#ideas on how to pack the gifts that I'm going to be late at making
kiame-sama · 1 day
Dragon headvanon guy here again because a few more dropped into my head (also sorry for the typos, I'm not used to my phones big keyboard yet xD also 100% relate to you on the plushies, I have a big collection on my.own and love them with all my heart)
1. Most if not all Creatures love to be pet, it's common to see children & sometimes young teens being pet by their parents, older siblings or close friends. The older they fet the less likely they get petted tho, older Fae's and long lived Creatures tho remember that Humans would pet anyone who allowed it with great joy.
2. We know that Humans are seen as Peackeepers (or Beast Tamers) but I like to headcanon that they are also a symbol of Loyalty in many Kingdoms. Some older Creatures, like Lilia even remember Humans going through great dangers or sacrificing themself for their Pack.
An old Rumor has it that one of the Great Seven was actually once pack bounded with a human who sacrificed themself for them. (It would be an intresting idea if it was Scar and after he died many mistook the Human Sacrificing themself for him as him killing them & eating them. But you guys can go wild with this one)
3. Angry humans were a raresight to see and most only learned how dangerous humans could be once a Creature attacked a child and had to be send to a hospital after the Parent of said child got their revenge. It's also at that point that many learned how dangerous a human bite can be thanks to the bacteria in their mouth (that information sadly got lost to time though)
4. This is the last one for now, promise xD A lot of Kingdoms who were safe for humans, would have human daycares where they would watch over the Creatures kids. It was something unheard of since a lot of Creatures dont trust their young and rather weak children around others they dont know (and sometimes even close friends & family couldn't get close to the child without nearly being mauled.)
But it was a bit sucess and since it was free, low income familys would adly send their kids there to get food and have a chance at making friends. Some daycares even allowed sleepovers for Creatures who worked during the night, kids who were night active or those who weren't picked up because their parents worked late.
Sadly after humans went extinct these establishments were shutdown.
Ok one last one, this one is for the Fleur City; It's belived that humans created the Bell as a gift to the Rightous Judge who them upon getting this gift enchanted the Bell to ring in a specific tune when a human entred Fleur City.
Legends say that once the last human in Fleur City died and they went extinct as last that the Bell rung in such a sorrowfull way with the Rightous Judges cries that the spirit of the last Human in Fleur Ciry granted him a last gift. The Firelotus, so that any Magical Creature who dares to harm an Innocent Creature will be punished by humanitys judgment.
(No worries about the typos, I'm pretty bad about it too)
I'm down for all of these actually. Absolutely love how some canon things can so easily fall into place with just a little adjustment and work so wonderfully in an AU all its own.
I can see almost all of them wanting to be pet and of course hoping the soft human will pet them. Rook's already been pet by those little Human hands and he is already hooked. I could absolutely see Jack and Ruggie going nuts for petting. Lilia's already made it clear that group grooming is common so petting would likely be too. Maybe that's the Human's way of returning the grooming behavior to make Lilia sleep? Lilia has already petted Grim.
The last Human Lilia met was the surrogate mother of a young fox fae child and he will be forever haunted by how injured she was and still standing, unsure how long she must have fought to keep her young safe. Lilia had arrived near the end of the poor Human's desperate battle, stepping in himself but it was quite too late for the Human mother. He took in the child and raised them himself in Briar Valley, Silver is not the only child the old fae has taken under his wing. Lilia knows the sheer drive humans have to protect those they truly love because he saw it firsthand and he knows better than to mess with little Grim regardless of how much fun it would be. No need to upset the Human.
Humans were quite good at taking care of others young and many had a natural proclivity to protect infants regardless of what species it was. Humans aren't really all too threatening, so many mothers of the more protective species didn't feel that threat to themselves or their young like they did with other species or even their own family. Many are quite manageable as children and almost harmless, meaning the soft Humans could take care of them with no problem.
To make a world of magical creatures tremble in fear is a mighty feat and one only the fire lotus could achieve. After all, so many looked down on humans for their lack of magic, why not suffer the same fate for those who brought Humanity to heel?
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moonlight-prose · 4 months
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a/n: i have been watching way too much hart of dixie lately and well wade is basically just hangman in a different font. don't try to argue cause you know i'm absolutely right. so i spawned this drabble out of my head as if i were summoning a demon. enjoy my hangman girlies.
summary: if there's a way to say goodbye that has been noted in the history books, hangman will find a way to master it.
word count: 1k+
pairing: jake 'hangman' seresin x f!reader
warnings: semi-explicit, kissing that borders on tongue fucking, he's nasty with it, cocky hangman, spit, again i say he's nasty with it.
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Looking up the definition of the word goodbye would come with an endless amount of definitions and explanations. All in varying languages, with meanings so deep they grew like the roots of a tree. Embedding themselves in the earth with life of its own.
The way Hangman said goodbye wasn’t one of those.
He was assured, cocky, and genuinely believed he was God’s gift to this earth. You could see it with how he leaned against the pool table, his legs spread, lips pulled into a you know you want to fuck me smile. And the thing was…you couldn’t deny it. You did in fact want that. You had that. Four hours ago at the crack of dawn when he found his way back into your bed after a run and a shower.
Of course the others around would voice their displeasure and intense disgust if either of you brought it up. So you stayed silent. Sipping a coffee as he argued with Rooster over who had the bigger dick. Or something of that manner. You weren’t entirely focused on the conversation, your eyes fixated on the way his uniform pulled taut across his shoulders.
You were pretty sure that if you peeled the layers of fabric away, you’d find the imprint of your teeth in the muscle of his right shoulder.
Part of you was tempted to search for it. The other part had yet to notice he had stopped talking altogether, his attention on the only thing that mattered. You and your dreamy haze of love.
If he had the time he’d drag you to the bathroom, but everyone was already starting to pack it in for the morning. It would be a long day of training, of listening to the same orders over and over, of picking fights with one another until their patience ran thin. And all he wanted was to say goodbye to you properly. In a way that he’d feel each time you crossed his mind.
“You want a ride?” Fanboy asked, digging his keys out of his pocket.
He nodded. “Yeah thanks.”
“Let’s head out boys.” Phoenix shoved her arms into the leather jacket she’d brought even though the weather outside was warm enough to sunbathe.
He found his mind wandering to the image of you doing just that.
“Alright,” he sighed, standing tall as he reached for the jacket on the back of his chair.
You smiled as he sauntered over to you, his hand gripping your waist as he tugged you to stand up. “You’re going?”
He sighed as if you’d asked him the hardest question to exist. “Yeah. I’ve gotta go baby.”
“I’ll see you tonight.”
The soft smile that crossed his lips was enough to have your heart racing. “I’ve got a new bottle of wine, some new desserts to try out.”
He smiled, his hand sliding lower as you listed out a few other things. Some which you had to say softly, lest you bring the wrath of the others. You’d been in that predicament before; you didn’t necessarily want to go back. At least not for a few months. Getting caught at the rocks by the beach was bad enough. Getting caught by Rooster, Phoenix, and Coyote was worse.
Although they couldn’t deny it, they were much happier seeing Hangman in a relationship than out of one.
“We got to go man,” Fanboy said, nudging Payback to get up from where he sat. “I don’t want to get stuck doing extra push ups when your asses make me late.”
Jake chuckled, his eyes dropping to the way your tongue slid along your bottom lip. The idea of dropping in when he got lunch was appealing enough to hold him over for a few hours. At least then he could show you what he’d been craving to eat since this morning.
“Gentlemen. Phoenix. You might want to avert your eyes. I’m about to kiss my woman goodbye.” The groan from behind was enough to set you off in a fit of giggles, your hand sliding into the base of his hair. “C’mere sugar,” he mumbled, grasping the nape of your neck.
To say Jake Seresin invented the art of saying goodbye was an understatement. He made bidding farewell dirty, debauched, and so filthy so as to solidify that moment in your mind for the rest of the day. His tongue slid into your mouth, a soft moan at the taste of your coffee being pressed into the searing kiss, as he tugged you even closer. The breath was knocked from your lungs with each lick into you and you began to wonder if maybe he was thinking of something else entirely.
That only made you grip onto his hair tighter, pulling him close enough to feel the way his hips shifted forward. Not enough to draw attention from the others. Yet you felt as if he was grinding into you without a single item of clothing on.
“That’s disgusting!” Rooster shouted from across the bar.
Yet you couldn’t find it in yourself to pull away. Spit spread slightly down your chin, his teeth digging into the plush skin of your bottom lip, and you felt your knees begin to buckle. Even as he gripped your ass tight enough to leave a phantom touch behind.
He made sure you’d feel him all fucking day.
“Mm,” he hummed, his grip growing tighter. “Your coffee tastes delicious baby.”
You laughed. “You want some?”
“I gotta go,” he mumbled, kissing you again as he licked even deeper into your mouth. His sharp inhale the cause of your heart stuttering.
“So go,” you breathed. “I’m not stopping you.”
He smiled. “Liar.”
“Don’t be rude.”
“Or what?”
Twisting his hair between your fingers, you tugged his head back slightly. Earning you a soft grunt you felt in the base of your stomach.
“Or I find something else to occupy my night.”
“Noted Mrs. Seresin.” He snuck your mug out from behind you, stealing a sip as you hung on him—addicted to his mere presence.
You smiled, biting into your bottom lip as he cleaned you up with his thumb. “I’ll see you later Mr. Seresin.”
“Oh yes you will,” he murmured, stealing a chaste kiss as he swung his jacket over his shoulder. “You can count on it sugar!”
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I swear I'm working on my fics, but I just had an idea while reading this post by @dante-mightdie. Also inspired by @a-b-riddle poly!141.
So like its poly!141 and reader, and the 141 has been ignoring reader and is just not good for them, and so when they go out without you, again, you decide to just...leave.
You live with them, of course, they wouldnt have it any other way, (you weren’t 'safe' alone) so you can't just text them and say the relationships over. There's no where for you to run, no way to hide once you do. So you instead you pack your bags and go, no note.
Now this is the 141, you know them, know how good they are. You know that one of them will check the camera when the motion detector goes off, you know that they'll come rushing hime when they see you leaving. You know that you've got maybe 1 hour from the moment you leave before they start looking for you.
So you pack your bag, leave your electronics at home, and head to the nearest Walmart. There, you cut your hair in the bathroom, change clothes, get a new bag, get glasses, and pull out as much cash as the ATM will allow you. You change your gait, walking with a limp so that they can't identify you that way.
Next you book a hotel with your card, the last purchase you make with it before throwing it away. Hoping to buy yourself more time.
You take your cash to another Walmart, spreadong out amongst Visa gift cards. You purchase a burner phone, call your sister and, one tearful conversation later, get the okay to stay with her, and book a flight to America.
You only breathe when you're part TSA. There's a hole in your heart, the weight of your emotions so heavy you can feel it. You feel guilty for just up and leaving, but by the time you start ahving second thoughts, it's too late to go back. Your plane has already left the ground.
This doesn't makes sense, I'm sorry, but I wanted to get it out XD.
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catcze · 6 months
Reblogs are greatly appreciated !!
[ ###… ] modern AU, rockstar Wriothesley, gn reader, est. relationship, a lil bit of hurt/comfort, fluff, long-distance pining, lovesick & homesick wrio, kinda cheesy which is kind of on brand for me lol
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By the time Wriothesley manages to get back to his hotel room and check his phone, he's pretty sure you're asleep. He hopes you are, knowing how late it must be on your end.
It's no surprise that there are several messages waiting for him— each day you've been apart, you give him something sweet to read in the evenings after a busy day of promos or after a hectic show. Something to make the distance between you seem a little less vast, to let him know that you're still thinking about him.
Even on days where he's dead tired, he'll always read them. Always let you know that he thinks of you, too.
What does surprise him is the newest text, sent at just over twenty minutes ago. Wriothesley frowns as he wonders why you're still up, and his heart only drops more when he scrolls through the messages and reads the latest thing you sent.
I miss you. I really, really miss you.
Before he can even hope that he's not bothering you, his finger near slams on the call button. You answer on the second ring, voice lacking the raspiness of a roused sleep. It makes him sigh with relief.
"Wrio?" you ask, surprised. "Are you okay? What's up?"
"I should be asking you that." Wriothesley sits heavily on the plush bed, flopping back against the pillows with all the grace of a man who just gave a two-hour performance.
As luxurious as the king-sized bed is, with its soft sheets and myriad of immaculately fluffed pillows, he can't help but yearn for the warm familiarity of your own bed and your well-loved blankets.
"Why're you still up, honey? Don't you have breakfast with your friends tomorrow?"
"...can't sleep," you murmur after a beat, voice so quiet. He hears sheets rustling, then silence again. You hesitate. "I... it might sound selfish but I miss you being here with me. It sucks that the bed feels so empty without you."
And oh, if he could, Wriothesley would crawl through the phone right this very second and wrap you in his arms— would crush you to his chest and hold you tight as he listens to your breath taper off into sleep. Would keep you against him, wrapped up in his love and adoration, until you practically have to beat him off of you with a stick.
But he can't and it's killing him.
"It's not selfish. I miss you too," he says, voice longing. "I want to go home to you so bad, sweetheart, you have no idea. Wish I could've packed you up in my bag and smuggled you here with me." He has to fight sleepy giggles at the thought.
"Speaking of— you better be prepared for a crapload of gifts when I get back. I've got a whole suitcase of stuff I thought you'd like."
You gasp, and even sounding a little crackly from the speakers, his heart does a flip. "A whole suitcase?! I wouldn't even know where to put all that!"
"We'll find space. 'm pretty sure there's some stuff we can jigsaw around." Wriothesley tries to keep the tiredness from his voice, tries to fight back the yawn. It's been so long since you've called, what with timezones and schedules getting in the way, and he wants to talk to you longer— ask how your day's been, what your plans are for the rest of the week, if there were any places you want to visit when he gets home. This call is much too short for all the things he wants to say, for all the hours he wants to spend listening to you talk.
But try as he might, you can tell he's close to knocking out without even having to lay an eye on him.
"You should sleep," you tell him, voice soothing him like a balm. "You're probably tired after your show. I saw a few videos, you know— you were so cool. I'm proud of you, Wrio."
He hums, basking in your praise. His eyelids are already growing heavy, the soft siren's song of sleep growing harder to resist. If he closes his eyes, maybe he can imagine that you're just down the hall, busy with something. You'll come in any second now, crawl into bed and slip into his arms, and everything would be right with the world.
"Thank you for... for calling. For checking up on me just because of a text." You giggle at that last bit, and (as it always seems to do) his heart flips. "I love you lots."
"Mm, no need to thank me. Just gimme lots of kisses when I get home." His tongue is growing heavier, sleep more inviting. But he manages to get one last thing out— "I love you lots, too."
Right before Wriothesley lets himself drop, you press a loud, exaggerated kiss to the receiver of your phone. He smiles.
That's how you both fall asleep: with both phones still on the line, even breaths and quiet snores comforting the other into a restful slumber.
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satinroses · 4 months
Off the beaten path
Yan! Albedo x reader x Yan! Susbedo
4874 Words
GN! reader
Summary: Albedo has been frantic about keeping you far away from Dragonspine for reasons unknown but when Sucrose asks you to go to Dragonspine to gather some ingredients for her you can’t help but go there however when you arrive Albedo doesn’t seem at all upset over your sudden arrival in Dragonspine… rather he seems uncharacteristically enthusiastic.
guys this is my first fic so erm I'm sorry if it’s really bad :[
Warnings: typical yandere behaviours, non-con kissing, both Albedos being little creeps, Y/N needs a break and has official permission to execute them both, Y/N is a smidge naïve, Manipulation, gaslighting
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The brisk air of Dragonspine doesn’t sit gently in your lungs, instead its crispness demands your attention. Each breath is invigorating. You were never one to focus on meditation or breathing techniques, seeing little interest in self-reflection or mindfulness however on mornings like this one on Dragonspine with the bright morning sun rising to full mast you couldn't help but feel rather contemplative. 
Admittedly you were not as alchemically inclined as your lover, the chief alchemist of the Knights of Favonius however when sucrose entered Albedo’s office late at night in a state of utter disarray as the samples of flora she had procured from Dragonspine had seemingly vanished from under her very nose you couldn’t help but take pity on the poor girl in her panic. Tomorrow morning she would be too busy refining the remaining electro hypostasis’ lightning prisms from her last journey outside the walls of Mondstadt for yet another experiment… She simply wouldn't be able to make the trek to Dragonspine and back while also completing all of her tasks but despite her pleading the knights were far too busy to waste their time collecting mere greenery.
You shifted on your feet, you always thought she held herself to a far harsher standard than she deserved, constantly focusing on her shortcomings as Albedo’s apprentice rather than acknowledging what an accomplished and gifted alchemist she was in her own right. You walked towards the distraught green-haired alchemist, firmly grasping her on each shoulder. At your steady grasp sucrose looked up at the reassuring smile you gave her “Sucrose! Don’t fret so much, you’ve already done more than enough. I’ve got it handled, I’ll head to Dragonspine first thing tomorrow morning and I'll have the samples for you before lunchtime.” For the first time since Sucrose entered the room you could feel your lover's eyes rising from the notebook where he had been scrawling away his recent findings for the past few hours, his turquoise eyes piercing into your body as though if he stared hard enough he’d be able pierce your subconsciousness and reprogram you, as though if he impressed his vision into you long enough you would eventually be remade in his vision, as though staring could somehow convince you to rescind your offer. 
Although Albedo was typically indifferent about how you spent your time and who you associated with, you couldn't help but notice that recently he had been very clearly trying to shepherd you away from the snowy peak of Dragonspine. Any ideas of visiting him while he was working was quickly shot down with a “It’s not worth the trek, most of my work in Dragonspine will be done soon enough, there is no point in journeying all that way”. Any mentions of stopping by to drop off some warm food for himself, Sucrose and Timaeus was quickly halted with a “we pack more than enough food and there are plenty of braziers around the camp, please don't worry yourself” much to the dismay of Timaeus. It felt as though every attempt to come see him working had been instantly stopped by some rebuttal he had regarding it as a waste of time and energy.
It would be a lie to say your heart didn’t ache with every blatant refusal to your attempts to visit him on the mountain. He let Kaeya, Klee and Sucrose visit him freely but he seemed particularly insistent that you do not come to Dragonspine, that you don't even entertain the idea. In spite of Albedo's recent reluctance for you to venture to the frozen mountain, you refused to be deterred. This particular voyage was not a selfish endeavour for your own entertainment… no! Sucrose needed your help and you refused to let her down. It would be a breeze to wander about the mountain picking flowers for a little while before meandering back to Mondstadt to what would likely be a hero’s welcome from the young woman, besides with your pyro vision strapped to your waist you sincerely doubted any hillichurls would be causing you issues and you knew well enough to steer clear of any Fatui outposts placed along the winding frozen pathways.
The mint-haired woman let out a deep sigh of relief, her breathing steadying as she looked at you hopefully “really?! You will? Thank you so much Y/N I- I don't know how to repay you I-'' you laughed warmly at the girl’s gratitude “think nothing of it! It’ll be a piece of cake, besides I haven't left Monstadt’s walls in weeks, going out and exploring will do me some good.” It seemed as though this past month almost every commission took place within the walls of Mondstadt, if you had to clean that blasted statue of Barbatos or tell that creep Albert to knock it off one more time you were going to go crazy, on the rare occasion you were given a commission that left the walls of Mondstadt it was something mundane like a food delivery to Springvale and back. You hadn’t had a single combat commission in weeks. you had filed several complaints to Katherine about the distribution of commissions and despite her promises to reach out to her higher ups regarding potential flaws in the commission distribution system, she still hadn't gotten back to you.
With Sucrose’s issue resolved and her mind soothed you gently guide her to the door of Albedo’s office “It’s getting late and I’m sure you’ll have a busy day tomorrow” you say to her, clasping the bronze door handle and holding the door open “I’ll see you tomorrow, verdure in tow!” you exclaimed as you watched the girl amble over to the exit of the Knight’s headquarters, waving you a polite goodbye. 
You softly shut the thick oak door to Albedo’s office not wanting to disturb the diligent genius, taking his silence during your conversation with sucrose as a sign of him returning to his work. Ever the academic, Albedo rarely allowed himself to be distracted from a task once he had dedicated himself to it, however upon turning around you were greeted by Albedo still staring at you intently, his eyes having never once left your frame. His pupils were dilated, the darkness engulfing his iris leaving only a sliver of blue as an outermost ring. He didn’t blink as though afraid you would slip from his grasp the moment he shut his eyes. His body was still, his entire being focused on watching you as though he was waiting for something to happen. He hadn’t written a word since your mention of Dragonspine, his studies completely paused as his pen stayed pressed on his crisp white notepad, a thick ink blot seeping into the page and staining it but in spite of this, the observant Albedo didn’t make any effort to move the pen.
Seeing Albedo so on edge subsequently had you unsettled. You gently walk across the plush red carpet approaching Albedo, taking the pen out of his hand and setting it down on his desk before he could further sully his work. Only upon your contact with him did he seemingly snap out of the daze he was in, blinking softly. His eyes still zeroed in on you but they seemed softer, less frantic. Upon setting the pen down you began to wrap your coat around your shoulders “you know what i said to sucrose is right, i should be heading home soon before i have to bump into the crowd of tavern crawlers on their way from The Cat’s Tail to The Angel’s Share” you joke gently attempting to lighten the mood, Albedo barely manages a smile at your jest. instead getting up and shoving his arms haphazardly into the sleeves of the jacket he stripped off hours ago “let me walk you home. It’s getting far too dark for you to be wandering about Mondstadt alone. I wouldn't be able to rest well unless I knew you made it back safely.” You smile bashfully at the consideration he's shown for you.
“Oh Albedo, i don't want to be a bother I'm sure you have plenty of things to-”
“I insist.”
“Well if you insist” you smile softly, your heart fluttering at his show of chivalry
You nodded and fiddled with the buttons of your coat, your fingers trembling as Albedo stood by the door waiting for you to be ready to leave. Upon noticing your battle with your buttons Albedo quickly faced you as he placed your hands by your side to instead button your coat up himself. The moment you were suitably clothed to brace the cool Mondstadt evenings Albedo’s arm snaked around your waist as he ushered you out of the Knight’s headquarters. Your cheeks warmed at his gesture as the reserved alchemist’s hand enclosed your waist tightly, pulling you closer into him as though he was trying to mould you together, unable to be separated by anyone or anything. You attempted to initiate some small talk as you wandered through Mondstadt, however Albedo hardly noticed. He muttered vague replies or made noises of affirmation as you discussed your day and how cold it had been recently and how excited you were for the next Windblume festival. Instead Albedo’s eyes were fixed intently on the shadows the dim streetlamps of Mondstadt cast as though a ghost was about to peer out from one of the alleys. As you reached your home you opened the door yet Albedo's hand didn't move from your waist. You stared at him expectantly, waiting for him to release you from his grasp but he didn’t move his hand until several awkward seconds had passed before he hesitantly allowed you to walk through your front door. “Goodnight Albedo” you whisper gently before pressing a gentle peck to his cheek. You disappear behind your door trying to forget about Albedo’s peculiar behaviour tonight, fretting about what could have possibly made him so troubled. In spite of your concern about Albedo’s recent behaviours you slipped into an uneasy sleep, unaware of how he remained steadfastly on your doorstep like a statue keeping watch until the sun began to peak over the rolling hills of Mondstadt and he reluctantly retired to his own abode.
The crunch of the fresh layer of snow beneath your shoes invigorated you as you continued your trek along the mountainside. Your head felt light as you inhaled the overwhelming saccharine scent of the half dozen sweet flowers you had found, your hand clutching the stems of the flowers gently, determined to bring Sucrose back the best possible samples. Alas you couldn’t help but feel as though your luck had all but run out when you began to search for mint. Perhaps some traveller had plucked the last of it in this area or maybe you were just unlucky. You bent over in the snow, your head almost grazing the ground as you sifted your hands through the snow hoping your fingers might latch onto even a mint sapling, that perhaps the constant winter snowfall had simply covered up all the fresh mint. After a few minutes of sifting through the mountainside snow you began to instinctively reach for your weapon as a distinctly humanoid presence loomed over you… there shouldn't be Fatui this far from the main path but perhaps these were scouts for a larger group. You held your breath not wanting the person to realise you were aware of their presence until you were ready or you were forced to act, likely the latter. As several minutes passed and you still pretended to be focused on the frost dusted ground beneath you rather than the presence looming over your form you were confused as to why they hadn’t approached yet… perhaps it was just some freezing adventurer too sheepish to ask for help so they were simply waiting to be noticed… or perhaps it was an inquisitive little snow fox or boar who would scurry away the moment you acknowledged it yes, that sounded much better. You would turn around and be greeted by some shy little forest animal who would flee the moment you acknowledged it. Yes. That was it. Nothing bad is behind you. You began to repeat in your head as you rested your numb hands on the hilt of your weapon before taking a deep breath and turning around.
Of all the potential scenarios you imagined being greeted by, seeing Albedo staring at you in utter shock was not one of them. You exhaled softly before you began to chuckle in relief, pressing your hand over your thumping heart as you chastised your over-active imagination. You smile gently “‘Bedo I didn't think I’d bump into you, what are you doing on this part of the mountain?” You awaited a response yet you weren’t greeted by one, you looked back up at Albedo but instead of him offering you a small smile or him trying to usher you off the mountain he simply stood there staring at you as though it was the first time he had truly seen you. He drank in deep breaths, his mouth slightly agape as his eyes danced across you, blinking softly as though trying to dispel some sort of illusion “Albedo? Everything okay?” you ask gently, your mind already on slight alert after his peculiar behaviour last night. Suddenly he let out a deep gasp as he stuttered out “what are you doing here? I thought… i thought you weren’t fond of Dragonstone…” you look up at Albedo in utter confusion “Not fond…? Albedo what are you talking about, you’re the one who practically forces me off the mountain” you say, half joking, half serious.
Albedo’s gaze becomes cold as he spits out “of course I do” with a venom unfamiliar to his voice, his eyes glaring into the ground with such profound hatred it startles you. He quickly remembers your presence and haphazardly attempts to regain his composure with a deep breath and a few blinks before he says in an even tone “then what are you doing here then Y/N? Shouldn’t you be in Mondstadt?” Your heart beat steadily accelerates as you feel your skin crawling as Albedo stares at you, his gaze seeping into your skin as he drinks in every little detail, his eyes fixating on every mole and birthmark and freckle, desperately imprinting them into his mind like this is the last time he might ever see you “we discussed this last night remember? I’m looking for some flowers for Sucrose’s experiment” you state, your voice tight as my body tense like a coiled spring ready to launch itself out of the grasping hands of the alchemist.
Albedo puts his hand on his chin as he begins to mutter “Sucrose… Sucrose… Sucrose… Sucrose!” he had sounded utterly befuddled by the mention of her until the final mutter of Sucrose seemed to ignite some spark of familiarity, like Sucrose was more of a passing acquaintance rather than his most promising protégé. 
“Yes of course Sucrose needed some flowers like we discussed last night”
“Yes that would appear to be the case” You giggled breathlessly, trying to ignore the pit of bile bubbling in your stomach “I just want to find some mint and then I'll begin the trudge back to Mondstadt”
“Oh… some mint? I think I know where you might be able to find some”
“O-Oh are you sure I don't want to be a bother and I don't want to get in the way of anything or be a nuisance or knock something important over in your lab” You stuttered out sheepishly, trying to find any way to get back to Mondstadt.
“Nonsense I’ve set up a temporary second camp just a little ways up the mountain, follow me. I’m sure we’ll find plenty of flora up there”
“Okay yes you’re right” You beam trying to ignore how tight the grin feels, like your skin is cracking underneath it. He holds out his soft cool palm waiting for you to grab it. You gently settle your hand in his unable to hear how his breath hitches softly as your numb fingers are clutched by his, a barely noticeable flush spreading across his complexion. Each step in the direction of this second camp makes your foot feel heavier until eventually you’re practically shuffling through the snow. As you wind through the passageways of the mountain you can’t help but feel like you’re going far too high but each time you ask Albedo about the new camp’s location you’re greeted by the same excuse “just a little ways further.”
“‘Bedo…” you stutter out “I should turn back, I need to get these flowers back to Sucrose soon. I promised she’d have them by lunchtime and the sun is getting rather high” 
He stopped in his tracks, the hand that had been grasping onto yours tightens with an unnatural grip “but we’re almost there” he smiles out, the smile far too large and toothy to look natural on him, mimicking a lion baring its teeth far more than a reassuring grin “just a little further” he repeats once more as he continues up the path, your hand still held tightly in his. You had followed him for as long as your reason had allowed but now you were venturing into parts of Dragonspine unknown even to you as he dragged you up yet another beaten path. You smile half heartedly, trying to ignore the primal sensation of fear when Albedo smiles at you, the undeniable emotion of something being deeply wrong every time he tightens his hold on your hand.
You stop walking and begin to try to coax your limb out of his grip but the gentle tugging of your hand out of his makes his smile drop. He balls his now empty fist as he pauses and stares down the offending limb as though it had personally wronged him. you stare at your feet, your eyes darting between your snow scuffed boots and the sweet flowers clasped tightly in your other hand as you try to avoid albedo’s gaze permeating through you. Albedo’s lack of social adeptness was often something you found endearing, another quality which raised the alchemist’s standing in your eyes but right here in the crisp morning air of Dragonspine with the sun shining far too bright, there was never another quality you despised more. The chief alchemist simply stared. you tried to move. You could apologise to Albedo for your behaviour later but as you were about to move your legs his fist grasped onto your wrist with a bruising grip. You reflexively dropped the sweet flowers that you had kept grasped securely in your hand as Albedo’s cold hand fixed around your wrist. You couldn't find it in your panic stricken haze to even think about the flowers that were now resting on the cold mountain snow. 
You yelped out in pain before looking up at Albedo for an explanation for his sudden change in demeanour. He offered none, instead he shifted his cold, stiff body closer against yours so your fronts were pressed together, chest to chest. He breathed down on your face, his breath wasn’t warm or wet like you had expected, instead it felt cool on your skin. Snowflakes settled on his long lashes as his pupils dilated, flickering to your lips. You stood stock still as confusion began to cloud your mind. Albedo’s gloved other hand rose to your lips, gently caressing them. “So warm…” he muttered absentmindedly as he traced the curve of your cupid's bow before his finger fell down to your lower lip. You enclosed your only free hand around Albedo’s, coaxing his fingers away from your lips instead you placed it down by his side “‘Bedo… I promised Sucrose those flowers, I need to get back to Mondstadt soon” his expression hardened before he finally acquiesced. Albedo’s dismay at you having to leave so soon was apparent until a mischievous glint alit in his eye. He tightened his grip on your arm before he whispered against your lips “I'll let you return to Sucrose if you promise me adequate compensation…” you could have laughed at the absurdity of Albedo’s demands “compensation?” you guffawed “You can't be serious Albedo.” he pulled you closer, no space was left between you as he tittered airily, running his hand softly through your hair “shh shh shh… I don't want mora and I don't want favours, I just want” his cheek flushed pink in spite of the confidence he exuded as he breathed out “I just want a kiss. That's all.” You were perplexed at Albedo’s request, since your relationship with the chief alchemist had been formalised he had rarely felt the need to formally ask for permission to kiss you but the Albedo here and now was blushing like a virgin at the mere thought of it. 
Typically you might have questioned his sudden change in behaviour but with some divine intervention seemingly handing you a way out of this awkward exchange on a golden platter you didn’t feel inclined to throw it back in the face of whichever archon had decided to bless you with this opportunity. Instead you leaned in softly before pressing a gentle, hesitant kiss to Albedo’s lips. To your relief his remaining grip on your hand loosened as your lips skimmed his but the sudden slackness didn't seem to affect just his hand but rather his whole body as he didn't kiss you back. Instead Albedo kept his eyes tightly shut as his entire body froze, the only part of his body that seemed tense was his furrowed brows. It was as though he were in a state of deep contemplation, focusing only on memorising the feeling of your warm lips on his. With his attention completely on the feeling of your mouth slotted against his own and his arms resting loosely by his sides, you took the chance to quickly separate yourself from him, turning away and fleeing along the frosty pathway down the mountain in a desperate attempt to escape the unnerving encounter.
You couldn’t hear Albedo calling out to you or following behind you so once you had made significant distance between where you and Albedo had been standing you turned to face him. To your surprise Albedo hadn’t moved an inch, he stayed exactly as you had left him, as though suspended in the moment in which your lips left his. The only difference is that this time his eyes were ignited with a cold determination, a look you knew to be unique to Albedo when he made a breakthrough experiment, when he found an ingredient he had been scavenging for months to find, when he finally located a dusty old tome or scrap of paper which had the information he needed and now when he stared at your frame scurrying down the mountain. As the base of the mountain came into view and your nerves began to settle you realised that in your desperation to get away you had left the flowers on the snowy ground. You halted for half a second, your foot pivoting as you prepared to venture back up the winding path but as your eyes met the incline up the mountain you were filled with paralysing nausea. Every single instinct in your body was fighting against the idea of going back up the mountain. Whatever interaction you and Albedo had shared up there, a raw, primitive, instinctual part of you knew that it had been wrong, that it had been off, that if you went back up the path then you truly believed you would not make it back down the mountain for a second time.
Almost slipping down the mountain in your haste to escape your peculiar encounter with Albedo you didn't dare stop until you reached the Adventurer’s camp on the outskirts of the mountain where you finally felt the hammering of your heart slow for the first time this morning now that you had escaped the sheer cold of Dragonspine but even then with Albedo’s peculiar behaviour these past few weeks and in particular today you still couldn't feel at ease, even as you began to trudge out of the Adventurer’s camp and back towards Dadaupa Gorge.
You almost did a double take when you saw a frantic Albedo hurrying towards Dragonspine, his hand resting tightly on the hilt of his cinnabar spindle, his body tensed and ready to pounce. “...Albedo…? How did you get down here so fast?” you called out, eyeing the alchemist wearily. You had never felt more bewildered. Upon hearing you call out to him Albedo’s hand loosened on the hilt of his blade. He ran to you and wrapped you tightly in his arms, one arm wrapped around your waist so tightly it was suffocating you, the other clawed into your hair, his fingers digging into your scalp. He pulled you close as he had on the mountain however this time he buried his head into your neck as he inhaled deeply.
As you stood there embracing the startled alchemist you could feel just how intensely his hands were trembling but you couldn't help but pry for answers in your state of bewilderment. You were certain Albedo had been behind you as you descended the mountain and even if he had followed you down (which you suspected he had) how would he have gotten ahead of you? Albedo hadn’t been leaving Dragonspine when you met him here but rather he had been approaching, he had to have come from the direction of  Mondstadt. You asked louder this time “Albedo, how did you get ahead of me?” You were up on the mountain last time I saw you.” At your declaration Albedo finally peeled his from your neck, his manic eyes darting across you assessing for any damage before he finally seemed to regain some semblance of awareness “how did i… i know dragonspine like the back of my hand Y/N. it wasn’t hard to overtake you” Albedo stated trying to steady his voice. Although it’s likely the Alchemist knew the Mountain far better than you did… you didn’t fully believe him. You couldn't fully believe him. Not when you saw how terrified Albedo had seemed as he bounded towards the mountain in such a distressed state you almost didn't recognise the alchemist, not when you felt just how tightly he had clutched onto you as though you were about to slip through his fingers, not when you could feel how frantically his heart was beating as he held you to him. 
You continued to insist Albedo explain what had happened, why he had been acting so strangely. The expression in Albedo’s eyes was unreadable, something you had never seen in the chief alchemist’s eyes before, something almost reminiscent of fear. As you both traversed down galesong hill towards the city of freedom you stopped Albedo and turned him to face you as you whispered in a pleading tone “Albedo please… just explain to me what happened up there. I’m not upset with you, I'm just confused. What happened up there? You seemed rather out of sorts.” Albedo’s lips grew into a thin line, the expression on his face was a grim one but instead of any explanation he simply pressed the back of his palm to your forehead “you’re burning up” he mutters. Yet again Albedo’s actions fill you with nothing but confusion.
“Burning up? What are you talking about Albedo? I feel fine just please, answer my question” you cry out, frustration beginning to rise as he dances around your question yet again
“Yes, you’re shivering too and it’s clear you’re in a state of confusion, from these symptoms I’d estimate that you’re suffering from the early stages of hypothermia” Albedo says in an even, methodical tone
“H-hypothermia? Albedo what on Teyvat are you-?” you pause as Albedo begins to take off his coat, wrapping it tightly around your shoulders
“Honestly you should have dressed warmer if you were planning to go to Dragonstone, you need to take better care of yourself Y/N. now come on, you’ll need to be treated for this but I'll only be able to do it back in Mondstadt where we can warm you up” Albedo said wrapping his arm around your waist as he began to walk even faster towards Mondstadt, keeping you tucked closely into his side. You didn’t feel weak and you didn’t feel tired, the rational part of your mind wanted to doubt Albedo’s diagnosis but an equally significant part of you wanted to accept what Albedo said, to dismiss this whole morning as some strange illness induced hallucination. yes that must be it... You insisted internally. You’re unwell and this illness is messing with your head like Albedo says. You’re not being completely rational so right now just need to trust Albedo and head back to Mondstadt for treatment and you need to forget how Albedo keeps glaring at Dragonspine with pure loathing as though daring the mountain itself to come and try to take you from him, It must just be the cold getting to you.
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beomiracles · 10 months
txt as love languages
pairing: ot5xafab!reader warnings: not really any warnings this is just cute, got the idea when I was watching a gore horror movie xx
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YEONJUN (연준) - physical touch
♡ yeonjun who always sticks to your side like glue, a part of him is always touching a part of you
♡ wether it be holding hands under the table, legs touching when you sit next to each other, his head on your shoulder or him playing with the strands of your hair with your head resting on his lap
♡ yeonjun feels the closest to you when he physically is close to you, warm bodies next to each other, skin touching, hearing your heart beat makes his flutter
♡ drags out hugs making them go on for minutes at the time. when you try to pull away he only pulls you closer. "yeonjunnnnn" you whine against him trying to wiggle yourself out of his strong grip, "you're gonna be late if you don't leave soon" he doesnt answer and nuzzles his face in the crook of your neck.
♡ will make silly excuses just to have you touch him, "I think I'm running a fever, you should check my temperature" you sigh and tell him that you did ten minutes ago "well maybe something changed in those ten minutes" he presses and sits in front of you with his eyes closed. he beams as you place the palm of your hand against his forehead "you'll live," you say. he pouts and offers his cheek to you, you shake your head "no kisses when you're sick do you want to infect me too?" you say. yeonjun crosses his arms and sighs dramatically making you giggle
SOOBIN (수빈) - giving/receiving gifts
♡ while soobin is a very shy person expressing his love for you through words makes him very flustered, he prefers showing his love through small and thoughtful gifts
♡ taking time to bake your favourite cookies, pouring all his love into the sweet treats, wrapping them up in a small box with a note attached, something along the lines of "thought you'd need a little extra energy today" or "don't eat them all before dinner" would often be written
♡ if he was to ever give you them in person he would be extremely shy, ears turning bright pink as he shyly hands you the basket of sweets, when you kiss his cheek and thank him his heart will start malfunctioning and he'll mumble out a quiet "'s nothing.."
♡ soobin always knows exactly what you want, even if you've never told him. waking up one morning to an empty bed, soobin has already left for work, you sigh, rubbing your eyes as you sit up you notice a small blue box on the bedside table. you open it to find all your favourite sweets, chocolates, gummy bears and caramelised almonds. there was also a small pack of painkillers along with some pads. a small note was tucked to the side and you picked it up to read. "I noticed you were on your period yesterday, I know how much you like sweet things during this time, hope you won't need the painkillers. - love soob" you giggled to yourself as you took a piece of chocolate, your boyfriend really was the best.
BEOMGYU (범규) - words of affirmation
♡ even though he hides it behind sarcastic comments and jokes fit for a twelve year old beomgyu is blunt with his love for you and will tell it to your face
♡ sometimes it's hard to catch it but it's definitely there, "you're lucky I love you" he says in a snarky voice as he admires the the pink bow you neatly tied to his hair.
♡ or "you look like a walking potato in that" he says when you walk out wearing his hoodie. when he sees the frown on your face he adds "I guess it's okay since you're my walking potato...and a cute one at that."
♡ sometimes he's really upfront catching you off guard, "you're so weird, who even reads books these days.." he says "I love you to bits though", he walks off to the bathroom closing the door behind him leaving you frozen on the couch, book long forgotten about.
♡ often says "I love you" in a super exaggerated voice or in a sarcastic tone but you know that he means it more than anything
♡ will pester you to say it back if you don't "whyyyy don't you luvvv me?" he hugs you even tighter, arms wrapping around your waist as he rests his head on your shoulder. "what does a man gotta do to get loved these days..." he sighs loudly like a balloon loosing all its air you roll your eyes at his dramatics "I love you more Beomie", you can almost hear the grin eating away at his face when he replies "yea but who doesn't" aaaand he's back
TAEHYUN (태현) - acts of service
♡ taehyun is not very big on words, that doesn't mean he doesn't tell you he loves or appreciates you though, he much rather prefers to show it in other ways.
♡ he will always step up to help with anything you might need. lightbulbs broken? he's on it. you're out of milk, don't worry a ten minute run to the grocery store and back and you're stocked up on milk for a week.
♡ he likes doing things for you but also with you. you're in the middle of putting together a new chair you bought for your makeup desk, it's a lengthy process but you've got things under control. you feel a hand on your back before someone sits down on the floor next to you. taehyun picks up the instruction manual and starts scanning it with his eyes. you assure him that he doesn't need to help and that you'll manage just fine on your own. "it's nothing" he says as he picks up a piece and starts putting it together. you work in silence, breaking it only to ask for things such as, "screwdriver?", "here" he says as he hands it to you. it turns out just as good as it would've if you'd done it on your own but something about doing it together made it special.
♡ will also do things he has no clue how to do. you walk in to your shared bathroom to find your boyfriend sitting on the floor with a frown on his face. "what on earth are you doing..." you begin but trail off as you notice the dismembered parts of your hair straightener on the floor. taehyun scratches the back of his head eyes not leaving the hair straightener as he speaks "you mentioned it being broken...I tried to fix it.." he says as his frown deepens, "might've made it worse" he admits, his cheeks turning a light pink. you smile, "eh let's just get a new one"
HUENINGKAI (휴닝카이) - quality time
♡ huening who loves spending time with you, it doesn't matter where you are, what you do or even what time it is, things like that are nothing when he's with you
♡ whatever you suggest you guys do he's down. cinemas? yes! he gets to sit next to you, putting his arm around your shoulders, having you hide your face on his chest at a scary part, sharing a popcorn and a drink. going to the beach? absolutely! swimming together, feeding each other watermelon and sunbathing next to each other. going for a walk? always! holding your hand, talking about nothing and everything, stopping to pick up a flower for you while saying something cheesy like "this flower can't even make up to half your beauty" smiling as he draws a giggle from you.
♡ always wants to be with you. you're reading a book, perfect, he lays his head on your lap as you read silently, occasionally flipping a page. words aren't needed, your presence makes up for anything and everything.
♡ he always finds time for you even on his busiest days. phone in your hand you debatably look at the time, 11.38 pm. you chew on your bottom lip as you consider texting him, he's had a long day it would be too much to ask to see him right now wouldn't it? you guys could always meet up the next weekend. letting your selfishness win you finally text him. not even fifteen minutes later there's a knock at your door. you rush to open to find your boyfriend with the biggest smile on his face and a flower bouquet in his hand. "i.. what, when did you have the time to get this-" you ask but he cuts you off with a quick peck to your lips. "for you there's always time" he says.
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vanishingcherry · 1 year
Hi, could you please write a lando Norris fic with angst prompt 1 thank you 🥰
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pairings: lando norris x reader
warnings: break up, implied drinking, kinda asshole lando at first
authors note: thanks for requesting! prompt 1 is "do you even love me anymore?" side note, it is so hard to find a gif of lando in which hes not smiling. also im so sorry for the ending i have no idea how to end angst
๑ ⋆˚₊⋆────ʚ˚ɞ────⋆˚₊⋆ ๑
The two of you had fallen in love surprisingly fast, but the process of falling out was slow and torturous. Fate was cruel, adamant on hurting you.
Instead of late night talks, the two of you would sleep facing the wall, neither wanting to risk seeing the other. Cute dinner dates turned into eating leftovers in different rooms, not wanting to risk a conversation. Small gifts and bouquets were to be seen no more, the house growing more dreary by the day.
You weren't sure if it was worth it anymore. You loved Lando, too much if you were being honest. But at this point, you weren't sure if he loved you back.
You noticed it at the beginning of the end. The way he always had an excuse. Whether it was streaming on twitch or calls with Zak, he never did anything with you anymore.
And you had tried, my god had you tried.
You had done everything. You had meticulously planned dates and activities based on his schedule, shifting around your own. You had been understanding, comforting, whenever he claimed he was too tired to go out to eat. You figured it was just for a while, that the stress had gotten to him and everything would be okay soon. But nothing changed, and 3 months later you found yourself in the exact same position.
Honestly? You were tired. Tired of your relationship, tired of Lando, and tired of putting effort into something he clearly didn't care about. You would give him one last chance, one last time to show he loves you.
That day, you wait for him in the living room. He had gone out with a few friends and it was well past 11pm, the time he had promised he would return.
Hearing the click of the lock, you mute the movie, watching the door open to reveal a tipsy Lando. His eyebrows furrow together at the sight of you on the couch.
"Why aren't you asleep yet?" he asks, heading to the kitchen for a glass of water.
"I wanted to talk to you, remember?"
"Can't we just talk tomorrow, I'm tired" he responds, before turning towards the staircase.
You knew you had to speak now, his understanding of tomorrow would never come. You look down at your hands, almost whispering the next words in fear of what his answer would be.
"Do you even love me anymore?"
"What?" He turns around immediately, looking at you.
"You heard me."
"Of course I love you, why are you even asking me that?"
"You've said it 2 times in the last week."
"What?" he scoffed. "You're counting now?"
"What else do you want me to do, Lando? We've spent maybe 1 day together in the last month. You're always making excuses and leaving and- I don't even know. What am I supposed to think?" You stand up, your voice increasing in amplitude as you grow more and more frustrated.
"I don't know Y/N, maybe trust the fact that I love you!"
"How!? You haven't given me a reason to in months." Letting out a sigh, you shake your head. "Nevermind, I don't know what I was expecting by doing all this." You get up and head to your bedroom, speeding up when you hear Lando trailing behind you. You had prepared a small bag with enough clothes for a week, should the conversation not go well.
Thankful for your foresight, you turn around and see Lando standing in the doorway, interested in finishing a conversation for the first time in ages.
"Why do you have a bag packed?"
"I'm done. I'm leaving."
It was ironic how quickly his face changed. His hard expression turned soft at the realisation of what you meant, the anger in his eyes was no more, instead it flashed with fear and sadness.
"Done... with what?" he whispered. The tables had turned, now it was him who was afraid of your answer. He waited for your answer, mouth slightly parted, taking small breaths, fearful of what would happen when you broke the tense silence.
"You. Us." Your voice was cold as steel, wanting to leave the house as soon as possible. Leave him as soon as possible. You could feel the emotions building up inside of you, threatening to burst out, but you hold on, not wanting to cry in front of him.
You try walking past him, but his hand grabs your own, pulling you into his arms. He was now stood directly in front of you, still blocking the doorway.
"Darling I- I get that you're mad but we don't have to break up." His voice is hesitant, not wanting to accidentally say something to upset you further. "
"We do, Lando."
"No no no. We can- I can fix this, darling. How about we spend time together this week? Yeah? I'll clear everything, it'll be just the two of us, all week." His mind was scrambling, going through every possible action, trying to think of ways to make you stay. "Please, my love. I love you, I promise, so much. I'll say it a million times a day, forever."
You sigh, eyes filling up with water as you try to hold back the tears. He didn't deserve to see you cry, see how much he had hurt you. "Lando, I would've given anything for that a few days ago, hell even a few hours ago. But you didn't care until it was too late, and that's not my fault." You don't look at his face, knowing that his expression would break you. Instead you look past him at the door, shrugging off his hands and walking away.
"Wait! I- I'm sorry, I'm so, so sorry and I'm sorry I didn't tell you how much I love you. I'll do anything, my love. Anything. Tell me what you want and I'll do it."
You stop, but don't turn around, knowing that Lando was standing right behind you. "I don't want anything from you anymore, not when I know all I'll get is disappointment."
You leave, heading to your car. Lando stands still, staring at the door, watching, praying that you would come back. That he hadn't messed up to that point. That it was all just a nightmare.
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cerise-on-top · 11 months
Giving König a Bracelet to Help with His Anxiety
@puff0o0 Hey, I'm the anon who said they'd write this! I know you deleted that ask, which is why I'm not really sure if you care about this anymore in the first place, so if this bothers you, just tell me and I'll delete it! Either way, I hope it's enjoyable enough and thank you for the idea!
From the doorway you watched the behemoth go about his day, with him currently picking out the food he would like to make. From what you could see, both options he weighed seemed to have been some form of pasta, although his large frame did cover the picture of the second bag. With a sigh, he put down one of them, the winner seemingly being noodles with broccoli sauce.
“I hoff meim Liebling werdn’s schmecken. Guad sans jo eigentlich scho.”
Fascinating, he was speaking his mother tongue again, but seemingly in the way where no machine translator in the world could help you. Strange as it was, to have been so confident in what little German you did know, there were many times you failed to understand him, but that’s what made it all the more charming as well. Either way, dialect or not, you had something else planned, something transcending language.
Creeping up to him, like a benevolent shadow, you took the piece of jewelry out of your pocket, holding it in your hand as you gave it another quick glance. It should fit him, but hopefully, it won’t pinch him too much. Seemingly distracted by the packet of noodles, or maybe he was just playing along with you, it was hard to tell, you stood behind him, not making a move. It was a bit ironic in your eyes: The gift you had gotten him takes its bearer’s anxiety and cleanses it, yet here you were, worried he might not like it. It still wasn’t too late to go back, or maybe leave it somewhere for him to find. Which, however, would make way for another problem, mainly that he would think it belonged to you when such couldn’t be further from the truth. You were certain König was a different man on the battlefield, fierce, frightening, fatal, but when it came to domestic things, he seemed a bit lost.
He was a sweetheart to you at all times, very aware of his strength and how easily he could hurt you by accident. He’s cracked several eggs on his hand instead of inside the frying pan, he’s even broken glass by holding it. And even then, the problem wasn’t the splitters in his hand, he was more worried about you being mad at him for breaking it. The guilt in his eyes was something else as you patched him up.
“I don’t deserve someone like you.”
And every time anew, you would tell him:
“Who said that?! Who do I need to cuddle the sadness out of?!”
Stupid as it was, it would always make him smile. But you couldn’t always be there with him, reassure him that everything was going to be alright. You probably didn’t need to, but you couldn’t help but want to, no matter what. For as scared as you were this time, you had to bite the bullet, let it be known that you loved and cared for him, even got him something. “Honey?”
“Oh, you’re back home. I am so glad to see you, I was just about to make dinner. Say, do you like broccoli?”
König turned to face you, his slight excitement was evident in his voice, the fact he tried to swallow it down even more so. It was adorable how his eyes almost glistened in the artificial light just because he was looking at you instead of pasta instructions now.
Softening your grip on the small bracelet, you hadn’t even realized you were gripping tightly enough to cause pain, you put your other hand on top of it, making sure to conceal it entirely. This was all or nothing. “I, uh, got you something. Can I have your arm for a moment, please?”
“Naturally.” Taking the pack of pasta into his other hand, he extended his arm towards you. It never ceased to amaze you just how big it was, his hand, too. He could likely take someone’s skull and crush it using just one. But in that moment, all it did was hang there, giving you the opportunity to attach the bracelet. That you did, putting the hook through the loop to make sure it wouldn’t fall off.
“There we go.”
König lifted his arm towards his face, inspecting the little accessory closely. While he wasn’t quite sure what those pretty crystals were, he could make an educated guess, having listened to you talk about them from time to time. The purple one, he was sure, he could make out fairly easily, the faintly pink one made his gears turn for a moment. “...amethyst and rose quartz? Is that what those are?”
“Oh, you actually remembered.” Taken aback for a second, you recovered quickly enough, taking his arm into your hands. You ran your thumb over the back of his hand. “But yes, that’s what they are. Good job, König, that makes me really happy.” Flashing him a smile, you took a shaky breath. “I got you this because it will help with your anxiety, though it seems like I should have one myself, haha. The amethyst calms the mind and the rose quartz will soothe the heart. But generally speaking, rose quartz will also help you when you can’t sleep at night. I want this to be yours so you will be well wherever you are.”
König’s eyes widened for a moment, breaking eye contact with you to look at the bracelet instead. It was absolutely gorgeous, a reminder from you that everything will be alright, no matter when or where he may be. Softly, he rubbed your arm with his free hand before pulling you into a hug. You couldn’t complain, he was tall, strong and warm. It calmed your senses, feeling his arms wrap around you, as he muttered his gratitude to you.
“Danke, Schatzi, ich hab dich so so lieb, du hast ja gar keine Ahnung.”
That German seemed to be easier to understand than what he said about the noodles earlier.
“I love you too. Be well and come back to me always, alright? Do you promise you will do that for me?”
You pulled away from the hug, putting a hand on König’s cheek while caressing it gently with your thumb.
“Yes, of course.”
“I hoff meim Liebling werdn’s schmecken. Guad sans jo eigentlich scho.” = "I hope my darling will like it. They are normally pretty good."
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Midnight Strikes (Robert Sheehan RPF)
Word Count: 1,1 k
Warning: strong language
a/n: Just letting everyone who left me a request know, I'm working on them and thank you so much for all the lovely ideas <3
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I can't wait to get out of here, it's so fuckin hot!
Your boyfriend texted around seven. It was your one year anniversary, but he had to work. Of course you understood, his job was demanding, but he loved it and so did you. Robert was meant to be home by eight, so you had everything ready for the celebration. 
There was a lasagna ready to go in the oven, homemade garlic bread, and cake for dessert. You prepared the bathroom with candles and a bath bomb so he could relax after dinner, the whole flat was spotless and you picked his favorite dress to wear. 
Twenty minutes passed, you put your romantic dish in the oven and set a timer before heading to the bedroom to get ready. The dress was blue and looked like something Donna would wear in Mamma Mia, very light and flowy. The makeup you chose was very simple and discreet, and the hair was also not too extravagant. You even got a new set of lingerie matching the dress for the occasion. 
Rob's gift was waiting for him on the sofa, a few books he'd been talking about in the last few months.
You waited until the lasagna was done and turned the oven off, leaving it in there so it would be nice and warm. You checked if the champagne you got for the celebration was chilled and set the table. 
When it was all prepared, you looked at the time on your phone, it was 8:05. You grinned in anticipation, deciding where you wanted to sit to wait for your boyfriend who should be coming through the door very soon.
Unfortunately, that's not how it went... 8:05 turned into 8:45, turned into 9:20, turned into 10:00. By then the lasagna was for sure cold and it wasn't even time for dinner anymore. 
You sent texts during this time, but there was no response, which elicited a mix of worry and anger stirring in your chest, adding to the hunger that was pretty bad already. 
Finally, at 10:25 the door opened and Rob walked in looking like hell. He was sweaty (more than usual), his hair was messy, there was eyeliner smeared around his eyes and he grunted as he usually did when his back was in pain. 
"So nice of you to join..." you said, looking up from your book 
"Shit, I knew I was late but I didn't know it was that bad," he checked his phone. "I didn't even see it, I just ran as fast as I could when they said I could go home, the tube was packed."
"There's bath stuff in the bathroom, but the candles are probably all melted by now," you folded your arms, absolutely furious even if you knew it wasn't his fault. 
Robert left his shoes by the door, walked up to the couch, and sat on the floor in front of you. He had that puppy look on his face, but didn't talk at first, knowing you probably had more to say.
"I worked on this shit all day for us to have a nice time and celebrate, by the time you're done with your shower and everything else we'll have an hour left in our anniversary at best!" Your voice cracked as you spilled the words. "That isn't fair, I know it was work and you didn't have a choice, I'm just frustrated! I already have to share you with the world, I can't even get a proper anniversary dinner."
He listened quietly as you let out your anger and on your own arrived to the conclusion that there was nothing he could've done to make things different if he wanted to keep his job. He then made sure you were done before taking your hands in his and kissing each knuckle. 
"I understand how frustrating that is, I'm sorry things didn't work out."
"I know... I am too," you sighed, seeing him so calm kinda forced you to calm down as well, it was quite nice actually.
"If you wanna celebrate another day with something different, I get it. But if you'd like to try, I can shower really quickly and we can have our dinner. Tomorrow I have the day off and I'm not leaving your side. I'll even hold your hand as you go to the toilet."
You laughed, he just knew how to de-escalate the situation. He wasn't always like that, but the talent to make you no longer mad was definitely there. 
Robert took a shower and changed into something nice, not a suit, but nice by his hippie standards. He even put on a scarf and fixed his hair to look just the way you like it. 
"You look so handsome," you smiled, holding out the gift box for him. "I hope you like it."
He opened it and his eyes lit up. "Thank you, y/n! So comforting to know you're listening when I'm rambling about books and movies and shit," he chuckled. "Now it's my turn."
Rob opened his bag by the door and pulled out a plastic bag, not a very promising wrapping job, but when you opened it, you forgot all about that. Inside there was the white and blue coat Klaus wears for season two of Umbrella Academy. Every detail was perfect, even the embroidery work. 
"Robbie! This is so beautiful, I can't believe you did this."
"You always mention how much you love these outfits so I had a replica made in your size," he grinned proudly. "I was between this and the black furry one from season one, but I'll get that one for your birthday."
You pulled him into a fierce hug, he really put so much care into it, he certainly looked forward to this night as much as you did. Suddenly, the time didn't matter anymore, all that mattered was that he was there.
"Thanks for being understanding today," Rob murmured, taking your hand as he happily ate his dinner. He was clearly starved from waiting so long.
"It wasn't your fault, don't worry about it."
"Hey, can I tell you a secret?" He asked with a little smirk.
"What?" You chuckled, half expecting some joke or gag, but he just took your hand and brought it to his lips again. 
"It was past midnight when I asked you to be my girlfriend." 
"What? No it wasn't!" You gasped.
He nodded as he chewed, completely sure of what he was saying. "I'm serious, my bedside clock was wrong, I remember cause I had to change it after I was late for work the next day. So technically, it's still our anniversary."
"Oh... happy anniversary then." 
"Happy anniversary, love."
Tag List: @salvador-daley @seanfalco @elliethesuperfruitlover @firstpersonnarrator @badsext
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planetaryaether · 1 year
unfortunately i really don't have the time or the attention span to keep up with livestreaming or vods so have just been seing stuff about kirbycraft on dash. If you know/it's too much trouble could you give me the cliffnotes of Rythian kirbycraft stuff of importance?
Apologies for the late response! I was a few streams behind on KirbyCraft so I wanted to be fully caught up before answering. So KirbyCraft isn't really a rp but there is some lore and plenty of nods to Blackrock, so I have broken it down by stream in case there is a specific moment you are interested in/want to watch for yourself!
Stream 1: 20/01/2023 - Rythian died immediately - Rythian "finagled" his way into the group - "You can't trust endermen" - Ryhian is the only one with a brain cell "deep breaths rythian, deep breaths" - (Exasperated) "don't cause trouble with the endermen!" "don't cause war with the endermen, that's like 3 seasons from now" - "I can give you all the lore if you want" "Their entire world got ruined by a big ol' magical experiment so now it's a wasteland" - (after being called edgy) "listen. edge is my history. I can't pretend I wasn't an edgy boy. I'm holding onto that" - In response to "if we're cold, they're cold" about endermen "He's not cold - he comes from a dimension of void. He has no sense of temperature!"
Stream 2: 27/01/2023 - Rythian is assigned the leaky room below the farm (even out of rp rythian gets the shitty room)
Stream 3: 03/02/2023 - Rythian is a canonical boob man - (In response to Briony being excited about the idea of getting an enderman to pick up a pumpkin) "why are you so excited about an enderman, they re evil" "Briony, you are so naive, you'll be the death of me one day"
Stream 4: 10/02/2023 - (About endermen) "I may or may not speak that language"
Stream 5: 24/02/2023 - Au is different from blackrock lore (Rythian can be friends with endermen)
Stream 6: 03/03/2023 - The gang decides to live in a woodland mansion Rythian's wrestling intro is "the voodoo people" (pendulum remix) by Prodegy - "I may not have a finatical hatred for endermen, based on my character's backstory, anymore, but they're still dangerous enemies!" - Rythian goes into how he joined the Yogscast and that he has always had a passion for creative projects so the moment he had the chance to make one, he made Blackrock
Stream 7: 10/03/2023 - Rythian says endermen deserve nothing but then backtracks and says they can have a block. Is deemed a "big softie" for showing the smallest amount of not-hatred towards endermen - Rythian blames a portion of their house burning on an enderman - Rythian (about getting xp back after dying) "I guess I gotta go either go on a killing spree or find some nether quarts I suppose" Briony "Oh, no it's happening. Rythian has reached peak evil Rythian" "It's the evil alt-rythian"
Stream 8: 17/03/2023 - "Beginning of my villain arc? maybe" literally 5 seconds later quotes the lil jon remix of cooking by the Book - Kirsty calls the idea of the end cute Rythian: "It's not. It's terrifying and despair enducing"
Stream 9: 31/03/2023 - Rythian suggests giving the enderman that lives in their house a gift (something pretty that grows) because the End is devoid of anything twits a conversation about bears to (half-jokingly) say that it is okay that he kills endermen because it is 'in his nature'
Stream 10: 14/04/2023 - Only briony can tame endermen by looking them in the eye. Rythian jokes about how many mystery mods are in the mod pack and how he would prefer that all endermen are automatically hostile and "go full-on ender-war" - Rythian is against adding a big-titty-endermen mod - Because the end was transformed into a wasteland with no resources/food, its inhabitants changed into a form that could survive without sustenance. Endermen can survive most poisons, diseases, and curses. - Rythian compares the 'friendermen' to slave soldiers - Rythian describes as an "angy boy" - Originally Nilesy was supposed to be a part of KirbyCraft
Stream 11: 21/04/2023 - Rythian doesn't like that the endermen seem to think that their mansion is a safe place for them - Rythian tries to befriend an enderman and it says "I remember you" - Rythian acknowledges the usefulness of befriending endermen
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veryace-ficrecs · 8 months
Mckirk Fic Recs
This list will include all ratings and tags, so read at your own discretion! :)
Preconceived Notions of Propriety, Or, Bones Tells Jim Where He Can Shove It by PassionObsessed - Rated E
"Jim had always been a touchy feely guy, hanging off of everyone who would let him do so, which meant Bones had had a Jim-limpet attached since practically the first day. Apparently no one had ever noticed that those touches had gotten progressively more intimate and bold over the last few months as well as a corresponding decline in touching when it came to other people. Bones sneered a bit, making a passing cadet flinch back and scurry away. Oh no, it wasn’t until Jim had unthinkingly leaned down to kiss him goodbye before he left the mess for class that anyone had finally bought a clue. And of course he hadn’t even thought about it, just lifted his mouth to reciprocate the chaste kiss before going back to focusing on his padd. It took him several minutes to even notice the absolute silence in the mess hall and look up- to find himself the focus of five hundred dumbfounded cadets and professors." News gets out about Jim and Bones' relationship. Cue people warning the other person off. Bones is Not Pleased.
the inherent dangers of coffee dates by MourningElegance - Rated T
Oh fuck, Jim thinks to himself, eyes widening with sudden realization. He eyes the coffee cup in his hand, noticing the telltale hives beginning to peek out from his shirt sleeves. Fucking allergies- - - Of course James Kirk would go into full blown anaphylaxis in a crowded Starbucks. Lucky for him, the cute stranger he just met seems to know an awful lot about medical emergencies...
If You're So Damn Sure, Won't You Show It by ExcavatingLizard - Rated T
“So.” Pike, on the other hand, sounded distinctly smug. “Would either of you like to explain to me why you’re both suddenly in the system as married?”
“Uh, married… to who, sir?”
“To each other, Cadet.”
Or, Five times Jim and Bones weren't in a relationship, and one time they finally were.
pack up the life that's left by haveloved - Rated T
"Win doesn't know I'm doing this, and… hell, if she ever finds it she'll think it's morbid and I'll just delete it, but…" George frowns and looks off into the distance. "Maybe I'll delete it myself. But I can't--shake the feeling. … Just a feeling." "Darlin'--" he starts, a whisper, and Jim shakes his head furiously. "I wanna see, Bones," he whispers determinedly, but he's gripping Leonard's hand hard enough to bruise.
New Beginnings by Heavenly_Bodies - Rated T
Leave is coming to an end, but it’s just the beginning for Jim and Bones.
Anywhere With You by offensiveagentpie - Rated E
The idea came to him, as most of his more brilliant ideas do, while he was doing some tune ups on his bike. Bright late summer sunlight streamed off of the hood of the Corvette parked in the drive way and something just clicked for Jim Kirk.
We were all wrong by GalaxyPixel - Rated G
The students in the English class of James Kirk are trying to find out who he's going to marry. It definitely can't be the other English teacher, McCoy, who doesn't seem to like Kirk at all, right??
The Unbirthday Gift by gadgetorious - Rated G
McCoy decides to show Jim how much his friendship means to him and takes him out for his birthday. Only it's not his birthday.
Renovation by unicorncoalition (canistakahari) - Rated E
Jim has a whammy put on him by an alien death ray and he suddenly craves domesticity. He's crazy with longing to shop at space!Ikea and get potted bamboo and he starts looking into adopting AND HE HATES HIMSELF AND CANNOT CONTROL THE SHIT. Luckily, McCoy is drunk all the time and plays house.
5 times someone found out about Jim Kirk and Leonard McCoy, and one time everybody did by noelia_g - Rated G
The night before the first day of their five-years mission they all meet for drinks in one of the less frequented bars on campus. It's not easy to fit an evening out into their respective schedules, but Gaila insists and Jim backs her up, even threatening to make this his first order as the Enterprise's captain.
All Of Your Heroes And Saints by acetamide - Rated M
Leonard McCoy has met so many people in his profession that there isn't a single superpower left that surprises him. Until he meets Jim Kirk.
Recreational Activities by laughter_now - Rated T
Just how this away mission turned into a camping trip, including a campfire and shared stories, Nyota had no idea. It might be that she's somewhat distracted by the sudden display of PDA between her Captain and his CMO…
normal's overrated anyway by soniclipstick (veriscence) - Rated T
At his thirtieth birthday party, Jim asks Bones to marry him. Bones tells him that normal people go on dates first.
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Satoru Gojo x GN!reader
A new home with you
I actually had a different idea for this fic but it took on a life of it's own. I may write a part 2 for it to actually get in the bit i'd set out to write in the first place. Reader was behind Gojo by a year in school and is now preparing to move in with him now that they're finished with school. Gender neutral reader, mentions of reader wearing glasses.
Your last year at Jujutsu tech as a student had been.. hectic, yeah, that's the word for it. Just as good as any other. It was strange standing in your nearly empty dorm room. It had started just as empty of course but as the years passed it had filled with proof of the life being lived by its inhabitant. Artwork plastered across the walls, a well loved bed set, art supplies perpetually in disarray on your desk and sometimes floor. There were also signs of the friendships you'd forged while there as well. A shelf full of various knickknacks, plushes on your bed, most of which were gifts. When a certain senpai had learned of your love of cats and how you missed having one he'd started buying various cat figures for you. It had started small but by the end of your time there an entire shelf had essentially been dedicated to your little feline army. Among your many photos there's one of him pulling you in for a picture looking particularly happy with himself, you're holding a white plush cat with big blue eyes he'd just gifted you for your seventeenth birthday.
You sit back on your haunches as you finish sealing off a box with said photo carefully packed away. Letting out a slow breath you bask in the memories of the room for a moment. You'd miss it. the late nights spent talking instead of studying, the tears, the laughter, the first time Satoru pulled you against him and laid the two of you down on the bed. You'd felt consumed by him even though to an outside perspective you were just cuddling. The memory has a biter edge because of the circumstances, you were taking comfort in each other and it was one of if not the first time he'd been so vulnerable around you.
A knock on the door. "You ready to go?"
You were so deep in thought that the man in question's voice nearly makes you jump out of your skin. Nearly. Instead you fall back on your ass from your crouched position and let out a yelp.
Satoru laughs as he walks over to you and leans down to help you back up. He pulls you to your feet, his dark glasses showing you your own heated face like little mirrors. "You're always so jumpy. You could give Utahime a run for her money you know."
You stick your tongue out at him briefly. "Shut up, Satoru. I was just lost in thought is all." Your eyes move away from him toward the box and then to your- the stripped bed and then back to him. You may not be able to see his eyes but you're fairly certain he followed your gaze about the room. After all he'd started spending time in here as well around the middle of his second year.
Even behind his glasses you're fairly certain you can feel his gaze burning into you. You go to open your mouth, feeling like you should elaborate. Before you can though he boops you on the nose, a fond smile starting to form on his lips. "You don't need to explain, I think i understand." Your mouth closes and you watch him turn and pick up the last box. "Let's get home, yeah? Don't wanna let the kids burn down the apartment."
That makes you laugh a little. "I mean they're good kids. Good enough kids to handle a year of your parenting alone."
"Hey! I'll have you know i'm an excellent parent." he sniffs in mock indignation.
"Uhuh, sure and-"
"You're going to be a good parent to them too, ___" His voice softens and your name is said with so much fondness your heart is about to burst.
You feel tears prick your eyes, not because of leaving behind one stage of your life, but because of the one you're moving onto. One you know will be filled with just as much comfort, sadness, love and all the other things that come with living a life worth living.
The rough pad of Satoru's thumb rubs over your soft cheek, "Hey now, I didn't want to make you cry." You blink rapidly to get the tears out of your eyes but make them splash against the lenses of your glasses. You give a watery laugh and pull them off so you can wipe at your face with the sleeve or your, or rather Satoru's sweater. "S-sorry, it's not a bad cry or anything. Just.. I'm a little overwhelmed i think."
The concerned furrow to his brow ease a bit at that and he leans forward to press his forehead against yours. "Don't worry, I'll be with you every step of the way."
You give a watery giggle and then gasp, "Satoru, careful!" You say as you realize how precariously he's holding the box in one hand so he could cup your face with the other.
He makes a surprised sound as the box slides from his grip and he just barely catches it before it can fall to the ground. You hear things clack together uncomfortably in the box but not anything breaking. Hopefully anyway. He huffs as he straightens with the box, an apologetic grin on his face.
He adjust the box for a more secure one handed grip so he can grab one of your hands. "So you ready to come home?" You duck your head a little with a smile. "Yeah, i'm ready to go home."
@nanamikentoseyebags @strawberrystepmom @gojoest
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- ♡ Short Valentine's scenarios/headcanons with the Gosho boys ♡ -
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Characters: Kudō Shinichi, Hattori Heiji and Kuroba Kaito x reader(separately, I don't write for Hakuba since I don't know how).
WARNINGS: Might be OOC(Out of character), and I may interpret valentine's in the wrong way since I haven't celebrate it personally.
a/n: Doing this since it's February and to warm up for writing the requests on my drafts, I'M SO SORRY I TOOK SO LONG MY MOTIVATION IS JUST GONE TT(and happy late valentine's)
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- Kudō Shinichi -
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~ Not something too grand, just your casual dates like going to libraries and coffee shops/café, or dates at home such as cooking and reading together. Or he'll go to an amusement park like Tropical land with you if he wants something more grand. ~ Asks Ran on what to give you for valentine's since she seems to be the fastest solution, but ends up discussing for 3 hours since he's kind of picky about her ideas. Not that he dislikes it, he just wants the best for you. ~ If you are staying in his house for the night he'll try to make you breakfast in bed, but his cooking skills is not really helping him so in the end, he made you a mug of coffee and some toasts much to his disappointment. ~ When he receives your valentine's gift he is just the cutest, He's trying his best to remain composed but he can't hide his little blush, he might seem hesitant to take your gift but it's just because he's not sure if it really was for him. ~ If you two are not dating yet, one of the ways he may confessed to you is by giving you a book you've been wanting before you go home, and in that book is a confession letter he wrote painstakingly attached on the first chapter. The gifts he might give you include: 》 A book you've been wanting. 》 A pack of your favorite coffee/drink. 》 Night lamp. 》 Tiny box of coffee flavored chocolate.
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- Hattori Heiji -
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~ Let's be honest, you two will either relax and slack off at home snuggling each other, or just straight up go on a trip to anywhere you two are feeling like going(if you two are free). ~ He called Shinichi to ask about what to do for valentine's day, but he got suggested to ask Kazuha instead and Shinichi hanged up before he could say anything, so he argue discuss valentine's plans with Kazuha since she's the only female friend he have. ~ If you two are free and not tired, he'll offer you if you want to go around Osaka with his motorcycle, and go on a stroll to search for some street foods that might catch you and Heiji's eyes. ~ He will look at you with eyes wide like saucers, and a dumbfounded look on his face when he receive your valentine's gift. Even though it's so obvious, he has the audacity to ask if it's for him while pointing at himself. ~ One of his confession methods is a rather cliché one. He'll spend almost the whole day with you and before it gets dark, he'll take you to a quiet and peaceful place, or where you two first met, and tell you his feelings with his own mouth, word by word. The kind of gifts you can possibly get from him include: 》 Cap of your favorite baseball team to match with him. 》 Sweater/Jacket so you won't get cold since you often go out with him. 》 A "normal" box of chocolate that has random flavors(like Bertie Bott's) 》 A funny card game like joking hazard for you and him to mess around.
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- Kuroba Kaito -
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~ This man is a handful, the moment valentine starts your day is gonna be filled with even more surprises, compliments and flirty remarks than you ever had usually(which is 24/7). ~ Another man who argues with his only female fellow about valentine ideas, but instead of being picky like Shinichi, it was Aoko who rejects his ideas since they're too bizarre. Either way he ignores her in the end and goes to execute his ideas. ~ He will make his daily magic tricks that he shows you more romantic focused, and sometimes will be followed by a smooth pick up line or a very bad but somehow still romantic dad joke. ~ When he receives your valentine's gift he'll still put his calm elegant act, saying he's flattered and he appreciates your effort, but to say he's ecstatic and giddy on the inside is an understatement. ~ One of his confession method is by sending you anonymous poems and a love confession beforehand, and then revealing himself. He might seem calm, but if you pay enough attention you might see the slight flush that resides at the tip of his ears as he reveals himself to you. Some gifts that he may give you: 》 A book on how to do magic tricks so you can start doing tricks with him. 》 Hairclip/brooch of your favorite playing card symbol. 》 A little teddy bear holding a stem of rose. 》 A box of chocolate that has flirty messages and corny love jokes.
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anjumzm · 3 months
Midsummer Night
A Legacy of Gods Fanfic.
JerCes Daughter x LanMia Son
Chapter 4
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Aanya Volkov
"Where were you?"  I'm met with Calebs question as soon as I enter the house I share with my friends in UK.
The row house had been a collective gift from my father and Uncle Creighton which I share with my friend Gina and my sweetest cousin Rebecca,  Aunt Anni and Uncle Creighton's daughter. The three of us had been inseparable since childhood and decided that no matter what, we'll remain together in college just like we'd been during our school.
Zoey and Seirra who were our seniors used to live in the house opposite ours along with Jessica,Uncle Killian's daughter who's the same age as Zoey and Seirra. They shifted back to the flat they bought together soon after graduation. While Zoey is more inclined towards art and has no interest in business, her sister Seirra wants to prove her worth in the business world, something that's proving to be quite a task considering her ambitious big brother Sean and psycho genuis cousin Theo, but I believe she'll do great, considering she has her Grandfather, Aiden King's unwavering protection and support, something that's proving to be both a boon and bane for her. Jessica is a quite and calculative person and usually speaks only when its necessary, she graduated top of her class at the law school and  has joined her Uncle and Grandfather at their law firm. My mother really dotes on her since childhood,given that her and Aaron had been childhood friends, before they drifted apart.I've seen her around my house in the US considering the on and off relation she has going with my elder brother Aaron, who's been smitten with her since his teenage years, but refuses to admit the same given his mafia image and reasons unknown to me. I do hope he finds his courage and makes up his mind before it's too late. Jess is a diva and has a line of suitors given her intellectual personality along with her beautiful face. Just like the 3 of us have been a group, Zoey Seirra and Jess come in a pack, always.
While my parents  and my brother mostly keep to the US, my father and brother for their Bratva business and my mom for her clinic, my lovely grandparents live here, the only reason why my father even entertained the idea of me living with my friends in the UK. Not only that, he also forced my brother Caleb and cousin Jasper to buy one near ours, along with the guards that  follow and report our every move.
"Was Out." I reply taking out the bottle and chugging water directly from it. Gods it feels as though I've returned from Sahara desert.
"Doing what exactly?"
"Visiting the Kings for dinner, Gina had invited me"
"Seriously Aanya, don't you know the trouble we're dealing with right now, courtesy 'Theo King'."
"Doesn't mean that I'd break my friendship with Gina over it"
"Aanya, I'm not asking you to break your friendship with her, what I do expect however is that we keep to ourselves for a while, be cautious. Aaron and Dad are already dealing with so much, let's not add to their problems"
"I know and understand, Caleb, trust me I wouldn't dare do something that would cause Dad unnecessarily trouble, it's just that Aunt Mia had personally invited me over phone, given the tensions between our families, I didn't want her to think that it's affecting my relations with her and Gina, besides everyone else in the Kings Mansion love me"
"Still, angel, I'd be careful. If Dad hears about this, you know how it'll get, good thing that Uncle Ilya's band of madmen are not on guard duty today"
"Sure thing Cal, thanks for covering for me"
"Anytime, angel."
He waits for a while before asking in a low voice"Have you been taking your medicines regularly?"
"Ofcourse I am. What makes you think I'd skip them anyways" It comes out sharply even though I know he means no harm.
Sensing the change in mood Cal tries to divert my attention "We can catch breakfast at your favorite waffle place tomorrow,although I'd you rather stay with us tonight, knowing you, I won't push it. Will pick you up in the morning. "
"Yupp" Since Gina and Rebs were at their parents place today I had the house all to myself, which means that I can do my task at hand without any hindrance.
I'm an architecture student,  since childhood I'd had fascination for old buildings and would always sit down to sketch whenever an old building or house caught my eye, there's something enthralling about the old houses and buildings, as if it's walls still hold stories, I like the mystery of it all, of what might have been the story of people who once roamed these halls. I'd like to rebuild these buildings in a way that they don't loose their originality. Even if I'm majoring in architecture,  I do know more than the basics about coding, encrypting and decrypting data, given my tech genuis brother Caleb, who's majoring in Computers, he's the mastermind behind our strong web of cyber networks and security detailing,  something my Grandpa Adrian is super proud of.
Aaron is more like my father, a leader through and through,  strongheaded and steadfast. He's a Mafia heir and has been training for the same since his childhood, He's also my Mom's favorite child, although she claims that she loves us all the same, but Aaron's always been super close to mumma, even though he is a replica of my father, face and nature wise.
I take out my laptop, type in the codes and insert the pendrive, cross check if all the data is in place, Its only when I see the message, Data processed successfully,  do I take a breathe of relief.
Hush, that was easy.
Yet the gnawing feeling I had doesn't go away, as if something big is waiting to happen, as if I'd started a chain of events knowingly or unknowingly.
Breathe Aanya, only positive thoughts.
Just when I'm about to close my laptop and go to sleep, I hear a commotion downstairs
"Caleb, what are you doing here?"
"Pack your bags Aanya, we need to leave"
"Wha.. why? You know I have my exams next week, I cannot afford missing any more classes"
"Dad, will make arrangements,  just pack what's necessary, we're leaving for the US"He says still busy typing something on his phone
As I'm about to refute him, I see Uncle Ilya along with his "band of madmen" as Caleb likes to call them.
OK. This is serious.
"Miss Aanya, I hope that you've packed the essentials, we're leaving in 15 mins,  the jets ready and Boss awaits us"
"Whats going on?, I don't understand why do we need to leave suddenly in the night"
"The Black books stolen Aanya, it's gone" Caleb says in a frustrated tone running his hand through his hair.
As soon as I hear the words, my entire body goes numb
.The Black Book is a ledger, containing years and years of data, about mafia transactions, alliances and every little detail that's been taking place in the Bratva since my great grandparents time, if fallen into wrong hands, and god forbid if someone leaks the data, entire nations could be in chaos, which is why its been a  physical copy, since its almost impossible to completely secure a file on computerKept at the top floor  in a vault with complex codes, only the direct family and a few people belonging to our close circle know about its existence, No one else, not even the Pakhan is aware of something like this existing,  if the Bratva and the Pakhan comes to know about this, they'll want my family's head on a platter. This is Bad, very very Bad.
And here I thought that securing this stupid pendrive would make my family's issues go away.
Dear Lord, can't we catch a break, sorry if we did something bad, but please we need you on our side, now more than ever.
How, just How, someone managed to pull a stunt like this blows my mind.This wouldn't have been possible without masterplanning with precision, only a genuis would be able to pull a stunt like this.
Only a Genuis.
Good Lord.
I run back to my room and open my laptop, the entire screen gone blank with only a message blinking  on screen:
'Knock Knock'
And soon my phone blinks with a message from an unknown number 'Ask me Who's There?'
I try calling the number,  but no one picks it up, instead I receive a message from the same number:
If you want the Black Book back, meet me tomorrow at the Kings Mansion, 9 am sharp.Just so you know, this is Theodore, in case you haven't figured it out yet.P.S Wear the little yellow frock you wore yesterday for dinner,  you looked like a snack in it.
I will kill this man, no matter even if I have to go to jail, I will strangle him to death, cut him to pieces and feed them to some feral animal.
But before that I need to get the Black Book back.
All our lives depend on it.
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space-blue · 5 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💗
Hey, hi anon!! Thanks a lot for this, I enjoy gushing as much as any fic writer :3
#1 and closests to my heart, is Fathers and Daughters
You can tell I was mentally ill about it, because I'm forever struggling to finish WIPs, the ADHD constantly going "Oooh shiny new idea? Just take a break, this will be a one shot" only to lie to me, or do it X times in a row. But not with F&D. I stayed glued on to that one.
Yeah I had a couple long hiatus, but I'm finally working on the last chapter and I can tell you I'm going to be taking myself out to dinner to congratulate lol
I passed 100k words!!! I never thought I'd manage. I don't think I'll ever manage again!
#2 Then the dreadful night shall break
A Dark!Obi-Wan fic. I had for a long time this back and forth with a friend, where we kept gifting each other more and more tortured Star Wars fics. So I originally made this a one shot focusing on the horrors of sleep deprivation (from first hand experience…) and how it might break even the kindest of Jedi.
Things snowballed and got out of hand, and it turned into what I think is my best Star Wars story. It's also titled after a line in Cradle Song by William Blake. I am weirdly obsessed with naming fics from his poems. Only him. IDK why.
#3 Never Too Late
Another SW story but on the other end of the spectrum, focusing on H/C. Set right after Episode 1, with Obi-Wan reaching out to Dooku, who hasn't turned to the dark yet. It's my second most kudoed fic ever after the 100k words one, so you know I was cooking and people liked the taste of it.
In general I love writing reluctant father figures, and Dooku - Obi - Anakin, at that time and place, are like the holy trifecta of reluctant daddies lol
#4 For Always
My Elden Ring masterpiece and foray into Monsterfucking. I was very sauced for "pubber" Maliketh the Black Blade, even before I played the game. I owe a lot to my friend Spiced for this one--without them there wouldn't be much fucking in this fic! I just like tragic hee-heem-whimper men and Maliketh is that but also with a broken mind, rags, a raspy voice, and paws large enough to make a doll out of us sooooooooooo…..
The irony is that this story has some of my most purple and stuffy prose, despite how horny I make it out to be. I really enjoyed this writing style.
Would you stay with him, henceforth? Would you cast away your humanity, sacrifice your mortality to give him companionship? Would you twine your fate to his? How you'd laughed, naive little thing, telling him that it was no sacrifice. You hadn't known better then, and he, a god, knew even less. He kissed you and licked at your throat. He felt you shiver and asked once more if you truly wanted this. You wanted him and immortality at his side seemed close enough. So you said yes, and he clamped his jaws down on your throat and killed you—one last time.
The sauce stings my eyes to this day. This is the good shit. I wish I could brainrot on characters like this at will.
This one is impossible to pin down. I have stories where I'm really proud of the writing. Stories where, like the one above, I still really taste the sauce, and the dynamic really appeals to me. Got plenty like that which would easily fit in 5th place. I could also mention the ones I still have very much on the fire, simmering even if they haven't updated in a while.
Fuck it. I'll go for Chosen.
A one shot I wrote while in Florence, often sitting out on a little balcony… It was such a nice place and such a sweet time… And I packed the story with these (bitter) sweet feelings and tried to explore what would happen with Anakin died killing Grievous, leaving Obi-Wan lost, and Ahsoka fearing nobody will chose to take her on again.
It also has some of my favourite prose ever, in the way I wrote (for the second and better time) the backstory of major blorbo Taron Malicos. Nobody ever cares about this bit but I think it's the best part of the fic LOL
Thanks again anon! I'm spreading the love now in my mooties' ask box.
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mcalhenwrites · 10 months
I logged in last night for a brief time and responded to messages. I saw I had an ask, I will try to answer it as soon as possible! I'm moving across states on Wednesday and will be without internet for a short while (could be only a couple of days, could be longer before we manage to set it up), and I haven't been on tumblr. I've been on bsky and twitter sporadically, as well as subeta, but I haven't been on AO3 or tumblr or goodreads lately. (Not reading much anyway, just adding books I want to read.) I am writing a little bit in-between packing, but things are pretty complicated. I'm picking at Name the Frogs and Seasons, I also may have stared a prequel to Seasons. I said I wouldn't write a sequel, but no one said anything about a Vivian backstory... /coughs That said, as a treat, I'm attempting to draw my answers to the ask and - if there's time - include another character who'll be showing up, I really love her, she's a disaster but also in a polycule! :D Hope y'all are doing well? I'm surviving physically and mentally I'm bouncing between the severest scale of every emotion for different reasons. (News makes me sad/angry/motivated, move makes me excited/happy/stressed, and writing makes me feel peace and excitement and the ever-present pressure of constant career failure! XD) I'm in so much pain I might need most of December just to recover. I'm a little low on spoons and want to visit a couple of parks and a local bobcat at feeding time before I leave city/state. I also need to finish holiday gifts outside of moving-related stuff. So I really miss writing and reading fiercely, since I'm only doing a little of both rn. ;A; My online presence is going to be spotty, and I'll be coming back real strong - I hope - around Jan-Feb to share links to a self-published Geckos, Automata. Please look forward to that! :D (And I also had a thought on how to rewrite the ending of That's...Not a Cat. Lovely for the ideas to slam into me while I'm too busy to write them down lmao)
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