#if he can't live for his people and carry the torch of everyone he has lost by being king
uniiiquehecrt · 9 months
Plz explain then the travesty that is love and thunder
A trainwreck directed by an egotistical six-year-old in a leech of a man's body who thinks he's a screenwriter and still plays pretend with his uwu self-insert OC.
.... real talk, though, in short:
The real travesty of Love and Thunder is that Thor is already made of love and thunder, and simultaneously Jane is the love to his thunder, and the MCU, through taika wai-feck-off, decided he can be neither of those things, and have no nice things. Thor is the most tragic character in the ENTIRETY of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and yes, I do think more tragic than Wanda.
He has lost :
his entire home planet
his people
his entire family of four (no hela does not count he was not connected to her and should have been odin's sister)
before which he lost his brother (his platonic soulmate, to boot) a total of 3 times emotionally, two of those physically
he lost his ENTIRE friend group because his half-sister murdered Volstagg, Hogun and Faendral; he never reconnected with Sif
his only good mentor/parental figure (heimdal) was stabbed through the heart in front of him
he lost his dignity, his crown, his birthright (voluntarily and otherwise)
he lost his self-worth, his sense of direction (bc the writers legitimately thought his arc was about stepping down from the crown instead of making it his own and growing into it in his own way, by his own merits, at his own pace and gave it to some literally no-name side character that showed up for one movie and never respected thor in the first place to even earn his title from him smh)
and taika's idea of rectifying any of this .... is to give him some random child he doesn't know, that he doesn't care for, and manipulate him into taking her under his wing not because of the kindness and limitless love of his own heart even after shutting himself down post!endgame, but because jane asked him to as her dying wish — and then say that THAT is his happy ending.
Tell me why Thor, the longest standing of the Big Three, the king of the stars, the hero who is by all respects the embodiment of love, gets no companionship, no friends, no home, no place to belong, when Tony got a hero's send off and Steve got to be with an alt!dimension Peggy.
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bellafragolina · 6 months
So i had an idea for a request~ how about Leon and Ingo (Separate) being Vampire hunters but they inadvertently fall for one of the vampires they were sent to slay~?
A person falling for a monster is delicious, but it being someone sworn to kill the monster too? Extra delicious.
The night is dark, perpetual. Ingo supposes it's deliberate, being a creature such as yourself. You prefer the moonlight, shy from the sun despite craving warmth.
Ingo knows that now.
It's been. . . a month? Two? Ingo isn't quite sure, not after the nasty tumble he took down the mountain on the way to your hidden home. There's a dull throb through his temple even now, even after being so cared for, but he can ignore it most days.
On those he can't, you bring him medicinal tea and warm meals, letting him curl up in bed all day should he want.
It's so unlike the compound. He trained there for years, honing his body and mind alike to be perfect for killing creatures like you. Monsters that feed off people, killing them viciously, wastefully.
But you have people in the town nearby. They come to you, freely offering an arm when you begin to hunger. And you make sure they are not harmed in return. Your hearing, your sense of smell, all of it attuned to the village you swear to protect.
Yet, even as they freely offer you blood, you're so careful. Ingo has spied on your feedings enough time to see how gentle you are, fangs pricking just enough to allow you to slurp down the blood. And your people never flinch, merely smile, even laughing as you fret and bandage their wounds with your mouth still stained crimson.
And Ingo finds himself wondering what it feels like, pricked by your fangs and caressed by your lips.
You are nothing like what he was taught. You are kindness and sacrifice, for he sees the slight hollowness to your cheeks even when flushed from a fresh feeding.
You never mention it, but you must know what he is, why he's here. You don't seem afraid, if anything you seem. . . accepting of it. Of his duty. You haven't taken his weapons, haven't locked him away or restrained him or used him for ransom. You didn't leave him to die.
And now he doesn't want to see you dead either.
Leon hates the world he lives in.
He hates the need to hunt down monsters to protect who he loves. He hates that he was chosen as the town's Hunter, the protector of everyone, strongest in the village, maybe the region if the whispers are true.
He hates that all of it, the training and the blood and the sweat and the tears, has led to this.
Leon never knew you were what he had to hunt. You hid it so well, with gloves and hats and careful smiles. Never had Leon seen you raise a hating hand to anyone. He'd only seen you tend bruises and cuts, read stories and carry firewood for anyone who needed it.
You were an endless stream of kindness and aid.
And now here you lie, cut down by Leon's own sword.
A raw, choking noise breaks from his throat. It's drowned out by the crowd behind him, a mess of torches and pitchforks that mar and mold everyone in a wall of screaming anger.
How could everyone had been fooled by you, a monster amongst the mortals of the village?
How easily they had turned on you, realizing your true self. All your kindness was forgotten, all the trust you had garnered lost in a fleeting moment of fear and hatred.
Leon wants to hate you too. You tricked him, everyone, yet you lay before him, wounded by him, and you don't fight back.
He knows you could. You could destroy him in an instant, but you don't. You lie there and you take it. And Leon hates it.
Hates that it's you he has to kill.
Hates that his hands are shaking.
Hates that he's crying over your dying body.
Hates that it always, always had to end this way.
ta-da! hope i did it justice!!
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bronx-bomber87 · 7 months
Happy Saturday! First off Hallelujah the actors strike is over. Now it’s just semantics and such before we get our ship back on our screens. Just saw the SAG board approved the deal with 86% percent in favor on Friday. All that is left is getting it ratified and an episode order. We’re on the right track I can not wait. Been too damn long since we’ve been excited about some new content.
Till then I shall continue my rewatch. Hoping to line it up ending it whenever a premiere date appears. So fingers crossed on that. Once we do have that might amp it up to 3 reviews a week instead of 2. This one is not a huge content heavy one for them. It's shorter than normal, but it is Lucy’s first ep as his aide. They’re riding back together. I love it so much. Absence makes the heart grow fonder they say. Some good moments peppered in this one. Sassy married moments we all love. Off we go.
4x04 Red Hot
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We start off with our lovely duo at the end of roll call. Tim coming in hot and sassy. Calling her Gofer right off the bat. Asking if she’s ready to go? He had to know he was gonna get a sassy reply calling her that first thing. Man knows what he’s doing. Tim loves their little dance and banter. So he lights the fire and waits for the results. (Also good Tall/Smol shots here my fav.)
Lucy matching said sass with some of her own. A little flirting mixed in cause they can't help it. Not showing an ounce of fear with his 'authority' haha Tim picking up on that right away. Flirting right back saying he’s sensing a lack of fear in his authority.
Oh Timothy you lost that long ago my love. You have her utmost respect but the fear? Yeah that went bye bye some time ago heh Some pre-shift foreplay going on here. We know they’re both just excited to be riding together again. It’s all over their body language and this flirty exchange.
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Her ‘Yes, sir.’ So cute basically saying for her 'You don’t scare me.' LOL Lucy's body language is everything with that flirty smile. She has no problem roasting him. Tim loves it despite the words coming out of his mouth. Sunshine x Grumpy ride again. I'm so happy for it. Missed it since 3x09 that’s a long time apart for them. We’ve had lovely moments in between but nothing better than them riding together. Plus they needed time to miss one another.
They’re so obvious together. Grey hears their exchange and is holding back a chuckle as he comes up to Tim. Wade knew long before they did...That is a fact. They continuously forget everyone can hear them. It’s so funny. Carrying on like a married couple in front of their colleagues.
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Lucy and Tim end up joining Nolan on his missing wife call. (So happy they’re riding together. Making my heart happy) His call has gotten more complicated because well it’s John’s call….Nolan tells them she was drugged and the people claiming to know her we're speaking Russian. So they all go back to the house where the call originated.
No one is there when they arrive. They notice the house seems off... Like it’s staged and no one actually lives there. John noting it feels a lot smaller on the inside. Tim saying it’s like a reverse Tardis...Lucy’s reaction is so damn funny. Props to Melissa for the facial expression here. I’m dying. Tim already sensing her judgement cuts it off. She doesn’t even have to say what she’s thinking. He just knows and defends himself.
S4 is the fruit of all that rapport building. We get to see the end result constantly. Watch how close they are. That silent communication coming through, the comfortability and playfulness. Not even trying to hide it anymore. The amount of sass in Tim's reply. My god she has rubbed off on this man. I love it sfm I can’t stand it. Such flirty dorks in front of Nolan it’s the absolute best. So nice to have them together on cases again. I missed it.
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They get a report the car was torched but no sign of the woman over the radio. Nolan opens the cabinet and sees an impressive setup. A panel with cyrilic buttons they can't read. Goes into contractor mode saying they have 500 MCM wires. Running 400 amp service out of this place. Lucy not knowing what that means but wanting to save face says her line above. Also knows Tim may not either so she throws him under the bus LOL
It’s so cute and cheeky. The theme of this episode for them is sass. 100%. The way Tim looks at her plus his little leg stamp. LMAO His reaction saying 'Seriously Lucy?' He’s not even mad about it so much as in awe of her being so damn fresh at this point. Doesn’t even fight her giving him shit anymore. Just accepts it. Smitten man right here. Front and center.
Nolan goes on to say a normal household doesn’t tend to go past 200. Whatever they’re powering is big because just the minimum can power a house and a/c under that. Nolan starts messing around with the panel like an idiot and trips something. Because well it's Nolan. Like an unattended child. It locks down the entire house and they pull their guns in case.
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Tim’s reply is the best. ‘I don’t know what it says so I push it?’ LMAO Roasting John like a marshmallow. Sassy Tim has come out to play and I’m dying. A tv turns on showing surveillance of the entire neighborhood. John asks if human traffickers normally are this sophisticated? Tim replies no…It’s a safe house.
Lucy’s interest is piqued of course. Asking if it’s for spies? Tim gives her a small peak into his past. Which you know she will eat up like crazy. Always craving to know about it. Hell me too. Any morsel we can get from Tim’s past I’m all about. Lucy in wifey mode tries to get it out of him. The when and where? You can see the absolute curiosity all over her face. He just drops a bomb like that and expects her not to try and dig a little deeper?
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Tim is classic in his reply. Saying it’s classified and that is that for his answer. I'm sure he was wanting to impress her with that reply. When really she's just annoyed at him haha Lucy’s reaction is so damn funny. She is offended he won’t just share his classified past with her in front of Nolan LOL That wifey look in the second gif. Ha. Look at them just flirting away no problem in front of John. That’s not an issue but asking about his past is. These two... Also when they talk in this scene it’s like Nolan isn’t even there. I love this about them. They only pay attention to one another when they get like this. I just love their banter. It’s fantastic.
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Nolan discovers a panel after hitting another button. It leads to a whole other hidden part of the house. It’s clearly where they were torturing her. They dig a little deeper and find more surveillance camera's set up. Looks like they tried destroying everything before they took off. There is still some paper work and such lying around. Looks like they didn't get everything. Tim wants them to take pictures of everything before the feds show up. Because they’ll ice them out ASAP. I love when he’s a sexy leader directing everyone. yum. gimme.
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This next section when the feds finally show up is primo. Mike Weston introduces himself and Tim knows right away he’s CIA. The feds are with him though. Reason being Weston has to work with them since he isn't allowed to work domestically. Tim has some serious smug husband energy going on in this scene. Watching his girl square off and win with this guy. Lying on his behalf it’s amazing. Lucy handles herself like the bad ass he knows her to be. Coming up with this on the fly. That UC training kicking in right here.
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The immense amount of pride on his face is everything. He didn’t even have to tell her to lie she just did for him. Their silent communication once again is out of this world. He just stands there proud af. Like yeah that’s my girl. Doesn’t have to say a damn word. Knows she’s got this covered. Smugly smiling at this guy trying to get them to do their job. Knowing they secured the scene and got all the photos they needed. Part of that smugness is from knowing they’re not sharing. Lucy shutting them down completely and he just stands there happy as a clam while she handles the situation.
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Lucy is bummed they’re taking over. Nolan reminds them she touched his hood. Tim says they can get a true ID. Try and solve this thing before the feds and CIA know what hit them. I love this. They get a hit in the database. She’s a Russian citizen here on a NGO visa. Tim saying it’s perfect cover for a Russian agent.
Lucy with her social media skills found her Instagram page. Linking her to an Air Force major named Lyle Marks. Who she was apparently dating. Nolan says she was probably dating him just to get to secret information. Lucy calls him a cynic heh I love it. Then says yeah that’s probably the most likely scenario…
That he works for drone command and hasn’t shown up for work today. Tim says no need to loop in Weston. If they’re onto something good he will find them. They show up to Mark's house and find him tortured and killed. Weston of course shows up right after they find his body. Just like Tim said. He’s so smart. Beauty and Brains.
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The fact that a soldier was killed this can’t be contained any longer. Weston realizes he’s going to need their help. Especially since this is on US soil. He brings them back to his fancy spy van. So they can have a private conversation protected. Tim gets right down to business. Asking what they know about Katerina? Mike tells them they believe her to be a FSB case officer. Just like Tim said earlier. Sexy how smart he is. Intelligence is attractive af.
Apparently she went rogue during her mission. She was supposed to be recruiting intelligence assets for Russia. It’s why those two guys came into the country after her. Rather her die than be in the hands of the CIA after she escaped. Tim asks if they knew about the relationship with officer Marks? Weston replies no or they would’ve stepped in weeks ago.
Also let’s note the lack of space with them in this scene. The Grand Canyon between John and Tim. The smallest sliver between Tim and Lucy. Another theme of this season. Personal Space? Never heard of her…
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This next part is more of that proud/smug hubby energy from Tim. The way she dismantles Mike is glorious. Trying to say she’s naive and espionage isn’t a romance novel. She crushes him with some solid ass logic. Lucy owns this guy not once but twice in the same day. Lucy came to play and it's so fun to watch her confidence. The way she handles herself now. So self-assured it's just as glorious to watch as Tim's growth.
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I love the look on Tim’s face. (also him licking his lips I see that tongue sir. Mmm.) His reaction is 'Wifey is right and you are dead to rights sir.' He couldn’t be prouder of her confidence with this man. Held her own from the jump. The growth here is amazing. Lucy just confidently owning her moments. Tim backing her without a second of hesitation. True partners. Nolan gives a 'Told you so' look too but it’s not as important as Tim’s LOL Weston concedes and says she has a fair point…
That being said Mike said he’s read her file. That isn’t the type of person she is. They ask why she was dating Marks then? Weston says he ran the entire west coast drone command. That he had the keys to the entire program. Tim then poses if she wasn’t stealing secrets or planning to defect then what’s her play? Mike says doesn’t know..and that scares the hell out of him
That’s their last scene together for the ep sadly. We find out with just John and Bailey she killed Marks. He issued a drone strike that killed her brother. The flash drive Nolan finds in his shop is what she wants. She wants to kill everyone else on the list of the mission. Sadly Lucy’s love theory is kaput after that haha That's all she wrote for this one. Short but sweet one for them.
Side notes-non chenford
I love Lucy reaching out to Aaron to be his support through training. He fights her at first then gives in and calls her when he has bad experience with an old friend. Aaron does stick his foot in his mouth about Jackson. Poor Lucy still hurts her talk about him.
Then they bond over it. He talks about Patrick and says it still gets him too. How it sneaks up on you. You could be having normal day and something triggers it. Aaron tells her it’s nice to have someone to talk to. Love this friendship being built.
Thanks as always to those who read these reviews and show your support through likes, comments and reblogs. It’s my fuel haha so thank you. Shall see you all in 4x05
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chaikachi · 9 months
At one point, it was a semi-popular trope of Oscar Pine media to have the walls between what defines Oscar and what defines Oz to fade away. That is to say, Oscar and Oz fade into one. This is sort of like a fusion of both, which causes the loss of both.
Stemming from that, there is another trope that revolves around the idea of that the pressure of Oz against Oscar’s soul causes deterioration of the mind. Oscar starts forgetting places or people, memories vanishing less because of a merge and more because Oz is simply too much.
Both of these options are fully AUs. We have evidence that Oz remembers his past fairly well, and has recognition of himself. It’s also not how the incarnation process works, which I just wanted to clarify.
Still, in the RoseGarden sense, if Ruby returned from the Ever After and Oscar was sort of…half-faded, how do you think that would go?
He remembers his name and his duty, certain people and places. He remembers that Ruby meant something, but the meaning to her name escapes him each time he tries to grasp it as he thinks he did once. Everyone in the world says her name with a fervor, and yet to him it leaves only a dull pang where a rose once grew.
I wanted to ask what you think of it or how you think it would go, in the sense of an angst prompt. This is kind of random to ask.
I love talking merge-y stuff with the whole Oscar situation!!
That being said, the only time I've personally explored memory loss with Oscar is if Oz is removed from him after the merge has completed and it jumbles his memory/identity in the process. lostscar au my beloved. I don't think that we are going to see any big memory loss from Oscar in show as a result of merging with Oz, ESPECIALLY not loss of Ruby of all people.
He donned her colour on his shoulders to help carry her torch in v6 and we know he's going to 'keep moving forward' in the face of those he lost after the dojo scene setup. His relationship with Ruby is fundamental to his character arc and the person he's become. It's not going to be something he forgets so easily. 😤
If i see any merge angst happening with Ruby's return, I imagine it's Oscar gaining a bit more of Oz's self depreciation and resignation towards the merge paired up against the parallels of Ruby's ascension.
Oscar's "I finally felt like me, the person I always wanted to be." versus Ruby's "I don't want to be me anymore". Oscar's "I'm just going to be another one of his lives, aren't I?" versus Ruby's "What if you could be anyone?"
There's also opportunity for non-merge-y angst and distance because the two dummies don't want to lose each other again so they're reluctant to get to close, this being entirely pointless because they can't deny how much they matter to each other, but I digress.
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motheatenscarf · 11 months
thinkin bout endwalker thoughts, i liked the idea of each character confronting their own despair and overcoming it to pave a path forward, just don't love that it literally kills them to do so, even if they come right back
bcs like
the point of the existential despair is that hey, you have ONE fragile, wild life to live, so to throw it away, to as a society devalue it, uh, sucks.
it gave us a lot of good character moments, but it did feel a little cheap, to watch people sacrifice themselves with the promise that the WoL would bring them back at the end of it.
it's kinda like what emet selch went thru, huh? except instead of 10 minutes, it was 12 thousand years
which, speaking of, bringing emet selch and hythlodaeus back only for them to immediately choose death again bcs the world they knew and loved is gone and it's time to pave the way for something more is like
idk, to me it's the conflict here between accepting death, which is something everyone has to do, and choosing death, which is something, that uh... people in this place at the end of the universe also keep choosing, even if the theme is that you can't give into nihilism and have to take the hurt with the joy
emet does seem hopeful to pass on the torch, to trust the future to the scions, like he finally accepts that he was wrong in denying the personhood of the sundered, even if he also says his principles were "inviolate, invincible" in trying to bring his people back anyway.
so him entrusting the sundered world to carry on and to lay down his burden isn't exactly the absolute "i am tired of living and want to die" kind of nihilism that all the shades in Ultima Thule long for that we have to overcome, but it's close enough to it that imo it kinda muddies the message a bit.
it's by no means a bad thing, just, you cannot play willy nilly with the forces of life, death, and resurrection, i know it's JRPG logic, but when the theme of your story is "Life is fleeting and terrifying and painful but still precious and worth living," then you CANNOT be so cavalier with characters dying and coming back and then stubbornly choosing to die again rather than heal and move forward.
idk, i'm dumb, and i'm bad at words, and i even still think it was a good moment, i just think it was a little... off-theme is all, even if i loved that the flowers they made got through to Meteion.
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nothingnesstrashbin · 7 months
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"Hello everyone, I finished my graduate studies in China and got tired of that life, so I went to Australia to be a backpacker. Then I got tired of being a waiter and chopping vegetables. So, I'm here."
This was my self-introduction in my first class.
The professor only said, "I hope we won't bore you, at least not until you graduate."
After that, I often spoke up in class.
She quoted a scholar, "The purpose of education is to make a person keep wanting to exist in this world in a group-up way."
That struck a chord with me, and I said, "What moves me more than just wanting to exist — is wanting to keep existing, because that's hard. During everyone’s educational journey, have you ever thought 'I don't want to exist anymore'? I have... People want to live because of their curiosity about the world. When curiosity is killed, one feels their existence is gone; eating and sleeping become mere tasks... So, students are torches, the purpose of education is to ignite this torch, not to fill a container."
Once, she broadly said that her ideal of education and the reality of education are different. Although she has to serve the reality, she strives to maintain her ideal education in her heart.
I also shared notes I took from reading: Influencing others is to give them a piece of your soul, making them no longer think their natural thoughts, no longer burn with their natural passions. His virtue is not truly his, and his vices, if there really is such a thing in this world, are borrowed. He becomes an echo of someone else's music, an actor of someone else's script. The purpose of life should be self-development, to realize one’s natural nature.
Today, my comment touched on the topic of mother-daughter relationships... and I ended up crying. The professor asked, "Do you want a hug?"
I could've held back a little, but I started crying badly when she hugged me. My arms were in a frozen state when hugged, so I let her.
In her toolkit was a sticker, which she peeled off and gave to me —
"Self-love is the most romantic thing in the world, and action is your connection with the universe."
She said, "This sticker belongs to you."
After class, she asked me, "Would you help me carry the basket?"
I thought she might want to talk to me, so I said okay.
She said, "Being able to confront yourself truthfully is precious."
I said, "I feel it's childish. My peers can already control their emotions."
She said, "As people grow up, they learn to control themselves... We're always taught to hide ourselves, which is a bad thing. Being honest with yourself is something very few people can do. Being able to freely express your emotions, that’s maturity."
She seemed hesitant, but finally said, "Actually, I admire you for this."
I don't understand what there is to admire.
She said, "Hey... You know I'm a teacher and you're a student, I don't need to say these things unless they come from the heart. Please keep this quality, okay?"
There were other students waiting for me, so she left.
I wanted to ask her, while keeping this quality, how should I protect myself?
For a long time, I've harbored a kind of insipid but persistent feeling - a sense of wrongness. Or perhaps, a combination of guilt, shame, anxiety, and worry.
Voices around me always say to be rational; to have self-control; to know what should and shouldn't be said; to keep a poker face; to be smooth in dealings; not to trust anyone; to understand one’s social role; to be aware of one’s status...
I've also noticed that my behavior doesn't quite align with my peers.
Laughing heartily when happy, cursing when angry, saying whatever comes to mind - these are things I can't control, and yet I feel guilty, self-reproachful, and anxious for expressing my true feelings.
I admire the quality of being honest and sincere, yet there’s a part of me that wants to destroy it.
I take pride in maintaining free will, but worry about not conforming to certain group norms and behaviors.
I seem to be a contradiction, advocating for and yet loathing myself.
Her words made me feel forgiven. Or rather, that I had not made a mistake from the start.
A social role is not equivalent to a person’s existence.
From birth, when hungry, we cry; when angry, we scream - we have the ability to express our feelings freely. Why then, after education and becoming adults, do we lose this ability, or feel anxious and guilty for having it?
If adults truly did better than babies, why would there be wars in the world?
"Childishness" and "maturity" are concepts made by humans.
Just like "normal" and "abnormal" are also constructs of humanity.
A so-called mature, normal person who fits into society’s imagined system may be useful but not necessarily honest with themselves.
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redorich · 3 years
Oh, Iove the reverse!Hermit Au! (That's what I've been calling it in my head anyways, don't mind me) I love the concept of them reclaiming L'hole and just slowly turning it into something beautiful. I wonder, in this Au are the hermits stuck on the dream smp (yes, please, that would be so cool!! Them trying to find a way back to their own world could be a whole story in and off itself) or do they just randomly pop into the world because they can? And if it's multiple hermits (If it's all the hermits) then how long until the crater can't hold them anymore, until they spill out like a more benevolent version of the blood vines? How long until they follow their namesake instinct and split off? Just, the idea of Dream smp members travelling really far out to find a mansion or something the like and suddenly they come across these monumental builts that are now just there. Imagine the eariness of that, of finding something like 'just' Grians Mansion or Scars Village (not to speak of something the size of Cubs Pyramid or Keralis City!!) and having it be completely empty. (Except of course for the singular shadow in the corner of one eye. But that was gone so quickly, was that even real?)
Imagine the hermits doing their hermit thing, were they built huge farms and cart giant amounts of resources to and fro, and have impressive shops but now it's all underground, hidden somewhere! (And also they've replaced shulker boxes with mules, because I love mules, and the idea of mule highways is hilarious). Imagine someone stumbling in on that! No, like, please, imagine that. And... And possibly write your imagination down perhaps? Maybe? If you would like? That would be extremly pog.
(Bonus points if someone drops into like, a nuzzling day with multiple hermits shopping and haggling over prices)
The Hermits are, for the moment, stuck in this unfamiliar server due to an event called The Split, wherein the Hermits attempted to jump to a new world, but ended up stranded in the Dream SMP when everything went wrong. Why things went wrong, they don’t know yet. Their admin, Xisuma, was critically weakened by his efforts during The Split; he managed to keep everyone alive, so he doesn’t regret it, even if that means that he’s bedridden and magically weak.
The Hermits are unused to living together in such a small area: they are called Hermits for a reason, after all. From the very start, they spread out, digging into the walls just to get some space. The Hermit compound is massive. They’ve already started to spill out of the canyon, venturing above ground and hiding in the shadows as they collect resources. If they had the resources, they’d have all split up ages ago, but this server is dangerous and Xisuma is in a precarious state, so they put up with the crowding for the moment, until each and every one of them is equipped.
Even after the Hermits have acquired gear and supplies, it’s not enough. They still need to survey the land, create secretive Nether pathways, figure out what’s wrong with the End and how they can fix/exploit it, divvy up the resources, and choose who’s going to live with whom. After all, the Hermits have seen firsthand Dream’s death at their own traps. The people native to the Dream SMP are violent by nature. None of the Hermits are going to live alone in this world.
They have started construction outside of the canyon, though, so that when they’re ready to make their move they won’t be caught unawares. All of their builds are thousands of blocks away from civilization, and the only way to find them is through a single Nether portal which can be found in the second mark of the Upside Down. Grian, False, and Tango have set about recreating the Upside Down because while building it is a lot more difficult without elytra, having a base in the Nether will prove beneficial in the long run in a way that it wasn’t in Hermitcraft.
As far as the Hermits are aware, no one has come across their half-built, Brobdingnagian structures. They’re hollow and shadowy and that’s just the way the Hermits like it.
In the meantime, they’ll settle for their well-loved canyon and the anthill-like tunnels and chambers carved into its walls. The biggest chamber by far is a massive cavern which Scar has made to look like roots are holding all the dirt above their heads. (Meanwhile, Wels runs about placing torches while Scar builds, because Xisuma can’t overtax himself respawning Scar fifty times in a row just because the man’s builds always turn into unintentional mob farms.) This chamber becomes the shopping district, and it has an architectural vibe of a speakeasy or a black market-- a literal underground market. 
All their individual small bases are connected through tunnels-- and yes, instead of shulker boxes they have Bdubs breed them mules and turn the tunnels into a mule highway.
As a rule, they all carry splash potions of invisibility in their hotbars. Most of the Hermits don’t enjoy being perceived as scary, dangerous entities, but the mystery and fear surrounding their reputation keeps them safe. It’s entirely possible that someone’s strip mine will intersect their underground society, and they want people to be inclined to forget what they’ve seen and decide to mine in another direction, for their own safety.
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ambelle · 2 years
I find it so interesting that people are saying we didn’t get DK in S3. We absolutely did. In fact, what we got was way more mature than what happened with DB (or DD). It’s a kind of twisted slow burn. I rewatched S1-3 and it’s actually sort of genius. When they get back together it will be in a sincere way. They will both be in a good place. It should be a solid pairing/relationship that cannot be infiltrated by any of Dick’s exes. They’ve already slept together (twice) and both times were surprisingly intimate for two (2) people who had just met. It is especially delicious when you consider that Dick is broken and a runner 😂 Kory is an alien from another planet, yet is more human and understanding of Dick and his flaws than his oldest friends (the OG Titans). DK have this kind of unspoken loyalty, protection and respect for each other that we want more of. They live together, raise teenagers together and lead the team together. It’s not perfect - they have disagreements. Dick still hasn’t quite figured out that he needs to stop going off and doing things on his own. Kory tends to keep things to herself and take on too much. However, I’m hoping the experience in Gotham, essentially the rebirth of their characters, is enough to get them in sync as leaders, friends and romantic partners. I cannot wait to see how this road trip lends to the journey!
I honestly think Titans is meant to be a show you binge not a week by week show. It flows so much better when I sit and binge a season and I wish it was released in that format.
And I agree that what we got from DK in s3 felt like two people who are very comfortable and trust each other. There wasn't any guessing or walking on eggshells. You could tell neither of them were afraid the other would leave or that if they got angry with them it would ruin their relationship. They were operating as a family who bumps heads instead of a team that's there just to solve a case but can't stand each other beyond that like s2.
DK has been a slow burn if you review the entire series instead of just select plot threads from select seasons. Before Mar'i showed up everyone was calling them a slow burn. If people want to claim that DK now doesn't have enough build up and there's no way Dick is carrying a torch for this amazing woman walking around his house in those outfits sure... but it's realistic to me. It's just a slow burn and I've seen this on so many shows and the main pair always ends up dating people in the middle of the series then come back together. But on other shows there's usually some horribly disrespectful conflict between them at one point or the other. DK doesn’t have that issue. I just watched s2 of The Witcher the main pair are in a really rough patch that I can tell is gonna take a while for them to bounce back from.
I feel like Dawn isn't an evil person she means well and Babs is cool. But it didn't work with either because he wasn't compatible with them. Dawn doesn't support Dick unless he's doing everything perfectly and Babs is anti vigilante which is his entire life. Kory is here for it all and he supports her when she's murdering ppl, beating up the team on accident, or dosing Gotham LOL. They are just here for each other.
I love your analysis of them because they are both flawed but both good people and I think that's why they are drawn to each other. Nothing in s3 made me think he's never thought of Kory romantically. He seems to struggle with not flirting with her actually.
Welp this got long. I love them.
Edit: Justin and Faddei were both very likable. But well one died and Kory decided Justin was probably not going to be able to handle her chaotic good personality. 
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iruludavare · 2 years
You don't take good enough care of yourself. You force yourself out into the world every day, a world that feels like just yesterday was so treacherous, but now everyone wants to pretend is back to normal. But you can't pretend, can you? You can never think of the people of Kalos without wondering who among them might have sympathized with Flare, or see the signs everywhere with Lysandre's name just barely covered up, like he wasn't a monster. You're pushing yourself out into this world and you need to be easy on yourself. It's okay to take smaller steps. It's okay to let people know you need space. You can't avoid it all forever, but you don't have to dive in either. I hope you can breathe easier in the future, Serena. Take care of you.
Anonymously tell my muse what the fuck is wrong with them || Accepting
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          “...That’s... quite a bold assumption. I used to fear that-- encountering those who sympathised with Team Flare--, but now... it never crosses my mind. I see the people of Kalos, and I see normal, everyday people are going about their lives. I don’t worry about the what-ifs or what might have been in the past. The way I see it... if they had an issue with me that stemmed from Team Flare... they would make it obvious, or approach me about it directly,”
          “I think that I have Anne-Claire to thank for that. Befriending her... sitting down with the other, former members of the organisation that she brings along... I think it helped me tremendously. It was something I did not know I needed... but perhaps she knew. Or maybe she took pity on me. Or maybe she started it, thinking she could get me to sympathise with Team Flare and carry on the torch. Or perhaps a mix of both-- whatever her initial plans were... it’s turned into something of a comfort now.”
          “Lysandre’s family is too ingrained in the foundation of Kalos to ever completely remove-- I’ve come to realise that. Maybe seeing his image or hearing his name fills me with dread... however, I do not let it stop me from living my life... I never really have. If anything, it has alway driven me to strive harder and push myself further-- to prove him wrong; to turn what was forced upon me into a gift. He watched his dreams slip away from him once... and from those posters, from the beyond the grave... I will make him watch them collapse again.”
          “The assumptions you’ve made about me... are you possibly projecting? Are they issues you deal with, but put onto me to help yourself feel less alone...?
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the-coffee-story · 3 years
Rise of the Forest God
Chapter 2 - The Forest God
When Agatha came over to visit the next day, she found herself baffled when Alice opened the door with a wide smile.
"Agatha, you won't believe what happened!" She was giddy. "Oh, it's so wonderful!"
Agatha furrowed her brows and tried to peer her head past her shoulders and into the space between the doorway. "What is it?"
"He's back!"
"Come and see for yourself!" Alice excitedly jumped up and down and took her by the hand. "He's still weak, and he won't speak, but he's here!!!"
"Alice, that's-"
"Come with me!" She dragged her along to the living room, excitedly murmuring the whole way.
Agatha froze in the doorway, mouth slightly agape.
It was him, undoubtedly, but even as he raised his head and turned it to them, he didn't look like he was still among the living. His skin was white and mottled, and he was sitting so still he looked like a corpse at first. His face was empty of any expression or life, as if his soul had been left behind somewhere far away. "Eustace, look, Agatha's here!" Alice was beaming, skipping over to the still figure.
Agatha felt the blood draining from her face.
Whatever was going on, this was not natural. And yet Alice was as joyful as she hadn't been in months. Agatha was torn. Should she tell her to leave him? What had happened to him? Or should she let it be?
"Yes, I know, he looks exhausted." Alice's voice was soft as she sat down next to her silent husband. She softly stroked the back of his hand. "But he's going to be fine again, aren't you, Eustace?"
His chapped, white-blue lips moved, only slightly, but no sound came out. His face was as expressionless as that of a deadman.
Agatha shivered, and took a stray step back. She couldn't bear to be within his presence any longer. "Well, I... I wish you two the best of luck with th-that then... I just remembered I still need to fix my husband's coat, he ripped a hole in it again, he's so clumsy..." She laughed nervously. "I'll see you then... goodbye!"
With that she rushed out.
"Zombie." The child grinned.
"Don't interrupt me." The mother gently booped her child's nose.
Months had passed. At first Eustace's miraculous return was nothing but a rumour, but then Alice began bringing him outside, and soon everyone knew that something had happened. By the time it was summer, despite whispers of witchcraft and unholy entities, the majority of townsfolk had simply accepted the strange pair. There wasn't much else to do.
It was a warm summer afternoon. The sun was drowning the world in a deep golden glow and the birch trees were softly swaying in the wind like it was singing them to sleep. Alice and Eustace were sitting in the garden and she was making a flower crown for him. He still hadn't said a word since his return, but it didn't stop her from trying. She loved him. She loved him so much.
She put the crown on his head and adjusted it a little. "There. Isn't it lovely?"
He turned his head a little, then reached out a bony hand to feel the soft petals between his fingers. The ghost of a smile was barely visible on his pale lips. Alice smiled and snuggled up to him, wrapping an arm around his thin frame and gently placing her hand on his. She closed her eyes. "I love you."
She heard someone call her name and looked up. Agatha was standing by the old wooden fence and waving. "Alice, can you come over for a minute?"
"I'll be right back, dearest," she told Eustace. Then she got up, brushed the grass off her dress and ran over to the fence. "I'm coming!"
Agatha's face was serious. "Alice, I wanted to warn you."
"What is it? If you're talking about the apple tree don't worry, I already cut the branch before it could break off and hurt someo-"
"The shepherd was found dead in the forest."
Alice paled. "My God. What happened?"
"Something tore him up. Nobody knows what it could have been."
"A wolf? A bear?"
"Something worse." Agatha's brown eyes were narrow, and stared into the garden just in front of her.. "Where was Eustace last night?"
"Well, he went outside to catch some air at around midnight..." Alice's heterochromatic eyes widened. "Good God, he could've gotten himself killed! I'll make sure to tell him not to do that!"
"Alice, don't you think-"
"My God, thank you for the warning Agatha, he could've come to harm..."
"Alice!", Agatha suddenly snapped, grabbing her arm before she could turn and run back. "Come back to your senses! Whatever that...that thing is, it's not your husband!"
"He just needs some time!", she pleaded, flinching her arm away. "He's going to be alright! He just needs a bit of patience and care, and then it's all going to be alright!"
"Alice, he is literally a rotting corpse, it's time to just let it go!"
"He needs me!!"
They both glanced over at the young man sitting, alone, in the thick grass. He was still wearing the flower crown and softly swaying back and forth with the dancing trees. There was even some kind of tiny smile still plastered to his pale lips.
"Alice, this is madness," Agatha muttered, more to herself, if anything.
"Give me some time," the younger woman pleaded, voice cracking softly. "I swear, he's going to make it."
"This feels like something that shouldn't be messed with, Alice-"
"He'll be fine."
"Are you saying that because you believe it, or because you want to believe it?"
Alice hesitated. "Because I love him."
Agatha sighed, and paused. It felt wrong. Everything felt so wrong. Agatha knew, somewhere deep down, she needed to help the grieving woman. This... thing wasn't her husband. No, she was going to help her, no matter if it shattered her healing heart back In two. But right now... She just couldn't bring herself to do it.
"Alright... be careful, dear," was all she could mutter. She kissed her on the cheek and pulled her into a hug, not daring to let her go. "Eustace!" He clumsily raised his head. "You better damn well appreciate what Alice is doing for you!"
He nodded, but his pale face was still empty of any expression. He looked like an empty shell, someone that once held such life and humanity, but now something different masqueraded inside.
A few days had passed. The shepherd was buried and mourned for. But, one day soon after there was another crowd carrying something from the woods.
"What's going on?", Alice asked a little boy as the procession passed by. "What happened?"
"Oh, they found the milkman dead in the woods." He shrugged. "Intestines all over the place."
Agatha quickly appeared by Alice's side, fury in her face. "It happened again! Something is going on here and I'm sure your husband has something to do with it!"
"Agatha, please...!" Alice bit her lip, looking at her battered shoes. "He's not hurting anyone."
"Enough is enough!"
Suddenly a weak sound escaped Eustace's mouth. He bit his lip and tried again.
"Agatha.... please.... don't shout....at Alice."
Despite it all, Alice's face lit up and she threw her arms around him, trying anything to pull her mind away from the gathering crowd passing them. "You're speaking again!"
"Not...her fault....."
Agatha clenched he fist and took a firm step forward, glaring at the pair. "Eustace, you're hiding something."
"Agatha, please...", Alice pleaded, drawing her arms from around Eustace's thin waist.
But the older woman just turned and walked away.
On that evening while Alice was preparing dinner Eustace went out into the garden to catch some air. He returned when the sun had just sunk behind the net of emerald trees, the red sky reflecting on his white hair and giving him an ethereal appearance. He looked otherworldly.
Alice hugged him in the doorway and buried her face in his jacket. "I love you. My darling."
But suddenly she heard a woman screaming down the street.
"Something must have happened," Alice whispered, pulling him inside. "Let's close the door."
Darkness had quickly cast it's shadow over the village. But outside people gathered, with torches and pitchforks, a demonic mob, hoarsely screaming obscenities at the top of their lungs. Then someone knocked hard on the door.
"He killed my husband!", Agatha screamed from outside the house. "That evil creature killed my husband, let me in, Alice!"
"No!", Alice screamed. "It wasn't him...it can't have been him!"
"We'll break the damn door if we have to!"
"I won't let you hurt him!" Alice was sobbing. She ran back to the table and hugged Eustace, her long dark hair falling over his shoulder like a waterfall. She cradled him in her arms. "I won't let them hurt you, my darling. Just you wait. You'll be fine again. I promise."
Eustace raised his head a little and his ashen lips moved. She came closer and he whispered something, barely understandable and raspy.
"I love you...run..."
She hugged him and cried. "I love you... I won't run anywhere, I'll stay with you... I love you...!"
"I love you...!"
Suddenly he froze. Then his slender hand reached for his blindfold and pulled it away. And when he opened his eyes and glanced up, Alice was met with the full force of his golden gaze, like the sun on a summer evening in the forest.
The door broke down with a sickening crunch, and the mob flooded inside.
Eustace was sitting on the floor, Alice's head resting in his lap. Her beige dress was soaked in vermilion blood, and her beautiful dark hair surrounded her pale face like a halo of shadows. Her eyes were wide open in wonder and an expression of love was frozen on her face. She was dead.
Eustace was wearing his blindfold again. When he raised his head his lips moved. "Run... please..."
"And what then??"
The woman smiled. "They captured him. They decided to make sure he wouldn't ever return from the grave again, so they built him a coffin of iron, with locks and chains around it, and buried him deep in the woods, praying that no one would ever release him." She gently booped the child's nose. "Now good night, Miss Walther."
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mageicalwishes · 3 years
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Day 1, Found Family - New Traditions
The Gang start a new Festive tradition filled with love, laughter, music, food & fun.
Day 2, Distance - Say I Love You When You’re Not Listening
Baz reflects on the events of Wayward Son, and the hopelessness he feels. "A trip to try and save him - To save us. A last ditch effort to put some of the sunshine back in to his soul. Rammed together in economy, the press of his knee firm against mine, but his mind miles away. His eyes ever averted. Touching yet so far apart. I just wish I knew where I went wrong."
Day 3, Retellings - Changing History
The Mage's publicized documents reveal a myriad of painful truths about the loss of Natasha Grimm-Pitch and the origins of Simon Snow.
Day 4, Side Characters - Thawing Of A Heart
Malcolm & Daphne. “I’d always known that I would remarry eventually. It was my duty for the good of the family. Basil needed a mother. And I needed … someone. It was a simple, logical decision - To find a woman of good breeding, and give her the Grimm name. To carry on. But, through all my planning and preparation, I had never anticipated that I would fall in love. Never anticipated her."
Day 5, Sleepless - Tonight He Is Mine
"I can’t sleep. I can never sleep these days, not how I want to anyway - It's always either that I’m knocked out for 15 hours, waking up disoriented and heavy, or that I can barely catch a moment's rest. But today is different. My body is tired, and my mind is too. If I let myself, I’d be gone. But I won’t. I can’t. Tonight is my last night with Baz, and I don’t want to miss a minute of it."
Day 6, WLW - To Her, I Taste Of Nothing At All
Fiona & Ebb. "But then, before I even knew what was happening, she was kissing me back. And Crowley, I swear I melted. She tasted of cigarette smoke and spiced rum - Like fire personified."
Day 7, Animal(s) - Family Dog
My interpretation of ‘I was a 15-year-old closet case whose parents pretended they didn’t notice when the family dog disappeared’. “A shallow grave. So much less than she deserves. But … I can’t breathe. I can’t even think. I’m running on autopilot and adrenaline alone. Everything is just - I don't know what I'm doing. I don't know how I got here. I'm losing control. I can't - I can't even look at her. She's still wrapped in my sheets. I can see her bleeding. I still want it. I still want more."
Day 8, Rain - From Across The Courtyard
"When I first met him, it was hammering it down. I was rushing to the main door in a desperate attempt to rescue my suede shoes, umbrella snagging against the wind, when I heard it - An impolite 'Oi! Are you new?'"
Day 9, Kids/Childhood - At The Top Of A Tower
Simon reflects on the few happy memories he made with Baz at Watford.
Day 10, Crossover - I’ll Give You The Stars
A loose crossover between Carry On and parts of I'll Give You The Sun. “He’s haloed under the streetlights, and I’m trying not to stare. But, it’s hard. His face is celestial - The sunshine of his soul peeking through his features. I want to say more, just so that he doesn’t leave. Our houses are right there but, I feel so ... multicoloured."
Day 11, Fluff - Keeping Warm
Simon & Baz spend a tentative first night together after the events of the forest fire. “He’s sighing against me, and sliding a hand up towards to my neck to hold me closer against him, and - Fuck. He’s freezing. I jolt backwards without meaning to. Staring down at him in awe - His pupils blown wide, and a faint (But definitely present) blush spread across his cheeks."
Day 12, Wings - The Guests Can Wait
"Weddings are even more exhausting than I had imagined. What with the panicked last minute search for Simon’s vows (Which ended up being in the mini-fridge of all places), and having to parade ourselves around all of our well-wishing friends and family. All I want to do was get him alone. To tell him, without the presence of a hundred witnesses, how much he means to me - How much the fact that we’re here, together, after everything, means to me."
Day 13, Below the Surface - Below The Surface
"Las Vegas is a sham of a city. Outside it’s all bright lights and glitzy shows - Normal magicians and celebrity chefs. But, beneath its shiny exterior, it’s nothing more than a grim desert, filled with counterfeit culture, and people burning through money they don’t really have. The Katherine is no exception."
Day 14, Constellation(s) - Mirror, Mirror
Simon struggles with his body image Post-Carry On. “Sometimes I just … get so mad at them (At myself, really). I wish that they’d just grow up and tell me like it is. Tell me how much I’ve disappointed them. Tell me that they no longer want me."
Day 15, Hurt/Comfort - First Aid
Simon cares for Baz's Buckshot wounds. Less angsty re-write of the scene in Wayward Son. “I glare at him - At his blackened under eyes, and matted hair. The slight hunch of his back. It does hurt. I know it does. Liar. I move my face closer to his, and breathe in his air. I want to hug him. To kiss him. To cheer him up, somehow. Make him better. But I can’t. I don’t know how. So, instead I step away. My hands dropping limply, to my sides."
Day 16, Meme/Crack - Baby, You Can Pick Me Up Any Day
Oovoo Javer? Oovoo Javer. AKA: Baz is Simon's slightly dickhead-ish Uber driver. “I kept trying to talk to him - Asking about his night, and whether he always listens to Classical music, or if it was just for show - but he ignored me. Staring unamusedly at me in the mirror, eyebrow raised and lips tilted downwards. He got 2 stars for that trip."
Day 17, Blanket Fort - Torch The Night-Filled Fort
Baz surprises Simon with a living room blanket fort transformation. “I turn to him, beaming. ‘Baz, what? What is this?’ He hums against me. ‘Blanket fort. You’re terribly inobservant, Snow.’ ‘Yeah, but … I mean, why?’ ‘Well, it’s been a year now since we left for America, and we’ve come a long way since then. Thought it was worth celebrating,’ he confesses, smiling shyly down at the floor.”
Day 18, Side Ships - You Got A Boyfriend?
Shepard & Penny. Shepard asks Penny a very important question (Well, in his mind, anyway).
Day 19, Misunderstanding - Wrong Bottle, Moron
Simon makes a VERY stupid mistake while showering. Cue, Baz coming to his rescue.
Day 20, Technology - Screenless
Baz and Simon have been chatting online for a year. It's finally time to meet IRL and take their relationship into HD reality.
Day 21, Warmth - Out In The Cold
Fangirl era. Simon and Baz get stuck in a snowstorm, and have to find a way to stay warm.
Day 22, Unlikely Friends - You’re My Bro
Shepard comes over to hang out with his bro ... Baz?
Day 23, Cooking/Baking - What’s Cookin’ Good Lookin’?
Simon is making dinner. Baz is soft.
Day 24, Song - He Made It Easy, Darlin’
Simon & Baz struggle with trying to take the next step in their relationship. Inspired by Easy by Troye Sivan
Day 25, Parallel Universe - Parallelt Univers
Simon and Baz spend the day recovering in bed, after their first kiss. Inspired by the 'Parallel Universes' talk from Skam.
Day 26, Break - I Think We Should Break Up
Simon is trying to do what's right for Baz. Baz disagrees.
Day 27, Snowstorm - Searching In The Snow
Simon has lost his cat. So the only obvious choice is to hammer on his neighbour's door at 2AM ... And Baz is not impressed.
Day 28, Party - Festivities, Food, and Family. Chapter 1
"I’m over the bloody moon. After everything that happened after we left Watford, I wasn’t sure that I’d ever get to see this Snow - a truly joyful Snow - again. And it broke my heart. Yet, here we are, spending our fifth anniversary together, surrounded by friends and family in our own little London flat."
Day 29, Secret Santa/Gift Giving - Festivities, Food, and Family. Chapter 2
Day 30, Any Way the Wind Blows - Worst Road Trip ... Ever!
Shepard is NOT enjoying his trip back to England with the Gang. "I feel like a kid again, sat in the back of my mothers pick-up, hyped up on sugar, but belted down to the seat. Unable to run. Constantly being shushed."
Also huge thanks and praise goes to everyone involved in running the @carryon-countdown Countdown this year!!! I really enjoyed taking part :)
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Lost Book of the White Countdown Event - Free Space
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The Day Magnus Bane Hunted a Ghost
(Read on Ao3)
Magnus turned on the torch, lighting up his face and casting strange shadows across it in the small space between them.
“So,” he said with an eerie smile. “Who wants to hear a scary story?”
Outside the building, a thunderstorm was raging on in full swing. Lightning crackled, followed by rolling thunder which had brought a frightened Max running into Magnus and Alec’s bedroom, followed by Rafael creeping in slowly after. Now, all four of them were huddled under a blanket, with Alec and Magnus sitting cross-legged while facing each other and their children in their laps.
Max frowned and shrank into Alec’s arms. “No! No scary!”
“Yes!” Rafael shrieked, his face lighting up.
Magnus grinned at him, and then looked at Max. “Why not, Maxie?”
“Scaredy cat,” Rafael snorted, his syllables a little slow. He was still learning English after all.
“Not scaredy cat!” Max protested, sitting up straighter with a pout.
Alec laughed and kissed Max between his horns. “It’s okay, baby. Bapa and I will be right here with you.” 
Max relaxed a fraction, and with another smile, Magnus began the story.
"Many, many years ago, when I was living in England, a mundane woman came to my door asking for help," Magnus said in a low voice. Alec, Rafael and even Max leaned in closer, hanging on to every word, while the thunderstorm continued its onslaught outside. "She said that she was experiencing strange things in her house. Clocks stopped working, things would fall apart with no explanation, and only the other day, her cat died mysteriously."
Max looked upset at the thought of a dead cat, but Magnus went on.
"And the woman's daughter was acting very strangely. She would roam around the house during odd hours of the night, and leave the house for hours at a time before she returned with no memory of where she went to. So the woman asked me to help her sort out these strange events, and I agreed to help her. She let me stay in her house until we solved the mystery. The house was occupied only by herself and her daughter. The father had passed away a long time ago.
"The first night, I didn't sleep. I sat in the armchair in the room, waiting for anything strange to happen. For a long time, everything was fine. Then, at exactly three in the morning, the clock in my room stopped ticking. I waited with bated breath, and then, I heard a sound from the living room. It sounded so sinister, like the crackle of a demon's laughter. I stepped out of my room, slowly creeping down to the living room. And there, I saw-"
Magnus lowered his voice, eyes flicking between Max and Rafe, and gave a small dramatic pause before he exclaimed, "A ghost!"
Max yelped, and Alec held him closer. Rafael only gasped, hanging on to every single one of Magnus’s words. 
"And it wasn't just a ghost," Magnus went on, waving his hands as magic sparked about his fingers. "But a ghost possessing the daughter's body!"
Alec leaned in towards Magnus. He couldn't help but be drawn to the story. 
"She was sitting in the living room, wearing a long white dress, and was doing something turned away from me. I stepped closer to her, trying to see exactly what she was doing, when she turned around. Do you want to know what she was doing?"
"Yes!" Rafael yelled, his eyes glowing with excitement to the point where Alec was concerned. Max on the other hand was hiding his face in his hands. 
"She was-" Magnus gasped dramatically. "She was covered in grave dirt and blood, and was holding a piece of broken wood in her hand. At her feet was a mangled dead body!"
Rafael gasped. "Was she eating it?"
Magnus paused and frowned at Rafael, looking somewhat concerned. "No, she was simply playing with it."
"Oh." Rafael slumped down, mildly disappointed. Magnus looked at Alec, his eyes a little wild.
Alec simply shrugged. Rafael's intense interest in horrific things was a little concerning, but it was harmless. Magnus nodded, and went on with the story.
"She had dug up the body from the nearby graveyard, and had been cutting it open with a piece of broken furniture. I tried to stop her, but she started screaming and woke up everyone in her house. Her mother and many other servants had come rushing into the living room, and were horrified to see the girl. She was thrashing around, trying to escape, but I locked all the doors. With some difficulty, I trapped her with a spell, and made her tell her story."
Magnus leaned in, his face taking on a serious expression. "Her name was Mary. She used to live in a faraway place, and even had a little baby. But one day, an evil man broke into her house and killed them both. She had turned into her ghost and, ever since then, looked for her baby everywhere. Sometimes she would dig up graves and look through the people's bodies, or even break furniture open to see if her baby was hidden there. But she never found her baby. I banished the ghost of Mary from her body with a strict warning never to possess people again and cast protective spells over the whole house so that she never returned there again. But," he added. "Legend says that Mary is still out there, searching for her baby. And when you chant 'Bloody Mary' three times in front of a candlelit mirror, she'll appear and see if her baby is nearby. And if she sees a baby that looks hers-" Magnus smiled his eerie smile again. "She'll carry you away."
Max gulped. "What does her baby look like?"
Magnus smiled down at Max. "He's small, has blue skin, and two tiny little horns on top of his head."
Max let out a long whine, turning and hiding his face in Alec's sweater. Alec shot Magnus a sloppy reprimanding look. "Magnus."
Magnus grinned and ruffled Max's hair. "I'm just joking, my little blueberry."
Max pouted.
"How will you fight demons if you're afraid of ghosts?" Rafael said, looking at him with an upraised eyebrow.
"Ghosts scary," Max protested. "Demins not scary."
"Ghosts are not scary," Rafael said. Then he added, "Can we summon Bloody Mary?"
"No," Magnus said. "Your brother will get scared. You don't want Max to get scared, do you?"
Rafael frowned, flicking his eyes over to Max for a moment before grumbling out a "Fine."
"Now," Magnus said, kissing Rafael's cheek and turning off the torchlight. "Let's go to sleep."
"I can't believe you actually met Bloody Mary," Alec said into the dark, long after Max and Rafael were asleep. "I thought she was just a story."
"All the stories are true, Alexander," Magnus said. "Even the ghost stories. The ouija boards, the possessed dolls - they're all real. Although, some of the 'ghosts' in the stories are actually trickster faeries - like the one with the lady who scars your mouth with a scissor. If the story involves a ghost asking a person some questions and then killing them, it's probably a faerie."
Alec nodded, although Magnus couldn't see it. "What about slenderman?"
Magnus sighed. "Poor guy. He's just a warlock with extra long limbs for a warlock mark."
"And bigfoot?" 
"Don't be silly, that's not real," Magnus laughed. Then he shifted in the darkness and asked. "How do you know so much about mundane horror stories anyway?"
"Simon," was all Alec offered for an explanation. 
"Ah," Magnus said. "Please don't tell him any of what I said, or I suspect he'll be after me for more details. It can't be good for him, growing up with all those scary stories and then learning that they're real."
"I suppose so," Alec said, patting Max, who was curled into him, fast asleep. "He'll find out one day, anyway."
"Maybe," Magnus replied. "Until then, let him live in his blissful obliviousness."
"Sure." Alec yawned and stretched out a hand, placing it on Magnus's. "Good night."
"Good night," Magnus said, lacing his fingers through Alec's. 
They slowly fell asleep as the thunderstorm calmed outside, their children cuddled up between them.
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roswelldetails · 4 years
Episode 202: Ladies and Gentlemen We Are Floating In Space - Details
Liz (Jeanine Mason) is forced to put her latest experiment on hold after Rosa (Amber Midthunder) begins to struggle with her new life in Roswell. Reluctant to face the truth about his mother’s past, Michael (Michael Vlamis) turns his attention to helping Maria (Heather Hemmens), who is dealing with her own family crisis. Elsewhere, Isobel (Lily Cowles) agrees to join her mother for a day of spiritual healing to keep herself distracted. Finally, Rosa turns to Kyle (Michael Trevino) to learn the truth about what really happened the night she died. Tyler Blackburn and Trevor St. John also star. Lance Anderson directed the episode written by Eva McKenna (#202.) Original airdate 3/23/2020.
Secret lab is in an Indian Boarding School that was shut down. The Air Force bought it. It's been empty for 40 years (i.e., since approx. 1979). Part of Alex's job is to monitor it.
Security was set up by Alex’s team. They follow orders and don’t ask questions. (But that also means other soldiers know about it.)
Max's password was password. 🙄
Liz lies to Rosa. "It was beautiful. The whole town came. Everyone joined in the rosario. Mom sang Las Golondrinas. Dad wanted you in a white dress but I insisted on your Live Through This t-shirt."
According to: https://blog.sevenponds.com/cultural-perspectives/tradition-spanish-funeral “Nine days after the death, the family holds a ceremony known as a “rosario.” It consists of candles, flowers, prayers and sharing memories of the person who has died. The rosario also takes place every year on the anniversary of the person’s death.”
Las Golondrinas
Rosa Nightmare #1… unclear when it started since it flowed directly from her on the couch, doing graffiti around town, seeing her dad. Assuming it starts when she goes to the Wild Pony, pours herself a drink, hesitates, and then Max appears.
Max and Rosa's exchange:.
"What are you waiting for? You have to stop Liz. Tell her she can't bring me back, Rosa."
"Why? Why don't you want her to save you?"
"I can't take it anymore. Just end it."
"They'll figure it out. They'll save you."
"I can't wait that long. It's like burning alive from inside."
"She's never going to stop trying."
"Then you have to stop her. Please!"
Rosa wants her sketchbook from the bookshelf in their room. (Later in the episode when she breaks in we see that the bookshelf is empty. Liz cleared out Rosa's things in 1x07.)
Rosa's old email [email protected] (90s music reference to the band Everclear).
Michael is experimenting by blow torching a piece of alien ship.
Apparently it was Lindsay (of Hank and Lindsay) that Michael made out with. Seeing as it's only been a month since Hank died (2 weeks passed in 2x01, Maria says in 2x02 that her mom has been missing for 2 weeks), and the big guy was pissed about Michael making out with her, she moves on pretty quickly!
Maria is meeting with a private detective.
Science babble! "Human tissue can obviously regenerate from stem cells. With the right methodology I could use your blood (Isobel) to make adjustments for alien physiology. I have to monitor exactly when cell degradation begins, down to the second. I can't miss it. Eight hours before I need to be back.
Michael is developing nanotechnology to make the transplant possible. "It's like replacing parts in a broken machine."
They harvested all of Noah’s primary organs. "I have his body parts in jars."
Isobel steals what looks like an empty syringe. But at the end of the episode she has the serum in it.
New brand of fake beer! (Last season it was always Copper black lager. Now it's Hunks and Heroes Lager! Broken bottles were on the ground in the cemetery, Wyatt Long is carrying a bottle at the beginning of the scene when he and Michael fight (which could tie him to the graffiti on Rosa's grave), and also has a bottle in front of him on his YouTube video.
Michael is holding a bag from Milikan Value Hardware Store.
Flint's report on Caulfield: "Shepherd Protocol was activated. Bodies were disposed of without incident. Local papers ran an item confirming that the long-scheduled demolition of the prison was a success."
Exchange between Jesse and Flint:
"Dad, I don't think we should have covered it up. People should know."
"Do you have any idea what would happen if we confirmed that alien specimens were once housed at Caulfield but are now suddenly gone? It'd be dismissed as fake news. Buried by a racist tweet within seconds. No, we need to make a bigger statement."
"'Cause justice can't be served until after disaster has struck."
"That's right."
Really don't want to transcribe the racist rant from Wyatt Long that Rosa watches, although I will if y'all demand it. I don't think it's relevant beyond Rosa learning the truth. However as a detail I want to note, the video is titled BUILD THE WALL! IN MEMORY OF KATE LONG and it's dated September 3, 2010 (so 2 years and a few months after they died). Amusing side note. The comments on the video. Great fake usernames:
fayhuman: Kate Long didn't deserve what happened.
Curious Murphy: I just donated to the cause!!
thecyberwitch48: is this really the best solution?
Isobel’s baby is at 5 weeks, the size of a lentil.
Isobel calls Ann "Mama". Good note for fic writers! 😉
Maria's class: "Woman as Warrior: Strength Training for the Mind, Body, and Spirit."
Under the Bridge - same location as in 1x03 where Liz finds Rosa's paint canister.
Maria's cards:
Maria DeLuca
Psychic Reader
Spirit Leader
Social Media Revitalizer
Great line: "The infinite reservoir of strength and healing within us all" 😂👏
Rosa's chart…
"What's this error here?"
"Must be a contaminated sample."
"No way. I'm meticulous."
Steph says regarding the error on Rosa’s test “Congrats. Looks like you just discovered a protein never before found in the human body. Or you didn't get the Flamin' Hot orange dust off your hands when you scrubbed in. Whichever's most likely."
Michael to Liz, "I was working. I went home to find formulas I worked out years ago…"
Rosa is reciting Niebuhr's Serenity Prayer, which is commonly used by AA and other 12 step programs.
Noah was struck by lightning directly in the heart.
Isobel’s moment of epiphany:
"Using your newfound goddess strength I want you to get up and throw your fear into the fire. Set yourself free. You're a warrior. You aren't afraid of anything. Draw upon your feminine power. Why are you hesitating, Isobel? The sooner you throw your paper in the fire the sooner you can leave."
"Look, it's not that simple, okay? I can't just throw this into the fire." Maria gasps and rubs her chest, similar to how she did when she realized her necklace was missing at the beginning in 1x10) "I'm trapped.
Ann: "This is my fault. I put too much pressure on you."
"It's nobody's fault. It's just here."
Maria: "Whatever it is, you can choose to set yourself free. Say it. 'Say I choose to set myself free.'"
"I choose to set myself free."
Maria: "Louder."
"I choose to set myself free."
Rosa breaks into the Crashdown. It mirrors her first nightmare in 2x01, but it's not a dream. She goes to her room, sees the empty bookshelf, goes to the closet, and snags a hidden bottle of tequila.
Camera lingers on Steph stuffing a bottle of nail polish remover in her purse. Note: she was actually doing her nails.
Michael and Alex's conversation mostly mirrors the information we learned from the file in last week's episode. She wasn't caught until October 1948 and the crash was June 1947. She was the last alien captured and admitted into Caulfield. Alex thinks people in Roswell might have known her.
Liz says that the accident never made sense to her because when Rosa was 12, Mamma Ortecho drove drunk with Liz and Rosa in the car, hit a bike, and flipped the car. Rosa told Mamma Ortecho that she would kill her if she ever drove drunk with Liz in the car again.
Rosa's tequila brand: Blistering Rose.
Rosa’s 2nd Nightmare: Rosa runs into the cave and starts beating on the pod. When she hits it, it sounds like metal (which doesn't seem like it would make sense given what we know about the pods).
Her conversation with Max:
"Leave me alone, you dick!"
"I am so much pain, Rosa."
"Oh really? So is everybody. Man up."
"Have some mercy. I saved your life."
"My life is gone. My mom bailed, I can't talk to my dad, my entire town hates me, and my sweet little sister is somebody that I don't even know. But I do know that she'll save you. She's gonna fix you and until then, leave me alone."
"I'd Liz won't stop then you have to do it. Go to the pod, pull me out, and walk away. You won't be killing me, Rosa. I'm already dead."
"I said no. Leave me alone."
"As long as that handprint is on you I can reach you."
"Fine. I'm an expert at quieting voices."
"No. Rosa, wait. Don't do anything stupid."
"I never dreamed when I was using."
1. Oasis "Wonderwall"
2. Gord Bamford "#Rednek"
3. Hamish Anderson "Trouble"
4. Radiohead "High And Dry"
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doubleddenden · 4 years
Can I just say as someone who is regularly made self conscious about his writing because of bullshit tumblr posts who criticize every little choice made for stories:
If you aren't making an uwu coffee shop AU, it's fine to have conflict, and especially death of characters. Like I know tumblr is on this kick like IF YOU KILL YOUR CHARACTERS YOU ARE PROBLEMATIC but like. No you're not?
Like sure, sometimes it's very tasteless. This is in no way defending meaningless deaths (we don't support "bury your gays" in this house, thank you), but there's something you have to remember:
None of this is real
The character is not you or someone you know personally
Characters in a sense are more or less literal plot devices
What this means is that you can't get worked up every time a character you like dies.
When a mentor dies, it's meant to be a passing of the torch and a moment for the mc to overcome emotionally and show they will carry their spirit. Case in point: Peter Parker in Into the Spiderverse, Jiraiya in Naruto, etc
When a parent dies, it's meant to be a moment that forces the character to grow up, overcome adversity, meant to test their resolve, meant to show their love for their child and just how far they are willing to go for them. Minato and Kushina, James and Lilly Potter, etc
When a friend or rival dies, its supposed to test their resolve. Do they give into despair? Or do they avenge their friend's honor or do what needs to be done? Caesar Zeppeli and Joseph Joestar, Naruto and Neji, Maes Hughs, etc
Sometimes it's just to show how terrifying or fucked up the villain is. Seriously, Maes Hughs is a huge example of this.
Sometimes its redemption for a character that has done terrible things. Darth Vader remembering the light side to save Luke is a powerful moment, because in his final moments of clarity he decides to try and atone for some of his sins. Vegeta sacrificing himself to save Gohan from Cell or to obliterate Majin Buu (and fail) is HUGE finally starts a path of redemption for him.
I think it has to be said that especially for stories involving fictional war or survival, there has to be adversity to overcome, sadness or anger to drive the plot forward. There has to be danger, and gonna be real? If everyone lives, there's no sense of danger or a threat. When a character dies, especially a beloved one, it means shit is getting real, people can actually die, this isn't an UWU COFFEE SHOP EVERYONE LIVES au. It means holy shit, if this guy is dead, shit is real.
And yes. Its supposed to hurt. You cannot say it's bad writing just because it's a character you got too attached to or because you missed obvious death flags. That character was most likely always planned to die as a means of helping drive the plot forward. If it hurts, then that's good! That means they weren't a shallow character and something was done to make them stand out!
If a character sacrifices themself, that's not a middle finger to you specifically. It's an act of love for the people the character cares for. If they revive, then great, it was a close call, but if they don't, there's finality to their act of love. In their final moment, they chose their friend, child, lover, pupil, comrade, whatever, and it's a sad but noble decision.
Now sure, senseless death doesn't make sense. Attack on Titan is boring as shit because it's always randos that get destroyed to bloody bits. When there's no death flags at all to warn you, then yes, that's bullshit and done for dramatic effect, often times just to incite reaction from the audience because the writers or producers are bored. And yeah, I'm not going to say I'm particularly happy seeing pets die.
But honestly there's good uses of death, and to just outright label it all as bad is childish if not boring. Risk, adversity, sadness- its sometimes necessary to drive home the sweet reward of a happy ending. Like if you prefer happy shows with little to no risk, that's perfectly fine and I'm not faulting you for it, but at a certain point some of y'all have to stop taking the writing so personally.
Its important to keep it for multiple reasons tbh. Like it or not, the people we love and care for will not be around forever. A lot of people especially need to see the surviving character associated with the dead character grieve and find the strength to move on. It isn't just a senseless act when there's a lesson that can be taught to the viewer, and sometimes it's a hard damn pill to swallow. However it is necessary because it's an unavoidable fact of life. Not only does it give the viewer sort of a reference for how to deal with the grief (often times the best thing is to see the character stand back up and move on), but it really reminds you to treasure those you love. There's a reason it's so prevalent in storytelling since... well, caveman times. Shakespeare used it, Homer used it, Stan Lee used it- it's not something that needs to be banned, regardless of how you feel about it.
Again, if it happens to characters that happen to represent a minority or group, yeah, that's bad, feel free to criticize that choice when it's been done time and time before and especially if it seems like those particular writers target very specific people.
But other than that, y'all seriously gotta just let people write what they want. You can have your Everyone Lives tm AU's or your comfy shows where nothing bad ever happens, that is perfectly fine and valid, but something like FMA wouldn't have NEARLY the depth it does without the deaths or chances of death of particular characters to drive plot or motivate the characters. Peter Parker or Batman wouldn't be half the heroes they were without the stinging reminder of Uncle Ben or Bruce's Parents to remind them what they fight for. Naruto becoming Hokage wouldn't be possible without Jiraiya's death to push him and force him to surpass the legendary Sanin. Trunks wouldn't have gone super saiyan without Gohan dying- permanently mind you- which would lead to him surpassing THAT Gohan, his own father Vegeta, and come back to the future to stop the androids, his version of Buu, and eventually Zamasu. Fuckin Luke Skywalker couldn't have become a Jedi Master without the deaths of Obi Wan or Yoda to really force him to man up into his destiny.
That's my piece.
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oncuehiswill · 5 years
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What is this flag? It is Old Glory, but at its basic elements, this flag has three components. 1) This flag has a banner which is the means of communication. The banner can be any simple or complex canvas 2) This flag has artwork that bears the marks, messages, and/or ideas of which we communicate. That artwork can communicate messages of prides, preferences, and/or principles. 3) This flag has a post also it to flown. The post can be a tree, a pole, or a person. The post anchors the banner and its artwork as a means to a) Signal a gathering of people in a military formation, in a parade, or any other free assembly; to b) Summon a people to home base, safe haven, and/or a place striving for a perfect union; to c) Showcase a sense of pride to which to rally around, a sense of surrender to which show defeat, or proof through the night of that the flag is still there.
Let's get one thing straight. I am a Black man and am proud to be an American. My mother and fathers, their mothers and fathers, and the mothers and fathers from generation to generation prayed, sacrificed, and dreamed of days of which I can stand free to make the next generation better, free to lift my voice and sing to the heavens anytime and anywhere I choose, and can be counted not as property but properly. I can lift the Old Glory. I can carry this flag this Betsy Ross flag too. Why you ask? The journey of this flag have bold, brutal, and beautiful story, if we just listen. This flag has transformed FROM a flag that signaled, summoned, and showcased ideas of rebellion and freedom for the runaway colonies, ideas of treason and rebellion from the mother colonizer, and ideas of betrayed hope from the enslaved property and displaced natives TO a flag that has surrendered the ideas and truths which are self-evident and which can refresh its tree of liberty.
Today, this Old Glory flag is screaming something. Can you hear it? It is screaming “a nation divided cannot stand", is screaming “from every mountain side, let freedom", and is screaming “surrender the me for we", and is screaming “the future is our purpose". Sadly, no one hears Old Glory. Everyone is signaling his or her own truth, summoning others to commune, and showcasing his or her own ideas about what Old Glory should be – honored, made-over, or destroyed. But that is the beauty of Old Glory. It protects the voice of change as well as the status quo and protects the hands with lit match as well as the lit torch, EQUALLY.
Now, I can carry Old Glory proudly, not to pit myself against those who choose not to honor it but for those who chose to love and honor it with their lives, even when our nation did not love honor them back. However, let me tell you about my primary flag that flies high and above all flags. Its banner is white, there is no artwork, and the post are my hands. With arms outstretched, it is a flag of that signals, summons, and showcases surrender, not to the prides, preferences, and principles of my mortal life but the surrender to Jesus Christ. He died for all of us, if we believe or not. It is in this faith I am remain hopeful and rested assured. A transformational leader once said, “…with this faith, we hew out of the mountain of despair, a stone of hope". By that stone of hope the first settlers planted this flag of surrender on this nation well before Betsy Ross stitched her flag. If we raise this flag, we can see the grace that God has granted this nation from the tattered Betsy Ross flag to screaming Old Glory. So today, if we can't honor the history of Old Glory, honor the glory of God, His grace He shed on us, and the future that signals, summons, and showcases His holy and perfect will.
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wrestlingisfake · 3 years
Blade Braxton (1975-2021)
It's kind of a minor thing in the world of pro wrestling, but Wrestlecrap.com's Blade Braxton passed away on March 28. I heard the news that night and didn't know how to react. The site's big April Fools' Day podcast was coming up, and I found myself hoping it was a tasteless joke. But despite Blade's flair for tasteless jokes, this sadly was not one of them. His family has scheduled the funeral for April 10.
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When I first heard of Wrestlecrap in 2000, it was because of another tragedy for the site--the death of Merle Vincent Griggs, who founded the site with RD Reynolds. I loved the idea of a website reminiscing about dumb pro wrestling gimmicks, and yet it always seemed sad that RD ended up having to carry the torch without a guy who clearly meant a lot to him. Before long, though, Blade stood out in a Wrestlecrap contest where he filmed a spoof of the Black Scorpion, and he became a prominent contributor. By the time RD and Blade launched Wrestlecrap Radio, I'd decided that it was a elegant bit of karma that RD had found a new friend and kindred spirit. I can't imagine what it's like for him to have to suffer this sort of loss a second time.
Wrestlecrap Radio was definitely not for everyone, and that was mainly because of Blade. His humor was crude, vulgar, and sometimes inexcusably offensive. He tended to ramble and get off-track, and he had less to say about pro wrestling than odd anecdotes from his weird life. I always got the feeling he was from the wrong side of the tracks, although that may have just been the way his phone connection made him sound like, as RD put it, a hobo. He wouldn't have been out of place in Beavis & Butt-Head, and he'd probably be selling them old Skinemax VHS tapes behind a food mart.
I frequently found myself worrying about Blade's state of mind. As the show went on he always seemed to be drinking his way through some injury sustained while installing hardwood floors. Whenever the show skipped a few weeks/months, the reason always seemed to be that Blade wasn't ready. He was always talking up big plans or bigger ideas that never came to pass. Every once in a while he'd tease that he would finally pay off the Big Announcement he hyped in 2007, and every single time I'd get sucked in until he postponed it yet again. He had a massive collection of old shit from the 80s that he couldn't bring himself to get rid of, which seemed sadder and sadder as I started to leave my own nostalgia behind.
When he wasn't installing floors or doing Wrestlecrap, Blade was always driving around the country working rinky-dink indy wrestling shows or attending horror movie conventions. I didn't see any future in it, and I didn't envy that sort of life. But he seemed to revel in it, and it was nice to hear about him landing a midnight movie show on some local station, or getting parts in low-budget Troma movies. He seemed like he lived twice as hard as the average person. Now that he's gone at only 46, I suppose it was only fitting.
Wrestlecrap Radio kind of jumped the shark for me around 2012 or so. RD was increasingly bothered by the saltiness of the content, and the podcast was relaunched in a more PG-13 format. I'd listen to it now and then, but updates were infrequent and it was easy to fall out of the habit. I made an extra effort to catch the Christmas episodes, but they were always griping about the new Star Wars movies, which led them to gripe about the old Star Wars movies, and so on. The magic just wasn't there anymore. But I always figured there'd be plenty of time to catch up with them later. It wasn't like they were ever going away...
I'm sure RD will bounce back from all this, and maybe he'll find a way to keep podcasting. Maybe he'll find someone else to be on the other end of the tin can and string. RD is a fine young egg. But there will never be another Blade Braxton, and I'm fortunate to be one of the people who can go on to assure people that, yes, this lunatic was a real guy who really did all that shit.
If there's any justice in the world, someone will do a version of that picture of Randy Savage greeting the Ultimate Warrior in heaven, except with Blade asking Savage about the boner he had at Summerslam 1988.
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