#if any of the christians tell me to stop making fun of their religion
chocolattefeverdreams · 7 months
Helloooo <33333 it's 2:05 am where I live and currently I Am Drunk so I randomly decided to make a post on
My sins according to the Catholic Church
So the church I'm forced to go to holds confessions like a regular church. And we are given this questionnaire to fill out 😦😦😦😦
So let's see....
Responsibilities to god:
1. Have I gone to Mass on Sunday or have I rebelled and been stubborn about going to Mass?
Ans: Ooh. Well I technically go to Mass on Friday bc where I live Sunday is a weekday! And I fucking hate going. I worked out an arrangement with my parents about skipping once every 2 weeks! So yeah, I HAVE been stubborn about not going.
2. Did I participate in Mass or did I daydream?
Ans: I daydream. Maladaptive daydreaming stuff.
3. Have I prayed everyday? Have I read the Bible? Have I been rebellious to God and his commands?
Ans: no, no yes
4. Have I misused the name of God by swearing and cursing?
Have I told the Father that I love him for creating me and making me his son/daughter?
Ans: Jesus Fucking Christ. No, I have not told sky daddy anything.
5. Have I thanked Jesus for becoming man, dying for my sin and rising to give me eternal life?
Ans: nope ❤️
6.Have I asked the Holy Spirit to help me conquer sin and temptation and to be obedient to God’s commands?
Ans: Why should I?
Responsibilities to others and myself:
1. Have I been rebellious, disobedient or disrespectful to my parents, teachers and those in authority over me?
Ans: yea
2. Have I lied to or deceived my parents or others?
Ans: me almost every day amirite
3. Have I been arrogant and stubborn?
Ans: *nods head yes*
4. Have I talked back to my parents or those in authority?
Ans: No shit, like c'mon sometimes they're plain wrong
5. Have I gotten angry or nurtured and held grudges and resentments? Have I refused to forgive others? Have I cultivated hatred?
Ans: Yes. I have cultivated hatred. Why does this sound like such a villain thing. People are annoying and confusing sometimes.
6. Have I engaged in immoral fantasies?
Ans: I, as a girl, have dreamt of having a wife someday. So yes, in the eyes of the church.
7. Have I read bad books/ literature or watched bad films?
Ans: Yes I read queer books. I read fanfiction and smut. I read The Darkening Age which I'm pretty sure is bad for the church. I also like watching queer people in films. Cry about it.
8. Have I gossiped about others?
Ans: Yep, I have, but I mostly prefer listening, it's not like I spill other people's secrets anyway so.
9. Have I slandered anyone? Have I told lies about others? Have I mocked or made fun of others?
Ans: Yes, I have. I mock people whose opinion I think is wrong. I mock the Church on a weekly basis.
10. Have I lied or cheated? Have I stolen anything? Have I paid it back?
Ans: Yeah I've lied. A lot to my parents. I have also cheated on tests before.
11. Have I been selfish or spiteful toward others? Have I been jealous?
Ans: I'm jealous a lot. It's a normal emotion. I've also been selfish many times too, but that has stopped mostly.
12. Have I participated in anything that is of the occult: ouija boards, fortune tellers, séances, channeling, astrology?
Ans: .....witchcraft is literally my spirituality, even my hardcore Christian parents believe astrology.
13. Have I been patient, kind gentle and self-controlled?
Ans: Lmao. I hope I'm kinder. But self-control....patience.... Well of I had self control I wouldn't be actually drunk rn.
14. When my conscience told me to do something good, did I do it or did I ignore it?
Ans: I honestly don't know the answer to this one.
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maniacwatchestheworld · 7 months
We Need To Talk About Danny's Power Level.
I was hesitant to make this post, but the more I think about it and the more I see... We really HAVE to discuss this. Generally speaking, I really don't want to be seen as someone who is trying to ruin people's fun within this fandom. I want to inform, and while I have issues with some of the very prevalent ideas in this fandom, I don't want to tell people what they should or should not be making! I want people to follow what they find fun to create! But this power level thing...? I think that it has some rather concerning implications to it that need to be examined and discussed! This is an actual, decently serious problem, and after considering it for a time, it occurs to me that I may be one of the few people in this community that recognizes this issue as an actual issue and has the authority to speak on it...
You NEED to stop making Danny so incredibly overpowered in the DPxDC space.
Now please don't misunderstand me. I understand the value of a good fun power fantasy and making Danny more powerful than God can be fun and cathartic if you have a negative history with the Christian faith. But this insistence on the Ghost Zone being The Most Important Thing Ever and Danny being The Most Powerful Entity Within It is actually actively warping how people interpret and think about DC canon as well as certain characters within its canon to the point of unrecognizability as well as robbing characters of what makes them interesting, the point of their stories, and their agency within it. But most importantly of all, all of this is just... Generally, genuinely dismissive and shitty towards most religions, cultures, beliefs, and faiths that people practice, ESPECIALLY the faiths of POC and other minorities. And this is specifically an issue that DC does not have and that people within this space are making an issue by refusing to let the Ghost Zone and Danny have some limitations.
So that you understand where I'm coming from, please understand that I'm a person of color (I'm half Filipino) and that I'm Buddhist (a religion that I decided to convert to and embrace after a lot of thought and soul-searching, even if I'm not very good at practicing it). It also needs to be stated that in the DC universe, all religions and faiths are true and real at the same time, and they all have more or less equal footing as any other faith or religion or mythology explored in this multiverse. Christian heaven and hell are real. Reincarnation is canonical to the DCU. The Greek Pantheon is real and they are just as real and powerful as the Norse Pantheon. (By the by, just to let you know, yes, people in the real life modern day do actually actively worship both of these pantheons today.) Different alien planets have different faiths, and there is precedent for them being real as well. (Hey! Fun fact! Kryptonians are polytheistic!) It does seem that some form of animism is real within the DCU (within concepts of The Red and The Green)! And there is even representation for indigenous African faiths and beliefs within this shared universe! One of the genuinely wonderful things about the DC universe is that all of these faiths are real, they're all valid, and they are all more or less on equal footing to one another! If all the religions and afterlives and gods of each pantheon went to war with one another, it would genuinely be difficult to know who would win, or who would even stand a chance of coming out of this conflict alive!
In fact, a lot of characters and storylines within the DC universe are actually DEPENDENT on all of these faiths existing and being equally valid at the same time. Do you know where Billy Batson gets his powers from? The phrase "SHAZAM," if you didn't know, is actually an acronym for the names of the gods and heroes that he derives his powers from. (Solomon, Heracles, Atlas, Zeus, Achilles, and Mercury.) And it's implied that each person with SHAZAM powers has different heroes and gods that they derive their power from! (Black Adam derives all of his powers from the Egyptian Pantheon. Mary Marvel derives all of her powers from female gods and heroic figures.) Many of Wonder Woman's stories involve her interacting with various different pantheons. Xanthe Zhou gets their powers from traditional Chinese folk ancestor-worshiping practices. Ragman is a Jewish character whose suit is a powerful Jewish artifact- a suit made out of the souls of sinners that was created to protect the Jewish community. Sun Wukong is an actual character in the DCU and he is JUST as overpowered and immortal ×500 as he should be! And there are like... At least 3 entirely different characters that either are iterations of, claim to be, or pull their powers/inspiration from Anansi! DC celebrates a lot of faiths and religions and are bringing in more beliefs and faiths into their universe all the time! TONS of characters derive their powers from their religions, faiths, and beliefs! And DC celebrates them all as being real and valid to all who practice them! ... And you want them all to be forced to be under the same umbrella and less important and powerful as Danny and the Ghost Zone...
Bringing up ideas of ghosts and afterlives are always going to be loaded subjects because they often inherently rub up against actual living people's practiced religions and beliefs. But a belief in ghosts and dimensions better suited for them is also a valid belief that real life people have. And there is precedent for these beliefs also being real within DC canon. But DC only manages to get away with crossing over as many faiths as it does by saying that they are all real, valid, and while you might see less of some pantheons and more of others, they all exist and are doing their own thing just like they do in real life, just off panel... Are you beginning to see what the problem is...?
In the DPxDC fandom's eagerness to incorporate Danny into the DC universe and to make him powerful enough to go toe to toe with the likes of Superman, it seems that most people immediately overcompensated and that no one has really thought to slow down, stop, and actually think about what they are implying. Because the most common headcanons that I have seen regarding the Ghost Zone and other afterlives and religions? It's that they are all parts of the Ghost Zone, but are all ultimately subordinate to it. And since Danny is the Most Powerful and Important Person in the Ghost Zone... This implies that all religions, faiths and beliefs are less important and are indeed subordinate to the Almighty Danny. That all deities and the people following them should just bow down to Danny's might. This is something that DC, in spite of all of its flaws, has managed to avoid. These religions are REAL religions! Actual faiths practiced by actual people! We are NOT talking about dead, irrelevant pantheons that no one alive worship anymore! We are talking about living, active faiths and religions, some of which colonizers have tried to eradicate from the world! Some of these faiths have been suppressed! Some of the people who practice these beliefs have faced genocide for them! And so saying that the Ghost Zone is bigger, better, and that Danny is more important than any single other faith and afterlife...? THAT'S A SHITTY THING TO DO! You are literally doing the shitty Christian missionary thing, but with a fictional afterlife that consists of fictional characters that you know are not actual religious beliefs! You're landing on the sandy polytheistic shores of the DCU and declaring that the Ghost Zone is actually vaster than every faith already in the DCU and that Danny is more powerful and has authority over your gods! That your beliefs and faith and religion should just take a backseat to the Danny power fantasy! That your real, lived religion is not more important nor should it be respected when Danny is in the room! Of course the Buddha should bow down to Danny! Of course the Jewish people should renounce their faith and worship Danny instead because he's better and more powerful than the Jewish God! Why should people pray to their ancestors when Danny ultimately gets to decide what happens to everyone's ancestors!? If they want good things to happen to their ancestors in the afterlife, they should pray to Danny instead! Not like any form of prayer works or matters in this universe anyway because Danny is Almighty! And he doesn't hear the prayers! By making all faiths subordinate to Danny within these stories, you are saying that anyone who practices these beliefs and faiths within these stories are not valid in their beliefs. The only belief that matters and is real in this universe is the Ghost Zone and whatever will appease Danny the most. And while the characters in these stories are not real, the religions, beliefs, and practices they engage in ARE. And so you are implying that real people's faiths and religions don't matter. You are just dismissing real faiths and beliefs as not something worth thinking about or respecting within your works! You are saying that this fictional American white teenage boy and his goopy green land is more important to you than just being respectful of real people's faiths, beliefs, and religions. That your power fantasy is more important than saying that a person is valid for holding on to their beliefs. That when it comes down to it, that you would rather people choose your Danny power fantasy over their religion being portrayed as important and valid. That is honestly insulting. And really alls that you've done is impose monotheism onto the DC universe. You're just enforcing monotheism on people with extra steps. But instead of it being the Christian God, you've put Danny in that position. THIS IS A SHITTY THING TO DO! THIS SHOULD NOT BE THE DEFAULT HEADCANON THAT PEOPLE HAVE IN THIS FANDOM! PLEASE STOP!
Please understand. I know that you didn't do this on purpose or mean to imply this intentionally. I know that you didn't realize that you were insulting and undermining actual faiths and religions by pushing these ideas on the fandom. If one or two people had these thoughts and headcanons and didn't think very much about what they are implying, this would not be a problem. But for this to be the default is VERY disconcerting! As a Buddhist, it does feel genuinely shitty and insulting to imply that Danny has authority over the Buddha and that he outranks and is more powerful than Sun Wukong. It's not fun to think that my beliefs matter to you less than continuing to play with your Danny power fantasy. That you don't think that the pursuit for enlightenment and inner peace is real or worthwhile. That you would find my pursuit of compassion over everything else to be silly, stupid, and laughable when stood next to Danny. I know that you don't mean it. I know that's not what you meant to imply. But it is what you imply by making every faith subordinate to the Ghost Zone. And as someone who has a faith that is so often seen as subordinate to others and just a silly little play fantasy that doesn't matter and isn't real, it's depressing and uncomfortable to see this community as a whole unknowingly echo these sentiments. People in real life don't think that my faith is valid. People don't believe me when I say that I'm Buddhist. And as someone who is Filipino on top of that, I can't help but to think about the utter tragedy of my ancestors being forced to convert to Christianity or die. To forget their beliefs, pretend they never mattered, and embrace Jesus. To be forced to believe that their indigenous beliefs didn't matter. And so many of those indigenous beliefs are now lost and forgotten to their living ancestors (including myself) for it because to the Christians, their belief in Jesus was ultimately more important to them than just letting the Filipino beliefs and religions peacefully exist as they were. It's uncomfortable to me that you would rather I just embrace this view of Danny and let him be more important than and be an authority over my religion. That I should just be comfortable in Danny being more important and better than every religion that people actually practice in real life. That I should just forget the insult to my and any other religion that you make by placing Danny as more important than, and to "just have fun." But I can't. And these ideas are everywhere in this fandom. Even in stories where it shouldn't matter or doesn't need to be present, it's there. This reminder that you don't take my faith seriously- these ideas that Danny is more important than my faith are ubiquitous to this community. An issue that wasn't present in either of the original source materials. Because they thought about it and so went out of their way to not imply it. But here, people are just not willing to make that courtesy for even a second.
But it doesn't have to be this way. You can do better! I know that you can do better. And it isn't even difficult to do! All that you need to do better is to simply... Just... Think about it. When you imply or say "all afterlives are part of the Ghost Zone" actually think about ALL afterlives! Christian and Atheist and Greek ones, yes. But also Asian and Native American and African and South American ones too! Is that kind of thought fair towards Native American faiths, Buddhists, Jews, Hindus, Palestinians, Hellenists, Animists, and every other person and group that practices a faith? Or does this have majorly fucked up implications towards some or all of these people? If the answer is yes, you can proceed, but you need to be mindful of that fact and just think about it, even if only a little. Even if it's just a small acknowledgement that you don't know what you're talking about or that you are choosing to ignore some of the fucked up implications you're making here for the sake of the story in the tags. I just want you to take a moment and think through the implications of what you are making, and to make a choice on whether you should proceed or reconsider things. If you choose to proceed with the fucked up implications, that's fine. It means that you can do so with other mindsets in mind and can possibly use these ideas in interesting ways! At least you made a stance to possibly be shitty towards some people for the sake of your fun. At least you made the choice to say that some people's beliefs just don't matter to your story. This is a neutral statement. Some works of art are just not made for some kinds of people. And that's fine. But it is always better to knowingly acknowledge and make that choice than to pretend that it isn't there. And if you didn't realize that's what you were doing? If you reconsider and choose to turn back on this idea? At least you made that choice and didn't just passively follow the rest of the crowd to get here. Hopefully, thinking about it will make you more mindful about your art in the future and therefore make it better! The only thing to do about it is to acknowledge that you weren't thinking about the implications, but that you changed your mind, and move forwards with your life.
Now just to be entirely clear, I'm not telling you that I want you to feel guilty about being inconsiderate towards other faiths. That doesn't really do anyone any good. I won't get any satisfaction from you feeling guilty about it or internally punishing yourself for it. Just actually give what you might be implying more thought in terms of religion next time and do better. It's alright to make mistakes. We are all just human and we all make mistakes. Sometimes we don't even realize when we've made a mistake. Just strive to do better next time, be more willing to let go of these ideas that you're so attached to, allow yourself to see things from another perspective, and move on. Sometimes, it's better to just leave things alone. Sometimes you shouldn't meddle and try to rework ideas that were perfectly good on their own to begin with. Sometimes nothing that you personally can add will be a positive contribution. Sometimes the only thing that interfering will do is over-complicate things and rob the idea of what made it so interesting and powerful in the first place. But it's okay to leave it alone. It's going to be okay. I'm not angry. Just disappointed and a little frustrated. But it's better if you are able to just drop these things and move forwards with mindfulness in the future.
As an alternative, I think that it would generally be better for the Ghost Zone to just be its own thing separate from the other afterlives. Equal to other afterlives and not all-encompassing of them. It can be connected or related to other afterlives, but being greater than them as a whole is just a very uncomfortable and cruel implication. You don't need the Ghost Zone to be the most important thing in the multiverse. And Danny does not need to be the most powerful thing in existence. Please. It's okay to have power fantasies. But the invincible overpowered stronger than all Gods Danny should not be the overwhelming norm here to the detriment of everything else. It's only when you let go of Danny NEEDING to be the MOST important thing in the multiverse can you start to really dive into some of the more interesting sides of characters on their own terms and not on yours! Like... Did you know that there is one ghost character in DC called The Spectre and that he's the literal personification of the wrath of God? Did you know that Xanthe Zhou as a spirit envoy is actually half dead and half alive? Did you know that The Wizard Shazam is actually, secretly an aboriginal god? Did you know that in the DC universe that Judas Iscariot still walks the Earth to this day, doing vigilante work to atone for his betrayal of Jesus? Did you know that Ra's Al Ghul's mom has met and hung out with some of the demons that Sun Wukong fought against in Journey to the West? Hell, did you know that Damian is Buddhist!? Imagine that. Danny coming in and telling Damian that he's more important and more powerful than Damian's entire religion. That the Buddha is just a lackey of his and that he rules over all afterlives, including nirvana and cycles of reincarnation. I'm certain that Damian would take that very well and accept it wholeheartedly! Don't you agree with me?!!?!???!
I personally think that all of this is better and more interesting if characters, their religions, and ideas in general are able to interact with Danny's world on their own terms without being forced to fit within Danny's box! You don't need to try to force everything within DC's universe to fit inside Danny's. DC wouldn't ask for Danny's universe to conform to theirs! They would just add everything that Danny's universe has to offer on top of everything else they already have! And trying to fit the entire DC multiverse within the scope of Danny's universe... It's too small a box for too large of a universe! Sometimes you can just let things not be deeply connected. And sometimes things don't need a complicated explanation and it can literally just be magic. There's nothing wrong with trying to tie everything together in a neat and succinct way. But sometimes you need to pull your view out a little and look at what you're doing and genuinely ask yourself if what you're doing actually adds depth, or if it does more harm than good and makes everything worse, make less sense, and more complicated or not. It's okay to fall down the rabbit hole sometimes. I completely understand that happening and do it all the time! Just remember to be mindful about it!
Either way, if you're going to insist on desperately clinging onto these ideas of Danny being the Most Important and Powerful Thing in the Multiverse to the detriment of literally everything else, that's fine. But just be honest with what you're doing and why. This isn't a Ghost King Danny AU. Kingdoms don't have unequivocal power over other and all kingdoms. It's a God Emperor over all Gods Danny AU. Nothing wrong with that concept in of itself. Just tag it properly as something like "God King Danny" so that I don't have to deal with it and the implications you're making about my religion with it. That would be enough! I would be happy with that! Just make your choice. Think about what you're doing, why you're doing it and choose. If you choose to keep going, that's fine! All the more power to you! Have fun! But be honest about what you're making. I may not like it and think that it's an overdone, overplayed idea at this point, but you're free to do it! So go forwards and make what will bring you joy! But now that you've thought about it a little, hopefully you'll continue with a little more knowledge and foresight. And hopefully that will make your work even more interesting and better for it! And if you decide to change course, I'm glad that I was able to sway you and get you to see things from my perspective and come to my side on this. At the very least, hopefully this will help to vary up ideas within the fandom a bit and you won't just take ideas that are happening in this space entirely for granted and as givens! I have so many ideas on interesting ways that these intersections can go and characters that you can use, and ways to look at this community that offer so so SO many interesting story directions! I'm so happy that you've decided to come with me on this journey! You're going to make something great, I'm certain of it! So let's make something wonderful together! I believe in you! There's a lot of fun to be had! ^.^
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What do you think of Grrm's portrayal of religion?
Hi anon, this is a really interesting question, and it took me awhile to put together what I hope is a coherent answer.
For context, I think GRRM's background is important to keep in mind. George is almost exactly my parents' age and belongs to the same demographic of American anti-war ex hippies who aged into broadly liberal baby-boomers. Their radicalism has largely mellowed over the years, they may not be the most up to date on the appropriate terminology, and they tend to prioritize nonviolent solutions to systemic problems (my mom often tells me the younger generation needs to do another March on Washington). One thing liberal boomers also tend have in common is that often they grew up religious but, as they entered their 20s and went to college, broke away from the churches of their childhood. My family is full of ex-Catholic liberal boomers like George. They might have dabbled in Buddhism or Hinduism in the 70s, New Age mysticism in the 80s or 90s, and ended up settling into statements like, "I'm spiritual, but not religious." Almost invariably, they have a sort of disdain for organized religion, which they associate with a kind of yokel mentality, a place for anti-Choice anti-LGBTQ traditionalists. Although they will profess "to each his own," to the average liberal boomer, the church represents regressive values and they cannot imagine why anyone would willingly return to it. Even those who did remain religious take great pains to make it known they are not like those Christians. And to be fair, liberal boomers have a good reason to feel this way. The churches of their childhoods were not fun places for people whose own ideas and values went against post-WW2 broadly white middle class values. Unsurprisingly, SFF authors tend to fit into this category.
And this sort of bleeds into a lot of 90s SFF. You see a lot of worlds that have religion, but rarely do you have characters that are religious, and even more rarely do you have sympathetic young protagonists who are religious. You might have the occasional kindly priest or nun type, but far more often these characters will be abusive, mean spirited, or narrow minded (think of Brienne's childhood septas). Religion is often treated with the same disdain by in-world characters as it is by the authors themselves. You might even have worlds that are almost entirely secular, with vague references to "The Gods," but without any real religious traditions constructed around them (Robin Hobb's Realm of the Elderlings series, which features two vague dieties, Eda and El, who seem to have no religious traditions surrounding them whatsoever). You might have cultish religions that are actively dangerous and must be stopped, or you might have Catholic church analogues, existing in opposition to everything cool and fun. Protagonists tend to be cynical non-believer types, or they might start off as true believers and lose their religion along the way. Rarely are they allowed to have sincere and abiding faith.
And you can see a lot of this in George's writing, in the way he portrays the Faith of the Seven and other religions, and the way the fandom receives them. The Faith of the Seven is Westeros' answer to the Catholic church, but there are also the Old Gods, the faith of R'hllor, and others, often presented in opposition to each other. George himself sees religion as a divisive force, and in ASOIAF, we see religions in conflict with each other, we see them weaponized to fuel vendettas, we see them used to drive prophesies and start wars. There's a clip somewhere, of George at a panel, where he's talking about religious conflict and his take is very reminiscent of George Carlin's-- you can tell he knows the bit. "Are you really going to kill all of these people because a giant invisible guy in the sky told you too? And your giant guy in the sky is different?" George asks, receiving a round of applause from the crowd. It's a very modern view on religion, which is fair, I think. He's writing for a modern audience who have modern conceptions of the church, and he is making a deliberate point about the harm religion can do. .
What I do think is missing, or at least downplayed, are the ways in which the medieval church was really a driving cultural and social force in medieval Europe. We live in a secular society, so we have the luxury of disregarding the church in a way that medieval people did not. This is one major way in which the worldbuilding of ASOIAF departs from the real world middle ages. To portray the medieval church as a primarily regressive institution that mostly drove conflict is too simplistic. The Catholic church is what culturally unified most of western Europe into what was known as "Christendom." The clergy served political functions, such as providing an important check upon the power of medieval kings, and when the power of the church declined, despotism grew. Socially, for most western Europeans, the church was also the center of day to day life. Insofar as medieval peasants had any opportunities for leisure time and celebrations, most of these revolved around the church. The church was for centuries a driving force behind art, music, literature, and architecture, and it also performed important social functions, such as operating poorhouses and leper-houses, and providing educations for children.
And all of this was just extremely normal. Most people prayed multiple times each day, and sincerely believed in heaven a hell. The state of one's soul after death was such a real concern that the sale of indulgences-- a way that you could pay to get your dead loved ones whose souls were in purgatory into heaven more quickly-- became a major racket for the Church. I've seen the HotD fandom react to Alicent Hightower's level of devotion calling her a religious "fanatic" and I cannot stress enough how absolutely normal Alicent would have been in medieval times. This is where I blame the framing of the show more than George, because it does set Alicent's faith in opposition to Rhaenyra's seemingly more modern values, but does it in a selective way. For instance, Alicent comes off as prudish, and modern audiences hate a prude, but we never see how her faith would have certainly inspired her, as queen, to take other more progressive actions such as giving alms to the poor or bestowing her patronage upon motherhouses. In another post about the fandom perception of Valyrian culture, I talked about how this modern view of devout belief, particularly Catholicism, tends to cast anything that is presented in opposition to it as an unequivocal good, and I see this sort of rhetoric slung around the fandom a lot, "why would you defend the pseudo-Catholics who hate women??" But the pseudo-Catholics are really just normal medieval people, and they didn't hate women, they simply lived in a patriarchal society and the material conditions did not yet exist which would allow them to challenge that in any meaningful way.
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catchingbigfish · 2 months
writeblr re-introduction | catchingbigfish
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hi! call me elle (she/they). i'm in my 30s, work adjacent to the legal field in my day job, and i'm studying for my MA in english! i post more about my life over at my main, @prettytothink-so, which is also the account i follow from!
i'm a david lynch obsessive, hence the url/pfp, but i love death bed: the bed that eats as much as i do blue velvet. my primary literary influences are shirley jackson, carmen maria machado, janet fitch, confessional poets, and more recently, a healthy dose of knausgaard.
i write prose & poetry with a heavy emphasis on the body, the darker sides of life, and relationships. my fiction is character-centric, driven by ensemble casts of weird and fucked up people, and characters tend to go through exquisite and grotesque things like body horror, warped and broken time, hauntings, posessions, and sex. my work is definitely 18+ and i try not to engage with minors.
i'd love to get to know other writers, esp if you write/read any of the following:
dysfunctional relationships (particularly with ensemble casts and found or of-origin families)
horror and gothic literature
body horror, nightmares, and dream logic
romance, including sex, and relationships, esp. in horror themes
i like to say i'm always open to ask + tag games, but i'm most likely to respond to an ask game than a tag! if you wanna know more about my wips, see below the cut:
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click the titles for the wip intros!
status: w/ beta readers short synopsis: Rosalyn arrives to the U for her MFA in fashion-making and falls into a group of sick women artists bonded by a disputed diagnosis. She starts faking it to fit in, finds the friendships she'd always wanted, and ends up with a choice between the unthinkable and her new ride-or-die crew.
dark academia/litfic/cult novel. this project has had me in a chokehold for 18+ months and it's the most fun i've ever had writing something. stay tuned for my query journey, coming to you probably near the end of this year!
might've been, never was
status: drafting (~10%) short synopsis: Lily and her friends thought their thirties would be different. They find a way to adopt new bodies, but one of them takes it too far, and the rest have to decide whether to stop her or join in.
a satire in the same vein as conversion. currently vying with the next two WIPs for main focus while betas work through conversion. project playlist is 2 songs: teen idle and celebrity skin. the closest i'll ever come to autofiction because the idea to write "a love letter to being mentally ill in your 30s" came up when i was a teensy bit manic.
seed of the woman
status: drafting (~40%) short synopsis: A woman goes on a Christian yoga retreat hoping to return to some sense of her self. Instead, she's bitten by a snake and goes on a tour through the choices that led her here.
body horror/religious horror novella. probably actually my primary focus. nightmare/dream-logic story that's my latest attempt to write something explaining how rational and reasonable a choice it would be for a woman to choose satan over god.
the awakening re-telling
status: outlining short synopsis: The Awakening by Kate Chopin, but set it in the modern Quiverfull movement/fundamentalist Christianity circles.
i've called this the awakening x duggars but it's not really about them; i'm just obsessed with the religious theme lately
so it goes
status: hiatus, midway through second draft short synopsis: A multigenerational saga about women who see Death.
my trunk novel/magnum opus. will probably never finish. about sex, death, what we fill the void with when we let go of religion, the violence of inherited trauma, and the bridge between two states of being
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aphroditelovesu · 4 months
Hii! This is anonymous for privacy reasons but I have a problem. I am a 15yo girl, I am gonna have a realy important exam this sunmer that will decide my entire future yet I only got 84% on the simulation from last month and I need to get at least over 93% on the actual exam at the end of the month or my life is screwed(I hate my school system). I have 0 motivation to study and ik I really need to but whenever I try to force mynself to actually study I just end up crying bc I feel like a failure. Also, I am bi and since my parents are conservative christians and EXTREAMLY homophobic they will deffinetly kick me out of the house if I came out to them and I think one of my friends who I belive might have found out about my sexuality will tell my parents(I also went thro a rough time due to bullying and told her about my suicidal toughts and she told everybody about it, teachers, parents, classmates and made fun of me). My country is one of the most homophobic ones.I feel like if I get a good mark on the exam I would be able to come out to my parents(maybe) without them killing me but idk how to make sure of either of thores things. I have worked this whole year yet nothing is enough to actually make me understand better. I am so tired rn and I cant stop crying, do you have any advise for me, please?
Well, I didn't expect to receive something like that, but I'll try to give my advice.
Regarding the exam, what I can tell you is not to give up and try to find a study system that helps you. I understand this because in November I have a very important government exam to take and I need to get a high score too. This will be my first year doing it (and I hope it will be my last) and I haven't started studying yet because I have classes in the morning and at night, which means I don't have much time left.
From what you say, you seem to be stressed about all this, so studying is more complicated. What I can tell you is to try to find a place where you feel comfortable and find a study method that helps you. Studying is tiring and we often don't have motivation, I know, but it's necessary and remember that knowledge is something that no one can take away from you.
Since you live with your parents, there isn't much you can do about your "friend" issue. No one has the right to force someone to come out of the closet and that is very wrong. You could try talking to her, to make sure she doesn't say it until you're ready to say it. Unfortunately, this is out of your control, as it will depend on whether your "friend" is a decent person and lets you talk when you're ready.
Having homophobic parents is a complicated thing and I feel for you, especially when it involves religion. The question is: do you want to tell them you're bi? Do you think you're ready for this? If the answer is no, don't tell them until you want to. It's important to feel prepared.
I'm sorry about the bullying issue. I know how difficult it is, I dealt with it myself from the age of 8 until I was 16 but I had support from my family and friends. If not even your teachers are willing to help you, perhaps you should seek outside help. I don't know how it works in other countries, but here, if the school refuses to help, you can file a police report. Bullying is a crime, anon.
And remember to take care of yourself and put yourself first. I know it's difficult and it seems like the end of the world, but it's not. Things will get better, anon, even if it seems like they won't, they will. Have strength and focus on what is important to you now.
I can't be of much help, unfortunately, but I really hope things get better for you and that you get the grade you want! 🥰
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lizzy019 · 11 days
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I'm Lizzy, yes, a feminine name.
I'm NON-BINARY! I don't care about what you call me 😭 but since everyone assumes I'm a woman (yes i have a 🐱 in my pants) I go by SHE/THEY
I'm PANSEXUAL. I like everyone, doesn't fucking matter what or who they are.
I have autism, ADHD, and anxiety (these are tested and diagnosed). This means I do NOT tolerate any jokes about autism.
Regardless of your religion, I DON'T CARE. Islamic? Okay. Christian? Okay. Atheist? Okay. Whatever else. It's fine with me, but don't go trying to tell everyone about it and convince them of unnecessary opinions.
(People really need to stop bringing this up lmaoo)
Yes, I self-h@rm like any person who doesn't know how to handle their emotions would. Bullying because of this and making fun of my clean streak has nothing to do with you, you sadistic son of a bitch 😭
I'm over 18, but I'm not going to outright tell you my age.
THIS IS A SAFE SPACE FOR ANYONE AND EVERYONE! Incredulous or disrespectful behaviour is not allowed and will result in a block.
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kin0th · 1 year
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✝ Priest Kino Headcanons ✝
i had to. look at him. cw: religion (christianity) not taken very seriously. but also kino being too bluntly honest about it
"I have connections, you know? I could make your irredeemably corrupted soul go to Heaven. You can refuse, of course, the guy downstairs is fun too!"
Priest Kino can be a walking Blasphemy.
But also too charismatic and honest.
Could be a cult leader.
Nothing says he is or isn't one.
"Religion is a joke and you all have no sense of humor".
Spreads the gospel as if he was there.
He acts like he was Jesus' bestie.
Calls him J. Christ.
Blames you for bullying and killing him even though he was such a cool guy.
More like guilt trips you about it.
"He was so fun at parties, you didn't have to worry about alcohol or snacks. All you had to do was to not sin, but noooo, and now you want forgiveness!? You have no shame."
Gatekeeps holy water.
Says "God... is among us" unironically.
Actually read the Bible once.
Projects too much on the guy whose father abandoned and was bullied by locals to the breaking point (death) when he only wanted to make friends.
Now he's vengeful on his behalf.
But he also found plot holes in the narrative and will tell everyone about it.
If he can confuse you about your own beliefs, even better.
"Is the Devil really that bad if he punishes the bad guys?"
He seems to be in a grey area with both sides.
In his words, he's friends with both.
But he might as well be working and betraying both at the same time. No one knows.
He'd tell you that God is just angry and Satan has fun hobbies.
Not telling you which ones. You should find out yourself.
He offers you tips and tricks on how to go to Heaven if you join his cu— church.
Otherwise, you can have fun with the other guy. He knows what he's doing, Kino affirms.
Sometimes he sounds like he's offering you a great deal.
"If you join me you'll have one sin a month free of charge. I won't tell any of the two! It'd be our secret. And! The least you sin, the more sins you'll have to spend!"
Despite being on Jesus' side, it's not clear where he wants you to go to.
Although if misery falls upon you, it was most likely his doing. He judges your sins first and foremost.
If you sin, you're disgusting and you deserve it.
If your sin isn't too bad, you're just not sinning right.
All in all, Kino just uses the excuse that the Bible is full of contradictions to do what he wants.
"You think asking for forgiveness will redeem you? Ha! If only it was that easy... We wouldn't need jails, or Heaven, or Hell. How about you stop using your words and start acting like you're really sorry?"
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du-buk · 2 years
8:11 Q&A Part 4
Thank you all for the questions once again! 💙💙💙🦭
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General asks;
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Hmmm...... I’ve dabbled in the arts of some trans headcanons(Vittorino, for one lol), but, I’ve never made anything official. My only transgender-canon character is for another project, who fans might know him as Ambrosio, but his name will be changed in the future. That being said....... do whatever you please, anons 👍✨ If you want to draw and/or write the entire cast as trans, then, just have fun and share your theories! I’m sure many others would enjoy those things, so, who is to stop you?
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No worries anon, thank you for asking! All is okay, as long as these things are made with positive intentions 👍✨ If anyone does make bigotry things of 8:11, the best we can do is just ignore it and move on.
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I am 100% okay with that! Just have fun, and be creative 👍✨ I don’t know much about these things but it seems nice.
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Ever since the rumors, disappearances, and strange supernatural occurrences, religion in Rosso is on unsteady grounds. The bastardization of Catholicism and Christianity in 8:11 might have some shared holidays, and a few made up ones, so Christmas might be a thing. Is it celebrated by the people in Rosso? Highly doubt it. Plus, I’m sure there are other holidays being celebrated by some characters...
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Ryker and Leon might have celebrated something similar to it in France, but, couldn’t afford presents for each other:( If Christmas WAS celebrated in Rosso, it would be a holiday surrounding gift-giving and cherishing family and loved ones, etc etc. But with much less snow (but lots of icy cold winds and rain), warm cookies made by Accardi, Vittorino getting more scarves from Amalia, and everyone most likely spent the holiday at Gabriel’s house. Everyone falls asleep accidentally in one big pile, under some warm blankets, and by the fire place:)
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Thank you for playing!  I’m glad you enjoyed the game. I hope part 2 intrigues you!
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Are you referring to this video?
This is not an alternate ending! This was just something random I made for the release of the game. There’s only one ending for the first game, as, the second game takes place right after the first game.
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Ohh..... Honey flower is very cute....... I think Accardi would love giving nicknames to his partners, and does it naturally out of habit.
Ryker is caught off guard by it, at first, but warms up to it. Eventually Ryker will call Accardi nicknames, and Accardi would love it all so much......
Secretly though, Ryker will never tell Accardi that the best they could come up with was just calling Accardi random French items/flowers/etc.
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No worries! I pronounce it differently from time to time, but, I think the French pronunciation would be “more fitting”?
To be fair, I think Ryker would state their name to the people in Rosso, but, everyone might pronounce it incorrectly. (And it makes them upset hahha)
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I believe it was this, but, I might be wrong anon!
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Is this a creative work around to get spoilers? Cleaver idea anon, but, you’re not fooling me.
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No worries anon! Thanks for enjoying the game!
We do not know exactly why Dante killed Leon. There’s a lot of mystery surrounding this; why Dante killed Leon, and who exactly Dante (and Leon?) are. Any tie-ins with Francis are unclear too.
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Dante hmmmmm...... I don’t know if he would care about sweets in general. But if he HAD to eat one........he would prefer dark.
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Errrrmmmmm maybe. Or maybe he will trip and fall down a flight of stairs and never be seen again. Who knows! :)
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Hmmm.... Good luck anon! Accardi and Juliek have never met the Francis we know of. Technically. Accardi might have an idea, but, Juliek most likely has forgotten who that was since he wasn’t so connected to the Basilica.
Hmm........ever wonder how Ryker hasn’t had the chance yet to ask Juliek if he knows anyone by the name Francis or Dante yet? Strange, isn’t it?
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1. Uhmmm....... Well. I usually don’t feel inspired to draw hair, so, if you had an idea for his entire outfit then I might hahahah. Or money. Commissions are always open. 😏
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2. Uhmmm........ Who knows! Sorry. Maybe naming conventions are different in this universe. Kinda funny. But I’ll never tell.
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Possibly, for streamers. But also, the sex scene will be so surreal and not show that much penis and what not. But my stories are also unapologetically LGBT, and that includes unapologetically having gay sex. ✌️
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Those two guys? Those two little fellas? Hmmmmmm perhaps. :) Maybe, maybe not. If they want to return they will find a way.
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Hmmm.....I have thought of changing Wankou’s tattoos actually!
I think Dakota just likes traditional tattoos, and will place whatever he thinks is “cool” on him. Every tattoo gets meaning for him,whether because Wankou did it for him, or, the inspiration behind the tattoo reminds him of his family/a happy memory. The millipede and scorpion were most likely chosen because they were “just cool”, nothing more to it, hahahah.
I would like to change Wankou’s tattoos to something below, or a more “black out” look.
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I'm going to start this off by saying yes. I am a rage fueled person who is of the ginger persuasion. I try to keep my cool but there are a few groups that more or less make that impossible due to how pedantic they are, or just intolerable in general.
(This is by no means a full list and is not an implication of all of any of these groups)
-People who demean words like Pedophile
-Neo Progressives
-Neo Nazis
-Moron's that can't understand nuance
Generally when dealing with these types, I lose my shit.
And why mention this? Because I'm sick of being told by MORONS that I somehow "Hate brown people" or otherwise because I believe that it's reasonable to criticize parts of cultures or religions. ALL cultures and religions. And when I post I criticize most things when I see things wrong. So let me explain what's NOT "Islamophobic"
It is not Islamophobic to say that female genital mutilation is bad.
It is not Islamophobic to say that throwing people off rooftops for being gay is wrong.
It is not Islamophobic to say that castrating a man for being gay is wrong.
It is not Islamophobic to say that stoning people do death for slights against a faith is wrong.
It is not Islamophobic to say that Islamists (extremists) take their teachings to the extreme and do IN FACT wish to purge the world of Jews.
None of this is Islamophobic. It's criticism. The same way I criticize Germany for making possession and distribution of CP NOT a felony.
The same way I criticize Australia for their pretend "Volunteer Quarantine Camps" that multiple teens "Escaped" from.
The same way I criticize what Canada did to the Truckers and supporters of the Truckers. As well as the bullshit with their MAID program.
The same way I criticize Christians that use the faith as a crutch and say shit like "All of us are sinners" then use that logic to NEVER try to be better as a person.
The same way I criticize California for making it legal to knowingly transmit HIV to someone.
Criticism isn't hate. And maybe if you stopped worshiping a group of people long enough you'd realize what you are saying.
I have done my best to criticize things I think need to be criticized. It has not been nor will it ever be perfect. But what I have seen a lot of recently is people WORSHIPING the ground that Islam walks on and claiming that any and all criticism of them is somehow "Hate" or me saying "uWu these backwards cultures are so savage". Tell me where I said that? Point to me where I said ALL of any group of people were savages? Point to me where I said that all of any faith was bad or savages? You can't, because I never have. Fun fact for those in the back so stuck up your own ass. I have moderate Muslim friends that hate people like you. Because THEY DO criticize the same things I do. And you all seem to fetishize them. Which is funny.
If for no other reason than what I've noticed contrary to that. Israel, and Western nations are free game to shit on and seek dissolution of, but I'd be willing to bet money on the fact that the criticism of Islam and other cultures where people are not "White" is probably sorely lacking. Where are your calls to dissolve China? Hmm? Calls to dissolve Iran? No? Didn't think so. Criticism isn't hate. Get your head out of your ass.
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mydarlingdahlia · 9 months
Warning : a rant about religion/religious stuff below, read with that in mind.
I’m tired of seeing people on TikTok (or any other social media platform, really) put down or berate others for their opinions or beliefs.
For example…
I saw an innocent video of a girl reading some scripture from her Bible and just talking about a dream she had. Not harming anyone, right? Apparently not…
I can’t tell you how many comments I saw of people from other religions putting her down and just flat out making fun of her belief. As a Christian, it did hurt seeing my faith being treated the way it was in that comment section.
But, here’s another example…
I saw another video of this girl showing off some of her crystals and tapestries that she had gotten, and I thought they looked neat! I liked the video, and went to leave a comment about where she got them, when I saw some other messages.
Basically to sum up what they were saying is that if she kept doing the blasphemous things she was doing she’d go to hell, and other hateful things.
It also hurt seeing her being put down/being for her opinions/beliefs, when she wasn’t even doing anything wrong or hurtful to another religion!
It’s rude. And you aren’t “saving” anyone by doing it either.
The same things goes for people who flat out just make videos hurtfully ridiculing a comment or person for their own religion. (Not just Christians or Satanists.)
Being a Satanist or an Atheist doesn’t make someone a devil worshipper. If someone is a Satanist, it doesn’t mean they’re in a cult. It simply means they worship mainly themselves or act as their own god. (Which isn’t right in my opinion, but who am I to tell them what to do?)
If someone is an Atheist, that doesn’t make them anymore wayward than the rest of us. They may not worship the Lord, but that doesn’t mean we should treat them like dirt or anything less than a human being.
Same thing goes for any other religion.
I have friends that come for other religions, and they’re some of the nicest/awesome people I’ve met! Sure, we don’t see eye to eye on a few things, but that’s okay! It doesn’t mean I should end a relationship over a little disagreement.
Also, I’ve also seen some controversial takes on people of the LGBTQIA+ community, and as a Christian, it intrigues me to listen to them, as I am a member of that community.
I’ve heard some people say that all who are apart of or even support the LGBTQIA+ community should go to hell, which I think is a bit rash. I’ve also seen people who say they just need forgiveness, but I’m curious, what do they need to be forgiven of?
I know in the Bible it says homosexuality is a sin, but ever since humanity fell, we’ve been stuck in sin’s (or the devil’s) trap, and I believe we won’t be able to get out of said trap until Jesus comes back. (The Rapture, The Second Coming, call it what you like.)
I can’t help the way I am, and you can’t just convert me to become straight just like that. I am very happy with Mia, and she is with me, and there is no way I’d leave her, for any faith.
And you know what, I respect your opinion if you think I’m wrong. I won’t say anything against it. Wanna know why? I’ve been taught and brought up my whole life to be kind to others, even if they don’t deserve it. And yes, I forget that sometimes, but that doesn’t mean I can’t be respectful towards them.
Especially if it’s about their beliefs or religion.
So, say it with me.
I will love and respect all of my witch, celestial, and earthy girlies/fellas, even if we don’t see eye to eye.
I will love and respect all of my Christian girlies/fellas, even if we don’t see eye to eye.
I will love and respect all of my Atheist girlies/fellas, even if we don’t see eye to eye.
I will love and respect all of my Satanist girlies/fellas, even if we don’t see eye to eye.
I will love and respect all of my Hindu girlies/fellas, even if we don’t see eye to eye.
I will love and respect all of my Islamic girlies/fellas, even if we don’t see eye to eye.
I will love and respect all of my Buddhist girlies/fellas, even if we don’t see eye to eye.
I will love and respect people regardless of their religion, beliefs, or opinions, even if we don’t see eye to eye.
See, that’s not so hard is it?
Treat people how you’d wanna be treated. Give respect, get respect.
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dogfags · 16 days
hmm rant abt spirituality/religion..... perhaps don't read if u believe in stuff like that. or do if ur not gunna be offended or upset by it. shrug
u would think it'd be easier to be a gay atheist than a straight one but it's not bc now I just have to quietly and sadly tell people I don't believe in astrology/crystals/whatever spiritual shit they're into as opposed to Christianity.. and they think it's crazy I don't believe in that stuff 😭 like sure it's fun or whatever to think about, astrology is fun or whatever but it's not.. based in science whatsoever therefore I don't rly believe it carries any weight. and IM the crazy one for being an actual atheist instead of just believing in whatever spiritual shit I think sounds more fun than Christianity. like I'm sure it's super fun to believe in it and practice it, I just don't and haven't since I was like 19.
honestly one big reason I stopped believing in any of that was watching my sister with schizophrenia and religious/spiritual delusions and being like yeah this is actually kinda just how all religious people sound to me. and also the amount of stress and mental anguish that stuff brought her. I used to like practice witchcraft and shit and I look back and I'm like yeah I was just absolutely miserable and in an abusive relationship and wanted to feel like I had ANY sort of power over ANYTHING in my life. I felt completely helpless and not in control of anything and wanted to feel empowered. and like sure I guess sometimes it gave me temporary relief from my stress but like that shit never actually worked lmao. or confirmation bias would make me feel like it worked and if it didn't, then the "universe" wanted something else for me. there is always a way to explain away those things.
I got really into atheist talk shows on youtube when I was 19 as any new atheist does and I honestly went into it really defensive about my spiritual beliefs but simultaneously wanting to express how much I hated how religion turned people into horrible monsters. and then after watching a few videos and questioning my own biases came to the conclusion that its literally all the same in terms of factiousness. and sure I've had a few experiences I've considered spiritual but much of that can be explained as well.
idk, I just hate when ppl shove their beliefs down my throat and act like I'm a dumbass for not accepting just anything as absolute truth. all my queer friends believe in witchcraft and crystals and astrology and sometimes paganism and I'm just like 😭 I just donnnttttt like I cannot bring myself to find any of it real or take it seriously. and people are surprised when I tell them that lmao. I think a lot of people with religious trauma (gay people) find comfort in like new age spirituality bc it's Like religion but without all the weird homophobia stuff. I don't even believe in the concept of a soul really. I'd have to have like hard evidence presented to me to believe in that stuff. not saying I'm entirely closed off to it bc I'm not but until sufficient evidence is there I have no reason to believe in it? idk it's hard. I don't even say shit to anybody for believing in it bc I understand the appeal + I've been there, I only ever voice my disbelief when ppl try to force their beliefs onto me. and still IM the asshole for saying I don't believe in what they do. idk.
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slipshod-sawyer · 2 months
I don’t know but I feel like i have to put it somewhere?
Contains religious trauma and venting about Christianity thanks
I was raised on Christianity, Baptist to be exact, and then slowly my family gravitated into being non-denominational after a while.
I was maybe 10, going to bible club once a week, having fun with my friends, but with the terrible fear that I wasn’t being good enough for God.
A bit before i turned 11, my aunt told my mom that I was heathen and wasn’t good enough because I called my brother annoying. So i got even more worried.
From when I was 11-13, it got slightly worse. I started attending a more focused on God bible club and study twice a week, and it was okay for a bit. Eventually though, stuff was going downhill. I had a really bad stutter. Bad enough that I tried not to talk in public most of the time and was terrified of going anywhere where I would have to speak for myself.
My grandmother, who was no bible thumper really, but she was Christian, decided to tell me one day when I was 11 that my stuttering was because God was punishing me for being an evil and bad child, and that I was going hell for being so cruel and mean. I cried a lot, i think, and I almost had a panic attack at bible study the next day. It hurt, badly.
I had really bad anger issues, admittedly, and I know I should have tried to work on them, and I did sometimes, but I was still pretty bad. I was so terrified after that though that my stutter got worse and I was scared of trying to not stutter cause it would make me stutter more.
When I was 12, my club leader told me that I was a bully (i wasn’t, i don’t know where he got that from) and that God wasn’t going to be happy with me unless I stopped acting like i did. I then started trying to read the bible more and act like the other kids around me, and the few friends I did have stopped being friends with me due to being a “bully”. Mind you all, I was homeschooled, so these were the only times I had around other kids my age.
Right before my 13th birthday, I had a few months go where I thought I liked a girl. I got in trouble for asking about it and being online talking to other people who were thinking they did to. I was grounded for months and I was told that it was against the bible and God and that I was being stupid and would go to hell for even thinking I could like a girl.
Around the time I was 13, we were in zoom meetings since Covid was going around. We were reading Abraham and Isaac’s story and I wanted to cry on camera cause Abraham was willing to kill his child cause God said so. I remember asking my mother and she told me that she would never do that, and I was okay for a bit, until I heard my grandma disagreeing and I was crying again.
When I was 14, we had moved states and I was in a different bible club. The new leader lady said i needed to ask God before doing anything, any decision. If it was important enough for there to be a secondary option, i had to ask God. So I was terrified of every time I did something, trying to think and wonder if God was agreeing with the decision i made.
I started having panic attacks, stuttering more, I couldn’t even open the bible without seeing my notes and where I had written everything I had watch myself for. I was so so scared that I was going to hell for being horrible. I was terrified that I was going to do something wrong and end up in hell for being mean, not making the right decisions, liking a girl, or even for just stuttering too much.
When I was 15, my parents left Christianity for their own reasons. Me and my siblings stopped going to club and bible study, and my grandma died. I had nothing tying me to the religion anymore.
To this very day, I’m still terrified that I’m doing things wrong. That every time I look over my shoulder, a crack will open in the earth and I’ll end up in hell. Im scared that I’m wrong, and that I was really the problem. Every time a friend encourages me to heal and try reading the bible without someone else’s words in my ear, I have a panic attack trying to do so. Im terrified.
Alongside this, I have friends and people at school who judge me for not being Christian anymore, the ones who tell me I’m dramatic or stupid, the ones who tell me that i’m not listening. My own soccer team gave me weird looks when I wouldn’t pray with them before games because I felt like I was going to be sick, and one of them mocked me and almost cussed me out for “embarrassing her”.
I’m trying to heal, I’m trying to get over my trauma, but sometimes i worry if it’s really trauma or am I being dramatic and making it up in my head.
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 2 years
Things I notice Across Fandoms as someone who has been in it for Around 15 Years
There's always that one fic you can't help but reread all the time even if you left the fandom cause it's so good.
There's also that one fic everyone else loves and you hate
People who write swears like 'f**k' or the such tend to be younger then most and don't know that it cheapens their work to do this.
Fanon takes the reins in a lot of fandoms and you have to refamiliarize yourself with canon at least once in a while to make sure you don't fall down the hole.
Some people only watch the movie/anime and it shows.
Not everyone agrees on if a piece of fanon is good or not, and that's okay. You don't have to read or write it. But you don't get to come on fanfics and complain.
There's this sort of 'lull' from time to time where all the fandom newbies kinda realize they're being jackasses so they calm down and then things go great until the next batch comes in and starts acting like assholes.
People hate taking responsibility for their actions so if they complain about YOU letting them access things it means they're innocent lambs. Nothing pisses them off more then pointing out THEY chose to read/look at your stuff.
Every so often there's a character who everyone agrees on is a certain way but there are a couple of people who disagree. Arguments over this are never settled because they're to minor in canon.
Some interpretations of canon feel wrong, and guess what? That's okay.
Disliking characters is fine and so is writing posts about why you don't like them. Making posts complaining about specific people who do like them is not okay, so is sending death threats. General complaints is fine. Vice versa as well.
Comment etiquette goes through various waves as well similar to the above comment about fandom newbies.
People who admit to starting imaginary drama are trash and should not be followed. (A TikToker admitted to sending herself fake hate and then joked about how her followers were upset on her behalf. That's just gross)
Anyone who says they refuse to read anything not canon but read fanfic or write it are kind of dumb cause fanfic is NOT CANON and everything they write is fanon.
People who hate the main character tend to either be very young and trying to be edgy or are just... kinda weird in my opinion. Especially if it's all about how they're a wimp/weak and refuse to give them any of their good canon traits but praise the hell our of some other character for being better when they're either just more violent or cruel. Like dude.
That being said, I only think the above because for me the fics hating on the main character come this way. If you don't like the MC, I respect that I just wonder why you're watching/reading it.
Femininity is a concept that people struggle with and it leads to the influx of 'not like other girls' ocs/gender bends.
Speaking of gender bending: Let people live. It's not bad or weird to make an MC a girl or a boy. You having issue with them doing it to make a gay ship straight is valid but not all of them are like that. You're not cool for hating on it.
Some fandom jokes get stale. IE: Completely oblivous Todoroki Shouto.
A/B/O can be really good interpretations of canon and the trope, good stories discussing how culture and such changes with this dynamic, porn, or just a fun addition to canon. There is a lot of variation of it and if you like it who cares?
Religion is really fucking annoying in fanfics and we can TELL even if you try to write around it. If your character is religious fine, and if the canon character is fine, but dude stop writing atheist/non-Christian characters Christian or with those values. Especially if they're in a culture where the religion isn't prominent.
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atypical-irritant · 2 years
As to not derail another post's point, I'll write my own.
I've come to understand and even appreciate my lack of humanity, as some have called it, but the general populace's insistence that those like me are lesser and, as such, are deserving of the mistreatment we get has never stopped irritating me. It feels entirely hypocritical for them to flaunt this supposed superior ability to feel another's emotions innately then abuse and cast out anyone who differs from them.
The insistence that those of us without empathy are heartless monsters who will turn and hurt someone at any moment because we lack that emotional deterrent feels very similar to the moral essentialism most of Christianity seems to subscribe to (perhaps other religions as well, but I personally only know enough of the christian faith to confidently compare). That is to say, if you don't believe there to be eternal and damning concequences to your actions then you have no reason not to act on any urge you come across.
This core assumption many make feels very telling of their true nature. If they were to suddenly find themselves in a position without empathy, would they become the exact monster they see in me? If it weren't for this integrated deterrent they would have no qualms doing whatever horrible things to satisfy their own ends. And somehow I'm the immoral and dangerous one?
If it takes a built-in punishment to refrain from destroying everything around you, one that is nothing more than a interpretations assumed from your own previous experiences and is not actually the emotions of the other person, then perhaps it's not I who's a ticking time bomb ready to destroy everything around me at any moment. By their standards, I'm unrestrained and still manage with ease to not kill, attack, or main anyone. Not even the very people who insult and berate those like me for lacking their experience of humanity. Their assumptions tell me they couldn't do the same.
They're right, I'm not human, not how they describe it, anyway. But if their reaction is anything to go off of, I never want to be. The monster they see in me, like their "oh so important" ability to empathize, is nothing more than them looking into a fun house mirror. I'm sick of being treated as if it's not.
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I would love to hear about your stranger things pjo au!!! Love both stories, all the better to mix them
well, buckle the FUCK up! /lh
❗ Before we begin, i'd like to give some warnings for abuse (csa, physical, emotional), self-harm/suicide, scars, neglect/abandonment, religion (mention of camps), minor character death, mention of kidnapping, eating disorders❗
this has taken TWO DAYS and it's long and not even finished but i'm tired of looking at it so
🎸 First character: michael wheeler. 🎸
love the kid to death. proud kinnie and apologist.
he's a fucking menace in this au. a mini percy, if you will.
15, genderfluid, he/they/she, boy kisser.
from hawkins indiana, bullied very badly as a kid for being neurodivergent, abusive father that does not know what a boundary is especially when he's drunk.
(that's projection right there - at its finest)
hypersexual for obvious reasons.
convinces a not-aware-of-the-abuse nancy to run away at 12 and 15. leave without any parting words to anyone.
make it to camp half blood where they are quickly claimed and mike is the first to meet percy, who has become a social worker/therapist alongside an oc of mine, chase williams.
he's given the following diagnoses: adhd, dyslexia, autism, cptsd, bpd with severe dissociation, mdd, and gad with panic attacks .
has been on 2 quests in his 3 years at camp. both, he does not talk about.
will becomes his fp basically on sight (i know- i was there. mike told me himself)
so fucking stupid its a wonder they put him against the ares cabin bc his smart mouth is brutal.
visible self-harm scars and will get so pissed if you ask about any of his scars. will tell you to mind your business.
15, trans guy, he/him, queer.
aphrodite bitch that loves looking like he lives in a conservative 80s small town horror movie but like,,, the amount of tan and neutral works somehow? with some golden yellow and rusty oranges that make his green eyes shimmer and pop.
big artist and has hecate's blessing and OH MY GOD will with powers???? illusions???? fuckin CHARMSPEAK????? he's in his magician era lmao /lh /j
from cali. bisexual icon joyce brought her boys to camp early so they're prepared. i say she's the sally of stranger things
has the included adhd and dyslexia but with added cptsd, schizophrenia, and autism. that should be interesting.
has been on 6 quests since age 10, some successful, some not.
i want will to have eyeliner. i want to see him with it so bad. and painted nails. usually pink, yellow, or black.
21, nonbinary man, he/she, queer as hell
willeddie siblings. trans aphrodite kids against the world.
has apollo's blessing. very much a partner in crime to percy, they bond over music taste.
adhd, dyscaulia, bipolar 1, and cptsd
such a chill fucking dude but will ramble for years and years and years if you don't stop him.
very powerful charmspeak and very good at seeing the ties between people. has a celestial bronze dagger essentially named "freak"
sucker for apollo cabin counselor steve harrington
☀️ mr. steven harrington~ ☀️
19, trans man, he/him, bisexual
apollo kid, lover of pop, singer-songwriter.
very laidback, from TN surprisingly. has religious trauma, unsurprisingly, from being in a baptist christian family and being sent to summer camps until he was abandoned at age 16 by his mom and step dad.
adhd, dyslexia, hpd, cptsd, and unspecified dissociative disorder. hypersexual from a few instances of csa as a young child by someone at one of the summer camps he was sent to.
definitely has a knack for swinging blunt objects, of which he has a celestial bronze bat he carries everywhere along with a backup dagger.
thinks kids are fun to work with and teaches archery alongside chiron, which is unexpected but welcomed.
an okay healer. average. knows first aid, cpr, the basics
💜 the badass, nancy wheeler 💜
18, cis female, she/her, lesbian
athena kid through and fucking through. so smart but, like mike, oblivous and super dumb.
spends a lot of time out of the house as a kid until she and mike run away.
works for the camp newspaper, freelance journalist as she attempts college classes.
not the one you want against you in capture the flag.
chooses the gun bc she briefly has "i'm not like other girls" syndrome but finds it actually fits her.
her and annabeth talk all the time. to the point percy complains to mike about it.
robin buckley- love at first sight
18, nonbinary woman, she/they/neos, woman kisser
also a big music person but POETRY. she absolutely loves poetry and symbolism and all that shit.
romance and sci-fi nerd.
dresses like a gay drama professor or gives off young richie tozier vibes, no in-between.
can name each bone in your body as she breaks it. loves her independent gf nancy.
adhd, dyslexia, autism, ptsd, and severe auditory processing issues.
indie music seems like her style but scene queen owns her soul and she'd sell it for ashnikko
thought about being a film major
steve's platonic better half as they should be
comes from an emotionally abusive household
📷 jonny boy 📷
19, trans man, he/him, aceflux demigayromantic
dates a clear-sighted mortal (affectionate)
aphrodite's son that may not be "conventionally attractive", but he has a knack for matchmaking and fashion, which he then neglects because he opts for a camp shirt and jeans with tennis shoes.
mild adhd, dyslexia, AUTISM, cptsd, avpd, gad, generalized depression
so many sensory issues and needs, but tries to be independent, which can lead to bouts of anger, frustration, and, sometimes, crying.
was severely bullied in school and he was physically and emotionally abused by his step dad, who his mom was not married to for very long
works with nancy and takes photographs for the paper sometimes.
🌻 el my beloved 🌻
15, nonbinary, they/them, pan ace, poly
as a kid of demeter, el has always been a plant lover. discovered their powers early
bedroom pop lover and blessed by aphrodite.
would rather rely on their powers than a weapon but does have a small dagger on them at all times.
elmike duo my sweets,,,
adhd, dyslexia, autism, cptsd, system (no amnesia, 2 other alters; jane and 11, who is different from el)
by early i mean she was growing plants at a rapid rate by the time she was 5. the wrong person saw it and she was kidnapped and abused severely until she was ten, when she was rescued by local police chief jim hopper, who later adopted her bc her mortal parent had been in an accident not too long after she was taken and did not make it.
🌸 baby girl chrissy 🌸
19, demigirl, she/they, aroace
daughter of demeter, very sweet
very much a basic pastel stereotype but we love her anyway, she's amazing.
has the following: adhd, dyslexia, bullimia, cptsd, gad with panic attacks
her dad's very much a pushover and her stepmom's heavily emotionally and verbally abusive and makes comments about her weight all the time
she only spends a few weeks of the year at home and it's usually only for her dad.
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a-study-in-dante · 2 years
Tag Game To Better Know You! Send this to people you’d like to know better!
Thank you @lithugraph for the tag, it sounds fun!
What book are you currently reading?
Hu, make it plural. I've been struggling to find time and motivation to read, so I've been blocked at page 75 of Babel by RF Kuang for over a month. Did it stop me from buying and starting Ondaatje's The English Patient yesterday? Not at all.
What’s your favorite movie you saw in theaters this year?
I think the only movie I saw in theater this year was... Top Gun: Maverick. It was pretty good but mostly for the Easter eggs of the first movie (I'm weirdly obsessed with it for some reasons).
What do you usually wear?
Jeans, usually in darker shades of blue, and whatever top is appropriate for the season (or not). With Vans sneakers and a trenchcoat.
How tall are you?
168 cm. Or 5'6'' as I recently found out!
What’s your Star Sign? Do you share a birthday with a celebrity or a historical event? 
I'm an Aquarius. I know that my birthday is the end date of the Franco-Prussian war of 1870-1 (the weird thing you learn when writing Hetalia fanfics). It apparently also is Tommy Ramone's, Oprah Winfrey's and Adam Lambert's birthdays!
Do you go by your name or a nick-name?
Most of my friends call me by a nickname, to the point where it actually feels weird/deadly serious when they use my full name. My family also has a nickname for me, that I used to like but doesn't fit me anymore (because I grew up and when they use it it feels like they still see me as a child). Otherwise, I go by my full name.
Did you grow up to become what you wanted to be when you were a child?
Uh I don't even know.
Are you in a relationship? If not, who is your crush if you have one?
Not in a relationship, and too many dormant crushes to count or pick one.
What’s something you’re good at vs. something you’re bad at?
Not that good at picking a thing I'm good at and one thing I'm bad at, apparently
Dogs or cats?
If you draw/write, or create in any way, what’s your favorite picture/favorite line/favorite etc. from something you created this year?
Ah. From Patria I guess? (A Spamano - Hetalia fanfic I picked up recently but has been on and off updated since 2018 on ff.net)
"Revenir à la réalité ne veut pas dire qu’il faut abandonner tout moment de rêve. Je ne serais pas dans la Revolución si je ne croyais pas qu’il y a sa place." (Coming back to reality doesn't mean we need to give up on every piece of dream. I wouldn't have joined the Revolución if I didn't believe dream belonged in it.)
It's cheesy af I know and that tells you a lot about my writing year T-T
What’s something you would like to create content for?
If only I could finally bring myself to write those Bagginshield (The Hobbit- movies) and Stucky (MCU) fanfics T-T
What’s something you’re currently obsessed with? 
Since I assume my PhD doesn't count (I'm not that obsessed with it anyway) I guess you could say BBC Merlin (ten years too late I know but ah)
What’s something you were excited about that turned out to be disappointing this year?
men *coughs* It's been a pretty good year actually! I've traveled more than ever before, although being on my own is great, it may not be the most fun way to travel (it definitely has its perks though and I loved it) but summer i.g. july and august did not disappoint in being their usual disappointing selves. Not much happening, mostly working, not doing exciting things as much as I'd have wanted to, etc.
What’s a hidden talent of yours?
Drinking lots of coffee with no physical effects whatsoever.
Are you religious?     
No. I was raised as a Christian (baptized and attended catholic school, though for very practical reason - more accessible from my home and better level of education) but by the time I was old enough to have my opinion on it religion was no longer part of my education. I know it's still deeply rooted in the cultures I'm evolving in though, and the history I 'claim' as my own. I admire churches as I do works of art. And I appreciate the religious diversity of the world, and freedom of religion is a value dear to my heart.
What’s something you wish to have at this moment?
A cute lumberjack shirt I saw a few weeks ago but didn't buy because it was expensive huhu and a reading routine!
Tagging (if you're keen!) @linguadesk
No pressure!
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