#if this isnt it i am head cannoning it for myself
aftg-rot · 5 months
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Revolutionary Army Punk AU
Ft: Luffy (not punk)
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Steampunk is cool but i think just straight up punk would be cooler. I just think what they stand for lines up a lot better
Design notes:
I did some research and talked to a punk friend of mine for these as i am not a punk, myself, and I dont want to look like a poser. I think i did a really good job translating them and i want to explain my thoughts!
Sabo was first, of course.
I not only wanted to make the characters punk, but i also wanted to crank their designs up about 20 notches, so i gave Sabo’s scar one hell of an upgrade. In this version I tried to make it very clear that that cannon ball hit him head-on. I think it works really well with his punk vibes because under-cuts and shaved parts of the head in general are very popular in punk culture.
I largely tried to keep the silhouettes the same with this au, and It was really easy to keep it with Sabo because of the fact that he already has a lot of design elements that translate well to punk. His big pants into tall boots were perfect to translate, crust pants and steel toed boots fits him well. Trench coats arent a staple in Punk, but i couldnt take the coats away from him… him or Belo. They deserve it…
I threw away his cravat for a choker, i replaced his vest with a red tank top and his undershirt for fishnets, Patches up the wazoo, he looks very cool.
Belo Betty was next, she was super easy to translate. She’s already in the punk spirit with her tits out, we love to see it. Her hat was really difficult to translate, along with all the other hats, but a red knitted hat that has those two points cuz it’s essentially a scarf sewed together looks nice on her.
My punk friend suggested i give her a bunch of nets and harnesses and i really agreed that was her style, so i gave her red tie to Morley, slapped some harnesses on her and just overall just turned her sexy up like 50 notches. I think i was clever how i adapted her striped stockings here with how they have runs in them.
Karasu is almost the exact same. I just threw out his dinky little cravat and gave him a bandana and harness. I also gave him piercings. That’s the only difference. In the words of my Punk friend “hes naked and wearing a spiked mask, He can hang”
Speaking of what my punk friend said, he said that Lindbergh would get “demolished” in the pit, and that he looks like he’s scared of bees. The consensus was that he couldn’t hang. But also i still had to make him punk, so then he suggested CBGB punks:
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Redneck, bluegrass, southern american punks. I was really in a rut with his design, I didn’t know what to do to keep the silhouette of his backpack. But everything changed when I chance got the idea of a guitar. And then everything flowed from there
Morley was really really fun. Punk friend suggested i make him Pop Punk, inspired by this pic
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Mainly Lindsey way with this plaid skirt and tie
He was so so fun to draw, i love his fucked up eyes.
For dragon, i didnt change much at all, even though it’s only his bust that’s shown. Imagine everything is the same, except now he has piercings. Dragon isnt concerned with the punk fashion, but the punk cause.
For Luffy, I wasnt trying to make him punk, but he felt a bit plain looking like base Luffy next to punk Sabo, so i just did the “turn design up 20 notches”, and just gave him a more visibly tattered hat, bangles and waist beads.
That’s about it! Ive been getting a lot of comments and asks lately saying that you guys like when i go on my design explanations, and i realized that i didnt do that for the last few AU’s, so i thought id type this up :)
Thank you for reading!
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ghostr0tz · 5 months
I HAVE WRITING REQUESTS (more suggestions but.. IDC)
one: maybe a RadioStatic ship? I’m getting into Vampire territory (forest, castle, EVERYTHIN. More of a platonic/mutual relationship tho 🥰
have fun 🥰❤️❤️❤️❤️
I am sorry this has been sitting here so long I promise i have been thinking about it.
I am sorry for this but this has been brewing in a way of me thinking about Alastor and Vox within the Vampire: the Masquerade ttrpg/universe because its my go-to when thinking about vampires (and is a bit of a special interest..) .... This is not writing but I have been thinking about it for a the past few days, but I'm not actually sure if anyone other than myself would enjoy the indulgence....
This May start get confusing if you do't know what it is, which is valid because I don't actually know how popular the game is...
,,,,,but it uses very common tropes and ties to popular vampire themes that are common i believe. (PLUS theres an old early 2000's game it was based off on Steam but i highly recommend getting the fanmade patch)
I could soooo see Alastor and Vox having a Sire/Childe relationships in a sort of vampire au, with Alastor stickign to his archaic ways and Vox keeping up with modern mortal trends and such, even if he was just as a dusty, ancient bitch
In the VTM universe, vampires are split into different clans and bloodlines. With Alastor's heavy usage of shadow manipulation and general distortion. That, ORRR, I could see him being a Tzimisce, but part of Tzimisce as an older Elder (Old Clan Tzimisce). The traditionalism and seclusion and general possessiveness and protectiveness AAAUUGHHHhh,,,,,
The obvious one for Vox is being a Setite with the corruption and control and general cult-leader-vibes but i coudl TOTALLY see him being a Ravnos with his hypnosis and misdirection/manipulation over true fighting.
The relatable funny answer for Vox is him being a Malkavian with a derangement involving Alastor. Somehow some way i think he'd be connected with the Malkavian Madness Network even if he isnt one.
Unfortunately they'd never be able to be sire/childe within that universe but god them being in the same coterie (party) would be SO funny to watch. They'd be at each others throats so much.
I am so sorry for the rant but I've been thinkign about it and probably doesnt make sense to ANYONE but this is ur sign to play Vampire The Masquerade with ur friends its like goth dnd cmon you knowww you wannaa oooooo
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mywitchcultblr · 10 months
i literally just said that zhongli has taken the form of a woman before. learn to read and again. just because a character is shown to tae the form of another gender, dress in clothes usually worn by another gender or what have you DOES NOT mean they are genderfluid or nonbinary. it isnt some magical proof someone doesnt care about their gender being comfortable with your gender and/or being willing to present yourself as another gender is normal and healthy. being insecure about your gender and getting defensive and afraid to appear as the opposite gender is not healthy. for either trans or cis people. and you are right zhongli isnt human, but that does not mean you have any right to apply human gender-fluidity to him. genderfluid is also a human concept. but you are wrong about him not caring about human rules. considering thats a major part of his character. he is literally described to be knowlegdeable in all many of topics "Zhongli has expertise in all manner of things, from fashion to daily essentials, to fine wines and delicacies, to teas and spices, and to flora and fauna. He is also more than capable of participating in discussions on commerce, politics, and international relations." to say he wouldn't care about or now human rules is just plain wrong and blatantly goes against canon and the writers intention for his character. and considering for most of his known history he has been shown as male with literally one mention of him going incognito as a woman. it is actually more clear he at LEAST prefers to be a man. this and the fact that he isnt bound by any other human rules yet he follows them anyway. his entire reason for retiring was because humans can care for themselves now and he wanted to live as a human. he literally has a job you cant argue he isnt bound by human rules when he imposes them upon himself for fun. and even when he hasnt appeared as a human he still identifies as a male. the game describes him as male, even in his dragon form, again, hes male. and you can scream transphobia all you like because i really dont care. i was trans once, realized it actually wasnt for me, sometimes i do feel like i wish i had a penis but yknow im am still comfortable as a female. i dress how i want and i view myself how i want and im not uncomfortable exploring myself or presenting myself differently. im not self conscious of how others will view me and my gender. you however do sound very insecure considering your first thought about me was some kind of bigot because i told you your gender head cannons arent actually canon and its rude of you to try and force/guilt trip people into agreeing with you. and im not being aggressive. I am telling you that this "I think people often deliberately forgetting or not acknowledged that Zhongli is gender fluid/gender queer and doesn't care about gender in general :/" is not canon. i am telling you that you have mischaracterized zhongli and are trying to push your head cannons as canon and onto other people. Again i am not telling you that you cannot have these head cannons or enjoy them. im telling you that they arent canon like you believe them to be, and that its rude of you to try to push it onto others. because thats what you're trying to do with that post.
im not saying you have to adhere to canon or even enjoy it. go ahead and head cannon him as genderfluid thats not the point. The point is you need to realize your head cannons and what you personally prefer do not dictate what the source material is or should be. The point is that no one else in fandom has to acknowledge your head cannons as canon. no one is "forgetting zhongli is genderfluid" because thats not canon or intended for his character by the writers.
Good novel, Zhongli is still genderqueer tho
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Can I request James, Albert and William and the head cannons for them getting flustered/how they would react to the rest of the team bullying them for there crush on reader
(You don’t have to if you don’t want to just cute idea I had while half asleep💕💕)
Hello dear!how are you? ( ˘ ³˘)♥
Omgs this is the cutest thing ever!!!i can totally imagine that happening!
I swear you always have the greatest ideas!
Lets get started,shall we?
•Albert was an Affectionate man,that was no news
•he always showed his care visibly for the people he loved,his family,his friends and his comrades
•but ever since you joined their merry gang,the man became even more affectionate if possible
•and he didnt even try to hide it
•the way he would gift you simple but meaningful things,
•like the coffee he knew you would love
•or an old novel you once mentioned to him
•and his affaction didnt go unnoticed by his friends.
• "you love her, don't you?"
•James Bond always seem to know everything
• "why dont you confess already?"
•Albert of course,didnt give the man the satisfaction of showing any reaction
• "oh come on Albert-San!its nothing to be ashamed of!"
• Albert had a very strong urge to not stop drinking at that
•good thing Louis had filled his glass recently (and left the bottle next to him)
•he could still feel James Bond's Meaningful stare on him,his teasing smile never leaving his lips
•but he didn't give in,no
•he poured himself another drink
• "do you need a hand?should i go confess to her on your behalf?"
•another glass
• "maybe you should ask Sebastian for advices. He's really good at catching ladies' hearts."
• sixth glass
• "on second thought,i myself am pretty good at that as well-"
• "Nee-san?"
•when a pale hand takes hold of Albert's,the one holding the wine glass
•Albert looks up, Louis's concerned face slightly hazy
• "nee-san...are drunk?!"
•huh,is he?
•Albert has a high alcohol tolerance,but even for him draining four bottles of the best wine out there is a bit...too much
• "ok,lets get you to your room shall we?"
•When Sebastian hooks an arm around his Friend, Albert lets out a small hiccup
• "hold on hold on!!!"
• And when James Bond walks straight to his face
•and bursts into the most devilish grin
• and screams the most awful thing
•Albert wont know tomorrow (pretends to) because he was too drunk to remember anything
James Bond
•James Bond isnt someone who blushes easily
•he's a flirtatious man,his wink could (and would) kill
•but he was never serious about anyone
•not until he met you
•he started slow, flirting with you every chance he got
•but as time goes by,he understood this is not a simple crush
•thats how Sebastian finds James Bond in one of the bars downtown
•his head on the surface
•the bartender sighing and fixing him with another shot
•Sebastian had no chance but to sit next to him
• "what the fuck is wrong with you?!"
•what can he say, he's a supportive friend
• "Sebastian-Kun!!!did you see how gorgeous she was today?with her new dress and her new hairstyle?"
• Sebastian was speechless
• "i-"
• "and the way she laughed?!"
• "what-"
• "not to mention her eyes!!!"
• "BOND!"
• Sebastian shakes the man by his shoulders
• "who the fuck are you even talking about-"
•James Bond downs the whole shot in one go
• "oh."
• oh
•James Bond pointedly ignores his outburst
•he downs another shot and motions for the bartender to keep coming
• "i cant believe it. The mighty James Bond has fallen in love,and you made fun of others!"
•When James Bond doesnt respond, Sebastian huffs out an amused laugh
•and pats the other man's shoulder
• "happens to all of us oneday,son"
•and if James Bond turns a pretty shade of red and shows Sebastian his middle finger
•it'll be only between them
•William never thought of himself falling in love
•he was always too busy
•with being an older brother at first
•then a younger one
•then making a whole plan on how to save london (read:kill himself)
•and it was not far in your friendship that he found himself wanting to get closer and closer to you
•the urge to make you smile and laugh
•to hear your cheerful voice,free from all the worries in the world
•and he simply found himself smiling for real at your presence
•he never wanted to be alone again after meeting you
•unlike the other two,William isnt a type to drink (not to escape his problems at least)
•so he simply stays quiet,smiling along with you and even laughing here and there
•but its on one particular night
•where you two are guests at some royalty's party
•and he sees you in your new dress
•and then you turn to smile at him,
•your eyes lightening up
•that William finds it even hard to breath
•he needed to calm himself down,but he's not alone
•Albert,while drinking his fourth glass of wine is standing right next to him
•and now that William glances at him
•he sees Albert's meaningful stare
•and his smirk
•he never smirks
•that William feels like he's a teenager again
•getting caught red handed eyeing a book he wanted so bad but was too shy to ask for it
•and his fuckin ears heat up
•he coughs loudly,and gripping the glass of Champagne he's holding tighter
•before his brother taking hold of it
• "you'll break the glass you know."
•William wanted to crawl into a hole and never come back
•he can feel Louis's mouth gaping as his cheeks turn a shade redder
•and when Albert laughs loudly and clinks his glass with James Bond's
•William escapes from the room and doesnt come back until the ball is over
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Ok so i found an old headcannon someone came up with (credits to them i cant find their user) That Cas was a female angel inside of a male vessel it may not be cannon however i do quite like this idea so heres a short scenario i had for it: (fair warning it might not make too much sense as it isnt cannon just an idea i had)
-The winchesters and cas came back from a hunting trip and are walking around the town relaxing a bit after finishing a case-
Cas: *is walking a bit off and wraps his arms around the lower part of his stomach wincing*
Dean and Sam stop
Dean: Uhm- cas are you ok buddy? Whats wrong?
Cas: ah.. i am fine just *wincing even more* cramps...
Sam: *looks at dean confused like wtf is he talking about*
Dean: Cr- Cramps...????
Cas: I think the term is "That time of the month again"
Sam: wait do you mean your period???
Cas: that is correct
Dean: but arent you- you know a dude-?!
Cas: my vessel is yes but i myself am female and this usually happens as i am regulating being inside of it for so long and- *harder cramps causes hin to cut off*
Sam: *rubs the back of his head and looks at dean*
- One Motel trip later -
Cas: *laying on deans bed curled up tired and in pain*
Dean: *drops a bag next to him* okay i dont know what size you used so i just bought every pack of pads at the store so you dont bleed on my bed and some chocolate cause i think thats what you guys like when you get it..??? *seeing as dean's mom passed when he was younger he and sam doesnt know much about this*
Cas: *groans a bit but gives dean a small smile* thank you dean..
Dean: *pats his head* feel better bud,
If you wonder what sam was doing he was still at another store looking for heating pads and blankets for cas
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majjiktricks · 3 years
A1, 6, 7, 10, B1, 6, C3, 6, 11, D4, E2, 4, F7
hoo boy this is gonna be a long post LOL ill put this under a readmore
yakuza questions from here !!
A1. Favorite character(s)? akiyama <3, majima, daigo, haruka, and kiryu ofc. if we count judgment too, higashi <3
A6. Favorite side character(s)? KASHIWAGI <3333 also rikiya. sherlock holmes girl from lost judgment, amasawa. shes so cute 🥺
A7. Favorite substory(ies)? the dominatrix one from 0 always sticks in my head as the first REALLY RIDICULOUS one i got and i love it very much. the daigo+majima one from dead souls, daigo crying in a cute little dress is still one of the funniest things ive ever seen. the one where, as akiyama, you get to talk circles around a bank scammer. the one where you take a ghost girl on a date in y7.
A10. Favorite weapon(s)? the fish cannon. i forget what its called but that thing helped me so much LMAO
B1. Which character do you relate to most and why? i too like to sleep on whatever surface is comfortable, have terrible personal scheduling, have significantly more experience talking to women than other men, and (wish i could) blow exorbitant amounts of cash on the good things for myself and people i love. guess.
B6. Are there any characters that you wish you could be more like? i honestly wish i had majima's ability to just. be batshit insane. like i need that in my life. i would rather be over the top than the anxiety-ridden mess i am now 😅
C3. Which character(s) deserved better? FUCKING. SHINJI. NO EXPLANATION NEEDED. god. and reina... and sayama...... pls give us a main girl who isnt a love plot to a leading man...............
C6. If you could revive any deceased character, who would it be and why? im beating a dead horse here (pun.. WHOOPS) but. the 1-3 villains. it would have been SO MUCH more interesting to see villains WILLING TO BE REDEEMED instead of fucking. suicidal. dead souls was a step in the right direction with ryuji, but we never got anything more than that.....
C11. Which character has the best taste in clothing? Who has the worst? genuinely think so many of these men do NOT know how to dress in a suit. not one that matches, anyway. i have to say majima has the best. because he simply does not care. and he looks good whatever hes doing. otherwise, yuya. i love that guy's clothes. worst... how to choose....... im gonna nominate minami for this. i get wanting to be comfy. but tracksuit pants? and JUST tracksuit pants? smh
D4. Which character(s) do you believe should have never existed in the first place? tbh i dont feel an unspeakable rage from many characters.. HM... if i didnt like a character, its likely i dont remember them. so. blanket statement of any perv characters tho. die.
E2. Bops: Haruka Sawamura, T-Set or Dream Line? was slightly confused by this question bc of the lack of oxford comma, but i can forgive it. i gotta say my girl haruka. i love her songs so much. dream is too slow for my taste so that rules dreamline out.
E4. Eat: Ramen or Takoyaki? as much as i love ramen, i havent had good takoyaki in so long and i CRAVE it.... theres a japanese place in the city right nearby and i just havent had the opportunity to go there in a while. ive tried it from multiple places but that ones the best. its kinda... mushy? from other places, where its actually nice and chewy from this place, and they give you a good sauce with it too :D
F7. Who are you fighting on the Millennium Tower rooftop? bro if i could hold my own in a fight with any of these men i would be set for life. uhhh. i wouldnt mind being tossed by saejima just to see what flying feels like tho. but then the pain.......
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justalittletomato · 3 years
TW for SH:
Would you be able to do like a head cannon where Maul finds out the reader is struggling with self harm?
Hello anon,
Yes I would be able to and I just want to add if you ever need to talk, my DM's are open and I hope you are doing alright. Take care of yourself okay?
Given the nature of this ask I will put everything under reading more and tag it best I can
TW for mentions of self-harm,
It is usually in places left unseen, hidden away as to not reveal what you had done.
Put on clothes pull on sleeves go about the day the best you can. It works....it works until there are days were you again find yourself once more doing as you did.
The Crimson Zabrak at your side notes the aura about you shift...just slight enough for it to garner his attention, "Is something the matter?"
you instantly move to shield. " No everything is fine"
It isnt...
His brow furrows and you know tonight will be difficult, Maul is not one to leave matters that concern him unanswered.
It starts with a kiss. A bit harsh on your lips but welcome nonetheless, a hungry one that leaves your guard down. Fingertips skim over your skin and move about, a soft sigh escapes you.
You slowly become aware that his kiss has stopped and his fingertips have moved to where you had harmed.
"what...who did this?" he whispers, " Starlight tell me...who did this?"
You pull away from him, his eyes burn with concern and rage...you shut your eyes tightly.
"Starlight who hurt you?" his voice laced with anger towards whoever dared cause you pain.
"Me." you keep your eyes closed, "I...I did it." you open them.
The anger on his face shifts to confusion, " You?" he lets go of you and you wait for him to become angry to call you on what you were doing.
He comes back to embrace you tightly, " Will you tell me? When...so I may help you?"
He knows of pain...inflicted upon him routinely to think of his Starlight doing them onto themselves...what thoughts brought them to this? what could he do? What could he?
"Are you angry?" you whisper. his embrace tightens, "No...if anything I am angry at myself for not noticing...is that why you hide away at times? Is that why you seem clouded? Let me...let me help you."
He did not want his Star in pain...he did not. He strokes your cheek, "Please let me help...please.."
You nod into his chest and give a shaky breath, "Can you just hold me? hold me and tell me about the stars? tell me things to keep my thoughts away?"
So he does...he will talk forever if he must...if it helps...
You listen to his voice and listen to his hearts under your ear. It helps....
*Again if anyone is feeling this way, know that you can reach out okay? It may be hard but please do so. I wish you the best and please take care of yourself and reach out.
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janellion · 4 years
HAPPPYYY BOKAY THURSDAYYYYYY!!!!!!!! *que air horns* Anyways would you like to write some 80’s AU Bokay head cannons?? Like how you first met??
TYSM FOR THE ASK BB!! i’m sorry it took so long for me to get to it! this ended up being,, WAY longer than i anticipated? i just went off on one idea so this is less general hcs and kinda how we met and got together! also i made a moodboard for no reason? 
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OK SO this is a college/uni bokay late 80s/early 90s au!!
bo is there on a sports scholarship (likely american football or maybe rugby) and also part of one of the frats on campus!!
so he’s not trying as hard as he could be on the academics side
i know a lot of ppl don’t see bo as smart BUT HE IS
he’s just focusing on other things and using his smarts to plan the best parties that campus has ever seen
so as a result of his scholarship, he has to keep his grades up
unfortunately, he’s slipping in a couple of his classes and gets told he needs to find a tutor and that’s where i come in!!
i work at the academic success center (i actually did do this in college!) and so he’s one of the students that i get assigned to work w
our tutoring sessions consist of a lot of him semi flirting but also blushing?
he’s embarrassed bc he’s here to get help even tho he could have done the work he’s just kinda lazy and gets distracted when there’s a million other things on his plate
like practice and workouts and training and the ton of frat events he attends
so the flirting is a lot of “you look different today, did you get a haircut or something?” “actually i slept like 3 hours thanks for noticing” and then awkward silences
at least at first?? but then he does all this cute stuff during tutoring sessions like chewing on the end of his pencil or doodling little notes in the margins of his books, or using cute photos of his family back home as a bookmark
and then it goes from just appreciating him as eye candy to ‘well shit i kinda wanna love him forever’
we go on with tutoring for a while, but eventually bo’s grades pick up and he doesn’t need the appointments anymore
both of us are a little too shy and awkward to say anything on the last session so we both go home at the end just kicking ourselves for not asking for a phone number or to meet up or anything
we don’t see each other for a while
or at least bo doesn’t see me for a while
i go to all of his home games and cheer him on but he doesn’t know bc i like to sit at the top and leave before the crowd heads out
but he’s always searching the crowd at games, trying to see if i’m there, and feeling a pit in his stomach whenever he sweeps the crowd and doesn’t immediately see me
one night some months later, after the season has ended, i’m waking back to my dorm through greek row bc i’m a slut for architecture and none other than bo is walking out of one of the large building wearing a toga, a crown of poorly painted gold leaves around his head, his face flushed, and a huge grin on his face
i stop in my tracks momentarily at the sight, wondering if i’ve actually passed out in the library and am dreaming
but then bo’s voice calling my name is ringing through the sounds of the party drifting through the open doorway behind him and he’s bounding over, the grin on his face growing
as he gets closer, i see the flush in his face and the slight stumble in his step and brace myself for impact as he crashes into me for a hug, his arms wrapping around my waist and lifting me up
“uh bo???” i’m blushing and trying to free myself from his grip ok i’m not trying that hard WHO WOULDNT WANNA BE IN HIS ARMS
but he’s just grinning and laughing before setting me down and grabbing my hand, pulling me into the brightly lit doorway and up the stairs of the house
“i’ve been kicking myself for not asking you out ages ago so let’s go out now!! we could get burgers or just walk around the city or get ice cream or go skinny dipping or —“ he cuts himself off, looking back at me with wide eyes as his smile drops for a moment while he lets go of my hand
“oh my god i mean if you want to of course i’m so sorry this probably seems so creepy and pushy —“ he babbles on, his facial expression now one of panic instead of excitement
i just laugh, still kind of thinking that i’m dreaming, and reassure him with a squeeze of his hand and a small smile, “bo no that all sounds amazing, i’d love to. i was hoping we’d run into each other too”
at this, his grin returns to his face as he continues bounding up the stairs and down a hall, before pulling me into a bedroom
“aren’t we moving kinda fast?” i tease him as i look around the incredibly chaotic room
bo turns around with a shocked look on his face before it melts into a grin and a hearty laugh as he sees the teasing look on my face
“i’m just getting changed! can’t go out on the town in a toga,” he calls over his shoulder as he walks to the closer. “don’t look,” he turns around and waffles his eyebrows at me with a grin, before pulling out a shirt and some jeans
as he gets changed, i turn around and look around the the room, not failing to notice the sticky notes littering his desk, little messages and reminders that i’d written for him during our tutoring sessions
i feel a tap on my shoulder and turn around to see bo, eyes excited and face still slightly flushed, but now fully dressed
he sees me eyeing the sticky notes on his desk and blushes even more, a hand going to rub at his neck before he’s laughing and grabbing one, looking at it affectionately before sticking it back down
“they help me stay focused, you know? remind me that i should be working hard. you really helped me a lot”
before i can respond, he’s grabbing my hand and pulling me down the stairs, out the door, and into the fresh night air
we walk around the city, getting to know each other better over burgers before getting ice cream and MAYBE SKINNY DIPPING IDK 👀
at the end of the night, we head back to my dorm, deciding to watch a movie and since “it’s close enough, and we might as well stay up to watch the sunrise” 
we end up putting on a movie, something fun and light like hercules, and cuddle up on the couch, falling asleep just before the sun rises 
tysm for requesting this bb!! i rly didn’t think i’d be able to write much bc i don’t rly “get” decades aus? i think it’s bc there aren’t many POC in media from the 80s and 90s and so it’s hard to picture for me! but N E WAYS, this was my best attempt!! it was a lot of fun to write once i got into the mindset!! and thank yall for reading if you got this far?? I LOVE YOU 
🌻 bokay taglist (also my faves): @deadontheinsidebut @stcrryskies @sstardusty @zoni @kuronekomama @anianimol @the-kool-aid-man-is-real @nekoma-hoe @sugacookiies @churochuu @shoyosun @achoohq @miel-meraki @dearest-kiyoomi and i’m tagging @strawberriimilkshake @yamagucciii bc i think y’all might like to see this as well?
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sweet dreams and earth <3
SWEET DREAMS: are you happy?
wow...umm...truth be told this one is a hard question for me. the reason is that when i look at my life overall i feel happy about where i came from and am proud....but when i look short term in the moment im not as happy as i should be...
sure there are things that make me happy, but the feeling only lasts for a short amount of time before it dissipates
i guess thats what i get for having depression and anxiety.
honestly im not going to go into my muses rather they are happy or not as the biggest portion of them are not so....
i guess that's saying something!?
EARTH: where do you feel most at home?
i actually have three answers to this question. as i feel insecure constantly i will rely on one of these to keep me grounded which in my head makes me feel like home.
1. just anywhere with my wife.
i know this sounds like a cheesy answer but its true. whenever im with her i know that shes there and that i can count on her. even when we fight i still feel comfort being near her rather than not. when she holds me the world doesnt matter because shes there. we can talk for hours on a certain subject and i love that about us. her being in my life isnt just a want its a need, because while i know i could live without her i dont want to and moreover my life wouldnt be the same.
2. being with my kids either alone with them or with my wife included.
once again a cheesy answer but me knowing they need me kind of grounds me and being around them brings out the kid in me and makes me forget about everything and is pulled back to childhood again. i love that about my kids. while i know because of my mental issues it takes a bit for me to let go and be free with them, once it happens i cant stop and dont want to.
3. my dissociative worlds.
when the options before are not available -which unfortunately is often but its no ones fault- i take a moment and think of a scenario i want to act out. rather its a plot for a story, an idea i think would be fun or interesting, or something i wonder how i would take if put into said situation, then think of characters and background i want. most of the time these characters are hand picked from animes and shows i watch. once all thats taken care of i start plotting, since i am a method actor in my prime -which means in order for me to feel the characters emotions properly i imagine myself in their shoes to the point where i AM that character- i often will try to mimic the voice and actions of said character in my head. plus the character i create to interact with them as a version of me. when all that is figured out i start the story. now this may seem weird to some people but its really homey to me. im in a situation i picked, with characters i admire -or simp- in a situation that either i feel i would never be able to be in for what ever reason i am not able to do in my own life. its freeing to do this and i love doing it. even if im doing this in my had and not acting aloud -which i only do when im alone- it makes me feel safe to be in a world I created. also this method also is how i write my stories, try to understand another character in a show better, feel comfort in certain situations, or just for shits and giggles. this is also how i write my OC's and cannon characters as decently as i do -not saying im an expert but this from who ive been told i am good at it- as i step into their shoes LITERALLY so how can i NOT feel there emotions? i also learn how to mimic voices decently through this method and how i come up with headcannons on my page for cannon and OC character alike.
i know this may seem weird to some people but it relaxes me and i also want to make something quite clear I AM STILL IN TOUCH IN MY OWN REALITY i am fully aware that the scenarios in my head are just that IN MY HEAD. so come after me for that XP
also im curious if any other writers do something similar to this? or am i just an odd duck? XD
@reiner69er @verratensduo @ajaviary @denki-kaminari-mha @ooh-ouch-me-bones @toranoya @ocfairygodmother @simpforsadbois?
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dellinah · 4 years
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I did a thing. Kinda. It's Wolf O'Donnel cosplaying Rasticore (from Star vs FOE) for all yall who dont wanna read the rest
Used a reference for the body but I actually drew the head completely without help and thats lowkey a first. I wanted to give him a cocky expression but getting the head to look ok was too much already so you get a happy woof. How often do people draw him like that anyway
Uh this is a 'finished' thing from what I posted yesterday I guess. As finished as I can get it to be anyway but more finished than I'd expect it to be. Now O'Donnel is just out there cosplaying and living his best life
If I had one dollar for every one-eyed hunk anthro animal I've ever had a crush on, I'd have two dollars. Which isnt a lot but it's weird that it happened more than once
I like to think O'Donnel would cosplay Rast just bc it's so little effort. He just throws a tablecloth over his shoulder and is ready to go. Don't even have to bother with the eyepatch. As for the missing arm just wrap it in bandages and you ready
I guess that means Fox is Toffee and I'm 100% ok with that
Also yes I am aware his chest shouldnt be seen from under the cape and his tail stroke is different but Im not hiding the part that took me the longest tk draw ok. The tail i just messed up
Also Arte drew Wolf with his mohawk going all the way down the back of his head like once and ever since that design haunts me as the best thing anyone has ever done so thanks Arte that's how I'll forever do it from now on. Still literally the best wolf art out there FIGHT ME. Wolf's hair goes all the way down his head and i wont accept anything else its cannon
For real that looks,,, so good
Anyway. This is still @detectiveashcroft's fault. I' so bad with words and I'm posting this without even responding to the previous reblogs but uh i appreciate it a lot. And everything yall say. Means a lot. Made me smile on a really bad day. Special peeps im glad to have in my life. Special kinky bi woof peeps. And everyone else who said stuff/liked that one. Made my day
This has been a bad year for everyone I think. With the world ending. But yeah. I got sick and ended up having to have an IV for a few days bc too much heat bc the country is on fire. Ive been having pain that I cant get checked bc of the apocalyose but if i havent died so far ill be ok. I miss my family and friends. Im scared of the future. Had to deal with family death bc damn rona
So im just ignoring all that and drawing furries
Really. Just trying to go day by day and not think about anything and hope that by the time I become aware of myself again things will be better. Wake me up when september ends kinda thing. So yeah
Be safe yall
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amphii-writes · 4 years
How Fukurodani And I Would Interact Head cannons
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Hey! this is just how I think I would interact with the team because I know myself better than I know you, the reader! so i’m sorry if these are a bit boring :,)
warning: use of marijuana, swearing
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Wow anyways what the fuck would i get myself into
I'd be like the school mascot person and be walking around in the owl suit and bokuto would be so excited to see me
Like not me,, but the owl mascot cause he may be 18 but on the inside hes a fucking child
He’d hug me too hard and the head would pop off and he’d just be like 😀
He would cry, he would go into “emo mode” and god it would be fucking horrible
Getting my head back on and trying to comfort a crying beefcake of a man is hard 
Akaashi would of course hear the sobbing of the fucking ace and run because poor dude is the only one who can handle him
Akaashi would see what happened and just fuckin be so tired
Give this man a break please
He’d be like “Bokuto-San, you have to apologize to the mascot for decapitating it” and bokuto would be like “iTS A TRAITOR!! A WOMANS IN THERE AGAASHI” and id have to take the fucking head off and explain to this grown ass man that the mascot isnt a real owl and that im in the suit.
He’d be so heartbroken
I’d know about the volleyball team because I have to show up to most sports events unless I can get someone else to suit up for me. That shits so hot so barely anyone does it other than the kid i'm training to take it for next year cause i can't handle it
The mascots job is that when it's a home game to rile up the students, get them to cheer, yada yada 
I would for sure be acquainted with bokuto and his personality due to the fact he fucking loves the mascot character so much
Who doesn't tho? Its a cute fat owl of course everyone loves it
Bokuto heard one team talking shit about the owl mascot before a game and made sure to fucking pummel them
Find that absolutely hilarious to think about, he’d rant to akaashi and he’d just be so fuckin tired
As an apology, bokuto invites me to practice and akaashi is just like “i'm so sorry about him” and introduces himself and everything
For sure a sweetie about everything because Akaashi's an angel
I meet the main 3 of the team, everyone else just kinda ehs away 
I’d meet Bokuto, Akaashi, and Konoha
Konoha’s kinda a fucking dick so id be like “ah,,, GROSS” in my head but id be nice to him no matter what cause im a pussy
I feel like id bring brownies one day and bokuto would start to cry out of pure joy
He seems like the brownie/chocolate type of guy ya know?
Akaashi would compliment my baking and ask if its a recipe that i made/was handed down to me
Homie would totally ask if he could come over and bake with me
Bokuto would force akaashi to let him come even though bokuto would probably eat a raw ass egg
I feel like that’d be when they invite me to their team group chat called “OWLS!!!” with owl emojis on either side of the name
It’d be pretty normal minus bokuto being absolutely chaotic constantly
He's the type to send the chat weird ass shit at like 2 am and the next morning not remember
For sure me and Akaashi would get high and chill
He’d at first be against it but then i feel like he’d be like hm fine
We’d go to like a gas station and get an ass ton of snacks and watch shitty movies and giggle
Oh and he fucking totally gets talkative while hes zooted, cant tell me otherwise
He’d talk about everything and anything, for sure would tell his secrets and others and just talk mad shit too
HE”D BE LIKE “sometimes im just really tired of bokuto-san’s shit, like i get it but shut the fuck up” AND ID BE WHEEZING
For sure bokuto would ask me to dress in the owl mascot and id get him to just let me dress up like the owl
Id show up to a game in a cute owl-based outfit with wings n shit and poor dude would combust
Him and akaashi for sure would just- not expect that their 5’2 manager looks like an angel like awe
Would for sure yell and brag about me to other teams, bokuto to nekoma’s kuroo and Akaashi to Karasuno’s Daichi
After that game it became a thing for them to ask me to wear weird outfits to games and practices
Worth it tho. On halloween they’d be excited as fuck cause they know damn well im showing up in a costume
I show up in my Kocho Shinobu cosplay and just :))
She's very pretty and i think that the 3 would like her butterfly jacket a lot
Bokuto would for sure call me butterfly-chan for the rest of practice even though he usually calls me owl-chan
Akaashi would comment on the detail of the costume and how much he respects my hard work
I feel like bokuto would say something about how i'm clearly not asian and be like “SO WHErE YA FROM OWL-CHAN?”
It’d be kinda funny to see Akaashi tell him how rude that is and he’d apologize but also be curious
For sure akaashi would ask me to translate literary devices and idioms for him and explain what they mean to him, this includes sayings and other stuff he just doesn't understand
Bokuto would ask me to speak english and I'd say “hello Bokuto, how are you?” and he’D FLIP HIS SHIT BAHBDSJBDK
He’d find that so cool and call me smart :))
On birthdays id make the birthday boys favorite food and a homemade cake and surprise the team
When this happened akaashi started to cry because he didn’t think i’d go so far for him
Bitch of course i would now eat your noodles
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Hey! I know this isnt exactly a super flashy or organized version like you see other bloggers and writers use but im trying and that’s all that matters-
thank you for reading, it means a lot to me!
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voidselfshipp · 4 years
The Bells Of New York
Cw:mentions of a woman being harrased,implied sexism (cause its 1700)
A/n: much singing cause you know,cannon Is a musical
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The horn of the boat blew as it was tied to the docks the plank fell and the servants went down it with the language of two very important guests.
Jerico jumped down the ramp holding her umbrella in one hand her father,Raymond dragged his feet to his daughter, who was looking around the place.
Suddenly a sound distracted her,the chime of the church bells.
--Father,isnt this beautiful?
Mildly annoyed her father said--yes my dear
--Do you see the snow around Us?--She sang-- Do you feel the peoples Will to change?
Oh look at them living their lifes, every day hearing the bells of New York square coming to life?
Jericos dad took her hand and stops her,singing--I see the desire in your eyes my dear but we have one hundred Years for our Revelation, we cant draw any attention
A is Woman getting harassed on the street,jerico goes to save the day to be stopped by her father
--This is unnacceptable look at all of this!--she sang with anger--This place needs some change, te digo yo que si!
--We have to wait,theres not time yet
--This town needs change
And that ill bring my way.
For I am the revolutionare
In the streets of New York! Get ready world cause i am here
And with me i bring change
To The sound of the beautiful bells
Of New York!.
Raymond sighed taking her into the carriage.
The Manor they stayed at was big enough for jerico to run around the place.
Before she could however her dad gave her a dress, not her style.
--AND a corset too?this is bull--
--no no,no swearing
--what is this all about?
Her dad sighed taking her hands-- im sorry dear but we need to act as it is normal here, the world is not yet ready for where we come from..
Jeri stormed off into her room upstairs bregudgingly putting on her dress.
--whats the matter dear?--vica, her helper said, putting on the corset.
--I dont enjoy getting my lungs crushed....
Vica laughed and nodded--it is quite challenging but after all the wars youve been through, I think this is nothing compared to you and your armor
Illa came in with the traditional terran dress,she put it on smiling at the familiar feeling of the lightweighted green fabric, the exposed shoulders and the turtleneck.
Sadly for her she also had to put on the cumbersome Pink dress of the eighteen Century.
--This is so annoying!--jer slammed her hands against her desk, while vica did her hair--I get to Keep my hairbun...at least
And so she heard the trotting of horses, she peeked through the Window to find two men stepping out of the carriage,she gasped softly and ushered her helpers approach.
Vica and illa leaned in,--who are they?-- she asked.
Vica smiled fixing their suit--alexander Hamilton and marquiss lafayette, your dad is helping them with the revolution, they catched your eye?
Jerico shook her head with bright Pink cheeks,and a knock on the door informed her that it was time to go to the dinning room--anyway we should get going,come on guys
Vica and illa transformed into cats,vica a black cat and illa a white one.
As jeri Walked down the corridors she couldnt help herself but to sing--would you look all around us, this luxury they gave us, just because.
The red carpets that cover the floor, all this Marble pillars and Stones,the biggest of mansions its all white and enormous, but with it they come prices to pay.
Like this stupid Pink dress...!--she went down the stairs picking up her cats--but at least our guests are quite the catch, wonder what they Will bring for us...--she stops singing entering the dinning room.
--Mr Hamilton, monsieur lafayette, my beautiful daughter, jerico.
Raymond put an arm around her shoulders and Walked her to sit Next to him.
Hamiltons breath hitches when their gazes meet, she had the deepest of green eyes he had ever seen.
He trips and falls over his words, trying to explain their plans for the revolution,lafayette wasnt of any help as it seems the beauty of their acquaintances daughter was making him nervous.
Raymond wasnt pleased with the two men after his daughter,who seemed to be rather amused by the mens behaviour.
But thank god, after a minute of trying the plan came across rather well, and with dinner everything calmed down a bit.
There wasnt Many places where jerico could add her own point of view, as part of her fathers "fit in" plan she wasnt allowed to add in conversations she was allowed to back in her home.
So right after she finished eating she excused herself and went to the big garden where she took off the dress and hung it in a Bush.
--Finally free!--she sings-- finally me!, can you feel the breeze blowing in the trees?!--Her cats walk closely-- do you see the clouds passing by in the night Sky?no rules to follow no stupid plans to act by, its me, myself and I!...--she twirls and falls to the Grass-- every small being, working day and night, the animals sleeping and stalking around?.
Oh how I miss being free, no stupid rules to follow,no plans to act by, just me...myself...--she made a pause- And I...
She sighs putting her knees against her chest and her arms around her legs.
Vica purss against her side--I cant wait to go back home...I cant Belive dad would make us act as something we arent,I dont like those dresses,I hate being diminished for the gender I was asigned at birth..I hate those corsets and I hate to act pretty and shy so the men arent scared away!
Suddenly a Man offers her his hand,he looks up.
Hamilton smiled softly--Then why obey by something that makes you feel so bad?-- he said helping her up.
--youre not supposed to see me like this..--she said gripping the sleeves of her dress that gathered at her wrists.
--See you by how you truly are?
--yes...--she sighed looking away.
He takes a few steps closer--if I may--he takes her hand and she meets his eyes-- I think youre very beautiful just the way you are, you shouldnt abide for something that tells you you shouldnt be you..
--The whole situation is serious,and we cant risk it..
--but that doesnt mean you should Hamilton licked his lips and offered his arm--let me take you for a walk
She took his arm--if you think you can change my mind,youre wrong mr.hamilton
He chuckled softly--can I try?
--youre welcome to
And so they Walked through the garden, the quiet chatter being interrupted by soft laughter and terrible puns.
When it was time for him to leave he escorted her back to her room,and smiled.
--Will you come to tomorrows meeting?--Hamilton asked.
-- I dont think my father Will let me
--Then lets make a plan, ill leave the meeting early and ill meet you at the gates of the mannor,ill take you to town and ill give you a tour
--youre insane--she said with a small smile--i like that
She pressed a soft kiss against his cheek--good night, Alexander --and so she closed the door changing into her night gown, and falling on the bed.
During the ride home Hamilton couldnt stop thinking of her.
And she wasnt able to fall asleep thanks to the thoughts of him that plagued her mind.
Somehow someway they knew they were meant to be.
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mag7dumbies · 5 years
Magnificent Seven Series (1998) Pilot major spoilers
So I finally finished watching the Pilot and good lord I had thoughts, and no this is not the first time I’ve watched this episode, I’m just that extra when I watch TV 
(Here we go yet again folks strap in)
(I have mentioned I hate the confederates- garbage humans the lot)
(Also giving birth is better in a squatting position- or at least that’s what I’ve heard)
(Seminoles are actually a very interesting tribe to read about)
“I respect no man’s law but my own” well fuck you too racist bastard (not only that but you need to get a fucking haircut and someone to repair that ratty flag of yours or better yet burn it)
I hate that he is so right cause we still have nut jobs in the south who are in denial that we won the war 
The movie was so much nicer goodness (I mean violence wise it wasn’t as insane as this is)
I hate that the general is not completely bad (he isn’t close to good but he still has morals, which is hard to believe considering what he believes)
(The general is nuttier than an oak tree)
“I believe I can turn gold into bullets” (what does that even mean)
(Didn’t realize that this whole episode was a week’s worth of stuff huh)
(I love that they included freed slaves just makes me happy)
Lordy boardy here we go
Chris this is not the time for a drink
The duster flaps in the wind- okay we get it Chris is a badass- he was drinking glass, earlier we know
The Marshall is a coward (this reminds me of a fantastic fic I once found that had the Marshall return and Nathan was understandably pissed it was awesome)
He’s wearing an apron- oh Vin you have fallen so far, (I’m glad he has long hair though, in the movie it was pretty short which didn’t really fit cause you know Vin isn’t one for conventions or white men tradition)
Mary, Mary quite contrary-angry I mean angry good lord I love her
(I always pronounce gangrene as gaygrene and its super frustrating cause I’ll try my hardest to say it right but my mouth doesn’t work that way or at least it doesn’t sound right)
Only in the nineties could you say darkie doctors on TV and not be immediately cancelled or there to be some sorta outrage, same thing applies to lynching, you can hang white folks on TV but the minute a black person is having the noose we have problems (which is really good cause there are people still alive that have probably witnessed a lynching of someone who certainly didn’t deserve it)
That son of a bitch, pushing Mary was stupid because not only are you being racist which is a trait no one likes but also being a sexist pig- (you are in for it now)
Uh-oh Vin is pissed that isn’t good for anyone (well Nathan but that isn’t the point)
Do you think Vin gives a damn about being employed- and how did he get the apron off so fast like damn
Here he comes the stupidest boy in the Wild West- (I’m gonna punch something I swear)
He’s so little 
Chris nearly shot Jd’s foot off 
“Where’d you come from” where did you go where’d you come from, tall dark stranger and his weird friend
(The saloon bit tickles me to death)
(For some reason it reminds me of Lone Ranger and I don’t know why)
Vin is a fucking sweetheart and I love him
Poor Nathan I hope his throat is okay
Vin do you have to be negative and suicidal in the same swoop seriously
Its Buckaroo time everybody, hell yeah
Then he jumps out a fucking window like a moron, and Chris is just standing there like a he’s too cool for school
(Is it Josiah or ‘osiah, not entirely sure)
And here comes the Ez, ugh he’s about as cute as he can get
“Sorry for the mess” lordy be
(Love Ez’s one-liners)
“I abhor gambling” carefully baby don’t want Maude to hear you and fuck you too you Southern bigot (I know he gets better but still, that language isn’t okay)
What the fuck is he doing with his fancy footwork just leave the saloon for mother’s sake
It’s too early in the morning to deal with Jd just goddammit (I’m gonna make some popcorn and come back to this cause I seriously can’t)
(Okay I’ve calmed down and I am ready for the stupidity)
What did he think was going to happen, of course, you fell off your fucking horse you side saddled that bitch and startled a horse that you don’t even know you’re better than this
(The only thing he can’t do is have a brain cell)
Chris is an asshole
This damn kid
Buck what the hell are, you doing, leave the kiddo be
(I also find it difficult to trust white men)
And here comes the boy and Buck (Jd’s hair is just bad, it’s like Snape’s)
Buck is right about Jd being a prep
“We’ll carve it on his tombstone” brutal Chris just brutal
(Vin is a sweet boy have I said that already cause he is)
Ezra is so good with kids damn
(Ron Perlman’s arms hell yeah)
Ezra nearly died good lord and he just goes with it and pretends he did it on purpose
Here comes Rainey girl I love her
I love Raine’s dad he’s fantastic
Buck is such a goof I love him
Why is the guy, so raspy what happened
Jd getting punched is my favorite
This is so cringe, and I really like it “I was in prison for not being white” (that is still the case for some people and we all know it)
Vin are you serious, you don’t know Chris and there you are just hanging out and suddenly you’re like hey dude if I die, take my body to Tascosa you will get a huge payday, he didn’t have to do that at all but he’s just that dude I love him too much
(There’s also a really good fic about Josiah and his crows it's great)
Ezra, I’m done with you, good lord just go home
Here we go
Nathan is a gift to all
Buck don’t waste bullets and Josiah go to a hospital, Jd you’re an idiot and nearly died plus Ezra what are you doing go to Nathan, dumbass
Buck spewing truth everywhere
Bruised my ass Ezra just accept help like a normal human being goddamn
Nathan does not take no for an answer and ow I heard that crack in my own arm ouch
Nathan called him out
Josiah, I love you so much, (usually, I really hate missionaries cause they can be extremely intolerant to other religions especially those of Native peoples,) but Josiah tries his best to respect them which is a breath of fresh air
Josiah fainting isn’t helpful I don’t care what the crows, say (he’s a birdbrain)
Poor Jd, I just wanna give him a hug, and dude chill you are being a mess, like drink like a normal person
Buck stop telling people Chris’s past it isn’t appropriate
And I swear we own an old blanket that looks exactly like Josiah’s poncho no joke
“I’m a spiritual man, sometimes I turn to the wrong kind of spirits” I love this line
Ezra stop corrupting the youth, (Ezra is like O’Reilly and I love that characterization)
What debts they can’t be older than 10, Ezra stop, please 
Nathan, I get you love, her -chill, and Jd “I haven’t shot anyone yet” are you kidding me, seriously
“Buck you’re full of crap” “You’re just figuring that out now” (Had I mentioned I love their dynamic cause I really really do)
(I did some research on Laudanum, purely for fun and apparently, it’s basically just a mixture of every opiate available and then some, plus it’s illegal to make for obvious reasons,)
That’s right Ezra you aren’t a coward or at least not completely
(Jd’s story makes me think that maybe MAYBE he was abused as a kid in the stables, not anything too horrific but still bad and I really wanna write about it)
Btw there is a wonderful thing (I think it was posted by 7men not sure though) anyway it says something about Jd used some of the money to take care of his mama before she died, and after there wasn’t enough to go to college but there was enough to go out west) I think about it at least once a month
(The war is over if only some people could get that through their thick heads)
Ezra you sneaky son of a bitch pulling a Chico
Chris is such a badass I mean that must hurt pulling off that handcuff
Round Three
I’m a bad bitch “You can’t kill me”
John Daniel Dunne- are you kidding me, are you trying to make either myself or Buck die because if you are you’re doing a great job (He is so stupid)
Buck, really you could have tackled him or really done anything else- instead you decide to fucking get stabbed by a sword (this is why you only have half a brain cell- I mean God fucking damn it)
Really Jo seriously like thanks for taking a bullet for Buck but really
Watching this episode has taken almost three hours but it’s totally worth it
(This is the worst part ugh it's like a weird zombie movie)
“You were like a son to me” Bitch you nearly shot him with a cannon
Chris thank you I wasn’t sure if that stupid general was gonna bite it or not
Jd cut out the angst you’re gonna hurt yourself 
This old dude is a gift
“Buck, you look awful” kid your hair looks awful don’t let me get started
Nathan, Raine and the kid look like the perfect family and it makes me smile
“Where you going? Get down off that horse” poor Nathan what did he do to deserve the stress of dealing with those idiots like seriously what did he do
The good thing though is I’m pretty sure Josiah got a new poncho which is definitely a win
Raine gets it though she’s just ‘look those white morons are gonna get themselves killed so it’s better if you at least try to save their skins’ I can handle things here
Poor Josiah, he is just as hunched over as he can be, its pitiful  
Okay I’m FINALLY done with this episode, think I may read a little before I get back on the saddle and on to my absolute favorite episode One Day Out West
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Ep. 4: “Oh the classic dilemma of Survivor.” - Leanne
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I'm going to be honest, I'm not really gonna miss Tyler. I feel less bad about kicking him out now that I know he's played before. He was kinda cocky and reclusive- that's not the vibe we need in our tribe.
I'm actually upset and really annoyed that no one else is willing to move their times so I can play too? And no one even acknowledged my message lol I started this game under the impression that people from all over the world would participate but instead I'm in a group with a bunch of Americans and I have to adjust my times EVERY SINGLE NIGHT. It is a lot. I feel like quitting. I mean what's the point? I've been struggling with depression for such a long time, it's been amplified by this Lockdown and being part of something, this whole make believe game brought me some kind of joy. Some light. However, being blatantly over looked and left out because its convenient for everyone else kinda sucks. I'm overlooked and left out of everything in real life too. I don't think this game is good for my mental health actually. I feel worthless and like shit and the person I thought had my back the most, Leanne, seems to be the most annoyed with me. She isnt even replying to me in our one on one chat. Guess she got everything she wanted out of me hey? I don't know whether any of this extra stress coupled with sleepless nights and zero concentration when doing my work is worth it?
Zack M
here i come again, carrying the tribe on my back like i always do. (dolly parton reference to "here you come again" ... available on spotify for those who don't know) this is the second time in a row that i stepped up for the team while everyone else was silent. like it's cool. i don't mind doing it for them as long as we win. it's not fair for me to be labeled as a threat because i do my best .... and that best happens to be sometimes better. idk. i'm just here to play. i don't feel the same drive from my teammates. yes. that's it. i'm here to play to win. they just want to win. nothing is going to change for me. i'm going to do every challenge. i'm going to come with the big moves. i'm going to hurt some feelings along the way. but i need to stay in the game to be able to do that. i'm truly scared i'm going to be blindsided if we don't win. COUGH COUGH IM SCARED IM GOING TO BE BLINDSIDED IF WE DONT WIN AND I DONT HAVE AN IMMUNITY IDOL FROM THE WISHING TREE COUGH COUGH ..... i could really use a wish right now (wish right now).
James Hayden
Have ya heard the news? Our tribe finally won a challenge! This is great news, and not just for the obvious, game/numbers related reasons. The night results were announced my Skype didn’t go off all night. All, night. I think there was a block of at least 12 hours straight I wasn’t looking at it. There was that gaming voice in my head that now and then would urge, you know, you really ought to check in with Aimee and see what she’s up to. You know, you had a conversation with James the other day, you better try building that up. But honestly, these last few days have been so peaceful I just didn’t want to. It was too nice being off line LOL. Of course, there still remains the difficulty that I still don’t know where the target is going to land. I had a check in with the “trio”... Ben and Zach. It was “I don’t know” all around. One of them said that the first person who threw out a name would probably be made a target themselves. So no one will talk about that, seemingly, until we lose. Of course, my individual preferences haven’t changed. I’d still like to see either Cody or Sarah go. Leaning toward Sarah at the moment because she seems more feasible. She wasn’t at our last tribal, she hadn’t checked in for a little while, and when we were getting ready to do the challenge last night most of us thought she wouldn’t be around. I was really hoping she wouldn’t show so that I could make a stronger case for that. Precedent shows that lack of presence is the go-to way to get yourself voted out. And I really don’t know who she’s with, if anyone. I haven’t really talked to her. Maybe I’ll float that idea to people today. Instinct tells me that I should get in before the challenge results are announced, because afterward, if we lose, people will be scrambling, and it could land most anywhere. But if I’m too aggressive with this I could be the one throwing names out there and it could backfire. Oh the classic dilemma of Survivor. In other news, Najwah and I have been working together on the idol hunt. She’s been talking to Cody, I’ve been talking to Zach, and so the question we are pondering is whether they’re giving us trustworthy information, both about the search and the game at large. I actually do believe that we’ve been completely upfront with each other and at this point I trust her as completely as anyone can trust in this game. She continues to be my very best ally and I hope we can keep working closely together as this goes on. It’s only hitting me now how hard it is to form impressions of the other tribe based on the info we have. I’ve been reviewing some of the tribal’s, there’s from yesterday and our last one, and the answers are canned enough and United enough that nothing is really said. Everyone in this cast knows we are here to play a social game, and that means not saying stupid things and trying not to make enemies, especially in these early stages. They look strong and unified. They had an easy vote and seem to like each other, which is very much to be expected. I can’t really gleam any subtext from what I saw. Odds are we are just as hard to read for them. We’ll just have to wait and see come merge time, or possibly swap time? At their tribal the question said there was “talk” of that as well. Here’s hoping I’m not the Johnny come lately to that discourse. But even if it is looming, not much to do about it till you get there. I don’t think that’s something you can necessarily pregame for. So there you have it. It’s been a refreshingly peaceful several days and let’s hope it continues. These results could go either way, and if it doesn’t go the way we want, well, then the game switches into the next gear. That would make me very worried for our numbers down the line, but more immediately we are probably all worried about our place at that point. I have no idea what will happen.
I am not very happy by the fact that I will have no control in the fate of our tribe.I'm happy we voted Tyler out unanimously, he was someone we all, especially Pedro and I, agreed on very early. it's gonna be tough now moving forward, but I know who I don't want to vote out
Pedro A
So Today we have the challenge....Im scared if we go to tribal idk who will go
Alan B
Yes! I'm so glad we won - the next vote for our tribe is gonna be a tough one, i really hope making the only mistakes during this challenge doesnt come back to bite me! we won right how bad could it be...
Pedro A
WEEEE WONNNN....stream CLC, RED VELVET AND BLACKPINK...you know why?....cause we have the night offffff.....
Amy A
Another night off 🎉🎉🎉. I’m so ecstatic because there’s no name coming up for vote 2 yet so it could literally be anyone even though I think my alliances with people will carry me through. My alliance with Ryan and Pedro is still strong and I have secret alliances w Maddison, John, and Grae even though Grae’s is more shaky. Im going to go sleep with no worry in my mind at all. Maybe except for a tribe swap. Maola ROCKS and seeing us divided will break me 😭😭
Kalle N
I recently found out that John has been telling almost everyone that he trusts them 100% and not just me so I'm working on making a big move to get him out next time we go to tribal (even though I love him and he has been one of my closest allies this entire game). He's just too charming and close with everyone
Hi confessional. Really hoping I didn’t just brand myself a threat during that challenge but I’m glad I could redeem myself from the telephone game. I’ve had new people want to work with me within the thirty minutes following, and I can’t tell yet how legitimate their inquiries are. But hey, that’s Survivor. 
Zack M
jesus christ. there is so much going on right now. we lost again. whomp whomp. but again, i like losing. it let's me know where everyone's head is at. i'll face the consequences later. i want to flush the idol out but no one seems to be with me. i think either aimee or leanne has it. i want to say aimee to leanne and najwah and leanne to aimee because i know they will tell each other, one of them will use it, and then cody sarah ben james and i vote najwah. bye idol. bye to one of their numbers. 2 against 5, there's nothing they can do. BUT NO. so then najwah reaches out to me and calls me the tribe leader. LOLOLOLOLOLOL. clap clap. she sees right though me BUT she is letting me stay? it really is such a bad game move for her. i feel so bad. so najwah started the "hunt alliance" with me cody and leanne. leanne threw out sarah's name so we are going to pretend to go with that. but now the target is leanne in hopes that we just flush the idol out by vote. i think this is dumb and is going to fuck us over but like maybe people are legit. i really have no idea. and now there's a group with everyone besides sarah. i feel so bad. sarah, you're not going anywhere so don't you even worry! i think my plan is the safest but like no one listens to the TRIBE LEADER.
Cody A
Full disclosure y’all, Im just going to preface this confession with the simple fact that I am UNWELL! I just ask that y’all bare with this confession!! It could be as bad as Nick Cannons (very brief) rap career.. on Sunday one of my close friends took her own life.. and It has been difficult to separate this game from real life. In the real game of survivor I’d be stuck in Fiji with no information from the outside world.. so i am trying to navigate this game and real life at the same time. That being said: this vote could be very simple or VERRRRRY complicated. The plan is for our group of 6 “JESS” to tell aimee, Leanne, and naj, that everyone is voting Sarah. 
THATS NOT HAPPENING!!!  SARAH (NOT LACINA) IS MY NUMBER 1 & I WILL PROTECT HER AT ALL COSTS!!! Initially it seemed Zack was adamant about voting Naj our and not Leanne???? but I think I did a really great job of convincing him she is a huge threat! (Gotta save my girl Naj!) The real plan is for JESS  to put all of our votes on Leanne, who still has yet to have a conversation with me. I feel like I am in a great position but I do not want to get comfortable!  
James Hayden
James Hayden
So we lost, again... just great. First there was nothing. Then the trio chat with Ben and Zach got together to exchange obligatory commiserations and giant shrugs. Then Najwah got in touch. Neither of us heard anything. She actually said because of this she just assumed it was her; I’ll get more into this in a bit. As of now she’s the one I trust The most, so I asked her how close she was to Sarah. Turns out, not very. She wanted to start a group chat with Zach and Cody, for the dual purpose of getting that plan together and for comparing info about the idol hunt. So we do that. After a few more rounds of circling the question of what do you think I said to the group that Sarah doesn’t seem to be available a lot or connecting with people. We agreed, and Zach suggested we get the rest of the tribe together, sans Sarah, in another chat to lock it in. This is after Zach and I said Ben would be in, and Cody said James would be in, and I don’t remember how but somehow Aimee was accounted for. The only other person left was James. My thinking, which both Zach and Cody seemed to share, was that it was better to risk James being close to Sarah than to get him upset by leaving him out.
Throughout the whole thing, Najwah seemed to have an abnormally high degree of caution and concern. She really wants to feel people out first before she does anything, which I don’t think is possible all the time. What if James is talking to Sarah? What if Sarah has an idol? What if the other four have an alliance? Not sure if it’s just me but she seemed to be doing a lot of what if’s, all valid ones but just a lot. She raised some other concern to me in a private chat and I answered her something along the lines of, it’s good to look before you leap but nothing is a sure thing and we have to take a few risks and be ok with not being certain. Well anyway, the larger group chat gets made. But as I’m making the conversation, the talk in the idol hunt chat, that is, the foursome that was just planning the Sarah vote, switches to what people are finding in the idol search. Now, this is a good thing. We did want to compare notes on that so we at least know where not to go. But not at that moment. Because when I started the larger group chat with James, Ben and Aimee, they of course wanted to know what the plan was. This left me all alone to ask them how they felt about Sarah as a target. I really could’ve used backup from Najwah, Zach and Cody in that moment, but instead they were talking about coins and advantages. Again, that’s a good thing, but in that moment, to the other three it almost looked like I unilaterally decided that. It looks like I got everybody together completely on my own and said, hey everybody, here’s what I decided we’re going to do.
Now, from my perspective Sarah was completely my idea, but that’s only my side of the story and I don’t know what other people were saying, and I have no wish to appear to be a dictator. Fortunately for me no one seemed to talk to Sarah at all. The consensus was her contact was brief and spotty and she was away too often to have built any meaningful connections anywhere. So it looks like it will work out and be easy again. Well, at least that’s what it looks like to me. We’ll see. The other good news is that we do have an idol task force. I found out the jacket is a 10% advantage in a challenge; good to know. Also the jewelry box was taken. No word on who took it, but that costs 20 coins. A theory I saw discussed was that someone shared coins or else Amy bequeathed at least five of them upon her exit. I don’t see that as being likely.
There’s got to be at least one more source of coins besides the two known to the group. Seems like we’ve been looking and coming up empty an awful lot. Not sure how candid the group members are being but at least we have an open line of communication about this. I was very annoyed because I felt abandoned by them to deal with the other three but that wasn’t done on purpose, and having this search party is a very good thing. At the very least we can help each other avoid disadvantages. Also, after we talked about Sarah, Aimee messaged me privately, saying she was leaning that way too, and we talked for a little bit. She seems to be talking in these little bursts to most everyone but at least it’s a relationship with potential to be built up further. So to me it looks like we’ve got an agreement and it’s Sarah and it was fairly easy. Of course, they could flip on me, and there’s an off a lot of time before tribal tomorrow, but like I just told Najwah, nothing is certain and we won’t always have every bit of the facts when we make a decision. All I can do is talk to folks, make a plan, and see what happens.
Najwah just messaged me saying “So what do you guys want to do?” Except she just sent that message to me. Individually. “Guys,” plural, with an “s.” 👀👀👀👀
Zack M
im going to feel like an asshole tomorrow if i'm not blindsided and the plan goes the way we want it to. i've had a beautiful conversation with najwah tonight and i hope she doesn't think it was all for the game tomorrow when we vote her number 1 (leanne) out. najwah if you're reading this, i'm so sorry. this is a cruel game. i've loved every minute of getting to know you and our conversations! you're an awesome person and i hope you don't hold anything i may do to you against me. i would absolutely love to stay friends with her outside of this game. i just needed to put this in writing before i possibly hurt feelings tomorrow. again, she did call me the leader of the tribe. i would get rid of me if i was them so like anything is possible. 
Pedro A
today im going to talk with alan, kalle and olivia
Well, the general consensus is to vote me out tonight at tribal because I haven’t been as available this week which is TRUE since I haven’t had service much on my vacation. Leanne threw my name out and everyone “agreed” I was an easy vote. I am trusting my alliance of 5 in Jess (Zack, Ben, Cody, James) and we are voting Leanne. I do have an idol BUT I definitely do not want to play it tonight. Right now, I trust my alliance but if things get suspicious or Cody tells me that Zack or Ben have flipped I will play my idol tonight. To be continued.... 
That stupid idol hunt and the disadvantage is gonna get me kicked out I just know it. F#*k me.
Olivia A
The first vote went smoothly! Except for the fact that Tyler voted for me. My only worry is that he might’ve discussed/decided that vote with someone else. I’m not too worried though because I still feel really solid with the people I’m aligned with.
James Hayden
John B
Thanks to Maddison we won another challenge and honestly bless because I really don’t know who would have gone next. I found out Ryan got a disadvantage for the tribe while idol hunting and I know, Olivia knows, and I’m probably gonna mention it to Grae and Kalle that Olivia told me. Right now I think if we had to go to tribal it might be Alan or Ryan but I honestly have no clue. Alan has the idol which is a good reason to boot them, and if I can get rid of Ryan that will break up the outsiders alliance. The challenge had me scream laughing because I think Kalle and I share a brain. Literally all of our clues were vines and we shared them at the exact same time. I would love to get an alliance going with Kalle Madison Grae and Olivia, I’m just worried Maddison and Grae will get weirded out to have an alliance outside of the core four without Pedro. If it happens I will have Kalle start it up so I don’t look sus. I am v curious to see what the other tribe does for the next vote seeing as the last one was unanimous. Honestly they kind of scare me.
James Hayden
It's two hours before tribal and neither Leanne or Naj have messaged the group to confirm that Sarah's going home. Either they are over confident in their plan and feel no need to confirm or they are planning something else. I'm praying to the Survivor ORG gods it's the first one!!
Cody A
I have bonded with Naj so much these last couple of days. I feel like a horrible person for leaving her out of the Leanne vote, but perhaps I’m the one being left out of a different plan 🤷🏼‍♂️ This game is exhausting 😂
Ben Kessler
Here's my worry: Survivor is not a numbers game, it is a people game. And the people on my tribe are crazy, but I like crazy. I work with crazy. Leanne, Naj, and Aimee are hopefully on the outs. Leanne will hopefully be eliminated tonight. I fear an expansion at 15 and if this happens I will need to throw my tribe under the bus in order to fit in...slowly, subtly, and methodically. The other tribe is not battle tested and neither are we, so my new objective is to ensure that I am under the radar while speaking enough to have my voice in any group. Leanne is most likely of those 3 have an idol, but I would not be surprised if somebody in my alliance had the idol as well. Either way, as long as I survive I am happy. Najwah The last time I wrote a confession, I was having a really horrible day. I was ready to quit but I think after some rest and a good venting session, my head is back in the game.
Leanne, Cody, Zack and I have solidified our alliance. I hope. I thought people would want to vote me out because I haven't been participating and I wouldn't be offended or surprised if they do. Tribal tonight is going to be interesting. Someone has an idol. Or SOMETHING. The jewelery box is missing. I love Cody but I don't know why I suspect he has something to do with it. I have a feeling in my gut. Don't know whether he is double crossing us. Also, Zack said he'd stay on the mountain and then he told us he bought a jacket in the market place. Is my alliance actually working to get me out and blindside me? Lmao I wouldn't be surprised AT ALL. we are all survivor superfans. We all know how the game works. Convincing everyone to vote Sarah was WAY too easy last night. Sarah also seems wayyyyy too comfortable. She doesn't bother talking to people much or she's playing a really excellent low key game. Either way, I commend her and whatever she's up to. I don't know what I think of Ben and James yet They're way too chilled and seem to go with the flow but I know they have their own flow. And they are working together on something. I hope tonight's vote is as easy as people think, even though my gut is screaming that we are in for some huge surprise. 
Well, the general consensus is to vote me out tonight at tribal because I haven’t been as available this week which is TRUE since I haven��t had service much on my vacation. Leanne threw my name out and everyone “agreed” I was an easy vote. I am trusting my alliance of 5 in Jess (Zack, Ben, Cody, James) and we are voting Leanne. I do have an idol BUT I definitely do not want to play it tonight. Right now, I trust my alliance but if things get suspicious or Cody tells me that Zack or Ben have flipped I will play my idol tonight. To be continued.... 
 Fell out of a tree idol hunting this morning. Big win out here in Tierra del Fuego for Maddison! 
james hayden
Zack M
we are about to go into another tribal to vote someone out and i'm so irritated right now. the plan is to vote out leanne because she may have an idol but she hasn't done anything all day long. najwah is literally messaging EVERYONE but is too scared to throw out a name. she wants to make big moves but can't and needs someone to do it for her. this scares me more than leanne because i'm close with her. ben and i have a trio chat with her. we could easily swoop in and say omg i'm so sorry after and make things ok if there is a tribe swap. leaving najwah gives cody the upper hand. i need the control. speaking of cody. cody and sarah have already early voted. i'm sorry but this just should not be allowed. this game is taking up a lot of time but welcome to survivor. we're all tired and don't want to be doing this on a saturday but here i am. i swear my team keeps losing because none of them are giving 100% like i am. tyler should have been on this tribe and i should have been on the other. 
the only person i feel safe with right now is ben. james is a close second. 
fingers crossed i don't get blindsided.
Grae G
Hello ok!! So I’m currently on good ground w everyone in the game but I want to solidify bonds w kalle Olivia and Maddison. I feel these people really trust me so I want to make sure they trust me. It’s become clear to me that every person in the game feels closest to John. He’s telling everyone different info and I’ve caught him in several lies- I’m not sure what I want to do about it yet. But as soon as I see an opportunity I’m gunning for him. But if I can’t swing it then maybe Ryan as an easy next vote bc he admitted to me he got us the disadvantage lol.
0 notes
donghyxns · 7 years
Hunger Games! au | Park Woojin (3)
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this is so so so long!!!!!!! beware of that lol
part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
“then we talked about all the ways i could brutally murder you in order to get more sponsors”
that knocked the breath out of you
just a few hours ago he was kissing you, giving you the most protective glances and now he is revealing that he was just doing that to gain trust?
it actually worked tho
“park woojin, who do you think you ar-”
he cuts you off with a pat on the head, “i will see you tomorrow in training. sleep well.” he gives you a small peck on your cheek
what thE FRICK
you were confused
all you knew was that you fell hopelessly in love with park woojin in a short amount of time and all he wants to do is to murder you
the hunger games is royally fucked
the next day in the training arena was incredibly scary
chungha looked like she was literally going to murder you (which she was in a couple of days)
every time you looked in her general direction, she threw a knife and it always stuck in the left eye
one moment she threw the knife and looked directly at you
“this is going to be you in a couple of days and lover boy won’t be able to save you”
you looked over at woojin who just chuckled evilly
it was like they were working together???
you felt so alone and scared while practicing how to differ between poisonous berries and edible ones
“that berry is poisonous, you would be dead in a minute”
the somewhat deep, raspy voice from behind you shocked you
“what’s it called?” you ask the attractive boy
“night berry” he smiles up at you
jesus why are all the boys around you suddenly hot??
“you are ____ from district 11 right?”
“yeah” you nod your head looking up at him
“my name is hwang minhyun, i’m from district 4″ he gives you the cutest smile and wowza you felt yourself melt
he leans in closer with a mischevious smile gracing his lips
“dont look now, but your little lover boy looks to be mad at this interaction” minhyun leans back and smiles at you
he mouths ‘look now’ after a couple a second and when you do you feel your heart swell
woojin had narrowed his eyes over at the two of you and his neck was beginning to turn red
you look back at minhyun and the two of you share a good hearty laugh
you havent laughed since a day before the reaping
you and daehwi were hanging out and he slipped on the wooden floor in his house
causing him to fall and knock over this expensive vase (3 whole dollars,,, it was a lot in your district okay...)
the look of pure terror and shock on his face made you double over in laughter as he hurriedly swept it up
“thank you, minhyun” you smile at him and he gives you a confused look
“for what?”
you sigh, grabbing the rope next to you, “i haven’t laughed like that since the day before the reaping”
minhyun suddenly clapped his hand, startling you
“thats right! you volunteered for the daehwi kid, right?”
you nod your head
minhyun grabs your wrist, “that was a very brave thing to do. if that was me in that situation i wouldnt be able to do it.”
before you could respond the bell rang signalling everybody it was 7:00 PM and that you needed to go back to your pent houses
the elevator ride up with woojin was extremely awkward, to say the least
he finally broke the awkward silence
“why are you talking to minhyun?”
you shake your head, “ why do you suddenly care all of a sudden?”
woojin scoffs, arms crossing, “minhyun will bring you nothing but harm! he is the most wanted tribute other than you! you will die by just hanging near him”
you turn towards him, scowl present on your face, “woojin, i’m going to die no matter what. why can’t i have a friend in this fucking game before i die?”
woojin slams his hand against the elevator wall, “god damn it, am i not your friend?”
you look at him with an incredulous look, “friend? woojin if you don’t recall, last night you told me you were acting sweet so you could gain my trust and then murder me. i don’t classify that as a friend”
woojin grabs your shoulders, “seeing you with minhyun made me realize how much i dont want to kill you”
weird wording
but i mean it is the hunger games
“what do you mean by that?” you pushed away your confused feelings about the wording
woojin licks his lips, “i have a crush on you”
are we in middle school??????
you decide to challenge your feelings though, “how do i know you arent just lying?”
woojin smiles
your heart stops for a second you sweAR
“if i didn’t would i have cut off my ties with chungha and put a huge target on my back?”
you did realize woojin and chungha did talk at the end of class and she looked royally pissed off at him
the elevator doors dinging open snapped the two of you out of your little trance
you talked about this briefly over dinner and you concluded that you were going to trust woojin again
but you were also going to stay on high alert to make sure you didnt get played
the next two days of training went by fairly smooth
you got closer to minhyun despite woojins protests and you and woojin got a little more “intimate”
it was a little weird
the two of you would sleep in the same bed and cuddle for hours on end until you were called to breakfast
before getting up you would share a quick peck on the lips
but then after that, you two were complete strangers
the both of you would act like you didnt know each other
maybe woojin was ashamed? maybe this was all part of his plan? who knows
all you knew was that you were happy when the two of you spent time
but that was cut soon
it was the day of the hunger games
24 people go in and only 1 person is victorious
jesus that scared you
you and woojin were cuddling on the rooftop, looking up at the stars
he was playing with your soft hand
his breathing was steady and it calmed you down
“woojin, i’ll be dead in 4 days.... you know this right?” you look up at him and he shakes his head
“no, i won’t let you die. i will protect you until the very end”
“what if it is just the two of us? would you kill me then?” he lets out a troubled sigh
“of course not”
“i would kill myself for you”
“my life isnt even worth living anymore”
all of those were lies spewing out of woojins mouth and you knew that very well
“woojin what are we?” you ask one last question
woojin kisses the back of your hand, “we are boyfriend and girlfriend”
the morning came too soon
you felt the knot in your stomach again and you felt like you could barely breathe
your whole body was shaking and sweating
you couldnt calm your nerves
you and woojin were separated as soon as the sun came up for “personal reasons”
you were sat in a room as you waited for the countdown to start
your knee was bobbing up and down as you watched the tv screen in front of you
one of the tips was: “don’t step off the platform before the countdown as it will blow you up”
that really settled you
a deep voice started to countdown “30...29...28...27...26″
you stood up while taking a deep breath
the tube in the room opened up and you took that as an incentive to go ahead and step in it
the tube closed soon after you got in, sensing your body weight
you try to even out your breathing but your body doesnt respond
you are still shaking when the platform shoots up
suddenly you are in the middle of an open field, cornucopia full of goodies in the middle
you look around and spot minhyun
he gives you a thumbs up and a small smile
he mouths, ‘i will get us some bags, you need to run!’
you nod, this calming your nerves slightly
your gaze shifts over to woojin and he looks not in the least bit scared
it throws you back to the first day the two of you met and he said, “i’m ready to die. that’s why i looked so relieved during the reaping”
woojin meets your gaze and smiles a cute smile
you feel good about this whole situation when you realize you have both minhyun and woojin on your side
you look directly beside you and you see chungha looking at you
she smirks when she meets your gaze, motioning that she was going to strangle you as soon as the canon went off
your ears started ringing and your eyes glossed over
you were panicking suddenly
the feelings of good left your body when you realized, well shit, i really am going to die
you heard the cannon go off and your legs automatically moved to the forest behind you
before you got too far, someone tackled you with a screech
they flipped you over and you were met with the one and only kim chungha
her thin hands wrapped around your throat cutting off the oxygen
“this is what you get for stealing woojin away from me, you little bitch!” her other hand raised up and she slapped you hard
your hands reached up and scratched at her
her hands loosened up slightly giving you the chance to breathe and scream out
“minhyun!!! minhyun!!!!!!” you scream out, fear filling your system
her hands grasped tightly around your throat once more and your vision started to turn white
you saw daehwi’s smiling face and you heard your mom’s laughter
your body started to relax once you accepted the fact that you were dead
honestly,,, it wasnt that bad
you felt so relaxed and your mind was wandering to all the good things that happened in your life
you were about to close your eyes but suddenly the pressure on your neck loosened up
someone was grabbing at your body, throwing you over their shoulder
“_______?!? are you okay?! i will protect you no matter what!”
“t-thank you...” you breathe out, not knowing who the person was and you knocked out right after that
you feel wet when you first open your eyes
there was a slight dripping sound echoing throughout the area you were at
you try to sit up but you groan in pain when you try
a hand pushes you back down softly, “dont strain yourself”
“m-minhyun?” you ask
you hear a deep chuckle and with that, you can confirm that it was indeed minhyun
woojin had a high pitched laugh
oh shit
was woojin okay?
“how long was i knocked out for? is woojin okay? are you okay?”
minhyun laughs once again, “woah, woah slow down there... you were knocked out for 2 days, we only have 2 more days to kill 12 tributes. woojin is fine but so is chungha, so we need to watch out for them. i’m perfectly fine. the bags i picked up had good fishing equipment, ointment, ropes, and some packaged berries. i also found 2 knives. we are in good shape.”
you breathe out a sigh of relief
“w-wait.... why do we have to look out for woojin and chungha?”
minhyun lets out a sigh that bounces off the walls of the cave
“they are working together to find us and kill us”
(final part will be out tomorrow)
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