#idk it's so weird i feel like they're not real people because of how robotic they sound
what's with these weird accounts that reblog spop critical posts with captions that basically sound like bots?
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ezdotjpg · 8 months
ok but know I need you to Tell Me Things about the Zeldas. all of them. I am literally*bouncing*.
(I love how both your TP Link and Zelda have RBF. they have truly Had It)
HEHE sorry i held onto this ask until I had all the Zelda designs posted, and then I,,,forgot to do that lol.
some Bonus Zelda thoughts! some of this i've maybe said before idk:
her armor is more ceremonial than practical. While I didn't give this to every Queen Zelda, I liked the idea of the princess's pauldrons progressing to more plate armor in the queen's dress. That's also why I changed her color scheme to blue to differentiate from the princess' pink (exceptions for this being HW Zelda who wears red as queen, ST Zelda who still wears pink as queen and BOTW Zelda who wore blue as princess)
anyway. she's more of a scholar than a warrior but she still has killer aim with a bow
her pet project has been recovering, restoring, and filling in the gaps of the royal library and archive. Mage helps her out with this as he has a knack for stumbling upon forgotten ancient texts in his travels
A lot of ppl assume she's rather prim or austere but she's actually got a lot of whimsy and humor in her. It's why she and Mage get along so well :D
She lets Mage get away with a lot of shenanigans and keeps the royal guard from arresting his ass all the time
if mage is ur weird uncle she's like. ur cool aunt
she's still sailing the seas with her crew!
she and Wake have had a bit of a falling out though, partially over disagreements about searching for New Hyrule, and have gone their separate ways for now. There's not any real animosity between them, just like,,,frustration. They'd still do anything for each other.
She's got 2 pistols and a cutlass and she knows how to use them
She could bench press Wake. easily.
She's brash and commands a lot of respect but she's also a lot of fun to be around. She's brutally honest and says what's on her mind.
I think she still feels a lot of confusion and frustration about the revelations about her lineage and the role King Daphnes seemed to force on her because of it. She doesn't want much to do with what the divine. She values the freedom sailing on the sea gives her.
TP Zelda
she's. so tired. a lot of the responsibility of rebuilding the kingdom has fallen squarely on her shoulders. She's holding shit together by a thread but by god is she holding it together.
Looks pretty cold and unapproachable but she has a kind heart. She cares deeply for the people of her kingdom. She would sacrifice a lot for them and already has.
Never relaxes. Works like 24/7. get this girl a hobby
Midzel canon. Midna also had a thing with Link but it wasn't a polycule more of a this is my girlfriend Midna and this is Midna's boyfriend Link kind of a situation. Anyway she misses Midna.
Wolf and Zelda are like. coworkers. They haven't really gotten any closer in the aftermath of everything. Wolf wants nothing to do with playing the role of the hero in a political sense like Zelda keeps asking him to. I don't think Zelda necessarily blames him for escaping that responsibility, but she Is frustrated she doesn't have that luxury.
MC Zelda
a little cutie!! very bubbly and extroverted and curious about the world. She spends a lot of time outside of the castle running around with Mini. The King is so glad she's safe after everything he still just lets her do whatever she wants lol
She used to be the one dragging Mini into shenanigans all the time but he's gained a lot of confidence over his quest and is less timid now. now they are equally engaging in shenanigans
Hangs out with Malon too!! The three of them are besties
I like to think she can also still see the minish even if she can't shrink down to their size. she thinks they're so cute. Maybe mini gives her a jabbernut so she can speak to them too :-)
She helps Mini build his fucked up little trash robots. She also pretties them up with paint
scolded by castle staff frequently for getting grass stains and dirt on her nice clothes lol. She probably isn't usually running around in her full princess garb though.
Like Mini, has mostly refused to process most of what happened to her and is just trying to enjoy life.
Prince Zel
I went back and forth about whether or not I wanted to go with naming him Sheik or not. I decided against it since this is the version of him that never had to become Sheik. He keeps Zelda as a legacy name and shortens it to Zel most of the time.
Pretty lonely in the castle without many friends his age. He desperately wants to be better friends with Mask but is mostly rebuffed.
Even though he doesn't have to become Sheik in this timeline, I think he has begun training with Impa. Just under a lot less duress
Still occasionally has prophetic visions but has become somewhat hesitant about sharing them. I think he understands a little more of what went on in other timelines than he lets on, but he doesn't know or put together all of it.
Often described as odd or intense or standoffish by ppl who meet him but he can be really chatty and lively under the right circumstances
HW Zelda
Her armor is also mostly ceremonial, even though she's definitely more of a warrior queen. She and War are both dressed to project 'peace time' and 'prosperity'. She has other sets of armor that are more suited for combat.
She and War are a lot alike, calculating and cunning, which is why they understand each other. It's also why they're often at each other's throats. They're not really above backstabbing each other, though has Queen she has a lot more leverage.
She's not exactly warm or particularly kind, but she does care about the safety of the Kingdom.
Also never relaxes and works like 24/7
Constantly dealing with a tense, power-hungry and antagonistic court looking to undermine her authority. She has her own private ambitions she's working towards.
ALBW Zelda
She's a really charming and fun person! very down to earth as Queen and a lot more willing to eschew tradition.
She comes across as carefree but she's been ruling Hyrule by herself since she was young and has been subject to a lot of pressure. She had to grow up pretty fast and is wiser than she seems at first glance. She has her court and the people's respect.
She and Mirror share an interest in fashion and the arts. They're,,, they're both theatre kids.
I don't have a lot of other headcanons abt her yet sorry but. i love her
ST Zelda
Has been crowned Queen at the ripe old age of 16 because the last time they appointed a chancellor he turned out to be a demon who stole her body. so
She does not feel ready to be Queen at all but she's doing her best. She's determined not to let anybody push her around again.
She's taken an interest in learning how to fight after the events of spirit tracks. She never wants to feel as helpless as she did then, trapped as a ghost outside her body. Also she really enjoyed hitting things with a giant sword in her big phantom armor. She's become a much better swordsman than Spirit ever was lol
She specifically requested her own suit of armor to mimic the phantom armor
she's pretty protective of Spirit
BOTW Zelda
I think she was conscious for all 103 of those years fighting ganon, even if it seems somewhat blurry and surreal to her now. She remembers it in fits and bursts. She often feels disconnected from her body.
She has no interest in reviving the monarchy or ruling over Hyrule again. However she does have an interest in rebuilding Hylian towns and helping all of Hyrule recover. She still feels like it's her responsibility, not because of her role as princess, but because of what she perceives as her own failure to avert tragedy.
she doesn't just blame herself though- she blames the gods and her father too.
Right now though she's mostly taking a break to get her bearings and recover from 103 years of endless fighting. She and Slate travelled around Hyrule for a while at first, and now she's settled in Hateno trying to figure out how to be normal again. Some rebuilding efforts have already started spearheaded by Hudson and she helps out with those.
SKSW Zelda
honestly not even she is sure what parts of her are herself and what parts are hylia. it's as disconcerting for her as it is for Loft. She's both frustrated that he looks at her differently now and understands completely why he does. She still wishes he wouldn't.
she remembers more about being the goddess than she necessarily lets on
she's really invested in the settlement on the surface and is basically its unofficial leader. she puts a lot of time and effort into making sure everything is going according to plan and that they have everything they need to keep living on the surface
she's protective of Loft and worries a lot for him. She blames herself for a lot of what he struggles with now and wants to make it better.
she's not the fun police though, she likes a death-defying loftwing stunt as much as the next person
she did become a knight after the events of skyward sword! They don't really wear the uniforms down on the surface much anymore though and it's become less of a formal order while everyone focuses on building and improving the village.
She's been working on her swordsmanship
I think she really loves music and singing
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redjennies · 2 years
I think the reason I'm not Vibing with FCG on the level I usually am with robots is that they're not really that robot-y? like it's hard to dig my teeth into the whole "do robots have souls?" dilemma when a) we're dealing with a universe where souls are undoubtedly a real thing and the mechanics of the game determine what is "A Real Boy" and what isn't, and b) FCG is so deeply a person in their personality, like there's not enough of a disconnect in "how we perceive personhood" in how they act in order to justify this question. even the aspects of FCG that do fall into archetypical robot traits don't come across as a result of his programming requiring him to put the safety of others ahead of his own so much as it's reminiscent of any given person you know with a bit of a self-sacrificing, martyr complex. and that's not saying you can't blend those two reasons together to make a point about how "we're not so different," but when it's the immediate takeaway that this trait makes them feel even more human instead of a subtle recognition of the way some people behave, it doesn't pack the same punch.
like the way FCG is constructed as a character makes it more interesting to focus in on the "ultimately a machine" aspect more than "are they a person?" aspect, which is a very awkward situation because you don't want to deny someone their personhood, but up until arguably the most recent episode, we haven't actually gotten anything that particularly gives us any reason to feel like he's not just a metal human, which in a world where Ashton "Punk Rock" Greymoore or "Living Dead Girl" Laudna are standing right next to him isn't a particular stretch. if FCG's physical robotic-ness isn't all that weird in this setting, outside the novelty that one of them is talking, nor is his personality making any real point about our conceptions of and prejudices against what does and does not qualify a person, they dont even need to be a robot. they could be literally anything else and still have this personality. so in order to kind of justify why FCG feels this way about himself, I end up needing to see more of the machine, or I need a different question entirely.
and it's weird to me that Sam, whose characters constantly scratch this itch I have about the roles we perform in society which robots often factor into, is not getting the robot thing, and granted maybe that's it. maybe Sam is thinking too much about robots as people with roles to perform and not enough about the "why do we see each other as tools? what do we consider 'soulless' so that it makes it easier to deny humanity to another person?" aspect. but it is interesting to me that on some level, Scanlan's explosion in The Bard's Lament hit the whole robot thing as far as I'm concerned more than I've seen out of FCG.
idk, I'm just thinking about robots and why I like them and why this one is falling flat for me.
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orange-s-mario · 5 months
Superman's kids ranked
Hmm guess the bottom is where I start here (please note I have not been able to read the dailies)
Wait. Actually there's a few unranked kids, so first a pre-ranking ranking:
Unranked (+ "Superman's" kids)
Superman-Red's Twins and Superman-Blue's Twins: they just kind of exist. They don't have any characterization at all since they don't even talk
Carl (Mr. Mxyptlk): He does a little trolling. I feel a bit bad for Larissa Lenox though
twins in Superman's Girl Friend Lois Lane #55: no. I don't want to think about this story.
Mooki: this isn't superman. He's neat. Robot Merkid
Lyle and Lili: that's not Lois and that's not Kal-El, it's actually his cousin and a lookalike
Superman Jr (Robin (Fred Ashley (Dick Grayson))): i uh wha. Hmm I think I'll rate him exclusively from the story. Anyways it's basically Lois pranking Superman back via blackmailing Robin (she was pretty sure Robin was one of 6 people). Uh Funny and weird I guess but that's what happens when you prank each other via pretend space travel.
Clark Jr. & Lori (Man of Tomorrow #15): they're literally demons. Anyways they're kinda bland because it's "picturesque traditional American values" that are directly opposed to Superman being more due to what they are. (also RIP Post-crisis Lana, the other main Lanas are simply built different; but also it was Neron so ...). At least Clark Jr. wanted to leave smallville
son & daughter w/Lana Lang (Action Comics #492) : R.I.P. you nonexistent kids. You seemed nice
Lois Lane's son from her coma dream (Showcase #9): uhh what a strange character to rate. So I'm just not going to. idk Superman was trying to get Lois to wake up by making her unhappy so it's weird
Orna Kal-El: alan moore did not write orna at all. She just shows up and says no lines.
Van-El: "I don't think you're real" doesn't hit as hard in the comic. Also he's kinda bland.
Extra note on the black mercy thing:why ISN'T Lyla Lerrol still an actress Moore? Please explain
Richard, M'R'R and K'R'K: nothing characters who also expanded the British empire. this should've ended with K'L'L dismantling the British empire
Twins, with Lois Lane (Adventures of Superman #561): they just sorta exist in Supes's dream. Remind me of the more troublemaker versions of Silver Age twins though (probably a reference since it was a Dominus Effect Epilogue)
Lara Lane Kent (Injustice dream): actually a good character. too bad she's basically the conscience of a man who's basically the worst superman ever.
Martha (Man of Tomorrow #15): She seemed nice despite being fake. At least Clark actually being superman in this fake reality means that she actually gets to do stuff. She wants to go to the moon again. That's it. That's the whole character
onto superman's actual kids;
#55: JLA: Act of God baby; I hate him and everything he stands for
#54: The Others (JLA: Created Equal): Unlike Adam they don't feel sad about being misogynistic and have a change of heart after not during the Luthor fight
#53: Adam Kent: according to the text itself Lex only heightened his misogyny
#52: Kara (and the others) (JLA: Created Equal): She's a girl so she isn't misogynistic. Unfortunately it's weird because she's Power Girl's daughter. seems like a nice person though. these 3 might just be because of me just not vibing with the story but ehh w/e
#51: Lar-El and Vara: these 2 are just kinda really bland. doesn't help that they only show up twice. there's the interesting hook of feeling that Superman abandoned them, but it's too little.
#50: The Twins (World's Finest 35)
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I think this basically sums it up. They're basically used as bratty normal babies that Clark gets annoyed by
#49: Bruce Kent: he exists I guess (will not complain about the story, will not complain about the story, will complain about the story; evil captain marvel is dumb and it's weird how different characters are affected by the apocalypse very differently. also the "we belong together" line hate when they do that, but that's not about Bruce Kent so it's moot). that's pretty much it.
#48: Jonathan Elliott: he exists I guess (will not complain about the story, will not complain about the story, will not). that's pretty much it.
#47: Jonathan Kent (Green Lantern: Darkstars): He exists I guess. has a bit more stuff to him, but he ends up being a good dude despite Belzebeth controlling the darkstars
#46: Lara Kent (Dark Knight/Millerverse): idk her vibes are just off. I like her but then she does something and it's like eugh Frank Miller. and her parents also being OOC does her no favors. Her appearance in the third series made me rank her worse. I do like the thing where she finally touches the ground at the end, but I just really dislike her whole character. At least her dad's more in character in the third one ig. her vibes are off
#45: Jonathan Kent (Future State): he's nice i guess. There just isn't much of him so he's right here. Not a lot of room to be a character when it's just like 5 panels
#44: Jonathan Kent (Space Age): he's nice i guess. Rated slightly higher due to a snowball fight. he doesn't do much
#43: Larry & Carole (Superman's Girl Friend Lois Lane #36) they don't show up much and don't have much characterization besides only one of them becoming a superhero so not ranking those versions. I guess these two at least have some characterization in that they like playing with the space animals and Larry becomes Superman II
#42: Vol: he's fine he's fine. Besides being a character in one of the most batshit insane superman plots; he's just fine. At least he saved his universe and sent Sonn back to the Earth-One Universe. So uhh points for him I guess? He does a bit more than SGFLL 36 Larry and Carole so he's ranked higher. I guess
#41: Krys Kent: I liked him enough but he kinda has nothing going for him. I guess he has a bit of potential in that he could probably learn magic (he doesn't have powers). He seems nice I guess and he also has the fun line near the beginning of the story after Superman throws him, but that's about it
#40: Krys's evil ghost demon extradimensional twin: The villain has more of a character due to talking more, but really he's just evil for the sake of it. Interesting villain... ... ...I guess evil ghost extradimensional beings don't count for Superman's rules
#39: Jor-El II (Action Comics 327): really wants Clark to stop spoiling his kid. He thinks there's no such thing as crooks anymore (he's wrong), but he's always on missions doing Superman stuff I guess. there must be a lot of natural disasters I guess.
#38: Baby Bliss: toddler written during the silver age. At least he helps Clark a bit although most of the time Kal is just confused about the situation and Baby Bliss sometimes does some trickery to Superman. So I'm ranking him near the middle
#37: Lola Kent: points docked for getting with her cousin. Other than that she's good, since she has very similar characterization to pre-crisis superman, who is a pretty good character. but yeah she's down here because of Jimmy Jr. She'd probably be higher if it wasn't for Lucy Lane
#36: Jor-El II: he is a victim. this happened because his mom was a jerk and honestly I'm not sure if Lois really got through to Lois. There's also probably a better way to get through your alternate universe self who's tired of being a housewife. At least his dad was nice the whole time and even apologized about always leaving for missions. Jor-El II's life sucks and I'm not convinced it gets better. ranks low since I didn't really get anything for his characterization
#35: Clark Kent Jr (Superman #404): seems like a nice kid who loves his parents. I like the bit where Lana makes Clark Jr makes Clark gets ice cream but there's really not much here. I will say this was a very interesting imaginary story that I wouldn't mind being expanded on
#34: Superman II (Jorel Kent): he only appears in 3 Superman 2020 stories so he doesn't have much. He really is Superman II. there's not much differentiating himself from his father. Kalel has more going on just because Superman 2020 is about Kalel and not Jorel.
#33: Superman Jr. (Denny O'Neil): He's dead now. Denny O'Neil's take was weird. Still liked him though. He tried heroing even though he caused disasters everywhere he went. I guess he self-sacrificed himself for the good of reality
#32: Joel Perry Kent: He is also a victim because of Ultra Humanite. Idk I think Clark is also at fault here; just tell the dude. However him trying to kill the Vietnamese village is all on him. It doesn't say that Ultra-humanite told him to do it sooo.
#31: Jonathan Kent (Frank Millerverse): he's fine I guess. He felt like the imaginary story kids or silver age superman when he was fighting Darkseid so he ranks a bit higher. like when the supers are like tricksters
#30: Larry (Superman's Girl Friend Lois Lane #39): He is a bit of a scamp so that's great. He does cause Jimmy to go blind and Lana to breathe fire though, but then again Clark didn't explain the black magic to anyone in the family so really that was Superman's fault.
#29: Superman Jr (World's Finest #154 & #157): started as bit of a jerk to Bruce Jr but basically mellowed out. Since he's only in 2 comics there's not much characterization here and his dynamic with his Bruce Jr isn't as great as the Bob Haney version
#28: Kara Kent: Honestly kinda bland. She has a sweet relationship with Bruce Jr, but that's basically it. Like she has half the powers of Superman and complains about it a few times, but that's really par for the course of biological superman kids. Has a bit more of stuff in Generations 2, but nothing really to make her go higher or lower on this list
#27: Supergirl (Ariella Kent)/R'E'L, the Destroyer of Worlds: reading the dc one million issue again it's not bad but the comedy doesn't land as much as it wants to. despite her crying in that one scene I just don't like her as much as the others unfortunately :/
#26: Johny Kirk (Superman Jr): Nice kid, unfortunate circumstances though. Also his ending was horrible. Where does he even live now. Like he totally should've stayed being adopted by Superman
#25: Tommy: he's just a little guy and unlike almost everyone else that's main canon, he gets a happy ending. Clark could and should check on him from time to time though. Also since he's powerless I find him more interesting than Johny
#24: Jonathan Kent II (Kingdom Come): All things considered he's pretty cool. Most of it is due to cribbing Phantom Stranger's style but he's alright. Do like how he has Hypertime powers; But other than that he's kind of just the monitor from COIE
#23 Larry and Carole* (Superman's Girl Friend Lois Lane #23): basically more subdued versions of the twins with lady luck, so they're less fun but also they don't seem to purposefully mess with their parents like their earlier counterparts. They also have belts that can be switched on/off to stop them from having superpowers so that's interesting. They're fights also seem more playful than anything
#22::Jonathan Samuel Kent: there's a lot I do NOT like about him but there's lots of good bits and pieces. I unfortunately have to concede that he's not the worst jon.
#21: Twins, with "Lady Luck" in Superman #131: the twins are menaces. But in a fun way. They keep on fighting and messing with each other (& their parents). It's great
#20: Joan Kent: I liked her enough, Liked how she tried to trick Larry at first, although unfortunately that doesn't work and she kinda spends the whole story kidnapped by Ironclaws. I do like how she argued with Larry while Larry was evil, though it seems like they had a soft spot for each other even before Larry turned good. but she ultimately doesn't do much so I had to rank her lower. If it was more of a Joan story than a Lois story she might be ranked higher
#19: Clark Kent Jr/Superman Jr/Superboy (Superman #192 & 194): I liked him more in 192 where he was a bit more mischievous, and then started talking in gigantic words, but he was fine in 194 as well. He was even able to outsmart Lex Luthor. He'd probably be higher if he stayed more mischievous or was still using gigantic words in his vocabulary. I do really like this imaginary story plot though.
#18: Jor-El II/Nightwing (Superman #166): Good character but not as good as his brother, he's basically a kid Superman but he doesn't feel as developed as Clark Superboy. That's probably why they focused more on his brother. He teased Kal-El II at the beginning a bit too much, but he basically stops after Clark tells him to stop
#17: Pyrrhos: Pretty good villain all things considered. don't like that he was the one who killed Darkseid but that's because I read Kirby's New Gods. I liked him enough
#16: Clark Kent Jr./Superman Jr. (Bob Haney): He's great. His dynamic with Bruce Jr. is also great. He's more optimistic and more of a reader than Bruce Jr. I feel like Clark Jr is like a more hotheaded Clark. Even at their most confrontational Batman Jr. and Superman Jr remain friends. points docked a bit due to not really existing without Bruce Jr. He does have a bit of an inferiority complex ("generation gap") due to only being about half as strong as Superman so characterization bonus
#15: Cir-El is neat; the whole weird Mia thing was not. But it's ok cause I'm ranking his kids not his not kids. Kinda suffers for only being in like 13 issues, but i enjoyed her existence while she was there. Like how she kept on thinking of Superman (and Lois) as her parents even after the truth was revealed
#14 Lara Lane Kent (Adventures of Superman #638): liked what little there was of her. She seems like a neat character. Best part was the Calvin and Hobbes homage.
#13 Kal-El II/Flamebird/Kalel Kent (Superman #166): Good character, having no powers while your brother and dad do, gives ample reason for an inferiority complex. I also like how it showed he was a bit smarter due to him deciding to read more books and studying which wouldn't have happened without his inferiority complex about no powers. Also like how he kept messing up with the secret identity bit by accidentally calling Nightwing Jor when they were in Kandor
#12: Laura Kent (Superman Family #200): She's neat. Wasn't born with powers but developed them later, but like in the same day. She seems interesting enough. It ends before she can tell her parents she got powers so unfortunately she's not as high as she could be. Good character from what little we see of her though
#11: Super-Baby (Superman #224): EVIL baby. L.E.G.I.ON. ripped off this guy when they cooked with Lyrl. I like how he completely took over the villains' operations once they made themselves known. Guess he wasn't as intelligent as he thought since Superman specifically booby trapped the springs which was how to make the actual puzzle. Fun villain; just a normal baby know though
#10: Carol and Jane Kent (Secret Identity): only show up as actual characters in the last issue, but it does a decent amount building them up in how their similarities and differences to their dad. Them being less scared than Clark makes sense since they had each other.
#9: Zod (DCAU/A Better World): I actually like this kid quite a bit. Neat powers is a bonus as well. when they focused on him it was actually quite an enjoyable read
#8: Jon Kent (Son of Superman): I actually really like this Jon. He's also kinda funny sometimes. He kinda reminds me of what current Jonathan Samuel was TRYING to be but actually succeeding. It helps that the world he lives in is like our current world but a bit worse. (Some of the characters in the elseworlds feel OOC but other than that I like the story). Jon's just a good character all around.
#7: Osul-Ra & Otho-Ra: these two are pretty close in ranking since sometimes I like Otho more and sometimes I like Osul more, so I'll just put them in the same section. Depending on how other writers write them they may move up (or down). Osul has the Old God stuff while Otho has the more brash stuff.
#6: Lisa Kent/Superlass (Superman's Girl Friend Lois Lane #91): I just like her as a character. She's nice and a bit brash at times, but honestly all around she seems to just want to help. despite the imaginary story having the end and feeling like a tragedy, it feels more hopeful than certain other stories here. She probably should've asked Lois if she wanted to be cured first though
#5: Kara (Superman's Girl Friend Lois Lane #20): Honestly this one was just a tragedy of miscommunication, but also Kara and Kal DID ignore Lois a lot which while understandable, but uh yeah. Honestly I blame Lois having to quit her job and the midvale investigator mainly. Kara's basically mainline Kara here, which unfortunately includes the not being adopted (yet) part
#4: Laney (Superman 215): I feel like Laney has more Lois than previous lois kids with superman so she's ranked higher. She's more impatient and curious. She also kinda sorta gets a happy ending though she and clark are mourning and going through grief the whole time. ...I hope other Lois doesn't feel bad about this whole situation, but that's not me ranking Superman's kids. That's me talking about the story
#3: Christopher Kent: Yeah he's great. He's just a really nice kid, who has trauma and also has a bit of trouble fitting in. His age up while weird at least gave him cool powers... eventually. And also I think they fixed it? Mon-El taking him under his wing at the finale was neat too. Bring the actual him back
#2: Jonathan Lane Kent: I wasn't expecting to like him so much. He really develops as a character. and eventually could even be called a hero. Plus the only reason he was even evil in the first place was because he was raised young by Harvest so him eventually actually being a hero makes sense. Weird character though
#1: Gregor Nagy: I actually really like his one and done story. bring him back.
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this is why he's peak. It's ultimately about not feeling like you fit in the world. bonus points for having a completely different power set that's also cool
#0: Jimmy Olsen. obviously. I will have to say Superman was a jerk due to a misunderstanding but Jimmy being the GOAT that he is doesn't mind not being Superman's son. And despite not having a happy ending as a superman son, he does gain/regain 2 other dads
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Let's Rewind! Toast watches Voltron: Defender of The Universe (1984)
Season 1, Episode 43: Voltron Frees the Slaves Season 1, Episode 44: Voltron vs. Voltron
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Episode 43: Voltron Frees the Slaves Do I recognize this episode name? I think so
Allura - tries to be positive, Hunk - immediately pessimistic Like I fully agree with hunk here don't get me wrong but cmon man enjoy the peace for a bit like Keith said
"Lotor you are my son, may I be forgiven, and some day you will be king, may the evil gods help the planet. I have a special assignment to see if you could prove worthy of the throne" LMAO ZARKON ISN'T EVEN HIDING HIS DISDAIN FOR HIS OWN SON ANYMORE, I LOVE HIM FOR THAT
Idk why zarkon keeps trusting Lotor with destroying Voltron, like dude do you not remember the last 42 episodes lmao
oh I don't recognize this episode, was I wrong? I kind of know the looks of these characters, weird also a girl died in front of her lover by missile strike and ofc that was censored, but it was a funny one because we get no context as to why the guy just starts sobbing
Have other planets been named after Zarkon after being taken over? Why is this one just now being called Zarkonia
is Voltron a universe wide legend then? I know that's probably obvious by now, but it's still wild to hear, and believable honestly since our cultures share the same stories in the same ways
well these kids are stupid if they think they can take lotor hostage, like itll probably work because its dotu and everything goes in their favor but still
I definitely recognize this episode now, I just don't know the plot like I thought I did
"this is a man's work!" kill die maim I know that was them trying to be brave and then setting up the only girl there to fight them on it to help to show she's strong but ugh
aand immediately the plan gets fucked because haggar's cat spies on them, if one of those kids doesn't die ill be disappointed
even better they're used as hostages, though that's gonna go south for lotor real fast
im sorry no launch sequence for the team? i guess they were saving money this episode at least the team knows it's a trap and is prepared for it
animation error, the little girl's dress is the same blue as her brother's, but it goes back to an off-white when it zooms out
"That mighty robot will be desTROYED" Lotor has no patience for kids confirmed
"Voltron doesn't know the gravity of the situation, but I do!" Lotor stop using good puns to trick people into thinking actually funny, you may be a clown, but you sure aren't the kind that makes people laugh
DID THEY NUKE THE KIDS WHEN THE TEAM CAME BY? THAT IS SUCH A WILD TURN FROM "CHANGING GRAVITY TO SLOW DOWN VOLTRON FOR THE ROBEAST TO GET HIM" they're all alive though fucking somehow because everyone merged into this weird orb thing
nobody remembers a goddamn thing about how it happened
sorry hold on, were the kids trapped on a whole different planet? This is why we need context good god now that they're saved the team is going to actually free the real planet
this robeast just looks like a regular mech again, what happened to the monster designs I liked those a lot
was that dodge a jojo reference
voltron has been automatically calibrating their weapon fire this whole time?? I feel like the team should be rusty after that because it's been a while since they became a team
does voltron have a retractable mace as a weapon, what the actual fuck why don't we see these cool weapons more often
oh a classic scene, one strike from each opponent where one gets hurt but one truly loses of course voltron wins because he pulled out blazing sword
the fight scenes this time around for voltron v robeast was actually pretty cool, I was more invested in it than I thought I'd be
these kids wanna be part of the vf huh? Inch resting ideas are coming to me the planet name is Bravura by the by
/episode end
Episode 44: Voltron vs Voltron Now this one I know FOR SURE
i love when episodes open with zarkon complaining, he's such a mood
Haggar's cat is just a full-time nark isn't he
"I provided a glamorous touch by darkening the circles under his eyes!" Haggar turned Voltron emo by giving him black eyeliner
Pidge I know fighting in a giant robot is cool, but I don't think it's good to WANT to fight lotor every time you visit a new planet the implications are implicating
honestly I totally forgot they came to planet Yadyl already, but it's nice to see SOME consistency in the show for once
why is it always children who recognize something is wrong, like I get that nobody would see that the robeast this time is a voltron dupe but why is it only the kid who's like "hmmm why does voltron have an escort with him??"
i think my gif this time around will be of the kid weirdly digging in the sand to leave voltron an early warning LMAO
I know the team is forming voltron to go to yadyl and properly celebrate with them, but it's still wild to see that voltron comes out even when there's no emergency
this other kid KNOWS it should be the governor who's answering the transmission from voltron, did he assume that someone else answered for him or is lotors impression of the guy just THAT good
team - sees people staring at voltron in fear keith: no people- HEY THERE'S AN ARMED ROBOT, THE SOS WAS RIGHT, EYE BEAM AND THEN HE PROCEEDS TO BLOW UP THE ENTIRE TOWN WHEN THERE LITERALLY WERE CIVILIANS how is the team not getting more bad will from some other planets like how hard is it to have a planet go rogue on them for not thinking their actions through
lotor why are you running INTO THE EXPLODING TURRETS I'm on zarkon's side here, you should be dead dude
animation error, dupetrons leg went from blue to yellow after sand blew on it but then went back to blue in the next cut
the chest on dupetron just turned into the drule skull symbol, haggar really did make him goth LMAO
oh man this thing really is getting to voltron, we haven't seen the blazing sword formation get interrupted before
Keith how did you know the signals were getting picked up, i can't just feed into the belief that this man is some tactical genius without some SUBSTANCE
its just some dude in dupetron,, also which they'd say that beforehand so i wouldnt assume it's a robeast and when it's really an overly complicated mech
WHY DO THEY KEEP SAYING RED LION IS HUNK, LANCE PILOTS RED LION ASSHOLES KNOW YOUR GODDAMN BASICS MY GOODNESS also who knew that voltron could detach his arms and then the arms can act as their own units WHILE STILL BEING ABLE TO FORM BLAZING SWORD, insanity
i changed my mind i know what i want to be the cover gif for this episode sidnvois
/episode end
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fates-theysband · 2 years
2, 3, 9, & 16 ~ rebeccaselfships
@rebeccaselfships thank you!! i'm gonna answer this for my neoscum s/i rigoletto bc i need to flesh them out some more.
2. when in canon does your self insert come in? do you have a scene in mind for your entrance?
i am actually not sure of the "when" part of their appearance, like i'm constantly waffling between like "i think it'd make the most sense for them to join up during the denver arc but i don't want them to come off as some sort of replacement goldfish for max in terms of skills since they're a technomancer like he is and also i want them to be able to meet max and rhon and lala in person but any earlier than denver feels like it wouldn't offer many organic chances for the scum to meet them but AUGH"
so the "when" is undecided but everything else i've kind of figured out. basically their decker alias and mmo username are the same name (realistically a terrible idea but i never said they were smart) and it comes up on a matrix perception check z does on something (what exactly that thing is depends on when i want to write them in) and he's like "Is That My Fucking Dragonstorm Guildmate. because if it is they're in trouble and also have information" so he reaches out to them through game chat and finds out they actually live in the area so the team makes arrangements to meet them. and the five of them pass a very pleasant visit until, this series being what it is, shit gets real and rig has to flee with the scum and is like "shit i don't have anywhere else to go here, i have family in [City That's Nearby But Not Too Nearby], can I stick with you until we get there?" and they agree and by the time they get to that city rig doesn't want to leave and the rest of the scum don't want them to leave either.
3. how do the other characters generally feel about your self insert?
rig did not get out much during the events of the series and kind of has to fight not to clam up in social situations (especially awkward or tense ones, which with the neoscum around is every social situation) so a lot of less plot relevant npcs think they're weird. like if you interviewed an npc that spoke to the neoscum after rigoletto joined the party they'd be like "yeah there was some big burly guy with cat eyes who wouldn't shut up about his truck, some dude in a wizard costume drinking out of a huge fast food drink cup full of neo-raising cane's sauce, a guy with a fucked-up eye who kept trying to convince me he was a robot, a girl who asked me for candy and then tried to steal my wallet, and also some weirdo with a stitched-up face petting this fuzzy purple worm thing wrapped around their shoulders and looking at me like a fuckin tbh creature" (all of those canon character descriptions are based on things the party has actually done, albeit not at the same time usually)
people they have not majorly clammed up around (so either guest characters or friends of the scum) see them as being more of a very friendly person who is several years out of practice interacting with other people.
9. who are your self insert’s closest friends?
they were really Close Good Friends with the neoscum after they joined the party, even before they officially Got With dak, tech, and z. pox is like the little sister they never had, and idk if max is actually going to rejoin the party but i feel like they'd be close to him in sort of a mentorly way because he's like. only very recently realized that his abilities are actually rare and not everyone has "brain internet" so i feel like they immediately try to be the role model to him they wish they'd had at his age. also due to them and lala being metamours the two of them have some opportunities to interact with each other and they become good friends too.
16. freebie! name a fact about your self insert you want everyone to know.
they would like to build more robotic animals that look like large living versions of Funny Meme Toys.
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spookietrex · 2 months
Depersonalization and Derealization
My personal experiences and what they look like (from a licensed child/teen trauma therapist/C-PTSD person). TW: SA/incest, miscarriage
Symptoms of depersonalization include:
Feelings that you're seeing your thoughts, feelings, or body or parts of your body from the outside. For example, you may feel like you're floating in the air above yourself.
For me, this looked like when I was reading or in a scary situation, I would sort of float out of my body until I wasn't there anymore. Sometimes, it happened when I was at my grandma's house when I would get a particular feeling of unease or a flashback (but I didn't know it then). Sometimes, it happened when I was 6 and getting spanked. I would see myself from outside of me. Or in church, I could repeat my thoughts and sort of see them in the air.
Feeling like a robot or that you're not in control of what you say or how you move.
For me, this looks like whenever I'm in too much pain, exhausted, tired, whatever, my legs go into robot mode, and I just sort of walk without feeling it? Idk how to explain it. Like I'm walking, and I can feel my legs moving, but I'm not in control. Or when I'm in meltdown mode, and I HAVE to slam my head into a wall or something because I can't stop myself. Other times when I'm studying, I just have to go to Task Mode. Kind of like Sim tasks.
The sense that your body, legs or arms appear twisted or like they're not the right shape. Or they may seem larger or smaller than usual. You also could feel that your head is wrapped in cotton.
This one used to be super bad for me when I was younger. If I'm having a really bad trigger day, I'll look at my hands, and they'll look like 3 times bigger than what they should. Or my fingers will look like Salad Fingers. My head feels confused and heavy and full of stuff. I'm not able to understand as well on these days, and I get frustrated very easily. Unfortunately, because I have hypermobile EDS, sometimes my body really isn't in the right shape (especially if I sublux something), so sometimes I have that symptom.
Emotional or physical numbness of your senses or responses to the world around you.
Oof. Okay, this started when I was about 14-15? It's kind of blurry. I just stopped....caring? Like there was a switch in my brain that went off, and I was super apathetic. I still cared about some things, but like my reactions were so much more limited. Especially about Christmas. Like the year I turned 15 (a lot of trauma happened), I remember feeling really weird about Christmas. Like it just felt like another day. It was weird.
A sense that your memories lack emotion, and they may or may not be your own memories.
Okay! This is something my therapist and I had to really take time to figure out. I had repressed a lot of my memories until I was 27ish because I didn't feel that they were safe to feel. I had these weird memories of my brother pinning me down and using my butt as a drumset (weird), but it was devoid of emotion. Like I was numb. I was angry that it happened, but there was more to it. When I did finally uncover the rest, I was so shocked that I couldn't feel anything. I don't have a lot of emotions tied to a lot of my bullying. I don't remember a lot of the Super Important Moments of my trauma, but what I do remember has been constantly diminished and gaslit. I had to remind myself over and over again recently that I really did get pregnant and miscarry at 16/17 because my entire family denied it.
Derealization symptoms
Symptoms of derealization include:
Feeling that people and your surroundings are not real, like you're living in a movie or a dream.
Duuuuuuuude. I'm not gonna lie. I walked around like this for a solid 18-24 years. I wrote my life down in stories. I still talk to my childhood best friend and have to ask her like "Did that shit in my childhood really happen?" I get flashbacks to my childhood home regularly, which makes looking around my actual home with my wife hard because I often don't know what I'm seeing. I often feel weird like nothing is real, and I'm just in a dream state. Like nothing I do is going to really affect things. I often feel like I'm watching my life through a movie. My favorite joke is that my life could have been a true crime documentary.
Feeling emotionally disconnected from people you care about, as if you were separated by a glass wall.
This was me growing up. I still have a hard time getting to know people. Being autistic, I often feel like I have to mask because people won't like the real me. (I have evidence of this. When I show my mental health/chronic illness symptoms, people often get frustrated and leave.) So I've stopped letting people in. My therapist of 4 years knows more about me than most people do. My wife is almost on that same level. Those are the only two. I don't really have anyone else in my life outside of them. My psychiatrist sucks ass. She literally didn't think I had PTSD and tried to diagnose me as just GAD and MDD. I often feel like a burden to others.
Surroundings that appear out of their usual shape, or are blurry or colorless. Or they may seem like they only have two dimensions, so they're flat with no depth. Or you could be more aware of your surroundings, and they may appear clearer than usual.
This one is bad when I'm depressed, I've noticed. So like when I look outside, I notice a difference in the leaves and things (leaves and fall are one of my special interests) and it looks...depressing, bleh, like color was drained out of it. Sometimes, if I'm in a great mood, the leaves will pop, and the sky will be beautifully blue, and things just feel crystal clear. The blurry, colorless thing is something I've fought with optometrists and neurologists about.
Thoughts about time that are not real, such as recent events feeling like the distant past.
Heh heh. I often think about my brother dying, which has been 12 years ago this year, or my brother terrorizing me as a child or my mother condoning it all. They feel very recent even though they were years ago. My relationship with my wife started almost two years ago, but it feels like forever. I don't remember some parts of it.
Unrealistic thoughts about distance and the size and shape of objects.
I had a BIG problem with depth perception when I was younger. It's actually why my mom didn't want me to drive. Well, that and control. I digress. Anyway, I couldn't tell how far away things were. I literally smack into objects all the time because I think they're further away than they are or think I can walk someone that I can't because it's too far away.
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Rating the Straw Hat Pirates on whether they're good to Date or not
Reminder that these are for fun, and they're just my opinions. Take it with a grain of salt
1. Luffy
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Points on the funny little smile he's got going on
He'd be fun to date, but I honestly feel like he wouldn't be interested in the romantic aspect of a relationship
He's going to eat the stock of your favorite food because he'll literally eat anything, which is a major problem imo
2. Zoro
He's pretty ignorant, that's a loss of points
Sorry, he's hot and all but like.. I feel like he'd come up and personally tell you he clogged the toilet and I don't think anyone's prepared for that
Idk, I wouldn't really recommend him as a date,, the only reason he's got points is because he has looks
3. Nami
Would definitely treat you right
You might have to teach her how to tie tennis shoes.. She probably has no idea how
The only real con of dating Nami would be her tendency to run.. I mean it's reasonable, but she can also murder people with clouds, so..
Other than the running thing she is a definite girl boss who would love and respect her partner, she has my respect
4. Usopp
Is my bias showing? Yes, yes it is
The only issue I have with Usopp is he still lies.. I get it, it's his thing.. But he said he'd cut that shit and HE STILL HASN'T
He's funny, cool and fun and I honestly think he'd treat you right, he isn't a careless person
He probably knows good coffee places, I'd date him
5. Sanji
I'm not going to lie, I honestly don't know how to feel
He would fawn over his lover... But he'd do it a lot. Like, at the clingy level.
He's also kind of sexist?? "I don't make friends with women" bro what the fuck???
He does not wash his ass. He washes everywhere else but his ass bc he's terrified of being called gay
All in all stinky little closet bisexual possum man, I fear his kind
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6. Chopper
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Overall a cool guy to hang with, just not a dating type
See, my main issue is Chopper is built like he came out of Toys-R-Us
Don't get me wrong, he has a really nice personality and I like his character, but... My boy sounds like he's 10 when he's literally 17
He'd be a good person to go to the movies with though, he'll get a child discount
7. Nico Robin
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Robin is the cryptic goth mom friend of the ship and I love her for that
She's patient, loving and funny with her little weird comments, she'd treat you wonderfully
She'd probably take you to a cemetery for no reason, just to look around (ghost hunting)
Not really a complaint about her, but... Oda, why did you take her melanin please-
8. Franky
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Franky's definitely pretty weird, I'll give you that, but he'd definitely be good to you in a relationship
He has a giant robot body, you'd probably get a lift whenever and wherever
Like I said before, he has that supportive chaotic dad energy, and people with that energy are really cool to date
Just don't ask him about cars, he might start ranting about why classic muscle cars are cooler than hybrid racers
9. Brooke
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The only reason he has a point is because I'd be curious about dating a skeleton too
Besides his skeletal physique, it'd literally be like dating your grandpa.. Which is weird
10. Jinbe
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That is a man who would pay for the meal, all the points
He is respectful, courteous, responsible and sweet he is a package deal and NEEDS TO BE APPRECIATED
He has to give great hugs, I don't believe anything else
Remember how I said Franky was the chaotic dad friend? Jinbe is the responsible dad friend
He is soft and squishy and strong. Need I say more
Lmk if you want me to destroy more French Blondes for you, ask box is always open
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lavenderbexlatte · 2 years
Rebecca Marie....
It has been a while since ive been in your blog....
BUT! I just had to come back when the video of Christopher crying and rambling about protecting the staff and fans....
My dude i don't know what happened that triggered that like if the company doesn't take this as like not exactly a warning but as a flag that maybe he is not doing well at least emotionally and maybe we need to check up on him and the others at least once in a while for a clear concience. Cause I personally felt so uncomfortable, i had to mute it and pause it a couple of times.
Like i admit i am sometimes emotionally constipated cause i feel uncomfortable with people crying but especially when it's idols on stage but that's a me problem cause obviously they aren't robots and it actually helps their image in a way that makes them relatable and likable.
But how he expressed himself like yikes. It reminded me of the other times we have discussed in your blog about the parasocial relationship and i don't think this helped at all.
Idk maybe i am being insensitive because of shit.
I just hope he just sees a therapist and have a strong support system
i mean. like i've said, i find a weird kind of comfort when they cry/get emotional irl, and it honestly doesn't freak me out as much as when they do stuff on livestream or bubble or whatever. maybe bc at least at an event there's real people to listen?? there's feedback?? chris making sad posts on bubble is just shouting into the void, but chris yelling his own (weird) affirmations at an audience who can ANSWER?? that's processing his feelings, babeyyy.
as i learned the hard way at Unlock in Seoul in 2019, jype is always all in on the idols getting a little bit unhinged. it's raw, it's real, they eat that shit up. they always get the idols tissues and water and just let 'em go. it's fucking wild. and i enjoy it thoroughly.
on the contrary, i LOVE when chris (or anyone, famous or not) shows his emotions, even if it's a little cringe or overwhelming. it makes me worry much, much less. people usually aren't at their lowest when they're talking about the problem, they're in the most danger if they're silent and internalizing everything. any time he feels comfy yelling or crying or whatever, GOOD. get it out, let everyone know!!!
i bet it's INCREDIBLY validating and cathartic to have a cry like that with a whole audience of people to respond and process with you. lord knows i ~love~ crying in public. it was so relieving to ugly-cry at the show for ME, and i was just one idiot in the crowd.
nah, i bet it helped. i hope it did.
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verobatto · 4 years
Destiel Chronicles
It was a love story from the very beginning.
All For You (Part II)
Hello everyone! I'm here again with another meta from this series.
This time I'm gonna talk about episode 9 from season 12 "First Blood".
The episode is a picture of Cas' fears and insecurities. We have a face to face with his depression. But also is a prelude to his dead.
I failed
When you rewatch the episode knowing Cas is going to die and go to the Empty, what officer Camp says to Dean in the maximum security jail takes another relevance, and we can spot s huge foreshadow of what the Empty will mean to Castiel.
CAMP: See, when I leave, that door closes, and it stays closed, and you stay in the dark. Now, maybe that doesn’t sound so bad. But after a month? A year? You spend enough time staring at these walls, just you and all that nothing, you’ll get so crazy to talk, to see someone real, you’ll tell me exactly what I need. You’ll tell me with a smile.
Taking the symbolism in all these words, is quite a forced meditation. You and the nothing. An introspection, the loneliness, this will be Cas in the Empty. Cas will face himself, by himself I mean his fears, his insecurities, his depression. That's why the Empty will take his own form. And that way the Empty will be helping Cas to face his own darkness. Camp is using the nothing, and darkness as a weapon to break man and make them talk, but the Empty will use it to break Castiel and put him back to sleep, with a huge difference, it won't brake Cas but will make him stronger.
We will have a first dialogue between Cas and Mary, in which Mary will make Cas responsible for loosing his sons. But Castiel will replied pointing at Mary's responsibility too, and the woman will end up saying, they're both guilty.
MARY: You left them.
CASTIEL: No, I… Dean told me to go. The woman--
MARY: The one you lost?
CASTIEL: I didn’t. I… I thought that she--
MARY: Stop making excuses.
Mary is that voice of guilty in Castiel's head, making him suffer and being more depressed. Like someone inside of him telling him all the things he did wrong, another foreshadow of the Empty facing him in the darkness.
MARY: Why… if they needed help, why didn’t they call me?
CASTIEL: You were out.
MARY: [sighs] How did we let this happen, Castiel?
Mary takes the responsibility too here. She recognizes her own mistakes too. Because is not just Cas'fault.
Another picture of Castiel's depression is how deep he felt he couldn't solve a case, and how coming back from the Empty will give him more strenghts and more confidence in himself to solve cases by himself.
But in the meantime, we have another sad picture of his depression...
CASTIEL: I saw it on the news and I thought, that’s the sort of thing Sam and Dean would investigate. They would roll into town, save the day, kill the monsters. But with them gone… I tried to work the case. I tried. But… I don’t know what I did wrong. I… I asked questions, but maybe they were the wrong people, or the wrong questions, and I just-- I never found it. Never found the monster. Never even got close. And three more women died before I left town. Before I ran away.
He's calling himself here a coward, by using the words 'running away', and he names his failures, pointing at how important are Dean and Sam to the world. Words he will repeat at the end of this episode after killing Billie.
MARY: So we go back. You and me.
CASTIEL: No, no. I'd only get in your way.
And now Castiel is calling himself useless.
From Longing in the dark to cosmic consequences
The scene with Dean in the jail that cuts to Cas sitting in the bunker, in the middle of the darkness, is a prelude too at what Cas in the Empty and Dean longing for him in real life will be, but in reverse. The longing.
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Gif credit @blueredeye2
When Dean and Sam die and then resurrect, and then Dean calls Castiel. They pictured a phone ringing alone in the bunker. A failed first attempt, but then, Castiel picks up. This could be a foreshadow of how Dean will pray to Chuck and Cas to get him back, but it won't work at first... Helped with the lovers longing and some magic from a nephilim, it will work the second attempt.
The first person Dean calls after be or from the jail is CASTIEL, NOT MARY, BUT CASTIEL. This is very relevant because it's showing us that evidently, Dean was longing strongly for his angel.
And Cas not being able to find Dean and Sam shows us that my theory about how his grace lowers when he's depressed. There's an important connection between Castiel's feelings with his powers.
Now, let's check that phone call...
DEAN: Cas.
DEAN: Hey, buddy. Long time.
This denotes Dean missed him.
CASTIEL: What… What happened? Wh-- where are you?
DEAN: You wouldn’t believe me, and I have no clue. Uh…
Dean is hiding their deal with Billie, Sam didn't expect he would do that to Cas...
SAM: You didn’t tell him?
Dean only said they're running out of time. To make Cas to hurry.
The world needs you.
I laughed so hard because when those agents talked with Dean by phone, this line appeared...
DEAN: Well, what we have here is a failure to communicate.
Okay, foreshadow of Destiel misscomunication of the whole season 13/14 and 15! We should know it! 🤣
But also, notice how Dean is avoiding to talk with Sam about the deal, about who will go with Billie, of course because we know who will offer himself willingly to die for everyone: Dean.
So, to Dean, there's nothing to talk about.
Let's talk about the reunion. The reactions (oh yes, we are gonna talk about reactions a lot here) when Cas found them, Dean is like in awe to see him, and the one hugging him first is Sam. A beautiful hug and a beautiful scene. Dean didn't expect Cas to be there, that's the only explanation to his reaction. Then he goes for his hug, and Castiel's face always break my heart... That angel was very sad and depressed in this season. Damn.
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Gif credit @spnsmile
Now, let's talk about the car, because Dean is the first born, and sorry for the little brothers here, but first born goes in the front seat with the father/mother driving hahahahaa. And yes, I'm a first born and I know very well my rights.
But Dean is in the back seat this time... Why? Because his angel is in the back seat, you know? And he is about to die? Yes, little detail. So there's this head canon out there, where people say Dean was about to confess something or to say goodbye to his angel and even that he held his hand over there... IDK, I like these ideas but... I will just keep the one I have clues for... Because Dean confessing his love will take a lot of work. We are still waiting for it, right?
Gif set credit @haloless 👇
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But, I do believe, he was trying to talk about Billie and the deal, and we failed at doing it. That's why the longing stare, and Cas puzzled face saying "What's going on?" And Dean "Damn, I couldn't use my words, again."
And then we have Billie, and Mary trying to go with her, and then Cas kills the reaper.
And cosmic consequences, and Cas speech that conquered each Winchester's heart over there, but the reactions are different, so, let's check his speech...
DEAN: Cas, what have you done?
CASTIEL: What had to be done. You know this world-- this sad, doomed little world-- it needs you. It needs every last Winchester it can get, and I will not let you die. I won’t let any of you die. And I won’t let you sacrifice yourselves. You mean too much to me. To everything. Yeah, you made a deal. You made a stupid deal, and I broke it. You’re welcome.
Gif set credit @inacatastrophicmind 👇
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Okay, Cas is too cute, but faces people's, FACES, Sam and Mary are very touched. But Dean??? Damn... Dean is so, so in love. Is like if we could read his mind, yelling : "YES CAS, YOU MEAN TO MUCH FOR ME TOO, MARRY ME RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW, LET'S MAKE A LITTLE NEPHILIM."
The thing is, again, we have different reactions, writers are showing us the difference between ROMANTIC LOVE (Dean) and FAMILY LOVE (Sam and Mary).
To Conclude:
This episode gave is a sad picture of Castiel's sadness and depression.
The foreshadow of the Empty, and how Cas will face himself, and will come back stronger from the darkness.
It also shows us the difference between family love and romantic love, and one interesting hint about what Destiel misscomunication will be.
Hope you liked this one, see you in the next meta!
Tagging @magnificent-winged-beast @emblue-sparks @weird-dorky-little-deana @michyribeiro @whyjm @legendary-destiel @a-bit-of-influence @thatwitchydestielfan @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @lykanyouko @evvvissticante @savannadarkbaby @dea-stiel @poorreputation @bre95611 @thewolfathedoor @charlottemanchmal @neii3n @deathswaywardson @followyourenergy @dean-is-bi-till-i-die @hekatelilith-blog @avidbkwrm @anarchiana @dickpuncher365 @vampyrosa @authorsararayne @mybonsai1976 @love-neve-dies @dustythewind @wayward-winchester67 @angelwithashotgunandtrenchcoat @trashblackrainbow @deeutdutdutdoh @destiel-shipper-11 @larrem88 @charmedbycastiel @ran-savant @little-crazy-misha-minion @samoosetheshipper
@shadows-and-padlocked-hearts @mishtho @dancingtuesdaymorning @nerditoutwithbooks @mikennacac73 @justmeand-myinsight @idontwantpeopletoknowmyname @teddybeardoctor @pepevons @helevetica @isthisdestiel @dizzypinwheel @jawnlockwinchester @horsez2 @qanelyytha
@destielle @agusvedder @spnsmile @shippsblog @robot-feels @superlock-in-the-tardis @superduckbatrebel @2musiclover2 @nickelkit @anon-non2 @cea1996
If you want to be added or removed from this list, just let me know.
If you want to read the previous metas From this season, here you have the links:
Buenos Aires, September 15th 2020 5:38 AM
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blogenana · 5 years
Doctor Who - Earthshock Live Review
So I have my crisps and lemonade and im ready to continue my journey through classic who - idk why I just started live blogging it...
• People are climbing
• So they've found something- an alien I'm assuming- why do humans always tamper with things we shouldn't
• Oh they haven't found something theyre looking for people
• I hate how classic who drags on so slowly
• Sinister music
• 'probably nothing" foreshadowing...
• Okay get to the killing already
• Wow I forget they must have their own rooms in the Tardis
• Lots of books in Adrics room
• "why should that interest me" ooh okay Adric getting a bit sassy
• Why's he fed up
• looool "I'm tired of being considered a joke" "why am I being constantly teased" maybe because you're annoying and you make sexist remarks?
• oh chill
• The doctor don't have time to deal with this
• aww okay Adric being jealous that Nyssa and Tegan get more attention from the doctor than him is kinda cute
• 'I give you my word' 'just as you gave your word to Tegan" okaaaaay go off (spoiler alert) ik Adric dies in this because I saw a spoiler so this is very sad foreshadowing that the doctor will break his word to Adric about making time for him- kinda sad
• I hate the celery stick
• okay Adric kick off
• Doctor can't take criticism which is interesting because the last time he was probably ever blamed for something was One with Barbara and Ian. I don't remember any companion ever criticizing him like this before
• 'Well it can wait' you'll regret that
• "I'm tired of being an outsider" this would make sense if we had seen him being an outsider before - in my opinion Tegan is the outsider as she's new and not as mathematically advanced as the others. also I would say that Adric is the closest to the doctor out of all 3 so his point isn't really valid
• I guess this is the writers way of making adrics death more tragic
• ooh Adrics theme
• I swear he was an outsider amongst his own people too
• 'the tools would go missing" why do these people never take the hint
• forgot Adric was from e space- tbh what was the doctors plan when he did demand to go home eventually- did he wanna travel with him till he died?
• "e space is another universe, there isn't a taxi service that goes back and forth"
• Romana mention!
• "im not waiting around while you plot the course to your own destruction" the doctor has never experienced a companion death before - also foreshadowing
• "you know I think since his regeneration he's become decidedly immature" this is funny also like 4 was soooo mature
• I like Adric and Five's relationship
• the actor who plays Adric has gone better
• Nyssa is the most mature out of this entire group
• "breathe deeply and relax" why is Tegan a meditation instructer out of nowhere
• the doctor didn't take much convincing
• lol the doctor bopping Tegans nose was cute
• Ooh Dinosaur bones
• let me guess - the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs was an alien spaceship or aliens killed them
• Someone screamed
• Ooh yeah she be dead
• Okay the villains look like they're wearing gimp costumes
• Reminds me of American Horror Story Murder House & the leather monster
• Aah doctor who giving a lesson on how the dinosaurs were killed. We love a show that educates
• Did I mention how much I hate the celery stick because I hate it honestly whose idea was it
• Bro chill why is this man grabbing the doctor like that what he do
• Calm the fuck down mate
• Gimp people be shooting
• Okay they may be androids but they'll always be gimp people to me
• Android vision
• Why they gotta hit us with the plot twist like that i wasn't ready
• The Cybermen looks sad
• Hehehe the face is funny
• Gimps be strong
• Why do the Cybermen sound muffled
• I find it more creepy when they have human voices than Robots because it makes It more real that these machines have humans in them
• hHaven't seen them in some time
• I love Tegans sarcasm
• I'm cracking up at the Cybermen voice
• 1 gimp down 1 to go
• tThe gimps be dead
• 'prepare to activate the devise" dun dun DUN
• Damn the Cybermen be skinny
• I'm bored i want doctor/cybeman action
• Okay it's getting intense
• Cybermen be SHOOK
• "cyber technology is too advanced for earthlings" figure it out then mate
• He's recognised the Tardis
• I'm geeking out
• Imma watch this bit a few times hang on
• Aah I loved that it was so cool bloody hell I'm a nerd
• The 2nd Cybermen looked shocked while he was watching
• "have you no emotions sir" classic
• "Adric do you have a moment" "I'm hungry" Okay I like him in this one he's a mood. Why is he suddenly likeable the ep he dies
• "all part of the daily routine" see what I mean
• Well your daily routine Is gonna end soon
• He doesn't wanna go home!!
• Doctor is relieved it's cute
• Ah this is sad
• It would be easier if i didn't know he was gonna die
• Cos I do like their relationship
• Okay we're being introduced to new people
• "you're beginning to bore me" the writers knew
• I'm trying really hard to concentrate I've zoned out
• Ah the doctor has got my attention "I want to announce my presence, see what the reaction is" course
• aaaand the doctor is caught and he's being accused for murder again
• Don't they have cctv just check it
• "apprehended why can't he just say caught" me in English classes
• 'even under the threat of death he has the arrogance of a time lord"
• I thought Cybermen had no emotions but this Cybermen just said he wants the doctor to suffer for their past defeats - revenge is an emotion which is v ironic
• Hh SHIT the Cybermen are walking
• lol tegan " im just a mouth and legs" she's such a mood
• The Cybermen music is cool
• The doctors face when he sees them
• Aah the soldier has betrayed them
• Why is it that whenever there's a women in charge the men who is second can't handle it and goes rogue
• iIt's such a typical trope
• The dialogue for the doctor is great
• "you know them"
• "oh yes, we go back a long way"
• Haha "I'm surprised they didn't mention me" 'well perhaps you overestimate your importance" "oh I doubt it" doctor is and will always be that bitch
• The doctor is doing doctory things
• "that's very clever" "oh it is" the doctor bragging about how clever he is starts here
• Damn tegan she just shot a Cyberman
• Flashback to "the doctor makes people into weapons"
• Finally the doctor vs Cybermen showdown
• Lol I knew they would kill the betrayer
• "our records indicate that you have a fondness for earth" (especially earth girls)
• "this time we shall succeed in destroying the earth" no you won't mate
• Ah the Cybermen coming out of plastic Wrap is a throwback to the 2nd Doctor Cybermen story
• Tegan looks like a badass with the gun
• So they're destroying the leaders of various planets before they destroy the Cybermen
• Tegan has no idea what she's doing
• I love how Five says the most savage lines with the most polite tone
• He could tear you down and look like he's complimenting you
• Tegan has been caught
• Cyberman in the Tardis is weird
• 'who is this woman' - 'no-one of consequence' - 'thanks a lot - gotta love Tegan
• Okay wow that scene between the doctor and the Cyberman about emotions gave me goose bumps what a thrilling scene
• The Cybermen has a point- he can control the doctor because he has emotions
• I'll never get tired of the debate about emotions between them because it genuinely feels like the Cyberman defend the concept of having no emotions to defend their existence
• Five looks hot when he's defending emotions
• Fuck they need to leave Adric behind
• Shit I'm getting nervous
• His theme is playing!
• The Doctor looks conflicted
• Adric leaving his hand out after the doctor let go...
• "I'll see you soon" this is the actors best performance because you can see in his eyes he knows he won't
• The Doctor has never had a companion die before so he walks away without looking back
• "it will once you start getting rusty" Tegan is funny
• Adric is plotting
• The Cybermen say they have no emotions but forcing Tegan watch her own planet getting destroyed is extremely sadistic
• Clever Adric
• The Earth looks different
• Okay so Adric's cleverness is what gets him killed because he knows he can crack the code
• The Dinosaurs! I knew it!
• Oh crap Earth is safe but Adric doesn't know that
• I think this comes down to Adric wanting the doctors attention and wanting to be the best to have his attention
• The Doctor has his pin!
• Five suffocating and shooting a Cyberman is shocking to see
• Adric whyyyyyy
• This Cyberman walking towards him is bloody persistent
• "Now I'll never know if i was right" such Adric last words
• Id like to believe he was
• Damn.
• The Doctors face. The fact that it could have been avoided if he just left the ship
• Adric is the first companion that died on the Doctor's watch
• Adric died thinking the Earth was going to be destroyed and he could have stopped it
• The credits!! his gold star! the silence! this must have been a shock to the viewers. If i didn't know beforehand through spoilers I would be going crazy
• Earthshock had it's ups and downs, the downs in regards to the pace of the plot however the story was good and the Cybermen were fantastic especially their interactions against the doctor. Tegan and Adric were great. Nyssa didn't really have much to do. Davison was amazing. I liked the writing.
• Also I liked the structural shift of the story to the cave androids to the bomb to the spaceship to dealing with The Cybermen to saving Earth and then to Adrics death
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