#if people can make live action fanfic inserts
I’ve always wondered why I’m so harsh on Zoe outside of just her character being used to it’s simplest degree (ie just being a replacement for Chloe) and I think I get it now.
Zoe is a perfect example of the “good/perfect victim”. The writers literally used her to downplay Chloe’s own abuse experiences by saying “See? Here’s a teen who was also abused at school and she turned out to be a sweetheart who’s so much better than Chloe in every way” blatantly ignoring She and Chloe possibly different home lives because Zoe had a different father.
As someone with experiences of toxic home lives I don’t appreciate it when abuse gets undermined especially parental and Zoe being used as a mouthpiece for what I guess can be summed up as abuse apologia made me think so lowly of her as a character.
I actually just got another ask about my thoughts on Zoe, so I'll schedule this to post the same day since it's topical. In that post, I talked about why she bugs me and it's because she reads like the main character in an escapist self-insert power-fantasy fanfic. Once again, to be extra clear, those types of fanfic are FINE! Power fantasies and escapism are extremely valid things that are popular in professional works, too. For example, they basically dominate isekai and romance stories, but Zoe showcases exactly why characters like this only work as main characters in escapist fantasies. If you try to make them work as a normal side character, they just feel weird. Make them the main character or don't write them. Since she's not the lead, why is she even here?
I didn't consider the perfect victim angle in that other post, but now that you've brought it up, I'm wondering if that was indeed why she was introduced. Is she here to show that someone could have Chloe's mom and still come out to be a good person? The writers do seem really obsessed with that idea as we see from this moment in Derision:
Marinette: (as she goes down the stairs) I just got three more hours of detention on Saturday, and it's all because of Chloé. Rose: Don’t be mad at her. She's this way because her mother left her when she was young. Mylène: So did mine! And you don't see me having fun bullying Marinette. We've got to do something about your pants. I'm afraid they might be ruined for good.
This isn't even why people think that Chloe is the way she is? It's not just because her mother left. It's her father's terrible parenting, her absurd wealth, and the fact that her mother didn't actually leave. Audrey is still very much around, she just ignores Chloe most of the time and insults her on the rare occasions when they're in the same place. That's a recipe for disaster.
Sure, some people are lucky enough to come out being a good person in spite of their messed up home life and those who come out as jerks don't get a free pass to be jerks, but it's not like it's a total shock when bad home lives lead to people being jerks. The bully with a bad home life is a stereotype for a reason.
I'll once again point to The Good Place as an excellent show to watch if you want to see a realistic journey for a Chloe-like character. A journey that acknowledges the struggles that come from a messed up home life without giving the characters a free pass to use that home life as an excuse for their actions. Part of their journey is accepting that they have to stop blaming their parents and take charge of their lives.
Miraculous could have done something similar if it wasn't a formula show. The potential was there. But it is a formula show and the writers apparently don't think that Chloes are capable of change. I get that childhood bullies suck, I had one! I am very happy that she's no longer in my life, but I also don't think that she was incapable of change. She just needed to be put in the right situation where she accepted that change was needed and that never happened when we were kids. Has it happened since then? I don't know! Some people never change, but that doesn't mean that they can't change. Most of us are capable of changing. It just takes the right catalyst and a lot of hard work. People rarely start changing out of nowhere. It almost always has an inciting incident.
That's actually part of why Zoe's story feels so shallow. We're never really told why she was the way she supposedly was pre-canon or what caused her to change into her canon self. This is the backstory we get in Sole Crusher:
Zoé: I'm... really sorry about today. I thought that if I did everything Chloé wanted me to, she'd accept me. I just wanted to meet my family's expectations. Which is why I left New York in the first place. At the boarding school, I was playing a part; being someone else, hoping they'd accept me. But finally, I just couldn't anymore. That's when everyone turned against me, and one day, I found roaches in my locker. They all said I was a loser. Maybe they were right. I get that I'm different, and... I'd understand if you guys didn't want me as a friend.
So Zoe lied about everything and, when she revealed that she was a massive liar, everyone turned against her? Shocking. Why wouldn't they welcome a confirmed liar with open arms? That's so weird! (That was sarcasm.)
Seriously, why are we acting like Zoe was the wronged party here? This is literally Lila's story save for the motivation behind the actions (as far as we know). There are times when motivation matters, but this is not one of them. If you've spent weeks (months? years?) lying to people, then they're not going to trust you when the lies are revealed. Maybe you'll get lucky and someone will be willing to hear you out and give you a second chance, but that's an act of kindness. It's not an act of basic human decency.
This speed run story probably wants us to believe that everyone at Zoe's school was evil and that Zoe had to fake a personality to fit in, but I don't believe that. Writers, if you want me to believe it, then actually show us her story! You had a full New York special to do it! Why didn't you make Zoe the lead there since the specials love to introduce new characters to hog the screen? Have Zoe's school be the American school they go to and have her personality change be caused by Marinette and Co. so that Marinette and Co. trusting Zoe in Sole Crusher actually makes sense instead of feeling like something the plot forced on them! This is the scene I'm talking about, btw:
Marinette: (confused) I don't understand. When I met her this morning, she was so nice. Alya: That's crazy. Chloe's influence is so toxic that she's managed to corrupt her sister in a few hours. Alix: We gotta get her out of there.
Why are you all so sure that Marinette's two-minute-long interaction was the "real" Zoe and that her new personality is all Chloe's fault? Why are you acting like it's impossible to fake being nice but faking being evil is totally reasonable?
It really feels like this show is trying to say that people are either inherently good or inherently evil. Zoe was inherently good and just played at evil, so she's fine, but Chloe is just evil so she's doomed. That is really not how the world works, but now that I think about it, it does match the way the miraculous are often used. There are "evil" and "good" versions of some of the powers instead of just powers that can be used for good or evil. I've never liked that because it makes no sense. Why do akumas need a good form? Why is there an evil transformation phrase? Why do the miraculous even have an evil mode? Who programed that in???
While were on the topic of things that were possibly done just to show that Chloe is evil: is this why they made Jagged Stone an absentee parent to Luka and Juleka and then made the "twins" totally cool with it? Is the show trying to say, "Look! Luka and Juleka are nice! Therefore this is a Chloe problem. Stop blaming her parents!"
Who knows, but your idea certainly has merit. I wouldn't go so far as to claim that this must be what's going on, we don't know and I don't like to treat educated guesses as fact because they're not, but the text certainly has evidence to back this read.
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andromedathelovely · 1 month
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hiii!! my name is andromeda, i am eighteen years old (a gemini!!), i am an INFP-T, and i am from the USA. I speak english and a bit of Italian (more understanding than speaking/writing), and i really want to start writing fanfics, so if anyone has any suggestions or requests please ask!!
i’m willing to write x readers, reader inserts, headcanons, and AU's!!! however i will keep everything sfw since i'm not comfortable writing anything other than that right now lols :0
media i can write about:
• The Lost Boys
• Miraculous Ladybug
• Harry Potter + Hogwarts Legacy
• My Hero Academia
• The Umbrella Academy
• Descendants
• Marvel + X-men
• Diary of a Wimpy Kid
• American Horror Story
• Avatar: The Last Airbender (OG+Live Action)
• One Piece (Live Action)
• The Arcana
• Stardew Valley
• Obey Me! Shall We Date?
• A Series Of Unfortunate Events
• Wednesday (tv show)
• Ouran High-school Host Club
• and more!!
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* what i'm hoping to do on this page is create more inclusive x readers/fanfics! i want to make sure that more people can relate to fanfics since i always seem to see the very same things over and over again. :0 * so for my hyper-feminine readers, masculine readers, poc readers, tall readers, plus size readers, gender-neutral readers, + i got you ( ˘ ³˘)
(i will continue to update this post, possibly with links!) ♡*<3
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itsmaferart · 11 months
Hey there! A little question: Why is everyone always accusing Loid of being gay for not kissing or doing all kinds stuff to Yor? I don’t think it’s as easy as they are making it out to be, even though both characters are a catch…..in a mixture of red/green flaggish kinda way. I actually prefer it that both characters aren’t lusting for each other as it makes their relationship more endearing but when they start developing feelings for each other, it’s beyond their attractiveness.
I ship the every living hell out of these two but if Loid does all of those intimate stuff Yor now, I don’t know, it feels less cute, rewarding, and heartwarming and more like a fulfillment of our personal desires. I don’t think Loid is a surrogate or self insert incel character to be like that. I’m sorry if I can’t put it into words, English isn’t my strong suit but that how it feels to me.
Hi, it took me a while to respond but here it is!!
I think it's the fans' rush for couples to consolidate and there's no way to blame them, because really Twiyor is one of the good couples! The Spy x Family universe internally moves in a slow-moving manner, where events are small and focus more on the development and formation of bonds between people. There is no great interest in big events, and getting a romance is not the focal point, but a part of the story.Endo's narrative moves under its own rules and some may like it or despair.
I have read dozens of comments that talk about how slow the story is and that there is simply progress at the speed of a turtle. And yes, they are right (in part).
But the truth is that this is more a conflict of fan expectations and what the story wants to tell and how it is told.The story is not badly written and not badly developed. But not everyone may like it if you are expecting more significant advances.
So, yes, Loid is very slow and Yor very naive.... But...
that doesn't mean there's no love or that it doesn't come to pass.
I understand the frustration of the Twiyor shipper, and it is the conflict of what we interpret as intimacy and closeness. In most conventional romances, intimacy is forced through physical contact, often exaggerated or convenient. Holding hands, hugging, trying to kiss, asking each other out. The story focuses on pushing the characters to get closer and with them to generate a closeness that leads to romance.
That's why most fanfic is about them being in love or having closeness, because that's what we most want to see between them… That's why many see this romance as insipid.
Endo's approach is more emotional, calmer, where trust between two people is more important than whether they are close or not. The times when this is forced, it ends badly. The fact that Loid respects Yor enough to not make her feel uncomfortable, or that Yor wants to be Loid's refuge, speaks of a very balanced mental and emotional intimacy.
It is a more mature romance, where the focus is not so much on passion. Because when they try to make it romantic, they're both fools.
I think Endo is just trying to put his own idea of romance outside of what everyone expects, and that can bore some people.
I suppose Endo will develop his relationship in his own way. But his main priority is the development of his people through a more everyday and chaotic life, above the spectacularity and action.… until we can finally be together
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puppypeter · 26 days
You know I love possessive/jealous/growly guard dog Roy as much as the next gal, but I think we're all forgetting the potential of rabid-super-fan-who's-literally-living-out-his-childhood-fantasy-and-will-therefore-stop-at-NOTHING-to-protect-it Jamie.
And like, let us not forget!! Roy is still ROY FUCKING KENT!!! He may be retired from footbal but I REFUSE to believe that there aren't still ppl who are gagging for a piece of THAT action.
Picture this: a new transfer arrives at Richmond. Great!! Seems like a cool guy!!! A bit on the younger side, a bit naive, and he is clearly absolutely star struck at being coached by THE Roy Kent. He's the flustered, blushy, wide-eyed type of fan, almost too shy to speak to Roy directly who practically swoons every time Roy gives him PERSONAL advice. And PRAISE??? This kid is panting for it, bruh. Totaaaall teachers pet.
And while Roy's not encouraging anything, he's also not blind. The kids crush is VERY obvious, and Roy's first instinct is to shut that shit down fast, but he learned his lesson about being a grumpy twat asshole to people who idolise him and he doesn't wanna hurt the kids feelings, especially since he's the Head Coach now, so he just politely ignores it.
Cut to Jamie fucking Kubrick Staring this fresh young thing down in the locker room, literally seconds away from ripping the fucking lockers off the walls because who the actual fuck does this little baby slut brat think he is???!!!! Drooling over Roy when it is so fucking obvious that Roy is HIS!!!! The spoiled only child / bratty sub rise up within Jamie and cannot be contained. The locker room turns into a crossover between Mean Girls and a dog fighting ring.
Best part about this idea is it can either be established!RoyJamie OR this new threat could be the instigating factor Jamie needs to mark his territory and jump Roy's bones.
I can totally picture Jamie sweetly inviting the new kid out to go clubbing as a welcome to the team type thing,,, only to sit in Roy's lap, practically performing a fucking floor show the entire time they're ther, smirking at the gobsmacked and bitterly envious newbies face every chance he gets because 'You. Fucking. WISH.'
(Roy would obviously drag Jamie home and punish him for being a smug fucking brat and a needy little cock tease, but it is SO worth it to flounce into training the next day and show off all the bruises Roy left on him, just to reaaaallly rub salt in the wound. Sorry new kid, the only one living out a wattpad y/n celebrity self-insert fanfic is JAMIE. Eat your fucking heart out ❤️)
uuuuuhhh I love this idea
I think a lot of jealousy in royjamie fic is based around keeley like in canon vs other external threats
So I absolutely love a new "puppy" coming in, Jamie not being considered one anymore (he's not the youngest but close) and now there is a new fresh faced talented player everyone welcomes and pays more attention to and he is just so jealous
And he thinks he is retreating to being old angry bitchy jamie but then he realises it has very little to do with football. He is happy the team has a new talented striker, especially now that that is not his focus with total football. And that all the jealousy and these feelings he has towards the new kid are entirely because of roy.
And roy has been really nice, trying to be a good coach and be more-lasso and welcoming. Him and jamie had to stop the 4am sessions because he has so much more to do and he trusts jamie he can do it by himself and he's matured so much. VS jamie feels like he's being left behind / maybe roy doesn't care about me anymore and he can't see that actually roy just has so much confidence in him and pretty much considers him equal in terms of footie now (there's a parallel to ted and nate there)
But jamie starts acting all bratty and pricklish until he snaps and kisses him and then it all makes sense
And roy admits he 100% does not have eyes for an 18 year old because he's just so horny for jamie having become so confident (the good kind) and competent and efficient and he gets a boner just by seeing him play lmao
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rubsjuice · 3 months
I could use a little bit more income to pay for bus fares and emergencies, as I currently am pretty much living paycheck to paycheck, so I figured I should open writing commissions :)
dm me if you're interested!
rate = $0.07/word
500 word drabbles = $20
after the first 500 words, the 7 cent/word rate will be applied for the rest of the words
editing work = $20/chapter or short story
I'm good at character studies, short blurb descriptions (such as character profiles, blurbs when interacting with objects in adventure games and rpgs), dialogues and technical/academic writing. I can also do PT-BR//ENG translations.
As for editing, I am good at spellchecking, checking the flow and pacing of a story, and I have an eye for being pedantic and asking the questions that help locate plot holes and other things that make people say mean things to you.
You can see some of my (fandom) work [here] and [here].
Check READ MORE for do's and don'ts, and payment information :)
any of my current fandoms.
sci-fi, fantasy, horror, historical, speculative biology or anthropology, and anything to do with worldbuilding.
shipping, including canon/oc and self-insert/your meow meow.
porn! (*some kinks may make me uncomfortable, so I won't be able to write for them)
RPF, no exceptions.
some kinks (please ask me when commissioning).
action-heavy and superhero stories (i'm not good enough to promise quality work).
fanfic for works I am not familiar enough. Please ask when commissioning.
paypal, a signal corresponding to half the expected value before I send you your work for first revision, and the rest after the final work is sent, adjusted for any extra rate
[IF FROM BRAZIL] pix, 20% discount, direct conversion of the final USD total, same half-and-half as paypal.
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sapphire-heart-tippy · 11 months
About that selfship au where the f/o has you as an f/o:
Vanilla loved to read comics/manga in secret. He found this one comedy manga that genuinely made him laugh. I was his favorite side character:
(more info under the cut)
The manga is called, "Normal Guys!" and it's about a group of average young adults getting into hilarious situations. It takes place in a universe where stands don't exist. The main character just wants to live a normal life, but his friends want action and excitement. Tippy is one of those friends. He is usually pushed aside, the butt of the joke, made fun of for his appearance (large nose, big front teeth, short, and skinny), excluded from the group (the one taking the picture, getting picked last or not at all, the characters straight up being mean to him and leaving him out), and always on the receiving end of slapstick comedy and physical injuries.
Vanilla started off with having a soft spot for Tippy, but soon it evolved into a crush. Even though Tippy is a joke character and even his own creator doesn't like him very much, Vanilla latched onto him like a baby duckling. He thought to himself, "Well, if nobody likes him... I will like him."
Vanilla actually started drawing because Tippy is an artist in the manga, but he gets made fun of for it. He'll daydream about being part of the Normal Guys! crew and standing up for Tippy when the other characters are mean to him. During his daily chores and tasks Dio has him do, he will daydream about Tippy being there with him and helping him out.
Vanilla will even watch TV, read magazines, newspapers or anything that has the creator's interviews in it to try and learn more about Tippy. But the creator just says that Tippy is supposed to be a joke character and there's nothing more to him. In fact, the creator rolls their eyes and gets annoyed when talking about Tippy. They can't stomach drawing him... so Vanilla decides to make some things up!
One day, Vanilla even decides to make a self insert for Normal Guys! and sees himself as the one person who will stand up for Tippy. Normal Guys! actually helped Vanilla through rough times in his life and selfshipping with Tippy helps him have a little bit of hope too.
BUT, here's the thing: Vanilla is ashamed of this. Nobody knows about the manga, nobody knows about the plushy, nobody knows about the figurines, nobody knows about his fanfics, nobody knows about his self insert, nobody knows a damn thing. Sometimes he'll talk to his Tippy plushy about his day, kiss it gently, and snuggle with it.
One day, Vanilla gets word that a Normal Guys! anime is coming out on VHS soon, and he is so excited to see his fictional other animated that his heart races out of his chest. He works extra hard so he can afford a TV in his room along with a VHS player. Nobody knows what Vanilla is doing, so he goes out to casually buy VHSes, making sure nobody he knows sees him buying them. The cashier makes small talk with him and says that they always loved the manga. They ask him who his favorite character is. Vanilla, even though he knows Tippy is not well liked by the Normal Guys! community, tells them that his favorite character is Tippy. They take it well and say, "Yeah, he's pretty underrated honestly. He gets a bad rap."
After Vanilla locks his bedroom door and sets everything up, he watches the Normal Guys! anime all night. It is heavily hinted that Vanilla's headcanon might be correct. Tippy is a transgender man. Being queer himself, Vanilla begins to have feelings for Tippy even more. He writes a small (VERY cheesy) fanfic in his journal about Tippy coming out to Vanilla about being trans. Then Vanilla (with his long hair flowing dramatically through the wind) takes Tippy by the waist and whispers, "I am a homosexual...I know how you feel. I love you to the moon and back, my darling. I see you as a man. The most handsome man in the entire world."
To him, his writing is so romantic and beautiful, but if other people read it, they would have no idea he was being genuine... or they would make fun of him for how genuine he is. But his own writing brings him to tears, imagining how happy Tippy would be to finally be accepted. Which is also something Vanilla really wanted.
So yeah, that's the oppositeverse au thingamajig pffff-
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loosesodamarble · 8 months
Hello soda, I love your blog. I'm a huge Nacht fan and I want to write a Nacht x reader/oc (haven't decided) fanfic . I'm too shy to post it but I want to write it for myself. Can you give me tips to write fanfic especially about Nacht.
🖤 Anon! The answers you seek are finally here!
It's very exciting that you're writing some self-indulgence! It's one thing to make requests for what you want to see but taking the writing into your own hands is something else entirely! Make the most of it!
(This post ended up being longer than expected so pardon for the rest of it being under a cut.)
First off, reader insert or oc, or heck you could even do a full self insert. Any way you go about it, do what gives you the most fulfillment! You said that you aren't gonna post it but even if you did, your first and most important audience is yourself, so cater to what you want.
Second, when it generally comes to writing fanfic, play to your preferences. Do you enjoy banter or heartfelt dialogue? Then you can easily write scenes that focus more on characters speaking with little sprinkles of scenery and action written in. Or if you prefer prose and detailing the finer details of a moment, feel free to write a fic where you go five paragraphs without character speaking.
(For me, I like fic that's a little introspective. Where prose isn't just about the characters' actions or surroundings but also acts as their inner monologue. And thus, I tend to write fic that's a lot of "their feelings swirled inside of them like a storm" stuff.)
And don't worry about skipping over stuff that you don't feel confident or interested in writing. For me, I can manage a bit of fight scene choreography but it's not my strong suit so I don't write fights often and I usually keep it vague and short. The less interest you have for writing a certain thing, the less you end up writing. (That's not the whole picture since burnout/writer's block can leave you wanting to write but not having the energy or mind to do it.)
Something that I try to keep in mind when writing is the question of "what is the ultimate point of the piece?" It can be anything from a simple "I want these characters to talk/fight/kiss" to a complex "I want to show how a single event is actually a chain reaction of smaller happenings and how they can have massively different effects on people's lives and personalities." For me, the answer should be less a plot summary of the piece you're writing and more your motivation for writing it.
TL;DR for those previous points: write what you like, don't write what you don't like, and know why you're writing (since that can help you stay motivated).
Now when it comes to writing Nacht specifically, I keep these character details in mind:
Nacht has self-loathing issues, making it hard for him to believe he is good.
That self-loathing is projected onto others, mostly Yami.
While he does care for others, Nacht is afraid of loving and being loved. He fears hurting those he loves (see Morgen's death).
Those are probably the most important traits of Nacht's to keep in mind when writing him, pre or post Morgen's death. Although the projection aspect of his personality more shows up afterwards.
I also tend to write Nacht repeating the same mini arc. -He looks down on himself -He resists happiness when he has a chance for it -Someone talks some sense into him -Nacht lets himself be happy
Yes, it's keeping his character kinda in the same arc over and over. But to me, Nacht is a character that I see struggling to accept that he's allowed to be happy despite his dark past. He lets himself be happy but he doesn't want to risk too much good fortune in case it blows up in his face, if you know what I mean.
I think that writing Nacht is about finding the balance between suffering and salvation. He hated and punished himself for the longest time until he finally learned to let go of his guilt. Although I personally like to keep Nacht from fully letting go of the guilt and grief. Because squeezing out angst from Nacht's character is fun. Giving Nacht love and letting him be happy is ultimately more fulfilling though.
Really, like for any character, you have to write what you want for Nacht. And for me it's that ever present sorrow in his life. For you, it could be something else entirely.
You gotta write for you, 🖤 Anon. But hopefully my advice gives you something to work with. Good luck with the Nacht fic and I hope you enjoy what you come up with~!
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andipxndy-writes · 1 year
meet the writer: aj
(a.k.a. my writeblr intro, done properly)
heya!! i’ve had this blog for a while now, but i realised i haven’t ever actually done a proper intro on here, so here it is!! (also did i want the opportunity to make an aesthetic of myself??? absolutely. image made in canva and portrait on the left is from picrew, all other images were taken from unsplash)
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my name is aj (she/her pronouns pls)!! i’m 26, black, and i live in the uk. i graduated from uni 3 years ago and currently work in lab admin, but i’ve been doing creative writing for 10+ years!! i’m currently trying to get back into reading by reading a book a month (i usually share the book i’m reading in the sidebar of my main blog, which i follow back with as this blog is a sideblog: @andipxndy), and i write a variety of fanfiction and original works (both based off my own characters and those i currently/have rp’d with in the past). i also take requests for fanfiction, which you can read about below the cut or in this post (i’ve made some changes which mean the post is not relevant atm)!! but in general i love being asked questions about my WIPs and my characters and basically any characters i write, because i love delving into character thoughts and doing character development (so please send me some!!).
this blog started off as a way for me to share my fanfiction writing, which is how i got into writing in the first place and how i came to love it, but now i’m wanting to expand some more share/talk about some of my original works too!! i write ya sci-fi in my original stuff, but i’m known to drift into romance, action-comedy and crime when it comes to fanfiction works. i’m also over on ao3 as andipxndy.
my main fanfic writing fandoms are abbott elementary and alex rider, just to keep things managable, but i also enjoy watching ncis, criminal minds and lockwood & co., and sometimes dive back into old favourite animes (k-on!! is my current anime obsession). i may be slow to write or respond to stuff but i DO enjoy diving into discussing fandom stuff too!! i also like playing video games like sims 4 (ea is a money grab pass it on) and cities skylines, and enjoy dnd and rping with friends!!
before this intro gets too long, here are my main WIPs:
power play (1st draft completed, left to stew)
the first original wip i planned, the story is intended to be part of a 5-book series about a 20-year-old who accidentally gives himself powers, and ends up drawn into the science underground whilst trying to save people that he may or may not have also accidentally given powers. and all whilst trying to appear completely normal to his mum and get a summer job whilst home from university.
the crossover (still working on 1st draft, is my main/november nano project)
this is an adaptation of an old rp au i had with one of my closest friends, adjusted to have new, original characters despite the same plotline. it follows a 17-year-old girl as she’s accidentally transported into a parallel universe, where her parents aren’t her parents and she doesn’t exist. in an attempt to get home, she ends up crossing paths with the people who are meant to be her family, and finds out that they’re all superheroes. insert drama and shenanigans here.
the rich life: a modern bourgeoise au (working on 1st draft, is my camp nano project)
a passion project that i’m completing for my rp partners, this au is split into a 3-book series following the lives of our characters in the upper class, those who work for them, and eventually their children, going through the drama of their lives and how they try so hard not to have it all end up in the press. that obviously doesn’t work.
fanfiction fics and requests (ongoing but this is technically a wip)
technically counts as a wip as i have a backlog of fics in progress to write and share for requesters (and some ideas i’ve had myself), but these are mainly either alex rider or abbott elementary fanfics that have been sent in via ask. you can see extra info below the cut after the next paragraph. my requests are currently closed, and i’m working through my backlog. the request(s) active for the forseeable future are:
will you be my maybe? - an abbott elementary fanfiction (gregory x janine - injury + fake dating)
anyway, this is all i’ve got for now!! i do take part in things like nanowrimo and camp nanowrimo, so if anyone takes part in those too i look forward to writing alongside you!! other than that, that’s about it!! i’ll be sharing snippets of my work, and maybe eventually you’ll even get aesthetics eventually!! i’ve you’ve read this far, i applaud you, but thank you so much for reading!! i’d love to get to know more writers on here, both inside and outside of fandom spaces, so please feel free to jump at me and send me asks and messages and stuff!!
~ aj xxx
(for more info on fanfiction stuff, read below the cut:)
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i’ve been writing fanfiction for over 10 years, and as something so dear to my heart i can’t let it go - it’s helped me to develop my writing and character development skills!! i have, however, grown in the fandoms i write, so please see below for more info:
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alex rider
abbot elementary (more specifically, gregory x janine. i ship only those two. with my whole heart.)
fics getting to know my original characters (oneshots)
(i realise that this is significantly cut down, but i have other projects in mind that require more of my time and can no longer spend as much time on requests!! for this, i apologise!!)
GENRES WRITTEN (not completely restricted):
all fanfics will be cross-posted to ao3
please give me up to a month to get fics written and posted - if not done within a month, feel free to message me about it [please DO NOT pester me about it] - i work and am also writing original things, so do not always have the time
i preferably write oneshots, though the occasional multi-chap will appear - a fic ends up longer, well, it happens 🤷🏾‍♀️
i am a rambler so you are almost always guaranteed a longer fic
please try not to give me word count limits or specifications on fics - they are discouraging
that being said, any writing requests/prompts fulfilled will most likely be 20k words or less (though they may be longer if the inspiration strikes, don’t hold me to it)
i do not write smut, or any nsfw other than possibly gore/torture/violence. this is a personal preference and i will not change my stance on it
if you have any triggers that you do not want included in the fic, please message me and inform me of this
i have a ko-fi! if you would like to tip/donate to me for any of my writings, check it out here
all fics may or may not include a level of humour/sarcasm - i’m not sorry for this
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dragongutsixofficial · 9 months
for oc ask game 3, 15 and 24?
Thanks for the ask, my friend !^^
3- Biggest self-insert OC ?
Oooh that is a tricky question. I have so many OCs from so many fandoms and even some who are not tied to any existing piece of media !^^
I have to say though, probably the ice mage I played (and still do sometimes !) with my sister after we got The Best Videogame Ever: Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies. She holds within her characterization a lot of who I was as a young kid- some of which I'd like to get back. I was so confident as a kid, it's pretty incredible !
I can also tell you about the biggest fail to make a self-insert OC: Siyn Eisner, my beloved Bylethsona. The idea behind her creation was simple: I wanted an avatar who would represent me as a player the same way people created their Linksonas. At first, she was just an idea in the back of my mind, and not very developed- and that's the way she stayed until I started a fe3h roleplay with my dear friend.
And Sothis be damned, Siyn went way out of my control. She became her own, beautiful character. Of course, there are always things that she gets from me: but no more or less than any other OC of mine. And she inspired me in turn !
In general though, every OC of mine has some elements of my personality woven into theirs, even if I don't do it consciously. For instance, with my new Seven of Hearts OCs (OCs I created for a future webcomic, hopefully):
Heilig (he/him) is sarcastic and drags his feet. He doesn't do well when he's taken out of his comfort zone and hates taking risks. He sticks by the rules and is a bit tunnel-visionned. That's how I can be sometimes: and while there's nothing wrong with it, it can quickly become unhealthy: his character arc will partially be around him learning how to take a chill pill.
Keuse (she/her), Heilig's little sister, has more of that rebellious streak: but most of all, she wants the best for her brother and he wants the best for her. She wants him to understand that although she might be younger, it's just as much her responsibility to protect him in her eyes. I'm a younger sibling who wants my sister to know I'll always be here to protect her, just as she does me.
Same goes for Camille (he/she), who has that very naive side to him, and who definitely has undiagnozed ADHD. And so it is for every one of my OCs !
14- How many projects do you have going on right now? Are there any that you doubt you’ll ever finish?
When I received your ask I was like, "No prob, Imma make a google sheet and write everything down" and that's why I took some time to answer your ask. I have already given up on that. I don't even know where to start. I have so many WIPs. So many animatics living rent-free in my head. Some of which I am sure will never get done.
For instance, when the live-action version of The Little Mermaid came out, I was incredibly hyped by the new version of Part of your World and for weeks I was like, "I'M GONNA DRAW AN ANIMATIC OF A MERMAID TRANSMASC BYLETH WITH THIS SO BAD" and... yeah i'm still at the first frame.
I am pretty confident about finishing my first fic published on AO3 though, which I had given up on after one(1) chapter. But I got inspired by amazing writers @paracosmicat & @ninadove to pick it up again and I've entirely rewritten the first chapter + written two more chapters already (none of which are posted yet because I'd like to get ahead this time). I'm a lot happier with this version !^^ It's a fanfic delving into the dynamics of Edelgard/Zagreus (from Hades), which should eventually turn into a series exploring the Edelgard/Byleht/Zagreus/Thanatos polycule.
3- Do you have/want a career in your medium ? If not, what do you do/want to do instead ?
Drawing, as you will have noticed, is my passion and really the main way I get the wormbrains out. And if I don't draw for a while I will just want to bang my head against a wall repeatedly. So I definitely want a career in it. Being a video game designer would be a dream job.
For circumstances out of my control, I'm studying something else at the moment. On a good note, I just got out of two years of a formation which made me absolutely miserable and barely left me any time to draw !!! So there's that. But I do fully intend on finding a way to work in the art field someday ! >=D
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whiskey-bumblebee · 2 years
tips to make your fanfic more accessible (1/?)
When it comes to writing reader insert characters, or even original characters that are meant to be broadly relevant to your audience, it's important to write in a way that doesn't exclude people with marginalized identities from reading and connecting with your work. Everyone deserves to feel loved and represented! Since fanfic is an escape for so many of us, it's so crucial that the language we use is accessible and embraces the variety of people who might be reading your fic.
Disclaimer! I am a white, cis, plus size woman, and I would hate to misrepresent something, or leave things out, so I would LOVE to hear from some Black, BIPOC, trans, and/or minority readers about things that make you uncomfy/take you out of the story. I can add them to this post w/ credit, or you can comment below :)
Physical appearance:
-A big one here is hair. Not everyone has a hair texture or style that someone can lovingly comb their fingers through. Some readers (for extremely valid reasons, including the fact that in some contexts it can be rooted in racism) might not like the idea of a fictional character putting their hands in the reader's hair!
-The fix: think about what you're trying to convey with the action of hair-touching. Is it affection? Closeness? Foreplay? Could the character stroke the reader's hair instead of running their fingers through it? Could they trace the reader's ears?
-Another big one! Body ody ody! There's so much to say here, but I'll start with shape and size. Not everyone will be able to fit into their favourite fictional character's clothes. And for some plus size folks, it is just not realistic for a character to pick them up and throw them around. I love my body, and I don't know a single fictional character who would be able to lift me! This isn't embarrassing or asking for compliments, it's just my bodily reality.
-The fix: what terms do you use to describe the reader's body? Are they exclusive or implicitly biased? Is your reader lithe, with long legs and "a handful" of breast tissue? Is someone throwing your reader around like a sack of potatoes, or pinning them up against a wall, with no additional support?
-This is a self call-out as well, but I've noticed that there aren't a lot of multi-chapter fanfics which include characters with disabilities. This is tricky, as I think a lot of writers might not necessarily have lived experience with needing mobility aids, or things like blindness and deafness, etc. I don't necessarily think that able-bodied writers should be attempting this, but it's something to think about.
-The fix: Could your character achieve their movements with a prosthetic limb? How might they experience things differently if they're overstimulated? Uplift fic writers with disabilities and diverse lived experiences! Reblog their work!
Sex and gender:
-This one is also a bit complex because writers might not know exactly where to start when it comes to writing someone with a different gender identity, or mode of presentation. Especially when you're writing explicit sex scenes, I think it's okay to write things with a specific anatomy in mind, as long as you're clear about who you're writing for from the outset (e.g. character x fem!reader in the chapter notes or A/N).
-Not everyone who likes being called "good girl" has breasts and a vagina. Some men don't have penises. Trans and intersex people exist and are incredibly LOVED and CHERISHED on this blog. <3
-The fix: If you're writing a fic where anatomy is less important, go for gender neutral terms of endearment, and gender neutral pronouns. Maybe switch things up and try writing a reader character with a different gender identity to your own!
TL;DR- 1) Uplift fanfic by underrepresented communities (this can vary by fandom, but queer/LGBTQ+, BIPOC, disabled, and neurodivergent authors are a great place to start!)
2) Do an accessibility proofread- does your reader have any characteristics that aren't broadly applicable to readers? Are these characteristics essential to the plot?
3) If you're part of a minority community, embrace the things that make you unique! Let writers know if they're excluding you. Or as a writer, write yourself down. Produce some of the representation that you can't find elsewhere (if you feel up to it).
4) Write from a place of love. We love what we write about, whether it's characters, story worlds, or one bed tropes. Extend that love to all of your readers :) <3
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lee-hakhyun · 1 year
so, the third alternative i just thought up just for funsies; revision 41!yjh.
it occurred to me right as i was starting to type this that the isekai incarnations + constellations would have absolutely jumped on kim dokja’s name on top of COPYING HIS ACTIONS as soon as they realized wos was coming to life right before their eyes, so this idea died before it ever took off, but let me talk out of my butt anyway. 41st round except it’s actually the 41st round of a yoo joonghyuk that had kim dokja and then never found him again as per the ominous revision warnings kdj got about the future back in orv, ergo none of his decisions would have been exactly the same anyway. the idea went ‘haha kdj kkomas’ -> ‘what if yjh met the kkomas’ -> ‘what if he recognized him by bizarre circumstance ala cosmic coincidence’ -> ‘how would that even work’ -> ‘wait.’
a fun what-if, but one that is unlikely. except maybe it is. how would lee hakhyun’s self-insertion into the 41st round of wos work when time is a pretzel and his presence into the actual wos would cause major confusion. is it another alternate 1863 thing where either hsy, yjh or kdj looked at the text of orv and thought ‘wow i did 41 so dirty’ and wanted to see an alternate branch story where he actually had positive influences outside of his neverending loop of hell? where they take a guy who has become a character in their story too via yjh knocking lhh out, and then ask them to write a kinder story for the 41st version of yjh? (hey, look! a story for the protagonist x2!) maybe it could be both. maybe they’re simultaneously trying to provide a kinder tale for the hypothetical revision!yjh that had to live through life wondering why his kdj had been a freak instance, and for 41!yjh who’d been done dirty. realistically, i’m leaning towards the latter. i am fairly certain it’s most likely about the latter. but the thought was fun anyway :D
even if it isn't correct, this would make for an amazing fanfic,, a 41st-esque yjh who had met and lost kdj
you're probably right about a time pretzel, though. the timeline is already so messed up lee hakhyun is probably going to (unintentionally or otherwise) break something
the worldline is most likely created intentionally, with hsy being there with some plan as she watches lee hakhyun and has been talking with schemer about others coming soon? on whether kim dokja's alive or not to help out, that's in limbo. lee hakhyun has the kim dokja in his head and the kkoma kdjs watching him, but there's no real information on the squid himself
someone or something is writing about lee hakhyun as he's going through the scenarios, seeing as he can read comments about people talking about him which is. weird. and it's being written under his name.. is there another version of himself writing..? writers are one of the few that can get [avatar]..
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twistedtalking · 1 year
A Portal Between Worlds
The reason I made this blog is to connect people from different realms, whether self inserts or OCs, with the twst universe. I want to see them interact with the characters in a way never seen before. I want to be the gate, like my Lord, Jesus. That I might be your way to talk to them. But it seems my intention was not shown clearly.
Rules to request:
Rule 1: I want you to request as if you're interacting with the character.
Do whatever you want. Slam Riddle's face with a pie. Find comfort from your favourite characters while on your bloody time(if you have one). Or tease Sebek until he turns red. It's all up to you. Just, please, do not request a fic.
Rule 2: Please, do NOT request a fic from me.
I want to be a gateway between worlds, not just another twst writer. Maybe I'll make a blog for fics one day. This blog is very dear to my heart, since it was inspired by a game I made for me and my little sister to play. It was one of the few ways we were able to bond. I would roleplay as one of the twst characters and she would give me ideas. That was how this blog was birthed. I dedicate this blog to my sister, to my God, and to that one riddle fanfic by wolkenhimmel.
Rule 3: Do not send requests with curse words. Riddle wouldn't be the only one getting mad.
I know where you live...
Rule 4: You can send Nsfw requests BUT only for canon.
You will also not see more than their response. (Just doing this so someone can freak out riddle)
Rule 5: I will only write the teachers and staff platonically unless you're oc is in the same age group as them.
Same with the students. (Technically Ortho is 16, so I'm willing to write for him romantically as long as the person is below 18.) Also for Leona, Lilia, and Malleus the person must be older than a teenager, at least 18 years old.
Types of messages/requests:
Interaction- either an action or a conversation (ex. Kissing Riddle, smashing an egg in front of Deuce, etc.)
Letter- self explanatory. You send a letter, you get one back. You could even send a letter and let fate(spin wheel) decide who it ends up with.
Special- hcs, fics, etc. I won't do this often. I'll try to avoid it as much as I can.
That's all my rules for now. May your journey be an enjoyable one.
And He said "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these"
Matthew 19:14
One of the first bible verses I memorized
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."
Matthew 11:28
This verse, my mother's lullaby.
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thisonlyguy-49 · 1 year
Helluva Guns A’ Blazin’! - Chapter 3: Murder Family on AO3
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Chapters: 4/?
Fandom: Helluva Boss (Web Series)
Rating: Mature (Violence, Language, and Sexual Themes)
Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Gun Violence, Angst, Angst/Comfort, Slight Sex
Genre: Comedy/Drama
Major Characters: Blitzo, Moxxie, Millie, Loona, Joey Galore (Helluva Boss OC), Verosika Mayday, Stolas Goetia, Stella Goetia, Octavia Geotia, Evangeline Howlosa (Helluva Boss OC)
Relationships: Blitzo/Stolas Goetia, Moxxie/Millie, Joey Galone/Evengeline Howlosa, Blitzo & Moxxie, Moxxie & Joey Galore, Millie & Joey Galore, Loona & Joey Galore, Stolas Goetia and Octavia Goetia, Joey Galore and I.M.P
Additional Tags: My First Fanfic, Blitzo Being Blitzo, Blitzo is Bad At Feelings, Alternative Universe - Canon Divergence, OC-Insert AU, Sometimes a Musical and Sometimes Not, Fights, Blood and Violence
Story Summery: A fresh start from the past is all Joey Galore ever wants, to see more beyond his childhood home and make a mark for himself in Hell. But fate decided to have different plans for him… and their names are the Immediate Murderer Professionals. Read the story following a foulmouth ex-performer turned boss, a kind and good-hearted weapons expert, a ruthless Imp with the thirst for blood, a gothic hellhound with zero care for anyone else, and our main Imp who tries to make out alive. Whether it’s murder or drama, Joey will embark on crazy misadventures both in and out of his newfound job, while unintentionally getting his new ‘family’ wrapped up into his past.
Chapter Summary:
When the Immediate Murderer Professionals tackle with murdering a homicide survivor, the task ends up growing into something more horrifying than they realize.
Warning: For Murder and Naked Owl!
Chapter Preview:
There is never a choice for where mortals arrive to once leaving the living world, their destinations dependent on both the good and bad of the deeds committed throughout the course of time spent on Earth. 
You are either a kind and friendly citizen who aims for his goals fairly and believes in doing the right thing, or a sleazy and cunning scumbag who finds selfish pleasure in the suffering of others as they cheat their way to success. Human beings are creatures with positive and negative aspects, in which they can show to the public and reveal a person’s true colors. 
A living soul’s actions can be outweighed when it involves whether they chose to help others or put them in harm’s way. The most sinister of misdeeds done at any point in a lifetime might even have already set their fate in solid stone, unable to be changed nor to be restored to its purest. It’s the sad truth indeed, and we can just accept it as that. 
Spirits who find salvation at I.M.P are not just sinners, but rather sinners with unfinished business. According to the ad for the company, the long-curvy horned imp named Blitzø specified that their clients are either horrendous people who want someone dead for their own personal pleasure, or rather souls that got screwed over by another and sending them here to Hell.
Today, their latest client was proof of the latter factor.
Mrs. Mayberry, a joyous school teacher that taught kids ages 6 - 9. One day while she was singing along with the children in her room, she was reminded that it was her husband’s birthday at the time. But as she was calling her husband via her computer, she found out a shocking secret in her bedroom: Her own husband was cheating on her with another woman. She recalled hearing the sexual moans of pleasure and lust heard from both the room and the computer. The teacher widened with fury over her husband’s betrayal, rage boiling through her bursting veins like a volcanic eruption. Her hot-headed emotions remained to get the best of Mrs. Mayberry, as she decided what she believed was the only solution to her problem.
Link available above! Any comments, kudos, and/or bookmarks are all welcome! Reblogs here are welcome as well!
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ardeawritten · 2 years
Did finish Ghost in the Shell: 2045 a bit ago and yeah, that was a fanfiction. Cute, colorful, derivative. Had a couple neat moments but overall felt far too much like an outsider's veneer painted over the original SAC. Would have worked better as an original story IMO, where it wouldn't have been a retread and its Cyborg Sauske wouldn't have felt so much a literally childish insert.
When people talk about a "mary sue" character (and I know that term is getting some love again now) there's two different paths that can take. One of those is characters like the Major, who is fairly overpowered, always right in the end, has all the cool gadgets and best team, saves the day etc. etc. and yeah, that's what makes her a fun character to follow around and watch. It's the right balance of action, suspense, humor and overpowered entertainment. She's the main character, she gets that spotlight.
But the more negative version is adding a new character to an established franchise solely to fulfill a "one-upsmanship" on the original. And that's what both Shimamura and Purin felt like at times. Purin was decently written, but Shimamura's scripting as the dark ace to Section 9 and his character design as 'generic emo anime boy' was pretty grating. He was also way too similar to the Laughing Man to avoid comparison. He felt like someone's fanfic self-insert plot-armored to get the Major's attention, not like a grounded opponent who belonged in that world and context.
Also the ending and plot resolution got on my nerves- I dislike overly-ambiguous endings like that, and it negates the previous series' focus on human connection, experience and philosophy. There were always plenty of questions about if something experienced was real, but with the sense that actions, intentions and moral values mattered despite that, and mattered more in the end than 'am I experiencing the real reality.' The double-think plot throws that out the window in favor of a nihilistic nothing-matters society in which human connection and intention is severed in favor of seamless social coexistence.
Haven't watched the live-action movie yet but probably will one of these days!
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jonquilandlace · 1 month
Can I just, something something not even a fully coherent thought, new theory?
We’re all familiar with the concept of Sonas and OCs right
Well the thing in like 2010s fandom culture for sure was how “ur OC can’t be TOO special otherwise they’re a Mary Sue hurhurhur”
Okay first off screw that mentality, but second off: I think in essence they were just trying to push people into sonas instead of OCs?
Like, the thing everyone at the time was pushing for, in their “ideal” OC, was for them to be in the style of the media, maybe interact with the protags, maybe be shipped, but generally be kinda normal people just going about their lives in the context of that universe, like just vibing, take no time away from the protagonists (this was something in my early fanfics i remember being so terrified of, if I took any action from a protagonist because the OC would have done it instead or first, I was terrified of being roasted for it)
But like. Interacts with the protags, maybe shipped with them, but generally just vibin.
Isn’t that. Like, if you slapped a “you” on it and just made it a sorta self-insert.
That. That’s just a sona???
Like, sure, you can give them a different name, and they can be OCs; it is possible they could do something different than you would and it’s totally cool, not quite what I mean to say here. What I mean to say is, an OC is supposed to exist for a reason beyond just existing. They’re a *character,* they’re supposed to have a plot they push along.
Like. I don’t even watch this show but I just got recommended this scrolling Twitter, okay, this is what spurred this thought:
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“Dark past”; yeah, typically an OC will have something in their past they need to address that pushes them to adventure. “Are you trying to make an OC… or a ponyfied version of Darth Maul?” Depends on their purpose! Is the OC a villain? Even if they’re not, that can be something to explore why the comparison was made! The cryptic names and mixed traits also… first could potentially be interpreted as fantasy racism of some sort now that I’m thinking too deeply about it, but also, like, WHY are they like that? THATS A PLOT!
The things that make an OC “bad” were what would make them a protagonist worthy of their own story.
Anyway this is all over the place but everyone just wanted people to have sonas not OCs, neither are bad but both serve very different functions, and OCs need to be interesting to exist, thanks for coming to my half assed TED talk
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cottoncandy-cult · 11 months
Life Within the Soul Sneak Peak
Below is a sneak peak of the intro to a book that is in the works for my Ao3, Life Within the Soul. Though it sounds like a straight-line fanfic I can assure you it is not, in it I will be posting an array of one-shots, scenarios, smuts and more all taking place in a special world. This is effectively my universal fix-it fic collection for every character I'm grieving for and show I miss; it will include reader inserts and Oc stuff and a wide array of characters and their new lives in this seemingly modern world where they finally have the options and support, they need to heal. I plan to keep most characters relatively in character, some will be slightly toned down depending on what I'm writing. This is only a small part of the intro; the whole intro was too long to post here and the parts that primarily describe the world at large are in the first 2 paragraphs. This is where we meet the goddess, my Author persona so to speak, who is in the process of preparing for her next "rescue mission". Check it out, it will feature an array of characters, so there may even be crossover action, don't be surprised to learn that Sukuna from Jujutsu Kaisen is gym buddies with Shiva from Record of Ragnarök lol. There are no real set-in stone stories, so one day Gojo might be the owner of a lingerie empire and married to a cat girl kemonomimi that was a background character from some long-forgotten phone game and the next day he is in a polyamorous relationship with Geto and a femboy stoner and Gojo is a house husband while Geto owns a popular club in the red-light district. So yeah, if you're interested in that kinda chaos check out my Ao3 and keep an eye out for the book drop. Each chapter will have warnings as needed, so remember to look at the notes and description so you can tell what's instore. There will be adult content overall, so if you're super worried about accidentally reading something you aren't into just skip it.
"I wonder who will arrive next…It hurts my heart to see the children of creativity pass… but I can't wait to see them." A woman with long pastel pink hair sat at a work bench, in her hands was a piece of silky snow-white clay. Laying on a metal sheet that sat nearby was a series of featureless white dolls, they were small but would soon grow and adjust to the size of the host that would soon bring them to life. In the kiln nearby another tray slowly baked, preparing a fresh batch of blessed soul shells. The tv on the wall that the work bench was pressed to was turned on, on it she watched the life of yet another person that was born in a created universe. She felt bad for them, they were living creatures though the ones that created them call them characters and treat them as if they are not real. Of course this wasn't the creators fault, after all in their world these people AREN'T real. They are people made from the imagination, given life on paper and screeen. How were they supposed to know about the alternative diminsions much less understand the true reality of the diminsion they live in. How were they supposed to know that each world that made, actually made a world? How were they supposed to know they were the gods of these people's world. That each life of suffering was inflicted on someone that truly lived within another diminsion, every choice sealing each person's fate without the so called "characters" even realizing they never had a choice to start with and it was all done for the entertainment of others and advancement of plot. That nothing was ever in their control. It was a fact that hurt the goddess, she was familiar with the soul birth process as she spent some time making the souls that would be born within the various created universes. It was one of the first things she learned when she ascended, each god of creation having to learn the step-by-step process that was the creation of life, realms and all that lies within. Of course she long since finished her training, and so she has been left to use her powers as she sees fit. It was the pain she felt while making these souls, knowing the truth of their existence, that drove her to create the techniques that allowed her to expand the depths of her soul and build a world within herself, a place that would remain untouched so long as she drew breath. And for her to provide bodies for all those she sought to save, so many souls cast into darkness because the media source that created their life and story had ended. Thus ending their story, the closest thing to rebirth being the creation of an entirely different version of them within a series of pocket universes formed by fans that live within the creator universe at that point. She was proud of some of them, their so called "fix it" fics doing a lot to soothe her sadness while she works on getting vessels prepared for the line of dead and work her way to the media source's "named characters" to whom she had grown especially attached. Though she'd never admit it out loud, there were some people she favored because she had bore witness to their lives and to the media that determined their fate from start to finish. "Don't worry little ones…Mama will rescue you from the darkness, I promise." Mint green eyes looked up the screen, fingers moving on muscle memory as she worked harder to finish the next few batches so that she can get started on the reincarnation process. "I can't wait to meet you all…"
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