#if 1 person doesn't know what to say 2 others can fill in the silence
glitzybunny · 1 year
why 3? is it cause :3 or maybe cause its the perfect amount of anything! 3 scoops, 3 ice cubes? TELL US!!
It is those reasons and more! Though my epiphany happened while I was eating and watching that random show I was binging the other day-
We love a food found family trio, legitimately crying, tears everywhere-
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missmielyhoran · 3 months
Oreos and Pickles (Sad Ending)
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in which you spent 2 years with Harry and a grocery store trip makes you realize it was all secondary...
[Warning- Just pure angst, fluff if you like close your eyes ig, pregnancy cravings, complicated feelings and a very awful grocery store trip, alcohol, drunk driving, Harry]
Masterlist // Part 1
A single moment can change many things.
But not the feelings you have for someone and a simple grocery store trip made him realize that.
He loved the way dress flowed when you walked and how it showed just the tiniest bump only he could notice cause that's all he wanted to do.
But he hated how his hands weren't in his and how far you were walking. At the same time, a part of him was itching to run back in and talk to her, ask her how she was doing, how her work was going, and everything he could think of.
Was it wrong? Very much, but he doesn't know what to do.
He opened the door to the passenger seat, and you slid inside, saying a small thank you. He walked around and slid into the driver's side. When he looked up, he saw something he never wanted.
There she was, crying in the driver's seat of her directly in front of him. Their eyes met, and god, he shouldn't want to run to comfort her, especially with his pregnant girlfriend sitting just beside him.
"I'm going to Amelia's." Your voice brought him out of trance as he turned to look at you.
You were so different from her not only feature wise but also emotionally while she was this emotionally sensitive person. You, on the other hand, would not shed a tear even in the saddest of situations. He couldn't even think of a time he saw you cry.
"Niall and her are out of town I think" He replied.
He saw your face scrunch up in annoyance, "Just drop me off at Cam's house" you said, turning your face away from him with pure anger.
"Stress is bad for baby" He said, reaching for your bump but then retrieving back as you were very much not like that right now.
"Yeah I fucking bet" You muttered under your breath.
Harry just drove to your sister's house in silence. He was in a hurry but in a hurry for what? he didn't know, or maybe he did, but it was just not time his heart had accepted it.
As they reached the house, he saw your sister out collecting her mail. She waved at both of them, but when she saw your face, her smile fell, and so did her hand.
You got out of the car without so much so of a bye or when you will return, and Harry didn't know why he didn't care, you were mother of his child shouldn't he?
He drove off the curb and started driving towards his house. His mind was jumbled all with the thoughts. It was weird to just see her face he tried so hard not to even think about her. He threw out her pictures, her gifts, every piece of her existence, and yet she came back somehow.
He felt guilty and betrayed, betrayed by his own conscious and heart.
He took out a bottle of whiskey as soon as he got into the house. He drank half the bottle in one go feeling the burn in his throat and his eyes watering.
Heaving his threw the rest filled bottle on the floor, scattering the pieces of glass all around. He looked around, and his life looked like a mess. The living room was filled with boxes, your new clothes, and baby stuff he kept buying impulsively. All somehow felt like a mess.
The mess that looked like home in the morning.
In anger, he took his car keys and made a beeline to his car. He didn't care about the glass, the boxes, or the fact he was very much drunk.
He got into the car and started driving to the place he knew like his hand.
He drove and drove till the familiar white house building came into the view. His hands were shaking, and his body was shaking, to be honest, but he knew he had to do this.
He put his car in the park and walked to the porch, knocking on her door like he used to, and he felt like that again, like he was again where he was a few years ago.
Then similar eyes opened the gate, a very smaller version of eyes he fell in love with.
"How many times I have told you to not open the gate until I say so!" She came running from behind and stood freeze looking at him as was he.
He looked between the child and her and couldn't comprehend what it was.
"Harry, what are you-" She asked, leaving the words hanging in the air, but she also knew what he was here for.
"I wanted to talk to you" He said hesitantly, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.
They walked through her house to her backyard, where she shut the glass door so no one could listen in to their conversation.
"Who was-" He left the question hanging in the air, confused as the woman who left him for not wanting a family was here playing house with someone else.
"That's my daughter, Cassie" She said with a soft smile, "She was a surprise totally not expecting, thought it was flu or something turns out I was pregnant" She said with a chuckle.
"So you left me when I asked you to marry me and start a family, and now here you are, playing house, huh?" Harry said angirly, "I cried, begged you to stay, and you left saying I deserved someone who could give me what I wanted! You could've given me what I wanted. You have what I wanted. You just didn't want to!" He said, slamming his fist on the picnic table.
"Calm your voice Harry my daughter is playing inside, and I don't want her to get scared or know what is going on here" She said strictly. Harry sighed and slid down back in his chair.
"I could've never given you what you wanted. A white-picked fence was not something I dreamed of, nor would I ever. Her father and I got divorced just in 6 months of marriage cause I couldn't do it" She said, "A marriage, a child and a career, I couldn't do it all at once, he understood that so we just co-parent now" She explained, "You wanted a wife Harry and you deserved one, and if so long into our relationship I couldn't agree to it then it was a waste of our time, we had different goals of relationship and at some point, we had to go onto our separate paths."
He stood there listening, feeling baffled on how she could just break his heart all over again without making him hate her.
"But you crying in the store, we can still have everything" He said, feeling tears breaming in his eyes.
"Harry what-no!" She yelled, "Oh my god" She panicked.
"Harry, I was crying cause I was happy. Yes, a lot of feelings came over me seeing you all of a sudden, but the main thing I felt was happiness. Happiness that finally you had everything you wanted, a beautiful girlfriend, a child on the way, and the way she looked at you- she is utterly in love with you" She explained softly, her eyes were filled with concern and contentment.
It was pathetic honestly how he realized what he had done. He had everything in the palm of his hand, and he threw it away on his own.
"It's not too late Harry go get her" She said softly, feeling his pain even after years of separation.
But it just might have been.
Cause as he was walking to his car practicing how he will kneel and ask for your forgiveness. The ring he had for you will be given to you today no matter what he will fix no matter what, but then he got a call from your sister.
You were in the hospital.
Turns out stress was bad for the baby.
So he got into the car with tear filled eyes to drive to the hospital he saw the oreos and pickles they bought sitting in the back seat but they were of no use.
Just like his apology, just like his pain, his realization, his love, the unmade crib sitting in the living room or the half painted nursery nothing was of use.
All cause of his stupidness and impulsiveness.
He lost everything chasing his past while having everything in present.
Now, all he has is regret.
I hope you like this it's kind of rusty I know but I will try to post more from now.
Please Like, Comment and Reblog it helps a lot.
Taglist- @tenaciousperfectionunknown @that-daydream-look @harryspirate @tiaamberxx @lomlhstyles @vmpellie @sunshinemoonsposts @jayde515 @yeehawbrothers @sleutherclaw @ikea2-0 @thechaoticjoy @astridcommings @grapejuicebluesrry @gxbiqs @gem1712
Love you guys a lot♡ please tell me how you liked it here♡
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bonniepop · 4 months
title: of rumors & wrong assumptions parts: 1 / 2 / 3 character: iwaizumi hajime words: 1,800+ warnings: more violence towards oikawa's person. notes: i totally forgot to fill this up lmao
the following days at school were hell.
well, not really. but they felt like it.
“he keeps glaring at me,” you whimper, sitting across oikawa, trying to hide yourself by curling inward and having him shield you.
you were both hunched over your shared library desk, completing your partner lab report on your iodine clock experiment, two tables away from iwaizumi’s as his class settled on the other side of the library. oikawa had mentioned that they were working on their research for english.
truth be told, iwaizumi had been glaring at you since last week whenever you were with your lab partner in any capacity. whether you returned a greeting, asked a question, passed by him in the hallway, or simply just as looked in oikawa’s direction, iwaizumi’s glare was soon to follow. it was hard to miss the way his eyeballs practically singed the back of your skull in their endeavor.
“who?” oikawa looks over his shoulder. “oh, he’s not glaring. that’s just his normal face.” he wiggles his fingers at his best friend, who is clearly unamused. 
"you mean looking like he wants to kill me is normal?"
oikawa turns back to you. "i think the crease in between his eyebrows is genetic; his dad has it, too. but it looks good on him, doesn't it?"
gay, the voice in your head pipes up. instead of responding, iwaizumi simply narrows his eyes at oikawa for a second before looking back down at his own notes and proceeding with his work.
“so when he looks like he wants to kill me, that’s normal?” you ask, picking up the experiment manual and dragging it closer.
“yeah, but don’t take it personally.” oikawa smiles. “he looks at me that way all the time!” he returns to your work, peering over the experiment manual and copying the text unto a sheet of paper.
“you have really nice handwriting,” you comment after a few beats of silence, watching him neatly loop and cross and curve his characters.
“thanks,” he says with a smile. “when i was in middle school, my mom made it a point to train me and my sister in penmanship.”
“sounds like torture.”
“helps with volleyball,” he shrugs. “steady hands and all that.”
“you sound like you're making this up.”
"why on earth would i do that?" the volleyball player rolls his eyes. "anyway, real or no, it’s better than that thing you call handwriting,” he disparages, shooting your notes a pointed look. "what's worse than chicken scratch?"
“hey!” you snap, bundling your notes in your arms. “it is not that bad, and also, mind your own business. i make decent grades with this chicken scratch, you know!”
“i’m surprised our teachers can even read that.”
“oh, fuck off,” you say, giving him the finger. 
he laughs and changes the subject. “anyway, did you hear?” he leans in closer, raising an eyebrow. “people think we’re dating.”
you flush, but you can’t help the look of disgust that mars your features. “i know. it’s so gross.”
the teasing expression on his face falls and he straightens. “hey!” he cries, and some students around you turn their heads to look. “i’ll have you know that i am prime real estate!”
“shut up,” you hiss, yanking him down to divert attention. “first of all, you're not my type. second of all, you play volleyball, not baseball. baseball is clearly superior!"
"says you! i'd rather shine in a sport thanks to my sheer physical prowess, not because i'm good at hitting balls with sticks."
you shake your head. "you know, girls don’t like it when the guy’s ego is as big as the moon.”
“i’m just being honest,” he defends. “volleyball is the superior sport."
"i read somewhere that volleyball is just an extreme version of don't let the balloon touch the floor."
"then baseball is just hitting a piñata that's a moving target.”
“a more impressive set of conditions.”
“we're going nowhere," oikawa declares, waving the conversation away. what is your type, then?”
“not you,” you answer with a straight face.
“be serious!” he leans in conspiratorially. “i bet i know who your type is.”
you roll your eyes. “sure you do.”
he smirks. “it’s iwa-chan, isn’t it?”
your heart thunders in your chest and your belly flip flips around. “maybe,” you say, trying to play it cool. “or hanamaki. or matsukawa. anyone but you, really.”
he gapes then huffs, offended. he folds his arms over his chest. “you’re just saying that to get a rise out of me, and i won't fall for it.”
“i like guys who at least pretend to be humble about being good-looking.”
that makes him smirk. “so you think i’m good-looking?” he says a little louder, and you take your manual and smack his arm when you notice the students around you obviously trying to eavesdrop. “ow!”
“shut the fuck up,” you hiss.
oikawa scoffs as he rubs his arm, and you can feel the heat of iwaizumi’s familiar glare on the side of your head 
you chew on your bottom lip. “how’d you know, by the way?” 
“know what? that iwa-chan was your type?”
“no,” you insist, intent on changing the subject, because the embarrassment that you might’ve been obvious would’ve killed you. “that people think we’re—eugh—dating.”
he frowns. “hey. i’m not that bad a boyfriend.”
“didn’t your last girlfriend dump you?”
“i don't see why that's relevant,” he says stiffly, ignoring your jibe. “anyway, some of the lower year girls asked me if it was true,” he says, uncrossing his arms and pondering.
“oh my god, it spread.” you run a hand over your face. “what did you tell them?”
“i didn’t get a chance to answer. iwa-chan hit me in the head with a volleyball before i could.”
“what?” you nearly slam your hands on the table. “so people actually think we’re dating? why didn’t you answer?!”
“because they were bothering us during practice,” iwaizumi answers, suddenly standing next to your table, and you nearly launch yourself out of your seat in shock.
“iwa-chan!” oikawa greets, motioning for him to sit. the chair scrapes against the floor as the vice captain of the volleyball team takes a seat next to you, of all places. “have you met my lab partner?”
you’re too terrified and nervous to speak, but iwaizumi answers for you. “yeah," he grunts in agreement, then grunts out your name. “you’re a friend of tomo’s.”
you nod, words delayed. “yep. i’m a friend of tomo’s.”
“oooh, common friends,” oikawa teases, then jerks and smacks his knee beneath the table. people swivel their heads and chortle when they find the volleyball captain rubbing his leg beneath the desk, face scrunched up in pain. “ow! don’t hit me!”
“don’t be stupid,” iwaizumi grunts. he props his research materials on the table opens his notebook, silently getting to work.
you tap oikawa’s wrist with the pen in your hand as soon as his tears subside. “hey, keep writing!”
“would it kill you to say ‘please’?” he grumbles, pulling the report close and continuing. you work in relative silence, dictating notes for him to include in the report and answering any questions about values and measurements.
you completely forget that iwaizumi's even there, until he sighs and puts down his pen. he cracks his neck and stretches.
“you okay, iwa-chan?” oikawa asks.
“yeah,” he responds, voice low and raspy and it sounds so good that you bite back a whimper. “english is hard.”
you purse your lips in thought. would it be presumptuous of you to help? but maybe you could be useful, and if he really needed help… it might also make him like you more, and lessen all the glaring whenever you were within five feet of his best friend…
“um, can i see?” you decide to ask, and with a nod he slides his notes over to you. “what’s this?”
“translation,” iwaizumi responds gruffly. “can’t figure out what this word means in this sentence. doesn’t it mean the direction, as in 'turn left'?”
after a few scans, you nod, finally understanding. “ah, yes, but here,, ‘left’ is the past tense of ‘leave.’ like, when someone forgets something or leaves something behind.” with your pen, you point out words. "see here? 'she left her phone.'"
iwaizumi looks sort of scandalized. “what?”
“yeah, here, look—”
unbeknownst to you, oikawa’s watching as you explain it, taking in the way his friend leans forward and the extra attention he’s devoting to you as you speak. 
iwaizumi shakes his head. “so ‘left’ means the direction," he motions with his hand, "but also the past tense of 'leave'?” he flips back on his notes. "past tense, past tense... ah, verbs that have already happened?"
“yeah,” you explain. “most english words have their past tenses end in 'd', but irregular verbs—like this one here—they don't follow that rule.”
the captain lights up. “you speak english? you’re not in the english class.”
“um, yeah.” you blush, pulling back and straightening. “my, uh, my grandparents lived in america for a time, so i kinda learned from them.”
a disturbing smile spreads across oikawa's face. “fascinating," he says, sounding not unlike a snake with a plan. "maybe you can help iwa-chan here,” he says with that weird, slimy smile, reaching across the table to pat his friend’s arm. “he’s studying to take a the college entrance exams in the states! he’s not that smart at english, so you should help him!”
said friend was looking at the hand with disgust, which made your lip twitch. “don’t touch me,” he spits.
“aww, iwa, it’s okay. she knows you can be nice to me! you don’t have to hide your true self.” oikawa suddenly jumps away in fear when the wing spiker flexes for a punch, and you hide your snort behind your hands. 
oikawa whimpers, pathetically collecting the papers in front of him. “you two are mean! you deserve each other.”
iwaizumi flushes and glares. “hey. don’t be like that.” he turns to you. “sorry, he’s really inconsiderate about people’s feelings.”
you blink in surprise and raise your hands up in surrender. “no, it’s okay! no, ah, no feelings hurt here. he’s been annoying me all afternoon, so. yeah.” 
confusion makes itself known on iwaizumi's face. “annoying you? aren’t you… you know... um—”
your belly twists unpleasantly, and you force a laugh to hide your embarrassment. “oh, the, uh. the rumor.” you shake your head. “no, we’re not… that.”
when the laugh isn’t returned, you blush and clear your throat, looking down at your chicken scratch in embarrassment.
"oh. but i thought..." he trails off, and you shake your head without looking at him.
a few seconds later, he clears his throat to cut the awkward silence. "okawa, may i speak to you for a moment?” iwaizumi goes, already getting up.
oikawa's tongue is poking out the corner of his mouth as he concentrates on his notes. “wait, i'll just finish—”
“now,” iwaizumi bites out, grabbing his captain by the collar. he looks at you and bows. “give us one second.”
your lab partner is dragged away, and you can hear the mumbles of the students around you. you slump over in your seat. not again.
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littlebeluu · 3 months
Hi! Hope you're day is going well :)
If it's okay I'd like to request smth for marc, if not just ignore this haha. I actually have a few ideas but just pick the one you like the most :)
1. It's kinda similar to the one you already wrote I guess but reader being insecure cos shes not as conventionally attractive as other wags, like she's not ugly but she's not a model either yk? Maybe also like people online hating on her body and/or weight and she doesn't wanna make a big deal out of it but marc notices and like reassures her and stuff (also in my head, reader is like a really private person who doesnt like a lot of attention, has her social media accounts on private and doesn't post anything except a handful of stories every now and then but that's obvi just me, doesn't have to be like that)
2. Marc reaching reader catalan (in my mind reader can already speak Spanish but that's not a must obvi)
3. Marc teaching reader football and she's just really bad at it haha idk I think it could be cute
4. Height difference (I'm 5'3 haha so this is really a self insert) like maybe reader wearing his clothes for the first time and they're so adorably oversized on her or like just anything about height difference really :)
You can obviously change stuff about the requests if there's anything you don't feel comfortable with or don't like, I don't mind. Sorry if it's too much stuff at once btw, I'm not really good at writing this kinda stuff.
Thanks so much in advance already, I hope you have an amazing day (or night, depending when you're reading this haha)
I'll do other ones too 🫶🏻
I might have some trouble to do the second one cause I also don't speak catalán but I'll try anyway.
marc guiu x female reader
warnings: none
The car engine hummed softly as Marc and I settled into our seats after training. Our eyes met in the rearview mirror, and I felt a flutter in my chest. Despite the hours apart, his presence still had that effect on me.
"Hey," Marc greeted, his voice warm but tinged with concern.
"Hey," I responded, trying to muster enthusiasm.
Marc's brow furrowed as he studied my reflection. "Are you okay?"
I nodded, forcing a smile. "Yes."
His eyes narrowed, unconvinced. "Are you sure?"
"Yes," I repeated, my voice barely above a whisper.
Marc sighed, reaching for the radio. As music filled the car, we drove in silence, the tension palpable. Every few minutes, I caught him glancing at me, worry etched on his face.
"I'm fine," I assured him, though the words felt hollow.
"You're lying," he said softly, his voice a mixture of hurt and frustration.
I hesitated, torn between protecting him from my insecurities and the need to be honest. "It's just..."
"Tell me," he encouraged, his tone gentler now.
"Why do you think I'm upset?" I deflected, buying time.
Marc's eyes softened as he looked at me. "I don't know, but I've noticed you haven't really smiled today. Not your genuine smile, anyway."
"Of course I did," I protested weakly.
"No," he shook his head. "I know you better than anyone else. I can tell when you're feeling down, even if you don't say anything."
His words hung in the air as I struggled to find my voice.
"What's wrong, babe?" Marc pressed, his concern evident. "You're going to tell me, or..." He trailed off, leaving the sentence unfinished.
I took a deep breath, feeling tears prick at my eyes. "I'm sorry. It's nothing important."
"It must be something if your smile hasn't been genuine in the past 24 hours."
"Yeah, well..."
"Just say whatever it is," he urged, his voice a mixture of frustration and worry.
"Honestly? People have been saying horrible things about me lately," I admitted, my voice cracking.
Marc's expression darkened. "What? Who?"
"It's okay," I tried to reassure him, wiping away a stray tear. "Really. Just forget about it."
"No," Marc insisted, pulling the car over to the side of the road. He turned to face me fully. "What happened?"
I hesitated, feeling foolish. "It's stupid."
"Just tell me," he pleaded, taking my hand in his.
"Your teammates' girlfriends posted photos with me yesterday," I began, my voice barely audible.
"Everyone's saying horrible stuff. Like... like I'm the ugliest and fattest girlfriend."
Marc's face contorted with anger and disbelief. "What? Who's saying this?"
"People online," I mumbled, ashamed of how much it affected me.
"So nobody real?" he asked, his tone softening.
"Well, they could actually exist somewhere," I argued weakly.
"Don't even joke around," Marc frowned. "They don't deserve any importance. You shouldn't read comments under their posts anyway."
I sighed, looking out the window. "I know I shouldn't, but sometimes I can't help it. It's like picking at a scab - you know it's bad for you, but you do it anyway."
Marc's expression softened with understanding. "I get it, but those comments are toxic. They're not worth your time or energy."
"You're right," I admitted, turning back to face him. "I just wish I could stop caring what others think."
Marc reached over and squeezed my hand. "It's not easy, but we'll work on it together. Your worth isn't determined by strangers on the internet."
I took a deep breath, feeling vulnerable. "I guess sometimes those words hurt more than others. Like... maybe I wish I had more confidence. Being known is so overwhelming, and I wish I knew how to get over myself. I guess... I envy the confidence of other girls I meet."
Marc's eyes filled with understanding and love. "You're not ugly nor fat, Y/n. You're beautiful, inside and out."
"I didn't say I was, people said it," I protested weakly.
"But you think it," he said softly, his thumb tracing circles on my hand.
"No," I lied, unable to meet his gaze.
Marc cupped my face gently, forcing me to look at him. "Tell me something, Y/n. When was the last time you read something nice?"
I felt a rush of guilt for worrying him. "Well today, you told me something nice this morning. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to sound like such a baby."
"Stop apologizing," he said firmly. "You're beautiful, and I'm so lucky to be your boyfriend. But more than that, you're kind, intelligent, and strong. Those people online? They don't know you. They don't see how you light up a room, how you make everyone around you feel special."
Tears spilled down my cheeks as Marc's words washed over me. He pulled me into a tight embrace, and I buried my face in his shoulder.
"I love you," he whispered into my hair. "Every part of you. And I promise, we'll work on building your confidence together. You don't have to face this alone”
As we sat there, wrapped in each other's arms, I felt a weight lift from my shoulders. The cruel words of strangers seemed to fade away, replaced by the warmth of Marc's love and support.
"Thank you," I murmured, pulling back to meet his gaze. This time, my smile was genuine.
Marc leaned in, his lips meeting mine in a soft, tender kiss. It was gentle and reassuring, conveying all the love and support he had for me. As we parted, he rested his forehead against mine, our breaths mingling.
I reached up, running my fingers through his hair before pulling him in for another kiss, this one deeper and more passionate. When we finally broke apart, we were both slightly breathless.
Marc started the car again, but before pulling back onto the road, he turned to me with a mischievous grin. "Now, how about we go get some ice cream and plot our revenge on those haters"
I laughed, feeling lighter than I had in days. "Ice cream, yes. Revenge... maybe we'll save that for another day."
As we drove off, hand in hand, I realized that while I couldn't control what others said about me, I could choose to surround myself with love and positivity. And with Marc by my side, I felt ready to face whatever challenges came our way.
Before we reached the ice cream shop, Marc pulled over once more. He cupped my face gently and gave me one last, lingering kiss. "You're beautiful," he murmured against my lips. "Inside and out. Don't ever forget that."
I smiled into the kiss, feeling truly loved and cherished. With Marc's support and these tender moments, I knew I could overcome any insecurity. We drove on, looking forward to our ice cream date, our hands intertwined and hearts full of love.
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petrichor-idyllic · 2 years
HiI would like to request two Minho x female reader please.
1. Minho gets in the shower ro relax and reader joins him and they are starting fluffy but when they start cleaning each others body things get heated and it turns into smut.
2. Reader and Minho liked each other but noone had time to explore the feelings. But when Minho gets back from that night with Thomas in the maze the reader is so happy hes still alive and there is some tension building up...later on the keepers meeting (book scene) where Minho is a total hottie and says the most iconic stuff as usual reader cant help herself and once the meeting is over she suddenly kisses him.
Thank youuuuu <333
Okay, yes I can totally do this, however I am still new and bad at tumblr so idk how (or if it's even possible) for me to respond to something twice. So, here is the first one and I will try to write both and post them at around the same time, so keep your eye out for the second :))
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SUMMARY: See above- 1. Takes place before the arrival of Thomas.
WARNINGS: Inappropriate language, guess I've put it off long enough so have some actual smut. Unprotected intercourse. Reader is on birth control because I said so, we ain't having any Glader babies running around. Unedited because I refuse to reread my own sex scenes- cope. Minors DNI 18+.
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You and Minho have been dating for a while now. Everyone in the Glade knows because, well, it's kind of hard not to notice.
When Minho isn't out in the Maze, he's clinging to you like there's no tomorrow. Probably because for him, there might actually not be. His job is dangerous, and he could literally die every single time he heads out there.
So, he spends as much time as he physically can with you.
Not that you're complaining. You love Minho- I mean, who wouldn't? He's basically your personal guard dog, not to mention he's passionate and caring and does everything he can to make sure he's not making you uncomfortable.
He's literally the perfect boyfriend, much to the other Glader's dismay- it means you're probably not going to be single again anytime soon. And with you being the only girl, there's definitely some pouting in Minho's presence.
Speaking of your boyfriend, you haven't seen him since you greeted him at the Doors. He's been pretty busy recently, especially with Alby doubling down on the workload.
"Newt," you spot the blond from a mile away as he sits in a group of boys but that doesn't stop you from approaching him. People are starting to settle down for the night. The Doors are closed, dinner has been and gone, and the dim light of numerous flames is the only thing keeping the Glade alive. "Have you seen Minho?"
"Hm?" He blinks for a second, pulling himself out of his current conversation and processing what you just said. "Oh, yeah, he's in the shower- he got stuck in the Map Room late. 'Said sommet about needing to relax." The boy shrugs, clearly having not paid that much attention to his friend.
"Alright, thanks," you flash him a smile before heading in the direction of the shower block. The showers are actually normally empty at this time, because this is around the time that you take a shower, and the boys respect that.
"Minho?" The sound of running water fills the rows of showers, covered with curtains.
"Hm? Yeah?" He responds, voice gravelly and tired.
"Is everything okay? Newt said you needed to relax?" You creep further forward, not wanting to startle him as you stand outside of the closed sheet.
"Yeah," you can hear the smile in his voice, "yeah, I'm alright, just a rough day."
Silence settles as you can hear Minho quietly hum to himself out of satisfaction. You smirk to yourself for a second before you speak.
"Yanno, I also need to have a shower," you pause slightly, "do you mind if I join you?"
The curtain moves, not exposing Minho but he does stick his head out, smirking at you. "You wanna shower with me?"
You shrug, feigning innocence, "Might help you relax, yanno?" He rolls his eyes, dropping the curtain and letting it fall back in place.
"Get your ass in here." You snort a laugh, doing as you're told. You strip from your clothes, hooking them over the top of the curtain bar with Minho's clothes. There's no way you're leaving them on the floor. You're already taking a risk getting undressed in an open area- though the Gladers know better due to routine.
You move the worn piece of fabric, slipping into the small area as Minho has his back to you, hogging the water. Though, you take a second to admire your boyfriend's perfect form.
His back is muscular and toned- he's obviously got an athletes build. He runs the Maze all day, every day. But even so, seeing his perfect body us more than enough to have your heart racing, even if you see it pretty much every day.
"Are you gonna move, or what?" Minho scoffs as your blunt tone, stepping aside to let you squeeze next to him, allowing the luke-warm water to hit you both.
He looks down at you, his smile is soft as he drinks in your appearance. It's not like he hasn't seen it before- you guys struggle to keep your hands off of each other most of the time. But still, he always feels so lucky to have you, and he thinks you're gorgeous.
They could dump a bunch of girls in the Glade tomorrow and Minho wouldn't care.
You picked him- him! He at least has something good going for him.
"The shuck you staring at, pervert?" You joke and he jabs you in the ribs, causing you to squeak.
"Uh, my girlfriend? I'm allowed to look at my girlfriend last time I checked."
"I'm allowed to look at my girlfriend," you mock him, making him push his tongue into his cheek. "What happened today, anyway? I've barely seen you."
"Sorry," he mumbles, throwing his head back and letting the water wash through his hair, running down to the front of his neck and down his defined chest. "A couple of Runners are getting frustrated and have started causing problems. It happens every now and then after someone becomes a Runner, and they think they're gonna change the world or some shit, and then they throw a tantrum when nothing happens."
"That sounds pretty klunky," he hums in agreement. You and Minho are long past the honeymoon phase, but that's not a bad thing. You're comfortable with each other, and it also means you know one another, and your bodies, pretty well. "You want me to wash your back?"
"Of shuckin' course, I do," you roll your eyes at him, but you still take the soap off of the shelf. You run your hands over his back, letting your nails sink in, but you know Minho doesn't mind.
You trace your fingers over the occasional white line; the scars are old, and it's been a while since Minho's been seriously hurt. But they're still a bitter reminder that he's literally risking his life on a daily basis.
"Alright," Minho turns to face you, pressing a quick peck to your lips, "your turn- spin."
"You're not at scary as you look, you know that, right? The other boys would never let it go if they saw you acting like this."
"Yeah, yeah, but they're never gonna see it, are they?" You turn around, facing the wall as Minho's hands start to run along your back. "It's all for you." Minho has you rolling your eyes a lot, but you do release a snort as well at his cheesey behaviour.
You let yourself relax, melting into his touch as you lean back, resting your head against his shoulder. You let him massage you, feeling him press light kisses against your shoulder and the side of your neck.
"Minho.." You murmur, letting out a satisfied breath, feeling heat starting to surge between your legs. Minho had always been an expert at doing so little to get so much out of you. It's almost annoying, but definitely a skill to be sure.
"Hm?" His teeth graze against your throat from behind as his hands come to your hips. He's not forceful by any means, but you take the opportunity to push your ass back against him. He quickly reciprocates the action, as you feel him getting hard against you.
Likewise, it doesn't take much to get him going either.
His boldness grows as he very gently drags his fingers down your mid-drift. Your head starts to feel fuzzy, and you gasp as his hand only travels lower.
"Can I make you feel good?" He mumbles mainly into your hair as his warm breath catches against your ear. "Can I touch you?"
You nod, your words catching in your throat as you suddenly forget how to function.
"Use your words for me," it takes you a second, but overwhelmed by need in the growing steamy room, you manage to squeak out a vaguely strung-together sentence.
"Please, touch me, Minho."
He's more than pleased to oblige, dipping his fingers lower and between your folds. You breath hitches, becoming heavier as he starts to gently rub circles over your bundle of nerves.
His rhythm is painfully slow as he teases you, knowing exactly how to make you melt under his touch. You whimper, clinging to his arm for some kind of support.
Your body already aches for him, but with his current actions, he knows you're not going to achieve anything.
"Minho, please," you stress, grinding against his hand to try and desperately get some more friction. Well, he can't say no to you, so he increases his movements.
He adds a little bit more pressure, touching you exactly as you need to be touched. It doesn't take long for you to feel tense in your lower stomach, your body trembling, mumbling gasps escaping you.
And then Minho pulls away.
You whimper at the lack of contact, turning to face your boyfriend. An attempt of a pout is quickly dispersed as Minho pushes his lips to yours. You hum into his mouth as you let him push you against the cool wall of the shower.
One of your hands comes to the back of his neck as he holds your face and you hip. Your other hand brushes against Minho's hardened dick, breaking the kiss for a second.
"Can I-?" You ask.
"Please." He begs.
You run your thumb over the tip, feeling him shivering against you as you connect again. Slowly, you start to touch him more, but he doesn't let it last long.
"We've, uh, we've been un here a while- you wanna hurry this up before someone comes looking for us?"
You smirk. "Sounds like a good idea."
Minho's mouth goes to your neck, hiking your leg up and wrapping it around his waist. His teeth nip at your skin as you gasp, feeling him fill you.
His pace starts slow. Probably because you're not exactly in the most natural position. But with your soft mewling into his ear and nails carving into his back is more than enough to make him rougher.
He knows your body perfectly, and he can tell you're close simply from the noises you're making. As much as he'd hate to admit it, he still hasn't quite built up a resilience to your vagina just yet, which is why he puts more attention on you. Finishing too early is natural, but he's still embarrassed by it.
His fingers once again reach for your clit, and very quickly waves of pleasure are washing over you, leaving you trembling and moaning as Minho holds you in place.
After a few more thrusts, he groans, trying to use the crook of your neck to stifle his noises. His body relaxes, falling limp. You listen to his heavy breathing for a short while, taking the time to compose yourself.
"You good?" You chuckle as he pulls back, also pulling out of you. In response, he kisses you again.
"I shucking love you," he mumbles as he presses your foreheads back together.
You, once again, roll your eyes, but you can't help the soft smile playing on your lips. "I love you too, slinthead."
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Yeah, okay, I've actually finally wrote smut. And it's not even good smut- I am not proud of this. But I also refuse to reread it because I cannot read my own sex scenes without cringing so y'all are just gonna have to deal with it.
I'm definitely better at writing spice and fluff- but I am here to entertain the people and ask and you shall receive.
Bit dramatic lmao, but anyway I hope y'all kinda enjoy :))
I am sorry.
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ripdragonbeans · 8 months
Not Him, I Swear // modern!Aegon II x Reader // Part 2
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Summary: Aegon goes through with his promise to ask you out.
CW: afab reader, profanity, eventual smut, Aegon being an ass, oh but he has feelings??????
Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3
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You woke up the next morning to a quiet room. Normally when you'd stay the night at the sibling’s apartment Helaena soft snoring would full her bedroom as well as Aegon’s loud snoring filling the entire apartment itself. You figured Helaena and Jace stayed with whoever they ended up with or at the frat house, too exhausted to come back. Unlike how they probably felt, you were fairly well rested, if not a little shaken from the encounter with Jason but a little happy with your walk with Aegon.
Aegon. You were slightly surprised that he wasn't here at his own apartment but he never really came over here anyway. He spent most of his time at the frat house.
Sitting up, you stretched your arms high and took a deep breath, ready to take on the day. Despite the small amount of partying you did, though it was really just having one drink, you felt good. You felt even better when you saw you had a text from Aegon.
Morning kitten :) lunch at 1?
You smiled at the messagage. Even after last night you never really expected Aegon to go through with his offer. Yet here you were, blushing and smiling over his text.
See you at 1 <3
The heart at the end seemed a little risky but it was one you were more than willing to make. Almost as soon as you sent it Aegon replied with his own little heart.
You looked at the time. Ten in the morning. Only three more hours.
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“Now that was a party,” claimed Helaena. She was sprawled out on the couch with a happily dazed look that's been there since she arrived.
“It sure was.” You let out a breath. “I actually, um, found someone there.”
Helaena's eyes shot to yours immediately as she scooted closer to you on the couch.
“Tell. Me. More.”
You rubbed the wrist that Jason grabbed last night. “It wasn't exactly a good thing but it wasn't bad, either.”
Helaena looked at you expectantly.
“Jason saw me.”
Helaena went into protective mode. “If that fucker hurt you, I swear -”
“He didn't! Or at least he didn't get a chance to. Someone helped me out.”
“And are you going to tell me who this person is?” She dragged out the last word.
You looked at the ground when you murmured his name. “Aegon.”
Helaena blinked in surprise. “I'm sorry, what?”
“Aegon,” you repeated. “It was Aegon who helped me. He stopped Jason from grabbing me -”
“Yes! Now let me continue, please!”
Helaena huffed but nodded at you to continue.
“He stopped Jason from grabbing me and pretended that he was my boyfriend so Jason would leave me alone. I went along with it and even kissed him on the cheek to sell it.”
“You kissed my brother’s cheek to get Jason to leave you alone?” she scrunched her nose in disgust.
“Yeah, and it worked because guys only back off when another guy is involved.”
“Ugh, men.”
For a while you and Helaena sat in silence, each doing your own thing on your phones, just enjoying each other’s company.
“Oh, and he asked me out,” you whispered quickly.
Helaena’s head shot up. “I'm sorry, what?”
“He asked me out,” you mumbled.
“I hear what you're saying but I don't believe it. My brother doesn't just ask someone out after they've said no multiple times.”
You rolled your eyes. “He almost didn't if that makes you feel better.”
“No, that's not what I meant, you know - ugh - just keep going.”
“After he walked me here -”
“He walked you here and didn't try to get into your pants?”
“Hey, he was being respectful,” you countered.
Helaena scoffed at the thought of that.
“Anyway, he asked me out after he walked me here.” You decided to leave out Aegon saying he would protect you.
“Hm. Okay.” Helaena’s eyes sharpened into slits as she looked at you, contemplating everything that she just learned. “Just…be careful okay? I'm assuming you already accepted the date. He can be an ass and I don't want you to get hurt again.”
“I don't think I will.” You smiled and didn't fight the blush that was creeping up your neck.
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“Got her,” Aegon announced when he came downstairs.
Cregan shut his eyes tight and covered his ears. “Shhh, quiet. You're too loud.”
“I'm not too loud, you're hungover. Saw you making out with Helaena’s friend. How’d that go?”
“Great, it went great.” Cregan was still covering his face.
“I have a game plan,” Aegon started. “it's easy, all I have to do is get her to fall in love with me, then bam, she's in my bed and I win.”
“Win? What's there to win? We never made a bet.”
“Let's make a bet now, then. Give me two weeks with her and she'll be begging for me.”
“I bet you're gonna fuck it all up and get smacked by either her or Helaena.” Cregan removed his hands from his head and opened his eyes. “You can't keep up an act for that long.”
“All part of the bet.” Aegon smiled to himself.
You would be his best story, the girl who hid herself away only to open up to him.
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Down to forty five minutes left and your nerves still haven't gone away. If anything, they've gotten worse.
“Maybe I should cancel, Hel,” you said as you paced back and forth in her room.
Helaena continued reading her book but offered her two cents. “As much as I'd love for you to cancel, purely because it's Aegon and I honestly don't trust him all that much and I'll wring his neck if he hurts you,” she sighed, "you deserve to go on at least one date that makes you happy.”
You looked at your friend with pure love, no one else would protect you like this. She would always be at your side.
“Thank you, Hel,” you smiled. “Will you, um, help me figure out what I'm gonna wear. It's a lunch date and I don't know what the plan is.” You blushed at the lack of knowledge.
“Knowing Aegon it'll probably be something ridiculous.” She opened up the closet and shuffled around your side. You were there so often you have a second closet at this apartment. “How about this?”
Helaena raised up a pair of ripped jeans and a black top. “You can pair it with your boots and that dark corduroy jacket! Casual but still able to move while looking super cute!”
You walked to Helaena and reached out to the outfit. “Absolutely perfect, Hel.”
Right at you finished dressing there was a knock at the door.
“Hey, Hel, is my girl with you?” Aegon called.
“Yeah! And she's not your girl yet so calm down. She's putting on the finishing touches!” Helaena turned back to you and held your hands. “Are you ready for this?”
You took in a deep breath. “As ready as I'll ever be,” you smiled at her.
She gave your hands one squeeze before letting go and opening up the door.
Aegon stood there in his usual graphic T-shirt and faded black jeans with a lopsided grin on his face.
“We ready to go?” He asked you.
“Yes, all ready.”
“Hold up!” Helaena interjected. “You,” looking at Aegon, “better not fuck her up. I'm glad you stopped Jason from doing whatever but I will still end you if you hurt her.”
“Relax, sis, I have this all under control.” He stepped around her and held out his hand.
For a beat you simply stared at him and his outstretched hand. This was it. The plunge into the pool. Taking a rattled breath, you took his hand and he led you out to the front door.
“I'll promise I'll text you when we get to wherever!” You yelled back at Helaena.
And off you two went.
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A small café was the choice for lunch. Aegon swore up and down it was the best place for a cozy afternoon.
“Didn't think you to be the chilled out first date kind of guy,” you joked as you sat down.
Aegon ran a hand through his hair. “You're actually the first girl I've taken out on a date in a few years.” He chuckled. “Because, you know, we just usually fuck and nothing happens and - shit, sorry probably shouldn't talk about that.”
“I know your past, Aeg. That's why I'm surprised about this.”
“After the frat party I wanted to reach out.”
“Well, thank you for that,” you smiled.
The two of you drank your coffees in a comfortable silence. Gazing out the window you thought about what the future would hold if Aemond asked you to be his girlfriend. You saw yourself as happy, happy again. You refused for something like the relationship with Jason to happen again. Never.
Out of the corner of your eye you caught Aegon staring at you.
“What is it?” You gave him a shy smile.
Aegon continued to stare at you, amazed at your beauty and the simple ease he felt when he was around you. He brushed off that ease as his confidence in the bet.
“It's nothing, don't worry. I just…” he trailed off.
“It's just?”
“I'm lucky to be here with you. Jason never deserved you.” The words left his mouth before he could stop them.
Blush crept up your face and you bowed your head in embarrassment.
“That's really sweet, Aeg.”
He cocked his head. “You don't believe it?”
“I mean - it’s just. It's complicated.” You didn't want to spill your soul to him. At least not yet. You quickly changed the subject. “I've been really wanting to check out this art museum. Wanna go tomorrow? I'll pay the entry price since you paid for today.”
A smile kicked up on the edges of his mouth. “Yeah, sure. I'm not really a museum guy but I'll give it a shot if it means spending time with you.”
You laughed. It sounded like music to Aegon but he shook it off.
Standing up, he offered you his hand. “Shall we head back to the humble dwelling place?” He said in a mock fancy voice.
You took his hand and curtsied. “Why, yes, my dear.”
The two of you laughed as you left the cafe and headed back.
A few blocks into the walk Aegon pulled you under a large oak. “I figured since the apartment would probably be a little crowded we could stop by here for a bit.” He held your waist and cupped your face as he slowly leaned down. He brought his lips to your ear and whispered, “may I kiss you?”
The question sent a bolt of excitement through your body.
“Such a gentleman,�� you joked. “Kiss me, Aegon.”
He closed the small gap between you two with a gentle kiss. His arm snaked around your waist and pulled you close. A small sound made its way out of you and he smiled against you. He deepened the kiss, his tongue running against yours for permission. You gladly opened up for him. The feeling of him inside you brought a wave of pleasure. You wanted more, gods you wanted so much more, but you knew you had to stop.
Begrudgingly, you pulled yourself away from Aegon.
“As much as I'd love to continue this, I want to take it slow.” Out of embarrassment you avoided looking him in the eye. “Last time I let myself get caught up in the rush of it all and it ended painfully. I don't want to do that again.”
Aegon tilted your head up by the chin. “I can do that. It's all on your call.”
“Thank you, Aeg.” Pulling him down from the nape if his neck you pressed your forehead against his.
Aegon should've been happy with his date with you but it only worried him. There was a small tinge of guilt in the back of his head. He wasn't supposed to be falling for you but it seemed his descent had begun.
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red-steampunk · 3 months
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Things the five MCs 5 not allowed to do:
MC1-(Summoners) from Shiro & Toji
1- A stunned moment of silence means "My God, what have you done?" Not "please continue."
2- You're not allowed to skip class and meet up with Tetsuox to beat up weaker delinquents who are on both of your Guilds turf.
3- Stop "accidentally" spilling food all over Marduk, just because you think his dragon eating him is funny. Nobody wants to see that. lt's gross and awkward.
4- All though Surtr & Bablon both appreciate the somewhat kind gesture, please stop beating anyone who deliberately calls Bablon by her other "name."
5- Stop flirting with Jugo when he's in the middle of practice or egging on Orochi to rip Jugo's clothes off during practice.
6- Stop waking up Shennong in the middle of the night for breast milk. He's poisonous, you little gremlin.
7- Just like Ryota, you're not allowed to cook anything inside of the kitchen without supervision. Choji still refuses to speak to you after you created that abomination.
8- You're no longer allowed to play unwinnable games or play Mario Kart with Ahura Mazda. You knew what you were doing with that Blue Shell.
9- A lot of the outfits in Tokyo are "very revealing" were asking you nicely to stop referring it to a "pussy out" look.
10- You're no longer allowed to make an Only Fans for extra Guild money. Bribing the staff won't work again.
MC2-(Missionaries) from Jacob & Maria
1- Whenever you're gaming with Tsathoggua and the others again, please refrain from saying, "How about I f*ck you're dad and give him a son he'll actually love" to sexist individuals. We got a ton of angry calls from parents across Tokyo from your live streams with Tindalos.
2- Stop telling Temujin that you'd rather get knocked up by Ulaan. Temujin wouldn't leave the property because he was angry looking for you in a fit of rage. Quit giving Maria grey hairs. No one wants him here.
3- Whenever you're having your girls' night, avoid going to places that are usually filled with rude men from now on. We'd appreciate it if you,Hekate,Ellie,Melusine and etc. Would stop looking for fights.
4- Stop calling Hati a simp, he apologized for being manipulated by Nyarl.
5- Stop trying to hook up Nyarl and Zabaniyya. Nyarl doesn't mind, but Zab most certainly does.
6- Stop calling Tezcatlopica, Balor's bottom bitch. I don't care how funny you and Tanetomo think it is.
7- Stop pretending to drown, just so you can either Makara or Gurangatch perform CPR on you. They're both worried about losing you forever. And I know you didn't enjoy it when Fuxi did it that one time instead, maybe that'll teach you a lesson on pretending to drown is bad, m'kay.
8- Stop taking naps on Arsalan, I know he doesn't mind, but I hate having to wash your clothes more than I should because they're covered in oil.
9- Stop letting Ellie drink your blood. I don't care how much you both enjoy it. The angels didn't like seeing that. They think it's gross.
10- I know about you and Azazel search history. Please delete that, and I mean ALL of it. I'll give you three Tickets if you do.
MC3-(Berserkers) from Snow.
1- I'd appreciate it if you didn't always clothesline people who either accidentally or deliberately speak inappropriately in front of Echo.
2- Please be careful whenever you're complimenting or flirting with with Cthuga again. You caused him to create a massive forest fire near Chernobog's Moutain, and you're both lucky the authorities haven't found out about it yet, thanks to Claude covering for you.
3- Garmr is not your personal attack dog, and he's not allowed to sleep in your room anymore. His howling is too much, especially at night.
4- No, I won't tell you where the milk from came from. It's a secret.
5- Stop giving Claude dumb ideas for events. Please come to me first for any ideas you have in mind from now.
6- Just because you can doesn't mean you should. And just because you should doesn't mean you can.
7- No ice cream sandwiches inside of the toasters. I don't care if you and Bathym managed to get Ikutoshi to laugh because of the result of it. It wasn't worth it.
8- Asking Belphegor to "clean out your pipes" is right out, when his shift is over. You stop that. Let him rest.
9- Stop calling yourself Tokyo's Hottest Himbo. Echo won't stop repeating it.
10- If you,Bathym, and Cthugha would find somewhere to smoke a "joint," then I'd stop dousing you with water. We don't need you stinking up the place. Maybe that'll teach you that doing drugs is bad, m'kay?
MC4- (Tycoons) from Gyumao
1- Even though I appreciate you as my business partner. Please stop complimenting the employees so frequently. They're fishing for your favoritism now.
2- Shino and Choji aren't allowed to get special treatment from me. I know you love them a lot, but I have Barguest and Snow. I need to treat them like that. When you start your own business, then you can spoil them. Other than that, refrain from asking.
3- I appreciate you calling me your dad, but please don't call me "Big Daddy" it's embarrassing, especially in front of our employees.
4- Please stop joining in the fights with the other head Tycoons. Stuff around here is expensive.
5- Licht isn't allowed to paint you naked anymore, thanks to a certain fight breaking out at the museum because everyone wanted to steal that painting of you.
6- We're allowing you to keep all that money you won, but you're not allowed to use anything at the Casino anymore. Your luck at the slot machines and gambling is unnatural, and we don't want to make others think you're cheating.
7- Stop sleeping around with your besties at the same time, you're all loud as hell, Bohemio and Sanzo are rubbing off on you.
8- Unless you actually plan on adopting them, stop referring the 8 Dog Warriors as my grandchildren. I already had Yoshito,Yasuyori, and Mussashi call me gramps. I don't like feeling old.
9- No, we are not doing a Maid Café, Melusine thinks it's degrading. And it doesn't matter what the other maids think because they'll just blindly agree with you.
10- No, you can't suck on my breath for milk just because you're too lazy to go downstairs and get some milk in the fridge. And stop asking Barguest if either my milk or Snow's milk tastes better. It's inappropriate... It's his.
10- Stop calling Korpokkur and Micheal a "lying little abortions" I can't risk having my business partner get canceled for insulting ageless children.
MC5- (Outlaws) from Gyobu
1- Even though we know Ryota is completely harmless and means well. Please let us know when he's coming over, Tetsuya still gets upset when you invite him over.
2- I know how much you hate Fuxi and the World Reps in general compared to your siblings. But please stop calling the Cops on our turf to arrest him because he broke into your room. We can handle it ourselves. We're meant to help you.
3- Please don't ever point out how all of the Outlaws have friends outside of the Guild who frequently visit unannounced. Tetsuya clearly didn't appreciate that being pointed out to him.
4- Marchiosias doesn't want Ellie following you to the Gurus Guild because he's very adamant about it, too. So please carefully watch your surroundings. She has a habit of following you. Same with the Summoners Guild.
5- You're not allowed to sneak over at the Warmonger's base to leave multiple cardboard cutouts of Yoshitune surrounding Yoritomo, just so he can suffer from a massive panic attack... again.
6- You deserve getting punched in the face for calling Suzuka a tsundere. She's your friend who asks to be treated with respect, please treat her accordingly.
7- Please stop making passive-aggressive comments to rude customers. We still appreciate you making everyone laugh because of it, but we don't need bad reviews.
8- Tsukuyomi appreciates you being his brother, stop coming up with fancy names for him. They're dumb regardless of what he thinks. You can still call him "Moon Man"
9- Just because Tetsuox calls you boss doesn't mean you should pay him, he already has a job.
10- Stop calling me your dad just because I'm dating Marchiosias. I already have 808 kids plus his child. I'm not sure I'm ready for a trouble magnet like you.
All Five from Mr. Mononobe
1- Please calm down and stop being extremely hostile towards Christine, I don't prefer her over you five. Same with Kirito.
2- No, I'm not paying for any of future weddings. You guys have an alarming number of people you're dating. Especially MC2 and MC4.
3- I appreciate you guys treating Furufumi as a seventh sibling, but maybe hang out with one or two at a time. He's still not comfortable hanging out with all of you at once.
4- Even though they deserve it, stop manipulating and gaslighting the Worlds Reps by using any information you have of the Exiles. I don't care if Micheal,Tez or Perun deserve it.
5- I swear, if I get another noise complaint from you're respective neighbors, because you five don't know how to keep your legs closed.
6- No, I won't ever make duplicates of Lil' Salomon. I know you love him. He does appreciate that you guys like him that much.
7- Hearing anyone make a racist comment directed to any of your friends isn't an excuse to jump them at once.
8- I'm not abusing my power to eliminate all of the World Reps at once, I have rules against me for that.
9- Stop trying to get me another romantic partner. Chernobog is great as is, I'm not you five. I have standards.
10- Once you five do finally graduate, then I'll allow you to drink with me. Just don't let anyone else know. Other than that, stop asking asking to go to the bar with me and the other teachers.
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soft-girl-musings · 1 year
Last Night -- Chapter 1 (MIA)
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chapter 2 chapter 3
cross-posted to ao3
Jake Lockley x fem!Reader
tags: baby's first angst, potential misuse of alcohol, protective Jake, brief allusion to Marc/Steven
wc: 1,045
fic summary: You're usually tight-lipped about your frustrations, especially when it comes to Jake. But a drink too many leaves you spilling your thoughts one by one.
You aren't usually this late.
Jake sighs as he drums his fingers on the countertop, checking his phone for the tenth time in a minute.
He sighs again. You'd said 8 o'clock, right? The stovetop clock glows mercilessly up at him. An hour since you said you'd be home for dinner. And no text from you. The phone's in his hands again, thumb hovering over your number.
He said he'd stop calling so often. He'd promised.
As your relationship has progressed, Jake has tried to dial back his instinct to protect you. He'd assumed the role of your bodyguard almost immediately: his hand gripping yours a little too tight, sizing up every passerby when you're out together. 
"Jake, relax," you always tell him. "You look like you're going to kill someone." The gentle touch of your hand always brings him back down, making him bite his tongue before he admits that he would, he'd do anything to keep you from a modicum of what he knows people are capable of. If it meant roughing up the occasional barista or store clerk when they look at you the wrong way, he'd do it in a heartbeat. Do it for you.
But you don't want him to, at least you haven't told him otherwise. What you did tell him is that you don't enjoy being hounded for updates like you have a curfew.
So there Jake stands: phone in hand, mind racing through every possible reason why you haven't called him back.
Before he locks his phone and puts it away, it starts buzzing, your name lighting up the screen.
He answers quickly. "Dios, cariño, I was worried–"
"Hey Jake," a tense voice cuts him off from the other line. Not your voice.
His jaw clenches. "What's going on, where's–"
"She's safe, we went out for drinks, but, um." The stranger hesitates, the bustle of whatever bar you're in filling the silence. It doesn't sound like your scene, it's too busy. "She's had too much to drink, and she's– someone suggested we call you to pick her up. Can you?"
Jake's rushing out the door, coat and keys in hand before your friend finishes speaking. "Text me the address."
He's sure he broke a couple of laws getting to your location, speeding downtown in record time.
His instinct was right: the dimly lit, bass-bumping establishment really isn't your usual scene. Adjusting his cap, he steps inside. It's impossibly dark, and he has no idea which friends you're with. He scans the main area once, twice, his heart rate skyrocketing. Every second without you in his line of sight means anything could have happened to you.
"Jake?" That voice. He turns to see one of your work friends rounding the corner, your phone in hand. She's timid as she approaches. Jake shakes himself, forcing a more neutral expression. You've told him you're not one to flaunt your "scary dog privilege" by his side, and he took that as your way of saying he makes your friends nervous.
"Thanks for calling me." He tries to sound sincere, but his urgency forces the words out more harshly than he'd prefer. "Where is she?"
Your friend nods and leads him to the rest of the group.
A couple of other girls from your workplace sit on either side of you on a plush couch, tucked in the corner of the bar. You cradle your head in your hands, shaking it as you seem to ramble on and on about something Jake can't quite hear. He notices the copious shot glasses on the table–  the majority of which are piled in front of you.
His jaw clenches. You told him you didn't drink. "I hate the person I become if I have even a drop," you'd insisted when he'd once offered to buy you something.
The friend who'd called him appears by his side. "She had a hard week, so we figured we'd go out tonight. We didn't– we didn't know she was such a lightweight." She doesn't speak with condescension; her eyes never leave you, and they're filled with pity. "But she insisted."
Jake runs a hand over his face, processing the situation. You never mentioned you were having a hard week. If he'd known, he could have fixed it. He could have prevented the scene you were so close to causing, your overindulgence clearly taking its toll. He could have– should have– been here.
Jake turns back to your friend and takes your phone when she offers it. "I've got her from here... thank you." They exchange a knowing look before he's swiftly by your side.
"Hey, cariño," he offers warmly, kneeling next to you. He takes your hand in his, rubbing circles on your palm the way he usually does.
You look a mess, even in the dim room: your eyes glistening with tears that make mascara run down your flushed cheeks, your mouth fixed in a frown as you carry on, not registering Jake's presence.
"...And I swear, it wasn't even my fault the deadline got pushed up, but Evan had to keep being a jerk about it–" You stop your slurred speech when you feel his hand squeeze yours. Eyes squinted, you lean in, scanning over his features. Your free hand lazily pats his head.
 "Jake." You almost sneer in recognition. Your tone makes him flinch, but he grasps your hand all the same.
"Querida," he begins again, urging you to look at him. "I think we should go home."
He stands to bring you to your feet, but you protest. "N-no, we were just talking– Jake, come on." Your friends scoot over as you’re guided up, Jake’s hands firmly on your waist when you waver. "Don't baby me," you warn, your voice unusually low. Jake's hold on you loosens, but he doesn't budge.
He murmurs back, "Then work with me. Please." The look in your eyes– glassy, but with an unfamiliar intensity behind them– sends a chill down his spine.
You straighten yourself, pushing his hands away. "Let's just go," you huff. You make your way to the door, careful not to stumble as you walk. Jake turns to the group, already distracting themselves with their own drinks, and follows you outside.
You need to talk.
A/N: I can't believe this story came together so quickly; I'm excited to finish the next 2 parts. This was loosely based on Morgan Wallen's "Last Night" (which is v out of left field for me genre-wise).
Thank you for reading!
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izzyspussy · 10 months
My Whumptober 2023 Fills Masterlist
Day 1: Our Love Is God, Ed/Izzy + Swooning Izzy was the Other Woman (in need of rescue and/or threatening) first. Rated M.
Day 2: things above the ground, Richie & The Losers + Delirium [the one where Richie gets sick and hallucinates Pennywise]
Day 3: Kill Shelter, Izzy & The Crew + Solitary Confinement (Not) Hornigold used to use solitary confinement for punishment. But Ed's not like Hornigold. They're so different, in fact, you could even say they're opposites. Rated E.
Day 5: my lamb and martyr (this will be over soon), Ed/Izzy + Pinned Down Izzy gives Edward another piece of himself. At request. Rated M.
Day 6: At Capacity, Ed/Izzy(/Frenchie) + Made to Watch Blackbeard calls Frenchie into his cabin while he's... doing stuff to Izzy. It's a test. There's no right answer. Rated E.
Day 7: it won't cost much, Izzy & The Crew + Radio Silence [the one where Izzy goes psychologically mute]
Day 9: Plan to Entangle, Frenchie/Izzy + "You're a liar." When the crew insists despite Ed's violent protestations that love is real - Izzy's love, in particular - he demands that one of them make the ultimate sacrifice to prove it. Rated E.
Day 12: another kind of love, Ed/Izzy + Insomnia Ed wakes up from the nightmare in Stede's arms. He knows in reality it's just his own sweat, but he feels like he still has Izzy's blood on his hands, dripping down his face where Izzy in the dream had touched him for the last time. Rated T.
Day 13: Just A Word (I Heard), Ed & Izzy + "I don't feel so good." Ed and Izzy have a talk the morning after their night in pink. Rated T.
Day 15: A Lot to Unpack, Izzy & The Crew + "I'm fine." The crew finally get a chance to Talk It Through, like Izzy wanted. Sort of. Rated T.
Day 17: [untitled], Jamie/Cheryl Barnaby + Touch Aversion [the one where Cheryl wins Jamie in the charity auction when he's just come back to Richmond; on his "date" with her he gets nervous and upset and traumadumps on her, and she backs off and comforts him and has a grown-up kink and consent sex ed 2.0 talk with him. He feels so much better he wants to be intimate, so they hook up. She tells him he can brag, which he does to everyone else's chagrin.]
Day 18: where we begin and end, Ed/Stede/Izzy + Blindfold [the one where Ed and Stede blindfold Izzy and pretend he can't tell which one of them is touching him, because Ed is insecure about treating Izzy nicely] Rated E.
Day 20: hold me fast, Izzy & The Crew + Found Family The grey area is gone. After this, Izzy is one of them. Rated T.
Day 21: [untitled], Ed/Izzy + "Don't move." [the one where Ed does verbal bondage dub con apology body worship on Izzy instead of just saying sorry like a normal person] Rated E.
Day 25: The Changing Water, Ed & The Crew + Storm [the one where they hit a storm and have no choice but to have Ed steer even though it makes everyone very upset] Rated T.
Day 26: don't start counting, Roy/Jamie + Working to Exhaustion [the one where Roy overworks Jamie as a negotiated non-sexual BDSM punishment, that turns sexual during aftercare] Rated E.
Day 27: Light The Candle, Stede/Izzy + Scars When Stede accidentally spills candlewax on Izzy, his first pirating lesson becomes a kink lesson instead. Rated E.
Day 28: ghostin', Izzy & Ivan + "You'll have to go through me." While tending to his amputation wounds, Ivan warns Izzy that he and some of the other crew members brought over to the Revenge from the Queen Anne are planning a mutiny and invites him to join them. Izzy refuses, as Ivan knew he would. But he had to offer. Rated T.
Day 29: that four letter word, Roy/Jamie + "What happened to me?" Jamie doesn't want to be the first to say it out loud. He asks Roy to say it for him. Rated T.
Day 30: Foreshadow, Roy/Jamie + Bridal Carry Cartrick is too intimidated to tell Rupert no. Rated T.
Day 31: [untitled], Jamie & Isaac + "Take it easy." [the one where Jamie tries to get one of Isaac's legendary haircuts, but has a panic attack instead] Rated T.
Alternate #2: some place where there isn't any trouble, Jamie & AFC Richmond + Aftermath of Failure When AFC Richmond is in Manchester to play United, Jamie Tartt turns up at their hotel looking like a puppy left in the rain. Rated T.
Alternate #3: Final Round, Jamie & James + Brass Knuckles Jamie doesn't just fight back this time. He wins. Rated M.
Alternate #9: Tusk, Ed/Izzy + Drugging [the one where Izzy does rhino horn with Ed out of desperation to spend some time with him and it gives him a headache] Rated T.
Alternate #11: [untitled], Roy/Jamie + Panic [the one where Roy has Phoebe at the club because she's out of school for behavior and he yells at her and makes a sudden movement towards her in front of the lads. Jamie says "Don't do that," and Roy stops but tries to say Phoebe's fine with it until she bursts into tears. He immediately apologizes to her, frantically, mentioning what Jamie said about grabbing for her. She 'corrects' him, saying Jamie actually told him not to yell at her. He agrees of course, apologizes again, gives her a big hug, promises he won't anymore. Then he notices that Jamie is having a time of it, with his whole head stuck into his cubby. He sends Phoebe off to see the other coaches to 'decide on his punishment for upsetting her' and then asks Jamie if he owes him an apology too. Jamie insists Roy didn't do anything to him. Roy insists he does; he hurt Phoebe's feelings yelling at her, and he scared Jamie making that sudden move. He comes closer to apologize, touches Jamie's shoulder very lightly, and Jamie jumps hard enough to hit his head on the cubby. He curls his arms around his head, still in the cubby, but Roy slowly manages to pull him out, saying "Let me see." He tells Jamie he's sorry and gives him a big hug too.]
Alternate #12: Among Thieves, Lucius/Izzy(/Ed/Pete) + Broken When Ed tries to ask Izzy if he still loves him but chickens out and asks if he still belongs to him instead, Izzy gets understandably pissed and suggests to Lucius that since pushing Ed overboard didn't make him feel better he should try stealing from him. Specifically, he should take something Ed hasn't properly appreciated having. Like Izzy. Rated E.
Alternate #13: American Spelling, Roy/Jamie(/Keeley) + Miscommunication [the one where Roy wrongfully assumes Jamie has a daddy kink]
Alternate #15: The Nines, Ed & Izzy & Jim + Reluctant Whumper [the one that's a split scene of Hornigold making Ed whip Izzy in the past + Ed making Izzy whip Jim during the Kraken era] Rated M.
View the Full Collection on AO3 -> (Collection includes bookmarks of Whumptober fics by others that I recommend!)
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jolapeno · 1 year
joel miller x f!reader wc: 600 || warnings: smut, p in v, angst with a slab more of angst, jo being poetic for no reason. an: me to @guyfieriii : 'girl, i want to read this...' and thus, because this is what i wrote while eating my food, it is solely dedicated to her.
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sometimes, joel's fingers just twitch at his side because you're the last person he wants to see.
the echoes of his last statement still bounce around the barely-filled kitchen cupboards and the undecorated walls.
and he just stares through his brows, silence rolling all heavy and thick. it's close to barrel waves, aiming for ankles, determined to remove any hope of oxygen.
not that you show it. you stare, well-versed in masking your emotions, the end of times does that to a person, and joel miller forces you to perfect it.
he'll wear that expression, the one that's hard to read, worn and beat. if he feels regret, he never shows it. there's never an apology, not in word form, only ever in the things he does.
turning, you let your shoulders sink—and then it’s the sound of boots on hardwood flooring. like drums.
thud. thud. thud.
they land to the beat of your heart. your lashes blinking before his hand grabs your hip, turning you, forcing you to face him. pausing, staring at you, the briefest chance to push him away, to tell him to go.
you don't. then his dry, cracked lips are on yours. and he’s fire, burning, and eroding past anger; all wishful hatred melting it all.
it’s rushed fingers, buttons sliding from their places as soft thuds become the background instruments to the carnal act about to happen.
no words, just your clothes gone and his jeans around ankles.
and now it’s something else entirely. it’s born from the words said moments ago and fused with desperate kisses full of teeth and tongue; it melds itself with pleasure, of feeling so full you stop hating him for the briefest second, letting a whimper escape at how stretched you feel, and how good it is all at once.
now it’s Joel. it’s please. it's fingers on his neck, teasing the uncut curls at the base of his hairline as he begins to move, making promises about it feeling good, that he’ll make you feel good, that he’s the only one that will.
you know, in the same way your brain does, he's right.
even if your nerves are busy, occupied, rendered useless by the brutal pace he’s set—your breath swallowed by him, under the spotlight of his gaze. the one you crave. the one you hope will remain, but knows it never will.
not even when he holds your chin, grunts to keep your eyes on him. you do. don't even question it, not bothered you're sullying the table in Jackson or that splinters are embedding themselves in.
you just hoping he’ll leave bruises and marks. just so you have it, something from him tomorrow that won’t have turned cold and distant.
sometimes, joel hates you because he doesn't hate you at all.
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joel doesn't want you, yet your things live with his.
two souls wandering, swirling, moving around the other, living in conjunction, but not really together.
it's different when he brushes his palm over your waist, an indication, a sign. it's the only time you feel he lets you in—when he’s sheathed himself inside of you.
you're granted access passed empty brown into warm hazel. it's when he calls you darlin’, let his southern drawl extend each letter of it as it coats your ear as he rocks his hips against yours and his lips over your jaw.
sometimes you’re on your back, splayed out for him—a sight he says is fuckin' heavenly. sometimes you’re on top of him, held in place, perfectly positioned, a fuckin' goddess.
you savour it, the sounds of his grunts and groans, the way he looks at you as though you’d never had to kill, never done anything more than cook a meal and make a bed.
in these moments, the two of you can pretend that this is something special, and not just relief. it’s not just two people desperately seeking pleasure, a break in the fear—something akin to a treat.
it's why you kiss him with adoration, instead of the bitterness he expects. why you hold him for a second or two after your breaths are both caught. his eyes ablaze with lust, blinking a shard of it away until you're greeted with somewhat-narrowed eyes and a gritted jaw.
when it’s over and his jeans are back up his thighs, the emptiness from the lack of him feeling larger, as if something close to being cared for has been ripped from your grip.
but then, it was foolish to expect such things from joel miller.
he’s weathered, practically turned to stone. his hands are soaked in blood, his body littered in scars, and his soul is a blend of them both.
you still want him, all the same.
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johnnyraine · 2 years
Next to Me - Ch. 5
Ch. 1, Ch. 2, Ch. 3, Ch. 4, Ch. 6
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Words: 1,336
18th of January, 2023
A.N.: Sorry, it took so long. At first, it was general laziness; then there was a flood and I had to leave; then I was depressed; I got back and it was general laziness again & cleanup; I finished a fic, but no one cared for it, so depressed again; then I finally finished this chapter.
"We can do whatever we want he-"
You stop listening to your "partner." Apparently, there isn't really much that the Militia "does." The patrol you're currently on was your idea, and even then, you only mentioned it. As if it's what they do.
It's not. And your partner decided to continuously remind you.
"Why would you tell Aguni that? Why did he listen to you anyway?" He complains.
'I honestly don't know,' You think, regretting this.
You still remember Aguni's empty stare before he split you up into pairs. Luckily, Niragi was put with someone else.
'I might've just beat him if we were together.'
An hour passes with your partner complaining, taking swigs from a bottle, or just harassing fellow Beach members.
"Okay," You say.
After the latest, now uncomfortable, Beach members turn a corner, you grab "Ken-something," and throw him against the wall.
"He- Ack!" He chokes out, dropping his bottle and grabbing at the arm on his throat.
Pushing against his throat, you point directly in his face.
"If I hear another word, I will rip your fucking tongue out. Okay?" He nods, eyes wide. "If you touch, grab, or even say some shit to any other Beach members, I'll break your arm."
"Got it?"
He chokes out a yes and you let him go.
"Come on, we still have some time left."
The rest of your patrol passes in silence.
Your next partner, Daisuke, is much better. He took to your idea of patrols with some determination. There's no drinking, complaining, at least not about the patrol, or harassing others.
He seems like a fine person.
"Another one," He says, seeing another couple being "busy" down the hall.
"You'd hope they'd find a room instead," You say, moving on.
"Preferably Hatter's. See if he likes a free sex show."
You chuckle, "He probably would."
Back and forth your conversation goes, enjoying the other's company. You believe by the end of your patrol, Daisuke will likely be one of the few people you can tolerate here.
There's a pause in the conversation as you're in your last thirty minutes with him. As you believe it'll end in silence, Daisuke asks you something.
"Why did you hit Niragi?"
You should've known he'd say something about that, but it doesn't stop you from making a face anyway.
Coming to a stop, you face him, "Because he deserved it. Simple as that."
It's Daisuke's turn to make a face, though you can't tell if it's approval or not.
He motions to continue walking, "Do not get me wrong, I think Niragi deserved it. Many in the Militia do. But…"
He stops and turns to you.
"You could have died, W/l/n. You are fortunate that you know each other."
"Why's that?"
He raises an eyebrow, "How long have you been here?"
You think about it for a minute.
"Maybe a week or so."
"And you have not seen the Militia's more violent members or their violent tendencies?"
"No, I've been hiding," You answer, beginning to lose your patience.
"Niragi is known for being one of, if not, the most violent member. I have seen him beat a man with his gun for annoying him. With no hesitation, he killed an entire group of "traitors" who simply tried to leave."
You look like you ate a lemon, anger fills your entire being.
"Yet," He says. "When Aguni pulled a gun on you, Niragi tried to stop him. With him also calling out your name, it is evident you two know each other."
"Hatter stopped Aguni," You grit out.
"But Niragi tried to stop him before Hatter showed up."
You stare at him for a few moments, refusing to answer some unasked question. Daisuke gives in first and your patrol ends sometime later.
'Well, he left an impression,' You think.
You startle and look at Aguni with some of the Militia.
'Even when he speaks normally, it sounds like barking.'
Or perhaps you were just distracted, thinking about the new information you have about your old friend.
"You two are together. Go."
He dismisses you and you look at your next partner.
"Why would I work with him?' He asks incredulously.
Your eyes catch your partner. Niragi sneers at you before looking at Aguni. The man simply blinks, looking at Niragi until he looks away.
And so it begins.
However long passes with you two in tense silence. Honestly, you expected Niragi to have said something by now. But, he's silent. You don't know why. For you, you haven't spoken because you think you might punch him.
'Calm yourself, Y/n. Calm yourself.' You take deep breaths.
"What's wrong with you?" Niragi asks with an attitude.
"What the fuck's wrong with you?"
'Fuck,' You think.
You just blurted it out, not even thinking.
He gets in your face and you grab his shirt.
"I said what the fuck's wrong with you, Niragi?!  I don't see you in years and the first thing I see, is you attempting to abduct someone for your fucking boss."
Throwing him for a second, he recovers in a rage. Shoving you into a wall, he didn't plan on your grip being so strong.
Your back hits the wall and Niragi is knocked off balance. You headbutt each other.
You curse, letting him go.
"Are you seriously still such an idiot?!" He yells, clutching his forehead.
You bristle at that. Just barely, you withhold your anger. Taking a moment to collect yourself, when you open your eyes, Niragi's gone.
"Fu-" You hiss, taking another deep breath.
Aguni later rips you a new one. Even though he didn't raise his voice, you feel cowed. You don't know if you can take him. You may not be that smart, but you certainly aren't that dumb.
The next time you see Niragi is on a car ride to a game. You are unfortunately in the same group.
It's an awkward ride.
The others must sense the tension because no one says anything. Leaving you all in a long silence. The driver glances at you in the mirror, but quickly looks away from your gaze.
'I'm making a face, aren't I?' You rub your face.
You arrive at the venue; it's diamonds.
You sigh, dropping your head.
Dragging yourself to your room, you disregard the thought of hiding and sleeping elsewhere.
The game wasn't nearly as hard as you believed it would be. That doesn't mean it was particularly easy.
There were six of you: two from the militia; two regular Beach members, and you and Niragi. By the end, there are four.
The only part you care about is that no one had to die. You are certain of it. The last Militia member even knows it.
"That fucker!" You growl.
Niragi was on some fucking high. Though only a suspicion, you believe he knew how to solve the game, but chose to say nothing. When one person died, it was an unfortunate incident.
You weren't paying attention to anyone in particular.
When a Militia member died, he was in hysteria. Apparently, he knew the previous person.
When he died, you saw Niragi smirk. As if enjoying it!
You paid attention when someone else was likely going to die. However long ago it was, you could still tell Niragi was hiding something.
It's only because it's still only a suspicion that you feel somewhat bad.
You "handled" him. Hitting and shaking him to and fro, screaming at him to "fucking help, damn it!"
If the timer wasn't running low, you know he would have fought back harder. He reluctantly helped to win the game, after which he simmered in the car ride back "home."
You know it wasn't just because of what you did, but because others saw.
But you can't care much more about it. Two people are unnecessarily dead.
Collapsing into your bed, you don't even block the door.
"I wish, he'd try something," You mumble into the sheets, just hoping he'd give you a reason to beat his ass.
In no time, you fall asleep, awaiting the next day and its problems.
← Chapter 4 - Chapter 6 →
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history-detective · 3 months
BlackStar ~Theater Starless translation
Season 1 – Episode 9 (Last Chapter):
Common Chapter 1-2 - The Chipped Fangs.
(Kokuyou, Taiga, Kei, Akira, MC, Takami, Sin)
MC: (I was thinking of watching W's rehersal today, but I guess it's already started).
Kokuyou: That's why I don't have intention of asking for your permission, Kei.
**MC peeks through dance room door**
MC: ( Uwa)
Kokuyou: I will decide about Team W. Don't question me.
Kei: Too bad Kokuyou, you don't direct the show.
Kei: Whether you want it or not, it's my role to oversee the show.
Kei: You don't understand balance. Having Takami as Number 2 is too easy.
Kokuyou: What?
Takami: .I guess it means.....I'm not the Number 2 on Team W.
Sin: I don't mind. In any case, I have to fill in the hole left by Mokuren.
Akira: Do what we like? I'm a singer so I'm not interested in the Number 2 position.
Kokuyou: This is what we say at home. Kei please don't get in the way.
Kokuyou: Or, are you trying to pick a fight with me, huh?
Kei: Hmmm, it look like you will never get rid of your habit of barking everywhere.
Kokuyou: If you want that kind of cheap provocation, come on.
MC: (This is bad, I have to stop it.....!)
Taiga: Well-, it's still too early to stop-. Let's wait and see-.
MC: If they fight each other, they will get hurt.
Taiga: Don't worry, it's fine, it's fine. They're surprisingly good people.
MC: But----huh? Who are you?
Taiga: Take a closer look, MC.
MC: Ahhh!?!? Who are you?!
**Falls through door as Kei goes to door*
Kei: MC! Are you okay?
Kei: Are you hurt?
MC: Ah, yeah, I'm fine, sorry!
Akira: It was hard to in because of Kokuyou and Kei arguing~.
Akira: You can leave them alone if it's annoying.
MC: Ha, aha........
Akira: -----So, what about you? Who are you? You're an outsider.
Taiga: It's not like I'm a complete outsider.
Kokuyou: ......Hey, why did you come to this place? You must have been bored.
Akira: What, you know Kokuyou?
Taiga: Yep, that's about it. My handle name is Taiga.
Unmotivated engineer - Taiga.
Kei: I see, you are "Taiga". It's the first time I've seen your face.
Taiga: Ah, I guess they found out that I was hacking~ I have no choice (x2).
**Kokuyou punches wall**
Kokuyou: Don't kid yourself, go home. You were told not to come to this side.
Taiga: It's already impossible. If I was going to leave after being yelled at, I wouldn't have come in the beginning.
Taiga: We were good friends to the extent that we would look for each other if someone disappeared. You and me, brother "Kokuyou".
Taiga: No matter what you say I'm going to join Starless.
Kei: ---That's fine. It looks like you have the resolve.
Kei: I give permission. Welcome to Starless.
Kei: Explore to your heart's content. But don't think you can escape easily.
Taiga: I am aware of this. I can also be used as an IT person, so please feel free to use me.
Kei: Kokuyou, I'll leave this one with W. Fill in Kasumi's role.
Kokuyou: Ha? What do you mean?
Kei: Kasumi followed Mokuren.
Kokuyou: ----Ngh.
Kokuyou: ......Is that so? Okay, you'll give it to me in exchange for the ceremony.
Kokuyou: So then, are you still here to mess around? Get out quickly.
Kei: Team W is your garden or hunting dog. In that case, as you wish.
Kei: Well, then I'll excuse myself. There won't be rehearsal today.
Akira: I'm also going home. I don't want to hang out with Kokuyou who is in a bad mood.
Sin: Well then, let's close tonight's concert. It is in the nature of the world that silence sinks into darkness.
Kei: ---MC, you too.
MC: .....Yeah. Thank you for your hard work.
Takami: Kokuyou? Is it okay if we dissolve today?
Kokuyou: Ah, it's over for today. Takami, you should transfer to Mokuren.
Kei: Kokuyou----Haseyama will attack you, so if you want to protect Starless, be prepared.
Kokuyou: Shut up. Hurry up, get out.
**People leave**
Kokuyou: .......That's not what I'm prepared for, I've already made up my mind.
Taiga: Ah-, sorry, I ended up ruining the rehersal.
Kokuyou: It doesn't matter if you try just once.
Kokuyou: .....so? What did you actually come here for?
Taiga: As I said, there is no way I'm fine with my family disappearing.
Taiga: Um!, should I call you Kokuyou here?
Kokuyou: yea, I'll also call you Taiga.....but it's a strange name.
Taiga: I copied brother's "Cat Eye Stone" [T/N - Nekome]. I'm "Tiger's Eye Stone" [T/N - Torameshi].
Kokuyou: Hmm-. What happened to school?
Taiga: I've been learning a lot-. Oh-, I didn't mention that-. My bad-.
Kokuyou: Have you been looking for him all this time. Brother Nekome told you not to look for him.
Taiga: Brother said even if you say "don't wait", you won't stop waiting.
Taiga: Hey please cooperate. I won't say I have no faults.
Kokuyou: There is no negative points.
Taiga: No way, how terrible-.
Kokuyou: Should I wait for him with a negative attitude? Stupid.
Taiga: That's not being honest.....But I don't really mind.
Taiga: I've searched all over the internet, but in the end I've stopped here.
Taiga: Information was blocked by that person called Kei.
Kokuyou: That bastard....
Taiga: Well. I'll do what I want. Thank you for your help for a while.
Kokuyou: ......Ah it can't be helped. Everyone is doing what they want.
Kokuyou: However, they don't offer any explaination.
Taiga: Too bad, too bad.
Kokuyou: Look a little more apologetic.
To be continued....
DISCLAIMER – This is not an accurate translation! Please do not steal. Please let me know of any corrections and what I translated wrong- I may have just written what I think works best, but if you think otherwise, let me know. :)
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chaotic-on-main · 1 year
uhhh tell me a story about you!!!
what are ur top 5 reasons for thirsting for levi 👀
Top 5 reasons why I'm a Levi slut first and a person second (your words not mine):
1. Himbs eyes, I love his eyes. They're so aljdksjf yanno. I always describe them as hooded lmao, but I really love them. And the color of them too. might collect them and put them in a jar
2. His ARMS OH MY GOD. They're so toned. I just want him to choke me, maybe kill me a little. As a treat.
3. His voice (yes I am talking about his English dub fight me in a Walmart parking lot IDC) Matthew Mercer as Levi just does things to me okay? Okay cool.
5. His personality overall. This should actually be the top of the list but I just needed to get the feral thoughts out of the way. I love how cold and aloof his exterior is but on the inside is actually very caring and compassionate for others. He will protect those at the cost of his own life. Too bad for them, this stubborn idiot refuses to die.
A story about me huh? Hmm.
Tw/cw: alcohol, sexual soliciting (?), underage drinking, illegal affairs
I'll tell you about one of my favorite memories: Accidentally getting drunk then having to chase my friend's dog back into the house at 7 in the morning lmao.
This was the summer after I graduated high school. My best friend, S, and I decided to throw this little party for our just turned seniors friends. So we decided to all go bowling and then have a sleepover at said junior's house, J. Unfortunately our other friend, B, couldn't make it because he was grounded (this is important to note) so it was just the 3 of us. Everything is fine, we all suck at bowling, cool. We all start to drive over to our friend's house for the night.
Once settled, J (the one who we're staying with who by the way of course still lives with her parents since she's 17) then pulls out 3 half filled WATER BOTTLES (yes those plastic disposable ones) of liquor. I don't even know what was in them but it's all horrible. Anyways, I - being the mom of the group - barely have any why these two girls and one guy down it. And we're vibing. But we realize quickly that we're RUNNING OUT OF LIQUOR.
So we're coming up with a game plan to get more. Long story short (because I don't remember how it happened exactly) B says he has a contact that can get us more alcohol but we'd have to drive over to get it. Well this is a conundrum because two friends (S and J) are wasted and one doesn't know how to drive, which left me. BUT I ONLY HAD MY DRIVERS PERMIT AT THE TIME (this is a whole different story of why I couldn't legally drive until I was 18, not important right now) but I am their only option so I was like fine.
We sneak outside to S's car and try to leave but for some reason her car won't start? Like it kept stalling and then I accidentally triggered her car alarm so it was going off for a couple minutes before we were finally able to shut it off. We sit there for a couple minutes in silence, afraid we just woke up J's parents.
We didn't.
But now we're out A CAR. then our other friend B mentions we can just use his car. Which is great BUT WE HAD TO WALK 10 MINUTES TO HIS HOUSE TO GET IT. We forgot to put shoes on S's feet too apparently, I don't remember that but she does. We get to his car finally and drive off. This is my FIRST TIME DRIVING AT NIGHT. I WAS SO SCARED. BUT WE MADE IT TO THIS RANDOM STRANGER'S CONDO
So B handles it, he goes in to grab the liquor. But he's in there for a VERY LONG TIME. He finally comes back with a bottle of skyy vodka and we're like "B what the fuck too you so long." YALL. HE GAVE THIS CONTACT A BLOWJOB IN ORDER TO GET THE LIQUOR AND THATS WHY HE WAS GONE FOR SO LONG. anyways.
So we're back, we're all drinking and having fun. Might have made out with each other idk. After a while, S needs to go potty and the bathroom was actually right next to the bedroom so when you open the door, you can look into it. So she goes, she takes a while to come back. I'm like what the fuck. I'm periodically opening and closing the door to make sure she's okay and she's just throwing up in the toilet. Mind you I'm drunk, so everything is kinda running slow for me. She said she's fine when I ask so I keep checking in on her
anyways panic ensues, mother mode takes over. S is sobbing as she usually does when she's too drunk to handle and I'm stripping her and putting her into the shower because she's a fucking mess okay? And J is drunk off her ass and her mom is trying to damage control her by making her shower too. I'm pretty sure she threw up on herself and at one point ran down the stares ass naked? I don't know. B is passed out on the bed by the way.
There's also this point in time but idk where it lines up but J's dog got out and we had to chase it through the neighborhood while being drunk off our asses at 7am. A running couple came by and asked if we needed help and I was like "nah we're good" but I'm pretty sure they could tell we were drunk. Like we probably looked like a fucking mess. This happened before J's mom found us tho. The sun was fucking out y'all.
We didn't get home until maybe 3pm because we slept in. our cover up story of why we felt and looked sick to our parents was because of food poisoning from the bowling alley.
Anyways. Long story short kids, drink responsibly. I wanna note I am no longer this person, btw.
I uh. A lot has happened to me before the age of 21.
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cookies-are-nice · 9 months
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Content : Mikey x Sachiko(OC), typical tokro revengers shananigans
Notes : English is not my first language and there are probably a lot of mistakes in here :'D. Also, I need to stress how cringe the first part of the story is but trust me, my writing gets better as you read😭
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Chapter 1 : Rose of Tokyo
-ˋˏ ❀。* ✿˚* ੈ ‧₊*❈꧁🥀꧂❈ * ੈ‧₊ *₊° ❀ ˎˊ-
"Have you guys heard of the 'Rose of Tokyo'?" Akkun asked with hesitance.
"What kind of name is that?" Makoto asked mockingly.
"OK, WE GET IT" Yamagishi was quickly cut off by Takemichi.
Despite that, he continued, "You are a disgrace to the brotherhood for not knowing that such a badass delinquentress existed."
"You are one annoying fanboy"
Yamagishi and Makoto get up to square up with each other, while the others continue to chill at the park.
*Sigh* "Those two are so annoying,"
Takemichi chuckles.
"But why did you ask us about her?"
"Oh, I want to know who she was."
"Akkun? I didn't know you were a fan"
"What no! I just wanted to thank her in person for helping my sister get out of trouble yesterday,"
"why can't you just find her and tell her,"
"she always runs away when someone tries to talk with her,"
"oh I see"
"WAIT, did you think WE of all people knew?"
"I thought Yamagishi would've found out by now."
He yelled from a distance.
Akkun left Takemichi and joined in on the fight.
<what a hypocrite>
Takemichi thought to himself as he glanced at the time displayed on his phone.
"Uh, I have to leave now, it's about to be dinner time."
His friends whined in disappointment. They bid farewell and Takemichi headed home. After walking for a while, he finally reached home. He swung open the door, threw his bag on their broad couch and rushed to the bathroom to take a quick shower. Emerging from his room after showering, he walked toward the sofa and flopped on it face down, not even making an effort to complete his schoolwork. Suddenly, he heard the house door being unlocked.
"Oh hi sis"
Sachiko comes in with some kfc that she bought for dinner.
"You got a 67% on your Math exam so I figured you should have a reward"
<I really shouldn't award him for this but oh well>
Takemichi exclaimed as he grabbed the bag of the finger-lickin' good fried chicken and dug in. While enjoying their dinner, Takemichi suddenly brought up a question.
"hey sis, have you heard of 'tokyo rose'?"
"or something like that I probably messed up the name,"
"OH, you mean 'Rose of Tokyo' ? The one who goes around saving girls from getting harassed or something?"
"Why does everyone know who she is?"
"cause she showed up like 1 month ago I think."
<1 month 2 weeks and 4 days>
"oh really? I only found out about her recently, "
"huh, I didn't expect that from you, Takemichi,"
"what do you mean?"
"Oh cmon you know what I mean!"
An awkward silence filled the room—that was until Sachiko started eating again, Takemichi followed, not making eye contact.
"So uhm why did you ask me about her?"
<damn this feels like déjà vu>
"uh Akkun wanted to thank the girl for helping her sister"
"She already thanked m....." She mumbled then slowly trailed off.
"O-oh I was saying his sister probably already thanked the girl"
"He wanted to thank the girl formally, "
"She really doesn't want it, I mean she doesn't do what she does for something in return, she does it because she wants to help out. Plus, she'd feel way too bad if she hadn't interfered with the situation."
"wait a minute"
"How do you know that much about her?"
Sachiko jokingly forces Takemichi out of the house and smiles to herself thinking how lucky she is to have a brother this stupid. But he was right about one thing, she really needed to be careful when letting rumours about her spread.
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more notes: AHHH THAT WAS SO CRINGE. I'm so sorry😭😭 I wrote that shi a year ago. I promise the next chapters will be better🤞
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videogame1up · 2 years
Some of my favorite games of all time
If you were to ask me what my favorite game of all time is, i would probably say something like "Of all time? I don't know, depending on the day and my mood it could be ten different games" Or something to that effect. The games listed here are a healthy mix of some genuinely amazing, ten outta ten games and some "I played it a lot when i was a kid" With that said this list is in absolute no order, the #1 on this list is not my all time favorite game, just one of them.
10. Sims Bustin out
Alright starting off with a bit of a left curve, but Sims Bustin out is one of my favorite games of all time. Which is a statement i trust not too many people have said. Is Sims bustin out the best Sims game? No, that's probably Sims 2. Bustin out beats out 2 mostly for that sweet sweet nostalgia. Anyone who has played, and gotten into the Sims knows how addicting the game play is, balancing work, personal life, relationships is so much more enjoyable when done virtually than in real life. I have so many memories of booting this game up late at night when everyone had fallen asleep, excited to get a new promotion in my criminal career path. The gameplay of Sims Bustin out is purely addicting, and it's an addiction i haven't really shaken from childhood. Now I'm off to never say or type "Bustin out" ever again
Release Date- December 16, 2003
Consoles-PS2, Xbox, Gamecube
9. Donkey Kong Country
I remember the first time playing this game, my friend invited me over and about half way through i asked "So, whats the plot exactly? Like, are we trying to rescue your girlfriend or something?" I was beside my self when my friend went "Nah, we're getting your bananas back" It's such a funny premise and shows the game doesn't take its self too seriously, beneath the surface of this over the top goofy game is genuinely one of the greatest 2D platformers of all time . One of those games that has infinite replay ability because its so much fun going through these stages. The difficulty curb isn't too crazy, and eases you into some of the most challenging but fair levels from any game. Not to mention this one of the best looking games to come from the Snes, with one of gamings best soundtracks. I genuinely love this game, and believe its worth playing, even if for only a few levels.
Release date- November 18, 1994
Consoles- Snes, Switch (online snes library)
8. Kingdom Hearts
The Kingdom hearts series has had its up and its downs, it has had it's Organization XIII and it's time travel (for some reason) the original Kingdom Hearts is still a pretty simple and straightforward game which i definitely think helps with it's longevity, i don't know what is going on in Kh3 and i played all the other games leading up to it. KH is a beautiful marriage between Square Enix and Disney, it should not work out nearly as well as it does. The developers really got things right off the bat, the worlds (for the most part, fun fact you can actually skip under the sea) are fun to explore or at the very least, thanks to the enjoyable combat system, they are fun to fight your way through. Each world of course has its own vibes, they have their own unique heartless and boss fights. If you want extra content KH has you covered. Two (pretty difficult) secret bosses to find in the Peter Pan world and Aladdin world. You also have the coliseum to go back to, eventually making your way up to the Hades cup filled with enemies you have fought along the way as well as a few boss fights including of course Hades him self. You can't talk about side content without talking about Sephiroth. You can beat the game, credits will roll, Sephiroth will still kill you. Or for giggles you can attempt a speed run (for me my best time is around 5 hours) Kingdom hearts was also the first game that was purely just mine, after having to share with my siblings no one but me in the house was all that interested in saving my friends and returning back home to Destiny islands. This is game that scratches that nostalgia itch, and is just a genuinely fun game
"Remember what you said before? I'm always with you too, I'll come back to you. I promise"
"I know you will"
Release Date-March 28, 2002
Consoles-PS2,PS3,PS4, Xbox One
7. Wind Waker
Link to the past was my first Zelda game, but Wind Waker is my favorite Zelda game. Wind Waker, how do i love thee, let me count the ways
The open world was vast with so much to see and explore, this is a point of contention as there are those out there who don't like the great sea. And those people are wrong. The great sea offers such a great sense of exploration. Feed the fish to learn about each island (49 of em) take on each enemy outpost you encounter, hunt for treasure, fight sea monsters, explore ghost ships, or simply watch a storm roll in. While Zelda stories are never very deep, i quite like this one. (slight spoilers for a 20 year old game) you discover what happens to Hyrule when it's hero fails to rise, for a cartoony game its story is fairly dark. And of course the game looks fantastic, even going back to play the original gamecube release it still looks very good. Some complain that this is one of the easier Zelda games, but that criticism goes out when you consider Breath of the wild is the easiest Zelda game and that's the one everyone says is perfect. Zelda games aren't meant to be dark souls, and i really do love just sailing around.
"This is the only world that your ancestors were able to leave you. Please....forgive us"
Release date- March 24, 2003
Consoles- Gamecube, Wii U
6. Sonic the Hedgehog (Sega Genesis)
A.K.A the official Nostalgia representative. The Sega Genesis was the first console i ever played, games like Eternal Champions, Phantom 2040, X-Men, Alex Kid in the enchanted castle, while i do have a soft for these games and many others that kicked off my interest in gaming, not many hold up exceptionally well today, that is of course expect for Sonic on Genesis (I'm cheating here a bit and including the three main line sonic games on the genesis ) These games represented the best that the Genesis had of offer and are still a blast to play to this day. Who wants to play as a slow Italian plumber when you can play as a cool blue hedgehog with attitude. Just try and put your controller down, he will tap his foot impatiently. It was the 90s, and being cool was so cool. Speed? Oh speed was the coolest. Race through the levels with master reaction time jumping over enemies and obstacles to race to the finish. 30 years later, and these games still hold up exceptionally well
Release date- June 21, 1991
Consoles- Genesis, and countless re-releases on nearly every console since the ps2.
5. Red Dead Redemption 2
I wanna be a cowboy baaaaby
There is no such thing as a perfect game, but RDR2 is pretty close. The Story is this game is one of my favorites. Following a gang in the dying days of the wild west, it has some twists. It has some turns. And in the end, it had an emotional and satisfying conclusion. RDR 2 excels at what any sandbox strives for, an amazing world to explore. As fantastic as the story is, the world has so much to see and do and explore. Stranger missions (side missions) scatter the world from becoming hunting friends with a war vet to gathering dangerous and exotic animals that have escaped from the traveling circus. Like searching for creepy Easter eggs? Because great, you can explore a haunted swamp, find a woman imprisoned by her own family, and follow the clues leading to the lair of a serial killer. With over 200 animals living in the world of RDR 2, it really does feel alive. The world is diverse and never a bore to travel through, in part thanks to the fact RDR2 is one of the most graphically impressive games I've ever played.
"When the time comes, you gotta run and don't look back. This is over."
Release date- October 26, 2018
Console-PS4,Xbox one, PC
4. Animal Crossing New Leaf
I bought a 3ds just for this game, i went to Gamestop the morning the game released and bought a Red 3Ds XL along a copy of Animal Crossing New Leaf. I won't get into New Horizons here, but New Leaf is still by far the series has offered. New Leaf was peak Animal crossing, it took the game several steps forward while still staying true to the Animal Crossing formula. You move to a village and become the new mayor, which allows you freedom over your town like never before. With public work projects you could decorate your town, as mayor you could set ordinances so villagers either stay up late with your, or maybe they wake up early with you. The music is arguably the best Animal Crossing has given us. Fortune cookies allowed you to decorate your home with items from Zelda, Mario, Pikmin, Starfox, etc. Forge friendships with your neighbors, try to force the ugly ones out, actually upgrade your shop all the way. Maybe the best part, no incredibly long tutorial. The game just, starts. It's easy for anyone from any age to get into New Leaf.
Release date- June 9th, 2013
Console- 3DS
3. Hit and Run
You ever wanna play gta but your mom wont let you? Just play The Simpsons Hit and Run, its sorta the same game. Hit and Run has a fair amount of flaws, like the fact you essentially repeat the same 4 or 5 missions over and over again. Race that car, follow that car, destroy that car, collect stuff the car drops (worst of these missions) However, i am a Simpsons fan and also it's a game from my youth, it was always going to make it on this list. (I see you Road Rage, get outta here) Even though the missions aren't the most thrilling, the game it self is still a lot of fun to mess around in it. Springfield is honestly pretty faithfully re-created, outside the standard missions there are plenty of extra goodies (level gags, collector cards, bonus cars to unlock, costumes such as cool Lisa, Bartman, Donut head homer and officer Marge) driving around feels good and doesn't take long before you start discovering shortcuts in each level, allowing you to absolutely smoke the computer players. For all these reasons Hit and Run is a game I'll consistently go back to and play
Release date- September 16, 2003.
2. Pokemon Red and Blue
Is Red and Blue the best Pokemon games? Nah. Are the the only ones I'm nostalgic for? Nah. As much as i love Gen 2 Pokemon games Gold and Silver, i just can't justify having them over Red and Blue. These are the games that got me into Pokemon, i was the Pokemon generation and these games are so important to my childhood i just couldn't leave them off. I was on the playground when kids went "Hey you know you can catch a mew by moving that truck" It pained me that it was never true and Justin's dad did not in fact work at Nintendo. Red and Blue have not held up as well as many other games on this list, and even when the complaint for newer games are "Well this is nothing new" They still add onto and improve upon the original formula, however Nostalgia is an incredibly powerful force and this game like few others has the ability to make me feel 5 again.
"Do you believe in ghost? Hahahaha, i guess not. That white hand on your shoulder, it's not real"
Release date- September 28, 1998
Console- Gameboy
Super Smash bros ultimate
Each new Smash bros game instantly becomes the new best Smash game (sorry, Melee fans) at least that's the case for the general public. Each new game updates and adds onto the previous game, Smash ultimate is a rare beast in that whatever comes after it, can't possibly top it. The next smash game will more than likely be a great game, much like all old smash bro games are, but the next smash won't be able to say "Everyone is here!" The amount of characters and stages really does feel like a once in a lifetime thing. You'll never be able to say "Let's play a round of smash, you'll be Pichu, you can be Snake, you can be Ken, and I'll be Sora" Ever again. Smash ultimate is a game i have fairly regularly gone back to play since it's release in December 2018. As of writing this now i have played Smash Ultimate for 535 hours, that's 22 days of my life spent playing this game, and i have no regrets. I'll boot it up only expecting to play a few minutes but then I'll start playing as one of 80 some characters i haven't give much attention to. Figuring their move set out, figuring out whether or not i want to make them a main or not. Each character feels unique, but the controls are simple enough you never feel overwhelmed stepping out of your comfort zone and maybe trying out a little mac if you're used to playing as a Mega Man. Sakuria and his team created one of the greatest fighting games of all time, a game that will be re-visited years after it's own release.
Release date- December 7th, 2018
Console- Switch
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puff-mmd · 1 year
so i was thinking about an au (not canon or anything, just for fun)
where ciro and kaisei meet in high school.
ciro is a transfer student since i feel like his family is more likely to move around with his parent's work and all.
now, the thing about kaisei in school is that he was smart enough to get by, but he was by no means a genius or anything. he often had to study a lot and even then only did about average. in turn, he would study with people he knew were smart to help keep him on track.
so in walks this new guy and it's quickly established that he's very smart. he also…earns rumors about being icy cold. he doesn't seem to want to hang out with people much, plus he's already turned down several girls asking him out.
well, kaisei being a mild-mannered and friendly person (who is also on the hunt for new study partners), "runs into" him in the library one day. ciro doesn't mind the company because kaisei does manage to keep quiet mostly, plus he can somewhat keep up with the information.
(it's also because he thinks kaisei is cute, not that he realizes he's gay yet but y'know. everyone thinks guys are kinda cute right?)
they end up being buddies and hang out quite a bit from there on. people approach kaisei wondering how he managed to melt that icy heart of ciro's, while others approach ciro and let him know that if he keeps hanging around that guy, people are going to start thinking…things.
ciro picks up on he insinuation, and he starts putting thought into it
more thought than he would have expected.
"dating kaisei?? but i'm not… at least i don't think…"
but the more he thinks about it, he takes into account how much he enjoys studying with him, hanging out with him, talking to him…
and he eases into the idea of "ohhhh ok i do like him."
i'd imagine after realizing it, he's a little more nervous around kaisei, and kaisei being more in tune with people's emotions than with books, can tell something is up.
so that's a bit of the background info
now for the cute part
the term ends, and kaisei asks ciro to go with him to a local festival during the summer holiday. ciro, obviously, agrees to go because 1) he liked hanging around kaisei and 2) the thought of kaisei in a yukata Did Something to ciro's brain
they go together and have a wonderful time playing games, winning prizes for each other, eating delicious food, and seeing some other friends for a bit
but the best part is the fireworks, kaisei insists.
he knows a nice little place where not a lot of people go, and that you can see double the fireworks because there's a pond that reflects the sky just right.
they head over a bit early, munching on some snacks and talking about some of the stuff they won.
"here, try this! i get some of these every year since i never find any as good as theirs," kaisei says holding up the small stick with a ball of takoyaki carefully balancing on the end. ciro takes a bite, the whole thing in his mouth at once, and immediately jumps from how hot the filing is.
kaisei stifles a laugh watching him fan his mouth, as if that would actually cool his now seared tongue.
the blonde reaches over and punches his arm after taking a drink of water to help his burnt mouth, but they both share a giggle about the stupid takoyaki.
"someone should put a warning label on those things."
"but wasn't it good?"
"yeah, after it was done feeling like lava being poured down my throat."
they sit and look out at the pond, a half moon reflected on the still water, lightning bugs flitting around the edges of the water and the sound of crickets and distant chatter filling the night air.
after a few minutes of silence, ciro feels a hand gently slide over his own on the bench. he glances at kaisei, not turning his head but eyeing him just enough to see what he's doing.
kaisei's eyes were trained on the pond in the distance, but anyone could see the anxious feeling welling up on his face.
"hey ciro? can i ask you something?"
"of course."
"how do you, feel… about guys?"
ciro turned to face the dark-haired oni, before reaching over with his free hand to gently push kaisei's hair behind his ear.
"well, i think that i like you," he said quietly. kaisei had at this point also turned to face his friend, and at the gentle confession could feel his heart jump into his throat.
before he could even spill a reply, ciro leaned forward and brushed his lips against kaisei's. he'd never kissed anyone before, and he wasn't really sure what he was supposed to do - so he figured, the quicker the better.
when he pulled away, kaisei still looked stunned, but managed to stammer out, "that was, i… you like me that way?"
"then, can we do that again? longer this time?"
"as long as you show me what to do."
they kiss again, a little longer this time but it's cut all too short by the first firework flooding the sky with light and the air with a loud crack.
despite knowing the fireworks would start soon, it didn't help the two boys from nearly breaking each other's teeth when they jumped from the sound.
holding their mouths, they couldn't help but laugh from their nerves.
"tonight's not been kind to your mouth, huh ciro?"
"hmm.. it hasn't been all bad, at least."
kaisei puts his arm around ciro, letting him cuddle up close and rest his head against his shoulder, and they watch the fireworks together.
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