#if literally anyone is wondering how i felt about the book maybe
lostandbackagain · 10 months
theory that dustfinger spent half of the book unconscious not because of whatever the hell orpheus did but because he concussed himself
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houpss · 6 months
SKZ have a crush on you
you can come up with the ending yourself...whether the reader will be with the member or not is up to you!
light angst, a little fluff, uncertain relationship
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Bang Chan
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oh...this man talks about his feelings openly and without fear.
He literally phrases: "I'll steal and fuck your girlfriend while you're not looking."
He has a huge amount of female and male attention, but...
But it doesn't work out that way with you...
You were out of his reach.
You were too beautiful, too sweet, too good...he wasn't like that.
Chris is the one who will call you his muse and write romantic songs for you, some of which have been published.
His love is manifested in acts of care, he is always there, he is more tactile with you than with others.
He will give you whatever you want, just ask.
Chan has 8 members so he is like a dad...he protects and cares for them
And he also wants to take care of you.
He wants to love you openly.
But you didn’t notice his feelings.
Although...you loved Chris. Literally loved to the moon and back.
For some reason, it seemed to you that Chris only saw you as a friend or family member, just like his Members.
Yeah...close friends....
He will say exactly the same phrase to you:
"You came..."–"You called"
It seems you are both fools.
Maybe he's too soft with you? Maybe he needs to leave?
He won't be able to give up on you.
I will kill myself, I will destroy my soul, but I will be with you.
But i'll wait for you
I love you to the moon and back
기다려 여기 me and max
서운해해도 don't be mad
너한텐 할 수 없는 game (Bloo-But i'll wait for you)
Lee Know
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How could Minho let this happen?
Lee Minho was head over heels in love with you.
No one has seen his loving eyes, no one has ever felt his gentle touch.
How did he allow himself to fall in love with you?
This is a completely crazy idea, he didn’t love to love.
But you turn his world upside down, he is literally lost in you.
You clearly feel like Minho hates you.
Minho is like cold winter, he is like snowy weather, he looks like frosty weather.
And you were in summer, you're complete opposites.
But even after the coldest winter, love comes.
He calls you the most beautiful adjectives, it’s like he’s trying to silently scream about his feelings.
He speaks directly and harshly, he loves the truth straight forward.
"And you will be obsessed with me, I will be everywhere: I will be in your favorite songs, I will be between the lines of books, I will be in every passerby... I am your addiction"
Lee Minho couldn't fall in love, but he wanted to love.
All the pretty stars shine for you, my love
Am I the girl that you dream of? (Lana Del Rey–Pretty when you cry)
Seo Changbin
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He loved and hated you at the same time.
Oh.. Seo Changbin can hate?
Yes, he did it with you. He loved you so much that he hated you for it.
You were everywhere, you were ingrained in his existence and mind.
He was very sweet and friendly and loved people.
It didn’t work out that way with you, it was as if he deliberately didn’t want to have much contact with you.
He loved you silently, probably without asking for anything in return.
Before he even notices, he begins to pay attention to you... be it small acts of attention or dialogues with you.
"You can take Changbin out of first love, but not first love out of Changbin."
Again, it was like you were different, you weren’t like anyone else. He noticed you immediately when he met you.
He seems upset that you will never be his.
Oh...the boy is gloomy. The boy looks like a thunderstorm.
Conquer your lonely heart, get used to the emptiness.
When you ran your fingers over your lips
I bought it from glossy magazines
Everything you asked for and even what you didn’t ask for
How can you be so terribly beautiful? (Rocky-WITCH)
Hwang Hyunjin
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Oh yes, you and Hyunjin have been friends since childhood.
It even got to the point that you are idols in the same agency. No wonder Hyunjin adores you, he's obsessed.
Fans loved your interactions, they were sure there was something between you and Hyunjin.
Hyunjin wants to get into your soul, he wants to take your heart into his cold hands.
You were the forbidden fruit, and forbidden fruit is always sweet.
It’s as if you’re chasing him, you’re everywhere, he feels you everywhere.
But you're just his friend, his sweet best friend.
It was normal for you to peck Hyunjin on the lips, naturally in private or during greetings (while no one was looking). Hyunjin feels addicted.
You are worse than drugs, you cause an addictive effect. You are his absolute delight.
The boy will paint your portraits, he will exalt you like a goddess.
So why do you only see him as a friend?
Hwang Hyunjin doesn't deserve to be your friend, he wants to be your boyfriend.
The boy loves to hurt himself, he loves hardcore. He loves pain and whines a lot.
He just replaces you with pain, it helps.
Touch me, yeah
I want you to touch me there
Make me feel like I am breathing
Feel like I am human (The neighbourhood–A little death)
Han Jisung
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You never paid attention to Jisung.
But Jisung was so loud and cheerful that he started to annoy you.
Jisung did this on purpose, he liked you.
The boy will notice you immediately, you immediately fell into his soul. So cold and inaccessible.
He wants to melt the ice on your heart, he wants to become your sun.
Every day he fell more in love with you, the cold intensifying his desire.
“Your love is addictive” – your words
He is very kind and cheerful with you, he is so easy to talk to.
He won't give up to get you. Even when you send him the rudest obscenities
I'm your boy.
He will sing to you, and you will ask him to shut up. You secretly love it, his voice is so beautiful.
But you should hate Han Jisung because it's the right thing to do.
You would get closer to him, but...
"Is it fashionable to jerk off to him?"
"hit of the season"
Lee Felix
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It was impossible not to fall in love with Felix.
everyone loves Felix!
And he loves you.
This sunny boy literally drowned in his love for you, it completely absorbed him and did not allow other feelings to pass through.
But you don't seem to notice him.
Felix dreamed about you, you are in his thoughts. The first thought in the morning, a relieving thought when he is busy and the last thought before going to bed.
He's trying to get as close to you as possible
He will become your best friend.
Felix is too good, he is an angel in a human body.
The world is not worthy of Felix, so why did he love you?
Every day, like a painful melody, this unrequited love sounded in his heart. He experienced all emotions - from boundless happiness to deep sadness - alone
He couldn't imagine life without you
If you leave, there will be no point in living.
He writes you poems, he gives you the most expensive gifts, he just wants you to love him. Love him at least a little.
Perhaps his efforts will remain irretrievably lost in time. But one thing is certain: he will continue to love you, deeply and truly, even if he never hears your answer.
Come on scratch my back
So as to reach the heart
Both you and I want this (ЩЕНКИ–dirt)
Kim Seungmin
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It's like he's afraid to get close to you.
On the contrary, he moves away. Every day it gets stronger, he loves you so much and doesn’t want to see you so much.
Seungmin took this step not because of a lack of love; in fact, on the contrary, he was struck by this love.
In every breath you took, every word you said, he found the perfect embodiment of his dreams. You were his sun, his muse, his everything.
But he knew he couldn't be with you. He saw how disappointed you were in your past love, how your trust and heart were damaged. He couldn't afford to repeat the same mistake. He couldn't risk their relationship knowing that the end could only be pain and disappointment.
It hurts so much to give up on someone you love.
He deserved happiness, he deserved love, but he couldn't have it with you.
He didn't want to ruin your life or be the source of your pain.
He will go away and it will be easier for everyone.
He will disappear from your life as suddenly as he appeared.
He will never forget you, he will never stop loving you. But he knows that sometimes the best decision is to let go of the one you love. This is exactly what he did because to him, your happiness was much more important than his own.
He looks at the dawn and remembers you.
Your nose is covered in cocaine, you can barely stand
I am the secret that you cannot hide
I think about you too much (Pharaoh-unplugged 2)
Yang Jeongin
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You are his first love.
He sees a future with you, he sees stars in you.
It was the first time he felt such strong feelings for someone.
Oh, he is just learning about love, but it can hurt or beat sometimes. Love can completely break the psyche.
But he doesn't care as long as you exist.
Jeongin will turn to the Hyuns for advice. how to get your attention and make you fall in love.
He will be so romantic...he will be so gentle with you.
He is afraid to do something wrong so as not to scare you away
He will be a gentleman and will wait for the moment until you fall in love, he will do everything for this!
He will wait for you all his life if necessary, but I am sure that you will fall in love faster.
“He replaced my home, love and friends. He is my everything.”
Jeongin is like warm weather, everyone is waiting for him and wants him.
Feeling so lonely, 'cause it's not enough
Missin' you only ever since we fell in love (Ciggarets after sex–Touch)
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johns-prince · 10 months
if you don’t mind, what are some of your favorite soft mclennon moments?
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JOHN: I used to try to get George to rebel with me. I’d say to him, “Look, we don’t need these fuckin’ suits. Let’s chuck them out of the window.” My little rebellion was to have my tie loose with the top button of my shirt undone. Paul’d always come up to me and put it straight. [x]
PAUL: There’s a story that I used to straighten John’s tie before we went on stage. That seems to have become a symbol of what my attitude was supposed to have been. I’ve never straightened anyone’s tie in my life, except perhaps affectionately.
The Times Profile of Paul McCartney - 1982 [x]
“And John and Paul thought back to the time they’d been in Paris before. Flat-broke, unable to afford a taxi, without funds for a decent meal. ‘Maybe we’ll buy the Eiffel Tower this time’, said John with a grin.”
“The Beatles in Paris.” Beatles Book Monthly Magazine No. 8 (March 1964). [x]
““Okay, okay,” I said, “don’t go on, John.” I felt a surge of embarrassment because my instrument was the cause of such hilarity. “Look guys, that’s enough. What have you two been doing while we’ve been struggling to get here? I hope you’ve done some practising and got the song list sorted out?” I was getting more and more annoyed as this episode was dragging on. “Yeah, yeah, don’t worry Len. Paul and I have got it all sorted out. Haven’t we Paul? Paul! Paul! I said haven’t we Paul?” Paul McCartney looked up with a wry smile and paused. “Tonight will run just like clockwork. I am going to give the audience the best rendition of ‘Guitar Boogie’ they have ever heard this side of Garston.” “Hey, this is a new twist,” I said. “Paul just cracked a joke. He must have a sense of humour after all, John, shall we have him in the group?” John was enjoying the banter as ever. “Yeah, we’ll give him another try and if you don’t get it right this time, Jimmy,” Jimmy (James) was Paul’s first name, “then…” John waited to see the expression on Paul’s face. “Then we’ll,” again a pause, and by this time we were hanging on John’s next words, “then we’ll have to send him for some more guitar lessons!” Paul joined in the laughter and at that we were all back to normal.”
— Len Garry, John, Paul and Me: Before The Beatles. (1997) [x]
“One of my great memories of John is from when we were having some argument. I was disagreeing and we were calling each other names. We let it settle for a second and then he lowered his glasses and he said: “It’s only me.” And then he put his glasses back on again. To me, that was John. Those were the moments when I actually saw him without the facade, the armour, which I loved as well, like anyone else. It was a beautiful suit of armour. But it was wonderful when he let the visor down and you’d just see the John Lennon that he was frightened to reveal to the world.” [x]
“Whatever bad things John said about me, he would also slip his glasses down to the end of his nose and say, ’I love you’. That’s really what I hold on to. That’s what I believe. The rest is showing off.” [x]
“I remember being shocked one day when John started worrying about how people would remember him when he was gone. It was an incredibly vulnerable thing for him to come out with. I said to him then, ‘They’ll remember you as a fucking genius, because that’s what you are. But, you won’t give a shit because you’ll be up there, flying across the universe.’” [x]
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“If John Lennon could come back for a day, how would you spend it with him?”  “In bed.” — Paul McCartney answers questions for Q magazine, 1998. [x]
“John and I grew up like twins although he was a year and a half older than me. We grew up literally in the same bed because when we were on holiday, hitchhiking or whatever, we would share a bed. Or when we were writing songs as kids he’d be in my bedroom or I’d be in his. Or he’d be in my front parlour or I’d be in his, although his Aunt Mimi sometimes kicked us out into the vestibule!”
— September 26, 1997, “Paul McCartney - Meet The Beatle” by Steve Richards [x]
“We were recording the other night, and I just wasn’t there. Neither was Paul. We were like two robots going through the motions. We do need each other alot. When we used to get together after a month off, we used to be embarrassed about touching each other. We’d do an elaborate handshake just to hide the embarrassment… or we did mad dances. Then we got to hugging each other.”
— John Lennon, The Beatles by Hunter Davies [x]
Q: “What musician and composer do you respect most?” Paul: “No, I don’t know, really... John Lennon!” John: *mock-shy* “...Paul McCartney.” [x]
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conversations with mccartney, paul du noyer [x]
“It was 8:30. I could hear people talking about the likelihood of a storm later on that evening. I can remember hoping that it would clear up before my cycle ride back to Wavertree. Up to now it had been an eventful day but very tiring and as a group, although committed to playing, we all wished that we could pack up and go home. All of us apart from John Lennon. I think that meeting Paul had whetted his appetite and by the time we went on stage for our session at 8:45 he looked refreshed and seemed to have a new sparkle, as though he had had an injection of renewed optimism and enthusiasm as he played and sang through our usual repertoire that evening. […] I went outside for some air and a smoke; John and Pete decided to come with me. We stood outside pulling on our cigarettes, enjoying the breeze that had risen with the oncoming storm. “Do you know, John,” remarked Pete as we stood outside, “I’ve never heard you sound as good as you did just then. I know you’re going to say that I’m not very musical but I could hear the difference. I can see that something’s happened to you. Even the skiffle numbers which I know you’re not that keen on sounded good. You seem to have put more effort into them.” “Pete’s right, John. I couldn’t help noticing it as well,” I said. John was silent for a few minutes, just enjoying his smoke. “I guess someone took the trouble to share what he knew with me and it’s just given me a little encouragement for the future, that’s all.” “Oh I see, you’re getting a little sentimental in your old age, aren’t you,” joked Pete, who had never seen his life-long friend in that light before. “Don’t be thick, Pete,” replied John, who seemed almost back to his normal abrupt self. “Come on, I need a drink.”” — Len Garry, John, Paul and Me: Before The Beatles. (1997) [x]
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Paul's persistence and endless patience for John while he was dealing with the death of his mother Julia:
But Paul seemed to have limitless patience for John, sneaking away from his classes to drink coffee at the Jacaranda coffeehouse, or else spend the afternoon nursing pints and punching rock ‘n’ roll songs on the jukebox at Ye Cracke pub. Certainly, Paul preferred hanging out with his friend to grinding through lectures and assignments at his schoolboy’s desk at the Liverpool Institute. But the hours they spent together held an emotional significance, too. For even if they rarely spoke about the pain of losing their mothers, the mutual feelings of loss—and the rawness of John’s wound—gave them a connection that was as vital as it was unspoken. It was, Paul said later, a “special bond for us, something of ours, a special thing.” … “We could look at each other,” Paul said, “and know.”” 
John, however, had other things on his mind. Though the fall of 1958 and well into 1959, John was far too busy engaging in art-school life—if not exactly his studies—to think much about playing in a rock ‘n’ roll band. He had started dating another student, a quiet blonde from the relatively posh Hoylake district on the Wirral, named Cynthia Powell. She proved a warm, stabilizing influence, which helped mitigate John’s ongoing grief and rage.
He had also grown particularly close to one of the school’s most promising students, a blazingly talented painter named Stuart Sutcliffe, whose emotional portraits and densely wrought abstracts had already caught the eye of the university’s instructors, along with the gallery owners, artists and critics who orbited the bohemian section that bordered the campus. John had been drawn to Stu’s talent, too, and when his classmate invited John to move into his large, if downtrodden, flat around the corner from the college in a row of once-elegant homes on Gambier Terrace, the two art students became even closer. The flat became a hub for their college friends, a reliable address for drinking bouts and all-night parties.
 Nevertheless, Paul made certain not to be a stranger. He was a regular around Gambier Terrace, often toting his guitar to spur a little playing and singing, and if circumstance permitted, a bit of songwriting. John remained an eager music fan, and generally enthusiastic partner for playing and singing. But his disinterest in the band, prompted at least in part by his deepening friendship with Stu, frustrated Paul. 
John was moving on, and not in a promising direction. George, for his part, had grown sick of waiting and joined the jazz-and-skiffle centered Les Stewart Quartet, though he made it clear to Paul he’d be back with the Quarrymen whenever they resumed playing. Paul, on the other hand, wasn’t interested in playing with anyone else. For whatever combination of emotional or visceral reasons, he couldn’t seem to imagine a musical life that didn’t include John Lennon as his primary partner.
So he persisted, dragging his guitar to Gambier Terrace, making himself a fixture amid the empty beer bottles, overflowing ashtrays, shattered Vicks inhalers, and paint-splattered clothes.
If John didn’t evince any interest in being in a band, Paul would simply wait, guitar at the ready, until he did.
— Peter Ames Carlin, Paul McCartney: A Life [x]
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altsvu · 9 months
Congrats on 200 bunny!!!! You deserve it 🌸
Can I ask for a Hotch request pls? You can literally write anything you want, any prompt, but pls do the classic ‘we’re barely friends and oops there’s only one bed in this hotel room’ bc it’s my fave trope ever!!
“there’s a first for everything”, they say
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pairing: aaron hotchner x bau!black!fem!reader
prompts used: 40) “I love the way you look with my fingers inside you.” 58) “Do you know how beautiful you are? It’s truly distracting.” 93) “It’s okay, honey, you can pull my hair as hard as you want while I’m between your legs.” from the 100 smut prompts!
summary: hotch invites you and the rest of the BAU on a vacation to the Bahamas, but his demeanor changes when he sees you and interacts with you outside of the professional setting for the first time.
wc: 1855
tw: pining (mentions of it), teasing, dirty talk, oral sex, p in v sex, mentions of sex, smut in general
a/n: i literally could not find a good gif for this so this will do! also this is a combination of another fic idea that i had so i kinda put a bit of a twist on this, i still hope you enjoy marley!! ❤️ @angelhotchner
criminal minds masterlist! ✯ taglist!
The BAU had finally gotten vacation time, and all you wanted was to go home and sleep for 24 hours. But when Hotch invited you and the rest of the BAU to the Bahamas, it was hard for you to say no.
You wondered how it would go since you never really interacted with Hotch outside of cases, but maybe he might actually talk to you on a different level.
Then again, you were barely friends with him, acquaintance at most.
When the time finally came to pack for the trip, it was much harder than expected. After about 3 hours, you finally had your suitcases and your carry-on packed and ready to go.
Finally, you and the rest of the team were on the plane. To your luck, you and Hotch were sitting next to each other, with you at the window seat.
“Hey.” he smiled after settling down. You turned and smiled back at him and said hey back.
You couldn’t help but notice how good he looked. Like really good. His polo was doing him justice showing off his buff arms and chest, and his hair was fluffed to perfection. God, even his hands caught your eyes. His hands were big and veiny and you had recurring thoughts of him putting those hands to work.
On you.
Stop it, you told yourself.
You and Hotch were quiet the beginning of the flight, but you soon engaged in intriguing conversation with him. From expressing feelings about taking a break from all the gore that was part of working at the BAU, to sharing favorite scenes of movies that the both of you watched, that was the first non-work related conversation you’ve had with him.
And it felt amazingly natural, despite the bits of awkwardness in between.
The flight had a 55 minute layover in Miami, which you didn’t know about until you heard on the intercom, which woke you up from your rather comfortable nap.
That was when you noticed you had been napping with your head resting against Hotch’s arm. You quickly sat up and made sure he didn’t notice.
So much for barely friends.
During the layover, you curled up in a chair doing some digital art pieces on your iPad while eating lunch. You made it clear that you didn’t want to be bothered by anyone by putting in your headphones.
Hotch included.
You felt too embarrassed to talk to him after finding out you slept on him.
And didn’t even do anything about it.
He probably felt some type of way.
Or not.
You didn’t even bother figuring out his feelings, instead you spent the rest of the flight making mental notes of what you would do when you finally arrived.
Bikinis were Hotch’s weakness. Well bikinis on you.
How did you know that?
You noticed that he couldn’t help but stare at you from the moment you took off your coverup, and when you walked past him at the beach, when you were resting on your beach chair talking with Penelope and Spencer, or alone reading a book, when you were playing beach volleyball with him, Morgan and JJ, and even when you were sipping on martinis with Rossi and Emily. Other people were checking you out too, but it seemed like Hotch was checking you out the most, admiring how beautiful the baby pink bikini looked against your golden chocolate skin.
So much for barely friends right?
The beach outing with the whole team was fun and you enjoyed your time there but you left the beach earlier than expected, spending some time alone shopping in nearby areas around the hotel. There was no reason in particular, you just liked spending time with yourself any chance you could.
You got back to the hotel room you were sharing with Hotch due to availability reasons, and quickly rid yourself of your clothes besides your bra and underwear and prepared to shower.
Until you realized that you forgot to bring your robe. bonnet and shower cap with you in the bathroom.
Hotch just so happened to walk in just as you were looking for it.
“Y/N, are you sleeping in that?”
“Oh shit!” you yelped, scrambling to cover your body. He came over to you after dropping his stuff on the ground. “Sorry,” you said sheepishly.
“Hey.” he whispered. “It’s just me.”
You felt yourself calm down instantly, but it just increased the level of awkwardness between you and him. After your shower, you got dressed for the night, which consisted of an oversized shirt and a pair of boy shorts, and relaxed in bed reading a book.
Hotch laid down next to you about 30 minutes later and you fell asleep moments after.
Waking up in the middle of the night, you felt a warm body lean against you. You turned and gasped in fear until you realized it was Hotch.
"Y/N? Are you okay?" Hotch asked, turning around and placing his hand on your shoulder.
"Yeah sorry, I forgot I was sharing a bed with you for a moment." you breathed.
"I'm sorry I scared you out of your sleep."
You shook your head and turned back around. "It's not your fault."
It was silent between the two of you for a bit, and then Hotch reached over to massage your shoulders. It felt nice, you haven't had a massage in a while, if not ever. It was as if Hotch knew what you needed, what you were thinking about. A slight moan escaped your lips from how good it felt.
"Is that turning you on Y/N?" Hotch chuckled.
"No, it just feels really good."
Liar. It’s turning you on.
"I can make you feel good in other places, if you want."
“Oh, so that’s what we’re doing now?” you said, turning to face him with a smile on your face.
Hotch didn’t reply, instead he pulled you a bit closer to him and caressed your cheek.
“Do you know how beautiful you are? It’s truly distracting.”
“I do, but please remind me.”
He went into specifics about how he’d been admiring you from a distance and how he was scared to become close friends with you and screw it up.
“Y/N, you truly faze me.” he said at the end.
You felt your cheeks burning up at Hotch practically confessing his love to you. Without notice, he pressed a kiss on your lips. You went back in for more, and next thing you knew, you were on your back with Hotch’s hand lifting up your shirt. You helped him take it off, and there you were, almost naked again in front of him.
“Suddenly you don’t seem so shy to be naked in front of me.” he smiled.
“That’s because before, I was pretending that I didn’t like you.”
“Oh, so you like me.” Hotch murmured in between kisses to your clavicle.
You wanted to respond, but Hotch’s fingers were inching to your boy shorts and you felt yourself clenching up by his touch, so a smile was the best you could have done in the moment.
And next thing you know, they’re off.
You helped Hotch out of his clothes and the two of you were both naked.
In a hotel bedroom.
In the middle of the night.
You never thought you’d ended up this far with Hotch, let alone just being friends, or almost friends, with him. This was going through your mind as he was on top of you, kissing all over your body.
His hand was slowly trailing up your leg, then to your folds. He reached your clit and rubbed soft circles on it, all while pushing his pointer and middle fingers inside you.
With your past experience being intimate with other men, none of them ever made you feel this good with just their fingers. In fact, it was much different than you’ve ever experienced before.
“I love the way you look with my fingers inside you,” Hotch whispered, looking up at you.
You shuddered in pleasure when he said that, it felt reassuring.
He continued doing this through your first three orgasms. It got even more intense when he pulled his fingers out, devoured your juices and smashed his tongue on your opening. At this point you wanted to just grab fistfuls of his hair and moan at the top of your lungs.
Hotch being the profiler he is, knew exactly what you were yearning for.
“It’s okay, honey, you can pull my hair as hard as you want while I’m between your legs.” he said, looking up at you again with a quirky grin on his face.
Your hands were now full of his soft black hair, reaching the climax of your fourth orgasm.
Before you could reach another one, Hotch stopped what he was doing, laid down on the bed and pulled you onto his lap. You shuddered at the feeling of his hands on your waist.
“I want to feel you,” he whispered. “Can I do that?”
“Yes, please.” you pleaded.
He adjusted himself to your opening, and to say you were in shock would be an understatement. The initial thrust almost had you crying out for mercy the way it felt so good. A throaty groan escaped Hotch’s lips.
“You must be enjoying this,” you said.
“I am. You’re so good to me.”
That made you blush as you loved words of affirmation.
It was like Hotch knew everything about you. He knew all the right things to say, and all the right places to touch you. In a way, his job as a profiler never ended.
He switched positions so that he was on top of you, passionately looking into your eyes while doing so. He was the one with the mastery in eye contact.
At this point, you already knew the bonnet was off and the knotless braids you had in would get a bit frizzy at the top. But you didn’t care. Hotch was making you feel better than ever, filling that certain void in your life.
He had your legs up and thrusted into you with everything in him, and it made you moan in a way you never imagined you could do.
Another climax was approaching and you could feel it. You came faster than expected with Hotch in your ear whispering for you to do it for him. Short moments later, he was right there with you with his high.
“So much for not even being friends.” You laughed softly.
Hotch pulled you into his arms and kissed you. “So much, huh?”
“What do you think the others are gonna say when they find out? I know one of them heard us.”
“I’m glad they heard. Maybe they’ll talk about how loud you got for me.”
That made you giggle.
“Anyways, my special agent, we have to sleep soon. Or there might be more rounds.”
And surely enough, the two of you slept in each other’s arms after cleaning up, and you slept way better than you did before being woken up.
taglist: @averyhotchner @storiesofsvu @ssaic-jareau @blackbeautifulqueen @mstrinnyb @will-on-the-internet @mrshadeelharingtonmadden
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hugsandchaos · 5 months
Random bit, but does anyone else wonder if ghosts from the ghost zone react to humans similarly to how humans react to ghosts? Like sometimes I just want to write Danny in human form around Frostbite in a manner that’s kind of from Frostbite’s prospective, and describe Danny’s human form in a way that connects to the living world or at least partially does. Let me just show you what I mean.
It was odd for Frostbite, seeing the Great One’s human form for the first time. True, he literally asked for it during the checkup, and he’s met Sam and Tucker before, but something about this was different. Perhaps it was the simple fact that Frostbite had only seen him in ghost form until that point, maybe it had something to do with him being a halfa. Who was to say when there was so, so little information on Halfas?
Hair the color of freshly fallen snow, much like the fur of Frostbite and his people, now turned as dark as a shadow. Perhaps even darker, just like Sam’s. Unlike Sam, however, Danny’s eyes had a different color. A shade of green that both practically and often literally glowed just like the ectoplasm all ghosts were made of had been replaced by a light blue. Looking at them reminded the chief of ice, and he was sure that any glare from them would feel like ice piercing a ghost’s very core. His skin was a little darker now, but Danny still appeared a little paler than Sam.
Looking at Danny now was like looking at a glimpse of a world where everything was different. Frostbite knew that the two realms were obviously different, but it felt more... perhaps “dangerous” was a good word, or “mysterious”. The thumping of his heart was picked up on more easily by the machines used to read his core vibrations, and the thermometer rose gradually until it reached 94 degrees. That temperature was extremely dangerous for a ghost with an ice core, as the average temperature for one was between 10 to 0 degrees. And yet Danny Phantom’s recorded body temperatures were always between 32 and 40, which was by itself alarming enough. Now it was all the way at 94?!
“Young Phantom, are you alright?! The thermometer says that your body temperature is 94 degrees!” Frostbite exclaimed.
Danny nodded and smile a little, his new ghost teeth, which Sam and Tucker called fangs despite them being rather small, were visible for a short while.”That’s actually close to the average healthy temperature for a human, which is 97 to 99 degrees, but I guess being half ghost lowered it a bit? It’s when the body temperature reaches 100 or higher that we should worry.” He said.
“...I need to update your record.” Frostbite said after a moment’s silence. Once the checkup was over, perhaps he could ask the Great One to bring some medical books on humans to better understand the living, and dead, paradox that was Halfas.
“My what now?” Danny asked.
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ursemma · 4 months
"You're all that I need" Theodore Nott × f!reader
Pt 2
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Summary: where Theodore realised you're all he needed but maybe it was little too late for that, or was it?
Warnings: angst ig
This is based on my favourite song CO2 by prateek kuhad!! Part two will come out shortly and better than this. I was in deep sleep while writing this so this is poorly written ik, sorry for that!!
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"oh come on Theodore! You really can't treat me like someone you can have at any time you want without giving any labels to our relationship!!" I yelled at him as I shut the door of his dorm so that no one could here us.
It's been a repeating cycle for entire week.
He treats me like his gf and the next min he's flirting with random chick at Hogwarts.
Whenever I ask him about our status all he says is he needs time to figure out, to be himself and to know what he wants.
We've been seeing eachother (if you can say that) for almost 5 months and went without labels now it was too much for me.
"oh come on just give me a little more time please" he pleaded with teary eyes, and I can't help but look away.
"no Theodore not anymore, if you can't commit fully towards me, then you can't have me." With that I left his dorm, in hope that he would atleast try to stop me, stop me from running away, stop me from walking out his life, but no nothing happened.
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The next morning I entered our common room and sat near pansy, who was reading a book.
Theodore and his friends sat exact opposite to us, and our eyes met.
Both of our eyes held the same emotions. desperation, desire, love, and heartbreak. One emotion was missing and that was acceptance.
Maybe we both haven't accepted it. So I guess there has to be a hope from both the sides right?
I swear to god if there was peace around us, we both could hear the literal words.
And maybe this is meant to be this way.
For us to be away.
I mean that's what happens in most of the love story right? The lover gets seperated because they weren't ready.
Ready for eachother, for the commitment, for the price they would've to pay.
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After few minutes I saw him leaving the common room. Just like the day i left his dorm.
I'll be fine right? I mean I've experienced this beforehand.
I have dealt with people leaving me.
It won't caused much harm right?
Oh how wrong I was.
Theodore is like oxygen for me. I need him to breath, to survive, to live.
And without him I'm nothing.
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I was walking down the corridor with Enzo by my side, we were laughing at his silly jokes and I felt someone's eyes boring into me.
I looked at my surroundings to see Theodore glaring at us.
Even if he never see it, he was all I needed, all I wanted. Not Enzo not anyone but him.
Maybe he won't see it now, but in future he will right?
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I was deep in my thoughts, wondering why I love him? Why can't I get over him? Why do I need him? Why do I want him?
Maybe it's the silence in his eyes,
Or the deep red when he's shy,
Or the Mystery of our love,
All I need is the sign from stars above,
Maybe it's the way he breath in me,
Or it's the way he heals the girl in me,
Maybe it's the fragrance of his hair,
I just want to kiss him when he's there.
I shook my thoughts away as they were taking a different turn.
I just him all around me, but why can't he make it happen.
Why does he have to be so complicated.
I laid down on my bed thinking the possibilities of us. Will we ever happen? Or will we drift apart just like that?
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scaranation · 2 years
hi hi !! could you write an ANGST with Dottore and Zhongli where we break up with them? maybe in dottore we break up because we can't bear(?) his experiments anymore and in Zhongli one we feel not enough/that he loves someone else (maybe Guizhong?)
Gn reader or Fem!reader(if u write for fem. sorry if u do not,i couldnt find rules and im really really sorry ! :( ... )
p.s will there be To love another 3rd part? it's my fav fanfic ever !!
love your work ♡♡
hihihi i know this is like super late but this prompt is literally so good 😭 also im thinking of writing another part to that fic, but i just dont know where to take it so ive been procrastinating haha
dottore’s part is kinda ooc bcs let’s be real if he’s that whipped for reader he wouldn’t let them break up with him, but im going to pretend that he’s not as much of a red flag as he actually is 🤭🤭
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Pairing: Dottore x GN!reader, Zhongli x GN!reader (separate)
Content: Angst, no comfort. Mentions of canon typical violence, assumed past Guizhong x Zhongli
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“It seems my beloved has finally thought to visit me.”
You cringed from the overpowering metallic scent as you stepped into your boyfriend’s laboratory, trying hard not to look at the borderline gruesome sights on the clinical beds.
Dottore cleaned the blood off a bone saw he was holding, setting the instrument down carefully before walking towards you - eyes lit up, but holding a gleam different to the maniacal one he usually possessed.
“How was your day, my love?” His voice was humorous. He seemed to be in a good mood, humming lightly while opening the door for you.
“It was fine.” You sighed as you felt the weight of Dottore’s harbinger coat settle across your shoulders, registering the touch of his hand as he pulled you into him and away from the Snezhnayan cold.
“Has that coworker of yours still been bothering you?”
“… Don’t try pretending.”
“Whatever could you be talking about?” The Doctor’s grip on you tightened.
“I wouldn’t wish death on anyone, even if they annoyed me to that extent.” You sighed, finally tilting your head to stare into the planes of your lover’s mask.
“Oh, they’re not dead. Rather, they’ve been subject to some biological modifications of an experimental kind - would you like to see?”
You gritted your teeth.
“I’m hungry, don’t make me lose my appetite.”
“Good thing I have a nice place booked for dinner, my love.”
His compliance was almost uncanny.
Normal couples gazed affectionately into each other’s eyes over meat and wine, fingers fondly interlaced over the dining table. And yet, you couldn’t bring yourself to return Dottore’s adoring scarlet gaze, and his hold on your hand felt more like a death trap.
“Is the food to your liking?” He asked. He hadn’t touched any of the vegetables on his plate, only biting into the steak.
“Yes. You should eat greens, too.” You commented.
“Mm. Why don’t you feed me, then?” Dottore only tilted his head, smiling eagerly. Recently, a fear of you being turned into one of the harbinger’s countless experiments had taken hold, and it was this same fear that drove you to play right how he wanted. And so, lifting your fork, you fed him with all the patience you could muster - staring into those deep red eyes, feeling like nothing more than prey. Those eyes would’ve been the last thing many others had seen before their death, the end of their lives marked by that sadistic grin. You almost shuddered at the thought.
Normal couples slept under starry nights reflected in their star crossed hearts as they cuddled close under soft sheets. Normality was such a strange concept, you decided. Despite the fact that you were doing just what normal couples should, the situation was still absurd. However, your fear of becoming another one of the harbinger’s lab rats wasn’t unfounded. You mulled over this fact, almost snorting at the juxtaposition. Here you were - wondering if the man who cradled you in his arms would strap you down to a table in the name of research.
“My love, are you still awake?” You felt Dottore’s breath ghost over your neck, his face pressing into your nape. With a rustle, he readjusted the blanket over your shoulders.
“Yeah, I can’t sleep.”
“Nightmares, perhaps? I have a pill you can use for those.”
“No, just… thinking.” You squirmed in Dottore’s hold. His comment only reignited your spiralling train of thought, pushing you further to the point of resolve.
If he could kill his clones - literal versions of himself - then what would stop him from doing the same to you? Even if you remained alive, would you have to continue to tolerate being exposed to such grotesque horrors?
It was simply better to break things off, before you no longer had the option to.
The first meal of the day, and the last meal you’d share with your boyfriend.
“Yes?” The Doctor’s head jerked up immediately from where he was chewing. You could feel the undivided weight of all his attention sinking into you, and for a moment, you faltered. He was notorious for paying little mind to anyone else, and yet, he treated you with the utmost attentiveness. You steeled your resolve.
“I think… we should break up.”
Silence. Then, the grating scrape of cutlery against crockery.
Not a question, more of a demand. You gulped.
“Do you want me to be honest with you?”
“Yes. Is it something I did?”
“I can’t bear your experiments anymore, Dottore. They’ve gone too far, and I don’t think I can stomach living normally with you as if I don’t know the kind of things you do. Even worse, every day I’m wary that I might be your next test subject - whenever I walk into your lab, I wonder when I’ll be the one under your needles. It’s exhausting.”
Another beat of silence. You could see Dottore’s chest rising and falling at an increasingly fast pace, his jaw tensing.
“I would never, ever do that to you. It’s ridiculous that you’d even think that, and as for your prior reason… I can arrange for you to come to the lab less often…”
“So you’re just going to cover my eyes and act like you’re not doing anything with those experiments? I just can’t be ignorant here, nor can I trust you. If you can get rid of your clones so easily, then what am I? What value do I hold-“
“Those creations do not even compare to you.” Dottore finally snapped, slamming his hand down on the table. You flinched, and he felt as though his lung capacity had been halved. His head spun in tandem with the rapid tightening of his heart, his mouth twisting into a scowl.
It hurt Dottore, realising that you didn’t trust him. That all those fond, intimate memories together were just you acting out of fear - or at least, the most recent ones were. It hurt, beyond anything Dottore thought he could inflict on his patients. And even worse, you were frightened of him. The light shaking of your shoulders and the way you flinched were enough indication.
The Doctor enjoyed seeing his victims become terrified, but that same terror on you almost made him feel like he’d been the one stabbed with a scalpel. Foolishly, he’d fallen victim to his own maniacal research tendencies.
“Listen, I didn’t mean to scare you. I just meant to say… that you can trust me.” Dottore raised his hand towards you to cup your cheek, wincing when you avoided the action.
“I tried to, I really did. But I don’t think I can do it anymore.”
“My love, please.”
The second harbinger was begging. What a strange sight.
“Let me go, Dottore.” You murmured shakily. You saw hesitation, hurt, and anger flit through those vermilion eyes you’d used to love. But that love you held for him had only smouldered into disgust and fear.
“… Then go. Get out of my sight.” Dottore hissed, his teeth clenching at the wary expression on your face.
It was painful, how you walked out without a second glance.
“My love…” Dottore whispered. He stared at the closed door, almost expecting you to return. He repeated the phrase, over and over to himself - his face contorting into an expression he himself couldn’t name. Was there truly an emotion as human as this? It was a twisted, unimaginable feeling the Doctor couldn’t categorise. The syllables came off his quivering lips, as though by uttering them he could make you come back.
But the truth was, your not-so-normal relationship was over. Perhaps, Dottore would return to the normality of his heartless experiments, and you’d return to the normality of a better fate than one you’d endure by his side.
He only regretted not being able to hold you more.
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There were only two letters between you and your lover, but those two letters seemed to stretch wider every day - ‘I’, and ‘M’. The seemingly infinite synapse between mere ‘mortal’, and ‘immortal’.
Zhongli was undeniably a mortal vessel, but he as a being was not. He’d lived eons before you, loved and hated thousands. He’d experienced things you couldn’t even fathom, and yet, you couldn’t comprehend how he treated you as though your fleeting existence was the centre of his much larger world.
Whenever you looked into Zhongli’s amber eyes, heard his deep laugh, or felt his gentle caress, you could only feel insignificant. After all, he used to be a literal god. You couldn’t help the guilt that gnawed at your conscience, couldn’t stamp out the incessant feeling that he was too good for you, that you couldn’t compare to whatever lovers he’d had in the past.
“How’s the tea, darling?” Zhongli prompted. He sat with his back to the window, basking in an almost ethereal glow.
“Ah, I have yet to try it.” You shook yourself out of your thoughts to raise the cup in front of you. Zhongli only smiled warmly, but the gesture made your hand shake a little. You’d planned to break up with him today, and yet the way he still stared lovingly at you - full of infinite trust - made you feel terrible.
But how many others had he also treated this way? In his life, those others were probably far more special than you, possessing talents far more worthy of a god’s attention.
Suddenly, a shattering sound pierced your ears, and a scalding warmth set into your thigh. You looked down in a daze, before snapping out of it upon realising that you’d dropped the teacup.
“Are you okay?” Zhongli was at your side in an instant, mopping up the spilled tea and collecting the broken fragments of the cup.
“Yeah.” You gritted your teeth again. How dare someone as insignificant as you make Rex Lapis get down on his knees to clean the mess you’d made. It simply made you feel as though you didn’t deserve such a wonderful man at all.
“You’ve been distracted lately. Is there anything I should know about?” Zhongli asked slowly.
“No. Well, yes.” You stammered. You hadn’t planned this out very well, and your heart squeezed tighter.
“Go ahead. You know you can tell me anything, darling.”
A warm hand came to rest against your cheek. You closed your eyes, feeling tears build and slip down your face.
Zhongli wiped at your tears, holding your hands in your lap as he looked up at you worriedly - his thumbs tracing comforting circles on your knuckles. He thought of saying something, before deciding against it. He knew it was better to let you speak first.
“Let’s break up.” You blurted, feeling Zhongli’s fingers come to a complete stop.
“We can work through this, tell me why first. Has something been upsetting you?”
Your tears fell harder. He still showed you so much kindness, never jumping to any conclusions.
“I feel like I don’t deserve you. You’re too good for me, it makes me feel guilty that someone like me can have you.” You sobbed.
“Darling, you know it makes me happy to just spend time with you. That in itself is fair exchange, no?”
“But what makes that so special? You’ve lived for so long, you could’ve done this with anyone else, and you probably have. Who am I in comparison to someone like Guizhong?”
Through your blurred vision, you could still see Zhongli’s form kneeled by your side. He seemed to be choosing his next words carefully.
“You and her are both special, in your own way. Why don’t you calm down a little first? I can pour you some more tea.”
“I’m so selfish, Zhongli. I really don’t think I can stay with you.”
“Do you really want to leave that badly?”
Your heart twisted. You didn’t want to leave. You wanted to stay in his warm embrace, his soft understanding gaze. And yet, you couldn’t bring yourself to.
“… Yes.”
“Very well then. You know I won’t stop you, because I just want what’s best for you.”
The light grip on your hands released, and as you stood up everything seemed to spin.
“Thank you… for everything.” You murmured, stealing one last glance at the man you loved - before leaving.
Zhongli remained where he was for some time. In his life, many things came to an end, but this hurt a little more. When Guizhong had left him, it was due to her passing - the youthful Rex Lapis had found someone to blame, to ventilate his grief. But the most crude fact in this situation was that you were still alive, and had chosen to leave him of your own volition. Zhongli himself had made this happen.
However, an archon’s most prized trait was impartiality. Therefore, Zhongli knew that he had to maintain indifference. He refused to let himself chase after you, or force you into anything. It was only unfair, if an immortal were to impose such a fate onto a mortal.
And so, he could only watch as you faded from his life, like the cyclic ebb of waves on an ocean shore.
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valley-of-headcanons · 4 months
I just stumbled across your blog and I really love your headcanons! If you had the time, I was wondering if you could do the bachelors reacting to a mute farmer?
bachelors with a mute!farmer || headcanons
being mute isn't as hard when you have these considerate men around <3
warning: this is under the assumption that the reader cannot speak at all! all include sign language as a form of communication :) other warnings are that certain townies are VERY SLIGHTLY ableist (jodi, george). take this whole story with a grain of salt, as i am not mute! i tried my hardest, however, please let me know if something is wrong/offensive/just straight up stupid! i'd love to learn where i went wrong :)
requested by: anon, thank you so much for requesting! and i deeply apologize for the fact that this took around a year to come out ... oopsie daisy ... my stardew valley hyperfixation went bye bye but guess who's backkkk?? anyway! here you go, better late than never :)
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• Alex honestly had no idea what to do when he realized that you were mute. He had no idea what to do, and you saw it on his face. He wanted to interact with you, you looked pretty interesting, but ... he had no idea where to start. So, you offered to teach him sign. He was surprised to see that you had that much faith in him, and he rejected initially, but ... he really wanted to have a new friend. It seemed like you were a genuine person, and he needed that in his life. So he did.
• You taught him sign, and this was probably one of the hardest things he's done. He believes he's not very bright, so he's incredibly nervous. But he works so hard for you! He didn't really know why he did, as you were just a new neighbor. Maybe you could be more? You could be a true friend! That's what he's looking forward to the most.
• As he began getting fluent and he learned more about you, the more he enjoyed being around you. Someone actively took a chance on him, and he's forever grateful. He opened up a lot to you, and you reassured him through all of it. He was the smartest person you knew because of how well he picked up sign ... he cried a little bit, although he really doesn't want to admit that.
• He realized how close you've gotten, and how his feelings haven't stopped growing for you. So, he had to do something about it! A soft, well-candlelit dinner was prepared for you, and he asked you out fully through sign! He had worked so hard on preparing a fully thought-out speech through sign for you ... it was so incredibly sweet. He really does love you.
• Alex was incredibly defensive of you, and would probably fight anyone who tried him. He even had several arguments with George. He wasn't the most supportive and definitely had some comments, especially since he literally couldn't see the sign ... but through Alex, he was convinced. Everything was fine, especially with Alex doing his best to convince those around him.
• Overall, Alex loves you and it shows. It shows through every piece of sign that he learns, every action that he does for you, and everything that he says to you and others. He adores every aspect of you, and he loves your bravery and your amazing soul. He can't get enough of you.
• Elliot is definitely a romantic, and when you didn't respond to his minor flirting, he was very confused. But when he realized you were mute, he dramatically gasped and apologized, basically dropping to his knees. He felt horrible, and promised to make it up to you.
• For a while, you talked back and forth through letters, since he was often stuck at home writing. He finds that he can write a lot more through his letters to you than he can his own book. Isn't that strange? He brings it up to you in one of his letters, and he eventually invites you over to his cabin. He bounces ideas for his book off of you, and strangely, it's so much easier to communicate with you ... how strange.
• He ends up learning sign for you in his free time, although it takes a while due to his busy schedule. He still prefers to write letters to you, it seems much more personal and definitely more romantic. He eloquently writes about his life and inquires you about yours.
• Elliot realizes that maybe this situation isn't just romantic to be romantic ... maybe there were feelings underneath, feelings that Elliot had never truly felt before. He ended up writing poetry about you, pages and pages. He can't get you out of his head! He had to let you know. You found out through a book of poetry sitting in your mailbox, and after reading through it, it was undeniable that it was about you. He was infatuated ... and so were you.
• He's incredibly protective of you, making sure to keep you out of harm's way as much as possible. If anyone were to say so much as one hateful word to you, he'd make a scene. With his dramatic flare, he'd declare them an imbecile and swoop you away to a safe place. It's in his nature, did you think anything less?
• Elliot'e romantic side has never been greater than with you. Romance and genuine feelings have always been apart in his mind, but they've both culminated in a beautiful love with you. He doesn't mind your muteness, he finds it beautiful and inspiring. You're his muse, of course.
• Harvey is incredibly understanding, and he tried his best to understand you as much as possible! He has no problem learning how to communicate with you and how to help you out as much as possible! He's the most understanding of your condition, and asks many questions about how and why you're this way. Not in a hateful way or anything, he just wants to understand you fully!
• As your doctor, he's definitely concerned for your health at first, but his nerves are calmed eventually. He slowly works toward getting to know you despite your condition, and he loosens up a little bit. He's so sweet and kind toward you, and he can't believe he's befriended someone as lovely as you.
• He opens up about his color blindness soon enough, and how debilitating it can seem. You bond over that, and he finds it easy to open up to you. He's used to being the listener, it's literally his profession, but it's nice to be listened to for once.
• Harvey realized this was a lot more than just a friendship, due to his heart racing when he's around you ... wow. He didn't expect this, and he really doesn't know how to act on it. But as you two hang out on the pier of the beach one night, he can't help but admire you instead of the stars. You notice, and he can't hide it anymore. He asks so nervously if you feel the same way he does. You answer with a gentle kiss on his cheek. He melts.
• He is very defensive of your condition, if someone says anything slightly derogatory, he will go off on a medical tangent. He justifies everything with an array of medical terms, enough to put anyone at a loss for words. Once Harvey silences the other person, he apologizes heavily, but still defends his love.
• Harvey loves you, and it shows through his concern for you and his deep affection for you. You're such an amazing and brave person, and he admires every bit of it. He admires you more than anything, and he would reshape the world if it meant to keep you safe.
• Sam, despite his loud and energized nature, doesn't mind the fact that you're mute! He finds interacting with you regulating, in some kind of way. He has to calm down a bit to concentrate on communicating effectively with you. He enjoys talking to someone who has such a different viewpoint on life!
• Sam actually knew sign language before he met you! While in the war, Kent had sent a letter home that he had gone have deaf due to the constant noise of the war. Jodi then forced her family to learn sign language as soon as possible, so communicating with him was incredibly easy!
• Being able to actually use his sign language is actually pretty fun! He's very fluent, and he enjoys seeing your personality through your sign. He also enjoys your personality in general, how you overcome not speaking and your bravery. He finds that you both enjoy music, and it's a major bonding point between the two of you.
• Showing each other different songs that you enjoy was a staple of your hangout sessions. He finds those evenings the ones that he looks forward to the most, watching you smile and bop your head to the music. It's soft, it's sweet, it's ... lovely. As his feelings approach him, he can't get you out of his head ... his writer's block comes to an end. Eventually, he ends up playing a song for you. The love that he has for you is evident through the lyrics. And then ... a soft kiss as the song goes on, you would probably scream in joy if you could.
• His mom is ... not the most fond of you being mute. He doesn't really care, as he mostly just ignores her. He loves her but good god, her views ... so, he chooses your friendship more than anything. And when you two travel to something more, he chooses that over the relationship with his mother. She has a few passive aggressive comments, but she eventually gets over it enough to only give you a few side-eyes.
• Despite every hardship, Sam loves you. Every aspect of you is perfect in his eyes, and he wouldn't change anything about you. Sam adores your wonderful personality, despite not ever really hearing a voice behind your wonderful words. He doesn't care, you're you, and that's what matters.
• Sebastian is the most quiet of all of the bachelors, so it makes sense that he would be naturally drawn to someone with a similar vibe. He doesn't mind the fact that you don't speak, and he finds ways to adjust.
• At first, he doesn't put too much effort into learning sign language to communicate. He doesn't see the reason why, you're just another person in town. But after Sam started speaking to you through sign language and you crossed paths more ... he decided to, why not?
• After talking to you, he realized that you have a lot in common. This makes him excited to finally have someone to relate to, and more and more, he asks you to hang out. Most of the time you end up doing things together in silence, but when you do talk, it's deep and personal.
• Falling for you was not his intention and came out of absolutely no where. He thought he was destined to spend the rest of his life shrouded in darkness, but this one quiet beam of light pulled him out of that. Huh. How odd. It took a lot of mutual pining for this to come to the surface, however. You called out that he accidentally used the sign for “I love you” when saying goodbye ... his pale face went bright red. Safe to say, you didn't say goodbye that evening. A long talk and a kiss goodnight, you two ended up together. As you should be.
• He doesn't really give the time of day to the people who don't understand you. A deep side eye and an aggressive sigh usually escape him, but he tells you not to worry about it. He shows you that he loves you no matter what, and “people fucking suck.”
• Sebastian relates heavily to you, and really loves you. He can't believe he's found someone who relates to him so well, but also has such a kind and genuine soul. He loves you more than life itself and enjoys your company more than anything on this planet.
• Shane is probably the most guarded person in Stardew Valley, and it shows when he meets you. He could care less about you at first, pretty much ignoring your every movement. He doesn't really care that you're mute, he just doesn't care about you period. He's not really there yet, mentally.
• However, things change when you offer him a beer. He's confused by your kindness, and you can't really explain yourself because he doesn't understand sign. His curiosity is piqued. So, he asks Marnie if she knows any sign, and she refers him to Jodi, who eventually refers him to Sam. He hates the idea of having to work with Sam, but he can't help himself. He was too curious.
• After picking up a bit, he ends up offering you a beer in solidarity. He then thinks for a moment before showing the sign for beer. Your excitement warms his rather cold heart ... that's new. He just communicates by speaking, but he can read sign, so that seems like enough in his eyes.
• He finds it easy to talk to you, as you're such an interesting and perseverant person. It inspires him to begin working on himself. He pushes himself to work hard ... for you. Huh. Then, as if the sky was falling around him, he realized he was falling for you. He began pushing you away, until you basically cornered him at the bar. You took him to a private room where he rambled on about how perfect you were and how he was just going to ruin you. You eventually just signed “love ?” He looked like a scared child and just nodded. He signed “I love you” with shaking hands. But of course, so did you.
• His assholery is on full display when someone tries to come at you. He doesn't do it as eloquently or kind as some others, he just curses and insults until they shut their trap. They have no room to talk in his eyes.
• Despite his cold nature, Shane really does love you. He has no problems with your nature and sees it as a contrast to his own nature. He finds that enamoring and beautiful, unlike himself. He's working on himself, for you.
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ourimpavidheroine · 3 months
So let's talk about Alexandra Rowland's Running Close to the Wind. (And yes, of course there are mild spoilers, but I'm trying to be careful with them.) I don't review books, but I do recommend them, so that's what this is from me: a recommendation.
It is no secret that Rowland's A Taste of Gold and Iron is a book I love deeply and wholeheartedly. I have gabbled on at length about it before and read it...you know I'm not sure how many times I've read it. A prince and his bodyguard falling in love is a thing for me, and the book is gorgeously written. I also love their Chant books (prepare to have your heart broken, is all I am going to say) so I felt sure, going in, that I would love Running Close to the Wind.
Now here's the deal. RCttW is a hands down, knocks you on your ass hysterically funny book about pirates. I found myself laughing aloud many times during reading it, disturbing my cat and at one point, laughing hard enough that I woke up my kid. (Sorry about that!) It's advertised as being funny, and it delivers on every single count.
But also? Underneath all of the madcap hilarity it has some scathingly pointed things to say about religion and capitalism. There is a speech that one of the three main characters gives in the end of the book that is absolutely breathtaking in its fury, and by breathtaking I do mean that literally. It took my breath away. I read it; took a very deep breath and read it again. And then I read it aloud, just so I could hear the words.
Those of you who have read A Taste of Gold and Iron (as well as the recently released novella Tadek and the Princess, and how very dare you, Alexandra Rowling) know about the Mahisti Dynasty and its ruling sultans, descended from merchants. RCttW picks up pretty much where AToGaI left off; however, it is about pirates and none of the characters from AToGaI are in this book. (1) That does not mean, however, that the Mahisti Dynasty is not a part of this book. Because it is. It really, really is.
Most of the reviews I've read about this book focus on the humor. And as I said, it is brilliantly funny! That being said, Alexandra Rowland cited the late Sir Terry Pratchett as an influence, and honey, they were not kidding. If you know anything about Pratchett's work you know that he never missed an opportunity to really skewer injustice to the wall, and Rowland lives up to his legacy here. In other words, come for the wickedly funny and terrifyingly lucky little queen Avra Helvaçi and stay for the savage roasting that follows.
So let's talk about Avra Helvaçi, shall we? Avra is a dubiously (yet also mystifyingly) successful spy, in his mid-thirties, who takes partial retirement in the beginning of the book due to just a little spot of treason. I mean, it's really TREASON but Avra wasn't really trying to be treasonous, he just got bored and wondered if he could maybe, you know, get away with it? (All of the ADHDrs out there, raise your hand if You Know.) Avra cannot shut up and stop whining for the life of him, can't stop poking at people and walking the fine line of will I fuck him or murder him? (keep that hand up, ADHDrs) and is incredibly lucky. Weirdly lucky. No, really, how the fuck is this guy, this lackluster spy, this inveterate reader of his universe's version of the Tarot, this man who hides on top of wardrobes when things get dicey, this lucky?
Then we've got Captain Teveri az-Ḥaffār, on-again/off-again lover of Avra, pirate extraordinaire (okay, okay, okay, maybe a little cash poor at the moment), terse and out to prove themself, constantly simmering with anger, refusing point blank to let anyone else care for them. It takes awhile to get into Tev's backstory, but what we do know right away is that despite Tev's rather intimidating façade, they care very deeply for their crew and will do just about anything for them, including a whole lot of personal sacrifice that seems to go pretty much unnoticed by just about everyone (except the dubiously successful spy, see above).
And lastly we have Brother Julian, a smoking hot 12/10 monk and brilliant scholar, an alchemist, a revolutionary who has taken a vow of celibacy but who can't keep his eyes off of Avra. We all want to fuck Brother Julian, even those of us who actually don't want to fuck him. Yeah. He's that guy. Blond hair to his knees and wicked ass and all. Brother Juuuuuuuulian.
Before I move on to the plot I do want to give a shout out to all of the secondary characters. They are written with so much love as well. They are all characters in their own right, all of them unique in their own ways. That's not an easy thing for a writer to do, but Rowland succeeds brilliantly here. All of their secondary characters have backstories that I, for one, would love to read. It's rare to get that kind of depth to a character that only gets a few mentions, but Rowland's character work has always been exquisite, and only gets better as they keep writing.
But on to the plot! The comedy really pays off here. There's a cake baking contest towards the end of the book that had actual tears in my eyes. (When I was six a seagull snatched an ice cream cone right out of my little hands, so let me just say that I heartily approve of the seagull security part of the contest.) But trust me when I tell you, the book starts off funny and is funny until the very end. I don't want to spoil too much here, but there is a beginning, middle and very satisfactory end to the plot, so rest assured it succeeds.
The book is also cheerfully, filthily sexual, with mentions of well-stocked dildo boxes, blowjobs (I HOWLED at a particular image of pythons), a cabin on the ship formerly housing a spooky dentist (2) but now reserved for nooky, friendly prostitutes and a queer-normative world that doesn't include either homophobia or transphobia. (There is no actual sex on screen, however - so for all the verbal smut, there is a fade to black way of handling sex.) Listen, if you can't appreciate a well-crafted dick joke, then this probably isn't the book for you. The rest of you, however, will love it.
Underneath the humor is where this book really gets you, though. The politics! The mental health issues! The PTSD! The desperation of poverty in the face of capitalism! The lingering impact of restrictive religion! Motherfucking colonialism! Why does Avra hide? Why does Tev constantly resort to anger? Why does Julian, who took a vow of celibacy, torment others sexually? Yes, it's funny. Until it isn't. Until characters have to take a step back and realize that they are causing harm to others because of the harm that was done to them. Oh yes, my friends. It's there, hidden under the dick jokes. Rowland wants you laughing, they delight in your laughter, but they are going to stab you when you least expect it. (Ow, okay? Ow.)
At the same time, however, there is a deep and achingly sweet exploration of a threesome, of how a fraught relationship between two people can be healed and made whole with a third person who completes all of them. It is so very rare to see a true threesome explored this way, where it's not purely a sex thing (3) but rather how a real relationship, a supportive and healthy relationship does not always have to follow what we as readers consider "normal".
The thing is, though, that there are probably a lot of readers who are never going to register the revolutionary heart of this novel. (And that includes quite a few of the reviewers, yeesh.) They will come for the dick jokes and the fast-paced humor and miss out on what Rowland is actually trying to say here. Because Rowland doesn't hit readers over the head with said revolutionary heart. There's no heavy-handed obvious lecturing here (save the monologue I mentioned above); Rowland doesn't hold your hand or shove it into your face. It's called subtext, friends, and Rowland is a master. It's there. But you have to read a little deeper. Rowland expects their readers to find it on their own, much the same as Pratchett always did. And I am here to tell you, FIND IT.
I don't think it's a bad thing that folks aren't seeing past the dick jokes in terms of book sales and Rowland being able to pay their bills, but I urge all of you to read it twice. Read it the first time for the humor, for the madcap adventures and the dirty sea shanties and Brother Julian with his shirt off. (Please read it for that.) But read it again, for all the things that Rowland has to say about these very human characters of theirs, and the flawed world they live in. Because I promise you that Rowland has so many good and important and yes, decisive things to say about it.
Go on now. Go and buy it. (Or borrow it from your local library.) Read it. Have some cake while you're reading. (Be aware that the US and UK covers are very different, so don't get confused and then pissed like I did for a hot minute when my pre-order arrived in Finland with the UK cover and I thought they'd sent me the wrong book.)
(1) There is a mention of the Sultan. Which made me laugh so hard my asthma tried to kick in.
(2) We never meet said spooky dentist, but it's Rowland's genius at character work that makes us really, really, REALLY want to meet the spooky dentist.
(3) Not that there's anything wrong with the sex thing, just ask them.
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imyourbratzdoll · 2 months
Hiii <3 I was wondering if u could do a smut of Luke where the reader is lorelais daughter (reader is 18 ofc) but Luke is still with Lorelai (so like a cheating, quickie, sorta thing) hopefully that makes senseee i need more Luke stuff ugh he's so sexy
hi! he is🤭
summary - your mums boyfriend is so hot, it’s unfair that only she gets to have him.
warning - smut, cheating, creampie, dirty talk, slut used.
18+ only please, the gif I use isn’t mine, divider by @newlips.
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Your lip curls as you watch Luke with your mum. Why did he have to be so hot? And so sweet? Couldn’t he be one or the other? Why both? You shovel some food into your mouth, hoping that it hides the look on your face. You loved your mum but you wanted her boyfriend.
Luke seemed oblivious to your attempts, no matter how many times you had worn short, tight clothes or bent over in front of him while wearing a mini skirt or brushed up against him or made sexual remarks. He never seemed to flinch, like it went over his head.
You were growing frustrated, there weren’t as many hot older men in Stars Hollow and you didn’t want to waste your time with the younger ones. Maybe you could drive out of town and find someone to hook up with, anyone to make these feelings go away.
When your mum and Luke went upstairs, bidding their goodnights to you and Rory. You rushed to your room, slipping into a tiny tight black dress, ruffling up your hair, swiping some red lipstick across your lips, spritzing your favourite perfume all over before grabbing your favourite pair of black heels and rushing out of the room, your sister watching you with raised brows.
“Please don’t say anything!” You whisper, pouting at her hoping that she’ll stay quiet.
“Just be careful, I’ll leave the key under the turtle.” She goes back to her book and you smile, quickly kissing the top of her head before rushing out of the house and hoping into your car.
You were disappointed and sexually frustrated. There were literally no men that you wanted here, sure. You had seen some attractive ones but whenever you’d think about doing anything with them. Your mind went back to Luke and it ruined it for you. Just like your sister had promised, you grabbed the key from under the turtle and quietly opened the front door, hoping to sneak in without being caught.
You let out a sigh as you tiptoed through the dark house, heels in hand. You made it to your room, entering and closing the door behind you. You drop your heels and strip from your dress before heading over and turning the lamp on, light coating the room and revealing Luke sitting in a chair in the corner, arms crossed and lips pursed.
“What the shit?!” You jump, trying to cover yourself, thighs pressing together as you feel your knickers become damp. “Why are you in my room?!”
“Where were you?” Fuck he looked and sounded so good, you felt so exposed… Well, you were in just your knickers.
“The bathroom…”
Luke raises a brow. “Really? Because I checked the whole house and not once did I see you.” He stands, towering over you. “Now, where were you?”
“You’re not my dad. I don’t have to tell you anything.”
Luke smirks. “….That’s right, I’m not.” He stalks closer to you, backing you into your bed causing you to fall. He climbs on top of you, trapping you underneath his large body. “Which means I can do this.”
“Do wha—.” You moan before it’s muffled by his hand, his other playing with your clothed clit.
“Don’t act like you don’t want this, you little slut. I’m not blind or deaf to you trying to gain my attention.” Luke rips your knickers from your body, groaning as he finds you already dripping, he quickly whips his cock from his boxers. “Such a slut for your mums boyfriend? You do this with all of them or just me?”
You whimper, not being able to reply because his hand presses against your mouth harder. Your eyes roll back when he slides deep inside of you. “So fucking tight for me, guess you didn’t find someone to get you off, huh?” You shake your head.
Luke grunts beside your ear, “this ain’t going to be slow and sweet, I’m going to fuck you so hard and then go back to sleep next to your mother.” You clench around him, his free hand gripping your hip as he begins to pound into you, hitting all the right spots.
Your eyes connect and you wrap your legs around him, making him go deeper. Luke fucks into you harder and faster, causing you to see stars. Your hands grip at his back, not caring if you leave marks and it only seems to spur Luke on.
He changes the angle slightly and your back arches, happy that he’s covering your mouth because you felt a scream bubble in your throat. Your walls tighten and clench around him as your orgasm washes over you and your arousal squirts out, coating his dick and lower half.
“Good girl.” Luke continues to thrust before burying himself deeper and letting go, hot cum shooting out of him and painting your tight walls white. “Fuck.” You whimper as he pulls out, delivering a harsh slap to your puffy clit before tucking himself back into his boxers and walks out, not sparing you a single glance.
You lie there with a dazed smile, all fucked out and tingly.
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thank you for reading!
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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wasawattpadkid · 1 year
I can’t get over the way you write it’s delicious. I was wondering if you could write a Stu x reader where Stu catches the reader in the act of doing things with themselves, and it just kinda escalates from there?
Thank you so much for the request! I got way too carried away with this one 🫣
I Can Help
Summary: A little joke is all it takes to hurt someone's feelings. You think you're broken but Stu thinks he can help fix you.
Pairing: Stu Macher x Fem!reader
Warnings: ⚠️smut 18+⚠️ fingering (fem!receiving), foul language, thigh riding, loss of virginity, p in v, cum, slight begging
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"It's was so bad. I literally went to the bathroom to finish while he smoked a cigarette." Tatum popped a grape in her mouth. "You would think college boys would be better." Billy said looking up at the sky. You shifted uncomfortably, the conversation was a touchy one. "What about you Y/n? Any man ever leave you high and dry?" Tatum asked as the group stared at you. You didn't feel as cool as your friends. Tatum stayed getting drunk or laid having many fun stories to tell. Sydney and Billy were a comfortable couple not sharing too much of their love life. Stu got around more than anyone. The stories he told would make a sailor feel ashamed.
"No thankfully. I've never done that so I don't have much to compare." Tatum seemed shocked at the admission. "You've never had sex?" She asked completely missing your point. You trusted you friends with the dark secret you've had for awhile. "No but I've never done the other thing either." It was embarrassing how ashamed you were to even say the words. "You've never what? Had an orgasm?" Stu and Billy started giggling making you feel worse about yourself. "Shut up doofus." Tatum shoved Stu lightly. "I'm sorry It's just funny. Have you asked a doctor what's wrong with you?" Stu laughed making you get up. "Oh come on sweet pea it was just a joke." You walked away hearing Sydney and Tatum fussed at the teenager.
You've read books, watched videos, you've done everything you could think to do. At some point you started to believe you were broken. Tatum went on and on about how good sex was but you couldn't even please yourself. The amount of times you've tried and somehow got bored of it was humiliating. Now for your friends to know and openly laugh at you it made you want to disappear. You wanted to cry in shame.
The car you called your own was just a few steps away. You decided to ditch school not being able to see your friends anymore today, especially Stu. He was your best friend. For him to humiliate you in front of everyone really just felt like a knife to the gut. You turned on the car driving towards your house. With everything you've tried there was little you knew to do. Maybe you'd have to buy a toy? A machine to help you do what you couldn't do yourself.
You pulled into the driveway seeing your parents were still at work. Atleast you wouldn't have to have an argument when you walked through the door. You threw your bag down heading straight for your room. Crying was always an option but you decided to try to get yourself off one more time. It couldn't be that hard women do it all the time. You took a deep breath trying to calm yourself down from the day you've had. Grabbing the lighter off your nightstand you lit a couple candles. Maybe mood lighting would help.
The curtains were drawn as you laid on top of the bed. It was a dramatic set but it was a last resort. Taking another deep breath you closed your eyes. Slowly you exhaled letting your hands slide over your clothes. The button on your jeans popped before you carefully slid them off your legs. You pretended your hands were not your own as they crept up your thighs. A simple porn like scenario played in your head as you mimicked what you had seen before. Your hand grazed your underwear in an attempt to tease yourself.
Your breathing was steady while you pulled down your underwear tossing them to the side. The act it's self was intimidating. You felt as if your future as a woman depended on your ability to perform for yourself. Shaking your head a little you found your way back to the tacky video in your head. The women you saw on film always immediately started moaning. You've tried it before. Soft little moans actually helped turn you on more than any screaming ever did. Your fingers traced your lips trying to figure out what place to go next.
Slick slowly started to flood your folds telling you that whatever you were doing was working. Wetting two fingers you slowly trailed them up towards your clit. A small jolt of energy passed through you as you circled the bundle of nerves. You focused on that spot knowing penetration only ever felt uncomfortable. A half hearted moan fell from your lips as verbal encouragement.
As you tried to work your hands around yourself Stu walked right through the front door of your home. The locks were the only thing that ever stopped him and lucky for him you completely forgot to flip that little switch. He wasn't sure what to say to you. Tatum and Sydney practically yelled at him for making a simple joke. Even Billy told him he took it too far. Now he had a freshly picked flower in his hand with no idea of what to say.
He mumbled little apologies as he twirled the flower in his hand. With a push he opened your bedroom door. "I was a dick at lunch today so I'm sorry- oh my god!" You screamed at the man as you threw your covers on top of your lower half. "I didn't see anything! Actually I saw a lot but I'm fine with pretending I didn't see anything." Stu babbled on outside the now closed door with his eyes shut. At first he took your silence as a loss of words for what just happened. It wasn't until he heard the quiet sound of your crying that he really felt awful. This was the second time to today he made you upset. "Good going Stu." He whispered to himself in pity.
"Are you covered?" He asked holding the handle of the door. Only opening it if you give him the word. You tried to sniffle away the sadness but it hardly worked. "Yes." Was all you could muster. "I'm opening the door now." He said as a warning just in case. You almost smiled. "It's half way open you still have time to cover anything that's out." He narrated making you actually cough out a laugh. "I'm good you can come in." Stu breathed a sigh of relief seeing the comforter cover everything below your waist. He knew by your tears that this had to be more embarrassing for you than it was for him.
Stu sat down on the edge of the bed. "I got this for you. I came over to apologize but I'm guessing I should've waited a little longer." He handed you the flower which you appreciated but watching you cry again made Stu think he did something else wrong. "I really am sorry. Are you allergic to those? I picked it up off the side of some person's house I didn't know." You shook your head willing yourself to get a grip as you sat the flower on the nightstand. "No, that's not why I'm upset. It wouldn't have mattered if you waited any longer. It wouldn't have done me any good."
Your hands held your face keeping your eyes away from your friend. "What do you mean?" Stu didn't really understand why you were upset. You looked up at the confused boy ready to vent all your problems to him. "I mean I don't work like I'm supposed to Stu. Guys have it easy. Your dick comes with basic instructions. It seems I can't do the one thing every other girl can." His lips formed an 'o' realizing what this was all about. "You're upset you've never had an orgasm?" Stu said it like it wasn't incredibly embarrassing.
Heat rose to your face forcing you to look away. Stu grabbed one of your hands not really knowing how to comfort you. "Hey I'm sure other women have trouble too. Most of the time it's the guys fault though." He shrugged. That was the problem. This was supposed to be a guy issue. You were supposed to be able to get yourself off when a guy falls short. You were just as bad as they were. "What all have you tried doing?" He asked with a casual tone. You wanted to fling yourself out of a window. "I'm not talking about this with you." You laid back turning your eyes towards the ceiling.
"I can help. We can figure this out." It wasn't sexual he was just helping out a friend. "How? you're a guy." His hands went to his face in shock. "Oh my god! I'm a guy? This can't be happening!" His little stunt made you laugh which in turn put a smile on his face. "I know that I'm a guy but I'm sure we can talk our way through this. Process of elimination or something." It wasn't a terrible idea but it wasn't the best one either.
"Okay." You sighed scared of the uncomfortable conversation you were about to have with your childhood best friend. "Alright. What all have you tried to do?" Now that you were actually listening to the question it didn't make any sense. "Everything? I did what they do in the movies nothing works." The tight lipped expression on his face made you think you did something wrong. "What? That's what porn is for." You defended thinking he was going to make fun of you for doing something all men do.
"No, porn is for entertainment not learning. If you want to see a dumb blonde with big tits bounce around for 30 minutes then you watch porn. If you want to learn how to treat a woman, you read." You laughed making his smile falter. "You, Stu Macher read books about pleasing women?" It wasn't something he flaunted around but the women he slept with sure appreciated it. "Yeah so? Maybe I could give you some recommendations." You started to realize that Stu really just wanted to help. He hated seeing you hate yourself over something you couldn't control.
"I've done that Stu. I've read and I've watched. It doesn't do anything good." You were giving up but he wasn't about to allow it. "When do your parents get home from work?" He asked, his eyes more serious this time around. "Um around four o'clock why?" It was unethical. Stu knew that but what's the harm in helping a friend in need? "You said I could help you right?" He double checked making sure nothing changed. "Yeah and so far you haven't been much of a help." Stu stood up from the side of the bed going to shut and lock your bedroom door.
"What's your plan?" Your voice gave away that you were nervous. "If it's alright with you I want to help." He looked towards your covered legs and that's when it clicked. "Oh no. Ha! Uh no thank you. I'm fine, it's okay, I haven't shaved or um-" You tried to think of another excuse. "No one's been down there and I just, no thank you." Stu sat back down on the bad letting his hand sit on top of your stomach. A small feeling of warmth bubbled underneath his hand. "Y/n I've never judged you and I'm not going to start now. Besides it not like I'm going to take your virginity or anything."
It dawned on you that this might actually help. The fear that this might ruin the friendship you had with Stu was more important to you than your need to feel normal. "I don't want anything to change between us." He laughed. "And it won't. I hate seeing you this way and if I can be useful then I'm at your service." He saluted making you laugh. "Okay but please no more jokes I don't want to feel worse than I already do." Stu nodded. "No more jokes." From this moment forward Stu was going to do whatever you told him to. His hand slowly slid down your abdomen that warmth never disappearing.
"I'm going to need your direction. I don't know what you like and don't like." Funny thing was you didn't either. This was all brand new to you. "Okay." You said as you tried to relax. Stu's hand slowly ran down the outside of your exposed thigh. You would have thought he'd go straight for what you've been struggling with. His fingers danced around your skin leaving little goosebumps behind. "Just focus on my hand okay? Don't worry about anything else." You nodded keeping your eyes closed.
His fingers made their way to your inner thigh still dancing around to a silent tune. You couldn't help but giggle at the sensation. Stu smiled loving that cute little noise. "Does that tickle?" He asked moving closer towards your heat. "A little bit but I'm fine keep going." Stu's smile never faltered as his eyes stayed on you. With your eyes closed you tried to picture your crush doing these things but all that could come to mind was your best friend, Stu. You let out a shaky breath feeling his hand graze your folds. "Are you okay?" He asked a little worried. "Mhmm, I'm fine."
Stu carefully traced little lines on your lips not ready to dive into anything serious. "Does that feel okay?" The feeling was a little funny. It wasn't as intense as anything you ever did. "Yeah it's fine." You said quickly not wanting to miss any sensation he provided you with. Stu decided to abandon the pattern, instead moving his finger to slowly trail up and down over your your folds. His touch was only pressured enough to let you know he was there. He felt your hips move involuntary wanting to grind on his hand. This new information gave him an idea.
His hand disappeared and for a moment you could still feel his fingers tracing your skin like phantom touch. You opened your eyes confused. "Why'd you stop?" Your voice cracked making him smile. "I have an idea but it requires you to stand up. Are you okay with that?" You weren't sure about the change in position but if it got him to touch you again you'd do it. "I guess so." You slowly got off the bed standing in front of Stu with your hands covering yourself. Stu started to unbuckle his jeans making you panic. "Calm down I'm not getting naked." It sure looked like he was. You watched as he pulled his pants off sitting them in the floor beside the bed.
His boxers were still on leaving little to the imagination. "Come here." He beckoned with spread legs. You walked a forward not prepared for how intimate this would be. "I want you to straddle my leg like you would a horse." That sentence alone was laughable and a little alarming. "I'm heavy." You protested making him laugh. "I've got you, would you just trust me?" That stupid smile he sent you made you do as you were told. His thigh was warm against your cunt. Stu blinked a few times trying hard to keep the focus on you. His hands gripped your hips making you feel a whole new emotion. "Now I want you to slowly move your hips like this." He helped you move against him. The new friction made a small noise leave your mouth. It was embarrassing but you had no time to worry about it.
Stu started to blush, the erotic scene in front of him turning him on more than he hoped. "Does that feel okay?" By the look on your face he knew the answer. His thigh quickly became wet with your slick making it easier for you to rock back and forth. "I feel.. great." You pushed the words out as you continued to ride his thigh. Stu wanted to kiss you but he had promised this wasn't about him. "Stu.." You moaned holding onto his shoulders for support. Hearing his name fall from your lips like that was now and forever engraved in his brain. "Say my name again please." The slight whimper your friend made only increased the speed of your hips. "Stu, please." You weren't quite sure what you were begging for but it pleased Stu.
His grip on your hips only grew tighter as your abs started to burn. A foreign pressure began to build making you panic. You hips slowed down making Stu look up at you. "What wrong?" He asked almost as out of breath as you were. "I- something..." You tried to put the feeling into words. Stu knew exactly what you meant. He continued moving your hips for you making your whole body seem to tremble. "Just keep moving you're almost there." Stu reassured hoping that he was right. "I can't." You repeated in-between moans.
Your hands locked up squeezing Stu's arms as your whole body trembled. Stu held on to you before you fell. Your breathing was intense but this was arguably the best you've ever felt. You looked up at your friend as your hand cupped his jaw. "How was that?" He asked smiling down at you. Stu lit up at the dopey grin on your face. You leaned up just enough to press your lips against his. Stu froze for a moment in shock. Before you could pull away and apologize he kissed back.
The kiss was more electric than the feeling you had just moments ago. You moved so you were straddling his lap now having more room to kiss him. Carefully you rolled your hips against him. "Fuck..." He shuddered into the kiss. Stu broke the kiss still holding you. "Y/n I didn't do this to sleep with you." Stu was a little worried you were trying to repay him for something he did for free. "I know." You rolled your hips again as Stu threw his head back. If there was a God, Stu was thanking them for this moment. "Y/n don't do that-" He was going to tell you he didn't know how much longer he could hold out.
"Or what?" You bit your lip getting turned on again just by pushing your friend's buttons. In one swift motion Stu stood up his arms holding you in position. With a small squeal from you he spun you around so you ended up on your back on the bed. Stu hovered above you his face nothing but serious. Your smile was playfully dangerous. He contemplated the idea that he might've done you a favor and himself a disservice. Your hands ran along his clothed torso heading straight for the painful bulge in his boxers. "Ah!" He moaned quickly grabbing your hands holding each one down on the bed next to your head.
"What has gotten into you?" He asked wanting to know what the responsible thing to do here was. In actuality you weren't sure. You just wanted- no, needed to hit that high again. "If I play my cards right hopefully you." Stu laughed nervously. Earlier you said no jokes but here you were breaking down Stu's defenses with humor. Your hips bucked up at nothing as Stu thought of his options. "If we do this it would really fuck up our friendship." You knew things wouldn't be the same the moment his hand fell between your thighs. "We'll figure it out. I need you Stu, please." There was that word again that made Stu absolutely melt.
Stu sat up on his knees pulling off his shirt. You watched the muscles under his skin contract as he pulled the cloth over his head tossing it to the side. You didn't know why you hadn't noticed how hot he was before this. He looked at your shirt waiting for you to do the same. "Oh!" As if your life depended on it you tore the shirt off your frame letting it hit the floor with Stu's.
His boxers were the last thing to disappear leaving you both completely naked. "Do you still want to do this?" Stu asked as his fingers once again found your cunt. "Yes." Was all you could say as his middle finger slipped into your heat with ease. Slowly as to not hurt you Stu added his ring finger. There was that uncomfortable feeling again. It didn't hurt but it wasn't a pleasant experience. With his left hand on your hip he held you down as his fingers searched for that spot. Not many guys knew where the clit was let alone the g-spot. Stu however got an A when it came to anatomy.
Your lungs seemed to stop as a random warmth spread over your thighs. The warmth began to turn into a pleasurable fire. His fingers continued that beckoning motion as you writhed underneath him. Stu added one more finger making you wince. "You alright?" He asked seeing your eyes scrunch shut. "Yeah it's just weird." You responded trying to get used to the stretch. It only lasted a few moments before you focused back on the pressure building once again. Before you could do anything about it his fingers slipped out. You looked down seeing him drag his cock up and down your folds collecting your slick on the tip.
Stu grabbed intertwined his fingers with yours making you smile. Slowly he pushed his cock into you and you were thankful for the previous warm up. Stu squeezed your hand trying not to cum right then and there. You always heard how annoying it was when men finished quick. However if you got Stu to get off that easy it would probably be the hottest complement you've ever received. "Are you okay?" Stu asked more to himself than you. "I'm lovely." You smiled looking at the boy.
His hips began to move slowly which did absolutely nothing for you. You didn't want to seem rude so you let him continue doing what he was doing. He noticed the lack of enthusiasm on your part. "What's wrong?" You shook your head. "Nothing, just... Can you go faster?" He almost laughed. Here he was doing everything in his power to go slow and you needed him to go faster. Without another word his hips began to speed up.
Moans started to naturally come out as the feeling of him pump in and out of you became addicting. It wasn't until you heard him moan that you actually began to feel that pressure like before. "Keep on making those sounds." You encouraged as your head fell back against the pillows. It was the first time any girl wanted to hear him during sex. In fact moaning at all felt embarrassing to him. Stu obliged feeling you squeeze around him with every noise he made. "Fuck Y/n, I'm not going to last." He moaned through gritted teeth.
That feeling of intense pleasure came and went never staying long enough for you to enjoy it. It didn't matter though seeing and hearing Stu come undone for you was enough. He begrudgingly pulled out knowing he didn't have much longer. The veins in his arms were prominent as he pumped himself over your stomach. His hair was wet with sweat sticking to his forehead. "Please Y/n.." Stu whimpered and moaned over and over as ropes of cum littered your abdomen. His head fell back while he tried to catch his breath. The sight was beautiful. You cursed yourself you couldn't capture the moment on film.
His limp body fell next to you as he tried desperately to breathe. Once his lungs fell back into their normal rhythm he spoke. "Where's the bathroom?" It wasn't a very romantic question and it kind of broke your heart. "Um.. it's down the hall to the right." You pointed as Stu got up and disappeared. Stu frantically searched for a wash cloth not wanting to leave you alone for too long.
You could hear the water running for a few seconds before he returned, warm rag in hand. "Hey." He spoke softly not to scare you. "Hi." You said back the awkwardness in the room was rather cute. "I'm just going to clean you up okay?" That same heat returned to your cheeks making you avoid his gaze. "That's fine." The cloth started between your thighs. The warm rag felt great against your skin. You winced the moment the rag slid over your core. "Sorry." He mumbled cleaning off your stomach next.
Once you were decent Stu returned the rag to the bathroom. You tried not to laugh as you watched his ass as he left the room. Stu returned finding his boxers quickly pulling them back on. You however were content with just snuggling underneath the covers. Stu climbed in the bed on the vacant side snuggling up next to you. The clock on the wall said you had a good amount of time before you parents got home. You played with your friends hand as you thought of words to fill the silence. "Thank you Stu. I needed this." A sense of pride warmed up his chest. "You're welcome. I'm glad I could help."
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reidsaurora · 1 year
"Under My Umbrella" ~ S. Reid
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Summary: When the rain starts pouring, everyone's favorite boy genius is there to keep you dry ♡
Pairing: Spencer Reid x GN!BAU!Reader
Word Count: 818
Content Warning: literally none, this is so wholesome and sweet
Genre: the Fluffiest of Fluff
Extra Notes: yeah probably everyone is using this title, idc
Based On the Prompt: "Under The Same Umbrella" from this year's @domaystic prompts
Originally Written: 05/05/2023
Criminal Minds masterlist can be found here!
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You cursed yourself for not checking the weather that morning before you left for the office, and cursed yourself twice as much for leaving your umbrella in your apartment.
You contemplated your options, whether making a run for the subway station was a better idea than waiting out the giant droplets that cascaded around the NCAVC building.
Just as you had decided that sprinting to the subway was your better option, a familiar voice called out behind you. "Y/N, wait up!"
You turned to see Spencer, one of your colleagues, holding fast to his navy blue umbrella as he walked your way. You had the fleeting thought that the sensible color seemed very Spencer-like, and wondered just how many of your fleeting thoughts involved your more-than-attractive coworker.
He held the umbrella over your head, giving you a bashful smile. "I thought we could share, o-only if you want to. I figured since we usually ride the same train home, we could walk to the station together. I-if you'd like.
A smile of your own appeared on your lips as you nodded. "Of course. Come on."
And with that, the two of you began your stroll to the subway station, your hand barely an inch from his as you held on to the umbrella handle. Your skin felt hot as you saw his giant hand holding tight to the handle, the lack of contact burning a hole right through you.
Okay, maybe you had a slight crush on the four-eyed brunette walking beside you. And maybe the fact that the two of you sat together on the subway every day definitely didn't help.
But, to be fair, it was hard not to fall for Spencer. He was one of the nicest guys you'd ever met and he'd been the first friend you made when you started at the BAU the year prior. There was lots to like about him, from the cute sweater vests he always seemed to be adorning to the random fun facts he'd spill at any given time, it was hard not to find something to love about Spencer.
By the time you reached the train station—which may have been slightly prolonged due to the conversation you'd shared about the latest book he'd finished—the rain had slowed, and you felt a tiny pang when you realized there was nothing to force proximity on the two of you. You would've never admitted it to anyone, but the closeness of his body had warmed you up in the coolness of the rain.
As you entered the train, Spencer offered you the last seat available, opting to hold himself up with the overhead metal bar. You'd wanted to protest, to insist that there was enough room for him to squeeze into the seat next to you, but thought better of it. After all, the closeness underneath the umbrella might've been enough invasion of Spencer's personal space for one day.
The train ride flew by slower than it usually did. Probably because you couldn't pass the time by talking to him like usual, you'd figured. Normally, when the subway stopped, the two of you would part ways, each heading toward your respective apartment buildings, but today was different. As if to prove your previous thoughts about his personal space wrong, Spencer quickly caught up to you, holding the umbrella over your head and slowing his steps to match yours.
You looked up at him with furrowed brows, though your heart skipped a beat at the thought of him walking you home.
"Just in case it starts raining again."
And with that, the two of you walked in comfortable silence in the direction of your apartment. The sun was slowly setting, and the orange streaks in the sky were the perfect background to shine around Spencer's hazel eyes and lightly freckled skin as you trekked toward your apartment in the drizzling rain.
"Hey," he said as he walked you into your apartment, "I just wanted to say that I had a really nice afternoon. Even if we did get pretty soaked in the rain."
Your cheeks heated up as he gave you that signature, warm smile of his. "I did too," you told him.
He headed toward the door, and it took all of your willpower to not ask him to stay. You felt your heart flip when he lingered by the door, his smile turning bashful again as he scratched at the back of his neck. "Can I ask you kind of a weird question? A-and it's okay if you say no."
Your furrowed eyebrows made their return as you watched his posture change from normal to nervous. Still, you answered, "Of course. What is it?"
"Would you mind if I started walking you home more often?"
You felt a blush creep into your cheeks and butterflies shooting off in your stomach. "How could I ever say no?"
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-> taglist: @lowsodiumfreaks67 @drayshadow @alexxavicry @nomajdetective @kbakery @leigh70 @darkloverfox @sammyrenae68 @cherrycandle @asgardprincess97 @gh0stgurl @esposadomd @randomwriter1021 @eddieharrington @lunar-affection @givemeth @lavhoes @rhyanishere @cat-lockwood @danielle143 @marsmallow433 @handsupforamiracle @topguncultleader @mente-sindescanso @reverieofmgg @spencer-reids-adventures @ah-blossom @encyclo-reid-ia @reidselle @thevisionthedream @dungeons-are-too-cold @wwwonzeee @louderfortheback @reidsbookclub @annahalstead5021 @cwritesforfun @soapiebear @maelartasch
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rayroseu · 11 months
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This line is making me sad akjdkakdks its making me imagine that once Malleus sees that his overblot causes pain rather than making the people of his life happy... he'll realize that "he is no good as a king at all since he harmed his people"😭😭
but sadness and partings and goodbyes..."harms happiness", thats why he just created a world where it never exists... He's not just doing it for his own desires KSJAKDJWKD plus if "all dreams come true" none of the previous overblots wouldve occured and they'll live a peaceful life... but living that way would stagnate their growth... they'll be living the same life repeatedly without any improvements towards themselves
that's why even if Malleus' overblot stems from a good intention, his vision is not applicable to a human life as we all require growing up, overcoming hardships, admitting our mistakes and developing out from that... Those painful feelings are what makes a human life more meaningful and allows a person to give themselves a genuine good life. 🥲🥲🥲
But Malleus who's still in the state of "learning to be human", he cannot naturally perceive that kind of moral.
I just hope that after Book 7 there's no narrative implication that Malleus' coping was flat out purely wrong lol Bcs as Yuu said, everyone wishes they won't lose anyone important to them either...
Going back to the fact that he feels responsible for the happiness of others... I think Malleus lives his life very literally...
I think it was Lilia who said this...(?) That Malleus' power (or the Draconia's power in general) gives happiness to the people of Briar Valley (as their power can protect the dark faes) 🥲✨
Maybe this is the reason why he's "so desperate" in keeping the happiness of others and also giving them blessings that'll surely make them happy...
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Okay separate theory... Maybe I'm just overthinking lol But the occurence of "falling" in TWST is so fascinating to me since thats a heavy reference to "Alice Falling In Wonderland" yk
Book 6 we already had Idia falling to the Underworld because he wants to follow Ortho, There's this implication that Overblots "falling to a deep sleep/darkness" thats why all overblotees "wakes up after their own overblot... I wonder if Overblot Malleus will take a fall as well??? His overblot title is "The King of Abyss" but I doubt that the "timeless Sage Island" is the abyss yk? What if we actually learn about the origin of Overblots through Malleus Overblot?
Because in the trailer we can see him snapping out in awareness(waking up) before he's trapped in thorns in what seems to be an Abyss--- So maybe, we won't defeat Malleus Overblot bcs he'll wake up from it (presumeably once he realizes that his overblot caused Lilia and the others pain???) but him breaking his overblot wont be possible bcs the "darkness" will engulf him of smth
I'm thinking of this because the existence of Overblot is so weird. General Lilia should've recognized the blot when it was taking Silver because of his despair since before Leona's overblot, he knew the vibes of whats occuring yk and same thing with Malleus with how he knew that he's planning to overblot, plus he knows the existence of STYX whos focused on overblot too
But strangely, the mages of the past (Meleanor and Knight of Dawn even Lilia and Baul) dont seem to possess any magic limitations concerning blot accumulation, additionally they dont even have magestones (that they use to gauge their blot consumption like NRC pens). Which makes me think that "blot or overblot" was not a "trait" that existed naturally in mages???
Since TWST world's history is implied to be changed... I wonder if blot existence was something that "a being" made up/cursed upon all mages lol
Idk where Im going with this tbhhhh ajsjaj but I just think its suspicious that only human magicians is heavily concerned with blot accumulation... whereas Malleus and Lilia never worries about using magic too much...
So wild guess, maybe Maleficia (since shes the only powerful person here lol) cursed "magic in general" so humans will never be on par with fae's magical abilities no matter how hard they develop it
Ig its to never repeat the "occurence of another Knight of Dawn" who's magic is even stronger than faes since he has no limitation so she created blot to curse humans to limit their magic else they'll fall into "darkness" idk
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hey-august · 6 months
A Line from Me to You - Chapter 5
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Description: Buggy finds a peculiar book on his ship. Enticed by the words contained on each page, the pirate opens up. Anonymity leads to vulnerability. What else will come from this? (Chapter 1 ... Chapter 4, check out the story tag for all the chapters)
Word count: 2.4k
Warnings: NSFW, we finally got some and there will be more to come!! buggy x afab!reader, little pieces of bad smut, yearning, slightly pervy buggy, male masturbation, fantasizing about cunnilingus, no use of y/n.
A/N: Things are starting to heat up! The gist of what happens in this chapter is what kicked off this entire story, so I'm very excited to reach this point.
Tag list: @lostfirefly @rorywritesjunk @theladyofmanyfandomsfanfiction
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗ ✩ ˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗ ✩ ˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗ ✩ ˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗
The offer to let you pick the next book made you smile. There was a romance story you picked up at port a few months ago that seemed safe. It might not be as well-written as the last two books, but this one shouldn’t have anyone sobbing uncontrollably or induce nightmares. The most painful part of this novel would likely be the snarky comments from your reading buddy, as the main character princess embarked on an overseas voyage to meet the prince she was betrothed to.
“An arranged marriage? Really? That’s romantic?”
What you weren’t prepared for, were the feelings Princess Kas began to harbor towards the guard assigned to keep her safe. As you rooted for the blooming feelings, the other reader felt differently.
“He barely pays attention to her. She doesn’t know what she wants.”
“Sometimes the heart wants what it wants.”
Both characters were traveling in disguise and were mistaken for a couple in love. 
“Of course. That is so cliche.” The looping handwriting managed to carry a condescending eye roll.
“It’s sweet! So what if it’s cliche.”
Dedicated to keeping her royal highness safe, Jasid fulfilled the unexpected role and performed so well that both you and Kas felt butterflies.
“C’mon, boy! Give yer girl a proper kiss!” As the song ended and the dance winded down, a rowdy voice from the crowd called out for affection. Jasid met Kas’ eyes and she nodded slightly. He nodded back and leaned in to press his mouth against hers. The kiss was soft and gentle, like the first flower of spring. Before Kas could fully lean into the kiss, Jasid pulled back and spun her as another song began.  Later that night, Kas lay in bed thinking about how the night unfolded. She thought about how Jasid held her. It was different than any other time they were close. It felt warmer. And his lips were so soft. Fingertips traced her lips as she wondered if Jasid was thinking the same thing. A frantic knocking on the door interrupted her thoughts. “It’s me, I have a question,” came the guard’s breathless voice. He waited for Kas to crack the door before launching into the question that dragged him to this room in the middle of the night. “I’m sorry about the kiss. Was that okay?” “It was okay.“ Her voice was soft but not timid. “You can kiss me again, if you’d like.” The princess eased the door open further, letting the light from the hall illuminate the airy nightgown she was wearing.  The invite was all Jasid needed to crash his lips against Kas’ and savor her sweet taste. His hand trailed up her barely clothed body, following the curves until he reached-
Oh. Oh shit. What kind of book was this? What kind of fucking book did you buy? Did you pick a literal “fucking book”? Skimming the next few paragraphs with frantic eyes confirmed what genre of book you selected. Naughty and downright filthy words stood proudly above the other common-place and more chaste language. Feeling dirt covering your fingers and climbing up your arms, you forcefully closed the book. Maybe if you slammed it shut hard enough, the words would rearrange themselves.
Staring at the cover, you considered your options. You could throw the book overboard. You could burn it. Rip it to shreds. Never put it back into the cubby under the bench. But then what? You two could move onto a new story. Except you didn’t have another book lined up - not one that you hadn’t read yet. Then the choices would be to stop the book club or risk reading another story that would rip you to shreds. Or stick with this one.
Your eyes rested on Princess Kas’ breasts, which were pushed high enough to bring you an answer. You had to keep going. It wouldn’t be right for you to keep the other reader from finishing the book. Regardless of their snide remarks and endless quips, you couldn’t decide to leave the book unresolved on their behalf. Afraid your resolve would waver, you grabbed a scrap of paper and scribbled a message.
Although the book wasn’t the type of story Buggy would go for, he was invested. Most days he could hardly wait to start his evening routine. Duties were unceremoniously bestowed to others and projects that required the captain’s special touch and knowledge were completed in single afternoons without breaks, all so he could end the day with a drink, a story, and the extension of your company. As he got dragged into yet another royal family story, Buggy realized that it was your words that actually pulled him along. He willingly followed the trail you left in the pages, picking up the pieces to study them, and to hold onto them.
The story itself eventually found a spot to reside in Buggy’s mind. It sat patiently, waiting for the pirate captain to realize why he allowed it to take up residence. Waiting for him to realize an uncomfortable truth. The flutter in his chest when he saw you on the ship was anticipatory excitement about reading with you in secret. His hands were jittery because it was a book they wanted to hold. His eyes lingered on you because that’s what they were used to doing with the books you shared. Those were the lies that Buggy believed with certainty, until he uncovered the truth in the story.
With mouthfuls of liquor settling in his stomach, Buggy lounged in bed and hoped that sipping a second glass would soothe the pounding in his chest. He knew that excitement would push him to read too quickly, to skim through the story and sprint towards the treasured ending, but he wanted to savor this nightly ritual.
The pirate swirled the liquid in his mouth, letting it attack his tongue and pull his attention to the self-inflicted burning. He swallowed what hadn’t evaporated or trickled down his throat. He hissed through his teeth as the heat briefly increased in the emptiness. Satisfied as numbness overtook his tongue, Buggy adjusted his reading glasses and picked up the book.
Rather than following your footsteps, the pirate found himself chasing a reflection of himself. He read about heartbeats that rattled in rib cages, lonely hands that longed to hold another person, and shy glances that easily turned into bashful observations out of the corner of eyes.
As Jasid’s face flushed while dancing with Kas, so did Buggy’s. When Jasid’s mouth felt dry and he struggled to swallow the unprofessional words he wanted to whisper in the princess’s ear, Buggy felt the taste of his own unspoken words. Unnamed emotions that didn’t evaporate on his tongue, but remained and burned hot with flames that were fanned by the next few pages of the book.
“Hey, I didn’t realize this was a raunchy book. I understand if you don’t want to keep reading it together. Sorry if I made you uncomfortable.”
Buggy pulled the note aside and skimmed the upcoming paragraphs. Pirates often have different opinions of what is considered inappropriate, but the language used in the next scene was something this particular pirate would also label as “raunchy.” It looked like the two characters were interrupted before things got deep, but enough happened to even make an adult blush a vibrant shade of red. Buggy didn’t need a mirror to know his cheeks were rapidly approaching the same color as his nose.
Fingers slipped under the reading glasses and Buggy pressed his hands against his face. They were cool against his skin and the pressure was comforting. It tamped down the embarrassment and shame overtaking his body. He didn’t want to stop for many reasons, most of which resided in his head, while a few newer reasons lived lower. Reasonable voices said it was just a book - you two were sharing a story and nothing more. The deeper voices were too jumbled to hear clearly, but their desire was difficult to ignore. Both voices agreed on one thing, though. You left the decision up to him. You didn’t want to stop reading the book together.
“I’m a grown man, it would take more than this to make me uncomfortable.” After a moment of thought, Buggy drew a silly face after his note.
That lie was quickly exposed by the few annotations you left behind. While there were fewer than usual, Buggy found himself dwelling on each mark until his head was spinning. Thoughts and fantasies were whipped into being, like sweet cotton candy. The clown ignored the indulgences, just as he ignored the sweat collecting on his forehead and chest. 
Small butterflies danced in the margins, pointing out moments that took flight. Lines about tentative kisses that gave away to dancing tongues, hands dragging along hips, the clink of a belt, and more were underlined. Singular words and short phrases were littered across the page - wow, ew, shut up and kiss, bodies can’t move like that, oh shit, nice.
Buggy tried to follow your lead, but every time his pen hung over the paper, it couldn’t find a spot to descend. While there were words that spoke to him, they weren’t words from the author. Eventually, he did find something that he needed to acknowledge.
Kas pulled away from the kiss, looking breathless and dreamy. Jasid reached up to swipe her spit-coated lips with his thumb. Her tongue darted out, enticing the guard to press into her lips. As the princess sucked on the digit, Jasid felt his balls fill with cream. 
“That’s not a thing.“
Buggy would fight to be the first to admit that not only was the overall story mediocre, but the author had a sketchy understanding of anatomy and romance. Even you couldn’t resist correcting some of the mechanics - tits don’t engorge with desire and there isn’t a water balloon of arousal that explodes to soak panties.
Regardless of poor word choices and bizarre descriptions, Buggy found himself invested in the increasingly erotic scenes. After spending a few nights and mornings with a heaviness and an ache in his pants that couldn’t withstand bumps and bounces from normal movement, the pirate couldn’t ignore the swelling between his legs any longer.
Holding the book open with one hand left the other hand free to palm his erection under the blankets. The pressure made his breath shaky. Buggy tried to tell himself that it was the story that had such an effect on him, but his eyes sought out your handwriting over the typed descriptions. With each sentence you underlined, every word you circled, and the comments you left, Buggy heard your voice whispering in his ear. You were telling him what you liked. What you wanted done to you.
The hand slipped beneath his underwear and wrapped around his hardness. Buggy had ignored the way his cock cried for attention for weeks, wishing that it was a passing obsession, but his longing only continued to increase. What began as lustful fantasies that plagued him at night turned into domestic daydreams that chased him during the day. The two swirled together to create an irresistible delusion that beckoned the pirate closer with each twitch in his hand. Storing your notes and remarks in his head, Buggy set the book aside and closed his eyes.
Replaying the papery sound of the book closing allowed the scene to start. You would be sitting in his bed, propped up by the pillows he was currently leaning against. In one hand you would hold a book that you were deeply engrossed in. Your other hand would be in Buggy’s hair, holding his head between your legs. His arms would be wrapped around your thighs, holding your legs wide open, just like you underlined in the book. Your skin would be stained with his face paint from the sloppy kisses he’d lay thickly on your legs and hips. Your heavy breathing and the ruffled sound of a page flipping every few moments would fill his head. And when the teasing became too much, you’d say his name so softly. That’s all you’d need to do for the pirate to dive in and get his fill.
Buggy stopped stroking himself and spat in his hand before returning to the visions. He fisted his cock, imagining his spit was your slick. It would taste delicious. Better than any alcohol. He would drag his tongue along your slit, eager to eat everything you gave him. It would be a waste to let anything drip on the bed below.
Eventually, you’d put the book aside so you could put both hands on his head. Your heels would dig into his back as you start to grind against his mouth. Even if his nose got in the way, you wouldn’t mind. He would gladly drown in your smell and your taste. While he would also willingly die smothered between your thighs, his fingers would dig into your soft skin and keep your legs spread so he could continue to access this delicious feast. Buggy would drag his tongue from your leaking hole up to your swollen clit. He’d lick and suck the sweet treat until you trembled and cried his name.
Twisting memories of you saying his name to fit this narrative, Buggy felt his own climax approach rapidly. Cupping his heavy balls, the pirate grunted as he stroked himself and twisted his hand slightly at the tip. While his hands weren’t attached to his arms, his entire body felt impossibly tight. His abdomen ached with the immense tension building. The feeling was equal parts frustrating and euphoric.
Relaxing the clenched jaw holding his dry mouth shut, Buggy groaned your name to himself as he came. Hot white jets shot across his stomach, nearly reaching his sternum, before slowing to a dribble that caught on his fingers. There was a lot. Some wayward deposits began trickling down his side, while others gathered in his belly button. 
The movement tickled through his body hair, but Buggy couldn’t care less. His mind was gone, drifting into yet another soft fantasy. One where your head would rest on his chest, your bodies sticking together with sweat from a passionate session together. He could easily imagine your finger trailing through the hair on his chest as you told him about the latest book you were reading.
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corruptedspeaker · 1 year
Need some advice?
Steven Universe x Mom!reader (platonic)
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It was just so frustrating! Everything was always dumped onto him, the trauma, the unbearable and out of control emotions seemed to be eating him up from the inside- almost like he was drowning and no one was there to fully understand and help him. It seemed as though no matter how hard he tried to reach out no one knew how to help. Being dumped with so much trauma at a young age took a really bad toll on his body and mind. He just really wanted to clear his head at this point- since Connie was busy with her studies, his dad was busy and the gems were busy with other gems.
He should take a walk on the broadwalk or whatever, he could maybe get a bite to eat or see if anyone was around to chat or maybe hang out with him to just distract him and kill time. Maybe he could go to Funland and at least he could try to experience some sort of feeling.
Gosh! It just seemed SO- empty with no one he knew that was around anymore! It was so weird to see everyone grow apart and he- he was practically trying to rip his hair out of his scalp.
" Hey! (Child name 1) do not hit your brother! "
That's when he heard someone's voice yelling at something and he couldn't help but look up to see you. You were seated on one of the benches looking towards the ocean, your sun hat protecting you from the heat while your sunglasses rested on top of the hat/you had your glasses on your face. You seemed to have a magazine or book on your lap, too many bags to count on your side with one filled with toys and one filled with snacks and water bottles and juices.
Steven had never seen you around before in beach city ever before- you were probably a tourist or you had recently moved in. He couldn't help but wonder if his mother would have done the same, if she would have taken him to the beach with his dad and watch him play in the sand, would he have a younger brother or sister? Would things have been easier for him?
Just the thoughts swirling around in his mind made him flare in anger, his gem buzzed as his body contorted and he started glowing pink. He could feel his head pounding in his ears, it hurt -- why couldn't things just have turned differently? Why couldn't he just have something better?! Why couldn't everyone stay and why--
" Hey kid! "
Steven looked up, his eyes darting around until his eyes finally landed on you. You were waving at him, beckoning him to come over and to which he did. He couldn't help but be rather embarrassed- he didn't want his first impression to be you meeting him having a meltdown.
" You okay? You seemed to be pink- and I mean you are literally pink right now. "
You had pointed out, your body faced towards him.
" I have some headache pills, don't know if they'll work on people turning pink though. "
Steven looked at you laughing at your own joke and he couldn't help but smile a bit to try and ease the tension. The pink glow seemed to fade away as he relaxed, he could seriously use that pill though, his head was basically killing him.
" I wouldn't mind it- if you have one and if I'm not going to waste it y'know? "
He couldn't help but ramble on, he was just rather nervous as he basked in your motherly aura. It felt so nice he just couldn't help but panic.
He watched you pull out your hand bag/back pack (idk) as you fished out that tinfoil pill holder thing?? Y'know and popped two out, - you held your hand out and he took it slowly, almost like he was scared of touching you.
" I don't bite, it's okay. Would you like water or juice with that? "
" Water will be fine, thank you.. "
Steven took the water bottle from you and he popped the medicine in his mouth and drank that water up.
" It's (y/n), nice to meet you Steven Universe. "
" You know my name? "
Steven couldn't help but stare at you in some sort of shock and confusion.
" Yeah I did my research before coming here, I heard all about you and there was some strange blog called "Keep Beach City weird" it was a real good read. "
So you were just a tourist, maybe you were on holiday or something and just chose Beach City at the worst possible time ever.
" So, where do you come from? "
He couldn't help but ask, he just seemed so intrigued with you. You went out of your way to help him.
" Oh I'm from state/overseas country, just out for a holiday. Needed to get away from the same routine and get out, showing the kids other places. "
You told him more about where you came from, he relaxed at the sound of your voice and the way you explained things with your hands to add more to your stories.
" Hey- sorry Steven-- (child name 2) stop chasing your older sister with the dead crab, do not make me come over there! "
You shouted at your kids and you were correct, it seemed the younger brother was chasing around their older sibling with what seemed like a dead crab, causing them to cry and squeal for them to stop.
" Sorry Steven, kids are a lot and they always have to get on each other's nerves. "
You replied and Steven just laughed nervously, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness when he saw the relationship between you and your kids.. What he would do to have just a moment like this with his mom to at least feel something like this.
" I know I shouldn't pry into anyone's business, but are you okay? "
Your voice snapped him out of his trance and he looked into your eyes.
" It's just-- really complicated at the moment. "
" You can always talk to me, I know nothing about your situation but it'll help to get it off your chest. It's not really good to bottle up your emotions. "
And that's when he just let everything out, he went on and on about every detail, every mission, every horrific thing and every good and bad memory and you listened to him.
He finished after finally catching you up on everything and he felt you holding his hand, he looked up into your eyes once more and he just froze.
" Listen Steven, Im sorry about what happened and no child should have gone through that. You've always been helping other people and putting yourself at risk but- when was the last time you did something for you-- yourself? Why don't you maybe just get away from everything and clear your head a bit? That's why we're here in the first place. "
Steven couldn't help but nod at your words, he had no words as your thumb stroked the top of his hand in a comforting way.
" Have you ever been to a therapist or someone you can talk to? I'd definitely recommend seeing someone to at least get a lot of things off your chest and they can maybe help with some coping skills for you, I know a few how could help. "
It felt like a rush of regret, maybe telling you wasn't the best idea- the thought of seeing a doctor again sort of terrified him after what happened with Connie's mom.
" You don't have to if you don't want to--! "
Steven watched you blurt out, you were really good at reading him but he just stayed silent and watched the waves crash against the sand, your kids building lopsided sandcastles and digging holes.
It was strange.
You let go of his hand and whisked out your phone, scrolling away until you turned to him.
" I'll be one call away if you ever need help with anything. "
Steven entered his number and watched as you smiled, it was strange how you two easily got along.
" I should probably get going. It was nice to meet you (y/n) and I'll definitely think about that call, alright? "
Steven laughed nervously and stood up, holding his hand out for a handshake but you pulled him into a quick embrace and sent him off.
Steven continued his walk, walking around town replaying that whole interaction over and over again. It was awfully strange to him that a complete stranger wanted to help him out that much, was he also like that when he was younger?
It was nice though.
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Notes : I am a complete amateur at writing- English is also not my first language so I'm sorry if anything is wrong and I just wanted to say thank you for reading!! It really means a lot and any constructive criticism is welcomed!
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luvvictoria · 21 days
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Pussy eater
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( ♡ ) pairing : Soshiro Hoshina x fem!reader
( ♡ ) warning : f!reader, NOT PROOF READ , kinda cringe, sex , explicit content , kinda friends with benefits
( ♡ ) a/n ✏️ : I literally post when I remember that I have this app.
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"Hey, [name], you got a second?" Soshiro Hoshina called out, his voice echoing through the corridor of the Defense Force's living quarters. You looked up from her book, curiosity piquing as you saw Soshiro leaning against your doorframe, his trademark grin playing at the corners of his mouth. "What's up, Soshiro?" you asked, setting your book aside.
"Well," he began, stepping into the room and closing the door behind him, "I've been thinking about our little 'swords and monsters' gig we've got going on here." You raised an eyebrow. "What about it?" Soshiro scratched his head, his eyes shifting to the side as he tried to find the right words. "You know, with all the serious stuff we deal with, I've been wondering if there's something we're missing. Something… I dunno, something more… intimate." You leaned back into your chair, your eyes narrowing slightly. "Intimate?"
"Yeah," he said, his cheeks flushing a bit. "Like, I know you're pretty smart and all, so I was hoping maybe you could, you know, teach me something." Your heart skipped a beat. This was definitely not the conversation you had been expecting. "What do you want to learn " Soshiro took a deep breath. "How to, uh, you know, eat a girl out. I want to be good at it." You felt a blush creep up your neck. "Soshiro, that's…"
"Come on, [nickname] ," he said, using the nickname only a few people knew about. "You know I'm not asking for just anyone. I trust you, and I know you're cool with this kind of stuff."
Your mind raced, trying to decide if you should take this seriously or not. But something in his earnest tone made you realize he truly wanted to know. Plus, you had to admit, the idea was a bit… intriguing. "Okay," you finally said, "but we're just friends, right?" Soshiro nodded vigorously. "Of course, just friends. So, where do we start?"
Your pulse quickened as you slid out of your chair and approached him. "Alright, let's get comfortable," you murmured, guiding him to your bed. You sat down and patted the spot next to you. Soshiro sat down, his eyes wide with anticipation. "What do I do first?"
You took a deep breath, trying to keep your voice steady. "Well, the first thing you want to do is make sure she's relaxed." You leaned back, propping yourself up with your elbows. "Why don't you start by kissing me?"
He nodded, his smile never leaving his face. He leaned in, his eyes closing, and pressed his lips to yours. The kiss was gentle, tentative, but it grew in passion as you wrapped your arms around his neck.
As their kiss deepened, you couldn't help but wonder if this was a mistake. But then you thought about all the battles you'd been through together, the lives you'd saved, and you decided that maybe, just maybe, this was exactly what you both needed.
Soshiro's hands roamed over your body, learning the contours of your curves. You felt his warm breath against your neck as he kissed you softly, his touch sending shivers down your spine. You gasped as he moved down, his mouth leaving a trail of kisses along your collarbone and down to the top of your chest.
"Now, Soshiro," you whispered, your voice trembling, "you have to be gentle. It's all about exploration and pleasure."
He nodded, his eyes still closed, focusing intently on your words. He moved down further, his hands gently parting your legs. "How do I know if I'm doing it right?"
"You'll know," you assured him, your voice growing softer. "Just listen to my body, okay?"
He nodded again, and you felt his mouth on you, tentative at first, but growing bolder as you began to react to his touch. He explored with his tongue, learning the taste and texture of you. You could feel him getting more comfortable, more sure of himself, as you gave him gentle instructions and feedback. Your breath hitched when he found the right spot, and you let out a soft moan.
"You're doing great," you whispered, your hands tangling in his hair. "Just keep doing that."
Soshiro's eyes remained closed, his expression one of intense focus. He listened to your breathing, your words, and the subtle movements of your body, all guiding him in his exploration. He felt a sense of pride swell within him; he was good at this, better than he thought he would be.
The room grew warmer, the tension in the air thick with desire. Your legs began to shake, and you tightened your grip on Soshiro's hair. "Don't stop," you breathed, your voice strained.
Soshiro felt a rush of excitement as he realized he was bringing you closer to climax. He increased his pace, his tongue moving in rhythmic circles. Your body tensed, and you bit your lip to keep from crying out too loudly.
As the moment approached, you reached down and placed your hand on his cheek, your thumb gently stroking the skin beside his mouth. "Open your eyes," you murmured.
Soshiro obeyed, looking up at you. The sight of your face, flushed with pleasure, your eyes closed and your mouth open in a silent scream, was more erotic than he could have ever imagined. It was in that moment that he truly understood the power of intimacy, the connection that went beyond friendship and into something deeper.
Your gazes locked, and you nodded, giving him the final encouragement he needed. He applied more pressure, and your body arched off the bed, your orgasm crashing over you like a wave. You gripped his head tightly, your breath coming in ragged gasps.
When the tremors subsided, Soshiro pulled back, his eyes still on yours. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, a smug smile playing on his lips. "How was that?"
You took a deep breath, your chest heaving. "Perfect," you whispered, a small smile playing on your own lips. "Just perfect."
The air between you was charged, but the mood remained light. Soshiro lay beside you, his head propped up by his hand, his grin never fading. "So, am I a natural?"
You couldn't help but laugh. "Maybe you are," you said, your voice still a bit shaky. "But we'll need more practice, of course."
He nodded eagerly. "Any time you're ready to teach me more, you just say the word."
As you laid there, the tension of your earlier conversation dissipated, replaced by a comfortable silence. You felt a warmth spread through you, not just from the pleasure he had given you, but from the bond that had grown between you.
You talked for a while longer, about nothing in particular, just enjoying each other's company. It was a rare moment of peace in a world where you were constantly fighting for their lives. And as the evening grew late, Soshiro finally got up, stretching out his muscles.
"I should get going," he said, a hint of regret in his voice. "We've got that training session tomorrow."
You nodded, feeling a twinge of sadness as he stood. "Thanks for, you know, trusting me with this."
He leaned down and kissed you forehead. "Thank you for teaching me, [nickname]."
With that, he slipped out of the room, leaving you alone with your thoughts. As you lay there, you wondered if your friendship had just changed forever. Or if, perhaps, it had just become stronger. Either way, you knew one thing for sure: you looked forward to the next time you could help Soshiro hone his newfound skills.
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