#if nobody got me i know YOU ! got me so thank you for that lmfao
mattodore · 1 month
Hello it’s me again. I’m lurking and I’m curious about you. I mean how do you feel about making Matthias and theo’s lore? I specifically talking about intimacy and trauma parts. It’s all fictional characters after all but I personally think that creating characters takes huge impact on creators. You still see them as only fictional characters, just sims or something else? Would you write a book about them or make a movie if you have opportunity? You think you’ll have them in mind after years?
What I wanna say in one sentence: your creating process just fascinates me.
hm... i don't really know how i see them, to be honest. i've kind of done so much projection on these guys that, like... a lot of them is me? in a sense? even that last ask i answered... matthias's taste in cars is MY taste in cars. i do see them as characters in my head but there is a kind of vulnerable me there too. somewhere.
but with relation to the traumas and intimacies... hm... theo's backstory takes a lot out of me. i don't talk about any of it on here. i mean, i say a lot, but i never really talk about the details. i don't think it's hard to figure out yourself, though. specifics may be blurry, but i think... most people get it. um, and matthias's backstory is pretty brutal too. so their traumas do take their tole on me... it's why i cry every time i read theo's 100 questions questionnaire. it's why i watch the plague dogs and just think of matthias and feel sick. their teenage years were horrible.
but i think coming up with their lore or past was... i don't know. um, i didn't really have any of it planned? originally i only came up with the characters as they are in their 20s... it's just that... well. it just made sense? theo's character... his entire personality made sense when i looked back at his life before and started putting out these building blocks for the future and then took some away. like, i came up with theo at 21-24 (because i still haven't settled on an exact age) with these traits: he's distrustful, mean, scared, hard to get close to, lonely... and i thought, okay... why would he be distrustful? what makes him so scared? why doesn't he want anyone to come near him? things like that. with matthias at 26... he's so empty. he's got nothing inside him and he's so hungry... why? what was his childhood like that there's just nothing? that he needs so much? and from there i just. started writing.
a lot of my favorite media deals with pretty dark topics. i wouldn't say any of them were a direct influence, but i've always engaged with topics of drug use, child abuse, suicide, x y z, this that and the other. and obviously there's the me of it all. so... yeah. there's those influences, for sure. i can definitely point toward real life with relation to matthias's time at the reform school, though, because i'd been reading about the troubled teen industry a lot.
the intimacy... hm. a lot of their desires are actually tied to their traumas. i don't really have much to say about this because it's... idk. self-explanatory? matthias turned something used against him into something he enjoys. coping. theo... well. he views sex as something done to him and he uses that... to hurt himself. um... he's really self-destructive. and i think... there's an interesting connection between the two of them and pain and intimacy and they use it in different ways. i... actually am realizing i have a lot to say about this but that's not really the point of this ask. basically, i don't feel drained as much with relation to the intimacy of the sexual kind from their characters because i think matthias finds joy in what used to be only pain and theo... has that pain flipped on its head after meeting matthias and there's a shift in it... and he feels held instead of held down. if that makes sense? hm. there's healing in the intimate for them with each other.
i absolutely want to write a book for them. a movie i feel would be... too tight. they need room. and they've already been in my head for years. i think they're gonna be there forever. theo specifically kind of just. lives with me.
hopefully this answered everything you were asking about? i think it got away from me a bit, but yeah... thank you for sending me this and for being so kind as always MWAH
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2knightt · 5 months
could u write the gang (seperate) x a reader thats like. deeply and unashamedly obsessed w them
not in in a weird way but like soda makes reader a cake and theyre like “wow ur so talented u should be a baker youd be the best baker in the world everyone look at this isnt my bf such a good baker?? isnt he so cool???? arent you so jealous of me???”
or they visit the DX on steves lunch break and theyre like whats all this? and steve starts explaining the car stuff to them and theyre like “omg ur so smart ur the smartest person ever the DX is so lucky to have you <333 soda come look at steves car isnt he so good at this??? babe u should like reinvent cars youd totally do it better than washington or whatever”
or just reader holding hands and sitting on laps and kissing faces at all times basically the gang x reader thats all over them
「 i just wanna get high with my lover! 」
IN WHICH—you’re totally in love with them!♡ ໋֢ 🎞️✧
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⌗ 🕯️ notes !𖥔༌ ᰷ ﹅ i’m Finally working on reqs. WHO CHEERED???? also new theme for fics. got bored of my old ones😜
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Dallas Winston ;
“you’re so strong, dal. you look so good when you fight, did you know that? you’re like the only person who looks that good when fighting. you’re so cool.”
“…thanks, doll.”
like??? he’s never been showered in compliments like this before. but he DOES welcome it
cocky bastard. you boosted his ego. it’s too high now.
“i stole this for you.”
“DALLAS! you didn’t have too, oh my god! you’re so sweet—and talented! i can’t believe you stole this—for me! i have the best boyfriend ever! i am so lucky, ain’t i?”
“yeah, i know.”
SHOWS U OFF SO MUCH. he just likes the reaction you give him when he does, honestly. like dallas LOVES hearing you ramble about him when he’s beside you.
he’s all, “yup. i AM the best boyfriend ever, dickhead.”
“this my partner.”
“mhm! dally’s the sweetest ever! he’s so nice to me, don’t you think? ugh, i love him so much. he’s the best boyfriend in the world.”
the way you look at him with lovesick eyes makes him wanna hold you forever and never let go btw.
IF YOU SIT ON HIS LAP AND DO THAT??? ohmy fod he’ll lose his fucking mind!!!
dallas winston looking up at you while you cradle him between your legs, his hands gently holding your waist while you gush over him, a small pink hue across his cheeks.
“you’re so handsome. you’re the prettiest boy ever. i love your hair, it’s so nice. with or without the grease.”
has the most DISGUSTING and GROSS lovey dovey smile across his face has you plant kissed across his face, mumbling sweet nothings as you do so.
feels like you’re an angel when you do this after a bad day btw. loves you sososososo much he’s so down bad
Johnny Cade ;
looks up at you with the biggest puppy dogs eyes you’ve ever seen as you sit on his lap, kissing his scars. johnny’s lips would be slightly parted as he seems mesmerized with every movement you make.
WHIPPED. HE IS WRAPPED AROUND YOUR FINGER. the SECOND you started gushing over, he got a small grin on his face, a sense of pride washing over him.
he, like, never knew you seen him as this magnificent being. johnny’s confidence was never great but PHEWWW you’re always there to help him!!!
“you really like my scars?”
“totally. they make you look so cute, johnny. they make you, you and that’s all i could ever ask for. you’re so cute. i love you. any person would, i’m just so glad that it’s me.”
he’d get so shy after but johnny would be walking with his chin slightly higher. ‘cause deep down he’s all, “what if they don’t actually mean it☹️?” and then you show up outta nowhere and like engulf him with a hug and he’s like “nvm…i love ‘em actually☺️.”
whenever you brag about him to people, he has to look at his feet to keep himself from smiling too much.
“and if you ever need someone to listen to you, nobody does it like johnny! he’s the best listener ever, nobody can ever compare to him. johnny’s such an angel!”
he’d mumble, an embarrassed groan leaving his lips as he rubbed the back of his neck, kicking a rock.
contrary to popular belief of you being more in love, he is. he swears up and down that you’re too good to him, that you’re a real doll, that he doesn’t deserve someone like you.
johnny needs someone like this in his life NOW! and if it isn’t you it’s gonna be me.
Ponyboy Curtis ;
so fucking embarrassed i’m crying.
i believe he can’t take compliments for SHIT. so being around you, he just becomes a mess. like stuttering n’ shit.
“your voice is so pretty. you read so much better than everyone else, pony. you should do it as a job—you’d totally beat everyone. it’s not like it’d ever be a competition with you there, though. you’re so cool, pony.”
“i-uhm…thank you, y/n.”
like at night when he’s with soda, he just rambles to his older brother about what you told him. soda thinks it’s cute in the moment, but later wants ponyboy to shut up because it’s been two hours of him gushing over what you said to him.
“and then they said that i-“
“OKAY, DAMN. i have work tomorrow and you have school. ponyboy, please.”
“…okay? they said that i was the prettiest boy they’ve ever seen.”
“holy fuck.”
like he’d be ranting about some drama with the gang or some movie he’d seen, sitting on the couch as you rest your head on his shoulder.
you look over to him, thinking he’s never looked more perfect. ponyboy had washed the grease out of his hair, the fluffy hair falling over his ears.
unconsciously, you tuned him out as you leaned over, kissing him on the cheek.
“what was that for?”
“you tell stories so well, pony. you’d make a great writer, did you know that? i’m so lucky to have you.”
he’s so cute thay’s literally my man….!!!!
Sodapop Curtis ;
sitting on the counter while he cooks and you just rant about how perfect he is makes him WEAK IN THE KNEES.
“you’re such a good baker, soda. nobody does it like you do. you’re like—the best baker in the world. ain’t he, two-bit?”
“stop it, y/n..🤭🤭”
“nah, ‘m good.”
you brag about him to the girls that go to the DX to flirt with him. i can see it now.
soda’s just in the background giggling SOO HARD AND TWEAKING WITH STEVE LMFAOO
“no, he’s so sweet to me! i swear, he’s like the best boyfriend ever, did you know that? i’d be jealous if i was you, honestly.”
“soda, shut up!”
“i’m the best boyfriend ever, steve😛.”
“you look so cute today, y/n. i got so lucky, didn’t i? had to be blessed to even have you in my life.”
FUCK i need this man at my doorstep
like imagine sitting on his lap, him staring up at you while you push back his hair with a small smile on his face. the silence between the two of you being broken by exchanged compliments.
Darry Curtis ;
tries to act cool and nonchalant when you do it, but he turns his head away to cover the huge smile that’s growing on his face.
“you’re so strong, dare! you’re the strongest person ever—you could totally take down anyone. isn’t he just the best, soda?”
“alright, that’s enough, y/n.”
“but you’re just so good to me, dare. :(.”
“sweetheart, please.”
“he’s smiling, y/n.”
“and blushin’…i love your brother so much.”
“everyone knows.”
like your arms are wrapped around his neck, his arms around your waist as he reads the newspaper over your shoulder while lazily responding to your rambles.
“you look so cute with your reading glasses. you’re the most handsome boyfriend in the whole world. i’m so lucky, ain’t i?”
“you’re a real treat, y/n.”
“i love your hair, darry. you look so much better with this hairstyle than anyone else. you should be a model.”
“i’d be a terrible model, dear.”
gang is so jealous of your relationship btw. they call it bullshit that darry pulled you.
they fake gag and groan when you do this but in reality they’re like, ‘damn…when is it my turn to be happy.😒’
darry’s self esteem’s alright. it’s not the best but it’s not the worst. but you’re always there to remind him he’s absolutely perfect :).
Steve Randle ;
like i swear to god the second you went on a rant about him he was so ready to marry you right then and there.
“you’re so good when it comes to cars. honestly—you could just make your own and it’d be 100x better than whoever made them before. you’re just the best mechanic ever.”
“really? you think so? ‘cause if i were ever to i’d totally change the way they-“
and now steve’s on a 12 minute rant on how he’d change cars to rub better while you just sit there, listening to him with a smile.
YOU HAVE HIM SOOOO INSANE LIKE I SWEAR TO GOD!?? he couldn’t ask for a better partner if he tried!!!
like, i imagine steve’s always had confidence issues—being friends with soda n all don’t really help.
“you’re so smart, steve. like—the smartest ever.”
“stawpp, oh my god. what else am i, though?”
“you’re cute, awfully nice, you got the prettiest eyes the world’s ever seen-“
please tell him all this while kissing him all over. he needs it so bad.
teehee lazily kissing steve randles face as the blush across his face grows from the never ending compliments that leave your lips😜
he’d totally tell you to shut up and when you don’t, he just kiss you.
Two-Bit Mathews ;
honestly—he didn’t like it at first. ‘cause deep down he was all, ‘wtf??? i’m supposed to be making them swoon n’ shit??? why am i the one giggling rn??😒😡’
but overtime he’d look forward to your silly little love drunk rambles. tell him he’s the most thoughtful boyfriend ever when he’s drunk and he might cry.
and he’s like actually sobbing while hugging you.
sitting on two-bit’s lap in the backseat of his car at the drive-in, ignoring the movie you guys came to watch because you’re both too focused on each other.
kissing every inch of his face, laughs leaving his lips as you mutter small comments about how cute his laugh is. unconsciously, his grip on your hips tightening.
FUCK i’m making myself feel lonely writing this.
every single good thing you say about him gets internalized. someone could say his hair’s dumb but then in his head he goes ‘NUH-UH! y/n said my hair is absolutely perfect😜’
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tonisbabydoll · 28 days
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calling after me | j. sc
now playing:
wallows - calling after me
0:01 ❍─────── 3:08
↻ ⊲ Ⅱ ⊳ ↺
Volume: ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇ 100%
contains: smut (minors dni), fluff, jealousfwb!sungchan, recording, hickeys, breeding kink, reader is painfully unaware of sungchan’s feelings for her
word count: 2.7k
synopsis: jung sungchan, the university football team's captain, is your friend with benefits, but feelings start to complicate things. his sudden affection towards you leaves you confused as you navigate your own emotions. could your relationship with sungchan develop?
a/n: hope you guys enjoy this and i’m sorry if this pure yap! also just to clarify when i say football i mean what americans call soccer lmfao
you didn’t know how you got to this point with jung sungchan. he was one of the hottest guys on campus, being the captain of the university football team and you were just… you. just an average student just trying to get through university. you weren’t unpopular but you weren’t popular either so you never understood how this happened. from being complete strangers in the same class to becoming project partners, then friends, and now...friends with benefits. initially, you had agreed to this arrangement because you had just had your heart broken by this guy you were seeing and you didn’t want to jump into a relationship for a while.
but you had started to form feelings for sungchan, something that you promised yourself you wouldn’t do. you didn’t want to have this discussion with him as you didn’t want to risk your friendship so you started to hook up with other people to fill the void. the other people you’d hook up with would always try to take you out on dates but you weren’t interested at all, nobody could compare to sungchan. the way he genuinely cared about you, the way he’d prioritise your pleasure over his own and the way he always paid attention to you to figure out what you liked (and didn’t like) and the way he always made an effort to take care of you after sex had you falling for him.
today was another sunday in the library, studying for your end of year exams that you were dreading. you put your music on, not expecting to be approached by anyone but you felt a tap on your shoulder. it was sungchan, holding your favourite drink. “hey, y/n,” he whispered with a warm smile, “i noticed that we haven’t been seeing each other much lately because we’ve been studying lately so i thought i might bring this for you.” admittedly, you had used the exam period as an excuse to see sungchan less as you weren’t ready to confront your feelings for him. “thank you, sungchan,” you whispered back as you took the drink, trying not to blush, “that’s really thoughtful of you.” sungchan’s smile widened at your reaction to his attempt to show you affection. “of course y/n, anything for you,” he replied softly, the way he looked at you making you weak. “by the way, how long have you been here, huh?” you laughed nervously knowing that he cared enough to ask. “a few hours now,” you admitted. “you’re coming with me for a walk right now y/n, you need to take breaks.”
you hesitantly got up, feeling equally nervous and excited to spend time with sungchan. you walked around the local park, your heart beating so fast. “you know, you look really good today y/n. well you look good everyday but i thought i’d tell you” he said, unable to take his eyes off of you. “thank you, sungchan. you’re so sweet towards me,”you replied, blushing. “sweet, hm? you’re so cute when you blush y/n, only ever seen you do it when i fill you up with my cock,” sungchan says, smirking as you both gaze at each other. you can’t help but blush even harder when he mentions what you’re like in bed. you then look away shyly and you both go silent, deciding to enjoy the walk.
sungchan walks you back to the library and before you part ways, he pulls you in for a hug which was unusual for him to do. “thanks for the walk chan, i enjoyed it a lot,” you say. “anytime, y/n. i like spending time with you. speaking of, how about you come to my football game on thursday? i know it’s exam season but you deserve to have a bit of fun too,” he suggests, his eyes hopeful. he had never asked you to attend a game before, just asked you to make sure you’re available after in case he needed you to relieve his stress. “of course, i’d love to,” you replied, smiling. “5pm at the campus grounds. i’ll see you there, bye y/n,” he says, smiling again before turning away. you continue studying, unable to stop thinking about the game in a couple of days.
it was the day before the game and you were in your room. your latest hookup, jay, had just left and you couldn’t help but feel guilty for sleeping with another guy apart from sungchan. but it was ok to, right? you needed to distract yourself from your feelings plus you didn’t want to believe that sungchan liked you unless he told you directly. you hoped that you’d know soon so that you could finally feel at ease.
game day was finally here and you were so excited. you put on the team shirt with a short skirt, wanting to catch sungchan’s eye. you also incorporated lavender purple, the team’s colour, into your hair and makeup. you did this tying a ribbon in your hair and doing a lavender eye look. you walked with some of your friends to the game, meeting with everyone else there. sungchan instantly spotted you and ran to you excitedly, abandoning the conversation he was having with his teammates. “hey y/n! wow… you look amazing and the lavender suits you well, you should come more often!” he said with the biggest smile on his face. “thank you chan and good luck! you’ve got this, i believe in you!” you replied, hugging him. and off he went, back to his last-minute training session with his teammates before kickoff.
as the game came to half-time, jay approached you, smiling at you flirtatiously. “hey y/n, didn’t know you liked football. guess we can watch together for the rest of the game, like a first date?” he said, putting his arm around you. you smiled politely, not wanting to be rude. sungchan ran over to the sidelines to talk to you once again, his expression turning sour at the sight of another man talking to you. “hey, y/n! how are you enjoying the game?” he asked in a possessive tone. jay walked away very quickly, getting the hint. “i’m enjoying it a lot, sungchan! you’re playing really well!” you responded excitedly. “i’m glad you’re enjoying it because we’re going to win!” he said with determination in his voice.
sticking to his words, the team won 7-2 and the crowd cheered happily. sungchan’s teammates lifted him up in celebration but his eyes could only look at you. once his teammates put him down, he rushed over to you and hugged you tighter than ever before. "y/n, you have no idea how much it means to me that you came to support me today," sungchan whispered into your ear, his breath warm against your skin. "couldn't imagine celebrating this victory with anyone else but you." you looked at him lovingly as you said “i’m so fucking proud of you, channie. you played amazingly!!!” “well y/n, we’ve got to celebrate right? how about we go to my place and have some drinks? i don’t feel like going out with the others, just want it to be us two,” he suggested, gazing at you warmly. as you nodded, you felt your heart beat rapidly at the thought of spending more intimate time with him. “i’d love to sungchan,” you said, your voice filled with anticipation. “just wait for me where the changing rooms are, ok? need to have a shower and get changed,” “of course, channie” you replied before he went to the changing rooms.
you waited outside for sungchan. after a few minutes, he came out wearing a black jacket over a plain black t-shirt and jeans. he looked so effortless that you fell even deeper for him in that very moment. “ready?” he asked, offering you his hand. you took it, feeling a surge of excitement through you as you walked together towards his place. he unlocked the door, taking off his jacket and leading you to the kitchen. “so, what drink would you like? i have almost anything you could think of,” he said, pointing to the bottles behind him. “whatever you’re having channie,” you replied as your eyes met, giving you butterflies. “i’m thinking wine, it’s a special occasion, right?” he suggested with a soft smile. you nodded. he poured the wine, giving you your glass and then sitting at the kitchen counter.
as the night goes on, you both get drunk and your conversations became more candid and vulnerable, both sharing your secrets, dreams and fears when all of a sudden the topic of hooking up is brought up. just as you’re about to respond, you get a call. it’s jay, the guy you hooked up with recently who desperately wanted to take things further despite you making it clear that you didn’t want the same thing. “give me the phone right now, y/n,” sungchan says, his voice low and possessive as he takes it out of your hand. he answers the phone, listening to jay attempt to convince you to meet with him again. sungchan couldn’t help but feel extremely jealous, he could feel it completely consuming him. “listen here jay, i’ve already tried to show you earlier at the game that she isn’t fucking interested but you’re clearly too dumb to understand that. so leave her alone and move on, she’s with me,” sungchan said, his frustration very clear. you’d never seen sungchan so possessive before but there was something undeniably attractive about it. he abruptly ends the call and turns to you, moving as close as possible to you as his eyes locked with yours. you could feel the tension between the two of you in the air but he breaks the silence.
“you know, y/n,” sungchan begins, his voice filled with vulnerability. “i’ve been feeling overwhelmed by my emotions lately and i can’t hide them from you anymore. i’ve tried to show you how much you mean to me but i think i need to be direct. i love you and i have for quite some time now,” he continues, trying not to get emotional. “i can’t do this arrangement anymore. i want more with you. i want us to be together as a couple. will you be my girlfriend, y/n?” he asks, his voice trembling slightly with nervousness and anticipation. you took his hand in yours and looked into his eyes lovingly and with a smile, you replied “of course, channie. i’ve been dreaming of this day for so long, you don’t even know.” sungchan’s eyes instantly lit up with joy, his heart filled with happiness. “really? you mean it?” he asked, unable to contain his excitement. "absolutely," you said, your heart overflowing with love. "i love you, channie, and i want to be with you, now and always." a wide smile spread across his face as he pulled you into a tight embrace, holding you close as if he never wants to let you go.
“by the way, i got you something,” sungchan said, reaching into his pocket. he pulled out a small velvet box and inside was a stunning necklace with a heart pendant with his initials. you gasped in awe of the necklace, it was so pretty and he was so thoughtful. “channie, i-it’s beautiful,” you said gratefully. sungchan smiled warmly, his eyes filled with adoration as he took the necklace and clasped it around your neck. “now, everyone will know that you’re mine,” he said softly. he couldn’t help getting turned on by the sight of you wearing a necklace with his initials on it. he kept thinking about how you’d look when you two would have sex, especially in missionary. god you’d look so gorgeous, he thought as his cock got harder. he got up suddenly, grabbing your hand and going to the bedroom and then pinning you up against the wall.
“i need you, y/n. badly,” sungchan whispers, his voice filled with lust. he started leaving hickies on your neck, another way to show others who you belonged to. you moaned softly as he used his lips on your body, loving the way it felt. “get on the bed for me, pretty girl,” he demanded. you obeyed him without hesitation, knowing he liked when you were obedient. as you laid down, sungchan looked at you with a balance of desire and tenderness in his eyes. you were truly all he ever wanted. he got on top of you and kissed you passionately, touching your body through your clothes making you moan lightly. sungchan helps you take off your clothes, admiring every inch of your body. “you’re so beautiful y/n, need to mark every inch of you so that everyone we see knows you’re mine,” he whispered as he kisses your body, leaving hickeys along the way on your tits and stomach. he looks down at your pussy, looking at how wet you were just for him. “this for me, hmm? so pretty, angel,” he whispers as he takes off his shirt, revealing his abs which you always found attractive. it’s not like you hadn’t seen them before but something had changed; you were now his girlfriend meaning he was yours, nobody else could have him.
“need to be inside you right now, pretty girl,” sungchan says huskily as he pulled down his pants, revealing his hard cock. you gasp as if this was your first time with sungchan even though you’d done this many times. “need you too, channie,” you whisper back, your voice sounding so needy for his cock. he teases you with the tip, making you whine desperately for more. he finally gives you what you want, giving you his whole cock deep inside your pussy as he fills you completely. “you feel so good, baby,”he says breathily, the pet name making you blush. he continues, going slow but deep so he can feel every inch of you. with each thrust, you were feeling so much pleasure as you arched your back. “hm baby, have an idea. wanna film this to send to jay?” sungchan says, his voice filled with excitement at the thought of what he’d just said. “mm, yes chan, need to show jay who i belong to,” you reply eagerly. sungchan grabs your phone and positions it so that it shows your pretty face as you take every inch of his cock. “tell jay who you belong to, pretty girl. look at the camera and tell him who loves you, who’s fucking you so good,” he whispers as he goes faster. “i belong to you, sungchan, only you,” you moaned, getting close to cumming. “that’s it baby, tell him again, be louder,” he demands. you comply, moaning louder and louder for him as he gets faster and faster, wanting to cum.
as you both get closer, sungchan’s thrusts get more urgent and his grip on you tightens, pulling you as close to him as possible. you were both speechless, unable to do anything but moan as the pleasure gets more and more overwhelming. he gets so greedy, fucking you even faster than he ever has making your tits bounce along with the pretty necklace he got for you. “gonna cum inside you, baby. gonna make you all fucking mine, understand?” “yes channie, make me all yours,” you whimper, close to tears as you cling onto him as you scratch his back, leaving your own marks on him. with a final thrust, sungchan fills you up with his cum as you cum at the same time. he moves the camera down to show his cum dripping from your pussy. “see jay, she’s all mine. look at that pretty pussy, dripping with my cum,” sungchan says, his voice possessive as he smirks at you.
sungchan stops filming, wrapping his arms around you as he holds you close. you felt so complete and cherished in his arms. his gaze softens, gently kissing you, comforting you. he gets up, grabs a cloth and cleans you up, his touch gentle and caring. once you were both settled in bed, wrapped in each other's arms, sungchan whispered sweet words of affection, his voice a soothing melody that lulled you into a state of tranquility. "you're everything to me, y/n," he murmured, his breath warm against your skin, "i love you more than words can express." you smiled softly, feeling warmth and contentment. in his embrace, you felt so safe, knowing that you were loved by the man you loved all along. as you drifted off to sleep wrapped in the warmth of sungchan's love, you felt a sense of peace unlike anything you had ever known before.
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mykneeshurt · 1 year
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Title picture by @loneghostwolf
Soap x AFAB!reader
Warnings - 18+, minors DNI, p in v, m oral receiving, f oral receiving, unprotected sex, rough sex, breath play, praise kink, spit kink, hate sex, allusions to cock warming
I apologise for cheesey lines in this lmfao again not proofread because I’m so tired
John McTavish.
Fucking Soap.
An absolute thorn in your side since your first day with 141. Fast forward 8 months and the team had grown tired of your constant bickering and arguing. Every little situation, every single thing you did he had to make a comment. The bickering normally ended with you shouting ‘suck my dick Soap!’
Then came the constant comments. The constant jokes, it wore you down so fast. There were times when you did actually get on but they were few and far between. Gaz and Ghost often joked you needed to fuck to release the tension. They were met with middle fingers from each of you, both telling them to ‘fuck off’ in unison. Which naturally spurred them on further. They compared you to an old married couple.
It came to a head after a sparring session one day, you’d been paired with Soap to your utter dismay. ‘Knew you didn’t have it in you to hit me princess’ he chided, a stupid fucking smirk on his face. ‘Don’t call me princess’ you spat, eyes glaring straight through him. ‘Why? You fuckin act like one.’
‘I’m fuckin warning you John.’ He put his hands up in a fake surrender ‘oooh, usin my full name are we hen? Must be in trouble.’
You saw red.
Leaping across the mats your shoulder connected with his chest in an almighty thud. It knocked him to the floor, winding him. You scrambled to your feet and managed to get a lucky kick into his abdomen. He swiped at your legs and sent you flying backwards, you landed straight in your arse letting out a yelp as you landed.
That’s when Price and Ghost intervened. ‘I’ve had a fuckin tit full of you two’ Ghost shouted, he gripped Soap by the scruff of his collar as he pulled him up. Price was more gentle with you but still pissed. ‘In the meeting room. Now.’ Price ordered as he matched you both out of the gym.
They shoved you into the room and Price stared you both down. ‘Now. I don’t care how you resolve this, but fuckin sort it out! You’re both doin my Swede in and I’ve had a fuck full. I don’t wanna see you again till it’s done. Am I understood?’ His face was stern and unforgiving. He meant business.
You both looked at him, feeling like children who’d been scolded by their father. ‘Yes sir’ you replied together, egos bruised, frustrations near boiling point. ‘Good’ he replied simply before shutting the door.
You sat on one of the tables, eyes fixed on the floor refusing to look at him. He stood opposite, leant against the wall, arms crossed, brow furrowed as he glared at you. ‘What’s your fuckin problem?’ He scowled. You shot your head up to look at him ‘my problem?! My fucking problem?! All you do is wind me up and take the piss out of me. How do you think I’m gonna react? By kissing your boots and thanking you? Fuck off.’ Your face was tight, pure unfiltered rage seeping from your skin.
‘Just banter hen’ he shrugged. Dismissive prick. ‘Don’t piss on me and tell me it’s raining John. You’re a dick.’
‘I’m a dick? Talkin some right ol shit there lass. We’re only in here cause o’you!’
‘Because you wouldn’t stop calling me princess, you know I hate it!’
He walked over to you, his feeble attempt to intimidate you. He stood in front of you, arms still crossed, biceps bulging as he lingered there. You glared up at him, mouth pressed into a firm line. ‘Your intimidation tactics don’t work here John. Grow up. You’re nothing but a jumped up nobody from the fuckin slums who got lucky.’ You voice was full of venom, poison seeped from every word.
Gripping your shirt he slammed you backwards onto the desk, panting beneath him you smiled up at him. ‘What’s the matter John? Hit a nerve have I? You know I’m right. You play the jester well, but we all know you’re a pathetic excuse of a man.’ You gripped his hand that was wound within your shirt, you knew you’d gone too far. You knew damn well he was a good solider and one who always had your back on the field. But you were so done with his shit you wanted to hurt him.
He lowered his face to within an inch of yours, his blue eyes a deep void of rage and contempt. His breath fanned over your lips as he desperately tried to regain all control. You offered up a smug grin, chest still heaving, waiting for him to make the next move. He was stood over you, his free hand in a tight fist as he chewed his jaw. Your thighs clenched together ever so gently.
‘What’s the matter Johnny? You look like you wanna hit me or fuck me. Which is it?’
You knew what you wanted.
‘You’re such a fuckin bitch.’
With that his lips came crashing to yours as you flung your arms around his neck, pulling him deeper. You nails raked the surface of his scalp as he groaned into your mouth. It was a frenzy of lips, tongue and teeth as you both battled for dominance. Finally letting go of your shirt he cupped your jaw, his calloused thumb pulled at your lips. Wrapping your legs around his waist you could feel his hard cock press against your cunt.
Adrenaline surged through you as your heart collided with your ribs. He dropped a hand and pawed at your breast through your shirt. His rough grip pulled a moan from deep within your chest, causing you to dig you nails into the sensitive part of his neck. He hissed slightly as he moved away from your mouth and nipped your ear, ‘knew you wanted t’fuck me’ he smirked as he bit into your neck.
You jolted your hips up at the sudden pain that radiated along your neck, as you bit your lip. He kissed along your collar bone digging his finger tips into your flesh. He’d wanted this for a long time but was too stubborn to admit it. You pissed him off to no end, your perfect voice and body, your natural intelligence, your beauty riled him up something rotten. But my god now he had you, he was going to make you feel just how much he fucking hated you.
You were going to feel his wrath.
‘Off’ he ordered pulling at your top, sitting up you pulled it over your head causing your breasts to bounce. He watched in awe as your body was revealed to him. You soft supple skin, plump breasts, you were positively glowing. ‘So bossy’ you muttered under your breath. Hoping he hadn’t heard. But he did.
He gripped your waist band and pulled you full force to your knees, you let out a hiss of pain as he freed his cock from his shorts. Your breath hitched in your throat as you finally saw what he was hiding in there. It was slightly bigger than average, a thick vein wrapped its self around the thick shaft. The tip already painfully swollen, pre-cum glistening in the dull light of the room.
Without any warning he forced his cock to the back of your throat, you gripped his thighs trying desperately to breathe through your nose. He placed a hand just underneath your jaw as he fucked your throat, ‘knew I’d find a way to shut you up’ he smirked. Eyes screwed shut as he whimpered against the texture of your mouth. Warm and inviting. You looked up at him from your knees, tears threatening to fall as your throat constricted around him.
Salvia gathered around your lips as you let him brutally bury his cock within you. Slight gagging noises bubbled from within you as you reached up and slid your nails down his abdomen. Leaving pretty pink claw marks against his skin. He finally pulled out allowed you to take in a huge inhale, saliva clung to your chin, warm and thick, mixed with his arousal. You swiped it onto your thumb before licking it back into your mouth. He watched open mouthed and panting.
And just like that? You spat it back onto his cock, working his shaft with your hand. Twisting his hand into your hair he pulled you back to your feet ‘too good sweetheart, haven’t finished with you yet.’ Smirking you pulled him back into a wet kiss, he guided you back to the table as he pulled your shorts down. A rough finger swiped along your clothed slit, your panties saturated with your juices. ‘This wet already? Didn’t know you were such a dirty little bitch.’
Pushing him backwards you slid your own fingers into your pants, the sound of your arousal was music to his ears. ‘You gonna talk all day? Or you gonna eat my pussy Johnny?’ You cocked an eyebrow as you bit your lower lip. Within seconds his face was buried in your cunt, his piercing blue eyes strained as he worked his tongue along your clit. Muffled moans of pleasure vibrated against you as he tried to taste every part of you. Rolling your hips against his face only made him hungrier.
He pushed two fingers into you, stretching your hole as he payed extra attention to your clit. Nibbling, sucking, nipping at the bundle of nerves. Sweet sweet moans filled his ears as you desperately tried to cum, the burn from the stretch adding another layer pure pleasure. He felt you start to clench against his fingers, your moans became more breathless and frequent. Not one to cut this time short he pulled out, eliciting a groan of annoyance from you.
‘Not till I say so’ he chided as he pushed his fingers into your mouth. You hummed as you tasted yourself, ‘I fucking hate you’ you hissed as he removed them. He lined himself up and pushed himself all the way in as he lowered his face to yours. ‘If hatin’ me feels this good then I’m your fucking villain.’
You would have rolled your eyes, but his cock felt so good as the tip dragged along your walls. He gripped your jaw forcing it open as he spat a perfect ball of saliva into your mouth.
You swallowed it eagerly dragging your nails along his back, digging them in, desperate to draw blood. His pace was brutal, there was no regard in his movements. He drove his cock as deep as he could into you, wanting to force every single ounce of pleasure from you. Your back arched off the table as he sucked your neck, desperate to mark you. To claim you. There was only one person who could fuck you like this, and that was him.
‘Fuck, Johnny, don’t stop, please’ you begged. He grunted into the crux of your neck, his breath burning into your skin. Your moans had been replaced by desperate gasps for air. Your bodies rubbed together, slick with sweat, pure unfiltered hate and desire.
With that he pulled out and forcefully slammed you face down onto the table, kicking your legs apart. He pushed back into your cunt, the stretch again taking your by surprise. A wide hand made contact with your ass, a satisfying smack rung out in the meeting room. This time he clawed at your back, you gasped as the sudden pain radiated along your spine. Pushing your hips back into him he let out a low chuckle, ‘woulda fucked you months ago if it knew you were this desperate for it.’
‘Fuck, Johnny’ you moaned as he let a ribbon of spit fall onto your tight hole. He watched as your cunt eagerly took his cock before he pushed his thumb into your ass. The extra hole being filled made you feel deliciously full, reaching between your legs your ran your fingers in small circles. He grunted and sighed behind you, his voice gravelly and low as he chased his orgasm. Peering over your shoulder you flashed him a grin that would make the devil blush.
Snaking his free hand around your neck he pulled you back into him, your head arched onto his broad shoulder. He watched you intently, mouth open, eyes fluttering as you tried your hardest to maintain eye contact. His firm hand wrapped easily around your delicate neck, pressing firmly on your pressure points heightening the already dizzying pleasure. His thrusts became slower, more methodical as he neared his climax.
‘You gonna cum for me?’ He whispered above your lips, grip tightening on your throat. ‘Yesyesyesyesyes’ you said, voice quiet and strained. ‘Atta girl … cum on this cock.’ Your pussy clenched around his cock as you came, a powerful wave of pleasure punched you in the stomach. Your moans muffled. Caught against the pressure in your throat. He placed a strangely tender kiss on your lips as you panted into his mouth.
It was then his face twisted, brows furrowed together as a slight whimper burst from his chest. You felt his cock paint your pussy with his cum, pulsating within you. You stood there for a minute, both too euphoric to come down. You smiled against his lips as he dropped his hand to your waist, pulling you in tighter. ‘Mmm could keep my cock in there all day’ he sighed. Nipping his bottom lip ‘we’ll keep makin me hate you and I might just let you.’
Taglist - @griffmors @luminousbeings-crudematter
My little soap gremlins - @brewed-pangolin @deadbranch @dustlandfairytail
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
"Oh my gosh do you sound like a sim to them??"
Me trying to place myself in their shoes:
"Why the fuck do I sound like a villager in Animal Crossing-- ARE THEY HEARING ANIMALESE WHEN I SPEAK?!"
(A.k.a I saw the previous ask and thought wait a minute. Two different worlds. Languages so similar but so different....... We're basically speaking animalese in another game/world lmfao)
(Bonus: Creator!Reader knows this and takes full advantage as their payback. Traveller magically understands and speaks back causing further pyschic confusion. Pretty sure soke brains have been melted among linguistic students in Sumeru)
-Vine Boom
It has been a minute and yet, you remain my love!! Thank you for your patience, have a little scenario as my thanks for that and submitting the cool idea <3
Me @ you: ♥ ( ॢᵕ n ᵕ (꒡ᵋ ꒡ღ) mwah! /p
Tumblr media
this gif is just really cute thats why its here.
also i have very little to add so its short but only bc im ✨uncreative✨ atm and ur ask alone is funny enough lmao, so once again, a scenario bc vine booms just a genius all on their own ✨️
😭so you mean 😭 as revenge 😭 for this awful deed 😭 done to your speech 😭 you just start EMBRACING IT 😭😭😭PLEAASEEE-
PLEASE the traveler understands it!! 💀
Also if anyone reads this im so sorry ive flooded the sagau tag with language shenanigans LMAO
Ever since you realized that the entirety of Teyvat sounds like Sims to you, (and the subsequent awful reckoning that you sound the same to them 😭) 
You have finally mentally recovered enough courage, and desperately shoved any embarrassment deep into your soul, to try and think of what to do about it
You quickly found that people had 3 types of reactions to your speech,
1. They try to understand the nonsense like you trying to understand their Simlish, it really doesnt work, you wish you could tell them to give up and just gesture at you instead:
(ALHAITHAM he keeps trying then giving up then trying again lol, Diluc, ZHONGLI, Sara, Albedo, Candace, Dehya she thinks she’s gonna get it THIS time she swears-, Eula, Gorou, GANYU she feels bad lmao, Jean, AYAKA, keqing, kuki, Nahida, ningguang, AETHER, Thoma, xinyan, XIAO)
2. They act like you when you hear animal crossing characters speak 💀 you can see the “omg so cute” sparkle in their eyes:
(KAZUHA, kokomi, barbara, KAEYA, ZHONGLI again lol he tries to hide it but you can see the tiny smile everytime you walk over and start ranting at him bc ur bored, Faruzan, GOROU, AYATO, YAE MIKO, keqing, LISA, mika, mona, KLEE literally loves you and you can tell shes always trying to get you to say something lol, Ei (archon), Rosaria she always SMIRKS and ur just- 😳, CHILDE the little shit giggles at ur misery, LUMINE AND AETHER U CANT TRUST EITHER OF THEM- , THOMA, SCARAMOUCHE BUT HE’D NEVER ADMIT IT BUT HE ALWAYS IS OBVIOUSLY TRYING TO HIDE A TINY SMILE AND GOES A LITTLE PINK-!! SAME FOR XIAO LMAO)
3. You know that tiktok audio thats like Isabella from Animal Crossing singing, and then someone’s like “uh-huh! YEAH! OKAY!!” yeah like that, but to you LMAO
(ITTO, Bennett, KAVEH, heizou, VENTI, Nilou she like nods after everything you say and makes sure you’re treated well in every conversation aw, qiqi, KLEE, Raiden (puppet) + Ei (archon), SHENHE no explanation needed, CYNO too, LUMINE, YELAN, yoimiya, yunjin)
Alright i got tired sorry not everybody’s there lol^
So no matter the reaction, they all are a little bummed nobody can get you, 
…but then of. Fucking. Course. 
(there’s not a single person throughout all the nations, the archons, the allogenes, doesnt matter, who hasn’t felt a LITTLE pang of envy for this- bc as cute as you sound, goddamit they USED to understand you when you weren’t physically here, before you overcame the Universal Barrier AKA the computer screen lol)
The Sumeru linguistics department is grinding their teeth, Alhaitham straight up glares every time they translate for you lmao, Zhongli’s eye twitches at least once everytime they do so, Kazuha is literally trying to bribe them with cool places he’s seen that the traveler hasn’t so they’ll share the secret of how to understand you, Ningguang gets 10x chillier when they’re helping convos w/ you, Ei looks like she’s fucking pouting-
Aether is just like 🤨?? For what?? I’m helping???
So confused he never gets what’s going on lol
Lumine, on the other hand, is FULLY aware and smirks every time she’s so smug about it LMAO 
^ the embodiment of the cat surrounded by knives meme ^
Ahhhh my exhibition is April 6th u guys!
May I finally rest in peace when that day comes 🪦
Cant wait to graduate and just have a regular job and not academia + deadlines 😭😫
Hope you guys have had a nice week or two!
Look out for more posts after the 6th :>
Safe Travels,
♡the beloveds♡
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist
Short one but hope its fun my beloved!! :)
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vinetae · 1 year
Only fans jk x y/n ( f ) with twt link
Ooooo, first time with a porno themed smut!
Peaches and Cream - (M)
Genre: Pornstar/onlyfans amateur!Jungkook x Professional Pornstar/onlyfans!Reader
Summary: Jungkook got the chance of a lifetime to hang out with the whole reason he even got into the por- 'content creator' industry in the first place.
Word Count: 2.7K
Warnings: Handjobs, blowjobs, MOMMY KINK, Subby!Jungkook, Dom!Reader, mommyfigure!Reader (Literally I want her as my mommy but not mom ya feel me?)
A/N: This didn't really take long. The tittle will make sense later on (was originally gonna be Jungkook's OF username but I think that idea's already taken. well, what's not lmfao.)
Had to listen to some HARD Doja Cat during all of this.
Might feel a little rushed but it's 3am guys-
Recommended song for this little drabble:
Naked - Doja Cat
Options (feat.JID) - Doja Cat
Freaky Deaky - Doja Cat
(and ofc) - Blood, Sweat, and Tears - BTS
His hand reaches out to adjust the camera. Clicking all kinds of buttons and switches to make sure the shots would be perfect. His arms flex, showing off each and every inch of his tattoo sleeve. Just when he's about to start the shoot, a notification pops up in the bottom of his screen. Clicking on the little squared box, his set upon his favorite 'content creator' wearing a black, lacy set. The fabric wraps around each and every one of her curves, dipping in the middle to show a peak of her cleanly kept bits.
He lets out a low groan, hand unconsciously sliding into the set boxer-briefs he'd slipped on prior to his own shoot. His palm wraps around the length of his cock, making a few drawn out stokes just to tease himself a bit. His thumb brushes over the slit of his tip, a chill sends up his spine at the feeling. His free hands reaches out, clicking on the 'start' button to film. He's quick to pan the camera even lower, revealing the casual-classic black set briefs he'd displayed. His screen's split into two, each one with it's own purpose.
Much like his hands right now.
"Mmm, fuck" He groans, hips rising up to meet his palm. The elastic of his boxers had been lowered just enough to show the base of his cock to tease the fans. He sets his voice to a deep, grunt-filled tone to please his audience.
"Mmmm fuckk. Oh yeaahh." His voice strains the best of his register, really wanting to go for that gruff and cold tone.
Curtains have to match the drapes, as they say.
His eyes flash towards the camera reading the comments.
'OMGGGGG how the fuck is this man's dick so pretty-'
'fuck me daddy 😵'
'I wish i was thereeee'
'fuck he's so pretty-'
'@Alicasheangel you can't even see his fucking face lmfao'
'@banshesthewoman idfk i just know he's beautiful'
'daddy?sorry. daddy? sorry. daddy? sorry-'
He silently chuckles to himself. His small fandom had always been horny crackheads but- damn.
His free hand reaches upwards, carding his finger through the sweaty locks of his hair. By that, the chat comments go off. It looked to be more than 1,000 comments coming in at once. He barely had any time to catch them.
Jungkook accidentally lets out a small laugh, making his fans go crazy over the little clench his abdomen does. Comments flew left and right and if Jungkook was being honest, it had made his head a little dizzy to try and read.
His voice registers low, trying to maintain the sexy and alluring aura he'd try putting out. "Do I need a top hat?" He teases. The chat's soon filled with just hearts, fire emojis and winky/kissy faces.
'this man can run me over, take both my kidneys, douse me in gasoline and set me on fire, and step on my nipple and I'd say thank you'
'@Tommysheaintit LMFAO GIRL WUT-
'@Busan-sbadest97 Pleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease'
He felt the base of his cock starting to twitch. More pre-cum leaking out of his slit. He prepares what he'd referred to as the 'c-hum bucket'. It had just been a little dollar-store purchase for his load hold.
His hips stagger with instability. Rising off the edge of his bed, he's quick to make a few body roll against his palm before a string of hot cum trails down the entirety of his softening cock. He reaches for the off-set towel he'd prepared earlier, wiping his hands clean of the warm substance. Before turning the live off, he decides to raise one of his sticky fingers, sucking on the lengthy digit between his two plush lips. He bends over just so that the camera can pick up the sight of his finger sucking and nothing more.
After let the commenters roll out, he shuts down the camera, unplugging it completely before falling backwards into his bed. Reaching for his phone, he scrolls through his other notifications before the same girl's from before had popped up.
XPeachyPrincessX: What's better than pet-play? Pet-slay. Check out my new posts here - Onlyfans.com/xpeachyprincess//new-sets-by-peachy
Jungkook clicks on the link, checking out his favorite creator's new uploads. The photos take a hot minute to load -courtesy of his wifi- but once they load, his mouth drops at the sight. She'd been doing a lot of Lolita themes so far, but this had been something completely different. Her ass had been stuck in the air, a fluffy little bunny tail had been strapped around her waist. The matching bunny ears tuck behind her cute -real- ears.
His thumb hovers over the message button.
Would she even be interested in him? She probably had a million hotter guys fucking her all of the time.
If Jungkook was being honest, Peachy had been his first motive -and really, only- to starting his own Only Fans. He saw how good the pay was, and he'd always been told how good-looking he was from people on the streets. As well as being blessed with a exponentially large dick for his ahem-
He sucks in a breath, thumb still stuck in the air right above the 'message' icon. He thinks for a few seconds, before deciding to go for it. After a few -20- minutes of typing out his carefully crafted message, he'd sent it.
Now to just wait.
He throws his phone to the side, letting out a drawn out sigh. He knew she's a busy woman. With all of the spam messaging, DMs and comments she gets she'll probably ignore him comple-
He rushes to open the app, seeing one new notification.
From: XPeachyPrincessX
Oh, hey I know you! My follows were wanting us to collab for a while now. Had to look you up but I'll say, B. You're impressive. I like the aesthetics you go for. So, when would you want to meet up?
He couldn't believe it. The woman he'd been dying to meet, was offering a collaboration. No, not like the ones YouTubers do.
But you could already figure that out.
He jumps off, carding his hands through his hair so roughly, he's afraid he might go bald sooner than he's thought. He takes in a few deep breaths, trying to calm his racing heart as he types back.
After a few weeks of going back and forth with details, locations, and dates, Jungkook had finally arrived. The place had been hidden in the shadows of two taller buildings to keep it nice and secluded. He takes in a deep breath before opening the door.
His eyes follow upon all different kinds of sets. A little police station tucked in the corner, a woman with barely anything but handcuffs around her hands had been pressed up against the wall by a tall, brooding man. He too, had almost nothing to cloth himself with.
"Hey, B!" A voice becks him over. He flashes a long smile, watching as the woman comes jogging up to meet him. She too has an adorable smile.
How he's never seen it? Well, this wasn't a Only Smiles company.
"Nice to finally meet you, B." His eyebrow quirks at the name. "B?" She smiles, nodding.
"Can't risk using our real names here. Ya know, safety and shit. They usually call me Peaches, so you can too if you want. Or something else if you'd prefer." He nods, watching the cute little dimples dip onto her cheeks, making her appear even more youthful.
His eyes flash up, seeing a woman following behind Peaches, a large makeup bag carried in her other arm. Peaches apologizes, allowing the small woman to finish doing her cute, doll-like makeup. The woman's gaze focuses on his.
"Come." She motions him over to sit in the setup chair. He takes a seat, watching as Peaches makes her way over to the spotlights to talk with the director for a few moments.
After his makeup had been complete, the woman offers a mirror. He nods, admiring her excellent skills in cosmetics. Peaches returns, a shoulder peaks out from her silky black robe. Jungkook's throat tightens at the sight. Of course he'd been naked on camera before, but they had always been solo acts.
"Alright- woah.." She stops, eyes widening at his harsh look.
"Is..is it bad?" He questions, already reaching for the little makeup wipes on the table. She chuckles, head shaking from left to right.
"No, looks amazing. Hot for sure. Alrighty," She comments, the tint on Jungkook's cheeks flush even deeper. She turns her phone's screen, showing him all of the ropes.
As they make their way through the doors, his eyes set upon the most erotic and sensual set he's ever seen. A light pink backdrop had been laid out, a mini-fridge sat upon a small block to rise the little, barbie sized cooler about a foot up or two.
"So, as you could already tell, the theme's Peaches and Cream." He nods, eyes taking in all of the colorful sights to admire. She slides her phone into her purse off set before hearing the director yelling something. A bell rings, as someone comes up behind Jungkook, removing his clothes quickly.
He felt very bare and awkward, but Peach's extended hand made a warm sensation bubble in his stomach, settling his nerves.
They direct him over to her bent over figure. Her ass teasing his hardening cock on sight. She'd bent over as instructed, pretending to reach for a little thing inside the mini-fridge, a shocked expression plasters her doll-like features. They guide Jungkook behind her, shooting a short little video for a cover.
He leans over as well, not really sure of what to do.
"Back hug me." She says through her shocked face. He's quick to follow They pan the camera down to catch her face.
After a few takes, they switch positions. The director had told her to lay between his legs, an exaggerated, shocked expression once again paints her features.
Her hands brush the sides of his knees, making his thigh tense from sensitivity. A cute giggle exits from her plump lips.
"Cold?" She glances back, questioning with a soft look. He shakes his head. She leans back a bit, whispering into his ear.
"Peaches and cream, get it?" Jungkook laughs at the dirty play-on-words, nodding.
"Great shoot guys!" Jungkook sighs, taking a seat down next to the staff's food table. The ton all start clapping, rolling out the cameras and mics to protect their pricings. She'd been talking to the director for the past ten minutes now. His all-too-close touches never go unnoticed by Jungkook's green eyes.
Yes, he has brown.
He reaches out, trying to grab a little rice cake before the platter's snatched away. He lets out a sigh, shifting uncomfortably in his seat. She had looked so calm and professional.
He probably looked so stupid.
He goes to stand up, making his way to the door before a sweet voice calls out to beck him over. "Ju- B! Where you going?" He shrugs, fainting a little cute smile. She pouts, arms crossing at his obvious forced smile.
"I'm kinda tired." She holds out a little pastry, his face imminently lighting up at the sight. He grabs the little dessert, taking a large bite. That puts a smile on her face.
"I'm sorry for the staff.. They're kinda harsh on newcomers." He nods, holding a thumbs up. She chuckles, brushing her fingertip over the stickiness of his bangs.
"You still tired?" She questions, a little smirk toys the corner of her lip. He shakes his head.
"Oh wow.." He gawks, admiring her large, and pristine apartment complex. She giggles, pressing the remote, the curtains drawing close to block the sunset's final good-bye.
"Woah!" His eyes widen like saucers, acting like a little kid at a amusement park for the first time.
She sets the remote down, shrugging the robe off her shoulders, stepping out of her little fluffy, hot pink laced set she'd worn for the shoot.
"They don't have these back where I li-" His jaw drops at the sight. The hot pink two-piece lays lifelessly on the floor, circling her high-heeled soles. A smirk presses her smooth lips.
"Bet they don't have this either." She teases, striding over to where he stood. She pushes lightly against his chest, making him fall backwards onto the pristine white of her sectional. She kneels down, hands toying with the zipper of his jeans.
"Wait wait wait-" He grabs her hands, stopping her motions. Her eyebrow quirks at the halt.
"What's wrong?" His throat dries at the scene. His all-time favorite content creator had been kneeled between his thighs, willingly wanting to suck his dick-
"I just- are you comfortable?" His question makes a smile appear on her face.
"Wow.." She chuckles. Jungkook swears he could see a tomato-tint creep up on her caked on cheeks.
"Nobody really asks that anymore.." His head tilts in concern. "Well- it's just the respectable thing to do." She nods, unbuttoning the clasp on his pants once more.
"That makes me wanna suck you off even more." His eyes widen, hands trying to stop her. "Wait- Peaches uh-"
She licks her lips, watching the length of his cock bob up to rest in mid-air.
"It's Y/n." She coos before wrapping her lips around the tip of his cock. He groans, knuckles fisting white as his mouth parts.
"Y-Y/n.." She smirks, bobbing her head at a quicker rate. The rest she couldn't fit in the space of her mouth, she wrapped her palm around his base to jerk the rest off. His hips rise up, meeting her bobs in unison. She chuckles, using one free hand to rub gentle circles into his thick thighs. She releases, popping off as a string of saliva and pre-cum bridges from his tip to her lips.
"Shhh, it's okay Kook." He moans out, abdomen clenching at her soothing voice.
"K-Kook?" She nods, applying kitten-like licks to his squishy tip.
"Jungkook. It's shorter." Her voice lowers a few registers as a smirk teases her lips.
"Easier to moan."
His head lulls back, mouth dropping at the amazing feeling. His legs spread wider unconsciously, as her hand comes to cup his balls, massaging them gently. His hand reaches out, pulling and pushing forwards, debating on whether if it was okay for him to touch her.
She smiles, guiding his hand to the crown of her head. "You can grip me if you want, baby." He nods, hands taking no hesitation in gripping at her dyed roots. His moans grow in volume, hips rising more as he feels his high creeping up like a car to a stoplight.
"Y/n- I-" She nods, moving her closed hand along the length of his throbbing cock. "Use your words, sweetie. Tell mommy what you need."
His chest pants heavily, thighs tensing from holding back the release he so wanted. "I- cum-"
She squishes his tip, watching as a little bit more of his sticky pre-cum drips from his slit. "You what?"
"Mommy please- Please let me cum- oh fuck.." She grins, engulfing his entire cock in one go. He cries out, throwing himself against the couch's end. Hand gripping tightly at her roots, as if he was holding on for dear life. The pace her hands had been going at went ten times faster, as the coil snapped inside stomach. Beads of hot cum shoot out onto the dips and creases of her face. Some, getting in her line of sight.
"Oh- oh fuck wait-" He stands up, rushing to find anything to clean her up with. He grab a few dry paper towels, wiping the sticky substance from her entire face.
"Mmm, such a gentleman, Kookie." He blushes, wiping the last bit of his juices from her face. She flashes him an adorable smile, making his own return once more.
"I'm sorry.." He apologizes profusely. She chuckles, shaking her head. "For what? You were the kindest guy I've fucked so far."
"Really?" She nods, making Jungkook's heart ache a twinge.
"That's just common courtesy.." She sits down on the couch, leaning back in exhaustion.
"Common courtesy, not so common."
The two both laugh at that, ending the night with two hot chocolates and a whole bunch of industry gossip.
Okay I'm considering making a part two because I thought I didn't like the mommy kink but- oh God..
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed! DM me for more requests (Please ask nicely.)
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desiredcaramellatte · 7 months
Do you think you could do some crk self aware au stuff?? The tag is painfully dead.. if not feel free to delete lmfao
That aside, during Cookie Odyssey, I was **convinced** that soulstones we're going to come into play somehow, it was like my major theory during ch.2, and nobody could convince me otherwise but it never happened. Giving the soulstones an in lore explanation would've been fricking awesome imo..
Can we get some HCs of the player (or their in game kingdom) basically having a monopoly on soulstones while the cookies are left scratching their heads as to not only how they work, but also how the reader got what is technically a part of their souls.
Write for anyone really, idm that much. I generally like the Creme Republic though-- whether reader is still behind the screen or knows the cookies are self aware is up to you really.
That would be very cool if they actually had a lore explanation :0 I thought the soul jams were soul stones first time I heard about them tbh, they just linked together in my mind, also reader is so real for trading monies for souls
I have never written self aware before so apologies if it sucks-
Anyways enough of my ranting, hcs yes
Self aware cookies & reader
(Who has a soul stone monopoly)
Gingerbrave & friends
Gingerbrave is one of the least confused cookies regarding this, to be honest. Mainly because he doesn't really care enough/doesn't notice to really question it. You gather these little trinkets that make him stronger! Cudos to you from this boy.
Wizard, on the other hand, is confused as hell of this process. Where do these stones come from? Are they truly linked to the Cookie's souls? Does that mean that they are not fully themself and/or complete until they are fully leveled, even if they only materialize with twenty of them?
Wizard just wants to know. He has asked you multiple times over, getting confused by your answers and delving in deeper whenever he can. Exactly WHERE do they come from? He's obsessed with finding out by this point.
Strawberry really doesn't mind. She's a little confused where they come from, but, like Gingerbrave, she doesn't question it too much. She does like to occasionally made theories, but she doesn't really like to share them.
If you're good friends with her she may share some of her theories with you, but none of the wild ones, and only if you ask.
Clotted Cream
WHOLE ASS ENGROSSED. He wants to know everything about the soulstones. Where do they come from? How would one even 'farm' these and how does farming a soul even work?
More specifically, he is trying to find a connection between soulstones and souljam. They do almost the same thing and have very similar names- they're both linked to the soul, and make cookies stronger.
He has spent many restless nights awake thinking about this.
Much like Wizard in that he's harassing you for answers, but he does asks questions more subtly.
Clotted Cream has flipped a few tables (with occasional assistance from Financier) before, mainly when he gets annoyed enough at not having a verifiable answer to this.
It is what it is. She accepts this. She's got dragged into the theorizing by Clotted Cream.
Chilling, mainly. She doesn't really mind not care. Likely to thank you for doing your best to collect them and to make everyone, including her, stronger.
Black Raisin
Intrigued by the sparkliness of most of these soulstones. Much like a crow, she is attracted to shiny objects. Her crow friends are too.
Black Raisin has a small hoard of soulstones that she's occasionally found, of all different sorts of cookies. The sparkler the soulstone, the likelier she and/or her crows are to snatch and hoard. If the soulstone is just a pretty rock then she'll also hoard those too.
If you really need a soulstone she will likely give one to you. How often and/or how many depends on her connection to you.
She's farming them with you by this point.
Yoinks you.
She wants to have conversations about this. She wants to know what they are and where they come from. She will offer you tea and scones while the two of you converse.
When she first found out that her stones are Super Epic, she was very proud of herself.
Probably sends you back with some every time you come visit her.
Captain Caviar
Doesn't believe they exist. They're just rocks. Nothing more.
He will stand by his claim to the death. This WILL be the hill he died on. Captain Caviar does not believe soulstones exist.
Probably has made some propaganda about soulstones being fake. Socks, hats, jackets, you name it, he's likely made it with the words "Soulstones do not exist, numbskull" in big letter on it. Except shirts.
Pure Vanilla
Very much like Oyster. Will likely join in on your conversation time and/or will invite the two of you over for his homemade tea and treats!
Most likely to understand how Soulstones work due to him wielding Souljam, which is the most similar thing to them. Also the fact he has lived for a long time and has gathered many knowledge on the subject.
Probably has a book on the subject somewhere.
He likes to sit and watch the Ferris Wheel Landmark rotate. He likes the motion.
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ochoashusband · 10 months
Hii there! I saw this post and it’s really cool! and also your writing is very cool (since I think your posting writing content for a first time?) anyways, I’m here to request something and would you care if I sent in a matchup? Anyways, here I go!
Could I request (platonic) Class 1A with a Male! Reader who came from Iraq? And they also have Alastor’s Personality from Hazbin Hotel? And maybe the reason why his family moved from Iraq was because it was very dangerous to stay there because of his hometown?
Thank you and have a good day!
I haven’t watched Hazbin Hotel, so I might not give you exactly what your looking for 😭 I read his personality description and he kinda reminds me of Monoma LOL
i’m also gonna do this in headcannon form!
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okay, starting off i lowkey think some of the students would probably find you creepy 😭
since you’re always smiling and trying to act polite, I feel like Denki, or maybe Mineta would try to break your act
Once Mineta tried to break your act and he got his arm broken instead and nobody minded it because well.. it’s Mineta LMFAOO
After that nobody really messed with you, except for Monoma, I feel like Monoma and you would get along pretty well
Monoma and you would probably mess with other people and most likely bully one of the students 😭
I feel like halloween would be perfect for you, you can play all sorts of tricks on your class
Also the day of the sports festival, i feel like you would be laughing your ass off at the other students who lost LOL
You would probably point at them and laugh 😭
since you’re also from Iraq, Midoriya (also everyone else) would be pretty curious about you.
They would probably ask about your customs, and what language you speak
I feel like Mineta would probably say something like “Can you speak iraq?” because he doesn’t know what languages there are LMFAO
You would correct him by saying that it’s Mesopotamian Arabic (since it’s the most commonly spoken language in Iraq)
They would ask you about your hometown and why you chose to come to Japan, you would respond with the story of what happened in your hometown
Uraraka, jirou, iida, & Koda would try to comfort you about your hometown
Mineta, Denki, Kirishima would probably compliment you because you were brave to leave your hometown
Short story!!:
You where walking into the big gates of UA, after you finished the entrance exam you where lucky enough to have racked up a whole bunch of villain points! After a while you finally received a letter from UA stating that you got in to the hero course! The first day of school rolls around, You finally got your uniform on and was heading out the door. After a high walk and a bus ride you finally got to UA, where only the top get to be. If you remembered correctly, it stated that you where in class 1A, so you found your way there. You opened the large door, only to reveal a boy with green hair standing frozen in the doorway, a blond boy with his feet up on the desk, a boy with blue hair yelling at him, and the rest of the students watching. “Oh, now this won’t do!” You say as soon as you step in, “Why don’t you settle down now?” You asked the blue haired boy. “I will not! This kid is blatantly disrespecting UA by putting his feet up on the desk! We are in the top school of Japan! Show some respect!” The blue haired boy yelled out. “Now, now, no need to get all feisty with me,” You said as you grabbed him by his waist and twirled him around and pushed him onto a seat, “No need for all this wacky nonsense.” You say to the blue haired boy with an eerily smile. Everyone just stayed quiet, not saying a word as they stated at what was going on in their classroom. You heard the bell ring and the boy who was at the doorway finally sat down along with some other students, the day was ready to commence!
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I hope this is okay!! Like i said, i haven’t watched hazbin hotel, so im not sure if i have you exactly what you hoped for, but i tried my best into making him with alastor’s personality!!
Also, thank you so much for requesting!!
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tearsofcalamity · 1 month
wriofucker's fine by me lol unless u have another nickname that'd be both as accurate & funny!
i wasn't too clear earlier; i think our mandatory education goes up to 9th grade, and then it's like a minimum of 4(ish) years for a uni degree. so it's not all that different lol
nahh im telling you i had one macroeconomics class once and it fried my fuckin brain. only reason i could stand it was because the professor was too right-brained for his own good (he'd start his lectures with a song he liked. i wrote a bunch of barely-relevant shit abt environmental pollution on the exam—he was super passionate abt it—and he just let me pass<3 loved that guy). ik i said it before but good luck on ur studies!! im sure you'll absolutely kill it out there. and, thank sm! i actually finished the short story assignment last night but im too scared to submit it jdhdj
im so glad you've got more kaveh brewing omg he's so<33 bit of a shame you're not into kavetham (they make me bite & scream) but that's just fine; more kaveh/reader for the world! except the world is me and nobody else<3 can u imagine teasing kaveh in public, maybe he's even all nice & plugged up, and you're warning him not to let a single person figure out what's going on bc he's for your eyes only<3 but it's so difficult and you're relentless and it feels so, so good... he doesn't even care about people finding out anymore, but he wants to be a good boy for you... phew. lord have mercy
HAHA WRIOFUCKER IT IS THEN!! happy to have a named anon :D
ohhhh I see I see! okay yeah so it's pretty similar just a few differences! I think the only reason I'm surviving my business/econ work is cause I've got a math-wired brain lmfao. I've got autism ("high functioning" but I don't really like that term for it, I think the more acceptable one is "low support needs") and I got the "math autism" as my friends put it so that's probably a bigger part of it. I like making spreadsheets and working out equations HAHA, also thank you for the well wishes I actually just found out I passed calc 2 with an 82% so I'm very happy about that!! I'm glad to hear you got your short story done as well, sounds like you're moving through it all good <3!!
HONESTLY I don't hate the ships (like either kavetham or haikaveh I think they're different? like some shippers put the top's name first or something?? I'm not 100% sure) like I TOTALLY see the chemistry don't get me wrong, I think it's mainly just that I get so sad seeing like nearly 0 kaveh content without alhaitham included. I love both of them but kaveh's got such a unique and deep story too, yet people often just kinda treat him like an accessory to alhaitham likely cause he's 4 star and haitham is 5 star so it turns me off of the ships a bit </3 still though that's so true MORE KAVEH/READER!!!!
oh don't even get me started on teasing kaveh in public there's so many ways you could do it and each one would make him squirm more than the last... shove a nice little vibrator deep inside of him, remote controlled of course, and enjoy watching his knees practically buckle every time you up the intensity. ooh, maybe he's giving a one-time academic seminar for some kshahrewar students and you just stand in the corner, grinning at him all the while while he shakes and tries his best to keep his voice level, praying his face isn't as red as it feels...
or play around with him in the tavern, sit right next to him and brush your hand along his inner thigh while he squirms, not sure whether he wants to move closer or further way from you... this one's easier to hide since his flushed cheeks could easily be attributed to a bit too much to drink, but once he's grabbing at your wrist to push your hand into his bulge at last, he knows by your stare that he's messed up. I mean, he hadn't kept his promise to be good, had he? guess you'll just have to rail him over his workbench back at home when he least expects it! (totally ignore his needs/pretend he's not acting super horny when you get back at first, though, he'll be so good for you when you finally do bend him over)
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juvederm · 1 month
raving about trans josh . suck my nuts
i honestly don't see a lot for trans josh in art or writing. and i kinda feel like nobody sees a more feminine look or energy for him which is kind of lame. there's nothing that suggests he wouldn't like feminine things, and maybe it's his brazen dialogue that leads people to believe he's like any other dude who strictly presents masculine. which i mean, yes in the game he's never wearing anything that isn't, much like the rest of the guys.
i bring up femininity and masculinity because of how they are depicted in his concept masks. i have a feeling that people might think i "feminize" josh for no reason but the truth is that i got this idea from his concept mask artwork.
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sad girl, sheila. sad girl especially is my favorite. and whatever this could just be me running on high levels of copium, but after already headcanoning josh as trans and then seeing these, i cherished this headcanon even more.
i can honestly see josh as transfem or transmasc, he's trans either way to me. i often think about him hiding his true forms of expression in favor of appealing to others, doing it for your own safety, etc, something i think trans people like myself can relate to.
some masks have themes related to motherhood as well.
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and listen. i know sometimes horror plays into the themes of femininity within serial killers in horror media (like some being into crossdressing for example), but like i said. when thinking about josh being TRANS and seeing this, it fuels my belief for it more than ever. especially since it's in a Horror game as well.
like obviously this wasn't intended to be in the game as trans coding, it was inevitable for me personally to not let my favorite character get away with being cisgender LMFAO i had to stomp that out, it's just something i do, i think other trans people in fandom can relate to projecting that onto their faves.
and i know the until dawn fandom is fond of trans chris as it's literally the only trans headcanon i ever see no shade. and i like that one! truthfully, i do. sometimes i'm at odds with the way it's characterized in fics and whatnot, but it's a wholesome and harmless headcanon. i just wish i saw more for trans josh :-(
a lot of this headcanon requires brainstorming i think, you're not gonna use a lot of like. in game proof (besides the concept art) to try and justify it bc you literally don't need to for any lgbt headcanon honestly. esp in a heteronormative game like until dawn. like i know there's no way in Hell that SMG intended for josh to be trans, but it's my favorite headcanon ever and the only headcanon i've ever made a whole TIMELINE for because it speaks to me so much.
i also wanna bring up body horror and transformation. this also has to do with trans hannah. this, iirc, was kind of around back in the days of the fandom, but it's truly one of the best. i don't know if anyone at the time considered it. but i took hannah's transformation (and by proxy, josh's too) as trans coding as well, ofc it wasn't intended that way, i just think it makes things more interesting.
the idea of your body changing and you can't stop it sounds a lot like puberty to me and how it felt when i was going through it. sometimes horror movies even indulge in this idea, leading a lot of people to believe it as a metaphor for growing up trans (i've watched a lot of video essays mentioning this concept) and i wasn't gonna let josh or hannah off that easy. you are both TRANSGENDER.
of course this is all just projecting, but i just want these hcs to get some more love. also feminine josh, come on guys, can you really not see it for him? bc i can. maybe not as something he does Outwardly with confidence, but still, i don't see josh as him being strictly masculine, although i still love that look for him. not saying i don't.
thanks for coming to my ted talk.
+ some more masks. i love the doll related ones because i associate josh and hannah with dolls. like a lot.
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theprinceofliones · 3 months
Omg your headcanon for Lancelot are great! I also got a headcanon for Lancelot....😗....he likes kissing Percival on his forehead when nobody is looking...😚🤭 got some more headcanons for Lancelot or any other character?
Aww thank you hun!!! And yes! I have a ton of more headcanons for other characters! Mainly for Meliodas, Ban, Elizabeth, and Elaine hehe
One more Lancelot headcanon tho that I forgot to mention, something that's kind of au-like but, since he was stuck with the Lady of the Lake for so long, he considers her like a mother almost. She was the one who was with him the entire time he was stuck wherever he was. Of course, had Master Jericho, but Lady of the Lake, /Mother/, was by his side, in his mind, whispering words of comfort in his ear and running her hidden fingers through his hair when he needed reassuring. She was a rock he didn't know he needed. But, she's also the reason for everything he hates about himself. It's why he avoids Benwick, why he doesn't come home. He can't face his mother---his /real/ mother, how could he, when he replaced her so easily?
Very much Stockholm syndromey for sure with the whole Lady of the Lake situation. He feels like he needs her even though she was the one keeping him trapped. He needs her like he needs a limb, but at the same time, he feels like he could make do with never seeing her again because he hates her for taking away those years he could've had with his parents, his uncles, his aunties, with /Tristan/---
But, that's a story for another day...
Meliodas is a VERY overprotective father. It might not seem like it at first, but he's extremely careful and watchful of his son. That's his baby. The one thing he's been waiting for for nearly three thousand years, the thing that brings him and Elizabeth eternal joy and happiness, the one thing that makes all of their suffering worth it.
When Tristan is born, Meliodas is like "dude I hit the jackpot first TRY" because holy shit THAT'S ELIZABETH REBORN...AGAIN! It's why they stopped at one---they don't need to try again bECAUSE HE ALREADY WON AHAHAHA
(Ban and Meliodas are like sobbing for joy together because they BOTH won man. Sons that look just like their mothers first, TRY. A millennia in purgatory was all worth it for THEM)
He's TERRIFIED of the thought of Tristan training with real weapons when he's a toddler though. Elizabeth is all for it, saying that he'd be fine and they'd be right there if anything happened. She was always willing to let Tristan have the freedom they never did---but Meliodas was biting his knuckles bloody because what if his little boy gets HURT??? Goddess healing or not, his precious boy would still be in pain!!!
Like I said, VERRYYYY overprotective but slowly tries to learn to let go and let his son be his own, although as Tristan grows up, he mistakes his father's overprotectiveness for disappointment and doubt in his own child. But, Tristan couldn't be more wrong...
Hehe onto Elizabeth!
She is a boy mom. A boy. Mom. Not them toxic boy moms, a BOY MOM. She dresses her son up in pretty little outfits when he's a newborn through his toddler ages, almost like a cute tiny doll. He has two entire wardrobes filled with frilly dresses and adorable little fluffy blouses by the time he's four. She braids his hair, lets it grow long and longer still. Ties his silver locks into ponytails, or buns, and even puts little accessories on his head here and there. Tristan surprises her with how much he seems to love it---or maybe it's because his mother's attention is solely focused on him.
SHE IS THE QUEEN OF BRITANNIA! I'm sorry but making Meliodas King makes absolutely no sense to me...probably bc I'm a hardcore ASOIAF fan so seeing a daughter who is technically in line for throne get cast aside by a random male protagonist with no claim whatsoever makes me lose my mind lmfao. BUT SHE IS THE QUEEN! She handles diplomatic and domestic issues all throughout the kingdom meanwhile Meliodas is in charge of the military, trade routes, training Holy Knights, and other little things that the Queen doesn't need to be involved with.
She acts more like the Elizabeth we meet at the beginning of the series, a little more reserved and a little shyer but she will stand her ground and be the Queen her kingdom needs when the time calls for it.
Nakaba, I like you sometimes and all, but that god awful, horrible, eye traumatizing DRESS you put that beautiful woman in is a crime against women. I WON'T STAND FOR IT! Elizabeth wears the most REGAL ELEGANT gowns. Thinking more of victorian and medieval fashion slapped together with some Targaryen fashion sprinkled in as well. She WILL be dressed beautifully with a silver band that wraps around her head with little jewels and crystals hanging from it. Meliodas has a gold band with a single gem, indicating his status as the Prince-Consort to the Queen, and then Tristan has a silver band like his mother with sapphires and pearls, indicating HIS status as the Crown Prince of Britannia and biological relation to the Queen of Britannia.
okay okay I'm so sorry I went on a tangent BUT I HOPE YOU ENJOYED! I love answering asks so keep them coming! Feel free to ask about Half Light as well! I'd love to chat about it!
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bigoltrashpile · 8 months
Us! Papyrus with a s/o who LOVESSS to ride him and makes it EVERYONE'S problem LMFAO
Slowly, you traced your hands down Slim's ribs. He was so pretty, like always. His ivory bones seemed to glitter in the low light while they moved up and down, getting faster as you got lower, and closer to his pelvis.
"f-fuck," Slim panted. "please, honey, i need ya, i need more!"
Without responding, you traced down his spine, but stopped just before you reached his cock. He was rock hard, and practically twitched as you got closer. You had been teasing him for about an hour, getting him close, but never letting him cum. The more desperate he became, the higher-pitched his whines became. It was adorable~
"Hm, I don't know," you hummed. You looked up at him as you slowly ran your finger up his leaking cock. "Are you going to be good for me?"
Slim's hands tugged at the ropes holding his wrists above his head. "yes! yes i promise, please, i need it!"
You grinned, and finally positioned yourself over him. "Then just stay still, sweet thing~" Slowly, slowly, you sank down on him, going down an inch or so, then going back up, just to sink down another inch. Slim gasped and shook, panting and shuddering as you finally bottomed out on him.
He looked up at you, his eyes half lidded, eyelights heart shaped. "fuck..." he moaned. "you're so perfect. i love ya so much."
You blushed a bit. He always did this, saying incredibly sweet things when you're trying to fuck his brains out. "I love you too, you big dork." Before he could say anything else, you slowly began to move your hips, rolling them just the way you knew Slim liked.
Slim gasped and threw his head back. The ropes strained, like Slim desperately wanted to hold you, but couldn't. You grinned. It was so cute how much he wanted to touch you in moments like this. And there was nothing more fun than denying him~
With a laugh, you finally began to move your hips faster. You bounced up and down on his hips, making the bed squeak under you. Slim moaned adorably, and tried to thrust up into you. With a growl, you grabbed his hips and pinned them to the bed. "If you're going to be naughty, you can't cum," you grinned.
Slim's eyes widened. "i'm sorry, just please, a little bit more, i'm so close, honey!"
You leaned down and kissed him hard. You immediately forced your tongue between his teeth, claiming him as your own. At the same time, you moved one hand to his ribs and scraped down them.
Slim gasped into your mouth. You could feel him twitching inside you. Finally, you pulled away from him. "Cum for me," you panted, as you sped up your movements. The hand you had used to scratch his ribs moved to his spine and rubbed it in time with your bouncing. "Now."
Slim's moans echoed through the room as he came inside of you. You shuddered as you reached one hand down to rub at your sex, before cumming hard as well. You panted as you fell on top of him.
You smiled up at Slim. Gently, you kissed his teeth again, more loving than lustful this time. "You're so good to me," you sighed happily. "Thank you."
"heh, i should be sayin' that," Slim laughed hoarsely. "i love ya so much."
Before you could respond, a loud knocking echoed from the door. "FOR FUCK'S SAKE, WILL YOU TWO QUIET DOWN???" Both of you practically jumped out of your skin at Noir's angry voice. "WE CAN HEAR THE BEDFRAME SLAMMING AGAINST THE WALL THROUGH THE WHOLE HOUSE!"
"I'm so so sorry," you yelped. "We'll be more quiet next time!"
"GOOD! NOBODY WANTS TO HEAR THEIR OWN BROTHER'S SEX-CAPADES." Lucky both sounded annoyed and pleased with his pun. Fuck, was everybody out there??
"oh my god," Slim muttered. His face was bright orange. "i can't believe my own bro heard me getting fucked."
"Eh, he's just as loud," you pointed out. You gave Slim another kiss before untying his wrists. "I'll soundproof the room. That way I'll have to work extra hard to make them hear you scream~"
"no!!! wait, you're jokin' right?"
You just laughed as you curled up next to him. He would just have to find out the next time you rode him like there was no tomorrow.
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one thing i like about me (is that i’m nothing like you and i never will be) (lt. bradley “rooster” bradshaw)
a/n: the title came together for this and then the rest all just fell into place. currently, this is the last thing i’ve got planned out for same mistakes-verse so if there’s something else y’all want to see in particular... i’m all ears. first, this is tagged as a rooster fic because same mistakes is but it’s got a hefty dose of Coyote. this is a behemoth of a thing. honestly, you gotta read best bud, you alright bud? and a slice of life before you read this, no exceptions (otherwise you’ll be lost lmfao). this is the longest thing i’ve ever written
summary: Coyote decides to put an end to the legacy of the Green Vipers. the truth comes out, much to Rebel’s chagrin. what happens next leaves their friendship in pieces.
based on this request from an anon
title comes from mean! by madeline the person
part of the same mistakes-verse
main masterlist | top gun: maverick masterlist
warnings: swearing, physical violence, same mistakes-verse canon bullying/hazing, this is so not how the Navy works, like i really made shit up this time, like seriously i know this isn’t how the Navy works, this got away from me, i feel like this needs to be said because people in my fics (like im not the one doing it) keep insinuating it but Rebel and Coyote are just platonic besties like Rooster and Phoenix k thx, one of the lines comes from the title, Cyclone’s a hardass but he looks out for his kids (but he’ll never admit it)
word count: 8,975
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“Lieutenant Machado, thanks for meeting us with us today.”
“Of course Admiral.”
“Your report was, quite frankly, concerning. In light of the active investigation we’re opening, we’d like to get more information from you.”
Your eyes adjust slowly to the light of the bar, taking in the patrons. The Hard Deck is unusually noisy and rowdy, all thanks to a certain squadron occupying the pool table. Your heart falters a bit as you take in Raven’s figure first. You pause next to Hangman, who’s settled up on the bar talking to Penny. Coyote’s behind you as the team swarms to Penny, not looking at or even paying attention to the same people the two of you are. 
"Well, they’re new.” Coyote states, crossing his arms. He’s right, there’s a petite red head girl standing next to a tall, lanky brunette man. 
“Must be our replacements.” You say, grabbing the beer from Rooster’s outstretched hand over Hangman’s shoulder. 
“Ain’t nobody replace us baby.” Coyote says with a teasing smile and you laugh. He grabs the beer Hangman’s handing him and takes a sip. A smirk appears. “We should go say hi.” You won't deny that the thought of going near them makes your heart crawl into your stomach, but you’ve got Coyote and Rooster won’t be too far away. Besides, you’re more than curious about your replacements and how long these two have been with the team. You find yourself nodding and you and Coyote leave the Iron Daggers behind, weaving through the patrons to appear next to the pool table. Owl glances up at the two of you first, a smile erupting on her face.
“Well, look at what the cat dragged in.” She sings, alerting Arrow and Moonshine. Moonshine nudges Ghost, who looks over. 
“Machado, my man!” He exclaims, moving towards the figure of your best friend, pulling him into a hug. You glance at your boyfriend, who’s watching the scene unfold with caution. “Rebel.” He grunts, moving back away from you. That catches Shadow and Raven’s attention and the dark looks on their faces makes your stomach curl. 
“What’re y’all doing out here?” You ask, crossing your arms, not giving them a chance to talk. Charm sighs from her place next to Redwood. 
“We’ve been grounded indefinitely. We’re not sure why.” She answers and you frown. Grounded indefinitely? 
“All of you?” You ask, curiosity raising in your voice. If something happens, there is always the possibility a few pilots would get grounded, but never the whole squadron, never brought all the way back out to Miramar. Coral’s nodding, her ever curly hair bouncing along with her. You glance at Coyote, who’s got the same confused look on his face. He shakes his confusion faster than you can and clears his throat. 
“Who’s the fresh meat?” Coyote asks, pointing to the two new figures. You turn back to Rooster’s gaze and you see the entirety of the Iron Daggers are watching this unfold and you subtly nod your head. Rooster understands the gesture and pulls the crew over to the pool table. You turn your attention back to the Green Vipers, listening to Shadow introduce Ruby and Swiper. Rooster settles in next to you, arm around your shoulder, causing Shadow to narrow his eyes. 
“You know man, the last time we were here, I didn’t catch your name.” he says, and Rooster glares. 
“Rooster. This here’s Phoenix, my wingman, and Bob, her WSO.” 
“Bob?” Raven’s cackling and your eyes roll so hard you think you might get a headache. “What kind of callsign is that?” 
“Oh, that’s rich coming from you considering the only reason your callsign is Raven is because your voice sounds like one.” You shoot back and she’s turning to you. 
“I see Rebel’s finally found a voice.” Ghost taunts and your eyes narrow but Coyote’s intervening before things can go any farther. 
“We definitely did introductions that last time y’all were here, this is unnecessary.” Coyote says, moving in front of you. You see Hangman glance at Rooster, the two exchanging a look you don’t understand. 
“Why don’t we play a game of pool?” Hangman’s offering. “2v2? Vipers versus Daggers.” Ghost chuckles and tosses Hangman the pool cue. 
“You’re on. Whose your partner?” 
“Rooster.” He answers like it’s the most obvious choice in the world, like these two didn’t used to spend everyday at the other’s throats. “Yours?”
“Shadow.” There’s bile rising in your throat as you realize your boyfriend is about to go head-to-head with your tormentor. The two squadrons spread out and you take a seat sandwiched between Phoenix and Bob. Payback and Fanboy are just behind you, watching the team carefully. And then the bell to the door of the Hard Deck is jingling again, and both squadrons turn to catch the entrance of a tall man with dark brown eyes and even darker hair to match. He seems to be looking for someone and he finds it at the pool table. Something changes on Coyote’s face and then the man is pulling him into a hug.
“Venom, man, how are you?” Oh, Coyote’s old wingman. Coyote turns to you, nodding you over with his head. “This is Rebel, my wingman.” Venom bypasses your outstretched hand to take in the rest of the team. “What’re you doing out here?” 
“Oh, you know, the Navy is still looking for a replacement for Admiral Kazansky. Or multiple, not sure anyone can replace that man.” You wince at the carless reminder that your godfather is gone. Coyote glances at you. 
“Oh yeah, I heard about your promotion to commander. Congrats man.” Venom nods absentmindedly.
“Yeah, well, we’re in the final rounds of interviews. The Navy really wants some Captain, callsign Maverick I think, but apparently he’s got a squadron of his own. The Iron Dangers or something.” A ripple of laughter goes through your squadron.
“Iron Daggers.” You correct and Venom looks back down at you. Coyote clears his throat. 
“That’s where I’m stationed right now.” Coyote clarifies. Venom looks back over to Coyote and then shrugs. 
“Well, tell Mitchell to give up Kazansky’s position. He’s like 60, he shouldn’t even be flying.” 
“Captain Mitchell could outfly you ten times over any day, I’m sure of it.” You respond, eyes narrowing. The two squadrons are watching this exchange intently and you’re just waiting for the opportunity to drop the bomb about who you really are. 
“Yeah, sure. God, I just wish he’d get out of the picture, let someone younger and better have all the glory. Not like Mitchell needs anymore anyways.” Your Dad didn’t fly for the glory and neither did Ice. 
“You don’t deserve Admiral Kazansky’s position.” You say cooly, and you can feel Rooster move just behind you, anticipating your next move. 
“God, who are you? Why do you keep talking?” Venom snaps, looking back to Coyote. 
“I’m Admiral Kazansky’s goddaughter.” Out of the corner of your eyes, you can see Fanboy snickering into his hand as Venom’s face falls. “And Captain Mitchell is my father, so you be very careful about what you say next.” 
“You’re who?” Owl asks, eyes going wide. 
“Is that why Kazansky was there that day you and Coyote went down?” Moonshine’s asking and you’re nodding. 
“Uncle Ice wanted to make sure I was okay.” You slip the name in on purpose, and it had it’s intended effect. 
“Uncle Ice?” Raven practically screeches. 
“Nepotism at it’s finest.” Venom snarks, eyes narrowing. Ghost has a hand on the back of Venom’s uniform before he can do anything, pulling him back. 
“C’mon, Venom, we were just a about to play a game of pool against the Daggers here.” Venom nods dangerously, his eyes never leaving you. You move back to your seat next to Phoenix and Bob, watching the game unfold. The game is uneventful, each pair neck and neck until the Green Vipers start making digs at you and Coyote. 
“So, Coyote.” His head pops up from where’s he’s chatting with Owl in the direction of Arrow’s voice. “Why do you put up with Rebel really?” Raven’s laughing. 
“I’m telling you, they’re sleeping together.” Despite the fact that the thought of sleeping with Coyote is mildly disgusting, you find yourself rolling your eyes instead of gagging. Here we go. 
“We are not sleeping together.” Coyote says adamantly. Owl snorts and he looks at her. 
“I don’t buy that for a second Machado.” She says and he looks bewildered. 
“Why not?”
“Because your head is so far up her ass that I would hope you were getting some.” 
“My head is not-” 
“Yes it is.” Comes the unison voice of Coral, Moonshine, and Owl, the only girls left on the Green Vipers. Coyote elects to ignore it and move on. 
“Well, we’re not and we never have.” Coyote states, taking a sip of his beer, pointedly avoiding Rooster’s look. 
“So then why do you defend her like you do?” Coral’s asking. “I mean, you don’t have to look out for her anymore, no more obligation to have her back. She’s got a team that likes her. By all accounts, your friendship should’ve fell apart the day you left the Green Vipers.” 
“Because she’s my wingman and she’s never left my ass, even when she should.”
“So? Moonshine’s never left me but you don’t see me defending her the way you do Rebel.” Ghost proves and you’re itching to say something, but you hold back, knowing this is between Coyote and them. 
“What’s your point?” Coyote asks dryly. 
“That there’s something more between you.”
“She’s got a boyfriend.” Coyote states blankly, as if he’s lost interest in this conversation. At some point Hangman meanders over to you, leaning over to your shoulder. 
“Why are they worse then what you originally told us?” You shrugged, willing for the game to be over. It’s Hangman’s turn to shoot, and so he doesn't get a chance to pry more but Bob and Phoenix are giving you too many questioning looks so you stood up and move next to Coyote. He glances up at you, briefly nudging your hand, a gesture that doesn’t go unnoticed by Revenge. Revenge rolls his eyes, leaning over to make a comment to Coral and Arrow, who are snickering at it. You ignore it, glancing down at Coyote. 
“That means nothing, you do know that right?” Raven’s taunting and you feel your blood began to boil. 
“Fuck you, I’d never cheat on my boyfriend.” She’s putting her hands up in the air, in mock surrender. 
“Never said you would. Doesn’t mean Machado’s not pining after a girl he can’t have.” Shadow picks up the taunting now, leaning on his pool cue.
“Hey, do the two of you still sing?” He asks smirking and Venom chokes on his beer. 
“Sing?” He asks incredulously. You snort, looking down at Coyote, knowing exactly what’s being discussed right now. Shadow’s nodding.
“Yeah, when the Terror Twins,” God, not that nickname. “here used to get people out during training they’d go-”
“Na na na, na na na, hey hey hey, goodbye.” You and Coyote finish, laughing lightly. Coyote’s favorite movie was Remember the Titans and after a late night watching the movie in the common area, it was something the two of you had picked up. Despite the light-heartedness of the statement, you’re still nervously watching Rooster out of the corner of your eye, who looks like he’s one more comment from smashing someone’s face in. Hangman seems to be aware of it too, never going far from his partner. 
“God, no wonder no one liked me.” You respond and Coyote’s snorting. The end of the game is nearing, all that’s left is for one team to pot the 8-ball. You wait with bated breath as Shadow leans over to take the shot, but he’s smirking. 
“You know, I should’ve shot her out of the sky when I had a chance.” He says, missing the chance to pot the 8-ball but it doesn’t matter because that’s the comment that causes Rooster to snap. He’s close to you, making it easy for you to pull him back as he tries to go launching after the pilot. Coyote’s grabbing his shoulders and Hangman’s there in an instant. A quick glance over to the bar tells you Penny and Mav are watching carefully as you push Rooster back. 
“That’s enough.” You say, moving in front of your boyfriend, coming face-to-face with Shadow. The man is tall, uses it to his advantage to intimidate you, and you will yourself not to shrink back. Coyote’s lingering just behind you. 
“Is it? Is it enough Rebel?” Shadow taunts and your shaking your head. “Man, I can’t believe Coyote puts up with you.”
"We’ve been through a lot together.” Coyote defends, his anger radiating off of him. Shadow raises an eyebrow.
“Is that so?” He chuckles darkly. “Well, here’s what I think. I think that the day the Navy rescued you from the ocean was a mistake. It was a waste of Navy resources. They should’ve rescued Coyote and left you to drown. You were never supposed to come home from that mission, but you just had to go and fuck it up, didn’t you?” Shadow’s dangerously close to your face now but you stand firm in the face of what’s being said. 
“That’s enough Shadow.” Ghost calls and Shadow pulls back, but the glint from his eye isn’t gone. 
“You’re going to spend the rest of your life searching for a validation and approval you’re never going to get. Because you’re a waste of space.” What happens next is a blur. 
You feel Coyote pushing you out of the way to get his hands on Shadow, and the pair are tumbling down as Coyote lands a sweet punch to the man’s face. You move forward to pull Coyote off but Hangman (you think, you’re not entirely sure) is pulling you backwards. You stumble, running face first into your Dad, who, after a quick once-over, is running into the pile to pull the two men off of each other. Shadow’s being pulled back by Ghost and Venom, Revenge moving in the middle. Hangman’s got a hold on Coyote, Fanboy keeping Rooster at bay, Payback standing between the two of them. There’s shouting, from Penny probably, and the Green Vipers take their leave. Your heart is hammering in your chest as you glance at Phoenix, who’s worry is evident as her and Bob take you in. You somehow end up outside, Coyote sitting on the bench, the rest of the group crowded around. You’re leaned up against the railing, eyes closed as you try to sort out your feelings. The front door opens and you briefly open your eyes to see your Dad exiting the Hard Deck to toss a bag of ice at Coyote. Your eyes close again as you try to bite down the nausea surfacing. The group is quiet, waiting for you to make the first move. Finally, you shift, opening your eyes to look at your best friend. There’s a sweet bruise forming around his eye, another on his jawbone, but nothing is broken or bleeding. 
“Coyote, what the hell were you thinking?” You ask lowly and he grimaces. “Tell me you weren’t thinking because you’ve never done that before.”
“I was thinking I wanted Shadow to shut the hell up and the only way to do that was to put my fist in his face.” You groan, not hearing you wanted. 
“Coyote, in the almost three years I’ve known you, that is by far the stupidest thing you’ve ever done.” Coyote sighs and leans back up against the bench. 
“I don’t regret it. I regret a lot of things but finally punching Shadow’s face is not one of them.” You really take in Coyote’s figure for the first time since the fight broke out. He’s slumped against the bench, defeated. “I was complicit in their abuse and I’m sorry.” 
“Coyote-” You protest but he shakes his head.
“(Y/N), I’ve done something that you’re going to find out about over the next few days. You’re going to be really angry at me and I’m sorry that this is how this is going to come out, but I need you to know that I don’t regret it.” 
“Coyote, what are you talking about?” You’re confused but there’s an element of fear appearing as well. Coyote’s never talked like this.
“What I’ve done is probably going to end our friendship.” There’s a weakening in your knees at the thought that there might be a day where you and Coyote aren’t friends anymore. “(Y/N), I need you to know that whatever happens over the next few days that I’m sorry, but I don’t regret what I did protecting you and making things right. Being friends with you has been some of the best years of my life and I’m sorry this is how it’s ending.” You think you might be sick as tears surface. The way Coyote’s is talking is scary and you look at Hangman, who is confused about the scene unfolding. You glance at Rooster, who looks equal parts baffled and concerned. Coyote glances at your Dad, handing him the ice. “Thanks for everything Mav.” He finished, standing up. He’s moving past the group, out to the parking lot and before you knew it, he’s driving away. 
“Dad?” You find yourself asking, fighting back the tears. Rooster’s hand finds yours. Your Dad sighs, looking away from you. 
“You’ll find out in your meeting with Admiral Simpson tomorrow.” You sigh as your Dad stands up, disappearing back into the bar. 
You feel Rooster tugging on your arm. “C’mon, let’s go home.” 
You knock on the door of Admiral Simspon’s office and then open it. Warlock is there too along with another Admiral. Cyclone clears his throat upon seeing you, beckoning you further into the room. “Lieutenant, please come in.” You shut the door behind you, walking to the desk cautiously. “Lieutenant, this is Admiral Oliver “Mercy” Davis.” The man puts out his hand and you shake it, forcing a smile. 
“Admiral, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” 
“You as well Lieuetnant.” The two of you sit and you face Cyclone.
“Admiral Simpson, uh, am I in trouble?” He shakes his head. 
“No, no, far from it. Admiral Davis here just has some questions for you about your previous assignment before the Iron Daggers.” It takes you a moment and then it clicks. 
“The Green Vipers?” Mercy is nodding.
“Yes, we’ve gotten reports of harassment so we’re just doing a routine investigation. We’ve been talking to previous pilots who’ve flown with them, people who were stationed at the base with them. Numerous people, including your wingman, have named you as a primary subject of the harassment so we’re just looking to get your side of the story and all of the information we can about this certain squadron.” You nod. “You’re not in any trouble of any kind and you won’t be in any trouble for speaking with us or for the things you share with us. The Navy can protect you from any kind of retaliation they may try to enact against you.” You glance at Cyclone. 
“There’s no chance any of this will get back to my Dad?” Cyclone shakes his head, despite Mercy’s eyebrow raise.
“No, what you say in here is confidential and won’t be repeated to Captain Mitchell.” A wave of relief washes over you knowing you won’t have to disclose these experiences to your Dad. 
“Oh, you're Maverick’s daughter?” Davis asks, chuckling. You nod. 
“I’ve flown with him a couple times. Good man.” 
“He’s the best.” You respond. 
“Well, let’s just get started, why don’t we? Let’s start with something easy. How long did you fly with the Green Vipers?” 
The words came tumbling out of you after that. Experiences you had shoved down came pouring out and poor Admiral Davis didn’t seem like he could keep up. Cyclone’s face went stony the longer the interview went on. Finally, after at least two hours, the interview began to wrap up. “Well, thank you for sharing your experiences with me Rebel, I do appreciate it.” Davis says and you nod. “Do you have any questions for me?” You nod again.
“What happens now?” He sighs, adjusting his glasses.
“Well, you’re the last person we had on our list to interview. The Green Vipers are grounded indefinitely. I have to report back to the investigation committee and we’ll discuss each pilot’s future individually, but there’s going to be a disbandment of this squadron. Some are facing dishonorable discharges.” Ghost, Shadow, Raven, certainly. Revenge and Arrow probably. Maybe Coral and Moonshine too. Hopefully not Owl. You nod, taking in this information. 
“Swiper and Ruby weren't there when I was. I don’t want their careers to be ruined over this.” You clarify and Davis smiles at you. 
“For a team that tried to break you, you only seem to be kinder.” He pauses. “No, Ruby and Swiper are grounded for the moment while we complete the investigation but they’ll be re-assigned.” 
“Can I ask who made the original report?” You asked, fearing the answer. You were certain you knew but you needed to hear it. 
“Your wingman, Lieutenant Machado. Said he was guilty for his part played in the harassment and wanted the Navy to be aware.” 
“Is he... is he facing grounding too?” Davis hesitates and glances at Simpson. He nods. 
“Because he didn’t come forward sooner and did play a complicit part in it, yes he is facing some form of repercussions. There was discussion of grounding him, yes.” You glance at Warlock panicked. 
“Don’t ground my wingman, please.” You say, the panic obvious. Cyclone raises an eyebrow. “I’m sorry, this probably isn’t professional but I’m- he’s my best friend and I’ve never had a better wingman.” Davis nods. 
“The way the two of you fly together is what’s keeping Lieutenant Machado’s wings at the moment. Rebel, you have to understand that the Navy needs to take these kinds of reports and especially to this magnitude seriously and there needs to be repercussions for everyone involved.” 
“If Coyote were to get grounded, would... would I be reassigned?” You ask, voice low as you think about having to start over. 
“No, no, not at all. We’d find you a new wingman or assign you to Rooster or Hangman.” Cyclone assures, although it doesn’t make you feel better. “You’re too much of an asset to the Iron Daggers.” 
“What about Thompson?” 
“That’s a bit more difficult. He’s highly decorated but his disregard for the rules and wellbeing of some of his pilots raises a lot of alarm within the higher-ups in the Navy.” You nod. 
“How many pilots on my squadron know about this?” Warlock is the one to answer this time. 
“Rooster and Hangman have been informed because of the possible switch-up of wingman. They’re not aware of what’s happening, other than there’s an investigation involving you and Coyote about your previous assignment. They were informed this morning.” You take a deep breath, leaning back into your chair. 
“Sorry, this is just a lot.” You mumble. Davis shakes his head.
“No need to apologize. We’re more than grateful for your help. I just wanted to let you know that the Navy has resources for you to further discuss your experiences and what’s currently happening should you need to. Admiral Simpson can direct you to them should you need them. No shame in asking for help.” You nod, knowing you weren’t planning on taking a trip to the base therapist over this. Davis excuses himself and Warlock follows. Cyclone folds his hands on his desk as you look at him. 
“Rebel, I know this is hard on you.”
“Do you?” You ask, words said with an edge that probably shouldn’t be said to your CO but you find you don’t care. “The Iron Daggers, Coyote, they’re the first family I’ve had in a really long time. And now, it’s getting ripped out from under me, for people I’d rather never think about again. How am I going to explain any of this to my Dad?” Cyclone sighs. 
“The Navy failed to protect you (Y/N) and I’m sorry.” You look up at him, seeing the seriousness of his face. “I’m fighting for Coyote, believe me.” Cyclone looks at you for a while and then sighs, leaning back in his chair. “Why don’t you take the rest of the day off? Sort of what you need to with your Dad and Lieutenant Machado.” You nod, find yourself numbly pulling yourself up from the chair to wander out of the office. You wander through base, starting to feel more than a little lost and dazed and you eventually find your way to the parking lot. Climbing in the car, you drive aimlessly before eventually pulling up in front of Rooster’s home. The Bronco is in the driveway, meaning he’s home and you climb out, opening the front door. 
“Darling?” He calls from the kitchen and you round the corner. He looked up at you from where he’s examining a pizza menu. “What’s- oof.” He says as you throw yourself into his chest, wrapping your arms around him. He returns the hug, pressing a soft kiss to the top of your head. “Darling, you’re still dressed from base. Why don’t you get changed and I’ll order food and we can talk about your meeting?” It’s a great idea but the words are out of you before you can stop them.
“They’re talking about grounding Coyote.” He takes a step back, looking at you. 
“What? Why?” You shake your head. 
“Pizza first.” He huffs out a laugh, nodding. 
“Yeah, I’ll order it right now. Go get changed darling.” You make your way to the bedroom, pulling on some of the extra clothes you’ve left here over the course of the last six months and when you return, Rooster’s on the couch. He pulls you into his arms and you settle on his chest. His fingers are carding through your hair as your brain tries to wrap itself around everything that’s happened over the last 24 hours. The two of you sit there until the pizza arrives and you shift to a crosslegged position as Rooster sets it down in between the two of you. Rooster’s watching you carefully as you eat the food, thinking through what you want to say. 
You finally settle on, “I don’t want to lose Coyote.” 
“You won’t.”
“I’m so mad at him. Why, why did he stick his neck out for me like this? What the fuck was he thinking?” You take a deep breath, setting the slice you had been holding down in the box. “He’s so dumb. I’ve never held what happened against him. I know sticking up for me would’ve cost him, I knew the friendship was damage enough. It doesn’t even matter now so I don’t understand why he’s doing it. I’m gonna lose my wingman and there’s nothing I can do.”
“(Y/N), why didn’t you ever tell anyone about how bad they were? Tell me or Mav? The shit they said last night, that was just the tip of the iceberg wasn’t it?”
“Because. It’s humiliating and embarrassing and I’d rather not think of those two years ever again.”  You pause. “Did you know what he was doing?” He shrugs. 
“I... might’ve overheard him tell Mav he was going to file a report about your previous assignment.” You shoot Rooster a look, angry he hadn’t told you. “But I didn’t know why or what was gonna happen, I promise.” He rushes to defend, seeing you get tense. You groan.
“What do I do now?” 
“Talk to Coyote.” 
“No, I’m so fucking mad at him over this dumb, self-sacrificing, noble bullshit.” Rooster sighs. “God, and how many more things is my Dad gonna keep from me?” Rooster shifts, moving the pizza box to the floor and is then reaching for your legs, pulling you against him. 
“No matter what happens, he’s still your best friend.” 
“Well, obviously.”
“Does he know that?” You shrug.
“He should.” 
“Well, maybe you should start by reminding him.”
It’s been a few days since your meeting with Admiral Simpson and you haven’t spoken to Coyote since he put his fist in Shadow’s face. The group is at the Hard Deck, a game of pool happening as you sit quietly in the corner. You’re ignoring Coyote and he knows it and so does everyone else. You’re still not certain what’s happening with the Green Vipers or Coyote’s future. Hangman has temporally been re-assigned as your new wingman, Coyote taking his spot as Rooster’s. No one involved is happy about the switch and it’s ended in no less than three different arguments between the four of you. To which your Dad yelled at the four of you today, a conversation approximately no one enjoyed. You wanted to go home but Rooster had begged you to come with him and you really couldn’t ever say no to the brunette so here you were. Coyote’s looking at you and you’re avoiding his gaze, studying the records on the wall of the Hard Deck. 
“(Y/N).” He says firmly and you glance over at him. “We need to talk.” 
“I’ve got nothing to say to you.” His face falls but he pushes on. 
“Where do we stand these days? Because not knowing is killing me.” You look at him, with a shrug. 
“I don’t know, I’m still really mad at you.” He sighs. 
“Look, if this is the end of our friendship, I’ll accept that, but at least just tell me.” You sigh, feeling frustration bubble up.
“No, Coyote-” You sigh again. “I’m not having this conversation with you.”
“Look, (Y/N), I’m sorry that this came out, I know you didn’t want anyone to find out about it but-”
“Coyote, I could not give less of a shit about that.” He pauses, looking at you. 
“So... why are you mad then?”
“Why- why am I mad? Because you’re an idiot for putting your career on the line for something I don’t care about. I’ve never blamed you for standing by while we were there and instead of talking to me about it, you went and told the Navy. I might lose my wingman because you decided to pull some self-sacrificing noble bullshit. You’ve left me with fucking Hangman because of this.”
“Hey, I thought we were friends.” Hangman protests and you whip around to face him. 
“You’re on thin fucking ice Seresin, shut up.” He puts his hands up in surrender and backs away. 
“I want my wingman back. What the hell were you thinking?” Coyote looks baffled. 
“So... just to clarify, you’re not at mad me because everyone found out about what they did to you?”
“Jesus fuck- no. I mean yeah, I would’ve rather they never found out and not like this certainly, but I’m more mad that I might lose my wingman.” Coyote’s staring at you. “Nothing? You have nothing to say.” He opens and closes his mouth a few times, looking like a fish out of water with how wide his eyes are. You shake your head. 
“Fine, whatever.” You push past him, walking out of the front door of the Hard Deck. Your Dad’s following you, Rooster not far behind him. Your back is turned to your Dad as you look out of the ocean, trying to rub the tightness from your chest. 
“(Y/N)-” He starts and you turn. Rooster’s leaned up against the wall, trying to look as if he’s not there. 
“How many more secrets are you going to keep from me?” He sighs. 
“Like you don’t keep secrets from me?” 
“Oh, please, enlighten me, what have I kept from you?” 
“You almost dying? The way your last squadron treated you? You don’t think those were important things to share with your father?” 
“Could you have handled the truth?” He’s stunned for a moment. 
“Look, I had an obligation to Coyote as his instructor and superior officer to not say anything to you. And maybe if I had, we wouldn’t be here right now, but Coyote’s made his decisions. You need to respect that.” 
“You don’t think I had a right to know?”
“And what about my right to know my kid almost died? That she was being actively harassed for two years? What about that?” 
“Mav.” Rooster warns and your Dad seems to deflate. 
“You figure out what’s going on with you and Coyote because I need my best wingmen back.” 
“Well, he might not even be my wingman anymore because they’re talking about taking his wings.” Your Dad doesn’t respond, just watches you carefully.
“Lieutenant Machado needs you.” He finally says after a moment. “Look, Ice isn’t here anymore. We don’t have him to help us. And maybe he would’ve done something different, but this is what I did.”
“Figure it out.”
You walk into the Hard Deck the next day. It was a long day of training, the bickering between everyone following you the whole day. The team is falling apart and you’re not even sure they know why. You haven't explicitly told the Iron Daggers what’s gone down, and you’re not sure who did (you suspect Rooster, you’re pretty sure there’s a group chat without you in it, dating back to the days of before the Iron Daggers were the Iron Daggers) but it’s tearing the team apart. But there’s no way to be certain and you’re not about to find out. You were the first out of the locker rooms today, ready to drink beer and eat pretzels and sit around for an answer to come. Coyote’s already there, nursing a beer at the counter. Jimmy’s chatting to him, clearly trying to cheer him up. With a sigh, you sit next to your (maybe not anymore?) wingman and he glances at you. Jimmy hands you a beer and then looks between the two of you.
“The two of you still not talking?” He asks and you glance at the older man as Coyote shakes his head.
“How’d you know that?” You ask, starting to pick at the label of your beer, a nervous habit you’d adopted at the Green Vipers. Out of the corner of your eye, you can see Coyote’s hand twitch, like he’s itching to take your hand to stop it, something he’s always done. 
“Penny. Well, Mav told Penny. Penny told me.” 
“Of course he did, Dad can’t keep his mouth shut for shit.” You mutter and Coyote’s snorting because it’s not really all that true. Your Dad could get stabbed and he’d keep it to himself if he could, never trying to worry or burden anyone. You glance over at Coyote, really studying him for the first time in days. He looks tired. He looks up at you, meeting your eyes. He opens his mouth to says something when the door to the Hard Deck is being slammed open. You go cold when Shadow comes barreling through the door, Raven and Ghost not far behind him. The rest of the Green Vipers are following, Venom, Ruby, and Swiper bringing up the rear, looking more than slightly confused. 
“You bitch!″ He yells and you fall off of your chair in fear, stumbling back into Coyote’s chest. His hand reaches out to the small of your back, gently keeping you upright. “You bitch, you got me dishonorably discharged!” Before you know it, Shadow’s got a fist full of your jacket and he’s bringing you close to his face. 
“The hell’s your problem? Hate us so much you had to report us to the Navy for harassment?” Ghost fires and you’re mildly panicking. 
“Let her go Shadow.” Coyote says calmly. 
“And why the hell should I do that?” Shadow snaps, fire lighting his face. “Give me one good reason.”
“Because she’s not the one who asked the Navy to do an investigation.”
“Then who the hell did?!” Raven shouts and Shadow’s grip on your shirt is getting tighter and tighter by the second. You’re afraid that at any moment his hand is going to go from your clothes to your throat.
“I did.” Shadow’s eyes narrow, but he doesn’t let go of you. 
“And why the fuck would you do that Machado?”
“Because she’s my best friend and I needed ensure no one would hurt her that way again.” Shadow’s looks is venomous as his look goes from you to Coyote. 
“You two, you deserve each other, honestly.” Owl states and you look at her. 
“You know,” You start, finally deciding you’d had enough of them. You were done being scared. What more could they do? “One thing I like about me is that I’m nothing like you and I never will be. You can’t hurt me anymore. You tried to break me and you failed.” You didn’t think anyone’s eyes could go any darker with rage but Shadow’s do as his second hand comes up to the other side of your shirt. You’re really afraid now as Coyote stands up abruptly, chair scraping against the floor. 
“Lieutenant Robinson, I suggest you let go of my pilot before I have you arrested.” Comes Cyclone’s firm voice. You’re not certain he’s going to let go, too far into his rage to think clearly, but it resonates somewhere in Shadow’s brain and his hands slowly slip from your clothes. In an instant, Coyote’s pushed you behind him, effectively cutting Shadow off from getting to you again without having to go through Coyote. “Get out of this establishment, all of you, or I’ll have the police called.” Shadow doesn’t make to move but Shost pulls him back. After a few moments, they’re gone, save for Venom. Your heart is racing with what just happened and the realization of what all of it meant. Cyclone being here, Coyote’s early arrival, Shadow being dishonorably discharged... it all meant one thing. 
They had taken Coyote’s wings. 
The thought alone is enough to make you want to vomit as you move away from Coyote, who's trying to ask you if you’re okay. Distantly, you hear Venom angrily start an argument with him. You slip out of the back door of the Hard Deck, feeling the emotion crash over you like waves crashing onto the shore not so far away. Before you know it, you’re vomiting up into the trashcan sitting on the back deck, just out of Coyote’s line of sight. You don’t stop until you’ve dry heaved everything out of your stomach and are borderline sobbing into the trashcan. 
You had just lost your wingman.
You walk through the doors of the hangar classroom, feeling like shit. Apparently, you look like shit as well as Fanboy lets out a low whistle. “Damn, who pissed in your morning coffee?” Payback asks but you ignore him. 
“Seresin, have you heard from Coyote?” He looks up at you from where he’s talking to Rooster and Bob, taking you in. He shakes his head slowly. 
“Not since we left here yesterday, why?” 
“They grounded him.” Hangman’s face falls and Rooster’s next to you in a second. You don’t tell them about what went down at the Hard Deck the night before, a conversation for a later date. 
“Rebel, I’m so-” Phoenix’s voice is soft, coming from just over your shoulder, but you turn, shaking your head. You push past them, taking your usual seat. Usually, Coyote would be next to you. Guess that’ll never happen again. 
It’s not too much longer then before Cyclone and Warlock walk in to the classroom, but you feel like your ears are filled with water as you look at the empty seat next to you. It’s something so mundane, a piece of furniture, but his absence left a huge hole in the team. You weren’t sure where your friendship stood these days with him, leaving an even larger hole in your heart. Cyclone’s halfway through the training debrief for the day (one you’re not actually listening to) when the phone on the desk rings. Everyone looks at it confused, the thing never actually having rung before. Cyclone moves to answer it as everyone looks on with curious fascination. 
“Admiral Simpson. Yes, uh huh. Well, Captain Mitchell and I would be happy discuss that with you. Yes, we’ll see you in a few moments.” Cyclone hangs up and looks back at everyone. “You’re all dismissed to go get changed. You’ll meet us out of the tarmac. Captain Mitchell will finish giving you instructions then.” He turns to Maverick, already moving towards the door. “Maverick, will you follow Warlock and I please?” He’s nodding, moving to follow the pair out of the doors, but then Hangman’s talking.
“Uh, Admiral Simpson?” He asks and you look over at him. Cyclone turns. 
“Yes, Lieutenant Seresin?” Hangman makes eye contact with you and you shake your head. You know what he’s going to ask and it’s not worth it. You’re not sure you can withstand hearing the words come out of Cyclone’s mouth. 
“Uh, never mind.” Cyclone nods and the three resume their walk out of the classroom. You stand up and follow the team to the locker room. The walk is quiet and when you go to split off, Rooster’s arm is reaching out for you. You brush him off, heading towards your side. The mood is solemn as you change into your flight suits. At one point, you groan, your head making an awful thud as it makes contact with the front of your locker where you had face planted. Halo’s closer and she chuckles, reaching out to pull you back. 
“Don’t worry Rebel, I’d feel the same way if I was stuck with Bagman.” She jokes and you force a smile. There’s knocking on the door of the locker room. 
“Hey, everyone decent?” Fanboy asks. 
“Yeah, we’re all good.” Phoenix calls and the doors open to reveal a swaying Fanboy, who’s still got a hand covering his eyes. Phoenix snorts. “Seriously Fanboy.” He peeks out from behind his hand, a light blush covering his cheeks. 
“Sorry, I don’t mean to interrupt it’s just-” He pauses, looking over to you.
“Just what? Spit it out Fanboy.” Halo urges, moving up off the bench. 
“It’s Coyote.” The alarm bells in your brain start ringing as you push past Fanboy, through the group of men crowded around your side of the locker room, trying to keep your feet from running to the airfield. Hangman and Rooster are close behind you as your pace never falters. Out on the airfield, there he is, with Cyclone and Warlock and Admiral Davis. They’re chatting with your Dad as Omaha and Fritz look on. Coyote catches your gaze and he gives you a half-smile. 
“What do you think’s happening?” Yale whispers and you look over at him. 
“I don’t know, but that’s the admiral who interviewed me as part of the investigation.” Hangman glances at you. 
“Well shit.” Hangman responds. You can feel Rooster’s eyes on you, urging you to not go over there but it’s too late. You’re striding over to the group of men with whispered protests from Bob and Phoenix as you hear Hangman’s “Damn Bradshaw, your girlfriend’s got balls.” You appear just next to your Dad, smiling brightly at Admiral Davis. 
“Admiral Davis sir, it’s good to see you.” He returns the smile. 
“Mav, I gotta tell you, your daughter- she’s something.” Your Dad smiles, resting a hand on your shoulder. 
“Thank you Mercy, I’m proud of her everyday.” 
“As you should be.” Cyclone states and your cheeks go warm from the praise. Coyote’s nudging your hand, trying to hold back a laugh. 
“Well, Cyclone do you mind if I stick around? I’d really like to see these two fly together.” Davis says, gesturing to you and Coyote. A flare of hope alights in your heart as you look at Coyote. 
“Of course Admiral Davis. Coyote, why don’t you get suited up while Mav instructs the groups?” Coyote’s nodding as the group breaks apart. 
“Alright, all of you, listen up. We’re changing things up a bit today...” Your Dad’s voice fades off as you follow Coyote to the locker room, even though you’re probably not supposed to. They let you go and you’re grateful. 
“Hey, are you okay?” Coyote asks after a beat of silence. “Last night was scary.” You nod. 
“Yeah, I was fine. You were there.” He huffs out half a laugh. “Coyote, why- why wouldn’t you just talk to me? I’m not worth you risking your career over.” He falls silent, mulling over this words. He shrugs. 
“I’ve carried that guilt for a long time. And you’re happy here and I wanted to make sure the Navy would never take that from you again, even if it cost us our friendship.”
“And your career?”
“You matter more than my career.” You’re at the door of the locker room and you turn to face him. 
“Look, you’re my best friend. You know things about me only a handful of people in this world do. I’d give my life for you and I’d do anything to make sure you’re happy and safe. And what happened at the Green Vipers was a wrong I needed to fix. I don’t give a shit about my career if you’re not the one flying up there with me.” You open your mouth to respond but Coyote’s cutting you off again. “You and I both know that wingmen have an unbeatable bond and we’re one of the lucky few that get to keep flying together. That work as seamlessly on the ground as they do off of it. I know your Dad had that bond with Ice, know he was that close with Goose. You’re my best friend and you weren’t happy there and you’ll never say it outloud but you and I both know you were questioning your place in the Navy because of them.” Coyote’s rushing the words out now, like if he stops, he’ll never start again. “I couldn’t watch you hurt anymore, wait for the opportunity for you to get hurt like that again. And if that meant that if my career went down with theirs, so be it. You have a really good thing going right now, with the team, with Rooster, with your Dad, I couldn’t- couldn’t let you fucking throw it away.” You’re stunned, reeling as you take his words in.
“How close were they to taking your wings?” You whisper. 
“Pretty damn close.” He breathes out, tears surfacing in his eyes.
“Why didn’t they?”
“Because of you.” 
“The hell I’d do?” Coyote gives a watery laugh. 
“Fly with me.” 
“I only want to be here if you and I still get to fly together. You know that, don’t you? You know Hangman and I would get each other killed.” Coyote shakes his head, giving you a look like he wants to hug you but restrains himself. 
“Mav and Cyclone were instrumental in keeping me here, and we didn’t know for sure until this morning whether I’d keep my wings, but I was told explicitly the only reason the Navy didn’t make an example of me was because of how we fly together. How we’re too much on asset to this team and the Navy to split up.” 
“Jesus, Coyote.” You say, because you don’t know what else to say. He presses the palms of his hands to his eyes, trying to keep in the tears and you take that as the perfect opportunity to barrel into your best friend’s chest, pulling him into a tight hug. He doesn’t say anything, just returns it. After a few moments, he pulls away. 
“I gotta go get changed.” You nod, but don’t move away. He gives a silent laugh, understanding that you’re not leaving. When he returns a few moments later, the two of you head back to the airfield, a comfortable chatter emerging. You pause in front of those left (Rooster, Hangman, Phoenix, Bob, Fanboy, and Payback) and Hangman smirks. 
“I still think you hooked up.” He says and Rooster’s promptly shoving Hangman over as you laugh. 
“You know Bagman, unlike you, I don’t need sleep with everything that moves.” Fanboys snorts as Hangman glares you. “Sorry, but your reputation as a man whore precedes you.” Hangman’s flipping you off as Hondo approaches, warning the six of you that you’ll need to get in the air soon or Maverick will have everyone’s head. You all break off for your planes and soon you’re back in the air, with Coyote on your side, things better than they have been in weeks. 
“Hey Rebel, what do you say we put a little friendly wager on this?” Coyote calls. The six of you have been broken off into pairs. You and Coyote, Rooster and Hangman, and then the other four. The goal is to get as many other people out as possible without leaving your wingman. 
“What do you got in mind Machado?” You call back. 
“If I get more kills, you and Hangman have to go on a friend date.” Rooster’s laughing through the comms as you shoot a dangerous look at your best friend through the canopy. 
“Fine, but if I get more kills, you have to go on a friend date with Rooster.” It wasn’t that Rooster and Coyote didn’t get along, but despite the fact that they were two of the most important people in your life, Coyote’s alliance to Hangman made it difficult for them to co-exist. Rooster’s laughter ceases as Payback erupts into laughter from his plane. 
“Oh, now we’re talking.” He calls.
“You’re on Rebel.” Coyote shoots back, and then you’re breaking apart. You successfully get Phoenix and Bob out, with Coyote getting Hangman out. Another successful kill from Coyote takes out Fanboy and Payback, leaving Rooster pretty much defenseless. The two of you are doing some of the best flying you’ve ever done together. “Rooster, c’mon man, give it up, you’re not gonna win.” Coyote calls over the comms. “Give me another kill so Seresin and Mitchell here have to go hang out.”
“Over my dead body.” Rooster shoots back. Coyote’s still far away enough that he doesn't see Rooster, but you almost have a lock on him, unbeknownst to either party. 
“Hey Coyote, what was that Marvin Gaye song from the 60′s? Something about a mountain?” Coyote chuckles. “It goes something like ‘Cause baby there ain’t no mountain high enough, ain’t no valley low enough, ain’t no river wide enough, to keep me from getting to you.” Coyote starts singing along with you and then the dial tone’s sounding.
“Shit. Mav, that has to be cheating.”
“Cheating? For what?” You ask incredulously. 
“Sorry Rooster, no rules about singing.” Mav’s voice comes from the comms, laughter hidden behind his words. He’s only up there to make sure no one goes down, so you know he’s enjoying himself. 
“Hey Rooster.” Coyote calls. 
“What?” The man asks, clearly disgruntled. 
“Na na na, na na na, hey hey hey, goodbye.” The two of you sing. 
“Fuck you!” Rooster calls as the two of you start laughing. 
“Sorry babe, can’t help that I’m such a distraction.” You call. He grumbles as the seven of you make your way down to the ground. You climb out of your plane, laughing with them as you join the other pilots who are gathered on the ground. 
“Wait, does this mean I still have to hang out with Bagman?” You ask and Phoenix is roaring in laughter as you panic.
“Technically, no one won.” Your Dad says, a shit-eating grin on his face. 
“But no one lost either.” You defend hastily. 
“I mean, I’m still game if you are.” Coyote says as Rooster groans. You glance at Hangman. 
“Fine, Coyote, I’ll hang out with Bagman, if you hang out with Rooster.”
“This seems more like punishment for Rooster than Coyote.” Omaha says with a laugh. You smile at Rooster, who despite everything, returns it. 
“Yeah, but he’ll do it for me because he loves me.” He presses a quick kiss to your cheek. 
“I’m not doing it because I love you.” Hangman states, looking disgruntled as he glances at Coyote. You snort.
“I don’t knowwww, the two of you looked pretty loved up to me that morning you guys were cuddling in guest room.” You sing as Hangman goes pale. 
“Hey! You swore never to bring that up!” Coyote practically yells as you snicker with Fanboy and Payback. Halo looks at you in confusion. 
“Pics or it didn’t happen.” She says firmly and you tilt your head. 
“Oh, I’ve got plenty on my phone in the locker room.” And the team is scrambling up, dying to see them. Distantly, there's a shout from Fritz about why you didn’t send it to the group chat. Coyote’s eyes narrow.
“You better run Mitchell.” You shove your helmet into Rooster’s chest as you take off, hearing his oof as Coyote’s footsteps follow you. He’s faster, always has been, and soon he’s got you in his arms. He doesn’t tackle you, thankfully, as the thought of being tackled into the hot tarmac asphalt sounds less than pleasant. “Take it back! I’m not in love with Hangman!” He yells, humor coloring his tone.
“Never!” You shout back, but the two of you are laughing and if it wasn't for Coyote’s grasp keeping you close to his chest, you’d fallen over. “Good to have you back Lieutenant.” You whisper and he smiles at you.
“Good to be back. We still best friends?”
“Ain’t no way in hell you’re ever getting rid of me Machado.” 
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blackstarchanx3new · 6 months
I just binge read all of FSR in one sitting and GODDDDD THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT 11 YEAR OLD ME CRAVED WHEN HE FIRST READ FOUR SWORDS... Thank you for all your hard work!!
Sorry I ended up rambling.
It's so funny to me people who liked FS for years enjoy it considering I got into it back in March/April. XD (Read Akira's other works as a kid but as far as I know the first time I ever picked up FS was cause I got it as an early B-day gift.)
I really wanted to make smth that felt like a sequel.
The tone is much darker but I think that fits considering Link's older and the reason behind the split is, depressing lmfao. Diving into the mentality and how it affects on the wielder of the four sword has been fun.
My biggest question was "How did Link cope with his adventure" how would ANYONE go back to normal after being torn into 4 parts?
How did the four sword mechanics REALLY WORK?
I love media analysis and I've got SO MUCH TO SAY about the OG Four Sword manga I really wanna make a video essay on it one day just because I have a LOT of takes. A lot of outside of the box ones I guess considering nobody's really tackling the stuff I wanna see. (To not get too deep into it: fan FS content doesn't appeal to me 99% of the time, OOC shit/ONLY focusing on vidow and not doing them justice when focused on, tend to be the main issues to me in a lot of fan work. That genuinely was a huge part in what spurred me to make FSR I think hah. There's a HUGE untapped gap in FS manga fan content around an idea for a sequel/the four heroes TOGETHER despite...ya know. the messaging of the manga, in general while NOT having an "Anti vidow" bitterness behind it, at least imo.)
So I did it myself haha.
Really in a way SU future is the only thing I can think of as a comparison in terms of the idea of it? XD (Yes the Link fusion monstrosity was based on the force gem fusions/mini clusters/Learning with Pibby just as a fun fact.)
I'm glad I'm expanding on stuff people want to see from the OG story tho. It's really a project that's seen in the way I want it to. (Which, hasn't been the case for some of my past comics oomf. TTuTT')
Smth I've been enjoying thinking and planning for is just making characters who never got to speak to each other 1 on 1 talk more. XD We were robbed of more volumes of FS and I'll stand by that.
Dark Link was a huge curve ball as he was BARELY In the OG draft, and he actually replaced Vaati in the scene he first appeared in. XD Which is why his dialogue is kinda OFF compared to his other appearances. I'm kinda flabbergasted I basically snuck an OC into the mix and people like him lmao. It's hilarious.
Anyways I got derailed and blabed that's a lot of words to say:
I'm glad you enjoyed it. It's been fun so far. XD I'm excited to get even deeper into the story.
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dabislilbaby · 2 years
Only for you, Toshi
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Shinsou x f!Reader
A/N: This is scheduled to post on the 30th so Happy Thanksgiving everyone!❤️ I hope you all had a wonderful holiday. :)
Best friends to lovers trope. Characters are age 18 at the time of the smut scene.
Feedback is welcome as always, enjoy<3
Warnings⚠️: 18+, smut, unprotected sex, creampie, jealousy, oral (f receiving), fingering, choking, biting, scratching, spitting, masturbation kinda, praise kink, a bit of auralism, and denki being an adorable idiot for 5 minutes LMFAO.
Summary: You and Hitoshi have been best friends for almost your entire time together at U.A. and had been in love with each other for almost as long. You never told each other how you felt, but after getting drunk at your graduation party, Hitoshi lets something slip.
Word Count: 8k
@haru-x-ren @electricnovaa @juslili
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"Hey! You're Hitoshi Shinsou, right?" You smiled at the purple haired boy with your lunch tray in hand. He raised his head to meet your gaze. He hesitated, but then nodded his head quietly. "Do you mind if I sit with you?" His eyes widened ever so slightly, almost unnoticeable. He swallowed the bite of food he was holding and moved his bag off the table in front of him, opening up the space for you. All while not saying a word. "Thank you" you said quietly while taking a seat.
You'd seen Shinsou around campus a few times, and watched him in the recent sports festival. He always seemed to be alone. At lunch, in the hallways, before and after school. Even when you'd visit your friend's dorm building that he also happened to live in, he was always by himself. You'd heard rumors, people talk. You asked one or two people about him, and they all said to stay away. Nobody trusted him and everyone was scared of his quirk. Everyone thinks he has malicious intent. Like at any moment a switch could flip and he'll become a villain. But that's not what you saw.
You wanted to be his friend.
"I'm y/n by the way. I'm in the support course." He was still quiet and just nodded his head. Why wasn't he saying anything? You took a bite of your food, as did he, sitting in a moment of silence. "I watched you at the sports festival." You paused, he almost unnoticeably tensed. "You did good." You gave him a soft smile. His tired eyes met yours, and finally he spoke. "Thank you." His pale cheeks were slightly pink and his voice was soft and gentle. Your smile grew, satisfied that you got him to say something.
The two of you spent the rest of lunch in a comfortable silence.
Every day for the next month, you sat with shinsou at lunch. Everyday, getting a little bit more of a conversation out of him, bit by bit. He didn't talk very much. He seemed nervous most of the time. It didn't bother you, but you wanted to know why.
"Shinsou, can I ask you something?" He nodded, swallowing a bite of food. "How come you're so quiet all the time? You don't talk very much." His breath hitched a bit at the question. He hesitated before answering. "I don't want to make people worry that I'll use my quirk on them. So I try not to talk very much, to make others more comfortable." He took another bite of food. Your expression saddened, realizing why he acted the way he did. Always so gentle and soft spoken. He didn't want to scare you. You shook your head. "I'm not worried about it. I trust you." His cheeks grew warm. You trusted him? Why? And then he asked. "Why?" You raised an eyebrow. "Why what?"
"why do you trust me?" You instinctively put your hand over top of his. "Well, because we're friends. Aren't we?" To you, the gesture was friendly, but it sent an unfamiliar warmth to his chest. Shinsou's face flushed red. He didn't know you thought of him as a friend. The only time the two of you ever spoke was at lunch, or the occasional wave when you'd come to his dorm with your friend. But he's never had a real friend before. Everyone was always too scared of him. Too distrusting. He gave a weak smile, but it seemed genuine because of the soft look in his eyes. "I'm glad you're comfortable with me y/n. I'll never use my quirk on you, I promise." You giggled at his promise. "I know silly." He felt reassured.
After that day, you and Shinsou started to become closer. You started hanging out outside of lunch. He'd walk you to class sometimes, or you to his. You'd visit his dorm sometimes and he, yours. He'd opened up to you about his childhood, and his dream to become a hero. He wanted so bad to help people and just add something good to the world. He was working hard to get into the hero course, and you supported him every step of the way. All the while, he'd been trying to ignore the ginormous crush he was getting on you. You were his best friend, and he didn't want to make things weird. He thought it best to pretend like it wasn't there instead of risk losing you, so he never said a word.
You were sitting in your room, tinkering with a support item you were making him as a surprise. He'd started training with Mr. Aizawa in hopes to get into the hero course, and you wanted to give him a gift to show how proud of him you were. As you were tightening the screws on the black voice modifier, your phone dinged.
Sleepy Head💜
Hey, I've got some good news
Can you come over?
Omw :)
I've got a surprise for you
Sleepy Head💜
A surprise?
You didn't respond to his last message, leaving him to wonder what surprise you had for him. You took 2 extra minutes to finish up the last little touches of his mask before throwing it in your bag and heading to his dorm.
You knocked lightly on his door. "It's open" you heard him call from the other side. You turned the knob and opened his door, finding him struggling with the capturing scarf Mr. Aizawa gave him during training. It was all tangled around his arms and neck, and it seemed to tighten at every pull he made. "I swear to God, how does he use this thing so easily?" He spat in frustration. You laughed. "Here, let me help." You closed the door behind you and walked over to your friend. His arms relaxed with a deep sigh of defeat. You started to untangle his arms, pulling bits of the fabric over his head. "How am I supposed to become a hero if I can't even figure out how to use this stupid scarf." You could tell he was frustrated. "You'll get the hang of it." You reassured him.
He stretched his neck as you pulled the last bit of the fabric off of him. "Thanks" he mumbled quietly, plopping down on his bed. "So what's your big news?" You followed his action, situating yourself in his desk chair.
"Mr. Aizawa said that next week the hero course students from class A and B are gonna be training together, and he wants me to join." You sat up in your seat with a gasp of excitement. "What?! Really? Oh my God that's great!" He smiled at your excitement being even bigger than his. "Well this just makes my surprise all that much better!" You cheesed, reaching into your bag. He quirked a brow as he watched you rummage thru your things. You pulled out the sleek black mask and held it out to him he stood and grabbed it from your hands. "What is it?" He turned it every which way in his hands, studying the object. You tucked your legs to your chest in his chair, resting your chin on your knees. "It's a voice-altering mask." He sat back down on his bed. "How does it work?" He put the mask over his face. You moved your legs, scooting the chair closer to him. "Well, I know you struggle with using your quirk because people know how it works, so they won't respond when you speak." He nodded his head in agreement. "I made this with several different metal plates. When you turn the dial..." You reached out and demonstrated. "...it will transform and resonate your vocal chords, so you can mimic the sound of someone else's voice." His eyes went wide. "Woah, that's so cool!" He looked fascinated and you smiled. "Try it out" you gesture. He turned the dial a few times and then spoke. "How does this sound?" His eyes went wide at his own words. It unmistakably sounded exactly like your voice. He removed the mask. "Thank you y/n, this means a lot." You leaned forward in his chair, wrapping your arms around him. "Only for you, Toshi." He was so glad that you couldn't see his face. His cheeks were beet red as he returned the hug. He was fighting the urge to kiss you, but he knew he couldn't. He did his best to quickly disperse the color in his cheeks before pulling away from the hug.
"have you thought about your hero name yet? Or how you're gonna design your costume?" His hand reached to scratch the back of his neck nervously. "Uh...I've been too busy training to really think about it much." Your eyes widened. "Well we better start now." You smiled, stealing a notebook and a pencil off of his desk.
For the next hour, the two of you were trying to come up with names while you sketched out a costume design for him.
You were both in his bed. Him laying on his back, staring at the ceiling. You criss-cross apple sauce next to him, notebook resting in your lap. You tapped the pencil on your bottom lip. "What about Puppet Master?" You questioned, drawing out some more body sketches. "Nah it sounds too much like a villain name, I wanna avoid that." You crossed out the name on the corner of your page, continuing to draw. "What if my hero name was just my quirk? Brainwash?" He turned his head to you. You hummed. "it's a good name in theory, but then everyone will know what your quirk is and that will make it difficult."
"that's true..." His gaze turned back to the ceiling. "Control? No that sounds villainy too." He mumbled to himself. You heard him yawn. "Maybe your name should be sleepy head since you're so damn tired all the time." You teased with a small laugh. "Oh shush" he nudged you with his elbow. "You're the only one who gets to call me that." He paused. "Besides, I'm not even tired." You scoff and look over at him. His fingers were interlocked behind his head and his eyes were closed. "Says the one who's half asleep." He peeked one eye open, glaring at you with his purple Irises. "I'm awake, I swear."
You scoffed again before returning your attention to the notebook. "Yeah, okay." A small smirk crept up on his lips as he let his eyes close again. There was a long pause. "What about Hypno?" You asked. "Hm... Hypno..." He repeated, rolling the word around on his tongue. "Yeah, I like it." You smiled. "Hypno it is then." You picked up the notebook and turned it towards him. You tapped his arm with the pencil, signaling him to open his eyes. "What do you think?" His eyes fluttered open and scanned over the black and purple costume you'd drawn out for him. He honestly loved everything about the design, and it just made it so much better that you were the one who made it for him. He smiled. "It's perfect."
"You like it?" You questioned as if you didn't believe him. He nodded his head. "I love it." Your smile beamed and it made him happy. He loved seeing you smile. You pulled the notebook back into your lap. "As soon as you get accepted into the hero course I'll have Hatsume help me make it."
"if I get accepted." He retorted. "Hey!" You smacked his arm. "You will get accepted. I know it. You deserve it Hitoshi, you've been working so hard." He didn't know what to say, so he just nodded in agreement with you, blush painting his cheeks. He appreciated how you always kept him focused on his goal and made him feel like it was worth the effort. You were his biggest fan and he didn't even know it.
After a long moment of silence and you rummaging thru your bag, you checked the time on your phone. "It's getting late, I should probably head back to my dorm." You turned to look at him but he was suddenly asleep. His mouth parted just a little, his chest rising and falling steadily. you watched as his nose scrunched in the cutest way.
Your feelings for him weren't just friendly. Just like he was, you'd grown to care for him as something more. You had no idea about his feelings, and he, yours. You wouldn't dare tell each other how you felt out of fear that it would scare the other one away.
You sighed, he always looked so at peace when he slept. You decided you'd just leave and text him in the morning. You leaned over and kissed his cheek, making his nose scrunch again in his unconscious state. "Goodnight, sleepy head." You whispered, not wanting to wake him. As you were about to pull away, one of his arms was thrown around your waist. He was still asleep. You tried to pull his arm off of your lap but his hold was like a vice grip. A small yelp left your lips when you were yanked in his direction. Your cheeks were burning. "H-hitoshi..." You tried to shake him awake. He grumbled a low hum in his unconscious state. "I need to go home." His hold got tighter. He was unaware of what he was doing. "Stay." He said it so quietly that you barely heard him. He tended to talk in his sleep, you sighed. "Okay... I'll stay." You nuzzled your face into his chest, unable to hide the color in your cheeks. Even tho he wasn't awake to see it anyway. "Only for you, Toshi." You whispered.
The next morning, the two of you decided to ignore that fact that you woke up completely wrapped up in each others arms.
He pretended like he didn't think you looked so pretty curled up like a kitten in his arms. He pretended like he didn't wanna stay in bed with you that whole day. He pretended like he wasn't sad when the scent you left on his sheets finally disappeared after a few days.
You pretended like it didn't make your feelings for him grow. You pretended like you didn't wish to wake up to him every morning. You pretended like you didn't miss the way he smelled when your head was buried in his chest.
The two of you never spoke of it, but afterwards you were both more inclined to cuddle up to one another when hanging out. Just as friends...
The years had passed and graduation was right around the corner.
Hitoshi had made it into the hero course, starting at the beginning of your second year. And you got an internship with Detnerat, after they reformed from the liberation, helping some of the biggest heroes with their gear. You helped Toshi move all of his stuff to Class 1-A's dorm once he got accepted. You made his hero costume with some help from Hatsume, and celebrated with him when he got his provisional license. You were there for all the big moments and he wouldn't have had it any other way. He wanted you there for all his big accomplishments, always.
It was another late night spent in Hitoshi's dorm room. There was music playing from his speaker and the lights were dim. He sat up against his pillows, legs extended to the length of his mattress and your head was in his lap, laying perpendicular to him. You were in a comfortable silence, both of you just scrolling thru your phones in each other's company. Every now and then you'd glance over to see his socked feet fidgeting with one another. Or the way he subconsciously chewed on his necklace while watching endless amounts of tik toks. You'd listen to him laugh whenever you'd send him something from just a few inches away. Or when he'd flip his phone downward to show you something he was looking at.
"Mina said theres gonna be a big party for graduation on Saturday." You both continued to stare at your phones when you spoke to each other. "yeah I heard about it this morning, apparently we're hosting." You laughed. "You don't sound too happy about it."
"You know how I feel about parties. There's too many people." His nose scrunched at the thought. "C'mon Toshi, we're graduating next week." You flipped over on your stomach and laid between his legs, peering up at him. It wasn't uncommon for you to lay on him like this, but it still made him flustered every time, tho you never noticed. "We should go and have a little fun." He did his best to inconspicuously hide his pink cheeks. Why did you have to be so damn cute? Why did you have to look at him like that? With that... Look... In your eyes. He sighed, defeated. "Okay, okay, fine. We can go to the damn party." He sounded annoyed, but truthfully he didn't mind as long as he was going with you. You rolled back over on to your back, staying between his legs and resting your head on his stomach. "You'll have fun, I promise."
You were finishing up your make up when your phone started going off one notification after the other.
Sleepy Head💜
Would you hurry up and get here already?
A bunch of people are starting to show up and I feel... awkward.
I need you.
I need you. That made you smile.
I'll be there soon I promise
Leaving in 5
Sleepy Head💜
Okay, I'll be outside
Meet me at the tequila fountain when you get here.
Tequila fountain????
Sleepy Head💜
Denki's idea🤦🏻‍♂️
Ofc it was Denki🤦‍♀️
As you're getting closer to class 1-A's dorm building, you can hear the loud music and start to see the many colors of flashing lights. There are crowds of people. Probably the entire senior student body was there, as well as a handful of underclassmen. There were students from all different departments at U.A.
Mina told you that a lot of people were invited, but you didn't expect this many. You thought about shinsou, he was probably so uncomfortable right now. He didn't like big crowds, they made him nervous.
You quickly made your way around the back of the building, spotting an 10 foot tall fountain with clear liquid pouring over the edges. You saw a familiar tuft of purple hair thru the crowds of people.
You snaked your way thru the people until you found yourself behind Hitoshi. You tapped him on the shoulder and he turned in your direction.
God, you looked so pretty. You wore black, ripped jeans with a chain hanging off two of the belt loops. A cropped blue hoodie that was baggy around the arms and matching sneakers. Your hair was down and natural, big golden hoop earrings poking thru. And your lips were-
"Sorry I'm late, Hatsume couldn't figure out what to wear." Your voice broke him from his trance. "Uh, n-no no you're fine." His hand came to scratch at the back of his neck nervously.
"sheesh, lookin' good tink." You heard Kaminari's voice, who was standing right next to Hitoshi. You did a little playful twirl at his comment, reveling in the praise. "I try" you joked and you and Denki both laughed.
Him and Hitoshi became friends after he was accepted into the hero course. And because of that, he became your friend too. He gave you the nickname "tink" because of all the support items you'd make the both test out for you constantly.
Hitoshi was always a bit jealous of the way Denki flirted with you, but he knew it was just playful and didn't mean anything. It was mostly because he didn't have the balls to say those things to you himself. But you did look absolutely amazing.
"So, is this the legendary tequila fountain?" You gestured to the large thing behind the two boys. Hitoshi turned his head for just a second before turning back to you. "Indeed it is" he replied, taking a sip of his drink. "Where the hell do you even buy such a thing?"
"He practically begged Momo on his hands and knees" shinsou said matter-of-factly. "Did not!" Denki retorted. "Yes you did!" You heard Momo's faint voice from somewhere close by in the crowd. It made you and Toshi both break out laughing, and Kaminari just pouted. "It was supposed to be beer, but Todoroki said it would make it flat and Bakugo said he'd 'blow me to bits' if I wasted all the beer." He spoke, using air quotes around Bakugo's line.
You and Toshi both laughed again before your stomach made a small noise. You put your hand over your exposed skin. "I probably should've eaten before I came." Hitoshi's hand found the small of your back as he led you to the door. "C'mon, there's like 20 boxes of pizza in the kitchen."
Hours passed of you and Shinsou just enjoying the party. Him, not so much but he was having fun with you at least. You'd both decide to take a social break and head over to the familiar green couches in the big room. "Do you want me to refill your drink? Toshi asked as you sat down on the couch. "Yes please" you handed him your red cup as you leaned into the cushions. Denki was on the couch opposite you flirting with some girl.
After a few minutes, Toshi came back with your drink and settled into the couch next to you. He leaned back and rested his arm over the cushions, you instinctively laid your head on the inside of his shoulder and tucked your legs underneath you. The two of you just sat on your phones for a bit, recharging your social batteries.
At some point, Denki looked over at the two of you and noticed how you were sitting. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and sent a text to Hitoshi.
Are you ever gonna fucking ask her out?
Hitoshi peered down at you for a second to make sure you weren't paying attention, and then responded.
Why not??
Come on man, you've been pining for her for longer then we've even been friends.
Ask. Her. Out.
He glared over his phone screen to give Denki an annoyed look.
We've talked about this a million times.
She's my best friend, I don't wanna ruin it and make things awkward between us.
I'm not willing to risk losing her.
I don't understand why you're so convinced it would screw things up.
She might have feelings for you too.
Are you kidding me??
Look at her Denks.
She's way out of my league. What are the chances that she feels even a bit of the same way that I do?
What are the chances????
Dude, I AM looking at her.
Do you not see the way she's cuddled up to you rn??
Hitoshi took a moment to gaze down at you. He watched the way you'd readjust and nuzzle your head into his chest every so often. Or the way you fidgeted with the hem of his shirt as you scrolled thru the social media on your phone. He looked back at his phone screen.
She's clearly in love with you
You don't see her cuddling up to me or Midoriya like that.
His face turned a bit red and you felt his heart rate increase next to your ear. "You okay Toshi?" You asked, not even looking up from your phone. "What? Oh- no yeah I'm fine..." He said quickly.
She's just really comfortable with me
It doesn't mean anything.
That's a fuckin lie and you know it.
Just then, Mina came around the corner of the couch calling your name. "Y/n!!!" She grabbed your hand and started pulling you from the couch. "come on, there's this guy I want you to meet!" Hitoshi's focus left his phone when he felt the loss of your warmth laying on him. "He's really cute!!" She whisper-yelled to you as she pulled you away and out of earshot of the two boys.
"Guy?" Hitoshi mumbled to himself. Denki leaned forward on the couch across from him. "You better make a move before someone else does, bro"
"yeah, I know I know!" He replied, annoyed. Pinching the bridge of his nose and squeezing his eyes shut, pressing his lips into a flat line.
Mina dragged you across the room until you were in the presence of a tall man with dark eyes. "Y/n, this is Yo Shindo! He graduated from Ketsubutsu last year." The stranger grabbed your hand and lifted it to his lips, kissing the soft skin at the back of your palms. "You're even prettier than Ashido described, it's nice to meet you y/n."
Your cheeks were dusted in a light shade of pink. "Oh- uh th-thank you." He smiled at you sweetly. Shinsou could see the altercation from across the room and he was not pleased to say the least. Who was this guy? Why was he touching you like that? ....why didn't you pull away? Many thoughts and doubts were swarming his mind. God damnit... Denki was right. The thought of messing things up and losing you was horrible, but the thought of you belonging to someone else made him absolutely sick to his stomach. He had to do something.
He needed a drink. Something to help him muster up the courage to say something to you, or at least drag you away from whoever this guy was.
about an hour passes, you've been having a really nice conversation with Shindo. He was nice, and funny. Seemed to have a successful career as a hero ahead of him. And he was definitely handsome. He was text book perfect. However, that didn't stop you from glancing around the room every so often trying to spot your purple haired friend. Just out of curiosity of what he was doing.... Not 'cause you missed him or anything....
Shindo had excused himself to find the restroom. You reached into your pocket, looking for your phone. Your eyes widened when you felt nothing there. You almost panicked, all of your project designs were on your phone. You couldn't lose it. You thought back to the last place you remembered having it...... On the couch with shinsou!!
You quickly made your way over to the green couches, thankfully finding your phone on one of the cushions. Toshi wasn't there anymore and neither was Denki. Your eyes scanned the room, wondering where the two boys had gone. They landed on a small crowd of people surrounding one of the tables. They were chanting something, but it was hard to hear over the music. You walked a bit closer and thru the crowd you spotted Denki's signature lightning bolt.
"CHUG! CHUG! CHUG! CHUG!" you hear the other students shouting. You push past a few people, making it to the front. You saw Denki, holding up his phone and recording with a drink in his other hand. Your eyes shifted to the right and there was Hitoshi, chugging the biggest bottle of tequila you've ever seen. Your eyes went wide, you'd never seen him act like that before.
As the clear liquid slowly disappeared, he slammed the bottle down on the table. Any harder and it might have shattered. The groups of students screamed and cheered, and then he spotted you. His face lit up. "Y/N!" You moved closer to him. "I wuz js gunna com find yuu. I had sumthin I wanned to tak to yuu bout." He was slurring his words a bit when he spoke. "Toshi, are you drunk?" You cupped his cheeks trying to keep his head from moving so you could see how dilated his pupils were. "Mmmm maybee uh lil" he pinched the air in front of his face, squinting his eyes a bit.
You turned to Denki, glaring at him. "Denki how much has he had to drink?" His face flushed with embarrassment, maybe a bit of guilt too. "Just a few........ Bottles..."
"BOTTLES???" You scolded. "Denks you know he doesn't hold his alcohol that well." His hands came up defensively. "He said he needed to get his mind off something, this was the only thing I could think of!" You rolled your eyes and turned back to shinsou. "Of course it was" you mumbled. "I'm gonna take him upstairs okay? I'll see you tomorrow." Denki gave a weak smile and nodded you off.
You lifted Toshi's arm and put it over your shoulder. "Come on big boy, let's get you to your room." His only response was a hum of approval while you made your way thru the crowds of people and to the dorm's elevator.
Once inside, he stood behind you and slumped his tall form over your shoulders. His chin rested on the top of your head, and it was quiet for a bit before you decided to speak. "Sorry I ditched for the past hour, I shouldn't have left you alone with denki's irresponsible ass." You scoffed. He turned his head so his cheek was now nuzzled in your hair. "t's okey y/n." He slurred.
The walk back to his dorm room was quiet aside from a few incoherent mumbles coming from him. You opened his door and sat him down on the bed. You were about to step away to grab him some water, but he wrapped his arms around your thighs and pulled you closer to him, resting his head against your stomach. Your face was a bit red, but you accepted his affection anyway. "Toshi, are you okay?" You ran a hand over his soft hair, causing him to look up at you thru lidded eyes. He was quiet for a second before answering. "... you're so pretty." He was slurring his words a bit less. Your face was definitely beet red now, and you didn't know how to respond.
You pulled away from him to dig thru the stash of snacks he kept in his room. "Here, you need to eat something." You handed him a granola bar and a bottle of water you grabbed out of his mini fridge. He took it from you and started ripping open the package.
You took a seat next to him on the bed, running your hand thru your own hair as he leaned over and plopped his head in your lap. He always seemed to be more affectionate with you on the rare occasions he had alcohol in his system. you ran your hand over his hair again, giving him a soft look. He was so cute.
"Toshi?" He hummed in response with a mouth full of granola. "You said there was something you wanted to talk to me about earlier?" You felt his body tense up a bit, and for him, the haze of the alcohol subsided just a little when you brought it up. He sat up, swallowing the bite of food in his mouth. "Oh uh- it was nothing..." Scratching the back of his neck nervously like he so often did. You could tell he was lying. Between the comment Denki made about him wanting to get his mind off something, and his drunken admission to wanting to talk, you knew there was something wrong.
You turned to face him, tucking your legs in on the bed. "Hitoshi you know you can talk to me about whatever is going on." He lifted his head to meet your gaze, noticing the worried look on your face and it made him feel a bit guilty. "I just...." He sighed and looked back down to his lap. "I don't wanna say something that might ruin our friendship."
The look in your eyes saddened, you put your hand on his forearm. "Toshi you're my best friend, and nothing will ever change that."
"But that's the problem!" He shouted. You stayed quiet and removed your hand from his arm. He sighed again, resting his elbows on his thighs and holding his face in his palms. "I just-..... I don't wanna be just your friend anymore y/n." He looked over to gage your reaction, but you were frozen. He panicked, he shouldn't have just blurted that out. Maybe he could blame it on the alcohol.
"Uh- I mean... I shouldn't have s-" he was interrupted by the feeling of your lips pressed against his. Your soft hands holding onto his face as you leaned forward into him. He was....shocked. Unable to reciprocate the kiss at first.
You pulled away from him, studying the look in his eyes. They were wide with confusion written all over his beet red face. Did you misread what he meant by that statement?
Before you had time to think about it any further, he returned your kiss, smashing his lips on yours now. It was soft and gentle, and yet still said everything that his words couldn't in that moment.
His hand cupped your face, thumb rested on your cheek while his finger tips laced thru your hair. You weren't quite sure if it was the heavy amounts of alcohol in his system combined with the small amount in your own, but whatever was happening here, it didn't seem like either of you wanted it to stop.
Time was fuzzy, and you didn't know how long that kiss lasted. Eventually you both pulled away, pressing your foreheads together. You both still had your eyes closed, and you heard shinsou sigh. "You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that..." He whispers and you can hear the grin painted on his lips. You opened your eyes and rested a hand on his cheek, pulling his gaze to yours as his eyes opened as well. "Tell me then, how long it's been."
Your tone was soft and gentle, and there was something about it that gave him butterflies. His purple irises stared into yours. They were lazy and filled with a kind of desire you couldn't quite put your finger on. "Since the first day you told me you trusted me, when you grabbed my hand and said we were friends... " He paused, pulling his lips into a small smile. "...I think... I think that was the day I began to fall in love with you."
Your face burned hot at his confession. If only you'd know back then that he was just as in love with you that you were with him, maybe you could have saved all that wasted time of just being friends.
You smiled at him, and pressed your lips against his again. It only lasted a few seconds this time before he pulled away. "We should probably uh...s-stop... kissing..." His eyes shifted away from yours and his face was a bit red. You looked at him a little confused before you realized why.
"oh-" was your only reaction when you noticed the tent that had formed in his jeans. "I'm sorry y/n... I just-"
"hey..." You said softly, placing your hand on his thigh and leaning closer to him. You gently grabbed his chin, pulling his face up to meet your eyes once again. "...we don't have to stop if you don't want to baby." Lord if only you knew what that did to him. His eyes were hazed with lust as they stared into yours, and all he could do was nod his head. His lips were back on yours almost immediately, this time feeling a lot hungrier.
He leaned forward a bit more, causing you to have to lean backwards and into the mattress of his bed. Your arms instinctively found place wrapped around his neck, and you were pulling him closer to you. You felt his tongue push past your lips and tangled with yours. Your senses were overwhelmed between the heavy smell of his cologne and the taste of tequila that still lingered on his taste buds.
His hands found your waist and he pulled away for just a second so you both could catch your breath. "I-is this okay?" He had a bit of a concerned look in his eyes, but it was still mostly clouded by lust. Your eyes flicked between his and his lips. "Toshi, stop asking and just do what you want. You have my permission." You said in your most loving voice.
He swallowed hard before you pulled his face back to yours. He slid his hands under your sweater, pushing the plush fabric up as he went. You lifted your arms and his lips left yours again only to pull the sweater over your head and remove his own. He threw them both off into the dark room somewhere and leaned back down, kissing your neck. You let out a soft moan when his teeth caught the sensitive skin and suddenly you felt light headed.
His lips were on your shoulders and your collar bone, his hand circling to your back. The clip on your bra snapped open and he pulled it off your arms while continuing to kiss in between your breasts. You laced your fingers thru his soft purple hair when his tongue glazed over your right nipple. You whined when the feeling went straight to your already soaking wet core.
He sucked and licked at your hardened bud, making sure to give the other one the same attention. He loved all your little moans and whimpers, but it wasn't enough. He wanted more, addicted to the way you sounded.
He quickly unbuttoned your jeans, pulling his lips away from your chest to pull them, with your panties off your legs. You kept them closed at first, tucked into your stomach with bent knees. He was about to ask for permission, but remembered what you said, and decided to demand it instead. "Open your legs for me kitten." Your cheeks ran hot as your knees slowly parted before him. "Fuuuck-" he breathed out heavily, palming the throbbing erection in his jeans. He was blushing so hard. Just looking at you, like this, was making it painful to keep his dick restrained in the now tight denim.
His fingers slid between your wet folds while his other hand continued to palm at his dick. He rubbed a few gentle circles on your clit, lifting the hood and making you squirm a little. He gave another heavy sigh when he slipped his middle finger into your tight, warm hole. He pushed it in once, feeling the way your walls flexed and squeezed him, before pulling out and adding his ring finger.
He unbuttoned his own pants while pumping his fingers in and out of you, putting pressure on the gummy spot at your entrance. He freed himself of the binding fabric and you watch the way his dick leaked precum. It was so thick and stood straight up, all the way to his belly button. Fuck, was this what you've been missing?
He pulled more and more moans from your parted lips while you watched his painted black nails run over his tip. He rubbed his thumb in circles over your sensitive bud while his fingers still penetrated your heat. Your eyes were fixated on his face. He looked at you with so much love and desire, it was almost addicting. You saw a thick glob of spit leave his lips and fall to his shaft, coating his entire length with it as he stroked himself to the sight of his fingers disappearing inside of you. He moaned. "you're so pretty y/n..." He felt you clench around his fingers when he praised you and his eyes flicked up to yours with a smirk.
"you like that?" He questioned and you bit your lip without an answer. He leaned down closer to you, curling his fingers to your sweet spot. "You like it when I call you pretty, kitten?" His tone was dark and sultry. "Toshi~" you whined, and suddenly all the shyness he felt earlier was gone.
His lips met your neck again, sucking and leaving purple bruises all over your soft skin. You moan in his ear and he twitched and throbbed in his own hand. But it still wasn't enough. He wanted to hear you crying and screaming for him. He pulled his fingers out of you, sitting up and shoving them in his own mouth. The way he sucked on his own fingers, tasting you, was so lewd.
His hands slid up the back of your thighs, pushing your knees farther apart and as far down to the mattress as your flexibility would allow him. He leaned down and kissed all around your soft stomach, even leaving a hickey or two on your love handles. "So pretty all soaking wet for me." You closed your eyes and let out a breathy moan when you felt his wet, warm tongue push past your folds and swirl around your gummy walls. His hands squeezed your thighs as he began to devour you. "Ugh~ fuck Toshi." You whimpered and he groaned against your skin. That's what he wanted to hear.
You laced your fingers thru his messy hair while he stared up at you thru dark lashes. "Right there" you whispered, pulling on his purple locks. " Fuck right there." You repeated.
You pushed your hips up into his face and pulled his head down on you more. He loved the way you were just using his mouth. He was rutting his hips into the mattress, desperate for some kind of friction but too drunk on your pussy to stop. Your whimpers were getting loud and he could tell you were nearing your climax. Soon, your thighs closed around his head and he let them, bringing his hands to hold your waist and rub comforting circles with his thumb on your warm skin. You let out a loud cry of pleasure, arching your back off the bed and pushing your head back against his pillow. He continued to use his tongue to play with your clit while you rode out your high in his mouth.
Eventually, you came down from your climax with heavy breaths, high on euphoria. He pulled away from your heat and leaned over you. "You taste so sweet, kitten" he licked his lips. You opened your mouth, sticking your tongue and staring at him with lust blown eyes. He caught on to your silent request, and another thick glob of spit landed on your taste buds. "I had no idea you were so nasty." he said, leaning down to make out with you some more. "Only for you, Toshi" you whined between kisses.
You felt the tip of his dick slide against your clit while he kissed you and grinded his hips against yours. You grabbed his shoulders, pushing him off of you and onto his back, immediately climbing on top of him straddling his waist. Fuck it was hot when you took control like that.
He held on to your hips, helping you move them against his, sliding your wet folds up and down his shaft. You watched him come undone beneath you as he struggled to form his next words. "I d-dont have a condom ugh~" he ended his sentence with a soft moan. "Don't worry about it" you breathed out, wrapping your arms around his neck and leaning in close. "I wanna feel all of it." You seductively whispered in his ear. He whined, and you felt him twitch. "yes ma'am" the smirk painted on his face was wide.
You snaked your hand between the two of you and lined his tip with your entrance. "Are you sure?" He asked and before you had time to answer you were already sliding yourself down on his length. "Oooh fuck~" you both moaned at the same time. "God you feel even better than I imagined." He held onto your waist while you rocked your hips back and forth. It felt so good the way he stretched you out. He started leaving more bite marks on your neck and shoulders, and he gained a few scratches on his chest.
You took one of his hands and slid it to your neck, silently asking him to squeeze. "are you sure? I don't wanna hurt-" you interrupted him. "Choke me Hitoshi, please." You whined. And without any further thought, his grip tightened and your eyes rolled back. You were moving faster and your whimpers were getting louder, almost screams as you repeated a string of curses. The look in his eyes was dazed as he watched you bounce on him, strangled cries of pleasure leaving your throat from how hard he squeezed it. You were feeling light headed and coming close to your second orgasm.
You started moving your hips in such a way that dragged your clit against his pelvis while he hit your g-spot with every bounce. Your legs started shaking a bit and his other arm wrapped all the way around your waist while he flipped you over so he was back on top. His hand still wrapped around your throat while he rammed himself into you. "Cum for me, kitten. Ngh~ fuck, please." He begged. He kept moving so his skin dragged against your clit, just like you had it moments ago. You started crying out loudly because of how hard he was hitting your cervix. You instinctively covered your mouth, trying not to be too loud, but he wasn't having that. He took his free hand and ripped yours away from your face. "Absolutely fuckin not." He growled. "I wanna hear every bit of how good I make you feel." He pinned your arm to the pillow while he continuously slammed his hips against yours. It wasn't long before you were squeezing him tight and gushing all over his dick.
Your thighs squeezed his hips and your walls flexed as he threw his head back with a sinful moan and his own string of curses. "Ugh~ perfect... Sooo fucking perfect holy shit."
You felt hot, sticky ropes of cum start to spill out inside of you while you milked him for all he had. His hips stuttered and his thrusts got messy with the last little bit that leaked out. And with one final hard thrust, his grip on your throat loosened and he collapsed on top of you, burying his head in your neck. He braced himself on his elbows and you could hear his labored breathing in your ear.
He stayed like that for a bit, and then slowly pulled out of you, groaning quietly from the sensitivity. His cum started to leak out of you as he sat back on his knees. You felt two of his fingers, entering you again and you whined. He let his cum leak out onto his fingers before he pulled them out and shoved them in your mouth. He stared into your eyes, gaze still lust blown with red cheeks while he watched you suck his fingers. "Taste good?" His voice was soft and low again and you nodded your head. He smiled, pulling his fingers out of your mouth and running a thumb over your bottom lip. "That's my good girl."
He fell beside you, encasing your naked body in his arms. "...I'm sorry it took me so long to confess my feelings." He kissed your forehead. "I just couldn't wait any longer, seeing you with that....guy... Made me worry that I'd be too late if I didn't say something now." You lifted your head to look at him in his beautiful purple eyes. "I've only ever had eyes for you."
"really?" You cupped his cheek, bringing his forehead to press against yours. "only for you, Toshi."
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hopeswriting · 1 year
Hi I saw your post on Skull and tv series about famous people and I raise you: The public have that sort of relationship to Skull's career as with many of the "acclaimed geniuses" usually the artsy ones aka. everyone knows him but nobody thinks they "understand his true depth", "he was very bright and loud but in private really he was actually sooo mysterious and it was impossible to tell what actually went on in his head when he spoke so much but rarely anything of substance about himself", "he was everyone's friend, but I always wondered if he returned the feeling, he always acted that way around everyone after all" etc. Someone is quoted talking about how he'd always laugh things off to hide what he really meant. It goes on.
BUT here is the KICKER: Skull isn't. He has his own depth of course, but all of this post-mortem rose tinted "mystery" is that he was young and fearless and cheerful and genuinely a bit dumb and hypocritical and very bad at elaborating on the things he said. And best part: now he will never live it down around the arcobaleno and this time it's not even him who was talking himself up in ridiculous ways. (Actually it'd be kinda funny too if it made some canon character actually believe it and look at him differently)
hi nonny, thank you for the ask! [post referenced]
nooo not the unseen depth zerfghfgc!!!! not the MYSTERIOUSNESS!!!! 😭🤣😭🤣😭🤣 and yeah you bet he ISNT nor was he EVER any of that lmfao, nonny i'm losing it over this.
but okay, now let ME raise you this: 1) i know it in my bones tsuna is the one to buy into all of that bullshit, no questions asked. yes, hyper intuition tsuna, the last one who should buy into it and know better, i know, but no, listen. i KNOW he watches that documentary or whatever and goes "omg, i can't believe i misunderstood skull this whole time. i need to apologize to him right now and do better, and also i should stand up for him from now on and help the others realize they've got it all wrong about him too".
and then no one can stop him or make him change his mind. least of all reborn, who's the one trying the hardest to stop him and change his mind. for a yet undetermined reason, but i just know he canNOT stand that new development, it just makes him soo mad.
wait, no, i just figured out why he'd hate everything about this. it's because he knows skull, thank you very much. he's among the few who got through the obnoxious ordeal of bearing his bullshit long enough to know him, and to even become begrudgingly glad he did and fond of him but we're not going to talk about that, but now? he's just supposed to stand there and be told he's only ever seen the surface of skull? that he--he, of all people--couldn't tell he was just seeing the surface of him? over decades of knowing each other? he's just supposed to let people not recognize and acknowledge the arduous and praiseworthy achievement that is him having gotten past skull's terrible first impressions until they became close for what it is?
he's just about foaming at the mouth, and tsuna does not give a single shit about it because, as everyone knows, reborn is skull's number one hater. and then tsuna's undeterred work to, like, rehabilitate skull's image or something, actually WORKS because if hyper intuition tsuna says so then??? surely there's some truth to it at the very least???? and it works even more because skull does NOTHING to clear up the misunderstanding.
which brings us to point 2) shameless little gremlin that he is to his core, skull absolutely finds this the funniest thing and takes FULL advantage of it. like suddenly tsuna & co (the 10th gen/varia/shimon/etc) start to actually pay attention to him whenever he's around, trying to see """through him""", and skull makes sure to always be all like "oooh look at me not talking much à la hibari, i'm sooo mysterious and definitely thinking some deep thoughts and not trying really hard to not burst out laughing". or like, the arco are their usual rough but playful selves with him, and instead of snapping at them with no heat behind it either in a well-rehearsed routine the way he'd usually do, instead he's all like "oooh look at me and my fake laugh à la yamamoto. am i really laughing this off because i don't mind or am i just doing it to hide how it actually hurt me? there's sooo much unseen depth inside me".
and they buy it. go all like "oh shit??? maybe--????". and the arco are losing their shit because 3) okay look. consider this: the arco are the ones miserable over this, and skull is the one not letting them live down the new-found appreciation everyone else but them suddenly has of him. because like, the arco's reaction to this can only go one of two ways: either they find it just as funny as skull and help him pull off the whole "yeah this is actually the real me, you just didn't care to notice it before" act, OR. they just absolutely canNOT stand it. they're so mad about it. they're sooo mad about it. they did NOT unexpectedly survive through a curse alongside skull, only to hear they somehow missed everything about him that would have made him more bearable lmao. especially from people among whom most of them have never spent more than an hour with him. have never even TALKED to him even once. their blood pressure is through the roof while skull is living his best life and does not give a single shit about it. also becomes best friends with tsuna in the process of this whole thing because i say so.
anyway. i couldn't stop laughing while answering this nonny, i love it so much. and idk if you remember this @cloudspark @ravensilversea @juudaimes-true-form, but here's the hilarious sequel of the netflix's skull series au ezrsfgvhfd
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