#ic this is crap i did it in such a rush cause i wasted time playing with the brush
What about school?
USAMI: So you lie about being sick to not go on the trip?
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Well yeah but as say, I...I didn't want dad to waste money and the other kids were richer then my family, so I decided to pretend to be sick.
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Then he found out and well, he uh... beated the crap outta me...
Date: June 20th, 2008
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*walk back inside* Welp, time to study...
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Kazuichi, there you are... can I talk with you? Remember when you say you were sick when I gave you money for the trip? I just want to confirm this...
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Oh dad, uh... yeah I was, but why did you ask...?
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Well I got a call from school and it seems that you didn't inform them about you being sick...
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Which means that you faked being sick and lied to me, right?
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Wa-Wait hold on, dad I could explain! I swear I didn't mean to do that, I just...I didn't want you to waste money and I just-!
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*As then Kazuichi's dad hit Kazuichi which lead to Kazuichi getting the crap beaten out of him*
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Kazuichi what the actual fuck, I gave you that money to enjoy yourself! Why did you lie about being sick?! That money was for you, I worked hard for this money and you decided to lie to me!
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*Kazuichi rush upstairs and close the door* I'M SORRY!
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Dad found out... great, he's probably mad at me...
'I was scared after that, so I decided to wait...'
KENJI: Kazuichi... can I come in? I want to talk to you...
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Yeah... sure thing dad...
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*opens the door* Hey, um... you okay, did I hit you hard?
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Not really, just got some ice is all so I'll be okay but dad... you hit me...
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Yeah... I did and I want to apologize for that, I didn't mean to do it...
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I was just upset that you lie about being sick and I want to know why you decided to do that?
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Well... y'know how our family is poor and often kids made fun of me? It's due to that, I didn't want to waste money when it could be use to help our home so I lie about it...
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So that's why I lie, I just... I didn't want to waste money, y'know? Given how you complain about it...
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I see... so that's it...
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Kazuichi, look... I know you help me at the bike shop and everything but even if you do, your still a kid and you should try and enjoy yourself.
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Plus you don't need to worry about how I run my business, I just want you to have fun and enjoy yourself, okay? That's all so please don't worry about me.
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Okay dad, but... I'm curious why you hit me, did I do something wrong?
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No... not really, honestly I think the divorce with your mom was getting to me and I just wanted you to enjoy yourself and not be bother by it.
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That's why I gave you the money, I just wanted you to have a good time; that's all.
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Oh... so that's it, well okay... I understand...
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But dad, I do want to help you with splitting up with mom, so please let me help you...
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Are you sure? I mean... I don't want you to get involved in this, your still a kid y'know...
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I know but I know mom has cause you a lot of grief and I want you to be okay too... So please... let me help you with this, okay? I want to...
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*sigh*...Fine, I'll accept the help but will do it as soon as you turn 13, okay? So please wait until then...
'I know my dad tends to get stress out easily and I think the divorce was getting to him; I don't fault him for hitting me, I'm sure things were hard for him too...'
0 notes
lovecolibri · 2 years
These reviews continue to deliver nothing but truth bombs.
Alas, we need to keep in mind that there are two separate issues. The first is fans missing Alex. The second is everyone missing a good story.
Alex’s absence did not cause the terrible writing, the incoherent plot, the overly packed narrative, or any of the other issues that have occurred. All you have to do is look back over the show’s history to know that these problems have always existed.
There was absolutely a way to make Alex a part of the show without the audience seeing him. It also would have tightened up the writing by giving the narrative more coherence and making room for better character arcs.
Alex’s disappearance should have been all Michael, all the time. It could have gone like this: We take the not seen sex to the bedroom and make it seen. Michael “all impulse” Guerin in the throes of passion puts a handprint on Alex. It would be the queer version of Liz being thrown into a bookshelf or Maria knocking down a painting. Now, Michael and Alex are connected. Alex gets sucked into the alien sandpit. He’s distressed. He’s scared. He’s confused. Michael feeling this rush of emotions collapses. Michael becomes possessed with finding Alex. He spends hours, days in his lair. Alex finds a way to communicate with him, growing Michael’s obsession. He feels, through the connection left by the print, Alex getting weak. Michael feels the sickness coursing through his body, and then he realizes that Alex is dying. Michael is now frantic. We then pick up with Kyle and Michael finding a way into the portal, and Michael entering.
This didn’t happen because the writers have never known what to do with Maria, so they toss her leftovers or storylines that rightfully belong in the hands of another character or worse yet give her a plot that adds little to the season’s overall narrative. It also didn’t happen because the show was full to the brim with guest stars.
With only two episodes left, the writers decided to pack a proposal into the episode. They’ve wasted tons of time, so now there is truly no time to waste. Michael accepts Alex’s proposal and let’s it be known that’s he’s so in love with Alex that it’s embarrassing. No, what’s embarrassing is that this show wasted so many season not taking advantage of the chemistry these two generate. These two deserve the proposal and their happy ending, but I'm still peeved that it was rushed.
Do we think they’ll get married in the pocket dimension?...I’m of two minds. Mind the first: Their crap friends don’t deserve invites to the wedding. Mind the second: Unless you subscribe to anarchy, the marriage isn’t legal until you sign the certificate, so sure go ahead, get married in the upside down.
The proposal and almost-not quite celebration sex is interrupted by Alex confessing that he’s dying of radiation poisoning. And this was the moment when all I could do was chuckle and shake my head in disgust. Not because I was surprised, but because Alex remains the writers’ favorite punching bag. I mean, Liz vapes alien mist and gets a Wild West adventure; Alex does his job and gets radiation poisoning. Similar.
One would think Michael and Alex could have their reunion moment without any intrusions...Sadly, the writers decided to slap the ice cream out of viewers hands by dragging Maria into the conversation. Even when we don’t see Maria, we have to hear about Maria. Apparently, she created something. The words Alex spoke were 93% too made up for me to follow.
I’m highly amused that Max and Michael have been traipsing around Roswell with the mark of Ophicius etched on their bodies. We basically have a situation where someone sees a cool letter or symbol from a language they don’t speak only to discover their new tattoo says ‘dead chipmunk sex is the best sex.”
I’ve decided not to ask how Clyde knows everything because then I’d have to ask about the burned grove of trees. It’s another moment where you stop and wonder how writing can be this awful. I mean think about it. Alex saw the trees and then someone burned the trees. Whomst’d burned the trees?...Do we really have time for another mystery or will this simply be an illogical complication for the sake of adding just one more complication? I dare say we know the answer, but I’m willing to be proven wrong.
Roswell, New Mexico is the psychological equivalent of believing you’ve caught Santa coming down the chimney only to discover it’s the clown from Poltergeist gnawing on a bloody reindeer leg. You can’t unsee it. You can’t forget it. And in your heart of hearts, you knew the moment was too good to be true. It was never going to be Santa. It was always going to be a bloody nightmare.
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kirishimaswife2819 · 4 years
Hiii! I love your work! ❤️ I’m such a sucker for accidental confession fics, can I request a scenario with Izuku (plus whoever else you’d like!) where y/n writes a love letter to/ about him but doesn’t plan on giving it to him but he somehow finds it? I just love that boy! 🥺
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Accidental Confessions || Izuku Midoriya x Reader (Oneshot)
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Masterlist 1 || Masterlist 2
↠Author’s Note: Hi! Thank you! Thanks for requesting. I just made a oneshot with Izuku, I hope that’s fine. I originally planned on it only be a few hundred words but then that turned into 1.1k words, so I hope that’s fine. I hope you like this :) -Danielle <3
↠Characters: Izuku Midoriya x Reader
↠Summary: After losing your confession letter to Izuku, he finds it
↠Genre: Fluff
↠Word Count: 1.1k
↠Warnings: None
↠Notes: Mina and reader went to the same middle school and were friends
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“Where the hell is it?” You asked yourself and Mina as you went through your school binder for the fiftieth time that afternoon.
“I’m sure it’ll turn up, Y/n. Don’t worry,” Mina said, frowning, not liking seeing you so panicked and upset.
“It can’t just turn up though, Mina! It was a love letter, if I lost it then I’m screwed,” you said, flipping through one of those folders inside, where you remember placing the letter in it’s envelope. You originally planned on giving it to Izuku that day, but you chickened out and just stuck it in that folder.
“It’s probably in there somewhere and you just missed it. Or even if you did lose it, I doubt that Izuku would be the one to find it,” Mina attempted trying to make you feel better.
“Even if he doesn’t find it. If somebody does, anybody, they’ll give it to him because it has his name on the front,” you replied, “Besides maybe Bakugou, he would probably destroy it.”
“Pray that Bakugou finds it?” Mina suggested/asked, unsure of if you would think it was funny or not.
“You’re not helping,” you replied, rolling your eyes. You gave up on looking through the binders and sat down on the bed, burying your head in your hands, “If he finds that, I’m moving to America.”
“Aw, come on, Y/n,” Mina said, sitting down beside you and giving you a side hug, “It’ll be okay. I’m sure he’ll love your confession letter. Just because you don’t think that he likes you, doesn’t mean it’s true. I mean, I think he likes you.”
“And you also thought that the boy I liked in middle school liked me back, and how did that go?” You asked, taking your head out of your hands to look at her.
“Okay, yes, I was wrong on that one. But that guy was a jerk, and Izuku’s not like that. Even if Izuku was going to reject you, it’s not like he’s going to go around telling people like that guy did, and he definitely won’t be mean about it.” Mina explained.
“Still, people are going to find out one way or another, and getting rejected is so embarrassing,” you replied.
“I really don’t think he’ll reject you, Y/n,” Mina tried, even though it was obvious that you weren’t believing her.
“Yeah, whatever,” you replied, sighing, “Want to go get some ice cream and eat it until our problems go away?”
“Sounds good to me,” Mina replied, smiling at you.
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“Midoriya,” Todoroki said, grabbing Izuku’s attention away from the door of the classroom.
“Oh, yeah, Todoroki?” Midoriya asked, and in return, Todoroki placed something in his hands. It was an envelope with his name on it.
“It has your name on it,” Todoroki explained, “I found it sitting on the floor over there. Is it yours?”
“Oh, uh, no, but I think it’s for me,” Izuku said, deciding against opening it in front of anybody, in case it was something really important or private.
“Oh, well, are you going to open it?” Todoroki questioned and Izuku shook his head.
“No, I’ll open it when I get back to my dorm,” he explained, “See you later, Todoroki.” Izuku wasted no time in rushing out of the classroom and towards his dorm, he was really excited to open it and see what it was. He rushed in, almost bumping into Bakugou on the way.
Izuku ignored Bakugou yelling at him as he rushed past him and into his dorm. Once he was inside, he quickly opened the envelope and took the paper out. He scanned his eyes over the words on the page, and back down to the signature about fifty times, he couldn’t believe it.
Izuku had been crushing on you for a while and you actually liked him back. His heart felt like it was going to explode, and he was blushing really hard, was this a joke? Were you just messing with him? No, you weren’t like that, you wouldn’t do that to him. After about ten minutes of staring at the letter and thinking about what it meant, he came back to his senses and he took himself, and the letter, and began walking towards your room.
Inside, he could hear some giggles, as well as some talking, but it was barely audible due to the fact that there was a door there for one, and for two, because you two were giggling while talking. He hesitantly reached a hand up, and eventually knocked three times. The giggling stopped immediately after he did that, and he began panicking.
“Who is it?” Mina called out.
“Midoriya!” Izuku replied, “Is L/n there?”
“Um, no, they, um,” Mina said, panicking, and looking to you for help, to which you panicked as well, so Mina came up with a solution on her own “Moved to America! Yeah, you won’t see them for a while!”
“In the last half hour?” Izuku questioned.
“Yup!” Mina replied, “Sorry, you just missed them.”
“Look, I know they’re in there. And L/n, if it was a joke, that’s fine, can you just tell me so I don’t have any false hope?” Izuku asked, causing your eyes to go wide. If he was saying that, then that meant that he liked you back. You hesitantly got up and walked towards the door, opening it. Izuku’s face lit up at the sight of you. But then he it fell again when he thought that you were going to admit that it was a joke.
“It wasn’t a joke, if that’s what you’re thinking,” you said, noticing his face fall, “It’s real, I like you, I always have, I just didn’t know how to tell you. I never even planned on giving you that letter, but I fell out of my binder. But do you like me back?”
“Yeah,” Izuku replied, blushing, “I have for a while now, just didn’t know how to tell you.”
“I knew taking the letter out of your binder and putting it on the floor was a good idea!” Mina thought out loud, causing you to snap your head back and look at her.
“Are you kidding me?” You asked, “Oh, you’re dead.”
“Crap,” Mina said, her eyes going wide when she realized what she did.
“You have five seconds to run,” you said. She stood there, until you started counting, then she hurried and rushed past you. Finally, when you hit the last number, you sprinted past Izuku and in the direction that Mina ran in, resulting in you leaving behind a very confused and very nervous green haired boy.
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195 notes · View notes
Irresistible Danger - Part 53
Synopsis:  After being caught outside the compound on your own, Negan decides to punish you in the best way possible ;)
Words: 3,327
Warnings: nsfw, smut, swearing
ID Masterlist can be found HERE
Masterlist of all my fics can be found HERE
Author’s Note: The title for this chapter will make more sense once you read it (as will the gif choice), and I am SO excited for y’all to read this one *smirks*
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A Ship Has Sailed 
By the time the Sanctuary appeared through the trees, an orange halo had formed where the sun was edging towards the horizon. In another hour that orange would be joined with pink, and they would take over all of the remaining blue before being consumed by the black of night. The lighting gave the large building a bit of a glow, but it also accentuated shadows and dark corners, making them appear longer. 
It served as a metaphorical reminder of whatever was happening between you and Negan. There had been a warm glow inside of you for the past 24 hours, since the resolution of the pregnancy test argument, and you wanted nothing more than to bask in the beauty of it. However, there were also still shadows and dark corners, parts that you were ignoring or straight up avoiding. You knew they wouldn’t go away on their own, no matter how wonderful the glow, and only you and Negan could confront those shadows together. The question was if confronting them would make them disappear...or cause them to grow until they completely overtook that glow, like a cloudy night with no stars. 
Your subconscious pulled out a large stick and began popping the intrusive thought bubbles, wanting no part of this damper on what had been a wonderful day. Agreeing for the moment, you tabled the thoughts, attention instead focusing on the upcoming front gate. There was a different guard on duty than when you left, due to the 6pm shift change that allowed both day and night guards the opportunity to attend dinner. But that wasn’t what had your attention; no, what you were fixated on was the fact that, despite being only a few feet away from said gate, Negan was still holding your hand. 
The guard’s eyes were watching as you approached, so to pull away now would be even more obvious. Instead, you tried not to appear as though every muscle in your body was tensed with uncertainty as the gate swung open and you walked past. Negan only gave a slight nod of acknowledgement to the guard, before continuing on as if nothing had happened. 
Sliding the guard a look out of the corner of your eye, you saw with a start that he was looking right back at you. Eyes darting forward, you tried to copy Negan’s aloof demeanor and not look as though it was taking all of your mental energy to remember how to walk like a normal human being and not trip over air. Nothing to see here, my guy. Just a typical evening stroll with your volatile and totally-not-holding-my-hand-as-if-we’re-a-couple leader. 
Negan only let go of your hand when reaching the front door of the Sanctuary, so that he could pull open the heavy metal. He then stood back, arm braced at shoulder level to hold the door, and it took a good ten seconds of you awkwardly standing there to realize that he was waiting for you to go in first. Holy crap, Negan was being chivalrous, and in public! Your subconscious squealed at the gesture and darted inside, while your brain tipped its hat to him in thanks before also walking in. Still a bit stunned over what was now two blatantly affectionate gestures in front of anyone who happened to be watching, you silently ducked under his arm and entered the building. 
Adding to your shock, once he had followed you inside and shut the door, he put a palm on your lower back to guide you down the hallway. The heat from his hand practically singed the thin fabric of your shirt with its silent possession, and it was so distracting that you almost missed it when he started making the turn to the stairwell that would lead back to his room. You felt a surge of relief that he wasn’t just sending you back to your own room after the cold shoulder moment in the woods, and some of the ice shards that had earlier formed around your heart as protection started to thaw. 
“Hold on,” you said, putting a gentle hand on his forearm. When he looked down in question, you added, “Ben said he’d leave us some dinner leftovers in the kitchen’s fridge.”
You were glad that he didn’t make a smartass quip at the mention of Ben, instead silently turning with you down a different hallway that led to the kitchen, his warm hand still present. You tensed a bit when passing a few community members in the hall, but if they noticed his touch, they didn’t show it. Instead, they were too busy dropping to their knees and lowering their heads in greeting. Your subconscious loved this, strutting past as if a royal before its subjects. Negan barely acknowledged them, while you felt distinctly uncomfortable and hoped to never become desensitized to such an unsettling sight.
Arriving at the cafeteria, you entered the large empty space, which was dimly lit due to the fading evening light coming in from the windows. Passing the rows of tables and pushing open the swinging doors to the kitchen, you were surprised to see that, unlike in the cafeteria, the overhead lights were still on in here. Since the dish washers were usually the last to leave, you assumed they had forgotten to flick off the lights on their way out. You’d make sure to have a discussion with them tomorrow, since it was important not to waste precious electricity here. Negan and his engineering team might have a fancy setup going on that allowed such luxuries as working lights, but that didn’t mean it was okay to abuse the privilege.
Crossing the tiled floor to the fridge, you had just opened the door and pulled out two small plastic containers of leftover tuna noodle casserole when there was a distinct and sudden thump. Whirling around, you glanced over at Negan, even though it was obvious he hadn’t made the noise. His gaze was fixed on the entrance to the pantry, which was located at the back of the kitchen. It was apparent the sound had come from that direction, and it was too loud to have been caused by a rodent or a box falling over. No, it had definitely been more of a human-sized thump. Since no one was supposed to be in the kitchen after-hours, the thought of an intruder made a lump of fear rise in your throat.
Negan’s gloved hands were now both wrapped around Lucille, and she hovered a few inches off his shoulder in the locked-and-loaded position as he confidently yet stealthily started across the kitchen. You followed a couple of feet behind, ready to throw the leftover casserole at any potential thief or walkers as a distraction so that Negan could beat them to death, if needed. You also still clutched Ricardo in your other hand, if the leftovers-to-the-face and Lucille-for-dessert plan wasn’t enough. You tensed for action when Negan’s own hands tightened on the bat and he stepped into the pantry’s entryway. 
“Don’t fucking move,” he growled in a voice so deadly that it would’ve caused bladder complications if you were on the receiving end of it.
A clatter of cans and a muffled, “Shit!” came from the pantry. You saw Negan’s eyes go wide in shock, his mouth even dropping slightly open as the hands on Lucille relaxed and lowered. Now curious as hell, you came up behind him, standing on tiptoes and peeking over his shoulder for a view into the pantry. The sight that met your eyes almost made you drop both Ricardo and the food. 
The first thing you registered was the tall, broad man who was quickly pulling his shirt down over his head to cover a well-muscled, not to mention well-furred, chest. Your brain recognized that it was Simon and was wondering what the hell he was doing undressing in the pantry, when movement behind him caught your attention. The second, slightly shorter figure was running nervous fingers through his disheveled hair and looked about to vomit with fear at being caught. Then his eyes traveled over Negan’s shoulder and saw you were also standing there, and a flash of relief came across his face.
Since it was obvious there was no actual threat to your safety, you came up beside Negan and cleared your throat awkwardly before saying, “Hiya, Ben. Fancy seeing you here this late.”
His face was so flushed that it was a wonder steam wasn’t coming off his skin, but he played along with your attempt to diffuse the situation. His voice came out quiet and croaky when he said, “Yea, uh, must’ve lost track of time.” 
You wanted to rush forward with a squeal and give him a reassuring hug and high five for what had obviously been a hot and heavy make-out session with the man he’d been hardcore crushing on. However, you also realized that this situation could go downhill very quickly, depending on how Negan reacted to the revelation. There was also the uncertainty about how Simon would handle this, since you had no clue how open about his sexual interests he might or might not be. 
That latter question was quickly answered when Simon put a proprietary arm around Ben’s waist, looked at Negan with a huge, good ol’ boy grin, and said, “Apologies for the lack of professional conduct. I dropped by to see how the dinner clean-up was going and, well, you know how one thing can lead to another.”
He said the last with a bit of a glint in his eye, as if daring Negan to deny that yes, he did indeed know how one thing could lead to another, including here in this very kitchen. At least Simon and Ben had been smart enough to conceal themselves in the pantry, rather than fuck right on the counter for all to see, the way you and Negan had just a couple nights ago. 
“Aren’t you supposed to be on fucking duty somewhere?” Negan asked, voice low and full of threat. If Simon was currently leaving a guard post unattended, you knew he was in for a world of hurt. 
However, instead of looking worried, the mustachioed grin got even wider as he joyfully said, “Nope! I switched out with Luis at 6, so my evening is free as a bird.”
You had to give the man credit for appearing so relaxed and carefree, especially with a boss who could literally remove his head with a hefty swing standing semi-pissed in front of him. You weren’t sure if Simon was just that confident, or if he was that unhinged. You hoped, for Ben’s sake, that it was the former. 
Negan unflinchingly stared Simon down for a couple of long seconds, until the other man quickly lost the grin and dutifully lowered his gaze to the floor. A glance at Ben showed he was wringing his hands together nervously and also staring down at the ground, as if hoping it would open up and swallow him whole.
Satisfied at the other men’s show of deference, Negan finally growled out, “The fuck is it with all my fucking Saviors sneaking around at night to fuck the fucking kitchen staff.”
Without waiting for a reply, he turned and marched back across the kitchen, towards the exit. Giving one last (and hopefully reassuring) look at a still-frozen-in-worry Ben, you scurried after him, stopping briefly at the cupboards to grab two forks and cups. When he reached the swinging doors and held them open for you to exit first, he threw sternly back over his shoulder, “You better fucking disinfect any surfaces you fucking desecrated.”
He belied his terse tone by throwing a wink and smirk in your direction, though Simon and Ben obviously wouldn’t be able to see it. Hoping that his nonverbals were a more telling predictor of how he felt about all of this than his verbals had been, you both crossed and exited the cafeteria, before starting the trek up to his private rooms. 
You passed a few more community members in the halls, but if they found the sight of you and their leader walking together strange, you were too consumed with what had just happened in the kitchen to notice or care. It was obvious that Negan also had no fucks to give about being seen with you, since he twirled Lucille and whistled in that playful yet threatening way that only he could pull off.
When you reached his rooms, he led the way into his bedroom and over to the little black table with two white armchairs. Setting down the containers and forks on the table, and propping Ricardo up against the nearby armoire, you went into the bathroom to fill the two glasses in the sink. It was only when you had returned and settled into the chair to eat that you realized your mistake.
“Shit,” you blurted, earning an eyebrow raise from the man already shoveling the first forkful of casserole into his mouth. “We didn’t heat it up.”
Giving an uncaring shrug, he said around the mouthful, “It’s tuna and noodles. Tastes fucking fine cold.” 
Taking a tentative bite, you found that he was correct. Sure, it wasn’t as gooey and creamy as when warm, but the flavor was still pretty darn good, so you forgave your lack of foresight in the face of processing the Ben and Simon situation.
The two of you ate in companionable silence, and you wondered if Negan’s thoughts were as preoccupied with the events in the kitchen as yours were. Thankfully, you didn’t have to wait long to learn that the answer was yes, Negan was definitely thinking about it. Out of nowhere, he let out a loud bark of laughter, causing you to jump and almost choke on the noodle you had been chewing. 
At your questioning look, he said, “I’m just remembering the fucking priceless look on ol’ Benny Boy’s face when he saw me standing in that fucking entryway.”
Hoping that his humorous response was a positive thing, and that Ben wasn’t further on Negan’s shit list, you questioned, “So you’re not upset about him messing around with one of your most devoted Saviors?”
Giving a quick shake of his head, he stabbed more noodles with his fork. “Fuck no. Simon deserves a bit of fucking fun.”
“What if it’s more than just fun to them?” 
You couldn’t help the question, trying to figure out just how okay with all of this Negan really was. You knew that it wasn’t only the fact that Ben had been caught in such a compromising and unprofessional position, but also that he had been caught with another man that could make this a potentially unsafe situation for him. Ben had always seemed to keep his interest in both men and women fairly quiet, which was his right to do so. If Negan showed any hint of discrimination, or gave any inclination that he would out Ben to the community, then you wouldn’t hesitate to rain holy hell down on him. 
Instead, Negan’s unexpected response was, “Well then, if it’s the real deal, I’ll throw them a fucking congratulations party.” 
Unable to hide your look of pleasant surprise, he said, “What? People deserve to find some fucking happiness where they can in this dreary-as-shit world we’re livin’ in. So long as they continue to get their fucking duties done, and follow my fucking rules, I don’t give a shit who they play ‘hide the salami’ with.”
You were a bit stunned at his progressive and open-minded thinking, and it only caused you to warm towards him even more. It also made you want to stop being so quick to see the worst in him, and the worst in yourself for liking him so much. Pushing that self-doubt from earlier in the woods even further to the back of your head, your subconscious jammed it down into a metal box so your brain could click it shut with a padlock. There it would stay, along with all the other questions still left unanswered between you and Negan, until you felt more ready to open it up and deal with them.
Finishing the last bite of casserole and feeling pleasantly full, you then registered that another basic need wasn’t being met: cleanliness. You felt a bit grimy from being out in the woods, not to mention the layer of dried sweat on your skin from both wandering around a hot forest and engaging in some extra-strenuous activities with Negan. 
“Is it alright if I use your shower?”
You swore Negan’s eyes darkened a shade at that, and his voice sounded a bit lower than usual when he answered. “What’s mine is yours, doll.”
Wow. Pretty sure your subconscious had just slithered to the floor in a pile of goo at the promise in both the words and his tone. 
Rising on now-wobbly legs from the chair, you started towards the bathroom. Before you could overanalyze or second-guess the decision to death, you whipped the shirt up over your head and tossed it to the floor. Glancing back over your shoulder at him, you gave a playful grin and unhooked your bra while saying, “Care to join me?”
He was up out of the chair before the words even fully left your lips, and you had barely made it across the threshold of the bathroom before he was on you. Arms snagging around your waist, he turned you into him and crashed his lips down on yours.
The bathroom became littered with clothes as you hurriedly pulled them off each other before stumbling back into his massive shower. You abruptly yelped when he first turned on the water, the temperature borderline freezing as it pelted down on your bare back. He gave a husky chuckle and reached over to adjust the knobs, and you sighed in satisfaction when the stream heated up against your chilled flesh. 
Trailing greedy hands across his warm skin, you followed the path of a water droplet down his chest while thinking back to the various times you had fantasized about this very moment, about him naked and wet and yours. When he bent down for a kiss, you swore he poured not just his desire but also, dare you say it, his emotions into the kiss. You had felt these tiny hints of vulnerability he was trying to share with you throughout the entire day, ever since waking up in your bed this morning. He was trying to show that although he was terrifyingly deadly and intimidating as fuck with everyone else, he could be caring and gentle with you. 
And how had you reacted? By shutting down and questioning his motives. There was a part of you that still refused to fully believe this would last, but maybe it was time to start enjoying it while you could, and not think too much about tomorrow. Suddenly, you wanted to reciprocate, to show that you had noticed how hard he had been trying to connect. And while maybe words would work, you and Negan’s communication skills had always been more about nonverbals and actions. 
Pulling back from the kiss and visually drinking him in, you were caught off guard for the millionth time by how god damn attractive he was. His hair was damp from the spray, and you wanted to lick the water droplets clinging to his neck and shoulders. However, you had another destination in mind, one that you had yet to explore but didn’t want to leave unattended any longer.
Looking up into his tawny eyes, you gave a sly smile and whispered, “Just so you know, this is the only reason I will ever kneel for you.”
Then, with gazes still locked, you fell to your knees on the wet tile...and took his cock in your mouth.
~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~
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crystalrose555 · 3 years
Slap me, I dare you! pt.7
“Ugh, could someone just end me please, drop a dictionary on me or something.” Marley groaned as she flopped on the table.
“No need to be overly dramatic, Marley. Just be a bit more patient. And you should probably be a bit quieter, we are in RAD’s library.” Simeon replied as he flipped through his book.
“Patient? Simeon, it’s been three days and I’m still four inches tall. This is driving me crazy. On top of that, I swear I can feel the gloom and doom coming from the Seven Lords from here.”
“Well, I did say I would message Lucifer on your behalf. I still can if you want to.”
Marley got up to her feet and skated toward the towering angel on an icy trail. Simeon closed his book to give the minuscule woman his attention. From there, Marley grabbed a piece of paper which she promptly folded and propped up like a makeshift tent.
“Yeah, I’m not ready to deal with that can of worms yet. Especially when I’m only this tall, it kind of puts me at a disadvantage.”
“Alright, but you can’t avoid them forever.”
“Oh, I can try.” Marley answered as she flopped to the ground causing her floral ball gown to puff up as she tried to get the dress under control.
Simeon held back a laugh as he offered a finger to help press the air out of the excessive underskirt.
“Argh, why!? I thought I was done with this crap! I want normal clothes again!” She screamed as she tried to remove the gown entirely.
Simeon shook his head with a sigh as Marley tried to pull the dress over her head. Upon opening his eyes, Simeon felt his cheeks warm up as he saw part of Marley’s backside peeking out from between the layers. Instinctively, Simeon grabbed the back of her dress and pulled it back down.
“Hey, what the hell, Simeon!?”
“You shouldn’t get undressed in the middle of the library, Marley.” Marley growled at the angel only to snort and give up her attempt to destroy the only means of covering herself.
“I wasn’t expecting you to have such a big birthmark on your lower back.” He commented.
Marley folded her arms and snorted once more in a tired fashion.
“It’s not a birthmark, it’s a tattoo. I’m just too small for you to see it.” She explained.
“Oh, does it have any special meaning to you? I heard people in the human realm get them for many different reasons.”
Marley’s shoulders sunken as she sheepishly looked away.
“Yeah, I was drunk with my best friend when I got it. One night we were wasted, the next day, I found out I got a tattoo and a nasty hangover. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to sleep this whole situation off like a bad hangover.” She claimed as she crawled into her tent.
Simeon couldn’t help but chuckle as he watched the indifferent selkie turn away from him and drift to sleep. Shaking his head, the angel carefully got up from the table to grab a different book.
“And that concludes today’s council meeting. If there are no further questions, everyone’s dismissed.” Lucifer claimed as he straightened his papers into a file.
He watched as his brothers groaned and mumbled amongst themselves while heading toward the doors to the hallway. Lucifer held his temples and took a deep breath, it’s been three days and there was still no sign of Marley. He could only torture his brothers so much and his patience was on thin ice. He wanted to find her just to know that she was safe and once he found her safe and sound, he wished to punish her accordingly. However, his thoughts were interrupted by Lord Diavolo who approached him.
“Ah, Lord Diavolo, how can I help you?”
Diavolo cleared his throat a little before lowering his voice, keeping his concern private.
“I was wondering how Marley has been doing since her return to Devildom.”
Lucifer’s eyes widened a bit upon hearing his lord’s inquiry. He couldn’t lie to Diavolo as much as he didn’t want to tell him what had happened to the precious exchange student.
“She has made great strides in her studies but it’s currently hard to get in contact with her.” Lucifer vaguely answered.
“Ah, I see, I was hoping to finally have some time to see her again. Not to mention I have yet to give her my number.”
“Not to worry, once I find her, I will let her know.” Lucifer answered with a smile.
Diavolo, oblivious to the double meaning, gave a soft nod before exiting the room with Barbatos following close behind. Once he was out of sight, Lucifer rushed out of the room and hurried down the hallway where he could see his brothers in the distance. Caught up to Levi and Asmo, Lucifer grabbed both of them by their collars which made them jump.
“Lucifer, if you wanted my attention, you didn’t have to be so rough~” Asmo suggested coyly.
“I’m in no mood, Asmodeus. Have either of you found her yet?”
Levi tried to shake himself loose from his brother’s iron grip.
“N-No, but she has to turn up eventually, right? Marley’s a survivalist after all.” Levi offered with a shaky smile.
Lucifer’s eyes narrowed to the point that Levi could feel a hole being drilled into his head.
“Survivalist or not, I want her found sooner rather than later.” He answered coldly before roughly releasing his brothers from his grip.
Asmo and Levi watched Lucifer briskly walk down the corridor and around the corner before giving a collective sigh.
“How come I’m getting the rough treatment? I didn’t lose her.” Asmo pouted.
Levi just looked at his prissy brother as he rubbed the back of his neck gingerly. While he was upset with Asmo’s insensitivity, deep down he knew he was at fault and the thought of anything happening to Marley had been dragging him down and running him ragged. Asmo’s eyes glimmered for a moment as he noticed his brother turning away from him.
“Levi, you know I didn’t mean anything by that, right?”
“I know but I don’t need you rubbing it in. Marley is lost in Devildom because of me and Beel. And the fact that we haven’t found her yet is destroying me. I haven’t felt this bad since I played Devil’s Labyrinth 4 on Brutal difficulty for twenty-six hours straight.”
Asmo gently patted Levi’s shoulder.
“Think of the bright side, Beel didn't smell any of her blood and Satan checked all of his cats and didn’t find her.”
“Great, that just means something else ate her in one bite.” Levi frowned.
Suddenly, Levi’s D.D.D. vibrated in his pocket aggressively as Asmo’s chimed in his. Pulling out their phones, both brothers entered the group chat and read the posted message with wide eyes that only grew wider as the meaning sunk in. A simple message that stated, “I found her.”
Marley wiggled her nose as she tried to curl up in a tighter ball. Little did she know, she was surrounded by demons who were holding back their various emotions. There she was, sleeping on a table in the library, encircled by Satan, Beelzebub and Belphie. By the time Asmo and Levi came into the library, the trio had already pulled their phones out and was taking pictures. Levi’s knees grew weak as he approached the table, feeling all sorts of relief seeing his Henry was safe and knowing that he wouldn’t have to withstand any more punishment from Lucifer. Suddenly, his legs gave out as he squatted next to the table, his eyes locked with Marley’s sleeping form.
“...H-How?” He barely managed out.
“Beel tracked her with his nose. I’m surprised that he managed it from across RAD.” Satan answered.
Beel sighed, half in relief and half in disappointment, as he held his wrist.
“I smelt Luke’s Cloud Chess Pie and I thought I could get some if I followed the scent. Marley’s definitely better than pie but now I really want pie.”
“See, now that I’m not surprised by.” Belphie retorted with a chuckle.
“Nevermind all that, all that matters is that Marley’s safe and sound~” Asmo chirped, only to be shushed by Satan.
“Asmo, quiet, are you trying to wake her up?” Satan scolded.
“Why not?”
“Because we have no idea how she got here. What if she has some sort of enchantment on her? Look at her, have you ever seen Marley dressed like this?”
“Yeah, maybe she was kidnapped by some demon stalker.” Belphie flatly claimed.
“Who would have the horns!?” Levi squealed out with his face turning red from rage.
“Would you shut up!? I’m trying to sleep!” Marley screamed as she sat up in a fit.
However, her annoyance melted away to reveal a sheepish expression as she stared at the towering brothers surrounding her. Some were on the verge of tears, others had their arms folded while one continued to sniff the air. Marley remained still as her eyes trailed across all their faces. Her face scrunched up and painted a cringing smile while she gave a small wave.
“Heeeeey guys, what’s up?” She squeezed out.
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professional-idiocy · 3 years
On Thin Ice - pt. 3
Yeah yeah, I’m slow with stuff. In my defense test week was a bitch and math SUCKS. Especially when you have to deal with this sadistic program called ViLLE that’s supposed be “helpful” with teaching math. If you ever see that name run for the hills. 
Pt. 1, Pt. 2 - Next
Taglist: @cupcakes-and-pain, @whoopsalittlewhumpy, @uncooly-supreme-whump 
TW: Mentions drowning and burns. Colby is a huge mess with a lot of issues with self-worth. Also torture cause Rosa is a bitch
Kevin didn’t know what to think. He was sitting on his couch with a sleeping villain snuggled close. He sighed continuing to pet Colby’s hair. At least he didn’t hate him. If he’d just gotten lost earlier Colby wouldn’t have been tortured for months.
He was in way over his head. He didn’t know anything about treating injuries. He’d just copied something he’d seen on TV! He was severely underqualified for this. He was a journalist, he wrote articles, he wasn’t exactly the best for whatever this situation was.
He needed to think. He had a person who’d been tortured. He had evidence of the injuries and the condition he’d found Colby in. He also had evidence it was a hero who’d done this.
He needed to get a doctor to look at Colby. That would definitely be important. Where would he even find a doctor? Especially someone who wouldn’t mind Colby was a villain…
Selena! That was it. She had a doctor friend who would probably be willing to help them. He took out his phone being careful to not wake up Colby continuing to softly pet his hair.
Kevin frowned when some dried blood got stuck in his hand. It made him feel horrible, his sister had done all this. His sister had tortured someone. It made him feel nauseous. Rosa had always stood up and protected him as a kid, but to do this to another person was horrifying…
First, he’ll help Colby, and later he needed to ask his sister to explain why he would hurt Colby. Right now the best way to help Colby was to get a doctor here.
He sent Selena a message. He really hoped it wouldn’t go south.
Hey, I’m a pickle right now. Would your doctor friend be willing to help a villain?
I kinda took one in. He was tortured by a hero. Please don’t tell anyone. He’s really fragile rn. Also tell her I’m also willing to pay
Soon enough Selena responded, easing his worries.
You mean Ellie?
Knowing her she will gladly help, especially if the patient is a villain. I blame “the cat” for that.
I’ll text her number tomorrow once I’ve given her a heads up.
It’s 10pm so try to sleep
Kevin sighed in relief. Everything went well and he was also getting tired. He should definitely sleep while he had the chance. The couch was decently comfortable, and he really didn’t want to wake Colby up. He yawned softly while Colby clung to him, sleeping contently.
Kevin shot up hearing a soft yelp combined with a thud. He scanned the room only to find Colby on the floor trembling while crying.
“I’m sorry. I- I didn’t mean to fall asleep, a- and I’m sorry for waking you up. I didn’t mean to. Please- please believe me I’m sorry” Colby begged kneeling on the floor. Kevin frowned muttering curses under his breath. Rosa had done a number on him and he hated it.
“It’s fine, you aren’t in trouble. I know you must be really stressed but believe me you aren’t in trouble” Kevin said as softly as possible, hoping to get a more positive reaction out of Colby, which it did. Well, to some extent. He fearfully waited before sniffing and wiping away tears.
“I’m sorry”
“I know. Do you wanna get onto the couch for me?” Kevin said softly, trying to get the terrified villain to trust him.
“I can stay on the floor, sir” Kevin frowned at that but as soon as he showed even a hint of displeasure Colby seemed to freeze in fear. He quickly scooped Colby up before sitting him on the couch.
“There you go. It’s much better, right?” Kevin asked as Colby nodded still keeping an eye on him, worried he’d done something wrong.
“I’m going to go make breakfast. Do you have any allergies?” Colby shook his head as Kevin smiled softly petting his hair, which he seemed to enjoy a lot. If leaning into the touch was anything to go by. He got up, leaving for the kitchen, doing his best to ignore how sad Colby looked, making him feel like he’d just abandoned a kitten.
He sighed once he was sure Colby wouldn’t hear or see him. This was going to be a lot of work, but Colby was adorable. First, he needed food for both, then get Colby to take a bath, call Ellie and ask if she could come and take a look at Colby.
Sandwiches would do, right? It’s not like he had anything else here, he was supposed to go to the store yesterday, but Colby had kinda ruined that plan, besides he can just order takeout. He smiled at the sandwiches, they looked like crap. He wasn’t the best in the kitchen, but it would have to do for now.
Colby really didn’t know what to think. Kevin had been so nice even when he’d done something wrong. Miss Rosa would’ve never forgiven him for assuming anything. Instead, Kevin had gently pet his hair and now was making breakfast. He really wanted to know how he needed to repay it all.
He jumped back to awareness when Kevin came back with four sandwiches on two different plates. He tilted his head curiously as Kevin smiled handing him a plate. He held onto the plate confused as Kevin sat next to him eating. Colby mimicked his actions before carefully taking a bite out of the sandwich.
He couldn’t help but to smile. It was amazing and tasted so good! He really wanted to repay him already. If he didn’t, he would be horrible and selfish. He gulped the sandwich down before carefully turning to Kevin. He didn’t know what Kevin wanted for this. He froze as Kevin just pet his hair smiling softly. It was nice.
Colby took the other sandwich, carefully trying to stuff it on Kevin’s plate. Maybe Kevin would like it if he gave him the food back? He was full anyway and didn’t deserve this much. Kevin smiled as Colby finally got the sandwich to fit.
“Are you full already?” Kevin asked softly and Colby nodded. He smiled taking the sandwich and putting it back on Colby’s plate, much to his surprise, but he didn’t hopefully let it show.
“You know you can save the sandwich for later. You don’t need to give it to me” Colby let his expression slip into one of surprise before nodding. So that wouldn’t work. He couldn’t just give his food to Kevin. So, he needed to find another way to repay him for the mercy he’d been shown.
“I- I can take care of the dishes” Colby said, trembling softly. He needed- no he wanted to be useful.
“It’s fine. I’ll take care of it, after I’ve prepared a bath for you and then we’ll check on the wounds” Kevin said as Colby nodded quickly before he could hesitate. Kevin got up leaving for what Colby assumed was the bathroom.
He sat on the couch, mind racing through all the scenarios. A bath meant water and Kevin could use water to hurt him in so many ways. Kevin could hold his head underwater and he knew he was too weak to resist. Cold water could cause shock and hypothermia, but if the water was too hot, he’d be burned.
He deserved it though, unlike the people he’d hurt for Alaric. He was just doing as ordered but he’d hurt people. He didn’t even remember their names or faces. They were all just people Alaric had wanted information from.
Miss Rosa was right.
He really was a monster.
A simple “Are you alright?” broke through his thoughts making him snap into attention. No-one had asked that before. It made him feel warm and fuzzy.
“I mean, you were crying just now” Kevin said softly as Colby blinked before quickly wiping the tears away.
“I’m fine” he whispered weakly as his voice escaped him. Kevin smiled ruffling his hair. Maybe he just needed to be small and cute for Kevin? He did seem to like it when he snuggled close. It that was the case, he really didn’t mind the warmth and closeness of another person.
“Alright then. I got the bath ready, but do you need help? I mean you can barely walk” Kevin asked awkwardly as Colby watched him carefully.
“I can’t put much weight on my legs, but I’ll be fine. You don’t have to waste your time with me”
“Alright” Kevin said picking Colby up who clung to him in surprise “I already prepared everything and left clothes you can borrow” Colby nodded clinging to Kevin in confusion. He didn’t really know what Kevin wanted and it was best to not speculate too much. He knew for a fact Kevin wanted him to be entertaining thanks to Miss Rosa’s clue since he’d be returned when he became boring.
He needed to avoid that.
Kevin sighed taking a sip out of his tea. He really didn’t know a thing about this. He’d called Ellie who’d promised to come tomorrow to take a look and give him some advice. It was reassuring but he really hoped Colby was fine he’d left him to take care of himself. He should be fine, but it still worried him. Colby was practically helpless in his current state.
As soon as he thought that he heard a soft thud just outside the bathroom. He put his tea down on the table rushing to the bathroom only to see Colby on the floor, helplessly looking up at him. He’d never noticed it before due to all the dried blood, but he was way too thin! He was literally nothing but skin and bones!
Was his sister always this cruel?
It was disgusting to think Rosa would do something lik­­­e this. His thoughts were brought to a halt as Colby looked up at him in terror before beginning to cry and apologize for bothering him.
He looked so small and fragile as the too large shirt kept slipping off his shoulder. Why would Rosa hurt someone like him? He looked so small and young as he trembled looking at him in terror.
Wait, did Colby think he was mad at him?
He knelt in front of Colby as he watched in fear of something. This whole situation made him feel terrible, confused, and icky. He needed to do something.
“Shhh, it’s fine you did nothing wrong” he said softly as Colby just kept crying softly still apologizing. He reached out to run a hand through Colby’s hair only for Colby to suddenly cling to him.
“Please, I know I might be a bit troublesome but please don’t give me back to Miss Rosa. I’ll promise I’ll do my best to repay you” He begged clinging to him, Kevin held him close, gently wiping away Colby’s tears as he watched silently in a mix of surprise and fear.
“It’s fine. I’m not giving you back to her, ever” He said as Colby breathed a sigh of relief before snuggling closer to Kevin. He would never let this precious bean be hurt again.
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hewwocopter · 3 years
As Fate Would Have It
MK has doubts about his soulmate, but he’s certain that it’ll work out for the best.
Until he meets him.
On Ao3 (2112 words)
Soulmates were thought highly of in society.
Their customs were normally respected. If one wanted to cover their soulmark with an article of clothing, so be it. It was for the owner’s eyes only.
It had led MK to cover his right wrist with a bandana not unlike his headband.
He knew what it said. Many nights had his fingers traced over the words, longing to hear his soulmate’s voice. Even if they were to yell at him.
Because, he presumed, that was probably what they were going to do, considering the nature of his sentence.
He laid in his bed, fiddling with the bandana. It had been a long day at work today, and it was still slightly damp from the sweat his arms had accumulated from noodle deliveries.
Ah, well.
MK slipped the band off, already knowing what he would see.
Get off me, you idiot!
What gratifying first words, right?
It seemed as though their relationship would have a rocky start. MK knew this, he was fine with it.
He was good at getting people to open up, Pigsy proved that fact. What once was a grumpy pig who nearly called the cops on MK for being too rambunctious in the streets…
Now he was a grumpy pig man who had hired that rambunctious street child. When the man saw that MK needed a place, he took him in.
So yeah, MK could probably handle his soulmate. Plus, they were his soulmate- the one destined for him. So they would eventually like each other, even if they started off hating each other, right?
There was always that small voice in the back of his head that told him to doubt. That no matter what, his soulmate would reject him. They would hate him. That his strength was also his weakness. MK’s energy was just too much, he was way too over the top.
But he had to keep hope. He seared that sentence into his brain, knowing that they were out there. That they were alive, and that there was hope.
A yawn edged its way up his throat, causing MK to stretch and fall back into his bed.
He’d just have to see how it went, he supposed. MK had no way of knowing for certain.
Deciding that his energy was best spent on sleeping instead of debating with himself, he set his Monkey King themed alarm clock to its usual time and slipped under the blankets, his eyes quickly sliding shut.
Oh fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK.
MK’s arms wobbled dangerously as he balanced precariously on the pipes of the sewer system.
Maniacal laughter echoed from beneath him, as green smoke erupted from the mountain. The Demon Bull King had been freed.
Son of a…
If his life were a show, this definitely would qualify as one of those record-scratch-freeze-frame moments, saying ‘hey, you’re probably wondering how I got here’.
He knew damn well how he got here. He was delivering noodles like a good delivery boy, although he was supposed to be on his break, which also begged the question:
Who ordered noodles in a sewer?! Where were the construction workers?!
How was he holding on this long?!
Although MK was surprised he hadn’t lost his grip yet.
The strange bird glanced over at him again, with a mischievous glint in its golden eyes.
His luck had been pushed to the limit with that last thought, it seemed.
He glowered, but wasn’t about to give up yet. MK waved the bird off. “No, shoo, go away!”
It hopped closer despite his warnings.
MK’s eyes only widened as what happened before him transpired in slow motion. The bird bent down and began to peck.
The incessant poking at his hand causing his grip to falter, and MK to become more panicked. Before he could shoo the bird away, he finally lost his grip and-
“No, no, no- aaaaaaaaugh!”
MK slipped.
Luckily his twenty to thirty foot fall was softened by his landing, which was on top of- oh, oh shit. He was going to die.
Before he could properly process that reaction, the giant Demon Bull King stomped up to him.
Their eyes gleamed an eerie green, casting a dark shadow onto his surroundings.
In this sort of situation, seeming it was a live or die one of the sort, MK decided he should probably de-escalate it. He let out a nervous chuckle, and lifted the noodle bag.
“Someone ordered some noodles?”
There was an awkward pause, as the villains stared at him, seemingly not expecting that reaction- they probably thought he’d be terrified- which he was, but sometimes his stupidity outweighed his sensibility.
A low growling rumbled from beneath, and MK flinched as the boy under him began to struggle, his hair flickering with flames.
“Get off me, you idiot!”
MK’s heart stopped, but only for a moment as he was sent flying and it was thumping wildly once more. While it was because of the actions occurring at the moment, what the boy- Red- had said also had a part in it.
Did he just-?
The boy tumbled to the ground, grunting.
“Do you know what you just did?” He turned to face MK fully, snarling. “You ruined my moment!”
MK could hardly process what the family was saying. Red Son- that was his name, probably- he had said what was on his wrist.
That right there was his soulmate.
He blinked, as a shadow was suddenly cast over him. MK visibly shrunk back as he saw that DBK was about to squish him, oh dear gods. All because he had zoned out over…
Speaking of. The boy slid in front of him, halting his father’s murder in progress. Thank goodness.
“Wait, father.” Red Son placed a hand on DBK’s heel, nudging him away.
MK’s eyes widened at the sight. Was he sparing him?
Then another stuttering thought.
Did he know?
He hadn’t said anything to the boy, had he? All he had done was scream so far.
“What is this?”
“Waste not your energy on this peasant. Please, allow me to show you how powerful I have become in your absence!”
MK drooped, and he nearly face-palmed. Great, so now my soulmate is going to kill me!
“As you wish.”
Well, fuck this. MK was going to escape, call the cops, then buy ice cream and cry over the fact that his soulmate was a villain. That probably hated him, considering the fact he was going to kill him.
MK turned away slowly, and began crawling away. Only halting at the sound of Red Son’s voice, internally cursing himself that he was caught.
“In some ways, you’re very fortunate, noodle boy.” Now Red Son was smiling, and were those fangs?
Oh gods, that was hot.
The thought ran through his mind a few more times before MK realized what it was, his face flaring red before he could stop it.
Are you kidding me?! Evil soulmate who hates me, and now I go and think he’s hot?!
No, no, he could not let himself get attracted to that. MK rapidly accelerated his inching away, only backwards now, only to bump into a pole, now lying discarded on the concrete.
A voice in the back of his mind whispered the truth of what it really was.
Monkey King’s staff…?
“Not many insects are lucky to be stamped out by the Demon Bull family-“ His eyes narrowed, probably at the boy’s expression which by now was a deep cherry red. “Are you even listening to me?!”
Yes and no. Red Son’s voice had no right being that hot, smoky yet matter of fact. But MK was too distracted by the staff, as well as escaping to properly pay attention to what he was articulating.
Where had these feelings even come from…?
The boy growled. “I, Red Son, will not be disrespected! You’re history!”
He raised his gauntlet, igniting it with his flames and rushed towards the delivery boy who was still stuck in his internal panic. MK’s eyes snapped up as he realized just what was going on.
Oh fuck-
MK instinctively grabbed the first thing near him- the staff- and raised it in front of him as his defense.
A loud clanging noise echoed throughout the chambers, along with a huge gust of wind.
“N-no way.” MK’s eyes peeked open upon hearing the other’s disbelief at him not being dead. “How could you possibly lift Monkey King’s staff?!” Red Son backed away from him, eyes wary but wide.
MK could only stare at the staff in awe, nothing else registering in his brain.
Red Son stammered. “I- I don’t know what’s going on here, but I’m about to end it! That staff is mine!”
MK was snapped out of his trance at the appearance of the Bull clones and DBK. He let out a little whimper- one villain he could take on but fifty?! “I’m supposed to be on my breeEEEAAK!”
He swung the staff in a wide arc, a golden light erupting from the motion towards the enemies.
Through the brightness, MK saw Red Son’s expression pale, although that could have been the light. His mouth was slack jawed, eyes wide, and then he was struck with the incredible power of the staff, sent flying.
The bull clones retreated, but the superiors managed to stay standing. Oh crap, I just managed to piss off a bunch of powerful villains. I’m so dead.
“Aah,” He stumbled for an explanation, “That was way more explosive than I expected.” He then coughed, some of the soot (?) from the explosion (?!) having found its way onto his face.
A thud from Princess Iron Fan’s weapon caused the boy to jump. From her expression, he could tell that the woman was not happy.
MK gulped, and began to thrust the staff around wildly, hoping to scare her off. “Stay back! I don’t know how I’m doing this stuff!”
“That staff doesn’t belong to you, little boy. Hand it over.” Like a chiding mother to her child, the woman then held her hand out expectantly. Like she was expecting him to comply.
For a split-second, he considered it. Then promptly threw that thought out the window, because one- these people were villains, two- they were probably going to kill him either way, and three- it was Monkey King’s staff, how could he give it away?!
So MK wasn’t going to comply.
He grasped the staff protectively, holding it up against his cheek. “Mmm… no…?”
That was the moment when the staff chose to wobble, sticking itself into the ground which was absolutely not of MK’s volition that time. “Okay, I didn’t even move that ti-“
The next moment he was up in the air, the staff carrying him away, and all he could do was scream.
Red Son pushed some rubble off of himself, his mind still reeling.
“I’m supposed to be on my breeEEEAAK!”
The words replayed in his mind, although they were uttered only a few seconds ago. As Red rubbed at his head, still sore from where he had hit it against the wall, his eyes narrowed in thought.
He couldn’t believe it. The one who plagued his thoughts, the one whose words were written on his left shoulder… it was that stupid noodle boy?!
Son of a bitch.
Fate would have it be this way.
Red had to go after him. One, to beat the everloving shit out of the boy and get the staff. Two, to demand to know why it was him. Why the gods had chosen that stupid idiot for him.
Red Son didn’t need anyone. He had himself and his intelligence, and he deemed that enough. It would get him where he needed to be.
Red Son also wasn’t an idiot. He was a facts person, that much was true. He ran on logic, feelings were just icky and out of place. Predetermined love? Yeah, fuck that. He was his own person, Red Son didn’t need anyone to tell him who to love.
But he had to know.
Noodle Boy had answers.
He halted his father once more, who was in the middle of intensely describing how he would skin the noodle boy alive. “Father, allow me. I won’t fail you a second time.”
“See that you don’t.” He snarled. “My patience is past its end!”
“Of course, father.” Red Son vanished into a plume of fire, only to appear at his vehicle. He quickly hopped in and sped after the boy, already getting a reading on him on his radar.
He was going to get his answers, one way or another.
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Thin Ice Pt5 || Peter Parker x Reader
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Summary: Y/N and Brad fight which leads to Peter getting his hands dirty. 
Word Count: 2.2k
Author’s Note: PLEASE READ! Yes this is a reupload because I wasn’t really happy with how it turned out at first. The beginning will be pretty much the same but I got rid of the whole storyline with Y/N thinking Peter was Spiderman cause I just want him to be a normal happy teenager for once! 
Warning: foul language, implications of sexual acts, blood, physical violence 
part one || part two || part three || part four || part five || part six ||to be continued 
“ Y/N? You look a little pale...maybe you should sit down,” MJ suggested but you kept your eyes locked onto Cindy’s phone screen. 
You were in disbelief, you couldn’t believe that it was you in the picture. Your lips against Brad. His hands by your side. Your eyes both closed shut. It made you sick. 
Years of movie nights and pizza deliveries were gone. Years of inside jokes between classes had slipped away. Years of history and friendship, down the drain from one single photo and a kiss that meant absolutely nothing. 
“ I need to go,” You grabbed your phone and headed for the door. Cindy thought quickly and stepped in front of you with her hands up. 
“ Y/N, stop and think for a second. I know you’re mad, hell I am too but you can’t just go over and beat him up.” 
You tried to go around Cindy but she just moved to block you. You were wasting precious time and the longer that the photo was out there, the angrier you felt. 
“ I’m not gonna beat him up,” You said softly as MJ eyed you suspiciously,” I’m gonna kill him.” 
You shoved past Cindy and left the room, leaving Cindy and MJ with open mouths. 
You slammed the door shut before stomping your way over to Brad’s room, your vision already blurry from your tears. You wanted to cry and crawl up into a ball but there was something inside you that ignited your sadness into something more powerful. Rage. Pure uncaged rage. 
Everyone always described you as a sweet girl who would never confront people. You used to let people walk all over you and apologize when you did nothing wrong. You were tired of being that girl, you were here to take prisoners, not excuses. 
You banged on the door with the side of your fist,” Open this door right now or I swear to god-”
The door swung open and you came face to face with Flash who looked like he had just gotten out of the shower. 
“ Yikes, you look pissed. Was it from your recent sexcapade with Brad-”
You shoved Flash to the side so hard that his back hit one of the shelves and knocked over a potted plant. You made a beeline for Brad, who was sitting down watching TV without a care in the world. 
Brad looked up at you and looked up at you innocently,” Hey Y/N, I was wondering when you would show up.” 
His calm, almost righteous tone was just like adding gasoline to the fire and adrenaline hissed through your body like a deadly poison. 
You didn’t even realize you had punched him until he was on the ground, holding his jaw. You stood over him and felt your body fume with anger. 
“ You’re a piece of shit Brad! I can’t believe you took a photo you perverted psychotic fuckboy!” You climbed over Brad and started to beat his face with the sides of your fists,” stop blocking me and let me fucking hit you!”
“ What the hell- Y/N stop!” You felt Peter’s hands wrap around your waist before he pulled you off of Brad. 
You fought against his grip but Peter stayed his ground and kept you away. You didn’t even know Peter was in the room but that didn’t stop you from your main objective, which was to beat Brad to a pulp. 
“ Flash, what’s going on?” Peter asked as Cindy and MJ rushed into the room,” MJ?”
“ Apparently Brad took a picture of him and Y/N hooking up-”
“ We didn’t hook up! He fucking tricked me!” You shook Peter off of you but Peter held out his arm so you wouldn’t lunge at Brad again. 
Flash raised his hands defensively and mumbled,” That’s not what Brad told me plus a picture is worth a thousand words.” 
MJ cursed under her breath before marching over to Flash. She grabbed the collar of his shirt and dragged him out of the room,” Go take a walk, yeah?” 
MJ slammed the door in his face before returning to Cindy’s side. 
“ MJ what picture?” Peter asked again, this time louder as MJ reluctantly unlocked her phone and handed it over to Peter. 
You looked away in embarrassment as Peter clicked on the photo to get a better look. Peter’s heart sank to the floor, it really was you. 
All of his suspicions of what happened in the bathroom during truth or dare was finally confirmed but he was far from relieved. 
Brad got up from the floor and rubbed his jaw as you stared him down.  
“ Y/N, please I didn’t mean to-”
“ Didn’t mean to what? Send a picture like that to the whole decathlon team? What, was it just for your spank bank or something?” You yelled as Peter gave you a side glance. 
Peter felt completely betrayed. He genuinely thought he had fallen for you and that you felt the same way for him but the photo ripped his heartstrings out. He gave the phone back to MJ, not wanting another look.
He didn’t want to believe it but the proof was right there in front of him. At the end of the day, Peter knew he had to put his feelings aside and do the right thing, no matter how heartbroken he was. 
 Peter drew in a sharp breath before turning to Brad,” Apologize and delete it.”
“ I don’t need to apologize to you-”
“ No Brad! Not to me, to Y/N!” Peter snapped as he made his way over to Brad slowly,” I’m not asking you, I’m telling you.” 
Brad took a moment before turning to you,” Y/N, I’m sorry. Really, it was an accident. I was just gonna send it to Peter so he could back off but I messed up...Can I talk to you privately without him here?” 
You let out a dry laugh as you put your hand over your forehead,” You sound crazy right now, do you even hear yourself? And you’re lucky Peter is here cause you’d-”
You took a stride towards Brad but Peter grabbed your arm and leaned into your ear,” Y/N, I’m trying to help you. Let me.” 
You didn’t respond as you looked down at your arm where Peter’s grip was. You looked up at Peter and watched his expression carefully. Even though he was on your side, you could see it in his eyes how hurt he was.  
Peter swallowed hard before turning towards Brad. Even though he had to look up to face him, Peter stood tall and unbothered. 
“ Delete it Brad. Then when you’re done, I’ll leave you two alone,” Peter said as he tried to compose himself. 
If he could have his way, Peter would’ve joined you in kicking Brad’s ass but he knew it wasn’t a fair fight. Peter mostly had control of his powers but he also knew how out of hand it could get, especially if Peter got angry. 
Brad sighed but went on his phone. After a few seconds, Brad tossed his phone onto the bed and held up his hands,” Alright Parker, the photos gone. I can’t do anything about it being sent into the group chat though.”
“ I got it, I’m gonna go around and make sure everyone deletes it. Unless they want to be charged with child pornography, I’m sure they’ll listen to me,” Cindy gave you a reassuring nod as MJ volunteered to go with her. 
Now that it was just you, Brad, and Peter, the room felt still. 
“ I want my apology Brad, not just for manipulating me but for throwing away our whole relationship,” You said as you shook your head in disbelief,” I can’t believe that after all we had been through, you would betray me...I don’t even know who you are anymore.”  
Brad took a few steps forward and glared past Peter,” Are you serious? Unlike Peter, you actually know me! You’re willing to drop me the second some guy shows interest in you and that just shows how naive you really are!”
Peter stepped in between the two of you and put his hand out towards Brad, almost touching his chest,” Don’t take another step Brad, that’s your last warning.” 
Brad looked between the two of you and shook his head in disbelief,” You think I would hurt her? That’s funny coming from you Peter- you know Y/N he isn’t who he says he is-”
“ Oh my god Brad, if this is about your dumb conspiracy about Peter being Spiderman, I don’t want to hear it!” You exclaimed as you motioned your hand to Peter,” you are so scared about being replaced by him that you start making up dumb shit to feel less insecure! I could care less if Peter is Jesus himself, that doesn’t make it okay to sabotage my relationships!” 
Brad pointed straight at Peter,” Why don’t you tell her or do you just love lying to her-”
“ Do you hear yourself? You sound insane!” 
“ If I’m insane then you’re goddamn stupid for falling for this nice guy crap!” Brad snapped as he took another step towards you,” Watch, he’ll be done with you just like that!” 
As Brad took another step closer to you, Peter tensed up and used his hand to push Brad lightly in the chest to back off,” Hey, I said watch it!” 
Brad took in a sharp breath before he drew his fist back and swung it straight at Peter. Before you could even react, Peter dodged his hit and sent his fist directly into Brad’s face. You both watched as Brad fell over onto the ground with a hard thud. 
“ What the fuck Peter!” You screamed as you scrambled to Brad who was unconscious,” oh fuck what did you do?” 
Peter stood there shocked as you tried to shake Brad awake. He didn’t even mean to punch that hard but he couldn’t help it. Peter was beyond mad before but all of that washed away once he saw how terrified you were, 
“ I-I’m sorry but he was calling you names! I was just trying to help,” Peter stammered as he started to panic,” i-is he alive?”
“ Of course he is!” You snapped as you started searching the room for a napkin or towel to stop Brad’s nose from bleeding more,” I didn’t ask for your help, Peter! I’m not some damsel, I can fight my own battles!” 
Peter couldn’t believe how unreasonable you were being,” So you can punch him but I can’t?” 
You were so overwhelmed with Brads injury and Peter’s yelling that you could literally feel steam coming out of your ears. It escalated too quickly and while you knew Brad was to blame, Peter wasn’t help. 
“ Look at him Peter, you knocked him out cold!” You grabbed a handful of napkins and put pressure on Brad’s nose,” You’re not my boyfriend, I don’t need someone to defend me! ” 
Peter looked between you and Brad and he felt like he was living in a nightmare. He couldn’t even fathom the idea that you were still helping Brad after everything he had just said and done to you. 
“ Yeah, clearly,” Peter said coldly as you stopped what you were doing to look at him. 
“ What is that supposed to mean?” You asked as Peter hesitated. He immediately regretted his words but you were quick to catch on,” You’re still thinking about the kiss, aren’t you? Peter, he tricked me, it wasn’t like that.” 
Peter felt like he had a mouth full of cotton and even though he wanted to believe you, all he could think about was the picture. He knows what kissing you felt like but the fact that Brad also knew what your lips felt like upset Peter. 
There was so much that he wanted to tell you like how Brad was right and that Brad wasn’t being paranoid about him. Peter knew how risky it would be for him to be intimate with someone while he was Spiderman. 
“ Do you even trust me Peter?” You asked as Peter shifted side to side. 
His fear all along was that you and Brad’s history would get in the way and that you would always choose him. He thought that now because even though Brad was unconscious and you needed to help him, you still couldn’t even look Peter in the eye. 
“ You two are close and you even told me that you two have a history together,” Peter said softly as he looked down at his shoes,” maybe a kiss isn’t too hard to believe….maybe you don’t need me.”
Now it was Peter’s turn to avoid your gaze and as you watched him, you immediately knew his answer. He didn’t trust you. You looked down at Brad before shaking your head,” You know what, if you don’t believe me then fine.”
“ If you want to be a good guy, watch him and call MJ,” You grabbed a clean towel and threw it at Peter before storming away towards the door. Once you opened it you turned back to Peter who was still in shock,” and you’re right, I don’t need you.” 
@spaghetittiesbcimgay​ @holland-in-disguise​ @yeahimcrying​ @greatpizzascissorstaco​  @mysticalbanshee​ @weyheyavengers​ @infinityflamesworld​ @fandom-fangirl22​ @peterparkoure​ @crumpets-are-better-with-jam​ @marvel4geeks​ @sad-sagita​ @juliebean247​ @quitepointless​  @bannanasz​ @spideyyeet​ @cherrysruin​
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sweetiejunie · 4 years
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Summary: They both have their own confessions. Beomgyu had secrets. Yeonjun thought he was over you. But was he really?
Genre: fluff, angst
Beomgyu x reader, Yeonjun x reader (decoupling)
A/n: a short oneshot i wrote inspired by my favourite ep of HIMYM
You loved yeonjun, you really did. And he loved you. But were you in love? No.
That ship sank a while ago, but you had remained good friends with him and the other boys. You both figured it would be too much of a waste to completely throw away everything you had. And you still enjoyed the others company, who was he to take that away from you. At the start, it was hard. But as time went on, things fell back into place. You had to admit, it was a bittersweet feeling but you were glad you didn’t completely lose him. He was still one of your best friends. Everything went back to how it was before you started dating. Well, almost everything.
When the other boys found out you had broken up, they were devastated, of course. To them you and yeonjun had always been their one true pairing, their OTP, soulmates. The couple they were rooting for to get married. And when you broke up, they were shocked and they were also there to help you through it. Especially beomgyu, he had made it his job to visit you everyday until you were better. Bringing you all kinds of sweets or food that would make you happy. Or bringing you out on fun adventures so you had an excuse to get out of bed when you had spent the whole day crying. All that was just supposed to last for a little while, until you got back on your feet. But even after everything seemed back to normal, beomgyu still found himself at your doorstep whenever he had the chance.
Beomgyu didn’t want to say it, but while he was busy bringing you ice cream and chocolates everyday to cheer you up, he started catching feelings. He loved making you laugh when he saw tears prick your eyes. He loved the way you smiled at his jokes and how they made you feel better. He loved spending time with you, watching whatever movie you wanted and listening to any song you played. At first, he thought he was just being nice, looking out for a friend that was broken. Time went by, and all the more he realised just how much he dreaded the days he couldn’t visit you or the days you didn’t reply to his texts. He realised what he felt was something more than what he felt for a friend. But he couldn’t like you. You were his friend’s ex. He couldn’t break the bro-code.
As the days continued, so did his visits. And everyday, he just felt himself falling deeper and deeper into that hole. But he couldn’t stop himself. Everyday, he saw you smiling when you opened the door for him, a smile that made his heart jump out of his chest. He wanted to grab your hands and hold you close. To call the days you went out together ‘dates’ instead of just friendly hangouts. He wanted to take you on late night drives to the most romantic places he could think of, and have you fall asleep in his arms.
He had fallen fast, and he had fallen hard. He thought he could get over you, to simply forget his feelings existed. But that proved to be much easier said than done. He tried cutting down on the days he saw you, using excuses like he was too busy, or he was too exhausted after practice. It killed him to lie to you. And seeing the sweet responses you gave him to ‘rest well’ and to ‘take care of himself’ wasn’t helping.
Beomgyu couldn’t take it. It’s been months and he felt guilty for hiding his feelings. He knew it was wrong for him fall in love you, but he couldn’t control his emotions. And it was eating him alive. He had to tell someone. And that day after their practice, he decided to tell yeonjun the truth. It was make or break it, but he had to get it out.
He found yeonjun on the couch, using his phone just scrolling through his feed. Beomgyu had gone through what he wanted to say in his head a thousand times, but nothing could prepare him for the real thing. He stood there for a while, looking over the corner at yeonjun, processing how to go about this.
“Stop staring, you look like a stalker,” yeonjun suddenly called out, causing the poor boy to get flustered.
“Hyung,” beomgyu said softly, walking closer to him.
“Beomgyu, something wrong?” Yeonjun asked, sensing something off about his younger’s demeanour.
“I uh, i need to talk to you.”
Yeonjun hummed a response, putting down his phone and turning to look at beomgyu, who stood there, shifting his weight from foot to foot, playing with the edge of his hoodie. He was nervous. Who wouldn’t be? He was about to tell his mate he had fallen head over heels for a girl he used to love.
“So er,” beomgyu started, “i dont know how to tell you this and i know it’s wrong of me to feel like this. But... i think i like y/n.”
There was silence, tension so thick you could cut it with a knife. To beomgyu, it felt like it lastest an eternity. And he thought he was about to get punched as he studied yeonjun’s blank face, just staring at him.
“I- i just wanted to tell you cause i felt guilty. I know she’s your ex and all so if u dont feel comfortable with the idea of me being with her, I won’t do it! Ill get ride of my feelings, i promise! I just thought I should let you know-“
“Go for it,” yeonjun smiled, standing up to give beomgyu a pat on the back. “We broke up months ago. We’re just friends now, if you like her, I shouldn’t be the one stopping you. But you better treat her well.”
His words shocked beomgyu, but he was glad to have his blessing. It meant he was over you and beomgyu could feel at ease. He rushed over to your place and confessed everything.
And later that night, yeonjun got an extremely important text.
From beomgyu: Y/n and i are dating!!
In that moment, despite what he had said prior, he felt jealous, annoyed, frustrated. Whatever you want to call it. He tried to convince himself that he was happy for you. No, that he was over you, or so he thought. Seeing you with someone else just made him realised how much he was still actually in love with you.
He would never admit it but a part of him was hopping you would have said no, and send beomgyu home. He was supposed to be your friend, he was supposed to be happy his best friend was happy. He hadn’t noticed it, but when beomgyu returned home that night, yeonjun completely switched off, disregarding any attempts beomgyu made to start a conversation and locking himself in his room.
Yeonjun thought he was okay with you and beomgyu being together but as the days turned to weeks, yeonjun was starting to ignore beomgyu more, barely acknowledging him when he spoke. Yeonjun hated seeing you with him. He wanted you to be happy and he wanted beomgyu to be happy, but not be the reason for each others happiness.
The worse days were when you would surprise beomgyu at the dorm. You would greet them as per usual and run to hug beomgyu. That used to be him. The gifts you used to get for yeonjun, now you got for beomgyu. Your laugh that echoed from beomgyus room used to his favourite sound, but now was the bane of his existence.
The other boys noticed this, but didn’t dare say anything. Until one day, they drew the line. You had came over to the dorm and beomgyu decided to bring you out for a small ice cream date. The rest of them were on the couch in the living room, watching a movie before they saw the two of you giggling as you made your way out. The moment the door closed behind you, yeonjun scoffed.
“What’s up with you? You got a problem with ice cream now?” Kai chuckled.
“Nothing’s up. I just think y/n deserves more than a lame ice cream date. Sure, ice cream is nice and all. But let’s be real, ice cream sucks. Ice cream lies, they keep secrets, and when it comes down to it, they just end up hurting you,” yeonjun responded, his emotions taking over him when he continued. “I- i just can’t believe y/n is going through with the idea of going out wit- for, ice cream.”
The three boys listened attentively, shaking their heads. If it wasn’t obvious enough, yeonjun wasn’t talking about ice cream. They knew they had to put an end to this. It was getting out of hand.
“Okay hyung we have to talk. Room, now,” soobin announced.
“Nice try but no, it’s just going to be 5 minutes of you two sorting out his love life, followed by an hour of you playing mario kart. No way. Hyung, you, me, roof, right now,” standing up, taehyun pushed yeonjun towards the fire escape that had a staircase to the roof.
“But it’s January-“ yeonjun defended.
Ignoring him, taehyun continued pushing him out, “move.”
“Alright, we’re both freezing so cut the crap and just say it,” taehyun said the moment they were on the roof.
“Say what?”
“That you’re unhappy y/n and beomgyu are together!”
Yeonjun was in disbelief at his assumption, “what? No. I’m happy. I encouraged him to go after her.”
“Because you thought you were okay with letting her go! But now that she’s gone, it hurts.”
By that point, yeonjun had been hurt many times in his life. Past relationships, failed auditions, and the list goes on. But when he first saw that text message that you two were together, it hurt just like all the previous times, just times a million.
“No. I’m happy for them,” he argued again.
“Is all you’ll let yourself say out loud. Cause if you said how you actually felt, that would make you the worse person on this roof,” taehyun stated, arms wrapping around himself when a cool breeze past them. “So I’m going to give you an out.”
“And how exactly are you going to do that?” Yeonjun mocked back.
“By saying something worse.”
“Like what?”
Taehyun hesitated, “sometimes, i wish I wasn’t here. Sometimes i wish i could just pack up a bag and leave in the middle of the night and not come back.”
Yeonjun listened as he spoke. The words echoing in his ears as he processed what taehyun meant by them. And as the moment of silence passed, yeonjun confessed.
“Y/n shouldn’t be with beomgyu. She should be with me.”
Just something random, something short, something sad. Hope you liked it!
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Adam Ruzek Song imagine ~ Say you won’t let go James Arthur
(It’s pretty long and I can’t figure out how to put a ‘keep reading’ thingy, also the ending is kinda crap as I wasn’t sure where I was going with this... anyways, enjoy!)
‘I met you in the dark, you lit me up, you made me feel as though, I was enough... We danced the night away, you drank too much, I held your hair back when you were throwing up...’
“Are you sure this is a good idea?” I asked as me and April walked down the cold streets of Chicago, I’d just finished my first shift at Chicago med and she insisted on taking me out to celebrate even though she had work in the morning.
“I can handle myself, but you need to celebrate!” She exclaimed with a grin just as we reached a small-ish bar that sat on the corner of the street. “Welcome to Molly’s!” She grinned as she pushed the door open, the smell of booze hitting me in the face in an instant.
Looking around I saw a few people that I had recogonised from them coming into med in the last few hours, such as Kelly Severide, a lieutenant from firehouse 51 who had come in to see April, speaking of which.
“Hey, you wanna come to the bar?” She grinned as she looked her arm through mine and practically dragged me through the crowd to the bar.
A few minutes later she had disappeared with Kelly leaving me at the bar drinking on my own, until a figure dropped down onto the stool besides me, looking over I spotted a tall guy with slightly blonde/brown hair and a smile that could melt an iceberg, seriously.
“What’s a pretty girl doing all alone?” He asked looking at me briefly before ordering another beer.
“I was with a friend but it seems like I’ve been ditched for a fire fighter.” I laughed slightly looking behind him to where April and Kelly were sat laughing together. “My names y/n y/l/n by the way.” I smirked lifting my drink to my lips.
“Adam Ruzek.” He smirked back, holding his hand out for me to shake.
A couple of hours and multiple drinks later it was fair to say that I was definitely feeling the effects of the drinks, I had spent the last hour ‘dancing’ in the corner with Ruzek, well, I danced and Adam made sure no guys could get to me in my state.
“I don’t feel good.” I muttered as I dropped down into the seat besides Adam, head pounding and the familiar feeling brewing in my stomach. “I need some air.” I muttered quickly pushing myself up and rushing outside before I emptied the contents of my stomach into the trash can outside.
I groaned as I felt a large, warm pair of hands brush over my shoulder, pulling my hair away from my face as I continued to throw up.
“Sorry.” I muttered as I stood up straight and wiped my mouth with my hand before rubbing them on my trousers, gross I know.
“C’mon, let’s get you home.” Adam chuckled slightly, putting his arm around my shoulder.
‘Then you smiled over your shoulder, for a second I was stone-cold sober... I pulled you closer to my chest... And you asked me to stay over, I said I already told ya, I think that you should get some rest...’
“Thank you.” I smiled as I put my key into the lock on my front door, a short walk that took twice as long due to my stumbling and asking stupid questions. Looking over my shoulder I couldn’t help the butterflies that erupted as my eyes met his, a feeling I had never felt or even knew how to describe until now. “You sure you don’t want to stay?” I asked for the thousandth time since we’d left Molly’s, yet everytime I’d get the same answer.
“I’ve told you, get some rest and text me in he morning.” He smiled shaking his head before he stepped foreward and pulled me into his chest, my arms wrapping around his waist while his cane around me completely.
“Are you sure?” I asked looking up at him resting my chin on his chest, laughing as he sarcastically rolled his eyes and looked down at me.
“I’m sure, but text me in the morning so I know you’re alright.” He said kissing the top of my head quickly before pulling away completely.
“Goodbye Adam.” I grinned stupidly as he started to walk away.
“Goodbye y/n.” He smirked looking back quickly before shaking his head and walking away.
‘I knew I loved you then, but you’ll never know, ‘cause I played it cool when I was scared of letting go... I know I needed you, but I never showed, I wanna stay with you until we’re grey and old...’
“Ready?” Hank asked as his head appeared from behind the door, smile on his face as he walked into the room adjusting his tie slightly. “You look beautiful, you ready?”
Smiling to myself I looked down at what I was wearing, a long white gown with a heart shaped top, the perfect dress for the perfect wedding to the perfect man.
“Hell yeah I’m ready.” I grinned putting my arm through his, after meeting Adam I got to know the whole team from intelligence, Hank had taken on a father kind of role so it only felt right having him give me away, since my own father had died when I was younger.
I couldn’t hide the smile on my face as I walked down the aisle towards Adam, stood in his suit and tie, Kevin and Jay by his side, all three wearing the biggest smiles I had ever seen. I chuckled slightly as I watched Kev nudge Adam slightly after he wiped a stray tear that had escaped. While I tried to listen to what the priest was saying I had trouble tearing my eyes away from my husband to be, seems like he was having the same trouble as the poor priest had to try a couple of times to get his attention for the vows.
“Y/N, you are the most perfect person I have ever met, and probably ever will. I still remember the first night I met you, I saw you sitting at the bar in Molly’s and with a little liquid encouragment, and a nudge from Kev.” He pauses as he looked behind at Kevin and gave him a small, grateful nod. “I gave it a shot, we spent the night dancing and laughing, I even held your hair while you threw up in a trash can.” He chuckled making me groan as the rest of our guests laughed. “But I knew then, the moment you looked up at me outside your old place, that I wasn’t gunna let you go, there was just something about you that I couldn’t get out of my head for the next few days.” He shook his head slightly, as a lone tear fell down his cheek, his eyes met mine as I reached up and wiped it away trying to keep my own tears in. “I love you, so, so much.”
“I love you too, ever since you didn’t just walk past and leave me to fall into a trash can of my own puke.” I grinned laughing slightly. “You are the one person that I could never see myself without, no matter how I imagine my future you are always there, for better or for worse.” I winked making him laugh. “I’ll love you forever Adam Ruzek, nothing will ever change that.”
“You may now kiss the bride!” The priest announced, wasting no time Adam pulled me towards him and dipped us before he placed his lips on mine, the perfect end to the perfect wedding.
‘I’ll wake you up with some breakfast in bed, I’ll bring you coffee with a kiss on your head... I’ll take the kids to school, wave them goodbye, and I’ll thank my lucky stars for that night...’
*Adam’s POV*
“Alright, on the count of three, ready?” I whispered looking down at the twins, Amelia and Amber, only six years old and their already so much like their mother, kind, caring but with a temper that one day will probably make a grown man cry. “Three... Two... One!” I counted down before I opened the bedroom door, huge grins on their faces as they ran in and started to jump on the bed.
“I’m up! I’m up!” I could hear her laughing as she grabbed onto the twins and pulled them down next to her before she leant over them and their angelic laugh filled my ears as she tickled them.
“Happy birthday!” I grinned as I walked over placing the tray of pancakes and orange juice on the bed side drawers before leaning down and placing my lips to hers, a feeling that after seven years of marriage and nine years together I still haven’t got used to.
“Thank you.” She mumbled kissing me once more before her attention was taken by the twins groaning and putting their hands over their eyes. “Oh shush, you’re gunna be late for school if we don’t get going.” She told them going to get out of bed before I put my hands on her shoulder and pushed her back down.
“I am on it, you finish your breakfast and wait here, I’ll be back.” I winked before rounding up the girls and ushering them downstairs, into their coats and shoes before rushing out the door, barely making it on time.
“Bye daddy!” They both waved as I watched them walk into their school, big smiles on their faces as I waved back.
“Baby?” I called quietly as I got back home, hearing nothing but silence I crept into our shared bedroom and could make a y/n shaped lump under the covers. How did I get so lucky the night I met her..?
‘I’m gunna love you till, my lungs give out... I promise til death we part, like in our vows... So I wrote this song for you, now everybody knows, that it’s just you and me till we’re grey and old... Just say you won’t let go...’
I groaned as I put my key into the lock, a long day at med and all I wanted was to get inside, flip on the couch and eat a ton of ice cream, however as I opened the door I had a feeling that my plans were going to change.
“Happy anniversary.” Adam smiles from his place at the dinner table, candles and rose petals littering the top and creating a path towards him.
“Oh, Adam.” I sighed happily as I watched him stand up and walk over to me, taking my bag from me he dropped it at his feet before he stood behind me and removed my coat as gently as possible.
“Where are the twins?” I asked concerned, there’s no way they’d be okay with going to bed early, especially not on a Friday.
“Hayley and Kim give them for the night, their fine.” He smirked as I realised he’d had this under control.
“I love you so much.” I grinned turning and looking up at him, my arms going round his waist as his rested on my back, just like the day we had met.
“I will love you until my dying breath, I promise you that.” He mumbled resting his chin on top of my head sighing contemptly.
As long as he never let’s go, I’ll die happy...
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neoangelic · 5 years
71, 62 + Xiumin?
A SIMPLE EXCUSE || kim minseok
summary: You’re stuck at a party and all you need is a simple excuse to leave. Minseok, who is always seen being responsible, is caught by you, looking a little bit worse for wear. You think you found the excuse you needed, but you didn’t know that he also found his. 
i had a lot of fun writing this
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“You’ve been drinking tonight, haven’t you?”   “Do you have a ride home?”
PAIRING: xiumin / minseok x reader
WORD COUNT: 1,496 words
TAGS: senior!xiumin | college! au | minseok as: a lost puppy | fluff | college parties and drinking | bestfriend!baekhyun
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The party was getting kind of cramped. The place reeked of sweat and alcohol and you wanted nothing more than to go back to your apartment and sleep. But you promised Baekhyun you’d sit through his first time hosting a college party. Honestly, it was a mistake. You forgot how popular he was; he didn’t need any of your help. He was socializing with Taemin and Lucas right now, and if you snuck out, he wouldn’t even notice. 
You’d feel awkward after promising him all that support but what more could you do? You needed an excuse. A way out… 
The Sigma Mu frat house was teeming with inebriated seniors and eager freshmen. Some people were on the dancefloor, like Jongin and Sehun, who were gathering quite a large crowd. Kyungsoo was probably hiding off somewhere. Minseok was…wasted at the bar? His head was down, beers and cocktails scattered around him. His finger was tapping off-beat against the heavy bass of the music.
You didn’t expect to see him here. He didn’t dorm like the rest of his friends, nor was he a part of Sigma Mu. He was a senior that liked to keep to himself and work hard. You could tell by the laptop sleeve under his chin that he wanted to get some work done tonight too. A couple of girls sat next to him, giggling. Looks like Minseok fell prey to some of freshmen that baited him for a few drinks. And he was too polite to refuse.
Or too drunk.
“Oh, Xiumin-seonbaenim! You’re here—listen, I need help on this PowerPoint, do you think you can give me a hand?” You cut in between his distracted, slumped-over figure and the girls. “Sorry, girls. Can I steal him from you?”
They rolled their eyes, “sure, seonbae.”
There was a tug on the sleeve of your shirt.
“Hey, you said you needed help with a PowerPoint?” Minseok’s voice spilled from his lips clumsily, his head rising cautiously as if someone was pushing it down against his will.
“You’ve been drinking tonight, haven’t you?” You help him sit up steadily. He didn’t seem as fazed about the physical contact as you thought he would. After all, he didn’t know you. 
A chuckle escaped his moistened lips, liquor air hitting you. “Yeah.”
“Not by choice.”
You nod, gentle. “At least you’re aware.”
“So, you needed help?”
“No,” you smile. “I think you did. Xiumin-seonbaenim, you should stand up for yourself sometimes.”
“Call me Minseok,” he reached for an empty glass with ice and began swirling it in his hands. “That’s my real name.”
“…right.” Jeez, just how drunk was he? 
Minseok turned to you fully. You could see the colored party lights reflect against his glossy skin and reddened eyes. Tired. It struck you. He looked so tired. 
“Want me to buy you a drink?” He ran his hands through his gelled hair. “Right?”
“No, I’m not drinking tonight,” you raised an eyebrow. “Did Baekhyun drag you here too?”
A bitter laugh. “Yeah—Baekhyun he—that guy’s really good with people. See, you don’t even want a drink for me. Wish I was as sociable as him sometimes.” Minseok slurred his words, swinging his glass with every syllable. “I’m a senior and I still don’t know how to talk to people.”
“I don’t think I’m a smooth talker, either. You saw how those girls walked away the second I got here?”
“…‘ts cause you’re pretty,” he mumbled under his drunken breath—although, you heard him. “It’s fine. You’re a sophomore, aren’t you? Plenty of time to adapt.”
“Xiu—Minseok-seonbaenim, you know me?” You blinked. “Hey. That’s a pretty big deal, you know? You’re popular amongst the student body too—”
“Is that so?”
“Yeah,” you nudge his shoulder at his disbelieving tone. “Everyone says you’re kind. A lot of people admire how dedicated you are to your doctorate studies.”
“So, you admire me?” Minseok grinned.
“How did you know my name? To know all this…we’re not even in the same field of study.”
“W—well,” you had a crush on him. “I’m friends with Baekhyun too and—you know my major?”
He lurched forward in his seat, hands rushing to cover his mouth. “Shit.” 
You manage to catch the empty glass he dropped. “Are you okay?”
“Okay? I have an exam coming up in three days and a group presentation in five. Nobody’s answering their texts. I’m stuck here in this stupid party and I think I might vomit if this music gets any louder.”
You stare at him and the bags under his eyes. You didn’t even know how or why he was keeping a conversation with you. Why was he even still here?
“Say…” you put the glass down with a clink. “Do you have a ride home?”
Minseok seemed to come to his senses for a moment, eyes snapping up to you in shock. “No, why?”
“I said I wasn’t drinking today because I was driving home…” you shuffle awkwardly, showing him your car keys. “Would you like me to drive me home?”
“Are you using me as an excuse to get out of here?”
“Y—yeah, I guess so,” you stammered. “But—I really do want to help you out.”
“Then,” he stood up, stumbling on his feet. “Let’s get out of here.”
It was only when you were halfway home to your apartment and you could hear Minseok’s tiny snores in the passenger seat next to you that you realized you forgot to get his address.
“Call me Minseok,” he mumbled.
“Minseok. Where do you live?”
No reply.
“Hello—Minseok?” He was knocked out. “Crap.”
You would consider it to be an understatement to say it was hard getting Minseok’s sleeping figure into your tiny apartment. You normally wouldn’t invite a stranger into your own bed but his intoxicated breath was probably getting to you. He was curled up, face flushed pink and hoodie wrinkled. His wristwatch that you struggled with taking off was placed by your bedside table. A scene you never thought you would have ever seen.
Well, at least you had a couch to sleep on—
Something pulled you back by the back of your shirt. “Don’t leave.”
“W—you’re awake?” You whipped around to see groggy eyes squinting through the dim light of your room.
“Stay here, will you?” 
“We just met—”
“No more excuses,” he mumbled, still inebriated. “I’ll feel lonely.” Like a puppy. Talking absolute nonsense, whining.
You nodded, “okay.” And Minseok took your hand, wrapping his around it. He was out in a second again. “Just for a little bit.”
You knelt down beside the bed and examined him—his messy bangs and handsome features. This was quite different than the Kim Xiumin you saw from afar. You wonder how long it’s been since he’d been able to be as let-loose as this. Minseok was always sharp and on time to all of his classes. He was always seen studying and helping others.
And with the lull of his breath. You fell asleep.
“Ugh—Baekhyun. Hello?”
“Where’d you go yesterday?”
“Minseok-seonbaenim was in trouble. Had to go help him, sorry.”
“Well, that couldn’t be helped. He needs some help from time to time, too—did you say Minseok?”
“Shit.” Your eyes snap open, fully. You find yourself in the comfort of your own bed and blankets. Where was he? You stormed out of your room, looking for any traces of your senior. “Where’d he go?”
“No, no. Not you.” You sighed, deciding to quench your dry throat with water. “Yeah, he told me to call him that. Multiple times.”
“That’s weird. He only uses that with people he’s comfortable with.”
As you opened your fridge, a plate filled with food, covered in saran wrap, was waiting for you. A sticky note from your kitchen found itself on top of it.
Thank you ^^ wanted to let you sleep. I had to leave early for some work.
You snatched it up, looking at it closer, “what?” The food he cooked wasn’t even made from things found in your fridge. Minseok had to have walked to the store and back to buy these ingredients. Why did he bother?
A snap came from the speaker of your phone. “That’s right! He always told girls he liked to call him that. I thought he stopped doing that since it was too obvious, though?”
“Girls… he? Hold on, I think I saw…”
You ran back into your room, looking for the familiar glint of silver you saw this morning. You hadn’t recognized it then, but Minseok’s watch was left on the table. There was another sticky note.
Guess you’ll have to come find me now? Since you used me as an excuse, I’ll use this as an excuse to ask you on a date sometime, ___.
“Hey,” you asked your friend, urgently. “How does he know my name?”
“You haven’t met before? Minseok hyung always talks about you.”
Bastard. He said he wasn’t a smooth talker.
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wwounu · 5 years
mafia!jeonghan “YOON” #11
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↻ masterlist — intro¦s.coups¦yoon¦hong¦wen¦hoshi¦jeon¦woozi¦dk¦kim¦xu¦boo¦chwe¦lee
member of Venor Unit
his role is more of a spy, however jeonghan likes the term ‘traitor’ more than anything
there are many rumours about him
only a handful have been picked to be debunked as true or false
for years he’s still been rumoured whether or not hes a member of seventeen
surprise surprise, he is
and the story of how he was recruited was one he’d never forget
because who would forget his missing nineteen-year old childhood friend climbing up to the top of his penthouse, at 1:27 in the morning, and suddenly break and walk into your bedroom like it’s no big deal?
in other words, he wasn’t pleased to see his dearest seungcheol
his friend was talking about all sorts of nonsense the moment he startled awake: japan, gangs, tattoos,, bad haircuts,,, poisoned ice cream??
this wasnt the seungcheol he remembered
so with mixed feelings, jeonghan told seungcheol to crash on his bed while jeonghan would take the couch and asking seungcheol to take a shower because he looked like he came back from a fight with a shark
when morning came seungcheol was trying to explain jeonghan about the wonderful complicated world of mafia business
but jeonghan had none of it — it sounded unreal
on top of that he was more fussed over seungcheol leaving for two years and not telling his own friend about it
with all this anger building inside him, mainly due to the stress of trying to get his head around this whole... thing, he told seungcheol to leave and go back home
seungcheol gave a look at him, a hard look, before he sighed and stormed out of the place
jeonghan didnt miss the small ‘no one ever stops to listen to someone like me’ under seungcheol’s breath
and never in their friendship they brought light upon their many differences, so it kinda tugged on jeonghan’s heartstrings
it saddened him knowing he didn’t give the welcome his friend wanted but at the time he thought he was in the right
then for the next two weeks, seungcheol was desperately trying to get jeonghan to join his ‘mafia’
(mafia in asteriks, because jeonghan wasn’t having any of his bullshit)
through messages, messy letters, he even received a collection post-it notes stuck around his penthouse without traces of who did this even though he fully knew well who it was 
and that night jeonghan was paranoid that seungcheol would randomly break in again
then the desperation for help stopped for the next month
although jeonghan did enjoy the attention from his best friend and wanted to continue this ‘fun’ game, he began to grow concerned
his best friend disappeared without a trace. again.
the cope was harder to deal with this time, because the insignificant thought about seungcheol truly being a mafia boss was becoming the host of his nightmares
you best believed the utter shock on his face when he saw seungcheol sat beside his door around midnight
hood up, dirty head to toe and one nasty cut on his lip and cheek
jeonghan was supposed to go to a party, but that priority was ignored straight away
he takes seungcheol in, aiding the cuts before doing anything else
as jeonghan would expect from the man, seven year old seungcheol would be screaming ugly noises with snot running down along his tears
but this other seungcheol didn’t flinch at the pressure of the alcohol touching his skin, and looked in every direction to avoid jeonghan
that — thankfully — hadn’t changed
seungcheol always payed attention to his surroundings when he doesnt want to be in a situation. it happened a lot with his father
so jeonghan asks why he looks like shit
and all the anxieties rush to his brain as the thought of his lash of anger to seungcheol caused the latter to end up like this
questions like when did he last eat?, where did he stay?, did i do this?
but seungcheol started explaining himself
something about these high schoolers ganging up on a sixteen year old in their school because of his looks, seungcheol stood up for this said ‘sixteen year old’ and found the four-against-one fight fair play until they brought out knives and seungcheol was like youve got to be kidding me
and suddenly, one thing led to another and the sixteen year old lit a tree on fire???? and he lifted a stray branch, took out a lighter, then lit it before storming to the high schoolers with a maniac-like look on his face
and the kid was then gone as he chased the high schoolers away
seungcheol had never been more confused
but he had to get out as there was still the,,, burning tree there,,,,,,
and when he finished his story, he paused, falling silent again and sort of bitterly saying ‘sorry, half of the things i say sound unbelievable now’
and jeonghan is a bit offended but he wasn’t going to push seungcheol away yet again
so jeonghan tells him that he believes him and at first seungcheol kept arguing that he’s bluffing for his sake
surprised, jeonghan reassures him again and again to get it through seungcheol’s head that he’s going to join him because he’s going through a hard time, anyone can see that
remaining silent, seungcheol nods before he manages out a thanks
they apologise and forgive each other, and later that night seungcheol tells everything — and i mean everything — about his family and the mafia
it was a heavy night for seungcheol
which brings us to today
since jeonghan was born into a rich family, it made seungcheol’s job way more easier than it was as jeonghan had higher class connections with others while his friend kept lowkey
he can have news alerted to him quickly like updates on parties, social events, scandals, some juicy affairs here and there, all that corrupt high-society crap
and he gets the odd word about some mafias in korea, making it his duty to report all of it back to seungcheol
with seungcheol’s command, he does whatever he instructs him to do, which is to spy on any updates of the situation
hence why he’s always out at fancy social-events
its truly a bore though. he’d rather sleep in
you may think he’s just acting naive most of the time — but he’s listening to every word and every moment he can sink in all around him
the highlight of the night is when everyone gets drunk, which is the perfect time to hear their dark secrets and use his sweet-talk
effortlessly finds a way to manipulate his way to invite himself and seventeen, who’d he’d call associates, to any banquet whenever he senses dirty work will commence
his pretty-boy looks usually do the trick ‘seventeen’s pretty boy’, the group calls him
makes the time to take care of the member’s schedules and invitations to these places, even going to the extent to make replica invitations
creates a plan of how the members enter so that they wouldn’t be seen together and raise eyebrows
particularly during these events, other suspicious men try to keep a close eye on jeonghan due to the rumours of his relation to the seventeen mafia
yet they’re wasting their time because he’s never in one place and socialises with many people
often when he strays on his own, he explores the area and wanders from room after room to find anything else valuable
normally reports to wonwoo what he finds through an earpiece
‘i found a diary’
‘youre going to open it arent you’
‘risqué, she keeps a taser and a ton of money in her lingerie set’
‘dont take the money’
‘wasnt going to’
‘jeonghan drop the roll of money right now’
‘... fine’
‘i took the taser instead!’
did i mention that he needs to ‘borrow’ a belonging as his souvenir for the places he visits
and because of junhui, he has semi-mastered the skill to hide all evidence
also pretty much hates it when he’s rushed, needs to take his tiem with everything (excluding when they’re in grave danger then that’s different)
mouth runs a lot so when he really needs information to be spilt, he exposes other lowkey scandals to get the information he needs
this is where he gets his traitor title from
if he’s framed as a traitor, he turns the tables around and either puts the blame on someone else or on the person calling him a traitor
he’s grown up in this corrupt class and knows all the dirty ins and outs of it
when he feels like he’s being interrogated to spill information, he takes control of the conversation and does subtle things like asking for things usually pouting when doing so or complimenting on one thing before discussing something completely off topic
he can never expose seventeen and will never expose them even if he’s dying 
another off-topic fact, he calls people babe a lot
mainly because it makes people feel a certain way, but its jeonghan’s self-acclaimed magic word
that word does things
is also a part of A Team, but due to the fact jeonghan is always busy, they dont work together as often as they used to
looking at soonyoung, wonwoo and jeonghan, you wouldn’t think of them to be that close but they’ve had history
out of all of seventeen, he’s the weakest in terms of weaponry since he’s basically just a informant to seventeen
therefore his choice of weapon are usually used by the closest thing to him
prefers glass as his choice of weapon if he had to choose, so because of this minghao frequently gives him smashed wine bottles for jeonghan’s use
a bit of a brat
but seventeen never mentions it
loves seeing people beg in front of him, especially when theyre desperate
this might be because he likes attention on him
teasing and poking fun at them gives him the greatest joy, it leaves him so satisfied but also wanting more
normally after difficult jobs done by the whole group, when Perficio Unit are clearing up the last of the evidence and killing the last of their suffering enemies, jeonghan skips in to take a wonder around too
Perficio Unit let him because its jeonghan
blood is soaked everywhere, many men are on the floor, some dead, possibly not, and their fancy suits all ruined while the four males finishing the job play jazz music on blast as they take care of the remains
just another job for seventeen
and jeonghan inspects each face, making sure the fear is their eyes while theyre slowly dying from blood loss. if they arent, then jeonghan pulls a gun out of his pocket and points it at them, getting the reaction he wants
(the gun was full of blanks anyway, what’s there to be scared about??)
decides to steal a wristwatch from one of the men and gets told off by the unit because they now have to get rid of jeonghan’s dirty fingerprints for stealing the accessory
loves it even more when Perficio Unit are in the middle of an interrogation (on most occasions they lead the questioning) back in their hideout and pops down to see how their ever-so suffering victim is hanging in there
generally summoned down if 1. wonwoo is busy or 2. they need the victim to speak a bit more
jeonghan doesn’t play once he comes down — but its inevitable that he’ll make sure that he gets the satisfaction that he wants from the person held captive
will stay until theyre sweating and crying in a mix of blood and tears and they are begging in front of his feet while tied up. he wont stop the torture unless the person confesses truthfully to what Perficio Unit ask and feel numb around their whole body that it hurts
uses the taser he stole in addition to let the pain sink in even more, also decorated the taser to have stickers of a halo and wings to look like an angel
when they get the answer they want, it’s a job well done for jeonghan
and when the victim thinks its all over, jeonghan sweetly grins one last time to them, turning foot because, really, he cannot do anything to the poor soul
he shrugs and walks, searching in his back pocket for a gun a filled one this time, twirling it around his fingers before handing it to one of the unit members
without skipping a beat, he smiles, whispering ‘enjoy’ and leaving them to do their job
needs the members as much as the members needs him
a perfect balance
“Somebody said it means imperfection and danger”
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mythicamagic · 5 years
Swimming in Silk - chapter 19
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Training in front of her, engaging her in conversation and now lending her his clothes…Kagome is starting to suspect that Sesshoumaru is trying to gain her attention.
Sesskag - Romance, Humour, Drama, Angst
Rated M - As always you can read this story on Ao3, fanfiction.net or Dokuga
Chapter One - here                Previous Chapter - here    Next Chapter - here
AN: Sorry this chapter is all over the place, I still didn't fit in everything I wanted lolol good news though! After this depressing chapter, the angst won't be so heavy in this fic anymore x
Haunted Hounds~
After wading through the shallows to shore, Kagome peeled her sodden sweater off, sighing as she wrung the waterlogged material. Inuyasha promptly shook himself, soaking her anew.
"Gah!" Kagome sputtered. "Can you not?"
"How else am I supposed to get dry?" He grunted, white hair puffing up under his cap.
She couldn't help but giggle. "You're not, be cold and suffer with the rest of us."
By the time they'd padded up to the huts, Kagome was positively shivering. The ocean was a quiet crash of waves behind them as lights suddenly flared to life in various windows. The covers over doors were thrown back, and various demons rushed out, raising weapons with wild, fearful eyes.
Kagome quickly raised her hands, "we come in peace!" She squeaked, spying a familiar face among them, who lowered his axe. "Kaito!"
The demons paused, frowning and looking at the dark haired man. "General, do you know them?"
"Ah! That's Lord Inuyasha," said one.
Inuyasha acknowledged them with a grunt. "Lower your damn weapons."
"Yes, do so. The Lady of the Western Lands stands with him," Kaito said, eyes gentling slightly. He shifted on his crutch, raising a hand to her and beckoning. "Come, my Lady. Everyone else, go back to sleep," he dismissed. The demons murmured amongst themselves, wandering back into their huts. Kagome padded into the hut Kaito indicated, Inuyasha following.
Inside, Inukimi adjusted her silks, covering bare shoulders. Kagome caught a glimpse of fresh bite-marks and cherry red hickeys before they were hidden, causing her to blush.
"W-we didn't mean to disturb you so late!" She glanced at Kaito, now noticing his rumpled clothes.
"Hush. Time-travel is not known for being considerate," Inukimi gave a soft laugh. With her hair down, she looked simultaneously radiant and decadent in her loose clothing.
"It smells like sex in here," Inuyasha grunted, yelping when Kagome stamped hard on his foot.
"Zip it!"
Inukimi laughed, fixing the futon and smoothing the covers as Kaito sat down beside her with a grunt, resting his crutch down. "Adorable. I'm surprised you're familiar with the smell, Hanyou."
"Shut up!" he barked, cheeks blooming red.
"Lady Inukimi?" Came a gentle, feminine voice. "What was all that just now? Shippo thought he sensed-" the cover over the door was tentatively peeled back and a taller Shippo peered in, along with a girl who Kagome vaguely recognised.
She gaped when it clicked."Shiori?"
"Ah, Kagome!" Shippo darted inside, scooping her up and hugging so tight her bones protested. His head came past her stomach now.
"Wow, lookit you! So tall," she wheezed, giggling and wrapping her arms around him, lifting so that his feet left the floor. At least she could still do that.
"It's lovely to see you again after so long," Shiroi murmured, folding her hands neatly in front of her and bowing. The previously petite child had matured, becoming a young woman perhaps a little younger than Kagome. She still wore a modest white yukata, but her face had lost most of its childish features. Those violet eyes remained as kind and sad as they were before. The miko suddenly remembered her mother, and realised she must have passed, leaving the hanyou alone.
Smiling gently, she blinked when Shippo detached himself from her and immediately hugged Inuyasha, who bristled. He made to say something, before closing his mouth and setting his rough hand on the fox's red hair.
"It's been a while...little brat."
"Hmph, it's not like I missed a big bully like you," Shippo mumbled.
Blue eyes shining bright, her chest warmed. Turning to the others, she voiced the thought that had been with her since surfacing: "Where's Sesshoumaru?"
Their expressions immediately shuttered, some unreadable or awkward. Ice shot into her chest, hitting the bullseye of her heart.
"Don't worry," Shippo immediately soothed, straightening. "He's just uh…sleeping right now."
She blinked, giving a relieved laugh. "Well duh, it's late at night. Heh, you all looked weird for a sec there."
Inuyasha's ears flicked under the cap, heavy brows drawing into a frown. "Spit it out, Shippo." He growled. "You ain't explainin' everything and no doubt it's some crap that'll just worry her later."
Surprisingly, it was Shiori who timidly spoke up.
"Our village is home to many different kinds of demons. The majority of them are survivors from the West's fall that happened 10 years ago. They fled here, and we sheltered them, or some joined us of their own accord like the wolf demon tribe led by Kouga. When they came, Lord Sesshoumaru was among them, so he picked up the mantle to lead again."
"That's not surprising," Kagome tilted her head.
The Hanyou fiddled with her sleeve. "It's just that…concerns have been raised about the amount of sleep our leader gets."
"Yeah, because it's not healthy." Shippo snorted.
Inukimi huffed, lighting her signature pipe and inhaling. "Ridiculous. He's perfectly fine. How do you explain his performance in the fighting pit? Resting isn't a crime. He defeats challengers when required," she uttered darkly, words flowing out with the exhale of curling smoke.
Shippo throws his hands up, bristling. "Lady I don't wanna get into this with you again! Sleeping for 18 hours is not normal!" He burst, flashing small fangs.
Differing energies crackled in the air, raising the hair on Kagome's arms. She'd never seen Shippo argue so boldly with someone collected like Inukimi. "That's…that's enough you two, please calm down," she tried to wrap her head around everything.
"The fuck? 18 hours." Inuyasha grumbled. The strict and disciplined 'Killing Perfection' sleeping so long sounded ludicrous. "Where is he now?"
Kaito spoke up, absentmindedly sharpening his weapon. "In a cave not far away, located within the cliffs. He rarely shows himself, but always makes an appearance at the pits."
"Fighting…pits, right?" Inuyasha's ears twitched.
"Guessing that's exactly what it sounds like," sighing, Kagome tried her best to ignore her mounting worry. "Okay, let's backtrack. You said it's been 10 years since the big battle. How many years ago did Kouga and Sesshoumaru arrive?"
Shippo rubbed the back of his neck. "Uh, two?" Seeing the look on her face, he added. "We've tried talking to him but he doesn't want to see anyone. He's…changed so much, we've got no clue how to help."
Sensing her turbulent emotions, Shiroi spoke up. "I'll ask Ayame to take you to him tomorrow."
"Ayame?" Kagome croaked.
"Mhm, he only wakes up during the day if her cubs go to bother him," Shippo offered a weak smile.
Unbidden, Kagome answered it with a small one of her own. You've always been pestering him to do things, huh Riza?
With no alternative but to sleep, Kagome left Inukimi's hut, deciding to rest with Shippo. Glancing behind her as she settled down on a futon, she noticed Inuyasha taking a seat. He'd followed without a word, and now rested his faithful sword against his shoulder, closing tired gold eyes.
Kagome also spied the two white-haired fox sisters curled up together in their true forms. She supposed they must have moved to the village along with Shippo at some point, and wondered what had become of the Fox clan. Shippo curled up with them, and Kagome loosely curled her arms around herself, shivering and closing her eyes.
Sleep proved to be a flirtatious but unobtainable friend. A burst of loud noise, that of high pitched yips and barks, broke her out of her dozing. With her eyes still in the process of opening, Kagome shrieked when tons of bundles of fur landed on her stomach. Countless wet noses and tongues attacked her cheeks, causing her to burst into startled giggles.
"Oi! What did I say?" A familiar gruff, masculine voice barked. "Settle down and get off her already!"
Kagome laughed, setting her hands on the wolf cubs that kept climbing over her, occasionally licking the miko while ignoring their father.
"OI!" He called again, before being nudged aside.
"OFF!" Ayame snapped, voice dark and green eyes blazing.
The countless amount of cubs immediately scrambled off, looking at their parents in the doorway with perked ears and expectant faces.
Picking herself up and wiping the slobber from her cheeks, Kagome noticed Inuyasha and the foxes had already left for the day.
A whine sounded out, "Ayame! I told ya to let me handle it this time. If ya keep butting in, they're never gonna listen to me!"
"You were taking too long," his mate flipped some firey red hair over her shoulder. "Besides, you let them rudely wake up Kagome. You call that handling it?"
Kagome's cheeks hurt, and she touched her mouth, finding she was smiling too wide. But she couldn't help it. Not wasting time, she rushed forward. The two wolves abruptly stopped when she wrapped her arms around them, resting her face against their shoulders.
"K-kagome? What's wrong?" Kouga mumbled, resting a large hand on the small of her back. A strangled, happy sound reached their hearing.
"Nothing, I'm just...really happy. So happy," she breathed, squeezing them. "Seeing you both safe is a big relief."
Pulling back and grinning tearfully, Kagome ignored their perplexed looks. It was one thing to hear they were safe in the Future but was another to actually see, hear and touch them. It made her long for Sango and Miroku.
"Thank you so much for finding Sesshoumaru and helping him. You saved him," she rambled, causing Ayame to laugh gently and nudge her.
"It was no trouble. C'mon, I'm sure you want to see him. You can cry on us some more later," she said, tucking Kagome's hand through her arm.
"Hey! I haven't seen her in ages," Kouga soured, watching as the miko was ushered outside.
Ayame glanced over her shoulder, smiling flippantly. "You've seen her now~ are you saying you're more important right now than her mate?" She asked sweetly.
Kouga's shoulders fell, expression shifting into a grumpy, accepting one. Letting herself be tugged along away from the huts, Kagome held on when the cubs followed, racing through their legs and causing her to trip on the sand.
"Careful!" Ayame growled at the bundles of fluff.
Smiling and carrying on along the shore in the morning light, Kagome walked them play and leave tiny paw-prints in their wake. "It's kind of strange, seeing you guys with kids."
"Heh, it feels strange for us too. Still doesn't feel real even after two years."
They approached a cliff with numerous crags and splits, which had eroded into caves and openings. Nerves erupted into her stomach. "...Shippo said he's been like this since arriving," Kagome murmured.
A snort sounded out close to her ear. "Honey, I've been baby-sitting this Lord for at least five years. He hasn't changed since Kouga first found him all injured. Hasn't shifted out of his true form once from what I've seen."
The words made dread pool in Kagome's stomach, along with a hard lump of sadness in the back of her throat that was difficult to swallow. Jaken had mentioned once, in passing, how true forms often dulled more complicated emotion. Demons merely became creatures of instinct.
Is it...less painful for you this way?
"I remember first seeing him. I'd been told stories about The Killing Perfection ever since I was a cub. A God on the battle-field. But he was just an abandoned, lost puppy. Still is," Ayame lifted a shoulder. "Aside from when he's in the pit, I honestly find it difficult picturing him conquering anything. Don't get me wrong though, our tribe kind of like him after he aided us getting here. I was heavily pregnant at the time and heh, let me tell ya; walking through human territory in that state was not fun! But ole' Ice Prince woke up enough to protect us during the journey. We lost men during the battle of the Western Lands though so, I guess to him it might've been paying his debts."
There came a beat of silence between them, the words left hanging in the air. Eventually, Kagome spoke once more, voice subdued. "I keep trying to get used to everything changing...but the second I get my head around a place it's already shifted."
Ayame smiled. "I might not time travel but it's still changed too fast for me too. At least there's always a place for you, no matter where you drop in, right?"
Kagome blinked, smiling gently and nodding.
They reached the mouth of the cave, Kagome's boots crunching on the pebbles and stone. The spray crashed against the nearby jagged rocks, flicking water up near them. He's really picked a remote spot, she thought, glancing at the distance from the village, which was in view but far off.
The cubs stopped to play, biting on a piece of driftwood while Kagome and Ayame padded inside. The shadows of the cave swamped in. All noise felt drowned out within the large space. The crunch of their shoes echoing too loud. To the side lay remains of animal bones and carcasses, everything beyond the light of the entrance drenched in dark. Yet on the edge of the light, silver fur glinted.
A large body shifted, around the same size as she'd seen him before, that of a large bear. His true form looked much healthier at least. Well fed, unharmed. Yet scars crisscrossed certain areas where the fur was thinner, no doubt more hidden by the lustrous fur that flamed around his shoulder. He slept on despite their presence.
"Oi!" Ayame growled. "You have a visitor. Wake up!"
Sesshoumaru stirred, opening one groggy, ruby eye. He stared at them listlessly for a moment, before closing his eye again, seeming to fall back asleep.
"Hey!" Ayame barked, only to be drowned out as a flood of yips and galloping tiny fluffballs racing around them. Uncaring of their sleeping mountain, the cubs bound atop the Daiyoukai, nudging and sniffing at him.
Sesshoumaru didn't stir, despite their antics. A low sound built in the back of his throat however, the more they tugged at his ears or tail. Unfortunately, they didn't seem deterred by his grumbles.
Cuuute, Kagome couldn't help but think. "They seem to like him."
"You know what kids are like. Don't know to be afraid of something most would faint in fear of." Ayame smiled, before frowning at the dozing Daiyoukai. Growling, she sank to one knee, plunging her fist into the ground. The walls around them trembled with distress, and the cubs yipped with alarm, huddling around Sesshoumaru.
"HEY! This girl time travelled for your ungrateful hide!" She bellowed. "She came here just to see you! The least your sorry ass could do is say hello!"
Sesshoumaru's tail flicked out, sending a cub rolling free from its personal tug of war. He huffed quietly, giving another low noise and shifting so that he was turned away, back facing them.
"If he doesn't want to see me, Ayame...it's okay," Kagome said, watching quietly.
Ayame growled, straightening and putting her hands on her hips. "It's weird, almost like he doesn't believe you're really here or...doesn't want you to be?" She then winced, glancing at the miko. "Uh, I didn't mean to-"
"No, it's fine," Kagome soothed. "I'm going to um, stay here for a little while. Just in case he changes his mind."
"Are you sure?"
She nodded distractedly, watching every inhale and exhale.
"Alright, but I'm only leaving you for an hour. Shippo will come fetch you. It isn't healthy to stay here alone."
"Sesshoumaru's alone."
"By choice!" Ayame tsked. "It's true he was injured, and the battle at the Western Keep probably took a toll. But everyone else has tried to move on. They might still revere him as Leader, but honestly he needs to be defeated soon and replaced if we're gonna progress. Otherwise, we're all sitting around waiting for him to get better."
It occurred to Kagome then that no one else knew. Sesshoumaru probably hadn't told anyone what he'd been through with the monks. They just thought he was pining for his lost house.
Kagome assured her she'd be fine, waiting until she left along with the rambunctious cubs, before turning to Sesshoumaru. Without their presences, the cave was plunged into silence, save for the tumble and crash of waves against rocks outside. Sitting down, she wrapped her arms around her knees and hugged them to her chest, just listening.
Little by little, she inched closer. Carefully, agonisingly gently, she reached out and lay her palm on his side. The jagged bite mark on her arm pricked, and her body tensed, but he didn't stir. Lithe fingers combed through damp fur, untangling it. He felt warm and steady, much better than his previous trembling, but she could sense the undercurrent of something. A great tired weight on his chest that caused every draw of breath to seem like effort.
"I don't know why I wanted to see you while you were still recovering. Maybe it was just me being full of it, thinking I could be the one to heal you. Seriously...I'm an idiot," she chuckled quietly. "But here you are, wounds closed. Healthy. Least that's what everyone thinks, mn?"
She didn't know if he were listening or could feel it, but she stroked her hand through his fur all the same. "I get why you didn't tell them about the monks. Too proud," her lips curved into a wobbly smile. "But Shippo would help if you opened up to him, I'm sure of it."
His lids remained shut. Her fingers lightly slid over his muzzle. You were like this when Rin died too...just trying to sleep it off. So many bad things have happened to you, I bet they've mounted up. Why don't you ever talk to anyone, you beautiful dumbass?
Leaning down, Kagome rested her head against his back. "It's going to...get better, you know?" She murmured. "Not to be patronising, but it will. So for now, if this is what you need, to be comfortable, then that's okay. Just...don't sleep forever," turning her face into the warmth of his side, she trembled.
"I'd miss you too much."
She stayed with him until Shippo came to collect her an hour or so later. Kagome didn't check her watch to know, just let time disappear. Leaving without a word or fuss, Sesshoumaru did not stir without her presence.
"Are you alright?" Shippo immediately checked, padding back with her along the beach.
Unprompted, Kagome smiled gently, causing him to blink. "Yeah. I think since I can't help Sesshoumaru this time, I'll focus on doing what I can around him."
She hummed, "well, why were the demons last night showing their markings and claws? On the outside, this place looks like an ordinary village, but I can feel a barrier around it. Wouldn't it make sense to start covering up their demonic features so that everyone can hide in plain sight without wasting energy on that?"
Shippo smiled, tilting his chin up to look at the morning sky. "You don't miss much. That's been a huge thing lately, big mess. No one wants to start posing as humans except the foxes, Shiori, and a few of the wolves."
"They refuse to unless their leader does it first. Set an example. But it's like he's doing the opposite, lounging in his true form all the time."
Slowly, the pieces started to fit into place. Now she understood Ayame's frustration. Shippo continued, sighing. "Sesshoumaru's the strongest, as proven every week in the pits. Hence he's the leader. If someone could just beat him in the fighting pits, someone who gets that we need to change to survive, then we could really pass ourselves off as a human village. We'd be so much safer! Plus that way us foxes wouldn't have to be the ones going to neighbouring villages for supplies. Shiori wouldn't exhaust herself by keeping the barrier up too. We're sitting ducks like this."
Kagome nodded seriously, mind whirling with the new information. "When's the fighting pit next open?"
"Tonight. It's held over there," Shippo pointed to the opposite cliffs and caves, situated nearer to the village and on the right of the shore, where Sesshoumaru's was on the far left. Isolated.
"Great, I'm heading there tonight."
"N-not to fight, right?"
She laughed. "No Shippo. If I beat him and became leader where would that leave you guys when I disappeared? I just want to watch."
Shippo exhaled with relief, smiling up at her. Tentatively, she offered her hand.
Green eyes flickered with surprise, and it occurred to her how much older he'd become. She shouldn't have done it, he wasn't a little kid anymore. He'd survived war and-
Shippo's hand slid into her own.
Emotion welled up inside her and when he gave a squeeze, and she felt that he'd done it more for her sake than anything else. Kagome squeezed back with gratitude as they walked in step back to the village.
That night, Kagome walked among the crowd through the narrow passages in the caves. They walked with torch in hand, until the rocks bathed in orange hues gave way to a giant opening, fit for the hall of a King.
Kagome followed the demons to the rings that looped around the massive pit in the centre of the floor, almost like they were in a colosseum. The cave seemed to have been carved, paving seats for them, so she took one. Glancing to her left, she found Inuyasha, who had decided to follow. He frowned, ears pressing against his skull.
Sesshoumaru's form became visible after a moment, climbing down into the room via one of the higher openings in the cave and making his way to the pit, jumping in and waiting with a tired sort of expectation. The demons in the crowd glanced around, muttering to themselves.
Finally, a challenger Kagome didn't recognise jumped into the ring, bulls horns protruding from his head. With a blast of yellow youkai, his form melted into a demonic bull, tossing his head and rearing on hind legs.
Everyone watched with bated breath as the fighting started without introduction.
Two forms collided, roughly slamming into each other. Kagome noticed that while they used no real techniques, more throwing weight or striking, they each avoided using their deadly weapons of poison, teeth or horns if they could help it.
Sesshoumaru ended things by moving with a burst of speed, leaping atop the bull, which was struggling to get up. A large paw slammed down into its jugular, bracing his weight and opening large jaws, pining the burly demon down via rows of deadly teeth on ethier side of him. Sesshoumaru held him there despite the kick of frantic hooves beneath him.
Eventually, the bull made a noise, and Sesshoumaru backed off, panting.
"He's...like a stray dog or something," Inuyasha mumbled, ignoring the cheer from the onlookers.
Kagome glanced at him. "What do you mean?"
"When demons communicate, it's like human speech, just different. Gestures and stuff. But even using that, it's like he's completely closed off. He might still fight well, but he's not the taunting asshole I know. The hell happened to him?"
"He got hurt, badly," she murmured, not wanting to say more than that. It felt like a betrayal of trust to explain, for some reason.
"Oh for goodness sake," came a voice behind them.
Kagome turned, looking at one of the higher stands and spotting Inukimi. Her eyes were on the pit, so the miko shifted to look. She then gaped.
Kaito limped into view, facing Sesshoumaru while leaning on his crutch.
"You foolish oaf! What are you doing?" Inukimi stood from her seat with a rustle of silks, glaring.
From within the pit, the General glanced up at his Lady, mouth curving. He lifted a shoulder, giving a sad, rueful smile. "We can't live in the past, my Lady. I should at least try to end this stagnation."
Kagome's eyes widened. Kaito who had been so proud he'd all but rejected her as Lady of the West. Kaito who hated the House lowering itself. It was he who stood before his lord, discarding his crutch.
Blue light coated the dark-haired Generals form. Smoke billowed out, slowly sighing away to reveal a three-legged black inuyoukai. He leaned forward, equal size to Sesshoumaru, who growled softly.
The two leapt, meeting with a clash of hard bodies. Black and white fur met again and again, demons trying to topple the other. A few times their paws swiped out, hackles rising as they snarled, teeth starting to snap and bite. Their forms chased each other around the pit, colliding into the walls and causing the structure to shake.
"Crap, Kaito's really letting him have it," Inuyasha muttered.
Seeing Kagome's questioning look, he scratched his cheek. "Let's just say he's yelling at the Bastard and telling him to wake up and fucking lead already. Sesshoumaru is pissed-"
A hard-hitting sound echoed off the walls as Kaito hit the floor a moment later, his single back leg giving. His jaw smacked hard against the ground as Sesshoumaru remained atop him, pressing him down and snarling quietly.
"What's Sesshoumaru saying now?"
Inyasha tsked. "...For Kaito to find someone strong enough to take over or leave him the hell alone."
When the dust settled, Kagome watched as the silver inuyoukai padded around the pit like a restless tiger. Kaito's black form receded, his more human appearance returning. Taking up his fallen crutch, the General gingerly got to his feet and limped away.
When no other challengers stepped forward, the fighting pit drew to a close.
She'd asked around, but apparently, defeating Sesshoumaru was indeed the only way to seize control over the village. Even if she could win, Kagome also asked if she could pass on the mantle immediately after- only to be shut down and told an 'outsider' like herself wouldn't be accepted as a leader in the first place.
Kagome thus spent her week helping Shippo and the other foxes. Kouga and some of his wolves had unfortunately left to run an errand. Despite how busy she kept, she always noticed the lack of Sesshoumaru's presence. Visiting him had only become possible in the evenings she was so tired, helping newer arrivals construct a hut. On one day she walked the road to the neighbouring human village and helped load supplies onto the wagon, discussing trade. Pushing some hair back from her eyes, Kagome sighed.
"It's hard work, mn?" Shiori smiled knowingly, tending to the horses.
"Sure is. How are you able to leave the village and move around if you're...you know," Kagome glanced at the humans walking around. She cupped a hand to her mouth and mouthed: 'using your powers.'
Dark eyes danced, her hanyou features under a glamour. She beckoned, and the miko leaned in, watching as Shiori opened her pocket, revealing a glowing orb.
"Oh, you had something like that last time."
"Yes, but I was being used back then. Now I'm...happy to be of use to the village, even if I wish everyone would be a little braver," Shiroi said gently.
Kagome nodded, brows drawing together. "You feed your power into that and it projects a barrier around them, right? You must be exhausted all the time," she said, eyeing the pallor of Shiori's usually darker skin with thin lips.
"E-excuse me, are you a miko?"
Turning, Kagome faced a nervous looking man.
"Yes, hello?"
"Please," he took her hand. "My wife is giving birth. I-I don't know what to do, please help! Our village priestess is away visiting friends. Please!"
Everything else fell away as Kagome nodded seriously. "Don't worry, I'll come. Shiori, can you-"
"I'll come too."
With a nod, the two women rushed to aid the man and his wife.
Kaede's teachings had certainly come in handy. It had felt kind of surreal, holding the newborn. Whenever she'd helped deliver in the past, Kaede had always been the one easing the child out, taking the lead.
Shiori had been a massive help, advising whenever the miko had become uncertain. It was clear the woman had more experience.
Washing her hands for the umpteenth time, Kagome padded back to the village with the hanyou.
The foxes and cart had left hours ago ahead of them, the sky darkening to lush purples.
"Kagome, do you think it's possible for Lord Sesshoumaru to still lead?" Came the quiet question.
Feeling caught between a rock and a hard place, Kagome sighed. "...Not right now," she admitted. "He seems to just be attending the pits out of necessity. If...if you ask me, it looked like he almost wanted to be defeated," she murmured.
Shiori nodded, raising a hand to her head. "I worry that- that soon raiders will come, and our village will be snuffed out just like the Great Houses. If we got attacked, I don't know if my barrier will hold. That's what I'm...afraid of…"
Glancing at the Hanyou, Kagome squeaked in alarm, catching the woman before she fell. Feeling her blazing forehead caused clammy sweat to cling to her skin. "Shiori! Hold on, w-we're not far from the village!"
Awkwardly ducking, Kagome lifted her onto her back, supporting Shiori under her thighs. But the days work had significantly weakened the miko and she only managed to make it down a hill before stopping. Panting, she sank down to her knees. I can't just leave Shiori to get help, what am I going to-
Lifting her head, gladness filled her heart.
With the smell of sea-salt clinging to him, Inuyasha leapt down from the trees, racing towards them on the path. "The hell happened?"
"Shiori fainted. I think she's done too much today, or maybe...all week," Kagome murmured, wondering quietly.
Inuyasha removed the weight from her shoulders and hitched the woman onto his back. "Let's hurry then, don't slow me down, idiot," he muttered almost affectionately. Kagome smiled despite the situation and followed, hurrying after him.
As her feet pounded on the path, Kagome watched as he took off in front, bounding ahead. Strange, nostalgic feelings wrapped around her heart and squeezed. She shook her head and raced quicker in the direction of the sea.
A fire flickered in the centre of the largest hut. Within, the majority of the village residents lingered, waiting for any sign of change from Shiori. They drifted around, looking a little lost.
Shiori herself lay on a futon, breathing shallow. Kagome had done everything she could think of to bring her temperature down. Nearby at a low table, Inukimi poured over scrolls and paperwork, frowning at the disturbance.
"What happened to her?" Ayame peered down.
"She was overworked!"
A few demons glanced at Inuyasha, vague guilt passing over their faces.
"Cease your yapping." Inukimi sighed. "I dislike children who shout."
"Tch, what? You'd rather I was more like Sesshoumaru, keeping my trap shut?"
"Preferably. He always was quiet, even as a pup. Granted he did cry at first, but ignore them long enough and they learn not to make noise. Obviously, it's a lesson you were never taught."
For some reason, though the comment hadn't been meant as particularly malicious, Kagome thought of Sesshoumaru's scars. Of him. Alone, quiet and drenched in the dark of the cave. Not making a fuss. Hiding his distress. The pain so keen he couldn't bring himself to see anyone lest they think him weak.
She stood, hands balled into fists as a low fire churned in her gut. "All of you are cowards," she muttered lowly.
The demons instantly bristled, but she didn't care. Tip-toeing around them achieved nothing. "Shiori is like this now because you're too afraid of change. She's been managing the force field and helping everyone, keeping up appearances with glamour. Not just her but the foxes and wolves. The rest of you are falling behind, don't you understand that?"
"Shut up! What would a human know of it?" One growled.
"I know you all loved the House of the West!" She burst, brows drawing together. "It's that love...that fuels your protectiveness over your markings and features. Your heritage and species. That's why you don't want to cover them up. It would feel like a betrayal. It's why you won't act on your own despite Sesshoumaru not really leading you."
A low growl sounded out, and Kagome was surprised to find Inukimi's narrowed gaze on her. "You dare call yourself his Mate and then encourage us to go against him?"
"He's not given you any orders!" She snarled, reiki and a skitter of hot, familiar youkai curling out of her bite mark. Sesshoumaru's presence loomed over her aura, lending weight to her words. "He doesn't want this position at the moment. The way I see it, he's fighting out of obligation for tradition. And that's what this all is! You're going to die for your traditions."
"Kagome!" Ayame chided.
"Well, they are! You can't stay isolated forever. You're not on an island. Your human neighbours will get curious, and one day they'll bump into the barrier. If the humans see you like this, don't you think they'll retaliate? The time for...surgiving is now. I'm sorry. I wish you didn't have to cover up your marks. All of them are beautiful..." a blue crescent moon on a beloved brow came to mind as she looked around at them, seeing stripes, pointed ears, horns, tails. "All of them. But you have to. It's time you start living for yourselves, not for the past."
Inuyasha's ears flicked, swivelling in her direction as he looked slightly shocked.
"Adapt or die, is it?" Inukimi's words came low and solemn, looking through her. "I recall musing something similar at the burning Western Keep."
Kagome faltered, the energy around her dying down. "I hope your choice isn't the same as it was then..."
"Choice? My fate was decided for me, don't you recall?" She sneered, rising from her low table. "Foolish."
Watching the demoness pass by with a flow of silver, Kagome glanced at the inventory paperwork, feeling her shoulders fall.
The night of the fighting pit came around again. Kagome and Inuyasha sat in the same seats as before, her hands tightening into fists, honestly debating jumping in herself. At least it would free Sesshoumaru from responsibility and allow him time to collect himself.
Slowly, she inched from her seat to stand.
"Don't," firm fingers wrapped around her wrist, tugging her back.
Kagome glanced at General Kaito on her right. His back hair fell loose around his shoulders, dark eyes sharp.
"But General I-"
"It is not your fight," he rumbled.
Usually his tone would have riled her enough to disobey, but Kagome found herself weakening. She didn't know what to do. But there had to be something! Otherwise she'd be leaving without having helped at all, and that was the purpose of these jumps, right?
Feeling something brush her side, Kagome raised her head, looking at the blurry image of red and white. Scrubbing her eyes, she blinked up at Inuyasha, who had risen.
Words caught in her throat as Kagome watched him. The hanyou stared down at Sesshoumaru, who paced around the ring, snarling for a challenger. His roars echoed off the walls right into her bones.
Kagome's fingers latched onto his clothes before she'd realised it.
Solid, bold golden eyes slid down to her. Inuyasha's mouth tightened.
"...I gotta go, Kagome."
She stood, babbling immediately. "No you don't. What are you talking about?" She squeaked. "I-If you go and end up winning, you'll have to stay here."
Inuyasha stared back levelly.
Cold fear, sadness, confusion and panic erupted in her chest. "Please don't," she said quietly. "I-I don't know how far away from the Present we are. What if...what if we never see each other again!" Hysteria laced her voice and a few heads in the crowd turned. "I can't take that! You can't disappear from my life like Sango and Miroku! I need you, I-"
"Shut up already!"
Her shoulders were seized in a tight grip, and Inuyasha glared down at her. "That's enough. You don't damn need me!" The shout died in his throat, golden eyes dimming slightly. "C'mon. You haven't needed me for a long, long time."
Kagome trembled in his grip, rendered helpless, like that frightened 15-year old that had stumbled from the well all those years ago.
"Look, I get that you wanted me to stay in your Time. But it's...not where I'm meant to be. Least I don't feel that way. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful," he grumbled, eyes shadowed from his cap. "You and your family made a space for me. They're- you're good people. But I can't exactly fill a role there. I'm just a house guest."
"But you're n-"
"I said shaddap!" He cut her off, growling. His voice soon lowered again, the fight leaving him. "I can't protect them. But I can protect these guys. I was useless in that big battle at the Western Keep and I've felt shitty ever since. Sesshomaru's been leadin' our old man's people for years. They haven't ever accepted me but I can't just ignore em' anymore. And don't start whining. You're the reason I want to protect people in the first place. It's your fault I'm like this now," he grit his teeth, letting go slowly. "So just, remember your own damn goal. That's your future, right there," he said, pointing a clawed finger at Sesshoumaru in the pit. "So keep damn working towards it and quit looking to the past! I gotta...start working towards my own future now."
Tears rolled down her cheeks as she watched him take a step. Then another. And another, further and further away from her.
His shoulders were broad and strong. Back straight. He walked with purpose.
A harsh sensation, like that of a knee being rammed into her stomach, caused Kagome to bolt forward, burying her face in his thick hair. She clung to that strong back, wrapping her arms around him and trembling and sobbing. Because now she knew.
Even if Inuyasha lost this fight, he'd be staying the Past no matter what. And there was nothing she could do to change his mind. I don't want to lose anyone else. Inuyasha is supposed to be...supposed to be my rock.
A coarse palm, rough from years of scrapping, slid over her hand.
Her breathing hitched. The tears felt hot, thick and ceaseless.
"I would have died with Kikyo if it weren't for ya," he grumbled lowly. "I'd be in the netherworld embracing her. But instead, I've kept my life. So let me do something with it, Kagome." The waver in his voice strengthened until it was all she could hear in her ears.
Finally, finally, Kagome's hands fell.
His form immediately jumped into the pit, discarding Tetsusaiga and his cap. Sesshoumaru fell quiet, tail flicking out as he raised his head.
"I hear ya became pretty useless, bastard." Inuyasha taunted, rolling his shoulder as his ears twitched. "It's been a little while since our last proper fight. I'm in the right mind for it now, so let's go."
His smaller form leapt into the air, and Kagome gasped as Sesshoumaru met him with a crack of blazing with red energy. From within the haze, their bodies came flying out, the Daiyoukais transformed. His clothes looked less pristine than usual, skin ashen, something in his face looking tired, but focused on Inuyasha. He met every punch and kick with one of his own, tossing his brother into the ground. The Hanyou turned mid-air, landing on the balls of his feet and pushing off again to strike.
As they fought, Kagome felt a smaller hand wrap around her own. Frozen, she only sat down beside Shippo when tugged. The entire crowd watched silently, the air hanging heavy.
Harsh snarling and strikes of claws bounced off the walls.
Inuyasha picked himself up and threw himself into the wall that was Sesshoumaru again and again. Catching his fist, the Daiyoukai tugged on it with a deceptively small movement and Inuyasha lurched forward with his whole body, stumbling after the hand Sesshoumaru led him by like a puppet on strings. A classic taunting move.
Subverting this however, Inuyasha planted his foot down, using his free fist and striking. Sesshoumaru's head snapped to the side, gold eyes slightly wide. Inuyasha doesn't wait this time, following one punch with another without hesitation. Fists pummelled. Coarse knuckles split and ran raw as he unleashed the depth of his frustration at his own powerlessness. At change and Time.
For all his efforts, Sesshoumaru swayed on his feet, expression unreadable under the scrapes and bruises. Inuyasha panted, eyes having bled red, lips peeled back. Even feral, a part of him couldn't understand why. Why his formally proud, nightmarishly strong brother took it. Why he didn't answer with blazing anger. Inuyasha kept punching until ribs and bones cracked, Kagome's cry to stop halting his fist inches from Sesshoumaru's bruised and bloodied face.
Sesshoumaru's jaw moved, before he spat. Blood met the floor, soon joined by knees. The daiyoukai sank down, head bowing and limp hair sliding forward.
Inuyasha snarled with bloodlust, taking a few steps forward- until Tetsusaiga was shoved into his palm. Kagome looked at him searchingly, standing between the two as the Hanyou panted, gripping the sheath as his eyes wavered to gold once more.
Kaito and Shippo exhaled with relief.
Howls and shouts broke out into air, the wolves and foxes singing their praises. Even the other demons looked mildly impressed, but most were astonished.
Inuyasha panted harshly, looking up at them dazedly.
The roar of the crowd was lost on Kagome as she turned, words on the tip of her tongue, but Sesshoumaru had already picked himself up, leaving. Glancing at Inuyasha again, she bit her lip, wavering.
Inuyasha tsked, before bending down and retrieving his cap. He then placed it on her head and tugging it down so that she couldn't see his expression. "Go after him, ya idiot."
Feeling the pull of elastic in her gut that heralded Time's approach, she nodded mutely and turned on her heel, racing away.
Thank you, Inuyasha.
Hurrying out of the caves, the noises from behind her grew dimmer as she ran into the night air, holding back tears.
"Wait!" She called, breathless.
His figure was a pale spectre on the white sands, distant and padding further and further away. The sands cushioned her boots, feeling like they were pushing her back, but Kagome raced forward determindly, starting when the tide raced in, waves catching her feet.
The demon halted, and she knew he'd heard her this time. Felt her. But the elastic snapped, and Kagome cried out as the waters turned pink. Her body sank under the waves, feeling the current lash at her clothes and hair as water closed over her head.
Squeezing her eyes shut, Kagome struggled and fought. It was the same as all the other jumps. She'd resist and the waters would pull her quicker and harsher away, stealing her breath. Even as she panicked, the miko forced herself to become still.
To try and think. To reject Time without resisting.
Lungs protested, spouting fire into her throat and tearing her mouth open. Salt flooded in, and she choaked, kicking her legs to push herself up.
She broke the surface a moment later, sucking in gulps of air.
Feeling the tide lull her once more, Kagome opened her eyes. The exact same shore awaited her, and hope fluttered in her heart.
The changed position of the sun revealed she had time-travelled, but how far she didn't know. A warm orange sunset bathed everything in a soft glow, catching on fur. Kicking her legs, Kagome swam for the beach, noticing the tell-tale silver.
Wading out of the water and kicking off her boots, she padded wet foot-prints on the sand, feeling it crunch beneath her toes.
Approaching his sleeping form, she sat down beside the Daiyoukai, taking off Inyasha's cap and wringing the droplets from her hair.
"One good thing about short hair; it sure dries quicker," she smiled, panting.
One red eye peeled open. Sesshoumaru's head remained on his paws, unmoving. Kagome felt saddened to see his melancholy hadn't improved much, but at least he was out in the sun. Looking out at the ocean, she exhaled. I can't believe I was able to come back like this. I-I know in the grand scheme of things this jump might not matter but-
A weight settled on her thighs. Sesshoumaru rested his head down, letting out a long sigh. Kagome blinked down, softening and placing her hand on the crescent moon. Slowly, her thumb grazed the mark, dragging over blue fur.
"Time wanted me to go home but I came right back here. I don't know how long it's been since Inuyasha won, but you don't have to force yourself to heal quickly. Just take your time. I'm sorry if I made you feel...inadequate or something, I was just worried. But I...think I need to apologise to your mom too."
Between one moment and the next, fur disappeared under her fingertips, red steam leaking out from around his form. Smooth skin replaced it, and Kagome smiled slightly. Looking at his handsome face, her thumb automatically stroked the bridge of his nose. Her other hand combed through his bangs, a kind of peace settling over them. Soon however, an idea took hold.
"Do you have one of those pipe things your mom has?" Kagome asked randomly. This time a golden eye cracked open.
"Hn," he opened his juban, parting the silks to reach in and bring out a pipe.
After lighting it, Kagome brought it to her lips and took a drag- bursting into a coughing fit. The bitter taste brought tears to her eyes. Placing her hand on her chest, she blinked rapidly, glancing at Sesshoumaru's perplexed expression.
"I'm trying something, leave me alone," she snipped.
Giving it another go, she managed to exhale the smoke somewhat smoothly this time. Reiki hummed over her skin, and she tried her best to put the image she wanted into the smoke merely by thinking it. She sighed when nothing happened.
"You are doing it wrong," Sesshoumaru croaked, as though unused to using his voice. Sitting up and taking the pipe from her, he tapped the ornate carvings. "You are focusing your powers externally, which is defensive." He said, silken tones returning the more he spoke. "But for this, you must push them back down so that they flow internally. That way, the power will come out on your breath when you exhale."
"O-oh, usually I pull the reiki out of me and concentrate it to my hands to lace with my arrows. So, I have to somehow keep it contained inside me? I've never thought of using it that way. Demons are pretty impressive," she smiled.
Sesshoumaru said nothing, watching as she centered herself. Activating her powers, Kagome fought tooth and nail against the impulse to raise the energy to her skin. Taking another drag, she exhaled unsteadily, seeing the faint pink sparks flow out in the smoke.
"It worked!" Kagome grinned at him, sobered by the way he stared at her tiredly. Her heart squeezed, and the smile on her face fell a little. Even depressed and worn down, he still had the patience to teach her. You're kinder than you give yourself credit for.
Doing it again, this time Kagome pictured a face. The smoke flowed out, collecting into an image. It took a few attempts, but soon enough a gentle, masculine face smiled back at them in the smoke.
"...I do not know him," he muttered.
"Mhm, that's my Papa," she smiled gently, passing the pipe back to him. "He died a long time ago."
Sesshoumaru rose a brow at her expectant face, before he glanced away and closed his mouth over the pipe. Tilting his chin up, he exhaled, smoke producing three inuyoukai's that danced and chased one another in the air, before curling into an image.
"Show off," she teased.
His lips curved slightly even as the wraiths of thick air cleared. A demon with a strong jaw and bushy brows stared back at them.
"Your Father?" Kagome guessed, seeing the resemblance.
The pipe was passed back to her, and Kagome felt pleased he seemed to understand her intention without words. Creating another smoke piece, Grandpa smiled back.
For Sesshoumaru's turn, he exhaled Bokuseno, which made her shoulders fall.
Next for her came kindly Kaede.
For him, bossy, proud Jaken.
Sango and Miroku followed.
Demons she didn't know came from his breath but she could tell from their armour they were of his House.
She exhaled Edo, the village as she'd known it.
He, the House of the West.
When he went to pass her the pipe again, Kagome's hand pressed it gently back to him. Tears swam in her eyes, but she squeezed his fingers, waiting.
Sesshoumaru hesitated, gaze dimming. He then haltingly brought the pipe to his lips and exhaled shakily.
Kagome gazed up at the image of Rin, the smoke curling to give her hair playful whisps. The grey wraiths couldn't help but flow into beautiful blooming flowers to adorn her image.
Seeing movement out of the corner of her eye, Kagome noticed his head had bowed, form shaking slightly.
Sliding her arms around him and tugging slightly, Kagome braced herself against his sudden weight as the Daiyoukai drooped into her, resting his forehead in the crook of her neck. She smoothed her hands over the plains of his back, murmuring soft comforts.
"It's alright," she soothed. "It's okay."
He didn't make a sound, but something wetted her skin, and Kagome gathered him closer. Sesshoumaru did not mourn loudly, and there was more going on than simple grief. So, when the tremors subsided, Kagome kissed his neck and touched his torso, sliding the material of his clothes back from his shoulders. He wore no armour so it parted easily.
His once almost pristine body held multiple scars now, as she'd suspected. They'd carried over from his True Form no doubt.
Patient hands slid over lean muscle, touching the damaged flesh. Sesshoumaru kept his head on her shoulder for a moment, before lifting it. Those weathered gold eyes shifted over her face, leaning to rest his lips against the side of her head, inhaling her scent.
The ageless tiredness of his body relaxed as she slid her hands over him, stroking, trying to soothe. Kagome touched every scar available and bent to kiss them, until they lapsed into simply laying and holding one another on the beach. Sharp claws combed through her short hair with vague confusion, so she held his face in her hands and kissed him again as assurance, shifting on the sand.
Soon, the tide swept in, waves rising up to claim the lovers in its embrace.
Answering quiet laughter joined the crash of surf on the rocks.
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getoutofthewater · 5 years
@dbhrarepairs Friday Day 5: Unexpected Rescue
Rating:  T
Warnings: None
Words: 4,101 [AO3 Link]
Notes:  Sailor!Tina / Mermaid!Chloe AU
To say that nobody had wanted her to do this was an understatement; her father had told her that if she went and did such a thing he didn’t want her to shadow the step of his house ever again, while her mother and sister cried. Tina felt very sorry for them, especially for Amy. Her younger sister had been the perfect child to their parents, always did what she was told to, even when she was told to marry some buffoon only because it was a good match to push forward their Dad’s trading business.
Their Dad had gone to Tina first, being the eldest, but Tina had put her foot down on that, and her father had too much sense to push it, let’s his eldest daughter offend the head of the Wang family and ruin the professional and personal bonds he and his wife had been cultivating so carefully for years
“Anyhow” Mrs. Chen had told her husband “Amy is prettier, younger and a better cook, Enjie Wang really should be glad you are offering her hand to his son, Yifei looks like a diseased penguin”
Amy had married the diseased penguin, but who had helped her sister through her very frightful first pregnancy? Who had held her during her morning sickness, and gone to the shops no matter how late because she wanted something to make her feel better, it had been Tina.
Yifei, had done nothing, he never did anything around the house (not even watch after the children), just like their father; while Amy wasted away with pregnancy after pregnancy, and Tina did the chores (cooking, laundry, cleaning) none of it was good enough for their father and Amy’s husband however.
Tina had no intention of staying around, when Gavin had told her he was going to go work in the docks, with the hopes of being a sailor, she’d envied him so much. Why could he go and have adventures while she had to stay home? Where her parents expected her to marry some other selfish, ugly man Tina would have to have ugly children for and pick up after him just as if he were another child, one she’d never be able to get rid of until she grew old, tired and bitter and she outlived him out of spite.
She’d told Gavin she wanted to go with him, she could do anything he could do. He hadn’t laughed at her, as anyone else would have done, or screamed at her, as her father would do.
“You watch my back, I watch yours, Chen!” Gavin said with a smirk
She’d told her father she wanted to live with Gavin at the docks, because she was a truthful daughter if nothing else. Her parent’s first thought went to her virtue, which was never safer than when she was with Gavin, since Gavin didn’t look at women that way, and Tina didn’t ever notice men more than she was forced to; the fact that Gavin was the saving grace of the sex in her life seemed to point at some really great flaw within the entire human race.
“I’m not eloping with Gavin” Tina said “I want to work at the docks with him!”
That’s when her father had told her if she did such a thing she didn’t have to bother coming back, and so she hadn’t.
At first she pretended to be a man, Gavin cut her hair, got her clothes she fixed to fit to her short height by herself, William Tayloring it all around the place had been easy enough, until they were expected to live all on top of each other like the rats in the ship with the other seamen, still they had gone almost two years like that until she’d been discovered and taken to the Captain. Gavin barked so much about it he’d been taken with her, an accomplice, when he could have just kept quiet and wash his hand off her mess.
“You can’t sack us you dick!” Gavin was shouting as soon as they entered the Captain’s cabin “Chen and I do more for this piece of crap ship than 10 of those other useless pricks”
“Yeah!” Tina said, although she wasn’t in any way a jaw-me-down like Gavin was, they had to pull together right now “I have been doing everything Gavin has for years, why can’t women be sailors too?”
“Most seamen are superstitious men” One of the High Officials said to her, his pale blue eyes cold and steely “Women in ships are bad luck, they anger the sea gods, they say”
“The figurehead of the ship is a woman!” Tina argued
“A topless woman can appease the seas“ Master Allen said matter of factly
“I wonder who made that up!” Tina said, not that Tina didn’t enjoy looking at the beautiful, full figure and ample bosom of the figurehead, but her point still stood “And unless you think sea gods are as easily tricked as mortal men, they haven’t seem to mind me being here”
“Having the crew be… distracted would be dangerous in itself, on top of any superstitious hysteria she may cause” Master Allen was really Tina’s least favourite crew member
“Who would be distracted by Chen?” Gavin said in honest disbelief “Look at her! If there’s a girl less like that figurehead it’s her”
“Yeah!” Tina agreed
“Am I to understand there’s nothing between the two of you?” Captain Fowler inquired
“For fucks sake!”
“Over my dead body, disgusting!”
Gavin and Tina said looking at each other like they had not seen anything more repugnant in their lives
“And it’s not like I want anything from any of the rest of them either,” Tina said firmly “I have seen them in the nude and throwing up and pooping, the smell of the sleeping quarters is something else, They have showed me some pretty nasty stuff, rashes and boils in their, you know, ‘roosters’”
“Miss Chen!” Allen said in a tone that perfectly replicated that of Tina’s mother
“I feel sorry for all their wives, quite frankly,” Tina continued “and by the way, I think Kayes should really be seen by the doctor”
“Ugh, yeah, what the fuck’s that” Gavin added “eggs or what?”
“Right?” Tina said “I swear I saw them move”
One of the officials laughed, a warm, fatherly laugh “Jeffrey, I never took you for a superstitious man” he said with familiarity
“All sailors are superstitious, Hank”
“I say we take a shot at it,” Hank Anderson insisted “It’s true that Chen has been doing an excellent job, I would be really sorry to lose her, I have had my eye on both Chen and Reed for a while”
“What if the men get rowdy over her?” Allen said
“We throw them overboard” Anderson said with a shrug, “Just as we would if anyone tried to harm a fellow seaman, wouldn’t we, Fowler?”
“That’s sounds sensible,” Captain Fowler said, while Allen looked as if he had just drank something really sour “These two are your problem now, Anderson” the Captain said dismissing them with a gesture of his hand
“Out of here, then” Anderson said to them “You have work to do… I’ll send our good doctor to see Kayes too”
“And I better not hear you calling my ship a piece of crap again, Reed” Captain Fowler added “Or I’ll be throwing you overboard personally”
“Captain” Gavin said with a nod
“We’ll make the Chicken Feed proud, Captain Fowler!” Tina said as they left the Captain’s cabin
“How drunk was I exactly when I took on your suggestion for the ship’s name, Hank?” the Captain said sorrowfully  
Tina heard Lieutenant’s Anderson’s laugh and felt like she could conquer the world,
“We’ll make the Chicken Feed proud” Gavin mocked her “Always the teacher’s pet, Chen”
“Shut up, Reed” She said bumping against his side.
Her fellow seamen took it better than expected, some apparently with extreme relief. She slept just as usual with Gavin right by her side and if anyone held any sort of resentment or ill will towards her they kept it to themselves. Nothing changed really, except she felt lighter being able to go about her duties as herself, not having a secret to hide, she felt she really could serve in the ranks of the Chicken Feed until her final days.
That good will among her fellow mates lasted only one week, when their ship found herself near huge chunks of ice, they hadn’t been expecting that, nor the stormy clouds that seemed to close over them as if attracted to the ship, the men looked darkly at her then, as if all of it was somehow her fault.
“You okay, Chen” Miller asked
“Yes, of course!” Tina said confidently “Why wouldn’t I be?”
Chris was a gentleman and as such he now worried over her, but Tina didn’t hold it against him, he really had done so even when he thought she was a guy, always trying to help her just because she was smaller than the rest, ‘Don’t try to prove yourself just because some of them are assholes, alright?’ he’d told her with the tone of an older brother ‘the sea is dangerous and unforgiving, better alive than dead on some stupid dare’
Chris smiled at her with that same older brother warmth now “We’ll weather the storm and everyone will forget about silly superstitions, I for one wouldn’t have anyone else by my side than you and Reed, if things are going to get a bit ugly”
And they did get ugly, the storm hit them close to midnight, the waves the biggest and angriest Tina had seen in all her travels yet
“Chen! The sails!” Lieutenant Anderson shouted at her,
She nodded and went deftly up the mainmast. She was the lithest of the crew, she was always sent up the mast because she was the fastest and most agile, she could get it done in half the time of anyone else on the ship. She climbed just as usual, not expecting the wind to be this strong and cold. Somehow her numb hands slipped off the rope, she lost her footing, and the next thing she knew was that she was falling, she didn’t hear anything, only the air rush deafening her ears, something hit her and then she was in the water.
Her first instinct on hitting the cold icy sea was to breathe in, she was in pain, and the blow of the waves had hurt more than whatever part of the ship her body had collided with. She was drowning and she couldn’t tell up from down to get to the surface. Nice legacy this was going to be, she thought vaguely, she was shutting this line of work for women everywhere. Tina Chen would go down in the archives as one of the women that confirmed sailing with the fairer sex on board was a cursed endeavor.
Something tugged down at her leg, dragging her even deeper into the water, Tina turned wildly in the dark sea trying to see as the last bubbles of oxygen went out of her lungs; was it something that had gotten tangled with her leg when she fell? Was it a sea creature? But what she saw made no sense.
There was a girl, the loveliest girl Tina had ever seen, she’d never seen anyone that beautiful not even in paintings. The girl’s silky, blonde hair floated around her, her skin was almost translucent, and her blue eyes twinkled like stars made of the clearest aquamarine. It seemed like Tina’s brain really knew what she’d want to see last before everything went dark forever.
Their eyes locked for a moment, and the girl seemed to gasp in surprise, at least that was her expression, Tina couldn’t hear anything but the water in her ears. The girl let go of her leg swimming upwards to grab Tina by her shoulder instead. Only then did Tina notice the fish tail.
Tina’s head broke the surface of the wild sea; she coughed and gasped for air, breathing in half air and half sea water from the stormy waves, only managing to steady herself enough thanks to the girl… fish… mermaid creature.
“Tina!” She heard Gavin’s voice calling for her and was surprised at how distant and faint it was; the sea had already taken her hopelessly far away from the ship.
“What in the world are you doing, Chloe?” said the beautiful but angry voice of a redheaded woman breaking the surface near them “Just drown him already!”
“What’s all this fuss about” Another just as equally beautiful woman asked, wet blue hair cascading down her shoulders, and the next second yet another appeared behind her, wrapping her arms lovingly and lazily around the shoulders of the bluehaired one, Tina wondered if she was actually dead and in heaven, it felt suspiciously cold and painful, but other than that, being surrounded by beautiful women was very much her idea of otherworldly bliss, nevermind the fish tails
“I’m starving!” the newcomer said “why is our dinner still breathing?”
“That’s just what I was asking, Chloe” the redhead said reproachfully
“North, look at her,” Chloe said, “she’s not  a man” she still held on to Tina with a grasp that hurt but Tina appreciated, it was only because of that she wasn’t being thrown around by the waves like a rag doll
“Don’t be ridiculous, men keep women away from the sea, at least living ones” North said, swimming closer to Tina, taking her face and turning it this way and that, not in any way gently. North whistled “Would you look at that, you really aren’t a man”
“Of course I’m not” Tina said, sounding much less firm than she did in her head; that with her teeth chattering because of the cold and the coughing because she kept breathing water in
“Did they hurt you?” Chloe said with concern “Did they throw you off on purpose?”
“That’s what happened to me and Kara” the third mermaid said with sympathy “We were pretending to be men to be at sea, and they found us out, hurt us, pushed us overboard, we drowned though”
“Is that what happened to me? Did I drown?” Tina asked incoherently, because she was honestly losing it a little
Chloe laughed “Don’t be silly! I got you, didn’t I!”
“Do you want to go back to the ship?” The bluehaired woman asked comfortingly
Tina nodded “Yes of course, my friends will be worried about me”
North Scoffed “We aren’t taking her back right now; it’s dangerous to be in the surface with this much ice and the storm. Chloe, you take her down to the caves.” She ordered “Echo, Ripple and I will see if we can actually get some dinner tonight”
“I hope so!” Echo said, “I was so excited when she fell, fish is getting boring you know”
“My friends are on that ship” Tina said, she’d heard the word ‘dinner’ quite clearly this time  
“Men are no friends of ours” North said savagely and disappeared with the other two
Tina moved as if she were going to try to swim after them, get to the ship to make sure they didn’t hurt any of her friends but Chloe hold on to her
“Let’s hope none of your friends fall overboard” Chloe said, “You should take a very deep breath now”
Tina obeyed the best she could, and Chloe pulled her back into the sea with incredible speed. Tina closed her eyes to protect them, she was running painfully out of air when she felt herself breaking the surface again, she spluttered and coughed and took big gasps of air before she could see around her.
She was inside a pond in a big cave, her coughing echoed in it, and moonlight beams broke in from somewhere above, while the sea wind made strange, moaning, sorrowful sounds going through what Tina supposed were small tunnels all around her, none big enough for a person she guessed, but big enough to give her air to breath. The moonlight told her they were far away from the storm.
“You’ll be safe here” Chloe said “You can get dry, change your clothes, we have a ton of those!” Chloe added excitedly
Tina got herself on the rock, when her eyes adjusted to the dim light she saw Chloe was absolutely right, there were piles of clothes, men clothes, seamen clothes, all crunchy with unwashed, dried up sea salt. Tina changed hurriedly, piling up coat upon coat to warm herself, trying not to think who they had belonged to, and how they had ended up here. There were some trinkets in the pockets as well, some pocket watches, one or two spyglasses, a flasks, she tried her luck with that last one, gingerly at first, and then in one or two big gulps to help her body warm up.  
Once Tina felt like she wasn’t one minute away from dying, she turned to look at the mermaid creature, half expecting her to be gone, like a fever dream, but she was still there, sitting on the rock, humming to herself and splashing her fish tail in the water. Tina was struck again by how breathtakingly beautiful she was, the mermaid turned her head and Tina was caught staring.
“Are you warm now?” Chloe asked “If I remember right, humans are much more delicate when it comes to that”
“I’m fine, thank you” Tina said blushing, coming closer to her, slowly, cautiously, the mermaid laughed at this
“You aren’t afraid of me, are you?!”
“I– I don’t know” Tina said honestly “I’d never thought I’d see anything like you, I mean I had in story books, but never thought– You are very beautiful” Tina spluttered  
“Thank you very much” Chloe said prettily, just as if she were a lady in a tearoom, “I think you are very lovely yourself, how come you are a sailor? Are men coming to their senses at last?” Chloe asked
Tina smiled ruefully “I’m afraid not, it’s just like your friend said, I was pretending to be a man and then was found out”
“Did they hurt you?” Chloe asked again
“Not at all, they were willing to give me a chance, and then I fell overboard”
“Don’t worry” Chloe said “I’ll give you back as soon as the storm passes”
“How about you?” Tina said, not even knowing what to ask
“I don’t really remember” Chloe said tilting her head pensively “I think… I think… someone shoot me in the head, right here” she said pressing one of her pretty fingers softly to the center of Tina’s forehead
“That’s awful” Tina said, her eyes wide
“Isn’t it” Chloe agreed “I remember it like an almost forgotten dream, I don’t remember why, I remember… being sad, feeling…. betrayed?” she said with a faint frown on her pretty face “but then I woke up, and I was this, and I was with my sisters and nothing was ugly or painful anymore,”
Tina felt her face grow hot with anger, feeling furious at whomever had hurt Chloe in the past. This girl that was so petite, lovely and sweet, but knowing the world maybe she had been hurt precisely because of that.
“Oh! That’s an ugly, angry expression, it doesn’t suit you” Chloe said, fluttering her fingers over Tina’s face. “What happened to me was a very, very long time ago,” Chloe continued “I may not look it but I’m about the oldest of them” Chloe said proudly “I think only Amanda is older than me, but she’s really ancient, very wise. The newer they are the more clearly they remember, that’s why North is so angry all the time”
“I’m sorry– I wish I had been there to rescue you, just like you rescued me” Tina said lamely, feeling sick
“Thank you” Chloe said, leaning her head against Tina’s shoulder “You are the first ever to say something like that to me”
Chloe asked her to tell her stories about the things she’d seen and Tina complied, she didn’t know when she had fallen asleep, but when she woke up she was still in the cave, lying near the water, with Chloe cuddled up to her, only the very end of her fish tail still touching the water. Tina looked at her sleeping face, all cream and roses, Chloe opened her eyes then, smiled, and Tina leaned down to give her a light kiss. Chloe pulled her closer.
“I wish I could stay” Tina said once they broke apart. She felt almost as breathless as she had in the sea, but in a much more delicious and lovely way.
“Then my efforts saving you would be completely wasted” Chloe said, splashing water with her tail “And I will not have that, no m’am! A female sailor is too valuable for me to selfishly keep all to myself, no matter how much I’d like to”
Tina smiled, cupping Chloe’s face with her hand, when Echo broke the surface of the pond
“Oops!” She said playfully “Am I interrupting?”
“Certainly, you are!” Chloe said in the same playful tone splashing water to her
“Sorry, it was that or risking North’s wrath” Echo said “She says we can take you to your ship now, the storm is over” she disappeared under the water as suddenly as she had arrived
Tina didn’t want to say goodbye to Chloe, but she also knew she couldn’t stay. She got into the cold water gasping, Chloe threw her arms around her neck
“You know what the best part of being a sailor is?” Chloe asked with a lovely smile
“What?” Tina said bumping her nose against hers
“I’ll tell you later” Chloe replied playfully “Ready?”
Tina nodded taking her deep breath
Chloe swam slower, letting Tina look around the depths of the now calm sea, they took a few breaks for Tina to breath, but only a few. The sea may be calmer but it was just as cold, soon enough there was the ship right above them; Chloe cupped Tina’s face with both her hands and gave her the sweetest kiss, salt and bubbles, before letting Tina float to the surface as she herself sank deeper into the water.
“Hey!” Tina called out breathlessly once she was in the surface “Hey!!”
“By old Nick and all his ungodly demons,” Kayes shouted “It’s Chen!”
“Someone fetch Reed and Lieutenant Anderson!!” Chris was shouting as he and Kayes threw her a rope
She climbed it easily, and before she knew it she was being crushed in Gavin’s bear hug
“Fuck you, Chen” Gavin said
“Where were you? Did you hold on to the ship?” Chris asked with awed curiosity
“Impossible, I would have fucking seen her” Gavin rebuked him, they had had to restrain him for him not to jump into the water  
“A lady doesn’t kiss at tell, Miller” She said with a wide smile, as Anderson put a coat over her shoulders
“Let’s warm you up, Chen” Anderson said leading her away from all the other awed seamen
“You have to tell me” Gavin said “I saw some shit that night you won’t believe, I thought I was fucking losing it!”
“Mermaids?” Tina whispered to him and chuckled at the look on his face.
“Your clothes are looking very particular, son” Old Collins said, he’d kept on calling her son even after her secret had been revealed “Looks like something my grandfather used to wear”
Nobody on the Chicken Feed ever dared question Tina’s right to belong on board again, she had swam her way back from the very jaws of the unruly, freezing waves, you didn’t mess around with someone so in cahoots with the strangeness of the sea.
 “What’s the best thing about being a sailor? –”
Tina asked Chloe, many, many, many years later. After Tina had been the Master of Captain Reed’s Ship for decades, after her hair had become the color of sea foam instead of its original coal; when her routine disappearances from the ship were starting to become the stuff of legends, never confirmed but much believed  – “In the middle of the sea, puff! She wouldn’t be anywhere” They’d say for as long as anyone who met her lived “by my word Master Chen was a sea witch!”–
“ – You never told me”
“Why, silly!” Her lovely mermaid wife laughed “They marry the sea!”      
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huntertales · 5 years
Part One: Don’t Be a Bitch. (Man’s Best Friend With Benefits S08E15)
Episode Summary: A police offer, who turned to witchcraft after working a case with Sam and Dean, is plagued with nightmares in which he murders innocent people. It's up to the Winchesters and the reader to find out of if someone is controlling him, or he's the one doing the killings himself. Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader. Word Count: 5,342.
Previous Part | Supernatural Rewrite Masterlist
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Arguments were nothing new for the Winchester boys; there was always something quietly bubbling to the surface that lead to countless fights whenever it boiled over. You tuned them out most of the time until things turned nasty and they tried to go below the belt. While you were trying to catch up on sleep during the ride to your next and unexpected hunt, you were woken up to the sounds of them going on about something. You tried your hardest to ignore them for long as possible, but from they were starting to really go at it, it sounded important. It wasn't about any of the usual subjects that caused a wedge between them. When you grew tired of their arguing and asked them what possibly could have been causing their disagreement, their reasoning made you want to haul off and smack them.
You told them to put a cork in it if they knew what was good for them when you saw the motel you booked for the next few nights come into view. You gotten a moment's peace when you got the keys to your rooms that you had every intention of crashing onto the bed after you took a hot shower. You were already missing the comfort of your own bed. You were exhausted and still in recovery mode after doing the first trial, being pregnant and still dealing with the lingering effects of morning sickness wasn’t helping you, either. But you weren't going to miss out hunts. There was no way you were going to let the boys think you couldn’t handle both.
“This has to be one of the stupidest things I've heard you to argue about. And I’ve heard a lot of crap over the years.” You stepped out from the backseat of the Impala and grabbed your bag by the strap to pull it out and dangle by your side. The boys followed suit, wanting to keep this thing going after you warned them to drop it. “They were a bunch of grown men that poked each other in the eyes and couldn't go five seconds without accidentally hitting one another with something. Nothing about them were funny. They all acted the same."
“See, that’s where you’re wrong. They’re comedy gold. Even to this day their work is a classic.” Dean tried to defend the conversation him and his brother had been going on about. You rolled your eyes in annoyance from how hard he was trying to make sound more important than it was. “But it’s all about who the funniest one is. And Sammy, of all the the lame-ass things he’s ever said, has proven himself that what just came out of his mouth is the lame-assiest.”
“I’m sorry,” Sam said. He grabbed his bag from the backseat while you were making your way to your room, getting a head start while the boys were left to continue on with this stupid argument. “but I happen to think that Shemp was a funnier Stooge than Curly.”  
“Curly was a freaking genius!” Dean continued to defend the Stooge he thought was funnier.
Sam shrugged his shoulders, “I always found Curly’s work a bit obvious.”
“It’s supposed to be obvious, man.�� Dean said. “They’re Stooges.”
You unlocked the door to your motel room and stepped inside, departing ways with the younger Winchester after he made his own room that was right next to yours. You flipped on the light switch to the two star room that was going to be your home away from home over the next how many days that you were going to be here. All though motels were almost the only thing close to a roof over your head that wasn’t on wheels for years after you started hunting, you had gotten so used to the bunker over these past few weeks that you were starting to get home sick.
Nevertheless, a bed was a bed. And for someone who was exhausted, seeing the queen size mattress was the best thing to be greeted with after the long drive you had. Heading over, you set your bag down on the bed while Dean shut the door behind him, giving the both of you privacy. You unzipped the bag and began to rummage through your belongings until you found a bottle of prenatal vitamins buried in the bottom on top of all your clothing you accidentally forgot to take this morning before you left for the day’s long drive.
“So, are we calling James tonight?” You asked, wondering what the plan was.
“No. I’ll just call him tomorrow. The drive was a bitch.” Dean muttered. You hummed in agreement and twisted off the cap to the bottle, shaking out one pill and dropping it into the palm of your hand. As you were about to dry swallow the pill, you felt a smile grow at the ends of your lips when you felt an arm snake around your waist and your back pressed against his body. You felt his hand was resting on top of your stomach, a part of your body he seemed to be obsessed with over the past few days. "I want to spend tonight with the both of you.”
It’d only been a few days since you told Dean that he was going to be a father and he had been handling it better than you thought he was going to...after the mishap. You gained control of the situation when he felt himself spiraling down a path that was all too common, thinking it was his job to do the trials that had only one outcome. But you beat him to it. And while he didn't like what you had done, he was getting his revenge on you by watching you like a hawk. He was going to make sure everything went smoothly for you and the baby. And you knew he was keeping an eye out for any excuse to pull you back on the sidelines and do the trials.
While Dean was wrapping his head around everything that was happening, he didn't understand how he was left in the dark for so long. Sam figured it out a few weeks after you did, and wasted no time in confronting you about it. You managed to conceal the morning sickness best as possible and blamed it on a stomach bug here and there. But it was the other red flags that he never caught on to from how you ditched alcohol and avoided caffeine. Your mood swings and sudden disgust for certain smells of food that ended with you making up some lie that you were going vegetarian. Dean guessed he was gonna have to make some changes for himself.
“I wonder what he wanted.” You thought out loud as to the reason why all of you were called here in the first place.
“Well, his text said that he needed help.” Dean said. “He’s a cop. I figured it was work-related.”
"Yeah, well, Sam says you owe him. You met him all the way back in '09 or something?” You tried to remember what the younger Winchester had told you about how he met this James after you asked about him. “All I know it was when we weren't hunting together.”
“The guy saved our lives once, sweetheart.” Dean said. He had been against the hunt ever since he got the text and made the mistake of mentioning it to you and his brother. He thought he could have Sam take a solo hunt, but you dug your nails into the hunt and offered up the idea that it wouldn't hurt to look into. "I mean, it's not like the guy—"
“Saved your life?” You finished the man's sentence you had a feeling where it was leading to. You raised your brow slightly and smiled when you waited for him to try and correct you, his tongue pressing against his cheek made him realize how he backed himself into a corner here. "Come on. It's good karma."
"Yeah. Something like that. I'm gonna go for a beer run. You need anything?" Dean offered up to get anything you might need while away from home. “Feeling any cravings again? You want me to pick up a jar of pickles and a pint of ice cream? Heard that's what pregnant women like."
“First off, gross. That’s a total stereotype.” You said. You felt your nose scrunch up slightly at the thought of enjoying two foods that you enjoyed together in a combination of taste that even just the thought of was making your stomach feel uneasy. “And second, weird cravings don’t start for another few weeks. I heard they show up around the fourth month.”
"Really? Because this morning I caught you eating Cheetos and strawberry yogurt in bed." Dean said. You slowly drifted your gaze away from him, pretending not to know what he was talking about "And you seemed to be enjoying yourself, considering you went through half of a family sized bag and two containers of yogurt."
"I was craving something cheesy and a little bit sweet. Oh! You know what I could totally go for right now? Cherry pie—with canned whip cream." You found yourself becoming tempted to indulge in another craving while you and Dean talked about food. All though you hated the smell of any kind of meat, which meant he was going to miss out on bacon cheeseburgers, you found yourself growing a stronger sweet tooth. And a desire to have Dean's favorite dessert. You softly patted your stomach. "What baby wants, baby gets."
"Cherry pie, coming right up. Is there anything else the baby wants? Maybe some ice cream? Some more rest? Possibly heading back to the bunker and let Sam handle this one? Dean turned the conversation back around to the one you had right before you left. You rolled your eyes in frustration and told him for what felt to be the thousandth time that you were fine. Dean wasn't convinced. “You sure? 'Cause you did just gank a hell hound, which is no slice of pie, and there is a minefield of who knows what crap ahead. Just want to make sure that you are okay...considering the fact that you've got an extra passenger along for the ride."
You felt your nails digging into the fabric of the shirt you pulled out from the bag from the subtle way he was speaking to you. You forced yourself to inhale a deep breath and exhale all the rush of anger you felt from the way Dean was treating you. Turning your head, you forced your lips to stretch into a convincing smile. “I know. They’ve been along with me for the past few months on every hunt, too. And they’re still going strong.”
"I know. I just want you to know that the option of us finding another devil dog is still on the table." Dean thought he was smooth about trying to persuade to change your mind about doing the trials. but it was only making you more pissed off. You scoffed and placed a hand on your hip, at least letting him entertain the thought before shutting him down. "You tag out. I could snuff the son of a bitch. Mom and baby are okay.”
"Dean, for the last time—I'm pregnant, not helpless. I know what I'm doing. Like I told Sam after he found out, I've went up against a lot of monsters and we're still going strong. There's nothing stopping me from completing the trials and having this child.” You said. You were trying to say just about anything to get Dean to understand that you were more than capable of doing this, if he eased up on the constant need to be in control than he would see. “Besides, Kevin doesn't even know what the next trial is yet. I know you're worried. And you have every right to be. But...relax. The baby and I are safe. We’ll be ready.”
Dean wanted so hard to let himself believe that you were capable of doing this, it was the fact that you were carrying his child and in such a compromising position that was making him tense. But it was more than just that. You knew it was, “It took Kevin a while to figure out the first trial. What happens if he figures it out and you’re...” Dean made a gesture with his hand, waving it in a slightly curved angle. You furrowed your brow slightly from what he was trying to do. “Starting to show more? You just gonna do it no problemo?”
“Fine. I’ll make a deal with you. Kevin doesn’t figure out the next trial by the time the fifth month rolls around, I will happily let you take over and do this.” You said, giving into the man’s paranoia. You saw the ends of Dean’s lips dare so twitch into a little victorious smirk. But you weren’t done bargaining. “If you agree that you won’t pull that whole kamikaze crap again.”
“I told you I was in this with you. With everything.” Dean said. You narrowed your eyes slightly on him, knowing there wasn’t complete truth. He inhaled a deep breath and thought about the little deal. There was a chance that this might work out in his favor. It took Kevin a while to even figure out the first trial. Dean only needed a little over a month, or at least for you to come to senses about all of this was a bad idea. “All right. Deal.”
“Okay, Winchester. If we don’t hear anything by April than we find ourselves another little doggy for you to play with.” You said. You knew you were risking the once chance at doing something that would do the world a favor, to make sure your child had a life that wasn’t like yours. Dean was more than capable of doing this, but you needed to be the one who did it. For reasons that he would never understand. “Just try not to miss like you did last time. I would hate to save your ass again.”
Dean found himself stopping in his tracks at your subtle remark. He looked over his shoulder to see you give him a smile, your snarky personality was enough to show him you were in fact good health. You made sure to remind him not to forget the pie before he headed out to the convenience store a few minutes away. You grabbed a pair of pajama bottoms and a shirt from your bag, deciding to treat yourself to a hot shower.
As you were gathering up your belonging and shower essentials, you found yourself quietly humming to fill the silence. You headed to the bathroom and were only a few steps away, until you heard something...odd. You stopped humming and stood still for a moment to see if you might be able to hear the noise again. It was coming from the motel door. And it sounded like someone was scratching their nails on the wood. You felt your breathing stop for a second when you swore it sounded like dog nails clawing at your door.
Could it be...? But how? You were hidden from all demons and hell hounds from the hex bags you carried for for an extra precaution. There was no way Crowley knew where you were at this very second, and there was no way he'd try to send another one of his dogs your way after what you did.. And wouldn't the hound break down the door down without a second? Unless it was taunting you, wanting you to get scared for a second before brushing it off. Sure, Crowley didn't like to get his hands dirty and rather send a demon to do his bidding. Unless it was a matter that had to do with something about shutting him into the pit for good. Maybe that might be a good excuse to get off his ass. You dropped your clothes to the bed and grabbed the demon knife.
Heading over to the door, you slowly turned back the lock and twisted the handle, all before cracking open the door just the slightest. You tightened your grip around the handle of the knife and peered out to see what was making the noise. Nobody human was standing on the sidewalk, neither was it a hell hound. But it was a pooch. You felt yourself letting out a sigh of relief when a doberman pinscher was sitting on the ground. You opened up the door wider and smiled at the dog, presuming that it might have ran away from its owner. But you didn't see a leash, or another human soul in sight when you peered around the parking lot.
The dog might have been lost, but it had no trouble making itself at home. You were too slow when you saw the dog go running into the motel room, right past you and jumped right on the bed that you were planning on sleeping in. You knew this was going to pose a problem. And you had little time to solve this before Dean got back. You tucked the knife into the back of your jeans and did the only thing you saw fit, you got Sam to help you. Knocking on the man's door, you waited only a few seconds before you heard the lock switch back in place and the door swung open. You gave him a small smile and told him, “We have a problem.”
Sam's first thought that something was wrong, and there very much was when he saw the dog sitting on your bed. You had only minutes until Dean returned, which meant you needed to get the dog out of here and into Sam's room before his brother found out there was even a canine anywhere near where he was about to sleep. Sam approached the dog and held out his hand, smiling at the animal to see if it was friendly. The dog didn't bark or bite at the man when he put out his hand to get it to stiff him as an attempt to engage contact, making you realize that the dog was friendly and at least somewhat trained.
"Hey. You friendly? Friendly. Good. All right. You're a pretty dog." Sam found himself smiling at the dog when she began to play with him, rolling over to her stomach and put her legs up in the air, demanding attention from him. You couldn't help yourself but grow a smile of your own at how he happily engaged in the dog's need for affection. “Oh, really? You want a little belly scratch, huh?”
"You're having a little too much fun, Sammy." You teased the younger man from how he was acting. You headed over to the dog and began to pet her yourself, your smile growing even wider at how affectionate she was. You attempted to see if there was any sort of tags on her that might indicate an address of the owner, or at least a name you could call her. "So, who do you belong to? Uh...great. No tags. Great. What are you doing here, girl? Someone's got to be missing you."
You thought it was going to be complicated enough in trying to get her out of here and into Sam's room for the night before you could come up with some sort of explanation for how to keep the dog here for tonight without Dean saying no. And speaking of the devil, you heard the familiar sound of a rumbling engine and a pair of headlights shine straight into the window, making you realize that Dean was back earlier than you hoped. You and Sam looked over at one another, knowing there was no time for you to get the dog out of here without Dean figuring out what was going on.
You and Sam headed out the  the front door and back onto the motel parking lot, making sure to shut the door behind you quick as you could when you saw Dean approaching. He was holding a six pack of beer in one hand, and a plastic bag in the other. You pressed your back against the door and crossed your arms over your chest, giving the man a too big of a smile while Sam greeted the man in a friendly voice. Dean gave the both of you a bit of a suspicious look from how you were acting. The older man attempted to get into the motel room, making your smile drop and the panic you felt moments ago come back in.
“Okay, okay, okay. Before you get pissed off, look, I just want you to know this isn’t my fault. She just showed up at the door, okay? I couldn’t let her run off. I mean, have you this this place? Who knows what kind of freaks are running around here." You tried your hardest for Dean to understand what you had done, there was no way you could have turned her away. The man gave you a slightly confused expression from what the hell you were talking about. "Didn't track in any mud. Just wanted her belly scratched. I tried getting her out of our room and into Sam's, but you came back earlier."
“Yeah. I figured maybe she could stay with me tonight, Y/N and I’d try to find her a home tomorrow.” Sam said. "She'll be out of your hair in no time. Just let me get her into my room and you'll never know she was here."
Your arm reached out from behind to open the door and let it slowly swing open for Dean to see the stranger lying on his bed. You gave him a small smile, hoping her adorable brown eyes would change his mind. Dean peered inside and examined who was staring back at him, and to your surprise, he didn't seem like he was going to throw a fit. "She can stay the night."
"I knew you wouldn't mind. I mean, isn't she adora..." You felt your smile grow wider at how Dean was taking this, considering how he wasn't a particular fan of animals. You turned around to head inside the motel room again as your eyes landed on what you presumed was going to be the dog, only you found someone staring at you. You furrowed your brow when you noticed it was a woman who was lying on your bed, smiling back at you. You quickly looked over at Dean, wondering how stupid you were for not to see this happen. "Two seconds she was a dog.”
Sam wasted no time in pulling out a knife from his back pocket and entered the room, heading over to the stranger and pointed the silver blade at her. "All right, who the hell are you?"
“Not a shapeshifter, so you can stash the blade.” She said. You and Dean headed into the motel and slammed the door shut behind you, giving all of you some privacy to figure out why she was here in the first place. And what exactly she was. “I’m a familiar.”
“A what?” Dean asked.
“Companion to a witch—some witches.” Sam explained to his brother. You crossed your arms over your chest and looked back at the woman, the younger man put away the blade so all of you could speak in more of a civil manner. “Split their time between human and animal form.”
“I get a more accurate read on people in my other persona. Approaching guys in a motel room like this—well, it gets complicated.” She said. “My name is Portia. I belong to James Frampton.”
You furrowed your brow slightly at the familiar name she spoke of, as the person was the reason why you were here in town in the first place. Dean quietly chuckled when he started connecting the dots in a direction that didn't make a whole lot of sense. "No. No, no. See, that doesn't work for us, 'cause that would mean our buddy James is a witch."
“Wow.” Portia slowly replied in a sarcastic tone of voice. "You're quick."
"James is a freaking witch?" Dean questioned the woman for a straight answer.
“He wasn't when you met him, but that last case you worked with him.” Portia said. Sam had mentioned it was something to do with a lunatic alchemist, and it seemed that was what got the ball rolling for their friend in the wrong direction. He didn’t learn about a damn thing about how things like this could go wrong, he wanted to be a part of it.“James wanted to learn more about that world—the black arts, witchcraft. It became the center of his life.”
“Wait, so you’re telling me that James the cop became a witch because of of these two?" You asked her, pointing a finger at each of the boys. You let out a quiet scoff and started to slowly shake your head at how things didn't seem to go in a very good direction. "Wow. You guys really dropped the ball on this one."
Portia didn’t answer your question, her focus seemed to have drifted over to the older man. She tried to get a read on him, to see what he was really about. She narrowed her eyes on him, finding something about him that seemed noteworthy. "You don't like dogs, do you?"
“Wait.” You said, pulling her back to the topic at hand. “So James isn’t a cop anymore?”
“Sure he is. Homicide detective.” Portia said. “His new powers make his work even better.”
“Then what does he need from us?” Sam asked.  
“Well, something’s better been happening to him. It started with excruciating headaches, screaming sounds in his ears, horrible nightmares. Unable to sleep or think. He can’t work. It—It’s like he’s having a breakdown.” Portia explained to all of you about what had been going on with the man. You could hear in her voice alone of how worried she was about the man’s well being. And she was desperate enough to trust a couple of hunters to help fix him before he got any worse. “Maybe you can find a way to help him.”
"Well, here's the thing." Dean said, giving the woman one good reason why he was hesitant to even hear more about this. "Witches—not real fans."
Portia didn't like what she was hearing from the man, and took it upon herself to speak her mind. She made slow, and deliberate steps towards the man to prove her point that not everyone was what they seemed. "Really? Well, James is a cop with a spotless record. He's used his skills for nothing but good. So why don't you lose the ignorant bigotry for maybe two seconds and give him a shot?"
“Sure. James is fighting crime and using his powers for good today, but it’s a matter of time until he does something selfish. ‘Cause, you see, most witches I’ve met only get into this because it benefits them. And it sounds like James fits perfectly in that category. But if you say he's such a good boy...I suggest for you to learn your place and back off.” You warn her. You didn't hesitate in getting into her face when she did the same to Dean, your mood swings made you want to escalate the argument into something more than what it should be. “You came to us, remember? We'll hear more about this. Or...I can send you running back to your owner with your tail between your legs. Your choice."
You crossed your arms over your chest and looked over at the boys for them to back you up with the point you were trying to make, hoping they would have something important to say. Only you should have known better than for them to twist the situation around and think with the right head from what you heard Dean say underneath his breath. “That was incredibly hot.”
Portia scoffed from the older man’s reaction while you gave him a look of disbelief at what his reaction was at what he saw unfold between the both of you. You looked over at Sam, not sure if you wanted to hear his reaction. But it seemed his was the same as his brother’s, all though he looked a little embarrassed when he agreed. “It was pretty hot.”
“You know what? Forget it. Forget everything I just said.” You told the woman. You decided that you were going to give her the benefit of the doubt and listen to what she had to say, just to spite Dean. “You want a beer?”
You got yourself comfortable on the bed after you handed Portia a beer for her to tell you the reason why she was here in the first place, despite how you had gotten off on the wrong foot, you hoped she would understand that you meant well. She told you about how James was being plagued with these nightmares that seemed like they were real. Along with other symptoms that were starting to worry her. You listened to what she had to say, and while everyone was sipping on their beers, you were indulging yourself in a slice pie in attempt to calm down the cravings you had been having over the past few days.
“So these dreams James are having,” You accidentally spoke too soon with your mouth full of crust and cherry. You covered your mouth and chewed a few more times before you swallowed the food so you could properly speak again. “He thinks that they’re real? He thinks that he is actually killing people?”
“I think so.” Portia said. “At least that’s what I picked up before he started blocking me.”
“What does that mean,” Sam asked her. “blocking you?”
“Familiars and their masters—we can communicate telepathically.” Portia explained to all of you about how deep their relationship was. “I can get inside of James’ head anytime I want. But he shut me out.”
“So, what, you think maybe there’s something inside there he doesn’t want you to see?” Sam wondered.
“Possibly, yeah—something dark, you know, that’s destroying him.” Portia said. You watched as she headed over to the bed to take a seat down opposite next to you. “He can’t go to the police, and he doesn’t trust other witches.”
“But he trusts us?” Dean asked. Even you had to admit what James was doing was like going to the cops and admitting that he might have killed someone. In your line of work if it quacked like a duck, and was a murderer—you tended not to think twice and take them out before they could hurt someone else. “You do know who we are, right? We’re the last people that somebody like James needs to be telling his troubles to.”
Portia fell silent when she realized all of you still believed it was James who had contacted all of you. Only in fact it was someone else. “This was my idea. I was the one who sent you the text under James’ name.” She admitted. “He doesn’t know you’re here. But...I think you’re maybe all he has.”
You and the boys had taken on hunts with little to no evidence that something was going on. But it was rare for you to find out the thing you were hunting was the monster doing the killings, and how you had to prove they weren't. You were here in town, and if Portia was right, than it seemed someone was pulling on James' strings to make him do terrible things. You decided it wouldn't hurt to check out. For now, the only thing you cared about was going to bed. Murder and witchcraft would just have to wait until morning.
[Next Part]
Rewrite Taglist:
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The Chaotic Seven
BTS au one-shot
OT7 x Reader Y/N
Word Count: 1,961
A/N: Thank you again to @begonia-babe! She’s a bottomless well of ideas.
This ends my “30 fics in 30 days” challenge even though I sort of failed by taking a few days off BUT 30 fics in a little over 30 days is still an accomplishment, right? As long as Tumblr doesn’t crumble, I plan to keep posting my work hopefully twice a week. I’m also working on a new series and will hopefully actually start writing it soon. Thank you everyone for liking and reblogging and commenting on my fics. You’re the gasoline that fuels my passion for writing 💜
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“Why did I think this was a good idea?” you utter to yourself as you stamp up the stairs of the stadium. Cheers erupt around you in response to whatever is happening down on the field but you don’t know what happened. SOMEBODY or rather SOMEBODIES are making it very difficult for you to be enjoying this game. And two of those SOMEBODIES have decided that since they’re wearing jerseys, it’s necessary to high-five every other person that is also wearing a jersey—which is literally ninety-nine percent of the people here.
“Kim Taehyung and Jung Hoseok! Get your butts back here before I drag you to our seats by your nose hairs!” you yell.
The two boys are halfway down the row, slapping hands and exchanging bro-hugs with the crazed strangers, fists pumping in the air even though they have absolutely no clue what’s going on. They either didn’t hear you or are completely ignoring you. Either way, they aren’t looking in your direction.
With a sigh, you look around in hopes that any of the other members are within shouting distance and willing to help you. No such luck.
An idea comes to you and you squeeze your eyes shut. There’s always one way to get Hobi’s attention but in front of all these strangers does not seem like the best place to do it. Ugh, this is gonna suck. You take in a deep breath and cup your hands on either side of your mouth.
“JHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPE!!!!” Your voice rises above the cheers and by the time you’re done and have opened your eyes, the two members have turned to gape at you.
“Y/N!” Hoseok yells back, waving wildly.
You can feel your face burning bright red and you lower your head as you motion for the boys to come to you. Once they’re both within reach, you grab the collars of each of their jerseys in your fists and drag them back down the steps toward your row.
“Would you two stop trying to make friends with everyone here?” you ask them after they’ve plopped down into their seats.
“But I thought we’re supposed to high five everyone that’s wearing our team’s jersey,” Taehyung says looking up at you, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
“I sort of just meant the people within our vicinity. Not the whole freaking stadium. And I meant it as like a suggestion, not a written rule. Do I need Jin-oppa to babysit you? Oppa, could you—” when you turn to the oldest, you’re surprised to find him hunched over a plate of nachos. He looks up at the mention of his name, mid-bite,  “Didn’t you have three hotdogs when I left you?”
“Yeah,” he says with his mouth full of chips and cheese.
You shake your head. “Well, could you watch these two knuckleheads for a minute while I try to go find Yoongi and Jimin?”
Jin nods before shoving another loaded chip in his mouth and then you’re off again on another manhunt. At least Jungkook isn’t giving you any trouble. He’s been enthralled with the game the whole time, his eyes following the players back and forth across the field, brows knitted together as he tries to understand the rules of American football. Namjoon is beside him, also looking just as intently, though he’s more focused on the people sitting in the stands below you. Who knows what’s going on in that boy’s head? He’s probably trying to figure each person out. Trying to imagine what that person’s life and their troubles must be like.
Either way, Jimin and Yoongi are missing and now you have to find them.
You sidestep back out of your row, this time cutting down the stairs to the lower exit and head for the first place on the list of places they could be. Bathrooms. Other than freaking out a few unsuspecting men when you peek your head in and call for the two, that first place is a bust. Okay, next? Maybe they were hungry and are standing in line at one of the concession stands. By the time you’ve walked almost the whole expanse of your side of the stadium, you’re winded and beginning to panic. What if something happened to them? What if someone recognized them and took them? Their managers would kill you.
Even as you feel your heart ready to burst out of your chest, you break into a jog, eyes roving over every cart and searching every corner for the maknae and rapper. When you finally do find them, sitting at a cafe table in a low lit bar, you feel your whole body relax with relief. The relief is short lived, though, when you see that they both are nursing a glass of beer and a cluster of empty ones sit beside them.
“Seriously?” you growl as you stomp toward them. “What do you two think you’re doing?”
Jimin looks up first, holding out his glass as if cheering to you. “Noona!” he sings, his eyes bright and glassy, a dopy grin spread across his face so his crooked front tooth is on full display.
“You can’t just run off from the group like that,” you say making your way around their table. You freeze when you see just how many empty glasses there are. “How much have you guys had to drink?”
“A bit,” Yoongi utters, his voice low and syrupy. Yeah, “a bit” is an understatement.
“You’re supposed to be watching the game. Not getting wasted,” you say and take Jimin’s glass out of his hand. He slumps against you, nuzzling his head into your shoulder.
“Don’t be mad, noona,” he purrs. “Join us.”
“I can’t leave the others to their own devices for very long,” you say and try to get him to sit back up. It’s no use. The boy turns into a koala when he’s drunk.
He throws his arms around your waist, this time burying his nose in your neck. “The others can take care of themselves,” he says, his stale breath hot against your skin.
You try not to cringe as you shrink away. “Come on, guys,” you say. “Yoongi, grab Jimin.”
“He’s too touchy when he drinks,” Yoongi pouts but gets up anyway and pulls Jimin to him.
“You think I don’t know that?” you utter as you turn away and start leading the two back toward the entrance to the stands.
Luckily, Taehyung and Hoseok haven’t wandered too far from your row this time and you’re able to grab them again on the way back. The others are still in their seats behaving, though now Jin is lapping at an ice cream cone while a plate of chili cheese fries occupies his lap, the nachos have completely disappeared. You’re not even going to ask.
“Okay,” you say as you guide Jimin down into his seat. “I think I’ve finally got—crap. Where’d Jungkook go?”
“He got picked for some halftime contest,” Namjoon says and leans over to grab a few fries from Jin’s lap, snatching them just in time to retract his hand before the older can slap it away.
You can physically feel the color draining from your face.
“Whoa, noona,” Taehyung says standing up beside you. “You don’t look so good.”
“Are you absolutely sure the guy was stadium staff?” you ask quietly.
The other members exchange nervous glances. “I mean, he was wearing a staff shirt,” Jin says.
“Which way did they go?”
“Goooooood evening, ladies and gentlemen!” the announcer’s voice booms over the speakers causing you all to jump in surprise. “Pleeeeease turn your attention to center field where one lucky fan will attempt to kick a field goal.”
Your eyes shoot down to the field where you see Jungkook standing behind a ball resting on a tee on the thirty yard line. “You’ve got to be kidding me,” you utter as you watch a man approach him with a microphone.
“What’s your name, son?” the man asks, his voice echoing through the arena.
At that, the other six members burst into a fit of screaming and clapping and you see him turn to wave in your direction. The people around you turn to glance at your section and you feel heat creep up your face.
“That’s an odd name,” the announcer continues. “Where are you from, Jungkook?”
The boys scream again.
“Ah, well, Jungkook from Korea, are you ready?”
“Uh, yes,” Jungkook says in broken English. “I think so.”
“Alright,” the announcer says and backs up. “Whenever you’re ready, Jungkook.”
A hush falls over the crowd and you find yourself reaching out to either side to grip onto the closest thing to you. This just so happens to be Taehyung’s and Jimin’s fingers as they were both reaching out as well. You watch with bated breath as the maknae down on the field—he looks so small. Why does he look so small?—backs up a bit so he can get a running start. Then, he surges forward, swinging his foot to connect with the ball. It sails through the air and a wave of turning heads fans across the arena as everyone’s eyes follow the ball. It flies between the goal posts and sinks into the net.
Suddenly the stands burst into applause, the excitement eliciting a scream from within you before you can even fully comprehend what has happened. You turn to your right and throw your arms around Taehyung, at the same time feeling Jimin hug you from behind and the three of you jump in tandem in a celebratory sandwich. Then you feel swayed forward and back as the other members grab on and before long, you’re all hugging and jumping in a screaming heap. With euphoria rushing through your veins you turn your head and look at the field again to find Jungkook running at you. He jumps, scrambling up over the guardrail and racing up the steps to your seats where you all wait with open arms. With another roar of excitement, he barrels into you and crushes you to him, the rest closing around you so the two of you are at the center.
“I did it, noona!” he screams in your ear.
“I saw!” you scream back.
“I don’t even know what I won!”
“It doesn’t matter! You did it!”
“I did it!”
The rest of the crowd has calmed down by now and as the eight of you untangle yourselves from each other, the fans above and below reach out to congratulate Jungkook for his incredible kick. It was pretty amazing. But nothing you thought he couldn’t do. The boy isn’t called the golden maknae for nothing.
“Oh, halftime!” Hoseok exclaims suddenly jumping back to his feet after you all have taken your seats. “How long does it last?”
“I don’t know,” you say. “Another twenty minutes, maybe?”
Hoseok turns to Taehyung. “I bet I can get more high-fives than you!”
Yoongi gets up too, pulling Jimin to his feet. “That’s totally enough time to make it down the rest of the beer tasting menu.”
“Yessssuh, Sugaaaaa!” Jimin yells pumping his fists in the air and following after his hyung.
“Guys,” you call after them.
“Jungkookie, come with us” Jimin says and pulls the maknae after him.
“Guys,” you say a little quieter.
Jin stands up next, shuffling past you. “I saw a churro cart earlier I wanted to stop by.”
“I’ll come with you,” Namjoon chimes in trailing after him.
“Guys,” you utter as you helplessly watch the others fan out in all directions. Then you look around at the empty row to your left and right. “I’ll just wait here, then,” you say then slump down in your chair in defeat.
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