#if the uh. great wall of text is indicative of this
that-one-pizza · 1 month
DP & Wolverine short fic. Hug?
This takes place on the walk home right after Deadpool invites Wolverine to come live with him. Dp has a genuine request.
Also on Ao3! (/ /) <- Punctuation indicates Dp breaking the fourth wall.
Walking out of the neighborhood they had so graciously devastated by their attempts at fighting off a horde of regenerating, smack-talking, red ninjas was gloriously uneventful. The sound of firehoses spraying, the smell of drying blood, and police chatter began to fade as the two heroes departed, heading towards the general direction of Wade's apartment. (/I could so call Dopinder to pick us up, but then I'd miss my chance!/) <- He'll be sure to pop in again just like that.
Deadpool clears his throat, "Hey, uh, Wolvie?"
"Hm?" the man in a hoodie and yellow pants answers, not breaking his stride. Dogpool trots loyally at their heels.
Wade stops, the bottom of his boots scraping the pavement and places his hands together, entwining his own fingers. This causes Logan to halt as well, beginning to wonder what was so important that they had to stop their trek back to the apartment.
"Today's been a lot, obviously. I mean, we've seen other cinematic universes, experienced the joys of the desert, you lost your top and your tits were out for the whole world to see and I know you've been terribly dehydrated for approximately 3 days, thanks Hollywood body standards." He's written in that last bit himself. Great.
"And, as men, we are incredibly emotionally stunted, and you can stab me in the chest for asking this: but I implore you, with the upmost respect, and desperation, along with the incredible willingness to beg for hours and hours the likes of which the reader has never experienced before (/even on Wattpad, you little freaks/)," he takes a breath, "…can I hug you?"
He sounds completely earnest, if a bit pathetic. Logan takes a moment to study the man with brown eyes that seemed to soften as he spoke his request, contemplating whether this was some ridiculous ploy to get overly touchy with him or to spring a sneak attack.
Finding Wade wearing a small hopeful smile, patiently standing with his hands clasped, and quiet as if holding his breath, Logan resigns himself with a sigh. It's been a long, emotional (though, he'll only admit it when he's 10 bottles down and forgets where he is), and painful day of literally saving the universe and he wants nothing more than to crash on Wade's couch. A simple hug between heroic partners wouldn't be the worst thing in the world.
"If you grab anything, or make inappropriate comments, I'll cut your damn head off," he says, though there's no true venom behind his claim, and lazily opens his arms.
In an instant, Wade closes the gap, eliciting an 'oof' from the other. The merc wraps his arms tightly underneath Logan's and practically nuzzles into his neck.
"Alright, bub. That's enough," Logan pats Wade's back. "C'mon, we gotta--"
He's cut off by Wade making strained noises, clutching him tighter, and attempting to lift the shorter man off the ground.
"…yeah?" He struggles out.
"My bones are made of metal," Logan supplies.
"Doesn't matter!" He tugs, only slightly elevating the other's heels, "I can totally do this! I'm gonna recreate the damn Notebook(TM) scene if it kills me," he readjusts his stance and heaves again. "Oh glorious Ryan Gosling, give me your Kenergy! HYAH!" There's a sharp crack and Wade drops his arms and slumps.
"That was your back, wasn't it?" Logan deadpans.
"I uh-," Wade twists his torso away. "Have no idea what you mean. I'm just taking a bit of a break!" /nice/ his yellow text box supplies. He rights himself with another loud crack, "YEOWCH! Ah, see! Good as-"
He's cut off by two large arms sweeping under his own, tightening around his lower back, and suddenly being lifted off the ground with a yelp.
"Like this?" Logan smirks, tightening his hold, looking up at the merc. That hairy man is a bit of a flirt, after all.
Instinctively, Wade lifts one of his legs at an angle and grabs the other's shoulders for stability, as if he'd need it.
(/Any excuse to grab those honkin' chunks of meat!/) Would you get out of my text and let me narrate it?! (/…yeah go ahead-- Wait! My turn to speaky./)
"Oh, Wolverine! So strong, so heroic!" Deadpool fawns, holding his hand to his own face, mimicking a womanly voice. Adding a slight growl to his voice, he then says, "Come here, my scrumptious Honey Badger," and ducks down quickly in an attempt to catch the other in a kiss.
Just as quickly, Logan reacts by completely releasing his hold and stepping back, allowing Wade to comically fall smack down on his face with an 'ack!'
"We're not doing that, bub," Wolverine grumbles, beginning to walk away.
"Yet!" Deadpool lifts his upper body off the ground, holding up his pointer finger. "There's a 'yet' buried under all those grunts! It's okay, my darling, I'll treat you just as sweetly until we do! And when we do, ohoho boy, sparks will fly!" Logan continues his walk away from the man lying on the pavement. Dogpool takes interest in the dropped man and begins licking at the side of his face. "Fireworks!" Wade finally gets to his feet, in pursuit of his partner, "Balloons! Confetti! It'll be on national news and Chappell Roan will sing at our wedding! It'll be the biggest LGBTQ win the MCU will ever have! I already have the arrangements picked out…"
Deadpool continues his yapping in pursuit of the Wolverine, chasing his dream of finally becoming mainstream official with the metal-clawed Canadian.
(/By the way, I totally coulda lifted him ;P/)
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choco-pudding · 1 year
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Space Channel 5 Part 2: Sugoku Sugoi Guide Book p. 130-139 (Translations by @lavoszero and myself. Edits and typesetting by myself)
First part of Report 6.
Imgur link to all of the Sugoku Sugoi Guide Book translations we’ve done thus far.
Plain text below.
p. 130 Report 6: Purge's T.V. Special
Location: The Space Arena 01 Person to Rescue, 03 Secret Inputs
The 86,429 kidnapping victims were but tools for harnessing the dance energy necessary to accomplish Purge's ultimate goal: to force the whole galaxy to dance. When we arrived at Purge’s base, preparations to launch the Ballistic Groove Gun and cause a galaxy-wide dance fever had already begun. We must put an end to his treachery!!
Lv. 1 Groove 125
Right Left Right Left Right Left Righ- Lef-
p. 131 Travel Guide
The Space Arena · The Arena The Space Arena · The Stage Dance Dimension X Super Ulala Dimension The Space Arena · Over the Arena
Lv. 1 Groove 126
Up Down Up Down Up Down Uh- Down-
p. 132
[Purge T.V. Show] Plans
~The Script Left Behind by the Leader of the [Rhythm Rogues Ballistic Groove Gun] Incident ~ Purge carried out "The Whole Galaxy Dances Master Plan" quick and meticulously, with very careful preparation. Unusually, Purge prepared an agent-like sales pitch and storyboards instead of the standard broadcasting script. This isn't too shocking considering that most of the Rhythm Rogues are robots that simply require input commands. Nevertheless, the high quality of this "work" should be appreciated, despite its criminal origins. Here, we present this plan as evidence of the premeditated nature of this crime.
Purge’s Theme All the whole galaxy dances for me Yes, I'll make each one of you very happy I amaze myself! Genius Puuuuurge!
-Lyrics/Composition: Purge
Lv. 1 Groove 127
Up Left Up Left Up Left Uh- Lef-
p. 133
Genius The "Purge T.V. Show" logo is drawn in a bold, detailed manner. It seems that Purge crafted his entrance to have boundless amounts of flare. "Wah wah wah (written in an old style)." It's a rushed scribble of an enthusiastically cheering audience; it's equal parts brazen and silly.
Arena After his grand reveal, there's a cut to the arrival of Ulala and her friends, who villainously approach him. Though, they're certainly not that dramatic or malicious in the actual airings. There's text indicating that the others are treated as supporting characters. "…I understand the struggles of manga artists" is written on a page. Is Purge complaining? Or perhaps he means he respects them now.
Lv. 1 Groove 128
Righ- Dow- Woof
p. 134
1v1 Stage Battle Some detailed composition notes are written on the board. It is specified that Ulala should "run, then stop exactly at this moment" with "only herself on camera" to look up at Purge as viewed from below. Are these stage directions? Ulala's friends banging on the invisible wall is overemphasized compared to the actual airing for clarity.
Deluxe Guy Tension is high at this point. Purge the Great (or "Deluxe Purge” as he is called here) dramatically rises with tremendous speed. Dance Dimension X (tentatively named the "Dark Dance Dimension") is depicted with dynamic lines.
Lv. 1 Groove 129
Right- Uh- Woof
p. 135
Dance Dimension X Melody Then Ulala collapses on the ground. Everything went according to Purge’s plan up to that point… The "loading screen" includes what looks to be Channel 5's logo and staff member bowing? For every step of the show’s production, Purge was thoroughly meticulous.
"What's happening? This isn't what my prompter says!" Purge cried, appalled by those who danced off script. Even prerecorded media, like films, are often subject to uncertainties on the field. Thus, it’s common practice to prepare for such uncertainties. But Purge was a naïve show director, demanding the live broadcast to stick exactly to a script. His childish naivety was on full display.
Lv. 1 Groove 130
Lef- Lef- Righ- Righ- Woof Woof
p. 136 The Space Arena · The Arena A
Ulala’s Stars: 5
Immediately after arriving at The Arena, we quickly, and literally, kick off our stride with a pair of familiar secret inputs that have been MIA since Report 2… Determined not to fall into Purge’s hand, we shout with no regards to the rhythm. Do you hear us Purge? We'll stop your plans and save everyone! Hah, I can't remember the last time I was this excited.
Jan Jan[2] Jaaan[3]
Welcome to my very own TV Show
       “There is just no stopping it now!” 001 “This is the end of the line!” ⬅ x ⮕ x        “No, I won’t be stopping!” 002 “I’ll end this!” ⮕ x ⬅ x
Lv. 1 Groove 131
Lef- Lef- Righ- Righ- Woof Woof
p. 137
       “Everyone dance with me!” 003 “Not gonna happen!” ⮕ ⬅ x        “Now dance, everybody!” 004 “Stop right there, moro-moro!” ⬅ ⮕ x
Lv. 1 Groove 132
Lef- Lef- Righ- Righ- Woof Woof
p. 138 The Space Arena · The Arena B
Ulala’s Stars: 5 What came next was a barrage of robots to shoot down. Larger groups of robots rained down with each consecutive each wave, all attacking faster than the ones before them. We were all just a few steps away from facing Purge, but once Ulala was on Purge’s stage, the rest of us were locked out by an invisible wall.
005 ⮕ x ⬅ x 006 ⮕ x ⬅ x 007 ⬅ x x ⮕ x x 008 ⬅ x x x ⮕ x x x 009 ⬅ x x x x ⮕ x x x x 010 ⬅ x x x x x ⮕ x x x x x 011 ⬅ x x x ⮕ x x x ⬆ x x
Lv. 1 Groove 133
Woof Woof
p. 139
“An invisible wall…”
“Where've you been?”
Lv. 1 Groove 134
Woof Woof
38 notes · View notes
lovelymary · 3 months
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Nothing You Confess Could Make Me Love You Less
"Take me in, into your darkest hour And I'll never desert you I'll stand by you Won't let nobody hurt you I'll stand by you"
Lisa closed her laptop and let out a deep sigh. The last couple of weeks had been a whirlwind, to say the least. Even though Bravo's status with Command was still up in the air, an emergency mission in Colombia called for the best DEVGRU had to offer, and for better or worse, that was still Bravo team. Given the importance and time-sensitive nature of the mission, Command had decided to send Lisa along with them to assist Ray, who was going to be acting as OIC.
So here they all were again, on the flight back to Virginia Beach after achieving mission success just like they had done countless times before. She had to admit that it felt great to be back in the action with her boys and she was especially grateful that she was able to be there to watch over them on this particular mission. Though as happy as she was, the significance of Sonny's confession before they had spun up still weighed heavily on her heart.
2 weeks earlier…
Lisa was in her office, putting together the files she needed to bring with her to Colombia, when she got a text from Sonny asking her to come to the cages. The guys were gathered in the center of the room when she got there, apparently waiting for her to arrive. "What's going on?" she asked hesitantly, her eyes seeking Sonny out for some kind of indication as to what this was about, but his gaze never met hers. Instead, his eyes darted all over the room bouncing between the walls and back down to the floor as he started fidgeting with his hat, a telltale sign that he was nervous about what he was about to say.
"Listen, I…uh…I know we don't have much time before we head out, but there's something I need you guys to know about the last time we were in Colombia. I'm sure you all remember that I wasn't exactly at my best during that deployment. The truth is, I was in a pretty dark place, and when I left the safe house on my solo field trip, I didn't really know where I was going; all I knew was that I had to get the hell out of there. You know, Hannah and Leanne leaving and movin' back to Texas, it truly knocked me on my ass, and I guess what I really wanted was for it all to just stop — the hurt, the emptiness, the pain, you know, all of it,'' he paused to clear his throat and to get his emotions under control a bit before continuing. "So I uh, I ended up in Dibulla, where I got my fill of broads and booze and, um, even drugs. Bottom line, nothing was off limits if it meant that I would just stop hurting, if I could just stop feeling anything at all, if only for a little while. When Clay finally tracked me down, I was neck deep in a situation that I probably wouldn't have walked away from. Maybe that's why I did it; I don't know…Basically I uh, I got on the bad side of some local gang bangers, and if it wasn't for Clay, well, I probably would have ended up in a Colombian prison or dead in a ditch somewhere. I ain't proud of what I did, or the position I put Clay in, and I spent every single day after that doing whatever I could do just to make it up to him. Anyways, I uh, really didn't feel right going back there without reading you all in on what happened last time."
He paused to catch his breath and let it all sink in with the team. His eyes traveled around the room, trying to gauge everyone's reaction and he finally allowed himself to look at the one person whose gaze he'd been avoiding ever since she walked into the room. He looked at Lisa and could tell she was doing everything she could to keep her emotions in check, shoulders down and back with her jaw set tight. And when he looked into her eyes, he could see the tears that were starting to form despite her best efforts.
"Look," Sonny continued after a few moments. "I understand if y'all feel like you can't trust me right now and if you think it's best that I step aside for this mission, then that's what I'll do." He then turned to look at Jason, his team leader, his mentor and one of his best friends. "All I want is what's best for Bravo and I promise you, I will do whatever I need to do to earn your trust and respect back…all of you," he added as he turned to the rest of the team. "You know, a lot has changed since the last time we were in Colombia and I..uh…I'm not the same person I was back then. I know I tend to let my emotions get the best of me and act irrationally sometimes, but I swear to you, nothing like this will ever happen again. Ever." He turned to look at Lisa when he made that vow. It was a promise to the entire team, but especially to her.
He knew all too well her feelings about drugs and had seen firsthand how Danny's troubles had affected her when they were together. The last thing he ever wanted was to cause her any kind of pain and he couldn't bear the thought that his recklessness could be the final straw for them — the one thing that they couldn't come back from. He held her gaze for what felt like an eternity, desperately waiting for any indication of her reaction, good or bad. He saw her take a deep breath and just as she was about to speak, the moment was broken by the ringing of her cell phone.
Lisa swallowed the lump in her throat and answered her phone. Her head was spinning with questions and every possible emotion imaginable following the bombshell Sonny had just dropped, but as usual, duty was calling and all of that would have to be set aside for now.
"Yes, Sir. I understand. I'll be right there," she sighed as she clicked the phone off and turned to the guys. "Blackburn needs to see me before we take off…I'll uh see you guys on the plane." With one last look in Sonny's direction, Lisa tucked her phone back into her pocket and made her way out of the room.
Sonny hung his head and nodded slowly as he watched her leave. He understood why she had to go, but he couldn't help but feel the cruel irony that this job always seemed to find a way to come between them. He knew that he and Lisa wouldn't have been able to really have the conversation they needed to have with the entire team there, but he was still hoping for the slightest bit of reassurance that things between them would eventually be okay.
There wasn't much time to dwell on that though as the rest of the guys quickly got their bags together and headed out of the room after Jason asked to speak to Sonny alone. "This is it," he thought to himself. He'd finally pushed Jason to his limit and he was going to lose his spot on Bravo.
"Listen Jase," Sonny started once they were alone together, needing to say his piece before Jason kicked him off the team. "I know I broke Bravo's number one rule, I lied to you and to the entire team and there's no excuse for that. All I can say is I'm sorry, man, and I understand if this means that my time with Bravo's done. I get it. I just want you to know that being a part of this team and operating alongside of you has been the greatest honor and privilege of my life. My only regret is that I let my carelessness cost me one of the best things that's ever happened to me."
He let out a shaky breath as he held back his tears. His Bravo family meant everything to him and he couldn't believe that he was about to lose it all.
Jason sighed and ran his hands across his face. This definitely wasn't what he thought was going to happen when they had unexpectedly been called in while they were all on temporary suspension, but years of leading Bravo had conditioned him to be ready for just about anything. He had noticed that things had been rough for Sonny the last time they were in Colombia and he could definitely see that he was spinning out a little, but he'd just assumed that he'd pull himself out of it like he always did. Now that he knew just how bad things had gotten, he couldn't help but feel like he had let his brother down, even though he had been dealing with his own issues at the time and hadn't really been able to focus on anything other than his TBI and getting through the mission. Sonny could certainly be one of his most volatile teammates, but he was also one of the most loyal and Jason knew that when he put his mind to it, Sonny was just as capable as any of the other senior members of Bravo. Despite his reactive tendencies, Sonny always came through when they needed him and as far as Jason was concerned, that was what mattered most.
"Technically, we were Omega the last time around. Can't break Bravo rules if there's no Bravo."
"That's bull and you know it," Sonny scoffed. He appreciated what Jason was trying to do, but he didn't want him making exceptions for him. Actions had consequences and as much as it killed him to lose Bravo, he would take full responsibility for what he'd done.
Jason nodded in recognition, he should have known that Sonny wouldn't go for his lame attempt at rationalization. For all his faults, Sonny always owned up to his mistakes. Jason sighed and stepped a little closer to Sonny, his hand firmly gripping his shoulder.
"I'll tell you what I know," he kept his voice low even though they were the only ones in the room. "I know that in spite of everything that happened in Dibulla, you got your shit together when it mattered. You came through for the team, like you always do. Without you, we would have never taken down that enrichment facility and the Venezualans would have nukes by now. I know that when Clay got hit by that RPG in Mali, you used your own med kit to help him and you're the one that stayed back with him in Ramstein. When they finally brought him back to the States for his recovery, you were the one that was with him every step of the way at Walter Reed, that is what I know."
Sonny shrugged a little and looked down. "Any one of us would have done the same. He was our brother. Besides, Clay saved my life that day, if anyone was going to step up for him, it was going to be me."
"You know, you can tell yourself that you did all that because you felt like you owed Clay but we both know that you have done the exact same thing regardless. There isn't anything you won't do to help a brother in need. I'm just…I'm just sorry that none of us realized how much you needed us in Colombia."
"C'mon J., you know this ain't on you. I was the one you pushed everyone away and besides you had enough on your plate down there."
"Yeah, that's true, but you remember what you told me when we were looking for Ray in those mountains a few years ago? This world is a hell of a lot easier to navigate when you've got someone to lean on. I think we both lost sight of that during the Omega."
"Yeah, I guess we did," Sonny admitted quietly.
"Alright, so how about we make a pact right now? If we're ever in a tough spot again, we'll reach out for help. What do you say?" Jason held out his fist to Sonny, as he waited for his response.
"Wait. You mean, you're not kicking me off of Bravo?" Sonny asked with a bewildered look on his face.
"There's no Bravo without you, man. So, are you just going to leave me hanging here or do we have a deal?"
Sonny smiled and bumped his fist with Jason's in agreement, "Deal."
"Alright then," Jason wrapped one arm around Sonny's shoulder and grabbed his bags with the other. "Let's go show those cake-eaters what Bravo can do."
"Roger that, Boss."
Lisa leaned back against her seat on the C-17 and took a few calming breaths trying to digest everything that had just happened in the last hour. She had hated leaving the way she did earlier, but she had no choice, the mission had to come first and if she was being honest she had no idea what to make of Sonny's confession right now anyway. She had known that something serious must have happened down there by the way Clay had given Sonny the cold shoulder when they got back but never in her wildest dreams would she have ever imagined that Sonny would have gone so far off the rails. Drugs? Gang bangers? What in the world had happened during those two days he had been gone? The anger and confusion she was feeling quickly made way for overwhelming guilt. Her best friend had been off the grid for 48 hours and she had barely noticed. He'd already been gone for a day when Clay had asked her if she knew where he was and it wasn't until that moment that she realized that he hadn't been back to the safe house.
For over a decade, she and Sonny had been practically inseparable while on deployment. Whenever they had any kind of downtime, they always gravitated towards each other and spent countless hours hanging out together. But all that changed when she had decided that they couldn't be friends, right before they were deployed on the Keating. She hadn't wanted to completely cut him out of her life, but she knew that being so close to him and not being able to be with him would hurt too much and she was just trying to make things a little easier. She'd convinced herself that it was for the best but in hindsight, she couldn't have been more wrong. They had both tried to move on but their attempts had been in vain, and resulted in Sonny spiraling worse than he ever had before, while she eventually ended up completely immersing herself in her work after things went south with Grant.
The sound of the guys boarding the plane breaks her out of her thoughts. Her gaze immediately drifts to Sonny and their eyes lock for a moment as he makes his way towards her. She quickly looks back towards her laptop in a desperate attempt to appear busy, but Sonny isn't deterred as he quietly takes a seat next to her. "Listen, Lisa, I know I messed up real bad this time" he sighs softly as he tries to find the right words.
"Sonny, we can't do this right now," she cuts him off, unable to keep the quiver out of her voice, "not here."
Sonny lets out a defeated breath. "Yeah, you're probably right. I, uh, I'll just let you get back to your work." He stands to leave but Lisa grabs his hand before he can walk away.
"Sonny, wait…"
He turns back toward her with a confused look on his face. She squeezes his hand reassuringly and repositions her hand so that she's holding onto his index finger with her whole hand. She's not sure how or when that became a thing for them but she was grateful for it now because it allowed her to convey to him all the things she couldn't say out loud yet. They'd been through so much in the last few months and she couldn't help but remember what Sonny had said to her the night of Clay's send-off… 'you're the only best friend I've got left'...
She still didn't know how she felt about everything that had happened in Colombia, but she knew that she wasn't willing to sacrifice their friendship for anything. They'd already lost so much precious time over the last couple of years, and in spite of everything, she knew that she needed him in her life just as much as he needed her. She looked up at Sonny with tears in her eyes. "I'm not going anywhere, okay? I just need some time."
Sonny softly rubbed his thumb over the back of her hand, "I'll wait as long as you need, Leese."
Lisa had spent every single second she wasn't working in Colombia, scouring news articles, police reports and anything that could give her any insight into what had happened with Sonny and Clay in Dibulla. From what she had gathered, the gang that Sonny had apparently gotten himself mixed up with was known as Hijos del Diablo. Given that they were a low level local gang, the police had seemingly chalked up the body count at the hotel to run-of-the-mill gang violence that was common in the area. As far as she could tell, there were no open investigations, but Lisa had still asked Mandy if she had any old contacts in the area that could help them make sure there was nothing that could ever lead back to Sonny. The last thing they needed was for a witness or some old surveillance footage to come back to haunt them.
She pulled out her phone and quickly read through Mandy's last message one more time, thankful that her friend was able to come through for her so quickly. She wasn't surprised though, Mandy always found a way to make the impossible possible and there wasn't anything she wouldn't do to protect any one of the guys. She didn't know exactly what Mandy did but she had assured her that there wasn't anything that could ever lead back to Sonny. Her exact words were, "it's like they were never there." Lisa smiled as she put her phone away. She definitely owed Mandy several cases of beer and maybe even a nice bottle of champagne.
Now that she was sure that Sonny was in the clear, she felt like she could finally relax a little. She knew that she and Sonny had a lot to talk about, but for the first time since she found out about everything that had happened, she finally felt like everything would be okay. She looked across the plane and spotted Sonny sitting on his own at the far end of the aircraft. It wasn't unusual for the guys to go off on their own as a way to unwind on the flight back, but she knew that wasn't why Sonny was sitting alone right now. He was giving her time, just like she had asked him, but she knew that not being able to talk to her was killing him. It would probably be best to wait until they were in private to talk, but if she was being honest, the distance between them was starting to get to her too and she really didn't want to wait any longer.
"Hey." She said softly, as she approached him. Sonny nods in acknowledgment and whispers "hey" without looking up. She sits next to him and puts her hand on his back. "I wish you would have come to me. I knew that you were hurting, but I guess I didn't realize how bad it was. Or maybe I just didn't want to see it."
He finally turns to look at her. "Yeah well, it's not like I was being all that agreeable at the time. I mean, the way I was treating you, I don't blame you for staying away. Besides, you had other things to worry about. It ain't on you to stop me from self-destructing."
"But you're my best friend Sonny and I just abandoned you when you needed me the most."
Out of everything that came out of Sonny's confession, that was what was troubling her the most. How could she have let herself get so consumed with work that she had completely missed that her best friend was falling apart? When he had angrily lashed out at her and blamed her for Hannah leaving, she had convinced herself that what Sonny needed was some time and space to cool off, so she had kept her distance. But in her heart, she knew that was a cop out. The truth was, she wasn't willing to admit that maybe Sonny wasn't entirely wrong. She hadn't set out to make Hannah feel like there was still something between her and Sonny, but that's what always tended to happen whenever she and Sonny were around each other. Even before they became more than friends, they had been giving people the wrong idea for years. The bond that they shared was just something they couldn't hide, even when they tried. She was sure the only reason they had been able to hide their relationship from the team for so long was because they were all so used to seeing how close she and Sonny were, but that wasn't the case with outsiders. She couldn't even remember how many fights she'd had about it with various boyfriends over the years.
"I uh I don't know why I always do that," she continued softly. "I push you away whenever I start seeing someone else and that's not fair, Sonny. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."
"I get it. I mean the lines between us do tend to blur pretty easily. I guess it's just easier to try and make a clean break. Besides, I'm sure Grant wouldn't have been too happy to have me dragging you into my messes."
Lisa scoffs a little at the mention of Grant. "Yeah well, making Grant happy wasn't exactly a priority of mine anymore."
"Wait what? What the hell are you talking about, Davis?" He knew that she wasn't seeing Grant anymore but he had thought that was a more recent development. Had Lisa really stopped seeing him back then? She hadn't mentioned anything when he told her that Grant would also be proud of her when that captain said he wanted to try and fix the issues she had brought up in her paper. Although, now that he thought about it, she did seem a little squirrely when he mentioned Grant but he'd just assumed it was the natural awkwardness of discussing your current relationship with your ex.
"Forget it. It's not important," she shrugged and shook her head dismissively, but he saw the hurt that briefly flashed in her eyes before she quickly tucked it away.
"Come on now, that might work on the others, but I think you're forgetting how well I know ya darlin'. What am I missing here?"
She sighed and gave him a small smile. She should have known he'd see right through her. "Actually, I'm the one who missed something. I missed a whole lot of somethings really, like a whole other girlfriend in DC."
Sonny can't hide the look of utter shock from his face. He shakes his head in disgust and mutters, "idiot."
"I know. Some intel officer, right? I can't even recognize the signs that the guy I'm dating is seeing someone else."
"Not you, Lisa! Him. He's the idiot."
"Oh…" she says, giving him a small sheepish smile. "Well, idiot or not, I never should have let my relationship with him pull me away from our friendship." She sighed a little before continuing.
"It used to be easier, you know, convincing them that we were just friends. But after things got real with us, I just couldn't do it anymore. I couldn't argue that we didn't mean anything more to each other than just friends. I guess I thought it was just better to avoid the whole thing by keeping you at a distance. Conflict avoidance — it's a classic Davis move. See, I told you I was an idiot."
"Hey, quit talking about my girl that way." He lightly bumped her shoulder with his, keeping his tone light and joking even though the look in his eyes revealed his true feelings.
Lisa blushes a little at the term of endearment and looks down at her hands. "You still think of me as your girl?" she whispered softly.
"Yeah, you'll always be my girl," Sonny admits quietly, reaching out to take her hand in his. In spite of everything that had happened between them and everything they had been through, Lisa was still the woman he loved. She was the first woman he ever truly loved and he knew that he would never love anyone else the way he loved her. "I just hope that I haven't completely ruined my chances at calling you that." He squeezes her hand softly before continuing. "I know saying I'm sorry doesn't even come close to cutting it right now, but I am so sorry, Lisa. I swear to you, nothing like that will ever happen again. I know I tend to go all scorched earth when I'm upset or hurt, but I'm really trying to get a handle on all that. You know, trying to find better ways to cope and all."
"You are?" she asked with genuine curiosity and the tiniest hint of disbelief.
"Yeah, uh, I was helping Naima at the vet center the other day. She, uh, needed someone to set up some more bookcases in the library they've got there and well, see, they had this book there about different ways to cope when things get rough. Figured it was worth a shot, you know. Turns out, it ain't half bad. It's um giving me a different perspective on things and, uh you know, helping me understand things about myself a little better," he admitted quietly.
"Wow, that's incredible. I'm so proud of you," she nods softly as tears fill her eyes. "And I'm really glad it's helping because I don't ever want to see you hurting yourself like that again, Sonny."
"I won't. I promise," he says, brushing away a stray tear that had made its way down her cheek.
"I'm going to hold you to that, Quinn. I mean it, because if anything were to ever happen to you, I don't know that I'd survive it."
"You have my word, Lisa," he promised. "So does this mean we're good?" he asked tentatively.
Lisa saw the hopeful look in his eyes and bit her lip. There was still one thing she needed to know before she could truly put this whole thing to bed.
"Were you ever going to tell me?" She blurted it out before she could change her mind. "I mean if we hadn't gone back to Colombia, would you have told me what happened?"
"Lisa, you have to believe me; I never meant to keep it from you this long, I swear," he sighed heavily. "It's just between the ambush in Mali and what happened to Clay; there just never seemed to be a good time. Things were finally starting to get back to normal with us and I didn't want to risk losing it again so soon. Of course, then I went and messed it up anyways with my irrational temper. I'm really tryin' to work on that," he rambled a little and she gave his hand a reassuring squeeze. Only then did he notice that she was still holding his hand. A wave of relief rushed over him as he realized that Lisa hadn't let go of his hand. Even though they were surrounded by all their teammates and various other staff members, even though he'd kept all this from her, even though he'd given her every reason to give up on him, she was still here holding his hand.
He took a steadying breath and continued, "Listen, Lisa, honestly, I think part of me was always worried that this whole mess would come back and bite me in the ass one day and I just couldn't stand the thought of putting you in a difficult spot with Command because of it. You've come so far and I'm so proud of you and I can't bear the thought of it all being compromised because of me. It's bad enough that I nearly wrecked everything with that whole Decker mess." Sonny sighed and hung his head a little.
"Hey, look at me." Lisa reached over and gently tilted his head up so he was looking at her. "First of all, I already told you, Decker deserved it and my only regret is not getting the chance to punch him myself. So you can stop feeling guilty about that, okay? I mean, sure, we had some fallout to deal with, but it was worth it. And you know, maybe we can both hold off on punching people for a little bit."
"Yeah, I think we can manage that," he chuckled.
"And as for what happened in Dibulla," Lisa continued. "You don't have to worry about that either."
"What? What do you mean?" he asked incredulously.
"Police records show that there aren't any open investigations about it and it seems like no one's really interested in pursuing the matter further. But I had Mandy look into it anyway and she made sure there wasn't anything to find even if someone were to ever look into it."
"When did you have time to do all that?" he asked, still trying to process everything she had just said.
"Well, we did have some down time during the mission," she shrugged and gave him a small smile.
"I...I don't know what to say. That's incredible. I can't believe it," he stammered, still a little shocked that she would do all that for him. "Thank you, Lisa. I don't know what I ever did to deserve you, but I'm so grateful to have you in my life. And if you'll let me, I'll spend the rest of my life doing whatever I can to prove it to you."
"I don't need you to prove anything to me, Sonny; just no more secrets, okay? No matter how bad you think it is."
"No more secrets, I promise. But that goes both ways, too. I mean I know you're basically Wonder Woman, but that doesn't mean you have to go through everything on your own. I know how much it must have hurt to find out that jackass was cheating on you and I hate that you felt you couldn't rely on your best friend for support."
"Okay, that's fair," she agreed softly. "But for the record, I do know that I can rely on you, it's just that old habits are hard to break sometimes. I'm sorry if I ever made you doubt that."
"It's alright, just as long as you know that I'll always have your back, no matter what. Even if all we can be right now is best friends." They were, as usual, in murky territory in their relationship. While they had grown so much closer ever since they had made up at Clay's memorial at the Bulkhead, nothing had really changed for them as far as the UCMJ was concerned. He knew they would have to figure it all out soon, but for now, all that mattered was that they were still a part of each other's lives.
Lisa smiles back at him and whispers, "I know," before lifting his hand up to her lips and lightly brushing her lips across the back. She then took his arm and draped it over her shoulder as she settled in closer to him, resting her head on his shoulder.
Sonny was a little surprised by this open display of affection, but if she was okay with it, he certainly wasn't going to complain. Relief washed over him as the anxiety he'd felt about everything that had happened in Dibulla finally started to lift.
"I can't believe this is really over," he sighed, breaking the comfortable silence that had settled between them. "I never realized just how much this whole mess was weighing on me. I'm definitely going to owe Miss Mandy several cases of beer and maybe even some of that fancy champagne she likes."
Lisa let out a soft giggle and it was the sweetest sound to his ears. "Yeah, I was thinking the same thing," she admitted. "We definitely owe her for coming through for us so fast."
"We…" Sonny sighed contentedly, "I like the sound of that, you know, us being a 'we'."
"Me too," she smiled and snuggled in just a little bit closer to him, shifting so that her head was resting on his chest. She let her eyes drift close as she enjoyed the comfort of his embrace. After the emotional rollercoaster they had just been through, she was more than happy to let the sound of Sonny's steady heartbeat lull her into the most peaceful sleep she'd had in quite some time.
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banannabethchase · 1 year
matt jackson/adam page, meet cute AU where adam is matt's kid's teacher
...Anon you found my kryptonite. Any school AU will take me down.
Meet the Teacher - Also on AO3
Adam's got a parent teacher conference with one of the trickiest parents in the district: Mr. Jackson.
This became over 2k words. I. Okay. This might as well happen.
Adam takes a deep breath and peeks out the door to his classroom again. No sign of anyone coming down the hallway, no indication of Bailey’s dad.
Adam jumps and almost crashes into his bookshelf. “Jesus, Silver, what is wrong with you?”
Mr. Silver, the P.E. teacher, grins at him. “You looked tense.”
“I am tense,” Adam says through gritted teeth. “And thanks, by the way. Scaring me definitely helps.”
Silver shrugs. “Happy to help.”
“Thought that was you.”
Adam rolls his eyes. “Oh, god, not you, too.”
Mr. Cole swaggers down the hallway, hands shoved in his pockets. “What, not happy to see me?”
“I’m not happy to see anyone right now,” Adam admits. “I have a parent/teacher conference that I’m pretty worried is going to suck.”
Cole pauses, leaning against the bulletin board across from Adam.
“Watch my kid’s personal narratives,” Adam says, trying to sound stern. Cole does shuffle out of the way, though.
“Why are you so freaked out?” Cole asks. “The parents love you. Moms want you to fulfill their weird little fantasies and fuck them on your desk, all that.”
“Okay, well, I wish I’d never heard that come out of your mouth,” Adam grumbles. “No, it’s – it’s a Jackson.”
Cole’s face falls. “Oh, dude. Good fuckin’ luck.”
“Right?!” Adam half yells. “His kid is in second grade and he’s already been to fifteen goddamn school board meetings. I didn’t even know there were that many to go to.”
“Talking about Bailey’s dad?” Ms. Shida says, poking her head out of the art classroom. “Good luck is right. When she was in kindergarten, he asked me why she didn’t get an A on all her assignments.”
Adam stares at her. “Don’t you grade on demonstration?”
“Yeah. E, S, N, U. She was getting E’s and he didn’t give me enough time to explain it before he was yelling at me.”
Adam whines a little and drops his forehead against the wall. “Oh, god, it’s only the fourth week of school. How am I already getting harassed by a parent 18 days in?” He exhales and jumps a little. “Okay. It’ll be fine. I’ll stay calm, and it’ll be fine.”
“Sure, buddy,” Cole says, clapping Adam on the shoulder. “Take it from the greater Adam. Survival is the goal.”
“I – shut up,” Adam says, pushing off Cole’s hand. “But. Uh. Thanks? I guess?”
In the hopes of ignoring the rest of his colleagues, Adam shoots a text to their receptionist to walk Bailey’s dad to his door when he gets there. He does a terrible job of getting paperwork done as he waits. The clock ticks on until 4:00 on the dot, when Adam hears a knock on the door and sees the receptionist, Mr. Schiavone, peek his head in.
“Hi there, Mr. Page,” Mr. Schiavone says, betraying none of the anxiety in his voice that Adam can read in his eyes. “Mr. Jackson is here?”
“Bailey’s dad,” comes a voice from behind him.
And in steps a man who doesn’t even remotely match the person Adam had conjured up in his mind. Long hair tied back in a half bun, tight white jeans, giant brown eyes, and a hesitant smile. Nothing like the half balding whiner in a lumpy sweater and khakis he’d imagined.
Adam is in trouble.
“Hi there, Mr. Jackson,” he says, standing up from his small group table. He always does parent conferences back at that table. It feels more personal. He sticks out his hand as Mr. Jackson comes by. “So great to meet you. We missed you at meet the teacher night.”
Mr. Jackson shakes his hand firmly, smiling. “Bailes was sick -trust me, you did not want her puking all over the floor.”
“Been there, done that,” Adam laughs.
He nods to Mr. Schiavone, who quietly slides out of the room.
“Please,” Adam says, sliding into one of the kid chairs at the back table, “have a seat. I should probably get some adult sized chairs, but, for now, enjoy the wiggle seats.”
Mr. Jackson perches expertly on the seat, then spins a little. “Oh, I like these,” he laughs. “Bailey likes them, too?
“Actually,” Adam says, and he can’t believe how quietly the conversation opened up, “that’s one thing I’d like to check in with you about.”
Mr. Jackson’s face darkens. “Did you bring me here to tell me my kid’s doing something wrong?”
“No!” Adam says. “Absolutely not. Bailey tries hard all the time. In everything. I can see how hard she’s trying, and that’s why I wanted to speak with you.” Adam takes a deep breath. These conversations never get easier. “I’m noticing that Bailey is having some difficulty transitioning from activity to activity, interacting with her peers, and comprehending texts.” He waits a second.
“Are you – you see it too?” Mr. Jackson’s face drops all the tension. “You think my Bailey might be Autistic?”
“I – yes,” Adam says. “She has some many characteristics, and I want to make sure we can help her –”
“Finally!” Mr. Jackson says, throwing his hands in the air as he leans back and half falls off of the wiggle seat. He catches himself before falling, like he knew it would happen. His hands are going everywhere. “Mr. Page, let me tell you, I have spent the past two years trying to get somebody to hear me when I’ve told them something is up with my girl. She’s – Bailey’s amazing, but I can tell she’s struggling when she comes home. I can tell. And the doctor told me Autism is only in boys, and Principal Khan told me it was too early to make that decision –”
Adam frowns. “Principal Khan said what?”
“I asked about it last year, around November,” Mr. Jackson says. He’s calmed down a bit, but his eyes are just the tiniest bit wet. “I told him I was seeing something with her, but her teacher disagreed with me. Principal Khan said we needed to wait.” He wrinkles his nose. “He and the teacher said she was too young to make any decisions.”
Adam pauses. The next question needs to be carefully asked, expertly angled so no one could say he disparaged a coworker.
“That Ms. Baker’s a real douchebag,” Mr. Jackson continues. Adam doesn’t even get a chance to get a word in. “And I know it’s probably, like, not cool to speak that way about your kid’s teacher, but, god, what a jerk! She literally said Bailey was fine because she wasn’t a behavior concern. That we needed to prioritize.”
Adam’s the one to half fall off of his seat at that one. “She said what?”
“I know, right?” Mr. Jackson says. He shakes his head and his hair is, well, unmissably soft. Adam feels like one of the kids with the way he wants to reach out and touch it. “Like, and in front of the principal. He looked so baffled about it that he just sort of ended the conversation with the plan that we would look into it in second grade.” He shrugs. “So, when we got that first progress report back, I asked for a conference.” He sheepishly pulls out his phone and presses a button. “I, uh. I kind of was recording this whole conversation. I was scared you were going to be another person here who was writing off my girl.”
Adam stares at the recording and runs back everything. He didn’t say anything negative, did he? Just asked questions?
“Sir,” Adam says, “I fully understand how frustrating that may have been for you. Is there a chance, though, that you could delete that recording?”
“Oh, duh, of course.” He turns the phone toward Adam and selects the only recording dated today, and hits delete. “I wasn’t actually going to use it against you unless you were awful.”
“Thank…you? I think?” Adam says.
Mr. Jackson nods. “So, um. What are you thinking for Bailes?”
The two of them speak for half an hour, coming up with a support system for Bailey until the referral process goes through, and Adam finds Mr. Jackson moving closer and closer.
“Oh, and can you add something about how to handle friendships?” Mr. Jackson asks. When he reaches over to point at it, he lets his arm fall right against Adam’s. “She’s having trouble understanding that she has to ask a friend to play, that they might not know she wants to if she’s on the other side of the playground.”
“Of course,” Adam says, nodding. His heart is racing, just a little bit. He can smell whatever shampoo Mr. Jackson uses. It smells like green apples. Like candy.
“Perfect,” Mr. Jackson says. “God, Mr. Page, I don’t know what I would have done if Bailey had gotten somebody else for a teacher.”
Adam couldn’t prove it, but he’s pretty sure Mr. Jackson is fluttering his eyelashes at him. He’s got gorgeous eyes. “Sure thing,” he says, clearing his throat.
“Right.” Mr. Jackson pushes back.
“You can call me Adam, though,” he says automatically. “You don’t – Mr. Page is for the kids. You can call me Adam.”
Mr. Jackson’s face breaks into a grin. He’s so goddamn pretty. “Alright then, Adam. You can call me Matt.” He reaches out to shake Adam’s hand, and their fingertips linger just this side of too long as they pull away.
“It was good to meet you, Matt,” Adam says. He feels…anxious. In a very good way. “Glad to be of help.”
The next morning, Adam finds himself primping a little bit. There’s no reason, none at all, that he would run into Mr. Jack – Matt at school today. Bailey takes the bus. He won’t see Matt.
But he can’t help but add a little extra effort to his morning routine.
“Looking good, Mr. Page,” Silver says. He wiggles his eyebrows as Adam makes his way into his spot at the bus ramp.
“Oh, shut up,” Adam grumbles. “Why can’t you be normal?”
“Not my vibe,” he says, shrugging. “How’d it go yesterday with Jackson?”
Adam relays the events, leaving out the smell of Matt’s hair or how warm it was when their arms touched.
“You’re a parent whisperer,” Silver says, shaking his head. “You got through to the scariest dad in the area.”
“I know, dude,” Adam says, sipping his coffee. “It was like night and day. Jackson was totally – well, he wasn’t chill, on any level. But he’s just been worried about his kid and Bailey was stuck with Baker last year.”
Silver winces. “Well that’d fuck up any kid, wouldn’t it.”
Adam nods, sipping his coffee. At least the coffee is cold, out here in the summer heat as he waits for the bus riders to come in. “I just hope he likes me.”
The first bus opens his doors, and they hear “Mr. Page!”
A tiny brunette ball of energy careens into Adam before he can focus, and only just manages to angle his tumbler full of coffee away from the projectile before it spills.
“Is that Miss Bailey,” Adam says, hugging around her shoulders. “Missed you all weekend, munchkin!”
“Daddy says to give you this.” Bailey, like always, gets herself tangled in her backpack straps for a second before calming down and pulling it off. She dives into her backpack and pulls out her weekend folder, then pauses, looking a bit confused. “Give you now?” she asks.
“Not right now,” Adam says gently. “Let’s wait until weekend folder time.”
“Okay.” Bailey continues to dig until she pulls something out of her bag with a Jackson-style dramatic, “Aha!” She shoves a Starbucks gift card, a crayon art project, and a decorated stapler that says, “Mr. Page” on the top. “Don’t tell him I said this, but he was singing his happy songs all the way to school, so I think he’s really excited that you get this.” She beams up at him. “Do you like ‘em?”
“I love them, Bailes,” Adam says. She dives at him again and hugs him tight. Adam holds the crayon project. “Did you make this?”
“Me and Daddy,” Bailey clarifies. “I got to use Daddy’s special hair dryer!”
“Wow!” Adam says. “What a day!”
“Okay, I get breakfast now,” Bailey says. “Later gator, Mr. Page!”
Adam watches Bailey skip into school and sees Silver eyeing him.
“So, uh, Page,” Silver says, and Adam is deeply concerned with that smile, “looks like Jackson likes you a lot.”
“Shut up,” Adam grumbles, blushing. But he’s already planning the thank you letter he’ll send home with Bailey that afternoon.
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what're some fun facts and/or dreadful curses about your party? i wish to hear as many juicy details as u got about these poor unfortunate souls O:
Ohohoho we've only had three sessions but I very much so have thoughts to say regarding the party of four that my players have handed to me. Possibly, too many thoughts, but nevertheless! I'm gonna go through in order of the introductory vignettes from session one for the sake of convenience, talk about my thoughts on each so far, and give some fun facts (and dreadful curses) along the way.  I originally spent a day typing this out in a document on my phone and oh lord this is way longer than I thought it was, apologies in advance for the wall of text-
Kestrel: Out of all the members of the group, I as the DM know the least about Kestrel. This is due to factors mostly out of game, but in game I too would say this is the result of our desert-wandering tabaxi cleric being the most (I say this lovingly and this is the best word I could think to use) "average" among the party. By that I mean he could've very easily been put in with the PCs of a non-Ravenloft campaign and would fit right in, likely even more so than the actual group he's gotten himself saddled with. I, personally, think this is a stroke of genius for a number of reasons. They're the everyman archetype as someone who neither lives in and has thereby adapted to the nature of Ravenloft nor someone not tied to the setting but is still horror-based; a regular, unwitting person with no expectations for the terror that awaits. Kestrel's average-ness, in fact, makes them stand out amongst the other party members. He both sharply contrasts with and balances out fellow setting outsider Lemeia; a contrast that makes their dynamic and fast friendship such a blast to watch. I'm also excited to see how his dynamics with the other two evolve in the next session. So far Kestrel has stood as a neutral anchor-point amidst Brynmor's fear-driven worry, Nocturna's jovial indifference, and Lemeia's eerie fascination: understandably afraid in the face of their current predicament, but for the most part remaining level-headed and curious. I would not boil them down and describe them as "holder of the sole brain cell" because that just wouldn't be true, but he has been a grounded and often inquisitive facet of the group; not quite the voice of reason just yet. They haven't had any particularly big moments to themselves asides from discovering the dismembered mannequin in the kitchen, but I hope to ensure that such won't be the case for long. Fun fact time! Kestrel has an interest in plants! His character sheet has the herbalism kit and a journal of notes on plants and herbs listed in his inventory, and his player inquired on if The House had any potted plants to study during session one. Planning on having them get some in-world translated books on domain-native plants and seeing what they're able to do with that. Unsurprisingly for a character decidedly not steeped in dread like a nightmare-themed tea bag, Kestrel lacks a great deal in possible dreadful curses. However, they were the only member of the party to have been, uh, gently pushed in the direction of The House by shadows rushing past at the corners of his vision. This could come back as something of note, but as of now I'm not exactly sure on a good plan for that. His backstory is likely to, maybe literally, haunt him as well.
Nocturna: Nocturna… ooooh boy oh boy where do I even begin? The party's Lepalï (homebrew from somewhere online I was sent by player) warlock hailing from The Carnival as the child of two illusionist performers is a character that I and their player had discussed many 'a time prior to the beginning of the campaign proper. They are… well, they're a lot, which is quite fitting. If it gives any strong indication: with no prompting or prodding from me, the player had Nocturna sprint head-first into the mists completely ignoring the immediate concern of the other Carnival residents and this act was entirely on brand for both player and character. Additional note, as relayed to me by their player, she has also definitely done this more than once before. Yep. A never-ending fountain of whimsy and mischief, Nocturna has taken the situation in stride; seeing the investigation of The House as a fun adventure rather than a omen of ill occurrence. They've ran off from the party to explore, drawn on the walls, tore a hole in another wall, and solved a major puzzle without actually fully solving it; they're just hear to have fun! Incredibly reckless fun! The whimsy, however, belies the single-minded determination that she has found herself gripped by on multiple occasions over the course of the time spent in the house. Putting others at risk, literally knocking Brynmor over and trying to dig through his equipment, in a desperate bid to pry a basement door open. This aspect of her character hasn't been explored in a lot of detail yet, but it's something that might prove interesting later. Speaking of Brynmor! I could and probably will make a whole post of its own just to ramble about the two's dynamic. Seriously. Solo moments of note include stealing the mask of one of the dining room mannequins, and then a session later punching said mannequin to the ground. Also, the entire mini-saga of double nat-1'ing on trying to open the basement door. Fun fact: They're not only a magician, but also able to draw and play multiple musical instruments well. A performer of many trades! I have a hunch that they might be multiclassed into bard at some point later down the line. Potential dreadful curses, at least at the moment, are more so in line with her patron than anything else. This isn't to say The Carnival doesn't have anything in store, but the most obvious of the warlock business will likely come first. At the moment we're at in the campaign, Azalin Rex isn't actually aware of the fact that he's got an unaccounted-for warlock running around with an object he had intended for someone else to have. This is the lord of Darkon we're talking about though, and he'll have some sort of scheme in mind for her in no time. Whether or not Nocturna actually cooperates is yet to be seen, and the king isn't in much of a position to seek aid elsewhere.
Brynmor: Going in I had little to no expectations for what Brynmor was going to be like. To my absolute delight he has very quickly become a wonderful piece of characterization from his player and an absolute treat to behold. Dragonborn ranger born in Barovia to a mother known in the village of Krezk as a defender and protector against that which lurks in the night, Brynmor has made it his goal to follow in his mother's footsteps and face monstrous threats with strength and courage. He is also an absolute dork and very afraid of the possibility of actually stumbling across something that could harm him or those he intends to help; qualities which are very understandable for an ambitious 18 year-old who's never really left home until now. This guy left Krezk and immediately climbed the goddamn Balinok Mountains in the middle of fucking winter and now he'll never live decision down and I love him for it. In stark contrast to Nocturna, Brynmor has taken every step of the party's exploration of The House incredibly seriously: arguably, depending on your own view, too seriously. He's extremely fearful about whatever it is that must have brought them all to the house, and especially paranoid about it being in the house with them. Incredibly cautious and equally as concerned for the well-being of his newly-found compatriots, but still trying to lead the charge. He's no leader, though, especially not where he's at now. He's reached beyond his means, and I'm excited to see where his ambition might lead him; for better or for worst. Our boy here has had a few good solo moments, of note being his realization that the strange set of stairs at the back half of the house lead nowhere and make absolutely no sense physically, and the absolute terror that realization caused him. Also, just, the way his dialogue is phrased a lot of the time is really fun. Final fun fact: One of the times in Brynmor's inventory is a old, worn book of nursery rhymes (via the horror trinkets table in the 5e VRG). The player and I have decided that this was a book that his mother would had read to him often as a child, and that he brought it along on his journey up the mountain as a keepsake. Dreadful curses is the name of the game when it comes to the mists and for Brynmor this is no different. Knowledge of undead creatures and sinister forces has been passed down through his family and onto him: one such piece of knowledge being the true scope of Strahd von Zarovich's status and power as a vampire. What Brynmor doesn't know is that his family has been a mild thorn in the lord of Barovia's side for some time, his grandparents having been the sole surviving members of an adventuring party pulled into Barovia by forces unseen many years before the beginning of the campaign.
Aaand that's it that's the whole post-
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yourcooladdiction · 3 years
i didn’t have a back-up plan | bucky barnes
summary: reader x bucky break-up but nothing one of tony’s infamous galas can’t fix ;)
pairings: bucky barnes x female reader
warnings: 18+ only pls!! (smut, unprotected sex, public sex), angsty, little bit of fluff, jealous bucky, cuss words
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You’re sitting at the kitchen table with your head cradled in both of your hands. Your cheeks are stained from the hour's worth of tears and for a second you are so glad you didn’t put on any mascara this morning. You hear the screeching sound of a chair pulling out across from you and you refuse to look up. You’ve been going at it for hours now.
He just got back from a three-month-long mission, and everything had been fine until he told you how long he was going to be gone this time. You couldn’t do another three, four, maybe even five months without seeing him. You’ve been together for almost two years, yet it seems like you’ve only physically been with him for maybe 4-5 months. You didn’t expect much from this relationship. You knew when you met him it was going to be hard, and if you’re being honest, you didn’t think it was going to last this long…but there was something about him you couldn’t get over. You fell for him hard and now you are dealing with the consequences. You weren’t accustomed to his lifestyle, and you knew you’d never adapt to it. Being an Avenger isn’t something you just sign up for and it’s certainly not for everyone. He didn’t force the lifestyle upon you, he never forced you to Tony’s lavish parties even though he wanted you to but he knew you’d be too uncomfortable. He loved you. You knew that. You loved him. He knew that. But you knew he deserved more, someone like him, and you deserved someone more like you, with nothing too special about them.
“You want to yell at me some more?” You ask.
“Doll...” His tone is cold and emotionless. You know where this is going. You both have known where this is going.
“Do you think we need to break up?” the words escape his lips, and you finally glance up at him.
“If that’s what you want.” You state.
His shocked response is not what you were expecting.
“What do you want? Do you want this to work? Do you love me?” His tone now filled with sincerity. Where the fuck has this been the past two hours you think to yourself. You could’ve sworn you were taking the words out of his mouth, you wanted to beat him to it. But his puzzled look is telling you otherwise, telling you he doesn’t want this at all.
“Bucky, we haven’t been doing well for so long. It’s just... it’s just not working. Our lives do not mesh together anymore. You are all over the place and I can’t drop everything when convenient for you.” You explain your decision and he sits back in his chair.
“I’ve never once expected you to ‘drop your life for me.’ Jesus fucking Christ.” His tone back to irritated. There he is. There’s the Bucky that you’ve been dealing with for the past few hours and the past few months.
“We fight all the fucking time! That’s all we’ve done for months! When you’re gone it’s over the phone or in text, when you’re here it’s in person. Nothing has changed. Nothing helps. It’s not fucking working.” Your voice cracks and his eyes begin to water.
“I... I love you, I don’t want this to end. We can work on this. I can work on this. I can tell Sam I need a break and take some time off.” He attempts to save himself and you shake your head.
“Buck – I love you but I’m holding you back. You need to be with someone who understands your world and I- I’m just not that person.” You try to fight back the stream of tears and he drops his head in defeat.
He attempts to save himself one more time as his mouth opens but nothing comes out. You stare deeply into his piercing eyes. Trying to memorize his face. Trying to memorize him.
He stands up from the table and stops beside you. He reaches down and squeezes your hand. You squeeze back and glance up at him one last time. His eyes fill with tears once more and he takes off to the door. You sit there and force yourself to stare at the now empty seat across from you. You hear the door shut and the floodgates of emotions hits. You sit there for the longest time. Tears and tears flow down your face. Your heart has found a new home in the pit of your stomach. Your eyes eventually dry up and you know that this was the right decision. It was never going to work…
You are pulled out of your poorly timed reminiscing when your date reaches out and grabs ahold of your hand,
“Ready babe?” He asks.  
You force a smile and step out of the car.
You find it oh so incredibly ironic that your work is co-hosting one of Tony’s infamous charity galas. After you and Bucky broke up you landed a big-time PR job which involved working the one and only…avengers. You haven’t seen Bucky since the breakup but he had to know that you were practically working for the team by now. You had wondered how long you two could avoid each other, it was bound to happen eventually.
Nevertheless, 8 months post break up...here you are. The guy you’ve been seeing, a stockbroker on Wall Street was more than eager to be your date to this event. He wouldn’t shut up about the networking opportunity, and a chance to “meet the avengers.” Eyeroll.
You, on the other hand, didn’t want to go. You’ve been staring at the guestlist for weeks, well, you’ve been staring at one particular name on the guestlist for weeks. You’ve been racking your brain on why he would come to this event. He usually never goes to these stupid gala events, but yet he is attending a random gala…that you are in charge of…come on. You also find it convenient that he had a plus one beside his name. Of course, he does. He’s Bucky Barnes, why wouldn’t he have a date.
You and your date walk the imitation red carpet that’s laid out. You are the chair of this event so you have to pose for pictures and stop for questions. You hated this part of your job, you just wanted to be behind the scenes but unfortunately, people love you and your work, so they want to know all about you at all times.
You make it through the interviews and pull your date inside. He is enjoying this publicity a little too much. You find some co-workers/friends and push him off on them, and quickly head to the bar to get the strongest drink possible.
You order a dry martini with extra gin and take a sip.
“Some things don’t change, hm doll?”  
You stand there frozen. The accent. The beautiful Brooklyn accent that you miss every fucking day. Those six words send chills down your back. The way “doll” flowed off his lips. This fucker. You take a deep breath and pray your makeup has remained in tack and your hair looks good from behind.
You slowly turn around and are met with those deep blue eyes. His hair was much shorter than the last time you saw him, but still so damn handsome. The scruff along his chin almost makes you drool because you miss the feeling of it against your skin. Your eyes make their way back up to him and he is smiling.
“Hi,” he says.
“Hi.” You say back.
“You look...fantastic,” he smirks.
You bought this dress specifically for tonight. For this moment. You got it in his favorite color because you wanted him to see you and admit you looked good. You give yourself an internal high five before responding to him.
“Thank you, so do you.” You gesture at his tux. One of your favorite looks on him.
“I-uh-I hope that it’s not weird that I am here,” he says as he takes a step into you.
“Oh, no. Not at all. I am glad you’re here.”
You quickly realize what you said and try to recover,
“SO you can take part in the donations! The more avengers the merrier!” You laugh nervously  
You idiot.
He chuckles at you and shakes his head.
“Is there somewhere more private we can talk?” He asks.
“Uh-I shouldn’t. I have to-“
“Oh right, yes, of course, you’re working. Well, maybe we can meet up before the night is over? I would love to catch up,” his voice is almost a whisper as he is only a few centimes from you. You can smell his unique scent. You used to joke that if he could bottle it up and sell it he wouldn’t have to run off and save the world every other day.
“Yeah, mhm, enjoy your night!” You respond and walk off.
An hour or so passes as you get caught talking to other donors before you can make your way back to your date. He is completely sloshed and making a fool of himself. Great. You call him an Uber and tell him he has to leave. He doesn’t take this very well and begins yelling at you. You and a few co-workers manage to get him outside as you wait for the Uber but he continues yelling at you.
“You’re just a fucking bitch! Get over your fucking metal-arm freak of an ex and you will be happy! I could make you so happy!” He says as he points a finger in your face.
Before you can respond a man quickly jumps in between the two of you and slams him into a wall
“Call her a bitch again and I will kill you, yeah?”
Your date's eyes go wide, and he runs off to the Uber as it pulls up.
“Bucky, what in the absolute fuck is wrong with you?” You yell and he chuckles.
“Really? I just helped you with that fucking asshole and you want to yell at me?”
Without thinking you take ahold of Bucky’s hand and pull him inside and off to a side room. You slam the door behind them both of you and he takes a few steps inside before turning around to face you. You cross your arms along your chest and tell yourself to be calm, give him a chance to explain himself, but as he opens his mouth you cut him off.
“What the fuck are you doing here, James?” You question
A smile splays across his face as you use his first name. He takes a few steps towards you, attempting to close the gap. You slowly take a step or two back still allowing the distance between the two of you. He smirks as he realizes what you’re doing.  
“Well doll, if you must know. I needed to see you He says. His accent was thicker than before, which is a clear indicator he’s been enjoying the open bar or some Asgardian liquor or both.
“What about your plus one? Where is she, hm?” You question.
“You mean Sam? Yeah, I’m sure he’s having a great time in there.” He chuckles.
Of fucking course it’s Sam.
“Why was Sam not on the – oh forget it, we aren’t together anymore Buck, you don’t get to just show up and call me doll and pretend that everything is normal.” You sigh.
“Why not?” He asks playfully.
“We broke up, Bucky.” You sigh once more.
“Yeah and?”  
“And!? And YOU walked away” You scoff
“Are you fuckin’ kidding me, doll?” His voice irritated.
“No, I’m not fucking kidding ‘you.” You tilt your head and mock his accent. His eyes narrow and the muscles in his jaw clench. You forgot how fucking sexy he is when he’s mad.
You two stare at each other for a few seconds as if you’re having a contest. Your emotions begin to overwhelm you and you feel the tears swelling in your eyes. You look down in defeat and you hear him let out a small sigh.
“Love.” His voice cracks. Fuck. You can’t hold the tears back any longer and you feel them fall down your cheek. You look back up at him and his eyes are bloodshot too.
“I fucked up, doll.” He mutters.  
“Yeah. You did.”  
“I know I did! I know! I should have stayed and fought for you. I know that now. I am sorry. But I’m here now. I’ve been working on this little plan for weeks now, to see you and –“
“No! No, no. You can’t do this. You don’t get to do this.” You interrupt, you wipe a tear away, and turn around to leave.
“It wasn't just me, doll! What about you, huh? You couldn’t adjust to my lifestyle yet you’ve been parading around all the other avengers for the past 8 months. Helping Tony with these bullshit galas!” He challenges.
You spin around and narrow your gaze at him.
“It’s my job.” You defend yourself.
“Yeah? I was your fucking boyfriend, not a lot of effort given there though?”
“Oh, fuck you, Bucky. Fuck. You.” You ridicule.
You both stare at each other down. Waiting for the next one to say something. You are soon questioning why you were so excited to see him tonight. Why you picked out this specific dress. Why you enjoyed it when he defended you against your douchebag date. You feel another tear fall and you quickly wipe it away.
“I should’ve tried harder. I’m sorry. I couldn’t handle the distance and I gave up on us too easily because I was scared and I’m sorry.” You finally confess.  
He stares at you. Contemplating what you just said. His jaw is still clenched, and both of his hands are stuffed into his pockets. The silence is almost deafening, and you turn to leave as your heart can’t take this anymore. 8 months later and you’re still not over him. You’ll never be over him.
Bucky grabs your hand as you begin to turn and spins you back around to face him.  
“Doll, I miss you. God, I fucking miss you.” He croaks.
Before you can speak his lips crash against yours. He quickly has you pushed against the wall as he deepens the kiss. You moan as you feel his tongue enter into your mouth. You wrap your hands in his brown locks and attempt to pull him further into you. He slides a leg in between yours and you moan as he grazes your sweet spot.
“Buck, we’re in public-“ you let out a raspy moan.
“I need you, please.” He groans.  
And with that, you’re gone. You give in to whatever he wants. He slips off the straps of your dress and you step out of it, he takes you in as if it was the very first time seeing you. You attempt to cover yourself up, you haven’t been this exposed since the last time you were together.
“Don’t,” he demands.  
He lifts your chin with his finger and places the sweetest kiss on your lips.
“You’re so beautiful.” He whispers.
“Buck, I haven’t- I haven’t been with anyone else.” You admit.
“Me either, baby. I couldn’t bring myself to think about anyone but you. You’re all I’ve ever wanted. Let me show you how much I've missed you."
This time the tears swelling in your eyes were happy ones. He smiles as he finally renders you speechless. He wipes the tear away and kisses you once more. The kiss goes back to heated and passionate. You reach for his belt buckle, and he groans as your hands brush up against his erect member. He pulls his bow tie off and quickly unbuttons his shirt. He slips off his pants and underwear and once again has you pushed against the door. He begins kissing down your neck as he slips off your bra. He hooks a finger into your underwear, and you moan as his hands slide down your thighs.
“You ready?” He asks
All you can do is nod as the sight of him is enough to make you come.
He hoists you up against the door and you wrap your legs around him as he slips himself inside of you.
“Fuck, baby girl.” He groans.
“Buck – Jesus.” You cry out as he fills you up. He stills as he thinks he hurts you and pulls away to check on you,  
“Move, please.” You giggle and he nuzzles his head into your neck and begins peppering kisses along your collarbone.
He thrusts himself in and out of you at an unrelenting pace. Anyone else would probably be embarrassed with how quickly you’re about to fall apart but you don’t care. You’ve missed this touch for months. You’ve craved it for months. You knew you needed him again. You just needed to realize it.
“Y-you close baby? I’m so close. Fuck.” He moans.
You attempt to speak but all that comes out is a loud moan of his name. He smiles at how easily you fall apart for him. He’s always loved this effect he’s had on you. Even though you held your own, there was something about Bucky that made you putty in his hands. He knew he had to get that feeling back. He knew the second he walked out he wanted to come back. He almost did. He stood outside your door for the longest time but couldn’t bring himself to knock. He knew you’d come back to him. He knew he’d find you again and you two couldn’t help but get back together. You were meant to be.
“Fuck, I’m-“ is all you get out as your orgasm takes over.
“That’s it, doll. Let go. Fuck. I love you. I love you so much.” He praises you as you clench around his cock.
Your head spins as you see stars. With a few more sloppy thrusts, Bucky is moaning your name as he lets go inside of you. He slowly places you back down on the ground and kisses you all over.  
“Are you okay?” He asks.
“I love you.” You say as you lean up to steal a kiss.  
He smirks against your lips and wraps his arms around your waist. You two stand there in each other’s embrace.  
“Can we make this work? Can you be mine again?” He whispers  
“Yes.” You smile.
“Good, I didn’t have a backup plan if you said no.” He smirks and you laugh.
“Let’s get dressed. I’m sure everyone heard us.” You roll your eyes.
“Hey that’s never bothered you before,” he teases.
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pascalpanic · 3 years
Fixer Upper PART THREE (Frankie Morales x f!Reader)
Summary: Now you’re faced with an option after Frankie left a tool at your house. How do you make your feelings for Frankie known?
W/C: 2k
Warnings: language, Benny is a menace, fluff :)
A/N: THE THRILLING CONCLUSION! Thank you all for tagging along!
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You hardly slept last night. Your mind was filled with the handsome repairman, his smile and his laughter and the fact that he left a vital piece of his equipment in your house. It had to be a sign, right?
Whether or not it was a purposeful move is the question that tormented you until the early hours of the morning. He was a great man, most definitely, but did he mean his jokes and assistance in a way beyond the professionalism he had to have? You couldn’t figure out, and it left you tossing and turning like you had when the air conditioner was broken.
In the morning, you still aren’t quite sure what to make of it. You’d thought that sleeping on it might bring some sense of clarity, but it really hasn’t. Enjoying the cold air of your newly fixed air conditioner, you stare at the wall as you sip your morning coffee. Is there even a solid answer? You’re not entirely sure.
Well, whether or not you’re going to make a move, you suppose he’s going to need that wrench. Lifting your phone, you dial the shop’s number, which is now saved into your speed dial list.
“Standard Oil and Heating,” a man’s voice sounds from the phone, “this is Benny.”
“Hi,” you say with a somewhat cheerful voice. “Uh, is Catfish in today?” You ask the man.
“Gimme one second,” the man murmurs. You can hear paper flipping, as he looks through something on the desk. “Uh, can I ask why you’re calling?” He clarifies.
“Oh, of course. He fixed my oven yesterday and he left one of his tools behind.”
The man- Benny- chuckles. “Oh, you’re the one with the fucked-up house! We’ve heard about you.”
That makes you laugh, but more importantly, makes your stomach flutter nervously. Frankie’s mentioned you to his coworkers. Whether it was in passing or in depth, you don’t know, but he’s mentioned you. Talked about you. “Yeah, that would be me,” you shrug and sip your coffee.
There’s another shuffling of paper and the man makes a small noise of discontent. “Well, it looks like he won’t be in today for whatever reason, but he’ll be here tomorrow. If you wanna bring it in, I can give it to him.”
You pause, then shake your head. Even though he can’t see it, you’re sure he can figure it out. “That’s alright. I’ll just bring it in tomorrow then.”
Benny chuckles a little. “I think he’ll like that. Do you want me to let him know?”
“No, that’s okay. I’ll just pop in when I have the time,” you say casually, as if you’re not about to rearrange your entire day around to do so. The note from Benny- I think he’ll like that- makes your smile widen.
“No problem. We’ll see ya then,” he tells you and nods before hanging up.
Well, now you have about twenty four hours before you have to return that wrench. The decision before you still hangs heavy in the air. There’s a good chance he likes you, especially if the man who answered the shop phone was right. His words were subtle but hinting, and the idea was that Frankie has talked about you.
But what if he hasn’t? What if he just mentioned that you have a chronically disastrous house and that was the end of the story? God, there are so many questions, and it makes you annoyed to no end. You groan aloud, grateful to live alone, and drop your head to the cool wood of your kitchen table.
Love is too complicated. Can you even categorize it as love right now? Maybe it’s more of an affection situation. There are too many labels for things, too many variables and ifs and whens. Too many reasons things can go right or can go very very wrong.
Worst of all, if Frankie doesn’t feel the same, you lose a damn good repairman. Well, he’s a good guy. You’re sure he’d still help, but that banter and laughter would certainly be gone. The relationship you have now would be thrown out the window, which you may one day need him to fix.
You have a job, and you do your work as the day progresses, but Frankie’s face takes up permanent residence in the back of your mind, unable to let you focus well. Even as you snag a spare monster cookie during your lunch break, you think of him and how warmly he helped you after you burned yourself.
Your decision wavers back and forth. You have periods of definitiveness, moments where you’re certain you’re going to make a move and moments where you decide you’re going to do nothing at all. It’s agonizing, your inability to make a decision.
Finally, you reach the best conclusion you think you can have. When you drop off the wrench tomorrow, you’ll just read the room. You’ll carefully observe his body language, the way he speaks, and try to take the clues you can find in person. Yeah, that should work. It’s probably the best option too.
Settling in bed, you take a while to fall asleep, pondering possibilities. Eventually, you fall asleep and even your dreams are filled with confusion and twists, a theme of uncertainty filling your unconscious mind.
Then the morning comes. You get dressed into something you’d normally wear to go out running errands. You don’t want anything too cute, anything too casual or sloppy. Even then, you change t-shirts three times until you remind yourself it’s nothing of consequence.
You drink your to-go coffee as you drive to the shop, which you’ve surprisingly never been to in person. For as much as you use their services, you’ve never seen the building. Walking inside, you peek around and find no one. Taking a deep breath and making yourself relax, you ring the buzzer on the desk that sounds in the back.
A man comes to the front, wearing working clothes and a tool belt. His outfit is similar to Frankie’s, but he’s omitted the ball cap. “Hi,” he comments, slightly confused.
“Hey, I’m here for Catfish?” You ask, looking through the window behind the desk that shows the back of the shop. You hold up the wrench, hoping that gives a little indication.
“Oh! You’re her!” The man nods, blue eyes brightening and blonde scruff moving with his smile. “I’m Benny, the one you talked to yesterday.”
He offers his hand and you shake it, smiling and introducing yourself. “Nice to meet you.”
“You too! Fish loves when he gets sent to your place,” he chuckles. “Are you here… just to drop off the wrench?” He asks, implying the very thing that you spent the whole night pondering.
“Hopefully not,” you shrug nervously, an awkward smile on your face.
Benny nods and shoots you a knowing smile. “Fish really likes you.  I’ll just spoil that one for you,” he laughs. “The guy’s like a brother. I can read him damn well. Okay, enough of that. I’ll send him out here, or do you wanna come on back?”
“I’ll come back with you?” You say, half-questioning and half-stating. The man waves you along and you follow him into the back.
“Fish,” Benny calls, and Frankie’s head pops up from a tool bench. He’s facing away from the two of you.
“What do you want?” He grumbles, not turning. He’s too focused on whatever he’s tinkering with, using pliers and wire and tape.
“God, you’re an asshole, Frank. Sure you don’t wanna leave?” He asks you jokingly.
At the question being directed elsewhere, Frankie turns and his eyes widen as he spots you. “Hey, what are you doing here?” He asks.  Benny respectfully backs out of the room without saying anything, allowing the two of you to have your conversation.
“You left your wrench,” you chuckle and awkwardly hold it up.
“Oh, that’s where I left it,” Frankie says, though you learn that he’s a terrible liar through the tone of his voice. “Thanks for bringing that back.”
“Yeah, yeah,” you assure him and smile.
There’s a beat of silence before the both of you try to speak. Neither of you manage to get anything out before you realize the other is speaking. Then you stumble over your words, each of you assuring the other that they go. Then there’s more of that, letting the other speak, and silence, then he breaks it.
“I, uh, left that on purpose,” he admits, face reddening beneath the brim of his blue ball cap.
“Well, I wanted to bring it back specifically to say that I really like you,” you admit and fold your arms awkwardly.
His face practically lights up, looking up at you with a mixture of love and shock and excitement. “Really?”
“Really,” you nod and place the wrench down on the work table in front of him. “What time do you work until tonight? Would you like to come back to my cursed house and I’ll make dinner?” You offer, leaning against his table.
Frankie grins. “I’d love that, yeah. I’ll bring my tool belt just in case,” he chuckles, which makes you genuinely laugh and in turn widens his smile. “You don’t have to make anything though.”
“I will though,” you shrug, your body loosening now that the tension is gone. He feels the same. “Now that my oven is working, we’re all good.”
He chuckles and looks down at the wiring piece he was working on before looking back at you like he’d look at a gorgeous work of art. “I work until 5. Sometime after that?” He offers.
“Seven it is. Do you have any food restrictions?”
He shakes his head. “I eat anything and everything in massive amounts,” he chuckles. “I’m sure anything you make would be great.”
“Well, I’ll text you what I’m making if I can have your phone number,” you offer, a little confidence boosting from the fact that he clearly reciprocates your feelings.
“Yeah,” he grins and takes your phone when you hand it to him, entering his contact. Fix-it Frankie: cell, 589-283-1975.
“Fix-it Frankie?” You laugh and beam at him. “God, you’re a dope.”
He shrugs and blushes but he’s still clearly happy, more than willing to take your teasing. “Alright, I gotta keep working on this, but I’ll walk you out,” he offers and stands.
The two of you walk to the front and Frankie opens the door for you. You walk outside and he follows. “Well, see you tonight,” you grin at him.
“See you then,” he nods.
The two of you go for the hug, but awkwardly dodge to each side, trying to figure out the proper angle. When the gap between your bodies finally closes, you realize neither of you considered your faces. They’re awkwardly smushed together, lips on lips. You’re kissing.
“Oh no,” you laugh and back up, cupping Frankie’s face and softly scratching at the stubble.
“Shit, I’m sorry,” Frankie mutters, embarrassed but laughing as he looks into your eyes.
Your face is still close to his, your bodies in a hugging position. “Well, we better do that right,” you giggle.
Frankie nods, his cheeks hurting from how much you’ve made him smile. It falls as his face closes the distance to yours, kissing you gently and sighing into your lips.
The moment is short, soft and sweet. You’re in public and fully conscious of it, and you don’t want to seem weird. When you break away, you kiss his cheek, admiring the scratch of his beard against your lips. “See you tonight, Fix-it Frankie,” you tease and walk off to your car.
“See you!” He calls and raises one large hand in a wave. He’s still flustered as you drive off and wiggle your fingers at him in a similar wave. His eyes follow your car until it’s out of sight.
Frankie walks back inside and rolls his eyes at the sight of his blonde best friend staring at him. “Don’t you even-“
“Hell yeah!” Benny whoops and holds up the wrench as if it were a victory prize.
“Shut the fuck up,” he frowns and snatches it from his hand, tucking it back in his tool belt.
As annoyed as he is by Benny, he can’t be mad. He has a date tonight with a woman he already knows can cook and hold her own in such a shitty house- well, aside from repairs. Thank God for faulty air conditioning.
@remmysbounty @mishasminion360 @blo0dangel @binarydanvvers  @sleep-tight1 @apascalrascal @randomness501 @spideysimpossiblegirl @notabotiswear @pedro-pastel @sanchosammy @lv7867 @greeneyedblondie44 @hunnambabe @astoryisaloveaffair @emesispo @pedritobalmando @magikfanatic @a-court-of-feysand-and-elorcan @princess76179 @starless-eyes-remain @tacticalsparkles @queridopascal @sugarontherims@floraandfrost @donnaa @heythere-mel @sharkbait77 @mrs-ghuleh @ubri812 @punkerthanpascal @booksandcoff-ee
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softomi · 4 years
now accepting boyfriend applications.
based on my fic idea: you’ve just become newly single, in a drunken fit, you posted a status indicating you’re accepting applications for your next boyfriend. Oddly, three boys take you up on that; sending in their most professional resumes for the position. It seems there’s some fierce competitors. 
next up: literature
It hurt, why wouldn’t it hurt. Your boyfriend of almost two years dumped you over text message with no warning and his reason? He just wasn’t feeling it anymore, what the fuck. Well, twenty phone calls, a hundred text messages sent to him, and a pretty nasty voicemail. The moment you realized just how crazy you were being was when you began pounding on his door at almost ten at night. His neighbors poking their head out to stare, and it really smacked you in the face how stupid you were being.
So you threw caution into the wind. it’s a Wednesday night, your first class tomorrow didn’t start until noon and you’re literature teacher was more of a lecturer so she probably won’t notice if you’re hung over. If anything, you could always ask the guy next to you for the notes.
Thus, you decide to throw back shots to your heart’s desire, sitting in the middle of your tiny studio apartment, on your bed to scream and cry at the romance movie. Love is dead. You groan loudly when your neighbor knocks against the wall, trying to tell you to promptly shut the fuck up.
Halfway through the movie, your mind is already swaying. Your throat stings just momentarily and you sip your cheap wine in hope it’ll dull the shots you had taken previously. When the male protagonist kisses the beautiful female of his dreams, you promptly chug the rest of the wine in your glass. Upset at their love, you wrap your lips around the tip of the wine bottle, drinking straight from it.
“I can find someone better.” You’ve reached a different point in your post break up sadness, you were mixed with anger, sadness, and an overall feeling of I’ll find someone with a better dick.
It’s never a good decision to post on social media while drunk, but it’s a great decision right now. You were going to post a ‘newly single’ status. Just to be nice and not spam everyone, you think you’ll just post it to your private account for your five friends to see. You’ve clearly neglected that step when you press post and it uploads to your public twitter account.
The urge to hurl takes priority over the sudden notifications on your phone. Your hair disheveled as you’re trying to hold onto the toilet, hold onto your hair, and throw up at the same time. The romance film comes to an end once you’ve fully emptied your stomach. You shove all the things off your bed, food falling onto the floor, empty bottle of wine rolled under your bed, remote lost somewhere. You fall asleep despite your cell phone going off.
The alarm jolts you, it causes you to scream, your palm slapping the snooze button and you aggressively pull the wire so that it comes out of the socket. Your head is throbbing and your cell phone is ringing at the same time. Annoyed, your hand stretches along the bed trying to find your cell. When you come emptyhanded, you sit up. Your hand steading the pulsing of your brain and you spot your phone ringing and vibrating on the ground.
“What?” You spit out, not bothering to look at the contact as you try to block out the sun.
“What do you mean what?” The voice snaps at you, “You post about boyfriend applications all of a sudden, did you guys break up?”
Of course he would be the one calling you, the person who loves gossip more than you do, “Tooru, can you like shut up for a second.” Your brain is dying and he’s over here trying to get the latest dish on your love life, “He dumped me okay.”
“That asshole.” He gasps, “Do you want me to come over?”
You look at the time on your cell briefly, “No. I have class all day. If you’re free later?”
“Of course!”
The phone call ends and rather than getting ready for the class you have in an hour, you’re checking your notifications. You have about twenty missed calls from Oikawa, another thirty text messages from him, he even left a voicemail; god he must have been desperate. Facebook is bland, you spent most of your time on Instagram deleting the photos of your now ex, and rarely do you ever get Twitter notifications. Oddly, you have fifteen notifications; all coming from your public account.
haha, boyfriend applications are official open. only taking serious apps lol
“No.” You sit up.
It wasn’t your post that freaked you out, it wasn’t that somehow it ended up on your public account, no you could delete it and pretend as if no one saw it but people saw it.
Is she serious?
If she is, I’m down.
What does serious applications mean?
Three comments, five likes, and four retweets.
And three unread messages.
Your finger rushes to delete the tweet before it can be retweeted even more by random classmates. All was good now. Your finger presses onto the message icon, you’re confronted with the icons of three of your classmates.
The most recent is from Miya Atsumu, a terrible flirt in your biology class. He chose the seat next to you in lab when his friends ditched him and hoarded their own table. He spun around in his chair, shooting you a cheeky grin when you briefly looked at him.
His first sentence was, “Hey you’re cute.”
And yours was, “I have a boyfriend.”.
You skip over his message upon spotting his use of sweetheart in the preview.
The next icon is of the guy in your intro to business class, Kuroo Tetsuro. The first time you saw him was outside of the classroom, you two ended up accidentally reaching the doors at the same time. He lets you go in first and the both of you chose the seats farthest from the board, and closest to the door. Despite his bed hair that made him look like he was going to sleep the entire class, he was a rather studious guy; chill but smart, he was a business major after all.
“Did you understand anything he was saying?” You murmur to him as you grab your bag.
“Of course!” He states, “I don’t look at twitter on my laptop when he’s lecturing.” Ah, he caught you.
Your eyes briefly scan the preview, he’s saying something about a resume and you think he’s talking about the homework assignment. You’re about to click on his first when the last catches your eye.
It’s from Akaashi Keiji. On the first day of class, you were late due to waiting in line for coffee. You awkwardly opened the door to the classroom, everyone turning to stare, and you lower your head, choosing a random seat that now you’re stuck with for the rest of the semester because that’s just how college works. The professor goes over the syllabus and suddenly announces that the person sitting to your right will be your revision partner for the semester.
“Hey.” You stop him and for a brief minute you feel your heart skip a beat because he was absolutely pretty, “Sorry, I’m Y/n. Since we’re going to be partners, do you want to exchange info?”.
“Uh. Sure. I’m Akaashi Keiji.”
“I’m going to be late for my business class. Do you have twitter?” You were never a fan of giving your phone number out. Before he can answer, you’re scribbling your username onto a piece of paper, placing it on his desk before running out to catch your next class.
His message is brief: Did you get my email?
You click his message first; it must have been urgent if he messaged and emailed you. There’s nothing else to his message, his previous one dates almost a week before his current one, telling you that he finished reading the book you recommended and that he enjoyed it.
The screen is pulled up with your finger, alternating apps to your personal email. The subject of his email simply reads Application.
Curiously, you click the attachment he’s sent with no body text. Your jaw dropped, hand placed over your open mouth and a small scream emitting.
“Is he fucking serious?”
His name is displayed at the top, along with his birthday, star sign, zodiac sign, age, even the pronouns he uses. There’s a short sentence under it. I am submitting an application for the position of Boyfriend. You’re internally screaming, blinking fast hoping that this was a joke but his ‘application’ reads like a resume. It lists his education from middle school to his current, his previous jobs, his skills, and his own personal goals for the future.
Your blushing profusely, you want to pull your hair, scream, even throw your phone but you shove down the feelings that want to have you die of embarrassment. You don’t have the energy to sadly explain to him that you were drunk and weren’t serious; ugh and you’re going to have to continue seeing him for the rest of the semester.
You revert back to twitter; your heart suddenly drops when you think about Kuroo’s message. Quickly, you pull up the messages, clicking his and suddenly you want dig yourself a grave because he’s sent a link to a pdf and it’s simply titled Resume. He probably used a resume template and never changed the title.
And sure enough, it’s a fucking professional resume declaring the certain skills he has to be your boyfriend. In fact, like the professional business major he is, he includes a letter of intent; indicating his reasons of interest for the position. It details the little quirks he finds cute about you. You want to break your phone in half with how red in the face you feel.
As you exit his message, you’re slowly praying that Atsumu’s message is just a random flirty comment that he occasionally likes to throw you once in a while or perhaps you’re hoping that he fell in a ditch and you won’t have to work with him for the rest of the semester since he almost blew up the lab station last time.
Nope, it’s a link to a google document. Oddly, you click it. Your heart has sunk to the pit of the earth because when you open the document, you see his fucking name in the upper right corner indicating he’s still on the stupid document.
Fuck fuck fuck. You’re running away from the document, aggressively leaving the page but it doesn’t help that when you end up back at your twitter messages, you can see the three dots, telling you he’s typing.
Morning sweetheart hope you enjoy the app
He sends it with a flirty wink and you stare at it for five full minutes. Curiosity gets the best of you and you click back onto his link, he’s no longer on the same document and you sigh safely. For someone who’s barely passing biology, his document was rather professionally detailed. Damn, he’s on the school’s volleyball team? Weirdly the page cuts off halfway, you continue to scroll until the next title page boldly states: Bedroom skills.
It didn’t help that you were scrolling a little too fast and caught sight of an image showing off his toned upper body. There goes his professionalism.
Your phone suddenly blares low battery, your screen turns black and now your anxiety is through the roof. You jump on your bed, trying to plug in your phone and you’ve just now realized that it is thirty minutes until your first class starts and it is literature. You’re scrambling to find your laptop, you trip on the bag of chips from last night, awkwardly trying to stand as you reach for your school bag.
“Shit!” You scream. You suddenly remember letting your stupid ex-boyfriend borrow your laptop.
You fall to the floor, fingers pulling your hair as you suddenly think about the deep shit your in. First, your boyfriend dumped you, now you randomly have three guys who sent you applications to be your next boyfriend and you’re still going to have to see them for the rest of the semester if you reject them. Lastly, you’re going to have to go to your ex’s place to get your laptop after having made a scene yesterday, and your phone is dead so you can’t cry to Oikawa about the deep shit you’re in.
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writingsfromhome · 3 years
Water under the Bridge (Josslyn II)
A/N: Okay! Here it is!!!! This was fun and made my heart hurt a little but maybe I’m just being emotional. And can you guys believe it’s been over a year since I posted Josslyn?? Where has the time gone?? I don’t think we’re on the sacred timeline anymore........Anyway thank you anon who suggested this storyline, and hope y’all enjoy! <3
Josslyn (Original)
We’re going to have the best weekends evr, Regan texts me even though she’s just in the other room. Schedules were released for our summer semester and Regan and I had managed to get Fridays off. Summer was going to be so fun, and after two years doing college together we were experts at managing our workload to have fun on the weekends--even if that meant sacrificing a few nights’ sleep.
We’ll make summer our bitch, I text back. I hear a chuckle from her room.
Help me pick out a fit? she texts. I want to tell her Adam would love her in whatever, but I head to her room instead and watch her try on a dozen outfits before settling on the second. I tease her about Adam--they were going steady since first year, but she still got so nervous about him sometimes. Adam’s college was a train ride away so he would come down at least one weekend a month.
As for my own love life, there’d been no one steady. I did the whole hooking up and dating scene in first year but I was romantically burnt out by second. Nowadays, I could go home with someone if I chose to, but I also didn’t mind if I didn’t. My active endeavor to find a boyfriend had stopped when I realized I was trying to fill a gap. Instead, I was learning to be happy on my own.
“Are you sure I can’t convince you?” Regan asks. She was taking the train to Adam’s college and staying with him, there was this big start-of-summer party and she’d been trying to convince me for weeks.
“I don’t feel like being a third wheel,” I tell her honestly.
“You don’t have to!” She goes over her one argument again. “Gaelle’s roommate isn’t even back until next week so she has a spare room! She said you should come. Plus,” she ties her hair up, “it’s the weekend before the semester starts so have some fun.”
I make a noise, and she turns to look at me, totally judging me. It makes me laugh. “That’s why my version of fun is to.binge Netflix and-”
“Y/N!” She groans.
“Fine! I’ll go.”
Two words that would change everything.
By the time we get to the campus, Regan and I had come up with a dozen things we could potentially do this summer. I’m high on excitement as we meet up with Gaelle, and the three of us head to Adam’s place.
The sun is almost set by the time we leave, most of the sky is dark but a streak of orange stays stubbornly on the horizon. I pause to take pictures before we’re rushing off.
We approach the frat house--if you could call it that. It was half glass with a very modern structure. The greek symbol on the side of the house was the only indicator it wasn’t a millionaire’s summer-house.
“Since when did frat houses get so modern?” I ask. “This is...nice.”
“Wait ‘til you see inside,” Adam says. And he was right, even the drinks were fancier with their own guy behind the bar...although he was taking the occasional shot and getting progressively drunk.
We settle in an area close to the music and get swept up into the party atmosphere. Some people were beyond drunk already and I enjoyed the slight buzz of the drink in my hand. The views from inside with floor-to-ceiling windows were amazing.
Pretty soon, Adam and Regan break off. We move towards the centre of the party where the typical party shenanigans were happening. We tip back our drinks and pretty soon I’m straddling the line between tipsy and drunk. I find a cute boy with blonde hair and deep brown eyes and makeout with him until he gets too handsy.
“Ugh!” I give him one last shove and look for Gaelle but I’d lost her too. I search for a bathroom but they’re either occupied or have a lineup. This was a huge ass house, one of the bedrooms had to have one.
I open the first door to shouting.
“It’s called locking the door!” I shout drunkenly as I close it. The next room actually is locked, and the next one isn’t but I wish it was. “Eugh.”
I climb up to the topmost level, three doors--one was locked with the sound of people inside and the second is a bathroom. I was grateful people hadn’t made it up this far.
As I wash up, and touch up the mascara that was crusting under my eyes the door shakes as someone bangs on it from the other side.
“Dip! What the fuck are you doing in there? Everyone’s waiting for you!”
My heart pounds at the sudden noise and the deep voice demanding me to open up. The rush of adrenaline sobers me for a moment as I rush to open the door, “Sorry I didn’t realise anyone was...waiting.”
My words slow down and freeze altogether as I realise the fist banging on the door belonged to...him. Harry. He seems just as surprised as me, straightening up before a smile slowly inches across his face, it was almost sweet bordering on predatory. “Y/N!”
“Hi,” I say awkwardly. There was a lot of history and also not at all. I was also, I decide, too drunk for this. Act sober, this is not the night to run into this fucker.
“You-you’re the last person I was expecting to--excuse me it’s... good to see you! You look--you look as beautiful as ever!”
The events from high school that created this tense history between Harry and I was one of the worst things possible to happen to teenage Y/N. The thing is though, that I’d totally bounced back after I had decided he could fuck himself. Although it was awkward seeing him every day until graduation, it made me tougher. I credit it for making me so casual about relationships now...I stopped expecting so much of the boys I saw.
But leaving high school behind, my world expanded with college, I realised how childish it had all been: I’d had a fling with a player, and he’d played the field...It wasn’t that deep. But seeing him now, It made me aware in a way I wasn’t for a long time. Maybe what they said about distance had some merit. Or maybe I was just buzzed.
“Thanks...I wasn’t expecting you either.”
“You don’t uh, you don’t go here do you? I’ve never seen you around.”
“No,” I look out to the small hall but there’s no one there. The room that was previously locked is slightly ajar carrying male voices. “Adam goes here, I’m...with Regan.”
“Ah, Regan.” He smiles. “You’re still two peas in a pod?”
“Obviously,” The stiffness eases at the mention of my best friend. “So...can I get out of here?”
“Yeah sorry,” he moves aside so I can step into the hall. “Um, we’re playing video games in here room if you...you’re probably not interested.”
I clear my throat, Harry was playing video games when there was a party downstairs? I was curious, that maybe he changed.
“Oh,” he laughs and the dimples I adored make an appearance. “I’ve still got it! My frat just hosts too many parties for me to keep track.”
I guess I said that out loud, I bite my tongue but it really has a life of it’s own. “Did you jussay you still got it?” Oh my god, I was teasing him already. What about Harry made me absolute putty.
“Yeah,” he looks almost bashful. “Uhm, go easy I’m a little nervous here Y/N.”
I don’t know what to say to that, I bite my lip so nothing stupid comes out.
“So you’re just here for the night?” He carries on.
“Staying over with a friend,”
“A fr-” he cuts himself off, pressing his lips together. I realize I’m staring and look away.
“I should go-”
“Wait I-wait uh, how have you been? I haven’t seen you in years.”
“Yea,” I play with the rings on my fingers. “M’good, great. College’s a lot better than high school.”
“It’s not even comparable,” Harry says as he leans his shoulder against the wall. He looks perfectly placed there, and a tipsy voice flashes inappropriate thoughts into my head. “So...any...boyfriends?”
“Um,” that was direct. “No. No, I’m trying out being single...”
“Did something happen?” His expression is still casual but he holds himself rigid.
“No? A girl can’t be single?”
“Sure but someone like you...I’m just surprised.”
“Whatever that means,” I roll my eyes and head past him to go down but he blocks my way.
“Wait, I didn’t mean to offend you...” his voice dies out as I cross my arms. “I also didn’t mean to block you in.”
He steps aside and it feels painful to me but I take the small steps towards the staircase. One part of me--I blame the tipsy stupid part, wants to kiss him just to see if there was still something there, see if anything’s changed. The other was listing all the reasons this was an awful idea, to top it off he was a proven player, has broken my trust once before, and went to a school almost 2 hours from mine.
“Y/N,” Harry’s gruff voice says from behind me. My feet turn without permission and he’s right behind me. “M’sorry. Let me start over.”
I glance at his lips, damn. I can’t meet his eye suddenly. Oh god, I was still pretty tipsy. My mind short-circuits and all I can do is turn back to walk away, down the two sets of stairs, past sweaty bodies and loose limbs. In a great coincidence I bump into Gaelle in what looks like a game room.
“Harry goes here?” I ask--shout at her immediately. Her eyes widen, something passes over her face. “Was no one going to tell me he was going to be here?”
“I’m sorry!” She shouts. “I forgot you two had history!”
“I just wish I was prepared,” I say and she doesn’t hear, I just shake my head when she asks me to repeat. I needed another drink, and Regan. Maybe she could remind me why I stopped caring about him.
As I set off to find her, I’m reminded again how stupid this all was. High school was an ancient dream, we were all different people. I was a different person.
But even though what happened in high school was petty and juvenile, I remember how Harry made me feel. How it felt when we were together--even if it was a joke for him back then, I couldn’t forget the feeling of being seen. Of having arms to fall into, even if I knew they weren’t permanent.
“Regan!” I find her sitting on the dining table while Adam spoke with someone else. Her eyes alight and she waves me over. “I saw him! He...he goes here!”
“Who?” Confusion strings her brows together.
“Harry! From...you know Harry! He was upstairs! I--I didn’t know how to act.”
“Shit Harry! I forgot he went here!”
“You knew?” I throw my hands up.
“I didn’t think it was a big deal! He’s a dick but that was high school?”
“No I-” I sigh. “You’re supposed to tell me he’s still a dick! I saw him and it just got...complicated.”
Regan slides off the table and pulls me into a side hug, we can also hear each other better. “You’re a big kid now, do whatever you want Y/N. Tell him off, kiss his face, take revenge, who the fuck cares? We’re taking the train two hours home after this anyway!”
She had a point. But still...he couldn’t have changed much from the boy who hurt me.
“Adam hangs out with him sometimes,” Regan continues. “Apparently he’s not as bad as high school. He’s...mellowed out.”
“Unreal,” I roll my eyes. Adam was just covering for his friend. We hear a cheer go up behind us and Regan bulges her eyes as two guys help Adam up on his hands to do a keg stand.
Regan swears and heads back to him. I walk away, somehow feeling more and less confused after talking to Regan--do I go back up and see what this leftover emotion was, or ignore it as a drunken need for comfort?
But it’s like the decision is made for me when a hand wraps around my arm as I move from the dining area to the kitchen. I already know it’s him before I turn.
“Can we talk?” he asks. I nod and his grip loosens, slipping down into my palm. “Upstairs?” He motions to the staircase and we climb up the two flights. This time he leads me into one of the locked doors and although I’ve never been here, I’d been in some version of this room before. It’s familiar.
I ignore the ache when he lets go of my hand once we’re inside. I set my drink down on his desk and perch on the window ledge, it’s not big enough to sit on but has enough space for a few of his books and a speaker. His room’s pretty near, but then again Harry was never messy.
“So what do you want-” I start just as he says “Let me get this off my chest.”
“Go ahead,” I cross my arms before uncrossing them, and then crossing them again. With the way he ruffles his hair and crosses to the door and back, he seems just as nervous.
“You can leave at any time. I just want to say I was an asshole, I still kind of am sometimes. And I’m sorry for what I did to you. I know it’s like what--2 years late but all that with...Josslyn and all that...I’m sorry.”
Hearing her name makes me want to grind my teeth but I let the feeling pass. I reach for my drink instead to give me something to do. “It’s all water under the bridge.”
“Really?” Harry regards me suspiciously. “Because the way you were talking to me out there...”
“You’re just you,” I shrug. “Harry Styles, player and sweet-talker. I was just guarding myself against that.”
“Because of what happened between us?”
“No...maybe. I don’t know. But honestly, I’m not upset with you. It feels like an eternity ago. I guess it’s just self-preservation.”
“I guess,” he echoes. “So where does that leave us? If you’re all self-preserved?”
I eye him but he cracks a smile, he was teasing me. “It doesn’t have to leave us anywhere,” I snort. “We’re water under the bridge Harry...”
“My parents split,” he says suddenly and I’m reeling with the direction he’s taken. I open my mouth, and close it when nothing comes out. “Sorry, I know that’s random it’s just I never really talked to anyone about how they were rarely home and when they were they were always arguing a-and we spoke about it a lot. About our families so I just...”
“I’m sorry to hear that, do they still live in town?” I ask, wanting to put my hand on his or show him I cared but they stay glued to my drink.
“My mom moved into the city, it’s closer to her job and since I’m not living at home anymore it doesn’t really matter...”
“You still go home?” I ask.
“I don’t even know where home is?” He looks at me then, and the look in his eyes chips at the wall I’d been trying to build all night. Things had changed, for him.
“Are you--do you have someone to talk to?”
His laugh is dry, “They split last summer, convinced me to talk to some therapist. I don’t know if it really helped I think I’m actually better off. They’re better off and I just feel...free.”
I don’t know what to say to that so I stay quiet. He looks back up at me then, cracks his knuckles, before perching on his bed. “I’m just--sorry I’m not telling you that so you can feel sorry for me-”
“I don’t I just-”
“No it’s okay I just want to tell you that because you knew about that stuff. But I’m trying to tell you I’m not the same guy. Not completely, I’m just trying to tell you things changed and so have I.”
It echoes the same sentiment I had earlier in his conversation, and I remember Regan said he’s mellowed out. Maybe it was true. It still didn’t mean I was going to get together with him anytime soon but my heart hurts for him. I walk up to where he sits, he watches me with a steady gaze.
In the quiet, I hear the party going on outside the window, three floors below us. If I listen really carefully, I can hear sounds coming from the video game being played next door. In the stillness, I reach for Harry’s hand and he obliges, grasping mine.
“I wish I could...help you with the hurt. Not knowing where to call home is pretty shitty.”
“Don’t worry about me Y/N,” he pastes on his classic smile and I return one for his sake. It was getting heavy in here. “I’m just happy I got to talk to you. And I just found out you don’t hate me so...” he holds our intertwined hands and shakes it. “woo hoo!” I laugh as we let go.
“I guess I should go back to the party.”
“Yeah, okay. I won’t keep you.”
“Okay,” I’m a little stung he doesn’t suggest I stay a little longer. Maybe it was all in my head, maybe his intentions really were to make amends and that’s it. I pick my drink up from his windowsill and move to the door. I glance back before I go, he’s laying on his bed deep in thought, gazing up at the ceiling. I close the door behind me.
I wake the next morning, surprisingly well. I can’t say the same for Gaelle who’d passed me her keys at some point and told me she’d be home late. I spent the rest of the party trailing Regan until I decided I should just go crash. Harry hadn’t come out to find me, and I tried to hide the sour feeling, excusing myself early.
“Fuck me,” Gaelle croaks from her bed when I step into her open doorway.
��How about coffee, and pancakes?” I ask, returning the favor of being able to sleep here.
“I’ll take it,” she flops back into bed. I busy myself with measuring coffee and water, my thoughts occupied with everything Harry and I had been through since we last saw each other. I demonized him for so long, humanizing him is harder to swallow.
What he’d done to me was shitty, there was no denying. But had he really changed? And most importantly, why did I care so much? It’s not like he was the one.
My phone rings: Regan. She’s talking so fast I hardly hear her, only really understand that it was a party ritual to gather in the student centre the morning after a big party. Endless coffee and free food seemed to be the general consensus for a party cure.
“I don’t know if I can make it there,” Gaelle says when I tell her. “I was hoping for pancakes at home.”
“I already put the coffee on but I’m hauling your ass there if you’re not up in 5. Our train leaves after noon anyway and it’s closer to the college.”
Slowly but surely Gaelle emerges and we make our way, spotting Regan easily as the bright spot in a sea of college students in PJs and last night’s clothing. She’s the only one fully dressed, with a full face of makeup on.
“I didn’t drink that much,” she shrugs when we settle around her and Adam’s friends. “Unlike some people.” She looks pointedly at Adam who’s slumped where he sits. I remember the kegger and laugh.
Life soon flows back into the group around us as does the coffee and breakfast foods. I’m relaxed in the environment until I look down the tables to where Harry stands, looking back at me. He raises a hand and I do the same until an extremely tall angel--she was literally wearing a halo, probably from last night-walks up to him and wraps her hands around his waist. She says something to him and he tears his gaze away.
I look down at my cup immediately, my cheeks burning with humiliation. I’d been thinking about him all this time, thinking about how it might feel if I kissed him and of course he had a girlfriend. She never came up, but he never said he didn’t either. He didn’t make any moves on me yesterday, if I looked at it he only made an attempt to talk. Sure he was flirty but that was just Harry and I...I was a fool. I was such a fool. Things may have changed for him but he hadn’t. He was still the same Harry who chose Josslyn over me. He would always have a girlfriend, I was just the girl from his past who he could trust. I couldn’t say the same about him.
“What’s wrong,” my best friend nudges me. “Are you feeling okay?”
“I don’t know,” I look into her concerned eyes. “I’m just going to--I’ll be right back.”
I head out and find the closest washroom. The tears are instant and I let myself cry--out of frustration, humiliation, or some twisted sense of betrayal...it was all the same for me. I check the time, I just had to hold myself together and avoid Harry for another 2 hours before we were back on the train home. I would tell Regan everything then.
*** Three weeks later ***
“If Adam’s over later...” Regan trails off. She’s sprawled on my bed while I sit in my desk chair trying to read one more chapter before I close the books for the week.
“I have my earplugs ready and a second place to stay,” I roll my eyes. “I already told Kiara I might crash on her couch.”
“I owe you,” she jumps back up.
“You owe me like, 7 and a half.”
“7 and a half?”
I’m about to answer but a knock on our door has her racing out. I try to ignore the voices, I just had two more pages I had to get through--the joy of summer classes.
“Y/N?: Regan’s voice is a whisper. “We’re going now but...you have a guest. If you want me to kick his ass I totally can though.”
Standing behind her is Harry. I focus on him, yes it really was him. Why was he here?
“Harry?” I sound confused because I am. He’s wearing a plain white t-shirt and jeans, and he’d traveled 2 hours just to get here.
“He wouldn’t leave me alone,” Adam says louder as they leave the room. “I’m sorry Y/N...”
“What is this?” I ask. My feelings are at war with each other, I was still feeling slighted by the last time we saw each other but seeing his face was also an exciting surprise.
“I wanted to see you,” Harry says nervously. He still stays at my bedroom door.
“You can come in...” I stand up and realize I was wearing an oversize t-shirt and the scruffiest PJ shorts I owned. “Phones have cameras now, you didn’t have to come all this way.”
He shrugs, taking one step in. “I liked seeing you in person last time. But I feel like we left it wrong.”
He knows I saw him, what conclusions I must have come to. It wouldn’t be that hard. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. We talked it out.”
He comes to life, “Don’t play dumb Y/N I know you saw me with...I know what you thought and-”
“Did you really come all this way to explain that you had a girlfriend? Like, three weeks later?”
“No that’s the thing-”
“Because that’s kind of dumb. And unnecessary-”
“No listen!” He says a bit louder so I do. “The thing is she wasn’t my girlfriend...we’d hung out a few times but she saw me at the caf and got clingy. We’re not an item honestly, I can’t remember the last time I had a girlfriend-.”
“So why are you here?” My voice is higher than usual. I was confused, and upset, and I wanted him to leave. This was starting to sound like Josslyn part 2.
“You know why I’m here. Y/N I’ve been nothing but a dick to you and I know I don’t deserve you but I really like you. I want to clear the air, and ask you if you can see something here I...”
He trails off when he notices the tears trailing down my cheek. It’s just too much for me, as I finally face the emotions from that weekend. I’d shoved them aside after Regan had gotten onto the train worried her and Adam were headed towards a breakup. I’d put aside what happened and never thought about it. But my heart broke a little that morning. 
I knew what I knew: maybe Harry and I weren’t good for each other but we were good with each other. In an attempt not to get hurt I’ve been distancing myself from romantic connections--I found more of myself in doing this, but a part of me was missing without exploring it.
Harry moved closer until we’re nearly touching. I wipe my tears with my shoulder and we stand still on the hardwood floors of my room. An eternity passes before he reaches out to wipe the tear caught in my lashes. I close my eyes to his touch, scared of how much I wanted it.
“Y/N,” my name is a breath on his lips and it makes my heart stutter. My eyes open in slow motion, seeing him so vulnerable right in front of me, and suddenly things speed up and we’re reaching for each other; two waves crashing until they become one.
I don’t know how much time had passed in minutes, Adam and Regan are still out but Harry and I had fallen together and crashed apart so many times that I’m dizzy with it.
“You’re wonderful,” he says as we face each other, our noses just nearly touching. He trails a finger down my cheek. “Just...incredible.”
I feel the flush spread through me, “Great vocab Styles. We’re really using the big words.”
“Words are sort of hard right now,” he grins. “My brain’s all mush.”
I laugh, “Not much different to its usual state!”
“I knew you were going to say that!” he tries to reach for me but I skip off the bed with a laugh. “Come back.”
“I have to pee,” I slip on pants and can’t stop grinning the whole time I’m away. When I come back in, the blissful smile on his face tells me everything I need to know. I climb over him but he stops me in place, a knee on either side of his hips.
“I’m happiest when I’m with you Y/N,” he says, his voice roughened with emotion. “I think I always was. Younger Harry liked to self-sabotage.”
I bend down and my hair slips around us. The way he looks at me makes my insides mush. And even though I have proof of why I shouldn’t trust him, he’s here. In my bed. Miles away from where he would be if he hadn’t traveled all this way to see me. And that means something.
“I’m glad you’ve done some growing,” I say to him quietly.
“I had to,” he says softly. “I couldn’t have you like I do now if I hadn’t.”
“I guess we’ve both grown,” I brush a curl from his forehead.
“I know, old Y/N would have punched me if I showed up unexpectedly.”
“Rightly so,” I grin. He smiles back, brushing my hair behind my ear, back over my shoulder. He props himself on his elbow to kiss the shoulder he’d bared. It’s simple, and sweet, but it’s enough to unravel me all over again. And he knows it.
“When does Regan get home?”
“We might have another half hour,” I grin.
“Let’s not waste it,” he mumbles into my skin.
I agree.
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Anonymity be Damned
Hi, everyone! This is my first ever fic, and it’s a part of the Citrus Server collab! I’m so excited about it, and I know it’s super self indulgent, but I worked really hard on it and I hope you like it. Please give me feedback and tell me what you like and what I can improve on; also, please be nice to me, I’m a baby.
MASTER LIST IS  HERE  Go check out everyone’s hard work!
Warnings: 18+ minors do not interact, AGED UP (mid twenties), fluff, brief angst, insecurities, smut, body worship, chubby kink, marking (hickies), Papi kink
Pairing: Sero Hanta x chubby!female reader
Taglist: @reinawritesbnha
Prompt: "Masquerade balls were something you’d only ever heard about in movies. You couldn’t deny the prospect was intriguing; donning your most elegant attire, confidence boosted by your anonymity and the intoxication brought on by such a magical atmosphere. You and your fellow partygoers were almost doomed to desire, inhibitions washed away long before the wine and spirits started to flow.
The mystery, majesty, and potential for mischief were far too enticing to resist.
So, when you received an invitation to Midnight’s Masquerade, you didn’t think twice about accepting…"
Of course, not thinking twice about accepting came back to bite you as soon as the realization set in that you would, in fact, have to go. Suddenly hyper-aware of your need to buy a dress, and knowing how little you enjoy shopping, you call your best girls for the job. A quick text to the groupchat had Mina and Yaomomo screaming with excitement that you were actually asking to go shopping. Jirou and Ochako sharing your apprehension, and Hagakure and Froppy bowing out due to their schedules, but wishing you luck with sweet emojis.
Yaomomo chose the dress shop, under the enthusiastic offer that she’d pay to ensure everyone would receive something from her favorite designers. You knew this was a place only Yaomomo could frequent- beautiful gowns lined every wall, display mannequins donning the most gorgeous dresses, made of the best fabrics with jewels perfectly beaded in, none of which had price tags so as to not “ruin the material” as she had told all of you. Whisking you all into dressing rooms bigger than your entire apartment, the staff practically fawned over each of you, offering assistance, refreshments, recommendations, and- oh fuck- measurements. Nerves shot through your entire body and made you nauseous, ready to make a stupid excuse to leave before your insecurities were announced to your girlfriends. You’ve always been...bigger.
The word tasted bitter on your tongue. The consultant made barely a sound as she pulled out her tape, but you heard it. That little “hm” noise, indicating judgement, knowing that most of their stock isn’t going to fit you properly, what with your plump thighs, soft tummy, squishy arms, the rolls that seemed to stay no matter how many workouts you do..
“We don’t carry plus size gowns, but I’m sure I can find something for you.”
All is confirmed when she says those stupid fucking words with that Joker-esqe smile and that hint of disgust in her tone. ‘I shouldn’t be here, I never should’ve accepted that invitation, why did I even think this was a good idea, the whole thing is for beautiful skinny girls like your friends, this is all a mistake,’ you think to yourself, insecurities and anxiety flooding your brain. Mina’s voice snaps you out of your spiral.
“Excuse me, I don’t believe we asked for your personal opinion on her body. In fact, I believe we only asked for you to do your job, but if you can’t complete such a daunting task, I’m sure there are 20 other people who’d love to take your place.” she grinned, in a tone too perky for her threatening choice of words.
“Also, as I happen to frequent this shop, I know your entire inventory. As such, I know that you do, in fact, carry gowns for each of our sizes. If you can find one to fit my chest, I know you have a variety of gowns to fit my beautiful friend, y/n. I suggest you begin pulling them, as I’m sure you’ve gotten the measurements you need. Now.” This time it’s Yaomomo, handling the situation with dignitary-level finality, before gracefully walking to you with a comforting smile. Ochako wipes a tear you weren’t aware had fallen, attempting to comfort you with false empathy, saying how you two are “practically the same size”, but you know you’re not. It’s comforting nonetheless, having the support of your friend group. Jirou cracks self deprecating jokes to lighten the mood, complaining, “If I have to wear a frilly gown to this bullshit, so do you, y/n. You’re not getting out of this that easy,” and you absolutely know she means it.  
With your spirit slightly renewed and the consultants carrying in a multitude of dresses, you all end up having a blast laughing about how the pink ballgown does not fit Jirou’s aesthetic and the skintight green satin number Ochako tried on would quite literally have Deku passed out on the floor. You giggled with Yaomomo about how certain dresses looked risqué and nearly pornographic on your respective figures. Mina whined about how each dress didn’t have enough glitter, her complaints falling on deaf ears. Over the course of two and a half hours, each of the girls had secured a dress. Mina, in a teal mermaid-style dress with enough sparkle woven into the tulle to blind. Jirou, in a simple deep purple velvet gown that gracefully fell off her shoulders. Ochako, deciding, after much peer pressure, to opt for the green satin to make Deku drool. Yaomomo, in a red gown with beautiful beading, and a deep V neckline. You, on the other hand, were struggling to find something that doesn’t have you hyperfixating on one aspect of your body or another, limiting your breathing and movement so as to not further sink into the mean thoughts swirling around inside your head. The girls have gone into full support staff-mode, bringing you dresses of every cut known to man, offering more champagne to dull the anxieties, Yaomomo even offering to make you a custom dress with her quirk. Jirou sheepishly comes into the room, head down, hoping no one brings attention to the fact that she just sifted through dresses for a good 15 minutes and didn’t hate it, before nudging your soft side. You turn to her, defeated, and ready to give up, when you realize what she’s holding. She’s picked a dress for you, even though she hates shopping anywhere that isn’t blaring music through the speakers and dimly lit. You smile sweetly at her shy offering, reaching out to take it before she pulls back.
“No, I have an idea… I know it’s easy to look at your insecurities before the dress is all the way on, and I think you should let us help you into it with your eyes closed… Then, when you turn around to the mirror, you can see all the beautiful parts, like we do!” She looks down at the floor as she mutters the words, as though she’s embarrassed to be so soft and sweet.
“THAT’S A GREAT IDEA, JIROU! OH MY GOD, Y/N, YOU HAVE TO LET US DRESS YOU, IT’LL BE JUST LIKE CINDERELLA WITH THE BIRDS AND THE MICE, COME ONNN…” Mina bounces up and down, grabbing your hands and pleading, knowing you never say no when she gives you such excited eyes.
“Uh… fine… Yeah, I guess it couldn’t hurt. It’s not like I have anything to lose.” You shyly whisper, looking away.
If it were anyone else, you’d never want them to see you getting dressed, soft tummy and extra squish uncovered, leaving you vulnerable to their judgement. But these are your best friends, you’d known them for years. They’d held your hair on your 21st birthday, and cuddled into bed with you when you were crying over unrequited love. They’ve had your back, they’d never make fun of you, and Jirou chose this dress all special for you, you couldn’t say no. With that, you turned around and closed your eyes, arms out and waiting for them to help you into whatever Jirou had deemed right for you.
“Okay, y/n, almost done, just have to zip this last part up and… DONE!” Mina and Yaomomo stepped back from their positions holding the sides and pulling the zipper, respectively. Finally admiring the you in the dress, there was a moment of absolute silence. You started shifting uncomfortably, wondering just how horrible you looked if they didn’t even have words to describe it. Ochako was the first to break the quiet and a teary-sounding “You’re so beautiful, y/n.”, followed by Mina’s signature squeals of excitement. Yaomomo clasped her hands together and began ranting about “how gorgeous you looked” and “how perfect the dress was” and “how she didn’t even know they had this one yet”. Jirou, sensing your anxious shifting, finally told you to open your eyes and turn around with a hand on your shoulder, the satisfied smirk on her face audible in her now assured voice.
“Oh… wow…” was all you could manage to say, eyes wide as you saw yourself in the full length mirror. This was, in all honesty, the first time you felt beautiful in years. The dress did nothing to hide your body- no- it somehow managed to accentuate every single curve in the most beautiful way possible. The gown was black, made from silk and taffeta, with some built in structure, and oh so soft. Simultaneously comfortable, secure, and elegant, the strapless gown mimicked a one shoulder, right side jutting up in an asymmetrical style and the left dipping just low enough to show your cleavage before cascading down your curves, hugging each roll of your body gently, showing off your figure and flowing down to the floor with a slit up your thigh, only visible when you walked and showing the ample flesh of your hip and thigh. God, it was perfect. You felt strong and classy and sexy and beautiful. Turning to Jirou, you pull her into your chest and hug her, thanking her a thousand times for finding it.
“Whoa, hey, okay… I’m glad you like it, you look absolutely beautiful. But- um- hey, can you let go? I’m suffocating in titties here.” Jirou laughed, genuinely struggling to breathe in your embrace.
“Oh shit, sorry, Jirou! I’m just so happy, I love it so much! I kinda forgot you can’t breathe when I do that…” You chuckle nervously, releasing her from your embrace.
“Yay! Okay, now that everyone has a dress, let’s go purchase them and get some food. I’m starving!” Yaomomo pitches the idea, and everyone agrees, excited to hurry out of the shop for a meal.
The day had finally come, and your nerves felt fried. The other girls all had dates; Momo and Jirou deciding to go together, Ochako with Deku, even Mina was going with Kaminari. But here you were, riding in the car service alone, makeup absolutely flawless, complete with falsies and red lipstick that was the perfect shade to stand out against your skin. Such a shame no one was going to be benefiting from your efforts tonight, although the thought that your longtime crush, Sero Hanta, would be in attendance was enough to urge you to adjust your carefully placed mask, ensuring your anonymity and polishing your confidence. Sero had been in your friend group since high school, and was the first person you truly warmed up to upon your acceptance into the group. You quickly became the “shy little sister” to the loud ones in the group: Bakugou, Kaminari, Kirishima, and Mina. Jirou and Sero were more your speed; quieter, more laid back and chill, with great senses of humor that not everyone was privy to. With Jirou as your designated best friend, Sero was proclaimed the unrequited love interest. You friendzoned yourself almost immediately, assuming Sero wouldn’t go for a girl like you, not when he was tall, dark, handsome, and muscular. A budding pro hero wouldn’t want you, not with your shy insecurities and soft body…
Little did you know, Sero had been pining after you since the beginning, flirting with you subtly in hopes that you’d express your interest. Eyes wandering down your curves during movie nights, taking in your too-small shorts and how your oversized shirt would raise just enough to see your little tummy pouch, wishing his face was buried between your plump thighs, praying he would be able to leave hickeys on every delicious roll, pleading he could see those cute chubby cheeks covered with tears while your plush lips wrapped around his cock… No- he couldn’t think of you like that. After all, you never returned his flirting, and there’s no way you’d like him when you could crush on manlier guys like Kirishima and Bakugou. ‘He was just a “dollar store Spiderman”, as Bakugou liked to call him, just a guy… Nothing special…’ he thought to himself as he adjusted his own mask in the bathroom mirror at the gala. His friends had all confirmed that you were coming, and that you were coming alone (said by Kaminari while wiggling his eyebrows). Every other person in the group had a date, including Bakugou and Kirishima, who had to practically drag the former to the event in the first place. He was the only one “stagging it”, aside from you, who would no doubt attract attention and end up going home with some flashy hero higher ranked than he was. He sighed, adjusting his tux jacket and cufflinks, and exited into the main ballroom to get a drink.
You walked into the venue, checked in, and stood frozen outside the ballroom entrance. You adjusted your mask, steeled your nerves, and squared your shoulders, reminding yourself how absolutely gorgeous you looked and donning your best “bad bitch” aura. You strut into the place like you own it, suddenly very aware of how many people there are, scanning for familiar faces as you sway your luscious hips to maintain your balance in your heels.
“Holy fuck... “  Sero utters, jaw slack and eyes locked on you. You’re so perfect, breasts bouncing with every step, thighs and tummy jiggling, soft smile gracing your face. He’s staring, and Kaminari has to elbow him to wipe the drool from the side of his mouth before you get there. You’re equally as enchanted, seeing Sero in his black fitted tuxedo, crushed velvet lapels, tapered pants making his quads look positively biteable, crisp white shirt tailored over his pecs, black bowtie (slightly crooked, very fitting of his personality) and mask obscuring his face, leaving him as nothing more than a handsome stranger. A  yellow pocket square catches your attention, reminding you of your favorite hero in his costume. You smirk to yourself, knowing you chose yellow gold heels specifically because they reminded you of him.
“See something you like, Sero-buddy? You’re staring so hard, you’d think she was God.” Kaminari punches Sero in the ribs, trying to break the spell. “Maybe you should talk to her, finally get over your crush on y/n by getting under someone else.” he winks, completely unaware that he’s talking about you in both respects.
“Uh… I don’t know, man. I think I’ll give it a minute, maybe grab another drink and enjoy the party for a while. I’m not trying to start hitting on some random chick just yet, though hot she may be.” Sero laughs, rubbing the back of his neck like he always does when he’s nervous. He diverts his eyes down to his drink, downs the rest of the liquid, then focuses back on you. You wait at the bar for your drink of choice, aware of that beautiful stranger still staring and leaning against the counter just enough to push your ass out. You hear him nearly choke on his drink, and move around the party satisfied with yourself.
A few drinks later, you find yourself on the dance floor, watching from the edge and lightly swaying to the music. A masked man with shaggy black hair, who you can only assume to be pro hero Grand, given his mask barely covered a fourth of his face probably only worn to fit the theme, approached you for a dance, hand extended and bowing at the waist.
“A lady as beautiful as yourself shouldn’t be a wallflower. Care to dance?” he asks, voice low and alluring, looking down at you with a mischievous glint in his deep brown eyes.
“I might…” you smile shyly, taking his hand and letting him lead you.
Once out on the dance floor, he pulls you into his chest with a hand on your lower back. It’s nice to be wanted, to dance so close to a man who finds you beautiful, especially one as chiseled as Grand. ‘Wait- is he…? Are you fucking kidding?’ Your fight or flight response kicks in as soon as you feel his hand drift lower and lower onto your ass. You pull away, ready to ask him what the hell he thinks he’s doing, but before you can get a word out, he puts a hand over your jaw, fingers tightly snapping your mouth closed. Unable to speak and too shocked to move, you feel helpless as he whispers in your ear.
“God, I love fat girls. Your self esteem is so low, I can do whatever I want and you’ll fall for it. So stupid, so fun.” His laugh is so dark, and you start to panic before a large, strong hand reaches between the two of you and wraps around Grand’s throat, yanking him back and off of you.
“Listen, this is a classy place, so I’ll give you a choice. Either you apologize to this absolutely gorgeous woman and get the fuck out of here, or I beat you to a bloody pulp right here and ruin both your suit and your face.” The handsome stranger who had originally caught your eye growls, voice so low and intimidating you didn’t doubt for a second he meant every word. ‘His voice sounds so familiar, but I can’t quite place it. He’s so angry, and he’s speaking so low, I can’t figure out where I’ve heard that before.’  Thankful for his saving assistance, and trying to calm yourself from hyperventilating, you watch Grand’s retreating form before turning to the man who is quite literally your Prince Charming of the evening.
Voice still low and angry, “Listen, I need you to distract me. Calm me down so I don’t turn around and kill that guy.” he seethes. “You are stunning, absolutely gorgeous. He was so wrong. He’s an asshole, absolutely vile, and he never should’ve even had the nerve to approach you, much less touch you. God fucking damn it, I should-”
You cut him off by pulling him close, placing your hands on his chest and letting them roam up to fix his still crooked bowtie.
“Thank you…” you whisper, tearing up as you put your head on his chest. His cologne is so calming, his scent enveloping you as his arms instinctively wrap around you and his hand finds the back of your head, holding you to his chest.
The two of you slow dance in silence, his head resting on top of yours, the scent of your shampoo and hairspray comforting him and taking him to a dream where he was dancing with the y/n he knew, feeling your soft body pressed against him, imagining how you’d look in the dress on the girl he was actually dancing with. ‘Oh fuck, y/n would look so fucking perfect in this. Her curves- fuck, this dress is soft- I would absolutely love to run my hands along her body in this dress, press her up against me like this, fuck her thighs- wait… SHIT-FUCK-NO’  Snapped out of his thoughts by the increasing tightness of his tux pants, he prays to god the sexy girl pressed against him doesn’t notice.
You notice something nudging against your thigh, breaking you out of your daydreams about the mystery man being Sero Hanta, opening your eyes before you realize exactly what you’re feeling. ‘Oh… OH. Holy fuck, did I make him hard just dancing? He- uh- feels… big… Maybe if I just-’  you subtly shift your hips, thigh brushing up against him and slotting between his legs just enough. A deep groan rises from his chest, and he leans down to your ear.
“Babygirl, if you keep doing what I think you’re doing, I’m going to have to return the favor~” His voice sounds so familiar, but the lust clouding the low rumble has it taking on an entirely new timbre. You lean in, feeling emboldened by his words, swiping your tongue along the shell of his ear with a simple “Oh really?~ And what if that’s the goal?”
With that, he crooks his finger under your chin and presses his lips to yours. What starts as a sweet and simple kiss quickly evolves into a deep, passionate kiss that left you breathless. His fingers gently resting on your neck, just above your collarbone, and tongue swiping at your bottom lip. You sigh into him, granting him access and letting his tongue explore your mouth, relishing in his deep rumbles and pressing impossibly closer, hoping he’d get the message and take you somewhere more private. Luckily, it seems he seems to read your body language and leads you to a side hallway by pressing his hand on the small of your back, possessively guiding you. Pushing you up against the wall, he leans back in to resume kissing you, with an arm steadying himself above your head. In a simply embarrassing display of clumsiness, your hand reaching for his cheek goes slightly off course, accidentally knocking off his mask and causing you to fumble to the floor to retrieve it. Upon looking up, you see Sero standing with a flushed face and his hand reaching up to the back of his neck, the endearing nervous tic you’d learned from him over the years. Oh God, if your heart wasn’t beating fast enough before, it sure as fuck was now… The man you had yearned after for years not only swooping in to save you from some low-life creep, but also having you in a kabedon against the wall of the fanciest place you’ve ever been in. He laughs, nervous now without his anonymity, and reaches down to help you up.
“I- uh- sorry, I might’ve gotten carried away. I hope you’re okay, I know I’m probably not the hero you wanted. I really do think you’re beautiful, you actually remind me of someone I know and- wow- I’m rambling…” He goes on like this, panicking that he’s somehow ruined your fantasy and disappointed you by existing. He only shuts up when you stand back upright and kiss him softly.
“You’re exactly the hero I want… The hero I’ve always wanted.” You blush, staring up at him with the most loving doe eyes you can manage.
‘Wait… Her voice… Is that- ?’ Sero came to quite possibly the best and utterly terrifying realization; that the girl he’d been lusting after all night and the girl he’d been wanting for years could be the same girl. He hesitantly brought a hand to your face, lightly grazing your mask as though asking for permission. You nod, never breaking your gaze on his concentrated expression, and parted your lips. He gingerly lifts the mask from your features, damning your anonymity, and each of you hold your breath in anticipation. The way he looks at you is like something out of a movie, or one of those shōjo manga you love to obsess over: pure relief, adoration, lust, love. Oh, you want him to look at you like that forever.
“Y/n, I-... You have no idea how happy I am that it’s you. I have been wanting to kiss you for years, and to finally do it, and with you looking… Wow- you are so fucking stunning, I have never seen anything as beautiful in my life. Fuck, I just- I wish I could tell you how perfect you are, express in words how flawless I’ve always thought you were- still do… “ Sero breathed all of this as though he had to get every word out before you disappeared. He held your face in both hands, lightly squishing your cheeks and stroking his thumb over your lips, taking in your hopelessly enthralled expression. “You know what? Fuck this. No- I mean- not ‘fuck this’, I just… I want to do this right. I want you, I need you. I want to express how important you are, I need to show you that you’re everything to me. I want to worship you, kiss every inch of your body and make you feel so incredibly complete and full and whole and appreciated. Do you understand?”
“Hanta… I- Yes. Yes. Please take me home, I need you. I want you. You’re the only one I’ve ever wanted.” You lean into his touch, wanting to be ever closer to his warmth.
You yelp as he suddenly picks you up, bridal style, as though you don’t even provide a struggle.
“HANTA, you can’t be carrying me, I weigh more than you, no no no, I’m too heavy, you can’t-”
“Y/n. I’m a pro hero, are you seriously telling me I can’t carry you? I can carry 3 people at once while hanging from a strip of tape in midair. I’ll hold you up forever if you’d let me.” He squeezes you in his hold, emphasizing his point.
His cocky attitude was majorly driven by how good you felt, soft tummy and jiggling tits against his torso, the perfect squish of your thighs in his powerful arms, chubby hands and cheeks tucked into his chest and the crook of his neck. He swore he could die happy right there. In the elevator, he took a moment to take in your entire figure, but upon reaching your feet, something turned him absolutely feral. Your shoes. You were wearing his colors. Every single piece of clothing matched his hero costume. ‘Holy shit… You knew. You wanted him before this even happened. You were his.’ The possessive growl that tore from his chest startled you as he adjusted you in his hold. He had your legs wrapped around his waist, hands unapologetically on the ample crux of your thighs and ass, lips on yours in a desperate kiss that was all tongue and teeth, grinding his hard cock against you. You whimpered against his lips, shocked by his sudden change of demeanor.
“Fuck, you’re wearing my colors, aren’t you? You want me to claim you? You want to be mine? I’ll give you anything you want, babygirl. I just need you to ask for it.~” He growled against your neck, nose tracing the column of your throat.
“Hanta, please, yes- ah~. I want to be yours. I only want to be yours. I need you. Please, please, please.” Normally, you’d be way too shy to beg this much, embarrassed about how desperate you sound, but fuck he’s making you so needy. The gasp that escapes you when Sero licks a stripe up your neck turns into a moan when he starts sucking a hickey over your pulsepoint. He feels so good, the heat between your thighs steadily building with every nip of his teeth and roll of his hips. You thread your fingers through the hair on the back of his neck and pull gently, earning a groan and a buck of his hips. He works his way up to your jaw, leaving pretty little marks in his wake, and returns to your lips like a safe haven. He strokes your tongue with his own, committing your taste to memory. He never wants to forget this moment, especially not when you lightly suck his tongue and pull him in further with those perfect fucking thighs. You’re so soft, being wrapped in your plushness with his fingers digging into the pliable flesh of your ass is too much. Sero’s sinful thoughts are interrupted by your fucked-out voice, so small and innocent, as though you’re afraid of his answer.
“Um… Can I- can I touch you? I mean- I- can I mark you, too?” You sound so unsure, not used to someone wanting to show you off.  You’re so breathless, and he’d be lying if the pleading in your voice didn’t make his dick twitch in his pants.
“Awwww~ is my babygirl shy now? You want to mark me, too? Go ahead, mi amor, sí se puede. I’m all yours, just like you’re mine.” Sero cranes his head to the side, baring his neck to you, waiting for you to bless him with those full lips, waiting for you to make a show of him finally having the most perfect girl he’s ever known.
If he could’ve taken a picture of your face in that moment, he’d look at it every day. Squishy cheeks blushing, eyes wide with surprise and excitement, gaze clouded with lust. You were so pretty, he couldn’t wait to ruin you. Sero moaned as you sucked a small dark mark onto his skin and happily carried you from the elevator to his room. You tighten your arms around him when he reaches for his key card, involuntarily pushing your chest together and pressing up into him.
“Oh, mi corazón, if you keep pressing into me like that, voy a tener que lamer cada parte de ti y puede que no te deje ir…” His threats sound more like promises when he’s carrying you through the threshold and placing you down gently, though his hands never leave your body.  Tracing your sides, memorizing your curves, squeezing any part he can get his hands on.  His right hand inches down your torso, resting on the pouch of your tummy and making you flinch. Sero notices and worries he’s hurt you, or that you don’t want him to touch you. The hurt in his eyes is obvious when he takes in your tense muscles and eyes squeezed shut, realizing it’s your own insecurities holding you back. He wishes you could see how beautiful you are, see yourself through his eyes. He was going to make you feel so fucking loved, he just had to show you what he couldn’t express in words. You stripped him of his jacket as he unknotted his tie. With nervous hands, you unbuttoned his shirt and slipped it past his broad shoulders, fingers trailing down his sculpted chest and lean abs, admiring the enticing adonis belt and pretty trail of coarse black hair disappearing into his pants. Sero, with his ego now boosted by the lustful look in your eyes as you took him in, returned your gaze to his face with an intensity that made you shiver. He kept eye contact while sweeping your hair to one side, and slowly unzipping your gown. Your breath hitches in your throat as he leans down to place open mouthed kisses along your shoulders as he pushes your dress down your body, kissing down your arms as it falls, and places a sweet kiss to your hands. Pushing you onto the bed with a soft thud and climbing over top of you, he moves the hands that raise to cover yourself , grasping your wrists in one hand and cupping your cheek with the other, as he softly reassures you.
“Princesa, please don’t hide from me. I’ve waited for you for so long, and I want to worship every inch of you. I’m going to make you cry out my name, and show you just how perfect you are while you cum on my tongue. You will not say a single bad thing about mi amor, you understand?” he says lowly, so loving yet commanding.
“Yes, Hanta… I- I’ll be good for you, I promise.” you whine, praying your submission would please him.
The sound of his given name in that pleading tone has him painfully hard, but he’s too focused on hearing his name from your sweet lips again to care. You pull him down into a passionate kiss and roll your hips against his clothed cock when he laves down your neck and leaves love bites across your chest. He sucks your nipple into his warm mouth and rolls the other between his forefinger and thumb, earning a high pitched keen from you. He switches to give the same attention to the other side, tongue swirling around the peaked bud and relishing the way your chest heaves just from his mouth on your tits. ‘So needy… Fuck, how did I ever wait this long to see y/n like this and hear her sounds?’ Sero thinks to himself, so ready to watch your eyes roll back in your skull the minute you feel his cock fill you. The thought of you bouncing on his dick, watching you jiggle with his thrusts, letting him grip the fat on your hips and help you fuck yourself on him, feeling your lovely thighs straddle him, has him impatiently rutting into the mattress. He needs to taste you, leave marks all over your delicious tummy and thighs, and feel you coming undone beneath him. His large hands slide down your sides, rubbing back up under your breasts, gripping the extra flesh over your ribcage, the soft love handles on your sides, caressing the perfect pouch of your belly and settling on your hips. His mouth follows the path of his hands, kissing and licking every place you had deemed undesirable like they were the sexiest pieces of you, leaving dark hickeys on the front of your hips to remind you that all of these parts were now his to love.
“Lo siento, babygirl, pero no puedo esperar más, necesito mi lengua en ese bonita coño jodidamente ahora. Estas necesitan estar en el suelo ahora.” If his panting growl of Spanish didn’t already have your pussy gushing, his strong fingers ripping your panties and hoes off your body had you dripping onto the bed. Your shocked squeak turning into a moan when he parted your legs and nipped at the soft skin of your inner thigh, Sero is beyond delighted by feeling your beautiful thighs squishing against his face. If he could choose his end, it would undoubtedly be suffocating between this plush heaven. He snaked his arms under your parted thighs to hold your hips, squeezing and marveling at the feeling of your warm body protruding between his spread fingers, trying to fit as much of you in his grasp as he could and never getting enough. You’re just about to plead for him to touch you where you need him most when you lock eyes and hear the teasing lilt in his voice when he groans “Itadakimasu~” and flattens his tongue, licking a long, slow stripe up your slit.
“So wet for me, princesa, is this all for me? You’re so thoughtful to give me a meal so sweet.”
“Hantaaa, please. I want you, please don’t tease me, please touch me. I need- ah~”  
Your begging is interrupted by his tongue diving into your sex, lapping at your slick like a man starved. The moans coming from the man between your thighs were sinful; in this moment, Sero Hanta was no longer the friend you’d watched superhero movies with and silently crushed on for years- he was a man, a lover, all you’d ever wanted. Wrapping his lips around your clit and sucking the sensitive pearl into his mouth, he pulled one hand from your hip and slowly slipped two long fingers into your sopping heat. The callused pads from years of hero training now rubbing perfectly against your walls have you crying out for him and grasping his hair, begging him to go faster. He suddenly props himself up, bringing his palm up to grind against your clit and slowing his thrusts, wanting to hear you beg for him and watch your desperate facial expression.
“What is it you want, babygirl? C’mon, you’re going to have to use that pretty little mouth of yours. Tell me what you want, baby, use your words. I wanna hear you beg for me.” That normally dopey smile was replaced with a lewd smirk, hungry and covered in your juices.
“H-Hanta, please please please. I need you, need your mouth. Please I wanna cum, please let me cum, I want you to fuck me! Please please pleaseeeee~” Hips bucking forward, sweat lightly covering your skin, hair splayed out, body covered in his marks, begging for him… Shit, he’d give you anything you asked for. Oh, he’ll give you what you need- don’t you worry.
“Good girl, such a good girl for me. I’ll make this pretty pussy cum. Hold onto me and just relax, princess.”
His lips returned to your clit, flicking his tongue and sucking lightly, and increased his pace. He curled his fingers just right, finding the spongy underside of your clit and he chuckles darkly to himself when your back arches, head falling back onto the pillows.
“There it is~, there we go, babygirl. Cum for me, just like this. I’ve got you, let go, cum on my fingers.”
It doesn’t take long after his mouth goes back to nursing on your clit and his fingers continuously hitting your g-spot for the coil in your belly to finally snap. You climax hard, eyes screwed shut and screaming out his name as his tongue works you through your high. Once you’ve come down, you open your eyes and see Sero sucking his fingers clean of your release and unbuckling his belt with the other hand. You sit up to kiss him, tasting yourself on his tongue, and unbuttoning his pants. He grows impatient with your pace, shoving his pants and tight boxers down at once. ‘Fuck, his dick is pretty’ you think to yourself, marveling at the masterpiece before you. He’s long, maybe 8.5-9 inches, thick enough to stretch your walls so deliciously but not too thick to fit in your mouth, prominent vein running along the underside and leading from the neat crop of black hair to the leaking tip, begging for your tongue. You start to rise to your knees before being pushed back into the duvet, looking up at him in confusion.
“No, no, mi amor. As much as I want to see your beautiful lips wrapped around my cock, that’s gonna have to wait. I want to be inside you, I need to fuck you until all you can think about is me and how fucking beautiful I think you are.” His eyes are so sincere. He looks down at you with the most loving stare you’ve ever felt, so calm and safe in his presence. You’re lulled into submission, every doubtful argument you had died on your tongue, and a soft moan escaped your lips. He leans over you, bracing himself on an elbow with his hand on your jaw to keep your eyes fixated on him. The other hand wraps around the base of his cock and teases the head along your slit, pressing on your clit just enough to have you squirming, trying to impale yourself.
“So needy for me, so wet. You’re so perfect, babygirl, I wouldn’t want to go too fast now. I want to savor every inch, feel you stretch around me while I watch those e/c eyes roll back in pleasure.” He holds back from thrusting into you when you whine in response, breathing heavy and struggling to get him inside. “Damn, baby, if you’re that desperate, why don’t you tell me exactly what you want? Beg for my cock, mi amor.”
“PLEASE, I need you inside me, please! I need your cock. Please fuck me, Papi~” You gasp out in succession, trying out the name you had once heard Kaminari teasing him about. It was a desperate attempt to get him to move, one your fucked-out brain decided was your best shot at getting him feral. And holy shit were you right. Sero fills you in an instant, hard length thrust to the hilt in your tight hole, causing you to cry out, eyes rolling back just as he promised.
“FUCK!” He’s losing restraint, driven mad by the filthy name coming from your angelic lips. The squeezing and fluttering of your walls is the only thing grounding him to Earth as he smirks down at you, baring his teeth while his other hand comes to wrap around your throat and apply light pressure to the sides. “Oh you know what you’re doing, don’t you? You have no idea how many times I imagined you calling me like that with these soft thighs wrapped around me; trust me, it’s nothing close to how sexy the real thing is. If you want to play dirty, princesa, don’t blame me when you can’t walk tomorrow.”
He backed up his statement with a few deep strokes that had your mouth falling open and eyes unfocusing, still unable to look away from the man about to wreck you. In a weak attempt to ground yourself, you reach up and place your hands on his back to feel the flexing of his muscles as he gave you slow, deep thrusts. Running your hands along his shoulders had your pussy clenching, and the groan pulled from his chest accompanying a harsh increase in his pace had your nails clawing at the corded muscles, causing him to put more force into fucking you into the mattress. A cycle of reactions, spurring the other on to continue and escalate.
“You feel so good, babygirl. S-So tight, you feel like you’re fucking made for me. I love you so much. I love everything about you. God, I fucking love your body- I love your curves, I love your legs wrapped around me, I love your sexy fucking thighs, I love your cute tummy- love how you feel pressed against me, I love running my fingers up your arms and kissing back down, I love gripping your hips when I hold you, I love watching you jiggle when you walk and bounce when I fuck you like this. You’re so fucking beautiful, so perfect for me.” Sero babbles out praises like he’ll die if he doesn’t get them out. You’re a blushing mess, knowing these words are completely true, tumbling out of his mouth unconsciously as he thinks them. “I love that expression, angel. Still so shy at my praises, even though I can feel you trying to milk my cock at every word. Such a good girl for me. Why don’t you tell me who makes this pretty pussy feel so good, huh? Say it, angel.”
“Hantaaa~ you feel so good. Please don’t stop!! I’m so close, please. I wanna cum, I wanna cum on your cock, please Papiiii~. You make me feel so good. I love you, I love you, I’m all yours. Please, I’m yours-ah~, I wanna be yours. I need you, I love you so much. Only you could make me feel like this-fuck- it’s only you. Please make me cum, Papi~” Your moans and pleas are getting louder and louder, chasing your impending climax. Every emotion flowing out of you, combined with the wonderful overstimulation, had tears rolling down your pudgy cheeks. You hadn’t yet realized you were crying when Sero leaned down to kiss and lick away the salty streams.
“Okay, princesa, I’ll give you what you need. How can I say no when you're being so good for me? Such a beautiful mess, all for me. So perfect. My good girl~” His right hand smoothes down your torso and settles between your thighs, rubbing tight circles on your clit. “Come on, babygirl. Papi’s got you, I’ll take good care of you. Cum for Papi. Cum on my cock.”
Your final orgasm has your back arched off the bed, eyes crossed, tongue lolling out, screaming out a string of “Hanta”, “Papi”, and “I love you”. Sero keeps his pace steady, fucking you through your climax and trying to prolong it as long as he can. The feeling of your doughy pussy clamping down around his cock like a vice, the gloriously wrecked ahegao face, and the sound of your cries as you creamed on his dick had him right on the edge of his own high. He started to pull out, not wanting to cross any boundaries, when he felt your legs pull him in even further. He looks back to your face; hazy, loving eyes drawing him in with that innocent look.
“Please cum inside me Papi, I want it! I’m yours, I want you. I want you to fill me up.” The permission to claim his longtime love and the aftershocks of your orgasm having you still pulsing around him finally push him over the edge. He buried his face in the crook of your neck, sucking and biting in a feeble attempt to muffle his moans of your name as his hips stuttered, thick ropes of cum warming your insides and painting your walls white. You feel so full and so content. Staying inside you, Sero rolls the two of you over to lay on his back, still holding your sweaty bodies together as he kisses your forehead and strokes your hair, telling you how good you did, how happy he was, how proud he was of you.
No one has ever made you feel so good, so wanted. Normally, your post-sex thoughts are plagued with insecurities, but instead all yoou can think about is Sero and how perfect this was. How beautiful he made you feel… and how you didn’t want it to end.
“H-Hey… Um… Sero?” you timidly get his attention.
“Y/n, I’m gonna need you to start calling me Hanta if we’re gonna be together. It’s a little weird to call your boyfriend by their family name, isn’t it?… Unless you wanna call me Papi, of course~” He says, his normal goofy grin and teasing tone returned.
“Wait… You- you really want to be with me? You don’t want me to keep it a secret? I will if you tell me to… I don’t want to embarrass you, I know I’m not exactly the ‘trophy wife’ the other heroes go for… I just really like you- um- actually, I’ve been in love with you for years now, and I just got really excited that you wanted me and-” Your nervous muttering is cut off with his lips softly pressed against yours, his hand moving to intertwine your fingers with his.
“Mi amor, I’ve been in love with you for just as long. You are my trophy, the greatest part of me. Every single thing I said is true, and I’ve thought those things for our entire friendship. If you think for a second that I won’t be walking around shirtless, showing off all of these marks to Kirishima and Kaminari, you don’t know me at all.” He winks at you and brings your hand to his lips, placing a gentle kiss there. “Princesa, babygirl, mi corazón… Nunca te dejaré, yo nunca te dejaré salir, yo prometo. I am yours, and you are mine.”
“I love you, Hanta.”
“I love you, too, y/n.”
You fall asleep on his chest to the calming rhythm of his heartbeat and steady breathing. Upon waking up, you assume you had just dreamed the entire affair, chalking it up to your vivid imagination and drinks at the ball. That is, until you realize you’re trapped in a tangle of limbs with Hanta, leg hiked over his body and arms encompassing each other. You try to shift slightly to see his sleeping face, but he stirs and rolls over on top of you with a groan. The jolt of his muscles jerking awake told you he also thought he had dreamed the entire thing, believing that the prospect of your mutual pining actually coming to fruition was too good to be true.
“Good morning, angel. I’m so glad you’re real… And that you’re all mine.” Sero softly sighs, voice rough from sleep, nuzzling his face into your chest and squeezing your soft midsection to hold you closer.
“Good morning, love. I’m so so happy, but there’s one thing…” You say, trying to hold back your giggles.
“What is it, baby? Is something wrong? What did I do?” Sero starts thinking of every possible scenario as you soothe his thoughts with a cheeky smile.
“I- um… I think I need you to carry me to the shower, you weren’t lying when you said I wouldn’t be able to walk in the morning.” Both of you erupt in a fit of laughter. He scoops you up in his arms and carries you to the shower, so content in finally having his girl.
A/N: WHEW okay… I’m actually really proud of this, and I hope you guys like it. The Latin Sero headcanon hits me so hard and I just absolutely simp for this sweet tape boy. Huge thank you to @reinawritesbnha for inspiring me to write this matchup, @lemonlordleah-shinzawa-kitten for encouraging me and giving me the courage to post, and my dear, sweet Sage for reading it to make sure I don’t embarrass myself and inspiring me to write in the first place. <3
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chicgeekgirl89 · 3 years
Fandom: 911 Lone Star
Characters: Carlos Reyes, T.K. Strand
A/N: Thanks as always to @bluenet13 for beta reading!
Read on AO3
T.K. was late. It wasn’t uncommon for one of them to be running late; when you worked as a civil servant the end of the day was determined by when the work was done, not what the clock on the wall said. Dating someone who understood that was rare, a gift. They understood and forgave the tardiness without malice.
He’d texted, telling Carlos to go ahead and get a drink and order an appetizer if he wanted. But Carlos waited, anxious to see his date (boyfriend? booty call? friend with benefits?). It had been a long day and he’d been looking forward to this evening since T.K. had texted and asked him about it two days ago. That was a step forward, T.K. asking him out instead of the other way around. It had to mean…something, right? Maybe? 
Oh god, his sister, Francesca, had been right when she told him he was hopelessly gone on this guy. Her actual comment had included a few more swear words and a surprising amount of sexual innuendo, even for his sister, but the message was the same: He was in love with a guy who liked him back. And he was doing a pretty terrible job of figuring the relationship out.
“Hey, sorry I’m late.” T.K. slid into the seat across from him, interrupting the gymnastics of his mental anxiety.
“No worries,” Carlos said, offering up a smile. “I got you a sparkling water and ordered a cheese plate.”
“Great, that’s great,” T.K. said, fidgeting in his chair like he couldn’t get comfortable.
Carlos hadn’t known T.K. for long, but the man read like an open book. He could tell something wasn’t right. “Everything okay?” he asked as T.K. picked up the menu and flipped it over without reading it before setting it back down again.
“What? Yeah, yes, yes everything’s fine,” he said, picking the menu back up again.
Carlos studied him, feeling his leg bounce up and down under the table. “You sure? You seem on edge. Rough day at work?”
T.K. set the menu down again and schooled his face into what Carlos assumed he thought was a neutrally pleasant expression, but was really a smile that strained around the edges. “No, I’m good. Sorry. So, what are you thinking about? The filet? Or actually the salmon looks really good. With the lemon sauce?”
Carlos let T.K. chatter his way through dinner about inane subjects such as the different types of hose nozzles, his Dad’s medicinal tea collection, and how to properly hail a taxi in New York. Carlos hmmed and nodded in all the right places, all the while mentally going through a list of possible reasons for T.K.’s uneasiness. A difficult shift seemed most likely, but T.K. had denied that. Could something have happened to someone he knew in New York? Or was there…was there someone else? He knew about T.K.’s recent horrendous break up, but was it possible that whoever he’d left behind had come calling? It happened more often than not, a quick rebound and then back to the previous relationship, he’d seen it time and and time again.
His heart squeezed a little bit at the thought and he mentally shook himself. T.K. had given him no indication that things between them were off, he shouldn’t assume and possibly fabricate a problem for himself that didn’t exist. 
They finished their meal, declining desert and coffee, and headed for the parking lot. “So,” Carlos finally said, his first word in quite a while. “Did you want to come over or…?”
“Yeah,” T.K. said far too brightly in the fakest possible way. 
T.K. seemed to have run out of bizarre facts and mundane topics to talk about because he was quiet on the drive back to Carlos’, seemingly lost in whatever was going on in his head, fingers absently playing with his phone, turning it over and over in his hands.
He didn’t even move when they stopped in the driveway, eyes staring straight ahead out the windshield. “T.K.,” Carlos said softly.
He startled and cleared his throat. “Hey, sorry.” He flashed another fake smile and leaned over, pressing a kiss to Carlos’ lips, quickly trying to turn it into more.
Carlos let him for a moment, not pulling back, but not fully giving in either, still trying to get a read on what was going on tonight. The current situation suggested it had nothing to do with them, which was a relief. But something was still wrong.
“Should we take this inside?” T.K. asked a moment later, his hand sliding up Carlos’ thigh, even as the enthusiasm didn’t quite reach his eyes.
Carlos cocked his head to the side. “Are you sure you want to?”
That got T.K.’s full attention and his brow furrowed. “I—yes. Yeah I wanted to come over and be with you.” He leaned over and kissed the tip of Carlos’ nose. “Come on.”
They walked inside and for once Carlos let T.K. take the lead as they landed on the couch, lips locked together, hands in each other’s hair, running up and down each other’s bodies. But it wasn’t fast and hard or even slow and gentle it was just…as if T.K. was going through the motions. And Carlos was not okay with that.
He pulled away, sitting up, putting distance between them. “What’s wrong?” T.K. asked in confusion. “You okay?”
“Are you?”
Carlos fixed him with a firm look. “T.K. I want to have sex with you, I do. But I’m a big fan of enthusiastic consent. And right now you’re consenting but…I’m kind of missing the enthusiasm.”
T.K. sighed and sat up, resting his elbows on his knees, running a hand over his face. “I’m sorry. I should have just gone home.”
Carlos felt a pang of sympathy as he watched the weight of whatever T.K. was dealing with settle fully on his shoulders. He reached over and put a hand on T.K.’s knee. “You know, you don’t have to tell me what’s going on if you don’t want to. But if you do, I’m here. Or if you don’t want to talk I can drive you home. No questions asked.”
He could see T.K.’s jaw working, like he was trying to hold back tears. He shook his head silently, misery all over his face and Carlos couldn’t take it any longer. He slid closer so their thighs touched and put his free hand on T.K.’s shoulder. “T.K. what is it?”
The other man sucked in a breath, pinching the bridge of his nose as he squeezed his eyes shut. “My dad has cancer.”
Of all the things he’d considered, this had never crossed his mind. It felt like a punch in the gut. And if it felt that way to him, he could only imagine how it felt to T.K. 
“It’s lung cancer,” T.K. continued. “From the towers. And he didn’t tell me. He just moved us across the country like he could run away from it. I thought he made us come here because of me but really, it was because of him. And me. Both of us I guess, I don’t even know anymore.”
T.K. looked so wrung out and exhausted and Carlos’ heart ached, wishing for all the world that he could somehow take his pain away.
“He’s been getting chemo and dealing with this for months now, all on his own because he couldn’t tell me or didn’t want to tell me or didn’t trust me enough to tell me and I feel really REALLY shitty about it,” T.K. said. “Like the worst son in the world for not noticing and not being…okay enough for him to talk to me about it. Because you know that people with a support system have a better chance of beating cancer than people that don’t. And I haven’t been providing that for him. I’ve just been dealing with my own shit again.” 
His intake of breath was shaky, words continuing to pour out of him. “And I told him that I wasn’t scared, that I knew he was going to be all right, but I think that was a lie. Because right now I’m terrified. I’m terrified that I’m going to lose him. And I promised myself I would never lie to him again after what happened in New York but how could I say anything else? He needs me to be strong but,” T.K. finally looked up and met Carlos’ eyes, “I’m not very good at being strong. As evidenced by the addiction and relapses.” 
He shook his head again and ran an agitated hand over his face. “And I don’t even know why I’m telling you all of this. I’m sorry, it’s been a long day and I kind of can’t stop thinking about it and it all just kind of…spilled out.”
Carlos squeezed his knee. “Well, they do call me “The Confessor” at the precinct. Bad guys take one look at me and give up all their secrets.”
T.K. raised his eyebrows. “They do?”
“No, T.K. it’s a joke.” He winced slightly. “Maybe not the right time for a joke. Sorry.”
T.K. snorted. “No it’s…thanks. I needed that.” He exhaled slowly. “I think I needed all of that. I don’t uh, I don’t have many people I can talk to about stuff like this. So thanks for letting me unload on you. Again.”
“You can talk to me anytime,” Carlos said. “I mean it. And if you need help with your dad, anything at all, I’m glad to do that too. I can drive to appointments, pick things up, make phone calls, or just be a shoulder to cry on.”
T.K. gave him a soft, smile, the first genuine one of the night, and cupped his cheek. “You are so sweet. You know that?”
“I think you’ve mentioned it once or twice,” Carlos told him. “I’m not just saying it; I’m serious T.K. Anything you need, anything at all.”
He couldn’t fix this, couldn’t tell T.K. that it would all be all right in the end, couldn’t give him the assurances he longed for, but he could offer his presence and support.
“I know,” T.K. said, and he seemed to genuinely believe it. “Thank you.”
Carlos leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss to his lips, lingering for just a moment before pressing their foreheads together. “Do you want to stay here tonight?”
T.K. nodded against him and didn’t pull back. “Do you mind if we don’t…I just don’t think I…”
“How about we watch a movie?” Carlos suggested. “I’ll make some popcorn, we can relax. Decompress a little bit.”
“Are you sure that’s okay?” T.K. asked.
Carlos smiled. “Believe it or not I like being with you even when we’re not having sex. And I am very capable of going without for a night or two.”
“But not three?” T.K. asked as Carlos got up and moved to the kitchen.
Carlos gave a fake wince. “That would be pushing it. I might have to find another hot shot firefighter from New York to hook up with.”
“You get a lot of those in Austin?”
“Oh they’re a dime a dozen around here,” Carlos said with a teasing grin as he started the microwave. “Walk down the street and you’re bound to run into at least a few. Although, I don’t think all of them have such a passion for hose nozzles.”
Now T.K. winced for real. “Sorry. I ramble when I’m anxious.”
“I noticed. It’s okay. And next time I’m at a scene and someone asks me for a hose nozzle, I will definitely be able to help. In fact, I think I’ll add that to my resumé. Hose Nozzle Expert.”
“Oh god,” T.K. rolled his eyes. “I’m a terrible date.”
Carlos returned with the popcorn. “Well I’ll guess we’ll just have to go on another one. Give you a chance to make it up to me.”
“Friday?” T.K. asked.
“I have a shift starting mid-morning.”
“Breakfast then?”
Carlos handed him the popcorn bowl. “Breakfast it is. Now,” he settled back into the couch and pulled T.K. toward him until they were cuddled together. “Relax. I’ve got you.”
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shwazzberryswriting · 3 years
Twisted, Act 2
Once they made it to her place, she thanked Haechan profusely when he offered to carry the bulky items into her house. After giving him the house WiFi password, she left Haechan in the kitchen to eat as she showered. She hadn’t showered after the lunch rush since she’d gone to Haechan’s place. And she only made herself dirtier by having sex with him before making a sweaty run to Costco. Her shower was long overdue, to say the least.
Under the warm jets of water, soaping up her body, Lawan was overcome with the fear she’d set aside. Would she become a young mother? Would her own mom hold that against her?
It had been her mom who had asked her if she wanted to get an IUD implant before she left for college. Her mom was a teen mom at 17, unable to go to college. She had to work full time with 2 jobs (sometimes 3) to raise Lawan. It was especially challenging since Lawan’s father chose to be out of the picture.
Annoyed, and suspicious that her mom was projecting, Lawan had declined to get the IUD. She had been convinced she was responsible enough to not have to worry about accidents. Stressed about whether or not Plan B would work, she wondered if there was something out there wanting to teach her a hard lesson about not learning from her mother’s mistakes.
There was a knock on the bathroom door that threw her off her train of thought, and she jumped away from the showerhead as she realized that the water was freezing cold. Her fingers shook as she shut the water off.
“Lawan?” Haechan’s voice was a little muffled. “You OK? The food’s cold now. I put your ice cream in the freezer.”
“Uh, yeah,” she said, stepping out of the shower and wrapping her body up with her white bath towel. She shivered, and opened the door after grabbing a second towel to throw over her head and shoulders. “Busy thinking, that’s all.”
His gaze down at her was soft, his eyes half closed, and she felt her core grow warm as he licked his lips. He closed his mouth, but her eyes were fixed on his Adam’s apple move as he gave a hard swallow. Her fingers gripped onto her towel as she stared at his beauty marks on his neck, stopping herself from reaching out to touch them.
“We shouldn’t,” she said as she placed a hand on his chest, having felt his body shift close to her. He bowed his head down, resting a hand onto the door frame.
“You’re right,” he said, lifting his head up. He cleared his throat. “How do you feel?”
“Hungry,” she replied before walking past him to head back to her bedroom.
She turned around, and felt her chest grow hot as she saw him slumped up against the wall. He looked just as wounded as she felt. His head was bowed down against his chest with his shoulders hunched over. It took her a split second to change her mind as she returned to him, and brushed the back of her fingers against the palm of his left hand.
Haechan opened his eyes, and stood up straight. Just like when they were seated beside each other at Misfit, as their eyes locked Haechan pushed forward and Lawan threw her hands up to grab his neck. He licked his lips as she breathed through her mouth, anticipating when he’d kiss her.
His hand grasped onto the towels and tugged them off her, tossing them to the floor. He placed one hand on her hip as they kissed, his mouth hot as his lips fought to claim hers. One hand grasped onto her ass cheek, kneading and pinching her as he pulled her body up against his, sending heat into her back and down to her groin.
She let go of his neck, and rested her hands onto his shoulders as she slowly took a step backwards. He picked up on what she wanted, and broke their kiss before bending down. He told her to jump once he grasped onto the back of her thighs. With her legs hooked around his waist and her arms wrapped around his neck, Lawan kissed Haechan as he carried her to her bedroom.
“Where’s your bed?” he asked in a stage whisper as she planted kisses onto his lips and cheeks.
“To the left,” she replied between kisses as she heard him kick the door shut behind them.
She licked his neck and began sucking on it as she felt him set her down on her bed, his skin tasting salty and musky. He needed a shower, but his slightly bitter musk fogged up her mind. He yelped, and collapsed on top of her, his body between her legs. She groaned, feeling his body weigh down on her.
“You didn’t ask to mark me,” he breathed against her lips as he moved quickly to hold her wrists down over her head. “Hypocrite.”
“I’m sorry,” she said with a frown. She shivered as he dove down and softly kissed the right side of her neck. “Let me make it up to you.”
She lifted her head up to kiss him, wriggling her wrists out of his hold. As their lips met, she moved her hands down to his chest, and pushed him to lie down on his back. Once she was lying on top of his body, her hands moved down to undo his jeans. Impatiently, she helped him take his skinny jeans and boxer briefs off before tossing them to the floor. He laid back down as she stroked a hand up and down on his shaft.
She moved to sit on her knees between his legs. His cock hardened as she continued to pump it, the heat radiating from his cock warming up her hand. She brushed the mushroomed head against her hardened nipples a few times as she bent over his crotch, wanting to give him a show. His heavy breathing and inability to speak indicated that he was enjoying it.
The heat of his cock sent shivers up her back whenever it hit her sensitive nipples. She looked up to see Haechan’s head lifted up as his eyes were focused on her playing with his cock. Continuing to pump him, she moved down to use her mouth to pleasure him.
“Fuck, baby,” he moaned out as she licked along the bottom length of his shaft, going down to plant soft wet kisses onto his ballsack. His fingers tangled into her hair. “Holy fuck, your lips are the best.”
She planted wet kisses up and down the length of his shaft. A strong surge of pride hit her chest as he moaned out her name. He praised her lips once more as she kissed the tip of his cock. She licked it before putting it into her mouth.
Taking her time with sucking on more of his length, she hollowed her cheeks to intensify the suction. Her fingers stroked him where her mouth could not, moving up and down his veiny length. She allowed herself some time to find a good breathing rhythm through her nose before picking up pace. The salty and earthy taste of Haechan filled up her mouth and throat.
“Fuck, keep doing that, babe,” he panted out after a weak moan. She began bobbing back and forth with a faster pace, her saliva dribbling down the length of his cock. With her fingers, she used it to help rub the bottom of his shaft and his balls. “You’re so hot with my cock in your mouth. Don’t stop. Don’t stop.”
He groaned, his fingers grasping onto her hair as he came. She was surprised as his seed filled her mouth. She shut her eyes and swallowed as best as she could, his salty come filling her senses. She sat up and grabbed tissues from the nightstand to wipe her mouth before cleaning him up.
“That was fucking great,” Haechan said breathlessly when she laid down beside him. He pulled her body close to him. His body was hot, and she was feeling much warmer. His thumb traced over her bottom lip. “You give amazing head.”
“Thanks,” she said, feeling heat hit her cheeks. She rested her head against his chest, blood riding up her shoulders and neck into her head. His words made her dizzy.
“You’ve never been complimented on the blowjobs you give?” he asked. He lifted her chin to look up at him with his hand.
“No,” she said with a laugh. “You’re the most vocal person I’ve slept with. It’s a good thing.” She had to pacify him as his smile disappeared. She kissed his neck while caressing his chest. Her lips touched the beauty mark near his Adam’s apple. “It’s hot when you tell me that you like what I’m doing.”
“You didn’t have to blow me,” he said, stroking her arm as she rested her head onto his chest again. “It’s my fault you had to get the Pill.”
“You are full of luck, aren’t you?” she asked, running her hand down his chest to his stomach. He made her feel calm, and she wanted to caress his stomach for as long as it would take for her to fall asleep. “I should kick your ass, but instead you’re in bed with me.”
“It’s because I brought in all the heavy shit,” he said, making her give a lazy chuckle. He caressed her hips and ass. It felt nice to run her hands under his shirt as they embraced, but she wondered what it meant for them to be in bed together again. That first time earlier in his bed had been an impulsive move. It was supposed to have been a one time thing.
*Day 6*
Her roommates had gotten drunk while doing a Twin Peaks weekend marathon. Intentional or not, Lawan got the hint that her pregnancy limbo was the last thing any of them wanted. Her potential life-altering situation was too close for comfort. A dumbass mistake like a broken condom could happen to any of them. It wasn’t even 10:00 PM yet, and she was alone in the kitchen, scooping ice cream into her coffee mug. Her phone buzzed against the island counter when she received a text.
Donghyuck: do u want company bros r gettin drunk n im not feelin it
Lawan: 😂 my roomies are all drunk too, passed out in their rooms, come over… if u want
It’d taken him less than 15 minutes to knock on her door. She’d just finished washing the dishes when she let him in. Walking to her room together, she felt just as nervous to be with him as the first time they had sex together. That had been the last time they had last seen each other.
After their roller coaster day together, she finally unblocked Haechan’s number. They’d exchanged numbers their freshman year when they had a class project together, but it hadn’t taken long for Lawan to block him when he’d pretended to cry to get out of doing a project. With the unblock, Haechan had been a good friend. He texted her every morning to ask her how she felt.
When they were alone in her room, they nervously walked around each other as he seemed unsure if he wanted to sit on the floor or on her desk chair. She kept wondering if it was wise to have closed the door, and couldn’t decide if she wanted to sit on her bed or not. As she moved to her right, he moved in the same direction and their hands touched. She laughed into his chest as he wrapped his arms around her body, holding her in a firm embrace.
Prior to their hookup she would have shoved him away, annoyed that he was so quick to show skinship. But the only person she wanted to hold her was Haechan. She didn’t want to think of their connection as a stupid mistake, because the embrace meant that they were close enough that they didn’t have to ask for hugs. Haechan could wake her up with his warm hugs and she’d be happy rather than annoyed.
“How do you feel?” he asked her.
“Scared,” she admitted. Due to the increased stress, she slept during her free time. Sleep was the only way she could get her mind to stop thinking about possibly being pregnant.
“Have you talked to anyone about this?”
Lawan told her roommates about Haechan and the broken condom, but she didn’t expect them to give her company. Given that one of them was preparing for med school and the other wasn’t comfortable with talks of parenthood, Lawan didn’t hold it against her roommates for not talking to her about it. Truth be told, she didn’t want to talk to them about it either. It was just as uncomfortable for her to try to think about it.
“My cousin.” She shut her eyes and focused on how soft his black shirt felt against her cheek, and how he smelt like the sweet Hawaiian bread rolls she would eat as her after school snack when she was a kid. She wanted to sink into his embrace. “We exchanged emails yesterday.”
“The one who lives in Amsterdam?”
“She’s the only one who can keep a secret.” He gave a chuckle. She felt her face grow warm. She didn’t mean to make him laugh, but it lifted her spirits. “She told me she had a similar experience a couple years ago. Have you talked to anyone about this?”
“No, do you want me to?”
“No,” she said, looking up at him. “Thanks for keeping things discreet.”
He released her, and sat down on her bed as she grabbed her grey laptop from her desk. She joined him and they watched a movie together. He suggested a light romantic comedy, and though she was too stressed to take anything in, she had a good time hearing Haechan laugh next to her. She took out a bag of candy from her night stand.
“Gummy worms?” he asked, his eyes widening. The green bag crinkled loudly as he ripped it open.
“You were expecting condoms?” she replied. She raised an eyebrow.
“Thanks for the candy,” he said, grinning sheepishly as he placed the bag between them on the mattress. She laughed as they got more comfortable in bed.
“Thanks for checking up on me,” she said, resting her head onto his shoulder.
He remained quiet as he rested his head against her. Keeping his mouth shut was a favor to her, she suspected.
*Day 15*
It was another night in which members of the NCT fraternity were destroying the kitchen, but Haechan wasn’t involved in the activities. He had locked himself with Lawan in his room. They were watching a historical drama, one about rich royals betraying each other.
His computer screen was much larger than her small laptop, so it was easier to watch movies in his room than hers. It was a small sacrifice having to put up with his loud roommates. They were only able to fit in nights together when neither of them were working or loaded with homework anyway.
But they had managed to hang out three nights in a row, and she had to admit to herself that she was enjoying Haechan’s company more and more. As much as he seemed to take joy in annoying her, he’d begun to find new ways to make her laugh in reaction to his actions. Such as their night watching a movie in his room; she rested her back against the headboard of his bed, and she laughed as he dipped down to pepper kisses onto her neck.
“Donghyuck, stop,” she said through her chortles, pushing his chest as she leaned away.
“I dropped some popcorn,” he said, sitting up straight. He grabbed her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. “Can you start calling me Haechan? Donghyuck is too formal.”
“Haechan?” she said lightly. His face flushed as he tilted his head in towards hers. She’d called him Donghyuck for years to annoy him, but she didn’t mind calling him by his nickname. The bashful half grin on his face was cute. “Haechan.”
He kissed her. She pushed his tongue out of her mouth as she tasted salt and caramel from him. Lying down on her back, she wrapped an arm around his neck as they continued to kiss. They were becoming familiar with each other’s bodies, and she enjoyed caressing his earlobe with her fingers. He hummed gently against her lips, and she hummed back, the vibrations from his voice reverberating into her chest.
“I have to get up early for my class at 8:30 tomorrow,” she said when they broke their kiss. She’d repeated the sentence in her head all day to prepare for a moment like this.
“Let me take you home,” he replied, his hold loosening. She wrapped both arms around his neck and kissed him.
“Five more minutes,” she said against his lips. “You’re such a good kisser.”
He pulled away from her lips.
“What else do you like about me?” he asked breathlessly.
“Brat,” she said with a laugh, pushing against his chest. He shut his eyes as she caressed his earlobe again, a smile on his lips. “I just want to kiss you a little more.”
They continued, his lips hot and his mouth tasting sweet, but she stopped as she felt his hand reach under her shirt to grab her lower back. His hand on her bare skin sent heat up her body, loosening her inhibitions. Her hips bucked up against him, and they groaned against each other’s lips as the friction of his half hard cock hit her warming core. He let go of her and sat up when their eyes locked. She stood up off the bed, turning away from him.
“Thanks for taking me home,” she said softly, picking up her purse from his gaming chair, “Haechan.”
She took his hand as they stood at the foot of his bed. The tension in her shoulders loosened as he lifted her hand up and kissed it before leading her out of his room.
*Day 22*
She was on the bathroom floor, curled up in the fetal position. Haechan’s body warmed her as he spooned her, his arms wrapping her up. She sobbed loudly and hiccupped, her hands holding her legs against her chest. Her period was four days late, and she didn’t know if she should take a pregnancy test.
It wasn’t like she was 17 and barely out of high school, but Lawan was still afraid that she would have to alter her life. Being in college with a part-time job was hard enough, she wasn’t prepared to have an entire human being depend on her. She felt sick even letting her fears form into half thoughts, but the questions came against her will.
What would she do if she were pregnant? Would she have to talk to her mom and reveal all the dumb shit she’d been doing at college? Could she do what her mom did and raise a child as a young mother? Or would she get an abortion?
“I’m so sorry, babe,” Haechan said softly as he gave her a gentle squeeze. “I’ve got you. I’m here.”
She sniffled, and nodded her head gently, unable to speak. She was scared, and didn’t want to feel like she was relying on Haechan. But he was the only person who knew and cared about her predicament. She hadn’t expected him to show up when she sent him a stream of texts listing off every negative thought going through her mind.
What if she had to drop out of school and work? She only worked 25 hours at Misfit, how would she be able to care for a baby on that salary? How long could she go without talking to her mom before her mom began to suspect something was going on? What would she say to her mom if her period didn’t arrive soon?
The texts had been a way to vent out her stress, but she’d fallen to her bathroom floor and cried for what felt like hours. There wasn’t a moment in which she realized that Haechan was lying on the floor with her, but when she heard him hum a, “Shh,” into her ear she sobbed out his name. And so they were curled up together on her bathroom floor for as long as it took for her to fall asleep.
To Act 3
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xenospacebabe · 3 years
Broken Wings pt2.
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A/N: Ya’ll thanks so much for the positive reaction to my first drabble! A few of you asked me to continue it so I think I’ll make this a little bit of an ongoing thing. Enjoy! Also, I’m doing this all from my phone, so I can’t do page breaks. Apologies to anyone just scrolling by!
Summary: After breaking one of his wings, Hawks breaks into an animal clinic for some help. Little does he know that the doctor there would occupy his mind this much.
For some reason, this had been the longest week in your career. Your techs noticed that you were a little bit distracted in the moments of downtime between patients. But they knew better than to pry into your personal business, history proved that you had a very solid separation between work and real life. You never mixed business with pleasure and it made you a better doctor, in your opinion. It helped you focus more intently on your patients and their care.
That being said, even the most complicated cases couldn’t stop your mind from wandering back to the winged hero who essentially broke into your clinic for a broken wing. You wondered if he was taking your advice by resting his wings and his body. However given that he was the number 2 hero, you knew that probably wasn’t very likely.
After the last surgery of the day was finished, and the last client was out the door, you and your technicians cleaned up the clinic so they could all go home. First to arrive last to leave, today was no different. But today you showed up early just in case Hawks-...Keigo.. decided to drop by before you opened for a check-up. And when he didn’t, you were frustrated with disappointment you felt. You remained hopeful that he would appear tonight.
By the second hour after closing and no sign of the pro hero, you felt your heart hanging in your stomach. So with a heavy sigh, you started checking hospitalized patients to make sure they had what they needed and turning off lights. Though just as you had given up and opened the side door to leave, you were greeted with a full vision of giant wings.
He was there.
“Keigo!” You yelped out in excitement, the smile on your face illuminated the space between you.
“Hey Doc.” His voice drawled, smirking. He liked how happy you looked to see him. It made his heart flutter in a funny way. “Miss me?”
“Maybe. Come inside, we’ll get you checked out.” You retreated back into the clinic and he brushed past you. The discouragement you felt earlier faded away with every passing second and was replaced with pure joy.
Keigo followed you into exam and leaned onto the counter, sharp eyes trained on you with a bright intensity. You weren’t able to put your finger on how it made you feel when his gaze was headstrong on you. Nervous? Excited?
“So, how are you feeling? Any pain or numbness?” Right to business. He admired that about you. Instead of fawning over him and tripping over your words, you were calm and composed. At least, that’s what you wanted him to think. Inside, you were in chaos.
“Ehh...not really. It’s sore but that’s about it.” The wing in mention shifted slightly. You noticed that the splint you had placed was in really good condition. Save for a few rubbed spots where you assumed he was trying to scratch. That meant he was resting, taking your advice in stride.
“You know, there’s no secret cameras or microphones here. You don’t have to pretend.” He froze in place, his expression stilled with shock. Keigo hadn’t realized he was being that transparent. But honestly, it was easy to see. The bags under his eyes indicated he wasn’t sleeping well. Or at all. You waited for a response. This wasn’t uncommon. Pet parents lied all the time to make it seem like they weren’t making any mistakes when their animal was sick. But honesty helped you help them. And eventually, they would always relent.
“Damn, it’s that obvious huh?”
“Oh yeah. So, spill it.” Your hands slowly reached for the wing to get a feel of the splint. It needed a few adjustments which could be easily done.
“It uh...aches. And it’s really dull and ongoing. But it goes away. I can handle it.” Nodding along to his explanation you fished into a drawer beside him for scissors, another roll of tape, and a few pads of gauze.
“I can write you a script to fill at a pharmacy for some relief. And don’t think of telling me no. Is the pain ever sharp?” He nodded quietly.
“Is that bad?” You gingerly removed the tape and padding from the existing splint, making sure to not pull on his feathers or apply unnecessary pressure to the break.
“No, so long as it doesn’t keep up and you don’t have any fevers or anything like that. If you don’t care, I want to get another xray to see where we’re at as far as healing goes.”
The hero grinned, looking so smug and you didn’t know why. He leaned in close, his nose only a few inches away from yours. From this short distance you could really see how rich the golden color of his eyes were, just like an actual hawk. However, the stare she was getting wasn’t from just any bird. It was from this handsome, charming pro hero who make your insides squirm.
“If you wanted me to take off my shirt all you had to do was ask.” The redness came to your face in a rush and you suddenly felt hot. The sound of his chuckling only made your heart race and palms sweat.
“I-I-...it’s just easier-...we don’t have to-...”
“Relax, I’m kidding~” You sighed as he removed his jacket followed by the top of his hero uniform. His skin was significantly less bruised, you noticed. The cuts and abrasions were healing very well. However, in taking in the state of his wounds, you didn’t realize that you were staring.
Keigo’s physique was so clean and cut that you couldn’t help but wonder how his skin felt beneath your palms. What the heat of his body felt like. Eventually, you became aware of your unwavering stare and cleared your throat to break the awkward silence.
Several moments and a few xrays later...
“Okay, so everything is starting to bond the way it should. See the humerus here?” Your finger pointed to the bone with a jagged fusion starting. He nodded to indicate he understood. “It’s still pretty unstable so will need to remain splinted. But that’s normal for a break like this.”
Shouldering his jacket and slipping his arms into the sleeves, he popped the collar back up into place before sighing.
“Right, still grounded.” The tone of his voice seemed sad but you were understanding of why. For someone with as little freedom as Keigo, denying the one thing that made him feel liberated felt like a punishment.
“I’m sorry, Keigo. But you’re doing great so far. I’m really happy with the progress I’m seeing.”
The process of resplinting his wing was painful, but not as bad as it was the week before. You made sure to layer the gauze carefully so the bones would be cushioned and safe. Keigo admired how gentle your hands were, how soft your palms felt against his sensitive feathers. It took a lot of effort to remain composed around you. But as soon as you were done and your hands left him, he was left with a lingering sense of longing.
The hero followed you out and into your office where you sat down in the old chair that had been there almost as long as you’d been alive. He looked around and noticed all the pictures and belongings that decorated the walls and shelves. Honing in on one photo in the middle of the wall of a little girl holding what appeared to be a newborn foal, he looked back at you.
“Is this you?”
“Hm? Oh. Yeah. That was the first foal I ever helped my dad deliver when he was working with horses.” Keigo looked impressed and moved down the line of frames. Lots of smiling faces and memories.
“You were a cute kid, y’know?” Hands shifted into his pockets and he leaned against a filing cabinet. You scoffed and waved your hand dismissively. “No really. You grew up into a really beautiful woman. Inside and out.”
“Really?” You looked at him in confusion. Your hair was a mess and you were wearing yesterday’s mascara. Surely he was just teasing you like those boys did in elementary school. Always picking on you because you came to school with horses on your tshirts and nose always buried in books about animals.
“Well yeah. I don’t just let anyone put their hands on my wings and have my feathers, you know.”
“About that. Why did-..”
“I can’t explain it, but I just wanted to make sure you were safe, I guess.” You were thankful for the dim lighting of your small office so he wouldn’t see your cheeks blush. You weren’t used to compliments like that and it showed.
“So uh-...Same time next week, Doc?” He could sense your exhaustion and decided not to keep you here longer than needed. But even so, you visibly pouted at the thought of saying goodbye again. Without thinking, you found a sticky note and quickly scribbled something down before handing it to him. “What’s this?”
“J-just for emergencies. It’s my cell number. If you know...if you feel any pain or need anything while the clinic is closed.” As he looked at the numbers you wrote the prescription you mentioned earlier which he then accepted and slipped into his pocket.
“Heh alright. Maybe I’ll shoot you a text if I get lonely.” The panic on your face made him laugh. You really were cute. Why did he have to say it like that?
“Oh my god, just go!” You shrieked, shoving him out the door while he continued to laugh. However before he relented and disappeared, he turned quickly and pressed a kiss to your cheek. You stood still in stunned silence. Your skin tingled where his lips had been, fingers lifting to touch the spot in disbelief.
“See ya later. I’ll text you.” Keigo backed away down and disappeared into the dark alley. Leaving you standing there wondering if you had dreamed what just happened. Your heart raced, the pulse thundering in your ears
Oh no....
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lizzyisdreamy · 3 years
Goin’ on a date with Sung Jin Woo :)
In which our favorite S-Rank hunter takes you on a date, but with a little plot twist thrown in as well *Reader is gender-neutral as well* Word Count: 1.6k (yeah, i kinda got carried away, oops)
You remembered. How pretty the day was, as the sun cast gentle rays of warmth and the wind blew slightly as you made your way to the library to do your homework. 
It shouldn’t have surprised you. He’d wait outside, leaning against the wall just around the corner from the entrance, in the shadows. Not that it bothered you; your study sessions always ended in the late afternoon, so it was a given that he’d wait where the sun wouldn’t bother him. Everyday, save for Saturdays and Sundays, he’d walk you home from the library. To others, it might’ve been an odd sight.
Sung Jin Woo? The S-Rank turned National Level hunter? Walking a simple college student such as yourself home? Everyday? It was almost too good to be true. 
But it was true, and even if it was odd at first, you’d grown used to it. 
And you remembered how when you’d reached your doorstep, he’d reached a tentative hand out and placed it on your shoulder, halting you before you could disappear into your house. And while looking away, trying to hide the very obvious blush on his face, had asked to take you out on a date.
Of course you were shocked, because Holy shit, I’m getting asked out on a date by Korea’s 10th S-Rank hunter and may or not just possibly be the most attractive man on the planet.
He accidentally took your silence as a “No” and before he could disappear, you shouted out an almost too eager “Yes!” before composing yourself and saying with a breathless smile, “I’d love to go on a date with you, Sung.”
“Jin Woo,” he corrected, before he really did disappear in that odd way of his, and a shadow soldier of his appeared in front of you. You shrugged at him? It looked like a him. And he shrugged at you.
Fast forward a week, and you stood in front of your mirror, checking your outfit for what had to be the 10th time in nearly 2 minutes. Sung, no, Jin Woo, had said he’d text you when he was at your house, and it was beginning to near 7.
“What if he was just messing with me? What if he just said it to get me all excited and he’s gonna bring his friends too just to embarrass me? Maybe I should just cancel, because there’s no way a guy like him is interested in me-” You ramble, and before you can reach your phone, your best friend had moved herself from her spot on the bed to grip your arms.
“Hey, babes, relax. I doubt he would do that, and based on how you make him to be when he walks you home, he’s genuinely interested in you. Now look at me. Deep breath in,” you follow her lead, taking in a lungful of air. “-Deep breath out. There you go. You look great OK?” As if on cue, your phone pings, indicating you had received a message. “That’s probably him. Now get your ass outside, and blow him away, you hear me?”
With new determination, you nodded and after taking another deep breath, swung open the door-
-And your heart just about skips 10 whole beats before it decides to start functioning again. There he stood, dressed both nicely in some black slacks, a white button-up shirt with a jacket as well, all complete with a bouquet of your favorite flowers in his hands.
And so, your date began.
“You uh, you look nice,” he mumbled, scratching the back of his neck as his eyes roamed over you. “I uh, I remember you saying you liked (favorite flowers) so I figured I’d get you some...” he mumbles, shyly holding out the bouquet. You giggle at his bashfulness, reaching out to take them from him.
“They’re beautiful, thank you. I’ll go put them in a vase, then we’ll go.”
And then, you’re walking away from your apartment and into town, where he proceeds to buy you little trinkets that catch your eye from the open market that the two of you just so happen to pass by. 
“You still haven’t told me where we’re going, by the way,” you say, turning your head slightly to meet the eyes of your date. He laughs at your statement, before placing his hands over your eyes.
You feel him lean over behind you, hear him as he whispers in your ear, his breath sending goosebumps racing across your skin as it brushes a strand of your hair ever so slightly. “Do you trust me?” You can only nod in response, because wow. You’re pretty sure he doesn’t even realize what kind of effect that had on you. He chuckles lowly, and you feel a little more heated than before. 
He keeps his hands over your eyes as a bit of coldness envelopes you, before it’s intensified. You shudder at the sudden change in temperature; had he used that weird way of traveling he had? Right, shadow exchange.
“We’ll be here a while, hope you don’t mind.”
He finally lets you have your sight back and holy shit.
“Where-” Your breath comes out in puffs, and you smile at it. “Where are we?” You shiver a bit, seeing as you had obviously not dressed for the conditions set.
“Sweden, sunshine.” The nickname comes so easily to him that he doesn’t even realize it, but oh, oh you do. Your face burns furiously, and you quickly turn your head to look up at the swirling sky.
No, it’s literally swirling. It’s your first time seeing something so beautiful. There’s streaks of color that writhe around in hues of green, pink, purple, and blue. “I’ve never seen the northern lights. I promised myself that one day, sometime after college, I’d get out of Korea and travel. My first stop would’ve been someplace where I could make a fire and watch these all night.”
“Then let’s do that right now.”
He conjures some warm-looking coats, another glimpse into the unimaginable spectacle of power he possesses. You take it gratefully, before continuing to stare upwards in awe. Some movement catches your eye, and you look downwards, realizing that a forest roams below you, covered in a blanket of fog.
A sharp snap catches your attention, and you see Jin-Woo has just finished creating a fireplace, and has set a blanket on the ground for the two of you to sit on. He jerks his head, and you come to sit by his side, and another blanket is placed over both of your legs.
“I hope you uh, you know, like it.”
“Are you kidding me?” You turn to him with the most excited eyes and the widest smile he’s ever seen on you, and his heart begins to thump erratically. “This,” you lean down to rest your head on his shoulder. “Single handedly, exceeds my expectations for my first date.”
His eyes shoot over to you, snuggling into his shoulder, before his brows furrow in confusion. “First date? I’m your first date?”
“Huh? Oh yeah, my priorities were always school and grades, guess I never really indulged in dating. Not that I didn’t want to, I just, how do I say this? Never really put myself out there.” He immediately moves his arm, and your eyes widen when you think he may be rejecting you. At least until he puts his arm around your waist and pulls you close into his side. 
“Then I’m thankful for that. I hope I’ve made it memorable.” You laugh now, placing a hand on his knee. His breath hitches in his throat from the contact, but he forces himself to refocus as you look back up at him. 
“Memorable? You dummy, this is like, more, than memorable. I can’t even begin to explain it.” You smile again, and he doesn’t say anything. Just continues to stare at you, a small blush beginning to appear on his skin. “Has anyone ever told you that you look really pretty?”
The words are mumbled, and if the two of you were just an inch more apart, he might’ve missed it. “I thought it was tradition for the guy to compliment his date, not the other way around…” He smells like caramel, you think. “Eh, who cares about tradition anyways,” you retaliate. 
He leans forward slowly, until your noses are just barely brushing. Just a little closer, and you’d be kissing him. His hand comes forward to rest on your cheek, and you lean into it, closing your eyes momentarily. “Is this ok?”
“Yes,” you whisper. “More than ok.”
Slowly, he places his lips on yours, sweetly, softly. Thank the gods that your friend said no to wearing regular lipstick, and instead gave you some tinted cherry chapstick. Jin-Woo can taste the slight taste of cherry, and the thought has him giddy. You pull away, grinning softly. 
His lips were so soft. 
“That…” you trail off, resting your forehead against his. “That was perfect.” Your eyes dance with unbridled happiness, along with the light from above. Jin-Woo can’t help but agree as he leans in once more.
Sung Jin-Woo feels bad. 
So much so that Jin-Ho notices. A part of him tells him that it’s ok, because with Monarchs and Rulers pitted against him, he’ll need an ally, especially one that can make a difference. 
But he just can’t help looking at the big banner in front of him, placed by the system. It feels like it’s mocking him. Mocking him for what he’s done, and how he’s played you.
He likes you, he truly does. You’re a sweet, charming, college student with an easy going attitude that grounds him. He doesn’t want to hurt you, at all. Compared to him, you’re an angel. But you can’t hide who you are, what you are, from him.
Not in the slightest bit.
[Quest: Befriend and gain the trust of the Monarch of Peace has begun.]
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hobbitsnapes · 4 years
the elf in the café chapter 8
A corpse husband story
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(I do not own this photo, nor do I know where it originated from. All credit goes to the artist.)
Summary: Never in his life, did he think going to a cafe and meeting a Harry Potter nerd could change his life. (I’m shit at summaries
A/N: H/N means his name, being that we don’t know what his actual name is currently
The day just felt, off. The best way to describe it.
He couldn’t remember the last time they hadn’t spoken for a day, especially since the night they shared just 3 nights prior. Both having been on the phone with one another unless she was at school, even then his heart would jump when his phone would ping from a text, even if it was just a small heart.
He didn’t wake up to notifications from her texting, no calls, nothing. Maybe she slept in? He thought, trying not to let it affect his morning, sadly to no avail.
Around 10 in the morning he sent her a text, just a simple good morning, having only gotten up an hour prior.
Checking his phone 30 minutes later to see the text was delivered, but no response. Maybe she was just sleeping in and didn’t hear his text. That’s what he tried telling himself as he got ready for his stream later in the night. Hoping to hear from her sometime before that.
2 hours past, again, nothing from her. Nerves starting itching at him, before he shot them down. Over the last few months, she helpt to teach him coping techniques to call himself, to think rationally rather than emotionally. She probably was in a rush for classes and forgot her phone, having done that when they first started talking. He still remembers the frantic phone call from her, apologizing profusely for forgetting her phone at home. Yeah, that’s what it is, he’ll laugh at himself later when all his worries are squashed when she gets home at 4. All worries leaving him.
Hours ticked by, his worries creeping back when the clock struck 4, no response. He thought of sending a text or even trying to call, but worries crept up his throat every time he thought about it.
An hour had past and his anxiety was growing increasingly worse, this being the longest he hadn’t heard from her.
He sent a quick text, asking if she was home or forgot her phone. Simple, just checking in to see if everything’s alright. She’ll get back to him soon.
Anxiety scratched at him when another hour went by with nothing. With only an hour until his stream, he was getting worse by the minute.
She still had no idea about his other life, but he would always call her before one of his streams to calm himself for the nerve wracking time. But with the stakes of the stream, and not hearing from her, he was growing mad.
He finally sat at his filming chair, back stiff, hands relentlessly twitching, jaw set and tight chest. He hadn’t felt this nervous since the first time he played with his friends, even then it was worse now because of the increasing worries about her. He figured that he would cut the stream shorter than usual, all of his friends deciding to do it earlier than normal, and call her. He figured he’d try for a few hours, take his mind off of everything and just enjoy time with his fans and friends.
He tried desperately to forget, to Immerse himself in the game but to no avail. Everyone, including the views picked up on his ever so rising anxiety. Many of his friends, namely Rae and Sykkuno, asking him if he’s alright. He hated lying to them, but he hadn’t even told anyone about her. Wanting to keep what they had to themselves, for as long as possible. He knew the complete horrific catastrophe would ensue if he came out with it, making his anxiety even worse than it already was. He hadn’t even asked her out yet, neither worrying about it too heavily. They were practically dating at this point, especially after the other night.
He couldn’t stay focused even if he tried, mind still only thinking of her and what could be wrong. He scratched any and all thought of something as small as her phone being lost or dead, her being out, or sleeping. He knew something was wrong but he didn’t know what to do. No, he did, he knew what he could do, but his fears kept him from doing so.
His mind screamed at him to end the stream, and to do what both his mind and heart are telling him. But he kept fighting, wanting to give her more time to respond. But as the hours ticked by, so did his hold.
He could hardly focus on his tasks, nearly always giving himself away to either be killed or as the impostor. He hardly even spoke in the chat, small short word sentences and hardly any comantarry coming from him the whole night.
He checked his phone again, his heart sinking in his stomach. It was nearing 10 at night, and still, nothing. It was so late, but after checking everything and seeing nothing, he made his mind up. “Hey Uh guys, I think I’m gonna call it a night, haven’t felt great today.” It wasn’t a total lie, but he did keep out what was truly bothering him. A strew of goodbyes and nights was heard, including from his chat before he ended it, getting up from his chair.
He sent her another text, ‘hey is everything alright? I’m really worried somethings wrong.’
He got himself ready, setting his phone down as he got his things ready to head out. He was gonna try calling her right before he leaves, maybe she’ll finally answer and everything was just blown out of proportion and things will be fine.
His heart sank when again, no response. He quickly clicked on the call, the longer the ringing went the worse he felt.
His heart sank but skipped at hearing her voicemail, her sweet voice calming him before he remembered. “Hey, I’m getting really worried if you’re alright. I’m sorry if you’re not feeling well, but I’m coming over to see if you’re alright.” He hung up the phone, taking in a deep breath before heading out his door, his heart hammering in his chest.
The car ride was long, torturous even. He hadn’t been here since the night he brought her home, even then, he didn’t go inside.
His heart hammered in his chest when her home came into view, wanting nothing but to turn back around. But he knew something was wrong when he saw her car in the driveway, no lights on that he could see from the home.
He felt as if he was gonna vomit, sitting outside in his care for some minutes.
His hands gripped at the steering wheel, causing pain from he force. He felt crazy, like a complete stalker. Why did he do this? Why didn’t he just leave it be and stay home? Why didn’t he just go to bed, or try to, and just wait.
After what felt like an hour, but really only being 15 minutes, he checked his phone. Again, nothing. But her car was right beside his, knowing that nobody would take it. He made his mind up, climbing out of the car, his heart hammering.
He got to her door, standing in front of it like it was coated with electricity. Reaching for his phone again, he called her again. Maybe this time, she’ll finally answer.
Again, voicemail. “Hey I’m outside, I’m sorry I’m doing this but, I’m worried sick there’s something wrong.” He mumbled, before hanging up and putting it in his sweatshirt pocket.
He bent down, going under her doormat for the spare key. He remembered her mentioning it once, that she always had a spare just in case. Even though her house key was on her car keys. He always found it funny, now beyond thankful.
He opened the door, the instant sound of pure silence cutting though everything but his beating heart. “Hello? Hun? You there?” He yelled out, but again, nothing.
He reached for his phone again, quickly calling her. His heart sunk to his stomach, vomit nearly escaping when he hears the ringing coming from the floor above. The ringing cutting through the thick silence like a serrated knife. Oh god, what if something happened. What if, he can’t even think of it without tears welling in his eyes, his worst fear coming to what he thinks is reality.
He went up the stairs, passing through the kitchen and living room. He didn’t have time to look at anything, anxiety ripping his body apart from the inside the closer he heard the ringing.
His heart sank again when he reached the top of the steps, a long hallway greeting him. His feet plant to the ground, nearly giving out. The silence nearly deafening. That is, until he hears it. The small noise that makes him rip his feet from the floor and down the hallway. A whimper. A small cry, something. Something that makes his heart pick up, something that makes the fear of her being, gone, wash away like water. It was hope, that she was alive.
A gasp leaves hun when he opens the door, the sight in front of him both washing away his fears, but crippling him in pain at the shock.
There he found her, in a room he never thought he’d find her in.
There she sat huddled up, sobs shaking her as she sat against, a crib. It was a nursery. Toys lay on the ground, a toy car race floor mat covering the floor. A rocking chair painted a soft blue sat in the corner, next to it, boxes of toys lay. The walls were a medium lavender, covered by drawings of either cars, or teddy bears. But there’re she was, clutching a teddy bear to her chest, her body shaking as she looked up to him. Tears pricked his eyes as he fell to the floor, wrapping his arms around her. He had no idea what was going on, only the heart shattering sounds and feel of her sobbing in his chest, giving any indication.
“I-I’m so sorry.” She sobbed, his heart tearing itself in half at the broken, horse sound of her voice. Tears pricked at his eyes, squeezing them tightly as to not let them fall. “There’s nothing for you to be sorry for sweetheart. But please, what’s going on?” He asks, pulling her head from his shoulder.
New sobs wracked her body, her head falling, hitting his chest. “There’s, something I’ve been hiding from you H/N” his heart sank again, eyes welling up with tears. “I-I was in college early, and, I met a man. He was always in the front of the class, with dark brown curly hair and thick rimmed glasses. His name, was james. He was a true, loving, honest man. We quickly fell in love, and when I was 19, and halfway through our bachelors, we got married. Everything was, perfect. So perfect. After leaving my family in New England, and not speaking to them and living on my own, I, found someone I loved. And that love doubled when I, found out I was pregnant. We were so happy, especially when we found out it was a boy. A boy, a baby boy. We decided on the name, Damian. God he was perfect, his fathers hair, my eyes, but everything else a perfect blend of hun and I. Both in personality and looks. Things were, perfect.”
Sobs wracked her body as she tried speaking, his hands coming to her shoulders to steady her. “It was our 4 year anniversary, and james had promised to take time from work to spend with Damian and I. What I didn’t know, was he had gotten an order of my favorite flowers. White lotuses. I had them for our wedding, and he had gone out of his way to get some shipped here. He, told me he had to run into town to get something, the flowers being the reason. I was having a migraine, and he told me he’ll bring Damian with him so I could rest. What he didn’t know was, I was having them because, I was pregnant again. I was planning on telling him that night, I had just found out a week prior.”
Tears streamed down her cheeks that he quickly whipped away.
“He, gave me a kiss goodbye and a promise to be back, I watched from our bed, him having Damian wave bye to me, before they left.”
Her heart shatters at the memory, tears spilling from her eyes as she tries to steady her breath.
“There was, there was a man driving who had taken a combination of meth, and cocaine. He was driving on the same road as them and, and-“ sobs wracked her body as his heart broke, the realization hitting him like a thousand bricks. Tears streamed from his eyes as he finally understood, wrapping his arms around her shaking body. “They were both crushed! CRUSHED! They couldn’t even identify the bodies until they looked up the owners and found us. They couldn’t find Damian's body because the car was so crushed, completely engulfing his tiny body. They, they called me that night to tell me. It was the worst night of my life. I, I lost the baby from the pain.” She screamed and sobbed, her body shaking violently in his arms. “That day, was exactly a year ago today.” His body broke down in sobs with her, his heart breaking worse than any pain he’s ever felt as he held her trembling body. Never, could he imagine the pain she felt everyday, especially today. “If it wasn’t for me feeling sick, I would’ve been in the car with them, and I wouldn’t have to live with the guilt and pain EVERY FUCKING DAY!” He quickly pulled her face into his hands, hands shaking as her sobs wrecked her. “Hey don’t say that, I know, I know how badly you wish you were in that car, in that crash, but none of it’s your fault. You’re meant to live on, to live for them. God I, this is gonna sound so selfish but, I can’t imagine life without you.” “Why?” She sobs, tears streaming from her eyes. “Because I, I love you.” He sobbed.
“You, you shouldn’t love me H/N.” She sobbed. “Why?” “Because look at me! I’m a widowed mother who’s lost both her husband and son! HOW CAN YOU LOVE ME WHEN IM, IM THIS!” She screamed, tears still falling from her eyes. “Because I do. I started loving you when you first asked to sit beside me at the cafe, from the first smile you gave me with your kind eyes. I started loving you when I heard your laugh when you made that horrible dobby joke. I started loving you when your eyes fell on me when I looked at you like you were mad. I started loving you when you said goodby that day, promising to see me the next day. I started loving you when my heart jumped in my chest when you walked in. I started loving you when you hugged me tight under that cherry blossom tree. I started loving you each time you touched me, everytime I heard your sweet voice. Your smile would light up my world, make me want to see it again. I’d even make a fool out of myself just to hear your laugh and call me an idiot. I was falling in love with you with every single moment I spent beside or with you. And I knew I loved you when I kissed you, I knew I was deeply in love that night. It, it wasn’t even sex, it was love. I felt every bit of love between us that night, it was a feeling I can only describe as, making love with the person you love so deeply that they hold your heart, and you’re not afraid. I, love you so much. Even now, knowing how much pain you hold. Because you’re not alone. You saved me.”
He admitted, tears falling from his eyes. He felt the weight of everything he had held for months pour out in every word he spoke, no fear, pain, anxiety could make him stop telling her how he’s felt all this time. His words barely scratched the surface of how he truly felt, it was more than being in love, it was feeling his soul connect with hers as everything around him had a glow, a soft haze as his heart belonged to her.
“I, I love you too H/N. So much. I’ve felt guilty, so much pain and guilt. I feel like I’m betraying my love to James and Damian, but I know they would want me happy. And with you, I feel it. I haven’t felt happy since that day, until I met you. God I, I can’t even describe how you make me feel in words. But now knowing you feel the same, I, I can’t even describe it.” Tears fell from both their eyes as they rest their heads together, smiles painted on their faces. Their hearts beating in unison
“I love you.” “I love you.” They mumble, lips finally connecting. Their lips danced as they feel the same wave of warmth they felt as their first, only now feeling a deep connection that they hadn’t felt before. The realization that both loved one another filling every small and large crack in them as they were consumed in love. “Please, be mine.” He whispers, lips hovering over hers. “Always.” She says, before connecting their lips again. Their hearts pouring out their chest as it soars.
“Are you upset that, I kept that from you?” She asks, her heart picking up as anxiety creeps up her chest. “No, because, I’ve been keeping something from you as well. But first, I want you to come back, with me, so I can show you.” Her eyes widen as she pulls her head from his, making him laugh. “It’s nothing scary I promise, I’m not a secret killer or anything. It’s just, better to show you and explain it then.”
She sits in his filming room as he explains everything, not a word leaving her as he shows her, everything. Ever bit of the life he’s hid so well from everyone in his personal life. Pouring out everything of his life that he can to her.
Nerves wreck him the entire time that he shows her everything, everything he’s made to his fans. But not once was he afraid, afraid that she would run. Her eyes still held love in them as she listened to him, a soft smile on her face a few times that he would show her something. A proud look in her eyes as he explained everything, as she did that same night.
“So, that’s, that’s my life.” He said, a laugh leaving him. “You still love me?” He asks, worry creeping in his chest. A soft smile forms on her face before she pulls him in, kissing his lips as she places both hands on the sides of his neck, his arms wrapping around her. “Yes, I’m still in love with you. I love every single part of you, and your life. I want to be with you, through everything. And I mean it.” Smiles paint their faces before they lean in, lips connecting as they fall against the couch, hearts soaring.
They pant as he falls against her chest, bodies sweaty as they lay there as the aftershocks still making them shake. Her legs still wrapped around him and they lay there, neither moving as they enjoy the still lingering sense of euphoria, bodies still connected as they hold one another.
He picks his head up from her chest, leaning in and kissing her lips. Their hearts beat against one another as their lips move, small moans escaping as they kiss. “Please, stay.” He mumbled. “What?” Shr asks. “I can’t keep letting my heart break everytime I see you walk out. I want you here, with me, please. I’ve lived here alone this entire time, and it’s only felt like home when you’re here. And I’ve realized, it’s not that you’re making it a home, it’s that anywhere feels like home with you in it.” Tears slip past their cheeks, his falling down onto her as he hovers over her. “And anywhere feels like home with you.” She says, leaning up, connecting their lips again. “I love you.” He mumbled into her lips, his heart soaring as she repeats the words back.
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kyber-crystal · 4 years
pop the question || s.r.
summary: steve goes to his old love to ask her for advice on making the most important decision of his life. 
words: ~2.5k
warnings: really nothing, just fluff and cheesy steve as always :)
a/n: this was an old oneshot and it’s poorly written i’m so sorry. post civil war au where everyone is happy and peggy is still alive hehehehe let’s keep in mind this is unedited so there’s a lot of errors. 
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Upon hearing that your boyfriend was going to go visit Peggy, you immediately jumped at the opportunity and begged him to let you tag along. Hearing countless stories about the fearless woman who helped found the very organization that you had been a part of for so long made you want to see her in person. So after several days of convincing, he finally caved in and allowed you to come with him.
The room she was staying in was brightly lit and minimalistic, mostly uncluttered with the only thing on the wall being a framed black-and-white photo of her back in the 40's. A grey-haired woman lay peacefully in the middle of the bed and as you took a step forward, she stirred slightly and for a moment you were afraid you'd woken her up in the middle of her sleep.
Her eyes opened and a bright smile lit up her face, softening immediately upon seeing the two of you side by side. "Oh, do come in...And who is this beautiful lady you've brought along with you, Steve?"
"I'm Y/N. Former SHIELD agent, currently an Avenger," you explained as you made your way over to her. She reached out and gave your hand a quick squeeze, returning your warm smile. "It's so nice to finally meet you. I've heard so much about you."
"And I've heard plenty about you as well," she replied kindly, "You're even lovelier in person."
You laughed nervously and rubbed the back of your neck. "I don't think so."
"I've always wanted to get to know the woman he's fallen so hopelessly in love with."
"Peggy..." Steve felt his cheeks heat up at her statement. "stop, you're embarrassing me—"
"I can tell why he chose you," Peggy smiled, "He's a good man...I know he loves you more than anything."
"Actually, I beg to differ, he loves Bucky more than me," you raised an eyebrow in suspicion at the super-soldier. "He wouldn't pay attention to me after he got roped into an Uno deathmatch last night."
"Classic Rogers," she laughed, shaking her head in disbelief as he pulled up a chair to sit next to you, by her bedside, "a true child at heart. I see you haven't changed much over the years."
Steve took your hand in his, intertwining your fingers together and soothingly rubbing circles across your palm with his thumb. Peggy noticed the softened look in his eyes when he glanced over at you and you felt your face grow warm.
"So how long have you been together for?"
"Almost two years," Steve replied, with a light pink shade tinting his cheeks. "Our second anniversary will be on..."
"May 20th. Two weeks from now," you finished his sentence.
"That's wonderful," Peggy laughed again, "I wish you two the best in your relationship."
"You're too kind," you thanked her, "I've been a huge fan of yours for so long."
"And I, you. He always talks about you every time he visits. He never shuts up about you, so I was dying to meet you from the moment he first mentioned your name."
"What did he say?" you looked over at your boyfriend to see that he was now flushing a bright tomato red, much to both yours and her amusement. "It was all good things, I assume?"
"Of course. He tells me he's never been this happy in his life until he met you...I honestly couldn’t be more proud."
"Aww, Steve," you nudged him in the side as he grew an even deeper shade of red, "you're so sweet."
"He is a hopeless romantic," she added on. "Captain America is great with the ladies."
"Peggy!" Steve exclaimed.
"Aw, you're making him blush," you giggled.
"He is the easily flustered type, if I'm being completely honest with myself here, though one might not see that right away when they first meet him," she agreed, but then her face fell. "Y/N, would you be a dear and get me a glass of water and some yogurt from the cafeteria? You just have to head straight down the hall, then turn right. You'll know it when you see it."
"Yeah, of course," you nodded as you stood up. "Just a minute."
Once you were out of earshot, Peggy gestured for Steve to come closer so he could hear her speak better.
"I'm glad you found a woman like her to stick by your side," she said quietly, "All these years, I waited for you, and I was completely, utterly heartbroken at the idea of not being with you ever again. But after hearing you talk about her frequently and seeing your face light up every time her name was mentioned...I didn't want to take that away from you. You're still that good man with heart from Brooklyn I met so long ago, Steve, and I hope you'll continue to treat her well. She’s a real keeper. Promise me you'll keep her close."
"I will," he promised, reaching over to gently squeeze her hand. "I love her more than anything, and there's nothing I wouldn't do to make her happy."
"Good," she nodded with a smile, "you make the perfect pair with her."
After you returned with Peggy's yogurt and water, you stayed for about an hour and a half longer before a buzzing sound from your phone indicated a new text message.
Natasha: Hey, love. I'm in the parking lot right now, where do you want to go for lunch? I kicked Bucky out before he dragged us to shawarma for the third time this week, so it's your pick today. Thank me later.
You: I'll be out in a sec. Meet you outside.
Natasha: See you in a bit.
You looked back up at Peggy after sliding your phone in your purse, giving her an apologetic look. "I'm afraid I have to go now. I have a lunch date. Natasha doesn't like to be kept waiting, especially when there's food on the line."
"It's okay," she reassured you as you stood up and shook her hand again. "It was absolutely wonderful meeting you. I hope you can come and visit again soon."
"Of course."
After exchanging one last round of goodbyes with her and Steve, you slung your purse over your shoulder and pushed the doors open to head outside, where Natasha was awaiting you in Tony's Audi.
"Hey, girlfriend," Natasha sent you a flirty wink and wave. "Get in."
You slid into the passenger's seat, buckling on your seatbelt as she stepped on the gas pedal. "Hey."
"So, how'd it go?"
"It was pretty nice. She seemed to ship it pretty eagerly," you chuckled. "Oh, also, Thai food."
"Got it." She typed in the directions to the restaurant into the GPS. "That's cute, having another person who's an avid shipper of Y/N x Steve. You guys have any plans for your anniversary?"
You shook your head, "I have no idea. Usually, it's him who makes the move and goes all out for the night, but I'm not sure what either of us have in mind this year."
Oh, he definitely had something in mind.
There was a burning question sitting in the back of his head and had been doing so for as long as he could remember. Right as he was prepared to leave half an hour later, he decided to ask Peggy and get it off his chest.
"Could I ask you something important?"
"Of course."
"I, uh..." he fiddled with his thumbs nervously for a few seconds before reaching into his jacket pocket and pulling out a tiny, cubic box encasing a gorgeous diamond ring inside. "Because our anniversary is coming up soon...I wanted to pop the question. How should I do it?"
"Oh, that's wonderful!" Peggy clasped her hands together excitedly. "Well...I'd suggest you go over-the-top for this occasion, it's a big, life-changing moment so why not? Don't be afraid to go all out, be romantic."
"What should I do, then?"
"Hmm. What are some things she enjoys?"
"Laser tag, crushing her opponents and beating them to a pulp in fights, Tom Cruise, Italian food, and Taylor Swift. She’s a popular pop singer these days."
"Ah, I see," she laughed, "She's a woman who enjoys variety."
"A nice candlelit dinner would help set the mood very well, but if you're not wanting to pop the question in front of a crowd, you could always set that dinner up at home. Are any of you good cooks?"
"Bruce makes good pasta, and Vision's the baker of the compound."
"Back when my husband and I were still dating, he'd always surprise me with nice little fancy dinners at home. I believe that is the way to a girl's heart; sometimes you do not need to be extravagant to win her over. And you said she likes Taylor Swift, yes?”
“Take her to a concert! I heard from my niece that she’s in town right around the time of your anniversary...so you’re in luck. Get tickets, and take her there.”
"Thank you so much, Peggy. I don't know what I'd do without you."
"Anytime, Steve."
"So," Natasha spoke up as you were on your way back to the compound after lunch, "it's been two years since you finally got off your asses and admitted you were in love with each other, how do you feel?"
"I honestly don't know," you shrugged, "but I guess I have you to thank, right?"
"Damn right you do," she smirked, "I've been rooting for you two since we were called in to take down SHIELD, and I started suspecting things during the Battle of New York."
"That was three years ago! And New York was five!"
"I know!"
You let out a long sigh, a wistful look appearing on your face. "I wish Mom and Dad were here to see where I am right now. You know, they always pushed me to get back into the dating game once I got over my nasty breakup in college...before I got my level 8 SHIELD promotion."
"Didn't they always tell you that they wished you'd date Cap?"
"They did, actually," you chuckled, "and here I am now. Their dream has become my reality."
"I always loved your mom. Remember when we were having dinner at their house? She snuck me extra cookies under the table. Being your best friend for over six years has its perks, you know."
"And she'd fangirl over Thor."
"Ho, boy. Yup," she shook her head as she thought back to that chaotic family dinner.
Two weeks went by in a flash, and before you knew it, it was the day of yours and Steve's anniversary. Strangely enough you'd been prevented from seeing him all day, with the team making extra efforts to keep you separated.
After a fancy home-cooked dinner, you found yourselves curled up together on the couch as you absentmindedly watched Tangled - one of your favorite Disney movies of all time. Your head was resting on Steve’s broad shoulder as he traced patterns on your arm, feeling his breath gently  fanning over your head. 
But partway through the movie, you noticed he seemed to be fidgeting a bit as well, glancing between you and his pockets frequently.
"Hey," you placed a gentle hand on top of his, still staring ahead, "are you okay?"
"Huh? What? Yeah, I'm fine," he blinked a couple times before snapping out of his daze.
Several more minutes passed in silence before he decided to speak up again. “...If I recall, you’re into Taylor Swift.”
“Oh yeah! Why do you ask?”
“An insider told me she’s going to be in Brooklyn this weekend for a throwback tour. I managed to snag last-minute tickets for the two of us...what do you say?”
“YES,” you practically squealed, jumping out of your seat and throwing your arms around him. “You’re the best! I love you.”
“I know, darling, I love you too,” he laughed, one hand rubbing your back as the other was absentmindedly fiddling with the box in his pocket. You blew it, Rogers...
You were nearly bombarded by paparazzi as soon as you stepped out of your Audi with Steve by your side, reporters flooding your path. The guards at the main entrance were quick to notice, however, and led you aside so you could enter through a different route. 
“This feels so surreal,” your voice echoed across the walls as you made your way down the hall hand-in-hand. “I’ve been dreaming about this moment ever since I was a kid.”
“I’m glad I was able to make that dream come to life.”
“This is why you’re the best person ever.”
“Not because I always have your back during missions?” he raised a brow.
“That too, but also because of the fact that you got me tickets to the concert of one of my favorite artists ever.”
He chuckled. “I get that.”
You ended up standing right in front of the stage - so you had not only a close-up view, but could hear everything beyond fantastically. As Taylor came out on stage and began to sing, Steve couldn’t help the look of adoration that crossed over his features at the sight of your brightened eyes and glowing complexion. You truly looked like an angel - and he knew for sure in that very moment, you were the person he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. 
His train of thought was interrupted at one point by you grabbing his hand and squealing excitedly. “My favorite!”
Steve recognized the familiar, soothing tune as Love Story. He recalled you and Natasha drunkenly dancing around on karaoke night to this very tune - heads thrown back in laughter as you exaggerated your movements, making everyone laugh. You’d explained that the reason why you were so attached was because listening to it made you long for a happy ever after - a perfect future. A girl could dream. 
Romeo, save me, I've been feeling so alone I keep waiting for you, but you never come Is this in my head? I don't know what to think He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring And said, 
You were too busy jumping around and singing your heart out to notice the spotlight was now shining down on you, and it was only when the crowd started shrieking in excitement that you turned around to see-
Steve was down on one knee, holding up a tiny velvet box with a beautiful diamond ring nestled in the very center. Taylor was grinning down at you two as she continued to sing, the audience chanting for you to say something.
"Marry me, Juliet You'll never have to be alone I love you and that's all I really know I talked to your dad, go pick out a white dress It's a love story, baby, just say, "Yes"
“Yes! Yes,” you nodded, choking on a happy sob as you put a hand over your mouth, letting him slide the ring on your finger. “Yes, I’ll marry you.”
He stood back up and wound his arms around your waist, pulling you in for a passionate kiss to your lips. 
Oh, oh, oh Oh, oh, oh, oh 'Cause we were both young when I first saw you
if your name is striked out, that means i couldn’t tag you for some reason
general tags: @yoomum @captainchrisstan @sandystoriess @naomiiiiiiiiiii04 @patzammit @rynhaswritersblock @capcapcapsicle @wheresmyjae @thinkingofbuckybarnes @carryonmywaywardbucky @musicalkeys @buckybarnesthehotshot @zaddychris @optimistic-dinosaur-nacho @sylvie-writes @sis-it-dont-add-up @tonystankschild 
permanent tags: @sandwitch-god @renaissancecherub 
steve/chris tags: @marvelfanatic16 @angrybirdcr @speechlessxx @epiphanybucky @smokeandnailz
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