#id love to hear your input
nieloxychen · 4 months
not to have a moment in another posts tags so im venting in my own tags <3
#still on the “first human to know Tal” point like??#even when ive outed myself to others there were never questions like that#affirming questions would be a good term maybe?#but it was silence and maybe a clarifiying question#all i remember is silence from others and unease from me#at least in person#online is a different best because that mostly concerns things youre already volunteering#and like the obvious bad memory bias that brains have doesnt make it easier#i could name the people that inspired me to take another look at my gender - that showed me there was more than a strict binary#but i wish i had someone like that? a first human to know Lo#i mean i definetly do in the general sense#because every name is said a first and last time by someone#but it was almost certainly someone who never thought twice about it#who might not have even wondered#im not sure why it makes such a difference if the first person i told my name to knew thati had a different name before then#or if it matters if the person i first introduced myself to by my chosen name knows that my name is important to me#but i definetly remember the people who asked about where my name comes from#and i feel better about those conversations than i do with people who never had any reaction at all#maybe its that i want to be recognised in full? and a big part of who i am is informed by me being trans#and it feels like an important part of what made me who i am today is being ignored?#idk...#but if anyone has read this far id love to hear someone elses input on this? like is this something you understand or even recognise?
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ellecdc · 3 months
LOVE U 2 OMG and to answer your question: yes
poly!marauders x fem!reader who is apparently a sad drunk
CW: mentions of being drunk/drinking but not described, crying, James punches Sirius right in the face and Sirius is very pressed about it
It had been James who finally picked up the (according to Sirius, “goddamned”) phone by its third ring of the second call.
“‘Lo?” He mumbled gravelly as he rubbed harshly at his eyes, not having even checked the caller ID before answering what he now knew to be Remus’ phone.
“Potter?” Marlene all but shrieked into his ear, causing James to pull the phone away from his face as even Sirius winced at the volume. 
“What the hell, Marls?” He grumbled as he finally pulled himself up into a seated position. 
James listened as he heard someone mutter something along the lines of “would you stop sodding shouting?” before Lily’s voice took over for Marlene.
“Hey James, sorry to have woken you up, but I was wondering if you could maybe meet us at the corner of Moor and Old Compton?”
“Erm, yeah, yeah.” He sighed as he felt around his bedside table for his glasses. “Why?”
“I know you guys haven’t been dating long, but we were wondering if you could perhaps pick Y/N up?”
James’ heart sped up drastically as he almost took his eye out with the arm of his glasses in his haste to check the time.
3:34 am.
‘Nothing good happens after 2am’ he could hear his mother telling him. 
“Why?” James all but barked into the phone. “Is she okay?”
Remus sat up suddenly at that, nearly launching Sirius right off of the bed from where he’d been resting on the taller boy’s chest. 
“Yes!” Lily assured him quickly at the same time he heard Marlene shout “no!” from behind her.
“No, she’s fine, James.” Lily said severely, likely glaring at Marlene for her unhelpful input. “It’s just-”
“She’s bringing the whole vibe down!” He heard what he recognized as Mary’s voice chime in when Lily seemed to hesitate in her answer.
Lily chuckled awkwardly. “It turns out your girl is a sad drunk.” 
This somehow left James feeling simultaneously relieved that you were at least safe and distraught that you weren’t having fun anymore. 
“Give it here.” Remus gruffed as he pulled the phone away from James’ face, taking over the conversation with Lily as he moved towards the closet to re-dress. 
“Why’s the light on?” Sirius grumbled from his pillow that he’d tried to burrow into at the disruption of his sleep.
“Y/N needs us to pick her up.” James offered as he went to push hair away from Sirius’ face.
His efforts were for naught as Sirius sprung up like a possessed jack-in-the-box at the mention of your name; his face colliding painfully with James’ hand.
“Sodding hell Jamie.” Sirius hissed as he held his face. “You punched me in the face!”
“I did not!” James argued back, cradling his hand against his chest. “You faced me in the hand!” 
“Oh my God.” Sirius whispered into his hand as he rubbed at his nose. “Why are we up again?”
“We need to go pick up Y/N.” Remus said as he returned to their bedroom in a pair of joggers and a jumper, throwing sets of clothes to both of his boyfriends which James caught and Sirius did not in his current state. 
“Is she okay?” Sirius shrilled slightly as he pulled the hoodie which had landed on his head out of his face in order to look at Remus worriedly. 
“She’s fine.” He assured him at the same time James replied “she’s crying.”
“Well which is it?” Sirius asked quickly as he pulled the hoodie over his head. “Is she fine or is she crying!?” 
“She’s waiting for us, is what she is.” Remus chided, his usual humour sleep-addled as he exited the bedroom. “Hurry up!” 
James only finally felt his heart unclench when Remus pulled around the corner and he could spot Lily’s fiery red hair, Marlene’s purple-streaked hair, and finally you sitting on the curb outside of a club looking painfully dejected. 
“It’s not that we don’t want you here, sweetheart.” The boys could hear Lily offer you in a maternal voice as they approached your group. “But we think you might have more fun if you went home with the boys.”
“I know I’d have much more fun if you came home with us!” Sirius offered jovially as he crouched in front of you.
“You called them?” You asked Lily incredulously; your face painted with a look of ill-hidden betrayal as Lily cringed.
“Of course she did, pretty girl.” Remus answered for Lily, which the red-head seemed eternally grateful for. “As she should; we’d like to know if you ever needed us, yeah?”
You turned your face dejectedly towards your shoes as James took Lily’s place at your side. 
“What d’you say, hm? Good to come home with us?” He asked as he pulled you into his side; you only required the slightest encouragement before you were swaying complacently into his side.
“Okay.” You responded; voice pinched decibels higher than your normal pitch in a way James was sure had to be painful. 
“What’s with the tears, dolly?” Sirius asked quietly then, tapping your knee with his knuckles to encourage you to answer.
“You guys woke up for me.” You whispered. 
James only noticed once Remus sat beside you on the curb - his knees cracking audibly - that he had thanked the girls and told them to have fun at the next club they were headed to, leaving you four to your own devices. 
“Of course we did, dovey.” 
“I’m sorry.”
“What for, sweet girl?” James cooed at you then.
You shrugged your shoulders defeatedly before letting your head fall onto James’ shoulder as a few more tears escaped your eyes.
Sirius was suddenly looking around the group of you awkwardly, likely realising (much as James had) how creepy it must look for three blokes in sweats to show up to a clubbing district seemingly attempting to proposition a very drunk girl in a very short dress. 
“Think you can tell us in the car, angel?” James asked as Sirius helped Remus stand back up before they turned to do the same for you and James.
You nodded readily and allowed them to usher you into the back seat of the idling car. 
Remus feigned insult when both Sirius and James opted to sit in the back with you, but quickly assured you that he was only joking when that threatened to elicit even more tears.
“Did you have fun, baby?” Sirius asked as he rubbed his thumb along the bone at the base of your neck where he was resting his hand. 
“Yeah.” You let out with a shuddering sigh, though the tear tracks lining your face severely contradicted your statement.
“Yeah?” Remus asked with a chuckle. “That’s good.” 
“But then I ruined it.” You started again, face pinching miserably as James and Sirius shared a nervous look over your head.
“No you didn’t, sweetness; you couldn’t ruin anything.” James argued.
“I cried and then ruined everything.”
“What made you cry?” Remus asked then, watching in the rearview mirror as your face turned contemplative and then bashful. 
“Hm?” Sirius encouraged, continuing his ministrations of your neck that James could feel was causing you to melt with each pass of his thumb. “What were you thinking about that made you cry?” 
You muttered something incoherent that caused Remus to take his eyes off the road to consider you. “What was that, dove?” He asked as he turned his face back towards the road when he was convinced that you weren’t falling asleep halfway through the conversation.
“I missed you guys.” You admitted only slightly louder, though the way your face was pointed at your lap left James wondering if you were actually talking to your thighs.
“Awe, sweet girl.” Sirius cooed as he pulled you roughly into his side. “We missed you too.”
“But we’re together now, yeah? Does that mean there’s no need for tears anymore?” James asked, which was apparently the wrong thing to ask as your shoulders started to shake with sobs. 
“Nicely done, Prongs.” Sirius hissed with faux malice as he tucked your head under his chin. 
“What is it now, dovey?” James could hear the smile in Remus’ voice as he turned down a street James recognized was close to their flat. 
“You guys are so nice to me.” You whimpered as if that fact caused you physical pain. 
“Awe, I’m sorry dolly. We could try being meaner to you, if you’d like?”
“No we can’t.” James corrected Sirius quickly, sending him a stern glare over your head. “Sorry angel, you’ll just have to get used to having the sweetest boyfriends constantly fawning over you, ‘kay?”  
You sniffled a few times as you rose from your home in Sirius’ neck; nodding your head in a way that was likely more for your own sake than the boys’. 
“Okay.” You agreed as Remus parked the car and turned to look at you over the centre console. 
“That’s our girl.” He smiled at you; all three boys relishing in the way you turned bashful rather than shedding more tears. 
“You make sure to call us sooner next time, yeah?” Sirius admonished gently as he pressed a placating kiss to your shoulder. “No need for our pretty girl to spend so long upset when we can so easily fix it.”
“‘Kay.” You accepted again, looking guiltily at Remus and James as Sirius pulled you back into him.
“No more apologies, my love.” Remus said. “We’re over the moon to have you here.” 
James sat horrified as he watched your bottom lip begin to wobble again. 
“So nice.” You whimpered before falling back into Sirius’ side and sobbing into his jumper.
“Way to go, Moons.” Sirius muttered as he held you tightly against him. 
Remus wiped a hand down his face before looking at James guiltily. 
“It’s okay, Moons.” James assured him. “I sometimes want to cry when you’re too nice to me too.” 
“Don’t be nice to him.” Sirius barked then as he ushered you carefully out of the car. “I cannot carry two of our crying loves upstairs.”
Remus and James sat in the car quietly as they watched Sirius guide you towards the flat.
“She’s going to be horrified in the morning when she finds out she cried in front of us like this.” Remus said then, still watching as Sirius crouched to take your heels off of your feet so you could traverse the stairs more easily. 
“I don’t plan on breaking that news to her.” James offered, causing Remus to turn in his seat to look at him incredulously.
“Sirius will not let her live this down.”
James considered that then, wondering how long you’d cry over this before ultimately breaking up with them out of sheer embarrassment.
“Damage control?” James asked.
“Damage control.” Remus agreed before they both exited the car to chase after you and Sirius, hoping to convince him to go easy on you as well as offer their affection in consolation of what would no doubt be at least two days of quips and taunting from your notoriously teasing boyfriend.
But James knew that two days of teasing would also mean two days of Sirius refusing to let you out of his sight, and James was not afraid to admit that with you sounded like a very nice way to spend the weekend.
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oneshlut · 11 months
SORRY! i originally asked on the wrong post! My bad!
Hello!!!! I have no idea if this is the right post for requests, but i reqd your overjoyed headcanon and absolutely adored it! I love your writing style already! I originally had two requests, but for now ill go with one, with the Amazing Didgital cricus blowing up, i found favoritizim in the mean purple rabbit, i was wondering for some Jax crush headcanons? I loved your other one, and if its no trouble, id love to read it! Have a lovely day/night!!
A/N: omgomg!! it warms my heart hearing that people are enjoying my writing! thank you so much for the request, i hope you don't mind that i sprinkled in some confessing headcanons in there.. enjoyenjoy!!
Input Feelings (Jax x Reader) [Headcanons]
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Rules For Requesting
Characters I Will Write For
Summary: General Jax crushing and confessing headcanons
Nothing irritates Jax more than someone new. Sure, a new fella to add to the prank list, and yet, another re-do of the theme song. So seeing you spawn into existence, scrambling around fearfully, made him feel both amused and annoyed. Let's just say he started out with mixed feelings for you. Mind you, these are just judgements. He hasn't even met you yet. Rude, I know, but it's Jax.
Meeting you went way better than he thought! You actually didn't find him annoying? That was a change of pace for him. Of course, not like he minded. Not at all! Looks like he'll have a new sucker to prank after all.
Although Jax was amused by you, you sure weren't. Not on the second day, at least. You had been talking with him earlier that day, and he wouldn't shut up about insects. Weird, you'd think of all people to be ranting about insects, it would be Kinger. Until later that night, or at least you thought it was night, you opened your door to find spiders in your bed.
And thus, you became Jax's main target for pranking! Hooray..! Yes, you liked his company--he was actually pretty fun to be around! But, uh, you prefer your outfit to not be soaked from a water bucket by the end of the day.
You two became frenemies. Sometimes, days went by where he wouldn't prank you. Shocking, I know. Jax just didn't wanna be too harsh on you, y'know? Which is weird, because Jax doesn't go easy on folks very often.
On days where he wouldn't prank you, you would sometimes receive notes from him. It was a good spirit lifter to go to your room at the end of a long adventure and see the corniest dad joke ever written on a piece of notepaper with crayon writing, sitting there on your bedside table. And on good days, you'd even write notes back for him!
One day, Jax gets either asked or teased about how he's so fond with you, and so rude to everyone else. He either makes some dumb excuse or tries to raise suspicion on the person asking, like the asshole he is, but it gets him thinking. He doesn't like to think. He's a man of action. But you were a.. different scenario.
Before, he was this complete asshole. And that's it, really. But you did something to him, something that he had no idea what to do with. Caine's gotta be messing with his coding, right? Maybe he input feeings in his code just to be mean. But being mean was his thing! God, what have you done to him..?
You, at the time, had no idea you were stripping away all of his confidence. As far as you knew, he has just been a bit nicer recently. Which was good! Right? Right. The notes would've been obvious proof he was getting better. Well, first, he was sending more notes rather than.. bugs.. but second, the notes started getting nicer and nicer. Some were just straight up compliments. That's when you noticed something was off. Jax never complimented anyone. Though, you didn't mind some of the compliments...
It's not like Jax has never been in love. He knows he had some sort of love life when he was in the real world, but he was left with just wisps of what it actually felt like to love someone. To care for someone. Though, now, he's finally able to remember.
You noticed how his teasing significantly decreased the more you spent time with him. You kinda missed it, but you're not one to complain.
Jax, on the other hand, was on edge all the time around you. He hated that you washed away his confidence facade, he hated how soft he was around you, how vulnerable. But that smug smirk wasn't gone just yet. He had one more "prank" to pull.
Ha, he wishes it was a prank. It really wasn't. This was actually the most serious he's ever been. He stared at the crudely drawn purple heart on a piece of scratch paper, only now doubting everything he's ever done as butterflies arose in his digital stomach. Standing outside your door, he suddenly felt all the nerves coming back to him he never thought he'd have to feel again. Jax swallowed down his nerves, but still couldn't hide the flush look on his face--or the fact that his pretend-guts were being tied into a bow.
Inside the small homemade card was an admittance to something he never thought he had to admit. Something he'd rather admit in person. Instead, since every inch of his confidence was gone at this point, he confessed in horrible handwriting, written with crayola twistables.
Jax took one final breath before sliding the heart under your door.
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cellysub · 9 months
i love showing off my creations with my community!
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i love it when they post fun stuff knowing that i'll react to it and be flustered by it
its so fun knowing im so easily accessible and easy to tease on my discord server
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its good for me to meet my community i think! its always good for me to listen to their feedback very closely and watch all the things they ask me to see. its only good manners to focus on their input.
im being such a good content creator by letting everyone join my server! im being very good by letting my dms be open to personal and private feedback that helps me so much! im such a good listener when i sit and let community members tell me all that i need to hear and follow their advice! they're so smart and capable, im so happy to have so many wonderful peoplet to listen to.
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id love it if you joined and provided me this valuable input too! its good for me to listen. its good to follow. its good to learn from my community 💕💞
please join and tell me all about your ideas for me! everyone tells me im a very good listener, and it makes me good <3
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seivsite · 1 year
hi rurus for ur event can u do prompt 6 for reo & gn reader xiexie :3
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prompt: lying together in silence, one playing with the string of the hoodie on their lover’s chest.
includes: mikage reo x gn!reader. reo’s rly soft here, reader had a bad day, kinda self indulgent — wc: 504
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It had been a hectic day for you, with numerous things going awry and depleting your mood. All you yearned for was to tidy up and unwind, seeking comfort in the arms of relaxation. As soon as you arrived home, you kicked off your shoes and headed straight for the bedroom.
There, you discovered Reo seated on the bed, leaning against the headboard, engrossed in a book. Upon hearing the door open and noticing your presence, he swiftly marked the page and approached to lend you a hand.
“Go and freshen up; I’ll take care of everything else, alright? Don’t worry about it,” he assured, taking hold of your bag and gently patting your head, nudging you towards the bathroom.
Gratefully, you glanced at him before making your way into the bathroom to rejuvenate yourself. After concluding your shower, you meticulously followed your skincare routine and emerged from the bathroom to find that Reo had already laid out some clothes for you. Swiftly changing into the attire he had prepared, you wondered where he had gone and decided to check the kitchen.
There, you discovered him diligently preparing something. Noticing you leaning in for a glimpse of his activities, he said, “I’ll be there in a minute, darling. Wait for me in the bedroom, okay?” He skillfully added the precise amount of sugar you preferred to your tea. Nodding in acknowledgment, you returned to your shared bedroom and silently settled onto the bed, absentmindedly gazing at the ceiling.
“My love?” Reo called out, placing the tray of beverages on a nearby table, “Would you like to talk about it?” he asked, lying down beside you. Silently, you shook your head, shifting onto your side to embrace him. He reciprocated, his fingers tenderly caressing your hair.
Instinctively, you played with the drawstring of his hoodie, silently twisting it. Reo regarded you affectionately, breaking your trance as he pressed a gentle kiss upon your forehead, then your nose, before settling upon your lips. You melted into the kiss, closing your eyes while delicately tugging at the strings of his hoodie. The kiss radiated warmth, and Reo’s hands held you with utmost care, as if you were as delicate as a feather, his touch caressing your cheek before the two reluctantly parted. As you caught your breath, Reo spoke softly,
“Would you like to watch a movie?” he suggested, sweeping a stray strand of hair from your face. You hummed in agreement and nodded, while Reo turned on the television, seeking your input. Meanwhile, you continued to silently toy with the strings of his hoodie. After Reo found a suitable movie, the two of you watched in silence, the exhaustion from earlier catching up to you until you drifted off to sleep, nestled against Reo’s chest.
He switched off the TV, tucking the two of you under the cozy duvet, holding you even closer, resting your head on his chest. He kissed your hairline and whispered a tender goodnight before joining you in the realm of slumber.
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NOTES. lowkey self indulgent cz its so me id love to just silently cuddle n stuff over talking about my bad day. also my first reo work yay! special tag towards @jenoutof10
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siyurikspakvariisis · 10 months
Today's lunch: a cheesy pasta bake.
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But not just any pasta bake: a very BG3 one.
Spoilers for the Shadowheart origin run's epilogue to follow.
If you save Shadowheart's parents during her origin run, you get a letter from each of them. Emmeline's letter contains a recipe for a pasta bake.
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[ID: two screenshots from Baldur's Gate 3, showing a letter from Emmeline Hallowleaf. It reads:
"My dear Shadowheart,
Here's the recipe I mentioned the other day. I wanted to write it down for you just in case it slipped my mind again. I can show you myself once you're home. Enjoy your party, and pass on my best to all your friends.
Your Mother
Feast Day Cheese Bake
For the filling:
One small onion, sliced
Half pound of mushrooms, quartered
Red pepper, diced small
Half pound of greens - spinach, peas, courgette, or whatever is in season in the garden - steamed or boiled
Quarter pound of streaky bacon, chorizo or similar. Fried and diced
Half pound of pasta
For the sauce:
Two tablespoons of butter
Two tablespoons of plain flour
One teaspoon of mild mustard from Cormyr. More if you are daring or congested
Ten fluid ounces of milk
Half pound of mature cheddar cheese, grated
A goodly fistful of breadcrumbs
Soften the onion in some oil, then add the mushrooms and pepper, and saute over a high flame. Combine with the cooked greens and meat, and set aside. Add pasta to a pot of boiling water.
Melt the butter in a saucepan, then add the flour and whisk over a high flame for one minute. Add the milk, whisking until boiling, then add the grated cheese and remove from flame.
Drain the cooked pasta and add into the cheese sauce, along with the cooked vegetables and meat if used. Combine, and pour into an oven-worthy dish (the square stoneware one with the floral pattern should do nicely). Add the breadcrumbs on top, ad well as some extra cheese if you are feeling wicked (your father often is).
Bake unil the top layer is bubbling and golden, or your loved ones are hungrily loitering about in the kitchen.
PS - if you do not salt the pasta water, you can save it to feed to the plants in your garden."
End ID.]
Today I made it with the following modifications:
I don't want anyone's nonna to slap me so I salted my pasta water.
I also undercooked the noodles - after all, they'd finish cooking in the oven.
I used some vegan sausage I had lying around as the meat. I think the one I used was a bit too dry and bland - a more flavorful and fatty, chorizo-like sausage, would have been a better option.
I used spinach as the greens, and instead of cooking them aside of the sauteed veggies, I wilted the spinach with them. If you do so, watch out! The veggies can become watery, as the spinach releases all its water. I was careful to not dump all that water in the stoneware dish when incorporating the ingredients and it all worked well on my end.
Of course I was feeling wicked and topped the dish with extra cheese :3c
Because most of the cooking has happened outside of the oven, I baked the pasta for 15 minutes at 175 degrees Celsius, plus an extra 5 minutes under the broiler. This is the part I'm less sure about - I'm not a great cook, I just follow recipes. I'd be grateful to hear your input here!
The result: a filling, cheesy, savory, veggie-loaded pasta bake. Next time I'll be more generous with the salt in the filling, though.
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king-sassy08 · 6 months
Did you hear? Texas just banned porn.
Did you hear the "offensive to minors" content bill that stipulated an age verification to access adult content or content deemed harmful or offensive to minors was passed??? Now you have to verify your age to view such content, which can be used to restrict minor access to LGBT resources, sexual health information, and anything else the government deems "offensive or harmful."
And also in a SHOCKING turn of events, Pornhub made itself and its two subsidiary companies unavailable in Texas, calling the bill haphazard and ineffective in protecting minors and actually harmful because it forces minors to interact with potentially harmful sites and denies access to other potentially useful sites. They also said it's an invasion of privacy and a violation of 1st amendment rights.
In order to access adult content in Texas now, it would need to be done by inputting your government ID numbers to prove you're an adult (and allowing the government to know what sites you're accessing, further watchdog activity) OR verify using 3rd party systems (by verifying your debts, student loans, education, job status, tax information, mortgage information to verify you're an adult), which opens the door for information to be sold to other third parties and can potentially expose all of your private life to outsiders.
Putting aside the porn thing, not out of a sense of moral righteousness, but because that is a whole different can of worms to dissect the way banning porn is awful for everyone. Putting that aside, how is this going to affect teens, children, closeted people?
To have zero access to LGBT resources that will be deemed offensive to minors? Goodbye Trevor Project. Goodbye resources on sexual health, what STDs are, and everything of the like. STDs and STIs will increase, health complications from such issues and from potential pregnancy complications (how do you have safe sex if you're not even sure what that means?).
Banning information will not guarantee people stop looking for it or needing it! Instead, they will get WRONG information from friends and other potentially misleading sources, and feel helpless when they have no way to figure out what is going on in their lives. People don't stop needing information because they can't find it. They just suffer because they can't find it.
You may not like Texas, but PLEASE, for the love of God, there are children here. They need your help. Don't turn your back on us. Don't forget the way you learned about sexual health online when your school wouldn't talk about it, or the way you watched that first porn and said, "fuck, I think I'm gay." Cast your gaze towards Texas! I'm begging you to have a little heart.
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taino-ti · 6 months
Recently I've been publishing a revised version of my Supernatural Rewrite Project on Ao3, which is a project I've been working on for a few years now and have decided to revive recently. This project is focused on novelizing certain episodes of Supernatural from seasons 1-15, with special focus to certain aspects of the show which many audiences have agreed should see more attention. With special attention to issues of diversity within the shows canon, I've opened up a Discord Server where people can hang out, talk about the show, and talk about the project. I am also looking for people interested in conversations regarding representation for disabled people, people of color, transfeminine folks and more, so I would really appreciate all the input possible! Id really love for this project to deliver on a lot of the cool concepts Supernatural built up to but perhaps didn't particularly deliver on, so I love to hear what the fans have to say about this! So whether you have your opinions on certain episodes (e.g Bugs, Route 666), certain plot lines (Bobby's disability, Sam's blood powers).
Haven't Seen Supernatural?
No problem! The intention of this fic almost akin to a reboot, where I redeliver familiar concepts from the show in a fresh framing as fresh concepts. You do not have to watch Supernatural to read my works, so if the concepts ever interested you, feel free to check out the first installation (Woman in White), The project, or the server!
Hope to see y'all around!
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bonesandthebees · 7 months
hii! i love your all your fics and clinic was the fic that got me into fanfiction 💕 A couple weeks ago i started a clinic!wilbur piece that i was gonna send to you on your birthday (ik august is a long time away but i was giving myself time incase of art block) but since the recent wilbur situation ive decided to change the character that i was drawing and wanted your input because this drawing is prettu much gonna be a birthday gift! Should i draw you/your sona (if you have one) OR should i redraw some clinic fanart i drew in 2021 (ill attach it)
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before i submit this id just like to tell you on how much one single fic impacted my *entire life*. it inspired me to start making uo my own story ideas, and be myself and so much more. me and probably many others thank you so much 🫶🏻
god it's still so wild whenever people tell me clinic is what got them into fanfiction, ty :))
this is so sweet of you omg. I definitely understand not wanting to draw clinic!wilbur anymore because of recent events. it's so kind that you want to draw me anything at all for my birthday like it makes me feel so warm and fuzzy inside <3 and guess what I remember seeing that fanart in 2021!! I love it so much that's such an intense scene but you made it so funny with tommy flipping dream off and cursing him out like it's so real 😭
honestly it's up to you what you want to draw! I'll be happy with just about anything, it just is so sweet that people want to draw me anything at all. if you're curious I do technically have a sona I guess it's called? it started with my super cool pfp on twitter drawn by the lovely @aweirdlisa which is me but, like, with kind of a bee themed outfit going on and a cool skeleton arm and leg? and then for my past birthday the amazing @firexima drew that same sona that lisa had drawn me which is now my tumblr pfp here, so yeah. my sona is basically just girl with short blonde hair and bangs, wearing a tank top kind of designed to look like a bee and with bee wings, usually holding a book and pencil, and with an optional skeleton arm lol. I can't find the full sized version of what lisa drew me but you can go see it on my twitter it's my pfp there
it seriously means so much to hear how much my fic has impacted you. I'm so so happy it's given you so much inspiration <3
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l30n-m00ns70n3 · 4 months
Solarchanged || Book 1
A Solarballs AU || Chapter 5 || Mars Ain't the Kind of Place to Raise Your Kids
James didn't know what was going on - he must be going insane. First all the moons and planets and even the Sun were talking and they wouldn't shut up. Now all the planets, the Sun, and Earth's moon are not responding to anything - they were just balls of rocks and gas floating in space. He really didn't know how to react, and now Mars's moons, Phobos and Deimos, were freaking out. It was getting annoying; He could feel a headache coming on.
A persistent ringing shook him out of his thoughts. Pulling out his phone, he looked at the caller ID, upon seeing it was his wife, he let out a sigh of relief. He assumed that this was about the children she took in during his absence.
"Hey, honey."
"Hey dear. How are you?"
"I'm good. The kids want to meet you."
"Really? Put them on the line, I'd love to meet them."
"Alright, I'll put Luna on the phone. I need to go get Terra from their room."
A rustling can be heard over the phone.
"Uh... Hi..?" A very familiar voice said over the phone.
"You're....Luna? Earth's moon?"
"How'd you become human? Are the others with you? Wait- Marie said she took in two children. Who is with you? Do you know where the others are?"
"It's just me and Earth here... Wait- THE OTHERS ARE ON EARTH TOO?!"
"Well, I'm not sure, but they're in the same state as you and Earth..."
"Well-" Luna started before pausing.
"Hold on, Mrs. Solar wants me to put the phone on speaker." Luna pauses, presumably turning the phone on speaker as he said he would. "Okay, it's on speaker now."
"We'll, uh. Hey everyone!"
"Astrodude...? Is that you?" Another familiar voice asked.
"Hello, Earth."
"Babe? What's going on? Why are they calling you Astrodude?"
James let out a loud groan. "This will be a long explanation. You might want to sit down." And with that, he started a long explanation of his experiences in space, Luna and Earth jumping in when their input is needed.
// 1 Hour Later //
The family sat there silently, the mother and youngest child processing the new information.
"That's.... a lot to take in.."
"Mhm... I understand if you want us to leave now-"
"Terra- Earth?- You can stay. I won't kick you out just because you're not originally human. Physically, you're a child, and I won't let a child be on the streets." Marie said, making James smile; his wife was so sweet.
"Thank you, Mrs. Solar."
"There's no need to thank me, Luna."
"But there is! I don't know how Earth would handle being kicked out- especially if we got separated because of that! He'd probably try to kill himself like he did when Venus and Mars stop talking to hi-" Luna rambled, taking a sharp gasp when he realized what he said, "I'm so sorry, Earth! I didn't mean too-"
All James could hear after that was static, realizing the implications of that.
("Hey, hey, Luna, it's okay! I'm not mad! They'd figure it out soon enough!"
"Is that why we were heading onto the Sun a few months ago?"
"I'm sorry! I was just-"
"Terra you don't need to apologize!")
"You what?" Was James could say when he returned to his senses.
"I'm sorry!" Earth repeated, "I wasn't thinking right! It was just- Everything was just too much! It hurt! I'm sorry!"
"Hey! Hey, it's- Well it's not okay, but- ugh, I'm not good with words. Look, what you did was reckless and stupid, but I'm not mad at you. I know humans have not been treating you right. We've been harming you for centuries, and we've been toxic. I'm sorry for the way we've been treating you."
"It's okay! There's no need to apologize! I'm your planet. You just need to focus on living!"
"Earth! It's not okay!" Luna cried, "You- you're in constant pain and-"
"Shhh... Luna, it's okay! Look, I'm not in pain right now, see!"
"Oh, Terra..."
"I'm fine Mo- Mrs. Solar. Can we not talk about this?"
"Alright... This has been one crazy phone call.."
"That's for sure." The man concurred with his wife, "Hey, isn't it pretty late down there?"
"Yeah," the woman dryly chuckled as Luna and Earth yawned, "Let's get you two to sleep. We will discuss this tomorrow. You're still children, at least physically, and children need their sleep. Bye, honey."
"Bye." The man said, ending the call. After which, he went to his bed, deciding to try and sleep. This was not what he expected when he got a call from his wife.
Ugh, this will make things so much more complicated.
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simpjaes · 4 months
hihi! <3 i love your works sm! you write the absolute best, but i honestly have a genuine question, why don’t you like silent readers? i hope it’s not a rude question to ask but i’m just genuinely curious because i understand that there comes to a limit of how people interact with posts, but i’d also like to hear your input as well :)
(you’re my fav smut writer hehe)
hi, first of all, thank you 🖤 am proud to be your favorite 🥹
secondly, in all honesty, its a little complicated. silent readers are only one of the issues on tumblr. If they’re truly silent, i won’t even know they’re reading for me to be upset in the first place, which sucks really fucking bad…
where i actually get pissed of is, well, it’s the people who spam like but don’t reblog, follow me, or leave me any feedback. additionally, it’s the people who beg and plead and demand i write more while never reblogging, or telling me why they like my work in the first place.
i write for free, and while i appreciate all feedback i get, reblogs are so important to writers here on tumblr and i urge you to peek at the ratios of my fics. likes vs reblogs, people asking for more without reblogging or liking etc.
i also have anon enabled specifically for those who don’t want to expose who they are in terms of feedback (silent readers). id like to think that after i spend days and weeks and months writing, people would at the very least either leave feedback or a reblog. yknow? but thats simply not rly the case.
i’m tired of begging for interaction basically, bc as shitty as it is, many writers only get likes and demands for more writing over anything else and it’s exhausting. i try to avoid that if at all possible because ill end up not writing at all. i am real a person. if you are consuming and enjoying my content, pllssss pls pls make it known to me in some way that isnt just an empty like or rude and entitled demand!!
this rly is why the writing community here is dying. arguably, silent readers do play a part in that as well, but they’re more neutral and don’t interact at all. half of the time they don’t even use their blogs ;-; which…if that’s the case why not give us a lil reblog then? like it’s not harmful and gives the author a lil warm and fuzzy feeling.
idk man. ppl basically just treat authors like machines, literal shit, and like we owe them more and more of our creativity so they can rub one out.
i will always stand by this: i do not owe anyone an orgasm. but if you’re going to make demands, or are simply hoping i write more without telling me, then please don’t be a silent reader, a serial liker, or a person who won’t even follow or reblog me.
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meangirlsautism · 3 months
do you have any headcanons for any ships ?? id love to hear them mean girls is like my new obsession
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HEHEHE YES!!!!!!!!!!
im just kidding im like the worst person to ask this BUUUUUT i shall conjure something up.. jsut for you... ALSO NEW MEAN GIRLS FAN YAAAY
going throuhg my notes, i made a lil ship headcanons thing on my notes app in april 2020. and all i got around to making was stuff for karen/cady. completely random but ! better than head being completely empty. so i shall reference some of that and make other stuff up on the spot (for that and other pairings). enjoy!
also im like.. super unfamiliar w/ how romantic relationships Are and how human beings function in general so like.. youre fully allowed to view these however you want (platonic, romantic, etc), i just enjoy dynamics and character interactions. i know you specifically asked for ships but ! my lil headcanons will def be more vague, if that makes sense, sorry abt that! still, hope these suffice! if you ever wanted to ask for SPECIFIC pairings too just hmu or send an ask or smth :] (as a disclaimer, im not referencing a specific MG here, im more familiar w/ slash enjoy the musical the most but ! interpret them as any version i suppose)
not really a headcanon but the whole like "i like cady, she's nice to me." i eat that shit up. i love them and their relationship, in like, all adaptations
and specifically for the 2024 movie.. the way karen is the only person to text cady during her suspension... and how she reassures her that thyere still friends.. (similar to the bway version)... UGH!!!!!! love that so much
actually, we should be more insane for cady / the other plastics. both romantically and platonically
anyway, on to the actual hcs
karen rly likes to fidget w/ something so cady always gives her like hand or hair to play with
karen LOOVES cady's freckles. def loves to count / trace them
karen is def a tad confused as to why cady is so patient w/ her, so nice to her, etc. since i feel she's been often ... dismissed her whole life. and treated Not Great due to how she functions
that doesn't rly matter to cady. she constantly reassures karen and is there for her and reminds her that she's more than other people's opinions of her, more than her intelligence, etc. and cady never gets tired of it
cady always listens to whatever karen has to say, even if it's the tiniest, most ridiculous thing
cady helps her w/ school stuff
karen def sits + listens to cady infodump abt the wildlife she observed / learned abt in africa
i can see karen enjoying nature and whatnot. she doesn't necessarily "understand" the science aspect behind it all btu she enjoys it bc :) hehe. animals.
i can see her getting good at like.. identifying species and stuff bc of cady though
karen prob enjoys physical touch and stuff. i dont think cady is opposed to it but she's not like ... used to it much
or i suppose, used to giving it much? she's cool w/ receiving it, and as ive mentioned earlier, karen def likes to be feeling / playing w/ something. its like a fidget / stim for her
anyway autism🤝autism
ALSO autism🤝autism
they def love infodumping to each other... abt what exactly? yes
not too sure abt gretchen,still have to come up w/ special interests and whatnot fo rher but. cady its def like. math. and biology and zoology and shit
gretchen has sort of been told and taught that her input isnt needed or appreciated, so near the beginning of w/e relationship they have, she often kept to herself and didn't ramble as much
cady ofc noticed this, and tried her best to like.. encourage gretchen and whatnot
but, at the same time, she understood why she wouldnt open up RIGHT away yk. she understood that these things take time
once again, cady often reassures her, abt different things than w/ karen ofc but, its still reassurance
gretchen obv becomes like .. SUPER attached to ppl who pay attention to her and whatnot. even if the overall situation is shitty
at some point, she probably just thought she didn't deserve anything more. that what she got was the best she was going to get. and so, she felt she couldn't leave and find something better for herself
anyway. of course in canon (esp in the bway version) cady also wasnt the greatest / most understanding towards gretchen blah blah. whatever .
deep down we KNOW that cady is a kind and caring and nice person. she just wants to be well liked
whatever!!!!! cady shows gretchen what love and care TRULY feels like . and i think after some time the codependency on gretchen's end lessens a bit. esp after she realizes that . oh... this is what ive always deserved. and needed. and she understands that she's not expendable, that cady DOESN'T actually secretly hate her. that cady WON'T just throw her away if the opportunity comes
i think gretchen would chill out a bit if she's just shown true love and compassion im serious. and maybe some medication would help too
gretchen def likes / wants cady to be touching her at like.. all times. hand holding mostly, but stuff along the lines of that
gretchen is like .. weird w/ touch i think. considers it sacred, and yet craves it sooo bad
she probably only rly allows it w/ ppl she REALLY trusts . despite being very touch starved
both sooooo awkward lbr
ESP w/ deeper relationships
cady is just.. obv was homeschooled for most of her life. gretchen is just a ball of anxiety
also, based on gretchen's past experiences, her relationships (both romantic and platonic) havent been ........ the greatest, as ive talked abt before, and so she finally finds someone who like.. she's comfortable with? who she knows will Love her? she's extra awkward fr
doesn't want to mess up, lose them, etc etc
a loooong time ago i think, i saw a headcanon talking abt how regina has freckles. but she just covers them up
and i LOOOOVE that thought soooo mcuh
eventually wrote a little messy thing for it
but anyway. cady finds this out eventually and she is so :D
bc i see cady as having a ton of freckles too and yeah
but yeah. cady finds this out and is SO happy bc regina's sort of look like hers and ough
cady likes to compare them to like.. constellations and stars and shit. esp when regina complains abt them / is openly negative abt them
regina doesn't necessarily like her freckles bc its an imperfection in her eyes i suppose
but cady absolutely changes her mind on them
in fact, i bet they start reminding her of cady
she goes about it so nonchalantly but, some days she "forgets" to put on makeup . not just for cady or anything, nooo way
which is saying something for regina bc you just knoooow she barely leaves the house without applying SOMETHING
(i dont have freckles myself so sorry if this sounds ignorant or smth!)
cady is ..... very awkward . i think . esp w/ relationships, ANY relationship at that
regina should know this (she doesn't)
she lowkey expects these special things and whatnot from cady and cady is just :)?
bc she does NOT know what the hell is going on
most times, anyway. i t hink she sort of picks up on shit as she goes through school but like..
that's cause she purposely observes other ppl / couples / friends to see what they do . and then she basically adopts that shit
i started making these and i didnt evne like.. have a set timeline in mind for them. bc realistically a lot of these relationships would not last in canon / post canon. or form at all lbr. but lets pretend. i guess most of these follow canon / is canon compliant. w/ some wishful thinking / AUs. ...IF THAT MAKES SENSE
dont rly think theyd be toooo good for each other but. honestly who else here really is LOL most if not all the characters would have a loooot to do introspective wise before actually getting into any relationship BUT . for these few minutes . let us pretend
assuming we're talking abt them in a canon compliant world, they'd..... def have a lot to unpack together. from regina alone esp
i think they'd be able to help each other out w/ that sort of thing
ESP w/ the trauma they got from regina
it just affected them both in veeeery different ways
janis' turned into anger. where gretchen's turned into anxiety
they both realistically would NOT be ready for a romantic relationship, as i mentioned previously
and even something non romantic? i dont think theyd ever be able to form a normal relationship of ANY kind ever again
BUT. but. maybe they see themself in the other . maybe they want to help try and fix the other . bc maybe then it will help fix themself
hopefully that makes sense idk im just saying shit atp
most relationships where the ppl involved r incredibly similar dont end up working but like ..
janis and gretchen arent necessarily similar. they just have similar experiences. which could easily strengthen their relationship
they're fucked up in the same way.. you feel me
i wrote this idea thing awhile back and its like.. gretchen cutting her hair short and janis seeing this and going ... hm. bc she senses the repressed homosexual or whatever. and she confronts her about it blah blah
anywho. i see gretchen as a lesbian. unsure atm whether shes like.. aware of it or not. ANYway, as we all know, janis is a Professional Lesbian or whatever, so i think janis like... helps her w/ that sort of stuff?
uhhhmmm oh right the hair. i totally see gretchen fucking w/ her hair following the canon events. and ofc i also see janis as someone who has messed w/ her hair a TON...
i think she helps gretchen experiment w/ that. her style too
sort of related.. but janis also def helps gretchen in managing and dealing w/ her anger and shit
bc janis sees that its THERE. its just buried deeeep within her
and gretchen helps janis deal w/ her more ...... softer? emotions
as seen in the musical... janis is NOT afraid to physically express her love. which seems super unlike her and her demeanor, i love it
and once again, gretchen is like ..... she needs this shit or else she will DIE (and yet touch lowkey makes her uncomfortable, depending on her mood and the time)
and so.. perfect pairing. janis isnt afraid to offer her touch.(?) and always provides it when gretchen asks for it (she asks a lot)
once again, realistically, this would not happen. esp in a canon world . even if everyone "got better"
however, i loved these 2 for whatever reason when i was younger LMAO
i had a bunch of little things written down for them in my notes but . i do not feel like going through them rn unfortunately. may revisit this at some other point. in order to see exactly what younger me thought of them
unlike gretchen w/ cady... iiii dont think gretchen's clingy-ness / codependency would get much better w/ regina
unless regina like . rly changes herself. if they BOTH rly change themselves
i think they'd both view each other as how they were in the past . regina would see gretchen as this clingy pushover and gretchen would see regina as this passive aggressive ruler . and REALISTICALLY i think they would prevent them from pursuing anything big, ykwim?
like. gretchen still admired regina and she lowkey HATED herself for that but its like.. as ive talked abt previously, shes probably not gonna get anything better yk? so she stayed w/ regina
honestly? in an "everything is perfect and happy" world , i think theyd both be clingy af LOL
regina would, like, never admit but like.. shes super clingy
i think their relationships w/ touch are very ... unique
ive talked abt gretchen a bunch w/ touch and shit but regina... i dont know
she's def okay w/ it .. in terms of being on the receiving end but .. im not sure if she rly provides it much
shes def shit at recognizing and managing her emotions.. esp the more positive ones.. so i think she like. i think shes weird w/ providing affection
and i suppose receiving it too sometimes, esp if its from someone she REALLY likes
but yeah.. they're both weird w/ touch IDK hopefully this makes sense!!!!
i think gretchen is very patient w/ regina... and regina tries to be w/ gretchen, but fails most times (she's trying)
regina finds it like. embarrassing to ask for stuff (ESP affection) but.. she does learn that it is Okay eventually
and gretchen, unfortunately, is very awkward when it comes to this shit!
ESP since its w/ REGINA GEORGE
so she lowkey like.. freaks out when first asked to do ANYTHING towards her
regina tries her best to calm her down but shes shit at emotions and . yeah .
(its ok they got throuhg it) (i think)
won't lie rn. dont rly care for them much. def prefer other non romantic relationships for them
buuuut since im doing stuff for NOT just romantic relationships... i shall say a few things
as ive talked abt in previous gretchen pairings / duos... she just needs someone who'll love and appreciate her for who she is
and i dont doubt that karen would provide. she def would
they def have an interesting and fun bond, esp throughout the whole regina thing, throughout their friendship w/ regina as a whole, etc
anywho. krystina alabado once put on her story abt this like.. cactus that was in the dressing room she shared w/ kate rockwell. turns out it was fake. and kate watered it for a full 2 years
anyway thats a total gretchen and karen situation LOL
(gretchen acts liike she wasn't watering it too. she absolutely was)
karen and gretchen def buy a bunch of lil succulents and take care of them together
gretchen def feels super comfortable w/ karen, more comfortable than w/ most people
so that sort of made like .. getting a deeper relationship w/ her a lot easier
once again, gretchen is fs a lot more awkward when they take things farther in regards to their relationship
and karen has NO idea what the hell gretchen is on about
but she tries to remain as comfortable and supportive as possible
gretchen touch starved... karen touch provider... its perfect
gretchen def isnt afraid to ask for stuff from karen. she has to be a lot more precise and direct but . yeah
okay.. sorry that most of these aren't "shippy" but. hopefully theyre okay! i left out a few potential pairings bc i either 1. dont care for them much or 2. dont have much to say. HOWEVER if you still want to hear abt one i did not talk abt here, just lmk :3 i will come up w/ something.. thank u for sending this in :D
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neuroticboyfriend · 8 months
idk if you want other experiences about cannabis? So feel free to ignore!
But it is our go-to and helps our psychosis and schizo stuff more than anything else. (Antipsychotics had no effect on my psychosis.) Weed helps me so much both with reducing the amount of delusions and their severity. It also makes me care way, way, way less (same for my social anxiety and phobias and physical pain). It also just reduces my stress which reduces my hallucinations and delusions. I don't think it specifically reduces visual or auditory hallucinations much for me outside of that but it does make me not care about them. [And note: if I get *really really really high* (like taking double my tolerance in edibles or something) it can make my psychosis worse but still in a way where I'm less distressed by it and don't need to act on it, so like, still a win?]
I had fully developed schizoaffective for years before I tried cannabis, and stayed away from it for a long time, for the same reason as you. So totally up to you, and I respect your decision either way! (Not that my input matters lol but just reaffirming it's your right to choose!] and I definitely would try it with someone I trust the first time, and not use very much.
But i know quite a few psychotic people who really benefit from cannabis. And I know a couple who aren't psychotic in regular life but get paranoid on weed. So like. It depends! It's not for everyone but it can really help some people. My partner and i are both much saner on cannabis. But it's up to you if you want to try it or not! Feel free to message if you ever wanna talk about it or have questions. <3
I'm sorry things are hard, have another baby Julian (he's growing up so fast sob emoji 😭 )
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ID: a five week old dilute orange kitten. He has white on his chest and big ears and is sitting among a bunch of toys, and half sitting in a coiled spring toy
That's honestly really good to know. I thought there was no chance someone like me could ever use weed, but maybe there is hope. I cant be normal about substances, but maybe I cant get a medical marijuana card.
I'm trying to see substances as a means to an end, instead of moralizing them and feeling like I'm doomed because I use them. Yeah, I definitely am on a downwards trend but, harm reduction. That's what helps me most, and weed is a lot safer than narcotics and alcohol.
Also so happy to see kitten Julian growing up!! honestly the fact you link me to him even tho we dont know each other in person or talk privately a lot is :') it warms my heart. Thank you friend, I always love hearing from you - your experiences and insight are always helpful.
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lyn-soso · 1 year
HOWDY GUYS! I realize that with Owl House finally over we’re all searching for that next thing to grasp our attention. SOOO I thought it’d be great to introduce on of my favorite WEBTOON series. It’s called Hooky and it’s about these twin witch siblings Dorian and Dani missing the bus to witch school. Such a simple mistake leads them on an incredible journey where they meet new friends, foes, and even learn more about their family history. It’s a super good read but I warn you. It’s a completed series so if you speed through it👀…ya gonna be looking crazy and back at square one. If you decide to give it a read tell me what you think. Id love to hear your input.
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flowercitti · 1 year
love love love your take on vash's physical characterizations of being a plant. i like to think under the sun his skin turns red in patches or maybe another color the way plants irl do when they are kept in good lighting. also that his pupils dilate more like cats do, ranging from very wide to super small. lastly, in much the same way you talk about him buzzing like a generator at times, i like to think he purrs in a way thats like a cross between the usual type and that generator rumbling. suffice to say: is there anything about vash Being a plant that you haven't gotten to input into your fics/want to share? you have my favorite characterization of him so id love to hear. 💕& ☮️ !!
This is such a cool ask thank you sm!! And I probably can’t think of everything but here’s just a list of random headcanons I have abt vash and him being a plant, some I’ve added into fics already and some I haven’t. 🌸🤍
- Vash has eidetic memory. There’s a lot of pain to be had in Vash remembering everything, and it being out of his control. I’m working on a fic that focuses a bit on this and I’ll post it… one day.
- Vash’s moods being able to influence the electricity/power. I love this hc so much it’s very self-indulgent. And… blowing the power under certain circumstances.
- Vash purrs, in both a kitty type of way and in a “he’s an electrical outlet” kind of buzzing way. In addition to this, his skin always kinda feels like the thrum of energy, like a radiator.
- He has fangs. Obviously.
- He runs insanely hot and is always warm to the touch. If it drops it means very very bad things.
- He doesn’t sweat unless he’s really sick. Also he doesn’t often smell bad bc of that, and smells flowery/earthy. (This is contradicted in canon but shshshshs)
- Stamp verse vash wears his glasses because the markings in his eyes are visible under some lightings. So he hides them.
- Vash isn’t effected by the sun/doesn’t become sunburned. So his skin is very soft and healthy where it isn’t scarred.
- Vash’s feathers popping out whenever he experiences extreme emotions/adrenaline when he’s trying to protect himself or others.
- Vash can see perfectly in the dark.
- Vash can see farther than a human, as well as having advanced and sensitive hearing/smell.
I’m sure there’s more, but I feel like this is some basic stuff I include most times when I write about him, whether it’s a focus or implied. 🫶🌸
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Bro with everything you’ve been through this past month (I think you said month) take your time answering asks. Don’t feel pressured to do anything for us. Take some time for yourself if you need it. As much as I love your writing and input, id rather wait and know that you’re okay than have content now and know that you’re not okay. Or god forbid have it impact your health or life in a negative way. Please take care of yourself and know that we will be here for you if you need anything. I hope you and your loved ones feel better soon! Happy holidays.
Hey beautiful anon- as someone who's main love language is words of affirmation *praise kink* this was really heart-warming and I've been going through some stuff so I rlly needed to hear this.
I'm struggling with finances b/c the recession in Australia is so bad so I'm having to work jobs I don't want too b/c I need the money to afford basic essentials haha *sad face*.
It's why right now I'm just doing two posts per month which is one fic and one astrology analysis b/c is the most consistent I can be right now.
Life is hard and I'm not doing okay but these beautiful comments just make living that little bit easier.
Thank you my love
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