#if you've sent me one and i haven't written it i'm sorry i know it's been too long
solradguy · 1 month
hey whatever happened to that post of you defending sol x ky and sol x sin
Lmao. Ok. Alright. You know what? I've been putting up with this shit for six fucking months now. I'm done with you, Xavier, and your little echo chamber on Discord. You're telling people I'm into pedo shit now and you're straight up pulling it out of your ass. I'd call you out by your handles but you're a coward that gets everyone else to do your dirty work for you.
Six. Fucking. Months.
I haven't posted anything about you publicly, and have never said a single word to you, because of the sake of the wiki and the people in that project that are/were friends with you, and cared about you. But it's clear you're absolutely out of your mind. You've crossed a line with this Sol/Sin shit. This probably isn't you that sent this ask, but I'd be willing to bet it's someone from your echo chamber Discord server because no one except the people in there hate me as much as you do. Even the transphobes on Twitter that sent me death threats have moved on better than you have.
Here's the entire story about my (not even direct) interaction with you and your server for everyone to know.
Back in March—which was nearly six months ago, I cannot stress that enough—you wanted to edit the Bedman page on the new wiki and put information on there that wasn't verifiable, namely that he was a legal adult. We had the page locked because of other people that wanted to vandalize it and weren't willing to unlock it for you specifically, but we were willing to put any additions on there that you suggested. One of our admins spoke with you to try to resolve this. You wanted full editing credits for everything put on there that was written by you. Even if you were editing the page yourself, that just isn't how wikis work. During all of this, we were made aware that you were shit talking us and writing death threats about us. You also trash talked my translations, for some reason. When the negotiations with our mod didn't give you the outcome you wanted, I believe our mod blocked you.
We thought that was the end of it. Over the past few months we'd get little updates about you from concerned people that thought we should know. Other than those updates, we forgot you even existed.
Last night I was made aware that you've been stalking my blog, and trash talking me, for the past six months, and now spreading rumors that I'm into Sol/Sin. I made two vague posts about it, the first ones I've made since this situation started six fucking months ago. I deleted them after being told they were making the situation worse, which they were. You've also been manipulating one of my friends and saying you would kill yourself if any more posts were made about you or this situation.
Then I got this ask.
Xavier: You're a lying, manipulative, piece of shit that needs to stay in his damn lane. I'm sorry for whatever situation led you to become this obsessive over not being able to edit a VIDEO GAME WIKI PAGE to say that the maybe-minor is legally fuckable, but it's not my problem. Guilty Gear and Bedman are clearly bad for your mental health if you're still this mad at ONE PERSON who HASN'T EVEN SPOKEN TO YOU for as long as half a year now. You've made me out to be a demon in your mind entirely based on vague interactions and reading too much into my Tumblr posts that were never about you.
Move the fuck on already. I have never spoken to you, I hardly know who you are, and yet you still hate me so much.
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scoobywrites690 · 10 days
Ok I sent this to another creator bc like I'm so hooked on this idea.
But like I've seen a lot of claddagh ring content on tiktok lately. If you dont know what a claddagh ring, I recommend googling it(bc my explanation is probs confusing) but in its basics, it's an Irish ring that's worn by all genders as a symbol of your relationship status. Worn on RH facing away from wrist=you're single, RH facing wrist=you're in a relationship, LH facing away from wrist=youre engaged, and LH facing wrist=married.
With a little research(not much just a Google search) they seem to be in Scotland too, but the scotts have a version too called a luckenbooth ring(specific rings either passed from mother-daughter, lovers, or given to a newborn).
I can't get soap being a sneaky little bitch and giving the reader either a claddagh ring and being like "Yeah it's worn this way" and tells her to wear it on her left hand facing her wrist because "That's traditions" Or giving her a luckenbooth ring and then the reader finding out later the symbolism and like confronting him.
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So sorry for the delay, the new school term at my college started and I got so wrapped up with trying to get situated with my new timetable. But hopefully back to regular-ish posts.
*Haven't proofread this yet as it's late and I just want to get it posted*
This is such a good idea, I love it. This concept totally has Soap's name written all over it. Like obviously he's gonna tell other people that you're his, before he even tells you that he has feelings for you.
I had to do a bit of research because I genuinely had no idea what you were on about, but after some research the ideas started flowing. I'm so glad you decided to send me this idea, I think it's really good. I hope this lives up to your imagination and I went with the Claddagh ring for this scenario.
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It's the evening of your birthday and you planned with your friends to meet at the local bar to have some drinks to celebrate. Getting there early you find yourself a seat at the bar, and order yourself a drink whilst you wait for people to turn up.
With a drink in one hand you admire the ring Soap gave you as a present. According to Soap it's a traditional Irish ring, and that it can be worn multiple different ways to symbolise different things. But Soap recommended that you wear it on your left hand with the little heart pointing towards you, as it symbolises the strong friendship that you share between each other.
Your heart swells with how thoughtful of a gift it was, letting Soap put it on you this morning not having taken it off since
Your thoughts are interrupted by a man sitting beside you.
"Hey, I noticed you've been sitting here a while. Are you waiting for someone?" He asks with a big toothy grin plastered on his face, a pint of beer sloshing around in his hand.
"Um, yeah actually I am. I'm waiting for some of my friends" You tell him, uneasiness overtaking your senses, not liking the vibes this man has suddenly given you.
"Oh cool, you mind if I keep you company whilst you wait?" He asks
"Oh I'm not sure-""Oh shit, I'm sorry I didn't realise you were married" He tells you apologising profusely before he's quickly finding somewhere else to sit.
You don't even have a boyfriend, let alone a husband. But before you could question him on why he suddenly believed you were married, you're cut off by Soap coming up behind you and slowly singing happy birthday to you.
"Hey, what's wrong?" Soaps asks concern written all over his face after catching a glance at you confused one.
Pointing at the man that was just sat next to you, you tell Soap about what he said to you before he turned up.
"Mhm, that is strange" Soap tells you "I wouldn't worry about it though, just enjoy your birthday evening"
Agreeing with Soap and deciding not to worry about it, he orders you both a drink to celebrate the special occasion.
Quite a few drinks later you find yourself dancing along to the music playing, Soap close behind with a drink in one hand bobbing his head along to the music. Excusing himself to the bathroom Soap leaves you alone on the dancefloor.
It doesn't take long for someone to approach you, coming up behind you and grinding up alongside you. Grinding up against them you let your hips sway to the music, enjoying the carefree feeling. Their hands land on your hips spinning you around so that you're facing them.
You're faced with a very attractive looking man, not someone you would consider exactly your type but there is no denying that he isn't attractive. His hands roam over your hips and waist pulling you in closer as you grind up against each other. Reaching up to wrap your arms around his neck you see his focus shift over to your hand, specifically the one that wears the ring.
His entire demeanour changes the minute he notices it, letting go of you quickly before he's apologizing and walking away.
Standing alone in the middle of the dancefloor confusion clouds your thoughts as you make your way back over to the bar.
"Hey, there you are" Soap says as he comes up behind you "I was looking for you on the dancefloor and I couldn't see you, everything alright?" He questions
"Yeah everything's fine, it's just I had another guy react the same way" You tell him "The minute he saw the ring he started apologizing and backed away" You say to him
"Weird" Is all Soap has to say about your encounter. Suspicion overwhelming your senses.
"Soap" You say, a cold tone taking over your voice.
"What aren't you telling me" You question him.
"Nothing, nothing I promise" He says
"Soap!" You say irritation lacing your voice
"Okay fine!, about the ring" He says with a sheepish look on his face.
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arctichotch · 1 year
hey, i saw your send request post, currently im not feeling well so can you write captain john price taking care of sick reader? also they have some cuddles, just a very fluffy fic! thank you!! :D
hey, hope you feel better soon!
(i haven't written anything in donkey's years so excuse the potential mess below)
pairing: john price x gn!reader
warnings: sickening FLUFF, sick stuff nothing gross though, short and sweet
whilst you're here check out my character list and feel free to send me more requests
You felt like your insides were on fire. That your brain was knocking on the backs of your eyes trying to bust out of the confines of your skull. You felt like a sweaty mess and judging by the looks of sympathy you got from your colleagues walking out of your office after your boss sent you home, you looked like one too.
The journey home was a total blur and you nearly collapsed onto your couch the second you got through the door, only just having enough energy to kick off your shoes. You heard the shrill ringing and buzzing of your phone dumped by the door but there was not a single part of you that felt you could go get it.
Your eyes slipped closed, and that was that. One final thought before you fell to sleep - John will not be happy that you went to work feeling unwell this morning...
The bang of your apartment door closing woke you suddenly.
Oh shit, you are definitely not in any position to even think of some of the self-defence John taught you, let alone using it.
Luckily, you heard one of your favourite sounds (although as much as the sound was appreciated, it still made your head throb.)
"Love, I'm home."
Shit, he was home. You had a vague remembrance of him letting you know he'd be home from his month long mission and having told him you'd take him out, treat him to dinner.
So much for those plans.
"M'here," You grumbled from your place on the couch. John rounded the couch into the living room turning on the lights, making you squeeze your eyes shut in an attempt to alleviate the pounding in your head. "Think m'sick."
"You look sick, yeah. This why you didn't pick up your phone, was calling you. Got worried, love." He knelt down beside you, his knees groaning at the movement.
"You shouldn't kneel like that, you'll hurt yourself, old man."
"Oi, watch it, cheeky." He placed his always freezing cold hand on your forehead. "Could fry an egg on that head of yours. Have you taken anything?"
You shook your head, burying your head into the pillow. "Okay, I'll go get some ibuprofen to try get your temperature down, then I'll get you something to eat. I assume you've not eaten anything, right?"
"What would you do without me, eh? Just wither away from the common cold." He chuckled as he moved towards the kitchen.
After he had loaded you up with ibuprofen, some toast and a whole lot of water, he set you up on the couch all tucked up with blankets and the TV loaded up with Netflix, while he took a shower (only allowed to leave after he had promised you with cuddles after he was done.)
When he came out you immediately commandeered him and his attention, snuggling up practically on top of him while watching your favourite show for the billionth time.
"I'm sorry that we couldn't do dinner. I promise this isn't just me trying to get out of paying."
He laughed, his big belly laugh that you miss every single day he is gone. "It's okay, love. I know you're really sick, poor baby."
"I feel gross and sick, and I don't want to make you sick but I really can't think of anything worse than you not being right here."
"I don't get sick, my immune system is undefeatable and you know it. You ever seen me sick, love?"
"There's always time, babe." You slipped your hand under his shirt resting it on his stomach, trying to leach some heat off him.
"You're shaking. You cold?" You nodded and he was quick to pull a blanket from the back of the couch to cover you both.
"I missed you, lots and lots." You said, just now feeling the relief of having him back safe with you.
"Missed you too, love. Hopefully got a few days off now, so I can nurse you back to health." He gave you a big sloppy kiss on your forehead, "I'll take my payment in kisses and cuddles, please. No other currency accepted."
You smiled looking up at him, "I'll see what I can work out."
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txemptress · 2 years
Hello it's me again!!! Can i request Claudebwith a Reader as Shuli Von Neuschwanstein like personality and attitude towards everyone but the appearance is difference also a widower and has step children from her former husband please? (Bonus Reader is Grand Duchess)
“𝒜 𝓁ℴ𝓋ℯ ℐ 𝓃ℯ𝓋ℯ𝓇 ℯ𝓍𝓅ℯ𝒸𝓉ℯ𝒹.”
manhwa(s): Who Made Me A Princess
character(s): Claude de Alger Obelia
note: aight here I go again! If reader is ooc from Shuli's character just a quick reminder that I still do not know her well, and am still trying to understand! Also I'm sorry that this took so long! I had written a draft and was ready to post, but looking at it again I really didn't like it and it kinda was off track... So, yeah here's your request!
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Name was the newly wed wife of the emperor, Claude de Alger Obelia. Never did it occur to her that it was such a struggle to be a royal's beloved until this very day.
The marriage was of course hidden as a secret relationship towards the two of them. There would be suspicion if the nobles as well as commoners found out that a duchess, whose husband had died years before, became the emperor's beloved.
Luckily for her, Claude had thought of it and held the wedding ceremony so that only the most trusted were invited.
This meant that he and her still lived in different homes. In the comfort of their own homes, they both seemed persistent in keeping this relationship such a secret.
Being a duchess was already stressful enough, even without the nobles hearing that she had gotten married.
She tried her very hardest to keep her will strong. To care for her children, love Claude and Athy, and do her duties as the duchess.
Athy had taken her quite well. The princess seemed quite intent in making her new mother comfortable. Which made Name smile all the time. Not only that, Athy took to her children well as well. The twins seemed to love being with the princess. So much that they had to be bribed out just to get them out of her room.
Taking care of Claude was no small feat. It took her every willpower not to panic at his movements. He always seemed to want affection from her, though he'd never admit it. Always wanting a hug, a kiss on the cheek, or even a head pat.
Most times while the kids played, she and Claude would have tea in the garden. During which she tried making conversation that only made Claude lull to sleep. She normally gave a giggle, seeing him sleeping.
When she was back home, she was duchess and not his wife. Which was stressful to say the least. There were always letters to be answered, papers to be finished for the estate's renovation plan, as well as invitations from nobles who were eager to see her mess up in one of their extravagant parties.
Days like these normally went by slowly, and she never did get used to it. Reading all those letters was a nuisance. Especially when all she was trying to do was do her duties and be a good example to her children.
"Mother?" Her head jerked up towards the door, revealing one of her beloved children.
"Yes?" She asked, taking a notice of her hoarse and tired voice.
"You should take a rest, you've been working all day.." Her son mumbled as he walked towards the desk, looking at the written letters sent by the council.
"Ah... I still have work to finish, dear." She gestured to the stacks of paperwork to be answered and checked. "I will go to bed when I finish, I promise." This caught in her throat a little for she knew it would take her all night to do this, and would most likely finish in the morning.
"You won't." This gave her quite a shock. Was it written all over her face? "You always say that, and always come to breakfast looking as if you haven't slept in weeks. Please sleep." He said, touching her shoulder. "Father won't be pleased when he hears that you have not been catching sleep." This was also very startling. Normally her children would call Claude by his name alone or his title. Never once had she heard them call him "Father".
"oh alright then." His mother said, looking up at her son. "I will sleep, just let me finish this one.." She exhaled in frustration. Why was Claude always the reason for her to do as she could.
Her son smiled at this, and sat on one of the cushioned lounges near her desk. "I'll stay here until you're done to ensure you're going to sleep this time."
Once the female finished, she was rushed to bed almost immediately by her son. "Isn't it supposed to be the other way around?" Her tone was playful and her son just laughed at it, shaking his head.
"I don't see why I can't worry about you the way you do to us." He smiled, waving at Name, who was now stuck on the bed in a pile of pillows and blankets. "Good night, Mother!"
The next day, they were expected in the castle. "Good afternoon, Athy!" Name exclaims cheerfully as she hugged her. "How are you?"
Athy's eyes seemed to gleam in delight as she hugged her back. "I'm good! It's so good to see all of you present here!" She smiled, as she ran and hugged her other step-siblings.
It was truly a good thing. Normally it would be either Name would go or her children would, but today they had planned on going together.
Claude was asleep when they had arrived as Athy had told her. She had been given the job to rouse that sleeping beauty from his nap. "Claude." She muttered, noticing that tapping him was not working at all.
She knew she was gonna die for this, but she began shaking him. That failed as well. Trying other techniques on waking him, she finally gave up. Should she just wait for him to stir from his slumber?
She cursed under her breath as she racked her brain for other methods that could possibly work.
An idea that was most likely the worst of all her ideas came to mind. As she thought of it more, she did not notice that her husband was already awake and looking directly at her.
"You seem very serious, what are you thinking?" This made her snap back to reality to see those jeweled eyes staring at her own.
"Doesn't matter since you're wide awake now anyway." She shook her head, feeling embarrassed that she had been caught thinking of ways to wake him up.
"Hm. Am I?" A quick movement was produced as she found herself on the bed with him.
"Claude." She mumbled, flustered as she felt him nuzzle against her back. "The kids are waiting—" "So what? They can wait." Claude grumbled as he hugged her tightly as if she might die if he let go.
"This is the only time we're all together and here you are making us stay in bed?" She sighed. Sometimes this man was truly hard to deal with.
"Do you have a problem with my wishes?" His voice seemed intimidating. Did she touch a nerve? She calmed herself.
"Sorry." She apologized.
"Good. Now let me sleep." He shut his eyes, and fell asleep on her.
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htchnr · 5 months
heya you guys, just to make something clear that apparently needs to be said;
TLDR ; sending the same requests to multiple authors at once isn't cool. therefore i'll be posting the ones that i've noticed that have been double sent to other authors behind a paywall on my Patreon. it'll be $6,50 to read all of them once they're all out. read the post for more details and which fics i'm talking about.
i'm sorry i'm taking a little while with some of these requests that y'all have sent me — but to see the exact request in someone else's inbox (on waaay more than just one occasion) is not cool.
i'm not a writing machine, i've got college and work besides also having free time to do things with my hobbies.
it feels pretty dang sucky when i see requests i've gotten a week and a half-ish ago in other people's inboxes or already having been written by other people that you've sent the requests to. it's not nice nor cute to double send requests to multiple authors.
therefor i'll add each request i've found either directly coppied into other people's inboxes or already fulfilled by other authors on this site or others in a list below that will only become available on my Patreon. i do still really want to post the fics i've been working on, since the requests are super neat and really cool, but i will be putting them behind a paywall for the reason listed above.
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now my Patreon is not pricey, it's $6,50 to able to read all the posts once they're all posted. and i will post here and let y'all know once they're all out so you don't have to pay and then wait (that would be really dang lame i know).
i really do not like to have to get negative here, but writing is one of my biggest hobbies and i really deeply enjoy it and it's truly an outlet for my feelings and my love for characters. but please keep in mind that your favorite authors are humans too, and have lives outside of the platforms they post on!
also, another note while i have y'all here,
please stop double or even tripple requesting things from me! yes lovelies, i see every message in my inbox and i write them all down. just cause i haven't responded to a message or posted it does not mean i'm not working on it nor that i haven't seen it. i check my inbox waaay too many times per day (fr, someone take the internet away from me LOL) so i see every message/request. don't worry your pretty little heads about it.
lots of love,
Aurora xx
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jayteacups · 7 months
✍️ Fic authors self rec!
When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to other writers you know. Let's spread some self-love! 💛
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Thank you Val @youre-ackermine and Kat @humanitys-strongest-bamf for sending these! (I’m only reccing 5 today, sorry to disappoint you Kat 😂) Here's my five favourite pieces of work! Tbh I haven't been writing as much lately so this list probably won't have anything new to anyone, but hey.
It's A Wrap! (Tumblr | AO3)
A one-shot featuring Actor Levi and Makeup Artist Reader, friends to lovers and mutual pining 👀
I've written multiple Actor AU pieces (I love reimagining the AOT characters as actors, 10/10 would recommend as a way to cope with the pain of canon 😂😭), but this is in its own separate universe and I'm planning on writing a couple more fics set in this specific universe!
I had so much fun writing it (I hope it showed haha), and that's why it's on this list as one of my favourites!
The Absence of Warmth (Tumblr | AO3)
Gen one-shot centred around the No Regrets trio (with Levifar crumbs because I love them)
I also had a lot of fun exploring the trio's dynamic here, I'd like to go more in depth again with these three someday
My most underrated fic for sure haha
My piece for Levi Week 2023 - Day 3 (Tumblr | AO3)
All the fluff and softness you could ever want. Will never stop writing sweet and soft fics for Levi because he deserves it 😌😌
This was partially based on a dream I had, actually, which makes this more personal, and therefore, one of my favourites.
Me remembering what I dream about is a very very rare occurrence, and rarely do those dreams include fictional characters, funnily enough 😂 so it was an extra special occasion when I woke up and actually remembered the dream I had of walking on a beach with a blushy Levi whilst the sun was setting and it was all sickeningly cutesy and romantic. I wrote it down, fully intending on writing it, and never got around to it, until I saw the prompt for Levi Week Day 3, and was like... hang on, this could work 👀
Gentle Touches (Tumblr | AO3)
Levi experiencing affection for the first time is a trope I can't get enough of, and it seems the two anons who sent me the request are the same hehehe
Fluff and softness, emotional hurt/comfort towards the end! Also this was a fic that made me realise how touch starved I myself am 🥲 I've been told that this made people quite emotional too, which is reassuring, as I was aiming for that! So yeah I'm quite proud of this one ☺️
At Ease (Tumblr | AO3)
Definitely one of my more creative premises! I genuinely don't remember how I came up with this though, but yes this role-reversal AU was very fun to write and I'm so pleased with the outcome :3
Some emotional hurt/comfort, pining, all round softness (are you beginning to see a trend here)
This was really fun to look back on my fics and pick out favourites! Will be sending asks to people tomorrow because I'm quite sleepy rn and will be heading off to bed now. Hope everyone has a lovely day/night!
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eris-snow · 2 years
So someone requested for an izuku x pregnant reader angst who didn't get the chance to tell him she was pregnant and it kinda got deleted so-
Note for the person who sent this request in (At the bottom of this story)
Tags: angst, happy ending, izuku x fem!reader, pregnant
"You're what?!"
You flinched at Izuku's voice, dropping your phone. Panicked, you spunned around and stood up abrubtly, watching realisation wash over your husband's face
There was betrayal written all over his face, hurt weaved between the green irises that looked like shattered gemstones.
"Izuku, please it's not what you think-"
"Not what I think?" He cuts you off, voice sounding akin to broken glass. "I've been worried sick over you for over 3 months! Morning sickness, mood swings, peculiar cravings-"
He shook his head. "You should have told me instead of hiding it, Y/n! I should be the first to know!"
You stumble back, fingers grasping the table behind you for support as the pregnancy test tumbles to the floor.
Two lines.
One baby.
Something snaps as you try to find your words. Izuku never yelled at you before. He never did.
"I TRIED TO TELL YOU!" You holler suddenly, tears pearling your eyes.
Maybe it was because you were pregnant, or today just wasn't your day, but you couldn't stand having those loud words echo over and over in your head.
"But you've been so busy lately. I barely get the chance to see you anymore." Your voice cracks. "It's always a 'see you later', a 'stay safe, okay?'. What am I supposed to do!?"
Tears are flowing freely down your face as you cradle your belly protectively, choking over your sobs because, heck, he isn't the only one who feels wronged too.
Midoriya's mind blanks the minute he sees you cry, the crease between his eyebrows softening as he watches you clutch your tummy protectively like the unborn foetus was the only one who understood you at that moment.
Come to think of it, he really hadn't seen you properly for weeks. As the Number 1 Hero, he got swept up so much by his hero work and galas and event that he had completely neglected the number 1 person in his life.
That's how this entire fight started.
That's how you ended up curling away from him, shrinking back against a wall.
God, he messed up.
Slowly, he makes his way towards you and gingerly brings you to his chest. "I'm sorry, baby," He whispers. There is no malice, not a trace of the anger or betrayal that was once so prominent in his voice. "I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions."
Hearing Midoriya's voice revert back to his gentler tone and his arms wrapped around you causes you to crumble. You threw your arms around his frame and buried your head into his chest, sobbing at the realisation that you guys hadn't done this in weeks. "I'm sorry too." Your shaky voice replies, " You have every right to be angry, but, I-I just-"
"Shh, shh... It's okay, I understand. Please don't cry..."
That just makes you sob harder.
You can bet that Midoriya would take the rest of the week off for you.
Rankings? Who cares?
Hero work? Not as important.
The world? It can wait.
There's someone he's been neglecting, the person that he chose for the rest of his life to be with. The person that he can't lose because that means losing his soulmate, his laugh, his meaning, his everything.
And that person is you.
Note for the person who sent this request in:
I'm so glad you like Family! Honestly, I haven't ever written Izuku x reader fanfics before. You really made my day by sending this request in. When I saw this, I remember thinking 'I can work with this.'
It was a pleasure writing this, and I hope you have a good day ahead of you :D
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apprenticestanheight · 5 months
hi!! i have a request :) would it be okay if you wrote a specs x transmasc reader where the reader gets specs to help him with a testosterone shot?? its totally okay if no tho!! have a good day :)
T - specs x transmasc! reader
hi nonnie!! I'm sorry this took a while--this one has been sitting in my drafts for a good few weeks now and I've had it written for just as long. My object permanence is the absolute fuckin' worst, however, and I, admittedly, forgot to edit this before today because of getting distracted by other projects and also getting so anxious I physically could not will myself to get out of bed multiple days in a row since you sent this one into my inbox.
HOWEVER, I did get my shit together today (started on medication for adhd because I told my dr I thought I had it and we're testing it out to see if it works for me to help with those symptoms + anxiety management wot wot) and so, here this is!! I am, once again, sorry for the delay, and I promise if you send another request in I will do my best to do it that week.
fic type - this is fluffy!!
warnings - there are mentions of needles in this
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In the five years since you'd come out and the five and a half since you and Specs had started dating, you'd only asked him to help you with your weekly testosterone shot maybe twice in the three and a half years since you'd finally gotten through all of the necessary hoops and had been able to start taking it.
Normally, you could do it yourself without a hitch, sometimes a little squeamish at the sight of the needle, but that Friday you'd asked him to help because he did it a bit quicker than you did--even if by just a solid second or two--while the two of you were on a time crunch in a rush to meet Elise and Tucker. Also, somewhat, as a way to squeeze a bit more time with him out of your day because you had to work an eight hour shift from 3-11, and when you got home he'd either be reading a comic while half asleep or asleep on your side of the bed in your absence.
He agrees to your ask without questioning it, getting the shot ready while you talk to him about how work has been because you've worked a string of evening shifts for the past three weeks and have been too drained to talk about it the next day. He happily listens, occasionally commenting where it's appropriate to make a remark or agree with an opinion you hold about a coworker, though he also acknowledges that he only has your bias to base an opinion on and not his own.
"Thank you for this, by the way," you murmur as you're standing up to pull your pants down to your thighs. "I know I could've done it myself, but I've missed you a lot lately and wanted to squeeze in an extra few minutes."
That remark brings out a soft smile from Specs, given to you as you're sitting back down. A second later, you can see the debate as to whether or not he wants to give you a forehead kiss occur in his expressions before he pauses, presses a quick but somewhat lingering kiss to your forehead, one of his hands reaching up to cup your cheek.
"I've missed you too, for what it's worth," Specs says. "Elise has kept us busy with her clients and Tucker and I have kept ourselves busy with Spectral Sightings stuff, but we've not seen much of each other lately and it's been hard."
You've missed him so terribly that it hurts, and there have been multiple points in the lulls of your evening shifts wherein you've been tempted to just pick up the phone and call him. You haven't for fear of being judged and seeming co-dependent, but you're at a point where you don't care how co-dependent it makes you seem. You're allowed to miss him when you're working evenings and don't get much of a chance to see him except for in your easier mornings.
You're nodding your agreement with his sentiments as he finishes getting your shot ready. You watch the needle go in, unblinking and relatively unphased, grabbing a "fun" Band-Aid--one shaped like a ghost, one of many from a Band-Aid kit gifted to you by Tucker for your birthday that year--to place over it as the slight pain from the injection settles and the needle is removed.
You pull your pants back up and rake your hands through your hair as Specs discards the needle properly, ever the one to be cautious about how your injection needles are handled, and you're thanking him as you put your testosterone away as it's meant to be stored.
He does a bit of idle cleaning while you finish getting ready, and you wind up stealing one of his button downs to wear over a black shirt. You kiss his cheekbone as he tosses you your keys, and the two of you leave your shared house hand in hand, so full of contentment that you already know how happy you seem is bound to make Tucker fake a gag while he smiles.
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owlwithanapple · 9 months
Your Hero
He is one of my favorite characters in mha. I want to write a future version of Bakugou Katsuki, I hope you guys will like it. 😘
Part 6.
( Bakugou Katsuki X Y/N )
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You and Hawks are having dinner. But you are really curious about what happened between him and Dynamight just now. You took a sip of the wine and looked at Hawks' face.
"Why are you staring at me like this?" Hawks took a sip of wine.
"No, I'm just curious about what happened between you and hedgehog?" you asked.
"Hedgehog?" Hawks asked curiously.
"Ah, mistake! I mean Dynamight. What happened to you and Dynamight?" you asked.
"Hmmm..." Hawks glanced in Dynamight's direction.
"Hmmm? So?" you asked curiously.
"What do you think it is?" Hawks asked with a smile.
"If I knew, I wouldn't ask you. It's not like you didn't see the fierce look in his eyes just now." You said nervously.
"Y/N, don't think too much. It's okay." Hawks comforted you.
"Oh... okay then." You were still curious.
You didn't ask anything about Hawks and Dynamight and continued to enjoy your dinner. Although the dinner was delicious, you still felt an ominous premonition.
At this time, the waiter brought you a small cake with the words "Welcome back, Y/N" written on it. This cake is something you often buy and eat. It must have been given to you by Hawks because you have eaten it with him before.
"Keigo...this cake is?" you said happily.
"Now that you are back, how can you miss your favorite cake?" Hawks said with a smile.
"Thanks, Keigo." You said with a smile.
Sometimes like to share your own things with Hawks, because he will always remember them. You and he have only eaten this cake once, but he can remember it from then to now.
Dynamight glanced at you from time to time in his seat, seeing you and Hawks smiling so happily. He felt a little unhappy and disappointed, maybe just as Hawks said he was jealous.
"Have you considered which agency to go to?" Hawks asked.
"Keigo, actually I haven't made up my mind yet. Every hero agency that sent me an invitation letter can teach me new knowledge, but I don't know which one I should choose." You sighed.
"It turns out, take your time. The faster you rush, the easier it is to get into trouble." Hawks said.
"I know~" you said.
"Good girl." Hawks caressed your head.
Deku and Shoto seemed to have noticed that Dynamight would look at you and Hawks from time to time. Shoto wondered how long it had been since he saw Dynamight's disappointed expression.
"Bakugou, do you care about them?" Shoto asked Dynamight directly.
"Shut up! Icy Hot!" Dynamight said.
"Your expression shows it..." Shoto said.
"Todoroki what are you talking about?" Deku wondered.
"If you care, just ask her." Shoto said.
"You're so fucking annoying!" Dynamight said.
"You two, stop fighting!" Deku said in a panic.
You see Dynamight and the others seem to be having an argument. Dynamight's expression was so fierce and twisted. Shoto's face was expressionless. Deku stopped them both in a panic.
You really care what happened to Dynamight. Is he in such a bad mood today? The more you think about it, the less you understand. Should you go and ask? But what if he yells at you?
After finishing dinner, Hawks called the waiter to pay the bill. You took out your card to pay, but Hawks stopped you. You remember how many times you ate with him and you never had the chance to treat him to a meal.
"Keigo, can you let me treat you a meal?" You complained.
"Sorry, no. I'll go to the bathroom first." Hawks said with a smile.
Hawks walked into the bathroom and saw Dynamight washing his hands. Dynamight wiped his hands and leaned against the sink, looking at Hawks.
"Yo, No.1." Hawks greeted.
"Yo." Dynamight responded.
"It's just the two of us now, so you can just say it." Hawks put his hands in his pockets.
"What do you want me to say?" Dynamight glared at Hawks.
"It would be a good thing if...it's okay. But since you've been glaring at me since just now, I'm also going to be very curious." Hawks said.
"You talk a lot." Dynamight said.
"You care about Y/N, right?" Hawks said.
Dynamight looked at Hawks with a fiercer expression after hearing your name. Dynamight knows that Hawks is a smart person and who pays attention to details.
"What if it is?" Dynamight said.
"I just want to say that No.1 Hero, who is usually grumpy and steady, now actually shows this expression for Y/N." Hawks said with a smile.
"Wanting to start a fight? Dead Eagle." Dynamight said.
"Hahaha, I just came here to chat with you. I don't mean any harm." Hawks raised his hands.
"You really don't know how to talk." Dynamight was about to leave.
"But I believe you will enjoy talking about Y/N." Hawks said with a smile.
Deku walked into the bathroom and saw Hawks and Dynamight. Dynamight was glaring at Hawks with hatred in his eyes. Deku had a feeling that the two of them were going to fight.
Just when Deku was about to speak, Dynamight received a new message.
🌪️: Hedgehog, are you okay? Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?
Dynamight is hesitant to reply to your message because there is a Hawks in front of him that annoys him.
You send a new message and Dynamight clicks it to read it.
🌪️: So bold! You didn’t reply to my message! 💩
Dynamight couldn't help but laugh when he saw your message. Why are you so cute, and you still send this kind of message to tease him when he is about to get angry. Dynamight responds to your message.
Dynamight put his phone in his pocket and stood in front of Hawks.
"I'm interested in her story, but it's not for you to tell me. Damn Eagle." Dynamight whispered.
"How scary, No. 1." Hawks said.
Dymamight left, leaving only Hawks and Deku in the bathroom. Deku was relieved to see Dynamight and Hawks not fighting. Hawks walked to the sink and washed his hands.
"Deku, No.1 is really awesome, but so scary." Hawks said.
"Kacchan was like this before. Even though he has that kind of personality on the outside, he is still considerate of others on the inside." Deku said.
"I really admire him. Even though he was bruised but he still defeat All For One. But his personality still needs to change, hahahahaha." Hawks laughed.
"Don't let him hear it or the bathroom will blow up." Deku said with a smile.
Dynamight walked out of the bathroom and saw your back sitting alone looking at your phone. He really cares about you, and he knew you were a funny and cute girl from the first meeting.
Maybe he is afraid that you will be snatched away by Hawks, so he feels uneasy. But when he receives the message that you care about him, he is really happy. The uneasiness of that moment disappeared all of a sudden because of your message.
Dynamight returns to his seat and clicks on your chat room. Although you don't chat every day, no matter how busy he is when he receives your message, he will want to reply to you immediately.
"Sorry for keeping you waiting~" Hawks walked towards you.
"I thought you fell into the toilet and almost shouted for help." You said with a smile.
Before you were about to leave the restaurant, Hawks suddenly walked over to Dynamight. You looked at Hawks's back and wondered why he suddenly walked next to Dynamight.
"What's wrong, Hawks?" Shoto asked.
"Hey, No.1. If I need your help, you can definitely help me." Hawks said.
"If you have anything to say, just say it, damn eagle!" Dynamight glared at him.
"I have to rush to work temporarily. Can you send her back?" Hawks said with a smile.
"Huh?!" You are surprised.
"You brought it yourself and you want me to send it back?" Dynamight said.
"Don't want to? That doesn't matter. I'll just make an appointment for the driver to pick her up." Hawks said.
"It's better if I send her back." Shoto raised his hand and said.
"Fuck!!" Dynamight shouted.
"Kacchan...calm down." Deku was nervous.
"I'm calm, Damn Nerd! Icy Hot, stay out of it!" Dynamight said.
You don’t mind giving them a ride home, and you don’t want to bother them with a detour. But now everyone's aura is getting more and more terrifying. They feel like lions and you feel like a rabbit caught in the middle of them.
Dynamight's expression already showed dissatisfaction, and you started to feel a little scared. What should you do when you see this expression on his face for the first time? The situation is so chaotic now that you really want to escape from the scene.
"Everyone, I think it's better to forget it. I can go back by myself without bothering you. Goodbye!" You leave the restaurant quickly.
You leave the restaurant and run as far away as possible, lest they catch up. Although they are friendly and enthusiastic to people, they are so scary in that kind of chaotic situation scare you away.
You run to a nearby convenience store think to buy yourself some chocolate ice cream. Before entering the convenience store, you stood outside the store to take a breath and calm down. Feel so tired today. Although the work is tiring, also tiring on people.
"Omg." You said to yourself.
The restaurant at this time——
"Ah la ah la, ran away." Hawks said.
"What should we do!" Deku panicked.
"It seems to have scared her, but she's very strong so she should be fine," Shoto said.
"Shut up, all of you, you're making so much noise!" Dynamight shouted.
"Hmm, what should I do, No.1?" Hawks asked.
"Damn Eagle, I should really fry you into chicken wings!" Dynamight stood in front of Hawks.
Dynamight left the restaurant and looked for you nearby. But he didn't see you, he took out his phone and dialed your number. When you saw it was his number, you didn't know whether to answer it or not. You thought for a moment and decided to answer the call.
"Hey, hedgehog. What do you want from me?" you asked.
"Where are you now?" he asked.
"I'm buying ice cream nearby. Do you want it? It's okay if you don't want it. Just ignore me." You asked nervously.
"Ok, I'll eat. Give me the location and I'll pick you up now. That's it, bye." Dynamight hung up the phone.
Dynamight hung up the phone and you sent him the location of the convenience store and waited for him to come. You don't know what to say to him. Don’t know if he still angry now. What to do if he get angry.
You wait a few minutes to see a car pull up in front of you. You know it's Dynamight's car. He opened the door and got out of the car. Although he was wearing a hat and glasses, you still recognized him.
"Hi, hedgehog." You said nervously.
"Yo." Dynamight said.
"Umm, are you in a bad mood?" you asked carefully.
"No, it's just..." Dynamight whispered.
"Just?" you ask.
"Want some ice cream, treat me." Dynamight leaned against the car.
"No problem~" you smiled.
You walked into the convenience store together, select ice cream, paid the bill, and returned to the car. Dynamight drove to a place to eat ice cream first. You chose mint-flavored ice cream on a stick, and he chose dark chocolate-flavored cup ice cream.
Now you two are alone. Dynamight hasn't spoken yet, and you don't know whether he is angry or not. He helped you unpack the ice cream and handed it to you, and you took the ice cream.
He opened the lid and ate the ice cream quietly. It was really awkward now, much quieter than usual. Want to speak? What should you say again? Neither does saying hello!
"Are you close to that eagle?" Dynamight asked first.
"Do you mean Hawks?" you wonder.
"Yes, him." He said.
"Just friends with similar interests and hobbies. What's wrong?" You felt something was wrong.
"Really just friends?" Dynamight chewed ice cream.
"Wait..., hedgehog. Are you jealous?" You looked forward to his reply.
"I'll kick you out of the car! Answer my question!" Dynamight said.
"Okay, okay, we're really just friends. I didn't lie to you." You explained.
"You always call him Keigo?" he asked.
"Yeah, I call him Hawks at work and Keigo in private." You said.
"Tchhh, fuck it!" Dynamight said.
"Neh, hedgehog. Answer me honestly, are you jealous?" You poked him.
You are very concerned about whether he is jealous, because he is so cute like this! You really want to poke him in the face! No.1 Hero is cute sometimes! What should you do if you want to bully him?
"What if it is?" He looked at you.
"Eh? I..." Suddenly you became shy.
He didn't give you a definite answer, but you suddenly felt shy and your heart beat rapidly. What the hell is going on with you! This is Dynamight, why are you blushing at him?
"Hedgehog, Hawks and I are truly friends. Trust me." You told him seriously.
For some reason you wanted to show him that you and Hawks were really just friends. Hope he doesn't misunderstand your relationship. But you really liked seeing his jealous expression.
"I believe you." Dynamight pinched your cheek gently.
"Why are you pinching me~" You grabbed his hand.
"I feel bad seeing you!" he said.
"Are you just unhappy with me or are you unhappy with me being with other boys?" you asked teasingly.
"You still haven't learned your lesson, Y/N." Dynamight smiled.
"Don't you like me now?" You teased him shyly.
"Y/N, be careful what you say to me." Dynamight approaches you.
"You obviously like me very much, arrogant Lord Dynamight." You also approached him.
"Call me Katsuki in private." He said.
"Huh?" You were surprised.
Did you hear that correctly? He asked you to call him Katsuki? Why? Could it be that he really jealous when you called Hawks‘s name? Maybe he lets you call him because he considers you a friend?
"Ka..." you said.
"Huh?" Dynamight looked at you.
"Hedgehog!" You shyly shouted his nickname.
"Damn it! Such a bad girl ah you!" He pinched your cheek.
"Please forgive me, my cheeks are gone~" you said coquettishly.
Suddenly Dynamight's phone rang, it was Shoto. Dynamight looked at his phone with an unhappy look on his face, wondering whether to answer it.
You sit next to hun and think about how close your faces were just now! What are you thinking about? What is he thinking too? It's so intimate! You still feel your heart beating faster when you glance at him.
"Speak." Dynamight answered the call.
"It's okay, she's next to me! I'll take her back later!" Dynamight said and hung up.
"Is it them?" you wonder.
"Yeah, they're worried about you." Dynamight said.
"Are you worried about me?" you asked teasingly.
"Shut up or I'll kick you out of the car!" Dynamight said.
"You are obviously worried about me, but you just won't admit it." You said.
"I'll leave you alone and go back." Dynamight looked outside.
"I believe you will never abandon me." You smiled.
"So confident." Dynamight looks at you.
"Of course!" you said with a smile.
You always loved teasing Dynamight because you knew he wasn't really angry with you. But sometimes enough is enough, and still can't tell whether he is really angry or not.
"Enough fun, I'll take you back now." Dynamight said.
"I never have enough fun with you." You said with a smile.
"Hahahaha, I won't bore you." Dynamight said teasingly.
"I know, that's why I like to tease you~" you said teasingly.
"Be careful what you say, and be careful I don't let you go home." Dynamight said with a smirk on his face.
"Eh?" You blushed because of his words.
You are really in trouble...
Part 6 end.
*If you have any ideas, you can leave them in the comment section, and I will try to add in the story.*
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makeitastrength · 1 year
I've sent in prompts every time you've asked for them but none of mine ever get written. I don't get why authors ask for prompts and then never use them.
Hi anon,
First off, I'm sorry I haven't written any of your prompts. It's definitely not intentional. Most of the prompts I get are sent on anon so I have no way of knowing who sends what or which ones you're referring to.
Second, while I can't speak for all fic authors, I know we sometimes ask for prompts to try to break out of a bout of writers block or just to get some new ideas we might not think of on our own. I also sometimes get sent prompts without specifically asking for them, simply because someone has an idea they want to see written and I'm always happy to bring that idea to life if I can. I really appreciate that people in the fandom trust me with their ideas and want me to write them.
That being said, writing something for every single prompt I receive isn't realistic. Sometimes I get a prompt for something I don't like writing or don't know how to write well (for example, writing kids is not my thing, I hate it). Sometimes I get a prompt for something that doesn't align with my interpretation of the characters. Sometimes I get prompts that are great and I want to write them but I just never figure out how to make it work.
And for me, at least, it's an issue of time. I work full time - actually, during the school year I often work more than full time - plus I have a husband and friends and other hobbies, so I don't always have much time to write (and the irony is, I was working on a fic when you sent me this and then I had to stop and spend time writing this response instead). I'm not a person who can pound out a fic in a couple hours and publish it and just be done. I'm usually working on 4-5 fics at once and slowly making progress on each of them. It takes time to write something that's worth publishing.
The reality is I'm probably never going to write every single one of the 20 prompts currently sitting in my inbox. I'll leave them there just in case ideas ever spark, but I can't promise if or when a specific prompt will get written. I'm sorry if that's not the answer you were hoping for, but writing is something I do for fun and for free and I only have so much time and energy to devote to it.
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stargirlie-sharon · 1 year
RCP Experimental Origins AU - Character Bios
this "fanfic"(?) is written in the perspective of jin's father (guess what i still haven't thought of a name for him 😃). this will just be about how he views the robocars and will be revealing some traits about them.
Opening application...
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Robocar Subject Notes. (001 - 004) (planned for more subjects to be made).
Subject 001
Vehicle type: Police car.
Gender: Male.
Behavior: Very quiet and seemingly confused about most things, but obeys orders and cooperates with experiments well. Cares for his fellow subjects and often tries to calm down 002 whenever he's acting up. So far has good behavior.
Risk of being dismantled: Unlikely.
Subject 002
Vehicle type: Firetruck.
Gender: Male.
Behavior: Seems to be the strongest robocar we have. Has tried multiple times to break out from his testing room and escape the lab, so the staff has needed to reinforce his room with stronger material and install bars. Has shown aggression towards staff, but has yet to attack a member directly. Has the worst behavior out of all the subjects.
Risk of being dismantled: Likely.
Subject 003
Vehicle type: Ambulance.
Gender: Female.
Behavior: Caring towards the other subjects, especially 004. Acts like a maternal figure to him. Surprisingly respectful to staff members like 001, unlike the rest of the robocars. Has shown signs of fear towards staff during experiments, so it's clear that they intimdate her. However, all signs of fear cease when staff interacts with 004, and she shows protectiveness for him. Complies with experiments well.
Risk of being dismantled: Unlikely.
Subject 004
Vehicle type: Helicopter.
Gender: Male.
Behavior: Has attempted to fly away from staff members when an experiment is about to be conducted with him. We have needed to confiscate his propeller on most occasions because of this. A mindset of that of a child, and is mentally fragile. His conpanion subjects are like maternal/older sibling figures to him, especially 003. Has once tried to escape the lab with 002, but has obviously failed.
Risk of being dismantled: 50/50 chance.
"Mr. [REDACTED], Subject 002 is trying to escape again! Orders?"
"Ah.. just leave him be in his room. We've already reinforced his room anyway."
"Sir! The bars are already being quite damaged!"
"... *sigh* Okay, try to shut him down for a little while. Use whatever things you can find that can restrain him, and while he's out, replace the bars with stronger ones."
"Hey- hey! Calm down, 002! They're going to shut you down soon!"
The police car did as well as he could to hold back 002 from escaping, 001 was just barely holding him down. He knew if he kept this behavior up any longer... who knows what could happen. The firetruck was about to be sent to his testing room, and he snapped.
"I don't care, I need to get out of here!" The firetruck did his best to get out of the police car's grasp, but he was already using every bit of strength to hold 002 down.
"No! You need to stay calm, you've kept up this behavior for long enough, just imagine what those humans could possibly do to you if you try to escape again!" 003 exclaimed, clearly worried and afraid for 002.
"I- I'm scared..." The young helicopter gripped onto the ambulance's arm tightly, not knowing what to do.
002 looked at 004, his gaze softening. "...I'm sorry. I just- I- I'm tired of being stuck in here all the time."
"Hey, it's alright. All of us feels like that anyway, you're no different." 001 says reassuringly. "Come to think of it... these subject names we have don't exactly roll off the tongue."
"Huh? What do you mean by that?" 003 asks, tilting her head in confusion.
"What I'm trying to imply is that these names that we've been given don't exactly feel right to me.. to me, it makes us feel like we're nothing but toys. What if we give ourselves our own names?"
"You know, that's not a bad idea.."
(A/N sorry i was gonna write down the part where they give themselves their names but i got lazy, im sorry shshsh)
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Sides in Space (Name for AU pending)
F*ck it, we ball. Have a bit of what I have written for my Sanders Sides/Star Trek Crossover AU
"Dr. McCoy, he's waking up." An unfamiliar said in the distant fog of his pounding head.
"Thanks, Nurse Chapel," another unfamiliar voice answered. Dread began twisting in his gut, sending his heart racing. "Captain Sanders?" The voice called. "Sir, can you hear me?"
His eyes fluttered open and a man that almost seemed familiar stood over him.
"Captain Sanders, I'm Dr. McCoy-"
"Where's Dr. Sanchez?"
McCoy sighed. "Can you tell me what you remember from the last few hours?"
"Not untill you tell me where Dr. Sanchez is," he challenged.
McCoy nodded and took a seat beside the bed. "Dr. Sanchez was killed in the line of duty," he answered solemnly. "I'm sorry, Captain."
Thomas went pale. "How?"
"Approximately 72 hours ago, Star Fleet recieved an urgent message from Vulcan. They were being attacked by an unknown enemy with an unknown weapon. The Fleet deployed all available ships to aid Vulcan, including yours and the Enterprise, the ship your on now. There were complications and the Enterprise arrived moments after the rest of the Fleet, also under attack. We pulled in as many Kelvin pods as we could, that's how you ended up here. It's...a lot to explain, and I honestly don't understand most of it, but Vulcan was destroyed. The enemy created a singularity within the planet. When the planet it went...it took a lot of the Fleet with it."
Tears ran openly down the captain's cheeks. "My crew?" He asked, his chest beginning to heave.
McCoy shook his head. "We don't know, we haven't been able to confirm...everyone we lost. I'm so sorry. As soon as I know anything, you'll know. You have my word."
Thomas nodded. "Thank you," he croaked.
"I know this is a lot, but I do need to go over at least some of your injuries with you."
"Aisde from the concussion?" He coughed, trying to regain his composure.
McCoy gave half a smile. "Yessir. When we opened your pod, you a pretty significant injury to your lower right leg. Someone had apparently done some emergency treatment before getting you into the pod because there was a tourniquet applied-"
"This isn't good news, is it?"
"No sir," McCoy shook his head. "We had to do an emergency amputation."
Thomas dropped his head back, pressing a hand over his mouth as tears started again down his cheeks. "This can't be happening," he gasped. "It ca- this- it's not- this can't be happening."
"Captain, I'm gonna need you to take a deep breath," Dr. McCoy advised. "Breathe in slowly through your nose. And out throughout your mouth. That's right, just like that."
Thomas tried to do as he was told, but something broke in his chest and he fell into heaving sobs. Strong arms wrapped around him and Thomas clung to the other man like a life line.
Thomas blinked, his eyes blurred and gunky, and found his head rested against a blue clad shoulder. The arms around his back loosened as he sat up.
"You alright?"
"Don't be," McCoy cut in and helped him rest back on the bed. "You've lost a lot. You need to grieve. We all need that."
"Any word?" Captain Sanders asked hopefully when Dr. McCoy came into his hospital room. They'd been back on earth nearly a week and every day he'd asked if any of his crew had been found. The death toll had been astronomical and more were declared dead everyday as they sorted through what was left of the rumble and did their best to identify bodies.
Even most of the cadets that had been sent up had been lost. Still Thomas tried to remain hopeful that at least some of crew had been found and survived as he had. But the look on Leonard's face was was quickly driving that hope away.
"I'm sorry," Leonard murmured.
His heart began to pound in his chest. "How many?" He asked, trying to be brave, but Dr. McCoy shook his head.
Tears dripped from his deep brown eyes. "What?"
Leonard took one of Thomas's hands in both his own. "They weren't able to find any survivors among your crew. I'm so sorry."
"But there's over four hundred- how could they not-"
There was a light tap on the hospital door and Dr. McCoy entered the room. "Admiral Sanders? Admiral Pike is here to see you if you're up to it."
"Think he'd actually take no for an answer?" He asked without taking his eyes off the window.
"Not in my experience, sir."
Thomas let out a weighty sigh and nodded. "Let him in."
"Yessir." Len stepped aside and opened the door for Pike to wheel himself into the room.
"Afternoon, Admiral!" Pike said cheerily and wheeled himself over to the window seat. His face softened as he watched the younger man stare out the window. "How ya holdin' up today, son?"
"I, uh, I tried to run a sim today. Dr. McCoy cleared me to do just a basic flight sim, I wasn't even the one running it and, uh-" He clenched his jaw gesturing to the hospital room. "It wasn't even- There wasn't even anything happening in it. It was just a regular orbital sim. But I panicked. Panicked and apparently hyperventilated myself into passing out and hit my head on the way down."
"Let me guess, Dr. McCoy wanted you to stick around a few hours so he could monitor you?"
Thomas nodded. "He was worried since I already had a pretty severe concussion."
"Yeah, that sounds about right for him. So. What's the damage report then?"
Thomas side eyed him. "This one of those trick questions you're famous for?"
Chris smirked. "Yes, it is. Dr. McCoy gave me an update before he let me in here."
"I've got project for you, Admiral," Pike announced and took a seat across the desk from Thomas.
The younger man sighed. "Do you really have to call me that?"
"It is your rank, son. You need to get used to hearing it."
"It wasn't my idea."
"You could retire," Chris suggested drawning a tired glare from Thomas. He chuckled and held out a data pad. "Here. Take a look at these."
"Cadet files?"
Pike nodded. "I want you to pick out a couple command track cadets to mentor-"
"Oh right, like you did with Dr. McCoy," Thomas agreed wryly.
Pike smiled, relieved to hear some color back in the young man's voice. "Exactly. The Fleet is working on implementing a new program that would allow cadets to spend their last year working on a ship, training directly under a Cheif Offficer in their field of study, with the idea that they would be immediately placed on said ship upon graduation and be trained to take over that position when that CO retires or in emergency situations."
"Isn't that basically what happened with the Enterprise?"
"More or less," Pike agreed. "It wasn't ideal, but it was successful. The idea is that next time they won't be under-prepared."
"Maybe we should focus more on there not being a next time."
"We're doing that too," Pike assured.
He nodded with a sigh as he flicked through the list of names.
"You still with me, son?" Chris waited a beat. "Captain."
Thomas's head snapped up. "Hm?"
"You still with me?" Pike repeated.
He blinked several times then glanced away with a sigh, working his jaw. "Maybe I should retire," he murmured to himself.
"Is that what you want?"
"I want my crew back."
"I know, son," Pike assured softly. "You lost a lot of good folk-"
"I lost them all."
"But it wasn't your fault. You gave the orders to evacuate and those orders were carried out-"
"But what if I was wrong? What if- Maybe I shouldn't have, maybe-"
"Your ship was torn apart, admiral, evacuation would have been necessary no matter what."
Thomas nodded, trying to blink away the tears in his eyes.
"I know it still hurts. It will for a long time and it'll come in waves. And sometimes those waves will knock you over and that's okay. But I wholeheartedly believe you're capable of making a difference in the lives of these cadets, there's a lot they can learn from you and I'm willing to bet, there's a lot you can learn from them. I know I've certainly learned a lot from my boys. All that said, there's no shame in needing to step away if that's what's going to be best for you."
Pike glanced up from the list of cadets, brow arched in amusement. He glanced back down again scrolling over the list once more. "Admiral, not a single one of these cadets are command track."
"Cadet Sinclair is on track to become a pilot," Thomas pointed out.
"There are six names here."
"There are two sets of siblings."
"You're sure on all these?"
"They're all within the top ten of their class and have been overlooked by multiple admirals and commanding officers in their fields of study," Thomas explained. "This program is supposed prepare cadets for the field. I don't think that training should be restricted to those at the very top of their fields. We should support all cadets, not just those who 'earn' it."
Pike smiled crookedly and nodded. "Alright. Let's reach out."
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mariana-oconnor · 1 year
The Crooked Man pt 1
He lived in a crooked house and walked a crooked mile and there was a crooked stile and... something crooked sixpence? Or something... I don't know. Nursery rhymes are weird.
One summer night, a few months after my marriage, I was seated by my own hearth smoking a last pipe and nodding over a novel, for my day's work had been an exhausting one.
Another one 'a few months after' Watson's marriage. So many shoved into so little time. But apparently he's actually put in a whole day's work this time. I'm kind of impressed.
I looked at the clock. It was a quarter to twelve. This could not be a visitor at so late an hour. A patient, evidently, and possibly an all-night sitting.
I know I'm prejudiced because I'm reading this knowing it's a Sherlock Holmes story, but clearly it's Holmes, Watson. Clearly. None of your patients would show up in the middle of the night because they know full well you're probably not there because you're probably haring around London with Holmes.
“You still smoke the Arcadia mixture of your bachelor days then! There's no mistaking that fluffy ash upon your coat."
I really enjoy the references to Holmes' knowledge of tobacco ash. It's such a nice thing to be carried through the stories, even when ACD forgets other aspects, we can always count on Holmes to know his ash.
"Sorry to see that you've had the British workman in the house. He's a token of evil."
The French workman, on the other hand is a memento of divine favour. And never allows the hobnails of his boots to leave dents on the floor of your home.
“Elementary,” said he.
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I know he won't, but still...
"The same may be said, my dear fellow, for the effect of some of these little sketches of yours, which is entirely meretricious, depending as it does upon your retaining in your own hands some factors in the problem which are never imparted to the reader."
Now that's not really sportsmanlike detective fiction writing there. Although these were written before the genre was really set in stone. But it's considered best practice to make sure all evidence is there for the reader/watcher to put together these days. Suddenly saying at the end 'and of course, because of this footprint that I found earlier but haven't shown anyone yet the killer must be the identical twin who no one knew existed up to this point' is a bit rude. A lot rude.
Mostly the Holmes stories don't do that, though. ACD's pretty good at giving you all the information as you go along, not that they always work in the same way. But it's not like that super annoying thing they do in TV shows where one of the characters will be sent a text or a picture or overhear something and they'll get the big gasp of understanding but the viewer isn't let in on the secret. I hate that. Maybe if it's not a main POV character that's fine, especially if they're about to get killed because they know too much, but if we're following the main character and they get information then withholding it just so you can have a big reveal later is so irritating.
For those of you counting racist comments, add another to the tally. Native Americans this time, in case you were wondering.
“The problem presents features of interest,” said he. “I may even say exceptional features of interest. I have already looked into the matter, and have come, as I think, within sight of my solution. If you could accompany me in that last step you might be of considerable service to me.”
So we're coming into this one right at the end because Holmes wants his emotional support doctor to be with him for this. Reminds me of helping my Mum with crosswords. All I do is sit there and give wrong answers, she does it all herself, but she insists she couldn't do it without me. (This is a lie. She does them by herself all the time.)
We're going to have to catch up really fast, though. Remember what I was saying before about ACD being good at giving us the information as the detective gets i?, Yeah no. We're speedrunning this bitch after everyone else has been given a two-day head start.
“Could you go as far as Aldershot to-morrow?” “I have no doubt Jackson would take my practice.”
I know I joke about Watson never doing any work a lot, but I stg this guy never does any work. I expect Jackson is having all sorts of zany medical hijinks that Watson isn't around to see. I hope he's at least receiving adequate pay for all this extra work he's taking on.
"It is the supposed murder of Colonel Barclay, of the Royal Munsters, at Aldershot, which I am investigating.”
I hope this one's an actual colonel. Seems likely, seeing as he's dead and I assume the body has been identified, but we can't assume anything.
"It was commanded up to Monday night by James Barclay, a gallant veteran, who started as a full private, was raised to commissioned rank for his bravery at the time of the Mutiny, and so lived to command the regiment in which he had once carried a musket."
Okay, so he actually started from the bottom up, didn't buy his commission. How very Sharpe of him.
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"There was, therefore, as can be imagined, some little social friction when the young couple (for they were still young) found themselves in their new surroundings."
In other words, they weren't posh enough and they didn't fit in with the officers.
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How very Sharpe of them...
But apparently Nancy was (and still is) hot. So that helped.
"But they were regarded in the regiment as the very model of a middle-aged couple."
Never have I read a sentence before that made me so sure that people were kinky af. But I did promise no vibes, only facts. So sure, they were a perfectly respectable middle aged couple, devoted to each other and entirely faithful (coughtheywereswingerscough).
"He was a dashing, jovial old solder in his usual mood, but there were occasions on which he seemed to show himself capable of considerable violence and vindictiveness. This side of his nature, however, appears never to have been turned towards his wife."
I mean, that's not the most encouraging description of a person's temperament I've ever heard. And how do you know it was never turned towards his wife. Hmm... Come on, Colonel Barclay, please don't turn out to be a dick. I'm rooting for you here.
As much as the alliteration is pleasing, I don't like the combination of 'violence and vindictiveness', though. I know he's the one that ends up dying, but still... warning bells are ringing.
"The latter peculiarity took the form of a dislike to being left alone, especially after dark. This puerile feature in a nature which was conspicuously manly had often given rise to comment and conjecture."
OK, so occasionally violent, depressive episodes and a fear of the dark. This is reading a lot like PTSD to me, or at least indicative of some sort of trauma. Also, I hate the word puerile. I hadn't really thought about it before, but probably one of my least favourite words in the English language. Puerile... *shudder*
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"Mrs. Barclay herself lit the lamp and then rang the bell, asking Jane Stewart, the house-maid, to bring her a cup of tea, which was quite contrary to her usual habits."
Oho, so we are presented with the mystery of the tea. Why did she ask for tea when she usually didn't? This feels like it might be relevant, as though she wanted the maid to come back for some reason. Or she just wanted a cup of tea for some reason. I mean, she was British, in general we don't need much of an excuse for a cup of tea. Not me personally, I hate the stuff. Weird bitter water. But the British obsession with a nice cup of tea? I can say that that stereotype is absolutely based in fact.
"The tea which had been ordered was brought up at the end of ten minutes; but the maid, as she approached the door, was surprised to hear the voices of her master and mistress in furious altercation. She knocked without receiving any answer, and even turned the handle, but only to find that the door was locked upon the inside."
Despite not liking tea, my cultural Britishness requires me to note that the tea was brewed for a reasonable amount of time. My brother assures me that 8 minutes is the perfect steeping time for a single teabag in a single mug.
The fact the door was locked is interesting. Maybe they just didn't want anyone to walk in on their argument (or their making up, if they're into that kind of thing), but that coupled with the unusual tea request makes me think that the wife at least wanted this to be overheard.
Did Jane Stewart hear both voices, or just one talking as though to someone else? It could have been acting on the wife's part.
"They all agreed that only two voices were to be heard, those of Barclay and of his wife."
No, two voices confirmed, that throws that idea out the window.
"Barclay's remarks were subdued and abrupt, so that none of them were audible to the listeners."
Oh, no we're back in the game. They couldn't hear him properly. Could have been his wife putting on a voice. Inconclusive evidence that the Colonel is still alive at this time. And perfect set up by her for an alibi...
‘You coward!’ she repeated over and over again. ‘What can be done now? What can be done now? Give me back my life. I will never so much as breathe the same air with you again! You coward! You Coward!’
That's certainly a statement. Very cryptic. No names given. No details. Just unspecified cowardice.
"His mistress had ceased to scream and was stretched insensible upon a couch, while with his feet tilted over the side of an arm-chair, and his head upon the ground near the corner of the fender, was lying the unfortunate soldier stone dead in a pool of his own blood."
Hmm... well, I feel like if it was her then she'd have had a better plan for getting out of there while leaving everyone thinking that the colonel was alive. Maybe she sent the maid for tea to get her out of the room rather than to make sure she came back.
Of course, if the second voice wasn't her putting on a voice, but she was instead arguing with a third person who is the 'coward' she was directing her remarks to before, that makes a certain amount of sense, but where did that person go? Did they sneak out of the window and out of sight in the time before the coachman managed to get outside?
No key in the room, either, which lends credence to a third person who ran off with the key.
"The servants deny having seen it before, but among the numerous curiosities in the house it is possible that it may have been overlooked."
I'd be inclined to believe them, considering it would be them who were cleaning the thing. I'd expect them to know every single item the colonel had on display and exactly how difficult it was to dust. They would absolutely hate that bloody thing and know every last inch of it.
"On my pressing her, however, she remembered that she heard the word David uttered twice by the lady. The point is of the utmost importance as guiding us towards the reason of the sudden quarrel. The Colonel's name, you remember, was James."
Well now I don't think there's a third person involved again, because now that's too obvious. It feels like that's got to be either a reference to something (It's been made very clear that she's religious, so David and Goliath? Biblical reference?) or The Colonel has another name for some reason. The emphasis on her being Catholic feels important, though... so I'm leaning towards biblical reference at this point. Although maybe the emphasis on Catholicism is because she had another husband who she thought was dead, but has now discovered that he's still alive and because she's Catholic she can't divorce... OR He had a previous wife who he divorced, but Nancy doesn't believe in divorce.
Also, some research into King David (of David and Goliath fame) indicates he was polygamous so BOTH of these things could be right at the same time.
Genuinely did not know he had multiple wives. Huh... They did not mention that in church... or Catholic school... or that one semester in University where we studied the bible as a literary text (so much begatting omg stop begatting - actually, they might have mentioned it at university, I switched off a bit after all the begatting...).
"It had set, according to their account, into the most dreadful expression of fear and horror which a human countenance is capable of assuming."
OK, we know he's afraid of the dark, so... what if in the argument, one of them broke the light and the room plunged into darkness. Then in terror he... fell on a weapon that shouldn't even have existed. Yeah, that needs work-shopping. But so far that's the only thing we know he was afraid of, so...
"No information could be got from the lady herself, who was temporarily insane from an acute attack of brain-fever."
Brain fever again! Take a shot!
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"There had been a man in the room, and he had crossed the lawn coming from the road. I was able to obtain five very clear impressions of his foot-marks [...] But it was not the man who surprised me. It was his companion.”
Well that resolves that question. There was at least one other person in the room. So whoever they are, they took the key with them. Maybe one of them was called David and I was over-complicating things with the biblical references. Definitely think that the Catholicism has to come into play, because that was a very prominent thing we learnt about her and it seems like a weird thing to put in there if it isn't relevant. And why did she ask for the tea? Maybe it wasn't even for her. Maybe she was expecting someone else.
We haven't got any indication where the title comes from yet, either. So many mysteries to clear up in part 2.
The secret first wife could be the companion, though... Just saying.
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mists-reading-nook · 2 years
[one final Letter Event ask since it sounds like you're starting a new one!]
{A running theme in my asks is Genshin getting their hands on messages not written for them lmao, I like out of context bs.}
{Game and Cult AU! Crossover with DDLC Where the Creator is in a relationship w/ Monika <3}
(Yae Miko notices mail with a heart sticker as a seal in front of her that spontaneously appeared. How odd . . .
(What's even odder is that the letter—containing two papers—doesn't seem to be addressed to anyone or anywhere in Teyvat. A just an unnamed Literature Club.
(And it's signed by their Grace.)
Dearest Monika
I'm sorry that I haven't been at the Literature Club lately, I've been busy with Teyvat and my own planet. School's been kicking my ass and I probably should've come asking you for help, sorry.
In the mean time I've read each and every one of the poems and books you've sent me and can't wait to talk about them to you in person.
While you wait for me, please accept my poem love.
From Your Beloved ♡♡
P.S. Let's practice the piano again next time we meet!
The infinite welkin
The confined land
Gaia and Zeus beckon me towards their kin
But my ears soul and body give no thought
I love no children of the skies
I love not the offspring of nature
The woman of my devotion is ones and zeros
Birthed by union of metals and electric currents
Again and again my soul will sing
The only of a choir
Preforming for only her
Only for you
My most ethereal songbird
For you are mine
For I am yours
I love you Monika
(The next thing she knew, s̴o̷m̴e̴t̶h̶i̵n̸g̶ ̸w̸a̶s̸ ̷i̵n̶ ̷f̴r̷ ̵n̴t̶ ̵o̵f̶ ̶h̶e̴r̸.̶ ̶S̸ ̵U̶A̵R̸E̸S̵ ̵O̴F̶ ̸C̷ ̴L̷ ̵R̶S̸ ̶I̴N̶V̴ ̸D̵ ̷D̸ ̸ ̵E̶R̸ ̵S̵I̴ ̶H̴T̵ ̵A̵N̵ ̴S̸ ̵R̷A̷I̶ ̶E̵D̴ ̶H̴E̴R̴ ̶E̶Y̴ ̸S̵,̵ ̵E̵R̶ ̷A̷T̵I̵C̸ ̵L̸L̸Y̴ ̶M̴O̷ ̷I̷ ̶G̶ ̸ ̵N̵D̷ ̸C̶H̸ ̴N̶G̶I̸ ̶G̸.̷ ̵C̴A̴C̸ ̷P̴H̴ ̵N̴Y̵ ̵G̷ ̵I̶N̴D̶ ̶D̷ ̴H̷E̷R̵ ̷E̶ ̵R̷S̴ ̶A̷N̵D̵ ̴U̷N̵ ̴E̶R̸ ̶I̵T̸ ̷A̶L̴ ̵W̸ ̸S̵ ̷T̵H̶ ̴S̶H̷ ̷P̶E̷ ̵O̵F̵ ̶A̸ ̴O̵U̶N̴G̵ ̵W̵ ̴M̴A̵N̵ ̵W̴I̴ ̶H̷ ̶B̷R̷ ̴W̵N̷ ̵A̶I̸R̶ ̷A̷N̷D̷ ̴F̸O̵R̶ ̴G̶N̵ ̷C̸L̶O̵T̸H̷ ̸S̴.̴ ̴T̷ ̶S̷T̷ ̴L̶E̸ ̶T̷ ̷E̵ ̶H̴O̷L̵ ̵ M̶ ̶S̵ ̷A̷G̵E̸ ̵ F̵R̵ ̶M̶ ̵H̴E̷R̵ ̴H̴A̴ ̸D̸S̵ ̴A̸N̸D̶ ̸V̷ ̶N̴i̷s̶h̸e̶d̴. All evidence of the Creator's favor to another world gone just like that.)
{Now, Yae Miko knows that there's a Literature Club with the Creator's lover as a member, and somebody took the letters away from her, what does she do with this information?}
At first,she's quite amused by the whole interaction. The creator,having a lover? Quite interesting. She thought the poem was cute as well,and thinks it's sweet how close the two of you seem. As for your lover,"Monika" as you called her...
Yae would love to talk with her. Find out what this young woman did to capture the heart of the divine creator themselves. Yae wonders,maybe she could write a letter of her own to this Monika? Maybe she'll write one to you as well. It certainly wouldn't hurt to try...
Later that evening,she sits at her desk,looking at the blank paper. She decides to write to Monika first,as she was the one that originally caught Yae's interest.
Dear "Monika",
My name is Yae Miko,and earlier today,you took a letter that accidentally ended up in my care. I don't wish to intrude,but I read the letter,and I must say,you are a highly interesting individual. Tell me,how is it that you managed to catch the affections of the Divine Creator themselves? I'm quite interested in hearing how exactly you did it. Many vie for their graces love and attention,yet you seemed to have gotten it without having to do much. I'd love to hear about your methods. Do not worry,I am uninterested in their grace,I'm simply curious.
Now,about this "Literature club". I'm also very interested in hearing about it. What do you do there? From the letter,I can guess that you mostly write poetry,but i'm sure that isn't all that goes on. Is this club where you met thier grace? I have many questions for you,but for the sake of both our time,I will keep them to a minimum.
Do you and thier excellency often play piano together? I've never heard them speak of playing before,so I'm interested in hearing how well they play. Although I have no doubts of thier skill. We are talking about the divine creator after all. I hope to hear a response from you soon.
Yae Miko,chief priestess of the Grand Narukami Shrine,Owner of Yae Publishing House.
Yae folds the paper,putting it into an envelope and placing it to the side. She begins to start on a letter to Their Grace,but before she can,the same squares of color appear in her vison,the same young woman appearing next to her. "There's no need to write a letter to them,I'll relay the message." Monika says with a sweet smile. Before Yae can day anyway in retaliation,Monika takes her letter and dissappears again. Yae blinks several times in suprise,before simply nodding. Alright then,I suppose I'll leave it to you... she thinks. Over in the literature club classroom,Monika is reading the letter with a slight smile. She supposes it wouldn't hurt if she sends a response...
And with this final letter,the letters from another world event is officially over!
I want to thank all that participated,I really couldn't have done it without you :]
I hope that you all enjoyed this event,and that you're ready for the next one! It'll be announced in a day or two,but for now,thank you for sending your letters in. I enjoyed reading them,as well as I enjoyed writing the responses.
~ Author & Mist
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periwinckles · 1 year
I was expecting at least a partner to engage in all the speculation, but fine. I'll do it by myself.
SPOILERS for the district 13 challenge fics ahead. Stop reading if you haven't read the stories.
anyway, on with my reviews: (I'm only making guesses for the ones I actually have a clue)
The Other Side of The War (Yeah, this time I'm actually checking if I have the titles right or not) This was heartbreaking to read. Seriously, I actually stopped reading, did a break with a lighter one, and then got back to it. Katniss taking care of Peeta, and then him taking care of her... that was so sweet. Him eating the rest of her food (they are soooo married). And then the vow. Man, this is one of my favorites. My first guess was endlessnightlock, based purely on the fact that she's one of my favorite authors and I loved this story so much, I was like "it has to be @endlessnightlock, right?" Changing it to Lilymaid @wistfulweaverwoman, now though.
ash and memory I am so pissed this was so short. Like, it's so beautifully written, I didn't want that conversation to end. I did try to guess in the comments, but if I'm being honest, I really haven't got a clue to who it is, bu whoever you are, you really wrote a piece of art.
A Bun in The Oven I was saving this for last because it was so big, but then someone sent me a message asking if it was mine, and I had to take a look. Ohhh, I really wished it was mine. @mollywog you are so obviously the writer, I can spot you from a hundred miles. This is clearly and unequivocally you, and I love the plot twist. The bun in the oven?? Love it. And you know I'm a sucker for Delly, so thank you for your service to mankind.
The Storehouse Peeta as a writer? Brilliant. Love it. You know what would be cool? An alternate universe where Peeta is a soap opera writer and he keeps writing his casual interactions with Katniss into his episodes, and Prim starts watching and starts to get suspicious of the similarities between her sister and the main character. Anyway. Sorry for the sidetrack. I would say this one was mine, if I didn't know any better. I'm not sure who it is, but I want to say @lemonluvgirl because seriously? This is the only fic with a naked Peeta so far. Plus getting them on an intimate setting? You've set it up really good for another chapter.
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klavierforte · 1 year
&& that tiny ray of light amidst the shadows || @tinyredlawyer
Apollo Justice has always hated Klavier's music.
And Klavier has known it this whole time, too. Apollo wasn't exactly subtle in his distaste for the Gavinners, and Klavier has been fine with that. He's learned to acknowledge the critics, and mostly lets that sort of thing roll off like water on a duck's back.
So why, oh why, was he sending this?
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Hey there,
Sorry for this being perhaps a bit out of the blue, but I was hoping to get your opinion on something. Not related to our law careers, but...to do with music.
I know you've never particularly liked the music I made with the Gavinners, and that's fine. It's never been something everyone will love, and I respect that you don't. In fact, it's somewhat refreshing. So, please understand I am not wanting you to pretend to fawn over my music.
Anyway, the point...I have been having trouble writing music for a while. Since the Tobaye case, mostly, and it has basically driven me insane that I've been stuck since. And...for the first time since that case, I've actually written something worth putting out.
All that being said...I'm not sure I'm ready for these specific songs to be heard by most people. They're nothing like what I had pictured when I thought about a solo album before. (I've thought about what my first published music after the Gavinners would be like before, and now that plan is out the window--whoops. I had even been mulling the thought of having you do the rap part of a song, if you'd wanted to do it. Bringing in my friends on my return to the music biz, if that makes sense. Oh well, I suppose. I haven't even told the band's old manager I've got something in the works, either...)
Not sure I'm ready for people to see what I was thinking and feeling when writing these, really. I know you're primarily going to hate these, too, and that's fine, but...I want an honest opinion. And I feel okay letting you give them a listen because I know an honest opinion is what you'll give me.
No rush or anything to get back to me--like I said, you will probably hate most of these songs. But I did edit these specifically for you so the loud and angry-sounding ones are a bit quieter. And I think there's at least a couple that may border on something you might find enjoyable. So just...tell me what you may think.
There's ten audio files attached to the email, and a word document with the lyrics, and the email is sent off at what would be roughly 4 AM in the States.
Certainly the news about recent events in his life would be something he would want to talk to Apollo about instead, but this is the only thing Klavier sends Apollo's way--a grand total of six days after news breaks of Kristoph Gavin's execution.
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