Seokmins eyes. That fucking killed him. Such dirty actions he'd seen you do all night and you give him puppy eyes when you're down beside his cock your lips he admired so much about to touch his tip.
“I knew don't worry. The bulge in your pants in the performances right after me fitting you shows how you felt”
You swipe your tongue over his slit and took as much of his big member as you could into your mouth, the rest you pumped with your hands. Seokmin pulled on your hair from the vibrations of you moaning on his cock. Seungkwan fastened his pace making you moan around his cock even more. You sucked on his head and hollowed your cheeks as you bopped your head up and down his length.
You started whining as you started reaching your high from the endless attack on your pussy but also the breathy groans from seokmins pleasure and the others moans who watched. You let out a strangled moan and clench around seungkwans huge cock. All of this was becoming too much for seokmin too, his hips started shaking as he finally released his seed down your throat.
You swallowed it all and licked at his slit getting every bit of his cum. You came around seungkwan and lay down from exhaustion.
Woozi, jeonghan and Joshua all watched and pumped themselves in sync with the pounding and head bopping, releasing on themselves as they watched the sight unravel.
“Sweetie you did so well”
“Whore how about you come back to mine and we'll record some of your moans for adlibs for the upcoming album”
“Send the adlibs to me for keepsakes” jeonghan sighed out, wiping his cum off his hands. Joshua raises his hand slightly.
“Me too if you don't mind”
You lay on the bed exhausted surrounded by a bunch of sweaty hot guys.
“Sweetie remember when you said you wanted 'us time' earlier, how do you feel about that now”
“Yeah I changed my mind”
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velvetsehun · 4 years
hiiii i've been a follower of yours for quite a while and i absolutely love your writings!!! i hope you don't mind me asking since this question is not related to your blog, but it's my first year of college and now that classes are online because of covid 19, i feel so overwhelmed with my work, like i have so many papers and projects all due in the same week and i feel mentally exhausted and just giving up. i honestly don't know how to deal with this, i was hoping you'd give me some advice? 😭
hello lovely! thank you, im glad you enjoy them, its whats they’re there for ;)
I’d be glad to give you some advice, i understand things are tough right now due to the virus, im obviously a uni student myself rn and i had to work out how to do everything so that i dont cry! 
I think the first thing to approaching school is to first of all, take a step back and actually evaluate what it is you have to do - i’ve go 3 essays due the same week as well and the first thing i did was step back, look at the deadlines and then look at the time that i have, its very easy to just see deadlines and think “i have to do all of this right now or it wont get done” which is partly whats overwhelming you! my main factor to planning out work is to put the due day into my google calendar, and then look at the days you have and be realistic with how long it takes to do thing! i’ll write it down in the calendar that way i HAVE to do it. ALSO GIVE YOURSELF AT LEAST A DAY OR TWO BEFORE YOU START!!
It takes me 2-3 days to plan, write and edit an essay (1500-2000 words) and i keep that in mind when i plan, so ill typically dedicate time to each thing i have to do, with a 2-3 day gap in between them! so from today until the 28th, ill be working on an essay, and today specifically ill be making an essay plan and thats all ill do today! 
ill plan my essay, breakdown the paragraphs and their contents, find key reading and then ill just leave it for the rest of the day, give your mind some time to process what it is you’re writing, and then tomorrow ill write! i typically do an hour of writing then 45 minute break, and i’ll do a paragraph in an hour! that way im not dedicating 9 hours to just starting at a word doc, im taking breaks inbetween! you’ll stress your mind out just focusing on one thing for hours on end! and after a few hours the essay is written and then ill leave it again! 
then on the 28th, ill go in and grammar/word check it, make sure it makes sense and read it over and if i feel like it, ill submit it same day! then after ive done that essay, ill take a 2-3 rest and start something new, that way im not bogging my mind down with everything! it also helps to REFERENCE AS YOU GO PLEASE OMG it makes it so much easier, use a website like citethisforme and you’ll save about an hour! 
it get its hard to apply yourself to doing the work in the first place when you’re stuck in the house, but what helps me is getting ready like its a normal day, getting out of pajamas and wearing real people clothes, maybe going for a quick walk outside and then coming back to start your work - that what you’re convincing yourself almost that you’re actually somewhere else and you start to feel a lot less cooped up!
im also someone who cant listen to “loud” music when im writing, so ill literally listen to it on the lowest volume i can still here so that my brain isnt focusing on something else while im trying to write!
here’s an example of what my calendar can look like (i cant show you my actual one since its got personal stuff on it but here’s a good example!):
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also! its very important to practice some form of self-care in any break you get! I’m my 45 minute breaks between paragraphs ill make food, ill watch something, maybe write a little, ill talk to someone, ill sometimes just go out into the garden and look around! anything that isnt directly tied to the task im doing so that my break relaxes for a second! 
in my longer breaks between days, ill dedicate my time to other things that i have to do or want to do; ill do some yoga, ill write, ill read, ill cook/bake! 
Its very easy to just want to give up completely, and i completely understand that, but building a routine can really help you and understanding that you CAN do the work, you ARE capable, and that is IS doable; you just need to breathe and look at things a little differently, your own headspace can become uninhabitable so for a little while take a step out of that, and remember that you are a fully capable human and you have feelings! they can be tricky but once you understand how to manage them it gets better, you arent a bad person for wanting to just give up, you just need a little shove! 
I hope this helps! obviously i’m not a professional, i’m just another person, but my own mental health struggles taught me to start doing things another way if i wanted to get better or otherwise im living in a head in which is not meant for living in! 
I believe in you okay? and i know fine well that all the virus stuff is making all of us a bit stuck in a rut, we cant cure it but we can show it that we work with it - you’re fully capable and you’re going to do these assignments to the best of your ability! 
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butwhyduh · 6 years
Locked Door
Peter Parker x Stark!reader
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Warning: smut
Word count: 1489
Summary: you and Peter Parker are interrupted in a horrible embarrassing way. Requested by @sassyhollandx
"Dad, I'm 23," you said staring at him.
"I know, but you'll always be my little girl whether you like it or not," Tony stark said shrugging his shoulders. "And I worry about you going on blind dates. You should really take a suit or at least Friday with you," he suggested.
"Dad, I am not doing that. That's why I buy my phones and you don't touch them. Because I'm pretty sure you would put a tracking device," you answered.
He looked at you in defeat. To him you would always be his little girl who sat on his knee in the lab and talked about nuclear physics for your 3rd grade show and tell. This whole dating thing was not something he liked.
You on the other hand were just trying to leave the room. You hated lying to your dad. You did have a date. It wasn't blind. Instead it was with his junior employee Peter Parker that you had been secretly seeing for the last 6 months and knew since you both were teens.
"How do I look," you asked turning.
"Beautiful as always," Tony said begrudgingly. "Just don't do anything you don't want to do. And be safe."
"Dad. Don't give me the talk. I would literally melt in the floor. I still have nightmares of the talk you and Dr Banner gave me. You called a period 'moon cycle.' I was 15," you said shaking your head.
"Okay, I was... unprepared."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I've got to get going. Love ya," you said leaving.
You met Peter at his apartment. He bounced around the room, his converse squeaking on the linoleum. His hair was sticking up in crazy spots.
"Pete, what are you doing?" You said stepping around a precariously perched pizza box.
"I am so sorry, baby. I was running late. I was developing a tactile web fluid that was slime resistant. I found that potassium- you don't care about that," he said smiling ruefully. Peter had found his beat up hoodie.
"I can come visit in the lab and you can walk me through it," you said taking his hand. Peter quickly ran his other hand through his disheveled hair.
"I would- I would love that. But your dad, you know?" Peter sais wrapping his arms around your waist. You laid your head on his chest.
"I will deal with him. I know you are nervous about telling him but honestly he'll have to get over it. I'm an adult."
Peter's phone rang loudly with a familiar ring tone. You groaned. Peter quickly answered.
"Hello, Mr Stark?"
"Uhhh..okay sir. I can come back. Yes sir. I'll be there soon," Peter said into the phone. You rolled your eyes. There went your date.
"Your dad said that my fluid stopped agitating and we should go test it. I'm so sorry, babe. I'll make it up to you," he pleaded.
"I'll give you a ride," you groaned.
"No, you don't have to," he said quickly.
"Well, my date stood me up so I might as well go home," you said smiling.
"Baby, I didn't stand you up. I'm so sorry. I'll.... uh, make it up to you," he whispered suggestively.
"I'm holding you to that."
The ride was uneventful except when Peter insisted that he get out 3 block before the tower and walked.
"Hey kid, what happened to your date?" Rhodey asked. Of course your dad had talked to Rhodey about the date. Tony hated the idea of it.
You had completely forgotten your lie. "Uhh.. I was stood up?"
"Were you?" He said with his eyebrows raised. "Someone stood you up? They're very stupid. I'm sorry."
"Oh thanks, uncle Rhodey. Where is dad?"
"In the lab."
"Nope, I'm right here. Someone dare stand my daughter up? Who do I need to talk to? Do I need a suit? Armani or titanium ion," Tony said.
"No dad. Don't be weird. Its fine. I'll be up in my room. I have work to do anyways," you said trying to brush it off.
"I dont- Peter Parker. I'm glad you made it. Can you believe someone stood my daughter up on a date?" Tony said shaking his head. Peter looked at you with wide eyes.
"Thats... uh, that's crazy, Mr Stark. That's not a nice thing for someone to do," Peter rambled.
"Exactly. He gets it," Tony said placing an arm on Peter's shoulder. "Let's check that fluid." Peter nodded.
You went to your room to work on your own project. You were trying to develop a removable prosthetic based on the blueprint of the winter soldier's arm. It was going along slowly.
About and hour later you heard a soft knock at the door. You removed your safety goggles and put down the soldering iron. Peter stood outside your door. You pulled him in your room.
"Hey," you said.
"So you owed me, right?" You said looping your fingers in his belt loops. He grasped your hips.
"What about your dad having cameras everywhere?"
"I disabled them when I was 15 and I threatened his entire system if he put them back."
"In that case," Peter said kissing you. His hands wrapped around your waist and pulled you tightly to him. You ran your hands to his hair and pulled his face closer. You both stumbled to your bed. You grabbed a notebook off the bed and tossed it on the floor.
Peter picked you up and laid you on the bed. His kisses trailed down your neck. He unbuttoned the front of your dress and you slipped your shoulders from the straps. His hands greedily pushed the material out of the way and down your body. You whimpered when he sucked and nipped at a spot on your collarbone.
His hands pushed your slip off and Peter broke the kiss to look at your body when he felt no undergarments. "Baby, you're killing me," he groaned.
His mouth roamed down your body to your nipple. His tongue swirled around one while his thumb flicked the other. You arched into his touch. Your breath heavy and your heart racing. Your core ached for his touch.
Peter ran a hand up and down your thigh, teasing you by never touching where you needed him the most. You whined and your hips jumped. Peter kissed down your stomach before putting your legs over his shoulders. He planted wet kisses up your inner thighs. Your clit throbbed and you moaned in wanton.
Finally he kissed your hip bones and you gasped. How were you so fucking turned on?
"Please, baby, please," you pleaded.
"Wow, you're desperate," he admired. Peter finally kissed your clit and you moaned loudly. "Baby shhh. You can't be loud. Someone could hear."
You nodded and Peter licked your slit. You bit your lip as he teasingly licked around. You panted and your hips jumped. Peter placed an arm on your hips and wrapped his lips around your clit. He lightly sucked and swirled the bud. You trembled. Peter rutted into the bed as you writhed labove him. He thought you looked so fucking pretty like this.
"I want you," you gasped as you pulled at his shoulders. He climbed up your body as he pulled off his pants. Peter grabbed the blanket and pulled it over you both. He slid into you on one thrust. You grasped his back and he began moving.
You both panted as he thrust. Peter placed his forehead against yours. You wrapped your legs around his waist for a better angle. He whined at the sensation and began thrusting roughly.
Suddenly the door opened. "Hey Y/n have you seen Pet- holy SHIT! What the hell is going on??" Tony Stark said staring before quickly turning away. Peter tried to cover your body with his. "Why- what- Peter? Really?" Tony sputtered.
"Dad! Jesus, why didn't you knock?!?" You yelped. Peter rolled to the side and you held the blanket across your chest. You had never felt so embarrassed.
"Why are you having sex," he whispered, "with Peter Parker? Are you dating?" Tony couldn't look in the room. The view of his employee on top of his daughter was pretty much burned into his mind.
"Yes we are dating. We've been dating for 6 months."
"And you already have sex?" He exclaimed.
"Is this really the time to have this talk?"
"Just- just- just lock the Damn door from now on. Now I have to wash my brain with bleach. I never want to see that again," Tony said locking the door and leaving.
"That was horrible," you said covering your eyes. "And I was close," you whined.
"I'm uh, done. Lost the mood. But I guess I can take care of you," Peter said. His face was bright red.
"No, we can finish this later. I'm too motified right now anyways."
"Yeah, later. Maybe not here next time."
Permanent tag list
@meg-holland @smexylemony @flashgunashton @calum-hoodwinked-me @laucontrerasv @courtneychicken @beeloverqueen @imahoformarvel @joyfullyje @jiminiecricketz
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jfthorismymuse · 5 years
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Photo taken January 22, 2020
I almost typed 2019. Guess I'm not used to the new year yet.
My hair now has a mind of its own. That's fine. Better than fine. Feels normal. My hair was curly before all this, so I'm used to it.
What I am not used to is the stiffness in my ankles. I have to move them around every morning before getting out of bed. And if I stay still for too long, it takes a while to warm them up. Makes me feel old.
I've been keeping up with walking. That helps I think. I hope.
I'm tired. And I've been feeling a bit blue. Not sure if it's the usual January rut that I get every year or if it's the impeachment stuff. Just when I get hopeful, the GOP is there to remind me that they care more about power than anything else. It makes me sad and angry and frustrated. The hypocrisy alone is disgusting. But that's nothing new.
I should end this on a more hopeful note. I have started a new job. Same company, new boss. It's is a much better fit for me. I feel like I am actually accomplishing something. Comes with a cool title, too - Enterprise Information Analyst. Data to the people!
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sholiofic · 8 years
Since I've done the soulgaze one, how about a genderswapped Dresden Files AU where Peggy is the wizard and Sousa is the cop? Throw Jack in there as Thomas Raith :)
This prompt made me grin HUGELY when I got it. Peggy as Harry Dresden. That’s too perfect.
Dresden Files is fairly standard urban fantasy, so I don’t know if there’s much that needs explaining here for anyone reading this who hasn’t read Dresden Files – it’s got magic, a spirit world, faeries, etc – except for the White Court vampires, which is what Thomas is (and therefore what Jack is). They feed on emotional energy drawn from their victims, and the hungrier they get – which happens when they haven’t fed in awhile, or when they’re tired or need to heal – the less control they have, so it’s very easy for a hungry White Court vampire to lose control, drain its victim entirely, and kill them.
Hellhounds weren’t the worst thing Peggy had fought, not by a long shot. But there were just so damnably many of them. And in the Nevernever, she was on their home ground, not her own.
She’d been driven back, panting, until her back was pressed against a cliffside. Thorny trees curled around her, ripping through the spelled leather jacket she wore as if it offered no more resistance than warm butter. As a small plus to her desperate situation, the trees – heavy with malevolent intent – were no friendlier to the shadowy beasts who would otherwise have pressed in on her from all sides. The hellhounds had to attack her from the front, and she tore through them two and three at a time, wielding both staff and gun.
But she was tiring. She was out of her stored energy and down to the dregs, bleeding from a dozen minor wounds. And now she could hear the distant sound of hunting horns.
If she couldn’t cut a path through the hounds and get to the rendezvous point – the Way that would get her out of the Nevernever and back to the mortal world – before the hounds’ masters got here …
Well. No point thinking about complications before they came up, was there? She had more than enough to deal with already.
She’d expended the power in the rings on all her fingers except for the ring Daniel had given her. It was engagement ring and promise all in one, and it was also her hole card, a reservoir of last-ditch stored power that she dared not tap until she had no other choice.
A shadowy beast with teeth that were all too corporeal slashed through the sleeve of her jacket. Pain blazed up her arm. She shot it through the skull with another of her fast-dwindling supply of charmed bullets and backed to the very foot of the cliff. The trees seemed to silently laugh at her as the hellhounds ranged themselves in a semicircle of shadow in front of her, their eyes burning in the twilight. The runes on her staff flared dully as she pointed it at them. They seemed to know she was down to the last of her power, unable to draw on the Nevernever as she could have on Earth; she would have to burn the stuff of her very soul to fight.
Or use Daniel’s ring – but there was enough of Daniel’s soul in the making of it that she wouldn’t. Couldn’t. Not unless there was truly no other choice.
And then –
Then there was something else – someone else – in their midst.
He moved too fast for Peggy’s eye to follow, but she knew who it was in the instant she saw the gleam of the sword and the glimmer of blond hair in the twilight. She leaped back into the fight, emptying her spelled gun into the nearest of the hellhounds and clubbing them with her staff until she’d fought her way to her unlikely savior and stood back to back with him.
“Jack,” she gasped out. From somewhere inside her, she found another reservoir of untapped energy and the runes on the staff flared to life, a surge of fire driving back the hellhounds in front of her. “Are you here to help me or capture me?”
“Do I have to choose just one?” Jack glanced over his shoulder at her. He wasn’t even sweating, the bastard, but his eyes had paled to silver, and against her will, her body responded to the hot tug of the power he was tapping into in order to fight.
She’d never really pushed up against the limits of Jack’s control over his incubus nature. She didn’t really want to do it here; the last thing she needed was to fight an ally as well as her enemies.
“I hope you have a good plan for getting to the border.” The hunting horn sounded again, even closer.
“Oh, I do.” Jack’s voice was incongruously cheerful, given their situation.
An instant later, Peggy found out why, as a cherry-red convertible sports car – looking about as out of place as it was possible for anything to look in their primitive surroundings – plowed into the pack of hellhounds from behind. Wheels spinning on grass, throwing out bits of turf, it slewed around in a tight circle and Daniel yelled, “Get in!”
They were still blocked from the car by half a dozen snarling, slashing hellhounds, so Jack unceremoniously picked up Peggy, ignoring her startled “Hey!”, and threw her over the hellhound pack into the backseat. When he was drawing on his demon side, he was several times stronger than a human, and he flung her into the car as if she weighed nothing. The leather seat smacked her painfully in the face and she bruised her ribs on her staff. She thrashed her way upright just in time to see Jack slice two hellhounds in half with a single slash of his sword and then launch himself off a branch of the nearest tree to leap over them, landing with a series of stumbling steps on the grass just behind the sports car. He vaulted over the trunk into the backseat, shouting, “Go, go, go!”
Daniel floored it. The car fishtailed on the grass and then roared forward.
Jack dropped into the backseat beside Peggy, splattered with dark gore. He wiped the sword on his gray jeans and sheathed it. He was holding it with his left hand, she noticed. His right was low, unobtrusively at his side, with the fingers curled. He must have burned himself on her skin when he’d thrown her.
White Court vampires of Jack’s house, who fed on raw lust, could not bear true love’s touch. The bare skin of someone who loved and was loved burned them as fiercely as fire. She couldn’t touch Jack without gloves, and it was worst with the hand where she wore the ring Daniel had given her. That ring could burn him even through the protection of cloth or leather.
“Peggy, are you okay?” Daniel asked over his shoulder, not taking his eyes off what passed for a road, really more of a trail. The car bounded wildly over ruts and tore through a thicket.
“I’m fine.” She twisted around to look behind them. The hellhound pack was pursuing, and from the look of things, catching up. Behind them, she caught her first glimpse of a dark rider.
“You’re covered in blood,” Jack remarked, drawing a gun to replace the sword. He held it in his left hand, balanced on the half-closed fist of his right.
“Most of it isn’t mine.” Sensing Daniel, in the front seat, winding up for some kind of rebuttal, she tried to head him off. “This isn’t your car, Daniel, is it?”
“It’s Jack’s,” Daniel said between clenched teeth. His knuckles were white on the steering wheel. “How much farther?”
“Not much –” Peggy broke off as another mounted rider, or perhaps the same one, reared in front of them, looming in the car’s headlights. Space and time were malleable as putty here; they could have been caught instantly if their pursuers had wanted to. But it was all part of the game. The quarry had to be given a reasonable chance to escape.
“Left!” Jack snapped.
Daniel veered left, roaring through some sort of ancient cemetery, knocking over headstones left and right. Peggy wondered what the Fae penalty was for desecrating a graveyard. It wasn’t like they could hate her any more than they already did, though.
“Where are we going?” she demanded, gripping the seat. If the ride had been rough before, it was a dozen times more so now.
“There’s a door I know,” Jack said. “It’s close. Actually – right there!”
Peggy sensed the thin spot between worlds and, with what energy she still had to draw upon, ripped it open. The car tore out of the graveyard into –
– a very similar-looking graveyard. They slewed sideways and slammed into a headstone as Peggy sealed the rift behind them, one step ahead of their pursuers.
“Can’t they just open that?” Daniel asked frantically. He was cranking the key, trying to restart the engine, which had died at their sudden, precipitous stop.
“They can’t chase us into the mortal world; it’s against the rules. At least, this particular set of rules in this situation.” Dealing with the Fae always gave her a headache, though right now her head hurt for various other reasons. She felt around for her gun, which she’d dropped when Jack had thrown her into the backseat, found it on the floor of the car, and holstered it with fingers so tired they ached.
“So what’d you do to piss off the Fae, Peggy?” Jack asked, carefully flexing the fingers on his burned right hand.
“None of your business,” she retorted, letting her aching head flop back against the seat. An instant later she opened her eyes, looking up against trees framed against a sky spangled with stars and nearly untouched by light pollution. “Er … where exactly are we? This isn’t New York.”
“Pennsylvania, I think,” Jack said.
“Central Pennsylvania. Amish country.”
Daniel twisted around in his seat, flopping an arm over the back. “You do understand I have a job, right? Where I’m supposed to be in –” He checked his watch. “Six hours?”
“We should be able to drive back in that time.” Peggy took his hand, lacing their fingers gently together. “Thank you. Both of you,” she added, somewhat grudgingly, to Jack.
She was hyper-aware of him next to her in the backseat, despite their mutual, grimy and exhausted condition, which meant that his powers were still exerting a draw on her. “And stop doing that,” she told him.
“I can’t help it.” His eyes were pale silver, almost white. “I just fought off a pack of hellhounds, and I need to eat.”
“Well, you aren’t eating me, so get control of yourself.”
Jack stared at her, eyes whitening and beginning to lose their pupils. The compulsion she felt, the heat of arousal rushing through her, was almost overwhelming. She knew she should look away, but her body was telling her something entirely different.
Daniel cleared his throat. Peggy snapped her gaze away from Jack’s to find that Daniel had drawn his service weapon and lowered it at the vampire’s skull. From the slight flush on his face, he felt the same compulsion Peggy did, but being less tired, he was doing a better job of fighting it off.
“I really appreciate your help tonight,” Daniel said. “Now get yourself together and stop trying to whammy us, or I’m going to kill you.”
Jack stared at him, then closed his eyes and took a brief, halting breath. When he opened his eyes again, the irises were darkening back to their usual hazel, and his face was set in grim, cool lines. He got out of the car and stepped away, his back to them, posture tense.
Daniel sighed and slumped against the seat, letting his gun hand drop. His fingers were still locked around Peggy’s. “Before you ask,” he said, “he was the only person I could think of who might be able to get me into that spirit-thingie place after you.”
“The Nevernever.”
“Yeah. That.” He looked skyward as if asking for strength. “And now we’re in Pennsylvania and facing a road trip back to New York in a vampire’s car.”
Jack turned back, his face composed and his eyes entirely human again, and opened the driver’s door. “Which I’m going to be driving. So shove over.”
“Glad to oblige,” Daniel said sweetly, and got into the back, with Peggy.
Jack coaxed the engine to life and pulled carefully around the headstone. There was an ominous rattle in the transmission. Peggy was impressed the car had survived its adventure in the Nevernever at all, and its exposure to all the magic there. It was a classic model with few electronic parts; a newer version would probably never have made it.
“There’d better not be anything going on back there, I’m telling you,” Jack said grimly as he pulled out onto a rural road framed by dark trees. “Because I’m only barely in control of myself right now as it is.”
Peggy leaned her head on Daniel’s shoulder as he put an arm around her. She was safe … safe for now, at least. For certain values of safe. “I’ll probably sleep all the way back to New York anyway.”
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text || Brobastian (Week 2)
Bas: Well, maybe it should be in a room full of mirrors, then. That way I get to see myself /and/ the other guy. Although I feel like just fucking me would actually take less effort than the teasing would. I mean, there's only so much of someone rutting against me that I can take - especially if they're murmuring in my ear about all of the different ways they plan on having me. That shit gets /exhausting/, Brodes - there comes a time where you just want someone to fill you up, or - fuck, I feel like riding them would be easier than just the /tease/. I mean not that the tease isn't all manner of hot, but, you know - there /are/ limits, and pushing them with me in this state would just be cruel, you know? Best just to give me the relief I need.
Bas: When your material revolves around crappy jokes at my expense, then that's just sad. Really - you have /one/ subject. I know you're obsessed with me, Brodes, but come on. Hey, I'm not the one trying to be a comedian, here. That's on you.
Bas: Can't say I've counted. What - you think I don't own any R&H? You underestimate me, as usual. While I appreciate ballet as an art form, yeah - no. Besides all of the dizziness, it really is just gonna send me to sleep again. I've slept enough. Why do you equate my ability to find people to sleep with to a lack of standards? While I might have had some questionable hook-ups in the past (all hot, just some... questionable people), I do like quality. Newbie Brody sounds adorable - man, I'd have loved to corrupt him - but I digress. Just because you're fine going home alone, doesn't mean we all need to do so. Don't get me wrong, there's been a night or two where I haven't hooked up, but it's really not very often. Why skip out on the chance for some good sex? Fine, fine - he can do the groundwork, but I'm making my intentions clear.
Bas: Man, you can be so dramatic sometimes, you know that? Tell you what - if I die from sex, you can rest assured that you were right, and I'll have gone out in probably the best way that I possibly could. I'm not /that/ sick - I'll be fine in a few days. I already told you - nobody said /anything/ about being ass-raped to death apart from you. Seriously, I worry about you sometimes.
Bas: He's been hovering, yeah. You don't really /need/ to angle Blaine - his ass is a good view no matter where he's standing in the room, so long as he's not directly facing you. Although the rest of him is perfectly pleasing to look at, too.
Bas: You mean there's no one to obsess over. Don't worry, Brodes - me and my ass will be back in no time. Oh, but if he's as bad as you claim he is, you're fine mocking over texts? So cruel. I don't deserve this shit. I didn't say anything about not liking it. If nothing else, she'll give me something to do during lunch hour. And by /do/, well.... I'm sure you know what I mean. Yeah, but what happens when she puts on Legally Blonde and they start thinking that they can get a law degree and win trials based on their perm maintenance knowledge? And I bet she wouldn't even show the Broadway version.
Brody: Doesn't a room full of mirrors mess with the reflection though? Like kind of skew the coloration or something, because it's just reflection on reflection on reflection, etc? But yeah-- I mean, you could definitely play with more than one, get all the angles. You're missing the point, Bas. The point isn't what would take the least effort: it's what has the biggest payoff. And since you can't really handle that level of exertion for at least another week, the tease has to last until you can properly enjoy it. So until then, they can really only get by themselves by talking about how intense it's going to get-- how they're going to spread you out, stretch you open one finger at a time, three fingers deep, before lapping up your ass like a cream to a cat. Fucking bringing you to a breaking point if you don't have their full, thick, throbbing cock inside of you, punching up against your sweet spot hard while their hands are //finally// reaching around, slicked up so they're wet and hot and completely covering you and just pumping like you guys haven't fucked in weeks-- which, you know, you haven't. Because you've been on bedrest and he's not going to fuck you until you're off. It's a medical thing, Bas-- I mean, it's that or nothing, you know? And I figured since //nothing// was basically killing you here, it'd make more sense this way, right?
Brody: I hardly see that as sad-- who deserves jokes at their expense more than the proud peacock? I mean really? And it makes everybody laugh. I cater to my audience, what can I say. And you're worse than they are, Bas-- I know you; you'd rather hear anything about yourself than the funniest jokes about anyone else. Tcha-- everyone's a critic until the light's on them.
Brody: Well, let me know when you think of a ballpark figure. //You// watch Rogers and Hammerstein? Like more than just in passing? You do know people usually fall in //love// in those shows, right? Without sex? Or are you sleeping through those parts? You realize sleep isn't the enemy, right? I mean, I'm not encouraging you to sleep through culture in its purest form, but if your body's trying to drag you under, that's usually a sign. It might have something to do with the fact that there's a limited number of bodies in Ohio and you've likely slept with the majority of them-- and they definitely could not have been all 10s, Bas. I wouldn't be surprised if you couldn't give some of them a 7 after you took off your beer goggles. Yeah, I'm familiar with the questionable aspect-- I've seen that scar on your back XD Hey-- Newbie Brody was still plenty experienced, just...a little gun shy. Let's just say I didn't leave Sparks without a little bit of crazy chasing me out. And if 22-year old Bas was when whips were involved in your sex life, I wouldn't really want to be corrupted, thanks. Well, I guess I just don't mind the break to focus on other things then. Sex isn't air for me. Bas, I've heard you guys talking-- I'm pretty sure your intentions are perfectly clear by now. Like bird flying into a window transparent.
Brody: //I// can be dramatic? That's a laugh, considering some of the shit I've seen you pull over the years. So I can write on your grave: Brody Told You So You Assless Peacock ? I mean, since if you die by //my// dick, I'm going to be in the next grave over, it seems only fair. Okay, okay-- you're just unnecessarily stuck on bedrest while coughing like hell. You're not sick. I'm still not sexing you up while you look like that. You know, when you say crap like that, it makes me believe you never even watched the show, much less read the books, and that hurts my feelings. I mean, did you think they'd be asking about the actor(s-- since the guy was recast three different times at least) or what? Because I'm pretty sure they would have clarified that point if that had been the case. Hey-- I didn't choose the dead guy. I chose the manipulative girl with experience.
Brody: well, so long as we're in agreement that his ass is way better than yours, I'll totally agree with that. I mean, personally, he's not really my type, but I don't blame you for pining over the innocent soul you failed to fully corrupt. Everyone has the one that got away, Bas.
Brody: I'm sorry, are you implying that I couldn't easily find someone else to talk to or about? Because I'm pretty sure that the conversation is significantly more diverse around the people that are actually //allowed// out of the house. Well, a) I can't see you, and 2) didn't you just say you were fine? XD Can't have it both ways, peacock. Speaking of obsession...you know you could always just stop answering, right?
Brody: [unsent] holy fuck please do not actually seriously consider that as an option-- why the fuck did I say that god fucking dammit I'm pathetic
Brody: I guess-- just make sure you wipe off the desk before and after-- and rinse out her mouth. God mayonnaise just bugs the crap out of me. I mean, obviously it's not hurting her, because she looks great, but why do people need their sandwiches to look like someone dumped a vat of glue on it? Yech. I admit, if your kids are watching Reese Witherspoon the Lawyer-based movies and not coming out of it with any worthwhile lyrics in their head, I'll be a little disappointed. But I'm sure she'd give them all time to perfect the bend-and-snap, since you won't be there to demonstrate whenever you need something from the principal XD
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