#if hes not ill faint
mclzandaya · 10 months
just played touchstarved demo... no one... and i mean no one, will be able to convince me otherwise...
leander is the biggest sub in this town, end of discussion.
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bigfatbreak · 7 months
"hey rat it sounds like Gina tried to help but what about Rolland, Tom's dad, did he help-" no
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spamsandsuch · 26 days
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“friends in dark places” part zero
ver without text:
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kitamars · 9 months
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enmi gintoki…………… orz
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c-kiddo · 29 days
i just know hes iron deficient (caduceus clay)
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sickficideas · 11 months
atsushi passing out in the english dub today <3 it's a different Flavor than the japanese version but i absolutely love how faint he sounds, like he's losing his breath 💖💖💖
longer clip than the first one because i was also thinking about this little sequence of events. atsushi hallucinating dazai behind him, and then standing up like that just to pass out a few seconds later. imagining he can see the spots in his vision forming after standing and he's getting too dizzy to stay upright, but he's fighting it so hard in some attempt to get through that sentence at the very least. the sweat shows that too. but in the end it snuck up on him to fast and he fainted 💔 poor thing
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vettelcore · 9 months
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vickyvicarious · 1 year
I feel it's also how a bit similar to how Bluebeard told his bride not to enter the forbidden chamber, and gave her the key to it. He knew she'd disobey. (Though what will happen next is a bit more like with Shahryar, from the Arabian Nights that Jonathan referenced. Dracula might have surprised himself with how possessive he got with this seemingly disposable bride.)
You're absolutely right, my friend. I've seen others making this comparison as well and I totally agree. Love the combination of them as well... Dracula did the whole "I'm going out, don't go into these places" Bluebeard thing, with the punishment of (un)death awaiting Jonathan if he disobeyed... but then in the moment he took it all back in order to hang on to his entertaining new bride (Scheherazade) longer. He's too interested to kill him now. Actually, he wants to keep this going just as it is, at least for one more night month.
I have been warming up to "Dracula doesn't realize how possessive he feels over Jonathan until he sees him about to be 'loved' by someone else" ever since I first said it. The more I think about it the more fitting it seems. Of course, he does seem to have pretty firmly decided to only keep this diversion going until he has to leave for England so there are limits to that possessiveness, but at least in the meantime no one else gets to touch his solicitor but him.
I do think that Jonathan was slated for being turned after Dracula left if he hadn't escaped. It's very unclear if Dracula planned to return any time soon or ever bring his fellow vampires to England with him (and to an extent, if Lucy can be taken as an example, he tends to lose interest after turning them - same with the ladies in the castle maybe, but they do at least live with him/he feeds them so less so), but I do think Jonathan definitely qualified as vampire material instead of just food. It's just that Dracula personally prefers the torment before the turning so he dragged that out to the last minute and left the turning to them. Toying with human!Jonathan was only possible in the castle, he couldn't really bring him along in a box as well, so he called it quits then.
I guess you could say Dracula saw it more as an enjoyable but finite 'summer torture fling' of sorts and lost interest after that point. After all, he doesn't go after Jonathan in London. But I do think there's room to read it the other way as well, and it was only the anger/wariness about Jonathan not only having escaped but actively being in a group hunting him down that made him lose interest in that particular game. If when he'd seen Jonathan in England it had been under other circumstances I do feel like he would have had fun picking up where he left off. I mean, his canon attack on Mina was definitely at least a little bit about tormenting Jonathan further too. If he'd spotted him that day in Piccadilly, when Jonathan was still trying to repress/deny what he'd experienced... someone else might have gotten a visit at their window.
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s1nn0hh · 11 days
(remembered my momsselia post from some time ago) (glances over to darkrai and types out 'dad-rai' with no further explanation) (explodes into two million pieces)
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clowngremlin · 6 months
basically made dinner all by myself today (older brother only seasoned our chicken breasts and i did the rest of everything)......i cooked raw meat which is something i don't do very often and was worried about, but everything turned out great!!! i also did my laundry today, took the dog for a walk and fed him and have been on top of making sure his water dish is always full, loaded the dishwasher with dirty dishes (idk how to turn it on, i'm gonna ask my dad how to do it when he gets home so i can begin to do it by myself!), did some drawing, wrote in my journal, and pulled myself out of a depressive spiral i was having earlier in the day!!!! really beating the "spencer can't take care of himself or do anything ever" allegations......
#the wretched gremlin strikes again#sometimes i'm like i don't think i was THAT unwell#and then i realize that like i was in fact that unwell#now that i'm like actually doing better#i know this probably all sounds kind of silly#because i'm almost 27 and have only just begun to do these things#but keep in mind i was dealing with unmanaged mental illness since i was like 14#and also my dad is kind of a control freak so he never taught me how to do anything because he thought i'd do it wrong or not on par#with what he could do#like i've known how to do laundry since i was 13 BUT i also had no motivation to do anything like that due to my mental illness#sometimes i'm like i'm not doing better because i still sometimes hear faint voices or have paranoid thoughts#but like it's only been under extreme stress or like when i was really tired from not getting enough sleep#and also like i used to be like that all day every day#and i had a lot of problems with like negative symptoms and depression#like my room was a mess and i had piles of dirty laundry and garbage and even like rotting food in my room#and i was constantly being tormented by voices and seeing scary things and my delusions and paranoia and having panic attacks#and like the voices are a lot quieter and more faint now#and i don't see anything or feel bugs crawling on me anymore#and i only hear voices and have paranoid thoughts under extreme stress or tiredness like i said#ANYWAYS I'M RAMBLING SO I'LL STOP#tldr i am doing A LOT better and i am soooo proud of myself <3
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movedtodykedvonte · 1 year
Weird Spamton headcanon that the puppet body Spamton just isn’t his real body. Like his actual body is in some void limbo space likely wherever the caller is or Dess won’t missing to. And either his consciousness is just trapped in the facsimile of his real body so the entity can better control him or so the entity has a vessel to keep in contact with this dark world.
Like he’d be trapped there able to view everything through Puppet Spam and live and experience as it but ultimately it’s not really him. Take viewing something through a drone vs irl. The static is literally a lost connection as the one keeping him connected/hostage would severe it when he says to much about it or things adjacent. The boss fights effectively just kill the vessel and thus his feed into his dark world with the glasses either being a way to know he’s not fully forgotten or maybe the last thing allowing him to view something out of his purgatory.
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puhpandas · 8 months
IM SO EXCITED but also kinda worried because my costume isnt ready and I have to do multiple things to it for it to work like this close to the movie date. BUT it's fine I get to watch the mf fnaf movie anyway!!! Garrett is going to rewire my brain I'm telling you now
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sickficideas · 10 months
um thoughts on ango passing out from exhaustion
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YESSS ANON this totally has to be canon he works 24/7 to the point of concern for his subordinates/escorts...he is perpetually sleep deprived and totally passes out all the time. i love the idea of him going to Lupin to meet Dazai and Oda just straight after working all night and then passing out as he's walking down the stairs because it's a bit of a head rush...Oda catches him ofc and makes him rest </3
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waterfallofspace · 10 months
#hello god nice to meet you didnt think it would be this soon but here we are#at the pearly gates getting tossed down to the pit bc aint no way this reaction getting me into heaven#LIKE OH MY GOD dissecting this shit hold up if u dont want spoilers look away now <3#g/eto saying s/hibuya has me ready to faint immediately#M/AHITO AHFIJSPAOJKG AGGHHHH#also hold on the music can we talk about the music???? BOPPING SO HARD???? please is this the theme ill lose it if this is the theme#k/enjaku g/eto motherfucker just looking so damn good like UGH#SO EXCITED FOR K/OKICHI AHHGGHUASOIJGN#T/OGE T/OGE T/OGE MY BOY MY GUY UGH ACK i cant take this#m/egumi looking so good and angry and and and and i know too much#GOD I CANT TAKE THIS im gonna actually lose it im going feral over here#crawling on the walls like a goddamn spider monkey or some shit#im gonna eat an entire couch just to feel something other than this#C/HOOOOSOOOOOO OH MY GOD THEY LISTENED#THEY LISTENED AND NOW HE HE HE HE LOOKS GENDER HE LOOKS GOOD THANK GOD THEYLL MAKE HIM GOOD I LOVE THEM#okay hello one second clip of g/ojo that has me so out of breath i just blacked out a little#BLOODONHISFACE AND WE CAN SEE HIS BREATH#god the glow from his eyes and his hair and and and and and#im not <3 going to handle <3 this well <3#M/IWAAAAAAAA#OH OH OH ANOTHER G/OJO FRAME#somEboDY sEDATe ME#M/EGUMI AGAIN HELLO LIL GUY#n/obara slaying as normal#ACK THE TRIO ABOUT TO SLAY SOMEONE (literally) AFJSOIG GUYS NO I CANT DO THIS#omg that s/ukuna at the end..... damn fuck#im mental <3 im so mental <3 this arc is gonna end me#hidden inv already destroyed me utterly this- im not gonna survive this#notsnz#waterfallrambles
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oh-katsuki · 2 years
omega!reader with weak pheromones and alpha!bakugou who is literally driven insane by them.
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dragonofthestone · 8 months
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@lunaferrous asked:
scars, chronic
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scars:  how many scars does my muse have? where are they located on my muse’s body? how did they get them? what do they look like? 
Alright so given his unique body and it's heightened ability to heal you might think that would mean a lack of scars. Quite the opposite in fact, as while his body may does heal faster then the average person and given enough time has a better chance of surviving from potentially fateful wounds it still heals in much the same ways any living creature (barring like magic / anything that can go beyond natural limits like the Philosopher's stone or something)
It does take a little more for his body to form a scar- so something that may leave someone with only a small / faint scar would probably heal up fine with no scarring.
He has a lot of scars,
the most prominent of course being the one over his eye- the how is something that tends to vary depending on verse, typically it's one of the many acquired during his time as a lab rat.
Although in time he had no trouble healing from the injury not even his healing was capable of repairing the damage done to his eye.
The nerves around that side of his face are kinda screwy- there's a few small spots where in he actually has no feeling, while others are a bit more sensitive to touch.
It's not a clean scar to say the least, the skin is patchy and scarring actually makes it hard to hold it all the way open so most of the time he keeps it closed- also because the tear ducts / eyes general ability to keep wet is kinda fucked so keeps it protected/avoids drying out.
(Modern verse- it was an injury recieved when he got caught in the blast of an old detonated mine that killed his little bro)
He's got a lot of scars all over his body, many being quite faint / not as noticeable as others, remains of the many different experiments. Some were from genuine accidents, an experiment gone wrong or results no one had expected. Others were more intentional as part of an experiment with wanting to be able to see the extent of not only what he could heal from but how long it would take. Or simply as a result from wanting to see how he'd react to certain stimuli,
and of course more then once pitting him against another Chimera (or worse Alchemist) to see how he could handle in a fight.
He does have one sizable scar on the back of one of his calves from when he fell out of a tree as a kid and got a rather nasty cut from a tree branch
Slightly less obvious are some faint areas of scarring caused by the Alchemical process. For most alchemy when a transmutation is done that changes the form of something it leaves behind a trace, so why wouldn't the same be true for Chimera? Typically they aren't to noticeable often hidden by fur or feathers, hidden among the textures and patterns of their skin or perhaps in a place most wouldn't notice.
For Tim most of those marks are generally hidden by clothes, the largest and likely most noticeable is on his back near the base of his tail. At a glance it really looks just like a slightly discoloured patch of skin that if touch has a slightly different feel then other parts of his body.
(Do Mental/psychological scars count? He's got a bucket load of those too lol)
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chronic: does my muse have any chronic health conditions / illnesses? how do these affect them from day-to-day? 
Coming as a surprise to no one who's spent anytime on this blog (or around Tim) He suffers heavily from Chronic pain, his worst/most problematic areas being his hands, one may commonly see him rubbing his hands usually by the wrist, and back- mostly lower back especially the closer you get to where his tail connects- which in combination with general balance problems is why his posture isn't always great.
But those are just the worst sources of pain and frequently deals with joint and/or muscle pains else where. Such as his eye which sometimes he'll just get bad phantom pains from it- due to the rather messed nerve signals around there.
He's not one to complain about his discomforts whether it be from the innate animal instinct to not show weakness / hide the pain or simply not wanting to cause any one unneeded worry and be a bother. Like a lot of medication, pain management treatments tend to be a gamble on whether or not they'll be of any affect to him, he does tend to respond better to more natural remedies, herbal stuff and the like you know. Heat / warmth go along way to help ease the pain, another reason you'll find him seeking out the warmest spots.
Most days it's manageable enough that even if not pleasant it's at a level he's become accustomed too and can deal with.
One can usually judge his pain levels by how active he's being, less active or less willing to be active assuming there's no other potential outside factors, the more pain he's in that day. If it's really bad he may also come across as a bit snippier then normal and just in general has a lower tolerance for certain things
Storms are no fun and tend to make it worse is frequently when the pain to his eye will flare up too- which does often make him a decent predictor on whether bad weather is coming.
headaches/migraines aren't uncommon for him either.
Pain isn't the only issue,
His other main health problem would be his Chronic insomnia -if not having full Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (I'm hesitant to officially drop the label on him but just various symptoms/signs of it a lot of the things very much apply to him at the very least he's borderline)
Some nights he just won't/can't sleep at all, and when he can/does will often frequently wake up.
Now in part it is once again another trouble created from his Chimeric design, with an internal clock that's more suited to Crepuscular bordering Nocturnal in combination with being an attempt at wanting someone/ a creature that could go without sleep for extended periods. Add on chronic pain plus nightmares and you've got a nest recipe for one sleepless guy, and is why you may frequently find him taking short naps through out the day.
Much like with pain the only truly affective remedy tends to be natural ones, such as drinking Valerian tea.
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Has some mild lung problems do to scarring- which again can be attributed to alchemy and his creation process, because forcefully changing something into a form it was never meant to be is damaging (imperfect as it is the Pseudo, half-baked attempt at stone in his body is quite honestly probably the only thing that's saving him/his body from just rejecting itself- like a body rejecting an organ after a transplant)
It doesn't cause him too much problems for the most part- both stamina and endurance are in the above average range but it does take him a bit long to catch his breath and can get winded easier then one might expect. The cold, especially cold, dry air plays havoc with it.
Also affecting his breathing is the fact his heart isn't exactly in the right place, it's sort of pushed more to the right, closer to center of his chest kinda, which creates pressure against his lungs/makes everything else all wonky.
Quite honestly Tim's a medical marvel not for being a Chimera but simply for the fact that he's not dead.
You can probably also add his laundry list of Mental Health issues here too if you want.
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