#ideas are brewing rn
beautyconsumer · 13 days
if ur into polyships, who would u add on to jaygrant?
The thing is that I don't really dig polyships, normally, because I'm a possessive little shit with my blorbos, especially jaygrant because I want Jason with someone who I know will treat him right.
I do love to explore possibilities, JayGrantKyle, Jason x Grant x Jaime (Reyes), JayGrantEssence
JayGrantKyle, Kyle would have add more harmony to jaygrant while also slowly growing insane, I don't know if they'd last but they sure would be fun to see interact
JayGrantJaime, I'm generous enough to give Grant two latino boyfriends with gorgeous deer eyes, two hot, determined, intimidating boyfriends to Jaime and Jason gets two cute losers obsessed with him, this one might be my fave.
JayGrantEssence, the flavor of two dead boys dating an ethereal existence is immaculate to me
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cordeliawhohung · 1 month
as a person who has pierced their nipples i feel seen with this latest think piece #thankyoucore
but yeah simon degrading you while cleaning them i ughhhh.. taking a q-tip slathered with saline water and cleaning any crust there, barking at you to keep still, threatening that if you don’t he’ll let johnny at you (he wouldn’t… maybe), and the both of you know this man might tear one out unintentionally
pierced nipples are so cute and unfortunately johnny thinks so too
but oh don't worry about johnny accidentally pulling at them.
simon's already got ideas on how to prevent that...
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fvedyetor · 2 months
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sketches of old silly and new silly
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noornight · 1 year
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Happy lesbian day to the toxic doomed yuri of twst 🐍☀️
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egcdeath · 5 months
hi! i personally am team art but i can't stop thinking about patrick x reader who's an introvert, kinda shy but with a fiery temper just like him. and she knows it's better not to get involved with guys like him but she can't help it. and he's constantly teasing her trying to get on her nerves like ...
thank you <33
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claudethecrabdemoness · 6 months
SCREAMING CRYING THROWING UP someone else shares my hc and made a video!!??? ASKSKDHAHAJSA VOICE OF GOD-
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nachocheezos21 · 1 month
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man i love writing
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cosmicbash · 7 months
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so now that I've had time to process this.
I really have one question
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how far down do we think it goes 🤔 👀
I don't think Kells would shy away from tatting his dick. and it would be kinda hot
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yoinkschief · 9 months
the world is not ready for what we've been cooking
If they saw our convos they'd combust
And yet I feel the urge to draw and show them anyway
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hateno · 11 months
Not me showing up almost a week late begging for scraps but uh. 🎃 or 🍭?
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clove is actually me rn, waking up a week after halloween confused and afraid
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miusato · 4 months
Regarding Ryoji in your HS au, since you mentioned (i think) Aigis maybe getting bullied without her realizing with girls calling mocking her by acting nice to her. Maybe she could think that Ryoji's flirty nature is also that? (And ofc he'd prolly be flirting with her crush) Oh, and I was wondering, since you talked about parents, what would Aigis' situation be? Does Labrys exist in this AU maybe?
Oh youre so spot on with the Ryoji one! Aigis in this AU rarely gets directly angry at anyone (most of the time Kotone is the one defending her and dragging her away from trouble) but I was thinking that since Ryoji joined the school very much later in the school year, by that time she's much more forward and direct with what she wants all thanks to Kotone so like she wont hesitate to call this boy a man whore hsksksksksk
Hmmmm as much as I want to also make her an orphan just like 90% of the casts canonically, it doesn't seem to match the backstory I kinda had of her in my mind. Idk if I mentioned this before (and I tried scrolling my posts but i cant seem to find it lol) but basically Aigis is basically the new kid in town and prior to entering HS, her family moves a lot due to work and at some point actually works overseas (think of it like a Cady Heron situation lol) so like she always doesn't seem to fit in anywhere and always seems so foreign (like be fr she has blonde hair with 0 brown roots and very bright blue eyes she seems european to me hhhh) and when they actually permanently move to the current town they stayed in, I think she probably has to come to terms with the fact that she has to overcome her anxiety and actually make friends because unlike previously where she feels like she doesnt need friends since she always will leave the school and jump to other places and meet new faces that she will not remember any of the names, this time she can't run away if problem arises and she also couldn't believe she managed to make new friends too.
Just like canon Aigis' charactwr development being humanising her and make her realize her own purpose, I love the idea of having HS AU Aigis realising what kind of person she is as the story progress and discovering herself with the help of her friends. Call it Wokesona with the power of friendship ahsjdhwqjdhwkqjslsi
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arrakisser · 1 year
one of my friends just said “help i’m having creative ideas above my skill level again” and I HAVE NOT RELATED TO SOMETHING THIS MUCH ON A PERSONAL LEVEL…
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bluebellhairpin · 8 months
I feel like now is a good time to say I'm a cannibal. I manipulate them into having sex with me and I kill them and eat them. Skin, bones, sinew, teeth and all. No one knows the missing people are all because of me. And I'm never full. I can always eat all of it, leave naught a trace behind. I still go home to my family and eat dinner with them and when they ask why my lips are red all I do is smile.
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starlight-miraidon · 9 months
Not ONLY did I get Detective Pikachu Returns for christmas but I ALSO got the dlc for Violet. Sufficed to say. Hi lads.
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glitzybunny · 10 months
I always feel like Im the most active and productive the night before work djsjdkekd
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For the mun from a curious anon: What got you into Minecraft askblogging of all fandoms? Is it an interest in a certain type of Mob? Inspired by a veteran mcaskblogger? For fun/curiosity? Or something else? Thank you!
Oh! That's a fun question! Buckle in peeps, this will be a long one-
The whole story under the cut!
I've always been into Minecraft and the world from the very beginning. Since I watched my brother play it in the ole' alpha days. Of course, I snatched a cracked version for myself, as one does, just to mess around in and I simply fell in love with this silly barebones blocky game!
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It was simply my favourite pastime after school. I spent so much time playing, building, crafting, experimenting with mods and watched so much content back then on YT- from animated stuff up to mock "found Herobrine" vids that are long lost by now. I was like 12 or 13 or something and it just so happen to stick with me and be a good chunk of my life.
I always drew stuff in school and my free time and eventually my usual wonky dragons and animals were replaced with mobs. Creepers and later Ghasts the most- they were my favourite. I also started RPing over on Ovipets and dA and tested the waters with creating characters of my own.
I am actually not sure what came first. Whether I made my first ever OC, Rainbow, before I discovered Tumblr or after the fact. What I do know- I've definitely scouted Tumblr by that time (2014/15) and was simply fascinated by the blogs that were active at the time. I do remember seeing older endermen blogs like Endy, Enderslime, Sammy and Guarana (from the top of my head) and more. I've rummaged through Tumblr for content so intensely, I've definitely seen almost every little niche of it. (though I barely remember most by now)
With the little but decent grasp of english I had back then, I started to draw Rainbow together with my (very basic) version of Herobrine and later enderman Ed was added to make it a trio. It was clearly my attempt at an "ask blog" though I started my first adventures with it on deviantART. These were practically my first experiences with answering "asks" as I sometimes replied to comments left on the images.
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I RP'd, I made or aquired more characters, drew and generally just had fun with it. Later end of 2015/16 I made my first proper ask blog on Tumblr, called ask-the-minecrew. And then a bit later another blog joined in, ask-the-brine-bros. Both are long purged by now and neither took off in popularity. Not that it ever bothered me at all. I just had fun as it was ongoing and enjoyed drawing my characters do their thing. Of course I have a little personal archive in form of quick screenshots before the blogs got terminated. Have some of my personal favs.
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My blogs were never really focused on mobs. They were along the ride, but never the main focus. Until I made a blog that survived to this day- @ask-enderhybrid-raashi !
This blog was indeed just an impulse decision. I drew a feathered enderman at an ungodly hour in the night and liked it enough, I just made an ask blog for her as my other two at that time collected dust.
I drew fun things, properly interacted with other blogs for probably the first time, and I still had no idea what I was doing. -wheeze- But I had fun and that was the most important part.
Again, with school, getting out of school, getting back in school, getting out school, finding a job and such as I aged and was forced to become an adult, my activity waned and I fell silent on Tumblr for a little while again. Though I was still very much lurking and occasionally drawing fanart of blogs that were still lingering around.
Then the recent (at least it feels recent still to me) shoutout that many major ask blogs and creators from that old prime time returned and were creating content again, I felt the urge to charge in again. With new fresh characters and a new shiny blog- I made @leafelt-valley out of impulse, with my first posts being roughly photographed traditional scribbles. I was testing myself out again and see how things go.
A little later @dozen-arrows-in-my-chest (this blog) appeared with the intention to be lore fodder for the little headcanon world/server I had. Just for fun banter and RPs. Of course both Lune and Sol grew as their own characters by now, both through interactions and silly RPs on the discord server. And while this- well, all my blogs- are just for random shenanigans at most, they suddenly have stories to tell.
I am too deep in, too invested to just quit and leave all this behind, even if the last blog in this little humble community dies out, I'd be willing to be the last one standing in case apocalypse strikes.
I improved a lot from my very beginning when I was still just a little wee child and I am simply so glad and happy that I never gave this little niche of the website up. I still enjoy creating, seeing and reading what people do with their blogs and I am happy to be part of this.
TLDR of all this: I wasn't inspired by a certain mob or a specific creator/blog. Instead I was intriqued by the community as a whole and wanted to test myself out with characters, stories, roleplay and simply drawing and having fun. I never planned ahead or had a goal, I just like this little niche of the internet. P:
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