#if you think a crazy fucker might run you over
xx-thedarklord-xx · 9 months
I’m all for raising awareness about the environment or protesting for climate change and standing up for what you believe in but uhh maybe not glue your hands or feet to things? Or put your life in danger
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digitalsymbiote · 3 months
The Solar Sprint
You ever heard of the Cannonball Run? It was a thing back on earth, back before corpo wars. It was an unsanctioned race across a continent. Folks would trick out cars with extra fuel tanks, police scanners, the works, and just burn their way from one ocean to the other. Driving for something like a day straight, avoiding cops all the way, and only stopping to refuel. Kinda wild, don’t you think? A test of speed and stamina, seeing how hard you could really push your vehicle.
That’s what the Solar Sprint started out as, you know. First time someone ran it, the Jovian blockade was still up. They blew right past the military lines, their mech too fast for any of those combat frames to catch. It was big news at the time, everyone thought it was some secret R.O.M. tech built to break the blockade. Turned out it was just some wrench-head who wanted to see how fast they could get from Mercury to Neptune. The crazy fucker actually did it too, straight shot from the solar collection station on Mercury, all the way to the NDS Research outpost. The scientists there nearly shit themselves when the Runner went blasting past their observatory like that. Can’t imagine they saw any frames out there that weren’t clunky research models before then, especially with the blockade still up.
There’s still footage of the first sprint up on the Net if you look. Some cargo hauler caught footage of the Runner nearly side-swipping his freight ship between Earth and Venus. There was a leaked clip of them breaking the Jovian blockade too, but you might be hard pressed to find that one these days. runners sometimes carry hard copies though, so if you run into the right people you might be able to see it.
It became a whole thing, y’know? Kind of a fuck you to the corps, the wars, all of it. Building frames in a different way, not just for blowing each other up. Was a kind of creative revolution, an expression of freedom. Corps can’t keep us down, yeah? Something like a thousand runners tried it over the next couple years. Not all of em made it; some of em got caught by the blockade, some of em their frames couldn’t handle the trek. But enough of em made it that it started to become a real competition. Who could make the sprint in the fastest time? Folks posted on forums about crazy ideas they were coming up with for propellants, aerodynamics, you name it. Gearheads across the net had a brand new obsession to pour over.
Soon enough though, the corps caught on, realized it was easier to sanction the thing than to try and stop people from doing it. Enough cargo freighters crashed, enough blockades ran, it became more profitable to make an event out of the thing. The Sprint lost some of it’s luster after that. Speed frames plastered with sponsorships and built with corpo parts didn’t really capture the energy of the original run. The yearly Sprint is technically open to public teams, but any self respecting Runner isn’t gonna attempt it during sanctioned times. Kinda defeats the purpose of it all if they clear the shipping lanes and wait for optimal conditions, right?
Every once in a while though, you might spot somebodies custom frame sitting in orbit around the solar collection station. And who knows? They might be the next crazy wrench-head to break that record.
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igotanidea · 11 months
Let's fuck up the friendship : J.T x fem!reader
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how cute is that picture? UwU
request by @parkjammys (once again, thank you for making my day by posting pics of Outlaws!Jason today)
based on the prompt: "sometimes i look at people and think.. really? that’s the sperm that won?” With best friend Jason feeling really jealous seeing his best friend that he has a major crush on, talk to some guy (guy is Kyle Rayner) and he's mumbling "he's not even her type"
„Why is he here again?” Jason scoffed, carefully observing his best friend Y/N, talking to that stupid prick of a green lantern, Kyle Rayner.
“Dunno.” Dick, still in his Nightwing suit shrugged casually, while stuffing his mouth with cereals ‘probably something to do with the newest mission on Earth or something like that.”
“It doesn’t bother you at all?” Jason hissed, involuntarily clenching his fist. “that he just drops by whenever he wants?”
“No, not really.” Dick swallowed particularly huge piece of his meal and focused on his brother’s face. “does it bother you?”
It wasn’t a secret that Jason and Kyle weren’t exactly friends, but the former never reacted with such…. intensity. All right, most of the times the green lantern showed himself around Jason was throwing offences left and right, showing his teeth and acting like he was marking territory. Kyle, however did exactly the same thing. It was sort of tradition at this point. But all that teasing, fake fighting and extreme emotions never escalated so quickly to the point where Jason was all red (and not because of the helmet or the gear), grinding his teeth and subconsciously reaching for his gun while his eyes were fixed on one place in space. Or rather, one person.
She was talking to Kyle, laughing at whatever he just said, her eyes sparkling, looking happy like never before. And what was even worse she just hit his chest playfully. SHE TOUCHED HIM for fuck’s sake and that fucker really seemed to enjoy that.  On the other side, Jay did not like it at all. How could he? He had a massive crush on her since he could remember and yet, despite all his cool demeanor, harsh behavior and bad boy outlook, he was too self-conscious to ever confront her about it. Stupid, longing idiot, afraid of his own feelings. To tell the truth, he himself wasn’t sure if he was more afraid of the possibility of her pushing him away or rather the fact that by some miracle she might want him. He was not good in relationships, any of them, and that made his mind create crazy scenarios in which she was hurt or killed or sad or crying because of him.
But sure as hell he was not going to let Rayner get to her first!
She was just …. something different.
The girl who knew what she wanted and wouldn’t settle for anything else. The girl who would stand by you, listening to every rant and problem you may have, but also the one who would turn and run the second she got vulnerable. It was so damn hard, to get her to open up, since on 9 out of 10 cases she would just jump into helping someone else or dig into work.  
And she was his best friend.
What kind of fool falls for his best friend?
It was stupid and childish and naïve and yet, all he wanted and needed was to just approach her that very second, interrupt her happy conversation and use one sentence that would either make her hate him and disappear for good or get them both to a whole new level of relationship.
“Let’s fuck up the friendship.” God, how he wished he had the guts to just get it out of his system.
Instead he settled on watching her from the distance, not rushing to make a fool out of himself in front of both Dickhead and that freaking Rayner.
“Jace?” Dick interrupted his train of thought, smirking under his nose.
“Is this about her?”
“What? NO. Fuck no. She’s just my friend. My best friend.”
“Yeah, right, friends don’t look at friends that way.”
“Whatever!” Jason scoffed and crossed his arms over his chest sulking for a moment and sighing deeply. ‘I hate the way she’s smiling at him.” He mumbled “and she’s not even trying to hide it….” He pouted like a completely immature 5 year old.
“She’s an astrophysicist, Jason.” Dick patted his arm reassuringly “ You can’t blame her for being enthralled by all that crazy space-shit stuff he’s saying.”
“I don’t blame her.” Jason hissed “I blame him, you know? Do you ever just look at people and think: really? That’s the sperm that won?”
“No…..” Dick made a face in confusion. Damn it, if that were the thoughts coming into Jason’s mindthan it really was bad.
“Well, I do. And he’s the living proof of that.”
“He’s not even her type…” Todd muttered under his breath.
“And what exactly is her type?” Dick smirked again “Tall, dark haired, well-build douche? If you care about her …..”
“I don’t fucking care about her!” he yelled.
Too loud.
Not a chance she didn’t hear that, and the sudden outburst made her turn her head towards him. Shit, if he was red before, now he was simply crimson. Jason found himself between the devil and the deep blue see. Should he clear this little misunderstanding? Should he come clean? Or should he just run away leaving the ground burning?
“Jace?” she stuttered, her eyes growing wide, while Kyle took the chance and wrapped and arm around her shoulders protectively to give her some grounding “Is this about me?”
“Good luck, clearing that out, Jaybrid” Dick laughed, but hid it by pretending to sneeze.
“Shut up, Grayson!” Jason hissed through clenched teeth and slowly approached the girl and Kyle. “It was not about you. It was about some girl Grayson met and about whom he couldn’t shut up. You are my best friend, you know it, right?”
“Yeah, yeah, right, best friend’ she mumbled looking down, moving slightly closer to Rayner and away from Jason. Oh, that was like a slap on the cheek. Like a sting right through his heart. Like a….
Was it disappointment in her eyes?
No, it couldn’t be…. Why would she be disappointed?
“Anyway, if you don’t mind, Rayner” Jason used the unimaginable amount of power to control himself “I would love to rescue my best friend from your hand. I bet whatever you say about space must be out of this world, but there are people who actually need her on Earth. On daily basis. Not just while dropping from time to time and leaving her hanging.”
“Oh, Todd.” Kyle cooed “aren’t you just so cute while trying to act like a knight in shining armor. But guess what, she doesn’t need your protection.”
“Right. The only one who’s going to need protection is you. From me.” Jason leaned forward eyeing the other boy with predatory gaze ‘I know what you are plotting, Rayner. And if you think I’m going to let you use her….”
“Is someone jealous?” Kyle scoffed “cause sure it seems you treat me like a threat.”
“Why don’t we take it outside so I can show you how much I am not scared of you. Maybe this time you will deal with someone equal to you rather than seducing girls with your fake charm!” Jason jumped to his feet, Kyle following right after and the tension was so palpable that most likely they wouldn’t even wait to go outside, just beat the shit of each other right inside.
“ENOUGH!” sudden scream coming from Y/N made them both gasp in surprise. Neither Jason nor Kyle has even seen her this angry. She was practically fuming and it was terrifying to see this normally calm, communicative and focused-on-peaceful-solutions-to-problems girl in such state. And it was them who pushed her to this point. She was not a meta or any other kind of superhero but at that moment she held the power of the hurricane and was about to throw it at them.
“Y/N…” Jason raised his hands and tried to calm her down.
“Shut up, Jason!”
“ You heard the girl, shut up, Jason” Kyle laughed viciously
“I’m sorry….” He whimpered and it was Jason’s turn to laugh.
“I am TIRED of being your toy. Exhausted to be precise. I’ve been making doe eyes at you, Todd for months now. Doe eyes that you chose to ignore every. single. fucking. time. And yet, the moment I move on from this silly, stupid, fucking, one-sided crush you decide to step it and ruin everything. Just because you wanted to? Just because you what? You get jealous now? Fuck, Jason, do you really think you can just do whatever you want, whenever you want, not caring about the others? Not caring what I have to say? Oh, hell no. You don’t hold such power over me. Not anymore.”
“Y/N….” Jason took a step forward, but she jumped away, almost like he was a disease she didn’t want to catch.
“Get away from me!” she hissed “We were just talking, you idiot! I was being nice, not that you know what it means! I’m done with both of you!”
“Wait, what did I do?” Kyle asked, now a bit confused
“Oh, nothing, sweetie.” Y/N mocked “just telling me the shit of improbable stories to make Jason angry while watching me laugh with you. Yeah, I noticed that.” She cut Jason off the moment he opened his mouth to say a thing in his defense “Well, genius, I was laughing at you, wondering when will you finally realize that I did my research and don’t believe a word you say. Are you familiar with the word sarcasm?”
“Haha! Burn!” Jason couldn’t help but let out a laugh
“And you, Todd, should  learn the meaning of the word honest. You are both losers. I want nothing to do with you. I’m out.”
And so she left. The only sound they heard after that was slamming of the door to her room. She had one at the Manor since her expert knowledge was sometimes needed and she was helping the bats while patrolling at night.
And then chewing on the cereals.
“Well that was quite the show….”
“Y/N? Please, open the door. I just wanna talk.”  Jason was knocking at her door for like 10 minutes now and yet, she didn’t bother answering and he started losing all hope.  Did he fuck up? Was all the chances he had with her gone just because he was a stupid idiot In love and therefore acting like crazy?
“She’s not there, you know.”  Tim emerged from his room, bothered by all the knocking and begging.
“What? then where is she?”
“Hm…. Not sure if I should tell you after everything that just went down…..”
“How do you….? Fuck, whatever. I swear if you don’t tell me where she hid I would burn all the coffee shops in the tristate area!”
“I equipped them all with the fireproof furniture and equipment a while ago. Had a feeling that sooner or later you will threaten me with the lack of coffee….Listen to me carefully, replacement…” Jason took a step forward, towering over Tim’s figure but before he could take any action, another voice joined the conversation.
“Boys. Why do you always have to act like savages? Y/N escaped to the roof. Guess she was in need of some air after that little outburst.”
“Thanks, Steph.”
“Always a pleasure. “ she winked “Oh, and Todd? Make sure to fix it. I really don’t like this Rayner guy, either.”
“Was it Steph? I know it was her.” Jason could only do as much as step into the rooftop when Y/N felt his presence. Apparently the time with bats sharpened her senses.
“Y/n. I just want to talk.”
“Ok. Sit. Talk. I’m listening.” She patted the spot next to her and Jason took it without any hesitation. She was willing to listen, maybe not everything was lost.
“I’m sorry” he sighed deeply and that made her turn her head and look straight into his eyes just to confirm if he actually did say the words she heard coming from him
“Wow! That would be the first time I ever heard you say a thing like that!” she laughed
“I mean it. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you feel like I was playing around with you or anything like this. It’s just…. just…..”
“What, Jace? Come on, just say it. Just be honest with me. I won’t laugh or judge you, I promise.”
“I had a crush on you.”
“All right, I still do!” he threw his hands in the air “Are you trying to humiliate me now?”
“For how long?” she asked looking at the space in front of her, not meeting his eyes and missing the fact that he was eyeing her with love sick puppy eyes, begging whatever deity was there that she would let him love her. Despite everything. He would put all the work in proving to her that he could be better. For her. For them. And if that required honesty – so be it.
“A year.” He muttered, almost inaudibly.
“A year?!” she cried “seriously, Jason! Why didn’t you tell me?!”
“How was I supposed to tell you?! I didn’t know if you were feeling the same way! I couldn’t risk scaring you off. I couldn’t risk…. Losing you. ”
“You didn’t notice all those times when I was making a fool out of myself just to get your attention? I mean really, doe eyes?”
“I’m…. I’m not good with all that flirting and teasing and relationship stuff. I … I don’t recognize it well. Besides, you are my best friend and ….”
“And what?” she moved her whole body, so now she was not only facing him, but her whole figure was turned towards him “Just say it. Please.” She begged, looking straight into his eyes, not faltering for even a second. “Say it, cause I don’t think I can.”
“I wanna fuck up the friendship.” He gasped, not really believing the words coming out of his mouth. But once he started he just couldn’t stop the flow “I want to love you. I want to have you to myself. I want to be yours. I want to be able to hold you, touch you, kiss you. I don’t want to be just friends anymore. I want to make you mine. If you let a fool like me…..“
“And it’s not just because of Kyle?”
“Fuck no! I don’t give a single damn about him! I care about you, Y/N. In a more-than-friends way. I’m done pretending. ” he whispered looking down, his cheeks a bit reddened. Not a long though since she cupped his cheek and made him look at her.  “Please, be mine”he whimpered
“Jason, can you promise me you won’t act like a male ego embodied again?”
“I can’t.” he shook his head in resignation “I can’t cause I care too much and can’t help getting possessive sometimes and…..” She didn’t let him finish leaning forward and pressing her lips to his. This took him a bit by surprise, since he thought she was going to ditch him for not being able to promise her what she needed. And instead, she was kissing him?
Damn it, not just kissing, that was clearly an understatement. She was laying all her love on him. Those sweet, soft lips he was dreaming about for so long were on his, brushing over his gently and yet with so much passion he was practically melting. He wanted more and yet, all that tenderness and intimacy of sharing first kiss in the privacy of nighted rooftop was something to enjoy rather than to destroy by any urgency.
And so, even if still confused, he followed her lead, choosing delicacy and softness. Maybe it was what they both needed and enough to get him high and drunk on the feeling of her. He could feel her with every cell in his body. Her touches, her smell, her affection for him. All of it combined.
He barely held back a whine when she pulled back.
“Does this mean you forgive me?” he whispered, his hands aching to touch her and hold her to his chest, but holding back because he needed her direct answer. “For acting like a dumbass?”
“You had me at I wanna fuck up the friendship” she laughed lightly, changing position and settling between his legs, not fighting or running away.  
“You have no idea how long I wanted to say it.” He answered, wrapping arms around her waist, pulling her closer and kissing her neck softly, inhaling the fresh scent of her shampoo “So long, baby… so fucking long…..”
“Glad you choose the moment when I was forgiving and merciful” she chuckled “’because you know, it could have backfired on you.”
“But you’re not leaving?” his grip on her tightened in a sudden fright this was all just a crazy dream and in a minute he would wake up in his own bed, alone and cold, still yearning for her, none of those words from before said in real life.
“No.” she put her soft hands on his biceps, caressing his skin and all those scars reassuringly “I made up my mind, Jason. It’s you. It’s always been you. I’m done pretending too.“ she turned her head and hid face in the crook of his neck, nuzzling her nose over his skin. “I love you.”
In the darkness of the roof, with almost no stars on the sky and with her eyes closed,  she didn’t notice few tears that gathered in Jason’s eyes and flowing down his cheeks.
He had her.
He finally had her.
And he was not going to let go.
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smileysuh · 2 years
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🌙 staring. S.coups & Jeonghan & Joshua & Wonwoo & Mingyu x afab!Reader
🔮 preview. you’re a sad, blue, crazy, tulle’d clown - corset and all - riding one of the most beautiful men you know, on the hood of his best friend’s car, exposed to the cool night air, under the full moon on a Halloween night while four more men watch... what could be better than this? 
cw/ tw. dark content, group sex, 6some, orgy, degradation, praise, manhandling, size kink, dirty talk, oral (f/m receiving), dacryphilia, deep throating, protected sex, fingering, squirting, parking lot exhibitionism, voyeurism, marking, horror/clowns, choking, dumbification, etc...  I pet names. squeak (50), silly/sad/stupid/messy/little clown (19+), daddy (6), etc...
👹 rating. 18+ explicit I wc. 13.3k
🍭 aus. frat au, Halloween, friends to fuckers, etc...
☀️ mlist + an. enjoy some sexy clowns and Happy Halloween ;) 
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Prologue - the year before
A shrill scream cuts through the cold October air, and two men run past you at full speed, a killer clown chasing them with a knife raised. 
The sight of DK and Seungkwan being picked on - as they get picked on every year - makes you laugh, clinging tighter to Seungcheol’s arm while your group of friends walks around the haunted theme park. 
“Scared?” Cheol teases you, tugging you closer to his side, which helps you narrowly avoid Dino as he’s chased past. 
“She’s not scared,” Jeonghan laughs, falling into step next to you to act as something like a shield from a zombie actor approaching. “She might look like she’s just a baby, but we all know she likes horror. Don’t you, Squeak?”
You do. You love horror almost as much as you love the nickname the group of guys had given you the first time you’d all gone to a haunted house together. They’d teased you for the little sounds of shock you’d made at the jump scares, but you know how much they enjoy having a girl around to do scary things with. 
“Squeak loves haunted theme parks,” Wonwoo adds from your rear where he’s walking with - and protecting - his roommate, Mingyu. “Loves them so much- I was just thinking she should get a job here next year.”
“That could be fun,” Joshua muses, joining the conversation. “Cheol could get a job too, he wouldn’t even need a scary mask- his face is terrifying enough as it is.”
The man next to you jerks away from your side, and Joshua darts out of fighting distance with a grin, only to be grabbed by an actor dressed as Pennywise. Your group bursts into laughter at the way Joshua jumps in shock. Within seconds, Pennywise is chasing Woozi and Vernon, and you’re happily walking with Wonwoo, truly considering his suggestion.
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1: crazy clown
“This feels like some kind of sick joke,” Seungcheol groans, running a hand through his tangle of dark hair, pushing it away from his painted face. 
When your group of friends had applied to work at the theme park, Seungcheol had been envisioning zombie makeup- something gruesome, something scary-
He’d never - in a million years - have predicted the resurgence of sexy killer clowns-
But he simply hadn’t been paying much attention. Because, despite ‘It’ being years old, when the group of friends come out of the dressing trailer in costumes, one of them is fully decked out as Hoshiwise the Dancing Clown. 
Taking a look around the circle, Seungcheol compares his costume to everyone elses, eyes skipping over the attention whore practicing his stupid little dance-
Minghao and Jeonghan are in suit and tie apparel, faces done up in clown makeup that accentuates their smiles and regal bone structures. 
Cheol’s never been jealous of the tall, scary thin man body type before- but he has to admit how much he wishes he would have been type cast as a front of house, sexy joker.
Next is Vernon, who looks the most like an actual clown, makeup done, in a mismatched, vibrant but darkly coloured, shabby suit, and a stupid little party hat on his head- 
When his eyes meet Cheol’s, Vernon flashes the biggest, stupidest, scariest grin the elder has ever seen- and Seungcheol tears his gaze away. 
Like the whole cast of people, Wonwoo and Joshua, who will man the second floor of the small house they’ll be running, are in dark colours. 
The former is in a dark grey straight jackety type outfit, but his arms are free, and his face is red joker lipped, with black circles around his eyes. In the dark of the night next to the trailer, Seungcheol can already tell Wonwoo will be a hit at scaring teens shitless. 
Joshua, however, looks more like a scary clown doctor than patient, fitting with the upstairs theme of psycho clown asylum… which is a concept Seungcheol has honestly never heard of.
He wishes he could have been a sexy asylum clown, though.
He wishes he could be anything other what he’d been chosen to be-
But alas, the first floor needed big guys like him and Mingyu to play into the theme of killer circus. 
Seungcheol hates the mute tone onesie fit he’s been forced into, with it’s frilly collars- but he’d been promised a chainsaw-
Seungcheol thinks his outfit is the worst of the bunch.
But then Mingyu comes out of the trailer in a horrible clown mask and a similar outfit to Seungcheol’s, babbling while tugging on the silicon about how the makeup artist had said he was “too cute to scare anyone and had to cover his face”- and suddenly Seungcheol doesn't hate his costume so much. 
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2: thin man clown
“Well look what we have here,” Jeonghan says smoothly when you come out of the funhouse five minutes into the start of your shift. “It’s a smiley clown.”
You’re dressed in muted yellows, a three piece shabby suit like himself, but more clowny- a big mustard and cream coloured smile drawn on your face. 
“I’m happiness,” you tell him, adjusting your checkered trousers. “There’s three of us girls doing emotions. Sadness and Anger are inside tonight, and I get to be out here with you guys.”
“Lucky us,” Jeonghan breathes, although he really doesnt give a shit about his location partner Minghao, nor Hoshi and Vernon, who are yet to take off to terrorize park guests with clownery. 
“I like your costume,” you note, and for a moment, Jeonghan can imagine you’re talking just to him… but then your eyes shift to the others. “Hoshiwise is iconic.”
“Yes,” the man in question agrees, eyes lighting up as he jumps into a funny position, mimicking the motion from the movie, as well as the quote, bastardized; “I’m Hoshiwise the dancing clown!”
Beside him, Vernon flashes a massive, fake smile, and it makes Jeonghan chuckle at the spectacle.
He’s glad you’re all out here this year.
As one of the elder members of the frat crew that partakes in horror, he might not get many more chances at something like this. 
“Look everyone,” Jeonghan stands up straighter, gaze shifting past Hoshi, “people.”
The gates to the theme park must have opened just minutes ago, and already, customers are beginning to flood towards the strip of haunted mansions. 
Hoshi and Vernon dart off, their shift as nomadic clowns of terror truly begining. 
There’s a group of five teenagers, who approach the clown house with determined expressions. 
They’ll be the first customers of the night, and as they move past Jeonghan, eyes fixed on Minghao by the entrance, the elder lunges a little, easily spooking three of the teens, who scream and jump away.
The laughter that errupts out of you next makes Jeonghan’s skin tingle. 
You’re behaving downright unhinged, chasing after the frightened group- a perfect version of happy on drugs, happy on steriods- 
Or maybe you just have a drug like effect on Jeonghan, who relishes in manning the entrance to the fun house with you. 
Part of your job is to laugh at him, to laugh at his jokes, to laugh at customers and be a little crazy- but Jeonghan can tell you’re also simply enjoying yourself. 
Your laugh is the sweetest fucking sound in the world to him, and when things begin to slow down, Jeonghan finds himself standing next to you, admitting, “I like smiling clowns,” in reference to you.
You simply grin, nudging your shoulder against his own. “I like smiling clowns too.” 
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3: doctor clown
Joshua is just setting up for night two of running the second floor of the clown house when you enter the room in the red outfit of angry clown.
The man dressed as a psycho clown doctor has to take a moment to recollect himself, to remember to breathe, because you look good enough to eat-
“Hey Joshie,” you great him with a smile, fidgeting with one of the puffy cuffs on your wrist that match your outfit- a very clownesque muted maroon onesie. “The girls and I are rotating through emotions, and I’m Anger tonight.”
“I can see that,” Joshua says, swallowing thickly. “It looks good on you.”
“Thanks,” you beam. “So listen- I heard you guys were doing some improvised erm- throwing around yesterday?”
“Like, you would throw Anger around and sort of play off of that?” you clarify, searching Joshua’s eyes in a way that’s highly distracting for him-
“Right- yeah,” Joshua licks his lips. “Near the end of the night. It worked out- people were a little shocked by it.”
“Shock is good!” you grin. “I was thinking that I don’t mind being thrown around, and we added some padding under this onesie, so you don’t have to be gentle.”
“I don’t, huh?” Joshua’s heart lurches to his throat, and he can’t help the way his voice dips at the notion-
“Uh huh,” you nod enthusiastically, obliviously. 
You have no clue how much of an effect you have on the men you surround yourself with. 
And you drive a steak right into Joshua’s heart when you give him a cheeky grin and say, “Glad we had this talk. I’m gonna run off and tell Wonwoo.”
Then, you do, leaving Joshua in the dust.
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4: straight jacket clown
At first, when you’d told Wonwoo it would be alright for him to throw you around, it had made him want to groan in frustration.
But then, once doing it, once getting into the scene of being a crazy psycho clown throwing around a smaller, angrier, little maroon clown- it had been something like fun and games.
You’d dart here and there, in and out of the upstairs rooms where Wonwoo and Joshua prowled, scaring the shit out of anyone coming through the space-
However, as the night starts to wind down, Wonwoo begins to note a loss of energy in your movements. 
When you run at him, and he easily tosses you to the wall, throwing you in a way that makes you narrowly miss a screaming teenager, he sees that you take a second to recuperate, and it makes him falter.
He keeps a close eye on you for the remaining thirty minutes of the night.
When the house officially closes, and the lights get turned back on, Wonwoo is quick to find you.
“You did good tonight,” he says, as you, he and Joshua walk through the upstairs space, closing windows and setting things right. “Hope we weren’t too rough.”
As the words come out, Wonwoo’s eyes meet Joshua’s, and there’s an unspoken understanding that’s passed between them.
“Not too rough,” you’re quick to assure the two, accepting the water bottle Wonwoo extends. “And I have padding remember?” you pat at the onesie- “But, I am getting hot-”
“Must be excited to get out of that thing,” Joshua notes, “Cheol’s been bitching about how hot the onesie costumes are.”
“Yeah, it’s one of the reasons Anger, Sadness and Happiness had to do rotations,” you say with a laugh, “the girl who played Anger last night was not impressed.” 
“She didn’t seem too impressed last night,” Wonwoo grins with you.
“Can’t understand why-” you breathe, reaching behind yourself to tug down the onesie zipper, exposing your shoulders and a black tank top below, “Who wouldn’t want a job being thrown around by two strong guys in sexy clown outfits, even if it means getting a little hot?”
Wonwoo watches the way you tie the two onesie arms around your waist, keeping the outfit up, before you drink from the water bottle. 
He watches the way you swallow, then let out a shaky breath, laughing as you look between them. 
They’ve been caught staring, something that happens with some frequency, although you dont seem to have been able to put the puzzle pieces together yet-
“Nothing,” Wonwoo breathes, running a hand through his dark hair. 
He needs a shower- needs a shower and maybe some good porn-
“So we’re done night number two,” Joshua announces, easily changing the subject. “Tomorrow is going to be insane.”
Tomorrow is Halloween, and your friends will be coming through the house. 
Tomorrow you’ll be rotating again, down to the first floor as Sadness, if Wonwoo’s not mistaken, and he’d hardly even savoured the act of throwing you around- 
He doesn’t just need a shower and some porn, he needs a god damned release. 
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5: masked clown
It’s the final night of the three night horror theme park, and Mingyu has just about had it with the whole thing- 
Until you walk through the front door dressed as a cute, sad, little blue clown, ready to join he and Scoups on the first floor of the funhouse- 
And then- well,  things are maybe worth it.
Mingyu still has to wrestle with his mask a little - the discusting, fowl smelling, sticky, hot, cap of plastic that the makeup artist had handed him on day one- just to see you properly.
He’s not minded the eye holes being a little messy thus far, but now that it’s impeding on his ability to see you- he’s getting more frustrated than ever. 
Mingyu doesnt even get a chance to talk to you before Seungcheol is revving his fake chainsaw to life, and the show is starting, patrons of fear walking through the front door. 
Unlike the past two nights, there’s an intriguing calmness that Mingyu feels to be working the first floor of the house with you- as opposed to one of the other girls who’ve rotated through as emotions. 
Sadness’s schtick seems to revolve around shadowing people as they walk through the space, and releasing haunting wails of desperation.
Every time Mingyu jumps out at a group of teens, just to have them turn the other way and bump right into you- it makes the experience more fun, and more scream-full too, as one of his Canadian friends would say. 
Mingyu can feel his heart racing faster and faster in his chest, as the night goes on; can feel the sticky humidity of the mask against his face- 
But none of that matters, especially not when a familiar crew of people come walking through the door. 
Seungkwan and DK have quite specific screams, and the sound fills the house, along with the revving of Seungcheol’s chainsaw- then the noise enters Mingyu’s designated clown layer. 
The man in the mask gets a blurred glimpse of the huddled group of his friends before lurching at them, earning more screams-
Mingyu is surprised when Woozi allows Mingyu to grab him, accepting death instead of jumping out of the way like Jun, who is as quick as a deer, with wide eyes- 
And then you’re releasing a loud wail, having appeared behind the group- 
Dino jumps at the noise, and is the next to run away, letting out a blood curling screetch before grabbing onto Dk to haul ass away from Mingyu-
Woozi simply screams in Mingyu’s grasp, the short, beefy, often stoic friend turning into a complete baby in the face of clown mayhem. 
Even through his mask, Mingyu can see the glint in your eye, the spark of enjoyment as you take off to chase the others, focusing in on the squealing DK-
Mingyu has hated working in a haunted house- 
But he could get used to seeing you excited. 
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6: sad, silly, stupid, little, baby clown
You can’t believe your last shift is done- can’t believe it’s Halloween and that the spooky season is nearly over. 
As you walk through the haunted house, heading to join your friends where they must be unwinding outside by the trailer, you’re struck with an overwhelming sadness, and it’s not just because of your blue costume.
You’ve been having the best three days ever-
In a fun house, scaring the shit out of people, surrounded by some of the hottest men you know, dressed as scary fucking clowns- 
Clown Fucker isn’t a label you would have necessarily given yourself a week ago, but you’ve been drooling for your friends for three days straight- 
And you’ll be damned if you can’t admit that to yourself.
Even now, walking to where you know they’ll be, your heart is thundering heavily in your chest. 
Because the past two nights, ending up by your cars, out back between the trailer and the forest on the edge of town, you’ve watched your friends let loose and relax in their clown outfits after long shifts of work-
And the view has always been- spectacular.
Seungcheol in particular- he and Gyu have been having a rough go of it on the first floor, and you hadn’t understood why it had been so hard until joining them this evening- 
Watching the way they used their sheer body size and mass to appear scarier had made it make sense- as well as the heavy chainsaw and their stuffy apparel. 
Gyu had pulled his rubber mask off the moment the night had ended and the lights had gone back on, and you’d watched the glowing frat boy down an entire water bottle, panting like a man who’d just fucked a girl silly-
And Cheol? Out back, behind the trailer, still hot from work, Cheol is comfortable undoing his onesie, tying it around his waist like you had on day two, and going bare chested, showing off sculpted muscles and pretty skin that’s seemingly impervious to the night’s cool temperature.
You’re practically skipping by the time you make it around the trailer to join your friends to find they’ve already busted out a pack of beer. 
You watch the way Seungcheol tosses cans at his friends, and you notice on your approach that there are a few people missing.
“Where’s Hoshiwise?” you ask Wonwoo as you come to stand next to him, eyes scanning the clowns in your vicinity.
“He went home.”
“Went home?” you frown. “What about celebrating Halloween?”
“He’s definitely celebrating,” Wonwoo says with a sleak, knowing smile.
You watch the way Jeonghan and Wonwoo exchange glances, and you know you’re missing something. 
“Celebrating?” you push.
“His fuck buddy has a thing for clowns,” Jeonghan tells you with a wave of his beautiful, long fingered hand.
You don’t blame her.
“Well-” you swallow, “what about Vernon and Minghao?” 
Jeonghan’s thin man counterpart and the creepiest smiley clown are also nowhere to be seen.
“They were tired,” Seungcheol answers, closing the hatchback to his subaru before leaning back against the bumper. “As much as they like horror, we all know Minghao and Vernon prefer it in little hits.”
“So what’s Mingyu still doing here then?” you tease, throwing your attention to the tall, gloriously beautiful man nursing his beer by the hood of his truck. 
Your group bursts into snickers, and even in the moonlight, you can see Mingyu’s skin heat a pretty shade of pink. He rubs the back of his neck, forcing a smile as he says, “I like horror.”
Seungcheol scoffs loudly, and there’s another chorus of chuckles, because everyone knows  Mingyu does not like horror. 
“Seriously Gyu,” you say with a grin, “why did you sign up for this?”
It’s a direct question, and everyone quiets down, putting pressure on Mingyu who folds under it all.
He begins to stammer, “I- well, you know- I-” and then he takes a sip of his beer, “I told you, I like horror.”
Seungcheol scoffs even louder this time, shaking his head, and just like the exchange between Jeonghan and Wonwoo earlier around the Hoshi comment, you know there’s a secret nobody is telling you about Mingyu.
“Come on,” you laugh, looking at Joshua and Jeonghan for help before casting your gaze to Gyu. “There’s obviously something you guys know that I don’t.”
Your met with shrugs, and a lack of eye contact, which is infuriating. 
“You know-” you sigh, “when my cousin first introduced me to you guys at the frat, and told me you were good dudes, I thought he was right. Because you guys have welcomed me in, have taken care of me even after he graduated- and yet, I’m still never going to be a frat boy- there’s always going to be inside things that I don’t know-”
“It’s not like that,” Jeonghan tries to assure you, but his words trail off, and he shakes his head, looking down.
“So what’s it like?” you ask. “Because it feels like you all know something, and I’m the only one in the dark.”
“We’re all in the dark, Squeak,” Seungcheol says, pointing up at the night sky.
“Don’t do that- don’t ‘Squeak’ me, not right now,” you roll your eyes, hating the way the name always effects you, especially tonight, when everyone is still dressed like sexy, murderous clowns-
“Are the other two emotion girls going to join us?” Wonwoo asks suddenly, nudging his shoulder against your own. “We don’t wanna get into frat secrets if others will be showing up.”
It feels like an excuse, and when you tell the group that the two girls who played Happiness and Anger today have already gone home, you watch the way everyone exchanges another glance.
“Ok, for real,” you pout, “there’s something all of you know, and I’m gonna need you guys to tell me.”
“Or what?” Joshua asks with a laugh. 
“I think she’s gonna cry if we don’t tell her,” Jeonghan answers smoothly, eyes assessing you over the rim of his can of beer. “Squeak already looks like she’s on the verge of tears- annoying little thing, huh?”
“She’s just upset that our three nights of horror work are over,” Joshua responds, with just as much confidence in his voice.
“Is that what it is, Squeak? You feeling a little upset in general? A little blue?” Jeonghan’s attention is fixed on you now, looking up and down the sexy - sad - clown costume you’re wearing. “What ever happened to my smiley clown?”
Wonwoo and Seungcheol chuckle at the way Jeonghan is teasing you, and it only frustrates you more, prompting you to cross your arms over your chest and truly pout out your lip. “You’re not being nice.”
“Gonna stamp your foot for us, baby?” Joshua coos, and the term of endearment feels so natural- “Gonna pout like the sad little clown you are?”
The word of warning comes from Seungcheol, and there’s another silent exchange through a glance that has you questioning yourself and your relationship with this group of dudes. 
“You guys suck,” you state dramatically. “I’m going home.”
“No you’re not-” Wonwoo’s hand latches onto your forearm as you turn to storm off, and he tugs you back to him, holding out his beer, “Here, drink this.”
“Are you guys trying to get me drunk now?” you look around the circle of men, and no one says anything. “I still want to know the inside secret,” you muse after taking a sip of the beer. “If no one starts talking- I’m gonna assume Mingyu came out tonight because he has a crush on me.”
At first, it’s meant to be a joke, but when every clown in your vicinity stays dead quiet- you realize you’ve hit the nail on the head.
“No-” you shake your head, “no way-” your eyes turn to the tall, puppylike philosophy major, and you see how pink his cheeks are- “Really!? Mingyu- are you guys for real?”
“You seem excited, Squeak” Joshua notes, and when you look to him, you see how stony his gaze is.
“I’m just-” you take a breath- quickly looking around the circle of hot men that you’ve been too scared to truly flirt with- “no one’s ever signed up for a whole ass job just to be close to me before-”
“No one?” Wonwoo asks-
There’s another exchange of glances, another shared secret that you’re eager to jump on. 
“No way- who else?” Your heart is thundering in your chest.
Wonwoo stiffens. “What?”
“I said ‘no one’s done this for me before,’ you echoed ‘no one,’ which implies more people have, and I’m looking at a group of dudes who all just spent three nights running a haunted house with me, so tell me Wonwoo- who else is here to try their luck at all of this?” 
You motion to yourself, fully aware of the fact that you’re still decked out as a sad, blue clown. 
“Take a guess,” Jeonghan grins, looking as happy as ever to have his friends put on the spot-
You don’t miss the way Seungcheol elbows him, letting out a guttural sound of annoyance before opening his hatchback to grab another beer. 
He won’t look at you, even when you announce his name for everyone to hear. 
Cheol simply closes the trunk, cracks open his drink, and leans back against the bumper to take a sip. 
You watch the way he swallows, watch the way he rubs the back of his hand against his mouth, smearing some of the remnants of maroon and white paint. 
He shrugs, stating, “you caught me,” and your heart practically stops- only for it to lurch to your throat when he continues, “you caught all of us, Squeak.”
Now everyone is looking at you, and you find yourself looking back.
There’s Wonwoo, who you’ve always found to be sexy in a mysterious kind of way.
Then Jeonghan, who knows just how to push your buttons-
And Joshua, who had you in a daze just yesterday after throwing you around a little.
Mingyu is an absolute baby, and you adore him-
Seungcheol is a little more surprising though. He’s been your ‘oppa’, your protector, and your friend since the first night your cousin introduced you to him, and during that first meating, you’d thought he’d solidified himself in the friend zone- he’d seemed to love it there-
It’s a shock to think that all this time- he’s been interested in you.
It’s a shock to think that all of them have been into you- and not one of them thought to tell you. 
“So…” you swallow thickly, “is there some bro code about how a group of guys like you sorts out who gets the girl, or… were you just never gonna tell me that I have options.”
“Options, huh?” Seungcheol chuckles, “is that all we are to you? Just gonna choose your favourite?”
“Not without trying you all out first,” you grin wickedly.
Wonwoo groans next to you, shifting. “You can’t say things like that, Squeak-”
“Really? But I just did?” you play innocent, even as your heart continues to thunder against it’s cage. 
“Can’t say things like that, and not follow through, is what he means,” Jeonghan says with a sly grin. “Look everyone, my smiley clown is back- you like the thought of that, huh, Squeak? Can’t just say stuff like that and not follow through-”
“She can back out,” Seungcheol interjects, “if she doesn’t think she could take it.”
And the it in question seems to be the cocks of five of your best friends. 
“I can take it,” you state, as determined as ever.
“Cute,” Joshua smile sweetly, “she thinks it’s gonna be easy.”
“We all know our little Squeak has a tendency to get her hands full,” Jeonghan muses, “just didn’t think you’d be this greedy, baby.”
“Right, because I’m the greedy one,” you roll your eyes. “Even though all five of you have been openly thirsting over me - to each other -  for… how long?”
“A while,” Mingyu answers your question from where he’s tensed by his truck.
“A while,” you repeat, throwing your hands up. “Great!” 
“We didn’t want to creep you out,” Wonwoo says softly.
“Really?” you look his costume up and down. “You guys don’t seem to have a problem creeping other people out- and you didn’t have a problem throwing me around yesterday-”
A chorus of “What?”s run through the circle.
“Oh, you guys didnt hear?” you blink. “On the second floor, Joshua and Wonwoo were having fun throwing Anger around and into walls-”
“Are you two crazy?” Mingyu asks in shock.
“It was Anger number one’s idea-” Wonwoo is quick to defend himself.
“And Anger number two loved it,” Joshua says, dark eyes meeting your own, “didn’t you, Squeak?”
 “She did,” Wonwoo answers before you get a chance, and he turns his body to look at you when he says, “you were in a daze last night near the end of it, needed a bit of after care.”
He’d definitely been more attentive than normal last night- and now that you think of it, other details of behaviour are starting to make sense too.
“Are you guys really all into me?” you ask, scared that it has to be a lie.
“We are,” Seungcheol confirms with a sigh and swig of his drink.
“And it’s not just because I’m a sexy, sad clown?” you question. “When I take this outfit off, you’re still gonna think I’m hot?”
“Oh Squeak,” Jeonghan smiles fondly, “we all know that even when you take the outfit off, you’re still gonna be our sexy, sad little clown. That’s just who you are.”
“Of course,” Joshua’s the next to reassure you. “Our cute, horror loving, cry baby.”
There’s a beat of silence then;  “Should we give her something to cry about?” 
Jeonghan’s words hang heavy in the cold October air. 
You eagerly wait for someone’s thoughts, and you don’t have to wait long.
“I think she’ll start crying regardless,” Seungcheol responds lowly. “Sad, sensitive, little clown who’s gonna cry when we do touch her, and cry when we don’t.”
You’ve always known Cheol has a dark side- you’ve heard him give tongue lashings to pledges being stupid before, but being the victim of his degrading words is different-
Your skin tingles with interest-
“Are you really gonna fuck me so good that I cry?” you blink, body already beginning to become overwhelmed- flooded with endorphins that are making your skin practically sing now-
“Squeak,” Jeonghan laughs, “that was never in question.”
“You’re good with being outside?” Wonwoo asks while taking your drink from you, setting it on the ground next to his own empty can.
“Outside is okay-” you nod. “I think everyone’s gone home. The makeup trailer is locked, and I don’t think we’d all fit in any of these cars-” 
“Are you sure you want to do this, Squeak?” Joshua cocks his head to the side, draging his gaze up and down your body. “One sad little clown, taking five of us, outside, on Halloween-”
“I can take it,” you state, more forcefully than you had the first time.
“You keep saying that, but what is it, Squeak?” Jeonghan approaches you, holding his hands out. You allow him to take you into his embrace, spinning you to pin you with your back to his chest so you can look at the others when Jeonghan brings his mouth down to your ear, lips teasing your skin when he asks, “Who do you want to take first? And how?” 
He grinds against your ass, and you can feel his cock begining to harden in his pinstripe pants- you can feel your own wetness beginning to pool between your legs as the reality of the situation becomes clearer and clearer-
“Five of us, one of you,” Jeonghan’s breath teases your throat. “Choose the order, Squeak.”
“I get to choose?” you blink in surprise. 
Seungcheol lets out a chuckle. “Come on Jeonghan, clown baby enjoys being thrown around by Wonwoo and Joshie, you think she wants to choose what order we fuck her in?”
“I guess not,” the man behind you grabs your hips, tugging you backward so you can feel his cock again, “but, I thought I’d be nice and ask.”
“Squeak likes horror,” Cheol pushes off from his car, “we don’t need to be nice.” 
“So you’re just gonna full on dom her now?” Mingyu speaks up, frowning.
“Not everyone is a switch like you Gyu,” the eldest clown remarks. “Some girls just want to be fucked- isn’t that right, Squeak?”
You really really do- 
“And sad little clowns especially,” Cheol breathes, “they’re really looking to get it.”
He’s never talked this way in front of you, not really- and his words alone are enough to have you weak in the knees, so when you add the fact that Seungcheol is still dressed as a psycho killer clown- well, you’re panties are for sure going to be ruined after this.
Wonwoo’s still watching you, and he’s next to speak, reaching out a hand to pinch your chin, forcing your eyes to him when he notes, “You’re looking a little scared though, and not in a sexy way-” this earns a few laughs from others, who aren’t as clear as you are - by the way Wonwoo is looking at you - that he’s serious. “What are you thinking?”
“Just-” you let out a shaky breath, swallowing thickly. “Just- that, you guys must have a lot of patience, because- it’s not like I can take many of you at once-”
“Some of us mind watching more than others,” Seungcheol says, “isn’t that right, Gyu?”
“I’ve been good,” comes a mumbled response, and Wonwoo releases your chin so you can both look over his shoulder at the notorious scardy cat switch who’s honestly been trying his best-
“Maybe you both need a safe word,” Wonwoo clicks his tongue, gaze shifting to you once more. 
“How’s Hoshiwise sound as an immediate mood killer?” Jeonghan laughs behind you, fingers digging into your hips.
“Works for me,” you say while pushing your bum back against Jeonghan, who’s been continuing to tease you throughout all of this-
You’ve had enough of waiting for someone to really do something- and so far, Jeonghan’s the only one who’s touched you - other than a brief chin grab from Wonwoo - so you figure he’s a good person to start with.
Besides, you’d started this whole three day horror fest with Jeonghan, manning the entrance as Happiness, so it feels fitting.
It feels god damned natural to simply turn around in his grasp and grab his face, pressing your lips to his. And the way he immediately melts into it, body relaxing as his hands find your hips, tugging you even closer- it has your core tingling with interest.
Jeonghan’s tongue slips across your lip, prompting you to open your mouth for him, and the kiss deepens, earning a groan from you both-
Someone laughs in your ear, and then another form is pressing against yours, a warm chest boxing you in at your back. 
You’re very much enthralled with Jeonghan, but there’s something on the periphery of your mind telling you it’s not Wonwoo behind you, even though he was within touching distance when you’d begun kissing Hannie- 
No, the rough hands that tug at your costume, smoothing along the front of your corset- these definitely don’t belong to Wonwoo, who had managed to be gentle even when grabbing your chin earlier.
“You’ve got no padding tonight, baby,” Joshua’s breath is hot by your throat, “still gonna let us throw you around a little?”
You groan against Jeonghan, breaking your kiss to nod frantically. You have one hand still gripping the front of Jeonghan’s dress shirt, and you reach behind you with the other, grasping onto Joshua so he can’t move away. 
The words that escape you next come from god knows where-
“Want you to use me.”
“Fuck-” Jeonghan lets out a shakey laugh.
“Did you guys all hear that?” you can feel Joshua smile against your throat, taking in a breath before saying loudly enough for everyone to catch; “Sad little clown really just wants to be used tonight.”
“Bet she’s wet already,” Jeonghan swallows, locking eyes with you as he addresses his friends, “should we check?”
“Jeonghan-” you whimper his name, a silent plea exchanged in a look, and then your friend is complying. 
He slips his hand between your bodies, manuevering through the layers of tulle skirt you’re wearing to reach the crotch of your tights and panties- 
The groan he lets out confirms you’ve soaked through two layers of clothing, and the feeling of his fingers pressing against your clothed entrance has you whining loudly, swiveling your hips in an attempt to get more pressure-
“What a cute little whore for us,” Joshua says fondly, one hand moving up to grasp the swell of your breast, excentuated by the corset. “You’re focused on Hannie, but you should know…” his lips press to your throat, “Gyu’s going crazy watching this.”
“He can wait,” Jeonghan states, pupils blown with lust, “I can’t.”
“So you’re going first?” Joshua scoffs.
“She picked me first,” the man with his hand between your thighs insists. “Isn’t that right, Squeak?”
Jeonghan looks so sexy- a mischevious glint in his eye and his smile accentuated by skeletal clownery that’s now been quite smudged- 
How could you ever say no to him?
You find yourself nodding eagerly, ready to do anything that’s gonna get you over the nearest horizontal surface-
“She said she couldn’t take many of us at once- I feel like she could take two.” Joshua’s breath is hot against your neck, voice dipping when he asks, “You could take two, right, Squeak?”
“I-” your heart lurches to your throat-
“One in your pussy, one in your mouth,” Joshua continues. “As much as we’d all love to see our pretty little clown cry, I think we can all tell you’re not open to butt stuff, and that’s okay Squeak, we can work with that.” 
They know you well - can read you without you needing to say a word - and it’s intoxicating. 
“You’re sure no one’s gonna come see?” you ask as Jeonghan and Joshua fly into motion, pressing your body back against Wonwoo’s prized impalla-
“No one’s gonna come see,” the stoic man watching you with dark eyes notes as you’re manhandled onto the hood of his car- “the theme park closed a while ago, everyone’s out partying Squeak, it’s just us out here.” 
“So you can be as loud as you want,” Jeonghan adds, eyes fixed to your core while he pushes your legs open.
“We’re gonna have to rip her tights,” Joshua says from where he’s standing shoulder to shoulder with his roommate-
Now you realize why these two are working so well together- 
They’ve probably done this before.
The thought brings mixed feelings- and a new eagerness to prove yourself-
But the men between your legs are practically drooling at the sight of you- and the rough way Joshua grabs the crotch of your tights to tear them open is proof enough of how deep into this they are too.
Jeonghan drops to his knees, grabbing onto you and pulling you to the edge of the hood, where he buries his face in your panty covered core, groaning loudly and teasing at the fabric with his teeth and tongue-
A moan escapes you, and you reach down, burrying your fingers in Jeonghan’s hair to anchor yourself-
“You look so good, Squeak,” Wonwoo breathes, taking a seat on the hood next to you so he can reach out and trace his fingers across the swell of your breasts, still confined and plumped by the corset.
“She’s gonna look even better in a minute,” Joshu says, coming around the side of the old impala. “Lay down, Squeak, Jeonghan’s gonna work on you, and you’re gonna work on me.” 
The position is an interesting one, but you follow through, relaxing back against the metal and allowing the men to manuever you diagonally so your head can loll off the side of the hood- 
Joshua looks down at you, and you watch, licking your lips in preparation, as he undoes his belt-
The man between your thighs roughly tugs your panties to the side, and all of the sudden, his tongue is pressing flat to your core, licking a stripe that has you tingling with need-
“Jeonghan-” you whimper, wildly reaching for his hair again even as Joshua tugs his hard cock out of his pants. 
“Before I stuff your mouth-” Joshua says, “we should probably talk protection.”
Wonwoo laughs next to you, echoing the word “Probably.”
“I’m on the pill, but-”
“We’re still going to use condoms,” Seungcheol’s words cut though the October air, clear, controlled and authoritative.
“No messy clowns today?” Jeonghan groans against your pussy.
“Not here,” the same steady voice says. “Maybe back at the frat, but not here, Jeonghan.” 
“You can cum in my mouth though,” you tell Joshua, continuing to look up at him when you state; “I can swallow.”
Multiple groans of appreciation sound around you, and Joshua smiles fondly, “I’ll keep that in mind Squeak, now open up and say ah.”
You close your eyes as Joshua pushes into your mouth, relaxing your jaw and allowing the feeling of Jeonghan between your legs to take over. 
It feels good to be used- good to have one mouth on you while your mouth is on another. 
You can also feel the power of five sets of eyes glued to your form, five men - still dressed as killer clowns - who are all but worshiping you, on the night where ‘the viel between the world is apparently thinnest.’
There’s something sinful about being outside - under the full moon - but there’s something so right about it too. 
Joshua pushes into your mouth slowly, testing how deep he can go with you. 
His salty taste and musky smell only turn you on more, cock heavy as it burrows past your lips-
“She’s good at that.”
Wonwoo’s calm musing has your skin heating with pleasure, and his fingers brush by your breasts again-
Different digits slide into your core a moment later, and you groan around Joshua’s cock, enjoying the feeling of Jeonghan exploring your insides-
“There?” Jeonghan asks when he touches a spot that makes your toes curl. “Is that your spot, Squeak?”
Of course you can’t answer- Joshua makes sure of that, chuckling above you while thrusting his hips, cock hitting the back of your throat-
It doesn’t matter though, because Jeonghan’s question was rhetorical.
You’re sure he must be able to tell, by the squelching of your pussy around his fingers, that he’s found just the right button to push-
“I think Squeak is going to cum,” Jeonghan states loudly-
You hear a small commotion of sorts, a sharp “hey” from Jeonghan, his fingers freezing inside of you- then lips wrap around your clit, and you know for a fact that there’s a new person between your legs.
You reach blindly for the clown who’s now lapping at you, and your fingers glide through silky hair. When you tug gently, the person groans lewdly against your pussy, and you realize Mingyu’s given up on waiting.
Jeonghan doesn’t seem to mind though, as his fingers pick up their stroking of your gspot.
With two men between your thighs, a man in your mouth, and fingers still brushing past your breasts, you’re not sure where to focus.
The only thing you are sure of, is that you feel fantastic. 
“Come on Squeak,” Jeonghan’s voice invades your hazy thoughts. “You can cum for us- Gyu just wants a taste-”
You whine at his words, hips thrusting up to try to meet the face and hand working your pussy-
Joshua pulls out of your mouth suddenly, and you sputter a gasp, taking in a big gulp of air-
You’re man handled, propped up and told to “Watch them make you cum-”
So you do.
You whimper desperately, swiveling your hips as Jeonghan’s fingers quicken, brushing by the spot that has you trying to throw your head back-
“I said watch.”  
You force your lids open, and you’re eyes meet Mingyu’s, his tongue flicking at your clit while Jeonghan’s fingers work just under his mouth-
He looks so fucking needy- as desperate as you are, and it’s the final straw that throws you over, your pussy clamping down like a vice while waves of euphoria dazzle your body. 
“Fuck-” Jeonghan and Mingyu groan in unison, working you through your high- and the man with his fingers still pumping in and out of you is the one who announces “Squeak just squirted.”
When Jeonghan removes his hand from your core, Mingyu is quick to replace it, tongue pressing into your hole and going after you for all that you’re worth-
Just behind him, you see Seungcheol hand Jeonghan a condom, and another gush of arousal escapes you knowing you’re finally going to have something substantial in your pussy-
Joshua suddenly releases your shoulders, allowing you to fall flat to the hood again, your eyes widening in shock as you turn your questioning gaze up to the man still dressed as a psycho clown doctor.
“My turn.” 
Joshua guides his cock between your lips again.
You’re aware, as you begin to diligently suck on Joshua, that there’s yet another comotion between your legs. 
You know what’s coming, but it’s still something like a shock when a hand smooths by your thigh-
“If you need someone to stop while your mouth is full, tap twice,” - Seungcheol’s voice always captures your attention - “Got it, Squeak?”
You let out a groan, flashing a thumbs up that earns you a chorus of chuckles-
Then something hard is rubbing between your folds, and you brace yourself for the feeling of Jeonghan’s cock, which comes quickly thereafter, pushing into your wet hole.
“Fuck-” the man burried in your pussy lets out a strangled laugh, giving a test thrust as he coos the words “So fucking good-”
It feels crazy to have one of your friends in your mouth and the other in your core- but could something as good as this ever really be crazy?
“Squeak is so good, Josh is gonna cum just from her mouth.”
Wonwoo’s words make the man above you groan, cock pushing deeper with his next thrust, making your throat constrict around him, which earns an even louder sound of pleasure from above-
“She’s gonna love it when you cum, Josh,” Seungcheol adds, and you realize that they’re sort of taunting him. “Sad little cock whores always love cum- and we know Squeak is so eager to please.”
“Yeah she is,” Joshua grunts, hitting the back of your throat again- “Fuck, yeah- Yeah, I’m gonna cum.”
The man between your legs slows his thrusts, burying his cock inside of you while Joshua uses your mouth for his own release-
And when Joshua cums, you’re his good girl who swallows.
There are multiple sounds of appreciation from the men around you, and Joshua slips out from between your lips, looking down at you with an unreadable expression while he tucks himself back into his pants.
“Did you like that, Squeak?” he questions, adjusting the bloody lab coat he’s still wearing.
“Yes, doc- I loved it-” you whine, hardly able to even think as Jeonghan picks up his thrusts again-
There are a few snickers, and Wonwoo’s fingers brush by your breasts again. “Cute Squeak,” he breathes, “so deep in your head you’re calling Joshie doc-”
“She’d probably have called him daddy if he wasn’t in that stupid lab coat,” Seungcheol says, drawing your eyes to him. “Yeah, that’s right, baby, you thought you were being sly calling me oppa all these years, but I knew what was going on in that pretty little head of yours.”
“If you knew all this time-” you groan, words caught in your throat when Jeonghan’s thumb finds your clit- “then why didn’t any of you say anything-”
“Too many of us like you, Squeak,” Wonwoo tells you softly.
“This isn’t too many-” you protest-
“You’re cock drunk, Squeak. Been feeling horny for days now- you don’t know what you’re saying-” Seungcheol laughs. “This is definitely too many.”
“Nuh uh-” you shake your head, “please-”
“Please what?” Wonwoo prompts with interest.
“I want-” you lick your lips-
“Needs someone in that mouth of hers,” Seungcheol says for you.
Mingyu steps forward- 
Only for Seungcheol to grab him by the shoulder, “Not you.” 
Wonwoo and Seungcheol exchange a glance- 
Then Jeonghan is letting out a groan; “Fuck it, I’ll be in her mouth- bet it feels so good- dont want to cum in this condom anyways.” 
As soon as Jeonghan pulls out of your core, Mingyu is back on you, and you’re enthralled with the way he’s so eager to get to his knees- 
Your hands tangle in his hair and you relax back against the cool car hood, pushing your hips up to meet his wet tongue-
When Jeonghan is in position, you hang your head back again, opening your mouth and accepting your fate.
Jeonghan’s not as rough as Joshua, but he’s closer to cumming that Joshua had been when he started, so there’s a haste in his movements, and a whiney note to his voice when he praises you.
The tongue lapping at your folds is suddenly gone, and when a cock replaces it, you have no idea who is between your legs- 
Which only turns you on more.
The hands that caress by your thighs are familiar though, and you’re sure - by the way he enters you slowly - that the man fucking you now, is Wonwoo. 
“I want to take this off,” his voice confirms your suspicions and he tugs at the front of your corset, “but you’ll get cold-”
“Corset stays on.”
Seungcheol, the ever constant dom, stepping in to lay down rules-
Wonwoo doesn’t respond with anything more than an exasperated sigh, and then you feel him lean over your body, hot breath teasing the swell of your breasts as he rubs his face against you, inhaling deeply. 
“You always smell so pretty, Squeak,” Wonwoo notes, thrusting shallowly. “Even after a sad clown shift and having Joshie cum down your throat.”
“Fuck-” Jeonghan groans loudly, rutting into your mouth.
“You look pretty, too,” the man in your pussy continues, “our sad, stupid, little clown.” 
You can’t help the moan of exctacy that leaves you, skin tingling at the degradation- and the sound must go straight to Jeonghan’s cock because his movements falter, and he echoes your noise of pleasure, dick twitching-
“Keep sucking on Hannie, baby,” Wonwoo instructs, and then he’s gone from between your legs, Mingyu’s familiar tongue dipping into your heat a moment later before his lips latch to your clit-
You whimper desperately, thrashing against the two warm hands that pin your hips, and Jeonghan uses you for his release, thrusting while spurts of cum rope down your throat. 
It’s overwhelming to say the least- and you’re almost choking by the time Jeonghan pulls out of your mouth, but you swallow all the same, clearing your airway and taking a strangled gasp-
Mingyu’s mouth leaves your core and you let out a wail- only for it to turn to a squeak as Wonwoo fills you again-
Your vision is blurry, eyes teary with stimulation, and you peak out from under heavy lids at the sight between your legs.
Wonwoo is there, as you’d expected, and you note Mingyu still on his knees by Wonwoo’s right hip- he has one of your calves in his hands now, and he drags his lips against the fishnet, teasing at what skin he can reach-
“You close again, Squeak?” Wonwoo prompts with a quirked brow. “You look close.”
It’s the most you can do to manage a nod, pouting out your lip as if to say ‘please.’
“Can you cum without your clit being touched?” he asks, gaze dipping to watch as he fills you- in and out-
“I don’t-” you start to shake your head-
Wonwoo pulls out of you, and you’re in shock at the way he states “Don’t touch her clit, Gyu,” grabbing a fistful of his friend’s hair before guiding him to your core with as rough a hand as you’ve ever seen from him-
Had Wonwoo done this when Jeonghan came just a short while ago? 
Mingyu and Wonwoo are another pair of roommates-
And yet again, you should have fucking known better-
Not that their ability to work as a team is a bad thing- it’s just- 
You’ve squirted once already, and then you’d been on the edge when Jeonghan had cum- 
You’re not sure how many orgasms you can take, and you’re starting to realize Seungcheol may have been right when he said this is definitely too many people-
The thought is torn from you by the man between your legs. Mingyu’s tongue is big- like the rest of him you suppose- and it twists deliciously, tasting your walls, pressing as deep as he can go-
His nose brushes by your clit and you let out a squeak, coil in your stomach tightening-
“I told you not to touch her clit,” Wonwoo tugs Mingyu away from you, and you’re both left whining with unmet need-
“It was an accident,” Mingyu says, pouting as he’s pushed to the side so Wonwoo can fill you again.
“Too bad,” Wonwoo states. “You’ll get your turn in a second.”
The man - who’d spent a night tossing you around - easily captures your hips and tugs you towards him, hand finding the small of your back-
You know immediately what Wonwoo wants, and you throw your arms around his shoulders, smashing your lips to his while he ruts against you, the whole car rocking now-
His tongue invades your mouth, and for a moment you worry about the taste of his friends, but from the way Wonwoo growls and bites at your lip, you can tell he really doesn’t care. 
Each thrust has his cock hitting a spot that’s making your legs turn to jelly, and as your whines increase, Wonwoo’s thrusts get even harder, unil you’re breaking the kiss, allowing your sounds of pleasure to escape into the night air.
“That’s it,” Wonwoo’s breath is hot, fanning across your breasts before his hand finds your throat, forcing you flat against the hood of his car while the other hand slips between your legs, thumb pressing to your clit. “Come on, stupid little clown, cum for us.”
You feel tears of pleasure slip down your cheeks when you cum, orgasm exploding through you, hot and unrelenting.
Or maybe what’s unrelenting is Wonwoo, who also falls over the edge, the first of three to fuck your pussy to completion- 
and then keep fucking you-
Until you’re clawing at him, breathless, hands knotted up in the straps of his stupid assylum type straight jacket- 
Wonwoo doesn’t give you the satisfaction of finding his lips though; with a groan, he pulls off of you, stepping away to give a view to the two men still waiting.
Mingyu is practically bouncing at this point-
“You know what I think would be funny?” Jeonghan says, drawing eyes. “If Squeak tries to ride Mingyu.”
“She’s too tired,” Seungcheol is quick to defend you, scanning your form.
“Exactly- and look at Mingyu- if he had to bottom-” Jeonghan doesn’t even get a chance to finish his idea because Mingyu is shaking his head aggresively.
“No- nuh uh-” his desperate eyes shift to you, “Squeak wants to be filled, right? Come on- you’ll let me fill you properly, won’t you baby?”
Jeonghan can have his games, but you just want Mingyu, and you open your arms for him, letting out a whimpery, welcoming moan. 
Mingyu immediately begins fumbling with the stupid onesie clown costume he’s wearing, and a moment later, the whole thing is falling to the ground while his dick slaps up to his abdomen, causing the massive man to groan.
Joshua tosses Mingyu a condom, and you’re shocked that he’s able to catch it, tearing it open with his teeth before rolling the rubber inch after inch onto his length-
As Mingyu practically pounces on you, pushing your panties to the side so he can guide himself inside of your wet cunt, you find yourself looking at Seungcheol.
He’s been mostly quiet-
And you’re a little shocked that he’s going to be the last man you fuck out of your group of friends. 
Part of you had always sort of thought you might end up with Seungcheol one day, and you’re not sure what to make of his patience.
His expression is dark, and not just because of the clouds that have moved in front of the moon. 
His eyes are fixed on you, watching your expression as you give into the pleasure, whimpering and digging your nails into Mingyu’s shoulders while he finds a good pace-
“Jeonghan’s right,” Cheol says suddenly, a stubborn set to his jaw, “Squeak should ride him.”
“What?” both you and Mingyu ask in shock.
The other men just laugh, watching the interaction with amusement.
“I want to watch you ride him- do I have to repeat myself a third time?”
“Fuck-” Mingyu groans loudly, the first of the two of you to comply. 
Mingyu lifts you up and off the hood of the car with ease, only to do a ninety degree spin and flop back against the hood himself, earning a cuss from Wonwoo and a reminder not to dent anything-
You’re too busy sinking down on Mingyu to care much about Wonwoo’s restored impala, your gaze fixed on the beautiful man who’s now laying flat, skin glowing with a sheen of sweat, hands on your hips-
“Just like that-” Mingyu groans, eyes closing, head lolling back as you begin to bounce on him, your knees pressing against metal for leverage- “So good- so good-”
Your back is to the others now, and you’re aware that the tulle of your costume is covering most of the view in this position- but you’re also aware of the power of the visual-
You’re a sad, blue, crazy tulle clown, corset and all- riding one of the most beautiful men you know, on the hood of his best friends car, exposed to the cool night air, under the full moon of a Halloween night while four more men watch-
What could possibly be better than this?
You’re tired, Seungcheol had been right about that, but Mingyu’s still doing a lot of the work, his hips rutting up to meet you, his hands urging you to go up and down faster-
You lean back, resting your palms on Mingyu’s thighs while swiveling your hips, a moan of pleasure escaping you at the feeling of his large cock fitting so snuggly inside of your core-
Mingyu mirrors your sound, and then his hand is fumbling through your skirt, seeking out your clit-
Your core pulses with need as Mingyu rubs at your sensitive bud, and you swivel your hips harder-
“Fuck, you’re so tight-” Mingyu throws his head back again, rubbing at you harder-
“You’re so big-” you mewl back-
“I can’t-” Mingyu groans, brows pulled together in effort, “I-”
Then you’re rolling suddenly, back once more hitting the cold metal hood while Mingyu reclaims his top position, pistoning into you like a madman, hair tangled, his clown makeup more messy than anyone elses-
“Fuck, fuck, fuck-” Mingyu whines desperately. “Gonna cum with me, right?” His hand goes into the tulle again. “Please- cum with me-”
Your entire body tenses as the chord in your stomach snaps for a third time, nails digging into Mingyu’s bare shoulders-
His lips meet your frantically, all tongue and teeth and gasps of pleasure- 
He eats your sounds up, hips rutting wildly, working you both through orgasms that give you goosebumps-
And then, just like the others, Mingyu leaves you too soon-
Because there’s a final person on your roster, and he’s the one that no one really wants to make mad.
“Are you all going to just stand and watch?” Seungcheol asks, cutting through the thick tension as Mingyu pulls up his onesie and slumps against his truck, catching his breath.
“Definitly,” Jeonghan responds from where he’s sitting on the hood of his car, a beer in hand and a smile on his face.
“What? Like you’re shy?” Joshua scoffs from next to his roommate.
“You watch us, we watch you,” Wonwoo agrees with a nod and a sip of his beer.
“Oppa-” you whine, which immediately draws Seungcheol’s eyes. “I need-”
You make grabby hands, unable to move from your position on the hood of Wonwoo’s car. 
Words dont matter anymore, all that matters is getting Seungcheol to come and fuck you-
“Need more cock, Squeak?” Seungcheol laughs, approaching you to take up the spot between your legs, his hands gently rubbing from your knee down your thigh- “Four weren’t enough?”
“No, need yours too,” you state stubbornly, grabbing at the front of the clown onesie he’s wearing. “Off.” 
The frat president and part time chainsaw clown chuckles fondly, reaching up a hand to cup your face. 
“You’re really going to try to tell me what to do- looking the way you look right now?” he scoffs. “Cute.”
“Ok, then don’t fuck me,” you say, letting go of the fabric of his costume to lay back against the car, crossing your arms over your chest, “I’m sure Joshie and Hannie-”
“Joshie and Hannie,” Seungcheol echos, cutting you off with a shake of his head and a humourless laugh- then he grabs you by the chin, looking you in the eyes while growling “They had their turn, Squeak, it’s my time now.”
You swallow thickly, blinking at Cheol, who releases your face in favour of trailing his fingers down your body, toying with the corset briefly before dipping under the tulle to find your pussy.
Seungcheol lets out a pleased sound. “You are wet- your panties are soaked all the way through, you’re enjoying this a little too much, don’t you think?”
“No, daddy.” 
Seungcheol lets out a low groan, eyes flickering up to meet your own again. 
He takes a deep breath, and you watch his adam’s apple bob with effort when he swallows, clearing his throat. 
“I want to take my time with you, you silly little clown-” he admits fondly, “but daddy’s pent up from watching his friends get to enjoy you first.”
“So don’t take your time,” you suggest, reaching for his outfit again. “Be rough. Use me. Make me cum.”
“Don’t you care if I cum, Squeak?” he raises a brow.
“You will,” you assure him, “my pussy is magic- ask them.”
Seungcheol catches your hand as you wave it towards the others, and he catches your eye, giving a small shake to his head that tells you he’s fixed on ignoring his friends now.
“I’m not going to ask,” he tells you, “you’re gonna show me.”
“I am?” you cock your head in confusion.
“Yeah, you are,” he says, reaching behind his neck to undo the zipper of his onesie. 
You’re not sure exactly what he’s hoping for - you’re way too fucked out to be thinking coherently - so you slide your hand down to your pussy, fighting the tulle and pulling your panties to the side.
He’s right- you’re wet as fuck. 
Your fingers glide effortlessly past your clit, making you twitch as you dip them into your core-
Seungcheol’s watching you, pulling his onesie down, exposing his pretty chest-
When you curl your digits up, like Jeonghan had, your pussy makes that squelching sound again- a sound that used to make you embarrassed, but now- you see the effect it has-
Over Seungcheol’s shoulder, Joshua and Jeonghan lean in closer.
“Look daddy,” you coo breathlessly, working your fingers in and out gently, “I’m ready for you.” 
Seungcheol swallows before tugging his lip between his teeth, tearing open a condom package in his hands. “Yeah you are- fuck, you look so fucking perfect-”
“Then fuck me,” you whine, pouting like the sad, silly little clown you are.
His eyes meet yours briefly, and then one hand is cupping your thigh to his hip while the other guides his cock into you, making you both groan from the feeling of your wet core swallowing him up.
“Fuck-” Seungcheol groans. “You weren’t kidding about this magic pussy-”
“No daddy, I don’t kid,” you tell him, opening your arms, eager to have him closer-
Seungcheol lets out a small chuckle at the baby-esque way you’re talking, shaking his head before leaning over you, planting one hand on the hood of Wonwoo’s car for leverage while his lips meet yours. 
Maybe it’s the fact that you’ve been fucked by four people already and are just- insanely horny, or maybe it’s the fact that it’s Cheol- but when you kiss him, you go all in.
You get lost in the feeling of him; the feeling of his tongue, the feeling of his cock-
And then one of his hands finds your throat, applying pressure that gets you dizzy within seconds-
You whimper deleriously, suckling on Seungcheol’s bottom lip and rutting your hips, looking for more friction-
“Needy Squeaky,” Jeonghan’s laughter makes your heart race harder, especially when others join in.
“Never heard a girl make sounds like this-” Mingyu agrees, and his words carry a note of praise as opposed to the hint of degradation Jeonghan’s had. “This is so hot-”
Seungcheol releases your throat, and you greedily gasp for air, clawing at his shoulder-
“Gonna cum?” he asks, breaking the kiss to look down at you. “If you’re clawing at my back, it better be because you’re gonna cum.”
“Yes, I-” you nod, eyes closed, body overwhelmed by the feeling of pleasure-
“Really? You are? Just like that?” Seungcheol laughs. “Sad, silly, stupid little clown, cumming so fucking easy-”
“Yes- please-”
“You’re squeezing me like nothing else, Squeak-” Seungcheol groans, burying his face in your neck, his breath hot against your throat while his thrusts get rougher- “Gonna make daddy cum, yeah?”
“Yes-” you cry, “want you to cum so bad-” 
“You first,” Seungcheol pulls away from your neck, which is once more gripped by his strong hand, pressure- pressure-
“Fuck-” you claw at his forearm, eyes rolling into the back of your head- 
You’re so fucking close-
He releases your neck, and you’re flooded with lightheadedness, body short circuting, pussy clamping down on Seungcheol’s length.
“Yes, Squeak, just like that” Seungcheol growls, pressing his lips to yours to eat up your sounds while he mirrors you with groans of his own, hips faltering with effort-
“Please, please, please-” you hear yourself repeating over and over- but you’re not sure what you’re even begging for at this point.
You’re seriously lost in a pleasure fog that’s all encompassing, and the man fucking you is your only anchor back to reality.
He slowly pulls you back to Earth as his hips lose momentum, and you find yourself laying flat on the hood of Wonwoo’s car, trying to catch your breath, your eyes closed-
“Look at her,” Joshua’s voice feels distant.
“Not a single thought in that pretty little head of hers,” Jeonghan agrees. “Our sad, stupid, little, baby, squeaky clown.”
“You know,” Joshua sighs, “I always thought you had a things for smiley clowns- what’s with this whole sadness kink?”
“What can I say?” Jeonghan’s response is as nonchalant as ever; “Giving squeak something to cry about has changed me.”
You’re pretty sure it’s changed all of you, but as Seungcheol recollects himself, pulling out of your pussy with a grunt- you decide that’s a bridge to cross another night.
Right now, all you really need, is a nap. 
One of the last things you hear - as Wonwoo helps his roommate tuck you into his car - is Mingyu breathlessly noting “This was the best Halloween ever” and you couldn’t agree more.
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☀️ mlist + an. thank you for reading! we’re all just clowns in the end anyways 
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🔮 preview. after a night of clownery, you wake up in Seungcheol’s bed. 
cw/ tw. unprotected sex, choking, finger sucking, dirty talk, panty ripping, praise, degradation, etc... 
👹 rating. 18+ explicit I wc. 2.3k I teaser wc. 300
🌙 staring. Seungcheol x afab!Reader ;) 
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You wake up in a familiar bed, your face buried in a pillow that smells like protection- like Seungcheol, and the memories of the night before hit you in hazy, lazy waves.
You shift under the duvet, and your muscles practically scream at you, causing you to release a groan of pained pleasure. 
“Good morning, silly, little clown.”
The deep voice sounds from behind you, and you flip around, coming face to face with the owner of the bed you’re currently in.
Seungcheol’s shirtless, on his side, head propped up in a hand- and he’s smiling the most fondest smile you’ve ever seen, eyes glowing with warmth- 
You have to break your gaze just to think coherent thoughts, and you let out another groan, burying under the duvet in an attempt to escape- 
Last night, you’d thought you could put off dealing with this- but you hadn’t expected to wake up in Seungcheol’s bed- hadn’t expected to pass out after getting fucked by five of your friends, only to be carried back to their frathouse-
“Cute, Squeak,” you hear Seungcheol sigh, his hands reaching out for you, pulling you to his chest even as you continue to wallow just out of sight, “acting all shy today.”
You let out an annoyed groan before popping your head out from under the covers, making you nearly nose to nose with the frat president. “I’m not shy, I’m just thinking.”
“Really? You’re thinking?” Seungcheol acts shocked. “You were such a babbling little mess of a clown last night after we fucked you-” his hand gently grabs your throat, thumb stroking your jugular, “part of me was worried you’d never recover.”
☀️to read the full bonus, subscribe to my Patreon - then - click here 👹 or check out what else is on my patreon here 🔮if nothing strikes your fancy, check out my m.list
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cripple-punk-dad · 5 months
Once again feeling emotions about God, Forgive These Bastards: Songs From The Forgotten Life Of Henry Turner by The Taxpayers. I listened to the whole album not really knowing the background or the story behind the title. I just loved the music and the artist's voices. But then I found the explanation by the main vocalist on the album, Rob Taxpayer, and:
"The first time I met Henry Turner I feared for my life. I remember the exact date – February 18th, 2007 – because the day before, a close friend of mine had unsuccessfully attempted to commit suicide in his studio apartment and I’d spent the entire night at the hospital. It was one of those terrible and typical Pacific Northwest winter nights where the rain seemed relentless and the gloom was contagious, and as I waited at a sheltered bus stop on Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard for the # 6 to arrive, a man approached me for a cigarette.
I shook my head and gave him a half-smile.
“Sorry. I quit a few years back.”
I stuck my head back into the newspaper I was reading, and he took a few steps closer.
“How about a buck and a quarter then? All I need is a dollar and a quarter and I’ll have enough for bus fair.”
I shrugged and fumbled around in my pocket.
“I’m using an expired bus transfer myself, but I might have a few extra dimes. It ain’t much, but if it helps, it’s yours.”
I passed him the change, and when he grabbed it, he ducked down to my level and looked me straight in the eyes.
“Look at me. Does it look like a few extra dimes would help? You think a few extra dimes would do any good to anybody? Take a look at me. I got a rotten heart and a bad shoulder and I ain’t slept a good night’s sleep in the past ten years, and you wanna know the kicker? I get fuckers like you tossing me their condescending extra dimes.”
He was tall and intimidating, with wild gray hair and deep wrinkle lines all across his face, and his eyes would occasionally roll up into his head, quiver, and then refocus. His thick, wet coat and his tangled beard had bits of crumpled leaves stuck to them, and he carried himself with the strange confidence of an angry and confused lion.
“And the best part about all of this is that I know you’re cheating me. And you know what I did to the last bastard that cheated me? “
He paused for a few silent, terrifying seconds.
“I bit his ear off.”
I almost pissed my pants. My brain was telling me, “get up and run”, but my body was frozen in fear, and I sat there shaking in excruciating silence. Sure, maybe he was harmless, but something about the look in his eyes terrified me. I could see the bus approaching from about a quarter of a mile away. I did the math. From that distance, it would be another minute or so before the bus arrived, saving me from certain death. I could try to fight back. But while he was an old man, he was an enormous old man, and anyways, you just can’t fight a crazy person. I could run. That was it. I was going to have to get up and run before he sunk his teeth into me, or pulled out a knife, or worse.
Suddenly, he burst into laughter. Not a maniacal laughter, but a booming, good-natured laughter, and his angry eyes became kind and warm. His snarl turned into a crooked smile, and he slapped me on the back like an old friend.
“Aw, I’m just fucking with you, kid. Ain’t much for laughs around here. You’ll have to forgive me.”
He held out his massive hand for me to shake.
“Henry Turner. Friends call me Hank. How ya doin'?”
I was still petrified. Was this some sort of a trick? Was he going to grab my hand and then snap it off like a tree branch? He looked me over and laughed again, reached into his coat pocket, and pulled out a bus pass.
“Here. This one ain’t expired. Go on, take it, I got a whole stack of ‘em.”
And with that, the bus pulled up to our stop in the rain, the doors opened with a loud mechanical sigh, and Henry held out both his arms, outstretched, in the direction of the doors.
“After you, kid.”
I didn’t realize it at the time, but he was a semi-celebrity around town, although most people wrote him off as just another one of the crazy folks that told rambling, drunken tales – amusing for a few minutes, but best largely avoided. It was true, he had his demons, but he also had a magical brilliant quality to him, and whenever I ran into him around town, I’d end up spending a few hours with him, if for no other reason than to listen to his unbelievable stories. It didn’t really matter whether they were true or not, it was the way he told them, with absolute clarity and confidence, no matter how crazy they sounded. Some of it even checked out. He’d often talk about his years playing baseball with Georgia Tech, and the famous play-off game where he pitched a two-hitter in 1979. When I got home, I went on the internet and looked up the Georgia Tech roster from 1979, and there he was. Henry Turner. I’ll be damned.
The years went by. I’d leave town for months at a time, but when I came home I could always expect to run into Henry for the latest news and a ridiculous tale. Businesses closed and new ones opened, houses changed ownership, new faces arrived and old ones disappeared, but he was like an ancient marble pillar – unaffected by the changes around him. Or so it seemed. In the winter of 2010, three years after we first met, I ran into Henry on one of the downtown park blocks. He was disheveled and had these crazy eyes, and when he recognized me, he touched me on the shoulder and said something to the effect of, “Gonna go away for a while. You’ll hold onto something for me, yeah?”. He reached into his coat pocket, pulled out a huge stack of unused bus passes, thrust them into my hands, and walked away. It was the last time I would see him.
Henry Turner died on March 25th, 2010, a product of years of substance abuse and tough living. If a funeral was held I wasn’t aware of it. The news of his death hit me harder than expected, and it sparked an obsession: I began compulsively writing down every outlandish and unbelievable story he’d ever told me, as a sort of tribute. My band started working on an album of songs pertaining to Henry’s life. My nights were spent researching everything I could find about the Turner family. I would rant on and on to complete strangers about the whole ordeal. Then slowly, it began to subside. Life went back to normal. Though I never quite forgot about it, my utter entrancement with the Turners faded.
What follows is an amalgamation of the stories Henry told me, as best as I can remember them. I hope I did him justice. There are some embellishments and I took quite a few liberties, but like all good narrators, Henry knew that any story worth telling should be grand, significant, and a little bit false. It’s important to note that Henry was no hero, and I’m not trying to romanticize or defend him – as you’ll find out, he was a murderer, an abusive husband, an unapologetic addict, and a crook who was haunted by his most awful moments. But he was also at times a tender, loving father, a brave adventurer, and an amazing pitcher, who was surprisingly candid and an absolute charm to listen to. No person can be summed up by their worst actions. And despite his insistence that “forgiveness ain’t an inherent human quality”, that’s what this whole thing’s been about for me: the capacity to forgive someone’s most wretched moments.
Ultimately, I think that when Henry was at his best, he was something simple: a kind, strange friend" -Rob Taxpayer, from The Taxpayer's Bandcamp page
Look at me look me in the eyes: "No person can be summed up by their worst actions" I'm broken I'm dead I'm deceased. The last track on the album is an interview with somebody who knew Henry as a child. It's about remembering someone that nobody else thinks about it's about preserving the memory of the jerks and the assholes and the addicts because everyone deserves to be remembered and to have songs sung about them and have their stories told in whatever way they can be told.
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ethanlvndry · 1 year
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Title:Fuck you too.(part 2)
Warnings: kidnapping, Stockholm Syndrome, toxic relationship, slapping, depression, angst, yandere!ethan, childbirth, you don't feel the sun for a while.
Pairing:Ethan Landry xfem!black!reader
Summary: After your blackout in the Ghostface shrine, you find yourself chained to a pillar in a basement. Are those footsteps, and to whom do they belong?
😨🔪ꜱᴄʀᴇᴀᴍ ᴠɪ ꜱᴘᴏɪʟᴇʀꜱ🔪😨
You've got to be fucking kidding me. Why do I always have to be the one to get split from the group?
Last thing I remember is Ethan's face changing while my visit started to dim.
Oh shit.
I forgot that I was literally carrying the babies of a vengeful serial killer. I have to get out of here. Who knows when he might come back. My statement is answered with footsteps coming down the stairs, dust falling off of them.
Unclean, dusty, old.
I try to remember what the house is like, so when I escape from this hell hole, I know where to direct the police. As the door opens, I pretend to be asleep, laying on my side with the less injured shoulder and avoiding my stomach.
I hear a sigh. The footsteps are coming closer. I hear a sharp whip-like echo resounding through the basement.
My hand finds comfort on my cheek that suffered the impact. My eyes start to water, and my lips start to quiver as I look up and I'm faced with...Ethan.
"Don't try and trick me, I'm already not in a good mood."
I'm at a loss for words and can't even get a whimper out as he unlocks the chain and drags me up the stairs. My legs dragging over a few screws and nails.
"You fucker! You're hurting me!"
"You should watch your mouth, considering how you don't know where you are or how to defend yourself."
I realize he's right and opt to keep my mouth shut as he leads me higher up the stairs till we're in front of a door. He pushes it open to reveal..a normal looking bedroom? It's kind of crazy, considering how he's a literal killer, but whatever.
He goes to sit on his bed, flicking his head up towards me, patting the seat beside him.
I laugh in disbelief at how he really expect me to act like nothing happened. Act like he didn't literally kidnap me. Act like didn't hurt my frie- no family.
"Go to hell you motherfucker.
He scoffs at my vulgar language.
"I didn't do anything wrong [name]... it was that bitch, Sam-"
"Richie fucking deserved it! So did your little slut sister, and your pathetic excuse of a father!"
He gets up, faster than I can blink. As he gets in front of me, he encloses his hand around my throat and squeezes.
I claw at his hand, trying to get free, but his strength is no match for my weakened, injured limbs.
"My patience is running thin [name]. Don't run it out. I don't want to hurt you or the baby."
He finally let's go, and I crash to the ground, trying to catch my breath.
"It's two, you asshole."
I gasp for air again.
"It's twins."
His face morphs into one of shock at first, then to a sly smirk.
"Guess you'll be eating for two, then."
"Yeah, when I get out of here."
He laughs in disbelief at my statement. He was literally clutching his stomach.
"You really think starving yourself is gonna get you out of here. I thought you were smart [name]. If you weren't smart, I wouldn't have fallen in love with you."
"Damn. Really wish I was stupid now."
He rolls his eyes.
"Whatever, just get on the bed. I need to keep an eye on you because clearly you haven't earned my trust yet."
I stay where I am, tense, but steady. He raises his eyebrows at my act of resistance before he latches his arm out and onto my arm.
"Wait!- I need to take a shower"
"Awww, does momma bear wanna take a shower with me?" He taunts
I hold myself back from flicking him off
"I need to wash and brush my hair. So I don't know if you're up for staying in the shower for 2 hours."
"You don't know how far I'll go for you."
"You're crazy."
"I know love, I know."
He leads me to the bathroom, the comb and hair stuff already set up in the closet. He even got me a bonnet... that looks similar to the one in my dorm.
Fucking creep.
I get shivers just thinking about how easy it must've been for him to get in my dorm. How easy it would've been for him to kill me. I think about the thought more, but then I feel harsher shivers. Those aren't shivers. I think I'm gonna vomit.
I hurry up and hurl myself over the toilet. Barely missing the floor. As I'm throwing up, I start to feel soothing hands on my back while I dry heave all of my stomach content.
I hear slight cooing through the sound of me vomiting. I know that voice. It's the same one that brought me here. Ethan.
Why is he being nice to me all of a sudden. I swear less than a month ago, he was trying to kill me and my family. Does he really want these babies?
My thoughts are interrupted by Ethan setting a toothbrush and a tube toothpaste out.
"After you're done with your shower, brush your teeth. I know you don't wanna sleep like this."
I accept his help and brush my teeth after I take my shower. I walk back into the bedroom to find Ethan on his bed, a book in his hand.
He looks up at me, mouth growing into a smirk. He pats the place by him in bed. I give him an 'are you serious?' Look, and he gives me a 'you know I am' look.
I smile at him walking, towards him just to make a sharp turn on an empty part of the floor and lay down. Faced away from that killer.
I hear him shifting in bed, then a sigh.
"You're gonna end up forgiving me. You know that, right?"
"Fuck you."
He laughs before turning off the lamp. Finally, letting the room morph into a room of darkness.
"Goodnight to all 3 of my babies."
I start to cry once I hear his snoring. Am I ever gonna get out of here. Unscathed? With the babies alive? Gosh, why did I have to go with him to his dorm that night. I was so stupid, stupid, stupid.
I feel my eyelids getting heavy. Sleep starting to overtake me, I let it, though. It's the one thing I can get right now that I need.
It's the third day since I've been with Ethan.
He won't even let me look out a window. Not because he doesn't want to get caught. But because he doesn't want me to escape.
"Ethan, please! I just want to feel the sun again! This might even be hurting the babies."
"No means no, [name]. Quit asking me you're getting on my fucking nerves."
I begin to tear up, my anger getting a hold of me.
"Why do you hate and love me?! You do stuff like kidnap me because you 'love' me, but you keep me from being happy because you hate me."
He whips around so fast, I flinch. But slowly open up my eyes when I feel him embrace me. I try to push him off me, screaming and clawing at his arms, but find myself exhausted.
I let myself fall into his embrace, fall apart. Feel him warm me up from the inside.
God, I'm disgusting.
He tried to kill Anika.
He tried to kill me!
But here I am in his fucking arms. Crying?
Making myself as vulnerable as can be?
Making my babies as vulnerable as can be?
Day 32 of being with Ethan. My bump has gotten bigger. I get tired faster than before, and I have to pee every second. Ethan finally let me go outside. It felt amazing to feel the sun on my freshly bathed skin again. I felt so clean. So happy and energized.
I'm not as easily disturbed by Ethans presence as I was before. He treats me well. He doesn't get as mad at me as Mindy did when I accidentally ran into Anika. Even though I literally broke a vase him and Richie made it when he was in elementary school.
I don't feel as betrayed with him as when I was with the rest of the Woodsboro group. I feel good. Really good, he treats me well, checks up on me. I even get to choose what we can eat on Fridays- Sundays.
Sometimes we go to the doctor outside. The first time we went out, I noticed how the houses were similar to the ones in Spain. I tried to keep quiet about my observation, but when we got home, I let it slip while we were watching Deadpool.
He told me that we were, in fact. In Spain. I wouldn't talk to him for 3 days until I realized I couldn't just live with him and not speak to him forever. That was the worst argument we've had since I've been here with him.
The doctors give me thorough checkups, and Jack is really involved with the babies. I find it cute. I guess I won't be struggling with them by myself anymore.
Day 258
My belly has gotten huge. To the point where I use it as a tray for my food, when Ethan and I have movie night.
Ethan proposed to me 4 weeks ago. I accepted, and I'm so happy that I did. I can finally start my new chapter in life with my husband. I do really well in Spanish. Ethan has been paying for my classes.
The doctor says I'm due in 22 days. But I'm so nervous, I'm not sure if I want it to come. I have to do a C-section. I have to, I don't think I would even be able to do a natural birth with two babies.
Ethan went out today to get some stuff for movie night and his birthday. We wanted to do it only together because we know that all we need is each other.
I've been getting a lot of contractions lately. I have a fear of it being the baby coming, but I brush it off in fear of me jinxing it. But that last contraction was something else. I was on the floor crying for Ethan for 10 minutes. Then, I struggled to get up for 10 minutes.
I feel another contraction, then all of a sudden a free feeling between my legs. I look down to see the floor, and my skirt wet...
I go to the house phone to dial Ethan's number only to find it disabled. Of course, he still doesn't trust me
I try to open the front door open to find it locked shut. Shit I can't do it naturally. I might die!
I cup my hands around my mouth to call for help when another contraction send me to the floor. I clutch my stomach hard.
I then feel something trying to get out of me, I cry from the Neverending pain happening to me. I push as hard as I can trying to make the pain stop. But whatever it is. It doesn't stop. I go through periods of pushing until I'm on my 10th push and something comes out. I look down to see the smallest living thing I've ever seen. A baby. I clutch her to my chest, beginning to cry as I hear her small coos in my ear.
I then feel another sharp pain between my legs, and remember I'm not done.
I place my baby girl down as I brace myself for another round of pain.
I repeat what I did the first time, but unlike the first time, she came out on the 8th push.
I cradle both of my babies to my chest, crying at the sight of them. My two little girls. I begin to stand up only to feel a sharp pain between my legs. I almost fall right down, but switch one of my girls to my left arm. Grabbing on the couch for stability. I waddle over to one of the drawers to get out a fresh pair of clinical scissors out of a bag. I stabilize my hand before cutting off the umbilical cord of one of my girls. I stabilize my hand once again before doing the same to my other girl.
It takes me 20 minutes to get up the stairs. I opened the nursery Ethan prepared for them and went to the drawer with the smallest size of diapers we could find. I grab 2 of them and head to the sink we installed for baths. I place the net that helps them float on and lay them both down. I rinse them down with Lukewarm water and watch them shudder at the new feeling.
I finally lay them on their diapers that are placed on a towel, and fasten their diapers on them.
I feel myself getting tired, so I begin to get them ready for bed. Feeding them, burping them, and laying them down for bed.
I keep myself awake enough to get ready to take a shower. I would take a bath, but I would be bathing in my own filth. I inspected myself to see that there was no ripping. I deem myself safe for a bath and get to washing.
When I'm done, I end up taking my hair out from my 3 month old braids that Ethan helped me do. I didn't have time for my hair when I hit my 7-month mark.
I put it in twist, then wrap it with my satin scarf and finish it up with laying my bonnet on top. I waddle out back to the nursery and watch my girls sleeping peacefully. I smile, but then it shifts to one of anger. What is Ethan doing? He missed the birth of his daughters. The store is quite a good distance away from us, but he usually makes it back faster than this.
I shake my head, then choose to sleep in here tonight, pulling out the trundle bed. And moaning at the feeling of sinking into the cushiony matress. I feel myself dozing off, and i let it take me. Today drained me, but it was fun.
I wake up to the feeling of something embracing me. Water? Hitting my face. I open my eyes to see Ethan standing over me.
"I'm so sorry I wasn't there - I saw an old friend and we stopped for a bit to talk. I hurried back here as soon as I could afterward."
I quickly put my hand over his mouth when I heard my babies move around.
"Shh, you'll wake them up." I whisper
He just looks at me with a teary doe look in his eye, causing me to roll my eyes, and pat the other side of the bed where he quickly moves over to, and spoons me massaging everywhere I'm sore. He whispers apologies into my ears. But stops when I shush him, asking to just be left to sleep.
He listens and massages my torso until I doze back off to sleep.
We had a talk in the morning. Well - more like him apologizing and being my slave, as he should. But I forgave him, and we chose to name our girls Samia and Sa'niyah. The names of my friends back in Woodsboro who helped me through everything.
We took turns on who would wake up in the middle of the night to feed them, but it was mostly Ethan since I did the pumping. We took them to the doctors who not only gave them a checkup, but me too, and found that we were as healthy as can be. And deemed okay to return home.
As I'm feeding the twins, I'm left to think about life back in NYC. We're they trying to find me. Or did they honestly not care about me. Whatever one it was, I didn't care because I'm just fine where I'm at right now. With my family, my husband Ethan Landry, and our daughters. Samia Landry and Sa'niyah Landry.
I'm just fine
Just happy
And Just glad where I'm at.
And nobody will take it from me.
Well, that's done.(or is it)
I actually might end up continuing it. But right now, I don't think so.
But let me know what you guys think!
Taglist:@lauratstrange @sx57
@baby-alien11 @ilovechickenwings @astrelvs334 @alice121804
I put a line through those who it wouldn't let me @.
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Viper’s tongue
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Tw; mention of past accidental murder, fighting, injury, blood, attempt murder.
Please do not copy or steal my work
Summary; Lied to, you find yourself in the middle of the fight between Valhalla and Toman. But you won't let Kazutora go unpunished. Unknown to you, altering the time line.
Rage burned in your veins as you searched trough the mass for Kazutora. You could not believe how stupid you have been! How could you believe that viper and his sweet words?
How could you believe that your friend would come back untouched after the crime he committed? You should have dropped and forgotten Kazutora the second he killed Shin. Better, you should have beaten his sorry ass when he came with his proposition of joining your gang to his.
How could you be so blind?
Believing him when he said he wanted to take back the Black Dragon and restore them in memory for Shin. It was so sweet, so touching and you wanted that. You missed Shin and his smile, his big heart and his advice.
But it was only lies.
From the corner of your eyes, you saw Hanma fighting Draken. The two beasts seemed tireless as they kept hitting each other over and over in an endless dance. But no sign of Mikey or Kazutora by their side. Cursing, you avoided two Toman members, refusing to hit them.
It might be too late to take your gang out of this mess, but you refused to fight Toman. They weren't your enemy or the one you should be facing right now.
- “Mikey!”
Draken’s scream froze everyone in place and your blood turned to ice in your veins, fear gripping your heart. Slowly, you turned around to face the pile of cars. There, almost on top, you saw Kazutora with a metal pipe in hand and two other figures around one, blond, lying down.
That was Mikey.
Shin’s little brother.
You two were more or less the same age and you remembered playing around with Manjirowhen you came to their dojo. You two used to be inseparable and so close.
You haven't seen him since... since Shin’s death.
And you missed Mikey.
Anger ignited your blood once more when you saw Kazutora’s accomplices grab onto Mikey and Kazutora ready to beat the young President one more time with his weapon. You bolted in their direction, followed by Draken. Unlike you, Draken was stopped by Hanma. Maybe the idiot thought you were joining the party and not planning to crash it.
As fast as you could you climbed the cars. Your rage blinded you more and more as you watched, powerless, your former friend beating Mikey on the head. You felt each hit as your own.
- “Kazutora! Stop it!” you screamed, horrified when you saw blood splashing in the air.
He ignored you, too caught in his monologue. You finally reached their level and the fucker dared smile at you. Crazy. Kazutora was simply crazy, you decided.
- “Y/n! You are joining us!” rejoiced Kazutora, but quickly lost his joyful demeanour when he saw your angry face. “What is it?”
- “You fucking lying piece of shit!” you screamed, running toward him.
Before anyone could react, you tackled Kazutora. Arms wrapped tightly around him, and with all your strength, you jumped into the void. Kazutora screamed in fear, and somewhere someone cried your name. Then, you hit the top of a car. The shock and pain had you let go of your enemy and you both rolled. You were the only one able to get a grip before falling, unlike Kazutora.
Maybe it was the adrenaline, maybe it was the rage, but you got back on your feet in an instant before jumping down. Your eyes never left the falling teen until he reached the ground on broken glass. You didn't give Kazutora the time to get up; you pinned him down before hitting him in the face.
The silence around you two was deafening. Only the sound of your panting and fists colliding with Kaz’s face could be heard.
- “Kazutora!” shouted Hanma, running toward you. “Son of a bitch, let go of him!”
You ignored Hanma and hit Kazutora one more time.
- “Did you really think that I would be fine with all of this? You lied to me! How dare you use Shin’? How dare you!” you screamed and slapped him across the face.
From the corner of your eyes, you saw Hanma almost on you. But Draken got between you, blocking the kick Hanma's kick.
- “Y/n! What is going on?” asked Draken, giving you the side eye. “Aren't you with them?”
- “No! I mean, yes but no. Kazutora told me we were taking back Black Dragon, but he lied. He used Shin’ to get me to agree.” you replied, panting. “I'm so sorry Draken.”
- “I see.” he sighed before adding; “Thought so. I couldn't see you hurting Mikey on your own will”
- “Eh? What is that supposed to mean?” you asked before gasping in pain.
Kazutora punched you back, getting you off him. Cursing, you got back on your feet. Back to back with Draken, you dared look up. Mikey stared at you, face blank. A shiver ran down your spine when you realized he was now standing alone, blood definitely pouring down his face. Turning your attention to Kazutora, you gave him a cold stare.
- “Y/n... You are betraying me for Mikey?” asked Kazutora, smiling madly.
- “Fucking yes! And you are the one who betrayed me first! I can't believe I trusted you... Believed in you! You are nothing but a filthy murderer!” you shouted at him, shaking.
- “Oi! Y/n, don't you think you are going a bit too far?” asked Draken, blocking another hit from Hanma
- “No!” you grunted, barely blocking Kazutora's punch. “He killed Shin’ and now he's after Mikey. What kind of psychopath do that? And you think he will stop there? What make you believe he won't go after Emma-chan?”
You yelped, feeling Draken grab you by the wrist. With all his strength, the Vice President spun you around. You barely had the time to understand what was going on when you saw Hanma attacking. Your foot hit him on the jaw and send him to the ground.
- “Oi! Draken! A warning beforehand would be nice!” you scolded him
- “Kazutora would never hurt Emma.” was his only answer.
- “Want to bet?” you replied, watching with horror as Kazutora took a knife out of his pocket. “Because that moron got a knife!”
Holding back a scream, you barely avoided Kazutora as he jumped on you. Your ex-friend was determined to stab you. Not giving you a second to rest, Kazutora kept attacking, his eyes shining with madness.
- “You are not laughing anymore, right Y/n? I’m going to guts you in front of everyone!” he shouted, smiling like a lunatic.
- “You are crazy!” you shouted back, fear growing up.
Because how the hell was he getting faster? You could feel the pain in your back and legs becoming harder to ignore. Your breath also getting harder to catch, making you slower to react. But it was impossible to look away, your eyes stuck on the blade.
- “Y/n! Watch out!” warned Draken
Was it how you would die, you wondered as Kazutora was finally catching up on you. You could not move anymore, too tired.
Then something hit you, sending you to the ground. A scream of pain left your lips as you heard Draken scream again.
- “MIKEY!”
Looking back, you gasped and felt tears threatening to spill. There stood Mikey, Kazutora's knife deep in his shoulder. Blood poured generously from the wound. Yet, Mikey didn't even seem bothered. His face, dark and grim, was turned toward Kazutora. Fear could be read on the culprit’s face. Neither of them moved as if time was frozen.
Out of nowhere, as quick as lightning, Mikey kicked Kazutora in the head, sending his aggressor face first on the ground.
- “Oh Gods. Oh, Gods! Mikey!” you whined. Getting up, you ran to Mikey and stopped him before he could take out the knife. “Don't! Please don't take it out.”
- “Y/n, did he hurt you?” asked Mikey, unbothered by his wound. His expression had changed, you realized. It was now softer, but worried.
- “No, no he didn't,” you answered, feeling tears run down your cheeks. “I'm so sorry Mikey.”
- “Mikey! Are you alright?” inquired Draken, running to join you two. Behind him, Hanma was also unconscious on the ground. “Son of a bitch! He got you.” cursed Draken, taking your place by Mikey's side.
Mikey grabbed your wrist, not letting you go anywhere. The blond offered you a big smile.
- “I'm happy you didn't get hurt! You scared me when you jumped with Kazutora. Please, Y/n, never do something like that again,” he said
- “I can't promise you anything, Mikey,” you replied, smiling as well.
All around you, the battle was finally over. Roman had won and you could not be happier. After everything Valhalla did, this felt like the right thing. Every member of Toman cheered, congratulating each other and taking care of the wounded. Somewhere, you heard someone screaming Mikey's name. It was Baji, followed by Chifuyu and a blond you didn't know who was crying.
You felt Mikey take your hand in his, smiling.
- “You know, there is enough place for you in Toman. If you want of course! “ said Mikey, blushiing.
- “It'll be an honour for us to join you, Mikey.” you smiled, blushing as well.
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kalisburnerphone · 2 years
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Haruchiyo “I might be trigger happy” Akashi/Sanzu. Haru didn’t really listen to anybody besides Mikey. He did whatever the fuck he wanted,when and how he wanted without a care in the world.
Haru’s motto of ‘what’s mine is mine and what’s yours is also mine’ didn’t really work to well for him in his relationships because while whatever girl he’d chosen to give the time of day was giving 100 to the so called relationship, Haru did what he wanted and they never lasted.
That is until he met you. Haru had no idea how the fuck you were friends with the pet shop trio, mainly Keisuke’s mean mugging ass but he wanted you. You gave him quite the run for his money before you finally agreed to one date with him. As cliche as it was,you weren’t like the girls that he usually went for. Short, slim usually easy for him to manipulate.
You on the other hand, you didn’t buy his bullshit at all. You had walked out of the restaurant the moment he got too comfortable with the waitress and threatened to call the cops if he didn’t stop camping out in his car outside your apartment complex.He did stop camping out but only after he bought the entire complex in your name and moved in next door.
When you found out, you had made camp at Baji’s. It took him 3 months to get you to accept another date with him which his coworkers thought was odd given that Sanzu was never short on pussy but apparently yours was all he wanted now and he hadn’t even gotten it yet.
That was 3 years ago and now Sanzu was a somewhat reformed man. He was still the same crazy fucker, albeit your crazy fucker who’d gone from fucking multiple women in a week to breaking your back multiple ways in a week.
Sanzu now firmly believed in a 50/50 effort when it came to relationships mainly the one with you, fuck everyone else tbh. Which brings him to his current situation. He currently at a Bonten warehouse, he may have told a little lie when you asked where he heading off to at 3am but he’d make it up to you.
Ran had informed him that the individual he’d ask them to find was currently sitting in their club. Sanzu waited for him in the parking lot and just as he was about to cross towards the section where his car was parked, ran his ass over , twice, and then tossed him in the trunk.
Said individual is now hanging upside down in a Bonten warehouse with Haru’s trigger happy ass.
“Who the fuck are you?”
Sanzu giggles,fucking giggles. Maybe he was a bit high, you’d both indulged in some new grade of weed Kazutora was harvesting but the fact still stood that clearly he didn’t run him over hard enough.
“Who I am really isn’t important here. What’s important is that you think very hard about what I’m about to ask you cause I may just put a bullet in your skull if I don’t like it.”
“The fuck do you want?”
“Two nights ago at Luxe, at a company dinner, you made a comment towards a young woman.”
“Is that what this is about? Tha fat bitch sent you to beat me up?” The mans scoffs before spitting blood on Sanzu’s shoes.
“Ah, you remember. She has no idea that I’m doing this. I don’t like when people make my wife uncomfortable, you see, she’s taught me that a relationship should be 50/50. And for me that means that my baby wears whatever the fuck she wants and I deal with little fucks like you, who make her uncomfortable.”
Sanzu slips his gun back into the holster deciding that killing him won’t be as fun as turning him into a human vegetable. He grabs one of Rin’s baseball bats and starts using it to push the mans body like a swing set.
“I bought that pretty little outfit she wore that day and my baby was so happy until your dumbass opened your mouth. It’s been brought to my attention that this ain’t the first time either. You used to hit on my woman until you found out she had a man, then she became a “fat bitch”. “Don’t you think a size bigger would fit you better?, why you always eating?”
Sanzu didn’t understand why you didn’t tell him shit like this was happening, instead he had to hear it for himself while he was having dinner with the boys. You weren’t fat, you definitely had a fat ass but that’s besides the point. You were healthy and happy with your body so who gave this irrelevant fuck the audacity to tell you shit like that at work?
Sanzu wasn’t having it, he’d deal with the situation and every time this fucker saw you he’d turn the other direction. The first swing lands to his ribs and the scream that ripples through the air has Sanzu smiling manically.
By the time he’s finished he’s positive he’s broken enough body parts to get his message across. He has a couple lackies drop the idiot off in front of the hospital. He takes a shower before heading home. You’re wrapped up in his silk sheets, naked save for the pair of panties you’d slipped on after he had his way with you. Arms wrapped around his pillow as you slept peacefully.
Sanzu smiles as he watches you ‘cause yeahhhh he’d definitely commit murder for you.
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shewalksoverm3 · 5 months
le pas
pairing - Carmen Berzatto/Sydney Adamu
rating - gen
this is just a little ficlet! i might come back and expand on it more but who knows. just a little cute thing ya know
summary - sydney and carmy have a conversation. the truth comes out.
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“i got a…i got a call.”
“oh yeah? about what?”
“um… stagiarie at la citadelle.”
“la citadelle? fuck, syd - that’s like - that’s france, right?”
“yeah. it is. and, uh - they wanna do a little profile on me for taste france. which is - insane.”
“so you’re - what’d you say?”
“well…i said - i said i’d think about it. france is so fucking far, we just got outta hot water at the bear, and - i think i’d get crazy anxiety being away from the place - and my dad -“
“syd. calm down.”
“okay. sorry.”
“don’t be sorry. i just - i don’t know, either. it’s - yeah.”
“i know. i told them i’d think about it.”
“if i’m honest - i, uh - i don’t want you to go.”
“what? you think i can’t do it?”
“no - that’s not what i said -“
“‘cause that’s kinda fucked, that you’d say that, to my face, you know? like - i know i’ve not - worked in fucking noma -“
“syd -“
“but that’s not fair, carmy -“
“fuck - sydney - just stop. stop. that’s not what i meant at all. you’re good. you’re amazing. you’re - just -“
“you’re everything. you mean everything to me and i think i’d lose my fucking mind knowing you’re halfway across the world, okay?”
“you - you know why, syd. you must know, by now… sorry. that was - a lot.”
“no, it’s…fine. it’s only for two months. so i wouldn’t be gone super long.”
“okay. okay. good.”
“…how long have you…felt this way?”
“i… uh… soft opening?”
“carmy…that was like - a year ago! you’ve just been - what - pining for a year?”
“yeah. i’m sorry if that makes you uncomfortable, or something.”
“it doesn’t. it really doesn’t, it’s like, fine -”
“sydney - don’t get weird about it, okay? it - it’s cool if you don’t feel the same. don’t worry about it.”
“carmy -“
“it’s fine -“
“carmen. shut up. i - i do. feel the same, i mean.”
“of course. you put me through a whole bunch of shit and i came running back to you. you think that was out of what? sole admiration? you can’t be that dense.”
“fuck off, syd.”
“i thought - jesus, here i am, head over heels in love with this guy who keeps jeans in his oven. i’m fucked.” “…what? why are you looking at me like that?”
“say it again.”
“huh? say what?”
“you just said - you loved me. do you?”
“i - yeah. yeah, carm. i love you.”
“good to know.”
“is that it?”
“no. obviously i - i love you too. so much, sydney.”
“aw. but obviously? you wouldn’t know obvious if it punched you in the face.”
“not true.”
“so true. you couldn’t tell i was jealous? with the claire thing?”
“syd. you underestimate your poker face. and then - then you go so fuckin’ cold on me sometimes it feels like i got frostbite.”
“guess that’s true.”
“it is. no doubt about it. being on the receiving end of that is - not fun.”
“yeah. well. that’s me! i’m glad we had this conversation, though.”
“me too. and - just to clarify - i think - i think you should go. it’ll be good for you. you’re gonna sharpen those fuckers up…but i’m gonna miss you so fuckin’ bad.”
“i haven’t even gone yet! you’re going all soppy on me and i haven’t even said yes.”
“but you will, right?”
“yeah. i think i will.”
“promise you’ll come back?”
“of course i will, carm. i’ll always find my way back to you.”
“thank god.”
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osakiharu · 2 years
00:01AM : haruchiyo sanzu 
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content : gender neutral reader, fluff, mentions of blood, attention to injury, swearing, cleaning sanzu’s wound yas, someone trying to give sanzu a taste of his own medicine idk they were tired of his katana antics, sanzu being romantic in his own way… idk he’s a little crazy what did you expect
wc : 533 — ik its short but it’s good i promise :(
notes : i’m really happy with this i hope y’all like it hehe :0
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he was in pain, you could tell; his irregular breathing, the way he bit and chewed at his lip in discomfort when you brought the cloth back to his torso, the hand grabbing at your waist, squeezing from where he sat on the couch, head back, hips forwards. trying not to think about the throbbing gash running across his chest. 
yet he still managed to force out an almost devilish chuckle. “what’re you giggling at?” you whispered, still sniffling slightly as you placed the cloth back on his skin. “’m gonna kill that fucker, y/n… gonna make ‘im swallow his own teeth… might even give you his head on a fuckin’ stick.” the only thing stopping him from doing so was you, settled in his lap keeping him grounded in his place on the couch. it was a struggle to actually get sanzu to sit down in the first place, with him being livid over not executing his opponent. “mikey and kakucho said you need to stay home and rest, haru,” he groaned, leaning his head back further and gritting his teeth, as you applied more pressure to the cut, fuck, “you could’ve been killed y’know? you’re lucky it wasn’t any deeper than—”
“god, what a fuckin’ greek tragedy that would’ve been, honey.” he drawled, sarcastically. you only sighed, not surprised that sanzu was more concerned with the fact that he hadn’t been able to beat his opponent — something that seldom happens. your sigh must have brought him back out of his murderous thoughts, as he lifted his head up to look at you. “what’s the matter, hm? you getting tired of being my little nurse all the time?” his hand rubbed up and down your thigh, soothingly. “i worry about you, haruchiyo,” you brushed his wild, tousled hair away from his pretty eyes, and gave his forehead a quick kiss, “i don’t want you getting killed or something.”
“don’t be silly, angel, the only way ‘m gonna die- ah! fuck me,” he laughed dryly, “the only way i’ll die is if you kill me. won’t die by anyone else’s hands but yours, ‘kay?” he slipped his bony fingers under your much smaller ones occupied by cleaning the remaining stains and splotches of crimson from his body, and raised them up to his lips. you expected him to cringe at how he began to paint and smear his rosy lips with his own blood, but he never once appeared to be phased, too fixated on kissing your knuckles and the tips of your fingers as if you’d fought a worse battle than his own. “okay? y/n?” sanzu’s voice was far sterner than usual, especially when speaking to you. he was serious. “m-mhm, yeah, ‘course, haru.” you said with a slight smile; you’d hardly even processed what he said, let alone came up with a reply. sanzu, however, grinned at your answer. 
“hmm, that’s what i like to hear.” he leaned in to press a delicate kiss to your lips, despite his still being covered in crimson splotches, all while running his thumb back and forth along the bumps of your knuckles. “so good to me, baby, gonna have to reward you, ain’t i?”
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reblogs appreciated <3
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oceanlifeenthusiast · 2 months
"It's coming."
OOC: little horror-type short story 4 Lovecraft!! Also Steinbeck too
Eeenjoy :3 no bad tws like gore but someones arm was crushed
The radio makes sounds of static. The room is lit dimly by a lantern. There had been some suspicions around the forest of the city growing. People had been going missing, as if they never existed in the first place. Perhaps kidnappings, but some assumed it could have been more sinister. Something supernatural.
What a bluff. Sure, ability users these days were terrifying, of course, but nothing the Armed Detective Agency couldn't handle. They just have to bring that detective to the forest and he'll probably figure it out eventually.
"Hello? Hello, can anyone hear me?"
Sounds from the radio. Despite getting no answer- and not allowing to be given one- the voice continued to talk, sounding like a young man.
"There's more suspicions going around that forest. I- I don't know what's going on but... I don't think it's an ability,"
He sighed. You took a small stool and sat down by the radio, taking out a notepad and a pen. Any leads on the situation would help tons. You clicked the pen and moved the lantern near the notepad so you could actually see what you were writing.
"There's this friend I had, went into the forest to see what was going on. Had a small cabin and everything."
Hey, kind of like you.
"Came back from the mission early. He looked crazy, man. His arm was crushed and everything."
A shiver runs down your spine. Right, that isn't making it harder to stay in this dimly lit cabin in the middle of the forest at all. Why did you even take this job? The money seemed so promising, though... and nothing scary had happened. Yet. So, you continued to listen.
"I haven't spoken to him yet, but I heard from word around. He said the trees had come to life. Isn't that crazy? I mean- the trees, coming alive to kill you? It's absolutely insane!"
You write that down.
"He said something that the vines were going to crush him and that his arm was broken by some vine."
You write that down, too. Based on all the information you had, it must have been an ability user. You sigh, pushing the notepad away.
"That's not the creepiest part, though."
You stop. You take a glance at the radio, and pick up your pen again.
"That ability user can't be the only thing in the forest, man. Whoever it is, they're working for someone, I know it."
You start scribbling down notes.
"I've seen him. If- if you can even call that thing 'him'? I've been trying to tell people but they all tell me I'm just paranoid! I've seen that thing! Near the water, just... standing there, looking at me. It looked human but it couldn't have been."
Not human? Well, an ability changing someone's appearance isn't new, but... not human at all? You stop writing. For some reason, it feels like you should stop altogether. You aren't sure why.
"It was- tall... and had a longer neck, with wide eyes and no pupils or even irises... I tried to shoot it, but it didn't even faze it! As soon as it started moving, I ran from that fucker as soon as I could and got to my car."
You look at the radio.
"I'm scared, man. Maybe I'm just being paranoid but I swear that thing wasn't what it seemed to be."
You slowly get up from the chair.
"I don't know what it is... or if it even has a name..."
You shove the notepad in your bag.
"It's coming."
You shove everything you need in your bag.
"I know it is."
You take the lantern with you. Throwing open the door to the cabin, you run, run as fast as you can. You leave the lantern on the ground at some point. You might attract hungry animals, or worse.
You keep running. You're careful not to step on any roots or go into places with more trees. You run, and run, and run down the path, almost tripping on a few rocks and stumbling over your feet.
Before you know it, it's over.
You're outside the forest, near your car. Shuffling in your bag for your keys, you let out a sigh of relief once you realize they're in there. Thank God you didn't forget them while shoving everything in your bag.
While driving, everything feels safer. That panic is now more or less a sense of dread rather than fear. Maybe both, you supposed.
You could have sworn you saw that thing watching you start your car, though.
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circusmania · 3 months
SIN Chapter 6
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⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘ Notes: Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10
⚠️ TW: Religion (Christianity) and manipulation at its finest ⚠️
I'm always going to be there,
Even if you don't want me to be.
That night was more so a blur, although I remember crying in Marcus's arms. I remember him softly brushing my hair as my tears poured down. Oh… Judy, Judy, Judy.
Saying your name sounds so foreign.
Going back to school was hard without her. I kept expecting her to run up to me or for me to wake up, but… I never did. All the promises we had made over the years still roll around in my head. Her voice keeps repeating itself over and over.
Omar's hand draped over my shoulder. We were all still grieving… Vanessa was sitting at my side as well. “Have they started planning her funeral yet?” Vanessa asked as she dabbed a napkin on her lower eyelid. “Don't know… I think her parents are making it a private funeral.” Omar replied.
“Oh… I see.” Vanessa's voice wavered. I couldn't blame her, I would've wanted to attend her funeral as well. However, I don't know if I could keep my tears from spilling if I see her again.
It hasn't been a long time since Judy's death, but the talks seem to have died down. Everyone has forgotten about her. No more staring or whispering when I walk through the halls. It all must seem like yesterday's news to them.
“How could they have forgotten her so easily?” I retorted.
“Must be all the disappearance that's been happening. People have learned to move on quickly.” Omar whispered, his hand still on my shoulder.
“Disappearances?” I stop.
How come I haven't heard of any disappearances? I swear I check the news daily, it couldn't have gone over my head.
“Yeah, disappearances. I think there's been 9 in total, and the police have been undergoing numerous investigations. Must be why they dismissed Judy's case so easily.” Vanessa slumped. Her eyes stayed on her used, crumpled napkin.
“But that's not right! Judy was pressured by the fucker who sent out that video!!” “It was a suicide, that's all they needed to know.” Omar sighed.
“Why are you two dismissing this so easily!? Don't you care about Judy?! Don't you want to know who took that video!?” I stood up abruptly.
Omar's hand slipped off my shoulder, and he and Vanessa exchanged a sorrowful look.
I can't believe them.
“We do care… it's just…”
“Just WHAT Omar!? Vanessa, Judy was your friend!”
Vanessa stayed quiet. She rubbed her arm and avoided eye contact.
“I think you should go out for a breath of fresh air.”
“What!? No! I'm letting this go, I-”
Why did Vanessa remind me so much of Judy?
I sighed and complied.
I took my bag and walked off. Even if I had my back turned, I could still feel their burning stares from behind.
₊˚⊹♡ 🚶🚶‍♂️🚶‍♀️♡⊹˚₊
Maybe this is what I needed. I enjoy walking around town and seeing other people live their lives. They seem all so peaceful… It's crazy to think about the fact that there might be a killer on the loose that's causing all those disappearances. It could just as easily be a wild animal… maybe both.
I wonder why it hasn't been broadcasted on the news.
A sudden yell made me snap out of my thoughts. Not far from where I was heading was a man dressed in a white robe in front of a church. The local church was located far from the school and the park I came from. I must've been walking for some while now.
“Repent! Repent! The Lord is coming! He sees your sorrows! He sees all! Repent!”
What a nut job.
I walked closer, it seemed he was passing out Bibles and pamphlets. I walked close enough to catch his attention because in a moment his whole body turned towards me.
“Young man! Oh! The Lord has seen your cries! He listens and watches! Repent, and he'll save you from the claws of Satan!”
Alright, this man was good.
“Alright… uh… is there a sign-up sheet or-”
That made him chuckle.
“No, no son. Every Sunday come to our church, in fact, come whenever you please. Open your heart to God, and he'll save you from whatever grief and pain consumes you.”
He passed me a Bible and a pamphlet.
“Will do… uhm, my name is-”
“I know what your name is, son. The Lord has spoken to me through a dream, he told me to guide you and let you see the light.”
“My name is Father Pierre. If you have any questions, please, come see me.”
And with that, he turned and went back to yelling in the streets. I put the Bible in my bag and opened the pamphlet.
As I was walking back to Omar and Vanessa, reading through the pamphlet put my mind at ease.
A God who hears my cries and pleases.
A God who'll listen and save me.
I am in need of saving.
“Omar, Vanessa? I'm back.” They turned towards me with a small smile.
“Oh? Back so soon?” Vanessa smiled before noticing the pamphlet.
“What's that?” Omar shot me a glance.
“Oh, I've decided to join the church... or something. I think it'll be good for me to believe in something... have a little hope, you know?”
Vanessa and Omar looked as if they wanted to say something, but they were interrupted by a low voice speaking from behind me.
“You joined the church…?”
I turned around, and of course, it was Marcus.
“Oh, Marcus. Yeah, I have.”
Vanessa and Omar squirmed behind me, I could hear them whispering and imagine them sparing glancing between themselves and between Marcus and me.
“Christians are liars. They manipulate believers into thinking they're worshipping a God. But in reality…” He leaned in closer. “You're just worshipping them.”
“Uhm… like I said… I'm just giving it a shot.”
“You always just give it a shot,” Vanessa mumbled.
“What's that supposed-”
“Point is… I don't think it's good for you to put off all your problems on some God.” Omar interrupted.
“I'll be the judge of that.”
It was silent for a bit before Marcus spoke up.
“Who gave you these?”
I looked back at Marcus, and he was holding the pamphlet and the bible.
“How did you- … erm… It was Father Pierre… I think that's what his name was...”
Marcus, Vanessa, and Omar's faces shifted.
“I heard that he's crazy… people are conspiring that he's the one responsible for all the disappearances,” Vanessa said.
“Not only that… he's known for being rather… touchy,” Omar added.
“How would you-”
“Not to mention, he has a past of perjury…” Marcus smiled.
“Stop it! It's my choice to make, not yours! Not too long ago, you two were so dismissive of Judy's death. Well, you two can grieve in whatever way you want! Just let me grieve my way.”
“It's not that… it's the church we have a problem with.” Vanessa advanced towards me with her hand on her chest.
Omar's eyebrows scrunched up, turning his face into a frown. He walked over to me before putting his arm around my shoulder. He turned us around and began walking away.
“Why don't you just sleep on it? It's been hard for you… well, all of us… People tend to go overboard when trying to crawl their way out of a ditch.”
“I know, Omar… but, nothing is set in stone yet. It's good to try new things.”
I stopped and so did Omar. He sighed before taking my hand in his; his thumb caressed my hand gently.
He leaned in and hugged me.
“Just be careful, okay? So many things are going on and… I'd hate for you to make a decision you'd wind up regretting later on.”
“Don't worry Omar. I'll be fine.”
“I hope so.”
He gave me one last smile before he left to go back to Vanessa.
I turned around, and my heart almost jumped out of my chest. Right across the street stood the church with Father Pierre out front. He wasn't wearing his white robe… more like a traditional priest robe. He waved at me, and I couldn't help but wave back.
He had such a gentle demeanour that I couldn't resist.
However, one thought throbbed in the back of my mind.
That church…
It moved.
⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘ Want to read ahead? Click here!
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adelaidedrubman · 2 years
"15. The scene that will give you, personally, the most joy." !
thank you mari!!! i decided to make this a fun little vaguely set in non time specific wildfire piece, nothing serious all just based on the joke that jestiny’s true soulmate is the noble opossum.
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summary: mary may does some pest control. jessie ends up with a pet that isn’t really a pet. (set vaguely in wildfire. no pairings, implied references to johnjess but john is not in this one, just nice folks being bothered.)
wordcount: 2.7k
warnings: (humanely executed) animal death (not the opossum). references to canon typical gore. mary may pov and the occasional daydreaming of jestiny murder that entails. disclaimer opinions expressed not my own, everyone stay safe and do not approach wild animals.
“— ’cause come to think of it, what were they gonna do with a bunch of fucking pumpkins anyways? I mean, seriously? The fuck can you cook with pumpkins? Not to mention —”
Mary May let out a long exhale to steady herself. She hoisted the weight of the varmint rifle onto her shoulder. She balanced it in place with one arm while the hand of the other reached to situate the protective covering in place over her ears, hoping it would help to drown out the grating squawk of Jestiny’s rambling as well. 
“— much fucking work it is to hollow out a pumpkin? Then they’re still gonna have to go through the hassle of canning —”
Damn. No such luck. 
Still, the noise was better dampened than it had been, and she tried to tune the rest out by force of willpower as she focused on the rattle of the trash bins shaking from the skittering within. 
“— that much you can even make from it, anyways...”
Fall’s End had a pest problem. 
The bin wobbled, something heavy thudding against its side. 
A very serious pest problem. 
“...peggies going to all that fucking work so that — what? John Seed doesn’t have to spend the apocalypse without pumpkin spice lattes?”
Some of the pests, she was allowed to shoot. 
There was a clack of sharp nails drumming against plastic — the quick flash of the lid popping open, and her eyes followed the darting blur of gray that emerged until it was scurrying between her sights. 
A crack of gunfire, an oddly tension easing slam of the butt of the rifle against her chest in blowback. She glanced up from its scope, looking to see the dying twitches of the large rat laying on the ground beside the trash. 
“— much you wanna bet all the gutted corpses of so-called ‘sinners’ hanging up around here are actually just folks who didn’t get his coffee order right? Ha, come to think of it —”
Jestiny had not flinched at the gunfire. As best as Mary May could tell, she hadn’t even paused her monologue. 
Mary May noted the slight ring that vibrated in her eardrums even with the shield of her muffs — it would have to be absolutely deafening for the redhead, wouldn’t it? 
“— spent all his damn money on a stockpile of fuckin’ artisan crafted organic coffee beans or something, and that’s why they have to steal shit now instead of just buying —”
It would make sense, actually, to think that she couldn’t hear herself speak. 
She grunted, adjusting her stance and glancing to the side, taking notice of the man emerging from the church in the distance to investigate the sound of gunshots. 
She held her palm up in a half-wave to the Pastor. 
“Pest control,” she shouted in explanation, nodding towards the body of the rat bleeding out on the ground. “Rats have been rooting around the garbage like crazy lately. Gotta take care of it before they worm their way inside and get at the food supply,” she added, pulling aside one muff of her ear protection. “Think there might be something bigger in the mix too. Racoon or skunk or something. Fucker keeps waking me up in the dead of night making a racket squealing and banging around out here. Always scampers off before I can run out and catch it.”
Jerome nodded, settling into place beside her. “Do you need any help?”
“Just the company’d be nice,” she answered, darting her eyes towards the redhead, who barked out her own form of greeting then proceeded to catch Jerome up to speed on her musings of the day as Mary May tried to tune her out. “Sorry about all the noise,” Mary May added, before pulling the trigger to produce another sharp pop of gunfire. 
The plump body of another rat fell to the ground from its place peeking out beneath the lid, landing with a soft thud. 
She gave a satisfied hum, glancing to her side to note that Jerome still kept his hands pressed firmly against his ears even as the boom of gunfire faded, while Jestiny once again hadn’t bothered to shield hers at all, or stop talking. 
( — Jesus fucking Christ, was she even human — )
( was she? ) 
She paused briefly to rub the sore spot on her shoulder, trying to ease a tightness from her muscles that continued stubbornly settling deeper with every stray word she caught from the woman beside her. 
“— wonder if John teaches his pumpkin and people carving classes at the same time for the sake of efficiency. Regular fuckin’ Martha Stewart of corpse mutilation —” 
She pulled the trigger as a particularly large lump of gray dashed along her field of vision, satisfying deafening crack and recoil pushing her back — too far, she realized as her shoulder jerked towards the ground, and her foot slid beneath her. 
Not pushed, she was being pulled — a hand was gripping at her shoulder to yank her back, throwing her down with a harsh impact of rocky ground against her shoulder blades. 
There was a shatter of glass, and she looked up just in time to see the pellet strike the window of her spare bedroom and splinter it, a blotch of bright copper hair — the woman who had thrown her down, she realized — streaking across her vision a second later. 
“Are you fuckin’ crazy?!” the redhead shouted over her shoulder as she ran forward towards the garbage cans Mary May had been targeting. 
“Are you alright?” Jerome asked deep with worry, rushing to her side to slip a supportive hand under her back and lift her to sit upright, scanning her for injuries. 
“Are you fucking serious?” Mary May grumbled in reply, unsure to whom. 
“The fuck is wrong with you?” Jestiny screamed back at her, crouching down beside the dumpster. “The fuck do you think you’re doing? Shooting like that?!” 
“The fuck do I —” She felt the impulse to reach for her gun again. “I’m shooting rats, like I have been all morning!” she barked, brushing the dirt from her clothing. “The fuck are you doing?!” 
“This is not a fucking rat!” the redhead screeched as her hands shot behind the garbage, auburn brow wrinkled with some strange mix of fury and panic. “This is a fuckin’ opossum you almost killed over here!” 
“What?” she spat, leaning forward. 
“I said you almost killed a fucking opossum, you fuckin’ lunatic!” she briefly shot her head to the side to snap, before directing her attention back in front of her. “Look at him,” she cried, pulling from behind the dumpster to hold in display the most hideous excuse for an overgrown rat Mary May thought she’d ever seen, with its coarse gray fur and long, bald tail. She shuddered as Jestiny brought the rigid body of the creature into her lap, limp pink tongue rolling out from long rows of sharp teeth to fall atop the bare skin of her leg. “You scared him so bad he’s playing dead.” 
Mary May scoffed, pushing herself up to stand with Jerome’s supportive hands following her. “Well move out of the way so I can make it more than just an act,” she said, bending to reach for her rifle. “That must be the big fucker who’s been causing me trouble.” 
Jessie’s eyes bulged, her jaw dropping to flash a look of shocked offense. “You cannot kill a fucking opossum.” 
“I can,” she replied flatly. “It’s just another one of the vermin roaming around. I don’t care what kinda big, special rodent it is. It’s a nuisance, and a threat to our food supply.” 
“Opossums are fuckin’ marsupials, Mary May!” she growled, jerking her head forward and baring teeth in a snarl. “Not rats!” she added with a glare, before looking down at the animal in her lap with softening eyes. “The females have pouches, even. Like kangaroos,” she said with a beaming smile, running a hand over the exposed belly of the creature. “Looks like this little critter is a fella, though.” 
“A kangaroo sized rat,” she nodded, deadpan. “Real fascinating, Dep.” 
“Very interesting. You seem to know a great deal about opossums,” Jerome added with a nervous smile and a tone of disarming praise one would expect to hear used to appease a child throwing a tantrum as he took a few careful steps towards the redhead. 
Mary May wasn’t entirely sure if it was Jestiny or the opossum that hissed at him. Either way, he stopped in his tracks. 
“And you can give us an earful on everything you know about ’em later,” Mary May said, putting a hand on her hip. “But right now I gotta deal with the one rifling through my trash.” 
Jessie threw a protective arm around the creature, scooping it up to cradle against her chest. “No fuckin’ way,” she ground out. The opossum’s shiny pink nose twitched, sniffing at the woman’s chin then breaking its paralyzed act to crane its head further and rub against her jaw. “Over my dead body are you fucking killing this opossum.” 
Was that supposed to be a threat instead of a bonus? 
“Don’t test me, Rook.” 
“That’s a fuckin’ order,” she barked, rising to stand as if it gave her some authority, opossum still held to her bosom. “As a fucking law enforcement officer I am ordering you to not touch a hair on this guy’s little head.” 
“Rook —” 
“Deputy Rook, to you.” 
“Do you seriously expect that to fly?” She cocked an eyebrow. “You don’t have any authority to tell me not to kill vermin on my own —” 
“He’s not vermin,” she interrupted, looking down to press a kiss to the creature’s head. “You know how rare opossums are around here? I think this is the first time I’ve ever seen one. They aren’t native to Montana,” she said pointedly. “This little guy must be a transplant from down south somewhere, like me,” she chuckled, scratching behind the animal’s tiny rounded ears. 
Mary May thought that was the first time she’d ever heard Jestiny mention anything about where she was from. 
She thought about suggesting Jessie and the opossum both leave and go back home. 
“As far as I’m concerned, that makes it an endangered species around here,” Jessie said resolutely. She patted the opossum’s back at the statement, and its sharp little claws dug into the denim of her overalls to pull itself up them, crawling up her chest to sit perched on her shoulder, as if taunting the bartender. “And therefore under my fuckin’ protection as law enforcement.” 
“You’ve have to be fucking kidding me.” 
“I’ll arrest you Mary May, I swear to —” 
“This isn’t the sort of thing we should be letting ourselves get upset over. I’m sure we can —” 
“I’m not gonna sit around and let that thing eat all our food and spread disease all over town until our resistance is taken down by a fucking opossum,” Mary May said firmly, stepping past Jerome. 
“Opossums have low fucking disease rates, thank you very much! They’re fuckin’ immune to rabies!” she shot back. “They eat shit like ticks that do spread diseases, in fact! So tell Hank here thank you for the lack of Lyme disease goin’ around!”
“Hank —?” 
“Be more likely to catch something from that stupid fuckin’ show dog y’all are always fawning over for whatever fucking reason than this little guy,” she grumbled, scratching the animal’s chin. “And he’s fuckin’ cuter, too.”
Mary May shook her head. “You think that thing is cute?” 
Jestiny cocked her head in what appeared to be genuine confusion. 
“Well, yeah,” she answered, flicking her eyes towards the opossum. “Just look at him!” 
She pulled the animal from her shoulder by the tail, allowing the hairless length of it to wrap in a coil around her arm so that he hung upside down by it, grinning up at Mary May with wide rows of glinting pointed teeth as he swung suspended. 
Her stomach turned. “Is this one of your shitty jokes?” 
“I’m serious,” she huffed, pushing out her bottom lip. “I’ve always thought opossums were adorable,” she insisted. She turned her arm so as to reel the creature in by the tail and flip it over, so that it now rested balanced atop her forearm as she gazed at it. 
“I mean, the beady little eyes.” The animal looked up at her, making an affectionate chittering sound as if in response. “That long pointy snout,” she added, tapping a finger against its pink nose. “The big ol’ grin with all them sharp teeth,” she continued, trailing her fingers back to scratch between its eyes. “Those tiny grabby hands,” she laughed, craning her neck until the opossum reached out to grasp her nose with bony, clawed fingers. “So cute,” she squawked, extra nasally from the pressure of the fingers gripping her nose. 
Mary May stared in silent awe for a moment. “You know, Rook, I think this is somehow both the most and least I’ve ever understood you.” 
“Well,” Jestiny cleared her throat, finally breaking the adoring gaze she’d held with the opossum to swing her head towards Mary May. “Only thing you really need to understand is that this little guy is sticking around for good.” 
“Not in my fucking —” 
“You know,” Jerome whispered to the bartender in subtle interjection, stepping towards her to speak under his breath as the redhead resumed cooing at her overgrown rat. “I think this could actually be good for her.” 
Mary May shot him a look of disbelief. 
“I used to minister to prisoners, and some of the prisons I would visit had programs that allowed the inmates to take in shelter animals, and keep them as pets,” he explained, looking over his glasses at Mary May. “Having something to care for really helped them. I saw many of those who were struggling suddenly develop a new sense of responsibility and kindness. There’s even evidence it helps with rehabilitation into society,” he murmured. “A pet could be good for her.” 
Mary May squinted at the Pastor. “Isn’t you thinking to make that comparison in the first place a sign she should be in a prison?” she replied. “Not in my fucking bar with a —” 
“Jerome!” the redhead chirped, suddenly right in front of them and shoving the opossum once again hanging off her arm into their faces. “You think he’s cute, don’t you?” 
“He’s —” Jerome coughed, adjusting his glasses with a nervous laugh. “Noah must have put them on the arc for a reason.” 
“Well, I’m not as generous as Noah,” Mary May said, crossing her arms. “You wanna invite a opossum into your own house? Fine by me. But as long as you’re staying in mine, you’re not bringing in a dirty, ugly trash animal as a fucking pet.” 
“Pet?” Jessie scoffed, her shoulders shaking with laughter. “Don’t be fuckin’ stupid, you can’t keep an opossum as a pet. They’re wild animals.” 
“Are you —” 
“Hank here isn’t meant to be a pet,” she shook her head, holding the opossum close to her so that its skinny snout pressed against her cheek. “We belong to nobody, and nobody belongs to us,” she shoved her chin up high in the air to whine in an unnatural falsetto. “We don’t even belong to each other.” 
“You also don’t belong in my bar.” 
“Breakfast at Tiff —” 
“I got the reference.” 
“Pretty okay movie, right? Doesn’t live up to the book, but…” she shrugged. “Anyways, you don’t have to worry about Hank and me,” she said, tucking the opossum into the front pouch of her overalls, then tilting her head to nuzzle her nose against its, as the animal looked back up at her. “He’s not a pet. He’s just gonna hang out with me.” 
“Not in my —” 
But the redhead was gone, skipping through the back entrance to the Spread Eagle before she could finish the statement. 
Mary May sighed, clicking the safety on her rifle and hoisting it over her shoulder to carry into the bar with her as she followed the woman — thinking better of it, as she reached the door, propping it against the wall instead. 
“Jerome,” she paused in the doorway to turn back and address the Pastor, eyes briefly falling to the rifle again. “If I go to jail for killing her, try to see to it I get sent to one of the ones where they let you keep pets,” she said, turning forward. “Normal ones,” she added with a shiver. “Not opossums.” 
He nodded, gravely, smile falling. 
Some pests she was allowed to kill. 
Some she wasn’t.
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fuzzydreamin · 11 months
What The Companions Say About... Raiders!
I'm posting these just because I find the companions in-game reactions to things rather interesting. You might be surprised by what some of them have to say about certain things.
These are just their dialogues for during combat and after combat or walking through areas inhabited by this enemy type. It does not include anything from specific areas, quests, or other dialogue.
⌨ Ada
⌨: Ridding the Commonwealth of Raiders is close to providing a public service. ⌨: Raiders are one of the lowest forms of humanity… an embarrassment to your species. ⌨: We should be able to scavenge some useful items from these lowlife Raiders. ⌨: According to my database, Raiders rank astonishingly low when it comes to common sense… and personal hygiene. ⌨: Be careful, ma'am. Raiders tend to plant mines near their encampments.
☘ Cait
☘: Raiders, eh? Bunch of nobs if you ask me. ☘: These idiots again? ☘: Good, I was hopin' to get in some target practice. ☘: Nothin's stupider than a hungry Raider. ☘: Nothing makes me happier than stompin' a bunch of Raiders.
⚙ Codsworth
⚙: Let's get these psychopaths! ⚙: Raiders! ⚙: {Neutral} Raiders, mum! Let's show them what for!
⚙: {Disgust} Bloody psychotic gits. If you'll pardon my French, mum. ⚙: {Concerned} Be on the lookout for psychopaths, mum. ⚙: These nutters are completely off their rockers. ⚙: {with bravado} Point me at the next Raider you see. I'll take out the rubbish! ⚙: Bloody beastly Raiders.
⚕ Curie
⚕: These raiders are quite a problem. ⚕: The raiders have no respect for personal property. ⚕: Does anyone up here engage in civilised discourse? ⚕: I suppose raiders are technically still homo sapiens. ⚕: I feel no remorse for terminating raiders. They offend me.
♞ Danse
♞: The Brotherhood's been dealing with this rabble ever since we set foot on Commonwealth soil. ♞: Raiders care only for themselves. There's no honour among them. ♞: Raiders are no better than a pack of wild dogs fighting over scraps of meat. ♞: Where do these fools come from? They seem to multiply like vermin. ♞: The Commonwealth will never be safe with these idiots running around.
🕶 Deacon
🕶: God damned raiders. 🕶: If there's one thing the Minutemen did that I was OK with, it's curbing the damned raiders. 🕶: The lowest level of Hell is reserved for Raiders. And liars. Uh oh. 🕶: Any time you want to take on more Raiders, I'm in. 🕶: Raiders, raiders, and yet more damned raiders. 🕶: I know those raider can seem like idiots, but you should see their handiwork. We've done some good clearing them out.
☠ Gage
☠: These poor assholes… Joined up with the wrong gang, and it's gonna cost 'em. ☠: They've got the right idea, but they're going about it all wrong. Poor fuckers. ☠: Half of these idiots are drugged out of their minds. No foresight whatsoever. ☠: I'm all for having a good time, but you gotta know when you're outmatched. ☠: Well, maybe we can steal some of the shit they've stolen. And the great circle of life goes on.
☣ Hancock
☣: {Neutral} Gotta be a rough life. Ya don't see many old Raiders. ☣: {Puzzled} They think those outfits make them look tough? Looks to me like they got dressed in the dark. ☣: {Neutral} Damn scavengers. ☣: {Neutral} Most Raiders got more guts than brains. Don't keep either for long. ☣: {Neutral} Desperate folks making bad decisions.
☸ Longfellow
☸: {Confident, this enemy is not a real threat} Easy pickin's. ☸: {Confident, this enemy is not a real threat} Raiders are too crazy to fight smart. ☸: {Confident, this enemy is not a real threat} Suppose it's worth takin' these raiders down to see if they got anythin' useful. ☸: {Confident, this enemy is not a real threat} Need some snipin' practice, cap'n? Raiders are easy targets.
⨁ MacCready
⨁: There's no doubt about it. Raiders are the scum of the Commonwealth. ⨁: It's a pleasure to kill these guys. ⨁: Don't bother reasoning with a Raider. A bullet between the eyes is all they understand. ⨁: Let's just dust these idiots and be done with the place. ⨁: These morons steal anything that isn't nailed down. Like rats instead of men.
✉ Piper
✉: {Irritated} Wish we could just put these jerks and the Super Mutants in a cage and let 'em ruin each other's day instead of all of ours. ✉: {Angry / Stern} Deathclaws, Ferals, even bots. They don't know what they're doing. But Raiders, they choose to be this cruel. ✉: {Irritated} What kind of whack job would choose this life? ✉: {Neutral} I don't like having to kill anyone, but for Raiders, I'll almost make an exception. ✉: {Stern} Raiders. Humanity at its absolute worst.
☀ Preston
☀: Damn raiders. Preying on the hard-working people of the Commonwealth is about as low as you can get. ☀: I guess these raiders think it's easier to just take what you want than it is to work for it. ☀: What these raiders don't understand is that life's hard enough without people turning on each other. ☀: Stealing peoples' food and water… man, I've got no sympathy for someone who does that. ☀: I try to see the best in people, but these low-life bandits make it difficult, you know what I mean?
☢ Strong
☢: These humans weak. ☢: Strong smash puny human raiders. ☢: Strong can kill three raiders, one blow. ☢: Raiders like war paint. Hide ugly faces. ☢: Maybe these humans have milk of human kindness.
☾ X6-88
☾: {Grim confidence} If they were smart, these raiders would run. ☾: {Cocky} Let's teach these low-lifes a lesson, ma'am. ☾: {Arrogant} Raiders… sloppy tactics, unreliable gear and drunk half the time. Not much of a challenge. ☾: {Disgust} These aren't people, they're parasites. ☾: {Grim humour} I don't mind telling you, ma'am, any day I get to air out some raiders is a good day.
My notes:
Ain't no one like raiders. Not even Gage is sorry to kill them (so long as they aren't Nuka World raiders).
Ada calling it a public service -perfect Minuteman material right there. She's even already blue.
"I feel no remorse for terminating raiders. They offend me." Savage, Curie. Savage.
Deacon's guff with the Minutemen coming up. I really don't think the Railroad's dislike of the MM is very deserved. Maybe a little, but not as much as it is. It's not their fault most people in the Commonwealth fear synths, especially when actual infiltrators pop up in settlements (random event - they even admit to you to being sent by the Institute if you pass the speech check, asking you to help them blend in again by killing the actual settler who discovered them).
Hancock does show some tiny amount of sympathy. Not enough to spare them, they still made the wrong choices, but hey, he knows what a hard life can do to people.
"These morons steal anything that isn't nailed down. Like rats instead of men." is rich coming from a thief and the very ratman himself, Mac.
"Raiders like war paint. Hide ugly faces." 🔥🔥🔥
Not much else to say. Everyone hates raiders. Everyone thinks they're pretty small-game. Bethesda really lacks on giving us any proper world building around these guys (though if you want that, check out the terminals and notes you can find in raider dens -some of that's real good, too bad it doesn't make it to actual gameplay).
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cadaveraaa · 2 years
I don’t think we take into account how terrifying the serpentine really are. Like ooooh yea spooky they’re evil and they can do crazy shit like hypnotize people and drill into the earth yea cool whatever. but like, I don’t think we’re really taking into account like them as a species??
Idk man, unless I’m missing something here, all of them are roughly the size of an adult human. Here’s some statistics for yall: a snake can only stand upright about 1/3 of it’s total body mass. So say, a 10ft snake in length could stand around 3 to 4ft. The average human man is about 5′7.5ft. Ok so a 10ft snake would stand like this next to an average guy:
Tumblr media
(left fig is rated at height 5′7.5ft or 171.45 cm and right fig is rated at height 3.5ft or 106.68cm)
So cool, right? seems chill. that’s nature whoop di do or whatever
except all the generals of the Serpentine are around the same height as the tall guy, if not taller (more likely the latter). So if 1/3 of their body mass is about 171.45 cm (5′7.5ft), then that would make them about 514.40 cm in length. Or, you know. About 17 feet. Which is roughly the size of a canoe. Or about the legal standing point for competitive axe-throwing. Whichever one puts it more into perspective for you.
I mean, it’s a funny thought to think of a canoe being intimidating, but the idea of a snake being like 17ft in length, talking and with arms, with the ability to fight and use weapons, yea no fuck that.
But let’s not also forget that just because it’s an average height, it is not the absolute height. So some of these fuckers might be taller than 5′7.5ft. Some of them could range all the way up to 6ft or more; I mean, look at Pythor in comparison to Scales: 
Tumblr media
(sorry its blurry but you get the point)
He towers over that motherfucker. He’s easily like 6′2ft or 6′3ft, if not more. And his head is bent down. If he stood up straight, or was laid out flat, jesus h christ could yall imagine???
and that’s just the generals. Like the regular serpentine warriors are the average male height iirc and they’re not built like regular snakes (as if the generals are), but they instead stand on two legs. and idk chief, but the thought of snakes, instead of slithering around, being able to run and stand like any other human being, trained specifically for fighting and killing, is something horrifying to me.
Anyways, the point of this was that i hate snakes and if i lived in ninjago i think i wouldve fucking died, elemental abilities be damned. thank you and good night
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For your silly Descendants prompts, Jade drops by and gives Jay his eels back while he's on a date with Lonnie?
This was fun! Even though Jade proceeds to curse Jay to the next week and then flirt with Lonnie. You know, like you do. The cousins used the same survival tactic on the Isle, after all.
To say that Lonnie is slightly confused would be an understatement, though.
I hope you enjoy this!
You see, Lonnie has finally persuaded Jay to do a normal date for once. No crazy warrior training, not even regular sparring, no parkour, no dance clubs so loud you can barely hear your own thoughts – though to be fair, all of these do make for rather enjoyable dates, and the dance clubs are in fact Lonnie’s favourite.
But a coffee shop date could be nice, too, right? It’s always great to try new things and she is fairly certain Jay has never been on a proper coffee shop date.
They’re sitting in the booth, quietly sipping their coffee, and, yeah, well, discussing the best strategies for their upcoming ROAR match.
It’s pretty fun, actually, and Jay holds her hand most of the time, running his thumb over her knuckles back and forth. Overall, a nice date.
Up he suddenly tenses, staring somewhere behind her shoulders and at the entrance – of course he wanted to see the doors – and starts swearing.
„Hide me,“ he demands in a whisper, ducking behind a hilariously tiny printed menu.
Of course, Lonnie immediately turns to see for herself what is happening.
But she sees nothing unusual? Only a girl with long dark hair and a leather jacket over her shoulders? Well, she does have some scars over her exposed arms, so she’s probably of the Isle? Maybe there is some grievance between her and her boyfriend she is not aware of?
The girl heads to their table without any hesitation and drops her backpack on it with suspiciously heavy thud. Jay stopped trying to hide behind the menu and is now looking at the girl with awkward half-smirk.
„Hi, Jade!“ he says, finally regaining his footing a bit, „Long time no see!“
„And whose fault is that, fucker?“ 
„Sorry?“ Jay grins sheepishly, „There is no team in I?“
„Whatever,“ Jade snorts, somewhat amused? And Lonnie is starting to get a bit lost in what on earth is going on.
„I still think you are a moron, but I’ve got something for you.“
At that, Jay immediately backs away, not even trying to be inconspicuous. Lonnie decides she’s safer off copying him, as one never knows how dangerous exactly the gifts from the Isle children are gonna be. She has learned the hard way, after all. 
Freddie Facilier and CJ Hook. Do not ask.
Jade snorts again.
„It’s Lagan and Derelict, you dimwit. If I wanted you dead, you’d be already.“
Well, that’s reassuring.
Jay lifts his eyebrow at him and Jade, unfortunately, continues, smiling sweetly:
„Or not. I might want to take my sweet sweet time… You know me too well, cousin.“
Ok, how bad would it look if Lonnie just got up and left? Probably very, right? It would be rude.
„Fine,“ says Jay, „Give them to me.“
So Jade unzips her backpack and takes out a glass jar, filled with water and crammed with two electric eels, who seem to be glaring quite angrily at both of the girls. And, excuse me, what?!
„I missed you,“ whispers Jay, cooing and tapping at the glass affectionately.
„Fucker,“ says Jade just under her breath, smiling, and Lonnie is fairly sure Jay didn’t even hear hear, although it’s always hard to tell with him.
„I don‘t believe we’ve been formally introduced,“ she says, looking between the two cousins.
„Right,“ Jay perks up, „Meet Lagan and Derelict, my electric eels! Gorgeous, aren’t they?“
…That’s not exactly what Lonnie meant, but she will take it.
Lagan and Derelict.
„Those little fuckers bit me when I tried to feed them!“ Jade complains, „They must take after you!“
„Aww, but don’t be so touchy, treasure, they must like you!“
„And they show their love by nearly biting off my fingers?!“
„If they didn’t like you, they’d shock you into next week.“
Lonnie carefully backs away from the glass jar a bit more. She doesn’t fancy being electrocuted.
Jay bumps his leg into hers and tells her he is sure they’ll like her. Lonnie nods, not really comforted, as she doesn’t fancy having her fingers bit off either.
Jay continues with the introductions, by introducing the human beings at least.
„Lonnie, meet my lovely cousin, Jade. Jade, this is my girlfriend, Lonnie.“
Lonnie nods her head in a polite half-bow and is quite insulted when Jade not only doesn‘t reciprocate the courtesy, which she expected, but doesn’t greet her at all. She just stares, Lonnie feels her eyes travelling up and down her body, and it is not entirely comfortable, really. She can’t decide whether she is being measured up as a potential opponent and enemy, or, well, the other thing. It’s not a completely pleasant feeling either way.
With no regards for Lonnie’s feelings, Jade turns back to Jay and blanky states that „she can do better,“ leaving Jay sputtering.
„Excuse me,“ interjects Lonnie, appalled, „I’m right here!“
Jade turns back to her, her posture and demeanour shifted ever so slightly. Lonnie tries very hard to not focus on the cleavage Jade is suddenly showing her.
Turns out that looking at her lips isn’t all that better.
She glances at Jay, mentally conveying something like „What the fuck is happening,“ and he just shrugs. Lonnie kicks him into the shrin under the table, which leaves him entirely unbothered, that bastard.
And meanwhile, Jade continues talking:
„No, excuse me, gorgeous,“ she practically purrs, „What I meant to say was: You can do better.“
Jade digs around in one of her seemingly bottomless pockets, her eyes never leaving Lonnie’s, and moments later, she gently takes Lonnie’s wrist in her hand, holding it lightly enough that Lonnie could jerk away anyway. But she is too stunned to do that.
„And if you ever get tired of him, well…“ Jade continues, writing something on Lonnie’s skin – at least that’s what Lonnie thinks is happening, that tickling, that could only be a pen gliding on her skin, right? Jade’s fingers are warm and Lonnie still doesn’t pull away. She manages to kick Jay again, though. 
But if he says something, Jade ignores him completely.
 „…I’ll be right there. You can call me anytime, beautiful.“ She has the audacity to wink at Lonnie before she shows Jay a rather rude gesture, takes her bag and walks away, swinging her hips entirely too much.
As soon as she is a few feet away, Lonnie turns at Jay and whispers furiously: She wants to know what on earth was that?!
„That was Jade,“ answers Jay entirely too easily, „Don’t worry, she does that to everyone.“
Excuse me what?
„Now, check if you still have all your stuff, you know, watches, credit card, wallet, necklaces, all that jazz.“
…Oh. Right. Isle. Thieves. Jafar’s Junk Shop.
Bewildered, Lonnie does as directed, and discovers that she is one bracelet short. Instead, she has a telephone number written on her wrist with a lipstick-pen.
„Did she just…-“ Lonnie lacks words to describe what just happened.
Jay does not.
„Yes, she did. Don’t worry, I can get it back,“ he says, already standing up, „Take care of Lagan and Derelict for me, will you?“
With that, Jay exits the shop and Lonnie can hear only Jade’s gleeful cackles as he chases her down the street.
Well, this date was… certainly something, she ponders, sipping her already cold coffee.
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