#if you disagree with this post i do not care. goodbye
weaver-z · 2 years
I could never work in an American bookstore these days. I'd have to work in one in like Prague that's frequented only by elderly parishioners who want me to find old whaling ship logs for them. If I were employed at Barnes and Noble and someone approached asking where to find "enemies to lovers with slowburn" I think I would just tear them in half vertically without blinking
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221bshrlocked · 2 months
Broken and Grazed, Loved and Saved
Pairing: Crosshair x Jedi AFAB!Reader
Words: 4724
Warnings: Mutual Pining. Mentions of violence and blood. Touching Confessions! Angst to fluff because you know it. Crosshair being a tiny bit soft...just a tiny bit.
Summary: You get shot while trying to save Crosshair. He's shocked and confused as to why you would do such a thing. You both slowly reveal your feelings for each other as he patches you up.
A/N: I crawled back from my writer's block hell hole to post this. This is during The Clone Wars series folks, hence the Jedi insert. Once again, thank you so much to @cloneficgiftexchange for holding this event and single-handedly getting me to write every once in a while. This is for the lovely @arctrooper69 who inadvertently gave me a challenge with Crosshair. I hope you enjoy it babes and I hope I got his character down correctly. This is the first time I write for him. As always, let me know how I am doing in the comments please and thank you.
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When Obi-Wan informed you that you’d be accompanying Clone Force 99 on another mission, you tried your best to not let your excitement come through. But one look at your old friend and the smirk on his face made you realize you may not have been as subtle as you originally thought. 
“Shut it Kenobi,” you walk past him, shaking your head when you briefly glanced to the side and saw him raising an eyebrow at you. He chuckles at your embarrassment, and you’re torn between making fun of him and letting him be. It was rare to see him display such an elated emotion, and you couldn’t help but laugh along with him when finally caught up with you and patted you on the back. 
“In all seriousness, do be careful out there.” A worried expression breaks through the smile and you nod at him, knowing that the sentiment wasn’t one of warning but deep concern for your safety. 
“As weird as it is to admit this, I feel like I might potentially be safest with them.” You come to a stop once you reach the door of the Temple, looking around the awfully quiet space before returning your attention to Obi-Wan once more. 
“I would have to disagree with you there. The rate at which they use explosives is severely higher than any other force I have fought alongside. Nevertheless, I trust your judgment. Do keep me updated, yes?” When you don’t respond right away, Obi-Wan follows your line of sight and notices where your attention suddenly lies. He groans to himself and wishes he wasn’t the keeper of so many secrets. 
“Young one!?” You snap out of your momentary haze when Obi-Wan quite literally yells at you, his voice carrying across the grounds and catching the curiosity of none other than the man you found yourself barely able to stop thinking of. 
“Sorry, yes?” You feign ignorance, giggling like a young padawan when Obi-Wan rubs his temples and swears beneath his breath.
“I’m only joking. Yes I will be careful, sure I’ll try my best not to get into trouble, and of course I won’t partake in Wrecker’s booming tactics. Satisfied?” You don’t wait for him to respond, already walking towards the Marauder and praying to the Force that the introvert of the group is less hostile towards you this time around. When you grow near to the clones standing at the foot of the ramp, you turn around one last time and wave goodbye to Obi-Wan, laughing when he rolls his eyes at you and heads back into the Temple. As soon as you turn around, you’re met with an incredibly energetic Wrecker, your shock turning into hysterical laughter as soon as he wraps his arms around you and picks you up. 
“Heyyy, it’s our favorite Jedi!” His grip on you remains gentle even though he’s lifted you off of the ground a good bit. 
“Hey Wrecker, I see you missed me as much as I missed you.” You gently tap him on his shoulder, hoping he’d put you down before any other Jedi sees how familiar you are with him. 
“Wreck, put the General down.” You glance to the side and see Hunter standing with his hands on his hips, his facial expression a bit unreadable. You laugh nervously at the leader of the Bad Batch, hoping Wrecker wouldn’t get in trouble because of your friendliness. 
To his chagrin, Wrecker puts you down and backs away, whispering a few apologies before returning to stand next to Tech.
“Sorry, I know I shouldn’t encourage it.” You tell Hunter as the two of you walk away from the rest of the Batch, your eyes unintentionally remaining on your favorite member of the group. If Hunter notices how you pay more attention to Crosshair, he says nothing of it and pretends you weren’t watching him like a hawk. 
“No need for any apologies, General. I don’t particularly care but I know how things are on Coruscant. Wouldn’t want him to be misunderstood.” Hunter points towards the Clones standing around the Temple with other Jedi Masters, smiling nervously at you when you sigh anxiously at the prospect of being the reason behind Wrecker potentially getting in trouble. 
“I promise to talk to him. And I’ll make sure to only be friendly when we’re not surrounded by…you know.” You try to laugh off the circumstances you find yourself in, only for Hunter’s body language to shift at the implications behind your words. 
“I’d be careful if I were you. Even if they aren’t around, others tend to misunderstand and- well, let’s just say that things get a little heated when we finish a mission and you aren’t on-board anymore.” You furrow your eyebrows at Hunter’s response, only to follow his line of sight and see who he’s staring at. When you’re met with Crosshair’s narrowed, irritated eyes shifting between you and Wrecker, you realize that Hunter may know more than he let on. 
“I- I don’t think you-” You trip over your words, unsure of how to respond now that Hunter knew of your inclinations as well. 
“Save it, I’m not judging…just giving you a heads up.” He excuses himself, saying something or other to Tech as the two of them ascend the Marauder. You look to the ground as you make your way to the ship, afraid of making eye contact with any of the others out of fear of making things more awkward. Even as you walk past Crosshair, you ignore him completely, pretending to fix the lightsaber hanging from your belt so you don’t have to deal with him now. As soon as you go to the cockpit, you throw a quick hello to Echo and walk back, pushing through the supplies scattered around so you can sit in the small space at the end of the ship. 
Even though you want to sit near Crosshair, you decide against it, knowing that you don’t have the capacity to deal with his passive aggressive comments now. You haven’t seen him in a long while, and there’s nothing you wish to do more than be near him, even if the two of you were to remain silent. But if the conversation with Hunter proved anything, it’s the fact that Crosshair was begging to pick a fight right now. You just didn’t want it to be with you. 
Taking a deep breath, you do your best to center yourself and ignore the whispers and murmurs traveling from the cockpit. You manage a fair job for most of the flight, but the closer you get to the Outer Rim planet, you vaguely hear your name thrown around between Hunter, Tech and Wrecker. You know better than to listen to what they’re saying, and before you can decide on whether or not you should ignore them, Wrecker stands up and grumbles something louder than the others would have preferred. 
“She doesn’t mind! You’re just telling me what to do because Crosshair won’t listen to you and talk to her.” Your eyes shoot wide open at his words, and as you turn around to face them, you see all of their expressions turn blank. Wrecker only recognizes just how loud he is when he faces you and sees a quizzical look on your features. He chuckles nervously and sits down as Echo makes his way towards you. 
“Sorry about that, we know how much you like to meditate.” He sits down beside you, glaring quickly at Wrecker so he doesn’t accidentally give anything else away. 
“It’s okay, it’s not like I was getting much meditation done anyway. You guys whisper pretty loudly.” 
“You mean you- could you hear us this whole time?” Echo asks, the direct gaze you offer him letting him know that yes, you could certainly hear what they were going on about this whole time. 
“You know then.” It was more of a comment than a question, but you shrug your shoulders at him regardless, unsure of whether they were telling the truth or just reading into the interactions between you and Crosshair. Before you can respond however, you feel the ship drop out of hyperspace and into the atmosphere of the planet.
“Another time Echo,” you ignore the pleading look on Echo’s face, not wanting to continue this conversation now that the mission officially commenced. Making your way to the front of the ship, you look across the yellow planet below you and sigh in irritation when you notice the storms forming just above the surface. 
“Did you know that Eshil is one of three desert planets that receives frequent rain? Rain storms are often violent here, delivering up to seven millimeters per minute. It is more likely for one to drown down there than to die of thirst.” The ease with which Tech spoke made you giggle, and you couldn’t help but thank him politely for the unsolicited knowledge when you saw Wrecker and Echo glare at him worryingly. 
“Don’t worry big guy, nothing will happen to you on my watch.” You pat Wrecker on the back as you begin your descent onto Eshil, and before you can attempt to calm him down a little, the Marauder begins to shake violently due to the rain and thunderstorms. In a moment of distraction, you lose your balance and fly backward, suddenly feeling a pair of slim fingers grab onto your waist to prevent you from falling. Thinking it’s Hunter who just saved you, you turn around to thank him, only to find a pair of steel, hazel eyes staring dead at you. 
The faint gasp doesn’t go unnoticed by Crosshair, nor does the disappointed look you throw at him when he lets go so he can push you into one of the seats. 
“Don’t hurt yourself, Jedi.” His tone is mocking in a way, but you don’t dwell too much on it and instead look around to see if anyone noticed the little interaction. Everyone is blissfully unaware of the tense moment you shared with Crosshair, and even though you can feel his eyes on you, you choose to avoid his gaze, afraid he would see how much of an effect he has on you. 
It takes too long to your liking to land, not because you didn’t like the turbulence, but because you couldn’t stand being in close proximity with Crosshair any longer. An hour ago, you were excited to join the team, wanting nothing more than to try and get closer to Crosshair, or at the very least, figure out why he’s always more passive aggressive with you than with anyone else. But after the not-so-subtle comment from Hunter, and the rather awkward conversation you overheard, you couldn’t finish this mission and be back on Coruscant fast enough. Somehow, knowing that the animosity was a product of mutual feelings made things worse.
No, not worse. That wasn’t the right word. 
Real. It made things real. It made things more accessible, which meant that the probability of anything happening was simultaneously high and low. 
“We’re here,” Hunter’s announcement is a welcomed distraction, and you wait until everyone stands aside to review the plan before jumping out of the Marauder. The rain comes down harsher than you’ve anticipated but you take a few seconds to appreciate it regardless, knowing that it wasn’t everyday you experienced rain caused by clean, natural clouds. It was so much different than Coruscant, strangely soothing as it seeped through your clothes and kissed your cheeks. 
The cool sensation suddenly shifts into a warmer breeze, causing your eye muscles to clench tightly in confusion. The feeling engulfs you almost like a hug, and you’re not sure how or why it becomes hotter with each passing second. It’s only when you open your eyes and glance to the side that you finally understand why you were being flooded with such intensity. You quickly avert your gaze as soon as you notice Crosshair’s embarrassment when he realizes that you’ve caught him staring at you. 
“Alright fellas, listen up. Our mission is simple: infiltrate the base undetected, retrieve the classified intel from their innermost vaults, exfiltrate before they even know we’re there. Stay sharp and Wrecker…no explosives unless I say so.” Hunter points firmly at the bigger clone, and you almost giggle when you see the hint of a grin appearing on his face. 
“Awww man!” Wrecker throws his hands up in the air, walking away and crossing his arms when he sees you approaching him. 
“Don’t worry big guy, there’s always a next time.” You pat him on the back, laughing to yourself when he retorts at you like a child.
“That’s what you said last time.”
“But I really mean it this time,” you twist your head down until you can get a better look at him, and when you meet his eyes, you watch as he tries his best to not crack a smile in return. When he does, you walk past him and stay behind Hunter as he slowly moves through the barren land. The closer you get to the compound though, the more you become uneasy at your lack of cover, but before you can say anything, the rain begins to come down harder than you thought it possible, making you squint to try and see where everyone is. 
“I guess that should do the trick!” You hear Echo scream from behind you, but the sentiment makes you uncomfortable. The idea of losing the rest of them before you even make it to the enemy line is disconcerting, and you make your way towards Hunter quickly. When he sees you approaching him, he stops and waits for you to catch up. 
“Follow my lead and make sure everyone keeps their helmets on so they can see.” You throw the hood of your cloak over your head a little further, the action not helping one bit as the water continues to crash down on you like a waterfall. 
“When we get there-” 
“I’ll signal for Echo so he can unlock the doors.” Waiting until he nods in agreement, you continue your journey towards the compound, praying to the maker that the enemy’s visibility is as bad as yours. The trek to the compound takes longer than you like, but when you finally have it in sight, you turn around and wait for the others to reach you. Hunter and Tech are ahead of everyone, and you squint hard until you can see Echo and Wrecker behind them. When Crosshair doesn’t show right away, you begin to worry, afraid that the rain became less of an inconvenience and more of a trigger to him. You’re about to run past the guys when you finally see him walking through the heavy downfall, no longer holding his firearm in his hands and instead taking his time as he walks towards the rest of the team. Even though you can’t see his expression, you know for a fact that Hunter is smirking beneath his mask, and you choose to ignore him as you go back to the front of the Batch and walk closer to the compound.
“There aren’t any guards posted outside. The storm must have sent everyone back inside.” You make a note, signaling for Echo to move ahead of you while the others wait a little farther away in case things don’t go according to plan. Anxiety washes over you all of a sudden, and you glance at the only member of the Batch you know dislikes the rain more than anyone. If Crosshair notices the way you’re staring at him worryingly, he says nothing and keeps his attention on your surroundings, ready to fire at anyone who comes in the way. 
When Echo unlocks the door, Tech follows after and heads straight towards the secured vaults at the heart of the compound. It’s quieter than you expect, but you figure it’s only because the storm continues to rage outside and grow louder by the second. As you move towards the vault however, you find the silence nearly deafening, and you wonder briefly if this entire mission could be a set-up. Before you can voice your concerns to Hunter, Tech gains access to the room with ease, already getting to work for the intel with Echo. You stand guard outside while Hunter and Wrecker scout the hallways and ensure you don’t have any visitors. 
Using the distraction to your advantage, you slowly make your way to Crosshair and stand beside him, waiting until he acknowledges your presence with a glance before attempting to break the awkward air around the two of you. 
“I hope the rain isn’t too much of a bother.” You’re not sure what else to say, and as you realize he won’t be responding any time soon, you figure it’s best to not try and fix whatever it is between the two of you now. Knowing that it will be even more uncomfortable if you walk away from him, you remain standing where you are, turning your attention to Tech and Echo to see if they’re almost done. 
The abrupt sound of guns firing pushes you forward immediately, and you watch as several weapons descend from the ceiling and the walls, instantly firing at everyone in the room. You make your way to the nearest wall and burn through the small firearms with your lightsaber, watching as Crosshair hits several more on the opposite side of the wall while Tech and Echo extract the intel. 
“I knew it was too quiet.” You mutter to yourself, running as fast as you can across the space to get as many of the little suckers as possible. When there aren’t any left, you sheath your weapon again and move towards the door. 
“Time to head out,” Hunter screams across the hallway and as you file out, you sense movement at one of the corners of the room. It’s instinctive the way you run towards Crosshair and shield him with your body, and your curse at yourself for not ensuring that all of them were taken down. Anger seeps through your mind at what could have been a fatal mistake and you ignite your saber instantly, propelling it towards the small object and bringing it back into the palm of your hand as more smoke fills the room. 
“We need to leave, now.” Your voice is stern, and even though you can see Crosshair staring at where you’ve just been shot, you don’t pay him any mind as you run through the winding hallways and make your way out of the compound. It’s somehow raining even harder than earlier, and you feel your body grow more faint with each step you take. The faster you try to run, the more unbearable the pain becomes, and it occurs to you that you would be no good to any of them if you slowed them down. 
You come to a stop and haunch over, applying pressure against your stomach and wincing in pain when more blood oozes through your fingers. Thinking that they’re all ahead of you, you kneel down and allow the rain to become less of an inconvenience and more of a calming presence. 
“What are you doing?” Crosshair hisses as he comes up behind you, and when you lock contact with his eyes, you regret not pushing yourself harder. 
“I’m fine…go!” You hope your voice isn’t as wavering to his ears as it is to your own, and when he shakes his head, you attempt to stand to confront him, only to fall back to the ground again. 
“Tech, bring the ship to my position.” You cruse yet again as Crosshair pushes a button on the side of his helmet while speaking to Tech. 
“Why have you stopped?” You can hear Hunter ask through the comms, and you look at Crosshair again, silently begging him to leave so he doesn’t get hurt. 
“The General’s been compromised.” He leans down and pushes your hands aside to inspect the wound, and if you didn’t know any better, you’d think that he was angry at you for getting shot…for saving him. 
“You need to go to the Marauder. That’s an order.” You hiss in pain when you feel him bring your hand back to your stomach and push on it harder than before. 
“You’re currently bleeding all over the floor. You’re in no shape to give me orders…General.” He’s pushing your buttons, but unlike before, when he smirked at every snarky comment he threw your way and chuckled when you retorted in likeness, his voice is laced with unspoken feelings now, as if he was silently thanking you for what you did for him. 
Before you can dwell too much on the change in his behavior, the Marauder lands right beside you, allowing you a moment of respite before Wrecker comes down the ramp and takes you in his arms. The jolting movements make you cough as your stomach throbs in pain, and you take one last look at Crosshair, finding his expression as irritated as when you were on your way here. 
To his credit, Wrecker does try to be more slow and soft with his movements, but when he lays you down, you can’t help but scream in agony at the wound tearing through your skin. 
“S-sorry.” You shake your head at Wrecker and assure him with a smile, only to drop it when Tech comes with a medkit and asks his brother to give you some privacy. 
“I do apologize General but I must cut your robe to administer the bacta spray and patches properly.” Ever the gentleman, Tech waits for your consent before taking out a pair of scissors. He’s about to cut through your robes when Crosshair walks in and stands behind him.
“If you can wait out-”
“I’ll do it.” Crosshair doesn’t give Tech a chance to finish his request, and when he stands up to argue with him, you reach for Tech’s hand and nod at him, waiting until he places everything down before moving towards the front of the ship. 
You’re sure Crosshair didn’t think this far ahead because he remains standing and doesn’t once turn his sight away from your wound. 
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer.” You break the silence and push your head back as the wound continues to burn. It must be all Crosshair needs to hear because he gets right to business, not once saying anything to you as he rips through your robes and begins to disinfect the flesh around the gash. You hiss and instantly slam your hand against his thigh, digging your nails into the plastoid covering him as he sterilizes the laceration to prevent any infection. 
“What were you thinking?” It’s the first time he’s ever spoken to you so softly, and you figure it’s because you’re hurt and can’t respond in likeness. But when you open your eyes and look at him, you’re shocked to find worry and fear swimming in his hazel brown orbs. It throws you off a little, and you shake the thoughts aside, knowing that you may just be reading too much into his behavior.
“At the time, I thought it was a great idea!” You chuckle only to curse out loud when he begins to apply the bacta spray on top of the wound. You think he’ll smile at catching you off guard, but when you look at him again, he’s as somber as a few seconds ago.
“And now?” Crosshair growls at you, actually growls, the sound coming as a shock to you. It occurs to you that maybe, just maybe, he was attempting to show you that he cares, but wasn’t sure how to go about it. When he stops what he’s doing and continues to keep his gaze on you, you lay your head back down and allow the subsiding pain to calm you a little. 
“Maybe…maybe not so much.” He narrows his eyes at you then, the expression becoming a little too intense for you and making you turn away to face the wall. Not another word is exchanged between you and him, and as he finally places the bacta patches on your stomach, you turn to face him again, no longer able to keep playing whatever game he started. 
“Thank you, for not leaving…for staying with me.” Crosshair continues to remain silent, his focus completely on the wound he was dressing. 
“And thank you for patching me up.” Again, he doesn’t acknowledge any of your words, waiting until he’s sure the wound is perfectly protected before throwing everything back into the medkit. You think he’s about to leave but when he finally looks up, you notice his eyebrows relax as he lets out a deep breath. 
“Why would you do that?”
The question catches you off guard, and you figure you may as well tell him how you feel because you’re not sure what will happen tomorrow. 
“You know why.” The simple whisper holds a thousand confessions, and Crosshair clenches his jaw tightly as he reaches for your hand. You gasp at the warmth of his skin, and swallow the lump in your throat when he grabs a wet towel and begins to clean the dried blood. You’re not sure how long you hold your breath, but when he’s done, he doesn’t let go. In fact, he does the opposite, bringing both of his rough palms around your own and keeping it as close to him as possible. 
“I- I’m not worth your-” The sentiment breaks your heart and you furrow your eyebrows at him as you attempt to sit up, not wanting him to finish whatever he was about to say. The stinging returns a thousandfold but you ignore the shooting pain and pull Crosshair towards you.
“Don’t ever say that.” You want to say more. You want to tell him that you’d gladly do it again to ensure his safety, that you wouldn’t give it a second thought because you care for him more than you’re allowed, more than he’ll ever know. But the way he looks at you makes it difficult to say anything else, and you lay back down again when your muscles beg you for some respite. Crosshair doesn’t let go of your hand. If anything, his hold on you tightens as he moves to sit closer to you. 
“It was annoying.” Whatever you thought he was going to say is certainly not those three words, and the confusion etched on your face makes him crack a smile before finally looking from your hand to you. 
“The rain.” You look at him for what feels like hours before you finally register what he was trying to tell you. 
“Wow, it took me getting shot at for you to finally answer my question…an hour later?” The joke doesn’t sit too well with him and you apologize quickly, afraid he’d get up and leave you all alone. 
“I- I didn’t think you’d…” The words die in his throat, and you look down at where your hands are intertwined, wanting to give him some privacy as he comes to terms with what he was feeling, what he was oversharing with you. 
“Remember?” You finish for him, smiling when he nods quietly and begins to trace the lines across the back of your hand.
“I remember everything you tell me, Crosshair.” Once again, the simple response is laced with too many revelations to your liking, but you know you’d never forgive yourself if you didn’t use this moment to show him how much you care. 
How much you love him.
He looks at you then, about to say something when he sees your face twist at the returning stinging sensations. 
“You need to rest.” His voice is firm, making you wish you weren’t hurt and could actually make whatever this is last longer. 
“Will you be here when I wake up?” Before, you would have been annoyed with yourself for being so vulnerable in front of him, but the question must be the one thing he needed to hear because he smiles softly at you before nodding in silence, bringing his chair a little closer to you can rest your arm better as you keep holding his hands.
“Sleep, cyare. I’ll protect you.”
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screeching-bunny · 1 year
Hi Hi Hi! I saw your requests were open and thought I'd send you an ask. I read your yan general Hc's and fell in love. I was wondering if you could do some more, specifically further into life being married to him. You know truly settling down into a domestic life with him. Maybe the couple having a little girl who looks just like her mother (which increases his protectiveness ten fold) I can imagine reader reading to them both at night and it just being really sweet😭 I feel like yan general would sleep so soundly next to his wife and child. Anyways thank you if you get to this and I hope you're doing well ❤️❤️
Yandere! General x Female Reader Asks 2
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Warnings: Obsessive Behavior, Yandere Thoughts, Bad Writing, Stalking, Reader is specifically going to be Female in this post!!!
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Asks 1
Yandere! General has you exactly where he wants you to be. He loves that when he comes, you’re always there sitting patiently waiting for him. As your husband, he provides you with all your demands as long as they aren't unreasonable in his eyes. Such as trying to leave the house while he’s not around or trying to get a job. Yandere! General believes that he’s the one who should be providing you with everything. The only thing that you should be is sitting still and looking pretty.
He absolutely adores it when you cook for him. He’ll never admit it out loud but enjoys it when he wakes up and is greeted by a meal made by you. He always tells you that you don’t have to cook for him because that’s what the servants are for but in his heart he’s jumping for joy.
Even during marriage he’s still very protective over you. He gets annoyed when you talk to other people while you're out on dates. Now imagine how much more protective he would be if you were pregnant. There is absolutely no way that he’s letting you out of the mansion. Say goodbye to the grass because you won’t be seeing that for a while. Honestly, he won’t even let you take a set out into the backyard garden.
He’d definitely be with you one hundred of the way during the pregnancy. Yandere! General would make sure that he’d be assigned jobs that wouldn’t require him to go outside or anywhere for too long. Anything that you wanted that could be bought, he’d get it for you right away. Any food craving that you had would be satisfied right away. Would hire a world class chef, the best doctor, and the best midwife in the world for you. He wants this pregnancy of yours to be as comfortable as possible.
Yandere! General makes sure to monitor your health daily and is holding up your hair when you vomit from morning sickness. He despises seeing you in so much pain. Would definitely make sure that this is your last pregnancy unless you wanted more kids. When you're heavily pregnant he tells you not to get up from bed and that if you need to go somewhere he’d just simply carry you. He’d give you back massages to relieve your pain and oftentimes caresses your stomach.
He makes a nursery room with you. Wants to make sure that everything is safe for the baby when it gets here and that everything is baby proofed. Gives you the creative freedom to design the room however you like. Wouldn’t disagree with anything you say and would just nod in approval.
When you're giving birth he’s a nervous wreck, even more than you. He can’t think straight and is pacing around the room. There are so many thoughts going through his head and he just hopes that you’re okay after this. The minute the baby was born he found out it was a girl and couldn’t help but stare for a while. For the first time ever since meeting you he was in awe. He couldn’t believe that such a cute baby was born and one that looked like her mother. He was instantly in love and pledged to protect this new family of his.
He’s such a helicopter parent. It’s honestly probably because your daughter looks exactly like you that he loves her so much. He’s so gentle and caring. There is an immense look of love whenever he gazes upon you or your child. Your kid is definitely going to grow up to be a daddy’s girl.
Oftentimes there would be many nights where you read to your daughter and he’d be right beside you. On this night your daughter was being extra cranky so you both decided to bring her into your room.
“… and the knight slayed the dragon and then got married to the princess. In which they lived happily ever after. The end.”
Setting down the book you gaze at both your child and husband. The both of them were asleep as your husband had a protective arm around your baby. No longer hearing your voice, Yandere! General opens one eye and hands you the baby. Once the baby was in your hold he grabbed you by the waist and dragged you towards his chest. That night, the both of you slept soundly and peacefully.
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celestialsister0918 · 6 months
Fireside: A Sirius Black Christmas Oneshot
Happy holidays, loves! Here is a gift for my Sirius Black friends. Tumblr exclusive for now, probably cross-posted to my AO3 and Wattpad eventually.
A few warnings— it’s EXPLICIT smut. 18+ interaction only, please. 
It’s a Sirius x You (fem-reader) fic, but you have a House. It was necessary for the plot. Hopefully you are House-flexible or can be for the next 6k+ words. 
Get warm and cozy and enjoy… and please let me know what you think… reblogs are much appreciated, as are likes and comments. I love chatting with readers and fellow Sirius lovers.
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You stood at the doorway to Number Twelve with your heart beating wildly against your chest. Harry and the other students had left for second term just a few short hours ago, with the Weasleys close behind. They were giving Arthur the chance to continue his recovery at the Burrow, hoping to speed his efforts with the comforts of home rather than the sullen, dreary darkness of Grimmauld Place. At least that’s what you’d overheard in their whispers after last night’s dinner, which had followed the last meeting of the Order for the year.
The whispers, of course, were for the benefit of the one inhabitant of the house who wasn’t granted the choice of leaving. No matter how dark and dreary, no matter how much his spirits needed lifting. And they certainly seemed to need lifting last night. As soon as the meeting had adjourned, Sirius Black retreated upstairs with nary a goodbye. Harry had seemed disappointed at this. It was only natural he’d want to soak up every minute possible with his godfather before returning to Hogwarts. But Black had fallen prey to another “fit of the sullens,” as Molly liked to label them with a disapproving shake of her head.
You understood those types of fits all too well, having suffered your own tragedies throughout the Wizarding Wars, as well as typical adolescent heartaches and disappointments that seemed to continue into your early adult years too. Maybe you simply took things too seriously. Life just seemed to come easy to more carefree witches and the wizards that worshiped them. You’d heard stories that Sirius Black himself used to fall into that lighthearted, devil-may-care category many years ago. But he’d experienced unimaginable darkness, and you knew the last thing he needed was to hide away alone, even if he fought you tooth and nail over it. 
With a sharp intake of breath, you broke through the warded door with charms meant only for official gatherings of the Order. You prayed to the gods that there wasn’t some terrible punishment for doing so. You sighed with relief when you were greeted only by the eerie silence of cold, dark air— which was a sound unto itself, strange as that seemed. The familiar dank smell filled your nostrils, but it didn’t bother you. It simply set the ambience of a home filled with magic and mystery and stories, dreaded though some of them may be. The walls were alive with history, and there was something intriguingly romantic about the place, if you were honest. You knew the man you were about to encounter would adamantly disagree and would probably throw you out on your arse for thinking so. You’d be sure to keep your strange admiration for the place to yourself for a while, at least until he warmed up to you a bit. 
That could take awhile indeed, you thought grimly. Rather than start on such a task right away, you chose to descend to the kitchen and make yourself a calming cup of tea. Perhaps a drop or two of schnapps for some liquid courage were in order also. As the kettle warmed, you made your way to the flocked tree in the rear of the kitchen and smiled as you studied the ornaments there. Sirius himself had conjured and crafted most of them just days earlier, when he’d been noticeably more joyful. The anticipation of Christmas had lifted him out of his funk, and he’d been determined to replace his family’s fancy heirloom ornaments with much more colorful, animated, and exciting ones. You enjoyed examining them while you waited for the kettle to whistle. They were a glimpse into his true self— the fun, whimsical side you always heard about in tales from the older Order members. 
You’d seen that side a bit in your interactions with him so far. He had a certain glint in his eye as he teased you for your lack of coordination, which coincidentally had landed you in his lap one evening when you’d hooked the toe of your boot unceremoniously under the crossbar of the wooden kitchen bench. 
“I- I’m so sorry,” you had stammered, your face painfully hot. He’d caught you with an arm scooped under your back.
“I’m not,” he’d quipped back with a glimmer in his blue gray eyes. And he’d given your thigh a couple quick pats with his large palm, just fatherly enough that you weren’t quite sure if he saw you as a cute, clumsy, overgrown kid— or something a bit sexier, as that glimmer in his eye along with his comment might have suggested. 
Subsequent meetings were difficult after that fateful fall. You couldn’t stop your eyes from straying in his direction. In spite of his scraggly, unkept stubble and perhaps accelerated aging from Azkaban, he was undoubtedly a beautiful man. The Black family genetics were famous for a reason. Their symmetry and grace, smooth skin, full and shiny hair, and silky, aristocratic voices were mesmerizing. It was no wonder they drifted toward the Dark Arts; with gifts like that, they could clearly coerce lesser mortals into doing anything. 
Sirius was made only more handsome by the tattoos that covered the previews of skin he revealed— a sexy “fuck you” to the house, the Black family line, and anyone who may chide him for daring to be different. You admired the confidence his swaths of ink portrayed, and each passing meeting made you yearn to study them up close. For academic purposes, of course. Continuing education in Ancient Runes. Field work. 
“Do you not take sugar in your tea?” 
The voice was quite light and innocent, but it startled you so much you spilled said tea straight through the holes of your wool sweater. 
“Fuck!” you hissed. “You scared me, Black.” 
He smiled and strode behind you, reaching around your front to grasp a kitchen rag that hung from the lower cupboard handle. He spun you around with hands on your upper arms and promptly began absorbing the spill. Of course he could have taken care of it with a mere wand wave. Interesting that he chose the more manual route. 
“I scared you?” Sirius mused. “And to think you’re the one breaking and entering and stealing my tea. Which, strangely, you’re sipping black at the moment. Is this because you don’t know where to find the proper accompaniments, or are you simply that odd?”
“Simply that odd, I’m afraid,” you admitted, leaning back against the wooden counter with legs outstretched. “I like it black. Enjoy the flavor.”
This was met with a slightly arched eyebrow, but he recovered quickly and reached around you again to grab his own mug.
“I prefer it quite sweet, and loaded with cream, personally,” Sirius commented, voice still maddeningly silky and light. It tickled over your eardrums like a melody. His tongue snaked out as he tilted the mug to his lips and slurped. 
“Don’t you Blacks have to attend some finishing school before you’re sent to Hogwarts?” you teased him. “Don’t they teach you not to slurp there?” 
Sirius didn't miss a beat. “You’ll find I’m a bit of a dog, darling. I’m rather noisy and messy with my mouth.” 
That rush of heat filled your cheeks again, and you found yourself trembling a little with adrenaline at how quickly things had escalated. Or did they? The conversation was quite innocent, on a service level. Perhaps your building desire for him had you reading things that weren’t there. You decided to change the subject and try to calm your racing blood.
“You seem quite a bit… happier… than the other day,” you offered as he continued to enjoy his tea. “Did you have a nice day today?”
Sirius seemed to snort. “I had a fucking awful day. How could I have anything but in a place like this?”
“I’m sure it’s not so bad, with the right company,” you pointed out nervously, suddenly scared you might piss him off enough that he’d order you to leave. 
“I’ve had nothing but company for weeks,” he replied. “It can help, I suppose. But I’m still trapped.” 
You weren’t quite sure what to say to this, so you busied yourself with your own mug, roving the kitchen slowly to avoid eye contact while you plotted where to go next.
“Is that why you’re here?” Sirius continued softly. “Do you believe you’re the ‘right company?’” His expression seemed skeptical.
You shrugged shakily. “I— I dunno. I guess I just thought… you shouldn’t be alone. I… I like being alone occasionally. But you… you don’t really seem like that type.”
“Not a bit,” he agreed. “But it’s not just about the company. It’s about experiences. And I’ve experienced everything there is to do here. Millions of miserable times over.” 
You bit your lip, knowing you could never be so bold as to suggest novel experiences he might try. You were pretty sure he hadn’t had many of those— if any— within these walls. Not with multitudes of pureblood portraits staring him down. Of course he very well could have fooled around with pureblood girls here growing up, right? Just because he wasn’t a supremacist like his forebears didn’t mean he couldn’t enjoy a dip in the pureblood pool from time to time. 
“So,” he continued, addressing you by your name as he crept closer, step by step. “What experiences are you bringing with your company? How will you keep me from being bored?” His eyebrows arched and narrowed adorably with his words as he challenged you. 
He stopped just short of invading your space, so you could still view him easily from head to toe. He wore a thick velvet robe in deep burgundy overtop a black and green pinstripe shirt that was honestly a bit… Slytherin-like, when taken in isolation. Perhaps he hadn’t invested in a new wardrobe upon his return and simply relied on the house’s contents. But it suited him nonetheless— this regal contrast of the two houses adorned with his double Albert chain and shiny brown dress shoes. Of course the colors were befitting the season as well, a reminder that Christmas joy still lingered in the air, if one looked for it. You imagined that the house once saw splendid Christmas feasts— glittering, elegant affairs filled with firelight and extravagance as the Wizarding World’s upper crust filled every floor. Personally you enjoyed picturing something more intimate, more cozy, within those old walls. 
“Let’s light a fire,” you suggested, setting your teacup down and leading the way to the parlor.
Sirius scoffed behind you but followed nonetheless. “Why would we do that? The entirety of the house is under a warming charm, darling.” 
“Hogwarts has fires in the common rooms, does it not? They were nice.”
“Nice, but obviously unnecessary,” he continued practically. 
“You need some actual warmth in this place,” you insisted, setting to work lighting the floo. “The kind of warmth that feels good on the inside too. Comfort. A glow.” 
“You’re a Hufflepuff, aren’t you?” Sirius asked with a snicker, reclining in a large, faded velvet armchair. He spread his legs in a wide slouch, and you couldn’t help but gaze downward at the movement. Thick, ribbed corduroy slacks hugged thin legs and tapered down to fine silk socks, above which you saw the faintest glimpse of pale skin and dark hair. 
“What does my house matter?” you returned in a non-answer. The fire roared to life in the large black marble, and instead of joining him in the companion armchair, you chose to settle on the rug right in front of the flames. Your skin was already on fire, of course, from the turn-on of his earlier proximity and banter. But the added warmth felt nice, and you hugged your knees to your chest. 
“Your house doesn’t matter,” he agreed. Just simply a guess. Now, what about that experience you’re going to offer me? Still waiting for an answer on that one.” Sirius rested an elbow on the chair arm, his fingers toying with the ends of his long mustache where it met the unruly stubble on his chin. 
“Come down here with me. This is an experience,” you responded, patting the empty space next to you on the rug. It was thick and smooth, richly woven, and of course very expensive. You could feel thick loops of fine threads beneath your fingers as you traced its intricate pattern. 
“Sitting by a fire?” Sirius asked incredulously. But he did make a move to join you, settling down in the spot you indicated and then shifting closer. His robe brushed the sleeve of your sweater, and he made no move to back away. 
“Well, what kind of experience did you have in mind?” you shot back.
Sirius shrugged innocently, eyes twinkling in the dim light. “No idea, love. You’re the one who showed up on my doorstep, remember? Don’t you have a plan for these things? Or are they spontaneous? Maybe you’re a Gryffindor then?” 
You gave a small smile, refusing to answer the question. Instead you studied the details of his face you’d never noticed from afar, features augmented by the dancing shadows of light. He had a very well defined facial muscle that gave an intermittent sexy twitch. And another defined crease on the underneath of his nose that made you curious if you had one; you had always just envisioned it to be smooth. But most magnificent was the way the firelight bounced off of every soft curl — a bountiful dark mahogany crown that would be the envy of any woman alive. You longed to run your hands through it, betting it was even more luxurious than the tapestry rug beneath your increasingly aroused bottom half. 
“I’m beginning to feel rather exposed,” Sirius declared, amused. “I don’t think I’ve ever been examined in such detail before. Is this for ‘science,’ as the Muggles say?”
You cleared your throat nervously. “Uh, yes. Wizarding genetics, I guess. You’re just very… impressive.” You winced at the terrible recovery. 
Sirius responded with a sweep of a tattooed hand over your cheek. “I’m flattered, coming from a witch as exquisite as yourself. Not to mention young. I believe I have quite a few years on you, yes?”
Your heartbeat was painfully audible as you tried to craft an answer. His fingers still explored your face, alternating with occasional twists of an adjacent lock of your hair. Each sweep of his skin over yours seemed to make your veins tremble. 
You truly didn’t know how to respond. Your Muggle friend had once informed you that the term for your specific brand of fixation was “daddy kink,” but you weren’t sure admitting that would do you any favors. You liked how his touch was so self-assured, and the richness of his scent, and how he always knew what to say without hesitation. You liked how the hard lines of his face and hands denoted strength and experience. And you liked how he made you feel small and fragile and protected just by being near you. You wished you could tell him all that without sounding ridiculous. But you were fairly certain you were already communicating it with your parted lips, panting breath, and love-drunk eyes. 
“You are going to make my night interesting after all, aren’t you, little one?” Sirius husked, and the bud between your legs danced frantically up and down in response. How did he know to call you that? Your eyes closed with the dizziness of your anticipation, and the hand that had drifted so gently over your cheek now rested fully on your throat. His scent became even more pronounced, alerting you to his closeness just before his mustache tickled your upper lip in the briefest of warnings. 
The kiss he gave you was chaste and just enough for you to learn the shape of his lips before he pulled away. 
“If you don’t want this, you need to tell me,” Sirius said, his voice low as it drifted directly across your ear. “I’ll stop if you ask me to— at any point. But this is the only asking I’ll be doing myself. Once I begin, you’ll find I’m far too busy to stop and check in.” 
His forehead rested gently on yours, his deep blue eyes smoky in the dim light. 
“Busy doing what?” you whispered— half teasingly, half desperate for the fire between your legs to be stoked by all the dirty things he would promise.
Sirius chuckled lowly. “You like dirty talk, little one?”
Your affirmative answer came as a whimper, which elicited another devilish chuckle from his lips. 
“Very well,” he said silkily. He punctuated the words with another firm kiss on your lips, this time allowing the very tip of his tongue to trace the outline of the bottom one before planting light kisses along your jawline to your earlobe. He paused there, allowing a breath to tickle your ear before he spoke.
“I am going to make every part of your body come alive, as if I cast a spell. But there will be no wand— only my hands, my mouth, my voice. I will make your delicious cunt so wet it will be weeping for my cock. Then I will bury it in you so deep you scream… so loud you’ll wake every portrait in this house and make them curse your sweet, beautiful name. You will ride my cock for as many mind-numbing orgasms as your body can handle, then I will take my pleasure and fill you so full of my seed that it trickles down these soft, smooth thighs all day long tomorrow. You’ll feel it and remember me, and you’ll want it all over again.” 
Sirius accompanied his filthy murmurings with firm strokes to your inner thigh, hand already buried inside your skirt. You let out an almost agonized groan in response— all intelligible communication now impossible. Your body literally shook just from his promises, and you knew the look you gave him as he came to a kneel on the rug was one of complete and utter submission. 
His hands came beneath your head to cradle it, hands swept in the tangle of your hair as kisses became more insistent, open-mouthed, and allowed you taste the salt and firewhisky on his breath. His tongue explored in gentle licks followed by long sweeps of your mouth, as if it was truly a mission to discover inner parts of you and not just kissing. 
You became eager for his hands to move elsewhere, but they still held your head still for his mouth to continue its wicked work. His kisses made your head spin, but the rest of your body felt in heat and neglected. You came to your knees yourself, hands introducing themselves to the sturdy velvet of his jacket, your legs making a move to straddle one of his trousered thighs. He let out a low laugh.
“So eager,” he chastised. “I’m the one who hasn’t shagged in fourteen years, yet I’m the one demonstrating all the patience.”
“I want you!” you defended yourself breathlessly, not even caring if you sounded desperate now. You just needed relief, and to have this wizard covering every inch of you.
“Ah, there it is. The answer I needed to my question,” he said with a wink. “You needed to give me permission, you know.”
“You have it,” you insisted, and as a visual aid to your words, you took the initiative to shrug out of your own sweater. Your breasts swelled over the cups of your lacy, favorite-colored bra. You noticed Sirius became strangely still at the sight, his mouth parting.
“Fucking beautiful,” he managed to mutter, and he cast his own robe aside to free his movement as he reclined you both onto the rug. His fingers gently slid one strap from your shoulder, replacing it with his mouth and soft whiskers. The detailed attention he paid to a spot as random as your shoulder reminded you of his promise to awaken every part of your body. Sirius planned to make every cell literally beg.
His kisses danced across your collarbone in a similar fashion, tended to the next shoulder, then came to center on your pulse point, where he began a gentle suction. You let out a cry at this and took the chance to enjoy his gorgeous, thick curls while he worked his mouth on your upper body’s most sensitive spot. 
“I’m going to have wicked marks if you keep doing that,” you teased with a whisper. Sirius’s nose brushed your earlobe as he went for the other side, sucking the sensitive skin beneath like he was starving.
“Good,” he finally broke to whisper back. “And your neck’s not the only spot I plan to mark you.” He added teeth to the mix now, grazing lightly over your throbbing pulse. Would he bite? Would you even care if he did? But he only threatened such before moving lower, working your arms out of the dangling bra straps to reveal your breasts to him. His breath caught in his chest as he appreciated them with his eyes first before cupping them hard, one in each hand. His rough thumbs drove your nipples into peaks, watching each little bump emerge with fascination. 
You observed him with a smile, arms leaned back behind you to prop you up for his amusement. You realized of course that it had been over a decade since he’d played with such toys, and though your body was humming for more, you granted him his boy-like fun. Sirius alternated between circling your nipples into painfully hard peaks and kneading your breasts like dough before finally suckling the left into his mouth. The action caused your eyes to roll back in your head. This wizard knew what he was doing. It was more than just taking the soft, pliable tissue into his mouth— he created a firm, merciless suction whose movements echoed between your thighs in violent waves. Your legs parted reflexively, and you grabbed his hand, encouraging it down to feel your burning heat. 
“Please touch me,” you begged. “I’m so wet for you.”
Sirius responded to this with a hungry growl, releasing your breast to reveal brand new marks as promised. He gave the other another very rough squeeze before grabbing at your skirt, ripping it downward. He sent it hurling away, narrowly missing the fire. The rip of lace echoed through the air as your knickers followed. 
“Am I supposed to walk home with no knickers tomorrow?” you mused above the noisy kisses he planted to the soft skin of your stomach. 
“You’re not going home tomorrow,” he replied quickly. “And you’ll be naked all day. And you certainly won’t be walking by the time I’m finished with you.”
“Oh, so you— you like it rough then?” you asked between gasps, shuddering as his fingers traced the tops of your inner thighs, which opened to the hot breaths drifting over your sex. 
“Not always,” he answered, grinning up at you from between your parted legs. “But the Black family genetics extend to other endowments as well. In both size and stamina. Even sweeter lovemaking can lend itself to the need for pain potions, love. Do you still consent?”
You licked your lips and lowered your eyes, feeling them burn with sultry want. “I thought you weren’t going to ask anymore?”
“Gryffindor chivalry,” he dismissed with an adorable pursing of his lips. “It’s a curse sometimes.” 
“Yes, I consent,” you answered with a grin of your own. “But before you touch me like I asked, I want you out of those clothes. I need to see this endowment of which you speak.” 
Sirius sat up and gave your thighs a swift tap before closing them. Your own wetness was dripping onto them at this point, and you could smell sex on the air already. 
“You don’t believe me?” he inquired with raised brows. 
“Well, you know, Gryffindors are fond of bragging…”
Sirius let out a deep laugh. “So I can assume you’re not a Gryffindor, then, with a comment like that.” He stood and began disrobing, his thumbs drifting over the buttons of the dark green shirt. Each tattoo he revealed made you salivate. He wore a thick, shiny belt buckle now displayed over a prominent bulge in his trousers, and you imagined he was growing quite uncomfortable in there. 
“Still not telling you my house,” you replied, shifting your closed legs from one side to the other as you watched your strip show, offering him tantalizing glimpses of your cunt and arse but never separating your thighs for a full view. Sirius never took his eyes off of you, and when his trousers swiftly lowered, you were greeted by the surprise of no underwear— followed by the thick, glorious inches of a very hard, uncut, pureblood cock on display. Your jaw dropped open. 
“Already opening up for me?” Sirius commented silkily. “Good girl.”
You nodded, ready to have your mouth fucked speechless if that’s what he wanted. But Sirius seemed to have other plans, pouncing back on you in under a second. He parted your legs almost violently, his face voracious as he plunged his nose into your soaking wetness to inhale before licking furiously. 
“Oh, fucking gods!” you moaned, arching into his frenzied movements. He was truly very noisy and beast-like with his mouth, as he’d warned. His tongue alternated between flat, all-encompassing licks across your entire slit, and tiny, strong, targeted flicks around your bud. He approached your sensitive, nerve-filled opening with his tongue in a stiff point, swirling it around to beckon wetness from you in droves. 
“I’m fucking drowning you down there,” you moaned, arching your back against the soft rug. 
“I told you I like loads of sweet cream,” Sirius responded with a murmur. “Keep it coming, love. Soak my face.” 
His tongue rammed your g-spot now, his whole stubbled face buried in your cunt. Your smell filled the hot air and was so sexy you wanted some yourself. Sirius seemed in tune with your needs because his fingers found your hole as his tongue drifted upward to concentrate on your swollen bud again. 
“Let me taste your fingers,” you whispered. 
“So you do like sugar and cream after all?” he chuckled before obliging with a rather rough shove of his soaked digits into your mouth. His wet stubble scratched your face as his words sought your ear. “Or maybe you’re just a very dirty girl.” 
You sucked the delicious sweet-salty combo from Sirius’s fingers, offering kitten licks, strong suction, and previews of all the things he could expect once that glorious cock was in your mouth. His hand found its place within your slit again and began purposeful movements, the back of his palm massaging your clit as his fingers found the g-spot again, kneading the spongy, swollen tissue. 
“Please fuck me,” you begged. “I need your cock.” 
“Oh yeah?” he mused delicately, leveling his heady eyes to yours. “You don’t like what my fingers are doing to you, darling?” 
“I love it,” you panted. “But I’m gonna come!”
“Then come, sweetheart. You can still come on my cock. Promise.” Sirius’s hand picked up its pace so any resistance was hopeless. His mouth returned to your neck to secure you in place as the waves took over your body, your whole frame convulsing in one giant shake after another with your beautiful release against his hand. Sirius’s wet mouth closed over yours, his tongue invading as he situated his warm, taut body between your legs. Your bud was still tingling with aftershocks when he touched the head of his cock to it, angling for pressure. 
His girthy shaft sought its spot between your glistening lower lips, hips driving the thick tip up against the underside of your clit, and his hard, veiny surface sliding against your still swollen vulva. Sirius wasn’t going to let the pressure ease for even a minute, making sure to build another climax even stronger than the first for his cock to work you through. 
“Inside me, please!” you breathed into his mouth. 
“I think you can come just like this, darling,” he argued. “Don’t you?” The ridge of his cockhead massaged your clit furiously with his back and forth, and your body gushed messily all over his shaft. Your nails made deep half moons in his tattooed shoulders.
“Y— yes, I can come for you.” You arched up to grind into his impossibly hard length, seeking the rhythm and friction you needed to push over the edge. It required wild gyration and complete abandonment of any self consciousness. Your breasts bounced against his chest, and you clung so tightly to him to ground yourself that your nose was buried in his curls, smelling his animalic musk.
You screamed as you reached peak again, the tremors tinier this time but still exquisite. Exhausted, you fell limply to the rug and took him with you, giving grateful caresses to the smooth skin of his back. Of course you were still aware of his inches throbbing against your thigh, and you knew you had to summon more energy if you were going to give Sirius the satisfaction he needed. The man hadn’t lain with a woman in nearly a decade and a half, and you wanted his cock thoroughly and ecstatically drained. You’d be lying, though, if your twice-satisfied cunt wasn’t worried about such a massive invasion. Your gratitude for the blissful, explosive orgasms aside— you kind of wish he’d honored your request and fucked you when you were swollen, open, and on fire. 
Sirius raised himself on his elbows, gazing down at you with a lazy smile. 
“You’re really fucking beautiful, you know that, Slytherin girl?”
You blinked and jumped. “What?”
Sirius gnawed at his lip and continued to grin, deep blue eyes sparkling. “You heard me.”
“What makes you say that?” you demanded. “You haven’t even guessed Ravenclaw yet!”
“You let me fuck you way too dumb to be a ‘Claw, and I haven’t even fucked you yet,” he pointed out. “I’ve had my fair share of Ravenclaw witches, and they never quite know when to shut up, Merlin love them.”
“Hey, Slytherins are smart too,” you said with a narrowed brow before you could stop yourself. 
Sirius gave a hard smack to your arse before pulling you onto your side, his erection buried in your stomach. You laid breasts to chest, feet and legs entangled, faces flush. 
“Tell me,” he said with a slight scowl. “How did they let another Slytherin into the Order? Do they not have standards anymore?”
“Oh, fuck you, Black,” you muttered. 
“You’re still doing that, darling, don’t worry. No slithering your way out of that one. You know I’m just trying to rile you up and get you going again so you can handle my cock. Maybe a hate-fuck would be a nice game, now that our alliances are on the table? Would you like that?” His fingers tickled down your ribs and hips before finding the triangle he sought, just his fingertips easing lower to scissor your bud. 
“Our ‘alliances’ are the same, you prick,” you laughed, accepting his fingers with an approving arch of your hips. 
“Yes, but this new tidbit makes it so much more fun,” he insisted. “You’ve delivered on that new experience I wanted. A fine Christmas present indeed.” 
“So this is your first time with a Slytherin?” you asked, doing nothing to hide your pride at that possibility.
“Virgin,” Sirius confirmed with a nod. “As if twelve years in Azkaban didn’t revirginize me enough, this makes it official. Now, show me what I’ve been missing.” He collapsed rather dramatically on the rug, hand behind his head, curls strewn about the intricate paisley pattern. His body was breathtaking— glowing in the firelight, each turn of muscle accentuated by shadow, each tattoo taking turns in the spotlight with the maneuver of flames. And at the center of the beauty was that cock, which hadn’t lost a bit of wind with this latest reveal of information. A generous leak of precum glistened at the tip, and you lowered your mouth to drink it in, your hair tickling his thighs. The first taste left you craving more, and your mouth slid over his huge shaft like a sleeve, locking him in your throat. You heard a grunt of shock escape his mouth. 
“Fuck, that was fast,” Sirius groaned. 
You eased off of him teasingly, lips forming an up and down suction which you accompanied with twists of your hand. He tasted positively feral yet clean and refined, just as you would have imagined. His tip leaked loads into your mouth, feeling like it would burst at any second if it weren’t for his exceptional control. 
“Mmm… you taste good, Black,” you moaned approvingly. “Almost good enough that I’d settle for your load in my mouth if I didn’t want you to fuck my pussy so badly.”
“On your knees, fucking snake cunt,” he ordered with a wink, the fact that it was a game unmistakable. You gave one long, final suck up his shaft and gave a squeeze to his balls, drawing another deep groan from him.
In an instant Sirius’s hands were in your hips, holding you in place while his dripping head found your center. He was right— the banter had you on fire again, and your swollen walls took every inch of him as he pushed inside without hesitation. 
“Ahhhh!” you cried out, unable to help yourself. His hips were a frenzy, abandoning every bit of his previous control now that he was within your tightness. Your breasts bounced in mad circles with the force of his pounding, and sure enough, you could hear the portraits stirring down the hall from the primal noises the two of you made.
“Oh, Sirius, yes,” you breathed, enjoying the repeated raking of his tip, ridge, and underside along your spongy, swollen front wall. He knew just how much to drag back and surge forward, never breaking the rhythm you needed to build to another crest in a matter of minutes. His chest was sweaty when it made contact with your back, and he occasionally dropped open-mouthed kisses to the skin of your shoulder blades with his forward surges. Every so often he broke his rigid support on the rug to squeeze your breasts, kneading them so tightly you knew you’d have bruises for weeks. 
“Feel good, love?” he husked, and you knew he knew full well you were beyond good. His ego just wanted to hear it. 
“Yes, Sirius. Fuck yes. Please come inside me.”
And it was truly your foremost want in that moment — to fill his hot cum paint your insides and have the satisfaction of giving him what he’d needed for so long. He renewed his lock tight grip on your hips and granted your request, resuming the pounding of your g-spot but faster now, the friction very much for his benefit— with yours as a mere pleasant side effect. 
“Fuck, yes, I’m gonna fill you so full,” he promised breathily. “And you better come for me again. You better scream.”
You reached around to toy with your clit and make sure you obeyed his command, but he swatted your hand away and replaced it with his own, his fingers taking on a rhythm to match his snapping hips. All you could do was let out a long stream of moans and buck furiously in return, knowing that chasing your own pleasure would only increase his. His escalated moans confirmed he was approaching release, and you grinned as you picked up the pace even more feverishly, wanting to torture it out of him. 
“Fucking GODS!!!” Sirius yelled, and he emptied into you with one hot jet after another, so much it ran right back out over his trembling cock. You kept your pace even after his cock stilled, the added lubricant from his release making easy work of your movements. The thought of being filled with him made your orgasm deliciously hot and dirty as your walls burned with pain and need. Sirius recovered enough to resume the pace of his fingers on your clit, and you spilled over the edge, lurching forward in a series of shakes that wracked your entire body. 
You fell forward onto your belly, a mess dripping from your insides, your muscles and bones useless, your skin bruised. It was every way you should feel after a proper fuck. Your brain positively hummed with endorphins, and you breathed in the deliciousness of your combined sex on the air. You could hear Sirius struggling to regain his breath behind you, and you knew he looked sexy as fuck back there. But you were too exhausted to lift yourself up and look. 
You weren’t even sure how much time had passed when you felt his arms encircle you, along with the cold rush of air as he lifted you from the warmth of the rug. He wasn’t a huge man, though you’d heard from other Order members that he was considerably stronger now than when he’d escaped the sea prison two years ago. He carried you easily up multiple twists of stairs until you reached a Gryffindor red room on the very top level. Then Sirius nestled you gingerly into a brightly colored duvet. 
“Will you be able to sleep with this much red, or should I move you to the green room next door?” he asked dryly, shuffling his naked body next to yours and leaving you little choice in the matter.
“Well, it is Christmastime,” you reminded him sleepily. “The two play rather nicely together right now.” 
Sirius responded by nuzzling into your shoulder, his whiskers scratching tiny red prickles into your skin. 
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thelunarfairy · 9 months
Okay, let's talk about something random
Omg, it's so embarrassing >.<
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So, it's been a while since I created this account and I've already gained some followers, thank you all for that :3 (it means you like the crazy things I post)
So I wanted to talk a little about myself (even though I think no one cares XD)
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Ok, I'm going to be serious now XDDD
I created this account because I really like JSHK and I wanted to talk about some crazy ideas or theories about the series and I felt welcomed here ^u^
I want you to know that a lot of things I post are just some crazy ideas that I occasionally have and that it's okay if you disagree, be kind S2 or if you agree I'll be happy if you want to talk to me about it :3
In fact, I hope you feel free to talk to me if you want, whether with an Ask or a message, I love talking about JSHK, if you also love and like crazy theories you can come talk to me if you want.
Don't take the things I say here too seriously, about the theories specifically, I may change my mind in the future or it's just crazy in my head, the most important thing for me is not to be right, but to have fun!
I'm trying to unravel the story in the most entertaining way I can, so it's okay with me if I'm wrong about the things I post (because no one other than Aidairo knows what's actually going to happen) XDD
Anyway, that's it.
Some other information that I don't know if you're interested in but I'll leave it here.
I am a girl
I'm Brazilian, I'd like to make that clear because if there are any Brazilians who also want to talk to me, feel free! (Sou brasileira, gostaria de deixar isso claro porque se tiver algum brasileiro que também queira falar comigo sinta-se a vontade!)
I speak English and Portuguese
I post randomly, but I usually post a lot because I tend to create theories and crazy ideas out of completely nothing.
Anyway, that's all, if you've read this far, thank you very much for giving me your attention :3
Bye bye~
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Amane's Darkness
Could it be that in the time of Amane
Amane's past
The house and the fire
Hanako-kun's Big Puzzle
Predictions of the tragedy
These hands…
The Cursed Seal
The monster inside Hanako
One of the mysteries of the Yugi twins
Hands on the walls
The irony of life and Hanako's karma
The forecast
Did you notice?
When you remember that at some point, Hanako will have to say goodbye to Tsukasa again…
Amane's disease
"Red Thread of Fate"
Okay, let's talk about Mitsuba
Amane's possessiveness and insecurity
Natsuhiko and the mysterious door
The relationship between Tsukasa, Yashiro and Amane
Tsukasa's relationship with the red house
Yugi Tsukasa's mother
Sixth sense or predestined death?
Oh my, Yashiro is interested in a lot of boys
Yashiro and Tsukasa's Relationship
The melancholy love of the Yugi twins
Did Tsukasa do this?
Hanako's mental age
I wish I could hear his voice
Hanako's boundary
Tsukasa's toys
About Yorishiro 1
Spelling errors and pronouns
Twin stars 1 || Twin stars 2
Tsukasa’s emotions 1 || Tsukasa's emotions 2
Tsukasa's parents
Tsukasa's kiss
Hanako's feeling seeing tsukasa for the first time
Nene-chan and I are the same!
Could Hanako have done something to stop Tsukasa's kiss with Nene?
The mysterious hand 1 || The mysterious hand 2
Tsukasa image analysis
Tsukasa's behavior
Who do you think is gonna confess first? Hanako or nene?
Hanako's duty
A post about Hanene
Yashiro's wish and Hanako's self-control
Hanako's cute side
Nene ankles
She was exposed
Does Amane remember?
Hanako and Yashiro's tragic love
Hanako-kun's jealous punishment
Hanako's look of desire and love
I still want to see this date, right Aidairo?
The insecurity
Hanene reblog
It was the first time a girl said she liked me, it made me happy…
The active Hanako and the passive Amane
Hanene reblog 2
The moment when Hanako fell in love with Yashiro
But what about Amane and Yashiro's date?
Zombie Hanako and his wish
I know what you did here huh, Aidairo
Hanene reblog 3
This scene
The invisible ghost
Yashiro Nene priorities
Natsuhiko's love potion
A compilation of jealous Hanako-kun
Tsunene reblog
Tsukasa reblog
Hanako reblog
Yugi twins
Okay, it's cute but
Just a compilation of random Hanene moments
Kou reblog
Just a compilation of random photos of Tsukasa
Just Tsukasa and Mitsuba being happy friends
Amane's Possessiveness reblog
Just a bunch of random photos of two idiots (Kou and Mitsuba)
Just Hanako-kun blushing or embarrassed
Nene and Aoi
A funny detail about the hamsters' space wars
Backstage 1
A tiny Tsukasa trying to put a birthday hat on top of his hat
Just a little ghost and an exorcist boy being best friends
Strangely similar….
"We're the same"
Hanako and Tsuchigomori
Just Tsukasa having his patience tested
I've been thinking (Tsukasa and Hanako)
113 notes · View notes
mostlymaudlin · 1 year
ooooooh ok juicy sfc posts happening !! i rly honestly truly love to see it. here's my unasked for two cents, as someone who did find the story really hopeful. im posting this not to like, discourse or disagree or discount what im seeing, but to just maybe offer a different pov for ppl who might be trying to file this story away in a less devastating way.
i, of course, think baz deserves better than what he gets from his family. we all deserve to have families that love us unconditionally, and so many of us DONT have that -- including baz. that hurts !! i also think simon didn't deserve to lose his magic, and penny didn't deserve to take on the sole responsibility for keeping simon safe, and agatha didnt deserve to be shoved into every princess/damsel role ppl cast on her, etc etc. 
what i like so much abt this series is that ppl dont get what they deserve, but theyre still okay. its why i also love the end of awtwb -- simons LICH ER ALL Y crying lol. he got a whole mega-bucket of extra trauma dumped on his plate that he hasnt even started to process. but its still so clear that he's got the support he needs to live a good life alongside this terrible knowledge. the mage fucked him over even more than he knew, but he doesnt have to define himself by these terms anymore -- we've seen his growth in this regard.
bazs main arc in the series is about how he sees himself -- in crudely simple terms, he rly wants to be a Good Guy (you know, not a vampire, straight, a good pitch etc etc) but sees himself as cursed with that impossibility. this continues as his idealized Good Guy self develops over the course of the books into something that actually feels more achievable to him and is less reliant on the shit his family put on him growing up. 
the cool thing about snow for christmas is that -- just like when simon finds out abt the mage at the end of awtwb -- we get to see baz's new sense of self tested. we get to see what he's using to draw the lines of morality. and we get to see that while of course he still cares about what his family thinks, and it still causes him anxiety and trauma and all the shitty things that he doesnt deserve -- he has grown from that place where their value system can make him hate himself.
and moreso on the hope part -- the grimms value, above all, the ability to fit into the roles they think theyre supposed to hold. its bullshit, and they've both caused themselves problems and absolutely are fucking up their children. daphne fully had to be saved by a cult bc of it and shes still not over that mindset -- these ppl need therapy lol. so it's def sick n twisted that they're celebrating baz being able to hide better rather than celebrating who baz is, but is this not the utmost sign of love that they're capable of? baz gets to fit in better -- that's all they've ever wanted for him, whether we agree with that or not. baz seems to recognize the balance of this in the story. he narrates the rest of the dinner with a sort of dry, relieved, disbelieving tone. it’s like hes huffing a laugh, shaking his head, thinking, “did i really used to pin so much of myself on this stuff? how silly.” he is not distressed bc he understands his parents, and he has, again, divorced his sense of self from their expectations. so much so tht he says fuck it and gives simon the lil kissy at the end, because THIS is his new value system: he ALWAYS kisses simon goodbye!
so, is this a step forward for the grimms being more supportive parents? yeah, maybe not. maybe it never gets better than baz hiding his fangs at dinner and everyone doing the bare minimum to accept simon's role in baz’s life. that's not what baz and simon deserve. but it could be enough, because simon and baz have different ways that they measure their happiness by. they have each other and penny and shep and ruth and agatha and niamh and every other person they'll meet in the many, many years ahead of them whose opinions they can choose to make important to them, or reject. i love this for them! the true queer hope story imo. thats what i want for myself and for the people i love. 
to be clear: this story made me sob so hard i scared my cats. (im not rly a crier, they did not know what to do). i had to put it down in the middle because i couldnt see the page. any queer person who has Family Shit is bound to get whammied lol. but! i personally find comfort in the idea that we can coexist with people who are important to us but also very difficult to be around, even if its not totally what we deserve. its a very quiet, somber hope -- but that only makes it feel more real to me. 
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inevitably-johnlocked · 7 months
Hi Steph. I have some... Mary thoughts, specifically in regards to her shooting Sherlock. This is, taking TST at face value (although one weird moment to me was Mary asking Sherlock if she ever told him she liked him and he said yes, when she only said it in front of John, which could support the s4 is in John's head theory).
Her reaction to Ajay being shot, the way she screamed, changed the way I thought about her shooting Sherlock. I always thought she meant to kill him, but I never considered Mary could genuinely like and even love Sherlock and still be willing to shoot to kill.
She said AGRA was family, she was excited to see Ajay and yet she did threaten to kill him. And I believe she meant it. I think in her mind, killing to keep John around, or to save John (in regards to Ajay) is... justified?
I don't know how to feel about her yet, I can like her on the surface level if I don't think about her too much? But some things (one that always stood out to me was in the TAB plane scene where she is weirdly smirking and almost reveling in others' pain?) I know others picked up on it to, liking Mary at first and then beginning to find her suspicious upon rewatches and with new context was a very common fandom experience.
I guess I am sharing thoughts and kind of asking for your opinion? I chose to go off anon, and I am fine with it being public. Just saying that, because sometimes when I sent asks off anon people would assume it is like a private message. Still new to Tumblr etiquette, sorry -AA
Hey Lovely!
OOOOOOF I have SO many thoughts about Mary.... my blog was pretty well-known back in the hey-day for all the ridiculous amount of meta I wrote about her and coining 'the mary problem'...
I actually personally found her character interesting and fascinating up until S4, within which I feel they did a complete 180 on her character and instead went with a SHITTY "redemption arc" that was anything but.
As for her killing Sherlock, I have to disagree, she ABSOLUTELY meant to kill him. John was a trophy to Mary, and Sherlock threatened that prize being taken away from her. Ajay threatened to also upend her life, so he had to die. Mary cares about no one but herself. That much was clear even on the surface level of S4. She literally ran off without as much as a goodbye and abandoned her NEWBORN CHILD AND depressed husband. Like, she's a HORRIBLE person even if you're not reading any of the subtext, so I'm BOGGLED how Mofftiss thought that Mary doing an impossible jump in front of a bullet was supposed to redeem her character when... *waves all over* ALL THAT happened before the final moments of T6T.
ANYWAY, I wrote a LOT about Mary... you can check out the majority of my writing on these posts here:
Mary is a Femme Fatale
The Problem with John x Mary
Mary’s Brand of Abuse
Mary Meant to Kill Sherlock
Mary’s Gaslighting
The True Sociopath: People Fail to See It Unless It Happens to Them
And of course there's a TONNE to read in my 'the mary problem' tag too :)
Thanks for this ask!!! I like griping about how they ruined an amazing villain that could-have-been!
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rainbowsky · 1 year
I used to love you& your blog. But I feel so disappointing today after reading your post on YSL incident. Cbiz & Chinese marketing is not that transparent. His fans are doing right. It will repeat if they stay silent. Goodbye! Hope you can maintain balanced love for our boys. Today you seriously sound unfair to XZ.
This is in reference to a previous post.
If you have been a follower of my blog for any amount of time then you will know that I don't shape or state my opinions to please other people. It would be utterly fake and dishonest to my readers if I were to do that. If you came here to read only things you agree with, then you probably came to the wrong place.
As for this whole issue with YSL, what is unfair to GG is for his fans to continually create petty scandals that make him look bad and threaten his career. When will they get it through their heads that he is a grown man who can take care of himself?
He has repeatedly, repeatedly, repeatedly implored his fans to behave rationally, stay calm, and let him take care of his own issues, and has said that he doesn't need 'protecting'; he is a grown man who can take care of himself.
IN MY VIEW (which you are totally free to disagree with), no one can credibly claim to be a loyal fan of GG while simultaneously causing disruptions and trending his name under negative topics. While going to war against a brand he's worked hard to build a good relationship with. While creating - as I said in my previous post - more negative public perception about him as a traffic star with disruptive, aggressive fans. Particularly given the openly stated position the government has taken against that type of fan culture.
And all this while people in China are watching loved ones die, and sometimes having to make the unimaginably difficult decision to cremate them in the streets because crematoriums and morgues are overflowing.
2/27 happened at a similarly troubling time for the country, when the earliest covid lockdowns were in place. It was the timing of that scandal that helped make it as serious as it was, because GG became an outlet for people to vent their anger, pain and fear upon. Now is not the time to be trending him over whether a makeup palette was attributed to his name when purchased.
His fans don't seem to GAF about his repeatedly stated wishes, nor about protecting his reputation as an artist or an individual. All they seem to care about is perpetuating their own sense of fandom consumer/traffic clout. They don't look beyond that to see that public perception and his reputation with the powers that be are infinitely more important to his long term survival in the industry, particularly given his age and background.
They keep doing this to him, over and over again. They did this with Ace Troops, they did this with ADLAD and of course 2/27. They are so full of their own sense of righteous superiority that they can't actually see clearly to realize how much they are disrupting his career path and bringing trouble to his door.
They are deluded enough to think this is behavior he thanks them for. Something tells me that is not what he mutters to himself when an issue like this arises.
But don't take my word for it, his own fan club released a statement asking people to stop.
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Fat Shrimp Suggestion Book Tips
I would like to convey to you the current communication situation: the studio has conducted close communication with the business team and the brand as soon as possible. At present, the brand has confirmed the relevant reasons and apologized to the artist and consumers through customer service replies. The follow-up cooperation is also being optimized simultaneously. The shortcomings of the business team in their work have also been identified internally, and adjustments and improvements are being made to address specific issues. Here, I hope that the attention and discussion brought about by this matter can stop here. I also sincerely ask everyone to be vigilant, not to be tempted by any provocative content, not to be provoked by irrelevant or unknown people to participate, not to heat up discussions on any brand or other related content, and to avoid irrelevant disputes caused by divergent interpretations. As always, we will work hard to maintain a good Internet environment.
Here's the thing: there is never any need to go from zero to "BRIGADE AND BOYCOTT!!" every single time something arises that fans are concerned about. There is such thing as trusting GG to handle his own shit. If they'd give GG and his team time to actually address issues on their own, none of this disruption need ever happen.
If his fans really had his best interests at heart, his name would never appear on a negative hotsearch brought about by them. If they had his best interests at heart, they would take care to ensure that his name would never be attached to public disruption and disorder. They should know by now that he will be held accountable for their actions.
And if my stating my perspective on this is too much for you (while you stating your opinion - anonymously - is totally fine), then all I really have to say is,
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Edit: more on why this is a problem.
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munsonsduchess · 2 years
To Hell With the Devil
summary: you end up being eddie's babysitter while you're hiding out at rick's place, the only problem is you cannot stand eddie munson w/c: 1,776 warnings: fluff, swearing, eddie is a flirty menace, mentions of body horror and what happened to chrissy a/n: this was another sleepover request and when i saw it my brain immediately jumped to fake dating but then the wonderful @pillow-titties suggested enemies to lovers and how could i refuse?
any mistakes or typos you notice should be written down on a piece of paper, folded eight times, placed in an acorn and thrown into lovers lake. thank you.
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(moodboard by me)
You'd been having breakfast when you saw the news. A murder at the trailer park, one of the cheerleaders from the high school had been found dead in a trailer but the police weren't saying any more at this time. 
You called Steve immediately knowing he was the only one who'd be watching the news at that moment in time as well, Robin too if she was working alongside him,
"Yeah we've seen it, the police don't have any suspects but I don't think this is anything to do with us" by 'us' he meant interdimensional monsters and the upside down, both of which you'd been introduced to last summer while working at Starcourt Mall and you'd gotten mixed up with Robin, Steve, Dustin and a very bossy ten year old called Erica. Not to mention the secret russian lab underneath the mall and everything that went along with it,
"Well I'll come by anyway, I have some tapes to return" you told him, your parents had rented some movies the night before and had left it to you to return the tapes on your day off work. You said your goodbyes before gathering what you needed for the drive to Family Video.
When you got to the store on the other side of town you hadn't expected both Dustin and Max to be there as well, apparently making nuisances of themselves behind the counter, 
"Just in time!" Robin called as you walked through the door, "Steve is about to commit a double child murder!" 
"Hey!" Max protested, "I didn't do shit!"
"Do I want to know?" you asked Steve who sighed loudly, 
"Henderson and Mayfield say the trailer that Cheerleader was found in was Eddie Munson's place" 
"He's also totally innocent!" Dustin interrupted, "whatever is going on Eddie didn't do it!" 
Max explained how her mother had seen Eddie leave the trailer park in the middle of the night and hadn't seen him since. She'd woken up that morning to the crime scene opposite her own trailer and so here they were searching for Eddie's friends phone numbers in the family video system to try and locate the man's whereabouts,
"Ok so any luck with that?" you'd asked, "or are we just gonna leave it alone because it's for the police to deal with" 
"You don't get it! You hate Eddie!" Dustin thrust an accusatory finger in your face and you shrugged. You couldn't disagree with him, you certainly weren't Eddie Munson's number one fan. He'd been a blip on your peripheral vision throughout high school and now that you were two years post graduation you really didn't care what he was up to. You'd heard from Steve that the younger set of kids i.e. Lucas, Dustin and Mike worshiped the ground Eddie walked on since they'd been inducted into his club, something about a dragon game, and that it really got under Steve's skin that Dustin had so many nice things to say about the super senior whenever he and Dustin saw each other.
In the end Dustin had found the address of one of Eddie's lesser known friends, his drug dealer as a matter of fact, Reefer Rick and you'd been roped into going along with everyone else to the boathouse by Lovers Lake to find the missing man since Dustin was still convinced of his innocence. 
You'd all pulled up to the house and found it deadly quiet. Rick himself was in prison or so you'd heard and if Eddie was here then he wasn't letting anyone know. At least until Steve started banging things with an oar and ended up pushed against a wall with a broken bottle to his neck. Not you imagined how he thought his day would go, nor did you imagine the former King of Hawkin's High would have wanted Dustin Henderson to beg for him not to be harmed for his sake. 
Eddie finally put the bottle down and sunk to the ground, his usual dark eyes held distress and fear as he recounted his story of what had happened to the cheerleader the police had found dead in his trailer that morning. Chrissy Cunningham, you didn't know her personally but you remembered her from pep rallies and things, she was a couple of years younger than you but the same age as Nancy and Robin who would probably know her better. 
By the end of the story it became clear, this was a group problem and not something the police could handle. The account of Chrissy's milky white eyes, her levitation onto the ceiling before all the bones in her body snapped and her jaw broke and her eyes had burst, pouring blood all over the trailer. This was definitely not something Hawkins PD could deal with, especially without Chief Hopper, 
"Don't worry, we've done this before" Dustin said and put a hand on Eddie's shoulder, "you should stay here in case anyone starts looking for you" 
"Yeah that's a good idea" Steve agreed, "someone should stay with you while we try and figure out what we're dealing with" 
As Steve spoke he looked at you and you could only shake your head violently, using your arms to gesture no way but Steve chose to ignore you and so while you watched everyone else leave you crossed your arms and scowled. Why did it have to be you? This was bullshit,
"Looks like it's just you and me now honey" Eddie grinned at you, "what should we do?" 
"I'm not doing anything with you" you spat, "I don't see why I have to be the babysitter, this is bullshit" 
Eddie just laughed. Asshole. He probably thought this was hilarious, that you were stuck looking after him with nothing but a walkie talkie and whatever passed for entertainment in a boathouse belonging to a convicted drug dealer. 
You'd turned your back on Eddie for two seconds and he'd gone from throwing rocks into a can to breaking into Rick's actual house,
"What being wanted for murder wasn't enough? Now it's breaking and entering!" you hissed at him, "come back here Munson" 
"Relax would you, Rick told me I could use the place whenever I wanted. I'm looking for his spare key" Eddie shot back at you, another grin on his face like he found the whole thing endlessly amusing, "got it" 
"Great, now get inside before someone sees you!" 
"Ladies first" he made a mock bow and gestured into the open doorway, you rolled your eyes and quickly ran into the house with Eddie following. 
"This is definitely not what Steve had in mind when he said to stay put and lay low, if we get caught I will throw you under the bus" 
Eddie's face fell for a fraction of a second and his shit eating grin was replaced with a frown. It happened so quickly you almost missed it,
"Oh wow well we wouldn't want to disappoint King Steve now would we?" Eddie invaded your personal space, "wouldn't want him to be mad at you" 
"Ugh!" you pushed him away, "Can you go sit in another room or something? It's hard to concentrate with you around!"
"Do I distract you honey?"
"You're jumping around like a five year old on skittles, it's distracting when I'm trying to keep you from getting lynched or something" 
"Why don't you like me?" Eddie asked after a few moments of precious silence, "you were about ready to kick Stevie where the sun doesn't shine for suggesting you be the one to stay" 
"Well lets see, you're annoying, you look like that" you gestured to his ripped jeans, leather jacket and denim vest combo, "you still haven't graduated high school, you're the leader of a nerd club full of fifteen year olds, you're obnoxious as hell, your music is shit, you stink of weed, do I need to go on?" 
"Wow, that's a long list. You probably could have stopped after 'annoying' but you just kept going" 
"Don't get your panties in a wad" 
"Sweetheart if anyone's got their panties in a wad I think it's you" 
"Uh huh sure" you scoffed, Eddie was invading your personal space again but when you tried to push him away he grabbed your wrists and pushed you against one of the walls inside the house, "let go of me Munson" 
"I think, you secretly like me but you don't want Steeeeve to know about it" Eddie leaned in until you were almost cheek to cheek, "so you put on this big show about hating my guts but that's all it is … a show" 
"In your dreams Munson" 
Eddie's tongue darted out quickly to wet his lips and you couldn't help your eyes being drawn to the motion, something he found endlessly funny,
"What's the matter baby? Scared you'll like being stuck here with me?" 
"Oh bite me asshole" 
"Only if you ask nicely" 
"Go fuck yourself" 
"I'd rather fuck you if i'm honest sweetheart" 
You opened your mouth to protest and to tell him exactly what you thought of him but Eddie chose that moment to crash his lips into yours and steal the breath from your lungs in what was honestly the best kiss you'd ever had in your entire life. So much so that when Eddie finally pulled away to let you breathe he was smirking at you like a cheshire cat, 
"Wow, that's really all it took to shut you up? Just one little kiss?" he teased, one of his hands coming up to play with the ends of your hair, "if I'd known that I would have done it sooner, to hell with Steve" 
"Why the hell do you keep bringing up Steve?" you asked, still slightly breathless. You couldn't understand why Eddie saw fit to keep talking about the other man,
"Well you obviously have a thing for him, like every other girl in this godforsaken town" 
"You're a fucking idiot. Steve's practically my brother, I do not have a thing for him" 
"Is that so? Cause I think you're just trying to cover your hide now that I know all about your secret little crush"
There was clearly no stopping Eddie now that he thought he had you all figured out so you did the only thing you could think of. You grabbed the lapels of his denim jacket and crushed your lips together again effectively shutting him up,
"Really Munson? One little kiss is all it takes?" you taunted, mirroring his words from earlier,
"Oh sweetheart, you've done it now. You don't know what you've started" 
"Just shut up and kiss me again you asshole"
Taglist: @jobean12-blog @prettyboyeddiemunson @eddiesmutson @eddiemvnsonss @that-lame-ghoul9000 @slytherinintj13 @inluvweddiemunson @likedovesinthewnd @boomhauer @flashyourgreeneyesatme @wheaty-melon @ches-86 @xbreezymeadowsx @hellfireeddiemunson @hoppershoe @shenanigans-and-imagines @lucciaa9 (if you're stricken out it means tumblr won't let me tag you properly) let me know if you want to be added!
307 notes · View notes
tokkias · 2 years
Lucy, Brandish, Aquarius, and The Wasted Potential of Chapters 74 & 75 - A Meta Analysis of 100 Years Quest (sorta)
I don’t usually do these sort of posts, but I've been having a lot of thoughts about this, and strangely enough it’s giving me a lot of writers block, and I feel like I can’t get myself back to writing fics until I’ve got this out. I’m going to preface this with the fact that I love Fairy Tail, I always have, and I’m sure I always will. I acknowledge that it is far from perfect, and I generally tolerate its flaws, so this post isn’t coming from a place of hatred or malice, but from my own personal frustration with how these chapters played out, and the lost potential it had. I feel that Fairy Tail thrives upon its characters and their relationships, but the way these chapter play out, in my opinion, do a disservice to them.
Obviously, all my opinion and interpretation, feel free to disagree with anything I say, but also just know I’m not here to argue with you if you do disagree.
Chapters 74 and 75 are the Yokai Lucy vs. Natsu fight, which in theory, could have been an incredible fight and a great moment for character development for both of them, but I feel is is taken away by having Aqaurius show up.
The reason I feel this way goes all the way back to chapter 13, where Lucy and Brandish meet again for the first time since Alvarez, and we find out that Brandish is also out to find Aquarius’s key. At first I think this came as a bit of a surprise to me, but it makes sense; Lucy and Brandish are really parallels of each other, and one of the ways we see this connection is in their connection to Aquarius in relation to their mothers. It makes sense that Brandish is also looking for Aquarius’s key because much like Lucy, Aquarius is the last thing that Brandish has of her mother. 
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In these panels we are seeing the setup to a friendly rivalry rather than a genuine competition between the two with incredibly high stakes, even though they’re both competing for something that means a great deal to the both of them.
So why am I bringing this up? Well, when I first read this chapter, I theorised that this rivalry would somehow cumulate in Lucy either finding or retrieving Aquarius’s key first, but inevitably giving it up to Brandish, because I think, knowing what we do about Lucy, this is the most in character choice for her to make. We see in the Grand Magic Games arc when Yukino tries to give up Libra and Pices to her, that Lucy doesn’t care about having all twelve golden gate keys, but rather she cares about the happiness and feelings of the spirits. Time and time again we see that Lucy is incredibly selfless, and is willing to put others before her, regardless of if that person has wronged her in the past.
Lucy’s selflessness is not the sole (or even primary reason) that I think this is the best course of action for this plotline. Lucy goes through a lot of character development in the time since giving up Aquarius’s key. In the year between Tartaros and Alvarez, with Aquarius gone, Natsu and Happy on their journey, and Fairy Tail disbanded, for the first time in her life, Lucy is truly alone. Lonliness is something that was obviously not foreign to her, she went through a lot of it after the passing of her mother and the subsequent neglect from her father, but even then she still had Aquarius; after Tartaros, she has no one. Lucy is (somewhat) able to adjust to her new life, she throws herself into her work and her search for her guildmates, as well as trains to become the strongest that we’ve seen her up until that point. Up until this point, Lucy has always needed Aquarius for both her protection and her companionship, but with the growth that she experiences since first losing her, she no longer needs either of those things. What I think she does need, is a sense of closure, and a true goodbye to be able to truly let go and move on. When Lucy sacrifices Aquarius to summon the Celestial Spirit King, they never get that true goodbye. 
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Aquarius is the one who gets to thank Lucy, but in her urgency to save her friends, and utter grief at the thought of losing Aquarius, we never get to see Lucy give her goodbyes to Aquarius. Even when Aquarius shows up in chapters 468 and 469, their “goodbye” is more along the lines of a see you later.
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Brandish on the other hand, does need Aquarius, much more than Lucy does, and I believe that Lucy understands that. While Lucy has long since mourned and come to terms with the death of her mother, Brandish spent her whole life resenting Layla for Grammi’s death, unable to let herself move past it, to the point where she was willing to kill Lucy to get her revenge. Of course, killing Lucy wouldn’t have made any of those feelings go away, because all of her frustration and anger comes from not having closure of her mothers’ death. Having the companionship of Aqaurius gives Brandish someone to share in the memory of her mother with, and from there, she may truly be able to start to feel her grief and mourn in a healthy way, and be able to move on. I feel that Lucy deeply understands and empathises with what Brandish went through/is going through, and would be willing to give up Aquarius after a tearful goodbye, if it meant helping Brandish go through what Lucy knows to be a horrible and traumatic experience.
Now, I have my isssues with Aquarius’ appearance in 468 and 469, but I feel since she is so interwoven within the story of Lucy and Brandish that her showing up is justified, and plot wise, this was the best course of action to resolve this part of the story.
Aquarius showing up once to solve a problem is fine. Twice is a copout. 
What irritates me most about Aquarius’s appearance in chapter 75 of hyq, is that, not only was it not the only course of action to resolve the fight, I don’t even think it was the one that made the most sense.
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In true Fairy Tail fashion, we see the resolution to this fight being the power of friendship. I have no problem with nakama power in Fairy Tail, I wouldn’t have gotten this far into the series if I did, and actually, I’m quite fond of it. But to me, it’s weird that Mashima decided that the way to nakama power Lucy out of her Yokai state, was to bring in Aquarius, when Natsu was literally right there.
Now it’s no secret that despite being the main characters and best friends, Natsu and Lucy have had very few meaningful interactions across 100 years quest. In a way, it does make sense, they have a lot more pressing matters on their hands, but in chapter 74, we have them in the same room, forced to fight each other for the first time. 
By now, we’re all aware that Natsu is a punch his problems until it goes away, type of guy, but he’s absolutely not incapable of thinking his way to a resolution. Yeah, Natsu is a dumbass, but being a dumbass and being smart are not mutually exclusive actually. In chapter 53 Natsu is able to pretty quickly come up with a really clever strategy to defeat Aldoron that doesn’t involve fighting at all. It’s a scene that I really like because it shows that Natsu has grown from the reckless person who would put himself in danger with no forethought, to someone who is capable of thinking strategically.
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So we know that, with a little push, Natsu is able to come up with a clever solution, and there is a push for a solution in the fight with Yokai Lucy.
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I believe that the reason that Natsu is so willing to fight her is the same reason in which he’s fine with absolutely pummeling Aldoron’s Happy in chapter 52, in that yes, it looks like Lucy, and it sounds like Lucy, but he doesn’t percieve her as actually being his Lucy. So when Lucy pulls out the “Natsu! It’s me!”, and he’s caught off guard, because yeah, it’s still Lucy.
It foreshadows how Aquarius is able to bring her back, but why couldn’t it have foreshadowed the same for Natsu?
From here is where I go from really liking chapter 74, to really not liking it.
By having Aquarius come to break Lucy out of her Yokai state, she takes away an opportunity to give Natsu another moment to show his character growth from someone who never thinks about anything other than fighting, to actually being able to independently think of his own solutions. Instead we get... another Lucy and Aqaurius moment that doesn’t really give us anything more than what we had seen in 468 and 469 of the original series. To me, it doesn’t make sense that Natsu would want to continue fighting Lucy, we know that he cares deeply about her and doesn’t want to see her hurting, and by that point he knows that he is out of his league in that fight. We have already established growth in Natsu to be able to think things through, so why can’t we see him pivot here and go the same nakama power route that Aquarius goes?
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Now one could argue that, “oh it’s because Aquarius uses her stream of memories to get Lucy back to her old self”, but I don’t really think that it holds much ground in the first place. To me, both having Aquarius show up because celestial spirits don’t need to be summoned with keys there, and then now this stream of memories feels half-baked. If you’re going with a half-baked solution to forward the plot, I believe you might as well go with one that furthers the characters in a way that we haven’t already established. I wouldn’t care if it was some other half-baked power of love and friendship or whatever, or if it just forced Natsu to use his words for once, I don’t think it makes much of a difference, but at the start of the chapter, I was led to believe that it was set up as a Natsu and Lucy moment, so I find it weird that that’s not how it ended up.
In chapter 22, it’s Lucy who is the one who breaks Natsu out of his rampage, so while these two circumstances aren’t on equal ground, I believe that having Natsu be the one to break Lucy out of her Yokai state would have been something of a full circle moment for them.
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The second reason I don’t like Aquarius showing up, circles back to Lucy searching for her key: What is the point of Lucy going on a journey (both literally and figuratively) to find her key if Aquarius is just going to show up to save her whenever she needs it? Regardless of if my theory that Lucy just wants to have a final goodbye with Aqaurius, having her show up whenever Lucy needs saving, takes away from the emotional impact of when they finally get to see each other, when/if Lucy finds her key. I feel that Lucy is ready to fully move on from her life and who she was before Fairy Tail, and letting go of Aquarius is part of that. Aquarius will always be an important part of Lucy’s life, and they’re both always going to care for each other, and with a potential friendship blooming between her and Brandish, I don’t see it being goodbye forever between them, but I think it would be a satisfying ending to their partnership, and a good way to close their character arcs together.
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katenawolfenstein · 2 years
A/n: Uhm, hi. This is my first post, I have no idea what I'm doing but enjoy! Oh, and you can call me Katena or Kat!
Summary: You're a manager of the Karasuno Volleyball Club. You've just returned home from a hard day of matches against Johzenji and Wakunan and your boyfriend Kageyama Tobio is exhausted and in need of some loving. -> just cute fluff and caring for your bf
Tobio got off the bus with a heavy yawn.
Once everybody had assembled, Ukai-kun took the word. "No post-match meeting today, you need all the energy you can get for Seijou and Shiratorizawa tomorrow."
We said our goodbyes and all dispersed on our ways home.
"Do you want to sleep at my place tonight? It's closer." I asked Tobio.
"Mhm." He hummed in agreement, looking at me with tired eyes and I smiled again. "Let's go."
The way to the dorms was less than a two minute walk, though the many stairs to my room still posed as an obstacle which I had to help my boyfriend overcome, taking his bag and pulling him up the stairs about halfway through.
When we reached my dorm and I closed the door behind us, Tobio pushed off his shoes and I put them on the rack alongside mine.
"Do you want to take another shower?"
"No, already did at the gym." He moved toward the bed.
"You have to eat something babe." I put his bag on the floor and took off my jacket.
A disagreeing hum was all I got as an answer.
I sighed. "Fine, but you'll eat a proper breakfast in the morning."
Tobio dropped himself face first into the bed, giving me another hum of agreement through the blanket.
I couldn't help but chuckle as I grabbed a glass from the kitchen cabinet and filled it with water. He was so cute, completley exhausted and too tired to even speak.
After adding a bit of citrus juice, I brought it to the bed, reaching over Tobio to place it on the windowsill.
"Scoot over a little, baby."
The setter rolled on his side to face me and I laid down next to him. "I brought you some water."
He turned to the glass before taking two big sips from it. Then he wrapped his arms around me and pulled himself closer, so that his upper body was resting on my chest. My hands instinctively found their way to his hair, gently running my fingers through and massaging his scalp.
A heavy sigh left him and he melted even deeper into me.
His breathing became steady and deep, his eyes closed the moment he felt my touch.
After a while of caressing his head, I moved my hands down to slip under his beige sweater I loved so much and began trailing my fingers across his bare back.
He hummed in pleasure and I continued ever so gently massaging his back.
"I love you..." It was muffled and quiet but I understood as he placed a kiss on my chest, which I returned with a kiss on his head. "I love you too Tobio."
It took only a few more seconds until he'd fully passed out. I joined him in his dreams not long after.
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A little into season 2 of DS9 and I’m obsessed. I haven’t yet met a main character I didn’t like. And there’s so many great ships and friendships and rivalries??
(Long post just me rambling about each main character)
Ok first we have Quark. I hated the Ferengi until this show, and now I love them so much. He is a little menace, but he has really smart moments and he’s just such a fun character?!?
Odo! He is so sad and such a little squishy, he needs friends. I immediately shipped him and Quark, because they’re just?? So shippable?? Enemies to lovers anyone?? Of course they do actually like each other deep down 😄
Julian Bashir, British, Doctor, and playboy. In that respect he is the new Kirk, the new Riker. He’s got an ego but a charming grin and just?? Lol so silly. And he has his moments where he takes charge and it’s like 😳
People ship him with Garak, I’ve only seen like 2 episodes with him so far but he is a delight. He’s so goofy. No he won’t tell you his theories and plans. You gotta think for yourself. What does that smirk mean?? Just a humble tailor, plain simple Garak my a—
Jadzia Dax???? Love her. So adorable. Just smiling to herself when she thinks of her past. Telling stories. Has 7? 8? Lifetimes to think about and draw from. Finds simple delights in the world. Makes friends with everyone. Just such a sweet person.
Miles O’Brian. Workaholic. Pride in his work, likes to feel useful. Has a family, protective over them and would do anything for them. I haven’t actually gotten to know him super well so I don’t have a lot to say.
Keiko O’Brian, also wants to feel useful. She notices what needs to be done and steps up to do it. Not only is this a functional thing that makes sense in the world and context, but it gives her as a character and as a person, purpose.
(Also their marriage in general is very sweet.)
Miles and Julien’s rivalry, and from what I can tell eventual really close friendship but I haven’t gotten to that point yet. I can tell I will be obsessed with it later though.
Kira!! Traumatized, angry, and deeply caring. She wants to help as many people as she can, and she wants to protect people. She grows so much as a person even in the first season and a half?? Yes combative but she has good reasons, and she really does grow to respect people even when they have more authority and disagree.
Kira and Jadzia Dax are such cute friends?? They just gossip and chatter as they do their lighter work, and it’s just so cute?? But also Jadzia isn’t afraid to call out Kira when she needs it. They are literally best friends and also very shippable. I love them.
Kira and Odo is a fun friendship I didn’t expect right away?? They respect the hell out of each other and care about each other very much and it’s just?? So sweet?? And Odo being very uptight and Kira being combative and for her people but also through systems, they have fairly compatible world views? It actually makes sense lol.
Sisko of course!! The commander? Not Captain.. forgot what his title is lol. Anyway, just a dude who loves baseball. And his son. Does his best to be a father. You can tell how much he cares about his son. Respects people who disagree with him. Just wants the best for Bajor and the federation. Does a lot of delicate work.
Sisko and Dax being old-time friends, and him calling Jadzia an old man will never get old to me. So silly haha. Endless potential here.
Jake is Sisko’s son, and he’s just your average teenage boy. Wants to make his father proud, likes pretty girls, has a troublemaker friend…
And Nog, of course, child Ferengi and Human forming an unlikely friendship. A very fun duo.
That’s all I can think of for now, I think all the main characters and most of the pair combos.
I feel like Quark and Garak would get along. Tailor and someone in touch with their fashion? Yes.
Also spoilers for the beginning of season 2…
When Kira was gonna leave and then people just kept walking in to say goodbye or comfort her or try to get her to stay… just 🥲🥲 literally so sweet. Especially Odo!! I didn’t realize how close those two were until that moment, and they do explode that later as well. Just!!!!
I love this series. I think it is my favorite Star Trek show so far (I’m watching them in release order).
I feel like a lot of people like TNG more than DS9? But honestly there are so many iconic duos in DS9 and there kind of aren’t in TNG (except for Data and Geordi, and Picard and Q).
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falconcoast · 2 years
frozen first date | kaeya x reader
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day nine. winter walk ft. kaeya
event masterlist
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kaeya thinks that walking in subzero weather is not romantic. you think it is. 
a/n: scheduled post!
cw/tw: a lil insecurity
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it was supposed to be the perfect date. you would go on a dinner date with kaeya, walk around the city, and hopefully kiss him on the cheek when he walked you to your door. unfortunately, barbatos seemed to disagree with him. or maybe, he just didn’t get his wine for the night. he’d have to curse diluc for that later.
“this isn’t exactly the most romantic first date,” kaeya apologized, scratching the back of his neck. “i didn’t think that a snow storm would come down on the city so soon.”
“that’s alright,” you reassured. “i don’t mind. the worst weather can be made bearable with the right people.”
“always the optimist,” he chuckled.
the faint streetlights barely showed through the heavy snowfall, illuminating the otherwise dark street. house lights were on, previewing the lives of other mondstadters. shadows of families having dinner, a couple sitting together by the flickering fireplace, and people stacking gifts by the tree were shown through the golden indoor light.
he hoped that that would be the two of you one day. shaking his head, he smiled. no, he was getting ahead of himself. you had only been on one date, and by the looks of it, he wasn’t even sure if he was going to get a second one.
soon, you approached the front door of your home. no lights were on, but it was well decorated for the season. with a heavy heart, he prepared to let you go for the night.
as you stood on your porch, you stared at him knowingly. “kaeya, you don’t have to be ashamed that the weather cut our date short,” you said, crossing your arms and smiling. “i still had a great time either way. hell, you still walked me home in subzero weather.”
“how did you know that i felt guilty--” he began, before regaining his composure. “nevermind. but, really, y/n. that’s too kind. after all, i was the reason why we had to walk in that weather at all.”
“and? i enjoyed every bit of it,” you rebutted, grinning at him. holding both of his hands, the warm light of the lamppost illuminated the snowflakes catching on your head and eyelashes. “well, maybe i’m being preposterous right now, but i want to do it again. and i would hope that you’d like to do it again too.”
“are you asking me on a second date? isn’t that my job?”
“not when i know you won’t ask me unless you specifically say it,” you said, brushing away a stray strand of his hair. “so? tuesday at four?”
“yes,” he whispered, wind whipping his hair and making his hair become askew. “yes, a million times yes. it would be an honor to.”
“it’s a date, then,” you grinned.
“well, i suppose this is where i leave you with a good night now,” he said, taking his hands away from yours. bowing like a true knight in shining armor, he looked at you with a bright smile. “good night, y/n.”
looking at him ardently, you softened your gaze. as he turned on his heel, you caught his hand. “kaeya, darling, i think you forgot something,” you whispered.
“oh? and what would that be?”
leaning close to him, you chastely kissed him on the cheek. his face felt like it was sunburnt, despite being in the winter cold. flustered, he buried himself under his scarf. laughing, you stuffed your hands in your coat. “there, i think you’re all set now,” you said. embracing him tightly, you squeezed his arms softly. “get home safely. i know you live just around the corner, but be careful nonetheless.”
“i will be,” he replied. taking your hand, he kissed the back of it. “good night, y/n. sleep well.”
waving him goodbye as he left, you watched as he walked home with a skip in his step.
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Hey I noticed that asks are open I believe
Could u do a rogues but especially Oswald cobblepot, black mask, and two face (if u could do those three/four lol really detailed that would be awesome) where they have a Harley Quinn and joker origin story but like NOT toxic or manipulative and they actually love us back( I am simping for Harvey very disrespectfully but like I also luv him to death lol)
I'm doing these 3 because I now have limit on rogues, the asks where I posted them all are from before I posted the rule.
Also I'm assuming you're talking about Therapist x Rogue (hope I'm right)
He goes to Blackgate but they still use therapists
Is pretty chill and S/O doesn't complain but he refuses to talk
Doesn't trust them until they start showing that they care by talking to guards who doesn't treat him well
Starts having conversations with them, S/O starts feeling bad
They don't know how the hell he got their address but somehow he sends them gifts by his people
They should be freaked out but are interested why he got so attached to them
After getting out Penguin proposes to join him and S/O agrees since people don't really care about psychiatrists in Blackgate
He keeps going to them and they think it's kinda cute
Finally he ask them on date and, hey, he already got them this far what's the problem with one date?
It's end up into relationship but they don't complain
Black Mask
Honesty, sessions with him were field days for S/O
The man is cult leader he knows how to manipulate people but S/O is strong willed and doesn't fall for it
He doesn't really show respect towards them but instead of being closed off they still call him Mister, he might like it more than he shows
Starts asking about his masks to have him talk and finds them genuinely interesting; Roman is suprised by that but hey, if they can talk about anything other than psychologic bullshit he takes it
When they put on one of the masks and ask if they look good he answers they should wear it forever;
"Wouldn't you miss my face then?"
Hates to admit they're right
The flirting that happens at sessions after that, whoa! Even guards starts to pick it up and are uncomfortable
S/O gets called for a talk about it and is annoyed; they aren't being manipulated, they know how bad Roman is, they just find it interesting
They kinda had enough of Arkham already, they mostly got into psychology so they could listen to what people here have to say and they found someone who was most interesting
On their last session they said goodbye with hand sake and S/O gave him card to a cell
He finds it cute and after getting out of Arkham finds S/O
Getting their help from inside of asylum is very helpful and they like the danger
If S/O goes with him on the field they would wear the same mask they wore in office
Kinda happy when the truths comes outs, now they can be with him and feeling is mutual
Treats them like royalty
Two Face
S/O gets pretty well with Harvey, it's Two Face that's problem
Tries being soft with him but he always insults them
Just loses their patience with him and talk about it with Harvey
He tries to assure her that there's nothing they can do, Two Face is just his bad reflection to which they surprisingly disagree
Alter egos feel the same way main person does, they're different people
After flipping a coin they are meet with Two Face who looks at them differently; after some time he starts talking
S/O appreciate them both for different reasons and starts looking out for their sessions
When they break out S/O misses them, they hoped they could help
Gets suprised when Two Faces comes to them; thankfully he just wanted to talk
Not sure if they would join him but they would help if he was in trouble
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eisforeidolon · 1 year
I hope you don’t mind me chiming in on this. I think a lot of good points have been made, particularly about Sam not being spineless, but I do actually think that it is fair to say that Dean did pull Sam back into hunting (like Jared mentioning in the panel last weekend).
My reason for saying this is that Sam helps Dean to look for their dad (get back into hunting) because Dean said he wanted him there. From that moment, Sam was back in. Throughout the episode we see, despite what he’s said or has been suggested, Sam smiling numerous times and enjoying hunting with his brother again. They are a pretty-well oiled machine despite the time apart.
These sorts of hints, Sam having fun and the clear bond with Dean (his reluctance to say goodbye), suggest that even if Jess hadn’t died, Sam was getting back in eventually to be with Dean. Her death just sped up the process.
The other reason that could be argued for Dean bringing Sam back in from the show itself. They could have had Sam lose Jess first, then go to Dean for help with revenge, but Dean comes knocking, bringing the life with him. If he hadn’t, we don’t know Sam would have started hunting again to avenge Jess (he probably would have) but we don’t know it for sure. Maybe if Dean hadn’t reached out, Sam would have reacted differently than getting back into hunting, thinking he didn’t have an ally in Dean after he left.
All those choices Sam makes to stay in the life after are his choices, but they are also a sort of snowball effect that started up when Dean came calling in the pilot.
Anyway, I’m not trying to say Dean is to blame here in any way, or that Sam didn’t make his own choices, rather I understand why some might argue that Dean brought Sam back in, and why Dean might feel guilty if Sam died as a hunter. He never wanted that for Sam, but always expected it for himself.
I’m truly not trying to argue your points on this, only explain why I think it could be fair to say Dean pulled Sam back in.
Nope, feel free to chime on in. If I'm done with a subject or need a break from it, I'll say so.
Yours an interesting take. It's not an unreasonable interpretation, though I am torn on how much I agree with it.
I think the biggest part I'm hung up on is that even though we agree that Sam was clearly enjoying the hunt and being back together with Dean? I think Sam would have been too stubborn to admit he wanted to go back to that life without some additional precipitating event. Again, I see a lot of his going off to college in the first place as rebelling against John and his dictate Sam had to be a hunter - so going back? I feel like he'd balk at "proving John right" or even just worry about putting himself back into the same situation with the family dynamic. I think he did care about Jessica, and he was happy with the independence he had at Stanford, no matter how much he missed Dean or the rush of a hunt. Which is not to say that I couldn't see an alternate universe where Sam keeping in touch with Dean lead into more hunts that would ultimately blow up his life at Stanford, one way or another? Because I very much can.
Except I don't see Azazel waiting that long. I also wouldn't call Sam going back that way as Dean pulling Sam back in so much as Sam deciding to go back in because of Dean - which I see as a small but fundamental difference in framing. Fair enough if you and others disagree it matters.
I also don't think I can see a universe where Sam didn't chase after Azazel for Jessica's death, Dean or no Dean. I just see him as too guilt-ridden over ignoring the dreams leading up to Jessica getting killed from something out of his hidden past, despite that he had no reason to know they were visions at the time. But who knows?
Dean feeling guilty is a different matter, but that's way more tied up in Dean's weird issues about Sam than any kind of objective reality. Which is why I wasn't bothered by previous statements that it was about Dean not being able to move on from guilt in the same way Sam would be able to. It's entirely possible that I'm hung up on the very specific phrasing here of drawing it back to Stanford because certain parts of fandom definitely do blame Dean.
Reasonable discussion is reasonable. I wouldn't call just having different perspectives arguing.
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hayleysayshay · 1 year
fwiw, re: Percy's death at Glintshore... the way I always saw it and Taliesin's reaction to it is that it being permanent would be fitting from Percy's perspective. That's why the letter is what it is - a caring goodbye, between all his own self-loathing. As far as Percy's concerned, he's made such mistakes that the world would be a better, kinder place without him - he made guns, after all - and that's why the death could have been permanent. It takes a lot for Percy to change his mind once he's set on something and Vox Machina would have needed to do that. I think of a possible permadeath there less as meant to be satisfying, per se, so much as cathartic, in the tragic sense. You understand why he's at this point and comes to these conclusions and making these decisions, and whether or not you agree, that understanding makes it emotionally significant as a conclusion.
It would have been a tragic death in the classic sense and that means emotional catharsis - the relief of it being over, the understanding they would not have chosen otherwise - but it doesn't necessarily mean it makes you happy. That's the nature of tragedy.
That isn't what we got, and I'm glad it's not what we got, but in this case I think I can see why Taliesin would think it fitting for Percy's arc to end there, without something to pull him back. Luckily for us there was something to pull him back - but if there hadn't been, Percy's persistence and attempts to be better would happening while he's still depressed and guilt-ridden and unsure how to deal with that and I don't know that that slow development would have been as satisfying as what we got either. We see how the fandom polarises around Vax dealing with his depression, and I think it would have been seen as a downgrade compared to Percy prior.
Hey, I don’t really disagree with this take— I don’t disagree with the idea of Percy having a perma death, or being depressed making narrative sense, or the negative emotions in the letter not being set up. I can see why Percy may not want to come back. I don’t know which post you saw but I did say that I ‘liked’ it in a narrative sense.
My dislike of the letter as the potential last words of Percy in the story is mostly personal taste and I’ll admit that— maybe other people have different interpretations but I think that letter is bleaaaaaak, and a very bitter note to end Percy on with the other characters, the rest of the cast, and also the audience. It’s less so the letter exists it’s more just imagining that letter being read when he’s permanently dead, which is what was intended, and disliking that. That’s it, that’s the end of the story.
Like I’ve seen a fair bit of c1 at this point and it still strikes me as mean even with all the context in the world
Sure it makes sense, not denying that, and Taliesin can do what he wants, it’s his character in a game we’re being allowed to watch, but I don’t… have to like it.
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