#i've been very excited about the chapters that come after this one so i'm glad i got this one out of the way
miniscule-meow · 2 years
Something Unexpected (16)
Writing Masterpost
Part 1
Part 15
Next part
Wordcount: ~2.3k
The party for their engagement finally rolls around. The staff around the castle had been in a dither about it for weeks. Day after day Princess Larkspur has had to sit, literally chained to a table making decisions that really have no point whatsoever. It was completely asinine. A group of ladies crowd around the table showing her different swatches of fabric, holding different gatherings of flowers. They ask millions of questions, what’s the color scheme, what type of flowers does she prefer, how should the table settings look, what color should the napkins be. They went on and on and on. It made her want to chew her own leg off so she could finally be free of the bindings and just fly out of there. She wanted to scream, “I don’t care!” at the top of her lungs, over and over again.
But she quells her frustrations thinking back to the conversation that Prince Oliver had with her. He told her to play by his rules and to be on her best behavior and that might earn her some better treatment. Do the opposite, and it isn’t hard to see how things could become so much worse. So, she figures she might be able to earn herself some extra freedoms here by playing nice. And besides, it might impress the right people if she does a good job, and that might earn her extra freedoms as well. At this point, she would do nearly anything to not have to wear the golden chain and be escorted around the palace.
The guards walk her about like some kind of dog, it is humiliating. At the very least, these ladies appear to be valuing her opinion. No matter how annoying it is, they are actually listening to her, she has to give them that. She is being treated like a proper princess, fulfilling the duties she is called to do. Apparently, if she had grown up in this cursed, backwards human society, this is the very thing any young girl would dream about doing. So, she picked floral arrangements, and she picked colors. She even entertained the subject of tablecloths and napkins for about two hours.
It takes the whole day for everyone to get her ready for the party. Her makeup is done for her, in her opinion it is entirely too detailed to be seen by any of the humans in attendance, but no one asks her. Her hair is twisted half up in an several elegant braids that come together elaborately into a neat bun, the rest is left flowing over her back in copper waves. She wears a green dress that is honestly stunning. It hugs her waist just so, and the skirts flow gently to her ankles. The front has a high halter neckline with a plunging golden mesh section that goes down nearly to her bellybutton. The back is nonexistent, allowing her wings free range of movement behind her.
Her wings shimmer with fine fairy-made jewelry that doesn’t incumber her flight, not that she imagines she’ll be doing much flying. She is absolutely dripping with jewels. The whole outfit is of course ruined by the golden band that is locked onto her ankle as she steps out of the room set aside for the fairies. Prince Oliver meets her at the door.
“Princess.” His voice is low, and formal. He barely even looks at her. He’s handed her chain and he simply attaches her to his lapel. “You may rest upon my shoulder.” He says this in a way that doesn't seem to be a suggestion.
Her stomach turns knowing that she spent all day getting all done up like this, just to be an accessory on his jacket. She’ll have to be his perfect little boutonniere. She grimaces and perches herself on his shoulder as he directed her to, unsure of where else she would even go.
This is going to be incredibly boring. She thinks dryly as Prince Oliver leads her into the grand ball room. Music is playing lightly from a string quartet across the room. So many humans are already milling about. The lady’s dresses all look heavy and dull, the men’s suits look incredibly stiff. This certainly isn’t a party for fairies. Lark isn’t convinced that this is even what a party for humans is supposed to be.
It’s so dull, everything is so rigid. Especially watching the humans perform their so-called dances. Everyone moves about like clockwork. Everything is so specific and planned. Of course, she cannot join in. She asked Prince Oliver if he wanted to dance, and he huffed a short mirthless laugh in response. She supposes she is much too small to participate, so she is stuck observing from the sidelines. At least Prince Oliver has to sit and watch and be just as bored as she is.
The night dredges on at a snail’s pace. People crowd around them, talking to the prince, and ignoring her completely. Or, they step too close to coo over her like she’s some exotic hamster with wings. Some cringe at her from a distance, as though she were some over-sized moth. She catches a group of ladies sneering over at her, then giggling and whispering to one another. Certainly they’re jealous that a “little thing” like her could have taken the prince’s hand away from them. Not that they would have had a chance anyway. Lark is very impressed that she is able to keep herself from rolling her eyes. I would gladly trade places with you, if I could. She thinks bitterly.
The monotony of the party drags on, but the worst part absolutely has to be the eating. All the humans are gathered together at one long banquet table. She is ceremoniously unpinned from her captor’s- or rather- her prince’s lapel, and she is affixed to her own place at the table. She is just on the table, level with the plates. They couldn’t be bothered to give her an elevated place, though they did make a single table her size for her to sit at. She supposes she should be grateful for that at least.
She feels an aching loneliness inside her heart. How grand it could have been, where her prince not a tyrant, where this kingdom not so monstrous. This party could have intermingled fairies and humans together in one crowd. This party could have symbolized a coming together of the kingdoms. This party could have actually been fun. But no. She is the lone fairy in the crowd, an oddity, a prize that has been won. This is only punctuated by her sitting alone in a sea of humans looking down on her, if they decide to pay any mind to her at all.
Before her is a mass of shifting hands, and walls of bodies. Everything is so loud. Cutlery scraping over plates, everyone is shouting and laughing and chewing. A hundred things are happening all at once, and she feels like she might explode.
It all comes to a head in one slow-motion moment. A glass is carelessly tipped over, spilling its contents all over her. It soaks her beautiful emerald gown with wine and the rolling glass shoves her little table clear to the floor. She flies up, out of the way of the glass, and is quickly smacked out of the air, engulfed in a palm. She is whisked up and away from the danger but the chain connecting her to the table snags taut and jerks her leg painfully. She lets out a small shout as Prince Oliver mumbles a curse under his breath.
She realizes all at once that this is the first time that he’s held her. Every other time they have interacted he has elected to touch her as little as possible. A guard would place him where he wanted her, and deal with her chains. Perching on his shoulder earlier today was the closest they had been. But now, his fingers completely surround her. He holds her just a little too tight. She feels her heart hammering against her chest, her wings pressed uncomfortably, but not painfully, against herself. She finds it hard to breathe with her face squished against his massive digits and his fingers constricting her ribs. She squeezes her eyes shut and tries to pretend that she isn’t being semi-suffocated by his clumsy fingers. She supposes she should be glad that she doesn’t have to bear the weight of a table full of humans resting their eyes solely on her. Think positively Lark.
Once he gets her unchained, he holds her cupped in both hands, like a child that has just caught a firefly. He excuses himself and carries her off, away from the noise of the party.
He plops her soggy form down onto a bathroom counter, letting the chain fall limp around her. The first thing he does is not check on her. Instead, he first washes his hands, drying them before taking off his jacket and setting it neatly aside. She looks down at her dripping gown, trying to wring out some of the wine as he rolls up his sleeves. He turns the faucet on once more, testing the water temperature with a finger before he collects her in his hand. Wordlessly, he brings her under the stream of water.
“Stop! Stop! Stop!” She shouts, completely soaked through. He jerks her backwards, out of the water as she sputters.
“What? Too hot?” He reaches a hand forward to check the water temperature again. She pushes wet hair out of her face to more properly glare at him.
“No! You are trying to drown me!” She shouts, all of the fear and humiliation from the night threatening to boil over in this moment
“I am not. I am just trying to help.” He furrows his brow down at her, setting her down with a wet plop and shutting off the faucet. Obviously, he doesn’t understand how being held in a loose fist and doused under a waterfall would not be helping the situation.
“You are not helping! This is so much worse! How would this not be worse?!” She flexes and balls her hands a few times, trying to calm herself down, trying not to cry. “Can’t you just take me back to the room and let me put something else on? This dress is ruined, my hair is ruined, my makeup is ruined.” She huffs, exasperated. “I’m fine, by the way. Not that you asked." She glowers a moment before adding "And my leg hurts, thanks to you and your stupid chain, but aside from all that, I guess I’m fine!” She’s shaking with rage.
Prince Oliver doesn’t even apologize. He frowns down at her, and nods. He dries his hands and collects his jacket. He picks up the end of her chain, like he’s going to walk with her down the hall like the guards to. If she were his size she thinks she would try to strangle him.
“Well?” He says, obviously impatient.
“I. Can’t. Fly.” She shoots back, obviously equally impatient.
“What do you mean you can’t fly?” He furrows his brow again. He does that a lot, she hopes he gets wrinkles.
“I mean I can’t fly! My wings are soaked, but who’s fault is that.” She sneers up at him.
“Tch. Fine.” He collects her in his hands again. It’s just as uncomfortable as it was the first time. Maybe even more so considering that she’s absolutely drenched now. It's clear that doesn’t like holding her. Well good. She thinks, because she doesn’t like being held.
She gets herself cleaned up, with the help of her ladies in waiting. They all of course want to know what happened, and after that they just want to gossip about the party. It must all be so romantic and exciting to them. She grimaces, but lets them keep their fantasy. Rose colored glasses and all.
They dry her wings, put her hair up in an attempt to mask how wet it is, and her makeup is re-done. She wears a new dress. This one is powder blue with sheer puffy sleeves that come to a cuff at her wrists. The top ties behind her neck, but the bodice is corseted below her wings. The skirt billows around her, though stops just below her knees. Oh, these humans will be so scandalized when they can see her ankles and her shins. Good, she hopes it makes one of them faint.
She is escorted back to the door, there is a landing in the human sized door where a fairy sized door is cut out. As she reaches for the doorknob she catches the tail end of a conversation.
“…A shame that you have to babysit that little insect.” It’s a woman’s voice. Prince Oliver grumbles something in response, but notably does not defend her. “You must not be having any fun at all.” She can hear the pout in her voice through the door.
“It’s not about me. It’s about my kingdom.” He says nobly, Lark rolls her eyes while she can. She clenches her jaw and quietly peaks out the door. She sees the prince and some lady that she might have met in passing at the party. She’s pressed up against him, her arms slung over his shoulders, he has his arms caught around her waist and is holding her close to him. Lark quickly retreats back behind the door, her stomach twisting itself into knots. She wasn’t foolish enough to think that her and that monster could fall in love or anything, but the realization drops in the pit of her stomach. This is how it is going to be. He will have his love, and she will be the decoration adorning his lapel. What a sorry existence.
But what he said is true for her as well. It isn’t about her. It’s about her kingdom. The sacrifice of her freedom right now is saving all of the innocent families back home from unimaginable suffering. The tension between her kingdom and the human’s kingdom was only getting worse and this arrangement brings peace.
If she was being honest, it could be worse. She could be locked in a metal cage; she could be starved; she could be dead. She’s still a princess. She goes to banquets; she wears fine gowns. So what if she’s kept on a leash and has no one to talk to. It’s for her kingdom. She nods thinking to herself, Alright. peptalk over, lets go finish this heinous night.
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dragon-kazansky · 5 months
Bridgerton shade of blue
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Benedict Bridgerton x Female Reader
Benedict bumps into you, quite literally, at a ball while trying to escape his mother's attempts to find him a partner. You decide to humour him with a dance, not realising just how entwined you would become with him. It seems the universe will find every excuse to push you and Benedict together, no matter how much you fight it.
{Previous Chapter} - {Next Chapter}
Season one
Chapter Three - Becoming acquainted
When the letter arrived at your house, your mother squealed with delight. This was the most exciting thing that had ever happened to her, it would seem.
Though you did make a point to remind her, this is not what she thought it was.
Still, you were dragged off to be cleaned throughly and dressed in your best gown for the occasion. Your mother saw to every detail. It was tiresome.
You said not a word the entire time.
Once you were dressed, she guided you to the carriage. For the entire ride, she told you what to do. You spent the whole trip looking out the window, wishing to disappear. You had been looking forward to a nice dinner with an intriguing family, but you knew your mother would make this unbearable.
The thought to befriend Benedict and Daphne had crossed your mind after they left last night. That's what you would look for in them. Friendship.
When you arrive at their home you are left in awe of how beautiful the house was from outside. You follow your mother up to the front door and wait to be let in. You step inside and find yourself further in awe. Their home was lovely. It felt cosy.
Lady Bridgerton comes over to greet you both. "I am glad to see you here. Please, come inside."
You're led into the drawing room where everyone is sitting and chatting. You find yourself startled to see the Duke of Hastings present. He greets you with a nod. You nod back.
Violet introduces you to the rest of the family. Anthony greets you the same way as the Duke. Benedict offers you a small smile, though you're not sure if he's actually pleased to see you or not. Colin kisses the back of your hand, and you smile. Daphne smiles softly at you. Eloise says nothing. She just looks at you, a book in her hands. Francesca gives a soft smile. Gregory and Hyacinth both say hello to you.
Violet urges you to join the others until dinner is ready. You look around the room and find there are no available seats. Benedict realises this, too, and stands up. "Please, sit here."
You thank him quietly and sit down where he had been. The seat was warm. He must have been sat in here a while.
Conversation proceeds within the room. Anthony is talking away the Duke. Eloise has her nose back in her book. Benedict stands behind you, his hand resting on the back of the chair.
"I didn't realise your family knew the Duke of Hastings." You said softly, looking up at Benedict.
"Anthony and he were friends back in Oxford. Do you know him?"
"Not personally. I've heard much of his father, though..."
The subject was a sore one, so neither of you said any more. You glance at the Duke. He looks like he would rather be anywhere else right now.
Benedict brings your attention back to him. "I'm sorry about my mother."
"Don't be." You smile. "I know how it is."
Benedict smiles, too. "Still, I will admit, I am pleased you are here."
"You are?"
"I'm very fond of making new friends. Does that sound good to you? My sister could also perhaps use a friend right now too."
You glance at Daphne and then back at Benedict. "Yes. That does sound rather nice. I hear the Bridgerton's are quite the friends to have."
Benedict smiles. "I think we are."
You both chuckle and smile at one another. From Violet's point of view, she believes you two are getting along quite nicely. The Duke has yet to speak to Daphne at all.
The bell for dinner is rung, and you all rise. You walk with Benedict to the dining room. Your mother joins Lady Bridgerton.
Benedict pulls out a chair for you, and you sit down. Daphne sits beside you and Benedict across from you.
The Duke is seated on the other side of Daphne.
Dinner is lovely. The whole family is sitting together at the table. Conversation flows naturally. There are smiles and giggles.
The conversation turns to Lady Whistledown.
"Haven't you heard what we're talking about? For all we know, Whistledown may be some interloper living in Bloomsbury, of all palces." Colin says.
You chuckle.
"What should be so terrible about Bloomsbury?" Benedict asks. "That people ther actually work for a living?"
"She does seem to be someone with access." Daphne points out.
"Who knows if Whsitledown is even a she?"
"Fair point." Anthony chines in.
"Because she is simply too good to be anyone but a man?" Eloise asks.
Benedict pulls a face at Eloise. You chuckle.
"Well, I think it rather obvious that the writer is Lady Danbury." Francesca says firmly.
"Lady Danbury enjoys sharing her insults with society directly." Daphne adds. "She would never bother herself writing them all down."
"Could it be Lady Featherington?" Hyacinth asks.
"No!" The whole table explodes into laughter.
"You have yet to read what Whistledown writes of the Featheringtons, little sister." Eloise tells her.
The table fills with different conversations now. Everyone is talking to each other about different things. You listen mostly to Benedict and Colin.
"I'm to spar Jackson himself." Colin says.
"You?" Benedict looks at him with disbelief.
"Is that envy I detect in your voice?"
You chuckle at the brothers. You're so focused on them thst you don't notice Daphne looking at the Duke beside her.
"Judgement, brother. I shall need to witness this." Benedict says.
Colin rolls his eyes, and you laugh again. Benedict looks up and smiles at you. "You'll come, yes? We shall watch as my brother fails in this endeavour."
Colin looks at you. "Please do not feed into my brother's terrible influence."
Benedict pretends to be hurt as he puts his hand on his chest. "You wound me."
You giggle. Benedict and Colin both chuckle with you, smiling at their own banter.
Things are getting tense beside you between Daphne and the Duke. You look at your plate, trying to ignore the atmosphere building.
"You are a rake... through and through." You hear Daphne say. "Tell me I'm wrong."
"Who is to refrain from thinking about whom again?" The Duke asks.
"I assure you. I am anything but interested in you." Daphne states.
"And I am anything but interested in you, the eldest sister of my oldest friend, yet another subject of a certain writer. Chaste, neat, desperate."
You glance up at Benedict and Colin. Colin glances at Anthony, Benedict looks up at you as if checking to see if you're okay.
"I shall have you know-"
"To marry, that is." The Duke cuts her off. "Tell me I am wrong."
Elosie laughs, but the look her mother gives her soon had her quiet again.
"Hastings, I'm so glad you decided to join us this evening." Anthony says, breaking the tension. "It was most spontaneous of you."
You feel yourself relax again.
"Not at all." Simon responds. "With Lady Danbury accepting your dear mother's gracious invitation on my behalf... Well, however could I have declined."
Anthony looks at his mother, not looking too pleased with this news.
"You must stay for dessert. You too," she addresses you.
You smile. "Thank you."
"It's gooseberry pie, Your Grace." Violet smiles at the Duke.
"Ah! Lovely!" He sounds pleased.
Violet chuckles.
After dinner, you find yourself back in the drawing room. You're standing by the window with Benedict. He had been telling you a little bit about the house.
"It seems your mother has become quite acquainted with my own," he says, guiding you to the sofas.
"Yes. They spent a good portion of dinner chatting."
"I do believe mother only intended to invite you tonight," he chuckles.
"Yes. Well, mother is quite... eager to see me married. She thinks I stand a chance with one of you." You chuckle. "Fear not, I am not after your hand."
Benedict chuckles. "I do think we may become rather good freinds."
"You do?"
He nods with a smile.
"Then I am delighted to earn your companionship."
You both chuckle.
"You're welcome anytime." He tells you.
"I feel rather honoured."
"You should," he grins.
The hour starts to grow late. Violet passes by the doors of the drawing room. For a moment, she thought you and Benedict were alone in there, but as she comes closer, she spots Eloise reading in one corner, and Francesca working on her embroidery.
Violet enters the room. "I hope dinner was alright."
You look up and smile. "It was lovely. Thank you for inviting me."
Violet comes a little closer. "Well, any friend of my sons and daughters are welcome in my home." She glances at Benedict, who smiles at her.
Lady Bridgerton understands that her son has no intention of courting you. Nor do you seem to have any interest in him that way. However, a mother can hold onto hope.
"Benedict, why don't you escort her home?"
You rise from the sofa with him and bid goodnight to his sisters, who both say goodbye in return. Violet sees you both to the door. Benedict takes your arm as you exit out onto the street.
It only dawned on you that your mother was nowhere to be seen. Benedict realises you're looking for as you exit his home.
"It would seem she left a little earlier. Apparently, you were enjoying yourself so much with us. She decided to let you stay a while longer."
You smile. "Is that so?"
"I'm guessing. I have no idea." He grins.
Benedict takes you home, making sure you get inside safely. Before you leave his side and head in for the night, he asks you a question.
"Will you be attending the ball tomorrow?" He asks.
"I believe so, yes."
He smiles. "Save me a dance?"
You chuckle. "Of course. We have to help each other, no?"
Benedict smiles and watches you go inside. Even when the door shuts behind you he remains standing there for a moment.
Yes, you could help each other. You could help keep his mother at bay for a while, and perhaps he can help bring some attention your way.
Sounds like a plan.
@callmemana - @lilscast - @imgondeletedis - @benedictbridgertonss - @clownsdiehard - @wxnterwidow333
@sillynilly27 - @autumn-slaves - @ben-has-arrived - @ajdelilah - @aadu2173
@booknerdlife - @tamlinrose - @sarahskywalker-amidala - @cheryyluv - @louschan - @lou-la-lou - @cultish-corner
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lemon-russ · 5 days
Not even technically a request I simply want to share brain worms with you. Imagine with me if you will, the inherent romanticism of helping Chairon with his prosthetic arm. He’s probably fully capable of fixing it himself but iirc he IS right-handed so he’d be having to use his off hand for any maintenance tasks. Being either a chapter mechanic or militarum one he’s been around before and seeing him kinda idly flexing his hand and fingers like something doesn’t feel right, and offering to help if he’d be open to it. He probably doesn’t have the tools on him but you do and he’s heard nothing but good things about you from others, and any of the times he’s personally been around you, you seemed very competent and (dare he even say) sweet.
But just having a moment of kinda ease and softness for a bit. You didn’t HAVE to help him but you wanted to, just because it was something kind to do for him. It really hits him just how much more delicate you are and he’s impressed by how nimble and practiced your hands are, even covered in nicks and scratches from your duty. Expertly checking for and fixing small issues he would’ve thought too superficial for mid-mission fixes but you jokingly chide him that you’re putting your pride as a mechanic on the line here and you wouldn��t be caught dead doing a half-assed job for an Ultramarine. It’s honestly quite calming watching you work, feeling the grind and tension in his fingers ease as you get everything working smoothly again.
Something deep inside him wishes you’d touch his other hand so tenderly, so he could actually feel it.
That thought confuses him but it doesn’t seem… bad to think about. It would probably feel quite nice. It’s so rare for marines to experience physical touch that doesn’t involve violence. He wants to know what that would feel like, touch without pain.
You finish your work far too quickly for his liking and it shakes him from his musings. He can’t really stay upset about it seeing how proud you are as he tests his range of motion and everything feels good as new. You’re practically beaming when he thanks you, and instead of some typical awe-filled reply he’d expect, you grin ear to ear and cheerily proclaim. “Feel free to come find me whenever you need, I always make time for my favorite ‘customers’ after all!”
Chairon doesn’t know how to respond to that so he simply nods and tries to ignore how warm he feels seeing the unbridled enthusiasm you have at the prospect of seeing him again. You’re probably just excited about working on Astartes tech again… yeah that’s probably all it is……. Though now that he thinks about it you’ve never called any of his brothers your “favorite customer”….. Suddenly he’s very glad his skin is dark enough it’s near impossible to notice him blushing, Gadriel would never let him hear the end of this XD
Mans gonna be slamming his hand in doors for an excuse to get fixed by the cute mechanic lmfao
But this is such a cute idea, I'm a sucker for like, mechanical care can be intimate in a way (I've seen one scene of scavengers reign and it was that one of what I can only describe as proxy lesbian sex of a woman cleaning the inside of her robot companion, so like, now that's in there and suddenly "repairs is sex" is an association I have lmfao)
You know shes going to be checking in on him too, fine tuning his hand voluntarily, "oh I just happened to notice that gear looks a little stuck..." "oh? It doesnt feel-" "nope its stuck here let me get it for you :)))"
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Note: Halloween chapter 10. Other chapters here.
Warnings: 18!! smut, fluff, bit of angst. mention of death, animal death, demonic possession, ghosts, bdsm activities.
pairing: Modern!Sihtric x you (f)
summary: You learned what would happen if you taunted Sihtric, and he finally opened up about his deal with the Devil.
wordcount: 4,9k
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'Did I tell you to speak?'
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You and Sihtric had been inseparable since that Halloween weekend you first met, but the past few weeks you had barely seen each other. Your job had been very demanding and Sihtric had been called for help by the church. And now that the agony of being apart was almost over, you both couldn't contain your excitement to see each other again.
You: how's my good Christian boy doing? ;)
Sihtric: your good Christian boy has a nice prayer chair in his basement for you, lady…
You: oh I remember
Sihtric: good ;)
You: but seriously, how are you, love? I miss you so much…
Sihtric: I'm okay, it's been quite the month, glad it's almost done
Sihtric: and I miss you too, little bat, so much, you have no idea
Sihtric: can't wait to see you again, my heart's been aching for you
Sihtric: tell me what you want to do this weekend?
You: just… something nice and quiet? nothing crazy, really. work's been stressing me out so much I just need to relax
Sihtric: anything you want, baby, I'll do for you 
Sihtric: I'll come up with something 
Sihtric: promise I'll treat you good all weekend 
Sihtric: miss you 
Sihtric: miss you a lot
Sihtric: love you a lot too 
You giggled like a teenager at the endless incoming texts from your hopelessly in love boyfriend. You couldn't wait to see him again but you were also nervous, as you wanted to know the truth about him. You wanted to know why he had certain abilities that seemed supernatural and why certain demons knew him all too well.
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The weekend was finally here and you ran to the door when Sihtric pulled up at your house to pick you up, early in the afternoon. You opened the door and took in his appearance as he got out of his car; his half shaved haircut, the black jeans with the leather boots, a black hoodie underneath a black fleece jacket and that sweet, huge smile on his face when he saw you melted you completely.
You ran up to Sihtric and jumped in his arms while he was barely prepared, but luckily his reflexes were quick enough to catch you in time.
'Love,' Sihtric chuckled whike trying to get a good grip on you as he stumbled a few steps back.
You took his face in your hands and immediately kissed his lips, much to his delight, and it didn't take long before Sihtric turned your sweet kiss into a sloppy one, as per usual. The more tongue, the more he enjoyed it. And you didn't mind, but you did kind of wonder if your neighbours enjoyed the sight of the intense kissing in your frontyard in broad daylight.
'Gods,' Sihtric sighed as he put you down on your feet, cupping your cheeks, 'I've missed you, my shadow.'
'I missed you too,' you pouted, and Sihtric pulled you in for a tight embrace.
'We're never doing this again,' he said as he held you, 'being apart for so long.'
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Back at Sihtric's place, he took off his clothes as fast as he could. If it was up to him he'd just walk around naked in his house all day. But he figured it's more classy to somewhat cover himself up, so when he found you in his living room he was just in his slim fitting boxers and wearing that black satin robe you love seeing him in.
'So,' you said, still fully dressed as Sihtric pulled you with him into his kitchen, 'what is the plan for the evening?'
'I,' Sihtric said and lifted you up to sit on the kitchen counter, 'am going to cook for you,' he smiled and cupped your cheeks, 'and then we'll watch a movie, any one, you get to pick,' he nuzzled your nose, 'and after the movie,' he pecked your lips, 'or maybe even during the movie, I'll make sweet, sweet love to you,' he chuckled and gave you a firm kiss, 'and after that maybe some hot chocolate?'
'I see,' you giggled, 'and what's for dinner?'
'Well, you can have me,' Sihtric grinned, 'or I can make a rice dish.'
'But what if I want both?'
Sihtric shrugged, 'Perhaps that's an option too,' he winked and slapped your thighs.
You watched Sihtric as he prepared you a whole dish, chopping the vegetables and meat right next to you, and you felt oddly aroused at the sight of the knife in his hands. He carefully took his time to cook for you, and every time he had to pass you to get something he stole a kiss or two. You opened a few texts as Sihtric heated up some pans, and you scoffed as you looked at your phone.
'Damn,' you mumbled.
'Hm?' Sihtric looked over at you, 'what is it?'
'No, eh,' you cleared your throat, 'I just got a text from a friend. Apparently her rather new boyfriend ran over her cat, killing it instantly.'
'Oh, shit,' Sihtric said, 'that's fucked up.'
'Yeah,' you sighed, 'poor thing.'
Sihtric suddenly chuckled. 'Weird that,' he said, 'I had a dream a few days ago that I ran over someone's cat.'
'Really? That's freaky,' you stared at him, 'maybe you predicted it?'
'Nah,' Sihtric shrugged, 'I probably did it in another life,' he winked with a smile and continued cooking.
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'Which sauce?' Sihtric held up two bottles to you from across the kitchen, 'sweet and sour or sweet and spicy?'
'I don't know,' you shrugged, 'which one do you like?'
'No, I'm asking you, love,' he smiled, 'or you want to try them first?'
You nodded and Sihtric made his way over. He dipped his finger in the sauce and brought it up to your lips. You expected him to gently push his finger in your mouth, but then a mischievous smirk appeared on his face. He pulled his hand away from you and smudged the sauce on his bare chest.
'You want to try it?' he smirked, 'go ahead.'
You shook your head lightly with a smile. He didn't even have to try, everything Sihtric did was somehow so erotic, it made you wonder if he was even real sometimes. You brought your lips to his chest and he moved his hands in your hair. A sharp exhale left his lips along with a soft hum as you ran your tongue over his body, tasting the sweet and sour sauce.
'Not bad,' you chuckled and looked up at Sihtric, who was biting down on his lip with a smile.
He repeated the same action with the other sauce but this time he deliberately used a little more, making you use your tongue on him again.
'I like this one better,' you said.
'Let me taste it,' Sihtric husked and he kissed your lips, his tongue entering your mouth with ease. 'Hm,' he hummed and broke the kiss, 'yeah, the spicy one tastes good,' he agreed. 
And then as if nothing happened, he turned and went back to the pan to add the sauce.
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When dinner was ready you both ate on his couch while watching the movie you picked; The Conjuring. You had both seen it over ten times already, and still loved it all the same. But halfway through the movie Sihtric kept glancing at you, and whenever you looked back at him he quickly looked away. He kept this up for minutes. Until he realised you started to ignore him, because apparently you thought Patrick Wilson, who played Ed Warren in that movie, was kinda hot, and Sihtric wasn't having it. 
He then slowly moved closer and kissed your cheek. You smiled at him and brushed your fingers through his dark curls, which satisfied him and he smiled sweetly at you now that he had your attention. But when you brought your eyes back to the tv again, Sihtric glared at you. He knew he could just pick you up, take you upstairs and chain you to his bed, and you'd happily let him. But Sihtric had missed you these past few weeks so he wanted to be gentle, and maybe he even enjoyed the chase tonight, because he clearly had to win you over here, as your eyes were still glued to his tv. 
Sihtric leaned in again and you chuckled softly when you felt he nuzzled your cheek, then pecked your jaw and brought his lips down to your neck with soft open-mouthed kisses. His hands trailed slowly down your body to your waist, then slipping under your shirt.
'Babe,' you murmured, 'I want to watch the movie.'
Sihtric sat back and stared at you, then crossed his arms and shrugged. 'Fine.'
You clicked your tongue and chuckled, 'Sihtric, don't be salty now.'
'No, it's fine,' he shrugged again while staring at the tv.
You bit down a laugh as you saw his bitter face.
'Siht, the movie is over in like half an hour,' you said, 'patience.'
'No, I don't want it anymore now,' he lied.
You knew if you'd straddle his lap now you'd feel he definitely still wanted it, but you also enjoyed him not getting what he wanted right away, so you fought your own urges too, just to taunt him.
'Okay, fine by me,' you shrugged and focused on the movie again.
You sat in silence for the remainder of the movie, and as soon as the end credits started rolling Sihtric switched off the tv, got up to clean the table and kitchen, and then went upstairs. You knew he wanted you to take the bait, but you wouldn't, not right away at least. So you made yourself some tea before you finally went upstairs too. Sihtric pretended to be asleep already, and he was so bad at faking it, but you pretended to buy it and got under the sheets, your back turned to him.
Not a word was spoken but the tension was thick and electrifying. It felt as if you'd touch him now lightning would strike inside the room, blowing all the fuses, as the lust you felt for each other was too powerful for its own good. And you laid in silence for several long minutes after you had switched off the lights.
'What makes you think you can deny me?' Sihtric's voice rumbled low through the bedroom, like thunder.
'I wasn't denying you,' you hissed and smiled in the dark, but he didn't have to know you enjoyed this.
'I should punish you for that,' he said.
'Sure,' you sighed, hiding your amusement and anticipation.
'Fine,' Sihtric said.
He switched on a light, grabbed your ankle and pulled you towards him swiftly. He got out of bed and swung you over his shoulder, walking down the stairs and through his long hallway, to the stairs that went down to his "playroom".
'Sihtric?' you laughed, a little nervous now as he walked into the dimly red lit room.
'Did I tell you to speak?' he asked firmly, and a pleasant shudder went down your spine as you felt lightheaded at his tone.
'Wh- what are we doing here?' you giggled.
'Did. I. Tell. You. To. Speak?' Sihtric asked again, slower this time, and he grabbed your chin after he had put you back on your feet, 'hm?' his mismatched eyes stared at you with an intense gaze.
He then leaned his forehead against yours, pushing you backwards to the spanking bench, the one which looked like a prayer chair. Sihtric took off your shirt and before you knew it your lounge pants were gone too, and he didn't stop until you were completely naked, and then he took off his robe. He pushed you down on the chair and grabbed your wrists firmly with one hand, then kneeled down in front of you and cupped your cheek with his other hand.
'Love?' Sihtric whispered, staring into your dazed eyes, 'love, are you still here?' his sudden soft eyes darted over your face.
'Y-yeah,' you smiled at him.
'A little too much, my bat?' Sihtric chuckled lightly.
'No,' you laughed, 'go… go on.'
Sihtric brushed a few strands of hair out of your face and pecked your lips.
'Trust me?' he asked.
'I trust you.'
'Safe word?' Sihtric asked as he held your chin gently.
'Thunder,' you chuckled at the word you both agreed on last time you were together.
'Thunder,' Sihtric smiled and handcuffed your hands to the chair.
He got up, towering over you, and cupped both your cheeks. 'Safe signal, love?' he asked.
'Three tugs,' you said, and tugged your cuffed wrists three times.
'Mhm,' Sihtric hummed in agreement, 'you good?' he asked again.
'Yeah,' you smiled, and your heart skipped a beat when he kissed your lips sweetly.
'Good,' Sihtric smirked, and then he suddenly slapped your face, earning a gasp and satisfied chuckle from you.
Your head was spinning at your dominant boyfriend, and your mouth nearly watered when he took off his boxers and grabbed your chin, teasing your lips with his hard cock.
'Be a good girl for me,' Sihtric purred, 'open.'
You listened to his command and opened your mouth. Sihtric hummed with heavy-lidded eyes, and his lips curled into a smile as the warmth and wetness of your mouth enveloped his entire length.
'Fuck,' Sihtric hissed and threw his head back, while slowly thrusting deep into your mouth. 
His hands were in your hair, keeping you in place, and his mischievous laugh made your core heat up even more. You hummed at the taste of him in your mouth, and Sihtric growled at the sensation it gave him. He looked back down at you, loving the way your reddened lips wrapped so perfectly around him, his thumbs caressing your cheeks as he dragged his cock out and back into your mouth again slowly.
'Good girl,' he chuckled.
He tugged your hair, forcing you to look up and lock eyes with him. The feeling of his warm hands on you, while being restrained as he uses your mouth for his own pleasure, along with the sight of his muscular body towering over you and his heavy-lidded eyes staring down at you, combined with the sound of his soft moans, deep sighs, low growls and his mischievous laughs and chuckles, it was all almost enough to make you reach your own high without even touching yourself. And it drove you wild.
'You like that?' Sihtric murmured.
'Mhm,' was all you could hum, and tears rolled down your cheeks.
Sihtric enjoyed the sight of your tears, knowing they were not caused by pain or sadness, and he wiped them sweetly before he took a faster pace. You moaned and gagged once, to which Sihtric pulled out to give you some air, but not before he slapped your cheek again. 
'I'm going to use that pretty mouth of yours, and you're going to take it,' he growled, then sweetly caressed your slapped cheek and pushed his cock back between your swollen lips again. 'Ah, fuck, baby,' he moaned and looked down at you with slightly parted lips, breathing heavy, 'even better than I imagined,' he smiled, slapping your cheek again, 'good girl,' he said again with ragged breath, 'such a fucking good girl for me,' he hissed, fucking your mouth faster but still carefully enough for you to enjoy it.
You felt his cock twitch in your mouth, and it didn't take long before you swallowed his cum after Sihtric came with a loud grunt. His heavy breath filled the room while he was quick to pull out, kneel down, and he swiftly freed your wrists. Sihtric picked you up and cradled you in his arms as he sat down on the comfy sofa in the centre of the room. You chuckled tiredly, and Sihtric did the same. He kissed your lips softly and nuzzled your nose.
'You okay, my love?' Sihtric whispered, still coming down from his high.
'Yeah,' you smiled and wrapped your arms around his neck.
Sihtric kissed your cheeks and lips softly, over and over again, whispering sweet nothings in between each kiss.
'I love you,' 'you're so good to me,' 'you're made for me, darling,' and, 'I can't ever get enough of you, my love,' were words he murmured.
'You think you can handle a little more?' he asked after he had recovered himself.
'Maybe,' you grinned.
Sihtric hummed, smiling, and slowly pulled you with him to the X-shaped cross. He put his boxers on again and you quickly said he wasn't allowed to put on his robe, to which he smirked and agreed.
'Now what?' you asked as Sihtric pushed you up against the cross, 'restraining me again?'
'Just a little,' Sihtric smiled and kissed your lips, then pushed your legs apart with his knee and cuffed your ankles to the cross. 
'Good for you, love?' he asked, looking up at you.
'Yeah,' you breathed, 'not my wrists?'
'No, my queen,' Sihtric said and took your wrists, pressing soft kisses onto your skin, 'you'll need your hands,' he smiled.
Your breath hitched when you felt his lips on your thigh, kissing up to your core. And when he dragged his tongue between your folds you realised he was right when he said you'd need your hands, as you immediately grabbed onto his hair.
'Fuck, Sihtric,' you sighed.
Sihtric hummed against your skin and you threw your head back, enjoying the way his tongue felt and you knew it wouldn't take long before you'd finish this way. Sihtric moaned softly each time you tugged his hair, and he pressed soft kisses to your wet cunt before he slit two digits inside you. You gasped and pulled his hair harder, pushing his lips back on you and the feeling of his tongue and fingers simultaneously pleasing you was almost too overwhelming. Tingles spread through your entire body, your knees became weaker with each stroke of his tongue and each thrust of his fingers inside you.
'Come on, love,' Sihtric breathed, 'I want to drink all of you,' he moaned softly, 'my queen. My darkness, give it to me.' 
You desperately tried to push his lips back onto you, and Sihtric chuckled at your dishevelled state as you tried to grind against his tongue.
'Give yourself to me, surrender,' he smiled at you as you looked down at him, barely able to keep your eyes open or to keep yourself up on your trembling legs.
Sihtric released your ankles and caught you when your legs gave out, and he carefully brought you down to your knees as he lowered his body to the floor along with yours. He laid down on his back and pulled you on top of him.
'I wasn't finished, angel,' Sihtric smiled sweetly, 'you haven't finished,' he said and pulled your hips up to his face.
He hooked his arms around your thighs and pulled you down on him, and he licked, kissed and sucked you in ways you had never felt before. You moaned, laughed, squealed, cursed and squirmed as he held you in a tight grip, moaning against your core as his mouth never left you, and he wasn't going to let you go until you came for him. And when you finally did, screaming out his name while Sihtric drank you in as if you were the sweetest drink he ever had, your head was spinning and you pushed yourself off him as you immediately became oversensitive. 
Sihtric was quick to grab you and pull you in his arms, and he carefully flipped you on your back. You both breathed hard while trying to catch your breath as Sihtric moved on top of you, and you both started to laugh when you locked eyes.
'What the fuck is wrong with you?' you laughed, pushing Sihtric's hair out of his sweaty face before you pressed a kiss to the shaved side of his head.
'A lot, my princess,' he chuckled, 'but if you didn't enjoy this, then I won't do it aga-'
You quickly hushed Sihtric with a kiss, tasting yourself as your juices still lingered on his lips and tongue.
'Well, I guess that means you enjoyed it,' Sihtric played dumb and smirked at you.
You hummed with a smile as Sihtric reached for his robe, grabbing his phone, and he changed the red lights to a warm white with a quick tap. His mismatched eyes scanned your body, and he asked if you were hurt or felt bruises where the restraints had been, but you were absolutely fine.
'Perfect, my love,' Sihtric whispered and kissed your lips, 'you are absolutely fucking perfect for me.'
He pulled you up to him as he sat back and threw his robe around your shoulders, covering you up. He picked you up in his strong arms and carried you over to the unused bed, where he laid down next to you and cuddled up. Sihtric pecked your skin wherever he could as you still tried to come down from your high, and when you finally recovered you returned the favour. You kissed his face, your lips finding each scar he had, letting Sihtric know you loved him entirely. You slowly and softly kissed down his neck, to his chest, trailing your lips all the way down to the birthmark he had right above the elastic waistband of his underwear. Sihtric's breath hitched and he was quick to pull you back up to him to straddle his lap.
'Love,' Sihtric chuckled, cupping your cheeks, 'don't go there. We both won't handle another round tonight.'
'I know,' you smiled and leaned in to kiss his forehead. 
You traced your fingers over his face while Sihtric looked at you, completely in love. He loved the way his black robe hung around your shoulders. You truly were an Angel of Death, he thought, and you simply took his breath away without even trying.
'You know,' you said softly, drawing circles around the small birthmark on his forehead, 'some say that birthmarks are marks of how you died in previous lives.'
'Hm,' Sihtric hummed with a smile, 'I wonder what happened to me then. Got shot in the head by a biker gang?' he chuckled, 'stabbed in my waist with a sword perhaps?'
You chuckled at his fantasies and wrapped your arms around him, burying your face in his neck.
'You're so silly,' your voice sounded muffled against his warm skin, 'I love you, Sihtric.'
'And I love you, little bat,' Sihtric whispered as he held you tight, 'until the end of time.'
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After you had taken a soothing shower together Sihtric made you hot chocolate with whipped cream, as promised, and you found yourself in his bedroom, sitting across from him in the large and cosy windowsill. The darkness outside hid the view outside, but the rain and wind announced their presence by slamming hard against the window. You were both comfortable and at peace, leaning back against a few large pillows while your legs tangled together underneath a warm fleece blanket. You were still wearing Sihtric's robe, which he deemed stolen by you now, and he was in nothing else than his black sweatpants. You sipped from your hot chocolate and you chuckled when Sihtric got his moustache covered with whipped cream after his first sip.
'Babe,' you laughed, leaning in to wipe his face.
'I know, that always happens,' Sihtric smiled after you cleaned him up, 'thank you, baby,' he said and puckered his lips, blowing you a kiss.
You both enjoyed the sound of the rain for a while as you couldn't keep your eyes off each other while exchanging sweet smiles and soft chuckles, and you earned an occasional satisfied hum from Sihtric when you smiled at him. And after a while you cleared your throat.
'You know I still have questions,' you said hesitantly, 'maybe now's a good time?'
'There was never a wrong time,' Sihtric said, 'we just didn't get to it,' he placed his empty cup on the ground and leaned in to you, 'what do you wish to know, my love?'
'When we were attacked in the living room, I heard you say that Lucifer owed you one,' you said as he took your empty cup, 'what was that about?'
Sihtric nodded slowly and sat back, then took a deep breath.
'So,' Sihtric smacked his lips and looked at you, 'a few years ago Uhtred got almost fatally wounded during a mission. I was already involved in some occult practices, and I did a ritual to try and save his life. I fucked up and somehow summoned the Devil himself,' he said, raking his fingers through his damp hair, 'and I made a deal. My soul for Uhtred's life. And, well, as you know Uhtred is still alive.'
'Sihtric,' you gasped softly, 'why on earth…'
Sihtric made a shushing sound and smiled softly.
'Last year during one of my ghost hunting adventures I encountered Lucifer again. I didn't know it was actually him, until I was about to send the entity back to wherever it came from. Then Lucifer announced himself and, since he wasn't really bothering anyone, I more or less bothered him in an abandoned castle really,' Sihtric chuckled, 'we made another deal. I let him live, so to speak, and in return I got my soul back.'
You stared at Sihtric, 'You've got to be joking?'
'I'm not,' he laughed softly, 'I know it's quite a story. And you're the first one to hear about this, actually,' Sihtric smiled at you, glad that he could share a story as ridiculous as this one with someone who believed him and wasn't going to force him into a mental hospital and medicate him.
'But, wait,' you said, 'that doesn't explain how he owed you one?'
'It doesn't,' Sihtric said, 'I encountered him once more, just before you and I met. He showed up at my home.'
'What, the Devil knocked on your door and you let him in?'
'Actually,' Sihtric chuckled, 'that is exactly what happened. He knocked three times, a deafening sound. A sound a human can't possibly make. And, yeah, I let him in. He needed my help.'
'What?' you scoffed.
'He needed my help,' Sihtric shrugged, 'a demon tried to cross to our world by possessing a young girl,' he explained, 'but that's not how the Devil works, or demons in general. They have rules. They are not allowed to possess or harm unless provoked or invoked and the girl was innocent. Lucifer knew that a priest would turn the demon and send it to Heaven, which is not what he wanted, Lucifer wanted to punish the demon himself. So he needed someone who could do the job, without being, you know… strict about certain rules,' Sihtric winked with a half smile, 'so I helped him rid the demon of our world, back to Hell, where it would get its penance.'
'Fucking hell,' you murmured, to which Sihtric chuckled.
'Yeah,' he said, 'but…'
'There's more?' you stared at him.
'There's more,' Sihtric said, 'apparently there are a lot of demons who try to cross over like that, breaking Hell's laws. So… that is what I do. And that is what I did the past few weeks, when I said I was working for the church. And, sure, in a way I was,' he smiled, 'but I guess I work more for Satan's church. I answer when he calls, and therefore the Devil will always be in debt with me.'
You still stared at Sihtric, not knowing what to say. He understood it was a little overwhelming, and he leaned in to cup your cheeks.
'And therefore, little bat,' he smiled as he whispered, 'you are always safe with me. Because I got the Devil in my corner, and he's more powerful and protective and caring than many think he is. And he can take on many different shapes and forms, but he will never harm you, I promise,' Sihtric said and kissed your lips, 'I hope this is not going to scare you off.'
'N-no,' you chuckled, 'it's just… a lot,' you said, 'I believe you. And I trust you. But… can he take on human forms too?' you then wondered.
'He can,' Sihtric said, 'but it's rare. And also… all that shit that happened with Skade, that shouldn't have happened. I should've seen earlier on it was her doing. I promise, baby, nothing will ever hurt you again.'
'I don't blame you for that,' you said, 'it happened and that's done. If anything, it brought us closer together,' you smiled and Sihtric hummed in agreement, 'so, what happened at the Willow house, the way you opened that door…'
'That was not Lucifer.That ws a protective energy that many would call Michael.'
'M-Michael? The Archangel?'
'That one,' Sihtric said, 'you can always call upon that energy, regardless of your beliefs, and it's the most trustworthy energy actually,' he said and leaned back again, 'and my only concern at that moment was getting you out of there as fast as I could.'
You felt overwhelmed, not just by this story but by the entire day. You told Sihtric you were tired and needed to sleep this all off, and he agreed. You both got into his bed and cuddled up, and before you fell asleep, your mind went over the events of the night you were attacked. You thought about how Sihtric had ordered the demon to reveal itself by clapping his hands, with a deafening sound, louder than humanly possible. And you remembered how Sihtric said the Devil had knocked on his door, with a deafening sound. And you remembered how Sihtric told you that the Devil can take on many shapes and forms, even the shape of a human. 
And isn't it often said that the Devil is a handsome, charming man?
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taglist: @clairacassidy @finanmoghra @uunotheangel @hb8301 @bathedinheat @neonhairspray @anaeve @bubblyabs @travelingmypassion @sylasthegrim @bubbles-for-all-of-us @andakth @bel-bottoms @willowbrookesblog @lady-targaryens-world @skyofficialxx @diosademuerte @elle4404 @alexagirlie @sweetxime @solango @gemini-mama @cheyennep3107 @little-diable @jennifer0305 @drwstarkeyy @mrsarnasdelicious @verenahx
135 notes · View notes
tai-janai · 6 months
Path 10: Validation
(Chapter Select)
Your head stings, even before your eyes open.
Voice of the Hero:
Sorry. I've been reaching more and more ends, quite a few have been making pairs.
"Then why does my head hurt?"
Voice of the Hero:
I mean, I'm in here. I'm kind of dying in all those worlds. It doesn't feel too great. Thought you'd be a little excited about all this.
You rub your forehead. You sigh dejectedly, then try to remember all the good you're doing.
"I am... I am. This is good, I'm happy for them."
Voice of the Hero:
And this is the last one, isn't it? Nobody else is after this.
You open your eyes to a rather reflective room. Everything is metal. It doesn't attack your eyes quite as much as the other shiny one, but it's a whole lot less welcoming. Even what you stand on seems like slabs of steel. A tilted table to the side holds the echo of the blade, blending in even more than usual.
You can tell this is the final imprisoned Being. You hope in vain that it won't be the hardest. You think about the large one with the eyes and chains. That one sucked. The stone one, the melting one, the first, nervy one.
But, you changed them. The outcome was different once you stepped in. It may be unfair on both ends, but you're working to even things out.
You feel everyone's support with you as you grab the blade's echo. As its weightlessness shifts in your grasp, you wonder if it is the last time.
You walk to the askew metal door. You are stopped before you grab the handle.
Voice of the Hero:
Its tone is tender, and it soothes your growing worry.
Voice of the Hero:
I... I'm really proud of you. And even if - or when - this guy tears me out of your head, I'm always with you.
"And I'm glad you're there."
A happy glow warms your body as you and the Voice share a moment of serenity.
You take a deep, sure breath, and open the door.
The way down is decidedly not stairs. It seems to once have been a metal ramp, but had something carve down the middle of it. You try your best to take it slow, but everything is smooth, and any footholds are pointed and sharp. Everything smells like fire and metal.
You make it to the bottom, and you see the steely room. Right in the center of it, with the chain around its "neck," stands a bright, rangy Being.
Sharp, blood-red eyes stare at you. A pointed-toothed mouth is turned downward in a scowl. A heart beats behind a set of translucent ribs. Everything else is... a substance you can't quite understand.
Something between glass and metal, every part of it that was once skin is a jagged edge of a reflective, razor-sharp material. It looks like something that had been broken repeatedly, but continues to crash back together. Parts of this "skin" float around it in an orbit. Its fingers are very long and tapered, sharp like everything else, and stained with what you assume is blood. Beneath the beating heart is its legs, which seem joined at a single point on the ground, like it's balancing there at a pinpoint. Its head once had horns, but it is only shattered metal-glass.
Back for more?
Its voice is grating. Do you even want to fight this thing?
It flashes its blade-like fingers and squints at you.
I had some issues with our first encounter. I'm glad you've come back so I can do it right this time.
"We've never met before, I don't want to fight."
Bloody liar.
With a disgusting screech of metal, it drags towards you, swiping with its claws. The noise is hell on your eardrums, but you dive out of the way just in time. Unfortunately, the floor is more jagged metal, and you cut your knee.
Voice of the Hero:
Shit, that was awful! Why's this one so angry??
With a crackle of bending metal, you turn and see the Being growing enraged.
Two against one!? You little demon, I'll tear you to goddamn atoms!
It extends a palm at you, and you feel the sense of something gripping you, holding you in place. You lock eyes with the Being as you are squeezed.
Voice of the Hero:
No, no! Stop- Agh!
With a sudden jerk, the constricting feeling falls, and you and the Other drop to the floor, separated once again. You hear a wicked laugh from the creature.
I'm the one in charge now, aren't I? I can finally get you back for all the bullshit you put me through.
You feel yourself convulsing, everything in you twitches and creaks. The Other at your side groans.
You grit your teeth, and your vision swims with rage.
You grab the echo once again. It had fallen when you were split. You can barely tell you have it in your grasp.
Though you ache, you rise to your feet, eyes fixated on the large creature.
"You think you're in charge? With that chain around your neck? Your heart is exposed, it wouldn't take much to get to it."
The Hero:
In your mind echoes the same thought: What???
With a scraping growl, the Being charges again, swiping at you. You dodge one attack, but don't expect the second.
A shard of the metallic glass cuts into your arm.
Its the first time you've bled. Ever, even.
The Hero:
Stop! He didn't put you down here!
It slices at you again, and you deflect it with the, thankfully physical, echo.
What in the world are you on about?
It continues to clash blades with you and leave minuscule cuts along your limbs as it converses with the Other.
With a scrape, it leans away, and you catch your breath. What is this? You're fighting?
He put me here, and now he's trying to kill me. I'm just defending myself.
The Hero:
You are made of blades!!!???
Is the fight unfair? Does he have as much strength as he says?
What about your own?
You look at the echo you hold. It is nonexistent. What is deflecting the Being's attacks?
No, that's not right. It's there.
The Being lunges again, and you move beyond your own volition. You strike at its side, leaving a crack in its translucent ribs. The creature groans, a sickening sound of twisting metal.
You don't feel control over your own body. Do you have a choice? Why are you fighting?
"I want to free you."
The Being swipes at you, and you only barely evade its reach. It growls.
You're attacking me. Why won't you both just shut up!
It leans back and waves to the Other.
Better yet, why don't you try an' help me here? He wanted to lock you up too, just like he did to me!
The Hero:
I swear, he wasn't! I would know, I was in his head!
I'm sick of the lying!
With a swing of its arm, shards of its body go flying towards the other.
You shout in fear, but thankfully, it was only a warning, and the shards stick into the floor only a foot away from the Other's feet. He seems terrified, but okay.
You face the Being again. It is horrid. It has almost hurt the other part of you. You hate it.
You step forward.
This is what it's supposed to be, isn't it? You see the rage in its eyes. You want to plant your knife into its beating heart-
You fling the echo at the far wall, and the clang reverberates along the metal floor. The Being has flinched away from you.
You don't want to fight it, you want to save it.
Where are these conflicting thoughts coming from?
What's all this? You've given up? That's not a win!?
"I do want to free you. I do."
The Hero:
He isn't usually like this...
I don't care about being free, I want to win!
You see blades flash above you, and then they cut through you.
Not all the way, just across your front, leaving three large, disconnected streaks of red across your entire body. You don't feel it at first, the adrenaline numbing your body, but everything starts to sting.
Even if it isn't the worst, it is the most physical pain you've experienced. It is strange.
You fall to the floor, only barely able to catch yourself on wounded arms. Blood flows from everywhere. It is... so red.
Wh... Why are you so much weaker than you had been? What the hell is this?
You look at your bloody hands. It seeps through the indents of your scales. The fluid trails down your arm in lightning-shaped streaks. It hurts to bleed.
Your gaze turns up towards the creature, who scowls at you.
"I'm sorry. I didn't put you here."
It screeches at you, but doesn't attack.
What is with this personality shift?? Get back up, if I'm gonna win, it's gonna be on my terms. You can't just throw in the towel once things aren't in your favor!
"You're right. But I'm sorry, I didn't mean to... attack you."
And what the hell does that mean?
You see its heart, bright crimson and pounding in its chest. Everything about the being is so dangerous, but its vital organ seems the least protected. You want to tear into it. But you want to hold it, and keep it safe.
The creature wants a fight, you have to give it to him.
No, you don't.
Your mind floods with the experiences from all of the other imprisoned Beings. You feel pulled along by a string, trying to force you to stand, but you kneel.
"Y-You must be in pain. After being trapped here so long, alone."
No shit it hurt! Get back up so I can cause you the same pain!
Your wounds bleed, but they don't hurt. You don't think that's what the Being is going for anyway.
The Hero:
Please, stop. Let us let you out of here.
Leave? Now that I've got power? Now that I... I can win!?
You combat the incessant thoughts. This creature has done nothing wrong.
With a shing of blades, razor-sharp fingers lift you by your armpits from your place on the floor. The sharpness cuts into you just enough to get a grip on you.
The win means nothing if you're not- If you aren't what I remember!
With bated breaths, you look into the creature's eyes. It is... quite a bit bigger than you. You see your blood trailing down its metallic arm.
You love this creature. You hate it. You want it dead. You want it safe. It hisses at you.
The moment I have power, you are limp and weak.
You are suddenly released, and you drop to the ground inelegantly. Your knees buckle and your head hits the metal. Its voice lowers, and starts to shake.
The moment I have anything, I...
With a heavy head, you lift yourself to look at it. It stares at its stained, sharp hands in horror.
You slowly bring yourself to your feet. Its pupils focus on you, and then follow the curved gashes across your body.
"I know you are angry. Your anger is justified. You deserve to kill me many times over."
Metal creaks as the Being closes in on itself.
Would that be enough? Would it ever mean anything?
"That's up to you."
Harsh scrapes bombard your eardrums as pieces of metal flare and swish through the air.
Are you what put me here? Why did I turn into this?
You step closer to it. Your steps are unsteady as your blood lubricates the smooth metal floor.
"I didn't put you here. I didn't make you this way."
With determination, you grab the creature's sharp, elongated fingers. You can feel their edge, but they do not cut into your flesh.
"We can change things. The pain can end. You can be free."
You can hear every thump of its heart, like a hammer to an anvil, concealed behind its veil of a ribcage. It speaks breathily. It sounds like it is far away.
I'm tired of waiting. I just want things to get better.
Pieces of it fall to the floor, clashing and shattering. You do not flinch at the jarring noise.
Why is everything different..?
The Being is weak. You are disgusted by it. You love it. You are afraid of it. You find comfort in it.
"To change in one way means it can change another."
The fingers you hold dig into you. You feel your skin give way.
Will it get better?
"It can."
You smile up at it. Your marred skin stretches.
"Isn't that incredible?"
Sparks fly as metal crushes and crumples. The horrid din rages through your mind, but it is soon joined by the familiar rustling of feathers.
You step back, releasing your hold on the Being's hand. You feel cool air where your skin was split.
Small hits of cartilage dragging against metal rise and fall. The being is shrunken down to a size like all of the others. A heavy chain clatters to the ground, and it echoes, the last of the noise.
You see a reflection of yourself, but this one is scarred and tattered. Its feathers are unkempt, its scales uneven and messy. It scratches at its skin. You exhale in relief.
The Other has rushed to your side, now that the danger is quieted.
The Cheated:
Maybe I... went a little too far.
"It's okay."
It winces and looks at your many bleeding wounds.
The Cheated:
Is it...?
With delicate hands, the Other feels your gashes. He mumbles under his breath.
The Hero:
I honestly didn't know if we could bleed, but I didn't want to actually find it out.
You place your bloody hand on the side of his face. He looks into your eyes, and you smile.
"Everything is fine. We should move on."
It steps out of your embrace, confused.
The Hero:
Move on? But, isn't this the end?
The Cheated:
The hell d'you mean, "move on"?
The Hero:
I've gotta- Well, I did, but- Um.
You look to the new one.
"There are other people we've managed to save. Would you want to meet them?"
It lights up, tattered feathers flaring with excitement.
The Cheated:
Others? Where? Why didn't you lead with that, not trying to stab me?
You blink, and remember. Your eyes dart around the room.
You feel watched.
The Hero:
Are you sure you're alright?
You nod. Your feet take you to the echo you tossed away. You grab it by the blade, so as to not get any of your blood on the hilt.
The Cheated:
And what's that for? Are you...
It quiets as you reapproach the Other. He hesitantly takes the echo from your grasp.
The Cheated:
I get to see the other people... But you don't? Even though you freed them?
You look at it, a little surprised that it pointed such a thing out, and then you grin.
"Your sense of justice is admirable."
It looks shocked in response. A wing flutters minutely. You look back at the Other.
"This is what comes next."
Your eyebrows furrow in determination. You don't want to die, but there is something that comes after. This isn't the end for you.
The new one pouts with worried discontent. You don't want to leave him.
The Other fiddles with the blade, and then comes to a decision. It mirrors your own look of determination.
You don't break your stare on the shining blade as it raises, and then...
The Other's empty fist hits your chest.
It shouts in confusion and pulls away, a spot of your blood from your other wounds is left on it. The knife is nowhere to be seen.
The Hero:
Huh? Where'd it go?
It looks around the floor around you, believing the blade fell from his hands somewhere in its arc.
The Cheated:
Did it just... Pop out of existence?
You stay frozen. You thought you were going to die. You should have died.
There is a sound. Some, undulating pulsation. Every open wound on your body gets a chill of cold air.
The Other finds your gaze again. His eyes widen in horror.
Something grabs you. Your vision goes white.
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hazbmymhotel · 5 months
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I forgot to post chapter 12 here! So here's the text!!
I made references to my wife's fanfic throughout:
Chapter 12) Making plans
“You can't be mad at ME for your bad choices, Angel!” Vaggie crossed her arms and glared at him.
Both Angel and Husk were damp from bathing and in comfortable clothes. Angel had wrapped himself in a plush, soft robe, but that didn't help him feel any better.
Angel looked at her flatly. “I absolutely can be mad at you, Vagina. You said he had to be sleepin’ to deal with whatever was happenin’ to him.”
“And why isn't Husk pissed off at me?” Vaggie asked, rolling her one eye.
Husk sat in Angel's lap, having only been wrangled into an oversized T-shirt. He swatted at the crochet in Angel's hands.
“He's very high.” Angel sighed, “Cherri might’ve dosed him a little too much.”
Vaggie rubbed her forehead. She stood from her chair and looked down at them on the couch. “Let me make this clear, hallucinogens will also make a connection.”
“You could’ve made it clear this mornin’.”
“You both fucking ran off after you stole three souls!!”
“I made hot chocolate!!” Roberto announced excitedly, bursting into the room from the kitchen with a tray.
“Yesss,” Husk said, sitting up between Angel’s legs.
“I'm good,” Angel held his hand up, so Husk grabbed two. “Babe.” He took one of the mugs and set it on the coffee table. “Okay, fine, you're right, Vaggie,” he rolled his eyes. “So what do we do to fix it? Husker can't stay awake forever.”
“It's not like sinners need sleep,” Vaggie scowled…but she did accept a hot chocolate.
“Anchor and Giovanni are making cookies!” Roberto matched Charlie’s excitement, clearly thriving in the hotel already.
Angel puffed out a breath. “Good. Glad. See, Vaggie, I made a good decision today…so tell me what we do about the fuckin’ labyrinths issue.”
Vaggie sat back down.
“Vaggie? This is where you speak,” Angel told her.
“Well…the labyrinths are just a few levels of the backrooms…” Vaggie sipped slowly.
Angel frowned. “You have no fuckin’ clue.”
“Eugh!” Vaggie groaned at him. “I have no fucking clue! They've been a problem for Heaven for longer than I've been around.”
“So even Heaven doesn't know?!” Angel groaned and crocheted faster, aggressively. “Why is it targeting’ Husk and nobody else?!”
Vaggie considered for a moment. She looked at Roberto. “When Arackniss attacks a body, does it regenerate?”
“When he unravels somebody?” Roberto asked. “No. Usually all of them disappear into the air…they don't come back.”
“Husk was supposed to die,” Vaggie concluded.
“He's already dead. ” Angel ignored his phone as Cherri started blowing it up with texts. Husk turned and started pawing at it from under his leg. Angel grabbed the other mug of hot chocolate from him, placing it next to the first.
“He was supposed to die like he was exterminated,” Vaggie clarified. “There's a possibility that those souls go to purgatory.”
“And that those souls ,” Alastor said as he walked into the room, “are being devoured and cannibalized!!” He stumbled slightly.
“Are you fucking high?!” Vaggie demanded as he stood next to her chair.
“Mmmmno,” Alastor wiped his lips free of golden liquid.
“Whatever you and Lucifer are doing is fucked , Alastor! You're going to end up as fucked over as Husk!” Vaggie snarled.
Husk looked up with a mmmrow.
“Fuck off, Vagina!” Angel shouted. “He's not fucked over! We just have to figure out a fuckin’ solution!”
“I doubt consumption of angelic flesh will send me to purgatory,” Alastor told her. “Though, I could test it if you'd allow me a bite!” He didn't react as she shoved her spear into his face.
“Shove it! Don't talk unless you have a solution!”
“Why not arm yourself, Husker?” Alastor asked.
Husker looked at his arms, then crawled back into his place against Angel’s stomach. He yawned. Angel gave him a firm shake.
“Hey!!” Husk’s fur puffed out.
“Husk…can you take anythin’ with you into the labyrinths?”
“I keep losing my cane,” Husk grumbled and sat up, looking at Angel with betrayal. He licked the fur down on his arm to calm it down.
Vaggie tried not to react. She would not view Husker as cute .
“Boss, you sure did pick a cute wife,” Roberto praised.
“ I’m the wife,” Angel said firmly. “Or we're both the husband.”
“Oh!” Roberto nodded. “Can I get anythin’ for you, boss?”
“Weapons that can go into dreams?”
“Mmmmmm,” Roberto hummed, unsure. “Okay…” he turned and left the room.
“Yeah, I'll never see him again,” Angel sucked his teeth.
Husk finished smoothing his arms down and crossed them. He looked down, startled again by his chest. He plucked.
“Husker, stop!” Angel grabbed his hands. “Come lie on me.”
“You won't let me sleep, Mommy,” Husk groaned.
Vaggie covered her mouth, “I'm not going to ask.”
Alastor looked bored. “Angel Dust…what did you do to Husker’s chest.”
“Oh!” Angel tugged Husk to him, in spite of his complaints. “I, uh…I think I sewed him up with a piece of my soul?”
“Excuse me?” Vaggie lowered her hand.
“Like this?” Angel gripped his own chest and tugged.
“Uhhh…air?” Vaggie scoffed.
Angel grabbed Husk's hand, using his claw to slice through the string.
“Oh!!!” Vaggie shouted, surprised as it became visible. “Angel!”
“It's how I took control of the new guys…” he wiggled the string, so Husk batted at it. “But I'm not rippin’ anythin’ open like Nickie did. Here, Kitten, a souvenir.” Angel wrapped the string around his neck like a ribbon. Husk purred noisily.
“Yes, it seems as though fate favors you, Angel Dust,” Alastor checked his nails. “By the way, wherever did you get that yarn you're using?”
“Found a couple of bundles layin’ around. I thought these colors looked good together.” Angel held the partially finished sweater against Husk. “Red and gold looks good on you, Babycakes.”
Alastor's eye twitched.
“Okay, Boss!” Roberto walked back into the room. “I think I got something!”
Angel jumped, forcing Husk to wake up again.
“Ugh,” the cat grumbled.
“You do??” Angel asked. “Lemme see.”
Roberto held out several loose herbs and small flowers from Charlie's garden.
“...Roberto, what the hell is this?” Angel sighed.
“Chamomile and lavender, sir,” Roberto was clearly proud of himself. “They stop nightmares.”
Angel opened his mouth to say something snarky, but Vaggie cut him off.
“That's actually not a bad idea,” she said.
Husk grabbed the throw blanket from the couch, wrapping it around his shoulders protectively. He nestled into the back of the couch, trying to snooze without Angel noticing. He hissed noisily when Angel tugged on his ear.
“Awake,” Angel told him. “What do I do with it?”
“You can make a tea, boss, or you can put it in your pillow. A bath with herbs could help,” Roberto rambled happily.
“You work with my Ma a lot, don't you?” Angel sniffed them. At least they smelled nice.
“...We could try it,” Angel turned them in his fingers. He tied them together with an embroidery thread.
“Guess who made cooookies?” Charlie sang, walking into the room. She answered herself, “Our new gueeests!”
Giovanni looked bored, but Anchor seemed pleased with himself.
“I don't understand why we're here,” Giovanni complained. “Angel Dust, what the fuck, man. I thought we were cool.”
“I have no fuckin' clue who you are,” Angel said simply, giving Husker another shake.
Giovanni looked offended and hurt, “we've had sex.”
“Oh, me too,” Anchor said casually.
“You and half of Hell, shnookums. Now which one are you?”
“...Giovanni,” he said, deflated.
“Well, Giovanni, uh, good job on following orders. I guess I won't, uh, lash you or whatever it is my Dad does,” Angel reached for a cookie from the tray.
“He usually shoots our legs,” Anchor provided. He walked around the room with the tray.
“What an asshole. We don't normally do that here,” Vaggie said.
“We never do that here,” Charlie gasped.
Giovanni frowned. “What do you do with fuckers who get out of line?”
“We make them sit through a Charlie lecture,” Angel gestured his thumb at her. “I'd rather get shot.”
“That's not nice, Angel. It's not in the spirit of friendship!” Charlie moved to make a speech, but Angel held out his hand to stop her.
“See?” Angel asked. “It's the real torture. But you get a room for free, here.”
“And you do, too, if you work on the program,” Vaggie growled at Angel.
“I was busy dealin’ with the spooky ass Zipperman and saving Husker’s life.” Angel tucked the herbs into Husk’s makeshift collar.
Husk grunted and gnawed tiredly on a cookie.
“It's really fuckin’ scary, actually. I'd be scared of zippers, too, if it was tryin’ to eat me,” Angel tugged Husk back to his lap, squeezing him protectively.
“Just let me sleep,” Husk complained, “I'm coming down. ”
Vaggie rubbed her temples. “You saw it?”
“When it ripped Husk open…I'm guessin’ to cannibalize him?” Angel laid his head on Husk’s.
“Right you are,” said Alastor. “I wonder which part of Husk it would keep for its skin.”
Angel made a face. “Herbs and shit are gonna be a short term solution if anythin'...we need something that'll kill it.”
“If you could see it, maybe you could kill it,” Vaggie considered. “I'd recommend keeping an angelic weapon on you. Both of you. Even if Husk can't hallucinate with it, maybe we can figure out something.”
“I'll just tie it to his hand and tell him to start slashin’...speakin’ of. Husk. Husker!” Angel gave him a firm jostle, but the cat just groaned quietly, eyes closed.
Angel frowned, staring at him. “He's out cold.”
“It's as good a time as any to test out the herb theory,” Vaggie sighed.
Angel smoothed Husk’s ears back with gentle touches. “Yeah…can one of you get my knife?”
It was dark in the hotel. Hours had passed, and nothing had happened with Husk as of yet. The cat moved a few times in his sleep, finally settling into a loaf under his blanket, all of his limbs tucked beneath his torso.
Angel had his feet on the coffee table, one arm over the back of the couch, and another draped protectively on Husk. He munched popcorn, watching the television screen.
“Are you sure this is a good movie to have on?” Charlie asked, tucked into Vaggie on the other side of Husk. “What if a horror movie gives him nightmares.”
“If there aren't any zipper sounds, I bet he won't even notice,” Angel said. He grinned when Roberto brought him a soda. “Thanks, Robbie, you watchin’?”
“No thanks, Boss. I'm gonna hit the hay…it's like 3 in the morning,” Roberto gave a little wave. His wings fluttered softly, giving a tiny: Zzt! As he left.
Husk's ears twitched and he stretched his front paws out in front of him. He opened his eyes tiredly, trying to figure out what was happening in the film.
Angel shoved another mouthful of popcorn into his mouth, sucked into the movie.
“She shouldn't go in there,” Charlie whimpered, and Vaggie hugged her closer.
“What are we doing?!” Lucifer exclaimed, flicking on the lights.
Charlie and Angel Screamed. Vaggie grabbed her spear. Husk leapt up, fur poofed down to the end of his tail.
“DAD!” Charlie hung over the back of the couch, horns and hair fiery in her terror.
“Hey, pumpkin!” He strolled over to the couch. “Having a little ‘Voxflix and Chill' session with the gang?”
“Ohh, that's not what that means,” Angel held his chest, breathing hard. “Husk! You're up!”
Husk rubbed his head, “With a fucking headache.”
“Sorry, Kitten,” Angel smoothed the fur on his head down. “I'll get you a water, I bet you're dehydrated as fuck.” He stood with a stretch. He'd changed into pajamas hours ago.
Husk watched him walk away before turning to the girls. “When did we get home?”
“Wow, you were fucked up,” Vaggie said. “You guys got home sometime after lunch, but you've been asleep about 9 hours…any nightmares?”
“No.” Husk plucked the herbs from his collar…and then fingered the string around his neck. “Did I get a makeover?”
“Ssssort of,” Charlie winced. “How's your chest?”
Husk noticed it as she pointed it out. He was clearly startled. “Ffffine?” He gingerly touched the stitch. A vague memory flashed through his mind, making his wing fluff in fear, “it unzipped me.”
“Yeah, we're working on that,” Vaggie grabbed the remote to pause the movie.
“What's all this about?” Lucifer sat in Angel’s spot on the couch, grabbing the half thrown container of popcorn.
“Husk's been going to the Backrooms,” Charlie answered.
“Ohohoh, you're a real lover of horror!” Lucifer praised, “that's some scary shit, little man.”
Husk looked at him flatly. He opened his mouth to speak, but instead grunted when Angel lifted him from behind the couch. He wanted to complain, but he worked drinking a large glass of water instead.
“I'm guessin’ you've been, your Highness?” Angel asked, climbing to sit where he'd plucked Husk from.
“Of course! I'd never ever EVER recommend it!” Lucifer ate another handful. “‘Course, sometimes it can't be helped. Those rooms crave what they crave after all.”
“And what's that?” Vaggie asked, backing away from Angel’s elbows.
Lucifer grinned, “Souls, of course! Mortal, immortal, inbetweens…all that nonsense! Especially souls that aren't fully stationed, you know. All those poor, poor unbaptized and aborted babies…”
“Really?” Charlie asked worriedly.
“No, I'm kidding on that last part! Babies get put right back in the cycle like ‘Boop!’” Lucifer tapped Husk’s nose, yanking back fast as the cat snapped his teeth. “Careful, Fella! That's addictive, and I only have so much flesh to give right now.”
Husk huffed at him. “So how do I stay out of the Backrooms?”
“You start by never going in. Once it has a taste of you, the Backrooms will never stop! It was stupid of you to take a thrill trip there.”
Angel, Husk, and Vaggie all gave Lucifer a look.
“Dad,” Charlie started, “we need an actual solution, here.”
“Sorry, Char-Char, but I don't have one!” Lucifer beamed. “I'd say you just enjoy your afterlife to its fullest before you're completely consumed, Mr Meow Meow.”
“Husk, get your hands off my fuckin’ knife, you're not stabbin’ the King of Hell,” Angel scolded him. He set his hand on Husk’s chest, feeling his own soul holding the man together.
Husk flattened his ears, and it left Angel aching.
“Dad, can you just look into it for me? I bet you have some information,” Charlie pleaded.
“Well, I could give it a shot.” Lucifer set the popcorn down and stood, adjusting his suit jacket. “But only ‘cuz you asked, Princess.”
Husk wrinkled his nose as Lucifer leaned over him to squeeze at Charlie's cheeks. Angel was clearly unphased.
“Off to it!” The Devil disappeared in a plume of golden smoke.
Vaggie yawned. “Okay, well, that's enough excitement for me. Husk, keep the lavender and chamomile on you…Angel, get us if something happens.” She got up and helped Charlie to stand. “Time for bed, sweetie.”
“Okay…Goodnight guys. Be safe,” Charlie smiled warmly at them before leaving the room.
Husk and Angel sat quietly. After a moment, Husk seid, “So…Alastor and Lucifer are up to something .”
“What??” Angel asked in surprise. “Is this about the angel blood Alastor's been zonked out on? Cuz he's gettin’ sloppy with hidin' it.”
“Probably. I'm no longer privy to Alastor's chatter at all hours….but I can smell him all over Lucifer. I can't say why , but Alastor has made power plays before. I'm sure he's scrubbing himself down in a shower…or a vat of acid.”
“Yeah, I got the feelin’ he hates sex. Alastor's told me ‘no,’ after all.” Angel pet the fur on Husk’s cheeks as they gossiped.
“He does. But Lucifer's a powerful ally, even if he's insane,” Husk nuzzled into Angel’s palms. “I'm so fucked.”
Angel frowned, thinking of the mixtape. There were several songs left, and he was too scared to listen. “We'll figure it out…we will. ” He kissed between Husk’s eyes. “I never wanna be without you.”
“You hardly know me,” Husk set his hands over Angel’s. “You lived without me before.”
“And I don't want to again. Say you'll be with me til you're gone…”
Husk pulled a hand away, flicking his wrist to summon the golden scroll that held Anthony's soul. “I already did. ‘Til death do us part,’ remember?”
Angel kissed him, holding Husk as close as he could.
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luvmmarner · 1 year
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Written for @comphy-and-cozy sorry if it was a bitt late. My editing for chapters take awhile, especially if working on other stuff. I decided to cut this up, as it didn't make sense to put another scene I've written with this one. Thank you @jackhghes for helping me to semi edit this. I'm horrible at editing and it probably would take me a whole month to edit this. Also, very sorry about the delay. My ADHD just distracts me all the time, but when's not a good time to release this then now! Also for the part about reader not thinking much into it or acting on it. It's because I kinda wanted this to be a semi-slow burn, where reader is oblivious.
TW: the reader gets drugged (nobody knows, so we just say we drank a lot), drinking, reader is very depressed but is fine later on, sexual tension (briefly). Words marked with this font mean it's a flashback. People included in flashbacks will be a key part in later chapters :) Word Count: 4k? 3k? Idk.
CHAPTER 1 - Hatred
That’s one word you thought you would never use. Except, of course, for the times when you were younger when you would say it to your siblings when they were being annoying or making you angry, but you never meant it.
You didn’t know you were capable of hating someone so much until you met Andrei Svechnikov. 
As soon as you met the Russian, you were already certain that the two of you would have little chance of getting along. You hated his arrogant behaviour and his ‘I don't care’ attitude. You usually didn’t mind when people were arrogant and had big egos; growing up, you had to encounter that a lot between your siblings. You didn’t remember much growing up, only that you were raised in Finland before you decided to move. Although it's difficult for you to recall specific memories from your time in Finland, they frequently come back to you when your siblings bring them up. Your favourite memory that constantly comes back to you is when you and your brother both learned how to skate at the same time. You both instantly got the hang of it. You had always wished that your parents could have afforded hockey lessons for both of you, but unfortunately, they could only afford to pay for one of you at a time. You decided to let your brother play hockey and wait until they could afford the lessons for you. However, by the time they were able to pay for you, you had already lost interest in playing hockey. Your love for skating and hockey did not go away, but you figured that because it had been so long since you last played, you weren't very good at it anymore. As a result, you decided to stop playing and concentrate on your studies instead. When you reached maturity, you found that you enjoyed skating more than you had in your younger years, and as a result, you chose to enroll in figure skating classes. You didn't have to necessarily turn professional; even if you weren't the best, you could still find fulfillment in what you were doing.
The day your brother got drafted into the NHL was probably the best day of your guys life. You were very proud of your brother, but also upset that he would be leaving and you wouldn’t be able to hang out with him as much anymore. The day you got a green card and were finally permitted to live in the United States forever was the most exciting day of your life. Your brother made a quick offer to live with him, and you agreed instantly. You didn’t want to agree initially and said you’d find somewhere, but you made the decision a few days later to live with your brother after you couldn’t find a place. You moved in with him shortly after you got to the United States and got settled into your new home.
You were very glad that you were able to live with your brother. It wasn’t like you could live without your brother’s help, but both of you guys were so used to spending time together and being together that it only made sense that you guys would live together growing up. 
You didn’t mind living with your brother at the start, but when it turned into months, it was more annoying than ever. You didn’t think it was your brother that was specifically annoying; it was the friends he brought over. He always had you introduce yourself to his friends; you didn’t mind some of his friends, especially the ones that weren’t his teammates. It was his teammates that you were most annoyed about. You didn’t want to introduce yourself to them since you could never see yourself being friends with any of them.
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There’s always multiple parts that come with missing someone. One being is waiting, and the other is loneliness and quietness. You never expected you’d be waiting for your brother to return home from his trip with his friends in Sweden. You never expected the loneliness and quietness that came with him being gone. You were definitely used to it when he was on road-trips with his team, but he would always come home eventually. The days you wait eventually turn into a few months. You didn’t even know it was July until you got a text from your brother saying, “Happy 4th of July.” It wasn’t like you were just sitting at home all day; you did go outside from time to time, but you had no motivation to do anything else beyond that. 
You have never experienced this before. You knew it was bad for your general health and body, but you were just tired and exhausted all the time. It wasn’t like you were eating unhealthy as well. You just didn’t go outside much and slept for most of the day. It ended up with you getting fired because of it, but you didn’t care. You disliked your job anyway, and you knew it was only a matter of time before you got the call that you were fired and when you got it. You weren’t surprised at all, only replying with an ‘Okay’ before hanging up.
Today was no different from any other day. You decided to watch Netflix and just chill in bed all day. You were probably just going to order a pizza or something since you haven’t had it for awhile and you weren’t in the mood to really cook today. You were so wrapped up in your TV show that you didn’t pay any attention to the commotion downstairs. Even if you did pay attention to it, you were way to tired to go downstairs anyways. It was most likely your friends coming over to check up on you.
“Yeah, you could just put it in my room for the time being.” The voice echoed through the hallways. You heard the voices travel to the living room before dying out. You didn't find it particularly interesting to pay attention to it, so you chose to bring your focus back to the show. After hearing your brother's room open, you finally made up your mind to pay attention to the ruckus that was going on. You waited for a bit, just listening. It wasn’t until you heard footsteps coming from his room that you stood up straight away, and nothing else was going through your head except irritation. You made it very clear to your friends that they were not to enter your brother's room. You didn’t even go in there. It was His room, Nobody else’s. You were just about to go into his room, but a voice made you stop in your tracks. It sounded oddly familiar… too familiar. You heard that voice growing up. You muttered an inaudible ‘no way’ under your breath. There’s ‘no way’ you constantly repeat those words over and over. He wasn’t supposed to be back until August. It's all just in your head, right?
It was then that the door to your brother's room opened. It wasn’t your brother, though. It was the Russian you only met briefly; your brother called him Andrei; you never talked with him before; you only introduced yourself to each other before engaging in conversations with others. 
“Like something you see, milyy?” There was no mistaking the inquisitiveness behind that smirk of his as he spoke.
You never heard the word ‘milyy’ and even if you didn’t know the meaning. You decided then and there that you hated the word, regardless of the meaning it holds. “Don’t call me that, and thanks, but no, I don’t. I’ve seen better.” You smiled as you watched the smirk slowly disappear. "Sure, milyy whatever you say.” His voice was rolling to a whisper as he approached you, inches away from your face. “You definitely wouldn’t be saying that soon.” His smirk reappeared as he stepped away, watching you. You couldn’t help the redness on your face after he said that. Your throat going dry immediately. “I would rather die than ever date you.” You bit back the irritation in your voice, trying to be respectful and not let it show that the comment effected you like it did.
“Keep saying that. We both know it’s not true.” He said, walking away, before adding, “Your brother is looking for you.” 
If you weren’t shocked before, you’re definitely shocked now. When you first saw Andrei, a part of you kind of suspected that your brother was already at home, but the realization didn't fully hit you until now. You pay little attention to the previous sentences and are just focusing on the fact that your brother is at home. You nervously head downstairs, multiple voices seemingly bouncing off the walls until it just goes quiet. Your mind going blank, shutting out all the other voices. The only one you cared about hearing was your brother’s. “Hey sis.” Sebastian said, already pulling you into a hug. The warmth of the hug made you feel safe and happy. A feeling you haven’t felt since he’s been gone.
“I missed you, Seb.” You mumbled low enough that only he could hear. You didn’t need any of his teammates laughing, especially Andrei.
It seems like eternity, but when you both pull away, you’re smiling something that you’ve refused to do for awhile. 
“I missed you too, sis. Sorry for being gone for a while.” Seb says this before pulling away.  Andrei cuts in. “Sorry for ruining this reunion, but we really should be getting going. The boys wouldn’t be happy to wait any longer.”
“Wait what.” You ask, confusion hitting you. “Where are you going? You can’t just leave; you-” 
It was like your brother could instantly sense the sadness in your tone. Because he was quick to reassure you. “We are just going to the club. You are welcome to come with us if you'd like.” 
You give a nod. “Okay, I’ll come, I guess.”
“We ain’t going to babysit you all night. If you want to go home, we ain’t leaving to drive you.” Andrei said abruptly he didn’t even wait for a response before he left, probably to start up the car.
You decided at this very moment..
You hated Andrei Svechnikov. You usually don’t go out clubbing; the last time you did, it was with one of your friends. It was an experience that you never wanted to experience again. It wasn’t bad in any way, but it was the fact that your friends all left with somebody, and you were left all by yourself.
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“Come onnnn!” Kimberly said. She’s been trying to convince you for hours now to come with her and Lena to the club. “I don’t know.. I don’t have anything to wear.” 
Kimberly opened your closet like she already knew the answer. She sorted through your clothes before deciding on a few she liked. "Here, look! Here's some that’ll look good on you.” You glance at the clothes before turning away with disgust. “I’d rather stick to jeans or something.” Kimberly's smile turned into a frown. “Alright, then how about this?" She showed you a few more options before you decided on an outfit.
You made the decision to dress down for the occasion by donning some jeans and a tank top. You chose to wear something that would be comfy, even if it is not what the majority of people would wear out, because you weren't really in the mood to go to begin with. You weren't typically choosy about the clothes you wore, but there are certain items that you either don't want to wear in public or you just aren't really feeling in the mood to wear at the moment. - - -
You were unable to recall much of what happened after that. All you can think of is how badly you wanted to leave...
“Leave her alone.” A voice spoke from behind you as the laughter of the guys around you died down. You didn’t bother looking at who said that. You just got up, pushing through the crowded room, trying to look around for your friends, but to your luck,  they were nowhere in sight.
You felt your chest tighten, and it was harder to breathe by the minute. Your whole body felt dizzy. 
You didn’t remember anything after that, but somehow you made it back home safe.
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There wasn’t much conversation during the car ride. You just mainly focused on your phone, unless you asked if they could skip songs you didn’t like. Thankfully, they didn’t complain; you really didn’t want to argue with Andrei about something as dumb as music.
Once you made it inside, you quickly made an introduction to a few of your brother’s friends, who all rode in different cars together. You knew a few, but it wasn’t any of the friends you usually had conversations with and enjoyed talking to. You made your way to the bar, telling the bartender what you’d like to get - on the rare occasion when you do decide to leave the house.
You made the hasty decision to go to the bathroom, hoping that your drink would be ready by the time you arrived back. You thought that if the bartender saw you leaving, that he would hopefully put your drink to the side or at least look after it. If you weren’t back in time.
It was once again the worst decision you could’ve ever made.
When you immediately returned to your spot, you found your drink already there. You weren’t too long in the bathroom, so you just made a guess that it was just made. You took a few sips. 
“Is that what you usually order?” A random guy who happened to be in front of you asked. 
“Yeah. I don’t drink that much, so this is the only thing I’ve tried.” I laughed slightly.
He gave a chuckle back. “I’m the same. I only like a few drinks, most of which my friends actually offered me to try. I’m way picky with my choice of drinks, so I only stick with a few I like.” 
You nodded, smiling slightly. It was good to finally have a normal conversation with someone, and this guy seemed nice. You gave a quick look around. Your brother was nowhere to be found, but you did spot Andrei. He was already staring right at you, and he seemed pissed about something. You rolled your eyes. He’s always got to be mad about something; he can never be happy.
You moved your attention back to the guy in front of you. “What’s your name?” 
You extended your hand to shake it as you said your name as well. Out of nowhere, you felt your head start to pound. “It’s loud in here, ain’t it?” You say, once again chuckling. You brushed it off, stating it was merely because there was loud music playing. 
“Are you feeling okay?” Tyler asked, his fingers going out to softly touch your back. 
It was somewhat relaxing; you couldn’t lie. You would never allow any stranger to touch you at all, yet the kindness and the gentle touches made you feel somewhat better, and you liked it. “Uh yeah. Wanna go dance?” 
He had no chance to speak as you took his arm, lightly tugging on it as you led the way. 
After that, everything started to happen all at once. There was no apparent cause for the sudden sensation of lightheadedness and dizziness that came on suddenly. To prevent yourself from falling down, you had to maintain a firm hold on Tyler. When he inquired, "Are you okay?" you opened your mouth to respond, but no words materialized in your mind. 
The last thing you heard was Andrei’s voice.
Then it went black.
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You let out a low grunt. It felt as though a thousand bricks were being thrown at your back. You muttered to yourself that this would be the last time you ever drank. You opened your eyes, and although it took a moment for your vision to clear, you immediately realized that you were home, safe, and in bed. 
The headache that you had been experiencing prior to this was, of course, was still present. You were in a terrible mood. You had no idea how you got home. You didn’t feel like getting up at all… You just wanted to sleep, and hopefully the next time you wake up, it wouldn’t feel like this. 
The next time you woke up, you were in bed. You checked the time on your phone. The brightness of it makes your eyes fully open. It was 9:27am. You groaned. It was too early, and you didn’t feel like getting out of bed. You took a few minutes to try to fall back asleep, but all the attempts were unsuccessful, so you eventually decided to give up and get up. 
The headache that you previously had seemed to pass over during your sleep. Thank gosh. You really didn’t want to have to experience that throughout the day. You quickly shower and get changed into fresh clothes. You didn’t remember much about last night, only that you met this guy and that your brother disappeared for most of the night. You were definitely going to bother him about that later on. 
Right, now you were starving. You head towards the kitchen, quickly grabbing an apple before making your way towards the living room. You planned for this day to just be a relaxing day. However, as soon as you glared at the couch, you rolled your eyes.
Andrei was already awake; he was on his phone, listening to something on his headphones. As soon as he saw you, though, he took them off. "Are you okay, milyy?” He asked, sounding worried but not making any moves to get up.
You rolled your eyes. Why does everyone ask that? Of course you were okay. You would certainly know if you weren’t. You walked over silently, asking if you could sit here. He seemingly got the message and gave a nod of approval. “Uh. What happened to my brother? The last time I saw him, he was having drinks, and the next he was nowhere to be seen.” “Tony took him to his place. He had too much to drink. He said they were planning on hanging out later today, so he thought it would be easier to take him to his place.”
You couldn't help but laugh; that was so typical of your brother. It is impossible for him to control his drinking; after only a few sips, he becomes extremely inebriated. "Oh, well, that's not good at all. I should have known from the beginning that he was not a good drinker. 
Andrei grinned again. You already knew what this meant. He was probably going to say something stupid to embarrass you. “Last night, it looked like you didn’t handle it well either. Compared to him, you were actually much worse.”
What do you mean by that? " I only had one drink.” You were more confused than ever. There’s no way. You've had numerous drinks before, and it’s never been so bad that you couldn’t recall how you got home. You just assumed that you ordered yourself an Uber and went home, or that your brother drove you. 
“Milyy… I drove you home. Do you remember?” Andrei questioned. You shook your head in disbelief. “No? I just thought my brother drove me home or that I ordered an Uber.” 
Andrei started to explain what happened, as you did your best to tell him what you already remembered so he could explain what transpired there. You were never this embarrassed until this moment. As he explained, you began to remember most of what happened. 
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“I got you, milyy.” Andrei said his arms were wrapped around you to hold you steady so you didn’t fall. “It’s okay, baby. Let’s get you outside, okay?” You nodded; you felt sick, and the heaviness in your head wasn’t stopping.
“Can you take me to your place?” “No, milyy. I’m taking you home.” The strictness in his tone had you squirming.
You pouted; this was so unfair. You didn’t want to go home. You wanted him to take you to his place. “Ok, but I want you to take me to your home. I want to be in your bed.”
Andrei ignored your comment as he led you outside in the cold air; it felt amazing against the hotness of your skin. You loved it. You closed your eyes. This was so relaxing. 
The next thing you remembered was being in Andrei’s car; he was quick to turn on the A/C due to your request. You mumbled thanks before staring out the window.
“Why don’t you like me?” 
The question that came from you was so out of nowhere. You knew it, but you didn’t care. 
“I do, milyy.” Andrei reassured you, his hand just slightly brushing against yours. “Then why wouldn’t you want to fuck me?” You already felt tears coming down. Were you not good enough for him? Did he not like you? You didn’t understand. The question made him immediately silent. He didn’t even give you an answer right away.  After a brief time of being silent, he replied “I’m not interested.”
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That’s at least what he told you. You shouldn’t care, really. It wasn’t like you guys were ever going to be a thing. You hated him, and he hated you. It was obvious, even if he said he didn’t.
“I’m sorry that I said that, but yeah. I’m not interested either. It was just the alcohol talking, not me.” You laugh, attempting to release the mood. 
It’s seemingly worked because Andrei laughed with you.
“Alright, well, I’m just going to head out. Seb asked me to see if you were alright in the morning.” Andrei said, not allowing you to respond before he was already gone.
You were left feeling confused. He lied. You knew exactly what he said. It was constantly repeating in your head. “You hate me, milyy. As much as I do. Trust me, if you weren’t out of it right now. I’d give you everything you want.”
You brushed it off, assuming he may have just had a few too many drinks as well.
You didn’t see Andrei for a month after that. You were very grateful, and you seemed to forget all about that night. You wish it could’ve stayed like this. You knew it wouldn’t last long until your brother was once again bringing his teammates over. You didn’t mind, and you even joined them when they started to play a few games.
You decided to drink once again, but only because you knew your brother wouldn’t leave again. Plus, it was in your own home. If you didn’t feel good, you could easily just go lay down. The night had been going well until Andrei had to ruin it.
“I’d be careful if I were you. You wouldn’t want to drink too much like last time, right, little one?” 
“Why? Don’t you want to hear me ask you to fuck me? Oh right, I forgot we both aren’t interested, so I know that wouldn’t happen.” You smiled; you weren’t drinking a lot this time only having small sips, so you knew exactly what you said. It was only to piss him off, and it worked perfectly. Because he shut right up after that.
You hummed in amusement before you made your way to where your brother was, joining him in whatever game they were playing. You felt Andrei's eyes staring at you every now and then, and you couldn’t help but smile every time you looked at him. He deserved it.
If Andrei expected you to just listen to whatever he had to say without saying anything back, he was very wrong. You hated him, and you were going to make that very clear.
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loveroftoomanyfandoms · 11 months
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Cooking Up Love, Chapter 8
Pairing: Chef!Matt Murdock x F!Journalist!Reader
Rating: T
Story Summary: Here 
Warnings/Tags: Hallmark levels of fluffy, cheesy goodness (and speed that their relationship develops, lol), no use of Y/N, Matt is not a vigilante, idiots in love, love confessions (but not to each other 🫠)
Word Count: ~2650
A/N: Short little filler chapter here to move the plot along, but next up is the big "recipe testing" dinner!
Thanks as always to @theradioactivespidergwen for the divider!
Tag List: @yarrystyleeza @hailey-murdock @mattkinsella @bellaxgiornata @danzer8705 @chezagnes @shouldbestudying41 @thepunisherfrankcastle @mattmurdocks6thscaleapartment
"So? How was it?" Skyler said as soon as she saw you in the staff break room the next morning.
You laughed and shook your head. "Can I at least make some coffee before you start interrogating me about my brunch?"
"Oh, I already took care of that." Skyler turned and handed you a to-go cup from your favorite coffee shop near the office. "I know how much you hate Monday morning staff meetings and figured I'd get something for you while I was getting my own coffee."
You took a sip and sighed blissfully. "You are an angel, you know that? I owe you one."
Skyler took a sip of her own beverage. "So spill, girl, spill! How was Chef Hottie's cake?"
You shook your head with a grin. "Ok well first off, it's Chef Matt , and secondly, his crepes were excellent once again, as was the omelet I ordered. You really should check the restaurant out for Sunday brunch at the very least, although I'm sure their dinner menu is amazing too."
Skyler took another sip of her coffee as you walked into the conference room together and sat. "How was the rest of your day? Hopefully you did something more exciting than watching a bunch of senior citizens play bingo."
You nodded, smiling to yourself as you thought about your afternoon and evening with Matt. "Actually, yeah. Matt invited me along on his after-work errands yesterday afternoon so I could observe him outside of the kitchen."
"Ooh, so you got to spend the whole afternoon with him? Lucky. So what did you two do together?"
"He volunteers to cook for the soup kitchen at Clinton Church on Sundays after the restaurant closes, so I helped him out with that, then I watched him work out at the gym for a bit, then he asked me if I wanted to have dinner with him."
Skyler's eyes grew wide. "He asked you out on a date ? Way to bury the lede!"
You shook your head. "No, not a date , he just invited me to have dinner with him at his apartment as a thank-you for helping him out at the church, that's all."
"You went to his apartment? " 
You opened your mouth to tell her that it wasn't a big deal but was interrupted by Ellison walking into the conference room. "Okay, let's get this show on the road," he said. "First order of business: Kelsie, welcome back. Glad to see you're feeling better."
You glanced over at Kelsie, who was sulking at the other end of the table.
Ellison looked at his notes. "Okay, so assignment updates! Skyler, how was the fundraiser for the senior center?"
"Great," Skyler replied. "I sent you my article last night."
"Okay, good. Mark, what's going on in sports this week?"
Mark, who wrote the sports column, sat up in his chair. "I've got an interview with Coach Calhoun on Wednesday and Coach Dempsey on Thursday, so the article about the big rivalry between PS 114 and PS 118 will be ready to go for Friday's edition."
"Excellent." Ellison said your name. "How's the Restaurant Week feature coming?"
"It's coming along great," you replied. "Chef Murdock has been really open and cooperative, so it'll be no problem getting that article to you by EoD Wednesday."
Ellison nodded. "Fantastic. Okay, new assignments. Skyler, you're covering the music festival this weekend. They'll have a press pass for you at the gate. Kelsie, since we switched up the Restaurant Week feature you're now going to be handling the daily report on what each participating restaurant is featuring. Everyone else, you know your assignments. Let's get to it."
You stood and picked up your cup of coffee.
"Not enough to steal the Features position out from under me, was it?" you heard Kelsie say from behind you. "Now you're going after the lead story for Restaurant Week too."
You turned and raised an eyebrow. There had been a (one-sided, in your opinion) rivalry between you and Kelsie ever since you and she had both been up for the Features position six months earlier. "Oh damn, you caught me. I made sure that you would get food poisoning just so I could swoop in and steal the Restaurant Week feature when I know nothing about the culinary industry and had never met Chef Murdock until a few days ago after the article was assigned to me. And as for the Features position, I won that promotion fair and square. It's not my fault that my article was better and that you bombed the mock interview, just like you would've tanked this one."
Kelsie scoffed. "Yeah, right. I'm sure he would've been extremely 'cooperative' with anyone interviewing him -- as long as they were female and had a pulse."
You shook your head. "I'll have you know, Chef Murdock has been nothing but professional towards me the entire week."
Kelsie smirked. "Oh didn't you know? Matthew Murdock will do anything -- and any one -- to try to salvage his reputation, so there must be a reason if he's not hitting on you."
Before you could respond she turned and flounced out of the conference room.
"What a bitch," Skyler muttered under her breath.
You shook your head. "I'm not worried about her. Ellison knows what I'm capable of."
Skyler sighed. "Anyway, I want to hear all about your not-date with Chef Hottie. Lunch later?"
You nodded. "Sure."
"Great. I'll swing by your desk around 11:30."
You went back to your desk, dutifully ignoring the daggers Kelsie was continuing to shoot your way, and worked on your other tasks until it was time for lunch.
You looked up as Skyler stopped by, purse in hand. "Ready?"
You nodded. "Yeah, let's go."
The two of you walked down the street to your favorite food truck. 
"Okay, so tell me everything ," Skyler said once the two of you sat down at a nearby table with your food. "Like how you went from going to Daredevil for brunch to a private dinner with the chef."
"There's not much to tell," you replied with a light laugh. "But okay."
You took a breath. "I had told Matt on Saturday that I was planning on coming back to Daredevil for Sunday brunch because the crepes he had made during the cooking demo he did for me were really good, so he told me to get his staff to let him know that I was there and he'd come say hi."
A small smirk graced Skyler's face. "So he was willing to drop everything in order to come talk to you, got it."
You shook your head. "He wound up bringing my order out to me, so while we were talking he asked me if I would be interested in seeing how he develops his recipes so I agreed to stop by Daredevil tonight after work for another cooking demo. Then he asked me if I wouldn't mind accompanying him on his after-work errands since he thought that it would be beneficial to my article for me to spend some time with him outside of the kitchen."
Skyler huffed out a laugh. "Right, beneficial to your article, sure."
You smiled and shook your head. "We went by Clinton Church first to cook for the soup kitchen--"
Skyler held up a finger. "Wait a second. So he asked you to spend the afternoon with him out of the kitchen, then brought you to a different kitchen to watch him cook?"
You shrugged. "I didn't mind. He usually cooks at Daredevil and just brings everything over to the church, but he asked me if I wouldn't mind coming over early and he'd just do his cooking for the church over there instead."
Skyler raised an eyebrow. "Mmhmm, so he could spend even more time with you."
" Anyway, after we finished up at the church we headed to his gym since he frequently goes after service to unwind."
Skyler grinned. "Ooh, so you got to see him all sweaty?"
You nodded. "The arms on that man, let me tell you…"
"And the ass." Skyler did a chef's kiss. "You can't tell me you didn't check out his ass."
Your face heated. "Well… maybe a bit."
Skyler gasped. "You did! I knew you were interested in him!"
You groaned. "He's so handsome and sweet and funny and genuine, not to mention an incredible chef… but I'm writing a story about him for the paper, it's completely unethical for me to be thirsting after him -- even though it's absolutely unfair how good he looks in a tank top and a pair of sweatpants."
Skyler shook her head. "Your story's due, when, Wednesday? After that you won't have to worry about journalistic integrity or whatever's stopping you from jumping his bones. So how'd you wind up going home with him?"
You wrinkled your nose. "Don't say it like that, you make it sound so… clandestine ."
Skyler rolled her eyes playfully. "Okay, fine. Having dinner, happy?"
You chuckled. "Yes. After he was done at the gym I asked him where to next and he said that was all he had left to do so I said okay and that I'd see him later, but then he asked if I'd like to have dinner with him as a thank-you for helping him out at the soup kitchen. I agreed, so we stopped by his plot at the Clinton Community Garden to pick some fresh basil then headed to his apartment."
Skyler waved a hand at you to go on. "Where you…"
You shrugged. "Where I drank some wine and ate some delicious carbonara, then sat and talked with Matt for a bit on his sofa before I went home."
Skyler's eyebrows raised. "Wait, you were serious? Nothing happened between you two?"
You shook your head. "I mean we hugged before I left, but that was it."
Skyler shook her head with a sigh. "Girl, if you can't see what's going on…"
Your brow furrowed. "What are you talking about?"
"He's clearly interested."
"What? No he's not."
"Oh come on. He invited you to his apartment for dinner."
"As a thank-you, I told you that."
Skyler took a sip of her drink. "I'm telling you, girl, the man is into you! He's probably holding back because he thinks you're not interested."
You shook your head and stood. "Come on, we need to get back. I'm sure Kelsie is looking for any excuse to report us to Ellison."
Skyler groaned then stood as well. "Yeah, you're right. But I am too, and you know it!"
You threw your trash away and started back towards the office, your mind racing.
Skyler had to be mistaken. Matt couldn't actually be interested in you… could he?
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Matt grinned to himself as he headed towards Clinton Church. He had spent the morning finalizing his plans for your "recipe tasting" dinner and was eager to get started on prep, but he needed to pick up his supplies from the church's activity center first. 
Father Lantom had left him a voicemail that morning saying how appreciative everyone had been of the hot meal and how nice it had been to meet you. 
Matt's mind drifted back to the previous day. While you obviously wasn't as quick and skilled in the kitchen as he was, Matt had still been touched by your willingness to help out however you could, even if it meant doing menial tasks such as slicing up tomatoes and cucumbers and dividing salad dressing into servings. 
God , he had wanted to kiss you when your fingers had brushed against his while you were handing him his measuring cups, then again when you had hugged him at Fogwell's after he had told you about his dad, then again in his apartment when you two stood listening to the rain by his window, then again when you were getting ready to leave…
He sighed. Hopefully everything went according to plan tonight.
He stepped into the office at Clinton Church. 
"Matthew, hello," Sister Maggie, one of the nuns from the adjoining convent, said.
"Hi," Matt replied. "I'm here to pick up my culinary supplies from the activity center." 
"Oh, yes. Father Lantom did say that you'd be dropping by to pick up your things." Sister Maggie took a set of keys out of a drawer. "He's out on an errand at the moment, but I can let you in."
"Great, thanks."
He followed her out to the activity center.
Sister Maggie unlocked the door. "How is the restaurant doing?"
Matt shrugged. "It's… surviving so far. We're not doing nearly as well as I'd hoped we'd be by now but I'm hoping that the article that's going to be in the Bulletin next week will help drum up some business."
"Oh, the restaurant is being featured in the Bulletin? That's wonderful."
Matt shook his head. "Moreso me than the restaurant, but yeah. We're going to be on the front page of the Restaurant Week kickoff edition."
He paused, smiling softly as he thought about you. "Actually the reporter from the Bulletin who's doing the story on me was here with me yesterday."
Sister Maggie hummed. "Oh, yes, Father Lantom did say a young woman was assisting you, but he was under the impression that you two were seeing each other."
Matt shook his head. "What? No, we've only known each other for a few days, although…"
He sighed. "There's something about her that… I don't know, she makes me feel comfortable around her. She's kind, and gentle, and caring…" And beautiful. I have no idea what she looks like, but I know she's beautiful. 
Sister Maggie hummed. "She sounds lovely."
"She really is."
"What's her name?"
Matt smiled as he said your name.
Sister Maggie gave a hum of recognition. "Oh, yes, she's the one who does all of those lovely human interest stories, right? I do enjoy reading those each week."
Matt nodded. "Right."
He bit his lip. "I wanted her to get to know me outside of the kitchen -- for her story, of course -- so I, uh, I took her to Fogwell's after we left here yesterday and wound up telling her about Dad. She already knew about his murder -- she had done some research before our interview -- but I told her about growing up with him and how he always encouraged me to get an education."
Sister Maggie reached out and took his hand, giving it a gentle squeeze before letting go. "Your father was a good man, you know."
Matt nodded. "I know."
She sighed. "I know I haven't always been there for you in the ways you've needed me, Matthew, but for what it's worth, I'm really proud of you."
Matt nodded. "Thanks… Mom."
"So what are you going to do?"
Matt furrowed his brow. "About?"
Sister Maggie said your name. "She's not seeing anyone, is she?"
Matt shook his head. "I don't think so. At least, she hasn't mentioned anything in that regard."
He gestured towards the kitchen. "She's actually coming by the restaurant tonight to taste-test some new recipes for me, so I better get going so I can get started on everything."
He headed into the kitchen to get his cart.
Sister Maggie gave him a hug as he came back out. "Goodbye, Matthew."
Matt hugged her back. "Bye."
He headed towards Daredevil, his mind swirling. He knew you were attracted to him -- at least physically -- but there had been something holding you back. Could you be seeing someone?
Matt had assumed you were single based on your availability over the weekend, but just because you were available didn't mean you were available. 
He shook his head. He remembered overheating your conversation with that other reporter who had greeted him the day he had brought tiramisu to the Bulletin, during which you had said that you didn't have a boyfriend.
…So then what was it?
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l4narecl1pse · 3 months
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chapter 11 - don't get too excited...
student!heeseng x student!reader
chapter 10 ~ Masterlist ~ chapter 12
You pull so predictably, at my armored heartstrings, shattering their strength, melting them slowly, one touch, is all it takes, and I am yours.
a/n: writing is not my strongest skill so this isn’t very good but i tried my best 😭
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As yn arrived at the cafe where she was meeting heeseung for lunch, she glanced into the window to take a final look at her outfit. As she did, she saw heeseung sat at their usual table looking as good as he always did. She smiled to herself as she entered the building, hearing the familiar jingle of the door. However, as she approached the table, she noticed something unusual; heeseung wasn't alone.
Next to him sat the most beautiful woman yn had ever seen. Hair done perfectly, outfit well planned, makeup done to somehow make her perfect features even more perfect. And, to make matters worse, heeseung was holding her hand.
Shit. This was what sunoo meant by don't get too excited and why riki wanted to meet up after. yn turned away and, wanting to escape the situation she'd found herself in, began to walk back to the entrance of the cafe. That's when she heard the scraping of chair and felt a warm hand grab her forearm.
“where are you going?” the owner of the hand asked. yn could recognise that voice from a million miles away. She turned around to see heeseung's doe eyes staring right back into hers. So much for leaving unnoticed.
“oh I didn't realise you were sat over there” yn laughed “its the table we always sit at why would I sit on any different table?” heeseung asked surprised as he led her over to their table.
The woman looked up at yn as they both walked over and smiled. God, even her teeth were perfect.
“who's this?” yn attempted to sound curious. Heeseung began to look excited “I've been wanting to introduce you two for a while now. yn, this is my girlfriend, ryujin.”
Ouch. She was expecting it, but it still hurt. The idea of her best friend dating anyone hurt like nothing else.
“its really nice to meet you, yn! seung never stops talking about you!” ryujin exclaimed.
seung. It was weird to hear her nickname for him come out of someone else's mouth. Even so, she managed to muster up a half hearted smile (maybe it was more of a grimace from the look heeseung gave her) as she greeted the goddess in front of her. “its really lovely to meet you. and I wish I could say the same but heeseung has never mentioned you before.” She missed the way heeseung's smile dropped for a second. Why was she not calling him seung?
“oh its because we were being very private about our relationship to begin with. but im so glad I got to meet you finally!” ryujin replied. yn tried to smile in return and hoped the conversation would move away from heeseungs relationship.
“what do you want to eat yn? ill go up and order it so you two can continue talking?” heeseung offered “Ryujin and I already ate before we came out so your lunch is on me!”
“I'm, uh, actually really busy today, I planned to go out with riki after this so ill eat lunch then. but I've got some errands to run beforehand so you two make this a date and ill leave you to it” yn quickly excused herself and began to stand up.
“are you sure? we've had this planned for a while yn. why are you cancelling now?” heeseung asked confused.
“im sorry heeseung but we can do this another time right?” she said as she began walking out of the cafe.
“I guess…” heeseung muttered disappointedly and sat back down with ryujin. As soon as yn went through the door she made a beeline for her apartment where she knew riki would be waiting.
As she arrived at her apartment, she paused, blinking back the tears that had formed in her eyes. She put a smile on her face (which wouldn't be there for long) and opened the door.
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taglist: @lilifiedeans @sumzysworld
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silenzahra · 1 month
Hey there, did you know August 21st is Fanfic Writer Appreciation Day? So I'd just like to take this opportunity to tell you how much I appreciate you both as a friend and as a writer. As you probably know, I enjoyed all of your stories. You also write amazing posts - headcanons etc. Heck, even your commentary in reblogs is always so nicely written. I think you're very talented!
It's one of your stories, Anything for him, that I owe the fact I met you on this site. It's still one of in not my favorite Luigi's Mansion fanfic. I guess it's just a reminder for the occasion since I'm sure you already know it.
And I've actually been planning to reread another of my favorites from you, Keeping you warm in the near future,
Thank you for your hard work. I know you've only recently overcome your writer's block and general burnout, so I think it's all the more important that you know your effort and dedication, past and present, is still very much appreciated. I love how passionate you are about the Mario franchise and how you share that passion in so many ways, most of all your fics.
I can't wait for your nexts works, but also please remember that it's okay to take as much time as you need and that your physical and mental health always comes first. Take care!
And happy Fanfic Writer Appreciation Day!
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My dear @megamagimugi, have you any idea of how much your words have moved me and made my heart swell? 🥹🥹🥹
First of all, I'm sorry that I'm a day late, but the fact that you took the time to write this ask and tell me about how much you love my content and appreciate me as a writer and as a friend... I'm so honored and flattered and BLESSED I swear. Thank you so so so so SO much 🫂🫂🫂
I'm seriously so happy we got to meet thanks to you enjoying Anything for him! I can never forget about how excited you were when I announced I was working on the final chapter, which in turn made me even more excited to finish and post it 🥹 I'm truly so touched that it remains as your favorite Luigi's Mansion fanfic! That's seriously one of the highest praise I've ever received 🫂💖 And of course, the amazing and beautiful drawings you made for this story will forever live in my heart rent-free 🥹 (And hopefully soon in my walls at last!)
Oh my, you wanna reread Keeping you warm? 😍 My God, I don't think I can ever get used to people rereading my stories. It's just so incredible and amazing to think that you liked them so much that you feel like revisiting them months after they were posted! 🥹 Again, that's one of the highest compliments I believe any writer can get. I'm just so honored to have gotten it from you, dear friend 🫂💖
I really feel so validated by your recognition of my efforts to overcome this writer's block and burnout I've been fighting for the past month 🥹 It's thanks to you and this wonderful community that I'm feeling so much better! And I'm also so happy and blessed that I get to share my passion with you and our wonderful friends 🥰 Thank you so much, Mugi, from the bottom of my heart 🫂💖
I deeply appreciate both your advice and your enthusiasm! I'll still be slow at getting back to writing and actually posting something, but I'm glad to announce that I've started making progress at last! 🥰 I'll go at my own, slow pace, but just as Mario taught us: we should never give up 💪❤️
Thank you once again for this lovely surprise and for your unwavering support, dear Mugi! I hope that you know that I deeply appreciate you as a friend as well 🫂 You're such a kind and sweet person, and I feel so connected to you! I'm so incredibly happy that we met 🥰💖
And of course, I'm deeply in love with your art style as well! 😄 I'm just so glad and honored that my story inspired you to create the beautiful pieces you gifted me with 💖
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Please have the biggest hug ever and take care, dear friend! 🫂💖
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pardi-real · 6 months
Honeymoon Knight / Chapter 19 - An Exciting Meal
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[Kalliste, Inn room]
~ That evening ~
I was relaxing in my room... When there was a knock on the door.
Knock, knock...
Muu: "Huh...? Someone's visiting?"
Lono: "My lord, it's me! I've brought dinner!"
> “Thank you” > "Please, come in"
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Lono: "Good evening, my lord! Ishishi…! It's a lavish dinner tonight!"
Bastien: "Yeah, indeed. Today's dinner was wedding-inspired."
The table was adorned with luxurious dishes.
> "So many..."
Lono: "We got carried away with the conversation during the day... So we thought, why not prepare a course meal fit for a wedding reception! Please, enjoy!"
> "I can't possibly eat all of this..."
Lono: “T-true... Maybe we overdid it..."
> "Won't you eat with me?"
Lono: "Huh? With you, my lord?"
> "Pretend we are at a wedding feast…!"
Lono: "Well... If it pleases you, my lord, then we shall..."
Bastien: "Right... There's no reason to refuse."
Berrien: "Apologies for the inconvenience, but shall we accept your offer, then?"
> "Yes"
And so, we all decided to happily share a meal together.
~ A little while later ~
Bastien: "Hmm. Now all the dishes are served."
Muu: "There's meat, fruit salad, soup... And even fluffy pancakes... They all look delicious!"
> "It's very lavish"
Lono: "Yes! After all, these are 'wedding-inspired' dishes! Instead of a wedding cake, we prepared pancakes decorated with cream for dessert!"
Bastien: "The salad is accompanied by intricately cut fruits... We tried to make it elegant."
Berrien: "This soup is based on a celebratory dish from a certain region. Please, enjoy it while it's warm."
> "Thank you"
I first tasted the soup and the meat. Both had a refreshing aroma of herbs... Very palatable.
> "Delicious...!"
Lono: "Ishishi… that's great!"
Berrien: "Fufu... I'm glad you enjoyed the soup I made."
Lono: "My lord, the meat I grilled is delicious too... Please try the salad as well. It pains me to admit it, but... Bastien's salad is quite delicious!"
> "Is that so!"
Lono: "Sheesh~... Bastien, that guy, he used to only be able to use strong seasoning… and now he's able to make such delicate dressings… It must’ve been my way of teaching, for sure…!"
Bastien: “Don't be mistaken, Lono. This is the recipe I've found myself. I found it in a book to please the lord.”
Lono: “Ooh~ I see. To think that Bastien is this interested in cooking for the sake of the lord… Ishishi…”
Bastien: “What are you grinning at, Lono? That's pretty uncanny.”
Lono: "S-shut up! I'm not grinning! A-And besides! Who's the uncanny one here? Since I'm complimenting you so much, how about you smile more and show some happiness? You're always frowning."
Bastien: “Huh? I don't make such a face.”
Lono: “Look at the mirror for once! You always have that scowl in your eyes!”
Bastien: “What the? Lono..."
Berrien: "Oh my... Please, don't argue in front of our lord. When you were in the kitchen, you cooperated well with each other, though."
Lono: "Well... Since the cooperation leads to making delicious dishes for our lord."
Bastien: "Hmph... Reluctantly, I agree. Cooperating with Lono and Mr. Berrien results in... our lord enjoying delicious food."
Berrien: "Fufu… in other words, everyone wants to make our lord smile with their cooking... So let's stop fighting to ensure our lord can enjoy the meal happily."
Lono: "Ughhh... Fine."
Bastien: "Hmm… My apologies for the commotion, my lord."
> "It's okay, but more importantly..."
Lono: “More importantly?"
> "Thank you for the delicious food"
Lono: "M-my lord... Ishishi... Thank you so much! Cooking for you, my lord... always brings a smile to my face!"
Bastien: "My lord. There's still more food. If there's anything you'd like to eat, please let me know and I'll serve it for you."
Berrien: "Fufu... If you need a refill of your drink, please don't hesitate to ask me. We'll also prepare herbal tea for you after the meal to help with fatigue recovery."
Lono: "And don't forget about the dessert pancakes! Both the taste and the wedding-themed decorations turned out well… It's my masterpiece, after all!"
> "Thank you, everyone"
Muu: "My lord! I also want to help you!"
Berrien: "Then, Muu, would you assist me in brewing tea after the meal?"
Muu: "Yes! Leave it to me!"
And so, Muu and I, along with the first-floor butlers, enjoyed the meal together. The various dishes inspired by weddings were... luxurious yet warm and gentle in taste.
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greenerteacups · 6 months
So glad to have you back! I was so relieved to see you were indeed alive! Cheers to your good health!
After the last chapter I have to say I'm extremely excited for the Black family shenanigans I'm sensing coming... as eager as I am for an Andromeda/Draco interaction, I'm even more excited for the Black sisters to be reunited in some way and for them all, including Sirius, to be trapped in a room together or something to hash it all out... just wishful thinking! Also, really curious about Regulus in your retelling... canon provides so little information about him (we don't even know how he died, just that he did)... I always feel like in him is yet another member of the family Draco might relate to... although ofcourse their parallel paths in your version of events have already diverged more than in canon. Seriously can't wait to read the rest of Book 5 ... I can already see the somewhat lower stakes teen drama heating up... yess...
Thanks very much! I think I've said it already somewhere before, but Order of the Phoenix is, in many ways, the book of the series most interested in the theme of family: you've got Harry's relationship with Sirius, Sirius's relationship with James, Sirius and Molly's conflict over Harry (which you can read subtextually as a conflict over parenting styles in adolescence), Dumbledore's Army (found family), Sirius's relationship with the Blacks, Andromeda's relationship with the Blacks, and Harry's struggle to find a place for himself in a world that's increasingly antagonistic.
In each rewrite, I've tried to preserve some of the ideas and concepts that interest me most in the original text (while, of course, diverging increasingly as time goes on). Family is definitely one of those themes, and it's one that Draco's position makes him uniquely suited to exploring. I'm very excited for what I'm going to get to do with Sirius, Grimmauld Place, and the Blacks in general; it's been hugely fun for me to write, and I hope it's half as fun to watch unfold. I'm really glad you're enjoying it so far; thanks for reading!
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grayintogreen · 8 months
OKAY SO. I am (and this is obvious for my followers as opposed to this tag), I am currently running headlong towards the ending of my huge CR longfic, but I have started to develop my next project. Not sure when I'll start posting because if I do it too soon it's going to be hard to keep up with it and YCDHN and I do NOT WANT THAT, so I'm gonna poke at it casually while seeing how much of YCDHN I can write before I come back from my posting hiatus in March. If it looks like I'm making a lot of headway in getting the next three chapters written, we'll see.
learn that even death may die is going to be a Hazbin Hotel fic that goes AU after 1x06 (due to that being where I started plotting it). The official summary is as follows:
When Lucifer agrees to seal his powers to set an example of humility to buy more time for the Hotel to work, Adam and the Exorcists scheme with the Vees in order to take the Hazbin Hotel down once and for all. Meanwhile, Alastor has a little secret that he'd like to be through with that would change the face of Hell if anyone knew...
And Husk has caught feelings, which is unrelated to all of the above.
It's a plotty, ensemble piece, featuring Found Family dynamics, Alastor and Lucifer being each others' biggest haters, Husk and Angel in a bodyguard AU for reasons, and the kind of plot you can expect from the idiot who brought you two million words about Cree Deeproots.
Here's an extended preview of the first chapter. Spread the word! Get hype! It's something I'm really excited to work on when I've gotten a lot more progress on my YCDHN backlog.
The last week had been… Harrowing, to say the least. The Extermination had been personal- deeply personal- and while no one at the Hotel had fallen, the line of angelic spears stabbed into the ground outside with demon heads proudly spelling out YOU CAN’T HIDE FOREVER (Vaggie had noted that was such a waste of spears) had made the message clear. This was going to continue and next time they wouldn’t be so lucky.
She didn’t know when the next would come- back to a year or another six months or another week. She had paced, relentlessly, as the Hotel put itself back in order and those who had been injured licked their wounds. Husk, in particular, had survived a scuffle with Adam, himself, and while he didn’t appreciate the warm embrace he got for his bravery, she didn’t know how else to thank him aside from maybe a very expensive bottle of booze at Angel’s suggestion, which he did like and seemed to like even more when she told him it had been Angel’s idea.
That should have been something she lit on! Something that she could really sink her teeth into and do something about! Were Angel and Husk an item? Was there unspoken tension? What would that do for Angel’s suitability to Heaven? Surely, a stable, monogamous relationship could only-
But no. She’d let that thought slide out of her mind with barely more than a hum, never mind a full number about it. Her mind had to be on the Hotel and protecting it. She couldn’t even do a lesson plan in these conditions! Activities had ground to a halt in favor of ‘work together to clean up the corpses.’ She was going to scream or bite or… or something.
Vaggie helped. She always did. The initial shock of learning about her being an angel had passed and while there had been some distance in the month leading up to the Extermination, Vaggie’s dedication to her remained absolute and she had nearly gotten herself killed multiple times to make up for what she felt were her sins in the past.”
”Demons kill each other and that’s different,” she’d said when Charlie told her that no one in the Hotel, save herself, was fully clean of demon blood.”They aren’t killing because they think everyone here deserves to die. It’s different.”
So that was still sort of a whole unresolved thing too, and that was just before her father kicked the door in, ready to throw down because he had one rule when his hand was forced about the Extermination and that was not putting his family in direct harm. Getting him to do more than fume and fuss over it had occupied a lot of time she didn’t actually have, but the end result had led her here… Back to Heaven.
With her father.
Outside the golden gates, he stood ramrod straight, fingers clenched so tightly around the head of his cane she was certain his fingers would grip right to the core. She glanced at his shaking hands and laid her own over them. “Dad, it’s okay.”
“I haven’t been back to Heaven in… Oooh.” He whistled. “Awhile. It’s…” He tugged his collar. “Not actually full of great memories, y’know, sweetie?” He leaned over to whisper. “Maybe we should just go back down and work on this on a lower level. I know some phenomenal wards. You think that dusty radio guy has moves? Your dad has better moves. I invented some of those runes he uses. My wards- pristine.”
She wrinkled her nose and pulled him closer to the front desk. “Daaaad, come on. It’ll be fine. I think things will actually work out this time if you’re here.”
“Really? ‘Cause I feel like they’re gonna go much worse.” As if to prove it, the second the pair strode towards the desk, St. Peter nearly flung the guestbook to reach for something underneath the desk. Charlie had to lunge to stop his hand from hitting a button with a very familiar runic symbol on it- fuck, they had a Lucifer button.
“Wait wait wait! He’s not- we’re not here to cause any trouble. We just need to talk to Sera- or Emily. Actually, I’d rather talk to Emily, if it’s… all the same.” She shot him a winning smile.
Behind her, Lucifer was making what could only be described as a ‘stink face.’ “This is going greeeeat. Are you sure about this, Charlie? It’s not too late to go back.”
“Charlie!” A winged shape suddenly burst free of the Gates and wrapped tight arms around her middle. Unable to resist, Charlie wrapped her arms around the gray-clad form as well and spun her around. “Emily!”
“Oh my Heavens, Charlie, I’m so glad you’re okay!” Emily pulled away to grip Charlie’s hands so tightly that it was a pleasant kind of crushing. Like a weighted blanket. She leaned forward to whisper, “I’ve been doing all I can. There are angels who truly believe this isn’t right. Sera has told me to give it up, that doubting leads to Falling, because-“
Both girls looked askance at Lucifer, fiddling with the head of his cane awkwardly, that vapid look he got when he was overwhelmed making it clear that he’d stopped paying attention.
Charlie, for the first time daring to doubt, whispered back in a nervous high-pitched lilt, “Iiiis it bad that I brought him here?”
“No! I… I don’t think.” Emily frowned. “I should warn Sera, of course.” She stepped back and approached Lucifer, who flinched like he was about to be scolded- oh dad how badly did the angels hurt you. “Greetings, Morningstar,” she said, bowing a bit. “It is an honor to meet you. I was only a fledgling when you Fell.”
“For the record, I didn’t Fall. I was pushed.” Lucifer, seeing Emily’s own flinch, immediately softened and underneath all the anxiety, Charlie caught a glimpse of the angel her father had been once as he ducked his head and accepted her greeting graciously and with the genteel quality of true nobility. “Thank you for being courteous about this. Tell the High Seraph that we won’t take up any of her time. We… have a deal to renegotiate. It seems Adam’s legions have forgotten what we agreed long ago.”
Emily bobbed her head with a grin and slipped through a portal, leaving St. Peter to anxiously open the Gates without his usual aplomb. Charlie strolled through and Lucifer, feeling somewhat more confident after seeing how Emily treated him, tapped the poor angel’s desk with his cane. “Keep up the good work, Pete.”
The promenade was still full of people dancing about in a joyous display of virtue and peace, but now looking at it, all she saw were people who had somehow gotten lucky. She tried to find a commonality in any of them, something that she could take back and use to prove her point, but there didn’t seem to be a single thing these people had that hers didn’t… besides, you know, the fixation on sin and murder. And, honestly, some of them might have that too, hidden under the surface. Look at Adam.
“Heyyyy, Short Stack! How’s it goin’?”
Speak of the fucking prick.
Every fiber of Charlie’s body reached for Hellfire and only her father’s iron-tight grip on her shoulder kept her from exploding in a rush of demonic energy. Her horns appeared and vanished in the blink of an eye and she focused on deep, healing breaths as Adam, the walking canker sore, swaggered up to them on the promenade.
“They’ll let anyone in here these days, huh?” Adam planted his hands on his hips and grinned. Behind him, Lute bristled.
“Funny. I was gonna say the same thing about you. Hah!” Lucifer barked. All that anxiety he’d worn outside had been cast aside like an old coat- something about Adam had struck the same nerve that Alastor had only in a different key. A beat, and then: “No seriously, how did you get in here? I was there, remember. You also ate the apple. It was a, uh, whole thing, actually.”
“Yeah, but I did it second.” He reached into his ear with his pinky to dislodge a bit of wax and flicked it across the golden streets. “That counts for something.”
Still lingering on the angels’ wishy-washy answer about how precisely one gets into Heaven and with the proof that there wasn’t some actual code to follow right before her eyes, Charlie crossed her arms over her chest and fought the urge to scowl. Scowling gives you lines that make your smiles less effective. Everyone knew that.
“How’s the wifey, by the by, Lucy? Still smokin’?” Adam slammed a hand into a fist. “Oh wait. I forgot. You two are hella divorced, amirite?”
“We are not divorced.” Lucifer began to panic, whipping to Charlie like he expected her to believe any of that shit. There was something in his eyes that spoke volumes about the truth of what was going on with him and Lilith that she would have to unpack later- she hadn’t asked before. It was too painful to bring up. “We- we’re on a break. Yeah, a break. Just a break.” He swallowed, leaned on his cane, and adjusted his stance. “Which is more than I can say for you and yours. How is Eve, by the way? Oh waaaait! She’s in Hell. With me. Just like your first wife. Hah. Man, if I didn’t know any better, I’d say one of us knows how to treat a woman.” Another pause. He leaned into Adam’s space and whispered. “It’s me.”
Adam’s ghoulish face screwed up in disgust. “Yeah, okay, pal, you just drink your ‘respect women’-” are the air quotes necessary? really?, “- juice. You can use it to gargle after you lick my balls.”
“Adam,” Sera’s voice said, coarsely, snapping him to attention with a mumbled aw fuck mom’s home.
She hovered as glorious as ever with her six wings, towering over Lucifer as she landed between him and Adam, shunting him out of her space and into Lute’s. Charlie and Emily both shot him sour looks and held hands in solidarity as they watched the fallen Morningstar engage with the High Seraph for the first time in millenniums.
The seconds ticked on in agonizing awkward silence. Lucifer’s throat bobbed. “High Seraph.”
“Morningstar,” Sera murmured, politely, her shoulders tense. Another long moment of silence followed- clearly she was waiting for Lucifer to explain himself. Charlie’s palms started to sweat, but not Emily’s. Angels apparently didn’t sweat. Her grip alone, however, spoke to her anxiety matching Charlie’s.
Lucifer’s jaw trembled and he finally, finally yanked himself together again. “Maybe we can talk about this somewhere more private? The street is… Open.”
Indeed, they were starting to attract attention. People might not recognize Lucifer on sight these days, but that apple and snake motif was sort of painfully obvious when you thought about it for a moment. Sera gave a nod and circled her fingers in the air to open another portal. “Certainly. Come into my office.”
Adam started to follow and Lucifer thrust his cane to stop him. “No, no. Not you. Seraphs only.”
Adam snarled and lowered the staff. “Your piece of hellsnatch daughter ain’t a seraph, Little Man.”
Charlie saw her father’s eyes light up with a fire she only saw when he had to be in a room with Alastor. “What did you say about my daughter?”
“You want me to say it louder? Or do you want me to moan it, Daddy?” Adam leered.
“That’s enough!” Emily snapped before Sera could, her small form crowding into Adam’s space, all of her angelic eyes open and glowering daggers at the lesser angel. He shrank back. “There will be no more disrespect in this room. Adam, this concerns you, so you will be allowed entry, but please keep your mouth shut.”
Charlie felt her heart squish as Emily brushed off her dress and then strolled through the portal, nose primly in the air. Sera, lips pressed together, only gave a sober nod and followed.
“How come he-“ Adam snarled, but Lute gripped his arm and pushed him into the portal.
“Pick your battles, sir.”
“I wanna pick this one,” he whined as he vanished into the Seraph’s study. Lucifer and Charlie lingered for a moment- one with hope in her heart and the other rapidly descending into the pit of despair after just seconds of glorious, if not damning and futile, wrath. She reached for his hand.
“C’mon, dad. You got this.”
The soft smile melted her heart even more than Emily’s protection had. He stood on his toes to pull her into an embrace and give her a kiss on the head- more to comfort himself than her, she was sure, but she didn’t mind. He hopped through the portal and she followed into an austerely decorated space. Painfully minimalist. Ooh this was not a side of Heaven she liked at all. There wasn’t even art on the walls. Just gray slate with a huge plate-glass window behind the bare desk. Not a single knickknack to distract from its function.
Sera slid into the seat behind the desk, while Emily stood at attention next to her, hands clasped in front of her, eyes still fixed on Adam, daring him to speak. He skulked in the background, intentionally toying with the boring book-laden shelves- also free of knickknacks and personal touches- by running his fingers on the spines or pulling them out and pretending to read them before tossing them at Lute to put back with a bored eyeroll.
Conjured chairs were produced for Lucifer and Charlie, which they took, gladly. With everyone who was going to settle having done so, Sera sighed.
“Let’s talk, Lucifer. What brings you back to Heaven? You were told to never come back.
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stellar-solar-flare · 1 month
Suuuuuper random, but I spent the day re-reading your Christmas fic— The Great Christmas Debacle and it’s such a fix for whenever I’m craving a good “idiots in love” trope. A delicious angst with a HEA that just scratched all the dopamine centers in my brain LOL anyways just reminded me how your fics got me back into loving Steve fics again and wanted to just share my appreciation for your work— you’re so good. Along with Arrhythmia but that’s another adoration post to talk about later so good.
Loving how your blog is coming together too! Beyond gassin’ you up ✨, I was curious about how our Century!Steve and Reader are doing?? I miss this power couple!! 🗡️👑
Hope you’re having a great day, lad~
Oh my goodness, this message is so wonderfully kind! Thank you for taking the time to tell me all this - I'm always super excited to hear that someone is rereading an old fic of mine. I'm glad that The Great Christmas Debacle (AO3) hit the right spot!
And it's beyond flattering to hear that my fics have gotten you back into Steve fics! That's among the best compliments I've ever gotten, so thank you.
It's been wonderful to be here on tumblr, and people have been so kind and welcoming to me! Thank you again for the lovely message. If you ever feel like sharing, I look forward to hearing your thoughts on Mission-Induced Arrhythmia (AO3), too.
As for the next For Centuries (AO3), I have the next chapter in the works, and it's quite a major one at that. Under the cut is a small sneak peek from Chapter 18, so MAJOR SPOILERS for the fic For Centuries if you aren't caught up (haven't read the CH 17). I hope you enjoy! Very much unedited still.
(My overall spoiler tag is 'spoilers to ssf fics', in case you want to block that, but any sneak peeks that are spoilery will be under a cut.)
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You broke the eye contact between you and Archduke Rogers, because looking into the endless, deep blue that seemed to be lit from within much like the stained glass in the high hall had been certainly wasn’t helping you gather your rattled thoughts. You deliberately let your gaze unfocus so that you could focus on everything that was running through your head, to make some sense of it. A low, metallic sound drifted into your consciousness — Archduke Rogers sheathing his sword, and you more sensed than saw him sharpen next to you. Where did you go, my duchess? he had asked you. Where had you gone? It was as if your soul was only barely contained by the edges of your being, something rattling the cage inside and ready to grow until it would burst at the seams. Your mind was scattering into a million different directions, but in the end, every half-formed, haphazard thought found one destination. Soulmates. The word drummed in your head, echoing something you could not describe. You weren’t certain that even after the conversation you had had with him today, you were ready to call the Smith sentimental, but something about all this made you ask more questions you didn’t have an answer to. Slowly, you turned towards the bowl for the ritual, still resting on the small table. The very last embers were shining in the kindling underneath, and of course, you had heard of certain mages inhaling all kinds of smoke to gain insight from the gods, and yet, it seemed like too obvious an explanation to what you and Archduke Rogers had experienced in that other realm. The presence of the gods, the power of the goddess of fire flowing through you. If stars were fire, fire that made the world, fire into which all would once return to be made anew… Then what was the true nature of its goddess, and how could the love of someone so powerful to be so doomed, if the story of the northern king was true? “Those that love are the fiercest of them all,” you whispered. “What are the contents of a heart filled with love if not fire? What is this burning that consumes me if not a pyre; and it shall warm the forge in which I shall sharpen my sword.” “That is beautiful,” Archduke Rogers murmured, and only when he did, you realized you had spoken out loud. “Is it a prayer?” “It is from a play,” you replied, feeling the heat on your cheeks. “From a monologue of Prince Wulfric, who claims he shall slay the whole world if it tries to separate him from the woman he loves.” “A man after my own heart,” Archduke Rogers said, his mouth curling up into an one-sided smirk, and your heart lost its steady rhythm as you realized what he was alluding to.
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acesofspadess · 9 months
Living ( A live sequel)
a/n: omgggg I know it been forever since this story but im back with the sequel!!!! there is gonna be a few chapters before were back on track but that just means you guys will see me on your timelines everyday ☺️
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“Hi I’m Maia Quinn, and I'm the Season 23 winner of The Voice!"
Mid July
“Hello Team Niall.” Niall introduced as they all waved and greeted him back. “Well, I've got a bit of news for you. Because of my concert schedule, I actually won't be in town for knockout rehearsals.” Everyone was shocked… and rightfully so. “Because I won't be there, I've chosen another coach to come in and mentor you guys for rehearsal.” Everyone started to freak out wondering who on earth it might be. 
“And they have been in your place before so I think they’ve got exactly what you need.”
The scene changed to the all too familiar practice room with an empty directors chairs. The sounds of steps progressively got louder until the special person appeared. 
“I'M BACK!” 
But let's not get ahead of ourselves. Let's rewind a bit.
A day or two after The Voice Finale
“Hi I’m Maia Quinn, and I'm the Season 23 winner of The Voice, and we're hanging out with Rob on Front Row Live.”
“Go with me.” Niall moaned into your mouth as you straddled him. “Where?” you question kissing down his neck. “Boston. I know it's last minute and we’d leave in the morning-” you shut him up with a kiss and a roll of your hips, his hands tightening against your thighs. “Just wake me up an hour before we leave.”
Sitting at the desk of you and Niall’s shared hotel room the morning of May 26th  you had early interviews to get through before you were meant to go to the festival. You looked over the camera to see Niall already looking at you.
“Maia congratulations. What a night you had a few nights ago.” Rob praised and you smiled adjusting your airpod. “I am super excited for you and your career and your future. Especially because you're starting so young. You have enough time to kind of like, continue to evolve, and understand your voice; learn a lot more about yourself throughout this process. Talk to me about this process of your experience here on the voice and how you've evolved as a vocalist and a performer.” The interview was more than you could ever imagine. 
“Now your relationship with Niall this season has had fans going crazy. From the after performance hugs to the duet, and the after party, what can you tell us about that?”
You saw Nialls face peak over the laptop screen and stayed neutral. “Niall has been the most supportive and very encouraging. He has become one of my best friends through this whole journey. I lost a lot of my confidence during the pandemic unfortunately. It made me think that I would never be able to do things that I certainly could do and Niall- all these years later- has been there to remind me that I probably can do them, and then make me do it. So our friendship and relationship has been so important to me. He is my best friend across the charts and he’d hate me for saying this, but I wouldn't be here without him.” 
“Last question before we go. Is there anything we can look forward to seeing soon? Maybe another EP?”
You smiled glad you were able to share some information on what was coming next. “All I'll say now is, look for me on stage back home.” you winked dramatically knowing those who would get it would get it.”
“That's amazing, I'll definitely keep my eyes peeled. It was so great having you on. I hope to see you in person soon.”
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User10 i'm actually really happy she won
User2 wait…Slane is in Ireland…..
User6 I just learned she had an EP…. what?!?!?!?
Being at Boston Calling with him
“Boston, Massachusetts, how you doing?” he asked the crowd after he finished ‘Heaven’. The loud response made him smile excitedly. “Holy shit! This is crazy.” you face palmed knowing he was going to slip up sooner or later. “Thank you all so much for coming out to see me. I really appreciate it.” they cheered again as he sipped his water. You watched as he looked at the amount of people and a smile formed on your face.
 “This is uhm- this is actually my first ever Festival.” he let out a breath at the realisation. “I've definitely been drunk at a few.” you laughed at him with the rest of the crowd. “But I've never played at any and for that reason I'm absolutely shitting myself.” he said looking at you knowing you would calm him, and him seeing you laugh did just the trick. 
“But thank you for being here. I know some of you guys have been queuing for years.” he looked around at the signs “My girlfriend showed me this earlier ‘i travelled four thousand miles to be here from Brazil’ your eyes went wide at the declaration and the deafening screams were present. He subtly looked in your direction and saw your reaction, his worry diminished as he saw you smiling making him smile. “Makes you feel bad from coming just down the road doesn't it? ‘I came from round New York’.” he mocked, “awe who cares.” he laughed with them and you hid a big smile behind your hands. 
You walked the same route you came flashing your pass when you reached the gate and made your way in to see Niall. When you saw him you squealed and ran over to him. He turned when he heard you and caught you in his arms as you wrapped your legs around his waist and he spun you both around hands on the swell of your bum.
“I'm so proud of you!” you screamed and he laughed before he was kissing you passionately. It was quick as many more pecks through giggles followed. “I can not explain to you how happy i am.” he whispered in shock as you were sitting in the trailer behind the stage and he was getting changed. “You should be so happy, my love. That was incredible, and I am so so proud of you.” he smiled at you before grabbing your hand and kissing the ring on it. “You make me so happy, baby girl.” you melted at his words and stood up to kiss him softly. “And you make me the happiest girl, Ni.”
You surprising Niall at his Zane Lowe interview and him outing you 
You knew Niall was disappointed when you told him you wouldn't be able to make it to his Zane Lowe interview today. He was really excited for this one and wanted you to be there. It was only a few days later that you flew from Boston down to LA for the interview. You were working on last minute stuff for the announcement today and you were nowhere close to done when he was getting ready to leave.
“I'm sorry love.” you kissed his pout away as you both stood by the door of his  LA house. “I know, it’s okay. I know why you can’t make it, and for that I am so very proud.” he melted his lips against yours as your hands went to the curls on the back of his neck and he wrapped his went straight to your bum.
Niall was watching Zane play his songs and the guitar with a big smile a few hours after he left. “There are some pretty songs on this record bro.” Zane complimented as he switched playing from ‘The Show’ to ‘You could start a cult’. You who had just made it into the studio to surprise Niall were standing behind the glass watching him, waiting for him to notice. 
“Thank you very much.'' He cut through Zanes music. “This one kills me.” Zane admitted as Niall caught on to what he was playing. “Yeah.” he cheered Zane on softly, finally noticing you. You saw his smile widened and you waved softly. “You Could Start A Cult.” he named distractedly, still looking at you as if he looked away you would disappear. 
“Kingdoms fighting over you,” Niall continued. “I think that like they’re the ones- that could have very easily been, ‘ i like waking up beside you and you're my favourite person.” he joked easily. “But ‘you could start a war’.” you shook your head at his lyrical genius. “Do you ever crack yourself up with it?”
‘Yeah it was something silly at first but now everyone's obsessed with it. It started with me and my girlfriend now, when we met we would watch crime shows together over facetime,” he exposed and you chuckled at his laugh.
‘You say girlfriend now, sorry if i'm over stepping but..” zane trailed off
“No,” he shrugged off looking at you, who nodded, “she was not my girlfriend at the time, she is now, is what that meant.”
“So did she not know the song was for her?”
“She didn't know any song was for her- or about her I should say. The road from when we met to now has been a very dark windy tunnel, but we made it to the other end.”
“That's beautiful Niall, truly.” You smiled at him agreeing with Zane.
“This was the last song on the record that we wrote.” Niall confessed, and you wondered why. “Why, what was missing?” and without hesitation he pointed to you, “her.” Zane looked to where he was pointing and you waved happily at him. He waved back to you just as happy before turning to Niall with a face of shock. “No?” he gasped and Niall laughed, throwing his head back. “Yeah, I know. Way out of my league.” he watched you shake your head with an eye roll and he couldn't stop the smile from gracing his face.
“I could’ve gone and did what I did with the rest of the record and put BV’s all over it and strings and that was my plan - and John just said to me- because we we were not talking at the time…” he pointed between you and him, “...this is your message to,” he paused, ‘“ her’ keep it that way. Just you and your guitar and your feelings.”
And while there's much much more… you’ll see that soon
taglist: comment if you want to be added!!
@youcan-nolonger-run @ravenclawdirectioner@luxiorchive @maeflowers653  @purple9950 @forkmeniall @nathalielovesonedirection @hopsydaisy @shortie-niya 
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skygemspeaks · 1 month
Hi, sorry to be weird but I just wanted to say that I really LOVE your posts from the portal future blog. I didn't have any ideas for asks to send to that blog but I just wanted to say that it is awesome and I love it and seeing all the different characters you've created/online presences you've created for it.
Hi, thank you so much, I'm really glad that you're enjoying it! I haven't been posting much this past week because a lot of my creative energy is going towards 2 portal future fics i'm working on (one is the new chapter of knight and his sun, the other is an au where jaxon takes a civilian sabbatical after the drago 2781 sequence and develops a whistleblower organization on earth about the welfare of handicapped children)
All that to say though, i've been having lots of fun with the posts from the portal future blog! A couple of the urls are just extras (which may or may not develop into recurring characters in the future), but other than jarra there are 4 characters who i've got semi fleshed out in my mind. If you or anyone else wants to send an ask but doesn't know what to ask about, here's some inspo:
wallamcranesarchnemesis: jarra, but doesn't want anyone to know she's jarra. Tumblr is where she puts all the infodumps that her friends don't want to listen to. Ask her about her opinion on anything in history and she'll be super excited to talk about it. For maximum humour send her an ask about commander tell morrath and watch her fumble and try not to reveal her secret identity
onesmallstep: off-world student currently on earth for his pre-history foundation course! He's curious to get to know more about earth culture and is always willing to answer asks about what planet or sector he's from, what he thinks of earth, etc
nextstephome: a slightly older user who has interacted a few times with junglequeenstalea. They want to become a next step principal which is where their url comes from. Ask them about their "beef" with stalea, or anything about running a next step
talkarchaeologytome: an employee at new york main dig site command! Ask her about the solar 5 rescue or what it's like to work for dig site command
junglequeenstaleeeea: (4 e's in her name, don't get it wrong!) She's my favourite so far and i just feel very protective of her. Ask her about stalea of the jungle (isn't that show banned in next step??? It seems a bit inappropriate for a 14 year old...) or why she hates commander tell morrath so much lmao
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