#if you have a loud dog pls dont room with other people you dont know... that feels like common courtesy to me
varietysky · 2 years
not only does one of my new roommates have a small yappy dog, but she also blasts her bassy EDM music in the evening that sounds like the same bad song on a loop... hmm.
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update: okay just confirmed it's not her playing the music, but rather someone in the unit above ours. I asked them to turn it down and they did (for now)
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Ask : Hi Luna 💕 how are you? Taking care I hope 💕My pets say hi btw <3 I was giving my dog a cuddle when the cutest idea came to mind! William, Albert, James and mycroft jealous of the love and attention their S/o gives to their pet?Because I personally hug and kiss my baby’s 🥰 My dog often cry’s for cuddles isn’t she cute! Take care and give your cats a treat for me ok!
Hi hi Akira chan!!how r u doing?
Lmao,i can see them getting jealous like idiots. I mean...who wouldn't cuddle their pets right???pls give ur adorable dog lots of kisses for me!my cats say hi too! XD
•Albert's hand twitches from where he's drinking his glass of wine
•his eyes are closed,but his eyebrows are twitching
•he opens his emerald green eyes slightly,and when he sees your happy face while cuddling your dog
•makes him smile,annoyed
•he knows its stupid,but he cant help but to feel... envious of the dog having all your attention
•to be honest,he had a rough day
•the urge to throw the dog outside and cuddle you is really high
•the mere thought sends him choking on his wine,and starting to cough
• "Albert?"
•when he looks up at you,and sees your smile as you open your arms and your dog wiggles his tail happily for him
•he swallows,and slips inside the bed
•right into your arms
•guess he has to share you with the dog...only slightly
•William cant help but to let out a soft huff of laughter as the sound of your giggles echoes through the hallways
•your black cat,on your stomach and is purring loudly
•and your laughter is so loud,so happy that William cant help but wanting to be part of it
•he sets his book aside,and stares at your sprawled out form on the bed of your bedroom
•and when you notice his stare
•you move slightly and scoot back to make room for him
•and when he gets on bed with you,your cat happily purring loudly between you two
•he cant help but to let out a soft laughter when your cat bumps its nose to his
•getting a pet was surely a great idea after all
James Bond
•James isnt like the other two guys,no
•when james sees you play with you pet
•your happy laughter echoing in the house
•he puffs out his cheeks and huffs
•dont get him wrong,he loves to hear you laugh
•but he really wants to be the one cuddling you right now,not your pet
•he wants to be the one who rests his head against your shoulders and listen to you talk
•so he does it
•he marches up to you,and glares down at your pet who immediately perks upon seeing him
•James sighs,and when he lays down next to you
•he makes sure his arm is covering you both;your pet and his love together
•Mycroft is used to hear your laughters and hushed out voice when he gets home from work
•you usually stay up and wait for him,and talking to your pet makes staying up eaiser
•having dealt with so many people and meetings really did a number on him that night
•so he doesnt take it well when he enters the room and sees you hugging your pet tightly,kissing and cuddling it
•he simply groans
•and without another word,flops down next to you
•and despite wanting you all to himself
•he hugs your pet as well
•and falls asleep soon after hearing your soft whispers
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bakugou thoughts pt 2001847471 :)))
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- if u go to the park, and somebody is like, walking their dog n the animal barks at y’all??? bakugou is barking back. mans full on squares up, n barks at the dog until it backs off
- he rarely gets into shows/series, but when he finds one he likes, he’ll only watch the first few episodes and then make u watch the rest with him. he’ll always say sum “if i dont watch with you, then i gotta make extra time for your needy ass. ‘m prioritizing my fuckin’ time. it doesn’t mean anything, shut up.” ...... he’s lying. it does mean something. it means he wants to share the things he likes with u
- pls he’s so smart, and generally pretty aware, but sometimes he’ll just do something so duMb. like, u kno that thing that happens sometimes with hair?? like, when it sticks to ur fingers and no matter what u do, u can’t get it off?? bakugou is literally breaking his wrist a foot away from u, shaking his hand back and forth and cursing soooo loudly. u just gotta go up to him and gently remove the hair from him like “oh honey- no.”
- peanut gallery comments. lots of them. mans will sit fully dead silent, not talking for the whOle day, but the second u do something embarrassing?? like trip??? suddenly he has a LOT to say ..... smh men
- animals just always like him. its absolutely unexplainable bc he’s so loud n moves super suddenly,,, but the amount of street animals that follow him home is ridiculous. srsly. sometkmes he even has other people’s pets trying to follow him home
- respects absolutely no one n that somehow strangely makes him the most respectful u’ve ever seen??? like- he hates everyone the exact same so u won’t ever catch bakugou in an act of discrimmination
- he can’t draw at all but if u asked him to draw something, it’ll be the same skull every single time. it’s a good skull, but it’s soooo obvious he learned how to draw it from a tutorial in the midst of his emo phase
- will fully make fun of others for baby-talking around their s/o, n then just fully go home n look at you like “tired.” “hungry.” “kiss.”...... like okay baby man, maybe try putting a full sentence together before u start trying to run your mouth. hypocrite.
- probably sleeps like the dead. contrary to popular belief, i absolutely do not believe he’s up at every single noise. man’s could sleep thru an explosion, im sure of it. that being said tho, it’s probably actually hard for him to turn his brain off n fall asleep. he prob goes to bed so “early” bc he has to wind down for a good hr or two until he’s ready to actually sleep
- he’s got a vendetta against salespeople. like, if his phone rings with some bullshit about a product? if somebody, god forbid, tries to walk up to your door? fully frothing at the mouth annoyed. will chew out any employee who’s too underpaid not to listen to him
- eats like an absolute animal. no rlly, its bad. holds his spoon with a fist and digs at his meal like its the gold rush. the worst table manners you’ve ever seen rlly
- he gets sorts antsy if he sits for too long, so he’s always off doing random shit. like, u’ll look out the window n he’s just like, raking the .3 leaves from ur driveway, probably trying to guess where the wind will be so they wont blow back
- ik this with my heart and soul okay,,, bakugou has never had a conversation with u that wasnt from exactly .2 meters away. like,, if he’s comfortable, then he’s just close all the time. like he’s waving his hands around and yelling and you just have to take his face in ur hands and go “im literally right here. ily but pls tone it down for the sake of my hearing.”
- very much guard dog behavior when y’all go out. absolutely will not leave ur side for even a second, like, at a bar or during a concert. even if u go to the bathroom he’s like, leaning against the wall and waiting right outside the door
- gets absolutely bitchy about your phone blowing up while you’re hanging out. its not that he’s suspicious that ur, like, cheating on him, it’s just that he doesnt understand why u’d even leave ur phone on in the first place since he always has his turned off when ur around. if he gets annoyed enough he’ll fully take the phone out of ur hands, say sum “yeah, you don’t fuckin’ need this anymore. you’re done with this.” n toss it across the room while he kisses u senseless
- tbh his ultimate love language is 100% playfighting. v much would go heart eyes if u even seemed like u might try n wrestle him. obvi u dont win, but his favorite is how u laugh while he pins ur hands above ur head
- he sneers at other angry people. will fully, fully sit there like “jesus christ, they need to calm the hell down. annoying as shit- fuckin’ loud too.” ....... -i. who’s gonna tell him
- silent conversations with ur eyes. no rlly. if y’all are with friends and somebody says something questionable, bakugou is immeadiately turning to u, eyes hardly even shifting but u just know he’s hurling insults in his head
- he doesnt realize his own strength sometimes. like- he knows he’s strong, but if u ever open a door n ur like “woah, careful, this is heavier than it looks” bakugou is .2 steps behind u practically ripping the damn thing off it’s hinges. he’ll look at it, huffing like he doesn’f even understand the issue
- he rlly likes when u call him by his name. pet names are fine, but he srsly is super soft for the simple stuff. like when u look over at him, all excited, smile wide like “hey katsuki, u gotta see this! c’mere!”
- his road rage is severe. no rlly. bakugou drives like every day is a race n he’s one win away from going formula one. you’re pretty sure that the only reason he passed his license test is bc the instuctor was too terrified to tell him no
- bakugou probably does that thing where if you’re sitting on the counter top, watching him cook, he’ll stand between ur legs. hands on ur thighs or resting on ur hips while you tell him about your day
- can’t explain this one, but he doesnt kill spiders. he takes them outside. says sum “they eat ticks, idiot. what- you actually want a fuckin’ blood disease? Hah? ‘m not gonna kill it. motherfucker’s gotta earn his keep before dyin’ just like the rest of us.” while he v gently picks the spider up into his hand and walks it outside
- ik that his one cheat food is sugary cereal. like, he’s a health freak, but the one thing he can’t help but make a concession for is sugary cereal on the weekends
- he’ll sometimes get in this over-stimulated mood where everything pisses him off, n the only thing u can do is leave him alone. u learn this quick bc his anger doesn’t discrimminate and if u push him even after he tells u what’s up?? pls bakugou will lash tf out. at u. like, ik y’all like to write it but that whole “it’s okay- it’s just me. just look at me.” thing does not work with him,,, u literally gonna get merc’d if u try
- he’s probably a guy who’s gonna be super big on passing touches. like he drops his hand on ur head when he passes, or bumps his shoulder into urs when he laughs. no footsies tho. too sappy even for him- pls if u tried to initate that he’d crush ur toes under the table aHAHAHA
- feeds every street cat he comes across. is probably super fond of the ones with a bunch of scratches/scars on them. he’d die if u knew, but one time u caught him feeding a scratched up calico n going “bet u beat his stupid ass, right? that’s my girl. we always win, huh?”
surprise suprise,, my brain rlly never shuts the hell up about this man
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Obey Me! Brothers as Werewolves
Gonna remind everyone now that alpha theory was disproven and actual wolf packs act as family units
That being said - alpha, clearly
Not because he's the strongest (though he is) but because he's the most nurturing
Considers all his brothers (and you) to be his responsibility and under his care
Second biggest in wolf form (next to Beel)
Thick, dark fur, great in winter but in summer hates how hot and itchy it gets. Shedding his winter coat is an EVENT. Scratch him and fluff just falls out by the handfuls
Hates how patchy he looks when shedding, very grumpy when its happening
Refuses to ask for help when it comes to brushing out his coat, but if you're somewhere private he is very happy to just lie there whilst you brush out all that itchy loose fluff
Also just very nice to pet in general, but rarely let's you outside of softer moments :/
Not outwardly aggressive - when correcting his brothers behaviour hes more likely to just growl softly instead of going for a full snarl. If he actually shows his teeth then things are serious and you might want to have some final words with your jugular
Isn't very affectionate in public, but is very protective - wherever you go, if hes in his wolf form hes by your side, or at the very least is keeping an eye on you
If anyone he doesnt like the look of approaches you, he calmly places himself between the two of you. If that isn't enough trust me, a staring contest with those eyes isn't going to last long
Pretty boyyo
White fur thats not nearly as thick and long as Lucifer's but still has a substantial ruff
Uses his wolf form to run away from loan sharks a lot (hey, four legs are quicker than two, right?)
Also loves the attention he gets from girls - he knows he's handsome in both forms, but girls say it more when they think he can't understand them
Sheds the least of all the brothers, but since his coat is so pale his hair is more noticeable so he still gets flack for getting it on the furniture
Hes still needy as a wolf
You know those videos of huskies throwing massive tantrums??? Yeah, hes on that level, his dramatics only kept in check by his tsundere nature
Loves it when you pet him. He'll pretend he doesn't, but the second you stop hes gonna start whining
(Doesn't) hate it when you baby-talk him
Not generally aggressive within the pack, just prickly - maybe a growl or a huff here and there, maybe a snap if someone's really pushing his buttons
He is possessive tho
Will physically put himself between you and other people to get your attention. If the other person doesn't take the hint, then he's showing teeth
If you don't let him sleep in the room with you, you'll open your bedroom door the next day and find him curled up outside
Definitely wants to put his head in you lap and have you stroke him til he falls asleep but refuses to admit it
Gets jealous if you're petting another brother at the same time as him and will throw a tantrum and try to shove them away from you
He was your first pact, which means he has first dibs on all cuddles!!!! What do ya mean that's not a rule??? Thats totally a rule!!!!
'Hes not dog friendly'
Spends very little time in his wolf form (its hard to game without opposable thumbs)
Does sometimes shift out of shock tho
Like, if you kiss him unexpectedly, poof! There's a wolf infront of you, who's blushing lobster red underneath all that fur
Will hide under the bed
✨separation anxiety✨
Glued to your side in wolf form, because he doesn't like or trust other people or wolves (and definitely NOT because he likes your company and wants you to maybe pet him 😳😳😳)
Kinda likes that you can't see him blushing when he's in wolf form
Will lie next to you and wait for you to initiate pets. Especially loves it when you scratch him behind the ears.
Because hes a shut in and doesn't spend a lot of time in his wolf form, his fur is the messiest - patchy winter coat, small tangles, really just needs a good brush (but only if you do it)
Not really aggressive to others, just not friendly. Maybe a growl every now and then, and sometimes a tantrum gets thrown, but thats it
Still quite cat-like
Hes not going to be throwing any loud husky-like tantrums
Doesn't like that he can't read books in wolf form (difficult to turn pages without hands) but does enjoy the emotional release for his anger when it comes to hunting Hell-Hinds and other demonic deer.
Fur is short, sleek, a lovely pale gold and well-kept (when it isn't bloodied by his most recent hunt)
When he isn't hunting he does enjoy stretching out infront of a fireplace and warming his fur
Is unopposed to being brushed when he's in the position, and may even allow you to pet his head gently, but thats it
Might lay his head in your lap tho
Sheds the least of all the brothers
Still tries to control his temper in wolf form, but you better hope he maintains it because those teeth can issue you a one-way ticket to the afterlife
Sometimes snaps or growls at his brothers, but is more likely to just leave the room if they're annoying him. If they're in his room then they're getting chased out with their tail between their legs (except Lucifer who wouldn't invade his space like that)
Who's a pretty boy???? Who is???
Its him!!!!!!
Friendliest of all the brothers, if only because he loves the attention people give him
Will walk up to you and just wait for the compliments (not unusual, tbf)
Doesn't love the hunting side of being a wolf - mud???? Blood??? Sweat???? In MY fur??????? I don't think so
Only really partakes when necessary, or if he's decided to go for a roguishly disheveled look that day
Uses his wolf form as an excuse to get affection that would be less appropriate in his human form - belly rubs, giving you puppy-dog eyes to be let up onto the bed, getting you to give him a bath - stuff that Lucifer would be more likely to reprimand him for when he wasn't a wolf
Softest fur of all the brothers - sleek, silky and always throughly brushed out, even when shedding. Plus, loves being pet so long as you don't mess up his fur too much.
The biggest of boys, the goodest of boys
Loves being in wolf form because its even easier to get food from people
You think his puppy eyes are bad NOW??? WAIT UNTIL HES AN ACTUAL PUPPY
Very comfortable in his wolf form, spends the most time out of all the brothers like that
Has absolutely no shame begging food from people's tables, no matter where you are. Also has no shame stealing food from people's tables, but will whine and act ashamed if they yell at him
Dont yell at him. He's baby.
Incredibly fluffy red coat, that and the amount of muscle underneath makes him the biggest wolf in the pack by far
Big doggy grin that could melt any heart
So tall that when he wags his tail you have to make sure it doesn't sweep everything off the table
Also loves being pet and doesn't mind baby talk at all. You can treat him like an actual dog and he won't get mad - he'll play fetch with you if you really want, but as a warning, the stick might end up more than a little chewed
Will, however, also go digging through people's bins
Also kinda slobbery
Is pretty much never aggressive, but then again, who would be stupid enough to provoke something with that much muscle and teeth???
If you scritch the right spot behind his ear his leg kicks out. He's not ashamed. More scritches pls.
But his favourite spot for scritches are under his jaw and his chin
Smallest of the wolves
Enjoys sleeping in wolf form because the fur adds an extra level of cosiness
You will just find him curled up in a nest of pillows with his nose tucked under his tail. Or flopped across a sofa, until Lucifer yells at him to get off the furniture
Has that intense stink-eye that some huskies are capable of.
Sometimes forgets to shift, or can't be bothered and will just wander around attempting to do people things until he realises hes in the wrong body - you ever gone to brush your teeth and then realised you need hands for that???
Definitely walks around holding his cow pillow in his mouth, or sometimes a plushie
Or dragging a blanket
Honestly its very cute
Does enjoy being gently pet as his drifts of to sleep
Which is good because his fur is always mussed up from his last nap
But if he falls asleep on you???? You're not moving. Sorry not sorry. This is your life now.
Little wolf bleps when he sleeps ➖👅➖
Has definitely vomited in Lucifers shoes as a wolf at least once, simply out of spite
Thick fur, but not long. Sheds a lot, but his fur is so dark you don't see it as much.
Lets out little muffled woofs and yips when he sleeps, and twitches when he dreams of running
If you scratch the right spot when hes sleeping, his leg will kick out the same as Beels, but if you do it when hes awake he'll get embarrassed and either leave, or give you a warning nip
The most aggressive with other pack members - hes just kinda bratty. Huffs a lot and is quick to give out little nips when he isn't happy, though he isn't much of a growler and never goes farther than that
Won't play fetch like Beel, but if you're REALLY lucky, he'll bring you a plushie of your own when he joins you for a nap
(Also, im relatively new to the game, I know there was a vampire event, if there was a werewolf event im unaware of it atm, but this is just for fun anyway)
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camping hc’s w/ the feral boys <3
AYO LOOK AT THESE : implied smut if u look hard enough , but really just some cute , fluffy feral boys content lol . these ended up being really fun to write so let me know if u have any other ideas for more hc’s !! ily , starlight ☁
reblogs are always appreciated !!! <3
all as a group - 
god help us all this would be a MESS
you guys would get one of those massive tents that have separate rooms for everyone
s’mores are a guarantee
alex and clay would light their marshmallows on fire
and chase each other around with them
karl is FOCUSED on getting the perfect golden roast
sapnap keeps nudging him to mess the marshmallow up
george literally has his marshmallow in the fire for .2 seconds
clay would give him so much shit for it and the two of them would “argue”
but george would end up breaking his smore in half for clay
and feeding it to him most likely 
alex would bring his guitar and play it while everyone sat around the fire
sapnap would definitely start singing ‘campfire song’ from spongebob
everyone would pick up
and dissolve into laughter
clay would be the first to bring up telling scary stories
you’d be scared as shit from the words he was crafting
youd sandwich yourself between karl and alex
alex would poke your waist , jumpscaring you
and you’d pout saying you’re going to bed
youd walk into the tent
they would all C O M P L A I N but eventually join you
at least one of them pees on the fire “to make sure its completely out”
george would ‘knock’ on the tent to see if you were dressed
because they’re respectful , your honor
everyone would meet in the main part of the tent with sleeping bags and pillows and blankets
completley abandoning all the separate rooms
you’d all take turns talking about nothing at all really
making stupid jokes
if you fell asleep first , clay and george would make everyone whisper
you need your beauty sleep
they’d all fade pretty fast after that
but karl would wake everyone to watch the sunrise together
dream -
would have the top of the line camping equipment
even if it was for like
a two day trip
he’d go to an outdoor store and come home with an entire car full of camping shit
a portable grill
a blowup mattress
the nicest two person tent money could buy
the full nine yards
would put you in charge of planning meals
which is probably a good idea
has had the campsite booked for months
somewhere by a lake
“clay , we literally live by the ocean”
“it’s not the same , baby”
he’s right , its not
would take a mini road trip to get there
he’d make sure to stop at all the tourist traps along the way
you two would end up with a bunch of fruit from a roadside stand
once you finally got there
the tent would essentially pitch itself
he’d do the car salesman slap on the nylon
“best tent money can buy”
you’d probably take a nap , tired from the drive
by the time clay shook you awake the sun was setting
so he'd fire up his little camping grill
pls he’d geek out so hard over it
you’d be awake from the nap
so clay would light a lantern and the two of you would just 
wander around the campsite holding hands
you two would absolutely go swimming at midnight
clay would pick you up in the water 
and have you wrap your legs around him like a koala
he’d pepper your face with kisses
then dunk you under the water
once you two got out you’d get in pajamas
and clay wouldn’t be able to inflate the air mattress
he forgot the pump
but you brought sleeping bags just incase
you two would fall asleep as close as two people in sleeping bags possibly could
sapnap -
would insist on being the manliest man
like would collect firewood and everything
he’d show off the axe he brought
then would chop the wood
he's gloating smh
and would get 125670 % more overprotective when you wanted to try
would stand behind you and show you how to swing
would guide your arms and everything
but would stand like
10 feet away
when you went to actually swing
spooked by how hard you chopped
but also proud ???
would build a fire as it got dark
and tell you how pretty you looked in the light from the flames
he’d be pretty old school w camping food
would stab a poker through hotdogs
he’d help you roast yours , rotating it so it cooked even
would forget the buns and condiments
“i thought we had everything!”
the two of you would die of laughter
just eating ur hotdogs
off of the pokers
would remember a stash of candy and snacks
so you end up eating those too
nick would have the tent up in less than five minutes
“fastest tent pitcher on this side of the mississip” 😎
would bring it up 13790 times
he would find a way to zip your sleeping bags up together so it's one big franken-bag
he’s so warm
keeps you toasty
George -
camping was most likely your idea
but gogs is all for it
gets really excited and buys a two person sleeping bag
“so we can still cuddle”
you’d bring all your camping equipment so you had a pad to sleep on
“sleeping on the ground hurts , baby”
“isn't that the whole point ?”
would have his hand on your thigh as he drove to the campsite
and would play loud music the whole way there
with all the windows down
you two would set up camp while it was still light
both struggling™
to get the tent up
it would take y’all like an hour
and both of you would be all sweaty after wrestling with it
so george would change into swimming trunks and wait on you to put on a bathing suit
then he would piggyback you to the lake
running straight into the cold water while you scREAMED
you’d smack him so he’d let you down
then you’d splash him
a splash war would ensue
george would grab your hands , threading them through his
“be nice to me >:,(“
you’d get all soft and wrap your arms around him
the two of you would swim for h o u r s
until someone got hungry
you’d show gogs how to make a campfire
he’d knock over your demonstration
“i want to try”
would nail it on the first shot
you'd be baffled but entirely impressed
after dinner he would show off the oversized sleeping bag
you two would get in together , legs tangled
would probably download movies on his phone beforehand for you guys to watch
he’d fall asleep first , lulled to bed by the sounds of outside
Karl -
loves camping so much
just loves outside in general
would already have a bunch of gear
but would insist on finding a way for you two to be able to sleep together
we all know this boys love language is touch
even in his sleep he needs some sort of skin to skin contact
would buy a camping bed
i feel like karl would want to make “real camping food”
so he’d do hotdogs
and those foil packet thingies with potatoes and corn
he’d show you how to seal they foil and bury it in the coals properly
would scrunch his nose at you while you messed the wrapping up on purpose
“let me do it for you , baby”
would proceed to do it for you
he’d take 100000000000 pictures of you 
in the sunset lighting
the campfire lighting
the moon lighting
because he cant help how beautiful you look
would feed you bites of vegetable in between your hot dog
“are you staying hydrated?”
brought juice boxes , too
he’d set up a place for you guys to stargaze
and would point out all the constellations
yall would make up your own too , giving them full backstories
he’d slow dance with you under the moon until it got too cold to be outside
the two of you would … take advantage of the camping bed
crossing ‘outside’ off the bucket list 😌
by day 3 he was tired of his traditional camping food
would beg you for some of your snacks
you’d feed him oreos and fruit snacks while you guys hiked
Quackity -
was not down™
at first
but once he saw how excited you were 
he would be all in
would go to a camping store with you and pick out equipment
alex would insist on getting the stereotypical camping cookware
“we have to !!!”
“no we dont???”
“yes we do 😤”
would refuse to sleep on the ground
buys one of those camping pad things
would buy a two person sleeping bag as well
“if im doing this im at LEAST sleeping next to you”
you’d beg him to bring his guitar and play it at the campfire
he’d sing you soft songs while you toasted marshmallows
and you’d feed him s’mores
but you two would end up just eating the chocolate bars instead
he’d bring some sort of card game
and you two would get way too competitive
probaby uno
you’d be screaming at each other at like 1 am
would get a noise complaint
but alex does not care
not one bit
would make a joke about you screaming his name instead
ends up loving falling asleep to the sounds of nature
somehow finds his way into being little spoon
you two fall asleep holding each other
and wake up a tangled mess
begs you to stay another night
because he actually likes being away from it all
and getting uninterrupted one-on-one time with his girl
next time you guys get a free weekend , he’s the one who suggests camping
because he loved it so much
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foryouthegays · 3 years
also if anyone wants me to transcribe a clip pls send an ask :) or find something :)
good laugh times: 00:40:10, 00:44:44, 00:54:30, 00:55:47 00:58:37
sellout timer: 00:30:40, 01:26:00
other things: (00:10:00 biiiiiig stretch!!!) (00:39:55 that was the most ‘skeppy tried to troll me but i trolled him first’ scream ive heard in a while a;lskdjfadl) (01:23:00 TECHNOSNEEZE TECHNOSNEEZE)
Technoblade starts the stream and finds an infinity room (a room covered in white item frames and backed with glowstone or sea lanterns, making it look like there is just Void and no end) covering his house. he removes the grief and continues his intro. While waiting for Tommy to join his VC, he finds a Zombie villager, cures it, and reads donations.
Techno and Tommy go to New L’manburg and fix one of Technos propaganda posters. They find Fundy and Ranboo and tell them that if Techno gets his sword back, he’ll help them fight the wither he’s going to spawn. He spawns the wither and runs around while Ranboo and Fundy try to kill it. He doesn’t get his sword back until a few minutes into the battle. Ranboo gives him both his sword and his axe after the Wither is killed by Punz and Fundy.
Fundy gets the Wither Star, and Techno decides that it’s rightfully owned by him. Tommy and Techno start torturing Fundy into giving them the Star. After Techno gets the star back, Tommy starts trying to get his disks back. Techno tells Tommy he’s going too far, and Fundy starts crying, and eventually dies.
Tommy and Techno start to move back to their house, and Tommy gets distracted with the idea of blowing up the community house. Techno convinces him otherwise, and eventually comes clean with his intentions and goals to destroy L’manburg. He asks Tommy to join him, and Tommy accepts.
They go to the wolf army and breed the dogs. While underground, they’re almost caught, but they run away before anyone can catch them.
Techno and Tommy talk about an eventual SBI meetup, make a beacon, and then end the stream.
loud startin the stream today!!!!! :D!!!!!! 10 sec in
oh hes actually loud today this is great his voice gets so nice when hes louder
00:00:30 ‘i’ve made a severe and continuous lapse in judgement” s;ladjfkald
aa;lskdfjasd someone mADE AN INFINITY ROOM A;LSDKFJASDF WHO????
00:03:00 i love how even minecraft g o d s cant remember fence gate/fence crafting recipes akdjhfald
00:04:45 ‘gUYS DON’T STAY IN SCHOOL!!!’ ‘n- no you should stay in school’ yeah, sure techno ‘collage dropout’ blade
00:05:17 ‘tommy, is this your credit card? let me read the numbers aloud, tommy’ -technos impression of tommys mom
zombie villager pog!
00:07:35 why does,,,why does techno say disorientating instead of disorienting??? he says disorientating and i just,,,,,techno,,,,techno thats not the American way of saying it. also i didnt capitalize american bc of Being A Country i did it bc of Emphasis a;lksdfal
he stretch!!!!!! ten mins in
techno ate breakfast pog!!!! 00:10:30
13:00 a;lksdjfal
STOP MAKING TECHNO GOOD AT CHESS IN GAME HES SAID SEVERAL TIMES THAT HE IS NOT I AM GOING TO SCREAM more proof: 00:14:40 also he calls the chess board ‘the map’ and im akjsdfhkljasd
00:15:40 “i don’t think that dumb people become Minecraft youtubers, I think it’s that being a Minecraft youtuber makes you dumber.”
00:15:50 ‘i was a smart child, I was doing well in school--I mean I wasn’t doing my homework or anything but I was doing well on the tests,” a;lsdkfja
“it do be doing that” -technoblade 2021
WHY DOES HE JUST RANDOMLY KNOW CHESS OPENING NAMES IM SICK OF HIM WHY IS HE LIKE THIS  I HATE IT HERE AALSDKFJASF 00:17:45 its so funny he just reads wikipedia for fun and also same
‘YOURE TALKING SOUNDS’ -tommyinnit, 19:40
00:20:05 ‘tommy, tommy, you’re speaking words, but the only universal language is sounds.’
00:23:24 “we’re going to go threaten....some certain government agents...in minecraft, since I know the FBI is listenin in on my phone right now [techno gets further from his mic and some thuds can be heard] let me just toss that over there...there we go, now they can only listen through my laptop”
00:32:17 mmmm technoyell
fundy n ranboo!!!! 00:33:50
god could u imagine knowing that technos doin a plot stream nd he joins ur call w tommy and they just???? start talking abt the canonical status of ants and new york????? such is the life of ranboo nd fundy a;lksdfjals
00:39:55 how does he make that sound im crying
HE LAUGH!!!!!!
a;lkdsfjasd ranboo bullying time 00:44:00
god could u imagine being a fan of the dream smp, joining and ur surrounded by all these people uve looked up too, and then they start bulling you?? such is the life of ranboo
torture time!!! 00:46:15, its to get back the star :D
00:50:45 its lowkey terrifying how techno calls torturing fundy to tears ‘the good times’ and laughs while tommy interrogates him. i love it, but also im scared of him. still an apologist. he needs his stuff back!
also like,,,,,techno telling tommy he went too far? terrifying. if techno says you went too far, thats saying something
my favorite part of techno tommy interactions is how technoll say like, a metaphor or smthin nd tommy just,,,,,,,, ‘yeAHHH BITCH’ its so funny. a good example is 00:56:00:
techno: if you want to make an omlette, you’ve gotta break a few eggs
tommy: yeaaahhhh!! break eggs and bitch!
techno: ....what?
its so funny to me ak;dfjlasjf
and like, their rambles are COMPLETELY different. techno does most of his hopping around in his head and talks about it once he’s figured out what he should do, and tommy just says things out loud without thinking its hilarious
and like, in game, techno is a LOT more calculated than people think. when tommy tries to get techno to blow up the community house, techno has to rein him back in because ‘i’m all for violence, but we need a plan.’ and ‘how would blowing up the community house get your discs back??’ he’s a lot more organized than most of his teammates nd i love it
but like,,,sometimes techno just Says things and its great.  00:57:20 ‘the only dirt we have on dream is his dirt shack, amirite? [claps] gottem. he’s homeless!! eyyyy. lmao.’
00:58:20 is good. also skyblock is canon now.
also ‘i dont know about smiling, but’ a;ldkfjadls;fjasf
i love tommy nd techno just kinda vibing
01:16:30 ‘mmmm audience retention rate....mmmm ants’ aldkfja this stream is so dumb i love it
he sounds V tired rn a;lsdkfjkasdf
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toplinetommy · 4 years
Four Times You Ask Travis to Fill In + The One Time He Asks You
Tumblr media
Words: 3.4k
Warnings: language, a guy being a dick in the first part
a/n: literally got inspo from this out of nowhere and sat down to write it after a two 8 hour work days, pls dont hesitate to give me feedback!
“You want a refill?” Travis asks you as he sees you stirring your straw in your now empty glass. 
“Yes, please!” You answer, smile on your face.
“The usual?” He double checks, regarding the light yellow liquid that was previously in your cup. You nod your head yes and he walks away through the crowd towards the bar.
As you wait, you pull out your phone to check your Snapchat as you lean against the wall where your small group was formed. 
As you switch to texting your roommate back, you feel a much larger presence that couldn’t possibly be Travis. You offer the large stranger a soft smile as you turn your full attention back to your phone. 
“Do I know you from somewhere?” The man asks, making you turn to him to fully take his appearance in.
You roll your eyes as you look at him, clearly not knowing him and clearly figuring out that the statement was just a line. “I don’t think so.”
“You sure? I feel like we’ve had to have met before. I’d remember someone as pretty as you,” The guy smirks, taking a step closer to you.
You roll your eyes once more at the comment before turning your attention towards the bar across the room. The dim lighting of the bar combined with the overcrowding made it difficult for you to find your best friend. 
“And I think I’d remember a guy that used that lame of a pick-up line.” You clap back, a tight lipped smile falling on your face once you’re done speaking. You go back to your phone, trying your best to get the guy to take the hint that you’re not interested. Instead, he doesn’t, and he begins speaking yet again.
“You’re sassy, I like that.” He says, his gaze moving from your eyes down the rest of your body. The path of his gaze is painfully obvious to you as you try not to gag at both his actions and his attempts at flirting. He moves his hand to place it on his waist and the second you feel it, you’re shoving him off of you.
You turn your body once again to see if any of your friends notice the situation you’re in. All of them are either in their own worlds or out on the dancefloor, so you start looking for Travis who you still can’t find in the large crowd. 
However, the shove doesn't stop him as he moves towards you again, closer than he was before. He starts to crowd you closer to the wall before a warm hand grabs you and Travis is suddenly between you and the stranger.
“Aye, you better not be hitting on my girl.” He interrupts, linking your fingers with his and fully placing his body in front of yours, blocking you from the much taller man. 
“You better keep your girl in check then, man, she was all over me.” The stranger counters, puffing his chest trying to intimidate Travis.
“My girl wasn’t flirting with you. She can do whatever she wants anyways.” He shrugs, puffing out his smaller, but still broad chest. The stranger finally takes the hint and walks away, making sure to shove Travis as he turns.
“Thank you for that. I barely even talked to him but he wouldn’t leave me alone.” You thank Travis, once he turns back towards you. He hands you your drink before pulling your head into your chest, rubbing the back of your head in comfort.
“You’re okay,” He assures you, pulling away to look at your facial expression.
“Hey, you know that Luke Combs concert I bought tickets to, like, months ago?” You ask Travis, sitting down at his island as he moves towards the fridge to get a bottle of water out. He shuts the fridge before turning around and leaning against it. “Yeah? You’re supposed to go with Rilee, right?”
“That’s the thing,” You start. “She was supposed to go with me but I guess her boyfriend is having surgery so she has to be there for that.” 
Travis takes a gulp of his water as he listens closely to your predicament. “So what are you gonna do?” He swallows.
“Well,” you start, the pitch in your voice higher than normal. It’s the same voice you use with him everytime you ask him for a favor and you can tell he knows as he dramatically sets his water bottle down on the counter and throws his baseball hat covered head back. “I was thinking you could come instead. I already checked your game schedule and you don’t have a game and you’ll be in town!” You exclaim. 
Travis just looks at you silently as you speak. Your body is leaning over the island you’re sitting at, trying to get more of his attention and trying to make him understand how big of a deal it is to you.
“You know how much I love him! Please!” You beg further.
“What day is it exactly? I’ll make sure to clear my schedule.” Travis agrees, pulling his phone out of his pocket to double check his calendar. A squeak leaves your mouth and you jump out of your seat, running to him to give him a hug. You kiss his cheek loudly, leaving a wet spot on his cheek and mutter another thank you.
“Yuck.” Travis groans, wiping the slightly wet spot off of his cheek, a smile still covering his face contradicting his verbal discomfort of your actions. 
Pulling away from him, you move a step back opening the fridge to grab a drink for yourself. “You love country music, you can’t not have fun.” You argue, as you close the fridge, staring him down as you do so.
Thanksgiving was just right around the corner, which in Philadelphia meant the full effects of Fall were coming out. The streets were littered with orange leaves, pumpkin spice lattes were at all of your favorite coffee shops, and football and hockey was back in full force. 
It also meant the dreaded yearly company dinner your office had around this time. You were one of the younger people working at your office, which meant you didn’t fully immerse yourself into the office culture, and instead only talked to people directly in the same department.
“So, it’s almost American Thanksgiving.” Travis remarks, looking at you writing things down on the calendar that’s stuck to your refrigerator. 
You turn to your friend, hand still writing, “do you know what you’re doing yet?” 
“We have games the day before and the day after, so I’ll probably just go to Haysie’s place since you’re going home.” He shrugs.
“That doesn’t sound too bad. What sounds bad is my drive home and seeing people I haven’t seen in forever asking me the same million questions.” You say, capping your pen and placing it on the countertop next to you. “I also have a company dinner the weekend before, which really doesn’t sound fun.”
“Why?” Travis laughs. He knows you love your job so he’s confused as to why you don’t think you’ll have a fun time. 
“For starters, the company is way larger than you think it is so it’ll be a fuck ton of people. Secondly, I only talk to the people in my department and everyone is significantly older than me.” You explain.
“Do you have to go?” He further questions.
“I don’t think so, but they’ll know if I’m not there.” You shrug, “Think of it like all those dinners you have to do with the Flyers. You could not show up but it wouldn’t be a good idea.”
“Ahh, I see, okay, yeah, and if it’s anything like mine, it seems like they’ll be stuffy.”
“Exactly.” you point, moving to sit next to him at the kitchen table. “And, I’m pretty sure all of the people I’m friends with are bringing their significant others.” 
He nods his head at your complaints, thinking of positives to bring up about why the dinner will in fact be fun.
“Unless,” You start, dragging out the end of the word which fully grabs Travis’ attention as he sets his beer down to the table. “Do you want to come with? You can be my entertainment for the night!” You suggest, hint of begging in your tone. 
Travis stares at your suggestion dumb-founded, “What.” The stiff tone in his voice makes it seem like he’s not even asking a question, and is instead stating a fact. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
“What do you mean? It’s a perfect idea!” You clap your hands together before they start moving frantically as you continue to ramble. “You already have a suit, you probably won’t have a game, you’re already used to talking to those fancy people!”
“You should bond with the people you work with.” Travis counters.
“I can still do that if you’re there.” You state, putting on your best puppy dog eyes. 
You stare him down and you can see him start to crack before he responds, “Fine, but if more than five people ask me about what being an NHLer is like, I’m ditching you.”
A loud groan leaves your mouth as you walk back into your apartment, a stack of mail in your hands and a confused Travis sitting on your couch. He looks up from his phone with knitted eyebrows, silently asking you what the groan was for.
You set the stack of mail down on the table by your front door before tossing him a pristine white envelope with neat, black handwriting on the outside. “Who’s Emma?” He asks, handing the mail back to you. 
You begin opening the envelope as you speak. “You know that one girl in my sorority that I would constantly complain about?” He nods his head, urging you to go on. “I saw a while ago that she got engaged on Instagram and I guess she’s inviting me to the wedding.”
“Literally who gets married in the winter anyways?!” You groan dramatically, setting your full weight into the couch next to your friend. 
Travis laughs next to you at your dramatic body movement before he turns to you.”So?” He asks, somewhat confused at your groaning. 
“Why would you want to get married in Philly when it’s below freezing? Like who wants to do that!” You complain.
“You know you just don't have to go?” Travis suggests with raised eyebrows. Another groan passes your lips at your oblivious friend.
“I can’t just not go! She was my roommate when I lived in the sorority house.” You state in a straightforward tone. 
“When is it?” Travis questions further.
You toss him the formal invitation, “Early December.” 
He reads over the invitation before looking up to you to hand it back to you. As he reaches his hand to hand it over, a light bulb goes off in your head.
“Oh no.” Travis starts.
“You can come with!” You suggest excitedly.
“No, you don’t need an NHL player crashing your friend’s wedding.” He argues.
“Oh yes, I do.” You argue back, voice stern. The two of you stare one another down for what feels like minutes before Travis finally caves and agrees to go with you.
“See what I mean?” You start turning to look at Travis. “It’s fucking freezing why whould you want to get married in this? There’s literally snow on the ground.” You complain, gesturing to the inches of snow surrounding the sidewalks as you walk from the ceremony to the reception.
Travis wraps his arm around your shoulder, rubbing your arm to try and give you some sort of warmth. It isn’t as successful as you want it to be, but you appreciate the gesture as you lean into his warmer side.
“It’s not fair though, you get to wear an overcoat and still look nice. If I put on my winter coat I would like a marshmallow.” You scoff, causing loud laughter to erupt from Travis.
“You know damn well you wouldn’t look like a marshmallow.” He starts in between fits of laughter. “And, besides, your sexy legs would take away from your marshmallow-ness.” He jokes poking at the bottom of your thigh where you dress ended and the bareness of your legs started.
A light blush comes to your cheeks and your stomach tightens as you scoff at his comment and push him away jokingly.
You guys walk the rest of the short distance to the reception in quiet chills before finally finding your seats. You had to admit the wedding so far had been beautiful, even if you had a slight distaste for the bride herself.
You’re still sat after the both of you finish your meals, the both of you taking a break before joining the dancefloor again. 
“Not too bad, eh?” Travis questions you. His arm is resting comfortably over the back of your chair not quite directly landing over your shoulders. You turn your attention from the large mass on the dancefloor to Travis before answering, “Yeah, better than I thought it would be. I’ve gotten to see a lot of people from college I haven’t seen in a while.” A good chunk of your sorority sisters had also been in attendance as well as a few other people you recognized as Emma’s close friends.
He nods his head slightly before you ask him if he too is enjoying his evening. “Of course, it’s an excuse to hang with you and get you to dance without begging.” He remarks. “Speaking of, I think it’s time to go out-dance everyone out there.” He stands up, offering his hand for you to grab. You take a hold of his hand as you stand up and follow him to the middle of the room where the dancefloor was located.
The two of you dance for a while, and by two of you, it’s Travis dancing like an idiot while you kind of just bounce and sing to the songs. A slower song comes on and you turn away from Travis, intending to make your way back to your seats. Instead, Travis stops you, pulling your body flush against his as he rests his hands on the small of your back. “Not so fast there, killer,” He smiles, looking down at your face. 
You slowly move your hands to his shoulders, playing with the ends of his hair with one hand. “You should really get a haircut soon.” You chirp, knowing all too well he won’t cut it just because you told him to. He playfully rolls his eyes at your joke and lets the two of you dance to the song in silence. 
As the song ends you begin to slightly pull away from him. “Thanks for filling in as my date today, Travis. I know you get your fair share of weddings in the offseason.”
“You know I don’t mind, y/n” He replies as the music completely cuts out before the next one starts.
You leave a soft kiss on his cheek before you’re pulled away by a few of your friends you haven’t been able to say hi to yet.
plus one
Your phone starts to ring, pulling your attention from your computer. Picking it up you see Travis’ face covering the screen so you answer it.
“Y/n!” He cheers loudly into the phone, causing you to erupt in a giggle. “Have you checked Instagram in like the past five minutes?”
“No?” You answer, infliction in your voice. You move your phone away from your ear, putting it on speaker before opening the Instagram app. “I’ve been pretty busy at work today.” 
“Well, look!” He says, just as loudly. You scroll on your feed, trying to find what Travis is silently asking you to look for. You still don’t know what he’s talking about and you open your mouth to ask him and that’s when you see it.
“Holy shit!” You exclaim, liking the post by the Philadelphia Flyers. You read the caption a few more times as the news settles in. “You’re an all star!”
“I’m an all star, baby!” He repeats back to you. Your smile widens even more hearing the excitement in your best friend’s voice. “Chuck pulled me aside before practice this morning.” He explains. 
“Congratulations Teeks,” You compliment. “I’m really proud of you. You’ve been working your ass off all season for something like this.” 
“Thank you, y/n, means a lot.” He starts, a softness in his tone replacing his previous excitement. “I’ll let you get back to work, though.” He finishes.
“Want to celebrate after your game?” You suggest. “I can come over and bring some food?” 
“Sounds perfect. See ya later.”
“Good luck tonight! I’ll talk to you soon.” You conclude, hanging up.
You knock on Travis’ front door before opening it and letting yourself in, announcing your presence. You go to set the bag of take out and the bottle of wine you brought over for the occasion onto his island before you see him emerge from his bedroom hallway.
Once you see him you smile and run over to him, tackling him in a hug. “Congratulations!” You shriek with glee. Your arms wrap tightly around his neck as he wraps his tightly around your torso, slightly lifting your body off the ground.
“Thank you!” He cheers once he pulls away from you.
“I brought Five Guys and some wine to celebrate,” You start, leading him back towards his kitchen island. “I thought you could ditch your diet for one night.”
Your joke causes Travis to let out a chuckle as he closely examines the bottle of wine you brought. Instead of opening it or even pulling out the to-go containers from the bag, he leans against the island turning to look at you.
There’s an unreadable softness in his eyes which has you confused. Not only did he find out that he was going to be an NHL all-star at such a young age, the Flyers had also won their game that night, so he should at least be filled with glee.
“What’s up?” You ponder from across the spacious kitchen.
“Just thinking about everything I guess, everything it took to get here.” The sudden turn from Travis’ normal cheerfulness to openly talking about his emotions has you even more confused. He looks into your eyes from where he stands and holds out his arms, leaning towards you to pull you closer.
“Like, you’ve been here when we were dog shit - when I was dog shit, and now you’re here.” He starts. He’s holding both your hands now, lightly rubbing his thumbs on the back of them. He looks down at your joined hands before continuing. “Like, I feel like I’m in a dream, like how the hell am I an all-star?”
“Because you’re an amazing hockey player Travis, and the league knows that.” You comfort him, taking a step closer to him. It feels as if the air around is lighter as you look into his eyes and feel his body closer to yours than it normally is.
He stays quiet a little while longer, glancing at your mouth every so often. “I was thinking today, you should come with me to St. Louis, eh?” He suggests, pulling your body so that your thighs are touching his. His rough hands disconnect from your hands, as he places one on your waist and the other on the junction of your jaw.
Your mouth slightly drops open at his suggestion, “Don’t families just go? And like girlfriends?”
“Yeah, that’s kinda what I’m getting around to asking you.” He whispers, head leaning in towards yours. His mouth is millimeters away from yours, and you’re sure he can feel your deep breathing on his face. “I kinda like, really like you.”
“So, you’re asking me out then?” You question, your hands moving to the back of his neck where his longer hair rests.
“I mean, I kinda thought all those times you asked me to go to those things where dates,” He shrugs, his nose brushing against yours. “I was hoping we could skip that part and you could just be my girlfriend, yeah?” 
Your eyes momentarily move from his, down to his mouth, and back up to his eyes before you respond in a whisper, “Yeah.”
That’s all it takes for Travis to close the small gap between the two of you as his mouth moves against yours softly.
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enbysiriusblack · 3 years
You’re my: IDK PLS JUST TELL ME,, it scares me so much to say im friends or the level of friendship with someone if they haven't said that we are yet
How I met you: I do not remember,, I think it was through someone perhaps,, hmm,, I dont remember who but they led me to your blog,, or they led me to yours?? my memory has left me like a dog on a pirate ship
Why I follow you: you're too cool not to follow
Your blog is: uhh,, it has good vibes,, I like the tone of it
Your URL is: infamous :))
Your icon is: the person who won that show for Italy by singing?? but many marauders have claimed that person for the face claim for remus (the picture is small but it looks like the remus faceclaim from far away,, and even though I havent seen eurovision, I agree with the faceclaim)
A random fact I know about you: you named yourself after the infamous captain Jack Harkness like a legend would. also you liked room with a view, still can't wrap my head around that
General opinion: uhh one of my favourite people,, you're so frickin cool and I'm very happy we met
A random thought I have: still not sure if this is about you or not,, so about you, CAPTAIN!! I wanna have a picnic and read and discuss the book with you so bad,, the other thought: wind is loud but I kinda like it,, its soothing you know?
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thinkinghq · 4 years
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
♡ usually falls in the positions he is in and lays there a bit catching his breath
♡after a few minutes he gets up and get babywipes cleans up and cuddles with you If you wanna talk about something he talk with you till you guys fall asleep (he didnt know that in the begging tho so he taught ur supposed too fall asleep after sex so when u tell him if you could get something to wipe he stands up and runs but naked around the house Idk why he panicked)
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
♡he loves everything about you
♡but he has a body part that he especially likes it changes(its the body part you make him cum tge most at the moment breast, tights ...)
♡if you tell him you love his dick his favorite body part is his dick if you tell him you love his hands his favorite body part is hands
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
♡thicccccc he cums a lot
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
♡When he had a crush on you he always imagined having sex with you. He felt shameful afterwards tho and couldn't look in your eyes the next day.
♡One of his first sexual encounters where when he was surfing in the internet on the family computer secretly late night and saw pop up porn and made him feel some way. He was terrified for weeks.
♡Once walked in middle school into the girls changing room and saw a girl only with  underwear he was shook and couldn't move what lead many girl to believe he was a pervert. Girls didn't talk to him at all since then.
♡ jerks of with your panties
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
♡ zero he just a too nervous virgin who is too excited to talk to people
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
♡ loves everything where he can see your breast shake
♡ positions where you in control
♡or where he just can jackhammers into you
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
♡giggles when he hears a queef "👀okaaayy farty"  "😐"
♡or says oh wopsi when he slips out of you
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
♡ he thinks it look weird whiteout Hair but at the same time hates it when the hair is to long so he keeps it trimmed
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
♡ for some nights it's all giggle and fun for him on others when he or you is emotional he tells you how much he loves you and needs you 100 times
J = Jack Off (Masturba)tion headcanon)
♡ everyday multiple times
♡after school, when he showers, before he falls asleep and on the weekend he cant say no to a morning wood
♡he usually hasn't a porn preference (yes he jerks to everything) but has a weakness for amateur porn with a cute female in it
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
♡ Anal, face sitting, mutual masturbation, facials and edging
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
♡ in bed (pls don't try to fuck him in the shower he slips always around like a shampoo bottle)
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
♡ if you look him into his eyes too long he gets hard but he loves thighs so if you want him wear a skirt <3
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
♡when ur not sure about sex then he won't touch you he could never do it If ur not 100% sure so you need to tell him that 100% confidently you want sex
♡honestly everything that's "dark" for him like knife play, choking (the only chocking he does is hold ur neck and add no pressure to it but he likes it with a little pressure on him) and tortured
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
♡honestly the first time he goes down on you he licked it like a dog (I hc him with a big tongue ok💀)
Like super messy licks on ur entire pussy. But he actually waits for you to tell him what he should do so if you tell him to suck on ur clit a little he does on command he likes it if you tell him what to do till he knows you like a open book and uses ur weak spots to make u cum as fast as he can.
♡CEO of buckling his hips into ur throat on accident cant help himself honestly. He comes pretty fast with oral if you look into his eyes and he is so messy with it pulls out midway when he cums and has half of it in ur mouth half of it on ur face. HEEEEE LOVVEESS a messy blowjob drool teary eyes and moans the moans are the most important part for him cause the vibrations feel good to him
P = Pace (Are they fats and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
♡ in the begging always super slow so you adjust to him in the middle he has a middle fast pace but his hips buckle a lot and ruin the pace and before he cums he goes faster it doesn't  matter what position he is he hold ur hips and fucks you fast his hips dont buck when he is fast also he only slows down if you tell him to.(king of respecting boundaries)
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
♡ he is down when ever you want to he could fuck you 20 times a day even if his dick feels like it's about to fall of he still fucks you <3
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
♡he actually forgets to put a condom on a lot if you dont tell him he notice it 2 minutes in to sex and ask himself "hmmmmm why does it feel so good" and than he panics and is scared you might and up pregnant but then he is like "actually I want to have a family with y/n fuck it I drop out of school and take care of her and our kid" "😐 pls stop dreaming so much and put on a condom now"
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
♡ he can keep fucking u after he cums he just cums again ...(loves being overstimulated)
♡ max. 2 times in one go but if you give a break in between probably 4 times ...
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
♡ he loves vibrator on you drive him crazy how fast you cum when you use one in ur clit while he fucks you
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
he doesn't tease at all but if you tease him or edge him.... he end up being s whimpering mess
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
♡he lowkey load says how good it feels and his moans ughhhhhhh<3
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
♡put a leash on him and train him <3
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
♡ About 17cm
♡ he has the most girth in the middle
♡ has lot of veins on the underside
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
♡ Pretty high but waits till you invent things he just doesn't wanna seen as a horny monster by you
♡ When he first discovered masturbating he did it every day always after school that's the reason of his sex drive
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
♡He wraps his long arms around you and falls super fast asleep ... sometimes inside you still
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whumpupthejam · 4 years
He’s Out There
//tw: kidnapping, home invasion, stalking
Marcus’s hands are still shaking. They need to stop shaking. He can’t get the key to fit into the lock of his apartment door. Damn it, that’s the wrong key. What’s wrong with him? The jingling of metal is too loud in the otherwise silent night as he attempts to find the right one.
Not being able to stop himself as his panic rises, he looks back at the parking lot, eyes scanning the rows of vehicles belonging to his neighbors. Every shadow seems to deepen and darken as his eyes dart back and forth. They catch movement and his breath hitches, but it’s only Mrs. Allret walking her chihuahua, Diane. Nothing strange. Nothing unexpected for a Thursday night. But he can feel the eyes on him, same as he had in the grocery store. His flesh hasn’t stopped crawling since he first noticed the man staring at him from the end of the bread aisle. Everywhere he went in the store, the man’s dark eyes had followed. Is it stupid to think that the man might’ve followed him home? Somehow, Marcus is certain that he did—that he’s still watching him right now from some shadowed place that he can’t see.
“Fuck, fuck!” Marcus growls when he drops his keys. He hasn’t been standing in front of his door for more than twenty seconds, but it feels like twenty minutes, grocery bags weighing heavily on his wrists. Crouching as best he can, he grabs the keys and finally unlocks the door, still in that position. He half-crawls through the door, kicking it shut behind him. The groceries remain on the floor as he spins around to re-lock the door as quickly as possible.
He stays there for a moment, kneeling just inside, panting. As he slaps himself lightly on the cheek to pull himself out of it, he chuckles. This whole reaction was enormously stupid. Sure, that guy at the store was a freaking creep, but why would he follow Marcus home? And anyway, even if he did, it would be pointless. Marcus has nothing worth stealing. His apartment is modest at best, and he doesn’t even have enough furniture to fill it—he doesn’t even have a couch! He’s a college dropout. He eats 99¢ noodles for almost every meal. The only reason he was able to go on a more substantial shopping trip tonight was that his cousin finally paid him for when he dog-sat for her three weeks ago.
No, the only thing worth stealing might be his TV, or his laptop. His TV, the man can have if he wants it. It’s old and the audio stopped working last week. The laptop isn’t in too bad of shape, but it’s hardly something that Marcus thinks would make him the target of theft. There are plenty of other people in his complex with much more to offer than he does.
And if the man doesn’t want to steal from him, then he hardly knows what other reason he would have to follow him home. He doesn’t have any enemies. He doesn’t think he owes anyone any money other than Caleb, and his best friend is hardly going to put out a hit on him for thirty bucks.
It’s completely stupid to be so scared of some guy who was probably just acting weird ‘cause he was high or something. He didn’t follow Marcus home. He would’ve had no reason to. Even so, as Marcus stands up and grabs the dropped bags from the floor, the prickly feeling in his stomach doesn’t go away.
He turns on some music as he puts away his food, and sings along, hoping it will put him at ease. It does. He almost forgets about the man from the store until he sees someone cross quickly in front of his living room window. It’s just a flash of movement out of the corner of his eye, but it was unmistakably a person. The blinds are drawn up like they always are. His building backs up to the woods, so there’s no reason anyone should be back there, especially at this time of night. He never feels the need to have the blinds down. Until now, that is.
He takes a shaky breath and turns to finish putting away his groceries. Maybe it was a late-night jogger after all—he doesn’t know that it’s a crazy man. As he puts the last item—a carton of eggs—in the fridge, there is a moment of silence as one song ends and another has not yet begun. Marcus can hear the sound of something moving in the bushes outside the window.
“Fuck,” he says, barely above a whisper.
He quickly shuts off the music and walks tentatively up to the glass. Nothing can be seen in the blackness except for the small bushes beneath the window, and the wall of trees a little ways off in front of him. He can’t get a very good view of the surrounding areas from behind the glass. Briefly, he wonders if he should step out onto the back porch, but quickly decides that that would be the most idiotic thing he could possibly do. Marcus is about to turn back to the kitchen when he notices something that makes his heart stop.
Just to the right of his window, obscured in shadow and almost hidden by the bushes, is the obvious shape of a person crouching down, watching him. He stumbles back as if he’s been shot in the chest, scrambling across the floor to hide behind the kitchen island. The shaking is back, and he can’t catch his breath. His heart is beating painfully against the inside of his chest.
He’s out there.
He doesn’t have to see the person clearly to know it’s him. He just knows.
With fingers that almost appear to be in spasm, he grabs his phone and begins typing out a message to his friend Jake, who happens to live in his building on the second floor.
>are ypy home?
Usually, Jake is pretty good about responding if he’s available, but two minutes pass and the message is still unread. Marcus presses the ‘call’ icon and puts the phone to his ear. It rings. It keeps ringing.
“Your call has been forwarde—” Marcus doesn’t let the robotic voice finish.
He tries again.
“Your call—”
He lets out a sound that’s somewhere between a whimper and a groan of frustration.
>pls man, tgeres someone outside
>you can call me a pussy I dont care. i’m scared.
>I think he followsd me home
He knows he’s making typos, but his hands are shaking so badly that he can’t do anything about it. Another couple of minutes passes. Marcus can’t bring himself to look around the corner of the island. He just sits with his back pressed against it, staring at his reflection in the oven door. He looks pathetic.
He almost jumps out of his skin when his phone buzzes. It’s Jake.
<Sorry, bud. out with Kass and her friends. pretty wasted. won’t be home tonight.
What? That’s it?
He presses the ‘call’ icon again. It rings.
“Hello?” Jake sounds mildly pissed as he answers. He also, admittedly, does sound wasted. Marcus can hear it in his voice.
“Jake, I’m sorry, but I’m telling you, some guy followed me home from the store, and I think he’s watching me through my window right now.”
“So? Close the window.”
“Sorry. Sure you’re not seeing things, Marc? Hell, I see things all the time,” Jake slurs, chuckling slightly.
Marcus shakes his head in aggravation. “Dude, stop being an ass, you know I don’t make a big deal about this stuff.” He can’t keep his voice from wobbling. “Please, Jake, help me.”
The line is silent for a minute. “Sorry, Marc. I can tell you’re actually scared, and I’m being a dick. I wish I could help you out right now, but I’m across town and I can’t drive.”
Marcus squeezes his eyes shut. He’s out there right now. He keeps thinking. He’s out there.
“Have you called the police?” Jake asks when Marcus doesn’t respond.
“I think you should. Hang up with me and call them right now.” Jake sounds so levelheaded when he says that. Almost like he’s not drunk at all.
“Ok, I will.” Marcus rubs his eyes.
“Call me or text me after you do.”
“I—” Marcus is cut off by a sound from the bedroom. He is frozen as he strains his ears.
It sounds... it sounds like a window sliding open.
Shit, shit, shit, fuck. He opened that window earlier. Did he forget to lock it when he closed it?
Marcus can’t move. He can’t breathe. His eyes are wide, his body trembling.
There are footsteps, causing the hardwood to creak.
He’s inside.
“Marc? Y’ok? Marc?” Jake’s voice on the phone sounds like it’s coming from miles away.
It’s strange, Marcus thinks, to hear someone moving around in the apartment so carefreely, as if they’re supposed to be there. When they’re not.
What should he do? Should he try to sneak away? Should he stand up and confront him—tell him to get the fuck out? Should he just wait to be found? What will happen? What does the man want?
Marcus hears the man enter the living room and he holds his breath. Jake is still trying to talk to him on the phone. He hangs up. There’s silence for a second. The man must just be standing in the middle of the room. Doing what? Looking for him? Listening?
A shiver runs downs Marcus’s already trembling spine and he shifts unintentionally. The wood creaks softly. Apparently that was what the man was waiting for. His footsteps are quick and loud as he crosses the distance to the kitchen island. Marcus doesn’t have time to think before his leg is yanked, his body forcefully dragged out from behind the counter so that he’s on his back staring up at his attacker, who straddles his hips in a flash.
Marcus has always felt too small, too weak. Even when he finally reached a height in high school that was declared by his doctor to be “completely average,” he never felt like his body mass was anywhere near proportional. His recent diet hasn’t helped matters.
This makes it nearly impossible for him to fight back against this man, who seems to be about 250 pounds of pure muscle, and who is painfully crushing his hips under his body. That doesn’t stop him from trying, though. He pushes with all his strength against the man’s arms which are trying to come down to his face. He doesn’t know what the man is trying to do, he just knows that he can’t let him do it. They struggle for a moment before the man gets a good grip on Marcus’s wrists, and holds them out of the way long enough to deliver a shocking blow to Marcus’s face with the back of his hand. The boy’s head snaps to the side with the force of it. It dazes him.
Marcus blinks, groaning softly as a cloth is pressed over his nose and mouth. The last thing he’s aware of is a sweet scent that at once feels both familiar and foreign. It’s something like a mix between chlorine and red wine, he thinks. His eyes grow too heavy, and he falls asleep.
Shit, Marcus thinks as he wakes up, I shouldn’t have drunk so much last night.
His head is killing him, and he can’t even remember the details of the previous evening, so he knows it must have been wild. Jake must’ve convinced him to come out.
He did talk to Jake last night, but it was on the phone, wasn’t it? He called him about something.
Marcus rubs his eyes and finally opens them. Then it all hits him. The store. The man. The window. The phone call. The struggle.
Panic sets in as he realizes that he is not in his room. He is not in his bed as he had assumed when he first woke up. As he squints in the dark, he can see that the room he is in is rather small and made up entirely of concrete, with only a single metallic door on the far wall. The “bed” he is on is nothing more than a dirty mattress. His hands are shackled to a chain, which tethers him to the wall and gives him almost no slack to be able to move.
He’s trapped. The man took him. Why? What the fuck is happening?
The door opens suddenly and the shock of the light sends daggers into his eyes. He shields them as best he can in his shoulder.
When he is finally able to squint back at the person who just entered, he realizes that it’s him. The man is tall and buff, and he has his arms crossed over his chest. Marcus can really only see his silhouette, and it bothers him that he can’t see his face. He can’t see those dark eyes, can’t see what they’re intending.
“It’s so nice to see you awake,” The man says. His voice is low, but not quite as low as Marcus had expected. “Does your head hurt?”
After a moment of hesitation, Marcus nods uncertainly. As his eyes adjust to the light, he sees the man smile, nodding his head as well. It disconcerts Marcus and he shifts slightly on the mattress.
“You did very well, much better than I was expecting,” The man says as he walks forward casually. He notices the look of confusion on Marcus’s face and smiles again. “Last night. Yes, you struggled a bit, but I enjoyed that. It was just enough to be exciting. And you calmed right down when I hit you.” The man crouches down in front of Marcus, and reaches out to press on the bruise caused by his hand the night before.
Marcus twists, pulling his face away as much as possible. “You drugged me!” he defends. It made his stomach twist to hear the man say that he “calmed right down,” as if it was a conscious decision.
The man ignores his statement, his dark eyes studying the boy’s face intently. “Did your father used to hit you?” He suddenly asks.
Marcus’s eyebrows furrow. The man just chuckles.
“I think you are going to be one of my most entertaining projects yet,” he muses, standing up.
“Projects?” Marcus is disturbed by the word. The man looks at him for a moment, smiling slightly, but he says nothing. It becomes too much. “What do you want from me? Why did you do this?” Marcus bursts. “Money? I have none. Neither does my family, if that’s what you’re hoping. You saw my apartment, I have nothing. I think you must have the wrong person.” he surprises himself with how much he’s able to get out before he becomes too nervous again.
He is surprised further by the man letting out a hearty laugh. “Yes, I suppose I do have the wrong person, in a way. And yet, in another way, I don’t.” Marcus must look confused again. “Ah, well, I suppose before this really gets started I can give you some answers. It’ll be better, really. This did, in fact, start out being about money. You see, an acquaintance of mine is also an acquaintance of a friend of yours, Jacob Settler. He lives in your building.”
Marcus’s eyes go wide. Jake? What does he have to do with this?
“Your friend Jacob owes my acquaintance quite a bit of money. I’m blurry on the details, but it seems he borrowed money for surgery for his sister, or something of that nature.”
Jake did tell him about having a sister who had been sick, but Marcus thought that was years ago.
“Well, the arrangement was that dear Jacob would pay my acquaintance back with interest. No documents were signed, of course. My acquaintance... well, let’s just say not everything he does is above table. Obviously.” On that word, he grins widely. It makes Marcus uncomfortable again.
“When the time came for Jacob to pay up, he was nowhere to be found. He’d skipped town, and his family had gone as well. Well, as you can imagine, this made my acquaintance very distressed. He had trusted Jacob, he had been nothing but gracious to him, and what did he get in return? He got stabbed in the back. So, he contacted me. You see, I am a man of many hats, but my primary occupation is that for a reasonable fee, I will track down those who have stabbed my clients in the back and... well... stab them back,” he chuckles. “If at all possible, I get the payment my clients are due, and if not, I send a message that will not be easily forgotten.” He pauses, again simply staring at Marcus.
“I don’t understand,” Marcus finally says. “What does this have to do with me?”
The corners of the man’s lips quirk. “Absolutely nothing. I tracked down your friend easily, he is not really very skilled in the art of evasion. I’m surprised my acquaintance couldn’t find him on his own, but that’s neither here nor there. I haven’t followed through with my task quite yet because as I began to observe Jacob, I encountered something unexpected that I wanted to be able to take my time with. You.” A sickening chill settles in Marcus’s stomach as the man speaks. “Something you should know about me is that I tend to focus too much on my work. I told you I have many different hats, and that tends to mean that I am always working on something, pouring my all into it, and absolutely draining myself. I enjoy my work, but it does take a toll. There is one thing that I do that is totally for myself. A sort of hobby. A release, if you will. That is my projects. I don’t recall when I first realized my fascination with pushing creatures to their physical and emotional limits, nor my knack for it. It absolutely thrills me. There is always something new to be learned from each person and creature I study, because each one is so different. You are different, Marcus. You mystify me. On the outside, forgive me, you look very unassuming. Very sweet. You’re weaker than most young men your age, and you know it. Physically, it shouldn’t be too difficult for me to break you. But inside you have this drive—this passion to fight for a better life for yourself, not according to other people’s standards, but your own. It’s why you dropped out of school last year. Not because you were too lazy or too stupid. You were doing very well. It was because you decided that it wasn’t what you wanted. It wasn’t what would make your life the best that you thought it could be.”
Marcus is openly shocked. His eyes are wide, shining with an excess of moisture. His lips are slightly parted. This man is absolutely horrifying. And he knows absolutely everything about Marcus.
“I’ve been observing you for quite some time, Marcus. I’ve seen how you interact with the world around you. You never seem to be truly phased by any stumbling blocks in your path. What you lack in physical strength, you make up for in strength of spirit. Others come to you for support and guidance, and you readily give it, never seeming to waiver.” He crouches down in front of Marcus and reaches out to him again, taking the boy’s face between his hands almost tenderly. This time, Marcus is too shocked to move away. When the man speaks again, it is almost a whisper. “It’s important that you know that there is absolutely nothing that can stop what is about to happen to you. I’m going to see just how long it takes for you to be totally destroyed, to become totally malleable in my hands. And I really think I’m going to enjoy it.”
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pinkykitten · 5 years
The time in Summervale: 1
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Warning: none
Specifics: y/n=your name, oc, oc fic, comedy
People: athela (your mother), edward (your father), huxley (cook), ruthy (maid)
Words: 1,438
Summary: In the fictional land of Summervale, 1700, you, the Duchess are made into an arranged marriage.This is the dream of your parents but certainty not the dream of a longing inventor like yourself. You are taught to be a lady but who wants to be a  primp and proper lady when you can have fun and be yourself. You need to try to convince your parents this is not what you want or is it? How will it be seeing the Prince of Linwyn? Will you finally change your mind and side with your parents? 
Authors Note: this is something newwwwww. ive been wanting to do kinda my own thing for a while so this is not on any fandom this is a story i will be updating with chapters about my characters but in a x reader way if that makes sense so its still gonna use you and such just this is my own story. i got inspiration off of this story “the austrian suitor” by @headoverhiddles​, granted i dont know the character or the fandom i just read it cuz another blog reblogged it yet i rlly enjoyed it even tho it is smut and im not usually a smut reader just kinda skip that or whatever either way it was extremely well written and gave me such inspiration like wowowowowow. so i made this piece inspired by that and i hope you guys like it. this is just kinda an opening to the whole thing and to kinda see how it works out so there is not any romance in this but trust me there will be but like i said i want to see how this goes if yall like if u do pls tell me tell me what u think ur thoughts everything i worked rlly hard on this so pls share like reblog do what you gotta do it would me a lot to me. thnx guys <3
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“Maybe this piece goes here,” you mumbled to yourself. An action you always did but it was something your mother hated. Sitting atop your bed you concentrated your efforts in inventing a mixer that did its job on its own. Call it a hobby or a dream but inventing was your world. You loved the satisfaction of creating something with your own two hands especially if it helped people. Unfortunately, your parents the Prince and Princess of Summervale did not approve. They called it very unladylike. Your mother, Athela, would scold you about getting messy and dirty and then throw you in the tub like a little child. Your father, Edward, was always forcing you to learn how to seam. His mother used to do it and he wanted to pass it down to you. Those things didn’t excite you, didn’t make you complete. Inventing was something you loved and was always thinking about. As you would look at an apple tree during your morning stroll you would wonder about what inventions would be good for peeling apples whilst your parents bored you with duties as a Duchess. 
“Almost done,” you screwed on the last screw to your creation. You had dirt under your nails and they were short and barely ever polished, only for special occasions. Your hair was almost every time how it was meant to be. None of those gels, ties, bows, again only for special occasions. Your mother, Athela, would buy you all these face creams, soaps, masks, but you were content with your scars and bumps, naming them every so often after royals, saying your “face was a castle and there should definitely be Queens and Kings roaming on it.” You were odd and different to others but to yourself you were this boring, normal, royal girl that everyone hated because you were granted everything you could ever want. Life was not that simple though. Sometimes when you have everything handed to you - all the money in the world - it still doesn’t fill up that hollow feeling inside or take away the sadness. It was something to help people cope but it was never the antidote. 
“Alright...finished. What do you think Karim?” You hastily got out of bed and sat on the floor presenting your mixer to your pug. One very lovely vacation you took with your family you had learn a bit of Arabic. It was a beautiful language and you had made many friends there. You named your dog Karim meaning generous. Karim was generous, he was the only one who would look at your inventions. “Do you think it will work?” You gave a toothy grin, excited. 
Karim grunted as he licked his nose, panting. 
“I knew you would like it,” patting his head you jump up ready to show not just your parents but also the cooks. You had a very good feeling about this one. Every time you made an invention you had hope that maybe your parents would change their minds about your future but every occurrence was the same. 
“Mother, father! Come look!” You yelled as you sprinted down the stairs not caring if your nightgown would get dirty sweeping across the floors of the castle. “Come quick!”
“What in the heavens is the matter my dear child?” Edward, your father, grumbled seeing you in such a hurry. 
“See, father, in the kitchen.”
“In the kitchen?”
You passed by your mother, she tried to catch you but you slipped from her grip. “Young Lady why are you not dressed and groomed properly? You look like a mess.”
“Doesn’t matter, mother in this moment time is of the essence!” You arrived at the kitchen and grabbed a blue glass bowl, plopping it with a loud clank on the counter top. 
“What are you doing y/n?” The cook asked. “You almost broke me bowl!” He was a plump older man, very short. His hair was salt and pepper and his face was as white as flour yet his cheeks were always red.
“Forgive me Huxley I just need to know. Need to see and dive deep into the unknown.” You opened up a recipe card that Huxley wrote down for your favorite cake. Vanilla cake, you were a simple girl. “Alright I need eggs and flour and oh yes milk! Almost forgot about the milk!” You were talking to yourself again as you ran around the kitchen like a mad woman. 
“Is this another one of your inventions?” Huxley crossed his arms knowing about your obsession. 
“Yes but my dear good old Huxley-”
“Old?” He lifted his brow. 
“No time to explain, I have a tingling within me. This one is going to be it, I know it. Mother and father will finally see and believe in me.” You poured all the ingredients in the bowl. Your parents walked in, perplexed. 
“Hello everyone. Today I show you something I have been working on the for the past week. I am very proud of myself but any who let me show you my newest invention-”
“Oh here we go again?” Athela rolled her eyes.
“The mixer!” You lifted it high in the air. “This mixer will not only mix greatly and fine it will mix to your acquired speed. Please watch.” You pulled the lever three times and then pushed the big button. The mixer turned on automatically with it squeaking from the gears. “As you can see the mixer is mixing all the ingredients together. No more of the hassle of blistered hands or tired arms, this does it for you! You can even look away and do other chores in the midst.” You turned around and your creation you thought so high about was creating smoke and making an odd sound. 
“Um y/n,” Edward said, “is it supposed to do that?”
“Huh,” you turned to it again and all of a sudden the mixer started to go faster in speed. “Oh no.” The mixer then flew high in the air and starting to spin around like a mini airplane. 
“Get down!” Huxley shouted and everyone in the room screamed in fear or bent down hiding under tables and items. 
“Its alright everyone! Just a little mistake!” You climbed onto the tables trying to fetch the item. “Blasted thing.” You jumped onto the counter and caught it making it stop. Until it started to mix again and it caught a piece of your hair. You screamed loud and tried running away but hit the bowl of cake mix making it hurl in the air on top of your head making you slip from the batter onto your back. The mixer finally stopped. You groaned knowing you were about to hear it from your parents. 
Athela stood up with a scowl on her face. “To your room. Now!”
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You sat at your vanity disappointed with yourself. You had worked so hard on the mixer and had embarrassed yourself. Athela was standing next to you, glaring. Karim was laying in his bed munching on a treat and your maid Ruthy tended to your hair. 
“I cannot believe you chose to do this on a day like today. Of all days!” Your mother was furious. Her gloved hands were held into fists. “You were supposed to be ready!”
“I know. I’m sorry mother.” In the end you always apologized even though you really hadn’t meant it. You hated when your mother was right especially about inventing. You always wanted to prove her wrong but it ended in outright disappointment. 
“Look at this hair now.” Athela lifted the piece of hair that was wrapped around the mixer. “Can you save it Ruthy?”
Ruthy bit her lip as she heaved a sigh, “I’m sorry your Royal Highness it is very tangled I must cut it off.”
“Oh my! Are you sure?”
Ruthy nodded.
“Today of all days,” Athela repeated herself. “How will your future husband think of you now?”
“What?” You asked and then all was heard was a snip as Ruthy cut that one lock of hair.
“Make sure you take that disgusting batter out of her hair.” Athela pointed to your scalp.
“Mother what are you talking about?” You stood up throwing your precious now broken mixer onto your desk.
“My dear didn’t you not fall just mere minutes ago in that vanilla goop?”
“Thats not what I meant and you know it. I am asking about what you said about a future husband. What did you mean by that?”
Athela rubbed your shoulders up and down and broke into a huge smile. “My dear you are getting married!”
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Tag list: @harrington-lover​​, @angelgl16​​, @perfectlybeautifulsuit​​, @hyehoney​​, @haven-prelude (wont let me tag), @leasly​​​, @totally-alexa21​​, @creamy-pasta-boi​​, @multireese​​, @fanfictionrecommendations-com​​, @prentisskelley​​, @malereaderforkpop (wont let me tag), @guardian-of-cookies, @justafangirl-97​​, @teenageshitposts (wont let me tag), @dippergravity (wont let me tag), @some-booty, @fromfoolishpeopletodeadpeople​​, @collectiveyou​​, @wtfisalltherandoms​​, @dirbel​​, @eastcoasthaven​​, @fangirl-4-life415 (wont let me tag), @melonreblogsstories​​​, @reginalinettis​​​
wanna be tagged in my crap? comment!
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starryace · 5 years
my personal introduction to vav
so i have a few friends who’ve been wanting to get into vav but dunno where to start so... i’ll just do this lil thing. obviously there’s gonna be my own opinions so don’t take everything i say to heart but like... here we go
vav (very awesome voice -- pronounced vee-ay-vee but i say vav bc im lazy) debuted in 2015, but when they debuted they had a different lineup. zehan, xiao, and gyeoul all left to pursue other activities. ziu, lou, and ayno joined the group in 2017! the fandom is called vampz because of the groups original concept but we don’t talk about that
title tracks/mvs: *under the moonlight | *brotherhood | *no doubt | *here i am | venus (dance with me) | flower (you) | abc (middle of the night) | she’s mine | spotlight | gorgeous | give it to me | senorita | **so in love | **thrilla killa | **i’m sorry | give me more
* = pre-line up switch! | ** = without jacob (due to his participation in a chinese program)
more about the members under the cut!
st van (lee geumhyuk)
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note: during updating i ended up having to redo this entire section bc my computer deleted it all... sigh.
everyone’s dad
kinda gives off party vibes, like a cool club dad, you know?
super duper soft :(( he laughs at everything and he loves gentle things and he may be the oldest but he’s babie
gets really embarrassed really easily and blushes and laughs it off
oh! he also laughs with like... his entire body ekhrbgj
tattoos! on his shoulder and right arm
full sleeve completed
self composed the track “im sorry” off of the thrilla killa album
he lived in china for 13+ years and can speak fluent (if not, almost fluent) chinese
he’s super good cook and he wanted to be a chef before becoming an idol
loves jacob :(( with all his heart
weird but he can drink a lot of water really quickly, that’s his special talent
got a dog with the group! her name is cash and she’s super cute
im sure there’s more but i got mad after my computer deleted everything so i’ll get back to updating this part when things dawn on me
baron (choi chunghyeop)
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dancer extraordinaire! he actually used to be in a dance team before vav
smiley boy ;;;; literally he has the prettiest smile and the nicest teeth
he can play the piano and a lil guitar im p sure!
he’s honestly a lil shit but we love him anyway
he’s very mom like, and loves taking care of the members, but i spy with my lil eye someone a lil more mom-like but that comes later
he choreographed a cover of shape of you!
unfortunately, his mom passed away early this year (may she rest in peace).
his nickname is baby prince (from his mom) and it was because of his mom that he was able to become and idol
baron singing??? yes,,, yeS!! his voice is godsent istg
he loves loves loves music and dance
wont shut up about millennium dance studio
was the pizza delivery boy in minx’s why did you come to my home
has a very intensive skin care routine
he!! loves!! food!! constantly nomming
ace (jang wooyoung)
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remember how i said how i thought there was someone more mom like? meet ace.
literally babies everyone
eSPECIALLY ayno + ziu (sometimes lou, when lou will let him)
sassy, diva, can also be a lil shit -- esp with baron... 92 line is just lil shit line
lil fucking tease, too--
he has an oral fixation-- licks his lips a lot no bueno for me
teal hair? god tier. senorita? also god tier. everything about him? god tier.
plays the guitar... see senorita
“you’re doing wonderful sweetie” but like... a living version of that
abs... abs for days..........
works out with jacob
dimples!! but it’s more prominent on the right cheek.
god he’s??? literally ethereal. like i can’t put into words how pretty he is
he ;;;; has the purest, most sweetest heart
they need to start letting ace have more lines bc omg his voice ;;;;;
really good with kids ;;;;; they love him
he’s a BIG flirt, it’s like when he opens his mouth the only thing he thinks to do is say “i love you” or “you’re mine” or smthn
Prince Wooyoung™
ayno (noh yoonho)
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was on no.mercy -- still kinda keeps in contact with monsta x now (hims was lil babie minhyuk)
yknow how baron is dancer? so is ayno -- aYNO IS GOD TIER DANCER ok he ;;;;; ugh he’s literally so talented
he raps too! also god tier
hims a soundcloud rapper -- dropped zero coke (mixtape) and god that boy is talented
self composed their song touch you (aka one of my fave vav songs)
ace’s baby... really, he’s vav’s baby, but still
fake maknae to the max. it still baffles me that he’s older than the others ima list
hims also pretty shy, but it’s real cute ;;;;
lou has such a big fat crush on him and he’s always embarrassed by it
he zones out a lot and is very mellow & quiet until something inside him switches and then he’s like BAM loud and crackhead
ziu.... brings out... the crackhead in him lbr
former happyface ent trainee w/ ziu
also really good with kids!! prolly bc he is a big kid himself erhbjeg
often writes his own raps for songs
jacob (zhang peng)
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resting bitch face to the max
800% done with everyone’s shit
chinese member!
he was performing in a chinese show called all for one -- his team got eliminated (sad) but that means he’ll be returning to the group (happy!)
that’s why he wasn’t in so in love/thrilla killa/im sorry
hims loves his st van
he also eats... a lot.
ok but like... he works out with ace, right? boy has such chiseled and nicely defined abs, it pains me
he’s a happy lil sunshine boy
savage as fuck
his smile literally adds 5 years to your lifespan
all of the members miss him so much ;;;; its honestly super wholesome and every once in a while they’ll be like “omg cobi would love this” or “jacob....... we miss you”
but then you have shithead lou being like “i mean... its nice having the room to myself” wrehbjehg
he dance too! idk what type of dancing it is but he does it!!!
he was in the chinese movie “the dreamer on the catwalk”
lou (kim hosung)
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my #1, my one and only, my precious sweetheart
tall as fUCK
has a deep ass motherfucking voice
grew up in georgia as a kid (can speak fluent english) and then the philippines when he was a teen!
kinda the more quiet & reserved member
but dont let that fool you......
he too is a lil shit
AND A CHAOTIC GAY -- ziu bothers him a lot but he has a big ol’ crush on ayno and he never shuts up about how pretty he is and how much he loves him
he can be a grouchy lil bitch too tho hkerbjeg
in this interview baron and st van were being cute and he’s just in the corner like “youuuu shouuuld daaaate” -- gay. in the same interview thats one instance where he wouldn’t shut up about ayno
hims a rapper too!! he often writes his own raps for songs (much like ayno)
his own mixtape (goodnight) literally is so nice i listen to it all the time
he has a vlive thing he does called lou-dio and it’s real cute
big ears = the cutest thing ever ehkrbgjeh
he collects a bunch of stuff!! like pop figures and toys, like souvenirs from everywhere they go
he was in the youtube webdrama “lemon car video” (eps 1, 3, 7, and 8)
his stage name is lou (pronounced “low” but i refuse to say that) because his voice is so low
ziu (park heejun)
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chaotic. just chaotic. chaotic gay, chaotic maknae, chaotic man.
he’s the real maknae tho... doesn’t look it, huh?
manly af
literally so charismatic and funny as hell
wants kisses + love + attention from everyone
goes in for a kiss -- everyone else usually backs away but he’s always disappointed that no one gives into him
kisses kisses kisses
did i mention kisses?
he makes a lot of random ass noises all the time
screm... lots of screm. like you know opossums?? think that kinda screm.
his vocals ;;;;; his singing voice is so, so nice ;;; i adore it.
his room is dirty af i could NEVER
he does some really questionable things sometimes... see here.
like i said, i cannot express this enough... he’s so charismatic. so charming. so handsome.
also!! super hyper fluff ball. hims cute.
aegyo up the wazoo too
former happyface ent trainee with ayno
was in the fri.sat.sun teasers by dalshabet
can get p loud & annoying but that doesnt change how much we love him
idk if any of that made sense... but there you go! there’s so much more to vav and everything they do and who they are, so i hope this just kinda gets more people to look into them? it’s a stepping stone, not everything possible to learn.
+ keep in mind, a lot of this stuff comes from both kprofiles, what i’ve seen in videos, and my own personal opinions & inputs. so... yeah. don’t use what i say as truth/fact unless you see stuff to back it up (or you adopt it as your own opinion idk).
thank you for taking your time to read this!!
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some thoughts on what living with bakugou would be like:
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-he’s weirdly organized. like he remembers where he put everything every time so if ur ever looking for something, most times he’ll just find it for u and it takes like .2 seconds
-will cook meals a large majority of the time, but if u bake sweets he’s an absolue sucker for them.
-if you’re like reALLY allergic to a certain type of bug or plant,, man’s got his eyes pEELED whenever y’all go somewhere together. like lets say, for example, ur allergic to bees. bakugou is blowing bees up left and right and u look at him and ur “no!! stop!!! bees are endangered!!” ,, he looks u dead in the face, like ur stupid or something and says “yeah. because of me. i’m gonna kill all of them.”
- if u have to get in an argument with somebody over the phone, he wants to hear it. like he’ll ask u to put the phone on speaker and he’ll just make mocking, bitchy faces while the other person is speaking. like,, he lets u fight ur own battles, but he wants to be there bullying the other person mercilessly in the background.
-if he doesnt like a song ur playing, he’ll just skip it. won’t ask, wont look at u, he’ll just skip it. borderline dick move tbh
-gets grumpy if u don’t follow his nightly routine on time, but also wont go to sleep without u. like he’ll just stay up and crab at u until u go to bed with him
-likes when u brush his hair for him. like u’ll be brushing yours, totally by urself fine, and he’ll just look at u and clear his throat until u roll ur eyes and beckon him over
-if u get like a bag of junk food or something,, do nOt leave that shit out, bakugou will finish it 10/10 times. he’ll finish it but then look at u and “why the fuck would u even bring that shit in here, huh? u tryin’ to get me out of shape or somethin?” ,, and u look at him like “idk man maybe just dont eat it then.” ,,, the glARE he gives u in response is muRDEROUS //pls this is quite literally the only area he lacks self control dont remind him\\
-has absolutely no regard for neighbors. he yells a lot and if y’all get noise complaints he just glares and 😡💥at the neighbor until they get scared and leave
-he thinks it’s funny to just subtly move things from time to time. like, for example, lets say plates. ,,, so like, u always keep plates on the left side of a certain cabinet, right?? but if he’s putting dishes away and feeling particularly petulant that day, he’ll just put away the plates on the right side instead. man’s then proceeds to smirk and laugh at u every time u open the wrong side of the cabinent from then on with a “jeez, u rlly are a moron, huh? they’re on the right side, remember?” god he’s annoying
-genuinely enjoys going grocery shopping by himself. like idk he just thinks it’s his quiet, personal time, u kno?? and he enjoys doing super-intense meal prep for the week anyways so he’s gotta make sure he gets the right ingredients
-u just hear muffled screaming from time to time. like u’ll be in the kitchen eating breakfast totally calm, and he’s making the bed and all the sudden just a “jesus fucking christ, swear to fuck im gonna blow up this stupid fuckin’ fitted sheet!” (which honestly??? valid. fuck fitted sheets.)
-if he doesn’t want to hang out with the bakusquad but they’re forcing him he’ll text u something like “I love you.” and then ofc ur like “i love u too. but also, u never just say that to me normally?? is something wrong?” and then total radio silence from him for like 20 mins and u get super worried,, and then he just sends u a video of mina or denki being loud with a “Can you get sick or something? I want to come home.” ,, i- 🧍
- isnt going to want a pet,, but if u have, like, a dog already when u move in with him, then it’s going to become bakugou’s dog. if he’s going to have to have a dog than he’s gonna make sure it likes him more than u
-hates doing laundry. will volunteer to do dishes instead 11/10 times
-he doesn’t sing in the shower but 100% plays the drums on the walls or his own stomach fight me on this
-he hates the smell of nail polish/nail polish remover. so if ur painting ur nails he’ll just walk in the room and walk directly out,, quickest way to get alone time
-speaking of alone time- say bye. u’ll get none of it,,, it’s not that he’s constantly on top of u or like talking to u, he just always sorta ends up in whatever room u are. like a cat, pretty much. like he won’t say anything, but if u get up to do something, he gets up and chooses to move his lounging to somewhere nearby
-he likes to scare the shit out of u. just like, rlly juvenile stuff like hiding around corners just to jump out at u. will just stand there and laugh when u scream, and will never, never apologize
-he gets weirdly worked up about hair?? just hates it, thinks it’s disgusting if he sees a stray hair anywhere. even if its his own. like yes it’s gross ig, but he gets so 🤮 about it
-he does house chores unecessarily loudly. like, u watch him and it seems like he’s doing everything totally normally,, but jesus christ why is it so loud
-gets bitchy around christmas if u decorate without him. he will complain the eNTIRE time if he does have to decorate, but will throw an even bigger fit if u dare to do it without him
-he gets mad if people drive too fast in ur neighborhood/ past ur apartment complex. like, y’all have 0 (zero!) kids, but he’s still up at the window like “Slow the fuck down, asshole! Why the hell doesn’t anyone have any common fuckin’ sense around here? That’s dangerous, you piece of shit!”
-if u sing around the house a lot, it’s the only habit of urs he’ll have absolutely nothing to say about. like it doesn’t even matter if ur a good singer or not, he just likes when he can hear u in the house even if ur not in the same room. he finds it comforting
-bakugou hates having people over to ur place. he thinks of it like his calm-space/safe-haven and it rlly pisses him off when people are there
-on the rare days he doesn’t have to work at all and stays home, mans is a total baby. he just refuses to get up for anything other than bathroom or meals and even then goes straight back to bed. he takes basically a 24 hr nap and expects u to do the same with him he’s so dramatic pls
-will make snarky comments about reality tv shows with u. just the bitchiest shit possible bc he enjoys trash talking as an art form, and absolutely does not care who it’s about
-likes to watch u do skincare stuff. he won’t ask questions and will be borderline offended if u offer some to him, but he just likes to watch u do it. man’s thinks of it as like his personal asmr
-hates online shopping. (pls i have absolutely no explanation for this one i just know its true)
-he has a lot of pride in his house so it’s actually rlly well decorated. like, he would never consent to living somewhere busted, lmaooo, so if u dont kno how to decorate he’ll figure it out for the both of u
-u can always tell if he’s falling asleep bc he constantly does that weird full-body jerk. like the one where it feels like ur falling
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writing-parker · 6 years
A Series of Vignettes- Lucky
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
A Series of Vignettes Summary: It’s not easy, yours and Bucky’s relationship, but no one ever said it would be. These vignettes follow the big and small moments in Bucky and the reader’s relationship, focusing on the events that shape it. Big and small, sweet or angsty (mostly angsty), these stories lay out the moments in time they carved out for themselves in the crazy world they live in. They all take place in the same universe, but haven’t been written in any particular order. 
A Night in Brooklyn | Beautiful World | Johannesburg | Dogs |  Late Night | Dark Winter  Dark Winter II  Dark Winter III | Close | Home |
Chapter Summary: A night at a gala gone wrong Warnings: Description of sexual assault (don’t worry, bucky saves the day)
Okay guys, this is my third and final attempt at posting this. I kept posting the wrong draft (i always have like 15) but this is the right one and it’s staying up. Again, i’m sorry if i’ve tagged you 1000 times already. like really sorry. ily. pls dont hate me
Bucky hasn’t been able to take his eyes off you all night.
Steve and Sam are really trying not to pay it any mind, the way his eyes follow the girl in the green dress, but when he’s so distracted that he runs into a waiter, sending champagne flutes flying to the ground, Sam has to say something.
“Well, you’ve got her attention now.” Sam interrupts Bucky, who is profusely apologizing to the cater waiter. He glances your way.
The commotion has you looking in his direction, a small smile on your face. You send him a little wave. His cheeks are burning red, but he smiles back in your direction.
“What’s gotten into you?” Steve laughs, pulling Bucky away from the mess.
Bucky looks back to you momentarily before throwing Steve an exasperated look, “I’m just- I don’t-”
Sam laughs, full of mirth, “Y/n looks really pretty in that dress.”
Bucky shoots him glare- even though he can’t help but agree. He’d been noticing that you look good in just about everything these days.
But that dress. Bucky had nearly groaned out loud when he first laid eyes on you tonight. Olive green and tight and maybe just a little too short for the fancy event. Not that he was complaining.
“I know.” Bucky responds, “Fuck you.” He retreats to their table, where he intends on staying until it’s finally appropriate to leave.
Sam gives another boisterous laugh before following behind him, Steve in tow.
“Did you know she was going to be here?” Steve asks, trying to catch up with Bucky.
“Is that why you conditioned your hair?” Sam doesn’t skip a beat.
“Leave me alone.” He shoots back at the two men following him.
Sam and Steve both laugh, but quit teasing Bucky. They all sit down at their table. Bucky sighs and looks around. To him, Tony’s parties were insufferable. Much too decadent and over the top. Normally, Bucky didn’t bother with them. But this one was for a good cause.
You and Bucky had been seeing much more of each other, you had developed a sort of routine, he supposed, ever since that first morning you went to the record store together.
Every Sunday he would meet you at the Lorimer stop in Williamsburg, two coffees in hand. Then you would take him to parks, museums, lunch. Sometimes you would take the stairs way up to the roof of his apartment building and listen to the sounds of the city.
Bucky thinks he would do anything with you.
The event was a fundraiser for Stark Impact, the program that you managed. And, for some reason, it was important to you that he was there.
So when, this past Sunday, while he was sitting across from you at your favorite café in the village, you brought up the event he barely let you get the sentence out before he was nodding enthusiastically, that of course he’ll be there.
Now, you look at him sitting next to Sam and Steve, brooding quietly. You’ve barely been able to see him all night, the event turning out to be much more work than you had anticipated. Talking with donors wasn’t your favorite, but these people gave so much money to your program. You really didn’t have a choice.
You want to make your way over to him, put a smile on his face somehow, but a major donor has just come back with another drink for you.
You suppress an eye roll, “Thank you, Mr. Paulson.”
“Please call me Jon, Y/n. I’m not that much older than you.” The man grins.
You had been referring to him as his surname as a professional courtesy, but you don’t correct him.
“Of course, Jon.” You smile and try to change the subject to the vaccination program you would be implementing with your team in Sudan, but he interruptus you.
“Why don’t you let me take you out sometime?” He asks, leaning close, placing a hand on the wall behind you. You can smell the alcohol on his breath and try to step away, but you’re trapped between the wall and his body.
“Oh. Um. That’s really nice, Jon, but no thank you.” You give him a tight lipped smile and try to step away again. He places a hand on your waist. You nearly jolt at his unwelcome touch, but manage to keep yourself under control.
He’s somehow coerced you to standing in a dimly lit corner
“C’mon, it’ll be a good time.” He says suggestively.
You breathe out through your nose and force yourself to smile at him as his hand drifts lower.
“I’m really not interested, Jon. I’m sorry.” Your voice shakes. You feel panic rising in your chest, unsure what to do.
He was a major donor, pledging nearly $500,000 a year to Stark Impact, most of it going directly to your program. If you said something, would he be offended? He was clearly drunk, would he cause a scene?
“Let me show you how much fun we would have. How am I supposed to keep my hands off you in that dress?”  He breathes, arm around you possessively, hand that’s not pressed against the wall gripping your ass.
You look around, trying to see if anyone has noticed the unwelcome advances of the man in front of you, but no one seems to be paying much attention.
And what did it really matter? He was a powerful man and you were a girl in a short dress. Who would care anyway?
“Please stop.” You try to push him away, but his grip is too strong. It’s suddenly way too hot in the room. You feel so violated and shameful and out of control.
“Shhh, Y/n. I know you want to.” He whispers and drags his lips down your jaw. His hand migrates up from your backside to paw at your breast.
Tears well up in your eyes, threatening to spill over. Your heart is beating out of control. You don’t know if you want to call out for help or just disappear. You can’t help but wonder what you did to make him think that this was okay. Were you too friendly? Did he mistake your politeness for flirting?
You’re startled by Jon’s weight being pulled from you. You look up to find Bucky shoving Mr. Paulson away so he can stand in front of you.
“Are you okay?” Bucky asks softly.
You don’t have time to move or respond before Jon is grabbing Bucky by the shoulder and saying “Hey, man, we were talking.”
Bucky’s trying to keep himself composed for your sake, really, “Keep your hands off her.” He seethes.
“Please. She liked it.” Jon scoffs.
It’s Bucky’s last straw.
He knocks the other man’s hand off his shoulder before grabbing him by the throat with his Vibranium hand and slamming him against the wall. The sound his head makes when it hits the drywall sounds painful.
The way Mr. Paulson’s eyes widen in fear when he realized it’s the former Winter Solider in front of him is almost comical.
“I swear to God, if you ever touch her again, if you ever even look at her again…” Bucky starts, leaning closer to the man to place his threat. You don’t hear the rest, but the look on the other man’s face tells you enough.
Bucky doesn’t let Mr. Paulson respond. He simply drops his hand and turns to you before wrapping an arm around your middle and guiding you out of one of the exit doors.
You find yourself on an empty balcony, summer air soothing your nerves a little. Bucky drops his arm and turns to face you.
“Are you okay?” Bucky stares down at you, worried.
You wrap your arms around your body, voice small, “I didn’t want him to touch me. I tried to tell him to stop.”
You look so small in front of Bucky right now. So unsure of yourself. He’s never seen you like this.
And Bucky knows who caused that look on your face. Know he’s just through the doors. His fist clenched almost automatically. With a shake of his head he turns back towards the large ballroom where the event is being held.
You reach out and clutch his arm, “Please don’t.” You beg, “Don’t leave me out here alone.”
Bucky sighs and casts a longing glance at the door. He really wanted to break that guy’s nose. But he can’t leave you, not when you asked him like that.
Not that you were making him soft though. Definitely not.
“Okay. It’s okay.” He pulls you into a hug, “I’ve got you.”
His arms around you are exactly what you need in the moment. You melt into him, body sagging into his. With your high heels on, you can hide your face in his neck. You let out a shaky breath.
You don’t know how long you stay like that, wrapped up in his arms.
You do know he smells good, musk and spice and something inherently him. You know your heart is beating fast and you can’t tell if it’s from Bucky’s proximity or the lingering anxiety of the past moments. You know he’s whispering comforting words in your ear and gently running his fingers up and down your back.
It’s almost too much.
“No one’s going to hurt you.” He promises.
“My protector.” You murmur in his ear. You lips brush his neck and he hopes you don’t notice the chill that runs down his spine.
The balcony door opening startles both of you. You hear Tony’s voice before you see him.
“Everything okay out here? Steve said…” He trails off when he sees the two of you.
Bucky stiffens and jerks away from you, not willing to endure Stark’s teasing.
You do the last thing he expects. You reach out for him, not ready or willing to lose the comfort of him holding you. Your hands grasp at whatever they can.
It takes everything in Bucky not to visibly flinch when your hands wrap around his forearm- the Vibranium one- over the sleeve of his suit jacket.  
You sidle up to him, pressing your body against his side, under his arm.
Bucky’s just amazed that you don’t look disgusted by the feel of the prosthetic holding you. He hated the arm so much he just figured everyone else must too.
Tony suppresses a smile at the scene in front of him, “What happened?”
You drop your head and stare at your shoes- Tony finding out about any of what happened was quite possibly the last thing you wanted to happen.
Bucky doesn’t give you a chance to respond before he’s telling Tony everything he saw.
“He told her she wanted it because of her dress.” Bucky finishes, seeing red all over again.
Tony’s furious, but he tries his hardest not to show it. “I’ll handle it.” He says before turning towards Happy Hogan, who you hadn’t even realized was there.
“Tony!” You call after him, “You don’t have to make a big deal out of this.”  
He ignored you, “Happy, you can escort Mr. Paulson to the exit, and let him know we’ll be wiring back his pledge for this year.”
You reach out to grab Tony’s wrist, pulling away from Bucky, “That’s so much money. It’s really fine. Please don’t-”
“Y/n,” Tony sighs, “Stop.” His expression is unreadable, but his tone is harsh.
You take a step back drop your gaze to your shoes again, tears springing to your eyes, “I’m really sorry.” You say, feeling totally overwhelmed by the whole situation, “I shouldn’t have worn this stupid dress. I-”
Tony’s eyes and voice soften with one look at you, “Stop it, Y/n. This is not your fault. I’m not mad at you.” His hand finds your shoulder, “That type of behavior is not tolerated by Stark Industries in any way. Your clothes are not the problem. He is, okay?”
You nod.
“You could have showed up in a bikini, and it would have still been not okay for him to touch you like that, understood?” Tony emphasizes.
“Yeah.” You nod again.
“You look wonderful tonight,” is the last thing Tony says before the starts to make his way back inside. He pauses for a second when he passes Bucky, “You should have punched him.”
Bucky lets out a terse laugh, but says nothing else
Tony glances between the two of you again before disappearing back to the party.
Neither you nor Bucky know what to do next.
“You do.” Bucky says quietly.
You look at him questioningly.
“Look wonderful.” He rasps, clears his throat. “You look beautiful tonight, Y/n.”
You look down at your dress, crossing your arms over your body, feeling entirely too exposed, “Bucky, I- I don’t- I just want…”
Bucky realized he said the wrong thing and shrugs out of his suit jacket and helps you into it, somehow able to read your mind.
“Thank you,” You whisper, wrapping the jacket around your body.
You stand quietly next you each other for a while, arms brushing, looking out at the city.
“I’ve never seen you like that.” You’re not sure why you say the words.
“Hmm?” He hums, looking down at you inquisitively.
“When you pulled him off of me. I’ve never seen you look so scary.” You finally tear your eyes away from the skyline to meet his, not realizing how close he was. His eyes bore into yours.
“Did I scare you?” He wonders, fidgeting.
“You couldn’t scare me, Bucky Barnes.”  You smile softly.
“Well.” He says, shrugging his shoulders, lopsided grin adorning his face.
“What?” You actually giggle, unable to stop yourself from flirting with him.
“You’re my best girl.” He says simply, as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world.
You turn back towards the skyline and so does he, smiles on both of your faces. You lean your head on his shoulder easily.
The two of you stay out there much longer that you should. Bucky likes the way you look in his jacket much more than he should. It makes him feel like it’s 1940 again, makes him want to ask you to go steady. The thought brings a smile to his face.
“What?” You nudge his shoulder. He raises an eyebrow in question, “You have this goofy look on your face.”
“It’s just my face, Y/n. Are you saying my face is goofy?” He teases you lightly.
You laugh, hand falling on his bicep, “I would never, James.” You say, full of false indignance.  
Bucky’s heart flutters at your use of his full name, like it always does.
“Never?” He questions.
“Your face is perfectly fine.” You say, because how do you tell him that it looks like his face was carved by gods without sounding obsessed.
“Fine, really?” There’s a glint in his eyes you don’t really recognize. You realize he’s flirting with you and you give him a sly smile.
“Adequate.” You nod.
“You’re a little shit.” He says with a grin
“You like it.” You challenge, squaring up to him and taking a step closer.
And suddenly you’re so close and your eyes are so pretty and you smell so good and for the first time in a long long time he’s thinking that he’s lucky.
I like you. The words are on the tip of his tongue.
He doesn’t say them though, just pulls you close playfully, tickling your sides. You yelp, laughing while you squirm to get away from him. There’s not point though, his strong arms cage you in, pulling you against his body as his playful assault continues.
“This isn’t fair!” You gasp, unable to stop laughing.
And Bucky’s laughing too, torturing you for a few seconds before he wraps his arms around you from behind, resting his chin on top of your head.
Catching your breath, you settle into his arms, leaning into him.  
“I think the party’s over.” You murmur eventually.
“Hmm.” He hums, not loosening his grip.
“These shoes suck.” You continue, shifting in the uncomfortable heels.
“Really?” He muses, almost to himself, “I like them.” He particularly likes the way they make your legs look, but he keeps that to himself.  
“My feet are killing me.” You laugh.
Bucky doesn’t say anything, but a wicked grin forms on his face before he throws you over his shoulder like you weigh nothing and carries you back through the nearly empty ballroom towards the elevators.
“Stop!” You yell through peals of laughter, squirming to try to get him to drop you.
“You said your feet hurt.” He’s laughing too, having no problems at all with your struggling form.
You give up after a few seconds, dropping your face against his back.
“Hey, Y/n.” You hear from across the room and look up to see Sam, Clint and Natasha laughing at your predicament. They’re each enjoying one last drink as the caterers clean up. You manage a wave before slumping against Bucky’s back again.
He carries you into the elevator, punching in a code to get him to the living quarters, before taking you to the floor he shared with Steve when he first made it back to New York. Two bedrooms on either end, with half a footballs field length between filled with a state of the art kitchen and living room.
He barely spares the space a glance at the space before turning towards his room, kicking it open with a foot and flicking the light on before depositing you on the bed.
You land with a loud laugh, trying to pull him down with you but failing.
You’re on his old bed now, the suit jacket he gave you falling open around the dress he loved so much. It’s ridden up a bit and your chest is heaving with laughter and your hair is splayed across the duvet and it’s doing things to him.
He coughs and turns away from you to subtly adjust himself.
You kick the shoes off your feet and sit up, looking around at the bare walls and minimal furniture.
“This is my old room.” He explains.
“Tony was real quick to clear your shit out when you moved, huh?” You joke.
“I didn’t have anything.” He mumbles.
“Not much for decorating?” You inquire, knowing there’s more to it, but giving him a way out.
“I didn’t even really know who I was or what I liked. I dunno. I have more now.” He’s mumbling by the end, like it’s something to be embarrassed about.
“Well,” You start with a smile, feeling that he doesn’t want to talk more about it, “Should we figure out if you like Lord of the Rings? Because this week at the bar trivia night is Lord of the Rings themed and if I don’t brush up on my knowledge my roommates will kill me.”
He gives you a shy smile, happy you changed the subject, “Let me get you something to change into.”
He rummages around for a few moments before producing an old pair of sweatpants and a t shirt, “The bathroom is just through there.” He nods his head through a door in the far corner of his room.
You retreat to the bathroom, changing quickly before returning to his room to find it empty, his suit folded nicely on the foot of his bed. You gingerly fold his jacket and place it with the other items, putting your dress down next to them as well before exiting his room to look for him.
You emerge from his room, dressed in his clothes that are way too big for you, and all Bucky can think is that you looked just as beautiful now as you did all dressed up for the gala.
He was so fucked.
He asks FRIDAY to start the movie once you settle on the couch. You settle in, reaching for the blanket on the ottoman in front of you and throwing it over both of you.
It’s not long before Frodo and his fellowship have you falling fast asleep. Exhausted and inhibitions down, you lay across the couch, gently resting your head on his lap.
“Is this okay?” You murmur softly.
Bucky responds by carding his fingers through your hair, “Of course, Y/n.”
He wakes earlier than the sun, a habit he’s not sure he’ll ever be able to break. There’s a warm, unfamiliar weight across his lap and looks down to find you curled up on top of him still. Your willingness to be so vulnerable around him makes him feel warm inside.
A feeling that Bucky was getting used to, now that you were around.
Knowing you’re sound asleep, he takes off his shirt and detaches the prosthetic from his shoulder, leaving the little liner, the bit of Vibranium that covered the remaining limb- exposed.  The arm was as lightweight as she could manage, but it still pained him when he wore it too long.
Rubbing the spot where metal meets skin, he makes his way to the kitchen and pours himself a glass of water.
He’s lost in thought about how easily he took you in his arms last night, teased you, flirted like he was a normal man into a pretty girl. He thinks of the way you smiled at him and can’t help but feel hopeful that maybe this has become more than a friendship to you too.
He’s so lost in his daydream he doesn’t hear you approach, but rather is alerted of your presence by your phone clattering on the island. You slide into a stool, eyes still half closed.
He would think it’s cute if he weren’t about to have a full blown anxiety attack. An onslaught of self-deprecating thoughts pop to the front of his head and he can’t bring himself to even look at you.
He can’t stand the feeling of you seeing him like this, less than whole.
“What are you doing up?” He manages to choke out.
“Needed some water.” You gesture to the Brita in his hand, “Guess we had the same idea.”
He all but shoves the pitcher in your hand, trying to get out of the room as fast as he can.
“Woah woah woah,” You call after him, reaching out for him, “What’s up?”
Your face is all concern. Your eyes haven’t even flicked to where his left arm should be.
“Y/n, please.” He angles the left side of his body away from you, cheeks burning red.
And suddenly it clicks in your head that Bucky’s embarrassed to be without his prosthetic in front of you.
“I’ve seen this before, yanno.” You say softly, eyeing where the bit of Vibranium meets his arm, scars marring his shoulder. What he must have gone through makes your heart ache.
“Not like this.” He whispers, still not able to look you in the eye.
“What’s the difference?” You wonder.
He fidgets, finally looking up at you, “I felt so normal last night, Y/n. Like a normal guy with a pretty girl in New York City. I didn’t think once about HYDRA or the Avengers or SHIELD or any of that bullshit noise that’s always in my head. And now you’re seeing me like this-” He gestures to his left shoulder “- and I hate it. I fucking hate it, okay?”
“Okay.” You’re quiet, contemplative, “Why can’t this be normal?”
“Because it’s not.” He turns away to look out the kitchen window, where the sun is finally starting to rise. “It’s not. I’m not normal.”
You move to stand next to him, gazing out of the window as well. The city starts to come alive below you.
“It could be our normal.” You say so lowly that if it weren’t for his enhanced hearing he would have missed it.
Bucky sighs your name and pulls his gaze away from the sunrise, “Is that what you want?” He asks, feeling like there was no way you could ever want a partial man.
Your eyes meet his and you say with certainty, “Yes.”
One simple word and all the self-deprecating thoughts are pushed back to the dark recesses of his mind. It takes everything in him to keep his expression relatively neutral, because he’s sure he’d be absolutely beaming if he didn’t keep in check.
You turn so you’re fully facing him now, morning illuminating his features and you don’t think you’ve ever seen him in this light. He’s so beautiful but you don’t have the words to tell him that so you settle for reaching up and tracing your fingers down his jaw. His neck. His collar bones and across to his shoulder, running your fingers over the scars.
“Please don’t.” He begs quietly, desperately.
“Okay.” You whisper. You don’t look offended or frustrated with him, eyes full of understanding.
“I’m working on it.” He promises.
“We can take our time.” You remind him.
You both turn towards the east facing windows, watching the sun slowly rise over Brooklyn and the East River. Your hands brush.
A fleeing thought from the previous night pops back to the front of his mind.
Lucky. He was definitely lucky.
Tag List: @swtmckngbrd @liamakorn @stressedasalways @emmiejames @acupofhotlatte @captainmommaoftwogirls @reallyconfusednowpt2 @shnadaidas @wearemightyghosts @winter-andallthathebrings @tabseus @the-girl-down-on-earth @iheartsebastianstan @kyber-hearts-and-stardust-souls @aveatquevale- @busx @friendofkurt @team-marvel13 @waywardangel16 @ellaenchanted91 @jitterbuck @starknachos @waaaaaaitwhat @preppy-by-the-c @piensa-bonito
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volleydorkscentral · 5 years
First of all: 
Tumblr media
Second, questions under the cut: 
Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? - Spotify! all the way. i hoarse my bf’s account so he can never listen but i don’t care it’s mine now it’s full of my music and my playlists and whenever i’m listening to it and it suddenly changes cause he tries to use it on his phone I call him, “are you using spotify?” “oh. i mean i can listen to something else?” “cool, thanks!” and i get my music back. :D
is your room messy or clean? - it’s somewhere in between. my actual ROOM (bed room, i assume) is pretty clean, except i never make the bed. but the house is .. a work in progress. it’s not dirty but it’s cluttered so my bf and I are having to work together to clear that and build shelves and stuff for more storage space.
what color are your eyes? - dark brown! (with little green flecks when I cry)
do you like your name? why? - Not really? i don’t hate it. My mom wanted to name me Savannah but they had her sign the certificate while she was still drugged from her c-section so it ended up as Crystal?? Idk. She named her dolls Crystal when she was a kid.
what is your relationship status? - dating for almost six years. 
how many times a week do you shower? uhhh idk. I don’t shower every day (unless i get gross). AT LEAST four times… but I don’t wash my hair every time cause that’s bad for my hair. I SHOWER WHEN I AM DIRTY.
favorite tv show? does Haikyuu!! count? that’s probably a given. HM. Well, we don’t have cable so I don’t watch a lot of NEW shows? …. OH. Duh. Fuckin me I’m a dumbass. Bob’s Burgers. I literally have it on ALL THE TIME. I don’t like silence so it’s ALWAYS on in the background if i’m not listening to music. I’ve seen every episode a zillion times. I can usually pinpoint every scene and the major lines/jokes.
shoe size? most brands it’s 5 1/2 
how tall are you? SHORTER THAN NISHINOYA BUT TALLER THAN YACHI. I’m like… 5ft-5’1 depending on how much my back hurts. (i used that earlier and someone said it was funny and i’m trash so i’ll repeat it here!)
sandals or sneakers? i wear Bobs LOL. (knock off toms) and i’ve got one pair of sneakers and sometimes I wear my ballet flats around even though my bf says they look dumb fuck u they’re comfy.
do you go to the gym? No. I used to, but where I live now it’d be like a 45 min drive. I don’t really LIKE gyms though? working out is boring to me. No matter how hard I try. I’d love to start dancing again for real.
describe your dream date - April 25th because it’s not too cold and not too hot. Okay but jk that’s a lie where I live it’s balls hot in april. Idk. I’d like to go hiking when it’s not very hot? Take my dog, let her run around. Take a picnic. Sit in a grassy field and talk about dumb shit cause we know each other’s dreams and hopes by now.
how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment? UHM. fuck like…. $27? i know there’s a twenty and a handful of ones. And a handful of change.
what color socks are you wearing? - NONE. MY FEET ARE COLD. FOREVER COLD.
how many pillows do you sleep with? - pft like 6.
do you have a job? what do you do? - No; I quit after being over worked, under appreciated, cheated out of my paychecks a few times, and no job still due to lingering health issues.
how many friends do you have? answered this already!
whats the worst thing you have ever done? - UHM. Idk i haven’t murdered anyone. I don’t like this question cause if i really try to answer it i’ll spiral into a frustrated, furious depression and self-hatred so… NOPE.
whats your favorite candle scent? i’ve got this candle i got from etsy that’s like… Scottish Highlands? It’s grassy and kinda MAGICY.
3 favorite boy names - i don’t really have favorite names?
3 favorite girl names - answered already
favorite actor? god idk. i’m so bad with names and celebrities. uhm. I really like don’t have a favorite. I LIKE a bunch. Benedict Cumberbatch; Freddie Highmore… uhm. uh. Hugh Laurie? 
favorite actress? IDK OKAY?? I LIKE a bunch but i don’t favorite?? I really like Gwendoline Christie. Uhm. Anne Hathaway makes me laugh. MAGGIE SMITH. how could i forget!??!
who is your celebrity crush? I LEGIT don’t have one.
favorite movie? CLUE takes the top spot most days.
do you read a lot? whats your favorite book? I used to read a lot more. The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt
money or brains?  personality, bitch.
do you have a nickname? what is it? not *really* but people online used to call me Chrys. My bf calls me ‘sweetie’ sometimes but he also calls the dog that so… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
how many times have you been to the hospital? - uhm. like the er? Once when I broke my arm. Doc in the box? Not since 2017.
top 10 favorite songs - PFT. Uhm. Jesus just let me die a little. Excluding all Disney; Not in any order:
No One - Biometrix
Danser - Lisandro Cuxi
A Single Moment of Sincerity (E) - Asking Alexandria (the band I was listening to when I designed my rockstar MC that I love so much)
The Annabel Trilogy (a series of 3 albums) - Alesana. Can’t pick a single song because they’re all a part of a huge story. Listen to them.
Chucky vs. The Giant Tortoise - Dance Gavin Dance
Anticoagulant - Sianvar
Ohioisonfire - Of Mice & Men
Coincidance - Handsome Dancer (Watch the Video for the love of god. THANKS ASH FOR THIS GEM)
Devil’s Backbone - The Civil Wars
Still Here - Digital Daggers (i’ve been listening it to a lot for inspiration for a new AU so… yup. That’s gonna be fun and painful)
do you take any medications daily? - yup
what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc) - i got dry ass skin it sucks
what is your biggest fear? - uhm… physical fear? idk. Heights is a big one that I developed? I used to not care but a while ago I was walking on a bridge and I just… looked over and got FUCKING DIZZZY with nausea and fear that I was gonna fall and almost fainted. 
how many kids do you want? - HONESTLY… one or two.
whats your go to hair style? - tried to brush but gave up so just threw it in a claw clip
what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc) - moderate? one story, four bedrooms. big ass yard though for the dog
who is your role model? - I don’t really have one.
what was the last compliment you received? - answered already
what was the last text you sent? - actual TEXT message? ‘as long as there’s someone with her overnight she’ll be okay during the day cause of the dog door and stuff. just play with her before you go to work and maybe hide some treats around the house for her to hunt for’ - texting my friend that’s gonna house sit while we go on a family vacation soon.
how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real? - UH idk the age? i know I saw my mom writing scavenger cards though. My fam has never had a lot of money so to make Christmas more interesting my mom/grandparents (we lived with them till I was in 3rd grade) would make these elaborate scavenger hunts for me and my cousins to do to find our presents around the house or out in the barn or, on one memorable occasion, at the bottom of our pool! Good memories. 
what is your dream car? - one that RUNS and has badass AC and speakers
opinion on smoking? - hate it. please don’t do it around me. my bf’s family alllllll smoke all the time and i get so sick when i have to go on vacation with them and be around it for a long time. 
do you go to college? - i DID. I went to Culinary school and majored in Baking & Pastry
what is your dream job? - Author or Dog Trainer
would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? - rural as all hell. give me trees, cows, and horses. 
do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? Not usually? but usually the people i’m with do. 
do you have freckles? Not on my face (except one) but i’ve got more like… on my arms and just randomly all over but i dont think ‘freckles’ would be what anyone thinks of when they think of me
do you smile for pictures? - only if i’m forced to be in them
how many pictures do you have on your phone?  - HAHAHAHAHAHA. Well. Before I got my new phone it was over 10k. Now though its only about 2k. 
have you ever peed in the woods? - Only when I was camping. 
do you still watch cartoons? - ALL THE GODDAMN TIME
do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds? - neither. but i HATE WENDYS and can tolerate McD’s fries and they’ve got ballin’ sweet tea so I guess McD.
Favorite dipping sauce? this honey dijon creamy thing at my favorite French restaurant but idk what is is.
what do you wear to bed? - t-shirt 
have you ever won a spelling bee? - YUP. 2nd grade.  
what are your hobbies? - writing, crocheting, photography, reading, uh… i forget what else
can you draw? when i was doing it all the time i did ok? but i’m WAY TOO IMPATIENT now a days to do it. 
do you play an instrument? - no but i wish i did :(
what was the last concert you saw? - i’ve never been to a concert. crowds are icky
tea or coffee? - tea!
Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? - already answered this
do you want to get married? - Yes pls
what is your crush’s first and last initial? - (bf, but I suppose i still have a crush on him? is love considered a crush?) J. Y. 
are you going to change your last name when you get married? god yes. my current last name is my shitbag of a sperm doner and i hate it. my mom kept it after they divorced only cause she thought her maiden name would be too hard for me to spell but i would give anything to have that name instead
what color looks best on you? - idk. i prefer black but i’ve been told green and certain shades of pink/yellow. 
do you miss anyone right now? - not until i thought about it, thanks
do you sleep with your door open or closed? open so my pupper can go in and out
do you believe in ghosts? not until i’m faced with darkness and creepy things 
what is your biggest pet peeve? people chewing their food loud. people not picking up after themselves. people interrupting me (but not in the excited, OMG way. that we can work though) but in the ‘i don’t care what you’re saying i’m going to talk now’ way
last person you called` - my bf to discuss plans for his brother’s bday
favorite ice cream flavor? cookies n’ cream!
regular oreos or golden oreos? DOUBLE STUFF OF EITHER
chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? FUCK SPRINKLES
what shirt are you wearing? a shirt that has my dog’s face on it :D
what is your phone background? - the art that Ash drew of Bokuto from my fic Just a Taste!!
are you outgoing or shy? - i hate talking to strangers but with my friends i’m pretty fucking loud and chatty
do you like it when people play with your hair? only people i know
do you like your neighbors? nope. he’s an asshole who neglected his dog and i wanna skin him alive
do you wash your face? at night? in the morning? i do my best to remember to do it at night but i always do it when i shower
have you ever been high? yup. 
have you ever been drunk? yup
last thing you ate? BIRTHDAY CAKE
favorite lyrics right now - idk? i guess the first lyrics that came to mind, even though they’re not my favorite, just ones that i like and were stuck in my head for a while: “All of the handsome fiction / will melt away / and when the flame burns brighter / Evaporate” Evaporate - Dance Gavin Dance
day or night? both have their merits
dark, milk, or white chocolate? - all chocolate but i prefer white to just EAT. 
favorite month? uhm. uhh. November maybe? for NaNoWriMo. 
what is your zodiac sign - pftt.. i think i used to be a Gemini? i don’t believe in all that stuff 
who was the last person you cried in front of? - ….. my dog? but probably my mom and Grandmother when my GM basically said my bf didn’t love me and was a shit human being and i was a shit granddaughter for loving him. i was both upset and furious and i walked away from them. (my mom called and apologized, but i haven’t spoken to my GM since)
THERE ASH ARE YOU GODDAMN HAPPY. that took so long LOL (I hope the formatting came through I had to redo it on this tumblr page UGH)
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combustitties · 5 years
I wanna ask all 👀
1. First sex experience?
i was like.. less than ten and my friend asked me to touch his ding dong
2. Celebrity threesum?
oh god idk kjdfgxjch
3. Would you ever have a devils threesum?
urban dictionary says this is legit just a threesome w two other guys so uh Yeah I Guess. why does that get a fancy name.
4. Ever been rimmed?
nah. idrk if i’d like it either jkgdfjkhnb
5. Would you ever rim someone?
??? maybe
6. Weirdest sexual experience?
my friends and i stole her mom’s vibrator and used a bunch of lotion in a plastic cup as lube and masturbated together. wild.
7. Weirdest solo sexual experience?
i was jackin it in the shower once and i think i mightve squirted but i dunno bc SHOWER it felt like a water balloon popping in my vagooter
8. Every have a one night stand?
9. Thought on r*pe play?
hmmmmmmmmm,,,, i dunno like so long as it’s between consenting adults who cares but for myself i dunno if i’d like it?? like. the loss of control and consensual non-con w safewords sounds chill but i dunno like actual roleplay would b. unpredictable.
10. As a guy, what do think is a female’s idea penis?
11. What’s your ideal penis?
my boo’s tf
12. Ever have sex in public?
technically i blew a friend in middle school on a creek trail thing.
13. Describe a sex fantasy that you want to try in detail.
wow i’ve suddenly forgotten everything ive ever thought
14. Do you consider your genitals attractive?
15. What bra size do you find yourself most attracted to?
i don’t think i have a preference
16. Favorite sex position?
shrug emoji haven’t had enuf to develop a preference
17. Least favorite sex positions?
18. What makes sex ‘bad’ to you?
if no one’s enjoying themselves
19. Ever have sex with someone loud?
i’m sure he could get louder 👀
20. Have you ever thought a partner faked an orgasam?
i?? don’t think so???? god i hope not??
21. Have you ever faked an orgasam?
22. Thoughts on accidental anal?
how do u accidentally stick it in the butt
23. Have you ever had sex with food?
technically i tried to use a hot dog in a condom as a dildo when i was. uh. young and stupid.
24. For giving oral to a female, you prefer them to ride your face, or them laying down (or other)
ive never done lol idk
25. Weirdest thing someone’s ever said to you during sex?
???????????? nothing comes to mind.
26. Ever prematurely cum?
pffft is there such a thing? all orgasms good orgasms. i wonder what the world record for fastest orgasm is. lmao lets beat it (HA accidental pun.)
27. Do you prefer you or your partner to cum first?
my partner ndfgkjdfnh
28. Ever have a kink a partner thought was weird?
? i? don’t know????? 👀👀😫😫
29. Thoughts on drunk sex, or sex where your sober and your partner semiconscious?
i can’t stand being sober around not-sobers bc issues but if consent was given for those circumstances prior and we’re both fukt up then um yes pls
30. If your partner made you a sex toy from their genitals would you be creeped out or…?
gimme gimme gimme
31. Ever have a safe word, if so, what was it?
i never used it with anyone but, hyacinth. i like the traffic light system more tho.
32. Thoughts on partner sharing?
gut reaction is grr but w plenty of communication and negotiation and talking i don’t think i’d have a real problem w it. i don’t think i’d want another partner tho.
33. Weirdest sex story you’ve heard?
oh god idk
34. What gives you the most confidence during sex?
being not sober and the lights being off or v dim
35. What feels better for you sex or oral sex?
sex :o
36. Do you like sloppy blowjobs?
giving them hella
37. Which feels better blowjob or blowjob and hands?
38. Most viewed porn categories?
rough, and sex machines.
39. Thoughts on knife play?
hnnnnnn sharp shiney good. idk about the actual cutting tho i’m recovered from s.h kjdfgkdljf
40. Can you be intimate if your pet is in the room?
yea so long as he’s not up in my grill
41. I’d you ever had the chance for a threesum with twins would you do it?
...probably not?
42. Are you ok with your partner owning sex toys?b
?? tf yes
43. Are you ok with your partner using toys to finish after sex?
hella. no bad feels just whatever works ^_^
44. Are you ok with your partner mastubating. (Instead of going to you for help)
duh tf i don’t own them
45. Are you a fan of cuddles after sex?
46. Do you care how many sexual partners your partner had?
47. If you had the chance to join an orgy, would you?
...not sober
48. What’s your thoughts about watching porn with a partner?
hmmmmm. nice.
49. Are you ok with your partner watching porn to get off? (Instead of going to you?)
again, yes, wtff
50. As a guy, do you consider your girlfriend kissing other girls as cheating?
51. If you and your partner broke up for a week but got back together how would you react finding out they had sex during that time?
i mean. i dunno. if we were legit broken up with no intention of getting back together then whatever.
52. Are you ok with your partner posting nudes online?
yes what is up w these possessive ass questions
53. Has anyone ever said the wrong name during sex with you?
not that ive noticed dkfjgvdfjkhn
54. Ever had sex to just get it out of the way?
no???? wtf was this written by a Straight
55. Have you ever had sex in your parents bed?
56. Favorite place to cum?
anywhere anytime lol
57. Do you prefer your partner to a Bush or shaved? (Which do you find more aesthetically pleasing)
whatever they want lol idc
58. How old were you when you first bought condoms?
my mom bought me some when i was like 12 it was mortifying. i still have yet to purchase them myself. WAIT NO YES I DID i was like 13 and it was for a friend bc she was too embarrassed.
59. Have you ever tried flavored condoms?
i haven’t but i wanna yummm lollipop without the cals
60. Would you ever let a stranger watch you and your partner have sex?.
uhhhhhh. not unless we were being paid
61. What’s the worst thing that’s aroused you?
i used to be really fucking embarrassed about my daddy kink
62. Would you ever have sex with a guy who had a spliced dick?
wh. okay i have to google this.
63. Would you ever have sex with someone with genital piercings?
sure why not
64. Thoughts on sleep sex?
GOD yes. esp on the receiving end but all around a+
65. How easily do you get aroused?
aroused in general p easily ig? but im ace so idk i don’t ever feel like i NEEED it
66. Explain the time you got aroused at the worst time?
any time in public bc i blush too easily
67. Have you ever received oral from someone with a tongue piercing, did it feel any different?
i has not
68. Have you ever accidentally hurt your partner during intimacy, how? And did you continue after?
i? think i totally kneed him at least once. but ya
69. Ever 69 :p
not YET
70. Would you ever give someone oral underwater?
YES pool sex or hot tub sex is a kink of mine ever since i got off with a hot tub jet. and breath play. so like hella. i have a sensory issue with water on my eyelids tho and i don’t think goggles are all that sexy sooo njdfgjkfhn
71. Would you ever have sex on the beach?
idk maybe. that’s a lot of sand to keep track of.
72. Do you prefer your own touch or a partners?
not my own ksjdnfjkgh
73. Why do men slap their penis on their partner? Does it feel good???
i dunno WHY but it feels somewhat objectifying in a good way to ME so likeee
74. For mastubating do you use lube?
75. Is there some place you don’t like being touched during intimacy?
my sides feel hurt really easily like even if u poke it it HURTS i think it’s a medical thing but ive never brought it up at the drs. and my ears. that’s weird.
76. Do you prefer your partner to knead you head or pull your hair?
uh both? both yes? both good
77. Has a condom ever fallen off during sex?
lowkey sjkdfhnzskjghfh
78. Have you ever lost arousal during intimacy, did you keep going?
no??? like im generally always turned on gettin it on n it’s a gr8 time but my meds just fuck with my ability to actively get off UGH
79. Have you ever gotten cum in your eye?
no *knocks on wood*
80. Weirdest compliment you’ve gotten?
ive had people compliment my feet and that’s not my kink so i think it’s kinda weird.
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