Coming to you all soon: The 2023 Grand Himbo Tournament!!
Inspired by the @nonbiney-swag-competition mainly, created and hosted by @makerofmadness
edit: guys it's already started pleas catch up I can't tell everyone who thinks it hasn't started yet dndndndndndn
Edit 2; The tournament has officially concluded! Thanks for your participation, I will still be using this blog for helping spread other tournaments, and also posting cringe
Welcome one and all, to the most ambitious tournament probably so far (that is to say, I chose way too many characters but in my defense I had found a blank template for a smash bros character roster thing and wanted to fill the whole thing up, even if I had to turn to the dark side to do so for one or two picks): The 2023 Himboff!
Round 1 Part 1 will begin on Friday, hopefully giving everyone enough time to prepare themselves for battle (I describe this as if it's a war and not a tumblr pollnament-).
EDIT: Yes I am being told that I may have included characters who may not fit the himbo criteria perfectly but in my defense i am not in every fandom and my research consisted of furious googling so if google lied to me then blame that
Now, without further ado, here is our roster!!
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The himbos, in order from top to bottom, left to right:
Johnny Bravo (Johnny Bravo)
Kronk (The Emperor's New Groove)
Milk Cookie (Cookie Run)
Glamrock Freddy (Five Nights at Freddy’s)
Asgore Dreemurr (Undertale)
John F Kennedy (Clone High)
Joseph Joestar (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure)
Son Goku (Dragon Ball)
Fred Jones (Scooby Doo)
Knuckles (Sonic Boom)
Chandlo Funkbun (Bugsnax)
Hercules (Hercules)
Milo (Pokémon)
Tom Dupain (Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir)
Jake English (Homestuck)
Launchpad McQuack (Ducktales)
King Dedede (Kirby)
Jonathan Joestar (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure)
Lupin III (Lupin III)
Bolin (The Legend of Korra)
Big the Cat (Sonic)
Joey Wheeler (Yu-Gi-Oh)
Maui (Moana)
Phoenix Wright (Ace Attorney)
Sun Wukong (RWBY)
Terra (Kingdom Hearts)
Dimitri (Fire Emblem)
Brock (Pokémon)
Emile (How Not to Summon a Demon Lord)
Galo Thymos (Promare)
Gladiolus Amicitia (Final Fantasy)
Groose (The Legend of Zelda)
Hector (Fire Emblem)
Gonta Gokuhara (Danganronpa)
Indus Tarbella (Epithet Erased)
Tyko (Harmoknight)
Okuyasu Nijimura (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure)
Toshinori Yagi (My Hero Academia)
Zeke von Genbu (Xenoblade)
Reyn (Xenoblade)
Koichi Zenigata (Lupin III)
Zhongli (Genshin Impact)
Killer T Cell (Cells at Work!)
Jean Pierre Polnareff (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure)
Muscle Cookie (Cookie Run)
Flynn Rider (Tangled)
Prince Naveen (The Princess and the Frog)
Captain Underpants (Captain Underpants)
Kofu (Pokémon)
Buzz Lightyear (Toy Story)
Larry the Lobster (Spongebob SquarePants)
Ralph (Wreck-It Ralph)
King Fergus (Brave)
Kyojuro Rengoku (Demon Slayer)
Joey Tribbiani (Friends)
Steve Harrington (Stranger Things)
Jason Mendoza (The Good Place)
Troy Barnes (Community)
Kamina (Gurren Lagann)
Alfred F. Jones (Hetalia) (sincere apologies)
Andy Dwyer (Parks and Recreation)
Thor (Marvel)
Nate Archibald (Gossip Girl)
Valhallen (Powerpuff Girls)
He-Man (He-Man and the Masters of the Universe)
Arthur Morgan (Red Dead Redemption)
Leon (Pokémon)
Sam (Stardew Valley)
Reigen Arataka (Mob Psycho 100)
Clawd Wolf (Monster High)
Guillermo (Himbo Harem Homicide)
Galio (League of Legends)
Mirio Togata (My Hero Academia)
See you all on Friday for when the Himboff commences!
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thealmightyemprex · 1 year
Raiders of the Lost Ark is so damn good
Well my Spielbergqathon has entered the 80's ,with one of the most iconic action franchises of the 80's ,the Indiana Jones series ,starting with Raiders of the Lost Ark
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In this 1981 film Indiana Jones (Harrison Ford) is an archeologist /adventurer who is out to find the Ark of the Covenant before the Nazis do
So Indiana Jones is a childhood favorite franchise for me.I actually dont know which Indiana Jones film is my favorite cause as a kid ,if I watched one,I HAD to watch all three (This is before Kingdom of the Chrystal Skull ) . So what makes this watch through unique ,Is I will be viewing the Indiana Jones films in the context of Spielbergs filmography instead of as a whole .So happy to report of the Spielberg films I have watched so far .....Its at the head of the pack
Raiders is just such a fun film ,it is a thrillride .The film is full of great action.Like if you love good action,this film is for you..Like the famous boulder scene,where our hero is outrunning a boulder......There is a shootout in a burning bar ,a fun chase through the streets (With an amazing bait and switch joke ),a fist fight with a burly mechanic and ana amazing car vs Horse chase .You also get great set pieces like a tomb full of snakes (I am not a snake person so that scene always creeped me out ),Indy being chased by a boulder and of course the finale
THe film also has elements of the supernatural and that was always an appeal to me of this series.Its funny there isnt anything too mystical till the end ,but it doesnt feel unearned ,because the way the Ark is talked about ,you know something is gonna happen.I wont spoil the finale,but it is awesome and frankly terrifying ,it feels like something out of a horror film
We have three main villains .The least interesting is Colonel Dietrich ,Wolf Kahler does a good job being the voice of authority but of the three villains I kind of forget he is in the movie .Belloq is really our main villain ,a rival archologist to Indy .A oppurtunistic man ,he is in it to observe the power of the Ark .Paul Freeman is perfect in the role ,he is a great contrast to Indy ,the refined villain in white suites who firmly believes in greater powera to our more scruffy skeptical hero .Also love his piercing eyes and the excitement in his voice when he describes the Ark as a "Radio to God ".The most memorable villain however is Ronald Laceys performance as Toht .He's actually not in the film alot and doesnt say much ,but good lord is he creepy . Toht is a sadistic Gestapo agent ,LAcey is able to capture this slimey quality ,that is almost Peter Lorre esque (REally brings to mind Lorre in All Through The Night ).
The supporting cast is all great ,with memorable appearences by Alfred Molina (In his first role )George Harris and William Hootkins .Denholm Elliot brings a warmth as Museum curator Brody . The best supporting character has to be Sallah ,Indys friend played by John Rhyse Davies , he brigngs a sense of levity and warmth to the film and to be frank.....Hes the character who I think has the best lines ,my favorite being "Aasps! Very dangerous.....You go first."Plus everytime he sings it just makes me smile
Karen Allen plays Indy's love interest Marion .Theres a toughnbess and sense of humor to her that makes her stand out .My favorite scene with her is where she is getting drunk with Belloq ,while she is hiding a knife so she can plan an escape
An now we get to Indy who I can best describe as James Bond but combined with a Humphrey Bogart character .He bit of a scruffier and scrappier action hero and Harrison Ford was kind of the perfect choice ,being tough but able to convincingly look like he is in danger ,which just makes us root for him even more
OVerall this is such a damn good action movie ,highly reccomended
@ariel-seagull-wings. @amalthea9 @angelixgutz @princesssarisa @goodanswerfoxmonster @themousefromfantasyland @filmcityworld1 @the-blue-fairie @theancientvaleofsoulmaking
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taperwolf · 2 years
In an unrelated post, I was just forcibly reminded of a book series I cherished as a kid, the Three Investigators. For those unaware, this was a mystery series featuring a trio of teenaged detectives; the three boys solve cases. If you're thinking of the Hardy Boys or Nancy Drew, you're not too far wrong, but where those stories were initially written in the 1930s and updated for later sensibilities, the Three Investigators stories were written in the 1960s, and are thus much, much, weirder.
The conceit behind the series is that our heroes — studious Bob, athletic Pete, and genius, fat, former child star Jupiter Jones — are real teen detectives; Bob writes up their case files in fictional form (and, oddly, the third person) so that his dad can publish them. Each book was introduced as such by filmmaker Alfred Hitchcock. (He was, according to the books themselves, initially blackmailed into this.) The boys have a headquarters inside a mobile home buried in debris in a Los Angeles junkyard (owned by Jupiter's uncle), with elaborate secret entrances and passages to get in and out. They can't drive yet, so are driven to their cases In a chauffeured, gold-plated Rolls-Royce (initially because Jupiter won the service as the prize in a puzzle contest, and later funded by a grateful client); the chauffeur finds playing detectives with the boys such fun that he'll drive them around in his own car when they need to be more inconspicuous. The mysteries themselves were a lot of Scooby Doo-ing: apparent supernatural/horror events that turned out to be a normal human hoaxing others for gain.
I'm actually younger than me reading these books as a kid implies. My grandma was a Friend of her local public library, and one of the perks there was getting in early on the periodic book sales of donations and discards; every time, she'd pick up a couple of grocery bags full, to have stuff to read out at the summer "cabin" (more of a shack, but situated on a lovely creekside; it burned in last summer's wildfires). So she picked up library discards of most of the early series, and I read them in the late 1980s.
(Oddly, the only other person I've ever met who's read the books is my wife, who's several years older than I am; she read them in a school library in the 1970s.)
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evereinefaust · 1 year
. . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ 𝟒𝐭𝐡 𝐨𝐟 𝐉𝐮𝐥𝐲 ࿐ྂ
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Pairing: America (Alfred F. Jones) X afab!Reader
Sypnosis: Celebrating a certain American's birthday was always been a blast, considering how almost everything seems to work on this lovable doofus.
Word Count: 1,628
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"Hey............... Hey.............." [Name] poked Alfred's cheeks while sitting on the floor near the couch the American was sleeping on. "Hm....? What is it [Name]?" Slowly, the sleepy American sat up on the couch. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes and yawning, he finally looked over at the smiling girl.
"What's up, [Name]? Is there something that you need?" Alfred asked, slowly regaining his bright and energetic side.
The girl only chuckled and sat on the couch beside him, "Let's go to the mall"
"Mall?! Let's do it!" The blonde beamed and then stood up, eyes brimming with sparkling excitement. [Name] giggled as she stood up from the couch, Alfred follow suit. The two exited the house and then called a taxi, they went inside and drove the way towards their destination.
"Man, I think I overslept..." The blonde sighed with eyes closed, plopping on the seat. "Well, after you purposely ruin Arthur's day, you always run back home. Sleeping and pretending to not knowing what you just did to the Brit" [Name] stated, looking over the American.
"I did? I actually don't remember. Hahaha!" Alfred placed his finger on his chin while looking up, then he just laughed after that. [Name] sighed as she sweat-dropped, closing her eyes, "I actually didn't know why I fell in love with a cheerful, energetic, and somewhat conceited young man who is obsessed with heroes, justice, and freedom"
"That's because I'm your very awesome, handsome hero" Alfred flashed a heartwarming at her. This sudden change of demeanor made the girl skip a beat, blushing dark red at his statement. "U-uh...." Now she was dumbstruck.
"Right?" He grinned, finally coming back to his old self. [Name] just sigh again and smiled a bit, "Right..."
The taxi stopped at their destination, and the two went out of the vehicle. "What do you want to do Alfred?" The [h/l] [h/c]-haired female asked, looking over to the blonde. "Hm... How about we watch a movie?!" He suggested, looking at her to await her answers. "I'm fine with that" She replied.
"Then! Let's watch Conj-"
"Finding Dory" The female cut his statement off. Alfred stopped and then pouted. "Why?" He asked her. "First, you can't handle horror. Second, I can't handle screaming males. Third, you will have a nightmare later on and I am forced to not be able to sleep. And lastly, Finding Dory is nice" She said, counting each of her explanations with her finger.
"Fine, let's watch Finding Dory..." He twitched his lips a bit then gave up, agreeing with her, which is unusual. "I actually find it amazing when I changed you a bit like that" [Name] giggled, walking towards the entrance.
"You found what is amazing?"
Alfred caught up with her, holding her hand while walking. "I said, I find it amazing when I changed you a bit like that" She repeated. "Huh? What do you mean? I did not change" He reasoned. "No..." The female shook her head, "You actually changed. The Alfred I know now is being sweet, caring, and not so oblivious about the atmosphere, not like before. Though, you still love messing with Arthur, hamburgers, junk foods, heroes, justice, and freedom"
"Yeah, you're right" Alfred smiled to himself.
The couple entered the large, air-conditioned mall. They went to the 4th floor of the mall and then bought tickets for the movie. "The movie will start at 3, and we still have 1 hour left before the movie starts. What do you want to do?" [Name] told the American, she looked at her wristwatch and then at him.
"How about we eat for a while? I'm actually hungry" He replied, touching his grumbling stomach. "Yeah, me too" She just chuckled and then hid the tickets in her pocket. The two went down using the escalator and then went inside the McDonald's restaurant.
"What do you want to eat? It's my treat" The female asked him. "I will have an extra large hamburger and a cola" He replied. "Okay, find a seat for us" She nodded then went to the cashier.
"Welcome to McDonald's, may I take your order?" The female cashier greeted them, then asked for her order afterward. "I will have one hamburger, cola, [f/f] and [f/d] please," She said. "That would be $36.18," The cashier said, [Name] nodded and then paid her the exact money.
[Name] grabbed the tray and then walked toward where Alfred reserved their seats. "[Name], over here!" Alfred called and waved at the girl. The said female walked towards the table near the window and set the tray down. "Here's yours, and here's mine" She gave him the extra large hamburger and cola as she grabbed her meal.
"This is delicious!" The blonde said after taking a large bite. "Don't talk when your mouth is full" She scolded. "Why not?" He asked while chewing.
"You might choke" The female deadpanned.
"But I've done this a thousand times before!" He complained. "Shush! You're not doing it again" [Name] shushed him then took a bite of her food. "Yes," Alfred replied after he swallow his food.
The two chatted, laughing, joking, and talking about random stuff while eating. The American is still oblivious that today is his birthday, especially when he is having fun and forgetting about important things. After eating, the two left and then went up to buy popcorn and drinks before heading straight to the movies.
They bought one large popcorn and two cola then entered inside and took their respective seats. "I guess we are really taking our time eating" [Name] stated, chuckling a bit.
"You're right. Hahaha!" Alfred laughed then got his cola from the side, taking a drink.
After a while, the movie started. While watching, [Name] would shush the babbling America who often whines about the movie. But a moment later, Alfred finally shut up and continue to watch. They continue to eat popcorn and drink their cola while watching, and at some point in the movie, the female would tear up. Comedy, drama, struggles, and finally, it came to be a happy ending.
"I'm so happy that Dory finally found her parents" [Name] smiled to herself as she stood up to leave. "Yeah, you're right! Every movies should end with a happy ending!" Alfted nodded in agreement with her.
The female just chuckled the held his hand, "Come on, let's do more"
After finishing the movies, the couple decided to stroll around the building. They bought some things, play some games, win prizes, and window shopping. Alfred truly enjoyed his time with [Name], and she is glad that the male enjoyed his birthday. When evening struck, the two went back home.
"I really enjoyed my day with you!" Alfred said, carrying some shopping bags in his right hand. "Really? I'm glad then" [Name] smiled, holding the blonde's hand.
The two arrived in front of Alfred's house, he opened the door and then opened the lights.
"Happy Birthday!"
Everyone greeted the American. The whole house is decorated with garlands, balloons, and other party stuff. Alfred was surprised by this, he froze in his spot with his eyes widened. Arthur, Peter, Francis, Matthew, Kiku, Gilbert, Yao, Ivan, Feliciano, Ludwig, and Antonio are there to celebrate the American's birthday today.
"So... What do you think?" [Name] looked at him with a smile plastered on her face. "You... You plan this?" Alfred asked, looking at her. "Yup!" She nodded.
"And of course, she asked our help with it aru," The Chinese man said.
"[Name]-chan also invited us to celebrate with you on your birthday" Kiku added. "My....birthday...?" The American asked.
"Yes, yes~ You didn't forget about it, did you?" Francis said. "He is an idiot to forget everything important, especially his birthday" Arthur sighed.
"Thank you, everyone!" Alfred shook his head and then flashed them a smile. "Ve~ It's fine!" Feliciano said.
[Name] giggled at her boyfriend's reaction, "Let's start the party then"
Everyone cheered as the party started. They played some games, chat, laugh, and have some crazy fun. They also watched movies and ate dinner, after that, everyone gave their presents to the American.
"Thank you all again guys!" Alfred thanked as he put down his presents. "No problem. Kesesese!" Gilbert said with his usual laugh. "De nada!" Antonio winked at him. "Now, if you'll excuse us, the party has ended and we will have our leave" Arthur stated as he crossed his arms.
"Don't be like that Artie!" Alfred put his arm over the Brit's shoulder, laughing and putting the weight on the poor man. "S-stop it! You're heavy!" The blonde Brit wiggled his way out from the American's heavy arm. "Hahahaha!" Alfred just laughed like nothing was the matter.
[Name] just smiled at their liveliness and how her boyfriend enjoyed his day. "Come on, Alfred. Everyone needs to go" The female told the American as he removed his arms off Arthur. 
"Finally....." Arthur sighed in relief then regain his composure.
Everyone said their goodbyes then left the house. [Name] closed the door and then looked at the messy house, "We need to clean this soon enough"
"Phew! That was tiring..." Alfred plopped on the couch with his eyes closed. The [h/l] [h/c]-haired looked at her boyfriend and then smiled to herself. She lay down next to him and snuggled on his chest.
"Happy Birthday again~"
The two looked at each other, staring into each other's eyes before slowly leaning in. As their lips touch, they closed their eyes and the fireworks started to erupt outside.
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romanokissmepls · 1 year
YO YO YO HOMIES!!!!! ITS YA BOY, ALFRED F JONES!!!😎😎😎😎😎😎💥💥💥💥💥💥🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🍔🍔🍔🍔
DNI if ur stinky and don’t believe systems are real, are a fakeclaimer or believe introjects are their source 😡😡😡😡😡😡 ALSO DNI if you’re a proshipper (includes ships like USUK, Spamano, etc.)
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tahanann · 2 years
𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐋𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬: 𝐅𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮
❝ To whoever finds these letters, I hope they reach you well ❞ ✎▫✧⭒....
Fandom: Hetalia Relationship: F/M Pairing: Alfred F. Jones (America) / (Female) Reader Chapter list: 00, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 Also posted on: AO3, Wattpad, Quotev
Chapter 08: " I am still a hero right? " ✎▫✧⭒…
It's been seven months and (Y/n) has gone through over 200 letters from a soldier she's never really heard of before. To everyone, he was unknown, but to her, he had a name.
It was the last name that'll stick by her for a while until she reaches the end of the stack. She doesn't know how long he'll last, but she just knows that he'll be in her mind for quite some time. 
The young woman shuffled around in her bed watching whatever YouTube video was on her recommended page. Most of the stuff there was usually some weird or bizarre thing. Sometimes, the videos actually were related to her interest, but there was some odd stuff here and there. 
She had been watching a video about an in-depth iceberg on a topic that she's never really heard before. Who would have thought that there were weird rabbit holes on the internet? Seems like she hasn't explored much of it. After watching that video, she was sure that she wasn't going to reach out that deep on the internet. 
(Y/n) stayed in bed for another few hours until her stomach begged her to get out of bed and get something to eat. She mumbled words to herself as she crawled out of her blanket and out her door. She made her way to the kitchen and grabbed whatever was leftover from last night's dinner. 
The video on her phone continued to play as she heated up her meal for the afternoon. She hummed to herself as she tapped the counter. When her food was done, she grabbed a hold of it, put it on a plate, and sat at the dining table. 
She watched as she ate her meal. She held a few pauses here and there, as she was mesmerized by whatever was happening on her screen. It was a bad habit of hers. It would often leave her losing her appetite. (Y/n) continued to eat and finished it anyway.
The young woman made her way back to her bedroom and placed her phone down on the bed. She can skip her routine for today if she's just going to stay home all day. She grabbed the box of letters from her bed and picked the letter on top of the bunch. 
She stared at the letter in her hand. She was uncertain about opening it. She was happy to hear from him, but with the current state of his letters, she was unsure. She can't tell if she'll come out of this happy or not. (Y/n) leaned toward a joyful view of things and dismissed the worried thoughts in her mind.
"My little secret," (Y/n) whispered. She tore open the envelope and picked out a letter. Another paper fell out of the lined paper. It looked like a journal scrap. It was smaller than the usual paper size. Quietly, she scanned the paper.
"This...doesn't look like it's supposed to be here."
The majority of it looked to be a map, with some landmarks. Buildings look to be blown up. There was one that was circled with a cross. There were small squares on the ground. The words were almost scribbled. She could decipher some of them, like "unit 1" and "unit 2".
It was definitely written in a hurry. 
"Why...would you have this?" (Y/n) thought about it for a moment. Perhaps it was just a way for Jones to remember where to go. There were arrows leading to buildings and they all came from the same starting point.
Gently, she placed down the small scribbled map and turned her gaze to the letter.
"Good morning Jones," the young woman greeted, "I think you might have misplaced something."
Not that it would matter to him now.
Good evening sweetheart, It's been a while since I've been put back on duty and I think my ankle is doing just fine. It hurts sometimes, but with enough medicine to help me out, I'll be okay. I think I'll manage to get through the entire month in this state. It's way better than how I was before.  How have you been? I know I usually open my letters by asking about you, but I just thought that telling you the good news would make you happy. I hope it did. Did you eat yet? Maybe dinner or breakfast? Whatever it is, I hope it's a good meal. I've been stuck with canned food and crackers. There's nothing else and I can't really complain or else I wouldn't get food for the entire day.  I'm kidding. My commanding officer wouldn't let me do that. As much as he's an asshole sometimes, he's actually a really nice guy. Just...looking past the times he's gotten me really fatigued out in battle, he's still a really good guy.  I had a good day today, you know? I think the scouting missions went well. Everyone got out alive. It's such a blessing from god. It's...starting to get a bit fun again. I'm just a low-ranking soldier but going around with your fellow soldiers can give you power.  Running down with your fellow soldiers and gunning down enemies is a good time. As good of a time, it can get. You know, once you're shot up with adrenaline, it feels like an out-of-body experience. Nothing can faze you out of it. I suppose it's better than morphine. I'm no adrenaline junkie, of course! It just feels really good. I could still think straight too so I wasn't just some maniac running around and losing his mind. I'm doing so much, you know? I hope the government could give me some sort of compensation. Maybe a silver star, huh? I can't really aim for a medal of honor since I think that's unattainable. I still want to get rewarded. A hero has to be recognized right? Enough about the adrenaline rush and battles, I'm running out of paper again. Hey babe, I hope you're genuinely okay back at home. If I ever manage to nab some small souvenirs from my tour, I'll be sure to send them home. I'm not a kleptomaniac, I'm just putting the items to good use.  I'll write to you soon. Sincerely, your future husband, A. F. J.
(Y/n) smiled as she placed a kiss on the letter. He was healthy again, which was a good sign that he was taking care of his body. She was unsure if he was taking care of his mental health, but then again, it would be hard to know. The war and its sights can really take a toll on a person's mind. She wouldn't be surprised if he only kept fighting because of the adrenaline he felt. 
"Unfortunately...the country wouldn't give you much, Jones," (Y/n) mumbled, "I'm hoping whatever you studied in college gave you a good job when you came home. An economy major wouldn't have time finding something to work on right?"
She wasn't sure if it was like that. After all, she never studied it.
The young woman placed the letter back in its envelope and grabbed the tiny map beside her. This must have been Jones' map for the operation. Either he misplaced it or intentionally left it in the envelope. She'll keep it with her just in case. She doesn't want to throw it away.
(Y/n) placed the letter in the drawer and sighed. She heard her phone buzz beside her, catching her attention. It was her Canadian neighbor calling her. 
"Matthew?" she asked. She grabbed it and answered the call. "Hello?"
"(Y/n)," Matthew spoke over the phone, "Are you free for the day? I kinda need help with something. There's a bake sale I have to participate in. It's for a fundraiser and I would really appreciate it if you could help me."
"Sure," (Y/n) grinned and got up from her bed, "I'll be there in a bit, yeah?"
"G-Great! Thanks. Just ring the doorbell if you're outside," Matthew hummed. The duo bid each other a short "goodbye," before they moved to do something else. The young woman had originally planned on staying in bed all day but hanging out with her neighbor wasn't that bad of an idea. 
(Y/n) continued to do her morning routine and got dressed in casual clothes. She had to make sure she wore something warm and comfortable. Sure the walk to Matthew's house was a short walk, but the wind is chilly today. 
She grabbed her keys and her phone before heading out the front door. She made her way to the Canadian's inviting home. She was excited to talk to him again. She hasn't really called or chatted with him in a while. 
Both of them were busy this past week, so it was good to hang out.
The (h/c)-haired woman rang the doorbell and stood around. She grabbed her phone and pretend to look occupied. Matthew caught her eye when he opened the door for her. Beside him was his large Canadian Eskimo dog. The duo exchanged a small "hi."
"Kuma's been waiting by the door, you know?" Matthew grinned, "I told him you were visiting."
"Was he now?" (Y/n) smiled. She knelt down to pet the dog that eagerly wagged his tail. She gently cooed as she scratched the back of his ears, earning her a short whimper. 
"What a shame...I should have brought Kuma some treats," (Y/n) sighed.
"It's...actually good that you didn't," Matthew commented, "Well, he's getting plenty over here. Ever since my cousin keeps coming around, Kuma always gets a lot of treats."
(Y/n) stood up and looked up at Matthew. They shared a grin again before Matthew let her in. She followed in his footsteps, with Kuma trailing behind her. The large white dog tried to get her attention by whimpering again. 
"Kuma," (Y/n) laughed. Her (e/c) eyes connect with a soft bluish-purple pair. "He isn't usually like this whenever I visit? What's up with him?"
"He hasn't seen you in days so he's a big whining baby. I swear that dog loves you more than me," the Canadian mumbled. 
The duo made their way to the kitchen. Matthew gave his friend an apron and grabbed his pots and bowls. (Y/n) stood around and leaned against the island counters, her eyes watching her friend prepare for cooking. Her hand was petting the needy canine while the other tapped against the marble countertop. 
Matthew moved around and occasionally looked at his phone. He looked annoyed. Whenever he put it down, it buzzed like an earthquake. He got more frustrated.
"Is there a lot of stuff to bake?" (Y/n) asked, "Or...is someone blasting your phone?"
"A bit of both, actually. My cousin has been spamming my discord, asking me to join his Halo match because his European friends are offline. He's not much of a concern right now," Matthew frowned, "But for the baking stuff, some of the event planners are hoping I would bake a lot of treats. But there are a few others that are gonna bake their own things too so that takes off a lot of stress for me. It's a big order to go through."
"Well, if I have to stay here the entire day I'm okay with that," (Y/n) hummed. She approached her friend and peered over to look at the list. "Most of those are the stuff we already baked together, so it'll be easy. I've got your back, Matt."
Matthew clearly appreciated the assurance his friend gave him. The annoyed and worried expression he had on his face had disappeared. On his lips was a small smile. 
"Thanks." The blonde put his phone down and put his phone on silent mode. 
(Y/n) and Matthew started preparing the batter for their pastries and made their own frosting. It would take them around an hour to have a solid dough base. When it came to letting the dough sit, the two found themselves sitting around in the living room, with hockey displayed on the tv. They decided to catch up on each other's lives. 
"My cousin's been trying to get me into this streaming job," Matthew sighed, "why does he think that I have the guts to live-stream something in front of people?"
"Maybe he wants you to get a side income," (Y/n) suggested and sipped her drink, "You know, the housing prices are getting higher every year."
"Yeah but being an environmental specialist is enough for me right now," Matthew mumbled, "If anything, the PR team for my organization should be the one that's streaming. I'm the guy that handles the data and research." The Canadian rubbed his temples as he looked at the tv. 
"Has... work been stressing you out, Mattie?" (Y/n) asked.
"Not at all. It's him that's I'm mostly worried about. He spends his life without a care about the future. He's doing well now, but I hope he can make use of his economic major in the future. I don't see him doing livestreams in his 50s." Matthew laughed a bit as he shook his head.
"So you do care about him," (Y/n) snickered. 
"Of course I do. He's my cousin after all. I've never had a brother before but that man is the closest one I'm gonna get." The Canadian and his neighbor shared a laugh together. 
When their alarm set off, they made their way back to the kitchen and continued cooking. The duo made themselves busy for the entire day.
They finished cooking around midnight. The fruits of their labor were displayed in front of them. Matthew had cooked dinner amidst the baking so they had something to eat. The two rested in the kitchen. (Y/n) stretched her arms, a yawn leaving her mouth. 
"Sorry I kept you all day," Matthew mumbled, "I didn't mean to."
"It's okay, Matthew," (Y/n) smiled, "Besides, at least I got to do something productive. And I got to hang out with one of my favorite neighbors."
"Might as well be the only neighbor you know since I'm the only one who's around your age. Everyone around here is...old." Matthew pushed his glasses up as he walked to the cupboard. He placed the recently washed pots and pans up on the shelves. 
(Y/n) remarked, "Hey, You know Mrs. Pattinson can be as young as both of us. She's got the personality and she's still nimble for someone who's 70 years old."
"Is she really that old?"
"She looks younger than that, to be honest." 
"So she can definitely pass as a woman in her early twenties." 
They shared another laugh.
After Matthew was done putting the cooking equipment away, he escorted his friend to her house. He does trust her with walking by herself, but since it was so late at night, he had to be cautious. It would kill him if something happened to her. 
(Y/n) opened the doors to her home and turned around to look at Matthew. Their eyes connect. 
"Thank you for walking me back home, Mattie," the young woman said, "I hope the pastries we baked are up to your boss' expectations."
"I hope so too," Matthew replied. 
"Good night," the two murmured to each other. (Y/n) bid that Matthew return to his home safe, even if it was such a short walk. Matthew told her to sleep well in return. The two friends were separated for the day, both not knowing when they'll see each other again.
Hopefully soon. Maybe next week when they had the time.
The day passes again, and (Y/n) found herself snuggled against her pillow. It was gloomy outside. Perfect weather to do nothing. She snuggled closer to her pillow. Her eyes stare at the wall in front of her. Her mind was buzzing and she had a lot of things to think about. 
The crows outside started squawking. There weren't that many songbirds out during the winter. Most of the time her visitors were crows. They hang around on the bare tree, talking amongst themselves. Their chirps enabled her unorganized mind.
Although she wished to think of something else, her brain still chose to think about Jones. The soldier she had come to form an attachment to. The one she wanted to keep a secret. Her grip on her pillow tightened and her lips pursed into a frown.
She had to open another letter today. 
The letter she opened yesterday was optimistic, which was way better than the line of letters she had during the weekday. She hoped that the next letter she opens today would have the same optimism. Her heart aches whenever she knows he's hurting. 
She couldn't comfort him. She couldn't provide him with any letters. She wasn't alive when he was.
(Y/n) crawled closer to the edge that had the box underneath. She pulled out the mahogany container and opened it. She grabbed the beige-colored envelope and sat up.
"Jones..." (Y/n) whispered to herself. Her (e/c) eyes stared at the letter in her hands. She had a bad feeling about this one. Something was telling her that she might have jinxed herself. She didn't budge for a bit. She didn't want to open it, fearing that the image of the happy soldier would be robbed from her.
After a few minutes of staring at the envelope at hand, she tore open the side and pulled it out. 
She had to know what was inside.
"Good morning Jo-"
She cut herself off when she noticed something off. The scribbles on the paper were new. She shuffled through the sheets of paper and found the writing to be messy. There were some words that were darker than others. The darker ones were neater.
It seemed to be written in a hurry...or it was written during a mental breakdown. There were tear stains on the aged paper.
He lost his composure. 
With a heavy heart, she stared at the words. She did her best to decipher as much as possible. 
"Good morning Jones," she completed her greeting.
Sweetheart, I know I've promised in the past to not talk about negative things, but the pain I feel is unbearable. Please let me have a chance to say this. Let me confide in you. Please be the angel I can turn to right now. It's all I ask. Give me peace for just a moment. I've been a fool. I know I always had been, but the sin of today is far greater than the ones I've had in the past. I don't know if I've ever told you but I have a habit of scribbling maps during my nighttime duties. It helps out the team...it helps out everyone. Everyone knows me by it. The hobby is my pride and joy. Today I was assigned to scout an area with a few soldiers and my lieutenant. The lieutenant depended on me for the way, since everyone in my unit knows about my habit. I had forgotten the map I had scribbled. I was supposed to bring it with me, but I misplaced it and I couldn't find it. I don't know what made me say that I had it. I think it was my pride. I couldn't swallow it. I told them I had it, thinking that I could be useful again. Gain more praise, all that stuff.  Lying was more than a silly mistake. Most of us came back wounded, some dead. Small casualty but it could have been avoided. The lieutenant had to change plans to better fit out resources. Taught him a lesson to not entirely depend on each other, even if it's all we've got. Most of us were angry throughout the entire operation. I couldn't see or think straight. I think my guilt mixed with anger for myself. All I could feel was adrenaline. I confess most of the soldiers I had shot didn't seem to have faced for me. Except for one. Some german guy. Already had been shot in the leg and still tried to crawl away. I remember him crying.  He pleaded for his life. Knew just a bit of English, but alternated to German for some words. I couldn't understand him, but that look in his eyes. I knew it all too well.  Maybe something broke in me. I don't know. I already felt like shit and that bastard made me feel worse. I couldn't bear the thought of having to shoot him, but I pulled the trigger anyway.  I took a lot of lives today. Usually, I took pride in that, but it also cost the lives of my friends. I've never really blamed myself this much until now. The realization hits you like a punch or a slap. It's the job, I know, but I started thinking about every other guy I killed in the past. It's all I could think about when I arrived back. Hey, you still think I'm a hero right? A hero's got to make sacrifices, right? I admit I'm a fool, but I'm not heartless...or at least I don't want to think of myself as heartless. To every guy I had killed, I probably was. I know I'll never get an answer from you, but I just hope you still see me in good light. You, ma, and pa are all I've got. I don't want to lose you because of what I did. I confess to you, and I hope you could forgive me. You're my darling angel...my stars. An angel like you can forgive my sins, right? I apologize for making you listen to me, but I'm still thankful that you took the time to hear me out. I had no one else to turn to. I only trust you with all these things. I know you have the heart to not judge me so harshly. I promise I'll try to take care of myself.  Blessings be on your way. I'll try to write something else next time. Sincerely, your beloved, A. F. J.
(Y/n)'s eyebrows rose as she stared at the letter in her hand. Nervous butterflies flew in her stomach as she looked at her drawer. There was a small map in yesterday's letter. It must have been the map he was looking for. He managed to send it home. It was unfortunate for the soldier. 
She had trouble finding words to say to him. She grieved alongside him.
The young woman placed a kiss against the top of the paper. Her lips lingered as she closed her eyes. She let out a deep breath as her mind churned. The situation could have been avoidable if he had just checked the letter before this one. He didn't have to lose so much. 
Her stomach bubbled with more emotion. She was frustrated with him yet pitied him too. She couldn't take his side for this letter...even if he did confess for what he's done.
He shouldn't have lied to everyone for the sake of his pride. He could have been honest and it might have saved their lives. 
She agreed with him. He was a fool.
No one could be a hero without sacrificing their pride.
She didn't openly blame him, however. She still wanted to support him, even if she disagreed with his choices. She entertained his pleas to still be seen as a hero. She felt horrible putting him down, especially since he saw her as an angel. 
(Y/n) froze in place as her mind lingered on the thought. 
He...he never explicitly referred to her, and yet she still views herself as his angel.
His stars.
His baby.
She's taken so many roles for him, even if he doesn't know of her existence. All he knew was his beloved...and she was never his beloved in the first place.
Yet, (Y/n) took her place, deeming that the woman in the past never deserved him.
Even if he's living in another century, she wanted to be there for him. Maybe his spirit could rest knowing that there was someone out there remembering him. Loving him just as he deserved to be loved.
The acceptance clouded her acceptance of it. Her mind pursued to keep that perspective, throwing away every bit of logic that plagued her mind. It brought the beginning and the end.
"I'm sorry about all of this, Jones. I'll be here for you," was all she could muster. She couldn't provide what he asked for. 
"It will come to pass soon. You'll be out of there, I can assure you. May you be blessed with peace of mind." she murmured. She placed the letter down on her lap and tucked it away.
"May they all find peace."
She let out a sigh as she blankly stared at the wall. Her mind started thinking about things again. 
Nothing good was coming out of the letters. There was that one letter of optimism, but that was only a fragment of his old self.
This newer version of Jones was beginning to crack, and this letter was the catalyst.
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team-mythic-beasts · 2 months
Seven Years of TMB, Part 1: The Blind Prophet and the “Reformed” Villain
by Jones Fitzgerald (feat. Diadema)
(Read series introduction here!)
Most people already know that I am in… not very good terms with the Prophet. It’s even worse when she tells me, reluctantly, that I’ll become a hero one day. Source? Her silly little “predictions” that she sees in that wicked mirror of hers.
And those do-gooders from Luftstadt call me a heartless psychopath. This woman doesn’t have a heart or conscience at all! The only thing she ever does is look at her precious little mirror and believe everything it shows her. She never takes responsibility, ever. What a sorry excuse of a deity.
Sadly, being one of her biggest haters isn’t going to stop me from having to see her face again.
None of her daughters in sight, I stepped into her temple to find the woman had already set up a table in her usual spot. She didn't even turn her head towards me or give me the usual temple greeting; pretending not to notice me, she kept sipping her tea. It wasn’t until I pulled my chair back and sat myself down... did she finally make her first remark.
"So... you have saved a continent from certain doom and earned the favor of my children. I have feared this would happen."
Pfft, haha! Who would’ve thought a goddess would be afraid of a miserable prick like me? Next time Arthur tells me off for bragging, I’m passing on those exact words to him. My amusement didn’t last long, though… As the old woman revealed to me the truth of my family… and why her “precious baby son” decided to look for me in the first place.
A ring she wiped with a tiny piece of cloth, golden and decorated with a foggy white gemstone. She claims to have obtained it from my old man, who’s missed me dearly since my mother whisked me and my older brother away to Phantasmia. Seems to me that she thinks I’m ready to take his place as king… What madness!
“Should you never return to Einlon, your family’s reign will surely end with your father. I dare not think of what will happen if the kingdom falls in the hands of other nobles once again.”
There she went again… Always guilttripping her subjects into heavy, life-ruining decisions. I’m doing good enough in my new home with a giant stone demon upon my roof, I told her— but I doubt she even heard me.
Below were the words she left me as I got up to leave, finding this conversation a waste of time.
“I know your ancestors well, Jones Fitzgerald. Or should I say… Alfred Lycardia II. The choices they faced then… you soon shall, too.”
Why did I agree to this meeting again?
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Next: Mikel & Fra’ser + Alphix
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drawbauchery · 4 years
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S boys reaction to this scenario plz! Reiji accidentally got his S/O pregnant (tho he's def. not opposed to it, they were going to get married soon anyways) and he's trying to explain to his brother's what happened, though he's clearly embarrassed and talking around the issue. Mid-way through the explanation, S/O walks in and casually says "Your brother knocked me up" before leaving as if nothing ever happened.
Reiji: My, my... That is not how I would have explained it, but that is certainly one way to do so, as blunt as it may have been.
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Ayato: ...Wait, you’re serious? You’re really gonna make the Great-Me an uncle? Maybe you aren’t just a pain in the ass, Reiji.
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Kanato: That means Reiji will focus less on us and our behaviour, doesn’t it, Teddy? In that case, I’m happy about this.
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Subaru: You what? And you didn’t ask us ‘bout it, at all? Since when did you think this is a good place for a kid? 
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Laito: To have something be born from your love... fufu, isn’t it magical? Don't spare us any details about it, o~kay~?
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Shuu: This place can get noisy enough as it is... You’re gonna make it even noisier with a kid? What a bother...
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Shuu: But, I guess they might grow on me...
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frenchiefieart · 4 years
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And he most certainly is not trying to make a cyberchicken
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ask--zoro · 4 years
Sanji's better than Zoro~ Sanji's better than Zoro~
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cope-to-anime · 5 years
We know that Al is ace, and Angel is gay, but you got an sexuality HCs for the rest of the Hazbin crew?
(( thank you for requesting ! ))
Charlie: Pansexual
Vaggie: Lesbian 
Husker: Gay 
Nifty: Heterosexual 
Sir Pentious: Bi-romantic Asexual 
Cherri Bomb: Bisexual 
Valintino: Pansexual 
Lilith: Bisexual 
Lucifer: Pansexual 
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yun-zl · 5 years
Fun fact! On a ship- the Captain has the power to marry two people! But if the Cap's getting married, it goes to the first mate. If the Cap and the First Mate are marrying each other, it goes to the Second Mate. Meaning if ZoLu got married Nami would officiate. (I think she's 2cd mate)
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Captain get married to their first mate I LOVE IT!!!!!TBH I ship each captain and first mate couple in One piece!!!
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marimoswords · 5 years
'zoology fun with Sanji' sounds like a fun series, until you realize it's prob gonna end up more like Prince Humperdinck's zoo. . . (From the princess bride, it was full of animals for him to kill)
well..........hes a chef so
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ask-puu · 5 years
Hiya, cutie. Where's Yuuske? Shouldn't he be taking care of you?
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tamireli · 5 years
i-am-the-hero-alfred-jones reblogged your photo and added:
Okay this is cute and all, but if sneezing is...
*sweats profusely* what makes u think i have all the answers??!!
i do think he’s a Walking Hazard when he’s sick tho. not just fiery coughs but also his ice side goes out of control, so he’s always forced to rest it out. luckily he rarely gets sick. idiots don’t catch colds after all
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