#if you don’t agree with that much… actually I’d be kind of intrigued to know why
foxykatie425 · 7 months
Why do we need to fight over the ATLA remake?
I joined tumblr less than a year ago, and when I did I was fully aware that it had somewhat fallen out of style, and that most people who used to use tumblr have moved on to TikTok and other platforms. The reason I did it anyway was because I wanted to find and interact with people who were passionate about the same things I was (whatever my hyperfixation of the moment is). When I don’t know anybody irl who gets excited about the same things I do, I can turn to tumblr to have thoughtful discussions, read fanfiction, and appreciate people’s beautiful fanart. It’s been a way for me to share and express my excitement with people that actually care.
So you can imagine my disappointment when, after watching and enjoying the new live action ATLA series on Netflix, I search the ATLA hashtag on tumblr only to find a lot of the top posts are people shitting all over something I enjoyed and was excited about. (Not that there aren’t some positive, but as with anything the haters always seem to be the loudest.) Now don’t get me wrong, was the show perfect? No, of course not. Was it the same as the original? No, of course not! It’s not supposed to be! And it pains me that people are so quick to talk about things that were negative and just brush off things that were positive. (Especially when we have that movie that doesn’t exist to compare it to…)
That being said, this post isn’t really about ATLA. I don’t care if people didn’t like the new series. Everyone’s entitled to their opinions. And I don’t care if people want to talk about why they didn’t like it or what they didn’t like about it. Hell, there may even be some points I agree with you on. What I don’t like is when people state their opinions like they are facts! You're allowed to not like the same things I do. But don't try to make me feel like I'm wrong for enjoying something you did not! I opened up that hashtag to share my excitement over something, and was very disheartened when all I saw was people saying “it’s terrible, and here’s why!”
It’s okay if you didn’t like it. But it’s also okay if you did! And the fact that I enjoyed the remake doesn’t make me any less of a fan of the original, and it doesn’t mean I appreciate the original any less. If you’re going to share a negative opinion, do it in a way that’s not going to hurt people who don’t share that opinion. (And that goes for anything, not just ATLA!)
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munsonsmixtapes · 5 months
Do Me a Favor?
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Find part two here!
Eddie x fem!shy!bestie!reader
Summary: you buy some weed from your best friend Eddie and after shotgunning from him, you both find yourselves wanting more
word count: 6k
cw: MDNI 18+, smut, oral (f receiving)
The cold air nipped at your skin as you knocked on the trailer door. You tightened your cardigan around you as waited for someone to answer, wondering what the hell you had been doing there. You didn’t smoke weed. You didn’t buy it either, but maybe you just wanted to see the cute metalhead who was supposedly the best dealer in town, even though he was one of your closest friends and let you come over whenever you wanted.
You had been friends with Eddie Munson since that one time he helped you pick the books that you had dropped when someone had bumped into you in the hallway in the tenth grade. He had grabbed your copy of Lord of the Rings and the two of you yapped about it all the way to the cafeteria where he let you sit with his group.
After letting you sit with him every day, he eventually asked you to join Hellfire Club and you happily agreed. Not long after, the two of you found yourselves hanging out outside of the club, occasionally getting dinner or watching a movie at your house.
Over time, you started to develop romantic feelings because how could you not have? Eddie was just so sweet and caring and he looked out for you like no one else did. And maybe it was silly to crush on your best friend, but you couldn’t help it. Aside from his charming personality, he also happened to be very easy on the eyes.
The door opened, pulling you out of your thoughts and there Eddie was on the other side, looking like something out of your dreams in his cropped band t-shirt and sweatpants that he had rolled down a few times, giving you a great view of the patch of hair that was right under his belly button.
“Y/n?” He asked, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion. He hadn’t been expecting you, but couldn’t help but feel intrigued to know why you were there.
“Hi, Eddie,” you nodded at him, not quite able to look him in the eye. You had hyped yourself up on the way there, but now that he was actually standing in front of you, you were feeling shy.
“What are you doing here?” He scratched the back of his head, causing his shirt to ride up even more and your mind suddenly went blank. “Thought you had to work.”
“I just got off and I um-I was wondering if I could buy some weed from you.” Eddie laughed at that. He always saw you as an innocent little thing who did everything she was supposed to. A goody-two-shoes that never broke the rules.
“Well,” he let out a chuckle. “I never thought I’d see the day.” Though, he kind of liked the idea of selling weed to you. Not only was it a funny thought, imagining you actually smoking the stuff, but it seemed like you were on edge every time he saw you and he thought you could use something to calm you down.
“We’re not in high school anymore. I’ve changed.” There was a little truth to your statement, but not much. The only thing that had changed about you since high school was that maybe you had a little more confidence and that you had finally gotten your braces off. Other than that, you were pretty much the same.
“So you have,” he nodded. “Well, why don’t you come inside and I’ll show you what I’ve got?” He held the door open for you as you stepped inside, letting it slam behind you. You looked around the place, loving how cozy it felt, especially since you were no longer in the cold weather. You rubbed your hands up and down your arms as you stepped further inside, trying to bring some more warmth to your body. You should have known that it was going to be a bad idea riding your bike across town without a jacket, but the damage was already done.
“The stuff’s in my room if you want to follow me.” Eddie couldn’t help but notice how quiet you were, but he had to admit that he thought it was cute. He knew that that was just who you were, but he couldn’t help but feel like he was making you feel nervous. He didn’t want you to feel pressured into taking the weed if you really didn’t want it. He didn’t know why he cared so much, it was just a normal sale.
Except it wasn’t. You were his best friend and had no experience with drugs whatsoever. He wanted to know why you had a sudden interest, but didn’t feel like it was his business to ask, no matter how close the two of you were.
Eddie had always thought you were pretty, but also thought that you were out of his league. He was the town freak and you were the shy girl who always had her nose in a book. He didn’t think that the two of you were exactly a great match. He didn’t want anyone starting rumors about you too, so he let you slip through his fingers. He decided that he was already risking enough by being friends with you.
But now there you were, standing in the doorway of his room, somehow having gotten prettier since he had seen you a few days ago. You were avoiding his eye contact, staring at the desk that was behind him. You were eyeing the stack of books that were sitting on top of it, wondering what they were, noticing that they were different than the ones that had been there before.
You slowly stepped further into the room, making a beeline for the stack, noticing that they were all new books. You slowly looked at all the covers, most of them being ones you had never heard of, but you were interested in every single one as soon as you read the back. Your face lit up at the book that was on the very bottom. It was your current favorite fantasy novel that you had read more times than you had cared to admit, but you had lost your copy and hadn’t been able to get a new one. You opened the book and let out a gasp at the little signature on the first page, wondering if he had bought it like that or if there was a signing that you didn’t know about.
Eddie watched you, still finding the way that you mumbled to words that were printed on the books to yourself adorable. For a second, he had completely forgotten why you were there. For a second, he had been convinced that you were there to hang out with him like usual.
“I can’t believe you have a signed copy of this.” You turned to face him, showing him the signature. He just let out a chuckle at that, finding you even more adorable. He didn’t think he had ever seen you so animated in the years that he had known you. “How did I not know this?”
“Oh, yeah, I got it a couple weeks ago,” he shrugged. “I honestly forgot that I had it.” The thing had been sitting on his desk since after the signing and he really had forgotten about it, his obsession with it being completely abandoned for another. “You can…keep it if you want.” Your eyes lit up at his suggestion but you quickly slumped your shoulders.
“Oh, no, I couldn’t take it from you.” You set the book back on the desk, knowing that you would have felt bad taking something like that from him. Even though it looked like it hadn’t been touched in a while, you could tell that it meant something to him.
“No,” he shook his head, moving towards you. He took the book and shoved it into your hands, his touching yours as he did so. “Take it, l/n. Please. It’s just been collecting dust here and a thing like that deserves to go to a good home.”
“Are you sure?” His eyes bored into yours to show you how serious he was and you couldn’t help but stare into them. They were hypnotizing, so brown and pretty. You had always been a sucker for brown eyes, especially Eddie’s. You knew that you’d do anything he asked just by looking into them, and you were sure that if he knew that fact, he would have gotten you into trouble.
“I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.” His hands were still on yours and you were so aware of his touch, loving how soft but rough his skin was. You could feel the cold metal that was his rings against your fingers that was mixed with the warmness of his hands. You just wanted to take them into your own, interlacing your fingers with his.
Eddie took the book from your hands and removed one of the straps of your tote bag from your shoulder and let the book fall inside before putting the strap right back. A smirk kicked up at the corner of his lips and you stared at them, thinking about how kissable they looked. They were so pink and plump and you just wanted to know what they felt like slotted between yours.
“Just so you don’t think about leaving it here,” he winked then turned on his heel to head to his bedside table. He pulled out a tin lunchbox from the bottom shelf and set it on the bed before opening it. He rifled through it, pulling out multiple plastic bags, trying to remember if he even had anything for a beginner. Most of the stuff he had was for people with a much higher tolerance and he didn’t want to start you on something you couldn’t handle.
Eddie found just what he was looking for at the bottom of the lunchbox and held it up to the light just to make sure, then nodded. He then closed the lunchbox and put it back where he found it and sat down on the edge of his bed, patting the spot next to him. You hesitantly sat down next to him, so close to the other end that if you sat any farther away from him, you’d fall to the floor.
Your heart was racing in your chest. You weren’t even going to smoke the stuff, you just wanted to be able to say that you bought some. Once you got home, you had every intention of throwing it into a drawer, never to be touched again. You just were afraid of what it would do to you so you definitely weren’t going to smoke it alone. That was just too scary. Maybe if you had more confidence, you could have asked him to smoke it with you.
“How much?” You asked, reaching for the money you had in your pocket and Eddie just shook his head.
“No need, l/n,” he rested his hand on top of yours to stop you. “First one’s always free,” he winked and your cheeks flushed.
“Could you do me a favor?” You asked, not even thinking about the words that were coming out of your mouth. Eddie titled his head to the side, wondering what you could have possibly wanted him to do for you.
“Anything,” he nodded quickly, ready to do whatever you asked, no matter how weird or ridiculous. “You know that.”
“Would you…want to smoke with me?” That was the last thing he was expecting to ask. He didn’t think that you ever want to get high with him.
“Yeah, sure,” he shrugged, trying to seem nonchalant about the whole thing. He hoped you couldn’t hear how hard his heart was beating his chest as he suddenly felt nervous about the whole thing. “You really want to?” He just wanted to be sure before he started anything.
“Please.” The words came out more desperate than you had intended, but you didn’t even care. You were just happy that he said the words you had been afraid to. Now you didn’t have to worry. He'd be right there to help you if something went wrong and you were sure that he wouldn’t judge if you did something that wasn’t right.
“Alright, well, I’m just gonna roll this up, okay?” He jerked his thumb over his shoulder at his desk as he held up the baggie with his other hand. You felt a weight lift off your shoulders as Eddie gave you a reassuring smile, standing from his bed.
You just nodded in response and he pulled his chair out, sitting at his desk, getting to work. You stayed on the bed, not wanting to get into his space, just letting him do whatever he needed to. You sat patiently, trying not to think too much about what you were doing or you were going to back out. You only got one chance to smoke with your crush and you were going to take it.
Once Eddie had the joint all rolled up, he turned in his chair to face you then made his way back to the bed, sitting down on it hesitantly. Your comfort was his top priority and he was fully prepared to stop everything if you didn’t want to continue.He turned to face you, giving you his full attention. He had never smoked with a first-timer, but he still knew exactly what to do. He wanted to give you options, letting you have full control of the situation.
“So, we can either take turns or we can shotgun, which is where I inhale the smoke and blow it into your mouth. Whatever you want to do is fine with me.” He was being so sweet and gentle and it was getting really difficult for you to not fall for him even harder. You weighed your options and decided that shotgunning was probably the best idea. That way, there was less of a chance that you’d choke and maybe you just wanted to be close to Eddie.
“Can we…shotgun?” You words came out unsure and Eddie’s eyebrows furrowed, wanting to make sure that was actually what you wanted. You nodded enthusiastically, scooting closer to him again. “That’s what I want to do.”
“Then let’s do it.” Eddie turned to grab his lighter from his bedside table and smiled to himself since he had secretly wanted you to pick shotgun. He wanted to be able to touch you, to feel your lips on his, the whole idea making him a little hard. Once he had the lighter, he put the joint between his fingers before holding the lighter out to you. “Wanna do the honors, cutie?”
“Sure,” you nodded and took the lighter from him. You sparked the lighter up and cupped your hand around the joint like you had seen in movies and let it catch the flame before pulling away. You kept hold of the lighter as Eddie beckoned you forward with his free hand.
“C’mere,” he said and you obeyed, moving so you were sitting crisscrossed in front of him. He mimicked your actions and you both got so close that your legs were touching. “Make sure the smoke is in your mouth before inhaling, okay? Don’t want you choking.” You just nodded and Eddie took a drag and held the smoke in his mouth as you leaned forward even more. Your lips parted and Eddie reached up to your face slowly, giving you a look as if asking for permission.
“Do what you need to do,” you told him and his fingers took hold of your chin. His thumb reached up to your bottom lip and he pulled it down as if asking you to open your mouth wider. After it was wide enough, his hand moved to your cheek, pulling your face to his. He gingerly opened up, pressing his lips to your before pushing the smoke into your mouth. You did as he instructed and waited until all of the smoke was in your mouth before you took a deep breath.
Eddie leaned away so you could exhale, gauging your reaction to make sure that you were okay. Just from your first hit, you had been doing a lot better than other first-timers he had seen. Sure, you had only done well because he had told you what to do, but he still thought that you were a natural.
“I don’t feel anything.” Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion as you still felt very sober and Eddie just laughed in response.
“You’re not going to feel anything right away, hon.” His hand moved to your shoulder, giving it a squeeze. “Do you want another hit?”
“Yes,” you nodded and Eddie took another puff and held the joint away from the both of you as he grabbed hold of your waist, pressing his open mouth to yours once again. He blew the smoke into your mouth and you inhaled before you were supposed to, pulling away to cough into your arm. You had been so focused on the way Eddie’s lips felt against yours that you had completely forgotten what you were supposed to do.
“You okay?” He asked, his hand moving to your back, giving it a sympathetic rub. You just held your thumb up as an indication as you continued to cough. “C’mon, let’s go get some water.”
He stubbed the joint out onto his desk then took you by the hand, pulling you from the bed. You continued to cough all the way to the kitchen and couldn’t believe that you had ruined the good time you were having because you had gotten distracted.
Eddie quickly grabbed a glass from one of the cabinets and filled it up with water from the tap before handing it to you. You quickly gulped down as much of the beverage as you could and let out a sigh of relief as you set the empty glass down on the counter.
“You okay? You good?” He asked, the words rushing out of his mouth. He stood in front of you, his hands resting on your back, rubbing up and down in a comforting manner. You leaned into him, your forehead pressing against his chin.
Eddie didn’t know why he felt the need to comfort you and why it had become second nature to him when he was never good at or liked it, he didn’t know. Anytime he was around first-timers who inhaled improperly, someone else always stepped in to help while he watched from the sidelines. But now, there he was, fully prepared to give you whatever you needed.
“I’m good,” you assured him, your arms wrapping around his waist. “Can you just…hold me for a second?”
“I can hold you for all the seconds, honey.” You weren’t sure where the little nickname came from, but you were eating it up, wanting him to say it anytime he referred to you.
You pulled back to look at him and your eyes immediately shifted to his lips. You watched him wet them with his tongue, the wet sheen making them look even more inviting. It was like he was doing it on purpose, trying to torture you by dangling it in your face, knowing that you wouldn’t do anything about it.
Before you could stop yourself, you pressed your lips to his in a lingering peck before quickly pulling away. An embarrassed flush made its way upon your face and you covered your lips with the pads of your fingertips.
“I’m sorry,” you apologized. “I shouldn’t have done that.”
You turned to leave and Eddie didn’t let you get far. He grabbed hold of your wrist and turned you around to face him. He took no time to cradle your face in your hands and capture your top lip between his two. Your hands found his waist and you pulled him to you so he was flush with your body. The kiss was slow and sweet, as if the two of you had all the time in the world. It was everything you had ever hoped, everything you could have ever imagined.
“Don’t ever apologize for that,” he insisted against your lips. “You have absolutely no idea how long I’ve wanted this.” That made you stop in your tracks. You quickly pulled away to look at him, your eyes widening.
“How long?” You were desperate to know exactly how long he had felt that way about you so you could see how much your crushes had overlapped each other.
“Since high school. Almost kissed you that night when I drove you home from Hellfire and I’ve been kicking myself ever since because I didn’t.”
You had remembered that night so vividly. You had ridden your bike, but Eddie had insisted on giving you a ride home. The two of you had talked the entire time about everything and nothing, occasionally giggling at little jokes that you had shared with each other. Even after Eddie had pulled into your driveway, you still sat there, neither of you wanting you to leave. You had noticed him leaning towards you, but you didn’t want to make any assumptions, so you just said your goodbyes and you just felt embarrassed for thinking that he was going to kiss you when it had been clear that he hadn’t.
All that time, you could have sworn that he was going to kiss you and you had been right. You actually hadn’t been delusional for once. For once, the guy that you had feelings for actually reciprocated them and you couldn’t have been more elated.
“Well, now you can make up for lost time.” Your hands rested against his back.
“Don’t mind if I do.” Eddie pulled you back in for another kiss, this one more rough and messy, the two of you so desperate for the other, taking exactly what you wanted from each other.
Eddie’s hands moved to your cardigan and he undid the first button so slowly, giving you a chance to back out if you wanted to. Once he got the okay to continue, he undid the rest and pushed it off of your shoulders. You removed it from your arms and let it fall to the floor.
You let your hands trail up his back and you pulled onto the bottom of his shirt before pulling it over his head. Once it was removed, he threw it to the side, grabbing hold of your waist again. His hands slipped to the strip of skin between the top of your jeans and the bottom of your tank top that had ridden up as he backed you up to the counter, your back hitting it.
He helped you get up on top of it and you spread your legs, Eddie stepping between them. His mouth was quickly on yours again as he licked into it, his tongue roaming around it as if he was trying to taste every single bit of it.
You let out a moan as his tongue swirled around yours and your legs wrapped around his waist, pulling him as close to you as possible. His hands traveled up your shirt and moved to your bra, his fingers resting on the clasp as if asking to take it off.
“Take it off,” you commanded. “Please.” The word came out like a whine and Eddie was happy to oblige, quickly unhooking the clasping before removing the straps from your arms and sliding the whole thing down and pulling it from your tank top. He tossed it behind him then looked at you, searching your face for any sign of hesitance.
“Are you sure you want to keep going?” He licked his lips, his chest rising and falling from being out of breath from your lips being attached. He would have never forgiven himself if he had done something you weren’t comfortable with. He just wanted to be one hundred percent sure.
“I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life, Eds.” Your hand moved up to his cheek, stroking it with your thumb. “I’ve been thinking about this a lot and I want you to be my first.”
“Your first?” His eyes widened. He honestly had no idea that you were a virgin. “Y/n, are you sure you want it to be me?” Eddie wanted to be sure that it was actually what you wanted. That you were doing it with someone you cared about and he wasn’t sure he deserved to be your first.
“Very sure,” you nodded. “You’re the only one I trust to do it.” He felt his cheeks blush at your words, knowing that they meant that you had thought about having sex with him and his dick was getting harder by the second.
“Y/n, you have no idea how honored I am that you want it to be me, but I just want to be sure that you really want this.” Eddie thought it was the greatest honor of all that he was the one that you wanted to lose your virginity to and considered himself the luckiest man alive because of it.
“I’m sure,” you nodded. “I’ve thought about this a lot.”
“Oh, have you?” He teased and pressed another kiss to your lips. “Wanna move this to the bedroom?”
“I’d want nothing more.” Eddie’s lips slotted between yours once again and his hands moved out from under your shirt and wrapped around your waist, pulling you from the counter. Your ankles locked at his back and he carried you to his room, your lips still in the middle of a messy kiss.
He entered his room and slammed the door behind him with his foot, hurrying the two of you to his bed. He collapsed onto it and you fell on top of him. He then sat up and looked at you with a serious look in his eyes.
“I just want to let you know a few things before we get started,” he said, his hands resting on your thighs.
“Okay,” you nodded, ready to listen to whatever he needed to say.
“First, if I go too far or you don’t like something or even if you don’t want to continue, don’t be afraid to let me know. This is all about you, okay?” You just nodded in response and Eddie licked his lips before he continued.
“And on the opposite end, don’t be afraid to let me know what you do like. If you like something, feel free to make noise, and you don’t have to be embarrassed about being too loud. There’s no such thing.”
“Got it,” you nodded, looking him in the eyes so he knew that you completely understood what he was saying. You were desperate to get on with it already, but felt like you owed it to him to listen to what he was saying since it seemed pretty important.
“Do you want to start or should I?”
“You do it.” You wanted him to take the lead since he knew exactly what he was doing.
“Okay,” he replied, leaning towards you, his face only inches from yours. “Just gonna kiss you for now, okay?”
“Mhm,” you nodded and his lips attached to yours again. You felt a little more confident and you were the one to stick your tongue into his mouth, mimicking what he had done earlier, slowly laying him down onto the bed, removing your shirt as you did so. You then leaned down and pulled him into a kiss, your bare chest against his. Eddie brought his hands up and grabbed hold of your tits, the pads of his thumbs massaging your nipples, just enough to make them hard and you made a noise that he knew that he was going to grow very fond of.
Eddie pulled away from you, his mouth immediately moving to your tit. He moved his tongue back and forth, licking across your nipple and you moaned. The whole thing was so foreign to you but you liked the feeling.
Just as you were getting used to it, he took your nipple between his teeth and gave it a pull, causing your hands to move to his hair, giving it a yank. Eddie took that as an invitation to continue and moved to the other nipple, giving it the same attention. You gave it his hair another yank and let out one more moan, trying your best to not be self conscious about how loud you were.
“That’s it, honey,” he said, licking another stripe along your nipple. “Let it out.” Eddie pressed his lips to the spot between your breasts then flipped you over so that your back was against the mattress. He pressed open mouthed kisses all the way down to your stomach and stopped when he got to the top of your jeans.
“These look great on you,” he complimented. “But I’d think they’d look better on the floor. Can I remove them?”
“Yes, please.” He took no time to unbutton them and pulled down the zipper before pulling them down your legs and tossing them to the side. He pressed a kiss to the spot above your underwear then looked up at you for permission to remove them.
“Take them off, Eds. Please. I need you.” Your words came out so whiny and Eddie felt himself getting even more hard.
“Yes ma’am,” he responded before taking your underwear off. He was about to throw them on the floor, but you stopped him, putting your hands over his.
“You should keep them,” you told him. “To remember this night.”
“Isn't that objectification?” He liked the idea of keeping your underwear, but also kind of felt like he was treating you like an object by doing that.
“Not if I say it isn’t. Put them in your pocket.” Without a second thought, Eddie put the underwear into his back pocket before resting his hand on your knees, pulling you in for a bruising kiss. He then spread your legs open to get a peek at your pussy which was sopping wet.
“Wow,” he said, noticing that there was already a stain from where everything had leaked out onto his bedding. “This might be the wettest pussy I’ve ever seen. Mind if I get a taste?”
“I wouldn’t mind at all.” Eddie climbed off of the bed as he pulled you to the end of it. He then got onto his knees before throwing your legs over his shoulders. He looked up at you one more time for any signs of hesitance and when he saw how eager you looked, he slowly pushed his head between your thighs, burying his face into your cunt.
You let out a gasp as his nose brushed it and gripped the blanket as he licked a stripe from your slit to your clit. He swirled his tongue around the area and you couldn’t keep your sounds to yourself anymore.
“Oh, Eddie,” you moaned, your fingers gripping more of the blanket as he worked his magic with his tongue. He grazed the sensitive spot with his teeth and you whimpered which let him know that he could continue. He applied a little more pressure with his teeth, loving the sounds that the action elicited from you.
“So good, Eds. Need more.” You were desperate for whatever he was going to give you, not caring at all what it was, just as long it felt as good as him giving you head.
“Oh, this is just the appetizer, hon.” He dove into your cunt once more, shoving his tongue inside of it, causing you to moan the loudest you ever had.
“Fuck, Eddie, more.” He swirled his tongue around and around and you made the most beautiful sounds he had ever heard in his life, knowing that they’d still ring in his head after the night was over.
After a couple more moans, he removed his face from your pussy and practically threw himself on top of you, pressing his lips to yours in a filthy kiss, his tongue swirling around your mouth.
“See how good you taste, honey?” He asked. “Wanna taste you all the time.”
“And I’ll let you,” you responded. “Whenever you want.”
“I love the sound of that.” He slotted his lips between yours in a dizzying kiss before pulling away. He then reached for his bedside table and pulled the drawer open before taking out a condom, not even bothering to close the drawer back.
“I don’t think I’m ready,” you told him, your voice barely above a whisper. You knew he wouldn’t ever judge you, but still couldn’t help but feel like he was going to be mad at you. He let the condom fall to the floor then moved himself back on top of you, his hands taking yours, intertwining your fingers.
“Are you mad?” You looked up at him, and his face softened instantly. He would have never been mad at you for that. Maybe he was a little disappointed, but he thought he would have been wrong to blame your for something like that.
“Baby, no, of course I’m not mad at you.” He shook his head, giving your hands a squeeze. He couldn’t have been mad at you if he tried.
“Promise?” You needed constant reassurance or your brain would convince you that he was lying.
“I promise, honey,” he nodded. “How about we put on some pajamas and watch a movie? Anything you want.”
“I’d like that,” you nodded. You really had thought you were ready, but the whole thing still scared you. You really enjoyed everything leading up to it, but still found the penetration part to be too much for you at the moment.
Eddie rolled off of you and pulled out a t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants out of his dresser before tossing them to you. You threw them on while he headed to the bathroom to get ready for bed and still felt anxious about him being mad at you. What you had was so good and you were convinced that you had ruined it.
“I’m not mad at you,” he called from the bathroom. He knew you too well sometimes, always somehow knowing exactly what you were thinking. He knew how prone you were to overthinking and was always there to reassure you that your thoughts were in fact not true.
Eddie emerged from the bathroom and threw on a shirt before throwing himself onto the mattress and rolling back on top of you. He pressed another bruising kiss to your lips, his hands reaching for yours again. He then pulled away, a grin breaking out on his face as he looked down at you.
“I’m not mad at you,” he repeated, burying his face into your neck, snuggling into it.
“I know,” you replied, just like always, but he was never convinced, even though you really did know that he wasn’t mad at you.
“I’m not mad at you,” he said one more time, pressing a kiss to your neck before rolling off you.
He reached for the remote to his tv and turned it on before pulling you to his chest. You both watched the screen mindlessly while your arms wrapped around him. One of his arms draped across your waist while the other hand stroked your hair, something he always did to bring you comfort.
You looked up at him as he watched the tv and couldn’t help but feel lucky to have a best friend like him. Someone who was always there for you no matter what. Someone who would never judge you for anything, no matter what he really thought about it. Someone who you were completely and one hundred percent head over heels for. And maybe, just maybe, one of these days you’d get the guts to tell him how you really felt.
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sister-lucifer · 2 years
Hello all well? I just read the new version of the fic "I can ride you until I feel better" from the sub version of the Obey Me boys, so I wanted to ask if you could write a version with the datables characters..
“Can I Ride You Until I Feel Better?” (part 3) 
Diavolo, Barbatos*, Simeon, Solomon x Male Reader (separately) 
Genre: NSFW
Content/Warnings: Dom/Top reader, mentions of riding, slightly OOC Simeon ig? depends on how you perceive him 
Not fully proof read, let me know if you see any errors!
Like my writing? I take requests! NSFW or SFW for any fandoms in my bio! 
Also, please reblog! it’s free, takes two seconds, and really helps me out 
Feed back is encouraged and appreciated:)
*Barbatos uses they/he pronouns 
Diavolo’s day had consisted of nothing but work, work and more work
He was frustrated, tired, and his brain was fried from staring down at his papers from so long 
He dropped down onto the couch next to you, resting his chin in his hands and letting out a long groan 
“What’s up, Dia?” You asked, brushing away some stray hairs from his forehead 
“I don’t think i’ve had a day that draining in a thousand years…”
“Oh, honey, c’mere…” 
Diavolo laid down with his head in your lap, allowing you to stroke his head 
He stripped off his jacket as well, discarding it on the door thoughtlessly 
“Oh, my love,” Dia sighed, “I need a pick me up…” 
“Anything in mind?” You asked. It was quite obvious that he was already thinking of something
Diavolo turned over to look up at you, somehow keeping a completely straight face as he asked: 
“Can I ride you until I feel better?” 
You were a bit taken aback, but Dia’s calm demeanor didn’t falter 
He was serious, but not trying to be pushy 
Of course you had to agree, and a grin quickly formed on his face 
“Thank you, darling. Now sit back and sit still, I think we’re gonna be here a while…” 
They may live to serve, but even Barbatos gets worn out from time to time 
He may have more patience than most, but it’s still finite 
They finally got a moment to themself at the end of a long day, and were happy to see you laying in their bed waiting for them 
“Oh, hello, love.” He greeted you. It was short but sweet, although you could still see the tiredness in his eyes 
“Hello, Barbs. You seem worn out. Wanna come lay down?” 
“Yes, actually. That would be nice. I’m not sure why, but today was particularly trying.” 
“I get it. Don’t worry, I’ll stay with you.” 
Soon they had snuggles into bed next to, holding you to their chest and resting his chin on your head 
You could feel the rise and fall of his chest begin to slow as he relaxed, but there was still an odd restless air about them 
“You alright, Barbatos?” 
“Yes, I think so…just, uh, not quite out of ‘work mode’ I suppose…” 
“Well hey, you’re always doing things for other people. Why don’t you let me do something for you instead?” 
Barbatos paused, looking down at you with an intrigued expression  
“Yep. Anything you want Barbs, I’ll do it.” 
You nodded in reply 
Barbatos’ now borderline stoic face gave little to no insight on what they were thinking 
But when they did finally speak, it wasn’t anything you were expecting 
“If you really mean that, then…I think there is something I’d like.” 
Suddenly he was above you, your back now flat on the mattress as you gazed up at him 
“Would you be so kind as to let me—excuse my language—ride you until I feel better?” 
Even in moments like these they were still insistent on being proper 
It was endearing 
And of course you just had to say yes 
“I appreciate it, my dear. I’ll make sure you enjoy it as much as I do.” 
Ooooh booooy 
Y’know how the other characters said you never wanna see Simeon angry?
You don’t 
And he was pissed 
Maybe he woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning, or maybe it was some other mundane thing he couldn’t put his finger on 
But something had made today extra difficult 
All he wanted was to go home and get away from everybody but you 
And even though that time eventually came, it felt like it had been an eternity since this morning 
He didn’t even greet Lucifer when he passed 
He just wanted to get to you 
And when he did you were in for a wild ride (pun intended) 
He knew that an angel shouldn’t be thinking or desiring such things, but in his fiery state it seemed like the only thing that could help 
And it was rather easy to push the guilty thoughts away once he had his sights on you 
He was on you the second he was in the door climbing into your lap without so much as a word 
By the time you had said “hello” he was already fumbling with your pants 
“W-Woah, Simeon—! Slow down, w-what are you—“
“Just let me have this human. I need you ride you until I feel better.” 
You could practically feel the frustration radiating off of him, so you simply sat back and let him have his way. 
“Let me make one thing clear to you: I don’t want a word about this in the morning, do you understand? Good. Now behave.” 
Solomon was generally cheery, but today was just not his day 
He was struggling with his spells and couldn’t seem to get anything quite right
Each little mistake piled up into a mountain of frustration 
Until eventually he simply couldn’t take it anymore 
He somehow managed to make it to the end of the day, but was only hanging on by a thread 
He was so very happy to see you in his room, sitting in his bed and waiting for him 
“Oh, my love, I’m so happy to see you. You’re exactly what I need after such a terrible day.”
“Aw, well I’m glad I could help. Want to come lay down?” 
“Mm…not exactly.” 
You quirked a brow in confusion, watching as he sat down on the bed next to you 
“I’ve had a terrible frustrating time today, and I need something to…blow off steam with.” 
He pulled the covers off and straddled your waist, putting his hands on your chest and pushing you down onto your back 
“I think I’d like to ride to until I feel better. Is that alright?” 
You nodded wordlessly, watching as he stripped off his uniform jacket and then shirt 
“Good. You’re always willing to help me out, aren’t you?”
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writeandsurvive · 1 year
Caught in a Snow Storm ~ Alden Parker 1/2
Summary: After a work road trip, you and Alden have to stop at a hotel cause the roads are being closed and there’s only one room left.
Warnings: one bed, heater goes out, smut, age gap, smoking, handjob, oral (f receiving).
Words count: 5.2k
Author’s note: yes, despite being summer, I’m writing winter fics. I couldn’t shake this idea off my head so I finally wrote it down. Second part coming soon! Special mention to Supernatural in this work because 18 years later, I finally fell into the rabbit hole. I hope you’ll like it! ❤️
None of this was planned. Nothing happened the way it should have. The whole trip was a major waste of time, giving you zero info for your murder case and even less a lead. On top of that, a huge snow storm hit, blocking the roads and you had to stop at the first hotel you found. You usually love the snow, you find it beautiful when it’s all white outside. But this time, it was just the cherry on the cake. “Do you have everything you need for a sleepover?” You did this trip with your team leader, Alden Parker. You didn’t want to go in the first place.
The idea of being stuck in a car for almost three hours with your crush didn’t sound appealing. Not that you mind being with him, you actually love his company, love talking to him about all kinds of things, love his face when he smiles, or how his eyes are soft whenever he looks at you. You love how his mustache is dark while the rest of his beard - and hair - keeps getting whiter. But you still didn’t want to, because of what happened the week before.
Despite being cold outside, the sky was clear blue and the sun was out. You love this exact kind of weather, and ever since you found out about the roof, you enjoy going up for a break, taking some deep breaths, having a smoke and just appreciate the quiet. And that was exactly what you did. Smelling the nice scent coming from the bakery down the street, a cigarette in hand, you relaxed. You even took a couple of pictures of this nice view.
“You know,” you jumped for a second at the sound of his voice straddling you. He chuckled at your reaction. “Ever since I joined, I’ve been wondering where your secret smoking spot is.” He got closer to the ledge, taking in the view. You tried not to stare too much.
“Did you follow me here, Parker?” You puffed on your cigarette.
“Just a little at the time. Nice spot. But the cigarette—“
“I know, I don’t need the lecture. I’m not a heavy smoker, you know.” You stayed a few steps away from him, not wanting to overwhelm him with the bad smell of nicotine.
“Just when you’re overwhelmed or want to relax.”
You didn’t know what to think about the fact that he noticed all of this. And was intrigued enough that he found your secret spot. You felt all giddy, but buried it deep inside you.
“After sex, too.” As soon as it left your lips, you regretted it. Where was this coming from? Technically, it is true, you enjoy a smoke after sex, but it wasn’t something Alden Parker needed to know. You felt so horrified that you stopped looking at the man and just focused on the view and your cigarette that was coming to an end. You would probably need another one. “I shouldn’t have said that.” You managed to say.
“Yeah,” he agreed and you felt even worse. “Look, I’m not going to tell you how bad it is for you, cause I know how annoying that is—I’ve been there.” You looked at him, forgetting your embarrassment for a second. “Just that if and when you decide to try to stop, I’ll be happy to help.”
“H—how did you stop?”
“That’s actually one of the good things that came out of my marriage with Vivian. She really wanted me to stop, so we came to an agreement that everytime I needed to smoke, I’d reach out to her. I’d call if we weren’t together, or just tell her if we were, and she’d do her best to take my mind off it.”
“And it really worked?”
“After a while, yeah. It did. But also because I wanted to stop. If you don’t have that in the first place, no matter what you do, it won’t work.”
“I’ll— think about it. Thank you for offering your help.”
Your cigarette was long gone, and you put the bottom away in a little ashtray you hid.
“We’re a team.” He smiled at you. That damn smile that makes you want to reach for him and kiss him until you can’t breathe.
You went back to the bullpen together. “I do miss a good cigarette after sex though.” He just said before you left the roof.
Maybe you spent the entire week overthinking this. He obviously didn’t mind what you said, but you still felt horrified by it. Why would you say something like that to him? Clearly, he knew what that feeling was like, but it still wasn’t worth mentioning. He did agree when you said you shouldn’t have said it though. Did it make him uncomfortable? He probably doesn’t want to know anything about his coworkers sex life.
Not that you had any lately.
When you finally reached a hotel, you thought it would be it. You couldn’t wait to get into your room, lay down and relax. Probably go back down later to smoke. The ride itself wasn’t bad at all. Alden was his usual self, you two talked about many stuff in the car, some were work related and some weren’t. At some point, it felt like he was trying to know you better than he already did. After all, you’ve been working together for just a year, and it’s not like you two spend a lot of alone time together.
“I’m sorry we’re booked.” The receptionist started to say, and you sighed heavily. “Lots of people decided to stop when they announced the storm coming up. All we have left is a suite.” You and Alden looked at each other.
“It’s either that or the car.” He said.
“Fine. But accounting better not give us hell for that.”
“Is this a work trip?” The lady asked, surprising both of you.
“Yeah, why?” Alden asked.
“Because that suite—only has one bed.”
“Fuck me.” You muttered a bit too loud. But Alden agreed for the room.
“We’re adults.” He said in the elevator. “We’ll build a pillow wall if it makes you feel better.”
“Sure. Adults and pillow walls really fit together.” You rolled your eyes. Alden chuckled.
“Have you ever slept in the same bed as a friend or something?”
“Yeah, of course. But it’s different.”
The elevator’s doors opened and Alden walked out first. “If it really grosses you out to share a bed with me, I’ll sleep on the floor, Y/N.”
You usually love when he says your name, but not this time. You could tell by his tone that you upset him. Hurt him, maybe? But wasn’t it better that he thought something like that than know the truth? That you didn’t want to share a bed because you were scared of what it may do to you. You followed him into the suite. It was very beautiful, spacious, and kinda—romantic. Not helping.
“That’s not what I meant, Alden.” He put his backpack down.
“I saw a little store down the street, I’m gonna go buy a few things.” He walked past you to reach for the door again. “Do you need anything?” He still asked.
“A pack of cigarettes?” You heard his quiet growl.
“I was thinking more like some food? Hygiene products? PJs?”
“Do you really think they are selling PJs in that mini store?”
“I’m hoping. Sleeping on the floor is one thing, but sleeping on the floor in my suit? I’d rather not.”
“You’re not sleeping on the floor.” You told him.
“Are you?” He raised an eyebrow.
“Yeah right.”
You knew he wanted to ask you why it was different with him. Why did you seem so repulsed by the idea of sharing a bed?
“I’ve got everything I need, thanks.”
Alden nodded and left.
This would be alright, yes? It was just one night. The bed was big enough for you two, you wouldn’t need a pillow wall. You just hoped his scent wouldn’t drive you crazy, that his body heat wouldn’t warm your insides.
While Alden was gone, you called McGee to give them updates - not that you had much - and listen to theirs. You exchanged a few theories about the case. And finally told him that you’ve found a hotel to spend the night. “Where’s Parker?”
“He needed a few things for a store downstairs. How are the roads in DC?”
“Not too bad yet, but we’re all heading back home before we have to sleep in the office.”
“Lucky you.”
“Be safe and stay warm.”
“Not too warm though.” You overheard Nick. The team knew about your crush on Alden. They all figured you out little by little.
“Tell him he’s a dead man.”
“She’s going to kill you.” Tim said to Nick, laughing.
“Love you too!” Nick shouted.
You were still working on your computer when Alden came back from his little trip. You immediately noticed the snow all over his dark coat, his hair was wet, and he looked absolutely frozen. “It’s getting bad.” You stood up to take a quick look through the window. Everything was covered in snow and the night was dropping. “The store owner told me that a neighborhood close by lost power. We may be next.”
As Alden took his coat and jacket off, you went to grab a towel from the bathroom and offered it to him. “For your hair.”
“Thank you.” He dried off his hair, and sat on bed to take off his wet socks. He looked at you puzzled when you extended your hand.
“It’s just socks. They need to dry.”
You disappeared in the bathroom to put them on the tower heater, while it still worked. When you came back, Alden was sitting on the bed in his white undershirt, his belt was unbuckled. You forced yourself not to stare. “We can eat downstairs but I don’t feel like moving just yet. You can if you want to be alone.”
“Not hungry for now. You should take a shower while there’s still hot water, that’ll warm you up. I put a towel on the heater.”
You could feel his eyes on you even though you had your back turned to him. “Thank you.” And he was gone to the bathroom.
This was going to be alright.
You took a look in the bags he brought back. Was this considered sneaking? He didn’t say anything about it being private, and you could see a bag of chips on top anyways. And you found mostly snacks, a bag of your favorites. There was your favorite kind of tea, and some coffee powder. And obviously, a box of pastries. You smiled at that. If Alden doesn’t find his way to pastries, pastries will find their way to him.
Then you grabbed the hotel menu, looking at what could interest you. Unlike you told Alden, you were hungry, you just didn’t want to eat alone. And you wanted to make up to him for hurting his feelings earlier.
He came back from the bathroom, wearing some night shorts, his white t-shirt and a black zipper on top. His hair was still a little wet, and messy. You’ve never seen his beautiful hair like this and you loved it even more. Alden looked so casual, and cozy, you realized this was what it’d be like to date the man. This could be one of your daily views, if only— if only.
You were on the bed, scrolling on your phone, your legs under the blanket as it was getting a bit colder. “You should go too.” He told you, and you agreed. Walking past him as he smelled fresh from the shower turned your upside down. You hurried to the bathroom and locked up. A cold shower was more needed than a hot one. You almost gave up to your urges in the shower and touched yourself, but your embarrassment afterwards would be written all over your face, and Alden could read you very easily.
You needed to smoke.
“You were looking at the menu. Do you want to order something?”
“Do you?”
You definitely noticed how Alden looked at you from head to toes, even though there was nothing to see. You were wearing an oversized hoodie that you always have with you during winter, and your work pants. “I don’t have shorts like yours or anything similar.” You answered his silent question.
“Get under the blanket and take them off. I’m staying here for now anyway.”
You did as told, because you honestly wanted those pants off. Alden stayed seated at the little table. “So, food?”
“The grilled cheese sounds good.”
“Drink? I got you some tea for later, but you already saw that.”
It was the first time since you got the room that you and Alden actually looked at each other. You could tell he was teasing you for looking into the bags, so you smiled. “My favorite. Thank you by the way.”
You gave Alden your full order and he called the reception, who informed him about the heating system issue. The room temperature was clearly dropping. You pulled on your sleeves to cover your hands, and put the hood on. “We can get an extra blanket, or hang out around their chimney.”
“I’d rather stay here for now. And get your ass under the blanket too.”
“I’m good.”
“For the love of god, Alden! I’m not grossed out by the idea of sharing a bed with you! Or anything like that for that matter.”
“No, I know. I get it. I’m your team leader, I’m quite older than you. It’s not very comfortable, like sleeping with your weird uncle or something.”
You laughed, but Alden looked serious.
“You’re definitely not the weird uncle.”
“Yeah, tell that to my nieces and nephews.”
“I’d rather trust Eli.” You smiled and he returned it. You and the team learned about Alden’s godson only recently. You’ve met his former FBI partner, Jeremy, who talked about his son Eli, and how much he loved his godfather. You had no doubt believing that Alden was a loving godfather, who took his role very seriously. And you loved that about him. “Get under the blanket, Parker.” You said again, and this time he did. He stayed very much on his side though, a huge gap between your body and his. “Plug your phone before the power goes out.” He said, plugging his own.
As you left the bed to grab your phone charger - and computer - you forgot that you had no pants on. It didn’t even occur to you when you slightly bent over to get it from your bag. It was only when you walked back to the bed, and saw how red Alden’s cheeks were that you realized. You basically jumped under the blanket, mortified. “I’m sorry! I completely forgot—sorry.”
“It’s okay.” He cleared his throat. “No worries.”
“Let’s agree that if either of us does something that makes the other uncomfortable, we can just say it. Yeah?”
How could you look him in the eyes now?
Both of you on your side of the bed, focusing on your phones, the room became totally quiet. You didn’t know what was more uncomfortable, the fact that you just saw your panties, and that you’re both so ill at ease, you can’t even talk, creating this awful atmosphere.
Finally, your order came in. You obviously decided to eat on the bed, the blanket covering you as much as possible. “I can put up something on my laptop if you want.” You offered.
“Yeah, why not.”
You gave him a few options as he settled the food.
“What’s Supernatural?”
“Seriously? Dean and Sam Winchester, chasing demons and all kinds of creatures?”
“That sounds—“
“Like what we’re watching. Sit.”
And you did just that. Eat dinner in bed, covered by a comfy blanket, watching the first episode of Supernatural… with your team leader. Your crush. The guy who’s much older than you.
You didn’t know who was the most surprised by how Alden got into it. He was asking you a bunch of questions, some that you couldn’t answer without spoiling. “Just because it’s not that bad, doesn’t mean I’ll binge the whole thing. Don’t care about the spoilers.”
“I do. So, if you want to know what killed the boys’ mom, just watch it.”
Alden was leaning against the headboard, an arm behind his head. He looked even more cozy than he did earlier. You could so easily lay down on his chest, and cuddle as you watch the show. “Maybe I should go down and get that extra blanket.” He said at the end of the episode.
“I will go. I’m gonna smoke.”
“I didn’t buy you a pack.”
“Always have a few with me. Do you think you can avoid freezing to death for ten minutes?”
“You’re the one going outside. Wouldn’t you prefer to stay warm here and talk to me?” He offered. How he managed to stop smoking. “We can watch another ep, if you want.”
“You’re hooked.” You grinned.
Alden turned on his side, leaning a little closer to you. “Well it’s always nice to know how to defend myself if I ever encounter a demon.”
“Or a vampire, or a werewolf, or a rougarou.”
“What the hell is a rougarou?” He laughed.
“Binge. The. Show.” At every word, you got closer to Alden. So close your forehead almost brushed his. A little more and you could’ve kissed the man. And it obviously took both of you by surprise.
“I’ll go get the blanket. Be back in a few.” He was gone before you could say anything.
By the time he came back, you had cleared the bed from the plates and food, made sure that there were no crumbs or anything in the sheets, put his water bottle on his nightstand, and waited. The extra blanket looked fluffy and pretty warm, and Alden couldn’t wait to get under. “It’s freezing in those damn hallways.”
You grabbed the blanket from his arms and set it just right on the bed. You took your computer, settling it between your hips and Alden’s, maybe it acted as a barrier. “You’re cold.” You could feel his coldness despite the gap.
“You think?” His vest was close up to the top, and he put his hood on just like you. Without thinking further, you reached out for one of his hands. It was frozen.
“Gimme the other one.” Puzzled, he gave you his hands. You put them in the big pocket of your sweater, and covered them with yours. His hands were much bigger than yours but you didn’t care. You moved your fingers on his skin, putting a bit of pressure to get the blood flooding properly.
“Do you have another pocket for my feet?” He asked as you felt his legs getting closer.
“I swear if you put your cold feet on my legs, I’ll scream.”
In the pocket where the four hands were, you didn’t know who was trying to warm who. They were mixed together, you could feel his fingers moving against your palm and wrist. Alden chuckled, his legs got even closer.
“Parker, I have a gun.”
“So do I. And I’m a better shooter.”
“We’re 1 to 1, so no, you are not.”
You and Alden went to the shooting range a couple of times. It started with a little teasing about your aim after a case, and it turned into a competition. Whoever wins the next round has to invite the other for dinner. His idea.
Did it mean something?
“When this case is over, we’re doing the last round. I can’t wait for my free dinner.”
“Be careful. I could take you to the worst and cheapest restaurant ever.”
“In that case—“
Before you knew it, Alden’s legs were intertwined with yours. His feet were pressed against your calves, and your body got much closer to his. You let out a small scream of surprise before trying to fight him off. But his hands had left your pocket to lock you down. To be honest, with your training, you could get out of his hold but he wanted to play, so you were going to indulge. He was holding you so tight that your hands were stuck in your pocket. You tried to sneak your way out, until you both heard a thump. “Was that my laptop?” You asked.
“If it’s broken, you’ll explain to accounting why I need a new one.” You lifted your head to look at him. “Shouldn’t be too hard for you.”
“Why’s that?”
“According to the rumors, you dated—“
“Come on. Don’t tell me you believe those rumors?”
“Well, they are around your age, some are single. And Kathy is very beautiful.”
You felt his hold loosen a little but honestly, you didn’t want him to let go of you. You wanted to stay there for as long as possible. He smelled so good, his body felt perfect against yours. Being this close to him felt—right.
“Mmm… that’s true, she is. Do you think I have a chance with her?”
You forced yourself to smile. “Of course you do. You’re clever, handsome, sweet, funny, passionate. And you have the best head of hair ever.”
He laughed at that. From where you were, you saw his throat bobbing. His Adam’s apple was so close, all you wanted was to kiss it. His laugh was the best sound you’ve heard, and it was even better when you were the reason he was laughing.
“I figured you loved my hair when a month after I joined the team, you accidentally touched it.”
“It was an accident, Alden! I was reaching for the file and your head was on the way!”
“Sure it was. I have such a big head.”
“Aldeeeen!” You whined and somehow your face buried itself in his neck. “I swear I didn’t—“
“I’m just teasing you.” He chuckled.
Realizing that you were basically cuddling the man, you were ready to move away and get some much needed distance. Especially that Alden’s released the last bit of pressure they had on you. But before you could move even just a little, his arms closed again. This time, he wasn’t locking you down. He was hugging you. Cuddling you.
“We should stay like this if we don’t want to freeze to death. Unless it makes you uncomfortable—“
“I’m good.” You immediately said. You didn’t want to move. Not now, not ever. “You’re lucky your feet are warm now.”
“Thanks to you.”
After a long moment and an internal debat, you moved your arms to hold him back. You felt his body relaxing entirely, and yours did the same. And you stayed like long enough that you both fell asleep.
Three hours later, you woke up. You and Alden were practically in the same position, except that he rolled a bit of his back, and one of his hands was dangerously close to your butt.
Your skin was damped. You were hot and sweating. Pulling the blankets just a little, you realized that the room wasn’t cold anymore. As slowly and quietly as possible, you moved out of Alden’s arms and left the bed. The heater was working very well, your hoodie wasn’t needed anymore so you got rid of it, as well as your socks. You were now in a tank top and panties, but couldn’t bring yourself to care. Especially not after what happened earlier.
You removed the extra blanket as gently as you could so Alden wouldn’t wake up. Then, you crawled back in bed, stared at his beautiful and peaceful face before slowly opening the zipper of his vest. You were halfway through it when his body moved and you felt his eyes on you. “The heating system got fixed. You should take it off.”
“You were doing a great job.” He sleepily said. You opened the vest entirely, and tried to remove it from one of his arms.
“A little help, Alden?”
Half asleep, he sat up and put his arms in the air like a toddler wanting to be undressed. You quietly laughed and undressed him, almost straddling his lap. It surprised you when he got rid of his t-shirt too before laying back down, taking you with him.
Alden was shirtless. You could feel him, you could touch his chest if you were bold enough. You wanted to turn on the lights and see his body, admire it, imprint in your brain forever. You were about to relax and just enjoy this moment, but it was when he let go of you and practically turned on the other side. “Oh” left your lips as it surprised you, confused you and kinda hurt you.
“Male body reaction.” You heard him say. “It’s better I stay on my side.”
It took you a couple of seconds to understand. “What if I don’t want you to stay on your side?” You whispered and moved closer. You didn’t know what had gotten into you at this moment. Maybe you were going to die of embarrassment, maybe you’d have to quit your job in the morning. Or maybe—
You were now spooning Alden. “Remember our agreement? If one of us does something that makes the other un—“
“Yeah.” He cut you off.
Slowly, you ran your hand from bare back to his chest. He started to breathe heavily. You loved the hair that was there. You touched his pecs, his tummy, making him growl, and reached the waistband of his shorts. You softly kissed his shoulder and Alden melted. His hand went up and down your forearm that was around him. “I need you to agree to this, Alden.” You whispered into his ear, “Don’t want to take advantage of sleepy you.” You planted a kiss under his ear.
“I’m very much awake, sweetheart.” His head leaned back into you. “You can do anything to me.”
When was the last time someone took care of this man?
Your hand finally got into his shorts. You had barely touched his length that he moaned. When your hand wrapped around his cock, you didn’t expect it to be this thick. You got even wetter than you already were. You collected his pre cum on the tip, and used it to start stroking. “Fuck!” He growled deeply. He completely leaned into you, his hand reaching for your hair, neck, face. He was needy and you loved it. You freed his cock from the shorts and stroked him slowly, putting just enough pressure. You kissed his cheek, nipped his ear. You were able to move your other arm under his head, which allowed him to touch his chest. Between the noises he was making, you could tell he wanted to talk, he wanted to say something but everything died on his tongue. “Kiss me.” Was all he could say as he turned his face and you did. All teeth and tongue, all needy and desperate. Alden was now on his back, his hips moving. You weren’t sure if you were giving him a handjob or if he was fucking your hand. That you cared.
“I’m gonna—“ he choked and growled.
You kissed his cheek and whispered to his ear again. “Cum for me, Alden. I’ve got you.” A few more sloppy strokes and he was coming all over his stomach, your name dying on his lips along curse words, his fist holding onto your hair for dear life - it stung a little but you loved it.
You watched him coming down from his high, playing with his hair. His chest was rising and falling rapidly as he was catching his breath. The post orgasm bliss on his face. You kissed his cheek, “I’ll go get a towel.”
When you came back, Alden had turned the nightstand light on, and he looked absolutely perfect. Naked, satisfied, relaxed… the best version of Alden Parker you’ve ever seen until now.
He tried to reach for the towel but you slapped his hand away, and cleaned the sticky mess on his stomach. As soon as you were done, Alden grabbed you and pinned you on the bed, his body covering yours. “I think we can say that our platonic work relationship is ruined.” His eyes moved from your eyes to your lips.
“How terrible.” You grinned and he kissed you. You’ve been in control so far, but you knew at this moment that he was taking over.
“I’m not sure how I got you to be interested in me, but I’ll take it.” He lifted your tank top a little and went down to kiss your stomach.
“You’re the only one who didn’t know I’ve had a crush on you for months.” Your body shivered under his touch.
“I may have noticed a few things—“ he took your top off of you and admired your breasts before touching them, kissing them, playing with your nipples. “But it seemed impossible.” He kept touching your tits as he got back up to kiss you. You buried your hands in his hair, and wrapped your legs around his waist.
“Why? Because you’re older?”
“For starters.” He kissed you one more time before getting on his knees. He slowly took off your panties while staring deep in your eyes.
“I don’t give a fuck about your age.” He looked at your panties, smelled them before throwing them away. You practically moaned at his actions.
“You should, babydoll.”
He settled between your legs, kissed your inner thigh, bit a little, and gently touched your pussy, looking at it so hungrily.
“Well if you don’t fuck me properly, I just might.” You teased, trying not to lose your mind over having him down there.
“As much as I want to, I’m not going to fuck you tonight, unless you got a condom hidden in your bag.”
“For fuck sakes!” You shouted.
“Sorry, doll. But I’m going to make you cum.”
And he finally dived in. He inhaled your scent deeply, before putting his month where you needed him the most. Alden knew what to do, when to do it. He ate you like a starving man. Making you moan loudly. You felt his index finger penetrating you, and another finger as his month kept playing with your clit. It didn’t take long before that amazing and familiar feeling appeared. One of your hands was in his hair, while he was holding the other with his free hand. Your legs around his neck could’ve suffocated him but you didn’t care and neither did he.
“I want to taste all of you, doll. Cum with my mouth.” He encouraged you. “I’ve got you.” He repeated your words. And you didn’t need more.
After cleaning you with the towel, Alden held you as you were catching your breath. Kissing your hair, he gently stroked your back. You both enjoyed this moment, this position, this tenderness. You didn’t know what tomorrow would be like, or even what this all meant.
Neither of you dared to ask.
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mystique-6 · 4 months
Kinktober Day 10: Butt Stuff?(I refuse to use the name of the actual prompt as the title)
Summary: Astarion asks to try something very specific in the bedroom. Ailis agrees even though it makes her nervous.
Hello! My hyperfixation on Astarion has got me in the writing mood so I will be participating in Kinktober using @flightlessangelwings Kinktober list. The pieces may be part of a bigger fic(s). I have started the fic. If you like these pieces in this series, please consider checking out my main fic, This is Me Trying. (Can you tell I like Taylor Swift?) Either way, I hope you enjoy. I do plan on completing the 31 prompts though it will take me past October. I also have the fic posted on AO3.
Warning: Anyone under 18 do not interact. Please pay attention to the tag warnings below.
Tags: Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Lube, Enemas, Light Dom/Sub, Kissing/Gentle Kissing, Feelings Realization
Additional Notes: This fic involves Spawn Astarion and we are back to the sweet and soft version.
Disclaimer: I do not own anything from BG3.
            Ailis went to pick up the crate of washed dishes when she felt her ass be groped.  She whirled around to give the person a piece of her mind and found Astarion smiling at her.  He was clearly trying to stifle a laugh.
            “Hello, darling,” he said and then kissed her on the cheek.  She felt her aggravation slip away, but she didn’t want to completely let him off the hook.       
            “There are nicer ways to greet me, you know,” she said tersely.
            “I disagree,” he replied.  “Any chance to touch your perfect behind must be taken.”
            “I didn’t know it was you,” she huffed.
            “I don’t think Wyll or Gale would be brave enough to try it,” Astarion said with a smirk.  “Halsin might, but you most certainly would have heard him coming.”
            “Hmm,” she hummed and bent to pick up the crate again.  Astarion beat her to it.
            “I’ll get that for you,” he said and began to lead them back towards the center of camp.
            “You’re going to help with a chore?” she said.
            “Well, I am helpful like that,” he replied and she laughed out loud.
            “What do you want, Astarion?” she asked.
            “Darling, I’m hurt!” he exclaimed, though his broad smile suggested otherwise.  “Why would you assume I’d only offer help if I want something?”
            “Maybe because I have to badger you to complete camp chores when it’s your turn,” she said.  “If you’re offering me any kind of aid, then you want something.  Spit it out, Astarion.  What do you want?”  He set the crate don and pulled her by the waist into a kiss.  She smiled against his lips and snuggled in closer to him, wrapping her arms tightly around his torso.  When he broke off the kiss, he brushed a strand of her hair off her face and stared into her eyes tenderly.
            “I want to try something new with you tonight.  I’m not sure if it’s something you’ve done before,” he said.  The first time he’d said that to her, she’d scoffed and insisted there wasn’t much she hadn’t tried.  She’d been rather adventurous in her youth.  Her confidence had proven to be hubris.  She’d realized quickly that Astarion had much more sexual experience than her and there was quite a lot she hadn’t tried before.  He never once made her feel bad for not knowing something and he was always patient with her if she had concerns.  So, the prospect of trying something new with him now intrigued her.
            “What do you have in mind?” she asked, her heart fluttered with excitement and anticipation.  Astarion smiled as he noticed it and brushed his thumbs across her cheeks as he cradled her head in his hands and kissed her forehead.  She smiled.  He really wanted whatever was on his mind.
            “Have you ever tried anal sex?” he asked, doing his best to sound casual, but he was clearly anxious asking her.  Considering her racing heart nearly came to a dead stop at the question, she supposed she understood why he sounded a little hesitant.  She shouldn’t be shocked he was asking.  He’d never outright asked her before, or even said he wanted anal sex, but he’d hinted at it with words and touches.  She knew Astarion wanted in her ass.  She’d have thought, as a vampire spawn, he’d be more of a neck guy.  And right now, she really wished he was.  She wasn’t sure how she felt regarding anal sex.  She didn’t think it was wrong or anything, but the concept of it made her nervous.  That’s why she’d skirted around his hints before.  She couldn’t do that now that he’d outright asked her and was waiting on an answer.
            “No,” she said, drawing out the word.  “I haven’t.”  Astarion nodded, even though she knew he’d expected that answer.
            “Are you interested in trying it?” he asked.  He had his arms wrapped around her waist, but not so tightly she couldn’t break free of his hold.  He was giving her the choice to stay close to him or take space if she needed it.  For that reason alone, she didn’t pull away and reached up with one hand to gently tug at a white curl resting above his forehead.
            “I’m guessing you are?” she said, avoiding the question.  He smirked.  He knew what she was doing.
            “I’ve had anal sex before, Ailis.  Giving and receiving.  You know this,” he said.  She nodded.  She knew.  “I would like to try it with you, but I’m not sure how you feel about it, other than that it clearly makes you nervous.  Are you at all interested?”  She squirmed and tried to think of a way to divert the conversation, but her mind stayed blank.  She glanced at his expectant gaze and sighed.
            “I’ve never considered it before,” she said.  He didn’t look surprised.
            “Are you willing to consider it now?” he asked softly, running a hand gently up and down her back, trying to ease her tension.  She hesitated.
            “Won’t it be painful?” she asked, thinking about where his dick would breach.  The anus wasn’t the vagina.  It wasn’t designed to have anything go up it.
            “There may be some pain,” he admitted, “but with proper prep it shouldn’t be unbearable.”  She pursed her lips as she thought about it.  “Ailis.”  She glanced back at his face.  “Do you really think I’d suggest something that would cause you tremendous pain?”  That questioned settled it for her.
            “No,” she said.  “I don’t.  All right.  We can try it.”  He smiled widely at her and pulled her in closer for a kiss.
            “Meet me at our spot in fifteen minutes,” he told her and then hurried off.  She smiled fondly at his retreating figure until her eyes landed on the crate of clean plates. 
            “What an asshole,” she sighed, and grabbed the crate and headed back to camp.
            Fifteen minutes later, Ailis stepped into the abandoned building of the Last Light Inn that she and Astarion had essentially made their hook up spot.  He was already there, pulling a clean sheet over the mattress.  She saw he had supplies ready on the bedside table.  The bottle of oil didn’t surprise her, but she didn’t know what to think at the sight of the 2-liter bag attached to a tube and nozzle.
            “Hello, darling,” Astarion greeted her as he approached.  He pulled her into a kiss.  “Ready?”
            “I guess.  I’m nervous,” she admitted.  He gave her a soft smile and kissed her forehead.
            “That’s understandable, but you’re with a professional,” he said.  “I’ll make this a good experience for you.”  She smiled and leaned into his chest as she wrapped her arms around him in a hug.  His own wrapped around her torso and he squeezed her tightly against him.  He kissed the crown of her head and they stayed that way for a moment, both enjoying the other’s presence.
            “Okay,” she said, pulling a way.  “Let’s get started.”  His lips quirked up in an amused smile.
            “All right,” he agreed and lifted the 2-liter bag of water up off the nightstand.  “Let’s get started on the prep work.  Do you know what this is?”  She was about to shake her head, but then paled as realization hit her. 
            “Is that an enema?” she asked appalled.  Astarion put down the enema bag on the bed.
            “It is,” he said evenly.  She could tell her was trying to keep her from freaking out, but also giving her space to have an honest reaction.  That was probably the only reason why she didn’t flee immediately.
            “Why do you have that?” she asked.
            “It’s part of the prep.  Anal sex can be messy.  Taking an enema first can fix that problem,” he explained.
            “So, you want me to…” She broke off.  She couldn’t finish that sentence.  “Is it really necessary?”
            “It is for me,” he said.  “I’ve had to deal with the mess before and it’s never been my choice.  I won’t do this without you taking the enema.”  His voice was firm, but he wasn’t arguing with her, or trying to be difficult.  He was just setting a boundary.  But his boundary was pushing at one of her own.
            “I…” She didn’t really know what to say.
            “Ailis, have you ever had an enema before?” he asked.  Her face turned tomato red.  Her instinct was to deny it, but instead she nodded, while at the same time, wrapping her arms tightly around herself in a self-soothing hug.  “I take it that it wasn’t a good experience.”  He said it softly.
            “It was not,” she said stiffly.  “I don’t want to talk about it.”
            “I’m not going to make you talk about it, but I would like to understand why you are so averse to it,” he replied.  “Did it cause you pain?  Were you…”
            “It was embarrassing, okay?” she snapped.  “I felt shamed over it for weeks!”  She found herself pulled into a tight hug.  She slowly felt her tension ease and she unwrapped her arms from her own torso to wind around his.
            “I’m sorry you were made to feel shame over it before,” he murmured softly in her ear.  “I don’t know who administered one to you before, an old lover or your mother, but you didn’t deserve to be made to feel bad over it.”  He tipped her chin up to make eye contact with her.  “I promise I won’t do that to you.  We’ll get it done and over with and move on to more enjoyable activities.  It won’t be brought up outside of here.”  She believed him, but she still hesitated.  He played with a loose strand of her hair.
            “We also don’ have to do this, Ailis,” he said.  “It’s okay if you change your mind.”
            “But you want this,” she said.
            “I do,” he said, “but not at your expense.  We can do something else that you’re more comfortable with.”  She buried her face in his chest and he ran his hands soothingly up and down her back and stamped an occasional kiss to the top of her head.  She sighed after a moment and pulled back.
            “How do you need me positioned to administer it?” she asked.
            “You’re certain, Ailis?” he asked and she nodded.  “All right, then.  Come to this side of the bed and lie on your side facing the door.  Remove your pants and undergarment first.”  She did as he directed.  He adjusted her to be centered a little closer to the middle of the bed, and then hooked the enema bag to the bedpost.  She started to roll over onto her stomach and raise her hips, but he stopped her.
            “You don’t need to get in that position, darling,” he told her softly.  He gently pushed her right leg up until her knee was parallel to her chest.  She saw him reach for the oil and knew he was putting some on the nozzle.  She jumped when he fingers spread some oil around her entrance, and then tensed when she felt the nozzle nudge at it.
            “I need you to relax,” Astarion said soothingly.  “Take a deep breath for me.”  She did as he said and felt some of her tension ease from her.  At the same moment, she felt the nozzle slide into her and she made a face.  It didn’t hurt, but it was uncomfortable.  And if this was uncomfortable, she couldn’t imagine how his dick would feel.  Her thoughts broke off from that though, when she felt water begin to flow into her.  She flinched and Astarion immediately climbed into bed behind her and pulled her back to his chest while murmuring words of encouragement in her ear.  She tried to focus on the words he was saying, but it was hard to focus on anything other than the odd sensation of watering flowing into her.  Her stomach began to feel full and tight and suddenly a cramp ripped across her lower abdomen.  She whimpered, and the flow of water stopped.  
            “Cramp?” Astarion asked.  She nodded and squeezed her eyes shut as another rolled through her.  Astarion lowered a hand to her distended abdomen and massaged it, trying to ease the cramp.  She sucked in a few deep breaths and finally her muscles relaxed.  “That’s it.  You’re doing so well.  You only have half left.”
            “There’s still that much left?” she whined.  He kissed her cheek.
            “It’ll be over soon, Ailis,” he assured her.  She sighed, but nodded, and he unclamped the tube.  She grimaced as the water began to flow again.  She began to curl in on herself as another cramp tore at her abdomen.  She felt Astarion reach for the clamp again, but she stopped him.
            “Leave it.  I want this over with sooner rather than later,” she said through gritted teeth.
            “But you’re in pain,” he replied.
            “I’ve felt worse.  Just let it empty,” she growled.  He sighed, but left the clamp alone.  He moved his hand back to her abdomen and tried to tub out the cramp.  After another moment the water stopped.  “Is it done?”
            “Yes, but I want you to try and hold it for fifteen minutes,” he replied.
            “What?  Why?” she cried.
            “To ensure your entire system is cleared out,” he said and she groaned.
            “Fine,” she agreed sullenly.
            “Do you want me to remove the nozzle?” he asked.  “You might feel more secure with it in.”
            “No, I want it out,” she said insistently.
            “Of course, darling,” he replied and she felt him gently ease it out of her.  She immediately curled up into a ball.  He curled around her and stroked her hair.  She tried to breathe her way through cramps, but they kept increasing and it wasn’t long before she felt the urge to go.
            “How long has it been?” she asked.
            “Five minutes,” he answered.  She whined.
            “I have to go,” she complained.
            “Try to hold it a little longer, Ailis,” he told her.  “Ten minutes isn’t as long as it feels.”
            “Easy for you to say.  You’re not the one dealing with these cramps,” she grumbled.  He kissed the top of her head.
            “You’re almost done,” he assured her.  She muttered a few curses under her breath and he laughed.  She tried to focus on his hands gently stroking her wherever he touched rather than on the cramps, but she was fighting a losing battle.
            “I can’t!” she cried.  “I need to…I’m going to…”
            “All right.  It’s all right, darling.  Go,” he said and she shot off the bed and out the door.  She didn’t even take the time to slip on her pants.  She just hoped none of her companions were around to see her. 
            About twenty minutes later, she rejoined Astarion in the abandoned building.  She saw he’d cleaned up and put away the enema equipment and she felt immensely grateful to him.  He looked up at her cautiously from where he sat on the bed and held his arms out to her.  She rushed into them and he pulled her down on his lap for comfort.  She buried her face in his neck and he held her tightly as he began to rock her.  It wasn’t long before she felt her nerves were soothed and she remembered why she’d agreed to that particular prep work.  And although she still felt nervous over it, she decided to move the night forward.
            She stamped a kiss to his neck and then his jaw and then the corner of his mouth.  When he started to smile, she kissed him deeply, moving a hand up to frame his face while the other tangled in his hair at the base of his head.  He held her tighter in return.  When the kiss finally broke, she leaned back and removed her shirt and upper garment.  She reached for the base of his shirt, but he grabbed her hand and stopped her. 
            “Not yet, darling,” he said and pressed a kiss to her palm.  “There’s certain logistics that need to be discussed.”
            “Such as?” she asked nervously.
            “I know you typically like to be face to face during the act, but it might be physically easier on you if I enter from behind,” he said cautiously.  She hesitated.  Since they had found their spot at the Last Light Inn, they had been able to expand upon sexual positions they enjoyed as she was less likely to be triggered looking down on a mattress than dirt that reminded her of her trauma.  That being said, her nerves were on fire.  She wasn’t sure she liked the idea of not being easily able to see his face.
            “I’m not sure,” she replied.  “I don’t know if it’s a good idea.” 
            “Do you think you can manage it while I prep you?” he asked.  “I’m not trying to push your boundaries, Ailis.  I just want to make this as easy on you as possible.”
            “I think I can handle that,” she said hesitantly and he kissed her again.
            “Stand up for a minute for me, darling,” he ordered and she obeyed.  She watched as he removed his shirt and then adjusted the pills on the bed.  When he had them how he wanted them, he guided her down onto the bed.  He maneuvered her so her hips rested on a pillow, raising her ass in the air.  He’d also arranged a pillow for her to hold onto if she wanted.  She wasn’t normally inclined to grasp onto her hide moans in a pillow, but tonight she thought there was a chance she’d need to.  She squeezed the pillow and tensed when she saw him take the jar of oil from the nightstand.
            “I need you to relax for me, darling,” he said, running a soothing hand up and down her spine.  “Take a few deep breaths.”  She did as he said and slowly relaxed.  She heard him uncap the bottle and then he parted her cheeks so he could access her more easily.  She stiffened again when she felt a cool, wet finger press against her puckered hole.  He pressed a kiss to the bottom of her spine and she took another deep breath as he played around her entrance, applying pressure, but not yet breaching it.  As she got used to the sensation, she finally relaxed completely and that’s when he pushed in.  She squawked at the foreign sensation as he slowly pushed into her and tensed.  She felt every groove in his finger as she clenched around it.
            “Are you all right?  Does this hurt?” he checked in.
            “It doesn’t hurt,” she replied.  “But it…it feels weird.”
            “Good weird or bad weird?” Astarion asked and she looked over her shoulder to see him grinning in amusement.  She scowled.
            “Just weird,” she replied tersely.  His free hand soothingly massaged the back of one of her thighs.
            “You’ll get used to the feeling,” he promised.  “I know if can be shocking the first time.  Now try and relax again, darling.  I can’t move without hurting you while you’re this tensed against me.”  She listened and took a few deep breaths.  This time, she also fantasized over their post-coital cuddling and her muscles eased up faster. 
            “That’s good, darling,” he praised and began to move his finger inside her.  Her brows furrowed at the strange sensation, but after a while, she did grow accustomed to his exploratory thrusts.  And it wasn’t awful.  She could feel a spark of interest between her legs, but the interest died when she felt another finger at her entrance.  He began to slide a second finger in with the first, and this time, there was pain.  She tensed and the pain sharpened as she stretched around his fingers.  She let out a sputtering gasp, and he stopped.
            “You need to relax, darling.  You’ll only make this painful if you’re this tense,” Astarion said. 
            “I tensed because it hurts,” she panted between quick breaths. 
            “It can be a little painful at first.  It shouldn’t be unbearable though.  I’ll use more oil,” he told her and removed both fingers.  She took the moment to suck in a few deep breaths and almost managed to relax before both fingers were at her entrance again.  They slowly pushed in, but even with the extra oil, there was still a slight pain from the stretch.  She focused on her breathing and tried to set her mind on a fantasy of the them together, but she couldn’t fully ignore the odd feeling of his fingers dragging against her inner walls in a part of her body she was growing more and more sure of that he didn’t belong in.
            “Tell him to stop then,” a voice inside her head said.  She opened her mouth to do so, but stopped.  This was something Astarion really wanted.  He’d asked her for this, and despite always being the one in charge of their sexual escapades, he rarely asked for anything.  She had to at least give it a fair chance, and in her opinion, two fingers were not a fair chance.  Two fingers were barely a chance at all.  So, she continued to draw in shallow breaths until his fingers were pushed fully inside her.  He stopped moving and she tried to focus her mind on anything but the ache caused by his fingers inside her.
            Thankfully, he also wanted her mind on something else.  He leaned over her and kissed her cheek.  He trailed kissed up to her ear and sucked the lobe into his mouth.  She gasped and couldn’t help a slight thrust of her hips.  The movement caused him to move inside her, but he didn’t give her a second to think about the slight pain it caused.  He used his free hand to brush her hair off her neck and began to kiss and nibble his way down her neck.  He then moved to a shoulder blade and pressed a soft kiss to it before he bit down, though not hard enough to break skin.  This time when she thrust down, there was enough friction to tease her clit and a spike of pleasure went through her so strong that even his fingers inside her felt good and she moaned.
            She felt him smile against her shoulder, and he started to move his fingers inside her again.  There was a slight sting as he pumped and scissored her open, but she was beginning to enjoy the feeling.  She experimentally thrust her hips back towards him and groaned as his fingers sunk impossibly deeper insider her. 
            “Mmm.  Yes.  That’s it, darling,” he practically purred.
            “Harder,” she ordered and he laughed but obeyed.  He thrust harshly into her a few times and she chased after her please as she thrust into the pillow and then back on his fingers.  She let out a frustrated whine when he removed his fingers completely.  She opened her mouth to complain, but her jaw snapped shut when she felt three fingers prodding at her entrance.  She tried to remain relaxed and focus on the pleasure she’d been feeling, but she couldn’t even think to move her hips to get friction as the sharp, burning sting returned worse than ever as he stretched her wide.  She bit her lip as her eyes watered and tried to bear it, but the pain worsened the deeper he went and she whimpered, feeling a tear spill over and down her cheek.  He immediately removed his fingers. 
            “Okay, Ailis.  I’m stopping,” he said in a soothing tone.  He tried to help her roll over, but she resisted.
            “No.  I’m fine,” she said, quickly brushing the tear away.  “You can continue.”  She glanced over her shoulder and saw him frowning.
            “Ailis, you clearly don’t like this,” he said.
            “I was enjoying it a minute ago.  I just need to adjust.  Now, come on,” she urged, raising her hips up to put her ass on display, trying to tempt him back into sex.
            “Ailis, sit up,” he ordered and she sighed.  She shifted onto her side and rested her head on her hand so she could look up at him.  He brushed a strand of hair out of her face and gave her a soft look.  “Why are you trying to force yourself through this and why do you want me to let you?”
            “You asked to try this,” she said, frowning.
            “Yes.  And you agreed to it,” he said, “but you aren’t enjoying this.”
            “I was enjoying it a few minutes ago.  I just…”
            “You were enjoying humping against the pillow,” he said.  “You were tolerating me fingering your ass.”  She scowled.
            “I didn’t tell you to stop, so why are you?” she snapped.  “You have the go ahead.”
            “Why would I want to keep doing something you’re not enjoying?” he said.
            “You like anal sex,” she said.
            “Yes, but I like you more and you don’t,” he replied looking completely baffled by her obstinance.
            “You asked for this.  You almost never ask for anything when it comes to sex,” she cried.  “So, I need to give this a fair chance.”  He stared at her with wide eyes and tugged his hair with his hands before taking a deep and unneeded breath.
            “I think you’ve given it a fair chance, Ailis,” he said gently.
            “A few fingers aren’t a fair chance,” she argued.
            “I think it is,” he said.  Angry tears filled her eyes.
            “Well, I don’t,” she replied.  “It’s not a fair chance until you get your dick in me and actually fuck me.”  The tears spilled over.  He brushed them away before she could.
            “I think we should stop, Ailis,” he said softly.
            “No,” she refused.  He sighed, but nodded.
            “I’m only going to agree to continue if you accept my bargain, all right?” he said.
            “What bargain?” she asked.
            “If you aren’t enjoying it after I’m inside you after three thrusts, we’re putting an end to this,” he stated firmly.  “I think we should put an end to this now, but I will continue against my better judgement if you agree to this bargain.”
            “Ten thrusts,” she bargained.
            “Five,” he returned with a sigh.
            “Five, Ailis,” he said.  “No more.”
            “Fine,” she snapped.  “Five.”  She flopped back over on her stomach.  He snorted.  She waited for him to resume prepping her, but he draped himself over her back and grabbed her arm and then brought I down underneath her and settled her fingers over her core. 
            “Touch yourself,” he ordered.
            “W…what?” she said.  He pressed their entwined hands down so her fingers put pressure on her clit.  She gasped.
            “Touch yourself,” he repeated, practically growling in her ear.  She mewled and began rubbing circles over her clit.  He removed his hand as she began to work herself over.  His fingers returned to her entrance.  She hesitated for a second.  “Don’t stop, Ailis.”  She continued and he sunk one, then two fingers back inside her.  She groaned, but any discomfort she felt was outweighed by the pleasure from the attention she was giving to her clit.  He thrust his fingers in her once, then twice, and on the third thrust, she pushed her hips back to meet him.
            The next time she felt him at her entrance, three fingers breached her.  The burn returned, but she continued to play with herself and after a moment, the burn eased and she fucked herself back on his fingers as he pushed into her and scissored her open.  Suddenly, he removed all fingers and she whined in complaint.
            “Sorry, darling, but I believe you wanted a change of position,” Astarion teased, rolling her over onto her back.  She reached up for him to pull him into a kiss and he humored her.  When he pulled away, he reached for the pillow under her and tugged it until she was positioned how he wanted her, with her hips lifted up off the mattress.  He removed his pants and undergarment and she saw his thick and turgid cock and felt a spark of anxiety.  It was far larger than three fingers.
            “You’re not going to fit,” she said.  He smirked, and she could tell he was stifling a laugh.
            “I’ll fit,” he assured her.  “Are you ready?”  She wasn’t sure, but she nodded.  His cocked lined up to her entrance and began to push in.  The burn was worse than each time before.  She bit her lip to keep from whimpering, but she couldn’t help a tear from escaping.  “I can stop, Ailis.”
            “We agreed on five thrusts,” she ground out through gritted teeth.
            “But if this is unbearable for you…”
            “It’s not.  Continue,” she ordered.  He sighed.
            “Try to relax.  And keep touching yourself, Ailis.  I didn’t tell you that you could stop,” he said.  She groaned and did as he ordered, increasing pressure on her clit to combat the burn as he pushed into her until finally, he bottomed out.  She panted as she tried to adjust to him.  Astarion was large.  Even vaginally, he was a lot to take, but she didn’t think she ever felt so full as she did right now.  She used the arm she wasn’t using to pleasure herself to wrap around his waist to keep him close.  He kissed her damp cheek and then slowly began to slide out.  He pulled back only about halfway, before slowly thrusting back in.  She took a deep breath and bore another two thrusts.  On the fourth her drew back farther, and she wrapped a leg around him and pushed at him when he thrust in, forcing him somehow even deeper inside her.
            They both groaned, and Astarion stopped holding back.  He pulled all the way out, and then shoved back in.  She felt the burn of it, but the sensation was almost pleasurable now.  The next time he thrust in she pushed forward to meet him.  One of his hands found hers and forced it to the mattress by her head, and held it there gently with his own.  They kissed sloppily, though passionately as they moved together, panting into each other’s open mouths as they joined together.  Ailis felt his rhythm start to falter and knew he was about to cum.  She was nearly there herself.  Tension was building in her core.  Sparks of pleasure shooting off like electricity as she played over her clit.  Muscles in her thighs and core were twitching and she felt her cunt start to clench.  She increased the pressure on her clit and her body jerked as she went over the edge.  All thought seeped from her mind as the world around her faded. 
            When she came back to herself, she noticed Astarion had stopped moving.  He laid across her torso, and was pressing gentle kisses to her neck.  She could feel him still inside her, though he was soft now.  He’d also found release.  She lifted a hand and carded it through his now messy, white curls.  He smiled against her jugular and then pushed himself up so he could look at her face.
            “How are you feeling, darling,” he asked.  His smile was fond and relaxed, but she saw caution and worry in his eyes.  She cupped his face in her hands and gently pulled him down to her for a deep and languorous kiss.
            “Never been better,” she replied when the kiss ended.  He smiled and stroked her cheek.
            “Did you like it though?” he asked.  “And don’t lie to me.  Please.”  She hesitated, and thought over her response.  She didn’t hate it, but…
            “Maybe we can relegate it to special occasions,” she said.  “When is your birthday?”  He laughed and kissed her again.  When he pulled back this time, he also pulled out of her and she winced.  He immediately moved down her body to inspect her entrance.  She grimaced as he probed a her gently for a moment.
            “No tears,” he told her.
            “I didn’t think there would be,” she said.  “You said you’d make this a good experience for me.”  He smiled and they kissed again before he rolled off of her and then pulled her back against his chest.  His arms wrapped snuggly around her.
            “Thank you for this,” he murmured in her ear.  She smiled, and snuggled back against him, trying to eliminate any space between their skin.  She started to drift off to sleep when suddenly her eyes shot open wide ad her heart began to pound against her ribcage.  The cold, icy grip of fear latched onto her as she realized what she’d been trying to suppress for weeks now.  What she felt was the absolute truth.  This was no longer a fling to her.  She loved him…and that terrified her. 
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callmearcturus · 28 days
Mission Impossible: a Crazed Ramble by tentacledwizard
Re my mission impossible ask: gonna share my thoughts bc I just finished watching the series (sans 2 and 3) and boy do I have Thoughts. I think I’ll cover the ones I’m most interested in (Ghost Protocol, Rogue Nation, and Fallout) though I might ramble at u about 1 and 7 later lmao. So okay here we go
Ghost Protocol. I REALLY liked this one. This is 2nd on my ranking of MI movies.
This movie has the best team vibes. Might be my favorite iteration of The Team, even if Luther isn’t really there. I just got really emotionally attached to these guys and their interactions lmao..
I liked Brandt. Jeremy Renner didn’t have to do some heavy-duty acting for this role, and he didn’t. His role was to be small and cute and tormented, and it worked. So well that I mumbled “where is my wife” when I watched Fallout, and my brother looked at me strangely. 
Jane Carter holy moly. Dude you were NOT kidding about Jane Carter. I love her so much. I love how she’s not even slightly the love interest, how her and Ethan’s interactions have this respect and camaraderie, and even when they kiss it’s not romantic. It’s great. Loved how she got the dudely “gotta avenge my dead wife” backstory with her boyfriend getting killed, and how that propels her most ruthless actions. I guess I’m pretty much agreeing with everything you’ve said about Jane lmao. SHE’S GREAT. Also loved it when she fought Léa Seydoux, it was pretty cathartic. Let female characters be driven and reckless and (eyes Rose Lalonde pfp) yeah
Benji Dunn the man that you are. Okay I’d say that Benji is at his best in the next movie, but this is a damn good introduction. He’s newly promoted, a little bit out of his depth, and I’m a sucker for funny nerdy sidekicks okay. Gonna talk about him some more when I get to Rogue Nation probably.
Ethan Hunt has the best haircut in this film. Idk man that’s my Ethan Hunt commentary. Oh wait it was also funny when he wore the mustache
Didn’t watch 2 and 3, so the brief glimpse of Julia was very intriguing and bittersweet. Then of course in Fallout she Julias all over the place!
I’ve actually seen the Burj Khalifa irl and it is SO TALL (I know, very surprising) so I cannot wrap my head around the fact that this scene was shot on location (??) I need to look into that more.
I am a dork and I do not know much about how stunts and action scenes are calibrated, hence the sheer delight I derived from the way the camera moves in the Burj Khalifa scenes. Also my hands got really sweaty during the first half. (The “blue is glue, red is dead” part reminded me of “hasta lasagna don’t get any on ya” IDK MAN)
I spent the wall-climbing section gazing at the TV rapturously and occasionally mumbling “uh oh,” “Ethan Hunt: Human Gecko” or “the climberrrr” alternately. I literally was not hearing myself because I was watching so intently. My breath was BATED lmao.
And like I’d seen the gif sets, I knew he was gonna jump but I didn’t know when. So when Ethan does jump, it’s so sudden that you can’t help but go :O !! And it works. Anddd that’s my favorite stunt in the film (i am an easily impressed nerd with no technical knowledge but i AM dying on this hill. The Burj jump would impress ANYONE and for good reason)
I am replaying this scene in my head over and over. It’s just. It’s so good. My reaction to it reminded me of when I watched [S] Descend and it just Worked and I was amazed. To say nothing of Cascade lmao. Actually yeah this kind of is Cascade in a sense
I'm sure none of this commentary  is really original, but I really love it when Tom Cruise does a big jump heh. I am a simple man
So yeah this film is easily my 2nd favorite. It’s character-driven, there’s comedy elements, the way the team interacts and collides and argues with each other is wonderful. And I believe in Jane Carter supremacy.  
Oh yeah, Bogdan was funny too. So many good + funny moments here :D
Wait how could I forget the best character (the Russian man who has an enemies-to-friends arc with Ethan)? Love that guy.
OKAY this is too long so Im gonna separate this into 2 parts.
they sent three asks and then I responded, we're gonna use a cut here, LONG POST!!!!!
@tentacledwizard PART 2.
Rogue Nation. This one’s my favorite! I like how it begins not with Ethan but with the Team, because their interactions are good. And of course Ethan’s trying to jump on a plane. Just another Saturday.
I am not very good at talking about plot so let’s talk about Benji Dunn
ok wait first I gotta say that I like how they played with the usual IMF message. The “we ARE the syndicate” got me. Really good moment, and I bet if I rewatched it I’d catch all the little details that made me suspicious of whoever was talking. 
Anyway Benji Dunn.. the man that you are…
Like I said, Benji is at his best in this movie. There’s so many little moments that cement his greatness. He’s gaming on company time! He lies about not being Ethan’s friend on a daily basis :( also the sincere dorky smile he does on his way to the opera is so wonderful. 
I really like how sincere Benji is. He’s genuinely looking forward to the opera, and he’s eager to wear a mask someday, and he cares about Ethan so much. Yeah he’s a funny little British man but he’s also v sweet and you can see why Ethan goes crazy and kidnaps the prime minister to get him back. 
speaking of, I really think that Benji and Ethan’s relationship is… if not the core of the movie, it’s definitely a major part of that core. Does that make sense? Like, I tried to take a picture of the screen every time Ethan and Benji glanced at each other knowingly, and I ended up with a lot of pictures. Even with the 6-month separation (Ethan with a beard is something I never thought I’d see), they know each other. Ethan knows Benji wants to see the opera, and Benji will yell at Ethan when Ethan needs to be yelled at. Ethan compliments Benji’s tuxedo (as he should).
Also ffffuck whenever these guys worry about each other… like when Benji tells Ethan he’s probably going to take it too far one of these days.. Man. The scene where Ethan washes out of the giant torus with Ilsa and Benji goes to talk to him is so good.
oh and yeah Ethan did kidnap the prime minister. For benji. HE DID THAT!!!
Also the scene where Benji is forced to speak for Solomon was honestly incredible, it was like Ethan and Benji were having their own separate conversation with eye contact. When Ethan briefly put his hand on Benji’s shoulder, maybe to reassure him without having to talk, and Benji glances up at him… that’s good stuff right there. When Benji was finally able to talk it was cathartic. God I love these two
Plus the opera fight scene is so fun oh my god.
ok let’s talk about my queen Ilsa Faust
Ilsa Faust is great, and I really like how this series does female characters. Because she has her own shit going on, there’s a bit of romance between her and Ethan but they’re both agents with missions, and she’s never sexualized. I love that. Her signature move is filmed the way a male character would be filmed if he were fighting. That’s awesome.
I really loved Rebecca Ferguson’s performance here, the conflict between saving others and saving herself was neat. It’s also interesting how she has way less reservations about killing people, which plays off Ethan’s… everything. And she never makes it easy for Ethan, which I’d honestly do too if I was involved in the shit she has to deal with. 
But of course there are moments that show she does care about him (asking him to run away, the scene where she saves him in the underwater whirly spinner). The hug was pretty sweet.
Also, Ilsa is when I started really paying attention to the outfits in MI, because all of her looks were great. The yellow dress is iconic, and I REALLY liked the pleated coat she wears when talking to Solomon Lane. Plus the suit she wears in Fallout is Good.
Solomon Lane is a good villain. Jim is the MI villain I think of when I think of MI villains, but Solomon is very distinctive. I mean that voice, man. The VOICE. Lmao. He kind of reminded me of a parasitic worm made human, which is a 100% good thing.
So who has the more distinctive and weird voice? Solomon or Claire? That is the question. (I think it’s Claire tbh. Four am, four in the morning, four o clock)
So this is my favorite MI film. It’s fun, it has a good villain. We see Ethan’s personality start to shine through, too- he’s emotionally driven, as evidenced by when he fucking DOES ALL THAT TO SAVE BENJI GOD I LOVE THESE TWO. So yeah, this is the Ethan and Benji movie to me. It’s also a stellar debut for Ilsa Faust… wait what do you mean she gets fridged in the 7th movie. What do you mean
OH Jeremy Renner is still here! And more Luther! Hell yeah.
really want to rewatch this one so I can take more notes on the stunts and stuff, too
Ok time to make a part 3 because this is ridiculously long
Fallout. Oh man. This one messed me up. 
So from the start, Fallout is a darker, queasier watch than the previous two. The more I watched, the more I realized that this movie Is Ethan Hunt’s Nightmare.
Like there’s the straightforward nightmare at the beginning, and then the film just Doesn’t Stop. It keeps messing with our minds again and again. 
This is the Ethan Hunt movie. This is our deep dive into Ethan Hunt’s mind, and at some points it kind of feels like a test of how well we know him- because he wouldn’t kill all those people, so this must be another nightmare, right? 
I am used to vivid nightmares, and this film perfectly captures the sheer horror of having one. And I was constantly doubting my own perception, bouncing between bad dream and reality along with Ethan. Man.
Like Mission Impossible has always kind of had that element, what with the masks and everything, but this film dials it up to eleven. I recognized the horror of Ethan’s situation here, and it was a feeling that stayed with me the entire time.
I mean at some points, it gets surreal. The line about Ethan literally being his own worst enemy (it’s true!), his wife showing up in little glimpses until she finally appears, Lane pinpointing Ethan’s fears, etc. When Ethan looks around at the church and says he’s terribly sorry, it’s such a small moment but it’s still kind of a gut punch. Ethan Hunt is trapped in his brain and so are we.
Even the title sequence shows everything burning around Ethan. The full theme song sounds like it’s going to end, but then it keeps going. This movie feels way more apocalyptic than any of the others.
Even Max is dead. I mean come on.
And we see how this screws up Ethan’s judgment, how his priorities are a little fucked in the grand scheme of things. He puts a few people over millions, for better or for worse.
Ethan Hunt running is an iconic part of the franchise, but what happens when all the messed-up stuff he went through catches up with him? What about the fallout?
So when the ending rolls around, it feels like Ethan is waking up, and that lends it a certain catharsis. But the uneasiness of most of the movie still stuck with me for a long time afterward.
Okay let’s talk about the new characters.
Alanna was neat, and I liked her outfits too. Though every time she flirted with Ethan, I had this vivid mental image of Ethan driving up and yelling “I fucked your mom, shit lips!” Probably something he’d say to Zola instead though.
Walker was such an asshole and that was kind of great actually. Not a single redeeming quality to be found. Have fun falling off that cliff, johnny boy.
Oh yeah and he got to say the only “fuck” in the entire series I believe. (It should have been Ethan. Well I can always hope.)
That conversation Ethan and Benji have about how Ethan won’t let anything happen to him, but then later Ethan does something that seems to put Benji in danger (making him be Solomon Lane)? Chef’s kiss. Also Benji FINALLY got to wear the mask, and he’s damn good at it.
More of Ilsa and Ethan’s relationship and man is it complicated haha. I like the scene where they’re walking through a symmetrical landscape, just paralleling each other, until finally they’re face to face. That’s good stuff right there. Also the scene where he’s in the hospital bed was sweet.
My wife [Brandt] is not here but luckily we get a lot of Luther. Luther is the constant in this series- he’s stuck with Ethan from the beginning, for better or for worse. (Better, because he’s a good character). So Luther really cares about Ethan, evidenced by his conversation with Ilsa. He probably knows Ethan better than anyone, except maybe Julia but then again she and Ethan have been apart for a while. 
Julia was great. The scenes with her and Ethan were v bittersweet. They still care about each other (just look at Ethan’s constant guilt over not protecting her), but she’s living her own life now. The conversation they had near the end was the culmination of all this, the moment we were waiting for. Plus I enjoyed her friendship with Luther, like I enjoyed Ilsa and Benji’s friendship. The scene where they’re cutting the wires/talking about Ethan was cute.
as for the stunts, hmm… I didn't really get the level of physicality I got from, say, MI1 or Ghost Protocol. Idk man maybe I’m just biased against helicopters?
ALSO I really like Face/Off and Hit Man so the John Lark thing was p cool to me. Ofc John was the asshole CIA agent though.
Anyway good movie, might take some time before I can rewatch it but it’s a masterful delve into Ethan Hunt’s mind. Not my favorite but also really really good and I wrote the most about it.
Conclusion. Wow that’s a lot of thoughts. Probably too many to put in one ask. Uh I kind of also want to talk about MI1 and Dead Reckoning as an echo of MI1 but this was a lot so idk if you’d want me to do that lmao. Anyway I have to thank you for convincing me to watch Mission Impossible all those months ago, because it is one of my obsessions now. (If you read all this I am sorry lmao, hope it wasn’t boring tho) 
And now I can finally read your Benthan fic! 8D hell yeah.
okay now it is my turn to reply
I frankly adore Brandt. I've joked to Brandt that I don't really ship Benthan, I just use it as a vehicle to write William Brandt and have him tell jokes. I adore his angry little bureaucratic ass. I am actually a fan of Renner when the material gives him actual shit he can do. Like, he was fucking WASTED in the MCU and the "Hawkeye" miniseries proves he could have been having fun this entire fucking time but they never GAVE him anything. And even if his role in MI is simple, McQuarrie is so damn good at writing characters that Brandt feels vibrant. In GP he goes from sad sweater boy to lowkey the weakest link of the team but everyone is there to help him. And in RN there's a THOUSAND lil moments I love with him. I always point to Benji's interrogation scene, there's a VERY VERY PRECISE bit of editing where Benji is going off on a tirade about how the CIA sucks, and the camera lingers on Brandt LITERALLY JUST LONG ENOUGH for Renner's mouth to make this tiny microexpression, like TWO FRAMES of Brandt indulging in admiring Benji's lie-craft.
Also the argument in the bigass car with Luther was Renner improvising according to McQ. Love it. Brandt's my angry little pencil-pushing angel. Any time he shows up in the PT AU, I'm 😍😍😍
GP lives and dies on the team dynamic tbh, which I find hilarious bc imo MI3 was pronounced dead on arrival bc the team dynamic is non-existent and like, why am I even here???? the chemistry is truly batshit.
Also Ethan's gorgeous LEAP at the end of the sequence is my second-fave Physicality Moment in that movie. The first is of course Ethan's silent vault over the railing after he leaves his prison cell. I'm a slut.
and I bet if I rewatched it I’d catch all the little details that made me suspicious of whoever was talking.
oh you want a fun one? in the record shop, there are two listening booths. ethan goes into the one on the left.
Solomon Lane is sitting in the one on the right.
re: Benji in Rogue Nation, I mean McQuarrie himself has said Simon Pegg as Benji Dunn is the beating heart and soul of the Mission franchise. so don't worry, we ALL stan.
ILSA FUCKING FAUST. /fans face. Yeah, the way MI handles women is like… I don't know how to go back to, like, James Bond films. I keep remembering Skyfall (which I remember as a good movie) and how one of the ~bond girls~ is casually executed and the whole point is how unfazed everyone is, how DISPOSABLE she is, how James Bond as a franchise wants backpats for pointing out "man it sure sucks how disposable women are in these spy flicks huh"
smash cut to Ghost Protocol, Rogue Nation, Fallout, and ESPECIALLY Dead Reckoning.
I keep saying this but MI manages to pull off the Metal Gear thing in that the Male Gaze of the camera is thoroughly bisexual. Long before we see Ilsa's amazing leg shot at the opera, we get a long lingering shot of Ethan's tiddies, and the way he's held captive is very female-coded, the position, the way he tries to wile his way out of it, the barefoot thing, all of it. There's such intense intentionality with how MI frames bodies.
Hell, I've been flicking between MI and the X-Men AU movies and comparing Ilsa to Mystique is super interesting because both of them fight with their legs-first. But the choreography of Mystique always has this "heh heh heh naked legg" feeling, while with Ilsa, her fighting style is so consistent, it feels like a natural result of her build and how she utilizes momentum. I remember there's a fast moment in Fallout where she very casually assists Ethan by taking out a guard as he extracts Alanna, and she does her leg flip thing. It feels Correct for her, rather than the MCU "make sure you fight pretty" bullshit.
Anyway I love Ilsa but Benji is actually the Love Interest in RN and we all know it.
"wait what do you mean she gets fridged in the 7th movie" SHE DOES NOT GET FRIDGED i am gonna die on this fucking hill, that Ilsa's death was good and actually meant something
Anyway I cosign all your thoughts on Fallout. I think it's the best movie and frankly I think it's a cinematic masterpiece. The claustrophobia of it, the nightmare of being Ethan Hunt, the repeated use of dreamlike imagery to convey that we're falling further into that nightmare with him, AND THE ENDING. I find the ending so bittersweet because yes, Ethan and the team pull it off, they push at the edges of possibility and reason until the universe yields and gives them the win
but then Julia says "I know you'll always be there" and its like watching a door slam in Ethan's face. He's always going to be in this dream/nightmare, a world that exists one layer removed from reality, and he can't get out. It's amazing. I want to kiss McQ on the mouth.
That Ilsa-Ethan scene was not in the original script and TC suggested it day-of and they just did it and its one of the most beautiful shots of the movie, with the green trees melding with the slight green tones of Ilsa's outfit and with Ethan's eyes. The fact they have an entire conversation between Ethan and Ilsa's eyebrows. I love them.
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madrone33 · 8 months
Ok, so heavy SPOILER WARNING for Pjo episode 6! And the rest of the show since I have read the book! Just, y’know, there’s your warning.
I’d also like to preface this by saying this post will be a rambling, not at all ordered, completely unscripted, kinda-rant kinda-essay of my thoughts on the episode, which means it is inherently biassed and completely composed of my thoughts, feelings, and opinions! None of this is fact, and I’m not trying to force my opinion on you. If you think differently or disagree, that’s completely fine! I would hate to live in a world full of clones of myself lol
With that out of the way, onto whatever this will turn out to be!
Ok, so I really liked the Hermes scene. That part was well written and acted. The family drama and guilt and blame is this show is really complex and everyone just needs multiple hugs tbh. Also, seeing a bit of Hermes’ powers was interesting.
I’m intrigued to know more about Percy’s flashback, while at the same time dreading it because I know it’ll be something heart wrenching and traumatic for poor Percy.
Hermes not agreeing to help them was a kinda foregone conclusion; it would be way too easy for them if he just let them into the Underworld, and we can’t make things easy for them now, can we :D
The Kronos stuff was cool to see, with Luke desperately covering his ass lmao, and Percy confiding in Annabeth. The slight change in Iris Messaging, with them not needing water and using a crystal instead was good. Both that it saved time and that it’s more believable. If your one communication tool is rainbows, of course you’d carry around a portable crystal to make ‘em.
It does make me wonder if they’re ever going to explain that technology - as in phones - makes it easier for monsters to find you. ‘Cause currently I… don’t think that’s been made clear to non-book audiences? Maybe I missed it in an earlier episode? Idk.
The scene where they released the trafficked animals was funny, and Grover completely overlooking if humans would get hurt and only thinking of the animals was a nice touch. I get why they didn’t show the animal abuse explicitly, even if I liked how in the books it was shown more clearly.
Them actually realising that the Lotus Hotel is connected to the Lotus Eaters from the Odyssey was good. I like how they’re identifying the threats faster in the show, whereas in the book they really fell for the monsters’ traps a lot. And the fact that they were on guard and were thinking that it was the food to watch out for added a different kind of danger than the books, where it was more just the readers sensing something wrong and hoping they’d not get trapped.
I like that the Lotus was actually being pumped into the air the whole time. And the fact that Percy and Annabeth being together helped them remember what they were actually there for vs Grover being alone and succumbing quicker was logical.
I didn’t like what they did with Grover so much. Him finding a fellow Satyr and trying to talk to him the way that he can’t to Percy and Annabeth was sad, but then, uh, idk he kinda just felt a bit useless? And the Satyr (who’s name I’ve completely forgotten oops) I think was supposed to be seen as funny? But he was… not. He wasn’t funny. And Grover was just very meh.
Like, this is one of those instances where I would’ve liked for them to change it from the books. In the books they all get split up become slowly addicted to the games in the Lotus Hotel and all that, and then Percy snaps out of it and he goes to wake up Annabeth and Grover, and they find Grover playing something like ‘Destroying Humanity’ and then drag him out of there. Which is basically what happens here, but it’s just-
They’ve changed so many other things for the better, turning moments from a randomness scene to a character beat. And I think they tried to do that by adding the Satyr and the ‘Finding Pan’ game, but it just. Didn’t work for me. He was just kinda there and did basically nothing and, like.
Ok ok so my main problem with this episode is the lack of tension.
First off, they were more meandering around looking for Hermes, it didn’t seem like they were that worried they might not find him. Like, they literally just wandered around and found him, without asking for any directions from strange people that might’ve given some insight into how sus this place is, or even having a quick montage cut of them jogging around peering into shady places. They just- walk around slowly and then there he is. Incredible.
Second, I know the Lotus is supposed to be like a drug, where you forget things and just focus on feeling good all the time, but I would’ve liked if Grover figured out that it was in the air, or that too much time has passed, and tries to fight it or smth?
Like, he starts to forget, and knows he’s forgetting something important, and tries to find- someone- the people he knows he came here with- not just so they can help him remember but to warn them that they were wrong, and it’s not just if you eat the food it’s everywhere and they need to go because the time- it’s all slipping away and he can’t let them be trapped here-
But something or someone stops him, hold him back, makes it so he can’t, and slowly he starts to forget why he’s fighting or what he’s fighting for and then he succumbs, and the switch you can see in him from scared-determined-panicked to dazed-confused-happy is terrifying.
And now we viewers are on the edges of our seats, because now we know that Percy and Annabeth are in so much more danger than we thought, and now there’s a time limit, and now Grover is trapped in his own mind slowly losing himself, and now we’re wondering when it’s going to start happening to Percy and Annabeth too, and now we really need them to realise and save Grover and get the fuck out of there before it’s too late-
But uh, yeah, we… didn’t get that. Instead it was almost- portrayed as comical? Like, there wasn’t a lot of weight put on it.
Old man Satyr keeps forgetting ha ha ha. Oh Grover’s forgetting too? Wow it’s gonna be super hard to get out of that one! Oh, no it’s super easy. Barely an inconvenience! Oh really? Yeah, Percy and Annabeth have barely started to forget anything important, and then they happen to look up and see the Satyr and get reminded of Grover. And then there’s a super short chase scene and then jump cut to them finding Grover playing video games and oh funny, he doesn’t remember them! But it’s fine, it actually doesn’t matter, they get him and go and he remembers on his own a few minutes later! 😀
Speaking of; I might have missed something but did Annabeth do anything at all during that chase scene? Like, I think she went another route to try and cut him off, but then she just kinda disappears, Percy tackles him, and she never shows up…? Idk, I’ll rewatch it sometime, but as of now it’s very strange in my mind.
The car scene was kinda funny, but again, not a lot of tension at all.
(Though as someone learning how to drive that scene made me cringe because of how relatable it was lmao. Honestly, Percy drove way too well for a first timer in a crowded parking lot, and the fact that he actually made that turn decently well? Yeah, someone give him a pat on the back lol.)
… Okay so I just thought of something that is unrealistic and wildly deviating from the books to the point that it’s basically just fanfic, but hey, they deviated anyway when they introduced Hermes this early and it’s my shitty tumblr post so - imagine if there was a car chase. There. I said it. If you’re going to make Percy drive a basically stolen taxi through Los Angeles, fucking commit and make him have to outrun the cops/some monster until they manage to activate whatever makes the car teleport!
Like, do an ‘IKEA after dark’ situation where things are all happy go lucky in the club at first, and then after they talk to Hermes and the Lotus starts effecting them, shit starts to get weird, and the patrons around them start becoming strange, and there’s a creeping sense of wrong wrong wrong as they rush to find Grover and then they find him but he’s wrong, and he looks at them like they’re strangers and they don’t know how to fix it, so all they can do is grab him and run, barely remembering where they’re going or why, but they’re holding themselves together, and when one starts to slip the others are there to haul them forward and remind them what they’re doing.
They have car keys in hand, and they might not know how to drive but fuck it they need to go, so bring on the dramatic dark lighting and wild driving and many bumpy, jerky, shit-we-almost-ran-over-something-important escapades, sirens closing in behind them and then he takes a wrong turn and stares wide eyed into the headlights of an incoming truck, flinches back, eyes slaming shut and-
Silence broken only by crashing waves. Insert Santa Monica scene after slightly hysterical laughter because holy fuck they survived.
… Um, yeah soz, idk where that came from lmao.
Moving on! So, I didn’t mind them getting Hermes’ car too much. Like, hell yes she pickpockets a god. But I didn’t like the way that Annabeth got the keys. Like, he’s the God of Thieves and she’s pretty smart. No way she wouldn’t realise that he let her take them.
A way to make it better would’ve been if he’d done some subtle shit, and she’d done some subtle shit, and then it was shown with some shots that here he puts his keys in this pocket, and then a few shots later maybe she brushes past him, or she “leaves” the room but you can fuzzily see pot plant leaves moving in the background if you know to look for it, and then boom, no more keys in his pocket, and when Percy catches up with her she reveals that Hermes let her take them, and we’re like “ahh, of course, can’t help directly but isn’t stopping them if they take initiative, cool cool.”
But nope. She got they keys, thinks she somehow stole them without his knowledge, and then it’s revealed that, duh, he knew, and they’re just like, welp, guess we should’ve known! Yeah. You should’ve. Annabeth is just- not? She’s just not? Like this? This isn’t how she would- do stuff. She’s smarter than that.
But see what I mean? No tension. Need to find Hermes, oh there he is. He won’t help them, but they got his keys. Lost Grover, but found him almost right away. Don’t know how to drive, but whatever lets go. Grover lost his memory, but nah he’s got it back just fine.
Yeahhh. Idk it just felt weirdly lacking.
What also felt weirdly lacking was the reveal that the Solstice has passed and the gods are going to war.
So, most of that underwater bit wasn’t how the books went, but I’m kinda withholding judgement on how I feel depending on how the next two episodes handle it.
The deadline being up and the gods already going to war? I don’t like it, but yeah, I can see how it might work with the themes laid out.
This isn’t just a war, it’s a family fighting, and instead of Percy just doing it because it’s The Quest, this - his father releasing him from the quest, and Ares telling him it doesn’t matter and they’d go to war regardless of it the Bolt is found, and everyone saying it’s not his place - it gives Percy agency because he’s choosing to forge ahead and save his mother, and find the bolt, and save this family he’s become a part of from itself. It’s his choice now. I can see why they made that change.
Though for some reason the pacing was weird, and the reveal that war was literally upon them was… eh? Like, “oh btw you’re too late and now we’re going to war.” “Huh, interesting, but I’m still going.” Like I said; lack of tension. There’s just no real urgency. It went really fast, or maybe too slow? Idk, there was just something missing.
The four pearls thing? I was very thrown by that, and I’m still pretty uncertain on if that’ll remove all the tension in the Underworld part. Because the whole conflict is if he’ll choose going after the Bolt and saving the Olympians? Or will he choose his mother and doom them to war?
If he has four pearls, then he can do both, which means zero stakes. But I’ve read some other people’s opinions, and I agree that one of those pearls is definitely getting lost/broken/used up before he can give it to her, which means this was done to raise hopes and then bring them crashing down, so I’m withholding judgement and hoping that it won’t be too contrived.
And I don’t like that Poseidon basically says he wants Percy to save Sally too, because a huge part of Percy’s dilemma was that the gods didn’t understand or agree with Percy wanting to save his mum.
Poseidon being on Percy’s side certainly serves the themes the episode set up, with Hermes wanting to be there for his family and failing, this time with Poseidon trying to be there for Percy and Sally, and hopefully succeeding. But it just feels like Percy isn’t as alone as he should be, which is good for him as a person, but bad from a writing standpoint because it makes it feel too easy.
In the books, it’s kinda an act of rebellion, that he would even think of choosing a mortal over the gods, but here he’s… not? Because the gods - or at least Hephestus, Hermes and Poseidon - are on his side. So he’s not choosing a mortal over the gods, he’s just saving his mum, and half the gods have given him the thumbs up to do it.
Not saying they weren’t secretly supporting him in the books too, but Percy didn’t think they were. He felt alone. He felt the pressure of the consequences that would come with whatever descision he made. In the show he’s not really going against the gods, because the gods are actively endorsing him. Which means, say it with me, no tension.
Anyway, like I said: withholding judgment. I'll see how the next ones go, and then come to a proper conclusion based on a complete picture.
Also, side note: When the nereid said, “What belongs to the sea can always return” all I was thinking was the musical and Poseidon’s goofy ass voice saying “It’s a SeAShElL” 😂
Oh and btw, the graphics/makeup/cgi of the nereid was well done to my untrained eye. I have no idea about how it’s done, or if it’s actually shitty in the professional sphere, but I thought it was pretty, so- thumbs up from me.
Though the whole scene at the beach and swimming to her was so dark I literally had to turn my tv’s brightness up to see what was happening, which I also had to do with the Theme Park last episode, and I almost did with the Minatour. Man, they really have a problem with lighting during the night scenes.
But just throughout the whole episode, there's just this feeling of non-urgency. Like, in the episode where time is the most important thing, it... doesn't really feel like it matters all that much.
Um, yeah. I think that was all I wanted to say…
In conclusion, I liked Hermes, aaand not much else. It was still a fun episode, but just all round pretty iffy plot wise. Rip.
I shall leave this with saying WE FINALLY GOT WISE GIRL!! 🥳
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swallowtailed · 6 months
palisade 44
it’s so fun to watch the finale get built out. we’re back to the mirage!!!!! we’re in it!!!!!!!!!!!
solid arc to this episode. lots to chew on.
really liked the final beat of righteousness and mourning’s conversation—paraphrasing, but, “you came to me because you knew i’d agree.” “perhaps i did.” “i’ll back it if you give me command.” “done.” “done.” it’s especially good in the context of those same two people later being so reluctant to trust gucci to use clem. something about… being willing to make deals yourself that you think are too risky for others. individuals playing private power games in service of utopia.
keith raised a great point re what the principality even means to the bilats inside the mirage. the thing i’ve been turning over since last week is what this is like for members of the cause who just got slurped into the mirage. like, when you get to see the utopia (“utopia”) you’ve been protecting sight unseen for a year, and now you have the choice between living there for the rest of your life or spending years leaving, what… do you do? how do you value the fight outside? how do you value the chance to stay when you were never supposed to get to see the mirage in the first place? fuck.
hey speaking of mirage folks HOW ABOUT DRE’S NEW PC
levitation “levi” cascabel-gardner. wow i love this kid. i can’t wait for him and cori to meet. (like, has he heard of cori?? does he just know of the devotees as that weird religious cult??)
he is absolutely extremely mirage
there is a certain kind of suspension of disbelief required when a new character is joining the party and it just doesn’t play that well when taken seriously. with that said, clem was always gonna be a tough sell. like, a really tough sell.
i am not really interested in clem coming back in, tbh. we know her problems pretty well by now—doesn’t feel like there’s much more to say. she’s been defeated several times over. beat her to death with hammers already.
what does intrigue me is the blue channel interpersonal drama aspect. the reflexive kesh noble infighting is excellent, as is clem and gucci having weird tension and brnine finding out about the deal and getting upset. also very much looking forward to whatever conflict cori and clem are gonna have.
and also the drama in the way of… sometimes clementine kesh survives and your friends don’t, and you have to deal with that. grief has become really essential to this season.
so we’ll see, i guess! i feel like i say that a lot in these posts. but actual play is such a fluid way to build a narrative. hard to say what’s gonna be interesting in another two episodes.
other things i enjoyed in this episode: mustard red sidebar, brnine and gucci’s texts, levi’s feather covered poncho, jesset immediately vibing with levi, mourning’s comprehensive gossip intel, “a broken clock kills the right person twice a day”
kept hearing “mourning” and thinking “morning’s”. miss that guy
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sk8termikey · 4 months
Chapter 22 of 21 Questions
better interface on wattpad
Not long after Lily had finished preparing the pancakes, with the company of Matt, everyone started waking up. Nick had been the first – intrigued by the smell that was coming from the adjacent room to him, then Alex and Chris had awakened around the same time. Lily had been thoroughly thanked for the breakfast she had made and her pancakes were as loved by the triplets as they were by Alex.
“Y’all don’t know how lucky I am to live with her for real”, Alex claimed while eating her third pancakes. “I have the best friend ever.”
“It is really good, thank you so much for those bro.” Chris was clearly enjoying the food as he stole a pancake from the plate right as Nick was about to take it.
“Waking up to this everyday is the dream life,” Nick wondered. “I don’t wanna take advantage of your kindness Lily but I’d love for you to cook for us more before we leave.”
“It’s no problem,” Lily assured. “I really like cooking, especially for friends and family so making people happy is what makes me happy.”
They all smiled at that and couldn’t believe it. The world didn’t deserve Lily, but this girl sure deserved everything good that could happen to her.
“I wish I could promise you one of her best recipes but y’all might have to beg her for it.” Alex teased the triplets as she knew she could eat Lily’s food whenever she wanted. “Her cakes are sooo good!”
“Flattery doesn’t get you anywhere babe, you know that.”
“Wait, but like–” Matt started. “If Lily cooks most of the stuff, what do you and your other friends do, Alex?”
“Good question Matthew. I actually do most of the drinks with Jade while Lucas takes care of the bookstore part. It’s not unusual that we shift roles but this is what we all mainly do there.”
“Sounds like a good atmosphere between y’all four,” Chris said. “Kinda want to check out your place now.”
“We can actually”, Lily offered. “Closed it for the day because I was thinking of bringing you there if you’d wanted.”
“Really?” Nick asked. “Like, just for us?”
“Yeah, of course!” Lily widely smiled. “We can bake something, you can see the books we have and just chill there so we’re not locked in the house for the day.”
“That’d be very nice, thank you Lily.” Matt exchanged a glance with the girl as he appreciated that she was going to share this big part of her life with them.
As they all agreed to the idea, everyone went to get dressed – as they were all still in their pyjamas to have breakfast – before Lily drove them to her and Alex’s workplace.
“It looks so cute from outside already!” Nick exclaimed as they arrived in front of the café.
“Thanks,” Alex replied. “My parents were the ones who did most of it back then but Lucas and I sometimes remodel based on the seasons and stuff.”
Lily unlocked the door before motioning for everyone to enter and made sure that the ‘CLOSED’ sign was visible, so that people wouldn’t wonder why the lights were on without any customers. As a café that was open six days a week, Lily had thought – with her coworkers’ agreement – that changing their day off once wouldn’t be a problem.
While Alex was giving the triplets a tour of the place, Lily was setting everything up. The three guests were all amazed at the café and the fact that they would eventually eat something similar to the pictures hung on the walls. Everything seemed delicious to them and they couldn’t keep their stomachs from being impatient – they’d had breakfast an hour ago but as still growing young adults, of course they would be hungry at the sight of so many choices of pastries on the menu.
“Hey”, Lily called to the triplets who were still wandering around. “If y’all want, the café’s laptop is connected to Spotify so play whatever you want.”
Nick, Chris and Matt all hummed in agreement before the latter decided to go check out what the girls liked. As he scrolled through the playlists, Matt let out a snicker which grabbed Lily’s attention as she was near him.
“What’s so funny about the music I like?”
“Nothing, nothing.” Matt replied with a smile. “It’s just so…organised.”
“Okay, I can admit that I like having my stuff in categories given the amount of playlists that I have. I guess the ones I listen to the most are the ones not in files so pick one of them, that means you don’t have to discover everything that’s in my mind.”
“Noted”, Matt acknowledged while trying to choose a playlist based on their names. “Wow, you’re our biggest fan then.”
“Hmm?” Lily asked before understanding what he was referring to. “Oh yeah, you guys’ playlists are very nice.”
“For real, she plays them a lot in here.” Alex added as she had been half-listening to the conversation. “They’re all good as background music, mostly Matt’s I’d say.”
“That’s true, it sets a good vibe in the mornings especially.” Lily confirmed. “Put that if you want something you already know.”
“No no, it’s fine. I’ll put the all-time faves playlist so I know which songs define you.”
“Damn”, another voice joined the discussion. “That is a very long playlist. No way y’all adore all those songs.”
“Well if you must know Nicolas,” Alex started. “This is actually Lily’s account and yes, she does love those fifteen hours – have done for a while already. I’m not surprised if when we’re seventy and retired, she still plays these songs.”
“Hey!” Lily called as she felt like she was bullied. “Stop judging me and put something on.”
“Will do, don’t worry.” Matt answered as he shuffled the playlist. “Let’s actually judge the songs before we judge you.”
Everyone laughed at that, including Lily, and the café began to be filled with the melody of Over and Out by 5 Seconds of Summer. Although the song was far from being a calm and relaxing one, the music wasn’t that loud so it allowed the group of friends to still be able to freely talk while having background noise.
“Okay so now that we have that, where do we start?” Chris asked as he was leaning on the counter.
“We’re supposed to bake something for you so you’re the one to tell us,” Lily replied as she walked towards the fridge. “What do you want in your victory cake?”
At that, Chris let out a big smile as he was happy that Lily was still on board with the joke he had made the week before. He thought for a second before deciding.
“Because it’s in my honour, I guess it has to have orange in it.” He looked at everyone as he was hesitating. “What goes well with that? It’s not everyday that we actually bake from scratch and have to invent a recipe.”
“That’s true,” Matt agreed. “We have always cooked stuff that was pre-made I guess like– we just have to assemble most of the time.”
“Wait, it’s actually innovative for us.” Nick pointed out. “I kinda want to vlog that chaos.”
“Excuse me?” Alex looked offended at that. “There will be no chaos when you’re literally gonna be baking with two superstars. We take no responsibility for the fact that y’all three don’t know shit.”
“So it’s a yes to vlog it then?” Nick wished to confirm. “And I promise we’ll do our best!”
The two girls nodded and Lily just put in the condition that their faces wouldn’t appear, only their backs at most. Alex felt the same as she wasn’t very keen on being publicly seen on the internet. She had always been very outgoing and extroverted but something about being in a video with the triplets felt scary.
“No worries, we won’t be filming like we’d do in our kitchen for example.” Matt assured as he gave a smile to Lily. “It’ll just be small moments of our failures.”
“Yep. We’ll be careful, you can trust us!” Chris added with confidence.
The two girls felt more comfortable and as they began putting out the ingredients necessary for the cake – they had eventually chosen chocolate to go with orange, they heard Nick introducing the video.
“Hey everyone! So for today’s vlog which is literally being filmed the same day as it’ll be posted, if we don’t have anything else to film, we’ll be baking a cake in honour of Chris’s victory.”
“As if the trophy wasn’t enough…” Matt muttered but still loud enough for everyone and the camera to hear.
They all laughed at that and Alex could especially be heard as she had the habit of loudly laughing like Chris would do, thus showing that she was someone always receptive to jokes and joy.
“Okay so if y’all hear other voices, we’re with some friends that are better than us at baking–”
“Not really hard to achieve”, Chris interrupted Nick as he went next to the blonde to be in frame.
“Correct”, Nick continued. “So yeah we’re not gonna introduce them formally because they’re shy but they’re professionals so the result is bound to be much more awesome than all we ever did in our cooking videos.”
“Stay tuned for the best cake!” Matt chimed in before Nick paused the camera so that they could actually start baking.
“Damn Matthew, you’re boosting our egos here.” Lily joked. “It’s also pressure, but we’ll manage I guess.”
“Of course!” Alex exclaimed. “No one bakes better than my best friend.”
And thus the beginning of an afternoon full of banter – and batter – started with Lily instructing the triplets of what they should be doing while Alex would sometimes film them.
“Brooo, what are you doing?” Alex panicked behind the camera as she was recording Chris.
“Lily, come help him please!” The girl begged her best friend.
The brunette went to see what was happening and let out an over-dramatic gasp.
“Damn babe, you’re gonna hurt yourself if you keep doing that.” Lily warned as she put her hand on Chris’s wrist to stop his movement. “Here, let me show you how to do it.”
From where she was filming, Alex tilted the camera a bit to the side so that Lily would be hidden by Chris and only her arms around him could be seen. As Chris then wondered what was wrong with him, Lily helped him restart the right movement so that he wouldn’t end up with a cramp after thirty seconds. Chris thanked her and then tried to do it by himself while Lily stayed by his side for a few more minutes in order to make sure that he kept doing what she showed him.
From the other side of the kitchen, Matt had finished preparing the plate in which they would eventually put the cake in. He couldn’t help but observe his younger brother and his friend as they seemed to get along well. Matt was only able to feel grateful that everyone was enjoying the day and he softly smiled at the scene in front of him.
Lily then left Chris in the hands of Alex who had stopped filming to babysit him and joined Matt who was next to the oven. While she checked and confirmed that he had done a good job, she was quietly singing along to Take Her to the Moon by Waterparks that was currently being played. Unbeknownst to her, Matt was trying to understand the lyrics and he couldn’t avoid the familiarity felt with some as the girl was saying it.
“I wanna live inside your mind, next to your favourite songs”. Lily briefly paused as she was focusing on the temperature at which she was heating the oven before singing the next lyrics. “I wanna lose my mood inside a late night phone call with you.”
Damn, Matt thought. He was suddenly starting to overthink everything that was happening. Why was he even relating to the chorus? Did he only feel that because Lily was the one singing it? Let’s not dwell on it… But he would, at one point, dwell on it. Matt was simply delaying what was meant to happen but for now, he tried to simply enjoy the time he was spending with people he cherished.
When Lily finally noticed a gaze on her, she looked up and smiled at Matt who seemed deep in thought. This put him out of his daydream and Matt smiled back before she motioned for him to come join the other three as they were nearing the end of the recipe. With Alex’s help, Lily told the triplets what were the next steps and they did as the girls were instructing. They eventually finished everything and it was now time to put the cake in the oven before waiting for it to cook.
“Okay guys!” Nick exclaimed at the camera as he was filming the oven. “We’re now gonna see how’s the cake looking and if it’s edible.”
“Nick oh my god!” Alex punched his shoulder which made the camera falter for a second. “Of course it’s edible. Lily’s the best cook ever and not even your lack of skills could change that.”
Lily laughed at her best friend’s enthusiasm before taking the cake out of the oven – Nick taking care of staying behind her so her face couldn’t be seen. She put it on the counter for everyone to admire it.
“It looks so fluffy, I can’t wait to eat it.” Chris was becoming impatient as he wanted nothing more than to taste his victory.
“You don’t want to decorate or anything?” Lily asked him. “Like frosting, I don’t know.”
Looking at each other, the triplets were remembering their previous experiences with frosting during their ‘DEAF, BLIND AND MUTE’ videos before suddenly laughing at the memories.
“I don’t think we’re the best ones at that,” Nick admitted as he faced the camera. “Our viewers would certainly agree.”
“Y’all weren’t that bad”, Alex tried to reason. “You’re all perfectly seeing what you’re doing and we’re still under Lily’s instructions so what could go wrong?”
Everything, the triplets all thought in sync. They eventually agreed when Lily suggested some simple design they could do together. Per Chris’s request, they settled on orange frosting and the triplets actually had lots of fun when they had to mix the food colouring into it. Lily had gladly filmed their reactions as Alex was whisking and the frosting went from light cream to bright orange thus making the triplets have huge smiles on their faces – similar to a child going to an amusement park for the first or getting the toy they wanted on Christmas Day, which was really sweet to witness.
When they then applied the frosting on the cake with the girls’ help, the triplets were amazed at the result. The cake was round and large enough to feed the five friends, covered in bright orange frosting with rose details at the top. Lily wasn’t the best when it came to actual cake design and decorating them – Jade was more the professional at that as she had very still hands, but it turned out that her instructions were enough for Matt to calmly and beautifully adorn the cake. The middle brother was skilled at being a good listener and remembering well what was said to him so he had been the best choice out of them to perfect the cake.
Getting Nick, Matt and Chris in frame, Lily stepped back so she could record the triplets and the cake together while Alex was loudly applauding them.
“Y’all did great! We’re really proud of you guys!”
“Thanks, you were there to help us so it’s mostly you two.” Nick reminded as he and his brothers had simply followed the girls’ orders.
“Nonsense!” Lily exclaimed behind the camera. “Let us give you all three the credit, your fans need to know how talented you became in the kitchen.”
“You’re real housewives now,” Alex joked. “Bake that for your family when you come back home and they’ll be impressed.”
“Send us the recipe though because I remembered nothing,” Chris admitted. “I feel like we’d be capable of baking that for our parents.”
“Yay, of course babe!” Lily was glad that they enjoyed baking enough to try and redo it on their own time. “We’ll be waiting for pictures of your success in your weekly dump.”
“You’ll get early proof of the Sturniolo bakers before everyone,” Nick assured. “Gotta make sure our teachers approve before posting shit.”
“We definitely will, don’t worry!” Lily assured as she knew that they could achieve it if they were all giving it their everything, without being blindfolded or other handicap like that.
After Nick took multiple pictures of the cake, they all finally got to taste it. Chris was designated as the crash tester, to which he was glad as he was the first one to eat the delicious cake. Everyone was delighted when Chris voiced his opinion and confirmed that the cake was as good inside than outside. Alex and Lily were overjoyed at that as they were really happy that the triplets were able to eat something they’d been the ones to make. While eating, they all shared embarrassing cooking stories: Lily told them about her first chocolate mousse that had deflated for God knows why or how and Alex explained the time when she tried to bake a red velvet cake for her brother but accidentally mixed green dye in it so the cake came out Christmas coloured, although it was the middle of summer. The girls knew about Chris, Matt and Nick’s failures as most of them were on camera, but the triplets decided to share a secret with them: they had at least four videos of them baking that they never posted due to how chaotic it ended up being and how disgusting the food was. However, they also announced to the girls that they were planning to film a new edition of their ‘DEAF, BLIND AND MUTE’ videos once they’d be back in LA, thus making Lily and Alex excited for this spoiler regarding their YouTube channel.
As they were then done with eating and cleaning everything up, they decided to spend the rest of the afternoon at the café while Nick would quickly edit the vlog they’d filmed earlier. Lily offered to help as she knew how to get around editing, but Nick assured that he would be fine due to the little clips they had, therefore removing the need to cut too many things. The triplets knew that the video wouldn’t be very long, but the fans would understand as tour had ended only a few days ago and they needed to get back into their routine after this important event.
Thank you for reading. Votes and comments are always appreciated if you like this story :) The story is co-written w @/little_grapejuice on wattpad
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krisingtons · 1 year
Hey, I’d love to ask for your headcanons about something! How do you think Izuku and Tsukauchi get along? All Might is close with both of them, so I’d imagine they got introduced at some point! We don’t see them interact much in canon, but I can imagine they would get along great because of their problem-solving abilities. I imagine Tsukauchi would be more of the “fun uncle” and be like “hey kid, lemme tell you about this stupid thing Toshi did once.” And Izuku’s like “ALL MIGHT LORE. YES PLEASE.” And Toshi is in the background going “NaOMASAA PLS DO NOT IT WAS STUPID AND ONLY THE ONE TIME. LETS NOT GIVE THE KID ANY IDEAS!!!”
Oooh, what a good ask, Anon! This is giving me all kinds of thoughts (The Stars Shine Brighter Part 2 perhaps?) but I'll stick to my most immediate ones for now.
(Disclaimer: I only read Vigilantes in pieces and therefore my understanding of Tsukauchi as a character may be limited or incorrect.)
I love the idea that Tsukauchi snitches on All Might's past, and I agree that it would go down exactly the way you describe. In my head, though, that would be a bit of a "later" thing. I've always headcanoned that Izuku is actually relatively shy around Tsukauchi, and so I think it would take Izuku some time to warm up to him. I had to take some time to think about why I headcanon that, and I think it's two things.
Tsukauchi has a very unique relationship to All Might, which is one of the things that draws me to his character. There's no requirements or power dynamics between them to speak of, which is practically unheard of for All Might. Tsukauchi is not like Gran Torino who has an obvious kind of power over All Might from their past, and he's not like Nighteye where Nighteye was too caught up in his image of All Might to see him as he truly is. In fact, Tsukauchi actively refuses to benefit from his connection to All Might as we see in Vigilantes below.
Tumblr media
(con't) I think one reason All Might likes and respects Tsukauchi so much is because he is generally unfazed by All Might as a figure. Respectful, yes, but not awe-struck. As a result, I think Izuku is intrigued by Tsukauchi but uncertain of how to interact with him himself. He'd understand to be respectful because he's an adult and respected in his field, sure, but it wouldn't be like Gran Torino or Nighteye who clearly have and assert a higher status than Izuku. Because All Might is much more casual with him, I think Izuku would be unsure about how to form his own dynamics with Tsukauchi and would need his and All Might's guidance on how casual he's allowed to be. I could see this being prompted by both situations you describe, either analytical talk or through secret yet fun All Might lore.
I also headcanon that, at some point, Izuku realizes that when All Might told Izuku on the rooftop to maybe be a police officer instead of a hero because it's a way to help people and "a fine profession," he was probably talking about Tsukauchi. I think Izuku might have felt like the police officer thing was a second tier option at the time, but once he sees how much All Might respects Tsukauchi, Izuku might realize he was being genuine, which would give him a new kind of fascination with Tsukauchi, especially since I don't think Izuku even knows Tsukauchi's quirk (or if he even has one). So I think his shyness would partially be curiosity paired with not wanting to be rude.
Overall, I think Tsukauchi, whether or not he turns out to canonically have a quirk, is what Izuku could have been had Izuku not been so enthralled with heroes and the quirks required for them. As I said earlier, Tsukauchi canonically seems to be a character who largely does not feel affected or fazed by society's power dynamics. He doesn't seem easily impressed with other's quirks or status, nor is he disrespectful of anyone for their status, even villains. He's always portrayed as being out to do a job by any means moral and sensical (meaning he's not above working with villains if they have the right quirks/tools but he also won't do it if it outweighs the benefits, such as we're seeing in this final arc). And I think Izuku has never seen someone like that before. Izuku's world is dominated by status and power as seen in the beginning of the whole series, "Not all men are created equal." Even All Might himself, while never looking down on anyone, is part of the power structure of society, whereas Tsukauchi isn't really.
I think Tsukauchi, meanwhile, would take interest in Izuku as All Might's successor and as someone All Might cares about deeply, but I also think that he wouldn't think to develop an independent relationship with Izuku unless either he or All Might invited him to. He wouldn't want to intrude, I think, but would welcome it if offered.
So now that I'm writing this out, I'm seeing great potential in their relationship! I really appreciate the ask, and I'm definitely going to be thinking about this for a while.
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rkrispyt · 2 years
I was curious if you still have hope for Portwell? I saw that some portwells still have hope. I personally lost all hope mainly bc r*na is so popular and I don't think that Tim won't make them endgame... It's sad that, nowadays, many ships happen bc of fanservice... You don't even have to look from a storytelling perspective to see where things are going, you just have to check what the fandom says and that's prob gonna happen... One thing that I don't get tho... If Tim really wanted for r*na to be canon since ep 1x5, why did he spend all s2 to make us not ship them? In the second half they didn't have any interactions. Gina was still annoyed with him in ep 2x11. Why didn't Tim plant some seeds for them in the second half of s2? Why is Gina most of the time the one who does sth in that relationship and when Ricky does sth, it's bc Gina asked? And the only time when he has initiative they ruin that (taking his role seriously for her (ep 3x4) and later they reveal that he didn't even read the whole script on the opening night day). I personally could never ship them. I saw potential in s1 but after that they were ruined. S3 just tried to hide the s2 mess under the carpet instead of cleaning it (Ricky still does the bare minimum for Gina and he wasn't held accountable for how he hurt her in s2, he should've apologised!!!). Idk but Gina deserves so much better... They'll prob make Ricky the best bf to her in the next seasons, but that won't change the way they got together (with Gina putting in most of the effort)... That means she is ok with the bare minimum as long as she is with Ricky which is really sad... She deserves so much more... Portwell deserved so much more... s2 Portwell would've def survived that summer... I hate fan service for ruining them...
I’m shocked to hear anyone still has hope for canon Portwell, ngl. I do not and can’t imagine ever having any ever again tbh. They not only effed them up pretty bad but the writers have lost me entirely. At this point I’d dread seeing what this team would do with them if they tried again.
To answer the rest of this ask, I will die on the hill that Gicky was not actually the plan or endgame or any of this nonsense backtracking Tim’s been doing. I can believe that when he put them together in season one it ended up intriguing him more than he had thought, but considering what they did with season two clearly it wasn’t enough for him to switch up the plan at that point to put them together or set up something in the future - quite the opposite soooooo tell me again how this was always the plan? Sure, Jan.
It’s so obvious to anyone paying the tiniest bit of attention that Olivia left, so they shifted everything to give Ricky another love interest that they thought could compete in any way with Rini and lose the least amount of viewers upon her departure. Gina was the only real option. They didn’t even do it WELL cause they cared more about doing it as quickly as possible.
I admit that during season three I don’t know if I would have claimed it was fan service, but after seeing that Tim had a version of that final scene where he jumped on that entirely unfounded and random Gicky theory about the chocolates, unfortunately, I have to agree with you.
I will never not be disappointed that this show that brought me such joy, was written so well, didn’t do all the garbage you would expect from this kind of show, and boasted about being proud that they were telling stories of good people being good to each other, has turned into such trash.
S2 Portwell will forever be one of my favorite ships, winning me over completely (as an anti and Gicky fan going into that season) because of how well they wrote it . Alas, another casualty of outside factors switching up the plan and terrible choices being made by those in charge as a result.
The Summer of Portwell was one for the books, but now, for that HEA fanfiction is where it’s at, friends!
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phantomoftheorpheum · 4 months
a couple of things about 2x05 of summer school, i felt kind of disconnected from the girls for the most part.
first of all, like you pointed out, it seems like the writers wanted as to feel sad about noa and jen? absolutely not. i don’t like shawn’s mom but i understand where she’s coming from. i would’ve said way worse things to noa honestly - as we know the full story and shawn’s mom doesn’t. jen calling her evil or whatever was annoying. she has the right to be pissed. and the fact that jen doesn’t even acknowledge that shawn is the one who helped her out.
and then imogen blowing up at her dad. i like imogen a lot but i thought she totally overreacted as if her father committed some heinous crime. her mother gave back the ring years ago. if they had been together by the time of her death, and he took it and gave it to someone else THEN i’d understand. but to physically grab a knife and threaten to cut off her finger??? hello??? then she says to johnny “you must think im nuts” and he tells her he doesn’t… i do! it feels like the writers brushed that aside too much. i actually thought we were going to get a reveal that she only imagined it (in line with her medication issues) and that imogen would be upset for the rest of the dinner but that obv didn’t happen 😅
mouse was barely involved. i’m glad tabby told off wes. it felt like the writers were ignoring his weirdness from season 1 so at least we’re getting back to that. and i agree that it’s strange how fast henry was… converted.
overall, something about this season feels off to me. i don’t think i’m connecting with it as well as i thought i would but i am still looking forward to seeing where things go mystery wise. but the romance, friendship, and familial drama isn’t doing it for me. and the girls feel so disconnected but that might just be me feeling that.
I have yet again written a really long response to ask, so I have yet again decided to place it under a cut.
Okay. So, yeah, I will definitely stand behind the fact that I really feel the framing of the Noa & Jen breakup felt weirdly out of step with how they've been portraying the rest of that storyline so far. So then I just find myself thinking about what they're trying to tell us with that. Why? The thing that I find the most intriguing about this whole situation is the fact that, most of the time, they don't actually seem to be trying to make the audience like Jen at all. They go out of their way to give us scenes that make us feel bad for Shawn, just tons of him being sweet and oblivious and supportive, while also seemingly going out of their way to make Jen seem shady and like an absolute dick. That's such an interesting choice if they mean for Jen to continue on to possible future seasons of the show. It would have been so much easier to just have Jen be super nice and Shawn and Noa's relationship to be falling apart more organically. But that's not what they've done at all.
So why would you do this if you ultimately want your audience to want Noa and Jen to end up together? The only particularly good explanation I can see for that would be if Shawn's going to be a revealed as an antagonist, or possibly if they're going to try to pull a reframing twist of some kind where we see why Jen has said and done what she has this season and it was genuinely actually the best she could do and it makes us feel differently about those words/actions (but this doesn't really help redeem Noa's behavior, which a lot of people are struggling with). This second thing is pretty hard to pull off, but it can be done (see 1x04 of Queen Charlotte). I'm not sure PLL is the kind of show that wants to devote the time/care needed for that kind of storyline, but it's certainly a thought I've had.
The other answer would be that they don't actually care if the audience likes Jen because she's a temporary character being utilized as a plot device and they have no long term plans to keep her around (either because she's a villain, or because she just leaves once she's completed summer school).
The last option I've got is just that... they didn't mean for it to come off quite as harshly as it has for a lot of viewers (like if they are making Shawn so "perfect" because it's more dramatic for the audience if he's so oblivious and supportive, but they kind of over did it and now a lot of the audience just feels super bad for him to an extent they weren't supposed to?), but this seems less likely because like... how would you not realize the way this is going to come off? I mean, I HAVE seen writer's rooms and showrunners that are so completely out of touch with the audience, so it's not impossible, but in this case, it feels very intentional, imo.
I think one thing that is really common in fandom (or honestly just in humans in general) is letting our first impression or a generally good or bad impression color everything. So, for instance, I will see a lot of people excuse literally any and all of the girls' behavior, seemingly just because... we like them? They aren't always right. You can still root for someone and acknowledge they've handled something poorly or done something wrong. The girls don't need to be morally perfect for us to justify liking them.
So I think a great example of what happens in the opposite direction (we don't like this character, so they are never allowed to be right) is Shawn's mom. Shawn's mom sucks. I mean, I totally agree. She's a dick to Noa, showed a lack of compassion for her difficult situation, the passive aggressive way she spoke to her on multiple occasions was just flat out childish, and my overall opinion of her is that she sucks. But just because I think that overall she's shown more bad than good, and I don't personally like her, that doesn't mean that she's always wrong.
To an extent, I agree with her. She's right to be upset about Shawn pulling 2k out of his bank account for Noa just out of the blue with no explanation. I think it was also totally fair for her to remind Noa of the "house rules" if she's living with them. There is nothing weird about not wanting your teenage (minor) son to have a live in girlfriend who is ignoring your family boundaries. There is nothing weird about being concerned about your teenage son emptying all his savings for his girlfriend. As a mom, I think it's normal for her to be concerned about the things she's been concerned about. Most moms wouldn't be chill with this situation. The way in which she went about addressing all of those things sucked, imo, but the fact that she's upset is very understandable. On the other hand, I get why Noa, Jen, and even Shawn are not happy with his mother, (personally, I'm not sure that Jen really has many feelings about Shawn's mom at all, I think she just sees that conflict as a crack in Noa's relationship with him and she is actively trying to get Noa and Shawn to break up, so of course she was going to take this opportunity). They are teenagers. They feel like they're adults, and this feels overbearing to them. And the show honestly treats them like adults a lot of the time, so it's a weird cognitive dissonance for the audience, too.
I'm not sure where Rebecca & Imogen's dad might fit into the larger plot line, but I think the point of that scene for Imogen was to show that she is really close to snapping. In Dr. Sullivan's files she wrote something about Imogen teetering on the edge of a psychotic break, so I don't think the audience is supposed to think that was a totally normal response (I mean, I do get why she's upset. She clearly has sentimental value attached to the ring, and she feels like her mom is being replaced, regardless of how true that feeling is), and while I do agree that Johnny's response is startlingly chill, when I thought about it, I realized that sort of has been his character so far. He hasn't had much screen time, but his main characterization is being really calm no matter what's thrown at him and just staying kind of level. He's taken everything Imogen has said and done really easily and talked her down when she's upset. I think Imogen's deteriorating mental state will be a major part of the next three episodes. I even talked a bit about this in my breakdown of the trailer (I won't go into details here, because I know some people don't watch the trailers) and where I think that is going. I also definitely think her grabbing the knife is foreshadowing (so possibly this scene got a little over the top because they needed that moment). It's the second time Johnny has gotten her to hand him a knife when she's panicking, and I'd bet just about anything there will be a third time (though I suspect it will be an unsuccessful third time) this scenario comes up. Whether or not that's Johnny maybe failing to talk Imogen out of stabbing someone else, or him, who knows? Depends on if he's good or bad.
I always love seeing Wes get put in his place. He is trash. He just is. Even if he's not going to turn out to be a major antagonist, I'm glad the show is acknowledging that.
I can see where you're coming from with the way the relationships (of all kinds) are dealt with this season. There's just a lot of stuff going on, and I think the show is struggling a bit to balance all of it. Like you've got 3 established main love interests, 3 brand new love interests, Imogen's situation with Estelle, Greg & Kelly's relationship, the Mrs. Beasley/church thing, the BR "tests," the online mystery boards, Chip's lingering legacy & his mom, the online version of the cult, Mouse's grandmother, Faran's job, Tabby's films, Dr. Sullivan's whole plot, actual Rose Waters, and now this stuff with Imogen's dad. It's a ton to try to tie together, and it also means limited screen time for each of these things. I think if the show had even just like 12 or 13 episodes for this season, so there was a little bit of breathing room, it might feel like we get more time for characters to grow, connect, and just be themselves. A ton happens in each of these episodes. I would know, since I type it up every time one releases and it takes ages because there's so many different things going on. Plus, we don't know why any of these things are happening. Last season we had motive and it was more about "who." This season we don't know who or why. So it's just... a lot.
I'm having fun over-analyzing and breaking it down, but I can definitely see why it could be a hard to connect with.
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Beyond the Blood Tie - Chapter Ten.
Huge thanks to those reading and interacting! :)
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Previous Chapters - One  Two, Part One Part Two  Three  Four  Five  Six  Seven  Eight  Nine
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Warnings - 18+ content throughout. Minors DNI!
Ursula's POV
"I must say, I did wonder when you'd seek her out again. I know she's been on your mind," I tell Angel, while he swings his legs up onto the couch and lies flat out, staring at the ceiling. "She's very much caught your interest, hasn't she?" I then add, watching him turn his head to look at the fire before his eyes find mine.
"She has, but in more ways than one, which is already beginning to cause conflict. Her strength is appealing, but physically, so is she. I know that counting a human as a friend will only do me good, perhaps help me settle around them more. But I don't like the fact that I want her and I can't have her," he explains, a small frown of annoyance creasing his forehead for a moment before his face is blank once more.
"Is that a mutual thing, the attraction?"  
"No, our kind aren't to her liking where sex is concerned. That makes it a little easier, I suppose, but not much. Although if I was still human, I think I’d still be there now, banging a new hole into her. It’s only my deadness that puts her off getting on my dick, I suspect.” Oh, Angel. He’s a lot more eloquent now than he was back when I first met him, but still, the uncouth outlaw remains at times.
"This is a good test you need to go through, my child. It will teach you to have resistance towards her, wanting her and not being able to have her for both her own reasons and yours. I feel that perhaps if you can rein in your desires, having a human friend will do you the power of good. Especially one who I can tell you see qualities within that you respect," I advise him. Granted, the hurt I've wanted to inflict upon this girl Edie for what she's done to my boy has been great. However, I feel what he feels for her, and there is no anger or resentment within him towards her at all. I also understand she was only doing her job, of course I do.
"She does, she's a very strong young woman, and I like that a lot. Even though I knew she was scared of me, after biting her to gain a blood tie, I knew she also didn't want to be. She didn't succumb to that fear at all, she just got past it. You don't find that with a lot of humans," he informs me, something I can only agree with.
"There are other things about her too, I sense your intrigue," I state, practically able to feel his mind turning.
"Yes, there are. There is something about I can't quite put my finger on, but I'll find out what it is. That is, if I can be around her for long enough without wanting to pin her down and, well, I detailed the rest before," he replies, through a half amused, half pained grumble.
Shaking my head, I reach to playfully smack his shoulder. He’s a very sexual creature, this child of mine. Good grief, the bloody noises that came from the two women he brought home a few days ago. Sexual cacophony didn’t quite cut it. "You need to learn self-control. You have the capacity to be just that, self-controlled, right there within you. Putting distance between you and her when you feel those urges will only avoid the issue," I then warn lightly, watching him look thoughtful and then nod.
"That's true, I do need to not run away from her and to actually resign myself to the fact that having sex with her isn’t gonna happen. I have to deal with it, no matter how much I wish it to be different. I've never liked not getting my own way, even as a human. I think that’s what causes me the most struggles as a vampire, the fact I don't like not having what I want.” This is something I know only too well. He loathes it when he cannot get just that, his own way.
"Now, if only you could bear that in mind all of the time, that your own greed stands in the way of that vampiric poise and grace you still need to grow into," I tell him warmly, watching him look at me a little sadly.
"I know I've let you down a lot, not been the vampire you've wished me to be. I won't disappoint you this time, though," he speaks quietly, looking uncomfortable.
"No, no my beautiful one,” I begin in reassurance. “You are everything in an offspring I have ever wished for. Do not think like that for a moment, you have never let me down. You only ever have and ever will fill me with pride. If you were still trying and failing for any kind of sexual relations with humans, I would be let down, but you realised it was something you couldn't do, so you stopped. Not a lot of vampires would be so respectful to human life, and that shows I have taught you well.” I don’t want him to think he's ever let me down, because he hasn't. Yes, he's bad tempered, but when I compare him to some vampires whom I have known, he's virtually a kitten. He's silent for a time, seemingly lost in his own thoughts until I speak again.
"When do you plan on seeing Edie again, then?"  
"I'm unsure, maybe a few days. If you'll excuse me, I've only an hour of darkness left. I want to go and find something to play with, to take my frustrations out on. Thank you for the talk, Ursula.” Getting up and kissing my forehead, he then leaves the house at speed. Half an hour later and he's back with Natasha, a vampire who he sees on a fairly regular basis. She's here at least once a week, purely for the pursuit that I can hear starting up about five minutes after they arrive back here. Angel is much like EZ in the respect that he doesn't seek a permanent companion. It is very rare that such young vampires ever will. They both have a rotation of regular female visitors, Angel's slightly more organised than EZ's, who mostly brings humans home, bores of them after a certain amount of time, and then finds replacements.
"Ahh, Natasha is with us this evening. I could hear her screaming from five minutes away," Charles tells me as he enters my sitting room, about twenty minutes after Angel arrived home.
"She's certainly vocal in her pleasure, that one," I smirk, getting up and wrapping my husband in my arms.
"Well, at least there's only one of them creating noise in the house tonight. EZ would be back by now with the dawn just ten minutes away. I sense from him wherever he is now, he's more than happy to stay there," he replies.
"Probably between some young ladies' legs,” I snort, making him laugh.
"I do not doubt you are correct for a moment.” We head up to bed, passing Angel's room, where it sounds like he's actually attempting to fuck Natasha clean through a wall. I feel glad that I'll sleep through most of the noise, because lord above, two young vampires fucking isn’t quiet. His and her own senses will be fighting against them to sleep once the dawn comes up, but if they've both recently fed then this can be combated. We can fight against that urge to rest if we're well fed and, well, excited by other means.
"I don't even want to know what the hell he's doing to her now for her to be making those noises," Charles smirks as we undress, looking amused.
"Taking out the frustrations he cannot work out upon the human who ignites his desires, is what he's doing," I inform him, slipping into bed.
"Oh lord, who is the poor girl who's got to watch her throat this time?" he groans, getting in next to me.
"He isn't going to do anything about it, do not fret, my love. As for who she is, well, she's the young lady who punished him at the Correctional Department. It would seem he's grown quite fond of her," I reveal, while Charles laughs loudly.
"Only Angel could get himself into such a predicament, having his loins stirred by a woman who beat him so savagely. It must go further than that, though, than mere sexual interest alone, since you mention fondness," he tells me, while I make myself comfortable and rest my head down on his chest.
"He's admitted she's the first human he's come to genuinely respect. Apparently, she's a very strong young lady, and that strength is what he finds appealing, as well as her aesthetics, too. There's something about her that draws him near, and not just sexual attraction. He knows it will do him good to see a human as anything other than a lesser, and I have only confirmed that to him. I really do think it'll be of benefit to have someone like that in his life.”  
He makes an agreeable noise, running his fingertips over my arm affectionately. "Well, lord knows we've tried everything else to calm him down a little. Maybe the strong human will have that effect upon him, especially if he has to constantly remind himself he can't have sex with her. Does that interest extend to her, has he told you?"  
"It doesn't, she isn't interested in him like that at all. Our kind sparks no arousal within her. Silly girl, she doesn't know what she's missing, but in this instance, I feel that it is a good thing. It means if he does foolishly try to get into her knickers, he's going to have to get used to the fact she'll refuse," I reply, Charles laughing softly.
"He won't like that one bit, but it will do him good. Anyway, all conversation can wait until dark. Sleep well, darling." I wish him the same, separating from our embrace and falling into peaceful rest. When I awake at sundown, I arise and shower, and then spend half an hour fussing with my appearance before heading downstairs just as EZ arrives home.
"Dirty little stop out," I chide playfully when he comes into the kitchen, where I'm watching as the wolves eat whatever Angel left for them before going out. Both he and Natasha are no longer in the house, for how long I do not know. They could have stepped out just to feed before returning back here to sexually annihilate each other some more. Unless he's at work tonight, that is.
"I was busy with a job and didn't have time to make it back here before dawn, so I stayed with Nathaniel at his nest, and enjoyed one of his human concubines while I was there. He owed me as much for asking me to take out such a target," he replies, pulling his gun from his belt and beginning to dismantle it.
"Were you successful in assailing said target?" I inquire.
"When am I not?" is all he replies, with a twitch of his mouth. Ahhh, he has a point there. EZ just happens to be the most successful vampire hitman in the whole of Nevada, if not the whole of the USA. Hit man, assassin, death dealer, his job has many titles. In short, if you want a vampire erasing from the face of the earth, Ezekiel Reyes is the vampire you call. He never misses; I certainly wouldn't want him stalking me with a gun full of silver bullets if I were any other vampire.  
Leaving him to his gun dismantling, I move to my sitting room, taking a seat at my desk and preparing my notes for a business telephone call I shall be taking shortly. Charles and I are both involved with the AVA (American Vampire Association) who are the governing body for us as a whole, in this country at least. Every country has an association of its own, ran in the exact same way.
Over here, each state is run by a committee of twelve vampires, eleven who are seated above with the main chair, or chief as they are known. The chief of Nevada is a vampire by the name of Elias Weston, whom I do not like at all. I initially had no problem with him, but he doesn't trust me as I'm the oldest vampire walking this continent, and he is ever mindful of the fact that I have greater power than him, even though I rank much lower within the AVA than he. He's never trusted why such an old vampire wouldn't want that kind of position of power for themselves, and thinks that I am up to something surreptitiously nefarious in refusing to accept the past repeated invites for me to take the position of chief of Nevada. My husband, Angel and EZ think I should, but I do not want the headache of it.
Charles and I are in charge of human relations within the organisation, and it is of course to do with that aspect of the AVA that I shall be taking a call from a teaching organisation who would like me to lecture history in evening classes at a small college here in Las Vegas. The AVA feel it important for vampires to integrate themselves within such professions as teaching, medicine and law enforcement, so that we can be seen as more trusted members of the community.  
Apparently, it is starting to go much better than in recent years, as when the possibility of a vampire lecturer was put to the students at the establishment I could perhaps be teaching at, they all welcomed the idea. It is here that my mind turns back to Angel once more, hoping that his own human relations will not go as sour as all the rest have for him. All he needs to do is keep his hands and his cock to himself and all will be fine. I really don't wish to bury this Edie girl before I've met her, and I'd like to meet her. I want to know just what it is that's so special about her, how and why she's captivated the attentions of my offspring so firmly.
Edie's POV
"So, you're out for a fuck tonight then, huh girl?" Ahmed asks me when I show up on his doorstep on Saturday, two evenings after my first visit from Angel. I have to confess; it was strange to say the least. It was also nice, for him to confirm to me that he really does actually want to know me.
"Be quiet," I warn, slapping his huge chest, making him laugh. He knows the reason I wear next to nothing on a night out clubbing, and it ain't got nothing to do with attracting someone for sex, oh no. This gal likes to dance, and unless I'm wearing something small and breathable, I boil. When I'm in a bar, I'll drink like a fish, but you take me to a nightclub, with the exception of a few pre-drinks, I'm on water all night while I dance up a storm. I don't consider myself the best dancer in the world, and sometimes I have caught myself in mirrors looking stupid, but I have a pretty good rhythm and I can shake my ass, too.
"You know I'm just playing, c'mon lets go.” Coming out of his house and turning to give his pitbull, Drexl a scratch, he shuts the door and off we go. He's lucky he can leave him loose in the house like that and he doesn't destroy it, but then again, he's been well trained. We walk to the cab I've just got out of, heading to Miley's place to collect her and her brother Louis (who happens to be best friends with Ahmed, that's how I met Miley) before hitting the main area in where the clubs are situated. I've seen pictures of how Las Vegas used to look along the main drag, all huge hotels and casinos. What we have now is similar to that, but on a much smaller scale. Some of the original buildings exist, others have been changed into apartments, and the rest have been torn down or built over.
Don't get me wrong, the lights, the buzz, the gambling and the strippers are all still here. It's just on a smaller scale. Think Reno. The dress I decided to wear tonight is a strapless, dark grey one that laces up at the back and just about covers my ass. I teamed that with my usual wedge heeled leather knee high boots (I can't be teetering in narrow high heels when I'm dancing) and my hair up in a messy knot with a few strands pulled free around my face and neck. I’m usually quite daring with my outfits, but just walking from the cab to a bar and yanking my dress down every few steps, I suddenly begin to wonder if this length (or lack of it) was too much of a bold move.
"Edie, honey, quit adjusting! I'll tell you if you're flashing bare cheeks. It’s fine, it's covering your butt okay!" Miley exclaims to as we stand at the rammed bar.
"I won't, though," Ahmed vouches with a wink before sinking a shot of tequila and shouting 'four more down here!' to one of the busy bar staff.
"You've seen enough of my bare ass," I snort, elbowing him in the arm as I laugh.
"Yes, I have. Seeing it again would bring back fond memories," he chuckles, lighting the cigarette I gave to him. I simply shake my head and sink my tequila shot.
"I keep on forgetting that you two have had sex, and every time I'm reminded, I still freak out inside," Miley cries, flapping her hands and pulling a face while we just laugh at her. She's never got her head around it.
"Nothing could be as bad as when I told you, and you literally ran in a circle around my lounge shouting 'oh my god, oh my god' on repeat for about five minutes," I yell over the roar of the music, laughing harder as I remember before moving to meet an approaching Sasha with a hug. It's just the start of what promises to be a great night.  
After staying here for another round, we move onto the next bar, and then another after that before arriving at a large club called Hell's Gate, a predominantly rock and metal club that also has a large electro and dance room, where I shall be found for the entire night. I don't like metal, but Ahmed and Louis both do. Miley, Sasha and I have come to dance and as soon as we arrive, dance we do. It's one of those great nights where the DJ plays all the best songs and we have a great time, talking with people we haven't met before, dancing, laughing, it's just a great Saturday night. That is, until 1am rolls around and I feel my head beginning to tingle and thump. I try to ignore it at first, carrying on dancing for about twenty minutes until it becomes worse, and I head off the floor to get myself another bottle of water and take a breather.
"Hey, are you alright?" Sasha shouts over the roar of the music as she crouches by my side where I'm sat at a table up in the bar area.
"I have a headache, and it isn't getting any better. I'll be back, I need to go somewhere quiet for a few minutes.” I yell back, watching her nod. Getting up, I head to the bathroom for a pee, remaining on the toilet for a few minutes after I’m done, taking deep breaths and wishing the pounding in my head would go away. After ten minutes, I sadly realise it isn't going to, and total quietness is probably the only cure. Heading back out, I hunt down my girls to tell them I'm leaving and why. We hug and kiss goodbye, them telling me they hope I feel better soon, both offering to walk me to a cab. I tell them to stay where they are and enjoy their night, something I repeat to Ahmed after I track him down in the metal room, when he offers the same as well.
Exiting Hell's Gate at 2am, I decide to walk the seven blocks up to the Lucky Strike casino where cabs are lined up at this time of night, rather than try to get one down here where they don't stop. Hell's Gate is in the vicinity of a lot of vampire bars and clubs, and the cab drivers often don't want that kind of business. Walking along, I feel a little better for the fresh air, but still, my head pounds like someone is trying to hammer their way out from within my skull.  
Heading past a few hotels, I then walk by two vampire bars, moving speedily past them since I get that uneasy feeling from so many of them gathered in one place (all that inner deadness I pick up on) keeping an eye on the open entrances of both. It's when I look into the second one out of the corner of my eye that I do a double take, thinking I see Angel standing the bar. When I look back, he isn't there, though.
"Holy shit, you scared the crap out of me," I exclaim, nearly jumping out of my skin when I turn to see him walking at my side.
"And you shouldn't be walking past vampire bars alone dressed like that," he tells me in a serious tone, giving me an appreciative once over, and then dropping his head to mutter something in a language I don't understand.
"What did you just say? Also, what that Spanish?" I ask, settling down to the fact that again he's just appeared out of nowhere, just like he did last time.
"Yeah, it was. My parent's language, since they were originally from Mexico. As for what I said, you don't want to know,” he snorts, looking entertained.  
"I do want to know, or I wouldn't have asked," I state, watching him look at me with thought for a few moments before he smiles. Oh, he needs to stop with that smile. It almost makes me forget I don't do the dead, and especially not him either, after what he told me regarding his problem with humans.
He grins, somewhat lasciviously. Lascivious, it’s my word of the day. "Let's just say the gist of it involves pulling up that dress, bending you over something, and you can use your imagination for the rest.”
"Ain't gonna happen for you," I fire back quickly.
"I know, but just so you know, I don't like it. I'll deal with it, though. So, where are you heading to?"  
"The Lucky Strike to get a cab home," I tell him.
"So early?"
"Yeah, I have a bad headache.” I then nearly jump out of my skin again when I feel his hand rest on the back of my neck.
"Edie, what have I said about being nervous around me? There's no need," he then swiftly assures me. Again, with the gorgeous smile. Oh lord…
"I'm not nervous, you have to realise feeling a cold hand on the back of your neck quite suddenly does make us humans jump," I state, smiling widely to try and convey I'm not scared of him.
"And ninety percent of all headaches are caused either by dehydration or tension in the neck and shoulders. You're suffering the latter," he informs me.
"Then I need to sit and pummel my neck when I get in, I guess," I say, just as we come to a stop outside the casino.
"Or take me home with you, and I'll do it for you," he offers. The face I pull at him causes him to roll his eyes, making me laugh. It's funny seeing him with such expression since he isn't very expressive, but then again, no vampire is. "Your neck and shoulders are all I'll touch, stop looking at me like that. I can be trusted."  
"Just get your ass in the damn cab." Shaking my head, I point at the vehicle, having him pull the door open for me and gesture that I get in first. He's gentlemanly, I'll give him that. Whether he can be trusted to keep his hands where he said he would is a different matter entirely, though. I know he's told me he can't have sex with humans, but I just hope the mood doesn't take him to try again. I trust him, but there's something about the sexual side of him that I don't have any faith in whatsoever. The erotic current running through Angel Reyes is like a damned live wire.  
Maybe it's the fact I know he kills at the point of orgasm, maybe it's because I know he wants me, and that's what makes me feel nervous. Or maybe it's the fact that even though I'm not interested in him in that way, there is something quite appealing about being desired by something as powerful as a vampire. Is it the danger that's appealing? I don't know. But I know that I don't want him, so that's good enough for me, at least. If he was human, though? God. I’d be on him so quickly. ��
"Excuse me while I get changed, just go through to the lounge," I voice, once we’ve arrived back at mine. He walks straight through without a word while I go into my bedroom and change into a pair of my favourite, baggy grey sweats and black vest I had previously committed to the wash pile. It doesn't smell, and after picking off a few bits of fluff from the thick white rug I have in my bedroom, I pull it on and then head back out to where my new vampire friend is waiting for me.
"Come sit, tell me all about your night," he says, throwing a cushion from the couch down by his feet and gesturing to it. I walk over and sit down, and as his hands begin to rub my neck and shoulders, I tell him about my evening out.
"There really isn't much to tell. I went out with my friends, we visited a couple of bars before heading to Hell's Gate for a few hours, I came down with a headache and had to cut the evening short. That brings me up to the point where you arrived with me. What about you?" I reply, relaxing into the feeling of his hands easing the obvious tension from my neck.  
"I worked from sundown until 1am. I had one client having her back piece finished and another having a piece started on his arm as a cover up. He wanted a full sleeve of the reanimated, and I don't know if you know or not but after the disaster, a lot of tattooists refuse to do them out of respect for the dead. I don't give a shit, though. You want it, I'll stick it on you. No arguments. Unless it’s racist sigils, then you get thrown by your fucking neck out of my shop," he details, while I feel my curiosity lighting up.
"What was it like back then, when the disaster broke? You were still human when it happened, if I've done the math right," I ask him, feeling the pain in my head beginning to subside slightly. This is actually really nice. Another thing I have to give him right now is the fact he gives damn good neck rubs. A mental note has been made of this.
"You have, I was human, yes. As for what it was like, it was beyond anything you could imagine," he replies, his hands stopping for a moment.
"Could you elaborate on that, if it's isn't too hard for you? I understand you must have lost a lot of people you cared for," I then say with courtesy.
A sadness seems to creep into his eyes, only for a brief moment, though. "No, it isn't. I lost everyone, except for my brother. You know already I was an outlaw, in a club called Mayans MC. We were up in Northern Cali on our way back from a run when the disaster broke, and the virus claimed the lives of the other members, leaving just me and EZ. We lived in an abandoned house up on the top floor and barricaded every entrance to keep the reanimated out. We used to get in and out via a rope, as we found that the dead didn't have the co-ordination skills to climb, and if they did try to get in, we shot or beheaded them. It was a case of simple survival, even though we didn't have much to live for. We lost contact with our family, we lost everything other than each other," he explains, while I sit somewhere between totally fascinated and sad for him, that he went through such loss.
"Everything was very far removed from life as we knew it. You'd think EZ and I were going to war if you saw us venturing out from the safe house to go and fetch supplies. We'd go armed to the teeth to fight off the reanimated, and for dead bodies, they were pretty quick, too. We shot them all in the head to start with, but we soon found that the noise of the gunshots would draw more near, so we beheaded or stabbed them in the head after that. There were hundreds of them, and the humans who survived fell into three groups; those who were the terrified and didn't survive, the terrified who did, and those who survived by fucking over any other survivors left, right and centre. They were terrified too, though. It was the scariest time of my whole life," he goes on to explain.
God, this is so fascinating, to learn of the disaster from someone who was there when it happened. "Do you think you'd have survived it, if you hadn't had been made a vampire? Also, how did that happen?"  
"I'm getting to that part, little miss curious," he laughs softly, sounding amused, tickling the side of my neck with his fingers affectionately. I turn around and smile before he moves my head to face forward again, and then continues. "In answer to your question, I really don't know if I would have. If I had, it would have been a miserable existence, as I saw happen to so many people after I was turned. They didn't live, they existed with nothing. They were the prey of these walking dead, these things with grey skin and bits of them missing, snarling and hungry scavengers of living flesh who then infected those living people with the virus, if they didn't just eat them completely. They were horrifying things, and some people these days claim us vampires are scary. They know nothing of real terror. Those things, they just tore people apart, literally. I saw people being eaten alive, having their guts ripped from their bodies and eaten in front of them. Their screams will be with me forever, even as a vampire. I saw so much horror before I was turned.
"As for how that happened, well, EZ and I had been out to fetch supplies one night, and on our way back we were approached by two people who we just assumed were other survivors. That was until their fangs popped out and they moved quicker than our eyes could see to kill a group of the reanimated. I remember the way EZ and I looked at each other, just one look that conveyed 'how many other story book monsters are going to turn out to be real?' as we both stood there absolutely astounded.  
“Anyway, they came back to the safe house and basically asked us if we wanted to be made vampire. They'd both been looking for worthy offspring for a while, and they thought the way we handled the reanimated situation and managed to survive showed worthiness. They gave us a few days to decide, and EZ and I basically came to the conclusion that we had nothing left to lose, so why not?" he finishes, while I can feel question after question bubbling up on my tongue.
"Damn it, there's so much I want to ask you, but I don't want to bombard you or for you to think I'm being nosey," I exclaim. He's even more fascinating than I thought.
He pauses, stroking my shoulder with his thumb. "Ask away, you'll soon know if we stumble upon anything I don't wish to discuss, because I'll tell you. You have a very curious nature, don't you? Why is that?"  
"We'll get to me later. I'm not done with you yet. So, what's it like to be turned, then?" I question, making him laugh a little at what I say at first. That laugh always used to sound so sinister, down in the chamber. Now though, it just sounds like a deep and dirty chuckle to my ears, one which I enjoy hearing. I can still scarcely believe I sat on that couch brooding over how much I hated him just six weeks ago, and now here he is, sat upon it himself, giving me a neck rub. That vampire who I loathed down in my chamber, there's just not a drop of him to be found in the one sitting behind me now.
"It isn't pleasant. Essentially, you're dying while living through it. You're feeling your own body shut down and expire, and that's painful and scary. When that was happening to me, I'm not ashamed to admit I was frightened. I suddenly thought, what the hell have I done? I panicked, which didn't make it any easier to endure. This happens after your creator has virtually drained you dry and then fed their blood to you, which is what turns you into a vampire. After that, you go to ground for two days so your body can recover, and when your creator digs you out, or when you unearth yourself after those two days, you're a vampire," he explains, while I feel so drawn in by him that I never want him to stop talking.
"What was it like in the beginning? How long did it take you to adjust to it, being what you are now? Oh, my headache is gone now. Thanks for that." I reply, getting up and picking up the cushion off the floor to toss back onto the couch.
"You're welcome, and if you want me to tell you about how it was in the beginning, you'll need to go and make yourself a cup of coffee. It'll take a while, and I'm in no mood to stop talking to you yet either. It'll be your turn before the dawn, though.”
Smiling, I get up, kitchen bound. "Then you go wait outside, and I'll be right out there." I’m so excited to embark on a voyage of discovery about all thing's vampire. I truly am glad that he sought me out, because I realise something; I really like having him around.  
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Wow, it’s so refreshing to read your point of view about charts and bb and all that jazz, I always felt like I was such an outsider because I more or less share the same opinion. I didn’t know about bb & charts before getting into BTS years ago, though I’ve been a fan of some rock bands previously in my teenage years, mostly because I didn’t care and… I still don’t. I mean I’m glad if that makes the members happy, especially Jimin who’s my bias, but at the end of the day this whole thing seems to be manipulated in so many ways so.. what’s even the point. It all seems like a huge dick measuring contest too, I understand why it’s important for people but it just feels like a huge scam to me. And the idea of buying a song or an album multiple times just for the sake of making it top the charts is beyond me tbh, as much as I love the band every bits of my wage is precious to me, I can’t throw money out of the window for… this kind of clownery? Like, why? I’d rather spend it to see the boys performing (please make Suga come to Europe ffs) or eventually buy some cute merch. It’s intriguing to me to see how people are consuming music nowadays and how social media shapes their experience as a fan. It’s not so much about listening to the songs, watching the mv just for the love of it, getting yourself drown into this feeling when you just feel the music and you’re transported by it, now it seems like it’s a lot more about performance. Being a fan almost seems like a duty, a second job, you have to mass buy, stream, make this hashtag trend. It’s all a facade really… I personally can’t relate to this, and I think it would be nice if fans chill out a little bit, is it really just a competition? What are you getting out of this? We need to get back to the root of it all, aka music.
Hi, thanks! I agree with you, it's a dick measuring contest and charts have no actual meaning atp (if they ever had one). Joining twitter for BTS was kind of a mistake because it really made me aware of that performance aspect of the fandom. It's only gotten worse in chapter 2. I appreciate how fans' efforts have really made BTS what they are now, but the list of cons is a long one. Buying multiple albums or digitals is insane to me as well, because, like you said, every bit of my wage is precious. I'd rather give my mom the money than millionaires.
I disagree about how Army consumes music though. I believe Army listen to BTS and watch their MVs and performances for the love of it, but, at the same time, they'll do those things even if they don't like the songs. Army definitely loves BTS's music or try their best to enjoy it and understand their lyrics and messaging. Even if there's sadly no space to dislike or criticize a song, it's unfair to say they don't love and respect BTS's music.
Thanks for the ask!
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twelvedaysinaugust · 2 years
I think most people acknowledge that Harry wants a certain type of career. But as time goes on, I'm beginning to think he really wants it. /
I completely agree with this. Tbh I think both Harry and Louis are much more ambitious and have more of a drive to have certain kinds of careers than people acknowledge. But at the same time, I don't see how instigating Hendall rumors actually helps with that. So I wind up unsure if maybe Harry has other goals that these actions are serving that we don't know, or if it is about trying to get a certain type of career and my thoughts are basically that I think these actions don't serve that goal.
I mean, while the Kardashians will always be rich and famous, in terms of the cultural zeitgeist, I think they're currently going downhill. People just don't really like them anymore, and not in a hate them because they're everywhere way. I'd argue Harry's profile is much higher than Kendall's now, so if anything he's raising her profile. People have also recently been much more vocal about criticising the people Harry spends time with, like James Corden, and I often hear Kendall included in those conversations. So it just doesn't seem like a good look for Harry all around.
And if it's about raising his profile, I just don't see how it's necessary to use PR relationships/speculation to do that. I know it's kind of a tired and unpopular comparison at this point, but... if you want that particular kind of pop career, it's impossible not to look at Taylor Swift. She just released a dominant pop album at age 32, her TENTH. She also says she prefers (as we've heard Harry say he prefers) a quiet private life. And she largely gets it. You can argue about her lyrics, but she keeps herself in the public eye when she wants to be, and she does it mostly through things that aren't her relationship - she shows up to award shows, she does interviews or Q&As (she's basically doing a one-woman Oscar push for the ATW short film). Harry has won awards at all of these shows too, but he's not going to them, and he's not even really engaging with them in a meaningful way. It just seems like there's clearly another way, even if it's maybe somewhat harder. So, at least for me, I'm left unsure if Harry just says these things about a private life/disliking his image but doesn't actually mean them, or if he wants those things but on a larger level doesn't have the power to push for them/is outvoted (still thinking about Anne sharing that weird My Policeman article...). I don't have an answer but I do find it frustrating.
I think the Kendall thing was - at most - a way to drum up interest before the next Pleasing drop. I’d be very surprised if anything comes of it. In the grand scheme of things, I don’t think it matters very much.
I think the womanizer image has ebbed and flowed, but Harry’s team and Harry himself lean into it - sometimes very heavily. My personal opinion as to “why” is just that it’s easy, effective, and it sells really well. Sometimes I just think there’s not an equally effective alternative, in the sense that other options might require a lot more effort on the part of Harry or his team or would require Harry to do things that he’s unable or unwilling to do. With the Kendall thing, all that happened was that she attended one of his shows (with other people in tow) and then it was announced that she’d broken up with her boyfriend shortly after. People drew a bunch of conclusions and wrote some intriguing headlines, but it required very little effort or involvement on Harry’s part. Privately, I also wonder if all these things are necessary (including things like the “Late Night Talking” music video and comments on stage about “Watermelon Sugar” being about oral sex). But that’s my vantage point. I do think he uses gossip and shock value to protect his personal life and privacy.
I am not opening the floor to speculation on this topic, but I do think Harry’s next relationship and what it looks like will be telling. But I don’t think that will happen for a while (if it happens at all) because ending a two year relationship and jumping straight into another would be an interesting look.
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spectre-writes · 2 years
Why you should read 'The Witch and the Beast' manga by Kousuke Satake
Alrighty folks, time to talk about this manga:
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Looking at the covers, you're probably thinking ‘oh, this is some cute paranormal romance kinda thing, right?’ Well, that where you’re wrong… this manga is a hell of a lot more action packed and filled with horror than you’re thinking, and while there’s certainly a degree of… ‘something’ going on, it’s subtle, it’s complicated, and it’s anyone’s guess where it’s going. 
Heads up that there will be a few spoilers in this. I'll start off by dropping some fight scene panels so you know I'm not fibbing about how action packed this manga is:
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This is a dark fantasy where the world is one filled with magic, where witches are considered the biggest threat, and have a reputation as being evil (which while not all are, there are some super bad ones out there). Basic plot is about our two main characters taking on witches.
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So, who are our main characters? Well, first off we have Ashaf. He’s a mage working for ‘the order of magical resonance’, which specializes in dealing with magical problems/threats. He’s polite, calm and collected, and acts like everything is going to plan (even when it very much isn’t). Carries around a coffin and has crow familiars so a treat for you goths out there. His motives are… ambiguous but we’ll get to that in a bit.
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Our second character is Guideau, someone who is violent, fowl mouthed, rash and… pretty much Ashaf’s complete opposite. But she’s agreed to work with him and the order. Why? Well, she’s been cursed by a witch, and needs to find that witch to break the curse… What curse you ask? Well… minor spoilers, but that’s not Guideau’s actual body… Guideau’s actual body is a beast of world destructive power that looks like this:
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Yep, that’s right. Massive non-bindary/genderfluid energy there… my personal interpretation is non-binary in a sort of ‘whatever pronouns are most convenient go, but idgaf I just wanna kill that witch’ way, based on the fact Guideau never objects to anyone using female pronouns or male pronouns or states their gender. 
In fact, this whole manga has massive queer vibes… As well as another character later on who plays fast and loose with gender roles, there’s a way to temporarily break a witch’s curse (giving Guideau access to his original body), wanna know what it is? You have to kiss a witch… so yeah, we get scenes like this:
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I really wasn’t expecting this and personally this whole aspect of the manga was a treat, though I get that might not be a factor for everyone.
There are some great side characters too, my personally favourite being a necromancer and her servant. She’s very sympathetic/kind to the dead and believes in treating them with respect, which is refreshing to see.
Now, Ashaf and Guideau… it’s complicated. Guideau’s motive is simply to find a way to remove her curse by locating the witch that cursed her, and that’s the only reason she agreed to work with Ashaf. As for Ashaf… well, he says their interests align, and I’d say he definitely has some stake in this, but there’s definitely some stuff he’s keeping quiet about and that’s something we’re going to slowly have to unravel. But I think it’s fair to say they’re growing closer, the question is… where exactly is that leading? I genuinely don’t know and that’s part of what I’m enjoying the most, I pretty much never get invested in stuff like this but I'm hooked. Big spoilers ahead but look at these panels and tell me you’re not intrigued…
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Now, as for the world building… I really love how mages write to cast, it’s a nice little detail, and I enjoyed learning about how necromancy functions in this world. The witches also seem to have quite varied powers, which can make their fights seem more unique and means you don’t always know what to expect from them (unless you know their lineage). There’s vampires too if that’s your thing, elementals, and who knows what else going forward. I’m curious to learn more about ‘the order of magical resonance’, there’s definitely some mystery there too… Solid stuff on the whole.
I just… really love this series, and I’d love more people to give it a try too. My only warning is there is some gore, so if that’s an issue for you unfortunately you might have to give this one a pass. Otherwise, please give it a shot! It deserves attention.
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