#idk what anyone says her opinions are the most valid
aangarchy · 1 year
My little cousin (15) finished atla yesterday, y'all know the drill by now but here's her opinion of the characters after the s3 finale
Aang: "that's MY Avatar. The GOAT."
Katara: "amazing stunning wonderful beautiful powerful badass gorgeous talented-" this went on for a bit
Sokka: "the creators can't hide that he's bisexual."
Toph: "i couldn't get over the feral chihuahua energy i'm sorry"
Zuko: "... fine he's hot now happy?"
Azula: "i mean if my brother came in to ruin my coronation i would try to kill him and his little girlfriend too so"
Suki: "i wish i could kill people with a fan but alas i can only kill them the non cool way" Me: "the non cool way?" Her: "just stabbing."
Mai: "she deserves so much better than Zuko"
Ty Lee: "she joined the Kyoshi warriors, a group comprised of only women.... interesting."
Uncle Iroh: "i was really expecting the old man to bite it ngl i'm happy he stuck around tho"
Firelord Ozai: "we waited two seasons for his reveal and he's just some guy." Me: "yea that's kinda the point, that he's just a normal man" Her: "i could run him over with my bike."
The Old Masters: "the Okra bus got lost in Ba Sing Se lol" (for context okra is a belgian seniors organisation, like for the elderly to go on trips and such)
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ghoul-bonez · 1 year
~He’s No Good~
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(Platonic! Sully Family x Fem! Family Member! Reader)
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Summary: Toxic relationships can be easy to be trapped in, and you can be oblivious the they’re bad, but your family will always be there for you.
Word count: 2.2k
Author's note: Idk where this came from but slay 💅
Warnings: Toxic relationship
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~He’s The Best (Part 2)~
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He’s No Good
When someone asks you if there's anyone special in your life you would immediately answer, yes, with a proud look on your face.
Zepii was a strong independent man, a perfect match for your personality. You were a strong warrior, heading your dad’s attacks on the sky people with him by your side. Your dad would say you got the best aspects from him and your mom. Stubborn and a natural born leader from him, in tune with your surroundings and a strong fighter with a bow from your mother.
You were always wild, causing some sort of chaos everywhere you went, even if you didn’t mean to. This was the one thing that peeved Zepii about you, so he tried his best to keep you in line. He needed you to be in line, listen to what he said. That’s how he could keep you. He needed to tame you.
It was driven by fear, the fear you would find someone better. Someone who you would really fall in love with, not just someone who you were infatuated with. Infatuation isn’t actual love, and even though you didn’t understand that, he did.
He was always with you, exaggeration not needed for that statement. Most of the time, however, you were following him. Trailing behind like a lost puppy who didn’t know where home was, but to you home was Zepii, so you followed him.
If you weren’t following him, he was following you. He was always close by no matter what you were doing. He even monitored who you hung out with, giving you yes’s and no’s when you would ask about hanging out with certain people. Even when he would allow you to hang out with someone he was always with you and them.
You were never alone.
Him always being with you turned into you having no independence. The only time he would leave you alone was when you were with your family, especially with your dad. Even though he wanted to keep an eye on you he was intimidated by the clan leader, like many others in the clan.
Zeppi’s fear of your father was valid as your dad didn’t like him. Jake was frustrated by his constant presence, always lurking. He would interject and insist you shouldn’t help with war plans, like you couldn’t handle it, or you weren’t offering your help. You wanted to help, and Zepii couldn’t accept that.
Jake had tried to go to Neytiri about it, to get an outside opinion, but Neytiri seemed to think it was sweet. She just saw him as being protective, but Jake had seen manipulation. He knew the game Zepii was playing.
Jake had walked in, extremely frustrated after a war party planning meeting had gone wrong with Zepii’s interjections about your involvement, “It’s weird how much she lets him control her. She wants to help, but pulls back when he says no. She never does that without him. Something has got to be going on, Ney.”
“Hmm.” Neytiri had hummed, acknowledging him.
Jake huffed, “So, you don’t see anything wrong?”
Neytiri paused what she was doing, “Ma Jake, he’s just trying to protect her. He loves her, and doesn’t want her getting hurt.”
“Mhm.” Jake hummed, leaving it at that while he watched you talk with Zepii a few huts away.
Your four siblings were hidden behind it, snooping. Jake couldn’t be mad at them for invading your privacy at that moment, because if he was close enough to hear your conversation he would be doing the exact same thing.
As they watched, even little Tuk looked upset, a frown sitting on her face. She hugged onto Kiri’s arm who didn’t look much happier although her face held more anger than sadness like Tuk’s.
Lo’ak looked like he was ready to knock the man out, but was being held back by Neteyam’s hand firmly gripping onto his bicep. He looked back at his brother, furious, but Neteyam just shook his head, silently telling him no.
You were hoping this conversation would be easy, all you were doing was asking Zepii to hang out with a couple friends. Something inside you told you that asking him shouldn’t be something you were required to do. It was required, however, after the last time when you hadn’t asked and Zepii had blown up on you.
It had scared you. He was the only thing that scared you. You weren’t usually scared of anything, but the way he had fumed at you unsettled you.
You shouldn’t have to be scared of your mate, your life partner, but you had many fears surrounding him. The most present fear was him leaving you, and that’s exactly what he threatened you with when you angered him.
You had already asked, and been told no, but you tried again, “Zepii, I just want to hang out with my friends.”
He opposed you, “Not without me.”
You resorted to begging, something you would never consider with anyone else, “Please, you don’t need to be there.”
He was getting fed up, you knew that, but he held in his outburst in such a populated area, “Which friends?”
Maybe you were getting somewhere, “Siyaw and Nuea, plus Kiri is going to be with us.”
This seemed to be the wrong answer though, the wrong people perhaps, “No. You’re not hanging out with them. You can see Kiri when you go home.”
Now you were getting fed up, but you couldn’t get angry or he would never forgive you. Instead you continue with your pleas, “But-”
“No! That is my decision, and it's final.” Zepii threw his hands up in frustration, maybe even anger, before storming off like an upset toddler.
As soon as Zepii was gone Lo’ak rounded the corner, anger written on his face, but before he could speak you placed a hand over his mouth.
“I told you all not to snoop in my business.” You addressed all of your younger siblings, knowing the others were still hidden where Lo’ak had come from.
Neteyam followed with a sigh at your acknowledging that he, Kiri, and Tuk were there as well, “He’s not good for you (Y/n).” he spoke with the same anger Lo’ak held, but more put together than he would have been.
Lo’ak licked your hand which was still over his mouth and you withdrew it, shouting “Ew!”
He ignored your disgust, “Yeah for real!” He hyped up Neteyam.
Kiri rolled her eyes, probably at Lo’ak’s shenanigans and her annoyance with Zepii, “You should dump him.”
It was Tuk’s turn to hype up Kiri now, “Yeah, dump him!” She shouted.
You cringed at your youngest sister’s inclusion in this, “No, he’s just protecting me. He doesn’t want me getting hurt.”
Neteyam groaned, trying to reason with you, “Not letting you go anywhere without him is him not trusting you. Not trying to keep you safe. It’s being manipulative and wanting to control you.”
Kiri nodded in agreement with him, “Same with him not wanting you to have any friends.”
Lo’ak added onto the pile, using something you knew was true, “Plus he should know you can take care of yourself. You're a strong independent person!”
You looked visibly upset now, done trying to hide it, “Just drop it. I’m happy, and that should be all that matters.”
A question was on the tip of all of their tongues, but nobody dared to mutter, “Are you really?” keeping it inside.
You huffed, “I’m going to go find Zepii to apologize.” swiftly walking away in the direction Zepii had left in.
“You shouldn't have to apologize!” Kiri yelled after you.
The rest of the Sully children returned home without you and found their father watching. Tuk was visibly upset so he picked her up, cradling her in his arms. Lo’ak looked like he was ready for an ass whooping and Kiri and Neteyam just looked annoyed.
“So what was that about?” Jake asked.
Kiri rolled her eyes, ready to report the normal incident, “Zepii was being an asshole.”
Tuk nodded her head, “Yeah he sucks.”
Jake cringed at their language around little Tuk, but asked, “How was he being an asshole?”
Neteyam spoke up this time, “He won’t let (Y/n) hang out with her friends.”
Lo’ak looked like he was ready to throw hands with the man again, even though he wasn’t even there, “He’s so controlling.”
Jake hummed, “I agree, so how’re we gonna get her out?”
Lo’ak got a mischievous look on his face, making Jake nervous, “Why don’t you just kick him out of the clan?”
Jake sighed, “I can’t do that.”
“Yes you can, you're the Olo’eyktan.” Lo’ak reasoned.
Jake hummed, “Mhm, but the people won’t be very happy about that.”
Kiri suggested, “If we expose him for being a shit head I’m sure they won’t have a problem.”
“Watch your language around your sister.” Jake warned, but continued, “How are we gonna expose him? We have no proof. We’re just going to have to convince (Y/n) he’s a bad guy.”
“Yeah. We’ll get on it.” Neteyam saluted him.
Jake warned, “Don’t tell your mom though, she doesn’t understand.”
Lo’ak looked determined now, “She will once (Y/n) explains to her, once she’s not brainwashed by him anymore.”
Soon after you had gone in search of Zepii you had found him and were trying to apologize, “Zepii I’m sorry. I won’t hang out with them. We can do something together instead. Just you and me.”
Zepii looked upset, even after your words, “Your family is getting in the way of us. I think you should move in with me so they don't bother us.”
You looked confused now, “How are they in the way?” leaving your family would break you, but you didn’t want Zepii to be unhappy either.
He looked like he was getting angrier by the second, almost ready to blow up, “I heard everything they said about me.”
You were still confused, “What do you mean?”
Then boom, he blew up, practically yelling, “Neither of your brothers like me, Neteyam is brainwashed by your father to hate me, and Lo’ak always wants to fight me. Your sisters are almost worse. Kiri always dismisses me and hates me from a distance, at least Lo’ak does it to my face. Little Tuk just listens to whatever they say so she doesn’t like me either. They're all assholes.”
It hurt you he thought this way about your family, but you loved him too, “I’m sure we can work through it.”
“No, we can’t. Either you move in with me or we're over.” He gave you an ultimatum.
Your jaw was dropped, but you quickly closed it, processing, before responding, “Then I guess we’re over…” tears started to form in your eyes.
You loved Zepii, but nobody overtook your family. They meant the world to you. You would rather be happy with them than with him, and that hurt to admit, but it was the truth. Your family was your everything, and maybe if Zepii was giving you an ultimatum like this he really didn't love you. He should know how much your family meant to you.
His jaw dropped this time, “Fine.” Then he stormed off again.
You slowly turned back towards the direction of your family’s hut before starting your walk back, taking your time. By the time you got home tears were streaming down your face. Your dad was the first to notice your presence, waiting by the door for you to come home.
Then he saw your tears, pulling you into a hug, “What’s wrong baby girl?”
You sniffled, trying to calm yourself some, “Me and Zepii broke up.”
Jake fought the urge to respond, good, but instead said, “That’s okay. It’s gonna be okay.”
You shrugged your shoulders, “I guess.”
Jake let go of you, holding you in front of him, “Why did he break up with you?”
You looked to the ground, proud of your decision, but it still stung, “He told me it was him or family, and I couldn’t leave you guys.”
“Oh.” He paused, “Well that was a good decision. I know everyone would miss you so much. Your mom is almost done making dinner, you should join her and your siblings. That is if they can sit down fast enough that they think I didn’t notice them snooping.”
You heard Lo’ak mutter, “Shit.”
You laughed loudly at him, of course they were eavesdropping. At least you wouldn’t have to explain what had happened to them. You would jump that hurdle with your mom eventually, but tonight would be a celebration of your freedom between you and the people who knew.
You were extremely grateful for your family over the next week, helping you adjust to life without Zepii again. It felt weird to not have someone with you at all times, nobody hovering near you, so someone was always with you. This time it wasn’t in a smothering way, but in a way that they wanted you to be comfortable. Eventually you hoped you could be alone again, but for now you were happy to have your family there.
Zepii didn’t pay you much attention, already moved onto a new girl, poor girl. The only way you interacted was when he would throw you dirty looks from where he was standing far away from you.
Everything would be good in the end.
You had finally admitted, he’s no good. Not for you, and not for anyone.
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Word Bank:
Olo’eyktan (Clan leader)
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coeluvr · 5 months
I was so on the fence about burning down the room because on one hand it would be so fun but on the other…my MC feels more like someone who would bind her time, but then again she is young and she just saw a performance celebrating her family’s death and she’s upset and angry- so hell yeah burn the room down!! but now you’re telling me if I hadn’t Lancelot and luceris becomes canon?? time for a replay to see how that changes things😔✊🏻
my favourite dynamics in the story is lancelot x mc and then mc x luceris. I love how complex your relationship with Lancelot can be because on one hand he saved you but on the other he’s the shield of the king, I love no matter how you decide to play your relationship with him it’s never off for the mc to make that choice because all of the choices are so valid!! It’s so complicated and I love it… Lancelot is just a messed up lil guy tho <3
And then we have luceris and mc…insane relationship frankly <3 plus I play my mc being very…stoic and just doing her duty? she’s doing all the right things in public etc she’s a good consort. She’d loove to call luceris out in public but she won’t (partially learned from burning the room I think) the most she can do in public is call him her husband to annoy him lol. But that means as soon as she’s alone with luceris she can be herself?? like she doesn’t have to watch what she says in the same way she’s sarcastic and mean and tells him to drown himself etc. and just the implications of the fact that she can be almost herself the most around the man she hates the most..,,,,,,the very man she can’t let her guard down around is also at the same time the man she does let down her guard the most around because he knows what she wants…idk I’ve been thinking about it man. Your story is sooo filled with angst which I loooove angst and drama and complexity forever in my heart <3 but also the fact that you can play it in a way so it gets even more angsty????? you’re insane for that <3 obsessed with your brain truly🩵🩵🩵🩵🩵🩵
Hey even if MC burned the room MC will be able to encourage L&L to happen... but I doubt many burning room MCs will do that since the whole point of that scene was to make Luceris unhappy lol.
But if they do encourage Lancelot then they can take credit and dangle that in Luceris' face which is fun too in my opinion.
Now I also love love love how complex and insane Lancelot and Luceris' relationship is with MC. 🤭
I've received a few comments on how readers love hate how their MC ended up being like Luceris and that they can be themselves with him but not anyone else which is kinda funny in an insane way. 😭
Imagine the man that ruined your life being the one you can relate to or be yourself with. 💀
Thank you for your kind words, anon. 💗
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lorynna · 19 hours
Seperate post because I am unable to reblog yesterday's debate about sex-selective abortions:
Down below is the link to the full blog post if anyone is interested in reading the whole thing. I am just going to reply to a few of the absolute insane and brainrot takes by @aux-squiggle :
1) "I'm sure you'd (correctly) chastize me if I went on every post with someone having bleach & dyed hair crying about how hair bleach harms the hair and saying "yes I understand it's your body and I'm not against your autonomy but hair dye is so stupid" at some point one realizes that it's just my opinion on hair dye and I should shut up unless explicitly asked for my opinion, which at no point were you asked for your opinion on what I'll do or (what you think) makes sense to do with my body."
Starting right off, it's actually the first time I ever spoke about sex-selective abortion on here, so me "going on every post" is wrong and intentional inflammatory wording. The comparison between dyed/bleached hair and abortion lacks heavily - it's also ridiculously stupid. I'm sure what you do with your hair and the policies surrounding it is an equally political and complicated topic like abortion. Even if you should go around telling people "Sure, do your thing, dye your hair but it's unnecessary in my opinion to promote the beauty industry by partaking in it, because it makes money off of women's insecurities" you have the right to speak your opinion and reblogging another person who's stating their opinion, who's stopping you? Surprise, you can speak your opinion even without being asked for it! Some people will agree, some won't, that's the way it is! I'm sure you don't ask people you have differing opinions from each time if you please may reblog their post, or do you? This is the internet babe.
2) "Next thing idk where you've gotten this "trivilization of abortion thing" or making it seem like I have said abortion is a cutesy procedure with absolutely no harm but as poodle has said it's also very safe. Idk if you think every mention of abortion has to come with a full list of disclaimers but if you read me saying "I will get an abortion if it's a male" to mean "lol guys I get abortions every weekend let's go down to the spa for a pampering plus abortion trolololol" that's your own tbh. The issue is you view being pregnant with a male fetus (as opposed to a female one) as a trivial difference, when it's not trivial to me, many other radfems and indeed for many libfem women."
Surely not every mention of abortion needs to come with a huge list of disclaimers, after all you're not their doctor but idk about you, talking about "i will get pregnant and abort as many times as I have to, until I conceive a daughter" does sound very trivializing to me. Lastly, sure the future sex of anyone's baby means something different to anyone and a certain preference or even the so called "gender disappointment" is real and valid, but is it really the solution to spin the wheel on each pregnancy again and again until you get what you want?
3) "As for the race, sex, other attributes thing, as I've already established, since fetuses are not people and are not going to suffer if their mom gets rid of them, I don't care. I couldn't give a fuck if a white woman aborts a half POC baby tbh like that's her business. No POC suffers from her actions. I also refuse to have a half white baby.
Obviously that's easily addressed by me choosing a black African sire but if I were in a consensual relationship with a white male (would never happen because I don't date males but ygtp) I would abort because I don't want to birth a half Euro baby, as statically they pair up with Eurodescendants themselves. I already know you probably also think that's stupid but I have no wish to contribute to my oppressor's group in that regard either, even by a generational separation, as I know the most likely choice Afro/Euro biracial children make as opposed to monoracial black children.
To me, mixed (b&w) people are black, but ¾ white people are white. Having a monoracial black child means my grandchildren (if any) will also be black (mixed b& something else, or monoracial) meaning the family makeup is what I'm most happy with. Idc what my great-grandchildren (if any) are, I'm probably dead anyways.
So yes I would intentionally make choices, including that of abortion, that bring me the life I'm happiest with. Other women who do that are not my business, I don't care. They could abort because they don't like the star sign their kid is expected to have. A birth that brings the mother sadness, no matter how small or how frivolous the reason for sadness is, is not good and if she aborts to avoid that, all power to her."
That's....really interesting...to know. You have established you would not blink an eye for whatever reason people abort, be it their future baby's star sign, their sex or their ethnicity & race. Your reasoning for not wanting a non 100% black baby being that according to you they statistically are more likely to pair up with eurodescendants making you worry about your family tree becoming "less black"? Then you're going on about "who is black" and "who is white" according to you.
To clarify to anyone who does not know my stance on abortion: I am pro choice, I support every woman's right that does want to get an abortion, despite her reasoning. An abortion as the process itself is not tied to a moral aspect, as the fetus in these stages of development where an abortion is possible, is a non conscious clump of cells. However I do think that the reason for why a woman decides to abort can be criticised. For example: A woman wants to get pregnant and succeeds. She finds out the baby would be born in February, making it an Aquarius, so she aborts it. My stance on sex-selective is similar to how I view cheating on a spouse. I don't think cheating is right but I wouldn't want it to be illegal.
"Regarding pro-choicers saying "no one aborts for fun and silly reasons" and prolifers potentially using this as a clapback, what do you want me to do about that? There's far superior pro-choice arguments, and further to that, these are only fun and silly reasons to you. These are monumental to other people (including me), and since it's their womb they're the only one's who's feelings matter.
Again as I've told you, I will not censor myself for the sake of prolifers not getting offended, I genuinely could not give less of a fuck what they feel. They will always find a reason to hate on the pro-choice movement and since we understand prolifism is actually about tying women down to men and control of women, everything about both my and your lifestyles upset them. There's no placating their bs. If you are upset that I won't censor myself, keep it to yourself."
Making it seem like I gave a fuck about pro lifers and said "oh look at this poor pro lifer being so upset about your words!" instead of "you are actively harming the acceptance of the pro choice movement". You don't understand that the activism you are making is nothing the world is ready for yet. In most countries, abortion is completely banned and women who go through with it nonetheless are going to prison or are even paying with their lives. I am genuinly glad, that you are living in a progressive country where you can access abortion easily and safely and where healthcare even pays for it. Most people do not have that kind of privilege and pro choice activism firstly needs to focus on gaining acceptance by introducing people step by step to the movement, coming to them with facts and good arguments. You've got to understand your far rad stance is not realistically applicable as of right now.
"If in the 0.00001% chance the genetic test is wrong (which have functionality been at 100% accuracy for years, btw I've found several Irish based tests so I don't have to use an international product) at 8 weeks (and the tests after that) then I get several scans from 14 weeks on that also confirm the sex (and would be told if there is a discrepancy). If at those tests they find it's actually a male and the Y chromosome was somehow not picked up, I go to the UK and get an abortion then. If somehow it's not found out until 24 weeks+ (I'd have an easier time winning the lottery) I go to New Zealand for a 3rd trimester abortion. There's probably something wrong if it was missed that many times, at every single scan and test.
Have you prepared for nuclear war Lorynna? Have you decided what to do if a gamma ray burst sanitizes exactly half the planet (the side you're not on), and have you got a contingency plan on what to do if suddenly 4 billion people die? What if global supply chains collapse tomorrow (an actual likely thing tbh). Nuclear war and supply chain collapse at least are far more likely than a fetus being missed as male not only on the first genetic test, AND the tests after that, AND every single ultrasound after that. Idk about gamma ray burst though, probably the same likelihood.
If by some hellish demon reality I get stuck with a son then obviously I raise my son, as I've discussed previously in the linked essay."
Insanity. Proceeding to ask me about every possible catastrophic event that potentially happen and asking me if i prepared for it because yes, sure - it is exactly as unlikely as your baby to turn out being a boy despite all of your fancy tests. But glad to know that should the tests fail, you'll raise your son?
"" There's no reason to fight" "but I do have an opinion." As established, your opinion was unnecessary and uninvited, so it's very likely people will get mad at you if you call major life choices "stupid" without providing any reasoning beyond your feelings. Like I said, telling me what I should be ok with residing in my womb is nothing short of foul, and frankly unasked for."
Oh no! How evil of me, I dare to have an opinion and according to you it was unnecessary and uninvited! Oh man, so many people are going to get mad at me for calling major life choices stupid without providing any reason at all! At this point I'm almost 100% sure you're illiterate and typed your responses while blindfolded and with your left pinky toe. Claiming my arguments are feeling-based rather than objective criticism. And sure, because I said that if you were mature, you'd approach an intended pregnancy, accepting that both sexes can be the outcome of that and that a person who wants to get pregnant in my opinion should be okay with either, I am the worst!
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gemsofgreece · 4 months
Η ΦΟΝΙΣΣΑ (The Murderess): A film review
My cinecritic side greets you again! This time I watched The Murderess, (only!) half a year after its release. I had to watch this one because it is based on my favourite Greek book, written by Alexandros Papadiamantis, which is also one of the most acclaimed Greek stories.
I knew that the movie would be underwhelming compared to the book because there was not any chance a movie could match it. Therefore it was unsurprising that I had this watered down response to it. It is a good movie, it has several merits. If you have read the book however, you tend to focus on the drawbacks and those are very prominent.
My biggest issue was the understandable choice to make adjustments to the story, in order to fill it some more, because the original is a short story. Reasonable, yet the adjustments made were in my opinion poorly thought out for several reasons.
The cinematography is amazing. I also liked the camera work. Congratulations to Eva Nathena, very neat job. Very haunting atmosphere, great scenery chosen. We need more creative direction in Greek movies, so this was refreshing. However, I have some criticism about it too, below.
The elements of the folk culture and the architecture were beautiful and very interesting. The movie in general is stylized (in an appropiate way) and I have no problem with this at all. Nathena's first profession is actually costume designer, so her attention to detail makes total sense.
The score is imposing and appropriately used.
Karabeti has the leading role. Obviously, the acting is great. I will say that I had imagined Frankogiannou different in my mind, even less refined or, idk less agile?, but that doesn't mean her approach is not valid.
Okay this is silly but it was a long time since I read the book and that moment when Frankogiannou says to her daughter "Σα σ' ακούω, θυγατέρα", a reference to her favourite catchphrase, it brought back the memory I had forgotten and I nearly cheered!
I did not like the liberties taken in the screenplay but I LOVED Maria Protopappa as Frankogiannou's mother. This character does not exist in the book but I don't care, she was amazing. Honestly she doesn't do all that much but her presence, so DORIC so STERN so SCARY. A perfect portayal of an abusive, misogynistic mother. I don't know, she was chilling, unpopular opinion but somehow I liked her more than Karabeti. Of course I acknowledge Karabeti's part was a lot harder.
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Protopappa as Frankogiannou's mother, facing the camera.
I already praised the cinematography, right? Yes, it was good but I would appreciate it more if the story actually took place in Mani! The story however takes place in Skiathos, not Mani! Whereas the choice to film such a dark story in an ominous place like Mani seems fitting, the true challenge would be to bring it to life in a happy looking place like Skiathos, where it is supposed to have happened after all. In short, the scenery fits the story but it was also a cheap trick to avoid making the direction more challenging. If foreign followers read this, Nathena in short said "I have a very dark movie to direct so I'll shoot it in this place
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so I will avoid filming it in its original place which looks like this:"
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I mean, the scenery looked awesome but you get what I mean? Moreover, my point is that she removed a lot of the realism from the movie - the scenery looks so gloomy, the people are so pensive, it kind of creates a type of dystopia where the Murderess's tale is just another part of it and not a shocking outlier.
[this paragraph contains spoilers]Which brings me to the second point. For anyone who doesn't know, the Murderess was written in 1903 by Alexandros Papadiamantis, a man, and it is one of the very first feminist literary works quite possibly on an international level. The way the inequality against women is portrayed in the book is so... novel and unique and genius and groundbreaking for its time and even for today, that I loathed to see it getting a coating of the standard contemporary mass feminist perspective. Because on its own, it was in my opinion far more successful and piercing. There are a lot of changes made in the film. Essentially, all men are depicted as straight out monsters and the only man who was probably not a monster, the priest, is blind. Get it? As in, blind to the evilness. That level of symbolism, come on, guys. Too much. Furthermore, the movie makes the whole community of the town in some way or another complicit to what is happening. That was horrible in my opinion. Instead of showing how inequality and hardship created an outlier whose mind got in a really bad place, like Papadiamantis did, the movie just creates a whole society of horror, where most everyone is a criminal. What is this, the Lord of the Flies? Men are viewed as problematic in Papadiamantis' book as well but in a more realistic way, some being absent, some being indifferent husbands, some being lazy, some rejoicing in their gender privilege and living expecting everything from women. But in the movie ALL of them are !Spoiler! kin rapists and kin killers??????The fuck?????? Live your myth in Greece, I suppose. [SPOILER] The incident of female infant killing by poor people who had no money to raise and provide a dowry for their daughters was indeed a phenomenon in Greece and elsewhere before the abolition of this custom (as pointed out in the movie credits), maybe it still is in some countries, but I want to believe that it wasn't happening in the way that it happens in this movie. In the movie this town's people are one step away from hiring her as a professional baby killer. Like, that wasn't how it was happening or how often it was happening. They turned a documented crime of the past into a custom?! A person who was suspected to do that did not casually live amongst the rest with their family as if everything was alright. Which is why it is stupid in the film that even though most everybody has asked her help (apparently in this movie they were giving birth everyday to 58259 girls and 0.1 boys), then everyone turns against her and wants her arrested. In short, she was portrayed almost as a scapegoat and I did not like this. It's like abdicating her a lot from her guilt. She is a tragic character indeed but she is not a scapegoat. And in the book the townfolk had no idea what she was doing until it became obvious.
At least a little touch of the extremely heavy, drool-enducing Skiathian dialect Papadiamantis was known for using was greatly missed. Then again there was nothing from Skiathos in this movie whatsoever. Even the folk attire was not Skiathian. It looked like a mix of Peloponnesian and Roumeliote, totally irrelevant. It wasn't even Maniot, I think.
Too. Many. Symbolic. Scenes. It made sense to add them but I mostly enjoyed only the ones with Protopappa.
The acting of the supporting cast was subpar in my opinion. Not bad necessarily but too theatrical for my taste.
So, with all this in mind but also taking into account that someone may watch it without having read the book first, I give it a 7+/10. If you compare it to the book, it must fall to a 6+/10. My recommendation? Watch the movie if you want but read the book ASAP.
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foxofsunholt · 2 years
some changes with the new demo
currently the demo is at 24k words, at about 10k words per playthrough. And yes, this is before you even meet any of the ROs aksjdakldsj (which is something i’m a little displeased about but I think it’s better in the long run of establishing who you are? idk maybe i’ll come back 4 years later again with another rewrite)
But I wanted to list out some changes the new demo has, for anyone curious. 
faith is now a half-fey (snake). she was initially a spider but then i realized...actually...i don’t want to look at pictures of spiders. the fact that she’s half-fey was meant to be a surprise in the initial demo, but with the change of faith (and yoon) knowing the MC before the events of the game, it doesn’t make sense that the MC wouldn’t have heard, or have been told, that faith was half-fey.
The addition of Zecco, Mudas and Hira, juvenile street urchins the MC has been taking care of over the course of the prologue. Their fate is influenced by your choices. You can define how you feel about children (you don’t have to like them, and your opinion is also able to be changed over the course of the game if you choose to have children later). But this adds to the MC having more connections outside of the main group, and can potentially lead into the arc of having or not having children later. You will meet them again, aged up, in act 2. 
personal antagonists for the MC (their sibling, the duke, ithis) and personal motivations and goals (outside of I WANT MORE MONEY PLEASE, although this is very valid) 
an explicit character flaw. This will be the “darkness” your MC most struggles with, and will be what your choice of RO helps you overcome (in addition to your many other flaws). definable after the events of the prologue. This also dictates what color your magic is, though you get a choice out of some options. There’s anger (angry at the world, angry at the unfairness around them), insecurity (i’m not good enough, i’m not worthy of love or care) and detachment (i feel nothing, I am numb, I do not want emotional connection). While all MCs struggle with all of these to some degree, this is to pick what you MOST struggle with, and where your intrusive thoughts go *QUICK EDIT: if you choose to go the nine tails route, this is also what influences your personality then. What you have to actively fight against becoming. 
there are far more weapon options (will have to see how manageable this is for me), more personality options (ranging from flirtatious goon to awkward mess to sarcastic asshole to stoic observer -- though it takes a while for all of this to be defined)
Getting nine-tails is a far more....uh...sinister act. That’s all I’ll say about that
You can define how your fox form looks. are you large? small? thin? long? basically a choice between the body types of some well known fox breeds. 
the prologue spends a lot of time with just the MC, exploring where they are the moment Adelaide + the crew come into their lives. You’re not in a good place. And just as you will be aiding Adelaide along her journey, she first helps save you. You can define why it is you choose to follow her. Is it money? a debt you feel you owe? Or have you no where better to go? 
the prologue and chapter 1 are specifically about a piece of the MC’s personal quest. If you pretend this is an RPG, this is basically the quest you must go on before you can recruit the MC to your party. Of course, there’s more to be defined later, but it starts focused on you. 
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bamgeut · 10 months
Alright, so about the whole Made In Abyss situation, I shared some of my opinions here, but I've been looking into it more closely so I could finally make up my mind about it. I don't really stan any of the idols involved in this controversy except for Soobin, so he's the one I'll be talking about, but I guess some of this might be applicable to those who only mentioned watching the anime.
I'm putting this under a read more bc it's long as fuck but anyway. I'll probably repeat myself a lot but I'm just trying to organize my thoughts. If you plan on coming for my head please read the full thing first.
First of all, once again, the whole "he said he does NOT recommend it" argument is not valid for me at all. As I've said before, just the fact that he mentioned it as something he was enjoying at the time is enough of a recommendation to most fans. Let's stop using that as an argument.
I watched an interesting deep dive about the anime where she talks about the controversial content, and I also took the time to read some long comments people left under that video. From what I've gathered, most of the problematic content is used in a way to make you see it as wrong and fucked up, much like other pieces of media have done multiple times before. The biggest problem is the use of children in those scenarios. Even though it's for shock value, it seems to be something that most of the people who enjoyed MiA have a big problem with.
It also seems that 99.99% of the people who have enjoyed it, enjoyed it for the world building and the main plot (the main character going into the abyss to look for her mother). I've watched/read some reviews (not linking them bc they're in Portuguese) and most people only really talk about these aspects, and how scary some parts are. When the problematic parts are mentioned, it's to complain that they aren't necessary and shouldn't be there. They acknowledge it's problematic and make it clear they're uncomfortable with that. It's a general consensus that people didn't like the problematic parts and they agree that they should've been removed. I got the same type of reaction/opinion from my friend's friends who watched the anime in question.
I've seen multiple people saying the Korean version of the anime is heavily censored to remove all the pedophiliac content. I've seen multiple (Korean) people saying they've watched it and it had none of those things that are being brought to light. I've seen people claiming that many of the things that are being brought up are actually from the original manga and the movie (which allegedly wasn't even aired in SK). Reportedly the 15+ rated version was being aired (and highly popular) in SK at the time. And to be honest, like I said in previous posts, if you remove all the problematic parts and you enjoy scary stories, then the anime sounds like a great option to watch.
"Soobin said once he watched 18+ rated animes, therefore he was DEFINITELY watching the original version": I don't think that's something you can claim for sure. 18+ doesn't always mean sexual, too. Plus, apparently even the 19+ rated version of the anime is censored in SK to remove the problematic parts?? So idk.
Even if he were watching the 19+ version, like I said, I haven't seen anyone who enjoyed the anime and DIDN'T have a problem with those problematic parts. Everyone seems weirded out by it. Plus, from what I've gathered, the more """subtle""" problematic parts are things you only really notice if you're watching it critically.
What's getting to me the most is: 1) He mentioned it over a YEAR ago, and somehow NOBODY cared about it at the time. It was only brought to light NOW, and it's only now that people are seeing a problem with it and pointing out what's wrong with the source material — something that went over everyone's heads at the time. Wouldn't anyone point this out earlier? 2) Would he honestly come out and say he's enjoying the anime on a livestream to thousands of watchers if he were watching the original version with all the gross CP stuff? Being an idol (and the leader of one of the most prominent groups we have in 4th gen, under one of the biggest kpop agencies), he's usually very cautious with what he can and cannot say. We've seen it before, and that's enough for me to think it's most likely not the case.
"Nobody should be promoting the work of a pedophile", yes, you're right, I agree with you 100% there!!! But I don't personally run a background check on the creators of every single piece of media I consume, and most people don't either. I don't know jack about the writers of most of the stuff I've watched. I highly doubt he'd go researching the background of the writers of everything he watches, so I don't think it's fair to hold this against anyone as an argument to cancel them.
I'm all for holding our favs accountable, I think it's important to call them out. I've unstanned people before because of problematic behaviors that made me feel like they didn't deserve the time I was putting into them, things that made me feel disgusted by them. But most of us have watched shows/movies with problematic themes, and it doesn't mean we condone them in real life. Of course, there's a limit and I wouldn't support someone actively enjoying basically CP, but considering everything I've said above, I genuinely don't think that's the case. In my head it doesn't make sense at all for me to think he'd just be like "heyyy I like borderline CP content it's so interesting <3", considering how much BigHit/HYBE is always up their asses when it comes to maintaining a good image.
On the other hand, I still think he shouldn't have mentioned it. As he said it himself, it's disturbing (which is what that word translated as "provocative" meant), so even without all the CP stuff it's still not something he should've mentioned by name to an audience of mostly young fans, a majority of which are very impressionable. It's even worse if he was watching the 19+ version even if it's still allegedly censored in SK. If I remember correctly, he has mentioned animes without mentioning their names before (or maybe that was just once? I'm not sure), so he could've just done that.
However, I personally don't think there's enough reason for me to unstan him, at least for the time being. After doing research for hours on end and doing my best to think logically and objectively, it doesn't make sense for me to do that.
Of course, you are entitled to stop liking a celebrity for whatever reason, or even for no reason at all. It's your right, there's nothing wrong with it, and please don't let ANYONE tell you otherwise!!! But if you decide to unstan, please let's be level-headed about this and not go around throwing people under the bus without knowing the full story. You can call people out and dislike them without being disrespectful towards others. And please don't go around calling people pedophiles, that is a VERY heavy word that shouldn't be thrown around so lightly.
I did my research and I'm still reading/watching stuff about it, and I think it's important for everyone to do the same rather than jumping on an extremist bandwagon (be it to defend or to condemn anyone). Your opinion is always valid as long as it is yours, not someone else's. I'm just sharing mine, and you have a right to disagree if you want to, but let's all be civil about this, alright?
You're free to mute Soobin's tag or even unfollow me, if you want. I'll keep him out of my blog for a few more days, probably, considering how fresh all of this still is.
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I, the poll runner, made this poll because they suck that much
Why Mileven is shit - a submission-based essay, part 3/3
Mileven - a currently canon het ship from the Stranger Things fandom between Michael (Mike) Wheeler and Jane (Eleven) Ives/Hopper/Byers/IDK
This doesn't mean she will never have another relationship, it doesn't even mean she is "alone" while other people are in relationships (although personally I think there is nothing wrong with not being in a relationship tbh... some people need to unpack this). It just means that she reclaims the power to decide if and when she will give love to someone again, a choice she's never really had. As for Mike, I believe his low self-esteem and what makes him feel so different is his feelings for Will which have steadily stepped out of platonic more and more as time has gone on, and THAT is the truth that is hard to admit, not his apparent love for El that she has been begging for him to say. Mike and Will are written so perfectly as a romantic duo that it is wild to me that anyone would ship Mike with anyone else. Mike deserves more than to be a shitty friend and El's boyfriend (because if he really does just love El, then his actions are just him being mean and weird with no cause or explanation, which I can't imagine is the case), Will deserves more than to be the sad gay in unrequited love who only suffers, and El deserves more than to be some boy's "superhero" who is loved for what she can do more than for who she truly is. She deserves to shake the shackles of male control, and yes... Mike unfortunately falls into this due to his feeling responsible for El's wellbeing because of the unfortunate circumstances they met under. Plus he's, in my opinion, fallen even harden into this parentified role in Hopper's absence (those parallels are insane too, don't even get me started). Anyway, all that to say... Mileven is an objectively bad ship that doesn't fit with the story Stranger Things is telling. It doesn't serve any of the characters involved in a positive way, and Byler is a significantly more touching and well-built couple. Personally, even the argument that El will be "crushed if they break up" doesn't really carry any weight. It's clear that she has already hurt so much IN THE RELATIONSHIP, so ending it just seems like the logical next step (and I'm among the people who believe she wanted to break up at the pizza place tbh). Why should she stay with someone who can only love her in life-or-death situations? Why should Mike be with someone who makes him feel worthless or not enough or like his personal experiences and struggles aren't valid? Why should Mike and El settle for a relationship that takes so much work but makes them both ultimately unhappy (it's giving Karen a d Ted). Why should Will just accept that in a world of demogorgans and alternate dimensions and telekinetic lab children, the craziest and most unlikely thing is a queer boy like him finding requited love with the person who makes them feel better for being different and encourages them to fight on? I just don't think the writers are telling that kind of story. I love El, Mike, and Will... I hope they will get a beautiful ending. To me, a beautiful ending would include Mike and El mutually caring for each other enough to admit that their relationship is not good for either of them as El deserves to be loved and needs time to heal, and Mike deserves to embrace his truth and his own feelings without feeling insignificant or unlovable (and ultimately be rewarded for embodying one of the show's core themes: that forced conformity is bad, you will never feel gratification or happiness by pretending to be something or someone you're not, it's okay to be a "freak" and it's okay to be different and to rebel against the limited, restrictive forms of "happiness" society pushes. After all, forced conformity is one of the real villains in this show, as clearly stated!)
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karouvas · 19 days
Gossip Girl — 💚🤍🖤🧡
Gossip Girl
What does everyone else get wrong about your favorite character?
Well general viewer takes on Jenny are really.. not on point at all lol I think basically people forget she’s worthy of sympathy or don’t want to think critically about what she goes through, also anyone who thinks she’s straight is completely wrong.
What is a popular (serious) theory you disagree with?
This is not a fandom where I’m super involved in things like this… I think I once saw a Jenny is gossip girl theory and that’s absolutely laughable + I hate it.
Which character is not as morally bad as everyone else seems to think?
Jenny again, also Blair is simultaneously better and worse morally depending on which fans opinions we’re going off of. I think some statements about her evil are exaggerated and also like that post said she’s not even very competent in her evil a lot of the time.. I also think anyone who goes for validating the furniture ship by saying Blair is as morally bad as Ch*ck definitely hates women. But then on the other hand I do think there are Stans who glorify and baby her too much, especially when it comes to things like her treatment of Vanessa Jenny and at times Serena. Oh and Vanessa def counts actually!
Which character is not as morally good as everyone else seems to think?
Idk on this one… maybe Nate but I do think he’s probably the best person out of the mains and he probably is the male char on the show I find second most likable after Eric. But I have seen things in periphery like fans slut shaming Serena for sleeping with him but not taking him to task etc. just like general fandom things and not the worst example of it but I guess if anyone qualifies it’s him. But I still like, think he’s a pretty good person on the whole and I like the guy so I don’t have a lot of vehemence about this position
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littlespoonevan · 1 year
i really want to know your opinion on last night's episode! do you think we finally saw Eddie's oh moment? I see a lot of people talking about it and about his heartbreak but I'm not seeing it? like I see eddie upset about what buck is saying, but that could easily be platonic imo, my best friend saying someone else actually sees them? that would make me feel awful, like I'm here??? I see you??? and i get eddie feels lonely as well, but i dont ser that particularly related to him realizing he's in love w buck, idk idk what are your thoughts?
askjdhlf okay. where do i begin??? i should preface by saying i only got a chance to watch the last 25 mins of the ep like an hour and a half ago bc of how long it took for the ep to upload this morning so i'm still very much processing bUT
that cemetery scene was a lot.
to start by answering your question, i don't think we got an oh moment in the deliberate sense?? by that i mean, i don't think this was the show telling the audience "this is it!!!! this is the moment eddie realises he's in love with buck!!!!!" however i do think that scene did A Lot to suggest something big and buddie-related in the pipeline.
something about the tone of it felt very different to what we've gotten previously???? it's most certainly one of the longest conversations they've ever had at 3 minutes uninterrupted. it's also one of their most serious and touched on a wide range of topics (like it felt almost like a post-ep coda fic conversation to me????? askdjfh) and i think it's interesting that twice now in 6b we've had meaningful conversations between them that don't involve chris being brought up. because that's been something i've always said was maybe missing when it came to the possibility of them becoming canon??? we have so many conversations that emphasise buck/eddie/chris as a family but very few conversations between buck and eddie just about them and their friendship/relationship, y'know??
likewise eddie's reaction to natalia was in very stark contrast to the usual way he sort of snarkily comments on buck's relationships. @mellaithwen made the great catch that it paralleled buck talking about ana in 5x02 and it also reminded me of eddie's reaction to abby??? in the way it was this sort of weary-frustrated-resigned combination where he Knows this won't end well for buck and he's maybe a little bit annoyed at buck's lack of regard for himself (in 3x18 bc he's willing risk his own life for abby to save her fiancé even after she left buck the way she did and now with natalia in a 'how can you say she sees you better when the version of yourself you're showing her isn't you' way)
there's also just the big giant elephant in the room where buck is talking about how natalia sees him when eddie is the one who's always Seen him - all the way back to "to be seen to be found, isn't that what we're all searching for?". eddie is the one who constantly validates buck's feelings, who understands his reasons for the choices he makes, who knows exactly what to say to make buck open up. he even does it in this scene!!!!!! when he says "you don't have to be anything for anyone". it felt like a big fat example of dramatic irony tbh
and i think for me, regardless of what happens on the actual show, when it comes to how i write and approach canon in fic that scene acts as confirmation of my favourite headcanon that eddie knows about his feelings but buck has no fucking idea. and while we may or may not ever get real confirmation of that in canon, i think you can for sure read the scene that way without twisting it into something it's not :')
overall, you know i'm the most cautious person alive when it comes to canon buddie but i do genuinely, genuinely feel something has shifted in this scene even if it's not a definitive oh moment for now💛
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caladamn · 3 months
I'm not even gonna venture onto DR twitter rn cause I know the Plane hate will piss me off. Like... I completely understand not liking what she said or agreeing with it! But it pisses me off when people call someone racist, misogynistic, homophobic, transphobic (you get the idea) for no reason when whatever they said just doesn't warrant that reaction?? I don't know much about Chappell and I'm sure she's a lovely woman, and PJ deffo (just for her own sake tbh) shouldn't have posted that cause, well... we now know how people react and she probs should have just sat in silence with it for a while longer (also idk if i'm not understanding fully, but did pj say she's heard some drag queens say that chappell is rude or did that not happen? cause i've only seen one screenshot of plane talking about it, but some are saying that PJ said that other drag queens have had been interactions with Chappell) ANYWAY, sorry for this ask - you don't have to answer it cause its so messy and all over the place lmao but it genuinely rubs me the wrong way... I think most of the people getting super angry over what she said are people that don't like pj, haven't from the start, and just kinda followed along with the overall fanbase when they started opening up to her, and they've been waiting for something to set them off (cause i remember people being set off during the lip sync smackdown episode when pj joked about amanda and quite a few people started calling her a bully again on twitter) i think everyone should just take a deep breath like i understand why people are mad or annoyed but it's the people REALLY going in on her that are pissing me all the way off like... fucking relax you're acting like she said something horrific
i 100% agree anon !
at first I was mostly annoyed by the fact that people just blew everything completely out of proportion (imo-- cause I really don't understand how "I don't vibe with this person" becomes "I think this person and everyone similar to this person is not valid"- ???). but then they started calling pj things that she's clearly not (there's multiple videos of her saying she loves women and lesbians, hello?). and I somewhat understand why seeing someone who's a white cis gay man being skeptical of a lesbian artist feeds into the narrative of gay men excluding queer women from queer spaces--- but that's literally not what pj did. and you're right, she did mention that she heard from local queens that had worked with chappell in the past that she wasn't the nicest (not sure how true this is, but if that's what she heard who am i, or anyone, to deny that).
and the worst part is that now they're using this to bring up past FALSE allegations against her. it's pretty obvious atp that these people don't actually care to defend the reason this whole discourse started for, they just want pj cancelled and gone. I've literally seen people just go on and on about how shitty of a person (they think) she is instead of defending lesbians or queer women who do drag. they don't care about queer women.
also, everyone's entitled to an opinion (!). all pj did was give her (albeit uninformed/incorrect) opinion/criticism on chappell. she never talked about lesbians as a whole. and even if she did. WHO CARES. there's more important things in the world and a person's opinion is not going to change anything or have any true impact on anyone's life. this is such stupid discourse imo.
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homestuck-iconz · 1 year
can both mods rate a few ~ships~ i have???? smile -jadenep -arajade -arasol -jadekat -vriskan -daverezi idk theyre random ones i thought up on the spot except arasol for obvious reasons & jadenep -moon anon
Hihi!!! Mod rose starting off here.
Jadenep - 9/10, what kind of crack did hussie put in WLW ships in homestuck? Like actually I don't think I super hate most of them which is super weird????? ANYWAY JADENEP THEYRE BOTH SUPER SILLY I THINK THEYD DRAW FURSONAS TOGETHER
Arajade - 9/10, they could have a VERY funny dynamic [but when doesnt aradia have a funny dynamic w someone in a ship? Never]
Arasol - I've rated it before, heres what I said then with a few addons to be more on topic: 7/10, it cute and i can appreciate the angst, but they kinda have 'dated in middle school for awhile' vibes? and the fanbase [spesifically, fic writers] really soured it for me?? its cute though. Also I think Aradia either works better shipped with other characters or just straight up on her own.
Jadekat - 7/10, There's some cannon precident for this iirc??? It's plenty cute, but if I was going to ship them it'd be pitch. I think that could be the funnest. Nothing wrong with it, nothing to particularly write home about either.
Vriskan - 4/10, Can be cute but I feel like people ignore the fact that they broke up for SUPER valid reasons and that Kanaya doesn't have to be boiled down to Liking Vriska or Liking Rose. Pesterquest is SUPER guilty of this for example. Not the worst ship out there but It's not my favorite by a long shot either.
Daverezi - 8/10, anyone who says they never shipped them at all is a damn lier. Though I do perfer terezi in wlw ships, they have a special place in my heart as THE middle school couple who broke up but are still besties
and mod dave finishing it with my opinions
jadenep: 9/10, haven't got much to add, had the exact same 'fursona maker' thought as rose and just cat x dog is very funny to me (possibly pitch to reference the cat and dog thing... could b cool...)
arajade: 7/10, they both have that kinda whimsical vibe and i think they would enjoy hanging out together. i dont think i could see them in a relationship though because they both have abandonment issues in opposite directions
arasol: 1/10, i know i've rated this before and i might've been nicer then but i hate this, specifically pale. i don't even enjoy the angst. the one point is for the fact that the scene after aradia explodes with sollux taking his glasses off and crying is my alltime favourite homestuck panel
jadekat: 5/10, i prefer them more as friends because i can't see jade getting into a relationship with someone who she literally had to auspice with himself. i do think they're besties though, she pulls him out of his own ass when he gets in too deep.
vriskan: 2/10 yeahh like rose said, they broke up for really valid reasons and as much development vriska could go through i dont think she could reach a point where she would make a good partner to literally anyone other than egbert and terezi
daverezi: 8/10, i'm a damn liar guys. as high as i'm rating them, i don't ship them and i would never go out of my way to search for content or read fics. that being said their dynamic is fucking hilarious and i love them as best friends in fics who dated and never acknowledge it except to make fun of each other for how low their standards are.
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jakowskis · 5 months
im SO pissed i didnt listen to believe for a fucking year bc i heard bad things about it. im never listening to anyone else's opinions again cuz THAT WAS BRILLIANT. THAT WAS EVERYTHING I WANT OUT OF TORCHWOOD i mean it was still a bit shit highkey but it was EXACTLY what i want out of this garbage show. sooo fucking season one core (aka my fav) all sorts of dark horrific connotations and unhealthy dynamics but no emotional weight or responsibility xD once again i cannot tell if the writer was even fucking AWARE of a lot of the things he was implying but what i interpreted as being implied is making me fucking tear up the floorboards im. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
that was so cynical and bitter and awful and miserable and edgy and shitty ITS EVERYTHING I WANTED. i love torchwood being goofy i do but what draws me into the show and the reason it's become one of my most, uh, aggressive hyperfixations ever (which is ridic btw) is cuz its FUCKED UP AND UNHAPPY and that? was fuuuuucked. obsessed.
cult leader jack cult leader jack cult leader jack U DONT UNDERSTAND IT MAKES ME RABID and they ran with it i. stick figure violence stick figure violence. feeling rabid. AND HIS FUCKING SPEECH AT THE END. DOES HE KNOW??? hes so fucking deluded I LOVE IT. ITS FASCINATING he thinks hes good.... he thinks hes good... hes aware n he feels responsible and yet he doesnt SEE he doesnt see he thinks hes doing his best. NOOO it had the be intentional literally "jack tell us what that was about" "later lol" "sure yeah always later" and then hes like "YOU HAVE TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY" GRRR JACK. JACK. also faith n believing.... ianto's trust. ianto's trust. you believe me like a god FUCK MY LIFEEEEEEEEEEE
jack always being five steps ahead + being 10x more competent than the team always makes me fucking roll my eyes but at this point i just kind of perceive it as the way tw constantly paints him as a deity figure. he can do no wrong
GWENS CYNICISM. TORCHWOOD BREAKING HER. TORCHWOOD BREAKING HER!!!!!!!!! FUUUUUUUUUUUUCK it's toxic... it's toxic... this job gets inside you THIS JOB GETS INSIDE YOUUU. torchwood thesis statement: this job fucking breaks you.
FINALLY some good fucking tosh x owen food. DONT GET ME WRONG THAT WAS FUCKING AWFUL but that was sooooooo much more compelling than the fucking bullshit that canon gave us. owen being a toxic abusive fucking manchild + doing smth bad enough to tosh that she FINALLY went "wow THATS the man im obsessing over" like g-d i would've killedddd for that to happen in the show i HATE that she wasted herself on him. i hate it. her disgust and anger at him was so THERAPEUTIC for me 😭 idk what it says about me that the way i was grinning when they were arguing n bitching at each other was probs the closest ive ever gotten to actually shipping them HFKJDSF theres smth wrong w me. i just think s2 tosh is too fucking sweet and good and probably naive and i think owen could so easily fuck her up, like i don't think there's a world where he wouldn't hurt her tbh, and i don't want that to happen i adore her too much. like i don't think he's irredeemable, i ship him w other characters who i think could handle him, but i don't think tosh could, and that was validation of that opinion, you know? i'd be more willing to ship them if tosh was firm with him and didn't let him walk all over her, and it sucks that she didn't do that and got herself hurt and THATS what it took to make her call him tf out and tell him how much he sucks. ig a lot of why towen bugs me sm boils down to the fact that im not comfortable shipping someone who's kind of awful with someone who idealizes them and doesn't seem to grasp the scale of how bad they are. that's a recipe for an unhealthy dynamic and if i didn't like tosh i might be intrigued by it ngl HFSKDF but thats my babygirl and the idea of putting her thru Being With Him disgusts me. she deserves better until he gets his fucking shit together. which he never does and she never gets to have something good bc she was waiting for his shitty ass lmao YAYY!!
owen was AWFUL in that btw. and i adored him in it. my fav owen is an owen who's spiraling and destructively fixated on something for selfish purposes to the point that he doesnt care who he hurts to accomplish it. he's so villain coded fhsdkfjdsk he redeems himself in the show and i love that but the audios further explore the fact that he's got such a darkness to him he SO EASILY can be pushed into destroying everything. hes constantly on the precipice of monstrosity and cruelty bc of his own hurt. it's like hes so full of rot it leaks out of him and infects others and he hates it but he cant help it. i will never get over the doctor with poison fingers oh he makes my heart ache. he's just so misguided. he's so broken.
which brings us back to jack's speech. (him talking to the cult leader lady) "They were broken, and you were the person they turned to for help. If you don’t accept their problems, then don’t offer yourself as a solution." literally im gonna think about this for months. HE DOESNT SEE!!!!!!!!!
g-d and ianto's orientation or whatever. that was Fantastic ianto insight. he's so much more interesting when he's away from jack it's almost impressive.
i am just. gdddddddddddddddddddddddd. i am so distraught. help meeee
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tfc-gal-pal · 5 months
Tbh I know gay Eddie is the most popular headcanon but I think objectively he would be bisexual. Whether one wants to believe he was in love with Shannon or not (and I think the show wants us to believe it), he had a lot of sex with her and it was never implied he didn't enjoy it. A lot of people seem to either have convinced themselves that the Shannon plot didn't happen or that it doesn't count anymore since it was so long ago. That's not how sexuality works tho. So yeah, I wouldn't say we have all come to the same conclusion here.
Thank you for the ask!
That’s totally valid and that makes sense with what the writers have given us since we first met Shannon. She has been the only solid love interest. And yes, you are right, he did seem to enjoy hooking up with her. Based on this, I think there is a solid claim for him being bisexual.
As for him being not into women at all, the main argument I’ve seen has been his seeming disinterest in the women he’s dated. (except Shannon). I speculated somewhere else that it’s possible he formed a strong friendship with Shannon that he mistook for romance, but this doesn’t explain his physical attraction towards her. As you said, sexuality includes physical attraction.
There is, of course, the possibility Eddie is straight, but I dont think he is and i am extremely hopeful that the showrunners aren’t going to make him “come out” as straight.
As for the post i made asking when we’d decided Eddie was gay and not bi, the only posts i have seen have been saying he’s gay since i started actively following the 911 tag here about 2 weeks ago. It was a lighthearted way of basically asking how did the majority of people come to this conclusion im curious. i personally don’t have a strong feelings on it, my opinion is that he’s definitely queer and might go as far as to call him gay (as in a guy who likes guys but not necessarily restricted to them, i am bi also call myself gay sometimes, idk if anyone else does this) but beyond that idk.
Regardless, sexuality is very nuanced and every person has their own unique experience with it. I’m not sure how Eddie would choose to identify or if the show is even going to attach a label to him. I hope however they do (or don’t) label him, people don’t start tearing each other and the actors to shreds.
I hope this makes sense? Again thank you for the ask! This was fun to analyze. I’m really excited we’re getting to see these stories play out and to have the possibility of confirmed queer Eddie on screen, something that I think many of us can agree was almost nonexistent under Fox.
If anyone made it to the end of my jumbled thoughts, thank you, i would love to hear yours in the comments or asks. i know a lot of people have really strong feelings about Buddie and 911 in general and while tumblr isn’t the shitshow that is currently twitter, this is my first time wading into waters like these and i am scared so please be nice even if you disagree :)
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its funny cause i give my parents updates on this tournament, and the only frame of reference they have is the bands/people i'm into generally. (my mum says "well, you should be glad i don't know who you're talking about because that would mean i'm trying to be hip and cool" lmao). anyways
i think its soooo funny because like. my parents obviously know who oasis is. i have a poster i got from knebworth 22 in my room (place of pride for real), and i've played them in my care a LOT. my mum has a very vague idea of who HIM is because i've got a shirt for them (heart pentagram is such a sick design and i will die on this hill). i showed the two of them to my mum and she was like "obviously liam. the other one looks too much like a girl." and on one hand it was like "you don't understand." but on the other hand, validation. cause like. yeah. liam's gorgeous obviously. but then like. i showed her other picture of ville valo cause i totally voted for him (i'm so sorry liam but how could i not) and she GOT IT.
anyways, dad's upset mariah carey won because "she sings that hideous christmas song and anyone is better than her" and also, he's of the opinion that i should have immediately wanted to vote keanu reeves instead of holding out until i knew who he was up against (still not over liam vs. ville valo the ultimate betrayal and sadness lol)
dad's opinion is also that axl rose should win the next round solely based on the fact that he knows who he is, but really, what does he know, cause he made fun of me rooting for jarvis with my entire being.
idk where i'm going with this sorry. i love this tournament, and hilariously i'm more invested in this than the original bracket, but that's cause my most beloved albums got eliminated soooooo quickly (seeing the same in the 2000s bracket and i tell myself that my taste is just more niche rather than bad)
-from the very tipsy anon that sent something in quite awhile ago. very sorry that you only get these very long winded anons when i've had a few
n.e.ways. this blogs great and i got a kick out of you saying you'd integrate the trent reznor fuck or be like teenage girl thing into your belief system.
also, i agree with the anon that said than radiohead man aged real nice where as damon didn't. given, i last saw him with a mullet, and thought he aged like spoilt milk, but radiohead man (remembered his name Thom! aged real nice)
also, as much as creep is like the stereotypical radiohead song and kinda considered overplayed, it UNDERSTANDS ME and also me as a teen. props to him. idk if i can bring myself to vote for him though (not cause he's kinda weird looking - odd looking people are HOT ok) but cause i had a devestating crush on a guy who was obessed with radiohead and he literally told me that i give off "emotionally unavailable vibes and its cool to make friends with someone so similar to me" and it ruined me emotionally for a good like 5 months)
also, props to oasis for having supersonic as one of their top songs, cause hell yeah Give Me Gin and Tonic! literally my drink of choice lmaooooo
once again, very sorry for very long anon, had another g+t while writing this (that makes 6!)
have a very good evening! i adore this blog! and i think youre hella cool and i could never imagine trying to rum a tournament and answer all the asks that you do (there's reason i'm anon unless i have the amazing urge to send pics in aid of my very special blorbo)
omg no this is lovely actually
Apparently my blog has already met the parents?? I'm so proud ahaha and your parents have some of the funniest takes. I love reading these long asks, it's like a sneak peek into the minds of my viewers and honestly means the world to me. Enjoy your gin and tonic, anon, and a wonderful evening to you as well <3
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dm-clockwork-dragon · 2 years
I don't know much about economy, but while I certainly trust what you say about it, I think there are a lot more reasons than just that to boicott the game
JKR doesn't just use the money she gets to lobby for transphobic laws (lets be real she'll do that anyway she's rich enough), but uses the continued popularity of her creation as a springboard for her cause. She has outright stated that as far as she is concerned, everyone who buys anything Harry Potter related is endorsing her views, which she also uses when arguing for TERF bullshit. Money speaks but it's certainly a lot easier for it to speak when the power behind it is one of the world's most (in)famous authors.
And then there's the whole antisemitism thing. I'm not Jewish, but even without the countless posts and articles going around from Jewish folks pointing it out it's not hard to see why the game based on fighting a rebellion of evil hook-nosed creatures who run the banks and want to destroy the dominant group and also kidnap children is fundamentally antisemitic. And since the game's lead designer has ran a youtube channel peddling this kind of conspiracies, it's hard to deny that it was intentional or at the very least shows very fucked up views on the creators' part.
Yeah, and I'm in no way sitting around trying to defend the game, or the content. It's all full of terrible shit. But I will defend the people engaging with it. JK can use the platform as whatever springboard she wants, but a big part of why that springboard continues to have power is because we give it leverage by hunting down our own.
If JK says "anyone who buys or engages with HP agrees with me" and we respond by hunting down and vilifying those people within our community, all we are doing is falsely validating an utterly ridiculous claim. Vs if we as a collective just stood together and said "no, we fucking don't"
Idk. I don't claim to be right about everything. I'm just putting my opinion out into the world. And that opinion is that there's way more meaningful and effective ways to fight against Racism, Antisemitism, and TERFdom than to argue about which of our own are traitors and heretics.
If anything, we should be trying to find any and all ways to prove to the terfs that JK isn't TERF enough for them. No one burns their own at the stake better than Radicals and Extremists
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