#idk if it rly gets in her head to that extent
ghostlypawn · 2 years
the way i literally still havent decided if lupe/carson represents pride or prejudice bc they really BOTH do and ik thats the way in the book but ppl still agree liz is prej and darcy is pride......
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jackienautism · 1 year
YOURE SO RIGHT ABOUT ASHLEY YEAH. ud characters dr kinlists (in my heart):
sam: kyoko probably. maybe mahiru also? i feel like she'd definitely like mahiru a lot. i think she'd like both aoi and sakura but i don't know that she'd kin them necessarily
ashley: you are so correct about mikan. yeah.
emily: celeste maybe?? drawing a blank. i don't know if she'd kin actually (at least not that she'd admit to) but she'd probably really like kyoko.
jess: kaede and aoi maybe? maybe makoto too??
josh: komaeda i guess. i feel like i've gotta kin assign him komaeda.
mike: idk like mondo maybe?? oh wait. kaito for sure.
chris: hajime and hiro maybe??
matt: feel like he'd be a kiibo guy. also nekomaru potentially. i think he'd like nekomaru a lot for sure. sakura too probably.
beth would kin mahiru. not sure about hannah honestly?
THANK YOU<3 i try my absolute hardest
I FUCKIN,. LOVE SAM KYOKO SO MUCH.... i feel like she'd def like most if not all of the girls. she just seems loike that type of person. i totally agree w/ her liking mahiru / aoi / sakura specifically though... in my mind i was thinking like ? makoto for her kin jkdfgjfgd it makes sense in my head i promise. i dont think id be able explain it necessarily atm since i dont rly think abt makoto much, but i saw a DR art piece awhile back and it reminded me sooo much of sam. in terms of like. being a "normal" guy having a shit ton of emotions and Huge expectations placed upon them
thank you so much again<3 dfjknd
omg you're so right abt emily and kinning... she'd def be in the same boat as like kaitlyn, in terms of. thinking kinning is dumb or something. but if someone like idk ash or sam (mainly sam) ASSIGNED her a character... then she'd accept it. that or like you said, she would never admit to it dkfjgdg I WAS THINKING HOWEVER. BYAKUYA MAYBE? RATHER UNFORTUNATELY? bc i was thinking that emma would kin celeste... due to their whole like acting and pretending to be someone they're "not." emily and sam can bond over being Kyoko Fans
I LIKE KAEDE AND AOI JESS..... but like. what about. i dont know the full extent of the V3 characters as ive talked about before but like. what about miu jess?
ive always been stuck on mike... kaito seems like a good fit though... i originally was thinking shuichi bu t ? once again im not too familiar w/ the V3 characters. im sure it'll come to me once i play the game. thank u for planting kaito mike in my mind though :eyeballs:
also really stuck on matt tbh... but i LOVE kiibo matt.. and even nekomaru makes sense 2 me...
LVOE MAHIRU BETH. THAT MAKES SENSE 2 ME AS WELL... also stuck on hannah... but on our parts to be fair we like. dont get much of her ): it'll come to us eventually though i feel it
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SHARING THIS WAS A LOT OFFUN EHEHE and it gave me the chance to share my own DR kin hcs 😭😭 HOPE YOU HAVE A GFOOD DAY ANON !!!!!
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brittapcrrys · 1 year
this post just making me think abt something for, like, the 10th time today....
this got so fucking long ahhh i am just. justifying all this to myself as im unpacking where the feeings are coming from jsdfkhs glad i have a psych session next week, guess i know what we're gonna talk abt!!
i was rly generally frustrated this afternoon and got a message to pop around for last minute planning for the help/work im doing for mum's friend for the next few weeks. and like yeah i know that it is generally within my range of abilities, i know that most times i help 'em out like this it's Fine and occasionally even Fun, i know that if im Not Well or anything else i can text and say look can't do it today sorry and that'll be accepted!!!
but. whenever i am asked to Do these things (dog sit / dog walk / plant-sit&garden, etc) for "neighbours" and friends there's like......... they KNOW im unemployed and they KNOW i've done it before so there's this feeling of an unspoken expectation that i WILL say yes, i will agree to do it when and as asked.
and ig to some extent it's reasonable for any of them to think 'she's been happy to do it before so there's good odds she'll probably, hopefully, do it again!' and they're never DEMANDING abt it or anything so maybe it is, at least coming from the 'employer' in each case, mostly just ~in my head~ n something i'm seeing/feeling/projecting that's not Actually in there
but idk when i HAVE had jobs in the past (waitress, cleaner, babysitter, tutor, library assistant) if i got ~called in~ the day before i uhhhh could say no. and would say no. and i didn't feel bad abt it i didn't care like i had a (casual, but pre-planned) roster and i've been fortunate enough that saying 'no, i can't' didn't lose me those scheduled shifts or the job as a whole, i know that. but bc this isn't an ~official~ job there's no structure it's just a 'get a text 1wk-to-12hrs before, help a neighbour, get twenty bucks' kinda deal each time it feels like i HAVE TO say yes. if i don't have some other thing already planned, i have to say Yeah Sure or im evil and horrible and the worst and should be ashamed
excepttttttttt i think. a lot of that. comes from my mum lmao always a fun connection to make. bc i made some exasperated comment mostly to myself during that frustrated moment this afternoon and she was like "well what do you mean? why can't you do it? why would you say no? did you WANT to say no? it's not like you have much else going on... it's not even hard why wuold---" etc etc and dad isn't quite so expressive, ever, but less and less so as the PD continues to wear away at him & his speech in more obvious ways, but has similar sentiments. and like.... just bc THEY can't/won't say no to stuff doesn't mean i shouldn't????? mum will say she needs a week to herself and then 10minutes later has agreed to be a TRT (substitute teacher) for 3.5days that week. dad just thinks 'you do a job until it's done. you get asked to do a job, you do that til it's done' and like let's not even THINK abt the way that has worn each of them down physically and emotionally at different times, including now. like they just view Work and the related Expectations/Obligations differently, i guess? whether that's a generational thing, a ND (me) vs NT thing, a 'farmer and air force electrician' and 'lifelong teacher' and 'we both moved out at 16/17 and supported ourselves from that point on / u can't get something from nothing' thing. i have forgotten where this was going jfc
anyway. the dog will be a lil moody if i don't visit her for a couple hours & go for a walk, but she'll be fine. the plants can be watered by someone else, or - esp in the current weather - just miss a day, they'll bounce back later. me doing these things when asked is not, like, the key to holding the fabric of the universe together. nobody's life is gonna come apart at the seams bc i said 'oh, sorry, i won't be able to d that today/this week'.
and i shouldn't actually have to explain why! maybe i have a migraine and can't stand up straight. maybe i'm having a gastrointestinal Hell Episode. maybe i threw up overnight and am still very distressed abt it. maybe i haven't slept in 48hrs. maybe it's windy and im teetering on the verge of a panic attack and rly cannot be outside in it. maybe it's PMDD time and i know i don't have the patience to interact with another being especially not in a way where im solely responsible for it. maybe im bleeding heavily and cramping to the extreme on and off without warning. maybe i haven't been able to get out of bed all week because i just dont want to exist. MAYBE i just! don't! wanna!
and idt it's fair that anyone says or acts in a way that suggests im doing something Very Wrong or Shameful or Disappointing (there's a difference between, 'oh, that's disappointing, but thanks for letting me know' disappointment & 'why would you do that? what are you thinking?' disappointment, which is the kind i mean). is it gonna be fine most times if i agree to it even when i don't rly want to? yes. it's always mostly fine-ish. it's nto abt avoiding it out of anxiety or whatever like im not nervous abt walking this mini daschund that adores me. im not nervous abt watering plants that are essentially the same as my own at home. it's just, like, weighing up 'would doing this likely improve my mood/day? will it probably just be a non-impact kinda deal? what are the odds it makes me / my day worse?' each time (knowing when my psych appts are, when my period is and general mood shifts during my cycle, how my sleep and mood have been in the day/s before the 'shift', weather, etc etc etc) and determining which is likely to be the most effective and useful (or neutral, sometimes) option for me in that case!
and if that reason is just 'ehhh i really just Dont Want It today/tomorrow' that is also fine, actually
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zodiakuroo · 4 years
Un(holy) Trinity
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Pairing: Dabi x Fem!Reader x Shigaraki
Content: 18+ dubcon/noncon, threesome, manhandling, rough sex, corruption, degradation, humiliation, breathplay, stepcest, breeding, blasphemy and sacrilege, elements of mindbreak and god complex (?) 
Word count: 4.1k
Notes: my first threesome and idk how to feel about it but here it is! If it’s bad I can blame it on the fact that I just had my wisdom teeth extracted and am currently in a world of pain :) also i’m on bedrest and incredibly bored so if anyone has requests or thirsts or just wants to chat... yeah
also if this banner is shit i’m sorry i rushed and made it on my phone cause i just rly wanted to to post
This is part 2 to my other fic Love Thy Brother which you can read here 
Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said to the woman, “Has God indeed said, ‘You shall not eat of every tree of the garden’?” - Genesis 3:1
Twelve days.
Twelve days since you lost your virginity.
Twelve days since you lost your virginity to your step-brother, no less. 
The night that it happened, you lay awake in your bed dreading the aftermath of the horrific incident. How could you face him again? How could you face your family? How could you face God? 
You were too cowardly to face the rest of your household. The Todoroki family welcomed you into their home only for you betray them by sleeping with Touya. Ever since you were little, your mother would say she had a sort of sixth sense that meant God would always tell her when you’d been up to mischief. It sounds silly but there was no explanation for how she would always catch out in lie or know things that you never told her. You feared she would take one look at you and know the sin you committed. And so you chose to make yourself scarce, taking extra shifts at work and choosing to study at the campus library rather than at home. Your siblings seemed to notice how busy you suddenly were, often remarking how they missed you around the house. That just made you feel more ashamed. 
As for God, you felt like you needed to do whatever necessary to prove your faith. You wanted Him to know the extent of your shame and remorse. You were weak in spirit, making you an easy target for someone as devious as Touya. You prayed and begged for forgiveness until your knees hurt but no matter what you did, the guilt was inescapable. You realized it was because, irrespective of the regret and remorse you felt, you couldn’t deny that you enjoyed what happened. You liked the way Dabi made you feel and you hated yourself for it. But no matter how much you liked it, something like that could never happen again. As penance, you banned yourself from bringing your hands anywhere near your groin. After all that temptation is what brought you to this point in the first place. But the thread of your self-control is thin and withered so at night when you’re certain everyone is asleep, you’re humping your pillow like an animal and biting down on your lip trying to keep from moaning his name. At least you weren’t touching right? 
Dabi, by some God-given miracle, made himself scarce as well. It wasn’t uncommon for the noirette to disappear for days at a time doing heaven knows what only to arrive back at home like nothing happened; so no one really questioned his absence. Perhaps he  felt the same way you did and was avoiding facing you and the other Todorokis.
Yeah right. 
Shame? Todoroki Touya doesn’t know the meaning of the word. 
In any case, you had become used to a Dabi-less house and so lulled into a false sense of safety, slowly but surely reverting back to normal. That’s why as you make your way downstairs, prepared to go to your church, the sound of gunfire and explosions from the living room doesn’t alarm you. Probably Natsuo or Shouto playing one of their video games, you thought. But when you get to the bottom of the stairs you’re met with unmistakable dark locks. Not just him. The back of another person’s head, one with pale blue, shoulder length hair. Before you can stop yourself, you let out a gasp. Neither of them react, seemingly too focused on their game. You don’t waste any time feeling relieved, choosing instead to make a silent escape. 
You could only dream of being so lucky. 
“Oi!” Your step-brother calls without turning around. He hasn’t seen you, you think. If you move quickly you can still get out of this. “I know you heard me, brat. Get over here before I drag you over here.” He still doesn’t bother to turn around but the sharpness in his tone lets you know that you’d be smart to listen. You take a second to steel your nerves and make your way over to the couch, trying your best to look as intimidating as possible. You scowl at both men but they are so engrossed in their video game, they don’t even acknowledge that you’re standing right there. “Aren’t you gonna say hi? We have company.” 
The company in question is Shigaraki Tomura. He’s been to the house before although he’s never even so much as glanced in your direction, too busy with his phone or playing games with Dabi. Despite your hard expression you can only manage a meek “Hello Shigaraki.” 
He responds by finally looking at you, with a sleazy grin, a pair of crimson eyes, surrounded by creases meet your own. “Sup.” 
Beer cans litter the coffee table, one of them being turned into a makeshift ashtray while both have smouldering cigarettes perched between their lips. “You’re not supposed to smoke in the house.” 
“You’re not supposed to smoke in the house.” Dabi mocks you with a nasal voice. 
You simply roll your eyes, not interested in continuing this interaction any further.  “Whatever. I’m leaving now.” You state with as much firmness as you can muster. You spin on your heels but are kept in place by long, slender digits wrapped around your wrist. 
“Where are you off to anyways?” The game paused, both boys now looking at you. 
Out of habit, you answer truthfully. “Bible study.” 
Shigaraki and Dabi burst into raucous laughter. 
You should have lied. 
“Nah you’re gonna hang out with me and Shigaraki for a bit.” 
“Dabi, I have to leave.”
“You don’t have to do anything except what I tell you and I’m telling you to sit.” 
Before you can protest you’re being hauled on to the couch, squeezed between the two of them. 
“Nice necklace.” Tomura snorts, hand reaching out to grab at your crucifix but you swat it away. His gaze is unnerving. It makes you wonder if- no. He promised he wouldn’t. 
Just like that, their game is resumed, as if you were never there. A few rounds pass, no words exchanged between either of them, only curses muttered under their breath. “Dabi, can I please go. I’m bored.” 
Wrong choice of words. 
“You hear that Tomura? The princess is bored.” His fingers are still moving rapidly over his controller. 
“Really now? Come on then Todoroki, let’s show her a good time. I’ve seen how she likes to have fun.” 
His comment on your necklace suddenly makes sense, but you still can’t believe it. “You didn’t…” you whip your head back to look at Dabi. 
”Sorry doll, you made your Nii-san so proud, I just had to show you off.” Dabi smiles shamelessly, lighting himself another cigarette. 
“You’re fucking sick Touya.” Tomura says, however his tone is not one of disgust but rather of admiration. 
“You promised...” Your voice breaks. You’re humiliated beyond belief. 
Both of them laugh at you again, discarding their controllers. “Told you, it’s adorable how stupid she is.” Dabi remarks to his friend, as if you’re not sitting right next to them. 
You try to force your way off the couch but get pulled into Dabi’s lap, one of his arms hooking around both of yours, securing them behind your back. You squirm in his arms but he stills you with a hard slap on your inner thigh. “Be good okay? Don’t embarrass me.” He nuzzles into your neck. 
Shigaraki flips up your dress exposing your white lace panties. He runs his thumb up and down your clothed slit, he fabric slowly becoming even more transparent. One severe jerk to the top of your dress and the straps are torn clean off, revealing the matching bra. “Yo, Touya. I thought she was a good girl.”
Dabi peers over your shoulder to get look. “Who’s all this for babe? You screwing the preacher or something? Or were you hoping I’d do something like this?” He tugs down your bra until your breasts are spilling over the top of it.
“Dabi…” Your choke on your plea when he sinks his teeth into your neck. He bites down so hard you’re positive he’s left a mark.
“T-Touya-nii.” You whimper. 
Your destroyed dress is discarded somewhere across the room and you find yourself on your hands and knees with Shigaraki kneeling on the couch in front of you and Dabi behind you. 
“Go easy on her alright Tomura. It’s her first time sucking cock.” He chuckles. 
Your eyes go wide. “Wait...” you mewl but neither pay you any mind.
“And you.” Dabi yanks a fistful of your hair. “No teeth. No puke. Or I’ll let my boy ream your little ass as punishment.”
“Yeah. What he said.” Shigaraki mutters, pulling his semi out of his sweatpants, rubbing his tip against your lips. His is not as scary as your step-brother’s but him staring down at you like this, makes him seem every bit as intimidating. 
Pre-cum dribbles from the swollen tip. You’re not entirely sure you want that in your mouth but you’re also not sure if you have a choice so you open up hesitantly. 
Dabi’s right. It is your first time doing something like this. You don’t know what you’re supposed to do but as it turns out you don’t have to do much, not with the way Shigaraki starts thrusting his quickly hardening member into your mouth.
“Move your tongue slut.” The man in front of you grunts. You do your best despite the heavy intrusion to obey his command, moving from side to side, swirling around the head when he pulls out of your mouth. He looks down at you with cruel vermillion eyes, panting as he strokes himself in front of you, spreading your saliva across his shaft before sliding deep into your mouth again.
Behind you, Dabi spreads apart your cheeks, squeezing the flesh in his calloused hands. “Remember what I said. Be good and I’ll give you a reward.” He pulls your panties to the side and lets out a whistle at the sight of your dripping slit. “She’s enjoying it. Make her take it deeper.”
You can’t possibly fathom how much deeper he can go when his head is already nudging at your tonsils. You try to swallow the saliva building up in your mouth, making your cheeks hollow out around Shigaraki’s shaft. Seems like that was the right thing to do as his hand flies to the back of your head. “Shit. Shit. So good.”
Dabi’s breath wafts over your pussy. He spreads your lips apart and you feel his hot tongue lick up the juices leaking from your hole. You squeal around Tomura’s dick. You want to pull off but his spindly fingers hold your head in place.
“Told you angel. Good little sisters get rewards.” With that he takes your clit between his lips and suckles on it gently while one of his fingers circles your entrance. Knuckle by knuckle he slides into you, making you keen. You arch your back trying to shift your hips backwards against his hand, silently urging him to find that special spot he showed you last time. He establishes a loose rhythm. Hot wet muscle and cold metal of his piercing circles the sensitive bundle of nerves, before applying suction while his fingers work you open.
The sensation is overwhelming, a form of heavenly torture and your thighs quiver barely able to hold you up while you use your last bit of mental strength to focus on suppressing your gags. That mental strength all but evaporates when the digits inside you graze that rough patch embedded in your walls. It’s so pleasurable your reflex is to run from his fingers. Luckily for Shigaraki, that means you move forward, taking him further into your mouth.
“This where you want me? This your spot, angel?” Dabi taunts you. Shigaraki holds you in place while two of your step-brother’s fingers drill your cunt, hitting that spot over and over again. Garbled moans and cries leave your mouth and reverberate around Tomura’s cock, proving to be too much for him ultimately. 
“Shit Stop!” Don’t wanna come yet.” He pulls out your mouth so that a string of your drool drips down to your breasts.
“God! Touya-nii!” You sputter out.
“Still with the God shit?” He uses your hair to force you to look at him, neck twisted at an awkward, uncomfortable angle. “God ever make you feel this good?” His fingers thrust into you harder. Your whole body feels like it’s on fire.
“Ngghh-N-no –oh! Oh!” is your incoherent answer.
Dabi forces you back down, shoving you face first into the cushions. “See? Fuck him. Give up on god. Give up on everyone except your big brother cause no one else can make you feel this good.”
You’re so pathetic. The way you’re rocking yourself in unison with the motions of his hands. The way your tongue hangs out of your mouth, impeding any sort of intelligible verbal response. The way you’re mindlessly nodding along to whatever filth is coming out of Dabi’s mouth.
“C’mon Touya. Turn her around. Wanna try out that sweet pussy you’ve been bragging about.” You’re reminded that you aren’t alone. No, your brother’s best friend is right there to witness exactly how pathetic you are.
“Yeah in a minute. I’m still having my fun.” Dabi answers, face pressed against your mons before working you with his mouth once again.  
“Man! Come on!” Tomura whines.
 “I said in a minute.  Not my fault you can’t last.”
It’s amazing how they can bicker like this right now, as if you aren’t on your hands and knees for them, gummy walls still pulsing around his fingers. However, it’s not long before Dabi’s focus is back on you taking you to the brink of orgasm. He slows his fingers, keeping you balanced on that razor thin edge. “Should I make you cum angel?” His voice is dripping with fake concern. “Dunno… what’s in it for me?”
“Anything! Touya-nii please!”
“Anything? You gonna obey me? Do whatever I say like a good little angel? You gonna worship me?” You can’t tell if he’s being serious or if he’s mocking you.
Probably the latter. And you deserve it too.
Your faith was the thing you deemed more important than anything and anyone else but Dabi, all too easily, convinced you to disregard that. Made you lose all sense and give into lust by showing you mindblowing pleasure, only magnified by your awareness of how deeply sinful this all was. That’s the extent of the power he has over you. The story of Adam and Eve is one you know forwards and backwards and yet you were so easily tempted forbidden fruit and left completely corrupted.  Yeah, he’s definitely mocking you.
“Any- fuck- anything” You’re wiggling your ass, goading Dabi into finishing you off
“Cum in my mouth. Angel, give it to me” That’s the final straw. You explode around his fingers. Despite your walls, clamping around him, he manages to piston into you, hitting that squishy spot with astounding accuracy. His unyielding stimulation makes it feel as though the high won’t end. You’re not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing.
Eventually, it does end though, his fingers drag out against the pull of your swollen pussy. He licks you clean making sure he gets every last drop of your cum, both inside and out, on his tongue. The ball of his piercing catches onto your rim making you yelp. He soothes the sting with gentle laps of his tongue.
“Tastes so sweet angel. So sweet knowing I’m the only one to ever fuck this pretty pussy.” He snickers before adding “So far.”
“Yeah, can I fuck her now?” Tomura was turned on before but seeing the way you fell apart at the hands of your brother? His minimal patience has run out. All he can think of now is being inside you.
 “You heard him babe. Turn around.” He spanks your ass. You try to turn around but thanks to your shaky legs you nearly fall off the couch. Dabi catches you before that happens and he dutifully sets you up on all fours, held up by quivering limbs. You hear heavy breathing from behind you as Shigaraki taps his head against your puffy clit while you twitch in place.
“She wants this so bad. Had no idea your Christian little sister was such a whore.” Shigaraki mutters. He holds you still as he buries himself in you, breathing becoming more erratic with every inch until his hip bones are digging into your soft flesh. He’s so deep. You feel so full. You squeeze shut your eyelids, savouring the stretch. 
Calloused fingers press into your jaw, making your eyes shoot open. “Pretty angel, did you forget about me?” Dabi looms over you, making a show of spitting in his palm and using it to stroke himself. He slips his thumb into your mouth, pad pressing down on the plush pillow of your tongue. “Gonna stuff you nice ‘n full angel.” All you can do is blink up at him with teary eyes, pupils blown wide with desire. 
Shigaraki begins thrusting into you, hips moving at a brutal pace. Dabi isn’t far behind him, replacing his thumb with his cock and you don’t waste time waiting for him to tell you what to do. You close your lips around his shaft, engulfing him in the wet heat of your mouth.
Unlike his friend, Dabi starts off slow. His piercings drag across your tongue and you taste metal and the salt of his pre-cum. It takes some time for you to get used to taking him in your mouth, the jewellery an added obstacle. 
You feel so full. 
Shigaraki is bottoming out with every thrust, it’s so lewd the way it makes you squelch around him. Dabi’s shaft is rubbing your throat raw and still, you make an effort to take him deeper. He keeps one hand on the back of your head while he fucks you mouth.
He looks so ethereal, so euphoric, letting out little moans and whispered expletives. The sounds he makes are divine, so heavily contrasted by everything you know about him. It leaves you star struck. He recognizes the adoration in your eyes and responds in kind with a cocky smirk. He remembers how you looked at him when you first met. Disdain and judgment. Now you look at him like he’s your only salvation. 
It’s sad actually. How you’re so desperate for someone to tell you how to live. And what a sweet, adoring little follower you are. Wasted on religion if you ask him. So soft and pliant, perfect for your big brother to mould and corrupt into his personal fuckangel. 
“Angel, Nii-san’s gonna fill you up. And you’re gonna take it yeah?”
Your whole life you aspired to this holy standard of perfection in the hopes of escaping eternal damnation. But you’re beyond absolution now.
“All of it down your throat.”
It’s okay though.
If heaven doesn’t feel like this, you’re not sure it’s worth all the effort to get there. 
He holds your necklace behind you like a leash, twisting it around his fingers. Between the way he’s basically strangling you and the way your swallowing muscles contract around his cock means that you’re not getting much air into your lungs. Your head is spinning, from being both oxygen deprived and cock drunk.
“Your God doesn’t want you anymore.” The clasp snaps and he dangles the charm in front of your face. The mould of Christ nailed to the cross taunts you.  What was once a symbol of divine love and God’s boundless forgiveness and sacrifice is just a reminder of how far you’ve fallen into depravity, creaming around Shigaraki’s cock as he ruins your cunt while your Nii-san claims your throat “You’re filthy.” Touya sneers at you as he holds himself in your throat, watching you cry and choke around him. “Dirty fuckin angel.” He grunts as he floods your mouth with the taste of his cum. It’s not exactly pleasant but you try to swallow it all down. There’s just so much. That means he’s pleased with you right? You want him to be pleased. Good girls get rewards he said 
“It’s okay.” He muses as he pulls out of your mouth. “You have me. I’m better than God and I Iove you when you’re nasty like this.” He empathizes his point by dragging his wet, softening cock across your face. “Nii-sans perfect little angel.”
It’s so pitiful how the small praise makes your heart bloom and makes your hole flutter.
You’re coughing up Touya’s cum while your body shakes with Shigaraki’s thrusts.
“What about me hm? I’m fucking you. What? You don’t like it?” Tomura’s going harder now, determined to get his fair share of your attention.
“Shig-Shigaraki – shit. Slow down!”
You’re ignored by both of them once again. If anything, Shigaraki starts fucking you harder
.”Yo’ dustpot. You better pull out. That hole still belongs to me.”
The warning falls on deaf ears, Tomura is too far gone. “So warm, she’s squeezin’ me. Fuck. Fuck.’’ No thoughts, just your tight cunt.
“Gonna do whatever I tell you?” Dabi’s talking to you now, cerulean eyes boring into yours.
You nod still staring at him with absolute devotion.
“Touya-nii’s will be done? Huh? Has a nice ring to it.”
When you don’t respond he grabs you by your cheeks forming an open mouthed pout. “Say it.”
“Touya-nii’shhh will be done.” The words come out distorted but he’s satisfied
“Oh yeah? Then be good angel slut and come on his cock for me.”  
You’re pushed over the edge, coming for the second time. Your walls clamp down around him as you sob out both their names in the form of incoherent babbling. It hits you as hard as the first one. You’re so caught up in your high you barely register the vice grip on your hips, the frantic humping against your ass. “Tight. Fuckin tight! Gotta breed! Breed this fucking hole.”
His hot, sticky cum floods your walls with, your throbbing cunt milking him for everything he’s got. He ruts against you a couple more times before removing himself completely.
You hear the familiar click of a camera. He’s sorry (not really) but the sight of your fucked out hole leaking globs of your cream and his cum was too hot for Shigaraki to not add to his spankbank. 
“Thanks for that little sis.” Dabi is resting on the couch, head thrown back smoking a cigarette.
“Yeah thanks sweetness.”  Both men, tuck themselves back into their pants
Everything feels so surreal. You cautiously move you hand between your thighs. Feeling your sore abused cunt in an attempt to grasp the reality of what happened.
Wait a minute. 
It’s too much, that too sticky to be just your arousal down there. The more you squeeze, contracting your pelvic floor, the more it seems to seep out of you. 
“You… You came inside.” You murmur as your eyes well up with tears. Whatever daze you were in seems to be broken by this revelation. Instead it’s replaced by fear of what the consequences of this might be. 
Dabi smacks his friend upside the head. “You fuckin’ dumbass. I told you not to.”
Judging by his grin, Shigaraki doesn’t register the insult. He’s too busy basking in the afterglow. “Aw, don’t cry babe. You were gripping me so tight, I thought you wanted it. ‘S’okay, your Nii-san will get you a plan B”
“Fuck no. That’s your jizz inside her.” He scowls, eyes focused on the cum that’s leaking out of your spent pussy.
“C’mon Dabi don’t be like that. I’m broke right now.” Shigaraki pleads.
Touya huffs and rolls his eyes.  “You can get yourself a morning after pill right? Tomura will pay you back.”
“Yeah babe. I promise.” He gives you a dopey smile.
It doesn’t take a genius to figure out he’s lying. Yeah, you know better now. You just nod as you pull up your panties, cringing at the sticky, wet sensation against your cunt.
 “Me and Tomura are heading out. Make sure you clean all this up before anyone gets home.”
“B-but Touya-nii-“ you snivel.
“No buts. Clean up or you won’t be sitting comfy for a week. Are we clear?”
“Yes Touya-nii.” You reply defeated.
“And do it properly. Fuyumi has 3 brothers, she knows what a cumstain looks like and I don’t wanna have to do any explaining to her.”
You only nod, trying (and failing) to blink away tears.
Dabi rewards you with a chaste kiss to your cheek. “Best little sister in the world.” And he leaves you with that.
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nabrizoya · 4 years
RoW Theories and Things I Want to See
with RoW literally a few weeks away, here’s some theories your way. 
this is Really long. like, really very long; mind you. 
Nikolai might become a disabled character.
It’s just the vibes. If we can take reference from the Too Clever Fox story, there’s a line that says “...and his [Koja’s] fur never quite sat right the same...”, which might hint at it (mostly bc i don’t want him to die). Also if this is indeed possible, it can be used to address ableism if it exists in this universe, especially since Nikolai is someone in the highest position of power. 
Zoya will experiment the shit out of powers. 
Idk why the synopsis says that using her powers might be a great deal, which tbf will be because she is truly the most most powerful atm; but Zoya wouldn’t mind taking the step outside of the old norms and bend the orders until they serve their purpose. That’s the entire goal rly.
But all along, she will consciously keep herself mindful to not hunger or discharge her power in a way that may cause harm. She knows the tyranny of the Darkling and the ways he employed. She knows better. 
More character depth to Zoya. 
Given the excerpts, the book does seem to explore Zoya’s infinite grief. And of course her Suli heritage, which a great part of the fandom consistently wants to shadow what with the talk “white features/ part Ravkan” bs. 
But there’s more. I hope RoW will show Zoya’s dilemma (that was alr hinted in KoS) she has with the power she holds, the responsibility she has with having that power + using it in the way that will not be detrimental to her and the country. It will be a great way to portray her self-awareness and doubt and insecurity. She is a good leader, that much is told in text but not shown. There’s character development from the end of R&R until KoS that makes her evolve from a what she was then to the capable and mature 22 year old she is in KoS. 
Of course all of their capabilities will come to light in RoW but I think Zoya and the agency to her as a character will play an integral part. More so because Zoya is to be the conduit to reversing the current Grisha orders, which runs in parallel with the fact that she needs to go back, go back to the roots of her Grisha knowledge and roots of her i.e. her unending grief and trauma. 
She will need to forgive herself while also dealing with the guilt and anger she may have caused due to her position and power. All of this while dealing with her own complex and contrasting emotions due to her own trauma.
Nikolai is held for treason. 
The word of allying with The Darkling may be out and that is enough reason for the entire country to turn against him. The secret about the monster causes issues more than enough already, and this will plunge the country into deep political turmoil and threats to security. So RoW will be more politically driven. That said...
There’s no overt war. 
By this I mean that there will not be war on the battlefield, both armies or more charging at each others’ enemies and such. Ravka cannot afford one either. The excerpts have already proved that. There will be skirmishes akin to a war scenario, but a complete battle like the last battle in R&R? Like a final battle? That’s not going to be there, I think… What I’m assuming might happen is that the Fjerda and Ravka will take a possible Cold War route, if it isn’t already the case they’re already dealing with atm. 
Ravka’s monarchy will collapse. 
It may become a democracy or any other form of public or majority vote. But the monarchy (as well a possible dictatorship, esp with the Darkling returned) will be eliminated. ...Or so I hope, since it has been alluded to in KoS. 
But that poses many problems. With no one line for the throne, let alone with a crime so dark like a blot on Nikolai’s skill (of taking the Darkling’s help), it is possible that Ravka will shun it, right alongside being torn about it because Nikolai has been, for the best of his ability, a good King. All of this in line with the Resistance rising in West Ravka. 
This ties in with the court matters, especially if I want to hold the further points I make true. The resolution to acquit Nikolai of his charges requires a testification forth a jury which will then make a decision about his motives and future. 
Zoya as the Interim Head. 
After all of this, Zoya’s point about Ravka not accepting a Grisha Queen will be true after all, because there will be no monarchy to welcome such an arrangement. 
But Ravka will need a good and trustworthy leader despite Grisha powers and Zoya is the best person to take care of that. The comment “...becoming a steady leader...” and the “Welcome home, Commander,” were there in KoS for a reason (and this is what I think it will link to). 
That being said, there’s more nuance to this than my summary. Zoya is a character of colour. That—in addition to the already existing threats, objections and possible question of capability in the position—ill play into how she will be able to discharge her responsibility. It’s not going to be convenient.
EDIT: taken from a reblog/addition to the og post:
A smoother/more structured transition
Once after the monarchy collapses and a leader must be chosen, it will not be Nikolai. Nor will it be Zoya, though she might serve as an interim head. What I assume might be possible is that someone older is chosen, someone older and loyal and with the proof of knowledge and service to the country. Possibly by majority vote or elected by a council.
Instead of the sudden change, this can be a smoother (if that can even be said about such a major political scenario change) or more structured. I also say this because a. if Nikolai is indeed charged (and later acquitted), firstly his political career will already hold a blot if the word about using the Darkling as a resource is out and secondly, he’s way too young to serve as the leader (by modern standards, sure, but like, the required age will be set while drafting the constitution? currently its 35+).
Instead, the current cast can become representatives (which Zoya would already be, (mostly the head of the) international committee that safeguards the Grisha all over the world) and the Triumvirate will be dissolved. (it should be, tbh)
And hey, b. after all of this, they can and kind of need to take a step back. Nikolai and Zoya will be able to truly explore their relationship, given how Nikolai mentions how he wouldn’t marry unless he’d have had the chance to court someone and marry someone he barely knows nor knows him. For Zoya’s part, she does know Nikolai but surely probably not the extent of openness that a healthy relationship has, and on Nikolai’s part, he admits he barely knows her beyond as a General except for just little things about her.
They could be able to realize and work on their feelings while alongside being involved with the workings of the country and the constitution.
“One day you will overstep and I will not be so forgiving.” 
Need I say more? Something that Zoya does will cost her Nikolai’s goodwill and we know Zoya knows her practicality and the extent to which she will unapologetically move if there is threat to the country and its King. She will do what was right and required. 
A major part of that line ties in with Magnus Opjer and I think with the confidence in the versatility of her powers, Zoya might as well move w/o any word to the Triumvirate to eliminate the most direct threat to the throne. This will bring splits in Nikolai and Zoya’s relationship. 
How this tension between them will be resolved without compromising either of their values, without playing into fandom stereotypes and others must be carefully handled. All of this while showing the best of their dynamicity, practicality and priority as they carefully pull out just those weak sticks of the jenga without putting the whole country into trouble. And with a war in plain sight, they’d know better than pointlessly argue and would rather see how the two of them are wrong. This ordeal will bring out just how condensed power is in the current scenario, imo. 
Importance on the way women have shaped history. 
Something that KoS has already set precedence for. Zoya being a PoC, Nina taking into account of the sufferings of women she comes across and the consistent ‘Who will remember them?’ will be elaborated on further. As for how it is done and how well it is done, that remains to be seen. 
Baghra is alive but maybe not thriving bc she’s stuck in the Ice Court. 
They entered a chamber where an old woman sat with her hands chained, flanked by guards. Her eyes were vacant. As each prisoner approached, the woman gripped his or her wrist.
A human amplifier. [...] But the Fjerdans used them for a different purpose – to make sure no Grisha breached their walls without being identified.
Kaz watched Nina approach. He could see her trembling as she held out her arm. The woman clamped her fingers around Nina’s wrist. Her eyelids stuttered briefly. Then she dropped Nina’s hand and waved her along.
Had she known and not cared? Or had the paraffin they’d used to encase Nina’s forearms worked?
- Chapter 22. Kaz; Part 4: Trick to Falling, Six of Crows.
Nina will be the one to free her and together they might wage a war from Djerholm together.
This gets even more interesting because we know the anguish and scorn that Baghra feels for her son at the same time; she understands the wrongness that he used to seek and will continue to. Zoya does take Baghra’s name at the Fold when she mourns and rages over how people forget the destruction and most importantly, forget the women. Baghra could be the symbol of the stag as the art piece depicts, or will be shown with relation to the Darkling’s powers.
As for how she will play into the story, perhaps she will be the one to help reverse and find the roots of the orders, in the sense that changes the perception of the Grisha powers for the Grisha as well as the common folk of Ravka. She is the only other person other than Juris and the Darkling to have the age of eras together, knowing Ilya Morozova, and she will be instrumental in giving Ravka an advantage over Fjerda. Either that or she will help in scrubbing the prejudices of Fjerda slowly away with whatever powers she has left. Or both. 
Alina will reappear, but will not contribute to the plot significantly.
Zoya understands that the truth she knows about the Darkling is very minimal not enough to end him for once and for all. It makes sense that she will probably consult Alina for it. So, Malina appearance, possibly at the orphanage. Alina will not directly contribute to this war, but she will play a critical role in defeating the Darkling.
Besides, Alina —and Baghra— are the only ones who know that there has only ever been two Darklings. Zoya did sense, multiple times during KoS, that the Darkling is damn old. Yuri mentions it. And while it is not outright specified, the fact that Zoya thinks that she realizes just how ancient Lizabetha is in context of meeting the Darkling is enough proof for her to seek more information about the age and the older skill of the Darkling. 
And I think it goes without saying that I want to hope that the Darkling and Alina will not meet. Pls, she’s had enough. 
Lada is the lost, other friend that Zoya refuses to bury. 
“She saw her mentor die and her worst enemy resurrected, and she refuses to bury another friend.”
Liliyana is dead, we know. But there’s no other mention of Lada except for the “wondering what happened to the pug faced girl.” Lada is possibly a part of the group of women and a Grisha returning to Ravka from Fjerda, exploited by the parem. She might die being unable to withhold the sheer torment of the parem induction, which will devastate Zoya because Lada was also the closest she’s had to a family with Liliyana. 
Either that or Lada is already dead or dies some other way, and Zoya cannot bring herself bear the grief of losing her. 
Cameos: Inej and Jesper. 
The most likely of the crows to appear in RoW are Inej and Jesper and they’ll play equally important roles in the plotline. Here’s a breakdown of why:
Inej has taken the responsibility of becoming a slave hunter, and it makes sense for Inej to make an appearance in the book, given that there’s going to be a ship taking the Grisha from Fjerda to Ravka. 
The women aboard are vulnerable and require immediate attention, which Inej will immediately zero in on. She will have enough reason to suspect both Leoni and Adrik on the ship, especially when the jurda parem is still a secret. Leoni and Adrik cannot give that information away because they don’t trust Inej (and have no reason to either). Inej won’t trust them either, not until she understands that the reason why the women are being taken to Ravka and for what reasons. 
Which gives her excellent reason to step in, try to analyze the situation and help the women accordingly.
Here’s an exciting thought though. Once after the entire misunderstanding is overcome and Inej understands (esp. if Nina is brought into the conversation and security and secrecy of the conversation is ensured), there may be discussion about how the Grisha might find a safer space in Ravka.
Inej’s appearance might also extend to playing a pivotal role in giving Zoya the confidence to seek her heritage and where she hails from, to embrace the part of her past and forgive herself and others for her mistakes. 
Grisha finding a safer space in Ravka will mean that Inej can pitch Jesper’s case for him to Zoya. Being the highest authority who takes cares of the responsibilities of the Grisha, Zoya will be the best person to talk about this with. 
And so, here comes Jesper. 
For one, I wish Jesper and Leoni interact, talk and just bond like the iconic siblings they would be. <3 But more than that, Jesper plays very integral to the plot for more reasons.
Jesper’s arc will parallel Zoya’s. Both of them are new to their powers in their own individual sense; Zoya is trying to use her new powers in a way that hasn’t been done before, thereby breaking the Grisha orders of powers and Jesper (assuming he has decided that he might want to learn and embrace his Grisha powers) is learning them afresh. 
This journey of them trying to embrace, learn and relearn and reject older norms and experiment really work in tandem.
That will lead us to a further (plot) theories. 
Ties with Novyi Zem 
As of the KoS end, Ravka has no support from anyone atm. Sure the Kerch will provide funds but Ravka has no real allies. Here’s where Novyi Zem and Jesper come in. 
We know Novyi Zem is a new country and also that it is the second safest country for the Grisha in the universe. As of KoS, their agreements are not renewed and they would be since between Kerch and Novyi Zem, Ravka was forced to pick Kerch. Yet Ravka needs their help in acquiring jurda for the antidote. 
So here’s the deal: Ravka will get their jurda but at many conditions that the Novyi Zem will impose on Ravka to not let exploitation get in the way. 
The conditions imposed could be (these are just some at the top of my head but I hope there are more to ensure the safety and security of the Zemeni, in Novyi Zem and in Ravka too) : 
Naval support from Ravka
We know of the Zemeni ships and ofc Nikolai has been hard at work trying to develop plans to use the sea to its fullest advantage. While the news of the izmars’ya isn’t public, Zemeni can place a condition for technical aid from Ravka since Ravka does have the technical knowledge it can dispatch as a condition.
A Grisha School in Novyi Zem
Think about it. Ravka, despite being the safest place for the Grisha, still isn’t entirely safe. Not all Grisha become soldiers in Ravka, they have a choice to abstain but those who are training are still recruited a honed for purpose alike preparing for war, especially the teens and preteens from the time of the Civil War. The training does take a lot of time. Ravka intends to make a home first and then service, but at the moment, while the Grisha are provided safety, it’s not assured in the best sense. Both the facts about a home and service are in precarious positions atm.
TL;DR: Ravka isn’t entirely safe for Grisha therefore the Grisha themselves too are not + Ravka is war torn. 
So what happens? 
One of the conditions as the next best country that serves as home to the Grisha, Novyi Zem may put forth the prospect of building a Little Palace like institution for the Grisha in Novyi Zem. It sounds morally wrong in the sense that the Grisha there will also be trained for war, but the war will end and soon, the Grisha will not be subject to serve for something but engage in economic activities as anybody else with the progression of time.
All of this won’t happen immediately either; learning their powers, honing it in the way that is unocnventional from what it had been pre-RoW and that transition + the building of the establishment in Novyi Zem and laying foundation for the  transnational panel or committee for Grisha that Zoya talks about will all take so much time. 
A few Grisha representatives from Novyi Zem can learn at the Little Palace and by the time the construction of the institution is done in Novyi Zem, these Grisha, along with other willing Grisha who either want to return to the country they were born in (like Leoni) or are offered to teach in a different country can do so too. 
There will be stricter terms so as to not ensure exploitation and possible colonization in these nations. 
Zoya mentions in one of her chapters that eventually there will be a need for the a  transnational panel or committee for Grisha. Jesper can Zoya can make it possible, adding in other countries to the panel slowly as the war recedes. 
Kaz and Wylan? 
Least likely to make an appearance, in my opinion. I think they’ll be mentioned plenty of times or brought up once and given great importance for how they can help in the side plot. 
Shu Support: 
This is more a hope than an actually theory dfbkdhjadfh but Makhi might have to step down from the throne because Ehri will take the place; either as a Queen (no...) or she might oversee the process of strengthening Shu Han and finding a leader (if she doesn’t want to become one herself). 
Ehri is capable, more than capable despite the little we know of her from the last chapter in KoS. All I hope is for an understanding and friendship between Nikolai and Ehri (and the subsequent cancelling of the marriage duH) for this to happen. She has little interest in statecraft but with the time she might spend with Nikolai, she might change her views. Even if not then she still gets the happy ending she deserves with Mayu (which is canon at this point rly).
Emotional Development or Breakdowns
Okay but I really, really, really hope we get to see all the three protagonists lose their shit and deal with their trauma, seek help or trying to stop isolating themselves or anything else they do to cope? Nina, Zoya and Nikolai, all of them cry, all of them get to completely lose it, let themselves be human and healthily cope and learn to rely on the people they trust the most. Like the sheer power and potential to show the myriad of ways to deal with grief, sadness, stress and more and make use of the trio’s backgrounds to show healthy and diverse ways of helping themselves, by letting themselves and others help them is just *combusts* Incredible! 
That being said, can I also ask for moments of fear and desolation from the side characters too? Impending war isn’t small business, it will take its toll on people, and all these reactions just cement their fears and what they value the most so. pls. Humanizing them rly. 
The Saving Each Other 
As much as I mostly kinda hate this trope, there are traces in the KoS that Zoya might be the one to end Nikolai’s affliction. On the other hand, there is talk of Nikolai helping Zoya control her powers which seems counterintuitive when you consider that Zoya knows that there is a line that she must never cross and that she is very, very careful about it and will continue to be. 
They can instead be the ones who motivate each other in times of distress as they always do (as shown with how Nikolai tries to gain control over his monster during the burning thorn ritual in KoS, allowing himself the vulnerability but also knowing that giving up will be unforgivable to both himself and Zoya as well) but I seriously do not wish for each other to be the ones directly ending one another's misery. Or perhaps this is just a fear imo that Leigh wouldn’t even take the route of (in which case, thank fuck).
Stab Stab Stab 
Zoya gets the chance to kill the Darkling with the rest of her friends. After all, Darkling does call them all his old friends. Just Julius Caeser him all the way and put a bow tie on the book. *chef’s kiss* Everybody deserves a second chance... at ending a tyrant when it fails the first time. 
So far, this is it. Rule of Wolves is in less than a few weeks and im- asdfghjkl. not Ready. i’m more Worried than Ready.
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ofherlionheart · 3 years
daaamn okay let’s do this!!
in my head there’s a companion piece to like the sun that’s a mai POV that bops back and forth in time to explore her relationships with ty lee and azula and zuko. also largely abt her sense of sexuality and gender, particularly as 1. someone who meets/exceeds basically every fire nation beauty standard and 2. as the spitting image of her mother (who she does not have a gr8 relationship with). mailee endgame of coooourse
like the sun sequel, wherein zuko becomes izumi’s father. how, u ask? he’s doing his blue spirit thing when he shouldn’t be and he comes across a mother and her newborn (i named her izumi, mama says, because i discovered i was carrying her when visiting the spring at the temple); the mother dies, z can’t save her, but he can’t just leave the baby. how hard can it be to take care of a child, anyway? he brings izumi back to the palace and is like, can i get a wet nurse? and everyone LOSES their shit. ‘fire lord zuko how did u end up in possession of a baby?’ ‘she’s mine,’ he says and refuses to elaborate. the staff finds a wet nurse and gossip starts flying around, all omg the fire lord had a secret baby mama somewhere. when sokka first hears abt izumi he freaks the fck out — not b/c he thinks z had an affair (the thought doesn’t even cross his mind), but b/c he’s like 1. this baby is now a part of z’s life, this is immutable fact 2. i am part of z’s life 3. omfg i’m supposed to be part of the baby’s life?? that’s a degree of commitment and faith in the future that I DONT KNOW HOW TO PROCESS. like a nerd sokka doesn’t tell z any of this. shenanigans and misunderstanding as z embraces fatherhood super enthusiastically and sokka’s brain is short-circuiting and constantly being witness to all these dadko moments
percy/annabeth from pjo boarding school summer-before-senior-year-college-tour-roadtrip au!! bounces between the summer and the journey it took for them to become friends and end up on this roadtrip. annabeth POV, the slow realization that there’s something more to life than, like, grades and good colleges and career success. 
daichi/suga canon divergent haikyuu fic: daichi has always inspired suga to work harder; suga has always inspired daichi to be more adventurous. so daichi applies to a few unis in tokyo (gasp! so far from miyagi!) and is super excited to tell suga abt it (ofc suga applied to tokyo unis, he’s pretty smart and has always talked abt leaving miyagi for university) but suga beats him to the punch … he got the same scholarship as shimizu to go to america for college. daichi is proud of him! anyway college college blah blah one night daichi’s grabbing drinks w/ noya and suga’s instagram comes up, daichi says something abt that american boy who keeps showing up in suga’s posts and noya’s like oh yeah his boyfriend. daichi: ????? noya: yah dude didja not know? anyway suga can’t be super open abt it on social media b/c he’ll lose his scholarship if they find out he’s queer. blah blah daichi goes to visit suga in america during a break at school and he meets the boyfriend and realizes his feelings about his best friend have evolved blah blaaaah idk how this one ends lmfao. i mean ik there would be smooching but that’s the extent of the detail i have in my head
sneak preview to a prompt ask game drabble but yet ANOTHER zukka modern au 🤪 this time z and s meet in brazil while they’re both doing research out of the same university. sorry i keep making z and s absolute nerds?? anyway there’s beach volleyball incredible food amazing music. but all international flings between foreigners must end eventually. no plot here rly just vibes
this one is mostly a joke, buuuuuut haikyuu au wherein oikawa fcks up his knee in HS and has the deepest mope about losing volleyball. accidentally gets really into kdramas while serially moping, becomes proficient in korean thru that. one weekend he’s visiting tokyo with hanamaki and matsukawa and when they’re at a mall oikawa’s pounced on by a scout who’s like, hey wanna be an korean idol? oikawa’s like haha maki didn’t i always tell you i was so beautiful and mastukawa’s like he’s fluent in korean and hanamaki’s like he practices cute expressions in the mirror all the time and duets pretty good with his showerhead. scout leaves his business card, oikawa’s like ‘u guys r so mean for making fun of me like that’ and they’re like lmfao as if u could actual become an idol. oikawa: TARGET. LOCKED. he’s remembered how to work his ass off again. anyway fic would start like, 4 years after his group’s debut, they’re on tour in the united states where iwaizumi is oh-so-conveniently doing college. ‘iwa-chan your skin got so much darker!’ ‘you look fckn translucent’ ‘i’ll risk getting a little tan only for you, iwa-chan’
Put “📓” or some other version of a book emoji into my inbox and I’ll explain the plot of a fanfiction that I haven’t written but daydream about.
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sayosdreams · 4 years
Hello, just want to say I love sand and stardust so so much it’s one of my favourite Nessian fics.
On a unrelated note (sorta?) what are some of your favourite Nessian headcanons and what are you most looking forward to in acosf
Thanks that’s so sweet!! I’m glad you like Sand and Stardust. I love writing it too (*unwritten and negelected next chapter growls in the background*)
Ok hmmm idk if I’d call them headcanons but like. Here you go:
Nesta letting her hair down for the first time in front of Cassian and Cassian being like 😱😍
Nesta having a panic attack (either in the bath tub or in front of a fire) and Cassian realizing the extent of her trauma
Nesta talking about her childhood
Cassian talking about his childhood
Nesta playing with Cassian’s hair (this is based on a fic I read)
Nesta and Cassian’s first time being sweet and passionate rather than super rough bc I feel like Nesta and Cass are both fairly experienced in the physical part of sex — they need that like emotional side for it to be special ((yeah I know a lot of ppl want them to have hate sex but I don’t. Maybe it’s bc I’m too immature / inexperienced and I crave the idea of romantic sex idk. ))
Cassian cooking Illyrian food for Nesta (based off another fanfic) and Nesta loving it.
Cassian and Nesta having their own house
Nesta telling Cassian that when she was human, she’d wonder what it would be like to fly and admitting that she had romanticized the notion until that trip. And Cassian is like huh?? U didn’t like it?? And she’s like no it was so bumpy and I got so nauseous and the wind hurts. And then Cassian realizes that Rhysand was an asshole 🙃
Just Nessian lying in bed together, soft sunlight streaming in through the windows, making Nesta’s hair and Cassian’s eyes glitter and glow softly.
For a while I had this head canon that Nesta would sing. Idk, I just felt like singing is v emotional and Nesta is too so
Nesta and Cassian being hella protective of each other
But also letting each other have freedom and space bc they’re that confident in their relationship (as in, like, u can talk to whomever u want and go hang out with strangers if u feel safe but if anyone dares to speak ill about u I’ll murder them on the spot so they better not even think about hurting u in any way)
Nesta being soft in private once she’s comfortable, doing small things for Cassian show her love
Cassian being quieter in private, still humorous but like. He doesn’t need to put on a show and smile ALL the time. He has his own ups and downs and feels valid in his emotions
Feeling valid and confident and worthy of each other’s love
Ok things that I want in ACOSF besides the stuff I already said:
Nesta making friends outside of the inner circle and them being primarily HER friends (like they can be friends w Cass too, but they need to be her friends first or like at least 1 or 2 need to be wayyy closer to her)
Exploring Nesta’s powers!!!
Exploring Cassian’s trauma
Addressing how the Inner Circle dynamics aren’t always healthy *cough* Mor *cough*
Speaking of Mor, id love to see either direct convo between Mor and Nesta where Mor is like sorry for being mean (even if it’s implied) or at least Cassian and Mor resolving their issues
Rhys and Nesta.... oof.
Nesta and her sister talking and getting a bit closer
Oh yeah THE ARCHERON MOM!!! Talk about he. For the longest time I thought she was gonna be important in the ACOTAR plot and then she wasn’t 😔
Oooh Illyrians. I don’t want them to be “beasts” or “backwards people” or whatever. I get that they have rly unequal societies and ruthless customs which they want to change but I’d love to explore other facets of Illyrians — their history, their culture (food, art, music, ceremonies, religions, myths, language), etc. in general, I’d love to know more about non-High Fae, though not necessarily in ACOSF (can u tell that I tried to satisfy my own needs in Sand & Stardust? Lol)
Nesta breaking character in front of everyone after Nessian is established. Like, smiling at Cass and tucking a hair away, or crying in a panic attack in front of the fire. Whatever is fine but I want that and then they’ll realize like oh shit maybe we shouldn’t villainize this woman and actually think of her as a person
Ok it’s 2 am so imma go sleep now but I hope that was ok! I know i rambled and complained about the IC.... sorrryyy
Thanks so much for sending me this ask. I love ask :)))
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elfdyke · 4 years
details about the harlivy adopting jason au?????
OK OK <3 absolutely will elaborate on this
basically harley has left the joker maaaaybe a little under a month around when this happens? and after she leaves he ramps up his violence and abhorrent acts n shit. so he ends up kidnapping jason and torturing him until he ends up killing him with the crowbar before he ends up having to dump his body somewhere so he can escape from batman.
harley n ivy essentially stumble upon his body , and hes VERY freshly dead like. very. but also very fucked up. and harley pleeeeads with ivy to bring him back home and save him 😭 and ivy is super not interested in the slightest but she ends up caving because of course she does, she cant bring herself to say no to harley 98% of the time dfkgndf
so ivy has to like. go full in on ‘healing’ him but she uses the green to revive him essentially! so now hes kind of in ivys shoes where hes got this connection to the green thats overwhelming and confusing, and its nowhere near the same level as hers, but it causes one of his eyes to be green, and also i feeel like he would be a lot more connected to nature bc of it? like i dont think he can control plants, but he becomes rly good with botony without realizing it, and plants thrive around him if hes doing well vs struggle around him if hes doing badly, like ivy but to a much smaller extent
jason ends up leaning toward spending more time with ivy bc he starts hanging around her greenhouse, and she starts teaching him things about botony, and he does genuinely start taking interest!! and its so healing for him! he never really has had a break in his life yknow? going from the streets to being robin, it was all action action action, so this break is really life changing for him
and jason spending most of his time in the greenhouse with ivy makes harely really jealous. i will not lie dkfjgdf. it was HER idea to bring the kid back. shes the one who brings him fun clothes and always tries to play video games n shit with him.. it never rly gets to like. she wants to start a full on argument about it bc ivy handles her moods rly well but it absolutely gets under her skin dfkjgndfk
SO LIKE........ the dynamic. is both funny. and very sad dkjfgdkf harley is like. beside herself with excitement to be a Mom now, ivy is very Not happy to have another Human in the house much less a man kdfjgkdfjgn, so they butt heads a lot over it. ntm jason absolutely does NOT want to be there, but he literally canot leave because hes way too fucked up from Dying. so he just sits in the harlivy house wearing the stupidest tshirts she stole for him and stewing in his rage and hatred for everything dkfjgndf
ALSO. for most of this situation. neither of them actually realizes that he was killed By joker. because he wont say what happened. and i dont feel like. they would make the connections i GUESS? idk <3 i think its more fun if they have no idea what his deal is. especially if he knows who they are, and very much doesnt like them because of it, but grows to start really caring about them and admiring them, just like how batman really does care about and respect both harley and ivy
but . i do think that he would eventually let them know what happened to him. once he finally feels safe around them and has recovered more. n i think he would cry a lot and feel awful n scared n bad, and ivys trying her best to comfort him but harley is like oh it is time to dissociate, oh it is time to make inappropriate jokes about our shared trauma. oh i am doing so badly. I JUST. do not think she would handle it well at all because she absolutely blames herself , knows this could have happened to her, feels like it Should have been her and not him. its just. really bad for her. 
I HAVENT RLY THOUGHT ABOUT. how things resolve. maybe jason ends up running away from them and becoming red hood after harley reacts so poorly ? idk <3 i am just existing. but i love the concept a lot and have many thoughts and feelings 
sorry if this is all over the place i tried to keep it as cohesive as possible dkfjgndf if u have any other questions tho pls lmk!!
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inkykeiji · 4 years
okok so we’ve got bmb! shiggy aftercare (which was 👌 thank u for the food lol) how about bmb! dabi? any notable differences? 🧡
OOOOOOH ANON SUCH A GOOD QUESTION!!!!!!! omfg let’s get into it
okay okay okay so like,, bmb!dabi obv isn’t as touchstarved as say, idk what i would headcanon lov dabi to be, BUT!!! he still isn’t used to gentle or affectionate touches. y’all haven’t gotten a chance to see how dabi fucks and how it differs from tomura but very briefly, he’s still rly rough, would absolutely be into degradation/dumbification + leaving marks etc but where he would differ from tomura (and this is really only in relation to the reader; he’d never do this w a random hookup) is that he’d be a lot more inclined to have passionate/sensual sex despite being touchstarved. and i think that, for the most part, this would be entirely subconscious. it would just happen, like he wouldn’t be planning on intentionally ‘making love’ or like, being romantic or whatever, whereas tomura would (tomura may be chaotic at times but the dude’s super perceptive n plans everything to an extent (organized chaos is terrifying). he really likes control).
DESPITE THIS bmb!dabi’s really only fucked one night stands; he’s never been given the chance to fuck someone he actually loves. sooooo regardless of the fact that he’d probably be more likely (than tomura, at least) to have passionate/sensual sex, it truly would be a heat of the moment type thing where his instincts/emotions take over, because after it’s done he’s fucking clueless as to what to do. and this cluelessness would be even worse if it was after more intense/rough/kinky sex.
i honestly think he’d freeze up for a moment and get too in his head—both types of sex would be very heavy/taxing in terms of emotions, right? and he really isn’t used to dealing with any of these, so he’d definitely start panicking, but  reader would be able to bring him outta it pretty easily. it wouldn’t take much, just a soft touch or a little whimper of his name or a lil sniffle and he’d snap back and be like well fuck i know i gotta do something, but what???
he’d be awkward with it at first, and reader would definitely have to be patient with him as he learns n gets used to all of it, but he WANTS to be there for her and he WANTS to make sure she’s okay and make her feel better ofc, because he loves her so much, so he really would be making a tremendous effort to learn how to care for her properly.
it would start with him just pulling her into his arms and hushing her, petting her hair, hugging her to his chest etc. with minimal speaking. the tender touches are already too much for him and to out of his depth, so words would take a bit of time—like he’s already anxious as hell that he isn’t doing this properly :( he’d catch on fairly quickly, though, through a lot of experimentation and trial and error!!! he’d be very committed to figuring out what works best for the reader and when to employ those tactics.
once he’s comfortable with it and used to it oooooooh boy he’d be the sweetest, most gentle thing ever 🥺 lots of reassuring words in that low, deep, soothing voice and soft caresses + tender kisses all over her body. if he had her tied up, and her wrists were bruised because of it, he’d kiss a lil bracelet of kisses around each one. if she was crying, he’d be wiping her tears away and tracing the features of her face as he tells her how good she was, how beautiful she is, etc.
bmb!dabi’s aftercare isn’t as grand as bmb!tomura’s, but it’s more personal.
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seoafin · 4 years
[crying] i rly cant do this rn,,, i didnt open tumblr for a day bc of lunar new year and the FOOD???? HELLO???
💫 anon don’t be shy and drop more ideas, that ask made me somewhat prepared for the angst on jjk sunday. thinking that what spurred geto for wanting a family with mc is that one day he left mc + miminanako for an errand and when he came back, he was greeted by the sight of the twins tucked in along with mc after calling out their names to which no one responded. did he took a picture and made it into a wallpaper for several days/ print it and kept it in his wallet? probably
also 🌙 anon, u have my heart, just say the word and i’ll give it to u, icon 😳
i’d talk abt the leaks but this ask will have a different tone to it so i won’t say anything till sunday bc i rly cant stand to be anywhere near with men like naoya, they set my fight or flight response way too early idk whether to be impressed or terrified + actually genuinely curious how akutami will potray the extent of misogyny in jjk bc irl jpn fail their women on the regular + the hierarchy thing in asian families can be weird and sometimes way too extreme and yuuji...
also the 6k fic,,, idc whether u’ll post it seperately or together but all u need to know is that we’ll eat it up *clench fist*
anyways, i wish all shoko (x + y ) + geto (x + y ) stans and everyone on this blog who have a galaxy brain a very pleasant day 😌 - 🐱
im not prepared at all for the new chapter i thought akutami going on break would let my heart rest but now that they’re back im just... not prepared...
i really really reallly want akutami to address misogyny and all the different power dynamics. it’s so fascinating to me, like from what I’ve seen I’d say that it’s not all women that are looked down upon. just the powerless ones, or what they deem “powerless”. for instance kamo says to megumi that if “only maki or mai had inherited the ten shadows technique” which goes to say that possibly maki’s plan of being the next head would have been more feasible if she had inherited the technique? kamo also isn’t a misogynist...he respects women and loves his mother....
women are only accepted if they meet strict standards: strong and beautiful. possibly also a "pleasant” personality. then given the “respect” that comes easier to men.
I’d guess that women have to be strong, or else. if you are a woman and aren’t “strong” under the clan’s definition of strength (which is having cursed energy) then you get treated lower than dirt. if toji a man was treated like shit to the extent that he rebelled by killing jujutsu sorcerers then maki and mai’s treatment....BUT BUT also!! since toji was a man, he was probably expected to have cursed energy/strength. so in ways, his treatment could have been worse. after all even mai says that had maki accepted her position in the hierarchy then they could have gone on peacefully, only doing a few chores here and there. which shows that the hierarchy punishes those who try to move up the ladder, people who refuse to accept their “birthright”
y’all really getting me in my geto feels 😭
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theharellan · 3 years
𝐑𝐄𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐓  ,  𝐃𝐎𝐍'𝐓  𝐑𝐄𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐆!  tag  six  muns  you  would  like  to  get  to  know  better  when  done!
name :   tas
nickname :     tas is a nickname
age :      28
faceclaim :     i don’t rly use one much these days but it’s still pikachu
pronouns :     she / her
height :    5′6
birthday :    september 24
aesthetics :    fluffy cats, goats, sweaters, partly cloudy days, old ass mountains
favorite  muse  you’ve  written :      prob solas tbh!
what  inspired  you  to  take  on  your  current  muse(s) :     solas being sort of a history nerd made me immediately interested in him and the concept of a dream memory as a primary source intrigued me. i fell in love with his friendship arc with my cadash and in my banter-sparse first playthrough he was the one who ended up speaking the most (and i didn’t even take him everywhere in those days). i rly dug his views re: magic, spirits, etc.
what  are  your  favorite  aspects  of  your  current  muse(s) :     his revolutionary background, how much he turns the lore of the series on its head and throws a wrench into the idea that things have always been the way we perceive them in the series. i love how he exists in two extremes, how his stoicism exists beside intense feelings or his coldness contrasted with his caring.
what’s  your  biggest  inspiration  when  it  comes  to  writing :  talking with my partners abt ideas for threads is prob the biggest! playing or watching the game, listening to music, are also good ways.
favorite  types  of  threads :   i love slice of life and angst, and i rly love action tho i don’t get to do that as much. exploring moments in the game that don’t get explored to their fullest extent b/c my priorities as a storyteller are different is also fun.
biggest  struggle  in  regards  to  your  current  muse(s) :    lately it’s that no one is particularly interested in writing with me or reading my stuff :^) idk sometimes i get into my own head and become rly cognizant of the fact that the more effort i put into something the less attention it gets and self-motivation becomes a struggle. also i’m bad at talking to ppl outside of group chats while simultaneously wanting to talk to ppl and feeling annoying if i do message. if u couldnt tell i have very much been in my own head
tagged:   @ladaar tagging:  @ofrevas, @sabraelost, @apogeaned, @dracaeons, @ idk steal it!
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littlebabycrybtch · 4 years
bro i am so happy for jojo siwa and proud of her and i dont wanna bring the celebration down already but this isnt just a post for nihilism or w/e, i am REALLY uncomfortable and concerned with all the posts im seeing that have this tone of like. ‘this is gonna be so great for our community’, and ‘everyone loves her and her reach is so big yay’, etc etc etc. girl no im sorry like its ok to be excited ig but pls dont make this moment all about how much its gonna rock for us. she is 17. she does not need to ‘do anything’ for our community, we fully need to be supporting and protecting HER, not expecting or pressuring her to be a warrior spokesperson for us right away??? or ever??? like??? and shes already endured a lot of unnecessary cruelty, theres a good chance she’ll endure more, and frankly very possibly from people in your own space who you’ll need to be willing to shut down for rejecting her even if theyre a trendy funnyman you like, and even if they come up with a blatant bullshit reason to validate their cringe. for the love of god, dont fall for that and let it happen this time around. idk to be harsh man can we pls stop viewing coming out stories as a ‘how can this benefit me’ situation and treating it like wracking up points for your community. nobody, especially not a minor, NOT EVEN a famous one, owes you a role model just for existing as a minority. thats not her responsibility, just be proud, welcome her, and let her be, please.
and just a sidenote here but well tbr uh deepest offense, a lot of yall Were casually and proudly part of the group that was relentlessly mercilessly bullying this child for 5 years straight and solely for acting like a normal wholesome child. so sorry to be bitter ig but i mean i dont rly wanna hear You talk about how excited you are to get some social benefits out of her identity until you feel like denouncing and apologizing for that cruel unnecessary shit, and N O T just because shes fucking gay now you unsympathetic moral gangrene piece of garbage, but bc you should grow some feelings and recognize no child should have had to go through that evil shit in the first place??? like wow somehow a hot take but i think maybe perhaps kids you dont personally assume to be minorities just shouldnt be en masse bullied by grown adults for cringe either. i think either way that shouldve already been inexcusable to you. and like yeah acknowledgement of that or not i want her to get all the support she can now and yeah its fine to be excited at the prospect of this helping you/your community sure, but i have a problem getting over this contrast and if nothing else i think theres literally smth wrong with your head if you were harassing her and making her a joke before over Nothing but now that shes relatable to you in some way you can see her as an ally and wanna pretend you always respected her. the way we’ve normalized that extent of selfish and dehumanizing behavior makes me genuinely disturbed with our community. pls just support her like a regular lgbt+ person coming out. its fine to be happy for personal reasons but dont yall think we should be talking a lil more about.... how this is gonna affect her by now...? imo, we need to slow down on the ‘great for our community’ talk. Great for Jojo.
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matoitech · 4 years
cinderpelt, mothwing, ashfur?
Sexuality Headcanon: lesbian
Gender Headcanon: nonbinary, i like transfem hcs too, she/it/he
A ship I have with said character: idk cant think of anything
A BROTP I have with said character: for some reason i got confused and thought she was friends w cloudtail and now i think that thats actually rly funny and should happen bc they were both apprentices of firestar
A NOTP I have with said character: firestar :| for obvious reasons. she did not have a crush on him i dont care what the erins say
A random headcanon: in my head she has always been a very small cat, brackenfur and thornclaw are small too. brighthearts the only one that is Big
General Opinion over said character: i like her i think shes neat, i wish we’d gotten more from her pov when her sister was injured in the med den but i think the erins forgot they were related. i dont think i have to say anything abt her being reborn as an able bodied cat so she could ‘live the life she couldnt as her poor sad miserable disabled 1st self’ was a terrible fucking idea. although- starclan making that decision for her even though she fought against it bc they think they know best could b another ‘starclan DOES consider the living clans playthings of them’ in po3 bc the three (and squirrelflight and leafpools conflict) all have to do w that already. oots au where they actually fight STARCLAN or smth
Sexuality Headcanon: lesbian
Gender Headcanon: transfem nonbinary, she/they, maybe he around close friends
A ship I have with said character: mothpool ofc
A BROTP I have with said character: sorreltail just cuz i think leafpools girlfriends being bros would b sick
A NOTP I have with said character: i hate her w crowfeather. i do not like that
A random headcanon: in my brain mothwings fear of water due to almost drowning as a kid just happened to b 2 a lesser extent than hawkfrosts and eased off quicker as she worked thru it in riverclan, but she grew up lonelier in the clan and missed her mom more than he did
General Opinion over said character: shes one of my fave wc characters i love her very much and am very annoyed about whatever tbc is doing w her character. mothwing is not an asshole and she more than anyone would be able to relate to and have sympathy for shadowsight being manipulated by someone he thought he could trust, if i was rewriting tbc id write her as being protective of him to defend him from his clanmates and for them to have a good relationship. not whatevers happening now i think this conflict is stupid and ooc. i like that shes went from not believing in starclan to being vocally against them and distrustful of their existence bc shes literally right. also why didnt she get to talk to tawnypelt ever
Sexuality Headcanon: het
Gender Headcanon: cis. u ask him what his pronouns are and he gets rly offended and does one of those cis ppl speeches abt how pronouns arent real 
A ship I have with said character: no one. why would you make anyone be w him
A BROTP I have with said character: wasnt he friends w thornclaw or am i misremembering. i feel like that would make sense given thornclaws personality is asshole
A NOTP I have with said character: brambleash and hawkash i fucking hate them. ik ppl dont think too hard about it and its common to hc shitty dude chars (in this case ash) as mlm cuz ppl think its funny but it feels kinda insulting 2 me. most other wc villains i dont care but ashfur isnt cool enough to b an lgbt villain. i also hate squirrel w him obviously but that goes w/o saying
A random headcanon: idk he reminds me of remi tho
General Opinion over said character: fuck this guy. hollyleaf was right
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moonchopsticks-old · 4 years
just finished aa4 and really liked it! quick thoughts:
-apollo has quickly become one of my favorite characters in aa! he really struck that sweet spot between admirable and endearing for me--a hardworking, quick-thinking young man, who grew up as an orphan and clawed his way up to success and a new family in the wrights, and who’s also unrelentingly snarky, can’t whisper for his life, is terrified of heights, and cries over people that he hardly knows. what a dork, i love him. i think they leaned a little heavily on the ‘greenhorn’ aspect of his personality-- quite a few moments where there were things i had figured out but wasn’t allowed to do anything with until another character jumped in and was like “apollo u sweet summer child THIS is the answer”. also i spoiled myself a little and i know that the next two games have “traumatize apollo” as a running theme so a little apprehensive and hoping they at least develop his character well or smth
-mixed feelings about the ‘perceive’ mechanic bc narratively it’s cool as hell but  it was frustrating to crawl through the text looking around for a very slight change in the zoomed-in sprite, especially if it wasn’t clear what they’re fibbing about which is very often. had to use a guide on those parts pretty often. also it’s just like “hey you were twitching! you’re obviously hiding something!” “oh gee you caught me i’ll spill the beans” like i feel like it could’ve been a little more subtle or gradual, idk.
- love apollo and trucy’s relationship so much!! their banter is so cute and funny and they pull off the straight man/funny man routine really well. ik nick and maya have a similar thing but the vibes were just different, for some reason. they had very strong sibling vibes (even before the reveal), which i loved. them being half-siblings was pretty contrived (like a lot of things in this game and this series lmao) but i dont really mind too much
-on a related note, why can’t they know that they’re siblings. when’s the “right time” to tell them. why can’t they just reunite with their mother who has her memories back and loves them. phoenix wh
-on another related note i can understand how jaded and disillusioned phoenix got after he got disbarred but i honestly didn’t like the whole “mysterious cryptic mentor playing 4d chess” schtick that the game pulled. it feels ooc, especially considering you briefly play as present-day him in the final case and his internal monologue doesn’t seem too different from original trilogy phoenix, or at least the phoenix you see before disbarment in the final case (although i was rly invested in finishing up the case and wasn’t paying that much attention to phoenix’s characterization specifically, so i might’ve missed stuff). phoenix’s arc of growth was great and complete in t&t and it feels like they just...gave him a whole new personality. also phoenix goes back to being a lawyer in the next two games...does he just revert back to being regular ol phoenix? idk, maybe i’m missing some stuff right after my first playthrough but it just felt weird.
-plot was really convoluted and contrived even for ace attorney (havent played aa5 or 6 yet, so idk if it gets worse). lamiroir just happened to be apollo and trucy’s mom, if zak had just been frank with phoenix and given the original diary page to him OR valant hadn’t tampered with the crime scene this whole thing could’ve been avoided. why did zak want to take down phoenix in poker to the extent of planting cards on him to make it look like he cheated when phoenix was the one who defended him in court and he’s the one taking care of his daughter??
-way too many flashbacks to things that happened 5 real life minutes ago
-g u i t a r ‘ s  s e r e n a d e
-kind of wish they had done more with trucy. i liked her but i feel like there was potential, especially since the game implies that she’s putting on a brave front for apollo, and i wish they had expanded on that a little more. like....her birth father who had been presumed dead for years ends up being alive right up until mere months before the reveal. she’s the one that ends up delivering the forged evidence into phoenix’s hands as a child, even though she was completely unaware of it at the time. she and phoenix latch onto each other pretty quickly, which was very cute, but we get little insight to how she thinks of her biological father, who we can tell she loved and misses but not much else. maybe i’m just digging for angst, idk, but it still felt like there could’ve been more. (also i really wanted more phoenix-being-a-dad content!! be a dad to ur daughter sir!!)
-klavier was pretty good! it was refreshing to have a prosecutor that wasn’t after ‘perfection’ or had a vendetta against defense attorneys/the protag, but he still managed to come off as a competent opponent. his whole rockstar persona was very cheesy but i liked it lol. (also really hilarious to me that the third case starts with him giving discounted tickets to trucy and apollo, his opponents in actual legal court) also i knew people shipped him and apollo but i wasn’t expected the game to be so forthright with it. like how else are you supposed to interpret klavier saying “i’m used to being inspected by the ladies but this is the first time ive felt like this with a man”????
-ema skye!!! loved her and glad to see her in a spotlight role but it was just kind of sad seeing her perpetually grumpy. ik people didn’t like that there were so many forensic touchpad/mic minigames but i didn’t really mind it, they were kinda fun if sometimes a little tedious
-i for sure thought that valant had been directly involved with the murder in turnabout serenade (my initial theory was that valant was masquerading as daryan during set 3 while daryan shot letouse, which was why 2nd guitar was off during the recording). also i hated daryan’s hair, why does he have a military grade skunk torpedo on his head,
-wright anything agency adopt vera challenge
-this has already gone on long enough so tl;dr solid 7.5/10 would play again once i forget what happens a little bit
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ridasverkisto · 4 years
for the black clover meme ask: 1, 13, 23, 30 and 48
Oh! I didn’t actually expect to get any asks for it...cool! For reference, the ask meme post is here.
1. Favorite Character?
This is a hard one—I don’t usually tend to have only one favorite character, but a herd of them that I love for a lot of different reasons. The two that jump out at me off the top of my head though are Dorothy and Noelle—Dorothy just because she’s fun and I love her, and Noelle because I love her character arc. Noelle specifically is the only character I’ve yelled at a TV screen for lol 😂
13. Favorite Clover Kingdom place?
...see, I don’t usually think about this sort of thing, just because I don’t get attached to places unless I go there in person. I guess just off the top of my head it would probably be the Capital, if only because I’m a shameless worldbuilding junkie and I’m extremely curious to see more of it.
23. Any (hetero or LGBT) romantic/platonic pairings you’re fond of?
I think the biggest is Magna/Luck, either romantic or platonic—I’m soft for two dumbasses sharing a brain cell and being best friends, regardless of whether it’s romantic or not. I also once saw a pairing for Charmy/Rill/Langris and I hold it close to my heart if only bc the potential for comedy and character growth is amazing.
Finral & Langris is also a good one, so long as it’s like...actual Sibling Energy and not thinly veiled incest wishing. Oh! And Yuno & Asta. I understand why people ship them romantically, and I can see it to some extent, but...you can’t tell me Yuno isn’t a Dramatic Bitch specifically to troll Asta, and if that isn’t peak Sibling Energy I don’t know what is.
30. Least favorite fandom theory?
Without a doubt, the idea that Dante could be Asta’s dad. Don’t get me wrong, I can see where the thought came from, but it just—it completely goes against how Black Clover handles tropes, and it’s just. Ugh.
If Tabata goes that way, that’s fine and I’ll live—but as it stands without better evidence and set up it just feels gross and I really don’t like it.
48. What do you feel is the series’s biggest flaw? How would you have handled it differently?
Hm. This is a hard one, bc overall I really do like how Tabata has been handling the series. I think the biggest flaw to me, personally, is how he handles his female characters in presentation. Like, personality-wise they’re pretty good overall (various female characters, each with different personalities and motivations, thank you!), but. How he handles crushes in the series, plus how Noelle and Mimosa in the art have been consistently drawn in fanservice-y ways is really bad.
First and foremost, let me get this out of the way: it’s not that I disapprove of the crushes in the series—in fact, I think they’re all believable. It’s the way the characters—specifically Charlotte—hem and haw around being adults about their emotions. Noelle and Mimosa—cool, fine, they’re 15, they’re not supposed to be adults about their emotions. And Charlotte’s a bit of a neurotic mess sometimes, so her struggling to tell Yami makes sense. HOWEVER.
I’m aware Tabata doesn’t rly want to write romance into the series (he’s on record saying so, tho I can’t find the source as of rn), but if you don’t want full on romance, then a crush shouldn’t be such an integral part of how you present a character to the audience. I’m also aware that this is probably mainly an anime problem due to fillers, but the point remains—Charlotte’s personality gets filtered down to “strict and serious on the battlefield” and “oh no it’s Yami 😖😳”
It’s a less serious problem with Noelle and Mimosa because we see more of them, and we get to see parts of their personalities that don’t revolve around their crush on Asta, but like. Maybe it’s because I’m aromantic, but constantly seeing “will-they-won’t-they” is so tired at this point.
My solution? Either a) don’t focus on it so much—flushing, being tongue-tied, cool, fine, but it’s not the CENTER OF THEIR PERSONALITY FFS. Or b) have one or all of them confess to their crush. Have it actually go somewhere, with the growth that entails; because whether or not Yami or Asta, etc., accept their feelings, that’s a change in the status quo. It’s progress and development. It’s INTERESTING.
Or you know, instead of having all of your romantic stuff being crushes, have someone like...Vanessa or idk, Dorothy or David or something with a background relationship. Not just a barely mentioned one with Kaiser—but one that is shown in the text and shapes part of their growth.
Also, male crush representation! Let the guys want a relationship and have a crush. Finral and Asta are the outliers here and they’re both treated as comedic relief—Asta has a sort of creepily insistent puppy crush on Sister Lily, and I really really wish it was written differently, and Finral is working on getting better already. But let the guys have interpersonal wants and needs without constantly playing it for comedic effect! Or using awful tropes!!
Basically, my take is that how romance and certain interpersonal relationships in the series is handled isn’t...terrible, exactly, it’s pretty Shounen standard, but how I’d like to see it handled is with more variety and respect. If you’re gonna write in crushes and implied romance, then actually commit to the bit and do something with it.
(Also please don’t get me started on the Silvas and how their treatment of Noelle gets sort of...hand waved, after they apologize during the Reincarnation Arc. Forgiveness and rebuilding a relationship of any kind from abuse like that isn’t easy, and I hate that it just sort of...gets ignored like everything’s fine now. Because it’s NOT.)
...that got long, sorry. I have issues with how mainstream media writes romance a lot of the time, and I think it shows. 😅
#black clover#black clover ask meme#ask meme#I have THOUGHTS on how the series has handled certain things#overall it’s really solid#but it falls into the trap a lot of shounen’s do#really the vast majority of mainstream media does#and that’s thinking that the will-they-won’t-they is more entertaining than the actual RELATIONSHIP#it’s fine if a crush is just thinking someone is physically attractive and doesn’t go any deeper than that#but you can’t have all of your crushes in a story just sit there pining after someone#that’s why so many harem anime’s get on my nerves#have some variety#bc having them all waffle around is so fucking stupid#you could even have someone else get fed up and either reveal it to the crush themselves#or lock them in a room together to force the person to confess to their crush#tension is all well and good but not when it just sits there and is always teased and never resolved#if you have tension DO SOMETHING WITH IT DONT WASTE IT#this is also the problem I have with a lot of romance stories#slow burn is fine bc they’re always steadily moving towards a relationship and the tension is built and resolved in increments#but if you aren’t going to USE the tension#or at least contrast it with different examples#don’t fucking put it in your story#Chekhov’s gun is a thing for a REASON#bluh#this is probably at least in part bc I am VERY aromantic#and I just straight up don’t understand romantic attraction at all#mixed with my huge soft spot for character dynamics#thanks for coming to my TEDtalk
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t4tjonmartin · 5 years
[alright this time instead of spamming the tags i'm gonna compile all my 3.04 thoughts in one post so that they're easier to ignore lmao]
okay there were definitely water + subtle storm sounds in the beginning of 3.04 along with the usual creaking sounds and?? idk if its just me noticing them for the first time but yeah the penumbra is definitely looking to be a big ship or something
one thing that i have been loving about how the writers approached olala's shapeshifting powers is that her tail (which is mostly the only way we've seen her exercise her powers uptil now) seems to be sentient? or atleast capable of making a noise which olala either understands or imagines as a language. especially given that shes a child its a really cute and fun way to show her interacting + trusting her powers not just as a part of herself but as a companion
the leaves are turning green. she must've escaped the wastes!! also love that in classic olala style her imagination picked up on that detail and is trying to figure what to make of it with her limited knowledge
another thing abt her imagination is the way she's doing the whole "squadron" thing. it seems like she doesn't like being alone, and that could infact be one of the reasons she's so imaginative (apart from the fact that she's. u know. a child)
ohh "top of our tree base" did i hear that right? olala can climb trees? (or....shapeshift to have wings)
me and olala: what do the cards mean WHAT DO THEY MEAN
omg olala had never met a man before the intruder. she rly thinks all ppl w a low voice are the same person aww
oh no she thinks the monster marc is talking abt is her :'((
OHH shes exercising her powers again!! shes gonna try to scare marc this is not going to go well is it
DID SHE JUST THROW A MANGO AT MARC SKNDKENDKENDKEN ok ngl sometimes i wanna do that too she: is valid
she literally. grossed out marc into running away. a genius, a prodigy,
though....I'd never known marc to be so particular about this kind of stuff? I'd see that as more of a tal thing especially since marc must be pretty far from the citadel (SPEAKING OF, WHERE IS HE?? :'( until he makes an entrance im gonna imagine hes having a sweet time studying rocks and forests with sir angelo)
wait if olala wanted to lead the "intruder" away from the wastes & she achieved that then why is she following marc? (OOH prediction that while following marc they comes across the actual intruder maybe?)
so that's why marc was so quick to run, he was hoping the "monster" would follow? BUT ALSO "i had a mango thrown at my head that's a lot okay!!" MARC U DRAMA QUEEN
how is Marc so casual about finding olala lmao he just casually suggested that she might be a shape-shifter isn't olala supposed to be one of a kind MARC WHAT ARE YOU DOING SJSNSJJSJS
i like how they showed marc's conflict, i was hoping for that but again arises the question: WHY IS HE HUNTING ALONE? did he and tal have a fight?? :(( or does he like routinely hunt alone and we just never heard abt it sldjsknsks
LOVE this background music
olala just??? MELTED?????? "oh! i forgot i could do that." I'M AKSNSKSNKS
marc is having a Really Tough Time rn you all
I'm saying it first here marc is going to adopt olala
congratulations on becoming a dad marc
(or a big brother idk how old marc actually is but he must be in his late 20s-early 30s??)
OK TIME FOR OLALA AND MARC PARALLELS: marc talks to his horse (whom he is almost constantly attached to and sees as a companion) and olala talks to her tail (whom she is almost constantly attached to and sees as a companion), both have a unique "gift" in the sense that marc seems to be one of the few (if not the only one, and definitely the best) inventors/engineers in the second citadel and olala is a shape-shifter, PLUS they're both amazed by these particular facets of each other, AND they both like to think out loud (often talking to their horse/tail while they do so)
aw she's crying YOU KNOW, YOU KNOW marc's decided there and then to help her uwu
hes talking so softly with olala im not crying you're crying
aww olala was willing to sacrifice the first friend she met because she cared about finding help for the sisters more IM JUST SO. SOFT SHES SUCH A BRAVE KID BLEASE
this also explains why he was out alone i guess? queen mira does often send one knight alone to investigate and maybe tal stuck to his decision of not wanting to become a knight? hmm
awwwwwww marc is telling her a bedtime story? MY HEART
OH WE'RE GETTING TO KNOW MORE ABT MARC AND THE CITADEL TOO!!!! he's from the craftsman quarters hmm
ahahaa hes right to be afraid of what caroline might think of the both of them
that line about stories.......man just hold on a second
marc talking abt the queen,,, someone drank his respecting women juice
ohhh ohhohoohhh. she's decided to meet the queen oh my
he calls himself the kite???? HES RAIDING A VILLAGE. ALONE??
he rly has a thing for birds huh
he sounds like he wears cowboy boots tbh. something that's like jingling when he walks?
oHHH hes gonna send a letter to the queen . oh that's not good
the ending sounds of the penumbra also had rain sounds. WHAT DOES IT MEANNN
ending thoughts: I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS
like, where's the intruder and how did he find out about olala in the first place and what does he want from her? what is the nature and extent of olala's powers and how does it work and what are its limitations? why did the writers choose marc to be the first person to meet olala?
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