#idk what that was about. then the old lady started complaining because me and somebody else were seen before her
fingertipsmp3 · 7 months
If some idiot at the doctor’s gave me a cold right before I’m supposed to start my new job I swear I’m going to launch myself into space
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kalimagik · 4 years
Sirius Black x Reader 
Requested by @grace22207 – Hi!! idk if you take requests and if you don’t that’s totally ok but i just really love ur writing. I was wondering if you could do a Sirius Black x Reader inspired by the song “Enchanted” by Taylor Swift?!? thx i love you 💖💗
Word Count: ~1500
Warnings: Underage drinking (only a tad bit) 
A/N: Okay, so this was my first request and I just love getting fresh ideas when I’m stuck! This has lots of fluff and anxiousness because boys can be scary...yeah...anywhooooo, if you enjoy reading, like, reblog, comment, or even follow! You know the deal by now! Thanks for the support guys! If you send me a request on anything and I really like it, I’ll probs do it, but just give me some time! Happy Reading <3 <3
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*Not my GIF - credits to owner! 
She hated coming to these things. They were always the same. Old, pureblood families complaining about the growing influence of muggle-borns in the Wizarding World. But, nevertheless, Y/N’s parents dragged her to each party. Every. Single. Time. 
Plus, every single pureblood parent would come up to her and ask what she was planning to do once she graduated from Hogwarts and what her opinion on the rising dark wizard was. To be honest, Y/N didn’t have an opinion that they would want to hear, so she stood through each conversation. Tonight was no different. Y/N was forcing laughter and faking smiles with her parents’ friends. 
She never knew anyone else at these parties, so it was the same old tired, lonely place. Sneaking a drink from the bar, Y/N found a good corner of the room to sit and hide from being the center of attention. She moved to her favorite activity, people watching. 
Looking around the room, Y/N viewed all the types of people she had grown to detest over her last 5 years at Hogwarts. She hated these people with their closed minds and vicious words. Why was she still one of them? It wasn’t until her gaze landed on the corner diagonal from hers. 
Her Y/C/E eyes immediately locked on his deep, grey ones. He seemed to be watching her. The shifting eyes and vacancy that Y/N had been feeling earlier all vanished when she felt interest radiating off of him. 
His eyes whispered. Asking who she was and if they had ever met. He may not know who she was, but she certainly knew him. The boy was Sirius Black. From the teas that Y/N’s mother had with his, she knew that he was a disappointment to the great Black family. She also knew him from school. His antics with his friends were legendary as was his reputation throughout the girls that he courted. 
Oh, oh merlin. He was moving. Was, was he moving towards her? Y/N’s hands were up to her mouth as she nervously bit at her fingernails. She lost him for a moment, but his silhouette was making its way over to her.
“Hello, love. I’m Sirius.” 
Y/N offered her hand in proper high society fashion and he took it, tenderly kissing the back of her hand. 
“So, which stiff do you think will get drunkest the quickest?” he joked immediately, scanning the room. 
“I didn’t think that the ladies drank,” Y/N responded timidly. 
“They don’t.” Sirius has a mischievous smirk on his lips. An alarm went off in Y/N’s head. This could be dangerous. “They don’t, but I spiked the punch to get some entertainment for the evening,” he snickered. “Oh, oh, oh! My money is on Mrs. Lestrange. She’s been downing it for about 30 minutes. 4 cups already.” 
Maggie couldn’t help but giggle as she watched the properly dressed woman begin to stumble. 
“Have we met before?” Sirius blurted. 
“Uhhh, not officially. We do go to school together though.” Y/N felt herself getting shy again under his intense gaze. 
As the conversation continued, it began to flow easily. Y/N didn’t feel nervous anymore. It all felt natural. It was all so playful and Y/N found herself countering all his quick remarks. The whispers felt like passing notes in secrecy. 
The hours blew by and Y/N’s parents found her in the same corner with Sirius at the end of the night. 
“Y/N. It’s time to go. Now,” her dad emphasized.
“Bye, Sirius,” Y/N waved. “Thanks for making the evening more entertaining.” 
“Goodbye, Y/N. It was absolutely sparkling, don’t let it go! I’ll see you at school at the end of the holiday. I’ll look for you!” 
Y/N felt wonderstruck. Despite her parents berating her for talking to the “poor excuse” of a Black, Y/N didn’t stop blushing all the way home. 
Lying in bed that night, she replayed the whole evening in her head. “I wonder if he knows I was enchanted to meet him. No wait. I couldn’t say that to him. It’s stupid.” She thought to herself. 
That didn’t stop her from thinking about him. Now she understood why he was known as a charmer at school. Y/N was wonderstruck, dancing around her room all alone. 
The rest of the Christmas Holiday lingered on. Every night that lingering question kept her up. At 2 am, she wondered who he loves. With the swirling idea in her head, Y/N was wide awake. She’d pace back and forth, wishing maybe he’d show up at her door. Or when they get back to school he would find her and she could say ‘hey, it was enchanting to meet you…” Why was that the only thing she could think to say to him? 
The Hogwarts’ corridors never seemed larger when Y/N returned to school. She couldn’t manage to catch a glimpse of Sirius anywhere. Maybe they wouldn’t see each other again. Maybe meeting at the party had been a fluke. But she was praying that it was only the very first page and not where the storyline ended. Her thoughts just echoed his name and they probably would until she saw him again. 
One night shouldn’t have led to these kinds of feelings. So, in natural teenage girl manner, Y/N poked around to see what her friends knew and listened just to see if his name came up in conversation. 
“What about the Marauders? Anyone know anything about them? I know James Potter is interested in Lily, but what about the others?” Y/N nonchalantly brought up the conversation.
Y/N’s friends loved to gossip about the boys in their year and the year above them, so Y/N’s words were enough to start the long string of gossip. There was James who had filled the charms room with flowers for Lily and publicly asked her out again in the first week of being back. Peter seemed to have his eye on a Ravenclaw girl, but all of Y/N’s friends giggled, knowing she wasn’t as interested in him as Remus Lupin. 
Y/N sat there, barely listening to the conversation, she whispered the words to herself “please don’t be in love with someone else. Please don’t have somebody waiting on you.” No one had said anything about Sirius as the conversation shifted to other boys. 
With all the giggling, Y/N completely zoned out. It wasn’t until the Great Hall doors swung open that Y/N jumped out of the thoughts in her head. The Marauders streamed in, one after the other, laughing and winded. Well, Peter was winded, the other three seemed to be in much better shape than him. With their entry, Y/N’s heart leapt into her throat. She hadn’t told her friends about the interaction she had with the boy over the holiday, so they didn’t see her tense up as he walked by their table. 
Y/N lowered her head. Maybe he wouldn’t see her and she could just stop thinking about him. Right? That’s how that worked. 
The talking at Y/H’s table stopped. What happened to Y/N’s friends? She looked up to meet those deep, grey eyes. “Why hello there, love. Have we met before?” he smirked. 
Y/N’s head spun to see her friends’ faces. Some were swooning, others were just drinking in the words he spoke. Surely he was directing his words to one of them though right?
“I told you I’d find you at school,” he continued. His eyes didn’t waver from her own.
Why were words failing her right now? She had been so quick witted with him at the party, but with everyone else watching, she went back to her ‘please don’t look at me…’ ways. 
“Did someone use langlock on you?” Sirius chuckled. 
“Uhh, no!” Y/N finally got out. 
“That’s good to know. Had me worried there for a minute! Anyways, the first Hogsmeade trip is next weekend. Would you maybe want to accompany me? I need an excuse to ditch these three.” He winked at her as he finished his sentence. Ugh, he was dreamy. 
Y/N only managed to nod her head a few times to convey the fact that she would very much so like to go with him. Merlin’s beard, why was she acting so stupid right now. 
“Excellent! I will see you then.” Sirius’ fingers drummed the table as he stood up to walk away. 
With his back to her, Y/N finally let the breath that she was holding escape. Her friends were all turning to her, asking about what just happened before they realized that Sirius had turned back around. 
“Oh, and Y/N. I was enchanted to meet you.” 
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jejublr · 5 years
The Matchmaker | 02
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Character(s): Royal!Seungcheol x Reader
Genre: Romance, Drama
Words: 2K words.
Summary:  In which Seungcheol is a King and you’re the Matchmaker trying to convince him that matchmaking might not be a horrible idea after all. Question is: can you do it without falling in love?
a/n: *in wonwoo’s voice* ur going to fast bb. idk what’s wrong bb. bc i like my fics confusing and disorganized so i’m sorry ur eyes have to look at this mess.
The Matchmaker Masterlist
In the warm fire glow, two men sat across from each other. One is a young man, his sharp features highlighted in a soft glow and the other an old but stately man with a regal bearing. In front of them is a game of chess that was long forgotten. The older man seemed to be lost in his own thoughts while the younger one tried not to fidget from the silence.
Lord Jeonghan didn’t expect the former king, now a Duke, to invite him to a game of chess in the royal library when he requested to meet him in person. It wasn’t like he rarely met him in person. The Diamánti palace is like his second home at this point. He would sometimes cross paths with the Duke and maybe join him for dinner, but when a royal invites you formally, chances are they wanted to discuss something.
But now that the Duke has left him in silence, he doesn’t know what to do.
“Tell me, Lord Jeonghan,” the Duke started, startling him. “What do you think about my son?”
“Your Grace?”
“My son. Seungcheol. You’re his closest confidante. I want to know what you think of him.”
Jeonghan shifted his feet.“Oh, um. As a King—“
The Duke shook his head. “I’m not talking about him as a King. I’m talking about him as a man.”
“Oh.” That’s unexpected, but an easy task. Heknows Seungcheol almost as well as he knows his own sister. “In my opinion, he is honest and put the well-being of others before himself. I think you can see it yourself but he’s also very selfless and caring. He can be stubborn but he means well. I have no doubt that he is a good person, Your Grace.”
The Duke hummed in contemplation, nodding along.
“Stubborn. Yes, yes. As expected from a son of mine but it does...annoy me a lot of times.” The old man grunted, his face twinged with a slight annoyance. “All I ask from him was to find someone to marry! How hard can it be? Doesn’t every person wants to get married at some point of their life?”
‘Ah,’ Jeonghan smiled to himself. ‘So that’s what he wanted to talk about.’ 
“I am tired, Jeonghan. And I am old.” The Duke stood out of his seat with a shaky sigh. With his cane, he staggered towards the window with Jeonghan hovering behind him. “I know I can’t control him when it comes to the matter of love but sometimes I wonder why he’s so stubborn. There are plenty of fine ladies to choose from but why won’t he? I know he is my son but sometimes I wonder what’s going on inside his head!”
“That’ll make the two of us, Your Highness.” Jeonghan chuckled.
Anyone who had lived their whole life around Seungcheol would know how stubborn the man can be. As a Lord and right hand man to the throne, Jeonghan out of everyone would know the King better than anyone. He can’t even lie to himself that Seungcheol sometimes make him feel like he’s much older than he actually is. It wouldn’t be a surprise if his hair is greying soon.
There was a brief silence as the King gazed upon the gardens from the safety of his window, his old eyes faraway. “I suppose you don’t know any alternative methods that he would be interested in? Perhaps my outdated ways had made him reject the idea of courting someone?”
Jeonghan squinted in thought. “Well…”
The Duke perked up at the tiny possibility in his voice and turned to Jeonghan. “Well?”
‘I’m sorry, Cheol.’ The blond apologized internally. It’s not like he has a choice. Partly because he’s cornered by the Duke himself and partly because...well, he agrees with the Duke.
Seungcheol has quite a few reasons why he’s so adamant to marry so soon. His worries are valid, of course, but it has gone past the point of reason. At this point, Seungcheol is basically lost in his own paranoia. Maybe someone professional would be able to find him someone who can pull him out of it.
Not only that, but if Seungcheol doesn’t come up with a possible bride soon, he won’t be able to ascend to the throne and the crown would be passed down to the next-in-line. Which doesn’t seem like a good idea because Lord Dorian is a drunkard and a recluse. 
Jeonghan reached into his trousers and pulled out his phone. 
“If you’d allow me, sir?” he asked and the former king gestured, giving him the permission to do whatever he was going to. The Duke waited patiently as he typed away on the gadget.
It only took him seconds to find the web page that he’s looking for and showed it to the Duke.
He reeled slightly at his proposal. “A professional matchmaking service?”
There was a slight hesitation in his voice but the Lord is desperate. So much so that he would take any means—any means—to find his son someone worthy of a companion.
“Yes, Your Grace,” Jeonghan nodded. “My friend Soonyoung used this very service. He just got married last month.”
The Duke met his gaze. “Tell me more about it.”
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It wasn’t until the night of the coronation that Seungcheol himself found out about his father’s plans.
And he’s not very glad about it.
“But a matchmaker? Father, I don’t think it is a good idea.” Seungcheol had a bad feeling the moment his father pulled him aside into the throne room, away from prying eyes of the banquet.
The former King grunted, almost rolling his eyes at his son’s feeble excuse. Of course his son would think that.
“I know you might be unhappy with the predicament but I’m doing this for your own good.” The Duke grabbed his son by the shoulder, looking into his eyes. “I know you don’t like this and I wish I didn’t have to do this. But neither of us is getting younger. You’re not even trying to look for someone. I’m getting old, son. I’m afraid my years are numbered. I just…”
“Just what, Father?” Seungcheol’s brown eyes searched his and for a very brief moment, they reminded him of his late wife.
Oh, his lovely Haneul. It’s as if he can still see her in his memories. The loveliest, rarest flower of them all. 
He sees her in Seungcheol. Her selflessness. Her kindness. Her smile. Unfortunately, he could also see how disappointing he has been as a father in him, too. The rage in his son’s eyes, the distrust. He couldn’t blame him after the years of emotional neglect.
And now, as he gazed into his son’s eyes, he felt as if he’s betraying her.
His own marriage was based on love. He already loved his wife before he became King and they had gotten married shortly after his own coronation. It felt unfair and unjust to force his son to marry when he has not even found somebody. 
In a way, it felt like betraying his own wife. She would have wanted Seungcheol to marry for love.
The Duke frowned. “Nevermind. You can complain all you want but you know that it must be done. Consider this a favor as you seem to be having troubles finding someone yourself. You should be expecting the matchmaker to arrive in a month or two. Before then, I hope you will be preparing yourself.”
“I—” Seungcheol started but meeting his father’s stern gaze, he visibly deflated. He might be King but his father is his father. “Yes, Father.”
Jeonghan winced when the door opened harshly. Seungcheol walked out very quickly but silently, obviously in anger, and he quickly caught up to him. “What happened?”
“Apparently my father has hired a professional matchmaking service to help me find a potential queen.” He scoffed, fists balled at his side. He kept walking although Jeonghan was sure that he had no particular destination in his mind. He just wanted to get away from his father and there was no way that he’ll return to the ball with his emotions out of place. “I know he’s been pestering me about this for so long but what had gotten into him? This is just so out of the blue!”
Jeonghan didn’t know what to say since well, he was the one who suggested the Duke about the matchmaking. Noticing his best friend’s oddly quiet behavior, Seungcheol cast a sidelong glance at the light-haired Lord.
“Jeonghan, don’t tell me you have something to do with this?”
“Well, I’d never thought he’d take it seriously—“
Seungcheol grinded his teeth. “You traitor.” 
Jeonghan stopped walking, arms spread in exasperation. “I didn’t know what to do! Your father summoned me out of the blue and started asking me questions and—“
Seungcheol raised a finger at him, face scrunched and clearly trying very hard not to let his temper get out of hand. “Jeonghan, just—shut up. You know how I feel about getting married. I’m not ready. How could you betray me like this?”
“I didn’t mean it like that and you know it.” Jeonghan’s face was cool and controlled but his voice pleading.
And Seungcheol understands where he’s coming from, which made him even angrier because he knows that sooner or later, he wouldn’t be able to run away from what’s expected from him anymore.
Finally, the King turned away. “I need some time alone.”
Jeonghan stood for a while longer, but he knows that he should go. Talking to Seungcheol is pointless when he’s so caught up in his emotions. He watched as his best friend walk away.
Seungcheol ended up walking without direction. He’s as aimless as he felt inside, mind still reeling from what just happened. He only realized that he’d walked all the way to the west wing of the palace when he looked up to see a row of portraits of past kings and royalties.
Seungcheol rarely goes to this side of the palace. He always felt a little creeped out by the stern faces of past kings. He felt as if their steely gaze follow him whenever he passes this side of the palace. But that isn’t the only reason why he rarely goes here
His eyes stared up at a large portrait of a beautiful woman in purple.
Another reason why Seungcheol rarely goes to the west wing of the palace is because of her.
Kang Haneul. The late Queen of Cordovia. 
Looking at her portrait is almost like looking at a mirror. People often say he reminds them of her and right now, the thought only made him scoff despite the signs of tears prickling in the back of his eyes.
Why does he think of her the most when he’s hurt?
As a child, Seungcheol has been the closest to his mother. He loved his father but his mother was the one who’s always been there for him. She was the one who knows him best, who understood him the most. 
They’re like the two sides of the same coin. Inseparable. Wherever she went, he followed.
Seungcheol might not be the closest with his father back then but he always remembered him to be a jovial person. He was the most jovial; all of his antics were passed down from his father. But ever since his mother died, his father gone distant. 
All his needs are met, of course. But they rarely talk and when they do, it was kind of awkward. His father doesn’t laugh as often as he used to and even if he does, it doesn’t seem as bright.
It’s like the day his mother died, a part of his father did, too.
So, Seungcheol is afraid.
There’s nothing more he wanted than to become a better King. And maybe, just maybe, a better father.
Being a King is already a lonely feeling. He doesn’t think he can handle heartbreak. He doesn’t want to be like his father. 
It’s during quiet moments like these that Seungcheol felt most like a child, with his mother’s kind smile gazing down on him. So in a soft but broken whisper, Seungcheol rasped out.
 “Mother, what should I do?”
Next - 03. The King
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faunusrights · 5 years
“Tell her I said: fuck you, you miserable, conniving bitch. I don’t answer her summons. I don’t obey her orders. I’m through. I’m through with her, with all of you—”
already??? already??? yes, already. this chapter is called ‘nothing personal’ anmd i think that this is a lie. this is abt to get very personal very quickly.
It had taken two more days for Glynda’s soul to become bearable enough for Cinder to sit next to her on a bus.
out of the funniest lines they could have used to open the chapter up, this is just Peak. there’s so many moving parts to this. glynda’s rank soul. cinder having to be nice for TWO DAYS to make her chill out. the fact they’re taking the most menial form of transport of all time. oh my god they were sat beside each other. this is already so funny.
Gravity Dust glittered like volcanic glass.
👈😎👈 we sure love volcanoes around here huh
The clearing Cinder found was some twenty minutes from where she left Glynda with instructions for something salty for her.
im almost POSITIVE im not supposed to find these lines funny but cinder you are RADIATING salt you are COMPOSED ENTIRELY of salt please. you’ve asked for smthng salty and glynda’s gonna come back announcing she’s foiled all yr plans on accident again.
Mercury had stopped sending messages a month and a half ago. Emerald’s last one was a week old.
im almost definitely mentioned it in a prior liveblog but its worth remembering: cinder’s relationship w/ merc and em rly was the deciding factor in me suddenly loving her as a character and i just. every interaction they have hurts so good. cinders got TWO kids and even if her face says otherwise she loves them very much and that heals me on the inside
“There’s no way anyone knows about this island. We’re the only ones out here. Merc and I have to get his shitty frozen pizzas airshipped in.”
“Still. Be careful.” She paused for a moment. “...Is that all he’s eating?”
“You know he’d die before he ate a vegetable.”
“He will, at this rate.”
I LOVE U MOMMA CINDER AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA this is SO good. this section HEALS ME!!!!!!!! which is good because i have a feeling the rest of this will gore me alive
"I promise. At the end of all of this, I'm coming back and I'm not leaving again. Trust me."
aaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAA god u cant tell thru text alone but this section is K I L L I N G me and H E A L I N G me and also KIL L I
“It doesn’t have anything to do with trust,” Cinder said, miserably. “I need you to be safe.”
The line between us and them had felt so concrete.
god i just. theres so much i still cant say that isnt 👈👈👈😨👈👈👈 but cinder and hati and all this other STUFF happening in the bg is so good and i just love how nuanced this dumbass is. cinder fall, the woman who never wins, and her brief moments of comfort. she is my ANGEEEEEEEEEEL
Now the only thing left was to deliver her to Atlas; if she had to speak with her more to do that, she would.
Not that she wanted to have to admit that to Hati.
cinder:there’s a lot of we and our going on and i’m a little nervous that the more we talk the more thats gonna happen and i gotta say; not a fan.
and [Glynda]’s desperate for—”
A heritage? A purpose? Belonging?
“She’s desperate,” Cinder finished, softly. Then: “She’s coming willingly.”
this might be another 👈😎👈 situation or im just drawing parallels like a three year old with a newfound ruler but HRM. CINDER. HRM.
Rather, her stomach twisted at the implications. Everything was ready. The machine worked. All that was left was to deliver the final piece.
“Okay. Good.” It was good. It was the culmination of years of work.
whats good and fun is watching cinder wrestle w/ her own humanity and its rly good because even as she tries her very best to use ppl to her own ends that pesky lil soft bitch inside makes her second guess everything and its GREAT fun. u can rly see that as soon as she spends longer than an allotted 10 minutes w/ somebody she starts being like ‘hrm. oh no’. oh cinder. u soft bitch. ilu.
The spot beneath his wing, though… Cinder folded into it as though it were meant for her, as though they were meant for each other, bodies fitted so easily. Here, safe, she closed her eyes and dreamed bleakly of the days to come.
i swear to god i cannot wait until [redacted] and [redacted] and [REDACTED] happens cause then i can lose my shit abt this ALL OVER AGAIN but for now. for now. immerse myself in cinder cuddles. im holding back but on the inside im feral
but Cinder was all calm, sliding through the trees like she belonged here. Like it was her domain by birthright.
FERAL.... FERAL!!!!!!!!!!!!
Because they were not friends, Glynda asked, “Where are we going?”
i love that glynda has to preface it like a reminder. because they were not friends. because she cannot trust winter. because she blocked oz’s number lmao. it’s great seeing how much more... clinical, i guess, glynda’s thoughts are, and it’s a great way to show the narratives differences? its GOOD is what im trying 2 say on main,
Instead, she complained, “It’s so difficult to be so wanted.”
firstly: i love cinder “i have a complaint” fall is secondly: i am going to read into this. i am going to read into this and divine a second meaning. i am reading into it.
Cinder emerged from the dark like a leviathan sloughing off a sunless sea. It rippled around her shoulders, swallowed the back of her skull, but the only sharpness to her was her smile. It was the first time Cinder had smiled since returning from her meeting with the Manticore.
oho. ohoohohohoooohohohooOUGHHOHOHO she hot. nasty mean lady big hott.
“You don’t scare me,” Glynda insisted.
“Silly you,” said Cinder. “Come on. I’ll lead.”
hohogughgohohoghgh f flirtign.......................,,,,,,,,,.,.,.,.,.,.,.
a faint light was stirring to life before her—suffusing out along Cinder’s chest and throat, spilling from her heart and out through her skin. In the beginning, it was so faint it seemed to be an illusion; but no, soon enough it was undeniable, and Glynda could even make out the rough shapes of the wall and floor.
YEEEEEEEEES i love. glowy lantern cinder. like theres a lot of fun little canons abt cinder in this fic i adore but the fact that she glows is like fuckin TOP. look at her. lil candle baby. shes like a microwave bean toy. i adore her.
She walked like a queen through her domain, seemingly irrespective of where on Remnant they were; even here, underground, in forgotten left-behind places, Cinder reigned.
god im sorry im too busy being gay to even be paying attention to anything rn i LOVE cinder to DEATH,,,,,,,,,, she knows shes the thing 2 be feared around here and its so good. i cant wait for her to open her big mouth and fuck it up again!!!
“High Leader Khan requires your presence in Mistral, Ms. Fall. She advises that you attend promptly, in order to discuss the missing members of our organization.”
A hum. Cinder said, “I don’t want to.”
GHSDFGSDFGHKJDF cinder you are. smthng else. shes just so LIKE THAT. what a great chapter for cinder this has been im SIPPIN baby
okay im doing a lot of leaping haead here and its not for lack of having anything 2 say in fact its QUITE the opposite because this whole bit is. wow. we got lore??? lore??? abt so many things??? what does any of it mean????? I AM NOT SURE BUT IM LOVIN IT (tm)
“It’s not a Semblance, idiot.” The control in Cinder’s voice was all staccato, pitching cold to inferno in an instant. “It was a gift.
okay bear with me for this JUICY LORE but i am Deeply fascinated by this section. im not gonna. say anything because idk how this is tying up yet (bear with) but HOO. HOOOOOOO. im trying to like keep grabbing sections but this whole part is SO GOOD i am loving-- like-- id have to-- TRUST ME THE OG WASNT AS SPICY AS THIS OKAY
Cinder glowed like the magma heart of a volcano.
im gonna have to reread this bit to get the full effect because the downside of a liveblog like this is having to stop-start but OUGHGHGHGUGHUGH THE LORE,,, THE MASKS,,, THE FANG??? also sienna dont listen 2 her baby i love u too
Cinder looked like a line to be crossed, and even though they weren’t friends—rather the opposite—Glynda found she didn’t want to cross her. Not now, when the emotion was still raw on her face.
oughgh... the vulnerability. cinder... snoft... but also angery 😔
this was SUCH a good chapter im DYING i love cinder in offal hunt to BITS and this arc is already feeding me so much good shit. fuck yea. FUCK YEA. HELL YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA--
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Survey #140
“let’s just kill everyone and let your god sort them out.”
Know any magic tricks?  Not anymore, but I had... three of those kiddy magic kits you could get from Schoolastic lmao. Do you sleep well most nights?  No.  Waking up in the middle of the night is way too common. You can take any illegal drug without any bad consequences, which one?  Assuming "bad consequences" include all possible negative side effects as well as ingesting carcinogens, I guess weed.  Least dangerous and boy would it be nice to be happy and chill as fuck for once. Do you remember the last dream you had about the person you love/like?  Not really... even though she's in most of my dreams now, I can remember that much. Could you ever be friends with somebody who was homophobic? As someone who's bi, no.  Well... I guess it depends on the intensity.  Like my sister doesn't agree with it, but she's not like "omg you're going to Hell, Britt."  I have a friend who's against it as well, yet I love her.  Just part of living in the Bible Belt, I suppose. Honestly, would you rather be complimented on your looks or intelligence?  Um.  That's actually hard for someone who's a self-conscious fuck.  I guess the latter? Do you find it harder to apologize or to accept apologies?  Give them.  I accept them probably too easily. Would you try to frame somebody else if your mom committed a murder? No. Honestly, have you ever danced naked? No. What was the first illegal thing that you did? Did you get caught?  Illegally download music, and no. Who was your first good kiss with?  Jason. Would you kiss this person again?  I would literally rather kiss a venomous snake.  Not that that would be much different. Who was you hottest bf/gf besides the one you have now?  Love truly is blind, because before I dated Jason, didn't think he looked that good.  Dated him, he became the most attractive guy in the world to me.  Now, don't see what I saw then. How often do you drink water?  Eh, I maybe finish a bottle a day. What does your phone case look like?  I don't have one weeps. What do you take the most pictures of?  Nature. What are you always in the mood for?  GO OUT AND PHOTOGRAPH. Would you rather be a surgeon or mortician?  Mortician. Would rather be a musician or a painter?  Musician.  More exciting. Does your brother/sister have black hair?  My brother does. When you were little, did you hate veggies?  I actually loved them. When you text, do you type out the full word, or use abbreviations?  Usually the full word. When you are about to go to bed, do you put on some sort of noise?  No. What do you do when you have nothing TO do?  Sleep or obsessively refresh the same websites wishing I had hobbies. :') Has anyone ever prank called you over and over and OVER?  No. What is your favorite Christmas movie?  Jim Carrey's "How The Grinch Stole Christmas." And what about your favorite Christmas song?  "The Most Wonderful Time of the Year" and "Christmas Chimes" or whatever it's called. What is your ultimate favorite stocking stuffer?  Gimme chocolates boiz. After Halloween, do you sort out all of your candy into little piles?  I did as a kid. Have you ever overdosed on a drug?  Once accidentally and once purposefully. When was the last time you called the police, and what was it for?  I never have. Have you ever kissed a guy you didn’t want to kiss?  I've never kissed a guy back if I didn't want to.  I don't consider you standing like a statue while someone kisses you you doing so in return. Do you own feather earrings?  No. When you listen to music with headphones, do you keep the volume low enough to hear surrounding noise faintly, or do you blast it?  I blast it, whoops. Do your parents have any authority over who you date?  No.  They never have. How many different shades of nail polish do you have?  Zero lul. Are you lucky enough to have an ice maker in your refrigerator door?  No. Have you ever watched an anime series, start to finish?  Four off the top of my head. Who was the last person you messaged on Facebook?  Colleen. Do you prefer waffles or pancakes?  Pancakes. Which word did you say first, mama or dada?  "Dada." How old were you when you learned to walk?  Idk. Where do you see yourself in a year?  Thinking about that makes me nervous.  Idk.  Could go bad or well. What’s the worst thing you’ve ever experienced?  Heartbreak. What’s the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen?  Ummm.  Maybe mountains? Do you have an embarrassing period story?  No, thankfully. What fascinates you more: outer space or the bottom of the ocean?  Space! Did you choose your sexuality?  You don't?????  Choose????????? Look at your nails; Do they need to be cut?  No, because I'm a weird shit that peels them off. What is your state’s minimum wage?  $7.25 ew. Are you listening to any music right now? If so, what are you listening to?  Um "Orgy For One" by Ninja Sex Party look it's catchy and happy okay it puts me in a good mood. Where are you planning to go on your next vacation?  Pf.  I don't know what a vacation is.  My family could rarely afford one.  My next vacation will legit probably be my honeymoon. Is there a person you talk to everyday with?  Mom and Sara. Does one of your parents ever complain to you about the other parent?  Mom????  Did you write this?????? Are you more independent or dependent?  My therapist and I briefly explored the idea of me having dependent personality disorder, so. What’s the worst curse word or saying that you know of? I don't believe in "curse words."  Who decided they were bad??  I believe in derogatory words (racial, sexual), not "curse" ones. What’s the warmest it can get over there? How about the coldest?  Warmest, a bit over 100.  Coldest, very rarely you'll see teen numbers. Is it easy to find a job in your preferred field in your home town? NO.  NO.  JOB DIVERSITY SUCKS DICK HERE. Ladies: Would you ever consider proposing? If not, why not?  If I'm with a woman, yes.  Guy, no.  Don't really have a real reason... What was the last game that you played?  I started playing Devil May Cry 3 because when I was younger I could never beat the final boss, but the cringe was so strong I turned it off lmao. Have you ever made jewelry?  No. Have you ever made a parody version of a popular song?  Omfg my sisters and I had a version of "You and Me" by idr who, maybe Lifehouse. Do you believe that the world will actually end? One day.  We'll fuck up the environment too much or an asteroid fucks us. Do you have a bikini body?  PLEASE. If someone handed you a gun, would you know how to shoot it?  Nope. Is there a song in a different language that you can sing?  A number of Rammstein ones. Do any of your friends have kids?  Only one "real" friend does. Do you like it when someone call you “babe”?  Depends on who you are.  Close friend, sure, s/o that I know means it respectfully, go ahead. What if your boyfriend/ girlfriend went through your phone?  Go ahead but don't judge me for the number of Markiplier wallpapers I have stored oops. Have you ever had an out-of-body experience?  No. How did you celebrate Fourth of July?  Drank a bit and had s'mores with Mom. Have you ever developed a crush on someone the first day you met them?  No. Is there a store you go to so much the employees know your name?  No. What does the last body wash you used smell like?  Cherry blossom. What math subject is your favorite? Fuck if I know. How about science? Genetics. When was the last time you were in denial about something? What about?  Uhhhh.  I'm really not sure. Do you like your hoodies tight, or a lil’ oversized?  Gotta be slightly oversized. Have you ever been sailing?  No. Do long distance relationships work?  Mine and Sara's sure is.  Know others have, too. When were you the saddest in your life?  2016 was from the underworld. Are you one of those people who don’t like children of any kind at all?  For the most part.  The only two kids I'm actually somewhat comfortable with and love are my niece and nephew, and I'm even a bit awkward with them. Are you planning on going anywhere today? Where are you going exactly?  Colleen's house at some point. Do you listen to a wide variety of music?  Not really.
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thataspdfeel · 7 years
I'm curious, what are you most attracted to in your partners? Is it similar traits in all of them or different ones like their sense of humour etc.? Sorry if this is a weird question but you've said before you like when people ask about them so I thought I would.
i was so excited to get this and then forgot to answer it :/ im an idiot
also gonna put this under a cut cause this is gonna be hella long cause im a fucking romantic dork
god though i could wax poetic. they’re all so lovely. like they have traits in common but also are unique. they all have brown eyes but theyre unique. like my husband has these eyes that remind me of warm chocolate. like a chocolate fountain kind of warm chocolate. dark and smooth but reflect the light. my wife’s have tinges of gold in the irises like flecks of gold leaf. and theres a dark ring around the pupil and one around the edge of the iris. theyre fucking magical
my boyfriend’s eyes are almost black and very deep. darker than the night sky and full of warmth and mischief. but its like theyre never ending, like he can see the innermost parts of whoever he’s looking at, like your soul is written on your forehead
lmao i love eyes can you tell
they all have these goddamned sinful eyelashes and my boyfriend’s are the longest. theyre as dark as his eyes and when he’s embarrassed, he gets all shy and they brush against his cheekbones like how dare you sir. how dare you be beautiful even when youre embarrassed. i look like a fucking tomato. rude
my husband’s look gold at the tips with the way the light catches them. like yknow how fake eyelashes have purple or red at the tips? like that except gold. like what??? the fuck??? rude
they all have very soft hair though my boyfriend’s is the longest. i cant wait to get with him irl again cause i wanna braid it. he’s got a bony face and it frames it so well. it’s so dark brown its almost black and it’s fun to see him try to sweep it out of his face cause he refuses to tie it up
my husband has these wild curls. we were looking up how to take care of them and that’s how we found out hes ethnically jewish. (which makes sense considering he’s german) they get so thick and heavy and they’re so soft and lovely to nap in. which i do on a semi regular basis. its so soft and lovely and i love when he grows it out. he just doesn’t look right with shorter hair. and he has this beard that grows funny, makes him look like jedidiah if yknow what i mean. he has such a baby face without it and he loves beard scritches it’s so cute how happy he gets
bluh im bouncing all over the place i just??? love them?????? so??????????? much???????????????? there’s so much to talk about!!!
so i guess i’ll just try and make a list of the things i love about them
cheerful, bubbly, very sunny personality. the human incarnation of a very excited dog (which can be A Lot sometimes)
extremely kind. would give you the shirt off his back. often laments that he stopped carrying cash years ago every time he sees somebody who could use some despite the fact that we’re always broke
a proper southern gentleman??? like im fat so im used to people not holding doors open for me fucking ever and being really goddamned rude in general. he ALWAYS holds doors open for me, opens the car door for me both to get in and out of the car, and gets pouty if i try and carry my own bag. it’s so sweet??? ive literally never had that before and even after three and a half years, it’s still so charming
he will do literally anything the fuck i ask. he’ll say no and im like oh ok and he’ll tease like “finally! i said no! and got away with it!” just to make me giggle and then does it anyway
on this note, he also always cooks as much as absolutely possible. even though his spine gives him problems, he does his best to keep me off my leg
he’s always so concerned about my well being. like if there’s not a disability cart at the front of a store, he makes me sit down while he goes and chases one down. if im stiffer than usual due to a cold front, he’ll remind me to take pain meds every four hours
he’s trying to learn japanese because he knows i dont have anybody to practice with here in the states. just for me and not any other reason
adores animals. even if he finds a dog annoying, he’ll still fawn over it and give it as many pets as it wants and won't ever snap at it even if anybody else would. he’s got these large hands and he’s kind of clumsy but this goes away around animals. he’s just so careful and gentle like i never ever worry
drags me out of my introverted cave because he knows social interaction is also good
has introduced me to some of my favorite books and video games because he’s verious conscious about what somebody likes and works to be like “hey, i think youd like this” and is almost always correct??? amazing
has 0 sense of style but doesnt mind somebody who knows better keeping him from absolute disaster
dude is a damned good cook. ive gained like at least a solid 25 pounds since he moved in and started cooking regularly
SPEAKING OF COOKING, we met on the tail end of my anorexia when i was doing my best to recover and still slipping up. he never made me feel bad about it but always encouraged me to eat. he eats SO much (think shaggy rogers) that i always felt comfortable eating in front of him. he always reminds me to eat and asks if ive eaten that day. honestly, i wouldnt be at this level of recovery if it hadnt been for him
is amazing at caling me down holy fuck
met her first, of the three of them, ironically so ive known her the longest but been with her the shortest. we dated a few months in hs but there was a chick she wanted to date like right there (and i was in japan) so i was like oh go for it. well, they broke up and we got back together and it’s been lovely ever since
she has this snorting laugh that’s adorable to listen to and it makes me feel more comfortable laughing (because i think i sound like a damn goose)
she has a goddamned button nose for chrissakes
and these really wide hips too like i felt bad about my hips years ago cause theyre p wide but shes adorable and has wide hips too. she kinda made me love them (even though hers are better)
she’s genderfluid so i get to be gay all across the gender spectrum (im agender) and she’s so beautiful and handsome and v amazing
we were both homestuck fans at the height of it (like we still are) but her cosplays are just really well done??? shes so talented
i dont know about the rest of her cooking (sadly) due to limited time around each other but i cant fucking wait tbh. her cookies kill me tho i love them
an amazing fashion sense. im a dumpster compared to her
an amazing writer and artist and i die every time she sends me something like my soul fucking ascends
she loved me BEFORE meds which i think is amazing. like what a lovely human being yknow? im a dick without meds and she loved me anyway and i love that about her
she speaks german and she makes it sound beautiful and i cry
her singing voice is so angelic and it kills me when she sings because everybody should hear this lovely person sing
she is hyper empathetic and it makes her so lovely and kind and wonderful. she completely understands how i feel about things and why even when no one else does and is very good at de-escalating me when im upset
we’ve just known each other for something like 7 years now? like i dated her post my abusive ex and she lit up my whole world with happiness at being treated well. then her ex was abusive and just... we get each other? in a way where her husband and my other two partners dont. its a pain the others dont understand so we go to each other during these times of pain in a way we cant with other people. it’s a very special connection
she’s a goddamned goof and i love it
my boyfriend:
motherfucker is so skinny which is the opposite of me and for some reason it works?? idk like it worries me but it’s also unique. love it
we dated almost my whole senior year of hs but he broke up with me because he thought he didnt have the same depth of emotion as i did for him and didnt want to “hold me back” from somebody better. like??? can you imagine?????? how fucking kind
recently started dating again like it took him fourish years for him to realize SHIT I MADE A MISTAKE so he’s a little slow but he’s so very thoughtful
he’s a goof in a different way than the other two. dad jokes. never ending fucking dad jokes. and goddamned puns. he never stops. dont tell him i love them because then he’ll never let me tease him again (i pretend like its The Worst)
so. fucking. dramatic. always flips his hair in the sassiest way possible. its super gay (he’s bi)
he doesnt do a whole lot of romance or saying WHY he feels certain ways. he feels like it cheapens the emotion. but, on the rare occassion he doesnt let this bother him, his poetry he sends me about how he feels makes me fucking cry. it’s so beautiful. i love it
he works watering at a plant nursery and complains about how the bees always use him as a landing strip. it’s adorable
he’s so resourceful?? this is best seen when playing minecraft cause he makes some damn cool structures in some really nice places. i love playing it with him just to see what he builds and how (especially since im a boring, lets make this house a square kinda ho)
he’s so camera shy??? no selfies no skype at all. he’s so bashful and it’s super cute i love it
got me into DnD like yes thank you for this enjoyable nerdery
the sole reason i passed math in hs. like not only is he smart but hes also really good at explaining things to people? definitely a talent for teaching people things
he was my best friend for the longest time like all three of them are my best friend but he was the only one who was my best friend FIRST and then romance blossomed
like im demiromantic so i need a strong connection to fall in love like it was a solid few months of dating my husband before i began to love him. i knew my wife for awhile and got close so same general story. but my boyfriend and i were more friends to lovers and i love that about him
his dad is half italian so he talks with his hands and it’s so overdramatic that he hits people with them on a semi regular basis just gesturing. he once accidentally knocked my glasses all the way across a room cause i had walked behind him and he made a sweeping gesture. hilarious
one time, i had food poisoning and the pain was so bad, i had to crawl under his kitchen table until my mother came to take me to the base clinic. he sat with my head in his lap and brushed my hair out of my face and cooed gently at me to try and soothe me. it was so sweet and ive never forgotten about it
motherfucker, with the help of my sister, dragged me into homestuck
he’s so damn shy about affection that holdling his hand in public makes him blush. it’s even worse if i steal a kiss. fucking adorable
things all three have in common that i love:
good in bed. it sounds silly but this is important to me because while i dont necessarily need sex to form a close relationship to fall in love, it definitely helps
idk how this happened, i really dont, but somehow everything i like lines up nicely with everything they like??? and if im not into something, they can find it with each other and vise versa. lmao wtf how did this happen to line up idk
kind, generous, sweet, and helpful although all three show these qualities in different ways despite having them in common
love me??? like honestly it sounds so silly that id love that they love me but im such a flawed, terrible human being that it leaves me in deep awe that not only does one person love me but three??? how??? amazing people to find something in me to love and to keep on loving despite all my problems. beautiful
creative, smart, and inventive each in their own right. they fucking astound me and take my breath away
beautiful cuddlers (not being sarcastic, promise)
husband is a goddamned heater but boyfriend is a living block of ice. then wife is one of those who’s in between but she steals your heat and then hours later gives it back which is the worse option of the three. like it starts out all nice but then you end up surprised hours later because youre fucking dying of heatstroke
so we have two heatstroke, drowning in sweat options and then losing your limbs. it makes trying to set the thermostat a fucking nightmare
they all love to read and honestly? i couldnt be with anyone who doesnt like a good book
can hold lively, in depth discussions about things
hubby tends to lean more towards “would it be immoral to fuck a succubus” type morality questions and superhero dissection type things
wife is all over the place and can carry on a conversation about goddamned teapots if she so chose. no idea how she does it
boyfriend likes to entertain more morbid thoughts and psychology but also likes to analyze things. like homestuck. we still fucking dissect homestuck
very intelligent. blows my dumb ass out of the water. beautiful
like gaming various amounts and various kinds of games. hubs likes any and all. boyfriend likes dnd, monster hunter, minecraft etc kinds of things, not really one for cards or board games. wife prefers to craft but will occasionally engage in board games or cards, less so in video games but tends to stick to pokemon. it’s nice
they’re all very physically beautiful though in different ways. hubby is barrel chested and german with very strong arms and big hands, a bright and sunny smile. wife is small and round with tiny, artist hands and a sweet, pixie face. boyfriend is thin, long, and gaunt with pale skin and dark hair (kind of like damien from dream daddy tbh)
i could go on but ive been making this post for like well over two hours now and i figured maybe i should stop. it’s long as hell and idk if anybody else would have read this whole thing but basically i fucking adore my partners??? so much??? and there are so many things about them to love???
i just love them so much and could go on and on for hours about why i love each of them and how lovely they are and how they make me feel
ksdjrfgh im so sorry this is so long theres just so much to talk about //sweats
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guessmonsta · 8 years
Can I have a scenario where tendo has an s/o who's friends don't really understand why she likes him and he over hears them asking her why his s/o is even dating him in the first place and she starts to list the multitude of reasons she has for liking Tendo and at the end she's like "and that's why I love him" but this is the first time she's ever admitted it out loud? Idk how it would end but I guess you could end it however you want, my only request is that u make it really fluffy? Thanks ILY!
He knew her friends didn’t like him.
He could see it in their eyes when they first met. Frowns were casted upon their faces and out of the corner of his eye he saw them mouth, ‘why him?’ At the time he just ignored it, he knew the way girls were. His older sister had always complained that guys in her class were good-for-nothing, backstabbing, sonuvabitches who, to quote her directly, “were an abomination to female kind.” Girls were supposed to despise guys at first sight, weren’t they? He was honest they would call him a ‘fuckboy’ or ‘douche bag’ or whatever else behind his back once he walked away. He was sure it was just their natural instinct to protect their friend. He was sure they would get used to him eventually. Although, he soon learned to never trust his instincts.
He should’ve known after four months of them dating, their petty little hate parade on him wasn’t just a feeble attempt to protect their friend. It was elementary school all over again when he heard, ‘monster’ slip past gloss caked lips for the first time. Half of him wanted to die, right then, right there, because the people that meant most to the person that meant most to him, loathed him. He knew he shouldn’t let them bother him, because his girlfriend would always assure them they were just being ‘girls’. Although, after the fifteenth time one of them had passed by him and coughed, ‘freakshow’ under her breath, he knew they weren’t just being girls. They were being bullies, and it seemed like such a childish thing to say. They were tormenting him to break up with her, and god knows what they say to her, but in that moment, Tendou knew somebody was out to get him.
His obsession with finding out the truth came crawling up on him one month later. The mocking never ceased to end, and with all his power did he try to suppress the pettiness they produced. She had started growing a bit more distant, he noticed. Late night conversations were cut short by nine o’clock, greetings in the hallway were becoming shorter and shorter, soon they were just small waves in his general direction before she was pulled away by a menacing hand. He didn’t want their relationship to end, not like this at least. He wished she would just stand up for herself, or something, but she never did. Unless someone did something, anything, their relationship was going to be an endless cycle of ‘dump him’ and ‘stay with me’ until all came down in shambles.
It was the Friday night before mocks week, and Tendou knew he had a million and one things he should be doing. Although, like an idiot, he found himself wandering around campus at eight o’clock at night, doing nothing in particular except letting the steady raindrops fall onto his now matted hair. The entirety of this scenario was miserable, hell, he probably looked like an Andy Biersack stan to anyone who dare caught him wandering around like this. The rain started pouring down harder, claps of thunder and lightning illuminating the sky. His shoes began to get sloshy and drops of rain began to fall into his eyes, and he began to thank whatever god he prayed to for the library just twenty feet away from him. With a slightly awkward jog he darted into the facility, the old woman behind the front desk giving him a curt nod upon his arrival, muttering something about closing in an hour, but he didn’t really care. He didn’t find himself in the library much, not since volleyball practices became more and more extensive. Although, he remembered there was a nice pod up on the second floor, a reading corner, as it was called, with bean bag chairs and fairy lights and he was sure he would destroy the place with his soaking wet being, but nothing was stopping his from going up there anyways. The old lady could kiss his ass if she told him otherwise. Although, all his plans had backfired the moment he stepped foot on the top floor, catching a glimpse of an all too familiar, acrylic nailed hand, and the chime of a giggle he loved so much. His heart was in his throat, then, as he darted behind a bookshelf barrier. Curiously, carefully, he peeked out, only to find his girlfriend, and the entirety of her friend group, huddled around in a circle. He wasn’t sure if it was sweat dripping down his forehead, or rain, but he knew he was nervous, and really had no clue why. He could abolish each and every one of them if he wanted to, in every way, shape and form they were weaker than him, but even then, he was nervous, and he had no idea how to escape his refuge from behind the bookshelf.
Twenty minutes past and he sufficed to sitting down, carefully pulling a book out from the wall up behind him and skimming through its pages. He was in no way interested, just passing the time as the girls conversation droned on, the occasional mentioning of a boys name or a giggle catching his interest, though. Although, it wasn’t until he heard his name being choked out with such malice did he put the book down, all attention gravitating towards the conversation happening behind him. “I still don’t get why you’re with Tendou.” Came the remark, quick and fast and out of nowhere. “If you could have anyone on that team besides Tendou, who would you go for?”There was an elongated pause, the only noise to be heard was the rapid beating of his heart. “I’d still go for Tendou.” His girlfriend sighed. “I’d find a way to get him.”“Really?”“You wouldn’t go for Ushijima-kun?”“What about that Semi guy? I hear his casual attire is atrocious, though.”Comments kept spilling out everywhere, but Tendou couldn’t quite catch them all. He had to suppress a giddy giggle upon the words she had said. He knew it was pathetic of him to get so excited over such a thing, but after a month of doubt, to hear that he was still wanted was just music to his ears. “I really don’t get what you see in him, still.” Came a sigh, and the clatter of something being set down. “What isn’t there to get?”“I mean, doesn’t he just seem… standoffish? You’ve seen him play, we’ve all seen him play, he’s a freak. He doesn’t get along with anyone except Ushijima-Kun, who I’m sure is just tolerating him for his reputation…”The insults just kept pouring on, and on, and on, until Tendou could feel himself on the verge of tears. The last thing he needed on this godforsaken night was his insecurities to be dug up and laid out in front of him after three years of digging a hole and laying them down six feet under. The last thing he needed was for his girlfriend, the one person he trusted above all else, to just sit there and take it, embarrass him while they just kept talking. “Are you done yet?” Came a sudden peep, through the ruckus of calamity. All went quiet and a throat was cleared, and Tendou physically braced himself for what was to come.“What you said isn’t false, Satori is the weirdest guy in the school, or whatever.” She began, and Tendou could feel his heart drop from its former place in his throat. “Although, have you ever stopped to consider maybe that’s why I like him? Maybe I’m sick and tired of the status quo, tired of a photocopied generation with limited options to choose from. He’s different, and I love that, and if that makes him a freak, so be it.” There was another elongated pause, Tendou, his girlfriend, all the girls in the circle, and even the old lady sitting at the front desk downstairs, were dead silent. “I’m done with you guys bashing on my boyfriend like this. Every single time I see him you have to say something. Why do you always have to be so negative? Can your sad little pea brains even articulate that he makes me happy? That ‘freak show’ has been a better friend to me than all of you since the day I met him, and if you’re just going to sit around and disrespect him all the goddamn time, I’m not going to sit here and respect you.” There were whines, protests, feeble attempts at apologising, but Tendou didn’t hear them. There were tears dripping from his eyes and he didn’t even attempt at wiping them away. There was shuffling, the dramatic zipping of a bag, and aggravated footsteps. She barked something at them again, and he wasn’t sure if the pounding he heard was his heart beat or her footsteps getting closer. Suddenly, she stormed through the set of bookshelves he cowered behind, and she didn’t even notice him. She didn’t notice him until he swung out an arm and grabbed her ankle, causing her to jerk backwards and gasp. “Satori?” She whispered, her voice nearly broken. He stood up from him place on the floor and smiled, her worried expression something he didn’t like to see. Her face was red and fuming, eyebrows scrunched up in a concerned manner. “You’ve been crying.” She muttered, her fingers quick to wipe his cheeks. Tendou just kept smiling, his eyes desperate to meet hers. “How long have you been here for?”Without saying anything, he kissed her, his hands desperate in her hair and his mouth, voracious. She let a giggle slip in between them, and boldly shuffled out of the protection of the bookshelves. A chorus of gasps erupted, and Tendou couldn’t help but feel like he was in some cheesy, American high school rom-com. Confidently, he flicked the group of girls off, beginning to kiss his her in a way that was far too lewd to even be considered kissing. He didn’t care, though, because she seemed just as into it, tongue and teeth and all, tugging at his damp hair and lower lip. Suddenly, she broke the kiss, grabbed his hand, and darted towards the exit of the library, laughing the entire way. “I love you, Satori.” She announced, once they were dancing in the open rain. “More than I can articulate out loud.”
He knew her friends didn’t like him, but all that mattered was that she did.
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fuck-customers · 8 years
More museum gift shop shenanigans, this time about my managers because all three of them really irritate me.  It's pretty long so tldr at the bottom.
Where I work, there's the manager (A) and the two assistant managers that cover for her whenever she's not working/on break (I'll refer to them as B and C).
Manager A, I personally don't have any major beef with (I have a feeling she favors me over everyone else for some reason but idk), but she has thrown everyone else under the bus at least once or twice. The only time she ever really got upset with me was whenever I had to help the box office and I was over there for almost two hours (something out of my control) and wasn't back whenever I was expected to be back, but I explained myself and she seemed to get over it pretty quickly.  If anyone else did that I know for a fact she would have chewed them out.  Anyway, this manager has a hard time with confronting people about anything -- be it employees or rowdy customers.  We have a couple employees that take long lunch breaks or hide in the bathrooms all the time and she won't talk to them about it despite the rest of us bringing up to her numerous times.  One coworker (a friend of mine) told me about a time when she had to confront somebody over something small, and she made my friend do it for her. She also sees me as her personal IT person.  I don't dabble in Excel (a spreadsheet program) much, but I guess I understand it better than she does because she will constantly ask me to go help her set up a spreadsheet. Or print a spreadsheet. Or modify a spreadsheet. That and other various computer things she's always coming to me for. Honestly, for a head manager, there could be worse, but there are some aspects of her job she needs to be better about...
Manager B is well past retirement age, but she's still working.  When I started working there she was really nice and I enjoyed closing with her. A warned me about how she'll get into "moods," and when she's in these "moods" she is just unbearable.  I worked there for three weeks before I witnessed B in one of her "moods" -- what she will do is she start running around the store acting paranoid that someone is going to steal something or harm someone. Sometimes she'll demand that I follow specific people around the shop (I never do, unless I personally feel like I need to).  She also freaks out whenever she's trying to clean the store before people come in (which, she has plenty of time to do in the mornings especially if she's the one opening), to the point where one day she sounded like she was out of breath and I had to get her to stop and actually breathe so she wouldn't collapse.  Then the last of her "moods" is when something goes wrong (cash register acts up, we drop a dime and can't find it, customer leaves without an item, and lord forbid our drawer doesn't match our reports at the end of the day when we close -- I'll get to that in a second).  If the cash register messes up, she won't let us use it until she has reset the program fifteen thousand times and counted the money in the drawer to make sure its holding the amount of money the computer says it should be holding.  If its off, she'll start to really freak out, snap at us, ignore customers, and write on pieces of paper about how much money is missing (even if it's just a penny).  Sometimes she'll check stock and if items appear to be missing she will tear up the entire store and backroom to try to find it. Then she'll come to us and accuse a random customer of stealing it (A will act like she'll look into it just to get B to calm down, but instead all A will do is write off the missing item. Nine times out of then our stock counts are off due to miscounting items anyway).  If two gift shop employees want to take lunch together (as in carpool to go get food), she'll get snappy and be all "No! Only one at a time! No more than two can be on lunch at the same time!" (even though during the summer A would let us do that all the time) and there's been a couple of times where she's accused us of trying to skip out on work for the rest of the day. She also does ridiculous things to please customers.  One time she tried to give a man a piece of expensive pottery for free all because a pocket tool he purchased was broken and all he wanted was an exchange.  I have many more stories about her, but to keep this post from getting any longer I'll save those for another day.
Finally, Manager C is -- the best I can describe her -- nothing but salty.  When I started working there, if I didn't do something the way she did it she would go "That's not how you do it!!" and then lecture me on how I'm "supposed" to do it (this includes resetting the cash register for the next purchase, organizing the closing reports, even how we keep our debit and credit receipts in order. Basically a super bossy micro-managing type person).  She also talks about her family and her grandboys -- and that's all she will ever want to talk about.  If you try to share your personal experiences around her she will try to one up you with a similar story or a completely different story.  The only other things she'll talk about are movies that she really liked, an old school television series that she likes, or crazy customers that she's had to deal with in the past. She's also super rude to customers at all times and doesn't say anything polite to them until she hands them a receipt. I can't tell you how many times people have come into our shop looking for info on a specific subject (since apparently they can't be bothered to read while going through the museum) and she'll just talk over them in a "I know more than you" kind of way.  This past Sunday we had a lady crying about something the museum exhibit covered. She tried to talk to C about it and all C said was "There's no use in crying over it. It happened, it's done, we move on." but in a tone of voice that was basically saying "get the fuck out of here." She's also super gossipy, and not in a good way. Some of my coworkers ask for days off to go to public events, and she has accused them of doing outrageous things to be able to have the money to attend said events.  She has a negative thing to say about everyone, regardless on whether or not she knows actual facts (I don't know what she says about me, but I doubt she says much since I don't tell her too much about my personal life). One thing she has in common with the rest of us is that she gets fed up with B, but she's super vocal about it.  B and C do not get along at all, and I'm surprised they still work together.  C always complains whenever she has to work with B, and if they're the only two working one day she'll ask if she can work by herself instead; effectively trying to cut B's hours.  One day I had the pleasure of being the only other employee working with them, and they got into a heated argument in front of customers.  I was lucky our boss was walking through at the time, because I called him over by going "Hey [boss], you might need to separate these two! They're getting rowdy." (I was half pleading, half joking when I said this, but he came over and that got B and C to quiet down and separate).  You would think they've been enemies since birth from the way they act towards each other! You can see why everyone hates having to work on days when they're both scheduled.
Anyway, those are my managers. And like I said about B, I have a great story involving her that I'll submit later (teaser: it involves her trying to get me in deep trouble).
Tl;dr: Just complaining about my managers. A kinda favors me for some reason (probably because I take the time to teach her about computers) but has issues with confronting problem employees/customers. B freaks out a lot and always makes problems seem larger than they actually are. C is salty, rude, and gossipy.  Oh, also B and C are mortal enemies.
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