#if anyone wants to add some more tips
traumatizeddfox · 2 years
how do i leave my abuser?
obviously for everyone its going to be different but here are some tips that worked for me! it might not work for everyone, and everyones situation is completely different, and were all different people.
I also want to point out, if you dont leave your abuser or you go back, you did not fail and that it is okay, its so hard to leave them.
so heres some tips i have from my exp
1) write down everything they do to you ( it doesnt matter if you think its stupid, if it hurts you, write it down, u can add dates if you want) i find writing down helped me when i would assume he was going to be good again, but that would be my rock to remember he was awful.
2) I feel like this ads onto step 1 but try to understand about trauma bonding, and how it affects your brain. Its basically like stockholm syndrome
3) try to learn their schedule, know when they will be gone ( i know this isnt always possible) but this can help you. if you can make a break for it then, do it.
4) i suggest if you can, reach out to a friend, support group system, family, etc and tell them whats happening. using code works can help too, so if you are in danger you can text or call someone and use the word but this doesnt always help or work.
5) another thing is to get all your important papers if you have them: bank cards, ID cards, SIN cards, birth certificate. Anything that has value that cant really be replaced, try to get them all together and have them in safe place.
6) try to leave as quickly, as you can. it really depends on you, and what you think you can handle. if you're able to just leave your house/apartment/etc, do it. But sometimes you need to contact people for an escape plan.
7)stay somewhere where they wont know you are. You dont want them to come find you, and its better to find a place where they cant find you, or wont know where you are but obvs i know this isnt always the case and not everyone has a place to go to. There should be local domestic violence or shelters that you can stay at (although this may be different depending on location)
8) block them, and dont respond. you have to cut contact with them, its like a drug and it will hurt like a fucking bitch, but i promise you, it will be so fucking worth it. there will be a day, where you will realize what truly happened, and its goings to hurt, but it will be so much better than them hurting you.
if they hit you, they will try to kill you one day. <-- i remember a detective saying this, and it stuck with me.
a few more things to add
-everyones story is different, everyones abuse is different, and this is just as general as I can get because I don't know your story.
-if you can, get police involved but just know this can add to a whole lot more stuff, and can be scary.
-dont listen to their sob story. it doesnt matter, your safety matters
-getting a secondary phone or a new phone is a great way to stay safe, and i also suggest changing your social media to all private, and maybe going by an alias.
-change passwords. I remember my ex hacked into my facebook to find where i was.
-try to not disclose any info where you are, if youre afraid for your life/
-making a google drive account and uploading proof is also a good thing to do! or keeping on an usb
-also if you drive, check for gps tracker on your car, i know some abusers do this.
also have grace for urself. you arent a bad person, you arent what they said you are, it wasnt your fault.
if no one believes you, you must believe yourself.
omg okay that was a long ass answer, and i know it was generic! but i hope this helps you, or anyone else!
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appalachiananarchist · 4 months
I have been continuing to practice art to get the hang of it again after years of drawing and painting essentially nothing. I am making progress thanks to some of the advice I got on here. Below is the latest thing I have started working on. It is far from finished, but even in its incomplete state it is much better than what I was making even last week. So sincerely, thank you all for your amazing advice.
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rosicheeks · 4 months
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🌹 Happy Rosie Day 🌹
If you’re able and want to send me a little gift to celebrate you can find my links -> here 🫶
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hannieehaee · 2 months
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18+ / mdi
summary: after making it all the way to your final year of uni still having not experienced a single orgasm, you decided to take matters into your hands. your solution? asking your best friend wonwoo to teach you all he knew.
content: f2l!wonwoo, softdom!wonwoo, virgin reader, unrequited crush (not really lol), pov starts with reader but moves on to wonwoo's, basically just smut and almost no plot lol, like three separate smut scenes oops, smut, afab reader, dry humping, oral (m and f receiving), thigh riding, handjob, penetrative sex, etc.
wc: 12.9k
a/n: this was longer and way messier than anticipated but i hope u guys like it!!
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"You're crazy,"
Those were Wonwoo's last words before scoffing and walking away, completely disregarding your presence.
"Wait!," you raised your voice, attempting to prevent his departure, "Just hear me out," you pleaded.
"'Hear you out'?", he scoffed, "You just asked me – out of nowhere – to 'teach you how to have sex.' The mere question was the end of the conversation," he deadpanned and continued walking away, you trailing behind.
Despite how cold and direct he was with his words, you knew him well enough to assess that he wasn't neither mad nor offended, just entirely uninterested in the proposition. He simply continued to walk away, far too indifferent about your admittedly strange request.
"Let me at least explain," you whined as you walked side by side with him.
He merely hummed, seemingly a bit annoyed at the fact you were still going on about such a silly prospect.
"Listen," you began, "You're the only person I can ask. You're the only one who knows I'm a virgin," you whispered the last words, as if any of the other students walking by would care enough to listen in on your conversation.
"Why do you need me to take it from you?", he grumbled, "Just wait til you meet some guy you like and lose it to him."
You let out a groan of annoyance, "Have you met a man before? They all suck! You're the only guy I trust," you added, "Plus, I'm 22. No guy is going to be patient enough with me not to traumatize me. They all assume I'm experienced already."
His speed did not diminish, but he turned to look at you after hearing that, a semi-serious look on his face, "Has anyone done anything-"
"No! It's just ... They kinda expect me to already know what I'm doing, and when I try to explain it they either get super horny or they just ghost me," you cringed at the sudden resurgence of failed attempts at dating through the past year.
"Okay, so, you want me to take your virginity just for research purposes?"
"Yes! Exactly that!"
"Just watch porn, then," he deadpanned once more with a scoff.
"Wonwoo!," you slapped his arm in annoyance, "Please, at least try to take me seriously."
"Fine," he grumbled, "I'll take you seriously if you actually make some sort of methodological plan for me to assess. Only then will I actually try to come to a decision."
Spoken like a true nerd.
Unbeknownst to Wonwoo, his nerdiness was kind of part of his charm.
"Okay, fine, fucking nerd," you retorted, "You. Me. My apartment. This weekend. Meet me at 10 and I'll have your dumb 'procedural documentation' awaiting your approval," you spoke the last few words with a nasally tone in order to mock him, getting a chuckle out of him.
"Great," he smiled, "See you then, virgin."
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"God, you actually made a slideshow?"
"You literally asked me for this," you groaned, "Now, stop talking and pay attention."
"This slideshow looks like shit. How are you even graduating?", he couldn't help but add.
"Anyways," you hissed back at him, "This is a step by step of what the plan is, okay? We'll go slide by slide."
He nodded, amused but also having given up on arguing.
The first slide showcased simple text detailing the following:
Step 1 - Kissing
He immediately burst out laughing.
"Stop!", you swatted the pointer you'd been using to point at the screen at him, "Let me talk before you laugh!", you demanded.
"Is 'removing our clothes' going to be on the slides too?", he laughed, holding onto his stomach from what apparently seemed to be the funniest thing to him.
"Moving on," you ignored him, clearing your throat and beginning the short speech you had prepared, "I've kissed guys before, which you know. But kissing and kissing during sex are two very different things," you explained.
"How would you know?"
"That's exactly why I'm asking, you fucking-", you stopped yourself before you could insult him, knowing he was just riling you up.
"Okay, fine. I get it. You can move onto the next slide," he conceded, though you could still spot some amusement on his face.
Step 2 - Oral (both ways)
"How is me giving you oral going to help you learn to have sex if you're not doing anything?", he asked before you could even speak.
"Are you telling me you don't do oral? That's very Dj Khaled of you."
His eyes widened as he backtracked, "W-what? No! I love doing o- wait, no. I'm not talking about this," he stumbled over his words, "You know that's not what I meant."
"Plus, there's no need to teach you oral. Any guy would cum at you getting on your knees for them," he added without thinking, immediately shutting himself up upon realizing what he'd said.
Even from the place you were standing, and with the distance between you and the couch Wonwoo was sitting on, your reaction at his words could easily be noticed by him. You were both equally sheepish at his slipup, causing you to both look away in embarrassment.
"What I meant was-"
"No, uh, I get it, I-"
"Uh, maybe move onto the third slide?", he coughed out, clearing his throat.
"Yeah- yeah, sure."
Step 3 - Foreplay
"Okay, so you did add removing our clothes as a step."
"These are completely different things," you rebutted, having completely moved on from the previous awkwardness.
Suddenly, he stood up, taking your pointer from you and setting it down.
"Okay, you can stop with the slideshow," he said.
"Why? What's wrong with my slideshow?", you argued.
"Well, for one, it doesn't actually have any useful information in it. Two, these are all natural steps to sex that I don't need a recap on," he took a breath before continuing, "And three, I don't need any more convincing. I'll help you."
"What? Really?," you gaped at him.
He nodded, attempting to be nonchalant about it, "I mean, yeah. I was always going to help you, just needed to think it over a bit more. We're friends and I don't want you feeling lost on your first time, or getting taken advantage of by some asshole, so," he gave you a tight-lipped smile.
You wrapped your arms around him, far too enthusiastic for the subject at hand, but mostly just thankful for his agreement.
"Thank you, Wonwoo. God, I was so nervous I'd have to find some random guy on tinder," you mumbled against his chest.
Tenderly hugging you back, he hummed at your statement, slightly annoyed at the implication of some random guy taking your virginity, but not verbally expressing that annoyance.
"When do you want to do it?", he asked once you'd pulled away.
"Is, uh, is Wednesday okay? I know you only have Tuesday-Thursday classes this semester," you offered.
"Yeah, that's good. Do you want to do it all at once or-"
"What do you mean?"
He sighed, not wanting to say the words, as the thought of it was already getting to him. He gulped silently before continuing, "I mean the, uh, oral and the kissing, and whatever else you had on that slideshow."
"Oh! Uh, well, what do you think? Should we just do it all at once?" you asked with a newfound innocence in your eyes.
It occurred to Wonwoo that you might have been even far more inexperienced than he had first thought. This was something you'd never spoken about too in depth, but now that he really thought about it, maybe the reason why your slideshow was so simple and childish had been because of a genuine lack of knowledge in the matter. Now he wasn't sure whether he should simply sleep with you or actually show you every step necessary to ensure your pleasure and his own.
"We can take a day for oral and hand stuff," he huffed out, "and then we can use that new knowledge for foreplay before we, you know."
He felt like the virgin at his lack of ability to utter the word sex under this context.
"A-ah, okay. That sounds good," you blinked up at him, "What about ... Uh, what about kissing?", you added shyly.
"What about it?"
"Nothing. Never mind," you created some extra distance between you, timidly looking down in embarrassment at your question.
It made Wonwoo feel like shit that his simple question had made you ashamed at having asked one of your own. He needed to resolve this quickly. Sex was clearly a sore subject for you, he didn't want his teasing to actually make you feel badly.
"No, tell me. Please," he grabbed onto your arm so you'd look at him again.
"Well, I- Fuck, this is so embarrassing," you chuckled humorlessly at yourself before finally looking back at him, "I've never been kissed like that before. I was, uh, hoping that you could teach me? So I know what to do then we actually, you know."
Similarly to him, you were too shy to actually speak the word out loud, though you both knew exactly what you meant. The heavy air in the room only confirmed it.
"Oh," he breathed out, "I can ... teach you now, if you want."
The word 'teach' had him feeling lightheaded. Thinking about directing you, holding you close to him as he took his time showing you everything he liked – everything that would have him thinking of you every lonely night after the fact – as you obediently nodded under him, it all made an animalistic feeling arise within him.
"Yeah? Okay, how do we-", you began, nodding as you eyed the room to see where would be the best place to do it.
Wonwoo stopped you before you could actually wander off, holding onto your elbows and pulling you to him. They naturally slid down to your hips to position you against him.
"Here is fine."
Those were his last words before his lips descended onto your own, eyes so hooded they were almost fully closed. The kiss was very soft in nature, with it being almost just a simple peck before he pulled back just enough to speak against your lips.
"You've been kissed like that before. Right?", he mumbled.
You nodded, head tilting upwards as you shyly attempted to incite him into reconnecting your lips.
"I'm going to show you how you should kiss a guy if you want him to ... you know," he explained, breathing heavily into your mouth at the mere thought.
Barely managing to nod again, your lips were encapsulated by his own once more, this time engaging in a wet kiss, mouth immediately invaded by his tongue.
In retrospect, Wonwoo made the kiss more sensual than he intended to. There was an extra layer of intimacy than he would usually allow when he kissed someone he considered a mere hookup. But how could he kiss you like he would a hookup when you were so soft and pliant and vulnerable as you stared up at him? Having to hold back a gruttal groan as he kissed you, his fingers tightened their hold on your hips to center himself a bit.
At some point your tongue shyly came out to play with his own, making a timid attempt of mirroring his movements. The kiss became slightly messy, but that's just how Wonwoo liked it, causing a few muted grunts to sound out into the otherwise quiet room.
Wonwoo's hands came up to your jaw, angling your face in a way that would allow him to explore your mouth with his tongue at the optimal angle, suckling into your own and drawing pretty whines out of you. It was easy for him to tell that you were becoming affected by the mere kisses, making his mind fuzzy in return.
He could only hold on so much before he began walking you back, eventually landing against a wall and pressing you up into it, hands going back down to your waist to press your body up against his own. The atmosphere of the room became heavier, just as his movements. Hands gripped your waist and your chests pressed together. Your back arched deliciously as one of his hands landed on the small of your back, making your breasts rub against his hard chest.
A groan involuntarily slipped out of Wonwoo's lips at the feeling of your pebbled nipples digging at his chest. Fuck, you weren't wearing a bra.
In the meantime, your hands pulled at Wonwoo's hair, becoming rasher in their movements by the minute. You fed off Wonwoo's reactions to the pulling of his hair, pulling extra hard any time he grumbled into your lips a little louder.
His hands remained in the same general area of your waist and lower back up until one of them braved their way down to your thigh, going as far down as the back of your knee to wrap your leg around his waist, causing your crotches to make the first contact of the night.
Gasping a shuddered breath, Wonwoo disconnected your lips and began kissing down your neck, occasionally stopping to suck at spots he had a feeling would have you gasping his name. This, accompanied by a hesitant grind of his hips into your own, awarded him the prettiest gasps landing against his ear.
"Wonwoo ..." you sighed, "Is this- Am I doing a good job?" you asked, tilting your head back to nudge his lips against your own again, landing some soft yet wet pecks on his lips.
"So good," he nodded with a kiss, "Such a quick learner," were his last words before starting another long series of languid kisses between you.
Hips became braver, – both yours and his – filling the room with the sounds of clothes ruffling and muffled sighs in between wet swipes of your tongues. His large hand angled your leg even higher, angling his cock right against your cunt in a way that had you breaking the kiss as you gasped his name. Wonwoo did not allow you to pull away, however, simply opting to lick into your open mouth and entice you into continuing the kiss.
"Wonwoo, I can't, I- Fuck, I need-"
"Shhh," he hushed you, "I know, baby. Just keep moving your hips, okay? Let me show you all my favorite things," he whispered against your skin, not daring to halt the friction that had him on the verge of cumming in his pants.
"Is this- Is this what you usually do when you kiss a girl?", you asked, tilting your head back to allow him to kiss at your neck to his heart's contentment.
"Yes," he lied through his teeth, knowing he never let passion take over him so quickly with any other girl. He let his lips trail back to your own in order to prevent himself from having to speak further, but also because he couldn't stray away from you for too long.
He was sure he'd never forget those soft breaths you left against his lips any time he'd reconnect them, wordlessly expressing how affected you were by what he considered to be such a small gesture – or at least what he previously thought it to be, up until he kissed his best friend on an arbitrary Saturday morning.
As badly as he wanted to keep your lips attached to his own, he was beginning to feel his self control slip through his fingers the more he humped against you. The more he did so, the less finesse his movements had, forcing him to bury his head on the crook of your neck and groan into your skin. His hands went down to your legs, starting to drag your hips against his own and freely grunting at the stimulation. His sweats and your shorts were both thin enough for him to feel the heat of your cunt, fully aware that if he looked down, he'd find a mixture of wetness on the cloth from his precum and your slickness.
"Fuck," he sighed, "You feel so fucking good ..."
"Am I, shit- am I making you feel good?", you managed to squeak out.
Wonwoo's mind melted at the way you sought out his approval, looking to see if you were making him feel as good as he did you. Were his pathetic moans not enough indicator of how godforsakenly affected by you he was?
Then he remembered you had no point of reference to understand how intimate and heated this moment was – how the dragging of his cock against your clothed folds could so easily become his undoing.
"You're doing so fucking good. Gonna make me cum, fuck," he breathed, making his way back to your lips, "Need you to cum for me first, though. Okay, pretty? Are you close for me?", he mumbled in between heated kisses.
"So close," you were barely able to respond due to Wonwoo's insistence on keeping his lips on yours.
"A guy should always make you cum first, understand? If- fucking shit," he grunted out when he felt you beginning to pulse against him, an entire separate heartbeat forming on your cunt, "If he doesn't, he's not worth it. You come first. Okay, baby? A-always you."
The mere thought of some other loser even hearing the cute, breathy gasps you were letting out made him fume, but he couldn't get into that while you were almost on the verge of breaking down for him. He needed you to at least know what type of guys to fend away from, but he also wanted to show you how he could give you exactly what a man should – that he would always prioritize you and your pleasure.
You nodded mindlessly, completely out of it yet absolutely absorbed by the pleasure, "I need- Fuck, Nonu ... I need to cum. Please, I-"
"Cum. Be good for me and cum, pretty. I'm right there ... Fuck, gonna make me cum in my pants," he wheezed out, eyebrows furrowing in concentration when your nails dug into his skin as your orgasm took over.
Wonwoo came the second he felt you come undone, having held back from far too long in order to prioritize you – something he would always do. A mixture of emotions took over as his body underwent the immense pleasure your clothed cunt had given him. A sense of pride undertook him at knowing he had made you cum undone completely untouched. Any shame he could've felt at cumming in his pants like a horny loser left him as he took in every gasp and cry of his name as you held against him for dear life.
Burying his head in your shoulder again, he whispered words of praise and encouragement into your ear all while his hips continued their canting against yours, damning any sensitivity he may have felt due to the overstimulation. His brain was fuzzy at the pleasure, but his instinctual need to make you feel as good as humanly possible overrode any other thought in his mind.
By the end of it all, all that could be heard were your heavy breaths. Holding onto each other, you forgot about anything surrounding the bubble you currently found yourselves in. Seeking your lips again, Wonwoo gave you one last languid kiss, humming into your lips in contentment at the thought of what had just happened.
"That's, uh, that's usually how kissing goes when you're going to have sex," he explained.
He suddenly felt very awkward, embarrassed at how easily he had lost control at a simple touch of your lips. — He was supposed to merely kiss you, not defile you through your clothes against the wall of your apartment!
"Oh- Okay, that's good to know," you murmured whilst looking down at your feet timidly.
At least he wasn't alone in the feeling.
Finally creating some distance between you, he chuckled humorlessly, clearing his throat.
"Sorry if that was too much," he rubbed at the back of his neck.
"No, that was perfect- I mean, thank you! No, wait, I mean, that's exactly what I needed- fuck," you groaned, hiding your face in your hands in embarrassment at being unable to find the right words.
It was mind-boggling how easy it was for you to provoke adoration out of Wonwoo when you had just been the primary source of his lust mere moments ago.
"It's okay, I understand," he went to remove your hands from your face, looking at you with a smile, "Do you still want to meet on Wednesday?", he asked sheepishly.
"For oral, you mean?", you asked so innocently, completely disregarding the implication behind those words.
Coughing out as air caught in his throat, he cleared his throat before being able to respond, "Y-yes, it's- it's whatever you want."
"Well ..." you started, "You don't have classes on Monday, right? Maybe we could do it then? You know, so we don't have to drag this out too long?"
Was this just something you wanted to get over with?
That made sense, considering that this was all simply a favor you were asking from Wonwoo. That knowledge still didn't prevent Wonwoo from feeling let down by your words, however.
At the end of the day it didn't make that much of a difference when you did it, but he couldn't help but have this sick hope inside him to prolong this as much as possible; maybe even do repeat 'lessons' if necessary. Especially when he knew that the moment he actually slept with you, you'd go out into the world and find someone else to do the things he taught you with.
There was a reason he had originally been apprehensive about your proposal. He knew that the mere second he had your eyes staring up at his with anything more than platonic feelings in them, he'd fall even deeper for you–
Right, did he forget to mention he was in love with you?
It was a controllable crush. He knew how far his feelings could go, so he never tested his luck with you. He also had far too much love and respect for you as a friend to ever overstep any boundaries outside of the limits within your friendship. This was why he had been initially adamant about denying you. He knew that there was no way to keep his heart out of it, but he also knew that there was no way for him to resist such opportunity, which was why he ultimately said yes.
So for now he had to make the best of it.
Was it selfish? Maybe. But he would also be helping you out along the way, so maybe it was more of a selfless act in the end. He'd be the one getting his heart broken, after all.
"Yeah, sure. You can come over to my place on Monday," was his response.
"Might as well get this over with," had been what he added as an afterthought, not taking note of the emotion changing in your eyes.
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Wonwoo attempted to adopt a casual demeanor as he welcomed you in, hoping you didn't take note of how much he had pampered himself in preparation for you (Maybe aftershave plus cologne had been a tad much).
"Hi, Nonu," you responded, clearly way more relaxed than he was.
It was almost as if he was the virgin about to get deflowered.
Walking in, you made yourself at home, walking past him and immediately sitting on his couch. It was common for you to be at his apartment, so this visit wasn't anything out of the ordinary thus far.
Up until you spoke up.
"I might've gone overboard with preparing myself for tonight," you suddenly said, grimacing at yourself in embarrassment.
"What do you mean?"
You were wearing a simple pair of leggings and an oversized top; very common outfit for you. Sure, you looked beautiful, but he wasn't sure exactly what you meant by overly preparing yourself.
"You'll see," was all you said, patting the empty spot next to you on the couch.
Closing the door of his apartment, he walked over to you, taking a seat and facing you on the couch. Although he had sat at a slight distance from you, you had scoot over to him immediately, facing him as your knees graced against his own.
You smiled shyly at him, eyes not fully meeting his own as you seemingly tried to think of what to say.
"How- how should we start?", you finally asked.
Wonwoo took a breath, "What do you want me to show you today? Was last time helpful to you?"
"Yes!", you immediately responded, cringing at your own enthusiastic answer, "Sorry, I don't mean to sound like such a loser," you chuckled awkwardly, "But it did help me. I feel way less nervous about it all now."
"What's making you nervous?," he shuffled closer to you.
"Just ... You?", you started, "You're already so experienced and I don't want to embarrass myself in front of you or ... not make you feel good," you mumbled the last few words.
That took Wonwoo for a loop. 'Not make him feel good'? Had you seen yourself? Had you seen him just two days ago? He was a mess of himself at the mere feeling of some amateur dry humping. He was the one who should be nervous at the thought of your finally seeing your open legs in front of his face.
He chuckled sheepishly at you, "There's no way you could ever make me not feel good. I don't know if you want to hear this from me, but, you're so fucking gorgeous. Any guy, and I mean any, would kill if you gave them the time of day. You don't even need any of this 'training,'" he said with air-quotes, "There would probably be a line full of guys itching to get a chance to be with you; to take your virginity," he ranted, knowing he was doing himself a disservice in vying for other guys, but needing you to know how impossible it'd be for you to embarrass yourself when you were so you; so seductive and mind-boggling without even realizing it.
"Oh," you breathed out at his praise, clearing your throat right after to recover, "But I only trust you," you said, putting your hands on his, "I only care what you think and how you ... how you teach me," your eyes looked into his, wide and innocent.
"I'll teach you. I'll teach you anything you want," he swallowed a deep breath, breathing through his nose, "Do you ... Do you want to start with what I taught you the other day?", he decided to get the ball rolling.
You nodded silently, surprising him when you suddenly went to straddle on his lap, hands on his shoulders as you leaned down slowly, placing your lips on his.
The two of you hadn't discussed yet what exactly you'd be doing today, but getting your lips on his seemed like a necessity for Wonwoo at this moment in time. It was the most important thing to him with the current fogginess in his mind.
The kiss became heated quickly. It seemed like you had some trouble building up the tension and instead gave the kiss your all right away. Either that, or you simply felt equally as affected as Wonwoo and needed to portray that through your kiss as soon as possible. That might've been wishful thinking, but Wonwoo kept his hopes up.
His large hands wrapped around you, holding onto your ass and gasping when he felt you begin to move, digging his nails into your plush hips to guide you. It was all happening too fast, but he had no complaints. Not when you were somehow grinding so expertly against him all while breathing the cutest sighs into his mouth.
"Like this? Is it like this, Wonwoo?", you asked into his mouth, whining when he decided to lick at your tongue as you spoke.
"Yes ... Such a fast learner. So fucking good," he breathed, dragging your hips against his own.
Leaning back against the couch, he pulled you closer, planting his feet on the ground and matching your movements. Your leggings and his basketball shorts were thin enough for him to pretend they weren't there, feeling all the heat you were forming between your bodies and groaning at the friction.
Wonwoo suddenly gasped into your mouth when he felt an intrusion between you, only taking him a moment to realize that your hand had snuck down and began feeling him up to find his cock, slowly halting your movements. He let you fully slow down, groaning when your hand enveloped him through his shorts.
"Will you teach me how to make you feel good? Want you to make you cum with my hands, Nonu," you murmured between wet kisses.
He went to heaven and came right back at your words. Your voice was so shy yet so sensual, making his brain override with lust. He had to take a few moments to answer, or else he would've only been able to offer you a pathetic whimper as an response.
Despite having slept with many girls before, having almost each of them put their hands on his cock just as you were doing, none ever made him feel so desperate and depraved. Neither did they cause the warmth in his chest the same way you did.
"Anything you want," he mumbled, head completely empty, "Let me- let me take off my pants, okay, pretty?"
You moved to the side for a moment, allowing him to remove his pants and boxers as you watched with your bottom lipped trapped between your teeth. He could've sworn he heard you sigh when his cock was finally out in the open, but there was no way to confirm it.
"Shirt too?", you requested, staring at him with eyes he just couldn't deny.
Throwing it off, he immediately pulled you closer to him, kissing your lips again and again. You kept whining into his lips, hands coming to his chest to feel him up, crying out into his lips any time you'd make contact with hard muscle.
Wonwoo knew you liked his physique, – you'd told him so many times before – but having you be so affected by his body had him on a high. This would only feed into him and cause him to go even harder at it next time he hit the gym. Bulking up out of his own volition suddenly went down on his list of priorities, being dethroned by a need to have you needily feel him up just as you currently were.
Next thing he knew, your hand went from his chest, down to his abs, landing on his aching dick.
"It's so big ... Is it supposed to be this big?", you asked against his lips, a petulant tone in your voice.
There was no way you didn't know what you were doing. Was there? Were you really so fucking inexperienced and pliant for him? Or were you simply trying to put his restraint to the test?
One look into your eyes responded those questions for him. Your eyebrows were furrowed and there was a look of wonder in your face. You seemed worried about his size, but also ditzy with desire for him – just like he was for you.
"It's okay ... Just, just wrap your hands around it, yeah? I'll take you from there," he instructed, pecking your lips once for reassurance, "Y-yeah, just like t-that, fuck ..." he huffed, "Now ... just twist- yeah, fuck, that's it ..."
"Like this?", you asked, wide eyed and pouty, jerking him off almost perfectly. You were shy in your movements, but you were still causing Wonwoo to lose track of how to breathe properly.
"Yes, that's so good, shit. You're doing so good ..."
Suddenly, your other hand went down to his balls, toying at them shyly, gasping when you took notice of Wonwoo's chocked-out breath.
"Sorry! Was that-"
"Do it again ... Fuck, do that again," he grumbled, attempting to keep his voice low.
Silently, you followed his instruction, continuing to use both hands to jerk him off and play with his balls. You bit your lip, giving him Wonwoo a look of unadulterated lust he had never seen from you. His best option at that moment was to close his eyes and lean his head back against the back of the couch. If not, he'd be forced to watch you and further lose his mind.
Only a few moments later, Wonwoo felt a sudden wetness against his nipple, making him hiss. You had brought your head down to his chest, lips kitten-licking at his nipple, teeth occasionally scraping it when you took notice of his shuddered breaths at the action. You were making Wonwoo a complete mess of himself, and he had no ability to stop you – you were taking over all his senses.
"Baby ... You're gonna m-make me cum. Being so fucking good for me," he sighed, "Such a good fucking girl," the thought was rotting his mind. You were being so fucking good for him; making him feel good. No one had ever felt your touch in such a way, only him.
"Nonu, please cum ... I'm so fucking wet, I need you so bad," you whined into his chest, "Need you to show me how you'd make me feel good," you added as an afterthought. Wonwoo knew lust was taking over you, and it exhilarated him.
"Cumming, f-fuck," he had completely blanked on getting something to cover himself with when he finally came, which was why it came to his surprise when you brought down your lips to the head of his cock, wrapping them around it and softly sucking as he emptied himself out.
"Fuck, so good- so fucking good. Pretty girl so fucking obedient and, and good for me, f-fuck. Don't even have to tell you to- to lick me clean. Making me lose my mind ..." he rambled, eyes rolling back at both the feeling and sight of you sucking his dick throughout the entirety of his orgasm.
Having emptied himself out, you took him out of your mouth, using your fingers to wipe at any leftover cum on the side of your lips and licking them clean. Wonwoo could not stand that image for too long, dragging you in for a sad excuse of a kiss that mostly consisted of his tongue sucking at your own, attempting to steal his taste from your mouth. Sighing into his lips, you somehow ended up on his lap again, hips immediately grinding against his sensitive cock.
He couldn't bring himself to care about how sensitive he felt when you were so visibly desperate for that friction, dragging your hips into his slowly-hardening cock, positioning yourself so you'd rub right against your walls.
Sadly, the feeling soon became too much, leading to Wonwoo pulling away despite your whines in defiance, "Need you to lay back on the couch, okay, pretty? Gonna take care of you now," he whispered into your lips.
You stopped whining and nodded, sitting back against the couch as he got up, now being the one to straddle you, though not putting any of his weight on you.
His hands ran up and down your body, trying to assess where to start. There were so many fantasies running through his mind, and not enough self control to enact every single one.
"Can I undress you?"
Nodding, you began doing it yourself, only to be stopped by him.
"The guy should be the one undressing you, okay, baby? He should take care of you in every way," he added, "I should've made you cum first today, but you insisted I teach you how to get me off," he tsk'd lightheartedly at you, almost as if scolding you for having caught him off guard, "But I'll make it up to you."
You giggled, "Okay, Nonu. I'll let you take care of me first next time," you agreed.
Next time. God, did he have plans for next time.
His hands made their way to your shirt, lifting it up as you raised your arms to assist him. His original plan was to move onto your pants immediately, leaving you in just your underwear all at once, but the sight under your shirt distracted him too much to even remember his name.
Seeing each other today for this reason had been a last minute plan, so Wonwoo was entirely unprepared for what was sitting right in front of him. He attempted to speak a few times, but just ended up closing his mouth right after, eventually leading you into a shy giggle at how dumb he must've appeared.
"Do you like it?," you bit your lip shyly, "I told you I might've over-prepared ..."
Sitting in front of him, you were currently donning the prettiest little sheer bra, accompanied by embroidered flowers on the cups, but still allowing him prime view of your nipples through the fabric. The color of the sheer piece suited you perfectly, making your nipples peak through in a way that had his eyes glued to your chest.
You had picked out some pretty lingerie ... just for him. Now he not only had to deal with the sight, but also the thought of you dolling yourself up just for him.
After a few moments of his silence, you called him out, making him snap out of his thirst.
"Fuck, is it too much? I thought- I thought you'd appreciate if I wore something pretty for you," you mumbled, shifting awkwardly at his lack of reaction, wrongly assuming that he was put off.
Fuck, did he have to be such an idiot? Why was he acting like he'd never seen breasts or lingerie before? You made him feel like he was an inexperienced virgin who was looking up tits online for the first time.
"No! Fuck, no, that's not it at all," his hands went to your cheeks, making your eye line match his, "You just surprised me, that's all," he took a breath, "You look insanely gorgeous, I promise."
"Are you sure?"
He closed the gap between you temporarily, gifting you a few pecks as he responded, "Please tell me it's a matching set," he pleaded into your mouth.
Your demeanor changed, giggling at him and shrugging with a bite of your lip, "Why don't you check?"
Determined, he helped you lift your hips as he dragged your leggings off, being rewarded with the sight of equally sheer panties, the almost transparent fabric giving him optimal view of your cunt, which was already glistening with your wetness.
"Do you want-"
Wonwoo would never know what you were going to ask, as he suddenly trapped you in a kiss, groaning into your mouth as he pushed you to lean against the back of the couch. Sighing into his lips, you followed his rhythm, letting out tiny moans when his hands went down to toy with your tits, rubbing and pinching at your nipples through your bra.
Whining and crying into his lips, you took over every single one of his senses. You were too perfect for him, making feel genuine distress at how badly he wanted you.
His hand slowly headed south, finding its way to your cunt, fingers beginning to rub at you through the fabric. Your desperate hips matched his movements, grinding into his hand as he continued to kiss you, swallowing every plea of his name.
"Ever touched yourself before, pretty?", he whispered.
Shaking your head, your cheeks warmed up, "N-never knew how. Never felt good," you murmured almost too low for him to hear.
This almost halted his movements, but he didn't want to risk your embarrassment growing over it, so he simply let his fingers go past the barrier of your panties, now rubbing you directly, though not penetrating your walls just yet. He wanted to hear more from you.
"No?", he coo'd, keeping his cool, "Have you- have you ever orgasmed?"
You took a short pause, kissing at his cheek and making a trail down to his neck to distract him. This only worked for a few moments (He might've gotten too distracted by your cunt), but after a few seconds he put a stop to his movements, only keeping pressure on your cunt as he made it so you'd look into his eyes.
"Baby? You can tell me," he encouraged.
"No ... My first orgasm was the one you gave me a few days ago, when we ..."
Had it been-
Had your first orgasm been when he dry humped you against the wall?
A mixture of pride and embarrassment invaded Wonwoo's mind. On one side, he was incredibly mortified that he had taken your first orgasm by humping into you like an animal in heat. On the other, he felt like he was on top of the world knowing that no one, not even yourself, had ever drawn an orgasm out of you until he came along.
His body decided to go with the latter, immediately feeling his loins fire up with an immense desire to give you another orgasm. And then another, and another – up until you were sobbing under him.
He kissed you again before you could express any form of embarrassment, shoving his tongue in your mouth and finally digging his fingers into your cunt. The moans you let out against his lips were muffled by his insistence on kissing you. Your hands didn't know where to land, going from his thighs to his waist and finally halting at his biceps, nails digging into them at the pleasure.
Slowly, he angled his fingers in your cunt, pumping them with increasing speed while his thumb toyed around for your clit, staying stationed on the swollen bud upon finding it.
"Never touched your pussy like this, baby? Hmm? Never filled yourself up?", he practically taunted, reeling on the fact that he was making you discover all this brand new pleasure.
"N-no, Nonu. Never ... Feels so good, s-so full. Please don't stop," you whimpered, gasping when he began pistoning into that spongy spot that made your eyes roll back.
"This is only the beginning, pretty. Gonna get you on my tongue next. Fuck, pussy's so warm and tight. Bet it tastes so good," he rambled, picturing his cock suffocating between your walls.
"Keep talking to me, Nonu. L-love when you talk to me."
— You liked his horny ramblings about your cunt? This was a match made in heaven.
"Want me to tell you what I'm going to do to you?"
You nodded with wide eyes.
"Gonna drive you to the edge of orgasm with my fingers," his fingers slowed down to emphasize his point, "and then I'm gonna rip it away from you," he chuckled when you let out a tiny whimper at the threat, "But don't worry, baby, then I'm going to lick you up, gonna tease you with my tongue til you're crying ... and then I'm gonna make you cum. Won't waste a single drop of your orgasm, pretty. Gonna lick it all up and make you suck it out of my tongue," he finished, out of breath whilst his fingers continued their torturously slow pace.
"Please ... Want- wanna cum. Just- you can make me cum twice ... Right? Just make me cum again, fuck, please?", you were a complete mess by the end of his ramblings, making his hardening cock become even more rigid.
He'd been dealing with his cock pressing up against your stomach this whole time, knowing that it was probably digging into you as it continued to harden at every whimper that left your mouth. After you'd sucked him off through his own orgasm, he knew he'd have to end up seeking another one after you left, except that task was becoming harder by the minute.
Despite his inner turmoil at his delayed pleasure, you were clearly still his main priority. Chuckling darkly at your desperation, he coo'd at you patronizingly, nosing at your cheek up until his lips found your ears, whispering filth into them.
"Wanna cum? Wanna be a greedy girl and cum on my fingers and then on my mouth?" he nibbled at your lobe, chuckling again at the desperate way in which you nodded. He pretended to mull over it for a few seconds, meanly speeding up his fingers so you'd grow closer to your orgasm, "Okay, pretty. You can cum for me. Been such a good girl for me ... Cum? Make a mess, hmm?," he encouraged.
With a mantra of 'thank you's' whispered into his ear, you tightened around him as your orgasm washed over you, forcing Wonwoo to develop an entirely new sense of self control to prevent himself from cumming along with you, intensely affected by the sight. His fingers played with you through your orgasm, up until you silently squirmed at him to remove them.
Satisfied, he pulled out your fingers and dragged them up to his lips, sucking them in a manner so depraved, he was embarrassed by the way you became bashful at the sight. He shrugged off the embarrassment, gathering more honey from between your legs and lifting his fingers up to your own lips, groaning deep in his chest at how obediently you sucked at them, making eyes at him while you gagged on his fingers.
With an impossibly hard cock, he struggled to get on his knees in front of the couch, but managed to just out of the sheer need to bury his head between your legs. His mind couldn't even allow him to give you time to recover before pulling at your legs, dragging you closer to him. You wanted to experience sexual acts in preparation for the next guy that caught your eye? Well, then Wonwoo would have to make sure to lift your expectations as high as possible, hopefully rendering you unable to find anyone who could ever bring you as much pleasure as he would. And he would start by suckling into your sensitive cunt until you cried.
"N-Nonu! Fuck, oh, God, just like that!" you cried in desperation.
He couldn't blame you. The way in which he had immediately latched onto your cunt and gone to town between your legs had been far too intense, not bothering to ease you into it nor wait for you to recover from your previous orgasm.
You sobbed and cried above him, fingers tangled in his hair as you pushed him further into your cunt, clearly too lustful to have any decorum. But did Wonwoo care for decorum? Not when he also didn't have any. Not when he endlessly groaned into your pussy, grumbling praise and pleas for you to use him to your heart's contentment. Any thought of this being a way to teach you what oral was like had been buried deep in the back of his mind. For now, you were his to invade with pleasure and nothing else mattered.
After digging deep within you with his tongue, he pulled away (despite your whines in complaint), pointing his tongue to flick at your puffy clit. You responded by grinding into him, mumbling pleas for more. At some point you had taken off your bra, Wonwoo realized as he took a peak above him, finding one of your hands toying at a nipple. The sight made him want to be buried alive. His cock was surely hard as a rock by now, and the need to grab you and fuck you into a mumbling mess kept growing by the minute.
The couch began squeaking when Wonwoo's intensity in eating you out increased, your grinding also becoming faster and more erratic. His hips joined in on the commotion, rocking against the foot of the couch in a pathetic attempt to find some friction. You took notice of this after a while, crying out his name.
"Nonu ... Fuck ... Is it like this? Is this- is this how it's supposed to feel?", you sobbed, "I can't- It's too much- too good, fuck, Wonwoo ... Please ... Wanna cum."
He wanted so badly to tell you this was not the norm. That no man would ever be as thirsty for you as he was. That no one could ever bring you this amount of pleasure nor worship you as much as him. But he opted to make you cry even more instead, rubbing his nose into your clit while he licked into you with an unquenchable thirst.
"It's that good, baby? Making you feel good?," he instigated you into more nonsensical babbles.
You nodded frantically, "Wanna- wanna try it on you ... Y-your cock. Wanna suck your dick, Nonu, fuck. Please don't cum ... I need to be the one to make you cum. Teach me? P-please?", you suddenly threw him a curveball with your pleas, causing his hips to still with a gruttal groan.
"Fuck, baby ... Want my cock? I'll give it to you. I'll give you anything you want, just cum for me, okay, gorgeous? Hmm? Gonna cum for me?", he mumbled into your cunt, groaning at your increasingly high-pitched moans.
You sounded so gone and desperate for him, it was making it hard for him to not continue seeking tension on his cock by humping the couch. But the mere thought of your lips wrapped around his cock while you asked him to teach you how to make him cum had his mind focused on a single mission.
"C-cumming, Nonu! I'm gonna- fuck, please, please, please," you whimpered in between gasps.
Intensely thirsty for you, Wonwoo sucked at your cunt through the entirety of your orgasm, licking at any cum that managed to escape his mouth up until you had to physically drag his face away from between your legs, earning a sheepish chuckle out of him at his pussydrunkness.
He climbed the couch back up, kissing you once again, pushing in any leftover cum in his mouth for you to taste. Harshly, you pulled at his hair as you licked into his mouth. It was amusing to Wonwoo how easily you'd gotten used to kissing him just in the way he'd taught you. It sent shivers down his spine thinking of how perfect you were for him.
"Want your-"
"I know, baby. Want my cock, huh? I'll give it to you, just ... Let me kiss you," he mumbled against your lips while his hand went up to play with your tits, thumbs swiping at your nipples.
Kissing him back with just as much need, the two of you remained like this for a few minutes, breathing moans into the other's mouth until losing your breaths. Wonwoo took this as an opportunity to kiss his way down to your chest, sucking at your tits with greedy moans.
It was borderline pathetic how much he wanted you. He had already cum once, yet his cock was leaking precum once again, swollen and aching for your lips around it again. He had only felt you wrapped around his tip, suctioning enough to swallow his cum, but he was yet to show you how to truly take him.
Wonwoo's sexual frustration got to him faster than he expected, leading him to yet another trail to your lips before whispering into them, "Are you ready, baby?"
Nodding, you swallowed in anticipation. He proceeded to sit next to you on the couch, far enough that you'd be able to reach his cock if you knelt on top of the couch and leaned down to his side. Repositioning you, he shuddered when you finally began to lean down, lips quickly approaching his cock. But you stopped before you could make contact, staring up at him nervously.
"How ... I'm not sure how to do it ..." you murmured.
He coo'd at you, placing a hand on your cheek, "It's okay, pretty. You can change your mind, you don't have to-"
"I want to," you interrupted, "Just ... Guide me?"
You began leaning down again, keeping your eyes on Wonwoo (something he knew would come to break him), silently asking for instructions.
"Just lick it first, okay? Then- fuck ... Pretty, shit, slow down ... God, fuck, just like that ... Shit, are you sure you need me to teach you? So fucking good already ..." he groaned when you began taking him in your mouth, eyebrows furrowed in concentration and head bobbing up and down.
Your hands wrapped around what couldn't make it into your mouth while you pushed him in as far in as possible. Occasionally, you'd choke, pulling back enough to breathe properly through your nose, but you continued to suck him off to the best of your inexperienced ability. It was messy and filthy for you both, but Wonwoo enjoyed it all the more at seeing just how desperate you were to get him off.
"My pretty girl," he grunted, hands digging into your hair as he helped you bob up and down, aiding your rhythm, "My beautiful girl loves my cock, huh? So- so fucking thirsty for it. Making me lose my mind," he continued to ramble, too addicted to the moans you'd let out at his every word, vibrating around his dick.
He was far too pent up and sensitive to survive your mouth for too long. Having watched your orgasm twice whilst humping the couch had drawn him too far to his end before you'd even wrapped your lips around him.
"I'm gonna- gonna cum, okay, pretty? Need- need you to keep your mouth on me. Swallow it all for me? Hmm? Y-yes, shit, keep doing that," he encouraged, head dizzy at your moan of confirmation.
Sooner than anticipated, his high robbed him of any ability to think or breathe, too absorbed by the immense pleasure you were bringing him. His hips canted slowly into your mouth as he rode the wave of his orgasm, eyes rolling back at how willing you were to let him use his mouth for his undivided pleasure. Once more, you swallowed every drop, drawing embarrassingly loud groans from his lips as he threw his head back.
With a heavy breath, you took him out of your mouth, wiping your cum-stained lips with the back of your hand before being suddenly pulled into Wonwoo's lap with a yelp.
"Such a good girl," he groaned into your lips, trapping you in the nth kiss of the night. He licked at every inch of your mouth, seeking out his own cum from your tongue.
He still felt incredibly needy, but knew that another orgasm would render him useless for the rest of the day. You, however, were clearly too affected for him to stop. Deciding to provide you with another new form of pleasure, he positioned you so you'd straddle his lap, guiding your hips to grind on the length of it with your bare cunt, still soaked and begging for attention.
"N-nonu," you stammered with a breathy sigh, "Fuck, feels good ..."
"Yeah, pretty? Feels so good, huh? Keep grinding on it, okay, baby? Make yourself cum on my thigh," he murmured into your ear, nibbling at the lobe before kissing down your neck.
He silently enjoyed the feeling of your skin against him, while also eating up every single noise of unadulterated pleasure coming from your lips. Falling for you more by the second, he lost himself in the moment, entirely investing himself in your person.
"You're so fucking beautiful. Do you have any idea? Any guy would kill to be yours, fuck," he started, laying kisses from your neck to your ear, "Can't believe I'm the only guy to ever get you like this," he marbled.
"Nonu," you sighed at his soft touches, leaning into his kissed and moaning softly every so often.
"God, love this body so much ... Prettiest thing I've ever had," his hands explored your body, dragging your hips so they'd grind into his thigh with even more fervor, "Need you to cum again, pretty. Yeah? Gonna be a good girl for me and cum?"
"Y-yes. Nonu, please ..."
"Only for me, right, baby? Only I get to have you like this ..." he practically whined when you nodded, rewarding you with his lips finding your nipples, nibbling at the hard buds and humming any time your moans would vibrate against him.
"Tell me you're mine," he instigated. He knew your mind was half gone in the pleasure of the approach of your third orgasm, but he needed to hear you say it at least once. He needed the fantasy to continue.
"Yours, Nonu. A-always yours ... Make me feel so good, fuck," you gasped, desperately humping into his thigh. He buried his face in your chest with a groan, far too affected by your reciprocation.
Did you mean it? Were you his? He knew it was all done and said in the heat of the passion being shared between you, but he couldn't help but take those words to heart. To save them and treasure them as if they'd been heartfelt.
Fingers tightening into the plush of your hips, he dragged you back and forth on his thigh, reeling at every gasp you let out at the feeling. He continued to wax poetic at you, letting out his most intimate of feelings for you under the vice of the pleasure getting to him.
You dumbly nodded along to every word, reciprocating every so often with a look like Wonwoo hoped was genuine. Falling against his chest, you found your third high of the night, mumbling 'thankyou's' as you kissed at his chest tenderly.
The rest of the night was spent in each other's arms, somehow managing to fall into slumber on Wonwoo's couch, you lying above him while he held you in his arms.
Wonwoo woke up the next day to your absence and a lone sticky note on the coffee table in front of him, clearly a message from you before your departure.
thank u for last night <3 i'll see u on wednesday?
He chuckled at the message, unable to help the butterflies in his stomach at the memory of the night prior and the thought of what was to come. He knew that things would likely stop after Wednesday, – the day in which he'd finally take your virginity – but he decided he'd enjoy you as long as he had you all to himself. Even if there was an expiration date on it.
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Surprisingly to Wonwoo, you never showed up on Wednesday, neither did you respond to his messages all through the day. It was common for the two of you to go one or two days without responding to the other, but usually not when you already had plans to meet.
Considering the nature of the plans you had that day, the situation had Wonwoo tremendously worried. It was even worse when he'd consulted other friends and found out you'd been in contact with them, only icing him out.
It was on Thursday that he grew frustrated. With his entire day being taken up by classes, he was unable to even go looking for you. His mind had been on you all day, rendering him unable to pay attention to any of his lectures or even touch any overdue homework that he had. Your silence had only lasted a few days so far, but he was already growing insane because of it.
It wasn't until the following week that he decided to go to you, with no prior warning informing you of his presence at your front door.
As he stood in front of your closed door, hand lifted and ready to knock, he felt absolutely terrified. Last time he had seen you, too many things had happened between you. From the handjob to the eating out to the oral, Wonwoo's mind wad fried with all the intimacy that taken place that day. Had he done too much? Or maybe he had been too obvious about how he felt about you. Regardless of the reason for your sudden silence, he knew it must've been bad.
His thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a voice coming from his left – your voice. You were arriving from some sort of errand it seemed, seeing as you were carrying a large tote bag on each hand as you walked towards your own door.
"Y/N," he somehow managed to stammer your name, gulping at your presence.
You walked past him, opening your door and standing to the side, silently welcoming him in. Apprehensively, he stepped in, hands awkwardly in his pockets and his eyes stagnant on the floor.
Your figure disappeared into the kitchen for a few moments after you'd stepped in, coming back out bagless and standing in front of him in the living room. Wonwoo hadn't bothered to take a seat on your couch, too distracted by the endless thoughts of what was about to come.
"I ... I don't think I want you to take my virginity anymore," you suddenly spoke up, apprehensive in your tone and unable to meet Wonwoo's eyes.
His heart dropped at your words. He felt embarrassed by the tinge of disappointment arising within him, but also scared of what this truly meant for your friendship.
He scrunched up his eyes painfully before responding, finally looking up to look at you, "W-what? Did something happen? Did I do something wrong?"
Wonwoo couldn't help but take it personally, heart breaking at just a single sentence.
"It's not that, just ... Fuck, we took this too far, Wonwoo. I thought about everything that happened last time and ... it's too much," you said with regret in your eyes, "I shouldn't have ever asked you for this. I just- I felt like such a loser graduating college and still being a virgin, but I never should've made you do this-"
"You didn't make me do anything," he stepped towards you, wincing when you stepped back, "I ... We don't have to keep going, just ... What changed? Why- why have you been avoiding me?" He needed to know.
You hesitated, looking away and biting your lip with a pained look in your eyes. For a few moments you remained quiet, sniffling occasionally, letting Wonwoo know that you were likely on the verge of crying.
"I can't tell you," you practically whispered.
He had to force himself not to react to your words. The frustration within him was fighting to be let out into the surface. He couldn't deny that his feelings were hurt and that his ego was bruised at how lightly you were taking this. How could he have been the only one to make the mistake of putting his heart in it?
"Do you- do you think it's okay to just-," he tried, swallowing the vile forming in his throat, "How can you ask me to sleep with you and then just ... just ghost me? If you didn't want to keep going, I would've understood, but ... a week? I don't hear from you for a week after- after everything we did?," he mumbled the last part, embarrassed by how quickly he'd gotten emotional.
"It wasn't supposed to be like this. You were going to teach me, and that was it," you started, a pained look in your eyes as they gradually became glassy, "But then, that second time, when we- when-" you cut yourself off, seemingly unable to continue. You looked to the side, avoiding his eyes, "It's better if we just stop here. I don't think we should talk about this," you sniffled.
"Why?", he pushed, "What does this mean for our friendship, then? Am I worth so little to you that you'd want me for sex and then just throw me away when you change your mind?", he took off his glasses momentarily to angrily wipe at the tears forming on his eyes. His anger and sadness were mixing together, creating a combination of emotions that resulted in the mess he felt himself to be.
"Wonwoo, you know it's not like that-"
"Do I? Do I know? Because what it seems to me is like you insisted I take your virginity, changed your mind – which is totally fine, but fuck – and then ghosted me. I thought we were friends- no, best friends. Was it that horrible that you had to ice me out? Are you just going to find some guy on tinder now? Was it- was it the things I said last time?", his tone shifted, unveiling his sadness, "Did I scare you away with everything I said? I- I was just caught in the moment, it didn't," he gulped, vile forming in his throat knowing he was about to deliver a painful lie, "it didn't mean anything."
You swallowed, looking down again and sniffling, "Yeah, I know," you whimpered. Your arms wrapped around yourself, making yourself as small as possible as you stood in front of Wonwoo. It then became evident to Wonwoo that you were attempting to self-soothe. Your eyes were now covered by a layer of tears, making them glassy, much like Wonwoo's.
"Y/N?", he asked.
You looked up, sniffing before connecting your eyes to Wonwoo's.
"Talk to me. Please," he pleaded with saddened eyes.
You mumbled something unintelligible to Wonwoo, making him take a few steps forward to encourage you into speaking.
Placing his hands on your cheeks, he made you look up to look at him, finding tear-stained cheeks and a defeated look on your face.
"I can't understand you, just- just please talk to me," he pleaded once more.
Your eyes continued to not meet his despite your current standing. Taking a deep breath, your hands went up to cup his own, which were still tenderly cupping at your cheeks.
"I like you ..." you started, quietly as you finally made eye contact with him, eyebrows furrowed and pained at your own words, "I like you and I couldn't keep going when- when it meant nothing to you. And- and you kept being so nice to me and kissing me and touching me in ways I know meant nothing to you. But I couldn't stop thinking about you and how much what we did has messed with me," you rambled, your voice getting more frantic by the second, "I couldn't even look at you by the end of it all because I was terrified I'd end up telling you how much I-," you swallowed, "how in love with you I am," you admitted, "I never wanted it to get in the way of our friendship, but it all-"
Wonwoo couldn't listen to any more of your rambles before losing his mind at both the pain and irony of your words. His lips invaded your own mid-speech as he swallowed any other words making their way out of your mouth. His hands tightened around your cheeks, only making their way down to your waist when he felt you begin to return his kiss. Moaning in relief into your mouth, he sighed when he felt your tongue use this opportunity to seek his own. Emotions took over him, causing him to lose himself in the kiss, molding himself into you and swallowing every single sigh you let out against his lips.
Feeling the dampness of your tears grace his cheeks made him pull away, remembering the mess of emotions you had been just before he kissed you. The way your lips attempted to follow his own broke his heart, forcing himself to hold back from kissing you until you both lost your breaths. He needed to empty his heart out to you first.
"I love you. I adore you. I'm so fucking obsessed with you, it's been eating me alive," he rasped, lips making their way down your neck, "Felt like shit kissing you and- and touching you when I knew you'd just move on to some dumbass who could never deserve you," he grunted, frustrated at the memory, "How could you ever think I wouldn't love you back when you're so ... so fucking perfect? So made for me," he trailed off. Your sighs were just too distracting for him to deliver the heartfelt speech that had been itching to leave his lips since the day you first kissed.
He pulled away, now staring down into your eyes, hoping his words made it through to you.
"But ... You said you didn't mean it. That it didn't mean anything?", you murmured as he shook his head adamantly in denial.
"I lied," he rasped, "I didn't want you to feel trapped," hands reaching down to your own, he placed them on his chest, "Of course it meant something. Everything I said, I meant. Everything I'm saying right now is true. I love you," he emphasized, "You have to know that I love you," your hand was brought up to his lips, receiving a kiss.
Your eyes somehow watered even more, hiccuping out a gasp before pulling him into you, lips meeting passionately in between. Without any hesitance, he kissed you back, expressing every unsaid word through your meeting of lips. What had started as an exchange of innocent passion soon became a desperate demonstration of love, evolving into moans and sighs swallowed by one another.
Wonwoo felt ashamed by how easy it was for him to fall for his lust for you, but his body craved your own in ways he didn't think possible. Luckily for him, it seemed like you had the same issue, or at least that's the impression he got from how pliant you became in his touch, moans of his name instigating him into kissing and touching more intimately. His lips explored your bare neck, sucking love bites every so often and humming at every sigh leaving your lips.
His purposeful touches became more obvious, reaching down to your ass and up to your mounds to his liking. Your hands ran through his hair, pulling at it any time his touches made you particularly lightheaded. Shockingly to him, you mirrored him, exploring his body with your hands and making your way under his shirt, gracing at his torso.
You had been the first to take things further, grabbing at the end of his shirt and pulling it up. Following your silent request, he threw it off before helping you out of your own. Realizing you had been fully nude under your shirt, he let out a shuddered groan. His lips immediately trailed down to your breasts, practically slobbering all over the sensitive skin while feeding off your cries of his name. Reaching down to the back of your thighs, his hands lifted you up, aided by a small jump from you as you wrapped your legs around him.
Next thing Wonwoo knew, he found himself in your room, laying you on your bed before climbing on top of you and getting back to kissing you.
It was merely impossible to disconnect his lips from you, as your kisses kept drawing him in. He knew you'd been kissed before, but he liked to think that he'd been the first man to ever kiss you in such a way; a way that had you as addicted to him as he was to you.
"Nonu ...," you breathed out in between kisses, "I want you, fuck, please ..."
Wonwoo felt like the world was crashing in on him (in a good way). The groan he roared against your lips couldn't be helped as your words had an instant effect on him.
"A-are you sure?", his frantic eyes searched yours, hands caressing any bit of skin in his reach.
Nodding numbly, you repeated yourself, "Please, Nonu. I want you to be my first. I didn't mean it, I- I want you. I need you, Nonu. Please," you rambled, eyes filled with unrecognizable lust.
He hushed you softly, "Shh, baby. It's okay. I know you didn't mean it," he pecked your lips, "I love you. I'll give it to you, yeah? Gonna fuck you ... Love you so much," he trailed off, attacking your neck with kisses before momentarily getting up to remove his shoes and pants, leaving himself fully nude before you.
You stared back at him, shyly looking him up and down and biting your lip. The look you were giving Wonwoo tested all his self control. He wondered how much longer he could resist you without losing his sanity. But he persisted, having an intimate desire to give you the softest and most mind-blowing first time he possibly could. As much as he wanted to fuck you, his desire to make love to you overrode that need.
Nimble fingers traced down from your breasts to your shorts, dragging them off with the help of a lift of your hips. Along with your shorts went your panties, leaving a slight trail of slick he managed to get sight of before closing any distance between you once more.
Slowly, his fingers made their way to your cunt, rubbing at it softly and drawing a few hiccuped gasps from your lips. Your eyes remained connected, wordless as you communicated your lust to one another. He nuzzled his nose along your cheek, enjoying the intimacy of it all as you breathed into his skin.
"Nonu, fuck me," you whined a few moments later, hands pulling at him to somehow get him closer.
"Baby, I need to get you ready," he coo'd at your desperation.
You shook your head adamantly, "No, just- please. I've wanted you since that first day ... Wanted to break off our deal and have you fuck me since you kissed me," you revealed, wrapping your legs around his waist and attempting to push his hips down to your own.
"Baby ..."
"Please," you pleaded again, "I know you want me too. Fuck me," you murmured into his lips, aware you were breaking his resolve.
And his resolve was completely gone. Unable to hold back further, he kissed you again, readjusting his hips so he could grind against you, wanting to at least get you used to the weight and size of his bare cock before pushing it in.
After kissing you for a minute or so, he pulled back, "Condoms?", he asked in between wet kisses.
You shook your head, insisting he keep kissing you, "I'm on birth control. Just- just fuck me," you insisted again.
Leaning back, Wonwoo grabbed onto the base of his cock, running the tip up and down your swollen cunt, swallowing every gasp you let out at the barely-there stimulation. This only lasted a few moments before beginning to push it in, immediately burying his head in the crook of your neck at the immense pleasure taking over him.
He knew you'd be tight and warm and just fucking perfect for him, but nothing could've predicted how tightly your cunt would engulf him and rob him of his sanity. Every night spent thinking of you and punishing himself for wanting you as badly as he did was finally worth the endless wait to have you. Never did he once imagine that he would actually get to feel you, to have you become his and love him as much as he did you. Yet here he was, cock suffocating between your puffy walls while you gasped out his name.
"Feel so fucking good, angel," he managed to let out, "My beautiful girl ... Cunt's so fucking perfect for me ... Can't even move, baby, it's so tight," he rambled, high off his mind in pleasure.
You fared no better, gasping out nonsensical babbles of his name and digging your nails on his back, dragging them down as you left your mark on him. Your lips attempted to match the movement of his own, giving up when he defeated you in his incessant need to fuck into you.
"Tell me it feels good, baby," he breathed, "T-tell me you love me."
"L-love you so much ... Feel so good, Nonu. Can't- can't think. It's so good," you cried, head thrown back in pleasure.
He grew even more lustful at the mere sound of your broken voice. The knowledge that he was making you feel good beyond comprehension took him to cloud-9, speeding up his hips once you seemed used to the penetration of his cock.
Lifting up your hips, he angled himself perfectly to cant into you, managing to hit that spongy spot inside you that had you shamelessly wailing his name. Your tits bounced with every slap of his hips against your ass, making Wonwoo's eyes roll back at the sight.
But your wails weren't enough for him, he needed you to lose yourself completely, to forget anything that wasn't a mantra of Wonwoo Wonwoo Wonwoo. His hand snuck down to your cunt, toying around until he made contact with your swollen clit, rubbing at it with no mercy. Your gasps and screams of his name were his immediate reward whilst Wonwoo drank in the sight of your eyes rolling back.
"N-Nonu ... F-fuck! Need to cum, Nonu, please. I need to cum. Make me cum, Nonu. Please? Need you to cum with me, fuck," you rambled, unaware that he was at the very edge of his orgasm.
Your horny ramblings were enough for him to head face first into his orgasm, pulling you right down with him as his hips lost complete control.
"Cum with me, pretty. Let me fill you up while you cum with me, okay? Let me feel that cunt squeeze me dry ..." he breathed out, eyebrows furrowed as he willed himself to not bust.
That's when your orgasm found you, stealing his sanity as his own followed yours. He let go of your legs and held onto your back, continuing to grind into you as he released inside you. With his face buried in your neck, he murmured love confessions against your skin, mind dizzy with love and lust.
By the end of it, your lips were meeting again, soft and languid kisses shared between you while words of affection were exchanged. After a few moments of this soft exchange, Wonwoo finally disconnected his lips from you, choosing to slip out and lay beside you as he nuzzled against you.
"Was that what you expected?", he asked with a bite of his lip.
"Maybe ..." you were shy in your response, "Might need to try again."
"Oh?," he giggled.
Giggled? Fuck, he was down horribly for you.
"C'mere, let me teach you some more."
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to read short 2.3k word continuation (+ all other previously written bonus content) you can go join my svt monthly tier on kofi or patreon!
content: smut, afab reader, foreplay, mentions of handjob, face riding, oral (f receiving), mentions of 69'ing, etc.
wc: 727 (teaser); 2317 (full drabble)
sneak peak:
"Exactly how experienced are you?", you had asked out of the blue during one of your 'dates.'
Having been best friends prior to the whole friends with benefits — but not really — situation led to a very natural transition between friends to lovers. Your current dynamic with one another was exactly the same as before, except now you each shared the privilege of calling the other theirs — and all the extra perks that came with having a significant other.
Currently, you found yourselves in a situation you'd grown entirely too familiar with throughout the years of being best friends — in your apartment as you cuddled up with a movie playing in the background. The grand difference at the moment had been your sudden question, making Wonwoo's heart rate increase drastically at the recollection of all his sexual escapades prior to confessing to you.
It's not like Wonwoo knew you to be a jealous person, but the mere thought of any woman who wasn't you just felt wrong to him after finally making you his. Even as he went through every relationship and fling he ever had, he had never felt a connection with anyone as he did you. Sure, he had had some great sex back in his day, but having been in love with you throughout it all, he knew it would've been impossible for sex to ever be as good with anyone else as it had been with you — the contrast in emotional connection was just too different when it came to you.
And so now he found himself unsure as to how to respond. Would you get jealous? Annoyed? He knew damn well that he'd wanna beat down any loser you'd slept with, but he felt lucky he didn't have to deal with that, having been your one and only thus far — though he still felt an irrational hate towards whichever fucker had taken your first kiss from you. These thoughts were far too irrational, Wonwoo was aware. He knew he was a hypocrite to feel such a way when he was the one who had a past of being a bit liberal when it came to his sex life, which was why he would've preferred to avoid the subject of his past sexual partners in general. It's not like he had a new person warming up his bed on a daily basis, but he had his fair share of girlfriends and occasional one night stand throughout his college days. This was something he'd hate to hear about coming from you, and he wanted to offer the same courtesy to you.
However, looking to you as you uttered the problematic question, he found no trace of negative emotions in your eyes. The question appeared to be born out of mere curiosity, not fabricated to create a rift or any sort of argument.
"I, uh, are you sure you want me to answer that?", was all he could come up with, shuffling on the couch to turn to look at you.
You nodded with a look of wonder in your eyes, "Yeah. I'm just curious."
"Uh," he continued to stammer, "I'm just not sure how to answer the question."
"Well, how many sexual partners have you had? Or, like, is there anything you haven't tried yet?", you mirrored him in his position, still sitting on the couch but now facing him.
The follow up questions were worse than the original one. Wonwoo had no idea of the answer to neither, which appalled him in retrospect. It's not like he kept a tally of every girl he slept with, nor did he have much recollection of every sex position he'd tried in the past — was there anything he had not done at some point?
You must've caught onto the wheels turning in his head, laughing at his expression before elaborating with your questions.
"Okay, shit. Is it upwards of ten?"
"Y-yeah, maybe," — it was probably over twenty, but you didn't need to know that.
"How about my other question? Anything you haven't tried yet?", you showed no reaction to his answer, so he allowed himself to ponder on a response to your second question.
Was there anything he hadn't done? Maybe something he'd fantasized about doing with you? Something he might've saved for the day he finally got the balls to- oh. That's when it hit him.
find the 18+ continuation on kofi or patreon!
if you have trouble finding it on there, just let me know!!<3
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saudadeko · 1 year
ADHD tips from a girlie who was diagnosed in her late twenties and has had little to no support since and is being so brave about it:
1) Make it easy, make it accessible, and make it appealing. If anything this is the most important thing, all tips going forward are based around this concept.
2) That thing you think would help you but you haven’t bought/done it yet because you’re technically surviving without it? Buy it, you need it. It doesn’t matter if people around you might think it’s wasteful or that you’re lazy, you’re not, just do it, trust me.
3) Expanding on tip #2, if you’re like me and eggs are your main source of protein because they’re quick and easy and feeding yourself is a near insurmountable task- buy yourself an electric egg cooker, make a bunch of hard boiled eggs and keep them in your fridge for quick and easy protein to add to any meal (handful of crackers, a hard boiled egg and a banana? 5 star meal right there. Or mash them up with some mayo for egg salad sandwiches). Other easy proteins include: potstickers (put them in instant ramen), edamame (they have microwaveable snack packs), chickpeas (put in salads!), beans (can of beans microwaved with shredded cheese and some tortilla chips), peanut butter (with crackers, apple and cheese, adult lunchable style), and tofu (cut into cubes, throw them into a ziplock with some seasoning and potato starch, shake that shit up and bake it until crispy).
4) Spend a little extra (if you are able) on daily use items that excite you, it will make you more likely to remember/want to do said daily task. For example: the only reason I remember to use sunscreen is because I bought some fancy japanese sunscreen that smells like roses so I get excited to use it, same for laundry detergent and body wash! there’s a gajillion different body wash scents out there, switch it up!
5) If there’s a task you continuously struggle with take a moment to think about which part of the task is making it difficult, it could be something even as small as “I don’t put my dirty clothes in the hamper because my hamper has a lid on it and lifting the lid is one step too many-”, sounds a little stupid huh? But trust your gut, it’s not stupid if it works. See tip #2 and BUY A HAMPER WITHOUT A LID.
6) If you are having trouble starting a task, break the task down further, sometimes the way I start a task is just by going “Ok step 1) stand up-“ and so forth. Don’t worry about the task as a whole just take it one step at a time.
7) If you’re halfway through a task and have to stop, leave it out. All this, “Put things away when you’re done with them.” is bullshit. you will be much more likely to finish the task if restarting it is easier because you left it out plus it’s a visual reminder. You can also create faux deadlines like “I gotta finish this project before my friend comes over on tuesday because after I finish it I can clean off the dinner table.” etc.
8) It’s okay to outsource tasks and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise, humans are designed to ask for, and to require help (what do babies do when they’re first born?? cry for help!!) ask for help and receive help without shame, if it makes your life better, you are WINNING.
9) If you have one big overwhelming task that you think you need to get done before anything else, but you feel motivated to do other tasks, do those other tasks first, it’s okay. Otherwise in all likelihood (at least in my case) you’ll put everything off until the last minute and then have to do said overwhelming task and those other tasks won’t get done at all. Doing those smaller tasks also lowers the mental load and you can use them as a motivation launch pad to tackle bigger things.
10) If you notice you tend to not put something away/forget to do something, perhaps consider moving and storing the item closer to where it ultimately ends up or where you are more likely to see it. For example, my makeup, pills, and mail are all stored on my desk because that’s where I tend to do my makeup, take my pills and deal with my mail. I used to store my pills in my bathroom medicine cabinet but all too often I would forget because they weren’t in my line of sight. Now that they’re on my desk, I have multiple chances per day to pass by them, go “oh I gotta take those.” and take them.
11) Open storage, open storage, OPEN STORAGE.
12) Motivation can look like all kinds of things. sometimes the only reason I get out of bed is because I remember I have a fun snack and I get to go eat it if I get up. It’s okay to lean into those simple “animal-brain” type motivators, you’ll eat because then you can use that fun new kitchen gadget you got a daiso? Neat. you’ll shower because then you can paint your nails that fun new color you got? Fantastic. You’ll go to the dmv and do that annoying thing because you’ll take yourself out for boba after? Superb. Lean-IN to those small motivators, they aren’t stupid or childish, they are VITAL.
13) Don’t buy into the cult of “if it’s worth doing, do it properly” it’s guaranteed to set you up for failure. If it’s worth doing, do it in whatever capacity you are able to. I put sunscreen on once a day because that’s fucking better than not doing it at all and I sure as all hell will fail at reapplying it multiple times a day. If it’s worth doing, do it half-assed babieeee.
Go forth and prosper!!! xoxo ✌️🩵
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thegreatwicked · 6 months
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This obviously needed its own post and here it is, a collection of blog posts and resources I have found and used for my own writing, I hope they help you too! Go forth and write that spice!
The Smut Writers Dictionary By @maybeeatspaghetti Seriously, how many different way are there to write cock? Does anyone else wonder if they've used the word 'lips' too many times? Well, this is a good place to start!
The Ultimate Guide to Writing Smut This is the first one I found and I go back to it frequently! There's also some great information about specific areas of sex that may not be common knowledge for first time writers!
How to Write Smut By @urfriendlywriter Another great source of information from different verbiage to use and a few tips to hel you along (giggity)
Smut Thesaurus By @prurientpuddlejumper just what it sounds like and you can never have too many words at your disposal.
6 Steps to Writing Better Sex By @chaoschaoswriting If you're at a loss or just want some more help this is antoher fantastic blog!
Writing Prompts NSFW By @seidenbros Need some dialogue? Or a story idea? Have a look!
#100 NSFW/Smut Dialogue Prompts By @a-cure-for-writers-block More? More. This is also a fantastic writing blog with lots to offer!
Intimate + Sexual Headcannon Questions By @petalsprompts Good questions to ask your characters to get to know them better and make more well rounded characters!
Smut & Mature (18+) Master List By @pendarling A great list dialogue prompts, scenarios, and helpful bits!
Poly NSFW Alphabet By @smaoineamhsalach Another great way to get to know your characters and maybe a handful of ideas for story ideas.
Kink Prompts Another from the previous blogger above and I didn't know what half of these are! I'll work on a kink dictionary next!
Writing Smut 101: Overcoming Smut Shame @slightlyrebelliouswriter23 There's a lot to be said for this particular subject! It's hard to write stuff like this, so how do you get over it? Start here!
How to Write a Kiss Scene By @youneedsomeprompts Yes!!! I still struggle with this one! There's a thousand ways to kiss, find your favorite!
Smut Oneliners By @deity-prompts you can never have enough one-liners!!
How to Write a (Great) Sex Scene Another great article for new smut writers
9 Tips for Writing Steamy Scenes More tips to help you wirte good steamy stuff!
How to Write Erotica and a Damn Fine Sex Scene A WEALTH if information on writing, structuring, and helpful tips!
@saradikahas a fantatic blog with graphics for you to use to add some fun to your posts. Things like MDNI Banners, 18+ Content Warnings, Support Your Favorite Writers and Reblog banners! They are free to use but she does ask that you reblog her stuff if you do! She's also a very talented writer and she writes some AMAZING Din Djarin stories!
Gay Sex Positions Guide This is a WONDERFUL adition and thank you so much @b7bubby for bringing this to my attention, I didn't have any resources for writing M/M fairings but this is a much needed addition to the spicy community! i've never written an M/M pairing and I feel like such an idiot for overlooking the need for a resource like this!
Writing the Perfect Kiss Scene provided by @writers-potiona fantastic little guide to writing better kisses!
If you find any other great smut writing resources feel free to tag me so I can add them to this list! Good luck with your writing! Now go write that story and LET THE SPICE FLOW!!!!
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jaegerbby · 1 year
➳ my soul searches
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--͙[naoya zenin x female! reader]-͙-
╰┈➤ word count; 6512
╰┈➤ rundown; you might be ignorant about anything concerning naoya zenin but somehow he knows everything about you.
╰┈➤ caution; mean! naoya, DUBIOUS CONSENT, virginity loss (mentions of blood), dacryphilia, unprotected sex, creampie, no prep, choking, use of the words slut, whore, bitch (degradation), MISOGYNISTIC ideologies mentioned, manhandling, 1 thigh smack, cum eating, cunnilingus, fellatio (head pushing & rough), belly bulge, throat bulge, size kink, mentions of fingering, hair is referred to as 'cascading' on one occasion. sex on a futon (just so it won't be confusing).
if there are any more warnings i should add please let me know. not proof read!
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naoya is awful.
he is a horrible man.
everyone knows it.
whether it be due to the countless stories everyone gossips about or witnessing firsthand the vicious things he does.
you were privy to outrageous hearsay spreading but you did not care enough to understand.
as far as you know, he is a powerful man.
and in your clan, you bow down to powerful men.
you have been fed lies that you do not have much to offer.
women were responsible for wifely duties and child bearing.
it is all you learned your entire life.
you are surprised when there is news of a member of the zenin clan's impending visitation. the people within your district make countless preparations and take any precaution necessary to ensure they meet naoya's standard. the last thing they want is to face his acrimony.
there are rumours of a potential alliance and it seems exceedingly promising to be closely associated with such a powerful family.
the day of his arrival, everything looks auspicious. you are shocked at the innumerable women adorned in luxurious clothing and decked in lavish jewellery.
you certainly do not understand all the fuss about him. you swore everyone hated him.
the welcome is extravagant and curiosity gets the best of you because you find yourself tip toeing to catch sight of him.
he is definitely not what you expected. he is young, his expression is all too smug. you never had the opportunity to see him before but he is gorgeous. in every sense of the word.
he is the definition of it.
sharp narrow eyes were lined, push pink lips with a barely visible cupid's bow and a straight nose although the tip was slightly upturned. his brows were thin and straight. if anyone looked for long enough and he smiled you could see the indents of dimples. he was truly pretty.
naoya tells the head of your clan that an alliance will only be formed provided he receives something. that whatever he wishes must be granted to him for congruity in return.
somehow, someway he pinpoints you in a crowd of too many people.
you were astonished when his stony eyes found yours. you try to tell yourself, you are not the one. it must be someone else. it has to be! you are proven wrong when your mother grips your arm and drags you up to him.
she bows, her hand roughly shoving your head down while you fidget. his stare is heavy, it makes you want to hide away. your parents practically offer you to him on a silver platter.
your eyes look everywhere but at him while he requests a room. unabashedly he speaks for everyone to witness.
his fingers find your chin, tipping your head back to look over your face. he towers over you. "dress her up." his voice is raspy and deep. he speaks to your mother though he does not spare her a glance.
you are speechless, you can only imagine what it means. an uncontrollable amount of thoughts pile into your head as your mother takes you away.
virginity means everything to a young girl like you. you need to be one to get married. it is your clan's way of life so why do your parents not care? your mother dresses you in the finest silk, something they could never afford before. she knots your hair in a bun and it hurts when she pulls at the strands.
decorative pins are stuck into your hair, some nicking your scalp. she drapes a heavy chain around your neck and squeezes your hand as she forces bracelets onto your wrists.
you look just like every other woman that dolled up for naoya zenin in anticipation of his attention.
you realise your parents do not care for your dignity as they usher you into an intricately decorated room.
they crave the validation of everyone else more than they care about you. you always knew that but you never thought they would go to this extent.
"be good and listen to everything he says." your mom commands. she shoves you to your knees on the thick layers of satin.
"this is for everyone's betterment." your father adds like it would make any of this right. you have no choice in the matter.
they were giving you up for naoya to do whatever he pleased because they were greedy for admiration.
you worry what it meant for you afterwards. you worry what people would think once you left these four walls.
the door slams shut upon their exit, you nervously shift. you wonder if you could run away. the weight of the jewellery feels uncomfortable, the clothes are so thick you swear you are sweating. they seem impossible to do anything in.
it feels like an eternity when naoya enters. his broad back faces you as he closes the door. his presence is intimidating, his aura is immense.
you swallow hard.
you are only to speak when spoken to.
yet you want to ask what took him so long.
why did you chose me?
what are you going to do to me?
you cannot question him. that is not your place.
you are sitting, hands anxiously twitching where they rest on your thighs. your eyes drop to the floor as he faces you.
he draws closer, your breathing stops as he circles you. he does it slowly, intently like he wants to memorise you from every angle.
you feel like prey, you are awaiting your predator to strike. there is absolutely no escape. his gaze sears into your being.
in a way he is scary. "strip." his deep voice instructs. your body tenses, breathing more laboured. you are unmoving as he steps closer. he cups your head, it is softer than you expected. he tilts you back to look at him, you are made aware of his bulge right in front of your face.
it is when he grips your hair, disheveling your bun that you realise it is all pretence. you shriek as he forcefully lifts you to your knees. the way you reach for his hand is futile because you cannot stop him no matter how hard you try.
"don't make me speak twice, y/n." you wonder how he knew your name. you were no one. you were not anyone important to this clan or world. "now take your fucking clothes off before i do it myself."
he shoves you back, you just barely brace yourself. his nimble fingers reach for the laces on his robe as he undoes them with ease. tears prick your eyes, you shakily tug at your bracelets. your movements are frantic enough to send them scattered across the floor. you rip the necklace from your throat, it stings where it nicks your skin.
your hands endlessly tremble when you pull off the layers of heavy fabric draped on you. you are too busy removing your clothing to see that he is already bare.
once you are rid of anything that preserves your modesty, you fold your arms to hide your body. a man has never seen you like this and you never thought the first time would be under this circumstance.
naoya's eyes trail over you, he is already hard. it is borderline painful. he was hard from simply thinking about you obediently waiting for him.
you feel his presence behind you, he lowers himself to his knees. his hands reach for your shoulders first. they are large and rough, they elicit goosebumps across your skin as he trails them down to caress your arms.
he pulls you into him, the hardness of his chest meeting your back. his arms surround your body and you tense at the feeling of his heated cock brushing your skin. his dexterous fingers remove the pins from your hair, he undoes the bun to allow the strands to cascade down your back. he brushes it over your shoulder, pressing a kiss to your nape.
you are shocked by the softness of them. he trails more kisses down the upper part of your spine. it is mind muddling.
"i can tell you haven't fucked before." you jolt at the sound of his gruff voice. his warm breath meets your skin and you shiver. his forearm comes around your front to keep you flush against him.
"spread your legs, let me see your cunt." he speaks without any shame. you hesitate and his displeasure is evident because his palm connects with the flesh of your thigh so hard that you shriek. your skin stings.
you have no choice but to open your legs for him. he slips his hands between them, his wide palm cupping your cunt.
you cannot breathe. it is all so overwhelming. you notice the evident veins on his lower arm as his hand covers your sex completely. it dawns on you that you have never had this intimacy before. you have never even touched where he would be.
he clicks his tongue, his presence makes you anxious. everything he does makes you tense.
he grimaces, you are not wet. not in the slightest.
naoya removes his hand to spit into his fingers, the fluid is pressed to your clit as he strokes it. he does not like the way you bite down on your lip to muffle your sounds. he hates it.
he rolls the bundle of nerves, pinching it before he slowly trails his fingers down your slit. the tip of his finger prods your entrance, gliding along it though he does not enter.
your smaller hands grip his forearm and for some reason it makes him hug your body tighter.
you breathe shakily in anticipation of his next move. it is a foreign feeling to be caressed but you can hardly complain. it is the furthest thing from unpleasant. it annoys you how good it feels.
"i'm shoving my cock in here." he huffs. the length of his finger coaxing through your lips has you writhing.
"going to stick my dick in this little hole and make you my bitch." his words are vulgar. the obscenity of his remarks have you furrowing your brows.
"it sounds good, right? having your pussy filled to the brim. i'll even fuck my cum into you." his jaw presses into your temple and you unsurely blink. he is so big, you feel like you are tucked into him.
he pinches your clit and you choose to focus on that rather than what he is saying. it feels good, enough to make you squirm. each time he does it, your cunt leaks with liquid. his entire palm strokes up and down, smearing sticky liquid over your cunt.
"naoya." you mewl. he has you spread open on his lap as he strokes your dripping pussy. he knows one thing for certain, your pretty voice forming his name is the greatest thing he has ever heard. he loves the sounds you make because of him.
you are so wet now, you are drenched and leaking. the sticky liquid trails out of your slit endlessly. his fingers steadily collect it and your lips part when he pulls away. your eyes follow his hand as he brings the sodden liquid digits near his mouth.
it is dirty. it is gross, it must be. somehow, you find yourself entranced. his tongue slips out to lave over his drenched palm.
"so fucking messy." he grits his teeth, he tilts his head to you. his wet hand grips your jaw, "you always taste so good." he presses his mouths to yours.
you can taste yourself on his lips and tongue as he aggressively kisses you. despite your inexperience you try to replicate him.
his expression looks irritated as he wetly separates from you. he forces you onto your back, leaning over you. his eyes glimpse at your cunt and they trail up your body.
you are on display for his prying eyes. he gropes your breasts, kissing and licking down your sternum. you are delirious as he sucks on your skin. he kisses all the way up to your jaw before he covers your mouth with his.
he licks into your mouth until you are a breathless mess.
"i'm not prepping you. m'not." he squeezes your jaw. "the first thing i'm stuffing in your pussy is my cock and it's gonna hurt. it'll hurt a lot but you deserve it." he airily speaks, his eyes dark.
you stare in confusion, panic sets in your chest. what wrong did you do? you wonder what warranted having your virginity stripped with no compassion.
you were more than aware he did not care for you.
as far as you know, you are suppose to pride yourself in your virginity. you were to save it for your husband and no one else. the man between your legs is a stranger, the man telling you such nasty things is nothing to you.
you swallow hard as you stare at his intimidating size. the head of his cock is purplish and dripping pre cum. his shaft is thick and it seems to go on forever. you wonder how it is suppose to fit inside you.
naoya grasps his aching cock to tap the head on your clit. you try to move away, you really do but he is so strong. he is completely unmoving. he coats his tip in your slick before pressing into your hole.
despite how tight you are, despite how big and thick he is. you shove at his abdomen, his abs flexing under your palms. "naoya please." tears stream down your cheeks but he relents. he cups your thighs to bring them over his and spread you open.
his rough fingers find your perked clit, rubbing it in aggressive circles. you hate to admit it but it feels too good. your hands clamp down on your mouth to mute the moans escaping you.
you gush on him with no fanfare. this entire circumstance makes you feel like an easy slut. he presses more into you, reaching the ridge where his cock and shaft meet. your legs jolt the further his girth fills you.
your insides squeeze and clamp down trying to deny his intrusion, you make naoya crazy. "fucking stop." he hisses. you are like a vice around his pulsing cock.
he says what you should be saying. you should be telling him to stop but you do not. you should be screaming and crying, telling him to get off of you but that is the last thing in your head.
it feels good. more of him is pressed into you and your walls stretch to accommodate his girth. it is an unfamiliar feeling but the pressure in your abdomen is more pleasurable than painful. you find yourself adjusting, you are still so tight that naoya loses his mind.
he presses down on your clit an inch accompanying the motion and you shriek at the feeling. he continually rocks his hips, slowly coaxing over your bundle of nerves. your hands find purchase in the sheets, panting while you try to gather your bearings.
the stimulation has you fidgeting, it has you moaning his name endlessly. your thighs tremble on either side of him and your expression is contorted at the feeling. he looks down at your body, tongue slipping out to coat his lips and you find yourself wishing it was in your mouth, on your skin. anywhere you wanted him.
he leans down, his muscles rippling and the flesh along his abs bunching in little rolls, his biceps are almost as big as your head. you feel like he was strong enough to lift you with one finger. he seemed that way, strong and mighty in all that he did.
his hips shallowly move to thrust the portion of his length he has managed to shove into you. "you're fucking me." you stutter, your voice barely audible. you have never spoken those words, have never even conjured them up.
naoya's eyes flash, his large hand spanning over your stomach, trailing between your breasts and then gripping your throat. "m'not. but i can, i can fuck you so deep you feel it here." he squeezes the sides of your neck, eyes glancing to your leaking cunt that soaks him even though he has not gotten to the hilt.
the warmth and tightness of you makes him ache to have his entire cock deep in your pussy but you are little and you are looking at him with the sweetest eyes.
he wants to hurt you, he wants to make you cry but you are so adorable. "i can fuck you and have your belly bulging every. single. time. i shove my cock in your dripping cunt."
you have never had someone speak to you like that. you never heard those words strung together nor spoken in such a depraved tone.
you wonder how he could be this handsome. you wonder what led him here, with you.
"i'll make this pussy mine whether you want it or not but you want it, don't you? you want me to fuck you, you want me to have you shaped to my cock and mine alone" he pants. you nod your head, you swear there is cotton between your ears, there is empty space perhaps but there is surely not a working brain.
not after he painted such an image of him fucking you like you were his and turned it to mush. "say it. say it all, say you want naoya zenin to fuck you." you whine, he squeezes your throat, his grip so strong you swore he could crush it to dust.
you whine and babble and your hips move to get more of the stimulation as he shallowly fucks you. your hands find his broad shoulders, just barely gripping them and he leans down. no you could never move someone like him, he let you. he conceded because it is you.
his face is so close, he is composed and collected while you are a mess beneath him. "i want naoya zenin to fuck me" your voice is broken by a moan as he forces more of himself into you.
you whine in his face "i want him to claim me, break me. i only want him in my cunt." your voice is a warbled mess and for some reason naoya did not expect you to be so nasty. to tell him those things. claiming you is one thing but breaking you?
he would do more than break you. he would wreck every inch of you, destroy and decimate it all, there would be no way to return you to what you were.
"then loosen up, slut." you cannot mute the scream that escapes you when the thickness of his girth is pushed entirely into your walls. your legs desperately hook on his hips, so tense they feel sore.
it burns, it hurts and stings but it feels unbelievably good, it did not feel like something you could fathom in a real world only in fantasy.
why, why, why? why does it feel so good? you had no expectations of sex. absolutely none.
when the women spoke they did not entertain such topics. was this what they did behind closed doors? did such depravity remain hidden while they portrayed themselves as saints?
he is so hot, you feel him everywhere. he is nestled inside you like he belongs there, he throbs into your gummy walls.
his large palm graces your tummy, gliding to your lower abdomen. he presses down and you sigh in unison. your eyes wildly look down. "look where my cock is in you, you really are too small to take it."
he is not your husband, he should not have stuffed his cock all the way inside you that his head impresses in your stomach. what right did he have to lay claim?
it does not matter, not anymore. he has your cunt wrapped around him and your body does not protest. no, your body welcomes him with endless slick. it yearns and begs for him. it felt like you were just waiting for him to come and take you.
he pulls out until only his leaking head is enclosed by your cunt. his expression is pleased at the sight of red streaks along him. "got your blood all over my cock. y'know what that means?"
your head is too empty to hear, to function. you cannot quite make out his words but the sound of his voice makes you mewl. you are soaking him again and again.
"means you're all mine." you eyes roll as he shallowly pumps into you. you swear you cannot see beyond him.
his hands grope the perimeter of your waist. "i haven't even fucked you yet and you already look like a brain dead whore." he coos but his eyes are dark.
he is caught up in the sight of your dripping slit stretched around the girth of his cock. his strong thighs flex, you shriek when he starts pounding into you.
naoya bullies his cock into your pussy that will not stop pulsing around him. you are so tight he sees stars. your insides are gooey and warm. he wants to be wrapped in you forever.
his abs strain, his cock is coated in your juices. slick strands are covering him. the more he slams into you the nastier sounds your pussy makes.
"shouldn't be this tight or feel this good." he huffs, he uses your body like a sex doll. he holds you down and thrusts into you so hard your skin stings. every loud collision of his flesh with yours hurts.
"you're my slut, fuck, you're the only bitch i want." your entire body shakes with the weigh of his movements. your eyes water and you fist the soaked sheets.
naoya looks too good above you. the sweat on his forehead dampens his hair and his muscles shift every time he sinks back inside you.
you are delirious, he did as he said he would, he makes your stomach bulge over and over again. he turns your brain into useless chum.
your cunt sputters liquid, his movements are flurried and aggressive. your sex loudly squelches. you never thought it would feel this good.
every vein on his cock slides along your gummy insides, you feel like you are about to pass out. "a whore like you doesn't deserve to cum but i need to feel you gripping me. i need to know how tight your pussy gets when you're cumming." his fingers find your buzzing clit.
"m'not a whore."
"you're getting fucked like one."
all you can focus on is him, he rolls your clit with experience. a part of you hates that despite him being nothing to you. your vision is blurred by tears but blinking them away allows you to see him.
his body seems like a sculpture. every muscle is evident for prying eyes. beads of sweat leak down his temple and his jaw is locked. he looks unreal. you wish he was yours although you do not know him. you have no relation but he is stretching out your cunt and making it his.
your hand grips his, head thrown back as you writhe on the sheets. you breathe in exasperation as his much larger fingers intertwine with yours. he is holding your hand. he is holding it while he pummels your insides.
you are too sensitive and too overwhelmed. when you cum, your entire body trembles. your eyes squeeze tightly and you clamp down on him like a vice. you cream on his cock your entire body coated in sweat while you shake.
the sight of you throws him over the edge.
"shit, fuck, no one is as good as you. no one." he grits his teeth, eyes fluttering. his length is soaked in you, strands coating him and the harder he pounds the more frothy cream collects at his base.
"want you like this forever." his body covers you completely. his arms wrap around your waist to hold you tight to him. all his weight is pressed into you, desperately thrusting his hips as he chases his release.
despite how you whine and cry at the excessive stimulation. your nails digging into his flesh and scratching lines down his skin.
you seem to mark another area of his back every time he pounds into you.
his movements have your body jerking and his muscles flexing. your cunt feels like it is forcefully drawing the orgasm from him, his teeth grit and his eyes flicker as they threaten to roll back.
he is so powerful but right now he looks like he is losing it. his mouth roughly presses into yours, his tongue and spit in excess and his hips stutter for a moment before he slams into you so hard your cunt squelches.
his hips rock as he stays flush to you and for the first time you are getting filled up. it is even hotter than his cock, it sears along your walls, endlessly pouring and leaking as he grows soft.
"you take it so well for a virgin." he pants before his lips claim yours in a nasty kiss.
he says that like he has not already stripped that title from you.
his weight crushes you beneath him but somehow it is comforting. somehow you like it. you like that there is no space between you and him.
your arms reach around his neck, tears streaked down your cheeks while your mouth desperately returns his kiss.
he briefly parts before leaning back in. it is unfair that he has everything. he is too pretty and he seems to be good at everything.
you whine when he sits up on his knees, your hands losing their grip on his muscles. his eyes train where his cock still fills you.
you wince while he slowly pulls out, the cum still dripping out of you. you feel empty without him.
he takes in the cum leaking from your used cunt. all he can think about is doing it again and again. without tire or care. a surprisingly gentle touch swipes your hair from your face before he strokes your cheek and leans down.
his soft lips though swollen softly move along yours. he breathes a bit more laboured as his hands touch and squeeze along your body and his kisses make their way from your neck to your sternum and tits.
you are panting while he trails open mouthed kisses on your skin. his eyes do not leave yours and they are so golden you swear they glow.
your body grows tense when he drifts lower than your belly and suddenly he is kissing right above your cum filled slit and your inner thighs.
"you're so soft." you did not expect it. was that a good thing? his breath is so close to your pussy, it is weird to think he was just inside you.
you squeal, a hand covering your mouth as his tongue swipes over your cunt. "naoya, that's dirty." your voice is muffled beneath your palm, all he does is clamp his mouth on your clit and suck.
laughing into your cunt before his tongue is gliding up and down your slit endlessly.
a man of his calibre was between your legs with his mouth in such a place. it did not make sense. his heated muscle slips into your pussy, saliva coating you in excess.
your feet lift onto the tip of your toes while you moan. you moan for naoya like you were made for it, made for him.
his fingers gently caress the back of your thighs, all while he sloppily sucks up your messy cunt.
he does not want to stop, his cum is inside of you, it is in your pussy.
he came there. he came within your silky walls and he will never stop thinking about it, about you. he pulls back, licking his lips and nipping the flesh of your thigh before trailing his tongue along your slit.
his cum is still seeping out despite the amount he lapped up from your hole. there are sticky strands of liquid on his jaw and mouth as he brings his face to yours
"it's not dirty. what's filthy, is that you let me fuck you like a cock hungry slut." his large palms grasp your tits while you are speechless.
"is that what you are, my cockslut?" you find yourself nodding your head, whimpering in agreement.
you just want to be something to him.
his thumb strokes over your lips while he grips your face, you are so much smaller his entire hand seems to hold it. "you think you can suck me off? get me nice and wet in that little mouth and make me cum?"
you stare up at him with the prettiest wide eyes. you were crying for so long. you cry so much it makes him hard. "i can." you softly whisper and naoya cannot help but kiss you sweetly.
he nips your lips, laving his tongue over them before he sits next to you.
you swallow, he helps you up by a firm grip on your upper arm. your head feels light.
you are surprised when his hand cups the back of your head and shoves down. his erect cock presses against your cheek. "c'mon, don't waste time."
your hand unsurely surrounds the base, you cannot believe something like this had managed to fit inside you. naoya sighs at the softness. your tongue clumsily laps at his slit, the taste of his cum and your juices filling your mouth.
your lips enclose just before his shaft, your mouth insanely warm it makes naoya pant. "take more of it, i don't fucking care if it's your first time." he gruffly says. you are perched on your knees with his cock in your mouth.
moments before you had never seen one in your life.
you are so unsure, you lower on him but the second his tip brushes the back of your throat you gag. you lurch, the muscles constricting around him.
you pull back frantically, coughing as you clutch your throat. naoya finds your eyes more teary. "so fuckin dramatic." he tuts.
his tip presses against the seam of your lips and you have no choice but to open up.
you really do try to be good. you try your hardest to take more but it seems never ending. you gag so much desperately trying to get him seated deep in your throat. but you can't.
that tight little throat of yours can hardly get even half of him in on your own.
"you're shit at this." he laughs airily. you are drooling so much it is insanely messy, he never had it like this before.
every bit of him says to bruise the back of your throat, to fist your hair and fuck into your mouth so that every inch of him feels the silky walls of your throat.
he listens.
at first, his fingers gently caress through your hair. it lasts for a second before he is pushing your head down. your throat constricts and he shudders. he cannot tell which liquid that drips onto his skin is your spit or tears. 
he is vicious and rough. constantly bobbing your head along his cock regardless of how you choke. the sloppy noises are all he needs to get there. the feeling of your gooey throat objecting his forceful intrusion. your muscles resisting. "fuck you're such a good bitch. little baby throat s'taking it all."
his body tenses, hips stuttering to fuck into your mouth. he does not usually come this fast. he shoves you down until your lips surround his base. he swears he can see your throat bulging from his cock. your hot sticky saliva drip all over him as he shallowly ruts his hips.
naoya grits his teeth, moaning loudly before he spews cum down your throat. you jerk in confusion but he does not release you. your hands scramble. he feels you swallowing around him but it is not enough.
liquid spills past the perimeter of his cock.
he tugs you off, your mouth wetly separating with a sticky pop.
"you look pretty like this." your hair is knotted, tear streaks coat your cheeks, your lips are swollen from sucking his dick and his cum is spewed in your mouth in a sticky web. it drips down your jaw but he still kisses you.
still does it all sweetly and cups your cheeks as if he is a nice man.
you eagerly accept it. you kiss and kiss and his salty cum is messily exchanged. you are a breathless mess when he pulls away with spit still connecting you.
"so stupid." he shoves your forehead with his forefinger. you want to cry. he leaves you sitting while he lies on the sodden sheets.
it hurts to hear. you sniffle, looking at him. you let all this happen. you slept with him. this is not some lucid sex dream, it really occurred. he came in you, he touched you everywhere.
he had you in way a man never did before.
you are crying for a different reason now. when the lust that clouded your brain finally dispels you realise everything is ruined.
"do you have any idea what you've done?" tears are profusely coating your cheeks, you tug the blanket to your chest.
you are hiding your body as though he has not violated every inch of it. as if his desecration has not tainted you in the form of bruises and cum.
naoya breathes, his eyes rolling as he folds his arms under his head. "i fucked a bitch, s'all."
your face contorts in more pain. this was never supposed to be your life. you meant nothing to the man who was just inside you.
you were nothing to him. "i can't get married now."
naoya looks angry. the muscles in his arms flex, eyes flitting over to you.
in a second he sits up, the expanse of his palm covers your throat. it draws a sound of shock from you. his face is all too close and you wince at the flashes of him fucking you as they are forced into your mind.
how can you forget it? especially when he is at this proximity, when his hands were all over your body and now he simply held your neck.
his gaze flits downwards, he is angry without a doubt. it is hard to not see it when his skin is flushed red and his jaw is locked.
he rips the sheet from your body before he roughly shakes you.
your eyes flash in panic as you grip his tightening hand. "you have me and you want to marry some lowlife prick from your shitty clan?" he hisses into your face, his nose brushing yours over the nonexistent distance.
you gasp for air because he holds too tight. "you weren't a good fuck. not at all." his hand slips between your legs to cup your cum filled cunt and you blanch.
"you're just a prissy little virgin but you're pretty. i'll give it to you, you're gorgeous." without any warning his digits slide inside of you.
it is forceful and rough as he repeatedly thrusts his long fingers into the soaked walls of your pussy. you grit your teeth. it should not feel good. it should not but you cannot help the uninhibited movement of your hips.
your legs practically part for him on instinct despite how badly you want him to get away from you. that is what you want, right?
you should not want him and your eyes that are trailing all over his defined muscles should be looking to the heavens for some hope.
they should not be gleaming at his pretty features or his damp hair. "and you'll be one hell of a bitch but you gotta prove it to me before i marry you." marriage.
oh marriage, marriage, marriage.
it had been on your mind since you were a little girl. you have ached and dreamed and wished upon the stars for it to find you.
"how?" his brows tilt at your broken voice. he shoves you down until your head meets the wooden flooring and your back stings at the impact.
he is over you, his shadow casting along your figure. "let me fuck you. submit yourself to me alone. if ever you touch another man, i'll know."
his voice is deep, his expression dark. he is terrifying, you wonder how someone so pretty could look so horrific. you swallow hard.
"i'd kill him and i'd kill you." his eyes do not leave yours for a second. he brings your legs around his narrow waist, the weigh of his erection digging into the flesh of your inner thighs.
"but if you be good, i'll marry you. i'll take you away from this place."
you want so desperately to escape, you want so desperately to be anywhere but here. you want to be with him even if he is awful.
"will you marry me?" your fingers itch with the urge to draw him closer, your voice a warbled mess. your legs tighten around him, you want him close. so close.
it seems he knows because he nears until his body is flush to yours. until you are engulfed by his scent and the hardness of his figure.
"i swear it." his eyes flick to your lips, so close to him that they brush with his words. his admission has you gripping his cheeks and kissing him.
it's an inexperienced and sloppy kiss but you do as best as you can and naoya finds your mouth one of his favourite things.
tears leak from your eyes as he shoves his entire length into you and your body tenses.
for the second time that night he claims you.
despite wanting to be angry at him, you cannot. not when he kissed every bruise he left on your skin, not when he pressed his lips to yours like you meant something to him.
not when he tugged you into his side and you find revery in his scent.
something about naoya is so comforting you find yourself falling asleep with no issue.
or maybe it is because he used and exhausted your body.
he has you wrapped in his arms with familiarity. your face mushed to his chest and your leg thrown over his waist.
his thumb coaxes along your back, his face nuzzling your hair. you look adorable, you look too precious. even in your sleep you press into him more.
naoya wants to burn the sight into his brain.
you are his forever.
"my soul always searches for yours but you have never remembered mine. not once." he whispers into the air although you cannot hear it.
although you do not respond.
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isn't he so dreamy ^^
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casdeans-pie · 1 month
Dean's ribs are aching.
He presses a hand against his skin, feeling the solid bones under his palm, and tries to imagine the ornate carvings running across them - remembers what the x-ray looked like. But his mind keeps getting stuck on the feeling of Cas's hand, strong and sturdy, in the center of his chest, and the pleasant burn that'd taken his breath away when he'd pressed into him.
A sensation that had been perfectly balanced on the knife-edge of pain and pleasure.
Dean lets out a shaky breath and tugs the scratchy motel sheets closer as he turns over, unable to stop being so aware of it all. A particularly loud snore from the bed next to him tells him that Sam isn't having the same problem.
It only takes another few minutes of Dean gritting his teeth and willing himself to go to sleep before he gives up with an angry sigh.
When he exits the room quietly, hoping to get some air and clear his head, he nearly walks straight into Castiel himself. "Jesus, Cas!" Dean yelps, then catches his volume, glances at the room behind him, and adds in a hissed whisper, "What are you doing here?"
Cas, for once, looks startled and a little guilty. "Hello, Dean," he says, voice rumbling quietly, "my apologies, I didn't expect anyone to leave the room until the morning."
"Yeah, that doesn't really answer my question, buddy. You were kind of loitering."
Cas shifts his weight a little in a nervous gesture that amuses Dean because it looks almost human. "I've been informed that watching over you while you sleep from your bedside is" - he squints his eyes - "creepy."
Dean can't help the huff of a laugh that escapes him. "'Cause it is."
Cas frowns. "And I can no longer sense either of you due to your sigils, so..."
(Dean presses his hand to his chest, echoes of the pleasure-pain running through his ribs.)
Cas's eyes flick down at the movement, but snap back up before Dean can put a name to the expression that passes over Cas's face. "So I have been watching over you... both of you... from outside your room instead. While I still know your current location," he adds sadly.
"Keeping tabs on us like this is still creepy Cas," Dean says, but there's no heat in it. In fact, he's surprised to realise that he really doesn't mind the idea of Cas watching over him- them.
"I can no longer sense you," Cas repeats, more upset this time.
A blue neon sign for the motel shines from above them, casting a moody blue light over Cas - catching the tips of his messy hair, and lighting up his eyes so that they're almost glowing. He's lit up in a way that reminds Dean of the Angel he really is, and it makes his ribs ache.
Dean grips the shirt over his chest in a tight fist.
Again Cas's gaze flicks down.
"What do they say?" Dean says so quietly it's nearly just a breath.
Cas must understand what Dean means, even though what he said makes no sense, because he replies, "It means you are to be kept away from all the eyes of the Angels, and none have permission to know of your location or gaze upon you." Cas reaches a hand up, suspends it in the air, and then lets it fall back to his side.
Dean feels a pulse race through his bones as he impulsively reaches for Cas's hand and places it on his chest, covering it with his own and pressing it down firmly. Warmth that feels like protection and safety rushes out from where their hands press together.
"I give you my permission," Dean says quietly, into this moment they've created, under the unnatural blue light of the motel sign, and the silent night around them.
Cas's eyes are wide and Dean feels his hand shaking. "You..." he visibly swallows and licks his lips. "You shouldn't say things like that to an Angel, Dean."
"Yeah? Well, too late. I mean it Cas. You've got my permission. And I know that means jack to symbols literally carved onto my bones, but it means you physically checking in with me if you want to know where we are - use your cellphone - and if I text you our motel room, and you're not, y’know, doing rebel Angel stuff, you can be our lookout." Dean feels silly all of a sudden and drops Cas's hand, stuffing his own into the pockets of the sweatpants he shoved on before he left the room. "And if I can't sleep, maybe we can talk outside again like tonight. Or whatever."
After a beat of pure silence the light on Cas's face from the sign seems to intensify and Dean can suddenly hear it buzzing.
The handprint on his shoulder pulses in time with the beat of his heart and the ache in his ribs.
"I would like that," Cas rumbles, a gentle smile on his lips.
Dean clears his throat and absentmindedly rubs his chest again. "Okay. Well. Good talk. I should- I should go back to bed- lots of big days coming up- world to save- goodnight, Cas." Dean doesn't want to call what he's doing running away, but he certainly does a good impression of it when he turns around and ducks back into the room.
A soft, "Goodnight, Dean," follows him inside before the door clicks shut behind him.
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tarjapearce · 1 year
👀👀 of course.
Inspired by farevalee9s on insta fanart of Cowboy Miguel 🤭
The first time Miguel arrived to your family's farm, you were borderline intimidated by his sheer size. You had seen tall people before, but never someone like him.
Your father was in dire need of someone that would take care of his horses and do some maintenance around the farm. Agustín, a horse that seemed a lost cause, was the one that concerned your dad the most. He was a bit aggressive with the other horses, Joaquín Y Luis. He was kept in a different location. The farm was a mess.
Not tolerating a bit ounce of further embarrassment, your mother looked up for people, even put you to post adds through, but none of them actually met the requirements, until a friend of your dad brought him.
"Buenos días, señorita" (Morning, ma'am)
He'd always greet you with a tip of his hat. Unlike your parents, a bit stuck up people, devoted believers and servers of faith, and always speaking the necessary, you were kind to him. Polite and respectful.
You'd bring him cold fresh lemonade after he was done with his training session with Agustín. The sun would hide your embarrassment, since you couldn't help but give subtle glances at his naked torso.
He'd always train the horse, without much on him. Pants, belt, boots and hat. He'd always accept the lemonade with a small smirk and a grateful heart.
"You made it?" You nodded and smiled sheepishly.
"Best thing I've ever tasted." He'd mumble while staring intensely at you.
"Could you teach me how to ride?"
His eyebrows would rise in surprise
"H-Horses, I mean." He'd chuckle and nodded.
"Lo que quieras, guapa ." (Anything for you, gorgeous.)
Sure, you wanted to ride horses, what would the point of having them would be if you couldn't ride them? But in truth, You just wanted to be closer to him. Something that earned you a bit more than you had actually bargained for.
He'd take you by your waist and help you get on Luis, like you weighed nothing. His skin irradiating with heat, calloused hands held you firmly, you could feel his thumb taking a taste of your soft skin. His tongue wetted his lips upon his eyes trailing your form.
Sun blazing on your skin, rosy cheeks, a sweet look that could disarm anyone, gorgeous body. You were such a sweet little thing. Just like the cherries you'd eat in the porch. He stared at your lips, as you dexterously peeled the cherry from it's flesh with your tongue.
He needed to have you.
Of course your mother had seen the not too subtle looks you gave eachother.
He'd always greet you with a knowing smile, and you'd be a flustered mess after. Sometimes your head would hurt by the many times your mother would swat your head with whatever she was choosing to read. Your dad was busy with Church.
Oh, the church.
He didn't seem like a strong believer, neither did you, but respected the business enough to be almost every Sunday in church. Just to see you all dolled up and pretty.
You'd kiss eachother breathless in the barn behind some stacked up hay. You just tasted as sweet as he had imagined. Your first kiss.
You had to be on your tip toes to wrap your arms around him and pulling him down to deepen the kiss as his hands finally were able to touch you and savour you
Your mother was growing suspicious of your sudden absentminded behavior, so she had settled you up a date, and made sure for him to know. Even had the nerve to ask him to have the horses ready.
You had apologized to him, but he seemed unbothered by everything. It kinda bummed you to see him a bit indifferent to the situation. But once you left, he'd glare holes at your mother's window.
"No te dejes montar de nadie, ok? " (Don't let anyone to ride you)
Agustín would just flare and pat the ground. As if understanding him.
Every date your mother had arranged to you, ended up in the same scenario. Your dates on the floor, being chased by Agustín or the other horses.
"I don't know what that wicked man has done to the horses. None wants to come here anymore if he isn't around!"
To your mother's mortify, you were turning older enough to start your own family. But you didn't want none of that. No. At least you'd have some time away before she started to getting you on the dating scene again, to get you a husband.
They had a sudden trip to see other properties out of town. You were left alone with Miguel, He'd throw you over his shoulder like nothing, after kissing the daylights out of you and took you inside his place in the barn. Your cherry was popped that night.
Ever since then, every time your parents left, you'd be holed up in your room with him, kissing, making love and talking.
You had corrupted him somehow, always wanting to touch and be near around you, and always wanting to put a baby inside.
"Funny you think I'd let you marry some other guy. Tú eres mía, y eso no se discute." (You're mine, and that's not up to discussion.)
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fanaticsnail · 1 month
It won't fit
Masterlist Here
Word Count: 3,200+ (600+, 500+, 1,100+, 800+)
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Synopsis: The four commanders of the Victoria Punk were large in size, in every way. Eyes finally catching what goes on below their hemlines, you're brought to terms with the fact that it would be difficult to fit.
Warnings: MDNI, NSFW, 18+, Smut, all individual encounters with the four commanders, Kid x reader, Killer x reader, Heat x reader, Wire x reader, afab!reader, reader has breasts, size kink, size difference, no gendered terms used, first time with each of them, swearing, cumming, oral, hurt & comfort, pet names used.
Notes: Based on an ask @bitchimasnake-sss got about a size difference for Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji. I loved it, and wanted to see it for these four big boys. Everyone should check it out!
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Gazing down from your position in front of him, your eyes met with his pulsating cock. Twitching in the air, his impressive girth and length caused your heart to beat rapidly in your chest. Heat swelling your cheeks, with your jaw falling slack, all you could manage to stutter in your stupor was a small whimper. 
“It won't fit.”
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Eustass Kid
“Yes it will, don't be a baby about it,” he growled at you. Grabbing at your thighs, he moved you to lay down the bed and towards his large cock. His pale shaft contrasted his ruby-red tip beautifully, each angry vein expanding his cock with each pulsating rush of blood engorged and expanded. 
Panic shot through you as he lined up his tip with your slit, slowly dragging the cockhead over your slick pussy and tapping your clit with it briefly. 
“No, you don't understand-! It's too big, Kid! I don't think I can take it,” you managed to stutter out, your eyes wide and panicked as he stilled his motions. Immediately cocking his head in a sharp tilt, he glared down at you with his forehead lowered in a deep furrow. 
“You-... You want to stop?” He asked you lowly, each syllable pronounced so there was no misinterpretation of his question, “Say the word and we'll stop, ‘kay? I'm not gonna force ‘ya to do somethin’ you don't want.” At that, he withdrew completely, sitting back on his calves with his hand pressed on his thigh. 
“No-, I mean-, I don't-, I-,” you add, shaking your head and rising to a seated position, “...I want to try. Can we-... Can we go slow? I'm not used to taking anyone so large, and I'm a little-.”
"-Frightened of little ol' me?" Kid's eyes darted between yours, the crisp golden hue warming you with the crackle of mischief twinkling within.
"A little, yeah," you nod at him, your lip twitching into a quivering smile. Darting your eyes to the ground, clenching and unclenching your hands to stifle your nerves before meeting his gaze once more. Kid smirked at your confession, leaning down towards you and raising his hand to grip at the back of your head. 
“Although I may look and sound it sometimes,” he smiled at you, amber eyes darting between yours, “I'm not some huge asshole that doesn't take their partner into account. I can go slow. Just breathe with me, alrigh’?” 
Stooping lower, he pressed his lips to yours and slowly lined his tip up once more with your slit. Slowly rocking his hips, he stretched your pussy with his bulbous tip, prompting your eyes to snap shut and body tense in response. 
“Breathe, baby,” he whispered into your ear, pressing soft kisses to your cheek, jaw, and neck, “Just breathe. I'm gonna go slow, and you'll get used to it.” 
His cock slowly eased in with each soft motion, each small portion of his shaft you took, he would press a flurry of kisses against your skin. Neck, chest, collar, back up to the corner of your lips, all kisses in a bid to ease you into it and breathe with him. 
Not before long, Kid was whimpering and panting, his cock being squeezed by your tight pussy causing him to almost become a blubbering mess. His entire cock had your body mold to the shape of him, each twitch and pulse from it causing you to sigh and stretch to accommodate him. 
As you finally adjusted to the large stretch, Kid was already shaking with the restraint of not pistoning his cock into you repetitively. He was already so close to cumming from the feeling of it alone, he truly didn't know how long he'd last if you finally acclimatized to his entire length. 
“It's okay,” you nodded, looking up at him and cupping his face, “I'm okay. You can move now.” 
“Oh thank fuck for that,” he groaned, immediately testing the sensation by pulling out a fifth of the way and rocking it back into you. When all it was met with was a moan from you, he did it again. More of his length came out, more of it pressed back into your pussy in a hard snap of his hips. The pace was set to a heavy rhythm of deep claps of his hips meeting yours. 
“F-Fuck. Told you it'd fit.”
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Massacre Soldier Killer 
Letting out a soft exhale and shaking his head, he slowly drew your attention up to him by cradling your cheek in his scarred left palm. 
“We don't have to do anything tonight if you’re not ready,” he gently soothed you with a softness in his voice, contrasting the hardness of his pulsating cock. “I know I'm a little bigger in comparison to you. It'll make things pinch and sting a bit. I don't want to hurt you.” He moved his thumb in soothing circles against your cheek, truly meaning every word falling freely from his lips. 
Giving him a gentle shove, you push him to sit against the mattress, following your lead and reaching up to cup the backs of your thighs. Slowly crawling on top of him, he leans back and welcomes you to sit on his lap completely. 
“I want to try,” you round your eyes at him, pouting and moving your knees to circle his hips. Spread in a wide straddle, you move your pussy over his tip and slowly grind your slit on him, “Can I please try? If we take it slow?” Killer nodded, thankful that the mask shrouded his face from view due to the fact he was clamping his teeth so hard on his lips to stop the whimper from escaping. 
“W-We can try. I won't move a muscle until you're ready,” he stuttered, raising his arms to hold his hands beside his head: flat with palms up beside him. 
Leaning forward, you line yourself up with his cock and roll your hips against it. The large tip does nothing to enter your tight heat, slipping and sliding against your slick and causing Killer’s breath to hitch. Reaching one hand down to grasp his swollen cock, you hold it steady between your legs and roll your tight core against his blunt tip more intentionally. 
You wince at the sting of his pretty flushed tip entering your body, the stretch feeling immediately sore at your muscles expanding around him. Finally taking that first ridge of his tip past the largest point, you release his shaft and seek out his hands to anchor yourself against. 
True to his words, the only muscle Killer uses is widening his fingertips for you to lace yours within. All gentle, all soft, all welcoming and patient: Killer grit his teeth harder to halt the urge to bounce his thick cock up into your smaller frame. 
Slowly and surely, your walls relax around him and finally sheath him completely into your pussy. Walls fluttering around him, your clit grinds against his pubic hair and you whine at the contact. At that soft sound falling freely from your lips, Killer immediately unlaces his hands from yours and claps them around each of your ass cheeks, holding you firm and adjusting himself to the tight squeeze of your cunt clenching him in a vice-grip.
“Fuck, you’re tight,” he huffed, groanding at his cock being strangled by your heat, “You gotta relax around me, sweet thing. Just relax, alright?” He withdrew his left hand from your ass and brought it to your face, cradling your cheek within the heel of his palm. 
“I’m right here with you, okay?” he hushed you, gently thumbing over your cheek bone, “I won’t move until you’re ready.”
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“Do you,” he began, halting as he sought out your attention with his eyes, “Do you want to do something else?” He reached forward, his eyes flickering over your face and searching for understanding. His expression was captured completely in his hollowed eyes, hunching his shoulders and stooping to match your height with his own.
Heat was seven feet tall, his kindness welcome, but wholly unexpected and unfamiliar. His softness in comparison to the other three leaders of the Kid Pirates was what drew you to him: that kind hand mirroring the words pouring like honey from his fire-breathing lips. 
“We can calm things down, you know?” he offered, pressing his forehead against yours with a soft smile, “I can go ask Killer for some potatoes. We can make all different styles together. Fat-cut chips, hash browns, roast potatoes in duck fat, mashed potatoes as a creamy dip. If you’d rather we don’t do anything intimately, we could-.”
“-Can I try just a little bit of it?” you spoke over him, eyes peering dotingly down at his stiff cock, bobbing vibrantly in the air, “Just to see if I can? Not all of it, but... Just the tip?” You gulped back a dry mouthful of saliva glancing up through your eyelashes at the blue-haired commander. 
Heat’s face dusted with a vibrant shade of red, tinting his nose and tips of his ears with the hue. He swallowed the immediate “yes,” he so desperately wanted to bark out at you, focussing more on the serious tone lingering in the air. Following your gaze down at his cock and darting back up between your two orbs, he nodded slowly as he sucked in his scarred lips. 
“If you want to,” he whispered slowly, drawing you close and pressing a sweet kiss against the apple of your cheek, “Let me take you over to the bed, okay. Lie on your side for me?” 
He guided you to the large bed, each element smelling distinctively of incense, crisp linen, the stale linger of his cologne on the pillow cases, and something that felt like him. Lying on your side and offering him a sweet smile, he crawled over your body and caged you beneath his broad shoulders and muscular arms. 
“I promise I won’t put it all in,” he whispered, pressing his lips against your shoulders and gently caressing him with each featherlight kiss, “Just the tip.” You nod at him, drawing your hand up and gently smoothing over the hair covering his ears. Falling behind your body, he jolted your knee forward with one of his own, lacing a lengthy thigh between yours, and lined his cock up against your glistening slit. 
The reason he asked to position you in the first place is so you didn't become frightened by that hungry look in his eyes. That soft little ‘just the tip,’ that fell so innocently from your lips almost had him cum on the spot. He couldn’t let you know how eager he was to try it, how desperate he was to just have the smallest amount of his cock buried in your pussy. Drawing his palm down to your ass, he gently spread your cheek and exposed your entrance to him from behind. The shudder in his jaw matched the glaze of lust eclipsing his eyes. 
Testing your heat, he reached down further and flicked his digits over the slit and collected your arousal. You mewled at the soft contact, arching your back and gently rocking your ass against his hand. He chuckled in your ear, giving your shoulder blade a swift kiss. Scooping his unoccupied palm beneath the pillows under your head, he cradled your chest against his body and lined up his cockhead with your warmth. 
“Comfy?” he asked you, reaching down with the hand cradling you and collecting one of your breasts within his palm. You nodded, collecting his knuckles beneath your chin and giving it a quick kiss. Taking that as consent, he gently rocked his hips forward and eased his fat tip inside your slick cunt. His eyes rolled back at the squeeze, almost becoming lost in the moment and wanting so desperately to claim more of you with himself.
You hissed at the small sting, your walls fluttering and straining to accommodate his girth with each soft stretch. He halted at the rim of his tip disappearing into your body completely, his knob fully nestled within your body. Releasing a sigh, you flopped your head onto his arm and leaned into his embrace. Although not completely uncomfortable, the stretch of his tip felt like all you could truly take of him. His entire length would simply overwhelm you, needing a lot of practice before you were able to take the whole shaft. 
“You okay, Heat?” you asked softly over your shoulder. The grip on your breast firmed, his arm seeming to vibrate with a soft quake. “Is this bad for you? Are you uncomfortable-?”
“-I’m t-trying not to cum,” he managed to stutter out, the hand on your ass moving to your hips to hold you stationary, “I-It-... It’s been a while. I-I-I’m gonna cum-!” 
A large smile split up your face, prompting you to boldly arch your back and rock his tip inside your slippery walls. He shuddered and shook against you, his tip never truly leaving your body while the soft rocking over the sensitive head drew him to the white-hot ecstasy he was desperately attempting to withhold. 
It only took a few more rocks before he came undone within your walls. The first few drops spilled over before he rocked his hips out of you and sprayed your back with his cum. He had no time to reach down and grip it before he was panting your name into your neck and spurting his release in white flashes over your ass. His choked whines and whimpers were caught in his throat, the little apologies flinging forth with each wave of release shooting against your skin.
“F-Fuck, fuck, shit,” he cried, his cock betraying him as he burried his face into your neck, “I-I’m sorry. ‘M sorry. It-... You-... So good.” You offered him a soft giggle, pressing your lips against his arm and flurrying a burst of soft kisses over his skin. Before you had the opportunity to offer him anything in response, he rolled you onto your back and withdrew back up between your knees. 
“This fucking pussy,” he growled playfully at you, “Is too fucking good. Gonna have to punish it a little bit.” He kissed up your thighs, throwing your knees over his shoulders, and uncaring about your back stamping his release onto his duvet. Eyes holding yours for a moment, he gives you a short wink before immediately surging forward and diving into your pussy. Tongue flicking, mouth claiming, head bobbing, and nose grinding, he was going to have you cum on his face a couple of times as a playful invoke of punishment. 
And then he was going to make you some potatoes. Any way you wanted them, he was going to make them for you. 
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Wire's lips dropped to a somber pout, eyes downturning and tearing his gaze away from your own. Although he had consumed several of your orgasms with his lips, mouth and skilled tongue, he knew there was little chance his cock would be able to bury itself in your plush pussy. 
He was simply too big. Nine feet tall with a cock over one foot: achingly hard, desperately bobbing and leaking precum from his dark rose-colored tip. 
“I know. I'm sorry,” he whispered softly, gently clicking his tongue and attempting to mentally rid his body of desire. Sighing out a sorrowful exhale, Wire flopped onto his back and laced his hands behind his head with his eyes falling shut. His cock stood proud and neglected, his pretty tip twitching and begging wordlessly for stimuli. 
“Hey, look at me, honey,” your voice soothes down at him, your hands reaching for his cheeks and caressing his smooth skin and coarse facial hair. He scrunched his nose up and held his eyes closed in a tight clamp. Giggling at him, you shook your head before brushing your nose with his. 
“Fine,” you whisper, hovering your lips above his, “Be like that.” Pressing your lips against his in a chaste kiss, he barely had time to reciprocate it before he felt you withdraw from him completely. 
Slinking down his chest and over his stomach, you press soft kiss after soft kiss against his flesh. Mouthing at the skin, humming at the elevated goose flesh you leave in your wake, you map a trail down to his neatly cropped and trimmed happy trail. 
Lulling your tongue from your mouth, you lick a fat stripe up from his large vein on the underside, over each divot of elevation towards the frenulum. Mouthing delicately, romancing his cock with each open kiss, you manage to widen your lips enough to nearly encapsulate his cockhead between your lips. The corner of your mouth split the skin, stinging pain prompting you to wince at the tear. His tip was larger than the circumference of your fist, and you simply couldn't put that in your mouth without your teeth biting into it. 
“Don't-,” Wire whispered softly, his Adam's apple bobbing at the motion you were pressing against his skin, “Don't force it, sweetheart. I know it won't fit. It's okay, truly.” He reached down and cupped your cheek, drawing you up to cradle you against his chest.
“But-,” you tried to relay, cut off immediately with a harsh whisper down into your scalp. 
“-I said ‘don't’,” he pressed a soft kiss against your forehead, “It brings me pleasure to bring you pleasure. I don't need anything from you, sweetheart.” He pinched your chin between his thumb and index finger, drawing your eyes up to meet his. “I just want you.” His hand relaxed against your face, caressing your skin in slow, soothing circles. 
You hum into his hand, closing your eyes and leaning your lips lower to press a sweet kiss against his palm. He chuckles in response to such a softness from your earlier sultriness. Embracing you in silence against his chest, his cock twitched and began to reduce with his restraint. 
Looking down between you, your legs and ass barely make it to his stomach with the height difference. Lulling your head to the side, you take your lips into your mouth and gaze longingly at his cock. 
“...What if we don't put it in?” you offer, intrigue being met by his cock pulsating and slowly swelling back to life. 
“Don't start, sweetheart. It was just going down,” he grumbled at you, chuckling against your head. You rolled your head back up to meet him, pouting up at him and doeing your eyes at him innocently. 
“What if you fuck my thighs? I can grind your cock on my clit and get it all wet and messy for you?” you offer as if asking him what he wanted for lunch, completely nonchalantly, “You can cum on my stomach or ass, anywhere you want, and I'll say ‘please' and 'thank you’?” Wire growls down at you, his deep baritone vibrating against your shoulder. 
“You can't look at me like that and spurt such filthy shit, sweetheart,” he moved his body up, sitting with you on his chest and manhandling you effortlessly, “Sends me mixed messages. I want to take care of you first, dote on you and make sure you’re feeling safe and secure, and on the other hand, I want to use your thighs as my personal flesh light and fuck them until I'm satisfied.”
Without skipping a beat, you smile back up at him. 
“Use my thighs as your personal flesh light and fuck them until you're satisfied please,” you chirped happily up at him, prompting him to immediately clasp your thighs together and slot his exceptionally large cock between your wet pussy and your thighs. 
“You asked for it, sweetheart.”
Tag list: @mfreedomstuff @daydreamer-in-training @since-im-already-here @gingernut1314 @writingmysanity @sordidmusings @i-am-vita @indydonuts @feral-artistry @the-light-of-star @empirenowmp3 @racfoam @sunflowersatori @carrotsunshine @skullfacedlady @jintaka-hane
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bbokicidal · 1 month
"Where Did I..." | Corruptive!SKZ [H.H.]
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If you've read any of my other works (on my previous account) you would know that I have a knack for (and often write) corruption kink!skz lol. So this delved into that a little, because the theme of 'dumb bimbo gf' tends to go along w/ that. if you want it rewritten more specifically, lmk. ALSO - i labeled the title as a 'bimbo gf' because just saying 'dumb gf' feels a little rude i dunno lol.
warnings : NSFW CONTENT (MDNI), corruption kink! hyunjin during the NSFW headcanons, MEANDOM!Hyun, and I'm talking fucking mean. Like calling you dumb to your face mean.
Hyunjin w/ A Bimbo!GF
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BF!Hyunjin who cherishes you so so much and absolutely will help you with anything you need or ask him for. He'll do your laundry if you aren't sure which button to push, will cut up veggies for soup if you don't know how to, will hand you your phone even when it's right in your back pocket.
BF!Hyunjin who thinks that it's sooooo fucking cute every time you forget something. He'll tip his head and let his hair fall in his face as he watches you fumble with your phone, forgetting how to turn on Do Not Disturb.
BF!Hyunjin who adores the way you get pouty when you forget where you put your favorite dress. He'll watch you get mumbly and all cute about it before offering to just buy you a new one - find one online and he'll go to the store to get it just for you.
BF!Hyunjin who thinks it's SO fucking cute when you walk in a room and pause, eyes glossy and lips popped apart because you can't remember why you walked in there in the first place. He'll stare with a giggly smile as you walk out, then back in, and eventually sit down with a pout as you try to remember.
BF!Hyunjin who ties your shoes for you after watching you knot your laces two different times. He'll just straight up tie them - he won't teach you how to because he thinks it's just so cute watching you forget and fumble. He wants to tie your shoes for you forever.
BF!Hyunjin who has to do the grocery shopping because you can never remember where a single thing is in the store, even if the aisles are labeled. You just go along as his pretty little arm candy.
BF!Hyunjin who doesn't let you carry cash because you count twenties like they're tens and he's not going to let you embarrass yourself in some fancy store - Just take his Black card.
Corruptive!BF!Hyunjin who thinks your 'stupidity' adds to your sexiness in bed. He is obsessed with the way you so willingly submit yourself to him because you don't know any different and you're just too dumb to figure out how to top him.
Corruptive!BF!Hyunjin who presses his thumb into your lower lip to pry your mouth open, murmuring about how cute you are on your knees and how you should just stay his pretty dumb bitch forever.
Corruptive!BF!Hyunjin who hums out shit like, "Open your mouth for me. Just like that. Now sit pretty and let me fuck your throat since you can't suck me off right." And, "You're just my dumb little whore, huh? Don't know any different; Useless unless you're acting as my personal cocksleeve."
Corruptive!BF!Hyunjin who tells you he's so happy you're his girlfriend - and how he knows you'd never cheat on him because you're too dumb to go out and find anyone else.
Corruptive!BF!Hyunjin who pumps you full of his cum and then blatantly lies to you, telling you there's no chance you'll get pregnant because of some dumb reason he makes up in his head. He takes EVERY precaution afterwards to clean you up however and make sure you actually won't get pregnant, but he's going to let you believe that his cum can't get you pregnant so he can keep filling you up.
Corruptive!BF!Hyunjin who tells you it's totally normal for guys to share their girls with his friends just so he can have threesomes with you and the others - He knows for a fact Changbin, Minho, and Seungmin love how dumb you are, too. And you just look so pretty all confused and whimpery with their cocks stuffing all your holes.
Corruptive!BF!Hyunjin who makes the effort afterwards during aftercare to assure you that he absolutely does love you, and that he doesn't really mean all of those harsh words he said to you during sex. He adores you the way you are and outside of the bedroom he really wants you to know that his love runs so deeply for you. He'll curl up from behind and wrap an arm over your waist after cleaning up, press kisses to your shoulder and hold you as tight as possible as he whispers about how one day he'll marry you and keep you safe from the word. And those mean cashiers who can count right.
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imsilay · 1 year
NSFW! mdni +18, cw: stalking, stalker!König (idk lol lmk id i have to add anything)
word count: 1.3k
summary: His obsession for you was overwhelming. So yours too.
pt.2 posted! here
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cr: dwisesz on twt (sir is that seat taken?)
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There was something about the way you talk, move, look, glance at him; and he was enhanced by you. That was why he wanted to watch you all the time. You were his only entertainment, his deep desire and obsession. His obsession was too strong and he was powerless against it. He just couldn’t resist the craving he had for you. So he was ignoring all your personal boundaries just to keep observing you.
He watched you in awe as you walked around your home where you're the most relaxed and vulnerable. The black, silky nightgown you were wearing was making his head spin. The way the dress moved along with your body as you got ready for your night routine was impressive. First, you'd make a cozy spot for yourself. Then, you'd put on some music to play in the background while you read and drink some tea.
He watched you carry the absurdly large pillows to your nest. Your petite form was sinking into the couch that was filled with pillows and blankets. He crossed his arms and leaned back against his chair. He was glad that he had enough time to set multiple cameras in your house when you were at work. The perfect angle to see you was the camera on your bookshelf. Your body was directly towards it and the nightgown slid up to your thighs. You didn’t seem to have a problem with it. But he had a problem, a huge problem. He had a fetish for the delicate skin of your thighs. He wanted to mark them so bad. The bite marks he’d leave on your thighs would make them look more gorgeous. But it’d make him look like a madman, right?
He continued to observe you but it was hard to pry his eyes off your thighs. The next stop was your breasts. He felt his cock throb at the sight. Your nipples were noticeable thanks to the thin fabric and you, for not wearing any bra at home. He swallowed thickly and his arms tensed against his chest. How he wanted to bury his head between your soft breasts… Using your chest as a pillow after a horrible nightmare would heal him. You were his only remedy.
Then his gaze shifted to your neck, which he wanted to kiss and suck hickeys on. A soft sigh drew his focus on your neck and his shoulders stretched. What happened? Were you not feeling good? Were you cold? Concern gnawed at his heart as his whole body tensed. But it was nothing he was expecting. Your bottom lip was captured by your pearly teeth and your legs now crossed. Your thighs pressed together and rubbing slowly. He narrowed his eyes trying to process what you’re up to.
“Verdammt.” he hissed as he closed his eyes and rubbed his forehead with frustration. His mask was hiding his flushed face but nothing could hide the massive bulge on his pants. “Bitte Liebling, tu es nicht.” (Please darling, don’t do it.) he mumbled and looked back at the big screen in front of him. How could you be so cruel? Teasing him like that… Your body squirming as you stubbornly continued to read that book. Was that the reason you were pulling down your panties and spread opening your legs? “So hübsch.” (So pretty.) he mumbled at the sight of your wet cunt.
You must feeling so comfortable with satisfying yourself in the living room because you had no problem letting out loud moans as your fingers rubbed at your clit. He couldn’t resist his painful arousal anymore. It was okay if he satisfy himself along with you, right? It wouldn’t harm anyone. He unbuckled his belt swiftly and unzipped his pants. His cock spung free and hit against his stomach when he pulled down his boxers. The tip of his cock was red and dripping precum from all the time he was holding back. He groaned and tipped his head back as he fisted his fat cock with his large hand. That man was big. From head to toe, everything about him was big.
Your desperate and needy whimpers were filling his room as he jerked off the perfect view of your pussy. “I bet your small fingers can’t even reach the spots that make you squirm.” he mumbled a he focused on how desperately you fingered your greedy cunt. “I could do that for you, Maus. I’d finger your pretty pussy until you can’t cum.” he mumbled between his whimper and groans. His thumb drawing circles on the sensitive tip of his cock while fantasizing about what he’d do to your pussy. When your moans turned into cries he knew you were close. Your hips twitching and your head pressed to pillows. He was also close and he cum along with you imagining how good it’d feel like cumming inside you.
You stayed there for three more minutes before getting up and taking a cold shower. He cursed himself for not being able to put a damn camera in your bathroom. He waited until you get out, trying not to break his own neck for that great mistake. He finally took a deep breath when you got out of shower but he chocked on his breath when he saw you in only a short towel wrapped around your body. That fucking towel wasn’t even covering the half of your body.
“Mein Gott.” he breathed. The towel dropped when you stood in front of your closet to pick up your pjs. His cock got rock hard instantly. He didn’t even tried to convince himself to stop. It was all your fault for being so hot when you bend over to pick your panties up. His hand stroking his thick cock as he watched you get dressed. You liked to watch yourself from the mirror as you get dressed. It tortured him the most. The way your underwear clinged to your hips making them look harder to resist.
He felt like a pervert when he released another load of cum. His hips bucking up to fuck his fist. The comfort of being home allowed him to whimper and moan as loud as he wanted. He watched as you climbed on the bed and covered your body with blankets. His hand was still his twitching cock, watching you as you got ready for sleep. Now it was his problem that he was still rock hard… He got up and kicked his pants out, removing layers as he walked to bathroom. A cold shower was what he needed to suppress his animalistic urges now.
You smirked when the notification sound came from your phone. Your back was turned to the camera so he couldn’t see what you were doing. “How cute.” you murmured. The camera that you placed on his bathroom was working perfectly, providing you the most mouth watering view. He was showering, and he was moaning your name as he fucked his palm. Your finger brushed against the screen of your phone. Did he know you were a sucker for him? Did he know the necklace you bought for him came along with a tracker? How would he feel about you stealing the keys of his room? Which he never let you in. The curiosity was eating you alive. So you'd find out what he was hiding tomorrow. You continued to watch him shower until you fell asleep.
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a/n: please support me by reblogging, if you liked the content ofc <3 your comments also makes my day :* and i love to reply all of them :>
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yes, i finally did it :> imma post it now but i’m not satisfied with it. so i might delete sorry (:
@entityunkown @elichisstuff @mikisworls
for some content: You two are close friends so you got keys to his house and he do too. You know he’s in love with you -not that he’s too obsessed- but he doesn’t knows. The said room is that he keeps locked is the room he watched your home and was filled with your belongings, photos, videos etc…
2K notes · View notes
planetaryupscaled · 4 months
Male Reader x Park Sooyoung (Joy)
Tags: 12k, age-gap, cheating, creampie, cuckold, oral
The story is not ours; we simply alter the original story to our preferred settings.
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Sooyoung had just writing her personal report for the day while sitting in an empty classroom. It was convenient way for her to track the progress of the various classes throughout the week.
She was almost done, just finishing with some constructive remarks about some of the lower-performing students. She glanced outside the classroom window as she placed the tip of her pen in her mouth to think of something to add. She noticed a young man in an oversized hoodie walking towards the school building, constantly looking down at his phone. It was Minho. What was he doing here after school ended?
Sooyoung finished her report, closed her notebook, and placed it in her bag. She walked out and noticed me standing in the hallway, just outside the school office door. I leaned against the wall as I put my phone back in my pocket.
“What are you doing here?” Sooyoung asked as she approached me.
She wore matching black yoga pants and a sport bra, her voluptuous figure provided plenty to look at. We were the only two people in this hallway, The bell had just rung earlier, and the rest of the staff had left for the day.
“What does it look like? I need tutoring,” I said, my smile betrayed my true intentions.
Sooyoung couldn’t help but flustered. She was always a confident woman, but my brazenness was something she didn’t know how to handle... especially after taking my load on her face and seeing each other’s private areas. But the deal was a deal. She’d jerk me off today, and it’d be a week before the next time.
“We can’t do anything here,” Sooyoung whispered, even though no one was around. “I know we made a deal, but we can’t do that here! I could get suspended!”
“So do I, relax I’ve only got twenty minutes until football practice. How about we sneak to this empty classroom and knock it out real quick? You’re tutoring me, so it’s not suspicious that we’re in a classroom,” I suggested, eager to get started.
Sooyoung shifted her feet, unsure. It’s true that nobody would have expected anything funny, but we’re still at school... And anyone can walk in at any time! No, it’s not going to happen. She’d let her emotions and libido get the best of her last time, she needed to be stronger now. And it was not worth jeopardizing the job she’d worked so hard for. Sooyoung swallowed dryly.
“I’m sorry, Minho,” she sighed, frowned regretfully.
“Well... okay, I guess we can take care of it in your car instead. A deal is a deal, and time is ticking. “I’ve been thinking about it all day,” I explained.
“Can’t it wait?!” she asked.
“No, I will not go to football practice like this.” I answered matter of factly.
“Minho, I don’t want to do it at all,”
“Should’ve said that to your husband. Come on. We made a deal, and I’m not taking no for an answer”
She turned away, feeling cornered.
She silently cursed her husband and his stupid fantasy and replied, “Okay, fine. But please. Twenty minutes, nothing more. And I’m even doing it in the car. No silly shenanigans. And remember no intercourse. Got it?”
“Yeah, of course. Lead the way, ma’am.” I replied, smiling.
Sooyoung couldn’t believe what she was doing. Leading her student to her car so she could give him a handjob. Fortunately, she had parked quite discreetly behind the corner. Anyone leaving the school would not notice them. But what if people found out what they were doing here? That would be disastrous.
Sooyoung told me to get in the car. I did so. She didn’t bother jumping in; instead, she stood in the doorway. Nobody would see us, and if they did, it would be from the opposite side of the car.
“Now lay back and relax,” she said with a smile.
I qucikly took off my gym shorts and underwear, Sooyoung grabbed my cock and began to stroke it, focusing on the head and my balls. She started with quick, easy jerks and gradually slowed down to a smooth, sensual movement. I groaned with delight as her silky married hands touched my throbbing member.
“Twenty minutes,” she reminded herself.
She glanced over at me who looked relaxed as my hips raised up and down against her hand. Sooyoung worked so smoothly, running her fingers along the tip and length of my cock. She couldn’t get over how big I was. When she imagined taking something so big into her body, she felt a hot shiver of nervous excitement run through her body. Knowing she’d chosen such a brazen boy to be intimate with, gave her goosebumps all over. But the rules were there for a reason. This allowed her to protect her morals and principles while also exploring them.
“Spit on it,” I muttered.
“Sorry, no,” she responded almost immediately.
“I said, spit on it, or at least kiss it or something. You’re chafing me,” I commanded. Sooyoung gulped, unused to being bossed around.
“It’s filthy,” Sooyoung said in a low voice, continuing the steady pumping. She was enjoying my cock in her hand, its size and mass. But to kiss it? That’s a no no.
“And me giving you head in your bedroom was clean? If you don’t...” I warned.
“Fine. I won’t kiss it but I guess I can... give some spit...” she sighed and stopped for a moment, then bent down over my cock.
She leaned in and let out a small dribble onto my throbbing member. The precum mixed with her saliva caused my cock to glisten and drip all over, with slicker sounds filling the small space between us. Sooyoung's rhythm became faster.
“I love your little hand. Mmmh... fuck that is nice..." I hissed through clenched teeth.
“Hahh,” Sooyoung snickered, staring down at my cock, admiring it. “So, is this better than any girl your age?”
"Much better… I would deepthroat you right now, if you like, You have the perfect face to fuck," I moaned desperately.
"Oh god, no, no mouthfucking," Sooyoung groaned somewhat annoying.
I smirked and began to whisper in a leering tone, staring at her while she focused on jerking me “Your body is nice, you know? I like those jeans you wore before; they make your butt stand out. A nice, curvy fat ass. You definitely have that.”
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Sooyoung felt a hand firmly grab one of her ass cheeks. She nearly stumbled and leaned in, giving me enough leverage to grab it. Sooyoung swatted my hand away while continuing to stroking my cock. I laughed but moved my hand back to her firm ass.
“You jerk,” Sooyoung scoffed.
“Say you want my cock, slut” I groan and slap her ass.
“Minho, stop! Hand to yourself.” She said as tried to stop me playing with her fat ass.
She resumed her pumping on my cock as my hand returned to her ass cheeks once more, now she just shaking her head, rolling her eyes.
“You’re such a naughty teacher, look at you, jerking me off in your car.” I said.
Sooyoung gave me an angry look but yet she continued to pump my cock faster and harder. She knows she shouldn't have let me touch her body, but with her husband fantasy in her head, Sooyoung surrendered control to her subconscious.
I squeezed and spanked both her cheeks harder this time as if proving my point that she couldn’t, or shouldn’t resist my... helping hand.
“Guys at school wouldn’t never believe a teacher like you can be this... fucking… slutty. You just can't stop thinking about my cock, can you?” I taunted.
Sooyoung scoffed. “As if I hardly notice that thing,” she replied.
She leaned in as she continued the strokes and let another dribble land on it, she added a little twist and grind at my cock head. She pumped and pumped, while my hands never left her butt, I groped and squeezed it even harder, my fingers sinking into her round fat ass.
“Oh yeah, Sooyoung, just like that,” I said, almost whispering.
“Shush,” Sooyoung reprimanded me on instinct, hearing me mention her name made her feel even worse. She felt as if we were becoming intimate.
“Oh fuck, I’m gonna-”
Sooyoung increased her speed, stroking harder, leaning closer for leverage. I looked down at her, my chest rising and falling with my quick breaths. My fingers caressed her ample globes, while my other and started rubbing at her covered cleavage. Sooyoung was completely captured by the pleasure she was giving me, unable to wrench herself away.
And then I finally blew, shooting giant ropes high up, some splashing against her clothed chest. My hand groping her ass, pushing her forward even further, making the stinky mess even more inescapable.
“Oh fuck Minho, come on! My clothes!” Sooyoung said, rolling her eyes with a defeated sigh, though never stopping her strokes.
I was panting and grunting as I unloaded my seed. The last few spurts leaked out and trickled down along her hand. A couple of drops hit her sleeve too. “That’s so much,” Sooyoung groaned annoyedly, looking at her now completely stained hands. Even her wedding ring glittered underneath the thick coating.
“Shouldn’t have worn something so... easy to stain. That’s on you,” I laughed. “Can’t dress like that with me around.”
“Yeah, whatever. You got what you came for. Now please leave,” Sooyoung said.
I chuckled but left her car without complaint. I sauntered back towards the school for my football practice.
Sooyoung let the week crawl by without any more thought of our illicit encounters. With all that went on in the classroom, the parents’ evening, and her after-school yoga and Pilates club, running with her favorite student and neighbor, Sooyoung found the time passed swiftly by. Before she knew it, the next week was near. We hadn’t really talked about when the next encounter would be.
I didn’t even contact her until Tuesday. I wrote ‘‘Are you home?’
When Sooyoung looked at her husband, he only smiled and nodded. It was enough permission. ‘‘Yes, come over.’
And just like that, I came strolling inside their house once more.
“Hi ma’am,” I greeted her, entering the kitchen.
Sooyoung leaned back against the table, smiling politely at me. She was wearing a white, fitted shirt and navy trousers, accentuating her gorgeous physique. The loose waves of her dark hair were draped casually over her shoulders, as a thin coat of lip gloss coated her lips.
“What’s up?” Sooyoung asked, trying to keep her composure, her smile on, and not to let me dominate her thoughts like last time. “So, you’ve come here for another tutoring session?” Sooyoung asked, playing coy.
I approached her at the dinner table, a bulge protruding from my shorts, totally ignoring Hyoseob who stood a bit further away in the open kitchen, just watching. Sooyoung shifted her glance at him, sending her husband a coy smile before focusing her attention back on me, whose hands were suddenly all over her butt again. Sooyoung giggled nervously as I grabbed a firm handful and groped her shamelessly. It was so different with Hyoseob right there. It was an assurance that me groping her was perfectly fine, and she had to admit she was glad it was.
“Wh--What are you doing!” Sooyoung asked, keeping her cool, acting outraged as my cock pressed against her thigh through my shorts.
“I didn’t get you off last time,” I said.
Sooyoung puckered her lips playfully, continuing to shake her head, making herself chuckle. But I am was done messing around and her playful manner only spurred me on.
I picked her up like she weighed nothing and placed her back on the dinner table. She was giggling wildly, allowing me to tug her pants and panties down her shapely, toned legs. I then spread her legs, wasting no time, I started eating her out... She yelped. It was wrong, filthy.
“ohh, so good…” she moaned.
Sooyoung groaned loudly, throwing her head back as my tongue deep into her warmth, nibbling at her clit before driving back up into her gushing pussy. She immediately felt the fiery sensations begin to ignite and grow. I held her by the hips, thrusting my face and tongue into her. Her chest heaved and bucked, a high-pitched gasp escaping her. Her shirt rode up from the friction.
The wickedness of what she was letting happen consumed her. My skill brought her to orgasm quickly. My fingers were splayed over her butt cheeks, nails digging into the skin. One hand squeezed each plump buttock and parted them wide to expose the tender flesh. With a savage growl, I tongued her open pussy, and dug deep, my teeth scratching the edges as I gnawed and ate her. Sooyoung yelped, moaned, and whined at the most horrible thing ever, a dirty secret of what should’ve been an affair and a taboo infraction of her marriage’s holy sanctity. The utter thrill of what she was letting go down, not for the first time, would normally have appalled her, but succumbing to Hyoseob’s powerful, yet wicked desires drove her to enjoy every second of it.
But now, with the pleasure mounting and spreading its tentacles, her mind had to focus on one thing: more. She grabbed the edge of the table, gripping it so hard that her knuckles turned white. The squishing and licking was the most awful sound to the ears. Her leg bounced, her heel beating hard against my back. Sooyoung’s mind was blank, only thinking of that voracious mouth feasting on her.
I licked slowly and wetly, tongue darting in and out of her opening, covering her in saliva, lathering her folds with my spit. At every withdrawal, Sooyoung’s hips rose off the table to meet me, wanting the pleasure only I could deliver.
The pleasure overcame her. She whimpered and then fell silent as a tidal wave of orgasms burst. Sooyoung gushed, trembling as wave upon wave washed over her, My mouth still hungrily at work. Finally, Sooyoung just fell quiet, moaning slightly and breathing raggedly, her pussy finally satiated and soaked. I looked up, staring directly at her.
“Feel better ma’am?” I grinned wolfishly. Sooyoung blinked. She could only mumble incomprehensibly in reply. She felt limp, helpless.
And yet she felt this strange emptiness. A need inside her to be filled and satisfied in a whole new way. The kind only a thick man, the biggest she had seen, could satisfy. It was weird being watched by her husband too. In a strange way, she was more concerned that Hyoseob saw her behave so crudely and obscenely. And in a different, yet much more tangible way, Hyoseob was seeing this horrendous, loathsome act and doing nothing. Maybe Hyoseob could see she was enjoying it so much that he’d let this wicked transgression slip without a hitch.
“Here, let me set up the camera,” Sooyoung said, still slightly out of breath. She was determined to finish me off so she could have Hyoseob rail her like the good husband he was. For once she wanted Hyoseob to take her rough, and remind her who she belonged to.
Glancing over at Hyoseob, who stood with his eyes and crotch bulging. he seemed to be more than ready for the same prospect. It was obvious he enjoyed watching his own wife cum on the behest of another man, even if it was due to a shithead like me. In fact, his proper wife becoming a sexual object, made it so much more incredible and surreal.
Sooyoung took her phone and propped it up on the dinner table and activated it to record. As she turned, she saw me had thrown my shorts aside, my erection standing proud. Sooyoung gave a sidelong glance at Hyoseob, who stood there transfixed and just watching the sin unfold. She felt guilty for making him endure such a situation; however, this was his own doing. It was his fantasy, and she’d be a good wife and indulge him. She loved him too much to deny him one of his darkest fetishes.
Sooyoung licked her hand, placing it around my stiff, rigid cock and started stroking slowly. I felt huge in her palm. She massaged and fondled it as best she could, her small fingers trying to encompass me completely, but she was still inexperienced, unused to handling an immense slab of cock like mine. She was almost in disbelief as it continued to pulsate and grow. Her delicate hands did their best to massage and soothe my throbbing cock.
“Get those tits out,” I demanded.
“Huh?” Sooyoung shook her head, refocusing from the massive slab of meat in her hands. She was mesmerized.
“Take it off, I said,” I reiterated. “I wanna see your tits.”
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Sooyoung slowly nodded, biting her lower lip with a sly smirk. I hadn’t seen her naked breasts yet, but had seen plenty of her pussy... so really, it probably didn’t matter. Besides, Hyoseob’s gasp told her that her husband wanted it as well.
She pulled at the buttons at the front of her shirt, and took it off. Next, she slid down her black laced bra straps, pushing it down so her bare boobs were on display, right in front of my face, with her husband watching, recording and knowing it was all for him. Sooyoung pushed out her chest and stood proud in my face, saying, “You’re not getting your hands on these, they’re all Hyoseob’s.”
Taking a seat so I could be at eye level with her breasts. “But you can admire them as much as you want,” Sooyoung assured, standing topless before me.
She finally could display some of that confident pridefulness that lingered within her. She got down on her knees on the floor and resumed pumping my shaft again, her fist sliding along its full, imposing length, staring intently at my stiff cock. She could sense that I wanted to grope her breasts, but for now, I was a good boy. Maybe her breasts jiggling with each stroke made for a good enough sight.
Sooyoung kept working me, stroking me at a much slower tempo than I clearly desired. I wanted her to increase her pace, but she wouldn’t give me the satisfaction. With her spare hand, she started fondling my balls. I could handle a bit of squirming for sure.
“These are some big balls. Gonna shoot a big load for me? Wanna show me how much you can cum for your teacher?” Sooyoung said, even though she wasn’t really my teacher, but you say what you gotta say.
“Wanna take a closer look?” I said. eyeing Sooyoung’s gorgeous features with the most lustful gaze. She giggled, suspecting what I wanted. She wouldn’t do it, but why not indulge just a little bit? And so, she slowly bent forward with my cock slowly coming closer to her face.
Sooyoung peered over and caught sight of Hyoseob. I was aroused, staring at her with anticipation and eagerness. My erection, confined in my pants, was very obvious. She loved watching him get hotter. In that instant, Sooyoung felt the fantasy growing on her. She had been reluctant before, and perhaps she would be later again, but for now, her primal urge for satisfaction took over, and the delicious rush of taboo sensation pushed away her reserve. Her husband’s affirmation was all she needed to let go.
“You like that my cock in your face?” I asked, as I swiped her hair over her shoulders.
Her attention snapped back to me. “Sure, it’s the biggest one I’ve ever been this close to,” she admitted and giggled mischievously, knowing it would torture her dear husband.
“How about you give it a taste?” I suggested. She stroked it casually with one hand and leered, cupping my balls again with the other. It was right there, inches from her mouth. The temptation to do something so wicked, something so far from anything she’d sink herself to do, was unreal. How far would this go if she didn’t stop it?
I grabbed her jaw with one hand, pressing my fingers into her cheek so that her lips popped into a little pucker. “Take it,” I said.
Sooyoung pursed her lips again and obediently kissed my tip. Just a simple peck of a kiss, like with a friend.
“Alright,” she admitted, nodding, “That felt nice,” then leaned down and kissed it again.
She stuck out her tongue, swirling it around, and licked my swollen cocck. I groaned, closing my eyes as my breathing grew deeper. “Mmmmh, yummy,” she teased, staring straight into the camera, then turning to her husband winking at him, “He really does taste rather good.”
That was far from the case. It tasted vile, but she knew Hyoseob would love if she teased me.
Hyoseob, in return, shuddered in place, heart pounding, his cock swelling at the thought of seeing her act like such a slut. But for the wrong guy, a young stud taking her instead...
I looked down, Sooyoung looking right up at me as I pushed a thumb into her mouth. “Open,” I ordered, pushed her jaw open. I used a finger, pushing her tongue.
“How’s it feel?” Hyoseob asked, entranced. Sooyoung’s mind was racing. Licking my cock was disgusting, yet so wicked.
“I don’t know,” she moaned, her eyes filled with heat, her body burning. “Spongy.” She had never given a blowjob before, and though the idea seemed utterly unappetizing, the hunger within her to see my cum burst into her mouth drove her into an excitement. It was nasty, something she never wanted to do, but still the depravity of it turned her on. “Open wider,” I commanded as I poked my thumb in the side of her mouth, opening it widely so I could see down her throat.
“Owwwhhh, Can’t wait to feel my cock bump up down there.”
It wasn’t entirely unpleasant; Sooyoung was having difficulty remembering what she disliked about having a large object stuffed in her mouth.
“Play with my balls,” I commanded. “Stroke that cock.”
Sooyoung did as I said, having let go of my cock while I had toyed with her mouth. In the process, she was regaining some composure.
No way she’d let that filthy thing into her mouth! She couldn’t believe she had even let it so close, and kissed the nasty thing even! Yet, when my thick cock hit her palm and she wrapped her hand around the big meat, stroking me firmly, and heard my moan, and then felt the hot pulse of the blood against her flesh...
Sooyoung stroked me, watching my cock flex and grow in her hands. Her other hand gripped the base of my shaft while she gently tugged at my balls. The incredible size and pulsing intensity of my cock filled her entire world. She became hungry for my release, eager for me to be shooting all that cream. But to meet me halfway, not wanting to give me her mouth, she came to a compromise she knew would make both I and Hyoseob blow our minds... and loads.
She would let me cover her big tits with my cums. Sooyoung looked down, cock throbbing and veined in her grip, staring at my massive crown, watching me shift, my hips pumping in pleasure. “God, the things I’m letting you do to me...” Sooyoung muttered with her best scowl, yet the playful wink and her low chuckling said she was enjoying it more than her words indicated. She pressed the head of my cock between her ample bosoms and pressed them together with a devilish leer.
“Uughh, yeeaah,” I hissed.
Sooyoung continued to jerk me off with her squeezing tits. She increased the pace, shoving my bulbous, throbbing head repeatedly in her cleavage. Sooyoung stroked until the first splash of hot, gooey cum exploded into her neck, chin, and breasts. It felt strangely gratifying. Sooyoung let go of my sack and worked both her hands over my cock in rhythm with the spurts, milking more and more of my cum to gush down her neck and onto her tits. I finished, and her tits glistened, coated in cum. Sooyoung sat back, giving her audience a magnificent view of her sitting topless, completely covered in white goo from navel to chin. Sooyoung smiled at her dirty accomplishment, admiring the big cock she held in her hand, as the hot cum ran over her hand.
“Fuck, that was incredible, you’ve got an incredible pair,” I said.
She lowered her eyes to my half-mast organ, studying it with the fascination one had for something seen only once, not fully comprehending what she has seen, only recognizing the wonder of it. The foreskin covered the bulb, which seemed bigger in its protective covering, creating a feeling of mystery and anticipation, causing Sooyoung’s breath to quicken. She couldn’t tell where the feeling was going, but she needed her husband as soon as possible.
Sooyoung turned to Hyoseob. “Bedroom, now.” She turned to me, giving him an appreciative smile. “Thanks for the loads... now get the fuck out.”
I laughed and quickly put my clothes on, leaving the house with a cheeky two-finger salute, heading back to school or football practice or some shit.
Finally left alone with Hyoseob, Sooyoung wasted no time. She tackled her husband on the bed and attacked him with her hands and mouth. As Hyoseob enjoyed the pleasurable attack by his loving wife, his thoughts were focused solely on the desire to be inside her. he finally removed her bottoms and flipped her on her back, her dirtied-up tits strutting up towards him.
Barely saying anything except for “You are amazing”, He lined his member up to her now-ready hole, pushed it deep, and rammed away at her with long, forceful strokes. With each pump from her husband, droplets of my cum flew and dripped off Sooyoung’s body, drenching their sheets.
It took quite a few thrusts until Hyoseob ejaculated, but once he was done, Sooyoung let go of him, her whole body shaking and whispered: “God that felt amazing. You can do that more often, just... please don’t make me fuck any other guy,” she said and grabbed Hyoseob’s shirt collar, kissing her dear husband.
A month passed by without any incidents. Once a week, I came over just to eat her out, who in return let me fuck her tits, or she would jerk me off. She even let me fondle her breasts when I fucked her tits. I was still trying to prod her to take me in her mouth. She never relented, though came as close as one could get. She did sometimes kiss the tip a bit, which I appreciated. I’d reward her by creampying her cleavage or coating her face in warm goo. It always disgusted her, yet she relished me giving her facial after facial. She’d look at Hyoseob in the act, trying to keep that annoyed, unhappy facial expression as ropes of sperm shot her face as if to reassure him that she didn’t enjoy the disgusting act. But Hyoseob couldn’t help but notice how wet her pussy got from my facial, and how vigorously they’d make love after I left.
To make our tutoring more ‘‘tutor-like’, the three of us agreed that the following month we’d do some actual tutoring at the school. Either running track, Sooyoung helping with weight training, swimming, or whatever. Of course, if anything happened, we then knew to record it. Weirdly enough, I was happy to play along. Or maybe not that weird, considering the woman in question.
New month, new week. Sooyoung hadn’t seen me since Monday last week and we hadn’t scheduled anything until Friday, as the school pool wasn’t available until then. We also agreed to the ‘other business’ in the car after our lesson, like the first time.
However, mid-week, I texted her.
Sooyoung was just done putting running cones back into the equipment shed. Her heart beating quickly and her hands shaky, she looked at the message, which read: ‘‘I won’t wait for friday’.
“Oh god,” she murmured, thinking I was asking her to hook up right then and there at the school. Before Sooyoung could respond with anything, I sent another message: ‘‘send pics, please?’.
A sight of relief from her as she texted back ‘‘ok’ with an embarrassed smirk on her face. She already wore skin-tight clothing; this was no problem. I would love an eyeful of her black yoga pants stretched across her shapely ass, not to mention her small crop top emphasizing her curves, making sure her toned tummy was visible. She dropped a photo of her ass. She captioned: ‘‘Can’t wait until Friday. Gonna catch some swimmers 🍆💦.” She knew her emoji game was on point now.
Feeling extra daring, Sooyoung shot another picture of her ample cleavage, pressing her arms together to emphasize it. She felt so devious sending me these lewd pictures. Gezz! She hadn’t even asked Hyoseob if that was okay! She immediately felt bad so she sent both pictures, with captions to Hyoseob.
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‘‘Just sent these to you-know-who’ she wrote. She knew she would be forgiven.
‘‘Voldemort?’ her husband replied.
‘‘Jerk’ she replied. Hyoseob joking around was a clear sign it was okay. ‘‘Did you like it though?
‘‘Hell yeah,’ Hyoseob replied. ‘‘Maybe have the camera ready at all times on Friday,’ he added.
A grin formed on Sooyoung’s face. ‘‘Sure thing, babe,’ she wrote back.
The bell rang, and it was time for her next class. Before heading inside, she texted me: ‘‘Hope you enjoy them.’
‘‘I’ll enjoy more when I see you naked. Friday right?’ I texted back.
‘‘On the conditions we agreed upon...’ Sooyoung wrote.
‘‘Of course, I’m not breaking any rules...’ I wrote, reassuring her, before adding, ‘‘unless you want me too’.
A third message came just after, ‘‘Just joking around’.
Sooyoung didn’t have time to dwell on it, but my words made her uneasy. She had to be extra careful on Friday.
‘‘Lol. Fridays fine,’ she quickly typed and walked to class.
The last thing she wanted was to encourage me to do something she’d would later regret. Especially because I knew a lot about the fantasy they were working with, and probably what buttons to press if presented.
With Friday not being far off, the day came fast and Sooyoung found herself swimming laps in her swimsuit as she waited for me to join her. We had the entire pool for ourselves as everyone had headed home for the weekend. She used a larger pool, creating no reason for us to get closer than necessary.
Sooyoung eventually stopped. I had finally come out of the locker room. She couldn’t help but stare as I paraded down the length of the pool towards her. Her eyes darted to my crotch, expecting a bulge. I wasn’t not been shy with my size, and she imagined now was no different. Sooyoung swam to the edge and hoisted herself out of the water.
“God, that suit looks too good on you,” I declared, my eyes practically bulging out of my head, completely captivated by Sooyoung's gorgeous body.
“So glad you noticed,” Sooyoung replied, shooting a little smile. “But today it’s all business. Pleasure can be found after class,” she smirked.
We started the lesson. And Sooyoung kept her promise to focus on learning. So what if I kept throwing a compliment here, a touch on her ass, or a rub on her shoulder? I heeded her instructions well enough to not go further than the border of inappropriate. Plus, I did my workout with clear conviction and it was impressive.
Sooyoung was impressed that I took any of her lessons at all, as I wasn’t exactly sluggish, if anyone asked, most would tell they preferred me as a fullback to their school team as I was a giant, and surprisingly nimble, blocking tackle, if the opposing team was unfortunate enough to have to carry the ball past me. But I struggled mostly to stay dedicated, which had led me to season after season on the bench. This was not a problem today.
“Looking at your tits certainly keeps me motivated,” I joked as Sooyoung complimented me on our way to the locker rooms.
“Flattery won’t get you in my pants,” she returned. She had thought nothing of my usual banter. We stood by the exit, apparently chatting a bit before going to our respective showers.
“Do you mind...”
“I mean, can I touch your tits for a bit?” I asked.
“What? You’ve touched them a lot, and will probably do it a lot more in the car. What’s up right now?” Sooyoung quizzed.
“I just wanna feel the swimsuit fabric... on those big tits,” I said, my gaze fixed on her chest. She sighed, trying to hide a blush.
“That’s still an invasion of personal space,” she replied. But the truth was she was extremely flattered. Now that she had got to know me a bit more, she knew when I was sincere. Even more now that she noticed my bulge.
“And perhaps because we’re here,” I continued “Public kinda. Or maybe it’s a student-teacher thing.”
Sooyoung looked at me, contemplating for a moment.
“Sure, why not. It’s Friday anyway,” she said, putting her hands on her waist, pushing her tits forward for me.
I eagerly seized the opportunity, and with a quick glance to either side of the room, I moved both my paws to each of her breasts. Sooyoung looked down at my hands squeezing her breasts and she felt something primal flare in her stomach as I massaged her in front of a glass wall leading towards what was usually a very public area. The way I gleefully fondled them felt too naughty, and she couldn't deny that it felt good how I knead her tits so vigorously.
“Come on, Minho, you’ve touched my breasts way more intimately before,” she chuckled, biting her lip and looking around the pool area, even as she knew we were completely alone. The lewdness of our actions triggered feelings she didn't recognize, prompting her to take the initiative.
I took this as a hint for me to move her straps aside. It was happening before she realized it, and soon her breasts were exposed to the big empty hall, her nipples erect from both my fondling and the thick air emanating from the warm pool itself. She hissed.
I'd seen and groped her tits countless times before, and now she was standing at the school pool entrance, allowing me to pull and play with her nipples. A place she worked; a place she’d get fired from if anyone ever learned what we’re doing.
“Stop. That’s enough,” Sooyoung murmured, trying to not raise her voice so as not to draw any attention, even as we were alone. I pulled the straps of her suit but then I stopped and walked toward the men's changing room, smiling at her. Sooyoung eyed my butt the whole way, making sure I took the correct turn.
Her mind buzzed and her body throbbed from the little tease she had delivered. Not much could make her turn a cheek, especially from a horny adolescent like myself, but being topless on the threshold of her workplace took a toll, even if she was the only person there.
Sooyoung quickly rushed inside the women’s changing room, ready to turn a shower on and rinse her shame off. However, she was feeling less and less ashamed the more she was with me. I was kind of a dick, but I had become a sort of friend who helped them live out a vile and potentially dangerous fantasy.
Sooyoung leaned against the tiled shower wall. There were six showers, three on each wall. She had wanted her own private shower, as showering with her students felt inappropriate, but now she was alone. Just as well, she found her mind swimming in lust and not paying attention to washing the soap away as her thoughts drifted to images of her lying on her back as I forced my cock into her body.
As much as she didn’t want to cheat on Hyoseob, it would feel so good to finally take such a big cock inside of her... She shoved those thoughts aside. Rules were there to make sure nothing like that happened. Sex was something she loved to experience with her most precious partner, Hyoseob. No way would she compromise something so special, so sacred, just for the sake of satisfaction, or pleasure.
“Eh, the men’s showers are fucked...” A voice said from the door.
Sooyoung snapped her head over her shoulder seeing me standing there awkwardly rubbing my neck, still in my swimming trunks and with a towel in my hands. She turned her head towards me, raising an eyebrow as I stood in silence.
“I think it’s that new plumber, whatever his name is,” I continued.
“So, uhm, can I, join you? I’d shower at home, but-”
My eyes trailed her body. “I thought why not join my hot teacher in here?”
“Sure thing,” she nodded. We had already seen most of each other before... though perhaps not all in one go, and certainly not glistening in warm water.
I took the spot beside her and set the temperature of the water, making it a little more steamy and warmer, though Sooyoung would probably prefer ice cold right then. I’d seen her in various states of nakedness a couple of times by now. It’s not like having me under the same showering spot, still clad in swim trunks, would really bother her all that much. Still, she remained with her back towards me. It created some distance, kind of, even if I got an eyeful of her firm ass cheeks.
“So, what did you think of today? Did you like the lessons?” Sooyoung asked, wanting to fill the silence with at least something else than her labored breath, as well as curious for an honest answer for her as my tutor.
I took a while to respond, taking all the time to let my eyes roam her well-shaped butt. Sooyoung felt that intense gaze piercing right through her and giving her a shiver she could not conceal. She peeked over her shoulder and saw that I had discarded my swimming trunks and was in the process of soaping my chest.
“Mmm, your ass is gorgeous,” I remarked as I rubbed my chest, “this was the first class I’d paid attention to since sophomore year...”
I stared openly at her as she smiled weakly.
“So, the lesson was a success?” Sooyoung said, turning ahead to ignore my lustful comments.
“Very,” I said.
She grabbed some soap and started to lather up her breasts. Sooyoung pressed her arms to the sides of her bosom.. She was already done soaping and all that, but she needed an excuse to linger. She had to pass me to get out of here, and she didn’t want to entice me further. We could do our business in the car after anyway.
“You stay over there, mister,” Sooyoung teased, shooting another glance over her shoulder, her eyes immediately locking to my semi-hard cock.
She turned her face away again, taking a deep breath where she stood. She cursed herself for giving in to my charms and allowing me to break through her mental fortitude, clouding her thoughts with lascivious thoughts about the forbidden. She shouldn’t enjoy such terrible desires. She had felt numerous times what I could do to her, my magical hands teasing her and making her beg. “No, no begging,” she thought, no matter how badly she wanted to. It would all become real if she did.
Our illicit activities out in the hall, me groping her breasts out in the open like that while showing my earnest opinion on her body, didn’t help her predicament of having me shower a mere five feet away from her. Having my hands on her back there, nearly pushing the boundaries of the rules made her uneasy. Sooyoung stepped back, backing straight into the middle of the shower.
A pained groan came out of her, as my palm landed square on her behind, cupping her big left ass cheek and holding her tight, not letting her move from the spot.
“Minho!” she shrieked.
She turned to face me, both my hands were on her soapy waist, not giving her enough room to wriggle. It was impossible to mistake the growing intensity of my eyes. Being slightly taller than her, my monstrous cock was now bumping right against her outer thigh.
“Um, Minho, wha- what’s-?” she stammered, feeling the immense hardness smack against the side of her hip.
I quickly grabbed her hand, forcing her to grab a hold of my cock. I grunted, my body trembling from pleasure. Her fingers clamped tight around it almost automatically, stroking me up and down. My erection was unlike any other she had known. It was far thicker and longer than what Hyoseob possessed.
“I was thinking we could do it in here,” I said.
“My phone-” Sooyoung started, but I shush her.
“I have once a month unrecorded,” I reminded her. They were the rules that were in place when she first agreed to do all this me.
I turned slightly aside so I could move my right hand fully onto her naked ass, my left onto her breasts, causing her to gasp jaggedly. She was so sensitive in her breasts, which I had come to learn. And now she was fully naked in front of me for the first time, my hands on her fully naked body for the first time too.
“Sooyoung?” I breathed her name, making her shiver.
She slowly nodded. No words, but permission to continue.
Sooyoung gasped as she enjoy my groped on her ass and breasts, her most vulnerable part on display and being violated. She wasn’t resisting either. A soft groan slipped through her lips as I started applying delicate pressure against her soft features. Her mind was still holding her back, as my hands roamed over her slippery, soapy-covered ass cheeks. It felt great, she was surprised to admit; not just the obvious physical sensation, but also the freedom and sheer shamelessness in knowing she had my full focus, completely uninterested in the video-recording aspect of this, just wanting to have a more casual session. Sooyoung relished how dirty she was being right here at work, where her phone should have been recording, but wasn’t.
It was strange how a few quick, strong of rubs into her fleshy posterior caused an instant reaction in her mind. I skillfully continued to caress and apply pressure to her curvy body. When I decided I was done kneading and molding the supple flesh beneath my palms, my hands crawled and glided toward her waist. I briefly groped at the jut of her hips before, slowly, my fingers moved to her lower back. At first, Sooyoung thought I’d grope and slap her rear, as many a horny teen would have done but instead, I pushed her to turn around.
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“We can’t,” Sooyoung said, suspicious of my intentions, despite the rules.
“I’m just gonna eat you out,” I replied, pressing a little harder.
Sooyoung smiled and allowed herself to be spun around and bent towards the shower wall. Her ample behind stuck out towards me, on display for my eyes, and my touch. Sooyoung braced her hands on the tile wall, opening her legs for me, and pushed her ass out, hoping I would taste her soon, hoping I would not keep her waiting any further.
I did not immediately descend. Instead, my hands wrapped around her chest, stroking at her sides before cupping both her tits, squeezing and kneading her voluminous chest. I am quick learner, my movements dexterous and adaptive to what she enjoyed.
Sooyoung felt my big firm cock lodge against the outside of her butt cheek, pulsing and throbbing in anticipation. She wanted me to get down there as soon as possible so she could get some release. She felt as if she was losing control soon if she didn’t. But my hands on her body, kneading and demanding her skin to yield to my fingers, felt so good too. Finally, she could feel me release my grip and start to descend behind her.
Sooyoung groaned as my hot breath glided past the arch of her ass, gasping with anticipation. My lips glided past her cheeks, sliding through to her netherlips. She leaned forward and widened her legs even further, giving me all the space I could want, all the access I could desire. My tongue was at home, licking the outer of her pussy lips and sometimes dipping in between, testing the entrance, poking at her wet folds.
Sooyoung realized I was growing bolder as my lips slowly climbed the distance to the crack of her ass. With my nose bumping along, I rubbed the top of her mound, just below her cute little butt hole. My hands moved downward from her busty torso to her thick thighs and squeezed them tightly. I began eating her sweet wetness even more zealously than I had been before and Sooyoung soon felt a tingle start to grow in her tummy and travel outward. The sensation started to swell and was on the brink of erupting all through her, with the lewdness of it all, the forbidden nature of it all adding to the tension inside.
I moaned against her pussy lips. It must feel so incredibly wrong being intimate with a teen, being a teacher to have something like that happen with a student, her being married and still having some punk lavish her folds. Her ass cheeks quivered as my tongue found a way inside her dripping pussy.
She was pushing back on my face, trying to get my tongue in deeper, feeling herself about to explode. Sooyoung began bucking her hips against my tongue as the familiar coiling built up in her pussy, signaling that her release was not far away. She pushed her head back and wailed in ecstasy, grinding and humping wildly, forgetting about where we are. Our moans were muffled by the steamy showers, yet our echoed against the walls of the otherwise silent hall. She was sure if anyone did return to the school, they would hear what we were doing.
Her chest was heaving, the wet lapping sounds between her legs almost drowning out any inhibition, as my tongue wormed its way inside.
“Minho…” Sooyoung grunted between strokes, “I need... oh fuck, I need it.”
“Need what?” I paused.
She could imagine a cheeky grin on my face. Sooyoung shook her head as best as she could and groaned. “God... please.”
“I’ll continue if you tell me. What do you need?”
Sooyoung’s senses were overflowing. My tongue lolling across her sensitive cunt felt absolutely amazing, and I had a habit of bringing her to the edge, only to slow down, pause, and force her to beg, which always ended with her exploding harder than anything she could remember before.
“Tell me, Sooyoung,” I commanded.
“Uhhgh, fuck. Keep going,” Sooyoung mumbled, groaning. “Please let me cum, I need it!” she begged.
And with those words, I dug back into her, this time, the force of my tongue driving in more aggressively, my entire mouth locked over her pussy and my hands digging into her big cheeks. Her body instantly tensed. Her orgasm was building until the very moment she could not contain it. Sooyoung felt my tongue batter away at the folds of her wet center, and soon it was over for her, I had her fully submitting, having all the control over her as she succumbed to the overwhelming urge for sexual satisfaction.
“Oh Godd!”
Her mouth dropped open. She sucked in air and froze as the explosive feelings rushed through her. Every nerve ending ignited, and her pussy trembled. It exploded into convulsing tremors.
“Cumming! Oh, I, I’m- Fuck, yes, make me cum!” she yielded.
She growled, clenching and shaking through her climax as I lapped hungrily and feverishly, feasting on her squirting honey pot. Her vision went white. She continued riding me, groaning my name repeatedly, until she felt her head begin to spin from hyperventilation. It was a wonderful sensation as I kept attacking her hole throughout the final aftershocks, slowing down my assault but making sure I tasted her, slowly massaging her softening wet cunt as I continued to make out with it. Sooyoung never really got used to the feel of my tongue rolling, the tip touching her sensitive parts, but it was over too fast.
Her knees became weak and she wanted to fall to the shower ground, yet I held her in position, not done with her yet. Before her pussy was able to recover, Sooyoung gasped when I slid my tongue to her ass. She groaned, twisting her ass-cheeks to one side, trying to get away.
“Please, not that, it’s so filthy,” she groaned, as I press my tongue against her puckered hole, only teasing the orifice for a second. “Fuck,” she hissed, my tongue felt so weird against her asshole... weird in good way. It was repulsive, yet something she found herself to strangely enjoy.
“Nnh... Ah,” she groaned and allowed herself to experience this new form of intimacy. For someone so crude and ill-behaved, I was certainly gentle in my approach as my hands supported her and guided her body to give me access to all her sweet spots. I slowly shifted and held her against the wet wall. “Minho!” she exclaimed and breathed deeply before pushing out my name in a heated whisper.
I gave her clit a long teasing stroke with my thumb, making her shiver and gasp before I once again buried my face in her crotch. She pressed herself hard against the wall, arched her back as she tried to somehow make the sensations more intense. My thumb never left her clit, massaging the small spot ever so slightly, and my tongue worked ever so gently inside her, alternating her ass and her sweet labia, savoring the sweet nectar of my hot teacher’s pussy. I was slow at first but soon I began moving my tongue faster, finding myself lost in the excitement of being so intimate with her. My hands gripped her, pulled and fondled. I was groping her all over with wild abandon, as the steam fogged the walls. Sooyoung kept thrusting against my tongue as my thick organ roamed around her puffy lips.
I stood behind her and pressed my cock between the cleft of her ass-cheeks.
“My turn,” I muttered.
My voice was desperate and full of longing as I started to voraciously thrust my cock between her ass. My hand clenched around Sooyoung’s waist. With the water and soap, her ass became perfectly smooth, just right to drive my raging cock into her. Sooyoung could feel my big balls as I smack against her mound, my large size is an indication of what would soon follow.
“Unhh... Fuck!” She panted and I growled in delight, clearly excited about finally having my teacher ass wrapped around my cock.
“The rules,” she muttered, as her whole body jolted while I fucked her buns, “the ah- rules. Stop. Please. I-”
“It’s... okay,” I groaned. “It’s just like with your tits,” I breathed.
Sooyoung closed her eyes, breathing through her mouth, as I worked faster and harder. In her clouded brain, it sort of made sense.
I just having a titty fuck. But with her ass cheeks.
“Ohh, his feels fucking amazing,” I grunted.
“So good…” Sooyoung murmured softly, enjoying the feeling of my cock between her ass cheeks.
It was so dirty, yet well within our rules. She was jerking me off, just with her ass cheeks instead of her hands or breasts. And from behind, no less, a position she’d never subject herself to with Hyoseob. A forbidden aspect. And feeling the contours and details of my cock rub along her felt agonizingly good too. Like having something she desired just outside of reach, but getting a taste.
“Arch your back, tilt your ass up,” I demanded.
She did without question. The angle was immediately better, as she heard my grunts grow louder and deeper. Sooyoung could not help her own moans escaping through her lips as her tits were pushed against the wet tile wall, completely at the mercy. She could hear my powerful breaths against her ear as I ravaged her big breasts with my hands and her firm buttocks with my cock. Her breath was shallow and her heartbeat was erratic as her mind reeled and raced.
I was pounding her ass at an awkward angle, and suddenly on a long outstroke, my cock disappeared down between her thighs instead of between her cheeks. My cock slid across her wet opening and out under her.
“Arghh” I groaned, but instead of pulling back, I essentially started slowly fucking her thighs instead, my cock-head ramming across Sooyoung’s wet pussy lips before jutting out in front with every thrust.
“No, that’s-!” she yelped. “That’s too close,” she protested, but she couldn’t deny she got more out of it this way. My cock felt too unreal against her wetness. Instead of uttering further protest, Sooyoung lowered her head and closed her eyes, feeling my cock glide across her sensitive parts. As long as I didn’t break any rules, this couldn’t be so bad, could it? Just me jacking off between her thighs.
“Fuck,” I muttered, pounding Sooyoung’s thighs as she let me use her big tits with my hands as I slowly pushed back and forth across her slit. “This view is amazing,” I admired, staring down where my cock disappeared below her, seeing her ass ripple with each thrust.
“I- you gotta be careful, baby,” Sooyoung breathed, closing her eyes as she enjoyed the pressure I put on her front entrance, brushing her pussy lips with every thrust. “Too close, baby, watch- oh my goodness, you’re big,” she warned.
Her hips were shaking violently with need as I continued humping between her thick thighs and squeezing her hefty chest. She felt my length hit her lower lips again and shuddered with pleasure.
“Your- cock feels- too good,” she whimpered as I thrusted back and forth. Would she be able to have an orgasm like this? She shivered with anticipation.
It was not long before I reached over with my left hand to support myself on the wall, while my right hand moved down below to guide my cock on her opening. At the touch of my swollen head directly between her pussy lips, Sooyoung gasped.
“Minho,” she pleaded.
However, calling my name wouldn’t stop me. Not that she truly wanted to. Perhaps her hesitation was genuine and she did not want me to stop. I pushed upwards as the head of my cock sank inside her. She wanted to cry out and plead, ask me to pull out, not wanting to break her marriage vows, yet the feeling was simply too amazing. Instead of words of protest, she groaned in agony, as the rest of my dick eased further into her tight entrance, my cock splitting her wet swollen pussy lips apart. Sooyoung shook her head violently, my throbbing length almost becoming all-consuming.
“Minho, please,” she whispered.
Sooyoung wasn’t sure what she pleaded for. She kept saying my name, pleading and moaning as I continued sliding my cock inside her, burrowing further with each thrust. Her soft folds were splitting in half from the sheer girth, her hole being forced to take my dick in. It was more intense than she had ever been with Hyoseob, and I was just a bit over halfway in.
Her fingers tightened on the wall and a lustful gasp escaped her parted lips.
“Careful... you’re so big,” Sooyoung said, sealing her fate.
“I’ll treat you right, make you feel good. No one has to know.” I moaned in her ear.
I started pumping harder, my member moving with purpose, plowing past more and more my length between her lips.
“That’s- so fucking big, Minho,” Sooyoung moaned, getting lost in the passion, slowly pushing her hips against my cock, my thick head burrowing into her soft canal. “Ffffuuck, fuck me. Fuck meee.”
“Shh, it’s alright,” I whispered reassuringly as I slammed my meat home, eventually fully buried myself into my sexy, busty teacher. Her moist tunnel opened up, inviting me deeper into her. I groaned, loving how her warmth spread against my length and encircled my hard, throbbing cock.
Sooyoung screamed from pure bliss as her first orgasm ripped through her, her cries bouncing against the shower wall. Her breath escaped in sharp little gasps, and her stomach convulsed each time her entire frame jolted from my thrusts.
“Yes! Yes! Fucking... Ma-make me cum!” she cried out, clawing at the slick tiled wall as I took advantage and quickly established a rapid, pulsating rhythm. My grunts and pants were filled with need, desperation for relief.
“Yes, that’s- ah... that’s the spot... that’s it,” Sooyoung panted, bracing herself against the wall, my pace now picking up with ease as her wet walls lubricated the large intruder. She leaned against the tile with her head bent and her hands on the wall, gasping as she accepted all of me with every pump, hitting all her right spots.
“Come on, you fucking slut,” I groaned, my hands holding her waist as I was dominating Sooyoung’s insides with my cock. I fucked her relentlessly.
The noise of flesh hitting together was unbearable, the echo of Sooyoung’s big, firm, juicy ass taking my powerful poundings. I pummeled her for minutes, not stopping, nor I slower, and all of my grunting, panting, and hissing were accompanied by wet, sloppy sounds from between her legs.
Sooyoung was dizzy with bliss, barely standing, her head spinning from the intensity of it all. The way I expertly manipulated my erection inside her was criminal, but right then she didn’t care, she was only focused on my veiny member pistoning her soft cunt, making her quiver.
“You love my cock in your tight, dripping, little married pussy, don’t you, slut?” I grunted in her ear.
“Fuckk, that’s- soo good, ungghh my god, you’re so big…” Sooyoung groaned, shuddering in absolute satisfaction. She reached back with a free hand to my rear. Her nails dug into my ass-cheeks as I did not cease hammering her from behind, grunting my agreement to her words.
I pulled out of her, leaving an empty feeling within her. Luckily it was short-lived as I spun her around, then without much fanfare I pushed her against the shower wall, hiked her legs around my waist, and lined up my cock head against her soaking hole once more.
She hissed as I pressed my meat against her, the mushroom head slowly pushing at the entrance of her cunt. Sooyoung squinted her eyes closed and clamped her teeth hard into her lips as I parted her delicate pussy lips with my cock.
I kept a slow and torturous pace as I finally made it inside her. Her beautiful, slutty mouth opened but nothing came out of her lips but soft, choppy breaths as my cock speared deep, the big mushroom head finally battering her womb. I felt extra big in this position, as she was folded between the wall and me with nowhere to go but deep, deeper. She cried out as a small orgasm rippled through her, shaking and arching her spine.
“You love it deep like this, don’t you? Huh, slut? You love my cock stretching you,” I growled in her ear.
“Ohh god- Yes!” Sooyoung answered in a loud whisper. “It feels sooo good.”
I pounded her mercilessly, my cock sawing her in half, her tits pressing firmly against my chest.
“Fuckk… you’re so huge- Minho,” Sooyoung gasped. Her legs wrapped tighter around my waist, squeezing against my waist. “How can you be- this big? this- nghh- fuck!”
“Bigger than- ah- your husband?” I asked.
I thrusts harder and faster, feeling a desperate need to release.
“Ungh! Fuck, yes! Yes!” She admitted.
“Reaching deeper than you’re used to?!”
“Fuck- yes! ahh” Sooyoung squealed.
“Beg for it, slut.” I breathed huskily as I wrapped my arms around her back and pressed her body even closer, pushing myself balls deep.
“F-fuck me, Minho! Ruin me. Make me- cum,” she begged, clutching my back as she clung for dear life.
Just as the word escaped her lips, my lips were on hers. Sooyoung’s mind froze in a confused whirl. Her eyes went wide, yet she found herself kissing me back. Her nails dug into my back, dragging across, and I flinched at the sensation, but my lips did not part from hers.
I groaned as I pumped her harder, my hands tightly squeezing at her supple ass.
“So good- you’re so good at this. Oh god, I’ve never done it like this...” she kept rambling with her soft voice, panting, but still seemingly holding out, her tight walls compressing around my thick, cock. She looked so adorable, trying so hard. I wanted nothing more than to see her resolve break and have her surrender completely.
“Any regrets?” I taunted.
“Nnhgh,” she grunted, “no, baby. You feel so f-fucking gooo-hd-d-ah, Minho.”
“You gonna let me fuck you again after today?” I asked.
“Why do- nghh- why do you talk so dirty to me, Minho? Why?”
“Your husband hasn’t fucked you like this, has he?” I teased.
“Fuck. No. Not like- mnghh,” Sooyoung cried.
“Because he’s not enough to keep this needy pussy satisfied?”
“Just- fuck- just make- anhh- make me cum, baby,” Sooyoung whimpered.
 “You fucking hot little slut, take it. You’re a dirty, cheating whore, aren’t you? Your pussy has been craving my cock since day one hah"
I let her down, spinning her towards the wall again. I needed to cum, but couldn’t hold her up anymore. She willingly pressed her tits and face into the wall and arched her back as she offered herself once more.
Sooyoung lifted a leg, opening herself for me as my hands came back to her ass, gripping at her waist, digging my fingers into her flesh. A second later, my cock head was knocking at her soft, velvet chamber again.
“Baby- baby… oh god,” she was whimpering as her pussy dripped wetness, my hands playing with her big fat ass, fondling and kneading it. The sweet music of her lust echoed through the hall, her hands scraping on the wall, my breath ragged and strained as I slammed myself into her.
“Say it!” I demanded. “You’ll let me fuck you again after today!?”
I was on the verge myself, slamming her hard, my cock spearing her well-fucked pussy mercilessly. Her whimpers had turned into pitiful wails of sexual depravity, unable to form words in her mouth.
“Baby… honey,” she whispered with a wince of painful bliss, “God- I’m gonna- Ahh, oh my- please-”
“Fuckkk, cum on my cock.” I growl.
My relentless thrusts hammered her sensitive canal. I plunged deeper as she leaned against the wall, thrusting back at me. I groaned, feeling my own orgasm roar to the forefront, preparing itself. I gave her one last thrust.
Sooyoung suddenly went silent, I felt my cock swell inside her before my tip detonated, unleashing a torrent of sperm directly into her pussy. It was a monstrous eruption, spraying deep, hard jets of thick, milky, white cum, filling up Sooyoung, bathing her insides.
She went limp, yet the intense and abrupt waves of pleasure overwhelmed her, making her clench hard around my girth, milking me and contracting as she came right along with me in vigorous passion.
I kept myself deep inside her, depositing more and more cum inside her womb. I clutched her breasts for leverage and groaned as the last parts of my cum spilled into her married pussy. I took deep breaths as my load began to leak past her stretched and plugged entrance.
“Fuu- uck,” she exclaimed as a spurt of cum streamed out from her.
Her body shook against mine and she lifted her leg, groaning, feeling herself full of cum. I slowly began to pull my dick out, until it finally exited her well fucked pussy with a soft ‘‘poppp’.
More seed streamed out, my sperm pouring down her legs, white fluids gathering below her on the tiled ground. She fell to her knees, spent, not able to remain standing any longer, having her legs give way.
“I can’t- believe we just did that,” Sooyoung said in despair.
She swore she wouldn’t, yet, she succumbed to her dark desires. She had broken the most important rule, and happily so... but now it didn’t feel happy at all. And she had let me have her in such a slutty way too, having let go of the intimacy of sex for the sake of my cock filling her up. It was shameless, animalistic- and utterly mind-blowing. Sooyoung had not even felt such mind-numbing, toe-curling pleasure like that before, ever. And with me not having recorded this time... she knew it was just for her. Sooyoung shuddered as my cum dribbled down her shaking legs.
I helped her off the floor. The hot spray washed over her head, slicking her hair. Her thighs and buttocks were stained with my semen, making her flinch and curse my name.
“Why’d you break the rules?” she said in a shaky voice. I held my hands up defensively.
“Hey, you wanted it just as much as I do” I retorted.
To Sooyoung’s horror, she knew I was right. “But it doesn’t change the fact that you... that we...”
“Should do it again,” I concluded. Sooyoung’s eyes flashed up to meet mine. “Hey, listen. I’m pretty sure Hyoseob wouldn’t mind.”
“But I mind!” Sooyoung replied, somewhat angrily. “It doesn’t matter whether he’d approve or not, I’m a married woman, and proudly so. You shouldn’t have gotten inside me.”
“Okay, okay,” I relented.
“Sex is supposed to be special and... intimate, not just some- fuck,” she went on. “I hate that you could make me throw all that away. Damn you, Minho!”
“Come on, Sooyoung,” I responded. “You’re talking about making love. All we did was have some fun. Two consenting adults having their carnal needs satisfied.”
“You say it as if it were so easy,” she spat.
“It is easy,” I said. “C’mon, you love Hyoseob, but you can’t deny you enjoyed getting fucked like that. Nothing’s wrong with enjoying yourself a bit. Hyoseob will go nuts once you tell him about this!”
“Tell him? I can’t possibly tell him about this!” Sooyoung argued.
“Of course you can,” I said. I just wanted it to continue, and for that to happen, it was in my best interest to help get Sooyoung over her reservations. “You have to. Just tell him how horny you were, that I caught you masturbating in the shower... and that it was too good to resist.”
“I... I guess you’re right,” Sooyoung sighed. It made sense. The rules were there to keep them honest, so honesty was the only course of action.
“No problem,” I said reassuringly. “Need any help cleaning off na’am? I think you need it,” I teased.
“God, why do you keep doing that?” Sooyoung scolded, giving my chest a playful slap.
But she did have to admit she felt better after our little talk. Who knew I would be a consoling type?
“Would you want me to help?” I asked. “…or is that against the rules?”
I ended up eating her out once more before we finished the shower, and soon we found ourselves in her car.
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“How you feeling?” I asked earnestly.
“I’m better now,” Sooyoung replied, about to turn the engine on.
“Glad I could help, If you’re ever in the mood again. you know where to find me.” I said.
Sooyoung nodded. She was slightly nervous that if she had my company more, her resolve would crack and break again. She just couldn’t imagine sleeping with a guy like me again, her student. It was a mistake... yet she was still hesitating to start the engine. And I noticed.
“Unless you want it right now?” I suggested, leaning close. I was good, so good, it made her tingle everywhere.
“Minho, not here. Please,” Sooyoung plead.
I pulled up my hand towards her thighs, caressing it. “Lean your seat back, I’ll take care of you.”
Her resolve crumbled, once again, as she quietly allowed me to rub her thighs, my hand soon reaching under the hem. Soon enough I had my fingers inside her, pumping her loose with my finger. Sooyoung’s legs quivered, the nervous excitement building inside her. We could be caught at any moment, but it was impossible to resist. my practiced touches. Especially now that she knew how good it could be. Sooyoung even lifted her ass up to let me slide her tight yoga pants down and off her legs.
Soon she heard the familiar rustle of a zipper, followed by a noticeable change in pressure in the confined space. My hardening member popped free from its tight prison. I was hard, She reached down and pulled a lever allowing her to push her seat and arch the back down, giving me space enough to climb on top of her and line her pussy up with my swollen head. She spread her legs invitingly, I pushed inside, kissing her mouth to muffle the noise.
“No one will know,” I reassured her as my length eased further and further in. She trembled in delight when the entirety was within. She loved every inch of it, as my cock caressed her cervix with each slow thrust. “Fuck- Sooyoung,” I muttered.
She laid back against the cool leather as I thrust with such vigor. Sooyoung hated her body betraying her. She couldn’t think straight when my dick was filling her, hitting all of her spots. She could feel the pressure build rapidly inside her as I grunted and leaned forward, panting. My breath brushed her face as she gripped my rear in desperation and urged me as to fucking her harder, to satisfy her need.
We were right in the school’s parking lot, Sooyoung spreading and wrapping her legs, letting me defile her marriage pussy yet again... and she was so close to climax already.
“God- I really hope Hyoseob is okay with this,” Sooyoung whimpered. “Cause I’m dying for more of this.”
“Trust me,” I panted, “I- Oh, fuck- He’ll be fine. He’s probably at home, touching himself, thinking about this.”
‘‘That shouldn’t be making me so damn wet,’ Sooyoung thought to herself, yet the image of Hyoseob jacking off over what had happened with me, of him agreeing that his wife student’s should defile and breed his beautiful wife, only pushed her closer and closer to her climax.
“Oh god,” Sooyoung moaned.
“And if he isn’t okay with this, are you gonna let me fuck you again?” I asked.
“Unghh,” she growled, nodding.
“Say it,” I taunted, as my cock plowed her cunt deeper.
“Mnghh,” Sooyoung let out in reply, not even trying to stifle her lustful moans anymore. “Yes- god, yess. Fuck me whenever you want! Just keep- Fuckk!”
Her hands are buried in my hair, pulling me closer as her moans were getting louder. Her orgasm that had been brewing exploded, rushing through her. Sooyoung bit her lip, trying to contain herself as I picked up my pace, trying to catch my own release. My thrusting and pounding didn’t stop, however, my cock was beginning to throb, and her pussy walls quivered.
“Cum- inside me,” she pleaded, “I need it. Please-”
She tried to press her hips harder against me, feeling my length expanding, thickening, pulsing wildly within her as my thrusting became almost desperate.
“Please- Minho, inside. I want you to- knock me up” Sooyoung pleaded.
She felt a hot gush inside her, the warmth spreading around her pussy. Sooyoung shuddered with anticipation. I had pumped another massive load deep within her, my length completely hilting, delivering the ropes deep inside. The pleasure rippled across her body, her womb quivering around my large appendage.
When everything is done.
“Knock you up?” I asked.
“Just dirty talk... I’m on the pill, but it’s something Hyoseob likes me saying,” Sooyoung said, surrendering yet another aspect. “Just like when- you ask me to continue even if Hyoseob says no. Heat of the moment.” She added.
Sooyoung said that, though deep in her heart she wondered how much of the latter was true. Was it just a talk? Would she be able to resist Minho if Hyoseob said no? Sooyoung was not sure she wanted to find out. She’d had the best sex of her life with Minho and she knew she would have been crushed if Hyoseob said no to sharing her.
It was wrong, but she knew she wanted more. She just hoped she’d be strong enough if Hyoseob decided to pull the plug. She had a week to find out before seeing Minho again.
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sureallavnder · 9 months
18+ mdni
Theodore - Theodore Nott
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mine part 2 - SMUT ALL THE SMUT
song partially inspired - daddy issued by the nieghbourhood
warnings - oral (f recieving), hand on neck, theo holding your wrists, dom!theo, a little aftercare, slaps on ass/thigh
You were his baby girl and he wouldn't let you forget it, so frail. He loved the control he had over you.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
Dragging you into his dorm room with a force only Theo could possess. He locked the door behind you while spinning you round to hold you against his hips.
Trailing his hands with prominent viens between your perky breasts and down your stomach he gripped at your body randomly as a little reminder.
You were aching for his touch, honestly thinking you've never been this desperate in your life. He knew this and made it very clear he wasn't going to be quick.
Theo loved teasing, he especially loved when you used his full name. 'Theodore' was what he always wanted to be called while he was fucking your brains out or 'treating you' as he called it.
''Now i think its very imortant that i remind you who the fuck you belong to, isn't that right little girl'' he smirked ferociously.
Theo knew exacatly what turned you on, he knew you better than anyone else. Inside and out (literally).
The love of your life suddenly threw you onto his dorm bed. You gripped at the sheets with anticipation, not knowing what he was going to do next.
But you should've guessed...
Theo rushly pulled you to the edge of the bed, putting your legs over his muscular shoulders. Ripping your panties apart with all the determination in the world. He ploughed his face into your dripping pussy, licking and sucking messily. The one way Theo loved to make you cum was eating you out, your juices covering his tongue. Maybe he'd add some fingering if he was feeling generous (which wasn't very often).
''Theo... please'' you begged him to make you cum.
Stopping, with a harsh slap to your upper thigh. ''Excuse you. What do you call me?'' He wasn't going to keep going until you understood he wasn't playing this time.
''Theodore'' you whimpered.
Putting his face back on your cunt ''Better'' he mastered.
Theo let go of your pussy which was in desprate need of his touch. Turning you over and pulling you onto your knees, face down, he pulled your hands behind your back as he knows you move too much.
With his other hand he undid his belt and slowly pulled it out of the loops on his black jeans. Placing it beside you where you could see it 'just in case'.
''Theodore stop teasing'' you had never been this in need of him and his teasing wasn't helping.
''Not a chance baby'' he laughed at your desperation.
Moving onto his jeans which fit perfectly round his body, he embarrassingly struggled to undo the button and zip with just one hand. But he wasn't going to let you know that.
Eventually he manged, pulling his jeans down to his knees. He grabbed his thick shaft and teased your opening with just the tip.
''THEO'' you screamed at him.
A fast and hard slap reaches your ass. ''Do i have to remind you every fucking time?''
''No sorry... Theodore i need you.'' you didn't know how to get him to fuck you faster.
He leant forward and snuck a hand round your neck nibbling your ear lobe.
''Beg me'' he whispered in your ear, slightly moaning.
You started begging in every way you knew how, moaning and squirming (which he put a stop to quickly). He let you beg for a couple minutes before slowly pushing deep inside.
He started pounding slow and steading but speeding up quickly.
His pounding lasting, still grabbing your neck.
With a couple slaps and grabs to your ass with his free hand, it didn't take you long to reach your climax...
Theo could tell you were close and, wanting to cum with you, he decided he would let you cum today.
''Cum with me'' Theo was demading more than anything.
With some moans and a bit more fucking, you came together, moans intertwined. Theo moaning, and spilling out some 'fucks' and 'shits', directly in your ear as he hadn't left your side. Hand still on your neck.
He released his hand from your neck, pushing himself up, and slowly pulled out as you were super sensitive. You collapsed on the bed and Theo snuggled up to your side hand around your chest cupping your face stroking gently.
''You did so good baby'' he smiles as he says this.
You cuddled like this for the rest of the evening before fianlly getting up to change into pyjamas. You stayed in Theo's dorm that night cuddling while he said sweet nothing to you as you fell asleep.
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lilacstro · 3 months
i have met a few amazing professional astrologers until now, here's what I have seen and learnt (life tips edition)
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hey, its been a while since I posted anything :) a lil diff from my prev posts, this post is an observation series from the astrologers I have met. All of them, were absolutely wonderful and powerful having years of practice, some of them even having connections to influential people. My family had several connections to them because of my mother and grandmother, and basically where I am from. I am telling most generic things I have learnt while talking to them so anyone can use them as they please :)
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1.If you want to succeed with education, learning, passing some important exam and things like that, strengthen your mercury. One of the simple things you can do is, feed green to birds and animals or water plants. Could even be learning a new language
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2. Always keep your hands, and heels moisturized. It helps for a good venus.
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3. If you are someone who likes wearing black all the time, I would suggest adding some light coloured clothes to your wardrobe. If you absolutely cannot, add colours like brown, dark maroon etc.
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4.Reminds me, avoid wearing black on special days, like your birthday.
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5. If you can wear silver ornaments, please do. Wearing silver ring (check what is the right placement) or earrings, helps strengthen the moon, and helps regulate mind, and brings good luck.
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6. If you want a stronger Jupiter, wear gold. If its possible, avoid meat on Thursdays.
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7. Helping poor people, or helping anyone in general, especially women, strengthens Saturn. If possible, consider doing this every Saturday, can even be as small as feeding the stray dogs.
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8.Reminds me, disrespecting women, is one of the worst things you can do. Not only it is morally wrong, it weakens to your Saturn to a degree where you will start to loose all your material wealth. SEEN THIS 11/10 TIMES FR.
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9. Cut your nails, and put them in the soil. Maybe have a separate pot with soil and put it in there. My mother met an astrologer yesterday and this is what he said "Your nails carry energy. When you cut them off, they look for their way back to the source. When you put a dead person under the grave, the first thing that happens is the growth of nails. Disposing them in the wrong places can have very bad effects, like a bad health or luck"
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10. IF its possible, try cutting your nails, every friday.
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11.Avoid eating at places of strangers or people you arent much aware about. Food made at any body's home has energy, and if you dont know about the person, its generally a bad idea to do that.
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12. I dont know how many people know this but your name carries energy. Thats why sometimes, its suggested to change a few alphabets in your name. The way your birth numbers and name numbers synchronize is supposed to have some effect on your life. I learnt this when I met a very amazing astrologer, when he was using my name to find numbers. He showed me how exactly this works
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13. Having a strong sun can lead to a good career growth. One of the ways to do so, is wake up before the sunrise, bath before the sunrise. Avoid eating at sunsets , always keeping your home well lit at sunsets.
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14. Excessive use of substances is often related to a bad NN. NN is one of the things that defines your purpose, material wealth, unexpected changes that come (good or bad) and your decision making skills. Having a bad NN is often considered to make you act stupid, reckless, lose your money or status amongst others. Want a bad or weak North Node? please keep your home dirty, especially your kitchen and bathroom /use your footwears all inside your home and never keep your plates back into the kitchen after meals and leave them at the table unattended :)
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15.Not keeping a good personal hygiene is again a bad Venus. Also, use of perfumes or fragrances can help somewhat with strengthening your Venus.
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There is more but that's all i remember for now. Remember all of this is from a personal point of view and if you feel any of this conflicts with your morals, ethics or religion, please be free to ignore it, although I tried to keep this cut and clean as much as possible. This is from my experience and what I have seen and learnt. Astrology does affect your life but to a limit, although, I have seen a lot of this, I still believe a lot of your life is free will. Have good morals, do good, receive good. None of this works if you're downright evil lol.
support me on ko-fi :)
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all the best, leave post suggestions or feedbacks as you like :).
i love you all
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katy-l-wood · 2 years
I've seen a lot of posts welcoming new Tumblr users, but I haven't seen any welcoming old users BACK. So, if you're returning, here's some fun new stuff Tumblr has added. Some of this may be desktop only right now, but Tumblr has been very good about migrating features to mobile without too much delay. I'm also primarily a desktop user, so some buttons may be in different spots on mobile.
You can now turn off reblogs on your posts, even the old ones. Click on the little gear icon at the top of the post window and towards the bottom to set reblogs to "anyone" or "no one."
You can have up to 30 images in a post now! Just be sure to be respectful and tag it as a long post.
Speaking of long posts, you can now set tumblr to automatically shorten anything over a certain length. It's under Settings>Dashboard.
Tumblr now has content labels, which is what has allowed them to bring back mature content art. These are important, so please use them. You can turn them on on each post individually by clicking the "everyone" drop down next to the "post now" button. And you can control how your dashboard shows or doesn't show labeled posts by going to Settings>Account.
You can now filter tags and post content via tumblr itself without using something like XKit! This is also under Settings>Account.
Tumblr offers an ad-free subscription now. $40 a year. If you love this little hellsite, this is a great way to show support!
Tumblr also allows users to pay to turn their posts into ads now. It's called blazing a post. It is great fun and generally hilarious. You have no control over your audience. You're just yeeting your post, of any sort, not just advertising, off into the void. An ad-free subscription hides these posts, but you can in fact turn blazed posts specifically back on while blocking the rest of the ads. Blaze a post by clicking on the little flame icon at the bottom. You can only blaze your own posts.
You can buy fun little tchotchkys for your dashboard and, sometimes, the dashboards of others. Right now we've got crabs, a horse that shits everywhere, and the super special double blue checkmarks. These are just fun little things to play with.
You can now enable tipping on your blog/individual posts. Totally optional, of course, but can be useful if you're a creator.
Staff has been a lot more active this last year, so if you want to keep up with what is going on be sure to follow @staff, @changes, and @wip.
That's all I can think of. Everyone else is free to add to this!
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