#bestie i don’t know how to explain to you that we were booked in to see different people. four doctors; a physiotherapist; a pharmacist
fingertipsmp3 · 4 months
If some idiot at the doctor’s gave me a cold right before I’m supposed to start my new job I swear I’m going to launch myself into space
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louloulemons-posts · 10 months
I don't know if your requests are open, if not ignore this! But what about Eddie asking reader out at school, but his friends are laughing not so far away so they think it's a joke. They get really upset cause they liked Eddie and it ends up fluffy at the end!
Different Kind Of Chemistry
Eddie X Fem!Reader
Summary : Eddie asks reader out, but it doesn’t go as he planned.
Word Count : 1k
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Warnings : Not proofread, 3am writing (again - i’m sorry), toothrotting fluff, minor angst, petnames, miscommunication, stupid teenage boys lmao, minor sad reader, cute mom, supportive hellfire besties.
A/N : Guys we hit 400 followers! Thank you all so much for the love and support it means so much to me, I can never thank you enough 🤍
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
You’d always been the quieter type, keeping to a small and close group of friends. You weren’t cruel to others though, always kind. It made you known, but never popular. People liked you it was that simple.
You had your faults, you didn’t actively make friends, they had to come to you. That was your shyness taking over at times. The newest person trying to break through that was Eddie Munson.
Sitting down in your seat, you pull out your textbook and notes. “Hey Sweetheart,” a voice spoke, you looked up to meet a pair of brown eyes. “Hi Eddie, how are you?”
“Great, but how couldn’t I be? I get to sit next to the most beautiful girl for a whole hour!” he grinned, sliding into his own seat next to you. Rolling your eyes you couldn’t speak again as your teacher stood.
“Settle down, we’re doing some recapping on Organic Chemistry today. Chapter 15,” she said to you, turning to the board behind her to write some things.
Flicking open your book and notes, Eddie spoke again, “Hey Sweetheart.” You slid the book in between you, “Need a pen?”
He nodded and took the one from your hand, “You’re really my favourite person ever.”
“Yeah yeah, whatever you say Munson.”
You couldn’t help but feel your cheeks warm.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
Swapping some books between your locker, you shut it behind you and headed out of the school. “Sweetheart!” a voice called from behind you.
Pausing in your place, you turned to find Eddie jogging towards you. “Hey,” he said, once he was in front of you. “Hi, what’s up?” you asked.
“Oh … I um, I wanted to ask you something, if you have a minute?” he spoke. You heard some voices from behind him, his Hellfire friends.
“Yeah go for it,” you smiled, trying to focus on him. You could hear his friends whispering and sniggering from across the hall. “I was just wondering if maybe, and feel free to say no, if maybe you’d want to go on a date some time?”
“Go on Eds!” One of the boys spoke from behind him, making the others cackle. Eddie waved his hand as to shush them, but was unable to hide his own smile.
How could they be so mean? This was something you’d imagine Jason Carver and his friends did, not Eddie.
“Why are you being so cruel?” you asked.
“Sweetheart wha-” you didn’t let him finish. “You think it’s funny? To ask girls out? Embarrass them? I thought we were friends,” you scolded him, eyes watering.
“No, no you’ve got the wrong idea,” he tried to explained, but you were gone. Turning around and pushing through the door. “Shit,” he said to himself.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
“Woah man what happened?” Gareth asked. “I just blew my only chance with her,” Eddie spoke, rubbing his face with his palm.
“What do you mean?” Jeff questioned.
“She thought I was kidding.”
“We didn’t mean to make it come across that way man,” Gareth spoke.
“I know, but she didn’t. God, I messed up.”
Dustin tried to comfort him next, “Don’t worry man, we’ll fix this!”
“Romantic gesture?”
“Oh yeah cause all of us have so much romantic knowledge.”
“Hey me and Mike have girlfriends!”
“She’s not like them,” Eddie wined.
“We’ll fix this man, let’s make plan,” Jeff offered, putting a comforting hand on his shoulder.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
Lay on your bed you sighed for the millionth time in the past minute. How could he be so cruel to you? What was the point of being your friend? Was it a bet?
You sat up, suddenly furious, were you a bet? How much were you worth? $15? $10? $1? You screamed in frustration.
“Honey! There’s someone here for you!”
“Coming!” You sighed, pushing yourself up off the bed and stomping your way out of your room.
“Have fun,” your mom said winking at you, walking past. You scrunched your brows in confusion, who could be here? Pulling the door open you were surprised who was stood there.
“Hi Sweetheart-“ you grabbed his hand and dragged him away from door. Stopping in front of his van, you inhaled deeply, “I pulled you away from the door because I don’t want my mom to see me mad.”
You inhaled again and then snapped, “What are you doing here? Embarrassing me in front of your friends isn’t enough?”
“Hey, first of all I’m sorry okay, but I’d love to explain if you’d let me.”
You hummed, nodding your head stiffly. “These are for you,” he said, handing you a bouquet. “Tulips,” you said softly.
“You said about them being your favourites, since you went to Amsterdam.” It’d been a passing comment, your Chem teacher had had a bouquet on her desk.
“You remembered?”
“I remember a lot of things you say. Anyways, I’m really sorry about my friends they were just teasing me. They didn’t mean to embarrass you.”
“They know how much I like you and have not let me live down how much I’ve been pining over you.”
“I see.”
“Yeah, they walk me to Chem when they can, just so they can tease me from the door.”
“Oh,” you said gently.
“I’m really sorry we embarrassed you, we’re idiots. But I really hope I haven’t messed up completely, Sweetheart would you maybe considering going out on a date with me?”
“I’d love to.”
“I get if you don’t want to- What?”
“I’d really love to go on a date with you Eddie.”
He couldn’t contain his grin, which you matched. “Cool,” he said.
“Well um … I’ll call you about it.”
“Great,” you said, standing on your tiptoes, pressing your lips to his cheek.
“Goodnight Eddie.”
“N-night Sweetheart.” You walked up your path and to the door, turning round you waved to him. He raised his own hand, seeming a bit stunned.
“So, he’s cute,” your mom said.
“Mom! Were you snooping?”
“Me? No! Pretty flowers honey,” she kissed your forehead and walked away smiling.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
A/N : Thank you for requesting! I hope you enjoyed it 🤍
Also I had another request and have had to leave it, I don’t really feel qualified to write about topics (eg SA) as I don’t feel like I have enough understanding and experience with it to write about it in a sensitive and proper way.
Thank you so much for reading! Please leave any requests 🤍
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papercorgiworld · 1 month
With you
About Mattheo, Enzo and Theo
You are depressed and struggling to talk about it, but your boyfriend notices something isn’t right and offers you comfort. 
Struggles take many forms and I've had my share, but I've never been depressed. So I hope I did this right and with respect to those who’re going through or went through that struggle. However, as a writer I want to bring words to all things scary and difficult so we might find comfort. So I hope our sweet Slytherins bring you exactly that: comfort. 💛 Sending you all a lot of love!
Warning: depressed reader, but hopeful/sweet ending
– The request –
Hi bestie, im kinda in a v angsty mood and I was wondering if I could request something for Mattheo, Enzo, and Theo (my favorite boys 🥰) having a significant other who has depression and how they’d react and be there for them please?
Also, please make sure you’re taking care of yourself and drinking enough water 💞
– The writing –
Mattheo: I’ll sit with you.
Mattheo stared at you as you flipped through the pages of your book, not managing to focus on reading it, but not putting it away either. He had noticed something, but he had no clue what it was. Lately you just seemed so absent? You smiled and laughed like normal, but it faded so quickly and it saddened Mattheo. “Can I ask you something?” His soft voice makes you look with intrigued eyes. “When Pansy asked how you were earlier and you smiled and said ‘yeah, fine’ were you? Are you… alright?” His question for an honest and real answer catches you off guard and forces you to think about something you had been wondering about yourself. 
“I don’t know.” You pause and there’s a heavy silence. “I don’t feel alright... Like, I’m sad, but not like sad sad more like I’m a dim light that can’t shine.” You explain. You’re surprised you finally manage to put words to the struggle that had slowly taken over your every day.
Mattheo moves closer to you, seeing your pain and wanting to fix it. "We'll find a way to fix it." Suddenly, finally the sobs fall. "Am I broken?" You ask in response to his words. A hurt look shoots through his face. "NO! You're not broken. That's not what I meant." Your tears keep on falling and the agonising sadness you've felt fills the room. Mattheo's heart squeezes in pain, he can almost physically feel your emotional pain. "You're not broken... far from it... and maybe that's the problem." You look up at Mattheo, eyes blurry with tears. "Let yourself fall apart for once. Break just for a moment, let everyone take care of you instead of you taking care of everyone else." Your chest heaves as your tears fall uncontrollably. "I can't break. I can't feel it all. It's too much. It numbs me." Mattheo wraps his arms around you and you curl up into a ball. “I love you.” He whispers as tears continue to roll down your cheeks. 
“I can’t do this anymore. I feel like there’s no light, no air or no life in me.” You manage to confess and he just squeezes you. His eyes get watery as he feels so pained, hearing you say those words breaks him as much as it relieves him to know that at least you’re not hiding it anymore. “It’s like no matter how hard I try I can’t be happy anymore.” You sob and move away from your boyfriend to dry your tears with your sleeve. Mattheo watches you for a second, giving you some space and keeping himself from holding you until all is fine again, until all pain is gone. He knows very well that he can’t magically cure the hurt you feel, he can’t save you or even know what you’re going through. He struggles to find the right words to comfort you. 
“I’m sorry.” You whisper, hating the weight you put on him, feeling like instead of feeling down you’re now also spreading misery, but over Mattheo’s dead body that he’ll let you believe that. He cups your cheeks and brings his face close to yours. “Whatever you’re feeling or not feeling, fear, pain, nothing… talk to me or just come to me and sit with me. Just promise me that whatever struggle you’re going through you’ll fight and search for life in all its bright colours. And that when you need someone you’ll come to me, you’ll yell at me until I see you because I’ll do anything for you! Promise?” You nod gently and Mattheo smiles so brightly that his happiness touches you and makes you sob again. 
“Love, is there anything I can do for you in this moment?” You meet your boyfriend’s eyes and let yourself drown in them for a few seconds. “Sit with me?” You whisper. “I’ll sit with you.” He simply and calmly states, like your request wasn’t that weird at all. He gives you a sweet kiss on your forehead and you both sit in silence, in peace and comfort.
Enzo: I’ll walk with you
Enzo is the light, not just in your life but in every room he enters. Recently you felt like you were bringing him down with your silence, absence and general sadness. You felt like you couldn’t keep up with his energised spirit and therefore weren’t worthy of being around him… or anyone for that matter. So you sought solitude, at least then you didn’t have to deal with the suffocating guilt of ruining everyone else’s joy. However, what you didn’t see was that everytime you excused yourself and left, your boyfriend lost the only light in the room that mattered to him. He had noticed something was going on with you but trusted you would talk when ready. 
After weeks of watching you exclude yourself from every occasion, he felt like you were slipping away from him and it terrified him. Not feeling sophisticated enough to come up with the right words Enzo trusted his instincts and did what he did best, show you an abundance of love. 
When he noticed you had a slow and silent morning. He had your favourite drink in your comfort mug ready for you at breakfast. That half sad, half sleepy smile was worth it.
When you forced a smile and it looked like you were carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders he would bring your favourite snacks by your room. 
When he saw your eyes get teary as you watched the stars he offered you a piece of chocolate.
It was like he was always stocked up with anything that could cheer you up.
You, Pansy and Enzo were walking through the hallways bantering. You laughed at her sassy comments and added some witty remarks, earning a wicked smile from your boyfriend. I love her sooo much! When Pansy announces that she’s got places to be and people to bother, Enzo sees you relax and as soon as Pansy leaves your face falls. You look less happy, but you also look more real to Enzo. That’s when it hit him. Now that Pansy is gone you're not pretending anymore. You are always so brave, being the joyful one for everyone else. What’s going on in that overcomplicated brain of yours? 
A soft sigh escapes your lips, but you immediately cover it up with a smile, but Enzo sees right through it. He opens his bag and searches for something and you narrow your eyes as he makes some goofy sounds. “Almost.” He says, his tongue sticking out a little as his arm fully disappears in his bag. “Got it!” He suddenly pulls out a small plastic bag with sweets and raises his eyebrows giving you a smirky half smile. “For my sweet lady.” He says opening it and offering it to you. You shake your head and chuckle softly, while letting your eyes roll over all the different candies in the bag. “Hey Enz, why do you always have snacks or sweets or random delicious things with you? You’re turning into that trolly lady on the Hogwarts express.” Enzo laughs at that and you reach for a particular coloury one, but then Enzo falls silent for a second. “You want to know the truth?” You frown and nod, surprised that there’s some serious reason behind the seemingly innocent tasty foods. 
“It’s my stupid attempt to make you happy, because I know you’re not… happy.” You’re terrified at what he just said, revealed, about you. I’m not happy…. You knew it was true but it still hurt to hear your boyfriend say it out loud. Your eyes get teary and part of you just wants to run away. “I don’t know what you’re feeling and you don’t have to explain it to me. Just let me try and make you happy or at least make your day a little less sad.” Enzo offers you the candies again, but this time your heart sinks and your stomach turns. “Is there anything I can do?” Enzo whispers and you just shake your head no. “Please?” Enzo begs just above a whisper. You stare in front of you for a moment. “Will you just walk with me?” You finally say and you lazily move your arm in the direction of your common room. A soft chuckle leaves Enzo’s lips and he slings an arm around you. “I’ll walk with you.” You walk together and in silence and that silent walk gives you hope for happiness. 
Theo: I’ll go with you
Your grades had slipped up, but what your professors were mostly worried about was your lack of effort. So it was Dumbledore himself that had ordered you to go talk to a professional. The idea had been bothering you for days as the appointment approached. You were nervously fidgeting with your fingers and Pansy slapped her book on the table in front of you. “Just don’t go. What are they gonna do about it? Your grades don’t have to be perfect and talking to someone sure isn’t going to get you studying again. They should just make these subjects less boring.” Your boyfriend snorted and smiled reassuringly at you. Yeah, how was talking gonna help? You laugh with Pansy and shake off your worries like you always do when you’re with other people. 
However, the day of the appointment you were lost. You didn’t want to go. You didn’t want to talk. Just thinking about what you would say almost made you cry, break down, throw up… you weren’t ready for this, but you were also in need of someone who could reassure you and help you, give you hope that this agonising feeling wouldn’t last. You didn’t know what to do but you also knew that you weren’t in a good place and needed to do something. Theo had just finished quidditch practice and decided to check up on you instead of hang with his friends. He really didn’t put any thought into it, but when he swung open your door and found your crying and pacing around he was grateful that he had decided to come see you. “What-?” He takes a step towards you and he looks so concerned that you instantly wipe away your tears. “I’m fine. Just stressed.” Your shaky body betrays you and Theodore calmly watches you, not saying a thing, just waiting for you to say something. 
You don’t say anything and feel a sudden fatigue fall over you, so you sit down on your bed. Theodore follows you and gently sits down next to you. When he tries to wrap an arm around you you move away to lay down on your bed. “Is it me?” He asks and you shake no, but don’t meet his gaze. “Is it someone I can punch?” Is his next question and normally this would earn at least a faint smile, but nothing. “Is it-” You can’t bear it anymore, his painfully worried voice hurts you and you were already hurting enough. “No. No. It’s no one. It’s nothing. Everything is fine. The world isn’t falling apart. Okay.” You sound agitated, but Theo isn’t shook by your tone at all. “Sure, looks like my world is falling apart.” He states, staring intently at you. Finally you meet his eyes. “I think I should talk to someone.” You whisper utterly terrified of your own words and of your boyfriend's reaction. “Good thing Dumblredore set up this meeting right?” You offer Theo a weak smile. “I’m afraid to go.” You whisper and Theo thinks over your words, taking them very seriously. “Want me to go with you? I’ll go as far as you need me to go.” You feel fresh air rush through your lungs. With one simple suggestion he had offered you so much, but immediately worries take root in your mind. “You don’t have to. I don’t want to bother you with stuff like this.” Theo lets out a soft laugh and gets up from your bed. “You say that like I have better things to do than be with my girlfriend. Come on, get up. I’ll go with you.” You watch him as you still lay on your bed. “I love you.” You whisper as you summon all your strength and get up. 
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So as you answered how you don’t understand how Mostro Lounge is still working is there any other thing or storyline in twisted wonderland you think which doesn’t make sense? Like logically or in any way?
[Referencing this post!]
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There’s lots of things, but I tend to overlook them to sustain suspension of disbelief (or out of hoping it gets explained better in the manga/light novel adaptation or later in the story) 😂 To name a few (“few”):
Who brought Yuu back to Ramshackle after feral Grim attacked them?? Adeuce seem to think Yuu was sleeping as per usual when Yuu woke up, so it couldn’t have been either of them.
Crowley says Yuu will be able to help the boys get along in the prologue, but then after that we rarely get to see Yuu actually doing this so it feels like a shallow line to shoehorn them into the story. Even though the boys squabble, they are still the ones that push the story along (as both instigators and problems solvers) without Yuu’s presence or help in most instances.
Basically all the lenient consequences for the OB boys’ actions (something the light novel somewhat remedies, as it goes into more detail about how Riddle faces expulsion and faced social repercussions for his behavior).
The same thing about the easy sentences carries over to some events like Endless Halloween Night; how come no one is punished for the danger the students were put in, even if fabricated or done with good intent 🤡
Most of book 2’s plot. Just very poorly done overall.
Yuu’s friendship with Malleus. I get why Malleus would consider Yuu important to him, but I don’t understand why Yuu would reciprocate because in their eyes, they have barely hung out at all with him. Yuu spends much more time with Grim + Adeuce and has a stronger bond with them. By comparison, Malleus is just a quirky acquaintance. The friendship seems like something that’s artificially made not because Yuu actually thinks of Malleus as their bestie but because the players that project onto Yuu have a personal attachment to Malleus. (And there’s nothing wrong with doing that! It’s just that when the relationship depends on the player’s own attachment to strengthen it, then the relationship falls flat if the player themselves doesn’t attach to Malleus in the first place.)
… Why does Malleus need guards if he’a already very powerful on his own?? Is it a formality…? Is it because he’s the only heir to the throne…?
Some Groovy illustrations having no context or making little sense with the vignettes that pair with them.
What was the dirt Azul had on Crowley? Or was that a bluff to catch Jamil’s attention?
What deal did Leona make with Azul (that he sanded the contract for)? What did he offer as collateral??
How did Rollo find and breed crimson flowers when it was believed they were all destroyed??
Any non-human race’s anatomy and physiology (which is a topic I’ve discussed every so often in a number of other posts) 😭 As I science nerd, I must know how they work—
I’m sure there are lots of other things, but these were the most immediate ones that came to me. As you can see, I think a lot about TWST—
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prettyyoungandbored · 4 months
Beautiful - Johnny Knoxville
Pairing: Johnny Knoxville x Fem!Reader (goes by “Babydoll”)
Warnings: Pregnancy, body images issues, poor Y/N is going through it so be patient with her, Whitney’s lowkey a bitch but she means well
Author’s Note: This baby (no pun intended) has been in my drafts for MONTHS!
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“Hey Babydoll, you doing ok in here?”
Johnny sat on the wooden table of his trailer while Y/N was sprawled out on the couch.
Y/N glanced up from her book quickly. “Yup. Just hanging out.”
Four words is a new record, Johnny thought.
He hummed, scratching the back of his neck. The silence was between them was deafening and, honestly, making him sick to his stomach. Sure, they’d shared a comfortable silence before.
But things were different.
“What’re you reading?” he asked, despite being able to see the title.
Y/N shrugged. “Some baby book my cousin recommended to me.”
“Anything interesting?”
He rubbed his hands on his denim pants. “I, uh, I read that one book your mom got you.”
Her face scrunched. “Which book?”
“I think it was the ‘What to Expect’ book.”
She nodded and returned back to her book. “PJ, don’t worry about the baby books, ok? Just, focus on filming.”
He wanted to bang his head against the wall.
Instead, he gave her a small smile, kissed the top of her head, and then walked to set.
“Dude, you good?” Seann asked.
Johnny stopped pacing. “Yeah, I’m just waiting for someone.”
Johnny turned to see Whitney walking toward him. Relief filled him immediately.
He turned to Seann, about to explain who she was, only to see the man staring at her with wonderment.
“Good to see you, dude!” Whitney beamed, giving Johnny a hug. “Sorry I’m a little late. The check in process at the hotel was surprisingly stressful.”
“Thank you so much for coming,” Johnny said. “It really means a lot to-“
“Hi, I’m Seann!”
Seann stuck out his hand, lovesick smile plastered on his face.
Whitney eyed him as she shook his hand. “Whitney.” She turned to Johnny. “Where is she?”
“What brings you here?” Seann cut in, once again.
“My best friend.”
“My wife’s best friend,” Johnny clarified. “She’s in the trailer.”
She nodded and turned to Seann. “Nice to meet you.”
Seann’s eyes stayed on her as she walked away. “She’s fucking gorgeous, man. Is she single?”
Johnny turned to him. “At least let her fix my marriage before you start something.”
Y/N threw her head back on the pillow, rubbing her protruding belly when she heard the door open. She turned her head, expecting Johnny when instead-.
Whitney closed the door behind her. “Hello there, gorgeous!”
Y/N went to swing her legs to get up when Whitney gently placed her hands on her best friend’s legs. “Let me.”
Y/N watched as her best friend moved her legs so that her feet were on the floor. Whitney then plopped beside her.
“Ok, there we go,” she sighed. The auburn haired woman beamed once again, throwing an arm around Y/N.
“What are you doing here?” Y/N asked.
“Oh you know, had some time off. Figured I’d see my bestie and my soon to be favorite kid in the whole wide world. Speaking of, how are they?”
Y/N sighed. “Oh, you know. Driving me crazy in there.”
Whitney put her hand on her best friend’s stomach. “They’re already stealing my job.”
“I don’t think they’ll compare to you,” Y/N joked. “How are you doing?”
Whitney waved her hand. “Nothing new to report. Same old stuff.” She motioned to the window. “Lot of excitement going on out there. You having any fun yourself?”
Y/N snorted. “Yeah, me and Willie are getting high, like, all the time.”
“I think it’s nice PJ brought you along,” Whitney remarked. “He’s the only guy I know who actually wants in on the whole pregnancy process.”
Y/N nodded, pulling back her lips and shutting her eyes.
“I’m the worst wife ever!” she wailed.
“No you’re not,” Whitney said.
“No. I am.” She wiped her nose with the palm of her hand. “I came out here…like…oh god I’m embarrassed to even…I can’t.”
Whitney moved in close. “What’s going on, Y/N?”
“I can’t-.”
“Y/N, it’s me. You know whatever you say is safe with me. It’s never stopped you before. Don’t let it stop you now.”
A weight fell off Y/N’s shoulders. “I feel embarrassed that he’s having all the scenes with these really hot women and he’s married to me.”
“What’re you talking about? Who are these hot women?”
“L-like Jessica Simpson,” Y/N said.
Whitney made a face. “You mean the woman who confused tuna with chicken? That Jessica Simpson.”
“Yes, and she plays his cousin in this movie, right? All the guys turn their head when she walks by. And whenever PJ films with her he looks like he’s having the time of his life.”
Y/N shook her head. “The worst part is she’s really nice. All the girls are. The actress he had to make out with in a scene with last week told me I had a really nice glow and I felt bad for being jealous.”
“Oh, honey,” Whitney chuckled.
“No I’m serious! I feel horrible for being upset at him working with hot women while I look like shit!” she sobbed. “I hate that I’m like this and that I feel like I can’t talk about it with him.”
Whitney rubbed her best friend’s shoulder.
“Hey, you’re going through a lot, ok?” Whitney said. “You and your body are adjusting to the fact that right now, you are growing an actual human inside of you. It’s not an easy adjustment and it’s a lot. And you know what? I think pregnancy looks amazing on you. You are the cutest pregnant woman I’ve ever seen and I would think that even if I didn’t know you.” Also, I know it looks like PJ’s having the time of his life, but Y/N, he’s miserable.”
She placed her hands on her jeans. “This was told to me in confidence, but I am telling you because you need to know. Y/N, he’s freaking out because you keep pushing him away. He keeps feeling like he’s failing you and it kills him. I know when you go through shit you don’t want to bother anyone about it. But I also know that PJ worships the ground you walk on. So talk to him.”
Y/N nodded as Whitney tucked her best friend’s hair behind her ear. “What if he gets mad at me?”
“I doubt that, but if it makes you feel better, I will cut off his dick and balls, ok?”
Johnny walked into the trailer to find Y/N and Whitney on the couch. Whitney pat her best friend’s leg.
“I’ll be outside,” she said.
She gave Johnny a warm smile before making her way out.
Y/N exhaled, her breath shaking. Johnny waited on bated breath, terrified at what she was going to say.
“PJ, I’m so sorry,” she said, her voice soft. “I’m sorry I’ve been pushing you away.” She paused, tears pooling in her eyes. “I didn’t want to bother you because I wanted you to have the best time here. I really, truly wanted you to enjoy every moment and not worry about me. But it’s also not fair of me to hide from you when you’ve done nothing wrong. So, here it goes.”
She sniffled and wiped her eyes. “I don’t feel like myself anymore.I feel so aware of everything that’s going on in my body and it’s a lot for me to handle. And then I look at myself in the mirror and I feel worse. You get to spend all your time with these beautiful women on set only to come home to your wife who looks like a beached whale at the moment and doesn’t even have the energy to give you a half-assed blow job.”
She wiped her eyes with her fingers. “Anyway, that’s everything that’s going on with me. I didn’t-.”
She was cut off Johnny grabbing her face and kissing her.
“I want you to listen to me very carefully,” he began, “You’re not just my wife. You’re my everything.” He caressed her protruding belly. “This right here is more important than the movie. I’m not missing out on you carrying our kid. I want in on the whole experience, the good and the bad. That’s why you’re out here with me. I want you here. Without you here, I’d lose my goddamn mind and worry myself sick about you and the baby.”
She sniffled, nodding her head.
“And the women in this thing? They don’t matter. I don’t give ‘em a second thought because they’re not you. They’ll never be you. You are the most beautiful woman in the world to me. I count down the hours til’ I get to come home to you and that smile that makes me weak in my fucking knees.”
She chuckled as he wiped the tears from her eyes.
“I will always tell you how beautiful you are and how important you are to me, but I just need you to talk to me, ok?” he pleaded. “Even if all you want to do is yell, scream, cry - whatever. Just please talk to me.”
“I promise,” she replied. “I love you.”
“I love you too, Babydoll. So, so much.” He held her face in his hands. “I’m off for the rest of the day so why don’t we go back to the hotel and you let me love on you? Show you how much I missed you?”
She chuckled, despite the fact she wanted nothing more than for him to take her right then and there. “I can’t wait.”
“Good. I’m gonna get dressed and then we’ll head out.”
“Ok. I’ll meet you outside.”
She grabbed her purse from the coat rack when she heard, “Wait.”
He grabbed her face and pressed his lips against hers, lingering for a few more seconds.
When he pulled back, he smiled. Y/N shook her head.
“You’re insatiable,” she said.
When she stepped out, she saw Whitney and Seann engaged in a conversation. She put her hands on her hips.
“Seriously, Whit? You just got here!” she called out.
Whitney flashed her the middle finger before returning to her conversation with Seann.
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skellyflowers · 3 months
Beach Day
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Cumulus x reader x Phantom 
It is Thursday and the band has a week off between music festivals so Copia announced to  his ghouls that they were taking a beach trip to unwind. Phantom ran up to me in the chapel cafeteria after he heard the news.
“Papa said we can all bring a friend! So will you go with us? Please?”
He practically begs me. And he gives me his best puppy dog eyes that he can manage with the mask. I can only imagine his face underneath.  If I was alone or in the ghoul’s common areas I would have been hit with full force.
I put my pointer finger to my chin and look like I am really considering his question. My friend Sister Lucy stands next me and lets out a quiet chuckle. Phantom on the other hand is vibrating with anticipation.
“I don’t know Phantom, I might be busy this weekend.” I say sarcastically.
“PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE! ” Phantom shouts, dropping to the ground in front of me and Lucy. Drawing the attention of everyone in the room. Siblings and ghouls alike turned to look at the three of us.
“Ok, ok I’ll go, stop yelling.” I say, face hot with embarrassment because of the attention. Phantom jumps to his feet with a huge smile on his face.
“Yay! Thank you thank you thank you!” Phantom now holding on to my hand and bouncing. At least the others in the room have turned away. “I’ll see you this weekend!” Phantom gives a kiss to my knuckles and runs off.
“I think he is excited.” Says Lucy after the fact.
“Do you really think so?” I ask sarcastically. My cheeks are still warm. 
 We both laugh and head out of the cafeteria after a few minutes. We walk down the hallway until we pass the Library. Lucy stops and I turn to look at her.
“I got to return this book” Lucy says with an annoyed look on her face “Sister Marge has started getting on my case anytime she sees me. I can’t keep dealing with it.”
“Well you better get in there.” I respond “Sister Marge loves her books more than any of us. I’ll see you later Lucy.”
“Good night bestie.” Lucy says and then enters the Library.
I briefly wondered what book she borrowed and long before Sister Marge considered it too long to borrow any of the books. I’ll try to remember the question when I see Lucy again. I probably wouldn’t if I was being honest. Now I need to find something to do until bedtime. I’m not tired yet and I don’t want to go back to the Sister's living quarters just yet. So I keep walking down The Ministry’s halls and I end at the ghoul’s practice room.
I head into the room and look around to see any unmasked ghouls who may be there. I see Swiss and Mountain sitting on one side of the room. Swiss has a guitar in his hands and three young ghouls around him. Mountain has some bongos and two young ghouls watching him carefully.  I didn’t know that they were teaching! That is so cute! I look at the other side of the room and see the ladies, Cumulus and Cirrus. They are sitting at the grand piano talking.
“Hello ladies” I say while walking over to them.
“Hi Sweetie!” Cumulus says happily.
“Good evening.” Cirrus responses, cool as always.
“How are you two? How was practice?” 
“It goes really well when the boys aren’t goofing around.” Cirrus says loudly. I assume she is talking about Swiss.
“It will be nice to have a week off.” Cumulus said, stretching her arms over her head.
“Are you two excited about the beach trip?” I ask. Both ghoulettes turn to look at me surprised.
“How did you know about that? Papa just told us.” Cumulus asked.
“Phantom asked if I would go.” I explain.
“So that’s where he ran off to.” Cirrus says insightfully.
“WHAT?!?!?” Cumulus yelps “I WAS GOING TO ASK YOU!” She crosses her arms and starts to pout. She looks so cute, like a grumpy little cloud.
“What are we yelling about?”
I turn to see the mystery person who has appeared behind me. It’s Aurora. I can't believe I didn’t hear her coming up behind me. She looks at the three of us with curious eyes. Her tail gently waved behind her.
“Our dear sister here can read minds.” Cirrus jokes.
“REALLY! WHAT AM I THINKING RIGHT NOW!” Aurora shouts, putting her fingers to the sides of her head. Her face twisted in concentration.
“She was joking.” I said deadpan.
“Boo that’s boring.” Aurora said clearly disappointed. “But really what did I miss?”
“Phantom invited her to the beach trip.” Cumulus answered, wrapping her hands around my middle and hooking her chin over my shoulder. I try, and fail, to suppress a smile. “I wanted to ask her.” Cumulus pouts again and I feel her tail around my ankle.
“And you said yes sister?” Aurora asked.
“I couldn’t say no when he dropped to the floor and started begging and yelling.”
“Hot.” Swiss yells from the other side of the practice room. I feel my face heat up again.
“And now Lus is pouting because she couldn’t ask her girlfriend first.” Cirrus says connecting all the dots.
“I’m his girlfriend too.” I say, defending Phantom. Cumulus tightens her grip on me a little so reach behind me and try to find her horns so I give them a little scratch. When I found one she started purring.
“Are you two going to invite anyone?” I ask, trying to get the attention off me for a moment.
“I was planning on asking Sunshine.”Cirrus says.
“I want to but I’m not sure the person will say yes to me.” Aurora says looking very unconfident.
“Who were you going to ask? Do I know them?” I asked.
“Well.” Aurora pauses “Yes you do.”
“Who?! Tell me!” Fully giving Aurora my attention. My curiosity overflowing.
“Sister Lucy” She mumbled covering her blushing face after.
“Really! Go ask her. Lucy will totally say yes!” I encourage.
“You think so?” I hear Aurora become a little more confident with her words.
“Of course she will!” My voice is getting more animated. “She is probably still at the Library getting a lecture by Sister Marge.” 
“OK! I’ll go right now!” Aurora says running out of the room.
“So that means our guest list is Sister Lucy, Aether and you.” Cirrus comments.
“What are you doing for the rest of the night Sweetie?” Cumulus asks.
I look around the room to check if there is a clock in the practice room. When I see it the clock reads 10:37 PM. Wow, time really flies.
“I have to go to bed. I’m helping make breakfast tomorrow.” I sigh.
“Can I walk you back to your room?” Cumulus mumbles into my neck.
“Sure. Good night Cirrus.”
“Good night Sister. See you on Saturday.” Cirrus says waving me and Cumulus off.
The walk back to my room was quiet and uneventful. Cumulus put her mask back on and held my hand on the way. Once we made it to my door she lifted it to give me a good night kiss. Then slowly turned to walk back to the ghoul den, I hope she takes it easy on Phantom.
The day of the beach trip finally arrives. I didn’t realize how much I was looking forward to the trip. It would be nice to have a day of leisure. I head down stairs and outside with Lucy. Outside Papa is getting the ghouls ready. I notice that there are two Brothers of Sin helping pack up two large vans. I think their names are Sam and Ivan. I wonder if they are going with us or just helping.
Aurora sees the two of us first and starts waving her arms. Cumulus and Phantom turn to see us walk over to them. Phantom takes our bags and puts them into one of the vans.
“You two ready to go? Papa said we are going to a private beach!” asked Cumulus, giving me a hug.
“I can’t wait!” said Lucy.
Papa did one last head count and we all got into the vans. I was with Lucy, Aurora, Cumulus Phantom, Rain and Ivan. I guess they are going too. The hour and a half long drive was pleasant with very little traffic. And when we get to the private beach we see that there are bungalows like a private resort.
All of the boys get to work unpacking the vans and setting up umbrellas, chairs, blankets and towels. Mountain and Aether also set up two large tents. Me, Lucy and Cumulus claim a large blanket, two umbrellas and three chairs for our area.
“If anyone needs a break we also have the bungalows.” Papa announces.
I take out the dress I was wearing over my black bikini and I feel eyes on me. Unsurprisingly both Phantom and Cumulus are staring holes thru me. I laugh out of embarrassment and Phantom wraps me in a hug from behind and starts to purr in my ear.
“This is nice.” he whispers.
“Thank you”
“I can’t believe you were hiding this from us.” Cumulus purrs in my face.
“Hey! Get a room you pervs!” shouts Aurora. She throws her shirt at us and my ghouls laugh at her. Aurora helps Lucy put sunblock on her back and the two go to the water.
“Let's get you nice and protected” Cumulus says “don’t want to get burnt.”
She and Phantom work together to put sunblock on every piece of visible skin. They were very diligent and even got my ears. After a few minutes of ensuring I was protected from the sun we joined the others in the water.
I stay in the waist deep water and see what the others are doing. Swiss and Aurora are splashing and dunking each other. Dew, Adam and Aether are a ball around. I don’t see Rain but I'm sure he is having a swim under the water. Mountain has dug a hole with Cirrus and Sunshine. I guess they are making a little private pond. Papa sits at the shore under an umbrella watching over all of us.
After floating in the water for a while I make my way back to our spot on the beach Lucy follows after. We both look into the ice chest for snacks and water. 
“So, you and Aurora?”
“Yes! I couldn’t believe she asked me to come with you guys.”
“You two are so cute.”
“Thank you. But I want to take it slow.”
“Don’t be nervous, I did the same.” I reassure her.
Our conversation ends as our ghouls come over to us. They look in the ice chests and join us. As the day passes Mountain starts working on making a fire pit. As the sun goes down the ghouls gather using the fire to cook meat and veggies that were brought in the ice chests. Swiss brings out some marshmallows and chocolate. Phantom burns his marshmallow but still eats it in one bite. Cumulus cooks her marshmallow perfectly and I ask her to cook mine too.
When the night starts to get cold Cumulus, Phantom and I head into one of the bungalows. The inside looks like a one bedroom apartment with a kitchenette and full bathroom. Phantom puts the bags down in the kitchen and I head to the bathroom following Cumulus. I turn on the shower and wait for it to get warm. The shower is big enough for the three of us. It is also a rainfall shower. Nice. Cumulus helps me get undressed and pulls me into the shower. I let out a giggle and Cumulus starts kissing me. 
“You two getting started without me?” Phantom asks, pretending to be upset. 
We pull him between us and start kissing all over his face. After the ghouls started washing me. Phantom puts soap in my body and Cumulus works on shampooing my hair. We all take turns washing each other.  Once we are done Phantom dries both me and Cumulus off then himself.
I am exhausted by the time we make it back to the bedroom. Pulling back the blanket and sheets I get into bed. Phantom gets into bed next to me laying on his back and I cuddled up at his side and put my head on his shoulder. Cumulus lays on his other side and laced our hands over Phantom's tummy. Both ghouls started to purr. I let the vibrations lull me to sleep next to my ghouls.
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redheadspark · 4 months
7. falling asleep on each other for your February Prompts with Oliver
A/N - STELLA! I love this request for Oliver, thanks to this, bestie!
Summary - Oliver reminds you to take a break
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Warnings - Small angst and mostly fluff :)
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“Come on, Oliver.  We need to focus,”
“How can I focus when this is boring?”
“It is, but our marks can’t mirror that,”
Oliver rubbed his temples in exhaustion as you were thumbing another page in the Potions book that you two were sharing.  The Common Room was quiet, with only two other students there while you and Oliver were sitting side by side in the front of the fire on the floor, your backs against the couch, and two butterbeer that were halfway done on the small coffee table to the side.  With a massive exam coming up, thanks to Snape and his thirst to make the student’s life miserable, you wanted to make sure you weren’t going to fail in that course.  All of your other classes were easy, except Potions.  
Luckily, your friend and fellow Gryffindor Oliver Wood was in the same boat as you.  He too was struggling a bit in Potions and needed a study partner.  No matter that he was the Gryffindor Quidditch Captain, he too was under Snape’s watchful eye and critique.  He thought of the bright idea of you two studying together after dinner when you two had an open night.  Outwardly, you were remaining cool and calm when he asked you at lunch in the Great Hall, but inwardly you were giddy and almost too excited.  
Simply because he’s been our crush since you two were first years and got sorted together.
Of course, he didn’t know, barely anyone knew that you had a massive crush on him.  The only person, or people to be specific, were the Weasley Twins.  How they found out about your feelings for Oliver, you had no clue, but you were mortified and pleaded with them not to say a word.  They swore to secrecy, and though they’ve had a streak of playing tricks and pulling legs on their friends in the past, you knew they wouldn’t say a word to you.  You were grateful to them keeping that secret to themselves, and simply being your good friends through and through.
“What are the ingredients again?” Oliver asked groggily as he took a long sip from his butterbeer mug.
“I don’t even remember,” You mumbled, sighing in defeat as you planted your forehead on the book in a huff.  Oliver smiled, thought you were feeling stiffness in your neck and along your backside. Your head was filled to the brim with potion ingredients and portions that you were seeing double, if not triple.  
“Hey, come on.  Ya said yourself we gotta focus,” Oliver said to you as he was sitting next to you as you huffed.
“I’ve read the same sentence now at least 6 times…I wanna either cry or throw this book against the wall or set it on fire.” You mumbled into the book, “Or maybe I’ll cry, that might be better,”
Oliver placed his hands on your arms to get your attention, you felt his calloused fingers and palms through the thin shirt that you were wearing and it made you shiver a bit.  The way his hands were on your arms, being gentle like you were made of glass, it made you feel flushed in your cheeks.  Even when you knew how fierce he was with his hands when he was on his broom playing quidditch, or how he would use his hands widely when talking about Quidditch between classes with his classmates.
“Let’s take a break,” he said softly, giving your arms a very gentle tug to have you sit up and rub your eyes tiredly and with a hint of frustration.
“I don’t need—“ you were about to argue when Oliver shook his head and pointed to the book.
“This can wait, we need to take a breather,” Oliver explained as you were learning back a bit against the couch as he slammed the book closed to toss it out of the way, “The last thing you wanna do is get in over yer head,”
You eyed him, seeing him give you a reassuring grin as he placed his hands in his lap.  The soft glow of the fire on his face made his brown eyes brighten in the cozy common room, it made your heart go a bit faster while Oliver spoke again.
“I get stressed out at Quidditch too,” he admitted to you in a shrug,” But sometimes I needed to take a break and take a deep breath, ya know?  Plus, it’s just Potions we’re dealin’ with here, nothin’ important,” 
You snorted, a small smile on your lips as Oliver cracked a grin and then gestured to the fire, “I think we should get our minds off of Potions for a few minutes and just…talk.”
“Talk?” You asked in an unmasked tone, Oliver nervously laughing.
“Yeah, since I figured askin’ ya to study with me was more of an excuse to spend time with ya,” he admitted, you looking at him with a hint of shock as he bit his lower lip and looked at his hands that were fiddling in his lap, “You’re great friends with Fred and George so I figured I wanted to get to know ya a bit more, ya know?”
You never figured that Oliver would want to spend time with you, you two were simply housemates and classmates at best. He had his own circle that he hung out in and you had yours, in the end, it seemed like your paths would never be intertwined.  But now, seeing next to him in front of a cozy fire and feeling as though you two were the only being in the castle, your heart was shifting.  
“What’s your favorite sweet at Honeydukes?” You asked him suddenly, Oliver pausing for a brief moment from the random question before breaking out into a massive grin.  In that smile along, being shoulder to shoulder with him, Oliver Wood looked beautiful.
“Chocolate Frogs,” he said in a breath, you giggling as he spoke again, "I don’t have a massive card collection like Ron, but I just like eatin’ them.  How about you?”
“Lemon Drops, I prefer the sour over sweet anyways,” You said to him flawlessly.  You both fell into a conversation about everything you wanted to know about one another.  It felt better to talk about your hobbies and how you felt about certain professors, laughing throughout the night and finding the comfort level of each other getting better. It felt like you were gaining a new friend with Oliver, someone to lean on and someone to confide in.  And it was the same for Oliver, finding the small amount of time with you memorable.
Fred Weasley would sneak into the Common Room in the wee hours of the morning to fetch his jumper he left askew on a chair, finding you and Oliver asleep with your head on his shoulder and Oliver’s cheek against your hair.  The fire was long gone now with simply the embers glowing and glittering, but you two were snuggled together and not caring that you were curling up not the couch.  
Fred had to smile, dropping a massive maroon quilt over the pair of you before he snuck back to his dorm to leave you two be.
The End.
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February Prompt Session
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sineala · 1 year
I feel like we should as a fandom explore the concept gifted to us by the recent Secret Invasion mini.
In that Tony has a gaggle of Skrulls acting as his doubles and how that can totes be a “hmm his appearance in this book is ooc, must be a Skrull Buddy that wasn’t very good at being Tony yet” out’
And also that there are new avenues of Identity Porn! Just picture the Tony!Skrull Orientation where they get the rundown on the basics of what is expected of them, and one of the issues he addresses is “yes I am in love with Steve, as you all know thanks to your powers, and I-that is to say WE- will never EVER talk about it. Never confess your-that is to say my- love for Steve Rogers. Ok? Good. Next slide…”
And so imagine Steve confessing his love to a Skrull!Tony. Maybe Shit Has Hit The Fan and all the Skrull Tony’s are out being Iron Man all at once and no one has noticed. And a Skrull Tony near Steve almost died and Steve confesses out of relief “Tony” is ok. And “Tony” can only consult the rule book and the answer is DON’T CONFESS LOVE TO STEVE ROGERS so he doesn’t and kinda rejects him. Things are crazy enough that actual Tony does not know about this ever happening until like weeks later. Tho Tony had noticed Steve&besties acting weird around Tony soooo this explains it
(Also imagine the gossip hitting the superhero community, that Tony Stark rejected Cap’s love confession?? What are you sure?? No way…)
So my question is, did you see me post this on the 616 Discord right before you sent this or is this just both of us coincidentally thinking the same thing?
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I think Steve would probably be extremely upset to find that Skrulls had been pretending to be Tony to him on Tony's orders, but I can see a Skrull accidentally running into Steve, getting hit with a love confession, and then completely panicking, though I feel like at that point the best move would probably be to tell Steve about the secret Skrull hero program, because who can you trust if not Captain America, right?
Then I assume Steve runs off and finds Tony (hopefully the real Tony) and gives him a piece of his mind.
STEVE: So I ran into you just now except you were a Skrull. Who claimed to be working for you. TONY: Oh, yeah. Um. That. STEVE: How could you? TONY: ...easily? Come on, it's not like you're the only Captain America! You get me. Multitasking. STEVE: That's different. TONY: Not really. I just scaled it up. STEVE: How long has this been going on? TONY: Let's go with "an amount of time longer than one day." But look, you've never met a version of me who was a Skrull before today, okay? I don't send them out with the Avengers. That's always been me. STEVE: Tony, I told a Skrull I loved you! TONY: ... TONY: You love me? STEVE: Right now I'm really wondering why, but yes.
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curvylizzie · 2 years
I’m massive
It all started about 7 months ago. It was so sudden too! This 6’7 guy and I hooked up at a party in college, after a hot night of sex with petty much a giant I never saw him again. This asshole…. After a month or so I realized my period was late. It’s never late. I went directly to the nearest pharmacy. I was so nervous that I had to stop for some fast food. What kind? The greasiest, most filling, most oily burgers In town. Either way, I bought a pregnancy test and sure enough.. I was pregnant… me, Tiffany… the 4’9 girl with black hair, always dressed in nice cardigans and tank tops, with jeans and my books in my hands. I was pregnant with the baby of a 6’7 giant dude… who knows what kind of bay he was!! I was so sure I was gonna become huge! This guy was probably some sort of 15lbs mega baby! And now I’m growing his offspring inside me! it was surreal! What was the next thing I did? I ordered a pizza, an Xlarge extra cheese extra peperoni pizza to go for myself. I tend to eat a lot in stressful situations and I knew this was not gonna be easy.
I called my bestie, jessie. For all I knew she was the only person there for me now
“Hey jessie…”
“Hey tiff, what’s up?”
“Can we... meet up at my house? I gotta tell you something.”
“Sure sweetie, Ill be there at 6 after work”
What was I going to do! I drove home and simply sat on the couch while eating my pizza. I kept thinking about this super baby growing inside me… oh fuck what if it was twins!!!! Can I even carry 2 15-pound babies!?
The thoughts kept racing through my head and I just couldn’t stop thinking about it.. I’m 4’9! I’m gonna look huge before my third trimester! What the hell!
As I finished the pizza, the door rang. It was jessie. I got up from my seat, I was stuffed at the time I remember. Every thought in my mind was pointing at the fact that I’m gonna become huge
“tiff what’s wrong? You’re scaring me”
“come on in..”
We both sat on the couch, and I had in my hand the pregnancy test and showed it to her
“omg sweetie! You’re pregnant?!”
“who’s the father?”
“remember Sean? The guy I hooked up last month with?”
“the giant dude? The one that could probably pick you up with his hands?”
“omg…. Well..holy… shit…”
I nodded, she’s right… I don’t even know if I’ll b able to birth them properly! They might have to open me. Although there is something I won’t be able to deny for long. I’m about to get absolutely massive.
I didn’t even know how I was gonna deal with it. And what if they were twins?! What would happen if I was growing this giant’s super babies?! Fuck!! I’m only a short girl!
My fear wasn’t without reason, the next few weeks I noticed my bump growing, and not at a slow rate. After only 3 weeks I was already showing a small bump. When I went for my first ultra sound after only 2 months, I was already having trouble fitting in my clothes. The baby inside me kept me constantly hungry too so eating was a must. I probably kept stuffing myself for those 2 months every day. I know more than half of the weight I put on was not baby weight.
“nnnngh!! Get. Pass. My. Giant. Butt you stupid jeans!!! Nnghphh…” getting my favorites jeans to fit was a constant struggle, my thighs had become huge. A single one was as thick as both my skinny thighs together.
“come onnnnnnn… why won’t this shirt cover me!!!” my belly was getting amazingly big every day. My shirts were barely able to cover me past my belly button and still my underbelly would be in the wide open. I was fast becoming a pregnant cow eating a sandwich while waddling down the street.
My second ultra sound was the big one. It’s where I found out something I was suspecting after a few months.
“good afternoon miss… Wolfson? That’s a peculiar name..”
“it’s a made up name doc… I changed it..”
“oh that explains it.. well how is momma-to-be today?”
“I can see that and I can see you’re only 3 months in? it’s certainly normal to be your size when you have multiples, specially if you’ve been eating”
“wait… multiples?” I didn’t know what he meant by that! How can I carry more than one 15lbs baby?!
“sure! You didn’t think you were only having one did you? Let me get the machine set up” he moved around the bed getting the ultrasound machine and using the probe to rub this gel on my tum. My belly button was already having a hard time being shallow, soon it would pop. But what worried me were my boobs who went from a b cup all the way to a double D after only 4 months. Still my belly was the one thing that was big enough to cover my feet eliminating any hope I would see them again.
As he used the probe moving it around an image started appearing.
“there I see one head…. 2…”
“2?! Doc are you sure?”
“oh yes and.. oh? Look number 3!”
“3?! Doc I can’t ne carrying three babies!”
“no you’re right because I’m seeing baby number 4 right there”
4!!! 4 babies! Four massive babies growing inside my 4’9 body!! How the hell! He must have had some super sperm or something! Because ain’t no way I was carrying 4 over developed babies!
“d-doc… are you sure?”
“yeah and I think that’s it. Well given your condition you’re gonna have to go into a strict diet and make sure your babies are well fed. At the end of the line you might have to adjust your house or apartment If you don’t have a nurse in order to move around. It can certainly be a challenge and you will most likely be bed bound by the end of it. So please do take necessary precautions to prevent anything from happening”
I could not believe it… I was carrying 4… and not from some skinny 5’7 guy, these were from a 6’7 massive dude that I could tell he was some sort of mutant super baby! And I’m carrying 4 of him!
I immediately went to the first fast food place I could find and ordered 5 of the biggest burger meals they had. Why? Because I need to eat!
My belly was already massive I front of me, but as I ate my belly button started to show up, my shirt riding over it and people just staring. I guess it’s not everyday you see a super pregnant girl eat in public like this.
the more the months passed, the more I grew not only my bump but I also started getting fatter. Way fatter than what I should be. My arms started developing fat around them, my thighs and ass grew and grew more but my belly stuck out so far in front of my it rubbed against the steering wheel of my car every time I drove. It was also getting hard getting through door frames. The skinny 4’9 girl soon became a 300lbs brood mother carrying 60lbs of pure babies.
At my 7 month, it was already getting hard enough to walk around at all. My bump towered over me each morning. All I could see was this mountain of flesh on top of me, my boobs almost smothered me in my sleep. I could not see them but I could tell I started leaking a lot. Not only that but getting around my belly to satisfy my needs was getting to be a challenge too. I had to fit a remote-control vibrator to my bed and lay on it if I needed some release.
I went to see jessie on one occasion, she was so In love with this new form of mine every time we saw each other she would rub lotion on me and talk to my babies about anything.
“oh this one time, your mommy was at the gym and she had a treadmill running competition, she ran 25km in less time that it takes you guys to kick~”
“jessie.. please don’t make them kick… they get rowdy when they start.. and it’s uncomfortable”
“I know.. but I love seeing a kick here and there~…”
At that moment one of them kicked at the surface near my belly button where jessie was and her head went for a joy ride
“aaah!~ haiiii baby! It’s me, aunt jessie!!”
“uuugh…. i.. I think I should be going..”
“okay, just take care of the babies please~”
As I got to the door I notice how close I was to the frame, my figure could barely pass through it. It’s… fuck it’s amazing.
I got into my car, sliding the seat as far back as I could and still my belly was touching the steering wheel. Driving like this was pretty uncomfortable but there was a certain kinky element to it. In the last ew months as I kept growing I’ve been getting more and more in love with my own figure. Every bite, every inconvenience like reaching the top counter or squirming in bed to try and get up was such a turn on that I was staring to get horny at the littlest things.
When I got home I looked into my bag and the horror happened
“w-where are my keys?! D-did I leave them at jessie? i… I don’t wanna drive all the way back, she would probably keep me there another hour…”
In a panic I looked around and saw that my window was open, so I jumped (“jumped”) the bush, waddled myself to my window and opened it. I threw in my purse first with my phone in it. Then as quicky as I got the idea I also did the brilliant thing of trying to get through the window. Yeah, massive quad girl with 350lbs of blubber which 75lbs were just baby was trying to get through a window. That would obviously work (sarcasm)
“nnngh.. c-come on!!! Hhhmpppfff!! Nnngh aaaah!! Get through dammit!!” I kept pulling myself through and I probably should not have done it because eventually… I got stuck…
“aaaumpf!!! G-get assed it come one!! Nnnghpppppppffff aaaha!! Nnngh!” my belly was in all display trying to get through. My ass was sticking through my jeans more than any other time and I could tell my neighbours were looking at me.
Suddenly my babies inside me started shifting, as if they knew mommy needed to squeeze through
“aammmmpppff.. mmmmphph t-that’s it babies.. aahaa.. f-fuck stop moving that much!” the moves and kicks did turn me on severely, so much that if someone passed by and saw my ass sticking out, decide to have their way with me? I would probably beg for it.
“nnnnnngh.. o-okay almost there.. mmmmmmpphh… aaha gggggrrrrrnnnnn”
And just like that the movement inside me was enough to get me passed the tight window. When I did get inside I was so damm horny I desperately tried to get my hands down there. The first thing I did was head straight to the fridge, get something to drink like a weight shake and laid on bed right on top of the vibrator. I hoped to fuck it had batteries because I was not getting up anymore… in fact.. I don’t think I would be able to in about a week..
A request I’ve been meaning to write but never found the time for it. Here it is and I hope you all enjoy it
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adrienneleclerc · 1 year
can you write an xavier thorpe x reader who is native and a witch. i never see any native readers on here and im native, black and latina. and although i'm also latina and black i barley see any native and i want my native besties to feel incluced.
Although it definitely would be better for you and your native besties and more accurate for an actual native to write a fanfic like this, I WILL TRY MY BEST!!!! Sorry if it came out too Scooby Doo/Supernatural/Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Spooksville, I hope you like it though.
Paring: Xavier Thorpe x Native!Reader
Summary: There is a new monster in Jericho that has replaced the Hyde.
Warning: Maybe spelling errors. Since I am not native, please correct me on ANYTHING that you find wrong or inaccurate
A/N: the lore of the monster has been taken out of Native American lore and little bit from Supernatural.
Like many witches, Y/N used herbs to make potions and follow spells in her spell book. She was following the steps correctly and was about to say the incantation when Enid comes bursting in her dorm.
“Y/N, Y/N, you would not believe what happened.” Enid said, out of breath.
“What happened? Did the Hyde escape?” Y/N asked.
“No, but now there’s a new monster. People have gone missing, no one knows what it is but these people have started going missing when we were on break. I swear if Jericho starts blaming Nevermore again, I am going to die.” Enid said.
“Okay, relax, does Wednesday know about this monster?” Y/N asked. That’s when Wednesday came in with Enid’s laptop.
“I started looking at Jericho’s news website, trying to find any other missing persons report, so far we are dealing with a Hyde, they haven’t killed. So far, they’re just missing.” Wednesday said.
“If they’re just missing, then how do you know it’s a monster instead of it being normal?” Y/N asked.
“27 people have gone missing, Y/N. 27 people. All 27 of them had families who claimed they were going on hikes or walks in the woods at night, claiming it calms them.” Enid said.
“Who the fuck goes to the woods at night?!? Like common sense people!” Y/N exclaimed.
“It’s Jericho, I don’t think these people have common sense.” Wednesday said and Y/N shrugged, agreeing with her, “I say we head to the woods and see what’s out there.”
“You have learned nothing from the Hyde, have you?” Y/N asked Wednesday.
“Try living with her.” Enid said.
“Well I’m obviously not going alone. I’m not dragging Eugene with me again, you two are my closest friends, if you bring it up again, I’ll deny everything. Y/N, Can you ask Xavier to come with us?” Wednesday asked.
“Sure, hopefully he says yes.” Y/N said.
Now in the art shed.
“Absolutely not!” Xavier shouted.
“Oh come on, Xavi, please come with us.” Y/N said.
“I mean nom there’s no way you’re going on a an adventure with Wednesday Addams, Eugene almost died.” Xavier said.
“But he didn’t! Come on, just come with us.” Y/N begged.
“Alright, fine.” Xavier said and Y/N kissed him thank you.
“Perfect! So here the backstory: people have gone missing, almost 30 people in the last 3 weeks have gone missing in the woods. Granted, they’ve gone at night so that’s their fault, but there’s no way it’s a coincidence.” Y/N explained to Xavier.
“Fine, so are we going tomorrow?” Xavier asked. Then Wednesday and Enid entered the art shed.
“We’re going tonight. We’ll hide in the trees so we could see the creature.” Wednesday said.
“I’ve been working on an invisibility potion, maybe we could use it too, better our chances.” Y/N said.
“Alright, Let’s go, here are some flashlights.’ Wednesday said, taking out four flashlights from her backpack. They decided to walk to the Jericho woods. Then a twig snapped. Enid held onto Xavier’s arm.
“Did you hear that?” Enid asked frightened.
“You stepped on a twig, Cupcake.” Y/N said. They walked further into the woods when there was a loud growl.
“What was that?” Enid asked.
“That’s definitely the monster, quick, drink the potion and climb the trees!” Y/N exclaimed. Each person drank the potion and climbed different trees. When Y/N made it to the top, she saw the monster. It’s bones were showing, the monster looked like an ashy gray color, the footprints it left behind were bloody. “It can’t be.” Y/N whispered and the monster growled again and walked away, everyone got off their tree. “We need to go, now.”
“No way, we need to follow it.” Wednesday said.
“You Don’t know what it is Wednesday!” Y/N shouted.
“Oh, and you do? Enlighten us, Y/N.” Wednesday said,
“It’s a Wendigo, okay? My parents have told me stories about the wendigo back on the reservation, now let’s go before it comes back.” Y/N said,
“What’s so bad about a wendigo?” Xavier asked.
“It’s a cannibal! And if you haven’t noticed, it’s about 13 feet tall! It will kidnap us, take us to its cave, and feed off us, now please, let’s go back to Nevermore.” Y/N said. They walked to Nevermore and stayed in Xavier’s art shed to talk about the wendigo.
“What’s the story behind the Wendigo? When I was searching the book of outcasts, it never mentioned a wendigo.” Wednesday said.
“It’s from Native American folklore, according to the lore, Wendigos should be out in Canada or the Great Lake Region, even Minnesota. I don’t understand how a wendigo can end up in New England, though.” Y/N commented.
“If Wendigos are not supposed to be in Vermont, then how come there’s one here?” Enid asked.
“I Don’t know, maybe this person turned into a Wendigo, I don’t know what else could have happened.” Y/N said, pacing back and forth, she have heard of Wendigos, but she never knew they existed. Doesn’t matter if she was a witch or not, Wendigos are a completely different territory.
“How does someone turn into a Wendigo?” Wednesday asked.
“Okay so back when there were super cold winters and people such as native Americans and settlers were stranded, there was no food, they could build a fire, they couldn’t hunt. They got extremely hungry and resulted to cannibalism. Of course there are myths that say if you eat human meat, it gives you…abilities. Like you’ll be superhuman technically speaking. The only problem is, once they resulted to cannibalism, it’s hard to stop and then the more you eat human flesh, you become something nonhuman, ergo, the Wendigo.” Y/N stated.
“I’m gonna be sick, how can someone result to cannibalism?” Enid asked.
“How should I know. Wednesday, do you think you can use your psychic power to see how this Wendigo came to be?” Y/N asked.
“I’d have to touch something. Xavier, you must have at least a sketch of the Wendigo or where it may be hiding.” Wednesday said.
“I’ve been having dreams about a monster, I just never knew what it meant, never had dreams this intense since the fucking Hyde. Here’s some sketches, look at them and see if you can find anything.” Xavier said. The girls looked at the charcoal sketches and Wednesday could identify a cave.
“This cave, I know where it is. Back when Tyler was helping me, before I knew he was the Hyde, we were in this part of the woods. If the Wendigo is there, my visions could tell.” Wednesday said.
“Great, now Let’s go to our dorms and try to sleep, we’ll have to go tomorrow morning to the cave,” Y/N said.
“Why the morning?” Xavier asked.
“Wendigos only come out at night, obviously. Wednesday touches the cave, she gets a vision, we kill it.” Y/N said, they went to their dorms but Y/N went to spend the night with Xavier.
“I’ve been thinking about the Wendigo, how are we going to kill it?” Xavier asked.
“Well according to the lore, they can be killed by silver.” Y/N said.
“Like werewolves?” Xavier asked.
“Okay technically anything Can kill a werewolf because they’re fucking human, but yeah, silver kills most supernatural creatures.” Y/N said.
“And how do we get our hands on a silver bullet?” Xavier asked.
“They’re Kinda pricey, we also need our hands on a gun and I don’t think anyone will sell us a gun.” Y/N said.
“We’ll figure it out tomorrow. Good night.” Xavier said.
The next day, Wednesday got up early and went with Enid to the woods.
“Why could Y/N and Xavier come with us?” Enid whined as she was treading through the woods.
“Y/N is sleeping in Xavier’s room, I am not interrupting that.” Wednesday said,
“Okay but Y/N actually knows about the Wendigo.” Enid said.
“I researched about the Wendigo as well. She’s right, morning is our best option to find it’s cave. While Things is off doing his five finger discount thing to get us a gun and silver bullets, I’ll do my vision, and we can fill them in when we get back to relax.” Wednesday told Enid. They made it to the cave and Wednesday had her vision. In the vision, it showed how the Wendigo came to be.
A Vermont winter, before the outcast burning. The person was with other people, they were very cold, it was windy and snowing, many people couldn’t take it anymore. Those who passed out from the cold, was sadly victim of the man. He built the fire, roasted them, and ate them. Weeks later, though winter has ended, the man still craved human flesh, he continued to kill and eat more people until meh because the Wendigo. Crackstone blamed Goody Addams for creating the monster when she had nothing to do it. Wednesday came to.
“Well now i know why there’s a Wendigo in Jericho. Let’s go before it notices we’ve been here.” Wednesday said. Enid and Wednesday quickly went back to Nevermore by Uber and came bursting into Xavier’s dorm, startling Xavier and Y/N awake.
“What the fuck?” Xavier asks, rubbing his eyes.
“Thing is getting the gun and the silver bullets, I hade a vision about the Wendigo, this creature is really old, Crackstone old, we need to kill it before other people go missing.” Wednesday said.
“Okay fine. So Wendigos hibernate every few years, it’s still winter so Wendigos are active right now.” Y/N comments, sitting up.
“And since they were hibernating when the Hyde was in town, the Wendigo woke up very hungry.” Xavier commented.
“Hence the 30 missing people. But if it’s winter, does that mean all those people are actually dead?” Enid asks.
“Yeah, they’re dead now.” Wednesday said, “but how do you know it hibernates every few years?” Wednesday asked.
“If they only hibernated for months like bears do, then Sheriff Galpin would have been on high alert, there would be a town curfew, and there would have been missing persons reports every year but the oldest missing persons report I could find online was 2010, saying they have gone to the woods to catch fireflies or some shit like that.” Y/N said.
“So we either kill the Wendigo now or..”Enid started.
“Or let some other group of Nevermore kids kill the Wendigo in 13 years.” Y/N said.
“Better today so the Wendigo doesn’t kidnap other people.” Wednesday said. Right on queue, Thing entered the room with a plastic bag, with a gun and silver bullets. “This is what we’re going to use to kill the Wendigo. I know how to shoot.”
“I could distract the Wendigo if necessary. Especially since you have to be within close range of the Wendigo to shoot it’s heart with a silver bullet.” Y/N said.
“Why do you need to be close?” Enid asked
“The density of silver bullets are not as heavy as a lead bullet, therefore don’t have as much power, closer range means better chances.” Wednesday explained. “And we’ll go tonight.”
“So get up and get dressed, we have to go to class.” Enid said, leaving the dorm with Wednesday. Y/N used magic to out on her uniform.
“I’ll meet you downstairs for breakfast,” Y/N said, kissing Xavier goodbye.
The school day was normal, Y/N was sitting next to Xavier, they were good, when it was lunch time, the four of them sat at a table together to discuss the plan. When the time actually came to execute the plan, everyone was very nervous. Even Wednesday was nervous about what would happen tonight.
“Okay, I have a spell book full of defensive spells, also some healing spells in case anyone is hurt. Hopefully we don’t need those.” Y/N said
“The monster is 13 feet tall, we’re in the trees. Enid can’t wolf out on command which is very disappointing, Xavier has silver tip arrows, Y/N have magic, I have a gun. We go in different trees, Enid can stay with me.” Wednesday said.
They go in trees, a perfect height for Wednesday to shoot it’s heart, they heard the Wendigo roar. The Wendigo was far away from Wednesday tree so she couldn’t shoot it. Y/N had to use magic to try and push the Wendigo closer to Wednesday. When that didn’t work, Xavier used his arrows. So Y/N and Xavier were both attacking the Wendigo until it was close enough for Wednesday to shoot it and the Wendigo fell, causing the trees to shake. They all got down from the tree.
“What do we do with the body?” Xavier asked.
“We burn it. Incendio.” Y/N said and everyone stepped back as the Wendigo was set on fire.
“We’re never going to have a normal school year, are we?” Enid asked.
“We’re outcasts who go to a school for outcasts, school will never be normal.” Y/N said.
“Will people notice if we just leave it burning?” Xavier asked.
“Probably, but who cares, let the police take care of this, let’s go.” Wednesday said and they went back to Nevermore. “Thank you for helping me by the way,”
“Wow, the Wednesday Addams thanking us, I can’t believe it.” Y/N said and Wednesday shoved her. “But no problem.”
“I’m definitely going to have nightmares about the Wendigo, it’s face is so, deformed.” Enid said.
“Welcome to my world,” Xavier said. Enid and Wednesday went ti their dorm while Xavier and Y/N went to the art shed. “How was your your first time fighting a monster?”
“Awful. I like the research portion, hate the fighting.” Y/N said,
“Hopefully this is the last monster we’re facing…until next year anyway.” Xavier said.
“Not funny. But thank you for agreeing to help us.” Y/N said.
“Like I was going to let my girlfriend put herself in danger without me.” Xavier said,
“Anyway, it meant a lot. You gonna sketch the monster again?” Y/N asked.
“I’m thinking about sketching you.” Xavier said.
“Oh, am i your muse?” Y/N asked jokingly.
“You are actually, yeah.” Xavier said, leaning in to kiss Y/N softly but passionately.
“If we keeping going like this, you won’t stop.” Y/N said. Xavier began sketching Y/N and then showed his finished product to Y/N. “Looks beautiful.” Y/N then kissed him, it was nice to have a soft moment like this after risking their lives tonight.
The End
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pedropascal-y · 1 year
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Across The Pond - Joel Miller x f!Reader
summary: you're a visitor from the UK when the outbreak happens. You're also the newest member of Jackson, Wyoming.
Warnings (WHOLE STORY): MDNI, 18+, Smut, incel-type behavior (not from Joel), minor wound discussion, trauma, murder (infected killing), age gap (you're almost thirty and Joel is 50), lmk if I missed any.
a/n: thank you so much to my bestie, @lovers-liability , for helping me with this story! They have given me many ideas and encouraged me to write this! Much love! - Liv
Wordcount: 2.7k
your mp3 playlist: ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
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Chapter 1 - The Walls - 04/14/2023
Chapter 2 - Lovely Meetin Ya - 04/19/2023
Chapter 3 - PTSD - 05/08/2023
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The sun beats down on your neck, surely adding to your already present sunburn. It was simply apart of you now, sunburn forever graced your skin since Summer arrived. It took so long for you and Felix to reach any semblance of normal socialization. According to those within the walls of the QZ’s, they were not normal there. Felix walks ahead of you, silently listening for anyone around you. “Why’s it so bloody hot here?” You groan, not used to the constant sunshine and missing the constant cover of clouds back in the UK. Felix rolls his eyes. He’s certainly used to your complaining by now, seeing as you both have been on the road for some near 20 years. Not that you could keep count, your phone continues to track the day and time when it is charged that is. It hadn’t been charged for a few months, or at least it felt that way. 
“You really need to stop complaining, hun.” Felix scolds you.
“It’s all I’ve got to do.” You say right back to him, scooting your rifle further onto your shoulder, “it’s not like I can read this sodding map,” you continue, looking at the years of arrows and directions written on to it. You had asked Felix to teach you but he never did, he said there was no use in teaching you when you had him. Everything on it was foreign to you, except the small arrows, those were simple enough to know. 
“How your wound?” He asks you, stopping for a moment to check on you. 
You lift your shirt slightly, exposing the infected wound that you sustained in a fight with some raider determined to take everything you had. “It’s bloody painful but I can handle. I just hope we find some medicine soon.” You sigh, exhausted physically and mentally. Although, everyone must be exhausted in every meaning of the word. The world had ended and everyone was on guard, especially around other people. Humans were more brutal than the infected in this fallen society. Your wound was more than proof of that.
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You were 9 years old when the outbreak happened, spent most of the years afterward inside the airport. You had managed to stay alive after everyone else died by locking yourself in a bathroom and stealing food from the plethora of food establishments. After 17 years, thousands of books read, and all the food scavenged from the airport, you decided it was time to leave. The time spent in the airport taught you basic survival skills, quite a few skills with medical care and aniamal care but reading a map of the United States was still a daunting task. 
You try to find your way toward the front door when a sound comes from the starbucks to your left. Freezing, you pull your metal rod from your backpack and head toward the sound. The sound continued as you inched closer, getting louder and more frequent. A man a couple years older than you pops out from behind the coffee bar, “Don’t hurt me!” He yells. You hold your rod in a defensive position and stare at him.
“What are you doing here?” You ask him, ready to attack at any moment. He puts his hands down slowly and dusts them off. He starts, “Well, I was looking for food, there is none in here by the way.” 
“I know.”
“You know?” He asks.
“That Starbucks has been empty for months.”
“How’d you know?” 
“I cleared it out months ago. I’ve slowly been making my way through every shop here.” You explain, lowering your rod. Your arm was tired and he seemed nice enough. Granted you haven’t spoken to another human being since your mom died in your arms. 
“Hold on, how long have you been here?” He asks, hoping over the counter to stand in front of you. You take a step back, clearing more space between the both of you.
“Since the day it happened.” You explain to him. His face drops and so does your defense. 
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“Stop, right now!” A man yells, approaching you two on a horse. Felix raises his rifle and aims it at the man. Another man rides in on a horse at our left, “I recommend you lower your weapon right now.” You step closer to Felix, nervous that this was it, you were outnumbered. Two more men arrive on your unprotected side, surrounding you completely. Felix slowly lowers his gun, making eye contact with what he assumes is the leader.
“We’re friendly,” Felix says, sliding the rifle stap onto his shoulder, “We just need a little help, she’s hurt.” You slap his shoulder, upset that he revealed your vulnerability. 
“Is she bit?” The first man asks Felix, completely ignoring your existence as a sentient being. Felix shakes his head and lifts your shirt to show the wound, “She was stabbed.” You shove your shirt down and Felix’s hand as quick as your hands would allow. The man on the horse nods at his pack and turns around. The horse rider behind you speaks up, “Get walkin, follow Tommy.” You start walking, cautious of the people surrounding you.
“Fel, why would you tell them I’m injured?” You whisper quietly, eyeing the person to your left. Felix looks at you and back at the leader whose name is Tommy, apparently, “You need help, hun, we need to take the chance that they can help.” You roll your eyes and press a couple fingers into the skin around the wound. As much as you hated to admit it, Felix was right, you weren’t going to survive long with the wound growing more infected. You speak up, “I can tend the wound myself, I just need the supplies,” Tommy keeps his eyes ahead, watching his pathway closely. 
After walking for a kilometer or so, Tommy lets out a whistle. “Send out the dog!” He yells. You look up from the ground and there stands massive walls. They look sturdy, strong and able to withstand just about anything. You let out a deep sigh, some relief falling off your shoulders. Loud creaking is heard from the direction of the walls and a dog comes sprinting at you and Felix. You freeze, worried the dog may attack you. That Tommy had led you to your death. The dog stops at Felix’s feet and sniffs him over. Felix waves a hand to you gently, signalling it’s okay. It eases you for a moment. He was always good at that, calming you down when the stress of the situation becomes too much for you. It was a skill he picked up rather quickly after our meeting in the airport. 
The dog stops sniffing Felix and heads over to you. “Lift your shirt.” The man on my left yelled from atop his horse. “Excuse me?” You snapped your head toward him. 
“The dog needs to get a whiff of your scent to make sure you’re not infected.” He says, impatiently gripping at his horse’s reigns. You nod slowly and lift your shirt for a moment, the dog continues to sniff. You knew you weren’t infected but the idea that perhaps the dog could be wrong was paralyzing you. You take a deep breath in as the dog walks away from you and sits at Tommy’s horse’s feet. “Alright, let’s get you folks some medicine,” Tommy begins the walk toward the gate placed between the walls of the commune. 
As the gates closed behind you, a woman came and grabbed the reigns of Tommy and his friend’s horse. “I’m Lucas, nice to meet you.” Tommy’s friend introduces himself, sticking a hand out. You take it, shake it firmly and introduce yourself. “Lovely name, let’s get you over to the medical building.” He smiles and begins walking as Tommy heads away with Felix. Felix looks entirely unsure about splitting up but Tommy assures him there is a strict rule on how many people can be in the medical building at once. 
You follow quietly behind Lucas as he explains the buildings and things you pass on your way there. The closer you were to help, the heavier your body felt. “Lucas, how much farther?” You ask, trying your hardest to keep pushing. He looks back at you, noticing your skin getting paler. He slips his arm under yours and leads you into the medical building. 
“What’s her problem?” A man in a white coat asks Lucas while aiding your climb to the bed. He shrugged, “She has an infected wound and dehydration, I guess?” 
“You guess?” The doctor snarls at him.
“She’s got wicked sunburn all over her body, I felt it reasonable to deduce dehydration.” Lucas explains, holding his hands playfully in a surrender position. The doctor dismisses him and slides an I.V. into your vein. “I’m Dr. Michealson. Are you able to tell me what’s wrong?” The doctor asks as he hooks you up to the I.V.
“Wound, dehydrated and sunburn.” You tell him quietly, enjoying the pillow behind your head. It had been months since you’d actually gotten to lay your head on one and was taking everything in you not to fall asleep. The doctor nods, “Nice accent. Where you from?” You sigh deeply, “The United Kingdom, stranded here while on holiday.” 
“Alright, ma’am, we’re gonna get you some painkillers and then you can get some rest while I clean your wounds and get something for that sunburn.” Dr. Michaelson tells you, searching through his medicine cabinet for the proper equipment.
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“Grounded? Bloody Hell.” Your mother cursed under her breath, staring at the Arrivals/Departures board. People were running around you, on their way to their gates or desperate to reach their loved ones at the baggage claim. “Sweetie, go sit down with your dad please.” She asks you, brushing a piece of hair behind your ear. You turn around and take a seat on the bench next to your father. 
“What’s going on, dad?” You ask him, resting your head on his arm. He sighs and hugs you close, “I’ve no clue, my love.” A scream rings out through the airport causing you to jump from your seat. You look over at where the scream came from and spot a man hunched over a woman, tearing into her throat. Another scream rips through the airport, this time, from you. The mans head snaps up toward you and sprints directly at you. Your father shoves you behind him, protecting you from the man with black veins around his face. Blood. Blood spraying from your fathers neck as he’s slammed to the floor from force of the man. Your mother turns around and brings her hand to her mouth, she yanks your arm away from the man devouring your father. Strangers around your father yank the man off of him, too late. 
Your mother quickly makes a run in the opposite direction, holding your arm as she goes. “Mom!” You yell, “Mom! Slow down!” She shows no signs of letting up, desperate to get away from that mess. “We left dad!” You scream causing her to come to a full stop.
“Sweetie, I’m sorry we left your dad. We had to, that man was dangerous.” She explains gently. “Perhaps we’ll go back once things calm down, honey.” You feel tears prickling your eyes, you had finally processed what you saw. Your father, dead on the airport floor trying to protect you. The airport grow louder, screams and yelling from every direction. Your mother looks around, clearly stressed, trying to find out where to go. She pulls you toward the bathroom, shoving you both inside and locking the door behind you. Some women come out of the bathroom stalls, curious as to why your mother locked them in the bathroom. “What’s happening?” An american woman asks while running her hands under the water. 
“People are killing other people out there.” She holds her hands on the door, pouring her weight into keeping it closed. The women look horrified as the realization settles in. The screaming and yelling finally hitting her ear drums. The american woman whispers, “Do not open that door.”
“I didn’t bloody plan on it!” Your mom curses, throwing her back against it and sitting down. You sit down and finally let go of your suitcase. It had remained glued to your hand since your father had been peacefully sitting on the bench. You slide your backpack off your shoulders and pull out your stuffed animal. You tug your mp3 out of your bag and press play. Nat King Cole’s music fills your ears as you squeeze your eyes shut and try to block out the world falling apart around you.
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Your eyes snap open, unsure of where you are. The room is silent, clean, nothing like a medical office. “ ‘Ello?” You call out while sitting up, wincing at the healing wound. You hear shuffling in the building and the door swings open a moment later. Felix’s face is scrunched up in concern, a man follows in behind him and checks my I.V. port. “Felix, where am I?” You ask him, eyeing the doctor suspiciously. “We’re in our home.” He says low, unsure whether to actually call it that. He definitely didn’t feel like he was home, he was so used to sleeping in the same area as you he felt unsure sleeping in a different room. “Home?” You ask, lifting your shirt to check your wound.
“We dressed your wound, we didn’t want to change your clothes without your consent so we put a bandage on to keep it clean.” The doctor tells you, his name slowly coming back to you. “Want to try walking, miss?” He extends a hand out for you to grab onto. Felix rushes over and replaces the doctors hand with his own. You grab onto his arm, ready to use him to lift yourself. Your stomach aches lightly as you straighten out, “Can I go outside?” You ask, “I want to see the place.”
The doctor looks over at Felix, “If you’re up for it, I wont deny you that.” You smile and head out the bedroom door. The more you walk, the better you feel. No longer needing his arm, you hold onto the stair hand rail and walk down them, anxious to see the sunlight. Felix races down the stairs and swings the front door open. The smell of fresh air hits you making your excitement build. “Blimy!” You yell once your feet touch the grass in your yard. People giggle around you, enjoying your excitement. “Why do you sound like thet?” A young girl asks you, tugging at her moms hand. Her mother sighs and kneels down, “Sweetheart that’s not nice to ask.” 
“It’s quite alright, I’m from the United Kingdom.” You say and kneel down in front of her. She looks at you, more confused than before. It hits you that she was born after the outbreak and you smile and apologize, “Sorry, It’s a place far from here.” Her mother smiles at you, thankful to you for taking the time and being patient with her daughter. 
“Well, I’m Amy!” She stands on her tippy-toes and back down to her heels. You introduce yourself, thickening your accent a bit for the girls enjoyment. That’s when Joel sees you. The new girl, the one who’s not been seen since she was transported to her new home. He had never gotten a good look at you but there you were. Talking gently to a young girl making her smile. He watches as the sun bathes in a golden light, your hair is sweaty and some of it stuck to your forehead and yet he finds you absolutely breath-taking. He sees you talking to Amy and her mother, completely unaware of his staring. You’re far enough away from him for him to not be able to make out your voice but he’s sure it’s beautiful. His eyes scan your body, memorizing every curve and mark visible to his eyes. Drinking you in and enjoying the show, Joel looks over and spots Felix staring at you. Felix’s eyes were full of admiration and love, watching you speak to Amy. Joel felt angry. You were already spoken for, all your beauty was his to enjoy and it wasn’t fair.
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thank you for reading this fic! This is part one of many and I would love if you let me know how you feel about it! Sorry there wasn't much Joel in this part, but as MC eases into their community, you'll see more! Again, thank you Lucy for reading and giving me ideas! Also, no, you and Felix are not dating. Simply survival buddies, friends, amigos, but clealry Felix has more than friend feels ;)
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brwnicons · 2 years
Can you do a ofmd one? Also do you do platonic ones? If so can you do like a modern!reader that goes back in time and somehow appears on stede’s ship? Reader has a father/child relationship with Ed and Stede! If you don’t wanna you don’t have to! And please tag me !
☆ Platonic writing makes me so soft I love it <3 Hope you like it! ☆
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Platonic Ed & Stede x Young!Modern!Reader
Tags: Gn!Reader, Fluff, Platonic relationship, Ed & Stede are together
TW: None that I can recall!
Please tell me if you find any mistake
A cradling feeling startled you and as you opened your eyes you could feel something really odd about your surroundings. You could feel a tight rope attaching your body to a harsh surface by your abdomen, making it unable to move or run away. The hot sun hit your face with fierce and could only furrow your brows and squeez your eyes shut, softly whining little asks about where you were.
"Why, good morning, lad!", a blond man dressed in clothes proper from a British history book looked at you with a smile, "Welcome to The Revenge! I'm the Gentleman Pirate and you're now our dear prisoner. We all hope you enjoy your instance here."
And with the blink of an eye, you ended up became adopted by a couple of gay pirates that were curious about your manners and clothes. Phew, what a life, uh?
▪︎ At first it's difficult for you to adapt to the new era. Stede and Ed only notice that you act a bit odd around everyone but associate it with your lack of interaction with people or some kind of social anxiety.
But the truth is that you have to be careful if you don't want to end up mention something you shouldn't by accident (you once comment that you wished to have your camera with you when watching a sunset with Stede and you almost faint when they asked what you meant by it)
▪︎In the end, Stede gets used to your "unusual speech" and plays along, thinking that it might be because you're young. However, it's better to not try to explain him what poggers or lol means.
▪︎Ed, on the other hand, is entertained by hearing you speak and say your usual, weird expressions. He always breaks into laughter when you call someone a hippie or when you tell him something like "yasss queen slay!" when he shows the new outfit Stede chose for him.
▪︎Ed is highly probable to be calling anyone on the crew bestie. Izzy hates it with all of his soul.
▪︎Of course they spoil you rotten with snacks, clothes, jewelry... If you enjoy reading Stede buys you every book he finds. About books, one of Stede's favourite activities to do with you is to read together in his room, ocasionally commenting something from any book that has surprised either of you. You could be together, reading the same book or reading separately while deep in a comfortable silence. Either way, the love and warm comfort can be felt in the atmosphere.
▪︎Ed will teach you how fight! Though he never lets you try to fight against some real enemy since he is afraid you'll get hurt. However, you can try the art of fuckery with him and mess with your enemies!
▪︎Needless to say that the work of cleaning the deck has /casually/ never reached you
▪︎When you dock to some island or village, they love to wander with you, showing you everything around
▪︎You three end up at some food stand enjoying some cold drinks and a snack of your choice
▪︎About food. If you feel nostalgic because your favourite food hasn't been invented yet, you can try to describe it to your fathers captains and you can be sure they'll try as hard as they can to replicate it. Who knows, maybe you can teach them new recipes! [You'll know whose fault was when archeologists happen to find a hamburger and date it more than 100 years before it should]
- [This last Izzy blurb is free because I may be a person but, before, I'm an Izzy simp]
He doesn't accept your incorporation at first, thinking you are too young to be a pirate and that you would only be a burden. In fact, he is only worried about you. He thinks you're too young to enter the bloody world of piracy and violence.
However, it doesn't take much until you make your way into his heart and win his love. He is the one that insists on you learning swordfighting and how to defend yourself more or less. He may be grumpy, but he won't ever yell at you and he's always for you if you need someone to cry on and ask for advice.
If Ed and Stede even fight and you feel lost he's there to comfort you, assuring you he would speak to Ed about it [as much as he hates their relationship].
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liaromancewriter · 1 year
Day One (6/6)
Series Premise: What happened when Cassie met Sienna? Small moments that defined their friendship.
Book: Open Heart (post series) Characters: Cassie Valentine (F!MC), Sienna Trinh Rating/Category: Teen. Fluff. Words: 1,340
A/N: Submission to @choiceschallenge-may2023 prompt "I dos". I'm also using @choicesflashfics week 35, prompt 3 (in bold).
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It was a beautiful day in July for a wedding. The sun was high in the sky, with a light breeze from the Atlantic Ocean tempering the heat. The scent of gardenias, violets and peonies perfumed the guest bedroom that had been converted into a bridal suite.
Earlier, the room had been full of people — seamstresses, hair and make-up technicians, cousins, mothers, grandmothers and their friends from Edenbrook.
Now, it was just the two of them for the final moments before her best friend walked outside to the gardens facing the sea, where she and Ethan Ramsey would say their vows.
Sienna Trinh slid an antique blue comb into the back of the sophisticated updo that made the most of Cassie Valentine’s spun gold hair and regal neck.
The comb, representing something blue, had belonged to Alan Ramsey’s mother. Cassie had tears when her future father-in-law told her he couldn’t think of anyone more worthy of carrying it into the next generation.
She stepped back to watch Cassie’s reflection in the full-length mirror, meeting her sparkling green eyes in the mirror. Sienna smiled, unable to hide the wonder at how magical her friend appeared in her champagne-colored wedding dress.
The beaded bodice and tulle skirt were reminiscent of Cassie’s love of ballet. Sienna knew the dress had belonged to her grandmother, updated for the occasion by the family seamstress.
“You look like a fairy princess,” she whispered in awe.
Sienna was grateful for these precious few minutes with her bestie and became teary-eyed at how their lives would inexplicably change after this day.
She thought of the job she had applied to in DC and the offer she had already received from Edenbrook. Depending on what happened between her and Max after the festivities this weekend, she had an important decision to make about where she belonged.
But that was for tomorrow. Today was about her best friend marrying her soulmate.
“Thank you,” Cassie said, squeezing Sienna’s hand in gratitude. “Ethan and I are so grateful, especially when we gave you and my mom so little time to plan this wedding properly.”
“Olivia is amazing!” Sienna enthused. “My head is still spinning from how organized she is. I don’t think anything or anyone fazes her.”
“Nothing fazes you either, Sienna,” Cassie grinned. “Remember when you rescued me from Ethan’s wrath that first day of residency?”
“I was shaking in my skids,” Sienna admitted, laughing at the memory. “I still can’t believe he never clued into the fact that Dr. Toussaint asking for him was a ruse.”
Cassie laughed. “Oh, he absolutely knew it was once he connected with Dr. T. But, he just chalked it up to interns being clueless and therefore unworthy of further attention.”
Sienna smiled at how much Dr. Ramsey had changed in the last four years. His bark was still scary, and residents knew not to get on his bad side. But he was utterly in love with her best friend and, outside the hospital, was a different person altogether.
“Anyway, my mom always said she was trained to be the perfect social hostess,” Cassie said, gazing at the mirror and smoothing her skirt. “She taught Max and me her ways, but I think she’s finally found the ideal person to pass on the Valentine social mantel.”
Sienna’s brows furrowed as she puzzled over that remark, missing the secret smile and knowing look in Cassie’s eyes. She wanted to ask her to explain, but a knock on the door interrupted the moment.
“That’ll be Max,” Cassie said. “Will you let him in, please?”
Sienna nodded absently, still bewildered at the hidden meaning. Later she forgot all about it as Max accompanied her down the carpeted aisle.
Before they took their places on either side of the floral arch, the back of his hand brushed against hers, butterfly soft. They shared a furtive smile and then turned to watch as the woman they both loved married her forever love.
Six months later…
It was a beautiful winter day with bright blue skies and puffy white clouds. After last week’s snowstorm, the temperatures were practically balmy for late December. So much so that Olivia Valentine opened up the second-floor patio in her home for Max and Sienna’s impromptu wedding.
Everything had to be perfect, even if they’d given their families five days to make it happen. As far as Cassie was concerned, her besties had taken forever to get together as a couple. So, a rushed wedding was really nature’s way of having them catch up.
She checked the floral arrangements, consulted with the staff about the music, asked them to add one more outdoor heater and taste-tested the canapes.
Cassie thought one couldn’t be too careful and gleefully bit into a tasty puff pastry filled with crab followed by fried mac n’ cheese squares and polished it off with mini eclairs.
Uh-oh, she grimaced before schooling her features.
Cassie spun on her heels to see her mom standing in the kitchen doorway, hands on her hips. The look on her face was one she remembered from their childhood, whenever she and Max got caught with their hands in the cookie jar.
“Stop eating all the canapes and go help Sienna get ready,” Olivia scolded, brows knit in exasperation. “The hair and make-up people are finished, and the seamstress is waiting to make final alterations to the dress.”
Cassie quickly swallowed the rest of the éclair and headed toward the backstairs, stealthily swiping another canape off the tray. She smiled in anticipation of the wedding cake to come.
Despite strawberries not being in season, Cassie had convinced the caterer to bake Sienna’s favorite Strawberry Shortcake Cake, festooned with wedding-themed frosting. What were a few extra thousand dollars to secure her friend’s happiness?
Her grandmother Myra had brought hyacinths from her conservatory at the Newport estate for Sienna’s bouquet. And Sienna’s grandfather had given her his late wife’s gold locket. It was a way to include her in the ceremony.
She needed to check on Max, too but figured he was in good hands with their dad for the time being. Right now, it was all about the bride.
As Cassie walked down the hall toward the guest room doubling as a bridal suite, she thought back to last summer. Sienna had been her maid of honor, and now they had come full circle six months later.
And in a few hours, her best friend would also become her sister.
Cassie knocked on the door, a perfunctory rap, before swinging it open and striding into the room. She stopped as if running into an invisible wall, and stared in wonder at the gorgeous wedding dress hanging perfectly on a white satin clothes hanger on the door of the wardrobe.
It wasn’t elaborate, nor did it have a long train; that wouldn’t suit Sienna’s tiny frame anyway. It was simple yet elegant with a sweetheart neckline and long lace-covered sleeves, as suited the season.
There hadn’t been time to try on dresses and find the perfect one, but Cassie thought they’d come close to perfection. She nodded thanks to the seamstress waiting to make any adjustments once Sienna got dressed and smiled widely at her bestie standing nervously near the window.
“Why are you smiling at me like that?” Sienna asked, fiddling with the collar of her silk robe.
“You’re going to be a beautiful bride, Si,” Cassie said. “Max is damn lucky to have you in his life. I know I am.”
She took the dress off the hanger. “Ready to marry your soulmate?”
Sienna brushed her hand down the soft material, her eyes turning dreamy at the thought of what was to come. She glanced at Cassie and smiled softly.
“I’m ready.”
Cassie crossed the floor and wrapped her arms around the woman who had been her Day One person from the moment they met. They had already been through so much together, but Cassie knew they were only just beginning.
All Fics & Edits: @annfg8 @bluebelle08 @coffeeheartaddict2 @crazy-loca-blog @doriopenheart @genevievemd @headoverheelsforramsey @lucy-268 @jamespotterthefirst @jerzwriter @lady-calypso @mainstreetreader @peonierose @potionsprefect @queencarb @quixoticdreamer16 @rookiemartin @socalwriterbee @takemyopenheart @tessa-liam @trappedinfanfiction
Submissions: @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
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dude1818 · 2 years
Kiriona Gaia Isn’t Gideon Nav
That’s an extreme claim, I know. And we’ve clearly seen a lot in common between the two. However, the differences are stark enough that I don’t believe that it can be explained purely as off-screen character growth over the course of several months.
Let’s review what we’ve seen of Kiriona in Nona the Ninth. She’s extremely possessive of and in love with Harrow still (“Get in line, thou big slut”); she’s besties with Ianthe (friendship bracelets, secret handshake); and she’s deeply loyal to the Emperor, her father (going on secret missions that even the other Lyctor Prince doesn’t know about).
The first one makes sense. When John brought Gideon back and bound her soul to her corpse, it was still her soul, only a little worse for wear for being killed twice already. The only way John seems to be able to create new souls is the old fashioned way (which tbf is how he created Gideon the first time). However, he clearly put his own spin on the body. The titanium bones, unbreakable skin, and leaving the hole through her chest are his mark of Cain upon Kiriona.
Kiriona’s friendship with Ianthe feels like a major stretch for Gideon. We know she can be temporarily swayed with puns (“gall on gall” -> “let’s get married”), but it’s a far cry from merely cooperating with someone you don’t like to becoming best friends with them. While I can see Gideon continuing to work with Ianthe like at the end of Harrow the Ninth for a significant period time, I find it impossible to believe they could actually become friends given how diametrically opposed they are. (I don’t think Ianthe can have friends at all, but this isn’t about her.)
I think the hardest part to swallow is her loyalty to John. Gideon wasn’t loyal to the Ninth House or the Houses as a whole a day in her life; her only loyalty was to Harrow personally, and even that was self-serving. Gideon was definitely a schemer; she wasn’t book smart (although even she picked up enough skeletal knowledge on the Ninth), but she spent a lot of time making intricate plans for escape, and they got pretty good. If Gideon knew that Harrow’s body was walking around on New Rho, it’s reasonable to think that she maneuvered things to get planetside to rescue her.
But she didn’t. Kiriona was a Lyctor Prince for a good deal before the New Rho operation, and I’m not sure how much she knew about Harrow’s body’s presence when the planning for that began. Instead, it turns out the whole thing was actually John’s plan to get Alecto back to the Tomb. The same John who’s only prior interaction with Gideon was ordering the death of her girlfriend necromancer. And even without the personal slight, Gideon hates authority figures. John is Crux turned to 10,000, and Kiriona took great pleasure in finally finishing him off.
Except, she didn’t. And while her response could be read as “revenge is hollow because it doesn’t get you back what you lost,” Kiriona seems to react as though she can tell her empty response doesn’t feel legitimate. This is my central thesis: John fucked with her mind when he rebuilt Gideon. He didn’t want a loose cannon teenage daughter, he needed a new Lyctor who would actually remain loyal after everyone else had turned on him. And so he ensured that Kiriona would be a better soldier than the ones he had just lost.
The biggest piece of evidence is actually the simplest: her name is Kiriona now. One of the major revelations in Nona the Ninth is how he built the crew that would later become the Lyctors post-Resurrection. Those sixteen people who were largely his friends and colleagues before the end of the world were not quite the same people that became the Lyctors and cavaliers afterwards. When he first animated Ulysses and Titania, he gave them new names to signify that they were new people. When he killed his friends and resurrected them, he gave them new names too. Their personalities were generally the same (Alfred was still the peacekeeper; Cristabel was still a martyr; Augustine and Mercymorn were still kismesises), but they explicitly didn’t remember who they were before. The same is true of Kiriona: she still had the same general personality as Gideon, but now her ideals are John’s ideals. She was resurrected with the same loss of agency that the rest of John’s people suffered.
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heartslobbf · 11 months
i watched heartstopper s2 because i was an avid osemanverse enjoyer in my early teen years (back when alice oseman still had anons on rip) and owe some of my aspec self-discovery to their writing. i knew they had written an aroace storyline into this series and wanted to see it because whilst i knew as an aroallo lesbian i wouldn’t totally resonate and might be a bit cheesed off by aspects of it, i enjoy aromantic crumbs, and i enjoy discussing aspec Stuff even more. it was……. an interesting experience? has certainly given me a lot to think about. gushy rant below the cut :)
i will say, i think that the amatonormativity is still strong, and rigid in this show. it’s like, isaac is the exception to the rule and his true love is books, and he gets to yell at his friends for all being so damn couple-y and romance-obsessed but there’s no resolution to that. is that realistic? yeah, sure, allo friends can fucking suck, but heartstopper is the kind of show aiming to do certain things for queer kids where id expect a dialogue about this. you know, charlie & co coming to understand aspec identities and becoming more conscious of how amatonormativity affects them, interrogating it in such a way that these queer couples can also be liberated from its trappings. juicy shit like that. didnt happen tho. isaac gets a book about asexuality (no mention of aromanticism on its cover!!! the word is used by the artist who vaguely explains both terms to isaac, but there is a much greater focus on asexuality, so much so that this morning i saw pink fucking news celebrating isaac’s asexual storyline without a mention of his aromanticism) and that’s it.
a lot of that criticism is arguably coloured by my experience as an aroallo person, because i just want aromanticism to be engaged with as aromanticism. you know aroaces we are besties in arms solidarity and all that, and im so fucking happy you got some great asexual rep that frequently used the word asexual, as well as your flag and iconography. like fuck yeah!!!!!! let’s go!!!!!! however, aromanticism is not a subset of asexuality, is not an ‘extreme form’ of asexuality, does not necessarily have anything to do with asexuality. im sure the aspec folks know this, but allo fuckers dont and that means that this canonically aromantic character who was emotionally affecting to me is one that im gonna be barred from resonating with again and again.
you know, moments of isaac’s story were so profound and moving for me. i cried at the kiss scene in episode 5, it was probably the single most relatable moment of tv (related to my experiences with sexuality) that ive ever seen. its certainly not my favourite tv moment of all time lol, relatability ≠ quality, but when youre part of a marginalised group and experience a lot of loneliness and alienation surrounding your identity it is great to see it reflected. i honestly loved that shit!!!!! ive been there!!!! that’s me!!!!!! the wanting and the not wanting!!! the jealousy and confusion and alienation, the longing to be able to feel what you can’t just so you don’t have to be so lonely, the knowledge that you’re just not that person…… oh it was great. it was fucking great. so you can maybe appreciate how upsetting it is for other people to neglect the aromantic facets of this canonically aromantic character, when we dont get shit.
having said that, asexuals also dont get shit; my issue is absolutely not with isaac being aroace, but rather with how mainstream understanding of aspec identities is still so piss poor that people neglect the aromantic aspect of that identity. i found isaac to be a relatable character and i enjoyed and appreciated that about him; i wish more people would talk about him being both asexual and aromantic, because aromanticism does not get talked about enough as anything other than an ‘extension’ of asexuality, an idea which only diminishes the complexity and vastness of both (fucking awesome and beautiful) identities. love and light and solidarity forever with all other aspec folk <3
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You think the Descendants books are canon? And who's you're least fave AK and why?
Yes and no. I think the books color in canon, and things like the shrimpy debacle and Cruella’s abhorrent parenting certainly seem to fit in very well with the movies, but I don’t think they’re straight up 100% canon. Mostly because the rotten four in the movies are very close and behave like they’ve been besties since birth. They have a clear, deep bond and behave like they’ve known each other since forever. You cannot tell me with a straight face that they met in the same year that the movies happened. Also, their parents live together in the movies and they don’t in the books. Well I guess it’s not explicitly stated that they do, but how else do we explain them being together whenever they’re onscreen, and stuff like Evil Queen knowing how the “safe” works? It’s the most logical conclusion to me. Aside from that, Ben and Mal give no indication of recognizing each other in the movies, so the dreams aren’t canon either unless I’m supposed to believe that Ben made a declaration based on his dream, partially to get that one girl off the isle, and then didn’t recognize her when she stood in front of his face. To me it seems some parts of the books are canon, some are canon-esque, and the rest are creative liberties for the sake of telling a good story.
My least favorite AK is Chad, I hate his guts. Or rather his lack thereof.
It was a tossup between him and Audrey, but Audrey has redeeming qualities and a reason to be the way she is. I briefly considered going with Jane but she’s only kinda unlikeable in the first movie and just like Audrey has good qualities and a reason to be Like That. Chad does not. Like- at all. He doesn’t have a single good thing about him, he doesn’t do anything other than act horribly, and his only merit is that he’s so unlikeable we can laugh at him every time he face plants into the mud. His main character trait is that he’s mean, he’s judgmental, and he uses his good looks and status to get what he wants (like making girls do his homework and then dumping them/not following through on his end of a deal). Then in D3 he’s lost all the charming front and has turned into a pathetic coward who licks Audrey’s (fabulous) boots and that’s it. That’s all he has. His reason for being that way?
Good question, I’d love to know too!
Actually no at this point I honestly don’t care, but I guess I’d hear it out if we ever got anything. That’s why I dislike Chad so much though, there’s nothing to him. He’s an antagonist making our villain protagonists’ lives harder because he can and he’s something for the audience to laugh at or yell at, but he’s got nothing beyond that. I can’t analyse him, I can’t really talk about him in any meaningful way because there’s nothing to talk about. Audrey, I can talk about for days, because she’s fascinating and a lot deeper than you’d think in the first movie, but Chad just isn’t. Jane was only kinda mean in the first movie and it’s clear that it’s because she’s been an outcast all her life. Of course she’ll do anything to keep her newfound popularity once she’s finally accepted! When you get what you’ve wanted all your life you’ll do stupid shit to not lose that again, especially if you’re an insecure teenager. And Audrey was told since birth she’d be the queen of Auradon, her grandma (who she clearly cares about a lot) puts a lot of pressure on her and even talks down to her when Ben breaks up with her in a way I’d say borders on verbal abuse.
"A lifetime of planning gone. Our family status gone. Audrey you were supposed to be his queen and you let him slip through your fingers."
"Your mother could hold on to a prince her sleep."
Imagine someone you love deeply telling you that because your boyfriend broke up with you. Look at that and tell me queen Leah hasn’t been pushing Audrey to become queen since forever. Audrey herself says she and Ben were supposed to be a couple from an early age, practically betrothed, that whole thing was not her idea and I can imagine her boyfriend singing a love song for another girl in front of the entire school isn’t gonna inspire nice behavior. Was Audrey a little vain? Yes, but again she’s clearly had much pressure put on her to be perfect (she and my Anthony would get along great with the instilled perfectionism, I might write about them bonding one day 👀). Her behavior can be explained, and given her lyrics in Queen of Mean we can assume that she was very nice to people who weren’t the VK’s. As you can tell by the length of this, there’s a lot to talk about with Audrey. I can’t do that with Chad because there’s nothing there. He’s not a good person, and that’s all we get.
The most I can do is tell you he’s a representation of the nature vs nurture themes, with his parents being heroes and him being the way that he is, but not only is that very obviously his purpose in the story aside from driving the drama of the plot, he’s also not the only character serving that purpose. Queen Leah does it better than he does given the way she treats Audrey (her grievances with Mal and her behavior towards here are unjustified, but they do have a basis), and Audrey is just a more interesting angle to take in that theme. Jane’s little “mean girl” phase is better than Chad’s whole character, because it shows in just a few scenes how good people can become assholes in certain circumstances.
So yeah fuck Chad, at least he’s an easy pick for when I wanna write drama and need an inciting incident. He’s perfect for that if nothing else.
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