#if anyone who can draw those things wants to take this idea pls do
knockknockitsnickels · 4 months
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Gundam Horse Girl AU
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ryuichirou · 4 months
But also some news!
First of all, I wanted to remind you that my pricelist will be updated by the end of the week, so please feel free to message me if you want to take a slot to commission me with my current prices!
Second of all, we got our twitter account back! We ended up deleting that one post that twitter didn’t like (yes, the one that doesn’t have anything explicit or any nudity on it), which obviously sucks, but at least now we can jump back to posting more or less regularly.
And now that this situation is over, I can say about the thing that honestly tickled me: the last person who wrote a callout post on me right before our acc got locked (=the person who very likely caused the massreporting in the first place) got accused of grooming a 13 y.o. and had their account terminated the very next day. What a great illustration of how the fandom climate works, right? Hilarious.
Alright, replies replies. Some about Fellow and Gidel, some about Rook, Idia, a little bit of Lilia and some miscellaneous asks.
Anonymous asked:
wait, Fellow is it a good idea for Gidel to write?? Isn't he illiterate?? (I might be wrong on the writing part, but I'm pretty sure Gidel is said to be unable to speak because he didn't get an education :(, r.i.p to the poor boy)
But look at it, Anon! He clearly writes, and like a typical doctor as well! A highly educated man!
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(Yeah, Gidel doesn’t know how to write lol I am not sure if Fellow is super literate either… just like the characters they are inspired by lol)
Anonymous asked:
I want to bite Idia’s thighs but I also want to nibble Lilia’s legs courtesy of your pic of him in those delicious Playful Land tights 😩
(this is about a sketch from ko-fi)
They really are nibbleable… nibbable… one would want to nib on them. And Lilia knows that :(
Thank you <3
irregardlessly-tish asked:
Since you started posting Fellow art I said to myself "I guess I'm watching that event now so I can look at the art and think yeah, he would totally get gang banged by them" lol
Tish! You’re great as always lol I hope you enjoy it as much as we did.
Fellow is so breedable it’s insane. I can’t help it.
unofficialwheatdog asked:
I'm gonna snatch Fellow away from everyone
Like that my husband, he fluffiness mine and mine alone
Mwah mwah to Fellow I wove him and the way you draw him
he's too good for them but ruined enough for me(lol me in my possessive era)
Omg real possessive era lol I get it, he really is fluffy to the point of leaving one speechless. But please understand, these boys can’t hold back at all… :( Be kinder them, they can’t help it!
I’m glad you love how I draw him <3
Anonymous asked:
Curious, u do non con/ rape art?
Pls tag if yes, I wanna see
I do, but I also don’t remember any recent noncon piece to tag anything lol I am definitely not opposed to it, and a lot of our nsfw pieces have at least dub-con vibes. I guess that one general!Lilia/Idia piece comes to mind first! And octopus!Azul/Idia that I drew for the same zine…
Maybe it would be easier to look through my pixiv logs; all the nsfw pieces are usually closer to the end of the log.
Anonymous asked:
You know I never had interest in drawing nsfw, I started a fanart blog with the intent of just making cute/cool sfw pieces maybe some ship stuff. However I am sick and tired of watching the twst fandom affect the mental health of my friends. And I know at least one of my ships will be threatened even if they just hold hands.
So here’s my plan: if I start receiving hate I will make an announcement: if I reach a particular milestone of hate I will learn to draw nsfw. I will make them kiss harder. Harass me and I will become worse.
Fr tho I want to be the brave idiot in the hope that others won’t feel alone.
Sorry for the late reply! Anon, you are already brave lol I like your plan. Become worse to spite them! And to support everyone who is harassed. And to have fun of course.
I wish you and your friends and anyone else didn’t have to worry about being harassed because of your ships. So please, take care of yourself, but also? Fuck them; draw and post whatever you want to make yourself and your friends happier and enjoy the fandom experience that you and your friends create.
Anonymous asked:
"something's missing..." might be your shirt rook, idk tho 🤔
(this is about this drawing)
Oh no, he forgot his shirt again. And no one at Savanaclaw is brave enough to tell him.
Anonymous asked:
 I remember that Savannaclaw Rook only cut his hair with a knife, soooo, yeah. How do you think first year Rook would respond to first year Idia and vice versa?
Honestly it looks like it lol He and Lilia have something in common…
We love first year Rook with first year Idia so much, Anon, you have no idea! And Rook/Idia in general, this is one of the things that I really want to draw properly at least once. For now we only have sketches…
But to answer your question! I like to think that Rook was very intrigued by Idia right away; of course Idia isn’t a beastman, but he is not only super bright and shiny-looking (unusual! Interesting!), but also is a very rare pokemon to see. It’s very easy to picture Rook getting excited and charmed by him, maybe he even had a period of a little obsession~ But of course none of this is in any way returned by Idia; to him being suddenly surrounded by so many loud and annoying people his age is already stressful enough, but Rook is somehow worse than all of them combined. He hates everyone from Savanaclaw, but they’re usually just rude jerks, but Rook? If only he was a rude jerk…
Anonymous asked:
Chen’ya, are you flashing people on purpose? What are you gonna do if someone likes it?
(related to this post)
Knowing Che’nya, he’ll probably disappear lol Never let them guess your next move. They liked it? Too bad. They didn’t like it? Oh too bad… >:3
Sometimes he is in a flirty mood though~
Anonymous asked:
I’m surprised Lilia doesn’t also spank Idia to punish him
He really should, and his spanks wouldn’t be as murderous as Azul’s! Idia is going to receive punishment AND survive!
I can picture Lilia stopping mid-spank with the realisation though: oh right, this isn’t his kid, this is Idia…
Anonymous asked:
(tw: self-harm)
this might be a bit dark but i’m curious: do you think idia self-harms? every now and then, i see ppl draw him with SH scars. i’ve never been able to decide if it feels like him or not. punishing himself, hating himself, wanting to control this one aspect of his life bc he can’t control anything else sound like idia, but also, being too resigned, lazy, or phobic of pain also sound like idia… little nutjob he is 😒 thoughts?
This is such a good question, Anon. It’s honestly still kind of easy to imagine him doing that. He punishes himself constantly, and while I don’t think this is necessarily about control, this absolutely could be about wanting to make himself feel even worse or to distract himself from the other kind of deep pain he’s feeling. Since we’re talking about a character here, as an artist I can also add that seeing him this way could be aesthetically pleasing, there are some very good artworks with this theme.
That being said, we usually tend to think that Idia wouldn’t do that. I agree that Idia being phobic of pain sounds very like him, but also? He is very detached from the physical side of things in general, I think. He would rather torment himself mentally.
Another reason for Idia and selfharm not really working in our heads is that I don’t think Ortho would let him. He is very sensitive to changes in his health condition after all.
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vpyre · 3 months
New pinned post! Finally!!
Haven’t made one of these in a while, but I’m a good deal more active nowadays so I think it’s a good idea to introduce my blog and stuff. I typically just reblog things, but I do write the occasional fanfic and draw the extremely rare fanart.
I made a little get-to-know-me strawpage thing :3
My Linktree with my etsy, twitter, instagram, tumblr, and ao3 :D
Posts by me are tagged #vpyre’s verbosity, my writing is tagged #my writing, and my art is tagged #my art (most of it is old and kinda shit, but eh whatever). I try to tag different fandoms, so feel free to block tags you aren’t interested in :)
I made a Discord server for people who love Copia! It also has channels for anyone who likes the other papas and the ghouls :3
I have a new sideblog if any mutuals/followers wanna join me over there! It’s @vpyre-hornyposting and it’s where I’m gonna be posting my NSFW thoughts about whatever characters I’m into and receiving asks from anyone who wants to share in the horny.
My AO3 page is here. For ease of access, I’ll also individually link all my fics (both the ao3 and tumblr versions) and headcanons in a masterlist here:
Black Butler HCs
Grelle Sutcliff/switch!fem!Reader smut hcs (June 2024) || Tumblr
Ghost Fics
A Quick Taste (August 2024) - gn!Reader/Copia smut fic || Tumblr • AO3
Can You Feel Me Longing for You (forever) (July 2024) - gn!Reader/Copia smut fic || Tumblr • AO3
Good Things Come to Those Who Wait (Oct. 2022) - Dewdrop Ghoul/transmasc!submissive!Reader smut oneshot (request) || Tumblr • AO3
Hannibal Fics
The Taste of Iron (May 2024) - Hannigram smut ficlet || Tumblr • AO3
The Truman Show Fics
all i want is to take care of you (July 2022)- gn!Reader/Truman Burbank smut oneshot || AO3
Five Nights at Freddy’s (and related franchises) Fics
Closer (Feb. 2022) - trans!gn!Reader/transman!Michael Afton smut oneshot || AO3
When In Doubt, Ask Him Out! (Nov. 2021) - transman!Michael Afton/Charlie Emily oneshot (request) || Tumblr • AO3
What Makes a Monster (Nov. 2021) - Felix Kranken & William Afton horror (kinda) oneshot (request) || Tumblr • AO3
If Holding You Will Heal You, I Never Wanna Let You Go (Nov. 2021) - extremely angsty hurt/comfort (cut me some slack here, I was a teenager lmao) nonbinary!Reader/Michael Afton oneshot || Tumblr • AO3
Dress-Up Makes Everything Better! (Nov. 2021) - transman!Michael & Elizabeth Afton cutesy sibling fluff oneshot (request) || Tumblr • AO3
The One You Should Not Have Killed (Nov. 2021) - Cassidy & William Afton horror/angst oneshot (request) || Tumblr • AO3
‘cause everything else is a substitute for your love (Nov. 2021) - gn!Reader/transman!Michael Afton smut fic (two chapters) || Tumblr • AO3
The Wrong Smile (Oct. 2021) - very dark and angsty fic/thinkpiece hybrid thingamajig about the missing children || Tumblr • AO3
Black Butler Fics
No Matter How Tremulous the Flame, the Ice Will Always Melt (May 2021) - Grelle Sutcliff & William T. Spears hurt/comfort oneshot (request) || Tumblr • AO3
Stick Around (Apr. 2021) - Othello & Grelle Sutcliff fluffy-ish oneshot (request) || Tumblr • AO3
The Geek Division (Apr. 2021) - Othello & Grelle Sutcliff slightly angsty/fluffy lighthearted oneshot || Tumblr • AO3
From Above and Below, Face to Face and Behind (March 2021) - Reader/Grelle Sutcliff smut oneshot (my first finished fic ever!) || Tumblr • AO3
I think that about does it! I might add more to this if I think of something later, maybe some old WIPs if anyone is interested in that (I think it’s just some Reader/Astarion stuff I never finished).
Oh also!!! Fic requests ARE open! Go absolutely ham on my inbox pls I beg!
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okay hi stella!! this is for the matchup reqs
so for gender boy pls <3
probably blue lock for the fandom (pjsk will probably get a lot of attention and i'm highly obsessed with bllk rn if you couldn't tell lmao)
for my personality i can be rlly shy and awkward when you first meet me, but once you get close to me i'll start acting how i usually do, being friendly and silly (insane and bouncing off the walls) i am definitely an introvert but i can be extroverted to people i'm close with. i'm super insecure sometimes and i get stressed, anxious, and overwhelmed easily
good personality traits are: kind, caring, selfless, good listener, funny
bad personality traits are: too selfless (i stop caring about what i want and only listen to what other people want), annoying (sometimes), when i'm tired i get very lazy
my love language is 100% physical touch, and i like to receive words of affirmation and physical touch
i'm very sensitive to being excluded, disappointing or letting people down, and i feel guilty when people worry about me
hobbies are drawing, reading, playing violin, playing games and watching tv (anime)
some talents i have are writing, playing my violin, and i'm a pretty fast runner! ^^
i'm a-okay with any age range as long as they're a minor! (bc i'm a minor)
so i'm assuming the only characters from bllk i can be matched up with are the ones you could write for from your previous blog (which off the top of my head was isagi, bachira, chigiri, nagi, reo, and rin???) so out of those 6 i wouldn't want to be matched up with isagi or nagi
what i don't want in a partner would be them telling me off or getting mad at me over small things, or just being an ass in general
what i would want in a partner would be them being really kind and willing to help me with whatever i need, and also someone that loves me for me ^^; and will help me feel better about myself
OKAYYYY that's all ty Stella!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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` . < Bluelock Matchup No.1~! > . '
A/N: HIIII WA ER BO LE.girl. in case you didnt know, someone who is introverted around strangers/acquiantances but extroverted around friends is called an ambivert LOL. Like me :p also im sensitive to being excluded too you have no idea. We kin each other. I kin all my moots. Anyway hop you like this ! !!!!! Thank you for requesting :3
For the grand reveal, I match you up with....
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` . < Bachira Meguru~! > . '
A/N: he is literally PERFECT for you.physical affectin? ✔ words of affirmation? ✔ loves yuforo you? ✔ Helps you wuth every single thing to exist? ✔ like wow. Anyway hope you like this
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Loves how energetic you are
You guys can bounce off the walls together
You guys are actually probably high on sugar
He loves that youre selfless but he definitely stops you if you go too far
Imagine someones trying to take advantage of your kindess and hes just. Staring. at them. With that huge smile. And those scribble eyes.
Yeah he'll just scare them off
His giving love language probably physical touch so like. No worries. Hes a cuddlebug. He'd also definitely be very affirming with words. He compliments your everything.
You guys probably have races all the time just because you say youre fast. He probably introduces you to chigiri
Also he will always include if youre in a group.
Though lets be honest, you dont need anyone but him anyway
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trickstarbrave · 11 months
WIP Whenever
hiiiii i got tagged by @boethiahspillowbook
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this is what i got so far on the azura and nerevar piece. not much further bc im still trying to figure out shading and how i want it to be. oof. also unsure abt azura's halo fsr it just looks.... off on her. and i think i wanna make some of the blood a brighter red to tie in together with all the rest of the red. lots of things im considering...
also for written wips. uh.
unfortunately i only have the. fucking cursed omegaverse nerevoryn im working on. once again never consider anything as like a joke or ironically that is the devil talking and you will start doing things for real.
in my defense though omegaverse is such a wild concept that trying to go "okay but seriously how would this work in a society and why would it be this way" is actually entertaining. very fun to go "yes, and...." over and over. oh, fated mates exist? what if they weren't just a cheesy soulmates thing but had a logical explanation. how would these dynamics effect various social classes? how would different cultures be effected? i have world builder's disease clearly
ALSO i tag anyone who hasnt been tagged yet and wants to :> i cant keep up with which of my mutuals have been tagged or not.... let me see ur ideas pls
“... In all honesty,” The healer began, sounding exacerbated, “I have never seen a case like this in all my years. But there is only one answer I can come to based on everything else.”
“Go on.” Nerevar tried to keep his voice level rather than annoyed. Azura knows how terrified most people got when he was angry. 
The healer pinched the bridge of her nose. 
“How familiar are you with fated mates?” At her question, Nerevar froze, stunned, before he gave a loud bark of laughter. The healer, however, did not laugh or smile back, and instead only looked more resolute. 
“... Be serious with me.” 
“I am being serious, Lord Nerevar.” 
“Are you--are you seriously trying to say Voryn is my--”
“I understand how strange it sounds at first.” The healer cut him off. “Typically when someone meets their fated mate they determine it quickly. It only takes a few heat or rut cycles before the draw is undeniable.” She sighed once again. “I can only assume because you knew Lord Dagoth before either of you presented, the draw was less noticeable.” 
It kind of made sense, to a degree. When people wrote about fated mates it was usually that they had a scent that was undeniable. Even passing by them on the street, you couldn’t get the scent out of your head for days on end, trying to find it again and again. Even those who tried to deny it couldn’t refuse the pull forever; heats and ruts were unbearable, the longing overwhelming the pair. No one had ever recorded an account of a fated pair who knew each other prior to presenting though; fated mates were absurdly rare, after all. They were more common in fiction than real life, and only the most hopeless of romantics ever went out actually looking for one. Most people just found a mate they liked rather than chase after some destined person, and why fated mates even existed was a mystery. Did everyone have one but distance kept them from finding one? That didn’t seem likely; the most common belief was that some people were born with them--not many members of the population, anyways--and even fewer actually found their ‘other half’. Someone meeting a fated mate before presenting, when you were children not off exploring the wider world yet, was even more unlikely. How would you react if you could constantly smell and see them before either of you presented?
Dumac told him the dwemer scholars believed it had something to do with ‘reproductive compatibility’. Not that it was a mystical, god given connection like some believed, but rather those with a fated partner were less compatible with most of the population, so when they did find someone they could produce children with easily, the desire to mate was enhanced strongly. Nerevar didn’t know if he liked that explanation either though. He found the ideas the gods made destined partners to love each other forever as too romantic of an idea for reality yes, but presuming there must be something wrong with them wasn’t much better. 
It didn’t seem likely that he and Voryn could just ignore the draw for decades though, right? Surely that wouldn’t be possible. The draw was supposed to be strong, impossible to deny past a certain point.
Sure, when he was younger and Voryn was in a rut he always came by to check on him before he was shooed away, but that was just boredom. And when he was in heat Voryn would pass him notes under the door from time to time that he’d bury in the nests he made, but that was just because being in heat made him feel sensitive and sappy. Nothing more. And shouldn’t there be something more if they were a fated pair?
“Your other symptoms make me more certain of it.” The healer continued, pulling him from his thoughts.
“How so?” Nerevar raised an eyebrow. 
“It isn’t healthy for an unmated omega to be around an alpha in rut.” She replied, a fact that always made Nerevar roll his eyes. “It causes excess stress, even if it doesn’t trigger a heat. Unless you are drawn to the alpha in question as a potential partner, usually a rut is off putting, distressing, or nauseating for an unmated omega.”
“They’ve never bothered me to that extent.” Nerevar snarked.
“Precisely.” She locked eyes with him. “You handle it more akin to an omega who’s already been mated, despite not having the scent of one.” Nerevar tensed at that. He hadn’t thought of it like that in the slightest; why would he? He wasn’t mated. Anyone could smell on him that he wasn’t. “Those who have met a fated partner experience mated behaviors before the bond is even set. Rejecting other suitors, unbothered by others in a heat or rut,” She sighed. “Lord Vivec even explained you are giving off the same scent as a bonded omega whose mate is absent.” Nerevar’s cheeks flushed at that. 
“That’s--” Nerevar tensed slightly, “I wouldn’t go that far.” Surely Nerevar wasn’t. He wasn’t fucking bonded, why would he be throwing out the same scent as an omega who went into heat, begging for their mate to come tend to them? 
“You are.” She asserted, though she did have some sympathy in her gaze at least. “Unfortunately, the best I can do is, if you truly don’t want the bond, I can give you suppressants. They won’t actively stop it given you already went into heat, but they should calm some of the worst side effects.” Nerevar already knew what she was going to say next though. “But your next one will be much of the same. The side effects will continue to worsen.” Short of running away to the other side of the continent and burning anything he owned that Voryn had ever so much as touched, he would be able to smell Voryn faintly, after all. In the palace, on his belongings, anywhere Voryn had been might trigger the worst of the symptoms all over again now that he had a heat triggered by his rut no doubt. 
“At the very least, Lord Dagoth is in control of his emotions.” Voryn’s eyebrow twitched at that, his arms tightening. “You can spent ruts and heats together without actually mating, until you come to a decision on how to proceed. It should alleviate both of your struggles.” 
Shit, Nerevar hadn’t even considered what Voryn must be going through. Was his irritation and lack of eating because he subconsciously knew Nerevar was supposed to be his but wasn’t there by his side? When he was younger was that out of character, violent rage because he knew, right there in the stronghold, his mate was being kept from him? No doubt the next rut Voryn would be uncontrollable; before he could hold back because he wasn’t consciously aware of what he wanted, but now that he knew it was Nerevar… 
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hoodiehydra · 2 years
Hi🐷anon Can u pls write a Kiawe from Pokémon sun and moon xreader?
Hello 🐷 anon! Yeah, no problem, I can do that. Romance, basically. Right?
Let's start with the story.
PROMPT: Just you and Kiawe being fluffy :>
Ding dong, anyone home?
"I'm so fluffing bored!" you complained, sprawled out on your bed. Who were you talking to? No one, if we were going to be honest. It was just an average day, just going to the school, hanging out with your friends and then going back home. Boringggggggg.
No, see. Here's the thing about today. NO ONE. AND I MEAN, NO ONE. was free today. AND IT'S ONLY 3 PM!
By now, you would have rang Lillie to maybe play with Snowy or y/s/p (your starter pokémon) or maybe join Mallow in cooking some new dish. At some point, Hau or Gladion battling with you wouldn’t sound like a bad idea to pass the time. Maybe even Lana, or Ash could have asked you to hang out and hell, you would have said yes in a heartbeat.
Honestly, why wouldn't you say yes.
And you were so bored, super bored. Honestly, at this point you would have screamed into a pillow to pass the time. ACTUALLY, YOU COULD DO THAT YEAH WHERES THE PILLOW-
Knock knock
And who could that be? You checked your phone. You had no arrangements or plans, and it was currently 3:30. Who could it be to save you from your boredom?
You were gingerly walking down the stairs of your home, afraid of what? I have no idea. This place was safe. Safe. Totally safe.
You quietly opened the door, the door creaking just a little. Yeah, you were expecting maybe Sophocles to take you to who knows where, just for science reasons.
Not this.
Your face was just pure shock, or surprise. You didn’t expect it at least, no. You would have never thought this would have happened. Throat dry, you asked, “What are you doing here, Kiawe?”
The tanner boy had his usual smile on his face along with a hint of pink dusted on his cheeks. You could have died right then and there. So, not only were you in your home clothing, looking like a basic, boring person, but your crush was the one who witnessed it. Not to mention, he was looking really cute.
“I was wondering if you would like to have a pokémon battle with me? Y’know, for training.” Kiawe replied, hope lacing his tone.
You, of course, instantly agreed. Two reasons: boredom, and because who would give up their chance to spend time with their crush?
After you agreed, Kiawe dragged you out of your house, not giving you any time to change. As much as you wanted to look a little nicer at least, the boy was already pulling you out the door by the hand and brought you to a nearby battlefield.
After reaching the field, neither of you wasted any time and brought out your pokémon. The battle didn’t last long, but it was very intense, and entertaining. It eventually resulted in a draw, and while you shook hands, you could only mumble a small “Thank you for the battle”. It’s not that you were disappointed that you didn’t win, well, maybe a little, but- yeah you were just disappointed that you didn’t win. You were also feeling a bit embarrassed that you had lost to him.
Kiawe noticed the change in tone, and asked, “Hey, Y/N, why are you always mumbling around me? Do you not like me?”
Those words shocked you. How could he say that? Who wouldn’t like him?
You shook your head immediately, saying, “No! How could you even think that? Who wouldn’t like you?” At this point, you were so taken aback by his words, that you couldn’t stop yourself before you went too far.
“Kiawe, you don’t understand. I really like you, more than a friend, and I was just feeling nervous around you, and-” you stopped yourself. You had said way too much by now, you didn’t want to mess anything up even more. You shook your head, and quickly added on, “I’m so sorry, I don’t know what happened to me, let’s forget this ever happened.”
Kiawe was… surprised. He looked in confusion, and asked, “Why would I want to forget this? It’s not all the time where your crush would confess to you like that.”
You couldn’t believe your ears. In that moment, you hugged him. You could have cried, screamed in happiness, but you held it in. You were very happy that day, and spent the rest of the day with your crush, who you now knew liked you back.
Whoa! First request: done.
I’m actually pretty proud of this, even though he’s not someone I simp for, but yeah.
Anyways, remember to request and do like this if you enjoyed it!
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toinfinitywinning · 5 months
Dear IVIg—I’m still thankful you’re an option but youuu suck.
🤞🏼If it doesn’t help the only other known option to help relieve Pain THAT WE KNOW OF (@⁨Mom⁩ I want to make sure u saw how I phrased this b/c of confusion last time LOL) until something else is I guess figured out is to see my neurologist in Cincy Who spoke to Serena (Williams) for my migraines and finally have to do Botox which I believe might be her last option for me as well. I mean it is possible things in Life will not be healable and that’s just what I have to tell myself. I have to stay realistic and positive at the same time —some ppl might feel differently. That’s why I’ve told ppl to pls not tell me I’m going to heal or get better. It isn’t about the gesture, I know, and have thanked ppl for meaning well. But, we, you, research has no idea. Hope. You can Hope for me but it’s too hard to hear what might never happen. Now if it was strep—barring something really bad, yea. But similarly I can’t answer people when they ask me what I’m taking for it. Or if there is a cure. So, in my eyes look at it like any other disease that’s been researched w/o a cure for decades. And COVID is very very young. I think ab as old as one of my nephews, 5 yrs. so that means as I’m sure u have already figured out on your Own that’s all the research we got. So far my body doesn’t take to any of it. It doesn’t take to many medicines either. Like at all. And that being the hard Truth I’ve had to think about how much dueling with Meds and doctors I want to do. And I told Mom the other Day i may want to Stop trying things (wait.) b/c there is actually nothing else to do. No really. That is not me giving up. It’s stopping; knowing that for now this is what we have. I’ve exhausted what is known to possibly help and I’m exhausted trying until there’s something else. It is finally resting in the fact that I can rest in the fact knowing for now I can do it. But im exhausted and all u all R too! Again sounds dramatic and it is, but I will not be a Lab mouse or statistic or trial forever. I helped research for over 2 years. And somebody got LHC a week after me Who contributed to it too. And when I say nothing has helped. That is not a Gentry like exaggeration. It’s simply sadly true. I get pockets without Pain or a migraine bandaged w/ Tylenol. At first I didn’t have to swallow that. I was not this bad at first. And having almost Pain driven hallucinations some nights is all I need to experience to make that Choice.
So, I’m giving this IVIg a really Good “shot” and the Botox if needed and continue to try what we’re doing rn and then I will live knowing I can escape for a short period of time sometimes so not to take that for granted and I truly might be one of those ppl whose Family member stays on the back of the bulletin. They’re saturated with it. I remember being little at church drawing on that back page of the bulletin and wondering why ppl just stayed there forever. I thought it was a mistake or a running Tab idk. Didn’t get it. It’s not funny but yk. I just never—no kid, anyone holding to only shreds Left of innocence ever thinks it will be them, but there is so much more we will never see on the back of one for so many other things. I like those people.
Resting in rest could be Good. Any advice on how to do that?
PS Dad and Mom not many 70 yo’s can do what you’re doing to help so Cool your jets 🤣ツ . Let me count the ways. Later.
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alex-the-moss · 10 months
Two days ago I’ve posted my analysis of the children in need special and changes regarding Davros character.
Now I feel the need to talk about what’s going to happen next. Me, because there aren’t a lot of artists actively interested in the "Davros audio-s" and at least half of my blog relies on said prequels.
First of all, I’m not sure if there’s a point in writing a letter to the bosses of DW, but I’m considering it. Maybe a petition could also change something, but I have no experiences organising those. If you are concerned about what’s happened to the iconic villain of Doctor Who your suggestions are more than welcomed! If you know or follow any other people who are actively concerned about this please let me know pls help
Second, I want to focus on how we can deal with the changes emotionally and what’s going to happen to the blog. The best way to keep the character alive is for their fans to stick together. So I’m going to be active online and I encourage you to do the same and be chatty. It will at least be fun if we’re in this together. One of the few good things about this situation is that our fandom has the rule saying we can that choose our own canon and after "the timeless child" people have already started applying it not only to the audio dramas and books but also to the filmed series. And I suggest we just do the same for the Davros retcon. Additionally fiction is not a real life, so some self-induced neglect of reality or self-deceiving won’t harm anyone nor anything. We can convince ourselves those changes have never occurred. Davros doesn’t appear in the show that often but when the new "Davros" does we can use our imagination (and a bit of my drawing skills🌚👌) to perceive him like he is the Davros we know. Because, you know, our minds are only ours to operate. And I’ll continue posting pics of characters we love as usual.
Next I’d like to recommend an additional coping strategy, which is fanfiction. Note: I’m not a native speaker of English language, so I can’t review on the use of language in fanfiction. And I know very well how poor use of words and grammar ruins the experience. So if English is your first language - take my advice with caution)) I present you the one and only fanfiction at least of those I found dedicated to the kaled nation: Damnatio Memoriae series by Mary Pseud + some other works of the same author.
This series was written after the "Davros" audio drama have been released but before the "I, Davros" was. The Author has strange attitude to sex, but if you’re able to choose for yourself you can find nice stories that have nothing to do with it (also sex scenes I’ve read were good). The Author has some interesting ideas and from the very beginning you feel like they’re onto something. It’s also pretty obvious how much Author respects the original universe and how they cherish each character they get to work with. And they have some great non-au fanfiction!
I used to be too insecure to recommend it to you, but now, no matter how strange and cringy stories of the series may seem from time to time, they feel much more home-like than the "original universe”. And Davros’ trauma is treated there with much more respect than it is by official writers, even tho Davros eventually "gets his legs back". Also I’m planning to do fan-illustrations for some of those fanfics, so you might want to know what’s going on there)
I advise you to give it a try because it’s an au fanfiction, and thanks to some of its stories, viewing the mini episode through the lense of this au can be useful for easing the emotional damage!
Take care everyone🩵
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tvrningout-a · 1 year
SO THIS IS LOVE PT. 1 | mutuals discover desired romantic dynamics!
below the cut will be the first part of a series where i talk about potential ship dynamics for my muses! this is intended to make shipping easier on my mutuals as well as give me a reason to ramble about my dorks :' ) if you have any questions or find a dynamic you're interested in, pls feel free to message me, or click the above link to like my shipping call!
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bc chiyo is so!! adamant about keeping her distance and so good at doing so without others noticing, she can be hard to befriend, much less date. but getting past those big ol' walls is extremely rewarding if your type of gf is one that shows her love in the form of memes and puns and bad drawings of you :' ) in most cases, i would say friendship is the main route one would take to win chiyo's heart; as someone afraid to be vulnerable, she needs to feel safe with someone to even contemplate pursuing a romantic relationship. friends-to-lovers is the main trope you'll wanna go for with her.
that being said, i do love the idea of someone seeing right through her likable facade bc no one ever does that, and it puts her on edge -- possibly to the point of making her become defensive. chiyo is incredibly private with certain parts of herself, so ofc she'll resent anyone's attempts at understanding her without her permission. she wants to be in control of who is close to her bc that lessens her chances of getting hurt. so i would love to see someone get under chiyo's skin, maybe bc they're only curious at first before it develops into something more. either way, get ready for a long haul with this gal!
my sweet angel kaiya, my cinnamon apple, my gosh i could ship her with anyone and get the warm and fuzzies :' )) she's someone who has a lot of love to give, and she gives it freely; i think i can say she develops crushes rather easily and tends to admire those with strong values/convictions, but really!! it just comes down to the situation. i think kaiya is someone well-suited for cultivating self-love in others despite being horrible at showing herself that same care.
i can see kaiya working really well in a " grumpy gills falling for the ray of sunshine dynamic " bc she is so very soft and bright, but she'd also work well in any sort of pining situation. as a demon, she feels it isn't exactly fair for her to pursue romance bc 1. she'll outlive any human she might fall for, and 2. she doesn't feel she deserves that sort of happiness after what she's done.
oh, yubari :' ) the fun ( or sad asdf ) thing with yubari is that every so often, he gets himself killed while protecting his domain and people, so he is reborn time and again. he never has a recollection of his previous lives, so that makes him a great candidate for reincarnated lovers who keep finding each other, or any form of immortal lovers coming together. you could also easily throw him into a protector/bodyguard type ship bc if your muse asks for his help, he'll have a very hard time saying no.
otherwise, something to keep in mind about yubari is that he feels very deeply and is a people pleaser no matter how he tries to hide it. he likes to be useful, and he likes to take care of others -- it makes him feel good. if that's what your muse needs, let's go B) if your muse needs that but is stubborn and won't accept it at first, let's go B))))) and if your muse can return the favor and make yubari understand that someone should take care of him, too, i will actually weep
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qrupafjzvm1 · 1 month
a neatly-folded letter is placed under a bottle of vanilla extract.
pretty sure it's been there for more than a day. you have a feeling that you were late.
hello hi if you're reading this i'm probably going in pmd to become an eevee WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
if i'm not please return this where you found it thank you very much
anyway what the heck is this letter about.
i have a tradition that started on another site where i'd talk about what I've done for the year and my resolutions for the next.
it's a gaming site, sooooooooooooo not much fanfare is possible in those posts. only about the game and the community.
so i decided, since i'm using like 5 different sites now, why not make 3 recaps?
so yeah this is one of 3 you can find, honestly would rather you don't find any of the other ones but who knows :shrug:
this one's gonna go very in-depth about fandom stuff! well, as much as i can, anyway. i didn't do much this year.
ANYWAY! first 6 months had absolutely nothing. i was locked into irl stuff and honestly had no time to think about anything else. ended in complete failure btw.
so yeah life was miserable
and then vocaloid happen.
whoo boy, fun fact: i didn't understand why people liked music they can't understand the lyrics of. like I'm a lyrics kid, i need lyrics to sing them songs, how can you enjoy a song without singing it
yeah turns out you can and WHOOOOOO what a turnaround now i'm rolling all around for a trillion years and a night while getting mesmerized and ok i'll stop
vocaloid would later bring me to other Japanese songs which i also love (yorushika anyone? pls recommend some more too)
anyway then ES happened and yup i can dream again that's great
yeah 2 years of depression and half a year of failure really takes a toll out of you, but then ES and PMD came from heaven and rescued me from the grasping hands of hell (no depictions available)
the fandom (and pokemon as a whole) probably brought me back to life in many ways i thought only techno's vids could do sooooooooooo yeah i love 'em
got an eevee plush recently actually can anyone recommend me a small pouch to go with so eve can be an explorer
oh and also ssrpg but that's honestly old news and you guys probably don't know 'em too so we'll just pass that
and splatoon, and doraemon (you didn't expect that did you), inside out had a page for a while, i was joining a dozen fandoms lmao
anyway so big problem. i can dream again. i have like, a full a4 page of fic ideas, in 11px times new roman. i can't write any of 'em.
no, i'm not saying that like i can't can't, it's more like i put myself down to write and 10 million things happen in my brain and now i'm playing the same boring games and can't write for naught
truly a curse (i'd call it adhd but i cannot get to a therapist so yeah that ain't happening)
the plan is for eve to be my hyperfixation so i can focus better? i mean i hope it works
anyway resolution!!!
i mean when it coms to fandoms my only resolution is to write more fics. i'ma be honest it's only that. you really shouldn't expect much more.
actually you can expect much more i'll try to pick up drawing at some point if i have time
so yeah that's the end of this random rambling, honestly i wanted to write more but the page's ending and so is my time, the gate to pmd's closing in like 15 minutes eek
sayonara (i'll be back with a fic i swear)
there's something on the back of the page. "why did you expect me to use the back of a page. i am disappointed in you."
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birues · 2 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Spread the self-love 💗 (hi beloved pls know I adore your writing 💚)
TYSM BELOVED!! Soo sorry for being late flklkfhhgj i was combing through the fics 😭💜💜
Two Toned Echoes : Emet Selch and Wol arguing and playing mental 8d chess after the Cave reveal triggering an Echo vision for WoL. Wıth a (un)healthy dosage of hythazemet angst and Emet-Selch ping ponging between emotions and thoughts.
“So… that makes three unsundered, eleven sundered Ascians.” He turns his head, the world opens in a way only he can be privy to. But her soul is– no. A haphazard guess, nothing more. He is almost afraid when he asks. “Eleven?” “I saw your little meeting room– Thank Nabriales.” she deadpans. “There were fourteen chambers, I am sure of it.”  “...Ten.” “But-” “Ten sundered Ascians. Three unsundered.”  He isn’t sure why he is telling her this. Could it be he is trying to resurrect a memory? A flicker of recognition? Could that dead echo back in the cave given hope to his foolish, foolish heart? It is futile, impossible. He knows better than anyone the laws of the Underworld. How many times her memories must have been washed clean after being torn apart?  And what would even happen if she remembers? Doesn’t he know the best what he will find in those eyes? Horror. Disgust. Hate. Doesn’t he remember the horror she had felt when she had reached out to him after Zodiark’s summoning? 
Quiet Night : Theron/Kallig fluff set during KOTET (✿◡‿◡)
“Well, you do realize it's three o’clock in the middle of the night. Those reports will be there when we wake up.” “Yeah, with a whole another pile of them from Midrim.” “If only you weren’t this stubborn...” She takes another sip from the tea and sets it aside. “I’m going to help you to sort them out. But now, you’re going to pour one cup for yourself too, and sleep with me.” She draws a trail of kisses on his neck, setting his skin ablaze, and whispers. “Or do you need a little bit more convincing?” “Are you seducing me to drop my work?” he says, sliding the jacket just a little bit to kiss the spot where her shoulder and neck meet. “What if I am?” “Well, I thought you wanted us to spend the rest of the night sleeping. Not engaging in certain other activities.”
Crossroads: Probably the best thing I've ever written. Theron/Kallig, crossing roads again on Manaan, two years after they met each other on a mission where they were both undercover and had no idea about each others identity. This bit is from that mission from 2 years ago. I haven't published this fic because it would require people to know all the canon-divergent worldbuilding I've come up with about Kallig 😅 but maybe one day
She can’t bring herself to care. So she thinks of what he’s just said… Only to distract herself from the grief.  You don’t have to go back to them.  “What do you mean?” “You don’t have to go back to the Empire.” She can’t see his face but his voice is soft and resolute at the same time. Kallig sighs, stubborn, stubborn man.  “Spy Boy–” “You can defect. You’re a perfectly capable field agent. You’d fit perfectly into SIS.”  He’s right. Lea Moore, if she ever existed, would. Not Lord Kallig who belongs with the ravenous darkness and death. Not Darth Imperius. Her stomach turns. Would he ever offer this if he knew just who she was? Would he gently caress her hair while she grieves? Why does she even care? She has no idea who he really is either.  “Do you even know what Imperius does to traitors?” He tenses and his hands stop for a moment. “I– We can protect you from her.” “You can’t. And I don’t want a way out, you know why I stay.” It takes a few minutes of silence for him to answer, to an extent she thinks he’s given up.  “You really trust Darth Imperius that much?” Irony creeps into her smile. “I have to.” If she doesn’t, then she has nothing else.
Storm: set during eden raids, the mention of zodiark's name brings out the memory of the worst day of azem's life. Hythazemet.
You already know the answer. How many times have you tried in this short time? You didn’t care to count. When you try to follow the thread that has always led you to his undying light– You’re only met with howls of darkness in their horrible wrath, forever barring your way. Hythlodaeus is gone. Soul laid on the altar and cut down, unmade. Prisoner of a false God– without a form, mind, or voice. Forever out of your reach, out of your embrace. Forever denied death. At least death would set him free to return and begin again. At least this completely broken star would not be devoid of his warmth and brilliance.  An utter fool that you are, for trying. You know there is no salvation. You knew the moment he tore them away from you. So, you stare at the hideous creature hanged to the clear sky, unblinking. Oh, his might is not in question. Nor the shadow he has cast. 
Reunion: kallig/theron. kotfe reunion wip but i am incredibly fond of it
He gets his answer when the figure finally speaks, raspy and tired into the night. "I couldn't sleep," she explains without turning. "Though I presume it's hardly a novelty. Been sleeping for so long, I suppose." Ah. Sleeping. Such a simplification of what she's been through. What they've all been through in the wake of her death. "Too long," he says, once he trusts his voice. Two words, such rawness constricted into just two words. He should've taken another route to his room. They should've had this conversation in the morning.
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storiesbyrhi · 2 years
Can I get a quick little eddie drabble? Something with metallica in it? Pls and thank you.
Hello friend. Here's a very small thing for you. I have a vague idea for part two if you (or anyone else) want it?
No warnings. Just vibes.
Drabble 002 (part 1) 576 words
Eddie Munson was a lot of things to a lot of people. Luckily, you didn’t care too much about what other people thought. And while you knew he was smart and totally wanted him to graduate, you were kind of happy to see him back in the hallways of Hawkins High for another yet. It meant you would finally share classes. Senior year, baby.
The next thing to do was to, you know, talk to him. That was turning out to be a much more difficult task than any of the work assigned in class. Opportunities were abundant but backbone, not so much. Eddie was just so goddamn pretty and anytime you tried to say anything to him you lost yourself in his stupid puppy dog eyes.
None of it was very metal of you. And that’s the thing… you were kind of metal. You listened to the same bands as Eddie. You worshipped at the alter of Ronnie James Dio, just like he did. It was in your blood, and when Eddie glanced over at you one afternoon and he saw the sketch in the margins of your English book, he learned that about you.
The sketch was the other Eddie, the one who represented Iron Maiden. Your version was wearing the dumb sailors uniform the dweebs at Scoops Ahoy wore but was otherwise still his zombie-esque self. The usual Eddie, the one who represented the freaks and geeks of Hawkins, started to take far more notice of you.
That wasn’t to say he hadn’t noticed you. He had. You were kind and gentle, and seemed different to your peers. You were glued to your Walkman and read fantasy novels. Yes, Eddie Munson had certainly noticed you.
Finally, on a Friday afternoon, he made your world collide with his. You were on your way to the library when his unmistakable voice called after you. He was calling your name and that alone was enough to fuel your fantasies for the weekend.
“Hey, glad I caught ya,” he said, grinning. “What are you doing tomorrow night?”
You had a date with your record player and self-pity. Metallica was playing a show in Indianapolis but it sold out before you could get tickets.
“Um, nothing,” you said, aiming for nonchalant, hitting close enough.
“Me and Jeff were gonna go see Metallica, but he got grounded. So, I have this spare ticket… if you maybe wanted to, like, go with me?”
He held out the tickets, let you take them in your hands.
“I know we don’t know each other well, but I’ve seen your drawings. Think maybe we have some stuff in common,” he continued. “And I did my research. Your dad works with my uncle. Wayne said he'd put a good word in with him. Promise him I’m a complete gentleman.”
Holy shit.
You nodded before you could speak, trying to buy time while you thought of something to say.
“Just say yes,” Eddie said like he’d read your mind.
“Yes. Definitely. Yes,” you quickly replied.
Eddie twirled on the spot and did a little victory punch to the air. “You hold onto those for us. I’ll pick you up tomorrow. Maybe a bit early? We can get dinner in the city first?”
“I’d like that,”
“Alright then. I’ll let you go re-borrow The Hobbit,” he said, taking a step back.
“How did…”
“How did I know? I know a lot. I’m observant... I’ll see you tomorrow. Midday.”
Edit: Here's part 2!
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ptergwen · 3 years
favorite crime
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w/c: 1.6k
warnings: swearing, mentions of blood / death, lots n lots of angst
summary: you convince peter to go on the run after he’s framed for murdering mysterio, but he doesn’t want to drag you into his mess
a/n: this was completely based off the song by olivia lfmbsjfhs it’s so beautiful and i’ve wanted to write something for it for a while now so yee i hope y’all like ! pls lmk what you think <3
“we have to get you out of here, peter! come on!” you shout back to your boyfriend and tug his hand that’s laced with yours.
peter doesn’t budge. even when your grip on him tightens, when you pull him forward with all your might, he remains stoic.
there’s something he needs to do, and he’s been contemplating it since the day he met you.
it’s time to let you go.
“please, peter. i’m begging. i know you’re tired of running, but if we don’t leave now… they’ll find you,” you desperately choke out. peter squeezes his eyes shut, dreading what’s to come. “i can’t do this to you anymore, y/n. i… i’m sorry.”
emergency sirens and flashing lights approach the old apartment building serving as yours and peter’s latest hideout. the whole world is on the lookout for him, so you two stowed yourselves away in brooklyn for a bit.
you were hopeful the rumors would pass eventually — about how peter shot the beloved mysterio and left him to die in cold blood. they’re merely talk, of course. you’d personally seen the events of that day unfold on the tower bridge. hell, your class was right at the center of them.
quentin beck was pure evil, so rotten he defamed both peter and spider-man with a charge as cruel as murder. he’s wreaking havoc on him from beyond the grave, over a complete misunderstanding that peter had nothing to do with.
beck’s true source of anger is stark industries. yet, once again, peter ended up the collateral damage.
he was deemed a wanted murderer. posters revealing his name and face were plastered up around the city, a reward even being offered to whoever who turns him in.
you’d proposed the idea of skipping town until things settled. the way you saw it, it was peter’s only option other than prison for twenty-five to life. peter was panicking and couldn’t think straight, so he went along with your getaway plan.
a few weeks later, he’s regretting it.
you’ve been the one person he could trust through this madness. you’re right there to console him, to protect him just like he does you. through sickness and health, life and clearly death, you stick by peter’s side. you left everything behind without a second thought, for him.
peter loves you more than you’ll ever fully be able to comprehend, which is why he can’t ask you to do that. this is his battle to fight, not yours or anyone else’s. his.
you suddenly freeze in your tracks, turning around to look at peter. “what are you talking about? you’re fine, pete.”
his eyes roam everywhere except to yours as they water. blinking back tears, he fixes his gaze on your intertwined hands. you notice a stray tear fall down his cheek and use one of your thumbs to wipe it away, then press a reassuring kiss to his lips. peter lets himself reciprocate momentarily before jerking back.
“please just… stop being so nice to me. you’re making this way harder than i wanted to to be,” he rasps and squeezes your hand tighter. you’re still lost, absolutely clueless about what he’s referring to.
“look, pete. i wanna hear you out, baby. but… i think it should wait until we get to jersey.” you keep your voice as calm as possible, though you’re terrified for both of you. since the feds know your location, they’ll have the place surrounded any minute.
hopping cities isn’t cutting it anymore, so you’ll have to change states this time. new jersey is next on your list.
using his strength to his advantage to hold you in place, peter seizes both your shoulders. his bloodshot eyes lock with yours. a stern expression coats his features, one you’ve seen from him yet never been on the receiving end of.
“we’re not going to jersey, y/n/n,” he declares, the sirens starting to grow louder. you feel a pit forming in your stomach. “we have to!” you immediately protest. “it’s not gonna be easy finding our way, but it’s the last-“
peter cuts you off, voice softer now. “no, no. that’s not what i meant.” he waits a beat and inhales a deep breath, aiming to settle his nerves. it doesn’t.
“i’m going to jersey. you’re staying.”
tears cloud your vision the second those words leave his mouth. you shake your head furiously back and forth, willing him to take them back.
part of you was always afraid peter would get second thoughts. not only about running away with you, about ever being with you. you’re both so young. your entire lives are ahead of you, and peter won’t allow you to risk your own because this isn’t worth a single bit of it.
he’d warned you how dangerous it was to be associated with spider-man. it’s why he held off on telling you about his alias for the longest he could. you naturally began asking questions whenever peter bailed on dates and showed up to school covered in bruises. he hated lying to you, using his stark internship as an excuse, so he finally came out and said it.
peter sometimes wonders if you’d be better off not knowing at all. it’s too late now, though.
“wait, what? why- why can’t i go with you?” you plead, peter’s fingers coming up to cup your cheek. his fingertips lightly caress your skin. “i’m a criminal, y/n. you’d be my accessory.”
it takes everything in him not to break down and sob along with you.
you lean into his palm, already missing his touch. “i don’t care... i don’t give a fuck. i just wanna be with you, peter.” peter literally has to bite his tongue to fight the urge to cry. hands grabbing either side of his head, your fingers twist in his hair roughly. “i’ll do anything, pete. i really will, i swear. name it.”
peter threads his own fingers through yours again, bringing your hands to his chest.
“i’m so sorry, angel. i never should’ve gotten you involved,” he murmurs out and pecks your forehead. “you have nothing to prove to me, okay? you’ve done more than enough. i’m gonna return the favor.”
you let out a strangled whine, your knees buckling as you come to terms with the gravity of your situation.
this is it. this is the end of yours and peter’s story.
“hey, none of that. it’s okay,” peter coos, neither of you convinced. the tastes of salt and metal flood both your senses. he helps you back up and hugs your waist, peppering your cheeks in more kisses. you’re bawling now, arms wound around his neck, clutching at his tattered jacket.
free tears escape peter’s eyes at last. “i love you. i love you so goddamn much, y/n. never forget it,” he nearly whispers. you sniffle and push your forehead against his. “i’m not saying it back ‘cuz that feels like a goodbye, and i- i can’t say goodbye to you yet.”
“it’s not a goodbye,” peter reassures you, rubbing circles on your lower back. “it’s, uh, it’s a see you later. i’m gonna figure something out and be back to you before you know it. can’t get rid of me that easy.”
that earns a faint giggle from you, peter managing a grin. you two attempt to ignore everything happening beyond these walls, only focusing on the other.
“then, um…” you clear your throat. “i love you.” his smile dwindling slightly, peter nods and meets your gaze. “i love you too, baby. you should probably get going soon.”
affirming his advice, a booming voice that sounds from a microphone commands peter to come out with his hands up.
your worry spikes, instinctively drawing peter in closer. he forces himself to put on a brave face for you.
“i’m scared, pete. where… where am i supposed to go?” you rush to ask him. “home, y/n/n. go home,” peter decides, pressing a final kiss to the top of your head. “just don’t get caught, and you’ll be fine.” carding your fingers in his undone curls, you sigh. “easier said than done, but i’ll try not to.”
you’d never pictured that the sweet boy with a heart too big and brain even bigger, who sings you to sleep even though his voice sucks and spends his last dollar buying you flowers, would be accused of first degree murder. it isn’t true or fucking fair.
what’s worse, he has to bare this storm alone now.
you lift your heavy backpack off the cold ground, slinging it onto your shoulders. peter stares out the window and down at the assembly of swarm troops crowded together.
“are you gonna be okay?” you catch his attention. he snaps back into reality, pulling your hood up so it covers your head. you’re wearing a sweatshirt of his, after having gone through all your own clothes. “i hope so. are you?” peter repeats your question. “i hope so,” you echo.
tying your hoodie strings tight, peter offers a smile. “say hi to may for me. ned and mj, too.” it’s going to be tough to face his family and friends after this. “i will. i’ll let them know you’re alright.” you kiss his cheek, placing a hand on his chest. peter lets your touch distract him from the mess he’s about to be hit with.
“thank you, y/n. i’ll see you soon, baby. you have my word,” he promises, stepping back so you two can go your separate ways.
you watch him with fresh tears threatening to spill.
“i’m gonna hold you to it. be safe, spidey.”
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arcadejohn127-9 · 3 years
Ahhh I love your writing sm!! Could I request how the brothers would react to an MC that's super doting and overly loving from the get-go?. Always insists on helping w cooking duty, brings the brothers coffee if they look busy, etc? pls & ty!
Tbh I don't really have a love language over than verbal but this speaks to me
In game I make my MC very much like this, overly positive and always wanting to help. Not because I have to, I could easily pick more honest or teasing options but when it comes to it. My first instinct/Response is those options because I like the idea of being helpful to people
It's only when people start using that for their advantage or make me help them out even though I'm busy or just don't want to do it. That's when there's an issue.
"oh~ Luci! You still working?"
You peered over at him at his desk, peaking from the space between the wall and the stair railing
He looked up at you with a tired expression, frowning
"I am, what do you need?"
you trotted down the rest of the steps, walking over to him with a bright smile
A tray in hand with coffee and biscuits and apple slices
"I made these for you, I know it isn't much but you're always working so hard... perhaps I can help?"
Lucifer wasn't too surprised, you were always offering your help whenever you could but it still surprised him you were so quick to offer
He didn't know how you had all that energy to face the day and then do more for others but he always enjoyed your company
"be my guest."
You grabbed a mini stool and sat beside him, you'd read over papers with him, massaging his hand whenever you noticed it cramped
He shared the snacks you got him and even revealed the mini snack draw he had in his desk
He put a finger to his lips with a smile
"don't tell my brother's, this will be just between you and me."
He showed you what he had and you picked whatever caught your fancy, happily eating as you looked over the papers
He wasn't use to Someone being nice to him so when you came along and offered acts of service - he was blown away!
Even over time he wasn't really use to it
Speaking of you and your acts or service; you were whistling a happy tune
A thick wallet in your pocket, you headed straight to mammons room
It was as if he could smell the money, he rushed to your side and started eyeing the wallet
"Stop peeking - it's a gift."
He looked at you confused but was grinning
"oh? The great Mammon can't refuse a gift!"
You placed the wallet in his hand, he let out a yelp at the weight of it
It was completely loaded!!! It was stuffed with money!
He couldn't believe it - it had to be a trick! There was no way you were giving him this much money!
"Are ya playing with me? Ha ha human."
"no tricks, you've been struggling with your debt to the witch's so I thought I'd help, I heard you've been getting in trouble with Lucifer more because of it so I wanted to help!"
He didn't even realize he teared up, he jumped towards you and hugged you close
Nuzzling your faces together as he hugged you tight
You patted his arm, laughing and it wasn't long before he was planning to spend a big splurge on you despite his issues with money already
He was shuffling into his room, headphones on and just starting to calm down
Today was hectic so he was happy to finally be back home
"Evening! Don't worry, I still used the secret password."
He threw his headphones off, face bright red
He should of known you were up to something, you kept humming whenever you entered his room
Talking about cleaning up after himself but he kept forgetting due to getting distracted
"I noticed it's gotten really messy so I decided to clean it for you but before you say anything, I know you hate when it's cleaned because you don't know where anything so I've labelled where everything has been stored if it's changed places."
He was still upset, he REALLY hated it when things are changed without him knowing first
But he looked around the room and sure enough, things were still in the cupboards and places he stacked them in and the labels were correct
Everything was completely organized! All the piled up ramen was even gone!
He exhaled a long breathe calming himself down, he was happy - really really happy
"Thanks.... just - can we arrange something next time? But I do like what you did! It looks nice - it's much better now!"
"of course, I'll ask next time - also~ I got you some special ruri-chan themed chips in hopes to make you feel better."
He moves before he knows it, hugging you tight
He's definitely embarassed afterwards and gets you out of his room before he makes himself look more like a love sick fool
But don't worry, he texts you wanting to hang out later
Satan has been locked in his room after having a big outburst earlier that day
He got overwhelmed from all the noises and threw a book at mammon
You waited awhile before going after him, wanting him to calm down and looked after mammons sore head
You grabbed the book he threw, making a nice calming tea and even made some Apple pie
When you knocked his door he freezed
"Who is it-?! Lucifer, I'm not in the mood for your scolding-"
"it's just me, I got you something!"
He opened the door for you, letting you inside
His room looked clean for once - you didn't doubt he continued his rage into his room and cleaned up to calm down
You offered him a smile, placing the tray on his bed
"I hope you like it, I made it myself."
He looked at the fresh apple pie, his stomach rumbling at the mere sight of it
"you did this...for me? Didn't I scare you?"
You hummed, sitting close to him
"yeah a little but everyone has their bad days, you having one doesn't change anything - though you do need to apologize to mammon."
He sat down by his bed, placing the tray on his lap
"you're right I do, thank you for not just seeing me as some angry creature....I didn't intend to blow up like that."
You patted his arm, still smiling
You two sat together, you read his book for him whilst he ate and drank
He was very bashful at how supportive you are but that was you, you've always been so quick to offer help or do things for people ever since you've arrived
You were good to him, he'll always appreciate that
His love language is affection and words
Yours is acts of service
It's perfect!
Though, when it was established you were quick to help and offer your service - prepare for MANY innuendos
He'll come skipping to you, draping himself off the nearest object and asking if you want to help him de-stress
Most of the time you just have spa days or lay around doing nothing
You decided to treat him today seeing as exams were stressing him out
"Asmo! Won't you help me? I have this lovely new-"
He's skidding as he appears in the doorway, ready to do whatever you want
But you just grinned, knowing your plan worked
You grabbed him and shoved him into a chair
Before he knew it; his hair was tied up and his jacket and scarf has disappeared
"oh? What's all this about? Does my love want some special care?"
"nope, I just want to look after you today~ you've been stressing over exams so much, I wanted to treat you like a prince."
He had the biggest grin on his face after that
And treated like a prince he was
You did his skin routine, brushed his hair and curled it
If he even mentioned being thirsty you were straight to getting him a nice refreshing drink
If you're able to - please carry him bridal style - he will love every second of it
"you treat me so well, I know I'm already a blessing to this demonic world but you're just pure light."
He's so love sick, an absolute fool in love
"nonsense, I'm just helping you like usual."
Which is true, you were always being helpful to him
Thats why he loved doing whatever he could for you
"Never leave the Devildom, I couldn't bare not seeing your beautiful face everyday."
You just laughed, massaging his face and gave him a quick kiss
Another person who does acts of service as a love language
Though, do forgive him if he forgets due to hunger - he'll immediately make it up to you
At this point he's become a subconscious challenge/game of service - always trying to one up each other
Currently, he was really anxious about his up coming game
It was the biggest one that R.A.D was having and was against a smaller school in the Devildom
The brothers all agreed to come watch him play and even made banners and levi brought glowsticks
You were no were to be seen
The weeks running up to the game you were always busy and whilst you still do some things for him here or there - you were mostly out of the house
But it was but a long lasting plan
You planned on supporting him the best way you could!
When he finally rolled onto the field he felt dread when he didn't spot you in the crowd
He couldn't stop frowning until he saw you, shaking pom poms and running with the cheersquad
That's right, you joined the cheer team to show your support for the lovely demon
He's so flustered and absolutely shining with joy under his helmet
As soon as he could he came running towards you and hugged you tight
"I was so worried I did something that made you drift away....you did this for me?"
"of course! I'm sorry I made you worried, I wanted to surprise you."
He had to take off his helmet after trying to nuzzle your face, you yelped when it bonked you
"This is the best thing anyone has done for me, thank you (Y/N)."
"you're welcome, now go win that game! Prove those losers that R.A.D is the best school around!"
It was no surprised that R.A.D won
The players all cheered and partied, inviting the band and cheerleaders to celebrate with them
But you decided to have a sleepover with Beelzebub, feeding him plenty of tasty foods as your own type of celebration
"Open wide."
You almost choked on the cake basically shoved in your mouth, laughing as frosting covered your nose and cheeks
You got your revenge but he happily licked what he could
This is the best celebration he could ever get
All because of you!
Even if your love language wasn't acts or service, you definitely got in the habit of doing it with this guy
He was spoilt from always being carried and pampered by his twin
He could get away with sleeping anywhere as long as he got things done and good grades
But you were always the helpful human, giving him snacks or fluffing his pillows
He's joked about getting a bell so he could call you whenever he needed you
That never happened
"Belphie!! You awake? I got something for you."
He immediately popped his head up and waved to get your attention
You showed him the cup of hot mocha you've recently made; sweet and delicious and has an extra kick to help with keeping awake
"Smells delicious, you made this?"
"yep! Now drink up, we got plans today."
He happily drunk it, feeling more awake with every gulp
By the end of the Cup he was absolutely overjoyed from the taste
Though you almost groaned in frustration when he yawned, so happy that he got sleepy
"you have anymore~? I could drink loads of these- make me more, you know how to make them, I'm too sleepy - it's your fault I'm sleepy."
You flicked his head
Reminding him to not act like a brat
But you did make him more and throughout the day you'd give him a large cup
You needed to do studies and make sure belphegor kept his grades up - Lucifer's orders
But he was already a star pupil regardless so you weren't sure why you had to
But spending time with your favourite demon was never an issue, regardless of his attitude
"We need to do this more, I love it when you look after me."
"I know, now write your answer, I need proof you're working so I don't get strung up."
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oivsyo · 2 years
I'm so happy!! I thought I wouldn't recieve an answer, nevertheless this soon! I've written to other shippers before but they seem not active anymore.
I'm looking forward to December then! I NEED more on NejiHina haha I started shipping them when watching the war for the first time, like, the moment exact that I realized Neji's feelings for Hinata (and around the same time Neji became my fav character, even above Hinata... I first hated him, then liked him and then loved him). Tbh, I watched the war arc and end a lot of time later, like, I stopped al 14 and ended it at 19 YO. Then watched it again with my husband, and this time at 26 I'm watching again just focusing on Neji. So, I was not a shipper before 2015 but I'm one of those "old" ( in age) shippers. It justs makes more and more sense the more adult I am, I feel haha also, I'm very Canon strict to establish the relationship (though I do enjoy the fillers that shows it), it makes absolute canon sense that Neji loved Hinata, it's actually impossible IMO to separate him from that fact.
Aaaand, since I'm very logic/factual, I decided not to only do a fanfic to have them together but to give them logic enough that it could have been canon. Like, I decided to rewrite the story since the war to avoid his death without taking the emotional impact. In the midst of it, I decided to make justice to all Konoha 11 + Sai (even Sakura, just no more Naruto and Sasuke pls) and rewrite parts of them too, so I have a lot in my plate right now. I'm working hard to fill all the wholes I see the best I can, both in the main story and in my AU. I'm working hand to hand with the OG material (canon and anime only), so I'm simply "coping" some parts as it is, changing minor things on some parts and major things on others, and then, in postwar, I'm going to finally lead the story on my thoughts mainly. But it's taking sooooo long. I'm doing the first script by hand on english, but I intend to do the final one on Spanish since is my main language and I want to go as in deep detail as I can. Maybe I'll translate it back later.
Does this makes sense? Does it sounds like something worth reading?
I also wanted to tell you that here in Mexico NejiHina seems to be in the rise, kind of. It's more like it has become really popular on TikTok, many many fans loving Neji, and it leaded to 2 memes: Neji Chiquito (Mini Neji) and Neji Norteño. The later refers to the fact that Neji is in love with/ attracted to his cousin; it's a meme but is a huge one, and it implies people recognizes and accepts the fact that Neji was in love with Hinata. Some leave it at that, but many others wished they could be together or state that Neji was a better option for Hinata than Naruto, that also being because a lot of people was upset about NS ending and hate Boruto series.
I'm sorry about the long post 😅 I needed out, I feel like I don't have ppl enough to talk about this haha I also wanted to know your opinion on my project and to let you know that in spite of how things turned out, NejiHina do is getting more recognition on some places.
Good day once again, anon! I'm sorry for making you wait for so long. I read your message right after you sent it but I didn't have enough time to reply properly. As far as your message was full of passion it deserved a thoughtful reply.
I understand you so well about writing to other NejiHina shippers. That is what I did when I returned to NejiHina and started to draw again after more than a decade long hiatus. I didn't know anyone, most accs looked dead so I just started to post my pics. And I'm endlessly grateful to @cyanis-art @nyxvoidart @incensuous @nejihina-and-mlb @nejihinata @toonamifaithful and other people who noticed and liked my arts, wrote comments and supported me in many ways. In the beginning support is needed as air, so I have no idea whether I would continue to draw NejiHina if not their support🙏
I'm looking forward to December then! I NEED more on NejiHina haha I started shipping them when watching the war for the first time, like, the exact moment that I realized Neji's feelings for Hinata (and around the same time Neji became my fav character, even above Hinata... I first hated him, then liked him and then loved him). Tbh, I watched the war arc and end a lot of time later, like, I stopped at 14 and ended it at 19 YO. Then I watched it again with my husband, and this time at 26 I'm watching again just focusing on Neji. So, I was not a shipper before 2015 but I'm one of those "old" ( in age) shippers. It justs makes more and more sense the more adult I am, I feel haha also, I'm very Canon strict to establish the relationship (though I do enjoy the fillers that shows it), it makes absolute canon sense that Neji loved Hinata, it's actually impossible IMO to separate him from that fact.
Thank you for sharing your story! It has always been interesting for me to know how other fans came to NejiHina. I've discussed it with quite a number of people and there are some similarities in their stories. Many of my NejiHina fellows say that 'once you feel the chemistry between them you will ship them without turning back'. Also there are many fans who are older than 25 y.o. Most of them agree that NejiHina is a mature ship that goes beyond plain romance. Many ppl started to ship them when they were teenagers and returned to this ship as adults.
As for me, I started to ship them as a teenager after watching s1 and the beginning of Shippuden but I didn’t look in too deep back then. I rewatched Naruto, watched the rest of the series and Rock Lee SD only 1,5 years ago and I was surprised how many NejiHina moments there are and started to love them even more. There is also more info about Hanabi and the Hyuga clan, so I crushed into the clan too.
Aaaand, since I'm very logic/factual, I decided not to only do a fanfic to have them together but to give them logic enough that it could have been canon. Like, I decided to rewrite the story since the war to avoid his death without taking the emotional impact. In the midst of it, I decided to make justice to all Konoha 11 + Sai (even Sakura, just no more Naruto and Sasuke pls) and rewrite parts of them too, so I have a lot in my plate right now. I'm working hard to fill all the wholes I see the best I can, both in the main story and in my AU. I'm working hand to hand with the OG material (canon and anime only), so I'm simply "coping" some parts as it is, changing minor things on some parts and major things on others, and then, in postwar, I'm going to finally lead the story on my thoughts mainly. But it's taking sooooo long. I'm doing the first script by hand on english, but I intend to do the final one on Spanish since is my main language and I want to go as in deep detail as I can. Maybe I'll translate it back later.
Does this makes sense? Does it sounds like something worth reading?
“to fill all the holes” is exactly what I have been doing for the last 1,5 years 🥲💪
I’m not good at writing, so I draw to show my headcanons and write short notes on twitter and here. Gladly there are NejiHina fellow artists around me to discuss our ideas with. And we are happy to wellcome new people to discuss NejiHina with.
I can’t speak on behalf of all the community but personally I’m a sucker for canon compliant + canon divergent stories. It seems I will never get tired of the multi-chapter slowburn stories about Neji and Hinata and the Hyuga clan.There is a NejiHina fan-novel in my language that is written with this approach and when I’ve read it I understood that this is the type of fan-fiction I like the most. I like it when the story begins as in the canon but gradually diverts from it. This appoach provides numerous opportunities to develop side characters making them MCs, adding original characters, developing the lore. This is exactly what I do for my own headcanons so I fully support you. I wish you good luck in writing what you’ve started! Take your time and I’m looking forward to reading your story in English some day!
I also wanted to tell you that here in Mexico NejiHina seems to be in the rise, kind of. It's more like it has become really popular on TikTok, many many fans loving Neji, and it leaded to 2 memes: Neji Chiquito (Mini Neji) and Neji Norteño. The later refers to the fact that Neji is in love with/ attracted to his cousin; it's a meme but is a huge one, and it implies people recognizes and accepts the fact that Neji was in love with Hinata. Some leave it at that, but many others wished they could be together or state that Neji was a better option for Hinata than Naruto, that also being because a lot of people was upset about NS ending and hate Boruto series.
Oh, I saw Neji Chiquito pics on the net! I guess there are many ppl who like him, mini Neji is so cute! I would like a t-shirt with him!
I also came across ‘Norteño’ comments to NejiHina pics on pinterest and on Twitter but I thought that it was some kind of sly insult. Like ‘sweet home Alabama’. Anyway, thanks for telling me about it! I would be very interested to know the origin of this meme. Why northern? 🤔 I also remember comments about Santiago-something, are these things connected?
I'm sorry about the long post 😅 I needed out, I feel like I don't have ppl enough to talk about this haha I also wanted to know your opinion on my project and to let you know that in spite of how things turned out, NejiHina do is getting more recognition on some places.
That’s ok! It seems we have a lot in common, I also like to write very long texts if the topic is interesting to me XD
You can write me so that we will discuss Neji & Hinata, the Hyuga clan and so on =3
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hey :) Can i request headcanons for being in a poly relationship with Charlie Dalton and Knox Overstreet pls
Yes, I was literally in the middle of writing this when I received your request, so you’re in luck lmao
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What It Would Be Like In a Poly Relationship With Knox Overstreet And Charlie Dalton
If it weren’t for you’re quick thinking, a fight might have broken out between Knox and Charlie.
It was obvious the two had a thing for each other, but they both decided to put their main focus into drooling and fawning over you. So, when Charlie came up to you during a study hall, professing his love for you, Knox was quick to jump in. “Dalton! You know I like them.” He said, causing even more of a scene then Charlie already had. “No way, I thought you had a thing for me.” Charlie crossed his arms. “I THOUGHT YOU HAD A THING FOR ME!” The two did seem to draw your attention, and it was obvious they also drew in each other’s attention. “Settle down, you can both date me.” You said, which made the whole room explode into one, big, simultaneous “What?”
Charlie was completely down with that idea, he liked the idea of having two partners, more love to give and more attention to receive. And Knox was right, Charlie did have a bit of thing for not only you, but Mr. Overstreet as well. So he was willing to give this whole polyamorous thing a try. But Knox on the other hand, he was a bit more hesitant. He had never heard of such a thing before, not saying that he wasn’t supportive or interested, he was just a bit confused. The whole thing took him a while to get used to and a bit of time to explain to his parents. But in the end, it ended up being a lot more easy and fun then he had originally expected.
Knox is the more romantic of the two boys, so being able to have two partners to share his love with is his favorite part. He loved both you and Charlie equally, and he made sure to tell you two every day. Be that with flowers, a new poem, or just telling you the three special words while sharing a kiss, he always let you both know how appreciative he was.
By saying that, I do not mean that Charlie shows less affection, because that is so not true. Both Knox and Charlie are needy little shits. Charlie wants you two to be around him at all times, even if you’re not talking or sharing any interactions, just being in the same room brings him some sort of relaxation and joy. So Charlie dragging both you and Knox around school with him happens often. “Can my significant others come?” Are famous words of his by now.
Oh my god these two are protective. If anyone even looks in each of your general directions, those two are ready to start a fight. You and Charlie have been sitting outside, watching some random girl flirt with Knox, both observing jealously, when Charlie just excused himself, went over to the two, picked up Knox and dragged him away from the female. Of course, not without saying a proper “I would like my boyfriend back now.” And Knox even beat up some dude for winking to you on the street. These boys will do just about anything for you and each other.
I’m not gonna lie to you, while their actions are sweet, there is a down side to their jealousy. It often leads to you and Charlie in a heated argument. Nothing too serious, just Charlie yelling about how he’s doing what’s best for you and you saying something like “Well, I can take care of myself!” Or “You embarrass me when you do things like that!” And poor Knox is the one who always has to brake up these little fights.
But, on a happier note, after each fight, Charlie usually brakes down into tears. He feels so bad for yelling at you and explains that he’s just worried someones gonna take either of you from him. Knox just sits their quietly until you two sort things out. And when you two start cuddling, that’s when he joins in on the cuddle session.
Sharing uplifting and loving words after each argument is a must have. You have to let each other know that you still love one another and that just because you were mad or upset, dosent take away your affection for each other.
These two could cuddle all day. You’ve been late to multiple classes because they won’t let you out of bed. Just pulling you back down into their holds every time you try to escape their embrace.
They have come up with a great system to incorporate each of your date ideas. So often, the night starts off with something Knox picks, like a romantic dinner or a walk in the park, and after that’s finished, the three of you go and maybe catch a movie or, if it’s winter, go ice skating. And then you do what Charlie picks, which are more wild things. Maybe you’ll go ding dong ditching or purposely get lost in a new environment. Just to see if you can find your way back. And if not, well that sucks.
Charlie also likes causing a scene by proposing to the either of you in a public place. You will never know when this boy will get down on one knee and ask you to marry him. It’s obvious he’s joking, well to you and Knox that is, to everyone else, they think he’s totally serious. There has been multiple occasions where the growing crowd burst out into gasps when Knox just says “Charlie, get the fuck up, don’t do this now.”
Knox could make out with you all day any day, but not in a sexual way, he just likes to repetitively kiss you. His kisses are sweet and sensual. He likes to show his affection in anyway shape or form, both physically and mentally. And Charlie often gets jealous when he stumbles upon the two of you softly making out, but don’t worry, Knox wouldn’t skip a beat to do the same with him.
Oh my god, gossiping with these two is godly. Knox always knows the best information from the surrounding schools while Charlie knows all the drama going on at Welton. Talking about who’s secretly dating who, who did what and who said what, even if you have no idea who their talking about, is always so exciting. The three of you are always so dramatic about it too. “Oh. My. God. You guys will never guess what James did...No, not James from that school, James from the school by the bridge...No no, this dosent have to do with Jenny, it has to do with Jenny’s best friend.”
These two are always getting their clothes mixed up, hearing “KNOX! THATS WHY TIE!” “THEN WHERE IS MINE?” “PROBABLY UP YOUR ASS, JUST GIVE ME MINE BACK!” Is a normal conversation at this point. And sometimes, they even take your clothes. And mostly your tie. Explanation? From the thing I just explained, they always be losing their own ties so stealing yours is the last resort.
They both love to spoil their lovers, so receiving many gifts, expensive or cheep, big or small, they are always showering you and each other in costly affection. From teddybears to an entirely new type writer, you’ve received it all. They love to waste their money on their significant others, big event or not and no matter how much you try to convince them to stop, their flattery won’t come to an end.
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Okay, now I’m gonna start working on the other requests I’ve received, so to the people who sent them in, I’m sorry it’s taken me so long to get to them but I will start working on those right away :)
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