#if he did they wouldn't be so so so scary
gojoidyll · 2 days
Capitano doesn't get drunk... until he eventually does.
drunk!capitano x wife!reader
Capitano is the type of drunk who mopes around when the person he cares for most isn't anywhere in sight.
You could literally see the rain clouds forming over his head as his shoulders sort of slouch.
To anyone else, he his scary, brooding, someone that one shouldn't go up to.
But you knew your husband well, so when you spotted him easily through the throngs of people, you had to keep yourself from laughing. He, to you, honestly looked like a kicked puppy.
Grinning to yourself, you walked over to him, your arms circling around his left bicep as you clung to him.
"And how's my husband doing this fine night?"
Your voice was playful as you leaned into him.
And, like a switch that was flipped, you watched as Capitano's mood did a full 180. He stood up straighter and lifted his free hand to encircle your hands that were holding onto his bicep. The fictional clouds that were over his disappeared, and he seemed like himself (to you) once more.
His answer was simple as he held onto you fiercely.
"I can tell," you giggled as you leaned your head against his shoulder.
Capitano rarely ever got drunk, but when he did he was the mopey, clingy type who you would have to look real closely to know if he was actually drunk or not.
You wouldn't have him any other way.
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multific · 2 days
Two Pieces of a Puzzle
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Simon "Ghost Riley x Reader
Summary: You are sent on a mission with the infamous LT, but you might have just as many talents as he does, if not more.
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When you found yourself on a mission with a military man, Lieutenant Ghost, you knew you were in for a treat. 
He was a tall, rugged man with an attitude and a sharp wit that kept you on your toes. 
As you set out on your mission, you were quick to realize that you were in for an adventure unlike any other.
The Lieutenant was a seasoned soldier, and his experience showed in every move he made. 
He led you with precision and confidence, never hesitating to make tough decisions or take risks when necessary. 
You found yourself in awe of his leadership skills and his ability to think quickly on his feet.
He was impressive, you weren't going to lie about that.
As you navigated through the treacherous terrain of the dense forest and faced unexpected challenges, Ghost remained calm and collected, always finding a way to overcome whatever obstacles stood in your way.
A rescue mission.
The children and wife of an important politician were kidnapped and you received intel that they were in a hidden house in the middle of a dense forest up in the mountains. 
Of course, your way to the forest was an entire mission on it's own, but you heard the tales of the infamous Ghost.
His determination was infectious, and you found yourself pushing harder and digging deeper than you ever thought possible.
Every second you spent with him, you felt your movements sharpen.
It was inspirational.
But it wasn't just Ghost's military prowess that impressed you. 
On no.
The mystery. 
The secrets he held inside himself.
The mask.
That damned mask.
He also had a wicked sense of humour that kept your spirits high even in the darkest of moments. His jokes and witty remarks never failed to bring a smile to your face, even when the situation seemed dire. 
His jokes, even if they were tired and mostly military-related, did help your mood a lot. 
Despite the dangers you faced and the odds stacked against you, Ghost never wavered in his commitment to completing the mission. 
His unwavering dedication inspired me to do the same, and together we forged ahead, determined to succeed no matter what.
You got to the house, just the two of you, hiding behind trees as you assessed the situation.
"You take the back door, I take the front." he said.
"With all due respect, Sir, I believe Captain was clear, you get me here, I get in and them out. I'm called Shadow for a reason." you smirked and put your gun down.
Your time to shine.
You were a specialist in kidnapping and hostage situations. They always got you as you were quiet on your feet and you always got to the point fast. 
You always rescued the person or people and no one ever saw you coming.
In the end, your mission was a success.
As always.
The happy family was back together as you and Ghost walked back into base.
"That was impressive." you heard him say.
"Thank you, Sir. I do live to impress." you said with a smile.
As you celebrated our victory, you couldn't help but feel grateful for the opportunity to work alongside such a remarkable man. 
And as you parted ways, you knew that you would always carry with you the lessons from your time together on that unforgettable mission.
Or so you thought.
You would say you were tipsy, others would call it drunk.
Ghost called it sexy.
You loved to see how his scary mask fell from his face. How his walls crumbled as you climbed into his lap and kissed him.
It was dark in the alley you followed him for a smoke.
He sat down on the steps and you followed suit.
"How did you do that? How did you get in and out without anyone seeing you?"
"The same way you got us through that block on the road or how you made me crawl on my stomach under a car so they wouldn't see us enter the woods. Skills, Sir. Years of training and skill."
It might have been your fault that you leaned in too close.
It might have been him when he looked at your lips. You weren't sure. But you were sure about one thing.
The way he kissed you spoke volumes.
He was touch starved and scared at the same time. 
But you did like the thrill of it.
And also because you were the same.
You two fit together like two pieces of a puzzle. 
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@castellandiangelo @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl @manduse @jacalineiscomingforyou 
@mandoloriancookie @deliciousfestsalad @lilliumrorum
@asgards-princess-of-mischief @fallout-girl219 @dracaryxzs @snowtargaryen 
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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo volume 11 - prologue
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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo novel translation
Volume 11 - Worth of a Spirit
I’d like to ask those who deem my actions brutal. What are you willing to sacrifice for the sake of your loved ones? I will offer everything— That is all.
A square shaped hole on the floor.
No, this was no ordinary hole. Though enveloped in darkness, the man could make out a ladder extending underground from the mouth of said hole.
He happened to find this door on the floor by mere coincidence.
Had nothing been there, surely he would’ve just thought that the colour of the floor was slightly different in that area. It wouldn't even cross his mind to approach it.
Yet his ears had caught something strange earlier.
Clunking noises, like metal being hit.
He had gotten closer after following that sound, and when sharpening his vision, he noticed there was a door in the direction of that noise.
He should’ve ignored it, but nevertheless, his curiosity over the door overpowered all else.
By the time he came to his senses, he had already opened the door.
“What’s this?”
“There’s a basement area.”
“Don’t you guys feel creepy?”
The other students that were with him came closer, talking to each other and commenting with enthusiasm.
Just what actually lies underneath here?
Led by overwhelming curiosity, he intended to go down that ladder. But at that moment, something grabbed his arm.
It was a female student from the same seminar as him.
“You’re going in there?”
“I heard a strange noise just now,” he replied before lowering one foot, stepping onto the ladder.
Next, putting a hand in his pants pocket, he took out his phone and descended the ladder one step at a time whilst relying on the small light from his phone.
Reaching the end of the steps, he arrived in an open space.
Even so, the small light from his phone wasn’t enough to look at his surroundings in its entirety.
“What is this place?”
“Feels scary.”
Voices echoed.
While difficult to see because of the darkness, apparently the other students followed after him despite complaining in the process.
Using the light from his phone, he illuminated the room.
It was an old room, with both its walls and floor made out of bricks, and an area roughly the size of a large classroom. On one side of the wall were bookshelves storing a sizable number of books as well as documents that were poorly arranged. On the wall across it were shelves lined with medicine bottles. Then, placed in the middle of the room was an old operating table.
Only thing was—
No one was there.
Perhaps the noise he had heard earlier had merely been his imagination.
However, when he changed his mind and was about to head back, he discovered something strange.
That object resided in one corner of the room.
It appeared to be a box.
“What…is this?” he said as he approached the box.
The box was fairly old and made out of metal. Nearly every part of it had rusted.
Did this box used to store equipment?
No, that would be strange.
Something that looked like a talisman had been pasted on the box, and it wasn’t just one. The darkness made it hard to tell for certain, but there had to be at least thirty of them.
That wasn’t all. Something had been written on top of the lid.
Not with a marker or the like. The letters had been carved directly onto the metal.
He lifted his phone, casting a light over it, and read the letters.
This box shouldn’t be opened.
That was what it said.
Could this be someone’s prank? No, for a prank, this seemed like a lot of effort. Someone had been afraid of something, and had locked whatever it was inside this box.
By reflex, he reached out towards the lid.
“Is it fine to touch it anyhow?” asked one female student.
Under normal circumstances, he would’ve stopped his hand by now. Yet for some reason, he couldn’t resist the force of the box pulling him.
His fingers trembled slightly.
As if led by something, the man placed his palm on the lid of the box.
His fingers were greeted by the rough sensation of the rusty surface combined with the coldness of the metal.
You wouldn’t be able to return after opening it, a voice said to him.
A voice that sounded like it had spoken directly to him from within his eardrums, or from inside his brain. That might have been a sign that he had to stop here.
And yet—
He drew out his strength, attempting to open the lid of the box.
Several talismans ripped in the process and the lid opened alongside the creaking sound of metal rubbing against each other.
A powerful smell invaded his nose and he spontaneously turned his face away.
As he lifted his phone to peek into the box’s contents once more, he felt a piercing gaze from behind.
He turned around to find a man standing there.
Both of the man’s eyes were dyed blood red—
Along the riverside road that was part of her school commute, Sana squeezed the brakes on her bicycle.
Her bicycle came to a stop with a high-pitched squeak.
Still on her bicycle, she turned her face in the direction of the river.
My eyes weren’t deceiving me.
A girl was standing at the edge of the river.
The girl’s condition was unusual.
She gave the impression that she was about to commit suicide by jumping into the river.
Not even Sana knew why she felt that way, even though she had merely seen the girl from the corner of her sight while cycling.
Besides, what should she do if the girl was contemplating suicide?
Even that was something she had no idea about.
It felt strange to call out to her even though the girl wasn’t doing anything in particular. Yet it would be all too late if the girl had already jumped into the river.
What should I do?
While she was thinking, the girl slowly turned her neck to look in her direction.
With her head lowered and her hair hung loosely, Sana couldn’t see her face very well.
Cold breeze blew along the riverside, making a wuthering sound as dusk drew near. On the opposite side of the river, a white heron flapped its wings and flew away.
Was it her own imagination?
Compared to before, the girl’s figure appeared larger—
No, it wasn’t just her feeling. That girl was slowly walking towards her.
As the girl drew closer, Sana noticed something.
The girl’s black hair was sopping wet. And not just her hair. Her uniform blouse and skirt were soaked through as well, almost like she had just come out of the water.
Drip, drip—Sana could almost hear the sound of water droplets falling from the girl’s body.
Before realising, the girl had already closed the distance between them until a mere five metres apart remained.
At this point, Sana noticed another peculiar thing.
The girl was barefoot.
In the middle of winter, had she really been walking around barefoot? No, regardless of the season, it would be unusual to walk outside barefoot.
“A-Are you alright?” she asked, her voice trembling.
Without answering Sana’s question, the girl extended both of her hands.
Her hands were so pale and skinny they felt impossible to belong to a living breathing human. Droplets of water dripped from the tip of her fingers.
The girl was saying something.
Even so, Sana couldn’t catch what the girl had said over the sound of the wind.
Once again, the drenched girl moved her lips that had turned purple.
This time, Sana was able to hear her clearly.
“I… never wanted that...”
Sana couldn’t understand what the girl wanted to say. Yet her words sounded terrifying, reverberating through her eardrums.
This isn’t normal.
Sana lifted her feet onto the bicycle pedals and rode the two-wheeled device with all her might.
She wanted to get away from the girl as soon as possible.
If she stayed there any longer, she might get dragged into the river by the mysterious girl. Consumed by that thought, Sana pedalled her bicycle using all her strength.
“I never wanted that…” said a voice next to her.
She was currently cycling as fast as she could. Catching up on foot would be impossible. And yet, the voice sounded right beside her.
Unable to bear it anymore, Sana screamed—
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Specialized Extracurricular Execution Squad Activity Report
Part 3
5/16 (Sat) - Reporter: Yukari Takeba
Uh, this is Takeba.
Actually, Tartarus is closed today, and Kirijo-senpai told me, "School take priority over SEES activities!", but it's tough to stay holed up in my room all day, so I snuck out. That being said, I don't really have anything to report.
Oh, I'm lying, there was one thing. Well, Sanada-senpai is a little scary. Haha. Apparently the doctor told him yesterday that he'll be okay to start boxing in about a week, and he's really happy about that.
Of course, since it's before the exams, he seems to be studying properly in his room, but when I went out to the stairwell, I saw him running up the stairs at a great pace. I was surprised and talked to him, and he said that he had been taking a break and couldn't stay still. Do you even know what a break means? But I'm glad he's doing well. Yes.
Well, I don't want to relax too much, so I'll get back to studying. This is Takeba.
5/17 (Sun) - Reporter: Junpei Iori
Well... Good evening, I'm Junpei Iori. I don't really have anything to report, but Kirijo-senpai told me to hold the microphone. I guess she told me to calm down and complain or whatever because my cries from the heart are getting in the way of the wonderful training... but somehow, haven't I lost sight of my original purpose for this activity report?
…Oh, that's right, there's something to report.
No, I don't want to sit at my desk any more this afternoon.
I don't want that to happen! I'm stuck with that feeling.
Wait, I went to Paulownian Mall to change my mood.
Then, I felt some strange tension.
A self-proclaimed "reporter" told me about some strange things happening recently.
She asked me if I had information.
When she said something like "I'll be rewarded if you give me any information," I was tempted for a moment, but then I thought, aren't we just heroes of justice who work in secret? Of course, I said "I don't know," and rejected her. Then the reporter just said, "Oh, okay," and walked away... It's a bit complicated...
5/18 (Mon) - Reporter: Akihiko Sanada
Well, the exam finally starts today. There's no point in rushing now. I'll just do my best.
However... I know this may be unnecessary, and it may not be the right topic to talk about at a time like this, but I am really concerned about the injury that happened to our physical education teacher, Mr. Aoyama. From what I heard, he had been drinking after work and was on his way home in a good mood when, an accident was caused by a falling sign, but the accident happened just as the day changed... around the Dark Hour.
Well, shadows wouldn't have to resort to such a roundabout means to drop a sign and injure someone. It's probably just paranoia born from the frustration of not being able to return. Forget it.
5/25 (Mon) - Reporter: Mitsuru Kirijo
It's Kirijo. The results of the midterm exams were announced today. Akihiko was amazing! Excellent!
He had a hard time returning to the fight, and he seemed to be quite anxious before the exams, so I was worried he might lose his concentration, but he did a great job.
I told him that, but he turned his back on me, saying that he had to do it because it would set an example for his juniors. He's really not honest...
I'm a bit worried about the others. The leader seems to have been doing his best, but Takeba seems to have been staying in her room every day.
It seems she ended up with average results, and Junpei was... unbelievable.
As expected, they must be tired from going to Tartarus and defeating large shadows one after another. Although they look energetic, we need their help, but we can't let our activities affect their studies... We should be a little careful.
5/26 (Tue) - Reporter: Akihiko Sanada
Seriously... if you're going to make that much of a fuss then you should have just studied properly from the beginning.
Ah, sorry. Just when I came out of my room, I heard some voices coming from Junpei's room saying things like "Pathetic" and "What am I doing?", just pathetic and wondering what he was doing. Well, I guess it's understandable with those terrible test results.
Mitsuru was also quite upset about the grades of her juniors, but this was something that couldn't be helped unless everyone put in an effort. After hearing that shout, Junpei would probably think things through properly next time. Probably.
Plus, we happen to be living in the same dorm.
If push comes to shove, no matter how much he doesn't want to do it, I'll just force my way into his room and make him do some pre-exam practice.
Intensive training...that's a good word. I'm looking forward to the final exams.
By the way, we are still investigating Yamagishi. Let's hope she will become a valuable addition to our team.
5/27 (Wed) - Reporter: Junpei Iori
…Oh, no, they were talking about Okinawa's beach opening on the evening news, so I just did it.
I was talking about that, so I just did it.
So, it's Junpei! The sea is really nice. My exams are over, and I want to have some fun, but I don't have any money or time... Ugh, I'm not going to be able to go to the sea for the rest of my life.
I feel like I say this every summer...ugh.
But the sea is nice. Blue sky! Black bikini! White sand! Red bikini! I want to go and play. Oh, by the way, what happened to the new girl? Does she like the sea?
5/28 (Thu) - Reporter: Mitsuru Kirijo
It's Kirijo. As always, Iori's report seems... stupid.
Well, from the beginning, I started these reports as just a memo for myself, and I don't have any strict reporting obligations. I'm just going to blurt out what I want to say, and if that makes me feel better, then that's fine.
It's good to use even if you're in the middle of nowhere.
Oh, speaking of Iori, I overheard him talking to Takeba in the lounge today, and it seemed like he was worried about his poor grades. It's easy to tell them to study, but I'll think about what I can do to help them more.
However... I noticed while Iori spoke that Magician's Arcana should have high magical power, so why does Iori's Hermes have such low magical power... Maybe next time, I'll get permission from him and study the correlation between abilities and Persona parameters? It's hard to find samples like that...
5/29 (Fri) - Reporter: Yukari Takeba
Uh, this is Takeba.
The exams are finally over, and there's some good news that we might even be hiring a new female member, so I should be in a good mood, but I'm in a bit of a bad mood today.
I overheard an unpleasant conversation in the school corridor...it was bullying.
I don't know who they were, but the two girls who seemed to be the bullies were talking about how they'd found out someone's weakness and how funny her crying face was, and stuff like that... and they were laughing out loud. Well, it wasn't an unusual story, so I just thought, "They must be bored," but... I ended up feeling annoyed afterwards.
Right now I have the power to call a Persona, right? Regardless of the type of power, the power is there to accomplish something, right? But even seeing that bullying scene and not being able to do anything...it's pathetic.
Sorry for complaining again. This was Takeba!
5/30 (Sat) - Reporter: Yukari Takeba
Well, it's Takeba for the second day in a row.
I was wondering what to do, but Kirijo-senpai asked me to keep a record of the matter, so I will continue on.
I don't know if it's related to the bullying issue I reported yesterday, but I found one of the girls I'd heard talking yesterday infront of the school gates this morning.
Yesterday, she was saying things like she was hearing voices and things that sounded like radio waves, so I thought something was a little strange...
However, I don't know the details. I hope it was a coincidence. This was Takeba.
6/8 (Mon) - Reporter: Junpei Iori
I'm seriously dead today... Oh, crap, report, report. Huh...? No, you see, when you get lost in the Dark Hour, your memories are somehow erased, that's common knowledge for Persona Users, right?
Well, it's a bit late now though.
Ugh, sorry. I'm so tired and just want to go to sleep.
Umm, can I just post them all together?
A girl named Fuuka Yamagishi was locked in the gym because of bullying, and ended up wandering into Tartarus. The reason she was safe after being lost for a week was because, while time here stops during the Dark Hour, time there also stops outside of the Dark Hour... or so I think.
When examining the clock on the bike/backup equipment that Kirijo-senpai brought to Tartarus, it seems that you can tell the difference in the movement of time inside and outside... or so it seems. Hmm, it's complicated and I don't really get it.
So, we sneaked into the school in the middle of the night, took the same route as Yamagishi and entered Tartarus, and a large Shadow appeared, but we defeated it with our efforts, um... was there anything else? Ah, that's right. Yamagishi's Persona was amazing. It seemed to have a radar-like function, and can see all the enemy's weaknesses!
Oh, by the way, Kirijo-senpai has an unexpected lack of humor. If I said she was cute, I'd probably get punched. Well, I thought she was hard to get along with, so I've changed my opinion of her a little. Oh, I forgot something important! The large Shadows appear on the full moon! A customer who comes once a month! This is important information!
6/9 (Tue) - Reporter: Yukari Takeba
Well, it's Takeba. Today, Kirijo-senpai and Sanada-senpai are away visiting Yamagishi-san and their friend Moriyama-san. So, Tartarus is on a break. I'm still tired from fighting a large Shadow, so I'm not in the mood for Tartarus anyway. Oh, did I mention I was watching over Yamagishi-san? But it's not like I'm being selfish or anything.
On the contrary, she was extremely effective in the battle against the large Shadow, and it feels like she might be the strongest. Now she's collapsed from exhaustion because she used all her powers at once, so she's been hospitalized just to be safe.
If I had that kind of power, I guess I would join in... but this time she learned that SEES' missions are life-threatening. It would be great if she would join, but I don't want to force her. Ah, but the leader was quite welcoming and pulled her in...
Ugh, I'm thinking about a lot of things. Anyway, I'm really glad that Yamagishi-san is safe and that we were able to defeat the Shadow. This was Takeba.
6/10 (Wed) - Reporter: Mitsuru Kirijo
It's Kirijo. Seriously, if I had taken my eyes off Iori for just a second, he'd have been a complete flop... What a poke. I admit that I do lack common sense in some areas, but... Oh well.
Well, today after I returned from visiting Yamagishi and Moriyama, I did some light sword training.
With Yamagishi joining the team, I will likely be on the front lines as well, so this is training for that.
The fencing club was on a break due to the midterm exams, and I didn't go to club activities as often as I thought because of my Student Council activities. It seems my skills have deteriorated more than I thought. I'm trying to be a little better so as not to be a burden to the hard-working second-year students.
I need to train hard.
Not only the leader and Yamagishi have shown remarkable abilities, but Iori and Takeba also have something special, even though they are still developing. As one of the original members of SEES... I can't lose. Maybe I should follow Akihiko's example and try that "special training" thing once in a while?
6/11 (Thu) - Reporter: Yukari Takeba
Ah, it's Takeba.
Good news... Yamagishi-san has been accepted into SEES. Kirijo-senpai's invitation seemed a bit pushy, and I was a bit worried she wouldn't accept, but she seemed keen...
For now, Junpei is simply happy. He's a really enviable guy. This was Takeba.
6/12 (Fri) - Reporter: Junpei Iori
Hi, Junpei here! Today is truly a joyous and memorable day! Ahem... congratulations to our newest member, Miss Fuuka Yamagishi, on moving into the Iwatodai dormitory! Hip, hip, hooray! Yay! Cheers to our new friend, Fuuka!
Gulp gulp gulp... Phew! Oh, it's not alcohol. It's just Yotsuya sake.
Well, today Fuuka moved into the dorm, and I'm always excited to meet new people. Hehehe, it's good to have more members.
Yukari-chan seems a bit indecisive, but since they're both women, they'll quickly become friends. I heard that she was scheduled to move into the dormitory tomorrow, but it seems like she couldn't wait. Yeah, that's not bad!
Ah, speaking of Fuuka... It seems like her homeroom teacher, Ekoda, has been punished for this incident, but I guess this was the work of the seniors... Well, even us students were getting annoyed with his nasty remarks, so it was like, "Serves him right!" When I asked Senpai the truth, she grinned and said, "Do you want to know, Iori?" No, that smile was probably many times scarier than when Senpai was angry. Ugh, so scary! I have to make sure I don't say anything unnecessary.
6/24 (Wed) - Reporter: Junpei Iori
Hi, it's Junpei.
Hehe... Ukukuku... well, Kirijo-senpai's report yesterday was about how worried she was about us and it made me really happy, but... there was one thing that really hit the spot.
Umm, the part at the top that says "Takeba, Yamagishi, and Iori should talk to each other"...oh, the leader has been forgotten.
Hey! Ahahahaha!
Oh man, sorry sorry, that was a bit too funny. Well, as Sanada-san said today, I get the impression that he doesn't worry too much and just gets on with things calmly, right? Sanada-san said he doesn't envy him, but honestly, I do.
No, you see, I'm at an age where I have a lot of worries, right? Bad grades at school, worries about not being able to get a girlfriend, I'm on the verge of going bald from all the worries... but I should point out that I'm not actually bald, I just have street fashion.
Now, back to serious matters... I appreciate your concern, Kirijo-senpai. Thank you. But at least I am okay. That doesn't mean I don't have any worries... I have to figure them out and solve them myself.
More importantly, are you okay, Sanada-senpai?
Today you seemed worried in front of the boxing club room. You've been working hard ever since you came back, so maybe you're tired?
I may not be able to be of much help to you, but if there's anything I can help you with, please let me know.
6/26 (Fri) - Reporter: Fuuka Yamagishi
Good evening, this is Yamagishi.
I feel like I've gotten used to these activity reports. But when I listen to the records from the past, I think they feel more like a communication notebook than an activity report. Hehe.
But I think it's good. This way, we can communicate our feelings and understand each other.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if that were the case?
Until recently, I was always thinking about how my words were not being understood by the people around me. But it's not like that here. Everyone, is considerate of each other. Even today, the Chairman of the board of directors came all the way out of his way to come... Well, there is a limit to what you can say, though. Phew...
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addie4ddie2005 · 2 days
Before I went to bed I saw the Youtube notif that TADC was going to Netflix and it INVADED my dreams so vividly I have not had such an episodic sequential serialized cohesive dream in months it was literally its own chapter its own short story
#I was Pomni it was literally Pomni POV#Caine had cooked up some sporty adventure and I was like Ummm...... no#So I found a glitch where I could hide in a technically out-of-bounds area#I had a theory that if I stayed super close to the ground I wouldn't be in the range of Caine's mod powers or whatever#Some random girl was w me I don't think she was important#Anyways I started thinking “This could hurt. When they leave#the map will not have to exist.”#I'd be crushed by the nonexistence of the area I'm in. When they come back I'll load in somewhere slightly different#and be stuck in the walls."#DIDN'T HAPPEN everything was OK#But at some point I was like man... sure is boring and scary. Sure wish my friends were here.#So I ended up finding them anyway LMAO#I told them what happened cuz they were obviously concerned and Caine got his feelings hurt???#Like. surprising moment of clarity. Everyone was shocked and uncomfortable.#Bro was like “I try so hard for U guys 🥺 I just don't get it. Why didn't you just tell me you wanted to stay home??”#Most everyone was like IDC UR OUR JAILER!! CRY ABT IT!! but me and Ragatha were coerced into pity...#Like yeah whatever. Sorry man. I'll be honest next time and not do things that could make me die. I think we were just caught off-guard.#Exchanging glances like “Wow... didn't know he could feel anything!” Like imagine if ur Furby just had an emotional outburst#and felt remorse abt it. WYD.#I think we held his hands or sum cuz all my dreams end like a Barbie movie#Episode ended and I was like Wow :) Great show#Sorta off-topic but the cafeteria today started playing very quiet carnival music for Hoco and I literally felt chills up my back cuz#I had been thinking abt Pommy all day...#I used to be enraptured by clown motif what happened#Did I throw it up#For the best...... for the best.
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malewifemanhunter · 28 days
the best time for your brain to bring up that relationship that you fucked up feominally is when you're right in front of a deadline. oh what could have been if he weren't such a fridgit bitch and if i hid more of myself. maybe he would've still loved me. my heart is heavy and my chest feels numb, and my stomach is burning and my head is foggy. i miss him, but only when it's the most inconvenient
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drawnecromancy · 11 months
You know what, I'm in a weird spot with that FNAF movie.
I don't think it was very good ! As a horror movie, it made me laugh because especially towards the end the mystery and atmosphere vanished to get Fazbear Franchise Points. Like. Not laugh in the way horror can make you startle-laugh, or laugh so self-soothe. In a way that is "oh god, I see what they wanted to do, and they failed, and this is so endearing, and also so funny".
I enjoyed myself immensely. It had some really cool ideas, and i love love love the visuals. I'd recommend watching it, even.
I like despite how the writing feels flimsy, cardboardy at times, Mike felt real and is very consistent throughout the movie.
I like despite how that movie is trying to tell 4 different stories, not all of them horror, just weirdly breaking up narratively in ways that don't really make sense, it's trying to tell all of them with love and care for the characters.
I love how it's not a soulless cash grab adaptation, and how I can overlook the writing flaws and the one cameo and enjoy it because damn ! It's a whole movie about the giant murder robots ! Those giant murder robots I loved as a kid !
I, genuinely, think that writing wise, you could break it up in 2, maybe even 3 different movies that would all have enough substance to go for an hour and a half. Really, most of this movie's problem isn't the stories it's trying to tell. It's - pick your battles, that's too many battles, put some back.
But it was genuinely fun.
I wouldn't call it a "good movie", by my own standards, but I had 0 expectations and again I enjoyed myself immensely.
Go watch them giant robots. It's so cool. It's so cool.
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cowboyskeletons · 4 months
flower language rocks. i should do more art with it
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agendratum · 1 year
love horror games about being a security guard working a night shift in the facility tm, love it as much as the next guy, but what about horror games about working a night shift in the facility tm, and there being a security guard, and the security guard being the reason you feel unsafe?
and yet you have to continue doing your job
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mirchloe · 8 months
to whoever wrote donatella's pn wiki, i just wanna talk.
#i don't really believe *everything* raz says about his dad was just him misinterpreting events#and no this doesn't immediately equate augustus was abusive as he's clearly shown to have worked on himself and accept raz#if they were good memories i wouldn't have run away is extremely revealing line about the depths of augustus' anti-psychic sentiments#and how his behavior directly impacted raz and also dion and frazie in how they treat and ostracize raz out of perpetuated fear#and how all of this would create a whirlwind of negativity for raz while living at home because augustus *did* make him feel unwanted#also i think the 'scary psychic campfire storytelling time' is pretty telling of augustus too in how he would instill fear in his children#about psychics and how in turn this would make raz feel like he isn't wanted by his dad as he tried to explore powers that his father hates#yes they had 'secrets' and augustus wanted to 'protect raz' but that feeling of being unwanted and fearing his father was in there for pn1#and it was a good thing that augustus immediately changed his tune! tho he as the dad didn't properly talk to his kids about his change#so dion and frazie are left with a jumbled mess of feelings about psychics and raz and etc#but please tell me how donatella is actually the most emotionally abusive woman in the world please inform me i just wanna know#edit - what she did do wrong was not stop augustus from spreading those very inflammatory anti-psychic sentiments#but to her defense - she was of the belief psychics harmed her husband and cursed her children to die in water#it's a reasonable and tragic fear and it's still on augustus' shoulders for how he treated raz and strengthened raz's fears of his own dad#donatella
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happi-tree · 2 years
I just need someone to talk to about this
Can you imagine how either confused or against Nicholas would be if he found out about Swift-Li.
like “out of everyone you’ve met, you decide to date the kid that kicked your head into hell”
I truly do think it would be SO funny if Taylor just sniped back with something equivalent to "Yeah, well, I don't care about your opinion! There, I said it!" since he has been Very Emphatic about not trusting adults as of late sdbfhkakbfs. Also this is very funny considering Link basically saved Nicky's ass back in episode 9 and Nick's response is "no, fuck that, actually, I don't like this kid dating my son." Like???? The comedy of that??? Unparalleled imo
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cak31ssuperi04 · 1 year
Do you have any general hcs of the 1bit/1beat cast? Anythings fine
Kind of rough but
-I've played around with the idea with Eruno being from an orphanage/foster home(the "because you've got a proper family" bit) but I go back and forth on this one.
-Nio and Sakuma are friends! He does shifts at Bitwave they hang out there. The poor boy needs someone to fend off the fangirls.
-Eruno and Akitaka accompany Haruya on deliveries sometimes. Pals.
-When Aira's mimetic muscles get installed she doesn't really quite get how to use them immediately. Her expressions start out real stiff(which she expresses dissatisfaction with, and gets help from the others) to real exaggerated and overplayed(think unbridled rage or pained anguish at things that just kind of annoy her).
-Also she has Kiri make her taller so she can grow alongside her friends!
-Also Also by 1beat she has at LEAST one sibling who's just, a really muscled out doll in frilly clothes.
-Meru listens to death metal. She'd hoped it'd help her stay up better but now she just kind of likes it.
-Outside of tending to the shrine, Hakuhi has embroidery as a hobby.
-Izuchi took piano lessons when he was younger(parents made him do it to try and play up the prodigy genius image). He quit.
-That potion thing he made in 1beat was ripped from Kirai's anime but in part he'd made it after Eruno came to him Demanding a way to make her dog live longer.
-He went to Blue sun college(less because he thought he needed to and more for the benefits a degree there would give him) and got into an apprenticeship with Kiri. He keeps the lab when Kiri moves to Coco Alley(easier to skirt by the law). Familiar with the Blue Sun Trio to some extent.
-He has a sweet tooth but doesn't really admit it because he deems it unhealthy.
-While he did have a hand in the creation of the master program, he doesn't stay on the team after it's finished. Does continue to get occasional updates about it from Hiyu and Nanase though.
-His room is all clean and organized on the surface(maybe a few seashell displays, a poster covering a hole in the wall) but he keeps all the goofy weird shit stored away in drawers and under his bed.*
-I've played around with the idea of there being a 3rd Nasuga sibling who's just too young to be relevant in the game(<-no canon basis i just thought it'd be fun) but I'm not sure if I'd keep that.
-Enri has a pet hamster! He's like the band's son.
-The gang Kirara used to be a part of was like a sparkly gyaru girl gang. She never really enjoyed fighting but took a lot of lessons growing up so she was really good at it. The gang is still going strong though and at least a few of her Gyaru Friends are members(and there's at least one member who's just a plain normal ass girl that hangs around them but that's getting into oc territory).
-Rocca ends up growing up to be like Really Fucking Tall. Momori models clothes on her and remarks that she could be a model if she didn't trip over herself so much(not that she'd want to be one anyways).
-Mary has 3 siblings, they've done a way better job at staying out of the public eye(and have grown somewhat distant from her as a result).
-On account of being friends with a lot of the townspeople and having a lot of relatives, Hitohito is just one of those guys with a lot of connections. In a "guy who knows a guy" way.
-Chino is Coco Alley's mom jkasdsa.
--She brings Sora(was familiar with his family and doesn't want him to get too lonely) cookies and flowers sometimes and while he's dismissive about it he does secretly appreciate it.
-Tobari is the heiress to a big tea emporium who dipped because she got bored and/or got into a disagreement with someone over there, but continues playing up her Elegant Fancy Lady image despite living paycheck to paycheck(which I mean, good for her I guess.)
-Although Sagara knows Asuto through Hitohito, they actually interact fairly regularly in anime forums.
-Hitohito, Izuchi, and Sagara were on friendly terms when they were kids but grew distant for reasons. Hitohito and Sagara had gotten back in touch and still hang out. Heat reached out to Izuchi but was promptly brushed off, still looks out for him. Izuchi and Sagara have a weird frenemy/rival thing going on.
-Sagara has no siblings she just kind of lives alone with her mom who may or may not hate her.(although it's less "hate" so much as disappointment)
-Sagara's chicken avatar is modeled after one of her childhood pets.
-Sagara definitely Naruto runs.
-She holds DnD(\Dnd adjacent. Just some ttrpg I'm not an expert) sessions at every couple of weeks. I'm not saying Izuchi willingly participates(those commoners are hopeless without his guidance), just that she didn't exactly have very many other people to invite(Hitohito and sometimes Meu and eventually Nanashi).
-She has a knack for trying to help townspeople as part of some sort of Magical Girl Code but isn't as good at it as she thinks she is.
-She has a compartment in her arm warmers that's full of bird feed, she's made an alliance with the pigeons.
-While she does cool it with the Organization stuff, she never drops the chuuni behavior. Eventually opens a small cake shop with some edgy chuuni-esque title(debated on whether it should be in the same place Little Berry was, like after little berry closes its doors).
-Nomiya and Hiyu butt heads a lot but they both get along fine with Azusa. Somebody needs to be nice to her god damn it.
-The Kujohs have a pet dog but it's actually Azusa's. Following with the rest of the family, it's a big intimidating dog that's actually just really chill. Enri has tried to look past it but he's always very leery about visiting them.
-Nomiya's riding an adrenaline high throughout most of the game but his more calm demeanor in his events is just him going in the opposite extreme as a result of coming down from it. He's usually fairly loud and confrontational, just not THAT loud and confrontational.
-He keeps in closest touch with Tobari after the hackers are disbanded. Somewhat on account of her being able to hold her own in Break Passage the best out of the other three. She views him as a weird little brother.
-The hackers hold gatherings in memory(or what little of that memory they even retained. It's mostly secondhand from Nanashi) of Mikado where they commit minor crimes. The gathering was Kotora's idea the crime was Nomiya's.
-Sagara has a journal that she calls the Abyss Tome that's just full of fanfiction and anime drawings of herself and her friends(/enemies). Has a bunch of spell names listed down in it.
-Saaya and Meu are friends! Saaya comes to her for divinations about her love life a lot and just ends up venting. Meu's happy to listen though and tries to comfort her the best she can.
-Speaking of therapy though, Saaya does get therapy sometime post-canon and distances herself from Nanase(while a lot of Nanashi's friendships that start off on the wrong foot have room for growth, the memory thing makes things kind of... weird with her). She's in a much better state by 1beat.
-Saaya writes a lot of poetry.
-Yoh and Sagara are related. Somehow(I did consider nephew at one point but that didn't really pan out).
-So are Hiyu and Arumu. They've got that green hair and funky eyebrows.
-Akuta and Kaori date briefly(well, she's a fan of his work, and he is rich, and while he can't speak multiple languages he is well-spoken, what could go wrong?) which just ends in them breaking up over a disagreement over a book's ending. That was more the final straw though, actually getting to know him put into perspective just how far from her expectations he actually is and she's not super pleased about it. They do stay friends but something something important lesson about your idols being people.
-I feel like I've said somewhere that Kotora leaves the cafe to Rocca when he retires but I need to clarify that Kotora keeps being the cafe guy well into old age and that Rocca would be a whole adult by then.
-Kaori was the youngest of her siblings and only one to stay with her mother, she sees her dad as a good for nothing deadbeat(it wasn't an amicable divorce) and the ordeal heavily influenced how she views romantic relationships as a whole. Grew up somewhat distant from Kotora and their sister but reconnected in adulthood.
-Her "ideal guy" is just the best traits of her favorite book leads cobbled together like some kind of frankenguy. (And she might be internalizing something... who knows)
-The world did enter a more 'cyberpunk dystopia'-esque futuristic state a long time ago and the return to more traditional old timey ways is sort of in response to that, but Yasune is the only one who'd actually lived through it. Although then again the 2nd oldest character in the game is only 36 so...
The post is starting to not process so I'm going to cut it off here.
#*The example I had listed on my hc file was 'life sized Danny Devito cardboard cutout' but I don't know if I want to keep that#The piano hc was more the remnant of a sweet beach band au I had because I was thinking about rainbow rocks again#Sweet beach is interestingly enough my go-to for aus. I've never even told you guys about the fantasy au#(they're just adventurers though it's nothing extravagant. It doesn't even cover all the characters)#Mary's parents were in the picture when she became an idol but her siblings were raised by their grandparents.#Tobari stays at hotels and spends most of her paycheck on fancy tea.#she's kind of ridiculous levels of Jack-Of-All-Trades but it helps that she's a fast learner#Chino wasn't incredibly close with Sora's parents(friends maybe) but that won't stop her from looking out for the boy. New son#Haruya was probably pals with his brother. Regardless of how he may have felt about Sora himself(scary)#Kirai probably made an offhanded comment about outgrowing everyone someday so he's really pissed when he ends up#shorter than both Haruya and Rocca#You probably were wanting more 1beat hcs but as much as I love the 1beat cast I've only replayed recently#so none of my thoughts about the cast are quite fully formed yet#Might make a follow up eventually though because the hc file is Long#Omitted most of the ones I've already talked about but since those are scattered about my tags and the server I probably#should've included some of those too. Feel free to ask for elaboration on anything#Some of them get kind of lengthy too and I left most of those out but I did leave a few in and just heavily handwaved the details#Some of the shorter ones were shortened too because the post just wouldn't process ashsaldhjka#pieceofcake.txt#cakeheadcanons
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wild-at-mind · 1 year
Being in a long distance relationship long term is so fucked up. For context for people in bigger countries I'm not talking flying distance from each other, I'm talking about 3 hrs apart on the train, so not that far arguably. But still far enough that our lives are almost completely separate in the practical sense, no matter how much we talk on the phone or meet halfway. When one of us stays over at the other's place we are still guests in each other's homes. I still don't know what cohabiting would be like and what a comfortable normalicy of being in each other's lives in person every day would be like. We're coming up to our 11th anniversary. I don't want to break up with him!!!! I love him deeply and I've never met someone I'm as compatible with as him. I've never been in love like this and I'm not easy to know, and yet he does know me and likes what he sees. I just feel I am stuck and I am frustrated that my sex life is like once every 3 months. I still don't even know how often we would have sex if we lived together, we haven't had the chance to find that rhythm. When we see each other there's no time to do any more involved stuff it's just getting off. Basically everytthing we've talked about has to stay in the realm of fantasy because there's never any fucking time.
I am trying I said to him- you need to do covering letters and things, you can't just send your CV that has never worked. He's the one who wants out of his current job, and out of his town, but applying for jobs is so fucking hard when you're working full time and trying to do things you love to not get fucking depressed. See I understand those things because I would feel the same way. If he moved here we could find a place together and I could find it out if I actually can live with someone else and stay mentally well. I'm getting too dependent on living alone in order to stay mentally well and it worries me.
Sorry to vent. I'm not looking for advice it's just venting.
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juuheizou · 1 year
ok but think about juuzou and tooru as parents to a baby girl🥺 what r your thoughts pls they'd be so adorable
Completely valid. Their caring sides are pretty adorable, both of them. Mutsuki, despite being as timid as he is, would be the one encouraging her spunkiness even a little too much and completely at her mercy when she wants to play or cuddle with dads. Suzuya would be thrilled to have a dress-up friend to make cute sparkly crafts or whole ass furniture fixings for, after they're done getting into mischief as a team, of course. That being said, this is the baby girl I cannot stop imagining, and won't ever stop imagining.
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source: Kitty Lee Photography
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chaotictarlos · 2 years
The fact that there are people who think TK broke up with Carlos over his credit score has me 💀💀
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nonzero people podcasting about goosebumps the musical & it’s never enough. neither extensive enough nor enthusiastic enough & that’s coming from me which is the entire explanation for the assessment. 
on the same topic but a completely different point, i was just appreciating how extra fun i always find understudy buddy to be. and obviously i would like to think that maybe tina & the unit that is brooke & zeke are like, more neutral to amicable after the show lol. tina is a lot of fun as is, like, automatic shoutout to any character just being like, getting in the way being offputting / a pain and all powered by one’s own intensity, that’s fun & funny & who among us? and like yeah she’s also definitely doing the mean girl thing like, in the song as mentioned lmao like please, rein it in. and maybe she will, but then when other suspects are being kind of crossed off the list just before thee play she manages to just be regular supportive towards brooke, so that’s promising lol. and also just shoutout to the Fun of a lively antagonistic role, great stuff, delightful number for her there, and sure helping ramp things up. and zeke and brooke not just showing up for this one horror musical (also i would love to shoutout zeke’s plight there lmfao like, the experience of original readers of poto where the twist is “nah it’s not a phantom it’s just some wet pathetic guy” like he’s so hyped to be The Ghost Lead and then he’s like oh god i’m a romantic lead in a hole & i’m five & it’s embarrassing & i even know my counterpart irl (the bestie) like i guess technically the role’s a ghost by the end & good for the mystery mask wearing element being exciting still) but that they were unnamed ensemble members in guys & dolls & saw that through, they’re bringing support & appreciation for the theatre, & on the flipside tina might just enjoy the theatricality & attention from it but she was having a great time informing everyone that on top of their haunted school it’s a specifically haunted (cursed) play, so maybe she can also relate to zeke and brooke’s horror genre appreciation. and she might warm up at all to zeke when he’s cleared about the fact he wasn’t trying to prank their efforts into oblivion, at least to the same degree she can manage to provide regular supportiveness to brooke when it comes to it. and on the one hand, despite brooke and zeke sure seeming like that hell of an established unit like probably just have their [socializing at school] foundation covered by hanging out w/each other, they could let brian in on that easily enough for something of a triumvirate, but now not only are they bffs since 5ever who love a genre together, they sure had an Adventure in emile messing up by [you never try to scooby doo villain your way through it] but also doing it all wrong where they think You’re the danger here & that you’re going to murder them, plus it’s scary for real exploring the darkness elevator underground tunnels anytime, but also now they have this off the shits experience with that new guy friend who was a ghost for real. kind of its own bonding element & maybe you wouldn’t exactly let anyone else in on it, much less like, tina lmao. she might be interested in The Legend but she was also super interested in telling everyone all about it, and idk, difficult and weird to explain, thing it’d all be quite the stuff to process for one lol like sure we love drama and ghosts and attention too but it’s A Lot. ghosts are real and i online dated one except across time rather than space and he was just some guy hanging out and i also hung out with him sometimes but then in the end it got weird b/c he was the suspicious understudy all along and this role is really not coming through....but also hey, could talk about it all eventually, and tina’s got plenty of context already. next year’s cast n crew party for the last show, be like hey guess what, b/c we’re solidly amicable now also
plus being extracurricular buddies like, ms. walker head in hands dealing with these three menaces lmao....although zeke wasn’t Really up to that much, tina’s sure committed to the show, etc. and it’s like, being a student or teacher or anyone else at a middle school is just always gonna be like that. could really be worse, she can handle it. and maybe she can know of the lore also, she’s out here engaging in irl drama and lore about like avenging her grandmother’s theatrical aspirations, or none of this would be going on lol. get used to these three and actually they’re reliable really, maybe tina will have learned to better accept not getting the dream role, which will be an easier time for everyone. but it’s just always gonna be a handful lol but all these kids were also all about putting on the play too, actually, yes maybe some problems arose from messing around with the platform but they could’ve been worse problems (queues of ghosts in line for their turn at finally achieving one last goal of performing their part in this one damn play lol) and does seem like it’s engineering issues inherently rather than Just messing around backstage unsupervised which isn’t often otherwise going to be fatally risky, and maybe just give people a rundown about the riskiness of things that Isn’t emile’s botched effort where he mostly just made children afraid of Him. like idk, i did shop class throughout middle school, we avoided injury w/successful cautionary rundowns. brian’s one other last goal could’ve been about safety measures, but whaddaya gonna do. anyways point is, hanging out after school for theatre purposes and having an understanding and bonus patience affordance with the teacher in charge of this and maybe everyone gets to know the Real Ghost Story or maybe it’s zeke & brooke’s personal inside secret, it was already a shared adventure for all involved even if they didn’t get the Full story the way those two did, all of them are up for Drama and for Horror, they’re good to go. and good for them
#goosebumps the musical#like let's do a play by play of the show And this kind of meandering musing about any and all elements lmfao#funny when the [just some guy] was clearly not at all intending to murder them but so far as they know he might've. which yeah terrifying#and their Real Ghost was a just some guy new friend. brian truly just hanging out like yep what's up everyone. yeah i'll paint a set#and i can't get over book brian being all the more just So Nervous in general lmao that's like his whole thing#like is this some extra anxiety you get when you die & then have been a ghost abt it? maybe. or maybe he's just already like that.#either way lol. i Love how they talk abt maybe encountering an actual ghost via the platform & brian's like omgg nooo stopp ;m; too scary#if you're a kid who would've been scared of ghosts then....just b/c you happen to be one yourself. still like omg no stopppp#but zeke & brooke aren't too overly terrified of this possibility of Real Ghosts though it Is clear they're both scared in the abyss there#like. yeah fair. you're like eleven and that is scary for anyone and does involve various elements of not insignificant danger#and it's more fun when they Aren't utterly unfazed by everything happening in the story ofc. which they are not#and who knows maybe zeke's a bit put off about actual ghosts lmfao like he Did get ghost attacked. whoops#hopefully as simply disorienting as alarming rather than like yeah i had a whole fight for my life back there while gradually smothered#things that have you looking up folklore abt ghosts' breath stealing ability. like fatally or just a lil sip...#well i don't know. where is the fog patch haint warding tradition recited humorously from perhaps my grandma as the lore source there lol#not online i suppose. go figure. anyways theatres & ghosts & superstitions? already going on. the ghost light for sure. just add some more#and be all the more earnest with it lol. hey why do you always say ''brian no more of that shit please i don't care if you wanna be man 7''#might still be more like ''i hope emile who's an alive guy out there doesn't try to kill me :/'' lmao fr....#maybe he makes himself scarce a while but returns also. kids probably wouldn't tell a soul so long as he doesn't try to scare them abt it#kind of difficult to ask these children straightforwardly to just not say anything to anyone once they know you're here but#they probably don't wanna go exploring back down there again. did that. just don't haunt the plays or seem like you'll kill them#and like who knows maybe a lot of ghosts w/goals hanging around & they're generally Just Ppl in gb situations thusly#your new friend even if they're really more Mortal than you for the temporariness of it all; ideally#given that they Do have some goal to fulfill & then they'll peace out a ways. really hardly the worst gb style of situation to be in#it's the drama & mystery & theatrics....& the fun of like layers of genre awareness lol. you like horror & you know you're kinda in A Story#the play; the play having a mystery history & possible curse; school's haunted; someone's sabotaging you; fake janitor; suspicious behavior#and a couple of protagonists who are liable to go looking for some degree of trouble for the fun of it....#anyways what a setup. lot going on lol. lot that Did go on. including the show; congratulations to everyone just about
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